The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, July 14, 1851, Image 2

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    A DitlO
- •
. .
. . . , . , ,
SOixiiiif oar eotemporaries profess to see an
~ ,i ncontistunoy in our depreciation Of the danger
. -to Pitisbergttinterests to-be apprehended flute
~ the lieraptield Railroad, and our complaint of
the Panic Faith of . Plillad,elphia. ' s;othing but
4.misapprehention, Of our meaning,lor. a wilful
perversion of it, can justify sub an impression.
Weleve no apprehension that th i a Hempfiehl
road will divert from 1133 the "whol i trade, tn.-
'rel,.andinterectitai of the South- est," or any
Olt portion of It, or that it will have any very
orlon indultam upon our prosperity, pardon.
ilorij if left to its own natural operations. • Not;
. ithn=ding Chit corn ' er tha t
we have a
=jast tight t o 'complain
of the unlist. troatmene
aid bad faith of Philadelphia, in stepping for•
t i
monism promptl to afford aid and smear to that
+Pm**, while i pledges to .this city, and to our
• .• Western - Road; re unredeemed--And
. the very
- fact,that theStookholdens and Directors of the .
'Pennsylvania Railroad ir&Philwielphis . have
;Shoirn a disposition to take the Hempfteld Rall
iroad. under Di it protection ,. constitutes the
tide danger of hat road to us. - If it should be
coma site intere t of the PemasYlvania Railroad
to promote the trusinessof the llempfieht Road, '
. ,
ro.the injury of Pittaburgb, no doutditcould ex-,
' eat considerable Influence to that ellect:' This
aspect of the case oanstimtes to our mind the,
'thief danger to . be apptchended to . Pittiburgb in,
ihe . .fiempdeld 1 project. If. Philadelphia will
make Pittabtagli the real terminus of her Cen
tral Toad; and carry out hoe pledges to us in
good faith, :we have 'nothing to fear from the
liseepfield project. . ' "
. ..-
If the people of .Philadelphia, and the Direc
t:rant -the.. Central Railroad think that it is
really important to that city to have i more di
' reed yenta than that by the river—which in oar
opinfortis a very good ono—to reach tho trade
whltdivrill, It is expecte, 'concentrate at a point
opposite Wheeling, they will tied, on examina
tion, ,the Pittsburgh and Steubeuvillo .route
much' baiter nulled to ;their parpose than the
110 . 40 61 . This we emir, al follows:
1. it is 113 Airect: Thu Itidiread distence from
Wheeling to Greemburgh hen been variBusly ea
. nailed at from 80 to 90 miles! From the diffi
u nature of the country, we lamp take the lat
. ter as 'the true
or. Say 91 miles to . Bridg
port; opposite Wheeling, which will be -the ter
, minus of 'the Western and Southern roads, in
. _
ihe'ttircetiott ottneeling, end the true point of
:‘,41-tSfgenci :competition.. The ptenbcuacille
figuto ttl , thus: •
Greectsbttrgh to Pittsl4=o, 21 miles
Plitsbargh 40 "
io Bridgeport,: 20
Midday the distance by both routes the name,
and Intercepting the trade and travel before It
reaches .the stations ,3f the Baltimore road in,
S. It is cheaper., TSe IlempSeld will. be a
way expensive road. It crosses two large navi
gable deers, tonzmisfree hula, and ths whole
90 milts would have to be buLlt. By. the • Stmm
beiville route, only 60 tam off-additional road
would require th be built, and twenty of that
could be very Cheaply constructed. •
6. It in more economical for Philadelphia. as
she would thus nie.the whole
_of her road, in
stead . otturnitig undo off of 31 miles of it; sad
the Steubenville road will pay Much better, as
it will pass through a large eity, giving it &large
• local trade" •
Prom thin: examination it will be seen that
Philadelphiaean accomplish her object of attract
ing the Cinciamati,. Belpre and Marlette road to
Wheeling, - and of enjoying its trade sad travel,
together with that of the Ohio Central Railroad,
better by assisting to build. the.rpittshargh and
Stimbenvillo mad, than by throwingher aid to
. the Hemp : field project. There is no doubt, also,
that the Cincinnati, Belpre and "Marietta Coni
patsy would like this amazement much better,
twit woisld give them just as direct a road with
' the east, besides opening op to them the trade of
At a- dinner goon to, Archbishop Hughes, in
Liverpool, he spoke at length of the origin and
Prelinme of the Dreited Stater., as colonies and
independent. States. The toast which called
.1 him tip ruses blows
... *The United Stater and their institutions,
founded as they are upon the true principles of
religions' freedom." , Drank with great tip
' plume
. .
„ The Archlirs' Imp confuied hlmsclt Principally
to the Subject:of religions freedom. After indul
ging in a fling at the! New England Puritans,
whom he represented to have been as inlets'-
ant and heir/ore persecuting than the country
rwhiwh*.theY iteiir" 4lo Pee en to say
"There were other eolconea, ' for at that time
the proviticeswere settled according torelleous
cat% and we had one Catholic colony, for which
I will char the honor of having set the first ex
ample et gious freedom which is known on
the pages of universal history. That was the
eolonycf Maryland, to which the persecuted
_ • Quaker , of hisesschnsetta, and the persecuted
Presbyterian of Virginia fled from_ the opposite
States , es to a place , of refuge, anina which
they found . their rights immediately recognised,
and they were placed npon an equality wit h
'those who inherited the charter, es on the nom =
mon right of being a religious eommnnity which
'Bed from persecution."
/LIS Somewhatligular theithe honorable ex
ample of the colon of Umpire:id stands !alone
that there was noting like it before, (for the
Bishop says it is the firsfeastinple 'of - religions 1
freedom which ie knows' on the pages ofunirer
, sal histery,"); and what is more remarkable,
there has °been nothing like it in Catholic colo
nies or'countries Si/1M And we remark in pees
' that we are - i ndebted for this single exam
ple of Catholic toleration to an English noblenum,
Gard Baltimore,ztreeplied his charter from s
- Protestant king,' lee 1.,) and not to the Sob.
ropewr the Pope. If the example of the colony
of, itiarylarni may he spoken of in such terms by
an Archbishop, why ie. it not . followed in Aus
tria, Spain, Portugal, Naples, and Rome itself ;
for if, Lord Baltiteere did right, then the Catho
lic authorities °deli those countries, and All .
Catholic marries, shave been doing wrong,' and
doing it with the crimple of the;Colony of
land beferri their ties.
But we :tome new to the portion of the ad-.
arms which grossly slanders the men whose
Large end Merril minds establiebed the great
prineipleset religious -
freedom under which be
and 148. pea* have grown up end flourished
aide by age with an overwhelming majority of
Prottedents. He lays: (re copy from the Pitts
beret catholle,)
, . • _
rrnmewent enandthere was no such thing in
the prueinces as slitters freedom. When they
came to think Slat theyhad lived long enodgh to
est up housekeeping for thhiaselves, they met;
and, amongst other things the gentian of relt.
gion came up, and do you know ,why they have
nil/thins freedom nowt Because they couldnot
agree on anyone religion that should be .prs.
datalstant. (Hear, hear,
and laughter.)
is the tree history butl will do them the lac
tie, to say, as I sai d before, that having admit.
tea the Principles , they hare bear:faithful to the
oonsegromeme--(hear, bear,) --end st. this day;
barring and abating a little commas' prejudice
which reaults.,from igeonorce, which no law
can mach, the. Catholic haste same rights ia
Niestaelmaetts, Virginia, senosylverue as
, the Quaker had originally in the ;latter, or ' the
Presbyterian in the former, or the ,Epizeopelian
in Virginia. (Hear, hear.) The rights are
common, and .therefore" they don't „claim . any
credit, and I would take from , the 'Protestants
the merit of, proclaiming religious freedom, for
I have road a good deal, and to this day I never
found a single instance where Protestantism
Smut* religioue freedom, where it was in his
power to withhold it. (Applause.) I never.
heard (of. such an instance, and. will give tip
anyis:gement thstl may undertake, if you can
labor ma la history s nation whica had become
protestent, and which hadgrantedreliglous free ,
dome and ixt.the United States it.hes not been a
• concession offered M .: ileac principle, but it is
the' restdtaf'stern necessity because they Could
„ not Agree 'amongst themselees. (Heir, hear.")
It is 'enough to Mahe the blood of en Amen
= tern lOW reins to hear this mitred
euelisaen as Washington, Prank.
Salem, Sherman, and a host of oth
• en, before an English 41anar.par,t7, as a act of
wreoeh i g higehir lehas 'hehhu4 m the/ mold MA
agree wpm any particular creed, were fain to
make • virtue of neoessitit, and leave all on equal
!Collet. .
After having done vitailte could to injure the
.fair *a of thegreat and good men who foUnd
ed 'goreriunent, lie pate In the fillowing
leme for the intolerance which seer did
and kill does exist. in the Papal intolerance;
."Xtror when we deny religious - freedom as the
work of Protestantism, it is objected to ns :
'.Witat kind of freedom have you at Rome? That
does not justify the comparisom.. In Rome the
people had only one religion; they never had any
other since it becaine Christian. The people did I
not want religious freedom; and never asked. it.
There were no petitions of the people, or
n or for it, and they did not want it. For
'though now and then some of them left the old ,
religion, they did not remain at. Protestantism
of any form, except when it was their advert.
tsge, bat went at once into infidelity."
This beautiful specimen of jetraitical logio is
a fitting conclusion to what went before it. ~ I n
Rome,'; says the Archbishop, "the pegk had bay
one religion;" and he knows, and we all know,
whythey had only one.
°mason Jormarox.—Ve give, thinmorning,
on the first page, the address of Governor Jona.
ITOSt at the laying of the cor n erstone of the
Spring Gardenhustituts, a liternry and scientific
institution in Philadelphie. 'We are all familiar
with dov..Johnston's powers as it statisman; but
this will show that he is even more at home,
worn brilliant, in the peaceful walks of morals
nod literature. lt will be read with Pleasure
audjprotii by allivho can 4 liate a solid and
sterling production; a nd e venture to predict
that this address will "In for him more friends
than any speech be er made.
We ask the attention of every voter of Penn
sylvania, to the following article fromt he PAIT4,-
delphia Bulletin, a taper which professes no fealty
toeitber of the'great parties, but which is gen
,.erally understood to be ticmocranc in its lean
ings. The withering rebuke it administers to
James Bockanen for his, endersomeot of Judge
Camtbell,—wbo has been pronounced by the
best men of thnemoeratio party, All hopelessly
incompetent:for a seat on the Supreme Math—
is richly deserved: .
As there are occasions when it wield be Lm-
proper for independent journals to Interfere in
pert),, matters, so there are itUtllllCll.l when it
would be criminal for them not to speak boldly
out. Generally, Whigs and Democrats may be
lift to struggle for the spoils, without danger to
the country. Bat when insidious attacks are
made on rights common to all. then it behooves
every newspaper, whatever its position, to In
terpose its remonstrance. If the . constitution is
sought to be surprised while its defenders are
asleep, the press that ever waketal sentinel on
the walls of the republic, must raise the cry of
alarm, or the citadel of our liberty Is overthrown
forever. .
One of these energies demands our , interposi-,
tion now. ' In a late speech at Liicaster, the
Honorable James Buchanan, referring to 'the
Democratic nominee for the Supreme Court, as
'muted that one of them - had been assailed because
of his attachment to the Catholic Church. Mr.
Buchanan ought to have assured himself of the
truth of thin etatement before he made it. We
411111181;g the sneaker to point out a single instance
in. which Judge Campbell—for he is the nomi
nee alluded to—has been &mailed on accounn
of his religion. We challenge Judge Campbell
hinseelL end all his friends who are circulatieg
the slander, to produce a single fact in • proof of
it, The converse. of this assertion, It is notori
ous, is the truth. If Judge Campbell were in
any way incompetent to fill the place be aspires
to, hie religion cams would be named as en ob
ection to him. , This cry is raised by himself
and his friends to turn public attention away
froze an Inquiry into his fitness for the office.—
And it is to prevent the introduction of this seo
tasian elements Into politics, as well as to keep
an incompetent man off the Bench, that the lied
letin, and other independent journals, oppose
his election. The fact is notorious, that be was
placed on the ticket simply became of the threat
made by his friends, that unless hewas nominat
ed, the whole democratic ticket Omuta be defeat
ed. . Ills nomination was Made without any re
gard whatever to his qualifications for the office.
The truth is, he has done the Catholic religion
more harm by dragging it into the arena of .po
'lineal strife than all its enemies combined could
have done it lathe same time. .
We will not allow ourselves, in this citation,
to ha either misunderstood or misrepmenten.
It is the maxim of the American constitution to
regard all , sects alike. Every citizen, whatever
his creed, is equally elegible for public office.—
I Let a man be what he will, Baptist or Quaker,
Catholic or Presbyterian, Episcopalian, Lathe
, ran' Methodist•or Jew. he cannot be opposed on
account of his creed, g otherwitemospornr, - with
out violating the spirit of the Constitution. But
the reverse of this is tine
aid no man con be
retmnAa.ded on acmast of hissed, without a aim
liar outrage on that instrument. Had .Judge
.Campbell kept his persuasion in the background:
bad he not canvassed for votes as a 114dAlfil=
had he : not, when this obnoxious, proceeding
swear:tea out, raised the cry of religions per
secution, no man would have inquired whether
he was &Catholic or Quaker, and thousands of
voters would even have remained ignorant of his-
creed. lint, by demandieg his nomination on
the ground of his being a catholic, he assails our
religious liberties. perils the fundamental prio
ciples of free government, and invites, In the fit
' tare, along series of sectarian struggles to dia
./nice humanity. Had be been alone task's effort
we mightlirre passed him by as too iesignificant
to works much evil. But when men es promi
nent as Mr. Buchanan lend themselves to his
parricidal atabitioa, we tremble for the public.
and feel that, if the country is to be saved, every
patriot must rally. for his fatherland at once.
But M.r. Buchanan did not stop with this se
motion.. He proceeded to aunt' Judge Camp
bell that he know biro well and intimately, and,
his youth considered, be pronounced bias to he
ns able a men xi beebeen placed upon the ticket
by either the Democratic or Whig Judicial Con
vention. Upon this he staked, be said. his ve
racity as a man. What does the bar of Phila
delphia say to that?' James Campbell equal in
ability to Chief Justice Gibson? Orto Meredith,
Chambere, Black, or oven the least talented no
minee on either ticket? The Cominonwealth
would be at a poor pass, indeed, if the legal pro
fession in it rose . too higher than the grade of
,James Campbell'e intellect. The acres of our
farmers, the houses of oar citizens, and the book
debts of our merehards, would be in imminent
peril, were the Supreme Bench composed of men
who had no more ability or legal learning than
James Campbell. There is not an attorney in
Philadelphia Who does not laugh at this absurd
comparison. Here, where James Campbell is
known, there is but one opinion among his broth
er lawyers as to his utter incompetency for the
Bench of the Supreme Court. It would requite
a political veracity, immaculate in its repute, to
endorse .this ridiculous nomination; and_ that of
BUCII3IIOII boa never recovered from the di
lemma into which he brought it, when he In.
duel Gen. Jackson to make charges, which, on
the honest old hero referring to him as the an
therity, he could not substantiate. Hir political
veracity forsooth!. .
This judiciary question is one of vital moment.
If. Judge Campbell is to In elected, notwith
atinding.bis .incompetucy, merely because he
is a Catholic, so may a Presbyterian, a : ethod
fat. or a Quaker. success will furnish s pre.
cedent, which others will hasten to imitate, when
the fury of religions strife will be added to the
bitterness of political animosity. The polls will
.become the tool , of the pulpit. Sectarian strife
will rage in our halls of legjelation ; sectarian
prejudice pervert the decisions of the beach; and
sectarian sympathies prosetihe good men, or elect
bad. The religion* element thus intrtuluced into
ratio, Some one Pot; or coalition of feeta, must
eventually gain the ascendancy, to be followed
by Intolerance. if not persecution:.and these as
ter blood-hounds.
step T
loose, who nen tell
where the hunt will stop ? Let us pause at the
beginning! At this first attempt to force a man
into office, because of his religions creed, let us
draw tack! -
We enti not Mr. Buchanan the edat he will
gain by this parricidal blow,at his country. For
his own ambitious ends be is willing to sow the
wind; let him beware he does not reap the
whirlwind ! •
Tussle= Nswssaasns.—By the following
letter from the Post Mee Department, address
ed to thapropristors of the Baltimore Patriot, it
will be seen that the postage on all newspapers
seat for a pelted of leas than three months most
be prepaid:
"Poor Onto; D114.11%85'4 July 7,1851:
.42catreninc: In reply to youre of the let inat2l
you are informed that all newspapers emit for
less period than three months (whether sent
from the office .of publication or otherwise) will
come under the head of transient newspapers,
upon which the postage mule be prepaid at the
dace Om litsli4
"V*l casPecgolly, your obedient simian;
FITZ itrzzar WARREN:.
. .
The losing' on a paper weighing one ounce
or =dee one cent, when mat not °Ter 600
miles; °vie . 600, and not' over .1,600 nines, two
ants my 1,600; end not weer 2,600 miles
throe onste;low 2,600, and not aver 0,600, four
'cents; corer, 8,600, lei cents; for .eetiny addition
al aunt% or fraction of an ounce; an additional
Gov. FOIE or TEM Coavaaxus ..
Upon re.examinlng the remarks of Kveavernor
Fish, now, U. 8. Mentor elect from Nee . lre*.
Upon the ComPrtltelet! /matures. ;or to spook
ti orefteitely, the Fugitive Sloe Lim. Washed
in ourpaper of Saturday, wears gratified to per
ceire that he occupies precisely thesime ground
which Ocs. Johnston and the Whip of Pennsyl
vania occupy. Ito acquieeces in it, but he does
not approve, of it; and trusts the time is not. far
distant when it can ibe purged by amendment of
itanhJectionable features. lie is net in favor of
its repeal,,because, the-constitution requires some
law of the kind; nor does he desire at thin time
the .ogitation of the question of amendment
at the risk, in , the
,present temper of the public
mind, of exciting "sectional controversies and
embittered geographical divisions."
This, it strikes us, is the position the North
should take—firmly withhold approbation, while
we yield obedience; and study by a calm but do.
clded 'course to prePare the mind of the whole
country for such a modification so shell, while it
preserves our good faith towards the slave hold.
log 'totes, remove the strong and well founded
Objections which the people of the Free States
have to it Inlts present. form. In the mean time,
lei us proems the law of 1847, as ► testimony
which Pennsylvania 24 !I sovereign state may of
eight bear Spinet the institution of slavery.
SAD Acanor 'AND thIATILMID morning.
about 2 o'olock, the hack belonging to the Far
mer's Hotel, was driven down to the landing,
near the pier, for a man named Barry, his wife,'
and two-chlidren, who came in the Propeller.—
The driver left the hack with the above persona
in it to look after the baggage. 'While he was
absent the horses and hank wentinto the river,
and the wife land two children were drowned.—
The edictal and disconsolate hither is now at
the Farmer's Hotel. • We learn the hack was
driven near the pier on scion:lt of the ill health
of Mr. Barry. One of the hories *tea blind;
both were drowned.= Cleveland Herald, Idly 10.
The cause of the ill health of Mr. Berry, was
that be was struck by the mate of the /Inmates
with a stick of wood, and knocked senseless,
and his life diepaired of. , This caused them to
leave,the vessels at that time of night, causing
the loss of the wife and ttvq - children. So says
the Cleveland Democrat.
(Conwrendom or et. P(itiansrsh DOT (WM')
• New Yong, Jul/ 9 , 3851 .
The town is remarkably quiet since the fourth,
end in feet, we bare nothing of local interest.—
The news from 'Mexico 'ln'telation to the expul
sion of Americans from the Tehuantepec route
nun a good deal of =acrostic:l, and a good
many ill informed people think they see in the
movement the . commencement of an extension
southward cf our boundary. It will be no fault
of the locofooor, if they do not create trouble
in Sonora and the whole frontier of California.
and then force another collision with Mexico.—
Such a movement would not be, distasteful to the
people of tholonth, or indeed of tiny but New
England. and may be fairly placed among the
Letters from California neat in the most am
'fidept terms of the favorable prospects of t h e
Whigs at the next election; Aa a Whig membefr
of Congress; may' be not In the person of the
Mom IL F. Moore, of the Assembly , a little idea
of 'hisety(e may not be amiss. In person he is
tall and Cinder, with lingers resembling claws,
so bony and long are they. His hair and beard
black and tangled, an blown hither end thither
by every breeze, but one dues not mind this, so
absorbed doss he become In Sato:dog to his re
marks, always uttered at the top of his thin
most as f0110w5..." Mr. Spenther Tbe, bill before
the iloun G very vast, very raps indeed..
(vague) the title to the land is in the State, and
in.a.fran.abbr, yes sir I in-s-feroi-able, (lealleria-
Ns) and to morrow I doll take the trata'l4l
(itudal) step to defeat It." All the while he
speaks, he continues to rash backwards mid fore
wards in the aisle, stopping *very ten minutes to
take a swallow of water, and you have the op.
peanut of the moat eccentric and honest Whig
in the California Legislature, from whence be
can ill be spared, much good as ha would do in
Another new ship for the l'acitio M. S. Co.,
the “Golden Gate," made her engineer's trip
this week, with the most complete suocess Her
engines are oscillating. 86 inches in diameter,
and 9 feet etroke, and made 17} revolutions per
minute, with only ten pounds of Mama. She
promises to mate a sensible difference In the
length of passage to California, at least three
days less than the present ran.
The nomination of Gen. Scott, by the various
State Conventions, and the unequivocal demon
strations in his favor, by the preen of Nei
England, make It almost certain that be will be
the next candidate, and the Bocce:sated competi
tor for the presidential 'office. Mere the Whig
press an less bold in allowing their hands. but
not so the peopie at large. Gen. Scott baa !Ves
been popular in this State, not only with the real
bone and muscle of the population, but with the
leading working and influential part of the
press, and is es certain to be nomin' and by our
State Convention as that body is to meet.
In the financial circles of the city there Is no
movement. Sterling Exchange stands about aa
usual, but no one now thinks mach more Man
will be sent abroad.. The July interest has been
paid u usual, the reason Uf the large demand
for remittance. Money is not in great demand,
nor me the rates of interest high, except to that
class of borrowers whose low credit or specula
tions; always make money appear hard.
Vie rush of emigrants continuer, and reached;
hot week about six thousand, of which one half.
were Germans, the cream of eminent", and a,
valuable accession to our country. This week
the arrivals are large, and chicly Germane, in
tam Ireland does not send us her usual quota.—
She does not produce them, and of count has
none to spare. c.
/or the Pittab.Ubo.4l,3.
Dear Sir—ln compliance with
your request, I tend accompuoying this, the act
of the last Legislature, repealing the auto[ 1849,
relating to the protesting of notes, At. - I
The act, excepts from its provisions, all notes,
/M., "made or entered into, " -between the sth of
April, 1849, and the date of this act, being the
Bth April, 1851. I say the Bth April, 1851, is
the date of the law, and you will perceive it was
presented to the Governor on the 26th March.
and ten days after that (Snndaye excepted) it
became a law; by the provision of the Constitu
tion, viz on the £ April.
The act repealed, provided that notes, do.,
could be protested., Se.. at any time before suit
I Brought, even after the last day of singe. By
some oversight, this act is not among the opts of
..general nature," Just published, copy of
which I have. I obtained it from. the Secretary
of the Commonwealth. Yours, do.,
To repeal the seventh, eighth,- and ninth tee
lions of en set passed the fifth day of April, Anne
Domini, one thousand eight hundred and forty
nine.„ entitled "An set to vacate Long Lane * in
the county of Philadelphia, and for other pur
Several, 1. Be it enacted by the Senate end
Roma of Representatives of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania In General Assembly met,' and
it is hereby enacted by the authority of the
same, that the seventh, elgth and ninth MC
flows of ; pa act Timed the fifth day of April,
one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine, en
titled "An Act to vacate Lang Lane, in the
county of Pidladelptda and for other purposes,"
be, and the tame are hereby repealed, Provided
that the panne of this act shall not be con
suited to affect or impair any promissory notes,
post notes, notes of hand, due bills or other
contracts made or entered into between the
fifth day of April, Reno' Domini eighteen hun
dred and forty-nine, end the date of this law.
John Cense, Speaker of the House of Rep.
resentstives; Benjamin Matthias, Speaker of
the Senate.
We do certify that the bill entitled "An Act
to repeal the seventh, eighth end ninth fIeCtiOLIS
of an act paused thefifth day of April, Anna
Domini one diamond eight hundred and forty
nine, entitled "An Act to Tecate Long Lane, in
the county of Philadelphia, and for other pur
poses," was presented to the Governor on the
the 26th day of March, one thousand eight hun
dred and fifty-one, and was net returned within
ten days, Sundays excepted,...after it bad been
presented to hies, whereupon it hu, agreeably
to the Constitution of this Commonwealth, be
come a law In like manner self be had signed it.
Clerk of the House of Representatives.
Clerk of the Senate.
HAIMISBIII6II, April 6th. 1861.
Stall:WY/ 0171 Ct.
' I do hereby certify that the foregoing and =-
Penney' /013(4i /J.
nosed is a true and correct copy of thenriginsl
act of the General Assembly, entitled "An Mt
to repeal the seventh, eight andntinth sections
of an act passed the tlfth day of Aprid, Ann°
Domini one thousand eight hundred and forty
nine, entitled ''Ari Act to masts Long Lane, in
the county of Philadelphia, and for other par
' poses,". certified to by the clerks of the decant
and House of Beprentatlvee as having become
a law, without being signed by the Governor,
to the provisions of the Constitution
of this Commonwealth, on the 6th day of ApriL.
AM/ Donna isa , as the nme remain! on MS
in this 'Oleo..
Witesei ray hisel pad the seal of tho Seas.
tart' Of fice, at Harrisbargh. this thirtieth day
of Jape, Annekilairini ops thousand eight hub,.
dred atalliity.4l!o.+l! _
piety o
"..! ppretipy of theCatateemnialth:
eiratieCto hie Creditors or Ur lito ' Ildialie of
- ....±tie undersigned,' wears:allies ippointad ki a
Public meeting; held ttkih l3 . 'AM= the 15th of 1
Febrier y lent, representing either in person or
by proxy's:ll4re millibar Of tbrereditors of the
late Republie of - TOSII2I were instructed to wait
on th e Secretary of, the Treasury on the 15th of
June, to obtain his ensurer to the inquiry, what
*lessor creditollsrefb entitled to the beatific and
protection of the proviso In the boundary act,
reserving eve minions of dollars to the
Treasury I
of the United States out of the Texas indemaltyi
and what releases they 'wadi be required censer
greatly to sigo, beg leave to announce that th 77
have performed t h is duty.
On the morning Of the lath they waited on the
secretary of the Treasury. and were irformei
by him that, in' referring to the act, he had dlr. ,
covered that the power of making this dedeion
belc:4lod exclusively .to the. President of the .
United States, to wham he desired to refer ere..
The chairman of your committee celled on the I
Sieentive, and- was received with that oourteey
which belies' to the habitraidiselurge by thle
high functionary of hid duties. Your corrnie- 1
tee were informed by his Eicdleney that on the
return of the. Secretary of the Treasury to the
seat of Government 'from a short vide to 010,
he world salt 'menhirs fora report on the whole
subject, when his decision should be. rendered
with ell coresident dispatch. -
fie was leaked whether that decision might be
expected by the 15th of September, when your
committee were instructed to call a mating of
all the creditors at Washington of the late Re
public of Texas, to take into consideration the
expediency., of , tumoral:lag the Legislature of
Texas at its next swims, on the first Monday in
Nareeiber, es to the' settlement of the public
'debt 0f.T.21111 on some basis which might be m -
trolly satisfectory. •
• .Thd President was pleased to assure • your ,
committee that hie ; decision ahould be glees In
time for the meeting in question.
liothlog row numbs" for your committee to do'
but earnestly to solicit s fell meeting of all the
creditors of the late Republic of Texas, In per
-son orby proxy, whatever tray be the specific'
securities pledged to heir payment, at the Na- I
gored Hotel, at 12 o 'clock meridtme, on Handay.
onthe Mail of Septetiber next, then all the doo- 1
mints essential to a foil understanding of the
imbjeet of the,priblio debt of Texas wiJbe rid.,
lad to beheld before the meeting. .
This meetlegbetheres in one view of famish
ible importance. Itrosy avert the recredm of
further leeslation on the part of the Congress of
the United States, In Waimea to thi final and;
immediate disimbureement of the rammed fire
millions, by which needles, delay will be avoid-
ed—o consideration of no' nun moment. Wheel
it is recollected that the Legielature of Tarsal
du but once in•twO rare. Tour committee
have every reason to believe from the iedica. ,
tiers of publio opinion among the people of Tex
t, that they desire a just and honorableesettle-
mud of their public debt, equally confatent2eith l
the censideratione of both polity end justice:
To eruct an object eo essential to the relief and
in important to the honor of the State, Texas
has an ample fond In money and land, without
inflicting • does burtheen or one not of War
tics on the presait or &fauns gthemtion of hot
citizens., •
It, however, behoove:lller creditors not to lost
eight of the useessity of a conciliatory COWS;
of policy towards the Government of Tau io
conducting such as adjustment, 'tithe Secretary
of the Treasury has distinctly informed your
committee that 120 t one dollar eves of the neer•
red ilea Willow, In the Treasury of the United
States Min or will be dlebursed except under
'the 'mile orders of the constituted authorities
of Texas.
This coupled with the Immunity which belongs
under Hie Constitution ortle United Swats to
ell the States In thrill:lon, Melt Inviolable
exemption from all coercion la the payment of
their debts, places hex creatures Incontestably ee
the mercy of 1 . 4121/4 bet Under dream:Atom
which only corder otithera a higher chant* be.
magnanizaity as well as Jamie,.
In conclusion, yotir'iminniltteereiterste an estr
aist imitation to their constituents to mint to
gether, in i spirit of Madly harmony. et the
tit:mend period above desimuled. - •
1. HAMILTON. of South CerolinA
JOHN W. UOUSTON,.ef Delaware.
CHARLESELLIS, of Virginia.
N. B. Thu proprietors of the totem papers
throughout the Noited States ass respectbalky
requested to sirs au ittucrtiost to this circular
in their ventral papers, which cosy possibly be
interatiag to zany Of their subscribers. .
There strived at New York during the fast
week of the preeentatoth, twelve ocean steam
ships, bringing UV fait class paMeElgtra. Dor.
log the came time there arrived fs:69imadgesati
from foreign porta, la selling revile: .
Derellebrated as the Amin _weie; eentu
thszaa, to the healing est, navy of User prederstkee
were of wet worth aa4.reetng virtu. U. O. ramlre
eelobratni Arabian Llatemt Is • eceopealtlea et behleezto
trees emptieb wad menatle rod porellsr to Arable.
eat c mu by the zee of-thetes romedhe thr Peg
twelfeene. that ma the vile% /ash of the desert pramed
each selreroloes cares." It ts.egesn7 rend cad bmt; *norm Is haka at the teeeteet hkeeleX e 7 Ws
ore" (de. Ulveitimetsal //It
stir McLam's Larks Pius.—in offering
too ...deems. Lbo poi At. it. VoWittoto stot.4ll
OA MO ban U. enentar a hootaltyjnaarana try tb•
zonation. thaelatioto whirl ban bra Waal upon . the
'Olio ander Or patent otodhattek W. law too
bowonir. tlut ltis only n..4..7 to
toody sattl m plow lt ropublla estitnatSon Ow acre en
loottx2l writ. of Abe ,Itlo4 omothroa to the potat. It
letbo innottotg of so vall‘htror:l..zporknord. sad lous
ed yhypectso. who tar mar ...I t.bu otro Pm —
WhaJ. HOD CO-.
[Rat sort Miami Won to oiler It to the
Na 01, oal et
Foieign aid Lawrie= Hardware 4
N0:129 Wood street,
1.119113 1 0 W Mai •
• full andcomvlotote4ofrO.WGlVAlf o 4W%CAII
'bitable ty the fleas and they an permed
to afro hio yurehaarn a 4 P$ that will =DIN.
tawirably Irturpay of the aurora clam
Pituanugh Life Lasuranoo Company.
CAPITAL, 8100,000.
Praldenhliksu 5,13t01.
Tim Prysidgat—/Wire att•CotsiaS. •
Totoonno—J oars 11. Liam
SametArr—C. A. COM , .
irirs...onumwtat to tutotbor pat cf this para.
Petroleum I
Elmatstsarwr. liantinadan eO. Fa, Math 4, '5l.
I. nor Crtrolows II dating ...-
den in ads vlebgty: then*. trinkltrdurt Youtorml
us two doom DI the Prinoritards Ram& We an etk•
Orel r oat. and It. 1.• Ulu Inquired for alma. .ter? Or.
Tom, respretfolly. JOBS LO3O f
11411. &bland 00..0. Marl, 10,11,
I. Al. £oo--Dear ftlw Coal Atart. • A. ~W eteo
loft dlth oft fop? dates, Dock OIL rrbkb bare old.
Ctaw Orror•rd tout Hs doom taandistelY •
your moll ' mortdric•radas Xd• Mk& We
rap obtain orrrard excellent. elottlfrader. 1I roo dedr• atm.
Tot" dr,
For eels by drlya•rr 51cDer••11; 140 Wood 'sliver,
r; Wood otrevt. 11. A. tiahn.Rack, • Co. =Mr
Wood mend Frots emu b. 14. Curt, D. A. Elliott. Jamb
Douglass. sad 11. P. debwarta abo b_r_tb• pr.
B. X. W.Xa,
prlot •
aollvdkorer Cord Drudtharrroottn.. Pittsburgh
LIKE OIL ABOTC WATER—The rick nun - gazi, tall a
good pairing b 7 h7itli ass quick asa Dr. UM tali aunt
dinner by citing IL And it one man tutee It, and Enda It
poor. It aW dean/ the popularity with the Irina city.,
Ton can't intrann a twain , into popular On nzan It
plane. rratlyabriatolal eirtune,freetanall bad effects
of ...ud objections, and It la Ude tiactast hat catablated
the ran tattoo of "Bull's Compound Tiold Cattle of
stomata." taloa ail aril or disputa it. action owl
the human mina lea accord 001 Ira rational and phi•
lonaidcal princitiles-4 pampas the adieu orenetens
and carats of the air. MOTO otetroatlonk
morbid and flawed roaKa. ottengtheini the irtorrosch
.4 agape cogans,' mates Deer, pure. and beeltby.
blood, and maga ea arias functions of .tba Miami
ofgaa of the boa. This law ?Mania wiebout the
bast loupe ofham. the inavarallon brag so go se It
' rilation. loar tbought a the abatioaL eta It
parporte to ear tO MOT amnia won amnia
rim. It will be Bad tag' s Urge =fora but of Ku taw
a which Oat the human airily originate In an hawe
nude of the blood. Be not daccierd. thee, by other Bat'
aco.ione wog °fiord Ton by "toy nano of 001100
rod mar preparation' . ne a cabman fog the cabal
John Bala Sageseerillar This valuable preparation the
groorPtor arrant* to be inspefice to al/ lama
Carrnon.—Bonn and ark lot the original Dr: Ai.
/bar Saraspaaa fro* Kabica—and tun no other. Bee
adverriement on anotar Inge.
KEYSER d /mono., 140 Wad 0,1
jaloilda/mT • Wholerala a Beall amid.
OD &Kunio. the 14h nun, ear en of nobeet
cad Ann* E. thumpy.
OD Beturdsy, the nth Met; "Ilezlelf. ten of sfati . atui
John axed 133
!flaunt:a' r.gulne Quarts , lT M.UAT
of th. young M.D.' Marcualle =TAIT AAA M.h.AW
/Astltuto will be WA, at Oo Ending Boom, On )k.d.r
rating, th. Ittb 1261,..At 5 eclat •
Noted for Three Prime Artiedesi! •
n£43 IN DIIND.I--Dionan' Tcs MLittln Of 1 , 184...trt. 1 1 1 ITor nt.=
ea .' best b"tb"' rTNatigrD In l'ittAgitith• •
showd you wed th , Sul sawl,transl Ton
I:c./ fallr &pad wan Itittlity,••
. bformatien Wanted.
A/4$ ANN. MURPIIY, late or Dublin,
h v otr, JOHN
Al. LARGE iammodions WAnmiust.
maid= cilemottogomr; Avorto
yli .111.1 AD t YAWS
New Mae.
JOUNii..•MELLOR; N. 61-Wood street.
tuks naldnd LISa latlowins iww.ldatS w V T Pi." of
mama Ilt tandstraint
Malta EwiddimentaL • •
La Raw, nwhdloo2 try Haat=
Cant dl s.seee. by vest
he knit . % the land cram pon .
debottlsb BOA
I wale.., the oltb each.= i I
rat b o lo
b.. . Ws hand of iho22: . t •
'lla boom atm err tits heal tc
Jaya that woe twee:
=4lr td'ad." =k th imm Norms
smir of the Robin:. • ZUSILLTI
Illanib• sod Litwin , xellr RI
Pallor lbYtonaß- r
II at Word Quick SlaS
Clali me het osasoh.,. Wool 11:42r1th laws,
Goad Look Palau Moral Polka:
Vg i r . a%rw Lba bor.; ler4bit=
Valah2keil'olta: Hanel Pats,
CIttMERINUT PLOOS—A anY idaahra.hd
nod arriving.
-10 bbli. White Fish;
io n 4 bbl. " "
27 bbl- Las ito24
23 ht. bb2." 22 ale by •
N • o . : v. : :
1 I_7
Dtraktrit .d the Ma Railroad: ronnaltait •alth
rat edasaltisamors on Lake hria, the Ittehlaan.Clarelead.
ColueobanW anctrotatt.leand . and tittahnnth. !Pel
ra'ta . - zuntagaira
ir"" VrA t ill e trAl DUiIICIZE . A.II7OI.LOWS: . •
(enadara eteePtod.)
• -:. • •
ad . Ist itor"
Alan . a . "
Alan Eamoose Trns as 6 dela*.
" .
ad Eionlnit Est.."" l " ' 3% " -
Tao. BLa c t , lTraha d trgil.ndra. when, pamesagervan
tg.Pott turning at,.9 o' ntak T litthe ',hole Alia
- The Uproot I reight an net tle Train Won Domani at
L,A,AL dart.;
odata W. Parser ass l it i D ant , hed to this . Train to
. Mar Vary froannakirk Nan ii,,,,k7a 5...... 66.
Fie. Pill he COMO 1.1 •ta da ta
- Thia 0..1..1' arel Pre to transport Ilya stock and
(nrighta or all lad. to ta t N. tort.
pari attention aril tat paid to Stock. The Mau
Won 6 tat wit am, t a. route groat alv.tar *roe
P . aar•Anrdial Trains I'llll bt tlta
e'ptirraannatlas ls.;icrat •
very abort tims. - - ._,. ~ --.
1 nhthl. Tangs sill be dlenbutedZitir full psalm
WS ha mord to tau prim of freight, am wen se 1•07 Ma
iiit•Ma. - - --' r " , CLB:MP= to
. •. :I MUM% Man. Inanatrk.• ,I , r: I tatt
To Tenders.
LWO MALE and two Faande Teachers
*salad for th. Pobllo /Schools of Temporsoeovill.
latlon of apohnolts will tail Ch.. oh ECordar.
July ,19th. at 3 o'cloolg, P..kt.. at the /roma hebool Mass.
Taneranreslll. • )or fordrer talbrmatlort loquirs of
nor of ttu folloaly sossabms of the /Mart
I NCI Ele •
. REM UM CHEESE-2 Extra Largo Ptee
M umch..; slltat/ .turtco.
QUBLINE OLIVE OIL, in Flunks, the beat
P "k
(inert...CV* Dram.
VREsil :4LACOARONI—A very superior
setele Jug reo'd aad 11,V17 3 ,, c •
K n L i atrt C ift
.Isl 2
-3040 tvri Maga ',• nutria nalor.
`‘bs ro.ditlglrrCt! b?
IILARET WIN Acboicoarticle,foitam
Jiro.* br the atm (in* dowzbit. , tee by
J 1,11 • A.ClUbßititi&t:b t CO.
OVERING' ,- SUGAR-50 bbls. Crushed
l kalmived, for raft ht.
of N. Ihrper • Co's erb,breed L 4 and
%ware boa% on baud sad for Ale at cetera peicos, br
12 • ' • • • Altent tor MM.& o.
PACKED. TEAS!- , Joukine - & Co.'s (of
rh114141•111.6) nineriarjoaclPAlOrakkasd blaek Tam
to sven viurtiny.... at al Cum be supplugta oars. aad
rimatad la ere • s i r ,
/1. W. POI. MEV,
1 12 Awn. , nr Jonlars it CO.
Pittaburgly Cinameti aid Louisville Tele-
FtW SHARES Stock wanted at
the Esau..igo Mks of
rll - A. WILIEMS & CO.
Copper Brooke
AVE - RAVE Seders for the Stock of Teri.
eljte 74*.'
4711.1:01 CO.
111 a W. J. PETTIORFAV bega to intimate
td,rres2 1/ . n Ulgroor O ' f7t%T i t t ur_: '
Losrlsts. Clanks. 3114tom,itior esmails DV
/mac. Thy prylly ary boarlasl to the !wore, acEl 0 /WAY
bast mama overnyht mallstalnycl opyr thew assays.
maws. upsysly awl az alien dasxl not oweslr .13 1
W asislued. YU plan parsuost, It Is thoystS, , 011 moss
wass Mrs. yarata. aulasswPasys wtss ll.alsst•
rand 00.00 eldldrm or *aril to •yablls 1000007.- /Sew
Llosoy.:4.oi`eawsltiolaysyslross fsarsburtbs Watts tad
trysor may bo Ime•nsla syylleaUs. jyllrive
P.AGON--2eaaks Clear Sides, for sale by
.1) Jan Y.. .t W. lIARSAISQII.
REESE-30 boxes W. IL. for nito by
411 ' S. I W. WARBACaII.
O twomcoltvarmr-vmlit=Tiral
PEACIIES%-19 casks prime Halves. for
e 43. lr jy 111.1111ACOIL
ETV 3IACKNItEL-50 bble No. 3, la
rm.' mama pot hroiract tot for de by
- e. • w. nmeaseou.
jU fl DOW GLASS-4000 boxes City a
Orbetry brand,. for sem by
ODA ASII-050 rusks, of our own w,
fbrr § factor., watrazitea of oa blat , teat ai law Ito •
oaio at lb. lotraot toortot two , E./
LOON 17. 118It81'•CO...
tint rt. Drat Matto,.
SAL SODA-200 cno!c s li , for:n . al e t !)y
Ali S-500 prime Cauvassed,
lrll P. t W.11=3/IX6II
WOOL! WOOL!—Cash paid for the differ,.
T"" gr. ""'"" 4b7
SO I L: i t ASH-15 ciaskisf:Na!ttlo,,ronl
OFFEE-125 sacks Litton Rio, for solo by
1 911101BACCO-100 boxes Manufactared,
j. IL (Imes, itureoll JLEobinvner,Lx4 cam, elL.lce lb,. mover A. CULSCWILON L
1,11 19.5 Mart/ •L
MOLASSES—SO bblo. N. 0.. for silo be
TA ' casks pure, fur solo by
3ru ' J. 5. DILWOII.II2 CO.
le7sln P 4i= lb klVeirag:
1.2rgtg , .. 0 .1 tb• trutuslug Wi Pu
the y allow to read
tbeetteleut to be prejudiced by furrow la tbe Interest of
. .
PctuNex co—am, w [4.b day ot Sept.:Apr. Mo. al.
Nei dm th• p.Lay wpm. Inb•Por••••• •P the
• 314 of IN•cobeseibso. his Onoinor ts e.t.a In the
lituuntiltlyer Mums! In•upatc• CaaltalilT,
Waterfall. 00 Uralic% UOOO Owls tsnital b tIW Comps.).
Ir ' = 1 1irt ' atI`X, 21 jtVa,Iv4•= 4 aP ar epof f
f *ll Is., teelar•g_ib• sttl• of m alle pld
0000007 &llPeth•iadm•im
IV. lntplamaClmr
thatira of
r i t A . •745 "7 t i i . rAt i areal d wA o h n
dime • ch Ws. ncolation of tt• &We of
Lareatas Cowan,. ••• p•••• 1,
oalalaa LbeConiPaty ta *mita • CaaDC•pl•• of 140.000
poLomiona of boo• 9 of sold 1.31.1 of 1619.
gobiob boo bovoPutsaibal asr4 Dad tn.— •
FDota amount of Premium »mind op to ./sa-
Whole mot= of Zlwoulas upto ion
cit ;LA* 190
Whom mocront 4 Yelna O 7 tho
jr D {a
. .. , ,Lx* of clolots thou aolat.• _
*13% " rraX . firia7a 7 ii
adoliol4l.olLo N. Y0b.... $0,0017 •
Sangoga Covey, SS
TraaI,C.NCIAA , sad ?MIL AVM. bloc dulyona
AV test ihs Isla Mona la tilm Pwrideat, and Los mid
AnaT Sfsfrof :114csomfAloy.salanatth. 'info itt6Lir
ban .
Lrebr rrr.a.t
fffOrli sad febeffilvd *Vit. .I.f of ISS
AWN ft. 31 mai, la*. of tlellof•
!wag that the Agents of the 'Ural Companies' . ma
be able to grant to the etsomt w ziEr . Amtrak, and MA.
lektrary • automata to the therefor* kayo
them to nom.* each as mane y may think proper.
end to In such rates el loamta as their nemeaneemey
r...• *Wei their rmn.rti WM." in • goal
tha; ans matt PAY their loam promptly.
Are rau•aett to sell at my once. :Ca 111 \testi ever.
rhea the Ma of 'names to raid Company sill to
made Mom JA.ll4lTUltilln.
Agent fir Use tilidsea dint ilro Joanna
myna or T russa azw TUX
Parrs the ability of at tataytury wait/at Arcata+.
We tell ettentlas to the edverlissoront of the Ilndron
Alter battles Company of Waterford, in this State. It
has • wed wanted cent... and business Is uansetted hr
this Company on Literal torins. The revocation of the
ottletoen who Owe tbe waroutednent Is • toed iltatentos
that the badness 0111 be vrodently ninductott, and to. at.
yrs Iteri vial wimdttion.—/Re Yore fiwrineo fltdr.t.
wie V - •
Zan If allot , Meer Immo. Compri/ tonetote todleT
I mermen , or their aeon. throach oar tolorons, to the
Jartamortublie , and we with to direct attention to it. TOO
'adlity of Losuninos companies is In the division of its risks
0 , 0 ,5. . love vim; and in like manner the sett:arty of to.
soma Ls in the number of companies and amounts of
„,,,,iya s varite the =Witty. This cap r . ... r.....t r it
INZMJI:a. '''''''.....4.—ff. !
thaw lures Ma Intnnexta ContenrThie Osuipany
Is loaded tlatro New Vat,
an oftite Id No.
40 Wad stn. Its capital le fully PA tn and Istratiel.
and the Directors are wentiewsu of the highe restieta
. blUty. end calenhited to etre hat...ter azul
~y‘s s aic with *hi& they are connected. Thu Cone
roy Insass• twilkiludw. rocrohnedintv Ownit . ventwir
/IV iiii rtifttr 00U 2. 'I, ". ‘ y!= . 7„. . 4 01113
- The ahrwe orrniallinontli7 notice Wt. 11 . RIM
Fire Insurance Cionnent,,avtisarect in the Eve 01 UMW
of the
hossader. and It saves as pleasure be sole to
~,„, m k t every word of it is richly d The co. .
,„,,,,i,,,,,bility is nutvaestiotable, and its of Dime.
krys • re venom! of torn whose names are a Ge t maw
'Witco tor the faithful Inanatrattent of any Insid tines with
lath they nosy b attathal. The President of the Min.
110Uty II a rows wham WIN ta Sp towitsnalre wait our
' Ingot -vas Ovactary, P. J. Avery, tin, is 1 41 and 1.00,.
Oily known In Vorthern New York.
weepe Ci.torany starve
, ~..„0 , ~b.,•,,, L . pivot. favor , and au 'tate MU Out
on . itheiv
tin geled et it le remote,: It. Any one wishlog
to select • Vi etancial Company to lame la, OM do welt
to Micolow the rialtos of Ws Institution, .how oft. for
0 ,,,,,,.b., 40 11 all tdinet.—Y. Y. Weekly Baku.. ,
101=1100 ' ' .
Magnetic Powder,
EOR the Destruction of all kinds of Insects.
—EMANUEL LYON, Inventor tod_pmeemor of th.
mblo, Powder R. the dastrucUm of Umktmr.b. Nod
Elf:,4.lVrwtsei, t. end m
frilott .bolessio ab 4 b 7 NELLERE.
/7/0 07 Wood et
For Bale,
tof n. F GROUND on the 'west aide tee'
A. or awontstoorel loot , =oto or wynoil
I=lll ttgonlorntateta=,„?„,th,
I►r two tationvotta I.2.l.ctirarh. !wary,:
*aft Ara•l• blIMPI11119=11Q,:kt
OT VALVAIILE con rim CITY inwritrer.
AJOININO the Secentit and Eighth
wwk will take bloke on the waren% C onT
the 7th of JOLT. .o E oklecL contineratm
neer Soho Bride.. with Lots One Hundred feet d.p to
alley, by Toctity Your feet fronton rennolverda Amne.
Thle . stgaltbd::hortest . vill a t=ine . tap pi Ll , lc
anti by the qty. Il ad e
Tenetdke Cemiseti7
grad are farther lamming the eastern etal b 7 a
cegerlor Plonk Reed of sixteen feet track, nitdi • Simone,
Reed on each side.
Also, • member of LOTS near the dCaM.. W.oortksdokt
other Mar MAID . . *O 8.k 4,
greet (being• rentlnoalion of Sewed etreet) has been
.reldeeed toe sly feet. and greatly lisionevel by a first rate
Plank Road from the City (thronith . .Mack's bald.) le
Ttirtle Creek, arid econ to be connected with the Road,.
.egar the 31Ortentahala rim by • Steam ram nt the Rix
'll iardaelning the ahoy.. a numbed . of LOTS on Coon
mere amt. which wins before= the Oink Roed and
the River) art .ell sultiW for tithes nianutactorker or
.The title DI Inollantitel.le and the WA,bghlit . of miens
gee., aced purchasers • genet eboteeett the blinclnit
One berth cask, the balance In three tend PArrileots.
at one. tvo, and three years, with Werra, by
bed .W isiortaike.
theLOSlTlNOiell[r of yentas Calling to atbal tt^
tato, thxdaltdmes tritlieste the comer of /earth and Mar
etterc...ften es clocuired. ltuougbant the glare=
of the day of Weaning at 2 O'clock.
• 4710dd . P. ZdelENSA..Atistlemeer.
CORN -500 bn. sbelled, for sale by
Communion Service.
MAL BOWLS, lc, fur ale by W _. •
j i m eT 31arket A.m . = of Panel.
TIMES. ao.. of Oorool Int a Co.'s irarf•vll.l mu
.Loro, io .nn volley. sad worroatect b On a outdr
ood brilllarkt Ilabt. wad enthear free from Cho doom=
tead i listto oso of Comphroo sad oily Naar. -
AMS-4 casks superior, for sale oa con
sh,..amou br T. WOODS`a SON,
I rlu al Water 4.
L"'1500 lbs. No. 1, for sale by
T. WOODS 4./KLY,lllWarzr at.
SODA. ASH—. 23 casks Lavish brand;
forsala br 8
W. P. wilsox.
110T7-11 kegs axed Nos., for ssle b
1 OAF SUGAR-150 bbls. axed N 03., for
fro Ir. s F. ISIMON.
7SOWDEII-500 ktges Du yout'a Blasting;'
rOO ILtglaT INIIIK t i nge by'
14. s F. 'ff 1.80:1.
FLAXSEED OIL-5 cafkswarrabted pure,
for rale br ,
.1710 E.SELLERII, 87 Wool
JUNIATA BLOOMS-20 tone for car to
a c ronricrs7 a,br FCIERctIuM.
MOLASSES-300 bbls. oak, for sale
SYRUP-26 bble. for sale' by
To Foundry . Men. -
RE ADVERTISER oiehee a' situation tis
HILIIII ger to • roundry. Ile Lao hid [MU yanter
tt D.Mettlarly la rt(01.4 Oe4 1160 d wort.sodplTra
i•f dl mut. Irma 1 loch to=
••7 ouomuctiattioo 111.1gULC term eedotb.' grtiNlera
tha:tamibtut •rith use•••• 17, addr•eso
atlautioa mkt) •• QM sub.-rear.
J3142.'1011 bkom•111.• Ok4n.
- Eureka Mining Company.
i L N Adjourned Meeting of•tho Stockholder!
the "Santalattcot36.37 , Middlt33C. ,lll
Ito la at the OD. cf azatl3637, Mitattia.
thee:lay. the 6th day of - .lu,rust, len. at 3 tgeacke
An. the puma* a alecttere Diehtre far the eantlaa
Ott)ROE DLLEXD, htctatarft
ft743t3rtda •
_ . - -
. To School Teachers...
THE School Director,. of Lower St. 0141
Ti , trnahiP horn met'leid to open the Pottic Womb
r them awe, on the end of Bentmuber.th4 Lott=
troeo stout situ mouth. La the coml. rent
Beard will meat on 0 S
0 h.% m..% 0 'ne n
pproxies , .at tha Public School Hoene No. 1. non sate
con. et t 6 n sloth. to examine mi pas= erldrYlt??! .
.datatione as Tencheren Aar farther iotaremetiot. use
^an to obtained from the tolteneln, members of the/School
Beard: T . 3. Ili a Wm. ho. /11 limA perms. or A. Ambler.
No. (4 Falilahrld *treat. irasilimater
CIIEESE-45 boxes receiving per Bitheelre
, 41.33. tad N. JANIS D 73 IroALZELL.ns A
C11;3331, sad s.
AC KEL EL-=sObbln.:i rw No.Slo for sale
VrAIC - NERS' OIL-50 bbls. for sale by
Diseolu• on. • •
tNCONSEQUENCE of the doceisor of +MU
Mende. the putnerrb:p betedkvialottoit
ecten t emodok b Denby &tucked. John V. Cale
sally otathroised to mottle tf.Lb...t. tt.• Leo
AU mato bolag slims VIAIMIMp u tb"..4.
1.71... t. •
Itineressms to . anoint L Covesle.l
The businens of tt e agency of the Perm
Utylnuale Central Its[lewd Company Inn hereafter be ion
Unclad under the name sad style of
en= of Pte. and Wayne streets.
PftttburEb. July lot, 1951—L.11n .
•tnaeeewr. to Me na= a Comic} ,
Canal Bain, Penn Streo.
Penna. Rail Road Co. , —Ceotral Ran Riad'
u.E subscribers having been appointed
al=ati b agasts far the Pastasytrattla or Coutral: tied
Mnsay amonoirtratebt:lis• or pluln= n' t
Owls *la thlt mate Ira be carried throurb in 11.1 day.
and all consign...l ta will La Wean:led free of ratan:lL,
mom or chug., (or adraorei.
anti Oa ralsorr arnran yIILIDCPULATD trrirsmax.
Dry Oooda. Nho.••Boot. itanonary,Cutirn._ C , outan
tionary. rtaniera. laminae. Drat, anannuar.
Seddlny. U. 51.0011 , 110 D
[lariat.. Que.:waste. Oman., Pant.. DT , emakoto.
tortbre..Chms. rial.Thoolay and attar Granoli ne no.•
Wool. an. *
Beef. t o nuttrrAard. Laid Oil. Tobacco Late: IXdre
Oniln and Linsia. • - blie
Isrble (mutt) Tor. &dn. Gennao CU.
Boar" SOuIDU
ran= Peen and WtTna annan•
Inttaburgb. Jul 1.1. 13451.-019
- New Music.
KLEBE • tumi jut-received--
Li. Nally Sii.lby B. C. /agar. '
aura Men. us mpg by Jelitil Liu/.
Song of altalletlons. wont, from 11.ralea en-
IT by de Stuunterllmus Tad..
My New EnulanJ llome. by WC lone Wade. c.
The Mourner, Setuel to Segal.
• krona NU man' S.lO rptul duet. by.
• Wilt thou be gone Lan, yang •duatt, bj S. C.
. .
Turn Int stray, duett. by S. C. Forts.
t , at.l boat the* 3.liry do.. by LC. Sutter.
I u•oott Da r tie ta Winter. .
SeL It .aset nerutlonlng.
Noon ,
Itt.sts.--jiatertotte.a Peer Ann% Juiemins
cmte.a, Llosue Sentrlen,SOrar.
Worn. 1/eneburn. XrDeenus. WW.uon.
Wataste..—lbuo u une. , prig?. Al•uuudgu. A ratru:
aTnylk lboaldett IlLep".11/1.
ESSOLUTION.Ia consequence. of the
dm., et 31e. Paws.% Elliott, um rortnershlp
I.atitlit with Elltott t Eugltsb, utak, the ll= o:
George t Co., Is this day dtsenlirol. Me baguet..
tbs. Into *lll to rottl+A byGeolser•ritisi. sit the.
Erlntlog Otiloe,thisoUo Dalltlintb 11314SAtgrk wi ii
Jots 1/4.1.-10 F.I.IIOTE • INGLiED.
Family Sone.
4 1, LARGE fine looking Sorrel Horeo,
portrait rat% will b• .I 6 ur a lattszacd £ae
• , Lut Bum. if appllogloo It els.le gona.
1110...178uN BELL;
ill Mott ea (Atri.] tt. Willina a Cu.%)
Al . ACK EREL--1V kr No' : 3 Large;
Lt. mg and rot plc by 4. 11 , 5 L 11,10.0:EY CO:
Th • 13 sad 11 Wood
1 OAF SU(iARS-300 bhle. ans'd Non., for
Id . /0 sx[0:00 Word K.
1 2 ,.C b O y FFEI, 560 bigimii i rE :xg . for
pIPES-15l) boxes IVhito Clay Pipcs;
hs " 81.3t.Prlunutrire
QOAF-300 boxes Raisin, Cin'ti brands, fo
sale • WM. BAG.LLEY d. CO..
j7ll 18 2A Weald.
.41RD OIL-7 bbls. on onsigumunt, fu
Ws Or 15LIA1/ DICICia I CO..
Wear awl Prong Ws.
I a
COTTON-22 bake in store and for Bale by
tiOTTON LIATTINU-50 bales Family, o
J ....4w 2 " 4 l isZtiriacasT a CO.
r 6
37, 32
• Seven Valuable Farms for Sale.
'l L L SITUATED near the Ohio sad Penn
tl Railroad. to ate eietaftr of relent. Dine,
mansion!!! from CO to ZlO erre. stab* and to • Itood ewe
of eoltlystion.
O ro. TOWN' LOTR, between the *resent teleinree
tort of i e ellbuto end the Depot at Melon.
All e will be sop wa cur ten= tor the yard..
peaetorA to the 00101 W. Pow:wive:no Itettrowa, or to
of the Monks to rlttetiorgh. will ; be Ulm in NI!
* Vito ebb to donate a Piece of grotniel. oniidotne the'
Moot Round, bra competent man or cotaloinf. to eNet •
Ann elan liotel Upon, ou othkh • fottlitain can to has to
tunny the how rod inatne with water. •
* Salem Is the ecntra point beton:end/tellies of Pitt*.
barikh and Cleveland; algo, bat.. W“..-
074 . tViC I tle l l l <rto b :A= th erom :22::10
the airet
„ portant *Ms on We Ito of relieved far atilt
d ram. 0...1.11 1 . 'sl.—Urglf
Pittsburgh Lifeiwnirstace
TILE Second installment of Three Dollire
on *orb share of the email • stook of n.;.1 innY.
to pable at th eir Moo, No. 78 Yonnh sten% on or / e l an
the hoot day of Awn/ /Art
More Now thiods:
. T OTWITIISTANDING the advanced state
of the NOOO. we continue to Melee Ifferr
. fOle
eunpllet or New thone=tAttoltlAl i e u thor i ali i ar t. t:
iorfliatel. P ela i rlk Loom Until / 1 / 6 11 . A1 WIN. ILO
mimic: Other deeirobla whlth wg 10011 low.
1f cornet of Vonttb and Market elOOOlO.
Notice to Contractors
Birmingham and Brownville Macadamised Tarn
pat and Plank Road Company.
ATOTIOE is hereby given-that Sealed Pro
olilat=.l,mart7b:. grel y 191111wii Mame
Wilt of threw loan or IPPL:f.. 7 (l2 7 iertiole of 14 IM
tuba lying beterren Mount Wirer and John CO on. rer
an, to Deldela township. By order of the Wird.
Irtitd ' JULII Malin& Pro's ,
2 bbts 170.1 TAM
e.g. '4=crx
=I fa Ws by " ‘TarriUZZYTCB7'l'*
Water sal Trost es.
CLIEESE--150 boxes for sale 1:1; '
ly7 . MAUI! DICKET i C(1.
Pat3T-7.1 bhl. tat WA elame
7FT • Al c al InaillreoeL
II Riulread Matti: s ••• - •
AMEETING ofthe people of the Counties
. or Allegb..7. W.Vot: .4 Bavier. *34 of lb*
.cure region of owantrY: Deese. Will Do bekt OD PYI-
ot T. Lin. Ela IrrEuNtm e t tio'olock.o.m.
.3 FLOILLNCY. mlW.lll.oon maw, to tal.e the Dour.
toi.R eaeoseles 10 torgront Ito Intonate of tbo Pfttabzigii
avid Stonbamille liollzmot. - r - •
XoThilkoks sill thou too TooPrneal, by odlogolnont,
100 mboetiptlom to Om raDlMComfk of Um 0. .
9 . 1_ 1. 1 1 2t rk. -1 . ! 71:n .-°4 attll 1
..eiin - ttrgr...Q"...ilea - Ot r
rota in &Whet. Impotaneo and .11tantanes of oar
mot.and the indlopennble roman.. nu Its fmn..ll•ln
rosopletloo. us , also of the Wald of Canunlsoloneta
• L. LIV/ SGISTON, 11...14ent.
.Tanta Secrete. 1
• ikrtones. Chh.Wt. •
QYRUP MOLASSES--27 bbls. S. H. Syt
llolance. • mmeriur articlo. fir xrd•ty
ASTBURY : Tale ;. by Aana Harriet
prom grahams of "Friends nod /Ostrow- .
;ot bo But as Ito So= or Many bick. to • Cbararton
• CoU.r met? to are sets: by Fir E. Borer Litt...Bart. A.
no Doubter of ,lititbe a stoat of the ttmr: by
S. W. Fallout. it.. abort just reed .ad far Pill by
• A. C. MUKTON. 47 larkst
• Black Tea from Liverpool
. ~
, • tbelee I.t of Etrang 'and rina nwand CONGO!:
I r..ty,' which opm_tital will ta fogad to go a 111,1* ahead
a any' la Flttsbrmits. .Tha patio art itirtte=e
Tess—Xiailith, Irish and Sowell People , .
dm . ara the lama Undo or Imo Ilwr wad lw the
Old Country'. . •
SP.E CTACLES I—We bare a aimplete
stock of Gold. niter sod EtselSpoctecies.W4 tb• bast
iloolityst moves sod cones. (Run s. • We at stsems to
every mist/ of vision. acnordists ea best ot . - piss of
otOtol oc.aes. ' Eic2Z) w.
. 100 guns Rank of Pittaboritb7 •
10u ••• .17.-Daak;
I.6IAsA Staub. a
rad:mute Broker&
20 . •
1 key Lay!:
1 cask Bee.. Y.
" eta. lending p.m staii4l ,
C.D. M.T. for tale by ISAIAH D i li wte
n il . ri r
4 ,
Notice •
Binnivhain and Brownarilla Mao:ldyl:id Tom
iriks and Hank Road Company.
XTOTICE is hereby given that tho Stook
tolders In asid Cowan/ aro riatareatar.trena
.antlt do of Jolt.. : wad the fteonel tnanalmara of
Ths Dollars on nen gum sub.-Waal, on Ills tan Ilsrof
y~prt Heil. BY *-d° llTlA ° ll ' reka Es‘ASZT..-
(Dlsostala eiror.) •
.111 rmiteet at nousr.s. Maur Depot. at
orVoLoVerig ciodt:;.
atylot Mouraltoreocdt—a full ostortoloot to tt• ballad
ktltivittra 2101trin r LitatolltrlELD.
,t rivelard • firi• plain /3/•• and
ack freacb ChuLa of $ good quality.
Dra.. aUx. fur Sitemaur tAitte. •
11 .
the7,Ltil UNDE RSION barn ontero3 into
Carpartnarablp nod tr. of El UDE LAW
to car, - c. the ftalEit 4.071 RIG Rearizscs
F 3ituor bars they Wand
wing a lanta 11.011.19e5t of Earart, Ac., caaal+tlai to
part ar .
trntban Paper% Wove and Laid. A =dean and English
WI Iva. wad ticta Paper% Wove sad Laid, OM and
Folio It.sti, Tut Cert. Ptibtizn Pa rrf ,l .b.".
Ilardvan. Paten, gran la by 24 to 0 46.
Cozrved wmd N bitellrene Pepers,tmrriraa andEnallah.
IltdllnavarathVa Paton 11>allls layers.
COIrTAI •11.1 V. Mite aloe Ilpera,canamon and astra dots.
Buff Envolone PAM'.
Cod frinnag and Corry Paw%
blanabla raperr.a.l at. all 0.51015.
Dragon.. Blue )14.11=rt at. Fineman
Tea, tweet and Cclorad Pare. far Oratifeetlonere.
bay, liandla sad Straw NV tars Yaw.
'Bonne- Du:viers% Barb Cap a. Trunk ...rda.
and 1.1%1 Envelope% befall bettet.: , ..= qtrd
for 1111., Potter Crea ERL:4I7-Ittr CLOW, la
asedahrart. whit% and ot/cand—V_elsra, rat to or
". t ZgFlllt Fi rgt,igaqt eirra k ir &
N. s. of 1 0.3 - Ml= rt.
11....1500 Una of Itagratusted ar.e.haint• far nub.
) r IACESEREL-59 bble, La ! ge
Tr Canal lod 6,11e11,
JASltri DALZ ELL. CS Man It-
VRACKED COCOA—Fresh—jaet received
V awl for mbl by WM IL:CLIAO CO..
irz omen Lad Tel Malan. '
.vr d.scePtiot4 far ' 17 47A. 310CLIITtO CO.,
r 2"" W.. timer. Rod Tea Doilem,
to to osoelled 1n g motley sad error by 14,r Iv the
—oreotasAly oa hood saiu tho bolg chat. at
at Wog.
gh- Retell rtiov-450. C.. 10 aml 750. •
A !Moral discount to throe DIM. bra. , OnnAtii7.
IT3I. A. a co..
'72 Ungra imam Denier&
LAKE FlSll—.l:.i bblv: Lake Trout, (ark
Areseirea wad fOrtal ' i.b; •
New Nmsbl
rivlS SPIRIT. POLKA; compoaed by
J liber. arid 'dedicated to Biephen C. /atter, of this
c lirrly'• 'Walt; arrant.' by H HirbaYi LON'il . br
Dye:leo gand— one of th•IINIt Nur waiters P ont..
bely. Dlr. with •sziatiorot by Dale.
Miry Jove, with ...tattoos. by Dale. ,
Th. ACtittoll of oar Town. br O.'s. Darter.
Also, • fine selection of Foreign Neale for Pluto, rinte •
Violin. de. If. lILEDALt. 101 Thiel street,
.1.30 tarn of the Golden rp
90: o er — y A su • s e p t l e tw n e l erod ia ndnow
eI AN an O o S
fo c r a ewa , op eni•
0 Medium, awl Male Crown Itiitr, for Fele wholesale
erul retell br WALT= Y. MARtilfal..
• ea %Yowl garret.
,I"‘RENCII PAPER—For solo by.
' }eV WALTER r.
113 E3ll"—il bales Miesouri, for oale by
COTTON -48 bales for sale by
EAD--13.59 pigs Galekis, for sale by.
MUIL-1450 bu. prime Peachqs;
125 " t 00.
DEFINED SUGARS-124 bble. Crinkled,
Palvoisact. and Marital Siuranc bat Nor Tort
brands far We Dr W. betikl.LY t
SOO IS sad 4. Wcol st.
us. fresh Ctr 3 Lall i n i t - for -
r 'AR—IIO bbls. N. C., for sale by
.1..13 • WM. BAGALkT it CO
It UTTER-13 kegs Spring. for ciao by
•CUEESE—'_dO boxes W. IL, for sale by
:O.= LEATHER-370 Eiden best Hemlock
tbma.a Naw York Latium. rer rib br
wm. maGaLsr a CO.
VASTOR OIL-10 bbls. Dxtra quality, fur
j solo DT DACIALEY Cn..
is ova Wood et.
"VIGO. br BAUM k 7119 , N.
Cc.cond rt.
b 7
te4ti Elwood
t i litON 7 6l:l tons sliver:l a ' r, , fo a r l rl ii o v. by
it_ 7 ;.7
.IN—•200 bbls. f.yr Faio 'by
, 114.1.11-200 bbls. fur said by
143 IaIRD a MTN
ACKEREL-100 I6la. No. 3 (18.51) fo
U. 003 Baia° t IRVIN.
10E;=30 tierces (to arrive) turkle bjr
► r lIE
~t 11 o'clut.k.. d.ll:ll . T6s e)' l= l :o;iglitt j a PIA
kil.burgiti 00 the. pun. 4) or elactlAig blue 00001 0, to
•orro 1,0 lh• 0000100 rear, Uld Us MUMMA Inich map
wine.. sek may be I.cousht bares Um =voting. By ankh'
Directors. - A . I/ CO/1 111505. ' L.
.143-ne . e.ele.llol. •
NDIGO litablEGS—On eoneignmonti
b. odd atop to doota t ti a loony co.
bbls. fur sale by
feM /148D* 111.17 M
Superior Shirting Muslin&
this menthe another turnlrof lane ethratat Nan.
ona. !IL , . on hand. Ikaaantl. , Ithirainglarame,Pareeraal
.thretly Dow atm manufacturer's wate r ...end Pm b mar
ranted porn Unen, anZ
Encaustic , Tiles for Plow's.
VDUIESE TILES are mere durable than Mar •
, and the . mists ut eoloneert Eton" item. mai.
ey are nut fur Churebee sue other while butbilarp.
and toe Yetubelet t Muir, tbonme, Centermiotio,
end Iltatbs to Imported and for ;mit by
xat.ta. bombs t YOULE. -
Year! amt. NEW YORE:.
BLACK . BER AGE—An additional 'supply
tved u.scaulada at thp don of
fro -
iriOPLEY'S POT-CLAY-10 tons foreale by
1.) 7e .l J. E.CII.VNItAKI.I3! CO.
I INSEED 01L-14 bbls. Cur stile by
J. f.CROON3IAIiu it a CO.
I,U3I—ZO bbls. for sate by
1•23 J. scnooN MAKER a co.
aIIE-11.10 bbls. for bale low by
‘fil , J. .S(3IOO.N.IIAKta a co.
CIAND PARER—aI reamsnsed, for's:o6l)y
1 1 .4 FONG E—Ex tra
j fi . m i Tzkafar i ta co.
l 3
14 - 7 ~. :4 Wood 4.
rINTS °ROUND IN IL, in 1 lb. cane.
Bum and Par Cmlxr, Chrome Yellow. Pubrjrit,
for br
.rg.r.:24 3 'n'''' J. ECIIOO2I AKER. & C 0,24 Wood 4t.
LCOISOL-16 and 92 deg. strength, for
nip br ll+l% l J. ECIIOONNAKES. a CV.
4 3 1 : LEN'S servo and Bono Linimen.—'
t " b/ •SCHOON,LAILEIL a co.
.h.V .°l ' 7° " 4 h "":7!7 . 3cIV.ZMAKE:t a CO.
Cornices. • •
AIIAVE juat received from NMI. 'Lick, am
otber lane lot or new style WINDOW COBNICEd awl
!ITALY /WM /rot We 1a...
D/21 - NODO-
Xr 11
NEREL-100 bbin. No. 3 qm , , to
min* aad for Ws bi
LI 60 We. nav Lao N 0.3 11=km%
bbls. No. 1 .1 . 411.147/1. •
Estrarurdlzilour tarsals b/
JO= WAT't • GO. .
Expneas Packet and Ecraroad Lula to ettorkscr.
ASSENGERS leave every morning at 9
P -•
eclat. by stimasbou to Beeves . : names b 7 stAsifi_
etatstsookots Salta's% ,sut thew* by 1 ttutstre.M •••••^"
lasslntY Clyyossosa
'eur""..rm mom To DKr .It. ZS b 051%
%SW*. =t Ctattszy t 7)
Tklats glll , O soush to
PiaDumb= gut Ind. amhca sad chtdaßia
. • Lula:ad.
Pa.eaa*yrs los Denlt..Chka tad 3.lflaunklet . Dinl
Lissalaw n u ry h matne . at syLelFses, bythvg=
thews al ; I X Nr.2. bytisi= Ntr Dutts.g.
tut artntax ma, mans at Cbtesza by stsanbtat
Du DM water tbs Ohio sin souls
as weirdo.
eloper and Gann, .111 albs, nd mash quitiss.
um, Una say
CLADXD t PURDY. Ptcutistass.
rtt tlelopt• or lots:W.lm t,pply to -
Mit ital.) corner of at 4 Water draft.
Opp:mitt the M..=01114 MOAK
0/11ce nal;t 8
Forty-six hours to Philadelphia..
Forty-fotm hours to Baltimore..
281 tiaßes Railroad-103 smiles Cabal.
UTLIT. MOST ?Luaus STD 0111702.fatt IMI
Btiv fret from (A 4 many dower and pothrapt
contacted with pica Linea.
Two Daily Lines Express Packet Boats.itaigE2l • kligEn
Vti , ittsbiligh tor r rku3at thaws
by fbrtagelttlboad to • °
Mere Satiric the
Tyro flooded sad Yorty•Cve Calm direr& to
Notate lava every tooralsorprootioW at rattlt eMerab.
and even aTerdos, at the soma won. .
la" to rbliadel Ala. SID. Far to sifter% ss .
00 .
do Laacults 62 do llaxelaburs
Passengers for
Sete the 'fork and
Itanyad, at
fo aet - d of Cara aL tbat place. fricat
four mum) Time, Y boor,
No charge for handling Baggage on this rotas.
The Cars on Ws route ara oar. sad of the moat appear.
ed onertrootteo for terafort awl tm.
If 7ott desire ehrap travelling ar.l
000daticareoz• locejtirthatourEs,
D. L£CO.
CktnlTbda.l . 4lat amt.
1851. WESTERN :1
D. Luca fit CD'S. 1.138.
aNgi i
81, - 1) NEW YOBS.
I.‘HE tax bein g .In go d order, we an
' , mend to endicer eral t.evhasellee . 3
[hue the atone elute, area love.' .1.111.1. MIMI •
ease Ltt=vrtooLetrAlebi tu.
t o tittuailttod, awl all twact.g..i pittTlay 1t
Untied to.
APIA/ tx ,
gu 6 ag. pre:eiders.
Ca.] Beete.-eetz Wee: Plttateszsb.
ItfeetTlug hi...MTV:L..
reoliverhor,lNvet. Doek
• 6111'111 .11 late Soll.t:Gb. /stems.-
11. 5. 1 3 2gC1. " teh th e ". . '
• No. 1 Vett etreet.Nee Vett
1.1:14:4 ifq10:4111
1E 2 4 - .1851... ffhligig .
zoarnamou. Bova.
via, Brow:trine and Cumberland; to Baltimore
rpm MORNING BOAT learn the Wharf
Om the 8:45.5. detly. et 5 o'clock predeeln cow
oeallts..eith the este it Coettartiuxt test elotthlit,..„
The Nevem Boat teem dell- (exarpt
vggl i st=lax 111. th tat anza Csonberas4 — ireil
• Tim. threurd to Belthoete.l3: bot Os. Ton ovir *L
une tbraush a M1...1ank% boom rare our ES.
The Nat West hoed Is now coelacor• go
the Cokd* between Emensetlle eo Culatestlen4 at
task. Waded:Lally the ail= haat. .
' ' 015ce ilslrtaruall:*ase..s
1851. kat.
'On the Pennsylvania and Ohio Camas.
ClIA31111;ItLI. , CRAWFORD R CO...—CinTarnan. O.
THIS well own Line vihow ret . red
godcus t "lrMi N a Lw I nalt M T W rhe Ousel and Ilia
The rtellities of the Linear. c4 onanintowd tn umber. qua(
lin and atlwitr et Beata,isPerienoe of combw• "I
Oaer Uns Torturer Pittaburgh Clerelunldnar,rn
LlRCltral 'L nl B * E ' l l i . k L : ° .:4l=rfret °ll2 =LZ
1 (veva*: and erele/a) on the akes. • . _
R. R. Tatlar, Warm. 0.4
n. M. out, Newton rails.
C.FeecWtieaema►o.: _.
Dm bak Co, Ilsnyrum 0.;
1111=LUS7"" 1- •
Wheel.; Lee a Co, F n. 04 °' \ '/. •
ilattlence k listuy.k.T MT. P 4
- trArl 71)CD=. ° 01 6 *.X4 •
' nr . Ai n .nti ° tba., 1:=, 4 W
12, '' • -
"°'"' "AST°. elbantis
ant tar: water and Nmithlleld sta.: -
To Bins:bless lien. -
THE SIII3SORIBER intends starting on s •
inua=ss Toes to the Lutes Cato, ea or about the \
of JalT, and will .Wad to 11.12 T btasinue unapt ter :
DL " n *U4 s "'" u '" 'VEIL Y SSI6IIT.•
cha. to Tpshmsz, Flab. 013. 4 : 4 th; b•;Qut;
limbo:mt. •
Itafsrease:—Jack. Monism. 7.0. Flawslm, D. I
Una Ussaptou. Om X. ♦noW; asui yi •
. ' - Wm. M. McKnight --.
. . ..
Nyton O a. cs il,l3 %Acid attention to the Collet.;
tlahu for Moreturds and otbon, to Wert. .
em 'Wants and Zaotern Ohl. • - .
02ISm M Talamon iloa. o 9Pmito am No. OrAwell‘m"'
-littsburtb. 11.
• . Reforommc—Jobn Itunieca. V.C. FIoorEIND4C. Wlll4, x
}lmo mamma, and Wm. MOZlll3lthltS. top.. p 27
I i C:A.F SUGAR-50 loavoi Lovering'!"
Rterinl. sled amid for oda br
PAGED, BLANK BOOKSallank Books,'
d ivm trail wed to ard,
W. & tavexa
Blink Bonk Itanullartom N. Cm Thad strut
les asehaww. 4&.. ro& ot ewtcand.
INSEED OIL-1000 gallons (to arrise)%k
far ode br ' JACIDD a Cs
fi ET AND ILINS-11..
Juit mel , ed a mat vailatr of lu
=M UT bazttathi sadotb etylos. Alm.
• B-. 11? Waal. rime, seal re /lats.
CHEESE—;e2 boxes, now londing, and for
w 14.1,7 DICRRY CM. •
1.17 Water and Front U.
-grtHEEsE—wu itr 4ro
.-A for
ir egle by
1 1.) INIAL£I2I . E !O.
GOS-300 doz. for gala b . -
pan . e.s w. Etiassrau.
k yoZiouisprAvs_-sii t• .r•
ict.alutF.D ssUSLEC---54:1 piece desfrable
AJE •til• sad W.W.1 . . to ..6.1•b7
• Chickeringli Pianos.
ir _
oirx .11..E.LLOls, '.lg,Lut for
Cbtekerlit's s hoote.. 6 r ki,..tabargb
and 11".•tero ilorayirsole, No.Bl ti
boo receitai awl [low Oper. for We, the Al
• bvizsgtract. assartmeni of I.l=l, Yore.. attrett ea
ono ory, et .11s. Cbtebnihea (Bolton) p.m . . , -
deenLitan , wat evularno4 }4r.0..9( octaver.
_•• . Nein
gernet 4r,
Shim nand comm. 6 •
S See ton abrl , new rdttes oq ans.ce o r* f
the lauet 143 . 1 ca of ft:lot.
talk and *At! all Air. Obielerl nes llaprtnnanentat the
prime Dausiably the omen at Bootee. t•Lorebz saving - u.
Porobaetre tie tide Mica the &tram owl 1016 of treas.
One tto..ed Cu.d Itouldlape)i oct•tyriiito. m.0..'
.nlbatt.dbr Adana Soda% • 0:‘
O. How.. a" To, Adam stall.. kOA
... , . Daft** ii....• '.. .
P. ~,,b. ... 4 : • Clakkerist i vs v.I WSW;
g: . • 14=1:linatt ' , z
- • DOW, • flesbilry; •
ey • 31 Cox:many. MS
ARD 011.--t; bbls. No. 1, for salf , by
4.111 JAMSZ LAMM.. 65 II atar st.
New Books!
.. •
0115 T : a Problem i reprinted with oar.
retioas sad addltlas. than Irsaer's Dlawito... _.
b Vieth .• We t
ot ;be Porttaux by vlscavabor Or
- . Awe. in tbs Ufa of-Mr. 311ripma,..Ma11m:
ie. •
LB iravi".k. 7 4 (3 .17 4 . 4 Qum: , 0t AMYL; 1,7 lamb Abbott, • 1
th voltie. •
_. . .
No. II a hotorlal 71141 Book of the Ilavolattcsa
Da 7of Losalma Labor and the Load. boor.
Tb* above Books jon revolved one for Ws by '• .
• jal7 .. H. C. STOCK/Wt. atorket at,
c 2,1 Publio Dormemas 4' the United Mabry ".
the *mesa= of George Niubbmtort 1:1 the Prem. .
biting . *complete vierreLoar earittrallao•Mone.
Darr *WIT itsetellmmatateleptitlltial,Hittorket.' '
G. pap
al Sdegain*,
opmplusal Doeumenth together
bartree tbe Alto liumfectures, mat • Lecerd DM
of the Time. from len.
2 1
.17 'WWII* works for sale be
.1•17 - R, C. Arca icraN. girket
EESWAX WANTED—The highost pm, 2
hi cash 1,111 Oa raid tar exis
jsr mars AVE ard Wcol OA.
RI4D PEACILES7IOO busheLs dried:
" """"" a 1 " . b. /N. lIARDAUG
01L--10 bble. pure. fur sale by
lJ leas ?Lomas. LITTLE a co.
1. A ,ON /LUIS-1(1,0W lbs. ouperior gala
/JP .1. 7.102 nl. ROBILLON. I.llj &
.11 ACON SHOULDERS-35,00(ilbsfor Liao
ACON-7000 Side; Shoulden,'
for de try jell, 6Jt W. ILMIIACO H. • .
COTTON -25 bales (Batting) for axle by
ml 5 N.III Vrenat
it :0 :II • 40 ' or eat
bi 1 1 07 R. P. iteasuat.L. ab Rada.
1.2L0011.E • BATS, FOR Ti E COSTUNS • 2
Jur A LA 2088.—LiAlee sad 31.1.wresixo lust received. '
uma Ibr vas byZ.. U. YALILIg..
Lel? 106 .11ark...t at
Para Bra, for Diarrhom, &a
FAR u MIND! ahorid you need French
n r .r r . the TUT tut,u, te oltatoad
the Diaskao4, Y. it per caul •