- -- i*ITTsBUIWkrVaEt i M. ' 1#1 ,1 _... • fizbautimai.l... • IMF WOAD 1111PLOIT. ' • . eiTley nail best tide fronts late plowaltirew,'. , • • T leact+ - •.;. The mote shall rest in its scab ba rd old Ie so age this is dewelng new: - ' • • • world, that wept et the taw wneeid, h the steed, lads flood; o'er Ito ploloshati . r. • I Stull smile In the relict of the plow. Ttillo . rorel tbsirusts 'i!lls!ory case— ~ it sham rust but'netferraje; .. •,. , ,',l' . , • At the Mai, Nall cell of the huma neseeJ, It 'Mel tespUuee mire teem its restiml-plam, 4 4 4 4,.9oobbool"Yl4"tillYaY% + i 1 "' ' •.- j .',. k itilebsil' o ,* NI.. . 11 .ir 9t.6 it fell, - - ,- - _ , • --, • *glum= hmils inttrle_ t _ tribal tub ruilmereltut *brand horn IV: , ,":. ••_.,,. Th's ra, grim 111 0%11 ua lts* tell . , . -....., ~. Its d m aff,°n t ll° !4 1 ,,,:t!. 1 ,!" ~..` '• • ' •'. ' Nos it deelMnOt a erciithlese Mhiss r'dbign , it is grasped In thiforier'i• ow:. • ''' i . -,' .....• ‘ ;" . :4 0 1- the murderous dad doliwtoci_.* ll gr iu lt ...;:-/,•, Which lAd'enurskrl,lAl4. 1'0e,t, , ,TAr .7 4 r Mot •-•••, . - Shall seem In the arms p low ... -•, . c • ' 0 the bliasineet _mai= and of °A. shall " 31 I it an there ..., t k ilt- i trif i f i e ti s:tal elf2w:e,Arelud.... li 'Glad homes shall sleep un LiT:totherli breast, And allusion her egged ttrots-- • . - 1 • - Ihtis*WW4tetiOdisin- in Engler*, The annual retains of the various tints chow iagrestdecrease in the ntunbera of the IViislel throughout England., - Their numbers, as reported in all of the . , districts, savetio Oro r4:46,333, and 12,023 on probation' ,Tlie'dmiremo is 55,854,..L. :, Our ieiztdels are already apprised, tha t:; . ... for nearly two years , - w,constant agitati on has been in. pr.:. As it seems tons, - ~-., there heti - beet error -in " both : of the oon-1 tending pintiea The authors of the a Fly ...' _ sheets," who crested much Of : the-present • , excitement, resorted to means unworthy of - -Christian ministers.: But the :conference I. seas too booty seekiegi . their 'eipalsion. ' . ...: The means employed were meo .13i3tetwIt ' h that personal - I liberty . and ind ependence which. every hrgh.minded• man feels to be - ~... s' tig ht . . No l test of innocence or guilt ' . should be required- Every man 'should be ' - deemed innocent till ..proved guilty. Noe should the refusal to take any test thui im posed-,lead to pulsion. Bitter : as were .the:SCAIM4ODS made strong as were: the ' ..'.... ' suspicions la in reference to the lea ... :-,Authors, ' . moderation and truspol. icy alike:wain' a, patient endurance of the evils, till full and satisfactory proof .of the guilt ofpsrties could have been obtained "• ' Since the' 'on of the leaders by the er i ca. - . c onference, the{{ moat, ultra measures have been iideptedon.both 'sides. -:- 'The sostyled reformers raised the cry of “iinstipplies," and' the fmanceit of the circuita and stations were, • as far af ,imssible,..deranged. The worst featorer t in the whole has been ' the 1 ' ' opposition to th Missionary Society. With i ' this, it seems ns, up tine-hearted Cline , i . non can haw airy sympathy Onthe other hand, that de l ow. of leniency and kindness has not chariak.rizoil the iterinbitintots 0 Discipline, which is calculated, to soften end • win the:erring ' heart. -s late heen . withheld, and equlsions have been decreed, - under. circumstances, which:. 1111/t3V :greatly eggravitethievil. . - ; ' • I - . The Wesleyais.linies, the organ of the , , reformers, points to the decrease as evidence ' of the ; success ef their cause, and eliims that the ;strut, begun: _ -The 'Watch m in which is patronised by the conference,_ ' ''''...... while :deploring , the decremeithirdot that - - :;;:the evils are now removed, the- dissatisfied have g 4 /zer-Pir tne ii , Again *414/, and it ii •,-,-• looks f ol l'UtiLior'dayi l pf aelxitabg Pms• l'. , perity:'- l'iri!lhope thM.ntty,bo: the ease. .14 as ' tire & r emise appears to show, there ~ i/1.4 - large .kiditiMaauSedWitlt,...lhe Wes. :i - 4 iire - 01111306011113j and yetm:diteided mi. ...-., - 7101*, they; Sheuld ' ferns.a.neir, - .,;organiza. '";.„,...... , tiers, ind - quietly stiffer othens:wgripedeN c 7.- . to puree' e l lieir min c'erenie.i- - _Whatever May be minor differences in Church' PolitYs we shall shrive tejoice ifalre success of all togmixtdioz4 whieb. h o lalostioasmenta • . d o ctrines Of 'the Gospel, and whose aim.. is to exert. thetisehow In winning ,souls to . Chriet.—Wett. Chris. Adv. • • - - '•-coAt.' , ,:mi i— fat" this fuelf . was first intre.;, - . tinned-intni-Englandt the'cinindiso against I it was se strong that the Comutons petition- • . - ea the Crown to prohibit the nnozicaus" fuel •' A illy'; -proclamation' hiving felled ~. to abate the growing nnisince, a commission war ':. issued ma'Aseertain.whe burned ' cost within the ; iity'snd its ' nag hinihmd, and - . !,: t p=is' A . them by . fine' for the' Snit offense,. ;and by demolition of their furnaces if they ... - -persisted - in . tranagnueden t , -PA law was et , length tastiad making it a Genitaloffense to • . burn coil within:the city .of Langan, and only pernitting it to be used in the-farges : . in the:vaulty: '' Amiong the records in the ..,. 'Tower, Mr. listle found a dtatment ins ' ' -pat* that in' .the ,time of Bastard I. a - :....k10W1ad been tried;convicted anti executed ' - ;.- 7 'for the crime of burning coal in _London.- At'''toolt. dire° centuries to entirely efface ''lTeittare• ' - . '•.‘ - '- - -:' ' ._ - .; 4 .;:',:" - -5-? ,-, - ; ., - ' . ' -". " • ..1,41=,5- -- t - fol.csareq ,Quearrrort.-The strong pre 4„.;:tatinption .Is, that the clause in the new :-e i . . -,,: . .i,--tibttion against. granting - license ' heel 4 , :41.41iii , . adoPted -by.„,a, handsome majority. -„,':- , f , The Ohio Statesman , of the 28th ult. gives the official; returns for thirty nine counties; 'ilia unoS 4 4alfer • tirentjrone: Adding;to •,' . these rens Alio not given by the States .-- man, the•inajmrity against license, in.sixty,- ...ternoooto4es, is 1.0,950. . There are twenty. • • six counties yet to' be " reported; nsmale, • . ~ . Adams; 'Allen Aahland, Atheue, Carroll, Ctrairfend,r•Darke, Defunice, Fulton, Geettga, Greene, Haniin, Ifanison,lawrence, /a sat* Lu:Metter, Noble, Ottosni,l'ike,l el.: r :. : Putnam, Richland, - Sandusky, Summit, r., '„.%:- :, ..'''' Palmist, sail Wayne. ' Moir th ese tour 'ties gral affect the vote , - W 6 WIDOW tell. i. We hope the majority may be increased, l ira, but it y. be- greatly diminished. We . 1,141 m; majinities' against , license in thirty "'k4 . '' .l .acin ties.;, sonic", - Are , *en' • Urger " - '- -", Ti':' ; _ Hamilton, 3,404; Licking, 1,341; ...,-ran 1,251 • Knok, - .I,VAOi Cove -.--',VI. .gg- 1.,106'; Wetting, 1,050; and efin. -•‘'.•;..,...... ton, 1,020, .•: In mumberis,.ffamilten is the banner nenntY, : thongb;,tis - .PstiPostion to , the -.vote east, - Clinton - excels, . having ,••,., - --. 'given more than 3to I against the traffro. I ~.s%?;e::- ,; ., . .„.;., Y er ....rear there lain majo ri ties in twenty. `..;trii i';'..:. - '' ~Olair.:Tetailitties, the :=largest ' of-which are, - .. , e.: -, Vitbar; 1,170; Moutgornery;'l,o92; trebles, ~,,,''''tf'-..l•7':;,lZl.,o44j..'Auglaize' , .971; and Turcartraira„, ;,.--T , t , .&.24. - ' Stork carries the - banner ontlio it ,.-1-j.:-,-t,'iitior,tidii; .though,.. in , proportion .to - its : - ,..i,jl :'' -''...::.,, , VOial, Isuglahe has ItorCuired an unenviable .' l ''' pmriminence, having given mere than; five - ..'• '.' to one in favor Al t" selling , , intoxicating' drinks.— Fresi?''Pris!ldt'•, '...:- .0303.P.ENE.;—A frestrintpply:ot: ';'" Wan Taper an Ikaders. „ neniko PAIXIM:SS, Market street, re . hvzitutviontsxgr.r.4242,l= wren . artirls fa Maim of buttons& ."-77. JAVA COME-10 bags yery. superior, or Awned 'pa SF Na10 w 1 .44 jai i i i i i ta 4 e a., • . SUBLINGTON HERRING}; - 0-boxes tsu priarlhatiatths Br i rszartmersa by, CEMENT 2. bbls., tor me by - . F. TON BONILORRT k 15 bbleaoi sale b Aux! DI VMASAING'S,SUGAR.--21) bbls Lover. • ..engthed gad pollndisnliemput received and AZARDINFIS-JN :BRINE:ALI kegs-iSiu , dukokilpTiv"-AllbartierktaVaa.n sprasie E 5 00Q BRIO ,000 . Urine) Fire ET L actsgmfar Oahu 11614 , 1644 .dg al mt a:* OIL OLOTII-400orards foriVin • , teed to* had& .r; azoi kiule - sa coil *WM. - J. t JWIT.La Ps. ,MEDICAL. Tie ifiastio7 DittogOl il* Wbrii it ' ~ *ll4 draw* Read y fir Mazza &aft X o.lfiners dELEID/AtBD ARABIAN Mann. Vininieutxte cares peeforteed by the iretematzetsee fa o.4tia or el & Imo thok aaa. in=t4 Inorttrr =111%.1, =imi,,,bntr: theft afrataxt power ara dia... Thar Mama to la the tow! ago of toglehor a . Voo m=' Übe ist vhflo at tto maw Una the dn. of •Ith ta tal. lb amia, as to U. not at tal aal "... 0..4 bock." A . ,o t. gowy ila ategto moa *Wall a otiouato. I. tba omotita ram o blob alst U. 4aato al Anal., abpao am plats WY ammo woods vtatoa oft own.d a...p.. gam ad tragnas Worm. of ma, Lbw tommaaai. laissot la araspoo wboto aloriaall. 4 My. vrturo lama &Wag IL ma to. Woo is Uriamollbli Una of la or 10 mash. I u in paaa. irem4 b ll m tbart 2201 It 102210222011120 lb LIM 2 2 22.22 .., oath natal 0011 20 to adds tam tom laTautaauairtho pal tab aror ea gad flab I. to dreolato atoola Moats. I nada. cc iota Paw. sad this Is irk/4V ' . tom a solferaUy on Orafol to aura am.. of tlaJohoo, la dmao sZoouou at Um boa% yua . , I,oldooys, las Etta Amiga um* earati tot AL. Cabo or talarraisatol Uot lalons..lt 1 ....„ mlZ :i r i fttoraalaaa 11. MA oalb:a , zir b =retiings, kuna,,Ficte, m ki .,.k. .artek in alma. atil t :are= so littag etiffOopplaa.Mouapot‘nrb.:F . elealaesr I Mum. tir Wilatals. D t, ar natly I as ~.. r tozut t a . , zae ., Ml Iga 041 2 .. . . . . • re: tueirtne to ixm cm pobwizal .......±..al a ina woottby mad algal/ nipottab. boom of Sams # RM. of Paaa salcent• amo of Um onal rommeol yang to Um mama modkni blaary: • , - .1. • kir. LI. GI. wral: Dem air. Attostal bY • maw of grata flame, Ima tUm tollonloo is . inammo o f tb• only lir of your mat =Cana .blretaid.thro• Von. rtodaroly .18. o k lab • tarribldo Maim • in Wm Van pal imam moarstal a to natal hdpirasen. lIng• broom ao Maid Itua sot • *OM amid to • IMM aimed Mick balm/4. and adady Marbledof lb. oyes and tonally .l and Mol . laba log ads ma ✓ dairmst to MI mond; Woo tmem o amp uncial. and to tuned. Una *too yam tbo its= Mid out Mai oar &what lalmi. to. obild Um a 7 of Mos do•dl Inanattardy on am M. that, Um tsmily obyskan Ina called In.sod extant maw b•orad to toottmo It to faiths, t o al lln v,..1 1.,11 vg a was 01 band • doom amok nod amma lmota .7140.1- A email of . tysitisn• u z . big.itramr=.,:va =,..„,17.,rik..W . : mbiak bad not Masa y bet. door, mth* dater mann:a no• im amid 4o no th ing maw W. thes oantommd or plAng yoar Unisnant freely oma tb• mars loath Mam iplam==r • mama% yoy, atm* after • Ira • eismnam oat s, ..... at: =ire& bats. pane. i=ymOntli — lf ti De. twiny sea rotnat ..1 can bs. llmo Mbar noon of Um sum Mod mom! In oz&r, ► baba:4 srminoly. all of which Mat; vb.* m mmr Idolment bra bmo nmd. Umy_ ,nathi NM. 1 . ...... L PIM* KW* I. MI. HENRY (11. 0 ISLAND. Lan' aispui*, Vaii mamas= Tur.m. lbw= Ca Mi,;11.7 MM. ; Mr. a. IL 7•.•••—base b.; Year IN SWAB ' MT volt. wad dokoi • ••••t rcb4 plc • /I ba• cured • bad ear •of bb - yribtow. of • bel p•la abe bowl.' ♦lady, who*. ed• ber Ed for .y.b• lk•aploint All. . a 11,. U.sl: b. mainly but. by .• ••• 7.mt U . LialtranA.. SW tb. &run maid 11...4.a 61a Ono iml4 XllO $11.: tr,41,-, et,-ratnatt I.= rcz ocN b•ttdag ono robbing oath you Llatront. azol .Ibny I .iks do. rabbbbl. Lb. OHa • JOLy BUCIMA.N. • • tkif Complaint es . Swaney - , Dialog:NT, Corks aid Sort Ey Cared. o POntaiatrr Mau rnitnn *Mot/. ire! IL 0. Pseitur. Your Ambie• Lleilment Is blWy mimed bat. We ented Ow Of MY wijaore benon a( tb• BUS Oasudeint by stout Om. or tre agrelem.fel emedM my own = 'ramp hat , tW ,. .1.1au0: =Lb, MO, too bo . 4tarZ i ir=o , tr btattoadal soy. t oo a dor ip lo tortgast. to ta r.attqa Mts. [ tßalirto7 ..Agata=al.lo "M"da A Sty 12a . uatoor of tiortrobtat." to.' tosatiabokloall br9l to taa fbacat al Wray , obyalbal, sat btu boasool la ta ar baltsabba day art ottatand brill ail sobasinot Oa. . ratg .... llll= otoZolpall boa bor yartoLdablboodos don to WI ova ~or moo too =and T i er coti7 at arr arta Wady will boob. mull or um, m• wiNli • throat boar ay tore4tEaf WontakStbd ..... i , at Kay, law gcrM, bar • ' 1), Ur thiStrst: . ' strrinstruk • - a Lbw Elownl 1.341031. n. . /1017(111 M MURTON CLILIII•Srl ad:111410 the M 44 of pro•Notio• be .1 or i t:=l.L gtl• o 0111.144 tsMISA too SO lb. 1116 =0;1%04 ar= 4 /S IN. AP. r!rOlNet ;nom kr amp mu inlodK. NA AFT r ra i. 1.1 far the P. Sao ..04mct.4 Aril y. w .iiib4erststat oace. atrarmintat. ..• • . .. . • • IT TES MEM= Or MC 17.1112 D MISS. rtariusice of law, I, Malm) FILLIOIIII, Peaddisti of the:ll.ltekfitetoo of oda. sad auto tioors, UM 4,45...= let= Atto • . . ,aiMlontetottohlt unna peer Isla.. little `o 0..% '°lrre . a . Oik""T . 4: A " e r citiesaittlbe : dayoho Ant Ilse . tet lota, Iv of the raltlio boat snouts au Zllonottutattel township". _ VO - . 4 , 11 Us! , alai ." 4 1 0 7 4 4M/Th PISA*: .eft 4 .. f=h t iro ar =oa r s= i g i, tb w ip ,l rntectraio• _ ty, _Taut sotottrateo, MASI I=f .44 . 04 nar. ' iIW . 44:0 diSpo, tit tlLAMAktiNkfle. ... MOO LOS 4 LaWa.Ld,aantaaselaidalida . don tho 405 ofil oat, Itor the Moot* ` 4 I b. r"" Ue.ii.1. 4 ..14,"1"..9 ,...adf.. reTtreiditatiltot . 4ti ' l.iti eijoivie; ponow ... I * envoi,. of non thhtf; ' ' ,•:- sp Man of mob 155t14 0 1 , • 1 i. ftrarat r antrlgtaf,tb ...i g i 1 day 1:1 Atifoottiont pt tholny of T... Wow. it o, 4 1=Ittserls ea. ...it. 04 . - J 0.... otilo oishrtr pie i f =oo wt. ..,..,„..$ 4 =of ramp also hut of the gab ... :liit p,,, , . ~ .. aftos ig A low for WA- of Mr sod othof tar0th5....4 4. 7. , ..4 m.14, ..te vactlibr th. .."., m....-- .. t it'"'r arlepri="WeArtto 410 Iftt cc/ w. • , r, au.. broad., I a: drool "'AM M w ".,l=; .....,, 5 .. 0 .......,4 vex.' ...... . p.aboasionfterdia.df. as p•orktod, Wipe NI MI 11f4Slithtf trotoott Wu boated Zroortle 9411tiNhool, ft ihe n = ,... . _tif theta& will btOoto=la9 Wilmot*, to s t=tfaraZiniotost dlopitflt, vont thrit base Poo* Amid. ant the Woo thus dosed: bat Ito i s , .* .W 1 rtho l =toltrt troll 171 1 45 Tint i !llC V.: 7, . ar4.7 - . _ As _. .01114 übtojtoo,thht t i tt.ToVA ott; AIPO 6 .01.1 10 lial7ol . 16'.:641tMerloN CLUMANZ A . .',' Wry ppm endslod too et oteetoptum c o y i tta a i I, P %a ... V1 Ma too hha of torothiop um_ , or a s tor4h . ehuno, rtorMa a nti eta Osproffecatk OP . Itif totS= A y onoleted for tho iliitoc'n=trott=r :4 " 7.11=1" ommu i rre of Lb* Orserla . . -• , ' ' New Boob S rin neu .,,:. a mati.....Problem'vreeted with col , . lhirsne. b lefeldn i taM ailgoeftiotaiM.l2y. author a .116. / 'Tweet Le me LI, of An. thrums wrafidr ." Ton F V2ke ''of ci.i.i.iws:ai.foiainvb/Jatob'ALCAN a . r inallikdietg. it.a.41.3.." :Wa n. lb*" - rV. biWlTUtl,%Vjra 0 . ' ---'" a, - 1.. • f '. 1 clown% Matl r % l i 47pHdd--i s tz " g4 .3.... i , 14*,.. u.itotbsd . ellon Thishrell k. D. V.,.1 tll, 1.011.34 ' il r4 lttrm.., YoliraZ ve p. 11114 ib laWinelleow.• 4 lat .l 4twi Littroodali V lumrPorni , 311 Kam Ir. Pc; Proverbls ITA II mud' Ilia g i rt arl fsditt a Lt ....I Itl - t jil i., l ,,,,, Eirlit. a h ri Pir D k4tlt t . NOW. Pt B.ittd• tI , IPU , DM up sod Itkillialtrekl Qatd. DWI" map ..d id mattd,ao.i T,,t11.171a2. Tram tgaraiall Z& ".., diliVlFeal,gl ?AM W ffirpres Nor Iliatidrilisiati ieigtii. - .- m ia., 4l Id Wanblypffs, thy dart=.• futon mna. tly the anthorot If I _ • bootkit!. 1 • . . e . sits Ov - . • 16 0 . a,...1 . . a Matti .4 1 _ • . MUD= " EMU) COLLARS, nicuurt hut m . MARE and 71711- . 1 21141 Portia." !or ye• e °wallas so) Wrall. .~e~vs~o~r~miori .ft1i. , •17,..'. 4. 01 ..*r:i . . I • zoirefissii . kagi MB. . . __. —ON TEN iffIEIRESIDN'OARLII al i . ~ :..-Pal jail CLANK& PAU!, • 03, accuormßanarna. FraPROPRIETORS of this old and well u Una, wall ham tb• path. tba Oa a• tam In metal. br tbirsatt mac. COd bar. pi p.m., ha i pht Pumears. lade.• thortisM 1 to mu m u 40 . 6 4 .. .eva n ath o.. r. sad WI ibt . M•Mtoestaall a. tb• balag. AI. es,.. *am a tria to reatal o Wtit cAto cleks, at. Valor a 4 Elalt.bl•l4 sts, , f=rs•• ' • cossnasus: is. . anwsecleee. Is. oiatta. ts 4 , tc. w Nunelnkh aral. Ps.; . .0. Maw?, ..... . . . . • : :*. : 116. UalNlaitroormar, • ._ , • la Atig a &Alrma, "'"' '. . • o.Vii.=:l4l..t"""rt'4* ' • . • . O. B. ra. Da12..k... N. Y. - WI Nov !aka Superior Line.-1135L , VE inr steamer NORTH:EWER, Capt.B: arcei; Wing r"- mod.= LiatntrmairaOlkir sad .ImlDrt. will CL•nlaul or* hid., Quad at Auk ott bar flest-trtp—aadiveskly oo 131fi ea Waft. Natio Tbe draft KANELATTAII Copt. Jam 01•w:Lorth trim Nat SW MO*, Aar WI , &Maws. lanal oaisars Laa 9aD~/~War~.fo4.k the irrinlor Ms damn Nonbormr; =OM L-T° ttte,lN P"Ddd'n'. lltannfactareta Lim - 4851.. aliaa eliPPEßS •AltE HEREIW INFORMIX., ). • .7 Owl ttil• LINZ. ast•Pad Winds of Soctioe ,BoBSok Ir tx. , Is fall mtio.o.lit 110clUti. t• ... , 7 • • __,,•,•• r .. alt=dot to rbil•MP/ale tad ilalthas..••••••• . loss loborl, tlamoad et Ls low nabs, a.. sat otb.t o zn•Lr 1113. •.. • • 8 .7-..esemsots hos •80, tom OM& kr PITTIU UMed ki Illatrvillok. Jobeston lioalllandii[. Cnak.,orril•c t otclie,tarr, k....reeAt PA, ' NewEtark"s hem I.l4.rtsionts.VolumWek, aid •4 r a... - late i tts al lb. , Y. , •21kLaniathusal sad =Juniata. B , x , " ...1 ,71: -""m4 U1—." . 1.17 ... aft••• pooc " . , , A rruu tter r a rt o ‘ag .. * 4:d r a Le.l7 ' . . ' SoecoM wom•of ttoo =r7 14VING DISPOSED OF lIALTIttY Maga 114 RlNGftfava.N .iu b.t.e . % 111/011.11,11. the ataartad aisler Mi. '141.5.1. , Bingham.' Trsumporcation LW. • 85 ilisArMkg 11. NOM PITTSBURGH & TILE EASTERN CITIES. nCANAL Wag now open, we spa ter to naive and Owed promptly. PrAne ,, sal iatlbbit.taroVlNZ Woo thrind briar:mita. Lbws Stoical ad Illartudas 1.111 b. naiad sad itm.o44 awl van, irabout cbar. ta law anUng and .4.1 eanalako. east , - WU et I..,4llinr..nucil sad all dine:lay 11,Ittfon7 6r - 111.70rali e"1 16118= • PrAretirAst • betwab Trait Irtnal4llbUt JA NIL% .A4pa. . Ina atb Illos .. . .31.11133 31110 RAIL =Via • vTort .1. Ville . 1851 ;kVA Nerebutte Troupostattan Li ' .. OW PiIIISTLVArtI CaII•113 AND R&M OR PUILLDELPRIA DIRECT—ZY* OCT 117,6111PP1N0. A. Ile.CMlllif •Cu.,,Caool Auto. CO Pao ot . rlr! ri:Ma liAillult.Orotn l Obit. Brood Itto.t.ita. 4:r. - ' . Eimpued to toad** inloliy=tecloodi. ous. 4 sob to 41p on lb. _oponso 41 and .n i.u....41... plasm at lossi rslos. sod Is has IllesUssa 111 •SY 5rM5.......: 0. by 0. Sr. Il t ag . ..sookod Lato . MogrizhnojOr th . pi. a orp .. o h afttlty of &UT ill . =ma,DDWuuRRR alai .-- 1L e. 12 3 0 L ~ AWE 1851 I To Shipper' of terchaaire. Produce. ax, RaIANcE PlTTarlittrll TIONSPOII , - TATION LINE. • ' 411162 ' f3 I CO I = Ne 217 Maki& 4141 64 DUX VICIT,••••• CAnsl Ruda, littaben6. t • DB. TAT • euN. /4•4616 611 • 46 . 6 44• I 01•41.:=ihr1P 46 4 146 6 - t r. "1"..11"114.e,r17:61114.' NABETEL . 1851 . - 1111190 Pittsburgh Transportation Line. JAMe .'fl A , Alarl , towutceo. ml eocunooloc..4. ILsrkst Om. ma Arm., rbtladatabra. tYCO&Naltb & 00..10 Barba 4,1.4. Babissan. RA T VINO folly completed mr arrange r. ,:..to e 144 traathdtt=ftra. &••••lart. &mem. Ibia. Louis all tba ab 4 Wert. a , Wow Woo cal wilb aba Oar* , atb . , at Lbw All pada attimal b,oar Lase are fa tesaram. sa, chars* to *brt. • prol.dbla l a ir Medal br 1.7 LI. , • a lr=l .±, ta a =l a nba = a gg"redbltad 7'''"''tTlaautorba,":'Llerhutt.tb.t- W. W. WILSON, Watch isi;er! .67 Market, Comer of Fonth rittoilorrho Apaut in' Its' Wiscnis, 141••• Wu, =Lan OmdA, Irmo CL.06.1. 'Mb. on. Ostia'''. 'AMC% 4e4 th.wummoiztrat...Ato =ass:, .___ Leries Pat enCitaveble Wates'ltitter Is NOW to De . teen in operation at WAIL miniaixt.t7, N. 10 Vol !loot.. _S AW mo. 4.1 ikt !lir i Ltat,tt •M ICAO = .••••=, I.=lf P.O7TOe O . ad • Onnlbou too tb• Froollik loon& or tiott . ,l 'eft,- •• ite 01100700.1 t, tilt Int soonssrlo otolloo• too Ono bolo! Omega to ••• flobi•OW a toldr.b dr OLLantinvaw Mao* n th. MI. - It ilMnzgot Oranto•te nownoonl sok tO loom a . Ito boat ilootobi• Woo Wilteret,l• - oM•rli7lnt. 1000 - -Liolos own OM 0 Oro Mr too. 01 motle. lam •••411AY odir, of tOir sOol. . 0/.otog=l=szt,. wi VlOrt tuner. footed 117 . 1 1 0; :14Z4 e 15... , —Mt lam soot st of Wl=o 0.11111 Oaf 007 =id Inh. nomoot lila Utterl'olli P. iiiMNIV I promo foil. tirakb ta m .a.,trzi.: PNd .r...r .vitz MUM I. UOl oar. ilimo •t• orrotal to WINO 1..1 • 11.1 b mellow ort nu lao ton and rillOo aOlr ' 7. 7 ".".""TtATIIII MUHL • • ' • ' ' • latt • ' ; 121 Lob ONO. rhindOOL. Wsad Daustict Quorum/IL' ASP. PLAKELT CO.. 310 Z' e.t.a* of Itori duo fro? yellow Cs. W... • 1 ///14= .+*- WWI udl Omni ew* Wrest. ant lime to J. •IL W.I. *gable In to ILI/ ord.. • WrIV ribll I Ms ran. et Tim ,:of 1,•!n.i...7T•1fkg0.0.1 11. as.. U.Aria, mama OnlkapelAk. bag Jen. AY WA. be limetle Drive vq. totiate4- ..: " Resting sad WAWAMi.. . WE ARE MAKING APPARATUS for v v . Mat:"tem ta MartsXmartll.:T uo. Lesavr e War, Zmaraaicelre.llaral sod ball 4. awry atirm. pablk. sad pinta. Immo , . se imam, icor all parmme a Isegantarm rrirje a or leva a ti; WI hoy 11,7= "="lber.Talaralitttrall gram alll berms a t atm mato. deretthtlorm meatialedi am as atremardially hathat mma tin yam la Mamas swam Y the loathed bia•l.• • a Imareamm satibria bra. at way nastast tam vitt. enure Crealloak CMS ram,, mpalim mo, dam, or mat eaMte cram are. 1 0/7/. ' X. MLISIO.I 8 01(ALT. • ter el;Cci Prom t. el t27 Eut ttbe klita imaih: thATm4O.A.p..-lozi umooloso UY blow: for ilows.boeta, tombs; &e. .... Au 4 v w z ra i2m g ritg .„. 411, Bw = Jim .... • :• •mibAr . O1140•Od. Mol for mid at Um Loom fad smol Owso of WICKIWWWW6 sir pummel Wood mil WiliftwoM • lealialeal Patent iltOtti b• • • rzmiq.,26,4,ta--yai ovia n....s.o:FFaj% loolMAst . loo s migM . s moo Dimoslem—Tot • oT•n diTqiitp fl oat of Muck Vb. WU= Mim.1.2.4 emu pm (..Wm• Bad; i iioooloood I; 04 • • VALI MOW weed • 1 -- --- Clay'. Pot Clay. Ei.,:szttiornbare-iaa- am &dr , Agents mt., CO. kri 12.4Ai1a at thti , Pot -0 , V.. b .'" l i p_Zoroallib= .61 etesmekv.“ 1 ... t. it.& "'' • . mrSt • - - .13C1100N11111Sti I CO. Cffe • t P Plfla--jaa .reeetved,. a beautiful •Loortment plata Odd, etym. Xnuo•l4, and otlr F MT 4.4'b ? "U T I t. WLSON. arnikr• ' }di • . ):17 Mutat stmt. ovum or Yourlh. reMPLAIIICAWORM-4, pit ree'd,i lot SeMTabidat Brat% *fib 4ablqm onto! WOOL—Caoh paid for Wool b " $134 1 .1 118 SD 1-4h7iWgitairrlitMale r 014-10 bble. pure winter ,ewe br sumo luxe co.. 2.4, Wood A. .KINPICE,R.D9T-400sale — by lump:Lu& ETAL — . 66O tons foitalo b r y ' • • SIM. 11,1111ggW.07 (4, P.T.II,IIATER GLOVES to MITTR-- edhid Ss Weida prOotlou tho hod, In 0 04 4 41%nit41N1S lb. /wt.i nubby% wdN. 7ahil pad stem.. . J. At A MUM' ItREXit TARTAR--1,000, 1174. of Ballo b 77. Net '4" ~70; W: lIABIS-2:700 lbs. prim, fikr mom. c 722 I III I I.ILILTILMWS a co. Sill B 4PalbliA34•AJMdol. Omni bettleiClbe CHLORATE POTASH—SP Mar. cot intro, B. A. IMO KATO= ioo. ' mtviwt#oto§:?&o. •i t.z l : 11110 It NellrGOoth. - I . • MOTWITIMANDENG thei state L.ll at Mummy, Iry maws nort•lfir= latoptiele at Kew Oaalk sad tum= r rjtS 4.l ll l :l 4 Eak ttt 11 1 At Maas lam. Ina:Aram., eiireg U trioutth Alsatlit stnatt Cheap Black Da Una. • NISIIPIIY g BELROIAF/tLD have jut 0p.0.3 toe or tie 011 las) ta.kD. Isms, st • amp Argo. if= • OR'IIg.& BURS . 7: a. 3111M. ,tia na,.e,w ce re ve x ': im . m tAmt.ami. MaiKl 14 .7 1u, v=l A. t : :i:4: . t ' , tas itiaara eIIe:FAX/MAI Will OW ,DRY GOODS, Al In Cri Mart= Or • LA.Nagoi . esco.; spina 84 miritetst,• rl,Vedoimence on.Tavispar, Julie 26; i g= esairti: n ?a=lltvcatX,l . &; mat Miry lkyi• 111:4110 , 6 ,, t tau los. 3 lLttuntal il7O anklal . barman reaction Mr . 0 prhat .i, ' la am* went ta foal ~,1 cholea rt e= _ .lber abet of dn. am than GOO Soma i i e . •111 to atal. an Imam= dionant naaal .., Mal Dmi BIM an tow 0n......--......-.......--,21 ...$1 .., ..r.r idaini • • • -- " , ..t-: : T.. :....,•., .a. 4ftaatt1:ii.,4*a«..4. , .... 11 lSa • • • • •• . • ICOOPr — bansanso ', .• • • 'no tamest Cha1ah........,...4. '' ' ' at Feat (bland Mikan-- • ' .'..........,..«...1 la ~.w . 4 . 1 , ,,,..,= , .., -.7-.....=,1 Um =4 , i5,1,iiiiw,..., , ,.. , j ulit22ltretru'll" . .i.Vl. 7 : - tngsbai •=igos,i7W"lLlVlLnus •00. "': - 'thiCill'fbr Waal Weathff. Elifiei iiittlidii i lNLD, at the *rib ' ' 'tut webs, of Fourth our Motet Km% .w gni! mitjh Dago odmowoo oomarrowostiow, wirh Y. CteoVrod i =tillbr, ..... . • • Illor wig %lamb X ono,ra. • w " • ttgli"=".4 , Nom. . Thor ban ttat nedimi await kW 117 A Wi t o• ti awif. 4...g05.i. 3.11L.1hr heath, block Ow IditLiai• ll lona, thilarsion.. { e , and a ill PO itin PL loogio, aowll:l7Uni Vlifi. IN& It mortnest of 'wry hit. with anotut . ow:lr Mos.( am goollih sedialdi &mime iwwww.trilooMmatila .05. wilwhwillkimigliow lona sad polo lOW poithsedw",.. . . ELVET CARPETS.--W.Weliuloc hi t .- y, ...... I b.r a sat I V . =•=to. w ilt of VP, BRUSSELS CARP oIE. TS.—Wod. Ital^Cln taoe bkh D o Wll $ raionen.. anbea r lierg SOAlWgifik3: ll )l74 r . 1.2 slid ii mmalvi z . blgt ctuerenka aVstamarnira t Ylra. 02 00: • More iew'iai/SV 4 1 . A. MASON t CO. have'jtot'recsiveS • Ws etsy. • Ism Lao! Um my OM M•ra .74.V1•72:0.'" "u2""' plillllloNB REDUCED I—.A. MAO" oto now elosloo oat Mott mirottotil dribr f Ma • =7 4 lororottil liaggria -7— White X.arseillet Whs. • • IHAYS on hand a large saaortmenta •• soro4 out Mantras QVILTS, of rorrOw otyko, • WIL.211:1111.E. vomit rodieml NV. 010 THE subacriber , hvizig made taranc at"P"MgreeLpt.""itlag'l7l,:g what Eat of Worm. L:Mier, 0.4, lbsvld.llm. Dna Trlrmln , lo.lauluortlo/94 Moo Nuns PortbAlAt ann.& Yiann , Idahrria.. Umbnlm, tMols. Itumd tli Alm. •M. (NM PlkilmlelpAL• malle.)6l temer !Mimi piers. VbelMile , and nle rt, moN. , jaw • CRAPE LEISSE, blue, white and pink; rtwoe. tuk. • emu" out. satl Mark • : • M.A. im., Wes, Owl sal ArUtielal h.; Ibr at. • • VRAPESI CRAPESI—Ai A. limos & Co. 1./ baridart WI oft we visite: Mat. bia. and ow ("moo. TO* a...froze sal a i d roan vt74 solJ CWN No.. CI aftl , MI Market VMS! LAWM—A. A. Mum I CO. b..: PAS 9101.4 pm pr black Mg. ”s 7 1-s• J.Z . :77P, 1044113,0.02.410111116 Ilastaist jARASQLS REDUCED I—A. A. Ma11.:41 air. tbalt lam am aura cave wog Partouto 'MT sob oat DU.. an miasmal Ocala aa4 vuate.. lam rjr314141401.110n. : . • -• 011_ URPHY d BURCHFIELD invite the sk, 1. raz w rg .... cm& immeentotat i. l.3 tra Ms% writ rigarrottscs. ('RAPE SHAWLS. et fednvvxl wAsoN.A , aka: =LT= xpe, sad ragfsla. . • AWNS AWNS! at 61 . eta. per yard:— RA A. A. mom* m.n. eV.' ~ft las wit lot et stomp owr n. 1001.1.4 la UM def..' %a .ex mat. pod atentlan of ss• NW , " '• ' • • • PiT (HEAPRTNiffit;- 4 .1 A. Diirdr a Co. l at ' l and 1.14ta stmmuly rectsaid In sans , thy. a Min tb• am. gado.. ~al7 EeIFSCII FLOWERS t—The attention , ssitemers I. • • y invlbd /arz. eta* ar pa= and Tible Corm . ILA. TdASOr.it vvuld outoosuso Of n ssigo.s.. m. WA.= OW T I E alba WU anstete4 . aSM. rt IIu.VeTILMS , t4 41.1 t kei 7:111hIER CLOTSfor.Xem's.and Boys' Raw .1... Toot . . i „r , •rthk .. ..... l Contasgrea= MIA.MA nem rarekiihrlbilg-.2.ftephy a. EtaretreAt ouppli.ef Mtn fa* mqrmerattell • 11AVE. Jac mm0411..400 km the L C- in l =.l , B llitrA PS-4 sorrier meeet k itch, foe Woolen Qoodit 6Z aa.s fireoa Ikti . sed Jean; • • " w° teed 'iota% inanstacin• mir" 7 4 6 ' l7 "3llll7Purriar , : . _ l 7_l; - fIENF.4BIJBBER GLOVES alffiTENl3. l —Thud Alum Jal. 6.. t 'UMW 'wok vristre sv.utioa , 111 Lbsegto....trugred.ATl 3, !... rallfo=4:2l7o= l : yler, . N D/ A - A • IMB • ER • IK 1 , * - Vl giak c Ikens ee t “ 1. Solis.Soair auntie; t sa. s Na• . eTTON 110SLERY g."13-- frill seortorat of 11 4 .tokr bs WINtr LOVES = A e he g 1 1 1- 1 1 . nero;a r e x., 41 e; soensus. IriliffirPliffr-I'0)I00 77-7 , 4L . F alyt . feag l iffW r • yLOOROTCOLOTIIB.—A large' stoer - of TkoLIII.WWV:I loua rgittarlitioltt WatrWilii . lad. - 41Techluats sadi INV.. a. ""Wg.Met:tr.d!TP7./Fir.sl*,..""ir N0..105 ILPALMER offers for; -st -stery tit . * , P . TV *r a.tP!!!i. L111100N.44344M oN.44344M o t. MralelN.9lF.neft.?w EpagiltaulNs VAY7s=Kivo.t: pia eehle.d_up is-VA...4l° l 2:tiirThiers o a .(blued sritA w rantray.o3-4,rtution A mild.. 'Tan , swaYk4=l,4A.r LW ' W ya. wikAhm.B.WWll o ' andaktx • Atn=almrrga4wdlliaxul TUST RECD AND NOW OPENING AT larr lnt iAt in lisWil t oe m kftnr,=. Gad*: wag ' vmuemnes Wear lbs• ffelav onwA4l ditm 1m t.i 1T . 46, 1411 b , &teh s.l ci ix; n l:4s:fib • nod color, ;ON, to 'fig ► forso *ad welj man a rea otook of Rio oto.1:11. t Olttl t ast of ortijoot male* ofst&S grftroVlO4to ef/ola* stab ;flaSto who toorttlakillek=llo not t, rr a rt •Wetillrthalltr, bib", ►e AB .mm/1* 11, nulnrlor Iluenerated. pool Wosibl i *WWo" 4 Of 4 44EVAVF?' ^ W.W.WIZBON CARP= OIL =TAB,-:&d . . * '' . ' " * moczniToolc , ~• - , ti cm e.ut.uit.ii,tuitaVpitiiitor.k or . • C'AILFETS, 911...CLOTIf8„k i TILIMIIINg • • ramp :ail; lit I ,,, aiii.dalocns4t:sutso; ; • aigoman, i 17.1 velvet Pik. , di, di...l4.4triltrar selldo. do. 11.50 g nits 5uc,414,71 gtstytne Bo n XX XL ' tw& tilittsh l M, "" YrklAt ig)a 40444, 24 Vaal oad cotton , 11U08.11.4213; mon iu % i4u acr. acittgoiLig extra balsit sr ; • ax.: sid A so—Abeet mata tt pal Or ram. $4, Ni 94,6.4, 44: Ltd 64 COBC low. STAIR EOM liraPf 3 , .n l = CO4llB, &a. Au 6.4 ,0 ntacei anazUlt....lll./beCor-, zMeome. d iattulttagr lrn Thd= ="r i r, d S3: swat tc4 ai a _ 'i../16UVA=rjle z.....ja: 7 m S th ir7 . ta W4lP2e, 85 , Foul* strcel. " tiatl9 W. 'DicOLLIMpIc. OROCERIES, &• EMI REAL GOOD . TEAS, go' t , OBBIr Tea Itart. itekDkoz at o4. I•• 4L; 0, drape& x•ps Dna kof MN 1. VISM-40 ati .1851, pickled Herring A:. htf br - 7 • • IL- Ibr ate br 1061. JOIN WATT • Ell=l=l 10.bble. dew Lake TlNtit; 10 bt. •• for ul• by .A.llll-`l.lbbla. No. 1, for Oa. by ' • IDAIAII DICICZY MID OIL-8 bble: No. ] for solo by, • " JAMS DALEM , 1.; ta Rata Or $ 3 9. ...31ACIKETIEL.-50bble. for sale by aoltss tu.acta, _ . - No. Ca Wata id. „L— -isht. For .10 bY Gan JOUN WAIT /1011: 11611 e "1). SIXIAR--Z bhds. for ids by : 012 • - J..a.cAnnaz.. NIPTNE,O. 0. ',for s. 101.8 ATEW~7JO.IS BIAOKEREI,-100 bbl 4. 1°. ” 1 .1, Wis t rairs.Vraar et. 4:111IPS-Undeniood'is fine Le lll 6 llB 7 , UPyr s Tay superior Crtlal• itt testing tatutli Ads, tn". 17 4 1 rreattlftg. $4O • '• • 0 , 0 Orccen Am To Beaten. . 1111 AIR Y or BALZA. superior article far the uk r tau, rat stio I. Min tet.j.. ai 1 17,2 , 04 01. Lt I , 1 A./1191MM &0..' ACKEREL-60 bble. No. 3, for tale by pun IluastaixazannistAir. , WINDSOR SOAPSCk boxes ll • • • f .1 14 1 11311-25 bbls. Lake Sup. Whiby, - 1851; 'l. l ";esleb7 "41' .A.P.sAgq OMMO--Bor sale by, rOD FISH,-060 lbe. 'furl& for Bate bi . _ Inta k W • -11—mh—ruoims—too Mal 'ar "" 1 " d Lu tair. LtAßsiiia 354 as) o 's rilnlirrritigr s l 4, 1 LITT ACON LIAMS--10,000 lbs.superior goal- BBOulsoN.L r g b &A. I 11l ore 0 - orris a BrNtlf ACON-10001b&H amis. sides, Stioulderv, tar saAT .- 'isle E. w. tuannum VLOUR-110' bbls.Textre flour-in store "..'" and Or isle by - 1.10 kW. 11A81A11011.... F'Bll7-b5 !. bbli. New White; 6-1 -7 • 1434 • • • " '-•"" .11.r1.1.11tED: ALERATUS-7100 boxes pure; J. IL f.UMPLELD. (IfiEESE.-21:10 boxes for sale by A) . JAL CANFIELD BACON--15 casks Jet 4 19 uness--7e,0 boxes for sale by ra , • tonsil DICICXY k co, - MACKEREL—Quitea bble No, =l, fat ITA " a CO. • Water • "mast.' eks., received and for saleby' Jelo WICK ICOANDISKI.. TNSEED 011.-10 bbls far sale by ' silo- - ETCHII'CANDLESS. J 11000 LATE— tsa. Boston Chocolate su aims. by kilo irtnn s WISANDLUS." tAED OIL of Bennett & Jones' manufac- WO. alb by MAIMS DIVIXT Sga ARD.--=2,000 Ike. Lard, for vale on con droanot by . T. WOODS & SON. BACON-50001tisTHog Round, on consign mrt, ergo. el • 'T. "mons r so:e. ; • /.3 • • Gi %air K. C OD/IEII-10 . drwas j.i tfr o s i a i llg s 6 , c6. E j. FIN ED StIOADS-106bbls. Clarifrec a il!" m4 "' d 97rdlkirrelhaBON CO: ICB-M tierces Carolina for pia. JA111:11A. FITICHTSOIII . . gUdAlt--25 bbd N. th;.SPriLegeni)ji,, ORN-40 bbls shelled, for sale by - F. ON sostraoxer tco CHEESE 35 bur fur sale by Sing s. 11. VON BONNUOEST it 00.: Win in sore and for sale by 0 uAtAa D AT ' ay,te, ItAVANA SUGAR.-50 We while" .. ,_..... ,veesiagat.isat ego-Iyd Ilter arbj LTV SUCIAIL:=-3 as o bble inpr • ( monad ataabeMbe air roo ' •• lIIJIC g A PCOLISAZ.' I leg -14 tierces for ado by I • - -wicz ARD-1.2 bble No. L Lail for nle .ILAI . • WICK 1! IigrANDLE.F.S. S TABAH-40 box,. Boji ts Vhes" extra for LARD (1 11 bbig- traleutiSsuaton — CILEESp--$O bxs. W.lt for sale by. T OFFEE.-3W bgti.pfpio Orton '4io Col NJ 114.n:why:I sutra. sal•by ' • ICE-1.5 tierces Week bY J . l3 ' I.lllll‘!.l7l24l•:—'bittllitifil'aiitir. gEr 0 4 1 14 . 0; Wirl'd image: i r l J.t_ • - -1 113 - oW4almaiTed /Tx a* fel. by )4 . VAYaAOON..r 111""joiatt).,11 ago. haBAtki:"! R 7 BPI OUR =7'~l bblerr}~eflour farsaleli J.ll lnca NVANDLES3, SALERATUS-41 , caske , for ale by WIUK JIWCIA3 , ‘ S.PORCULNOS-5 casks prime du hand trial ibmk, • JO • WI9C 113 T .TOBA.CP , Aegs . mime Arcummus„ FOWLER'S PATRNT.FLOUR; . far tank," 4611=11 rah% "`ate ataktag.The bort 'el of mu Irr•.66.ttice van oar. This junto •111 tot lesvil a. r e St •••••attat and thmktmt tbotouts . t•ppoi hi ~ ..11o , ki ... m.fig p l e ir i =n bt , I ' 'zi - 6 .74,.. . matesrlet of stst. ° & to, • 0371Fy i 4 1... .ta r , ~. • ate . t< of 34 • : .. , rtyr„ FLOUS-8 fiat. tbr mai 1.,30 DALIMLL*I)O. Worty lIRESE,-50 bcare exid IL; for sale t 4 ay2o , ri DAIS= O , C . L • 'BAP:W-43,000 lbs. Shoulders- , slar'4'l7!'! bbla...4ye; , ; ,- , • • '•a o o' • M — UBTAAW SEETI-00 Ibis. for.rasle VI; sts B. A. TAUS =Oak' a CO, 11.4.01)ji .110 ROUN — D-LBOI lbs. -RP' gun ' l ' alb4ll4. offintbrestatt. l - Yin ° I ED, flt Ply: 7 7 3 - 00.0 lbs:: to; mon • - • 11. * IV. EIAEB.M3 IL SIJO:p ,hfid?..N ? 2. 1 14 r.. e blot!. VNGIaIIA =SR BLACK zgAs,-Nol tam aiseilnd I/WM' WA: 'r in! In r—bobitesyly carftW ebb Dr IMO by the pau . 11 .40?, setoi—tsk =OW VI. 8RPP4 8 4.4;;„ •Eirse , ; It0011024:111.00.; . ', 1. - D. , WILLIAMS.& CO.; • ; awn& of Wood insdNlS Strata, ritubmk , gAvg NoWJN STORE; end ti,lllliire diB IrerWs , I: •„„ &tri t.g. k . Inert teems bop or. IlaZtlboxes Mae Urals 152,03xea Nafat , LlN 1a.% IS Jelled do. Als. 88 bane extra se 8 . 40 - r•. alp.; ammum Is - sa.r.‘ t"'' ', 'culs iicipme.... ijim. , VI big. i tt u. meare3 1 `t "....0 flclVW.Alk.pil lei 10 . ' Gan Om . I - SS bla z lee. 1 net 8 Meek- .4. " L AI,,, t I=l, 4 ". "2 '23 Ellice:l 21•3.. I t rams 81M1 1 1 4 , tte i , 1 4.. 3 33 3 8.13334% 53 is Bordeaux Prue So Iterttasi 19 am Wily . , 1 b 7= l4 : a 47 ; " =VI. e, ' ... : "_.-.9 4.. r.. ....I 1 2 -: C'''",. -i el~ti.~ i ~~;':;~ upa~i , • , ID kesil 1 9 bbli. Gireetrop 43 bans Sewell uu loci dozen Manzeit B . rirdtgts' das„lldg,„„l, U 4 . 40. 17 r• num :am tow Ds. , tat rta l t so Lgis Bawl 103 eue3llmostaollo33s =Marl 1)101.131% 10% 043.15 • 103 pan 14&031y1.111331r..F. • *Clksp itg..i5•031.1.4 *goo Q" a L t..gEnw. 800 iets.loL Using 21,600 2.$ to? • BisalZgr, ' 60 °maul , o!.r, dram lilsr e.ctem 60 cass Mrs 43 ... M.= l „, Brull 10,00 u Pein T tivs Mem VA 4 m " • • • • Itabr end:roc S9O Us. "011012 A6r. 100 grans C. is. D. Tobwag tiO boxes Mamba lksTs • '• 910 ••• D. • 111.1A3341.1 A nthM aA l Air M A gOttil ' lrldlf h ttri " snood. .M ul Irma it. A3mimuc orals o l rat.or:M.4. • " INSURANCE. State -M ut ea - lire ' InEcranpe 'O3IOIIIIM -11RANCLI OF . FINe.dt anncinrimnr • PlThlllatfilf... 4 4. rEbeet evidence of theinetewarrthe ~...„.i.„..,teleretimsfr or' tee -jul .ooeloetiV&,___ u' orie2l44 " lll. alSaall vildert boa beim c.c.: Picini lard thew:Over. thereby sago/ one to = of thaccopoor. Neorly ad the Tootorty of ea whet 6124 Is Mall ilaila. NW • laig9twati•• . traliatil tise - : ~, , h t a,.. %.,,.. -' . lt..t..toilapP. ,:it,..,T Amount of Proton/ 7 1ittt7Q 7 - 7 - -.."- • • - • iressAte Da ' Pa form—... ,:ftir - , no: - mothol-k-iia=...-.-7.:l7wereirr - , .100. teretet,aemoosedoopee4- ,- 0910:=4 .02 „ Do. - age Praia; fociired-=WIA , , o, . d 0...-. .. do , • olatotltd....--..: -, .111411 - ' *- Whole set lorourood=Poitl:4ll.42 l lt,.., • f i x , Dodgem ln Odor ottbo ' taptoh..., i ~,,•;-., ..ga • 7 To *Toe tawdry Lad oworooof and loNofto. *ad rocatry PROdriT.l la •W•V•M latasso, party altodo rdszatosaa to Pridt .4 0 • 14 T. 0 ../' rcora"tt=mis= . coast:T. 6"1"41'4 135n0. It k r= b eltft Pr.....• I PA autos onlp a ctadtair Clot Tropoetrof como - - 2 Waw " Ilc=ada" OitZ Put maths the tosatedio torttitsoltoodsldso _tr. DirocUott-Jobay.fittodonited..d.i.t. dorm., Alamo* Canto, PPM 11.1tedpi liero,"l 6.l=t, raw& Por.tor r Jobn IL cr. l .. • - .. .1 :. r i It MI MOIL,. t., - , a... e.t.oximieeteen,R' eas ... f • It e r @al, frirtdopt of fdlocatior Paoli po be+ boa declared by ea r. •corrab • at chit Win Pot notrildllor cub st tbocatt of stlootfdoilt ' • , , -A.A. .Primiklin licreitinnini*Cte,ar Philikali: IDlRECTORSi.theidielVAiinoTrei Geo. w:skeeetkvioinnot;nieenioe to Two ,J POVId Z orP * . 11. 7 1 ! "‘ . - , -- tAllaltd: tiq • Mnt.li, ...;•,..6,,i,ii,laieav or Ittatted.Cto wra7 ~,",..• •••,.....aa ..=lr. _ l'4 no amour r.i. ." -1--, Qi. ..... TrlttchOrttOthetrtstattol sod Ir!ce 1 .r .lbe lli = tlrr al • • Ctooraol or 411 11 _ ;MO' ' timbal aIIXV.• trr the Ada TiPloro tio povo, 3f jp.....-,--t-tr,.Sl 5 ~'.:: ~.,..=...=7-- - . ' oo' , I . .;•, r• • '' - 0 . 44 ig•---=-4-.44....1 '' , " - ,',.,. *- '• • - ',; , ,f,*: tttzip tmi. I. - Mow LINO , Incorippirboa r ___ two cold nom* of Vor • ~... Dollars Loral es Finh than -Th.= odeordar of losoramo, ad woll-TortaViend db. r a ". !rvtmunemar -. - .16 Moo 8. Loonier Of e V ril aorld mete, Petnnllttiteid Life Lima= Co.. Phi Pew *iiiFNT IN FIITSBUROW X . 10%9 .: (o.l.l‘l,l,l2.seirartf e. 11151.Meny Ora, 164:itt of tin ctn. .I..nt Z . S7 Ihnir le IX wed 4to 3 de/DM-at AMMO, J. razatuUk.S.C..,Jto 24 Vitali Jlecorßabon mop ars lat•nrujimsreja w restaadeamstao l ea ttoos 1 ly Ifitteadlid to .. a elm , mad tosalta of 4•ifs.l4:l9anip.,.=Prat ~.. , abut =Vv.:a origssui.42bLsgro divl2l.4 N. 006040. UNlmrgb. Jan. SI. n01.—•34 Haring. Fire, iind-inliind.., 111:11111411.1:11 lig,lat, vsry IL 1ia.0.00 ie. - mks buildings GM their tosiMX..lll this elty oil Irtetalry- t. We aa in.p.ty' of .01. 4.4.2l E ti_anolippea ye o= b.sa mod otherrawla, •u. b-r 11.1.4 CLIIMMO4IOO el cm UM PR WP2I. • • ' \ :-ZI .:13r 4 '' ' r tfri.: ,i l .-. • .:- . • ' limos. ~. . u•-'T.s . t( da M v au o 3 l t d i a ar it n k a oi' g M 4au.ak 41.tt. , catMino ipaldiw /M = 1 iMMi zM n-"aA 'N iapathlnO4l Uftrs mayb al iOl •2 .-:._l'-. . 5-.. ,,- 4 ~ .l4 -ete TP:StoTatilltialnetkr . • ' ' .. ; 7 77 , CPrMMAVONOW:IO44 I 4O ' eddezt,' P.M- Oordao: atfi &M e, :1 • Lam 404mtiallFof t .we. NM, , All Ismeo wlit bolibmaTutioUd 1.04,06..,i,,1 i e.l. T iteal .. ‘z,.. s =Cirsmatoftd, % . iP VIM.: .r.-4L.,cr ..Nelifi 3 Ort I n ~ .t irvra,..4 ; W. L ' S 67.14 -Jim. firs•Dlriii,;Tlops!ll. 'o4.:Ne:tri sirrstraot4pnriatMe. or SiGUICO4 FILE. lionfer-' 1C NORTMON. 'Or niki - n - UM& TWO stmt.• , If , L - .. ‘ .., : 1 .;; la ecru and' wintry. *TrunnstTlTloes' Os =y tee. el th• lemon Ist. at proatosi. 2. - , , . .. Sawn 1550.a..-th.r who Won NOWS. 4:* Might.. kretiro be casgmbei; render . %%War dt, an the aseand may cl.litnic. Z. --- = , • • ga ud-by Drp 1n111, ,. / 4107 •110 WOW. 0 K teaana Waems.. rlall &Rai . Oula wd': Mom tost;c4 Wen 94 us SW I. DiVisgrl6 tiger a ' i Gow . oll. PlUtll.44l* "tin. 4'1 % ll = 41 'g il1IL 190...,' .11114.: UMW 151mnart otMeltr...ifat u kre. 4 - "'' - ' 11 " 41. •• " i loon • tausteass 12 11,1301144: 41 ..7 , i suev.a.. midi 1:161c., Isfila i.l nvii • Preildeit: . iii,i;"e.: '-yi:ii fiiisT drat. Jati.:ol4 s.7 6.1.4 , 7' •', .." ,• . ".* ' `-' '- ' PV.PiAlfg! :-... MISCELLANEO!JS ". . . . .„„, ! . 1 111' tat'lll, „ / , Per• cent Strength y' grp r i A= l 3ot. Pia=ll3o6boc k s, ~d im• Ournor a Visa and We leteedittleant st=l l 4,lol •.:F 4 °.!ii.rc4o 4 .. . . —rum re.,,ira_w,t4t; aZtagartimmo ' ' - ~" mar .4.e t toi r ) I,7Vomak*"..au.su. wbi", Au, nitl=7. 4 A. iTi t .buiwetdoici "V". wima1.°44.15,,V,M = .g euw,, , l . Excee is trA ther "eitif Wm:Wawa. oentsthea . & Teat ththae. One. or the Tile A M 1. "" l ial" * et . P la. Avail na,l= ro* CeiroW sztrithasvail-ss Ai CARD - 0. - 4 have•ietatnrid Al ii et4Meyekti usup-oly) tops Mr th i rltf ...dineagr ."41116"-wat.: miry Vt. .... nu2 M l .e.cutnti . ore. imentli= vet t roomed an* monviorlra, y E 4). PIPE-:-C4)riaen'e Lein eln . a+! • -.llllthaseibaalvettoarea m , • . • Ist inswfcr:., Seed-SUM • 0"4 =see atOrt .414Cat r tte. " 7 14%4. 7 611"... • O-PARTNEILSEMrbe subscribers time: i. numire coaftwaitamlftfrio. qui,* "Ir• • • • — llk i giont;.ROSE ' !ras tbtlianshelta7b,.lllllYeiliiiila Me./ 11, 41 X tc. , lamb. 4famhtirr. - Is to • • to tor Rif beatbiritirldnatl6 •• • • ••• oet 41:0 W. Vim “01;44(tinitilita, .•, a+l?9d - ~.pp ? l•u. '•.~ Ihw Yam- Oa tau from ou . • • vtio. . Itir 4.4A 1 9.4it r . ' " • • • §TEA.M. IAKLN e--110:1 64144' • Theo .t,a NI. ton. ttatuir "rpkr - i bedew thiekarariamiel I t xr i l mz le ezr sta. he e derr, re4l/2tlreMieeT a*" . is 'QUDA'ASEI-3004341/ " " iiiitt i v, ftetithyikrierefidie vireo so 164 5a.7.11.1,0111* imulpr GRossirsm PasLePti,l VEIITATIPLI=AVI , ooraor izautand arm. , yytteemo PApgR3-4*:. - asso - "rt; for d.ae:. :Ansa allremthiPord; lit MCC . vitii • IrstOtosos; coe 'wk., sa as. er:Z °l, .. • ArraUrt, : • 141 wan: : 1 Z" nivel. Hon, and at 'V/aa1*0.0,4 Lemon Buitar. , a k tl. "** . =MB - ickKLIBER has jut .rec'elved z !•" . lir YINIO 2 '' . , „. Tempers.. Aothenst—dedW OD Tilmentica Bap mtn•frOnnium6l:slirdiNitoaaeeef cr .T ralt, k r.= • --09. M. h.-0 pp~~atfa 4f 3 ; strrtii,y. slowitta itstha . Mara Lovs.a ouuna .12.1 r no. muy b7.90,10104,}4.4 Znus °wit% Unimawiticiaate. risa kar gm= of .4r u hlr:4 l yest.—Noir erii•teur:•iiiieda let a New Ptug.,,-. 30 rgv.41.. , .V,i 4 anoe'. NO.Et ,LINENS, ,of Artuiovs qualities,. IL * iiV." 10. for Hale h UCKET6-25 dos. Marietta, for icolo by file - 8. l W. ILEA/MGM QUSIAIC A-NR.ALUAESP 16..7 - 953 Muhl. pipe /311. „ w° "I ' iam b i auToMral COMPOUND `I EM PLASTER -121017 mbedlided binders Len beeornednier twenty fora,darlog -mined foo time they lesee • perorsoiro the 4 Marino& sod , r4ge.ll*.ebire Ms= of the blobeft cosisence, nne. their tlos ban beeensitbmitlad e tans dim Um ison listiertag ostleoeolels as tonbetr mimicry Irene neer sill other pies empoeitiob. nr7 es;rolly add eocreetly =ebbs/. vender them yeenrbody applicable te • w 1 =Lb, nod 1001=.• lbw inuionenenielsib td mble,. apemen • the War, their deardeiel rberecter is teen.i.. quadiont of Itle. le et wend is trembeiptatz cover outward reiebnn bre been bribe eitenyeninneficeied - Or M ex and jai in tbe Peek end eide,reeeilttof hoot teem ains tiscsain le the lideept. de, tbdr en I=6onetli m dtborldsiters Ma been =ply noted by "be experienced elm end %lA= their IhA V:1; . mnenn.mb need. viTerthtribdest senerenoe their hroal edieta will be lined very donded.„.... .40:4161.1101,4"I'Pd pN1 1 .9 PATENT ~ STARCH POL- - -:- Vgirr. ~ prin ce dift ' l ll k Tirkiti* m ' u .. "'' . -•Z .r. - Dr.;.it. W. brestre ;ring to the Wt Dona leirbereep It prawn. =Ulu inpMeree to is an name. Tbe WIMP hem lane acre felt thee= . pt orb ea ertYle. wad In Ms their Meda. rein to • IT rarEseel. se cue toretetttfore Is kern' after ea tm '9fB.4ree &beretifeictilleti amenrf el 7 erei leo . • .. Mee Ilei mate per Cake, Rath take wide tbllettreerbraL. . • . Ter Miele , , - reeeril • • IL /C. re MYLES& fa wcoa et. _ , t I , . 'l.'::` PIELSOLSOIL Olt BOCK 0/7.. . . (~... •.Ttiato steams tbl u an dram r 1 bas.ti43.l est.:44 .-•-.. T ali VIES - of.this nmaarkable rem . a: _ , dn. Mid tbsecaistsat apptleationStielt.lotie ma{ I.o. ,llMol.4hlLto u ralgo: r nalt=". 'Kahl.. re m . P a.st •lTllo . l.t 1. 1• _proenre.l .4 tL lketn i.. li ., rell 111 ...w thi••••m w j. v - *dude* trtrimoat sal • drat , ebatkEy.butJust •• It Bon_ A= ill•taml Great. Lalastaryt 1 ...Mat II =Ma u .. , Noper i met4a r ra wz ber , •af i rzt..n .I• L t•i t len t r . a ,tias o l • , - tr ham..t Weld, e4s7rst =eft , S. f. battik and mitty • sullen, • Loa. belbre Ms pro. •, prime a_pvtuu It up In t•ntilesat bad • mat. a. th•••”•rott•••••• no constant tacht•llT 1.7 ..... 4 Amain; tot IS.sod mineral armarkabis• atm tt ins ..._., librtdolt. le as •Itr• Indtmlimi of lia'. tvturs porttrit7 Oa EV:M=VllVlraTlf=' , .t... viiil.. tha them ildew aus 'soon :roz• ktlmr , tie hum el thaw mho atter, - sad 'dab to be 0. do oat elslot for a salnerslapplkailo=r .or dately" vs to -that la . s amber et luosii. Mdiss • It: lc : 111:00.4 U.. gmkr b.: annaerste•—•ll dilMel , of the mown tummy mutt as CIIHOSIO BRONCIIIII9, GlntiliptioN, 0. it...,t, ,it2v4Mi t. t. , all Mat3=l,•=l ... rn a lit siakur sled Kilo la V. BlAt or SM.; Nolo= =W r ist , . ntlsiN - V•bce., , =ZtlZZ: L railti t""" alitrolo.o, Ihrtfla=4l 'lt mLU act s• • wantrAl NIO at•l Alifitir. ATI 15=ga. 11•1 , r i gte .... e,. 4. sitoto trues, repowitts , Swaim. vtdob cum Miss./ sod :Uhl ' • amts sodArkyiu tors ate:l sad renormt•vergt to ails _ at Wu Teo rtoptietot tow. at mew euratst P . tita•••lo4.rm adz tr•sisa•st. 0117,trt•Stt*