The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, July 25, 1851, Image 2

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p trrsßußGH GAZETTE.
. The 'ore, a few days ago, made a most forions
usla4tupon Judge Spalding, of Ohio, and one
sha o t richly deserved, too, for some very law
less exprtions he uttered respecting the ragt.
tire sla law. ; : Now , the editor,: poor fellow,
thought all the that he wen bitting at a
Whig, ."1 we showed him that the Judge is au
out and q t Locofoco . ' The discovery Beau to
hive ' lined him most *nerienisly, and called
i l
forth, i his paper of yesterday, a long article
nobody ng some persona l abuse directed at us,
and no mall amonat of nonsense, in which ' , the
devil" gores largely, but u undo not profess
to bars so intimate an acquaintance with that
noted personage as tint editor of the Post, we
shall lei what is said of hint pass.
Tlel , ditor denies that Judge Spalding is a
Democrat, ihe means a Locofeno,) and here is
ha pre of se rich a specimen of logic as
We have seen:
. . ..... .
"Aoki; we say, that no man, whatever may
have been his former standing among us, can be
regarded u a Democrat, when he titters dee
trines Rio utterly at variance with those always
avowed by the Democratic party. 'He may be a
Whig--ii his - sympathies and rear views
may hive been with them while be was profes
sing std, be with us, and receiving how= at our
hands; but,the man who utters such sentiments
es t i.% ascribed to Judge Spalding, is not only
no =rat, - bet a traitor to the Constitution,
of theit . ostonworthy stamp."
This very satisfactory, indeed, as a set off
to the well known fact that Judgel Spalding in
now, and always has been, what the Post calls a
Demottiat We wish to ask the Post's few Ousts
1. Wait are theitdoctrines" now "avowed"
by the Democratic party?
':Does not the Democratic party change its
"doctrines" willt'great facility?
3.. Aze those ..idocirines"' on the policy of pro
tection the same now that they were in 1844?
4. Aild..ori the subject of-slivery, have not the
doctrines of the party undergone a great change
since ift47oehen Wm. Bigler, and many other
"Demonists," . voted for the Wilmot Proviso, and
for the aw denying the use of the jails of , this
Commotarealth 'to the claimants of fugitives
froze labor! .
5. If these "doctrines" have not been changed,
hew came it that the Reading Convention de,
no un - that law, and called for itsrepeal?
. - IL
at are the'"doctrints" of the Massa.
ileac 4 "Democracy," who, althea rebuke,
coolestwith the Abolitionists in the election
7. May it not be that Judge Spaldinihas only
fallen al little behind his, par t y in their winding
i, .
way; or, what is perhais more probable, that ,
.like hialirethren in Petursylvadi and elsewhere, 1
he wasltrying to.: assimilate himself to his com-
piny and fix his India' to the popular breeze that
happens to prevail In his purticularlocality? •
* The !Peat ought not tote saluted Upon Judge
Spoldiog for Merely adopting the doctrines of
Locofocoism as they now exhit in'hiassachusette
and I'rertont in preference to
. the Pennsylvania
fsrznof the same "doctrines;" nor ought. the
Post 4 have exposed the facteo broadly that in
this little matter of Judi e ' W
spalding we run
it tip t 2 e o -
"Democracy," such as the. Post talks about,
is perhaps the-most indefinable thing ID exist
ence. I:n the eastern States, it is ba close el
lianeel Ida Abolitionism; in the ' South , it forms
the bone and sinew of the secession party; in
Ohlo it is all thingato ailment while in Pennsyl
vania,i.just now, dt is the abject "natural ally"
of the South. We believe that is something like
what the Post defined it to be. Now we 'Midst
....isPouit that Judge Spalding be still .recognhed
by his ;brethren as a true locofoco, seeing that
his "dUctrinee entirely agree with a iarge wing
'These " doctrintm" that the Pest talks about
necoind no of an anecdote.. A farmer hired en
Irlshman, and took hireto his field to set him at
ploughing. Ile showed him the place to set its;
sad it imluppimed dist 1 cow was jrzstthen stand
• tag where he wished him to come ozit at the op
, posits side of the field, so he told him to . run
straight to 'that cow. - .But unfortunately the
... cow took it veto her head to Ina off t right an
gles vdth the ploughman's proper co just as
be started). True to his bustrzestions,, bowers;
isle the looofoco rank and file, he stall run for
the cow, and did not give up until thU field was
,Scorsi in every direction. Now that moving
',rem - was an apt representation of Locofoo prom. , r
pies, or "doctrines," as the Post has it. But
what t i epins the "Democratic" field still, more
perplMingis the fact that there are three art=
cows in it; and this'll is that caused the diffi
eilty ideas the Post and Judge Spalding—for
while it was followings:me cow he was aiming at:
Snxursosn nos Lows ifiurrstor. To Lane
Mscutoas.—The Lake Superior Joanna, an ex
cellentnal spirited paper published at the Saul,
Vie - outlet of . Lake Superidr—oadions a pro
jest that is now on foot to builds railroad from
Carp ra r er, the iron region on Lake Superior, to
Bale de Coquet; on Lake Michigan, a distance of
only about fifty miles, through what is repro.
seated' to be a very favorable country. The
Journal, naturally: enough, _ casts a doubt upon
the envy of the enterprise, for should it
bemi id Into execution it would divert much
of the i trade which now peso through that
Calvin place to a dtfenstrt - channel. Be these
objealuns well founded or otherwise, the project
=y exhibits the bold and enterprising
rot the American people. The Lake
Superior country has hardly beim explored, yet
it :to already • proposed to carry a; railroad
through the midst of it. That would indeed, be
theyigh kind of a pioneer. -
The Pprtage County Whig asp, .4re under
denstandlithe Iron lute been purcluteedibr the Ak
ira branch uf the Cleveland and Pittstmrgh Rail
road. Thu grading has commenced .at_ mural
paints along the line of thot road.
We hare recentlyitoticed the adoption of
by the Congress of New Grenada abolishing
very throughout the republic, atter the Ist of
• Ja n uary 1882. The provision" of the law are
thus sketched by , the Panama Star:
That on the day nailed, Ist January, 1852,
slavery shall no longer exist in this republic.—
All persona liberated from slavery shall be en
, titled to the same pryileges, and governed by
the same IsWeis ar e other citirens of. New Gra
• . Nooses ander forty-ere years eladl be valued
it a greataCium than one thousand six hundred
resisif a male, nor over one thousand two ha
), dredeeals if a female; over forty-tire the value
- of a Mate slave shall not exceed one demand
two hundred reels and female slaves eight bun
died reala which campanilen 1, to be paid to
• the owners, 7 ... taOTETRIFIC9t..
It appears er thit the tar contemplate:l
'the parthaie of certain New Granaliana who are
held Weisser,' In Peru. On this Er Piretaana
Ail GI taken to Peru, as slavery, are
'free; abrolutlY free r : and New Grenada is under
. no obligation to pay one cent for them.
They are free, beaux, neither in New Gm
-WAS nor in Peru can this tratlio be allowed with
out infringing upon ear respective contracts with
- !Meat Britain.if •
• They are free, because a published Peruvian
law declares them so, the moment they touch
Peruvian soil. 1
They an free, because they are our fellow be-
New destAZOICKIST roe TZAVEL atmresa
CLIIMAJD itat Parsoranat.—The commando
from Clevelandwill leave hereafter at 11 o'clock,
A. IL, Lairs at Sißanana at 1, P. M., and make
the connection 'With Clark, Parks A Co.'s line of
Packets at Warren, bp, the Ohio Stags Company.
By this arrangement the trip from
. Pittsburgh willwillibe made in t weary-four boom--
We iiidantandi that the reason of thin elmnge
in on. IMO* of the ; low state of water in. the
'canal !titian - j here. end Marisa The Obio
Naga Company have: ntoeked the' road between
Ramona arid Wet= with their best coitehes r apd
hones. and will itutacross'ln four hoors.—Ba
roma WO.
We publish this morning the proceedings of a
meeting of the people hf Washington, on . the
subject- of the Heinplield Eallread.
- The; people of Washington are evidently a
little excited an the subject of the opposition
which their favorite project has met with In this
city bathe,think they labor under some de.
Brea of misapprehension respecting the matter.
They are not implicated in the well founded
charge which the people here have brought
against some of the professed (limas of that
road in Philadelphia, and it LI not worth their
while to espousi their quarrel. As to what they
say against the Stertheriville rtmd, we leave that
to the eyeria4 friend; of that project in settle;
.merely remarking that should that road be built
—which we think highly Probable—a branch
from it to Washington will not be long behind,
and moreover that that branch will be far more
conducive tothe prosperity of Washington bor
ough and county than their now favorite Hemp.
field road. A city like Pittsburgh, Within 2f
miles, by:rallroail, will be much more valuable
to a district of country like Washington county
than all the eastern cities combined, at a distance
of 400 miles. These things are worthy of con
siderationat leash and the sober second thonshts,
which alwsys succeed these little excitements,
will guide the expenditures of ;he people of both
Washington and Allegheny judiciously. We have
no - feers about that ; and we may perhaps, be
permitted to add that we believe these .sober
second thoughts" will kill the Hemptield pro
BUTLZH, are pleased to learn that an
institution of learning him been established M
this pleasant and healthy town, called the With
erspoon Institute. We find the following notice
of it in the Butler County Whig, which we take
pleasure in transferring to our columns, as one
evidence that the march of moral and intellec
tual Improvement Is keeping pace with that of
physical improvement:
Tw Wrrunisroon Isarrrore.—The new edi
fice aesi g ind for this Institution, is now under
roof, and will be completed and iesdy for occu
pancy on the first day of November next. The
building Is spacious, and admirably designed for
the purpose to which'it is to be applied. A beau.
tifal Corinthian portico, to the beigliti of two
stories, will extend across the whole front of the
building, adding much to the elegimce of its ap
pearance, and rendering it an ornament to the
northern portion of the borough. , We are glad
to learn that. the Institution is in a prosperous
condition, and' that its future prospects are
highly satisfactory to its friends. The Trustees
have conferred the appointment: of Principal
upon the Rev. Martin Ryerson, in the room of
the B.CT. Loyal Young, who retires from the same
in consequence of the beirthensome nature of his
other duties Mr:Young, however, will continue
in charge of the Institute, until the the let of
November. To young gentlemen desirous of ac
quiring a thorough Classical or English idiom,
don, this Institution holds out inducements su
perior to those of any other with which we ere',
Mr: James, long a resident of the Sandwich
Ishas, and familiar with all matters pertaiphig
to that government, has addremed the following
communibation to the Daily Advertiser; which
will be read with interest :
Having noticed in the bile papers a paragraph
to the effect that the Administration at Wash
ington had determined to interfere to prevent
farther aggressions on the part of the French 'at
the Sandwich Islands, I am induced, with your
permiesitin, to lay before yob? readers a few facts
showing the vast importance of this group to the
people of the United States, and the desire of
the rulers and inhabitants to become, citizens of
this &public. .
Their policy up to a recent date has been to
remain neutral and independent, believing that
the great powers would permit them to remain
so, rather than to become the integral portion of
any one of them. The comae pursued by Prance
'towards therefor the past two years demonstrates '
the fruitlessness of this hope. It is unnecessary
far me to recapitulate the details of the visit of
the French naval force in 1849, which resulted
in the turresisfed dismantling 'of the forts, the
destruction of Public and private property, the
seizure of the King's yacht, and other acts of •
' similar. character. The causes alleged by the
I French ujustifybig these aggressions were, that
'the Hawaiian government bad placed too high •
duty on foreign brandies ($5 per gall.); had not
; ..unished certidn• boss for insulting a French
pnest by mimicking dim ; that the sailors of •
British men-of-war had in a drunken frolic, bra
ken the glans of a French draw Seller to the
value of 50e, (the rum claimed by the publican
was actually paid him , by the officers of the ship
in question,) and that a French Whale ship for
violating the laws of the port had been fined $55-
San were the pretexti on which were grounded
demands for reparation,' which, if admitted, 1117-
way deprive.] the King of •the sovereignty of
the group.
•• 81. Perrin, Ceumissioner front France. arrived
at Honolulu in December hat in the • frigate Se
ricrac., instructed to press these demandato a
conclusion with all the farce at his command.
Pemeiving the inutility of concessions, that the
French would be satisfied with nothing short of
the virtual sovereignty of the group, the King
and chiefs now decided upon non-compliance,
and to await the action of the French foresee.
That American readers may It understand the
importance of French interests in the Hawaiian
Kingdom, I will state that at this time, with the
exceptionof the Catholic Missionaries, forced up
on the islanders at the point of the bayonet,
there are not a dozen Frenchmen in the group—
and of them not an Individual of any position:
The only French commerce is an indirect one of
a trilling amount from Valparaiso, and the visits
' a dozen whaleshipe or so annually.
The French authorities on this rich were dis
appointed in the remits. The native popula
tion, independent of their chiefs, exasperated by
a series of ivy des and insults pertinacionly per
sisted in, had determined to resist the lan din g
of the French forces. The numerous American
and English 'residents all sympathized folly
with. them; tint without their assistance the
Hawaiians would have found no difficulty in
driving the French back to their boats. But
this would have subjected the town of Honolulu
to a bombardment, and entailed upon Americus
in particular, a heavy loss in property: For-
=Lately, the United States skip Vandalia woo
in pert, and was prepared to !mist anyact in-
.valuing iojary to American citizens. The
French. authorities, desirous of avoiding a col
lision with the American naval force, at last
consented to patch up a provisional treaty, re
ferring to the home government for feather in
structions. The epithet of this is, however,
merely to give them time to mature their plans
and to prepare a force which shalt, without fail,
secure the submission of the King. Knowing
this, he, itflichiefs and people, have Intimated,
as we hear, to this government, their desire to
be admitted to the Federal Union, reserving for
themselves nothing further than security in mete
dell rights. . •
If this be correct—and I do not doubt 8.--the
offer is pow made to the citizens cf•thb repel.
lie as a free gilt of the entire Sandwich group, on
each terms as Congress may themselves impose.
The Wander, salt in return, simply to receive
the rights and protection accorded to American
citizens.. this government does not avail
itself Of the opportunity thus presented, they
may never again have a similar offer. The'
group in the territorial extent, is unimportant,
its area being but 6500 square miles, but It is
capable of supporting tenfold Its present popula.
tit:0180,000). It is the commercial and milita
ry key to the berth P the central point
from which radiate all the nnels of commerce
of that vast see ; possessin bettors, a fer
tile soil and salubrious • to nothing is requi
red bat a stable governor make it the Cubs
of the Pacific, It alreadre es annually
nearly $1,000,000 of Amerlin merchandise.
Its American permanent population is not far
from 1,000, possessing valuable sugar and coffee
Ipleaborene in which and other permanent im
! provements, lugs stoma have been expended.
emerchant of this city is the proprietor of a
sugar plantation on the island of &mai, the cost
of which is nearly $90,000.
The American Board of Missions have expend
ed somewhere near $1,500,000 In their open,
time, and have settled on the group 50 or move
(smearing valuable homesteads. The
floating American population touching at them
island annually is not fix from 15,000, seamen
and voyagers from some 400 vessels. In shark
American enterprise, both commercial and phi
lanthropic. have invested the group with Its pros
eat political importance—bestowed upon the in
habitants laws, religion, civilization, and will
seen add to, lenguaga--for the Trt-,
gush tongue is rapidly auPateceding the Hawai
ian- The Wanders bate thus a moral claim up-•
011• the American nation for protection. In no
way can thiShe more efficiently bestowal, th an
by receiving them into the family of this great
republic. It is true that the native popul a ti on
are melting away by the mane mamma causes
which have Tested Beni our 'lndians, bat Ina
'slower degree. Those that' remain are am ve a ll
prepared to be American Clain° as the multi.
tudeof KuroPeen emigrants. Unlike the gener
ality of them, they wan read and write and have
already acquired democratic Ideas under the
operatic:l4f their own liberal contitutite of gov
ernment, which will readily enable them to in
corporate themselves under our institutions.-r-
One fact is cettaba, , Ahe native population Is des
tined M be supplanted in numbers and power by
foreign race. They desire us to be their sac
' canon and protector& Shell we or nail we not
be?, It can sew be done with the as and.
argent dads* of all interested. 1.t. 1 regulies no
outlay of monsy—the present revenues of the
Wands are more than 'digest' to the opens.'
of its goverunent-141ine Opportunity, the later`
eats alike of the Inhabitants and °unwires point
to this result. I believe if all the facts bearing
upon this question be presented to the people of
'the United States, a favorable response to the
desire of the Hawaiians will be the remit. It is
for ths purpose of bringing the question totheir
consideration, I have taken the liberty to enclose
'you the facts herein given, for thi authenticity
of which I pledge myself, ,
Very truly your ob't 'ere%
Janes J. Jeans.
Bodo* July, 16,1861.
Bucttwoon's Manacle;' for July, is on our
Cable,' This number commences 4 new volume,
and containal24 pages thled by many of the
ablest writers of the English langUage. Under
the late postage law subscribers can have this
publication convoyed any distance not exceeding
500 miles for 10 Cents per quarter; from 600 to
1600,:20 cents ; Jr& 1600 to 2600, 30 cents.
W. K. Wall; agent, Fourth street, Pittsburgh.
Appierses Neckinies' Magankte and Engineers'
Journal—Edited try Julius W. Admits, C. E., New .
York.• Published monthly." huh! =rather cos
tains 64 pages, filled with beautillollY engraved
illustrations. Thin Is an exceedingly 'reliable
publication to Engineers, Machinists, ondl Me
chanics generally, and touch we vrarmly rUom
mend it. -For sale by J. L Read, ilppollo build
ings, 4th street.
The Noukkre. amid abraders' Pocket Guide.—
The object of this excellent little volume is
clearly indicated by the title, and we recommend
to our friends here, in those piofeUions, to buy
it, for u far as we can judge, it is a very good
erotic. They will find it at Kay $t Co.'s, Wood
Tee Piossica's D• 110111•1, • tai•
captivity, by Emerson Bennet, gather of "The
Prairie Flower," az. Tha first chapter is head
ed "St. Clair's Defeat," which ind6; the date
and theatre or the tale; ire have nut had time to
read a sloes page. To' be had tit HOlmes . , 64
Third street..
For tAts Pittsbuigh Gaunt
Ma. Roma—Among the several eieellent
resolutions introdiced and adopted at. the last
meeting of the Common Council,l . l notice one
presented by Mr. Reis, for the putpoee of Ascer
taining "whether the managers of the Ohio and
Pennsylvania Railroad design to carry said road
over the Allegheny river to the eityof Pittsburgh,
and when?" The resolution in question conveys
the ides that "the fonds approp riated to the
road, as ordered by the Cesar:Ailsof: the city of
Pittsburgh" have not yet been "expinnied." If
this is so, we have a right to expect not only
from the due exercise of courtesy.; which should
uniformly characterize the intercourse of the
cities with each other, but to demand, on the
immutable principles of jostler., an extension of
the road to the Pittsburgh side of the river.
This important work, moreover, stocaa to exe
cuted with, as much despatch. as :comports with
'the convenience of the parties concerned, who
will be duly influenced, it is hoped, by a desire
to promote the comfort of travellers, facilitate
the operations of tride and commerce, and pro
mote the interests of the business community.
As no desire is felt to discuss theddeas involved
in the preceding sentence, and .01 word to the
wise" should be deemed sufficient,!any additional
remarks would,. under existing:Mrctunstances,
be inexpedient, If not ruperfluotur.
For the Pittsb A flazerre.
ABUSE 01P, 11011021.
.. .
It is as true as it is prorerbia4 that a merci
ful man is merciful to hls beast. T he horse is
of more use to us than any other an imal This
fact alone should induce us to use m humanely.
There are many persons who dleobey the die
tales' of kindness, and etude most shamefully this
noble animal. Every Sabbath
flay is character
ized by racing in buggies, on horseback,
along some o f . the nub about oar city. It is
shameful to see such a- th ing in alcivilltal cod.
triunity. What good does it do an individual to
drive at a break-neck speed up nisi down tan ?
The horse his All the glory anyhow and the
sum is looked upon as the dune? be ast of the
two.' - A hone is generally willing to more along
it a reasonable rate daring warm weather; to
hurry him wheti the run is admit at fever heat
is a sin. But the word feature in the case is the
violation of the Sabbath day, it makes some
mencrazy to set them behind a horse. The
scenery the air, the novelty, the gait of the no
ble animal, which they do much affront, have
such an effect upon a reak sad 1107011, istrited,
that it forgets and grows as simple as that of au
escaped lunatic. This subject requires investi
gation. Livery Stable men should be more cu
rious. There are. mazy fellows who are utterly
sold of respect for themselves, and It follows, en
the fact, that they will abuse a hone, and drive
as recklessly u madmen. I • •
FROM NEW 03.13L11.
The steamer ' , Winfield Scott" arrived this
morning from New Orleans, aftei the phoned
passage yet made by her—ln thettaief period of
one himdredat forty hours froM the waters of
the Ilissimippl the waters of the Litidnu—no
dust, no changd l of air, and no running off the
track on ea long route or marine rellros&of
eighteen hundred mile& ' .
The Winfield Scott brings 'Mani one hundred
and seventy five passengers.
We era indebted to Mr. Shed; the muter of
the steamer' and to Gregory & CO's. uprise for,
New Orleans papers of the 16111 last; two days
later than those by the malls.
The Picayune furnished the Following Items
culled from the Desert News, published at Great
Salt Lake, to the 3lst of May.
The Saints are about to construct a timbal
railway from their capital to thd mountains, in
order to bring down the stone lot building the
temple. The work is already commenced, and
every Sala is called on to do Ile duty.
A small party had arrived at Salt Lake City
from Fort Hill. They reported; the snow very
deep in the mountains, and the Indians trouble
some on the route.
Presidenb Young, Kimball, Woodruff, Beason,
and 'others accinaparded Bishop ;Call on his re
turn to Iron CiAlllty, for the purpose of obsosing
the country, shifting the 'arida. 'eettlimumts,
sad transacting business pertaining to the
church, &e. Berard families accompanied the
mission, for The purpose of strengthening Cedar
bas been found to be nevi-
In river Jcen 12118
clime are becoming troablesoms in the
-_.Arming tree...—.
Territory. Many horses and 91 , 121 hare been
stolen from Timelier Valley. About the 2let of
April all the horses in the tidally of Bemscm's
mill were taken off, and on the E 2 d Mr. Custer
was shot by an Indian near the settlement. A
posse. in command of proper °Maui, was look
ing after the robbers and murderers. • ,
Speaking of the pilgrimageof the elders above
mentioned, the News nye that on their return
they were received, in emoeffent health and
spirits, with demonstration ofjoy. Those who
went out sick returned home I well. Health,
happiness and prosperity permede all the settle•
numbed the Sainte that; havelbeen
Many parte of the country are highly spo
kenot. The crops looked we and bid fair at
all the settlements, and the reof the breth
ren have been unremitting. I •
' Tits Bann= or laszau..-4 native of the
West Indies thus writee— , ...Can we ilot endorse
the words of the British Bedew, and say: Ile
Americans are traccentally planting free negroes
on the case of Africa; a greater event probably
In consequences then any that his enured dace
Columbus set sail for the New ; World " After a
warm euktglzun upon the Hipublio of Liberia he
adds: - "The West India:mins will emigrate to
Liberia. They will crowd your enemas. They
will take with them Intelligence, 'wealth and a
perfect knowledge stance erne agriculture of the
country. They will clothe the hillside and the
vale with fields upon Adds of the sager nee,
plant indigenous to Africa nit where it grows
most lunriantly." He descritie Menelaus bur;
demand vexations still imposed open the Africa
in the West Indies, and remarks that thousands
of familia:pare sighing far the vistlf superior
privileges of the young Betinbllo of Welt Africa.
Tun Fuscous Quo:mufti ny rue Coes .oit
000 D 110,1.-410hrithitanding the feat"! rot
that is raging nt thliCape of .Good Hope. party
vial among the Colonists isziestly embi tte red.
The Her. Mr. Benton, baring ids course be•
came obnoxious to one party, wu mobbed in his
hotel by a Loge crowd, who Woke in.the win
.doWs and threatened personal violence.. The
Franclbe question promises trouble. It is pro-
posed that every person who bas property to the
amount of /25, buyout by Massif, shall have I
Tote. It the stalifg.e was stational, the colored
Population rota two iuklimity; but by dm
tuurued phut it ` is thought that these will be
/ 8 . 00 0 EozopeatC and 6.000 COlond rotes. 'lt
ericu tt pet t lict e d, ots
the b ool owev ano rr, peo tba p t u tmat with inil
mmi e h :se m
tha n- .
Inquire or power, and finay the preponderance.
popnl►tioo of between dr
there are only *bone 1630
right to vote.
Lrehind , with a
term minim',
that hate the
..., ,
The anti frunriamalca is to the Ilth.
da ta
The cholera la still raging in all of the
Islankand appears to be an the i tease. ' In
Savannah-la Mar , up to the last thea had
176 detain; its Kluwer, 132; In • W *land, 1
100; in Trin4, 034; and in Bt. P M. In
the country , ffisbids It is fearfully on the iir ,
Cap*. and, pare seems no hope of relief until
the rains Ire over. 1 In Kingston several cases
has, occurred, half of which proved fatal.
There is much extitement among the inhabi
' tants, on amount GE the trial and conviction of
tweldpsevat members of the Baptist Bodety,
for attempting a destroy the Mission House.—
It appears that their minister, a Mr. mupo.
'became obnoxious to them, and they endearorld
to make him eve up tehlr chapel and Mission
Home. This he steadily refuted to do, where.
upon they attacked the house, with the intention
of demolishing it, and were !only prevented by
the interference of the authaitles, who called
troops to their assistance. The prisoners - were
sentenced to terms in the Padtentlary, varying
trete three to nine months. The families • sad
Mends of the prisoners, who were present when
the ientenca were delivered, gave yea to their
feelings by loud cries and lamentations. Mr.
Philippo's hum was again in the excitement of
eitement of the moment, and all the furniture
Paacurs.—A few peaches, madly from the
South, have made their way (Moons market At
New Orleans they are to be had in abundance,
chilley from the orchards of Mr. Fell: Mutton,
who has undertaken to supply that city with the
finest fruit at a cheap rate. "By the way, we
observe the following singular fact in cue of the
New Orleans paper:
"That =Metaphysician, Dr. Btone—th whose
blunt sayings there are always deep thought
and sound philosophy—yraterday dmlaredthat
Huston's movement was worth a thousand gnarl
eating for the health of New Orleans. 'No more
norm,' said the Doctor. Eat stewed peaches,
if you would keep off indigestion. Plenty of fruit
for the people, and no yellow fever!'
"The statistics of Oen. Huston's plantation
verify thimaemark. Before he bought it gnat
mortality prevailed there. Oaeutip fonnerown
era lent fifty negroes. He whipped his negroes
wbenever they were caught eating a peach,
melon, or an apple. Oen. Huston has one hun
dred slaves= his place, He plants thirty acres
in melons. His negroes live in the peach orchard:
He whips them _embus they eat the best and
choiseck and this they take can to dol There
have been but three deaths the place, and those
were old otitis= negroee, who woulaWal peach
etl"--Sito York longing Post.
Wesley esys c When I was young, I wu sure
of every thing; In stew yeah, having beennds
taken a thousand times, I wu not half so sure
of moat things as I was before ; at *present, I am
hardly ewe of any thing bot what Ood hu re
vealed to man.
.Pdrolenm I
Basugnstua, huntlngdon co., Pe., March 117,11.
D. IL Los , -.Daur Ms. Your Parole.. L. working won
dent. thy. , idaltr; tbentbre we would the.k you hand
as two Mono try the Peunsylnals Rained. We ere or
thely out. sod It is bang Inculred rte alhad. nary Ur.
Yours, rapeethalr. JOHN Lost! a 0,./. -
Itsesancts, Ashland on, 0.. Muth 10,11.
. H. IL licon—Due Mr, Yoor Algent. • Isie weeks Ono,.
left with Ea tar dosat Bak Oil. which eat an add.
41.... tornad 10 turas dam InunallotelY.
You. med. Is went. wonder. In this mem. W.
an *Wan erns. es cella. t senthesta. It son dean than.
Yours, de.. W. A-IMM
For We by Renee I McDowell. lao - Wood street:R. IL
Sellars, 67 Wood Omer. B. /1. fausatorlt. &Ch. 49.90.
Wood end Front stream D. M. Cum. D. 1 Satoh, Joorph
Doogliew IL Pakherests..l .ony. also by the Pro-
whoa. 11. M.
aoltht . Cana Dedn.genntber-.Plusbursit.
LlKit OIL YR WAT.P.R.—The act me cm tat •
gad by bylaw It, se cukt meth, on tell stool
Omer by IL lint It 13041311. elk. ft.. sod thed.
Mr. U FIR 4.M. to tapubuity with the whole dry.
You athl banana. • hedkthe Into popular u soles. U
gamma realty substruhlal Knees, ow tad alma
of eald
awl le UM thes that Me ..t.a.nawa
rep.the pu " Bull'. thanound 11.1 Rand of /Mr
esperills.. cud eh holt or &mute. Its balm uma
to httmagnae. Leto atordence whh rained sad phi•
thenthicel nrcanotor the various onetime
end natkas of the body, names *bantams. Matt.
morbid sad Mama math% areastben. the stoma
sal Match" 0ft110.16 .tuns new, pure. and heathy
blood. and regulatee the miens ranchos at the dldernt
organs at the body. This I. all pertonned without the
lean danger at /um the preperstlon bang as ear .. h
I. atrecious. Many be thought by the eittptkal, that It
manorts to ewe tea mesh ,threses, bet upon assullow
am. It will te thaw! hat • huge nouoray of the 4/011•••
m which .mkt to human Wally ertginase In mires..
Pete at Us Wool. Be sot deeeieid. then, DT•ths• paw
apluills. Lang ottani Ton by..ory ognoleae
mad wan preperatlore as • stbellste a the oalhul
John Bell's Sate Ile The yeiselelisesszettos the
geopeletor wunada to be muerte to al alms.
Cssnow.-Derren and oak Ow [be original G. John
BelPs cinnaparala hoe Xdasoky--thd Inn no carer Ihe
whertheateot at another paw
letobeale /t Retell ultras
. Foreign and American itiidirare.
No. 129 Wood Street,-
urn NOW at STORM
A nu asAannontorirekorPOßSlGZ AILU
entabbobornth: nada. sad *bin nay an panand
to Ain panblarn tarn tort vitt gamma
Onorably Inn say of tba MOM dn.
Citizen — Migursztoe Company of Pittaburgh
No. 41Water stmt. t. iningeosir GM 11.
0: Mart, Ihmktast....---.A. W. Wm. fise7
Compsay Issum gr•puld tilasossall sonetaattlao
.taw. sod to trpoutt..
An =gas =for =l7 aa.l Jatapitr of the
in the character of tb Danseten,
i t i =l eltiarns Piztobargh. well , ant lavor.al7
turns 11, oamm.r., their ;cadmic.. tabtliivisft.
and tobirrity.
DISKTO.I.-0. R 4 , 0.7. WM.Busl.7. Wm. Lazimarr.
Jr.. Vat.. }n7.o, tdriO4.lslasaldas,
Jaen I.lxygrarth. ft autumn. B. IL Yam . asoatt
Pittsburgh Life Immune. Company.
f r . k.
Traeram—Jaltr .. • 8. Luca.
Are. strati:mood ba =caw put of Me ppm,.
serlizeses. J. KIDD & CO.: We WWI 10163 ,
TOO that IN M. sold al of rm., Worm 310d3.1 Tst ,
La with us. Ws DUO yea b woad as sow Own es isos
as pondbls, so It Doi Lints orosnd satiates:Dos hrs. Ws
hays Maar <ell !Ds tt atm sr• bass Wes out of Us. arti
sts. It has saprrosdolsill oUsts .ooot Dahl, tam
ty, sad for this roma vs Cab to kosp • softly C. bust.
AtIsIDIA, goo e5.,0.. Itsb.. 13, 1113.
. .
Ms atm Is" ass of ths haulm& st 01111nar commas&
<Wan lebk.b lb. Ssetslsts. if thi. I.l6l.Smsal
osivins. Utters It his boos Isilsalsosi, II boo tscals. lb.
nssaly Is tr.
Ns ale Sy - J. JUDD I CO..
019464•1t5 Ile as Waal st
At-The greatest remedy of the age seems
to be Ur celebratd andlolne called D.U.lfarreU'a Ara' I
Llatalant. It le *ad ea so Mamal anneal:too, audio
Mil to pewee meet emulate' qualities Abe boat& quiet
ing tabu restortag Waled Haar. Se. 1 Mend bail a awn
mean brain, eb.kb Wagered aura ; he but and
',aversl ntosellee to so eltect. ohm be am eleleel to try
LL U. !amen•. Arabian Llabsecol. Doe bottle of 'which es
Urely. canal Mat. We hare ao boabt, from the extent of
lb. Wary, bat to We eternal toadkty, ba would bare
be! a serious Mae Of It. bee a4veribentarat. Jr-.t
• Oa Thunder =and*. the MU toQ. tiy Hst. Wawa
Wallanta, T. J. Itssulca. Tag. at this elty.ta Ills Laza
T. Warta. &boater at Jahn Whit.. Tri., d abanataulh.
- A Goodo Bargain is nee Offered,
JIL gram Time Io four Acne to Vomptamea moose,
sew . awe'. blarad—lxt ea pm:l4=r tan Taal.
mtth soca•ran Ma may to 00.
dot Into lota, awl .old at • Satat
as vitrebasr will apply to ALMS HIM.
_ .
MOPltitTY.—lbantalia 1.111 bluitreta If s_tlatkot
had* soon to' BAUM
.1726 . 116 &maul
WIIITING-101) bbla. (dry and ray fine)
" To p...a. by -J. SCHOONIIARII I CO.
DOLL BRIMSTONE-2 bbls. for sale by
jez J. SCII00:01.11NEB CO.
diaALERATITS—Ii casks (warranted pure)
).jt ert sale by J. bCHOONMAIIR a OO.
.1716 '
LthEIEREBY GIVEN to the Stockholder* of
e MO, B. 11111 R. Naar.' Common that au
will be Mkt bx 04 fallandu al:Lam fix Mil.
dent alai az Mwr., ot Ms Witt of /lau. sf 3b. fv
rldeftoe of klabrif .11161Wolti. betworp 2_mf 6 <fact. P.
L. of said d.r. - , Wil. se. Prael.
JUST RECEIVED, by We mornindit
al. V. respoikt= " l4grour Caelalla:O r g
natal< generally, that we bare nog. and Wand
begins eonetanuy. umd assortwat ottoo Wattles
at my be found at any
_eeetern getabllabegenr. Oar al ,
rangeroent• with reaurameturen and.lzaporters stench se
to Ulm= sui that ge are enabled owl a
the lower Maier pram found to the Onited
u n.
Wihelas nagged by ereertenned 'eaten
In custom.» mar depend ors haring Owls etches
tbe best meow, eel trarranted.
W. W. 41780 N, Watch Maker,
Jr2 s to.'eornr Martot and fourth etreete.
Murphy. 4 Burchfield
nen OPEN dils moraing owfurther imp
act Moquitaistlisuabilsyr sc
u d:sa n t
MO.lol6lolat tralx .4nt. a adored I/Los:
=ea.: at the softball contort !smith el rest
NEW KtfBlo
' H SL B& U T hird greet, basing
ba:welt( ova %Outlast beam •
'Montt% Nally, look so low] r, • •
N ally,
so o rogahtot;
' -m alt lbr Lb. W tnrrt otoOK dalloktod to Kit Cason. lb. stoat
TIN, booze otY
ham •
Mom whores . mood Psalms paw
1 / 1 0S0100
roo oboe... Laker, , by Dittotator;
a to tho
to •
',sal, p=l: nit
j nerlAll _
Petunia Nal tor a monolorreaf •
i t i Mrdinlg tam att by' Boatoo:
no Oylob Wallow by /loot.=
jyrZ W"U; . 7 UN . Till GOLDEN ILLBP.
,• -- NNW BOWLS! Itilif BOOKS!
4.1.4 46 :LZ1E' LITERARY DEPOT, Third
street, to the Poet Mbar.—
tht.P.r..act.42... tar Jar. • '
In Kaireelne, f or July. '
The Adventures of Pant Parivickbea Bea IBM.
The Boonton lit rta by Donnas.
Brute: or tbe Balms or by Ital. Bkbord.O.
Yeast, a Problem. by the an of `Alton Locke."
Berens of a Bachelor: or II Book of the Moat.
Ths Turners Conoanton. whit 11IneiratIons.
Trarelere Golde through. the U. B. sad Canada. .
anew or the Boor a tale of real llfg by Caroline
The Rome hy Mil er.
The Rely of West bend, a tales by Ilan , • t.
The Deughter of Ni t
a :l= of toe • • - Us.
Not no Bed as ere Bee =
a yby Bohner. . , .
Ylrealan's llcalthly . Be . 1 olT — No 1
Bolero Leafs Ike*. for uly; . .
• .
Unbar:We XaßWmh " . .
Ba il
The Lalla h r W. ` atto :
Jr.a . . .
To the Deaf!
EAFNESS, noises in the head,
r. Lamm Principal Assisi of tbs S. Y. LI.
- • Vifdt
Mit •
D. LL mar be enosaltad =au • 1
(krontry Property
T.ELE undersigned offers for sale a .iece of
land contalolos Mtwara aro sad Ms • . Mooted
road larding from lilatemrtile to last • 7.
In a Gne rats of the Moms/ Railroad. With ••tof 4T
perches on the road, It la well adapted Pm laying ant lato
loolldlog lota. A coney of the iprootat be nat the
Rooting Iloure of . MI. Litul o co.
Greenwood Garden.
ACIiOICE collection or Shrubbery, Vining
Rows. &uptown Strawberry, Room Nary. Rhaarh.
ape Vlore, hardy Monthly Rwoh a/a:1
, 7M Sora ho•
oeesarT oroameut rude and ovos, om bural at
ti reel:mood Nursery. an Otrogbas leaves tbe comer of
Market and FM Rlltebungh. every half hoar, Oar
the Ramie. I. Clam eaul other rafnatuaeate mead of ,
lo w the Saloaßa:
t3r — dere Warmed to the proprietor, Wog Maneheetri,
Allegheny_ anaty, Pa, gill receive prompt lgArAtkyll-
Jrnalf . X.MAIN,
(Pmt and Dispatch copy.)
ENNETT, BERRY & CO. have removed
to their anr Wareho ow, corner of (Rumour hist and
rill deliver a &mane err the bertillt of the Mercy
I ta; In the German Catholic Church, FM Ward. oO Y ay ovedert, the= lb last, at 7 u'elivet.
Allavrlaketo at sdndeslcav, Zli amts. /net
-0 • . 7n bale* Miran:
ttl bee Firth.= .
2 costs BeemsE.. to arrive, be We b
Water oral greet eta.
Ken ' _- • ' i"'PanY
GUARANTY FUND, $100,000..
ris COMPANY offers to tho insured all
the seentity and advantage* of the Itutath end lelot
k Plena (aa heretofore antied) mothiebet, tamely: Low
rates of premium:.. animal YAM la web of the per
Denture remind for Um sonde t risk tbs wen es
olegosta, bat awl word's lb! Ow fame wea
r My at members Re the .OW term of Illh, within omits.
lee Interest In the accumblatled bend seemed te tomb
members, payable at death. by medlteapon their
guaranty fund dressed Ibr the permaneed wet:o '4' M
e s hort term umbra. and alm for the Promote fOf
thaw Mr the whole term of We.
dayllels le the only Yotual Lib 1. • Company
whom mew of metal= en dyed at e fthr red • • men d .
ad, with • IffalridiOU for ea thanally ammo ,
halm of funds If.. future meetly) Is exam • —• . to
the mouth of bellows and the Immo= the boat kb
vatel d ase mess the member.
PIM eta, Inns. de= In &tali th e plan nod
raw the Cbmwoy. f
1+.1.13.311.01. VPRITOtt by .Fll MT • -
19 Wo od /
Ramon Dittman, tholkal =ambler. '
13,000,4cres of Land-far
In mat/rake and clotted femur. Umeatotie, oath ;111
on. cad ore+. wow tram.
31.031 e• to Botha. ma nly. &loam. th• tkottaopassm.
log mot. Wyatt. Itatztotty sod Botta. Andy to MU.
Laughlin. lo Botta; or B. VW,. a Epsom. Amy at AAA .,
MAL 3S =also tn. Asatubot. , • - "
TAM Acrestot_l3.eaver nod LArniroe• stunt.. Andy to.
L. limps. Net Brightoo. .
3AOO non CrstrArA maAty. Apply to Jobs En.
wide, lleattrilldq Joha Vatilkoo, ot A. Chttet Cosuresut•
• .11aquito Ban.
lIIAVE just received one case of Weak Net,
th """ 1 " 11. ' ran. Third dna..
DOCK POWDER-300 teas for sole by
CH i E r LESE-45
The only real New Tot Plnatigng Estab
liirlIERE work is done on Scientific Prin
dpt., sad trunsted.
d aa r szlind tesmboat
as Za t i r llng. Its brsathss,
Sathsktlap srilb shown,. hum-- ..... SG to SIG
Woad, Stszodirdcirieto to I D S
I vow, oods's or resus.::::::7 " -. = 7::: ate'
Itt stn. GT! orris. II to 14
... :7. Zo
bar ratistaaaapleta.. - . =7
Illitettea Yng** Out Ina — Sallan.. - lhab Trays. Dot Air
Farnaeno, sal Loa: l'araltlaa/ na•IPLIa/0 at La. •
Yard Pamsig lltdraalle Itaata,emama •
au had'. im.,l kat ap at aar distaaal la the coastry. •
has !mums Wand sad " sLa
Wanted to Purchase:
"itSTOCK of the Bank of Pittebur o
Machu:me sal llikasataufere Bata at PI bomb.
Klan of w.s. due"
/71:1,31:alter toner faults lad ilarLA
ertHEES.E-200 boxes prime, for
• J. B.
UWU ASII-40 bble. for sale by —
INSEED OIL-20 bbla. Rah
1713 J. B. C3NYIII3.D.
ALERATUS-125 boxes pte;
bbi ` 3. B. CAtirlitt. ‘y
LAKE FISH--10 bb! White Feb;
a a “, . .
to bal. 1.11.• Trott , ,
s ht. " 6. pr No DT
.17-Z , .
.7., B. CA:4116.1.D. %
BLICSETS-30 dos. Marietta, for sale by
,ir= J. B. COIO►ILLA
1111 BOOMS-50 dos. for sate by
'pOT ASII--10 casks for lisle bb
• New Books, lad Received.
TEAST: • Problem; reprinted with entree-
Wow sal addltkaor, by Ma author of Altos Looks.
1 zoos, yao.
Illatory .
ot Cleoptra, ,(loam It Zont. Jomb AbtaL
Woo.. you
oalob Ma; a Tale at tha Poet.. so
rastbam a.:YsIK by Anna IL Ikrorry, author ot
and Vortoom .
blaaa•Ake Alatmoa and Alloglorals'..loor
oar, Ha 6
. .
Dlet.ka , ar . of lbobanio. Canine Work sad ßso
hate m a
D * of tba BevolutkseN.H.
ueruda. bi. 14 1.
,77.1%V. 4 b.ittu=== -
~,,tit•d oy Daniel P. Eleidor. Ieu NAD,
ref esiety
Jr= k nix& Bundles. Fourth Y.
A Card. •
T HE Pennsylvania Railroad Compare!,
dolt with tast..tootnithl my of Womb&
oulonatly dlntlogolotto on Otte emotion.
Toth.trot 'Um cool =soot be to *arida& odor tor ado
t 00... lfo tako oloonwo to 1111Onolog. that COMD•2I7
I uld 111 , 0 Imo bow much Woo .1110. oothbot Or• know.
Woo of tho troth) that tho Woo to the esaal to oot so
orot•-•that all to repaired by
oltd , oats Injorr a rt= ' ge n t sod Plpo'sdo;. : =oltl
'lotto • to oSott loom
3..000J01 0 t00s and Ph ll m t
daolmph a w ng MS Irlainede
oad are Tomo, to moist
trohcbt Lbsologh In •
at WO Woo of Wu Matron& csoiresr.
Oo Woodsy. tho With toot, vo 'OH mato sod dap Of
canal oi no tor robs hontotbo <WIG& ,
CLARK a T UAW. hoto. sad Ohio Limo
LE6CII app , loth & Cio:o Ltoc
W. BINURaIII & CO" InagUs . • Lion
. HENRY 011A71 , a CO, Colon Lt ..
ie . • • • l a
ONON MODERATE TERMS--To be ii44,jif ,
not sold. tole let for a lerot of 0000,) y sad
Ten lot of October eest—a beautiful. sequestenal spot
wry near tlee Plank and Ralloted. comiussullua
...any lb . 01110 risen Cbeettemaseilt.tuul tooptalls
gi a lreiFeN tagm.-.12
Ira% Of slutOirrevery ' iltoirrerl Intend!
ree ' bretl/=.24 1 7A11 firrilan
La , am 0 ... moth of Woide rudsdas Otte
174.17 rNletatiDYN.lllisist B.
)(sub. redeem titre4tllegbear, or so
Iltty gnat, etbo 011lallitt Qtre
Nous eau eselhem without adialthattlEatedfloolls2=.
Shistinglinslins sad Irish Mow.
KcEPIIx4t BURCIIFIELD have received
• .c., ecvely or semier swum move= i.e.
es, parehamd dinetJ, tram the saasuiututees
tan tzgrd,
Dram. Alm. light and dark ehaassabAt MA. La
A Wire eaaortment to te krtuti at the atm or
XL?. ANNUAL MEETING of the Stock
bairn or the North Alalll4ll kika.l Oaaapany yUI
"unaafi 1 triVlVme it'P'brilb. - rplakrt 4th
Time Bills
WUI bt parchatal at taroiabla rates D
To Owners of Goods
IN STORE, uncalled for, the following pack
1.111.15ra1a.. pukaiaa.
4 ; 0 0 =—•••••• :::: : .....
Matthew C•lialire — r..:
81,"0: - •
IC Crawford-- ...
Owner. art remanded to call aad ?alba.
• Nana Irsala latd D itata??Do_pot,
' come Pawed Want. atm., rtua.g.
To Droffing and
o res
Pinar. regarded by the Medal of
stte in . artmendart n g max.
laity of shade and color. The mannhet n
om tbs aline
Paint bee poslamd the deepest and mot brilthmt article
Viral •I=et o l rXte. " l . td "a b&rad==.
ens to UIMISTiIit
Haring been appoint.' Bole Mint thi ado el this
celebrated bondof Pada linen, paseus.mnii b. lop .
0.10. mdneed mine.. -
67 Weeslatreet.
VILOUR-2XO 'bbl.. : Extra. Family, tor sale
• 109 5.1 W . an OOH.
RED LEAD-5000 lbs. for sale by
1r I J KIDD it CO.
(.20AP-100 boxes No. 1 Rosin, for sale by
A 7 ills 'G. • W.FLARB•OOI.I.
*DRUZ bale.
.. , LFge No. 3- •
21 At .
.., I M *1 •
IA . N. .
JAa. rwelvAt &ad POE soIAT
pu i lt .i fpx STONE-800 lbs. fo.
MACKEREL -100 bbls. Lapijo N0..3;
ali'. by 1119 L.°
k V! W. RA B.&000.
QIILPHATE QUININE-50 of. for Nile by
Os J/19 J.KIDD a CO.
V . ODLIVER 01L-3 grafts genuine Rash
tee. Clark a Ca, ar male es
/SID J. KIDD a 03.
OLD Jacob Townsend Saresposills-24
lridos. trash by J. KIDD • 00,
• 60 Weald.
CEESE-64 boxes, on ansignment now
MUS. Dr try mum DICIEST
Jill Water sod host Na
Akl - 0. 1 MACKEREL in quarter Mds. for
• Wan CK aaa h o o t Ca
RICE—By the tierce or bbl. for sale by
.1119 • , Water sad noes sta.
mill de.
I . •
. Ilorm •
NUTMEGS -1 bbl. for sale low to ekuie
3 ralamaa
n Lana II DICKEY 00.,
Wata vaa Prl3lll
INDIGO -2 eeroons Carmelo;
4 keg. Nullls—will mkt low to elm
Watusust fetal its.
Amerkan Hard
betunre AZtallo. 6 Mai
. j ., :n. 4 tthne dams from
tedilt=rlardwart had to — tgli — Stlek of Om%
d met from the amanbetams. ado ced
oral@ tam. • hlll-Ixd
Wm. fficeully & Co„
stantly ma bud emu dueripolau UR=N and
It ULAN/MARE, sod WINDOW (a.m., Warr
dune. 141 Wtod etreM.Plttsbargb. . •
und..i.e.d., Pula( au day
LI. gm. JOHN Y. moCULLY, mauls= tbe modnao u
bentotore the old gaud., under the Mile at WM: Me-
CULLY t - LA. ThaukfulAto put tams. be Dom trr
promptitude sad atria attauttcm ottualty at Ms arst.
dm to metre •Umat WU petrouale UMW) . itr
stowed berstolbre.
IYlStlut .
QAL SODA-3000 lbs. English, for sale by
JrlD J. KIDD & OD.
latse.7 NIL , * Sh.r. st. tlta- the Pod OEIG.
Lades nook. am AusuA
Graham'. ilainsbuk ' •
F'IIIITS TURPENTINE -10 bbla. just
ecuind to itakl order , aodB. m tali at ta lu eDro .•
•nts . comer of Wa: N. d
and Math mean. '
WANTED A—A TOUDig MOD, acquainted
VIII V V in tn. a auataaato rto mud. ic.. m.
I slam 414thoot"Drosolot. at thla oltica.
The undersigned members of the late firm
or vat IIeCOLLT Si 00. hal , . tai, day enteral Into Cre
Partnersids under tbe dun or
U rf IZr7. '" D d rile k.°'
F their loag merinos to N. balloon: they goner
nathot tiny eon furnish artiellisintbitirlio• pool
to o . vuutufeetund the country; sad hap by .in
&ignition to botany 1s merit a nano( thollbael yahoo
og. Wended to the oht the. By • dlrtsioni of th. Stack,
v. so. vow rowel to 011 oil the onion with which an
Wads and MICIORIS roar hour at. •
Wenhouso, 710.131 We..
7D. ORK7
Pittsburgh, July 1.1781. MOS. WM
RI:V . INC sold our Canal Stock, and our
Intoned. le atm:abuts Mehl= No. 3 and Iloevtir.
t of Oaks a Portable Waived. =bat of th• sub.
scram % at Nottiostor, Pa, aro asitharlfiod to sottio tho bre
rumeirof 'man.. .
Z. U. lummox
M cLardra...
Hoax:der. Po. ha, lith. /la.
Airt 52t , UnkaagoVs= 4,,, 1,44 1444 .
, Broom Paekat Lao to Chmdoot._ _
Btosaatooda Boom sad Ilietdapaa pa:A,
It 0. PARRS* OD.
Joao A. Carom, Arcot, Putaboadu Ps
DoebooSor. Jai/ 18W.
FORWAHDINU AND alananzoN ixactusra.
loolir CO-PARTNERSIIIP heretofore 'ex
•lon.g betro th tba uodyndanad, =be th e era. aad
y of WILLIabI Ithet'LLY * elth,tilae
I. Ms day emoted by lisallallao sod oti==.
Mb. 01 tth thadadgrad la asaborlted to oath. the ea
-camas of Um old byta. • WII.IIcCOLLY, - ,
Pieborah.Joy 1.166141.3mb TI D O L WI R& T
- [ Wanted.
..a.. la his art. k f t •
em who has hem worths' ado nob (lonostri. Toon
owl IWITI whoitoonwakw. b.te. • nab Missal., thor
lie V sell hosueltirel with the cultured flowers. (0•1/1.
Ina btu* of evoitebieu Osurrectiere.) and oho. Uses of
shrubberies, (decorsteur), sad dubs. helf that ho
do 0 , 614 to hie accupellos. tie elm truss plans for nee
ealttestioaa. as eltarerloos dole cum.
Inquire se the olb of she Weet-Peoutellterctishe
51ee47eitsuse. No. 13 aseltheele semi
rflTaw• P. PUTT..
Shoulder Braces.
§ll al.
BRACES of the most
Mond dwe lt fe Ercurtar• wily L
of dm to nit all ',homy nwakno tbno. psi toed
sad tor ea* •I?oloale es4retsiljoy___
.171: XX. IS U..l.=S. Crifacd d.
lICIIks., lloattalabru. Tot Iran tajotto Platict
tom Cake Waco. dont vont 100 l Main. Lb...
dlea Table Caller,. . .
Elm ammo hake. /Mks. Roza TON%
ol to order. oral • good asostaral obvert co at tb•
lona ark. li: W.
it/7 ' Zhao IttoithoSi Market stnirt. .
For Sala,
AK BAKERY, witkthree years krone of the
itstkl, ou Moral stmt. 411mabo7. 744 M4171=
7h... !tr
w imit37 foe dalavr . 4l baalam. Th.
low. or ft= appl 7 63 HAM 11 t . 0 %,121,
/717 . 116 Heamd st.
ARD OW—L 2 Ude. for sale by
$5 Reward
i iT . ILA:YED OR STOLEN from th e Ware
ham or Busterl4s• Infirm:6 • mall ma. baring
r lb• evrt at tar boar sting verbal, tract.
AA, Wow Months/ ot=sbail nein tb. Om no-
Sr"4- 1 *"."'" "lostrawas WGUZAL
.111.11 1111Woor stmt. .
Freight received for all the Way Stations
on the Pennsylvania Central Railroad.
'XIV Aden J. Watetre.. -
Jeer iortb.
Lereisow% Juno Ulm.
Mama Wo. J. &feebler.
= ,... 4 = 0 . i: Dill i fra. r .
IfiAllAeivberib. . 'Y. A- &att. ,
lemeeeter, & Moder.ll.
Womble. . Medereell A II antell
"---,........ J. !laborer a bop,
moo::.:: Ihmeausooa.
lone Dram
ilicturd lcekdr.
itiric — il27. l "
4*" ooViri COLL
July 15t 1841.
comet:Chan sad wsya. meet:
. •
MOSQUITO NETS, Bine, White, ,to., to
1.4 " 4" gftIRPHY & 1101CHVIELD.
Ekt - i'LAID OINGUA3IB of a super-
I kw quality. lately received sod olliag low a£ the
tos• of 1161711PHY BURCLITLRLD.
jyth _
el IRON-150 tow Mill Creek Pig Iron
250 taw Roos Crook do do
045 ton ROBINSON LITTIN s Shads do do
sido CO. .
—253 Llborl7 Wood.
WINPOW GLASS 250 boxes 'assorted
Wn, to ' 4 *"' " I ffolins
J 716 sox, urns
ACO- bbl
Boas."S Bac ki on, Shou ay lders,
.00) bblY. es' am• mby
Fir%NEES' OIL-50 bbls. for sale b y.
rE UNDERSIGNED have entered into
oc.— under the titte et EMITS
OE, tr. wry oa the rAPER AND RAIRLSS,
at Na e Mace etneet, P133.10_6.1A. WPM 1114 . 911
gimtimat. Of PORT; •
a r th ith' it= Atnrat " Li k rat Rat
Polio Peito 6 Tlai C. Prlottog Paw% atm.
IWO. mrs, Rom lb by 24 to 4O by 411..
11atd1MthtoTl Paton%
arolioaa ood
(=trtt WWI* 88. Pallet , . mato= and ;V. glees.
Bolt Batobapo ralmrl6 •
(NBowl Plinth* out W. Papers.
Manilla Poplars,
_all Mae* Okuad Ila7st, all totem
lov%* o7dloto and Ylltalag= gm
Too. sod Ittc4otod
to sad Buff 0a...8.r. 1./Col. LAW, itptoobavo=
Assra lb: Kt" Patna lb.Y 111.11971:118. CARDS. ist
Nat ancl grebe, whit* sad eaind—cdd gam. ent to ce•
der. Abo, lee 0111,11 v o nd and: t iale Oland Pozrs.
• N C 3. IP LAWRYN I 6k 64 1.0. j 7.1 Wawa
L-6(0) tuna of UV Mit In mhans.for ash.
suNDRIEs r
01lip& a ' N 11Mr •W by allllVllo, m r
174 110
VoASTBURY: a Tale; •by Anna Harriet
Drury_ , au th oress of "frimito agul Fortame••
tSo Dori as W• 1.. of Way SU* to
•nrO tt omtdT taD• sac 67 Str R. Solway LTrtos.A.ol
...a a j te=tralossog . : .. a tha v =ac•
V* or Xight • ftory of mom Ilan ST
W IoCC . ' T VC.V&S. " ‘grertiritraL bY '
Ewa ncalgul at HOMO? Warm Depal, 'hard
Mottle time Peat-00a. r3
, lA . bow nathr t aj o il q =811:0
Black thsti li Atir EmPuatal. ' Ir 2
SOAP -300 boxes Rosin, Cin'ti bninds, for
aY. l• by W MULLET * CO,
ire 111 sad 20 Wccd
('COTTON-22 bales in staie luad for sale by
vl/7 II~LH W i i!!Ft Meat is
rOTTON BATTING-50 Wes Lstily, on
/TS ibr La ' PIPIA d irincref a co. ,
FEATHERS--Forsal u el um
lriDior= a co.
IILEESE—.II.SO boxes for sale by . ,
.s: PA.EIT-3) bblo. et oak laor to Ow
MUM DlCll=ria"
• .
ONlncs or Pnionnon Crturt, 3n17'14.11161.
RE TRUSTEES of the Pittsburgh Gm
Connenn. Ear. dar &eland dhidsod of two
an and 11117..enta no each than of easdna , nnnk !nth.
vittaborsh Una ConnenT. Pnrabl• an demand. Ix then!
tom ofo6 du Company• JAALCS CIIRLSTY;
F'I3RICK--Wa have on hand 60,000
. Cad Grove Taw Mick. rwrezated nwal to way wade
In the thaled Plus, wAkb we will ..0 law oUM the
ttesigraMent. WALLINGFORD CO.
irtraw IWI Water elnet...'
Pl,43.bknri Pru
frktiouu l' ongreMaaaad ad
e. re:Wft teme Lbw than the eoechem mew or rerr:
Wee. Yoe sae st. • W. mauves
U.A.Y FORKS, Hay Rakes, and. Scythe
voNe. Imitolurr & 00.
N AILS 300 kegs aseorted sixes in store.,On. IROIMON, LITT= t CO.
ERUIT-00 bash. dried Peach es.
mr.l. in; . spetteor4Larite
4.ltD OIL-20 bbls. No. I Bennett &
ajpobei make, thr ado by ISALUIDICKEY it CO.
Jyl6 • Water and hoot stmt.
ANTED—Land warrants wanted, for
uhlth the hlglait prfee will to aim at
OZO. /L Arcsous
/710 Ezebeeire Banklaz Haim. rearth it. --
Music for the Moamar.
lIIKLEBER,IOI Third street, sign of the
• Oddest Elam haejust reeelved— .
beautiful •Ltnatte of the Elocater Clootubltahed axe ,
d IELL t. MCM grlit h A B •
vot7 oPrightligai l iglitnt
footer's leauttfol sir of."Nelty Ins • Ledy."
.. AU, • mop], of Boat= Tetoperoace Oleo Book. WS
I'IREA3I CHEESE-51 boxes receiving per
iv Bidwell's Line. for ugly JAMES DAL.ZSPL..
031i"wter, and Front it
Fpm BRICK-25,000 for sale by
• . JAMES iffr r
Prime Sugar Cured, Venison and
Mutton,lhied Reef sod Beef Taw., fry oalo Cl
yl6 - J. D. WILLIAMS A 01,116 Wood M.
SllGAR—Lovering's Crushed andVulver
bed, New Odium. Leaf. aad Clarified. ter salt by
Jel , . J. D. WILLIAMS A CD.
TEA—Prima to Extra Fine Green; •
it. We by CbuiVirCfn.T.Trablinrlt
C.A.NDLES--40 boxes Star;
10 13= Ibr ale by
/715 D. WILL/A-113 Ca.
VINEGILR-15 bbls..Cider, for sale by .
1715 WILLIAM 01).
ISH—Mackerel, Salmo 2; Shad, and Her-
Ibr sale b 7 J. D VELLUM it CO. .
Noted for Three Prime Articles! •
DEAR IN MIND !-314;an? Tea, Atter,
1.2 In the Dlunon.l, noted Mei
:The beet
et 1.0%
The beet lealllCH BRANDY: In Piklainshett. -
you nod the letter tea soadlebal
mar (.117 4.1 , ..1" CM. its - .
New Mak.
„IOHN IL MELLOR, No. 81 Wood street,
_lam nested the fallowing new and popular glares of
farewell if ever esk er,
Waltz Sentimental, by e • -
Ls See. vertations try lithten; '
Carronl dl Venire, Dr Veen •
It. klnd to the broil thog
Jenny 14. W .• S Polkm
Serenading, or erenading
liebotitith Polka;
I woken* thee with giedtwer. ,- •
Pd offer thee this hazel of ngnm
•Ila boom *bore Vey tbe heart in
- .
Jig . t,ll,== u edt a
l a dle?. Norm: '•
Song the Roblin
Blthebe of
ami Lisette; Kelly t •
Sailor Boy's Grave; Jenny I.d Polka:
b o x a Willow Wool Welt Went
-Call me pet names; WoolS I wen with them •
'eked Loth Polar, thand BMW. Polka; '
PWhew, an now the booth liambthwh Polk
. 1 v t k • C u llz . liSsi
CUICKERIIIOII PIANOB—rA Sen 7 Ism stork on hand
sod arriving. .1124
pist-1 tp t White Fish ;
74 - J
pREMIUM CHEESE-2 Extra Large Pre
rah. Ooduen Cbeese. reed ea>bT raft by
jy/2 WI& A. IteCLIMG
SUBLIME OLIVE. LL, in Flubs, embed
Ij flub Oil laiy?rtal,,knet 2.2ldleittratenba).
VRESII MACCARANI—A very superior
arlith part r wed .4 tar mi. by
• WM. A. IMAM*L lber4 I Ca,
3000 top Itssard'a maize Bl.gbil;
10 casks rePiroaluVete nl
CLARET WINE--A choice article, forfam-
LIT cm. Irr 1 / a l 061. (oze dcaenNfar ..I.b
J 12 Jl. =LUMMOX OD. '
Ii_OVERING'S SUGAR-50 bbls. Crushed
wad Polvvrtsd, for sale Or •
733 CL - 1.111:11330N t CO.
3 poly of N. thaw i Co.'. oelatersrad Hoy cod
Ports, coo Mad and for ale al outtalk Perm, hr
K.R. POLNDEXTEft. Water stmt.
1712 '.
IA Pa Harper A 00.
L. ACHED TEAS!—Jenkins & Co.'. (.5t
Philadelphia) superior packed Oren sad Black . 11
la even Tarim. ea at all thews ho sup/1W to order, 1,00,
W trarroutot to 0.0 iudisfeetioa.
It. R. P 01241)
1712 ' Agent lb! Jers9lM Co.
Pitt stargh, Cincizmath and Louingle Tele-
FEW SllAREFo k F i this Stock itantedxt
ruhtos. O.
Copper Stocks. •
lyElnevr. eiders for the Stock of curi
ae. Mains Camputies of Like Ihmerler. Th ome
j;Yr ° ' 44 er tratELICS a Co:,
CHEESE -30 boxes W. R. for sale _by •
FLOUR :300bbla. ertra Yam, for sale by
irn S. W. 111.11.11ALIM.
PEACHES -40 - maim prime Halves, tar
uL bT 2711 B. t W. ILUIRAII6H.
NEW MACKEREL-50 bble No. 3, large
.4nr macksrraljnit r.nrrti am! lor bL _
.1711 W. lIABILiuIt.
WINDOW GLASS-1000 boxes City si:ul
i"" uThr "" l '''' / V I .S. 11A118A1313
§ODA ASH-650 cubs, of our own mane.
future, in:mated of as blab test sa taw latimated.
fa tab at the boat market mime, by •
• Rem near Market-
7 . 1 I.46MipaillropMlll
: . • ••
sale by 1711 EMI= BUILT it 00.
HAMS -500 prime Canvassed, for sale by
Jill B. If/ lIARBADO
14700L1 WOOLS—Cash paid for the differ:
y .et imde. of wool by muuukvou.
• * W.
SODA ASH—i 5 cads for sale b
/11OFFEE-•-1Z SWIM Green Rio, for sale by
1 U Jell A. CULBERTSON t 00.
s Manufactured, W.
IrtOBACCO- 1130 bone.„„, other etnior
u. ch.nt. a apcuu,k'airts.
~..bireb, aide Y
MOLAS4V4-50 ale. N. 0., for sale by
POTASH -20 mnkfiragterenbio,.
• Ilagnetic Powder; - -
r—IMAR the Deetruetion of all kinds of Insect&
NULL LYON, Inventor ond_poommor of the
makable Powder tor the destmetka of Oile krOiNbeN
Be Moths, Ante, Plias and Maeda oa Planta Aka
the deartotitia of lants Mko.
Bold wbolealo end retail bp JA M. APILEMA
We • • 67 Wood a.
CORN -500 bu. Shelled, for sale by
Jrll J. 8. DILWOII3II Jt 00.
Communion Service.
L MAL ROMA U., Om sale W. waso
JIM CT Ilarket.t.carmc
TIMM &a, of Cossollao & 06.11 mut/alio! MMa
sadMitgraht., at2:•otini7 boo tlot t etolcift:=
onitoff we of Comboo• sad other Vis.
HAMS-4 casks superior, for sale on ma
i; !Ligament by •T. WOODS* BON.
.1710 Water st
LARD -1500 lbs. No. 1, for sale by
Jib _ T. ROOM BON, 01. Waxer it.
QsD.A7igic-T2fcasks Lutwich braid;
by jy B lo A W.l V. W;180151.
kege ase'd Nos iv ,lr r sale by
LOAF SUGAR-150 bblo. wed Noe., for
.1. or .010 W. a r. WILSON.
pOWDER—§O: S kegs Dn Pont's Blistittp
- lc* " Et.sigigNarcti."
FLAXSEED OILS casks warranted pare;
fur We br
JIINTATA BLOOMS-3 0 twos for solo to
dor 0:41418.26461% by Jun a . " M '
NO. MOLASSES-300 bble. oak, for sale
.LN • b 7 jylo W. & F. WILSON.
,Q,„ IL SYRUP—X, bbla. for sale by
Li • .100 - W. aY. WILSON
NO. SUGAR - 150 hid.. for sale by
. jrlo W.* L WILSON.
PLIF.F.SE-45 boxes receivingpergdwell's
Line, and krr ege DI JMES - DALULL.
jr9 Wster..d PI From Mc
I ACKNNEL-50 bblo. New N 0.3, for wile
INA by • Jr 9 - JAWS DALTIA.L.
LARGE fine boa g - Sorrel Horne
perfeetty infe.4lll b. wad or rorboagrri
ea 4 •ra...43=BELL.
Ira • . - &
• Rod .ml 4 *,
agiCKEREL.-100 bbh. N ew No : 3 Lax . :im
1134 Yor OW by 3°1.4 14111. BIGALIT M
' 16 sad •
TO Wmi R.
SIJOAR3-300 bblz. ass'd Nos., for
••• by Wld. &Ma= • CO, _
TS - 15 ma W
SY 00l 55-
C I O w ETE I7 S6O bw.BlaAnuTelund
11111PES-150 boxes White Clay Pipes;
IL lOU - Blom. Plyt , lb: b 7
Cornices. ' •
XHAVE just received from iirevr York. art
ator lars, lot of neastyls WINDOW CORN7CEI and
RUIN NAND& Yor maJo lov. •
4 , W • WY. NOBLY
Young Ladies' Seminary—AlkilitustlY•
TIN= on Weeder. geltethbe. . ° l l. l
ran of taiticna the the= =¢B. - roe
ve Omuta... War Pethethele. . 715 a
. .
- p
BY. W. J. PETTIGREW begs to ilibbaste
..,... ems
• •
. • Ver.. ....6. 01 3/11# 464
•' • '
ant ' err t•• Ix de r wisto... t •r Ca
weeds of Um* Tama; sad dasietisas ♦ ad their children cc verde to bits • . LH*
Deaktrir and the Me Ea arced. yes Prelantraten on /eke Me, the 11.1.1= 0 11.
Calmbue sad CtneLunahl. CI...WM wad
trasdesky rad Cterborar. Ballsoods, sad steamers rar - a
eret Mlarrol= ritere. sal tree Obkr, ladtmet earl
(Mdse. ...V.6J
• 724 Morales
TWA at 6 oltek.
Math( Expren
The Mall Trate rigor as Strain, where pmeargatil ors
Y ~ am% earl take the Creme Trap, arrtelas laltew
b24lgh at toorahat at 9 o'abrok.roaklaretberrholadatamar
t. •
The Express Might .ad Cattle Train toms Danhhk et
4 A. M. dale; a Pareencer Dart. attached to this Tula to
aecoutrartate Way her. sad Dorms.
miaipp-fare lelm. Punkt& to Nes
d ays. York. es. Morel C4ie
oi/I b la a Pa .
This Caropeay are treason Hee dock sad
freight. or all Wade arMkt:ilte• lark.
Partieulerettreutlea will ho pea to StreE., The ewe
bring 6 Pet witty eves Ulla mole mat atesaterm
earns wee eallrosde In lb. traeoportaloa MM.
EE-Addltional Thane' Ell be put lb cusualadoa la a
me sheet time. .
freight Tariff.' Val be .msbitrat.t, gmat
lam la marl to the Bobas ot Might, ram air.,Yrua
b. /n=9IOIIAM, Loam poakreit. "ra'
jrN CONSEQUENCE of tie decease ofJohn
Menden, the partnership harehafbre existing heaven
toll PITA= Its st ' • jag ' `ti t
* s.
A n wan. urine eights •111 plus preset them ass
Partieet• Fititheetta. ALIT 14
• • . •
Ilibleeirors to Notodook 1 gooodot •
The business of the
Ootoolar Agency of the 'Pea:l-
, 7 1meg 'Central Itoiltood oilll
domed outer tbo botoosad ot7Lod bombs, to cow
00TODIt a 0014, -
cameo or Pena mod Wayoo anots.
Pittsbotib. Jut? 101, 1118L—(171)
. , ' pezoomoro to KtTooloa a Conan} i
, - - e . Cana Basin, Pon abiel. .
Paola. Ran Roa d Co:- - Central Nil Road*
lasulbWscernitbo ers having been
te lß te o d
Aeatin pabl t c bP .
porropnd il
lain mg woos= of tocrelmodlso or voodoo Zo IagiOIONIS
ilools via Mb routs will be carded throw* IMI . =
wad all ormalamod •111 lawarylad fra of a
Hat ar than. , dn..... •
anti of nistate =Mx ricrunanna aIEO Marna&
Dr u g IS= . :took;,=l2 l.4 afa•
Baddlar. an. lra
Hardin:lN Roaeanrase, Omaaim, Mania CI*
Leashar,4l.lom. lba.Timatiar cod Gruacaw:
Waal, tn. • 606.11
Batter, Lard. Lard on. Tolman laatMena,
rain and Ilap • 50a .1011
ut., litre. (mash) T.. sitth. Rada. Oman. Ohl.
ik ! " ' t1.1'"4 "7: .. covobz A 0Vi2, 1 ,
ear... pc. sad WaLaa!acasa6 '
Plaabazeb. Jal7 /at, 1551.-071 • --
rASPada and ilaiaval Lint tei OknbrruL
SENGEBS leave every movain' 9
. dam,. bv_ravreaat to &int, tbsboo bY cgotot
Limat=dro7'mb ...2 7"
Yeamlabd. boro o mtott.3s 1.74, •
'• Buffalo. ab . Odeado, 00
Tleken El thrtranti m
lls Oninsubm and Xenia by anaboad sat 1191zwin-attl
.c=err Ibr Detroit.
. ctviuLma,....
ragman of Co. Ita
therm al 7)(=d. to Ran Itagaba,
and arriving woo anerdng al
low "afar brtbe Ohio river, W oa d
111.lit%ntis. sad Galena, vrtll be Woad gin& gaiety.
cheaper, tad ylegouster C US HY
elotbar. - • -
• Ronamign. Pa.
Pat tide* or lubrinatiorijapply to '
. • JOMI A. CaIIGIELT. Agent
(Co [bin) comer of lindtbtlaid and Water grata
. - olaPoalt• tbe Mononabela Hamra
Or to co d a W. IL. 110011“ r'• %Agana.
et , - 015 e• u StCtocrlea lintel, Wood OM
PJlMpili xr ,
: --_-- 17-
',YAWLS =L3=).
Fottpai l x . hours to Plululelphis .
. Forty-four hours to Baltimore. 3,-
281 miles Railroad-103 =lei Caztt:
tAiert, Ear ritual. Aso
Beingfreefrosm nib many dove: and porter Vie
Tweeted with piece Lirum
Two Taly, Lines &area Packet Boats.
L'AVEPittsburgh for Johnstown, thirtos
'l73itt• t•kl.l . ta.
Tro Bsaate4 cod T6ep4N miles Wren to
PidrAlkillt eertgvr atoratoizmdadr at Licht. 'tolo3.
7er• to nalmazabi. .r.• to do Lamar:et • V do iterrtebarg WO.
Tate the T i lr ien e ll oarel bertaad fa SaM•oo, at
.141111:12a tio‘ .
ors antral of gra at that Iplac,
drew tolls)Tha. lOUs hours._. - • =
NO charge for haadling Baggage am this tate.
The Cars ors thte route an neer, and of the moat
id eacerrocbto Ibr analhrt and =My '
you dedre cheap traretans and easatectibli
D.:ration. metre rods thicato at •
HOLMES, Armi,-.
D. Men & 00.7 r-
Carla Baas. Paha dent
1851. WESTERN . 1851.
affMffia - via* ONO
m Canal being good order, ern *ZO
ooned to
Oro sad orerobssonse to
then the above calm, at the bout roams rifts at
u. =tram . Jtne ta at =eh.
.. , 71 , torger w
temagent, lad al Lomat. w.. 41,
tended to.
£OOl7 to, or srldres uaili - a a
Drzot. &f LS £.s, &Nub
Par1 D ".....01d, groom _
No 76. North et. Beldam&
T. - PZANCZ, Agorrt
Jetl No. I. Wert stmt. New Toile
lad 1851.AMMISIN
Via Bininurrilla and Cumberland, to Baal*.
and Phßaddphia,
ThIt:IRNING BOAT leaves the Whitt'
slam the Bridge daily. at a ea:a pradady. eat.
with Um eat. at Camberhad ant. zooming., .
... =:rea daily
can liva.,:V=ab
at adakelk with the can at
" '= " thigaltiasam. SI bcia ea. Pan =la •
edam Ybeactfilybie. 4o be , m. r... a
iir , :z ......„...... 44 . smel l
samba Ltd. dmaidadlythaalt . las• Yaar. • - .. .
au= Ma. to ilea iffeamigabil=.'
MEM • .1851. aro
On the Penzurylvaiga sad Ohio Nadi:
M u li u % P te ßis ozaw t fr'C'e
HIS well /mown Line is ixrw'? , = u to
r l itl art.litio a tn. ugut t Vi t th.c " w wwim . ' d b=
lir, and tamefty . of licay, expairm of 940,144 426
Orm /kat Issm Ilitabeina orthadi ear.wp_eez
la mutation with • Lbw of mamma an e w rrrre-
SWUM sad RIOAVVII,m• Lb* at test etssaitaita
Ugropollir sad noels) on the Loam
- LlP T l , Zy W itrtim&an;o4 .
K.ut, Odom( o*.
VitLl.llla , ;
Madam a•PettluSET Mr.
M 2 Ltr u e., "
11aolarstuu * .01u.n*Anws.
p t * . t .. .41; „ 8410 , ..Chiag0.
11l else. Pardo sael Salta as. t'Mare*.
Wm. I. McKnight
ILL to special attention to the EOUOC
ern nuts andl Eaters Oh*. • - 11.".
h, espeel a the thy Court Moor,
Ptchshana. •
BeSeresems—Jobs Niadensj..C. Thisers, D. 01.Wtd*
War tiesoptes. Wm. 11Q , mars, Tees. Ma
OAF SUGAR--40 lures Lovering'aDon
ba Badand. ned sad alai
of otorT scud. tad pas to mu , -
An . L 0
Blank sros. sussiwswy, sto. s s. o Tows Evoi_
IlorLog K. me. at meow'
INBRED 014-1000 gallons (to arrive)
by J. MD a OD.. CO Wood R .
PLUM Los loal mend • grqt....s m .
or some Imanstral am zonal EWA. Abe.
and BOTlf woo. Ihrw, sad care Lax
C 1 1 .2 boxes, claw
': tsaleH bfgpf
A l 7 M Wiles and Frau Wu—
ift HEESE—MO boded in store, for sale by ,
aLI . A 7 • l&AILLI DICKE! a0:16
GG9--300 doz. for sale
X‘ Jars a. a naitaaada,
ATICtORIA WiNfil..9-304lieces reed Lad
is ale by 014 C. JABUTIINCIE
.ABliED.111:18LIN-50 pieces deal-eble
1,,a""4-I`,"tr'2'.'"br c.Ancrimoz.