Flan -IVnear.-,tr. Forsyth, of hlglan tcort3- , ship, called on terratinlay; andeildbited was speeimeem - Of-reniadrably die "Mammoth art Wheat." The heeds were much Icatiee, the grains, tune and:: mire imitate= than in the ordinary - Variety., ' rids lithe first iihestif the - kind, we believe, groWn lithe West. - The 'seed was brought by Commodore Btewert, afairytale • %pi; and it appeare to tlndve admirably In this climate;.' . Mr. Forsyth hci avolveriaa. crop of Ms 27-, laud VS& 'stem wheat a Tay stspetioi ntiety, wbichievren cdoptcl to the. soft and climate of Wlstern Penneylyanla.^ • • Tirana- . , : . ._ . .. . Tirana - Ems' sw.—Shis reverend . gentle-. man is; Re are glad fn - learn, ' #oiled :daily by fiats or lore tit Barr Prrrahreatt,4iii' The nubile Sale of- tutu on Braddock street Plank Road, and on Pepsylvenla armee, near Bobo bridge lakes place pis daj at 8 o'slock. Poe the coneenienee of eroons wishing to at tend the este. omnibus:sea will triTe she: gorses of "Fourthand: Market streeta as erten so rot quirod, - beginning.at;2 ealOcit:f: - ...: . ,11;• - ilag. The eaten - elan. Iciti ii4roverilents'on:Petio eylranis avenue, 'awe the- sonstesintlms of two_ plankroads , thro gh the 'F,roperty' to 'hi sold; i give assurance t ilicue whO, 'parelso now;: will bp the in ' g value of their low resit! Ltshandsoicie profits On thole Iniestmental :,.. _ . . . . Bacovanrso.—We era ad to mono* that ; the little loon of Mr. Fran4s 0.-Bialtip; whewas injured the breaking down' of the-Eastern Stage on Ttiesday. is rapt , * reioverlog. ::' : . . . .. ' Tnr. Swot= Corn/me—A loons &I'ap peared In Fifth street yestSolay,ArairM in tU Moog:ter costume. She bl i the second •that ire hare seen:wearing thledrese, hither city. • Tinos man named James Hull. wsa =Med a short of stealing scone money from personin.Now•Listion; Ifewasart but procured bail, and, linmedistely 9ed = He ems yesterday arrested in' tide and Worn back to stand hie .. • . , Frsitzi 60 . sourrro.to. H. McClure; aCeilaad of 'baring i large quatitity of counterfeit mistuly in'his possession; was yesterday gladly commit= td to prison by Alterman Steele, to !bad bia WosSE.—We regict to Heard that Ur- Herry, who wasinjuzed , by the ste 'stage accident, is ftini.—,We bad akw alight !hovers - at rain yeaterbiy,: but untertunately,-It did „not fall In autradent quantities to In': tbe' dust:. , • • Vailriortalu.-;?The. weithes :yesterday liss oppressively warm sad sultry. `- The theisnotaeter stood addict in the" . . . ADDTTIOSAL IirrELOSSX 4 3I • RiiITCTING Ina larreisosearr or.Ctuo. , il. Bitacs.—Lettershave , been `Medved In car, from Hon.. Mr. Curds, oar Minister at Vienna,' dated Jane 14, which informs us that this yang gent/amen Is still in ,confinement • The foots of the case are these:-'lie has been traveling in Europe for .in &mutton on the political and religious condition • of the countries: ho his shifted. After Monnin ingat Vienna alldhat could be learned of the nature of the Austrian Chrneetneutnahe went„ on foot, as has been tds custom elsewhere; inter the Magyar country; in Hungary. • fie was books bly received among the late rebels,. as a chink I of that land which.hid sheltered the Hungulan _ anti; and visitedenthylaf the Mondry solos of the leaders:' The jealousy of the Austrian• thorides in that eectlem being &raised by *eat. tentiOns ho received, heiress at at °fon Werdein, a village on a branch of the Theiss, in the eastern part of Htuuta . ry, mild east of Vienna, and flung into proton ass methadone:7' agent. - prince lichwarizenb informed Mr. Weer. dy that the acoundions against, him Inn* that he bad letters of introduction , to the late rebels, from refugees in Americo; that a printed copy •of a revolutionary pamphlet had been found in bin' traveling bog.. and that:he took circuitous paths to visit suspected persons. From the rep reputations. made to Mr. kfcCordy by the Aos trian authorities, it would appear that he moat • undergo a regular trial. [ Our ladder observes • that it has been promised - by the highestanthori• tier, 'that nothing /Sara' or wtjun shall , befall him.; An ihrestigation has been =dein - mass of his chmacteVatid.porsults -while there. - and that hat- been favorable to -hie final releasa,: ' • TUE - 17X101t Sara.-We have at length receiv ed from - Washington,- , through- Mr- Webstern station on the Fourth of July, the'gratifyingin telligence of the entimeafety of the Federal Cat . ' on. We bare Often , told•reur iresders thst the Union was abaie . .new rejoice in 'telling, them that it is above dastger.,Formere thin a, year past, and we !Gigot tow Smelt long er, le hare been told that the Calais sru in den- SelVihci , the crililitry wee Convulsed 'from one emits, other. And.we hare had Elition aimmit; • tem, committees of Safety anal:Mori andidates for office, throughout 'the Union,-but especially in the State, and more especially in:the city of, liew,Yerli. - And nebani been's:rued for times • . innumerable doting thin:helm:led, that, not • vithstariffing the Union bad been lireaoheontin. nal danger, Mr. Clay bed saved ik.hir. Webetee • ludisimed and are •kitOw- not who else bad savelit. ' We harp sometimes thought that, if the Union were so easily mdugered and so tasi. - Irearod, it mast be very mach like the old Mill described by Grace Greenwood, eis-r"tiot worth a dun." -Bet bit. . Webster now tells tie; mails 1, Is a good witnem, , that, the Unionist not and bail net been—in any . danger 1' : In ids Maiden, erar the cornerstone of the Capitol,crr. rallierAti appendix. to the old one; be says, .ilictherisfers, it shall be hereafter tbp will of (lod'that t.hie strnature shall "fall from its base; that its frit; d i g= be repthreed, and the deposit benesthithili stone brought to: the oyes of men, - be it then knori that - Mt this day, - the 'Olden - oldie United Stetei of Anierina standifinu-Matabeli tiara tmirepiOed; eadirithsr original risefeleisiand glory, grewingewnyility stronger and Stringer ; - inlite iffeationeot the greet bidy of the AmiiiMMpeople, , ind attract.- big more sad more the admiration of the world." When MN iNPliciAtelieftilikrefitlmeM a z p.4l4,.. • posed tOlisten,ind tr esrefolly weigh. Mswilst:lK for he does not oftextspeakidly.. ) Nevi! Oda Union still stands firoutr,the nista, not, only. uniiopeirml,inik , "OnlY with Fall . Joe original gloty, bet gipwieg'rery day Nixon= ger, then all the assaults upon said Union have been rain, and this danteroibtatialdeltsolinch outcry has been raised; :heineurejutisted,' and all 'these saMertrus ralvalions of William by this, that aosl the other great men, ham ,beed nugatory: - -The danger ;onset be goat,. which .lasta's dung imimpso4,smiunder 'bleb it daywasee'etronterW And Se' the .Ihdon:azict stiStrryeemenittees hare:beep: cashing armies tin der falie pretencesii.le precisely Whatire bare always' suppriaedi-end always wa. ' We haireacild that,.while the Silt Mellor trhe Maisel a parecidst hand straimillielledim, would ear , ' 7.k r i MiWy be banged, the lipmpte bang Min wand yet sowed. We ere glad toiled tentfonstion of. - • car, opinions (rent sack& hunt es Ida .Webstsr ' • sad ws - now add thaOhe . getieratita taillawlve thia 'Won Yetra,. and 'that, bean> It 'will-be born,' the 'gcceation•preaszt , will , bare; passedbeyorid the lustariCal, aridbithi tlielebri; . lons age. --Let oar cetemporariestetztemberthlk for ;when the dissolution comes to 'Gist remote . age, we shall remind them of this pMailatiCet Pielwidpkia Ledger- - iierbon B Co.--ThletsOrleins Delta Of the, al pahlbluis ato hie ,d l spacti,pm, N e w Yorir. tJaly Ist) announclog the fellena of sax. nellsaltai d. Co. mlnconnxiturnce.of lagers& men trade on ishlptoents,of cotton Petei Caney. 4,r_ N. Orleans."' - • The 'editor of the Dc ta ' adds. Immediately on miring this - despatch we ootaxotadosted it to Ma Convey, being atdlediel tbsitle'ionla (tallish .,ii sir atisfatarylt T planstiou of 'it..:,,tyolesta: from COntsTithas - hee.hter sinks the receipt of this" darpatch,hae peon iii. faill4PptsOmeof, par'. due the 80thicf,Inns I . accepted bp Jewlen & Co. were laid ernen—" Beyond this he hat nb adrice whatever— . hie Copra" las had o traneactlon In aottan, the ex. years, beyond .thensoelnegottatlons • in his line St insiness,isi a dealer In anduntlVev If bie friels6in NewTork late impended poi manta he Conilders his' own - mesas ample to meet all.detounis assirst'hinithep` also" pea' seisingo au adnftinnout. Ittrißer it to sayoq upon . ttit! 1.68: norm to mast any apartment Davey.. .• The tu t tunny. Into made. tnalritt 0nter..11.1 1 . 10 . int. wad artaln - forting& of It, anetttnB7 Itt• thtt , n B tr 'maze, inn bd , Mud to be of the mad tanuttlful soantdb tvlZrttilthi.l,74l:7u==="n7+: early and Ltd Ertpsztatinkirill suotoital settnntit 1 1 := tydo Irtri rallWrtitelltilardarg&t,,.„th!. 15,8413a.dttrtatT .18 /IL.. ' UOIFER MATOIIES=-250.gfoetudeby: BEEN GLAZED WINDOW BLIND PA PEIt.—A superior lot of q o abovo ortleldat rued for d. 67 ion Illattot rt. . rdiPER HANGDAM—A large usortmeat of linmeh and Amide. Rae. llinalt. rtm antlitar ale by - - p. - jw,mitALL. .otl7 e Green Rio Co • - TON OF WIIITZ :OXIDE OF ZINC, t re ecatiset and fur •ael st Bon T Wc. . B.—We Melia rho attention b[ Boom Mal pasd..• to this utt.. which we have be. using Ter me wards of them months. and em vasee.o t o t o t o to t o t tto Isslmdat ilk evil:sinned: .I.s. of aLior p N the light lige white Md. •••• ntdta ma.. it. and mt. 01.11 SKIT has • Ember land mom brilliant tom. It mpalms waft: harems. and it awe thorahla fas betide...de lack. trW not nab 01: MG an In nub. willaoat ba wl m arum Mons fora:nein, t s taal wriest, it as cheap as nnUa • . • ... La frimules. P. X. Bashesfrimixdiar to lknuT,sel) Perhmaii • . br the Muisitsf.• ' EXTRACTS of Rose, ge nowal. raga. IMIZMOran I Lir m a Per V , j,tglawink tle Onreltas.oerumun. ifTh="44 kmal liw 1 "" 1 1 4 1 . 4 . 1. 9 n: UatietaHe l4" ,t 1 a ti %,.., JerlllT Coeds. 0 - out STra i rojg , on• awrZle., %I OS= 1 P X:110. 11 ...ma 0. 14 1 41•1147:1fts Mr Übe. 14014 With r . .' ..= .l.. ar t i t Alt i =iglUhrg pm, was: s , ~ '''. EMMMI OUSES.4 FVM, &o. Par Ida .T*POual kg" lIREE - B ThLDINO LOT S . bid ar ow. toiNo.Z/: In the =tenni ohm . id Um town . =bony, thmting on both okbol of Robs= stenot; and Al o . tout Re onoo soon soint,threokhso Of LBO: out lot on the , ROL ostendLeg boa - lt to Aldo Knot. !OAT to. • enquire of lir.ll !BORLAND, ant tbonnnalson or a Mc onbootiber, at'ht! GL* No. Fl Ilant won. Pltbbutth. • • iylnf • - - • It BRAD Ii'LLNINB. • • A DWELLING HODSL cOn 'Ding 9 AV. Asa? :rig= 74 1 :A= 1 , = M rxmzertim •Renti7 ti ar=wc....b.l6,., Joriß the lainttitiVittril.' 'Valuable Lot on • otreet for Bala LWILL sell the Loeon. 'Third trtteet, • ad-, eloloft the TrObelth•ff Erbbliebseeet of Wm. Noble th one MO. sad tbe EIDSIOO Rowe of the Tlifitent rho Compeer mile Other. trees ou Tbhd etreet,te feet, with a depth knead hewed Wert of 80 feet. .lore or less. The price is 0.140, one thcnuatd . to band. tbrbel, .nee with Waren to be Owned by beret and sooetrep ott the Lot. ',tumble to o e 1111111.0 fees. dram the Mae of sale. The title b oinike,l7 rod. • • ennise smurFc. Yelld3w et the ofeco of C. Roder it Co, fourth et. EOR•RENT.—a , three . 4o7 dwelling house, altnitd anTbli;l atgeii.tatarsan t and Rom' the tamsela flolshad with Is thud balks klieben and abate whkh were Is • mai with bet and" cold water. - Possession gisen 8.• F. YONBQ.Nitmohttaritz..i.: Home and.lot , . ! LARGE.LOT, Leticock'istreetta iegheny. teimihis Lbreengh toltebenia, ',fronting teeton each hirealieith kdarii - aim•lrOc - . _ - Vg.Vrt.gg, t u gt ri tPrt i u h g ' iragirotqc Linen: Amt. or P. PCOrr. - • { •J •.• i 5 TORE ROOM TO LET, lin Market:A i 5 TORE door from Womb: and "adjoining the ateh avid Joni:ll7-liter, of W.W.. Waxes. awe Room bee the bandemesi front in the city, and In the beef hangnail for a Dry-Goods and limey Rent OW the balana or the 7ear reel low.:Pire• tintr je2 • r • • • WW. WILSON. • • • A VALUABLE . uniniproved: LOT, on . the 111 renter of übeoev and Tentory ante% Filth Ward. oor mite tbe (lemma Catholic; Cbareb. 30 filet front ea lab sety. by 1a) feet deep on gaettoT. robbing tankto 0110108 ! a .it.Eki , 4ll. three Km IMO D.,o(.,gWawa 11'beftr . street, eilJoloing_tbe oee., lb* lot lba 20 fse:front by DU feet deep. The boos, le large and eoneerdsot, Wilt Ds modem style. and contain. eleyen roman Abo-20 acres of very valuable land bear=bores. Abm—A Faros of 135 tens la West Deer ,tiro --A liann of L. 14 sem to !Armee county. Leila 71.bo—erme In Dearer county, of 'nation aitea and grim, from WO acre. down. • Also-12 very valnabbb lots lgLNalsteo, Moeda Priem g'40'14.. 14.: P. a a. L. • • Anon:tan at Law, and Real Xmas Atlntl, , tor/3 • • N 0.1.07 remits street, Pittsburgh, Second Street Property for Sale. CLOSE an Estate,. Twd very Seals mble'lltafl , Iltdebal th ree itary BRIM .LLINGS, Seeotat tannedtatetr abate Staab aild street, teach cootataing eight .001. and an with bath mate attached. =palled taxa ranges oath a.M eVd trater.),Kail be meld Wet. The Hawes arsam. r i .e bem . alted atthttme ahitatchaer, the girrtbei tifibratathra aZy to PRANK. h e at Its of It. Ratan. &eV. itet=te-Chtemth wan a c... 1.4.4. wax,. Am‘t.a.fil.kso OR-BENT--A Warehouse on Water etrerakkararek Market . an Mini:, imitable) kkrz sayik ' JAMES DALZEL.CSWarerr at. To Let, lIE 101finietted and famished Store, 4 = u orOry r ' a U ! --,earhYrrir PrarrA eyr ..JaaJa. Z rboar!a To Ferman.; 400 ACI , T w Farmini t itn i d Crazing rir.r, te ns miles nr tirt Yn iord iton; MID Irani. . , Alec—LOCXl sere/ in 81% eonnty, Itei isle on socanake• tins term. ?:,nnalt• at A. WILKINS a CO. 1317 l • earnerof Market and 11124 ea' • To Oradea:art. Tw.t.l4:TY ACRES of Gardening Land; 8117 *war undez good 'enhicados,aglain 'oas mat of V. .2.11115, .old IWO scre—oat tOlOl cash, and Um In cam, two, and th.teucars. Par ptlania= 1 , 12 • calIM tha Banking *sue of • • • • - , .4.lnts:Dai * • myi cornet Mastet and Third Ida Desirable Suburban Residence for Bale. TIIE subscriber Offerefor mile the house and eherehe new residee,siktbl cm Put et,tr" law I=l, Alknbeny,vad rent inlouteY the mar.' of this eitc=at .1110 fLfront an Put .4 rum.. teak 2.1 be la an elley—eontilang nearly one , ace ett wound. end on every Age W°Pat •Jft:t with trees:and otantlhery. Th eme Is =OITA large and et 4 16 ,ba ut roan% beeldev also a.% Ift le bunt In the test in and mat &treble nentner, and hat a tinaproof ma; wat eoutalne all the modern . ererventene.. Teo 700. with aman Intrarling ...mar or bards.' eattester,are at the Oz. thebretotee t r o. tL naleveary out bu 11.... dab.: aurlage Donee, The ...de ant 1.11 ota L m sea yra armed with elan. halt strafe, ennante, raneberNes.noh..7.••••••.=ortis "ram • The trait le el the tewt Medi 11.1 the tam are In Male p.m., and yield b for the van. Gran rerun Unity. The rttostlon of th paper.. .. to eahthrity and Imtaxtban coalbrtit. ronatd 41th tonthinltT th• WY. Ls not saw. by any 1.1 Ws vicinity. IS ham • elan att. Oh. Ither over e.g.% of Tetsperenve- Naat.hlYl .bomb. city. the two river., and the atoned.esooss .Ito7ethar • ahich the et . . borer wear., Every teat whits enters or talltram the part of 11th on the Ohio, wale In WI vim The redden. an 4 smear sn 4.. a. .Angtrtf r rymoired from any armayersee Of Coot. easokat and avert_ eon. • retirconrat es Wet einfloattelbt mos naletnalt inthe count.. row.. •111 heeobl er shawl- and boleadan gins ILP=t7 En... at tbelemele teenWHl ^ - • D. N members of theisirmount Ere' Corn n Deer,morstmo gbibm a We. /t 11/ card •• sad Ina be ktc.bast, Efttat•cd • • J Easy. 0. 1 1 1 1 1 NW UV Penn stmt. t'IOR RENT—A Dwelling Bonne . 0112 Skirl .treat, abort and•mar to antlthdold. It san liztmva. lam Yard. anal. • * 46 Win iveted .14 p.niwk. AIRY For v.l. or Law. wan Wu to [to Math Want. between Nan strict and llWAlkalvarliver. at Denf.ArllnrttonY , To.lnbattrt,,srarlia.iL • Valuable Real Estate for Bale. • TILE SUBSCRIBER offers for Sale, 0, 11 . flevoisble turem k ttos .l SsWHIT Beal Hotels. la Ito. I..Tbsee sato elm story Welt derslUoilesuses. ma !mood Amt. between - Mates and irony stmts. the lots band *sub 19001 trued by 00 dem.. . . . • • Oontslos 4? Ewe from m TI IS tdreet: the Inuo Presbytertsu Cbureb, m which Is lII= folly story brisk boo" weed ss pitmans on.. suet mom two No. S. Tess is ba Yedlstm. Bauer emoty,isebset lots - .l4cd. sad 4. Odor Stout ND lag epasse.ontebl..thts snot. ed me block of .4nts trams doslUsela sled one sounds treats domllleur..ll ' • ' One lot 40 feet u flo h lttagsg . streel, opposite the • No. 6: Tur= ab gste mob 50 feel frout..urnouges from the mad to low es toselt.oo Big Sesser. • No. S. Om salles.ble mass lot. UM fat au Wbseel Hies. —00.11.. amp locor power istembed. • pm opposite the sesta lot; SO het front. wed Os to Ma top of the bUI. wheels Is erWsd owe. two story sick don and warebouse.-13 by SO fee 4 steams I fr tr. /sge 'r kentV %tit too lisissimititibbe.. ' end sbous 140 Gel on Itrodlrer, sod .bout= feet M.P. toofidolog 11: seoo on whist. are meted two Imo frame M.Mus.. mid owe mall trams boor, used as Ids ollles. This Frowsty was lononly . .oesupled by Sle. T. O. Gould.. sod Is tap pines:oly Imsted. being bossediately opposite Ns YaUstoo Usidirs. tto. V. Om Intel lot,box . yalistel below Valetas 1311,1 m. ban about RIO Rot to 1 extendins ham NI awe street to low wales =alts seising path.. Tbs above property will be sold on my demoble ten.. rise Book Sum of C. ,aiISTOCIIITOII. costa Third ket newts, INcrainca t Ades*, 111 " thnirail sod - Post copy.] " .. . . . TrEEV Foz ITNITED STAVES .110T4 1 11 stooror 1301 WINO, oa th• 02lItti of sub- • la a sail Dena atieetd. sad fraaliaa an the el rdata Caaal.la lbe at" of PlUabardiu Th. bald. oaa naadradasui key Wu feet op Perin Weet, and au Dm:dm! atul Was last ulna imbed an KaaWastaa mei. to a twat, dead 410. laaddla of • • DAVID °Pan. LLE Ali ESTATE FOR SALE=The under , signal tam lbr. sele • lane umber of nimble • lots. sad some very &strata* Atm IM =ants> burial. Iy...the Borough of IlbmineMet• the now rumx antre 4. l Home end Enilitsb Luthersageosett. a numinous to rorookoo 0,4 lees.Ealtb, east tne fal•Mad• lessee at:which lets Ell t,...01 oui nook, Meat • min and Prentsbitt. vestmen Title perteet. Tema &ramble— .forsrdmlare- end ternm ulmot the aMee of lktillmaterk en tlresedsk burgh. between Third and Ye "streets. er Byname! sod Mammon. Kora their elm Is ~ J•Z le RATON ARA Onr-20 Ws. No.l, for sale koir to Ai elan onsalmnnent. ae the store et e. Y. NICEERB Eat) • ' WATCHES,s.ia large eariety.•and et the lowest resulir eastern amE "now wholksale ." 1m12 3 1 f f W. yaws. - PENCIL OF ROBERT BURNS, a Wended viorteunt of Gold andlillraa Pqratilr, 0 a ol;l :,, ga. of tag tort onatilaotorg POntet INit 11111.011 Crimson Velvet and • Gold . Paper, as, masos., fo r no,nons u rfa mos from rms.. sno ; ,/, .11r. .“ L. 11.3.W00d PRINTING PAPER-J-Alarpilot Doublu awl= bataba rrmunpr a t,..l. by MAPPINO TAPERS—a largo wort. mter oaktBtrs+. tor sato Vi. &WWI'S • torli Paw itarelmond. or. Market And 21 ea. 12:6GROSS STERN PENS, of all quill -11..aul , ov r uz i ogi= a t t ,, y mtPeuk milabratel kr Ws - W. IL IIAVENI Etat:l=l7 km% m7^.4 eon= Marko mat Emmett sta. OUISVILLE WHITE LIME-40 bbla. .1,1 hub. ran sot Ibr de try . W. 2Y. WILSON , l mrSi 147 sreat.224llll Secoad A. •VERbfAN CLAY "no boxes for sato by llf mil 2 B. D 11213.1, 101. Merl" . rt. "DOWD EXT. LIQUORICE-1 can format, by . . Istyg a.. LUENISTOOK A OCI. Ti.ARRY'S TRICOP4LROUS- 1 2 dos, for irt , g. esquis, A LIIM-sft Ills. for isle by m7ll. r J.KIDU a ;Ol Wonl.i White Paint,. ALUM -50 bbls.,f . or kiale aa tz umuat a ak ' trait , . 1.130 SILO -10 bbh. new far sale 11 tiLE TI O btilJu.(m) f?rli%Va g ' 400. • li Cige. bI MII3 F IL Z. Mira? WOOL BAGS—INK/new end d& for sale V by_ Jul _ BITIOILY I Ur. 111 0 4 1 . ) APPLES--15.66].: . forstibill DUITIMIN andj MO nu% 4 8 =r= w Real Estate for Sale. AMS-42 mks Buda Harm for sale b ,oy imumt.nirradacert R . Y i rEt3-200 ( pr i me L OPPERAS.--2.5 bbls. (good) for sale by , J.1101100331.1.11ER a 00. ed. Ct. ben V 53 Dw, RITA TIRSOO. 1 Il rlonl .... a t. oilecret Cut ; tin HLORATE_MY,CApH-SOOlbe We sale 3.1 : : . as lamozroes acm • rOle ZINESVIILE-'•i-The • staaiiirlillßS, .v1114.p. • above sad lutePRZ _Oxi4Ristirga tpis W. IrarthightorlikurcavOlice ',orNensauLTl—Thee: maw : ' :D triu . % .l. '"lelvgar dairi "tb•akol it C" .a l4l6 l . l r . , frow or pum:4 1 4217 • JOT splen- th. lau 11M111676Ortati itTlea t voV ° Won. sod Inutrzoollots sato ob saarbd , E a,O 410 . 44 Idc Fr l f s reght or iugi oply JOIN / L AXA.cont IiriRTILINP:PACKET.—The • now and desiat steamer 111010 ball exereeely to lON the lama theet.ern beet Dturnal, riming the kw :star wasao.ll l 4rnmi Pry-rga"=° § = i4 4 I fry Tuesday, Thezedayouut &larder. • ' • • . W...8.00NW1C1.L. Water.- • AIIitSTROTO, CROZIII.Ik.OO.. Azad. . 4.410 yos"NEW. 0 RLEA N &-The • • - 11T . EnKild nirw rteramak-EEMEILET, R. tr, ===ll:r t egor t le== • For freight or pukow• apktr tri • • - - OEO. B.....PSZEUEB. Egad. . . .• ' R EG REGULAR PAOKEV RE- , - - • ram prrnstrum sr emenstr,:- ULAR PILOT Na 2; i ia lL . ' , n, master. will lam Pittsburgh ilsr - caritas adlatNilgh. ...r7 Tuesday arid PrkllM at 3 *iota W. W.; loam Stmfla6 tor Codas. Wheollog sad PittsCit767,7l, err Wednesday and gsbaniar.al lOo'dook.a. w. nunsagoia fal . ...shiPaau•Vsinual. Up= this bast rwassingpagtgsgit, 7 Toilr.d.Ot or Alm aggbrtai board.. '' - ' ;gilt) ' . lEGULAR - WEDNESDAY' PAWS'S, CINCINNATI; Ogitsin John bion. Thin We:4lkt Owe wasboilt tbe owners or the simmer Lase and othr far the Cincinnati and Pinalnirgb Picket e, mill Lars ewer WedoenLy IbrOinetanatl, gun or Um bin/ Kg Lad fiax.. For freight or renzm or to • IrOULAR.PACKET BB WELLFIVI '. TIS. ).—TlllitttlruptaLllC A gnaw ND A PI RENA. D. P. gittnery, mato, lesm , WallsvlllN Walbesd.f...d PAay..t s del**. A.ll4lbe LW U,. oryinvnilfeWerraWs Leading. Bay., sal EVI, hand, Lama Ttttautrah nary Tatoolay, Thu:stab asqt BaturfayoalOectoek,..._,A.M Or Beaver. uelleresea. .I? , 4lr l C:alt or 1a...74,Dir.:2=';'. IpfEAMMAR PITTSBURGH AND ..uuwasunca PeKtf , -ThgLieedia M, L=„lll, ' u b,,Vtn..... ytt utpoe.... thlrclty and Wbfellar, 'Pltbounp at 10 otkerk every lloalay. Wedrad.ar eda, =1... ..a l retammlag, -liirchitrifor &means rea baiM eMI ON 'Agmes. , ' . EOR MARIETTA AND HOOK INOPOWL—Tbs staaaser PA Umtata who erg-V=l7Tate et P.IL Far troight taaair"Pril 03 . . No. a Watis sal 63 Trost : REGULAIL .WHEELINIT. imam PACKBT—Tha fast =sow WZIABVII.IJ4 Owt ILL4 .1... .._.. .. ran ea a reactor naokat Warn IN w pawn& Bridiarpart. sad Snatch, Liming ..17 MX= gamKm IteWellxvill..Btallb.9lll l a. Inel - r Mayday attoranco tor BbraboartMBW. tina.and Santiata rotaraing. Maw } =urt=b angry Samoday aftsrsoon.• aral. •1417 Friday allentoon.. Far flerightgran. andr c. board. ar to , htoll . W. B. WIIMILLEIL -• L MISCELLANEOUS; ' FVCcCINNIA: I *O4:IO/O:TAM COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRONCHI • TIS, WHOOPING-COUGH,.CROUP, . ASTHMA,. CONSUMPTION. '. ANONG the numerous.diecofeeriee Wetted; ha Enda to We deneratica to ferilltala the beldam of life. Irma.* It. attormoOt. sad even otoloaty the teem of human ersistertor. mom aorta rained of soars rodulas msatiod. ass thLL eoubthstion of Chrialstry to the 'Salina Art. A rut idol of Ita rirtoso tharighost this rear country, be. proms beyond a doubt Ultimo rordleisse or onabloallas of mahatma yet known, ma tn musty mar • trot and maths on:arrow mkt:Med rohnotawdlessia which here hitherto swot from oar roldit thousands and glaniands army yar. Indust!, the:nth notratandsl4 ma to balm a Mandy .has at Loath , been Maid retook no be relied on to care the most datagram alfeedonsal the Mate . °or Macs here will not hermit lotto pole& any Pontortiat of the mum ameba. by It. nay hot la_ Mama the COW:alas opinions of admit mea, midyear farther ern airy to the circular. which thi masts baby bamed. win slows book:mid Menne& ha. wherdn are fall meekkum ad kemmeetae. eke a thaw fool. ' • ./rtan the Panda: 4f_Amirerse Cbtistm Q. Wanda PSG ' PZZISOI2 lIITCHCO CK. • "Jame G lyer—ir bare sad your Chaff befall: fooly cern tam of &mantis! Brondsitte. and ma mahatma rhennal osonntation that it Is so ninth= I mares nor the mile of laynglal sods ronetdal dl If soy Wakes as to It. amnia elumaster ma to of ~,vino, you em at libajy ns MTV ttdnit ayetn, , Etim/LU L. Lit. 7r.a the stidelt * ored .PROZZB.4O • It • D H.. L. L. D. Yale ColigAr w astber of ths Ch tratt. Mat; deem the Cherry of Y.elN an tetedrabla ham some of the bat wilds to the Mations Ifs=la , : w ag abate. remedy Ittr i erra . • of oi, a ms . ll 4 te ate! JEAJOIC PATTLSON; Prodded of Ors a a limastastaam that to bee amd the Cherry Pretarsrortsk vemmerai mat cam to ours WI ingssunailost of Ow loam • : • • . Prose one af Ihejirst Panorama Wafers. • •- • • • fleatroht„.dayasa,thak `Dr. J. CL or. Lowsll , --Qoa / rotscanstantty. Cam Pectoral to myystatan yam ltla. Moo of mum wet Wa u l l go 4s = it. EH mem roughs, calla sad Maws of the Iszb ay thai hams yat t m m Waste otturr romedah / ta ears of acastunpdon. and. male =Zak: remedy Shona for Malabar": • - Itarmettally yams. • I. h.. elnalllalf, D.° • TS:4 mid by MIMIC. AM. .-140141,- hlCamair U tatkl Inagrso i &Antl_nteit, bY B. AL Saa. a t! AltagW_ l ••%tr .1/7 VW,LtVaira - .. GU& sad by nromsta. rammontnear . A Vidaable.bigcroi= in Tramins::l DR.ITARD'S Improved Patent TRUSS' and RUPTURE RFuel)Y. by wldels cues can be elected.: This Truss ht mend, = lbrso and mint:tuba of mit= than other Tanana having , all the advantages of a val.:nada. and not enn grew um The Pt ann an be en molest es to eve ewe and condbet to the moot &Meat wee of Ifernia, end can be bacreneed to almost thy three darned. The wear= Is nee tont. and balms thouoa to beat twanceUstely ova 'the hernial owning, god =.o‘llng perfect moiety and wane lion at all times, wren ender Vbentost violent COEIOIIO. 'Br the tneb of this Teen, when i kthred_ Propw/Tb7 *WU.' =wet. the wearer' 12 lit gem, the d eur . a aloe, or any other assegerom or gantlet Msg. team Itteb la not an onfteguent ocenneneeko Rattler( wear. lag ad WY et=trosseu - It Is •my mum= wreath* for with My to select • tem end sp. nly=otelnea. Thin Is a be a d preens% which can no rem only b thoei who ondesetthd the enutomy ot tin teeth In hernia. We would won rayteethilly all the ethethlosiot tiara to Ws Tynan, as we !mow they milt euggethate Us value. W. oleo have ► verlaty of other Truant el the , lobed prima . Inntnt Trusseeheutnonstantly on hand., ERMA ICKEDOWELIa Agentu •, Pa • - .140 Wool sta.Pitteborgh. , Dr. Hies Abliugual Supporter& MEESE SUPPORTERS are intindacider 11 ly for the awe of Peeing!. 01.1.VI th are dle• ewe hen • =wheeled ilin4t th e Al put = nevalrect. Tbey glee pet. sonnet to emu& end easy be wank with Melon bi ell. _TM ewes prOdneed by • veal :awe et the obl=MU snoooles "* 4Vt r aftn t ilVia th g___b_g the r=4 . e l. =lTet ( = remote of rroetrelloo. s l %. ' • , Mottoes. of Booth. Palpitallonet,the Haut, DIM j r ) Meral 14 140 Wool et. Pittaborgb. Shined - Braces:. SHOITLDER BRACES, .of tho, moat'ap Frond •tyls, dm7la la sinews sad sadly dttrd, sad of Ana to salt all I Iso may Mltths thr Wt 1g ,4 and be aV, stbalulls sad reed! .by ' • scull F-16suoms. Nroxt Pour: your Ve.,_0eL1,1617:.• Ms. B. B. Ectzeis—Of your Venceithre.. I =7 tetthet .bnitatka that. hartas egtentl.4 tor the I.t Mar or Itreyekrkt mat it deektecUTfierwei ganarattes of the Idne of trbleh I himksaerredgei although I have berstokes used the of Arms other menuileturers. Yates respe.Ste/ D. 6*, • • : Prerpallet sal sold VI R. E. SELLERS, la Weal stye - ery excellent laical:merit. j u ST orralM 1 ot o tx t a manta. u. s‘...p meth:2. lo ks , for $1,60 alas 0114 . 1 . 41 *, . . Abo—mwo Mulls Cl ot tu .6..th°*4'''''Ugh VMMN, a xurket z . t„ .. Dan= of • 21.716 Bonnets! Sonnets? ISIORNMO; per Eipreill 6 coin, mbraci g &lithe tenon end next decimal. A - rmy largemeortmentaMildreesaimainliogieffilmai Btnn sad The Utelltkni yaxbans to DA 1r Mae above gad, Icay7) A. A. MA6ubt • OW lln?''-'l3° ba l es *l.A.Dii,kgrAa!eay ABBITT'S Double Refined Snleratin. M s Tmea gliftr a nn 2 Ma ti va xn&T It rde r Pm • n o ?a. asa by . . IFDL 36%.1.1/110 813 1 f f ARTSIC. , ", yr ET ERER lies jest received " n et room .Ith. them Tozorell, It mu fondest warn - - Tempi:rum Aotlicto—d to tbspunwrmas32,o. bong of Mot', poetry from Bu.ywriPthretitrPrmen s. rslft,To.pbrrg , Ti. kko.l7."af 11 try Uo bostor—trop m . z0r . ..0. 4 1' 2, k tint ' ff . aUlx, Eroitil, th it W. 9: - 'rho Stu of lave. • utlfolbolltd by,W;R. Waher ,Tbooo bopr oar-I.mM !rtho Irlab Smiths. Cotoarloo .11euriotto. Ozoiost, hete , A 1..., el ' or N l ek' leto =ste W trfP l atel.=,l Flute Mute.. . No.lol Tr id = N. IL—Fox 141.1011;41i elsoicthl lot al klsoce?.': kiliet:V.Ladiest; WOULD . you me' your furriiture avoid unnett unntesetanlaborglw„setrnteo: * r be biggst i tact i cleVArea, 1417 riAhne minim ma-tram PDIJIIff. ein e' lig in .7111==n%. vas thing Inr furniture denim. Aunt to bon. iieN et 11,i'1l14,!'d 48 "raujips a ifitaav:. • 74.1iarth runner, ' fi a rlat ' grnttMet "ll24 ' a r• _ _ _ ' Anthracite Coat TONG net received, a, imperive article elt , rodri cc Wall - _ . - C! - 11 , .A-XULlow 14 1 REZiell . iaNENS. - Oflraliollll IL7 remand sag Wang lova thlittomof JeLS - .111:111.PILT L ZUR Sll,--10 iuks for sale ",mmAntnews..ux 'dos: 31riliteafp'4, 110411, 110LASSE8- • 21_•4° .lt`• . 1 •3P a. i . H A- O tbos .-06: Sane Lives Pilb. , • sg, qrs. szwxna— r --- . take this o pair i Uj.. mmk wstt Ammtisdai or the Ilvar. Lod WWI br soots sad mbar 11 . .l Mb &mad illsoom , ommtom of Altar °diora ~ Ll mas V I , ,tzrzt ba.gr=zaver G V „ 41 lthAL=vitts m oor k b f i ... ; . _ --- •xx " wow et-, IT I"..VitificiAtt 14•0:'t VI • C Judd's lleffthated'Uttild - CtilicaA s ARTICLE it int*led far Warne, - sod should bi Road lo the tottood at the Ito& Ilothsoles Ida ototootootnot to their pastas tend er sad %mt. or or molar woof tools. sotto to dam, sod siter • tar IA St too. voluble. This aniy astir? thlt ...lair 11611P.i isteotl7 utstle me of Jedkra Madketill. tmoootkoto. Pond os Mauro BotAldt &Vow. Ouse. Adnads Atm. iir -..._...:5. . ....._. Tnirein - n — ninint n IS oar as as moll.= stbaltsbalsa alabuivals Sam sou, bothas. oat sit ol dish. aka. At ass N a ramadVmal& m. 11; c . • . • '• AS WO s as. • D a fraista ' ,ll =a; all Os assollitis *gladiola a .. ClCrst sor oda S T. • 'W. A.WAIINCIFLOLSA• -:' THE GREAT KENTUCKY REMEDY! DR. ~geR BULLICIAIRADAR4II4 - rWi.ut up in quart bott l e dOina co* .t. athaagth a• ath thee= =thaw talfft/e. at WA tet w hye Odium, hee tom la wen that ear ythall - . tirAllima m Mil i cra manta arta w ma p tiatA i ataa t tftri. lathen . w that JOHN' 13=3 al ALLA I. Wanly 11, lathand aa stealth withal* . sod et taA=The hasathritte thilud: tetra the stratha wear gat ••• Sll9O2SPitMennnellatda " tralrr tgd Ws; eanttlza the ablates ptillZ wtr o t; asthathe eimati..thoettotr Ithethethitivathe =l,llr 4 'd'agthir-! 4, r.aorsqL. , - , zu . man - Irynnonr , nll.l 4 ,c 3 • 2 " ;1 1", * gba E l' d im 4 c =s ac zra & g" Ithatathe piths SW. . ' Ramo; 1,, • titt P reth• " 1.4 ' 1 „ , r . 4. 1 fr 1" 6. 4 • : - eri Glaniall/ w WW °Wait:with' the W 1 Wwwwthrf. • LA . 11 .tha ammiT ADdSairilt IitoDUCI CONSIIWPIIO3I .1..,.. . r;:r i gla i gn o l % u.sum irOUbrei tz.zoi ri - 13 .th=la=rt aa b i L thrum thank. tote. the mama, awl athathead at aska Me i °. '°1 21• • 1 1 . • ‘ 4. 'kg;..4l - r bt . , .' ll I. the Wittman k hertatsto h aarlia• - • „ : the ththesahat or the , in. 11 W. Behan la arkt 9 Vrth blown utiag = I T c E alaml=Praoc...l lta thud sad rains anthem. that the thaad Woad tor n. z , b y asathstal OW ° TeX • Ate WO wad I, .0.7 . 1:tr tor the M. soot Omar. - the world bathe, ar• ,• “thfectory kethaaaa Infant ter sthaltheth .B•WWlthlhathay ghlit atihr OrsWati Wrgalelt •I •' „,- .J: - . , .. , '-' , . : . • . . ' Ass , dm :. ~ .. . Si. a. y• au Aa gs.ri&t.., ao.imik 6 . 1.ift: ....., 1 7 , 41..... th. :•rith 1" &1ra Thar .... ..... . :,.:•_ .... t.. .,,ingtai-i . --". ...,=.—, 2 . - i -- -...., hat= riat i a . -: a.irkuspl . man" Versjar..-,-;v•- -k siAvnivr..max ..._,. . , . , , . • Ef. ria ' . des: imam - "tat. Ain.. ma is. Tan , - Aum on. ea......comatigo • , potoothis , op dArro.....:# 1f..15... '1114.... • ././ ../..1.1"' :. to mace to them a of orboldftwor • , as food OW ~" fzuk=.. ttorlV, Ergo 14;olgoolLto lot.bor ton . isfi. lio=t a X2 2 l=4=ZOostt i =%=rar...,_, tottery. Mod v1i0n.... 50i1.% .sk , /7i...0ff P. ,„ yowl, oaal obsostnif /h. :r.....l oofron=oloo. . the bkom sad frostakeao • of . al . Loa. ,a au of Oalots'OlXl laltATEli sad vs lon% . . /bead, eaKfta...47..",a .r..,t_Ettb,o wim . nal., . d." Tutww , o! 7'4.. . 6o4'ad tAg '" l f Y gii" iil s erultrei '' ' .: ;_ ', .. : di Calmat oil; theVielexci:of , ... !t - Ron Ur. L. , I.:4A.ltizt, , Trollooor of alastkey , . „ • , 4 tarf looted ova. /be 11.1 of Inamodiroto , , Jolot.Boll'S totfoottifoot re itt t Z , booltatkixt= d tbst an facts- "go coofooload. L. y; ma that pmpla, 1,..4:5!...,Frt rMaa7,- i V" ' DEUPIZ AW th'b4 '"'"unnaU' lluz.us fatlr ct 7 -.•,., • imlle , iforage . ...So: 4f ' - • , . •,, .. r . • aIeCOMMS. 1 hovo ..1110..61 , .A/... P.°l 4k. u. i t*. r itkl ogicsi, to - Jotm Bor. faramillo, so. balm cool _ , , WI. CReatl2l.ol2l4llPd ..at 0 . , : , ..! , . , 01 . 10 7r 002 ...,m,13 - i , . mew.. mkomopoo oa the ago., I ban nada ~ ..i ay. mg mints szt . d tetio'k ft Itho bat ,_ , , f.don a Ito Liosts.lll. )forloo jil.4._Col:fßoN—Boolro sad ask ter the Di.'.' J tar BULL'#)LEMIZABILitro. 111Nrool stroot.V H313#0rgb,,1"... W 4 o latbaaOr I • Al..sti l e . . m i n , 4(oll.Dijii i s A • 1 or lek birL by Dentstota gosotallf , -10 1 MDT oltrasol ~... • . • 1 . .-• •-• • 7—nr 4411181 . linTLE5— Youla Xadleind kaoana.:Aatindltkol.: Baecomodatuaortodarlaldtea.licesolat'lloodinabW it rtt lioatitaisemaa of Ildoo;Goaced Patatrallimadthe IONS: 01,aOscy Slats °Mod, tridatoliPt! it=cidaaddellikaoDochoodiddi Ono Isamedlata asliat try raondog Qr lOtostalia or boabb sod oavostb a atop bar& itaadiallsaa bad biot% eke& ramakand monalmo aid sin. brltb7 sorFctnap . t . o. ' Ib m &1 altarado• Poiordaa M4MSnEM3 IM WOW. in.iminuuum..-to Slur *mob Osamu auk,. ua. mum aid blame; Y sanudatioseas thrs . stugditul.' IN tan oddities on Ala Thieb Whom us. . idnundr eo TYummmd . thL iiddldui zed tei!blooduildi 4ioiappYi lidincot 'dliksr,utind,ll:l.o3Urictelitutnielgy•OTrDoeltald dat 'r: bUdi . • 71.1 ;Jou WAsconnos.o..l•243SAWL,ru , z • 'Tta. s eatllke Xf-loriam meald andee duidunuaimiladqt fur nn pifeu. sisutr. dr ail VD* tc, her tad. • I bin' . 6e Wet piridmlitud2Y,... einuiepid hatmidkaltaliatthis eaoid bilateassil Ude aeUea at do au*. sltbdut 1017bnal 'harm , IbuT• 11401=111.1d.urdItudratudruiumMiduilit/V .T• tycearsoi sorb vtdalApron.pnotblim_ tai 11411.1 vni,lattagatWoalmordaylr, - tv.l4-43inctornik. - ztandemwelhothkhwa. - tuud lidismatui.. After duli liolusedriltsdualliste' meatirtilne inlitsultUdluf lOut dSe sk it WOW* dui tmuurcat tidal; imeriptoid lost ced or= dui Is um imikuttit udd usemald:: 114 e. being iteigh3are•hiTlM. , ..=44.ll.3liaim,uoir that the gem etatimeehts,'es b tteeetehhiee Ides.Adees , ,' 44 , Cing I[llln em= W./C.5441a aPi.Otti 'ram ipct ad Ireceshelfile, ehekattni. 9 : :_A 4';:2 4 - 4 . 1 --- Ir.". Et o - 04 fi of 0. A monad ,i ~,` wows 00001. peaa.ua. ~.,. .11....5. 5.7. Babb A 0.-ns tho: soat. ciao lx Ina - 1!... eadca eilh Vales Ski laze *rm. 4hTchbbCoto at sare I 'barb ow It. and la ISO t3z3t Id to. ' I loroplora et Alban! tbek ebb *blab of MOND? ' `alba missal olt tad oboyorermaikla kablalla • /km lb gabby lo Lb bomb ,woo Dab =Dal . .a.., al MattaM 4l CIL DM kb aklattal.M 2o4 ol I and Mr / 4 " 3, ...ud , ...MOS.-I =barb hitido L to unUI via, vb..i wel...brartibearviot tattsititti irpnow Dock and llarobrillt) *tall I alb. Ea 00 O.* N, balk of ortlelk - DayroUfo ItElowlble kb Bialtar Y 00 bad mot I tookpea ramedrobl. tabs UV -, ka mbar blobs inn bet 00100 lb oixtlx hda Hod I obi 11 ot tholkla albalobl Ii the-Ilm 4 abDi l * rob it Todd taro bud uto bay parka; piapa. , . r=gst ..wall racarosubl buy halloktobb . : laiiir wide lap stadia . lbws,•tab. Chatobt ULM ' Do& sod Busborlllk .ake win ratan thal le loaltb:- 1 Tank la gralbtly 1 O. R. I. 5.,.. , ; Claro ottr:Zbab bpi ,Tbs bib by Dr. Eska* cd "1/00, „Dab owl Sonshorrko. sto Isaias. ' The valatessemil - • ban 1.01.00.. u. hum. tab divests it retont6b ,:. I Oast on tat ehrkdrib tottll time hardly bad aa ‘.. that kb bt no robot or rehirstelko acre: > . ~ . 11. ~ f,' Dawn. ;kebob al. labiltiirt.llll6 ~ . : 1 , ilmolotki eb , e o MMt AMMO , gmtbalMatlbtOak t 1.0.1. TM .boat the tery Way alkett of ytar Yooko , Ika nod Sempartlls boa my spa wholsolob basil : Wog oaatt tba dreadful WMl6llthatais4beimardp. -1 ak bth *Mb ho +la sanded takB4B. sad boar orb' 1 al yobbo abbot bylaw a ea boa_ bbaidakata , ( rod thar dlr. sonnorinklyarthitorathsattthoot 001 0.0 biaaaa mat.*lmam, 4/oho:to. ObOold to * pay, kb Abbott, JO bad plan tob lb tay to bit WO«, 1 .nkh von coblatally awl: bib ditbstattly °!0050^, . abb. Saab bid ittykka miIL.F.. bstead. DbrOlkka - i sold thus 011 w• lob hcakhdit dor: bold be sahlba - ' dab to garb thaw Wally etabblag boas• Ily rokaro , bah kal =VW tbzUatt hip dbaltaok rob oi tad Ow. at Mr PAW.= Oat. 0 . 4 .mm 4 1 1 eidll ict 4 M OOOII, l swains tertihnblik bawd bolo 'taken:LW II: bd. loon fray tharblos obt to& satoagok*Ot . 130 Dow. tani ta.l.7l4•abelbollolkllPmcbm 4 ' thlillb LAU* atm, Ulm Dock sad ildrobbillk.. sod • ' ES Sift It: sal to Of luttadoluatal to legiai kabob bean kr had and Ott thled bblor katbdsto ~ bat lira • haf dab bottlat. b bald bd:k oak- by klktvolro Ocala drab thoyrkt DIO. ood kyS,, -UM kli am n a y POMO; ETV t bask of, . , . ebb, the nay yr itmorect. , .. l berdaslas ' g oi brash as lb brad tab ilk tooMbrit .34.."; 3 orobot ankoly , ebb to tholas tryout , ' Dock m sat attalkatb andlstatot yka that I lot baby bat oblladloatto yrs. Abu biithip.o . 1 that I tyltgol Dm ~, "" T e n !kt i n s k s f tl A'4.l. 44sl.- .. 1 1 -.' :: a .# 4 ,l=li FRIELL. , sou b?!...a.rnerafflioimredsidaw ditima l oil wasmesomednaas,obio.thesi Beath hal Webb whom all alai mast be rib& '' n .I.KINI 1 Co.. a. a. lgrattob 2 Co. J. 4...., , , ri,....italtkitnagt4 Las, I. Ankls.l4 Allsibeitraind T. 4. 4.11. Wodaboar, L. zikdalwassors. xi 4” elty.Orobtalso IlZatabllkenrah Ikea a Giber% • bat a Oks.thualrookoharkOrt Elkhdtroat a Ok. balm( J. , .X. WeaWlLitiaddiat Einon t 00. boating Ai Maas I ira, Wayaolblalt-k o , olki aOk lI.•OXIada, Itaktallr. Bartok* Cot &kr, Orahab Jr !War* Mkskta Jab Malta Olaba ,- . -hot aft &mil •Mbekololllblik roalmb'ibi.ta 17 .k m " ” L. 4 P•,93k.f.42..ityy.tyviu. _s seriii• - 4 1 Fir . 80 4 1 i; , SiS Jritgir tin! I P_ V 1 otyllotbOaT , , f - • i Bogr_s":-Esuio Pneeptor: - s • • BLEB= :luta lutet - receinictilepret •t .o.went.l for Ow Plano. 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