The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, July 24, 1851, Image 3

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    I tlTAts
lIIITE.D STATES 31/111/1r ffeehye . A.t.Wei44ll
a TiSit 013 - 'Ttiltly - to the 'Marine 'ffospital litz
low Manchester, which lotion p . ialy . cpmpll44, -
and in successful emotion, ,We give a minute
description of it ~ome tints ago, so do not now
deem it necessary to recapitilate ite -.serious
advantign.i . Since we Wien then last,. all hi
provementa connected. +Lb the grounds have
been nearly completed.' ilits necessary to sup
ply the building with water:from - the I:thiofiver ,
and a Elie steam engine AS in operation; pump
ing retie to four largeltanits; each et. the ea.
purity . 4l's•trin bond ti gallons, which lire
placed th lie attic; and tram:Which, kt Inwood
leaden pipes, ',triter is [supplied to the rations .
sick wards of - the building, wia to the bath
roomM,-Wash • rooms, kitchen and water. closeta.
We were; Very kindly shown through the'iti:
lions apartments: , ' by iv William Hoyt; the
steward, arid his estim a ble lady, who is matron,
. .
and foetid every thingthe nicest order. The
rooms are clean, -.well
well unlined and. ventilated
—the Ws, bedding; .5t , of the best materials,'
and the vationawardildled for thole:nth
modation of seventy fie patient; 'at the present
time. This number nin :be 2 incieased, it it
should - ever ' 'become casary, to 'one' hundred
i tria
The, are - n
patients the charge of ../..T.
Myers,'M.).E,'who h.tis reniVed the appointment
of surgeon and phy olden of the hospital . ' , We
found htaoportmenta amply provi with in
atrnments of the finest quality nn the maces.
nary nit:stein. The wardswireo ed for the
reception' a' patients "ol the Oil of May, and
since then; Sixteen periOns have - bee 6 admitted,
six of ,sthontremaikt nil the - balant A have been
discharged oured, w tit the exception of one,
who died in.,.0. lei Minutest after having been
. :
We Cannot close this, article, without &Mug
attention to the riiichTi manner in Which J. B.
Itobitifion; Eau., the superintendent of the erec
tion pr. . t he building, 'and of all the details cos.
netted-with it,- and Mr., Alexander Moore, the
architect;i.bare discharged ,the carious duthni
derolring;unon ' rernment could
not ha:se sejectei better,qualified
to fill'thelr sort
This adtniiible.
branch lit this city ander the management of Mr.
James Turbett, at: m .1'2.9 Wood etreet. Its
President end Direr ts are among the wealthiest
businesninten if Old -and - Sentucky, and the
mainlaranch is leen dat Covington, Kentucky.
It haiiiiiily been in ii oration a year, yet during
that brat time has is r ued neirly a thousand poli
cies. ;Its income for'thci entreat year, was np
watilsA twelve thou and dollars, and but of
the pernons . insurtsl, 414 lie was clerk of the
Court in 4eardstown, Cans twenty, tailmin; and
had only paid $3O 26, on a policy of V.,500 00
He loft nowife and tiree children, . who .would
have been in a very
t destitute Condition,' bad it
not hiishheen for th - provieion- The Company
has declared - 4 divided of six per cent. on ill
policies,, which has been paid to the holders.
it .,
They have also der and a dividend oteighty ,
five per cent ., which will be. added to the saps
insured by the holds . or lift policies. ":Samuel
Dilworth, 11. D., is the medical examineifor tide
city, F ia-'lm cordially recommend- the Compini
to thatientiOu of of it 'citizens. ' .' :.' h:
CONDUCTOH.—We nderetana• that dlr. Janes
Courbiey; 4.5 been ilppointed conductor °Eve
li o
the Ohio osuA Nan. yards Railroad... • • • ~, •
1 ir..lingb °ribbon wee Yen.
.ra Aldentotui Steele, with
og, Which was In the habit
'persons residing in the
• dog bad srrrY - *anon a
:e years old, named. James
. in Chatham street, on the
t a ayOnag lady named Mr
, efendant was held to bail
the next term of the Court
Fitz Onions Don.
terdny charged, be
keeping it ferocious ,
of frequently biting
. neighborhood.- The
little boy aborit tit
Bedford, who reside.
leg. .It had also bitt
sy SPabn,,"" The
.for his appearance
of Quorter Sessions.,
L crew.—A man d Hobert Henry was
committed to pri_-aa Tharsday
JolutS. . - Burgers of Smith Pitts
burgYt charged, an mi r th
_of F; Leigmeyer, with
eWslin about tlinetco ,, dollars from him... The
IYP I3 /taged Yu
roof of the jail.
terdak in hying
ittscitarrtoss. admirable reso-
intionswere nth meeting of the
Washington. Fir re' advia' e other''
companies to fol e.
Rereired, That _ thiadate, if oily
member of the Compry shall, for any PurPooe
cwhaterrer, take out of •the Engtne Houeemay Hose
or :Ohm petition of oar apParatits-ottai.thanto
bed, at a--fire-or drill.of the Carman*, each
riembe.sliall be *expelled:
Buoirel, That if any memberof this company
'Mall at any time 'mow of any person not belong
ing to our company, catering the engine house
atuiMeddling with the apparatus or any portion
of the same,be shall consider it his duty to have
each' person' brought - before the Mayor, to be
dealt_with. according' to law, •
COBES, now in session at Sunbury, hare. snowed
a writ of habeas cornus, in tho ease of the Com-,
monwealth ea Joseph. Doves, now cotirtned in
prison. Onr renders..wlll - recollet thatthis is
Ile, individual who iras kidnapnl frau( Midi
gun.noroti time ago.'_ and who is now held in
custodyon a eh,— I:tg, at the nit of.
Taney and lies made returnable
at the nest emsh ins Court in, this
eitY; which talc. , oath of Septein
bee -
care _of thin railronal.— )nt one hundred
PaßePlier , toßochelterYc.. Plqr.Dinr , aad
reit:maul with' . about Ithe !Mute number, :
, the
afternoon: -We learn that road,Willhe
completed. Urliew , Brighton, on' Saturday, .nt
about noon. The locomotives-will then be 'able
.to reach the birning.table, they now haying to
:VA. the- engine' one way or the other which
.oemlinta much inconvenience and great -lore
s. . .
hisro.act or, rue' Chasten Corsoz..—The
CoMMens ,flotmcil of the city of Pittsburgh met
The President, Robert Mc - Knight, Esq., took
the Chair: .
Members peescnt—Messra: Bissell, . Black,
Cordell; C u nningham, Friend, Cribber', Harper,
Holstein; Kaye, 'Lowry, hlcCartney, Mellon,
Reis,: Riddle, Thoteas 'Scott, i Slava, Tindle,
. Vigllock, Wilson, Young, and President..
Air. Riddle offered!the following resolution:
Reiolved; Thit a Covimittee of two members
of Select, avid three of the Common Council, be
appointed .to, confer; with the President and Di
redeye of the Pennsylvanin Railroad Company,
• to inquire into the expediency of Modifying. the
right granted to raid Company by the ordinance
of7unelsth, X lij 1848, to ley rails, do. ,
.. on
Liberty etreet to the river, and that said Clam.
mittee. report ti,t ' the next regular meeting of
Messre. , Riddle, 'Harper, 'and Lowry,of the
Cobiirton Council. were appointed on mid 'Com-
The fallowing were offered by Mr.
Harper, and ntianinionsly. adopted: . ...,
Resolied, I :,, ‘ Thet in view of the efforts now
mekingto'divert the trade of the west, from the
city of Pittsburgh, and to ooncentrate.itat other
' points, the most prompt•and energetic action is
required on the part of chose who are interested
kites' prosperity of WV C16! .. b0 . avert the disaster
which nowthreatens our commercial relations.
Hesolved,'2. That a direct railroad connection
- ',between; Pittsburgtk andlpio Steubenville and
Indiana ;Railroad, by- means.of the Pittsburgh
and - Steubtumillel iteil.rad - presdats , the best
• means'-by which , these-efforts to direct trade
friol oar city ca , he entilelently counteracted.
rf tsOhred;•ii. T ort
such, connection with the
Steatormille and udians.Railrotul, which passes
ehrou g ‘the cad e of the State of, Ohio, and is
eenneetU A withTl, the great lines of railroad
Posing thtoltgh hat State will open tbe shortest
and best et, ennel of commerce betireen the east
an d:th e we stllll Rill constitute Chic city a depot
for an i reme m e =memo that will otherwise be
directed tiothe.- ohannell. - - ' . ... -
Resolved 4, T 'AL by .a direct road ' net - Weep
Steubenville sad l'itteburgh, All the Ohio roe&
maycommunlent a itit Philadelphia by the best
"titi and hi Ili neve route a channel burn
*al byte:deb. - Philadelphia may control western
. trade, and while Aceepix , g faith with Allegheny
eunnty, establighthe Ens t depots of commerce
within thin CoMMonwealth.
• Resolved - p . ,%'herefor a that the Selent and
C 01901012 COl l / 1 011 do r ecommend to the . Citilelll
. . of Pittsburgh a irourpt, active, and gentralsup.
porter the Pittsburgh and St e nbenviltellailroad,
and do also commend that enterprise to the faror
and support of tie - , antlioritie3 .. and citizens of
Philadelphia. , -
ne 'reiterant
. - Henry Reis,,anl
-resolution was offend by Mr_
r 41.1aptta by a rote of eigbteen
Whereas, the Ohio s td Naniyliazdaitithtroad
has not, as we believe, .expended the funds ap•
proptiatedto the road: as ordered by the Ccron
efhl of.the city of raftsburgh, .
rteardeed, therefore, That a committee of two
from :the' : Select and three from the Common
C ounc il, be appointed to wait upon the maid rail
novissd ascertain what are their views and in=
Mentions as to the termination of said read, and
whether - It letheir deolgn to carry said road over
the Allegheny river to the city of Pittsburgh,
and when; and report to Councils as soon as
Ifessra:...Seis, Eitel and .Oribben were ap
pointed in thla committe e ; on behalf of the Com
mon Councn.
. .
Hew Muzio. •
'ICLEBERIai just received •
a c. Van.
nag wrY •
Bcl5:A . tralana, w r ode from Doom's PU-
• le — by_ Ammer Woe* Fade:
lay Wen Englacol /lame. by
Ik, An. Wade, of
• : Alleamy.
31 - oarner, Solo.' to r..ta•
•• • /rola our merry Sotto llome. 'vocal dull, by
Wilt thon Oe onen. Lore, rand /nett, by ft. C.
' • Tara Lot array. &tett, bra C. Yoder.
Chloe 1 Wool thee !Jur dear. by 1. C. Pinter.
I nook% not dle Jo Winter.
It von% re. mentioning..
Kate Moore.
Pornax—llenriattn. A‘rinifloro., Dear
Colldron. Wallace. awe Jorriel.natiooal, ficotUsh,_nolree.
ccereloollamborg, kinasatlne. &phi. Wallace.
..w,,,ce....._fi h, cero c re, Bondy'. Alexandria, Jamming,
.Wood Imp Ellerrille, Three Slaters, etc. Alm • l o t ,
relation of kook ,Mono. Sign of the lloklen ItarD,
TAW st
PONGE—Estru fine Turkey, for sale by
'A Wood M..
AINTS GROUND . IN OIL, in 1 lb. caw
- -
• Burnt tad Raw Ombei, Chrome PoixOneo.
• mo. Woe, !kw, for ode br
. }a . J. SOCCON ASCII a CO, 24 Wool
ritr 9I an.' .eg. etrangt., or
ale by ' 1,1•171 J.SC/100NMAKEICk
WHITE GLUE-3 We. for sale by
lea ./.1101100NMAHER e co.
A 3 tLEN'S . Nerve
a nd Bono Liniment-5
grow am m.
SYRUP MOLASSES-27 bble. S. H. Syrup
m°4 "" 6. " P ' l " . g roitt Merr a co.
Black Tes from liverpooL
• eboke lot of Stroneand Firm
which own trial .I.[ be taunt to go little ahead
of any In Pittsburgh. The public are loyited taz=
Tees—lingllsh. Irish rad Soon% Pond. lo
Wet are =idly thesaros kinds of Teas they and In the
SPE TAO LE S I—We have a complete
stook of Gold. /Mbar ml Steel the beet
qoallty of coaTal. and =nom Mama. We M t Ow. to
every variety V 14013, accordleut to the bevt_PvloclP.a.
optical edema Deall W. W. W/L.6014.
established a
c"liißiff&Vgigrr, P:n s atiZZ'o Ott
styles of Warning tloods—e full anortmeet W be hound
et. the store of MURPHY it ItURCLIFLELD.
A AN V. . A O . ;
ocrt ¢ per cart,l and ti We ti
JO • • JABIES t__
VRACKED COCOA—Fresh--just received
tf and be sole by {VII. A. SteCLUAO A. CO..
Jr: . Grocer. and.T.A. ikabn
`wetption, far sale by
BACCO-20 kegs - (Lage's) No. 1 SIA
Twist, am sale by JeMB , I DALZIILL,
'6.9 Water. and 78 nest at
I ANNERS' 01L—SO bbls. just receiving
J.2 tr fix tale by - LULLS DALT:ELL.
I . 1 "IW. r xes .e
beanda El and Os In store aal tor lade by
jelo • : Wader . and Front etc
Chatirringit Pianos, eu Pin:thumb
Weatertaathrylvania, N 0.61 Woutau,
has rewind. and now. open for wkle, the fol
lowing elsount unortenent of Plano Yorter,diroot from the
loat,tdory, at lir. Chkkertnea (Batton) pricein •
‘One elettht Ltreetrood nual-groral Plano. 63i or!? e•Ut
Chn carved " -
nye " • " • • plain ' " • "
Two *mare 6 "
dove Piano Forte, aro .the latest Etylas of furni
ture, and with ail Mr. Chlekerine• imorounnentu the
tho same an at Raton, thereby oath= to
ourshaaore to this mien the unease and rink of than.
• . SLOG .Poll tact
ja Vy Roosted Caned 1601616ga eX earn Plano. mut-
U :4" : V c laLa e* Vila r colln , a :.
One " '6 flame ..V.=
One •. 6 " dec
One see-bang " Chlekminn, as gold as nen;
One " 6 L Paean Raven;
One " 6 "Load Brothers.
One 6 " - Labels t Peabao7.
One 6.1,; Manhattan Onnoany. 1.19
Valuable Property . for Sale.
on the Pit;Awe; and Oresoi Oh TUrajakt
Mrs East liberty *sal Watinstestg. aosondna us.' of
:lion. Wm. Wilkins, Dr. John Wilson, and others; on which
ans erected two .throlllSoasas. vast MO. and a
radar of oeloot shrub in each; oaf ham stable.
oaring hom=f6 ora. t . ontr, i bV L ionat i rd all
a cancel.( traddal peach and
e a
rind as ' ydnkse,
red cooralam) pear and ph= Mo.
of the Oman onalltr; all inder,,
Springs,. th e twat 'altosthaps for lish ponds, which are
Pertly made. An todispulablo title will be give.
For farther particulars locare of the subeerlber. on tbe
premise. .
[h - laretter Wit E. NOUS.'
ming, . • •
13 •
PROPRIETOR of that Yana and IloutiO
s_ bmotranT situated on Um Ohio rh.r ATV Locate.
/CM &013.1 it late theDrowtr George ether. or •thia_
Orr, baring Ilttel ay rala ror the secomasodatlon or
Boardors dosing tOo hot months of atimmer fall. am
still adroit a few or resiormble terms.
The Ohio fd Posseginals Railroad. width Is:hout. he
lm§ sesetast, ttda i s t o o radr4e .. ralt.: . ! b •
" 431. ,i •
Military Bounty land Agency.
TELE UNDERSIGNED,. residing in Edgar
arra c° " tr ' w 'r d
aa, in CM •s, I. zu.. "f,
...Warm% VA 60 aereN..r.srd.,F3 arm%
SS—which mut be earlcmd 40th thewcrrarkt, or, if pr.
bared 1,/ thaw aorladas 103 acre Warm 23 am. afro.
Md. win bareadral l the service of I
Deht.aeLtget.trith.!=the.azartts IC
Wanatt. Adam (mt pata :
111 RAat SANFORD, Pam, lu.
•Lytas.Rharb A Co., Mauer.* Wear M.P-
. THUD Bta.—Establiehed in 1140. Now Mrporated
leglAsture of with ;Pennarivania collegiate morns
etal '
1 1.1 . :iFF PlM:Strut. Professor o Book Keeping and
', N. B. !LATCH, Yet., Prot of ifercontile Lou. -
J. II•lf JULIANS. the meet scommlished Proman mire
Mountains. Profmmeof Pemtamehip. •
/Thom who mire to the highmt rank se sccoontentr,
me requested to mil and examine the credentials of OM
InaUtutimircon Monads atom Manfred Merchants. Bank..
and Arcormtanta In Me City, who have been trained
for borinem halt Abo the emphatic testimonials of the
American Mutilate. the Chamber of Commerm,and many
'of the loading Merchants. Bazaars and Bank OlDoetx of tke
tgtyof N. Y.,APP.sioll V t -the Immo! . Dsirs North Armri.
can Amonntant," amt . Warn Memsboat Am:mutant"
= LHINIMERIZADS--Spratt'sTatent.
JAMES riatcso24 (maw. AGRI% -
Inpkigs Depot.,B6,lVopli rireet,:nuburgh; Pa.;
strutted LIGIITNING' RODS fire'
strutted that they' cumot get out at mint The ha
m end Attachment. , fitting mnarstely. the Points
end Magna... nmimlled—MW erbate e
namental. end without dispute ttbe being
nmontectorett. James Jaebugm MUMb them .t 1234
matt per hot, and 11 for Mat .#1 Magnet. Price et the
Mare; 10 mats,
timatlennen rapettrullylignetted to at Woad
and ectamlne the about where, also, hr
the Agent MY
be seem. . ' my2tthT
Philadelphia Carriages For Sale.
a st
o rrei c a . d
~...t iont. l , l aXelphla,llsqt
handl at flesh tteT, ixc tiejhografre
Tavern. tm the
0. , Stenbanyille Tortola, 13
miles west of t o,_,elarge s tleortanentot IEMJCLP3
of all lands,g=lle.hil eral . priors Mao
t o
mat be
From the ezherlanee whieb4to tbe Indoem.nd
leeetlon rend< heretofore, to these who
borfavored tam with their , feels mean:4ln
mythic that he L render an araortment to roaroste with
=Tin market. both NI regardlontlitr awl prim Femme
dela= to hordzase, ere referred to the wards of eflyawo
Carriages obi by him lad sedan. "
The dbeeriber, eveethag totmatimm In the basins of
baying and selling Lased.. keep on band nod hut ear
tom rade
ndrotT . I • Jtr3gY.ll IS MTS.
larla • •
EOlt the care of Co6ghs, Colds, Hoarse:
nein, Broschttb , ,•CronpjAethros. , WhooPing Conith •
The unlthros rumen whlch hes attended the' toe of thht
prewelkm—lts sal Inez: effeet—Ste power to relive ond
enre affectione of the Inture, Lao. italtwet for it a celerit/
oinalled by no other medicine. We offer It to the deleted,
with entire confidence In in virtues, and the follbellef that
It will rakdse and remove the severest attack. of dleenee
opm the Moat and Lung& The.. result& as they be.
come pohlkly known, rerr naturally attract the sttentkat
'of medlcsJ into, and phnenthmtrte ever/ether& Whetie
their opinion of Chem Pectoral mar be Peen In the 101-
'Prot SsMiteiT. Med. Cable, New York. enrc—
at me Wearers to certirr the value and effeuT of
P.tarel, which I consider Peculiarly adapt
ed tom= Um disease. of the Throat WI Lunge
The nt. Rev. 1400 /MOP Pm.P elite. In a letter to hie
fr . ien a d c 'T ry - sth ! e s eMt d er o r t y i ng Pa t u r n o d l e . r lit
a a n ff ym n l do.f
Itiee•You eellet with the Wee.. of Dol that ,
Cum) Jcsrua Emmet Lotilslane, writ. "That a young.
danalster of 00. was en i ed,of wend .attacks of Croup br
the i
ASTHMA AND ,imoNcurns.
The Canodl. Journal of reediest :Science nun, ....That
Asthma assi Dronelitis coo prevalent tht• 10010001 010
matt , witlremtrising rapidity tnAyara 00.0.
rrTT .d u•sk csrusot toe strorua in.kunend
aal ,l n4Pmetion ion.
the profession and public genes ,
Let the mllered sufferer lyeaa fur himself:-
• ' IliattOon, don. Zi1847,
Dr.o.',Ayer—Dear .kkkU" fr . = •
indriftend dieesoa lomr osedkine.inatMnie
Mostbse Us you. but fur the IMo rfonms=t4m in mt Tdc i a
. •
A Might cold noun the anes. neglected et fret. tecime
that spitting a blood. • sintent con. end profuse
LOA sweats followed and fienened upon bocame...e
roadatsd.could not slee. wini dlstressed by mr ednEtb ono
vu .ey,,,, g b my heat. and in meet bulallches.larz6F
"..reme of quick conenmotleu Roknediciresseemcd it an
p. until Proedenuctr tried . Cherry'
portant. sr Wu Mon nikored .1.• has mltrowl moo, •
• 00 , 01, With M.P.Vto r _ a-On:WART.
' , Asst.', N. Y., Avu ism :
Dr. Mar, keeerell—Deerliln-1 have for yearsta4n
ted nab data. tbe wont foam;
of o
to sleep In 19Y for kl•ktfrol 11 . time be.
Inn unable to breathe Cm MT .. , • 4 • cresx
t .. ruproactual Mr FilJtikillnlMAMMeliu,
p'te alrimmd. your
• At: rst smemel to me. ma none, but to Ins tbs..
esperienos the 1.01.=/ !tile XV=
ln% sod nor, In lbw week.,
is entirely..
woe& I ran sleep on my tad with comfort. .d etuoy
lO U ‘4 b ' ith titiOTr. &UM:NT. i
art:,h.AnTr‘olootTriT'rettinhirli. TrAno;"
eend. 43 Market street. end 10.0 Deuid.e. adieliberis
- .
tillarA,l" 7rXLECIRAPit oriler.,ll
• July 1851. j
' The steamship . ,fme.rieS;foiti Llreipool,
nthlnetaft, wltli,
dates to the th catirlil tit '1 tt'tbielt
this everting,'. with s' large Sal sidnable cargo, .
find C 6 passengers, among.' whtsa was Abe new
Lord Bishop of Bois Bootie.
The America experienced bead :winds doting
the whole or the passage-
The steamer Humboldt, of New York, lan
her mails at Cowmfon the 10th. -
Queen Victoria's visit in state to theeity and
Italian °petit liciusee hiving engrossed all the
attention of thetreek, the - receipts Of the Erbi l
bition on the 11th Vere only 2,000 pounds e'er
vairoot, July 11l •
Cotton—The market throogionit the week his
been dull and quiet; and Prices of all descrip
tions have, given way. American ordinary to
middling is full id, aml thebeiler .qoalitles tine
farthing lower than on th eprevieus" Friday,—
Other_ descriptions are. about one-eighth lower.
The salmi ot'• the week are- 84,000' bales. j The
. .
.jtiotations 'itiefair bowed; &id; Mobile, vga,
and Orleans 6d.per lb. Of the total isles of the
,week, speoulators took 1,300, , and erportere
• The. Manchester market continues inactive,
and the tauteney is sigratiat sellers. '
Breadstuffe—Flour ie claimlograore attic:Ban,'
and has slightly improved; western canal is quo.
ted at 20s lid; Ohlo 20s 64€42.18 9,1; Corn tacks
fair inquiry'at last nuotatiens ; Wheat in firm,
and prices , tending .upvmid. Bettis quoted at.
fis BtlQ6s; white and mixed Gs gfis 24 14 bn*
Provnions—Pork 'and . hams are neglected,
Bacon is' in moderate demand at fell prieestt--.
Lard is one shilling hiwer. o:mese is unchang
ed; some old has been taken !at 26@,06ts 14 met
Groceries—Sugars' are in limited demand, and
prices are generally lower. Jea is . firm, with
a fair business, both st Liverpttel' and Londoti.
Molasses is . confined to small transactions only;
and sales to 'any extent must be qt low priced.—
Rice is firm, with but a Amer
is quoted at odol7e rein. • i
The Sardinian loan' has declined per c
since it was first leaned: ' , l ent'
Money—The market has undergone no change.
The etate of buelnese is: generally quiet, and.
Runts are, without bi Friday, consols'
closed at 97(397 1 1 , being an advance oetpue per
cent titer Thursday's rates., - American stocks
are unchanged, excepting Gevernment,
which hare advanced per ct., Penna. tires
bps declined I; Maryland. ones are quoted at
' , The returns of the .Eink of England show
the increased bullion of theiweek of 10,000 pounds
HA. -w, duly 143; YBLi
' Cotton—The market ie dult and beau,' Giles
.800 bales at a decline of from 1 to lif. Very
ordinary Orleans to quoted . at B'2f "4.,1 cwt.
There are reports from Irelune of the re
pearaare of the potato direare, but °alit.
AL de Teequevillehas presented to the Ass -
bly ids report from the Committee on the
ion of the Constita4on:. The' repart slave
. ..
in favor of a revision, and Is remarkable fo
impartiality and Candor) ' 1 , ' '--
_ General Fabiii will propose a motion foie
ing a constitutional Assembly by universal I.
The debate on the report 'or id. de•Toet u
*ale takes place on tbe.l4th..-
the Council,of e vote.of 18 *ga i ns
9 have settled The respotudbllity Of the Eaten
tire power in conformity with the"constitntion,
a provision of which raiders it high tresson l .for
the President to subvert the 45th itificle of the
unto se July 9 /
The Native American State .I.;onirentansr.i.,,... I
thin morning at nine o'clock.,.' Some difficulty
occurred in reference to the choice of a tempers
ry Chain:sus, and moth coufadon, for a time, •
prevailed. Committenwas nitimately.appolnt•
ed, without the Chairman •ttiving twin thoien,
to report officers, who soon after made a report,
selecting JOS P. Verse, of Philadelphin,l as
. As he took another scene of coati-
he Lk.— the Omit, ..
aion occurred.- The dis' order was finally quelled
by the interference of the Sheriff, when a portisi;
of the delegates withdrew to meet at the Slilk.
speare Saloon.
The business of the Convention them proceed
ed. Several 'gentlemen were called on for ad
dresses, who briefly respunded.
A committee was then appointed to report
resolutions, and after .retiring a short time , for
that purpose, reported a eeriest, declaring at:On
ly for the iinion and the Compromise measures;
nod declaring it inexpedient to-make any State
nominations. The resolutions were adopted
unanimously. •: •
A State Committee was directed to be appoint
ed; and.= address to the people was ordered to
be prepared. -
The Convention also repudiated the American
Standard, a newspaper published at liarrishurg,'
ati an opponent of Native American principles, '
and then adjourned rine die.
diamuseueo, July
The seceding members or the Convention or
ganized temporarily in the Shakapeare Saloon,
end adjourned to meet at two o'doelt this atter-
The 'tenders . met twain at• 2 o'cloik, 1911
nominated .iiimber beaver of Schuylki ll , for
Governor, and a Mr. McDo nald, of Armstrong,
for. Canal . Conunissioner. .11te resnintions re,
ported reomniended Garrett Davie, of Kentucky,
for President, and De Iteynell Coates, of jNew.
Jersey; for Ylelf 'President.
No nominations were Mode for Jodges of the
'Fliprenie Court- • •
The schooner Sea Gull from Havant", 'on the.
17th inst., arrived at Savannah. She brings
news that the reported insurrection at ?auto
Principe is a hoax. When the news was first
irceeived at llirnna,it caused the greatest ercite
ment, brit had rinse turned outto be antrtie.
There map still be some error in this report,
93 there seems to be some difference tolstes,-
between the Sea Gull; and the Cherokee which
arrived at New York.
DorroN, July
, . .
' The steamer Canada, for IlaLiras and Liver
pool, sailed at noon! to-day, with' 62 panttigers
Dad $16,000 In speeie..'
DESTRUCTIVE FIRE.-1.093 'sBo,ooo.
....ALTIMOIIII, July 23.
A destructire fire occurred in this eity.M-day.
The extensive paint, oil, and glass warehodee of
Baker & Brothers, on the west aide of South
Charles, near ,Lombard. greet,, wie totally de
stroyed. The betiding and contents, all of srhich
were owned by Baker & Brothere, wee insured
for $22,000. The flames spread to Cannon; Bert
nett & Co.'s auction atom adjoining ;,and the"
roof end upper stories were butat,:causingdam
age to the amount of $lO,OOO, which Is insured
in the Hartford' Insurance Company. The dy
ing establishment opposite was also mechldam
aged. The fire is eurposed to be the worklef an
incendiary. •
Erne*. July
• The Camden Binh, to Any refused to •
is notes in specie. It is thought; howeve
be institution will get over its embarres
n a few weeks. •
. ,
We have o.telegespnie . desnateh'frompie
leans stating that A„ C.
llerablie, has been nominated there cdr
. _ .
tlitpaled erelusivel3i frth& PtilliGurgli act: .
--Hasussinso, July
The. Cato - pt-Lle - ye and °there,. again
Penneylitakt Railroad Company, has
decided. A bill in chancery praying
junction upon thn Company, which was a
here on the 30th of June, by blessra. Ids
and Dallas, has been - decided by tho 814
Court. The Court, held that that body hi
jurisdiction in the ease, and on that groan{{
ply, dismissed the , motion for an iojunct
The opinion _w ley Chief Justie
oon. • Judges Coulter and Dell dissent
Judge Coarter,hia prepareiLan-ophdor
taining the jurisdiction; which will be Eli
few days.
Cotton‘—The market is dull and langui •
Flour—the market la limy, with . :
. .
7 - ,.... , :fr!!!!? ;:v , ' , 7 ••Ek..... - •7:;-r.f - .?:‘, , ,,.,' 1 . 1-tilv ,,, -, ,, 1 ,,, -- ~.,....,-,---„,-„, -...i -„,,,. ~,, , ~....,..,,, ...-_, . ,
,—,-, .
.... , , ~„ .. -..-,,,, tr. - - - --.7,..4.' . :-,,,;-,. - ; , .:' , .....;"1 , ...a.:1",',..,.:::,, '.4., ,, :7",5: , 1"'"” t r. 441:4":•C'cr,,,.........42.7..11.137:*'-':',,,7:::7'.;,,,,,r,-,,,,,,,,.......,,,,..
of standard helmeted. , iliaB; eami par
eels at la shade feu..
Graiw,The denumilAW - bales 1000
Imahels new rod wheat el 88€00e ; of neat addte
et 9.5 e of old red at 960 per Mae; sod of old
while at 101 e., Rye Mono tml atilt'. Cora lets
'demand at .01e for yellow,' the mark e t ben
nearly bare.
Whiskey—Salmi et 210 per gallan.
Nom asi•!:nry.'
' Cottonls offering at jo decline; ' • 7
.Flout —The Market Li Leary; Vlasales 1000
bbla: at $4,121 tor stale, and. $4.1 8 &8 4 ,2 5 for
Genesee. Bsles Rye tlottr at $8,67 "bt bbl.
Coen Meal—Bales at $2,94%18 bbl.
GralnWbeat is dull, with no reportable sales.
.Bales 7000 btu coast 66069 n
Irorisions—,Bales new mess pork at $14,75,
and orprime at $1319 bbl. Beef hams are In
active at $l4 111 bbl. Laid ie sold - at 81®81
Whiskey-811mm 24i @254 18 'gallon.
' „Linseed Oil—Sales , 1809 gallons at 78C)74e
fltooks-Lailes U. 8: sixes 1867 at 1161; 1111- .
.nom Improvement - bonds 661; Ohio Obio aloes, , 1866
.108 pffered; Money Ls In good demand.
' Now YORIC, July 23.
CattonL-The market Is hoary, with sales of
'lOOO hales,at last quotation.
Floor--sales 13,000 bbbs at $4 12 for S tate
and W,esteni.
• Grain—Wheat is steady, with limited lodes.
Bales rye at no. Sales 45,000 bushels corn at
581€47 for mixed •
Prorlsions-Bides new men pork at $l4 87,
and ofprime at sl3.per bbl., Mass Beet ie sold
at $lO. , "Lard is in good denand, with sales of
2001dds at ,Bic ®9O per. lb. ,
17filskey,L-tiales of Obio at 24i0 per gal.
, Bartttoaq July 22.
Plour--Bales 400 bids El E. brands at $4,421,
thsoo do City litilLi fr at $4,50 perbbh
Grain—The market is unchanged. •
engem= 'July =.
Flour—,Receipte are tight, sales GOO bbls at
Whiskey—Has declined, with sales 400 bbls
at 171, and.llo at , li c 131 gallon.
Groceries—The market 13 inactive, bat prices
are unchanged. . .:;
The elver has fallen three Inches since mat
evening:. and is now stationary. The weather le
merket :is dull, and prices are
drooping. ,Bales 1000 bbli. at $3 10®3 12.
Whisky--Selim at ITic'per
Groceries are without change.
The river has risen 17 Inches - since last even
ing.. The weather is warm and showery.
:I[ J4 AKE FISH-25 bbl!. Lake Trout, (now;)
Jr' -• J. H. CLNIIELD.
Medium, uad Double c visit, In We velvdotle
mall br WALTER P. MAR/31111k
Je.3o • Wart Meet.
AND PAPER—LO reams ailed, roseate by
bu:n brimuut twarrlT old. br
tea I ' . A.6oll.oo2tMAtin t CO.
HAVE justireeeiyed from New .Ymfr., an
other large lot doom stTIeRUDOW CORICCES And
RTAIti BANDS. Tor sale
UACKEREL-1W bbls. No. 3 Small, to
ITA,•rive and for liakbi
JOHN wet? • co.
50 bbLa new WO No. , M.t....t
P No.2 "
~..Y0 bf. bbla. N 0.2
' - 3D bbla. Nat 11a1tUartioat
10 No. I GI 0.
• - "AI " . Extra PatollyEloott. ET rale by
iIFuNC/I PAPER—For sale by _
3• — 4 es .1 seour3 i :
. nr&:_a (t
:.3 ITU
OTTON-48 bales for sale by _
BAD-1359 pigs Galena, for sal b y
4 1tiriTrio.---..... . RnEY
MArrn" -
a C 9
Jr. . . lw - 14sivragtox.:..._
Pulverised. sad C10r111.4 elopprc best Nor Twit
tam far role Or
It Wad CO.
ill ICE-86 los. fresh Carolina, for sale by
Le poi wn. EAOALEY I oa
IM-110 bbls. N. C. for sale by
Ova. BAGALEY a co:
i t UTTER-43 kegs Spring, for sale by
SOLE LEATHER-300 Sides best Hemlock
; Tanrad Nes York Leatbirr,_fat bT
calTli Om-W Ibts.e m x t4lly. for
D 7 ;u.z
ISu Wood '.
116111 D
114 &ad .1.
PIO IRON ~--f4kgreinrperior, for mile by
)40,..", ---T-.1. --", BAIRD 0 IRVIN.
.110 S i :- . 7 .
~ ,
.. ~ r , male a
mv i N.
_ . ,...... orbtu ___
T .....,..--,.., .... e IiAIRD• IRVIN:
ACKEREr-z1001)blsztio. 3 (1851) for
rale by De3ol BAIRD t
1110 E-50 tierces (to arrive) for rale by
Lt. .1•30
NDIGO• NIITMEGS—On consigtuuent,
A -mill b. oeld chap to claw tbna.
bble. for sale by
VOPLEY'S POT CLAY-10 tons for sale by
.1.1 J. 501100MiLICIR 1. 00.
rifibEt.l) bbls. for sale by
ALUM -6( bblo. !brink by
J. 13C1100NEUESR t CO.
!VIRE BBICK--65,000 (Coal Grove) lire
bandßrick, equal (If not antwealor tba Bans: Blida
and (cc Ws
IaREEN OIL OLOTH-300 yards for Win
vLs jciri reed from netbly. 14111 hi. pals at
b 105.7 and 9 Wool stmt. J.l 11. 9IIILLIMI.
Jx PER.—A superior lot of the above article just niee'd
im sale by 111011 AS PALMER..
ja2l Blarkst
Scarce and Bailable Goods.
OF VARIOUS STYLES, open thin morn
- mc. by MURPHY 13131WIWIttE.--bWadMit
lirtra r trAVojtg,l=ilgraZ
1110 kOllO 0101 Mounting
ittesithin /4 knifed thelr tholeesmortment of French
1.4m05, White (fade km dresae., tr.
thelsy or tomorroer. from Neer York—
/3mm Drag Loma. • 1.17
('OLDEN SYRUP—In hf. bbls. and 10 gal
VI biro. from the Ht. Lords Netberr, for We by
rIVANNEILS' OIL-27 bbLs. Bank Oil, for
X al* to 03 J. sD. FLOYD.
l ODIDE POTASH-50 Iba. for enle by
LEAD -1400 pigs Galena;
0000 M Ban thy taleby
1tAt3143 WATCHES, or Double Hunting
Gold Layer Matclont. tondo vo as to close boa,
e,,wittt gold ease .or to abow tbe face owl at plaanna,.
Parr Coo dlak..tuat raoalrad and tor gala by
Jag corner Market sod north ata.
MIEATIIERS-2.000 lbs. for sato by '
j: jell{e.t W. lIIAVAIIOII.
UCIFER MATCHES-250 gro. for solo by
i,14 Q. A 11211111240.
y — ATOOL TWINE .; -5001bs. for mile by
• iu4 11171[1111'. Ly.R.
ULOODIS-200 tans Soft Tenn., for solo by
AHD OIL-10 bbls. No, 1, for sale by
T. CLAY-7 tons Copley's Pot Clay, No
zt, idrt received axed for br
.isle • EL dCIIIOONIdA 6 IR 1 CO.
PEARL ASR-30 bble. for 8010 by_
. " ' J. D. lIILIMELD.
LINSEED OIL-30 bblo.Oriewold'obrand,
ror do or .J. B. CANIIILD.
POTASH—=4 casks for *sale by '
FIRE PROOF PAINT-10 bble.for sale by
lea`,:... B. OANIISLD.
BUCKETS -50 doz. Marietta make, for sale
by 0114 ,• • , .1. IL CAN 01.01.1%
BEESWAX WANTED—The highest price
litl ta csati em be jukAol . y pittracx Co.
047 • earner pur una Wad es.
A LA TIIIIIL—Ladire sad Albeeme.sisepiM received
b 7 "i4=1...
1. • ' not
41, oim.
Oe Gib
61 in a
FSALE—One Kiln of Brick, Enquire
rndi. A .
PERIIANGINGS—A large assortman
et French eacamerema re se;
and kr sale er ,`• •`•
Jeri b 5 Wool sh
COD LIVER OIL--40gallons, AULT;
kw sato brl9 R. X. BELLER&
' fl LASS-400 boxes Window Glass, assort
101. ed Om, Anita. b,
0f..1 , r: VON BONNUOSST k CO.
41 1 LUN , :*.loo.bbls. for sale low by. ;
tai J. w ale
a Co.
Impoiteil of ;Proor.h.p,ad3lfon.Otiods;
RESPECTFULLY buieirt 'eintri
-.ANNLT IBLIONS—A very 4.1•. t sairstareat.. ,
TAFFETA AND SA 77. R RIBBONS—A assartaron.
GLACE GROS DE./til/N—All AIMS sad prier".
t tartvkl. VESTERGSSAme nuke trod has . ism
sett ro matt sslsrsethar.• '
ORS. Tsaerds.' hock sad faller Cravats, Week and
cr.vmcrutu Rat •- •
'DAPS SHAWLS Art s., AEE-ast iverirrd sa
'l. afar ealors sad DRESS CRAPII.S.or various
SISAM DE CHINE, Earsearts, EerAes. 'sad other Ilas
.enslisr to the Castau market. jrldra(ls)
IlcHenry's Philtulelphia es Liverpool Line
of Packets. _
Sailing Croak Philadelphia on 2 / 1 1 . 44
11th. and Liserpool on the bdoiteachmon
ip MARV PLEASANT:I, R. R. !Axons, !Lute..
S II KANDO2II. Wm. Y. Oardlner
", EUROPE, Netbenlel C. Henisrldietor. ' '
"' 131 . 3111-3thl, Alfred Rlarlth,__Resthe. .
3 "' ligatinAMAXCE, (nrivr,) W . E. West, Hada.
• The . b ore MOW ere bent of the hest and moth wetly
aired now mg the rapid.. of their P. 10 4 04
(beg gni wftry land Arimmemeuts, ore most
they en ...ended by men of eckterwthdiMil kthentriehu
re b. their expnienne In the packet oath..
Petrone desirous of °
bringing their friends freth thA id
Oman , Obtaln certiOnte , Of .plUilaWN .W[llllo4.
mead b
vilgon m&on ththsem a n w d th rth prope r l n m to i r n m ud e Non LW"
itutructlota relative to their depute.,
For the mormience of paimusere 'wishing to emrl ma
ref gWireirr " t=tf , vb"thrbl=hz d i,°•::P l A
the Death or Post Mem, lnibe United !threw.
firErovithit. soPPII.I Muses:arm earning Irma I.ilsro,
- ,
Every Week the Rillovrin thiPllee .111 be fungsbud
Ypassenger of L. years o f arm and overt 2.4‘ lbs. Mardi
2 lbs. Oa tee, it * . b...Z.1%11b . •
K lb. m01e..., and 1 lb. pork. tinder 12 yew* og age,
lbs. brewistngs, I lb. pork, fullallowence of waterer:id roo
mer, and half rdlcuratim of bus., Fug. and "
N 0.22 Walnut street, below Second. Phliadelphim
enroer Sixth wed Ward sta. Pittsburgh.
- • United States 'Hotel at Pldlltrulphin .
ryllE SUBSCRIBER respectfully . unniin . -
ea* to hlarriends ashl the tratelllni
WAIPPIIIrt trr "' Erta i klln k re h oirnaell ' the
Hotel ander the late Proprietor. he hole 10.100117 Ws la
Lro t laggt og4 i m o tgrAthat ti tgteg . slaal h 0001100
la the enahtel , N. enema, bat beee mired In c qzs beat 0011 cide
-17 re,m14.0 thorn/len establishment; and ho arIP
Melt. 011001100 00 Oh. chaaaes Introduced the amp'
♦OOOOOOO Ind comfort of Ladies. Betas tlzny dstenalte
e‘t alre salltfactlan, .
best la a mettinttancroj that
gann.g6 law Apt Po fmely owed on the old UIIIW
YACTURZE, Yo. 41 fouth 1344440 span
t estma. eat eldc.) Pfills,l4lpbl4. -
WI. MAUL —ma I. Canisavt.
ip male timers. Ilarket.L, na1441,1.:
CO., Toba6eo
Corm/Won 74rrebrots,_ No. 4/ Wirth Warr. rtnot,,
1.16 North /Timms. thsilosiolptthr: anal •
. MILIFLR „ I i . , 64.NproIo mm lEL? , , bl, ? . eneral Forrunia
..f, rosalsiunento of Pll,, (
210 1 p_er.Ceat. saved to Cotaitry_ , ffierehanta.
'AL 3: KING, Dealer in BOOTS AND
• 8110Z.1.270. to North SKAMi Arab Phibtiolphi6
boa esareal from the otainsfaetar extensire anemia
seiretel store sir the stele tools. ehkh will be sai a ID.
per oat. less tbaa ran be PILW-131..ti la the titr.,aa' eat
or city arapannt .
lityJera erlllsto Pali to all been a:rebating. ; ; • : •
J. W. Holberton,
No. 75 Maiden Lane, NMI York,
EKNIPATER and Jobber in FRENCH and
0L1.917 VANOV 00 0 DS, Garman Toys.
°•.. Slate, Elst• Pencil*. bunt! &an. Axceadmas Look
lug (Hines. Violins. Ylntr.. tc.
Arent tar Pat.'s , LW WWI.
• Altuautunre Agent to... American Tin
ae, • jyl7,2¢. •
7 Hew York India Rubber. Warehouse,
N. `7 Ifaidmixine, andßo. 59 Nassau Mined;
Fint corner front Broadway. Patten 115 East 7Athgt.
FrIlE SUBSCRIBER, Propnetor of Chile
tablbtanent, would lanai hoe old COMOrteti, sad
merchnnts inenrally, that he le daily nothing from hie
factser Go ode ly large and rorollent stock or EEGs'
Rubber tasouir-tured expressly far the fall Trade,
arid glitch, On., hosier lutiedueed myetal new stet im
portant improvements in his maellnery end osellissallloni
be fee is confident entmot fall giving perfect satbdsrokto.
Special attention matinees to he paid*. the mrotatee
taroof figured .4 plan CARRIAGE CLOTII, of ail widths
from :a to G-4 inel axles. The drilla are earehOly imileetad
from that:est bread and *mad wittatto Must icumorltkh
tiniee wheel to peteuEleather. Ile el. manuttenthis
the rub Clotb. highly troportnOt Improvement re
candy thexerod. by which the cloth b mudierto bear en
exec/ reeemblence to enameled leather. The plain Cobh
rude and sold as trine. Orders ehmild rpeeify the varier
desired. • •
or K62110E5..:—A fall steels of all the Medea etylmi
and Tarintioll. ISM the Imported Pus gabbers
nouded rcrwirtal Oloss—embreelyus Men . . Wommet a
t2iildren'e Doom. Oboe., Ebbw!, and Prodala. Women'.
Ported and LION gabbro', s.
h • e ln n toe p b te e t e • , Co•pnt. o .
t m h e e
t f a o . lo Pwroing m , a Ul M fa i r P a r oly u es,
Driving Ohm, Gloom 1.4•11O4 Jackets, Caro,
gime Totem Wallets. ?Whine Belting, lioroltalbrong.
/ion•Cotere. IlmFt Prtolvy.'icrsal Perkin=
der Proem Paper Golder, Air Dolls, rod
together with every lion o nab".
tole maourntollvr Vu * lcanire f d
Detente gobbet Door
Ppritigb ands Goodyear's Patent.
The Ulm. will L. frond • =on Minh MT and pr,-
np ` (1.7 u IlaaL y N.eeh(o,RtOem krell
- TylrZta D 110DOVAE
13hawls! Cloaks! Mantalast•
FS. MILLS. No. G Cortlandt et.. N. York,
t. to wow °vting st hl. Shawl Worshouse. a fat&
otoo of 0.0 and Wioter allAWLg,erarrattart of .0 ugh.
or detach otad Doarreste Wool Loos Shawls. together with
B -
foltv•orttotrot of freiwth and Sienna Square and Loos
( B -ntr.. " Vitr;A l iX2•l7 d o _ &haw . iforlow,
EOM, CLO.ww, Malt Tr LLAS. itaCl T lng.
rttraotu shapes style, rozottrattured _float Adis rat
. woe at tat own troporfttloro, rtortred sordmattrhir Der
• Ilstr. girsater, • •
eNI.OII. alof, throthern sad Weft;
Ilerehant. tto
to th med e stove, .. o
ther 0111 god ws astral-
Ward ar or 00d
to t.Ol.
he adcity.l rea4r•mode Nola for Ladd.' wear.
Mtn, pertor 191110 SNOW STANDS. torszbildttag
Shirt. out Racuitiar. - drenoe4 In tasty rotor. % Prtat and
Cone. at St sot at. earl, • r. 7.43(
Office for Foreign Parente, -
N 0,5 Wall rt., N. York, and 166 Fket st.,Loadort.
&re i :Lin
Adlinformalioa =the Om eualobstttalttrusing
b Wail nine , . reil, ,
Superior Black W!1 and Copying Ink.
:1101NE'S EMPIRE INK, 5 7 Nassau street,
0' Eat lintldings. ?taw Yolk. • ' I
NKr Marl TO TOT TLDt.,
LLtdetsopte dea— —SI ISO • 60
404 2 co.
• 6.0 draUltif4prr nut.
Thls L. the ben artialaknanatarettred. ltd.. they—
. a send CONaliti MK—m.l.loll not =ode; moult,
precipitate or tle.y. and moon.
ell the qualities mph ,
ed tur a vent Writing Ink. suitable tot the Quill. mu .4
Ordrably adapted for the P.. Pen.
The neolerdaned Is prepared to furnish tot. trade al •
tlr.r ter eaport or brow consumption, at Lhy above Thel
for nth., pet up an per etder, and del. - aped In any pqt
o a r f,....,e1„,,tr rturcrd o!ar e 4.. , 24 .a chttg oilm e 17rum t
Ft Lima. et. Sun Bnildingt.
A'S .11114. ti
Pro — fessor Alex. C. Boars Trieopherous,
lJ yrnerwloo seal beautifying the hair, erotica
flow wort and dandralf. mad esritia diseases of the eat..
gland. sad mewl,
mta, tank., e t awilut r z t .
hal barn aseerialued by expertmerit. that Itnef's
bee pludluad the mate effect in euriat z dlares of •
skim etc. of the bum. and .33 tha animal OM- The
followitor feettatoulalvelerted tr
ate r yt Ltre b of mitaihir
ifine e * gmlitlon ru 717.1% It thiefe :" •= 4 ,
peen it • •
Nast Toter. Ls 4. I Ma,'
bed. 134,11.,--Drar 81P—I Irma be. alai with •me
Mamma. eruption of the walp. of • mast •stainalded ober
,srpir. fa, t.h. lanematron year; cad darner 118 perkel
time had the advice of room of the meet eminent PhTeii
eimis, m o
od ham Marl all the preimutions Ike to 4
skin now Meant eithout the butt benefit. 1 timasetrieed
by • hired to try 1 our Triesmiwww.• I did tai • het
pun; nod, to my surprise arid gratllioatione
eared in stout two month.. Pooh the of the
dlionle i t=tres 1 wee pertlall
• r ntOtolutotis Meet, Brooklyn.
. .
Nnr Ten, Oct.= 11330..
Paon Bsltan—NT Dear alr—Abouttero Teenage toy halt.
name out a greet deal, and my bead was much afflicted
with dandruff. 1 war. told by a friend to try yourTrlconbra
n, arid I did en and to coy artanialunerit, my hale was
11 - radr mewl, nail all the ilandrvir diriappened..4
head now tenure for Itself.
. Kith nun.; lam pear atoll 'snit,
JIB TREADWELL, 010 Tiroadwril ,
If any lady or gentlenan detain that authenticity dr the
ehor,• they will please call at Professor A 0 Barry • ethos,
nitakil•gr. New York, when be will mann the nil*
nal letters. ,
Rim the 31111(317 end
Argo., Nor. a. 103.1
There le no remedy ler the permanent et. of takings,
Aral diem,. of the r: d miliortlinZij k rit hja meted
IP:rtr. P VTailin . roni. or Anileeted Couip.ind. I tokam
t le es ,
frWd a l l e,e7e re l " ri Ll ribrerthe alTarelareea
im V..c% iM47=4
rartielee ' of t hekind. It part. rigor to the rooteof
itr brie
d_ " 4. 4 "yO-o,r",,?=r;l77,."A`Zrea.V:ll;;
[LOA. unottoier,. will cure ell amuses of the .erdtt
Net ur amid iad. d e e r awn, and other ohnotkri
der. of the Ala eleatincrie no well asoftleecir, t Auntie
unrivalled. It le mild In large bottle., D.l.O.litronia. eta.
Ifte trol.l:&,'o64'
011149,110. ILLINOIS,
CONTINUES - his usual facilities to receive
‘../ Ftorr, Ws, . 1 . Transhirtm.t. iderebtotUni
OrtlrC i aN and th.4lllTlAZaar:lttaL fm sil
Icefrreun•A-11r5ro.!rm . sbt.r11.; 0 , 4
ith7J7h:rt !Cnot ' ne i
ST. JOSEPH, 1013t3OURL • ,
PT:4IIM COMMIKOOII. and Vorearding Sheehan* an the
. Levee. Ht. Josealv. inn
ROST le Alexander Gaylen, and Loren; Realm k
pi - MU) 0. TUTTLE, Attoniey at L'aw'
aoa Commlnfooti Prn..711'..4%, U.* Ma t
co ,...ufruicny pmemptly asurcred.• cd=l:l7
AOIIN - 11. RANKIN, Attorney and Coin:
allay at Law, and Conn:Erna., kw Um 'o
umaut* AL Lonna Ida, Et. .Plttabdrgh.) '
BaberrneraPltablugln lima. IV. Pavan!, Llamado% k
101111ar, ilrandleas Meehan., John E. Pak., Llamas k
ample, EloCoad I Ow augltla
flebrOVER ,STUTIT, .1306T0N. •
rpm undersigned having entirely re-2
built awl egioutut the ebove entetelve erhablleb. •
Omit, contalotnefin all about three hundred and My
tome, would rt-rpertfttlly give native that It le now
for the recepthet and uvastenutation of the travelling
~,guestendedhotlreof theutintrpe roareuleottes o
f thlt
Moose la deemed euperfluorte, eta t he me
umerOto itsOntro.
rouge which rum beau made cannot b e rrol.tlf atm he
an advertleemeut. Loma It to ray, no expense but been
mu.] to render any apertlatestwerfect.. •• I • •
The furnitstre waertude expreseir to ord , roTirod'“ , ° l
toot, and rat it, ~u w•iniir
will he hung to be of them:get brautlful lielaufer<
Vera. The Mahn rums are capeotoue. sad the home fer
magi will be to arm:hug to to cult tb< eoueee.teoee of
warty and late-.
• eery department wEI be ettudoeteg la an uhessurtloniat
ilgterts r llote 4 H etWarrtirteoWli h r e ins li ir m , th. ..g
•••- Braddack's Field'PrOttety.
frailheMrn Ma d iTattinglon toff =an iti=lett
L now being odd In mall remota, en Ur meat humble
yeh. an
• lama. Eighty-gm acres have hem nom y old this SOLON
to Amaral different individas:la. mite orri . =matt
.boot parti b eilly eMiti boot the pl= amyl,
it, toLarit—trieV Three =ireriVYklab
Ilradokeks Yield Plant Road. whieb new immtir travel
et and the Yonineylvanis (Central) Hallsoto4 On which tbs .
Cam will be running eastward Ilan Pitrobargh tbatgag
by wilt WI. Boats /and tanks erygne tinoni Omnibus
nea will gee travel the Plank Rad; 'and }he Lan will a1'11.72Z-4
'11.72Z -4 rAir.'fftin. i . 141
MlL?an be..awmmodafad .t tb.
Blanzion Comau at a hoteL • •
• , dart. Iff:BUCHANArt... • •
For Sale—Property - on the Canal Basin.'
d i LOT, corner of Perla street and Ste- gill
acr:biftiiinart!" 4 6, l * lgk t iro
c. '" ds.
'err.ortlt Cborelil IIh " VMT. • En7e l tlaq ukri. tb.
fri&lne(eod) .j . 38 ,
The Gloncestellson Wallah' at Gloncetter,
• A • SeW:lecisi
_el.; . •
maaufsetnr. of LITATIONARroad MARINE STEAM
"GINE& Bollattlfh I.OOO3IOTIVES, au, Watt HALAL—
This ertabllaltmeot Itcl the otahafeetoreof &atm Rheum,
treomollnes. llothaa, ha. le blot* 10, T 00, blf W o lard ' o t
loseasteh Now inner. oh the Mew Dehmare , to the ho.
what. oelgtherboal of the Oity of Philadelphia, coat.
f hkehlognpi.lheltheg r bep.
0 _eight hurdled hands. wet tirr b tt frtrtrolittrWarlre
S ' W /1 ARV 000 fret to length by ' ailf kith ou the rim.
affortlad merle" hualltlee Off the- ra ' riast elan of Steno
Wavelet, the thole together oesifelelac hoe of the most
• mambas ertathehmenta 10 the country.. ,• •
Itineobavishltto to eater Into thewill did Ws
a clearable ordtyM prolludge halo:mem..
ititlir="lll2 . • =geieVerj r . 41:42=
eiratloo strambut• beteeen the Wharf helohelng ta
lb. Work., the city or Phltehclehle- • •
.italtr a ce to be made at thy Worts,. No. L 33 Market
&LOT OP GROUND, on . the week side
of Woddorton Mreet..l6o pet .outh of Wylie
WI feet deep for 20 bet front, ma which b
embd mall two sqwied Brick' Derailing now. Term.
°r me cads . lepa of
D. W .
A. b DELL, Attarneys et Lay.
1.10:14. Fourth et, between Smithfield mell Groot.
A LARGE - coinmoiliods WARAWITHE.
Seven Valuable Farms for Bale.
LL SITUATED near the Ohio and Penn
' ylvainlat Banned, vicinity or Salem. Otto.
mm ainKfront to Ittititmcs vtieb. grocd vtilo
" leltre . YOWN thrtij i tYvlvn th.
" nr ft( wltTer and Sl Ite etiOitat%s t r . tv E rt ' for LIN yard...
v o ritarr ' ' thl ' l= °b . l lMtti P arVirrli *
falso winla to donate a pleat of ground. adjoining the
Depot ground, to competent man u_ untsPnti rs o
fint clue Hotel upon on wMg.4 a
C..°0,V1'.. b ar "..I' d ttlVC , .....•th. n el Jim of Pltts
ourgh end Caramels alu between Pittsburgh and Wom
bs: and. Hu .beneflt bailmined from Um Plank Honda
now being construtted tobatid from Sakai. make. lt one of
the mint important potato cm tbe line of railroad Mr a Mat
ebas Hotel. • • VOWS ISTREET. .
6 lit •kw mtnok i' drive of Alinberifmket,arr We.
Jer Ud d 84 7t -6- 'A.±": "'7B
kind, kCO:"
For Sale or Perpetual Lease, • '
or In oat lot No.Zb thiorlginal plan of the town
A B llelthallfronting °lobo" skies of Baboon. etreek and
Al. for not for one or tom yeara, the residue of the
out lot on the LULL eaten:ling back to Mans =eel, lately
occooled as a restore IM.
For tomb Ar.. cinOtte of Mr. MORES BORLAND. near
the prat:gem or of the robeerlber. at Ida aloe,
Mint stmt. Plitabargh.
ADWELLING HOUSE, containing 92
or 10 room', is rood repair. co Feetend street.
besty city. Ilidrent In the yard..lo.o L 1 I
aweigh Ihr a geed... Rent low. acel_poseereion eau be gele
ea immediate T• ,8. p.GAZZI.3I. / 11 . 1 T . 1 . , .
..p.1931' ago the mouth of Title&
Valiable Lot on Third street for Sale..
WILL I sell the Lot on 'Third stteet, ad
ktostAta. Upholstery Establlslonent of Wm. Nelda on
and the Engine Mese of the TlgUent Flee
Coonteny osithe other. The front on Third Meet, It 115
Not, with • depth toward Setnnd street of SO fort, more or
t 0... Th. mi. Is IttAdts. one then:wad in beead..the bat
shoe with Werest tote weeded br Wed and mortgage.
the Lot, payable to ono and two years from the date of
ttele. The title Is perfectly Toed.
jellsl3w at the oCloe of C...3haler ErLLlL Co. north et
yoR RENT.--A three eau brick.;
boo.. oitnots Thirdootreehbettreett
rant mod EMIG the boom Is veil Clashed vial
&ant in the Wawa end shoreorbkb there I. • bathroom
vitt, hot sod cold water. Itotession given hantedlately
" L i r a " V"94lP.ll°PrirtroaLst.
Mottos and Lot for Rale.
LARGE LOT, on , •tcodk Atreet, Al- 7:l*
' legtoloy, tbrlmgh to Rototoooi,trontir
'mato& mob noon, 'nth • depth. of Itro for,t,
Father' irltb • cord Brick Doollban now., SOOAW, s ,
moos. Vor Won apply to AMMON SCIALom , o
Kneen amt., or JOILN P. S.COTT.
QTORE ROOM TO LET, OAir e Ekkir b .r.W.
Mora IteniVai aToTtinirein T
teatit the_dtr. In
the beet loratign=lnoode
i f i eLey n n u
• Pent far the
entre of JAILLI . ;kw. w.
,4 VALUABLE unimproved LOT, on the
lunser of Liberty . ..lld 'rectory FtS7O2., Fifth Ward.
Windt. the German Wholle Church. 30 feet Dont on Lit ,
eetr, 1001eet deep an racterf bet tri hPrtnif
'll .ll;o—the three Moe, &tea Dwelling Heaton Matti
oared, adjoinlad the above, the. lot being 20 feet Mutt by
100 feet di?. The hemmer le large and ....lent, built in
ot tahult t. and romaine ekreen name. • •
/Do— Dare of very valuable land near dhargeborait.
leu—A Farm of 136 Agri* to West Deer townehi
Iro—A Farm of 314 acres In Literrenee avant', 3. mike
frotia Nett eagle:
• Abo—Yorms In Beaver county, of miens dm and
pekoe. from COO nerve Mum
Alto--1Y very valuable lute In Nauru , . MM.*. Mem ,
Moderate. Mural , . of • • • •
P. a o. 4IL Ferranti...N.
mwraer..i Law. sod Heal betata
mY26 .
na rowth Fl•=b••
rpnr, bell finished and furnished Store,
pkiv rgk e r r u the j Aart OtElo, d Ta:o , strigt
toaaykd o
" • • LbAAz7.B7.7,STI.A"
tsylectl Lrttle'• tt0.14.r.
- .
aria ACRES Farming end Crazing
.roururtirkl., le %Ferree thenty. Imaged on the
lent tiva. w Ithle twelve metes of tie flew Yark sad
Alm-1.001.1 Acne Elk countr. for rale ma ticeoiluvrdsv
ties term. Eherars of LAVILICri a CO, •
camel of Mullet and Tblrtt rte. -
. .
rENTY ACRES of Gardening Land, al,
ad,. under gooVenbilatko., within ow sole of Me
will be told for $.500m oar,•Or* ehW ran, sad the
and balsam the two, sod thrwolwor. IP= pwitiowl.. ,
otßooting Howe or -
e&rter 'Or Motet and thlrstwtir '
ytth members of the Fairmount Fire Coto-
aulotang, ,, Ar b frizt...o o l.: h
(P 4
EOR RENT—A Dwelling House on
Third Wert; &bore and nem to Smithfield. It
N bathes. tartre yard. wnsb Memo. ae. Rill
be rented low and oomention given immediately.
Abo—For S.Io er bray, some lots In the Ninth Ward.
between Nan rtreet and the Allegheny Meer.
SeV.Derlbtatores, Fourth street, near Word.
Valuable Real Estate for Sale.
TILL SUBSORIBER offers for Sale, on "
favorable terms, the following Beal &date, I n
Clty of Pittsburgh, vim . •
No. I.. Three valuable thaw etnry brisk dwelikg homing
cot Beand street. between Market and TenT increeth the
lots being eseh 10(htent by 00 dap.
No, .^.•Contal. 67 het front on Third gimlet sdiolning
the Third theebyterith Church, on which to *mead one
_four story brink ws...e,Atest as arise: 4 c mho, en 4 one
two N o t .
Mick wsrebarroo.• • . .• • •
Two late In Pallston, Ikeveremitity,lielourlots
Nang and 4. being about 100 foot oquare.on which torrent"
al one Mork of four frame dwelling's, mid one separate
Mane dwelling, all twnstories high. •
No. 4. One lot 50 fait Irma 00 think otao1; orgatoilte the
above, and ertendlng to the kip of the hill. •
No. 5. Two booth lots. each 60 fork now& and monthly
Mom the road to low water mark, no tbo sin Doom.
.00.0. One valuable water lot, 100 feet on Wbeel. Root,
orith ten
water power
No. 7. One lot oppoirite the water tot. ISO foot front. and
to the tap of the hill. oh which 14 eroded one
two story brkk oboe and weather., 20 by 50 ken abootui
M.e dwelling. two blab.
No.B. One Wore lot in New Brighton.
lug 0.
a6OOl about 140 feet on Broodeny, awl about MO foot
containing roe, on width are erected two loge frame
dwellings, and one email frame bank, wed as an °Oka
a o atverty was formerly oocnyied T.C. Gould.
thsary pleamantly loatbd. being bamediatelyoppoeite
he on Brklge. • •• . • .
No. 9. One water lot.immedistely below Pailston Bridge,
being about. 100 feet in length, aW extending from Widow
street to low water k
illr towing path.
The . r . ropers add on eery favorable tame.
and ~a 000000 14. „toYAVESII'iIS"II4,
. [Journal and toot
BLOCK OP BUILDLtiGth on the rornerafW•sh.'7
In a end rem streets, end froutinir on the Penn.
oneas Canal. In the City
f retttsburgh.' The Lot fronts
undyed Kral forty bur an Nan diva, end one
hundred and nine feet nine Inches on. Warbington Meth
to • twenty feet alley. Inquire of
DinriartzEß, •
N 0.106 Nut et.
signed offer. tar de a large number of valuable
la g lots, and some, re ry desirable sites Po lewd.-
tortes, In the Borough of Instolngbank. located near the
new Potato &Wool How* and English Lutheran (Morel.
76e rapid growth of Ihrlobsgham to population add
rosnuthetruing wealth. and the rathonable firm as which'
lots w I/I be eobl. will render them a of and profitable In
vestment. flue period.. Teruo tart:cable.
Forbertlonlarsand terms, esser i e , of thournie at
the °Mtn of lieostra P. Olhnore, ~ on Oran( Meet, P ndguedM.
burgh, between Third and Foust streets, es ot BBB=
Symlues and N. Patterson. Eau% at their Mesa In Biros.
Ingham. tat - MOSES B. BATON.
For Sale,
Real Estate for Sale.
I • •Ei` —A • are.onse on 'a •
street blitlifen lifarketurt Perry . . wank kn.
Tifolaef. tuninen. Iletoulm of
mrLS '' - JAMES MIZELL. 631 rater at.
To. Farmers.
To Gardeners.
For Bala
strert.optendte the Soot Otion—
Intern e saltaras l ge t j t . lni
' The Adventures of Pans rerthrlefairt a Eel Story.
The Countess of Lllesburg; by Sumas.
• Semis, or the lo b of I . s.TAg o pigobanis:
i ' let t il:s of 1 5 =11111 or tfe ' s, Awn of tha aut.
The Turner'. Cotopenlon. slttt_lllustrallons..
Traveled's tinkle throntab the 11. $. and Canada.
Hens: or the Snow Bird; a saw of real 111 e; by Caroline
Jr Aleuts.
ilro tat:Mar land, ala bY Uarf
71th Danghter of Sight, a nary of the Prenuat don ,
Not so Had as we Seem; a comedy by Bother. '
• thotlonaty of lithodra. No. XL
Using' Attq.N. 371 .
Firraman's Month y for JI4Y—AO.I.
wader's asst Book, for July:
• . .
Sartain's Ai
- Jr+ ' . . •
FISH -150 bbla - No. 3 Mackerel;
. I Treat gad White Plab;
10 No. I Hsclerel;
Landln, and br nig .
.K.—.• did tt.aater MATIUMER, Er. e . ° o4
muter. will Ware for the above .1 let!
-eradiate eerie.= this day. the tlth Mar" .14 p, ALL
for freight or mange aln heard - j t -ti
f'‘Oß CINCINNATI—The Ask . •
did new * arid tight drat:NU steam boat
ENE. Captain G. L. allniaremt. will
Wire he the above aral all Intermediate taints. Thum
dlggi- irtt lns-rtmAsm. Ap.L.
thtr a '"*.p e ' L l udd
r . ZANESVILLE —The line
• .tee.rESlNlZESl,Cor,toasterorill late
steno and Mormon/on. soma on this elnr.
at 4 ekek.
•,.Por o trench lor parrogo. apply on board. ArIT . •
Nu:ll'g ;M.': *fgaVal l !ga
Intermediate ports; on the Ana rive of voter.
For freight or name@ Andyon hoard, or to • '
stemo PILOT N 0.2, A. Y. Crane, mortar;
will leave Pittsburgh for Wloeeting, Sriniltdb.
gig r V, : c.Wd".4l4lfprgdPltistalicyil: 4
Illerbieetar and Pewit, luiveloelLa.a. Passenge;
' awl Col one d nd - ' this boat rarrolng
during ' the low water n. ' •
Yoe freight or plYaWe. SOYA/ on board. mole
This ypletend ant was built by
the owner, of the Romer lease N
the Melton/I and titteborgh Paele7=7 sod will I 11'.
retTl ' ettowei o si. Cloolonath oboe o the New Cr.
tor z ;4l . ( night poptcr,..
. L ecyltottbatt, or to..
clew packet ateuaer DIGILYAL,Coaara "
tar, Le am performing her mulutr{lrectlytrlps betwen
Chia oitk .00 Wh..ll.ff. learlar Pittabarsb at 10 o'clock
merr Wolnealay sod Malay, and retartall&
'lama Ineeling_emer7 Theaday.'lbunday aadElaturda.
I a r a2 week. ios fraiitaagm.or;.o.,g
goR, MARTETTA AND iabti a llitt A.
INGPOD.T.--The Ine steamer RACIST
14=astor. trlll lama forth nom and
pnto non Shun:lay. 0. 4 4 . 41..
nr trot:lt or pann e mar oo boon or to
mehlo • T. W 4301 , 8 a sos,
Po. el Water Ind CZ Innen..
SUNTIgH PACK) .-The fast ntualng
Lemur WP.LISIVILLY. BMA. B. Posugorill
ruu us • teavisz P..k4 WM.. Pittsburgh. ltitbssliss6._ ,..
.„ ' ll alteriaco 6 : 9 7 77l... t eor a Wnl B lr . ille h lrrthen t :r s ilLi, "b or whon.. big " % .
IlrittritrortAbi h sad Sunfish; returaing,losoigagoog.
aften=. " VO;V : gror '.
toiut. or to ", ifib2Sl W.B. WIL6MinaT
➢OR 211 E CORE 0/
A MONO the ntuctierous dincoTetiee Science
Ty; here Ins& in this getersilan to hutilitate the basinset
et We, etiormant, and men prolong the buto
of Imam .blase. note can be timed of more :minim
to mmkind. thin this contribution the
Heeling Att. A rut trial of its +Whom throughout ads
wasteonsary, has preset beyond e doubt that no medicine
or anadruttion of medicines yet known, eau so sorely com
trot and one Ms ammo. middles of pulmonary diem.
which Mae hitherto swept from our cadet thomands and
thounsule defy year. Indeed, them few
eoit to believe a remedy has at leugth been found winch
an Id rolled on to cum the most demermati edentate of
the Irmo. Our sumo here will not Denali on to publieb
any propartion of the cures effected by lts me. but we
present the following opialatut of eminent nom nod refer
further weekday to the Medd, which the agent.. below
named will dram be ',tempi! to Walsh tme. wherein ere
fWI particulars. sad Indleputeble mad of these fads. '
From Me Pmidewl of Amherst a 410, the cdebruld PRO.
..lernee C. Ayer—Pla heic need your Cherry Pectoral
to my own cm. of deepeeratal Broteltigs. and am saddled
from Its chemleal constitution that it b u admirable ma
mma for the relierof laryttelal sod bronchial difflcultks.
if dr oDmbt m the its sinwrior deraeter can be deny
weim, Ton see of
. 11 PWA t Ihrtlittli r" th ird'
ham he Moldy moorants PROFESSOR AL
• A, Alms. of , Cheatham 311
Yale College; Mamba of the Lit llLO...troin u ra' am
&Mutt& &Meth's of Amnia. sad Imotw.
• .1 ddm de Cherry &aide' m admirable commeitian
bore some of the but ertleles in the Uncurls Medea and
a tay entree remedy for the clam of datemes Is tame
Mil to core." • New OATUUCL.IIIoe.I.4II4B.
MAJOR PATTIROX..Pmedeng cf at B. O. !knee, obkho
that he hes twed i lie Ca reMnel, with erm al derr nos
em,to cure an dem ' ,
hem rhasicites bitiftem.
BLO:4, Me, April MUD. '
Tr./. C. Ayer, lowell—Dear eh: I am now ametantll
Ming your Cherry Peciteml In my prsetice, and deer it to
my other medicine thr radthoneryeamblalate. Promoted.
ration of many wren cum / am combed It will am
contha cold; and dirmees of the Innnnpp., UM ben pot to
detente .11 other remedies. I Inveriably ...moored hue
In mem of caostmmtlem, mid amkter It =telt the best
rim re
Imam far tbst disease.
ilespeettedly 700 x,. L EL 0611.11.121, iL
Prepared rid sold by/AMES C. Al lit, Prectimicb.n•
Ir go= n eitrough, wteamele and Ming: by B. A. PAR.
//MOCK a 00, seat J. do TOWNSEND. .
OL m Aec
Aildhethr ldhethrCity. by It. P. AMMAR= sad 7. PPS
and by Draught. gernetally. ye&htirffater
•A Valuable Improvement in
DR. BARIYS if¢nynrr l "taw
23, salon from other T 1
satlyr''' aa s vellvenalsted ends
'Wall Tress - ore cart he f 0 rettulatel ss to it
tarlatan ht the motet &fault twos of Heals.
increased to acme any tome ashy& The yr
torst, and bean Moog ht to hew Immediate
hersal opening, sad stlcrollog hated tomcat
'hem at all time, am under the mat riolet
1 , 5 the use of tale Treat, teltenmlleelmseV
g arsarWstlem, the r :ay ottel . Lacerate ' Or r
toms. ',Meth Is o m* ea notes-gala =mono.
log of„ Illy adapted trurtvr. /t ts yery cemos,
for iscrsons sflaled .111/.%11ie to sabot a aunt
ply It thermals . .. Ills Ls tat practice. ahleh en be
east only by those vat araterstard nn of the'
mans a:teted in hernia
We troold mom meat/fully cell the &Montan of Thai
dents to tats
ho as. vs toor they alit slarrodets la
eslnet , . We also hese a turkey of other Trusses at Use
lowest iniess. Whist Troves ant conetuntly on head.
- &Unit MeDOWELL. Una.
/ID Wood et, Thasborgh...
Hard's Abdominal Bnpporters.
%M w ESE SUPPORTERS are intended chief
forr th e cure of Prolapale Pboi, = oal all 00 dice
eves het, machantral "Hamra them Atelsabal Cleers
Is npoutreth Thee Lien parteet thepart to the abdosulao
organ, and may weakness th. esestort by aIL. 110 die.
eawo. produced by a wof the ablomthal mac
are Prolapele Uteri. Falhase of Um Pelmet% Pflwa tkettre
rte. Paths In the Doak and 20. 0 .1. 0 0.tcht* atat
Feelings of Prostraclon, Broeshltis, thortrows of Bthath.
Palpitation of the Haut. Dyspepsia ard opera! debility.
j 42 - 140 Wood 0.. Pittsburgh. •
Ponce Noce. r. Va— Oct. 4.1647.
. W. It. E. Pewee-01 your Vern:Hoge, I ray relthcott
hesitation that. heel. need it extenrirely in my practice
tor the last four or are year", I think It decidedly th e beet
preparation of the kind of which I beve l. = knowledge,
nithongh I here heretofore oe.l th e pre on of severed
other mannfactuntre. Yours :velem-WWI y, ,
Prepared and tune R. E. BELLEEtI, 07 Wood K l ima
sold by drags:We ndly.
TUST opening--n very excellent assortment
IP orISIANTEI, MACES. az from 45 to FA all warrant..
" t= 4 31%1 Cloaca for ilota mcb. wccrF4t ,
`d—th"P enough to 1 t 9f01. 0 7. Z?i aw vtk..t.
mrls comer of Fourth.
111.131 P-130 bales NI D. R., for sale by
LARD OIL-10 bbba. for &ale by
2e4 Kum a oa- Zolrood .t.
WHO WILL SUFFER for the_sake of -ea
• v Deal.. 7
fort ale .11roort`e groat Anwricaraieuic ,
'" 11 b*511.0. RELLEFIS a 57 Wood stl.
Olt dollar's worth ham cured the moat 1111 cult. cues.' ';
'FIIIMOTIIY - SEED-34 bbls. for Fade by
Ida J. a K. FLOTIII,
CORN -500 bu. for rale by
R AIIRELS-200 new Flour , for rale by
it . • J. S. DILWORTH. OU.
POWDER-. . . • .
1003 km Blanding. In • Slikeklnn;
i IWO I . II to nerxek
NN II JOS, In 3lngselne,• Irk sale
per b, (let) J. S. 01LI1 Oltrll i CO.
SAFETY FUSE-2.ti bbls. to rative,far ii;Lle
br - ti , _) • . 1. V.IIILIVOILTH k CO.
_ • ___ -
CORN -4.3 . 1,b19. -for sale by !
IDTA 9.1 was Ur Front A.
poTABII-3t) casks pure, for sale by
ies J. Jt lita,94
v v O9/. TWINE-500 163. for saki by.
SPIRITS TURPENTINE-10 bbls. (to ar
Jel rive
4 ) for rale by J. KIDDOO Woad M CO,
jrA !nut for reset fur rale= bW. triker..te.. by ninch
•wring of 13 put rinit in flour Li vilerunl. Fur nile by
31 CLU7CI t CO.
• Yini. Liberty
.MOLASSES -- - a 4./ bble. N. 0., for sale by
.1. a a.. YLOOD.
VlSll—Mackerel, Shad, ma Herring, for
~. by . i .',k IL FLOAT.
rriut-30 bbls. Boston, for sale by
11 Jr. 3 7.6 R.7ILOYD
-100 doe. just ree'd add for We. erbelteale sad
.j t eT.l r al 11 7 c 11taaldard.h.
ell ' L iver Pill s•
11L - • R m ""'.
L t tuni t t . y. E or 1 8 4 , 111rib:1g nt faros of your Mammal,
Aliot two
Med toream and other .effeets of thin
me a n diens,
that my . 11 1 was despaired of. After other means had tail •
abialel. to
rnur pm &
and I must say that Mier Matt; ono boo mod a half I
base been restored to seasonable braltba which I enjoy et
thin time. I theretoro Oda pleanve in recommending
them to others altlieted dub direaste of tha Lien.
room rentectiolly. 301170 Gioo7ol'Js.
All other 'Mkt ealtdi "Idea er
yr em ar
re d m uucer te
b s
• WWOII . The nlu R.OlOL.l$llO Wi od t. y
X. Bazin's ( Roussel) Perfumes
for the Rundterehief. i•
- •
XTRACTS of Hoge, Orange FlOwer, Jes-
I 'Verb. Sweet t
iti, ' 4ust Mr Caroline, tieranenta.
llocuseline, Tuberose, .I..rdamot. Camel:A Ithemmahs,
Jonquille, J.4ckry Club. Inn% Marschole Spring Simene,
Clemente, n Jenny !dud. o.oote.'ettroarOo Root.
.0 Renee , . Musk, in one out. both.; with Atm mop
Per,. All the *Wee Extrane,Whlch see only, part. of Ms
ne of the Trty best daalltr, being mehnfer
toted with enemin one. , The *del:W . ..3les m=de MOW,
myetry. fully ten the high estimation In which they Are
held by the connouldly. Soy role by
wl7 '" .• • 11, n , MAXIM r,7 Wood Wt.'
Mite Paint.
aired mot am tale ettloo. and 9 Word nt
hall. the attOatiou of lloays and Steamboat
.bala Ire have been ItSIMIE An - P .
Irani{ of three 01004114 ILIA eon renomMend to be taret ‘ lor
to white-lead pant In even. rooP , l- lotloth 01.10011+19S
the Ilsta like white lead, mine tell. TeEmtolt, ami otmll`
neatly has n fresher and mote brilltat tone. 14 &Mtn'.
fork3e w d tll ut rub M 1
T mmu m ub tif
wattneellel w e
i o t r h o m u o t uld o
try; andMlt coven ;nor.. sumac. with must 'Mg/AO
tempt as obra9
LAW) OIC-7 Lbte, on
br 18A1A14 IMP for
!jean. awl ' , root
EsXnune Barbadoes, for sale
1 4AR : 7 7 J. KIDD MP:
Itidd's Meditated Liquid, Cuticle;
RIR ARTICLE is intended los family use,
elkoakl be foutSl to the possmioa of avers bat
if a the laud. Sfachaairs who an to constant duster of
'Nary to their pe rs ona throuo voleklent. and the Itsp-m
-le sr earelro tun of torts. 0141 Sad WA artleta to belonl•
table to them e and afters fair teed sill outsider It iacir
This stay errtlfy that tri, the ihslentigstol, ltarttSh Ire.
asently• made sae of Ja.l.l's M.,DeateJ Wald Catlele, yr,
rand br Meet. Penheld &Camp. Illddlototrzh Coat.,
renonsmrsd It to oar proGradonal Crwthren, as
an asralleat substltuts for Shasta. Nuts, In..l.rsaming•
barns. tatts.seshir in bralses. assl all kltsts of Irish intstadO
also,ror 6011. Nips • resust .t_usequalled.
lArthattl WOODWARD, M. D..
" • Ir3l. B. CABET,_I4:
• •
. . • • . ~ .. .., ,
• o , ...Drblari. ! Bthe yreetlAlng pArgid-V.I. th. C M''' .
- , For ob. by ', R. L TAU NESTOCk & iXt.' ..
.He2L - 1 ' co.. Wocd sod ?Ira fts.
DR. JOHN. BVLL ' S sirisepeatme
rIS put - up in quart bottles,' and con:
talus the airmail of bor.'s= as saiar-b,E.P.
rat . g . P.l.stio f ta I. dewier.
.rewe= r
Iritao been a roll estabilead get d' a raare :haat: that
Berunarlia. earn purr lie 4 proterls.rea. Irze the
eta, u-pe panacea for all dimwits on Am .a Int
=ate ef the blood.' the um of mercury, jatenneatio.
evil habits In Tooth, bareenneea, ite. We both
00000 that Jal rll LIZ'S EXTRACT Or EiLlOS.Liht
guy,' le the oat wreparatioci before the onion.> that it
ttrietly seienttfus lad a 0012rtie
struteth. The Betwarills• Oneonenen
to . 0 .077 04,Pre WU Is satiieet to
ttrietett teatn, Inal geoulueuee• unending.,
intlll giantaparilla too We. the virtues of invent
otber valuable minute,. tenether fuming thlo b. 4 WM.
=,..l l lo:4lociag Lb. gregtost mutt. agent -Ito the
• •WILL COIL W1T116112 TAIL!
BvoPolaor Kingir Ern. Caner.. Timm.; Eruption, of
• , the Skin Cbranie Bore ET., Einp
worm or Totten. Bold lthrnaie- •,..
timm,lninsin the lionelerJennii..";
.• • Oki gores, Wenn throning - •
ft eh ilithro • . •
; • ° in DYthr n,
lieth, -non
r• •
ce. micingfroos
the um of mercury,. •
Plan the SMe end flhoul
. .
dernOhneral Debilltr. Wormy Lune .
g ''
temsidgice, Coatier=ozflig? t
Pithawy ' , Aileen and ail other disarm tetel ' iig he .
Llra ,
c ''''ff a ". M .Lri
'W lerkt= 4 ,
!le and
i = stre i, gg , rite. t uaw
ewe. Ie mar =ld rummer Mirk. amtl general tom.
he for the mama: sad geotle exict ptearant porgattee, thr
rumiOr to .81n• Lick or Camara erCer, salts. or &M-
. . •
The %allowing Is the reebatim copy_ of cerilileatat new in ' •
the pamation of the proprietor. Bull% namenwillse.. ' •.•
new. Y. W. %ahem is widely and . rgeoaraliknown ail an
claque. cod watompllshed mator. the 11. P r amual. awl •-•
Bar. re &emetics has been IMOVII as one of the most tal•
mated and gadom members that the Ironnacky Conhavnai '
nand beast of I. 19.1 r
and at this haw fs
the high and evaptesible • • ti or agent r the IL 2.
lleait•rn. Cut the world as blt, or to
mtlernotorp testimony to (mot of my medial.? • -; • • '
Better Testers.* than erail'orr Offend &tremor of • -
• -
. • . y .• -
We have used John/has Pi= OMIT km:MS
itto be med... entire wataractios
we hate no he.
Potion Meta.. that we It. be a aro and ral.
able mond otannunruit
a nd calculated to ...ea made
eraheedhe ninon otath enahriog: ang wcold eon:rine
r rsl
tir 7.Te. figlkt "
B. 8TOVZI:M.):1. ' ' •
• .6. ILAITTITIIL Chiral OLIN.: •
Bow we en admire e dear bewatlfol white skim Land • . •
nary a.m cheek. 'lowan. 110 we me pommy_, oat to. -
mewing this . desidetatuot dISIIII3tIS to be vithd; te
r=tizegunen.r., go.. 0:;( .tut dtwas
ham deprived theca of. and thet too, with ;mat I
the Mao. • Bull's Eareaparllte Is the boot coaxal,
It temaifiee the the Aim by- reiraming mem partials of
moat. load dimmed =Ma nom the blooLnuetlng pan
tie:dirty. (tea 41,1 , 401 2 / 4 gteinf activity
' , rm.'. end chant.. the yellow mad ftrk MElllieoo.olS ttl
the bloom and Iteetnew of youth. Ladies monnot the
am or palnps and talotnna arid ow Hull'. ti.imaparill. • '
the only, ellectnel remedy• weol to the sm. 1. aurae
Meat . and a hint La enough to the ladies
Tariiimony Like Mr Folloiciv, Belden Superfluous
• all as Me Efficiency of ileuTe - &rm. • •
Prom - Dr. L. P. Punnet, Protestor of Cheseprr -11 x,
Imaterl 111ical Ordlega
.1 hare looked oter lle I. or inein eetieneging
John 13raorCarravuud llattacteinammerilmood ham
bedtsaon in saying that they form a safe routroauarurd '
one that protolme well to ehrert whks
is \'AiI4ELL bt Itt.
- "To9= Jam -
wear DR! PYLL'I. " by ttrwintwitnt.te as las
Meek Marine it sirwi 3d/LS/Pt-
Mild: .
leoenu M =ISO.
f',.. I hive examined the preservil rs
oo Oar r.
the atch
preparation of
Joho Bare bantspartiLee and I hilitre the etatotankin m• le an excellent one. iiroit neli calculated to innitiee en al.
math. inspriation on the mien. I hoe. need it both In
üblie au/private Facile. mod think it the toot article of
Lowe. •.• :.• AL PYLES. M. L.
- t Phreleinn at the Lenairrilla Menne licepitaL
sAr.CAOTION—BeIente end sok to the ooheintit DR.
JO .5 BULL'S SARSAPARlLLilyfroa.protac&—...l
bare no other. KEYS • & L DOM 1.,
iglliA2Vood shirt. Pittaburgh, ro.. it hoinoile inn Ettl. 1
sale by D.)L CURRY ant JOS. DoCOLAh'i....c Alla.
&betty city. and by Dientriebs Returrally. ullaiktrnmiT •
firrHennentLetteorrhesorifhltCOrrelselorldenZtratl44 .
Ineont!mews of Ceine,Generel Invention oats profs.. "‘
Depressed Pplrits, and Glans). Etats of Mind, mewed lrf
Dr. Gtrpestfs.Thdrodereltas DookaseiSenaparMwshith '
,sires botaledista relief ler renewing the diontaln or health' :
dltla jtr u tb. the bloaL • It neutralizes hal humors. Mona
unnatural secretions, and glens - healthy action to all tbs T •
vital pow.—
11a ates Wire properties render It pocedisrlr EMU
calif to the slender wed dentate constitution or the fee
male. Wroadistely coardericts that distree r luziterrtwe
CM wad landtude 'so =mon to the female truss, and "i
Imparts an merry arid busdwier W towOrteluX at t 11.7
an ursteraL We bare reiderece on Lie wrikb Wince.
etrouglr to reconizored t6L uvelictue to teaseled people
Who /1.0.12;:4 been blessed with odisittiolt
rrola7sie Uteri; or haling - of the Weal:sof Eva Testa titan: '
ding, coxed by Dr-Guysott's l'—,trwt of Yellow Dock wed
Eareepesills, inter every other 'known remedy ilea Um' •
tied without relief:
• WANICUTca. O. rob. le,lStB.
Mgt certifies that ln7 WA; *eel Z' roars: has e l
under theater* complaint an Ire Tram nelarlY all Lb.
Unto ondliteal to bar
bed- 1 beet. , for fen TearerobeteittlY
employed tbe'beatteterlicel talent' that eould be pro m:
Shia section of the country. without any benefit arbiter.. '•
1 hive alo putehased every leatromarat recommended for
Weeny,' of Pleb diseases, ell of which proved erortidess.
In - the wine of lilt, I was Induced bY nu Mende.
tir.Dr. Ottylott'S Yellow Dock and Sarea.nerilla, which vas '•
sad for first Swaths, Atter she had anal slant firer •
; soaks, It was evident to all of vi that she eras inellogrhaSi
eta from this time she iretrovefi MIMS. and rental fielth
end ettetrath, anti eke - la new enjoying moat excellatat ,
bone,. • WM. alela 011 T -
-We,' Ixbas nclabbots to Wa. and Julia filcafartnaraer •
that the above etaterseata, as to the sickness of lira, Hai
fort.and as to the care belngerfecio . t by theivett's Ttfikre • r
Doe.k and fiarsaiatills. art striedy - trae. -• '
• • . YANK 'EDDY
I • 5at.4.11 YOWEII3.-,_
' 4. 4- - 1. ; 4 - 4. -,'
i .. ...
: _Ca n of O
— hoot* Caner, Der.1;11314. '
•. Messrs. S. P. Bennett a Oat—Gents: :tome time in 1873 '
I was attacked with Ring's Evditi my ann. Welch became
Co sore I ondd not use it, and In 181.5 mortifiratice eat In. „:"
1 laolor.d. at differeat times, each ptirsiden of celebrity .„.
Urehlri'my reach; all . told me lay arm meet bo amputated, l.
!Yy the shoulder ta the forearm was full of - manta/
, 4 `.
warm. My !strength et this time Ina m r4pktety exhaust:
oil, and my person Mach cattriatisL .1 continent in Ws
state unlit ISt:, when I wan an ailvernituent(GalinWe i
Tallow Dotk and trarraparillabwhleh 1 reakl, antaaasaiin a.
bottle of ihe article. Co ysett's Yellow Dock acid earraPas
rills cured Ins; I Mob no otter mauls - while mine it:
mid felt myself ecrfactly well lelbor P4lOO ear rieth 1.e.. r
tit, Iliet 1... a II ~ the Slut appuiroree'of the . 4 .0 . . 1 . 3
-ant WTI It would bare aavut me Alms yearn AL . Bata and'. : .
raffiainp„: I nowt runestl7,recortmer2 el-err T...ti.. 1- i:
fixing muter any similar disease, to ~ tuyiatcs Yellow 4
Desk and earasparilia. which sill Tenure there tobnialth.
• , Years, la Krantode, - . O. M. LEONARD. • ..-, ''.l
. , •
CUTS of an agyrarinniiNve of Errifebas. • . !:.
The eonsi performed by lii. Govan's antract of Yellow
Dc.A.4 ar.g.iu......i.ung.. The patient's Craeod
health contlntica to Improve after diwas, Ityyttiveni.—
Oates are rot chronicled until tube Ins tally tertel that .1
there as be no relepee or return of tint disease.- • - . - -
lob -or. lternimer co. rehmlary, lbelit. • -,
8. F. Berson 0.(b.--(lents; 11 iswith groeplawire that r,-
I write you about the very balmy aka-:.', of your 'Ver., d
Dort and earsaparilla ufica my sea. whet:astern been sib_ ,
faring molar that dr„oultui and loath:sne dliesoe. Erreipe:"
i AA with which be was attacked In 1010. trod i. 113 for seed.
el months encoded by iume Cl our been phYsimana, who .
rigid their skill perneverinnlT for are months.vrilliont any,
banef k kaal results whatever. Ile boomoreducett to newt,
feet skeleton Ile bed ulesra fron hie
hip to his knee.'
nbleh were emitinually arch/ruing dlFgoo oglr ollensiee
thatter. Medical and surnonalliiil Men letelmi. nu titian.
aidd that his Mire was .hopelmil Ltinnit gold be nothloig
Mine to arrest thole terrible : gnu:main.; niters:3ly rengthe:
born and myself tbought 'his dissolution gene at band ,
Quo o[ a 1 neighbors (who eimed &dal
. of Ectufnla
with your Invaluable accifeine)eisluel rmr ti.maketriatot
it; and, more from the restless desire todommetblive
Ufa lasted, than CMOs any hope of,genie,/ relierillirietiffea
mesa bottles of your Yellow DoOk and Onieepnrilla, aad .
eommennel using It; and to my otouishment be bosom
to Improve beim ho had use . the tb int bottle: . end benne
he hod mood a half desen bottles he eculd walk
used In all Well.. bottles during the leer 1519, Onto by Obi;
toter Lit he was perfectly restored. 'Crory vestige of Phil.
eisegoth °trot the ionirs. Is rimmed; end be Mimi= In •
perfect heslth a the prom* hete s . lilt recovery. under
the blessing of (loot. Wm:their owing to the use of loco
Sellow Hook and E.r.0.- - ins; amt 1 wore r+. 0 . 4 "'et'
myself under Graf obl inane. In yeti, mod it Is with genet'
joy that I inform you or what Tour Frites:smith has done
form: son. Ecnreedolll , . '•
. •
Fad b 7 J. D. Pau. (rm.....e , rk. tor'.d l'ast.)l7onret
ins" Walnut stmts. Chninnati3Otin, 6,ni,-,1.1..,Ct Carlin
Watt. and West. to shorn .11onlies newt - is' neLlisseest,
J. ELM t Co- It A. Fahnistnet k Janss,.L.
ntteberrett; Beet hnnl, tllettet7 CUT:
L. T. Calmat, Washington; L. IL L,Sle. UnlontOne.
Welty, thsensburs; 8. tonnes ',lnn, :I eneet
Betted; Nset d Me, fluntlnsdene3ley.Ort,lloWien7ebunt
litybennst A Co.. Indlsnin J. K. 111-41 ht; kiltAttins:
tram a Co, I.lrontellls..t. Wits= k Wskneedentil j
Ale-Parslnd t Co. N. Call...nth,. '1.1,31, 'aeon es;
fair. Graham t Yorter; Meroa; Jams 11 , 11 T r•Co. Bat
jut; B. Bmltb, Cones, J. C.Sptelnertnn,Wzrrene 8. L. A C.
8. Jor.A,Cuscle . .- 4.0 ,- 4 C. Cen4ssjc...llreesossChh,... : •
i;egr"Pri• , .. — s/ pet Rattles
BeyerePiano Preceptor.
ELEBER • has just received Barone
. )EI• Mielosted prentpixr 1. 11. e nbich se
• tedniedted nr pentmeitated ratei in Lyls. ttronnTtnid
:Xerox, to be the nest malt of the tlui amt . Vubli .l .4.
Bern. •
tired lumen all ma et theme. enefettn4d eediPmen.
Lou; beginners end punint, has burs Mipposta a rant; tong
and-emerely telt by the titmice intik. rem: *-T"h"...1" 0 "
last. prottremdmiand intereennn tt , the 1,11. both to Mt
xercises and tunes, ants greatly Latin Ltd du . end Meat h
ind the somewhat Wiens tmd irknene
sm and Diane Datrina. Ttre tailoring kensemees she nine
examined the mark, aret:tmte • '
Itssaora, XXXX.e. N , Lbe MlO