YUBLIIIIYED BY WRIT'S * CO PITTSBURGH. MONDAY MORNING, JULY 21, .IMitS READING MATTES WILL REFOUND .01r EAbHP,AGB OF TILIWPAPER. • ' PEritannuilleaD . .CLZVEWlD. Rua. Semi lfznio;-1-Ititabe' -,- seen by our advertising coltunnsttuit %ea • Dubose hiterisied in the rvivoi•len of t h e h• . - land and Pittebtugh Rail front Weledlle - 4 r to Beivirekvifil be held . attlte,roonts °fate Boayd: s oirTtule this " A:to'mOtteto - Board of lienietere of - the Cleveland 'and bUrgh and ihnbe ptmeat na3wil ieport upon the present iintfutnrei' iircepeetn, of the road. • einnot dt4ttlisewhat they hare, to eaj will . t toi gmor. intexakitgl itetimst raped ' • foe one otm hitereitiaifor the high etuttaehteotthe ientimenicenposiel the ReT7. '; mtttee :ewe: teem it *ire "Mime& W,* nay add that' this meeting isnot - • -the xi:suitor thepiesemeeeeiteßent In relalion 'Wean roads. lbsto of some thee liVetiens deter. arisageosect:: • . . - A:ll;l3r4,o'' + xaciresut.—This is s rne/ co. ,Muticeicitutt In • Pittsburgh paper, bat one which to to.beccane4amnice hereafter, as math so as s .., ....- . - stesenbi m e. • On Saturday alleinosts, the first railroad skim:Sea ever . Ma& from the city of i - ' . .itieburgh, took Phiei ow the Ohio and Penn. InsWaiiiiiiad from here to Enchester: at the. Oath of the *war. ' Oaths morning Of th at y, ate - ,President end Chief Engineer having --, -- *gel over the line in a lised-car, and finding the "cataloged . Up, And in' pretty fair order, planned anlinitrampnvescuridon, in order to try, •-,', therm!, with locomotive. - Abmit tbur o'clock notice. was given to ale" scullemia,.S Pesten-, : Her - ear" and- stjamimptive "ire ,Prepiired, and alunt forty *moans: biting Stumbled; the first ;rout left amidet.theicindebeera of thaaSsembled. crowd, ' Some Ettle deteitticin tOot"phireat the n , •:. auto stition,"hich point ire left at five o'clock; ion our exploring expeditlen. : - Altlusughitie ittOp, ~ ' pod eretittetitl7,ltrotti"ierione eseses, *I. thiee , • times to I j take n' passengere,"ited Once . to ifoo4 . and. Water, We Made the trip; et 25Mperkto 80 , cheerer in 'Mli' hour and fortidtro Mitinten . it was ;neameary to run idowly,sis It VAS *lite .rierk part of the ear, cud we had the iticoteatiie behind us, .pashing us along—not a • " yery_safe way of ...tun. lnrt we'irrired safe • at the Federal :licet elntiaa about nine o'clock, *tring beeri absent `about fair hams and We found the toad In excellent order,:conaidsring that the laying of the Iron jest finished; and rhe'track is -not brought kite pro Per .-- order. We litre 'trieellei over the :treat 'midi' seat,-end eildrect hare...fOunti one smiudirei slain this in its primeitteardmiehod state. • . This first trabi caused great excitement among the inhabitants on the Wiry: : taking • them •reatie , • what bk 'atujuiso:---tutri worrier, aitirifirdtment; admiration, etaitjcij were, virally,. depinteri en :ItUrriequateriance, while' the shouts which rent the air; and. the ;rating of lhaildkere*efe. • tied the feeling wtieh mai struggling to Arid rent 'At a large minatef of ladies nod gentle:.' ineu peeled tte; knd the high hank abotrithe rand atEn:moray lined with the entire Pope: .lation; who twat& their •rulteirirtiori.: with 'the, • waving of hots; harecikerchlefir, sad loud theerk•l At Freteirearthetridnitiur related Wilk the firing bf Crimea ;and every other demonstration of joy: wide!' the-sparOf the could • On the edge of the berouglfot Beehister; the:, train ira9 , broirg/it 4)*atop, - tia that belligerent little placer has _reford;this Ear,' to, permit the • iron balaid wres& 'TRAM in their town of ?erdenttrl2oo feet. Here we tear omniblzses and j ...rode down to the Pstrillitin House. • While there, krt dompurey with the Chief Brainier, we,rialkedl cutest the line towaudeflrightoa_ee ,far as thel .Thetrack is all Ishii* Brighton, w,itit the exception. of the-said 1200 feet 14 the • ..eastern .entrance of Beal:Muer. "'The road his had 'great difficulties to' . ezieocitLtair iu getting through this. place; not m ore sinnet of the diffiiridt emtore of: thir j getratak, than from the sic _obstructions interposed -by the people. .• - •..But acre tratibieadma Raastioili arei now nearly • .:settled, coil ire hope that the beet oftemas trill herrater prevail; between the company and the .". - peopie at that enterpidekke .boroughi• The ; road etudir.,63=wileyo . 4ol,44,-poiter Eiek' of thei Turflike' Ifouse, - iiiestiiirt drop , ' cut through' the and coming coif ou .the bank of ',the Beaver Creek on the other aide.. • f: All the work le of the mom substantial Cher : !art, rand .rellects great honer -upon the en timers, tinek-layera, i j and ell the officers of the Company., But we defer. - situating em. whsle mind en thlisubjeet, :main the roadie faunally: which will be eome day this Week Moat prohably Saturday um --It Ic row' r eipeited -that the rood wilt be opened for travel next 1t97. - • w a g the pinnongers davit :with ni r . wan stone gentlemen of thiem, Ohlo, on their inisy homq irhoexprossed greet pianism.: at dui op leoonliy :of enjoying; this_ enri . WA,at.the Ind-- costa cantnuniesUono sc soon be"entablishe# F*Wein Fißsiniet and thole beagtitol and adv., log iitage .'We lure no doubt fthat thin ettß orating rude yin ivivagats our' , friend. ,lir. Stnwt,. , Rip - Solim Director; to the most aethn rollrint the enily loieclingwfthe '!bad to Ain.; No. •...Altogotheii the emotion was a delighttol can, and long, *nal we remember with pleasure oar - that telp do vie Ohio apt 'Pennolvanis Rail Soad _ . 12MIN - ogro AND lIIRANA RAiILROAD. • . , • • ourwhole community is mated on the subject of west= 'railroad connectively-ire cm . ' brace the maternity to turn their attention to project Squil, it not Superia, In importance' any of the taloa oalitmis einnomplated, to connect the vent, West,trith the grist ;:aszantendas eitia of the seaboard.' And here we rasa; in the . outset, to ask the espe c ial attention of the marshants and ea: plazas of, PhilidelPhia to this projectwe frith to;catl to their attention, as well• as to' that of our own citizene,:as It to one in which they are deeply hattrestect.and to an extent far greater, In'our estimation, thantirthe Uemptield project .s mbieb has so greatly ennead their sympathies: . The projected Chia and Indiana Railroad is note . stronger to Our readers, as we hate fa quently reverted to it andhave giTtn, from time to - tine, all the Inforantion - we' had upcni.the aided, but we fear it hisnot made [lath:spree, slots upina - the public mind which its' hip:mance draninds, and which it should receive, as Me eon tiAuatioos of our great east and wet line: •-• The - Ohio , and Ludiarts'ltallread Company cogimiced under a charter muted by both Steles for. emesistating js attract . from creeiline, the wan= jertalans of thd Ohio and PentleyinstM railroad, to Fort Waynej on the Wettish and Erie Canal; Lathe State of ilisdiona. Its length Is - 180 ndlestts extending 'orrr 'eaters road in a directdirect " tine troiri Piti*ugh 316 =Ra t a:O%Mb ' accmtry the whole way traiturpused In fertility foe.the production of. ngrienitural • ankles of commeree...i . ..; The Coll:Turf 6 enquired and county sof Individual oritiaol3tioni 3 Of . 1 took; to the *arrootir of $470 000 have biOnObtobrod. ; - - The, iotto room .tbroogb . th e -.mit, or Crawford, -.ltriodot; fimden,Allen mia Nan Were, is Ohio, and /Wert 'coortry; 4 4 through the towns of FoOptF4 Upper .61 11 ,1414, i . .14mo, Delphro, arid . Fan titre, in p ' hlo, ; o2histes it Fort Sfalrot T/to sobseriptkrto of mock hosert!eorkrft.....a Crawford, 000; -"" ,0 6 0 Vfyiodott 10 I Stoo .. 000 " Ohio .1" - . 100,000 Am in , indium; 100,000 . Toirosilps, Subctriptiorio; 60,000 ledlsideascarieripttcov4 ;;". 7 0 0 006 • • , TOOL ".8470,000 The s m art oteesieary to grade stebtobigethe nod, eitoordhly to the filth:tate or the.trgintos,, IA $470,000. It fa thus teen-that the metes or this soefie pot, ytoblemsOesl, but G ' sa9rnd be - peekthe nett of &Item It Jewel/on the same' ..posittos eixeryliel by the Ohio owl Petinsyhinis Relined Coloysoy, sod bY,ther most '1)10114,111.:) . 133 Cad Ottetetegal roods hathe Uelteit fiteles.' be. lieetai's glisacia) liaise, in riiiirosd:eitior rites, dud wfuswrer teapot stades& nen be osi Oar Unita Fide sOdtnidg. Frajn.olgind pique Itforthetarnitnaktberelo4 , .:" ii=2MMINE no difficulty in procaringthe foadsmith vtdch to purchase the iron and pluip the road. by selling the bondi of the Coinpany--4adhhenhpojen any ,r 00. 5 14: b. ***ter "—". i° 4 ,0 11 .."01° b o id 3 . bacanee itS ,ii4denad th,141:011 tat e*ttahli t Ml4,ither,tbil*. Kati Nat, Tblh4 paean liier taqie4sT, tato Undo otOhio, rti i be one of the ntraigkqeflon4, tie urea Pa feet to the idle, etta , ,the eureittunee will be .vim =l-The•Direetorg Artie Campiny *to ,difficsa 17.:fri lirtlii:solocriptioas of - 04 , =lodes of Crowfo end Wroadok, growing Oat oC the leislitudeiof individuals who !Wood to control the eastern terminus of the " road. These periwig have procured injunctions on the Coao3ls3ioaeraof those counties which prevents thein from issuing the bends for the payment td• their taunt , ' eribscriptioris., The^. queitioii - Issue hue bent referral .to the Supreme,Court, which meets in Dectonler,wild there can be no doubt, that The in,inuction will then be removed, la the nieintime, the Engineers ere locating the tuck for letting, .and.'if the Direemis can • negotiate Bonds En - 8200.000, • kora the county :ofAlbni Ohio, and Allen in Indiana, which they will no doubt enceeed in doing; the, Whole. tine will be put under contiact this 'Oa These Bolds,' together with 'township anctindividual enbseriptbaus which_ are- available, imunigto 5820,000, width Will ben:Eclat to go Ott With until the injuriationwbove noticed is removed, and the Bonds now locked up can be mule areal- It is desirable, however, , - to obtain • greater amount individual snittiptions possible, and herewe think tiusWest lm' claims onl'hils deli:ads,lies— done nothing io far, for the Ohio and Pennsylvania „Italinad, aithoogfi we 'Lope she wif yet do tie r -and she ettoddreeellect that tiled 'tiro didi will extend her great Cen dal railroad in 'a direct line west the distance of derBoQ ralles,iintersecting: ade north end' south improrements of Ohio and Ls:liana, Auld . opeuing.up to her, a trade tmparalelled: for — the same extent of country. We hope, thrrefore; tliatthe people Of Philadelphia will give at least &tido of themare they lately promised for an outerpiiso fat too" important to her. . ft recollected, that to the incipient Owes 'of,the Ohio and Tentejltiaiti. Bailroeil project; the importance of ruching, ail soon as possible, the tablelands of Ohio—theism:mit be. .. trees the waters of the Loin and the Ohto rirer thottagtdY attuned aid wantd,f and that the Company' adoited that poll- Icj;.which, While It took the mate ►little north of n direct line, bad a great 'number of compere, rating advantages, in the beanty and fertility of the country, the cheepnesSind: level 'citarlan'er or the route,: which crosses no tnrge Btrt 4, 4 and to the leen distance In a. commercial tof riew,-Crom the Lake shore. - :ThelOhiciand ladi enwroad continues in 'a - direct line west,; on the• same table land, - and the two roads are Identical Inlnfireat, and will be of equal nlgetothia city and Philidelphin. Probably no range damn. ties In the - Waited States ire *gin to that ' through whieh tkii great Tine Panes. We:are all - icautinted 'With the great grid's . growing coimifea 'of Stark, Wayne,. and Itichlandi but ancor of oar madame have Mae inewledge of the Ene.agion through which the encomia beyond erestline passes. To giVe than some idea of it, :we refer than to - the folloWing intereeting fiats is relat(cn to the wet. western county: the : rade, thn of dhlen, Intrnmus - We extract a statement famished hy 'the Commissioners of - • • ; Mao comity, Indiana, VW organised fur then an , almost eatire.:vilderne as, end is con of the linnet in the State, containing 672 square intim Or 448,000 . itents.—ag of which is stmeepti hie of euttiration—and the roil ie of .an =silent 51nality. . This county shove • glean. incline. is population daring the hot ten Tear% than any Karaberieg In 1830 r 1 ,0001tdrehl rants. do lB4O 5,942- do dal : 1850 -- 17,000 do The tapdde property ot. the carroty • • riewmat per amoseds to - smoo.ooo T...nbu property is 1848. ;841,000 . . I - Increase he three years, • 51,053,000 The eerie= of las°. above &satiate! blurted auainfeenueeitreald meaty wu - ...116p9,850 Tabu, • of raw materials used aaratat; • ly, - - .• - ' 819,13 6` 'Taloa ointattataitriarel.en*Lar.----_-- 644.600' ..Aracrrfurg, in thibar* data arbrols.— . tabled the number of, bushels of ' wheat raised in said county in the. ,jear 1850. was, 278,000 And the number at baabels d earn - •• Wee . - 910,000 Showing the greatest number of bathes of reheat of any: county is the State, except one acconl , jag to ihe ears= ' The expiate for the year 1850, by eared; strain. Fort - Wayne -in said county :were 15,611 ,tans, being an Average of ea teats lar dey 'datinghe season ofaarigatlma The imports for the earn joie were .22,789 teas, being an image of 91 toter per dajr for the same period.-..- The tart ex ortatianiof wheat and =ravers nude in 1843. In 1848 there. as exported in wheat • brairefirtig,filoar, in.btabels, .01 - tam In barbels, In 1850 of wheat in l3f cora, . A refined erbkh passes thrtinigh a citeitii Ito rteh inprodnetkine, and Lich b yet to the infrnlicy of its sirriculterst and commercial greet nes; =nit be care of immense importance * to Pittsburgh :end *Plulodslphis, end ahead be cherished sad protected to th e ext ent: of our . . , . , There one fact Simi connected with It, which stuicad command, attention:.. There are no coin ! peting roads running In the same directlom— Ali the improvements of Ohio. and Indium ran north sod south, from the like to the river. All other lines proposed _tram this city; end. Wheeling, and - Parkeriburgh, take a, =shined direction towards 0116111121i3. This is the only great Coat aid west In limed which penetnges the tiorthern and richest parts et Ohio and Indiaite, and are long we May add Illinois; until it reaches Chicago, Galena, and thp =ab .of Emil -llhrer, ! on the bilssiaripTi; a branch" is now projected to that point.- - It is the only direst test md.west ntibroad to tlie Rent North West, comprehending in its: range; not only the- northern parts of Ohle, Irian* and Minas, but also Michigan,. Wisconsbr, lowa, and Minnesota.; `A road more important, and which 1111 proremore beneficial, and which will palj_better dividends, we believe tuts not been built or projected in this country. We understand that s book for tie subscrip tion of stock, has been lett in this city, and as coon &O we learn thi place we will announce it to our. readers, when we hole many of cur tiitizenir will call and subscribe.. - Tux RAI/MATS 0/ TIM Uunu Surri.—The dial= Railway Time:, of the !oats:wt. eon: thins e table of the Immtb, cosi, de., of all the railways, in the United States: The legal" num.. bar of railways Ls 3315,. measuring 10,211 T miles fn length; end constructed at a coat pr $306,- 6(q;954; as a:1311)16;d bj the .1 , 11.5 tl :41 s .. ei16767.i41,174.1g 426 -14 1417143 31 .94101404a4.7.21 1142 07 614114472 Rhode Wand -- 2 60 26 2,614484 1 IV/2 429 .. 1 2. Ye a lk4l 9 icgm J_ .y 804 40 7,W,(24 1 Pen 222142214-61 1109 661 46,44ty919 Maryland 2 262 172 -7,74, 69 Mgt " 2 4 1/ • t - 214 .iiteooo 1.921412144. .0;068,330 600.000 11:1VA 4 411 63 8,046440 19014.94 4.4 —...--20 279 1042 2,100.1= —l6 119 1712 2,90020 lota-- --Mbin= toms 830,601.914 This table represents Pentusyloania no bating the boged number of roads of all the 815t23. add ks bating more , 'Agee of railway in opera tlon„exoeptlad New. Yea, which low only 490 miles mon than Peansylmle. I • Among the streams virdting oar city at :pre gent, aro semal gentlemen engaged in fisilread enterprllea in whiehwe are especially Mee:lamed, wit—tuass Watztur, Esq.,-or Downs, criniford onnti. OLIN -President of the Ohio and Indians Maned Company, andiudg! nu iioithro:lfeink Indlanaihne of the Directors. They ate o¢,iltek way east wih Coma Bonds, .7 -7 :I . , MIZE Mnit=2= . . fortherupose of raisin rands for the lannedi- Sabbath respected on the O'Reilly lines. He I 'ate prosecution of that important work, a full says: -.- •-• ~. - I imam!, cd ‘ which volume ginprinlano=4 • 41fitAtieNtherklfte .qtriniioo - are!t.; &fa ale. Of the:Cleveland and Pftteburgit •-. tbetmiofferiznie to itutuatey" 4 iii c.inp fk y, th0.....t p... 00 -:iii.,* At; CT, in! ifir-iir hkehigile k ohl upon r • leancictime, erre' sea hleilege 4 Ea 4, the Peoldeeta. Tasek tlliri, itln?tomes 111 igh r r aelki4 "111:111141 „.._ utj to take ground In E of Salina and Professor De; of Hudson, its defence, and wetly by those l ona like you LP1rdazik.,70,...”.• l essor . BtitAtl4l/10111V11' itertlretffielltl ' Cali:city Sa &Wrap .I...ititire or most eneripetlp and Mdefatigsble Director g; the letereete, s? extensive. an anuap, d it with ,A4 r . Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad .la atieVthis "Tel 'zee , 'ef Pub li e 'Protection: Thb maim , ~. ~...,,, .. ppm in which you are engaged bath- bene, city. He tells us that there mno ttleefflte.teilig tea. .wid the getenlian e hl 'feh - 'la - P 0 0— race 'iminaloit wits the pieve}spi Road at Allianoe +.40 repose lacredsee Its hi lama end ale* * li!ift 4 tilitibithetAt l orNoninber,ldnrvith* - iites its chaMMter andp ‘ olter. in guarding it s Massfilotibefore the Emit of January and with glier t e lVeTe front e nd I! • 1 " , y ou ail.' Tf , v'ilee ec --" pru''.9thareaster. ---L "' — ' . . ••• - .., ! . ...,:,,i'.., -- ..!.' :. ~ tim edd i l es i.r em . . citald'ittrlize c ramp eittsieVyraid7Pkeen ' eitlithelionersbielebdin 11 e. - - That you do dm: meltd.so a, 1, . - . , •refriumal or the eartrete,l een right :j •• ' t l brings to those who nerro vri so much faith* nem,,,the sweet' consciousn that they, iiat sur bpend Its welcome hours . the bears rosy die.' ,htte endear you not only to them, but to a grow: -ing public sentiment ' In my humblerospacity I Will Seek to guard this blamed hetitege of lir -bor.- -flme seater broken bulwarks bring riti . : in - ina &ken 'too bitter to, make, me ',IWO- ' ' darken **Milroy ',by aiding her driecratlMV. Espeelallylii' a service like ours; , which: Maas Irmo tut the hours of appointed rest; and leaver us at work - whee.sk else areund slumbers, eel* .perhapt,llie printer ti Maoism; orsielmess aria her sighs, should we.bless the day given to 1134 for iesomitation and loftier employ. . • t • - - Mr. Reid eyelike in high terms of. all the em." plums of the line.::As he progreasea "he finds authority, losing itself In affection." !•ltut dhlt Pet lo o Withdeme deehtg the year, and hem as count of alekneu, and no one was dlimitarged..7 Z 22721 PozremicsmaaaJiazoceise.--The fonraM,sual She Foal, Aiiii'peYern hare constituted them- Belzer the organs, supporters, and defenders of the Pittsburgh : and fiMnbonzillo , lirdirtiod yrs jeef,,SOMt foel.that they late a *Fri Takagi/IN when Mei nwort to meatiene,MtarlyiconternYti; ble :to otuttotti tt. 1..2'14 are milling , to ester to: little, meaty. jealandely where ant se& -; 14st, and triescitalheni if they de . nit. 7 l4 te:exZet one portion of onr citizens sgalest gaff to attribute the moat selfizb 'end, T o, inotiT cf to tlioleithe pricauMe to, 'di ff ei from theta -on Mat- . tem whet difference ought t 6 excite eritber ettrinise' 11171bellng: . The Jouinot,..of .Friday,- lends tho wey la 'thhi pitifolemstle; b 7 Mute, ' inctiemdiam,'lmd A% rea 'all - rim* to forma t . jealpasies , batmen 'the . "cill'iette of Pittsburgh ea Allegheny, and ..to thmwanspiclou open Ote moticee. of Xho:fialX dent and Directors of , llia •Ohto and Penusylvw : , nis RallrondCompany • by the .fillowing.eatrnata; ; • 'Upon creep attempt to ; make', it apparent that 'there le no niceasity_for, plachxii Pittsburg'? on .the direct and shortest.: Sae Railmau connecting the . West and the seaboard,' but that lids may be compromised brolmulteaw lines eonvtoging on the' Ohio and Pintomiletnia rail road, the questicnivisee, What' greact. ll local Inter, sets are to be piremoted by . mble; our liner . terminate in Allegheny city? • "llpourrary attempt to kill.- the Pittsburgh. and Steubenville Railroad, Wet is solely MO eminently o Plarlorrge work, thl dlatecst grouse deeper ors company which yet bin pieenno slim - of a 'purple* to extend into the city of. Pitts-, b 2 h railroad: which :Pittsburgh motley has The Port, of. Saturday,' 'taking . the hint tram _ , . its coadjutor , the assault ln the coar s e r, 'and ribeld, style to Cineli lanai* with its cutlets. heaps: "The Editor of the Pittsburgh draetti,.. who .is a citizen of Allegheny city, and who is Com pletely under the dictation and control of certain selfish old-Bunkers' cm that aide of- it now making war upon rho Stettin:Orilla Railroad„- !imply bemaselt is a Pitteburgh work; intended to build vpand benefit thlleity, and Malmo Si wealth end population: it_ anxious !for our citizens to ebandoethele fewate rusk and naka. the - "cienumbemllbos,."iiihteh", veal of course benefit Alleghenicity, erainhane e tb6 the property .. pr zi. Valhi Ond.Win. Itebintini• 4:.• Slut ttur Facile ; of Pittsburgh. itet lit to purblind nu' to governad tprthe impatient aufzestiois if Allegheny . ipentetws.!, , • ' • Ipfirleem It beneath us -to reply 'to am-. titular .specillostion in , Ithe.. - sbore ipseisrame of, gentleininly mintent,r..tiMthet thin , to: Sty; ”PlttaburghtieneY has msde . "lntai email tine of the MO and.Pmemytude Baoroa3 ;Ali legheny Lentaseribed , nearly as WO :a; Pittsburgh, anti everiunaysalcog the *Whir log 'contributed fall Shire - -, pittidangli well, lad solid Allegheny; bait sons, madeltemel a epirit,:are, : tudyestmis::: Theleiling„irblels. prompted Mich re= mitts AS wihutairto4 or whickenisosupnal the contemptible Jenlotities thiyare-eslartstated' to foster, 'demur' a-were ichnlce, - -- Mod - f,h old be fronted down by every: perms who lidthe seal arelhtre of Altai* two . What - - • ISPitliburgit and what taalgiglteriy; .ln reality but one sty--one in laterepl,- one in'Pruperity, and oneto deetinYl.; tithe:re any greater differ ence between them, than - between • the different lfaide of Wick, i Whst -better customer has ;Pittsburgh thin Altrigheiy,: with hir 21,0001:S 7 habitude ? Where do her tritium perelyes the . isonimansertnirceimiiii of Ws Allegheny any Immense Srarehouses,`Msy.mholeashr atone, any fin* hotels' If she matardietomis„hor-:asot-- ton goods,hitr wagons; and 4.44ooox;lot.ii;aool,ilitniinntbr goioi— to promouslittabaresbusbleu:. ind Pittsburgt, etwieter abroad: '' Who - 154s thir addenda" on herhaidge:stocli.ind contributes in ten thommed ways to promote the wealth and prosperity,of Pittsburgh? The; citizens of 'Blot' out Allegheny, os these contemptible judo:Wee seem to' termite - as datable,. and Pittsburgh wonld feed the stick to her my centre:, It would rob damp( as pop:o4We u much es hen. owe, and as moth'ldeatlf.ed -with her, ss her , .Sixth Ward,: How Would her population then • sound in the econos.riturrs of the county? Ls regard. , to the lecation4 ihs Depot,, and other: rennetted with . it,. we shall bus • more toesy at chrdetsumr..;-... - • , do agent if the Pennsylvania -Itallroad, who has been all along thailna Waxed by the. late freshet on tha Judaea, and ascertained the pre - ..; else amount of the damage to Ms public Wpm* , mittrti, hie 'hint thetorlowing telegraphic dee 'patch to Messrs. &Tab& Cole o f th is eitY . . . „ liwirreweenr, - July 19, 1861; ieunt. Cocotte 4 , Ealltead will be to complete- worklog order on tdondsp-Canal eon not be tar Don't stop shibling, . Orate:toss 0/,5111 Tarsasire COMMIT.— ' An mural meeting of the Pittabmgh, Cincinnati and Lcndeville Telegraph Company way • lately held at Idwitienja. It appears that dating the preeteding yee, Oleo'dividends of 8 la cont. rub, had teen peed, aid one , jaarter's dividend retained for rebtillaigtheline.. , The erhelii earn eapeaded forirpain lip Winne, 1861, eittennted to $10,406 94. 191 sh Ltd, BMA 83 Innis at poles luvreiitrts Neer, 146 FM., pat in repair; and 166 miles renewed. . : The cub receipts et the diderect ofdeet a ring, the veer 1660 were se follows: , • LoaL.ub , • •, . 82;000 08 Idedheen • • '• 2,165 09 • • ..leorwereelierwit, . . . .192 60 Cescinruitl 18,970.97. fsl BlB B 6 eld 031.07 e olawbus , _8,408.40 - - Zsiaawill• ' • , 1,5U136 h. Wuhington , • •72 37 ' 11Twilhig, 2,525 71 • .13tecbraville • , . 8 78'08 • Pittsbargla '' 17,99217 . • Total rottelpta tbelSso, ' $72.278'72 • aarliat, anniturroass 101 /850. ,Peel, salt light; candles, Ita,' lint:. 92 Rent of, Oka, bridges, • 1,6513 70 Stationary of all' kinds, envelop, books of roglator7, fro.; GI &landed tc4r despatelies dell ei7~ ' oi not.iegictlable; }lmpairs be,the Une, Loss of batteries. Ifiseellaneorts:lt width Is Inetad. ed machbute7. fundturei-Insul idol"; &a; sad *bathe debt. dee by the NeerVeleane tbsei settled by stook, ' _§ll,2op; p - And 'alloiratmee to the Bt.-Lodi line In oneking "Otte.: meat Tots, expenditure', Cub moipts, .. $7x,270 - ;75 Paid to connoting lines . ; $24788, 45 . Expendltonxi, • ' • 35,01057 wrilertti, or WO. . „ Number*, we:detritus:2oml, • :1,002i00 Number of despatches recorded, 844: 569 Thais are exelnaire•ef free mattes; arousal• ly large at' aN-- gonna r• Menge heirs of ~fot 'home per " lie naiad of dmipatohnfor-1850, on the As per of the registeringinatteterest covert a length of 1,7104 f : - •.• Newlin* butlii • • •• miles. • Cut down and re-set .- 83 0 ..-Numher pemona employed, The FeeelPtt.ettfer'lo,l.B4l chow a large in , aresee,urerthe comes-poialog limo In 1850. Arran igenet.itia:abStrafthitpreipgt transmisalon of menages M , PhAidefildsoliew ,tirk;Uuton and PieilCare notrtite , 'wires from Pittsburgh to , Lemlerille.: Ibis O'Reilly line 'to NewOrlsans,ll,Qo Intim:and merrdsd %with . °PM the soperiza,„mrd,t; .I k f , , , • ,z l z4slaiii •to bue the 11E=M1 . rAmtiricitn t a u ra Nol 129 Woad. Street;-; iiaine.coput.totkicrossrairAzir,..AurzazOir . . gARDWARE; Mousse tte the mins tnitte, .4 which tlurr as pr.wava 01016 a ta*crchiparts et. nub that TOl compue..l r.:403.61•111,...ith0nr0f tb• eastern, Fittskaugh Life Insurance Company. 'OI,2ITAL, $lOO,OOO. pp - ilos; No. 76 FOARTIf ayes= ihaLdrat..-4.4.un 31_ .00r Tier Prexklenti—timxt x ...Rocca. • - fErs.• .ftertt,,...s to saptber part of tbtispt• TettAIILIZI _ anorteetes. Ileettlaretra KM& I r X , t L .: PAU ralw—Desz eth::Yeer Petroleum ta teteldheshw th thiniettitnthmt......oakt thank yoa eeeeed am twpdowei try the Peonatherea Itathael, Y.ar. gr. ante ea. lad It'te Newt lavettettlbe theme evetidet arc.rl; ' JO= hONO a oa. ,Reseretue, Maud o,lllereb 1004, -L-31.1tiee—Zeer Shy Y9I:IT Amt. lete vette- ehteh Ilta with dews hock tel. erbJeh ere have mkt. Mute *mot *ARA: them hateedlettee' - "—Am enolistat la eriettn,woodiere,ta ettle Fqo. W. tpu!oblain'erretel elooltens eeetteeateeareoe &etre anise : Aetutt, ' , .; 1e.19001T. , : Work try Moor litakrirolL Ile Wad RNA. LIL Salm; inircod otttet - IL hboafack, a. .11Z=ILIWAL 21=4k,A.:119VA% TROTII FLOATS ADO VE-FTOTION LIILII OIL AIIOVELWATEJL—The Wk au bell • issit IDalMno I&ni tIf.Y ilibibliDY• On, 6,04 ebenet is eat* - Asa It ow ea* bits %mil lads PiXit, tt lila destroy the sosahuity with - lob* dts. To esil Jattt4 t .a stilielie Into sopiher re* slant Ii paisimptitittlymehotesetlel stets* bee Embed! WI Abets **SA obbetlessit'tat It *tibia bet that ban **blithe& the mottitkatemr.bilra Clootbsisi EI.IM Mil** it liise thilishisell•behiss W atll . ditritt. mtkut Woo -theetnomissestees to la assentssei if* betliesitsd okt• pe040.--14 seistibes- virlabypetnettiat sal *al** at tilt tielsoiessoni ohrlsaetrnb'dlsphsos **hl4 • dlanalit sestier, • striesects hes), sleemeh see , / 'Abseil?* sretkr two , . •ruie asell healthy Ishiolest miles* Ow mime Ameba= at iisse*of.tbs hods!.; this is parbleilill t=tit: • bit dasmarOf bsreli.• die itesetzetkis.tehes *AM It is eitateloset itai Wise** by tb, tk•Stikl. that It ta. ittio. taw y Allsomm, bit sex* .iteeilii- Skaii it sill terlhied Olt iLtaemyalis OS* dlsei►. twit:Sete ofillst tbs.hapisel 01-oel**** U lasers' .sitta Lim DUO& n0t.4.21‘ , ..d. Clues blither aim alipottitio Wog: allitted - *Fou IT "my win* or *Asian *et Int*. petteittlima . U setbsitlitt 120 ;Piaui s o in Seas thettapteUllel StillibtsSersisitte tom ei:Jew*, otaw* --- • -• •• , Ottenetio-berisi sa ault fer tees abglut wrre db. 'aft L ateirtheiatit sisesithes , ; • ' - . - Anszs4 srptiwti,V. ooE d..;.' •• ' DD; ' - • • thiiit.u.hnisnu_ s z 4 t_; Pam; Pam; oissert at. Nr. Jam 11,1... -sod assiliter et OA. Y. mhl /hawaget.in Um =Lb Toted berl.ol. • • • tht iftarltr• riviatnair MlttS tort. matbk Amemithis Om at 3 *Vat:P.M. hut Übe eat. Airy of tat ttubasi Laaba Omni Si*. Ward:- 31:1KEIDIT/fit at - vitt:* a cif:. .ipertp dotiviarria.. atm habt of t,om,a tha Imre re ' at- tha <024:1- of Iftiaa atal.rtgtd Namp a thix , rawn= nom' ''S ratlrt: 4 l4ll alltho atltaof otloptioo satal prmiaitSaaliaarsrf...' rruz ANNUAL ;31ELTIN --- 0 otthe Mock, al trlblAl.•lA—" Jr.mg.l'l"'"4l77l 4th ay of Aomori. at o'clock, Jay 1. lIIL - -11.1:411 Prem.?. CINCINNATI, ' • VV .cuturivicti 'mac*. • ' . 4ittibtugti. Life Inmttance Catappir. !MIS MIPANY nni ineeiparnstd x.'nare.r. VW. with. Perpoteel Charter. .led Wes Souttoseeoi Domino* el • salad 1100.00 A - Z.oe on Nor does baelorme boa oa theoalaltetFah n od • - the th. Mot Wei plan the stn hn atirthled /* a.* thole charged by Utast Coserealea and Mambo Coall loweathea the Wee of nowt Stoat empeaka. . !Waal eldwo srZl ., r• aa those esteated . ,..o? other al = d ime Co be oaattlactl "" gee fo atier hi art tiVgiti=--dtg44 4 7 1,4 . E M".. " ThaCheetes pessato e/th Dilate' of loshrotoar lie lila .la trrjarLo, I=4 Wi= T=11.11n174. .11tiallut Rlf °wow hmeat.psyshlejteraosth, ar open the perUas es= et the age eftaJar dq ar ci• _ . . .. . . filkitkl:". tdal.s,s. hz°°' k e , - Charles at. Conon. John S. •orth. ka, Wrn.phlllll. Nam' lu --, , • .o. A. Wm. . . . . ... . .., . . - Baas Or 71114.2. - rton.innuii wukin k uu tiftmarior Nur . ../foodiVathr hmeas+4...U. tleamtaruamiT. . 24,11=MC", A l = Pi o Utomr. , • . IDA A. W. I.o3traL so-Arro sa. " A. B. MANAsuckt. Sty, i=ifgt,icb : • IMVAIMTIIi 14 - ,frnripiii,,B 4 = .60. • DG Dtlararti le "balsa \ Liot saw at the Pr./ aartftfoltatsiii Na tijoiltet otrtat. • .17=a41r13 ; 0. A. COLTON. staa7. lEViTORE. uncalled for; the following pact. 1 1 1:=1.1. nitAbursch...• .. 57 ;*.bur.4.• Doan* re 5141.1.1 r J. •• PriP. or 12147 Donor ..2 • "." r.6 " *. ' I ' "91 Vnillicours Pestaryltanla Ittliroad,lnslght Dapot, : • name Per and VI ara• Mt. To Druggists and Painters, FARIS OREII ; "8" BRAND. Tilsooole ileirorlarre Pornett-oofartled hi the Gold Atedal of If American Indllute..o, ptomaine unvarying smite , Mit/ of shade end color. .The menntactarer or the above itelat Mordecai the deepest and mod brilliant article .as o r4: l l .l tatt o leLermanant, and that ran bevonod, ohedr, awl ha notated nitl lote Daring. nvarying nifertnitr. • • been appointed Pole agent for the male of thiti 'celebrated brand of Paris parchmerm will be sap. plied et reduced Mime: , • • • It. 8. 01111L8188, F „ Family, for tale jr be 11117 • 8.•/.111•11.11AUOIL M.ACKEREL-1003ib11. Largo No. 3.- , JI" 8. • W. 11111•11(11.1. WiAP—.lOO bozos N forgl u o by M A TIaIiEL:--50 . Largo No. 3; 30 ht. ' ig inbu. N°l•B`. $3*,01, 67 . . Just rrerired rind br Irl9 • JOHN WATT . galL for saiirby ' to • J.HIDD 100 r EoWooo.4 _ UUMICE STONE , -800 lb.. for oalo by, jo,. too • KIDD salriby La , /119 J.)(11ID CO. , , UL MATZ QUININE-50 sale by L 7 trio J. 14 . 11.1 AW. iI,ODLiVI:IIIAL—Z — g - rou gOnulao Itual; tork, Mut* C. 9.. fur rsbtbr hip J. REDD lICO. O LD Jacob Townmentl Sarsaparilla-1i dem fpr tal• byKlDdi )Wood D A CO at... • . , $10,476 72 Braddock's Field Property. PERSONS demirlng , Imutiful, healthy, hid- Bole, and olsk• lasuons for country reNklers kt ara looltol to torn Uttar attnition to raddock's ch I. now twins sold 10 Run t ,,,,,b. 0 .4 k lb., 1 0,1 ft, I. t.rmr. nillirdhe boo. hAr bora thus acid this .... r . If --iar pt27l= l .l4:ll:gariilNZ:ll:ll . bFaar_ Bewail/ or was* from the city, the t .lue re i i . utd e.t , e d ..Thre, trer , :t . tbotaitetfahre rue brAt e., :re t 1 .4 iliiddor w M b l:Prt . la 0=1; VITIV, 41 '1' 4 atrOaqtraf I. way oval 184 PlO llOl / 1 00111010.00.1.1ttallrold 011 W kb aar Cars nil ktio ruanbnijaatward thal Pittsburgh tut fat by nowt [alb 1 dont 00. m. 0 0_00,0,. 0,..r., 10111 woo travel t • Mak Ito , r; sad . .4 . 0,.. . Y• ::' ,l l ::=l,lltltZatraralt the; tlin ' n, what. !akin' b. , t .. 47 to aboT rayons the grounds,' and ply Altana of, ll= ItIIIITO • Vlsltunn to ww=momaid at tbs aa is „trill:Jr , JAIL W. 800/111.14ti. ...... , .., - _ . . • BAUR DICKEY &CO Ag ents for Me thank's inn Wort. Km z annicatir o band and CH&sss_; §;r,oa c br Nita br MIAS :1 118' Cle n T 00ent:n°7; MACKEREL in uarter bbht.' for Wally . . ISAIAH D ICKEY! CO.. , IbLfor sale by XL' • • 154.0 iitour &co., iris) t -- 4 - Mare and now six .I,IITJTILEOB-1 for'sale law-to close mulitaame., IBALAII DICKEY k - 1.2.11)100,—.2 ceroorus Caraccaa; •A .4 kesti Irmitts•—• .111 k4 . to na , LemmiwnicsariaAncklit.. • 77 - 77 - 77 : 7 - - to Dead . .the lyearass . .,moisets Item the fir, .Dade! and d Lrorrllonedwithent beompardento; by f Ltadtzt; Flied* Ander of the 1/...Y. Eye nod Ear &Moen and of tell Arch ch.Ftdlndelvals,brgetosuruntoce .bleratarn yore moe,. • The number Impertanom of the ' raw nada Ms ace on bin rower vied, and the dratirlied amount af rotate obteh Wended hie treenoent, bete In.. donut blur to artoodlte bin return. the mar boo trIII • Mlttrumh Mem eirtmortanere. to It win to Advisable toe who with to emend blei, to mate an WIT nell. D. IL may be consulted. until forth. notice, he Ell.- altinsid ,. . L eonel Mirk dwelling blond the tobool non" Thirteen years elope and almost andhddoi ettentlon to Jinn branch of spout loading bar onatded him to rola= •hlotontreent to .no s degree of room. .n to hod the moot . ambroted end obetlnate ran . 11014 by , • .t. 41 et. • Thelollmelng tordmonlats are enbrolttedWilhonalldenot. They 0111 Won at lout In obatettlmatlon hie probedansl enellheatione are held by .000 of the most dlstlndniebel, heti bed the Ileum* to meet Dr. Haey ' moo 110 e. indium toes bdto form fronable p inio nof by enersebo. both l tbe proration and as s geode:nen.. rinfandoual trill ho duly app y thanes b. ohm theuterlres Order Mews , ,Vl= My Intro:curve vitt, Dr. Mkt of , I here Mond Pd department °erne% and nentlentanlf." .iiiisapleisint duty to die tar Onothmety In farm the tresbnent adopted by br. Mutiny Mr the cured dm* tanat. , l:ll•llpaitallati m nnattemted by nein at Waal* .OMaery and Its egad. amid Instentaneone." • • We Costwellor at L. = areeL W. have known several CMS of partial desalts, treat. nib, him with the motif liawat ?coati. Dr. 11.1. wien• honan. awl eau row numerous testlmonlal. rrirsbilltratto ite