The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, July 21, 1851, Image 4

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    - -- i*ITTsBUIWkrVaEt i M.
' 1#1 ,1 _... • fizbautimai.l...
• .
eiTley nail best tide fronts late plowaltirew,'. ,
• • T leact+ - •.;.
The mote shall rest in its scab ba rd old
Ie so age this is dewelng new: - ' • • •
world, that wept et the taw wneeid,
h the steed, lads flood; o'er Ito ploloshati
. r. •
I Stull smile In the relict of the plow.
Ttillo . rorel tbsirusts 'i!lls!ory case—
~ it sham rust but'netferraje; .. •,. , ,',l' . ,
• At the Mai, Nall cell of the huma neseeJ,
It 'Mel tespUuee mire teem its restiml-plam,
4 4 4 4,.9oobbool"Yl4"tillYaY% + i
1 "' ' •.-
j .',. k itilebsil' o ,* NI.. . 11 .ir 9t.6 it fell, - - ,- - _ , •
--, • *glum= hmils inttrle_ t _
tribal tub ruilmereltut *brand horn IV: ,
••_.,,. Th's ra, grim 111 0%11 ua lts* tell . , . -.....,
~. Its d m aff,°n t ll° !4 1 ,,,:t!. 1 ,!" ~..` '• • ' •'. '
Nos it deelMnOt a erciithlese Mhiss r'dbign ,
it is grasped In thiforier'i• ow:. • ''' i . -,'
.....• ‘ ;" . :4 0 1- the murderous dad doliwtoci_.* ll gr iu lt
Which lAd'enurskrl,lAl4. 1'0e,t, , ,TAr .7 4 r
•-•••, . - Shall seem In the arms p low ... -•, . c
• ' 0 the bliasineet _mai= and of °A. shall " 31 I
it an there
..., t k ilt- i trif i f i e ti s:tal elf2w:e,Arelud.... li
'Glad homes shall sleep un LiT:totherli breast,
And allusion her egged ttrots-- • . - 1 • -
Ihtis*WW4tetiOdisin- in Engler*,
The annual retains of the various
tints chow iagrestdecrease in the ntunbera
of the IViislel throughout England.,
- Their numbers, as reported in all of the
. , districts, savetio Oro r4:46,333, and 12,023
on probation' ,Tlie'dmiremo is 55,854,..L. :,
Our ieiztdels are already apprised, tha t:; .
... for nearly two years , - w,constant agitati on
has been in. pr.:. As it seems tons, -
~-., there heti - beet error -in " both : of the oon-1
tending pintiea The authors of the a Fly
...' _ sheets," who crested much Of : the-present
• , excitement, resorted to means unworthy of
- -Christian ministers.: But the :conference
I. seas too booty seekiegi . their 'eipalsion.
' . ...: The means employed were meo
.13i3tetwIt ' h
that personal - I liberty . and ind ependence
which. every hrgh.minded• man feels to be
- ~... s' tig ht . . No l test of innocence or guilt
' .
should be required- Every man 'should be
' - deemed innocent till ..proved guilty. Noe
should the refusal to take any test thui
posed-,lead to pulsion. Bitter : as were
.the:SCAIM4ODS made strong as were: the
' ..'.... ' suspicions la in reference to the
... :-,Authors, ' . moderation and truspol.
icy alike:wain' a, patient endurance of
the evils, till full and satisfactory proof .of
the guilt ofpsrties could have been
"• ' Since the' 'on of the leaders by the
er i ca.
- . c onference, the{{ moat, ultra measures have
been iideptedon.both 'sides. -:- 'The sostyled
reformers raised the cry of “iinstipplies,"
and' the fmanceit of the circuita and stations
were, • as far af ,imssible,..deranged. The
worst featorer t in the whole has been ' the
1 ' ' opposition to th Missionary Society. With
i ' this, it seems ns, up tine-hearted Cline ,
i .
non can haw airy sympathy Onthe other
hand, that de l ow. of leniency and kindness
has not chariak.rizoil the iterinbitintots 0
Discipline, which is calculated, to soften end •
win the:erring ' heart. -s late heen
. withheld, and equlsions have been decreed, -
under. circumstances, which:. 1111/t3V :greatly
eggravitethievil. . - ; ' • I - .
The Wesleyais.linies, the organ of the
, , reformers, points to the decrease as evidence
' of the ; success ef their cause, and eliims
that the ;strut, begun: _ -The 'Watch
in which is patronised by the conference,_
' ''''......
while :deploring , the decremeithirdot that
- -
:;;:the evils are now removed, the- dissatisfied
have g 4 /zer-Pir tne ii , Again *414/, and it
•,-,-• looks f ol l'UtiLior'dayi l pf aelxitabg Pms•
l'. , perity:'- l'iri!lhope thM.ntty,bo: the ease.
.14 as
' tire & r emise appears to show, there
~ i/1.4 - large
.kiditiMaauSedWitlt,...lhe Wes.
:i - 4 iire - 01111306011113j and yetm:diteided mi.
...-., - 7101*, they; Sheuld ' ferns.a.neir, - .,;organiza.
'";.„,...... , tiers, ind - quietly stiffer othens:wgripedeN
c 7.- . to puree' e l lieir min c'erenie.i- - _Whatever
May be minor differences in Church' PolitYs
we shall shrive tejoice ifalre success of all
togmixtdioz4 whieb. h o lalostioasmenta
• .
d o ctrines Of 'the Gospel, and whose aim.. is
to exert. thetisehow In winning ,souls to
. Chriet.—Wett. Chris. Adv. • • -
- '•-coAt.' , ,:mi i— fat" this fuelf . was first intre.;,
- . tinned-intni-Englandt the'cinindiso against I
it was se strong that the Comutons petition-
• . - ea the Crown to prohibit the nnozicaus"
fuel •' A illy'; -proclamation' hiving felled
~. to abate the growing nnisince, a commission
':. issued ma'Aseertain.whe burned ' cost
within the ; iity'snd its ' nag hinihmd, and
- . !,: t p=is' A . them by . fine' for the' Snit offense,.
;and by demolition of their furnaces if they
... - -persisted - in . tranagnueden t , -PA law was et ,
length tastiad making it a Genitaloffense to
• . burn coil within:the city .of Langan, and
only pernitting it to be used in the-farges
: . in the:vaulty: '' Amiong the records in the
..,. 'Tower, Mr. listle found a dtatment ins
' ' -pat* that in' .the ,time of Bastard I. a
- :....k10W1ad been tried;convicted anti executed
' - ;.- 7 'for the crime of burning coal in _London.-
At'''toolt. dire° centuries to entirely efface
''lTeittare• ' - . '•.‘ - '- - -:' '
._ -
.; 4 .;:',:" - -5-? ,-, - ; ., - ' . ' -". " •
..1,41=,5- -- t - fol.csareq
,Quearrrort.-The strong pre
4„.;:tatinption .Is, that the clause in the new
:-e i . . -,,: . .i,--tibttion against. granting - license ' heel
4 , :41.41iii , . adoPted -by.„,a, handsome majority.
-„,':- , f , The Ohio Statesman , of the 28th ult. gives
the official; returns for thirty nine counties;
'ilia unoS 4 4alfer • tirentjrone: Adding;to
•,' . these rens Alio not given by the States
.-- man, the•inajmrity against license, in.sixty,-
...ternoooto4es, is 1.0,950. . There are twenty.
• • six counties yet to' be " reported; nsmale,
• . ~ . Adams; 'Allen Aahland, Atheue, Carroll,
Ctrairfend,r•Darke, Defunice, Fulton, Geettga,
Greene, Haniin, Ifanison,lawrence, /a
sat* Lu:Metter, Noble, Ottosni,l'ike,l
el.: r :. : Putnam, Richland, - Sandusky, Summit,
r., '„.%:- :, ..'''' Palmist, sail Wayne. ' Moir th ese tour
'ties gral affect the vote , - W 6 WIDOW tell.
We hope the majority may be increased,
l ira,
but it y. be- greatly diminished. We
. 1,141 m; majinities' against , license in thirty
"'k4 . '' .l .acin ties.;, sonic", - Are , *en' • Urger
" - '- -", Ti':' ; _ Hamilton, 3,404; Licking, 1,341;
...,-ran 1,251 • Knok, - .I,VAOi Cove
-.--',VI. .gg- 1.,106'; Wetting, 1,050; and efin.
-•‘'.•;..,...... ton, 1,020, .•: In mumberis,.ffamilten is the
banner nenntY, : thongb;,tis - .PstiPostion to ,
the east, - Clinton - excels, . having
,••,., - --. 'given more than 3to I against the traffro. I
~.s%?;e::- ,; ., . .„.;., Y er ....rear there lain majo ri ties in twenty.
`..;trii i';'..:. - ''
~Olair.:Tetailitties, the :=largest ' of-which are,
- .. , e.: -, Vitbar; 1,170; Moutgornery;'l,o92; trebles,
~,,,''''tf'-..l•7':;,lZl.,o44j..'Auglaize' , .971; and Turcartraira„,
;,.--T , t , .&.24. - ' Stork carries the - banner ontlio it
,.-1-j.:-,-t,'iitior,tidii; .though,.. in , proportion .to - its
: - ,..i,jl :'' -''...::.,, , VOial, Isuglahe has ItorCuired an unenviable
l ''' pmriminence, having given mere than; five
- ..'• '.' to one in favor Al t" selling , , intoxicating'
drinks.— Fresi?''Pris!ldt'•, '...:-
.0303.P.ENE.;—A frestrintpply:ot:
Wan Taper an Ikaders.
neniko PAIXIM:SS, Market street, re
. hvzitutviontsxgr.r.4242,l=
wren . artirls fa Maim of buttons& ."-77.
JAVA COME-10 bags yery. superior,
or Awned 'pa SF Na10 w 1 .44 jai i i i i i ta 4 e a.,
• .
SUBLINGTON HERRING}; - 0-boxes tsu
priarlhatiatths Br i rszartmersa by,
CEMENT 2. bbls., tor me by
15 bbleaoi sale b
Aux! DI
VMASAING'S,SUGAR.--21) bbls Lover.
• ..engthed gad pollndisnliemput received and
dukokilpTiv"-AllbartierktaVaa.n sprasie
E 5 00Q BRIO ,000 . Urine) Fire
ET L actsgmfar Oahu 11614 ,
1644 .dg al mt
OIL OLOTII-400orards foriVin
• , teed to* had& .r; azoi kiule - sa
coil *WM. - J. t JWIT.La Ps.
Tie ifiastio7 DittogOl il* Wbrii it '
~ *ll4 draw* Read y fir Mazza &aft
X o.lfiners
Vininieutxte cares peeforteed by the
iretematzetsee fa o.4tia or el & Imo thok
aaa. in=t4 Inorttrr =111%.1, =imi,,,bntr:
theft afrataxt power ara dia... Thar Mama to la
the tow! ago of toglehor a . Voo m=' Übe ist
vhflo at tto maw Una the dn. of
•Ith ta tal. lb amia, as to U. not at tal aal "...
0..4 bock." A . ,o t. gowy ila ategto moa *Wall a
otiouato. I. tba omotita ram o blob alst U. 4aato al
Anal., abpao am plats WY ammo woods vtatoa oft
own.d a...p.. gam ad tragnas Worm. of
ma, Lbw tommaaai. laissot la araspoo
wboto aloriaall. 4
My. vrturo lama &Wag IL ma to.
Woo is Uriamollbli Una of la or 10 mash.
I u in paaa. irem4 b ll m tbart 2201
It 102210222011120 lb LIM 2 2 22.22
.., oath natal 0011 20 to adds tam tom
laTautaauairtho pal
tab aror ea
gad flab I. to dreolato atoola Moats. I nada.
cc iota Paw. sad this Is
irk/4V ' . tom a solferaUy on Orafol to aura
am.. of tlaJohoo, la dmao sZoouou at Um boa%
yua . , I,oldooys, las Etta Amiga um*
earati tot AL. Cabo or talarraisatol Uot 1
....„ mlZ :i r
i fttoraalaaa 11. MA oalb:a ,
zir b =retiings, kuna,,Ficte, m ki .,.k. .artek
in alma. atil t :are= so littag
etiffOopplaa.Mouapot‘nrb.:F . elealaesr
I Mum. tir Wilatals. D t, ar natly
I as
~.. r tozut t a . , zae ., Ml Iga 041 2
.. . . . .
• re: tueirtne to ixm cm pobwizal .......± a ina
woottby mad algal/ nipottab. boom of Sams # RM. of
Paaa salcent• amo of Um onal rommeol yang to
Um mama modkni blaary: • , - .1.
• kir. LI. GI. wral: Dem air. Attostal bY • maw of grata
flame, Ima tUm tollonloo is . inammo o f tb• only
lir of your mat =Cana .blretaid.thro• Von.
rtodaroly .18. o k lab • tarribldo Maim • in Wm
Van pal imam moarstal a to natal hdpirasen. lIng•
broom ao Maid Itua sot • *OM amid to • IMM
aimed Mick balm/4. and adady Marbledof lb.
oyes and tonally .l and Mol . laba
log ads ma ✓ dairmst to MI mond; Woo tmem o amp
uncial. and to tuned. Una *too yam tbo its=
Mid out Mai oar &what lalmi. to. obild
Um a 7
of Mos do•dl Inanattardy on am M.
that, Um tsmily obyskan Ina called In.sod extant maw
b•orad to toottmo It to faiths, t o al lln v,..1 1.,11 vg
a was 01 band • doom amok nod amma
lmota .7140.1-
A email of . tysitisn• u z .
big.itramr=.,:va =,..„,17.,rik..W . :
mbiak bad not Masa y bet. door, mth* dater mann:a
no• im amid 4o no th ing maw W. thes oantommd or
plAng yoar Unisnant freely oma tb• mars loath Mam
iplam==r • mama% yoy, atm* after •
Ira • eismnam oat
s, ..... at:
=ire& bats. pane. i=ymOntli — lf ti
De. twiny sea rotnat ..1 can bs.
llmo Mbar noon of Um sum Mod mom! In oz&r,
baba:4 srminoly. all of which Mat; vb.* m
mmr Idolment bra bmo nmd. Umy_ ,nathi NM. 1 . ...... L
Lan' aispui*, Vaii mamas=
Tur.m. lbw= Ca Mi,;11.7 MM. ;
Mr. a. IL 7•.•••—base b.; Year IN SWAB '
MT volt. wad dokoi • ••••t rcb4
plc • /I ba• cured • bad ear •of bb - yribtow.
of • bel p•la abe bowl.' ♦lady, who*. ed•
ber Ed for .y.b• lk•aploint All.
. a 11,. b. mainly but. by .• •••
U .
LialtranA.. SW tb. &run maid 11...4.a
61a Ono
iml4 XllO $11.:
tr,41,-, et,-ratnatt I.= rcz
ocN b•ttdag ono robbing oath you Llatront. azol
.Ibny I .iks do. rabbbbl. Lb. OHa •
• tkif Complaint
. Swaney - , Dialog:NT, Corks aid
Sort Ey Cared.
o POntaiatrr Mau rnitnn *Mot/.
ire! IL 0. Pseitur. Your Ambie• Lleilment Is blWy
mimed bat. We ented Ow Of MY wijaore benon a( tb•
BUS Oasudeint by stout Om. or tre agrelem.fel
emedM my own <Raba thmemy.
Dyksis. coed Cr bum of • bel Oat wilt ° .. M
It me • mlt Mat MA Ms Disis * mlsm emLeet;
omektmo 7;eveTuTr Vele Mv7 - %.Pv•Ya
tarerlYse with It I lad M • wry nimble sisdlelae
num awl berm
Berm , of Corsierf Ms. '
The Peddle are porticularlr emeanad egslost • lktsm
Oneelerfed attach Dm Waif made We twommoew awl b
Bled by lb. ImMer u Llta =alas It 'IV 8 l.rran Anna
ma 11theest, [mad wad more Dade
to demi. frem hls twatiog ft Wrome ef Nowell. There.
Owe Le psrUcolar weer Le mil ler 11 em OW mew Terrella
Linhand." Ur anorladpled dab= will Lupo. the AlWa
WOGS warrant ohm you for the SOlSlffitilh tat adaptiult
for 'qt. te. *lzmir. Armies Lieisecer," sad oda weeder, 1
Veleettlee as has tap horn H. abet. Irsznah:
Is Wow the eatable wrapper, mad thaw
ratan ,=.. le , dr ewe lealle—'"AL 1. Aiwa's Area's
-Asc.. wowed le every Tema %Zen oM Ilambrt t•
Ukl/ Lialbel lemme.Lo •WAcm ix mot earabLitheel. Amyl,
WY UM. M Ll. 0. in. , ..tiNioria.l ll . with good mime.
.bthararter, monmoost Ic..
.71.1.11 ors th e meat who II tur* In. of Chart 14 a
WA matelolog moth ',doable lolbroMboo Ow /wary clarn
of Z ellizens.
leseca-ortda. LO mots, sod see dolls , per hottl•
TM Indy pewsdee is maoalectond by U. U. Yernrii. MU
I trrettcr end prownetos. awl 'thawed* elroazlst, No. 17
Delo errors Norm 111.7, and Ix nib wholemeal nod] el
morpliet i oa Woe by
I t
67 Wanda
bold 1,74. CURRY. Alleslemy elte. • . , .
The Human Body lut Amble,
A 0 SAYS NAM= to haves bealibtoz
pearaconn and nom= •no do not punk.. era W.A.
k• encat &Amebas enta Dimon. Fl9ll. Anwar Liallan
'Chad& kap caw. • Us acr.4lal.o. and a• the •
Claw wain , " sad natnns tb cidnif It tb• as
• •
erry, Salt Ehor, arid Maa, aro ad ad/
•ad by le sta an a Ina 7 *ream la B. al Ma
who we tab rah noes, and BALI addled—a aba ta
Mad" Bled.. hear. way der eke dew.. Sal
radar is wand that this mmake, rad WIC=
o tdal will peva I toad te•se at Yea
preen coed of ans baba aro beam' ea bard.
Lay 11.-ad W. teas is we maned I mad nacre
dlyTWor Ica rt. attn.. edam 1 Imes It to to aLI Ma*
who an Ilale dual...dodo:a ended
Iltd Ude act ady a camas , * lasatatie: aad ant
ttef 0011 add. that aged alma flat any a tb• atlge.
e• stellar dier tad the al. sad yea ace lade*
rale In ) tea I Mau.
an n ate• of Jae'
10, It a ly ea*. JACSION. any
Pearly White Teeth, and Pare •grestb, to
ta bad le Id atata-.44aed oho ha• atter. se beam
My award tea if than bed! la ea le led. ar arty
tea, dancrel. dart ay railer "al earand ay tartar.
that It'4 eat bera of Joist A . .aber Tooth Pada .
ad SethV Ede a saw. and te tenth
hold cagy at JACILBONIS Mme 140 Lately at. brad el
• A Sei entitle Hstt. Tante,' Bentorersad Bassi.
ina.—ww &as.. sac .est. Th=
m *rod
Rose ONO Hair Itorrna. Snow kr gas/Ulm—
"tltrtrantig " Traripirirro
osPrro iss•Wisd War SrF of
tosgZEM. samosas!
or dame's= ant =As Sign. rltl a r gray pm dszt.
~...a.rtag the bah; oat mosl
thio—ia otter It May orm.l=. Batson at t tr. Dr
t ar Um! mot sessomical—yer , orporlor—srtl4o far N.
,:air signs. JACIMIX"3 Rom ISO Insert, iirost
lwr rrirso—Sld mots. So WWI. YA SL
. JONES ' &lotion' of Jet, s Liquid Unman
Ihr etts== ; glar grey bar,to •
l'.".l7ioss—trob".4Wsul sl. •
Itsixt by WU. Sr/LW.5.1.40 Lfbrrty *NA bold of
• JONES-LILLY sreari•
hoed ataletti alar Oa faatima yrooral area
sr* sot oars bow [KOtrall7' lottutiom l7 to to ta•V
bay aw... tom bar maw, rAlow, ohm.' y
%bolas apposra.attrnotal[P.7. 7 •Mloati Cada" it II
Marto., oattola/ og a lama g0a4111.17
Me Ws 100 at a botatlfal anleaaoO77l7,no
cal Jowl' Yptalob 1/117 W..
t wadi twww• war ;wad of rir a .K.l
=sod It Worts to tbo Ala mtaral. boaltby. ae
67/77. Mlay ohltoc at Mroaroo Moo oettat to coo
male ea am Atta loakf ay It Ot oil cora
t a 4 b4= J,A407 1 . Lltaatotnad.
BabWs Celebrated - Ekvip. Powder.
iprASHING .withotit:laboe .Witranted
.v v . . to take tb. AA= 013 i of table HOSES obi bay
Ilaboaloss ion CaL—Pot feitt •1001.1 to oullirkat
411BALIIT of cold ester , to cover them. thou two tobba
swam. of MU boo 74.41d5t, tO 10.11 is, quart., of snots
mod wi th Lb. olothualf *arse U turd: add error .of
the Poodor. arsldollabr= ton orleater. tbrearts Oar
pew thew doon•edt4rttlalt, tb trpolol 9 tzfatoo sad
to d Sa r aartrd m an e im e a O d M tbs Mbar, a
c e bs
Web= a tboroasts finales.. •od tab sedlelsOS .
*O. tbtta
B.—Tbots be •
ad ib forth Is tads &ea. tF
lb* elotbes reff waits. sad DO b•l = == . ll. as
saw do. Tbr. otatro4f Lbs doss eat
mood too entS4 ZO • ••••., tea itaaaa.
, bonneted not to aster jots au
mi. ls a forator Uass orb pasts Ida straolaroln eases
bet badly foal bola • •
fasscrorss Ins, sls gouts cf . :sof sad
tbd Pomba ebb it. sod ben let It boll, n.L012.....ea1ta
trtra,lbta odd 4.1 quarts 0114 Inter; Alf thirm
OMU.I-60.1 ..t it 1..7 Wilt. It tot = r
sr tr rail to van Mkt sad .1w Naito soffit g
rad snob mil, sad rill sot sat the hoods est
sow, Mr sot boo sada. Ooh lot used with herd of
rrstr,;.by,7l...azertlArZtostf Amur tatuo
sad .4n ools.
[ bold wirobsolo sad Mall t.y RB. 1121.1.1018,
d 7. Wood rt...
Compormd Sirupof Yellow Doet Soot,
inucuPiEs the twat rank among e teeo . rn•
sobtor7 allellelaus *IAA's aarSbfr fra
mane Clookst, lthouto. Uri/Ism awl
tear ulalm,..fromivaugrlt.lon.sill.... DiwAG.
sod 1141.7-04.- /11=4
et Steadied osnatlios
0..tb.u...; to rued .
law rams of "
Fande . Weaknese nod General D/
bl 4OlB
000 snasbered I.ltl.7llalf= [be_ .
a ff Übe troOlAosy
=Li ettailL Efl ' af• splirrg 441 t•• •
ari sad boast , dorm roastitallemo .. r u ld larrojt! tor
Woo la Ito cotra. sod to
bud the . omblaad
bob brat turatori l
the ltaljnio AD
. It boo mimet assay rUseera ebb* bop
tbr mho boa bbyddeoo. sod Ms eans
Solt 11116. 1 , 17=.4. 4 =l i ter
_Vrter boss t satad Y rstal le wan ebb of C
NOES. Stle. bed Glam. Use Wes eund
tzfadrcolat.loo: 10030711` t aster Rea 0111 4 -•_p 4.
Wr.. I 1 mmtlH ealplt 100 of 6611111.801.
msy br wed Ia egarasirs, sad
st emu lit. • • •
ro.studez.p.l4=ztikbir C.
. -
y hol
. 'Only .oarra fut • Wastszo'flassylssalei•
Nocaboar. comb Wool sae Este g.
FAMILY FRIEND. orZakini Preratqe.
, aspereal.=.lllg=4=lll 4DIAZD
444 Wm: IIDI It 1.44 ea. tb. 7 Os oettl
breat vbfeli <soma tuZit=,gru b ..
DMD.M 4, 7 thl44 OD MUDS 0•4•4041-1 DD
....m. i .
W 4. In A 4, pawls o v a= OD lams wlllmaTs
ID wow kens of{
. d Dusk" i WOO
of Diellln. ad P.D4414 of r *Wi g
tend Da sia, WWI, so ono 4( the Dant
Inlinalties. &WA; AlriC
tun.l2l.artits____. .
M r "' ?n . ,..e — iet - r.TdWced 44:" f,
- Profrslor A. o%,l4nrsTriCtillbErons ,
wing totamotaal Is Ma EMl,lmA.T.dlta of La
Asuakm Comma ca st,c4 rag.
a Komar • SWF aig x6
' cmit
„ m .,„ ass atlas
w ilt u.
la wadi= La , cog
ths "rfracco ' ... VC — l tt fr tiscrer..
1, 1 41100 12 .. _OW .It Mo i rem%
t . r ape; no
commli t ito knom to
010 tat" to teacart
cTcht.frOth• 0, MA,IpCI tea 1.17
eal la Conic, Rims 45
B...awarrair pnitl,StntarA pd.
told a o boa" O+Sa
so dl tninniso
WA. Ma i% 1%7 114i.'
sins istsrmam arta amid eels:{, 6'&
of kir; I;24:mu Fsiataz,
E..,,,.. INV: et Alsodm, do =
,sed make lismser, iir Wee MU be
theagsermestimmea mos tatbeigalgonitamm. 1
mitraw... vair......
of .d.."
—,-- mat, littls
of the within the
Cgaseleemettes t =2/M
63r. ' meth dingle:4ms, at
A thawausi mewl ear Afris "waft
, l 'i.itg.t 2 = 4 oMlTA," bra,i, •resag. wx•
Al %belied Meese CHAMEMINIMA malmmaila on
I,Wia: Ur Illtamithdar eg 11 , i0em . emet,,lbt _the die.
elr,fo i rtr aa " """*".." W".'
.fDr~Lrm CL : . !easilreama
it er rlg =ffas:taxamosa..
'•, At tiiider mg iMbea as .11,mutedea an Yae
ger. Illel e t bibl . an
. datakt=tice
or estgla lesels tamed teerimM "A
Ike a. eadeeetLie i gyilt meld...
A , A , mat oVVT: "MT PIeMde elver, Is 1.
thyme d
ibuthofthaleue eadmeter theatteigl
Unreality tear sad put af ea IA meth= tbIMP
brand tbuty.tbrew la tamable of oew
At the lami osep 0 unix Rom
M... 1.7. the grit list, Of 16014Anter moz4l , l* * 0
.f the pelitte.Mege ,beghe eidgemag memos trees we sad
Tri t e gghlt=rdidgesiet/Wi 11*0,1.1A* 61,1 L!
thettosal seirete "f = Mteme A re Wit
irmu"..e. ...A halt of etriemetTtLtiett lAN
north mu: sod imunree queen of se--eelk
ametterwa mem sy tusatgliti, MI the er bale re =
earthaut=m et tereremese IA berated, Wee, of,
moss ~
. Lamle eAmpsidekby law le die, teM . ol iebeelal mili
tary aml
17 . 1 , 1:MZ1 1 1e1V be an i 4to u ic t li
1.0.4 hi the
gee the MoVered tesbaz
. eftem . rm iv a 4. It t l , ::
Ito 4 NMI . ndet
ftaaM Ma II et sad ram gteees:liimelaim 1
rr ;Say er=i= l = n4 A l :=
redoes wriest bounties berate/MU:W. I iITIAT im• of 1
Cemseew smidp sentase smadned =lotted
Megew.a be wows/ Yr above
on 5c0r1401.117 set A a somilleg 014.
seleaskertheelrU sad dAti . A n A T!" .F " I: 9""
tt. oe 'Z'Z' l ga •• ' heels WI be wee I
a 7101.6 1 / I tomed 4 PM or-
ilk rriatall.. gal, a gannielatdl4.
ra w 4=l r a vre .t.
a L ai
w beg o otheed eel!: tet
....u. sa4 no privates:Um . u ger - irU
be adealtead settl slur the et two weelpit. ,
Oleos =der ror Inad al City of Weide*. Ws
Weth gay al Maw gam Lealeal ewe _tlessweaS_ bole
dyed art titereew MILLSJIM it esx ,
Comattedoser a( the General WA Omee.
ID , d7 Pews mdtlei to rtgba of preempthe Wier
at the Made IMMO th e dowsuddp• sod path al Mendable.
abec. s enedadmilad. to molded to entotith the demo to tm
at the E1f1•417 &MI • Asamlrnr Qs mow
Ohm. sedmatepeyettaithenlered sem es
Ow Meat Ms WY sod Mem the dth
the eamemeadeedat el tim pelithothd mbrd"
On the tome claimed. other•Le such elan lett.
• at the *mad OZZ'..
- .
• .
. 411 1 t 16 ._
31 MI Annigie •011311 on= rem
IN pwsiiie. Of law. 4 MiLtAim Fs u..ove,
r. ' - .. oad Olattlirataxlo etu. d02=1144 Mid;
Ur woltemo,... Mom Lo LW 11trFOt
W. We potato
lt du LoodAVVl, C eatifwaanapa
day ‘ tlw QM dof of awswator owl. Ow taw
poLlio laatio sitostod willda Ur 011 loa aIMOVIPUIP
Was. w 0 .
Iwo, of as taa !Wad wile O. fottaffn=
Towoddia twoatfoomo tw 11 std I
oar.=Corroat Moo, a wait -
twinstromea. =Load tweitralaa.
ow sat wor Onmeol Met, of mato
towoold, twotamlitt, as • of Came AM. if
Towoadpl flow:041m, tfloktrlOor. twadrobll l old
Mammas, of mon 401-
toy= tw0404.b000, tooaly•V.4o, Mallows WA
Indiana ww torwtrwon wd_Owo4 l lW___tfla_
two, toontrlaroomaaribor, tflotro.• ww fl•.`"r•LiP
at Laid MAC& oommadaltoo Ifloodo7, tho M .
math toy ot &Tamest . on; Ibr Ws fOotowa Or ttaflOo
lho loads wittda t/ho UMW* Domed towoobtso oad piltto
L,I=4 6 IW P V.Ntot and ar e MA/ Saflotioa wwoiao ,
Town:day prostrowts of row two
elope tolodrota otd twoorpflio, wad
Otwootap woo tray+, of moo tbm.
s Twomalotetatrtwo, of MISS Mr.
- TM:MM. Me.741/MO4 twooty4.lm, of tor dm
• lrottkoad bwimalp NUM. ad MMIM WM
MMY4IIM towds4bot , twottraflo twootflarn
lanatswoma. of mop Ala.
: ftwoMio , turn wed mad.% sod tow.-
(vast nate swoon
• taraottliot otrtano, amount.. diatom &ad
flooafiflow MmWM twos trtwo lad twortoilmo sat
Maass Woo Wo maw*, snwomo to nooWycom .. to n Zod
Iliw. to flartraio MI twiro, lo
4 .
rum oiglit. _
. ' at... (ftwof terumal octima Liatooas
lartadflj hullo:old towalo Mott VA
tomato Moan." (wooto Maw. flo. mm.
eadowo, Mrotyeno, tmetylbar, tomotolo, lowotodo.
._.—....., .mad, fasep,lbt, oat Matra., of mom
. .
as. :
Ma bo= i t tat . tfO s olkik sts.
o. to
a blo ator
Ism bad T I aaa
• swam.. a a,,,a Who% tbo %arta alto(
Aaaba to twatror tate= to ate,
IMI• Waal.. lo tsantatit ans to fro
Lootabla. to delta* camera; sal atilalalblai
Oa, la oatbimtif os noontyaso, boadisobao by tomo)roe
..C.. oat date lar to aortooto 2a40400. la tormobto
iMott. at nap tool to
. Tto tort era at ' . lllll. Nay Oyala,.. of tovottolo
.. atiltla , , of nowt
Os Wont 12. 46 =at . otodtaJ ab 4
. taV.0.....,abb00a. Ohba sal tarty.a. out at=
War ~Om; Ls toory lastribar. at nag* *ba
AS the ,
Luot Da,: a bill=n2l4siababab , W •ft
Mayday olgt loroaL day of /Locos oat Ito dr Oto•
Pat! 00 tdo tar
rata* saes rap* Ltd& Ur *Moods tar
r ..vb...
i ' I=l:=6l.l,4liit
(q=u4aani;ra aaera.a . e auk. u4v ir.
old , Umtata arsol of nom toady
' 'I V - et:6W taraddo tastrao, &taint to tbo Oda
tar. of nom twalperves.P=. WM. Uder
' tbtrty-two. thlyt .does sat
tondo by am by dm aye ot . abooa. ant
ton sod watt nags maw of
aor=imoVir wa ealoy at adtkattios." U .
•A * V= ..toli a rano& by tby tuts ostbotiams lota •
do dcrltod. sor do oboammsoar Ur oottio
y. baba la oot . Act to err
rib,-a Aflame lab Way to mad> =
'ramp hat , tW ,. .1.1au0:
=Lb, MO, too bo
. 4tarZ i ir=o ,
tr btattoadal soy. t oo a dor
ip lo
tortgast. to ta r.attqa Mts.
[ tßalirto7 ..Agata=al.lo
"M"da A
Sty 12a . uatoor of tiortrobtat." to.'
tosatiabokloall br9l to taa
fbacat al Wray , obyalbal, sat btu boasool la ta ar
baltsabba day art ottatand brill ail sobasinot Oa.
. ratg .... llll= otoZolpall boa bor yartoLdablboodos
don to WI ova ~or moo too
=and T i er coti7 at arr arta Wady will boob.
mull or um, m• wiNli •
throat boar ay tore4tEaf WontakStbd
..... i , at Kay, law gcrM, bar
• '
1), Ur thiStrst: . '
strrinstruk • -
a Lbw Elownl 1.341031. n.
/1017(111 M MURTON CLILIII•Srl
ad:111410 the M 44 of pro•Notio• be .1
or i t:=l.L gtl• o 0111.144 tsMISA too
SO lb.
1116 =0;1%04 ar= 4 /S
IN. AP. r!rOlNet ;nom
kr amp mu inlodK. NA AFT r ra i. 1.1 far the
P. Sao ..04mct.4
Aril y.
w .iiib4erststat oace.
atrarmintat. ..• •
. .. . • •
IT TES MEM= Or MC 17.1112 D MISS.
rtariusice of law, I, Malm) FILLIOIIII,
Peaddisti of the:ll.ltekfitetoo of
oda. sad auto tioors, UM 4,45...= let=
Atto • . . ,aiMlontetottohlt unna peer Isla.. little `o 0..%
'°lrre . a . Oik""T . 4: A " e r citiesaittlbe :
dayoho Ant Ilse . tet lota, Iv of the
raltlio boat snouts au Zllonottutattel township".
_ VO - . 4 , 11 Us! , alai ." 4 1 0 7 4 4M/Th PISA*: .eft 4
.. f=h t iro ar =oa r s= i g i,
tb w ip ,l rntectraio• _ ty, _Taut
sotottrateo, MASI I=f .44 . 04 nar.
' iIW .
44:0 diSpo, tit tlLAMAktiNkfle. ...
MOO LOS 4 LaWa.Ld,aantaaselaidalida .
don tho 405 ofil oat, Itor the Moot*
` 4 I b. r"" Ue.ii.1. 4 ..14,"1"..9 ,...adf..
reTtreiditatiltot . 4ti ' l.iti eijoivie; ponow ... I *
envoi,. of non thhtf; ' ' ,•:-
sp Man of mob 155t14 0 1 , •
1 i. ftrarat r antrlgtaf,tb ...i g i
1 day 1:1 Atifoottiont pt tholny of T... Wow.
it o,
4 1=Ittserls ea. 04 . - J 0....
otilo oishrtr pie i f =oo wt.
4 =of ramp also hut of the gab ... :liit
p,,, , . ~ .. aftos ig A low for WA- of
Mr sod othof tar0th5....4 4. 7. , ..4
m.14, ..te
vactlibr th. ..".,
m....-- .. t it'"'r arlepri="WeArtto
410 Iftt cc/ w. • , r, au.. broad., I
a: drool "'AM M w ".,l=;
.....,, 5 .. 0 .......,4 vex.'
...... . p.aboasionfterdia.df.
as p•orktod, Wipe NI MI 11f4Slithtf trotoott
Wu boated Zroortle 9411tiNhool,
ft ihe n = ,... .
_tif theta& will btOoto=la9
Wilmot*, to
s t=tfaraZiniotost dlopitflt, vont thrit
base Poo* Amid. ant the Woo thus dosed: bat Ito
i s
, .*
.W 1 rtho l =toltrt troll 171 1 45 Tint i !llC V.:
7, . ar4.7 - . _ As
_. .01114 übtojtoo,thht
t i tt.ToVA ott; AIPO 6 .01.1 10
lial7ol . 16'.:641tMerloN CLUMANZ A . .','
Wry ppm endslod
too et oteetoptum c o y i
tta a i
I, P %a ... V1 Ma too hha of torothiop
um_ ,
or a s tor4h . ehuno,
rtorMa a nti eta Osproffecatk OP
. Itif totS= A y onoleted for tho
iliitoc'n=trott=r :4 " 7.11=1"
ommu i rre of Lb* Orserla . . -• ,
' '
New Boob S
rin neu .,,:. a mati.....Problem'vreeted with col ,
. lhirsne.
b lefeldn i taM ailgoeftiotaiM.l2y. author a
.116. /
'Tweet Le me LI, of An. thrums wrafidr ."
Ton F V2ke
''of ci.i.i.iws:ai.foiainvb/Jatob'ALCAN
a . r inallikdietg. it.a.41.3.."
:Wa n. lb*"
- rV. biWlTUtl,%Vjra 0 . '
---'" a, - 1.. • f '. 1
clown% Matl r %
l i 47pHdd--i s tz
" g4 .3.... i
, 14*,.. u.itotbsd . ellon
Thishrell k. D. V.,.1 tll, 1.011.34 '
il r4 lttrm.., YoliraZ ve p. 11114
ib laWinelleow.• 4 lat .l 4twi
Littroodali V lumrPorni , 311 Kam Ir.
Proverbls ITA
Ilia g i rt arl fsditt a Lt ....I Itl - t jil i., l ,,,,, Eirlit.
a h ri Pir D k4tlt t . NOW. Pt B.ittd• tI , IPU , DM
up sod Itkillialtrekl Qatd. DWI" map
..d id mattd,ao.i T,,t11.171a2.
Tram tgaraiall Z& ".., diliVlFeal,gl ?AM
W ffirpres Nor Iliatidrilisiati ieigtii. - .-
m ia., 4l Id Wanblypffs, thy dart=.• futon
mna. tly the anthorot If
I _ • bootkit!. 1 • . . e . sits Ov -
. • 16 0 . a,...1 . . a Matti .4 1 _
• .
MUD= " EMU) COLLARS, nicuurt
hut m . MARE and
71711- . 1 21141 Portia." !or ye•
e °wallas
so) Wrall.
.ft1i. , •17,..'. 4. 01 ..*r:i . . I
• zoirefissii . kagi MB.
. .
al i . ~ :..-Pal jail
CLANK& PAU!, • 03, accuormßanarna.
FraPROPRIETORS of this old and well
u Una, wall ham tb• path. tba Oa a•
tam In metal. br tbirsatt mac. COd bar.
pi p.m., ha i pht Pumears. lade.• thortisM
1 to mu m u 40 . 6 4 .. .eva n ath o.. r. sad WI
ibt .
M•Mtoestaall a. tb• balag. AI. es,.. *am
a tria to reatal o Wtit cAto
cleks, at. Valor a 4•l4 sts, ,
' • cossnasus:
is. . anwsecleee. Is. oiatta. ts 4
, tc. w
Nunelnkh aral. Ps.;
. .0. Maw?, ..... . . . .
• : :*. : 116. UalNlaitroormar, • ._ , •
la Atig a &Alrma, "'"'
'. . • o.Vii.=:l4l..t"""rt'4* ' • .
• . O. B. ra. Da12..k... N. Y. - WI
Nov !aka Superior Line.-1135L ,
VE inr steamer NORTH:EWER, Capt.B:
arcei; Wing r"- mod.= LiatntrmairaOlkir
sad .ImlDrt. will CL•nlaul or* hid., Quad
at Auk ott bar flest-trtp—aadiveskly oo
131fi ea Waft. Natio
Tbe draft KANELATTAII Copt. Jam 01•w:Lorth
trim Nat SW MO*, Aar WI ,
&Maws. lanal oaisars Laa
9aD~/~War~.fo4.k the irrinlor Ms damn Nonbormr; =OM
ttte,lN P"Ddd'n'.
lltannfactareta Lim -
4851.. aliaa
). • .7 Owl ttil• LINZ. ast•Pad Winds of Soctioe ,BoBSok
Ir tx. , Is fall mtio.o.lit 110clUti. t• ... , 7 • • __,,•,••
r .. alt=dot to rbil•MP/ale tad ilalthas..••••••• .
loss loborl, tlamoad et Ls low nabs, a.. sat
otb.t o zn•Lr 1113. •.. • •
8 .7-..esemsots hos •80, tom OM& kr PITTIU
UMed ki Illatrvillok. Jobeston lioalllandii[.
t otclie,tarr, k....reeAt PA,
' NewEtark"s hem I.l4.rtsionts.VolumWek, aid •4 r a... -
late i tts al lb. , Y. , •21kLaniathusal sad
=Juniata. B , x , " ...1 ,71: -""m4 U1—."
. 1.17 ... aft••• pooc " .
, , A rruu tter r a rt o ‘ag .. * 4:d r a Le.l7
' . . ' SoecoM wom•of ttoo =r7
Maga 114 RlNGftfava.N .iu b.t.e . %
111/011.11,11. the
ataartad aisler Mi. '141.5.1.
Bingham.' Trsumporcation LW.
• 85
ilisArMkg 11. NOM
nCANAL Wag now open, we spa ter
to naive and Owed promptly. PrAne ,, sal
iatlbbit.taroVlNZ Woo thrind briar:mita.
Stoical ad Illartudas 1.111 b. naiad sad itm.o44
awl van, irabout cbar. ta law anUng and
.4.1 eanalako. east , -
WU et I..,4llinr..nucil sad all dine:lay 11,Ittfon7
6r - 111.70rali
e"1 16118= • PrAretirAst •
betwab Trait Irtnal4llbUt
JA NIL% .A4pa. .
Ina atb Illos
.. . .31.11133 31110 RAIL =Via
• vTort .1.
Ville . 1851 ;kVA
Nerebutte Troupostattan Li ' ..
OCT 117,6111PP1N0.
A. Ile.CMlllif •Cu.,,Caool Auto. CO Pao ot . rlr!
ri:Ma liAillult.Orotn l Obit. Brood Itto.t.ita.
- ' . Eimpued to toad** inloliy=tecloodi. ous.
4 sob to 41p on lb.
41 and .n i.u....41... plasm at lossi rslos. sod Is
has IllesUssa 111 •SY 5rM5.......: 0. by
0. Sr. Il t ag . ..sookod Lato . MogrizhnojOr th .
a orp .. o h afttlty of &UT ill .
alai .-- 1L e. 12 3 0 L ~
1851 I
To Shipper' of terchaaire. Produce. ax,
RaIANcE PlTTarlittrll TIONSPOII , -
411162 ' f3 I CO I = Ne 217 Maki& 4141 64
DUX VICIT,••••• CAnsl Ruda, littaben6.
• DB. TAT • euN. /4•4616 611 • 46 . 6
I 01•41.:=ihr1P 46 4 146 6 - t r.
NABETEL . 1851 . - 1111190
Pittsburgh Transportation Line.
JAMe .'fl A , Alarl , towutceo.
ml eocunooloc..4. ILsrkst Om.
ma Arm., rbtladatabra.
tYCO&Naltb & 00..10 Barba 4,1.4. Babissan.
RA T VINO folly completed mr arrange
r. , e 144
traathdtt=ftra. &••••lart. &mem. Ibia.
Louis all tba ab 4 Wert. a ,
Wow Woo cal wilb aba Oar* , atb . ,
at Lbw All pada attimal b,oar Lase are fa
tesaram. sa, chars* to *brt. • prol.dbla
l a ir Medal br 1.7 LI. , •
a lr=l .±, ta a =l a nba = a
gg"redbltad 7'''"''tTlaautorba,":'Llerhutt.tb.t-
W. W. WILSON, Watch isi;er!
.67 Market, Comer of Fonth rittoilorrho
Apaut in' Its' Wiscnis,
141••• Wu, =Lan OmdA, Irmo CL.06.1.
'Mb. on. Ostia'''. 'AMC% 4e4
th.wummoiztrat...Ato =ass:,
Leries Pat enCitaveble Wates'ltitter
Is NOW to De . teen in operation at WAIL
miniaixt.t7, N. 10 Vol !loot.. _S
AW mo. 4.1 ikt !lir i Ltat,tt
•M ICAO = .••••=, I.=lf P.O7TOe O .
ad • Onnlbou too tb• Froollik loon& or tiott . ,l
'eft,- •• ite 01100700.1 t, tilt Int soonssrlo
otolloo• too Ono bolo! Omega to ••• flobi•OW
a toldr.b dr OLLantinvaw
Mao* n th. MI. -
It ilMnzgot Oranto•te nownoonl sok tO loom a
. Ito boat ilootobi• Woo Wilteret,l• -
oM•rli7lnt. 1000 - -Liolos own OM 0 Oro Mr too.
01 motle. lam •••411AY odir, of tOir sOol. .
0/.otog=l=szt,. wi
VlOrt tuner. footed 117 . 1 1 0;
:14Z4 e 15... , —Mt lam soot st of
Wl=o 0.11111 Oaf 007 =id Inh.
nomoot lila Utterl'olli P. iiiMNIV I
promo foil.
ta m .a.,trzi.: PNd .r...r .vitz
MUM I. UOl oar. ilimo •t• orrotal to WINO
1..1 • 11.1 b mellow ort nu lao ton and rillOo
' 7. 7 ".".""TtATIIII MUHL • • ' •
' ' • latt • ' ; 121 Lob ONO. rhindOOL.
Wsad Daustict Quorum/IL'
e.t.a* of Itori duo fro? yellow Cs. W...
• 1
.+*- WWI udl
Omni ew* Wrest. ant lime to J. •IL
W.I. *gable In to ILI/ ord.. •
WrIV ribll I Ms ran. et Tim
,:of 1,•!n.i...7T•1fkg0.0.1
11. as.. U.Aria, mama OnlkapelAk.
bag Jen. AY WA. be limetle
Drive vq. totiate4-
..: " Resting sad WAWAMi.. .
v v . Mat:"tem ta MartsXmartll.:T uo. Lesavr e
War, Zmaraaicelre.llaral sod ball 4.
awry atirm. pablk. sad pinta. Immo ,
. se imam, icor all parmme a
Isegantarm rrirje a or leva a ti; WI hoy 11,7=
"="lber.Talaralitttrall gram alll
berms a t atm mato. deretthtlorm meatialedi am
as atremardially hathat mma tin yam la Mamas swam
Y the loathed bia•l.• • a Imareamm satibria bra. at way
nastast tam vitt. enure Crealloak CMS ram,,
mpalim mo, dam, or mat eaMte cram are.
1 0/7/. ' X. MLISIO.I 8 01(ALT.
el;Cci Prom t. el t27 Eut ttbe
klita imaih: thATm4O.A.p..-lozi
blow: for ilows.boeta, tombs; &e.
.... Au 4
v w z ra
i2m g ritg .„.
411, Bw = Jim .... • :•
•mibAr .
O1140•Od. Mol for mid
at Um Loom fad smol Owso of
sir pummel Wood mil WiliftwoM
• lealialeal Patent iltOtti b• • •
rzmiq.,26,4,ta--yai ovia
n....s.o:FFaj% loolMAst . loo s migM . s moo
Dimoslem—Tot • oT•n diTqiitp fl oat of
Muck Vb. WU=
Mim.1.2.4 emu pm (..Wm• Bad;
i iioooloood I;
04 • • VALI MOW weed
1 --
Clay'. Pot Clay.
Ei.,:szttiornbare-iaa- am &dr , Agents
mt., CO. kri 12.4Ai1a at thti , Pot -0 , V..
b .'" l i p_Zoroallib=
.61 etesmekv.“ 1 ... t. it.& "'' • .
mrSt • - - .13C1100N11111Sti I CO.
Cffe • t
P Plfla--jaa .reeetved,. a beautiful
•Loortment plata Odd, etym. Xnuo•l4, and otlr
F MT 4.4'b ? "U T I t. WLSON. arnikr•
' }di • . ):17 Mutat stmt. ovum or Yourlh.
reMPLAIIICAWORM-4, pit ree'd,i lot
SeMTabidat Brat% *fib 4ablqm onto!
WOOL—Caoh paid for Wool b "
1 .1 118 SD
r 014-10 bble. pure winter
,ewe br sumo luxe co..
2.4, Wood A.
.KINPICE,R.D9T-400sale — by
ETAL — . 66O tons foitalo b r y ' •
• SIM. 11,1111ggW.07 (4,
edhid Ss Weida prOotlou tho hod, In
0 04 4 41%nit41N1S
lb. /wt.i nubby% wdN. 7ahil pad stem..
. J. At A MUM'
ItREXit TARTAR--1,000, 1174. of Ballo b 77.
Net '4" ~70;
W: lIABIS-2:700 lbs. prim, fikr
mom. c 722 I III I I.ILILTILMWS a co.
Sill B 4PalbliA34•AJMdol.
Omni bettleiClbe
CHLORATE POTASH—SP Mar. cot intro,
B. A. IMO KATO= ioo. '
•i t.z l : 11110 It NellrGOoth. - I .
L.ll at Mummy, Iry maws nort•lfir=
latoptiele at Kew Oaalk sad tum= r
rjtS 4.l ll l :l 4 Eak ttt 11 1 At Maas lam.
eiireg U trioutth Alsatlit stnatt
Cheap Black Da Una. •
0p.0.3 toe or tie 011 las) ta.kD. Isms, st
• amp Argo. if= •
OR'IIg.& BURS . 7: a. 3111M. ,tia
na,.e,w ce
re ve x ':
im . m tAmt.ami. MaiKl 14
.7 1u, v=l
A. t : :i:4: . t ' ,
tas itiaara eIIe:FAX/MAI Will OW
Al In Cri Mart= Or
LA.Nagoi . esco.; spina 84 miritetst,•
rl,Vedoimence on.Tavispar, Julie 26;
i g= esairti: n ?a=lltvcatX,l . &;
mat Miry lkyi• 111:4110 , 6 ,, t tau los. 3 lLttuntal il7O
anklal . barman reaction Mr . 0 prhat .i, '
la am*
went ta foal ~,1 cholea rt e= _
.lber abet of dn. am than GOO Soma
i i e .
atal. an Imam= dionant naaal
Mal Dmi BIM an tow 0n......--......-.......--,21
...$1 ..,
..r.r idaini • • • -- " , ..t-: : T..
4ftaatt1:ii.,4*a«..4. , .... 11
• • • • •• . •
ICOOPr — bansanso ', .• • •
'no tamest Cha1ah........,...4. '' ' ' at
Feat (bland Mikan-- • ' .'..........,..«...1
la ~.w . 4 . 1 , ,,,..,= , ..,
-.7-.....=,1 Um =4 , i5,1,iiiiw,..., , ,.. ,
j ulit22ltretru'll" . .i.Vl. 7 : - tngsbai
•=igos,i7W"lLlVlLnus •00.
"': - 'thiCill'fbr Waal Weathff.
Elifiei iiittlidii i lNLD, at the *rib
' ' 'tut webs, of Fourth our Motet Km% .w gni!
mitjh Dago odmowoo oomarrowostiow, wirh Y.
CteoVrod i =tillbr, ..... . • •
Illor wig %lamb X ono,ra. • w " •
ttgli"=".4 ,
. Thor ban ttat nedimi await kW 117 A
Wi t o• ti awif. 4...g05.i. 3.11L.1hr heath, block Ow
IditLiai• ll lona, thilarsion.. {
e , and a ill
PO itin PL loogio, aowll:l7Uni
Vlifi. IN&
It mortnest of 'wry hit. with anotut . ow:lr
Mos.( am goollih sedialdi &mime iwwww.trilooMmatila
.05. wilwhwillkimigliow lona sad polo lOW poithsedw",..
. .
ELVET CARPETS.--W.Weliuloc hi
t .-
y, ...... I b.r
a sat
I V . =•=to. w ilt of VP,
oIE. TS.—Wod.
Ital^Cln taoe
bkh D o Wll
raionen.. anbea r
lierg SOAlWgifik3: ll )l74
r . 1.2 slid ii mmalvi
z . blgt ctuerenka aVstamarnira t Ylra. 02 00:
• More iew'iai/SV
4 1 . A. MASON t CO. have'jtot'recsiveS
• Ws etsy. • Ism Lao! Um my OM M•ra
.74.V1•72:0.'" "u2""'
plillllloNB REDUCED I—.A. MAO"
oto now elosloo oat Mott mirottotil dribr f
Ma • =7 4 lororottil liaggria
-7— White X.arseillet Whs. • •
IHAYS on hand a large saaortmenta ••
soro4 out Mantras QVILTS, of rorrOw otyko, •
vomit rodieml NV.
THE subacriber , hvizig made taranc
what Eat of Worm. L:Mier, 0.4,
lbsvld.llm. Dna Trlrmln , lo.lauluortlo/94 Moo Nuns
PortbAlAt ann.& Yiann , Idahrria..
Umbnlm, tMols. Itumd
tli Alm. •M. (NM PlkilmlelpAL• malle.)6l
temer !Mimi piers. VbelMile , and nle rt,
moN. ,
jaw •
CRAPE LEISSE, blue, white and pink;
rtwoe. tuk. •
emu" out. satl Mark • : •
M.A. im., Wes, Owl sal
ArUtielal h.; Ibr at.
• •
1./ baridart WI oft we visite: Mat. bia. and
ow ("moo. TO* a...froze sal a i d
roan vt74 solJ
CWN No.. CI aftl , MI Market
b..: PAS 9101.4 pm pr black Mg. ”s 7
1-s• J.Z . :77P, 1044113,0.02.410111116 Ilastaist
air. tbalt lam am aura cave
wog Partouto 'MT
sob oat DU.. an miasmal Ocala aa4 vuate.. lam
rjr314141401.110n. : . • -• 011_
URPHY d BURCHFIELD invite the sk,
1. raz w rg .... cm& immeentotat i. l.3
tra Ms% writ rigarrottscs.
('RAPE SHAWLS. et fednvvxl
wAsoN.A , aka:
=LT= xpe, sad ragfsla.
. •
AWNS AWNS! at 61
. eta. per yard:—
RA A. A. mom* m.n. eV.' ~ft las
wit lot et stomp owr n. 1001.1.4 la UM def..' %a
.ex mat. pod atentlan of ss•
NW , " '• ' • • • PiT
(HEAPRTNiffit;- 4 .1 A. Diirdr a Co.
at ' l and 1.14ta stmmuly rectsaid In sans ,
thy. a Min tb• am. gado.. ~al7
EeIFSCII FLOWERS t—The attention
, ssitemers I. • • y invlbd /arz. eta* ar
pa= and Tible Corm .
ILA. vvuld
Of n ssigo.s.. m. WA.= OW T I E
alba WU anstete4 .
aSM. rt IIu.VeTILMS , t4 41.1 t kei
7:111hIER CLOTSfor.Xem's.and Boys'
Raw .1... Toot . . i „r , •rthk .. ..... l Contasgrea=
MIA.MA nem
rarekiihrlbilg-.2.ftephy a.
EtaretreAt ouppli.ef Mtn fa* mqrmerattell
• 11AVE. Jac mm0411..400 km the L
C- in l
, B llitrA PS-4 sorrier meeet k itch, foe
Woolen Qoodit
6Z aa.s fireoa Ikti . sed Jean; • •
" w° teed 'iota% inanstacin•
mir" 7 4 6 ' l7 "3llll7Purriar , : . _ l 7_l;
—Thud Alum Jal. 6.. t 'UMW
'wok vristre sv.utioa , 111 Lbsegto....trugred.ATl 3, !...
rallfo=4:2l7o= l :
. N D/ A
- A •
ER •
IK 1
, * -
giak c
Ikens ee
t “ 1.
Solis.Soair auntie; t sa. s Na•
eTTON 110SLERY g."13-- frill
seortorat of 11 4 .tokr bs WINtr LOVES = A e
he g
1 1 1- 1 1 . nero;a r e x., 41
e; soensus.
IriliffirPliffr-I'0)I00 77-7
, 4L . F alyt . feag l iffW r •
yLOOROTCOLOTIIB.—A large' stoer - of
loua rgittarlitioltt
WatrWilii . lad. - 41Techluats sadi INV.. a.
ILPALMER offers for; -st -stery
tit . * , P . TV *r a.tP!!!i. L111100N.44344M
oN.44344M o t.
VAY7s=Kivo.t: pia eehle.d_up
is-VA...4l° l 2:tiirThiers o a
sritA w rantray.o3-4,rtution A mild..
'Tan , swaYk4=l,4A.r LW '
W ya. wikAhm.B.WWll o '
andaktx •
larr lnt iAt in lisWil t oe m kftnr,=. Gad*:
wag ' vmuemnes Wear lbs• ffelav onwA4l
ditm 1m t.i 1T . 46, 1411 b
, &teh s.l ci ix;
n l:4s:fib • nod color, ;ON, to 'fig
► forso *ad welj man a rea otook of Rio oto.1:11.
t Olttl t ast of ortijoot male* ofst&S
grftroVlO4to ef/ola* stab ;flaSto
who toorttlakillek=llo not
t, rr a rt
•Wetillrthalltr, bib", ►e
AB .mm/1* 11, nulnrlor Iluenerated.
pool Wosibl i *WWo" 4 Of 4 44EVAVF?' ^
. .
* '' . ' " * moczniToolc ,
~• - ,
ti cm e.ut.uit.ii,tuitaVpitiiitor.k or . •
• • ramp :ail; lit I ,,, aiii.dalocns4t:sutso; ; •
aigoman, i 17.1 velvet Pik. , di, di...l4.4triltrar
selldo. do. 11.50 g nits 5uc,414,71 gtstytne Bo n
XX XL ' tw& tilittsh l M, "" YrklAt
ig)a 40444, 24 Vaal oad cotton
, 11U08.11.4213; mon
iu %
i4u acr.
acittgoiLig extra balsit sr
• ax.: sid
A so—Abeet mata tt pal Or ram.
$4, Ni 94,6.4, 44: Ltd 64 COBC low.
STAIR EOM liraPf 3 , .n l = CO4llB, &a.
Au 6.4 ,0 ntacei anazUlt....lll./beCor-,
zMeome. d iattulttagr
lrn Thd=
="r i r, d S3: swat tc4 ai a _
z.....ja: 7 m S th ir7 .
W4lP2e, 85 , Foul* strcel.
" tiatl9 W. 'DicOLLIMpIc.
OBBIr Tea Itart. itekDkoz
at o4. I••
0, drape& x•ps Dna kof MN 1.
VISM-40 ati .1851, pickled Herring
A:. htf br - 7 • • IL-
Ibr ate br 1061. JOIN WATT •
10.bble. dew Lake TlNtit;
10 bt. •• for ul• by
.A.llll-`l.lbbla. No. 1, for Oa. by '
MID OIL-8 bble: No. ] for solo by,
• " JAMS DALEM , 1.; ta Rata Or
$ 3 9. ...31ACIKETIEL.-50bble. for sale by
aoltss tu.acta, _
. - No. Ca Wata id.
For .10 bY Gan JOUN WAIT /1011:
11611 e "1). SIXIAR--Z bhds. for ids by
: 012 • - J..a.cAnnaz..
0. ',for s.
1°. ” 1 .1, Wis t rairs.Vraar et.
4:111IPS-Undeniood'is fine Le lll 6 llB 7 , UPyr
s Tay superior Crtlal• itt testing tatutli Ads,
tn". 17 4 1 rreattlftg.
$4O • '• • 0 , 0 Orccen Am To Beaten. .
1111 AIR Y
or BALZA. superior article far the
uk r tau, rat stio I. Min tet.j.. ai 1 17,2 , 04
01. Lt I , 1 A./1191MM &0..'
ACKEREL-60 bble. No. 3, for tale by
pun IluastaixazannistAir. ,
• • • f .1
14 1 11311-25 bbls. Lake Sup. Whiby, - 1851;
'l. l ";esleb7 "41'
.A.P.sAgq OMMO--Bor sale by,
rOD FISH,-060 lbe. 'furl& for Bate bi
. _ Inta k W •
-11—mh—ruoims—too Mal
'ar "" 1 " d Lu tair. LtAßsiiia
354 as) o 's rilnlirrritigr s l
4, 1 LITT
ACON LIAMS--10,000 lbs.superior goal-
BBOulsoN.L r g b &A.
I 11l ore 0
- orris a
ACON-10001b&H amis. sides, Stioulderv,
tar saAT .- 'isle E. w. tuannum
VLOUR-110' bbls.Textre flour-in store
"..'" and Or isle by - 1.10 kW. 11A81A11011....
!. bbli. New White;
6-1 -7
• 1434 • • • " '-•"" .11.r1.1.11tED:
ALERATUS-7100 boxes pure;
(IfiEESE.-21:10 boxes for sale by
BACON--15 casks
Jet 4 19
uness--7e,0 boxes for sale by
• tonsil DICICXY k co, -
MACKEREL—Quitea bble No, =l, fat
ITA " a CO. •
Water • "mast.'
eks., received and for saleby'
TNSEED 011.-10 bbls far sale by '
J 11000 LATE— tsa. Boston Chocolate
su aims. by kilo irtnn s WISANDLUS."
tAED OIL of Bennett & Jones' manufac-
ARD.--=2,000 Ike. Lard, for vale on con
droanot by . T. WOODS & SON.
BACON-50001tisTHog Round, on consign
mrt, ergo. el • 'T. "mons r so:e. ;
• /.3 • • Gi %air K.
C OD/IEII-10 . drwas j.i tfr o s i a i llg s
6 , c6.
E j. FIN ED StIOADS-106bbls. Clarifrec
a il!" m4 "' d 97rdlkirrelhaBON CO:
ICB-M tierces Carolina for
pia. JA111:11A. FITICHTSOIII . .
gUdAlt--25 bbd N. th;.SPriLegeni)ji,,
ORN-40 bbls shelled, for sale by
- F. ON sostraoxer tco
CHEESE 35 bur fur sale by
Sing s. 11. VON BONNUOEST it 00.:
Win in sore and for sale by
uAtAa D
AT ' ay,te,
ItAVANA SUGAR.-50 We while"
.. ,_..... ,veesiagat.isat ego-Iyd Ilter arbj
LTV SUCIAIL:=-3 as o bble inpr • (
monad ataabeMbe air roo ' ••
I leg -14 tierces for ado by
I • - -wicz
ARD-1.2 bble No. L Lail for nle
.ILAI . • WICK 1! IigrANDLE.F.S.
S TABAH-40 box,. Boji ts Vhes" extra for
LARD (1 11 bbig- traleutiSsuaton
— CILEESp--$O bxs. for sale by.
T OFFEE.-3W bgti.pfpio Orton '4io Col
NJ 114.n:why:I sutra. sal•by ' •
ICE-1.5 tierces Week bY
J . l3 '
gEr 0 4 1 14 . 0; Wirl'd image: i r l
J.t_ •
- -1 113 - oW4almaiTed
/Tx a* fel. by )4 . VAYaAOON..r
111""joiatt).,11 ago.
R 7 BPI OUR =7'~l bblerr}~eflour farsaleli
J.ll lnca NVANDLES3,
SALERATUS-41 , caske , for ale by
S.PORCULNOS-5 casks prime du hand trial
ibmk, • JO • WI9C
113 T .TOBA.CP , Aegs
. mime Arcummus„
4611=11 rah% "`ate ataktag.The bort 'el
of mu
Irr•.66.ttice van oar. This junto
•111 tot lesvil a. r e St •••••attat and thmktmt tbotouts .
t•ppoi hi
..11o , ki ... m.fig
p l e ir i =n bt ,
I ' 'zi
- 6 .74,.. . matesrlet of
stst. ° & to, • 0371Fy i 4 1... .ta r , ~.
• ate . t<
of 34 • :
.. ,
rtyr„ FLOUS-8 fiat. tbr mai
1.,30 DALIMLL*I)O. Worty
lIRESE,-50 bcare exid IL; for sale t 4
ay2o , ri DAIS= O , C . L •
'BAP:W-43,000 lbs. Shoulders- ,
bbla...4ye; , ; ,- , •
• '•a o o' •
M — UBTAAW SEETI-00 Ibis. for.rasle VI;
sts B. A. TAUS =Oak' a CO,
11.4.01)ji .110 ROUN — D-LBOI lbs.
-RP' gun ' l ' alb4ll4. offintbrestatt. l
- Yin ° I ED, flt Ply: 7 7 3 - 00.0 lbs:: to;
mon • - • 11. * IV. EIAEB.M3 IL
,hfid?..N ? 2. 1 14 r.. e blot!.
tam aiseilnd I/WM' WA: 'r in! In
r—bobitesyly carftW ebb Dr IMO by
the pau . 11 .40?,
setoi—tsk =OW VI.
8RPP4 8 4.4;;„
•Eirse , ; It0011024:111.00.;
. ', 1. - D. , WILLIAMS.& CO.; • ;
awn& of Wood insdNlS Strata, ritubmk ,
gAvg NoWJN STORE; end ti,lllliire diB
IrerWs , I: •„„ &tri t.g. k . Inert teems bop or.
IlaZtlboxes Mae Urals 152,03xea Nafat , LlN 1a.%
IS Jelled do. Als. 88 bane extra se 8 .
40 - r•. alp.; ammum Is - sa.r.‘ t"'' ',
'culs iicipme.... ijim. , VI big.
i tt u. meare3 1 `t
"....0 flclVW.Alk.pil lei 10 . ' Gan Om . I -
SS bla z lee. 1 net 8 Meek- .4. " L AI,,, t I=l, 4
". "2
'23 Ellice:l 21•3.. I t
rams 81M1 1 1 4 , tte i , 1 4..
3 33 3 8.13334% 53 is Bordeaux Prue
So Iterttasi 19 am Wily . ,
1 b 7= l4 : a 47
; " =VI. e, '
... : "_.-.9 4.. r.. ....I 1 2 -:
-i el~ti.~ i
~~;':;~ upa~i
, •
, ID kesil
1 9 bbli. Gireetrop
43 bans Sewell uu
loci dozen Manzeit
B . rirdtgts'
U 4 . 40. 17
r• num :am
tow Ds. ,
tat rta l t
so Lgis Bawl
103 eue3llmostaollo33s
1)101.131% 10% 043.15
• 103 pan 14&031y1.111331r..F.
• *Clksp itg..i5•031.1.4
Q" a L
800 iets.loL Using
2.$ to? • BisalZgr,
' 60 °maul
, o!.r,
dram lilsr e.ctem
60 cass Mrs
43 ... M.= l „,
10,00 u Pein T tivs Mem
VA 4 m "
• • • • Itabr end:roc
S9O Us. "011012 A6r.
100 grans C. is. D. Tobwag
tiO boxes Mamba lksTs • '•
910 ••• D. • 111.1A3341.1
A nthM aA l Air M A
gOttil ' lrldlf h ttri "
snood. .M ul Irma it.
orals o l rat.or:M.4. • "
State -M ut ea - lire ' InEcranpe 'O3IOIIIIM
-11RANCLI OF . FINe.dt anncinrimnr
• PlThlllatfilf... 4 4.
rEbeet evidence of theinetewarrthe
tee -jul .ooeloetiV&,___ u' orie2l44 " lll.
vildert boa beim c.c.: Picini lard
thew:Over. thereby sago/ one to =
of thaccopoor. Neorly ad the Tootorty of ea
whet 6124 Is Mall ilaila. NW • laig9twati••
. traliatil tise - : ~, , h t a,.. %.,,..
Amount of Proton/ 7 1ittt7Q 7 - 7 - -.."- • • - • iressAte
Da ' Pa form—... ,:ftir
- , no: - mothol-k-iia=...-.-7.:l7wereirr - ,
.100. teretet,aemoosedoopee4- ,- 0910:=4 .02 „
Do. - age Praia; fociired-=WIA ,
, o, . d 0...-. .. do , • olatotltd....--..: -, .111411 - ' *-
Whole set lorourood=Poitl:4ll.42 l lt,.., •
f i x ,
Dodgem ln Odor ottbo ' taptoh..., i ~,,•;-.,
• 7 To *Toe tawdry Lad oworooof
and loNofto. *ad rocatry PROdriT.l la •W•V•M latasso,
party altodo rdszatosaa to Pridt .4 0 • 14 T. 0 ../'
rcora"tt=mis= . coast:T.
6"1"41'4 135n0. It k r= b eltft Pr.....•
autos onlp a
ctadtair Clot Tropoetrof como - - 2
Waw " Ilc=ada" OitZ
Put maths the tosatedio torttitsoltoodsldso _tr.
DirocUott-Jobay.fittodonited..d.i.t. dorm.,
Alamo* Canto, PPM 11.1tedpi liero,"l
6.l=t, raw& Por.tor r Jobn IL cr. l .. • -
.. .1 :. r i It MI MOIL,. t., - ,
a... e.t.oximieeteen,R' eas
f • It e r @al, frirtdopt of fdlocatior Paoli
po be+ boa declared by ea r.
•corrab • at chit Win Pot notrildllor cub
st tbocatt of stlootfdoilt ' • , , -A.A.
.Primiklin licreitinnini*Cte,ar Philikali:
IDlRECTORSi.theidielVAiinoTrei Geo.
w:skeeetkvioinnot;nieenioe to Two
,J POVId Z orP * . 11. 7 1 ! "‘ . - ,
-- tAllaltd: tiq
or Ittatted.Cto wra7 ~,",..• •••,.....aa ..=lr. _ l'4
no amour r.i. ." -1--, Qi. .....
TrlttchOrttOthetrtstattol sod Ir!ce
1 .r .lbe lli = tlrr al • • Ctooraol or 411 11 _ ;MO'
' timbal aIIXV.• trr the Ada TiPloro tio povo,
3f jp.....-,--t-tr,.Sl 5 ~'.::
~.,..=...=7-- - . ' oo' , I . .;•,
r• • '' - 0 . 44 ig•---=-4-.44....1 ''
, " - ,',.,. *- '• • - ',; , ,f,*:
I. - Mow LINO , Incorippirboa r ___
two cold nom* of Vor • ~...
Dollars Loral es Finh than -Th.=
odeordar of losoramo, ad woll-TortaViend db.
r a ". !rvtmunemar -.
- .16 Moo 8. Loonier Of e V ril aorld mete,
Petnnllttiteid Life Lima= Co.. Phi Pew
*iiiFNT IN FIITSBUROW X . 10%9 .:
(o.l.l‘l,l,l2.seirartf e. 11151.Meny Ora,
164:itt of tin ctn. .I..nt Z . S7
Ihnir le IX wed 4to 3 de/DM-at AMMO,
J. razatuUk.S.C..,Jto 24 Vitali Jlecorßabon mop
ars lat•nrujimsreja w restaadeamstao l ea ttoos
1 ly Ifitteadlid to .. a elm , mad
tosalta of 4•ifs.l4:l9anip.,.=Prat ~..
, abut =Vv.:a origssui.42bLsgro
divl2l.4 N. 006040.
UNlmrgb. Jan. SI. n01.—•34
Haring. Fire, iind-inliind..,
111:11111411.1:11 lig,lat,
vsry IL 1ia.0.00 ie. - mks
buildings GM their tosiMX..lll this elty oil Irtetalry- t. We
aa in.p.ty' of .01. 4.4.2l E ti_anolippea ye o=
mod otherrawla, •u. b-r 11.1.4 CLIIMMO4IOO el cm UM
PR WP2I. • •
' \ :-ZI .:13r 4 '' ' r tfri.: ,i l
.-. • .:- . •
. u•-'T.s .
t( da M v au o 3 l t d i a ar it n k a oi' g M 4au.ak ,
ipaldiw /M
= 1
iMMi zM
n-"aA 'N
iapathlnO4l Uftrs
mayb al iOl
•2 .-:._l'-. . 5-.. ,,- 4
~ .l4
TP:StoTatilltialnetkr . • ' ' .. ; 7 77 ,
' eddezt,' P.M- Oordao:
atfi &M e, :1
• Lam 404mtiallFof t .we. NM, ,
All Ismeo wlit bolibmaTutioUd 1.04,06..,i,,1
i e.l. T iteal .. ‘z,.. s
=Cirsmatoftd, % . iP VIM.:
..Nelifi 3 Ort I n ~ .t irvra,..4 ;
W. L ' S 67.14 -Jim. firs•Dlriii,;Tlops!ll.
'o4.:Ne:tri sirrstraot4pnriatMe. or SiGUICO4
FILE. lionfer-'
1C NORTMON. 'Or niki - n -
UM& TWO stmt.• , If , L - .. ‘ .., : 1 .;;
and' wintry. *TrunnstTlTloes' Os
=y tee. el th• lemon Ist. at proatosi. 2. - , , .
.. Sawn 1550.a..-th.r who Won NOWS. 4:*
Might.. kretiro be casgmbei; render . %%War
dt, an the aseand may cl.litnic. Z. --- = , • •
ga ud-by Drp 1n111, ,. / 4107 •110 WOW.
0 K
teaana Waems.. rlall &Rai . Oula wd':
Mom tost;c4 Wen 94 us SW I.
DiVisgrl6 tiger a '
Gow . oll.
PlUtll.44l* "tin.
4'1 % ll =
41 'g il1IL
190...,' .11114.: UMW 151mnart
otMeltr...ifat u kre. 4 - "'' - ' 11 " 41. •• " i
loon • tausteass 12 11,1301144: 41 ..7 , i suev.a.. midi 1:161c.,
Isfila i.l nvii • Preildeit: . iii,i;"e.: '-yi:ii fiiisT
drat. Jati.:ol4 s.7 6.1.4 , 7' •', .." ,• . ".* ' `-' '- '
. .
.„„, !
. 1 111' tat'lll, „ /
cent Strength y'
grp r i A= l 3ot. Pia=ll3o6boc k s,
~d im• Ournor a Visa and We leteedittleant
st=l l 4,lol •.:F 4 °.!ii.rc4o 4 ..
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re.,,ira_w,t4t; aZtagartimmo
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mar .4.e t toi r )
I,7Vomak*" wbi", Au, nitl=7. 4 A.
iTi t .buiwetdoici "V". wima1.°44.15,,V,M = .g
euw,, , l . Excee is trA
"eitif Wm:Wawa. oentsthea . & Teat ththae.
One. or the Tile A M
1. "" l ial" * et . P la. Avail na,l= ro*
CeiroW sztrithasvail-ss
Ai CARD - 0. - 4 have•ietatnrid
Al ii et4Meyekti usup-oly)
tops Mr th i rltf
...dineagr ."41116"-wat.:
miry Vt.
.... nu2 M l .e.cutnti . ore. imentli=
vet t roomed an* monviorlra,
y E 4). PIPE-:-C4)riaen'e
Lein eln . a+! •
-.llllthaseibaalvettoarea m ,
• . • Ist inswfcr:.,
Seed-SUM • 0"4 =see atOrt
.414Cat r tte. " 7 14%4. 7 611"...
O-PARTNEILSEMrbe subscribers time:
i. numire coaftwaitamlftfrio. qui,*
"Ir• • • • — llk i
giont;.ROSE '
!ras tbtlianshelta7b,.lllllYeiliiiila
Me./ 11, 41 X tc. , lamb. 4famhtirr. -
Is to • • to tor Rif
beatbiritirldnatl6 •• • • ••• oet 41:0
W. Vim “01;44(tinitilita, .•, a+l?9d - ~.pp ? l•u. '•.~
Yam- Oa tau from ou . • • vtio. . Itir
4.4A 1 9.4it r . ' " • • •
§TEA.M. IAKLN e--110:1 64144' •
Theo .t,a NI. ton. ttatuir "rpkr - i
bedew thiekarariamiel
I t xr i l mz le ezr sta. he
e derr, re4l/2tlreMieeT a*" . is
'QUDA'ASEI-3004341/ " " iiiitt i v,
ftetithyikrierefidie vireo so
164 5a.7.11.1,0111* imulpr
GRossirsm PasLePti,l
, ooraor izautand arm. ,
yytteemo PApgR3-4*:. - asso - "rt;
for :Ansa allremthiPord;
lit MCC .
vitii • IrstOtosos; coe 'wk., sa as.
er:Z °l, .. •
ArraUrt, :
• 141 wan:
: 1 Z" nivel.
Hon, and at 'V/aa1*0.0,4
Lemon Buitar. ,
a k tl. "** . =MB -
ickKLIBER has jut .rec'elved z !•"
. lir YINIO 2 ''
. , „.
Tempers.. Aothenst—dedW OD Tilmentica Bap
cr .T ralt, k r.= •
--09. M. h.-0
pp~~atfa 4f 3 ;
slowitta itstha
. Mara Lovs.a ouuna .12.1 r
no. muy b7.90,10104,}4.4
Znus °wit% Unimawiticiaate. risa
kar gm= of .4r u hlr:4 l
yest.—Noir erii•teur:•iiiieda let a New Ptug.,,-.
30 rgv.41.. , .V,i 4 anoe'.
NO.Et ,LINENS, ,of Artuiovs qualities,.
IL * iiV."
for Hale h
UCKET6-25 dos. Marietta, for icolo by
file - 8. l W. ILEA/MGM
16..7 - 953 Muhl. pipe /311. „
w° "I ' iam b i auToMral
-121017 mbedlided binders Len beeornednier
twenty fora,darlog -mined
foo time they lesee
• perorsoiro the 4 Marino&
sod , r4ge.ll*.ebire
Ms= of the blobeft cosisence, nne. their
tlos ban beeensitbmitlad e tans dim Um ison listiertag
ostleoeolels as tonbetr mimicry Irene neer sill other pies
empoeitiob. nr7 es;rolly add
eocreetly =ebbs/. vender them yeenrbody applicable te
• w 1
=Lb, nod 1001=.• lbw inuionenenielsib
td mble,.
apemen • the War, their deardeiel rberecter is teen.i..
quadiont of Itle. le et wend is trembeiptatz
cover outward reiebnn
bre been bribe eitenyeninneficeied
- Or
M ex and jai in tbe Peek end eide,reeeilttof
hoot teem ains tiscsain le
the lideept. de, tbdr en
I=6onetli m dtborldsiters Ma been =ply noted by
"be experienced elm end %lA= their
V:1; . mnenn.mb need.
viTerthtribdest senerenoe
their hroal edieta will be lined very donded.„....
pN1 1 .9 PATENT ~ STARCH POL- - -:-
Vgirr. ~ prin ce dift ' l ll k Tirkiti* m ' u .. "'' . -•Z
.r. - Dr.;.it. W. brestre ;ring to the Wt
Dona leirbereep It prawn. =Ulu inpMeree to is
an name. Tbe WIMP hem lane acre felt thee= .
pt orb ea ertYle. wad In Ms their Meda. rein to •
IT rarEseel. se cue toretetttfore Is kern' after ea tm
'9fB.4ree &beretifeictilleti amenrf el 7 erei leo . • ..
Mee Ilei mate per Cake, Rath take wide tbllettreerbraL. . • .
Ter Miele , , - reeeril • • IL /C. re MYLES& fa wcoa et. _ , t I
, .
'l.'::` PIELSOLSOIL Olt BOCK 0/7.. .
. (~... •.Ttiato steams tbl u an dram r 1 bas.ti43.l est.:44 .-•-..
T ali VIES - of.this nmaarkable rem . a:
_ , dn. Mid tbsecaistsat apptleationStielt.lotie ma{
I.o. ,llMol.4hlLto u ralgo: r nalt=". 'Kahl..
re m
. P •lTllo . l.t
1. 1•
_proenre.l .4
tL lketn i.. li ., rell 111 ...w thi••••m w j.
v - *dude* trtrimoat sal • drat , ebatkEy.butJust •• It
Bon_ A= ill•taml Great. Lalastaryt 1 ...Mat II =Ma u ..
, Noper i met4a r ra wz ber , •af i rzt..n .I• L t•i t len t r . a
,tias o l • , - tr ham..t Weld, e4s7rst =eft
, S. f.
battik and mitty • sullen, • Loa. belbre Ms pro. •,
prime a_pvtuu It up In t•ntilesat bad • mat.
a. th•••”•rott•••••• no constant tacht•llT 1.7 ..... 4
Amain; tot IS.sod mineral armarkabis• atm tt ins ..._.,
librtdolt. le as •Itr• Indtmlimi of lia'. tvturs porttrit7 Oa
EV:M=VllVlraTlf=' , .t...
viiil.. tha them ildew aus 'soon :roz• ktlmr ,
tie hum el thaw mho atter, - sad 'dab to be
0. do oat elslot for a salnerslapplkailo=r
.or dately" vs to -that la . s amber et
luosii. Mdiss • It: lc : 111:00.4 U.. gmkr b.:
annaerste•—•ll dilMel , of the mown tummy mutt as
CIIHOSIO BRONCIIIII9, GlntiliptioN, 0. it...,t,
,it2v4Mi t. t. , all Mat3=l,•=l ... rn a lit
siakur sled
la V. BlAt or SM.; Nolo=
=W r ist , . ntlsiN - V•bce., , =ZtlZZ:
L railti t""" alitrolo.o, Ihrtfla=4l
'lt mLU act s• • wantrAl NIO at•l Alifitir.
ATI 15=ga. 11•1 , r i gte .... e,. 4.
sitoto trues, repowitts
, Swaim. vtdob cum Miss./ sod :Uhl ' • amts
sodArkyiu tors ate:l sad renormt•vergt to ails _
at Wu Teo rtoptietot tow. at mew euratst P .
tita•••lo4.rm adz tr•sisa•st. 0117,trt•Stt* <an T.
mitlig• PIT 0 li .t. u .t. , Fr..
w ricrig rwm vitbouttli• *l3•Carta t? ,l o , lnOtcl . *
Fl. rarlt - Osisi Itsul 't p rj tvet.
" "raNtisaara a It
.. ,;,. , u rad , a,,w, Vi n =t6l arigi Al . . ho : 14: . are •
,irßow:all mewarho are sick and afflicted
'lliaf Vorla b" tel=r i s DV W:1 . 1
air tet
avian Om& Wisdom cut stale wctirintprorlont,
ta al iho. a sa asocionalty. that tt. bovrtruie•
uldch Aril }DC iuntalsod In say other srmsty.. - -Tho sus
Id* It =dud isith jute. and tostrrzios film diim.....=
jir 60 cents, est lone Dm any ft the Els
{man FLocorgy I Setzits a Utd. Ms=
Y=6oo Mr the
01 ,‘.r.,,,/1- I =nall'7ut It U • moody Osborn.
tad - ST.IYr amine ist imam% dui bobbles up Imo Um
bosom a
arrr moil= ruttc. ha Us islisSoAl parity, sad of
Oast* Whoa= buourdly • may moody. a caul* sad
'ls cared Prim arta cOur sudletors horn WWI 60
Ded.. saY Sella - it to. eared Rbroalut.4 a kVA
[ Ves ". irodValri U nlorbas, by on* ra Vg doom it . has
. mid old mos of Dlatilion• fa vlikr_sruT oilier Ammer
fur boa at sci irralL As • Yeti unnictriu
tf L
segair. Itto brusr [Unsay =Wad occanonuit or t
va l ..
thaws latoosur. It II oirre chilblains cod frocoss fort,
.ICello , •90110•00ou ndoebted usihnony amble
El or . ibs trato In Um slero sisicto ad. try cog:
ÜBI.iYAMDY/, GA:01 Bodo. Yonsith stroe or
Irt,__•yrriey of Word street rod
eller It. Y.. Mim s 67 Wcal [brut D. 41.16111oc.widIV
Curry.Alkuturir Sty. axe Cu Kant,.
1111PUBMOTIO TEM .071107131)..
Aced, the disecreere sad lab Fannie=
_ReSt Solatle, szoi heath:dal medl6a sad she
ialehnr for n y,
at ita ... M 4 thhtllaLta. VottMe..,aad '
c'Ot a s u lp i t, 4.P `' tm renispla Sl'
m ggled.
r =s
-Thsansb 'be suoi 01 Ohs hitsittut tem, to elasith
Prophyisetio hyrop. ust other."( his natal*,
Dined iwsneted etedoesoe .rig tam( dresdfal
sari bast aigsdies Tobetentsr. Coomapttea. Cancers.
Scrofula, thuratestleot. Attbse. terve eadArta.freere
stilladal,Rataio tayelpeloe, sod all- these -obetinste die
wan to Tamales. odeol, , everrlaar of diem.
oader the net of kde aroastiots, to tat* Maw&
tr tha
liaa.ledthht vuh tomadariew 1,4 r; sat sy the use of
remedies. sile,starsi,3al .sr..ts .4 for, Foote Set o, !lt
_ . .
ickikepdadel to to
.artro Ittervii; Likanci=r thrileave towrpv,r.
slag mrOoldra Mt. ma mt.
siglielsorto mama= Irbrt has beat ssl4,lgithii mialsat
Thebrritid eiili
aux Ligesiln ace cells Dodoes
... • are yak The libDuirthttartb., at well al, prom chop
. 47. Co, ZrWood at.. Plttqa . M..;
,: Juimr
L ck
boa , ' • '
11 , 'i.Deettostaiaareciiettir,i:
Jobs Voila, • - - -- t.:l
age Teri.. •I !!,';
.•• . .
It ' ..=gegelt.terindeaC.
• '-ic f,' lariat of • Wet/raft •
ead kaclarded a dose Dan the meame or ait.
es aF taneealaaeai Visa= goat segf
tlel4o* zir,..—,...;arr...... asi. has
to Abadan, in eters awe el'Fbe anal.
.tVili ii igkis dial. dewing awe Menages Wen
c tlalathes alba* Dr sale, wooers not - is alias
lerstroaalare=.7 - pioa al thS .14 ea MY
1111.1 e theater artiste hes Maw* hi ilia arm- ,
Tlatlill..tha bV"F.t.PIVS.Laati Mali:
=,:setall../. sa a*
M .liediellet an aiered at ealee• .F . , Paa ! 44 'a
- The SM. X.See H. ooffodk.l.o.• If.C. The poi / I :4d.
~,..t...Wa.,'.iotot A. D r, late .B. Soo*
trat .11. 1 _P., mr t ped reflplateofmthe
,AirNele4 . l , l=l t i t treas nAmorks. lay• Aoltted re
A' aa a * t Shadow Saila=
a DF • tto Del cam ai Way pd.
lbesattler.!? -7 . L ..1 :4- ....„..... - tz -
Mod beet,
_Tide soca undoubtedly ,hratraig ad
l ug er iie meta
k osid'a , lase
, V ,., sonalre
1 ='. '. .. " TeMia.aliralmi, lautra„M
1.9•110.120 Ira Mil mom Thal Soda le ear to.
...arla h., -I,l ... iatZ t e ta t =tild altDo=i=t ;
arlk l Sl 4- 0146 at Wald •1407Mietatad ..• not
.....V...,* air Dastados, the aronviskiaseitle ea
•l, - P &lntritl M =lrrita l tiMets " et:
Jr mai thedlemed pars-earlao it heath ood sia=.-
Qs a pre Al .s l4 k lll? ; h= it . il i tifekegolle, ri d
E___ Instal. or Dash. Dam abater. anae l D. now
71;Oteat i arg. E.
Ake. • • ad ley the retal ts
:.:, 'M t . .., . r lnr . , aat, l4 6 i•
TO tie Readers of the Pittelnirgi 41azette.
"DUBUC ATTENTION, is respectfully ill
iaterla the alknasz iaitba„ set ialle in etletion to
asuedia of medals timed
:91r1Orni (111 ROM 0111 it in Iva sent lima ceis
Sese .... ...._tafe VMS ads lomit CWeo i: " tt eLt . bais i l.hi before Mt ,
.. 11* PlWa, teas= folly apalagrigtha
. Li : j..... 1 / 5 06tir s tgi . e ..d. i 10ailr i A1 , ... at
aly at a deb W. astErtie ale parade amebas moon;
i krZar r*. imaa Fa ra b l k aUl tomi eserma t iee and *ale
s if stoore - s - ly. Ara* le tbr . daithe of the seal
el a peArar sad Fumes that lasabs to ea= all Dam.
b::Sr-Da air day. liken we write stouts meal.
.re wear DM trate-.0/4 we may,aothlar take.
aroaarilias she oar treat liar aura or ant mos,
le or eakerarda The ask are my airkto catch at
Mg" tranlFOlellef ram damn. A doe" c .,,,
to too wrosAltato wearer the oldret at gob.
t re . Lost
.sand ..
r o e olle n ree
artii=r elitakthe told, he coder to wore de IM:pr.
Ameba laz airy .140* . anieleta the Saaiesia med.
as. Plallitalatote-lata thermar be aseeetalned
mass Ve..o= b ' b f a • t !', C "g a* '''r' , s"4 h ' ft.
Wale gr ,:i..... : ...0z.,. eltheaa,
,ride j.. ,„13, 26 10
h r. e =d bi to:gi . .
1 t....-
'mid Asel,he amooiligeotkaaala Datroretniory.
peat wow= Wishes* an owe near hams. pad mai
10. Dela ilaS wale ata, Data doubts mike ado.
j N1M1. , A. NA bealkaboado.
:! .. _il ..4, lltiel ea.
E r,, t,.....,..„..i., kroglows oath. Skle:
ta l stia ta the boas end :11=ps
, ' •=2.4g...A.umr.. aal
teodossio Da•
- e'l lWa, dismal the liaddeT , alat,iblarre e
a beanie asaiesii.sessor, sed /1.'1 4 tam tried
Oa CCU* OXIII-Onamea * vithla the pea re
ar with the
realealliot tae ,, el. aesidsleare In
hu* K, it Allelaw7;girill take planar sa ear.
DNS to la• Meted or thols Maids. , - ~-,,,
others-bay w alien Mar al e a, At
a l' = " rseas4&% *t prol= a .Al l te
telMarlerilaaw.Thame .b• tm wart . spoked aNit!. doubt l;
.end Is *Mac t p e alma it doe pada sod
osalderaika. =other ar Jolla toad, allaall he
asaallai to eaters satiate .e.lesa la tit . ,Siase.
l'itrEiin tar pot.,
OSA Walret " :
,I. maim, a Wool Street: D. AL Carry, D.A.
Irtlik...l.exageo„..Allestatisl Ciffi_'.....bLi mgr...
'roe' .' i'lr't 1741:i'ard " iaiktiZsd EV
Needles' Cigebnited'
1..7. -riot thaw% . to talc% sod
Xi. H. Sorotoi.;47 aeon, ne
saldeet, Vf i, ts , ;.lablosorwoutlia. byre:rat
ilitsWlTlloor-tiga%nio to re It atrAL:
=LW im 4wootbr a oatt show - sr a r . . swrer
411011 , t1RUZITIQed It Id I.S%OIVOUtt
- ; . :,'n - .311 kttat cooikaoildoo .
boo eta
nn ow= tbe public -
-6MO4gra Tm. Ooton . 1 tikolt=. =What
M rnxad
0 , 0/
osohlltr - b? mid •• • -T.•
' 1 AXIMMEDICIpEES, Lo:—A WV stock
" . 'll), ,, sig a ia a a ftia : is , l# opl tbe cool Mary
. A.ll,meirt& _
`••:•;•••:. Isenthlit;,ii.4 —' 1 17.1rdrW,:'.,' .-
n i.,....,4,,......„...„......,.._.
...... :. ~:•. =tt
tee' etroebr the
Vo i rA 4 .7 • j : • - ...IQ: W e hest, 3,6 p
t k . . D !# .44 .:, EstitZe P e b gt .g. - ,-,
....„... _
Mil= taseere• .
! = lls6 Cesses ; •' ' ' Uo stV 7 al=4... - :' '' - -
W VVreheikkete e &t - &!.iiitaiiiitek.
1 . „.. 4 ,-, -- area et Wad she 21,ett4 west& •
en*K.--lanbJuo4ly a.