The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, July 15, 1851, Image 2

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TUESDAY 111.0BNING, JULI --18,•1851:
M?l7:3lS'ADllyfit MATTO :TVZI,IIX FP WA,
.• -. Prrillapitalf AID 8..0m. t.LIX RAUMOA I3 . --
.Itestardaisbant fifty thirtiand dollars trerelmb=
scribed to thesapltal stoat of , this company,' in.
i taw home, in ibie'iit
. _..
"rme Cress* - Ifonsa.—Tior purchase, Hof- _ the
ois:the corner' af fifth and Smithfield
'streets, as the site for aC utton' Boast; has bees
definitely eottelnded, the , money paid, and the
dieds delivMett. ' Plane of the building prefool
to he emoted, arn•pitiaring, and will goon be •
sent to the department for epproeeb:
..... • _
The Struggle among tit tea' sding factions
inTsanite 'is as fierce end UnceeePrOmidni;
`ever. Titt, rens' ion of Oe ocoOttsticis, by con
edit:atonal means, is a hopelisa project; for be
..sideithe hopteeaneee of, bringing' three' finials
of the Aiaembly to favor the measure, there; are
inseparable di>ficolties arising from the cenfilet-
Ang "'ku of the various fictions. of Which , the
. :majority the Assembly is 'ooropoisett;
..-Theropitbrumusaest oppeied tore Vision of any
kind...; The friends of Lillis Napoleon are In fa
tar of stick Wrevision .a.s will render him
elie -
7. another term ;- and. Insides, these there ore
urchins, iMperialists; These opposing tac
it:Wl:tiara not likelyto agree upon any plan ef re
vision, and even if they could, the minority
yet too formidable to *overcome. All pro
is thus held in abeyance by the most extrtur•
dlnitrY anti,: of negatives ever krionn.'.
Lithe mesa time other: intrigues. Plots Auk
counter plots are going forward., The Republi
cans are In fine spirits; and behave witheingnlar
manes! and moderation. f They ate biding their
Rite: 'lonia Napoleon seems to be concerting
_measures for holding on to , power, revielon.or no
. revision. The ,Esfranchleed votes acre' throat
going to force a restoration oft heir rights,Which
ittereases the Attleulty ; and if they succeed, 'a
inn! face Will 'Will be put' upon the whole mat-
- A correspondent of the) Washington Republi
tarnishes- the'followiag table of the 'Popidatien
,nd Totei, which shows the effect a the law of
.81et May open the right of suffrage :
Total population • 36,243,357
..11ae3 Of age r 11,023,189
Vetere dianng smiretaal sof-. •
Voters under the mutilated'
. - suffrage
; 0 09 , 000
• . Males of age,..not entitled •
.to Tote during untyereal
suffrage ,
- Males of age; excluded by
.. the law of 31st May, in
fien-roters 'of .age 'at - I.he
present moment 4,214,008
Petitions for a repeal of the law of alst. May
are pouring Into the Assembly, but: it is not
probable that the prayer will be heeded. • This
Jairof 31st May what we, ,in this country,
would call .unconstitutional,. that instrument
homing invested these disfranchised citizens with
,the right of suffrage; built seems that in' France
there is no appeal, no tribunal being competent
- to set arlde a Law. of the Assembly. On the
Muneirinciple,themon which this law wan miss
. ed,lheAsserably may pans law declaring Louis
Napoleon re-eligible to the office of President.
-It would be dangerous experiment, bowever, -
in file
piment temper of the country.,
_ party threaten that he glad be re
elected without either constitution or laW:- while
at the same time:the three millions, of disfran
chised voters. threaten that they will march to
'the "yells end demand; pistol in hand, the right
gizaraidetl to.tima by drcemstitation.. Should
both .these threatslis carried out,* most extrit
=non, state of dap woman-Toe. -I Ttedis 4 ,
fronchina rotas being for the most:pait. reptir ,
4* 3 44 e*e id the zePh!lear: chiefs woaid
likely to be placed: it the head , the nation;,
`altitenikit:ls e sldent 6111 t: Una Napoleon
watts oimtirtir the repnbllean party. Ma late
'speech at Dijon - is teffieiently inditmeti of tide;
Theieeent dehates in the Assembly show that
feelings of the moot sioient and ferocious kind are
beginning to prerail; and altogether...the fetnre
of lUrimee Is the most omenoos and gloomy that'
can be imaging&
• Paler. or to We are pleased to learn 'that
the Fittehurgh ,Conpany ha; reduced the
P rim ? f ofrt/TL5 2,35 .to $ 2 , 06 Ipm'gicKl feet.,
,Altlioni.h.we think that gee ought to be afforded
here lawer than this, and we trust In time will
be f yet we are glad to herald even this redue-.
thin inthe price of that indisPensable ioteMo-
itztc . corral. co .
, .
. ,
_. “ The HarritlmAh flatiarieta 'Awns certain fatattion
-11810. with dim of
?let dutlef at rforp ,p,v.„ ...
ca Js e-tr . ill 4.4-t 7: d r fete c .ir to " tar. =;7o‘ot . ritTl•
Nape at Ilealtnit out ItaftlAttat.."- _. • •
. We take the share from the PlaTettelpluiv . In
quirer, and now renew the charge in the hope of
compelling the Canal Commissioners to explain
why they have thus prostituted their Offices to
defeat the objects Which they were elected spe
cially to promote—why they
. have ,beets using
measures to cause a; decrease cif Ill.revenue of
the State' and of course a contaktiance of th .
' Our _efforts have ..not been oiattersded, 'th
then of the people.
good. A " Democratic , Taxpayer" in -
ter has tat= the subject up, and Cells Upon . e.
Canal Corms:dodos:sere for information.. He
fees the accusation with an evident koowledg of
its truth, end remarks that "after the Cars t
fairly =der wity, the conductor .went ro und as
usual to collect the fare , - but in Disco of e
Blies, free ticket after fnvi ticket was thrsit itao
hie !land, until the pile &zone io lit* thict he had
to hand .titers over to the Slate Agent". ... ~ ;. ....
Be then Inquires, "by whose orde were t
free tickets mein ? Have the Canal. Commii
eloithris any right to give free tickets? :Deft W.
T. Morrison know who eigned those tickets—
M. does Get Bouinfort knowanything aboid
ifo will enlarge the inquiry. • Does /obi d.
Gamble know anything of the fraud: Does U
rsa Palnter-Athe President of theßosrd, whose
mine is generally affixed to- free tickets know
anything. of this gross, violidlin of duty 'thin
scandalous betrayal of trust? Did each•ofthem
free tiekets contain the name of tior:lndividuld
Wks used it. filled up by fie etett u'4° "Oa Ike
ticket, or we they all blank When. signell,jand
were they then sent to ensigns polphlfOrdistribn-
OW; .Bietut Ws. I 1,
-ft for the kulleguag,auefikm 6
the mamas : of - the men mho 'reerierdbires f • When
these questians are answered, we will hare some
menu to . ask, in which the people ire'deeply in-
The el tires of Pennsylvania were enormous=
ly taxed to ' construct her public works and to
port:unity for' plunder, which , seldoto
the dishonesty of, many. public agents.
That immense bartherall now feet': It to antis.
altitude more evident by the calls of the tax
gatherer: . These torts are now nearly all in'
operation,: and iheyahould he:i aiding the State
the means of at leustpartial extrication 'from
her , difficulties. Instead of all the energies of
thireanal Board being devoted •talthis :Cott%
- aim, they abuse public conlidenes-uti. ea tbett
own character for honesty, aind defuo4 the State
Treasury:by. using their; position tos.esere the
purpose .of politiclaris and .lesser: the . profits
from the public inprovement. . What do honest
men in the ranks of the opposition think of:this
- . conduct?. What will honest Pennsylvanians of
all shades of Opinions say of such corruption?
If they with to .bresk up, this system, let them
'elect John Strohm, Canal Commissieresr. They
will surely perpetuate these fronds If they elect
Seth ,clover,-,-Ilierriebtrrit AnUr. - , .
,' . • Ifi.haveheard facto about this DMA diastase;
i'fal , tia3 - nitactirm—althe disgraceful 'to• . haqs the
' 1 - givers 'end , 'receivers of the property of - es
.. ,
State—vzhtili " convinces itS, that the charge le
: . - . , .
.., - tviie;.thaf, th e , members, of the Loastoso State
Votreentiona dui pass over the-State works with
free tickets, issued by the Canal cotandasionera
or their agents. Is the Poet of this city preps
.„ .
y this
. .
Botriei lionoxig-4 wit brutal murder wan
eitatnltted; in Jackeo. Ashland enmity, •on the
The victim wan a little daughter of isosc
Velittlhgtrib ;co:silent dtlienf" ifor age wee
about;tea, eid the ..fooliate And wea Wroth . )
44blind• ;; The circ4;lB4ltiejit 14, Uni on iteyo,
Tore 'thee 'fiend in .hettan ,shape named
etineiriter. wan employed tie o'Lthiteet oa the
farm'of hir: The 'Welty; Oieep'thit'iltlio
" g irl and - 4 .; eittip4liiciOirSipq on the 4t/4--
Dar#4 l4 day. 4 siteno 4 I to ‘ ll #sto dui child,
sod beat tuir to dotal:- .The beeheed
wetted, iod:
I*naltYvs. • Iqo
- ,
; 7121 k4rlt * . Tle X C,4ll,lzi,"tiaticlow the:
isi4Mitt the 11:iettointilo titices . of lifecilend
37' , Aef:lazed foii, Gen. CUB' in 1852;
ibe Diiirolt Finn Press, thrinclueheledged
of Gen.-'Case, significantly wipe “Whenthe time
118 foidlentibn, we - boo fsith - to belleen - dint
the eihple country will demand the nomination
...Fa! ./.014W of A P ° FrI 2 ", PR IM P W ' ACT.—
i letaii that some personsitiil doubt that
certain Of..Lhe true Of, the South really own.
template the ihies of it Southern Confederacy.—
yh o f o ll o wing extract..lmwerer, from anaddress
sometime since delivered by the lion. R. B.
ilhett, is coeclosive : •
"main eighteak*onths fatter the -beginning
of the endj we sha ll ' have the whole South with
ua, and moredian net: 'We will extend our
hoyden': Wa mu. nave Na' Mexico, Utah,
and. California., Utah already has slaves: we
will March Into California, end - will - ask them If
they will have alarm, and her people will en.
ewer Ityl we will have slaves.' And what of
Mexico'? Why, when we unready for them, and
her people are fitted to come among ne, we eu.i.
PAYE urn TOO, or. at much of her at we leaet. —
We will
will form a moat glariout republic, woes
Rows, which bated Berea hundred years, and
had similarinittieutiatut to one own.
The passenger haziness on-this road during the,
past week hue been enormous. We understand
that about pans Outward persons passed over I
the road. On the fourth, the number was some
thirty-eight hundred!
The train from . Hums (south) carried over
two thousand passengers on the fourth!
The receipts of. the road on the 3d, 4th, and
Gth, were -over nineteen hundred .dollars. On
the 4th alone; over one thousand dollars.
The road is tut gaining favor-with the travel
ling public. We do mot think there is another
piece-of ;reedits the Union of its length that is
doing a better b usiness , and better road is not
out of doors.-.- -
Conductors Curtiss and Beebe are deservedly
popular officers .
The construction train . (running south of Ita-
I renal) carries a . large number of passengers
each day, and Mr. Wallace, is conductor, and
Mr. Albee; ns engineman;•arswinning for them
selves great favor with the pablic, by their ef
forts to please. : They are gentlemen, and men
of tench exPerience.—Roressa Whig.
Tat :Bleamoss .doeutrrio.—lt turns oat, af
tersall; that the Mormons on Beaver Island were
not 081 of, one of the charges preferredagainst
them. • TheiDetroityres Press of the 10th sayer.
' `"Thit idea of James J. Strang, and others of
the Bemirlebutd Mormons, on an indictment for
obsUmoting the 11. * Man; which has been Ibr
some ten days past pending in the 11. 8. District
Court, was yesterday concluded, by the acquittal
of every defendant. The tease was 'submitted
to the Jury on Tuesday evening, with instruc
tions to render a sealed verdict. The verdict
was agreed'upoit Without hesitation by the jury,
who were but a few momenta it consultation.
Scent-mai &warm—The Dayton Ciniette re
Mee the following etary of Secretary Cantle.,
to humor is ebaraoterintie.
To a friend of • ouriwho saw him the other
day in. Lebanon, he gave a most amusing, and
we doubt nOttruthful account of the condition of
things in the Treasm7 Department, when he en
tered aped the duties of SecretarY. The clerks,'
he'eStimatcs; were slit, on on average; shoat
hale the time—but it struck him as somewhat
remarkable thmt, much as they were sick, none -
of them 'died. The fact was apparent at a
glance, that they did very little work for the
public, aid the inference was itiesistible, that
something' must be done for them. According-.
ly, the Secretary' tamed physician, and began to
prescribe for the invalids. •
• He 'issued an ordeethat all clerks who were
abient- from their desks a certain number of
durs, say two, - on account of sickness, should
submit to a proportienate deduction from their
respective - salaries; end all that were absent
'longer, say one week, would be required either
to die pr mign.
The prescription worked like a charm, and in
&Intl= there was not elok clerk in the
wholdDepaltment A healthier set of men than
they are now, Dlr. Corwin declares, cannot be
or JULY llras.—
A most molting contrast tathe proof. of gain.:
toe pattionsineshibition on the late tuitional an
nisresary, icon:rally in all parts of the country,
is presented in the proceedings is some parts of
Smith - Carolina on that occasion. - '-They axe of
a character, resin and tinly, only to excite com
miseration for theactors. Tho C 1 1 ,5 ,01.
rather the ."fire•eaters" among them,. assembled
at the 'Military Hill early in the morning, and
sat:down to - a 'dinner, °see which all sorts of
'sentiments' Were - emitted--totriaising erns the
bitterness of tliose deelaied bofora old Fart .
.hforditrie...We gins below some few of the toasts
that were offered on the occasion:
. ,
By a gneetlYaakeedom and its Motley Po
pulation—Thef eold out their'slaves to make
room tor themselves. Let them thicken, starve,
die, and rot where they are. Our blacks shall
never be driven out from amongst us for the
benefit of such whites.
By I. F. Matthews—Prasident FillaMre—The
incident of an tuxidtmt—theßphraim Smooth of
politica ; 'all . things to all men, and not worthy
the Confidence of any.
By Col.:II. Wigfall—Gen. A. Quitman—The
firittAin' the battle plains of Mexico. Mille he
the first President of the Southern Republic. .
By T. Alez. Miller, EsqL . -South CarolinaL
Oppressed and 'degraded by a vile, false, tyran
nical, pointed government. Secession is her on
ly remedy and distinion her only honor.
By T. L. Roger—Political Chemistry—The
transmutation of. Tyranny into Liberty without
resorting.:to the, roaring of cannon—Southern
cowhides applied to Northern beck&
, By W. 11. Manigault, (a member)—Federid
Pap—lt nourishes Pipers in our_midst,' glring
them strength to turn mad 'sting- the breast of
I our common, Mother. A loyal eon rejects the
'food as Poison:
BY' A. E. Ifertx.-4he Palmetto State—The
Materialized Phantom that 'haunts Yankeedoai,
antinsakimit eleep,with one eye open.
By. Jacob William—President Fillinoreandida
Cabinet—South Carolina ints'prepared tor. them,
shield they attempt to coerce , her, what they
richly . deserve—A Baiter of 'Kentucky Hemp.
- The Separate Secession of South Caridina—
I The last and only remedy which ettbinission and
tyrannYhave left with - long cantina
ed cheming--Musie. Marseilles Hymn.]
have also in th e Colombia Telegraph of the
7th inst., an =vent of a celebration at Bose.
Y,lte, in Chester district, South Carolina, at
which, after a dianni'in address .of nearly two
lane ton:tithe Hut. IL B. Rhea, thirteen rega-
Initiate were drink, every one of which ince
rated sentiments of mortal enmity to the Union.
Take three first 'of them as:n sample '
"Tiie eth otJaly—,We !met not to rejoice in
the Posiseriladef liberty and equality but to re
virethe epirit of a glorious a*estry, and se=
Conetruet the edifice of eotmlital liberty.
-,' The, lintriti-The North Velure:it for prier and
plundThe South IS the victim • r , •
Thelostitation of = Slavery, the conservative
feature of... Republican Oovernmeet—history far:
niches no tastanneefa:lasting republic where it
The numerous vOlanteer toasts excelled in vir
ulence en the regulars: We select a few of
theta;by which the whole nut") , be judged: •
By Major T. Steil; Pelsidentof the day—The
Revolution of '7ll—le .began with' blows, and' ..
brotight co-operation. South Carolinit' ealoee
the example, and is preparing to' Strike for
Southern deliverance.
By James A. Eliack--A Republie of the South,
If possible ,;, if Repo lie of .South
Lt.'COl. Ifilliant Walince—The integrity;
of South. Carolina—May our . State speedily take,
Inch action as will drive from . her forte a for
eign foe, and from her soil those "best citizen"
whowoultitly their country at the ApPretleit of
Byfien. J. ttCiintei--South '
moo itetichOf co-operation cannot be obteined.
Qeittain or Davis the first President of the
By 'A. S. JohnatonSouth Carolina—For seri . ,
tmty•live yearn under the flag of the Union, the
has been winning liberty and land, glory and
.001di to bt , Pitndered from her by her faithless
Pattntitt wtte she next calls upon her ousts
shed their blood, may it . be for her own benefit;
Under the banner of the Southern Confederacy.
Are not each men to be looked uponwith the
utmost pity—and pitied only with. Aea !dna=
nets which thehes& otatunstic as y lum divots!
in this eelisluard age,toward s their salons
nate patients
. . .
. ,
The following Journals in Man, nee ont
favor Gen.' of. fleatt for the next PreeMent: The
Eastport. Bentlnnh Etetutheh'intlthnk nova
gen.Peopte:a Pre7e, Celina Adferther, Pottlatut
Tribli 6 O had I .+o o giant—:,-
ILL! re MILL , F. 'Cooent..—A- eormpon-
Olt of the Albany Argue eve
. titet. the TA:bit:Dee
i4 o l:pitOf Mr Fehimore Ceepefeili4ei4 loll c 4
* lr.° C 604 , imill. e*CeT* 4. :lie le gde
fate.4llleumem- harsebsek, Ind his tem
max bypil mesas despaired or .5--
inn num
swath.= Beikter,
ink* 'l' /time pr z hulte :Jessup, thus . piikl
of -
The nominatio n of our townsman, Horr,Wik,
Vain Jessup, 'ailididate fei:the Supreine
Bench, we announce ith no ordinary degree of
pleasure. We consider It an honor to the Whip
of Susquehanna that they were &hie to ,for sash
so great Mid good a man their eamildate. - -As
a man, not au henget pireen liven *he can say
aught against his hi:amiable motives and upright
conduct and spotless integrity,.. As a indsen,,
entry person that is acquainted with him knows
him to be liberal and public spirited. Among
the first in My movement of ,puhlio interest, he
is never aniong the lastitt deeds' of kindness and
charity. As a jurist helm risen by his own ea
ertions to a position which is accorded to him
by common consent—that is one of the beet, if
not the best District Judgi in the State. In
every resimttis he eminently qtalitled to occupy
a place upon the Summon Bench. -The Whigs
of the North hail the nomination with pleasure
and pride, and the rote of the North will show
that moist werthand legal ability like his &id
6 cordial support among the friends of 'an able,
independmit Judiciary. -
The following,;which we clip from the Lacka
wanna Citizen, published at Carbondale, is a de:
&sled compliment. to Judge Jessup. The edi
tor, 8. B. Benedict, Esq, eras :a membei of the
last legielsiure, and although of a &fraud
school of politic% bearstestimmv to the chaise
ter of the Judge: • ' •
desPerate effort fact= to • hare been made
to defeat the nomination of, Hon. William Jes
sup, and it woo almost successful. This shows
that the desire to pass bytbeNortliwasas strong
there as in the Democratic conrenthm et' Har
risburg. lt was not an unworthy, &fort, for
Judge Jessup is probably the heist man and the
strongest one upon the .tlekat, though only 'suc
cessful upon the fourth ballot, while the - other
form were nominated upon the first.
.. . ,
lion. Wittasn .Jessor.--We are extremely
gratified with the nomination of this gentleman
for a suit en the Supreme Bench; and have eve
ry assurance that it will be equally gratifying
t i
to his numberless friends, every political par
ty, in this and the adjainin counties. He is an
able jurist, perhaps 'dame a superior in the
State—a talented, sound consistent man,
and an ornament to goad . We predict for
him *clear . vote in this jud dal district,,and, an
nuprecedently large majori in this section of
the State. Not a single oh' on can be urged
to him, either as a jurist or man, as •politleiin,
oral a citizen--Lockatranno Journal. ' .
The St. Lids Annual Conference of the Meth*.
plat Episcopal Clurreb, 'South, Commenced its
session at . Boon,Ble; on the 28tU of June, Bishop
Sonic presiding,' in place of Bishop Capers, who
was prevented attendinginoonsequence ?femme
iniruposition. ,
TEA ft SORE CAEALMA.—The Charleston
Courier notices the arrival in that city, of Fran
cis Bonyge, a gentleman who has spent fourteen
years in the East, actively camel in the cold
ration and ritinefsetere bf
IndigO, Sugar, Salt
petre. Tea; end Coffee; and shoe present otdeot
is to introduce Into the Southern Stab"' the el:a
ttire of the Tea plant, the Mangoe tree, Date
Tree, Coffee ;hauls, &c., and the melons and veg
etables of the East Indies, and to carry out the
manufacture of the Tea Leaf, and algid of the In
digo plant, and to give a fall and fair trial to
both Tea laud ,
Mr. Bonynge says that the soil and climate of
the Southern States 'are more suited to the cul
tivation of Tee than those 111101 is China, and
that Indigo, which was, by-the-bye, formerly
I produced in the Southern States, can be grown
to any extent, and that the Coffee/hint, In all
probability, would flourish there to great advan
tage, inasmuch IS the sell and undulating nature
of the land would be in its favor, and the cold of
the latitude of Cherleston is not so intenee by
13'" as that of the east of Chins. In fact, Mr.
Bonyoge seen this plant growing wild In N.
latitude 27 deg. 30 min., on dills from three to
fire hundred feet In height, where, too, there
was an abundance of frost" snow, and hail.
Erratonnutem Cone.. —We find revelled in
the Upland (Pe-) Union the following marvelous
'About six , weeks oinceJohn H. Teyler, of Edg-.
moot, in this 'county, wa.s severely w ounded by
the bursting of his gun. - The breech blew out,
struck him on the fotehead, between'
= of the eye and the nose, making a wound
that Simi for goitrel days( tronaidered danger
ous: He recovered slowly, and was able to go
about upon his farm snd give directions about
his business.
On Wednesday or 'Thursday of last week Dr.
' Aitken discovered that the breech of the gun was
in ?Sr. Taylors forehead, having passed ln below
the region of the brain Drs. Gregg and Had
dleson were called, and the three phjairdass,
after a severe effort by the use of the forceps,
extracted the iron which was nearly threkinehes
in length, half on inch thick; and varying from
grouters to an Inch in breadth. • The removing
of the iron was a seem operation • for the pa
tient; but we leas since that he is more com
fortable than before, andimpruving iq strength.
Mr. Taylor's escape from instant death comes
within the miraculous, and the Jong eontisre
of such. &mass of iron in bin bad, so new the
brain, is almost increditde, but it is mom cer
tainly true...' • • •
Ekes Ossaos.—The Bostol Smeller has s
letter dated it Columhis river, cni tits 234 Iday,
from attach ate make the following attniets:
"OreiPan is fast becoming sada ; d 4 increase
is as rapid as ie consistent with durability. The
census _taken last fall shows the population to
hue been 13,1:00, and, allowing 2,030 for that
portion d the late emigration not included, in
the hbove,Twe have 15,000....8y advice:l fram
the Donee . and the constant influx from Cali
fornia,' we may mealy calculateupon an bums.
of 10,000 during the present year. Thus you
see the time is not far distant when we shall be
knocking at the door of the Vein for admission.
And a ribald° acquis' Wel we shat pip* .
gon is not only unsoipand as an agricultural
region, bat rho is richlin mi n eral.. Vast beds
of coal of en excellent quality han been discov
ered on the Cowlitz a n d in Puget's Sound. Iron
ore l abundant on the Columbia, and gold, Pic'
tine, copper, lead, plumbago end nit are among
11060 already found, in this but little tnown ter
ritory. lier hill sides are Clothed with gigantic
timber, and her valleys need only the plough
share and the reed, to make there rich with gold
en crops.
The commerce of Oregon is rapidly increas
ing; already, three firma of :ocean steamers coo
-1 nod us with our more southern neigisbors, and
nil vessels arelast multiplying. The . orerland
emigration of the present, year will , bo enabled
I to avoid a very difficult part of. their journey by
a line of ateaniboate that will ply abon and be
low the Cascades, being 'connected around the
Falls. This will obviate the necessity of climb
ing the precipitous and barren toad that winds
around Blount:Hood. •
"The 'land bill passed at the last entdon of
Congress is far from being eatisfactory. That
clause which makes it necessary to reside upon
the land for four successive years, acts very was
fairly upon the merchants; mechanic; mariners,
teachers, Ac., who, from the nature of their call
ing; are obliged to live In towns ; so that in fact
the land is only donated to farmers. This, with
many other parts, meets with universal condom-;
"The young ladles suldht. by Governor Slade
as teachers, have Mind; sod, a°"l/464InajPg
the bond of tire hundred dollars Imposed • upon
them in cue of marriage within a year they
have. created „quite s mutation among the Wl
marrioigen.demen:, And nth, land hill makes
every lady :worth three hundred andtwenty
acres, if taken before December nerd, you will
be quite safe in believing that Oregon will soon
be without. teacher; Wen another supply is
dispatched inunedistaly...likaSaard of Indian
Comnduloners wilt Inn. on:the 28th, to visit
'enema 'of the great' triter tiring In the north'
boors Atitaxv.--Jenny.Lind remitted
Albany °tithe evening of the fithiestaFit, 'when
there . wait s great crottd sesembled to greet her.
The ereitetnent exceeded everything before seen
in the city. The Atlas, of Wednesday eyenlng,
•Wearlyi;T;OClticlutstfor her cancevt were sold
by noon, emery. seat taken, and by the edetirship
anangmentaXf the agente, there was bat Zan
or no forestalling, and that speculators 'were
diaappobsted in Weir attempt; to get possession
of seats, and to extort advanced prices =theta.,
Some 4,000 0r 1 1 5,000 persons, however, were Ottt
'We enWimbilsda, night. kaitiiag • her without,
pay, the •windosrs being wen ha iionseatieno
of the hot weather. Bat Were was no row, and
no impudence from the oatsiders, u at .Hattfokl,
wlm. it is 1 1 4 3 4 a Pallextein entered during
the concert, .and male a• proposition that the
rioters hed.consented to, keep qnlet, if Jenny
would show herself before gums."
She was to , give a second concert hat even.,
The Weabiestoe Trtern); of Thankler eyen
lei hisitbe toiletries parttsraphi• :
btu Weirras.—Oar readers ere, wok*,
aware that Mr. Secretary W.abater has toreCrerq
summers pant bees edged to s Mad of pideftu
influenza, which has threSepa t 0 $571°1417
jute biba cad we are informed that. lA' ;agent
plated risk to the North will hi taken Amoy
feral, ttaFtpreakentet his health. - He will.pr9,
babl..oeaTe ell Monday of nett week, arid we
treettasyretera greatly beaeatted by his tour.
tent ithus
e Filial' this isaming use interesting sta
tistics, taken from the census returns at Wazh
inglon. We present them from the official ta
ble:l'od they may thereforeebe relied on as
In' our 'State it ' appears there are 472,151
_dwellings accommodating 8,097,095 persons,
making an average of a little more thausix per-
Beni to athirctse--not • great degree O f em idli w .
Nevertheless. there are 84,886 families more
than there are houses. Of course the great pro.
portico of these are in large cilia, where the
poor are compelled by excessive rents to pack
themselves into the narrowest space. In Mary
land there are 81,708 dwellings to 688,035 p er
eons or • little more than seven to each house.
There are, however, only 5,676 families more
that these are houses, which gives proportion
stay only about a third as many cases in which ;
there is more than one family in • habitation.—
The population of Mains is but 58 more than that
of Maryland, vane the numberof families le 16,-
403 more. Adialne family, on the average, con
sists of 5.63 persons. It would then appear that
more of the hardy farmers and seamen of that
State contract marriages, and that they are less
prolific than the people of Maryland, or even of
New York. In Maine , the average of persons to
a habitation is a trifling fraction above six, or
about the same as in New York.
In the last namedfitate, 46,061 deaths occur
red, daring the year ending July 1, 1860. This
is, in round terms, 1 to every 66 persona. In
Maryland there were 9,594 deaths, or onto ev
ery 60 prams. In Maine there were 7,545, or
one to every 77 persons. New York is thus more
healthy than Maryland, and Maine ahead of
both. We can well understand dint thepre up
land air of that State ehould be more whole;
some than the exhalations of the marshy Eastern
Shore. But in point of health and long life,
New Mexico seems to carry off the palm.
In New York thereare 170,698 farms under
cultivation, or cme to each 12,V., persons. In
Maryland there are 21,860 farms, ozone to 26,71
Penton'. In Maine there are "JO farms,or
one to 10,8 8 persons. In th is swiped aga in,
the new State is ahead of the two old oats.
la New York the number of manufacturing es.
tablishmenta, whose yearly product exceeds
$5OO, is 23,985, or one to each 129 persons. In
Maryland there are 3,863,'0r one to 150 persons.
In Maine, 8,682, or one to 158 persons.
The number of alives in Maryland is 90,868,
For 878 more than ten years ago, in 1840. InlBlo
there were 111,502, in 1820, 107,898, in 1830,
1 102,294. During the year previous to taking
this census there ran away from that State 216
Islaves, and 185 were manumitted. The number
of free persons of color, according to thepresent
census, la 74,077 ; in 1840 it was 62,020, mak
ing an increase of nearly 20 per Cent In Dela
ware there are now 2,289 slaves ; in 1840 there
were 816 more than that number. On the other
innf, the free Population of. color has Increased
1,033 above its number in 1840, which was 16,-
in Marylaudthers were more runaways than
manumitted dining the year; but in. Delaware
there were 174 of the latter to 19 of the former.
In Maryland one slave ran away oat of every
420; in Delaware one to each 120; in Maryland
one was manumitted to every 669; in Delaware
one to every 18. " In Virginia there are 478,026
elms; and in the year there ran away 89, or one
to 6,814; and 211. sterermanumitted, or one to
every 1,812. This diffutrence arises no doubt,
from the difference in the facilities of escape from,
the srieral States. It is remarkable, however,
that the disposition to emancipate increases at
we ipprosch the Northern border and tint las
enee of freedom; the same inflame also causes
les, attention to be paid to the re-capture of fu
gitives. Delaware, whose Slate property suffer,
more from the innate love of -illegitimate free
dom than any other State, nukes a great deal
less fesi about catching the runaways. Mary
land, though a greater sufferer in this respect
than Virgitus, is stni not half so hot in favor of
°Southern Bights," while North Carolina aid
Mississippi. which can hardly lose a negro a
year, buret into paroxysms of gas at a hint that
the Fugitive Law may possibly suffer modifies
' tion or repeal
The number of colored persons in New York
is, in round figured, 48,000, of whom 23,000 are
males, and 26,000 females; in 1840 the number
was 60,000 °tubas 24,000 were males and 26,-
000 females. The decrease has thus been about
equal in the two sexes. ;„
It is 'pithy of notice *Min Maitre, New York
and Maryland,the number of white males con
siderably exceeds that of females. In New York
the excess is 40,000, In Mane 11,000, and In
Maryland 4,000. The emus Ls thus proportion
ally largest in Mains. This we oppose - is to be
attributed to the large number of the denetteri
of that State employed elsewhere in factoriesor
as school Witmer, possibly also to supnior
beauty, erosity of heart, and ham
hold thriwhich have indneed. bachelors of oth
er States to resort.giddier in search of Irian.
tofore expressod the conviction, that the Fmk
source whence will be derived herestteT.4o l 4 in
California, are the Quarts ?dines if that &lion.
Recent advises comirm this opinion; and the ac
counts tram some of the mines emceed the must
sengaine anticipations of them interested in
them.. This Is especially thin ease with the
Rocky Ear Mining Company, the machinery for
which we took occasion to describe when arldb
ited in this city previously to its being shipped.
A Mend to whom we have unlimited
deuce , has handed no the following for V e tt
I tion; and we cheerfully give it a place,
ere know that the Rocky Bar. Company have
made very extensive and judicious arrangements
for =ging the Quart; Rock at the mines, and
because we have seen specimens of the quarts
so rich with gold that there othaoteNin any
reasonable doubt of their emcees. additiou
to all this, recent letters frowthedr agents re
port that the renal of hand crashing with no
other implement thais a hammer, Is pay Leg
/Ramp in Cal(forais.—Erom ail' accounts,
there is evidently but one way In which mining
.can be permanently and proiltahly pursued in
Wrong', and that Is, to form companies In the
Atlantis States, and in Europe, ender the ad
ministration of .known and reliable direct"
with: adequatecapital. The mama* capital
for melt investment cannot be found in Cantor
itia, because the people there are generally poor
Adventurers who need all they make, or who, if
lucky, rebuts to the old States to exdoy their ac
quisitions swag theießimule. All, of mud of
the gold found in California, lii prodoct for ex
port to the Athuitla States and to Europe, soil
this movement, as seen, Is constant. The great
questiorlon the e. arrival of any steamship from
Charms, is how tenth gold has she brought? It
It all due hese and more too. It cannot stay In
the hands of the producers.
The surface and loose - yid in California is the
crop for the first adventurers, and it Is genets'.
ly the crop of a, single season. ; The great and
inahaustible source Is in the qtuirtt formations,
from which it requires to be disengaged by ex
riveperations and ..elfoctive machinery.—
This c os be demi enli by =Ponies and d*Pifol
in the Atlantic States end in NaTope; and it Is
most desirable that our own people should absorb
this business, rather than let it fall Into the
hands of Europeans.
The flaky Bar ;Ening Company appears to
hare began In the sight way. A few of the orig
leal sdventuters found this rich mine on the
middle fork of the /ituteriqe river, worked
there for two seasons, secured their and
returned to orgentre a =my in Raw Torte,
the Directors of which are known and reliable
men. Thee have sent forward machinery, and
an agent with funds tout it in order. , leis ex.
period that it will be ginto be productive next
fall. The Directors vs put In market one
quartet of the stoak, which is pledged and being
used to provide the requisite machinery, and to
pot the POI! In working order.
batman,' Dee Company •of Ws dpseriptioo,
there Is room for scores in the city of New - Vinit.
Well managed, nothing Ls more certain than a
rich r,eurrn.—Nrl". Coterie?.
The Westchester Village Record says:
Bigler Club wu formed by the Loco Fooos
of Westchester, pn Tbursdayerming hest. Ma.
sores were adopted for protootingliis eleplloo
At the ssospAtne • long preamble and resolaT
dons were Szlopted, (Witting that 001130 01 the
candidata, for -the Supreme Bench, nominated
at liarrieburg, , were entirely unworthy of the
support of the Democracy of the State. They.
therefore resoleed to rrepatdate that portion of
the ticket--especially Catopbell, Lewis and Gib.
Foreign and Amain= Hardware.
A full saAccoplidestoelteflOAZlONAND ASISRMAR
awt.bict gluing trolo, soff lobleb Ow prooff4
to ofkr to pardwaomf MK= OM MIDIIII, •
fooroblv vith oat of UM ram at .
Pilliburer Life human Company
. Pim Proident—Butan
Tresswer-Nlaaas S. Wm. •
gewadaq,ammat Is =other wit at this.POlr•
Olthzullnsuraucp compauy of Pittsburgh
wrikr.r Wa l l str*kinth..ire QM. a.
W, Maw, Mali,
ta!=t,,V.l.tlamrl). arr.:M=llW
~s~roJpuseti~cl nu
Jr.. al
J01 . 17 ---"l ttlayaratta. malamaib.M M. aka. Wißar
, .
siciismano, Heintingdnet , C. P ►: Uth 4 ' ll '
3LKWW"—Deer Sir, Tonv.Petroleom is *atlas vow
dies In thle T 1 it/: then:dory v• veal the*.
We yens to mod
au two Amen by th e Pennsvlvanla Bellesad. 1 are en
tire,/ oat. ixell it Le being lenanhvdam*, •vver
Yn•sl. VeneeetDgly, Join( Lt/ p!'s W.
- • • Ilavarnus, Ashland 00.. O. Uaivt ,
Sly, Your Agent. • *eats eltn . a
left sant us' bar dorm Rock 011. whkh ere , have •311.
Plense bt lto or
v s dozen icanunlist/v.
Yo•L' sis esting wonders In Mb don. We
can 0 n wind excellent certificates. if you Oaf•• than.
4 , Tows. en, W. W. SCOTS
for by Ink/ alleDevell.-140 WWI stivorn IL
&limn ni Wood steak B. A. lahhestock,A Co. railer
Waal awl heat Weer, D. H. Cunt. D. Elliott. Jos•DD
H. P. &bleats. Allego•nr,,,fribi the pro
aVlDAlvei - Canal Ilaslo.Rerenth et... Pittsburgh .
WHS. OIL ABOVE WATEIL—The dek man eau tell a •
good teudlelne by trylm IL, an gulek aa•Dr. am tall alum •
dinner by eating IR And II oral man trim It. anf. Ands It
poor, It 081. . &Amy the 109 01 .it7 adth the tel.. eh) ,
You can't Introduce a inalleine Into popular we nalem It
pammasts reallymbettadlal alrtrtes, Dm fromall bad effects
of rand oh/10th.% and It la this fart thud has establlabad
the rapatatiamof ellulY• Compound /UM Ulna of W-
M:wills." bound all mall or Mamba Its action urrn
the human mums Is In mendane• with rational ind pht•
loan#lml prlttelploe—lt promotes. that various secretions
cod u as of the lady. remora obstructions , diadems
and dlamaled matter. streugthene Um 'Stomach
end 'a calgana, Manna new. pure. and tail,
b ' and rawnlates the various fanetions of tha mut
o of the body. Thle Is all perlbentel without the
lout dimptt angina, the pmpentlon being so alb an It
te 'egloselona Is may be thought by the akeptleal, that lt
purports to cum too many Manses. but own tram.
11014 it .in he Mond that a lugs Inkiorlti of tb Maass
. which aglkt tito human . family .erdidnate La an Maury
state of the' Mid; Be not darelred. than. by other Bar
maxilla balm offend you by . coy molten of Molasses
and enter yrepsuatlm ^ se a satatltut• for the Inighml
John Ball's Amapa:WO This valuable preparatkm the
proprhtor inmants to be superior told' ahem •
• Clairalaa,-Bowan and nob Par the orbit , . Dr. Jim
Dan Bareooorffka from Knatemby—and hare motherw Be.
altertlmment on another page.
•.• KEYSER A lII'DOWELL. 140 Weolat.
rasa • Wholesale A Retail Meant
lerCelebrated ai the' Aube were, entu
slow no, In the healing art, mint of timir
were of great north and amazing rhino. IL IL terndi's
ceLebratedfdrabien Liniment la n compssltbn of batman
from nre plants and aromas:le gum. pe.211. tn-trnbles
and it nu by the rim of ths articles , cognomens lb greet
medicine that even the mild drab of the desert yeremmel
meh miraculous cures. It It ..,oily good mr and
bout; therefore It Ie hailed as the vented blesslo of the
ago. 1/3e•edeertiaersent.l 1 11
ser Metal,: ea Lusa PILLS.—In offering
thb inedleine to the public, the emprletors are web aware
that they , hteee to encounter a hoetlllty generated by the
wordless lotpantlona which have bun pained n . t. the
public. van' th e eltape'of patent otedleioes. core
laced, hoere ter, that It ho out, u. our? to say* their b
roody a trial to place It In hublb entlmalloi far abbe all
medleal agents ol the kind era offered to the public. 11
Is the Invention of an enllghtened..Perlenoed, man learn
ed physician, who Ibr many years bee/ It In bb Own Dr. -
tte ! when Its great somata iodated hlat to odes It to the
jpone at large.
or Drl. KIDS a ccu
kittaro.4tta out at
Young Ladies' Seminary—Allegheny.
"141 t. , AND btas.ll: W. METCALF, Orin
-Ipods. mammon Weirder. September let. in Col.
11 . • Some Fade& Menet. ODOM of, inetrtip Anil
nem of %Intim the same we bantam& For milers
Clecular. or apply the Principal& ?nett'
Music for the Bloomers.
TI BIEBER, 101 Third street, sign of the
Mt: )14irsts u rer t trIrCCIM - POI:KA• ' Oh .
bautifol "mutt, of Cho Bloomor Clootsmr, prufri
riltreTort: ;Alit tr a 4Veltrjej.dutta;
Stl bosattfol air of 1;olly was • WT..
A1.',.l • **poly of Boston Tempenazo Woo Book. MI
• Td the Deaf
pamOCTOR HARTLEY, Principal Aunt. of
tbi Nom York Far Boliterr. Legato sanoanni Ids sc
to littsbargh. matter .ad IsopostsaoS st the
cup ender his ease on tax resent salt, and the [Miffing
stoma of meows shish stsinsled his trestmsat, bays In.
dome him to sspetllts his return. lib as has 0111 do.
d =eh upss eiresunstsnotb and It be siblsaltle
is those who wish to sooln3ll him, to snake an *ult . tall.
D. U. mar Its consulted. cuttll Millar non., In A II&
beera Wirt.
aklnltt seensd• hick dwelling beyond Ow bawl, lb."
on ha • • bawl
For ihtle—Property . on the Canal Basin.
LOT, comer of Penn street and Ste-2
mixes env, behadlot, tett of the Caul Se.
utach are two tbreertory Thick flouts.
Also—A Howslead totno Nan street, centthill'owth
Pr:Orono,. Munn. _zn4phe
Jsme:s _ +3prius filer,
ahoy. Attu. wee-
f ,~;~,«~
' Oen, or Pirrone aUo Connor, July 11,10.6 L
I . IE TRUSTEES of the Pitieburgh Alm
. *enrol . , bee* MU day &Cued • die - Ideal of two
Pand Stly emote o n each sham of eaoltal strut In Lb.
Pltubutab Han Craapany. payable on demand. at the of
See of the Company. JAILER IL CHRISTY,
Jylbaar name.
, . • For Salo,. .
A .
LOT OF GROUND, on the west miden
of Wambluittea etaret 16 , / feet rouUs of:ttylie
acme., HI Peet deep by.C., fret trout. on ableb le
enetal a flll two - I , at Inlet Ineellus Howe. Tema
.".. . nn ' .l S. lIE L. •
0.. .. t.. L .
e ttlorardaz.lL u tz t
- - -
IRE,BRICK—We have on hind 60,000
Pee l it t rirefu l l/Vr'gri_EV
gmzr*s• WILLING ku
. .
,CREES:—.SI boxes reccivingper
Bkl • sin LW. Bar W. by JAMITS
jylf. de Wats, snd TS Front et
FIRE BRICK-25,0410 for sale by
LlAMS—Prime Sugar Cared, Venison and
QUOlit—Lovering's Crushed and Pulver
ko 'xs. &DJ Clarl.l. %Dr .1. kr/
T EA—Prime to Extra Fine Green;
CANDLES -40 boxes
111 S=tan
s --
_kstli J .D. WILLI II 4- 00.
17 - 9110Aft-r1 WS. Vii.ftfaleiba
F l.l-31ackerel, Salmon, Shad. and
n, an try J. D. WILLIAX a CO.
J7ll • .
Valuable Property for Sale.
on the Finstutrah and Greanalmirh Turnpike, he
ums Loa Liberty and Wllltrtsburgi adkdolint hind. Of
Mo. Was. inking, Dr. John %limn, and °therm co ir blab
are metal two 01411DRODMI4 with rood y.o= l
variety' of Meet slirub in ceclu b ged
mho al
llre e t rr h er
^ variety or budded peach not alert"' trees imoTdokee.
caroatioo, bleeds alai red nestellaw) Pear end Pluto
of the gawkduality: ell in rod Littleton order. Two
Baring" the guest situations for dab ponds, whirl are
partly made. du lielleritable Otte will brjaren.
ur l en/ nb" lgirgr " " ' Wri t =
Noted for Three Prime Articles!
BEAR IN M lND'. —llloitate' Ts* Maar,
la the Inwood, booted tor selling
best S ,_. ..
P: ton ill PrIN . . r d ,
_ be beet V ell BILANDY; let Pletsbarah.
Hbould yent owed the latter Mr auditing P.P.*. ..
may hilly depertd 12P30. les polity. ALIILT
don w.fults„
MISS AM I URPIII, late of Dublin,
beheld. wishes to bad hoot 0.0 mode, JOIIN
Wadi who Isew,lt Is rupposol, to or near Plusbonat.
To Let,
LARGE commodious WAHZIIOIIIIi.2 .
,tomesetcro firma bamedisdaintrif,rm
New 'Kluft.
JUN IL MELLOR, No, 81 Wood street,
boo rereirid the following now eel Impulse of
Parewell if over fondrot wfor.;
Bentimontal. by Park:
La Rom lariat/one by Itontorn •
l i titray ,
hourly Lind . . &invading Polk.
leg or Schottlth Polk.
r ' A
%V hood rn :ft to;
'Tis bow • bon the heart S 0
Wb:re vibe f nix;
Po ,... rp u. Ors lto rra t . t . , * PinTr. 3 l% trout Norms:
Blench* end Lleette; Kelly lliy;
lokties 0 rare; Jeuky Aptt Polka:
Elti t= TAITA,°,I4I3.Itt
°nod na flrend 11.11.1
nrie p a c rxiwir the !imam Ittiligga x Polks:
tiaraolks: Warrant Polka.
pMCSERINCIII PlAElltrik my huge Ara on hula
Islas. }yle
j: bble,'Whito Fish; •
• Übe
bear Lake Trov.;
• -? b 4 ettg.. terees num
Was Goaben, reed end for We by
)02 ' WM. A.MeOLUBUA CO.
SUBLIME OLIVE OIL, in Flaming, the. beat
Muk CU th ' wn.d ' Vet.q. d eritt i l
Omer, sal Tea Dealer..
!WREST' RIACOARONI—A very superior
trP 6, l"ltr 4 tl d llfripmußo a,
. .
. MOO kurs Ilawd . o . ruterlor %Ira
10 auto Sakty /own Om We low by
fo‘—i• p a cc.
fi r s m. by the came (one
cu , usTBO
iyl3 • NE—A choice artiele,for ram •
IiOVERING'S SUGAR —5O bbbi. Crush el
Puirrrked. ter ale by
- - -
.AND - C1A 6 110 . 6K.41 . f
. 0 1 91 .
RECII.,VIIIO VratiI4W9 , ."M .
`l9 Avila Ibr 119,9*
AOKED TEAS!-Jenkins & Co.'s (of
'Maele)ptdo) napalm packed Orem seidElsekt.e,
muse. n 0 at all time be MOW bodge. sal
w*".'*lPO_ NI D
j yI2 Mott Pot Antis. Oa
rittlibtCindimati and I,oyvgille Tebr
FEW MIAo this Stock wanted at
"""f A. WILKINS 100.
Copper Stocks.
E lIAVE orders for the Stock of Ytiri
ons flinlim Oman* of Las Elorniar. Tbra.
•fsh7nrt W w ll Pk""'".' firIEINH & CO
AM W. J. PETTIOREW beget° intimate
to ti 50a.p.1!0.14.4 btono . ,datttyoso
suli Kin
&T% cir=trz . "* a * a
eon . nubile are Wad Itt the botra.and etttoi
...a emei . Lht maintsiond trier their comlbrt.
maw morale station and not rare than fear rut
b . bla .i.c.a, .1u norined. It U *brach", VIII "met
w a ll tlet h l=nre , n=anal i ens who natitate to
dente,ls9 Annnlirsain aVn , nattelle and ,
fetid idnr bi 'Rola . ot , olloottou. • . JrtlaT
8.44C0T - . 2 casisSOleni Edna for sale by.
CHEESE 30boxes W. 8., for sale IT
e. l W. HASZIAIIou.
VLOUR-300 bbls, extra Fara.; for sale by
EACHES-10 casks prime Harm.
d• by yyll & t W. lIARBAIIOIL
I MACKEREL-50 bble Net. 3, large
our uttkuel jut mem{ and tot ma. br
WINDOW GLOSS-1000 boxes City and
SODA ASH-650 cuts, of our own .manu.
beam, marrantsl °Lam blab AM A., aal b".".4
mad for de at Ito levee. markettia,br.
if/1 st-otaar Market-
•al• by }yll BENNETT. BER' CO.
HAMS .500 prime Canvassed. for sale by
171 1 . S. a W. lIARBAIIOI7I.
Itool.l WOOL!--Cash paid for the differ
ient groderbt wool by 8. a w. rwinuen.
QODA asks for totally
VOFFEE-125 sacks Green Rio, for sale by
OBACC4-100 boxes Manufactured, W:
U. CI =Ct. Elwell Itoblnsoes,abd other choke
brartd!.lby .abg by A. CUILBERTBON IXL,
11% CIT.II-•
OLASSES-40 bbls. N. 0., for salo by .
Jril A. 01:11.5ERVION £OO.
TASH-20 make pure, for sale by
.}7ll 7.8. DILWORTH f CO
Magnetic Powder,
yOß.tho Destruction of all kinds of /01 1 11 ;
—EMANUEL LYON. 1.,..:43.:1=y, Nat
orsluabltrvLfor_th•d.d Plante.
A J.,
NittnrinA.u.t.tAl thee.
Sold wholesale aml retail sr Splat t.
AJOINING the Seventh and Eighth
Wards. will take glace on th e premises, on MIMS.
, tbirlltb of JULY, at o'clsek, Y. if" commensing
near gotsh Bridge, wi th lots One Hundred feet dewy to an
Tllen bY Twenty Pottered trout on Penneyinals Avenue.
hls street is the ebortest and most heel routs fogad Lib.
11.. a rl o as tbel•avrtibarallegOle agpter/Lpta
graded and ' art y furter g tedatern Pn end
fund Plank Nand of sixteen f;t , tra. e ek.wilb • Bummer
fined on each side.
A 1.,, • number of LOTS 000 tbe 0011mr Work., mid
others near Trutin's 800 11111, on Braddeck erect- This
Oxen (being oontlituatlon of &coat etreet) has been
Mend to slaty feet, and greatly improved by • test rate
Plink Raid fecal Ms INty (througir Braddock', Fielde) to
Turtle Creek,•arul mon to to unmated with the Naas
er the glonongshela Meer by • nem NM. Id the biz
Nile Hun.
Alao. adjoining Um above. • number of burnt on Oms ,
mace stmt. which (lying between the Plank Rad and
the Illmr) are wail suited far either manufactories tn.
dwelling!. .
The Cue le indisputabla and the Lots, being of earkm.
rims, afford parchment • anal chola/on tbefollowlngemy
One.foortb.emb, the balance in them oval payments.
t 000. too, mid three years, with Interest, uncured by
l igrle rn colgg . nre f
o persons wishing to attend the
rale, Omnibuses will team the comer f Fourth and Mar
ket atreets. as alien reqtdred. lbronflhout Me lifternoon
of the male, beginning at .1 o clock.
P.,3IeIOENNA, Auctioneer.
VORN-400 be. Shelled, for .ale by
4. B. DI beroitvre
Communion Seivice. •
WA.L. BOWLS, ite.; for sale w. mum
J7lO 67larket .4. wow of Fourth.
TURM, de, o( Cornelia. Co.'s unrivalled roam-
Actors, in every vatirev, and warranted to give a stead/
and brilliant light. entirely free iiii
this danger. are
tending the toe o f Catophese and otbar
j/10 W. W. W 11.8021.
AMS--4 casks superior, for sale on con-
Dr t. WOODS t 80N.
Itres it ent
Water gt.
LARD -1500 lbs. No. 1, for Bale by
jibe T. WOODS & BON, Si Waccr
SODA ASH.- 7 23 cariliil,TaiwieWitsr7d;
s - Kurtz' s
For ails Dr jib o . W. T. WILIKM.
SHOT -11 kegs =l'd Nos., for sale by
1110 W.& Y. WILSON
OAF speAle-15 , bale. need Nos., for
1,7 710 W. a F. WILSON.
TIOWDER-500 keri-pu - gont's Blastinr,
U 0 - Elfic
^ swan mmr—an bY
10 Wit WIL&ON.
FLAXSEED OTh-5 - tasks warranted pure,
for tee by
1110 R. R.:BELLEBS. DT Wood st.
1 UNEATA BLOOMS,-9:1 tons for gale to
iNt caturosoeut, by KUM f JONIta,
jylo Caul Mao.
O. MOLASSES-300 bbla. oak. for sale
by 1110 W. t P. WILSON.
SYRUP—m bbls. for sale by
1 0• Jrlo W. a y..wiLsoN
N.O.,., TJGAR-151)
To Fonary Nei
r E ADVERTISER vrialse4 d s !situation as
maaaanAssorts. mar 'yawn
anTsla t;o7'''"a tiles ear . ' ''''` k "" w 94 "
Any tomsounteatlou ttgting toms mut other pgrtioularg
thought uotestry; odeltomrl (pott gold) to the tubeertha.
twat with pruppt otteutUo. •
1,14.1•10:T • Yawning, ObSo.
F"MrsVi". I
rEIE School Directors of 4.ovrer St, pit
To•naldp Ilbatatzdore. Ts,..Pantfty them
f their et" trx
ore. about sloe moults I. combed 7w. .
'be dosed ..
toemr ,t 4 o ari erst tars , Lot„l t lt,lM
rzo itlo otekek, to examin ona• e
all • lax ar
&re re Vatter. Any farther= .s . _ dextral,
.00 obtained fro= the ribald_ ad r th. ta
~..,B =
Pleura li a 81 [Ma
• ildtdrargh
Na Bmlthbeld =yet
grifIEESELS boxes receiving perßidwell's
v w, and Gar Ti r tWand 76 b 7 JAPOSpAIM Trott ALL.
Mff KERE :O, L 7 50 b : New Ng-11,41,1mi1e
TA i N tg NERS' OIL-40 bltmfgliffie4).7,
New Nolo,
KLEBER hag just received,,
• Melly Ely. byise C.
roe , . •
• Pweet to sung , taint.
wools from donyan's
My T.ltii'Crartl liinee.r.; . 2.lrs. Anne Wade. of
Tn A rro=r. Sorrel to l PeetrA
FN. MR meat s.rise 1100.. weal Mutt, by
Wilt Won b gone Logic - vocal duet. by A. V.
T•rn not sins.t.pilt.;bl A e t ; F i rr t. r...... r.
?VIA rilV. are rn Winter.
It won't tear Ultat3oolll2.
Sew Moore.
PotAm—llinuletta. Evergreen, Deu Ann' Jumping.
Children. Weller, Ilene Jorge)riMAn. benirreb.boiree.
Outwits. 'homburg, Itwelio• 11.6 Boats, Wellsma
tielortyW ramndikh Airewerne,
Woad iiiympt• Bilverrllle, Three Una; ete. Ain • fine
roleetkui of foreign musk.' Alga of the tiolden 11.. p, 111,
SSIAUTICIN.4-4tt. couset4fletkee of. the
demise of nr. Painool Elliott, tnt Paikinnitiln .2
aI Parin Zikasit Eni ander the illsr of
inanati Parkkin a *On l
On; Is 11th cla glirta y
niacin& ' The tinstunk
of the late rinn van be nMWAlit , Ueorair Partin. at the
Printing &ilea. Ornate Bann% Ina grrak,,.,
J LI OS et. 1161,-Joi ItLLlVlT.a'Vkatise.
Family Horse.
LARGE fine looking Sorrel liorse& ja
lto o'B'o% BELL,
JlB (At A. Wilkins A IWO
ate eap,)
100 bbli. New No. 3 Large;
' .
tin Ting. sod for rale by
I .i oAr SOWS-300 bble. tuo'd T on., for
rale by WM. BAGA
and 2) LRY At
IS ood Ft,
I ,
LIMES-150 boxes White CIA Pipes;
Jre too " Stortylln At AinalAr . sea er
QOA--300 boxes.posipl4holi btoods, for
1.7 male N V033"4.
011,-7 bbis. on consignment, for
Wats? and Vront sta.
COTTONV bales in store and for sale by
/76 Wain
(4 . OTII44BATTING-40balesTaW7,0
.11.5" 104 " g ' /3 " .4 ' 1 . b. * 0 0 :
r j A ys TifEllg-jor e bay
" DiCKEY a 00..
Seven Valuable Fauna for Ba'e.-
ALL SITUATED near the Ohio and Penn.;
'finals Reamed tO th. vicinity of daleni3Ohlet
conialoing ham to WU sem each, and in • good state
Aleo-100 TOWN LOM Daiwa the greavnt bnelnese
part of the village and the Argot at Wm:
All of. which erill-be eold on eavy tifi t ni mod.
ere. Stock In the Uhl. end hags,' a rind. or In
either of th e pailµ Pilltiltettgg, 1 on la gar
ment. • '
•-• •
aim Irish ta donate * taco of Irma. adjoining the
Deno( itnant.,to a a e on .
or 00..7. •
find • , ... 14 4. , agm..a a n . h . le n h a Wools& can be had to
- " L P lns th it h. tisrein ' i d tral point 11=111. title' or Mtn
burgh ad Cleveland; also, between Pitteburgh and Woo.
ten and Um beset to be derived from the /lank tab
imn being easstrated to and from galas, rakes it
the meat important mats on the of railroad for Nat
slam Hotel. ZA DOB BMW.
Salem. Y./n*l. 'lL—{ JAY - • •
Pittsburgh.. Life Insurance Co.
rvuE Second Installment of 'Om
es ..oh Aare of 11.0 anzdtal Or% 451 iald Onto.):
I. Polak o thqr 91.100; N 0.13 lotalh stmt. on or heave
the oral*? of .Aut
1/IX4 C. A. COLTON. beretam
Zarellow Goods!
NOTWITHSTANDING the advanced elate
of {as sew., wl. =abuts lo ralremn• dare
myna of Molt °COIN sod hair this stkM.
et sureg Plaid Blast Mks. or MittVesaTissost
d Mack 15illt Leas. On= Ds Liam, sad
;4 ,, ~,. .fteblaTallrapn. .
Jr": ems, of tetrna 1
NotIOIU COnta;sitom
Mtn/gins/AA% and Brow nr iani iz oil u tractamired Turn.
MOE is hereb given that Stied Pro-
on Wrilrillbo_.,•• •hi WWI= oble, at him bones
t i l l. until Ull• leth dor of Job., HU, tor the cra
nes of three Who of meld toad, OS eertions of X toile
irtqg between llounl Oliver and John QM..e to,
ern. to moan toestalp. By d er r of the
/OM W Xell6ll. . .
• 2 big. No.l UM;
s.areattuar. •
and tbr br 6 1= 1 1 1 1VErli P tC8. 2 " 1;
Waige .141nat dB.
111.ELS.*!-150 boxes for .by
JtT ECM ., D CADY oa.
tal . --38 bth . lb, sal* clan to amaignaust-'
Great Litwin:ea IlletCM;7'
i t. MEETING of the peopleofMie Gimittles
eV Allegheny, Wthhted. Joel thieve, u 4 of tbe
.st ea Teske. of Alin Intereeted, edit b. held es FRI
DAY, the to EN TR day of JILT. at IS b'eleetdedth.
et FLORENCE, Washlegneenbety, to We the sear
%r ad
th e I Teethe of the Pittsbooth
The Root. oil then to Te.opened. 131 bthjarethen& air
reeetebtg anteeriptionA To the molter...loth of the
1 134 t. Chart.. NATIor ;' and others. CU add...tb. mote
es on the general etddeet of EAU rad police,and will .z
-road,he detail, the Importance tad adven
and the lodlthenasble nethatty Tor lb tadeedlate
eembletton. Ef orderet the board of Otharthedeben.
• L. LIVINGSTON. Preddret.
If Lorene. Pee I tiMSSL
SYRUP MOLASSES-27 bble. B. Strap
mimes, • euperk¢ Article. for sale by
LASTBURY a Tale; by Anna Harriet
.12,1 Crary. authoress of .Frlotds sad Fortunes."
not So Bad ae Ws Seem: or Many Odes to a Cbarteen
Comedy to are .eta; by 81r1.1. Balser Lytton. But. As
r ag i=gatin i lL=Argit* th eiM "'" of
The Itsuelder of Mitt s story 'o the preentt time bY
S. W. Fallon. Tbe above Po reed and for de by
/Off IL C. BTOCKTON..I7 Market st.
Black Tea from Liverpool
chant lot or Strew 'and Sine Inseam!' 00NO0U
IXAS. lettklt arca trial .01 finand to aro• Ma abed
.1 stay in Ittraburyb. The nubile are Ineittal In • Uwe
.... 1 1. . • .
. “NeAf...
SPECTACLES have.a complete
.Inek of Gott. Silver Led Meal lipastarles, sod Chattiest
quality of guava. and roam Glum% Wo Mum to
every variety of vlatiot, wadding to Ito beat phis a
optical mane. ila)
1,7 .100 .Line Bank a Pitteburnb; •
400 " N. and H. Bank
100 . Esetuoo. Enquire of '
WM. A. LULL t CO. .
jy3.lllotAwB Esehance Boaters.
10 Ws. Greeag
4 " Lank
I keg kart
/ MIX Beeswax
. . ._ . ... __
l il .. rc. ~.
1 .. • Wool; bow bmdinsper Mamma
Cape May. for lads by IBALILI DICS.KY A Ca•
. /74 LSO Wikber nreat.
Birmingham and Brrnenroille Maoadamiud Tarn
pas and Plank Road Company. • ,
NOTICE is hereby given that the Steak
• holden In add Company an xanfxa to n. 7 th.i.n ,
Instalment or Five Dollars en each than of tutorage
bed. to the ?mummy, (William Larlener. /Wens the Of-
Wends day of Jain MI; and tha second tnatelmeni of
Me Dollar. an each ebare subseytted, on Ma fon day of
ilmenat next ' By ceder of the limed.
.173.1 d JOllll IIeBEE, Bonatery:
(Dispatch '
•• •: 3,e.4 or 7;
bet.o r...4,e0 at HOL l ES` iltatari Dalat T ibbd
. °apatite the Pod 06lce.
, I 'V • ight m Prt y
and ente i r.lll=l.7l . to &rare wear. At.,,
tyj s SlCartd% ticodx—a awmortte t ton rad
t or " MUILPIIII .
Busenrm.a have received a fee . pied* Dine sod
k T.W , A Peach Cirri he, or • good quality. Also—
Meek Drab Ms, for warier r..ta. .02
THE UNDERSIGNED have entered into
Caportnership tinder the Ann HAGNY t LAW.
L t to on the PAPER ANDDUMINU'
tosnitit • Lifil ..PLI of. Pere;a o t., " =".g la
part as
Mtitlng Panora Wore sod Lald_,Anunitan gni
Bath Ports and Note Parer; Wore and Latd,l% ll 4
Polio Post. Flat Cans. Printing Paper. all Ass.
Hardware Perna. frona ln tn. BS to 40 !sy 48. _
Colored and Vo hits Thum Pa
i tar:Anierkeui and English.
o:ll lk nXand tshile Shoe Papas. common mass - trail:a.
Buff Envelope Paper...
Colored Printing and Cora Paver. "
Msnllla Panora all sins. _Glazed gm al, all mks.
.llng o =Bix t , ! ted ium nal Altering Parer!.
Bonnet.lla ...igt,.. Wsd P'Ana.,.713,nrg0...
Binders% 80. Cop oil Frank Board. '
FMB. and 808 Bardneg ' , egad...Ur-nth:4e sad Cud
Agate kr Bliss. Potter Co.. paniiir caws, I.
taicb and sheet. white and colored—aid sine. eat to or
den Figu
Alma their Gilt. red and Plain Gland
' r
JOSEPH WINDY. late or SS N. Thlrdr n.
N.B. LAWRENCE, late of No. 8 Minor ac
N. knaor kW Vatted to eirhang• kr east.
ACKEREL-5 , 1 5 ) bbl. Large 11 .. o.1;
teieiting per Cpl and C,r see br
vir,,tir R.
VRACKED COCOA—Free received
and ix aate by WM. A. M<CLUILO
-Jr= • Uracera and Tea Dania= •
ery dewription, fox gade by'
or ale br WM- J-1130CLURG k 00,
10 Gram. and Tea Deism
ta be excelled In quality' and flavor 'by any tbe
ty—eontently an hand end tor di by the helfbeet. ce
et retalL
Retell pione-4nc.O2Sie end 75e:
I !Wean* to thmtrita u tt i f ve c n u tlty.
tietcyte end Ten Dealers.
LAKE FISIL-25 bbls. Laic; Trout , (nEwij
7,lst rewired attar %IN;
. 'NSW Mike.
rvtik. SPIRT T POLKA, composed by EL
it. /Etcher. and dFI to Stephen C. Pods, of this
Inert,'• Wig, gad by IL Blebs, glared Dl
Dyvirly's Bad --one the nowt popular viral:4 OA
Alegy Ply, with Laths.. be Pe. , • ' '
Doter , Jones. with variation, bx Pa l o. '
The MM.. of one Seam by tieorge Darker.
Also. a tine selectlogot Foreign innate too Plano. in. 1,4
Vio 4, 11. YU:BM. 101 Third street. .
.140 elgritif the Goklea liart , ' 1
P. 6.—A eplendid tot Of new PIASIOS now perdng.
Stie o.ol' geed atioand-haial 6 esters Piano for old,
ladlam. Arml Doub/atinnra Hues, for WA wholesale
and retail by WALTRIL P. MARSHALL,
hi 116. 5 Wqr4 IRMA.
HEMP— 41. bales Missouri, for solo by
CVzor°N—lS We i l; for . s i ll= m3 a
LEAD -1359 pigs Galen a, for sale by
FRIIIT-1450 W.. prime Peaches;
$4O & CO.
REFINED SUGARS—I 24 bbliCertlehed,
Pulverised. a:4,0411W Bbest New 'Sark
Ursa& the aele -; X 03, •
400 ad 3.) Wm; st.
RICE -86 tee. fresh Carolina, fee sale by
Jai Wt. VUOALEY 01.
AR C 130 bbls. N. C., or sale by.
LU MLEY 600.
BUTTER -13 keg's Sp , r o irt . c g s y a
VI:LEESE-2GO boxes W. R., for axle by
COLE LEATHER ~EGG Bides best Hemlock
Tanned tip( YAKbr sale br
J. 30. • WIII.IIIOALU k 00,
(CASTOR OIL-10 bbls. extra cittalitY, for
Jeae sole by
' HAMM ETljk
,LA b T -
Seam 4 st.
YlO IRON-60 tons superior, for sale by
3c30 BAIRD a 1:111111. •
DOSIX-200 bble. for 5a1...9
J. 14
TAR- 200 Ws. for al l4. Di alirm
.1.74,! IRYLf
ELt i g? bble. Nci.
ICE-50 tierces (to arrive) for sale by
jo,lo , DAM) & IRVIN.
THE Annual Meetingof - the: Ettheiholders .
of the .Atlaotle end OhtoTeleaehh Compaq...rill
1. eld. ea.:ready_ to ‘4 Uhefter, on Thareday. JMi 17th.
tld o . clock, 4. If oat we Codr , D4hee o'e. I. the te or
.11U0orgh. for the Ferro. of emoting Nine Otreet4 to
= forjhe exrd .
b oa yer 6 and to trtotect rub es
a the Di:lade: m. l
' r" I. U .Ir. rtrila - o l a ' !" 7 .
- JeUtd t : , O
ff• ,
INDIGO & NUTMEGS— On consigqaent,
M srld <hen to clooe it ha u mom
HID-25 . bb1e.. for
. isalq ba niu
a - ra r -
_apeilos Shirt 44 Ma li =
1411xsettY. BUROtiFIELD have reed
thle morning mother supply of doe Mahn Mos.
s. Alto on bend. Bonn
sod libUtitLineni.prtenzed
dbeetly front the rnanufaetnrer's agent% anA an be Irv-
,_ ~_j• 1 ~1 ~dh
JarIIESE TILES axe more dnniblOthitublar
. blo, and UM VILIiOtY 01 color. ood ILißr i tr!X Mot
r aro wad for churches aatiLtV e t ... 7 , 4n2
and for Vertllooks. pion
.. "' 11. "': i44 " °4l / I ELRMES MULE,
1.70 Poorl stmt. ewer TORE •
BLACK BERAGAn additional supply
wed Mr mangos tit* dore of
__ lrma
jo:13 • /11.11iP11 , 1 BMW
COPLEY'S POT CLAY - 1U tone for sale by
.jrzs J. SC1100:111LLISER. k
OIL--I.4 j. bbla , . x f:4r m eale
foleta o % a ca.
6.1411 E-1011 tbls, for saleTiow by
• J. 0CL100N3L1.6134 00.
SAND PAPER-00 reams ass'A, for sale by
SPONGE—Extra flue Turkey, for sale by
• 24 Waal irt.
&MTN GROUND IN C U , sans.
It1:4101.--46 and U 2 deg, strength, for
ale To I :71 J.SCllootillAKlallr 00.
MITE 1:1111E-3 bblo. for sale by
Je2: • . J. 190Lt00:011 KEA a 011.
ALLEN'S Nerve end Bone Liniment-4
S ° " *4l4° . b 7 . IiCIIOON3LIEZR CO.
tr. lure and bum be ...41.107
rTAINAVE just received from New York
other lure tat of nor style WINDOW COMM gal
BANDS For sale low. •
:4 I • .4 00 . I • 'O. • 1111711 ,
. ".17 " 4114 41. JORN WATT &IX).
• 00 bbl. MM Lorre No. Nadin%
15 • , N 0.2 "
bt. bbla Na
DO bbla Na I
th at. Llerrior lU ,
Nitro Family Flopy;Ylor We C.
le2l 010 WATT CU.
1851.Wts N
Itnakirk sa d the aria Railroad. enstneellos Irangelase stamina cm. Lt. Erie, taii
Ina ky n* Cladnuati. Cleveland sal Pittsburgh. sal
nandas aad Chadasati tallrowte, sod -1121 Oil the
Obkl Milnaaltai IftErl. sad the Was, Lisaa sad
(Siraillaya cram.)
Menai Wwkrses Treick at- 6 o'clock.
-. 21 " ltsll "lu
- booing Exert.* :" TX
tlTllteltr".."'"'"mceni+z 9"tehaUMilnitib%l"bee'rsrlll=g."‘"
The Express Irelght sad Chide Trate lance Duet:pita
t A. kL daLlr• • Pa n e Cos Ls attschut se this wni•
smotossodshildter Pessewomittid Drwn.
/511-lfese hula DookLrk to New York. 311. Sword Clan
mires will be Limo In • hws Cosa
This Ccworway are ElL , ort t to tngle/Wye stock awl
- t'Wtk Pas=ilte lon will be mkt to Stock. The genie
Wog 6 Wet id& gimle t :4r westat=scre
WAcroltal Trains will be eacioilsalowls; •
" %eight Tariffs will be dotilbuted, wiring toll
len to mord to the pion of Freight. se .c ony tt . jra
' GIiAN.3ILhOT, u
L 'i.Wsit a nay, Aram Duatisk. •-•
~~ .. ~.
LN CONSEQUENCE of the decease of John
Menden. the pertonetelp kmretufone existing beerene
Went Carob la haeby dissolved. Jain r, cols le
folly euthaelead to Fettle the bustles of the late flyze.—
MI venom Metes claims .111 New parent these Oa
payment. Pitteloarob. Joky 123.1.1_,
Co - VODE ic COLE,
The business of the Agency of the Penii
'fiends Central Itsßrad Compass erth benteflas be eon. •
dueled under the =Me mistral of
earner of Penn mat Wavle CO stree M
Pittsburgh. Jul/ f0t.18.51,--i ho
iscoomers to Mimes a e,..vesea - •
- • Canal Barin, Penn &red:
Penna. Bail Road Co. - -Central Bail Road'
rsubscribers having been appointad
veins %pat. spr gat
mem the rails that ve aro no+ prtrusd to rs.
bass WIT 111.31112 t Of TritiChlySale 1 , 14190, Ithiplsl.o2
Goods via this =Ma will be-I:lulled thryosb to !Ifs dm
.td W =wined to us mill le fonsarded Dee of aOinnts
alotti oe ch.g.
Dltai rr a ,
~ ,U =r, w,a . Booka,btattnaan,Cuttere,Cordbeb
Pandron. Drum Median..
Nadlerr. to. to. ILoo V ICO Ibs.
iba,i,na, oineroonre, Orae', rtha,Dye bt OW, Lealber.Moyer, rlaz,Tbnotbr and other Gnu
Wool, to. 6011 4 00.
Beet Pork, Batter, Lard. Lard Oil. Tobin* Int, ma
Tallow, Grain and Ran. We * 100
Alba, }I arbb. (rough) Tar, Pitch, &eta, Ilernan Ow
Bonn, Baron, Le, 500111 W.
Damn Peon and Wayne stunts.
pituborgb, Aptly Ist. 1851-079
: :1: 'i A: •
• Eiptas Packd and Rai ioaci Line t Ovekra.
PASSENGERS leave every morning of 9
o'clock: by etestabost to - Beaver thence by
eastatneekete to Itavennajbewe by Pitdboxyhaerdirrec
land Mama to Cleveland.
To Cleveland. 95 honer, To 'Debbi t. 35 hence;
kto Chleaen, a 0
11'1'74" . 7 theoa
I 11tC11111A T ,
Colcoalme arot Xenia. by Cleveland mot andonott
.• • •
P =rot ibr petrol& Chirp . , ysl t hlllesultio. haen
C' eset ' sees onrtoikette 'n'g gertlltatrioll ' Vth,V,
thews st TM o'clock. A. M.. br_
_ltallzosd to Now
and smiting sante evening at tMinso by stainnibost.
Doris& km water let the Ohio titer. thls touts to Clods,
S t /wilt sad Galena. rill to ford tench quicken.
chesser,And olesaaster, tins say other.
Oi.e o k PARMli.Potiotetotet
for He
bibbb 7olll 7 Cl7ollEY, Asapt,
(Up date) corm of Beeithluokt sad Water ehrem.
ohpaalhe the Moseogshela .g
Or to R. IMO littraD e Ageet,
011%* =der St. Mules lleteh, Wield_ 'beet
. .Fortyitiz hours to Philadelphia. . .."
Party - -four hours to Baltimore. -
281 miles Railroad-103 miles Caial.
• UM/. nOirIAND 4:017011=111. MST •
- - • , - NEW YORK.
Stir' I:7 free fro?' the ry eAFgs axd pollen:ow
pica Lisa.
Two DIEM rrt
Packet Boids.
'°IEn T LY
lEAaPttiurgrorJohstown, ih . en;f
Aby Itag• R.d
Two Lint aired andTarty4ha =lndia= to .' •
ag, Irra,...naosxwbar.t
and weary mains at ths so=
-I= to now.
Philadelphia. $lO. Fare to Ilatintan.
; sto Una . star la do Jltimom arrisbargVhdia.
fai Bal
Tate the Ta l r 11 1 Moi berlsad no r isinars.•
on arrival .of Can at that tam. =tam Aeighty
tour milea)• Tis= TOUR home.
No dune for handling Nonage on this rOitte:
Tho Otos ma this roots a.m.. and of the zooid ma=
ad eanstrattion h eap ort and =hey.
If poll dopes ch trin=ins and contfortah— le was=
=dation, tee= yms Ida= .
• Dim POMP.
D. LE ECH & CO. • •
/BM - WEBTERN • 1851
MMAP_. vu- MEN*
. .
'pirilipille G H.. _PREIADELTIIIA, BAT Ll—
. .
reszia ,. .behigin' good order , -we ire
wets& esi to traneport troCoen ned metrlgendlse,to
from the shore &dee, at the lowest eureka rates al
Ire ht. with promptnere =I dlepatelt. The took end •
eke are owned and eantrotted firth. ypmromien.. Bab
of lading testmodtted, and all tnrttuetlaos TontoldlT et ,
tended to. - . •
. - ~.
Penn aver. Pit:W=lTb. -,
Iterfttlza Depot, Nos. IS a le, kuTV2Thu.:
DellrenintDepot Woe. et. Mtn.
• 111/1711 a MUiCLSCIId, liana. - - _
N0.,18,, North et-, Beltignore' ,
T. a PEARCE, Amt. -
lee ' No. T. West street. New Trak
lag, 1851. MEMANI!
' . NONONGLICILL 11013131. •
Pm Brownsville and Clunbaiand, to Baltimore
lad Philadelphia.
Krl3lo BOAT leaves the Wharf
acne the Bridge 'dab, at II dela& Mclean eeh•
with the ads at Chabeliend hart tusdeir. .
The , Boat beteekdepy Moot hattday e
g 6 age st k i= l " nta """
Thee I.l33Vaith to Baltimere,_B2 . hews. Fare may P.
Three thraezh to Pldledelata. 40 beetra• Fen. only 11 . 0,
The Stational geed_ aoersmd. Condattore go.erith
the Meet. tetra% HlVerheetW Cumberlied.
makee thls decidedly the best
i r.
Lmy7 OisenheMo tama
laßiaiat' 1851. lied
Orin° Palmylvania and Ohio Canal',
WHIS well known Line ie now prepared s to
cna t "Mt fr in t .or polson paaaentera
(Ml and jr 3la
fatUltles of am Lim nosuriZed in n anber.a"nuaT
ll7o.l comity of Bost; narandom of latla. and
.One &Arms Planbn ttandOcrannldsO =IV
In Bona U m with • Llsnif naemtnada betretin ' PI
IMMO II and 882YYa. and • Llm of Madsen etasnalmtn.
(pnalana and amnia)... an IM .
cossioxxxit" -
Pub A Co.:Vourams. 04 •
Lin t irriC9oton%ll.l, 04
prmam t Linamos. On 0
. , Kent,Onencl Pavan. flen. ' •
H. A. MUM. Onniman
.Wtmeinr. Lee A an. AUM
G. ALUM t‘Oetroa ;a , diad g s z
• Dal onama in
car. G w l ster thk" ma Itatiladfir
Wm. M. McKnight
TS 'Pe special attention to the Oortea.
ttan oT eLI ulbr Neretauste wd otter, I. Wed'
era heals and Eastern Odic, •
Mee adl.eDtodte Kgr'eeed W. 2.;
PI Mb •
Ikarraneer.,—JOhn MardioALL9ezi%D.X.Whiht.:
Ikon fluerten. net W. , -
- - -
OAF SUGAR-50 loaves Covering's Don- ,
eL Beflaik, sled sad ibt Inds LT: • •
A. or every it... nada o. Duredk .
45 ' B I V 3 ""' d figg k taThrl.''Ott=
INSEEO OIL-1000 gallons *0 anirey
liAll aside br .1.11:13D C0..110 Wool 4.
Me hu janzeetrt and violet, law
alas and ikgetre:Bus., $34 other &lr
boxes, now :landing and fox
Midi! DICER s 00.;
• warn sad Pratt Its;
eI.HKESE--WO bores in store, forsake by,
008-300 doz. for Bale bT
. - _
VICTORIA IAWIIB-3O_pieces reedAmit
• •
.ItA i ti4D. ,
_MUSLIN-50 pieces desirable , bj
New Booke
•-•• ST; a pew= ; reprinted
4;r44o.l=truit=7,3t a.
.P ur
oionc Ws Ws of Mrs. klafir•r.t.Ngu . .. 4...x.i,.
Jaketo.7., ofgkols gown of EMU :Or Jamb anix4:4
FLU! Book of tho Revolt:al*.
No f of London Labor sad the tarloo ftxtr.
.J el Y r lp sho re gookol Jutanki oats er
TON„ klyrketal..
Pare Brandt for Diarrhc* &c.
LIE AR MlNtl i fhouid you need rreneb
..binakar.. the MT am be obtained st o.l=l<,
mom ha the Diamond. t per boort ea tattle.
1 111 E - BOARD I%ll 4 4'B—For sale at 25c.
by Eon I,II.IIIIIIALL, la Wed se
i .. ; .