PiTTsstittWilAzFaTE:, - 07 GMCCI.4. VAMP Eli, at. t h e mi4rstrix of the ' 4 th OtJaly;'at. silingneut Masaulpmetts, =de • %reef ipeeeh in reply to h suditurst ementeett. . orative of, tVashingten, and monied s. personal incidect asfakirs : _ • • - boy 1. resided la wrest Springfield gat honked ea a. form. In the Itiktnlan of the year 17871 was engaged, with my employer; to. gathering a =died corn efalks from a field not far distant froca the Cormectfrut rim. My ern= player had - thirmilds loaded team from the to me, as total - to par wp the bars. Wh thus =Spied I &deed the approach of font' hgraerasppdd•Ltgerehleie. There was nodrireP • open the, :nnisi(ei hat astride the high' harm of eu;b l Oen;wok h yes= mulatto Poetilliort—. Vherettittf.traarblitliUd fint luau i:LI. 2 I w , • :tains (In shin was. rested s. gentles= Inf..' ,'l66ling personal, prime= ix:premed. ll o9 01 ) 11 .. "ailed to those dap a chulat:'.. :It was fib! !t d anisine, end unlike any thing to pared aK so-. t InIM running pan" writhe: outriders COM on in adranoe of. the casrlot.• and' hold' Woe__ shrine road' my irc&Ttr, mho : - „,..l ll lwyeten raid with his -toned cen—the roads. 'hi 400 time being So furrow that motets:4odd' not para . nalara pya yiddip4 the way to the nth a. Pmcogied that employer yielded nine . •tn t 3r.the road, and that third:allot wee delalacd by the cut until raidaidia;l 4 6ttn, out," when the cotheiloTd rsomykit,... cook =playa end , nixed who the &stip wrong* was Lea Jot; piasedhs; and was thfcriteat that it .We 3 George. Washing, too 1 I obtebted permiesiari triran on and see. if I could not; cetera another glimpse of the great chleitsio, whose deeds ding the war had so, Sled my wandering fancy. As there was no bridge loam the Comedy- : 'cot at that time, I hoped that the ferry bast might be on the omit:dui aide, and that 1 might reach the bun before It arrived. In this I was not dbtappoirded.. I found General Washing= landing aye Gm shore of the Ma, dressed iri • shed colored =tont, with • lame Lapelled eat of the easre'oolor and material, and in ..stoall' &tin," and the matins:Jetties and dignllled man he was; I eve saw. Whilst was pang =fft CPO of hie postillion ;aeon up. and. Wig and uncovering Ms head, maid In the most deferential .manner, and with en pre mien of Mimed dignity: "Yon Escelisnoy,;as - we wan driving along, • -little way back, ere overtook:• man with a loaded cart, who o .1- ed the entire road. I asked Mar to stop' his team that in might pus by.!. Ile declined.' I them told him tins President Washing= was la the chariot. 1 lisaghthrelbsed, and said that he would not stop, that he had as geed • right to the road se n Weabbagton had." . pie reply of;Wuhington to thieves, "And elope The; postillion, after a moment's leek of wonder and astearishment at the oandeirenalon' of the Preiident of the Visited States, qtdatty pat an his hat and igtho mounted Ms horse:: vatthed the cortege Twilit was oat of eight, ball my on and memory of Washington era` as and distinct this moment, as if I Ng' seen the grace man ensly perterdey... • „„. .theaethy of Medicine - et New Yae '6 doing the inhabitant' of large cities s good sex -vies by =Min= into the-eon:eel suites ufectorlee and estshilehmente situated in and about the *iv of New York„ whir-hare sappased to exert a Weterions tnHnenee upon the health ' of the Inhabitanta - The last paper emanating from the Academy is • report of a select COM- I mitts' eppointed to inquire Into the eomparatire.i value of milk formed from the slop of distilleries and from other food. The mert is well drawn, and persons alearly distinctly •• subject of importance hot only to the citizen of Now York bat also to 'those of other • large communities. The report states that in some of the Milk man nfretories in the vicinity of New Yon ea many • as four thou:mod cows are onstantly kept, which derive their hananance from the slop that comes • from the distillery. They are tied up by halters • to stand by day and sleep byrdghc• without bed- j ding. span the wet floors' without eier going . out tato =open air.. Running by their bads • is a loos trough to contain the Mop. or "will u it In sometime called: 'Cows' fresh been' the country refuse to partake of thee food,;.bitthey. ere kept tied up until etarratin ICltteedy ternatira They are ceinpletelY &la .11dlikeke" '104; not beingglee*. as tingle drop • ifirmf. water.—Thunesequemenis that the inkialhoeii Labmee disesieloied there Impart' aid:3W sad' death to &fie who dalbtaio Iy:called •GotiMalmoo.imiliamkittmt d the diteplesk ez =tea aritteeil Oeseake; end l) etrospectSithat. themilk tu l4l =feta dbtillen slop it far weaker 'than:the' Orange Bounty nallk, -11st. - proporrions of their Commit:tests Issuing, but in some toting as one to three. 111,000 parte of Ocamps Conn. ty Luria, 85 Were tatter, while iel,ooo parts of distillery milk, thaw eardefamod but 16, 14. If, end in ends ampler ID: parts'altr4l:auttei:". Scintilla men of the highest 'posit= hire tad to the MittlEed • emu et tlre el fat r adii upon the health of ebikteco, and the • resioralfrm, to bealti: azirdiscorttinubm Its con and the ocommittee. mom rt... that the =nava •' deaths, =in order =bred ot hiansome, ewer ' • 'the Usti of mortality; are ascribed An a great , totems tO this cause ." It le pleasing to record • the fastest medical men, who are the true con sereiture of the pubro health, hare made this • 'nfPdte. and ,the it will be :followed up Winn the evil to erdirely. eradicated. It Is kerthject in witch all classes are deeply inteneted, and the New York Academy arid:edit= dererret the • thanks of the trim friends of • binnanitY emery :: '' . . 001 7'44 2 4 06,6024 - ' • .• V.:MUMPS 303 PENS-;-Afieshirottly.of illO*SPA.T.Mattelitallt dreet./9' ••••• trisiiitos attootiola ars i ~ ut oireboolis . . , IAVA boins-40 bi g * tigi-srapehtn7 . . ,1117BLINGTOLICFAISINCV,-2 0- boxes as • pidar i bnibr toad 1tm44 : 1 .0.4).b7 - by ,CIEMBST-2 bl i a tar.. rue EVERING'S bblg Lover "Kl TO hEl o wd ARDENES . , BRINE.-111.• kegs .buramt. tertno cearaelumnatwome tirt•se - -AZEIAL IPAPEB.-4 'unacrior lotra .r reie Ay sat br ;um. • . DINE( MOT-400 lbs. , Prime qiiali n t i te medial teal. by War IL N. 8 (111'210 4.01D,450 lbs. just...reed And for - lu mkt/. • ! sae. • . _GLAB{3=2,s , 4l:scaat,sed /ion, for sale by • iILSTILECEIVEN,LenirpIyof ladisßnb. ber Mort Tamns. - 161•11 ad WW I Ilan= re • • AMERICAN STATE PAREES,,Stata Plit• • /lamed= or Oeorzelli to Eh. Praddee ardbistas smol7ll.V....„7"CUfrr, • am m as.uadnuma, euinsue. t . awl Iti. • t n - lteoraloflG RUBBER-BELTlNG—Juet•reed, from vie enauteetorem /1.2010 t Uitt 2 . 1 9= ALUI7.m. lot tab MIAs bete .10,61.04 'w 3. ade- EAT/Ha-100 Sides N, Y; Bole. for • 7.IIL7LOTD. PERM 911.-18 bbla. extra, for sale by tk7 EFS' .01,1723 , 4i c b it Lv i rot sine U RUBBER WELIPS--Of 01l tho sizes lla kei. mae 9 limale mi st RePA 910.9 39 .4 Moe. • •-• • 3 4 YR AND EAR FOUNTAIN.-Thetitbuk: a - las mold ftsorrafts bnuatia tbor at. • ' um ga lieTrav a.,4 bi o ta frio .proivricr, YZTLE CORXI3-SOOdalbr'sak , by. Yeti ' IL IL 8;67 by 0. I ARDIVOREEN—.S4O Itts.-atit fox:vale b, EMPz-45Uns !din. D. 114 . for sale 1:4, 418T.!&—.6c0e.Viinthuictes,fer sale] JA '" -11.A.PAILNISTOOSECO.' - - - Pan M•t, , far Diarthea, &e. - 'MU ZAK IN MN Di should you namatenali! 4 1-I =2lW•frai I.°*u "rr Army PRINTS—For sale at 25c., Fl RE 'rr, B PA ARD ri .w.-rauxanALY..as msna ir~utANLITCOSIN- ;;,-, ' • -- '7acbbuliAlean g aloo rimer ; 77, ,! ic ‘A/11 1 141.7' 7 1. 01 - - - - - , , *.IVNL4TA NAIL RODS -.& S buiiitles Slit 4 If tor letr • • Satr:POL coptiopod 1. by. IL, . !::6 •4 4 : l4 . 4 4it a it:e. " . * • ,a te , • 15,4710,- , a +.l Cep Aaaa • ',4lr eaglet", • brsor"*/ ffiMMEMZEIIMMIIM I'Ma)ICAL. rppoiiiiimsks iltegynd Araks ReauriglaNisaad Bead anew•• MitaDIAIMIT ARABIAN Limon 1:1 tures' 'performed by the ." 44 . he I , fi r t of a, r r t r . emu . ourair 4tctae7 irel2.ll thila lama ftel otlow a.. Wataa.e.fahl 1,...,1, ise wan the aratdrie at asp. tra r t ru 'WWI. ektrt tto=a mat ...4 011aru vre4i. , • who:col iWulte el-eVS W "Di tirs.t r a ir a l g:r °'* irrev=r d" lrEt al ith.."" b r,4 tricoai weft:Masa thecae. Les vrtlae. 14 realm. I Draortal Mkt or Jain% Maur, sad tblo la the map ry II ba.iie. sralvermsllT orermefetl eosins ati I WM. al tboJalata okracier aftwaleams Lt. Sat.. e i n i l* ***T Z=l """.. 11=Nalb=; litotsmatinatbse , M fat (Vamp., B p. Palas, 14 and.. White B•4lisraco&Vr. mt Llagra h"StWbaraSVW mix insA err INCA Mar • 1101. W W, Ita dal , V Maeda id thee bait of ail ~ .Tler lallowini la box Lai Ft:4W moorrotaal of tar ~ay son o.lnalr torm. boon of 1 our a Itao., of • Nora.. pan • warner =l;lia. nsod 4=0410.1 w o ws to 12.• snob Or 81111 dice - 417. I:kV. larrell,roar tUr. Astodarl by ammo vat. ham. i =kraals ator fol/oolo j k:aa LoAdmor of aro uttk: Up of your sons 11161k100.. collo.l.brelcr .m 0 suddenly astorkan with burl Omura a .1a boo Una Os bows. la 10 fad iciflarotat. Inaba • bozo or t14:1411 *VW =bolt Las lamb lasnual and end saber affad.l'arag orbs lard, plr I t o& ono ,fa to all rosostrianuo Sedum am..l ‘....rag=otr..= Oa. ta . ao Ita brat dro .t . m.r....11 . 31, .t.O losMr. wry. tin wlltl & La vsl .o. . sal t tw.ln Indisd., if'"oratoW=dof our bat to tor:: Ma aro our tars =moot Or . a... alma.. broad). but borldop could to sda 01.2 p boa draw !rad tea dram Om takl ape bo warm emor. rf • Ilan consoormat sr AO loos t fool: ma ma outtnr loarth of tbo ar .v s k r= k eerry loragloo a manta Jon otota_aftor_o rgaaroloo evo.flem V. Orvr ... , Lb .vf . la r' ellat broom . r= for=f:• — rili Dow bony sod robust sa duo . -Aro ottow Mal of tlar isaid! ' tbgxecored in =7 a.b., all af . 2l 7zu. : th ,Thlarra to nou u na bni ttS4 l ?)uror roads. I..uu. f , • ay . • - na , 05"...i....7.AV..—•jr L ' :• ' - Pfet.ebliitalc:3 6 2 l =o 6l. ..4.31C ...- :.,-: .....1".i• . Y .... . ! ' c. ~ 7 1.f.ii 0. a=l"ar r altigiatii. ' aVituut lind solo LOC ..tarr4or. . go:4%f bmorta.oittinarap7oBll4l6 . dos of HMV yet ortUstr. roma by las woof you abr. raid L e doctors do an no =lt o &naiad to a ftaort eat. and road 11 la • doe troaa . 1 boo boo andel vitt. klooreashoo Ito • Wog lin: told 1 404.1 a vOl opal It ono or ora ... a...trt ta6 %sr: 4.1 .4 V. a s lant i p. vIW Jamul, r ....V.7 StICIPLAS.- • . _ _ , , . . . ' Shr Cox-plaint, Siosiney, Dial:apt, .Cekt dual Sari lye r Cord , . • rit . Intrten. Podaudis As Ibit. toll, Iblats,'M. nvii...:.—.if...wiiawt . g. t o K. ,12,14 ow . rat .14‘.. , .. , a 7 . mat Mr. bra aZkolnanlaztli Wro l orunid%robanirof = . lrtatlagall 2G a r=.!..,,,e,.. ~ k. r rar a. v.... * eatzt ... 11 gratielso Mafer mod * . Von tors acobrso soul • of lioroltror lath ta. lisillas pap • • • . • . • .Baran of Cosmiefilia. , 713.(itrAJID rtind cA r s ZVlAD . tax POl TIM Pottu t :re b. roultaiszty . osolgood assist s:Thst ost a l ' sVl a tto loa .. .t e hjoaloos tt 411= ea Wilmot.. It • Osodoton. frond LIM looto . g to Itesstso hoot Itio the our ft Yonsth MO: r. parocutst moo. Is oat A. aor Oa ...ow • Imolai:10A ft• Los Snow tb. RJOCS ses tb. mops. Lot ohooss I's, 0. • Amt.. Lddruars., sod We Go stlor. as Osseo atoms too tOo low n as a. talls•fraws tisr sLasfar.L sus ea lbo outad• srtypoor, sad stow 'words blare In th• stun todtto- - .11. (7. Slone* /Atoms . Sumo 'mod to .yeti Town. Mos. ssa notoUl tb. Volta* dates. is oltlett moo ootootabliotrod. to 7 totter to /I. cL rsnot i ~.,ll.ll., ca. scat cognacs , u titt tbo , west otio l ititl a gaisit hos of a.m. . - took coondolos tooth saloaldo taanesaFf mar caw Pa amh . of ditscos. • _ . fa easic, .mono &I* ogAr cessiesia iniuthetard u. o.YarTea.lo, t=Szt.ooodi=iodzu.od:..2l4l4.lbol i sire st, Pio I; proorkrtar'• snot by • 117 on No. 07 Wood Mg 'L • &WM.CRBIT. Allosbass Ms. • • Tho Zama Body Xust Perspize, . • QO 8/.113 NATURE, to have a healthy air 1,7 pomace: ard woos abo do sot eraph. mallard. to lb. matt easartlng arra Dkaarea 10100 Cloardcal bay imam • tro• kanarraglen. aed Wo • • raoaltat sad taftirar the .La striaa 0 Oa Sam ofmm , aallbtam, sad &rte. art aot aal.Y hadal. abed by 0 ams as ar bad as lo ri. 'lark ka abe rat 0 tr. nab ram, aad tad It aaraillar— mow alao,ta =tilllatebas krackka. or asky akar • lls alba* . wand that Ulla la ma undo& ktabd sar= Irlat. , lll yam 1. coal tmaarlsra at bout pa.= esiel at a:l=m kw. sal taro Ward. • • Bay 13—aad trot •td 1 at oilier& %it It kr tba arears. ban oto kr all Oafs abo are Uabla ta war =law colmte•eune bat • parsaalna ra saw calf WO. th at say oat alliiated alka say at Ws lidarns.' or dad/ar Mama, ltd tali all. sad atm garra ladad. ng.is lts paperkka) tbaa / $OO. • amide. %ram irt,.....ikaal hal litt onirlinakJACKtite.smos ra6 et It cos. Pearly White Teeth, uad Pare Pnlath. b. ad cat 221 ~.t•—Ammon.. vim tomdilier b 1.7 reary2 teas tbar basta la nor ar i itt b l at E Zttatitrrad ' a= Tea* Vi a= Ur Saab aaablei u Orr. .MIL adaltik.. ol / tabu ZACEBOTV Itlemlllo LMr4 A.. • • ' A Scieutillo Hair Tonic, BestOnZialaValllA MO—MO BMW, 51 oda new *to Ufa midi 421 .. 4tt1ia15 . Par ref. :Ls oo bag uolltbs—Lt ilmeu ea bar at nmet flax. alatclu looded bear tO utul It WW u 1: mn. loud. wane- am sok. uot feeS• gear crodalia. the batr oft , magas ao omit ee ' &N 4 tray beautiful, loua le o la, is to molt .e" —rct tha M ole h cod, tw; at WIC MOS% Ova. 160 liburty /m , ot. littgategb. _ • • erier-trig mask a ands, AM a. - • JONES i Santini of Jet, Liquid Human essextu.ctu.sSur .b 144 of" trim kazwa uabeoriaz.blaek of Om, laa ter awl,/ vandra4:xouunnt.a,..biellit..... ar. , JONES', LILLY lifies ail caw'. thwelettthet _egauhat CUM" :net are set aware bar lllOttally_uateneera Leto Usual. bowmen. togrroctia. tow oehovoarkeor atie the Ma etemees.eftat=heveated b ir " M " beenta Betide, ' !dam ::Fs eel l testft t! , n ,eJeee, Vt.ttc.atthestate=teetehae.. B. T. Babbitt's Oe10;04 !Nap 'Rcrwdez, 1 HASHING . 4t)iiitif liborr: -, Waniisitaa' ft - *.t_ thiAti.b2 . lArst ,Or.tabl* lima mod ow. DruCT6O iattroC:=l4ilO4 T elea;Oi•ii i__4nMie =of oold . wan roar m, thoos.ilm Add ..,,, tatdo• traktiPOilkif. to gob in %Inter mei= alobs.. WO* ma:lefts UM, mon 'of ~ WI then Izz tolnatar,,Ac tin. solo lb= ZdA safikdos t.. tb""47 thol ETlote lot to UMW Thal rub dllty staoiTor to lin Om 11thoroodtb rtOAdn. SW - Quit li' gab than dem ' - n . IL 11.—....710a0 ,todpg ' so twin In fiit, i6shit p ill 1.... gm sio7 WAIII4. ma oo tad Ai. do— Tbrostim a. 2s9 . th• =. oar mat,ll 4 ad 4PUI %lad door woo . Vol dzoost two mad. to Worneetod-e lr o rot.oott==.l" OTFILL—. Tala Is a lkst Of4..in Ma. tills , Pizia not 10110 n r'rinajtrr,i l litru tili tlt . 1 _ _ l ig:WA- aid rn.. %boo oda Adz qzinur told wad.; oth , thdo mum : a toodban , , _sad vdt 11... r 'wham II .111 oat gitroo. obwitfod. fli i t I. Vg7 thick sad nice Widta &SR will mob v WA •111 not est the L.ad. 111. othlAr Son 11.0, by tot cloths, Can Do - Ind with Nut omit. =l,..!Ar t = too . ...s . ar low do quarto tooted of Zoo on. Aped. ...".1 ad.14.5,./brratlas oafs& i , soidlobarlo sad total by - • IL iln _ 21, • ' ellowßock Root, EME E Vlt A ltnosk dido.llg roirtarr madam ar ads imam-far caw t in r=th =714.1= 44 .., te: Estioqfrroo rod tam I ftt iMa it -w rr adds, or hoonoo. sad delfts wood. about the War. NA it mood Irlth u•proall meow Fends Tireatata' old Taw* De _ - st r .o r thmha , tho vookrood ...f , ,e•rdr radon argormarld iirrisoradqr 3dr. eft the toodlormr of ttoroosado of tlrtag 10:miloNki, bass rods ot econter. dm to gaol tutor. It la olonldr_.•• r eilloo .01 d L 000 to rd.* rig lir" Mla fto co th r . Ig . 1 00 . , sa l. dlo4eco . r l i . rolr Lull tb4 iILLbeO4„ UM tosayobrododloosmo whir]. ion bstdol dho Odd ewt. or Err UM o m erototoor. wad Iwo oho mod Ouster. don n e wt. sod &nada. which Somoorilla dr i er r . Zko . =Mr c 2= s .a, Ml&2l.l%,„„ im iL.a.'"ult=abltriggilM 1:=P. nowyrkil ointrutigro 11 . 1 th.,r,pepgip i. 4 " ll7: %rag-% V;ait ma.. add ana l mod id ollrudd.4 drd at ad swam of din Tom • • This Ilrroplo 1 4 1022da t t9.2gi 102 Fadden Aron, wa , 8 a '"" ' (air haat tor water. rartern . zulk? TAscoboors. roma Wool sad Slstb =rd. rELPIRIENA or Baking.gre 01. W4W 4 iiilvelbiame est Tel"Produdza stir, neat, outran= and dipettnand.. i= g o 4 U m m ix iftWail .S. Vrt inszt= i. . =' • Vta brtlar.bs. LA as 1rk.......iff. assaitht Cokriad liTi - seXamrftW - , d r ibstl P TE n ilmts iwsu f . ar katik% =4 palm of fue r o. l* . taad Winne beeettos one. af tb• . . tbm. , at ilarpitalsaaftrinadr‘ ~ .M.,1 " 116 , It tilssra4 advlustmo i ~ .! ar *Jr , - • 'r,rterMaltt4.4-.t. :Bohner Ltßiaitilfticoptertus, RINEDIOATED COMMUND.r-The fob krelxer m =xe c =begr.3l%%en..idltoilne " ,!.rFouT: skum: blebi l "" th ' inhs tbe i ncobubesabblob T*"=b itenVolraper• ebealtbegkera ante ellbiy %be ban l ame le %my to toga neentlT• bel, SEW •it 11= t g: e=“./ opm g eliket Um% to iv bei - Tiqaereils %us osi.pow• tl to saniated 6 " brydr•Por_ P- r aMatat odes afiresi - Pd. ABBITTB SOAP TVIVINIREIiii now to kisows um to WO ow*. tat or E. IX4 Xestft .4 ' r At: 7,' 9 t 1 % 4" V ..- ', /1 .1/... .. . NT THE nix= oizzi amp r& IN Tnnlalinegg°l *2 li t :, 1, 3 itl , L+ . MD Fatithia. .1. 4 , 1 4, q,sist' u ,S . a the At Cam et OIA mateencthe 1 Nada. la CM try Cr .fteterdir hat, Or the elf at the Fatale War crane teithos the If c i rth i r ra f =4 .17 , e n ifir: rO. eta a ete d lie ie Teraahly tee, cy mem , Mte. . imettelde . a - metioed47,..mir Atom ...in or iftn.• dme.; of .= of n its boaud .of oaf 4f ch. API A:v.oa 'mac,. Pmereated.. Sheets lama ad tabs. ea thaete dz. , d nap tea - it the tad Othee st CLlAMPAUNOLlt,matistacthe be Kath. lb. Meath ea It Stehember mah tot the At. 1 Seed el: the labile Wads wi dth the exelememdeeht tower I AbelAifthe tem lue ead -. l= v . 1111. Umtata arra ad 4 yeemekt .a elams. a najetelibtemt. ..... zh A.' " U:. 1) " .• tth ..LahA.Meagemerie e a Ifent• —7. the 04-Meath as ed esteem eat. the dined a path beat amble lb. Ildberthe techebtha. ol Wte e = d ree "V iri e ..; - 0 . 0, " 0 .t. t f ad= actar thlrlormeelo tsviltr. fil. OM au.. CC. 7111111 M AM, 1317 - -- Won.. StodA ccf 4M Oath. ad meth/ W i ej .4l.l"l"ff e Tamable dna sad pat aen ea th medelle . the sad Lb Myths., to h7enettly thtateen . Al tha bead Othe et urns NAM 4 0 , 00 1 1 .:7 1 4MA i li b tlAg , 01 . 8===dgea: =rthgrtem i" =iserdefla4essiit‘edesei - The math batl It seam dad., tenth halt et tak trealoal palms *area at Sim the haU et' entotame the eat halt It thadYeat b= o Us meth hat ad mattoreet curia a wenttoltl' the norrialett quart= of tandrez. ma Os as* hd 0 the melbas arta a thatymmes, ha embattle Wee, td by m... "". tkrtithil lb bey ald e mode cent Neldthy? the MO et a trtth °thest=e —.. eiti eathotreel ' = thumb, Mr enterstah . U ay, each thin. a plata by Us Woe setadtat De. Mr• the aye aleel ft the ammeters:it gt 7:4 =bi-:ow= 1ta,,,9-... , - A. a „lg.-1%0. J _ „.. vv. z ."..=—,..r.r; te that a l i r ii tat Raja= u i zt M. u . v . :: " fiVI .t. o u = 7 sw , fe ...4 =el=- •cloa. f o r t a • • .1 . 4 I. of irmfol.foie , 1 as feWoat a of traLo .w eron,grod Islis win b. ear me tom ta dae iyatabel, eta, I j=l , ll . l4t i em ' CI, ~,brwVAborat met alit , ..r ea t hat Is IMlA .c par.. u . o 2 too yeah, oe i e d te t t/' • to amnia call Os WI tIPO Inas. . ixnaafi. MI et Clty Of odder. Ude Me dey eretay, Anisa boso o ht bur LUI Ilitrons. 11. I filartalTlELD, ' ' thematedoner at the Omen! Loco Oman Norma ro PaiverzoTrirAth. of =lare yu c==el plet o = u e et t i *E., b 7004. "": . '1. M . 6 We et the pia? ' a t?... end .1 Ur lifm• el lit afterAksAg Ills ea beta dll7 Itypt , Ma emaseeetart ar the smblie eat a the lade cm doe the mat Limes ethereal wit ...human be c. .7, 117MSEMLO, W digA1 , L .4.... .1410°.1."'",i1m,L • ,-, aid , id: J. 4 • ' i iiii ' " at inihrinota. prolintance of law. .1., Maim" Fiu.ools, itor s i lLtho Uolind otamogv=tzt =IS ataloteantia=lM w e tha eta. a Itasca, "Illeed =Lip_ lcs , 41',..=. op Mao doh tea day or wiatratbar wilt lb, lb* ttrixsal at W. Cr tat:dl id WOOL wlthis tbi totlowtor lo /NAIL+ taw Um oulwatetdaNtstrO4oloaradda. Townatdpa totatrantto.two7ful ma:al-WON Oa and err °smog rt .of ono . , . Tonna Mao owl toiatvalto. to ad mar rho. or oott at tontatalp twotywight, no • booth ot *Lava (ha. of row=sai tineatialtmtrtant. tanatrattba a.al "11, 211% ".,, trtr. lo . tliktir•tabf sad . IMazadal t, == T. trona. sad taltaildas I , addr . two ten twastan ' r,twoordni and Mott Os. at rano, ore. . at an [WM Min. arnutaatthif llotatay, the 41 aroatia day ot Boatando nag lo tdo of tha pabt it. log. within (10.. 16tatirtas oaaso3 to.roldP• an 3 Pat. of v..Fe b trat....i.detwvtatrwiNvend... Tow p twee/pooh.: tool. two. toWtoireattp• tvlamtloal rod tworty.two ood tonatrtoo a nor. throe p t wa, or rano for. .7 „. ..a.„,.....,,...„. nag. ilas. linelloo.a. p Atteal. aid lawasta pa Idastreaaa twassiatmak, 7roatAm a r d ira zinS. t twartrais tet rala pagswca sd on:OMowl WM. twarat oo YM townatllpi mimeo. ancetatra. altittato and latwelpou. lamellas twatartwo and twottrOsw7 . sr4 alas atZhittleiti%Orah=rsivey le wroth"; not moo . Tool:Wtt Moo= mirta ractinon MOM.. to Iloolnao loonOrtj ownaA7 tevatty and tractional mmaaa4 twat; am aroma ••• ow. Nola, tkarima, twoortano,• Osoi4lawr, banarfigh tamattrow. nookrataaa,turortwor,OontrAtc.a. of roma ulna TO& unttimal &Otiose, sotto sis,ts Wadi* taw lami, mai tocticoal wrong" Worn et "W. low. =4 , rla It _ _ .t andelga 1 ., a a I n ..to a t n, 1 ,,, 1K t 0 t r z 11 f a te ./=. Pro loolso=, 17ortublp :lotto wallow tAso was lactolia, Lts comsat o olsottog win winos ta+(ta.wa,S , t.• tro. ;to oath LW' or lairOptsw. ne...lAnis to notevar. 7°. rt,.,1 i 1000 a=7;.1„,. ~ , ~, 1. . 4 7 ..• . to ton .141, Taw part ado al -.1.1 1 0 trordi.... at towwalP twwetrwr. at mon ....... Ooor o ta=e tortliztrtcr . ,) , :f. l . , .o= u n Ettir ~tow.. to twas 77-. ot toot. bar. At Ur , LOA Ma it 41111t0111:111.nostocatios ow .1:1=, no elaborate day or Aaron 0000 itc tea der ;malls lards Ante vitals the talowlnd no. wyd towsamo. lat wit _ ....,,,,... at' boo law and anatattaaAlrd Toowao. 0 rot= tar owe tmott.4 . OM ZaZ " , k "'i'let . • . "MP " 0017. fractional totnaddp trantrona. Wong O os. SPA. itow. at tango twetaronws. toodraio. alOty. Wm uot.utlilm two. Ohl Otswa sod tatlelyntwor. 41116 ski. t.„ .., i 4 7 =0... 1. , Ite th= tie• low = of 71,...ra Vlatlb Ibe tnima rlattrtatattattiott s a un. was= , 4tylbins. CM* Ws at kiwis . 0 aI.IM =1 "" 0: mop holt. wttlan Lir IWO.' olOswo4 910, tin, eau b. rom Oa oho WWI a:o k = Or lion bonatio tomowtolbre roan kr yorae Own var. Ow annoy mans easaand ID tad yr eta" 10[12 t0w...0W sow yaw doom oupokomi ... =• visa kr fao bet ~MA ...hs Id /01001 0/0 1. 1 1 raistrie "Taws id tialarsaaa‘" as. ° C m' s ._.. Wt.. l ei.. smaledul idat• will tw toi• rtrinVir thirartZ=ltra? ' =?te o t: : =d... 4 2sial aka ramie abattlato bacavlaSk L ind armies bet Wahl Moll loan& oi-a than two noway old nowriotta sign id sal of the. will to ad allawlintall It taanratton al tba two vo Orr.o .at. or load at tar MY of W *la drib dor at atm Mow Ikaolot ono t 00 halo dnd {P. arci.... ono 11+1,31 At . Camaddirnar af iba Qin=als: . 11017C.2 TO FRE-LIMOS MALCOM& _. talus? of tk il lftads "u gg i iitt= l lo ffi r a fra..hi t C Above Itika . to unkaas. plitheUma a Ms nilear Ado imper i lag . atilaNlDOesloPirj Owe iteproceesti,. f. , NAN thllari 'aMilS• m=l.oo _ iarise oa te tilla onirrOttbwipod.oamnang I* tr,eF. opetvlrsefelts6., ' :Cialiiibikaals 4 iii Ur . laralNelt.' - . , 31 Tax ref 07 =VS= SLIM Ermittlistail i ltiumz.Fnixozz, pnektastettdi Eater et dolmaMal umisiti== :eltramea oi lP grt ebramik s beseasibmarapeasktorite ma Mem Wick CYrrmomemeday Mir tarot betember= Mr od of M tla r Abiq ;et ibi atimuYit sal r=r l =grergibeMil tiT at • iblit7• ermareMMUMl ber ' ur tomm Mberesm ThambimaresuralameaymaassiMimme ItStymi. • • s basi-miVetrlien s, LadMr seYAWM4s.cameas it • Yoe '• IY & ib: . ia p eiMebij it r o ev.b4eeeetr tbe Weretrif es. emu ItaOlia :ad d serf Tomuldp r.nen d is • '' rLiVresd=in si ilesday,tha Stir Mat day at Mama amie. bbo Mama of m °tio WM. mil Mind la Maui eambio t2es ta t = shlp 2161111. name mommtma4 =temp edairsoi, t etik P P =lret ir i aM aaji , um as witr4=l . Myleand mar t sale/L . 7 MOM iti"::1=11114126.7111= ene..llhri b rele i l 11 60 fat =Pr r a = re IVV; t=im mUleme lead = buoutiei rm bereadere l...o =d ato by th aty l L t.,, e muti er ef am 'ambled by 00. 010 mu =Meg airuM. Um for th * *MU dialef Urismemote• sleday el the Ist ia mammal mitts/UM •Pd Z ' or maisiV=u7star lellull piw I t ra Mani. mad Mr pales ilemb d bot so We fear ats a re g ra=4,na t000 tILT&I ' m °° .?4 • 6 4 1: my bud W• CUT of WmeMo n ges UMI =Aft . Mum Il i mAs i M marrwarren 11101 1 kraer of the Germ Lame Wks. routs ITY PRZSILtIMN CU./MAIM. Sever mom ratified lathe drat tff Trararatkne ray - to = bads" an the taltnette=mt=2:. lache thot .lr aid mettle ef arrow tend eelpearelgie sinew[ &terrain* eraferaticable 0.6 ter imam, d ra w; sad the Let thvethteet fra. the • IM=t of the public V the haws we tel: otherwise sera eigm tegigelt4 lifferadeekeeralf_thili= Lead 01:114. New Books riST e s Problem; Tainted with cot ,: . neeboriotammfmswee r L ib t rfte r of • MAO .II o il liz.min Zm uat a 4 s.„.. u.k. ;Isionos csiop#4.4i.4l. of X;7lptt JacobAbt#4 :0.7 4 rlltZoo irk,: 14 Boot or ti.s,:iuth.. -• • 71.,•7 or Load= uma. wad the Loadno Pam. • f,; , • -,!, jin n' -7 1'.* ?.!ii ' ll Mohiltt ibru"4, 6 1,1. i: . '• ''' - - ;,* 1 11 4 7 . E ., - • sbititripp,mstoirotoremp.-L-A - Hlaki. IT a Glop Apit. kapputigerillogrrictica ~ 1 tia=14,11.41. El Dr.= ' W .7 1 . 1 67.:97.71 Pr m" "LISPS; A* Pat ' 4 7 .5. i .1 4 1 ,ftorigriii. 7 r eedd. "" LiTa otl io• V p rilf .ityo ' i :W 7 aar vo. • a 7.14. 1 4.4 11 7 %iint . rl . ttr it ; i. ~' ii4:Te4 64 - sat.d ama. ow. , r .• sil durl ... • `` - r' t i r . t.:Tai .It, . , ' • - n .... a szvizamti. .. n.k , t.p...1.,;.4,000.4,tii.... _ . . 2 ., :p ....... zir0r yr taliav h r ell=4.llstars :1 3 0- 1.1 111::4 . 11% '4 1VS141 IIggEDLEIVORIEZD COTCriffs; tunmi. , 61 ", , ,g1 4111 " 1- 12 °N 1 r. szoNtau—tal".4.ll,,kr..!, IMEIM=IMM= TRANSPORT . lON Iss,[ ith matriaurrin; ON SHE EXTENSION CANAL. CURIA, PAB a 01, Bocce. Pitin MBE PROPMITORS ttda old and Well ; IMoop /toy looVa thy yobbo that MR 1 3 ===0; :mm ooloott=b u az Erna to o,7l l ...F=lttholtootrgn 11lootfeo;nat= la.ttot loacttiouro mojestx. sMota Itildro, to v. aot.. O. ear. Wit/INZUMlto.,.P=sii. • COM 11011121: 1 • IL W. NocChatto. po; ; o.= P*4 • • .7.1111.1130' W V.= Pa; •• • 111Mtattoo, :mak, r. 41... 1 ' • Now Mellupe:dn./Int-IUL - MHE new,staaraer IiORTHENEB, capt. =4'l2= 7 or="Mr. a ay awn, tni bet gni tlip--.oreraq rso6lll_ Ia meta, as 0. ednoc,yal.. for the ZokM Eta. . . *Lamar /9 1 .1WAW.A.N. J.VI /OM &Mil MP. Mao. Ibt th e musteist 813.1110 r. tSiTVl4ll_=ll . 6742"C.4911.W.RiMringfitege.' RIBMIII"4BSLiikMOS ~., 7fITKRB - ARE =REMY , INIMMXII. • . Olio LEM • ocoolOolk Of *cilia ri . . . • t u t uc iz e ~ SO to sii clot Um. WI st a, um a nos, or ,or, &maims:o; bawifo, Lois node lb, lifch22lto: Chrt's Pam . 11:rearart. b"..4. M ol or „pointa m flue renoor=toloi l to4 e .i: U.VIZIC Mona Iced.. o( Inisk mocurol arli. . _Llama sod m.o.'? a Midig7", ' . 1.11 ,' • 7if on= r iril. ''' .. „ . Owed door Inolortto i' S i — • AVM DISPOSED OF HALF STUIII7:, tuaTz°!! i 4. Ml l 2 e t u diks t r . 7 ; . , . s .! ? ingnitslM : 1 RisgttAme.TOW9Oltitiairifiiii. iiilifffal 1851 PITTSBURGH & THE RARTEBN CAM: yguz CANAL being now open. we ere rea dy is main am brevet P1!..44/. hat.. !!!.4 Vlrinn= ;sits dato4 ti iwisimfbki. ..Ptsd DM midi • •015•ecednd cOd %Mudd wiri cud Ires 4, clUccit my camp 12c1hregedlag or Sp , " M *S onatt a ,c "" = * LitlVLestkcie 11411117 .n.na'd " Vll7ol2fA b /g 00.. DIIII4 ! ''' inn& :1 : 43 r . 1118talr niIi C ALU, t,.. 4 .,.. • birtmc a ccuth and . . , .... No.W iax xi cCM sr . ' iclii■••' . iii - 1851 • Iffeltanti : ' Transpa#o4l. viiiirsantvilita. caws -Ain> 'Ai ELLADELPIILIDERECT 2 W rt asdUIPPINCL . I. I! /it Oa. Onsat; koto. NM SUM P rltlllMioB.CoatorTitick. road street: n6..' ! o rs, lirovott to ribotro %Murat . .o.rogi . elordri.ol t gal=gEobboo 17.. r nor. ao• *. s.V " Kriti.rd=4 ?mu r. , 64 te. Onag Ocostmermant la tuning rib UM ot; . • °L'A"kift" Fimma - 1.851 OAS so Ship ers of aterebandise, nodose, ea: Mil RON=Ay v. nos . RELIANCE IMSBUKO I TRAMPOR TAT lON LLNE. • ATKIII4 • OP. Preptkion. sad •• C " . 7 Avon, Catia 11••t4 PLl••••nek•' .V3...1A10011. • ocCi it s7=r o 1 =•:•• mo•llVlsrasaarsiew . • • .• , • • -..851 •,11101Ei • - Pittsburgh won II . • JA3IOIO/00,1NOR a CO, ebao Vado,lldAersk• • BiTY.S, JAY= I 0... 0.1.. r Brood Led Clem 0dr.43, sad No 3 South Pewits id‘rai. I•etvam Vadat idol fl4a, sat amen, Pidladorlpiad. • • crcoN SOU • 00, TV Nana stmt. %Mins. , ' . griio folly completed mar • &troop. • m.oti, we •10 to imparyd=o3. 01,dalad el U.; I. Ounoia• 1.. aad traa 11133 , , =l3otallant: 110.1af11 1/111 rart. Tadao. Oa 1. Lcddirelllw St Lucia all 13e• Cut end welt. at Lens name moll •143p0n ellrastalt•ad eon UN. ow, at. a Una AIL !dab raimmi by 611/ Lim sty Ms ams.d ai lamina., 1.11 *at ./ ftan_th .ar.M. 1. 44001 Wmay a.aaa 1 / 1 Web., a.. . . . Ail attamasiao.lm3 Tod le earretar• as tank ILL a 0, Clacletha r ; ... rA lealsrtllz=Lou W a l.loraseallbelitsieror wittt Mi . awl TraasaactWaa Ur et .110 . . :V. W..WllBoll..Watailikace..._,_,....':• IV.): 6 7 Marie, Co* V ibroth . 4i ......_ ULM la. l'imii WAsesits;:Jiartiarr, SIMI , Wm. lalltm 4 Lane MS (Zander tea saa 'Maw Wm. Catmoy. eftam. au (kid I , ' , E nz" tannoteout= utwat . si . sarla.. Maltbat i rMal k a a atipadar INSlalaa alalailsi lei. 01 11411 0 ..ISlTsidi Inllnalb. ~- Or • Limb's Pateofilaverdble . .Water Filter rNOW Wto% be seen in operation at WM. TAM a . Plaastos. la°. Hi Yoaftl ...I—bi.... AT) er......5 . " t i• ilt: t,..." - V' . Vt LW:AV= a Mid tram taa aamoitaa ltriltute d alcp .70ff... sad a Cartiacsas from Oa Irrsalida lasatals St vlaUt.. =lVo t. troco .""* thst I:44liUstat Ur= of • hlch du t0i1mt5a r ta . ........5a )1. . 1, 13 , It and M mat plessars to romostapa ta tha ' tovers al Latta. to sot. tto, essatit ltoomibat a s blltstrr. Ur Tama DT au. tart. Hallow staid am at tam Oa mar al otaktbs. / sat sosb}sa to_tad_p a tart, P... atninia run. 1/7 Ltrat otr it 7 • Tao ?stoat /imas=V A il l ec %mau to, 1/t. Woos/ 11. lan* soa oarst by am la soar mov.e.d ...z =trzt1,av,.. 7 ......-tgl w: t. stosaawasl tt o dr malts. . WWI . I Than Maus al:ransattd Is lake oat 0.7 soar ez ' Ps. m attab y t.P daccarpand W=s/ of vs.. Sto maw in Ye 'ma. Tha sys varrsatut Is has two =Q.T.: tnLth awn w onatim au/ last tion saa nnasla laylletf •Ml Amin sayeti. and Domain - 4isisin* UTO6D~WAILWRLAKELY'it CD, Tar VT vethetaremet Bzeklftbseik sad Taminro..T.v" . lib;itrht en* noeaa n. anus= Dupla/km . Our osuirtys Lb e pre withll the mind 10 0 Bratecos,,ls , 7= s = oobtAL WM ism a5 .5v, 50d. , =.1.0. smia a wnsiti. . . • • • Heating Owl Ventilaticaik% 19170 ARK. =ICING APPARLTIIB fox k mi bira4r.ta nalidaXe pi lin . paa ;; tt(tttaamaamerfralaa. v="oliaaal7" n s amass. ba all upae. Wpm 000000' " _a l , 4=l=l ° 6_ nartrs rl=las VontUaalao, br mamma a .14114.11-11 i.... ."; rarlacta duastplilaw an soon inuaanallgly begat parable pr a g n. evallatal asarsa =las the l azi=l h w wlt.ll t ritin; Da tam ; /5 7 r11. Mia0.4172.ri. Agrietattra Imrdentati 1., RAVE MST received from the Essttli. 'l ll 4 l b= b rogarra= f.th 'i t.M in,44"=.ll tuat=osu. a s 1 : . ems Shona, tortorronn4Cliong ram. renr=l=atr..ll . i . vatung ; lout. • I liegiu and gnu Python, untAtioc gronotrel sirc4 Ulm and gnu prong _ a ggfr=roaint tim r inse smaynlalg"anirot ° H. Incamuntait • caw:l ocitoysysa 456:, rATgNTED,.Ttitt.ttii; 1850 . sing • tosatlfol losilialbooo. Hoodoo. Coo . BMA Ilsroms, Oc.i and Or pronato 1 Ms !abort= So to, sod prolonata dui coat,sipa Wuricrtur dro its:vrts"bm brall " Pll.OO • ausdef rdids. 22g emu pot udo. ontoortkolidaand •• Jod • ' 41. E. diradaidl, ad woad Coplay~ Poo Clay.; --, are MN Sple Apnte Colder rho: thittot oils Or Moir Pat:l;l2'o2 or tom. estab * bohod volottstloo tar We toss or Mots Pao, Steel tot:. ao, It It mato otos. or 111741 7 !armada =Ottawa' bacon: sod to vory,arthttir rattq sod elatootot atoThott b Irrisdhht, J. nuCtONNAILSIt th.h CLIFF . }114&-4iiirt a bewail amoits.a , or own (ma. timer natiselledtspiotle rr aar an desirable prams W. W11430N; .IntrThac. Joli -- el Hulot Woo; caw at 'MM.* XEMPLAWN BWORDS— , Justained,A lot of Ilnigtqo Tomolor thren.4,7ll2k tbiomblom of As oxitearoL _ I : ; w: WILSON. WTI ..-421 " 1 ' 14ad flirW " l lira us 'I . 2I,SEEP 10114-1500 gallar, for Bale dm!. • ~ L A.u.D p., :l iate ! 7 . t IQuoßiop Itopr-400 tbs. for male by:, , j_4l j. 24 - • ss BELLER& ti METAL-400 tonsforado by • 1- ilao • • AILEY 11$11131RWO 01 • ADLS& ROBBER GLOVES* MITTS— Invastatal loOlon o ozvvottia no iititi of Thionir Iowa? bar. KU DnOt. r 8 1 ,0 : 4 rfinmilir lba. for Bale 1 . 1 'MUTTON WalB-2004' priiie, for -Loa: olu bT 2.01 REM Itivramirs a ock., L. SASSAMAIULLA - lear dos. Ad— • 061rodWarib POTARI—.6OI%. forager: , MI 5d e ... IllgitiEßTOOK • CO: " :DRY.GOODS,&a Newt/oats! 111j0TWITIMANDING edvaaeed 'tete Of thir.Mn d!or..Al ht!.l!.. =Ow r n rot ga InVN.M . IIOI= WO% logl • Black &I lAZOlat , ,roixtr7 datribte W m g cb i t lear t •, •rareterof lowthed limbs mum , ' • B ys it 'alma a kt d Las can via) tar* ba a Law. ni st , I supericr Etirtim itiftIRPHY &,. BUROYIELIMD Itswival di igelVVW.,..SitUfraVga mmer from ma r. 9" LAM BERAGB—An additional supply !L ” 6 "". 2 "VirterAluicesiisi.: • IMMILIXOANNUAIt 'ALM • DRY ROODS, :,• • • .• :.• AI rim.= Asa situ ; t A. &Moan Dx,t62•4ad 64 Mai* Vibnicienee'otenivizokt'Tinto 2s, itauummetis.aeoutem Ot aiontkof Zs* frboadmattall via opouel th. weary artletir Wouifts te t lb* sna to lAtsbaboat st7P Ant.ta !mamma, Weal= ex a i e sslp ina...• I TyI C1 4 "==" 1 " "; I...&Wet tga emtgttet!.t>tattrn 1 ui.b.km t p,t0.i. f . 4 1.. 4 ut....1 • - - . • re. Eveldk. VlTl."'="L.mrt. tl t. ums M nad, " !VVt:ti :.,, ,z vkidefcir worn , westiiii. : NI NP. a-tarn/MD, at tfte I•• • 4 ainar 'of au*. and is tnois. vna rely iNI yam weeloor, od• P"n 4 = y am .: 7....41 . mils Tkiirta Itiiibill •‘" •' ' , r "I'l; , ; Aar& stup it.illic ' .eitZrar""t• 71[70 4 / 3 111,MI: ! . i . .. C4t`' l4 M "11 46 1. U LT,/ ,s i rMt' . • faii,.. •dliL ••' • . iwini imiilAWN.afravt..: y 7. t aSETLIARPETZ.—W. dralicitoellt Whir:4 saua"re • ' • sl • _ _ [ II=ELS OLRRETIK—W..2tVeIintocIr t toohlOon gad VlagenEwormjet,_4l,: f . frells t id. 4 4 41%ti1t0:475w.t.141.4111riit 8i ..{ 51L1113.-1.1L1.740011 L A. . 4 • We Itiot . l=3. eat .6n4:4 " " a ela • =3 6. , • . •ya ••••• •1: MASON • 'mat! .' • uth eAVs k irMS 40' IHew lawns: , it. CO. hare jut tetelted , eir Oar ywr dallnkl• brows 1 , 4,1 stmt. LWOW/. ftriNgED I—A. ALuex. a . arsio Itedmsalus•rtact a Sur IrS= gr r ir . olll/ Itstr{lll.MU-r -7— l White Linville. Wu; •*. •• I TIA.V.F. on band whauseortmenief ._ .1•41 Amnia* • 11g. i ha= rarad:Oina ti sigip • etA • rigrsrr rn i C aabodlso, ' . -sod Mood sod Tiesdle Was. • . nom boat 1141101041110, Wes.) a, CRAPE LEISSE, Wile, white and pink; C4ag0..6114 .41 611r1; IMAM. oldie. liak /MX +.l ans: :Artelfdal Nimana, *as cuitat-rmror. sat VAAPESI CC . PES!-41.4.MAscag t Co. VWe sal luta .st. bar York kreOW SI LA 81—A. A.,lktuox Lav afaleml aile cam We black Laval, • Alaa. • any WM* Meade ei Irestield taws•, se ve•T arena. ea 4111, Chad Illa MOM I)..LLASOL6 .11EDUCZDI—A. co. an ww offering tlftit isEhind .8101 MOO. Inn al tsnow nn radon! Can War . nbas Soninactio ant A MA intelndeir onnneft. . , ,_ Ranch____ dine liruidelatheF'.! " • EMI! & BURC lir LELD invite the It: ' =oltgb . sMt.o Wit swortmoatt AM. materlitirr i altlag.. Nao klithW , SHAVCS,Tiii TT1411100 . 4 rai;c4 I—: 4 . A.LA1= .4 .:.1= . 10c1za1l OW:: Ms. ZinerCt " frt . g!'..Fr'i - AWN& ! :LAWN Is* ets.sr A. A. MASOII Oa as low terrtai Nog crirs- E 4 •of thvav laws• •••1 .261141.1 to elty. . Yt~tic 44 all •• • tnol=itiellia" . • •.• • • • AIT BONNETS!—A. A. Atasaw & Co; tedmmattubaumsatow.sust tVirs Wairftware.d.eat Fdap.„ • War tioa of Jodi. Ss oallelboi to the otovo sadu Fs • . :Attar' •UV of 4tifqpi . gs tottell tiy tarth4 te'es, • • Meld gabtovms. - Sw Teo we pow ^ , A4 *A. o!' eat RADOS'SOs_O. •37 tr. • raw. • • ' 71 • Piaao azdporgy.AL A, =kW& CO. rtimid•truiii, 4. - to tm atteattes'ot hosiseksecto to ear mo. t., ==lTZVed 6114:2111:0101E gl= a*V.V42l4=-161b.li=d,,t'llf4 S , for Men's sad 1311)TH Esam..mximktm.w. i f= sl :=lll,4lWltSely*a sinniturrimeolimm. • TLACK SATIN YESTINGB—MarphyA, - ;Lace Curtains.: "' • - 111ANZAreeeited, - &ice rico th• voters.. amertmonst of Lim 14 *Mai lair 4 ITALAI/i. superior article 40 inc. Wag= ends!, I -; I64loASESGreenßlintJalos4 I I:. • ; zniatiimie! - Tbs Just reed ft= submiennotactu• ens: t. le &Win. ow emeralds Wm.' 41177 . . - WNW= Llt. GENT'S EMBER 010 MITTENS. —Ttsa mom ssUmsam tga lll sr • as.. la J. H.rPHRUPA, IND • U' MIR I • Az oell ent pna. vroc tae M, coy itekammit. OTTON 11091ZRT , s!V,OLO all t ! tab," 111,10 ba. Peaches; ' nil, .roca OIL OLOTH&—A Jame etatk!of , lbw OUq ot widths esnemr s ft= X as rls, p =simdzzits we tzcz i k = 47jexAmial,"Pritriugra*41 No10:5 Mazur Slituri 4f. PAVIEES - ollera for We, at _r_eri. . to o lola a tall assort:twat a Bt!s• Lad 1 1 DU' 14M 6' 011,.... lair' ce , l3 . 2hyg lif a, of tsir a ta r i t rui. o = 3lill a Ch Ti a PPOlt . ft ! 1 4 . " f ralrtaz nootat :t;4 itara aiao&iotva. iLli—rito u =tris thu k ...d 15 111Aftrziscraiotroatat, g. , ok.r ati:iiesa lipitp, tgasclw .1 M Vea 4, 7114.T.W-9 %Z= owWA rL Oro4l . rsey..fa M..: 4 1,2= 8A iu=sePulkno3s " allobrVNlarbi Daw. Ow. h. r fft...o.ol).:ANl,4ow.vniarma,Am mastrArte arm 11= - m 4 " iglaaradaa a AILALWINEI imavat Win Amaaa tad ft mom a .17.Piend anarttateaVat Vaal oni doblaaablaaasdaaod =l= eb t apr. ILOVAVAtirt•Vtr i c Wal ttet r i t= ta t : tax 1 a ga jr it ni Pitt 61 ' .!1-T r g =I I I or• *aValeiVirttAlkala ta =l l lll . -" 11,41 - _ CARPETS; , , OIL „CLAMS,. 8z...2: - - •W. zetimmt„ •' • reeddeiab axing eta* at • •• • CARPETS. op OLOTIA . &, TRIMMINGS, •- QABPETS - • - VlY"raPsivrwt. Mow:, fr ., Lb a 4 ; 14 .11;1 11"4•4412:4tirmazre. .4 s v a • . RUCK_ MATS, OIL CLOTHS, pOsts_llA...l:4 rho e: umewa do . do. not Allalasd•OnTfitt sill %=; 114,14,51ra Houk 54 011a•tha, TABLE COVERS, at all thee port. UMW, ptt5:1111 . 4 b =42;11 . 31 • emb Wit Wladol; aollsoar, V 0314631 ;;;•=l . ;:iogw ;16.Z...V.Maa• r =tdo.t.WmMILIddi .th i . recotears,_ oraeW - 031 a ins . szo Emi‘f,2prraFi r e. f .T '''.4l.c.trobriter4Ml3l7; 85 . =7= ll'l4 Imehl3 REAL GOOD i Tria m AA ,.. : .. llo t AtollllBT*lla2t. tl ttOt ais • Or dazosoctiYis ars IA this • L9H.-666blir. new 1851,tkled Heralq luif Ws , do a. da atala lad kr gas by DO) JoLISCWATI. aas VISH-10 bbls. new Lake Trout; sal ions " Lislistret ,., t i i A2t11 7 -0:11?bis. No: 1, its . sate -', MAIM DIC'T 00: AND Pi 4-8. Ibis. No. ,t. las Luna %taw,Es W rR I I 3.34.&C,E484M. 7 .40 bldg. for 'milk 11 EW 24ACKFtlEried.ift ..pltiow, • t .ii i r „49 hf ' •, tomiwArr . 00.:,=; NUTMEGS -1 NEW MI MANSSBEIcrIOO M. so, 41 ig h"l4-'IICI.-r-41111SIVAMItaterrit: fine'Lemon Syttip. • vezi importer irtielo tortheirlmaraiotativi , Arli l • a 00r pArRY - SALTACISOPtiIiOi ; artaifilt,the dga tails, pat: up Unalltantur llnsatirc' A 3:4•4:41=Cfl 'O., or re b 7 myl/1 ZWitaILIDOZA INGE:ELUL V!6M! , gE!!EMilii ISII-25 MAIL Late Sup. , Whitai 1851;; AP SAGO 0131ARRE—Nariale by, icti:=4l:lllrworsol7sl mo _ . bRIALv.PEACHEB.-100 'bushels dirseth",``!"indfurerirAultimudii. I forel . bt 41 . :HAWN EAMIL-40.000 • lams& frr aoknosr„t arr coiLt tcoar ACON-70001baSsaus,Sides, Shanlars, Du Nib by': 3.111 IL A. munan. .:r LOUR-410 blols.."estragßall _ • sod tar so& br ...WA. IL W. ITARITAIJOIL: RISJI-15 •bbla. Nei! Whits; • - • r • * 6 • J. 3. f tell 6 li1). SALY.RATU 3 7 - 1 00 boxes pure so DDI . • jai • a. s. aufiriiTn.l"" GREESS--WO boxes for Bate cbt4ri;;Di:,, 49 :0N- . 15 calduiSh; ders, . J•l4- , ,Ilifirmizu,„*""46'br,;;;;„i, CHEESE---80 boxes fir eat e2R_ ,r, 1,. z ==, roo m I_ • VIACKER.PIater bble .fict:-.; 4:: fat. ANAL :MUM* HA sips am - • maul' waver COIL 14 6 water a Trost na, ACON—LaI obi.; received sad for Bele by . .111P•fao • • war a Wessman. LINSEED ° PEOCOLA Ma T .I;exn OIL of tory Ibr sa;• by Ip.-410) !dirateent br AWN-5000 lbs. Bog Round. on consign &Jr 5e..4 rtounau—lo drums for salek_ Al- J.ILDILWOI.= ^CO.' fl EFINED SUGARS--10G bids. OlfiTit RA: ThiltondoNad •/.2 - C 7AlVi t lea r iaßON 4 &):: • , ,ICE ,—.21 tierces Carolina, for wacky: I let , RSA. ncrentsos• S u 2. All-46 /11 " l 'i• /1 * 0., filEthAtri. bbls aliallod, fir salel” , • r. vox zuviNnonre Oo.• CHEEBE--35 bss fur sale by -ido • E. F. VIO =NUMBS'? OX .L I ARD-12 bble in afore and for cols ~ . 121M1A1/ DO7Sit. AVANA!cf3UGAR.-40! lAA •whtte -So- H: ns..sutPigui pealved and fa im a , , , apassepaa a Infll3 py suG : , bblo loaf frogor • •••'•• VgNM32M9MI!M .LA-1;4.4,7151-bbhi, No. IwiLlptdorsalat%ii:d.; gAßatt--to boxes Bostbrighea extra for ros. er, .rer . WIVE,* AI`CLDLESS. 01L--32 al& f•at salaq- • • ILESBI-40 bza,.-W.forsae tit - • • • , 13. I. TON imuoasz . , bgs, prime Airain V i ~iskssz s=st for ale ba *.m.a 10E15 tiercea Fresh, fiir sale 14. RUED. BEF-000 lbe primgyjusere 1, wind satte trr jo9 1141.111411011. - iIcieVGAR-644 bldr, roc:rival awl for isle 'by - •VIOLASE3IIOO bbl, just nimiTed and ANA as sag - -a. W.MARJUArIift, .4 .4 P.., I NYE FL . 0 . 111.3) . bb=ilm for Wet/ ....m..•••,.r QCORCHINGS-4casksisrime °if dan . fta Ws try - • RIM* iIrearDLIPSS. 1 7 1'...Cak "1.1 6 r w'ickkr) - ..Z kegs 's .. As z. ...A. 3' . . Ta . i •" s _cir •• ol t. 0 4 '6 l ' i l tr Us i rsiva i rtgrl ik*; tes i taVArtgass ' ltsolgtur srsisi '.4 saisel za5 ........... • ~., .1 I rr sZa Is snit Isp.TniiinV . :l .. • of alusa • b.. •itl aliMr... lig. YS YlApg-Q b 1! i ßela b 4 :1 1?..*14411' BACONe43,OOO lbs. Etio • - • , i cit t aP,:,"BAZArrijiry TA-710bb1~ "Ii: • acc: R ~ n: . ItACON BOG ,BOUND •-.MIXti: Bacon • Hasisi,llideil. sit WOW% tar V&A., bhds,Nvo4 , for 10$114 • R W,VIAABAIJOIC ' NOLUM lc MSS BLACK 73116.4+4N0t ,- 4 2:=1;arZi:gie ti ertu l =sc a t „ IT tk re,W lar = — o, t ip ik j; lair " arrAira ").. Dagen. KC= 1:1110024137450 dos. ,oconduv.; to beet; 14 . 4 . 1 6 b • • • . • • • 0111,4X.A . 1. ow.paw vikldait4l • gni NOVVINSTI • .w ml , it kl / 4 4 Zatepktria'q 'l2 . • aul l t. tr, 4 6154 1 _ Au triVoi7,ll4 , l 14 so ming: • 1.100 b. .r... ~ '' ' I —4ll. e 10w,,, ' E 7, :,. , .fins , -. 1 . 11 . t s i .= 4. boynt = Citolkor. 11;01=011i . klagl Teti ii.T.igt.a. .: k r,T i.W - ' 1. ...s 11 aw rnings. - ' - , • .. , -- •, - • ' BST 11.,VisilI D.i r z Mr b a !I.E. rrL11,41.0,W. Wilt Trw. . • n IrtraLVl4 6 C .. • 1,60 lrirti Vo Lan* • b• WKL '. -IL , .- .' ...rtg. , • --. i'm AA TobloXt ' 50 `' - • lir'ra4 Nats Rites. IlleK . - ' 100 dm....Wirti.ke* TO t i rtzer ° *lit.. 2,..r 1 1n - - 7 itb?).!. l -,,,,, s i i ii- : 4 0 ' ... ' TeralottiKetabaw =.. li=ls!.. ' ~E G ... e IYL ..i. .... rio t . I rZri n f . il i or . t'ia . cce2 • = U a te " , r --,,: , `t" At, 2 s . . i ,•'-'.., -• . r. L r I.ia Pr Aal. praX*.ll. : ./0 ) e s 4 0.,d!0i1, i no btx:"Etilirel_ATir , 4abblionowteltr • ! , 1 ,281.9 0 ' 4.DA'plameaci 1 1. ° 2 L 'n= l; .- ' - . - - =MVO ." 1 304 7 1. , . ' ii.b: - ...digawst sr ctg l i,• l i Tr:: f= " r...x c'dl tlsdkV :24 Ti .... .na apsortmarir,ci c!"...w.V=14, .I' '' . l = bi . '•'..- 1 "t" 2 . 101 glii;:' - - ,' -;;."-, "v• : , :rr.! ~..1,,, -; :. _ !;,:t E.;;;:zi:,,it . ...t L.J.r. State lildnal Fire tateranoe Cam. naeigcnpriacn—lie.aiserninaieniuir FIW,2IeO evidence °Veva , gusgelis vadavvruevivakeee.•ari , AL EIRE INSURANCE COMPASS 111.4 tho Twos bkh O ath rtio oettlovint oonilnheliOTT Politer v: er hoedm , : d tho•try addtz t arer to th• West Idtorr . tint IM M tetnowthl• ritroitroardidesisesed L rem no. ea.vvere.tandevvva, Owed. 9 1 De. date ,TAM Amount of flotArff • enoceled,Oendlanied. 7 .r.7 DD ' totos t.,'='LtenolnatedotEßind merest 63710 DO: Warn Ix: Cub mamas r050ma......... VAT it • , iholsosit loom sod toterompaid-4:641.4 5 &donee la War of the Co., to cub-. UT dty or country motobsoote, sad olel~ sod To bAnted tad country nropertfZ . rml Ude tom' stuntman Is wild ebroportaibtf. 7 .114.1 etetoa it=slsposzt, of Cloaddestion of RIAU. cothodlng sb mins only • boated mount in sof ano-Vivia br t.l ma ern= onward only. tar that lehroontlatith. the to..* Ins bat by net og bia ...nab*. edettrd le..* perwribei Tor, atilt pendia Dr.lioatta Toole Afteratle•TlEs, when vie&havashr sehootrimholl to ta soppier to all ahem pa • mw. a...x.111er rut, loassova as Uremia.. the bow•L pee; 'Stagy the tram ocatl as oleo his Gokiew aro st• loMok I.be bealty, t r oy oam peculiar Nape:Kim 64.1.- tad to ab dme= het belax sashed that • lase trial i• nation to establlah what has beau said, mild cloth of IT. afilletad art invited to Oal utai the *rot, and pro. sate (oat?) ono Ettho Dochef EtotEhetach ,, — , ettatoli• obr aalcElikt of each reakestr.aastaPa lag nr strata as wall as bit... tsar . geboonsaaker Co.. brf sod rt., Pittsbugh. 1% i....2=1)=45111r tit. arbot asaPoet Ofbees Mimeo " " " tf i. :4 6. i THE AFFLICTED will be rowid in ' • Dr. Derwlti.C.Kelllngees INPALISBIA larni!,,' or 'null, ',blob hoe sued the tem of thirty's:en ct.. Mat 4" = j of h tron. '" ono * rtild b" nahs , - 911 al l'' seliret ar W. alas.. dam. of disease. - We Vol U.O. 1.31. as , thing In mii.l . ..JAtotasie la the orgy median* test Mu hew :1=1,1111,10.,. mh d , "..''"'7'!"'.° . rP... 46 -..ft b..... ..d.li Capable =tag itor, ammo then wombyother anis offered .ha oda 00 ram not 'by ohm or mkt, shy whet mow ,•:- - - • As seam.COC.l.= erf a the IA?. we IT, • 4 theete a 1 a ,41, . ud =Jet . b atee p = l„.4. l. 4 ~..1 . ,. tha pm/re of thee.. 147211 y. es S. nowt agreadde - Ilattlabor ever offered Ihr sale. or I:inel hy soy a _,..The 8., limos IL artonell s late ILO. Th. ll= Bat. IL. Warr% Mtejdayar, lion. 7ohn,A. ter. late tr. & Omer Iker .:WlLlato IL zwur. le. 2 .4l4 4 raZ t tleglpj f lt e af s the —v.4..4.0 11. m Ite merits, have perallted Are elr ggs k t Idedklitee irrtetentes. the weelthr sal Prata ...ere. Med. ; Tntr di cattfre!= (11 . 2Af i r,,y,91111=1; serarmez a before thmtdle. man ge w tret Dirt am now 4 mgawn _pTaat of Um starrel .efulmm end sensan, '. /I les remeettos tr= all tarry. mdos„ seratolone enadas Ler hsulaes " = met t all o m =l.l echo that habit to nave men ma .thout a. such eatonlalting - our. alter other Ci ' aVaed. es would Biome taw, bad we me 2 Wand he Mt paniala", the strongeet prodble m a* Minearlter,. attoM% annedy.'ls onmaria tem 'kr -be Wang. well se externals. Is eats anal non tA. dlarmed=rtag It health end etrenath..- alas mre am go ersmm, BIM. Melte, sat all gmanallo edeatlese, Comm of the &knelt, sal Weaker ha maker Gable. Sem Istoteser .cesme a may m ,. . . - - fariabisfatltarth. IT 2. E. Seam, Heats KW A At, snel Ogden A eared= and by tbe retell •=tv.7'-'.1.4.., Jr , ow pm ..t 0= .147= " TO the Iltadeilaf the Pittsburgh . Oszette. TIOURL/C*ATTENTION is sreeniiy ; D . LW2 , *lO.O 1. the Waded tad.; set ftitt - relatl. lo litist,Mir rehrofin 1 r i n r t t h'. .bas% ;me Yam ego' Mew Me great nmseyyma .. loon t rt before the , trlMltaltreatrate k ore .. ..ASZ li e arxretr L. , Tend we i r that the in. It it trial the esse will ha Ism mewl. tle pat the rtore, e der, to Os adegolool• of mating moneys ,t 4 , b. ,....,,i, -.m o b ea, amain, 1.1 anstlone to he 1111. 01.2 U.. .. b... . The . ftr.. fa 0• 1 =11=, elaborased In the deptba 'f the earth .....z..."*""14.17.2. z r. i ffSt."4.l%":4 l ,ltlltrui.. • _ ,. 01. .i i t r t. vs wits th deedre uierb-that we s oy 01001 oar aj : d ella. a.. 40.-11 at stabeenea. la. alek are very eXtcrer t det, et . nrgef hoes disease- LA nosy an ere r t . th" mom. to ow.. the oteeet of eau. c r e& eau of then. how, we do not thatni to Weere anshour colythat the truth to Marl. to 'oar should be .11 1, 41 .t. t .i. rMelr to mom Oa It a amo- VA's Ita = ankle Wt. safaris med. aril nos be asoestehoed Anew efgy rod oshadseteral, beer wade in la rr of the.Petrolson . - - - Witt. Um two otensha two of obi own eat.. ritha mew SAW. bale been .V assal of . In the Etre n E 1.,1 , ,%- az ....a: ............,................. .M.• , bat them ere maw neer Loan. end now to try any pais. tebohaeo dotthts nu the ml,- , -. ass wore mad eller they bad ham ebendam ;panne.. se hotel.. The Paroistan 1111 =Mk • Z V b" A s' y dth a (aC th k e 2...91 44 sItn.4I4I.7.Z6TUnS : ' Ado%Clat. ONO&A t It ow-hide, e o d ~ 0112.014 WA etuao netts. teedog Pte . ... 31'1"" reeds. Yte= 'of the Eladdereatt Md.. . 2applar. Corm 11. Bunkers a m it e al =Timm acnitt . a.l haa wee t i e .ctor= t ere. .11sill „ ferahrsat or estoeistare to thea to the althea. Mood. ; 110.110 . ...Imre may ear thorn thetrusalkines, Ur • ?Web= Um greelest Bawds of lb. ace- Stradaas Lends* to tbe *WOW= ere becoalas to we al . labels Woe elte at ant. babo *emit* doda ase .1111 as b ye.mat tt do era+ cod mokleelbeta . teethe, marmot?, all will be aose W eckwekdo QM eachantle=the crew Jet al veur dblemered.' ler rele, w sad ye. fall. by , - ~;,,.. . &BMA A MoDOWELL. Ito Wand et. , I. Id Word stoat; Is. W. Caron IL A. eV. Also, try Use pm %Ire "" -tiin. hemothtrest.•Ettta sat /1.. - A i CA. Wcod end /Mot Mr aHLLERS'IMPRRIAL COUGH:SYRUP. .It!rthemour to t 2.. and 1•111117•111mioax. Z. - A.u.mtm L.VI7. sum =.1647,_ bawase-aly stak. iit• othan• ha. Uwe - tabiset to troubissam arogim •3•6 used dlifmat fro.tezy 111•1•=. 1 mat =m•a tu a h •••• two of trirboT• and slAo r 77=7 arm Moo. sad it Ms onar WW to CM the. I Iwo nasosou•l•d It to my migh.bon. •••I do mud iru I=9l 3 isau.as cOnith stolid= tk6 "••••itc•illoitiertatthelr ebildnat to miles Alm tb••• mar . b. ,cosott 67 • :Mt+, DMZ& or um . ..Prspard solar E.• waxuants, • 024•171 67 Wood ft, 63•1 Druggist gmer6llr. ATruaTENT MEDICINES, &a:--A. large 'stock TENT in *pea, and Itar Nab an the meat libaraltersas, al= . a.m., , • .- jAsainstSC Bare „...,,, -, !.,..- =la jai of ... " I 216fIlland Vans Litanant , B 4 al Ls a gunk Otaattha...B a j i . • ~ . aupenta.lharsetaf Buthit :-.-; Zga7 .4 _,' . ' 'v1%474%g .W. CAIaDTSP.Ptk , ' Ida. Bypath., am. ::' =Tao* . •.. 1a.., Mct.t '• 10 . 4 . 1 . ' . . . ' tiprumforlou . Eaii Ointoant Ire TOUT Ile Wan - IPlaslars - Outman Lthteent -, . ardmg it the Dalai Mins Of . a. N.lll .....,* . 1 14 ... • . =MT a Wood awl With Med. - GIILIA-10 bbls.. for sale by - -_: =„~;.