s-thavamoun • Porsamtun Itatizoan Ma. itto...-A. Tarp ..... - of our:eitkioll faremdtle to the eintthoet*af ah extetudon of lloOthatt.. . - land - raßmad, fions Willtrville to Rani. ONO; Ned to the rsaas of the !Wand otTi:gle;, lot i ,Iniht: The *edArinitt e r gs:deed eattgeg 43eilasint J." K. M,oorthesd.to the Mir by, atta ip yetuting Jam Claisty,-Esc, Seeretry g our d rehepa, eta isonettat remariss, re ad 0 cillfor theimeems.2. ; .... - The E0110261?le A...W. room* snmenunced that' Cone Prentiss,. Esq., the , -lasstituf Ow Eion* Algid Oa Tiite*lgls Sail of nutmeat, upon fidtkik Oeneta;otnithead caned taktdee th.r.; . 1 ! , . statement: ot.t primed:a Drama med. ~ • , 1 'Ili: Poo* sui4hfr. allizstal:;3o . -iii /irk . . tits emotes .1h °Odom to oar ealstatatlolll , * : I t4elireorganile4OureaMplitty;tafthe .eiralland inici Pittatergh Itallroad' 00.111 o; moo was theiVas now, to argatimM the red, 1 net/tit:Oa ovion3itid froisiceyetana io rail: ."biligh. ' Cimaigetatioes hingid el,"thign ..eprenthi fern. frO eaten:yes the road from Ifelbreills 'to Barria. , That portion of the line _beim= the -'Lake mid the rim, Dose fer .inoutToltold-llot attentket...r% ' , 1::„............-rs ; : bli. "Presintinf.younted that they _hid not -+ .. -heretofore rosined the aid whiehtheimpeatimisi I - ;et thi settitet: . ,demindled,” in cusliethat they , might reach. Win rgem time betime, they - ' , - -bad renewed insurances of ansietattee, to be me . :leaded ,by. our dilutes: to - the 'road , betimes :Wellssille and Rarer. which Were toy gratify.; illti to. 4.1 Pierian,' Oa ba 114 no doubt in{ .thist shay odd nialiasiatiatheteri ariangetaiMA , to no on the Ohio and ,lsenorrania Railrad e . , . The lkod id precis. of the Oloreland end gittsburgh Railroad w thed to maples° thee:sir; , Orp ,- ott the god bOtwern theta, two Points:is - Woon as Possible, and ]bey-would proceed ti Its Jetting indlishing. .They had.bithato bein -limy no th oda route: but now :Would ;:olloto I coign' of tmeoetto to vett ope° ,Um Ameba in efavettoeb..- file would not *Oa fon them thelfset Oaths company had ei *did the great+ poitio of their linals, astsi must relyuqe4Ptitthargh to Toth& the greeter portion a the old Oterettilalbmille and Do r : They desired taowitiatfor ill ..reed es owe, . as feasible, end, it Olgald b"., hoes , to #ti l iOtt . next glesnosi They bid now sloths - slaty two or - Oren miles of trash seed; and , orte laying it AV theiao ailtifil Ciniettr 41 4 . • . TitoY ittriated to artireast-theWntrwo4 Reheat eqe, wear lie. ViitletrtrittiT - 7iisyS a i Abirait , 1141 hVglit litertraehl La elitt towearkthe riot bribe thst avmoiNallo. lhe eintipany bid bad thifty .1 ;* elght 031InAlilttemt beklldiffeitea ate • itimabs„ le opEretionfor annielinto. " The Id :" - elms -on, witeNiras. aery. anntrying.eittin counging.. Mien the pad lisa Et*. opened, ti? totO t'!tled f ' o3l,o l ll 'mlti4 j 4 Ttfehtt - See to outflow:ll'4d PAO thirty pt re ger Item The bersirtatia intent Ilion:eed, (no:- i ' M i d Pi d r4 Pul i f47l lfr j r l l 4 i any. runt nciptan eini‘orin* Jettionite titan! s iyi t lk.mke . i. dig- The grant ntnoher. tot 0* int . one hundrU and Cour dap they had been in opentiett,om madeci . .31000. l' The net ------- - _ - - receipts, after the psyment of the expthaes , was, $x3,000 whirls inield pay, upon the cost of the rud, Ira PeTelll - ti,. to litt=lll-tezi pee coot of ,engraidend,'49,,thecoat'dahe nate - road .... irhen remPhtted 'to the riser; , of Anti isn!! coot; Ifs felt 'eetinote.l4'dtalrons to press loribtrd -the OoloPlitoil of tll t iiitit 1° !eat e r. ; .. . . I "i de v.- - that the mrespaisy might deeire the : -taisegmegy lyeilisiltillhOwilleiMraff to 444; tiPet itiOzood inierdapleted to tli{4 po4. • - 4..urie;ticind,i, .:',• In theta- way toitris i ‘theritiiralugh Ontel4 od% treettiratal ' , then: i4o lase°, but . illiglittrr -,. Would gmjoy the Oil - tel. their..row; wetll -„..' it wagrompleted , Beainrr. - They had niters letre, thee, as Pernits„luteretsted }tithe road, to ~ .aseretain :whether; Ithi_ortions d 4SttabariA ... wore Perm& bS *dr act Mem& meow to: ",`early this great walk tittward th colutidatien.- - - fit nun willincto _int the nrini under ecuntrart fermedlarely ; tor wrmhl guarantie inCereepte ' . boif ei an early diy ; prOided they received . ....,:.;. inewitiptimut to 3 tiostoomatots2oo,ooOBcentite ~, ;Woos of .Pittehttreg'lThe oithnithi haditene l • so tar that they had airlitd*tio panclittioti . - .PiitL t P t q l Ptlttr i l t t l O #ttiOt.' , .TE9. l 4 toil* 1. -.Will a ff° , 4 tl. 4i the teadonelthortdabed, Ai scant' ea poradble, to ocertain whether it aoaldbernisea: ~ 7 - TitiAiiiirmu ilk eitccolcc boriifrom othatthey badleilini tiefore,' mind what. th ey ... I . :higd gethered dorm their. presentetett le•Pitte ;r:lndsh; ; " i' t's - ' ~ "f. ". ''" • - '-, ..' , In tuntitie to question, Mr Pienthweeldtit4 . , '-. ilea stmt ifthiisileaul front Ceneland m ififetho. , .., . noilleinaludieg equipment , was $2,000;000, ea ittt2o,ooo es mile,. "`Ts it l / 4 7 to OToillitOo,,..ftmt 441°.: . 1 ti 4 T,ht 4 s = he Instal that half this owe* bad beenpaidin , : wilt* and half-in bOde." - ' - ".- - - , ".' .." • -'l ". --TO flonce:able A. - if, 'Lanais Calk an Po. ' -' tract' DoL of fiasco, is olte At l i.° 6 l*llod. with tat the IhoWnt the cage thf in'e d ditionel. ' - rikeisor Day - ' that the Tirmidistoi ltitltlitliStlY #4d streaky ' , Oita ttulaedEitillit" " *l4 theyAlted, ttaticityat thtatime--the log ' . -edierbdied wash to extend their tend fenOtlieie. land to rittaiiigh. tie had - atm dual to tea eitiatj linden wldetil lab otat; of:m.4*k RI . laitoponlitnbingh, the intaento entrythat dello linto ; woad Be.feto Isomer, they brat *Ovid thee" oiliProrz he thought ill , " --.. bnfiteditett thei aiiiiiki have fall islqaticilott ;,. tialr liel morbid the sofety al:apron ettlie; cit . blerimoundwleo, tlie hearing whkiat Weald bate eponge consmenist ,inteitste of this aiti.: _., lib seatetts, - i hennaing. _would be_dironted to .' .4beetatements which had beep alreldyr iado 1 1 ° 4 J ° 461 5 !qt 4 g ash it aitzt el; TOIT Uri died it: r* wiiftii . ritiitaitt ,thlir - pgrutry ..,- Ilillt'rbuty, fout-tardtm of theOad amopleted; sod andeionatly `disdrantam Us b ste bie r bed been woOleiant togeytvlinistessfof toper smut..enn shellfishes'panto ad& grreiy . riassepect an prapirali.delnetenee animals sten the roadadadd ' ;lid airy ' . 104.60 4.en1i - - , liiktnete nu ic lowa bessaPinTesmre I' : '-- • -' ",.;.' '' P v. 04 !),,ri oat 40.44 irereilarryraa . bet p.nehtlaten.444: -teithilithooti ' to tint rillica r k *dee hi OMs . : I , .44 bid that keided • .'. centltettortth - eb.fortZbetetfiqurtgor 4i + ...minted egteeptlent ~ #: I intihodaq 4 fester Tr iiiii• gitOer 4 ewe data! . Ay charm.** t*ip#lneed t Oa/Jena '4 ~ . lt gate them - the *Wes, or tuning:bite* : Rust riot °W ithottrbilitratirOgootidlootO . - airldeh'their math II vaned, but ato of nen _- otOttiodtettsiobouttbttio Pot* :ttlit,' 1 :M 3 ! /In Marred To . tligc /Area . 141104 leading, 4 . mii-kam, to -eta:VA:4l4oou Ohictrand Peinntrintola Road, laildlitiorig'alikln, the "cantinsunui abets elTroadinsirlutheitiodlost ba ' ploviit , A mt. ifietta !aplooroa be in' ..._63*i11.,4a by ' °lt If inut tr. 1 4ttewhole ntedttnein *nation in ellejrCtir9l4lol4 Ojai. lisbelleied that this"road would ilnitiitpee th e - .'... Cliedioid and Pittehmitt road ONO hittillred ' Plies l /FT O d1y. 1 1 5 -I HI M , 4 P li ge... ,aii 4 t , l' Ol. Ilintiett," : lleldluganetlneone bine Anion) , --- gin /011*ttt i il ti l t F t " - Pg 4 t 7r• - *! . .Ltt° s°O • , - . .. , ..odOrpaiteT cent en the otiro rot of th ee road: . - Professei Day theiganned to, anotheihnuteh, iddels the Board.,or Directors Wing ]Mended `.ioeonetsttet - . nu t4ana letithe mean line at .ttni mouth. or Itelna's inn; and passed dirrn the . .'.1. 111 4 5 or the 8 1 =4 *tut Tuwanown, to Cooboo. . * a di:anion: of :dui sidles. Tb•elgathaler of - . therelley wee wall lorwir.' It'':was reitgariably bthatifal, rich and &Mlle, awl ofltsolf saladent to pi/:theenditio r ecmtruCttalaitheply ached badness. Posing dottoke n es t i r. t hi g " thumb, 'wbontf Ten Obnyenother branch Alvin - eel•tirOartalttao, the eonnti eeat . -op_ Carron eounty,lttloh,)lhe the Akron branch *4i Co* , ittbet9d;iinf owned by a 'tiattlict atottiany.— he autrecarot adn toitte;'ind the - num of antatrantteg tide road were;letatettiecertalWid alit . this Jonah to OcelMeton iris ,settaln of imepletion. • ', , .• ,_ -, ~' t " :I t i r ai i iii, beet, sine seen thet ittetion ;flit, tiienti.oidt ntilat'ot itied; trent WeaWitte pi Beaver, Would thi. 'rift i4tEstin' tit 14..;:0n Ron withicautdry 101 l settled,' rielf And pro. ductile, which caw enjoye,no railettad Aerobia; and whreenujitOilittulpflamittastisrittshorgh. ger this entall eutlaY,l . WlPendid In hipding , ,ye mike reed, thai Wald secure a —aection 0ffir 41 04 2 4.064.1enaL He neednot say that" Istreet wee Mel OWN, of Artotobia Mitre tie mum aileekdre sop- ` porgsgptinhargh. tl , ' Another boom* die cobstratim of this Uwe; en the Wined. of the Campuy,. iebd tike et Pit4l4re, ike Board bad keg hid in view: :tilioti,thercionthieved the charm:ter of fhe rate 9ter whickthey Passed to Cosiocten, 'afiey•weri , able to'esy, withoill•hesitatioi, that they mama that place in heirs and a half of lige froin nusburo, making 'the total gtiuuticcrm littahargti to Climineuitl, be len; tett mai damn home! The 7 Were, Pet -484 better ebisidisa he, to-jedgenf the int_ retinae tble cointentkmi:-.The &mimes On an Mil-tars Se To Beaus, 26 ran irtniville;:2l: totteii—t -- Manta SO 4lta , *l Waldo; - 6013 !n0b malt% On total 4 .k t atettte'.9 o4o " .. 6.141kL = rt r.g eides vets Hl* todivrat nooompoolidamotai• g of a repspidepeedonthe reed. Tins &nig be:ideated by tho liosid. one eattlt But, *din be tPtliemel ' that this maim would prove Victim! Tante forpaesettgen, Sind ea talyylo Ividght, between 48nelonati and, Pik& WO,' there wsis ancither route, to which "me ettltitleti had been littorL lie alluded to` a route from a point on the Cleveland and Fitts2 Yang/ iced, in the valley of Yellow Creek, bald) lig to CoehootonwhioD, it, had beets escatained bl carve" vas esteem:ly practicable mad liolikt loos the dialance from Plttebufgh to Coshocton, L'26 satiety, ,If this shoal meetke, 00 !bother eicaztiniticia, mi . compete fanoriblj with-. the (ahooton;rottte, *kit, ea account it Ito it-, tending over s cotoiatotitdy broken count anta hardlipmbefils, it should melee-their con sidentikoL , Another trim% bad for some time been MI. doe the emitiderationef the liountmitte" the fact tium-the-mcia of the Commy was timarap4 heti tiesation. an/ maly as eximas above els per; geat, ofiliaand weilistleto be tared, ted thai mat bt Weld ict of the 14 , 81tiatite0. it mould appem midentthat it would be the policy of the Cel :ti te7elthnete V"s""e_ u et i tTelteb dU d s isopyttailteloalOor. !Not* Without aht rita other!: • This iirmiedi extended from the•Yellew Hteeh doin, this Oldo tires to Bridgeput, COMM! 0t• 34 stiles. Theca/ea In construct? ingtbls.braucty be tit mote tholumineas and Isavelekton•the valley of theOldo beirw, and partionharly that from -Cincinnati, whether Impish; there 'by am undinuiti, Wilmington end restemitte maul, ostba Cliteinnati and Belt pre road. . Day then read sleek- herd a a l . thadii daaar,ah, t the caw,* or timetirlytoraphilicn a she fotomdeseie roads, oid °rite Ohlo tontral road, thrtathatimt M BridiPtioFt...The outdraw= of this bast 4 windd reunite ell ham of the vertb,llity of . di: Testing the acielgumi b l 4 hir . PittibmAici PtasaaPbbh by a route erngaipg ihe Qbto riven, by "Idde or . of enasb Nboo they were told by the migineer of that road [the Hempaeld) that It would ":tar echo grated 80 feet to the Tolley with earned 60tifeet Wins; add withal. Mantle, the short ,ast of Witick would be ,1,000 het in length, and tharrhe running Until froniltheeling4o-tireens biugyeronld befoul: Lamm; land when we know thit,H ol l ' ea • fte el' ilt teheegh te- A lla keYeet tan be recoeith 6111=7 wed la two and e itaßkr " " "' a 1 " , ft ," h iti "0 1 ieutPetition.. 11then they zigoiabana that two would &- tali:tine the course which galiscoger4 int a roul xatiiuda pram and that they mad imeate , begot throe quartinief:an home at Immt,, them onelbirle I} 4fdideers 7 , This via taking for granted. what vas an Atatreramy daelithil point, munely,, Rliema the open of the litenpikeld Railroad Compatict mold peas • Wage at Wheeling, without I ono* Mani leg their speed ./it tkv. Yellow Creek end 4}fitieritt sgatq 6 0 via! titTi Elceebur to crrontbdi 'Daub* .wise teem tron to amen hot* the &twee Mang Men RittatMei the mouth of rallow Creek, 48/ Mild . ; and from "yellow *reek to l i H d r i t er tg4 l,llll, 4 ll, ebbtiltheeldteteieW to Itadseport n..* Nen th• fvcte ohtsh the Bops had in Tier, In dotemeMing Omit: ntau,d Judo; =LW& made thkom ettmotkuoot the Weltivalnantittemac portion et their Maily'eitto great itoportmme. Professor, Day oltooct ' , friths mist recapitnla. . Goa of his imiitimarate, and an earnest appeal for tint algoroaseciopetathm of the eltintos of Phis.. tenzhmith the company: Spence. Loomii was called oa by bk. piettgo , otemortiliatadloneerkr beam otiktri hr ado, 'lid was - hailer 'with cofintry through " which .i e ., iliet4 l ft" , to POrEec the ineeting.with anew remarks. - [We meet, tlum the ham= of the.hoar at which we Vete, Flaunt, as from giehog • fon revolt of Ids wpm*, which we bad Vesperal.) , The hcmciihts 'madman; is an eiee-,1 Opeich, malotothecrthat ft wee the 4 . 015• of Os attigeili of titl4 . .iro Iheleettieti of (rani' Inhmded to' promote our ptt4erity.,— iliey Its 4 a deep mid Taal inieritin ardsbiiis the road, ,from Wellsville to. Boner. • Hs hut be= math gratified ,by the outdid statements of the get:oilman from Ohio. • When he coosideted what they had,dowe,- sad what they wield yet do, be wild not. refrain from aging that the grimed meant vu des to them for their any condition of sisin muter tibial the emixtinetion df the cyrreyna rodki 'sari web o:6meiwed. pole' supporters bed been the label:Used, of ,i9s6eville;and some little 'Miles between that PM" and Clervektid: iogetbire *lib the tithe= • I+. PPeede4 is Clarit Carted and tinte sttamwer; t 4) Vets upon the meeting the ne cetedtj of subscribing the necessary stock. fie Pointed out all the advantages to be derived from awl • course, mad concluded by essuring kis auditor/ that all the statements made 67ltese .. Preitthim and Day Were correct:. Bile. - Lotunie then eared the following resole- Lions, which went on station ttesnitnonsly slop ..itosainst That the sweets which has thns ear crpped, the exertkos of tits Cergssii . 10 , FaliteoletTonlyiny, • is 6annateir : 4Fldoperfft g lb* tWaJdrt.Yor bur !Leary pan- ftentred 4 That e vim Masi to Ms Wane/ et PlitteborgatiSoutype of oar eitlsses Ike= mots p4-orstglop lettk CoatP447 ri%rogg Welstills Co Powr• - wow, tro castalog•obev lb.:a lOW to th e stook af the Company. tiff ihe porpase of stapling them to &net Ws catetnsina Oa motion It vas Beepired, That the Chain= appoint the ixamitte• mentioned Is the Wet resolaticee. The (die Wing gimalamerk were then sp : - • A. W. LoomLs, Thos. Bikevell, Wm. Sep ley, W. W. Wallace, RIM= MC . . 1146013. PON 1 *IOI . 2SZ Bike‘A. E 89.• Wa/ to ll ed on, bvt Mee th• 'steam obi the boar, ega ibat ao Iran ittnibie tLem *hi but a rev HT did not` Am to tench on the toile...fah had born so WI handled bi the gentlimen whO pre: Sedixt Lan, *t simpttio Cirri lige gra49c*- 1/02111111Cli !10110 co* it( p'til . ? l!ng last Task, tic,* 44714.0 W. !Wen* gniit the Cflernhuad road. It We man.ateen,inost pleasant roads .0m which la lii4Ostkiisetled. He had been perfectly astonished si: - 4telsonionss nomia of ==:=Z would Moult have boon a matter of worpace to bias, for esowdazot as at era, etathro; sad be yes to s burry to get )1131:111, bad It not beam that be rijoi6ll at the prosperity of the Com• • the chairmen, Gemmel Moorebeid, then ROO • !Ile releedui, taffy oonererrieg with the gentle': men vie bidSpolten, fa ils they'said, end . *ft* ~t elf present the necessity of isontecltste eattm Then could be no doubt whitener, but that coanc4l .o n i 'tiss of immense ilia, to ,motto; the meeting sokpoorrowt. •• We may bipere#lted to murk, that we have zoom ettadegi eqiestizig etboirip ell the proceed, fhp woman liFiioastu. A Pellevt 1,02 .. 1 4* - irj of seettaii4 omelet 6 Fervid' pre=t, oatttngtirkOlo VW, 14TIO camber, of on wet weld', sad fad untie! oithee& pfrozwir'Ll.w ?eitir.—An fotembio g ru lard lii:the District Coor4 - before Juilm . _ Er eiltnan dad feumie, • , 7 7 1 2 Plaintiffs, in' tattler 'Merle! ..ii siii A' ll4ll ° 4l /I ° - st at . ,The dafrectank,ure Jahn c Mown etid Wife Ind MOM 4. Won and wife. itulgatentbutste had been ezemded by the defetf ants jointly With- doltish," .Peoe bouhaba7- bag gone Into thOl4l4lloo4.inte PUlcSaked b7,the P l ai l,l 44. lll4 ,4"thifilliaddint* them; proceidedlik oaneet4e lame olLihe separate estate; of W Mlea ettlw defeMisits. An application la now mode by them to bare the judge:mete set aside,. "D . & ground that coda our Acts of Assembly, in reference to,the Ups tate estates of mar ri ed women, the bonds were told se to the *res. The quediarwas orgood at great length, and with most ability,' by Barks and Belden for the ; piebalds, and (lenge P. liamilton for defendants. • • The legal points at Wins ham cacittd great attention among the legal fraternity, and involve questions of gnat tutored to the pnbao view say. Their honors hue not, asyet, punnetiumed any decision upon the subject, and' we presume that the case *ll be canted up to, the Supremo Ceara as no decdmotWa.bearing upon It, hare been yet, we believe, media Tor TO Rocusens.:.-The can yesterday left the depot of the Ohid and Pennulnutts Bail 4 road at 8 &dick, and returned from 41:4, with a load of pmeengers They down again today, whenth e rails will p . . ' HUreas Cosvos.-4 man named D. H. ble.: Clue, who wag oomintttad to prim' •by Mayor' Guthrie, on achargo of haying counterfeit money. in bia possradon, vu yesterday brought before Me Leant Judge bleCtnre, Cu a writ of babas corpna.rtiettlet Attorney Flue& appeared for thistlommontrealth, a dJ. 8. Han (lion, Patt, on bah s& of-the relator. After argument, Mr. lialloriiimi.dlidiailred, it appmg that the commOseekvas lessalcient. Cuomo Amos/ie.—lt Is but • (kW dugrjdate It became oor unpleasant doq to tatamlon ri a A t il t( accident, restating from tie' o» of a= • and , are now called, on to 'record 4 me ddrik fationstely au not so hint WilHates, who barna a grocery store in South Plttelaugh, was iliehtieg ker tamp, at a.ol - 8 &cloak, when the earaphene took Ire end exploded, throwing the burning luld over her ram Her bands and arms were very se- . . . - A klurraca—We. learn. Wit .110 meal boat belonging to Dlngtram's line wan lank on Thom-, day tut, mai Jatinatoun, no stand In meter day's Giunata. The state:lent invigilated bs a militate of out Infonnant. • Dee wine.—An Inquest sae beid In Allegheny city yeetentey afternoon, by William Ar then Esq., the Coronae. npon the body of • tie girl maned Aana Sally, who on the lith of this month. Ina exenahag hereellby kreapin from boat to bog, to the Alleoegy wbx n the hulattnenanY fell LO. 444111J7K beton she coati be resesed. The body nu not renotem not 4 yeller:by, and a mat of eanneatelly dnened, wee tennectt . _ . Bonn Etroormo.—Thi body of • mat /*MEd Browder, who was drowned hit wit la the ISI - catalog drift woodorge reomwreet hat Sabbath. It woe raisartrerm the bottom of the sin; by the OgiLdiozi eauseal lo the .water by a pooring teozobod, nod so Inquest was hed, when a verdict to itooonioace will the foot! Ras retuned_ • Mamma Maus 00 RIM Quin —Theodora Dillard.. 4 remit to Captain Osko's crawly of Vaned Eltates dragoons. vas reirterd,.., bronght before his honor. Aids* Wane, au • writ of Wets corpus. It vas proved that the reidLor was orderhrentpone years of sge, sad had'enlisted withotat the consent of his fathrr, nfGn 2kh to was, es a miter of muss. r Isszassiono re' lirrxn 111.1121.—A tan' int yortaday decided in the Mania Coarlby Judge Lowrie, which is of imports:4e a, di Femme navigation the mum wateu. 411 line that of Dreher re 11013er. The plaintiff le • urt owner of the Int water ereantfrost ecru, aad boonados alarmed for the pfety of the twat, or wlaideg to_quit 44, bug noes, applied for u bijoartansi to restrain the boat from rennin& tootil his Interred to her stu His honor, 7, / 4411 *. 'teemed the t e )eie: tine to be dismissed whenever the defendant should sire • bud In the sato of two thoutrol dollars, to indemnify the plandilf for aay (oak suiting from an sodden' to the Pent Lasz—NlobelMi Ifortach, a ynemie man who fregennetly attached by ate,. naddlag m Mt W. Espy' a thrm, la Lover SL Clair eaerrahlp, .endued from kW home on tba 16th budant, Mad baa not beam hews of slava. Re via d'reimell la • palr of black pantaloon, ad check edit van • glazed cap, and me hat seen' on Cal aut. Any Inftataatloa tweet/11g_ bha silt be thank folly teoeived by the family; httlEepy'• fang r cu nt6e /ift a; ow WI betwi* of tu . Itmsizas• • . Nonuacs..—The quirt which elto4dol o rt in oar city &aim the eTertin, is turbed by the pattering of • it bud of ra the comer of Fourth tad denititeld shreds. wild, by thef . r Doi* distao tho restos by, and pee -1 sent ladies dots soleS ologg ggreggt- -Wg 'Ws hear.; (squad corapislots from sores, of oaf most reriectsble citizens on. this Tabjeet, sad tress that the pawns slindsd to will lerrod ter los the propriety of no iswiTr siring snag sus to thoto wel ding in the neinhhatiosoct The idorokeepers in this Tidally. Mr. ()Gorr' Arial:rrs, grocer, is pullet:Jar, suffers greatly I from this state of thins, end Ira wonder they here so long refrslitod fp= patting the law in operation spired than. We try* that the gay - or sad pollee sill prevent this andesnoe byths serest of rho patties, if It be cos wh:dirk The noire or JOLT 111 IMMOIt•—Tot fad tittle eine, the t IOOOIIIIO A of,WerliWk I. =Tonthtbe 4th l he oot, in4f „.. with oi nked as ulna haw aa in New Yort. Mr. George Peabody, of Biat:Auns. had issued cad , of theitatian to mad the United Meta Mildew ad fda lemma*sea Rte Which ho wit that netting on lie =oat% and abort 700 or 800 pram were to be present, including ail 'Gm Americo= be,fl;eo no w i n L a m m, ad r 4 proportion or the nobility and polgin ponces In kftpland, by whet= the l ad been receirod wi the greatest estlifoation. The Dolot of Wellington, the Chancellor of the Eteboquer. the Lori Mayor, An, are among Game who at tmcled. There woe to be e email, he and rapper. and the snit premised to be ono of the =of the atom, worthy not only of whet nate, but of the meeting of , the netiota In the you of the &EWA= VI& IROVHD lum entered into r r tiLiell g io l VA kra i d==teeot bfrAm fta Z „ m , ___ c• V T ......21.resCwri sal ...ad& : 4 ^ I . BBBrl, mune= 41888:146 NM. grcred i VT:f.:r6.lo..l „, • ...La. v., . 2. _ F =ad toprfsZrB4=lllllBl. • ga:l l VgadViarnal l" cat. NV* rid Log, LAW, W pith Mr. 'WU'S OW* CODS, In Vlll Vi a rMre be eV i eW 8. 8. LAW 88. 144 80. nor gt. - N. 13,6:0 ber 888 t B B.S ,B, i B dt• , TASNEBB P CUi • W•bbil. fa watt _Pr lie ' ' • • Mink 420AP-300 boxes Bosh", Cin'tl blur*, for odo yrr ir*BAGALL'T 1,8 •• • 18 tea 51 Woad it, RD OIIrT -tibia. ow anie.Aent, , . far • .007. • am tial aA.r. C9TTP?t+I4 bcall!fti lindFaFitle by JO • BATTING—.6O baldayetmily,on incsu 100. IIEATIIEEB—Por We by • !luau newt 400. .>. ' Nib? • • 7 ".• • iiA _m • imt Orr Ni. by 177 • Ae•LA T 0 4 -t7 -41 . 14 g 11117A71 ;-070 WIRE AND WATER REOOF MINERAL PAINT—a) bbla Ibr I MA M r. owetlg • b . . •WIIIIY al SYRS P MOLASSES —S 7 bbls. S. H. Syrup iY4.4"6 " Th2e ti c L , froittVair's 00. WASTBURY: a Tele:: by Axing narriet VA rat . 'Mr". ""'"'" al tat s • frt. .W.--=`"; wipazark 414 -r 01!..!..!"%vini FEE4V • ..; AJIPER'fi •. .0 . E, for Jol &WILLED pfLIINCH CLOTHS—Miriam/ kaucatta ilia sod asllavre r =nor rr f Also-. T.44IWRAPiI. "cr.. /JO lizrorritirrili 11111111111011 r ' - FOREIGN..NEWS. =mu a Taz • STEWI • .• • rgeggilh.)thi...LiTSß iBO4l .114ritors . . „ a il s: . Yoz,c, July 21-9 p. Y. '• The ail= Peol .Caps. N7 l , 'front UT' moo!. erithrdstre to the oth Inst., arrived' at Isar dock at 10 o'clock Mb marg.' Eike called bole Liverpool, at 5 o'clock, a0d.15 .thictotes . p. . . • • . . . Otitis Ilth last, Off Caps rule, the . Pacibe' broke the' mosedlipatt 'ot. one of ber engines, and •as famed te mit ORA:twos of her voy age erldis.sinie mese, thus delsylas her some heyohd her nasal time. On the 12th Inn, shoe* - 4 P. °I L, she passed- the demo Inedirs in Let. 61° 26', and Lon. 15° 81'. COM.II2ILCIAL INTELIJORNCR. . Livair nay July IL Oottem—The market was still doll, and prices hillhaor of berms, but no decline had taken . phew • The sake for the three days preceeding tiM'Oth hut. were 16,000 baba I- 8 ,000 of whisk view taken on speculation 'had for export. The sides of Wednemlny, the %h. were 0,000 bales., • .Breadstedie—Flour was without change, but dud; ind Gem. Cora continues to meet fair Inquiry—prime yellow was quoted at 28s; and extra white at 130e31e quarter. Pnrrialutte—Very_little boA been doles,. oral Prices Lan =damn. no change. Groatties—dlngars - are in slow remit, 'and tending- downward., Corse Is In united dtenitst, but prloes ere welfeapprted. Mamma are unchanged. Moe Is arm. bat In active. The prices of Tea are woO maintained, Idoney—The market in without elute eines the sailing of the teat eteateu. Console are, If wobbly, a truth's lova, end on Wednesday. clued at 863(397a. American stocks autism* la Vida' it klaitebester vu extremely dull, sad trsds yarns wail deellniet In the other di ate* PROM PABA. BJ • . have) July 22.. en snivel bate w dates trout Pilli to the 2lth OIL The yellow fever bad adated,' bat the wall peewee roltiwg with ere" Yk4tr "' At hierahene the yellow fun eatonattag sad reemoc 700 Pang lad died of It In three rectithe, tad it ins extending Into the . . ITEMB YRODI TIIE CLPITAL=THUL.POII MURDER. ttesnemros, Ads 21 . ' le The dial of Soho Day; for the eterter of MI Wife was esamotatesd ads rocomang: Maim Bradty and' Maw smating as Cot:steel for the painotecr. Web dillylres esparto:toed Le *tapas odikreg a lorry. • Xmases. Vas Drt =art, Mowry. sad Shelleo,of Lb, M Scaustery Comratagne have netgaet; In eatorequirese:of alma difetroLty 'Sheol:toad". atenerriertLett; god, are ratouitheg . Ifesicato Goverament lovaa* ivolt.o.ls until llteßOth of September tells, for the ece stroctioa of . Reamed from Vara eras to the city of Mexican, And thence to tics Pacific, Man years to be allowed far Da motto- • Ur. eame tar: CaVia did not return radar• day. Ha may sal b abitat for mama wads. Tine I 'tallier.' rof this in amass that another Cabo rapedidon Is on Tie Court of Inquiry of whlth Capt. gay, Commanders Doehanan, sod litinggadd are comb. eratottrened at the Navy Yard to dap. Ma Court met at the moral or Lista Rhodes, of the Navy, for the Inveatiptlm of the charges of inebriety preferred against him to ths Department, there.. bypztrentinß his pramation. Rahn /aim in the Judge A vacate, and illehakd Con af pears as conissel for Matta. • • I'ASEEt MILL BITSICED. Lumina, July 2L Veit D. trattaaa's paper nIII.ID thbvindADY. ran dtattroyad by ere on Saturday night. A workman namedlama Stamm; poi.aW in U. *Mel. 4.t PHILADELPHIA maxim paunu k , July 21 Cotton—T el,lswiClK Ls Inscsivii. Flattr.--Ealey 2,C001 bbls at $4 1%4 26 he pad brands, 1124 St 76 larcatia..-Bakinst gps tsar at CI 88 bbi. .• • Caen Yeal—T.ha rasekst tsar), mirk bids at In 76 Only—Wheat is to moderate atrial, tldt sales MOO bat southern owl at 4920, not 1E430 ba do at 940 be- &slass It. ba Noss TWO tritest at 1010. Rya Is waded st bp. Corn Is in brisk dasmasd Gla far yel• ion. • • • Prostaioni tug parks era tiltkant dans, sad no important asks base transpired. tekban-Adas '3OO bbbt u 2.ljEqUe N. • NEW YORK MARKET. • • , , Nair You, 3417 11. • Callos—Etalea 1000 .bake as 11(iii8} for mil - dlisa. uplands, and NW! for thinarts. • Ploir—The marks. is wady, with sales LGOOD blab at Neki 121 per bhl for to lard to straight wanam $l4 188126 for 000nnodo Olio. itys Soar is saMent at $3 671 par Care afaid—Baiss at $2 81(,13'}1 661 Grata—fiales • 2600 .bsehdi Gamma 11;1.44 wheal at Mr. 0000 ha amnion aroma at 1000. lila Ls easier. as 701. Us 40.000 boot care at G . O ®6B at GO: for roaad Th. taarlat I. rumady.'idth malls of port $l4 76 far maws, mad IL! 76 ebrpelms. lard la hairy at 81(281 perm I throoariss arm without dump. Walshry—tdas at 241 Tralitita-rfto LlTeTthl , id 11 BALTIMOHS MAE ISET. DATTI[O2.4I, Joly 21: - flocr--Etalha 111:0 bbla fregh mood Howard case brand ot 12a , atata—edoo tad 'twat 611.086 a. sad of altila at 8 10980 PIT. Da. ashes obit* cora at at, sad of yollow at 680 7ji tat Oats ano aa chaaßed. Atdoke7—Aaleo at tile pa. iallaft. OLNOUNATI hijaKir. ' °Mall • Tl, July 21. 110w—Ttas Raabe Is Ultima obsags Wee 400 MIA AS 1111 10103 5:011 Obi far pod brims* sad $3 4803 30 tot extra. . Whlsksy—La doll At lBjo 10 Prosbloia—gales GO Watt blow el 8f far olsid kda: sad 8.1 far ribbsct. Sides of should= AS sad 04 llama at So Vb. yas-Leales of par ' at: (del+ lb. . • • . Tbs Ain bas Allot has Who afna &Oa , day, bid is sow,essllonary.' • ff KLEBpt 6a~juet reacted A • • - Am Wado:of • a l t i rrierll.lb;Pstal. • • . •, • blzfr ONIT7 Bonn meal by 11111 Oa! bill 'rm. Um, void doett, by 11.. • 7... r g m ..2.r..ba r ; • wearb3trele Cert. ari:7O I I.IZ.VMW 4 *miffs._. Black Tea from Lie I ST RECEIVED, as NO I, Elne,„.2 ezestl7 UM am" 't 11 " 1 EOT A. LEI9I-;—Wo have a complete S of Oold. Ulm ad &xi pftlaalollodl MO b.f. effWin7 Of ano, lofd axiom Oloomo. - ••Ws Of 00.0 a t 0T07112147 of 'taloa accoranoo W . Wei modgif of ogtkol NOM* • .10 2 A I W. W- s in T- 4 1 . 4 - ill(' I iltVErr; MEM rOZ "'" '. ll* Wale )r WING ALPAOaI3-raitit la body Attn t 1.•"=“7:' • ACKE.RICL76g Vs. use No. t1i1i!5i,"'!96”2:14516.44.11tt;_ ef, , Arp_ Qerooo l / 1 1 . BRO & 0000/6 7 1.0f r eiratsiow tar ea. tn , • bi wit. tfailri , .114111115 bbliteLjakeTrm o irw;) Yow 6,l:kV QTRAW WRAppjNe.',PAPER-.Vrown, m.° Dwavvw. eiPHILADELPHLL •.. ~.: . XL DAVIE dc ea, Saptirten of . Preach imi Caahm - Goals, •r. II Et, Al /UM D 7/.4 1; iratflintr, " " . VIMECTIIALX to to buyers to musk ta•Adt Etet..._ • snoartantst. _ ':. iffiVirl ißa L a rrilifik- 4 76°. atittrnnd * rA t t tonnes*. • . BLACK. SAI 7 X I 7.BTLVO3-44roa ntike . that hap boor Milo Ism% swmputh... .......OKR. Tel.% sig.& and p.n., Crarata. Wads and (Dwink Qv. Lion, sad thiL CAP. • mums ADD BCU O . RPF—Jut rwedral an tn. ' ot all *Wen nal prima Mel CRLPINS.ot turban I mat DATIPMIINZ. !..anti um. .r o vr t aut. NeHealro Philadelphia it Liverpool kw a i f i ii , ll frosit.Philuth in OD the — lulls 11 All MU& IL IL . L.,c ' nia li ". thirwr i lil LONLlOAlanslioz,...lo s' DIOUJIIIII.I 4''' C-11. r1,,, ' " DUADDISIA).I2t -* (LV* *.d. Itadni TOP awn WA- ono Iv at4 di neard Enna ...our mdorladr, mints nand Iv Om al lbstr "Mao.. r .to n 0.4 OP Ville ell WIWI I.l2MoTossout., am nod Vaitipsossi. ow= ans=ll . sr choir on Itor .Lo. s r d . , t or =Woo Zrzwri 00 0 mammal kw the. experfonn In Ur metal :41e r w Poona den=t brining Monde (Ina Do Old emery ann do rtlionto a li tac. weNt, *in b. .fZ. 4t4 %. 0 ..... 4 ...r.t. in 166.4 and Llw will tarn them oftb do Intematkon sod Ingarnednos nitacrts to tholz not t' w• 41)= . 14 0 1. =r i ng .4 . rd a 'g ut payablo slat wlont &mow. laden •DI be Z.. 1 DT say Of the ka or end OS LO UN Ualtol Klawice. jermuine a.m..' ........ 0..4 r.... Liver. • ow! Lim wook Lbw Wowing nopiSno will to tonalitod psownwor of 12 of saw 2.16 to.D.and. its. rWw:lrd, tob. • lan lbs. °manna and . 4 ItA aro, wstat. l lib. lo Zi b iZttakklik l grirfli al i tonsawn il el== MP'. ." h.'''. "'"'" " Z.,7 7' n' t Tr"' '. No. Si llama oo.t. Woo a.toVt. il i . t.: 7 U. wto4l torpor DIVA Dal Wool *a.. • _ . - United States Hotel at rIR SUBSCRIBER respectfully announ. Ise e. Es us rind. sod the tharrillog earesseolty, has am mord the Proprietorship or tbo ITCD Writ= HUM. Ileat too+e le copilot:toe with Ur Mal Oder the We Proprietor. be bets wrpptly. rah to Yl9 proselelo4 phttoes, raerhlep t k • boa Isrsa?l.pert ?xis "I'Ll itastartlre "" t t. cem tral ” 4 . Noes lord morsel of Ltsra 0.10 a e t• al to orin setiehsetto%%, rotirits • coot y 1.10.11 antra Memo -•- 11.31.135 t • '41.111, ran •• WIRTE, BONNET: KIM! rjo ; IL anansir. . BABILEL WOOD I ARD_ , llobtot.• 110,11.10111., • J. ifft a. WM. EALD BUOKNOR & CO., -To • 0ce5.4.5. 6 litestbstio,N. Web Rah • nail bil, sail —-- ZROER lb ALMELO, Genera Co doo linum. - , • • L.lbrepl of • • V i rr Cant aced to J. JUNG IDesl i t i t i n3ooTB AND ti AL wom emE ti ts . am* Ur alms ertaa. • Nth ItoV:Ai d r. =I be pareband la L. web Di• J... de /WbW Mtn Pardiallx& • =Maim - • • • NEW YORK. Hew Tart Ind!} Rubber Warehouse, - No.' tr.' i Noitios Loar, pd No. 69 Nuns arra, Tint ;mode bag Itrandenst. itetory23l2l42liti fil. Iing ' IMMURE R; Pro of this es aasa.t„ avoid Wang old iroalloads. sod goi=. tad he Is nog= Ma= =r . croo " d: lir el= mineety Id th• Iddl Troths, sad WSW. doss ostia&totralood ortsdd gni got inso VI gisiddionry ad rtorpoilsion. =.l=7,osa.a asil Chlnig sodas sdidoeticio. allonatlloo molten. to . Mti Um dagold. to. ot licsonol sat dolts CORIUM; g lot e di gishld aloe 3-4 sob 4 tatadiso. Ma &Oise.. osail=l7 askidnid stand broads, ad synod with do taro rasa • bleb idol Ani 50u1 . % halloo, tls olno ostsaboom W. MIMI. MM. • bit hasortun Isotorigong natty torationd. br waal o th. cloth hi mods is bow so = =at: oiorriges j srnatAlyir 6 to;istt '" .OLI .... dtel ot all On ditlhowal natio oat toddling. to do Imsettot Pero debtors to Or rio. MrtwaY.:=l alit brooloa Mora Westorsil aid Mom aid toadds, Mooodes ; Isnot Asia Lased tr A orsopdt• mooed:seat Las Ibliogios ology•os boo& al4rl3 b A ° llVarridos. " Vaa P'.." . . Ul. N'*" 7 " . .d. lisilst a Wnst , l „. ... i. ft ad es* Pless h tddera . Zll%. Dag ma ICrtddi ninii7 ginnaildanili nit goblet sheds. onigallsotorit A inikagissd AlstoUls Eabbir Door Ilissfoo, gout Onattrose• ?dud. me (Wm. gal to *Laid gaud made tad ssaz smuts of Oa spot I/owls. gaud than sod Lads pains sod sod. . • . . Noe In Comsot Rs Unbent Ida . • • • • dills • D. 40DdifA.Y. siiiiiiiiiiiiii — lizidiii s MILS. N 0.6 Cordial a:, N. York, EF Mtrlbli 4 Le ` = ' s ' urri b 4r.4=brar.tt et mad. sod Dowd,* Wad 0 ghasls. socsabor ddi les i l ~am at /data sae bawd glom. sal Lorna gboola of d tripods. so sotnistwo don ntA , Omm ligioo.Tbdot./tilla Mew sad ON,* CLOAAIL 11.4.ATU.LAIL Large. d0..*1 tnagno.•boons mad *do, dasingstond gad Pr* pd. Mail as la. oes motadms. dr:dna mulesuar se. . ""'"` tb. tab stnisi ettntmeo same,. ma lowa errbi 4 tw...21...7,...r. ~...vat'MZ "="..‘ t " Ma snow nine: t, ...knob', 111 % . set,' t ==v,,,, doom! to eebritabnit nal., to st $4 lad nod, .. - • ~ . 1.3134 Mee Par Pendo Patents. N.. 6 Won rt.. N. TO4, ea 196 Fiat st..Lorioa. AUNTS FOR INVEIqIONB prOoared b. r.m. err..., :Amor 47•1L.A,50• ail PI 6•11116, novve-iao lisiodana Undo. sad Ms err T . ad lishirddinsi mild shiny as to lord li a liatdogal _. J. In N._ iryClor ' .. .4111•11dmal.1.00 dila "OrMack WritlngCapyixe li EH PeE T IPIK, 117 Nu street, wen MUM TO MO V 1.1.1101. 4342111. p glat— ..... 110 am INErpes—:—Jo 60 ' r 0. a al. z•l4 $ as. —• 434664 jot 0263.6 TO data —. Ms Is 1E 1 %4 is ss,.. is • col Pk will set ectred. soa. A 643116 or*. 61001,6 a the qvalltided mash. Zs wet 6 , lidowitati 16.• fdsl/1, awl el 'shit Ikat Ur SW Pm. 0 160641.. lemma lo fluidal 10 tr•d• l ize Orr almoner good easasult Lbw gnrr = 2,= ••• Immar , ftnipi 4.1.4 t • lI.OLV, 1431 1 19' 2A • Axe. rixt. Wham Alei.AL . ~. liiiiph a erang, -- g: MEDICATED COMPOUND for re. ......., gas... b....... oY •LPoroobtlM ,t,.„. I bob Ma prrateront the orsor Mort tit . Z of Fftelota= a,.. = " trilenkroritottu lor• 11l moo to tbr 'boo of tht tY oollabloa lo obtrOt It b PAZ by Oven It a Vial t Put. Ea etr-1 Li bwa lra Thad Meowemelmter the seetm et • meet emnseat at eti thaw actsr, lami itts .s r 7.2.6, d 41.11Acr that paled ha m had tetrkw Mb of the eisharet Weysh Mum eat have tr l el the br the Wt. oat M . eitboat the tern 1 wee el • hiewel he yeor Tremetemwm. 1 dl4 M on= mar. W. to my merwrle. emt mottastiem &mat myself must la Meet two menthe. Bath rllO lb. Meier. of the ehamer k toalMtfge.t waft ir. o llM ouer i t. Cbagastla 'amt. thematym Pier m. 0.1.13, 1224. Pim. BALVI beer 81,- , Aboat two roan age ta= maw tat a lag, asal lay Ismet sr. tame with dames 11..1.4 by • triattto try int ens. awl t did ea. a w ed In Int osernahnont, sa=s esao mai.. ead all ttys dsadrstr ditspleind. as UM "11 714=1, r8 /. ;Are shtil ...RMADIMI Brosdaar. 5u "1.1:2 bi - ..T.,. rg„......,. =..7. et. MO. atm bamllljadon Mo. ' . . L . .....0 1— :;1'..f 47. ct th• lill saiLanfAirlit teit:Mail is as i ail gureasonewis am sad emias• at . ....ntLy i ay tr ~a n d rrnir'T "'''' "" Irs ''' tentraaad. tls ex. aneas..asYssj s7st talised r lsT aWi realmaal ‘7". le . ache mikes 11 , t lesasto Ir.. la tat mato the bur, sad isas pros.. to trovik so • .....k.u. 4. E „...2.,.. faistrad sad ..ra rt. sad plow the , T .4 0.7. 11•111 tan *II alarm. Ur eale w asass ..a. en tram od cam sinning dr Mrs As lam ia ..am as e. 1.1 assakasy. It as. .Ittuma. it Isola to lane bales. sc. mast at be. th 9 rilitZrattaiT iWn tii."...thrair CHICAGO. L 11W018, P 9 4 11.1rA14 Two= aCO MIXIION IdZSCHANT, CHICAGO,ui ONTINUiiuettni to motive VEFEENVP 2I = 4 ' — ia,44S` c 4? ST. LOUIS & ST JOSEPH, ST. JOSZPR, 1118801714 . ._ MIDDLETON, ILILEY M ONE,. tho restage. lT pl - VIV - 07 — TOTTLE, AttornoLtka: : Posuiddm, 11,_1=" octal, I .I.rigMs‘ .. _.._ _ _____ F ...... ai IL. RASKIN, Attornoy Aid °tour Mice it L•Astspleper fry Utp . afata sit:M...orsal.k Re. ltrel4l."497llthm c:m - 1m • . Jain' I. Aria. Ito • Wolf. MOM a ‘ _ ..gmly BOSTON. .• - 1 VIEBILICAN HOME. •." • 11411110•1111 TTTTTT , •O/TON. ranadavaignod having entirel, endirolarsyl the alteezVnteth. .... malt. eentelohnt In all # Mule ten air MieT.4 l. Pnetnt 1 Inne me It la am teed, fl .--- ., e4e , t r the Intrelling -- U — iitioliellnotteiontte emm.. ' °Ma Um: le donned supetiazen, oa I 6 — .. -.. UPPOVIP M. •tnen neve awe, i, prwrii errp 12, ...,""4".lnMle .4.... 1 15 m t.141,1. expos tent bone — TheM i nniTet i =ortletes el ant Wlke" t, ~...te Devotee mem, win to Le of the Minn beentlln/ ".... tun , The nuns see eapeclato. nun tlnt noun fte will be In tirrented so to sun the contrahooto nit*. WI/ neit kin \ Alert' kin be oetod to . alasterplkall, I& maatz a id th• • otiz t War MI 9=l , 4fialller, : . ' .0 . ... • . WWII JUCII, • &EN GLAZED WINDOW BLIND PA, era.--Anintior thi store artltl• Eut. ntej r-- , effi gy — IT/10410 4-1 4 .1 \ ..Tmitbr. it. For Cale — l!min,ran'llia Canal Ruin. 1W.../rmafr iorn a i m r orie snswMiatfethtei ed *y W aaet mUiM C u a lam.w.amax Rear. O/ScamChuh.rft ee raa‘aaaS•Wralsth • ZAXLIFJOA/C11:147 • Ilia" .1/110¢0044) • . . TAealmoefter Iran: WM* INo*fter. gimint VE MACH :SHOP; for the tornabekred 11011 _FITATIONARY..IIIARINIMICA* ninlii i r . 4loolloTlVXl3,e Elem» ltxreroit Lasmathuk.)3oikay.• ft. la men .AtTojair Lae {pp .l.ja iM u unzat.thi. awto a ft. Bain - eilibop," ram& v inar ke l ta i rs.anet .ffordiag nsparlor TKUlties.s. =7CLI; .Vonels ~==rt hee coarlailis ca . ! or thalooft: 'ideithable 0 a Profltaapinvuttoost. ' u ""J "Bh. 1 tO ey W . t l r baZirf ktk.o. to t,.., • - -' , : Porikds, , • - A. LOT OF GROUND; Oti tha we/Leila ...atrWasidagto■ oral jaiterod4=i=3l7lraasa. To= Jaucww Wocutb tt• bdween IWMW jdlCat, A, LARGE commodious WAISSOUSE.2 nr-d9wrigh, ' • Var . :Sale or to. *at - 7110 Smoutodious two : surry,is‘use, just soesskud I. 111 m mold medein stylknitli • buss sti ..k1 Wm toed, tastier rich an eseollent well of Ins , Bain-. ' d i St re irt . . cig. n wr lb. lair gtote Soznettabis M. Wm. AlLesillß& as of 'CIVCI AIISWOMB, ibeemorm Menailla sod =MO irleadis - • iPoit>d4 Demiteh tom) ' Seven Valuable Pubis for Sale. /Q7IIATED near the. Ohio and Penn basli 11.01robL . 1110 the'Tidamr , Bakes, Oblo. fralli ants ma mem web, and to • mod rills 'Also—lob t r IOWN LOW , bateau Cbe seaman Madams part at UM villaimaad tbinwpoi on Halm. • • All of whisk wil l la Radon eats beau Mr lb. Mess., ma. Suet is tbo Ohio sad fleonoyleasna Itailsoadoar gibes of it.. Mamba in Pimmlm.rill. be takes la 1,./. • . i :us it.s.4 4 prtimS2d; adjoining ta• Derpot mood, lq • etarrpet or catpowy, to area • . Ara elms Karl tipos, at Imam Ibootatnair br OM to peliclot tt bor e rt uni atobiergth= a. • birrgb Oferelmeet: also, DlMaft•O sal Woo• tor; fusel Ito Waft to bo elairoa Dom Qs noir ENO rtar dfte oaatartod !soul frau Paha, aorta It abo-of VON mat wpaulat palates lta Dena rollecaa ter afire! Salem. 04 ,, ifi • • - IGHT , AORES tkF .GROUND, favorably d a lrg al l Ibr Eltrowberrila or tnalt itzLiclod, and • Jell 2 "'"".r.,,r 1 .7 • - .I, IIVITLEIIIB 00!" For Bale of - Yeavettial . r — IITY-THRIMIIIILDING L MS, laid - az ea iiai ala ak.ras: mph.ietemairim it the kir. P. Areatiasceretth melee W. Reboots etrott.reod • Abo. for tostibrooe re aim r the neithot Glib. out Il d es du 11111. ertesellet trek 10 ty our yelbermert by Dr.Oatctt'aDstefatLr Yellow DO* mot DonoiftriDoi orrbogoit. , Tin *leas bid* malty* to tromp. after . dirrorr.b." lorry ua not : chrogeloft =ID tiora Us fallf t! Lthat thin rob boo Ware or rota'. of the , , - Irobwor.Dordunq Yelbuiry:DiA. B.7.Droikirft 06&:hrtbr Itbobirpreitpleoifia'tbot I ogee Mfg.:oft Oft Orft7 hay or - Oki-et YOat,lrellow Dgebond busobrailbs ®m ezQ sm. Irianklbeerl ma iming ooftg thot *mita oal botbsour Doroak,Ensfy, orbb obleb boy= attacked br Ablowd.lrts acre soinabi oftroard byouror of oar ber,olvairt she ikd ttielg Ibr bre'mouths,Filb t oaf vostmg births' oteriorii.- berrige Trauma - 64 Dm botgosiotao: ,, Dab Wart Aare lbriftp lo Ido:borw, sikkit 'no catablaauvli.hindur dioaamiaitti!anft.ft,, patter. ate Deal sand* akNX•ao bsia; rktisidtr. mat that b44.l4.,EaSliopeli tsc Ahem opal* arojhac dwe.m octet tarilble generrao.WOCca. Dy_rodgb , arid*rier tainastt ar.,Laro this - attar sodatibeiri (.14 bad Ana eY : 1 / 4 scrul. vith poor torobralbrlbedleioovridird . rioloriobvirblot sad, core Woo thereatk...deabs to do afitoffl:LllW.ll2.. larlairol.tbroftbres nay humor serib..-rdig; Warred' thz.... l o l2 k!pf swa Ysibw Der 4 ....wman,ugu it: sad asy ortoobbmaft ho terra Irk boicroto lorta• ha bad rued the , thud tattle; Air; bd.. balm vied i hat ftwebotud: bs'arokr valk de. rt, arch an tird.betu.amin fle tobstba bons prober:, riasanaul .ftery 11 %4* Ation, melt thascan. I. ramorai,atat imattaila. .pork4s4ataith at I ,tiast ,- .44'..T.A.Km.Paa. thabtoataa of 004 b rotboir,oll.:*•ir , thfl'?* 4 YiDoir Dock rarlSonspiuDb4, indjltioolbst. boa - tiapoLlf coder gone obaraboift to!po:"Orylitio ior that I falbrak lon 'or Irbstiorrerrsi,iiiiffitg door , - : FIAXP.T.IME B Dr Buz. (mon = ta . aasiira hir L ust Wont stmdA, ClootatuAt.Oblo,, lkotralAißollt, flu &nth sad Wad. to Irbogo all cram swat be eddies — v.l J. Ruai 00.11..4.-radatxt J. A. Jones, PittgbatOOa;. - TkeaboaqaptgAtit Can t, Ett". l loWoadoirtocr. k 14..Dorit. 11,tdoc*,., 11. Watts, %maga= B. Eastas.flomernA Scots& allosam, Itodlontaload i Boaabstataclostalz. ..1113fitpbratxt A CA. lAmltAw, WriaWHicltAmteAc En,oo i (ii,BoAdorinti A. NIL* Soii...l7AjloybOr.c ktehrob4 ithoiub.•;:gic r u,i, c 4; Mc arias= Forterr, Maven Jame Kr* JACcs Ent. br. thOltth Stang J. 9.l 3 .JaaleMt. WO4Votk Ira , ac. B. Jama4 P. kookoutzarawoov,tria .piariz J., Bottle; Six Soto for $.5 •, . - , .. . &gag' Altaic Preceptor IT E .. &LEM?. hat Lu l ls v 4 vp"..taieyeree ...tdFli...bi 3 " *S " to th4T ett ' 1; ... / werk al the Wed. X. 1... Peat:hot Boyer. toll' Fermi woo. ot llama Onwerothlogiopmers the beatttafth Mira/4 hes hely eapplhere .h.st IMO ILIA ilonnyfrks maid public, vier Itt,efratenuk teek,oteeteeetve end laterastfog to the moja:..jima to lb: exercises glad tuba. thee 4rettly fetatteUes steusatootl. 'tag the tommirbst totttottoood trlooopo Vet' mote or mw as marhietea plejjee..Tbe - IbUovrtser I . e. , ltrito beTe wailedthoe_textelt,Ade Mimed to: ..,...... : - .Etotonal Uorbondriondomos, rem, 'Nab:: •10: -