PaTSB • • .;105 3 1 11 ,71 11 011 1 91 1 1 1 F1i nikorT, '- ,1 ;+Wi4lbasii la Itatiky-piir, iiii iiiii!,' E 1 , 1 .:-. Theta Otlity. ram or mann' , - , - And 'mar, now . past arty yea rs . -* • L''. - And I sai hear tbreestors , • '. Y 4 NAtilifi*Aa. : .ll oo4 446 to Ini, • AS pilreirt,lllllll the dsy WhilitTOWsltam.taitoarutuipioi Lome, ,14:."7' v . ' - . • • - vaii . the5. , ; ,44 .1604 :,: , ittitfair t , my J., • M. I*cb'-*'''. *AA s ad la ; , Thenmatoluets, you ou :lai Arthasisli. . '4 U. ln . oa old chunk, . s ..A . ii4 I. 4 l :Aiii* phis 14 °I; '..iv:i -0 dll4t t 11 MP . 0 13 ." - . • ' .`a3lOilid you oi:ji'xiiiaU3, ehirtor, ~ ~ . Y ou r sohd and , lowing beast: - '-.7 Tdarft:poined by cis than all else mu, •. ;,-:.... ..:That . thrlar better part • ' . ' • • 4.grmied thii!shilbo toted so *ell - ~ • ...--, .To lead a gistli lile. -- ' ''• : ' . Was ttul riot one walla 'mould choose . , • ~* • To makentaittital 'tee. ~ . . . . ..... , , . - , .• Tik i t speed riht, my own desrJosa, • ' Oar "aided Ws mull groin ; par anthewcyran„. 'mere shown for me, •, . Also* lo,tiog bra.* - - Tho' icni7brirsimy ehsrms are gone, Ton's. 'tarifa* , .b.i. 'part ; The dowry that is . * brooght to me, A [cad aid I t DE. ruzsoir. A he writer thew *doh& the personal char . aster of Dr. AM:aired Judson, late missionary , • This lesulini features of pr. Jeufron's cteracter, when ere, regard him an Is public man. here eh aspect of each stem and simple grandeur that thay throw into the dads those delicate trafte, *M.& disclesed thentuelver to the eyes of ill who knew him in &cid end domestic life. Indeed, the higher quattles of Which .we hare spoken are rangy found in • intimate- anion with the gentler rirm.a„ 'with that thlldlilte tenderness, thst"getial smithy, that nice regard to the uzinlader of .at m,. which throw a charm around the scenes of home and the circles of hiendsidp. We are aerersarprixdb team that dime are utterly wanting in men of inn sinew, formed for daring and emittrence. Jost as when we hare gated an some lofty mountain that tow er" enblim elite th sties, it teems not strange, tf, en:inclose surrey, -the One proportions and the beauty et aniline shall harem:asked, sothat we, 'eh' touch 'nothing but rugged rooks and At=thicket*. :Bat to find the ascent 'of set: height &Ached with halts and dowers, sheltmleenines. - refreshing .springs, and airraf,bilfdz, fill the breast of &mild! , ho with a sairtiment of pleasing winder.- A - kindred' =Aires his doubtless been awakened In theharta of many whit hare long contemplated Dr Zosilext trton * distant point of dew, and here..afhwud totint hAored vith of Pestsonidei of weevil' Then it has been seen thee the demeans of his nettle - were admirably bilmioel, that his social Lifer-Unto were conimen: caste stith Ida intellectual power.; and that hid morglichd mind ailed * wide : sphere of bats' Ofbha It Maid not bi justly said., as it ones _ . was of an eminent moral philosopher, that Di lorpi mac in myna, but no human being to particular., nay, his heart vu a wellepring of tearrearectiona; his eye took widdrilts scope the. thole tide tug, of human relationshipe' and lie was semitively dine to the happiness of all around him. In this respect, he reserribled his. Divine Mader, who, while cos earth, although be was employed in a Weston that ineolted the menial destinies of a fa/len ram con. genial joys in the friendship of Martha, Mary and lour" and who, amidst the agonies of the cruet Areal commend the temponsi wel fare Of has mother to "that disciple whom be In thiariennactinalt may be proper to . rdellsw, Moths &bud to the aerial qualities of , Di : +Jad. - eo ,hit storceptibMty,of the pleasure:l,d hist+ ship, his palmier eteseneationi Ids combine ' tion of mental inentrjeith the Mod winning ien daurta n*7 of us &mita id presstotrOtoring Ids 'Norms in this country; which amid hue - bean imposed by no study of , Ids history, by no sketch, hoverer vidd and InteellOnll *8 see a man who in for einglenew of site vs sie often - stmciswith a cede& eloqueoodof mammy which cummbe described, sad which, when found to be in beeping with Ere tenser of Ms tins, di does the heart tozoi, truthfully than theixst efforts of the permit, or the, pen._ The - Enuneellet Luke seem to diode to the impression of Sheracter made by the personal appearance of our Lori, dellihr papaws which Dr. Campbell has trans- tatad,."hiwasadorned with* divine graceful.... cereal • .rhe aosibrimati Wolf not only la won* but- tn.- the• tem& of the voice, in the kindling • eye, in enni festers, In every morieramt Al- • than& it, may not he late to judge of men by tam outward oppesnueo merely, . yet them are signs of character whirl ace seldom mist* , kern. which so art on counterfeit,• and which guts litspnatdons that we can neither resist nor truss • And no ono, probably, haa been permit ted to enjoy Dr.lndson's society, and espeddly to heel with him while condoeung the worship of a family, who he not , kit his presence with some he courietkin 01 it's depth of hie platy, of the brealth of hie philanthropy, of his child like humility an a Chris:We sad of his Peal great . , Oearterattos on eon 3lmmurru Caen—The May Munher of fiillimaa's Soong andel= an intarende 11:0711IIL of the Mammoth Can, Ina letter-uddxaeea to Prof. Goya by ?rot Md. Kallstik Jr., who has recently made an ctplo radon ef its mystirriet; and In connection with:Mc N. .aten„ war a collection the animas from that. .One atmospherria Acne. awes Winded the attention of these gentlemen, and teeted their ingenuity for a sitistsctory ex pal:radon, 'rim The blast of cool air blowing out ward from the mouth of the Care, which renders it nearlylapossible to enter with alighted lamp. if the eneurnal ale hew • temperature of 90 Pals., the bleat ancentle to sole, but if the air without has a tempaatare of 169—L0 no cur rent In o atoll the dans of a l amp ' held is ' flronblo reith 4 4 indicator 60134. It im mediately *mod to me (said Prof. Bblllumn ) that there mast be two torrents, one *bare of warner airpassing Inward, and one below of eoldex u r ri kting outward, 'Mid the rese nt; brat t soon satisfied me that thin was not thacassi Only onset:neat could be dieter- Mid, end MI• Inquiry - of cur Intelligent &de, I foetid that this phenomenon bad attracted his Attention, and that he wee saddled from many o beerrallun that only PTO current existed, and that. this Bared out *hen the external air was abate 60 , and inward when this wee below 60 ° The piumotrunum Is accounted far by Prot 6illftala era rcientillo principles as follows The mend, of the an Is the • only comumniadiou between the external sir and tie Tart iabFhte , dig/trim sad armee which stretch away for many milee in the solid Ilmestona. The air lu these cod ergromid excavations la pare and ex bile:wing, which ma , Io be accotaded for by, the nitre bedi of ble extent, es the ni trograwhich Ls concomed In the formation of the nitro, of thou more bare Its proportion of tree oxygen dimmed, thus earthing die subterra nean atnimphere, with a lager portion of the ex title:rating' prineipier The temperature of ar eate is nalforinly 6r, mazer and winter, &ZIA thin is probably very neor to them:man:tun of the external sir- The expansion which atom panes en elevation at tempera-tare in the outer ale b • Unmettletely felt by the denser air of the an, and litotes cut to obedience to , the law of motion in inns and ther,outwerd 'current eon- Uncut" without interraptioa ae long ;*e the outer air is possessed of a bigher temperature than the The phenato ens of, ids within the care ate eeni peadrely for but EaGrertill. Tbenient wend 1,,... ... , this largest of width felt not of cricket, with entsb(e..tu/y long LlabrlMX. Then are UV ral species 'of Calcopters, wadi bu rrOwitny the nitre earth. There are some anallopeciesey voter Insects, sappased to Tua crustaceous Of fah,' there are two sTeamquie of which, es le well ham, is =dray system the ct testel eyes but U quite plied The only mew wary except the bats, le . It 1 1 * 1 7, abundant Prof. writ sti ay *was syma the extumtkosto of the Idanunennh care hare-been finned by water, and by no other eartee. - • • 4 Wall Paper lad Bolduc FtEUMAE PALMER. 551trist street, • le: t kv n i s rg 00,1113-10 belp'veTrlple!lee, 4ffi,:rit.!" It LEILLENGTON 11611RIN0-' -20 bassritn. App,rsousetos SpelmdD.M.tscAkeritlrf . ; • '' • W4‘teWina...%,' bbli. • • rue by Ses " • ' adman k Cik • rMiLgAgirr""' ls tblg f ' •-• Vg.474 _ usatmuntirtia I . •1011110'0:411104111./4 1 )Lbblit Lover @Toad Ofl notantivinri • .17 ES. ;B • .8.,--111; Ba. , " 11 " 1 - 1 - * * 0 "1 1 14 6 . j ricarls:_ la ur .M° • ." '.. I;C • uperg „. . . -101x111 Ma-4MM ett,,,thel&re, ni g 444 mete Pit." 4 - _ • EEO JAM Al. 1 1 " alt IlzfrOpnr_Atalgaitisoa Tariff it at z lfita Alibi= Retudiforraltillabi ffi ... • • IL G. Forrers .. .. eiguiffm TED-AuguilLET. rMilidraOloturcareti 1)e/tort:La* tho -1g~yy. , ...1.--4.1,1%...ai1ia,:. , ....v maw =war wltlfrer'th beton we oth throe sewoot Ihr Mitt surpolethe pool= nuts Mew. • Thee . ottehthereteth %row leoe• of weeetkine were the wonderthe fieres the woo W. the echoes of Cheteletry. which e reA, h., lee og r e. wee to the erst of the work* . 11 It . ' lettle 7 they voretb• sooet mimeo! ' , redrew lett. bee Mira acmes talc(' Wirth. &vette ht A,.m...,1„,,,,,,0 mot pleats s O 4 o6cooto wade oh.. are ~,,,,,,,uret anthetle caw mad grummet haltthae, et ;Mt eletothat 661t o eetWese, I. yeee t et4sTr ej atiVrt r 0 1 5%! Zee wervoterwrow, eget= tt! , ttewt la .. tote. leetettiblr short thee ato It 10 mantra. Iv I. Ptottell , Meath! sad etteetusl, without th e lota IWO. , , Urethane. th e Mob to Ito bona. Muse em yeetad tares, Teethes oar to hoar welch taw teen gotthed Ibr ream twining the shriveled flesh to grow wet mot tieb theta to eircoltheth roof. Ito rel.. It rertoree Z erc u tti b liged . or ,t io end thte maeetal i : the theaon dhow. eltheJohete le armee fibroma of the Bog Lleer.'louthe , Ithteera; OW great Arthish entwlT studs - fa eigt Celteror Ithlarceattat the r ..., i t e oat ttbsamatttla bat torrihn. Iry atree ot, marl; alto ZdlCTs=rl="*Atjlit CV= I • dimmed Animals. as c ‘ Sipa er ... • • Wet.] ,DtetelTi olete,..rll . ' WV. too, %Wow, Op t; ;tug gc, r , .. t. . e l : . ke i r ofr t. tottafx=l of W. Te• es:n.bas it tmas th..d.dpa ....4.4&,,,, ,, , ,althy oad hlobly maenads boom of . Taws* Poploota4reedo goo of the Mortgoodsofta coteG atm oaoade of medical ktotorr Mr•lLel. Farrell. Dear BLr. Actuated by a owe of grater hUunajgglerdt w Ibllostaj As . hotabon as the 111:1/- "7 o'r lir ' a uterillMoe q,=!,.. , t 2. yna Qua gts dorm It to toast hehtletroces. limbs teems go eig deg *Pod could to hulk the los. It at=4‹ Coro bit& sad oat conta c cinV sMartop i ze= . ital rpii i To m, "tufte d gl .; d ot t o i c==tneSlLLodig /I te u reigge u rmf= dostatt . tt= Os for ,area to'al to est=eg ktozea Ic orte b. .. .damn lin T a s :oad c.... sorkros . ib : t.. ... ML eta * crauo Hsu.. a plipticlam ins dr& on thiliail=7. bat. Aix./444 f' , W 4 b. "UPV, t ore bad not ,„....,, e f. . 14, 4410:r tbm toe be soukl do then teptetegeef !IP . elgsfepd . _at o th t "'a 7 ievAttr:Pl few woajuw. eitodonad eanseouss logs Tts ' etkletk _ . _ . "4 V ar etot '" =p=t " ..= , ....V.Vi; nor pp., sail toboat u au be. Ma of Uwe mu Lind owned in ,A n ode.b• "Ow ortdch &ed. yr. to , V jigT 9 th al.`i El O. Cr- , • ND. LitilVeo/40214 4 1 1 ,8 0 -444, 44i P' 7 . n" . . . • •-• • • -- t►irsi;lytfon Co, f-LalffttietLr. 1p bop caw boll coco th7dP-tok d la ths izAc 4 0, vocccutical to Who! hood maths with Llvd anti Ade. .of - Iliout;wve ooLttsly, , I Oic Tot. Arabian Uttlawitt. boo WA um &cues Zt A. in . . ..VA= bra= =Ulna, flo3 cot tit u n afq • locelt tdo , o, oollost, bittan wct rytll r t iEtio R mash Uhis I Wel co poooft WWI oW Ltot. =bothlag sad labial:4 with row LI ar dm* ro Wog the pain catmd. • • JOILI lICC[M►N. . . Stif Comptais4 Swerney, Diomper, °orb and Sam 4rw and. iirlraabiiii at PA, Mc's , Cogar. It/. r. H. 9. turu.: Yeas listiaa I.lllr Mel ben. W. rune lir .tehte. tD r atm! or On a meld me ml own of Um ...vol. atteritr,Ja= Dykes, cared kW to or t b..*ra, euk u 4 te Q. it oa •