The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, July 21, 1851, Image 3

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    --1 - MALE- MATTERB7-f:
Learma.:—Me lama dist Father Matthew...Ml
• deliver oiled= for the benefit of the 11'..;diala i
digliarbefore be hires town.. r ,
TAXit sas PLZDOZ•liiiiiiier
iuri. ,
ered the tthipeiarwe r plediele betWrew
ad tight hi:waked ;....vdmietthe
to be hen . ° . ° . °lll '''?d amengyt as
i gna t , er
shaft! e
BIA'ALI BOAT Erne:,-.l're la= itiet,ine of thiy
bo!its, belongint M4llol2'l' Th* was
scmk -Thpors3iy, Johnstowi;.. It srsa
. .
loaded with tobuoo, ;lad Fobablor belos4
. .
'FOUND. Daam—A, auttiutamed Winiam'Arlder•
}on Was Ibtuxi dead yesterday utootibm . : in a
abed, near. the - bakery... off Mr. liibeplia4d,:,ht.
mbieh he wee employed, :Au iturloSiras 144
sad a Terlict of died by Attitttion Olive;
idioms," returned: The d
and family but did native
D18773.10T COURT
.... _
Jelly 19th
Before the HonerabloNalter, H..lizirle;
Nelson & Johnston vs. Andre* 11.1 Mer .! Veal'
Ez. No: 22 3 , - Afat4 1851. 'Taidlato Court!.
',Oa motialtof.Ti Sfellat, ; attomm,y - foe plaintiff,
C. B. M." Smith was • appoltded , daulitor to dia.
'. llfoll '
"L to
deg ye.. Peeblirs.:. ' Vend . ii.l , it, ~ 1:014
:July 1 yOa tootle!) of: X.' Mellon, George L.
d coedsf
appointed auditor to distribute the pia
Hal4BeOlt eale' sit. .7. Knox. • On motion of 4: a:
• Beldon, in prmeoce - of plalrdlife .colirmil, ie le'
ordered by , Judge, .Lowrie, at; chamber; that
the judgment_ be . opental,•.and the dellindant let
is too defence....*Lifflaritfiled. - ~.. -- , , ''' i
.., . . . -... • -. , . .
. . .
Loom:on - vs.—A locomottes; tailed, the . ..ARI;
once,' intended to tun en tbetthiii Peruisylet -
nla Railroad,. attired 1n Allegberiy oitstardny
Atoning. It, was maitutnetured byklr:./..BOuther
at the °Globe' , caglao'° works, at: Boston, and Is
a rery , creditable spearsea et the tanker's
Too coototatoa:to
on eeresal oh w/Iml'
a, coo of mk b."
an i rk avail' batter? with Intent to Wal
xi released on ball
on fl
Artimpteoßtreatres.—Ateitttetitpt aemsdp
03 /Fridai te inter. the store ofXt . . :ohm
Dyer, in Allegheny -by cutting out tine , of the
panels of the, door fortittuttaly': It Iris lined
with /run, and tile meal _
• -Tam JAIL.— . ..n q elates intended to corer the
County Jail, hare beers' dellrered,• and we pre.
enure that the Iwrk. owill soon be Minim:tee& --'
....f. _ ; - 1 - • ir•••1 „..''•-•
;. Bar°l4. " raZ AZlr P nitir Stir:" CO* 1ti...... "
7 --The foliolieg is the report - of the street' nary: :
mutes, of Allegheny city, readat tho'hiest Meet
: - Mg of the Select and Cerra:Ma Councils!' . • ' .
.. - ' l te the *led and c'oinmon Co un ci ls the City
of • • Allegheny. .- „ . •,-. , a .
The Committee - on Streets respectfritti report,
That they have eepadered the petition for
..: . . • grading and pavinglMA part bt ..Elllli Laze lying
. - . . tortween . Sink LanbatuLthe POluei Canal in the
• ' • dih.Ward, and after irsexamination of saidstreet
'... , erect the ophilcusthatShei: - Codicils . should or. der the same to be greeirifindjeased. '... .-- e'• , ..
Tour Committetreditild.,allio - .recomment that
- - Lacock street, from Feder ra t a'l. Street:lo Anderson -,
, . streek - be graded 'and. paved As prayed for; and
, that the upper part of said Laeock Street, than
. ..,, Anderson street to the mud-, be graded, and that
the paving inks-Aid eaitendle postponed until
next spring.•
..-, Your Committee would farther nepreseat,Zhat
• ' einct the gnsMiiiet- Oldri streetitl its' internee.
-:- Bon with the east line of the - Best CotaMan, She
Ipieter accumolatei at that point in - somVonaiti;
Cities as to become a emir* nuisance we there.
Are. recommend. the Cannella 'to a uthorise_ - he
grading of the street mr. - tbe 'east aide .or the
Rut Common, from Ohlostreet to Liberty street
. • .• or so cinch thereof as will enable the water on
..- . Ohio street to pass dot* the same.. ', ' ...,s:
. - The Bridge , ever the Canal on Chestnut etreet,
-..•- 13 * such, a cm:olSi* .an toreeolre :Immediate
repairs to renderit safe. - The - amount necessary
to accomplish the ItoPeorarafeler UTueedil.the sato
:.which the Commit* amp ardhorized to Tad'
- -we reeommendSho CoraiaMi - to appropria 'the
• ". . DX= of $6O far that purpose.
L . . The owner (Capt. Schitdey)Sit a large amount
of prOperty on. both- sides of Ohio street, lbem
i the Seat Conimmis to, - East Laos, is at preamit
, absent In. Stirope. , The . contractor cannot'
not pave said : street : untH the aide walk s are
".. .
graded, and the curb stones set in. - front of said
-. Pfiperty. Yea Miditee recommend that the
trees Commissioner be authorired and directed
to grade so moth of said side:walks. se may be
- ueourearyi - and - that be Preemie and set the carp.
!tones of said property; arid that the Street Com
laiiedoner pretend to collect - the C031,' of -mad im
.pianinat from the said owner or owners as M
etaled-by the eitY;'ardintinees;:;::s -
' .
.. Yoiti'CMiimittee iiniiild" ilio;:tespectfolly re
.: , ' That itinnisniume'of the provi si on of the
ordinanees- Adopted ', by the Connate,
tti )'lava **Herr to puk. adopted '... contract. F a
=am erthe litrceo in the - o§', to begMid,l
antilpered; ',"and !mire lit the name of the inntioei,
ration covenanted with the Oontraetomito pay
tar saiilgratrangland -- paving the
work yFese es '- en ' the estimates of the; City
: • ...' Ennui; , '', net goring to delays in preesuitte.
- •
the ein—s,i,,E 7.7.t—w."'ild'4Siiil;.4i,ii'd
ea fag .to rept! OW tiresswer bula '''
se ll,
to meet &eel, oof the - wnrgmetr:'. Time Com , I
, . . utittee that the Councils ' decree some
means which lthe elaims:ortlie 'coritriette
.. . will be met prots,idy ,r- and that,theogiecislar..
ing charge of the . alisesaing end Oollecting.the
' . improvement taifrom the property :hoidens*,
instructed to use their utmost diMgenoi hi has
ing the same opals into the City "Miermuiry: - .: ; •-' .-
- - - The Cominitteit :submit She annexed:Mohr,
tions for the Ctnmens
~ ... .., .. . ~. ......
pi orderpf el comm ittee. .-. • ..• .----- ' • :.--
Oar .17, '6l. • IdIWIREL.B.IiIk :WM.
~ , ...._ •
. ,
'• Resolved, That,the Strett.Commissioner bell
enacted to rrweid forthwith and grade so womb
•• of the aide-walks ton hoth edit - of Qhio striec•
. •" tram the East Common to lhatlene, asleep he
• smeawary to enal/le the. eentrichlt tetimficeed
' with the patties q said arresepuel. , 4hat said
Street .Commisslo o er promise anfiettha curb,
. atone litiesaray . o ald atreet,in every ho ante .
where the same b beennegteited by the own
er or owners of. t a ,PPPellf freitAati : 04 . . 044
st set
.' . Ruched, Thil ls6Ofitae , the aslcl PlachoT ,
' and curbing to cOlpietedithe said Street Com-1
- • ardasioaerle hitch* ditaatcitepriaeadforthwith i
' . and collect the strew of thelminerfirem:the
self owners, - agreeably ;to, the ,Csiatinc . ord.
mimes &such mac made an d'provided...
•..: '• (rei n The following resolutions n lailbefot the
COIIAC/LS un Tour sy Dlelt:lgi4. ' : The . 00 TO
luting to the llalroad Company
Cemirnittee,on Striate. :The - et/lira wire secipt
- •
Whereas, The intercatsof the City of Mester
sy will he promoted by the cottetructloSef the
moat &tinniest :cooneetionlbehrees the - Ohlo'
and Pennsylvania Railroad : and the Peonsylial'
nia Canal, within ' e limits- ortheciti, ! .1 f
• , -.. Be It Resolved; ,' ." -.•. z : -,:_', '. .
. . . .1 . Thatll it the Oho & -Pi ~ 1 1.11. ;Co, willib.
. tato by porcluMe, or otherwise, the consent oi' lir
propertyrowners ftoatmon flank lane, betacce.
.- • . the. Depot,grmusl pima:. 14 the Company, and
~.- the wet line OfDar .agh straw, extending north-.
saidlyameas the Old' & Ronk . ...tane;_tad'ff
the Compiny "S I, silts awn-expense/op& Bald
Darragh- street:Of:Vs legal width to ' WOorwi
Bank Lose; and erect a Imitable bridge otilDar
:r instead agh street: then gaol taSatiamasodats she.
. . publidtravel the site now &skirl:let
'• ad far that pyre° o Bank Lane , &lea and
. • ,CommonConnell . - e City.orfillegbeetlWill
. 7.egree to grant to Wild,Comrany the.nse sad.
: .. oosupsacy at that psit of Bank Leas kTtpirEarth
of the cartaland cestlof Darragh atriet.thato fix
, ".:tendedacross the Canal& the isteMection there
, ot' with - Bank Lane itatesmd.- . ~...i - ,
. c Resolved. That . th Recording Regulator. be
and he is lambi di dr.° takethe necessary:
,', , • legaleteps to have Allepheayaritme opened se
"cording to the sPecithMtma recommended berate
'fore, which , takes thirty-fire feet off the property
' ma the east aide , of the.line dims; and twenty .
' fire feet .off- the west side; as (lithely laid out
on the surrey map or ifil City, ....:
- Itemised, .Thit in Street Cointerisaloter "he
r '
and he le hereby histroeted to rattly-W, Bar*
.....the: owner, or.agent, to fill °pole bargedila cc
: capyingthe whohiefthe aide Talk intront oftds
..' PmPeq.r. oiLtbeitir s4rest.' end . in case the said
. notice is not complicit with in therm* time;
- • that the Street Commissioner ha Itothorised •to
'resume the nuisance at once.
• .- ,-Resolied,- That , the Committee en Streeta be
. and they are hereby afittwohted to, open ...drain
ci-gatter, rumaing larialmthaegst directio n . t o 1
....- the middle ettrast run g dlivin East 'Cozimon-.
boil Ohio street to - th Cans!, fill/ each i manner'
so to cam off thew ter. accuaintatinrat the
lateseon 'of Ohio etr et and sold Common.
, .
ter•DlEszics. - J; KIDD & CO.: We ' w6 hto :
teas ion that ore
in ban Sal all of your Werra Semitic on
lett with a. Re all& you to eenut as smis• mom 11. noon
as posalble, ult has given general satlibrUon hare. We
have Many calls tor It slam ',ere hint been eat of the ant.
el. It bie eapereeded all otter preparations fa thts soma.
t 7, and for this result tre Irish to keep .• supply on haat
- . tt;' , t tl. h,PArr*I.4ON,
AdslY111: EMe Yeb. le. ISt&
mr tharta dealt bikoattiat:
tannam .rblah live IMOSointorslof thleMedletnetnndalty,ne
°delete Mere It haS been latetehtente It Iski.issman
n mukin.o l ,
Tar sale by . lap
il litd6k ! /r4 2 i o3 9:lrcZd st: 1
• i
— , citftnsliTunnktft := Wit - ChtethirfOroielitii"
notice of t i rA M PT 4 133 *er of SaV/Uel K.;
i a t 4c i.; ifty, fibm'ilaitle;r Castle • Haiette:
....._ .
t; , ,Qn WednondaY ootteNtgbf. laid:week,: Sanntel
Frog, of North Beane Township, in this County,
and- ~ Telin. Balander of Ohio, formerly a stove 1
peddler, Wore'drinkintat a tavern In Edenbarg,.
obetilaquarrel oxtcmned between them '-- They,
however, hem= reconciled, and started together
In A ;buW.l•Ofttrd - Pulaski.. Bean! - ruiching
AAltlliiaa lumse; they had *reaocntre and
• *moo SSW • They Vere avarated. - and again
reconciled by some on e who interfered, and again
started together in, the baggy toward , Prdaski.
At kti. Allisonitheyenquired the road to Pulaski.
At. Arr. Veldt Stuttmereftl's they:repeated the
*NO. - Nome time In the night, probably at .9
bell) o'clock; &dander entered the house of a
ldr. Ream between BummeTville's and Pulaski, 1
inj, beastly state of intorication, Teo% muddy. '
and bloody, and Informed the family that he bad
hatitslight—that kis buggy and hams were te
en from him."- No credence, however - was given
"to Ilistery-4atita *rut washed—furius' hed with
dry clothes, andput to the morning he
reuewedlds story about the fight, , "&e. At 8 o'-
clock on Thurs.:laymen:ling It was
that: the' bonen sad wagon had turned, after
passing kin BOICIillelTiliel; and vela back' -to.
wird.ftdeulturg, - OMPast George 'Allison's, where,
they were found; standing near :the road side,.
'and Nair lying Insensible at a:short - distance
from them. He was removed to a house—Dr.
Weeds, of: Pulaski, was called;-and made an ex
amination of him. ,Her was bruised and badly
'MA ineeveralplaces,eufficieut to cause his death:
He tiled about t or 4 o'clock on Thursday after.
noon., Op- Friday mornings coroner's Inquest
was bald, when thettbove facts were detailed.
1..-.. We learn thitiNalander 'la one Prison, that
be confentei bleb' g' struck Knox with the barrel
of is ehet gurrli4na alleges that it was in self.:
ati l ick
defence, that Knorhad ed him as he be.
limos with the design of rChblitg him..
Trianuantso Cossuroannutos.—We have fre
ciently rettidgeed - frori the Newark Daily Ad-
Tardier letters Dom Turin; over the signature Of
."8," which gave an ntereiting view of things in
that'oeuntry. The writer was an attache to the
DegeNon from this country to the Court of Bar-
He has recently returned .home, and Is
nen , onti tour nf pleasure through our vast in
ternal Ira*. 'descriptions: of moo and
things era engtiphiSand beautiful, that bad we
apace we ehould copy Most of his letters.. The
one.befanits, Dons Lae Superior, we give en-
yllstrttr iiitv,lllAlllr t
1 Id= Smits* July id., .1861. f.
Celebrated as are the .lhouseed.lalte" of the
St. lawrence, they_are not comparable in num.*
ler, •,size,,direnity of, shape and 'grandemr of
scenery; to the coyness ones that dot the surface
surprised that tourists and
voyages[, have Written eo meagrely, given as so
[ few account; ofthe varied beauties of thril lake.
At It"' head it hr unequalled_ for. picturesque
bratty. 4Twarty,twri thousand islands have al
ready'beem 'surveycd;',ir hilts half . that 'number
still 1113113.11 i" tatercpbred, unnamed. -.lnn see
them all around you, far u the eye tin`reuh
lards% Of Mlle ones, gronped, together; peering
nP abeve•the illy waren—some finely wooded,
'others green with ranee. The steamer threads
her way through_winding channels which divide
them—et times almost touching ::overhanging
troll 3. Arid giving you glimpses of a pebbly shine,.
the silent head land or receding cove--yon could
buy yourself beverifrom• the outer world,- turn
BWdrlt ori.lbennif of &gala . , and nothing but
the smoke'et your camp fire would, the
Wit* place: .'Here come larger islands, miles
in .extent, , with the ealm waters ,sparkling and
shims; between, in long, river-like debut.; Each
falba bas. to charm; take them together, the
effect is enchanting, Irresistible. Could the
AePhFrerteirthirtur on this =MGT afternooll-
1113 1 / 1 /111g. teatifythey, would bear
their Psyche to these Isle"-of incest:lY. •
Leaving the Dianitoulins to the Southward, we
touted 31 , 13 e D1111111110131'111311tild : 30 named
latter thirEuelsh commander who fall at; Fort
' Erie, during the last wart—.a fine harbor and the
,rtrint' of an old French fort are visible.: Then,
weeping At ; ethers; yen steer Northward, and
enter the river. St. Mazy. - The shores :are are car-
Mud with
_prindtire forest trees, wild as when
diOrievered, consisting of therpine, fir, birch and
argunsuba: The land bran:ally barren,. with
hey and.thus fertile and its log
Cabin for U6 , 131112* efan, wigwams fdr the In.
- Mharchill'r, twelve miles below the
Sint; we had- a "talk" with' the proprietor- He
employed- halm =as farmers, at fifty cents a
day, paying,them. in. pork, flour and clothing.
...41prodialtern willing and: active—his crop
Wu potatoes, worth from four to five 'billings &
bushel, etwhich he raised 4,000 tubes last' ,
emu, and ..310.310011/113 13 made his pile he was
bound bruit ant and: - mike for la Lome on the
Merriman." Hi hid not forgotten 'that the
'..Fearth" was near at band, as was evinced. by
his having huge jug filled at the tar with whis
and declaring that. he was "going to keep
that day, any how." -
The NI/lege of the Sant St. Marie!, a strag.
gleguridlectien.of . houses, prettily_ situated an
baukuqf tho river, .jast„ below the rapids
which empty the waters of Sup erior Into the river.
Fart Brady standsat its Brenham 'extremity, and
is garrisoned emu 60 men, under the com
mand 9 1 , &WO? ChM. It LI nothing more nor
less than. a barrack. withnt e, einglepreteusion ,
-to Sanitary Strengtta - IA. portige;• one , in I
4 41 .0 ht Imineetu nepecior Witliftip! river,
'esa; remelt (strenntarttssenteUmes)merehudize,
orj rkir:. 4 -er.',FUe'te *ante ki.thii:llleans-
Wel hiredan chief laid his eon (of the
Chippewa tribe.)" to 'take no:down the rapids in
birch 11111138: ',L; .leas than three , trihnttes we
min lihilisdone mile, through running rushing
Ititaiciver fsuit;. past sharp ricks, with, the
spray dishier( orer us and the canoelobbing
atent like is -fishing vet, We wereforce d
to sit 0n.40 ' , bottom of 'the' boat and remain'
iroMolimeorh4it farestia al; xttb
_wittshl4l, sober eyes (they drink rum in any.
given or boughteigneauty) pre direetiokto the
bark; sad lindedUl eatply st their !Magnet the
We visited several of the birth bark wigwams
Mad conversed in French with thesenaws Some
of,them are really bettutlihl,.with large Madonna
eyeaciemilith features. black hair and merry .
glove 7Their degridation, hoverer, 'stares you
inthitsce, and no chivalric Creme or noble
hearled . P,orrihonbss; meet yocr view .7. l th'cldel
Orthetrite.still intrisicui rule, and is
numb-esteemed' by the' nhabitants of the Sault
, Bacheveniug they take their canoes, and, amidst
the telling eddies of the rapids; with net in
hand, spoop qfilititifies Of the finest white fish.
Ire salf one boas return with 8 4 8 / 8 88 0 POlllidS,
41 .407 8 Wal o l 1 4/80 two cents per pound.
_Thetas* buy, (the Indisnytheie wants few, hat.
44`1111uPle, and they feel roost orldcatly their in-
Teriolityletbe"pgde face." Elol,womeo, children
atttl.fiegs sleep promisoninsly on the gmund, un
4enwatiemir Oren is bolt
savage; half
On the Cumiliest aide of the river, the,Ha
mmes Bay Company have'/' birge `trading post,
'whirl at certain .sessims. is a buy depot for
tidbits, starestrappers and traders. The Can
adian when (who carry prcrsisions through the
.. 11,1dernwor, to remote posts) are a hardy set of
men: We saw stmend
~of them. Their pack,
carried -ierthei'r leas, 'earievfrom 80 to 700
pounds in weight, and their food, during'. these
wag andiirdlonsjourneys, manes of s' daily
allOyssece pf,t w o ounces of ' tallow and one pint
:aeon; per man. They make • eon of soup of
Oho, whlckkeeps life` in . them more. vigorous
than thedaintythabes of Debnonico. The Amer
ican-Fee Company have also a post on our side
orate vim; buthWe business is now done here
in furs. The climate is quite Wye Winter. ;To
kg. the Entif July, fires are necessary; . the
Vt.Snactileicti toxin stinging nt 48 deg. Al a
ililltsta put nine, P. IL, is this high latitude,
weamid reads - newspaper in the open air; Dar-
Ingthe long .Winters, the mails come once a
tnoath brought by dog traits; and - Wham, on
snow shoes, who -travel 40 miles per day (!)
through the heavy snow and 'wilderness Of this
teem. , These snow shoes are it curiosity, and
I bare procured a pair;
Thee-Inhabitants of the village are of aiwery
raised- ilescrriptioli. Yen see the white man
tram New England; the .native Who, Preach
Pitui4itz, half breeds , tiegives, tradenr; trappers,
taut* , speculators, .tc.•. with all-the various
Mont th at intertaarriageof such races will Oat,
orally produce. Color; however,: has but little
id do pith litatiotfor Influence, and eivirlbfKlY
'drinks, plays cards; and dahees.The town con
tains three., churches, a' °sort . house; many
Ames, three inni, and has a population 'retying .
frow• 1000 to 1200 wads .The entire:fall of the
river friattlake Superior to its entrance into
thweri,bt about 50 feet; at the rapids some 28
fee; with OTIMIC a mile's breadth. The business
on the upper Likell has io -increased, that a ship
roust around rime. falls le now Celled far; thus
crewing, to -A free navigation, the waters of that
iccifiet body of fresh water in rise; world; Lake
This great lake, fed by jm ore than thirty TIT.
ers, Is 880 miles in length, 180 in width, and
1400 in circumference, Mikanlag many ' large
islands, and ertvirmsed by . erceky end danger
ous (mask Its surface is 685 feet above the level
of Ihekesorith- a mean depth of 90(1 leek Its -
Vetere are bemtifally cleat and- transparent,
abounding with trout, surgeon, and sold& fish,
wtdlet en the western shores lie knmensidepos-
Its of copperand iron ore. This mining twinges
already very important, and le destined to be
come of vast value. In the Ifornanicea district,
the following capper companies are located, Ti::
the Cliff,- North Western, North West, Copper
Falls, imd Forma, • In tho Ontonagon, the Nor
sicb,- Minnesote, Farm, and AdTenturo with
some smaller ones, such as the Aztec, ialcolt,
Eureka,' : Mengel; Algoma; &o, more or less
saleable. The stock of all these /a principally
owned in - Pittsburgh, New York. Boston,. and
the - peopkief this region. That of the principal
and most inumessful one, the Cliff, is divided in
t64ooo thirii, of $lOO each. Only $2O per
share ban bees ca In, and tke Company !we
itirniclylepitid their stockholds thirty dollars.
sharelp,rlyltbaiaitilth for $10:0 la the
m per arkeit: !Lest * lit year itiey no
ehippedto market SOO
tone of rich prtlisBoo.lft tca—dali; .rao,-
000.--with working e xpenses Of 0n1Y550,000..
The dividends swum be enormous, Were nOt
henry nuns expended fa opening the ;veins, And'
in permanent imposes— ante always • *minable M .,
the company.. In the Nevem= range. the " ,
veins run North to Sonth, end em c o mas
to 4 .relles from the lake. In the Oahu:nen,
they" dip East to Wert, some seventeen miles'
from the coast: • The ground is mountainous and
ragged, the °reining found in the midst of hard
trap rick. , The usual mode of mhungii to sink
shafts end thafdrive levels following the 13031211111
:of the '
veins. ..111 many places the ore 'tops tol
the surfese. requiring null to be uncovered mid
blasted firm the rock. At the Cliff mitten, shafts
en to be mu 276 feet in depth, with levels,Boo
feet long. One singlemasa of virgin coPper. 21
'feet long, 8 feet broad and 21,in thickness, lies
there uncovered, end men are at work apps It
with cold ehisels, drilling holes, so as to divide
it in six blocks ready for market The mark is
mostly done by contract, fifteendollarsper cubic
foot being the
,price paid by the c ompanies..
The average wages of laborers, paid by the sub-
COtttriatOrt4 is one dollar per day. Fifty cents
per mouth dedticted from tech men's pay to
support a. ph,velcien, who, nt the larger Mines,
thus receives froml2 to 1100 dollars marinate.,
The seine Vary in richness.: The- virgin cop- I
pre simply. requires molting, end with ore from
80:to SO percent in purity, is sent te the Cities
in that State. This Is called, technically, barrel
l'copper. e
The. poorer ms are broken: up ,by
steamers, washed and 'operated at the mines;
and the fine particles called stemp copper; than
sent to be melted down. : Silver; is found inter-
Mixedwith the topper in many of the:veins; and,
some_instances; well ropityl the expense of
separation." Beautiful spec ens Of this kind of
crystalised virgin ore; erste bii found', We sue
ceeded in procuring a nuknber. The celebrited
Mines of 'Cornwall in . England, contain no'such ,
native copper as those•of Lake Superier. I The
former corusisti of eulphooret ore which:tWittires
Westing, - and an .expeasivi, process 'of separation
before being smelted into bars or alieets. Ileie
we have it in an almostiere state,' and in inex
haustible quantities. -
' At Carp river, the Marquette (Pittsburgh)
Iron Co;. is established. Literally, mountains
'of iron trees, there found; most of 14'80 per
'cent in purity." They reject, as dross whit we
at the East, would consider - good ore, and wotk
up principally into bloonts;., ;. The richest::utaped
me can be taken from the ground and :„forged
at 'once on the blacksmith's, anvil into iron.--
Agates abotmd on the like gores..
The population In the'mining regielm already
„reaches 4000,mith - a steady yeirly, Increase.—
Congeesihaa 0111(113.1111 appropriation, foi three'
additional light heroin - on the lakes, ? tad the
Government officials are now hero to ' raideenr,
znimpents for theleconstrimtion.. geveralprol
pullers ends number often going, sailing vessel!
drought over the portage, now ply regularly on
the lake. :,The heavy seas they sometimes ea
counter would astonish even a salt water ter.L.-
We are now homeward, Newark bound: diked
Tux Brutus Atte an Crucsss3us.-4lt
count wu received by the last steamer frets En.
rope of another iictory of the , qtrausisis' over
the forces of the Emperor Nieholas.The Con
atantinople correspondent of the London Morn
trig Reread, in a letter dated Ja ne ltd.h ,nays,
qmportme news lse,been received from Da
gistan via Trebisonde. All the correspondence
from Tiflis gives more or less the details of the
successes of the mountaineers nverthe Russians,
who have suffered immense loss. The leader of
the Daghlees fa Malmnimed. Emits; the tudb of
Sheikh Chamil,Who, at thehead of 25,000 plcked
men of the warlike tribes:of theAbeteksandoth
erindependent tribes of the Western 01:1101311.11,
bad attacked the Russian troops under the com
mand of General L'erebrienholf, beyond . Themer.
The eigagements which took place were bloody
and disastrous, and the Russians seined eo se
verely:that all the space - wagons of the ar
my were barely !sufficient to carry the wounded
"Their less, according to an impartial state
ment, is calculated ;It 5,000 irchilledand prison
ers,. The mortality : - in comparison is .13 far
greater among she of4cers than among the pri
vates. The position of the Ruisian army is ve
ry insecure at present. on account of, the com
munications between Theurer and Kotiban being
intercepted, and, owing to the vigilance of the
Daghlees, it is impossible to send reinforcements
in that direction for some time to come. The
mountaineers boast at present of being well cub
plied with itnumnition and arms, and:ready to
continue the war against the invaders, of their
homes threntiont the whole summer Seam.
"By the , above it is clearly ascertained that
the Russian hate made no progress whaterefin
the conquest of the Caucasus this year, and r
doubt not both they and their intended victims
mast have becoMe heartily tirecluf this dreadful
Atum .Bcrat—LAboni the year 1:93, Colonel
Burr was - owner of nearly one fooirth. of a black
f routiagAmean?C4F•endidbeety streets; and
Broadway; He w 4,5 an eminent lawyer, with an
eliCllll46 practice. I was informed by Rae of
the profession that his practice at cas..period
ram worth ten thousand dollars a year. „I used
freequently. to sit en juries in the old City Hall
(noW the site of the custom house) whim mit.
ton and turr were the opposing:counsel.';' They
were bath acute lawyers and eloquent speakers.
A rwertaricabre incident took place one day.—
They Were trying the validity of a wilt 1. Harr•
ilton, We re
the. ill In Ida hand,..happteed to
hold it hetween the window and his eyes. Ile
rose, and prayed the exmrt to cloy the peweeed•
Inge, and haeding the will up to the lodge, (1
think it wee lirockbalst ilyingston,) remarked
"If the court please,', hold the lastruniMit so as
to look through the paper. . : The water mark is
dated live years after the will. was signed: The
testator could not:make a will fire years after he
Itaildead." Of 'course a verdict for the defend.
'ant was given at once. . . .
-In the year 1800 Colonel Burr was elected to
the °See of Vice ?aslant of the United States.
On the 11th of July, 1801, he retried from Po
&lca life. the fatal termination of the G o vt
with Hamilton, and the'verdict of "wilful mu,.
der," rendered bj the cocuner'e jtuy, teased him
to abeentlimallf from this part or the country.
He travelled through the Western States, for the
purpose of getting lop ati expedition against
?demo; for which he raw trledfor high treason.
He then tied to linglatid,' Whore hliple wore .
seined, , end hinted! thrown into . He '
was liberated soon after, tvarelle in Pirates
and Gentian), and returned to New York in
1812. Ile rammed the practiceof law. at NO. 16
Nassau street- - Being lightly esteemed by , his
fellow citizens; the effort was unsuccusaftd, and
he roan fall into decay in mind, Addy, and tetras.
Matthew. L. Davis, his last solitary friend,sank
to him elates than a brother, and had hint
ed In a Bantam hut; with a Icarly widow, on;
desert mod bank in' the wilds of Statenlaland.
Here l ftworigh the bounty of Mr. Hubs, hili ved
for e teen months ; and here on the night of
the Irh Of September Ina; died Aereurßeew.
in the eighty tint: year of his age, witiCtiot a
friend to eloie hlieyes, or wipe thec de* drops
of death from his 'brow.' ' Was'hlngton; 'Adams,
Jay, and . Hamilton, died surrounded by weeping
friends, and their graves were talented by the
tears of a continent, ..lie that liontwedi me I
will honor ; his that despiseth me - shall. belight-
IY eeteemed,'!;raith the , book wheats Anther is
divine; Barr was tarried at Trenton, Bel Jer
seY.—,Lawrie .Thcki, in Ide Ilwie lonrnal..
Tut.-Twang Czar praoss.—An arrangement'
has been made by the officers of the Government
with Messrs. Adams & Co., bywhiohpostrannters
are to be supplied with three cent pieces, en re
mitting the amotrat to the United States Minket
Philadelphia, which they require within rescu
able limits... The demand for these plow' since
the new postage law has gotur into operation has
been eery gres and the noting Secretary of the
Treasury suggests to_postmasters to be .Moder
ate as poseibie in their tails"
SaKelebratad u the Arabs were, matt.-
ha the healing art, many' their rar....0.a
were or great:worth sal Measluit virtue ,11.0.Parstlki
weltbrated Arabian Liniment Is a composition Of ham=
%Mu me plants and aromatic autos 'reedier Arabia,'
sitat It was by the use of tbe cotutioslut this area
medicine that wren the wild Arab of the desert partortusd
such miraculous cum.. It Is eqOallr mod Dm To.. and
brut tharsibre It la hailed as the masst bleating of tit!,
Raw. [Sweden:U senent,l .
Citizen's Insurance Company of Pittsburgh
N 41 Wat er straeLln th e warehouno *III IL
C. Proddent—.;:.:.A. W. maw, !key.
This Company Lnow prom"! to Imam aU matchandlor
In /dom. and In tranaCl3 tekiaf, •
1. 4 1 11,r!? . r Afitt.bl4 tn .r dd trarluf!g
rg.)...LITZat filWarla.lllYOrahlr
and integrity.
jr D.Zirth ll .. WryactleY.Wm. Wintry,
74a larawa. a. Wag: Ws. .iltafg4
lODIDE . POTASH-450 lbs. for
00 sale by
iez; - rt. A.TAIMLITOCR & .
AD--i 400 Qalenz
MIL 3 TV:f c. TCHES, calt te2 . nntia
etrlbtat.:z gag=iLigz.: 7 !, ran'
• le3 eom.; Waxes gul nurth sta.' .
F . ]Mlt&— . 2000 lbtiofr.sitlje,&auou'
I j U i ejlEß
. MATCII Ul--2. , 5 3 ?K0. for sitipTle..b.y
ir[TOOL TWINS-400 lbs. for solo by
•Jut moßenir *era-
D LOOMS—MI tons Soft Tenn., for sale by
7ARD 011,--.10 bbp9:No.'l, for saletg•l
en 'atoms:omit elm tnegevieit
Ditudwaria. July . 19.
The damage to the Canal and Railroad by the
late freshet in the Juniata proem to be far less
than wee' imtielpatet ' The lojory to the &1 1,
road sill toi rally 'repaired, and trade-resumed
on Thursday next. It May require some three
welts to repair the damage done the sang
06 A.M7:1060E=JIVOURNMiT
• • Pitisstimusict, July 19.
the Gni& Cody of tho LA). of 0.1 F. which
Ents'ibeen in eassion in this iity sines Tuesday
adjourned too-41.37.
. • • • • New You, Joly 19.
The *team dap Banta soled to-day, for LiTer"
pool, iritblsploseogere, and $620,0001n cm:46
..rr1314,3 PROM THE CAPITAL. -
Vfasuracrron t July 19..
- The Republic of this morning denies the as.
Ration that Mr. Letcherarill not return to Wei'
Ito. . absence is occasioned by prarlotoi
:Illnen; but tfiti interests of the Government, or.
Of individuals there are not suffering thereby.:
The Tehuantepec treaty did. not reach Mexico
before the adjournment of Congress, and is not
expected to be toted upon before January. ' The
Administration la neither derelict to its higlina•
tional obligations, or faripttftd-of the domeato
rights involved.
The Poet Office Department has decided that
newepapere ere entitled to a free air lenge with
all moaWl7.maga:i¢u
. .
- WlEtszruo, July 19.
AWMitjtinrinurdered4esterdu turning an
'the Baltimore Railroad line, TO miles -.tom this
Thee.% ..."One"of the two-charged. with 'the mar:
der, Was matted ittrhis city this evening -4e
other is stM at large, but will probably bgt
rested before morning, 'tithe officers are in' hot
pursuit. ' The put t ies an ail Irish, and nontuuss
eye, yet in6t.
- - Wattaunenat, Jalyi9.
, .
Cotton—The market la quiet.
' Flom , 4ales 1600 DU! at $4,18}(}4,26-for
standard brandai .
Tao flour Is a elide lowez, with sales 200 bble
at N. , 81 . 11 bbL
Cam Meal—The market is dull at $2,7610
Oesin—The demand forwheat limited; with
oaths of new Sou th ern red at 90c ®9 9 „e, and of
prizde white at $l,Ol busheL Sales 700 btu&
eta rye, at 72c. Cora Is steady, with limited
aisles at 010 for good yellow. Sales 3000 bush
els Smith= cats at 390, and of Penna. at 410-
'042019 Int.
Whiskey. -,Sales at 23i024c .ta
Provielona,Ths =Oat is steady at fenaer
- • '
GroearieeL,kre grm.
Wool—The lodes of the week are .50,000 The
at 37e®500 9 lb. according to
noir emir:
.• • New: You, J 1217
Cottan—The sales this morning are 200 Doh*
at a decline of io lee the receipt of the Ades
Floes-Sales 900 Ibis at $40,4,12i tor west
ern, and 4,25@.4,37 for prime Oeisesee and fan
cy Ohio. Bye dour ill firm at $3,87 'lRbbl.
Corn Meal—The market is depressed, with
sales ht s2,BlesB bbL
Gesin--Bales 100 bushels Carolina red wheat
at 95e. Bye is In good request at 72e. Coon is
steady, with sales 10,000 bushels mixed western,
at 580.
Provisiosa—the market is steady. Sales of
sew mesa pork at $14,76,: and of prime at
$12,76 41 bbL 'Pickled meats ham sot muted.
Lard to more active at ttio V. lb. ' .
Whiskej—Sales of Ohio at 240 gallotl
Linseed 011--Salea of 2000 rations at 700 Ql
Tobacco—Silos 60 bads. &stocky at 8}
11 lb: . ,
Meeks—Sales 11. Stites SiXl2l, 1862, at !Ito;
de, 1867, at 110}c.
CLIMAXAM, July 18.-
Flour—he market Is without disuse. The
demand .14 moderate, with sales 1,100 .bbls.
at $3,10®11,16AS bbl for oelablant 'Oa I $3X
'for choice brnd& '" ;
Whlakey—..Bales'at 18.0 "it
Groceries sad P.rorialotia—tiothlag of "sopa-
NEW OHI,EAKB 114.115111..„ J 047
.Cottoa--The total Wee yestesday were 4000;
and this morning 1000 hals. The . iinotatictos
are 030 ror good ordiaiiii, — ietoo for mbirtltur o
The effect v 1 the Aids'. otos Ls sit ret fel do-
Flour—Bales of Clactisart:lp j 9.
altip*a , braw to Qs
ettett of 900 Melte atgood
$3 0645310 per ls
lettleby—There is a 'moderate Inquiry at 18
6 19 ie Per Piles.
Batteat—liatall Wes clam:l3cm st Cie_par Its,
. . . , ,
Onxeries.-4rsnasictiott a » not impor!Ant,
and price) reauan without change. ~ i
'The rlxerhai eseiserim Imams: Thaire4ther
Se clear and plassiaat.
111,341 D9l Mini
tem Lbe Illealtseteme. Up) feet Liebe Blab& tor
MB PM'/MIL Re NO. i• Om India X.btor Dm—
and 9 Wo4 J. • LI.PIIILV , "
is 24
1 ATIXEN,.. i IOO Sides N. Y. Sole. for We ,
bbl u s i ejlt fur by
ItiNNEES' 0/1,4 7 -= bblr. for tale by
INDIA RUBBER WHIPS—Of all the eines
manufsetunixt. tar 114 vbeaftla ntall. thele•
r N ' 411 11 1 2
" 44 Joifil,AViror
um of Um' maneVold Ig W 44 to MI RIM
gar owlala,by Dr. Powol, Orpa_llo,o N. Yo
Jon rwafwg; voi fog MM w. W. 111124)2i.
irro. for male by
PAL MIMS, 57 Weal M.
W ~0,
DARIB GREEN-5401b6. sup, for tale by
Ja 4 u.ssuaza,
E/IfP-45Tuna Miss. D. R., for sale by
myl6 - JA 141.1 A. IitteLLMON I Co.
11011 LASTER- 6 0 - lbs.tantharideo,fbriale by
IL la IL A. u rn ZBTCCKa CO.
Pure Bandy, or Diarrh
REAR IN randy, ehouldzu need Fre u rh
W fta% sa b oadi'llirti v nit et w
itit'd sixes; for tale`, by
tiUST RECEIVED—Attu rly of hidiallab
b r.n= /v. am. mai Bidet* at an
arr 47 r unn el titittile,
- -
.11. warp artlals b• bad at dm @tan
al• by V. r. TON V.OVINIROXIV% co.; .
V_LASS=4OO VoiptiWindow Q;4.33, snort,
11JI ituArkil ado I,y •
_lnl_ ff. T. VON 802 f AllOB6l . CO.t
ILL PA - PEW—A superior lot ;Put reied
and Mr ad. by W. S.,_illnaklhattnany.l
j.yd coma of awed mil Market aba
dm:lbn . ! inched atecl Itir trr
OINK ROOT-400 lbs. mime qualiti, just
reed ab 4 Cor ear br .111 'R. a BET,LERR.
ACID--250 roo'd and for
'kJ We - ACID-255
--- - -
— OD LIVER, OIL-40011008, rata wain.
' tar 'Jag • B. E. Batista.
If In' -- •II op ' giors nedrrd sad for rd -ra Of 1,
irr o.
.Nlo fi - O. 101100XIIAKIIR
DEFINED BORAX--500 lbs for age by
i•I4 J• KIDD co- ack wo od
FLAV-1000 lbs.'for sale by ' •
1.14 OAN/ILLD.
.- - -
.E4 . 13L A2LI-30 Ulm. for 8016
- - - lialitzu.D.
LINSEED OIL-30 bble.Orinrold'ebrand,
tefeae bs • Jell J. D. CANIIILD.
A3ii--4 casks for sato by
- -
1•4) •• " 'LIN —lO bb ore o
B I i c,KETB III /a "' llari Pec u ggV al°
BE ESWAX WANTED - The highest price
.to nolg bt,told tbr toot a
Ali X0T.....-
ootsb_te and yr cad i t s.
a .
itha.aVe 04
woca au.
lituxwn wers, FOR THE COSTUME
. „
F r. Kiln of Brick, rtrir°
Ai 41 . 11 'CIJNTOONT3 uWsz•bo , .
EIAPER HANGINGS--4 Large aes . ailment
- Ina* aid Eastekail ripttiqdltarvoca
mclAbirip7 •
) MMmtLflBlA.
_ glipllAVJEA:Ukie:g
i : 449 # o e o rPielth. l 4o:Cittakt
•Lu cte.inaugbrzettazrirftar. l "
lllESPEerpouriOite livers to mini.:
A lbtfiui ** ". ;f ' L'
Riintiz ( iltl2"BlL%rekittio*Mra'thnLr'
M@LAC:CAA TIN 1 742"LiV3-455me mike 9*!tiot here:
UM .r a =acnd lane l erivate. aad
aeloted Cram= Ma% 143 1 :f . :mx. • .
' Cahn !RAWLS AliD Belt2E—Jest ten:deed as Ere
yoke idloolontend prices. 'DREES CHAPEb. of variane
puelltlen -
HAUS DX CIITNX. Elsretriete t leirgre, 4.3 other Ellis
wailer to the Omen market.: .171eheils)
littßearre Philatiel& et t Liverpocd Um ,
Shilin 6omiliilndelpliin on th i lA
I on the lon nteseb mon
a 11A21 11.2 U. it:Dinoms,ltestet..
•t, ai r hNASD4/All, rigm othoDll alitisrdltietl2lWer
211 ACJLeht.X0Ittnegra . W. - Mao Idester.
The Ohm rare halt of the bist sad amt. and/
a m rivAt a g Ith al= r l n ta Sdhr tuor ;ntsts, sx• wet
ht .eaN,ted. 01:ori'grisd=" that go.
they are eateranindedhy men of acknowledged tslet b =o
am unequaled ter their experhoes In the picket merle,
Perste/ deldrocto teinsing their Metals nem the Old
Conntry egg ehnda onvfieetee of nasestre. ntdeh' be
goad A. menthe. sad one te.1341 in lensed easl
envoi vlll turaleh them with the groper Inlbrinsthas Itta
h =e pl arZgenat of penom d gerintaltilog to mai ma:
ney tee surely 40001. tor it sterllnsed Wean. tenth ,
at sii=ithent. dieeduat. which still>. embed by gay a
'the on' Post Mess in the flatted gletakan.•
4:4" '" 1.1 ' ... PPAt 4 Snettnlnal easing from liver.
-• /tlnn7 week the' Waning intrylles . eUI he fertdidied
'net pawner of 12 years or 41 , ...1eeer
-2 lbs. rim. 2a: ten. 6.1 60 . ostowal, 14 lb. saga, 1 It, flour
10. molasses. sod .1 Under 12 years 'of raged
tora breadstuff& 1 lb. ping. full alonsatteof vides. sad • ,
Ka. gad hart ello e. am of moon-nratr:
• N 0.37 Walnut street, below &cond.".•
censer girth end Weal stra.figgargh.
United• States Rotel at PbunMph 4 o
rE SUBSCRIBER iveriectfolly athionii
ee. to lily Meats and the inmate . coettemonity,
_he bse uetnexotot the It opelettnehip of the
PTATItII . IIOTEL. Mott Itamen le eouneetlon with the
, notel under the late Proprietor, he kelt nerdy tote 111
=erg Ittlitleg=t24lllllEilestterhOit:
to the mown. lee erteettee bee ben spurt lit=te.
ly Yeettlee the matte ettablistunetit. and be 1
'Welt. attention to th e ebetoyee Introdueed the cote
yeateeee end ecettebet at leelles. Moe enaly detersehe.
.ad to .I[li, eatisfaellw e : be, yollelts e contlottauee at that 1
pefronage sleeve eo freely bestowed •on the.phl On
Maw. .; . iitty3l-.0 te;.
• . • , . - O.,4LLT.N.
Agne.t. ..Mbtrat. s r`Tl atsy
. •
AGALEY; W01:5 - .15WARD
dd.dromrs, Na 27 Uat6tlC, renthaw.: so]
EALD, BUdifNiSR - & : CO.; "Toby co
Cowsdaid= IleramaX,Nd. Norttr.Waber amid,
.. gad North WbarTak Mled4/I=ill. anal
.RCES k AliTELo,General Commie
• ..'.2thitl;Stitir
21:iir Cent. saved to Country ffierehaate.
M. J. KING, Dealer in BOOTS AND
tea c'tierielTeetletlth=aanitiett
Waned Oak cf the nor. non* whteleao-1 lareald at 20
pre ant. ken Man an n. puret".4 fu dwelt,. far 61141
• - Deem wW de wall b eaU.befor• swanning.. • •
New York India Rubber .Worehonse,
sYo. 27 Saideia Lase, iincrNo:69'.Nitioati
Mgt comer tram Itrvadni.• , nitoiy 215 tut 2.1t1;
rpm, SUBSCRIBER, Proprietor of this CS- .
tabadunent, would Outran hit old evetamere, Aug
nenotutote gentrutiy. *Let he la daily retching /been his
fattn7 an unauelly Urge and esselleut slat of: Itelbt
Rubber (Jude muuMetured repremly tor U. PM Tuts,
and obtett, Duo taming Introdured mown! rug nut ha.
potent =reutein f lif lonehlt=tz i g t..u. sre
Ilneefal ettetabm magnum ro u t ' , peig_to the Memel.
Peu " trLiVrtrllel ' e„t.%ll,;itretif
fun the boot toulds.andoprad with . tti• guest gorn.wttlett
Sedate equal to trteut lenther. ' alp nmautertures
Abe Mg.= MU. ahlithly Importsat Imp:mamma re ,
cently gmenornel; by glieb the cloth Is male to bur au
nut novembleure to enameled leather. The ghttu mut,
made and madyam usual. Utters etmukt Oman ttut retrett
OVEBBIIOII .tort of all the di:Strut Itlee
.rid ouleties. Dom the Immeted Pun Robber, to Vt., no
f= " iutl . Mtg . trier, ."
"D 64 IV
•romplet• amoriment or the motioning atom mum:
blaeluttobutbets.(kpeL remeboo. Knee Ufa grumvere,
Driving Glum Rouse filernb Reefing Jacket"Votpb Log
ghts,Tobeneo l or e
Setting. Itorplalansetlng.,
grnom, C"" Telel l g . o . enyl a d ""' lM B Tell==
together ugh every ouremtlem of Robber lined.
Onle m ender Of Vukanivel Mebane Dubber Door
&Prue. underOardmat , e Patau .
The WAIT., gill to ruling • meet certain cure mut gm:
suttee of Chopped nude. blesetang thou suet tevpiug
them trbise end soft.
Pure !tubber Cement for Debug'
'l7/7-lEl • /10141 ILA
41mvisf Cloaks! Muthlles! .
aE: S. MILLS, No. 6 Cortiondt et., N. York,
aw t. no .op•olna al - ht. Btalrl Warebeezek • fresh
of Fait and Wtraor BLtaWLie, etozzletins neap neer
of I.oteh and Donmeac Ilreol Long linserls, tweileryleh
a snort :woe of ?react zna Yhmoz itiOnzro .ong
Itroebe Enaels, of am, fir.—
ratio n 7:7e1 ZatrXPIANTALLS
rations stapes and Arlen, tosonfzetured rem rzeis
tar own Iropronzaz, roccirad znizratonthly per
tarns of
_UMW Ur rpoelai arbentlea of blatbrin noel Rea. Pond
P4mbants fa du' zhoze4. az they 'rill nod axon-
Pond al &sae* area rezdirsoaae.aaccla Lzmaz' year.
nraarnzzzed tbe.itr. •
Also. superior Trifit SHOW' STASOOO , tor Irzhlblthar
Irtmels am Mutt-Mak &earl In .wry colored Prinz and
Mob.; at 14 mod fl fteti. • • io=z-zi
- - • Office for Ponta Patents.
ingui.. Tork;and 168 flettg,Leadon-
Gnat !Imam. Frame, Holland.
Kzerepontles cansgaa, voa,
lalihtrealiau ott sbo7.
j b. A 6 / 4.
i ralmt .
oozes wwi .treat. cirk.'
Ba ez ior Black W CoP9i u Ink
EXPIIIEriat and
ate rums to me run.. -
gierte, yet n0n.....-111 W• • ot doe.. —l* so
a* ao • .4 es. • """.
rot. CVon.• » • 25
MelOn drought. ter Weenta"
t the keel eni4 lantmtnetaran. "II town finely—
Is wood .001.112:0 INli—ganl will not mettle, wool&
IneeintUtht Me and worse all the otmlittee rep air
-0411q.• tool nr Ink. othable tar the ttttlli, and •Ag
WM/7 Ibr the nteed
•no nottymed. to mooed to foraleh trade itt•
tier IN wort or he roalonntlos. al the abate very
lowilotook tht o r ee rer etd.lokad dellitned vsy nett
er noontsr me or Our.. So earns br twee. Donnie
of kegs are earned own Itt nett eo.t. • .
Helicztia, •
Prlftissca. Alex. O. Barry's Trieopherons,
i-Marna atela sd aVfayzlge•/41.nen.f
et tlta
en It
lanar ras rt, ta., ans., that lam luau= of •
skim st.r. td es ham, syll an the Waal
Sollanag manna:Mk feland tram. Imadaals al lawn.
Imp will my. la Owe Um .nlem of ths senersuom
attlattaa la which It er tham rho ban
Ilant—Dny fly—t ban lan • ea-
Masan omen at Um td a matgrantal nay.
•=1:41 ths ' Mks M tr mod aLt i rt ahyst.
*Mak sad hays min all the prepantams In the haft and
atla an known. alttaut Iran Wang. I vat adnsed
bY • hind Mtn your Sakapharan. dI4 L.l,
""1. 1
MM.:I I:. " &lr g r afi Vl: ' ,itr d enas ' or
et= A m J . ,. I.
yosp , otrioly,- roori• U'. M *Akira,
. . - . len Yozi, Id:4.
Mr. II 5an...4l POW ity—Anattaa yams an atj a ht ., ll l .
,vitat dsadriall ' irat tail t. slii i sadta tra yaTyttanna.
am mad I did m. tad la my mtaalnamat, my hale ram
=l, eastml. sad all ths dmatrall •dlammtand. aa the
• .•
With nalmn. /an yaw obaYt Mae% • ' •
• • - J 8 TIUGAIIW ELL. 44 Broadasy.
lf say war o, voila:on doubts UmaaLbratletty of the
alars v tlary Map. st.hafauar • 0 Bany's olsm,
New Ton. abaft Its will Janus ths artgb
. .
J.Frora the sad , Naral kw"
Thee it Do remMT ICS the peeved/dot ettell St madame
end. Cameo of the arealuto sateerellr lhat hae `te•cbld
the PoPedesetdored 1.1 the article ow - Professor
Itarry's Telco a. or hle=l Comm.& It - le re.
tetutreW of the coodeudtr; In
altocat suer oure l 4 L I Z land It la need lo serkerswe
ell= articles of the blzed. It !mane *kW thee rade of
thee hall 1 0 .1 ==rg i t t ellow i th a Aaaratkable ar t
Cilia ' . and gluey. It will tun WI dismal of b lea reale.
met wald head. dew }W m . and Ober ohoosknu die.
dere of the skier he rhenium .. well ueffkarr, - It sum.
unrivalled. It ("old he fuze tow., /Mond. ON.
IST thadwar. and n the thiete senerellr. ttimaahoot
the liallealStatee sodeesdal. ' ahlektf
• citratao, =MOM
gri.ONTIPUES his usual fiscilitios t reesive
vv Ramp, Fah, alma TrasalJpme.l..ll Mat 1 1.411 4 ,0 •
epatirded /.110. but. Ivan &el dallr tbs all whits
ot Um /Alt. Sad the 1111nolz Canal and River.
• -.
BT. J 031211, 111138011111. ' •
• • ittIIWLETON, ItI,LEY A MagE,
r‘eeet.. Caumbadeta, and Forwaraint 11crelianta , rosi the .
Rabe to" asowiri.natrdBLon,jrtaVLowl"44t,sitaao.:
--,. •
AVIT - 07 . TifffLE, Attorney et,Law,
and Commiaatotorr for lawkii, BR !dais. No.Pormaurdasslona Drosontr anaverrd. meals
TORN R. itAiiKIN, Attorney and . daft.
isllor at Law, and Cotamloioa.r Gw• the Mate o
haws, at. - Latdar. (latr of lltrabarrt .
Itaagranrww—Fituburga: Hon. Vt. Forwar, pton
Warr, arcandleas +Kluft. Jahn Y. Parts, Ils t
Semple, Ideoord A Ca , • inaakkly
mcgaiter Earn,
undersigned lusting r&
. enrirrlY L
T i tle end enlarged the above extensive eetitebe
mutt:door Mall shoot three hundred nod. a
mime, would renettfullr etre notioe lost It le me , row),
Mme remotion and memmoution of the tren/Mg
hrnireof the ttnetripMMt emmenisiumof
Mltome I. &ant airtleaonly ea The lumber°. Arnr.”.
an ,
4 erittch Sam been moot be propetir direh
sdratimment. Mun dtto my, tto
spend tO reader am epertmentrerket.
The tenants ma made a:mealy to order, remardlessot
met, end certain motion., qf It, ememelly the Drawing
smene.olll be Vend to o e of theincat brautlint onnetho•
tom- The Lining roa are momMee• ad the .=tl
Inetdit WI t
0.. meneemt at to cult the comerdeme or&
mum and
Seery depariment mill be durted to in ntnecomtkom
bte mermen and the *,,egte lamer that Ms
Aniert • MM. r Use TrarolV2 losee,
,Ipt,o,t , t t hamaftir4 . teei
AI 'I ' f., 0,,•-
Par .. Blo /71*ft:Po the Nal .114.11 4.
SLOT' 646efor,
64},fA 1 ct iding . blttell.MPOB g E p
=1:1"'"?"; hZelle
.. 4 .s2 = lller.).oteiwkzmaet. Itm tnteer
The Glatmeeter Iron Wain; at Gloneestor.
Sew J - L aw. X , CIIINZ SHOP, far the
lse otannikettow _ o trifATlONAßYanlll6lLalFlXAM
liOtazza. LOODAMITIBB. ne- c NOR &LLB.—
TM. establlanneat far the nnernsthstnse of num rnzbass,
Locsmoumk.fkacet. le, he mat Mtn WY "
Gloucester. ew on the Meer Delaware, la the ha.
connate rielabbah or the
_l3¢, of Phlhatelolls...eone
rhea Vire Marble. lrhz,
,: ernee 5 1.... ttr=
. 0 r a gra t *Ec n b ai
t ie ior s 41 , 31; i rl I ;ST ttc kce I
• net /4 le ta t =
fl=tho=p4=ntlier ti rDrnlef one et the ..0.4
• drPersons andetow to enter Into the bvhsese, Inked&
AbLe. omeeroltr Ler profitable Invertment.
'suasive &ton Stilt IMVillessterL altruiestUa:
nlankur steambeets I etyma the cease toslatistna
the Wats, end the Ctrs of Phllcale4hte.
it Aglleattm to be mate at the Wortt,at NO, IS7 Market
- - . Par Sale, .
'. • •
AV LOT OP GROUND, on'the'nes{ side
ja ; ; . of
r V a iVitcoi 170.1161) krst soutb %Val&
hir.14444 4•lllTtlawpm, :T. E74
". Inn L. At _ sl Law.
'7710:7Ar Yourgb at.. between 15=17145.1d tag Gnat:
A. LARGE commodious rWAIEI76[3E.
All)y17r""k" h""dViEDAPIMN.
- --,- --, 7 , --
~. • ..-Por. Sale or to • Rent.' ' '
Tllriolootodious two 'story lionise: just
nanpleten to tba won modern etyleorlth i large et.
and Ana 'Am. Owner Irlth an Leseelleakirell pf wn.
ter, elrnanta on Centre Amon marine tall gatAt 14..1..
11: /Man WI amulets, iB odired formal. nr In tint
tar Van*, of WC' SI. ARTINAS. or of
11 /I AltrlitTElS, at the earner of /bora 44 Smith.
- 17/04.1n ' /Past and ritepeten ecnn ..'. ' t • .
Set= Valuable Fan:afar
A: LL SITUATED tieei the ktltici eietPertit-
I& nitwits -.llaUxed, in tine .vitialty ofSaab 0510.
oconainlng from La Myra* Nub, and in • good state
-of otLLntbn.
TOWN LOTS, betlewn the. omen' Inisiteint
inn of th• village and the Donut st. Salem.
ogwhich will be sold on easy term Scribe numbs.
ors. Ptak in tbe Ohio and Pnunsylvania Railroad, O 0 In
either or the Danko In Pittsburgh. will be taken in
m I a SIP With to dolanta • piece of ground, adjoining the
Depot ground. to • reanpstont man or asapany. to erect •
tint thou Hotel upon. or. which • fountal• eau to bad to
cupoly the boom anti Made with water. -
blom L elm central pant between On titles of Pitts.
burgh and Cleveland; also. between Pittsburgh and Woo.
tan sad Abe .henont to baderind from the Plank Roads
paw being atastructed Wand hot Salem, meat 0 one of
t end bareetaat paint. oil the tine of raiboad for *first
Balm. Pi t July 1, •/0.-4jyAlf
loaded for Sirlorbmiet or trait of .1. kind, 'god
1 Ina fow raWitaltdrtrwof Allegheor market,for solo.
.1018_ A. %%LAMS
Fie - Salettetnallease,
. off In out lot No. %, ills original plan GM* tern
AUetiseny. froothasfon both Aloe of Wham *on, and
Alm. far rent tor One or tome fowl, • the retfdrie 'of lb.
onl Jot on the MU. ottendlog beck to attort,lately
• for l potato Won* o. mooning of Mr. 1109.E8 BORLAND, near
the premium or of Cm .antecrtber. 2ds *Moo:
niar tr. saezir imam& •
ADWEILING.II9I:I9E, - . gimtaining
.10 nlntn.ou -Polo-a ftnet.
I egbetry ctn. U313=1012, rantorbSehls lanit e
jeliftf WSJ the mouth a bird.
Valuable Lo on Third street for gale. •
TWILL sell the 1.4 oa`Third stfeet; ad
joining the Uplialclory EstabliAbionst a Wm. %Ale On
Mil ado, end the Ertre tlam. of the naiad
Oompoor ea Om other. 'Tee front cm flint nreet. OM
Pat, vitt • cl.pth tomer! Snood street of beim; more or
Wm. nu. mire NAO. one thousand. In Mod. the bob
the Lo to to mewed Itm bred end mootalim oa
tbe LoW . pareb t. la ow
ymloot.ite° yeOr4 Thou MO dot. of
cliAarza nsue.
.ilea. ittb.oglceof C . Mak, ON north . it.
kw_ 114 .N1%—.,1 threit 'story bric:g .
•. dwelltng boom elitist* nninligret. between
rant and /Ur_ g boas. Lowell gnientel with It
trent la Use tateein and aborewhieh then t. .
.s be room
with hot ma cold water. itiewsointiVett tweetnetely,
.House wad lot for Sale.
A. LARGE lAT, on Lescock street, Al
Wholly, running Unnaghto Usher. LoannS
goo on oaaa wad. with
reddest h 1:111 feet.
g"b"" l th A'l'k Writ
Vora; agrjalOgi. SCOTT.
TORE ROOX TO LET, on Market at;
mond dor from Yourtb. and adadidag ttiajd
Witch and &velar anon of W. W. Warns. Ms
Moro Boom has td handractattrzont la the dlr. sal fa
Um bast Jocanan foe a Draods and aancy Sodom&
Rent for tho Wan. aft yaw will 011, ./10** Kn.
g atm of J.011(8 Waal. or
_ . •
Beal Estate for Bale. • • .
VALUABLE via:proved LOT, on the
obraer'of...:4l.7aoKY Faetory rtreejs; riftlOra.t.
oPtoeta W Gana. Wbolle Church...3o tont fronton 1.fb
f.1.7 /001 , 44 do*P uPPT-4,g
~...' t togi t e t rick'Dwelltau ct iontor Lft4;il7 - ,
feirl.4%.Thanag d. . : t.
Araf, ban tr.
cant< atyi lad Aver y er " Tra ud jooma , •
441013. :ries of very valaablo land neax tellytt.
Almr—a 'ram of US acre to Wert - Doer fmn=l.
aao—a Firma Z 4 aces fa Lairmaktatuar. aliam
Aijo—inm to Samar conoty. of iaziooi 'Aoki and
Aloe ery , q =ttab eeryE
taloca ta Nam* d'xieer
Attiniamp af Law, aral itezlEstata Ulu% •
=rm. N 0.107 itrtarth street, tittsbar.h:•
Semi Street Property for thati.
rCLOSE - an Eoutte,, Two 'rery'deai , .-L
al o v.a t TLvzLikan r =tßal. "E
&la street. (web eentatairtrertht =ma and attle. with
bath Looms attarbet.subbiled hear ranwas with hot And
cold water.) will be ma The nounst we astir new.
$.500 will be required, at the thoe of DYtsAa, . tee trtiwtee
kr fro Mpg of , It. Made< doll htererhColersan Tfx
malt' It Ca. IL - N0.119 Water L' .telwrf So.ww
RENT.: 4 :AlVAtehouiet Wataia .
attut. benheat .11143.4 Ifei
.nr. inthOls •
lIPME ceUulnialied and furnished Starez,
11. an Thfra stmt. ant the Part 01!Fee, at ven t
`1 D 7 ltra- Paitr b as a .14...47 Paw.. kW
' soca' • , Wes s
_fl= ToTatman.' • - •
ACRES Farming
'Ann, wei., .In Warren located onto
ar, Within 'Orrin lanes of tka War Soil ani
cowl. f u nr u latte nenlentTna:
awl . 7 ' . • amee. of metope and ItiZe.;ta.
To Gardener'. ,
2r7NMACRE.S! at Gardening Land, id
vaar aja , a , asatt - datuattaa, Hr atd.o td •
y IA rad farjloo.l4Hatte—o. tblrd nub. sad 121
pram,. la 0., O.; tat .atikyqn. Far wrlcalsts
ija*"titirilkiNg. edj
• • tliyl Nair CC auto Ltd Ilght us.,
.••, • - -
.:,.:':- -•-. ForElala.'-.
.L i
rouFtiE nitinbers of -tlie FAirmoruit Fire Cora
perofren.thaV Lodge firs We. ;kis in Raid itr,
vllll nt
• Kidnap. Zwicaar
t • - - . .1 N.111.111,he1, , v : I
rAtt 4 ' ' • ' ' ' No' 4VlPeanstotot...
R 'RENT—A' Muse con . g .
sizntt. sLoni.atill art Wiltedlhtlakf. IL "
414.1r 0 rt Wt. lAtsh tat. 4e.•
Asso—rwee ;L,'
•or now ln Id yd.
betnen Paul stntat and Allegheny tivey. •
• • • WM. U. DAII.IdIiGINV • •-•
iil4l 4 .ll .thilitiliefern.thltnel.nnsY*44. •
Valtible Real Estate fo r tiale.- - •
arms - SUBSORIBER' offers for Sale; on '
- favorable term. lb. foaming Beal Satate. In .
air of ilitthorrh. viz; . .. . .
1 N . 9.1. Ur. raloWo throe earl. Wok dwalliag braes.
2 . Vir =Veen rlashslltral rem at+nwt, thr
l' -Wa 2. &Woo 07 ItelVlO b at n A OtrWet.
It U4l b, Pr i t c ab k glorlaw ( t. i d taM p ozz i r loot
~. =
No. a. lota t h =..1304 .... . ' lot
N 0..; wad a. below .boat 101 fart r ost *blab tr '
ad cot hlrek of lbw frame dwolUtiga,•ad ono swpFate
Vo..i.clealeN r , t7= b it,..l. - ovo4 . 4 th.
aboro,arri catew.llor to the top of itta lan, , - ' .
No. 11..21r0 Nit iota, each O 0 foot Stool. and mating
Doha OA road t 6 water Dark, on Us. Iltr lioarar. . .
_NO. 0,0.'111 la water 1,4,120
oar NNW Rams
ilt s tri . o=rater rowertowhe... r n . . .
.. r , , . 1, tO the . 4. A. bre' -6, 'lt! ii. c - 4 tt,i
two lop Intel store oral warebort:i. 21 b 7 .0 bet; alroowo
rrs , m 8 wed . bilniwirt i orl i r , ethltt. .. , • . Ibe.
tni idiot 112 . 7:t on 111.4 * way and about =ter,
coolataior 1.4 a aela, cc wMth aro arrelodAwo large frame
dwelll t r, *ad one mall faros ham, used tut an. arm
i. pery war Iral u terAti h tl=l ; Goat
inti &tat 700 Na ti .IP IU II I"
001 ' ir
frozo l ft.
rtrwe to
to. Water roarlkor. toot,[ path. . ; .
Apo tijo i ni=ll ,r o l l I.wer ti v orahls
anriarkat Watt& - .1111LW /1' 116, Agent. led .
. wehlll - .. Rounaal and hot top"
• or
• -
.111.001.01 DUII.DINGI.m tin Dame of W.A.
igalut Pros Mort" int ghat*, se the Pa
rasthaOmal, tha Cttrof Plttataralt. Tba Lot fronts
oaa-hmettrad ana Sheer ohe Pm. street, and
httoctratt and M tau tot e
ma foot ohm Inebe• Pi:uhtuaton 0.104
to • talroar hat atlef.. Lomalas of . • .
r • Ito. 100 Plum at.
sdiped often Ibr J. a 4;0 pmaber rtaleotto
tg"u a
lp te lota 04 aotem ro b tler . Al- 3 tlzahea
i o th = hoar eh
lap ihthara =r
Th 4. * gmoth of threshgham atat
=a 7 r . lraVil th 'o than • sofa of 17.4=4
redo:lent. Title prrhet. Terms far arable. .
thoul bortjrnitV•oll antra and atrasta, or o o (7umore o l a ~ ul g n a.OMotß f
=. "4 .P.ragrh-&* 'tat rirTIP•I'M7
NEW 11001031. NNW BOOKS:
. -
or LUesburiu by Anus. ,
',wits or • Salons of stix MU , akb•rdxst.
Yeast,. • tit% by tb• maths, of ',thou lat.^
Itaserw of • zatsrl or • kook of the LINA.
'The Tot - ores Mtwara/mt.
Travelsra ()olds wrousb u••
to tk ••4 (bassos, .
. Pam,: or tba Bnow MA; • t•bi of ilh‘• by Carats'
. .
no Mir or Wut IXAlked, • talx k 7 May Itovrttl..
The Daughtfr o f NizaX • story or um Dna.= .
N0r...14 isrms Boom • coroldr b 7 Y.
Yttratarf s
F 181 1 7150 bblo. No. 3 lanf i Nmk. , Fra
. mools4rsouttoireikby -
OR L 01314 '.t• lIISSOLIII
• amm Darer -2u kW 01,n:
plummet Palmier CLik.k. ebelms. res.
kr, mill kay. Icat tdo Mont
o ited ALI bikratdist•
el Alen unc4=acl:ALlL. vaw as
~,po ir I mo .or oalra, toard 6 or to. .
rsteszair Niztor I= ga,
leave fur thee and
04 thl .d.r. the nth rz:47.l.bant.
For freight oz
12 1 OR ZANESVILLE=The ftr i o
omdameismnastioar...asinwom 6.nkatra
4 ed . +ad Ato porta oa thlo day,
Yot &dab t Qr wow, la*
yonoa NEW:O RIB AN S-=-The l a t
. Wroditlties glamor ZINNIA"' R.
, Inner. lane thr the atoning all
.mpgor *lnersoo n tort. an infra nor at stir.stir. or nano am, co limn. tr. re, •
. ja. klliigh/162Q1fil: Jinni
a atag. PRAM Na 2. A. Y. Cram. =Atm
.wham Pfttebsktgb Wbsellng, potlns /311.1 M,
every Tatsmarusf •Frklsy, a 11 sedoek
tearer RsrofahCayll.,-IVbc.ftgrtm.mems?-
•erylllsdnesdayssid eWoe.ts. sr. Plimagell
attippers can
wat r er versca.prad n Ws boat ns4nissrlrfalsal7
kr., upo •
-- For Ilitght or mous. sopir so toad. - mylo
PACE - MS=IMM% Grataha John
• lb mama: Tins splorrolipoilwas bah
rr /ftme hayrick and athenater:.
la taint:ll2:A i ' cltsburgti Purist trade, and will lean
No . 2. ladJ ir
orD f 7 Annua - ti. in risco or tba Nee N.X.
Land !rela Ci tor VI rra bra , . i^
• ' ma/ ,•• - • . D. IAEfEtIETERE Erti
4.1., ALEIELINCI PACEM,,rbrahndid
new sadist steamer DIIIREAL. Can
ter, Lao. pe1161119114/21, resist. arargly Irina beinwn
this dry and Wheeling. Ina Pitt burgh at 10 eclat
arm. sr ndar, Wednesday PAI h il .d retuning.
leaves Wheeling_ amr Turadart ..ii ag .dt
hriza weak. For trantdrima .
, bort im g 1
INGPOEL—Tba lina steamer PACIPX
aux rnstmor. LE Joao. hr tits abur• and
tennianatir parts every ThurodartV'elnak. Pi id. • •
forpsightorpunign wit an., ZIA., , mr , • :
.m Sid. ' ' x.4l w.i."..MliTtaar: . ,
Watridur-------------.I9BEELDG AND
SUN7IB/7 PURIM—The ad eztar
Womn. WELLIMLLE. Capt. K. 164 4.1411 0111 =0
V•p, •• • r•rular 1••• et Walton PSUalmugh.
=a a t:VVg h :l=2l =
=3V Wh+liu S .
LhVir i afternoon far burabsellitle, WDown&
Port - arajtantlt=• • ••••••J••uftlft..
and Flour-A
pen: hidayallanwas Nor treigh — tr'
iiivareta•l W. B. VillatraTtl"
COUGHS, COLDS, iithussinnse, BRONCHI
. . ,
AMONG,the natamius discoieriea ScianOe
in this svuotratkui b hatllltate tto. Madness
te . loonenshlte ortbrylnink and even prokaut thi torso
.brunan exlsteme. none ow bi , rianzat ofniore
mankind, Qua nontribistkos of Chesolatry to Use •
Healing-Art: A vest teal of Its virtues throughont this
vest woolly, has porn. 1.700 d admin. tbet lto
mai m or oymbletattati of toodielna. Yet known. yen aosuralroute
trol end cites, tt)notttenine varlet:lmo( pohnceterydlmeni
.whkh have hitherto wept front our mitlat thousands and
Qrornands every year. ind.ol, there Le non abundantly.'
etni to believe a remedy bee
length been found' erhkb
- . an relied on to Ours au, most 4.4 . .......emtbai
the hangs. O. - new herr Yell! not permitus to publish
10 7 ntnPortloo of the cores effected by Its ane,' VT
present Via 'following Wald. of eminent soon. and refer
forth. eignhy to tbe circular, arttlett the atenb below
neared 0111 always to pleased to purdah flee, ehandtt are
full partied... god Lodirantable moor of these .•
Prom du President er 4.l7lerst =ex, tlereektonnof PRO.
. ••lcotea 0. Aa.r-elc I bare used Year Cherry reattoral
to my own ram of de mowed Brostehltle. and .m sattaled
hoot Ito eheadeol momitatlmo that It to so admirable emm. for ths relidosearial temmtdal tfirticadthes.
If my oration aa Detior Mamma ma be Of attl
oaretoot You aro at bbew me It %you think rr..
41mo tbs itattl egarea orzssche
•••.0.,.1...LD., - •
Yale. Coll Member of artratth'
Warm& of Manta am Mamma. • • • •
"1 Meta the Cherry Pommel asadadrablotto=dtion
ham tame of Ms tam eatable Yet Matelia If ' ond •
• ray otterf. ramaly for the clam of dimmer It Imam •
dal to mya^mo bt Star Masco. et., Non 1842. •
MAJOR PATITSON. I%3:idea pf the 8. V. Amottr.Matie
that be I= toed the CherrY Pectoral, trith avaderal flit!
-ma, to cam an toe- ,,, am of the ham. • -'
- Olt.:lrg,PM4ogrostallobes." . •
'Dr. Y. CC Ayer, LotrellqiirDear-/am mar ms `
,yom Charm Pectoral to =flambee.' sad= Mk
say other roodltim for palmottaryottobleirta,
rad= of room aaTer• cams . I ma oaarbated Itarllr t =•
mara....1114 and ablator of ital. that ham pat to
'd.e , re all other remedies. ly, rammoesta Ih
bee LS moos of taro, coosidar It south the best
1 . 66141.17 karma Mrthat tthemoe.',- - •
Itamectrolly L a. 0.0
ma add A
Bam at
a 'l l...tnv i rr . I"."I. MES
Sg IMiregig
f 3 to
ibmby iat gl
A Valuable Improvement in.Tinosei
DR. ITARMS. Implored trred Patent' ,T S
and HUM= Imuror. .blob
mare cm be gargled. MY Troveentirely
dlyryot ID'
form and tainc.thles of sntion Limn other.Triassos. haring
all the aderotteime of a wethrtholated and uniform prose
itm. Th. pm/we ran be so regulated en to give tem sod
etefort to the meet (Wheals cues of Honda, nod ain ha
inerresed to almost =rum. daslred. Tee pressure is nor •
toral, and being inoneht to Ds immiallantr i er the
bornial of , ==. end ellording perfect secarity Wm.
bee id umes. wont tinder the moth lidera attrelse..
11 &ha mit of g e ala Tron. when Waled omora t 7 • titlit
..,:r7%.l:=V fatettbdi'
tam; which Ls not an anfrequent «mem* to the Imam
inif of Ulf adapted trtmern.. _it le commottomettce
tor omens &Mend with Rubtora to Week trese mins ,
ply themselves. Thie is bad practice. which can be
seen impha thane who tintlenmend th e mtataill7 at the
piths ell hernia
We. moot rmythfitTlf even the attr...tleti of Pim&
elm. to this Tromb - ea we kilow they will ii;ii;rri , thath ty
mootATe harow *sriet it ; ot ,, 4Ar .. .'rrmi t tvke
• • w •
• Dr. Hard's Abdominal Suppaiteri.!
FrUIESE SUPPORTERS aia intended eldef
..m. •11- n. theme. of Pral.mala Utarl. sad all dram
e.anl where • anechankal=r= to
nrannen The ice
tort b arL•
'M t. * la '" %y tr " Tribe ablosalmal manacle.'
71lichaanla 7. 1 / b er of the Boels. Pileat Costly,
Mfg? 3 1' 6
I . alpltation taw Haut. darkira
lb) Waal R:P t
• . •
...___ _
__. I...itar: Oft. 4. leg7:'
• 11. IL Z. naLuer—uf your Vomiting., I ear 7 „ ifget
.beelteliatitbal, batten anal let rtunateely In UT er
for the lest furor bee seen,' think It decidedly tb best
'Preparation of tter biz. Id of w'bkh I. torr s e=knowledne.
unbolt:la here heretofore used the pre of nor
Other trattufactureru. A.Olllll ,Y=6..W. I '
- .
. Prepared and mold by IL R. SELL n'
67 Wood W, ar.4
auk by drug:2We neueredly. • . . Mil '• ;
exCellent assortment
. "=m th r ma.,
I '
i4"-t-b"P !"'4,h ar taut"! —• •
..Bonnet!: 13annet0 . - ..; I •
ItECI) TIILS_MORNIN, Of Expreor--•
c m...., anabncin. ill th e ulna. and oroitricetraW
sty of Ilaturto now worn. - • ,
ie.zakrmitr. t arlallazatiil:*f.fallcrtnain
ibe au.l4ca of pairs i. inti vl hrli . Lid' to!.b.g•
aboro cooed a- . roor7l . . 1, .1. N *CO.
I . , ‘
ARD OIL-10 bbl for sale b
... . . .
Awn° WILL SUFFER tor the 'lake of ea
.V IF I viva on Dos ? Brestsee great Amerteen Rests,
dy *ty R.Eke, raiz Sur Rae R 7 '' - ' ' •-. ' L - - .
Oi3 . smuts ST Wool 1
se dollar', stortb Retreated the moat dteleolt eases:
TIMOTHY BWI-44 413. for oalo by
CORN-500'bu. for oalO by
A RRELS=2OO new flour, Toriutle by
- pownEß-- r
• • , k , gs lawtins. Elactudne;
• ' 2tou " to arztve4
• - NA) lo Dluarlar; Curio].
y tr tI.bILIVOIaII a W.
SAFETY FUSE--.25 - bbls. to arnye, for talc
tr tittl J. E. ott.woterit &co
(10p,,N--35 blAt. fur sale In•
t. oti 110.11112,11.E.1'Ll
tj ~,~a vi rroei u:
11310TASII-4.1.1 casks , pure, for sale by
NOO lbs. for for-sale by
TUItPENTINEz.'-'lO bbls. (to ar
k., OTO for tO. J. KIDD CO.,
Xid tufa lAi yealre for inbLog braid, cakeso.dei, by wbkh
saving of 13 per cent in flour arm-va. Yor ago by
A. 31'CLU110 it CO.••
- - • 3.3 a, Liberty at.
lOLASSES-200 bbls..N. 0., for 8316 by
4.* R FIAT.
ISU—Mackere, Shad, and HerrinA ; fur
T .A . a....301i1d5. Boston, foi bale by
I 51.1" I A : IMAM'
100 doz. Jut rcr'd and lOr We. %.41
by . . . V.RELLERS.
1025021 " Arent for Pluaburrto
Dreaurittaar, (*Mta F . lttsburgh.) Year L3. , 116.
W. R. E. SELLERS , --I take this oppor
j. 'realty of tastlfilng ta Ihror of your Invaluable
ya IC . A NAIL IVO YCHII SP3. I wat uteri dont rrith
rerere Inflammation of the laver, Irea so natural by
.alght meat. aml other eleera of tole dreadfaL o.laeaar,
that my Ilia was despaired, oL fitter oteeremeetwdtal
ert, t Ina adriemi by myhysielan to try your Jatraill
and. mart .. r that a lter-taller one Dam and a half.l
hare been moaned to reasonable health, vrbir.1 ,... = . 1 .
this time. I tbereirea rate pleasure ILL others alllieted with
vertfall. dmearh of tbe o L t i l yer.
roars r" Palla ° Mier fai,.., 11 . ere . cannier . ite az
haw Imllltiona The wreathe d sold by
Ira IL 67 Weal et.;
. ' -- '
K. Bacon ' siffnecessor to Roussel) Yerthmes
•• - , : =.olsHaticikerchiet
. .
V_ XTItACTS a .Itoie,...Orn'alge FiCkiegi Jes
xj. nrelne.Var in *Verbrna. Sent Pe,,, Tindal*.
calmly; Violet, tte, - Mantteurs' Beery nat. an
nwaa.loenuet de ant Gerstell ' llelietrOpe Calm , .
Atatteenthe, Tnarrese,•heAlunat,.ll%elte. Itoeteinnaa,
anatatala. JeekeLkak Lan., 11,,,, a m.t 0 ftataa yloweea
Cannata., Vint Jenny , Lan. Castle:tautenas &eat.
nal Extract Musk, one mates bona. • iLb 04... ' U P -
1..... AU the abort 'Ettraets,wltleh arenas a tart of hie
enanment, era of tba ter, - ben asnlita• b6 " . ' "" '"
."" 1 with ortmdate.... The antennae .4,..,...te in Chi.
counter, rally ten the Ittalt entruguanta 'which 11,.7 we
b "'i,: . b L ' , ' ° ...`°!.: a t r• n k . - ar wcol 0:
White Paint.
tdt and tbr sals At ant. 7 And D Wad AL
the Attention or flown and fat
Pilittato to this artiste, which we bats bsen urban - (or np
weds of thew months. and can rasonintand Lobe Co
to whits lead rest.l . . In swag nispeoL Of jog
IhntlitirtilarnTratieriTdusd. Onllit=l4.= hardnes. and is moss dzrable tor had& aro4
worn. It:silk not rat:intl. and as washaW w
trilskr anrlsit=lnt• lead. W4h. ' s. '! , !t ll
1•••• - J. a. nairipa...
.. .-, - . Twill's' Predicated litield Cuticle. -
1 •
lIIS ARTICLE is intended for family nee,
and ahmdd to blend to th e Donut® of arum rasa •
tho toad. Yorkaniap oho wiz coastal:it Wages of
Nor) . to their room. through Wide= out the taw
woe orsa• sue of twit. tit kod thio smolt to twin •
toaao to
o. them. and en. a far trial vall , onskior It to o
pkrooat •
- ni., =or entity nu It, tbs lublerligbed. /wing II;
one:WT .I .Mo toe of Jed.r, Yolk:LW 1. 4 . oil e t ak . ,,,,..
rem Yews. Pktolotd .k Color.•1• Q . ?. ....
cheerful y ronoromend It to Oar rrafesoorod
ias exceLloat sabalttdork.r adh0ei.. k .1) , .... h . to it= " :
m i lr42l 4, ao s t o f . . i ,... b7.1s si mot t . t .....afrd.
..' - aI.IIILES 07.K/E.ll. /LA, • -
WAI. B. CA ZE • g._llk- am
D. lIARRIS mi. N.D.. -
.. . riAllt.tParg i'14231:T...
- ELIA:MA:NI /SUM M. OR., &Ude.
0,..6.1, 4 .1 % u nraenAnn bbl'l.4 is Oa CATO
Pa rale by-11. A. tur.esixtmaso. . -
..21 . emu... Woo l andAust sta.' -
_— --
LT IS put tap in quart bottles; :And cont
. ton= the strength of =mem at Muth Wawa.
Isr bWg.2.lr4ta__ 'mg"
It hes both nail wieldier:Rd has ea -rats' flat
E...3.41..,.bma are Gad mar : I .7 .t ; l =not i Vit the
oat) e re . jatteam hew diseases fMat an bn.
Iwo L Atige .d rf l aftl, the azof meth%
i hermaby.
*min JOLLY .sMa..z.rra.,Mo sAM
ft is Das imur prepentuort before the lama. tag le
Dremmed an elabetir odentitio obi of =um.
strength She , wiattont marl •
Lto prim. sal eater
..I=t l V lll— tatmeet. eet to
etricteet -sid Mote, and Ito amadoomemonammaal
_77 000 f &say.lll
.a 4. ch.gc?re ccat;rotto
' .
&coral* eti Klim'e A lec. Pinion. Tacoma !bastions of
tho Vin.;ll,Agipo Forw=lor
- I Alma ta=haDedelsts"lloote. ' .
leer. throll
btl Loit
the ogjf
• Glenomi c t i bil i tty . Dror . Lem: .
• mm.,ae..a : = pada 4aktomeoPthM•
rain..., Affections. and all eaboe dimeme tem/14 tt , •
- • moDucz disitrwrna:
Ltere. l .-..1it., Womb keretmlerithm ethaphdote.
hick mod therm. Reada&aLow BMWs , Night Barth,
rueskamomnzli. ha Life. Clothier Chartttanimiel Die
td the kb. aeathe 'U trel relu:‘k.ant rommarr..."ll;
.I:arise to Mae u.r. or Cer&grao orator melte. or 141-
. jolt,* verbatim e H of . eartitkale now la . ametenehm o a th tca- of =Ws
Mee. E. W. b god orarelly_knomo se an
Emltsent seocandlibst restorer u.K. Clutch, and
Hem. E. has boom blown se ono of the moet
rot 1.4 Mier
_e om ' er
th.ttle=fo , e 7 ormsoa of sawn for the M- m
Coat V* woad wot.* !num, or run"
consnotorc winnow in feroecc tor meth/. r • -
Rentrrecticaong tF.cco car Eon. Ofieerl n rmor of
47E. W. Eattox—itst. E.'EMramon... ' Ater 1.1),
• We bare wed John Daft, fareamadthy sad non, known
It to be need, with entire satisfaction: nod ere hem ,. ma h..
Ration In stating that ere Maim at, be a ado trod rola
~ ood medleal emapound, and mkndeled to produce moth '
and rallere moth - torerisort end aronbithardare
eerfollr tragommeirtly. nemstmad it the sa
fleted.• thimeed)• - W. ilal.fON:
1-171.1'.3hiaaN. •
13.2A1M/FUL ninon enz - ,
Row re' adodre a char bovatiftd fltho skin. and •
roar Wooed them. lime on., do we as tenons. .2_1.-
mooing this. "deelderstmar no deroatir to Do whibed,- ro
rortma to ononeties, lotions , teethes. palate, noel colorinC
mmentis. to natem to Ulna a send:mom of atom dines.
Rhed:giro:l thoto of. sad thyme. gmatttiolfr
ebieadfjtVtostho remoaths eig-Airtiets of
mortal and diseased merterfront the bloat, maktholtyam
healthy; Ithe :Memo.. etyma mann... to coccr minute
mewl, and elmotatto the ellow and Cart comma. to •
the axon: .d trodden, of youth. ladiat• ebereloa the
the of colon azo, nastmts, end nee DoWs
'the °air. effectual mealy: word to the trim 1r ea ll s~
dent" .13. • cowls cacoan to the lathe. -. ,
&dowry Like Mt Folkirrieg,;l7enitert .Yupeyirtious
all Cooinient Effancest'of 8011. 'Sam.
Prmo Dr. L. P. itesnat, Profeaeor of Chemistri Tin the
fottismille wn , teat Colima
lo1; 1
bsetes.illa menthe that tiler ento • a conthoonZert -
one t bat
promisee well to 'sale dbeeltee t, t9 whir% le
ed=l,. L. P. D.
DRI FIZZ% PcFsc Lk Los-
Osaid Marine don
tr BOLL'S'A.
I bamteormained the immeetpano Orerathot of
Soho awns &theeperilla, and a
the corm mutton to
Ix en esell.t me, nod veil ea:al:dated to pthloce so al
terative Impreation on the system. -1 here ...Olt both
Laireiond private premiaand think it th e bort article of .
mine inner. hL PYLLW at fk.
raattlire4L,'"..l3' tler
tone no other,- 3113.1Wiii.1.,
140, vooct. 4ftyt:Ptuniy•zn: Wholesolo nod /WWI
A CIMI/f4D. .67/Mi ' Sod • JO8: f DbIII se r a. Silo
thenr etr.smi br Drtharisto acomallr , jeLlsilaitzma .
tsitaltettfltioriLE.l,-.. - .: . •
. _lv ,. lOW. Making Mown.. Incitaint" ' ' Won.
I. itommuores. JeothirrheaonWhitst.imegularMoregroatho.
Incontionence of Shim,. GenemlPrcarstion of theLyetem.
Denieserd Spirits, sad Olocittittate of Illtd:Are Mired by
'.Dr. Agoura irbrud of ThlkorDona mad Som2nor,whlet,
giro inonediala rang hy tranvia; the Nantsin of . health,
cod etnakth:Gui blood. xv.-.1...n.i w bed b et e of
catuatarral secretionn, and glen besittu'arGoti to all the
vital powers. - _
Its mild alterative ‘ ' t, - ZTnertio rosier it pentliatir MU
' eat& to the ender sat delicate ionitlbatfou of the fo.
nab. It hariothdelyontistarreht that distraiingracrouse
cera Md . laminate en , . ammon„th, the fedollo fauna, and
butarts in enemy and booyate , y . ia iturrridna .0 Shoe
are grateful: • Ire havw Wane. , on Li ibteir Indices ur
ktronalr A. ........d • thii mritar. tb...-tiall.rPh,
'Wotan net beta blessed with panning._ , . ;.
.proismie Mai. or railine of UM Womb, of Lre Team sten.
. War:inched If te: Coyote. Ditratt orYviloWDOck cud
,gamateuute. after every other. lalown:iy had been
d, 'Dime! rolitft, ,', : . ~ . '
`.. '• .- -". - , Ineariirmi; G.,..i , : - 14 lUD.
'Ohio eertillii that in/ al* igtid V 'yOre; haituffonat
troden hr ft to coroithant tortive Mord marl /all that
tithoetothed to her hal ~ flutv Ihr &or ream onathualy
employed the halt utelhad
attire:Ai he morared In
fhb bothat of. thsbiarder; wnateaylemill Whitover.
thanalso inurchsawi Play
er nstruentroncomenthel for
the nom Of Orb areal", alt which proved wonthiro. ,
, r Di the. owing , of lather wao indirerdly MY friends to
' try /.:O.Cilitymotea TalLow Borland astootholliaorldettwas
mo! Ilior iaar artutba.. After ihe Md. uod Dig:about four
r'1e,.11,, it Wm evident to all MI& that into, vie' [Maiming.
Midtharttbb tau atm Inmerwed nrithr:Mtd galosh Desk
and: Mrnuath,, untli a t ot ,ii tees enre yin; must mot:lent
ir.,an: . .Wu. Mtnif Olt.T. •
IF., Vitae weigithrte 4 , ;-wkt....1 Juiialkelief.tno.
thm the above stataments, as to the cloisters of MM. Moo
fort. and um the coot being eCectol by Go y;ctes Yellow
loth ithd 8 #4.0.4 4 ; .a" ttdttir Pr.. •.- •' -
-- •4i,~ , .. ~..
4 ~,
".. 4 .M a t: ,, L 4,:i, t ,--. :
--,-- %Ines ' Big ....Ca..4 ot 0. it T407104:- . -
.•• huim.2l.2. Donned I 13.7•Gratc: Gabietho in idol -
I Ow attOked with Moira EviLla thy arm. whietthecum• .
so aute,l email not too it,'and to Intimoraftlation ret in.
1 emaloted. at dillerent timer, nob phyinistiof belebtitY
within my roch; all told,ase royarm Muer he amputated.
'Froth the a/medlar to the throat was full of rulming
iis.: sty strenstb•if tele time was cr . ... 2 .4lo,elYekhaurt.
ad, sod jay mom tourb.conalatech .II Maimed. in this '
Mato until Ilia. when I pow. an itivertiermonL(orotre
Yellow Dock and Faroe/a:Gin) width tidal. andseui for •
bottle of the artiele. , !thlyisitt's I - ether Scakethd Nampa.
rllharurs4MC . I, toot no other rectely while mio.; it;
o.lo.slier vss.ur wall tot,.. s",b.,thydAntli hot.
'Da Mar used It at the fast anwarance of tlta..latly,l
am ore it Vocal ,tteve cays 4 roe fruit yearn essts 'stst
suffering., I Wel austatly recommend every Imam rot.
thing under any similar dame., to use 'fin :Yellow
Deck and Dameoerills, width OD Met' melbas to beid Gt.
/ors. In planate, . ,p. U. L.ID.N.a.T.D.
. .
Cos of un ags rattled atm of Ersts44ai.
. ,
The cares perftemedby Dr. Gnywat's Ily.tmet Of rrllo.
Dark andfaretparilla, are luting.- ,Tio3 rattan, amerui
health tont/num to Mogen after dixoei Is riloweed.-
Cures are not:thronielold until lane Dr& fully tested that .
' thereon be no relapse or returst of the theism- •,• ~
• - ' "".., 1 / 4 1 1.0 1 od.. - re4 - sitiii ;iB5O. .
S. J. rwaniat•&-Co.,,erat. Itisittbiacatidtaithe that
1 writ. Mt shot the very happy eLetts. of yoryciallow
Dock and eirsapaillls upon my tau.‘ La hmlong,taine cut.'
'Gotha ender Shot dreadful and Icattudiai dißale, trythe
- as, with which ho wairdlicked la Id;6. - lad arse kr arr..
al months suess.a sr Asps of o.4 shr* - ,i , h7Shthwto, . _ arm tied their skal parOuringly Er AY. mo uibe , wituoitt or
browthael moths whatortv'.ll4benetedubancia Mr. •.
trot iilothtot. Ili had .tamma titothilla htp,to - Id,
abkh wan omtharrally. dhabarsina..thzuesingly arena. •
matter: Modica] end eurakid.kgtl.ii 14rui: iti.k... .
Add that hi. we was hOpalsorthari-emdi.biaothing
done to arnotthow, terrible smartmwth...tdoers. kly neigr
tors sad smelt ustikks taidiss:aStimss•si st s..s.
One st my might:en:(wbu, but cant sisnLis essorsu
with Joss IssslnsttsSuOtebto)lristail mitt make trait,'
t; and, MOO Lona the maims destre to de ernactidna who
. Me lastal.' Muth ifrtam ini hop. avail,: relief: /thecumd
lams Wars Of yuctr Yellow A , ok.amVEssiarartibi, and
ontoterod ming it; and Se mr be -beau
to hammy heft% be had land the third bottle: end bofore
liflialanitta half dusitibothiesitthreralleart. Ile •
,osed thall twelve bathe dorbui the Par idtd.'estdbr 0 ,
taw last be was perfectir rederie.l. L e er y eenlvei,t th e
diseuN except the seas, is rantovoi. 004 Low remain: to
perfect halm at the roma. ram. lila reowery. owlet
the blaminn of God. is erairely owing no the u m ,i ~,,e,
'fellow Dock L aud gamapsitha: od I sour.:, ru. thata fat
.myolf under pot oblimdkare to you. an:: :t 4 witlig,,yt . '
Joy that I ialban Tao of !hat your La.a , ttoilila bad dour
for my go . Easpectfulli.. , - '.
Fkda At J. D. P.a. (mamma to Zazfoni d l'ark4lauth
.4 NLnntetrwea. Cdeddd.d.Obiee Ciceeril A...foe ILe
swb aW W.l. e to Atemn sll orders menet I. Aldree..l.
. ./.1(1dd A Ge- Er..i.freowsco 0i..; L.C. L
Les Bath., AUmbtlit Mtn'
st, muselL Woottlaros. L. IL Boyle. Culent..44
Irani. Woman= 3. Emata.guaktnot, 3e.1, k 411. a..
Dale...+•lt.ali tone adddleXtedr.l4r.tlrr, ildilitlabAre
laldebradd A Co.. macho(J. Z. Wriah.t.- 1414131nz:
co. ItrookliDr. A. Wilma A ted4rereae. bon:
Meranand 31codiir,e tt.*-21* Co.
1:414 Orrabum .11 Parket. Iterocr. James E.kli k Cri, 311.
bin& maim. &wren J. o.B3motits , 'Woirait P - a V.
8. Joaes,Coadentmet.P.Crlvitr,Jr..ltrovngrt26. •
jer.Ptici—da per B.ittle; S. !kw. jor sz;
Beytals_' . Piano Preceptor..: - _
KLEMM' has iust reathecf.Beters'
calebratad pnietryier Pfau, witadl.l'
• kdiat by.plictoW.w Ines tbio rettersy d
Ytirom b. iw hart nirark at tholeind wor, zniti , b<h“L
1.1• T.
. er. well Lama so sae at the mot stowoo.tod eollsPottdo,
Solt PeIMIRII WIWI, ILL brre Stlpph , ll 1t.%
. o *m/31dt br =idol rdtdde. it xt st: cloacae.
MIIIMIthro mad imerasuor tb. N. i.dikixt it.
„tation ma taxies. Mu Emily facillimime la..tb
let.tb•Aftw.hat. Imams awl Wm.. dna atotty Of mo
tto Itattplsoo plartag. Tb. foliar:no rrotodurtdu trIT•
eltamisi.d vork, roternot to:
2 1105110nl #sitOrsto 1, 0. lCot4. jafi'