l I MTITIFIFITIEKVA DV Yi kl PUBLIZEIL BY WIIITB d. CO PITTBB9-1108 - TIRTIAR,fir 111011,111N9, JI3,,LY 24; 151 WINTEADING M • TIER wiu.llli F.9UND ON EACH PAliik OPTHIS PAPS& Mos ,Law Ai SIX raascusza.—The execution i of a.thiithi the pabb o squire of San Feancisco, at miAnight, by ma compbeed'Of " respectab le citizens," in bold an open defiance of . the offs -1 cers of the law, is event which has canted a strong sensation th ' On the country. Some people attempt to d e nd the proceeding on the pies of necessity, inglhat the regular. nfsad ministration of the w was inadequate to - tht ratralatof the lawl cbaracterswho tuive 61- tested there from nll Parts of ' they world .' 'Ad witting the premises we bold the conclusion to be most unsound a unfortunate; for to .a i4e ernment orgazdzelai Califernikis, there can be tut one 'of two rang powers—law or the Mob. It is'abtaxint thaf'foxtremes meet," and ibii m Cis anexemplification of the troth of the aPbntiam; for , while 6or, government secures the largest libertyrtut ti dl• Zan, a government which names to the ci , a the most perfect`security attainable; so it single step, that of. placing lib erty Amy . tati."—cts they aid—places the citizen in the very opposite extreme of social existence. This is anarchy. In this coalition of the social system; there is no true liberty, no security, to peace. This step thpe men have taken, sad by tbeiract bans infliet . cd a heavier blow upon the law than all the rogues in the British penal cola ' mm could bare donei We rirreatly hope that the returning reason lof the people of that city will lead them to diiihand their ..committice of . P Vigilance," so by ging :theinsdres ander the banner of law an . order, make 'reparation as far us' possible for e - great • wrong they , have • TEE : I:4:4 : • : BOAD: BICEDIA &C. . . . On Saturday last, `we published a comniunica• Son signed on the subject of thelSteuben 4tille Railroad, whiat was in striking, contrast with the coarse. the ribald articles . which have appeared in the Journal, Past, and some olher papers, on the saute !subject. . 4 '0." is ieplied to In excellent spirit, a writer in the Steuben• villelferald of Tueilay, which reply we transfer to on:columns with k..leasure, although we may not agree with, all the positions taken by the writer I • When people resort to personal abuse and ramation, 113 arm donally some pf the advemdes of the Steubenville rued; and when well founded objection., are met by flippancy and evasion, we begin - to inspect they have a bad cause; but there remarks no means apply to the article Of which we e re speaking We believe the time is not remote when rail roads will radiate frem these cities, as they now do from Beaton; through every available chart. net, and to siPtast erferY Point of the 'e9 l,, Paos ; and, that Abe subject of controVeray is, which aughtto have the precedence,. 21in con test nowlebettreen the river mod, or .cirecon bendihne," and the 3tenbentille road across the country. From pri....ent indications they wilt both go On coetrinenrudy ; and .we think it.cery likely that the former, quietly as it is moving, will be the firM completed. Which will be the beast time road on the Fare of economy, of both . . ,and money, is a question on which there is . - much. diversity of opinion. When completed, there Will be a competition between them, which will be advantageous to the public, and possibly to the companies themselves. the Sieubenvllle !tenth. THE BRIDGE . AT WiLIIBEIMILE. Ma. torrim—Permit me to say that it was a great relief to readthe calm, dignified, and truth melbas article of .14" in the Pittsburgh Gazette, on the subject of abridge at Steubenville. - And as he approaches and discusses the . question is the only temper that calculated to elicit troth, and as the whole queistion is one of science and not of dichimation,l will endenvor to furnish :-:such facti as may enable your correspondent and others inteiceted, to form come opinion, althSngh they are not anscient to moire all the questions that will arise on this subject. -The Directors of the Steubenvi ll e and Indiana Railroad hive, from the first, looked to bridge as the, only proper and satiefactory method of crossing the Ohio. They have looked to the in terests of tha work ai a oriole, not as links In a broken chain, but as one entire and perfect road, starting at Pittsburgh-passing through Steubenville, and connecting with the great cen tre of the Railroad silo.= at Columba,; thence radiating to Cincinnati, to St. Louis to the , Lake; through connexions formed and forming at - Columbus. - With thin view, the Charter of the Company is framed to autborize,leo far as Ohio can author- ire it, the construction of a bridge over the Ohio , at Steubenville. The second section of the - ' amendatory act of a charter ' . poised March 12, 1849; is in these words And said compa ny is further author i zed, with the consent of the Legislature of Virginia, or by arrangement with any company, that may have authority fromsaid State, to construct albridge or viaduct across the Mio river at;Steubenville, so as to connect said road with a - mad leading . eastward from that ' place, provided that said bridge or viaduct shall be do constructed as not to interfere with ,the navigation of Said river." So much then as in. • dictating the,views and designs of the company', end'as to:their legal po wer no far as the State of Ohio can confer su c h power. A word in passing,. as to the right to be obtained from Virginia.— The Ohio divides these two States for a distance of near 200 miles. Wheeling will want to erect a railroad bridge, at that place. - Parkersburg at that place, and in due time, other interests will erring up. "Must not, Virginia and Ohio act to gether7on all these questions? . Will State pride -t6 Bay nothing more, permit them to be sepa rated, will self respect ask one party to grant all that la asked, and obtain nottdep m retail:o— lio, It is but a question of time, and calm con. sideration ; for when interests are identical,:tie ' action must correspond. WM Virginia and Ohio, sister States of one great Republic, be . more restrictive , in their in tercourse than the United States and England? The Niagara divides New York and Canada, and yet New York and Canada are smiled by a bridge. So also are many of the European Stet es. that are °flea arrayed in hostility against each other, yet the kettle of common interest unite their territories by throwing bridges over dividing • streams. Can it be supposed possible that in this our age of boasted l i progress, Increased free dons of commercial intercourse, and rapidly ex tending means of intercommunication among the .nations of the earth, that the dividing stream between Ohio and Virginia shall bean Impassable barrier to all railroad connections? Surely not— ified jealousy and narrow .minded selfishness may defeat such connections for a time, but all such contrasted !dews moat give way before the onward spirit of the age, which is the spirit .of freedom itself, just res the mountabi snows melt-ender the softening, influence of the slr. The immediate questions &Volved, I presume, listl Can a bridge be thrown over the Ohio at Steubenville' at such an-elevation,-end of such a srian as tocreate no obstruction to navigation, - under any hnown evaditios: of the stream. 241: Would the cost of each a an-act:are be more thore comperuateil for, by the gain in dis tance eared over any other route between the points to be connected by it. Theta are merely scientific questions. Their solution can only be satisfactorily made out by colatiog the facts or.: ascertaining the premises by which the problems are to be worked, and from which the conclusions must be drawn.— , The height of a bridge u , in itself a question of very Mlle consequence. ' Mr. Elict, the Engineer who erected the Wheeling bridge, states In tots report on that subject, that if the topography of the place where the bridge is to ba erected is adcard to it, abridge may be swung up GOO feet high as readily as at any other elevation. Such also was the experience of the Peinvian Indians, ' !ended. the Incas and before the Invasion sf Pizar ro. Unfortunately for Wheeling, the topogia pixy of the spot eeleetal for her bridge admitted of no elevation adequate for the !meta:him of conitticee. The hridge, instead of being a hor , mental line of sufficient elevation over the titan domed, is a double inclined plane - forming a pointed arch, the apex. of which, besides being veiy i narrow, Is not over the best part of toe channpl of the stream. Th.Oe are the defects resulting, in a .great measure, froth the' topography 'of the, place where the bridge is located. Money might have overcome these difficulties, but the object to be • obtained would,not justify the expenditure re. 'glared. !fence the defects of the ;hole struc ture; but ouch difficulties are to be income- , • tered at Steubenville. The opposing banks are all that Ur. /Met or any other engineer could desire. The width of the stream, the depth and breadth of the channel are sill: f eistier:9 adapted to the erection of a. Snitable atmeture. But venal statentente like these may all be 14er,, ceded by instlummtical facts. Why not ascertain there facts at once? Tittsburgh hos the greatest stake in this question. ',i She hos men on whose Imoseledge and• experience in bridge building. she, and • the world would place ita plicit 'confidence. Who more capable of deter mining thisquestion than her able engineer universally res peeled citizen: Sylvanus LothreP7 Why,nee at once antherite Mr. laKhrep Wilma° the et ''spry surveys and estimate of cost upon which the policy of the Imsunn entirely depends? Ile is named only beestuse he is known to the wittier:this" article:: It Is the doubts of Pitts burgh* teat are to be removal, and let them be removed by any one in whom they can Justly confide: And enta - this proper comae is taken, let the donbtere as well as these who do not dbubts_nt: only desire td raise difficulties and crests efistuaies, silence." Facts and not fancies am what we all want. The former will do no harzn, the latter will do no good. fireungsviun. Asti - CINCINNATI AND THE RAILROADS. The Ciseirmati Ga.stie bee a long article on the subject of theseyeral rival railroad projects aiming at the Oriole of southern Ohio, Tit.: the 'Baltimore and OMo to Parkersburg, the came to Wheeling, and the Hemptleld. After noticing restrictions imPosed upon the Parkersburg bnutch of the. Baltimore and Ohio road, which will render it. impossible to hove it In operation before January 1854 the editor says "In this state of things our Marietta end Wheeling friends are exerting themselves to di vett, the Cincinnati and Belpre line Dom Belpre, opposite:Parkersburg to Marietta, twelve miles north, a point to which the Virginia Legislature say, the only chartered Company to make a road in that section. of their State, shall trot make a mod. If Marietta sacceedi In this theyropose to run, their line to a junction with the 'Balti more and Ohio road, of or below Wheeling, and from the latter place by the Ilempfield road to Greensburg, there to connect' with the Central road to ,Philedelphie.. And Washington county, Marietta, and Harmer, hive subscribed stock, on condition that the road comes to Merlotti. "Mr Cutler, President of the Belpre road, and Mi. Wilson; both of Marietta, hare visited Phil adelphia lately, and tultinsesed a public meeting. called to further the line to Marietta, Wheeling, and :Philadelphia. - In their arguments they spent 'ef the Cincinnati end Belpre road, while all their acts tend to prevent the construction of the line to Belpre, and to make it. to Marietta Instead. The Cincinnati reader's attention is called to the following account of the proceedings of the ;•Phaelelphis meeting, copied from the Inquirer." , Here follow the Philadelphia resolutions, rest petting the Hempfield project, upon which -the I editor makes the following retherehlUittg re-, "We do not object to the citizens of Matieds,l Wheeling, or Philadelphia engaging in this or any other work topromote their prosperity. Our object is to let Cincinnati people understand the true state end condition:of the prepared Cincin nati, Belpre, and Baltimore Railway connection —the short streig . htline from St. Louis to Bahl more. It may be that the Marietta termination Is better for us than the Belpre. Of that we will not now speak. It may be that this Philadelphia movement consults Cincinnati interests, and wilt he of more advantage tons than the shorter line to Baltimore. Of that our citizens will judge for themselves. The Philadelphia resolutions anti -cote a very distinct purposrof bringing to that city the trade of Kentucky and Tennessee, not through Cbuinniti but on another route "to Port month end . Mayemile, through Lexington and Louisville to Nashville." Is that our par. pose , The . trnth is, the trade and travel between Cia-, cinnatl and the east will be in full tide to the Ohio Sad Pennsylvania Railroad, via Spring field. and over that road to Pittsburgh, long be- fore any of these more southern roads con be completed; and the immense amount of bud nets that will be poured upon that great central thoreighfare will enable its directors to make it, the interest of tratellen and merchants to use it in preference to any of ita rivals. It is clearly the interest - or the people of (Ancinnati, as the Gazette intimates, to give that direction to their trade with the east, and thud draw that of Ken tucky'/In.l Tennessee through that city. VALCABLg Paorcart nit SALE. --We invite attention to an advertisement of a large amount of valuable lands in Beaver, Lawrence, Craw fan', and Butler counties- Some very - choice. Lula are embraced in this lot, which will be sold in lota to snit either (amen or mechanics. BIGLEIC AS Ilona.—Rome , idea may be formed of the popularity of Colonel Bigler among his neighbors, from the fact that in 1838, when he was candidate for State. Senator, he received every vote brit one-in Clearfield county, although there was a Whig candidate in the field.—Post. Will the Post name the Whig candidate who was in the field that year 'EVFECTS or WRITERS SIGNISO rams NARESTO ARTISTS! TOR NCRSPAPERS.—The correspondent at Paris of the New York Commercial Adoertiarr mikes the following remarks in ,a letter descrip tive of French newspaper literature "The effect of the law requiring each newspa per writer to sign his articles has not been what was predicted by the press. No bad comuqience has followed. Greeter decency of • tone has beenrntroduced, andthe political articles are pre pared with Mill greater care. The necessity each journal is now under to publish the names of men of character .and ability among its edi tors, and the unwillingness of such men to en pose themselves to danger by imprudent articles, or to discredit by false ones, have, certainly con tributed to the elevation of the press. Serena men of talent, heretofore hid in the obscurity of the caimans of a large journal, have estsbllshed their reputations on solid bases. There is also more liberty of initiation allowed to individual* being personally responsible: for their articles, they enjoy the liberty of saying what they think in their own way, without regard to the poll- tics! direction the proprietors wish to give to the journal. . . °Each of the principal papers has from twelve to fifteen editors, among whom the different de permeate of labor are distributed. La Pres,. employs as regular editors fifteen of the ablest writers of the capital. These meet;st a certain hour of the day, in order to hear such articles as are considered important, and discuss the Me of policy to be pursued in regard to subjects of • Interest." FROM OREGON The San Francisca papers publish intelligence from Oregon to the 7th of June. General Lane had been elected delegate to Congress by a large majority over Mr. Wilson. The branch of the Democracy friendly to the late delegate, Mr. Thurston, (deed.;) bad been routed in almost every county in the Slate. Party lines were not mum/1y drawn, the Whigs and anti-Thar/ton Democrats uniting. The Portland Times of June 7, says that the Superintendent of. Indian Affairs for Oregon, Anson-Dart, Esq., left In the latter part of May on strip to visit the different Indian tribes in the Territory, accompanied by a suite of eleven persons. He Intends visiting the Wallawallas, Nesperces, Flat Heads Spokane, • Carguses, and the several tribes in the vicinity of Puget Sound,. The Oregunian of the same date, says: " The party of immigrants, commanded by Capt. Goddell, whom we noticed last week as be- ing near the Dallas, have arrived at this city. They munbernlnety-eight persns-- having two with twenty-five wagons, and about two hun dred and fifty head of stook. There are several families, among which are sixteen females. They left Salt Lake on the 28th of March, and arrived at the Dales May 29, making the journey in 62 days. • The health of the company has been good during the journey. They were attacked by the Indians on Snake river, but lost none of their party. The Indians kept up a fire across the river upon them for two hours, which the emi grants returned, killing several Indians during . the fight." The crepe are said to look remarkably well throughout the whole Territory. The.nnustud quantity of rain which has fallen this epring has placed them in s somewhat backward state, 'yet everything bids fair for an abundant harvest. • The steamer Sea Gull met with an accident after she arrived inside the bar, at the mouth of the ver, on Saturday, the 24th of May. She ri was beached at Astoria, repaired, and ledt.Port laud on the 7th of June for San Francisco. A lump of gold worth $3,300 has been found la , Shasta diggings. The Star, heretofore published at Milwankie, has been removed to Portland. It is now called the Greve Weekly Times. . , • Tim Hosts or Taser..-11 ow easy it is to be neat!—to be clean! How easy to arrange the thorns with the moalgracefol propriety! How easy it is to invest our houses with the truest, elegance. Elegance resides not with the uphol ster, or the duper, it is not in the MCIIIIieN the aupetings, the rosewood, the mahogany, the can delabra, or the marble ornament% it exists thespirit presiding over the chambers of the dweMng. Contentment must always be most mathl it sheds serenity over the. scene of its abode it transforms a waste into a garden. The home lightened by these imitation of a nobler and brighter life; may be Wanting' in much which the the discontented desire; but to its [Dhabi tantaitis a police, far out-Tieing the Mallet In brilliancy A furious hued 'Cane. acconikausied by torrents of rain, took place in the environs of Charkoff, Russia, 00 the 13th of lane. It occasioned k fearful derastation : all the corn, the gardette and fields are datroyed. mills have been thrown down, and, btidges and elders carried .away. Several persons were killed. - The hurricane lasted two hours and a half: the dsmsge is esti mated at 21,000 rubles. Wallh Gaulle: . . COVIIIITMONA TA W. I 411. Burros—As a correspondent in your paper of thel9tir instant, has referred •to a re. - marhable erealtm of the Constitution of this State by Chief Judie, Gibson, who is at present a candidata fur reitppointment by the people, it is right and proper that voters should hare plain and truthful statement of the transaction, so that each and every one tosynnderstandingit firm a Just estinutte of the candidate's purity and Co, • 'tiled Constitution, which was ;signed rri The einem n the MI day of February, 1838, and went - into cVg l ‘ i srl thrut e cial la t i c ' e ds7 e fgm 'l o m e7n '' 18 1 3 1 to a term of fifteen years, deprived the Governor Of the power of appointment unless confirmed by the &nate, and so graduated the expiration of 1 the commis:4ms of the Judges of the Sipreme Court. mho Amid be in office on the let day alienist-' ary, 1839, that the commissi o n bearing the earti tei date should expire •on the Ist of. January, 1842, the next in 1845, the third in 1848, and , the two last in 1851 and 11354;-thus,; at the. ! adoption of the Constitution, . j . • Anointed. (..expire John B. Gibson, June 57; 1816, Jan 1;1842 Molten C. Ro Aril 15, lEd Jan 1, 1545 Ca_ Ruston,gers, Ap p rill7, 1820, 6, . Jan I. 1 848 John Kennedy, Nov, 29, 1630, Jan 1,1861 Thos. Sergeant,. ' ' ,'1833, Jan 1, 1854 Had Chief • Justice Gibson held office on the Ist day of jarosary; 1839, under his commission of 1816, his term would have expired on the let of January, 1842, and hie reappointment would bane devolved upon- Govemor Porter, '}by and ,&•11.ti with the advice and consent of the e."I - ' • After the eigning of the Conatituti ' and be fore it went into opmtion on the let January, 1889, he' resiped his commission - 1 -1816 to Govenior Ritner, and received from Um a pew commission bearing date 1838, not requiring Con firmation by the Senate, so that onthe let of.lann- 1 ary, 1839, he was in office under the Wert corn• mission lastest of the oldest, thus adding twelve years to his own term by deducting three years' from the respective terms of his brother justices; for on the let of January, 1839, their Commis-1 atoms and expirations would stand thus:} - 1 . a.. maims Molten C. Rogers, Ap=l926, Jeal, 1842 Chas. Huston, . April 17, 1826, Jan 1,•1845 John Kennedy, Nov. 29, 1833, Jan 10848 Thos. Sergeant, 1833, Jan 1,1861 John B. Gibson, - : 1838, Jan 1, 1854 From these facts taken -from authentic n sources each one may and ought, In temperate spirit, to draw his own conclusions as to the 'mond sound ness, purity of intention, and Integrity of-pur pose of the Chlef Justice of Pennsylvania. _ ' FIAT JUSTITIA. Corrapandenct of Ms J3ostos Trardller. coinutugons.--scesarr or WATER. . • CONSTAIIIIIIOP.Z, . . . The subject which most' occupies public atten tion in this city at present is the scarcity of wa ter. The prevent distress Is very great, and the prospects for the long summer, upon which we have scarcely yet entered, are sadly .ominorts. We have no. Croton River or Cochitnate Lake to pour their 'refreshing and unfailing: streams through this Metropolis. Aqueducts there are, it Is true, constructed hundreds of yews before Turkish feet ever trod upon this soil, and they still answer a most useful purpose In! ordinary seasons; though even under the most favorable I circumstances, they never half supply the wants of the capital. The water Is brought! from the vicinity of the little village of Belgrade, about fourteen miles ditant. 'The face of the country around that village is uneven and broken by deep ravines, and covered with forests. Illeasive dams of stone have been thrown across several of these ravines, so as to - Collect the water when the rains fall, and thus extensive reservoirs informed to supply the squeducts. It la s well observed fact, I believe, that In and around Belgrade rains are ordinarily much More frequent mut abundant than anywhere else in this section of this conn 7, try; and it is still - • debated question moot philosophers, whether the forests there (which are found nowhere else in this moaster,) are the cause of the rains, or the rains the cause of the forests. The general elevation of the land does not differ much from 'the general level of the country hack .of the Bosphorous, and there are no mountains near. To secure a folleupply of water, a large pro portion of houses, especially In the quarter of Pent are provided with large under-ground cis- torts, 'built of masonry, and lined with water Cement You will see from these statements how directly dependent we are upon the rains of. hearer for this teetotally article. Our rainy reason it during the winter months. ; We hare .occasional rains through the month of May, but from June to near the end of September our sky is almost uniformly clear. Now, during the past winter rerylittle rain has fallen. Our cisterns are empty, 'and the grestreserroirs are likely coon to be dry. Al ready sire poor people beginning to enter great distress, and the prospect is, that before sum mer is ended, if some ruisemonable reins depot come. (which will then be quite in season,) the rich will suffer as well as the poor, for money cannot purchase that which Is not. Even now many families are paying Large sums daily for the water they use. Water carriers are travers ing the streets continually, with their horses loaded with small casks of water, brought from some distance in the country. • Their cry of 84. kar!iczkar! (water carrier! water carrier!) is heard from morning to night, and to my ears, it has become a most dismal Roan& If God does not send us relief, no one can predict what mis eries will come upon this gnat and thickly pop ulated capital. , Onowisas.—There is a class of men in every community who go about with vinegar fates, be cause somebody feels above them, or because they are not apprecisted u they should be, and who have a constant quarrel with their destiny, These men, usually, have made a very grave mistake in the estimate of their abilities, or are usual ligated uses. In'aither case they are un fortunate. Wherever this fault ending with one's condition or position recurs there ies„ al ways a wont of self respect. , If people deipise you, do not tell it all over town. If you are smart, show it. Do something, and keep doing. If you are aright down clever fellow, wash the wormwood off your face, and show, your good will by your good deeds. Then, If people "feel above you," go straight off and feel above them. If they turn up their cusses because you are a mechanic, or a farmer, or a shophoy, turn yours up a - notch higher, If they swell when they pass you in the street, swell yourself, and if that does not fetch them, conclude very good Dater edly that they are unworthy your acquaintance, and pity them for missing such a capital chance of getting into good society. Society never estimates a man what he imagines himself to be. - He molt show himaelrpossessed of self respect, Independence energj to will and to do, and a good sound hea r t These qualities and essession "will put him through." Who blaines a man for feeling above these who are degraded enough to go around like babies, tail ing how people abuse them, and whining because society will not take them by thecollar and &rig them into decency? We are tolerably humble, in our way, but we do feel above such folks, and respectfully request them not to speak to us.— 'Springfie4 Republican. o_ i/ITLOI9CI OP LISZILIA i s AlllC , fie=rhe LOU don Oracle, speaking of the Influences of Libe ria on Mrita, says : . Liberia, of two years growth, is alone, at this moment, worth more than all that •has een ef fected by the European race in Africa in twen ty two centurie,s. • What a high compliment that tfithe Coloniza tion Society! Yet we have fanatic' among us who dfaxounce the Society, discourage emigration to Webs, and insist that the free colored pope baked the United States should stay here, and here work out their political and sodal eleva tion! Such advisers are the very wont enemies to the colored race we have among we Colded people need never expect in this country to be placed on an equality, socially and politically with the whites. Not one in ten thousand 'of theta can ever expect to occupy any potation than each as they now occupy. How much bet ter for them all to go where their political and social condition will be alike, where equal pri vileges and equal rights will sleeken ambition and enterprise, and encourage them to carve their way Jo distinction. They can be some thing there—elevate themselves in the scale of humanity—regenerate their race—while here they can be nothing but an inferior, and politi- cally and socially plegralled race. , Suppose ad vice similar to that given by the Abolitionists of this c o untry to the free =grecs here against emigration to Liberia,„lutd been given to the pit grime who embarked on the Mayflower and ed at Plymouth, and others like them who left the old world on account of religious and other oppression—euppose they had been told to day at boon, that that was the place of their birth the land of their nativity, and that there they should conquer the prejudices against them and work opt by their own right arms, with the assistance f.of the Almighty,, that equality of rights for which they conteaded?—arould we be the great nation we floweret Let the free blacks of this country Imitate the example of the. Ply- mouth emigrant l, let themgo and founds nation, uhpre they can earn out for themselves an em pire, and where no distinction of .color will deny them political and social distinction, That, we are satisfied, is the only hope. To fellow the ad vice of the Abolitionists and remain here, is but to continue their_ degndation.---Cia. Genii.. A ttoi-dondo . incident occurred a few dos ago In the court of the Tribunal of Filidsiere, num Orleans. Wlllbt an advocate was pleading the judges, prectireur of the Republic, and reg. ietesr suddenly disappeared, as dowis a stags.. trap, Theelerated flooring on which they were seated had suddenly given away from the rotten ness of the ettpporters. dweePors or . Gewluts.' Jacesoz.:—The Hos. ;;. who wee $ 'Baptist preacher and Lieutenant Governor, had at one and the same time bean in the service of the Lord, and of the 'State of Mole, dimming dissatbdied with the bosom er profits, or both, of the posts he held. detensdned to resign thine, and devote his time and talents to the assistance of the administra tion In Carrying on the general' government of the counby.. Accorlingly, he , went to Waabing ton, andlildhis issebeforethePresident. Resta-, ted his pretensions and his wishes, narrated, ati somedeagth, all the prOminent events of his po litical life, dwelling especially upon his 'untiring devotion to the Dernotvatlo Party, the sacrifices he had submitted to, the exertions he bad made in its behalf, and its consequent indebtedness to him, but Bald not a iord of what he bad done for the catuie of religion. Gen. Jackson heard the clerical aspirant through In silence, and af ter musing a moment, put the following question .11r. 11., are you not a minister of the Goa. pelt" "I ism, sir " was the reply. "Then, sir," said the - General, with his usual quiet dignity, ",jou kola already a higher offiee than any in raj gift—an office, whose duties prop erly Performed, requires your whole attention; and really / think the bed that-I mile for you will be',to leave you :at liberty to devote your whole time to them, for, from what you tell me, 1 fear that hitherto they have, been somewhat neglected.". VOCIMON ITEMS. Phapot's Synod at Exeter has closed lb sittings after adopting the declaration of bap tismal regeneration: Dr. Philpot solerinly ex claiming, at the termination, "God be praised Of come the moderate clergymen of the diocese haying declined to attend the Synod, the passage Of the deelaratini, or aluicest anything that the. Bishop required, was' tic be expected. The Bishop has refused to admit another clergyman to preach in his diocese on account of his not en tertaining opinions to the Bishop's mind on the point of baptimeal regeneration. A series of hurricanes had swept Ceylon and the eastern coast of Intik, occasioning as far an yet known, the loss of sixteen vessels; among them were the ship Cobuobo at Ceylon. and the barque Emily at Madre. Serious- apprehen sions are entertained for the safety of the steam er Bombay, now six days overdue from Ceylon. The storm extended ixonalderable distance In land, and pavan end to the scarcity of water which prevailed at- Madras, - by Ailing all the tanks them_ 'The stbrm did not reach Barabay or the western coasts, but a hurricane, probably one of the same series, diemaeted several ships The Stockholmjournals announce that the King has homed orders to the Post-office depart ment to get ready the panket steamer Nonkierna, for the purpose of conveying between 70 and 80. manufacturers and intelligent workmen to the Thames, In order to visit the Crystal Palace. The vessel is to call, from Gottenburs cm the lath of July. The travetlets will be allowed a fortnight's time for their excursion, exclusive of the voyage... His Ifoaces the Pope continues a bold course- He hae just concluded an apperi to the &Mad throughout Italy for funds to build a church to St. Peter, in London, "In a line poeition in one of the most majestic streets" Its government is to Win the hands of "a congregation of Ital ian secular priests, 'founded at Rome, that the Roman spirit may always influence the same;" and 100 days indulgence is to be granted to whomsoevershall contribute any rims to promote It has been discovered that the Indian Ocean, bantering on Madagascar, abounds with vbales and grampuses. A FrenChbarque has therefore been tilted out for fishing in the Mozambique channel. In the neighberhoski of, the Crystal Pekoe. there is exhibiting an , Ayrehlre gigantic oz, weighing I ton; 7} met It is appropriately named ALezender the Great. Letters from the Perugia, in the Gionuit Roma, ripest that a woman bad been sent/Deed to twenty lashes of the whip for having insulted some men who were quietly smoking cigars. Three clergymen .of Glasgow haie began to preach in the open air on Sundays, and are said to have bad numerous and attentive au diences. A thousand hogsheads of ale sod fifteen hun dred of potter, are about to be sent to Bengal, for the nse of the European . troops, in order to supersede spirits. Petroleum 1 . garmarzenta, Hontleldon ee. - . Harrtit e 'it • & H. Into-Does 61r. 'lrene Patrol...um la retina lam! aoe In thu widsatr; tt.alr4 woald Womb r0.0....4 a. two derby de Peassylraala Itafiroad. Wa are err Ural, eta, and It la Wag for alnamt rem day. hone, respretrally. JOHN LONO • Oa. Hammux Ashland /lamb 0. m Hun.:—Dear Mr, low Airaat. a km weeks alms. left nith ea lbw down Reck OIL • bleb we bare sold: nem trawl to as Az down bentedbdalr. .• low meiklae to bnaltble wooden In thla ration. We ma obtain small emellant renblestse. rall dram them Tours. Ate., . W. W. torn. For Isla b . ! . gainlf 1 Mangan. 140 Weed Moron IL N. Falk., II Wood atmeb D. V Paluaretork. t Co. MINN Wood inn heat stria* D. 11. Curry. D.. 11: I.llion. Joaelb Dooglamend It. P.Sebnarts. Alleabary. vA bl Ina pm. prteter. B. M. LINZ, aittlelamlP Canal Dudademetb Plttsburala geTTRUTII FLOATS ABOVE FICTION LIE!, OIL ABOVE WATER...-The skit tun an all a goodfrrodiela by trying Ilea quith es Dr. an all • gad dinnir by eating It. And nom man trite It. and flab it nae. It nal dearer the japidatty pith the whole ear. Your..* barcethoe matiothe fattoyeladar ye maim It paean realty entatential vlstoes, tree 6=l'o bed *bete of valid objection; god IS Y this gantlet hr.t.bUtbed the aputatka of 'BOB'. Oonthottal gluid'thlract of Bar amine.' beyond all mil or _d/spate. It. action than the human striae Lela nwordabee with Miami and Phl iceophthei prinekidee-lei prieneeef the ream atartione and exertions of the body, removes obarnolions, Mohan loath' and diseased matter, streagthate the Mama and dthealve oratas. masa nar, pure. sod healthy Woad, and regulates the nacos awaken of the digerati mane of the body. This Is all peribrine . d without the lout dlnirff Ohara, the preperation being us - as It le egicedone. It may be thought by the eta:4W. that It purport• b cule lint many diresees, but upon exaselna• tion. It .111 to found that • i•••• majaltr of lb. dire e whkh afflict the health family originate tit an impure ante of the bleed: boot deceived. then: by other Sar marinas being alined you by 'ay molars of otoluees and rata preperatka . a enbaltute for the origial John Bore BaraterLUat 'fhb nimbi. preperattat the proprietor earrents to b• superior to el *them Catenogr-Bean eh for the original Dr. Jam I Dutra thresprogia Jim Malady-lux! boy. tomb, Bei alvatteement on another Me. • EEYBEEi IgDOWILLL. HO Wad td-. algaiderther Wholeale i HAW agent. Foreign and American lb:dyne; • LOGAN, . WILSON & CO., • No. 129 Wood Street , ttAVI NOW IN STOIUI LA fall adrompistatocker /PONIJONAND AKINICAN HARDWARE, ghatolga 4 Aar that wing trade, and which they an impala • to offer to porchweeta. a rum au will mws o [acrobat with sot of thw oast= dbloo. Citizen's Issiunu= Company of Pitts ExuRAGE INSTITUTIONS No: 41 Water etreet, in the Wareheuee ore. Q. 0.0 Ilesser. PreSilent...:-...A. W. than, Seer. Thu. gag prepared to insure all manhandle. In store. and lo Unuidtu. yawls, in An ample guaranty tbr the ability sad Integrity of the Ingtitutice, le envied the character of the Directs's. who are all citizens of Pittsburgh. well and favorably known to the community Ibr their prudence, Intelligence. sad Integrity. Drescrogs—(l. Q. Mosey. Wm. Parsley. Wm. Luse, Jr., Walter Dryant, , Ittuth L.. Mug, /Award Deasieton. John Ilanwortb. D. liarbaugh, Sit. high apatt Pittsburgh Life Incience Company CAPITAL, $lOO,OOO. OFFICE, NO. 76 FOURTH STREET. OFFICERS: President—J.3s 5. Hon. Via Presideut---BAsoct. lleCumux. 5 Trouruter—Jonr 1.30 L 105 B. LISC2I. Pcortarr—C. A. . Siff!. solverthoment 10 sootbor Wrt of tb/5 papa. mr22 ie.. Miens .J. KIDD CO.: We wish te in rum you that we lute a..kl all of your Worm Ilpselhe ye. kit with W e with you to head oa aortas mono as soo • W. eren general eatbdaelkaa. bars. We have guar ralla for It elate as hare tom out or the ant , ele. 1 has sopereeded ell other prom/law In this come. ty, and for this rearm ae erleh to keen manly on haw. OClS=t= Adelphl, Romeo., 0, Feb. Id, ISIS. The elves Y cme of the hundreds of ehnlLr comment. wt., sada, the proprietors of Ibis medicine see daily la ceivlng. Where It bee been Introduced, It Us rmsme the most eoPelsr remedy le me. ford. 14 • J. KIDD • W., 1114deleltd No. 03.*00d et. Stir The greatest remedy of the ago seems to be the celebrated medicine ailed 11.0. Farrell's A... 1. an Liniment It le used ae an erternel eppliaol.6 said to nasals MOSS wonderful quatiro Mk hollow quiet. log pain, restoring paleled limb., do. A friend bad • meet orrery bruise, which threntened Mortification: he bed used aurora roturd.l9 to no effect, when he erla ethleel to ter O.O.Farrell's Arabi. Llobitent, one bottle of which en: tialr ourni him: We bare no doubt, from the extetit of en. iejory," but to. this earelient medicine, he would here bad Weak.= tlme of It. Bee s4verLiseausa. ' iy2J Greenwood Garden. • tCHOICE collection of Shrubbery, Vining ltoeck , lhurolarrzMunny;ltcree t berry, IllnitenG, cesTag l eoretameut yards r eatit ' ll%cic eil . M.= Oneurcod Nursery. AO Omnibus eaves then comer of Market aid FIR, rittelmes, rrrry half hour for the linden. In Creams ant other refreshens:lts marvel op Jo thin akorm Wen acklttose.to pp , plifot, West Mauchnter. dl ,yrkif " man " l. ;Mani. (Poet sod 1:XopotrO ow.) Bemimed. - RENNETT, BERRY & CO. have removed .to OATmt Virsnatotme,arner of elmieery Wm sal amt. 13r2Lif r.Veys , Rev. THROBOLD IRATILEW sill deliver s tllessiZe be the testa of the Went egtsl. is the Gators sup“..b. eteolos, the .311 s last at o'clock. lettaltelott , ZS testa. J e..tz "'~ 4uddi _~_-_ 10 bales Oottotg OUNDRII g-r , ,24 ,6 tv 04....g ,r.u. ..t. 5....4 to settee for ale 07. • . inatan DICKEY a W.. 144 Weter and front et. ICentanky Kauai Life kinu.sumxi Compel*. Gum:LINTY ITN% slockooo. VCOMPANY offers to the insured_all meraritr sod estventeme of the Madre =diet= now weersteseresorsee) emoteinid.timiortVers Wee of Fresh= ms 00001 return hi oath of per ~,•tcsre molted Es the i t mil= Ask of the ream so edwitante. bet arat irstemin tar the More mew ...gbmi Gar the w term of Ilk. Ethan shalt. lat. Wawa ito.the semannletinst fond emend to such nacmhere , pigtails et death, hi amine ohms their ,aerenty final desisted torthe hermetical liecarl P Vs Omit to= to.mDen, sod also fot tee hamar seemity of those lbr the whole term of life. itirtlits ths oat, linassi Life losarstwe Compsay W. rates of Malt m ate lard at • litlx Maori stamp cni, with • provision for ea annually tneressing memo baton of Imide (for Wore noway) la etwa Proterthait the amount of business 104 the Incroulost risk from ed.• vaticlopir Cs the minsihne. rem Irmo, se=r aid the ;am sad rates o the petty, f d ie d ittalicatkom t.s Worsen, received hr ititarrr, ay.e. tp Wood street. Ylttsbamb. fissust Darnaero, Zeikel itsaminer. Jr24:l, (h). 13,000 Acres of Land for Sale, 1 N LOTS TO SUIT PURCHASERS, part in cultivation and cleaved Dinar. Ilintatona. ,IU ow. Ent OM on nceto tact. • 3.000 Batley county. a/ocut U. Connacincon. log mon, beaten Ilnymony end Butler. Apply to MM. latthllo. la Sullen or B. Mow. or SpOotn. non k Dahl'. Al lll.tth; logos Qum Eysztabluit. 7,POU Acres la Beaver and lawornac count/to. Apply to 11. !loom Nov &lion. • • • 3.000 Anus ha Irkod nounty. Aga , .1.4. i10a1.1114 Yanllon. ot . CooatoAt' 1111 e.. • rzt,waSicll ilosquito ,Bars. laitv!kast recei donecase of Waal' Net. P"`,24 ' ku ' " 5 11VOrri, ganef. OCK POWDE ' 00 kegs for sale by Jr 24 B. . VON BONNEWBBT•CO. es for sale by ON BONNUOIUIS t 00. The only fad Ni York Plumbing &tab. • • ent • • WHERE work. done on Scientific }kin arid warranted. Intle and litaaracat Plummy, hi all its brava... ! ". 1:11! tit= rlth d a= fr ,, io I. $ l5 if to 20 Wash 6 to SU Maks. , sccdscs or Iron.. ..... . Y to . Leer Pompµ to Michela harcra, Cast hoc licalec% Raab Trays. Hot Alt Furrimems, aud Lead Ilya, turulabsid mai pia OP at ahm Icir cattca. • Pure. and Yard Pampa. Hydraulic nams.coustant ip o n aral.'and put up at bur dlica In the country. . Readying pulactuallr atrauded to. PIL - 2011 WILVY,I2S First at. ' 1721 batman Wood sod Harkat Farm for Bale. A VALUABLE FARM, in Versailles town ?...hzegr4r,z7,l,loll74l`Argir. P = l olt h • tabling about tilVtlf.X.lollT ot Cult IVA land. Co winch anugood Iraprorarnonla—la droned Pr pia Co row Kimble tartan Title lodlanntabla. Far furt oooUoo WI apply to the subscriber. an i. inno , laa. iUOnAn U/I.IIIIBLI, • Jy24.1r.5043 Tartla Creak P. O. Ana: qy County, 88: • Naos Jokuton u. Aiierrep Mater. District Coug, : Ven . d. • $. 'And now, !V IC July 191141861 Lon mos tim of Mr, T. dittos. Attorney tot Plato Vole7s . ")ll lk ir. Y. tig t ell u s th ier . tot to distribute the stuldt illiertilled hula the Bseard.l • Oita e. HAYS. All persona lutererted W I kara to tats 'sale* that lb. auditor above uantai till attend. foe the purpose of hie aprolatoteut, at the ogee of Told A Utuitly N>744 Fourth meet, Pittsburg:, co Saturday,. ibe 221.1 day of Amy= boat. at: o'eloe P. Al, of tbat day .jr/leleteat C. B. ICANISH, Auditor. Wanted to Purchase: STOCK of the Beak of Pittsburgh, or Ifereboute and liumfoffUrere 1311411. of Plthbweb. Extonlro of • W. IL MU RPM, . 37411.1201ter corner r?itrth W Ifarkot VI:MESE—WO boxes prime, for sale by • %.J B. CANFIYLD.. PEARL ASH-30 bble. for eale by J INSEED OIL-33 bblet. fur sale by • irts SALERATUS-125 boxes pure; • 40 bbla. Le rah by JyF... J. a C.Ab VIILD. LAKE i'isll--10 bbb.. - ifblieiil: • • s 10 bbla. Lake hout 6b4 " " " 0.0. elf by J. O. CANYULL D. B _ vexas-361z. Marietta, fur sale by j j 9J.ll CANFIELD. B — ROODIB - -50 — dos. for sale by Jr= B. CANIMILD. 'DOT' ASII-10 casks for sale by Jr= J. B. C &MELD. 1 New Books, Just Rewired. VAST: a Problem; reprinted with curet% a dope sal 44Mb:cr. by the izatkor of Altos Usk.. •yeas. lary of Cleopetro.ttoeen of Egypt. by Jamb Abbott. 104 sous. Cekb Mkt • Ta. of the POritaas. 1100.. moo. - Lowborn a tab: by Atom LL.Doory. author of - Mends and Fortune.." Pop. and mos. ..trgv't limbo:Om' Weems and Ittrimen . Jahr i. irrnes . Diitswat atdell. englisa work am ire 1911 BOAttlbe Itevolotieso No. H. .J. 94 .11 6 no re Itebo 1. o f==tee l at... moo edited bl awn V. KM.. lea. mem Fee sae by J. IMOD, 79 Apollo 6aDdinia. Pairth ELM /CIE Pennsylvania Railroad Comp:ll2l,x doubt with th at regerdfal an of Mooch/1e la • at animal/ dietusgaldue al Mar opersthaes as real. that "the canal cannot be la mortise(_ardor lbr eft that W. take *waft la la lhot avaperth that vs Mum bow much they vUI b by almo.. ledge of the troth) that the Wary t anal le sot a gnus—that .11 daroage. tall Ito repaired by trevamtursm apt some injury a NM creek sad Piper's dew. which will mmlre • week large. - • We are kw the omen' Valais Me raboada bethous Jolththsva eat PhUadelphla., ad an Ptheatad id twat* height through la TI TS pars. • • Y the rates of tbSo Ultras& ewUUHaa taz=bsZtigtz . 6 211allys Sid ship t l y CLAELIK TUAW., _Pam. Oblo Lbw; * OD. Leech & Lbw. W. BINGUASS & CO.. laughs:Ws Lbw. . LIMY OBAYP & Union LIP. 379030 . • • . . AW._.• • • lit (iN MODERAM TERBIS—To be selt ,.... LE 1.. we sold, to be let for stoma ma%) and ono Ist of Celebes ness..-e oe.ott very neer the Plank sad Rained, coosonaad eq. t= Wend.. = •rylflenr of MU o the r Mosesa ri ty m, Chestiest onek,and SW comsette omelets of aboat als or wren= bevies • rallied - 0.1.1 0.44: b...• 4..b1•• robed bocur • nese em .mtr.. ork" nee, of smolt every Wad. • Is well mussed, sod situated ebeei three miles bear AI _*gbeoi, ••41,..we nt. Woe Slanehostrs, called 141:111.DA.L est w,er. VA4 Mniklerial j ebeee L V l : l)l tre '6"m g. u.. tu"o'wrght umy mem entreara. I . & Euler, the . Iv None osa wv them vuneenaterteg theirsisong. beauty. / 722-tr Shirting Muslizir And Irish Limns. K•RPHY&, BIIIIOINTELD have received rarities . simply of impair, Starting Yarling rod us. parttime! directly tram the estastafaitareer Azi, etaoo,. - b ri edA , , , id e allazteLloser4c . yrtair. A= st ragbag corner of lioarth Ilacket=is. lyrl ' P IN BLACK SILKS—For Sdarfs'and tor....Abwneammukthmmbusu Aummwmorumumwroowmtb.m...o itummalmommm berkANNUAL MEETING of the Stook hoklm ot lbo Uoth Amain, 11PaIng Couipsoy Ida da of ekl An theft o ot 2o clack, P.M.llSo N lo Pittsburgh, oo Idamelap,tho y son; W. PALM/Lll. July 1, MI. (fl P0n0(217. Time Bilk ON CINCINNATI, wui ttlie u Tioui v eAsua ririoua ILILEVYLAND Will be pun:banal at bumble nil t , o uanis a co. To Owners of Goods. IN STORE, unetaletlfor, the following pack. , t rea t e . May. ..Pittstargh— ..6 Po. " Matthew prvir t Wiley W. " W. Ptirford..... Owners ew reneudb rail end 00 0 r 03 as Qour B • Ponnaylvanta 11.101 rod Yreisht , .ll‘ comer Penn and W alas ate. rrn,L. To Druggists sad Painters. IIEARIS GREEN "5" BRAND, THLODOII.I Scrrtraart. PmSt stisrarlal by the Gold Medal of u, ' Araerkan Institute. Rar possersdos ouraszhaff miry of studs sod color. Th. sashafadarret or the aboy. Paint Das pralarad the &OW atal of Paris Green, that Is Jperinaneht, and that can Do ',about dstriso.ot to the shads; atal lue reduced INSW. , w+ to %warring ahlittidltr. de f t= bb=rorthp.r. Urwn, potrba till ins cop. 0114.1 at Moved It. P. DIILLYIII3, 67 Wood stmt. • } , LOUB-200 bbla Extra W. Family, for sale by YibY B. a ILtunilld RED LEAD-5000 lbs. for sale by Jrl9 • J. KIDDt CO. `` l OAP-100 boxes No. 1 Rosin, for see by kJ jibe ik W. lIARBMIGU. MACKEREL -50 biAti 1,71.rge No. " 3; ao Dc - - • • 13 Juort received wad fa WATT & 04). .INSEED 01L-1600_goll. for mile bi 14 1 719 is VEIII 6 C0.,60 WoM tifI N CE STONE-800 lba.for sale * tz. MACKEREL --100 bbls. Large Ne.. 3; 441 a. by 1719 68 W. HARLOW'. SULPHATE QUININE-50 oz. for sale by 109 CODLIVF.II OIL-3 gross genuine ush too, ma a Co., AI rat. by JOY • KIDD aCo. DTei.cob Tomusend J. Wanda. n %Jr dor. fur sok by 00 CI-LEESE-54 boxes, on consignment 1201 landing, w...r