The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, July 15, 1851, Image 3

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-Ilostieurt 0/ Liar PrensattintiLWe' inderC.
stiudthat It is the intention of .the 'eltitens of
therillages in the City District Whirl forte the
mat= subdibs of our city to apply fozßoroagh
privileges. -The new borough of Rae . Pittaburph
be:lading-within its limits, Oakland, the Cipper
Werke, Mincreville, Twain's; Mills, and the re
ceMpurchise and town plot of Messrs. Reis and
Difhalidge, anthraces a etdruitrat territory for' a
large towNand will, no - doubt;"soon become.
Barottgli of the largest class: " The ' =heat of
torn iniproveraents lam note taken a strong set
in that direction; a n d -will henceforth continue
to gain in strength , Oud volume:
Heretofore the want of good roads has retard
ed~improvement' up the Monongahela and, out
the Fourth street road, bat the City Illistrictis now
provided with three well graded mad • impend
roads, each being a leading mentrolipm the city.
They are well built up within. the city limits,
and , ell to. he finished beyond the, city line as
Rest ,rate plank roada. These are Braddock
Street,.: Pennsylvania Avenue; and Centre Aver,'
stet thefi4st named being a continued= of Sec
ond Street and the last named a' continuation of
Wylie Street. The contracts for improving Cen
tre /Penne by redueing the grade ,
,beyond Mr ,
and pianking the road thence to East
Liberty having been closed en the lot of July
the work . will be vigorously prosecuted, under
UM' mirage:gent of IL Et,
.Eing, Esq., the
President of the heineraville Tarot:ate Company
From the elerated ground on this road near Mt.
Ewert's the lever of the piCturesque may ob
tali Simi extensive prospect of the rich and
charming Valley of Emit Liberty with ita hand
sorne country seats, well cultivated farms, and
numerals roade, while a drive along Pennsyl
vania Avenue, which has the widest and Irv*
laid plank road in the country, will afford Pere a.
oinaiderable distance a view of the Monangaela
riser and the country above and below farming
lam and. East Birmingham. :1 . The shore of the
Monopgahela river, the southern boundary
East Pittsburgh, with the plink road on Brad
dock Street running nearly parallel affords ad
minable facilities for business and especially for
mannfacturiag establishinenta. The location
here of the extensive works 'of the Pittsburgh
and Boston Copper Company is evidence of the
sagacity and prescience of the businessmen
who conduct the affairs of tint wealthy aid en
terprising company. Those gentlemen had
- carefully estimated the coot of coal on the hulks
of the river from,which supplies of that impor
tant article aro obtained, and foind that the
saving is the price on the Illanongahela, com
pared with the coat at other pointerto be a Mat
ter of material importance, and hence their jet
dicioniselection there of a site ter their Copper
Narks.. They have wiry reeently, as we under- .
staid, purchased additional ground a 'short die
' tanee aboVe, for the erection of a large Brass
Another . establishment in End Pittsburgh,
worthy of special notice,is the huge Woolen Fac
tory efthe Mews. Arthur'& Brother. Their
machinery is Of the: latest and meet approred
kind,and be in full operation as soon as the
senior member of the firm returns from'Europe.
For 'the aCcomModation of their hinds , the
Messrs. Arthurs are about to erect a number of
dwrng house's. This is the largest woolen
• fer: tin Western yenrayleardn, except that of
ttia-Fayette Manufacturing Cempany,.which
longs to a corporation, whose - affairs are con
daeteilloy. one of the principal stockholders, Ira
Hereby, Esq., an. `enterprising citizen of East
. The. establishment of a steam fary on the
propertiofJairma Rose, Esq., by so energetic
man saleri ilialenthall will
afford to travellers
on the Elizabethtown and other totals triter the
'' ' 'ldimengaltela, a ahorter and better route to the
city through East Pitteburgh; and materially
'2.4antrUmte to make the 126 W Boroqgh a great
'thoroughfare for 'city, business, while tie con
temphtted plank rend.connection with McKee!-.
port and West Irieirthn will also greatly promote
the same object.
The effect these intelprisea to igeleitty,
. tressed in the incrersed - demand for property in
East Pittsburgh, and the ready . alike which
hfesers. Rehr and Ditheridge have found for Town
lota • It is only tiloont.-twe,inordha since they
• bought a track of land on Pennsylvanhs - Avenue,
from fl; B. Craig, Esq. mil already mere than
half.the tam . iota into which they • divided it
hen teen an advance of over a hundred
per : cent. - liming durability
as well as the will
to improve; these gentlemen are about to erect
si•hrrHotetssid also a fine huildim for p Young
Ladies Academy. ,
auk'y here remark that it is .no mall re
commendation of Etat Pittsburgh, se a Placa of
resideace,tluit even before its organization under
a town government, the Public Schools of the
District were earniehed with good brick school
housei, and by the payment' of liberal salaries,
'the services of experiencedand able teachers se
cured, whose qualification!' and ehantetne have
• been such, that intelligent citizens of Pittsburgh _
'Ave Sent their sons to themforinstrZction,pret
faring as wan-reaenta,".to pay for this privilege,
in the City District, tesending their boys to
Ward School free of charge. -
In view - therefore of the rapid increase of a
town population which these causes and enter.
pita must occasion, we think the people of
East Pittsburgh act judiciocaly - bi „obtaining at
as early day a proper organization man lade
NOT FOIIND.—The body of r the little eon of
Mrs. Parker, Of St. Clair 'treed, 'who was drown
ed in the Allegheny river on. Sattuday, bee not
been 4ecovered. - • •
Mum iron TEMlSLOollerini—rirth, Pond it Co
' of 'New York, hare jusi Joined from their press
.t The Bloomer or New Coettrme Polka," by Btl-,
t. ward be Roy. It is embelhshed with a belted,
mignetta title page, representing one of New
York's loiely belles in the new costume, and le
to be foimd at the moult store of 11. Mans;
' where the newest and most fashionable . ninelo,is
constantly reseired. See adrertisetbent in ea-
, . •
Fsurr.a 31.siamr.—Thls sevens:al gentleman
will officiate at the CatbodenlChapel sterymern -
leg dosing the week, and subsequently adminle•
tat the temperance pledge. Ile will abwiattend
delli for the man purpose at the residence of
Bishop O'Connor, where he will feel most happy
to receive the visits of his friends and disciples.
Es-coitarrtan.—Williamßay and David
Robinson, who Were arrested . for committing an
alleged wanton tumult and battery upon Lewis,
Gunn sand •his wife, on Sato:day Aight, were
yesterdiy re-committed to prison by- Mayor
Guthrie, fir farther examination,. • . ' .
Acctnvir.—A little girl on agirday,
merely injured In Birmingham, by s board
house which a woollier Of workmen
were engaged in alangling. of bar zw-
.Dsant.r Assatatr.—A colored men named
Itaron Green, yesterday lodged a complaint be
fore Mayor Guthrie, egaimt a colored men
-named Rodgers, who had assaulted hint in a
barber's shop, on the bank of the Monongahela
Slier with a razor, cutting him severely. "The
zastter was finally compromised by the parties.,
Honiara:. - The eating houseof Mn. Barnes,
• •bt . the Diamond, Allegheny; WIN entered by
'three little boys, ou'lirmday morning; and about
ten dollars worth of furniture. Ix., stolen. The
robbers weremet by_ a traveller from the court
tf7; -who, capyhm - them, called out, when they
dropped - the burdens they were carrying, sad
ran of - 2to arrests hire yet beta made..
• Nontartui - -Frederick Smith. was yesterday
fined two dollars and Gm costa, by Mayor Guth
rie, - cluirged,. on oath of Matthew Anderson,
with throwing garbage into his.cerwer.
SOILITT OF THE rescs.--Fleary, Carey, rho
taa committed to prison on 'Sonny by Diver .
Guthrie, charged, on oath of Elisabeth Carey,
iritti surety of the peace, Was yesterday dis
charged, haring given bail to answer the accu
sation preferred against
Consrmso.—laSob. and Elizabeth Hopkins, a
married cOuple, the former a colored man, and
the latter a white women, were committed to
prison by Mayor Guthrie on Stmday, having
been convicted of .disorderly conduct, and being
vaable te pay a fine of ten dollars, which was
imposed upon
Lattertr.—A young lad was yesterday tom
rained to prison, In default of bail, obarged, on
alablorNiillant Sumas, with haring. robbed the
“till" in his hotel, of a trifling sum of money:
BZILTIRO ats Wirit.:—John Boyd was 'inter
day committed td prison. by Mayor Outhriai;
charged. with.beating his wife, Isabella, - -and'
'threatening to MU her. a
• OnITLOW Or YEE plressem.:,-The St. Louis
litedlimeer of the 2d inst. says; that for More.
than weeke the iSTB ein- that city hes teen
ehtizely' imbrcerged, and the stores on Front
street filled with, water to the depth of several
feet. Beaters has been in a great measure Env
pended, and great damage - has been'dene to the
growing c . For hundreds of miles along the
hlissittspO, 'and their tributaries, the
bottom lands have been ovrpowered for weeks and
the growing crop has been entirely destroyed, so
late in the season as to preclude the possibility
of replanting. Many houses have b .ewashed
any; fencing to an Immense amount has-been
4estroyed , and a vast quantity of lire stock has
perished in the flood.
It Is to be hoped, adds the Intelligencer that
the dyke from Bloody Island to the Illinois shore
remains firm, but until the water WE% it will be
impossible to ascertain with any certainty: the
exact condition of affairs. At present the river
is several miles wide opposite St. Louis; and till
noistown, which used
.to be on the opposite side
of the - river, is now something less than midway of
the"inland sea," with the water lathe second sts
ries of some of the houses, and tip to the eaves
in others, while a few are anchored to the cur
rent, andbobbing up saddown like a fisherman's
cork. This hoe been the most disasterous flood
which has received within the. memory of the
'oldest' inhabitant"
learn that the -following citizens of Baltimore
have been duly appointed to procure subscrip.
Cons to the stock of the Compauy. viz.—Robert
Garrett, Thomas Bodzinua, John Hopkins, Jesie.
Slingltiff, Charles D. Blingiutf, Joseph Taylor.
Chauncey Brooks, and John Glenn, Esq. These
gentlemen are authorized to open stock imbsorip.
tion books in 'the city of Baltimore, at ench
times and places as they may deem advisable.—
We further learn that that there has been a fair
subscription to the stock in the Virginia counties
lying on the route of the contempletyd road.—
The precise . amount of subecription is not yet
lmown, but as soon as ascertained the thiltimore
Commissioners will open the books in this.eity.
We have no doubt that this movement will be
cordially met by subscriptions on the part of our
citizens, corresponding in liberality with the-de
gree of interest they have in the early commeoce
ment and speedy accomplishment of this most
important work.—Bak. Amer.
Tall ACTION OF Tug CO9TI:11109 1710 X. Tun
PILTNIDINCT.—WinfieId Stott was nominated as
the choice of Ohio for the next Whig Presidential
candidate. The resolution Making such expres
sion was Muriel by sr,olamation. Before the ea
sembling of the Convention several editors and
politicians of the non-committal school attempt
ed to counteraetthe feeling which was setting in.
hie favor—they endeavored to p revent any de.
roonstration is hrs favor from be ing made. But
it was all of no anal. “It could not be did."—
They might as well attempt to dam the Mississip
pi, .or make Niagara stop .its, rearing, se
:to make - any body of live Whigs i..
these times
adjourn without speaking out for old 04. Them
wee a real /Amara roar on this occasion. The
voice of Ohio will now be heard and .heecied.—
All who, attempt to stay the torrent will be swept
away in its impetuous course. It milli on gath
ering momentumlas it goes, ; and with a real 1840
swell old. Chip will be carried into the White
House.—M. Vernon (0.) Vint . e Whig.
The Lars GSM. JANIS Mumsa.—The death
of Gen. Miller is announced as having occurred
in Temple (N. H.) on Monday evening, the 7th
instant. The immediate occasion of his death
was a stroke of paralysis, which be received on
the 4th of July. Geu. Miller was seventy sic
years of age at the time of his death. He was
born in Peteboro', (N. H.)-and was bred to the
rofesaion of the law. In 1810 he entered the
United States army, and served with distinction
throughout the last war with Great Britain. He
rose rapidly r front the rank of captain to that of
Major general. He wan present at Tippecanoe,
under Gen. Harrison, but. was prevented by
sickness from taking part in the battle. He ren
dered eminent services in the battles of Chippe..
wa, Bridgewater, and Lundy's Lute, making
himself conspicuous by bin courageous and in
tropic]. spirit. It was at the last. named battle
Umbel! said to have uttered the world renown.
ed declaration, try, air," when asked if he
could storm an important and nearly impregna
ble position of the enemy. Gen Miller was sub.
sequeutly appointed Governor of Arker•av For
along aeries of years beheld the post of collec
for of the part of Salem, tellichfie resigned in
1849. He has since been a resident of his na
tive State of New Hampshire. —Sacr.v freeman.
Tim Paospror Batarressa—Week before bud,
the President of the. Pittsburgh and Cleveland
Railroad Company, a Prentiss, and one of the
Directors, Mr. Fanner, visited Coshocton, toes
certain. the Zrectlen of the . Railroad feeling
amongst our citizens. Mr. Prentiss expressed
ltime.lf highly delighted with the appearance of
our noble sallies, and spoke in thernoitetudident
terms of the future prosperity of this place, after
Our Hamad enterprises were completed.—
Messrs. I'renlissand Farmer suggested the ex
pediency and propriety of running a branch from
their Pittsburgh 'road; commencing at Mtn',
TSUI, in the south west corner of Columbiana
county; thence down the Sandy and Toscarawras
rivers to New Philadelphia, a distance of twenty
seven miles; thence to -intersect our road new
Trenton or ITrielurville. The distance to Pitts
burgh by this route would be about 138 miles,
and to Cleveland 120
CoL rilgore, President of ouritnad, and Mr.
Blickensderfer in company with the Mesas.
ChfunberiainsAbe celebrated railroad centric.
tors, arrived here shortly after the officers of the .
Pittsburgh and Cleveland "road. The Messra. -
Chruntierlains were lieiOng the route antecedent
to making a bid for the work, in time respects
On highly adrantageons eircumitances.
A gentleman from Cleveland, who is connected
to some extent with the railroads terminating at ,
that city, informs na that the importance of an
early connection with this point, by way of Ak
ron end Millersburg, is attracting the attention
of the capitalists and enterprising men of that ,
flourishing city.---Corbocton Republican.
the expedition of Capt Wilkes, in 18f0, no Uni
ted States ,easels of war had ever touched at the
Feejee islands previous to the recent visit of the
Sloop of war Falmouth, Capt. Pettigru. The
fdarquesas and Navigator's 'lslands have also
neglected. =The Fahrmmth arrived at San
- -4 • cisco in May last, from a. cruise of seven
months among the Feejee end Marquesas Islands,
which cannot but be highly advantageous to
whaling vessels in those seas. The San Fran
eisco:Herald of May 81 contains an interesting
issrmuthre,of theincidents of thecoyago of the
Faletwitkamougst which we observe that Capt.
rettigrvt found it necessary to make an exempla
of a native chief. en the island of Vitlleon, who
had murdered en Ainerican. He had a formal
trial hefore a amid martial, held on board the
Falmouth for dna purpose, while ehe lay in Ile
wa Bonds. The testimony against the accused
was positive, and hews), condemned to death and
DEES R. JONES respectfully informs City
Merchants we the r bi. %morally, that he hoe
: =l•P n ecVo ' nr; e 1 . V 117 IFro•t o N , Ono doer .64 8
west of 11. lialiniatoelea Drug Mon, wham he hoe now
Yo eterratiA tor Pale • largo ami_gonoral• &MOTIZMa of the
moat aphroveo Viraltila brands Tobacoo, awl a edge wort.
mat of E a Imported &gamof the &Motet brandc also,
10 Mids. W Boger Lest All kiwis of Hirotuck Tobaixo
matintsettuvd with tan and dOlO 000. Valera t Ily
melted and rewetiPtir tiwtra
apposite the Post Ottra—
s fur July.
Int.:tattoo Magazine, for July.
' The Adventures of Pout Periwinkle; • Sea Starr,
• The tbannws of Lamborn; by Dumas.
Larne OT the Balm of Park by Ita.Rkhardace.
lout: a Problera by the author of ...tarn Locke."
lteverles of • Boaster or a Book of the Beat
The TCSILIT'II Coompardon, witb_lllustritions.
Travelses ankle through the U. B. and Canada
Rena or the buoy Illsdl, • tale of nal Ilfa by Caroline
The t.
Bona by Bulwer. -
rho Heir.? West Wayland, • tale: ti . tUary nowitt.
Tba Daughter of NIgoU a story of e Tumult time.
. Not waled as we Sean; • comedy by Bulwer.
of Menhantes, No. a 2.
Idttall' ring Aga Na 371.
gleam DlouthlY kkgeslew, for Ady—No. 1..
(Refers • Book, fur .!cds; . .
' Unhurt's agarloa, -., •
Barak aMs ele, ,:.
The lodise stionel. i "•
F IBIII-150 bblir. No. 311ftekerel;
u) P Na Moot and White Fhb.
10 " No.l II•olgtorl•.
10 " N 0.2 "
1 . 1 . 011 / 1 1.011 for ale by
LAD) -20 bbls..No. 1, for sale by
Chickering's P/B=ll. ,
1 - 01 IN IL MELLOW, Agent for •
t ..Chl_fTet•les ?isnot,
r,l`: = a; , arilraols, No. 191 Wood at. • I
. 00 oaan for salt, the Itd-•
lowir=taseortatent of Plano Porte. gtreet from the
r et Mr. Chickerion's (lkston) Prime :
One.eloiant. Bosevoad nend-grasad Plan add oetart74 •
Ode carved • 0 - °.
7 °
nee • " pleht
One " oara o "
thm " Wale el f l / 2
Three need torn.. .
Tee " " "
aware o d
The above Piano Fortes are of the Janet ilt}i II bunt
tom and 0110. all Mr. Chleterttora toabra" ....s o
ul. the ,
prima Invariably the woe aa at lk•tery
purchasers In the ninon the ex paw. of tram
- - • •
Ona tootorced Wood Moulding. 6,‘ mu,. 1; 1 1 . w
aogolgod by Adam Eltodiat Ong
Bobewoode octave, At= art c 8;
" 6 Ramo 48 W
• one e
y a
gh. ,„,e.h o d 8 Chklltezio
Rog,aes. to good os or,
gry 2 . " " " Hom
Load t Brothel=
ou. • 6 " Dubois lk Seldom;
px ." Alsohothka Closopoor. pds
LARD OLL-8 bble. No. 1. for ettlely —
fere wed • Mlle Neel:mete et the Dotted Rates,
rum the Accerolon of thou. Weebirmtuo to the Presiden
t "bfbirlog eoznyleta vies or our Garemenristlems ilea
jalr melortheg lksellentlel I. , .xtuotate.
lque Wirar Itteurrot; eezielhleit illetortool,
Oeoger.b . lntl. Eeleattheel,rtistletkal, EccoOMOMM. Med
rat m ied &Dom=
j rs.= 4 ..=Ait
Smite theTtmee tram 1811.
The state viLlueble works for esle be
All 81. errootaoN, ?Last at.
BZOBITID BY Tas O'BITLIT maximum taws,
Nzw Your, July 14
The steam ship Franklin, which sailed from
Havre and Cowes on the evening of the 2d l a st,
arrived at two o7alook this morning. She brings
100 passengers, and dates from London to the
2d Lost
The Ads arrived out in ten days and three
hours;, the Pacific in tan days and sin hours.
Tho snonetaryadviees are , favorable. Money
was easy; and diecounti low. The amount of
'bullion in the Bank of England was increasing.
Livearoot, July 1; 1851.
Carron—The market closed eat, at a decline
of id since Friday. , The salite. on the let Inst.
were 254:10 bales, and those 'of the 30th ultimo,
4000. •
raransrurrs—The market is 'tractive, and
most of the late advance on wheat and flour has
been lost. The reduction -from the ratee of the
preceding Tuesday are 804 d "f? bushel on wheat;
and 2a 14 bbl on floor. American and Canadian
are inactive. Indian corn has been cleared off
- Of ship at a decline of is 12 quarter. Oats and
Barley are is 131 Mt easier.
There has been a decline in Ereadstuffs in the
London market, on account of the tine weather :
Wheat is is to 2s lower.
The Franklin made her paseage in , a little over
eleven days, and brings four days later intelli
gence from London and Paris.
Nothing of importance had tranipired in Par
liament. An suldrm. to the Queen was =lied in
the Rowe of Commons on the let instant, :in
reference to the spiritual destitution existing in
England and Wales.'
Visitors to the great Exhibition wire inereas- -
big. The number on the let of July was 61,060.
A tentfie military riot broke out in Liverpool
on the let bast, the-91st Regiment. having at
tacked the Police in consequence of several men
belonging to the regiment having been arrested
a fer . nights previous. The riot was imppressial
after a time, by the energy...4f the authorities,
but not until several men had been killed; and
many dangerously wounded.
The Earl of Derby died, on the 80th tilt His
eldest eon, Lord Stanley, 'succeeded to the title,
115 the 13th Earl of Derby.
The weather continues unusually hot.
The accountifronk Ireland pastas Ride of in
terest Tne Irish journals of , all political shadea
are greatly incensed at the 'report of the Pabket
.Commissioners against the establinhnsent of a
Trans-Atlantic Steam Line from Galway. Much
confidence, however, is still felt in the success
of the undertaking, arptincipal reliance, heing
upon Americo& aid.' A publics meeting in Dublin
had been suggested to assert a determination.
still to rely upon themselves to carry out the en
The Pius announces that the question. of Abed .
EI Raboe's captivity is on the point of receiving
a satisfactory solution. ,
The leading tepid to-day is'the Pnavident'e
journey to the frontiers. His speech is expect
ed to be of a strongly conservative character.
The Seidl reports' that a sanitary remeress is
to be held immediately at Montpelier, at which
each or the Mediteranean powers will hp rep
resented by a diplomatic and consular person
age, and by a medical Man. Some of them have
already arrived at Marseilles. Greece and' ida.
a will have their delegates in the tutseinbly. It
is also supposed that the great powers 'el' the
north will take part in this Congress.
It is now generally admitted that the petition
movement has been's fallen. ; The sum total of
signature, unauthenticated, the crone included, -
will barely amount to a =Gnat; and of that 'mil: .
lion there are those who are, not nor ever two
been or can be electors.
The following telegraphic di patch from fdad
rid, under date of June 28, - has been receired
in huhu— • •
"hi the sitting °ldle Cluauber yesterday, the
debate ou the rote of, audidence having been
brought to a cloSe, the ntotionwas carried in,fa
tor of the Ministers by a vote of 184 far and
81 aglizuHa."
By the post, wo learh that inithe For. , ,
ter= Collautes made a furious attack wp.iut,
Bravo hlartlio:. ,itortrarif Delia wit._ reel;
when the poet closed.
In the Senate theta was a debate tipsy the
Boating debt, but no decision was arrived . ea. .
It is reported thst the portfolio of Greco and
Jcustiee will be given to M. de Forneto, Durputy
of Nice. • •
The rumor that Dotuat de Appony is to be re
called to Vienna, and .replaced at this court by
M. Bonet, the Austrian Minister of Comxikeree,
is repeated.
The Chamber of Deputies have voted, without
debeting the treaty with Zolevoirein, and .stitured
d.n the discussion of the treaty with Switzer-,
The King is about to retire to Gaeta for the
summer, where a large body of troops Si con
centrated Thriorts speculations are; afloat
as to his msjesty'a molded for so . dois.g. Some
imagine the Pope intends to try to slip away
from the French, if watts in Paris era not favor
able. Others imagine Utak - Gaeta Let to be the
basis of military operations, in conjunction with
the new Holy Alliance. •
More than forty Perilous' are' implicated In a
trial for the expulsion of the Jesuits foam Naples:
After the appearance of unanimous condemna
tion, they were suddenly discharged by the
Grand Court. The Court lawyer FAA t lemanded a
sentence of 82 years to the galleys for the plo
tters, and now they are acquitted I
Accounts from Frankfort state that Austria,
In reply to Prossin'a demand for the diaincorpo
ration of the non German states, empresses her
determination oaly to Concede tha. point of the
unanimity of all the German States, With which
the incconoration was passed, ar,d obtained for
the reeeresi of that measure.
The Goveniment piper of Hesse Cassel of the
28th ult.,..ntablisbedthree new ordinances, which
releases military officers from. their rolls to obey
and uphold the Co n stitution, and lays down a
new form of oath, in which th.e Constitution i
in no way re.forred 6 ; and proclaims an amnesty
with many exceptions.
A letter from Berne announces the death of
Count de Mullmert, formerly mhtiater of War
temberg at Paris, which was canoed by an on-
fortunate accident; on the Slat He was return
ing late In the evening 'to hut house, near the
Than. He !mistook the !road, and fell over a
A Company has been farmed at Brussels, for
the purpose of workbag and aultleatlng 14,000
hectares of thulow grounds on:the:bank of the
eastern Scheldt conceded' by the Dutch Doreen
merit. , •
V•TTOA, (N. Y.) July 14.
Jenny,arrived here as Saturday. She gives a
concert to night, and goes to Rochester on Wed
TORONTO, July 14
The Board of Trade b are censured the Commit
by a voto of 14 to 2, tar memorialising the home
Government to impose deferential ditties against
American manufactures.
Ciacnatan, July 4.
A despatch froin New Orleans; of the 12th in
stant, says that G. W. Frost, editor of the Cres
cent, was killed in a duel with Dr. Thomas Hunt,
brother of a candidate for Congress. The cause
of the duel was a political difficulty. Writs of
arrest have been issued for Dr. Hunt and sec
Trinity Chureb.(Cstholic) was destroyed by
fire-loss $20;000.
Woods' Museum was destroyed by lire last
night, together with three dry good stores and a
shoe store, which were on the first floor. The
whole building is inn heap of ruins, and but lit
tle property walmtved. The fire Unopposed to
have been the wdrk of an incendiary.
floor Serf, N. H., July 11.
.Three Irishmen who were bloating rocks At this
place were instantly killed this morning, by the
pm:Ware explosion of a blast. They were
shockingly mutilated.
• IVAseusans, Slily 14
Lieut. Cot Henry Y. Craiglas been appointed
Chief of the Ordnance Bureau, in place et Gen.
George Talcott,distaissed from the service by
the late court nuirtiaL
Mr. Philip Clayton, Second Audi:cr. id abont
to t'ootile , for the purpose of devoting bimi elf to
Gem Chaplin not appearing in. the =lining
court this morning, to answer the charge mf ab
ducting the slaves of Mr: Toombs, snits. have
been 'ordered to be instituted against WU Ike
Dhuacluud, David A. Male, and Selby Darkm, his
securities, for forfeited mcognisances.
Natant:22mm, July 11.
Cotton—The market is inactive, with but lim
ited sales. • • -
Flour—The market is dull at $4 25, with wilak
of 300 bble.
. .
Bye Flour and Corn bleat—Supplies are
and but little Is doing. .
Grain—Wheat is In limited request at 1000
101 for prime 'white, find 94 for red. Rye is in
demand for divining, at 720. Sala 4000-bushels
Corn at 61c for yellov. Oats are steady at 42}0
v tnishel for Penns.
Prorieions•and Groceries are dull.
New YOHX, July 14.
Cotton—The sales of cotton to-day were 1,600
bales at of ii decline. •
Flom--Sales of 8000 bbl, sour at $4 25 for
state and western brands, and $4 87 ®4 50 for
Genesee and Southern.
Rye Floar and Corn Meal—Are without
Grain—Sales 27,000 ha Genesee wheat at 108
011 Se, and 0,000 bushels Michigan at 104
to bushel. Sales 80,000 bo mixed corn at LBe
bu. _ _
Provisions—Sales 450 bblal park at sl4®
141 _}tor mess.. Lard is dull.
Groteries—.The market is withOuichange.
Whiskey—Sales at 281®24c...i
Freights on flonrhave declined Sid per bbl to
Liverpool. %
Stooks—At the second board steady, Sterling
Exchange is dull. .
The amount of specie in the Sub Treasury to
day is $62,600.
Flour—The market is firm at $3,30 for choice;
$OO for' extra, and $3,10 for shipping bnnads.
Whiskey has advanced to 18.0.
Sugar is in moderate demand, with salm at 6
Provisiona—Eisles are confined to retail lots at
last quotations.
Linseed 011—Sales from canal at 790 per gall.
The river has fallen 23 inches' in the last 24
boon. Tbo weather is warm.' -
Haw°taws, July 11. .
. _
Cotton--Sales 600 bales etricUy middling at
Be, and middling fair at 9i ®loc. The total re
ceipts of the season ere 948,000 against 818,000
last ,year. The sales of the week are 18 000
Tobacco—The market is active, with sales
2,500 hhtle during the week at full prices.
Exchange—Sterling is quoted et 8010. New
York 60 day, 2(i)2} to 84 discount.
Freights—Cotton to Liverpool II per lb.
,Sea Bathing-Cape May, N. J.
fIqIcGRESS HALL is now open for the re
llteNTA'grolitt'traltt'rrsee"rer:r 'o t i i N kfid s for Ni
InteutZ to tilt Was po'no . lar
r_ T
the present tte
season to wake his Douse their hone. art
angweent• and setramsoodations t he =sta. out 0. =On
Wunder/ to =ton= than attrythich bare hereto*.
beet; =sided Upon =bland. The sobscriber has taken
pains to woe= goal and annals, nolo= wrest:do. unt
der the =richest that they are best suited torbe =toms
and rants of • 'naivety.' the Men.= at elif Piano—
lelthst W. B. ilikkan.
-100 bbla N.C. Tar. I goai order:
IVO " bright Yo.: Ransa; for oak by
3012 JoHN WATT A CO.
om of the bledia.l fraternity 1. invited to the Ilya
erul Sar Fountala by Dr. Powairernlist„of N.. York.—
'Jost reneinad and for OW In W. W. WILSON.
j I2' I LE
R I 3 i x
. Ta kbvt,dbil:
'DAMS GREEN-540 lba sup., or tulle by
Je2+ . B. Y. SELLERS.
UTHEGS-1 bbl. No. 1, for Bale by
STEW .NO. 3 MACKEREL-100 g r its. and
IA 25 W. bbls.. to orchwper atnA and fur ate by -
J.°l JAIIY.B ..ICLL. G 8 W Wye-
trete the losavlet 1500 feet Light Belting. for
ad Mal panne... for enle at the lane Rubber Peyot,
Noe 1 end oW, et. J. all PULUJPS.
,01.4 •
bble. new Lake Trent;
10 ht " " far bl
" IL Je2" -- J. O. CANTIXLD.
12ILLETT'S 303 PENS—A fresh supply of
" " P "'' rt i tV=l7.
corm of &coal and *aim as.
k„,/ and mod povortal PIM t woo—mada on s or•
,glgPV . fligb i a r frictlop Lowmaase„mdcdptipstryt
,r.otzlroz,mto as. ,
f EATEIEN.-100 Si* N. Y. Sole, for 8 .
by . la% - • J. U. FLOYD.
ALT PETRE-20 bags (Crude) for ode by.
5,&,30 _ w. &
ts' PERM OIL-Bbbla. exuu, for sale by
ri 4 ANNERS' OIL-23 bbla. for sale by
i 14. WICK • IIeCANDI.Knd.
NO. 3. MACKEREL . —'O We. for sale by
Nu es Water et.
irp.EA RUBBER WHIPS—Of all the sizes
manufactured. for rule wholmals.oa MO. st the De'
ts Rubber Depot. Nan 7 Slut 0 Word etreet . .
' Jon J. A 11. P/lILLIII.'7.
-3w bey. Litz/ S?: 1 Bal. Iztepiezkeic .
'AI L" 27: " • "
Tor role br UAW] JOIN WATT 0?..
Vail Paper and Borders.
IIOMAS PALMER, 55 Market street, re.
.1.• spectrally invites. the Wapiti= at parehaiers to LD
paean templete and *seaman stack. scalamialias sehnint
every article in his Ilhe or twins. -
YRUPS--Underwood's fine Leman Syrup,
'Y=7:ssTrld Eus:Zrgra: e,
,„.„„ u, altr Sa IU,
DAIRY SALT—A superior article for the
deli, or table. put up In null bay tar fondlrupu
iuf al. hi W7A. 1111:L17RO 0,
Ztl Liberty at.
LIMP-45 ton,s Miss. D. R., fox' saki by
mrlb JAMA. ITUTCIII73O:f k CO.
VIACKEREL-50 bblo. No. 3, for oilO by
mria . INGURAN.
'WINDSOR SOAP-50 boxea Byde'a; far
Mom .b 7 f myMl B. A. PAIINZJITOOKt CO.
PLI9OI4BT_ER-60 Ccultharidos, for sale by
• e 2 • ' O. A. reussarocs. JI CO.
VI ISI --25
bblg. Lake Sup. White, 1851;
Pir ale Er B. CANFIELD.
O.drUST RECEIVED—A supply of India Rub
r.nzlizamom.row. /Medd sad asesuissof 1.13
{44 sad relall } sd.WriMskt.
Cheap Black De Lathe, •
fino (41 wee) black D. 14.17, at
xp warm article can be had aa_ttaa goke n oh ELD.
jeD )11.111.P11T • B
N . O, SUGAR-25
J UNIATA NAIL, IIODS-95 bundles Slit,
for ale by ' S. V. VON BONNUOILST A CO.
GLASS --400 boles Window Glass, assort
""' f "" " I° V. F. voN 130N*1101= i CO.
HAY FORKS, Hoy Rakes, ; arid Seyth?
Awwa Th S.'-
ARD OIL-10 bble. for Nolo by
ILA jel4 J. KIDD l 00. 60 Wad .t.
)CA N_. camer of Yourth and Markci al.t.
BILL PAPER-A suporior lot just roa'd
and for We by W. 8. lIAVIW, tuttorter;
,145 . .tamer ordetond ao4 Marken Att.'
S4Pr SAO,O CHEESE--Por sale by
.1.320 A.II..:CLUILO a CO.
(1 . 01) FISH-6Wlbs. vary fine for sale by.
Ja) WM.I bIeCILUELO a 00.
Miner etired sad Or alb by
OINK ROOT-400 lbs. prime quality,,Pyit
raid and ale by 1.16191 R. E. strum.
I ITRIC ACID-250 lba. just reed and for
11, )do by Jell) - B. E. SELLIfICS.
if - I — ODLINER OIL-40 gallons, I. wiuTs4
V] far Ple by ielD /1. F.. SELLERS.
loooted for Strowborrioo, trait
1 of .7 klEd.
Iv 1, few outvotes' dsivo of 411eshon,mMitO . _ , ...
1118. "antra" flour in store
:br da by .8 , 1 8 8. AR. 14ARBA18/11.
- poT CLAY-7 tone Copley'e Pot Clay, No.
3-24.1'"`4"d "913cZosInAKEe.
ll Er lT i ED BOILL;C.-5W by.:
pl5ll-15 bble. New Whiie; -
" ' .I.l3%ttrALD.
Sjel4 AIERATUS--100 ti
oxes pure: - 30 t. ur
I,PLAX-1000 lbe. for sale y b
PEARL ASII-30 bbbi. for sale by
014 J. B. CAN KIELD.
LfINSEED OIL-30 bbla.Griswold'etbrand,
or W. b$ Jel4 J. CAPFUL°.
11301 . TASII--4 caskp forby
jell k 6al
J. wcaNFina.
"14 PAOOP PAINT-10 bbls. for sale by
J. D. a&NI/ELD.
BOCKETS - 50 doz. Marietta make, for sale
try Id{ CAN/ELM.
GfTEESL e -200 - I;Oxer sole by
_ J 11. OAIMn•D
BACON - 15 cnekn &amblers,
19 -
1•14 JkSIE.9 ULU, e 8 Water ott:'
CLSEESKBO boxes for Bale by
J•l4 MLitt MINT O,
Wows sad Prostrax
: • 33.•.1LIDAVIS et.VO., • • r
Importers of. French and Canton Gooda,
ea BROADWAY, NEW roar,
RESPECTFULLY invite btiyera to exam
b. ' th eir stork.
r 14 NN ETA
R ANDS N T S I — NRIBO et A—AtoI to Im e m
BLACK' GROS GE RHINE—AII widths and ark., of
:tbe best make. E • •
BLACK SATIN ITJ77/Vo.9—Same make Out Lum bees.
ta singre, =L b . tion 'U.Z. roed tsueu Lbiesta. Ms& sLed
Deland Canute Cratu tor. mad U.S mPLL. •
aIIHWLS AND WARED-Jost reedred an in-
Tote. of eolorsand price. DBEB3 CRAPES, orrartons
SATIN DE CHINE. Par•enats. fleiNea. amt SHEA
peullar to the matzo market. • irD6.O4
McHenry's Philadelphia, & Liverpool Line
of Packets.
Sailing front . Philadelphia on-the
lath, end telierpool on the Ist °reach Moue.
b ••• P i sitA ( AVAtir7v7i. R i! ` d= ? ..shu ee
or.. • -
.• EUROPE, Nathaniel C. Harris. Master. •
" - IN, Alfred F. Smith Mester. -
: .. SUACISAMAXON, (new.) W. W. West r.
The &bete ehipe on built of the best anti Most MOW
materiels, end are noted for The raviear of ther
thug Fa* tried no with ell hutuormeehte. l' e=
t=lr . ejnAlatel,Llnd th r,e . u42l=tr . =
they aro commandairmen of acknowledged talent. who i
am unequalled fort heir emotions In the puke% emits.
Penons &Arm of bringing their Moab that the
Country on obtain eerti.tro of. tomano which will te
ntod for eight , months. end our agen -
p rop to Ireland end LI,
ertool will runlet them with the proper Intexualon and
Instead/one relative to their. couture.. .- .. • ' •• -
Vow the onivenlenee el gem wishing to sen 4 ma
rey,im mptly drafts tor i Winona upersed iz tayablj
et sight wittout discout. w will to sinn ed.
the fthke et Post mime lei Volta Kingdom. -
/NrProtitious supplied tigers coming Rem 1.1 , 01`
Rem week' the Ulm supplied irill- be furnished
nth passenger et 12 yeers age and oest , 2.1 i lb. hewed.
L i t
b..6 5ga1 2". .7 . 41 1
ib. l l .l.;k r wi t. "n i e lhai gl . l ir g " . l .zt l' I Vr:li
' 11 " r " ° " d i " 7 " ` 1 - ClWifarq lin 00
Ne. hrf Walnutatreetworb.ond. paw.*
. .
United ,States Hotel at Pluladelphis.
TVIoo4 SUBSCRIBER ;respect:Nig amoun
-Mende and the trimerl
11%.'ka A u
pi.sumlood the Proprietorship or the UNITA/
pinta HOTEL. long known inGOODOCUOPI the'
Uotel under the late Proprietor, he feels recreate rare In
[omnd/indite old roue, that litting e shall to wardlint
egli=ts ore.
Hat grepottlir
us.. th bat in kot
n y
refitting the Wir estabhohmad. and he trthitLay
haeiten attention to the Wan .on introduced the coin.
vealiace: and =abet or Imam Mina Prude deteania-.
od to gle•oathrtaction, he solicit& a corriinusace of chat
ratrousge always PO freely bestowed on the old United
Probs. incyairla) 4. eh
ACTIIREII No. a Routh Seoul Street. (abort
ut. cut si OPLlhdelphla. febLkiT
l An'Y'"iiikkiiiWAßD .1. Co, Wb
111 AG - hut, rtuch.ubbh.. o ►D l lads Graters. No. VI
BALD,. 'BUCKNOR & CO., Tobacco
Commialon MenbantkA9.ll. Nardi Wale? stred,
• 0.16 Math %Mane.. Mladelphls. anal
;VERGER INTEL% General Commie
don Ilarenants, • Pldladalpida. - Liberal advance r
on aoraignmento al Proluee generally, lisaltdOei
Wer Cent saved to. Country Merchants.
IV 'J." KING, Dealer; trt BOOTS AND
BINAS.No. 46 North L'oensi street, rhlladelph*
has oat reed than the toanufseerel eXt , nei , ...lWt
.I.lectod stock of the shore Roads, which will be weld .<:U
Der mat. kw than am be yorthsowl to the tab for cash
smelt? ricesptemem •
Pealen will do wall be beim wureleksin•
Shawls! Cloaks! Mantillas!
S. MILLS, No. G CortLvidt et., N. Yor
. =ow ageulag at his Shari Wm.:ohm:mica •
Am of Fall and Winter SHAWLS, ecoslatlos of .11 071
of bentria end DOWICE Wool Long Shawls, together •
a toll asnortraurrt of Freud, arat llama Boma 100 •
Brodie Slarals,,trarery erode. - •
Also, sit Vthellol— , atoEk of Coburg, Motors, Thltot.fill
Sans, sr. Velvet. CLOAKS, MANTILLAS, lAMB, toe
ratictol slims tad strlre, wanufactured Woos Palis gat
hla oarailiaPralteiloor , rwor.4 aemtmoaWlT-. •.
. Ile invitee tha nodal alteration of Southern sad Wen
'ern . I • w Übe Above a. the, sill find . nowt
tatea Wands. a. reanraiadrigtodi for Ladles' wear
ennurgaarad to the . •
Also, super.. W 1.11.11 6110 W STANDS, for exhibiting
Mori% oat itaatillaa, dreamt In every colored flint and
0.6, at St sod IS nth. • 102,141
Office for Foreign Patents. ,
No. 5 irall rt.. N. Fork and 166 Peet rt., London.
1p Owl Brfiaile. Franc* &tem, nalainakaftLall
at pats, af rampe7the Puna" Cubit 1.4
On. '
Yug InfbratatJaa un Use above nn be taut ba s tirenhag
are;6.2¢l 6 Walt stmt. Bo Vert
Bimini a thick Writing_ and Copping Ink.
. TONE'S EMPIRE IN K • 87 87 Nassau street,
el bun Dolldings. New Bork.
RI PIM) TO Tat 111.11.
:14:arts. pr dce.-....-$1 00 dm. per dos-.....-10.1 50
Ins. . A - C• 214 - ZS
. On draaght.a. 011.--..-.2l.mata.
L inda Is the beet artiela taanatartaoL. II bows treaty
is a -good IX/BICINd INIC-and will not =rode, mould..
oreriailade er decay, awl p.a.. 41 the qualities mar.
,d for a owl 6'.1.1a a Jak. Imitable for IL. WU. sad AulS
'a:drably W.W.I tor the bawl ken. • - :
• .The nielentaased Is mbar. to tarnish to tbi trade ei,
.therfoc manna boa. vonsimadlon. at the above Teti ,
174.1% op l i sp.. end delivered la any part
of ... a t u ebits• ZS Wl* , isonvio
m 5. "•-• " " ?r " 'SZW7OR/ ftli r "
L!..___.__:_...:.__. -_--..-...---..------------•
Professor A. C.,Barry's •Thot)l,
lir ~......m. =I befall:oUß. bill
imp semi and daadrad; mid enrlna db... at thebb
.tra.....=.% ttl,o=l,-;,, , rim harry'.
'.roue has mod.. dm a..• .dart In mring dinar. of tar
otin, err. et the her. and all lb• aulnaal Madan. Tao
ollowlog teetlasoniala Wert. from hundred. of ainallar
l atrge 74=tiobl i n.7.17417— ° "arttf.•
glnat 11 a trial:
• .
Itor. B. ay-Dear Bir-I 11..7b=libtetal ' Ath a ai
-1 lawman make or the Biala. or • air. *Meld. .....
I actor. I. the last A.t.n la na i 4 ...0 Met lie•nvit
have had the advice of mom of wi. facia atidnes.l phy./.
~riatara and hay* triad ill the Priliedwuone Ibr Sher an,Z 4 l
I Oda now known ...boat the 1.4 basedt 1 au, ad
by a friend to try your Taloohhere. 1 did 1.0. . a lot
mart. atd. te my nary. band smelt
ear. la sbaut two at was the idolinaire of tha
die der that at 1.. 1 was Vartialnlie•
,4 9'.t
r. P nlo 0r.1.0a4. njg`, ' l l '3. 1 2 -
Neer Tam Oct.= lOW.
Poor. llooat- , -2 , 11110kr Slo-lbonttvoyearwo h ooj u bjg
da d I oroo
to ImoTioolt 07 :::-. 5711 .4ba L •
firm. sad I dld ma. and to my astoalMarent. my hair vat
firmly rooNd. 44 all lb. 4.ramer din:wank ic ta.
heed am thorn for llatli
I I. With nod.% I am v. , . olodit .are
J a tBBADWELL. all B..dimr.
If my lady or andlanan doubts the antheatbdtT . a tbi
aboae, they will Biwa..all at limb.. A 0 Barn • ebb.
BC Brad..,. New Verk. when. b. will Freda. the aria* .
21111 letters. , .:.•
_Masa the Military a n d :Cara Arm.. *O.. 9, 16..Vi]
rertualy for the . pertaaratat PM of bahloals
aral • diorama et the madam amorally, that haa taselksil
e ir r=llLrant i bi: o gracno u Na
I P l rrearr
tenalroly 1.-arrthe ' ulopee tiJIMCS or streamiatualtjl fa
al eer.er7 le We land
,otbor all 3 gita ' Vita i r e to " = " ol
tbre ham an/ th. trarnotra Ito aromth to • ...UM do.
gm. /t daktrayo the dandruff sad wart a and tas the
hale Maraud glow. It air, all divans of the ae•ta.
dart .maid •ad, dear want,: and other charationo Om ,
dart of the Writ rhea
ant 01 wall uellesay. 11 staarla
.tiral/ed. It la to bottle', price 159.091. at ha.
Ilereal.ty, and at the - I/ruralist* gerrentllv, throughOht
the IJalfrat Staten and Canada. a
L •- • THOMAS 1L5.131, . :
' • ' • CIIIC4OO, HA MM/.
CONTINUES hie asual . facilities to receive
on Storage. Nal, and Tran.blinsont, all )I Indianan
tonsignesl him. • Dais Ica. tWr..k dolly Om ell nabstsi
on the Lanes and ins Illinois Osnol and
liolirronoss—hisers. Lanus, Starling s 0.4
• • Mws. Jones* QuISIF •
• ?dr. Jahn A. Coombe). •• 10.1.13 m
Pr.! oft:Casosalimion. amt retwantlpg 31archiati, oat V
Lors.% at. Joßeph.
Rent to Ain:quiet Gorloa, sad Loran; Btallnit k
Tina:mah. er
PAVII , O. TUTTLE, Attanny at Law,
.4 Cam. Wooer for Perms,lrmala. BC Lod; 11.
amarannicatious pm:a:air =[i' UT
OBIT 11. RANKIN, Attorney wad
aellee at Law, awl
_OOMIDWILBiateW for the State o
no:WT.Ia, at. Louis, Cate or littebmwa.)
M Reforeotea—Pltwbroh: Flom Jo a nard Campton it
Nieuelleas a fliorse. O. rut.. Riagis
Betopha McCord * Co. suzlikly
THE undersigned having entirely ee
bullt and enlarged. the above extentdremtabilebE
moot, cootatulos to all about three hundred and GAY
rod., wool 4 reneentfully glee none* that It le now ready
for th e reception and accommodation of the travelling
An extenthalnoticeof the unsurpatesedeonvadamesof thls
House lo deemed sopcothous, as the num.*. Imps..
moots which Lute been Modem:mot b Prot.lT Ginn is
an advertisement. Sake It to say, Do expellee has beta
mood to model. any apartmentserfect. .
The furniture nu mole
to order. rowdier of
can, and certalu pentane of it, *nodally the Dominus
twins, will he *mod to be of the wet heal:Ural toserinto
t 0... The DIU'. room. am caperlotte,. and the boom Mr
meals will to so artansod as to suit the oceinallenme alba
early and late.
ve in
department .111 be vocal acted la an onitheptkros.
Nztagrr gea himself that the
febanlawdawdtuT "r"drzlifirikt
1 UCIFER MATCHES-250 gro. for sae by
I 4 islii-i C..OiBUTUNIX:P.
LA PER.—A superior At or the alio,* ortialA kiFt reed
arid for sae by 7110.1bUi PALuzio,
jeta NS Mute'. at.
APER IiANGINGS—A large assortment
of Treiieb .4 Amedc.
au4 for sale by W. Y. MARS
05 Noon st.
White Paint
calved' for to
at Nos. and nookl rt. .
. .13.—tge invite the attention nf and Steamboat
Painters to this artiele, whirl we bete been using V. oP
wards of three Mouths. and can rendomelid to be Vannes
go white had point In every respect. Imbed of abating
et. light IRA white 1... e. One white redact., It, and Vnr
4nently has s fruiter and mare brilliant ton. It nolning
peeler bardnesS, end Is more Mumbler. inside, outside
work. It will not rub off, and can be washed without Ur
jar,: emi es it corers more surfnee with equal weight. it
I. t je .l .ll " ch"P as
I.t IL ratuirs.
- - -
X. Basin's (sukcessor to Roussel) P erfumes
for the Handkerchief.
XTRACTS of Hone, Orange Flower Joe
malat,-yortagia, Verbena. Siecal Para thrilillzti
only, Ihisnicoctia beflanrc, I knell. Pink.
ohs. Bouquet do Caroline. (helmet:mi. ilrilatrops.Onini.
Moncsailetr, Tabenare, Llerwrinot; Camelia, ilonazintekkb
Josaictille. 'nary Club. Lilac, alaracheic.
Cita:nal& Wadi:nib hinny.lana, °auk ohnowatilarat..
and Lather. Mina, in one otinne Whs. with earn d.. ,
Ail thn above Ettrscla.whkit are emir • Pitt
anotenenst.linw lot Um cm best bang
tared with expedal . Mae amanita,: cal. made in thin
cannll7, tulir tact tea high estimation to which they an
haldA the eccittnunitr. For
M, IP What ar.
For Sale or Perpetual Lean t ,
off ha oat LAN. 49. la thetalghael plea of the soars
Op Dnatlas oar bath Mee of stmt. and
llao. Ike matt Oar cal or rain aws,the trues of the
mat tee on WIRED. exteadlott back to BMA, street, lately
taeoaled le a rattan lot.
For term, enoulrs of Mr. MOM BORLAND neer
the arena., ea- or the eabecrlber. at hat office,
.Third Amt., Pittabareb.
To 1,4
A DWELLING HODGE, containing 9 mil
agrgigiY=l;:r'A ld r n . ir=
awash far • garde. lima ler ozneljielle
ea Immediately. E.D. tiAzzAhl. LthertT
/ale= near the moth of
Valuable Lot on Third street for Bale.
-r WILL sell the Lot on Third latest, ad
the IlpleMT Eirtebllsbamirt elem. Noble an
gde, and the Equine House_gt the Vlggent Pin
Corn on the otter. The boot on Third etroet.ts 44%
tbst,arlth • depth toward Second stress ot SO feet, more or
1... The ewe be so,oon, one thousand In .hand. the bel•
gum with Interest he be meoursaLt7 1.4 and mortgage on
Ze .. Lotagge b its t zu gs tiy anti v k tram the Mg. of
_ Aldan • at the dem ot C. Shake Co. Fourth et
rR. ItENT.—A three eery brick
direlllng bane, situate red thSet. !ewes!
not sod holt the hones le ell dolebed vitb. hi
drat to tbeliltehea and oboe which there lee bath ICOm
irlth hot sad cold tater. Pommies s7ottinteitstely
" AZ t° '
".1.92 9 1 0NA R 01
Horse and 'Lot for Sale.
. - -
&on LARGE LOT, on Leaeock street, Al -A1
learlteny, reliving through to Bebeta fmtist C.
t oath street. seltle s depth of fret,
gather with • geed Brkk Iftrellinfr Hems, costal etz
rooms. Parterres apply to AMMON WOODHOU* Kir
Wm. street, arJ OLIN P. Karr.
TORE ROOM TO LET, on Market=
1 wea3.l
15 e door from Youth, sad loth:doing the
etch ord Jewelry et o. of W. W. Wawa.
Btore Room ham the handmotant front to the city, and In
the beet keetion Ittr • Dry Ocala mad Fahey Dumdums.
ai ii. enty a tit i e rs berww_ o . f m tho year will be vary law. Ra
ja "T .
Real Estate for Sale.
AVALUABLE unimproved LOT, on the
corner of Liberty end Factory streets, Fifth Ward,
- oleits the °finnan Catholic Church. 30 feet front on 1.11-
~ :qr. by
100 feet deep On rectory, running back to EPU
Ar"—A 11'
t . three gm Dwell_ n 1 House on Idlaertg
'Wort, agiointog the above, the lot bei g
ng 11 fret front by
100 feet deep. The bonsai% large and =verdant, bollt
• '
Modern stle, and metal= eleven rooms.
A lao—Z) scree of very valuable land near Elarpebeirgb.
Alsol. Pam of 136 acres in West Deer tonriehip.
Also—A fano of 6'54 acres in Lawrence county. 6 Wk.
hove Ney . Cattle.
rbW-Fume Barer county, of various alzes and
mica from COO acres down. •
mem , valuable lota ln Ilinvoca Muds. Prim
Moderate. Ramada er
Alloremya st La, and Real State &MM.
my"A NO. 107 Fourth Mart. Plttabuzah.
Second Street Property for Sale.
FrCLOSE an Estate„ Two very . deejA .
iable end well flubbed ' three story BRICK
MANG 8, on above dmi
bold arte. inn containing I t name and attic, with
bath rooms anathema einpinil =gee with hot gad
cold water,) wlll be told low. Innen an nearly new.
11509 will b
t e rftivived at the Nine of punting the balms
hYfrartberfr==p'ears -
17 to }TANS RAHN, 4 A At .
for the Mate of If. Rehab deed , at Mews. Coltman, ULM
Inn a ban. N 0.119 Water et. je.endaw2wtT (ali)
1 4 - NOR RENT—A Warehouse on Water
street, between Market 4.114 ferry, suitable for e
produce bashers,. anaulr• of
sera JILISDALZELL. 68 Water et:
To Let,
THE well finis bed and furnished Store, ~,A
mtv rigi ihr 17. lar=crisTJ''sdtry°T. " P rl ' irp g . a. ,.
to E. D. GAZZAMI '
L Ltier, rc
stair ittl a ItAr.
To Farmers.
• .
Anein ACRES Farming and 'Grazing
nutpxy und., Roamcounty, lcested on tlic
e.toy IcMIA Mil. tiles of tie New Volt and
Exis ReMood.
Also-1.090 Acme In Elk comfy, far saloon woo:tic:4A
tint tam. Muni/41d •$. A. WILKINS CO.,
Awl Amur of klArkrt utd Third clu.
To Gariteners. --
TVENTY ACRES of Gardening Land, al
yrrit..-MrstrAl-u— . "L'ik" '4' ,.....4 . 4.
i.... 0....., Mx, and ..areo i'd palle h a.a. th.
quire at the. Banking noon pr
r .i. wmcncs & co..
mil ooraer of Market sad ?bird au '
Desirable Suburban Residence for Sale.
subscriber offers for sale the house end
_Mounds Where he rum mitts*, sibiated ou Park MO,
low Tremont, Allegtiony,.4 about .n minute.' trait. from .
the mutat this city; The lot is 14012 front 00 Put. M.
rimming bask 1.14 het, to an alley—om Mining male one,
b 07Mti
lute, or eood lth u ="21:7,r11 7 ,4 4 °. ho ts
oew, •.1 ...Owl, well arm. naelog
arra. of 60 6 a.d• deMh of 720.1 is (UM..
rooms, twaides bells el. bet wide. it is built In the best
.4 mad 4oreble meaner, aid hen • ilroproof•nd
sordmlns all the mt.. so•yealence• Twoyomnp• with
oo unightut .1.17 of lard autt Water, are at the door.
On the nownises are , the meemary oat bad... AMU,
mollagehouse, an The grounds ere laid out mostly sie •
I.•hmovaerl with Mo. Its, emo'Reem, Co.=
summits, fOCOetietel... menbesTitwohn, and I ,
orden. The [MUM. of the best Mod. and the to. ere lm
Lb. mipe,mol 71e14 mou2 the went. of en ooliwas
The situation of Ms poly, a. to saluhrityand
sabserbst, motor. comblual Ith eontitmity to the sity,
is uot surnemod by .4 rt this 01010117. It has
• Mew Mi. Ohio Biter au our • milt, of Tempe...
South l'ittsbursh, the shy, the two rim. and Um
hills wood.
• sa O
ssuisf s
ss ito .t
b her • anomml
bl p t r
osy . ..a
"kbU' Ortt " 7t=K'e7.llt . el= .=,ssal=4.
sr. a. P." 4 to from = 7 . swam.. of detst , to re of
antibtl .4 mgetotiom and mess • retirement. a. mad
.4 peantrol as if lcsatedirtVehoult in the CMLIMM;
The propartildlib. at • ~ =4 waft. glees
telsenmer 4.06, .Jintaire let Own. (Mee.
astrtoltfn. x.L7alTx_
For mae.
members of tbe Fairmount Fire Com
' pi m r atm Mils Engine - fat we. It Lm g'4.4
. sod win Da' OW asap. raving of
OR RENtLA Dwelling House on z
TWA Allot. alma and wow to Esolditeld,l;
cu 10t.u....1441-• yard, sub_
boom, A._
reared low ood pooolodoe give,
•w—for dW m Lout., mom bbl. th e .Msdl2
Wooing Nan am/ 4W %Alt . pel u rla iros,
st Bad. fladthdiad% Rand.
Vabiabla Beal Errata for Sale.
yIIE SUBSCRIBER offers for Sale, oail
ibilowtha Beal Estate, in
• a n y
of Pitts vin
tint. Mt. salo.hl. throe Pt°. brick d.lling bottom
an &mod amt. between 11.06.1 and Ferry Wert. th e
lots bstng each le feet trent by BO deep.
No. Y. Contalos IT fret front on Third street 101.11.
the. =r , d Presbter Church. . which is elected one
tar story brick house.noel sa a printing wake. and one
rink warehouse.
lota ft y,
Bea cortot thing ie
N. 3 nod 4,6stog .0.100 feet squar ver e,. which la nest
ed .s block of Slur frame and on.
4.111a5. all
tent front on )1 two OM. high.
No 4. . lo t MI 4. sheet. oppodte ttoo
atone, sad sztatillog to the top of the tall.
N 0.6. Two teach lots, swen esse issst, and running
from the nod tot. wet. mark, on the BIS Newer.
• No. 6. One valtrabla water lot, 100 Pat 00 Wbeel Bate.
with the share. water pow. ...ed.
T • O. ha oPPostita the water lot, 50 foot front, sad
atending to Ow top of the hill, on *bleb
TO f et e eroded .•
two story mist stun snd woreboase.= by 50 forhalsonno
Rama 4001110 x. two stain high.
No. 11. O. laths lot is New Btighton. Bearer county. he,
lag about 140 thrt thowlwaY, end *bout feet d.P.
containing 11d use, on which.. erected two largo trains
dwellings, it> one mall trams bon" viand aa us office.
ibis property has Dann._ ly ...ended by Mr. 1. C. Could.
and Is very pleasantly thotto4, being thottedistelyoppnita
• -.•-
N 0.9. Ow water lotetheeeedisteiy below had.. Nelol9.
Wu about 109.1ket14 1 ength, azd pria-oapg gr,2. Weer
to In• Tata or towing teed.
be eold teetesbie tee...
The ateee = 3 , 7
Aefilla‘rtket te a
.. JOAN namp. Agent.
metal Poona' wed Poet CODY. .
For Sala.
BLOCK OP lIITILDIIIO9. on the soraeroYWAtit•
and Pe aut sure and fronting tbs Pe
ity ranks Canal, In tits QV of Pltuhorgh. Ths ot LOUon
one huntlnAl zed thrty
in n lone Ymt cm Penn Amt. sad one
sad Alm
sltsy. bet nins t= f int Weshinron 'Met.
to Meaty feet
• Inch4.3in • IDAVID GREER,
• , N 0.1116 PM.
iiimed Where for do • IMP ....b. of nhabl.
(miss. to qt . rkid,n7b‘.,,7.1=1“11 , ... tr i roornereo.
nen rub& &boot Home and Enna
LAU.= Church.
The rapid Roth of P=. Z and
enanufanning ',cola, and the
lots will to le, will render amp a sae and pratatdo Ift•
reetnenot. 'Tale perfect Tams femoral.
ltorartlauleat and U=1,11 , 1411 of tho
the Mod °Moore P. Ullman. ~ on Cirig i qtg
burgh, between Third and Po streets, or at Wm .
Bronnee and N. Pletiorecm. Ern% a their others In SW.
Ingham. ASS ,, MOM V. YAM.
01L-20 bble. NO. 1, for sale low to
ckos eanalgotaant, at Oa atom of
mrg faro. Wood and *lath U.
WATCHES, in large variety, and at thq
knrot carton rash plicag, wboleaale sod.
MBA [.72)] W. IV. WILKIN.
POET! may be *emit soy *tore.
a Wended aseoftment of (iced met Pilfer Pewits;
Gold Pane of the test manufaethroo Pocket Cotten: Poet
*ono* Le. Dar...oJ IS. W. WI MON. '
111 1 ,t 4i2c8 I 3B riNPNIgNV Y
ICR Crimson Velvet and Gold Paper'
MAttna au Draerbegßpm. Abut reed from Pm%
eale by W. P.M ,616211LL. 62 Wood M.
my 26
PRINTING PAPER—A large lot Doubfe
Media= and Imperial Printhagenllll l 4 b 7
TOFU- &rues Market and tlewnG Ma._
ffRAPPENG PAPERS—A large assort
ilea' of Wrapping Papers. 11.111 s, Rag, and Straw,
we, tor ink at W. B. WA% E 543
nar2l - Paper Wu . ..hen/ie. acv. Market and 51 sta.
g B ony ?IIOSS . STEEL•P EN aIILtt. XO.l S, of all
ldi, and.quali
celebrated giabotattanart, oar pale on
. W. 8. WAY Stationery Stoe.
corner Market atel Second O.
reed and for sala by W. aY. WILSON,
none ' Front, nod 111 facosul at..
ERMAN eILAY-200 boxes for gale by
ra7l2 IL DALZELL & Laverty st. •
lIIDES-200 (prime) for sale by
tarl.2 S. W. lIAIIDAIVII.
10110W'D EXT. LIQUORICE-1 can for sale
J_ by
mugale B. BELEM,
s 67 Wow s.-_
A L um:"
bble. for 8010 b • w
COPPERAS -25 bbli. (good) for sale by
ALUM -50 bbls. for sale by
SIIAD-10 bbls new for sale by
earn w.* T.WILSON
idi,Ui-L4O bblfs. (eztra)tor Bale by
1TJ!".02- J. K IDu CO.
11,-600 galls. Maned (wiCrt . iva l tel a ilore)
W ' O r OL I LGS-- '" 1000 3 and old, for ;ale
jyy IlUnP111" it MG.
DATED APPLES .7 -15 . btile. for sale by
GII.I.OItATE POTASH-5o li e . for sale
.7•2 • 1 50 , 41.. • •.
lostt estelre a oat essortatk4, of Manna qua.
ttw and stskay, tr.h will to saki very kos at Is hoissals or
ritsll. at tflilCleth Wasseszos, Nod
P and 0 Wood W.
rat ST. LOUIS.--The
le r=rj u steaddada.l4 .il
Mr. oawaaao. th. 141.6 W, ad 9 o'clock, d.. yy„.
fratabt or puny UPI/ 49.
/Y 1.3 J.LACX. Agaid.
1111$.d eiplendlel Ileum OLAIICU
.111 the shoe. sad all la
i 713
,OR OINCLYNATI.—The fine . -
. ideamerJEFFERSON. Cabt. Johnirn, 'dß
am Air the above and intersobilata puts on.
this day, at 4 o'clock r. tr.
for height CA WMO. &WY dia board Jill
Irktaßreactt. ilisi t ektNeira t ini for th
above and Intermediate porta on arm- day. alO o'clock
A. AL , ,
..., . _
.. For height br termite Appll on board. or to
did nen and light draturbt death but
NZ. Captain G. L IFlluimirm. vill
lean Sir th e above end all inte rm ediate Derma on th is
day. at 10 ermcck a. ir.
For freight or perms* A PP l f oilbc . d o °.. t. '
Jill. -J. SEWTOiI .1 NE& Agent.
now and elegant Wenner 11E11.01M4
ball% emoted, to take the plate of Mae Woman
boat • Dlarnal. during the low valor ametto, will t 0.,.
Pittsburgh for invelinot ererr Jlcoaday, Wedneeday, and,
hidar; •aral returning Irmo - , ftling for Pitleburgh n
eer .Tuttaday, Thhhhtan and Satbadar.
W. 8. CONWELL. Matter.
• t
AIIIIBTII.OBO. CIUMEII 8 CO...tgenta. • lad
.p_leedkl new steams ELEPHANT, R.
ass Master. will Isere fed Huambo. and ail
nter:aeavta, on the a
Deeeaae lt rise , bor t.
OEO. A DSlLTliHltliaOliE. Amt.
. PILOT N 0.2, A. Y. Crane, master,
will laws Pittsburgh for Whedist.". Coed= end Butdish,
eyerr Trunday .onl Friday. at 3 o dock r. retarning
lea Sunfish Re Cantina, Wheeling and Pittabdrgh. ea.
in4edzonsiar and Satuntay,at 10 delooka. sr. Permeate
and shlp=d . Wond apon this boat sunning regaled'
171oNight or Derwi r geodnar au board. wylo
PACIXST,_CLIICIR(NATI. Captain John ai ,
uudualutui. apicadid bast vital:milt br
the Owners of that Anne, Imw Y. a nd others, fbr
the Clatineddl and Pittsburgh Packet and loses
ovary Wulassday ger Cl:karats% in iiisce tin N.. Yaw
r....fregat o ft . mitzratonat
'el .• 'A :
P. Mow.loll Wallwille awry Iloaday,
..S...L‘T. rASW. at 13 o'clock, A. Id. for PAW UT.
rpmal. Mugs, 71eVenwe• Bawer. and
and •argh- Lewes Pittsburgh em7T , WWW...r l wwd•L u+S
wt,y, At 10o'cloet. A. 31, Ase Heaver, sielfanars Las*
tempos/set steamer DIURNAL,Contren,
ter,ls now Terfortoing hos regdasisiesosni, tit* bd...
this ettx .t 10 esicch
sneer Waiodday Prklay, sennsizas.
leans Wheeling_ every. Tuesday. Th=l
in each week. Y. trett a wearase.s. b S csis=
1:10/8 RONLF 411151124.
• • INGPORT.—The floe Abater TACIT]
on, boater, eill knee G. the above end
la rmfdlate porta every Tbrundsy, &e?elnel, P.
Tor freight or Farago nyply am board; or b
T. wootra 50N.
beblfl No. ea Wa r t. szui 63 Front rte.
roamer WELLSVILLE. Capt. B. lio=
run as • regular park. hawser. Pittsburgh. Molding,
Bridgeport, andißruslistalearing Pittsburgh artery Hot=
altrunohn for Wells - rills. Ettabourilla.and
arm Thursday altrrnoca for BtauborrlVlrlullag,
Briderpout, Captina.and Surdialu returning, trareaßridgs•
port and Surds. h every Tuaalay afterno.., and Soapah
ro:LiVrgt " YIALT - Woovilg.
A MONO the numerous discoveries Science
/1. has Made in Ms animation to nautete the beldame
of lite, frimasse its enjoyment. 0.1 even prolong the term
of Munn evistunce, none flu ...ceder mom real sal.
to mankind, than this contribution of Chemistry to the
Ilesling Art. A vest trial of It. virtues throughout die
met country, hss proven beyond a doubt that no mediates
or eambinstion of medicines yet Mmesn, m m mmlYmelo
trol and cum the numerouo vedette of pub:loamy discus
which Woe hitherto swept from our midst Maenads sad
thousands every your. indeed, there le now &bum.. rev
eon to bellsio a remedy Mu at. length been pond which
am be rolled on to curt the at,
immure. Weepers of
the lunge. Our owe here not pavan no to publish
any proportion of the sum effected by Its use, but we
present the Scheeler opinLYou of eminent men, minder
farther emptily to the chmelsr. which the agents Melon
named will sins. be 0..4 to furnish free. wherein sne
full parUculara and indisputable proof of them tsetse
Prom the Prtnettaysy Awn,: rukve, Au **braid PEo.
C. Arro—lLln 1 hare mad your Chem Pectoml
Irk eery mu ease M derpmated Brood:MD, and am mattsbad
from Ito chemical oemultuelou that It to on mdmirable moo
bound tor Mr relief of Imo - twin' and bronchial dldloultim
If my °Malan em to Its superior ammeter cm be. ed oul
aerobe, you are at liberty to use It sa you Mink mbar
Trep Mr udekif ,ro otgar . ste . d PROFESSOR /IL
D.. L. L. Sr, r of Ch
I. College; Dauber a thar Lt 1 12%/1.
Soteuttbe Bombes Amaritaard Dumps. 7 .
dam M , Marry Pastoral as admitembla
fbao •06141 of tha best art:Wm In the Dorado =rod
oMT erects» reamaly the dam of Dames to Wm
Wed to mom , Dm Mom. Ch. Dm 14 MIL
MAJOR EMMA rrerideret tf Des Of Cl Denoto.Mmte
.that ho Ma Mad the Choir Notomi,mtttlittirdectal. sae
°meth to can m Lollasumarkom of the /ones.
TIM 4,8 IV 0..161/ PAIRIereCWia Yea.
SAW, MP. A5ni1.26,15111.
Ayes, Looralb---Thms Hal I ma nom constantly
codas your Chan Pectontl gy mat" and min It to
any othm medldn. for yuloacmomplahtM. Promotopo
mud= of many snare mu. S i
am conyinood It will cam
coughs, mktg, mut diorama of thel UM. bat* pat to
defla=e ell other nomatim. I ly mcommond Its
opals mar of consomption. and mastics IS much Um bail
ramoly Imotn fee
EsolPatttOr rpm", I. B. CITEDISAN, M. D..
Propanal and KAI by 'Aim U. AYER, Practical
hlam. - • '
&Id In Pittaburpthwholesale and MAIL IT M. A. rAli-
GLA& by Drnspbt, tornarany. • jo2datrotaa-T
A Valuable Improvement in Treasea
R. lIARD'i; LlmproTed Patent T R S
EL and MITER P.EKEDY, by which a
cure cm be effected. Tau Truss Ist entirely on l' eg = d
farm end principles of =non from other Mmes., haying
all the adrantsges of. a well-regulatedand uniform-prem.
me: Thy mamma. be on 17.1113/Bted MS to glee ens ad
comfort ha the rood difficult mem of nem* and eta bs
incressed to almost any irate desired. The nreman doe.
tare. an ds being bromtbt to boar immedlately over the'
lemsdelrsing, end affording perfect wants .
tion at times. meu under Abe most violent L
lly the UP at this Troy. 'Men applied properly by &skill ,
fat surgeon, the rearm Li plasm& beyond the danger of
rtraagulation, arum other eroos or petard .raer
toms, ohlett ts
shot unfosquent meurence lu the i s
to of stittp4trunes. It d very common practice,
party Vt. with Rupture to 'elect a tram sod ate
plytt thonselyea Thin 1. Ind_ practice. abich an be
menrs ordy d by
in ba thosertehe understand the anatomy at the
pae aMsednd.
We vonl.l most respectfallr call
they atreation of Physt.
liana to WI. Tram, es we Mom Olll appreciate its
mine. We also Dam a satiety of other Tyumen at the
lowed prices. ltant Trued trot omatintlY 00 hard.
/1141"dElt ItIasOWELL.. Agents.
fer 140 Wood at- Phial:trots.
• .
• Dr. Hard's Abdomiial Sup*rtent.•
MEESE BIIPPORTERS are intended chief-
A. 17 for the core of Prolspeta Merl. sod all tbolle
eases when. toectualeal inward td the Abdoml.l Cicero
Is rvialred. Sbei m aiee 'Start to th.f L
organs, sod mat wern_eatlx
tb ot .o lll ...a=
awes prolnoel .1 • .••=•••
are Yro/spal. Lterl. of.ths riles. Costive
-I).=.lrofs Ir p t ,„ l,e ,m /leak a=l a na .. lt i to=r , l : Ma
Palpitation - of thelleart, Dacia. goo atty.
jel • 140 Wood K. Pittsburgh. -
Shoulder Broom
SHOULDER BRACES, of the most op
pored stria's:lmph, to anature eat eislly 011.1
wad or eau to suit ea .00 may return. them--juat reed ,
=I for nab tholes:le OD.I teuall,br
mo=l' L. SELLY.RS, Waal et-
Mt IL F.. rusagas—pf your Venturous, way without
hegtotlon that, haslet; used extensively io thy puttee
los the last four or nee years, I thank it decidedly the best
preparation or the kind of 'bleb / base .at knowledge,
although 1b.,. heretothre 00.1 the prepanttonctf Werth
other uthnufseturers. Yours refl.:Math.
D. COUCH. ht. D •
Prepared pal sot.' by E. PELL - ERN, of Wood st, and
sold by druunisti neneralls. • thyle •
- • Clocks!
- FEIST openin n very excellent assortment
of K.LbTEL CLOCKS, at from $5 to FA all warrant.
a A—D p rataM h n u el
Cicero, for SI,N3 each and
. warteuh
on—cheap enough to pot our In every mon. ,
W. W. WILSON. 67 Market L.
_..mllscorner of Fourth.
Bonnets! "tenants;
" es of
THIS MORNING, per Exprees—
JUL 6 f
ewes, embracing the neweat mut mat des/eaLle
styl Bonnets now warn.
A met lemeamortment elCT6llren'ellipmet. Caney 0 Imp,
Straw end Breid W
The attention of purchain Iv jaetieubwlgnelten to the
nim , w 66 66 1 a. 1 ,6 )11 • RA N' CO.
101 EMT-130 bales MD. R., for sale by
111. id • .1.421 M, A. lIUTCMPON • CO.
BARBITT'S Double Refined Saleratus,
put np in 11b, PHU, mul Hlb papers. Any person
using • papa of Ms catenate. w ill_prefer it to mly otle
r. for sale br RM.. bECLUrire CH,
csl • Oromm. t Tea Dade,
RIEBER bus just received
Wbero are the friends of my youth?
roam with tbes:
farewell. if ever [cosiest prayers c
Tsuiperanoe Anthen..--dolleided to the Tempera:see Na
roscl of Herr/. tooter Qt. Bunyan', Pzostrnm
Ely swill. ye sephYre
Thu lieepsolce-evolc boom
tic when tumor -from Colsnello, by Tern: •
blinking S.W. by -Macbeth:.
The celebrated Cradle Song, by M. T. Want.:
Mom:light is skean= • •
Tho Star of Love, ti lesstWul balhol by IV. V. Wallace:
Those bappl days are none- se sung by thilitHignalls.
Catoncinc Hors
Henrietta, Wallace Concert, Keepsake. Eintabirg, -Fash
ion Pul/us. Alm • ilea sclectics of nay tbschingnsuge.
Wats., Marches and • completellSSOlldWitt of Eiolinand
Flute Nisei , . N.lOl Third arm
X. B.—Non IkSliTIUg. a 01E1.14 lotof Now Plana.
Ladies! Ladies! Ladies!
AVOULD you save your. furniture ..aid
v avOld cowl naliaseesas7lalsir for Yu.' .en•ub6
sqii:e t t . ho b rAtaz . . t a . l i dowinf mom furotruss to, Vad
2161:5 . 1711:241141' trf
sill revive to astragadloaubrillisuer as mush
aould east SIU .1 . 315 to haws rsearnisbod.—
This Is a steal thing for faroltura dealers. Sold bot
tles, at 12. H. 10ic and IM esou.
Pourdi street. Philadelphia.
pats EA' Plttaburgh. N a tibITEII, corner of
St. Mali and Literty street. jeddlm
Anthracite CoaL
q/11 TONS jug receit : superior article
Elk" foe roamer or 1 1N . 3iLgiUl.o l o
Caa‘l Banta.
WRENCH LINENS, of various qualities,
reestral semus low at the store of •
13-1:/TASH—loOaks for sale
B!JOKEY:S -9,5 dos: Marietta, for Bale by
joie • - H. AW. LIARDA COIL
p3O bluti. wt. 0 4 0. Mar;
fm de b
Judd's Itedicated , Ligald *We.,
ARTICLE is intended farts/4y 0111 r
re:T.23mM be Read la the *relishes of
si the land. ?rehear Ida sr to MiNtUtt 4saar or
Irdsui to [bele weer tbsootb airderit. our Ile bow..
er or tarter nee of tools. 'al Lod thle riles to be Irma.
sable Os th em, art Or • falr trial *II considar It babe
Thi. taV to tj that.. the andas u i i b c &s . fr.
WVlerre. Peal .1 Car*
err* resommend it to our otorbeelonal hr al
els metier err:nuts, for adhere Slater.
b.fos ore. etalra h 3roisee. and ell Mrs ef tresh
res. for fro M I D I AEl.elt. unarm:l4W.
C s
. . ...
_M. D.
. •
• .
'HAMILTON„ ,„.... ,
tann. -,
OnsEdisisW all Ow Rai physician* In Uul — Cllay
For oda hy . B. A. FLENESTOCK kOPL. •
Eat • corner Wow! and Ilea ins;
TIS put up in quoit bottles, and , coa•
I talus the strength of six rocas es much goes
niggler osparation Amelia. Pre. s =r
Itrag b =l;ll getable% fer:%r
liersapatils. when pare and propedr Prepared. Pas the
only true pgs t eas for airageefizinsnag i rt an tip
Mk ' s. babl ' :: In youth, bereenTag7A9lo. l ll= ,
RILLA I. th e 0111 Y emsettlas befes• ths SA
moored co Metals. ecienUt3o principles and or
Strength. The dersegatilla I. surchanect withoot mos
ar=d 2 ame . e i one. =Del:oat t o == . 2
before being uselt • -
Ifereararilla also cont hertains the I,ienies at mast
other enesele ssent.,_ toge imolai the Not ass
Doand.te a proems to greatest. =ratite agent Ia Om
&totals or- Wrfl.
tbe MIN - ci=gs=e 13a T''' :MI n = 1 al
VOllll Or
idsm,ratathaMovn ih th
lt n By=edllat
es. arlahartnan
tha des of M
Pain in tbe hide =Mal
dary.thakersl Debflitzr. Droopy Um.
Oonabti lii2lEre4mrala
-;24.11 - nectiens, othecr Osamu handling t•
ldres ColnytaLut, Temale irieffahri ti phitt•B Ined gy
hick Narrow Um:Who. /me 19.
Jranoruldtisr pent tsoradenprin 0 n On DID
'ie sith=onal
eana,• steing and reauner drink, ka• ta m e, sad gentle and Distant rtaga om:at ti
rape= to Slue Idea or Cuirass iratatoalte. cc=lmp
Stie lbMeted is the embed=copy . of.emillieste POW II
the poeteedboa of JD* prop:LW of =Jr. 13= m perins.
Res. L W. &lion is widely and
elooment met accomplished pastor rtttr.i. Chu&V
Pee Boosensom boo been buten se one of the lido
aded met melons members Must the Han
could teest of for many ?amend et tI%VI9IV '
.t be bio and resttosslbie etaWn of agent foe tha M. r i
'Rook C 00..... Con the vorld produce bittim. or Mere
imtisfecoory testimony iu bear of my mudichrel
Better Stairway than woo Aber Ofend a Pao r s of
• Lamm; liar 23. VW.
We bait, used John BuireParianerla, and Dave known
'it to to cud. with each. aatletaelloto and we han the Nee
, cation stating that we believe it co be rate azervalie
,ahle medical oceopostal. antl ealetatud b =duce santh
owl .ad relieve moth Intffering: and would therefore
'elmerfolly and mad earneatlr recommend It to the 11
ended. (Elinted) -
muds ..
Low we within • elm be:matte] white Mu. and •
tan mantel cheek. flow oxen do tre see Pslloo
Ileatlyg "deeklensfunt ea devoutly to see
tn keens; erestivelate. oohning
'thatethtle, to restore t 011... sets moo of srhet. shame.
hoe demised thew of. 11.W_Lbst tco, eelth greet Ist=t
the Ma Bars fhasegrale le the beet month.
=and b.= etteAo=x " Zitlgmre e 6"
lealtbf, elitirroi.e. siring aetfrity to every m.te
venal. and ehthglug the yellow end &At eountenstues to
the bloom satt freettiner of youth. Ladles abenden r e
me of palette and all:tures. end use Bull'. Sam
ma t
the only effectual remedy. “A word to the wise
'dent" and a Mutts enough to the ladles.
Testimony Lae the FoUombur, Readers Siter na. onte
all Comment on the Effaieney of Bull's
... , . .
pvem pv. L. p. yasaat;
ad Potease:lr
CoU of
Ch Chemistry ht the
'I have looked over the hat a haavedivata etaaPadag
John BuIP•Com Extractor hatie4,ootlia.a:lezi have no
brahation In that they Vona • sato ecaapausel e a
che that •tvadses well to chronic dlagamta t tef t. blett It hk
applieatde.^ • L. P. Vial DI.
• Lemma, JavrhlS4a. •
What DRI Prig S Phsaici en Us La*
4eme Ermine harD+4 , 4 sap! amt..ent.
BOLL'S 34.1111•LP*
I Imre mamlned the pnwel4ntion far the menacation Ot
Jobn Blare Sareatarlite, and I believe the combination to .
bean moellentone, and well adculated to produm an al.'
tend., hapreadon on the 'Wan. I have need it Dahlia
, E= . s.l . FXsto pm", arid thinl i tlt r the beek tl arttle . el
R.m7mit Phylden at the Leiniwllle Marine llmpitaL
heve no other. KEYnnit TPDOW.Y.Lb, ,
, I+loVical Anse; Pitt:thumb, Be., Wholmale and &tad
rv; sale by D. M. CUILIIP and 209. DOPOLAPP, AIIh
ghenr dlr. and by Prudish. weueselly. ielladtwana
- • •
. ?
z...t!...:0; • „
Female ltedielas kienm. Int Watt Orme=Stlone,
BarrennesaLattearrhmorWhitealrresula hlastruathear
Inoontlauenee of Urineilleronal Proetradou of System.
.Depreesed Bad* and Gloomy Bute of Mud, ma Onsedbr
Dr. Civets Zstrectof liitoeDoek and S2nc;xl , llkOltddif
glees tutrondlate relief by moving the Ibmstahe of bee=
and eturnittly the blood. It neutralism bed haulms, stop*
unnatural accretions, and ems healthy setkno to all the -
vital wows.
Its solid atteratlve Irsopertles render it townlbsely soli.
Cable to the stead. and delicate corodltutlon or the Se
resin It immediately counteracts that distrewing asrroo►
news and lu:diode so omen= to the Lassie trams, sad
impute an CHM' and i 5110101.7 to (121 . 0111dait to Ufa
are gratefoL We have, evidence on die whk.b truisms as
strongly to nrsamend this =didse to maniedyesyis y.
who hare not been blessed with orherlog.
Prolapsis Uteri, or Fall= orthe Wornbot dnyea=Rah
ding, enrol by Dr. Guard:Vs Extract of Yellow Dalt lad,
B.rweral.. WV, every other knew. remedy had DIMS
tried without relief:
Wassetorom, 0.. Pelt 13,11141.
This certhles that an wife aged ti Yee.. hu=lled
wader the shore camplent tbr eve years, nosey ell the
time congaed to her bed. I have le Der Teen urnalantlY
employed the t.t.makai Llmt that could baerenaldin
thum.eticia of the emery; .tthout any benefit whatever.
I bare sito'pareleuel every hmtrument recommended tat
the etre of such disease, all of vehicle eared worthies.
the riming of 1843.1 'eras Dewed by my Wads**
D. 6ny on's Yellow Deck and Sareenerills e vedeoret
tied far form month. Altamaha had use Stier abed thee
woes, it was erkleut to all of na that ate watatenoema.
and Dorm MD Dee thehaproted rapfdlyoand seed gash
and strength, until eke la now enjoying moat eztelient
health. W3l. hIONIODT.
We. beteg I:highborn b Wm. and Jtale Mehra:tame/
that the ateree slatoteente. as to the stelmee of Ma man
fort, aad u to the cure telt= elreeted by , larthWe TeUoti
Deck sad Sarasparilla. are strictly true.
King's Evil—Case of 0. H. Leonard.
Rama= Gam, De- 3,1831
Ilea. A. Y. Bennett A Co:Genta: Boom time in 2111.11
I =a allacksd with ]Late, Evil in my arm. which bend=
so or. I amid not um it. and In ISO mortincation etc ht.
1 moniered. at Were= times, each physlcialt of millet/
within my man all told me lIIT arm moat be ...Mabel.
Eden the sheenier to the format =a MI of rued=
aints. My etrangth et this time wea completely exhaust•
ed, and my person much emaciated, I maimed In this
Rata until 1243,' .het I raw . advernement tOrldotrli •
Yellow limb and SaMparilla) which I root asst sent,* II
ladle of the tartan. Guysott's Yellow Doer mod Panama
rills cured axe: I took no other gayety while Meg Itt
and felt myself 'what,' well before using the dab WI.
rte. Red I used It at the first Madam , of the
am sure it would bare saved ms 15ne yams of pain art
suffering. I most earnestly recommend every an= ettl.
faring old 07 4=lMS:seam to o o Ile ea'. Yellow
Dock sat Parsapirilla. 'chick will rester, them to health:
• roan, to attitude, ' 0. M. LEONARD:
Coro of on Oggrarated ease of Erysipelas..
The cum performed by Dr. Guysott's Estrut Of Yen=
Duel and Panamint. are Lasting, TLe Esn4nth genera
health rvavnun 100 improve.after dimme to reinoved.-.
Cures are Dot chronicled until time bas fully tided that
there can be no relapse or Morn of Om Remise.
Noway, Ilaitimer ea. February, ,
B. P. Bennett A Ce.--fmatat' I de CU. greatplearm that
I write you shout the very happy eNdts of. yony Esdkns
look and gemapesiilia upon my son. wbohaalaug Mensal.
&deg under that thvedful andlosthsooe disease, Erydpn
as. with .blob he =at attacked to 1E48..1 iras for tare
•al moons landed by mms of our boot phydelana, mhn
end then skill perseveringly for fire =Abe, without als7
beedicial results .batmen. It, became reduced in • per
hot sk.sloton. Ile bad awes. Gum id. hip
to bia knee.
which were manually discharging dleadio,dy offengve
matter. 3lcdloal .d ears cal skill .ca Lanied.' Physician ,
old that his to.. .as hopeless: then could to nottdar
dotte to mast those terrible asuman; dem My nanb"
bon and ' myself thmogbt Ms nissoluUm nor'
the of my =lshtar, (who had cared a child of Scednis
withyour laming& men)drm)wlsb.l me to make trlslet
it; and, mare from the netleas desire to do 30.1ethili$Ittala
life laded. dm Darn any Iwo* of Patios .114 Ipsaared
three tallies of your Yellow Dab sal Pampa:llla, sal
comammid sym,g to; md to my actooOhment he bran
to ISOFIVY. =fore be hod need the thin bale .d before
be bad used a Ludt dome bottles. he amid walk out. Hs
main all twelve bales during the year MP. and by fle.
Id= last he was perfectly restored. Envy vestige of the
mept the mom is rammed. and ha remains In
Perfect hea/th at the present time. llis recovery. under
the Ideal= of stud. i. entlrtly owing, to the toe dam
Tem. Durk md•Sayssparillm .d I assure you that I (MI
myself under gram obligations to you, and it La 'Mbar/
joy that I Info= you of what your RmursraM has dead
for my ma • Itespecthtlin -
gold by J. D. Para, 6roneemor to Easford A Parka) north
and Walnut Pmts. Chochuntl. Ohio, General Anent far Lbi
booth and W. to whom all orders mut I.ailiddramd.
J. Kidda Co.. B. A. rahneatnek & Co.. J. A. Jarmo. I.
%rub.; Loa A:Lieekbaso. Alb:rhea) Rtyl
T. Bumph. Waeldnirtnen L. .11. Dowirs tioirotomorJL.
Welty. lireenaborr; B.Sonnta.bonormetralott d Gilman.
woad: Hrnd A Bon, Ifirotioadorn3lra-Orr, HolllJnyabruar
Hildebrand A Co.. D.... , Wright,
gnu t Co, Drookrlllm A.. Wilson A Soo. Wayseabr.i .
Mersrand t Co. N. Callender. dledrtli , G Homo tCo
T. 144 0 rah= k Farber, alarm= J.o oo Nair a Co, gat.
la; S. 5a2124. Mann J. O. ammatha. 14"mneor. P..L I
8. Jones, Conde:morn
ger Prien—Sl per Bottle; Six Bottle for P.
Boyers' Piano Preceptor.
.KLEISER his just received Beyer'
celebrated preceptor for the Plano, abkh 15 se.
Jatellral byprotaidanal men In thli
ever metal rr mai In
Europe. to be the Mat work of the kind mablabad—
yet. well known es Cu, of the most loacomarial =MOM=
for beirimera and purda, Me here a...lied a- Beat Meg
and severely felt by the muleal math, rim an alremstir
took. mammiaise and m th0..):44'10.14 In Rs.
ereh otadxanes. sto. remsly facilhalinitairTOMMak
linethe mambas tadloas and lemma sun Staid,grbas..
and plextoydrylng. The failimlng Mateman whohav•
examined the work. are referred to:
etyma.. Llerbored.pladhaehmi