The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, July 16, 1851, Image 2

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WEXlM=o;ti!foMPlch a.r I ;TI 16:2851.-.
41 ,, • 1.
30111 /Ml''
trlloo4 Urowiter.
- =mace
' ^ KIBID.,ffIetIVII4.4-
Xlenkr e uniu' tais,t=r.
. dipinissatiks and Whig Con dytichet
; .A 4 ,l4tik-IfOllWAßDral,Prtdes. ,
4 W." WitLlAlleS;;of Pfttabdtgh; ,
:•ruEsztast 761 . 01 } 7 3 4= 0 !"
r uieoitant 'necoma Cl crcarrd 3:1 1 ‘ 0, 0 01r "'
TANam I.
Jithfc - 115ieci
1111117ELITA=MOX I C
3 P a T MIK. •
w ow iciioi,"erestiovest.- -
ITL 01
\ JOUN ontsird.a. •
du Old blenbaut7..vill's to-morrow.
111(1 thin
:Wien ist.this the priiiit'itek, now
Rmotint to_ abinst tided thaniead. &Mai.
Thin looks • iliptrudiation to , :earry• iC
Una or VIZ Wilias.% , -There torsi seems to be
the Mastcherting *frith; entire uni n and
.•berEsony'of action in the WhIB party of the Dee
States. The only cause of diffmanis hen been
the compromise asessures of the bat Congress.
ybe.ditlerentes on this subject hare of late, been
lessatintr■ yielding on both ildshaa
f f. been clearly evident, or rather, there has been a
better understanding of the position 15114/1 bad
tamp, ylien it Is seen that the real Waren=
between MO is wry small indeed. Oar. Fur,
of Yerk, in his late speech, his banished a
platform on which all Whigs au ilrenly, consist
ettt3y, and unitedly stand, and rejoice to see
a dlsposititnimmdfested promptly to occupy It.
The Flap offf.t.tave been more tarty sew
-newt on ibis loaded thUthose d inyetheiStste
Ines Union, and the length to which the ditremity
wan canted thrtateied at one time , to &moire
the party in that State. The ergine of the en.
none, were t h e Albeit sivnivip , ms ,4 on can
side, and the. Aden .I*.tter on the other:—
Theispapers ban attest come together en the
Platte= hid devilry Gin. Fire, as will lessen
by the fallowing extracts. The Ertehty ../Oursal
Susi:ingot GOT. Pmes speech, aye , I
"Ills unitnents and oreLathies are Mies of i
• tram.beartel dmerican. Ms mewls. in ref
artztei to public question, were each ea the
undid= of the country donsaded. He did not
think. the vomprong meseurreelhe test or
abort met= of settling the:them - editing AIM
-. oath& 4Bat. Congress decidedl othersdni and
-. be anus sauteed' acquieseettee ha nhich
hs did not, in alt' eapots eppren. GOT. Fish's
lireathes throughout , a ;spirit of fennel
o-patritiem. It Is, as we know la most' truthful
relhir.Of the sympathies and 'Sentiments of his -
L heed salihtert.” . .
The ATheay' Sgi+trr fe not lees urn in Steep.
probation of' the Positions of Gov. Fish. It
grO6ifilien b~ tier. Fisb will, we are l
I, , teretuttled. be heartily .approted by the great
f.,boacr:l2olPeoldeof the Cone he has been oho- sea torePrese, lathe geteste'd .the Vann.
;' is hl6lt Leeneerieths ail his spook
wtiesoner 2114-cl4Ol, by-
mem- of -as
11.00101.404n91 1 1 1 and Ite-.-4110/404. tele Pointe
rebuke At delsogoverr , sae eattethet;: tee. do
sal pod. g
article the . Regetter meets Itith
_ _
pteatore to theliAttilleatti ofih.• aunts:
teethe; and inis that the iota= title. by
';(lici:,_Wthst. of Ithreseie ltd; mataintia acriabss
:ende the Cirtaltrandaelatheores so thy .lasis
ofthe bord; that the South is entitled to an
elent law for: the . reellsostiott of tagither threes,
sea that he is flirted to eel agi'thtion in'rad
dont? thi esiating law either: for its meal 'Or
until thissnidtht can to tffroathel
with etintronts and good ea on the pat of both
• :bite Noith and the Booth, site pirictheir ther-poti
,: thins of She Administration.'
We trust that hereafter there rosy be no tank
Of entire coward to the rthfrants.- While the
7-gres:tootht Wartitethrtilp can neserbetadi
tO'aPpira of some fistirroill of Cemprothise,-.
"'jab theyare lairlionnibog
Peol*b:-and are gimps disposed to resist. north:,
adwarratot nista+ agitation, and to.promote
furs* theis'itee and thifeeepect edit
l o w the pews Sad welfare Of the whole irate ,
,L - ; and goo&. fellowthip 14d thitizr . reiaggp
aoseig: the viols polo,: A mare .propithete
..dtri mey orris% lehen esthete Prelinp will pre-.
Tail, in wbich the 'North'thai hope to perstsalie
theirßeitheiirfeticTi:eitteetts-ei the soortheols
of their objections, and of the pulley of pielding
so fir ss to secure sorthscepeel the
discharge of a compact l i ed& can tifien , lie
"'agreeable, while its necessity Is voteroy,
• •
-. ~ • ikon fioimornme.—Weitiblish. this,wraisg
tr g
.- s call for a Coiterdhir of frier& of Gerona
.-." Scarf, to Fe held is - Ude day oh the .20W Of
Aitgast,ihe s otoireneri of - teitder of Coolberoe
aid Citerebeseo . :, i . .. . - .
~.".. :there Iwo not-been, IshlcO the days d atiers l
liiirian; in) guest • uniudtc4ty ba favor of e Om/.
didigefoitliePiesidtdii, prrfletite the siiild ler
itirrobas Wide 4 preembin favor of Gen.
''• . Scott_ , It is not a sodden bowdre:. lie has lour
' - been a favorite lath the pact:lomnd Ids claims
hart any been Pestpotled, not stootdefied:: She
ilia for action Wog
• 'State!' kitbag *Aso, even the Mends id Gee.
. . -.., - Scott, are astoolabeded. the cordial attaardlY of
s o on can ass Eximme.:-Ws men
-"' the rothileing peragraph front
the Boston Mies
of lay
• North si swells' &Oa 0
tato woeful
~ 41•40 11 'Slid Dixon)! lbw- 4 W - .
I,theantelvee into s fever goolit Oen. &mtts ner
sonel prefenteam, his Tote of the Union:
There mmi, in theirststaiitit are
rant of Northern polity o. ll e o . _ ' 11 4 4 7 -
int to effect the Wary of a amino treaserette
tan exeMtry mientooos mnapatgabetbreseatty
of his mint settee enendea woe out of thelr
imam' anon am what the Batton ;Ulla Nape
Lead off
know attants hate been made
head off General Soots, 17 [ailing on
/1 "
..Sevull shot'"
..i that ay thal " De s tet ,. igth in the Booth . 11 , 11
pas - Benselent le hid
° elo& sodomy serve s
io ta ate h re ie
• : - "the etimaten of the Whl Eat
no weight to
those whoginatath•Tdspoi
sudianilr-lhatib amore
gooa fild 111Ma. manze t
621b4MTILErjat. Bogor from Now Via
=allot° with ;
aft S ZAdal
ins 100 000 ":"'.lO. of the %Moo t and
there lets *Wan the can
an Me itiogoOol- fasting ci 7iftor,
lava, It haa.become pettof was
den of the dal to scia° l44 nnteMplA
attitude lawartie the rnion,' no _ , _
barna • 'wad of it. A s u IdirVari=tt::;t:
PnelidOmq. n°l26 ,l l V l N7 , prewar; Mr. FT
' "AS
Dr Gen diltinCir
tat:l2ed •
A1116224;1 who
lumnittea•foam, opr
ta thorn mer
'" -- Eit 7 the to hostty so Tar, Woisteror to $l4
7 ,Wmas, without knowledge a nd-litba"
"jilt Cgat r o rat ,—Let the people of Pella
' ; • igotistdo not forgot the choice of the Loam, a.
-the Shah iat fba - ant. lortddluxl—baboot -Itow
Sao spode Ward is tbottobetek
- ts lbsitact Ettitos few rtietravb that Alt
fluff ofrit-tabtacit atm slog! be ten cantos` .
or-louldt=irooluba thiU
tac glach
rtbem tbbrdtigafs iota tbda m
*IP at tetti bbe;
bditsout dtaloff dud tito•pstly.wboost t b la
shamipoto fol.,,effettior +dogma .4:01
the sholooc=iee.-
fo thl"l3Agl9l6o,
M i lashm to tWOlirpOctOU
'-. WI to Witt the pato' ytito' adopt P ima "
plan lot that tnnt.—itorrigatO 40060186
5 ' 1 •."jif
itim'isarkiimid ccesotegon with the foot that
,Jldl:ll.krieritteePtionille tq way section of the
13 t/ 41 4 tilt lath stems sifirteetilit qualities, eel
ithiseittiteetilre tioaltbspoilst wiry areal"
les& ite to catideere the beekremilte at the Cio•
ta*.r,,Paight 61114134ite,
ae l piety :united. me &fell Irak TO
eioitot doubt that. it wlll meekly itself We pre-
Ur* thin li no : more p4tileretia lathe-B*e
than ;Et. Vintot• Certelaly'there is none more
lied% or ken itilielte 811 thiteurelitedbaii
In ,t6le conitretlosi, the following •sietat the
pnblio`iiereiriet of lbL highlr esteemed *tie,
man; frieii.aiii r Vineleeeti Chrenitle and MU",
. .
win "b. r eed with interest:
Mr. ols native of fdassachisetts. -, lie
came to this State in 1819, sad Nettled in flallit•
pain in the practice of law. In 1822, after •
residence in that of only three yews, he
via elected to *ogres° with u p a dissenting
nice. He oontlnued in the 0 - 1411106 se'
member from that District 1887, when he
declined are-election that might devote him
self Loth, management of Ids pirate sthdrs and
the of his frofeeden. In 1840, lo vas
Tetanal to Cugrele, from the mass dia.
Wet, width he bas continued to repreeint, until
the present °time, During the but few years,
fume In the House Unoccupied so command
ing a position. or exernised so commanding an
Influence, as Mr. Ilona.. '• Poe many yeas be
was the recognised leader of the Hone.. hens
a pW• not might for by him by- frequent
aU obtrusive display, but freely catered upon
him by reason of his clear:calm, and ferueing
agseity; the Unlimited =Hence reposed in his
judgment, and the rolversal, raped entertained { 1
for private Wrath. • .This.nonfideue and re.
pad 111411. atrengly essilthsted in the wish al
most unaniannosly upraised, that he should be.
mete the Whig eandhists for ' Speaker,. and ell
will remember the touching speech in which he
declined - a pnirdesMon; on , account of the' slatel
of bishealth,'snd the arduous nature of the du
, Near the close of the Nation of Congress,
Mr. Vinton /* Mends intention not to be spin'
• candidate form-elution, designing to retire
IPostOsrth er nentli to private life, Bat the tints hat
faneedof his services, ands* pre sure that ,
all pod Whip everywhere vBlllol= at th e I
nomination' that bejut been made. is
candidate that livegi be difficult trbeeL
name and highcharacter will pore an
truer of itzength:
He trill bring
into-the field - 14 expo fence in , public, affair, sec
ond to 'Mad of no man in the State—an ability
that sou can question—a name.that hag long
been one of the brightest o—
arns of °bl
nd a pal& and pints reputationsment that has
passed untarnished tlnough all the exciting poll.
dad tamale by which the last gunner a cen
tury has been distingoished. - •
`The Courier end Huge - bur fernisbee some ate-
Wm showing how amiably the political Maui
glee of the two peat parties ban resulted in
Obi. for the list tenor twelie yea*, in isse
the State arum:nisi by the democrats, but in
1840, Mr Canis was chosen Governor by a
liege and Harrison swept over the
State Blue tornado. 1841, Mr. dart-plus
nlity'sver Mr. Pglk was 8,052; but then were
8,050 abolition y etis for Jsmes O. }limy, tem%
tug a Majority of 1,998 4031, Mr. ciay. In
l a B
T li ; 4ll th 522.. CUM'S majority one Gem Taylor
to 15,414; but 87,487 Tote* were cast
for Van Baran st the same election, and 111- for
Gerrit BMiti, leavings Majority M 19,014 against
Can.' In 1869, Reuben Wood, (dus.,)witi elect
ed Cosner b'y 31;988' ezisjoititgr Ufa Atlantan,
(Whig) but '18;8132 - irotee were end for Smith,
(free soil,) leaving a majority SOMA Wood of
1814: . Upon as Toll iv* this year, aria 1844,
when Mr. Cloy' drew-out 156,118 Whig' votes,
' we Mould hone a mong hopes of a Whig *nay_ ;
L isitc Cowing to'hhe
_we diversion,)
Gen. Taylor only received 188,859 Tutu -and]
the hurt par./chasten, 'the Whig candidate for
Garermar, draw mot only 121,105 - votes, while his
moment, Wood, Only nailed 188,1:193 van
It is quite apparent from:the foregoing, that
the Whip - mist 111 tat ttgether; and king out
their whole ittringth, be order tummy the State.
There is entlicientinduormeni to do this, and as
the census has been mitered swaththe proper 1,
spirit, Om is g o od onion for , hoping that all
will be right• - -
"Are ArotacrfraiCasixotters Imams " ba
lm the Ileacellateige blame Wrens& an
Connunencleta day , of. • Wewhingtatt Co ll ege,
Lesingteen, Joni 18; 1861.. by Naito
Saab, President. of the Colleg•—far
- ssle by Key &Co., wool. street, Pittsbagh.
The'Vrall knewit"repettetion. of Dr. 'Yotibitk es
*easier, a Clirbetisn, and. Algoma edam ,
sznistriter, precludes the neceseityafspeaking
of the moult. of this _panellist. Ifs append .
an Edam% not to puff the, publismits, bat for
its, intebtatinierit, belie that ,we ca. find
liiabliiii ol o Matle tie" cur ielderg :
• fqbkastfron le the' calling into sedan, the
-eleenAthewhof end sdrainannt toward perfec
tion of alltheAstothistof oar astere-of body,
mind and latut—phyeind:intethattata end-mor:
el.. .It is based upon Chet mdmetallaw of living
esiOnsto which tesette4 that the legitimate et-.
*obi of any iwity teedstaitilicreasel poser
and tends terirds its perfection.‘ In this beard
G„ ate tioppoes these:en Is pow on.
derstood. Of course we repudiate the Wes, that
cluhfs education begins when he enters the
soltooLand that iYoung man'S tenninsmewhem
he getulastas and laves College. On the -con
trary this process Is 'co.tempersneons end eo
etaseeaHre. with hislising energies., It bights and
it ends with Ills itself. Its origin is Indian itt,
Mame otareity. As to the- body, indeed,
there Is to be long interruption; the grans iria
chill its.eelitities, but not
be foram When it
shill lune 'rested it. 'allotted periwipedodii Weariest"
btestitity, this dlehonce will on 4, and I
Ithebody, epteitcsatni sod bmaed after 'lts
immortal pattern, and re-mitederlih the loom- I
s}spirit, will continue esersotive, ever onward, -
lower npwani, In unend i ng. dared= The ado
cationiof immortals_ hounded onl y , .
--- -
mostailly..: ,
Whitlstte-OlitM ofegellstionf ' To,emable a
nom to make money, says-one- ' Bat what is i
money worth at the p, of death—e 4 agave? I
of Bod—bo the bonndrengeof Mama A
To secure political diatinetionl. podliort - in the'
halls of legislation? the ji*ii.• tribunal? the
ocipidlplonadin?. o, Post in the array or navy!
1 And what, I annum
these Marin the end
' leas reign , nf BM Tadaordsmi of Peace; when men
I shell best thadr sw to plow dares end
learn ass no more? What in thsirvalue when the
1 tribunal of Immortal Justice shall be occupled by
Him Aiwa eyes are es a flame of Axel when au
di shall hmt.taltan its seat at the foot"
stool of Mradalis throne? when ell legislation
I shall proceed from the lips of the Man of Cal-
But iktAir bs asked, dO Yoe argon thit Ede.
cation his nothing todo with Betel data' has
' m ea n s:
you to the after lot:
MMus: lair ProPoltD4 'Ali your
that Education up such a ryston of trelnimt es
1 fits a men for the •Agin he is destlatd to 111,
so that he may be able •to.discharge its &dint
land' , " shall not ammo the point with yon, if
only you will allow me to prom the murstion—
I whet leldadestiay? Atha is the station tritir.h
be Xi :tii_oacopria.the long ran!' Only gim
liberal WWI ?let the_syrrhare wide.leer; lat
not thls yin het/Ad:4d Outgo low P etl7 ' c°l*.
tracteforate lithe east field of human test-
ettee; let Wed' beeozfined. to =Point ht I
the infinite lins;. thin we mans Zdn- 1
mtbm to that SysternAt tifbilag.lllll% _it/ a
man Am each sad everystatlan to which may 1
be.nalledy bi time and In eternity. -Aid this
definition ems es am theobjed of Education . .
Theatre arum at Alis'esete results. though &It'
yonaltrt by different ways. • What I am emend
to Om It almar, that the limiting of Its object
to mm per. sphere of seeks within th is
more*BM& of =Os permancothebledion, is
to All far below hie; trne diguity; is =Ride
tophital and untrue. At is to stop chart--may
farehart ot tad esnese; and to make that an
end—de:rod, Ind* to reality b only a means,
and often.aem sulardlnete meals to that
I Pouljl, ,ttilt lb" the object of Education as to.
Mad nim, lithe oultintkor cud enlargement
of A. his Iscultitydeal, Intellectual and
mmtil , kuul that in endless wrogreadoe. , Ter,
howermi le net du& sun foyikd thee :Iles a
l ady dignified end important object-mss chief
ea of Mak sad .so Doti all his AIM••= II3 4
ai, is to dol* 0 0 A end to enjoy foe
SW. To this lidr dual came all:others
Ars trobtalluntit and must be subservicat: ' vin-,
Wog this rule, we sink intornstedallatio stui..
oatardern, and niesenall dipp the efficacy pine of
, 861 1 StieW nobs 04 otehmiti and catsamed
to lbetimosplacoldweisc hT the height of biz
tert*MilMetiliMMfd: illtoiltiortik th,•
" , .• , :""k::', .. .., . • -.- . - .1
Jiinen4iiiii.:4!!",, Pitt s ton ()Matte sif4ito,
thus at Judge‘•!cli,lo ,-/--: -,.
warbisass te.tifs ibliagashigy- '
AS i.citorthii Preto Mach; Ist War
with fsellop O f
mat prebend satisfactlon:
by ate arboleildir toil of Nrotlmmr, ,
Irsai.: . lsteecnauCheetrathio t pa blis,l
aittll]his high mental' maloaricets trill
bunt" rids* vilimuciet 14' see
total:1111mm* daze two parties. ,
.* 7l #ll,
:4g, ~.. "., '''
, rw
eciudonnallues,2trofirippointal- ~ .. -
oompers -•
ed um. floe. if. Joke Partnif,',. Predated of the.
Map 'who 'Matter tato* contest vith s a&
termination to ao ill in thtax pond to earetati
Hon. HER IaIDATAFAX7S4isznan.
of 11.13ninlgelianb_ B.
limassam.Xlisen acclaim. ,
. - ,178:a Bon* rbswitaptsii=4l
Lewis Burin;.WatiSlll , F.
14 ina:,11CALitinania .
4th Dist, . Dist., Chestsrgiti-Dslarirs--Abrahain
tit'. Dist; Baeltinzatole. • I
714 Dbl.; soil Lebationseih
Istolgisiober, T..Taylos Worth.. •
18th Dist, Das.p.Ma and Nostitamberunit—
tharael V. Ks:l6 • • '
9th Dist.; NoilMmpto& and 'Libittk - 7tlebTS
10th:DisE, Cisit' on, Mattine.
Ilth IRst.; Adams - ICattilitaines
12th Conitenn
18th Dist, Caere:bald and Perry—R.' P.
14th Dist., Ceara, Lynatobbt, Sullivan; and
Clinton—Andrew 6. Curtin: , ,
- 16th•Dbt, Blair, Omsk* and - 4lttutinition
Johnston... ' • •
16th, put, L9ieriLe. 61040' . 4,
,;!mod Colaintr
17th Dist., tnD
1e Dist., Tina, brKesn,Eak,
titdd, and Jan—P., L... Jones.- . • •
49th Dist, lunar, .Irnaanto, and' Warm—
John A. Dais. - • • • ,
20th Dist,,. *rie U.
;'.2lst :Dist., Butler De re? , a ol iawrence=
Parsianse..l . _, • - •
• 224 Dist, Allegheny Wm. , Robinson, Jr.;
Ititd Diat.;;lirsaldisgtontadraraista7li r m.
21.tb' Dist,' tato!? and Bomerset,F., N.
26th Dist, Armstrong, ladlsna and 'Clarion
- —lmes Campbell. "
26th Dist, 21112111,4unIatt;' - #1
27thiDit6;.Iirsitatose*,a 4 ,
28th Dist, c ;In .
• •
RAISSOLA—The Oanadadortam of Miscount,
met oa _Fridaytast and subtoribedementy Bre
Mooned dollue towards_ 'complete
the - 23mia bawd" Barad to '3EI miler& and
from thence sc a b to lament the Indiana arid
Olds Railroad at Coshocton. , • '
Thus is one important : step tabu towards is,•
wring to oar county the aduntiges of a Bali-.
yak the moot It to lie taken by bulleidnals; by
Meal subscriptions to aid the si4elt ptlsa
hope Moe our fermi take holdof ibis seater
midi ilberallty ,worthy of Abe cause , as the)
anthe pelolol dad wi ll be mat directly -beim;
titsd.—ifehitm CoaaryllAiss.: •
This road eat Wetted the Ohio sad' Pena,
syleania Balaroad In !Oen county; and will
prom an important feeder to that greed trunk
Mae firma tlie irest to
Par tis Pittsbaryk (Tartar.
Oa the 6th page of the Report of the Stmt.
lxneille sad ladhuia .Ilailload. , Campaii it Is
sold that, .' _` of the &twos bairns fltstbmV
TP/f/ tad Cotumhos, 46 Mlles may be,regerded am
prodded to :haMithat , :,pOrtion of the Ines
sad Columbus Rad psralld irith the route
of the Eittrobeurillaand ledissis Rood, and .Lich
ob, ermag with thatCompsuj; hewed
Qom: 1. Is Sot the isuessOleead Columbus
Heed here spokes of„ the "Central Ohio Stal
toad" "flats Oubstabes to Bhidgeport,` o pposite
Ras the litiMbernitle'Ciestpszy MI& Amy
Goth Ineage for ths-use of 46
ar oteay part, d r ew Central Ohio ;
S. Will %ha anted OW Company comma to
lissititridisad tnmi 0a1y46 mils. frosoCohni
tem; visa it edges to eurry'thaut Cue hmul t e4
milsateither to Belliaspet • - • I
'rumple tied lheelare identical for 6 ,4 "
azd ozly 16 tailed *pert ;when ;Midribs
. 'the Old river, stitridgepart sad at flammCmek,
uhf sc,t. snake 16 miles °Clod roskekeis4he .
rim beak, band of 100 milm tined for
the *sir 161117,- :
6. How te the Eltaulbesdasaud e =
Railroadths ow whir*:
ai Pitegbiag3t r • •
.it-by kJ**, aetatletit 4 iritg' i !. iz t d ..
how mush sill they cuss! -
7. If thous who Imes ded . mist dotal,
against the Rheetrum•Rtidge are mho to , hoer of
the Eteektorne .8 114 6 e, A•ti,leen ileitt
Ohs inomalsteure- •
l• 6.1 t th e t ad is to hassle terriat sash amt,
D. to fury arty freight, or tobemtatmild
. .
.9. Ilaw htrits eiv2 pied= ttrerwr vl l /
theta be - on -eke line Witless Btettberaille and
How le the tightier way to be got thtotath
and Awe • rwa a =partakes travitatt.
twg - etrivAtre it /WI ..topitisral =Wawa _
11; -Hawatteckwilltheivadeost , estilthat divi
ding!' will it pay, with It ferry. at auk. est& and
with the Hemptleld Itentell. 4 l =ate side at it.
sad the tieet_anthiathez
12. Irby not bake a ItaltirAd along the rim
beak, - teem Bawer, by .:Wellstills eba Stitilxm
ville, to Btillitertt:-Imid, vith lota fine. con!.
toot four rsgp?lat inter;
este? , , - CNC
of the TlalleYla= Maim seams bit lune Ha
hands- tale:lW fall 'of Um: blip& obliged tot
oat e to'ettexurtei itittfaitl dialla .5 tartan*
Ways be rites daplaillitytait to take a tarn at
calling and 'other hots' =lied labors. so yell.
Sines the depature of our better half on '.ll
beslttreeeklniezeurahns 'our duties lute greatly
thereased. In eorjunetiati Ida: our ordinary
uneaten es editor, emanates _led Peldtahir Of
wr.Journal, vit hare nos to puts= all thOilt
devoting an the household. - For Instance, ads
escudos ars oesseueed our dolly tesk—ltet, by
O ng to market; cooklagbutareat Irma* the
abaes,, teed:leg the ;poultry,, deluding up , the
kitchen, streeptog out the house,rissldng up the
Micathatind the farnitore, and -redone other
ditties daubing von cos stuns duty Das to
trield the dlsteL -Second, write our editorials,
compose o put ef than; cermet pooh; pot the
matter In tone, look tt,up, get it on the MU.
sad then strikand the attn. Om ant one of
our _city -enteuvearies , best 'this, for &morn
intri task 1- ?Spec noir"-
Laorocolecnearrronm—Wheneters Locofbea
Is driven to the wall, he neueßY niece the eel '
'of .fr Patna, Burrowe and Btevens,'!,..althonsik
these gentlemen may have about the sand eOl .
IIiCtIOX Illith ,the addeet under dimmed" ite
..the haey of Bybla with a buff jerldn.": : The
Loocelmos aat liz4tiv.. noes with bkpatitade
In thus amain him, 'for he placed upon the
Swim Beach their 1101. giant Chief imitate ,
tilbseq, and addthed both an, approolaW of
Idea and IllbelAlsy of apirdon, aid& ought to
Idkit their schollation... it
.must be . painful to
Chief Jolla Gilson ties, his old friend softie,
gaudy and dereely astailt4 in thc,papers • that
Thomas:Barrows has been a maroberll the
Loadboct party sine/ 1644. He - voted for . Polk,
end Dallas,, and was warmly welcomed into the
Landow pail by their pr , . .
John W: Facia, whir:the een n edited the Lanese
tar Intelli — , stated In his papa of July 16,
Illitt;thatMarows war!. not only against Vial,
but be is for Boit, Wes end Illublabertr e
thetlionowe was .Yatdive, g s
breord, Is
vas not troly • MSbbuotl d
anceiedranager Thill Poet
Ste, spoke thus dßarrows a
:., • , . i
"Ws are , also inforuied that Thomas U. Bei
rah, Beinetury of Beate under Ititude admin
istration, Is out In opal opPositha le' Ilear7
COY., There ore bat few .Inm in the. , country
who bad more Winces with his party that Mr.
Burnan Talented, betides ' imesening . : mach
political , aasseity; and cool, i - hekeeitable paw.
[ veraruls, he was* ratlike of the administra
, don; and his opisdorts , - ,trere received - with' mare
.respecd,than dare' ef mks othailits In the party.
Thousranof aftmet Mai/urn:nu villainy, be
held in the highest edam by the antimatents of
Patusyhania,, and no man maturPea to receive
the ode of that party inti hashot,eetrortd the
!dia l/J P -i t .94 4 e. trf-;.eat4C l
, ../tartilfibes voted iltiiihe LieVeiviel at every
1 'menus sitraldt‘ when Is nos • reeetetet into
that patty by **Whaling patent —ger. Mom
.The Mato= Ina Wahl. it. Danville Pa., is
leadly engaged in rolling not the ' ,raili for the
wigissingion anikliimyea rallies&
The Teas DeVooratis biniennsaliiitat Maud
Sown for Calico* iVylacei:eility; lieulhni*,
de thaw, thmallmi :nu apitotatf6 be able :to
z eds aftbe Mains - awn& watibtra:jrter.
A Str.:Tia; fa Nottribit,l44 maimed a lady of
:tica name of •Yeanteenk 4 • ‘ - - 4 71 - -, ' i '.'.
~ : f iiiecripF, met bolo itt•ind at ii ball in
iltedilitMe, 0144 - 0 'tar Atli; L iv the4Tacamer
P ~ .., . :`.-' . j a m .-~
"q 11:1y -' 1 •ti
ih 4 " 4l QiNetil4
lnadelithe Ohio Uud Petuurylvi4tdsba ,
itefferent Ohlopapeue t will be . *mi n to t oy.
titstue Orotkil hFretsolr4etanuctimu#
forgoing to dileinesild, or by way t , niyt to ,
..4'confere*wieheld Ullaelleie' euwague.
aiyUg,,letirotalbePiegaing sexd - .Direct ois
o 1 the ‘ Springlield end hiumeleikMad (so called)
o,depateelonfrem Mel/treaters of thoAtpid
intflueulda..Vernen, tofLondouellik;ond
•fabam,'lwt,,. 'Chief bleAter
l'eeineybialle rOak-wha rtTreeedtaa 'the Direr--
tors of that company.: Mu veldt •of their der;
I liberatione was 'the, aopttolidatio:Cof the':Mt.
I Vernal end Loudonville and the Delaware. and
Springfield compahles into one,„foi, the:purpose
or cetudructing railroad from'.. Springfield
throitgle sigi AIL Vernon
to Loam:Mlle, whereit will intersect the Ohio
out tp e ctoyirania mut the Madera of Thleh
' through Mr. Roberts, pledge Mel:naives 4o con;
Al cuon.thei,most adnntageousLectoe, both in
regard U-Ireight and • Upasseagen tramMeated
,orer,this.rood, , and to; advanceas far sa:pp4bl4
iteintereste, bylloing which they will also pro ,
mote thejr, oara.`., M. the 'prone llama of; I
company,ASteringlield and hisesUld), thui not
•Lodicatn its di re ction !_br. western iniMtion, lt
hasbeen determined to apply to ; the, nett
Loreto here itchanged to that of thelittsbtolA
and.Cineinasti, Railroad Compeuxy—as it will
foiii pit of theihimteitend moat direct' route.
between those cities, u well as to PhiladelphMi
New :Korliandilostort.- • ••." • •
The Siirituilleld Casette remerimtinUlUtiotiM
It will be seen - that the Pennsylvania and Ohio
Pau old Coittisitic*iiti of the hirgest'and. moot.
influential corporation in the country, have ta7
kon not only swsont,....but an oaks. Interest in
l tatexpliao.: nomad ISM hate VI the lA..
eh It cun brinate beav,, and. its WO
, tore , 'aka . no* Sensible. theY"can
make no connection so important as this. Of
course they will not Sider it to want.the .
tweet which' cen alone amuse its opeedy . cotoptro•
In the city of New York also the motrussmt is
serlt,fe viewed. It was perceived - at once
that the mad chain, idiot completed,' Foam af
• • .the shortest , and mast Spied y triknectioi
with the Cheat Weal., We hats. before' demow•
strata tble
. ty times. The *Warn ,awrehant
hie no more busbaesi to go
,wia fialtlmare than
Washington- iii tabs the- niott:(Wfnef Ade
titheerrat Eteporhun. Ad d forthie the ape
rior adreatages of grade aid' annatere of _the
Penasylvialaronte;' and certainly no other- eat
:seriously' compete With - the
~ bastuees anCtiavel
of the attddle sod northern- der of twenties is
the Willey of the Ohlo—w patronage quite
ateat to employ Its fell powers. • •
Foreign and Anted Minima&
zr0.189. wool Street,
41Avs NOW TA crows
• nut am tosingdostokot PO/LIMN AND 4/117.2MAN
11 - A 111)WARE,-
Bad& 5:
e C s IT t
CtMoI oaninigth
rodo ,sad w h t i besht hor sr omens
omo mao M
lob= elan.
CubmilL Life Insuriumm Company.
omaE, No. FOURTII sraraz
air r t w onottiorpitt of this pryer.
citizen'ansanwe • voinpsuri of Pittitairgb
Om .Haft WolOistrool:Ist the tiosolotim <SO. U.
Tab nul
13= Qu
11 plowed to Won all Mir •
tar the , airl. •
lasUtatiolt,u oficolar tho. .t.tnarootor ot stro
of ILi
Iltio. otr ato U ora. MI Winos amadly troll DM
knr tom: be OA.
U tns DIP ;tU
- —.. b. . asatti
"Petrolearnt ' • '
;B.numiciwurittbe..o.,i.A.iiii...v. •
'ts.:Letnag—Nsirelr, To= Ittrolitan b waning Ta
gle. la Mb Titbits thandbrt irteil aunt imitate.'
Ts two deost trr tbi Pantsttods Italytut R• trrs
UM/ out. and It tattts Itogrel In Waco tytt, at.
. Youts. nomothOl. -- JOON LOso Oa.
• ' OtTstouN'Aslllatla ,, a , Math INN&
- 11. ItiOtr wO UN Tour Unit. volt de
Daft nt
tins is Ow *sew "iract To Out soF,
Plasm Ibtrultoci dais baseollandt. .
latz Dallas ta Ircedwne bi Mt topes. We
tat obttlN woe entectlthltsrta
itI011•Irt Mover& 1111,1 6 0 Wood otnet;
mak anrixastrak R. A. lhalbotxt. It ON carat
Wadi asdipaitr=l.L =2,..t.L.EgNotosAN.
isrlittas notaa ABovs PITT°,
Mcins• owation'w•Ti '
me* sat Ida
reed bands* byarytoa MAY itabbasapt. aut bil aga!
time by witted tt. And it as arse tried 11, Ind tads It
new. tti.tatter the IMP.I.Uy mita Me Ayholt intr.
Tot matt Introinie soiennee biro media we salon it
boamloto Mityrabotontfal 'tram Itoottala'all bed edger
a laa etaratiosit and It to Ws Piet that tinneetablisbed .
Aba teal `Ban Ckeiapiedirt Mutt Extract Imo
mod": bawd stt re' dierstet Wean=
Au Nand Minn Ups erocyclanat anti rational eat pirt.•
tinadddll dnetika - tt prenot!...the aortae • emaidiene
sad acorns at tbotody;nonemo obanaltama clabbam
senerlad end illaneed nistom strandatt the sbasocb
sea clycloyilmy ornsasymmatn "am ratio era heidthr
Void* and men= the Tartam tasetions of the &Emig
'regard of l s body. tcla' ls all pertained Ittihad the
WM dawn °thorns. ea tapered. Ulna -a fit aan
alkeetorin te may to thought Lithe idorottodi thee
partente to mato& =op dThesom. bat atom exender
tronatrent he Anna that elute intjortht ot the Meek. 1
oe mittith dart the bum. Welly winnable so 'mom
laded the bkpt. , sot deteind. trim rff othr ,
natternis tiled 'oared lathy - ow lam of molsosoo.
oodoas , . toooonioneso s medium tooth. .4 1 . 1
Jedutlhdla Parresnalter The nimble tae motion the
taniddm wornoste to be leapeaor id all alto: •
r Cernot-Srarere end at by the original Dr: Age
Behr Smetprrilta fron.lltirresstrescr Sne
adeettld as
• mane wpowiu.uo Rand idceashdcm . - lrhelamLd RAM moan
• •
u the Arabs were wean
ries me. m the Waft ut, mar - of Weir preperelWes
erne et pod wen and aseedne 'raw 10.0. Waren
urinated Ann an Unman I. • eolowntlou of teams
tan non pasts d auendle gums pallor to An e&
and It sea a tb• ns of the ankles eneneenne this awe
medicine tat rreu the aid lab at the Went terrand
=eh anwelons soon. It Is eauedly awl We nns sod
bnatutbentore It Is Wined se the vadat argue( Me
!dn. •
iter Moluzz's Luz!. Pura.--In offering
.twe nuclides le inabfktilbe ananote en all cra g
that they bare to escousder • bandlity anented by the
anitlerelteneeidnw erbkh ban, benneedeal atom We
abbe under :beans natal wedielnes. We ere eon.
viand, Inwenertlistalannywinany to glee War a
needy • tal to ;Weal brpublio enttnetWo far now all
enedad Wet! On= h r .L e wlt4 ther Piga' It
W the Wanks or a n experlennelowdlenta
•aParld4aW ebd staE yaw and It In ble on tar
tlee, grat maw. alma! lea din It WW.
buldeK ban. -
potrW -
- - 31 4 3112 4 .. 1, 'sword
ipslttorahrn nth . M &LIU . a z . •
v i
Waste* Itonahrazas' Scott Comedic=
• - - pabt.o.hroatb,l66l.
irablouriii oar. sole:
1 isT:jrAC = a rr. trZ i t ?At '
=Mldert Pfrlg7l- otho
nr.=g, the .lea
timid the how of tg r we vi trlewg..Wir i tta
111intratliST Pest, estatesniry X deb: , bottles Or
Ontatill stNI Cbarobusa. pulaisseoe of Mel sepal,
ashnu'iridtgeur 01110
.:7,- ,
rumblexlshusw *.
ss wear
dig o t t
endive, wel to noes 131 WM, on that *Dead°.
, Void ows.
end . 9.6.eunt Goose
W0"..7:4ni me. no
44A etss . 10.
4 l o ft t e ; ,
enoss "4
lesUomal Paws. end owe the at
oe uole . :!or to y 9.... on Wend
sro orialaiool lbw ofoulUdallas end eloiskal
Me r u .IserusTro rettitbrsulie,th”gl rpe=eg'
.11. yb 11:11.141.W.usgadel brierreed tam .
enumnroe=reillte,„ bsaiwooteket,
Young Weal wham ontlit bow atm kludle2
by Wu recital of WO, bade eerie. num, lula wish us
IsonfoUat the shwelee that Iteputlas are usucestetl."
We mediae nos ow levitilks. to than, who 11. 31144.
asurollz MeV with swum, Anbwu,
sod awl hlutet.hed ...Wet Wu lend of the hew
otWupsesom lialms Niko, Ng We
22=1,. t . b .40 .....t!..Va tpoarim as = h Vi
thew ilno.otts.-770450. ..Edasore ,neeppeci.
I liVeire AU to awn. essirt igrGoo.s eu u'orAimitara
iilduur...:4*.ll3* sdraeateig.l3lll4ls, Twits, new hew
wl„4l.—evilideol..l.4laAritsjpror" 1...°1
0 , *nubile ore sot.tho Owe or AIWIAwIT.T.
Lg 7 tr j r:=lAMb t , - I:=V7T I S
...rd., or Elastemch. o pledge you s
. 1 :n! ' lt Ca1dffar,........1400 out hs • Walser
Eanw.W •
. , •
° ..4N 6 A V PD 00808
ItAtZOIS K sow,
il -ANDREW 84.0-,104
nificturroNsTB,ll4lB ! to
tatoldttpittork.m ni ' m y A Avitelifl=.
au ealitillttd .war tritalr a •
; j imm y which ea ut6
t -abioscaza Lams atm Ut eau. an • •
lm yuaut7 r '7OOl MOM eit ( 4 '
jr 4
to iincreekPiglroo
` Is •
WINDAW 6IABB 250 Vosps,agsorted
17d " in 4 1tO b irMON. UTILZ LOO:
‘ fri ' d an*Wl-11mm
Aennsibailla Cara Rallied.
swan. -
adv.,. • Jus.M
Mount U
11" S" frAIMMU 4O :I:4 ,
%V. • .
ilwisaug , ...!st!. • A j i =r4 ..
,s-l u b v lifot e lok
. -
VI I IM o • T'S
1f9.1a „ tr .
4 `t b iTov u trnx &POLL
at tuns and !am Ezra:
Danantsou: -
311LI•egtovri HIO
- XeVeflllim.
.151, urn. U5l
Fos Salo oz to .Bent
:competad to the wet tooter. style: Tlth. a leaseztar
b am leed. together with so exoelkof welt at. wet
- err, situated on Otufze /Mum .tteor the tat g1t0...t5 , 4.
l iterhigr of mat tote, Is forthlo . Soma, •
Yoe . ere *wawa M. AnrealLlSk or
ogo ■ ARTllUlth,se the comet of /lootett , estet .
6614'44. , . i 00 1 ,7 •
110* AC
--a).000 WS: I . ll«iii,l3hOtalleysi
• „ ROOD ebb.fteasteetztgra%
.IkTAII9 300 kegs essorted.sises in' store,
737b 11 . b 7 ' acemecrN, anu& 0z,..
DRIED FBIIIT OOhush:driedPbaahee:
• • ro, salt er • 11.0IIIINSql,,LITT
ARD OIL-20 • bblit.: No.'l
JUirate make, be Ate „ MAI Water M MUT OD. '
-Lanalrin ..
. which the Matted. r
WANTED--Oio• .1
.rwszawma ems
sround. ltoN
sad vrizatkezd
-tonagmo. 7 badrre,Azgeti.
arboniat .11 so. ay
weary, mom to MO,
Fad, ilano borro7o or
'idea Ix Wank.
Agency . load In
, .
AIY wife Isabella ' alien, basing left m i
lov i th°... - .9=171.:,:;ri.77....='. bg r.i
1 P..=
,w 1 ,,,, no debt. of ha. ester 03.6 data owdliON.
Pitt.binvh. Jell 111,195L-4714.13t • , .
• ron* bathes'
mows* Mr AND MS. N. W. 1117CALF;Prin•
timu. os Moods?. Brotrot=r.
lifirr, Pobsal run. Cam* of orol
rat. of MKS= th e onmoiko konnoccoo.',Yor porlo
we Circular. or sooty Mir Mrei • a. lOW
Mug° far -the Em men. :
ITKLESER,IOI Third itieet, get the.
e ttiM b rA l Wul d irto' mra.
beanu ef tbe Meaux Coetamil not
dek r. tlMo t hm g e r Mcceseers by y.
Pte. beantMil lartri4rillriAangb, lidr.a"a"‘__°4
antra( IMAM TmPees/Oleabok. jil6
ThOOTOR 'fl FLEY Pd Amnia cif
the New todt Lranzw.t.6etteb annosaal Mt 14
um to httobargh. notobot nod ttoportmoo .
.cuts sada Ids eat on tds towed W. and tbo
nototott mow *Web oats:donna tatsmt
aged tZtn oxpottito Mondani. ill ., tyarlag
whourrrstr to lib
IL ow to
=sal notice, - Al*
sneand Wok floret tettont
Air Stge—ProppitY on .the Cwi itu4.
. 1.
LOT, corner or Penn street ilia Stilt
.4 on.4 6 nrnonol Put or the °MID&
; ; A ill':
+ ll k I"".l9"lbrze'd Lot
lwarlE "2l . o.thil"rth,
JYthlmt(eol.) . . , stmt.
Qjryzor knilimut 41L4 *War. MT 14. Un-
MIMES of the litigant% Om
0 = 41.u" this day &flood • Orkked of two
nay woo ow oodk olipto of coital weak twtho
vidaborsb 000 OfsfooT. o..&r b.
sie. th. Ciosapm , - "AMU 3 L Ca •
LOT OF GROUND, on the vist ' sia
or trottOwftew Mot. 110 bet ionib of Will.
=lke: =ha 46:1 Ur= a
.ItlStlhr - nitsta i bdirom ill ik=imil ULM
IFlRE.Baiox—.we have on hand 60,000
coda:ova 111, Ibiek. wan:atoll old to Col amaa
4 Za=a statar,-aaadv i valg i r i azkr:o .
3TlWew 911-WeIR
• -
CREAM CHEESE-41 toles reEe A tages .
stan4r, use. Ift ea' -
FlVlBalCK—.4o°° fo l
Ira—Primo Sugar .Cured,: Venison sad
2100004 Drild we wet etese...tator,
QUGAW 7 -LoTering's,Crnsbed'andTe.l c
1.1,2tes Cairns. taalliVMSNrcoh!
reliA—Prims totetra ruse Grow
vb .1. a"Virr'aiiirOst"eirst
CANIJL*S- , 40 4zilit Star;
VINEGAB--16.bbls.Cider, for sale by
FlSllhlackerel;ll.lhhaa, Shad, and-Ilaas.
rin4 ise imlo try J. D. WILLLILIDI t CO.
• . Valaable:Property . for Bale. - • :
on tbiyittikarb •seetOralalmrek—lNMlC b. -
0 tut lad Vinthtstram!sapnosor .at
HOS. Ina. 111111M.Pf..lehe WilomMlotbormealltdet
=MTV =4 ""U -
Moll , In terTieV =±..n I
goring bow*, armory, me 0 tom toMoh MI .
neowarr Midterm fee lee Mis of wafted of*/* Mee
o 'Magyar froddol meh mt Mery Ms merfdakeo.
matic* blogk and fed toofello.)Efd plum MoO. ,
of.tbo Moir LLOI a tatomi OMfly _Tye
Poriero. MI (Mot eltaotkee, for s. olden on
MOT soo. Ale loMmtable MU will ifleM '
For fortM vostfrodoro Imaro of U. onleeetbmgetbo
restos& --7 1 (17/A. , = • , --WiLid- hOUX
Idea foal:Kelt/4A'tides! .
i.e4Diammid,6uotioittff sqb.:
TWA best R
- should.ban R ac I t L iWIEANDUt
..ttla b P .o P.
mfal ionn MEW lad•.,jy
aly degatd opon
Initatiation Wanted.
LISS ANN MURPHY, lase or D ub l in,bn
Irel.dritha. la boar tom Err =Ws. Jowl
nopmcl, mov Pittabaszb.
*LADE commodious Wax:soca. Ell
from.** 5tr0q.. 1 .4 04 / ba ntoThi, .11 2 1
Newusic. , .
#olll4_ N.' No . el .IV - lod "Week
rd tb•Salowlas apfl pzpulsr rawof
arol B' Z ' d
mlM ll 2g' . '.b : ll !g n x
k" W lu '
e. o r N.Uy
V "
bat • '
1149 %met
=Va. eme eden.
Whore pp ars am tb..lymt!.;, l tra ll bigt . Fulks;
, .
Clilegnitall WMnn
AR—a luristock T i baz4 4
lad arrlTlox. -
}.: ... J..' KIDD a CO.,
No. dd. Wood St
Ti bbls. White Fish
.'thbbw:* " •
. '23 bt. • •
• Z.nembrinum.
tiM CUSEES- 2 Utz% LorP Pro-
USIAIRE OLIVE OIL. in Flask,. Atli bist !
Fh*:,"'" 4 "9"Al wa silitirigti.
FUSEL mAconotiv-a. yeti' 'itio retiPr
u tk.s.j.tuea mt for We
, .k 4
:12, 3 "1" 1"4 0
1712 1°
"di 7.15,17)1701411. VIL
=V attiebi, foyfam=
Cy, tsT.wcrr
114:1TRRING'S 81300 .—.50bb114 Crriskiid
sad Pulmisat, ibriabl, ® b e s a rdoia
' topity of N. Write t Cal Wanted Itit
mu! /irk. 10,114 b . 7
. • .
n uer.)n n ser t wtor=t 2 y.2 s =
Wi n Attps baLutdoeut% ponm "'""'" •
biz ILJGjeIET*/,"l"rlit
SEAR iro ihie Stock ,ALted 8
thorsomm wawa 00.
VOPPeißtoOi B7 .
Z{rgUAVE olden for the Stock of nil"
mt ittot comomut or sae 118ralpf• - •
bio - wola U s..ftuommmx6mkoci,
11 EVA'. J..PETTIGRIN-bege to inlamate
trud n tristtott 4 2 Malt taro at
tr,ri.bettirotattol,=.tho Mount. ot Ittf•
I.4—oa.pituardls aro b=rl tbobtostad s 404 ,
r avar - alogrataxg lll
tho moats Moot panzer tad Nowa.= woo mmor
, their datidne or words to kpobllo orod7o.ltatt
ttrottoDortororylroor. fltltibutM satt
wool mar _ •
O 1 casks Clear Sides, for sale by
_ .
.. ~ ,
VrgJIM& IP: ;o,%:g4lor:the :-..
4L...z. Alward far
-- t•ratc - vaukt m 010411 7-
...,,m ".' • f tit, ta l t . ett= "'a l=
thlbx..t•••:•PealOV 17..„tr•ttrVar
rt Mel Zaku:SaaP=ust.... ...
W:brecoP=a--Ithittlbti sliinit
end •••t• at • til•Ptiti a tbe it•eunt, W.
F umm,-300 bbia: titrias al& bY
oglierrELCallka—PZian g-HaTe " or4
sale by ' .1111 .11. aW. HAII1111:11:111.
EW MACKEREL 50 bbls No. 3, large
Insekrnil just ne•lwd awdl kir Arlo by_
nll. • 's. aw. wswasuou.
INDOW.GLASS—,IOO O boxes City aid
NY Comb/ Orsods. trim!.
t w.s.att AMR.
ODA-ASH--6 50 'casks, of pifiown mahh
beta" tg" . AT
sad ibr
W. st t 11.10.11. BMIAMS,
s9DA-..2p0 asks fonds co:
sgebr lamirrrtznay it co:
R AMS,4OO prime. Canvassed, for sale,by
SOA,I: I ViiR-15
U WIFSB-125 sacks Greak forisale by
MOBACCO-100 loxes. Manufactured,
tcamatsVrals x t bro n te rr thole
"OLLISSES.;-.50 bble...N. Q., for solo by
IASH-20 casks re, for sale 17 •
Xaglieto Powder; •
FOB tlie•Destzuction of all kinds of lands:
; mar , d... er t e l et.var t ur
wrim..lllCrak...a.trits. gra cair:f2ll.lTh
nitir4m!4"2"Edi.. br • jr"/".B.lNlT'st..
warrants iirsrttect: far
k.ktmr liamaaorth rt;
it tied good holfeeleeti
4.. =dram vainest sal
...41Z to . a
T. • fbr a n'l.lre of ltwasn4
itnicrwaZirrestA4 AA
Illsgent*OttleeiLarttr IT- .
Ilutet sad Bt. Clatrstt.
or VALUABLE Los as rat CUV nunstur.
•iAJOMING' the - Seventh - and tg r g
wad.. •en take_wisse oe the Pun:*
. the 17tb at &ULF, et 3 *Worth, P. thosonadoW
naleat Bobo B
tef s ridgeorfth late Croo blosiaxed deo toss
tAa t ly i =gon s
i t . &e=sy r =tard
fa Ohms tt "m rSta ll is= )P g
gradel ard are *other ir testers est tor
othorrig Float Aced of domes het tract, with a
J nate i rsr id LOTS rithithe HOW Woth4l4
others wax Tootle, Bev NHL the Mos. end
=„lbfti • esehrowthourAsheocoed street) haw bon
to ewy Reload y Stherowel to • lin& to Meek Raid Qom tbe City daskli ;IMO to
To o 4 sem to be comets! with the Zoete
over the 11.olry • Stem Way, at the Biz
Atha ethotoloSiS =the• of UAW tos Camp
thus* stoesto • ti the Plonk Reload
the River) ere is tor either mosostsderiee os
" CP M. is itelitirththir. sad tbeleth,beinot of toi)oa.
Oman I . oldeou ee tnetakmlansany
Oaethrerth ewh the bassos in tW wool wayesethi.
st proa tha ,
Hoar Tears. leith mwithi e n w; swim" or
toed esti
For tboi to Atm! the
sat, Cormilnaess tb• Mara of Youth 1.11 Ku
:=4l.2 tb•eiternooe
J 1103.4 , ' P. ithISENZIA. Auctioneer.
CORN 500 bn. Shelled, for sale by
yor • • J. 6 DILWORTH & CO.
Communion Sfniice.
TItAL HOWLS. U. brash§ w. mus k
'j71.0 C ticket et, =fu toorth.
4.4 TtfiLlos.4..'ofao 0o..• otatralled 024,1211-',
acme. Ill•Mi7 irszlety, sal warn:Mod to en • rteady
•th tothlota HOU sad itottroly ftla 40111thil 4108.1. 1-
I.diaSiis WY Of Otombnao sad elm
ADV3—.I casks superior. for was e9ti
i? • 1""4741a.,
ASDNo.I, for sale by
jylo 15°° lbs.
WOODB eoa,6lweals.
Qop.At .00-23 csaluTLutwiticbraiid;
rwraby g u m. wiismc
HOT-11 kegs we'd Nos., for %a,.
OAFS SUGAR-150 bbla...iurs'd Nos, for
I ssi• W.l Y. WILWX.
yIOWPEI-500 key' Da Font's Blastipv
- 11.645 11 / 'lltaal"7'
LAIcRIPAD caskei warranted pure,
g " . " /. nutsnis: 67 Wood st:
lINTATA BLOOMS—a tans for isle
• ciao ..x . eitiMMlst, try stm4M
ADVERT r LUR wis balks situatitai as u.b...ld=rez
Alrf comaind=ek. stain temanadathernertliallias
tbenzio esconri, althea.* 00.3 paltUtsebeiabmonlme.
mill most sittl ininr !tenAlnirm.
r.Sebool , DiTectors of Unirer'SLCkii.
• ss&LIP ammo.' tows lb* Palea Schools
cam an tbe stoker leptemberokadlomp
MI. laid will not tit the AM. IFlels o ut h .
Elg stmt. ar A. AS Wm
661Stolts• • •jytaCtifitaT•
4USESEr.-45 boxes reteketos per Bidwell's
use.. ssa 6r sids/I.' JANNS - DATJE/U.
SS Wsta, sad TS Mot AL
lik/ACKEBEL--,30 MU. New N 0.3, for ei
1,1 br Jl9 :AXIS DALZILL.
, .
Rev littilt3, - : :-." -;: i::: . - '
• ECIIBER.haa Jost te . o)AY4 -. .. •: - ' - , .
Nair iza'z eaLn4a; Lt .,. ~.. .. .
.=et. c ,
chrha... se song rkents" . 7 0.7.01 .,,, a
e.l.l=Rrirei /KW: = .
.' .
117 mew ilinglardlEtnatertir Wet. , WPM.. or
A := -.. Edireeite
_.._.• ---
..-L" L.
haw= Mrry &dal W5W,mx........• ..1
{FIitUM t. 'lree IA". 'dead duet, .b.e S. C.
Vow I grawwy de, n f
s ett o er }, ,deid ant den Winter.
-.-. -
i...Wi Ch lretNtw la=lirin ii
www-Thredide. Cire Mail .
14 .7W il . th Irdi.:Wor0 814 = AvirtYli.
, : M '
5.409 'r • th-l.' .Utgim
ams, Pe b
i2tcrg aEiMwirr
,r Qlltrd rum,-gtnld Wi MCter. Owe* aMIPIT
"ion 10;11d1.. 8 nTALESU.i
iLARGE firteno in_ g Sorrel Horbs,
nto:dr is
t l i b, www ."lll b. parr eraltitiva * , e
)01 . '<ATM
ACKRItiq,-100 bble:Ne w NY. Urge;
I t abargas. by .., suaintraito: ;
aid for the differ
is. a W. ILIABIreH.
0. NOLASSES--300 bbla. oakficT , elle
• by' 'Jr3O Ir.* V.L7zolf.
IL SYRUP-26 bble. for sale by
.kict - a L wusu3'
UGAR---150 hhda. for sal= i , 2
• )03 - w.a 1.
Odr SIM/4.9-300 Ws: ailed Nos; rid
Irk by , ; j BAIILIST a -
re l3 and 9)Nrced
4 ,0 " tat4tirgffiriVid.
lallkitS=-160 hazes White My Pipes; I
1C• , •Viertfl - -t tfe . : r I
SOAP -400 bouTivitatiniu,ll-31
41. RD 011,4 bbbh 511. cor i o l44 . for
irKerrOPl-:= balegin store sadfor eslakir
.." jili4r-1:51/4111.1
C • OTTON BATTING-50 baks a 1 it 0
agigsmarg, to was cxx
1. 1 ) I
Seven V Puma for • de:
17J:81T1TATE2D near the
Ohio endFmh
nlfl itabao,t. tL. Malt, or IthakCe64
cootenlattram W . y , wq serf sub, uktisAlk gonaitttir
d '« ilci"lowx Tarp. amm mar iiindbig. 1 4 I
rit t uA ith 'uVArint..iiirinspiiiens. I
am . Block la tba OW tvas* 3411 road, te be ,
enbieedsteeneekelis will NOM , . SEW-
• I ale tildtts dolga s• tim a 41 , 4144. .
Dm' mood. 14 a debt to: of eampsay,
_.E.At i :
WIN , boaimirak al rt . 7 !--,
- u the must s la' .P_
ursl i =lt
mo rzst.
St* Ito&
um anistrooto4 to aa4 pli moot
thaskott rt4tar , to 6 .. 1 4.1 1 ,
,SP • :
d ri n aat t lt t i .-. 41,k AV - .
pith 7dfe losonince Co.
rim Bewail insWimmt Um Dollars
2. as Nei AM of tlaa ali** la , a* afield o=.
uavabb ai theft Moa,ll.l4lmittstgatn az wore
1 A:4,4,w or as:swops. a -
, ltardlew Goode 1_
NVIVITHEMANDING the adinuteedliskte
of= =WV ta et=
isid ." 4, llll
TAP tiriaTar
of Vol itavut lands.
. Notice to:Gor itraelor~
sbauydaalrinut BrossustigeNsissiemised rent.
- pito . and Piersik Rovi 00111p0g% '
NOTICE is hztla b g
ro ivesithat Sealed Pr o :_.
...A=36.%tteth aariVaVe2l7:.
NellaiStalf•44llkatitr=ail UV: I =A tire
- bbla. No. 1 Lc*
LRE AND_ #ll.ll -7747 g • ittia.
4-' •
terrtsßuitem AND, - .043. 1851 . 18b1.
MEETING_ of=eW the WON*
~.• of.....Alustral: 47 .igafigud: .I3dZsri a nagifit • 'VICW ROUTE TO NEW YORK CITY via
zl i aarallaN dl i a .111x ; , d ay a ct iymmAD, _LA .Dval_drk A nd e L o.DeL A Da k kpe j ramAtai mg%
.. atrar rn. IbrvArl lntares l Aof
The Books will Om to
....tying wilmesiptioas to ttb" . "MtlZE....tying
Na i k.l7hario-Nvese, gad ollpThen
'a z as the A ymara lalOset. of ..81.1Doadl palm Ici
=. 1 .. , .1... i dag, U.l.A i.u 4==
,i latarMor.=l.
I ...F0" 1 4:S 1 141MI T R U "'"."
Preiglati, , ,,
.. . .
TRUP-MOUBSES--2Tbbls. - & W &mt)
b. 7 Mol•Wili; • imperibl ibt ••Wr '• --r. z '
BM= rt a-Tale i , bj . Aims IltiiiA
Drury_ otatbari.. sof .Irtend• aid tortsuwe' -
•• - at So D 4 as • Seem at UAW Bays to •
• Caasedy lb ItY• ,ac by ELT E. Wawa byttan.W.
0 au Thrtecu•abrkteaser Li *cream* ar .
=Val Ms Bo.rin .0=•. nitle• Mbar,- •
• Th. pulsate. of Mght • dm at tb•
1. W taken.;. tb• •br irr r ••:14 abler We by •
- ---..
Black Tea *can-' Ltlneipeatl
.Z.ST RECEIVED; et.lloßatw Tea mum,'
cbdee lot or fteneend End Mama 00313017
.idea emit:ri be band to se • Bide Owed
of =I in Putsbc The public woo Incited ffs..
Tess—iinslids: Ina sal.Seetch sed
an costly the mune kinds Or MY they earl futile .
, ilff
0T A 4J-L E !--We icuipleit&
• 10...stoek at 00kt. gUnt and Poet Bpodooloirgind Wain .
quoutrar Mons And *sown , °hon. — St in
oval minty of vision, oesolding to On best
optics/. Rums. [nal] W. W.
STlrefft3 •WANTSD—
Omni Bank of Pitiabontg
100 X.labasys• • .1
' 10 Ws 02 7 eisi
, 14 S o. ap Gloms:
tarok now bsedimperepOsret;
Cops Shp: Comb Er iIELLI4I.IIDICK.s CO..
Br:noir:We .Ifriud
jpike aad .PtaitirlkadrcuPdigi• -,1-,
OMB - hereby 'given , that the 13ioisI:
hoktere to maldUmpany ere tenth:ea to se e m Xeet of FlorDellers 404. .shars 4.oM . subiod•
bd. to the omto., M= te.r Jr.) an the 111
troth del of Jell, Isla; punt the Jostalsoent of
Five Dollen...en ahem enbeenhen. on the Inet ems(
Aur z.i next.. ' 81°wittier, W e & "?:;-
eillveng toff.) -
ben nailed la mum tumirr 'laud
161 comer Ins.
01,4114111 '.__
CON 10 i 110.901
ritirLED CLOTHS 7.
Wm. .ree•l•ed'a Ori Ames fil•lezid
w Twilled .Entaeb Cleolbsoo • •91.4•••114 , 31
ILLIE UNDERSIGNED have `:entered' tato
st Na 11
c.p.dae6inip .astei tbALtlzza IMOT taw:
a, to l-sor street. P ... 1 ao tbs P.APKir AND RAUB
txymsatsosuus. otos thy y
c Ism sosortassot of f Purrs Coo ' soosuamg
Wrltloc Nang Wareol.C_Azoi.A. bt4
litstb.Pasts - ssot Nolo I.rr.. ram asst bsia,MZ
• -WdsTs4l.ram bl a g to r% . .
. Wood satiL s ir Tissoe= p retisano?
Cololorstd — Whits Roos Fvorsomoscatzlißtstriii
- btsolas Awn.. MI sises. - GlEst Rota; colors. 1.
..TlZMlZtlikgstryogrir aftdl=SJl e
Ham sod !Mau ruplas Palmeri , • 7'. ;
• . Boonst. BladerreLßot, top sod Tsaab lisaths• '
Wklts sal Bud ~=.lewm•lagal.Lettsr,BlotbsiSOWDS
ii cot tow.
lt =
Pr,oaang ct G
Paean .
N. B. 'AMU:N . 6 4 Ista ot Ns, 3 Minor
N. 5.-600 um.: Baas la maims P.T.446
MACKEREL -5g 1413 . 11 . Liv3o Na
w qrT i v!" . .tittlitie t Tei. is *an
CRACKED COCOA—Vrah--jastreetilleit
and lerr sal. by WM. A. iteCLWA OM. ,
c 11000LA.TE, BROMA k C900A.1-rOf
l del Clipllo,4 ' • '
cavil. by - IV& 41:0812•1 034 t
Omen and Zia Dodos:
"110 eseetlntl fa gmalt7 flavor Irr lw:10136
7920stazdly ost bad one Re ale bite balf mow, at
. " a4;tldl vetoer-41K eDie sod no• ' 4 ' • -
• tonl &wood to thoizeib ttruiprottltyal,.
ASE FISH-2 : 5 5 MAL Lake Trout, (new
te .24 " 1 " a 2'.
J. B. COM=
.• . -
te, tad dol:m:4 to !Isplten o.7aslatr. lido
•a2711,1..g.u. Tua4,4
a tar .00:1100 d 11.00110-otoxk L lll4o,
.7 . 101tV1 , - • -.11, 101 Third stmt.
omPIANOS nor orna.g.
werr swcadiaaa mum rum* II: -
.§ ThA IIedtunt• W V " :" I " PI L NG 41,111¢A PIPai lUX• .64".1. L. . 17
isWt b - 50601 fte.t:
" s .;,
issotui, for sole bY
EMP-4/ balesxr a w. •
WN. 7 4f,3 ,
CEAD— .s.s ; u,Genh.,mf.w,,Emenieb&y
L , RIPIT4=I4SO to. win's reaches;
viumftd. , a4 amis.d.s.reK,ltlnr-Tark
bran.Mr "le by . WM. CO.- , •
" -
ID ICE-46 tes.lreshiCarolizti, for Bab by
_ . .
110,11b15:3.1. C„ for 13415221 V;
BO7R-13,kept Baint u f m or saleit
e gusE—WO boxes W. R., for sal%
Q,OLE LEATEGE-400 Sidesbest
, -
1.7 1."" 7rl 'medlars
irtASTOR. OIL-19. bbls: extmetti t ,
Ira ". 15 . 7 • wit ' B engt 9:1 WO .t.
, .11133Daligar,.
M O WN-4 0 tc" " Pen z2apinvis- •
r1t:i0l Saieg •
I e
T AR -'-2:00 bbbs: . fa. sale
VI eelTwana.-:.loo bilsAgo:.3 (1 1 85 x : vi ll;
- Iffy .4614 L 1 . 331 ULTIMA
A.CE-5011erces,(Wanive COL C~
FaAMICAIIi&tOt4I4"E4OOki: 014141.
b• tosbrebsouraday.. l
04=11:00; "" A= 1"2'
own .ton sot
; tordszy:
I e • t ..t: t •tee.
A .. zireskaTix.
141 “ APV II I,B t rata l t.103 4ei 4)04
this =amiss rarest anal,
_alflasadatress WS ,
an. - Alva as and. - Soapp =rum Wass Mem*
:dinar nun tha szassassarars aystiaranV ais Solna,
~OandinTila Flo
SE TILES qe snortrible than/Ist ,
thiCiatiett areolois
are and for Mather aatl Wale
sad Rer DUOS 40
SF *nat. ICKWYdiUL!
BIACK BERA.GEn additional supply
Sar tagraluicithithi". I I
oPurs POT OLAX—Pi um:manias
INSEEDOIL--14 bbls. for sale bb
- .1.0M- 50 1?bla; or ale b
ElLtrr--100 bbis. foiaile for
yam: by,
- acecomxwmtlit':
AND , PAPER-60 reams awed; tarsals by
la jiat , , --.4:o3Boonwane 00.
• poNeg r —Exus fine - Tt i !sils by
AUNTS GROUND IN OIL, in 1 lb. cans.
113 sum Itad ltalLmber, ChtommoUlaft • hois
"VD"' "4 r5C41075- AX ca a co.. si wma
TROJIOL7G - -and,92llle_g,a_terolgth, for
HITE OLIII3- , 4: bblo: for solo r.
•LLEN'S Nem sad Bowltinimeilt,-4 -
'l4 W WR4.MIINti - PAPEJI7-54ym=
"•.• .".: - •. - :!: -. .,. 7.'" ':::•'::::'• • •':,Cattitc4:4.,•:;• : :::: , ..".'2.. -- ' , •': - ).;? : .. , .., !,
I][lk.AVE it6iitodificiiict - Neir'Xiirk;i6
dim inl ytotmiriA•rja• ifi, witipoirci • •
- --.-.).27--- --• • ••,,-- 7• , -. :• • •• • • • •7•••-•-•....• - ••-:-' 11111:110iiii:•• .
ACURI:4-;-100'bbls; Agroi 3 ,'Sxca. to:
sod ta al,oo '• • ; 2.,
DLh.wwLsp_lio. = aYel~Fit'
" Lan hallillvern teal* try
341 30= WAX? it Ca
Wertroble lkan arto 131= 11 , •••
1 4 As
-7 ' KW teals ielogisg. .2r.t*re psalogpsits
oiligl nsu booma s i , l * l a. 4. 34., ll
.IMriss ss Cho
vUI lam -•
!MOWoaaff sz•
of ai Kira&
Pueleielar stonftairill boyole to Et at. - TM. Wag
pus 6 666 ga n 6 .6, 66.6 t r th r. gran 64 , 1.611=1:
I I, l6j4=lll.Tnalt6
. • 0 • 21 7 . •-• •
ver=6z u t i vii ii
t is hi mord lo mum ._
. Assn; Duathir.!
CONSEQUENCE of the dues/fief ;Obi
ro MorOa aerator ektmlied. am. ..,Cole
tally aMm a
em et eta. the badness of Sho mai. Inv-
All persona *ler, tropes. •111 , ersess g reen Ibsen be
payment. , • , ISOL
corona ar. cox", ►
Oreetemors to liclidoo Oototo
• The:lesions of the AgeF of the ,Penn
revediOntrat Comtoo, botoollot tow
daebo matler the nuago sad atry et - •
• 00 aDll Celt.-`
• Jet, totter of. Peon tad Worn armtx
Plttsboaliit. 2161.-4
6100/13 dt COMB,
uhscoarrs to wales ieoncact' - '
Ccoastßaro, Pao aree,
Tani. Bid Wed Co . -Cedial Rail ad'
r"subtetiben 'having• bpen appoi nted
Vftittradeaeutte regylrszaso 6,Zr;
eminkaso assoesnt seerebardlse predaere - q — e
tbbi te •131 be amid time:oi hi t_ittabiP
vys 431=p l aro vs En be taleerdea P.e.wer •
lune et nxemie lierego— asinriticalPt.
"r ee t
retbea l 'es
1-,Be 011ri
e l ioris Butler ierd. Lod 00,, Temeeo log*
AiM a" ,tiar(rOlta) Ta r .Pitais ikebh Gonom
"OpvoDi YCO
Atli weer Fame Wane.
gligfiffif 485
RITPBBUR(iB AND 9.llv!=i.
wo:a. o . o A bb a
u t i Virssiboara -' . :Teudia 436l, "l 2 c •
I .' l * br 010 " 4- ,* - 11 311
ci=rjr . Imr" eVAAVIt ti a
r="MiNgirA. bEW 12 : 1111111r1 DR
ma graving gang
h eargal t u
warm .at' gam& gnaa
amain gad m as',l2 , .l.fird; POOOO 0~0
betas ar ildbriesdalrgi tb '
gialrid !craw f. dr i t . gad
dog go "'''' Y %a ;
0 "S". 6t-0000 ' a4 r 1 4311tM
. .
_ • •
/ 851 - SERMWARRANOVIORY,:/1: 1151
Tortroix Mon§ to Tioluielpblicu
Forty-four hours to Boltimoto. =4=l ' ;
281•Esait1 cinikipds
- • sorsor. sott - moon uto comotata ocorais
• ... YOBIL.Z. _
Bsigfriipos" t Os roam doves sad lotlitosot
• •• • ootoottai 'osa 'pito LOW
Two Pani Pig l: . =
RiPress - i
~• •
INto Vsedrad sal !Wren aces drietlf;:7",:f.
' 7nd:it' Elan. volo y iiiiitl64lilisk.
- 0.. So
en .1 4
„.. .?,, 4. V o l`
:5* _
...iii4 r __...
112= PAtiiiiiKIUMMIS. - 4 - 4 ----
No chug* foilandlistgßote4l44StEdil:M4
- - - ibioixo os this iootorsiztptlik, ** . itsgspo.
:fkoooosn= Osman . _ ...
- Ularatomeoregrour=al. ..-11.'"Al.
- • - - , -4. P. a Ma ' '' - l'e-.'
•'-^ -4 -IXLE:Nct i t iV
' • •': : Oisorbuts.lisiine.._
- • • WEBTEIM 7 3Xit.
Eigt*S. -
BAIL 80AD AID ,ititiakr"
1111131018 CAI; PIEBELitIA, 'JO il.
° . SC9Pry AP VT' TORE' ''. - r
1 buiallxinein gaa kirder;:iii , ike
41? ,0. 41 i r c lis1==aa i r i a . ht,:axembordbi 14
I froishionik prantwor sed fipateh; % M em, a
.........4 ma cascadk4 iTiboo viwis. Mb
of ha= tsaalig44l. sal .tk4 1 -• g=l4", 4 .
Bec ^VoLliladtUlC.l
Deri 4.4lii.
. .
ebizig 3: 1 400 1 . 4 % 3 eil•
he ':- • Tai li jimet 114
. . .
aka ~-,4851.- - ,
~ ...ixamaimmiouitpre:, : - ; '
Vii itiii.ub. an czantwuwursoisers
Ilfisiblpbbu:l; VI c ii t t i o
' sber4 the Edda iit .., ll . 4Agello.
lad tl4 aus el
6 N;O la.
a -,:x- - 4 - tiz*v
neom „.. to Maas: hen; tt tut
. -
the Oath's bona sot
1 . 70 IP, 01111 4 11 d 1 "4 7 4. 11 114 rbe,
_4gartfaids WA* CSIF
. .
~ D l % cfrivislavadit j umi u
fly, mad eapeeity v . :oow. at , C.Qtalas,•.w.
Tl66"=itkiadi6 - 646,e.
ervia:c. , Ja
olar:litatar ad • • ";ikAMQ,
;:iViii. iariailigjit '' I%'
!g rim
sliiispecial attentiorifo i10rA . 66.
moot. Um NewCaera
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