- 8. Btetdettrille is on th; Ohio !leer, Z 3 mThis dare Wheeling. If this aortawere obtained . -or if the neeessit' y of a charter were. entirely' °belated-41m trade of Marietta mad liiksttheia 0/110.Pessingup to. Steedsenville and thetice to -ratabargb, must traversesline 20 milrskm &snit it:shoold Imre the riser at Wheeling and Proceed to Pidiadelphis through Mis :Honied ' road. !Wait is not ;modem far Philadelphia 'L.., toes* to Italtimers this advantage of 20 -mile. - . 4. Pittshatitli =obtain '4 shatter line to at. ger_. r,thancrii.,zittsolltiotirp than atiorterWshe may pr.:7;6ollTel' o:o P tiii g t . ertsts whim*. asking Philtuirli to incur the semi ' lice clii bee s lialtim grt" A tn ami without asking .ting 1 - Beta,- or prudent men anywhere, to think their -,; funds bbnilet4 a road without the reteelion ot.l • The sholetell rter t radical line fromiittabwOc t . . tt n arr meta west and south of the national To ambler ttti , 4 LT enjegylportio osd W n of ;I i to ' , t tradowhir.liwill be concentrated. at Viheeling, OM Illeed =flypast a road iabont 23 miles long, f i , : i ll tli thAvall e n el iiii o f t e -= Cree near tztz t , o im . eet Then tite.Wesai trade sad triad destined to -' LS Philadel will continue on to pr_ectisbargh g -mild tilt s will be ammtanivieted. It ilitte will bit foe one moment rap ;s , .Prelli het tire appreherition of the compe ,..,t- titian of W leig, and deliberately seek the . 1 ii r t e = eans ' 11 altio tl . : .t li e gea f tsrosh W ein e ts ' -throb • olfspring a :idea excitement-. W u and look to the,onkr route Which will secure to te r people a fade ,partitionof the western Mi . U she not wisely the sources of her coromer tiel enema will notbe serioesly'draleeti by the , i l" ; ilempfield ioad:lmt ebe Till strive to make that road tributary to her greatness, and the means , q of, uniting. her. prosperity to that a Wheeling tmu eipima by an arowweld. • .4119'30021.4 yoni,most obl, ~ -„, , -- I -. ot - Ciumms Rum. Jr. , , LEI;1$1:(11; tg ' Bid , 00 7ITTBBIIIIGH. SATURDAY .31.01UUNG, JULY 19.. 18$1 ,Mar.READINGAVATTER'iTILL BE F3I7ND ON EACH GE Of 27111 g PAPER. ' Western Pansybroths 'Scott Convention. to en twine or titiCscor , .The eaderslaned aset appointed a committee. at n pub. =lrekar Mende of Oen. Wmrato Sorrr, in al . to Matte delegable from all-the other Amentles to 'lVeetent Peostrylvanle. fattetade to the oleo- ties of the hem of two ware to the Preekletay. mat In y.leineetion,ht the Ow of Pittsburgh. on the TWENTI , NMI 10 AUGUST nest. the denleereer of the tattle. of CoatNalli 1=1041.03mm In pormence of that sane, ti cordially teethe evert friftd that ler of ..,:',.:.Sottra d. % trig o i rert u elle=eal ' d Adzp h ed „ prodenea Idadiroji , tx . h.la%ubtato. eel hi. State. niatelep, to acespanda edloif delegate , to Met Mee WatiOn. sod to Meet us le pence en that occatims. &hiker. of the ear of Vela I ate with lam endured the =tig L th on, ' I C ratr . l eliMppeef u:4 th li ' U 'Pb et= e S t C d m C o 7r an 4 meet steelfaM rewash come not eith /be Ile:Mc= =ape= who, .ntater his core. - in open add. ma whet fearful Wag, Memel au. ead le.pnl:.nd frond het. veto the Rem mod Steam In telomph from the dome of tre lgeto.el. Mose. *meths !ale of meatemmm; come eath vtbdrhMie plop aro heeled Chiettebt. the tialm -7- eilm - 11111esiVas ind .em racti •tiaGriViOur — ;:n " ; : i • rmrain " ;eTtii Oen. Jatkeon to onlblee his ..booolder be Droelalmed: .T_,„tte ton and shall be preserred." 'The toter Dhant election of Winfield bolt to the Presidential Cho% -will mom emetnalir sup; _rem booth ogrAt. seceprion, • thin an army of a .Ited tb9111.4 001000 e. , tonna Nan! whom enthusiasm has bompiten [RAW be , the nonfat of fleotth berate deed.. eonte.'iohs with um '',..‘,ll4W"4=binst,lA'47lll=olliTek't.ht" hTVIZ ,---16.ftur.o.kr with as under the Pa. of Ashland. In'ao aws Vionw ooOO.Oa rs kol t trithe of th ttAlkefoes ,- , enser T r ez=g! ntesent s.bumui patztotta " :Nutonal • Thoenuel, whom pus,' allicime hew than eras; 0.1:1 amid On nehmen% of Lbws nil" et the name of Winfield Been: "44""'". We Unite all to poem shoot the u Tohattte Assenssn Indnattf. and the adroottee Of l'ari(fic, who lowe • tepee yet It.striglfisett 10i Ws treatment of their ellleast „tl2l:=E.m sZt. l 47'• Chb riiiegi ' V 'l l t r • - to Tikt os in oar warloehose, tkcne onl y eno f'h.W Wb ? . fr i'l' TZ A arA le ettireb. Wej7.l dr .oth oat la ootbai 'r J HIGITAM th . 6l . :t . ; .• WIANCIA Jr ilil 1111100 8144 LEONARD 8. JOll3B. Ctenandat ill/ortfges. -Yn mdtrthat. ohs render, mai, have, all the eta eat j pggeettona to; otherabefore them, -41 r aael tit:she - able to came to a jut Onolesion= in orlitialact-tolet the Philadelphians eloink tluntielvii,ie Imo tented from the North wade, end tar..ch.rirr. Epett Pater, costae variant Railroad quotient the pablio mind. ' ' Weboo. time nor inclination 1,6 p o i n t to in, erroneous in both sr , tides; bat AMU merely content ourselves with ,+' laying; that:cur charge of 'poi,' faith mu found rat a feet which neither the editors of the "'..toith'sbeericept, ,nor any other. of ; the , defender, of efidtla, have noticed. We: stated that Qat sabscriptioa of ate million of dollars by Al - legireny county Wei madeittubject :to 'W certain :rj-Idedge or stedition: wldeh has never ' yet .been unpile& with. The skean for non compliance ,;:bas beat want of mesas, ,end yet we foods prom- . ilven at a meeting la the Railroad office of *militia and hell of donne to' a *feet Calm 'Wed to WOW . the welfu‘' of this city. Until thil matter a Weplabseci, 'the charge r or ionic ~.faithwilk attest.. - .11; any Sae denies that nth a pledge-vu mad; ws , are prepared SO prove it ' tmpiiisAt to notice all' the ini.4.4oa this paper by.• - ittiiria of • franc i porai • our !Sara r es, • touters we would not consent to foil Ow the current ay and hat I for the Steubprigle 'Railroad project. A notlee of coin' 'Mist suffice forell, and we will talelstaptiii .rceirieq yestertkayris comprehend ingthe greateistimimnt 'ef impudence and Igoe ! -., race on the subject-The leading article of that' pd~ee of yesterday-coineuees UM:tows: bneitlej ar sOtalnce we were enabled r tnivareenace that the PittatengliGasette, !roman hostility to lee Pittsburgh and Sten benville Itaiktad, (see thatpaper of Wednesday, 9th)tuad come mot in favor of Cbat project -4.yed work. :(fienLhaetto !of -Thursday, the 10th, This statement is simply untrue.. There Ise btenno change in ou4 position in relation to 'that work. We tare never opposed it except to defend eur Wedeln gond from attache by indent Meads of thel Steubenville route. .W$ :hies never adiocated'it, as, preferable to the •, sivarinata. 'Oat Ain. of ,klonday lest, we endsvivored show this PhiladelphiivAiv—if they ~; . :..witild.baVO ass. other:then the river route, iildshwethonghtsgood one—that the/Ital. benville was preferable to the Ilertoptieldi for -;f..itieirPtirpotes,and vie' titbit so hilt In the - 611.ParagaPhs the . _aWe have now to *oracle another mutation, which' presents the Gazette. in en attitude of hos - .. ones more, towirdethe Steubenville Bail ' rod- . (Seethe Getett i e of yesterday, Thursday.) :This paragraph conveys an impression equal • ,IP false with the_ont l i which 'went before Theis was- nothing theltatette of Thursday • - Isconsistent with ittrvihole previous course. We *der plain statement in regard' to the river routs which we 4T e *ways'undevistizgly J O B Tbs7ournat =mums our coarse as "one of • :,..I"tas serer phenomena in newspaper agilityt"— If vlO had exhibited's. mw Urad oas cs Heil ' this Sbeibetteitieltallroadquestion„ there ' . ..;;.Vitet41,1 170 somtvroord for criticism. . • We recollect thit' i this is notthefirsttimethat the Hemplehiprojent has alarmed the fears of thiteditor;.and him to seek tor a remedv ."" • At thettitoe the grist antidote for the Ilemptield piste!, was • "'krill nerd to Warkiegtmo, and ehei PitiMbenrina ItaikomtPreject ems diecirded: Ids payer.af Jari j cualy. 18, 1861, he says v , calf tbed ' the Ilittopkeld : Paihroadmill he Made; .. ..k?.. ;;l .).stwat ought. Pittst*,r2h; doV Will she Ilk idle on of oar 114 ate her e a t f e td ee Ski ef the ad, t e r v ith i l t r Hempffeld L lull Trtioh is 62 toul l i nearer; or will she en. dance evert as fares' possible the injury to Iterbcgoest that lily resale oth :•! *it to-Wellsville, as troggested, or direct to wet rot celreat dent of menty . —eind mud Mal to aer *Otto sinal eemAnd oll en a Stet*? 'man The probability Ls, therefore, that • the profits would not iv:lumen:lts the tmatmenn— tedensedois' it' Washington:Ls liable to the yore otdootlaig; ',Thins items, therefore, to be No Ober frothed 'main our Fred than a ranee_ either &impede of the present 'turnpike ItO tbSt 1410 . 7 1 .7 , 11 . 1 independent work by spoilt- Ifii`then sal do Stsubenville project.w ould ofst.poo, ithata.n.areetwe said :that? We ihintt.wa love abetter Ilatlrasd 'rents to Eito.6- 1411414' tbsasto one kiv ,anti sillcasltl, test minaret so al*, Moak of -1 4 .04 1 513 .4 11 • 110 Proile4 siMi 111 2 t 4 4/ - i:ittehke iota to - Washington ;ant pf - uotther•lft...l4lltrict': sm.siaitorAe tfin'Wein4l] _ _ . c; l 4/ 6A6 3 ;t 4 it s i 40, itol41;;;r tOSly domooji* u *Woo of Plait:nal*, ha' oaCiteg headed loin tam angles are . opimt to promote Pittsburgh intern% be outee . -theY eslutuf,vei of th e meet vhieh he, BO lately as January, last, pro vituad inferiordo eplank road to Washington 14 . 11121e1111.5 of obviadog the injurious ducts of ,the — r iliMptleld imams. Utti . impudence end in &rait- .1 t • • . , - Theßfehmotid , Times, epeakingof the Wawa of the commandant of Port Moultrie to permit th e g e e.estera Of. Charleston to celebrate within the wigs,. tells the: following story of General Jaahon . . " When the millithistticat trouble was pending, a petition was received by . the , Secretary of War, ,requesting that. Port Monitrie might be placed for a time under the control of the au thori ' ties-et Charleston, to be used as an boa pi. for an epidemic was represented' to be pre. railing In the city.'. The Secretary thought she request a very reasonable one; and en epoke of it to general Jackson: but Old Hickory instant ly emelt a rat, and throwing into his countenance all the elll4lo of expression of which it was ca. pable, told the Secretary, 'Sir; 'you will order the officer, in command at Port Moaltrie to turn theopen Obirleaton, and send him s rein: =5 fo t without delay. That my answer, to the Fe w would qUeition what General Jackson would now say; wore he President of the United States, if a military company should ask to be admitted Into the same fort, though its members might intend - nothing more eertton than sea soning their, bumper's with toasts denunciatory of the Union and.theOovernment." saxone-ozzros. Horace Greely, who is now mating the tour of the continent of _Europe, writes an‘ interesting letter fronaGenos, the principal city of Sardinia. We copy portions of his letter. . . . "This Kingdom is to day, after France, the chief point of interest in continental Europe for lovers of Human_ Liberty. Three years ago, under the impulse of the general uprising of the nations, its rulers entered upon a course of pol icy in accordance with the wants and demands of the age, and that Indio' is sull.adhered to, thoughmeantime the general aspect of affairs has.sully changed,.end Sardinia herself has ex ' perieneed the sorest reverses. The weak; wea -1 'Me king, *hose ambition first conspired to throw her into the =rent of the movement for the wagon of Italy, has died defeated and broken hearted, but hiser son and heir has taken his stand dellberaliV, and firmly on the liberal sidaand cannot be driven from his course. His pelice"as proclaimed in Ire memorable speash from the throne on the assembling of the pres out Chambers, Is "to rear fretinstitations in the midst of surrounding ruimo. A popular As -earthly, in which the MiniStry have seats, directs . and supervises' the national policy, which is avowedly and efficiently directed towards the • rigorous prosecution of reforms in every depart ment. Absolute freedom in matters of religion has already been established, and the long crush ed and mew:tied Vaudois or Waldenses rejoice in the brighter day now opening before them.— Their simple worship is not only authorised and piotected in their narrow, secluded Alpine val leys, bat is openly and regularly offered also in Turin, the metropolis; where they are now en deavoring to erect a temple which shall fitly set I ' forth the changed position of Yrotentanthrm in liorthern Italy. They are still tier and poor, end irillapply to their brethren in America for pecuniary aid, which I trust will be granted ex pressly on condition that the church thus erected shall be open, when not otherwise required, to any Protestant clergyman who produces ample testimonials of his good standing with his own denomination at home. Such a church in Turin would be of incalculable eervlce to the cause of human emancipation from the ehackles of force, ' proscription and.tradition throughout Italy and ' the Eastern World. ' " The freedom of the press is establlalied in this kingdom, yet-no single journal of the' reaction ist typeas Wand, because there is no demand far one. ''The only apolitical sentiment Is that which sepanttes the more Impetuous pro- I iressiam, or avowed democrats, from the larger number (appareatly)" who believe it wiser and I safer to'hold fast by king:aid constitution, espe- since the monarch Is among the most seal : outland active in the cense of progress and re . farm. I think these are right, though their op ponents hare. ample justification In history, eves the most recent, for their distrust of the liberal profasions and seemings 'of royalty. But Were the Idzg and all his house to abdicate and leave the country to-morrow.; I believe that is would be &illus.: - roue step for Sardinia and human liberty. r For this kingdom is elmost walled in by enemies —Austria, Tuscany. Rome (ells and Naples— all intensely hiding it and seeking. its dowufall beeause.of the light and hope which - Its policy and its example are diffusing among the nations. With the Pope it indirectly at ratiance, on goes tient; of contested jurisdiction 'deemed vital alike by the spiritual and. temporal power; and re vested efforts at solinstment have only resulted inrepeatedfallores. The futile of itself a source . of weaknissa'since ninety-nine in every hundred of the population are at least nomiandly Roman Catholic:, and the great mass of the peasantry intensely ed; while the privtbood naturally side With the ecclesiastical as against the political contestant And behind. Austria, notoriously hostile to the present policy of Sardinia,. stands the black, colossal shadow of the Autocrat, , with no power that of the Rhine and the Adriatic, able.'or williog to resist him; and only , waiting for ais excuse to pour his .legions our the sonny plains of Southern Europa A democratic rear lotion in Sardinia, no matter bow peacefully ef fected, woad bunitably, while France' la erlp- Pled, so at present, be the signal (as with Naples and Spain successively same twenty-five to thirty years ago,) for overwhelming invasion in the in terest sad be theforces of atter despotism. Well informed men believe that if the present king were to abdicate to-monow, he would immedi- Maybe choseopresidenthy an immensemajarity of the people.- • ' Yet there is an earnest outspoken democratic party in Sardinia, and this city is its focus. Ge. nos, in feet, has never been reconciled to the de cree-which attararlly merged her political ex= istence in that :of the present kingdom. She fondly eherishesi the recollection of her ancient opulence, power end glory, end remembers that • its her day of greatness she was the centre and ant of a Repoblin Hence her revolutionary .struggle in 1848; hence the activity,and bold ness of her republican propaganda now. To see Italy a Federal Republic, whereof Piedmont, Sa voy, Genoa ant Sardinia should be separate and sovereign states, along with Venice, Lombardy, Tuscany, Ronne, Naples, fun, would best sada} , her resentful aspirations.. • lie then speaks of the commercial' togas of Genoa, for want of means of commtud ca' tionwith the Interior; but which will soon be remedied by the construction of a millroad from Turin, now completed for 70 miles, having but 30 miles yet to be constructed, but so extremely difficult, owing to de ruggaineas of the country, that It will, require three millions of dollars to make those thirty miles. Still he says it will be done. He goes on : Still Sardink has very much before her unao complithed.She needs first of allshings an ef- ficient and comprehensive system of popular ed. =San With the enormous superabundance of sixty thousand priests end other ecclesiastics to a generally poor pordatlon of four millions, she has not to-day file thousand teacher!, good, bad 4a Indifferent of elementary and secular know- I ledge. These black 'Uited gentry falily over shadow the land with their shovel hots, so that corn has no fair chance of isonshine. The I churches of this city must have coat tin millions of dollar-for you cannot walk aeruired Steps .without passing one, and the wealth *Tithed in their oeusthuction and adornment exceeds all bellef—while all the common school houses in Genoa would not bring fifty thousand. .The best minds of the country are now pondering the intent, necessity of speedily establithing ssystem of efficient popular edtusation. Bat the nation is deeply in dept, and laboring under henry burdens., Its industry is inefficient, its commerce meagre, its revenues slender, while the imminent peril of Austrian invasion compels 'the keeping up of en army of filly thousand ef bathe teen ready to take the field at a moment:, warning. . lint for the notorforui and active hostility of three-fourths of Continental Boa** to the liberal policy oily rulers, Sardinia might dispense with three-fourths of shin force and save its hoary cost for *donation and internal ' Improvement, . As things are, wean must toil in the fields while physical and mental improve ment must welt in order that the nation may sustain In virtual idleness fifty thousand soldiers and .thonakad priests. • Yet great are the blessings of freedom, even swath the grastest disadvantages. Turin is now incrwashu ithiustri and : population . with a rapidity utokatoth to Its former Watery. Look -1011 PAY at the new buildings Jest UDC tad or now progreskYon might mistake it for as Ameri mi city. : . Veleta checked by future wars, Tashi w in doutaileepoeulatiou between 1850 and 1860. Genoa has. bat. reandly end partially felt the new. impelak I!! Ma ha" the march of im prosementiarthibla Thllis. Flan more of pence will minuets the autathation for lts to period of stagnation and decay of an activity nonplused 4thOdltwOtifittwolm— - 'An littaapth to ke.rniidp.soon to blow ht, th e inflodpalrook tithe lleti 'Gate cloutnel, met of A hole, eight in4tes in inane flo inds.l44,feet deeps is to be'drilled into the OF of the kelt, nod Agin filkd with ponder' en- Telopedin tin moister& powder Is to be . enplods pielm vbs. at 44•4. to gai• rano bittet7. ' . j 1100thaffe. naiconna _ -•••••• • Enrrom—The pains which have ben ta: ken to proems the Ingestion, in so many papers of. the answers of °Pitteholgio" to the lt Libedy Mod. New York India Rubber Warekw" No. 27 Maid= Lou; and No. 69 . RatICAS and. • rtm ne.i a:mm.o4th A. MILE 131:111SCRIBER, Proprietorof this es- JI. tabliehment, would to We cal annewsers, .M nwrolumts gawnsity, that he le delly. remirtog from hie ! 4113t0T f as ountrullg z ge end excellent Awe of hale ltuther Goode menu red expressly fcc the Pell bode, and :bleb. from ha lutrodored wend new est ImPOL :rtit 0 1 ° . Speelel atteultoo twolleure to be pale the manulho• tore or figund ..04 la Cipell widths 3-4 13-e tooludre. The grills moue 17 stleeted from the b a*. breads.sod nand tetth the sowehieh holehea Waal to patent leather. Me telliniftetOOM the grOtrign Moth, • highly Important improvemeut M. sadly diensesrtd, to which the eicah ts made➢ to bear an asset resemblenee to erunuelei leather. The plelolluld, nude am . told se aural: Orders shoal spegiff the ...ids. .d.a • onitaIOES—AIMI: dock of ell Ma different Arles and smiettee. form the Impm:4, Care Rubber to the re .MlSGices—ecebsecitur Mee:,_ifomeal end etert b glirrisud rand, Wane: Aro . 4 wori tmt. ofths fhb:Ting gRa Vtal= " rile ".. taTteet4lo Itespi l4X tel=tista lormOcerom,hipe,Urean Pumpe,. PaeldochllM: or arena. Paw Holders, All Dale Doill k trbforsh iLthE.suZith"festalrryiroViiteVirez:bier. Door Springs, taw Onwirmre Meat. Marta will be Ibi.4 vernier of tdestrped Hauls. b as Mao end teapot them :tate sod a:C Plit y rAi r er Cement (or Hatters` use • D. HODGMAN. Freight received for all the Way Stadium on the Peaaryhrazda Carpal liaaroad. .113171. 840-127:4 Adm J. Walton.. • minus, Jame North. JmesUlikast. . - _ la"aa li Jit h= oacit 1. 4 : 11 0 13yea lo•h*".. matds: ' Xtdergnell • Audit. • , Itnststilitg. • thumaisoo, j ar= Ca. a . liovua_a cots.. ' jgli lith.lB6l: • • . = T i e of Pen . n arid wytte street.. • 114USQUITO , NETS,Itte, White, ac., to " th"" ISC6IFIrr 114131ZIIIMD. JFRENCH_ :LAWNS—MUIPIIT & BOWIE. mu) WU ban as butt au stiolmonsit .lusr, ziggalrougseh==.apt sr, NEAT PLAID GINGRAME.of. To th % tar smairy. lately toodnd sod sslllottoor of lIIMPEW a 1311110M/REPIL IKON-15010 tons Mill Creek Pig Iron PO tofu Rem Creak . do do do do dor ado bi utowNSON LlTTLlL ibirty CO. .171.11 CO. rted WINDOW GLASS 2, 1 0 Imes anao ROY, an o n 111 AO 0 N -2D, 000 bbla. Bacon , : , - 1) 0 , _ bbls. Ma w N. uft,142.: A ri ego aseorte store fi o rd. nointisaN, LITTLE &CO. DiVider4. airril . OF P.l*.q ll °VI 001P111. Jab 14,1151. 'Mgr TRUSTEES otthe Pitteibuzgl l ( Uu.W s igi HUAl:ugh ••••••••Mirt destand, Lb.. 01 iSes - claw OnSeismi. JAMES IL CHRISTY. JOAO, gurg, BAUM—We Imo on hand §O,OOO • ilsnll Orin. Ors Dena warranted equal to ate naltad fl Wm. Ifhlavara seli T tr a to w. f1i.f...T3-7The'neatest g 4 4%71=0,4. u : .zziu4z4. „raper! 1 1 1A940, va - Oik ,Iforhe ALs..en tbe mo J. 21 r. Taos' =loan ix. lyttEFß"'""9oo busk. dried Pera* D jo it,T= l * - = Am Zuritate • ,Y I II I .. WANTED --Land warrants wanted, for wakath.hiaba.l rmw bp,r" ow. 2.• tn. .1116 /adan sad Ilatddng Haan. /dank Maio for the Bloomers. ILLEBER,IOI Third street, sign of the •1101 - rdiolWoirrit l ircrrrair - POLE toaatital of the Mama Coena.r . :Art " fir amen rag Bloomeec tom Ircater's braotlfat eh ...elle wee a wt.' . Auo.....ndy 80. T.E...m.0w , Bat& len CREAM CHSEESE-51 boxesreoeiiiitm Bkimill's Lim, for sal• by .111128 i 771 68 Watch gad 71 limt ti VIBE BRICK-25,000 for Bale jil6 JAXICS DA14111L1... QUGAR—Lovering's Crushed and Myer had, Now Orlon; and Cluified obr ode ET I • Jrl6 J. D. wmaims a co. . TEA , —Printe to Extra Fine Green; CbuDas _Dlnrnos Oolong Blz.k. F.* gal 1 .7 .17 Th J. D.axid wualutsa co CANDLES -4 1 0 bo!es _ AL...4%We°. 'VINEGAR-15 bble. Oder, forsale by T Ji D:WILLIAMB FSH—Maokerel, Salmon, Shad, and Her rieg,lor mho by I. D. WILLIAM t CD. Noted for Three Prime Articles! EAR IN MIND 1--Minutis' TEA Mew:, In the - Dtmnonfl,la noted for AMU . Pti:=I . O 4 4WINA and • Tee beat /BENCH IMANI/Itiln nttabargh. Ebould you mind tea latter fa? meilettal purimaee, lon 'may fully depend non lta Ims/CY. /Yl4l. Information Wanted. ISS ANN MURPHY, late of Dublin. gAro i rhitVirtin.Vseil s s, roesT .fi e _ • • New Kok. 41 - 021 . N H. li t iE . LLOR, I"T°. 81 Wood *treat :, ... • AFarman If gray !boded pram ' . Walla gentlinental. a/ Plkr , • . 14Ba. [StolralTi " l Vwlcw PIIIP MW • ag. or aebottlall Pollur. I . OI thee altb sladnam • : ' i I'd loan the. thin hand at mbar. ' - Ms boom • bora ,ear the heart Ir. • ' : ica . thtt . %:= of • Boldlarros Grans ngels NowadlK A „ ilri t• limos of tha Ito_ bin; Bandon _ . , Illaookka and , Wattr. Nally AM _ , ' • garb, 807 . / Oravin Janay Poll*_' rata la bat a mgr. , Willow Wad Quick Mr._ OW roe pakt Polka; Gr name% Wool/I um with ear.. Good Looand Huambo Poll:K. W pl here ars now tla• hapag Ilaro P borgh Polka; Prlt Polka; Cal_ yl olkc "dateloalola Polka; . Hertsel Polka. : -.; , • •' _ _ CIIICS6BI3IOII PIANOS—A vary largo gook od nand and 11.17111115. .104 FIBH-10 bbls. White liah; 10 bt Dbl. • bbl.. Lake Irout,• 20 bL btar..• " f or rli .B. ANFIELD. PREMIUM CHEESE-2 Extra Large Pre; tot= °cob. Cbeen.leterrztatriko. USLIME OLIVE OIL, in Flasks, din beat 1..7 flask Oil laipentiod.iiirt mil ale Dir. AL. ammo a _on. 1712 nnaa. mad ra. riealats. VESSEL MACCARONI—A very superior r seek Jost reed set saws. sr ww. A. =mkt 156 Maly d. DOWDER— . . . . - 3003 kip Itaerd'i =Beim l ui ; 800 102 T ki reL it i liVol%llllo. ° I'7 'CLARET WINE--Achoiceartiele,forfam= Ni414,..b7 the am (012•A•dosjob=V, 00. tiOVERING'S BUGAR-50 bbla. Crush awl Planet:of. le wie br 711 A. 0171.11:RTSON • CO. VI ANDRE AND. HA • FORKS—A good ill.r.eXLNc.ll;74 .I•=' Mr 'll A POINDELITIL.W•tu if 12 lost Ibr IlarpMt P . ACKED TEAt3 t—Jenkins & Co.'s (of Philadelphia) serporkw waded Gewomsadllatt lelowwraiwisq.amsedltWarilmannMMOWpwOM we warranted to losistusscuss.: W. • It. POI 771 1 Azad Je lM = l / Co. Pittsburgh, Cinthansti andLouisvills Tele. 43 FEW of FEW Stock wanted at Ilarlasso OM. at A. wilsa As ,co. Comm Stoats. ; WE HAVE ciders for the Stock of viri oar Ommaatti of Z.I. taped or 7 Thom DI"'" "m".. rIFILIZEIRE a co. VIMESE-30 bates W. IL; for sale by_ Xi Jill S. - W. ILLREA.I7OII. kfOITS-300 bbla. extra Yam., for sale by &tlr7l - W. u•CaIWII. - - 10,E - AOKES-10 cab prime Halm, for • We by Jill e. .1 W. ILLIULIMIOIL NEW MACKEREL-50 bbls No. 5, lame asekornl but railed ABA tor alotE .Wll 6 t W. 11.11Blc011. W OLASS-1000 bone city and hTDnM 4trsi N n i W. HAIULIAMIL §ODA ASH-650 casim,of our own mt. haus, Incluttmd_of u Nab Ulu Ingulut. lb! o. ta. urnawriAlla ra 101 flea. irt.. mu Maw. SAL SODA - 200 casks for sale by - szlAE'rr.lllß OD. BLEAORING POWDERS-200 slush for ale br aril 11100111 T, MIT 00. 411 Abler-500 prime Caatossed. for sale by it bil 8.4 W. ILIBRILIIOII. woou Vool,!—Cash paid for trio direr. Tre l aTha" .c°l 17 8. t R. 11111131Z811. SODA - ASH-15 casks for sale by irn W. lIA=AO3II. COFFEri-125 sacks Oreen Rio, for sale by 3711 A. CULBERTHONA CO. 'pi:Mecca—no boxes idanufactieed, W. 1 LI. °..0 . aced • R0bi4•45404151 cbolot brands. *a We or •- CULISEanoN • CO. 101 ' 145 Liberty OLASSF.S-50 bble. N. 0 for Bale by /Vl. JTU , a. CULEIRMICIS sox POTASH -20 casks pure, for sale by bit• J. a. DILWORTO L CO. Keg:wide Powder. VOR the Destruction of all kinds of, Insect& —ittotnra. LYON, temeatet ar.l3.merer of tb. ralur Pairdrr lb. ...I. , V=Opelettatber= Pr... =mei :V bats sad Mier 51'" ,_ - Bold LoluW and Mall by IL. IL BUMS, 67 Mead st ORN--500 bu. Shelled, for sale by Jtlt JAL DILIWORSIt 00. Communian Service. , • TANKARDS, CUPSi PLATES, BAPTIS AIAL eowra te, for W. w. , srnion. • into et llortot 4. comer of too rt!e• bin! P 8, CHANDELIERS, - GAS FIX TUB= at., of Clorsolloo I Co.'. unrlvoll .41:1111fruriblt7=71174 b ultarej. t.dimt of camphor. out V. Ifsbu. Jfio V. w. 'AM6-4 cake superior, for sale on con idgroavat Dr T. WOODS &: W 80. N. el stat LLRD--1500 lbs. No. 1, for bale by Irlo T. WOOD 3 *SON. (a Warr et. SODA ASII- - -23 caulks Lubwith bind; for bau Dr ,1 3 % E VI P. ir7ups. do keg. We NoL, for rale by SirrlT-11 WAt WaBo3r. V iva:l*Y.] rirmy,ti ,mig4 110WDER-510 kegs Da Fonts Blasting; too naliviMirm. F LAXSEED 01L—S wake warran!ed pors, u. IL ZULUS. 57:Wadl gL IIINIATA BLOOMS-20 to for sale to NI clam amArnakcat. Witll • JORIa . trio 0. MOLASSES-300 bble. ask. far gale .1.11 • by .10D W. a 1. mum% SYKIIP—,2I bbls. for tickle IJ. /00 W. ir.sosr. bhde4:7lll.l4l i z ot. • CHEES-i4 4. 24ges rreivizatgLrell's ha ea Water, ad IS Mat its: . ACKERNL-30 bblo. New No. 3, for Bale .1/13/111 DAM/ILL. T ANNE R S' OIL-50 bbs. for salel4l HSIEBER has Lust received,— . . rgzaanslt. a. sar i..., &FAA — albums. Irma; stem aaasse. PR • my Ethta. 1 - • my rav o, iii" 4bri , WM.. ca The, Oa &out Pedal. ' Ail l=i• N=4. !bur Swim Llabs., veil Mutt, by Wft tb3;l by jobe Lam yoell dpett. by. a, C. . Tun Fur. ... ba. 4. Tolstal. try B. 0. Tod's, - r n' 1 a Va l" 5" 11Et 7 . . ' " g • : ' . PoLuib— Ch 41%rte. •Pr g norsoi r""" was:— Catr.diu w b anygia. „.. Au. Wn,:d }lymph, . . 4 . l bm bt Drib. bMic• abilll44.4lffis lbw; la", 'Fatßone.' A LARGE find oo Sonel.Horse, 474_ AFRERF.L-10 0 tp. NreNt 3 1.41!:ga; nits Oa lsr Wit...1340=44,04 it .1 liCsILV-5p44111.00 bbls. need Nos.; foi Pharr rt. DAGAti 14,4 1,6 D~pponE rhitefijlicr /r 3 "' MILLAM it fie" .0 ~._........ .r.~~ ti ~+ ~ _- , Q OAP-300 boxes R 014114 all% km1111(111, for 47 oak try . wx. *AMISS! a CM. ice 13 %IA 10 Wad . 4 on cOnsljganent, for sea by DICE= CO.. 3 West' lront st. VOTTON—W. bales in store wadies sale by DICE= SOO:. „. fIOTTON BATTING-$° We 5,111141,7,.... 1 con.olsatoant, Nola loro to claw. = ITO . IHaIAH DICIEST &CO. • ealiby F EATHERS—For DICILIT*CO. - • ,Pitts Life lasn:racce Second Inetolimont of Three-.DOilars L ig i each ohm of the capital abet of sea Coottaaan to pa able at their OM*, No. Tb Pouthetzeert. once WPM A. COLTON. igetiksti. Notice to Contractors. :" s Hinninghon and BrosimiTin iraradonisid Apt, pan and Plank Bond Company. _ NOTICE is h n = b given that Sealed Pro , sair==tho I.lllldirWitt %r ig. tert. (14:nu salsa of old tad. ( soctlatmot t kullo t i V t ori:=Vir d oa c de&zx JO7N MEM, doei. 2 blts.l:la I Litt. . . . „ 111. Itaeg -7 411 W arttleper summit. Dicsaril CO, - •ad ire gals b 7 JIT CREISE-150 boxes for sale b '- WI7B6TH DitIMIT • Ca. TIRE AND 'P WAT ER PROOF MINERAL. r ALIT,I Oba dS L d D rIT I" - - SYRUP 310LABSE8-27 bble. S. IL Syrup Wham. inpwrkte article. for sale _ _ Jo JOHN wart IX._ 4ASTBORY: a Tale; by 'Anna'.Harriet Omni =thalami of 'Mends and Sartaime .Bo Bea to we Iterear or Many aWa e a Camay In ins gen by .Z. Lyttan. 11=nirastArl ge a .r u aX l3 Th. Daughter of Night a aura at the prawn don by I rt 0T T 0 . 2 41 =r i g g I . Jen - Black Tel Erma LiverpooL , 41 (2.1 5T REOKIVED, 'at NOBJIIS' TesAdeii. attics lot oft troary.l 0030011 - 1/bith IM= trial will bband tO • littlo ittettl 01 say la Pt • • h. The yoblio us Invited tc p a t Zg ... into Tow—lto • • I • owl Itootott • • • Ist • SP EC TAM LE 81—We hate aCcuoglete !clock of Gold. Elva and Stealt"a test quallt7 of mom and cooew Gloore.Vl v Abee to W. glary vitiate ot seeotspos to the but IN CC optkal swam [1•211 • - • STOOKS WANTED-- -- 100 duns Bank a PHl:awl:ln 100 " 14.62011.115a1p _ 100 "lusup. 100. - 012. of ma.A.utia. I=ErEl SIINDRLES-- io Mils. Omar, • I Wall; C"litn ' IS""idelk —. Wita, • 166 W•ter Wort: ' WARREN'S MAGAZINE, for Jnl been mated at 1101ALLW Menu • MOVIINLNG ALP-ACC/LS—Light • body Via'clio . "ll= l4 s:Argi: L0105t0...1 , a ot A r h or Win of Mourning 80:4.—• toooronsost to be Sonnet at the Moro of . KUILP/IT BITSCHVIILD, 172 • tAir •:4 `1:: I r: Impwr & Itiscsrmo &ate reedved s Am plates Bawl and I k IWled Irene& Clal or • scrod quail. Ake— Black Dna em. fu 8619113112 . irS UNDERSIGNED have enema into Comartnnalthr nadr the dna or BIXBY a LAW tom= on P.AI2 AND f i t r fLW . lull usactount of Papars,./ka., tn Millar Pun= Wont and lAA Audi= dal Bath Pods and lid* Pam; Warr and Lsid.o3l l4 rat /olio Postailet .. Cops: Prlahns Paws. all dos. Hardman frank 10 by . za to so swish tared and httalastamaliadusra. and WhitalShomPanamanian= sadestosldass. OslondCo Stardlla Naos. all and dud m Il Pawn lanethadr i7l imam- Bras/04 Wm Mai= sod 1116.4../ Naas, mead and Calmed }l. far Oonfeenonses. Bad. Manilla an 4 StewnaEr Ppm a wean. a:weer. Bn, 0.0 Id= MVO. White and Bel Plagymz Latch rats ad Cild dam Alscalate SW.. Poet* it Coo Plinlf= Clan, Is p.eUand dm% retold sad andoor t = malts or fir. Alm left atlt,Zivard and 2111. 1LP LWM• arla il aßgor a. ave Man In =UM. for Oat irt•do MACKEREL -50 bb s max». Igrge 172 CWI b taiMS. wkr;egt. (',RACKED COCOA—Fresh—just Teceivißd 'IL) and lb, sale DT IOL A.MALOKO CHOCOLATE, 10101dA &.*COCOA: YOT e r W31..1.11d=r813 I. . . LAKE FISH-5 tali. Lake Trout, (rtaw;) VAreedved br as 7i New' spil +.!, • • TritSPIRIT POLKA.: compo sed by a ur. sad dedicated to Emboli. Cacated. of Abbe •'"iiedi Lict,byby...4 by Drier iom. alto r v ac: . L ato lano catottlet plea Masio n t • I= 4 erotoe. - Safi aids oflio thatiloa Irak P. 13.—• aplinaelld Lot of nor PLANO 3 no, 08•8188. Olao very coed otecod-boxid 8 earn Planed= cals.. • §TBAW WRAPPING "PAPER'-Crown; sad Ikatil. Crank dui, Ai* ragas DT MAAS= P. 4 • • FRENCH RAPER—For salelz usi WALUR P.l lIERP -41 We, hruisclui, for! nktb t. COTTON -48 bales! . or sale BAD-1359 pigs Galen*. for gale bi • POO itatiIr.IILLIVIISIn 00 FRUIT-10 bo 0 . prime Pettehein- WO " MOM/CM REFINED SUGARS--124 Ws. Crushed, Palmist!. and Clarltad Basam_bast Haar Tark broods err sal• Or WM. BodiOd. sY * i Llivw =ximtmle!T. , sliv rin- 3 - 0 110 bbla. N. C. or s aleA a 4io. BUTTER -13 kegs 441 ; for saleabgi C REE J.3O SE—MO bowl W.R. salae4l?rly I A: Fa. •P.4:11 i.es. : " named New 'Yak LeMbar i bibr al•bj um ' Jact Bao ASTOR OIL--10 bbl. extrioinality,' sa. by WU. BiCIALIT jao • ' I 18 and 20 WOCd lUWUANTS' BANK STOCK WANT- &MD /i ' lle &mate. VXCHANGE BANK STOCK WANTED . , hr _ - BAIRD I 11/3124 ' 0.7) • • /14 &cud -- DIG IRON-60 Was onp3rior, for rale by J•3O ' - Han a MEL V B —230 bbh. for oale i lz o a taii3 bbla. for sale bi- a W A.61: 1 1:4 :4 Di PM Will reMIEJOI: I 4 up! ICR-50 tierces (to arrive) for sale by }co • BAIRD INDIGO & NUTMEGS - On pixasippoutt, lIAD-25 bbbs : for sale by _ • -' • B. BAIRD t IRVIN. Masud° Tiles for Rae& - - THESE TILES are more dorable thonMer 61%ml the mist:rot/ colonim4llgurr:*. en cod CE ator and cum pablle end end °":1".4**1°)".1"%a11i'147114ra6a4"4/kirati. 142 n .• 279 Eked ereatalSW.SOßX. ' VOPLEY'S POT OLAY-1U tow foisale i. • - .7. BOILOONDLAINg & CO. INSRED OIL-14 bbla. for axle by pox • . - J. 601100NIMIXIM CO. A I,QM-50 bbls. foltaile c ; 0 11 oct if/LOB-100 . bbls. far sale low by U yds SCROOMUM • CO. SAND' PAPER-60 man add, for sae Jai ISCROONNAJLIM it CO. fia PONGE—Extre, tine Turkey, @sale by !ap as . P_ca(3"/".K..24,14-ist: LALN TS GROUND, IN OIL. jai lb. cans. aunt om Raw omm. cammum.. huSecirmi, *4 lu*. ' Tom LCOUOL-76 and 92 de: lateen , . . .o.by I • J•' " Will wl TE GLUE-3 CR OCCANAK Wild; for sale by EKIL CO. I, Ai) g, 'S Nerve and Bone Lida:um s.B , olloomuus a co. TRAW WRAPPING PAPEII-50, reams, ortss besMAY... kr ' sea +.mnOOnYLIIISR it 02. cltemites. SAVE just received heti New Yuri, ear It . zuprrnow 01/1311:63 sad • - rsar. sons" . A :4* . ' 'LP . 1 •• - • , • JOHN WAIT it tkas. net Vi2l:l 2146 , Neg*' 10 " No. 2 " • Zltt u tolds. 1 ,- N 0.2 HeltHadne lo • 0.1 CUN • 142, . 7 "SMP/1130 .11. . AMERICAN STATE PAPER S State leti and ?alio Demands af the thilial Stab* Amariaat a( clectiralfria=.= en "statism •oola svfaZatuable warts Itre ' iart Lc. erroarroax slum Young Ladies' Beizikutry--gegitaT N. W. METCALF, Prin. M I 6= ea Noedai.Bartor mir M o t Mtn of laltioa w ma* u berstolbre. Yoe • • • IR EV. W. d .PETTIG: PO ) in 621418 ma admit two cr =ars . ssa "d edrels of MAI= I t atftg simesu se SM. Am s ... am besedm la haw. sad • sada asd maniglat malmalsod arm that . = ....1.... , t_.. .. =MI. Mt Stodbog and not noon thon _ tt to tbwitstg . t . il im mnr. the wants Of t 'm a n moats mod gnanilnos ornd said tads eldldna sr muds to a mut. =Magi ,BOA dameaSOPmerylmsda avesmalast. sm.. LA Mnas may Seaman. ss assUmass. /MI. NEW TORE - AND ERIE ItAILROAD:• 18514ffingEMMEg11851. 1 , ROUTE TO NEW YORK CITY via l X i lTndcht 424 tbs -Erb Ballzost cessisettes srtth est elms sawyers on 14. ks i n Solonalms sad Ctsclonstl, .acsod sod nttstratsb, markt and Bals o d w rsuos sat '41.1M.=1 then. and - • NS D,UNICIRIS A8T0L141222:, '1 • Ist Nototog . (ft mpno Thin al 0 o'clock 2d . SO- Issalair /Um= 21: 2bos halo Map si Maths: sets. pssoMisnose =lllosts, sad Ural Ms Ewes Welk welsh= t monists st 9 ces2xll..cosking ths slats 4 %. .4.1(. 34P 7 - P lea' "d gigat T es i cte r rtrelt= Brac t t ' sris . i t ora Bscoad CLus be ens 21 In kw days- k. -I t lds u Or e r i sl i = =V i z tret ..0... . Iles Wok sad hakk _Partlealsr staattlos stll to sold to Stock. The Pap Wag 4 dst vr i k=l,l:is e ms cresst adcs=rso dla•Anroscal *Wa Ell b• st asmetatka oosstolsdos to s V=Mtcl2lll2.o distributed, [MAT 1211 las la mud to thasockas ot 12%1, as woo Yra • I* .i. Miktinam. LOU?. galdrk- Ml"r, ' limit . .... CONSEQUENCE of the dew/i.e. of John Varies. th• put:wadi, bmtofon Wm= I Condo is busby dhoolvld. Il th la . Oa. fo fatty . sottortool to oath Ur bmfor of au late Ilria— ja moons bairlas dolma let:I pingo lomat lbws Or Pit..,, • PARTNERB/1/ P. 1 lescatoors to McAdoo The business of the Agency of the Pena elnats Central Banned Coastomay Agency Metals! be tow amdad. ander Um, must and a7i* ie➢B LOLL amaze of Pimaincl Run! tiomot• PittsbutilkJal7lo-1361.-110 ==ff!=!=f= .COVORR COW: ISsmawars to Weradon Condsl " Cowl 4, Pena &rest . • . Pain& Rail Road Co.:•,Cattal Bail Road -- 1 subscribers having been, aunointed rimi =6 ... is Ws'Pollanlasala or fral len ;Mlle Was we arc now ompand to is aim am =Mat Vialthaadbt• or radon, rotabbassat Goode "Weds routs wha b. ueW Wont In and all mulgad to wall b torl tno/ of ' Wan artimm fie anima. Was owns:war seams innummara am eMiatias... llszlitc n sloir: iu saj m loolg=Meatis r itotn. a tm ,. Etazdwals. Wroomfro,Pahrta. , ..nom Loathrt. nr, Tas Bauer, lard aboothy and Mbar Wool ao. No Wo. ftw. ormy : hard OA TeIMW ow.Orsha aaa Isom /Mal. - Liable (mash) Tahnlah, WAN Clamma Chlh , soma; Soma. M. COVODI 100 r • maws Aron sod Warm Meats I.Bsl.—{jso .28 HOOBB TO graiNEM- 1851 priTaaummi AND CLEVELAND &ckd and..Raarcorlrine to Ctoodotor , ' GEES leave every morning at 9 steamboat to Nearer. theme laY woOnwe tlls r =thonooloyYlttabowohand Pm* ' 'Foando>m boom Ya Detiolt,la tatiFri, NNW%COOwrs. CO 'DOAN atm *Notch to CINCINNATI, - - • . ii;tnatiMilii and Zan* by Cleveland awl Chadoreall Wood. '472=WN NW Dam% Olkt i ond alilarsakio, Lava every weaning at 'o'clock. by Lb* -em= of Walesa °anrl road o. tbeE theme ti 7N, o'r.be A. M., bliallotoot to Now - wad arriving same manias at MlorAogoteamboat. X. " Val; b j2rot h li c lTr. inowardo%detar, tb""S Sm"t rAt h riVVArli, ITonnoWne. ROCIIIIRM Pt; _Nor fleNata or InEnznalon aunty to Jo A. O (17Y Man) coma of tugd and ar.6.12.0. • or . WAL NOO %Amt. - Ceti =doe BA .fta.Nn Ibid. Wood FTITIBaII. PBRINTLVANUL MMIP . - if 351., 'SPRING AIgtANGE*3II:Ni: lortpaixlemis to Ilalmie Fcirt , j4laarlours to Baltimore. - -281 miles Balirowl--103 miles Ca . TO ..PHILADELPHIA.. BALTDIORK AND Bei7:fres fins Me ri mmxstad m Mcgignyout part,. rage! jExpt 'Lwer a Packet lints. VMS SUM til"" 42" " sa Itemat.ar, Lri . or Johnetnsen, thence HOLLIDAYSIMBOR, NEW PENNSYLVANLS • EMMA% Two Baedred hatr-s.. sollardinet m. • Raab larvama WaCe., ". Tare to Pht/ $lO. Yam to Bantam, t ior tducvt. tlo ltallaniar„ Sake the Ta M tr a e l had ea wend _at. Cart a: gat glsee. — Wary Star tam) hee . VOUS hanse. • No charge for hartail Baggage asithltraro. rrocoroosoir nolo ere am, tad of the socat wpm mtatntettaalac =art an tar j• _- A r wh adittre cheap amuse J. P. HOLMEA ir tt Mama BOON. D. LEEC Canal Btahk, Pas atm& 1851. WESTERN ISIL TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. R. LESCR ec COT. LINZ, ; griginig MHO ' BAIL ROAD AND CANAL • pITIEBITHG H. PHILADELPHIA. •BAE LI . rClaud being in good- (oda.; -we ale epewased to lasompoct =often iesseheadise to book the. atm* dues, et the lomat earessa oi -IWO; omtn =iml . remi ... z i d dlua th r. Ile bags net BaU a lodine tehnotatted. 01l b histrer=Voe ' apay st. 4%17 to. al adalete H ATS ELitot e Tropetotem . • Nob Want. Manua& • unglue Mean. Peoria Iteaelebbe Dopot. Nos. la it 10. booth aei ' alifierragMo A 4" . • - North T. 11. P No. T. Wol= per. PARE ItEMICEID 1 ~. tB5l. _ __ICtIONCIABXLA. BOUTIL V's Brovastrno and Comb.=land, to Bsltionve aad Philadelphia.. : g:ILIMG:BOAT leans the Wharf sum tae mete dear. et 3 e'eled‘ Mdmili. Cue with tbe ms id Cenclnched east stioraint. * Ito Mae lone daily an it=ka a g will! the acre at Caliall - riest. . Van them% to Balthaese:l2 boars. PececiedifiL i Mie l ? .... g c•_*!iato ß littl t sjs.4l) becam owh gricy 11111. the .ftectereina end Ceisilierlweerbielci =We Ude decidedly the tale mate Sam i eilln - ° Math the NotimcebilM i see . 1 1851; - jam t . - UNION LINE . Oe the Pterasylvania and Ohio Made . ' IMILISS lk 011.:—...• ..—.ll.omena,7l. - 014111 , 1011 D h 00.,—Rmu" °- THIS well known Line is naz , rei r = o to elaw:Ecul Dusenems Dm 11 ~„......... sod b.. Lieu . = UT. sad espaelt7 of Baas. maim! captdos,. 'llia tk ras ficatrsli Pitlezgh mid Penland dail n. nTirM 15=srigtx1 A. ‘14 414 sod a' s Las of Dalt diastole:Wean tig".13411334 , ru1di) ea the Lass. . . . 0.; . Newton 0404 Les ' .no• rettibacr.eomparmr CA:To" •eckham &WA So O. Dot l Ng CL aA/ 1 4... : ; :•- • Dammam Co.,ll.l.lwaskis. we UM A. ell! lk 0A.013120. tALIS ChIe rtAIIOiIIIMi= d, eal' I'. W 1011,04 smutuseid . - .lWm. M. Kalil& . apectal attention to the Wen s. y k lnals sad tarn 4.M.M. *th".t _. . 14 Wm* 1.1.0. 4 . 011 k. 1, LW, mmalso the Nmi Mort 11. mm Iwntirtomm-Jam f.M7lmmin.W.2‘;wm., WIMPWm. ad Wm. •-• OAF SUOMI-50 loaves Later*CaDou DIA BAINKI. Ated sad ibr 1.40 Wlt A. piecIAMO t CO. "PAGED BLANK:BOOICB.=- - Blank Books, 1. a nary ass. =sae zod sard i r ZWe feasticat .1.2 e sabr 'M ar=itaar. otV,V,a. MISSED Oririooo (10 ve ) k ,„ p an J. HID I CO.. CO Med hl. rElt BONNETS AND BATS-It. EL .... P .m ALNssngt.csrt zw . auta :::: .4 .d gma, kiHnnol • ___32 bozos, now binding and for 13ALW /CHEESE -200 bozos in store, for sots by Li jot • • MIMI MCSSIC II CO. V 0438-300 do,. for Bde - B. 1111L8A114111.- 1117 - ICTO - RIA - LiWNS-:iiriceCes reed sad v by isl 4 • L. ABZUSERM BABRED MUSLIM—SO pieces 'desirable u qune7,isl• try • C. Altllolll/10T.