.• •. CAI , • ESTAALISHEIi IN 1786: PITTSBURGH GAZETTE: ,P.1.113L1511.1:1) DA.7 - 1 - 4:. AND .IiCEITIY. int . ;- ma na rim r artutr .au,, I** TO TES rose ono • DAILY-Nov. dollanywar armani;Paiabls bet iisattrl • 2 Doman ifmil in adranea. , WHEKLY-1. - 1.5 dallart.per 50110115.• in 'itttrali 11 be suppll vl on its felostas oondiNd 2g,21t 11.7. i 0 0 0 - . • twenty ovin do 2) The packet ',Teach Club to be&dinned toone person; NA tote d 1 trarlably - sdnann. No Cub Perna whi be ant the roar noires, union the money le sent 1 1 1 r, • ' RAW!' OP ADVERTIXING. 6 • .; s c ,....ooUzei of Naurodeil or bketi • ' . -.D0.-. .:.aaQadaltfooel htaertloa_, 1 70 ' M•51.1.115,—...--..- 3 u 0 Do. : three mandha.....:. Cg.' —.12 00' - Do • twelve la 13 00 • Slandlur Card , (0 tine month. per a.an3-13 00 0. Wier far each addlLkand l Sonere....stale at pleasure (rest aural @aloof ths raper.. ..21 00 0 101111,11A1 oruar, inset" , 4 ,oo.. .introlartantitb. oar 4 [hr nth 9.41 yearly rata. : , 11.1riailunanta excaellhas a sawn. obi not ons tdtn ho to be charred • Poi halL Pn khan not eccountable for legal advertisements bu , lonan 'l' tt.fitur=fre! Ar Vgg,ratr*- the same ' . other advertimments. •-. . Save nbelneots ned marked on Um espy' tar a sternal tiunal , r of insartio., will be continued tUJ farbkNand par moot no accordiur4. - • ' " ' .vertisen itriedly. unwed to AN47OVri l iggegaN basin% aI. end 'ell ad aartisMents for the L.:debtor other p,rsocaanrell andladratisnamatenot loam diatelr cruneetcd silk, their own and all elem. of adrathamente, to length or oche star tura. . 0! *0 be ch.gtd at dm unalnhis tole .all fladi trarvitat adVerLisllss, bills-Rill [A, ecishatn7 Sod prompt parmaot 1. desired. • 111 ,All advertisements fur. charitable institutions. Ore ma- st ponies - crud. toonally and other public randhars, and n , ouch li)te, to ta: &erg ad', 0.10 prim, parable aarktlY in ad. ranea. /derriere notices to be out 00 note. Death no inserted without e,01e0.,e Saxony. eitaf br funeral havitati.e or obituary r.otion and then sHe avier sia.l.ssl4 Paid for.. ' e adv , rtleers, and all Gt.. ending Pone, or or re/511 - 155 . 5c455. derlmaed to call attention to Pair. [kdrool,, Con=rta or any .1110 entertelnalente, when, shams are made far adratNamo-01l notbaes of pri vate arsoolatious-evet7 notice desof egli.l call attention la Pinto ente n prises; nleuluied or ,ha to prosaic. into 'Anl interrat. can only to to si tho naderaind. Po rted that the name fie Jobe trill. Oar- loteadal to be' in. po lathe local sal... the was sill be charged .1044 . see not leas 'Weal° cen1.15•11,115.: • -•- •• • • -Bisho or 412 r. Noltleen to be daargedhiPlo rotas ' ' Sanwa Llc.re Petitions 32 Real Datate Agents' and An5010.15.115' strartieetniads . not to be olamod nude, yearlrrstes; but to he eland a die taSluont uf 1 0 1 obs and 'one third pep, pent. boat the runt ,riusn=ur 51111 earru. Conn &maw, three incortions.:-... Do. Ail each 117 . - 1.551117 51115.. - O. So.re,llo hues) . tosordon-......50 ends. Do. each additional nsertion..—ts ants tram - lent advertisements Wte paid in BUSINESS.CARDS:. ATTORNEYS AMES F. KERR, Attaimey at Law—Office ey Pourett et. taterttet,Emlthftel4 god Grtett, bureau OS: WEAVER, Attoiney at Law,Fouttli suet. poor the Mayor's 0111ro, - Pittsburgh, Y. o.a- Eetioaa Amended to promptly. . • myrzlr.tkg • U. palm. ouretarr. I ~.a umr.asola yaw& (Late of Voiorrtowo,lso f. of ladloas, d 'IIIIPHANT TAY R, Attorneys. at %Jr Law-o®q on rnerthstreet,No.BZ‘botwornlrood tUal Smilbteld rnve.ts. Pittsburgh. Po. t • .• N.. D. Olipb vat. 00161111145101161 Tor the State of I HARRISON SEW3ILL, Attorne at Law own Mato ComaltaSoniet ita . laktoz r i l.a= Mt= of Deeds. ary. 7 r 7- 171 ' N ' Ir w " 00e. Potrath greet. aboie EitedbZ. 11" W. F. WHITE. Attorney at Law-of f) dce roi Grant strce4 war frarth,iu Arthare Dual. lux. Plttrbargb. P. ' I =Mar ' R. Fc . G. .L B. PETTERMAN, Ater -6 'sera at Law and Real Eatalittaants, 'N0.107 4th Meat Pittahnegh. • ' *MO' . N;Atiotnerj itt Luw, °fru* 111 TUO=2lll4l, corner of Orpac •rest se=aoard MUNCIE C. FIANEG Atterneyagaw, N0. , 170 Fourth amt. Pltulistrgh. - • - CrklV.iTSON,lii.ttarteri at Law, So. /ID Fourth etrzert. PittebstrO. _ • .—..ilosszulce Da7; Jot. Euri , .. ra44.1/... tolOicere..* Ga; lint. B. Pusan Jahn Ilso.ftg,l'Aer. “lancatt4 ti.to. Jar.bonaltutbsagh. jaarar• • BDWARD P. -JONES,-Attorney at Law: Oat* on Fourth stalat, between Wcoct na Smith-. JAVES.: BRADY; Attorney 'at Lair, No t 9 Fifth sti-ett:Pittsbarsh: ~:7kr:.a:1:~ , :t: u~:~:r~}:caa:~ IFIEORGE E. ARNOLD A. CO., Bankers: ILA Desists in Exchange. COW. Ptak Notts, to.. b 10.74 !math street, nest door to the tank of Pittsburgh. Col. irsr: o. corm. V. IL WILLIAMS & CO., Bankers 0,4 Eseturire Brokers. Nath East tomer of Waisi it s t ri tenp , .u.dtkna. , D. )llNG,Banker and E 'change Broker, sweet. Dealer hit Bank Xotos. Mils of F:o.. Gold and Sayer. Stocks bought and ookl. The Lashed market prise mid hunkkiatinarip Salt Dollars, mat hleminus andnr.ffon kiat VVI M LARIMER, JR, andiroker v Men:et. Na o,lBod:dug the ßanker Bank of fittgburgh. •t c •CO, r , .. Ex0., .Bracers; HOLMES t SON; .Dealers in Foreign • sod Boma , Bills or .Exclos, Certithistes of Dso Dank Not arm Sp Sped .. CD no Market most. Mt. - ses.Colleodorgs owls co It the TeodPet oniol K RAILER k'-51,1,7Bankers and E_• ot is 4cgi' m ti. Di r gr.— IXlaporaer Teird lad It ad streets, arectly opp.ita irCAROTHERS k CO., Banking Home, Ho. Wearatreetaltbbargh. Cwera. Mow re. vo • d I'. Deposit Collealcas made on all the tainelpa chin of the Uniud Sham -• • . sazan.l OM A. MP. BAIRD & IRVIN, Conimission Mexchants and 811111roken. Nd. 11 100 0& 1 Amer- Plasma stml TrAte aeollitles.fro. 1 tO.OOO alms pa bud L [Alt ~e. ALITEA, lIANNA CO., * Successors to ara 8e0A314 Tholuley, Walnut Co., "Am dealos um Forel= =I Dom.noau.haage.CNortifientes of Aroma, Hank Note..o opcdo—North Wen miner of vtocunua rtantcumot mow tootittu 01. ,Wt. Malt Checks for ale, and collodion. mole on Door je lathe raludpal points a Lb. United Etats • • The blare premium mid tar Foreign and Undo= ja - W. TAYLOR,'Coinmisisioner and Bill ‘JII, Broker, 112 Pu ma d dive. Strict attention will b. given to all busbies , etitrustail to h 4 cam. Pittsburgh saanuraatonal articlee al vravittutial or procured at thret naticsa , -Kam /Win, Mar tr, tsagotiattut au Ws-terms Mn tuadt.l nutilual• lU66rITON, late johnStbn • eatokanlleT,Stationer, Mau, sad Mudge Der of 'Market and Mini ncyborich. JIAS. B. HOLMES' Ctielii6 Litirary Depot, z Thlrel sheet. oppodt• th e Port - 015*.• New Boots rtb , deBY by clime.. Batectiptlevt_teestrsd to say of the Motion or Bowyer.. tettained o, th s 70341,8eg `:, too er an , tttattpaer, Foortb xtroet. A • a, 't CATMT DEALER. M'CLINTOCK, Manufacturersind Im m Iv= t= Vare CI WN.BS Fourth rt-, Waal 4_ Pittaboryis. cozemssioND FOA:WkUMG. n IV. POINDEiZE ft, corner of.Wyder and Lit,..lklartet strests. pittiburgh. Cittrateinfb YO•s brsg:sgtt flog% and Pm the purchase EMUS% I= %stern Pr - dues. :444. 17 I lush and the Mau artistes of Pittsburgh guterQie. • • Also--Manz for the Weer eljtarper son's selebrsted Honore erid'ua Pants, of P prices; sod J.A.ka a Ceram.i.rmekopi,Teas.W C .:A. MVANCLTY CO—Transporters, Cala Ilstri, o orsu 11%. rtgetgt.t.ba . rit. "4m" h i rr. TROX .. . . - won IPLIOODS SON, PRODUCE DEALERS sun Coaminip,..slere.w ata. Ao. a Water stmt. . - El: 11, 'JOHNSTON. Forwarding jutd eammixedozi Slcetwat, Ko. 113.EeonQstmt., NER & JONES, Forwardjng and Coin: bfadoa umh,Lots, Amino In Prolnns and flit.. Manufantnrul undo.. Canal Buns. any- Ilasenth 1. ARDY, .RigEs 8: CO.;. &ideation to At. iced. Jones Jt Co.: Oularmission . and Forinadtwjler, dealer. In Pittatarg4 Mmobetural OodlA•flits• MITS:Vatto;i3X; • m:TH:r.ir • If it-, A. L■l6Xl a CO- PRTH0CE411.4...... LA/MOATS CO. V.IMIL A. MASON CO., Wholesale sad Retail Fancy aaa Stapl4 Dr/omb, 6231aket evtger DRITTISTB 112 R . D. HUNT, Pentiet, Corner or Fourth ' 4V b beeetne et., between blintst end WOOL 'k)2:wmrrs 4UI A , LEE, rot Iwe and lit(, Ilmmbants for the nolo of Ammican Onnis, ?M. In Llbertilio PlUsbnntt. b. W.- TURBAUGM, WOOl Merchants,' S -16Yloar and Prodoe• '666 , 6611M64 Yoe grarclth ,610amtaki.1131erelmt6. 60. 41 , 161. .6 116 566664. 126 e 1 . 66.41161reh: • • :/:: t :$uY:~ : x:. iY4T! tinerters : and Wholotsis Ihnlirs Meagan: sad atlary. Ne. 127 oat str•le. Pittrtinra!, JBW L W.: WILSON, Watclkes,Jewelty, Silvers inr• wax.-ond ]tllltArt Ociab. comvs of Nal.4lMl !Med ritiabOnib.ra•ll B.—Wstoaeonad Coots • ' ' =NM DEUGGD3Tt3 FitiNESTOOK '& CO:, Wholes i a t it . .c l nt=et .u l=lticonl mad I r ma n t :nx" • _. : - ti.. 4. u: Isms] [... C. 11 . DOIFILL , CY.S.V.R & McDOW j_ ET,L,jSuceessore t 4 to Kerr t Keyeer,) Whelessle.Vel. Baton Drag sod SOMe elope, earner of Wood Moo Ord 'Mao wor Thra.4.e proorlptloar carefully emopeonded Pieta Itn4 Co.,ViLolesale Druggiift . .Deali • •••fiirallttee Gat. D.Te SturfL lu et* . of Ilr.llltmete l e celebrated Worm ce 114 sad Mom drroy: No. Olt reamer of Wo arid Vaarth biretta, rittsburli. Orders will be carefully t debt xrel belearded diwootob. • E. 'SELLERS, Wholeiale D6aler in Drees, Palate,Dye Rens, 'pas: Versishes. 67 food street, Pittaburih, Ps. Oasis erarrante.,l, St.N, WICKERSHAM, Wholesale Druggil ‘ r,, f , ;% 1 . d. d Agl;l7,lllrtelb..lmplem, TUDZILICIL MUM -.- 13 ati. RUM Lt REITER; Wholesale and Retail Druggids, corner of Libr . rty sto St Oar .. Pittsi sis.s • SCHOONMAKE R&CO., Wholesale Drug ai'rts. No. 24 Wood mt.. Pittsburgh. GROCERS 10 , 1. WILSON, Wholesale Groeers and omminilon 31erolualte. Agent. for roar of Du No .118 Second, old 147 iron[ Its. opl aL. SIIEE, lirbolesalelarOcer, Commission eMerchant, and defier In Paper and Rip, corner at n and Wenn aprets. Pittsburgh. QAMUEL P. SIIRIVER;%IVhoIessIo Oro- I ecr, Produce and Commisaion arc' Muu i Meret N aat . s , a szal• d D e l st: e S s od M smt, b d twee n Wod a d nd A d r l e t l bd t ll..soghT son DISVOITII 1,111.17111. 4f .N.S. DILWORTH & CO., Wholesale , ri..rs. Produce and Crumbed= Merchants, and ta ere Uward Powder Lb.. of liwardriU.e. °ann. :No. 3 Wood at., Pittsburgh. 4.1 if ..1=1:11M. V. W . IRER E & INGthia Wholesale 11_110roorni 6.041 150 Er 15151 in Commiedon bso.ols.Merthaltls, N 0.116 Rate meet, et mot, 01115 HEY, 31ATTIIEW ud S CO., Wholesale • 4? l ijn3 ght. eattl Wisltfrl,lll32tV • JOHNMiI.... wo WATT _ „ & CO.i Wholesale Grocers, Camatitsion idirrchards, and Dade. 10 Prcdvai and b • ; • Idanabeturrs., No. 2.66 Liberty stavet... iltld• •• OANYEELD,Iate of Warren, Ohio, . 01.1,111¢1051 and Fargagivag ilerelaant. Whole. aM Deake fa,nestern Roam Cheme, Dente, Pot and Pearl Ash, and Western Premium generally. Water street, Walreen Smithfield and Wood. fittebnert. 5 ..: F. VON BONNIIORST kr.; CO., Whole p4o al* Orocerg, ForwaralloS • mad Omen= Earl = Dealers in ritteburgia_ Mantaielazers Wesient Prednee. N 0.36. maw of irpat atteet and Cluxoe- 4..0. Pattemsgh. ' • .tararrit - w i hr • o esale r.ll.tzL' • • MIL.. 1,61111.8—..—.. ..... —4.l= J. smarm: &MILIEU &. BiNSETT, late English,' Gallagher a . Co.,Kbolessl. aroma Comalssai and az Merchant. and Dealers la Produce and Idris , to K an.llntsetares, No. 1= decood ad. sad in Fast sa. between tars dadtbfold. wont Wan. , .--ann a. uni.......wAtin C.' Dm OcrizWILLS ft ROE, Wholesale Omens and unkent Nertnno. Ha Zi L,b rtr find. . OBERT MOORE, Wholesolo Grocer, j3 k i , .. ..ItectirybairDirtittecr. dealer In ksolum. Pitts b ' gal / 4 itl"aniti d . ItiIIOBERT DATJYLL t C 0.,• Wholesale Nwbn*Ra.l4nnLetnre~. Na 2• i.IDenY sheet Ilttsbmst, 11.0 BERT A—CIINNLNGIIAM, Wholesale Groom Produce Forgranihnot. and Conindulnn lie, tut bailer N Liberty stunt, riitaboirgti. INIL 11.101/.... 500T 0. C 03610., . BAGALEt CO., Wholemde T. Oro . am. N 05.13 anal 23 Wald Arse, Plttsbursr.h. - firg iIoCANDLESS, . succelsors - to J. D. Wick, Wbolosalo Gitioera. ForsoirdiUC sad Ikgotaigoluu blerobouts. &airs* lu tibsoss Cotton Yarns, and Pittsburgh Nlonitforturer griarroilY. .carrer of Wood and Wow sterols. Pi/tabus-du ' CUB '''' 1 , o esale Omer. and Commits'. 51errinuns... Denim In Pro. . and litteb.-gh 3tanufmlured Antiebn, 12U .141.17 _street, kin.iburnh ra. AD. CO.,' Wholesale and • Detail Family lfixocero. Fornastitoo soul Co=filocion haat., and Deal , ers Co d alof AloSrbetxeit, corner of Wood ard Flftll Pi=le 1.119M1107::..,,11. =sus.. ItOßLuce NSPIV„ LITTLE CO., No. 255 Liberty strort. Pliasburnb. Irliebiiele &lAMBS", Pito and Oomialsaion iteretuints.and dealers in rilte?.rbb Alm Hare-- Moo. /ca. FibirD,7WEOle — Siao Grocers, COM • milolcal Itetclazts.' and Dealers I. Ptodoot—Bono4 arch Buil