pwigi in, all: Gra:V.l Diii li :41 Tam i., 7 .4.W 0 tor Jaly • _ •, • •• • Limit Sit& 12122.111=1 , 11411CTII; nte for July Mithe ineetniminhiaragreple' A Domenteurnihks limos Desiluen-Aill satiated ents'or our mckylegel friedharbre ffe , Litt ISA II °fell' 4 ' 4 V lre " r 7 r*Mnar runlet dusealling•••••Mform sa "what Opt of this _tau, width Sra derive `from a condi.' pondent learned le thed;Sciemet An honest Dadra& once Bud Otltf ate 'Bard Dia triton' who sewed: kneseenlifjth to catch cold, yet could delv•Pecanidebrotheatimen,surids wood, said do. sundry. stua ."chores' AMMO* house. giut_ as &Thai 11J1 ides of pottiest prinzipidetilnleoree tarot ell,k - ktfidangs„ hot ate Tarir coatirdastahndhisi US:ensure to vote ; Not beeetts• he to& any interest fa theist, bat beaten the active' eleetioneereuirould go'foi hint .sibtfase itSlier_ many jests virsoi 4 eituge-be , lab obliged to voba— Melted ino eddes'in: pada but voted with those wpre latight,hico sip to the pas This sooh • .• eid well knave to the Wheys there "24loll Where 'Bromnyeasde hie:Wend= there *grand plant lea buili t 11) * which' • •atleadliteitte the pollin eado Mena which • duaddhansids vote. In these af fray; pear Oirotamy' would wimelicus boredom to • edi wit linfuquently la th e tt • • ..• •on et' this Merest act of se he esomewhat denuded in ,his an run; . plain Holahan &s low fellow's' neck was MAO= anOit Vag, WA hts el,oflies fairly torn calder-Eseeler, • Still •Itnourcif bore his tribulatiogi Aitte daddine rectitude, and year after yearfluegma his vote, amid much wihnlation. This Mime WWI not ''Brommy's' onlyhtiliethas was•bliged to •train: too. At compsay teideing mil general ruining, Suranr' was duly 'warned,' and appeared arm ed eqniped as &slaw-directs. - But it was all "hay.foce, straw-red' with He knew as little of tootles as Wad orpolitics, and with the same 4oepertarndile gravity bore • the laugh of the boyii and the jeers of the 'unwashed' ea 'a soldierodich he displayed as en elector. •But all Within mar?lionnory' dreaded the election andthiiirafalge Gabe didlbsing the 001tS cruse ing ah:leder swamp oak. By-and-by the time ar rived' toward which 'Brommy' bad looked for many slivery year. -He attained the age of fortyalve beyond which no man is obliged to trek: and Bina with himajubilen inward, Übe entre, but nefertheless quite real:: The next deo waa severely contested oan, and they emu afar hira as mated to go andvote. But no? He ' rend& all importunity and disregented every threat. Both sidled came for tibia bat all In vain. He had the same answer fin both: 'Clear from traninlg—elear fecur uting"Toor, Bommy!' He Smite threenan and ten,but he never voted A lAN= nuoritior.. readeUfrillientember Uri larkblie! anecdote, in has 'New home,' of the Michigan stage driver, rho 'drew reid in adolentautumn. storm at the gate of one of the far scattered cab ins of a westetatorest, Into which hemp, leav ing hispsesengfrs, a burly Englishmen and two querulous ' daughtem to follow him as best they ht doughty John Bull came in-afier him Munn his daughters, with maid Wes and imarbedessgledelirta, all threelook: inggroaty and glum enough. say,' said the Englighmanto thedrieerwhobbdsildni self in mom and cosy seat by th e fire, 'I say, that luggage rarfibiae be bratraba in, Ye two •Wed. 3 shoiahl think so taw. If was mine, I shouldbring it in, inyhow. 'T may get Wild. 'Well, fellow, why doa't you bring it in.' 'Why don's briny it sar`ealti Ore other slowly, and with an makable _ eneerfawhy, I &int your esruelt„ be It Guess not--thars a herb' that don'tgrow on the bushes about these dialer's. I dries you, Squire, and I don't do nothia' else' This Insident came to mind a few MOMentli ago, onheennys friend relate the following atuudote Ho said,that soon after the revolutionary war, a ,bruerTatikes Ortftr, a former captain , in the "r• bappued to be at St. Petersbergh,• in Enedif, and "Idle there was knifed to dine at the table ors tfustinguhhed merchant There was e'large number. of gnats at the tab* and almongehe rest an English lady, who was end -ma to appear an coo of the "knowing ones.' On understanding that'an Americanwes sitting ournur her,, the expressed to bus of -her friends a determination to qabehlot: She fastened upon hint BM a tigress, m a ting-. numerous Inquiries touching me habits, Catania. -dress, manners. modes of Ufa, edacatins, 1171105eMelite, etc. To alEtliise queries the safer pee courteous &- mu* width seemed As sad} all the corvany with the OXPVIDiI of the lady herself. Stumm determined not to be utidied, and went coin— Have theddineopleinyour aormtry sialearti yraflsupposethers ere meewho &Mum selves rich: 'D selves residence:replied thinaptato, is in a small town waif& island, where them "are Ind few exrdays-kept; •hoet in . the lamer , towns and chine= the unehalind thereare quite • number ntaintained, suited to our republican mamas.' "Indeed? replied his fair questioner, in a tone thatwas both interrogative and eters matory; 'lcan't Macy where you find madmen I abouldn't think the' Americana knewAow drire a coach.' "We find no difficulty on that &- comet, Madam: calmly rejoined the captain; ere can hors platy of drivers by sending to Eng land forthem. "To Enademell' exclaimed the kr dy, eireding yemquleily; think the Ameri cans ought to drive the Engliel, Instead 'of the rein& driving the Aracciems.', OVe did, -Madam in the late war,tritioined the officer; 'but since the peewee, we have permittedtheEng fish to'ddre us!'' There was no more 'quizzing' of the r Ameriinur during the dioner. Hs waited in vein, like Shea= Wellesln"Bariell wick, for the next question. °Gan PA4 T" C22. Cooke,-the great tragedian, (emu parses and Masers will AM be remembered by may inner Tut) endeavored on one -oestelomat the table of a friend, to make;his host gents at thimpresentation of certain passion* ftmthe the steamed erweiiiiiine of of -ids futons :turn.. His 'power of face: however ' was 'too much lamed by the wine be had des*, to be mosesedni. The misconception of' feariter azga• and of :eytor elsei uthyforjulouly, on the prt of his host, Tooke's ire. 'Look ap sir 'ha exclaimed, mailing upe face thaw& et the ;ante time malignant and leering. Who is that, shin. It ma promounced to be rereafge. • ' •'Revenge,' ejaminted the great actor , -..Afavesagel youdoltl that's Loral Look again—don't you no that it. Lover The attempt to heighten the donbtfel passion by additionalastoitie' ti ehi lest hair that broke the imners back.'. The hoed inconti nently,fled the table, leafing hie guest alone in Idsmandlin glory. It would bare' made good old Ellas - Biek hins wit laubg on Rini day' to. hear - our friend' Bar, the distligashed Westiin artint, Mention' the' delivery of aconsonfnun which he once heard' in this Etats. A tall, red-hallud, tericknbij, out sot of over-grown boy, who was • designed for the ministry, and had just obtabied 11. 1 e.hment . hcp !in Diertol:eglete; was called upon, at:a mbar supper, to issue a apeeels.'— .fte Manisa isimielf by anyire, 4. don't 'MOM =repeal:sant I canassyneow.' - Hews asked 'fora eong: Rio, he cover could sing ; hound that out when he first went to sing&-school'— Howirrer, being bard proMdfor wait:bine he .'said, lookkg at and twisting bashfully his long freckled lingers; 2 cars tell 'a conundrum' that_l • made' myself last week. It coma to sae first one night whin I was abed, and I =deft ortsdit day, ind wrote it down on apiece of paper; got It here neow.' fio laying„ he took frinf his waisteoat. pocket *'ello of, paper, read: village in York State is the same name se thePrnalsed Land?' There was some tnessine but at feet it was 'given ttp and vs-L.:solution re 4 guested. Wantusdaigunr. at length.esporolded the pmtpOser. But the companywere an much in the dark: - as eier; , !" to ' a dozen in a breath, .why—bow,--whas is the resemblance to the Trandaal Land!' Can't see the slights! 'Why, yon - said> the coma= maker, qui is theway orit : yeas must Oride the Ward, and instead of Cas-in you =WA say ..Comsn,' and, throw' the .ria4wrs'prayi ems* was the .Promised Laud,' see 1..„ A.rea .slatlets and 'united guffaw followed this : gored construction,' which the expounder mistook for admiration. 'hint it a 'Ars t nteconmsfrung. said he;with atlsible chttokla, that only bier:M. :ed the obstreperous rieddnition., We elculdn't likerto look at so bright ion Intellectual Inininary as this, through a piece of smoked gum. (Samuelsfteasrulf 'got or pun the .other musing. We were riding together - tower:llMo. deker's nut:olden road side Inn; after eiyornig, = tot, and • little rutin'. horse. , hold too And,' Mid .old lairds.; Mani draw Idm in en hard.' 'That's thews, he has been Musk herstolbrel. ,fteamdf, without moving * 'muscle... We rather think he didn't see the word 'lduMelf octll we told him of - it; 'abOnt as lOW COllO--10 t agsg.very ,110eriOT, 11l lest yea ana A. maenad k cow k I:4:11‘ e 's :1);:4:111 , e— esint I mkt zueuedlton at:naked Fiaafpg, Ibt gale by 110 MAN. ;U&MENT=L,bbin. tor owe by. GEF.A.I3E-15 : hL for fafftERWEI,SUGAR.-40zbble Lover.: b tal d ".•7wWiiVe i rcr iaD - 4 VaiDINES IN' BEINE, , -:-.111 km' Sac krig-r:' ..,, - , __. ,-r.iiigtia.-4.! wag Brucs;4s,ooo , (rOar Givirer_r* Makle r ii 00 0 liksair ' ..PwW/ 0 1 Is as Mai thipsat Arai= rmiedivforiksolitilssitt M.M'''' ; ARABIIIIPMEIRIM re L..ami, meg reamed hi ths i4 wyea 'jar '. Wig ' 1 1 aVottieri:gre g g aro. =rea lth letrilina7 we mt tbereammt Mr Meer ..ea oleo el.. Mar atchleemere la the =7 * eatirtw we. the rt.e. a um . ar., :It ' th re -1 "." " 4 =7" ltl ' ll Mt i n.a., , ~,,,,... whych oars Mr chwerta at • aeresat=tre sod . cddrar lemp=a; V=tbrtmnnorehirMormt tr ocommedime b 7 ..b C' • 61.5 f aM: Recap the o li = often. ,%as the mot In. I Ira reM i =elet. Pat Mreffectoar= geht " 1 tr i gt=retet& ear e t i rnbt Vint "6 = poled no mak tlei=l.Bl Yob te 0 7 :. Mt Auld Mb blainin Iterenkm It mbar. tiMae Join r T B = l rate .1....2_41.. WM MO Se tbe mem ta a tie fro[ fa.= t=roto Kenn.. gnot •rebLra raowty stools Ise Aw or 8 i elsr==i it erz.l, I met :gmeOr coree at nooM atm tr be Vrrrer , r_tkatz. ,, ost it t.r. li •aLlil . r.a.4! .. 4 Ertl. , :M • MreZ . W.Mle. 8 ; 1 to woo a wiukh malt e so arts 1.1 tht. bobs... Lands at Me MK of Fal , , Marelzir from tlx• adrpr.l meremiant 01 the sod 7 nwroabh home of Yrsa I liao.. a th. Pssisr . 4l ~..,. =Vs man roccoafot cum to .Its. . Thwaflr,./obateol by • ern. a L.a. E ttirivre 1 °I. 1"." *.. orrea N. 40.0,.... . e' th. 11 11 Men T It to Cant AeWararra Um. Mame so Unit led e , %4 : Wet tbe Mob Maid 1. sae ma. eatt etcpricat ofor, U. mnu& nenlefly iMmel earl timl. _idiom tit =MO.. to MI MOM gland tonna Mr .0 00.4 Os 00.0 tkriss ta. 0. beet. issr soiwa einle loworm Weed. Ur nreeroted Mr/ enPareaor of being thew on tbe 108 MM. Ma M. 117 Weida. oat rdled lo.mdto three wags .Id", tCty romzle halLombra is/11•= , ,. • tb=rlverhone .Itypte itna s =bet at irt&yr==ir N . Ib4 Ma H iW4 doetr= :Ite t. gorte b a " ; mis.. r We t= ti TOW Uninet treaty seer tbe .*...=Va. .., =7 Manna a wbert. emg E . li r•timw ,•• ou•ra•••4 . wo w h 7n t adW Mm b U malwor • ft geb -e o M a a f t t t h t e t li ft t. i= cam of .u rt r i=digraw• 1n . 51 .0 1.en yom 14== . tore mod. thar iA ZlPa hart% limelt 1. MIL 1 .01.11.•71D. Liar Cogaparist, lipsipstas, sad ILlisosattas - sArsscs. lisr s vs, VlOlB Kr. U. Yjiwr LMU.M— te palm' eery well, ea.l Ado, • Ma a U4 OLZ el. .bee mule, NM wie- b....J=4 , • 411,..- tiro of th r Itrest. , was y b., ie . pm •robleVe.mot bia ... t14 ,........... ~,.,.. :aria: i kl= ' tr.r . otirM - omanrOt a tooth thatt!f t bW War.n. hasT:sol leg ratan. MM. 7.. =1" vv. dorm %CM: Me Selo trued. nad ESif Cr , :ssiskotrents,Diesszpst, Corks .ad Kilt ebdicrogromm. bbt ILL NM% Ovantzt 113.. u) . . W. Tem MM... Lintosonl rlO Wa.s.±..ebT32.7tV''eti t ' 'll4 non Min 1:13301111 =AM = i Amt rem nimbi.. moMM. . , . . M GUARD Ao 4 l a ..; Cami lajl.k TUI ro 1... iw i tut Tb. PsUla sr* 41.111121014 sisiant s /trat Oastofra ohleb ksa maks Ismtgn ;It ballad try Lb* bapsoart stomas. It " c ,....,. 4. vrart . ..... z . V = ars listJa / may, tzikt o ry ame .... = . ;=l =As sama Is= r 17,1 0.. cyob roe Oa Ur sortsZtnosp ask Jar "K G. ,wmrs Antos sad asks so faun pa Us 1•12o.tOs stassis bag Ye lakes abdarliromans t itartalt ars= r 3= Latobsosl. Itoria... Sams essakt 13 11. Itni. Whirs iosi Usable {s Us Cuisoi sass b eat ortsbusbao. Arai, by tsetse lo ' Pssis.ll/.. Iriak rsd rsbxwm saki tIITM soot sits. lll 4 iii Tess or CaLsrys, • bolt asabdiale stub Tel tokrosttios by son duo °Ylta/1. , Vurs— .4suoied . zekilsest =i i i• Pia osjyypoins la 11:basiThet wha. 1, U. , Uneasy sed_pasprabs, sad lista Pssis. UL; sad Or was 4 . = 2 4t101 brks by SRL • • , Sart by D. 4. MAY; Allegkisr 4.4. " "4 . , . - 41. . The Hamer Body list Perspire,_ , Q 0 SAYS NATURE, to time e beat* sp. irsracon sod p.m. • ha do vokporotto, aro - Was to ob• mak dltorooass KiLl• 111.011.111. /WIC Jam' Mass Clorsoksi neap maws • Crop pn , .b!k alma at th• • thee WIWI. and 11011.112 WK. 21( tt the MI ~.wiocc col) Wad 'mot tjho ww, t sibr jitt - to . Tat Oa olio am It to oacit cook soli It villager.. 01n 2 14 , Plarsir. Blotch.. Iftmetio. or spolierstlalibrn Tudor Osmond that Otto is oo cosolloW 110M1M, Oil coo OW vat prom I coca. st. S signq Immo coed <4 wen had. Ices on bold. , _As: ie maw = ocotnola=stOni cOr WI w it a SUM% 11 • sotto dolma. erselailaw 6.444 Soh. vtu iked seaway • eur.,l•o • wroutrvai . tzt mo• sly •14. that fay as. .I•=a ..vb /ow et ofathr yin and tm. s. ball rl! WM4O6 . tablii ti Ita )A4.1 .0.111 , ' A19C . 00. . norm co liccdcd with l i i My YOB NO Ow Jorn• .12alimcbooLloil EFAIIIIMI-342M.1. ealty Magi Is PI Pearly Whlte.Teeth, arta Pare Breath. to • tr.( Amisity..-Piesass via ban enter. Q. bosom .. . . but at WM2I d o f at ream aal ram.. with tame, Mei • IS coot box of Joins. .me i n Tunas •111 oak* Use tealk r midis r =ow. luatt the man.a odottleoulf *dos, ear td Z sin !Ma. a-, bad • • - &textile Hair Tonic, Mather awl Be= ="l.=xata Malla. and Mailaass; Item la e mas a * o o l ealltltee... dear abs bass ve rum la se ` cam.. the Iteloolad gasaltlev—lt ibos tbe beer to ctn. at ea' oars bane E llsre d=r tolicebel s= bots to lau eper!; .... .too is exe4coel sea. Crol, beetealfol. zeros Lt so. It ONO. lb. vest vevoeskel—oes Iter the Ootr• .or wx. raeout. xaorr Ban, SOO Liar. fOleet toed of Waf,Plleib 171.051 M mak sad ft . JONES' 6otntien of Jet, a Liquid Him= W.%*.lbr the demea td atta.,ws.a gem behr,loe or bid yet mew, la • an tolovtax. sad ift. '.• mar .11101Upatrotaa.... ratrattli. JONES' LILLY WHIM We CIA -11..4 WINN du[ Op !ammo tanand Ctahlk. Tao Pm WM.. ttlitatralir latarbaam It rUm, slUal am. an.% boa malim, 7141amr_ . m ma=th, vir the mala mosaatamtter 74;10.1 pm•parlatm.mmaialt .. mm cal Azar umaalmb maw , calking " P =ll tr""%tibmatmtt;:al alaaatcr. clear.l)•taa abtac at 12ma maim - Its situ am as mart* aa tbm , at; waking it jar% end mamma. aeatl by_ Lb. Amt. Vrll. JACILIMI. 140 latmaly mmamaa bid froms.k. Mae. 1f ammamf „ ' 7, ILIT. Babbitt's CeleheatetiloapTowder; FARMING . withOttlaboil : Wain:4od to tabs the stabs out of table doom sod www Datriuora tau lliw.;4itt riter•stbst — bee tea • , silt:hut dasutity of odd ararstei tl tia thee. thew odd two table. elteoultue of Ltd. dote _ le eget els quarts of water , used trim the cloths; water la bard. add mom of thearods. lad boll aalsorberja the mesa Om area thraldom with,* • test Maw h. a tobutal add wifeleterat sold water. so they vitro too luel fahastra Wr o drthe stlrtr: Maas, or al2act words, 111, than • Odudad , sad th at ' sutrieleak to n;22,- beluisto . roeht id iiile Soap; to will Isere the war you*, tad wo bed ear smell, as cows_ loge do. The entlre*.f , the .Na* l dm not exceed tweeted; to • wesWif of hot perstoisr-! Worsened not to sot or soothe ewthow , --. ._ .. - 21de Is a Polak: thee owspaperretll nabs Wanda/7M , .. linfoirs fosWo . .—Tako;forf gigues of wider inotl mla the dor orlpood then iota boll. fmy 800 also Mot. Mot. Ow odd .2.2 cola vol.; elf thus . IMassolf = h i& %VI .bo reljtrAlool go l ltra Irllf Tab moilodylll mot oat tho bonds other Bum Earful Ur dottoo. Coo b. oval or of r=7- . ..,m,cra....,...---4—,„......... sad oroollAm . "'7erools, . ~ B. IMLLIfta. 04---,_—b , - -• 1.- 14....1 .t. . lOREIRS ... ,4 ,yrip;af Y ellow Dock Root; Mrnet the frothy tank idoodt . 42. Lie 'men , otediehtee fl . We .tehstdry tor_ IT coring Csalsr"t? rola. dYn•r•sz, mr , Ass . eot. =4=totrteeeteettee. 6""L idsdoed4 ' Coughs. &noes sod sweats was the Chou Sm. eds.; sa , booreentio• drone. wed • tlekthte 1.0. 10. Moos the Shaer. sad Is Feld with astrosideoted etre, "Pamir Treakiesuited General Debility,' : Sldotitesodter theytedelused httly . it r ettti lade l• tb4 mi.... onwowa itmgorscing _no_ Vent s .a iLf the leettamxtrei ...,T:,,.... ;,112""p 8 7 11=ti 10 = ly t=stftu (p Si - tits — W/1 thessars; sual== AR int sad broken done asolltaW.... at i m mt . we In itt tte u reteth a zza an wed after pa, =4l 6 4lStt igrelg4gg Dag/ tO . . ,„ • : . :.. , :..rarify the Blood. . - It hoe moved stelryehroakdbeeso whkh kis* leddid the meat debt.: =Mud hat etas t=Caen Sett Abeam. er g 7 to teinateortsts Tip Nom toad= od•• sd udßuAxuu U' WO . The noet , Oman* hely b. by ._ssesd. *se. , Wean ItudAtb • vetratreets it! lig auup iNt=te.eoure,..4 heeT area..'"=itet of the Ileark sticl Intim' to •eltows, sad mdy be need S 5 eltsdistata• eod " Tte 1=1: th. " %in CS . llolldita . lloll loostals etreet, and add • and nest • listabotse• apron 'W . ad ea dittela. I,,paroi 4 _ Of Twtscattartar a usllti swat. *tteo, sad at Ism togtl= anflozer=se.G4 coase, tojcattiked, bike, ipdlgest,las4 ea.. * ilter Mt oba mbe WOOS ..PZYreraklr telsreig . ieMi lakiu et 4 solow2s . *thus te 11uNIONN %%mous at tend to Don tham6ilitt iseu4=bo s tsaf:tb• ada lo bottle ot ILlCilag. el .11rd PrafesearlL 0, Barry's Triesithemtk iIeICAZEDVOMPOUND.--'rh4 tot ' ammonia trait. kh. Mans. Mita of W. AmAniata.. , (3cizioviralt 0, wit evidsoe• Mar XtnTeL BentN___VgapijpOrtriit_lit artitto thalvy ‘ ttk•• *war. antamr automeittemoddlon. do at do It =rstrynaa ni..... atatbat boas.tmor t m t rz 7, toCra ot • 11. 7 at; stmtbrot d r . br 347n =a21 **14 aatittn=. * 05. ,, h y nada valor to.blepd ti gt2ercritC6f lii - 6810 11 OUT Tarn Pgat*MßV . e44l2llt F o , l ' ets ItABBITT'S,SOAI' are rtarso l k aderctr=rt" .0.484.-oWN.J.Xroashi __, d ;' ,0 , S 1 r ' • =, I.J - :'. ; oz NT TEEM 1121131 M di VIM mzaffuur w:.,...t--i—tbi - ut.a-."a5 sad Iwidwittholimbil. WM W "Zia LI gia Mow at as TI PLOW. eallithEfAthrkesfoU flof . la n .pm,uh"m _ J..tOWV z s. .V = roan m oo ka 4 I ' ‘ .—t--& 114146 twaew=Mto .. 10 = 6.4 . . iiiii iiiiii if Tat mu. a v imbodir sifts tlyag qaraftwini vs. atis ' " tl;•l'lunh':AieW""`"'"egarcig."l4; m..l;4l.b:=Z;slft tie mon=ackwq .it. • a. Mug Untold ..reoca. Arm 0...c0• mrsihgra J oleo mozd imarr...L. *mg* wwwea ,. t. . 6".4 .Z1121.1ta...a.11... . 110 . y d .It s of loynom =a., 010, am= of halo oitOdo Ailoviai tosW Sghlf=taisui V O..seVII frin4 01 ." 1 "... maw o.t.Wptams. Ova, emt of I s ar 111, Itstwio gtv.7l:=lo IL". Or . . . - Tows.ll. to oh. of roast ante. • • - • --' /bog 4.'1.4 tam tostoods4e/ LteMpriedisSlknitleic two ta.. M" ltirttivi Vat& "' V " Vet: At tho tand Ms st of it' Vliarso Li TY.e ' Sh. l =9% 4 . - inlet.Witlii . ruVet., "E so . dosegcaptecOodnerials: The losde istit of sostim destlillalf or fhcsacmal mortio4 Seaton With or i welins.tera, the raalf dr _ I .o '4'l 4l:V.ltrztur a f =sir Ur ~,,L .F .• eartlean sada of hiriatteml. A, II Ce. Ir.d.•=Pri.t.d • tola tad otee cian tted_ roa=tioa7:4 o. alititAto . t lr , M.,,Tn os "" r _ ibr um i.l7;(l,7rtwi t eArlfi t g . . onahlir tla 17 4nnaul Ana Ala! MUM 13 .,. ! .. 14 Wm) telnle ,grd tor tab, 0. .da .4 . . ler Wro• nide= Sr land towdlot eon ST say to of Bt C " o= X 1 6 0 :s•tito .r.'" ' • : ' s et t . F= fe sew .. prThof l i tho Art Guar 'ler =dal Woml to Let sed .4376% 1 0Vi= t. Le- arperred .. , fh.• cablta of the ensWeld , bd t ga i ll sod sisoost pa Or .. . . , dre to s wee g ur_l2. XL m 4, 4ttentad 04 so ii. ..... b. ti stall es •.• .. • • . at.---- _ 10 nu .t'th ogiW A'a°.. ..' •1 ir ' i.. "fi;r. ,7 l *"!. ammi By Chit'rtiikinti ' '•'• -• ' ' Caoldinkaiei del iliW; . - - ___ ... "Ina tia.marrrozr !roll pm. ondtlsa to tbo nett lb _.too lands Za - te=tioLditatlL . 1 7 5... .ets pow g4 41. 71,1 Yn 11 1 I ! T:;417;iAg1i6+""144141. & : (1... ' IT Tag . . : TN lartgi i ir tt ialr i Lyittiili • . • • .767. 17". 6.4theVZ51Lis . 4 so ths lartle d. . l"" . . odt rl2td isaa ow o od . . tr jt. i z A e W z IB IK p W = . IW al4 «IVA="4 .. OoB.s .„„„,..."..,. si i . consast Tly.. - ot a -= It coriZorr oadi-d I=. . :ii tanadrOWatiosaty • s benidliakliba . • . rn • isbh twoWel4hatesn=bsed 7 . 7 =.= ' Al 1 PLIX:E. 2:212 1. 4 . 1: tei nib MICIi la. Nada ntthlaantowtaltdolload /nand.. OWS ban. ~ 1 T n sVA ct ow ionsl . tob la t Wt. ab. . t i a n fiynd WA s dA a . W_ aC e eP b d abwrroi . d w n a t0w...4 twatrarn Id noir lama. . 1 =:, , 44 ~,,tousts• Iber- oi , - • • I 'l"'c'''' T-tt.e. w. tl;7 llill' .: "' rreM li ga t "." =• * ailiiilvacisiii;ll ' ear . =lo=4:o 4 = ~.,,,i.,,i.i;.- , • ' •"t israstrate.toendslnytemlyWn. Mt 1 sictlosards. to un 1a5e55a.4...... la Kw sed Inatows. to illo4y.a. twolstwair ot Mat. 410.• 1 • Woutara (maw. Ontlabol deBYWIt Wo latisille t d treoinnot = ....r linodu . ad 1 ~neat towantipweltr... I emelt ULF.. ....1,42.4 Ihrstplaw. ...PIO. I.......4UWelollswslatrtwlnt... .dra.erniesisarV= sten ~ _ The northwest trod... inreboonale In bill.mlbap War MO, aft 3 tractlmal lammal.t. agginalr. • • 1 WK.. on. Nom. bedwlte.themooro ....b AWL.. ad an...... INK = n t is iMrer tknts Lechnlye, ro o m erann. Une . Soo bacloyorn m at hw.rt aailascslo.• , Or., the WI of a....eris....Pastritcraa Oa Immaryth 1 ors, sad thilnpy‘ow to Lantwow lawbutrs, be aosnaln. • The yert ar t our of - i al Blaar Ihealks....l Iseraddy; =inn .8 ryas. darns. - - • Ns brzendollsnot larbst.) ...1 .orinenalreodadook awl ...a Z . = mew Owrelo... la la war ft:- Asii• I,...sevat Snastanil.D. ant es Malbiar.lhe /away dew. nests Oa Dont of dr Ine4. mars Lola Ye or Inewhlgd. to Wt: . M.rytWas.W....l motif Sta.=l.loWW.. , tnarra.natel.llll It- - ar , ti= ..,,, agla==airlina, ai Ijipranitis Victintil toWasida Woodrow adjaaast . al. eta. naafi u 'lgirtre.o. OW sad tatelw4bar taw,tac tr . Lab by lan Its Low of lei.. ads• tery owdo. •ad o. WIZ selr • =l=M Gain abash shell be eaesset by U.... is.J 2 = bare tbo dayter la, tl. mass . srodrt We = ri "c Aa. La, rriar tdo thr Etaal at Artrama 'vam p Made thLa .sad oth ei BA. .= .2wr. Md.W12 n 0n..fr0. n0 4417 Ibr bud %mama bentats =:11.4 IMM" •W i cue. Mr adllaery pug wd.pes..2.l.= ore. Wino.. bs o..4 = rid. Us by . ort sathrod ••As 'l...ats. ~, ,,, ....eor B. styli ..1 abbonsbe .wsoms of Oesstonossa. • Y. lel Mann. ILL .. . . -. N. -- .Werlsd .11 W. stows varstnand lnato trlil Was fronted on lb.