gin! trffilrfEVA X4l Xlll ~ Srotts,diantinstati ' Gazdter, ..E'PIea.N74IIMS XEtirazaa,sousacs, os T , Tb& bus interi or of Vricastni relnainS laruysteli: Brute! (Ettore:red the source of the Blue Bale; . „ but that utile Abisd [or . of Nile) ,r„ 1 " inains.unkuown. Bo atw .of that Test :!nterto —the terra ince.gynta—which stretches, fronalhe , Orange riser of Benth:Atries to • the. southern 'limits of Abysinla; and; "from. Metambique..cei • the south-east tu Liberia-in the treat: mango Park,' Clapperton, the' Leaders, &C.', hare ietean to'very indistinct ideas of limbuctoo of!,Lalte,. Tchad.'and the Niger,' A 114401 and • sap-, ters, like that which till lately , htmg-Oer . yet rests upon all the interior it:Afries, In the midst of this mystery and .tlyricneati the held : ' missionaries of the ;Christian Chtireh-sie _ . - the only men who hive penetrated with salltan eyes. On all sides, however, they are drawing ' the cords of :civilisation round the dark tents of Africa' They are saying to - that long negleolld lend what statesmen' and warriors hankllfeen said—" Arise and shine, for thy light ten tomb,.. From Liberia they are going to the tourer! of the 8t Pauli_ and the land of the Gonlaint, and there disceverinia region which is coMparedt4 -the. QUAID' of old. - the Nile the German. 'Missionaries 'have Midi their way, till , Wearly , -• wider this Equator: • On all sides &scared= are made which utterly reverse all oar preconceived ideas of the interior of Africa. The &tette and rands, and fevers, which we bad imagined to till the country, didapear. Nobberivers,sedhealthy bills, and prairie plains rise in the . plesaing prospect, and we are cheered with the 'Vial= Of a country, which may. and we-believe Will; le: , come the Canaan of the long coiled and:dewed .We shell notice here two exploralienst OP the : Went - and on the East • • • r _ -1. Of the MOndi Country. The. Bev.- George , 1 Thompodh, of the American Blissionary;Astocht - J tire, visited the Mandl Country, with a view to make a permanent peace among the . tratives,-,11 and succeeded . - The Mendi Country. is on. Me', Meat - eased beyond Liberia. Ire proceeded on,' till, they arrived'' at a fine large rirer;es.wide as the Ohio, called the Big Boom—They proceeded up this stream to Tffisana, alarge , walled .trriti at thehead of navigation.. Mr. Thompson gives this ticcontit of the country: country along Big Boom for sixty miles 1 irons the month," Mr. Thompson says, • , 15 low and Very fertile, with many beautiful 01141.11: The bank ire. evaded with majestic cotton trees'[which are loaded with a groat variety -IC birds,. the year round.—The towna are =ma- - *US. „As we monde Me country beconeirmore • and more elevated.. About Tisanes, below and above, it is high and rolling, with cliffs, rocks, precipices' .te. The timber le heavy: awl:the soil, though gravelly, is fertile. Dig Boom vs . ritis front a- quarter to half a mile in width and . , has - a very rapid current. 'lt would be =lige. _ ble to Tissann more than half the • year:for, ,an y western river steamboat..". . • Oftbehealthinette of this country. Mr. Thonak... l era writing from it nays: • this distance front the lOw lands and - with no eutgamit lakes or swampa , no Wide river hot— tutu, no sluggish streans,er. orarflowiegi of-. "country, I see ndresson while would not be nil healthy, a country as any, when Mee dwell ap,.l ' nettled and cultivated, es axe Blentstar' , Staltn- I finely_ believe itl - see,. , natural cause of • sickness here any =Nathan In any newuncol _ h Bated country. • Whiletheen. discoveries of fertile and healthy regions on the West:Geist are made, and Gun views'of the immerses and destiny of Africa sre milargieg, other disioveries ern Zama= kind, tout equally interesting, are making -on the East Coast, to which we will briefly mike. . I. Of•the Illnunbani Country: and the soarers' "Of the Nile. In November,lBo. De,Eratl; a ' Minister of the Church Weston tkiffiety,-In'East • Africa; and geminate' of: the "Barbi 'Mission - _Meese visited likaxabani,theconntry ,of the Wa . .kambs...We need not repeat tbetternef of P0 0:11 pie or countries vWted by limier, they ere alt { i utterly unknown to Geography and History; tilt -' recorded by him.; Suffice it to say that the; Ukanabani country:is near the 'sources of the,' goilllinancey River, (tolled by tho natives Dane). - nearly - under the equator, "and which joins the , ' , Eastern Ocean at Montbsa = the only oaf the ! ensperstedptiees which can be - found on a - map. Sr he claire the Waliamba (resident four:hear' deed Miles from Mombaa) sometimes Visit that .j plain:land to one of them (Kivoi) Dr. Staff had prim:died a visit by way of making an opening into the interior. After traveling , two or three' weeks Dr. Muff began. or .ascenda ascendpinks neer two_ thousand feet in height, into what is celled the..Tata &strict Here, although not more .than two or three degrees from the Equator. all natural characteristics , were. pleassut. , • " .111 lets I enjoyed a very extensive prospect in all directions into for distant and utterly un known regions of Central Africa.. The climate cool and pleasant; the people not so childishly. eerie= us in Elkumbolin The brought its for . sale flesh of elephants, biffeloes and giraffes, 'and see relished It, to the . vexation of oar Me-! - hantmedan bearers.. The Wanika people are . -not desphsers'of animal food, and l' was hungry. enough notes= to reffise elephanea flesh. roamed; for none of these people est raw, flesh, as the Abysizians do. This was the Ukambani country, and onthe North, West aml East,Dr. Kraft says, there high mountains. We C all attention to this fact, for these ' are; ttrumeetionably, the Mountains do: scribed in imaginary geography; is thithimmtainn of the-Moon. By some, they have been suPper-... ed . -not to exist at all;, bat we think, that the _ , recent: voyage of German Iffisaionary up the . - Nile, en one side, and this journey of Dr., Kraft; on the other, haveanffielently demonstrated the existence of a lofty chain of mountains in that region: In this: lofty rang o, two enereititaxise - above the ethers; with sublime , effect; Befoni reaching the Ukambani country, Dr. Knt" thus drecribes,Ellimanjers ' • .".Mler,vre had =armadas Melia, I saw the snow mountain. Kilimanjaro's - try distinctly, and apyarently near.'; It was a fine clear morning, - At Maruign I had already seen allttle of It; but now I saw it mach nearer, end from the east ;and - north. 1 also saw. the territories of Bombe and Caen, and the smaller sharp pointed mann. tain mentioned by Rebmann as seen by. hint, when in Elem. But the Kilimanjaro is higher than all' the surraandirtg mountains, being like ' a giant among children, Its-top is milted like a dome: It has a great plateau covered with enow,wffichdeseends several thousand feet from . . the top.. Whoever will helesiter continuo to doubt the existence of this snow mountalniolY_, di, as he pleases. Stilt there itis ; Rebmann and myself are witners,"and no are all natives that see IC" The point of perpetual congelation !nth= re.. gionmusthave been six or seven thevatuni feet' and as the snow demendedsereral tkousand feet from the summit, this mountain was probably= • lint there is a mountain near the same ridge; higher than that, called Sena.. From the south eastern aide of this =ow-mountain flows the Dana, (or Quillimances,) which flows into-Abe. ocean ne, Member. On the northern side. prebo7 - bly flown the Nile. 'lndeed, looking to the laws or surfsbaforMation on the earth, we may an; /mance #t sea fact—for it is in the highest de , ..gree improbable that any other range, as high. shonld flow between that and the Nile- °Mans, "I Myself saw the Seale :eight:daye :aft= this, aria tineafternoon; and it. was indeed very majestic sight extends very fir from emu td went by north. From the general. mass - to immense peaks are seen towering toward:the sky like immense, 'mighty Pillars..' The eight was oirerwhebning. Truly it is ,Much - ffigher than the .Eilhanjun; - end I tia • believe- that - It will prove to be the mountain that gives birth to thiqpnacipal branch of- the Nile. Peoleply; and the assertions of a native, as given by Male,' agree with the supposition." The limits of a newspaper article wilt Datable • us talpursue this subject farther . To us •.tt Is invested with a profound loceiest.- for, in •addi: Gen Ao the solution of problens in geography and science, it is opening up a new chapter:in the history or'civilhation and a new develop _ meat in the progrestof arriatielly -There are tribesl of people -- docile ,, leardiable, and intelli gent—t. which, though envelopedin the &Anna - of Paganism, have , yet escaped the crimes, the - follical, the heresies,- and the impostures which have sometimes been enacted inchrisiffintai • They, ere aceeratible—and,with'kinduess end • &Mama receive the teachings of the Minden/xi: There are now Isere:al'. Exploring. Expedition Afrum, and verbal endeavor co return OCCIL• eionallY: to. this nib jeel, when new` Information Sea L`'!' VONQUESS.LiZaktijS mow open for there in a yirttoro. The proprktor,tbaukful lot the llottut toonototoro *mold t00 n. m.... . ocalrit ILTLl '' rtondlity to ‘Ltit Ibis I. I" Don the t te... to wake NU boa. do. bomo . cemndo aml stoommoduttoos, bo trusts. *lll =on ttoctorx to east... Una Im.Ltiltkb. bo. tweet... O t00 , k104 noon tho Lama. subottibor hootateta ;mu. io procure gocd owl attentive .11.4 /arosati. - ¢o. .1.• coovirion that lbws...ft isotedietheiastain out viola of a sofioritT of. tboottloomot, es this pplan:' PRINTING b.. 14 - RAPPING PAPE& A_ asp.... MA- ILK iact [Utter Wriptop .:1•Z so, .I,t.ited to . ttbolL _ 6.0 =pew Poet Otteo Piper; • • • lug . Double Medium 24sZ" Piloting Tbr taid . sCsetor mom. tot - Stile it .ttkWrist prime. or " Wl ji93 I , • more of Pt !Lute* and tletotat —-- - - pH — WIGTON. HERRING- 7 .20 boxes zu yell av ettli trzt o b/ ij AVA TOFFIX-40:bagevery j,,,strawatorsopl. Wm. A. WeC2l3lO • CO- - 1101.1AN-CEBLENT-11 bbla;dor 4sle P..TOS 'BONuoltST .. .l' . - i=l. MEDICAL. -f . . the Hiimill AtillitialiTeittire, Qio:ifiSSlTATtlitE,Aci haie . K1'4.1111 . 7 1 4* Lq.,_./s*Tlion Sal lassos am domt_poirplre. oro - abo• lia24 Marra*" Slin Massa. Ace.. Jame lira ken arms • few orronatiork ond St. th• • , .1, tbar,rodithes sal sofa". la Pkio..,4,:llttr• Gs:.: ot =mason, - '' - .•___,lkor.aottabewoocstoo..a.aottatylosto4:_ .. ~ as ...ow se um+ t0r0r..... to , 14.y00 , 10. Aden. Is to soda mow. ad Ind It anfas doo. ln 'Partdos. Moab. Wrsaloo.Orwaotar ran dan:. nodal" owned rat tit l• Mt=tarrM ill MY WM WM vas. / "ad' st ..1/ a ara' road orlon bal. mono lea. and non Boor It-eal the radar II a...Wawa" 1 woad atom, MOM: nt, 1 MeV it no te SU i MALM !liftegitr•ggillablY CYMMed,muMM9YMMYMU. • Inolaanotrair cam. hat a onsmtlvet =I lan ••• air odd. thod soi one sandal wilb MY of ta shag ordain. au fiat this all. sad Iran soar* Indoni... rshls a Ito4Ela) than 1 A.M. • • Wad.. . tbs stood an n odes with loMi , Sid a ans 100 al lbr Joao' Itslanebemad Soo ' ay Itra v rf lf.s44CW:f. oar *Dada: ..,_.„ , Pearly Wltit*tti, - wad Putt WOatli. : to to ma for 'ZIS ma,- sho ass eithsr.res booors. aysisond tat UAW" r..ara. or .11th dompolut ar read., and aierusted t o tutor. ad • 15S ro ll. tar of Joan' Anew troth Pona . all make the teeth .aakino,ss iliac sal tbs brat* alorinrady ntaLoaliitjAaki3O"l:B.4'. 140 .1,1144. str boO of '-., Atikieatitto Mir Tonic, 'testator ond'itiasa. mltria_lllotOmo, 3734 mar. nolo ad boys sad Mad lildr , astera , know Its orselad gouda-. OM. Mol byte not.'M'llattft it to tams ta tolloann sedition-a all *set the hair to at at ar part whoa mar. I air to Wit. stM It &fling _oe. Ms ar daattrairaske toot; ndor am hodr Ms ark. Yor rendering tar bar_ soft sod 101 . , nothing con area iha-lt mobs It trod' bosaMl. =4 toms It .o. It dad, ;din mar rlratldost._ricsol. for the 80 1 a W l' at WIL4ACKII 9 IPB flare, 4io tiara au hair. d Nioa-Flsant".4o ' . . • . J ONES' Solution . of Jet,' a likitid . lama Mir llis. - lis tartan/tog of ada. ad, or va" besotind Da -W nz ballet rotor. In lair adonter. • '• &Ida WM. JACii,no 440 Litertrdrset,brad of Wool. '.. :JONES! LILLY WHlM—Lattiths ire MI- Itoioal oistake ,qnqtl . l‘ , ,.mou ototokiod Mat. T*2 Enot 'swam boor Rtgrotmy iniutioas al. to the okito or moo. bow womb. bow tilZi . , .. Tollott"..,..whealg 114_==4=Ziitiriati pf Indf - - ~.. , , .:• sr • box s bowlful ymt•tooloortkeioortueolro ittlt.tomar math y Whits: 41k . ,... t xtr*V:=4,l4 i ttot k ti , i .. X . olourter, clear. littost, G., ot, the mom Urge Wing so eo• slottto cot th,q stto. emit alaollt4trut to __ ,_ h., ...t. __ The cod Eztraordieway Din:cony is- tee .f o nd the *et ,Anant 24,4* for Masi and Bead/ _ _ _ _ . E. e: rungs i.F.muutED eammpr, =wart re aiinatilona: aim! , peiloiroisdly• the , • analsa Dineen. la ea dart of old. vanilla= Ir e Ur sop* of mar, tut nitro an ban hp 'emu la la* thor bap= Ira ! r attans amanit a i n: VtaiVrrediorr4un h otaln of arm., arta 6ir walls at Oa now mat scrum of Iranian, Tiara . a ..v= ith them Wat er Si oal& ,una a..,L 0r0 ta wt tlai l in ot vir las .= yorlil_Z l =o u ta..l . laikr. d .liiiiioto ad . n oLl t iaia==nr: f which _rib rotarniarobt• Hanna .is -compred sad .by ''thw ia in a nw =Tga, `"4"` totteora if . A ara dn' itaanfitlEatajzzan nrainia altar the most to. lia=lo prompt, pnniLLl.oa offeetnall .... , == aintil.-4-antirai oarra, V. VA .— an 14: rift , ram croaluk the: On Orb to t em opt TiAi&lontto atom. firdagh lunar. 1 mann I laid Da - JointWgcron4 Mi. I. rwoo .=l34sam,,ml:llll,lign =u n l to r be rlit i all g zir. Saab. La, t. V ,:_.4el lair e a - V aa ar. Anittiin Var. Kam p it • of the Mat...e.:4:19 It recar& P W A ; to •.: '72'. tole. it ~*A.Zat so euesm a ‘ ,l -.- . ..." rti ' i ry. Stiff Camplana ;,.... •9 • nrif ' I T , UX-W0u..... ..„:. t ...m.eing. =I op totait ' Ali - Linn ,i. * oilVia4 of ou .. , .• ,_ , , - • -• , - , iodll.4Meina la from m. prMdned aemaidant of lb. yadtbrnallq&reopeetable boom of of Vela* limn. al Paorts,And me. oft minnaufed ewes to the maw& of m ogtorr • .--,' • Mr: HU, Ferrell: Deaf Ste oy • prosief gra. , MI submit Um *ant , env jpytmlen ot• the . ..ldr a; grettja=- m i t4t . ...0 ...M=re opt 1. ..: tbny. eta Amen. It to tend Attplesmem. Tim lambs beams ea r 11 , 1 a ring amid Do bent lb. 8e.,0 tuned Matt and and rnfirei 4 L denrionl atfielne*: Um lio srC ii eye, tr ne.. 5' _ •01 stber Um& - Pallor- Inn this wad ynm. In s too • mdne beam. eon . Meets& nol no ennont a gr 'be dos . o.,bmil. the Wad :tad heeir only I& Eti &Pm of Wag de tr 4 W -- .4 , ' -- Vrl=l,dr.,:-411ira, 4°,..,r-Tigri, It was a dorn tams. nod flaitaltraW.Wasnt. un- Monts apD 47.Mauttatipla.ol: payed,. ersz thew br.L.l.l3ol.f.o.tepurp.....The eye to. rhea bronebt be tom ex , Malta- 1 Salem tya nal; berneneend• *Welt Emet tot already been dolNi; v.; Use doctor inalaudd• a. 0* mai do .abins mac . .1171 - ,mmenoed er Wing Par I.onment Tmety arm gm at of Um Mtn. and TFeY ear imui.. - wayar. Inr: 00.41 0014 a Om arptietts....l4,47•7 paimattas tatty nparod. irtte fe b tM.M.P . t ' VraoM * " At i trf l = 4lll.. row hearty l ' lll mt.... Zia . . 14; 7 : i.ljtajtbe= or .i ttfet s i ' .. . 'l , ..aird to Pr . r o tet yronr.l.ln=titkbeenn:st, tbeOartia"yrynentoni. Yen* *Web. 1.1.51-. ~ 1 100101,0. ~ • ' • , •.. •• • • ;Warr C?raplaint, Ertydpelas, put Rheims . ._ L. . ... ' _ turin:cJiwk e co:oil._ iky 2: , ie . . .46 . sirs . ( l .ff-Dow Sir Tor. /Inborn% ir Want Wr "U tir d' ' Virlitnn Irm ...41 ,, .,4' , . , . :„ .= . 4 r" u• bate% la ~.AV1041.1.14,A1in0 AtobtfotiOnbrot: .I!Visl.l tlin dx&Gin .0R - o ° rol...lLts beett . s= =tat. 0 Ir t i l Zg . aso 4 Ad j r ns% lobar 11 1% Leh Eileciratltririn I.l= rtno. 1 lOrneel. Tubbing lath nut Unbornt, arkl 1 aomi ••• done , the pain owne. B. , • J Stiff CorPlaint, - Stiessuy, Distemper, .094 1 fma 1.11 .3iitObell. Poi/wear, „111t. , p4W -'11.11,76.05W Yew 4rabWr'll.l . liWt. Is hfigalr Woblziar4=l4llynv,itame tirztr.ti estrat orm a say oink afylgs _wowy. elbstiJ= - DO" mad las how glib bra Cart will 14 I» W. A I I m eol T Lt WI, had Ur DiWorzejnr. and eanal womthW. ssy• w yLL ilatio be armwiL• -Uses hans tow =es cured of W. /Cm deb It 11!..1 ita my iatuable Walt* , . . ' Bowe ye arn matolfeil.s. NO GUARD AGAINST I °wimp rig Nu. ?stale las puMslany matkosi mann & Wm. k-i==,,q4,4II7"ASIU m IMassaL lsi Fy • Mamma tband sad mr• Man lonstar healed the...if YsnsiL Ibis b. pillittaLr nerstesal4 . 6lt M ibmany•lanalfs Lianseate fa sinMentEsd En tog. UN . 11 V• WOGS sarsasm up:m To o lac always .sk 'for 21. G. Ammer' IP 0007. .1 tin gessise norm bas the Mien kr..trlsrntrx. kW Mom Ur onad . ds ar= fr = M ems UWE-- Ansa madsd Is nay TOM. TIMM sod Elnabts the Matod auteß,M naEodE man on malign& Apply bY Mtn So IL imienna. La. sigh &and Yd.... . "*that' gr "'" _ . .bat i ltl a kmdds ,EE OMEN s . tirestabaYnarsgmmabk us may ela n lars—ZonEs; maii;ml dollar per boMos vecto rs sfyysVzrobend by EL (1. Familmols Investo ysl mad Manama& racli4 IT ?Isis M. 111.: sad Ibr Malastosnd mad st maminney min by BE_LEJELB. isylalSEL 1M 67 wood man Sold by D. 51. CPUY.; illestursy Car. T.: Babbitt's Celebrated Soap Powder. WASILING -Without labor( Warranted ArT to take Use sZsing ' out . table listoto and osli laMue Uts—Pat poor :elegise • I sti etdd .ster ono , Wm. theolt: two tater of this Stay Powder, to adapts everts of ostso wed .lm slotbno tho grater Is MEd, itdd mos of Lb. Powder. and WI tbete .. taltiougg lAs As ti= Drew %Magdalen oath • then pat Om to • V . feid syledient o:ed Inter. go tber srlll not be to lutodle.. Theo me Um CM" Wm.+. se itt othse 'eye them a thorough dosing, gout that to eatlbrient to , IL Et...—Thore , Xsit rode le this Sow. It will Imre : the cloths:awry w , and ea bed oily .awill, .. some maga 40. Thor edit of the mislay used dew not esseedw.atwOrerds,..tirmosfle.te o th er:=.of an pawns.—. This Is • Hmrdersd wepkWer !rill make tembriOnsrts 1.4 amity' Son SMP- . , • ' r .DritScriolle SOS Ogg—Take. se; dr o:i: wets? sma ads the Yowder with it. and Was lei s t ir iwy five min utes. than add six wr eold ater; tON tarier, _ mid ..t leeway where Is will vet freeze. and I, es, weld it. will .be very UAW and Dim While Sow. ood wash t h y, will not eat the heeds like ottsor Ben SWP: WY md toe eJothm• Csa be wed with herd or salt wsser,wypootilogyillittnigopg 4=slihreging MI.. .11....,, god gtoLlad ... , . ' .. . . dogl wholowto mid Moll by - ii. E. SELLERS.- . . , Campound,Syrup of Yaw -Dock Ecot, (locums the (rot rank among the pore ty existary taadielasa of this emontry for complatelf aortas Centar, Salt /Memo, Slyalpelms and all mbar da emon Midas from..alOWlror• KW of las blor_et. .Al.. Llverikmplalatr.o.o Ileadubsa. /ammo" Contra, Someneeslta4 'll-r IMMt tllts, Chart Seoul analas, or.boormotse, drviamo. and a tletllns sematlon . atenet du atrmst; mad to .era em agt!atOnlfroted me m.. Rena& Wpikiett end Goieral Dila:* ' I Stranitheatag the' weatened todranl:is tow toitta ar_ . et=aloil=r ll al If 11/1"=, Li.. '"'ir • •=ejt I.7l7:at".`=*tri4=faiit'ilhtt ..: 1 , rtl Ter" '''THlNlTa W g'4l l 4 l ...irtri =wiz In' Spinal? natio to • '4°. flavaldll of ttre best pbysialsos, and ha. .Ciarr , MS Massa. SrysWtax as=rolitj I. 13 Er.VZIZZVAI., .41 or cdario B : uoss. Tim tome obatlasta Oman hove bean cored by tato roolidat, 4 lt la • valnabis meglidariu au lIILIOUS 4:O)3PLAI ,It removes all otatroalems In Rst drenlatlon , tin laver ftse, seam. sod beak v. D. 7_,D.”,.. of the flout. and relines In v Asthout, say pi. toed In al cumos, iad /A all *WU ail. pat. r=nZP I. tat:s..d oa? kl 11 , 41 . 1 1 3 . M IC k 9 1 0 .7. It l z fa Mont by "4 ' '77. . "". s 21. WlMdalf. Only Sand Im Weatesa Panadylran ...P.7 WindlOilah ...a. Weed and Slatra ea, ants . . . . . . rILTPRIEISI), or Biking Prer;r:tivee • .: ooporeoling tba ow of YeaNt.Dr2d4rdr ur4 = I'"4. mW.6"..'4 =1,:,,,,,,,..i kg Um. sad GS leo emo too*: inticO.coomoi, to m tgt Want, Olol e ta= flaalsoto.,rojos :sltot i 1 .2.4 .4camm0Ll Ells- Limo. f!TOod4r to o.Z .9". th will In.k. .12ta.: lo mposs4l.o, 0, Z... 1th Du.. -Mods lemon lona Of It 1).+69:6. “,..amtiomit , ho. l4 .2 " l ead oillok sod moos r ~,,,,d ia. .. of U. 0. ,Ma... m.', sad luito Liorottols, Lt3llf 0 x! ". ~, It Is • Wool ..= ll. ;44. cftt.o". di ''''' uTivoot .t. Ib.zi N t 1 it.. Z. SELLER& ft :fteemior A. l O. Darya Trieopherous, MEDICATED COMPOUNP,.--Tbe fol , knew tasttonndoa fr om Mr. %ans. 'altar tbi 150 Azontioon. -‘tontoon on iMa WAWA. to O. - Toni. rib. %ISM 'remrs iyinnekveriam lo w *Akio that** Wu em tdonado mo:Us ala Merit oatookonlatlont. We do not do It tZenrWIt " USA dna. .iirm=ll,r.ll4:=l Ito grontb, ro s Mann mop.] tion Itnn to totito to be conybund rat 1... trAZ.AP Bold la tottlsoffm 3 trmtma ,o Nrir t. 6 4 0% ,6 ,41... #1 v e. 'M*7' • ' : - i I "..• 50:51.6=4.1. SOAP TOMMIE nOir to. 'salsa pa eiorlsS to mil the. 0/.llair landowd. m Ns! Miro e 0.7, • 21.0, lAber st.'" XSBITPB':, o r=al lb. tom -, •7`" BYTe sawn . Err; ot tris tinteio, sister do xeeN pnivannie. . of htrurnk ' '' Prcutoßz,• eregidisit of th e United Moho 4 AM/WM,UMW lsze and mobs knerwrothat public aim will be held at the otintionsal Leal Mao falba State of Artuulass. at the berelosafteodedm*.Attsrtt: At Land Me at lii=gilhw nossonenelagOn 1 1 ,f the 'oblio=littand S"4 ..r . thiss the • : 1 ! ' .. 7 gad froctkosel townamm.etet . • North Mc forschne andwastqfteldftisprbseitsd mnnfith. I • TownshlistwO. of tiange three. Township Woof. tengedomr., , 'Yrocamat township fourieen.north' of White rifer. of North of Ma hale sedasstatthe einniaesdl ~To Ghee% of at omra emotional township, Melon. of Mato dn. _t the Land Mee CLIAMPAANOLD. coarinetteing on Ithoday. the diteenth day of beparrobar Int th e dlr 'hotel of the POW Lando within the malinoantinaid woo _k.adAwilboartinemedwakflhiNtisii. Township!! eLmro anti thustesn. at range meoatem • Attae at 100 day; the eighteenth d. of August Meat: ID , at Dolma Lando within tbeadmwlW named toyrossolto IrVilis et/alone and Moth/ the JVIA grissensal Sections thirteen, wenty•three..twenfrthorand twenty: bos.smot of the St. Francis river, In township 1t... or '• Township a., of image omen. Sdao/ the Inseam end mtsted th,_4l!;Plieottoaoior..... Township four and part of an umoss In isectioas WM : two sad thnty-three, to township thirteen. of ningaone. [ At th e Lesad_OMee at C u : ILDC/L.commerationt on illoodist. the Onst day of leather next, the &Masa. of the peddle Dade in the ug named tin" otatisid WMs bar Wi l li wade theJlAtehtehlateseadiese. . The sthtli half of section eight. the south log.o ten, thsetional seeticourthroteennad pitons , th e norm Dalt of eenenteme. mw .W indt of twenipooe, tw3t=s. tae north half and mothweet quarter. of twat northwest quarter of twentywth., and the • 0.61. f of the northeast quarter of towoot)in three. of "'g""n"' • • "L .". Lends =edited be law fOr the o,a , dher orerdowed laratTrns rm r unit th umb the Willa:ion; If aay, which shall la minded bf satbritSectK toe the d Ar e.lbr the mama the pun , mles wader th e !tet ntithee enable the 6 of rtahoto and a _ the •swamp lands` tido their Moho& ay 4 0000 her 23111.1850. wan Le suuledial,Pasa And canons kw land bounties hendolore grauhT . ellyta ti ty law of Doom.. ibr ndlitary enrolees LrendevestZ t . fitates. sodi aspermingf gel i e4 the olawe prootded by the tote= An Jot ma tin g rnPrbeVsZticktroi!"'__,...... 'Tr The offering of the Mme memsoned. teadCwill. be Mont on the do n aln.datad. tow deo in which they ass odes:toed. with l con t di* tales. non' the whole sliallhove been oll•rod me pin thoselowl: but no ado shall t• tent T two weeks. poloist, envy of. SOY o Abe' *Lit ..tse admitted until anor the etplretMo of e two ersekt it, Olean under MY Mad et the :1 01 1 .7 4 .g ) sixth dal of sta. Anna Dom al onMrektto dred fit yogic • y the erosident: 'J. Commlesicari of tha Others! Land some ro PR.DETIP T TOY MALVIN= • • Eyary wank tanned to tbe tight C4' ythelaytkda 00.01 of the lands within the tnenshipsmt mrt t ud tow comet atom enumerated. is required to satinhetion of the Reenter sad Deser of , t v /vs .n, cr ... Lad thmoo , ofe i to". eefuadltthendbres stye Up OW smog this Rohm, the hebire tb6 day tat te the potato sale of the lands unarm Le , s g eri l e . ni=l:l24 . j,..iwirat bt.r. • Dommiesioner of the Oa.* Land thlos. torirldesutht . _ BY TI MIMI= el TEM U/1/TED OAP" . pursuance"of law, I, ,l i ktna4lo Fai*Olt; ■ nreskkot of the Iluitsed Map at Anatiotkt se haM at re wad mate lrounnt, tbst win the undermentioned Land Men in the WU of litininnts at nor periods berelnattee designated. to wit: , .on N:., •At ntsland OiLice at !AVON, ezi _up ttsg b ,V,P; ?,4 1 41, , r Lowsultine nenteneen, le tens-matt and selontyntine. near Current Ines, of nage tarn. . Township. trentswenn, twen .tweisdst and tundrision co and nearennent sins, of nun snit , Townsbip terntrelint. an • boson of Current:tem Of range lne.. 4oira3llp. twenty-dine. twentrintr . , twentreight and n'entr-nes . ofp o Townson* t ittros, nnotity-hase,'inettn•litht,alod " TVant a lt t vneltrrstr.p., ..2dps ~,,,,nrolvt‘,twentreorar,WlWrilTVlP4 duntrelits of nap . At int ntLirk eamwtrinit an Monday. Una .27,3=.setr.l_ towanna tat &saline , edderheitfths.a.4.l...irak!i. twenty-tun of ram two. • • grartioual townsbips twenty-one end tirenty-hro, and tor/lelllp !grentrill..., of range three. Tortnikip tweurro. or nag* *Mr. • 'of ma. Am T.2„o l ,lg=il 4 = "'' . and b tr gnstelt no 'wenn . = tsinty-nre, twents.lbur, tunny:die, • natty-de ten4=. of WWI OS. towrishin Innen 04 errepOep , . um. p hivady.tvo. of none wen. R.l fornatdps .thee. etAteni awl tirratrtyt , eta twenty-ores; and iliny bm, Inelossvo, sneolece _to fieenitne tn.* . sine to/Wry-an:l sio a ninreasa bruise, In encamp rge i nsbip r= &sent al eastdani to nirtrest frectionsl townibtp Wenn end frocUocal townebn tenon-nue (mete tee kesses. nen, thirant, tontraret, henuWiser, hesonejter, Seanner, tweserecon, tatsfeber, thirly-Jire, and tturtpess, MO zreorest fraction of motion six, Is township thus. 1 60;:etindrieltrit t~nnhiflinre.Xoll"Telfritfrlies nseen-Los beesetinneLl thonr" . i inslusJfurfmt t, ire. us township Mann: *mine t. I kar.lunre. lo fulnyhtpulnetenn sestiwn ldsrisnateur - lin, to nun balf neeennes. fen:lAV: L. Vs; jf:JX . I/1 - .4r,...p,' Sestnetin inn tun taunt ate tos.sosese• t. cniee.andsee. bi.ll and blirlEsee .i tl i tin i rs lan Wenner: . In to...tile s • M u ' tent. At th• Lend Orme at BMX (MILD, coonansitn on I llontar. the right...nth day of August nen. fte the die I Donal of the riblie Weis situated within thenilanng nal fractional tenmeilley to wit: - • /1 - cof/141 Pa ten deemed mad glee !Ana pendant meratien So= :girt= faun 7000 pentAs;.. 2 . e AI: AA= =Prat= oh. 'Lltb",.tp & , 21twentrs!nes ronni 10114 17 el nanional AnnistOp Unmans.. ten,,,.0._ of-eange• tuntreinen, terenewsna te thirtiAwo, thirty-Um. awl 1 I....l...Protrtined by law for thol Ineetf mhoola, tan and oner burpon% Winter with 'Venn swamp tad ovanior ro lands men met thereby Int eultlegro, If, V z I 404214be i e s tr by d nw , titateztu Art N.o. t ti tz gee+ , sto ,1 vi ta= act%titra; "'A An lon rZW,Leese tbe and dipkilas.te4.... AP. ..I.S ."d ottrigt of i l t o r 1 1 ore m 4. entio od ne i d i.nis will be tome z7,ll,l2k h 'izt, epD 07111 Pad will 'Patch. until the Za n nhalibare bees armed. ant awakes time nued: batman. Min tqf Ott weelot, and no e rste ntes asa ui =ln se hiso w 4 1) "s t. t m r th ° vraatill ? .. o...thdaActillyUt • - 11'44 Br nentindi ' Conmdedosirr. r• ' • • ' ItiVITCR PR.E.Z.11.1.770.V MA/J/43;14 • Teary tenon ntitled tone stint Inent2=o,, of the Lando mittin the towtobios szta pktu ..mtstatiraed. la mann to ensbl mut t& noisfentoiscUtlit regieter and nod.:s 0. nf the IS _tu!der_,., loot °Moe. and W.. v,opeot I.b.rdor as kr *Nero Gur notseL'aog !request/Le dal Wattled her ww anumetioneent of trap pains en of the Inds embneltul tin nut clalseet, Wrenn.% stell eta •-lergill.lbstidtecl- J. buss . Cocumblemoss' of Use (buseest 1.1 . jet,j-Lfslasnidt • _ . IT VIZ 119TD1311 01 Tax 1:111111.110*. _ . rpursuance of law; I, Mituiit. nairotri rtrektant of the Cnkted litet. dmmaZr e t el . dare and mkt Aw n). the undernreugthused Lasul i geel the State of teem as threedde bereinalter de v aitated . ~,wrd o f i.n.lli Yea . &T A U. ti t"d drst U2 sy 07 :::;thinb. " ..t. dic thealb=lo lamb situated La tbe lbliowind named toenthipa, vie: . . . .. „.. /Yards N Ole bans ldse. and walf of Ai Jtful prtscheit eleri• iD=ZiPpr4rl2742(orga eja,aftgagiail:l'xii; :. . ,4=fas ===triaggAtapp. thi.grnto. thirti-tv- ..,,,,,, . . ."!.' . v Artririatila v milmu. emla . fia , day, the fifteenth day of dollderohm nth Im of the nubile lend. within. toe ande= to tent Nvrth of Oa fqs hue and.acit ef Me Nth wrlnmad eitrf. . . dim. , • . , - Sownehip seventrfor rectee iblftf. ,' l' ' . T ownship weer.. non thgrlt= . ', ... , ' AMlPartnaghtlAQUE, on Monday, the der Minds day of August ow, for F.pp disposal of the bikes. I. to median woden. to i llefidderbeiofolek dap of north, a ...o oast atur an e7 doors. •oi seethes norreseerre, ho towlenbSP north. of ranee nine wed of the fifth pruckpa xx - - 1...ud. appropriated by hoe fur the It" pit uctoeht .lulS tney and ptho putoonclegedurilt A7,7:11, • =7:.: overflowed lands mad& mkt_ t ern . 1..... , . it if ri,LwahleMte.ieefl=b4tto 5 , ,,,L. ..„. Maar,. Captor ".' ely, under the .6eWaTtUl `An del si. mashie IC ;nu aritrtsams mad cdher btates to recialui the Wiretap beady within theft Mud." W.V./ no terzll.l.szoodna'to gpdvdedfroo‘.lNinW. ' Mad no so- - cations for lend tonna. heeptolbreliaLted by may law of Onsgrese. fee. sallitsty euffieee - As. the Unit. WM., wal be seredded on ony eitaTaZtentionei Wads. we provided by oc...tilted t ea seamed/0h SP,gorrit; time for th e dell and diplomatic captors of Uoverninent. he approved nd Mar., 1a41,, • _ ' , The Meting of the Janie wlll be covithen.lon thediyt . -...r=iids"Alfyrlrno VAstar4•ll3,ll=raeCla hen been added. :tid the "leo Moe closed: but zombie shall be kepi oregmire al efotiMegur 40,1 r. 3ml=tis mu= umn =let my bsoet at. 'Loh av or M. A...? PoPgreara - ,,,, 5„,-° d"4-114yallTrrtwadenii . ',.' . - . - • • .1. firrY,llllrsE.ft, . ' ' • Commlsstod.r of theta...l I,,end thnai„ Pleflag TO t tf i ltiff . ligi , t o rL 4l,ll =., Otroooo.e=ltlit the townships endive:ls of toweatd .04, is required to establish tbe same tol l. oatixt=or utiver apareceirct at tb; : =.4 Elir Gee nerilF,trareft:ugig, tatted for Lbw the tract eat othe l 4 fer '' S:E " T AirlAge g . •J. U 't tt, :.: . . . Cosnuslasicear of tha Osmond • ~,7 y ,y;taw:l3t ,:.• : . - , ". • - .' • • Books! QClDPre.Bl;o4otk of 04448,-4 ilitlfo; ea.tzri,%zrt*rfid,rO Tlarloralk LL latop . 7 .7 fir..trmtoar. IL IL S. 04 *VP ' : s r 11 1 7ga r egi • gal oda llendimo, Loa. =dation Yams. Martni ardobor UAW • Proyrrbial Fltilomothr.'d. ldo3ero Wynonm, "Ve trt, :tre :tar. bv . a; howl it. Tim IldloooPhr llothomallem trsoslated from fho Coon do rladommblo Pont'. of AuicoMo,Odade. 11 W. !detnite'. kr, Tort sod lifito Hamad ' l3 Md. BOoM oon. J. ,!..critdon of the leza.g,it.item., To n Lll - fled hoodmd .'l'du=tetr.yotodmit.T.Lowlvt.ndsonsiZ 1 0, 1 tpos aork. .Ilarm'o_No• Ifoollar Itogosino o Am, • lkold Woratdpoom, or the day gio Mein: NAN Ilylbo author of —Whitetrthro.. ' blopjkrt , rwolved, sod Mr ego trr t. 47 ' h i .F k l n• • boxes 4r4/4 oiFpjg, ”aale by G ysgg -2,0 W"."`"" • aUOAII.-- , 2 5- kW& N. U., CALSCAFALD. Aprat. LIANSIINGS—FrineIi and Amer ..... 11:1111. from Obi ovate to ibrylooktor onto br nitS —lii.llllllat P. WM..... x 61402 1 8 iFirPirrIAMO--200 0 1kg,prime, for to , owa /MY. amurNs & B ULLS SAMAPARU464 , - 4 k , few dm JUIP imart lAttirsatv do r - — l•6' Mow isat. Ara _Lutt - ERte can inclaw • • • ON THE HTTENSiON CANAL.. • •,amusi, PAM tat. Boca i, Peotik•&&& ~r. = PROPRIETORS of this old and'irill koOins Udis th• Wale tbat Dow la •P•••llasurret• "howl IMMO. •S 6 WM* WWI. rombring. rafting •&& Puatagns, width *ff.. TY =Otpm to el mint. an dm Car•J, mkt LOA • ani at Lb* Irmelt Wan Ow lAD. &Wm of OM Liu tqa•DLoV iv an h landing, WWI Os ID&N, , P a . ifr . ' 4 1 9,! e re", J0114 ', /...CALILDIEY, Ags . • • : . - jor. Warr sad BoiltbSelitsur. - Filla COMNIOnvst FL W. Ci•*&&&1 1, &&. New aid.. • ' D. O. Idalbort h halsoki, • ' IAI C OLIABb=irghI -Nat. A dirs . li C-W=Tuic w m . ,• • • L ' Mr= ?over. OpiiieZaihn • • 0.8. wgi Buffalo. N. Y. New Lake BePerin Line.-185L rtyy, newLeteamer NORTIIENER, Capt. a O. Mx& TY wih Modem laykoroTeutaot Or sud mmm..fltltare Cambial otarkleye the 31 home on bir hTM MM.—maweekly tbeeestter oo Yeas). eeloel,Y. M. Tor the Boot et..„ flamer MAP UATTAO, Capt. Jens oeumeakwE. tan Bauer Mo. Mario. Ser the different lendloil 1114:11 arrlyalor tbostemegy Le5111 . 1 . 47 , 41,=0:1 4 the sireetah 47 ~Clowilowt. O APO/ 4.Litst2-14Tum.'"'. 3ft33MutPer's , • 185 . • • 1111101g0 1- MIES siEuppErallot UUa i g k lik lIER . FBI . I r NFORDI D EL rn:iitity th at=MlNe t te l ia i dlittgAtit h = penumnptentelsort Moe. nod Nee low rare, ne lehT gy.ety arturuNenents have niso been wade for (WV/0X trne rtelght to Johnetann, ze , eke InisetialarZe o ttlzsh i ana r., wiet u ra: Ite - 7164 , ..'s Term linnieburn.Colnenbis, end ellttb• inWaMens_nehota on the PenneNnalellanal and Po* ejt•Bantoul.' Mtn lode nth., .seured fn , t4 the ,Ouhlate. -NW - the aforevaid. $.l Azkns. : tr iboive.2.2p ty r nj u trir =67, Wanhouse, ',them Arrt &Mut citer Instal the ..1- RAVING. DISPOSED OF HALF MY IN . Tutor IN 11111VILAWS LING, to m 7 b*dlb.• GE BIEGILM, the ban.= atiSuendran were. , after be Masada under the style .Wee. t . • _ !Antal 11111Ulux/ ' RlnghllME . Transportation Line, PITTSBURGH 41. THE EASTERN CITIES. HE CANAL being now open, we are r ow. dr tn eyebolt and trawl promptly. Frill.. I.d. eye and west U . • rigil h =rase at *meet Mel etmged br na& Penduee end lderebandlsa vlll ea mailed end en'nenle 4 ead and leadvrltbant abuse Samardlng v " I I 1 . a th g e f r r = r d ba r efine:dills. fel situated to. addressor appiPto ' AkEINOLLAILa 01.0mA Dub. • '• • taZe• Linen and w Millman. summit • nocrriaimot .4, • • between fourth andjinth lldildrilnla. • Ne. le Moth II stmeet._Ealtbnera - .00 , 311 . he. 10 Westat. MEM .1851 lifigeM . • Merehante':,Tinneportiticm Line; i t eia ineeeeleae - IA CANALS a.lro stAturxkm) ORRIIILADELPHIA DIRECT—VIM OVI_WW/CLPFING: ; • - , 4 l 2 l terpTY 4 CO4 Cora Bulls. 40$ Noma frott. RUUD •- op . Of ILIIINCE,Orottsq I. !pct. Brad ttiettaldls• • , . • are port•rect to *mt.* • lotir• woottot solottanalm gadocs lo n =renollos . of l i b. mull to 1:11 1 I t lot tlto•Vis , to say ;ordain smolt, 9.."' r..'". l' . • .IW ..14. SL. 11m000l onsabrr of Irrodra martial 1.7 111 4 4d"i'M br "I'll't ' M TV lers the MN :il4l7:4" q.llsl. r er ''. 7 . ISPIEMP2- .1851 T 9 fibippere of Merchandise, Produce; tic., RELIANCE PITTSBU~t ( 7II. TRANSPOR - TATION,:LINR. ! • = . 4k 03. 1 robaiM. rso.Faz Market. and b 4 5 1i e ., 4 1 2 0 2 2 70 .46.0.6,D,,A,P1ttAi5iqh. : 4111 . • bradg4 itaro u Alaa tba Pom? cud to to au ncbritt at sa knr rt*. mat 'lvo abAsiptra aa matt dagratch mat camas.? otbar Llae. lablUak . - - f 8 5 I_ . • Pittsburgh Transportation Line; JAMES Cr It Nog CO., Nall beta. laittoborett;. MIER, A ES la. Lrepaelletal sod (Italia Wade. earl No. th Fourth elnet. beta.. )adart w Clera. sob tar.% iPhiladelptia crOxialou.s CO„,:o Norco antet. ..mow.. H., .A.V LNG fully cowilleted our urrnugu r. will be ptepuogivee °p.p.-101e MAIN Veglj,Milrga rig"'S'orleti= abeam. tewbbrallle. at. an ibe Wes latt-Weet, Waar ttaattrl.V. ,tkraOretan .. .b atad ewe ttuto arty otb, tattabOd i a r . i re atte %V= tlair%Tb- raotabbl.taa alel wow to eareekes or attest. - artIM W arab: Y. Webb, LooirrWle t sat haw. a oshoaa trill mean watt phaabt attalWM., „ Qs. B. War Lane hat weeosarwata whatever att.h toe Phatatalattla sad tuoto7u Trattepartathat Law of .a • • • ' W. W.. WILSOK, Watch llGilusi, ...,• 21st. 67' M . Corner of Aura st, Pinsinspis j 1 1..... • HALER in Fins Wrrcurt,' Slim Earl, ?Clam floods. lama . .al 1.2m1.1 , MIMI T0.41* Was. CutMy, Caa.a.S.; liold s•••• • 1 / 4 .l.intsions•n. •n• • gaol varier a' M.. =Mau tuttaaa.a stab. nate sal ormaalta.... Watch work la asspalar agape. Eal.ww./ am bra Kasha sal /moth wurtata mlo Lewis's Patent Revensible Water Filter Operation WIC be rl ie lle n Tl °- 1 0 /oath rtreet be. V t ra NJ; a mar a, 44 ; t ga*"" ar4 ' ll4.l ""rlratt. • 404,184* " at ' Iber i l t r , :tr f err ptat ..X. i. rest lboto Wee sins tb lr in ma rtg x.m. nu, It ( Wee wie swat ; Wawa to moa t erd to l e m kfren t pm. thee water. Ow Perot &nerd W le elated by Kr. L.D. Mews wad one of at " 4 " I n* tr ib tlo6 U 'AC. legal:taw L z° - Murata ow. AIWA M. 154 , . Th e r.t.t saw tuner, Wendel by M. &WWll=sad awl by me bAr waw=tl=6ll el. ell that say w ere r „tr., t y , =forerowebter tt WWWWWW bete t orw t.i Übe an .1 weril WU. w nra lin 'l n eowhyoral a w itnel or w elt A i r • nip w"T; MretrlA Wtly to be ewe to tor everwwww: miu *LATER & /ABM Ant atreet..ttaletriebi , a. ___ --:- • B^Aireolit .cad Domestic Queen:mare. IiTOODWARD, BLAKELY & C 0.,: Han .. archon. of korilorlaus rad Ulm Caere We.. traf Lrenarom„Oldo. lifitsol ole • Bo=e. owner Birth cadUbertr etreetc Moood.aborsht•lhilujrotrauee Wit &or to J. t IL ifloraMbolerare • Orr rqeadre =nab Is or to 611 mien dr: lartrodrilet redtrtseenatalf e . aim co "? PP T# 2 ' . '! q 4 '! e !.!" 1 P" d a 714 c ....; 0, , .7. 4 , t p ,t , Zira al= = .... • r A .. 6 e per •io reset 'Treks/. n Orfar • le ' • '. " 2 - 1/5 , M 1- .. ' Heating and.Ventilatien.. P. AKIN° APPARATUS fur "WE AR E 31 In flotel.,Oeurtjlronse; l6 =7 IlenM:Bl44reeserieelanrir,,,NAgn• ssff,r,„ drki "7/62. led.alled; end IDs to IL. „flti• =for ..ttucktoa r .rtong , . _ :A r = l ol the vazion.e . WAtr o t=ent a ,.... " " i t rlexonae. uniform uft,_2o .. ty the ed en;lre fr.doggr,, 2"k"b"."l" 4Arirlda rib rnylb Agricultural Implements. ;,. - .. . - 114 HAVE JUST received from the Eitet the Ph. 0,014 Implements. all OS tho_bart plamactor!! O gA roo. moot lero t alcs* og ic i ro o tl i•vico .11 al ; NNlVe",frA . * ° • go* io''fito. l l:* , 4,, v6ilOUltrt',"! PP °!?' ` tui ''' 141eccarigiNcric‘inci mod porn. . •• .. • Susi 44 core tOggytting w oo* : . .7 , 4 '...; . !"affhth. lisi.r. , • „,... 6,d=c,,i I lb& •V;Sl,Wafi;' ..1. . ~Illt'sount=4*' 01, 04 for ..• •t td. Dr r' l6 ° .4 'r!"°,l N. WlCgbollol.' - • lay:: ) " ' , 1" Minn of Wood awl /Oath 4440. •.I....l3eatunoure Patent Starch Polish. ~ ', :.! yoAnNTED, July 26th, 1830.—Fer xiving • besn i Won , toli = ILA!. lict l eg . 0 1640.' hin i. ....;Z::...ii inah zdnothrooottel..log to L I ps, Za m i ltia stßitatil • rilyoctlow--Pot • &co .- G . 74*Mo 1/3.11j . 01• . yt of sloth whoa boiling: Woo broliv ..1 ; . ilico,l2K carp-p+r 4. : 11te. bold *bolo& and col l : .1.3 L•ft. EL 511161.011.117 , •Wocd Igt.: ,' ____ .___,.... •• P,4 r. , otter; bora v .: 17 0 N On Ul i da r B . te4Ptirlft7cOapilaurA laugbia•ub.,==urt is My 0114 , 1 1 T 1 0 .0 .1 carA) .I.2MOONMAICER 403. WPINS-Jimg S received; a beautiful sotaortmant of plain tiold,Pancy Law:Wild, and alb , 5" and .3"abl." %nic elyartat gnat. tornor 12:25,.... SIVOR,I)S—Just roc'd.B Lot krg l at% P ni rl " "Or e bi m ' " th " c%tr a. Or w. iIMON. . , . p 'd - feeirool bj ' °O m "h - u • ! MUFTI f a LEE. D r knOW OIL-1500 kalle. pure, for sale 0147 . 3" T9uB *t h litt airet. rfi AAP InTi-10 . J. le. purpi l riuieF .ute by . l 6 J 4's lait Oa & CO west. IQUORBIEHOOT-500 lbs. for mile by E SELLERS. PIG METAL-580 tone for sale by J. 3 0 ' array. SU:I7IIMb 1 CO. kADIEW RUBBER. GLOVESA cza. to ladles so • profrioalw to jaitalregAtlcillar/41%510 low wt CttgANl ViAT49,-1.000,11);:i.0114- Jor 11. Mo. ca k Wood A... T. AM) 01,1:- . 15 Ws. fiw A lt a tzn, we.. _ j UMAY'S - FLUID .BIAGNESLA—Jun Mr/ r.'d "Ad kw oak br S. N. WICKWIIAM. . meal tom, of Sixth and Wool PI, Fre Arrivali of Wau rapes.' rraOMAS PALMER, No. 55 ?if arketstritet, j tarkutneolvod tram the Eart..ollSlllKiale &wort. matt of tae cumwr PM" mrb 11 Till ziorrri NESOJOINCIAL aux or DRY GOODS, isza acu a A. A. Kamm .4 Co.; es and 64 market at., WILL commence oil TUURSDAT, erllll6 20, 1851. and continuo throughout' M. roath gal 7. Twar Whohnale Roane will to armed to the Mall ter* 660 wm7 article throalchont the establishment will be wad at an hemmer redaction gran teal .rice. • Marra meanly made extensive parrhaane, Weir Imo* taeot be those* au, chore aM desirable. Thep stock of Sart occurring nano th an 600 *ter will to closed metal an immense dbconat from k g tentalrtex tool Dress ss igot se w Vast Colored Floe hj.t.Vernet, 'n Floe nabMa 600 SOO awn bales Bleached and Brawn Marna, at mane 00, ILK., gra ins Terarlary Ilfaelen7. alma. lamer Waite Goods, Ikattesta Mestrb. toga... rr with an hatenve Taal). of all Made ot gry I.l= (:Which will be matted down at ma hoe than alig.i.te ricer Oral.` • A. /UPON A CO. Goods for Warm Weather. • . KIRPIIY BURCIIFIELD; the North' 'rest earner or Fourth Ind Market Mate% aro well DV with goods misread to warm weather. Mb as • • Mesh end ham& LW .emcNS; NrWoM,er , :el, sal PAntsalidoeling • ' =ind • Plain white SIM. and Mull IdoelloM Betake De Lein., They timer !maim! another lei or NMW GOODS. rad, Parteo eiseigesble thlks &mkt, black lor da, meek Meheir Leas Ukeresanderslowee, Wetted Pi et 'f m do., omit rlein inettemkdark. Linen Lnetres,_Freneh ead DANA White Monde, new aryl. : MOWN LAWNS, dampen , POPLTIIB. • , • Their amertment being Vtll mll. With • eohstant aamr of of•mew.kooks. and sold ettowarrames„ indemententi me offend to balms tomtit awl make their nArchases. ITELVET CIRPETS.W. Wel4itock. hap In Pave and for RI.. flu Wrest. araortment at Yell . "ie ff ` "4 m"m ; C. 44 W'' 7 ". Na. tl o RUSSELS OARPETS.—W-14'Clintock ------ - - - - - I boa lo 'store end for_ fele * Argo suorlarent eolie nor Crumb) Carpetf,_to *bleb las i 11•1401 the. attentkaa of cuetomere. Carpet Warebowe NO. Tottrth et. • HITS SCARF SILKS.-A'. A. MASON. bees just neared per=o .l s ... hlf . m . "leis! a lowly. of the above xenon and d . Also, se 114,1111nuel eapplr crimped trlramlogr tit:bine.% *lb the attentloo of onetomers le Invited, at Ha G 2 sad el, Market st re 9 More New Lawns. • AA. 3fASON havo joss received T„h o iltS l 6 .7. l Pr=p,"ltt= b ttr t • • it9' RIBBONS REDUCED !--A.'•.A. IMABox & • Ob.ari arm doing bet tbeir very largtateek Wire. Ind With at very redueedyriana and asma If Ton want a bargain. Übe. ed and 64 !farad et.. . • White Marseilles Quilt& • - HAVET on band a large_ assortment of Im- Is u ifritivde; • r!!. subscriber, baring made; arrange tan, aaaaaaaini atmtS.Abisct beatnik mast be closed br the be. at Magna.. nes nem cdrerajdo whole stock of Iledarr. MM ..% 00 . 0 1, 4 A broldurlea, Drew Ilimmlom.,llandkere Ida., Mae 1:1 l'bralebtmc Geode, .Zejobyr Wanted. flower Materials. Umbrellas, IParaaolo, Combo, aritl.Tbreed and Needle . r, Wm. A 1.., Ladles Sbeee, Deg Philadelphia make,) Marl , eedef egg alrit7.l. btaeftW and retail, • jel9' ELTON. ttl(f .CRAPE LEISSE, blue, white and pink; Flame* Silk. " Crum, Irbil. and black ; 111.nd. • hitt. Ohm se..; ""4*l W. br ARBUTUNOT. 1.14 CDRAPES! CRAPEST—A.A:bIiemi & CO. havist rwe'.l we we whlta, plot. bliss bleet Craw. 1U Om ware* and detlnage gads will be mold thing. id Nos. 62 and Oi Ilarket at. . 0.21 LAWNS!—A. A. ISLusom:it Co. b et a pad opnM tar raw plain blark.Lawns. awl r Alma a very large sapplr_of beautiful Loewy raw. wl Wens, at eery low pima, at Wow CI and 61 Mutat FL . . • PRASOLS REDUCED!—A. lie ALLISONIt . are noir offering their taiga and vatted mart. motor tamale at my roamed pmem Wintry mere , ....0 met other. are manned to call and examine beg,. numbering elmniame• „ le" l • Fine French Broadcloths . ilk URPHY &BURCHFIELD invite the at- IN Bailor.their et borers to immtment of the above i 'Drab from tbe met amarnmel menufeemier of run.. Aleo. mar French Ilatla Ceram. • 1121 _ IRAPE SHAWL9,•at reduced prices! / A. A. MASON i J. ootAbeirsteek ot bee N(utowo .w embroidered Craw Mamie. al • Mei Vie,r4 l'"* 64reritere ' re ` tAr WNS ! LAWNS!. at Girls. per yard! A. A. MASON t CO. are atm celetiog ea met atte sl i va la Of dorsi" Law= aver rabilMaa to this city., at Drava from 614 ma. Per rw ar. n...ruataa Or ro tourers Is rertmettally aolleitea. • len 111:AP BONNETS!—A. A. MA.60:1 & Co. -1 lave tletertal nod ta date out Umbels.. of Ilene stack 8.... 4 U.* 10.111 reduced hetet. The Won Ora et, Mahn is mateitett la the abr. eleeta hli rozeu FLO nwit WERS!--Tha 'atteri WY tiou of • embeesen reolly turned to our . decker stoett floras, Ind& ve ergo too elovlor oat at very re. dovot 1.4171 A. A. susox tu Piano and . Table Coen. A:: A. MASON A CO. would respectfully .; earl the aide:Ake of beeLeekeipere to th eir very ex ult... IMOOArlamal. of richly primed pod Pier. ever table eaten. areetteet ark.. -PI" • very -leer Purr y: of limp sod dueask labia clerks. ttaP.U.e. Lovell,. ie. sr Ka el and GC Muter Amt. • !eV QUMAIKIt• CLOTHS for Men's and Boyd k 7 Wye: al" Slretdo,Ch,shmstatts. • •••• ke., In .reld, 'IMO%) of sty too rregind •Axl Aderol kw at tha Om, $l3 MURPUY t SURCI , ELM__ IIi,LACK SATIN VESTINOS--, ~n uradvut !um nvelv.l s supply grimgrim .d ins of • toff sagoniar qua2D.. - - - • • ' Lace thataing. ... . .I,;IHAVE just received; direcLfro , the Im lporters,•l•3lo awe:meet of Jim Ctulalns,'lrbiett I 401 low. enr.4l•ll•l•li•L•pillitemtwof alik•gl, ye{ • — - W NUULL. 'Mi a. * , -IC B "Ri4V3— A Buperior article 41) inch, fur .. 1 . br MO MUMMY • MY- .• Woolen Noda - 6) CASES Tireerildiied Jeans; ,r,, 2 - ilne " .. " . -.: " black 131.41 Cloth: . •,, I " tux., tiocois. The µmy goo& am just tved from *astern smumbelo• r. - s. au cooratirneunt. and for do km on tarnelbto Lim, t. 77 . • MOILVIT • LEY. LI.E NT . 'S RUBBER GLOVES &DIFITENS. LP —Ttom aims sae of great 1•111t7 to .11 kin& of zrlf. • ••• ri tti bead. la 'aqui:yd. rub •• legillgio retoody%-:•"4,V=."4. 8 t- •I•• gm 61115 — 7. A U. PUILLIPS. , : TN DI A ROSSER. EOTE—ArCexoellen t oov; nine tot oa. IlmorPer Mut. i•ltedlowlets ano Ins "rr"."" •Or Vd•r; si Nog. 7 andY Wool a TV: • cOTTON HOSIERY it GLOVES—A full ' woottooss or at rob. oodooolits.all.s.rxt.ib so omonruaent Ll.ll•Thmad, Capon I.+ Pavv., fur sateorhotelale MAO, et arm v. tr. rtrox, ea rm.* a, FRUIT-400 b DRIEp u. Peaches; A rNialria n • _ LOOK OIL OLUTIIS : A largo Bruck ;of neon L e Lo a; ° m Mmt?d " 27 2 1. riNtellaists.an2 . Impim .ummutu, MI ,p 1 425pip.,...j.ri17111LCM 4 81T1OV /03111 Pf igt4 gat_WP 3 l lo use. No. 105 Mauls bum, PALIKEK mere-for sale, at wry loi r wrters. • tem silintmeal of Simi .ml MUM! 910/0/41tTtwettra ahtt Amerleaoplalst and Liner Stn.,kratd.CMPOihololll,ww _ bo . nar... ie. RATS—Ilea% Tooth'', itodA Liharo, filmy Mut Draft. Straw, Sahara", an ralm Lam. to te txthont, Braid, Straw, Chip, Imo, tam, sod Hatt , ees' Ulmer, Jenor e Lhad, and other hoots, la great wart. ' lttlWAVS—ltlett Dame amt tiote. plaha'Satto and Taf-• ' l,loolaluiatrltgarod at san=glltind C VP,711 4 / 2 n0 , 7•:? '1%T.".. 1 .. Butt. "' 3 " 16 ' P IPMI3--htmo /a aid AnsergiNprtiga . b.thes nrot4l.:=oßiLK and 7Z-SFILAT/NS—Glace, Om. de Kw qu a, tho. d • RM., Plorehee, and other etrk, mortal quaint , . and color". SAXINSAried qualltlea and "Mom. Aleo—ltlch and low prim,' Parasols mad Umbrallas i taed . Dm. to de.. • ces/V,PFS-90 piece fancy and black, •••-iiidd L Ad 81121111 0 .1% . 11,EISS" cd4, ee pyripp 4, a g reat , jur vonalr of rottrops 91,11 .P 2, 1 p.Annurnnan WAT , / , casua l desirable, sst r e "" C. A i 131BBONS-300 ps Hemet, .2.3 Cali, for ka, We sr area C. AU UST REC'D AND NOW OP NO AT WU. DIG BIM tt0.133 lawn 3 • . Amu lorsexul sroven v r dock e a rem • m TWA* Goals. tV.l4;Ito In AllZO emen Latt " Etit slid lonth u fatit :=fty ftioTaitadVrafl , whvo..l ,lll tt f 4l4 frvAv , A te l leia ortoudon o • ,o•. tor =lt t. St at anon altos . il = . 1 / nriraithilliTlTll, VratePtr". ' 4lt lif llillsctsllssipg Nos meutsd as suns), Is the Ws , i °U.S.); .41 , 4* gie lIPIVI ____ CARPETS, OIL C 0' _ S, B.z.c. Is nor constantly roctirtnir kW e. • 3 Mixt of CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, AT' MINOS, • t'o ,p lingly CARPETS. Attn. Bard ear,ft da do..ttirtii d"Ol*ta ß A 4. lM glirgiV i ttritttoo 64, =Kt 24 Unita.; atittllgt, plain do: 44.34. 6.11, and 24 wool and 0 do. RUGS, MATS, OIL cLotss, ao. Extriebesdlia Romani , dia4dor.'pArta tottod do.; Ma d common do. Metall° Door Mgd tufted do. do.; „„A.,,torr Emma RODS, BLINDS, TABLE COVRIIS, Sto. t • Alio—Stair Soda. <4 all gam Car Mat Modistgg LtatOar-. suada.;_o4.44.artd34 Illattotor. Tabl•LWaor, Crash .a Image.; nuokaboak do: TranaparattS Windo.Shad.r. Dad Window llntiandto Vaal= Allodc ttaloosord Plano 1,1/arc do. Table do - 4 Ato. Stand do.; Wonted Table do. liming la m.rtN and purchased oar otcokatroct from tbe .. o . t m.brard Kactopee, bring of lb. tort ossl,tacat at.- = W.. sal color[, „, 1. ni.l4:lVt;tvito all to ritasal .lard ow. • took at )pio.earpei crOionse, 85Tonith . skeet. • inetl9l" . ' .lkrV• ..:F..1 IcO4IIMIPK. ...• IDLE VORK 4 E . P O Ltit . FiOnno aid a r. tLtToi:vount ;t. EA.INE. JACONETS aND OAMBRIOB , -' 30 A.Ibioq# 03, 46.• on bud • = We. mot CASSIKERES--Of va ri ou s c ol on JUI mul et rimmed by myto /1117aPIIT a BUICIIIIILD. OE REAL-GOOD TEAS, 'go.. MORRIS' Yes Nark in the 1:1124...0 rine or damson 11as ars never kept at this Nub Lamont. :oat. ."` --- 7 -- . UISII.-50 bbki. neiT'lBsl, pickled Herriiii r 160 de do *do & T do , _I ad ba/f bbla. do do la star* =ld Or ado br Lkdr JOLIN WITS 4 CO. NO. 1 M.A.CREREL.-40 qr.bbla. ectra, fur mane nor. lx tale by DMIA/1. DICKEY 11, BACOII-43,000 lbe..Shoulders; 303 fat sale_br - m2ll , R 00131031. LITTLZ *CO. MmyACIKEREL-75 btls larze'No.3, far sale -14 I or P. - WILSON. 4 I 1 1IGAR-10 hhds.led, for sale by • Oral. . =GLIM a assserr. I EAS- 11 —5O - 1. chesta YoUnlLltsort;:. 00:, 1237/3 Water sod Front N. eaidIZERING'S SUGARS-rDouble Refined em e.d,P ulverised . 4 retakt.eoadeaul • n nut lb r ale by the bane or Make* the forret cub csynue. by . WM. A. IIeCIWW A • slO H kt m ßmN 0-10 bldi new frwietl..e,;,ll6.oi. R i ?. t-15 times eeh tot enle by LAR It-12 bbls. No. 1, for sale by : WICK AND nnyld adder W an d and Wart sta CIEARL ASII-5 tone for sato l znourn Birraretr. writ; 1rJ6.666166, sad 161 Vint It OOPS-49,000 Split Ash, (meals by_ 5a725 ENGLISH BONN=. LLINSEED OIL-10 casks (prime) for sale by & TIRIED BEEF-2,000 lbs prime, ju A t M- A" calved sad foe ado er 1A SUpAR-64 hh4s, ree.eiv.ekiztforstlatut.q OLASSES-100 bbls just riceived acd for We by Jot B. W. ITARBAIIOII. qaCKEREL-50 bbls No. 3, -1831, in IN gore sal it Web) , • • Jac/ D. W. ILLEBALUIL 3 YE FLOUR.-20 bble rye flourforealeb) . ' WICK I IVOANDLESB. . - - - C 0 RCH.II: N . S caakeppme on hand and 622 Ws by .14 IWRICa WCANDLI23S:. I 1;1 , 1 VI ES SIR . _ 'llREsif TOMATOES, hermetically Sealed ntalvlvß.rethetir. tba wt., fee.b nese of tb pa [mite, fu ale by WM- A- IrCLURG t Co.. 7 . = omen& aza Tea Dealer. FOWLER'S PATENT FLOUR, : tor 'malt ing Bind, ream Cskes, /tad roaklau tbe'bret of read with the the af sold water , this flour 10111 be' bead the tont diMnallerit aildtbSapalt that nu wed tot heatitheld tistrpoeau ovists 2.1 antis but. I r end epee, lad melting the men• • Thud, Ltpt strr, mutely Irak • uniat. entee of time sad trouble. The Oboes b pat up Le suesealent sited Cl u e: VOL 1 r1fW170113(7i.7 . To r c ..b ' Greens and Tea Dealont. II YE FLOUR-41 bble. for sale• .00 R. DALIELL•CO., Liberty id LLEESE-50 boxes good W. IL. for sale by my3o . • IL DALTALL * ICY. MORRIS' -TEA I—Morris' Tea , Mart te the Dimond. &coed Dom from Deatcsal .11i.d1 tide astabletheade le ea am wary exceeded , elt.e lbw dote lately oposel next. doer by llatrorth . my= OLL BUTTER-3 bbls. (frith) in 'clothe rmot sad for fal• by R. DALZBLL CO., af fa ' . Liberty stmt. I.IIERRINCI,-11 bbla. (to arrive) for CA male by myl3 4COLAUXBON 00. UTTON HAMS—WOOS. C., fox gala by 1•l may? J. D. CANFIELD. GROUND NUTS- - -15 sacks for sale be inrs ISALUI DICEZT UTMEGS—I f bbI. for ealeA rook co FINE TEAS—T In bait arty Malan sad &Mar • 2) boxes est= A:blot/dour_ by pale by m)SJ. D. WILLIAMS CO . • S Ua Alt 445MLASSES— . . • "t T . 3 L °.B*l f .' b bl ) Ito amrc fot• ft 11.715 'OFFS E-100 bogs 'Rio; for sale by WIN JOHN WATT t M. gUNDRIES—LI btls. 1 pram father% 2 - Oloiroc. lamilmr from M"lk".".. 2'"." br MLitt DICKEY * O, mr2) F LOUIC-10 bbln. Rve; WLest for er m S eke. IV. LIARILIUI9 11RIED BEEF-311 1 00 lbs. fur crab by. ir tID & UARILIMULL SIIIIA , R-60 libd s. 0., for rale'bir s. a w_ nairialna n. M[Emzomml 12 , -- 3 7 T r r° TM) P/1- u°° lire-4n % ITV:1r: littiEll DEEP, BRITTON V • 11, VON—Yor Ida by. o t ..J. D. m! 'WILLIAsad Fi M th' sta.S W., mr ner Wr DRIED APPLES-40 bags kr "tore,o e by R.DALZELL at CO CHEESE—Z) bee. W. it. Cream for elle by mrlx ae W BUIL R ialtotTß; Pftpsrea COM; ' • • Sir It% W117.011/80 CO.. olylß V lRUNES—BordeauxPennes, in glass ;Tat s' Very surniarhoer banes. • tierman Pruner. tr. rale e_ w M. A. wcianw 'a on Sp - 6E411%--100 O!). No .3, for sale 1) ccLut:ttrsox a 00.. 1:8 Liberty auvet. LOAF SUGAR-450 bbis. (stied Nos.) for sußriuDas -MG Mal, • • - 116 Hew st. AY RAKES-40 doz. for sale my': I. TON DON VORA'a ca [7 UTTER-3Ws fresh, how landher and pews sr nAl lgs x c u l ts c i r is wr.s ARD-23 kegs No. I Leaf. for sale by IA Ire =EY, 11•1111.1CW3 iC. 11.YEITik41 00. DRIED FRUIT-150b . 3 mft 11,11114 x) for sale b3r_ N, LIT= • um.. J 6 Laair one- R ICI>-10 tiercesiL2s2! ►/SSA -50 hf. chasm Y. 11., Imp., and Black. JL tbr WO Dr urris'a UTTER—In poxes (freshyrec'd 115EAKS-24) 010. for sale bi yl ViSEED tilt..-41/Wo: for sale by _ m i t - J. B. CMCY/XYD. ALERATIIB-100 Dna. and 10 bbls._pnre, for saio by g" CANFIELD. be 4MiliMiffi3Ml PEACEIES—:29 bbls. on consign :neat and far n 7. os. • - I3A1•11 MCKIM' IPLOUR-500 b:).le. S. F., for sale by A: . ely6 . , B. AW. LULRILLUGII. fr MRS- -31easks Evan & Swift's S. C., for ~,,1 „ b y ... w t . • 1., ~, a.* W. lISRBAOGIL Cornrr of Wood and NIS &rats, A:l4lmA r 1 AYE NOW IN STORE, and to arrive this r-ki - nt L lTat h :ss w"rass i Ven/Tsrsrwr' s e 0.4%7 . 1 us wns boxes rtif6Bl.firr 143 *nee Zoo Mon l 5 1:24 4 0 40. 0. 60 Oe= pm Star*: 0. " lapgaaiww. 61.11,numg 1r beim po - .1 . 116bb . ls. N. IL 111 , CO bar.nirrOtn 111 '" tl=: and lumA : . e. Vi. ." Loaf, 86 nbla. Noa.l sat a Mack Yardrto6Bllo - rol; 660 k notlascitater, ' 4. • I 2 sad M do; Salmad:. W t Ilarrinc. 130 0 este, Madder. Caasta, I.lanise. '""1"7. • re: 1.• 0 Tu./ ... p ". PI P' l r a 10 lELs• "ir • 1 1 bbla.o 03 boast Stearin Candlac titat • MI dad. 1pkI• ' 03W, Nana. 1 - I , l3itaad. I ro! bait. Mock I.llldlff • "•• than ancloz • =lb= Vas 1•2 dwllint./793. • 1 bta. Os& 1 " rn= 1 eirt evi 'kg= tibeVAndob . 100 11, :•. W 104 rai a a bolus telititle" ! ' • • 011, =MO, . gIINDELEB SIT . 1 . 144)5 5el 150 bats Es • LAp 11. ' sad MU Team= 60u0 ' 10.Codlle1N boxes !lemur: 100 bbls : N. DO Lost I 1.,711015r.l 500 Ins.M.S. L. adding 3,u00 Abooalc . •zs talcs Brasil Note; Wolootr. ao ", :thoond Mgr. ~ 100 dr a m a - Wigre,..te6; 00 eve . Pie O to - TotastoiCachoSs • reaox • rh,Ta I wan 100 M. • Pethelk e rr . ll.f pm 0 " too tgu,.w.u.. • 9.10 bla."1111111th" .0 1 4 loci grow Li. IL Toby.; 21 • Caw cot . " 1.11431 . It. an 113;42onleOlt= 3"l' Yr"D`4s,:lrgt .. 4 came. CBI ilstk - lOVIt Ohm 104 E154 . 4t h.. ...ditt . ,.. tK w 010bt5. .44; , • • MOOto. MAIM bbls. Tonto.' 011: MO 4411. B Lems. Wu . ckats; D3' " oss • , Tubs; • N. 0.150 g t. Ifolanan - m4_4 (ambit. I.Y. me. .4:1A.. 1 6 71" -- UtrL Oottoo .11 ersl smoruannt of gc , cds ed.sad Ail Vrootsti iIItOOMS-250 dos. common tobest; :,1 tr - erszi -- • . • ••• 6.? satieUrrbir;2l;Olk lIALV-40 bbls..l.l6;:ii::-:So ! To o • : 1...7 • 10 bf " " farm& bi . r 2 ,4 11011BUIA11141,1101USAM: Rtwilvw suoARS"-1430 14 3 . Pi/RifledPo.a..a. Powdxred. sad Orunb.4.ll4.*.br I*2 . Jlllll2l UUTIAMON CO) Carolina; for sale by ' del WWI A. 1101C11130N a 1).). • • Matrugh- Life tosarsabt VolaPfny . • ►mrAwulorts-incorporataa . in ,rati:i P•ttotta , C'T .f i a • .. " 4 " 'commenced Waxman oa • oinleal of 11101 1 / 1 . 11 • T• company dem bombe, both Of 1111 M!1 * " on on Joint Eni.t a t, an oemoll/1d Tom Unn l tows enamel erll Oatoniotteentoroo3/.. lows than th :Ws of nome /trek ftIOWIMMOn Mutual rates oft fbe none e• tintonled defier renly condoned Co sepanim. • those deklln , _. al prlnlcle bangle menbr minerntoptdiden a ra =tot Ito& deportment: 9ILS* " . " . v . - everyee the granting of neenzepro n..111n -1n Ibrm, Inehollog Mint odll. enane, rents.Yelelione. Aiendeerrennillere—to Muni Um We of another Ur their ulna undone, benellt.sayaldeatSrmbeeln. woo the porde. m anzaat 4h• wee dtinl 14.1111 mak ..Ifasonel ila t art:Mh vita : J=B-A. coudookentarK , Jude. & Haan. 3. Lamb. John B. Duwarth. • Charles Mote! )1d:1 Wm. Wm. Plillitwc, Dumm. L S D P Nll4am Addlsint. JenimMh ". • 111.41 DdriniDm. W. D. p•M‘a ~ 4=l. iticiro4 , Dobrrt. Surdi 14 . 103 ?math wt/ww: ; , John Crawfool, kL D,S2 Eltztb Mug. • Wm. Ala. Morgan, M. D.. 101 Lihrrty • • De. Dilworth will he ID Uteistsam aktbaleditow. way . who ban wtoltin Mi• ignat. M=l:it to call, mks Umir poiwmaat4 mamma zum h Zl=l3 42r ces4=f u r Otha of the ComMMT. 'Muth' mr3lathwtit . C. A. COM • ...J. State :Mania Fire , primes Voliipariy. BLOCH. 014We-444:54 8,41.040. Bruer, • • erriseuese.. . • Ptrssacaaa:'dta7 iet,l 2. :' TtG each 11E. beet evidenee the sweep, -or the Direc eadvorim to'niake the //TAM JiiiTh• ors 1111 1N81711.4.NC1C Val . ,' NY meet 13*.sati of the eommnaft7.b the tnapel•elhded=mut of, twine= ken Wen &PS. !Wing tuned '49od Poll.dee manor the put year; thenthy adding one to the fon& • dth.a hreV . the Dl•otentr theth'W Dot the safest lannail wad. Win lanallork, (twitted for only'one year.. vector, of Mkt.,TAW na • . do. o. •Vd.4llnlaslad.csisce — i'd. • •La Ansount. of,.Proyeity — _ • • _ SO/1.4.19 Do. canceled, terrolnated.egienad-g1•F1.723 DO- 7 • • Do. in farce- • . • • . tiere et • • , eve.o.t.tercontod:QiiVF— Ca 2 0 • . Do. Cub gremilante . 41, 65 714 • , Do. do. do. , • canceled......— 021 • Whole =I lopes end expenses pabl-1.23,41146 Deb., II:Sworn( .thor tlo.i :1 1 .11114 S padhotted and trtragthustona. pay Made edesategee in Point of megrim handing logo Inseams Ceutpenttn .noanenther• oondoetal a,theepltable =amn/ of to l l of aks. esehading all medal Mono& In , suing l Waned themes tansy non lecnty,, thus pm eluding the treone.7 and oneartenee of fermi Wag and. on both - the Inca sad Mental VAR De= ease the chessmen' scootennelethet of lant Mato partitipatlan _Mktg. V nuumstve. A. J. Alonzo A. Carder. Philo C. dedgnict. Smug csee, Klots. John D. Neker, John D. Rethertant J.I...ROTILYJUIDAD;Preddent , " L.J. GLUM:'. lioaonted7 , Esfigablvidaad of fifteen per mat . . oif osphidag yolietao has Non Voolared ?mu. Duc•amoum b wor orirabla ac thir OffloolOr tennrals, or rodeaaabbalaeloh at Ma sod of alorty days. A. A. Calms. Asa Fire Insmmnse ...... DIRECTORS: Chu .42/i6 '.415W. 2 , 4 , w1.,:21.c.a.i; sweiked.D.L.:64ffri.4. c mer, Adolphe . Samuel firsht, Jakob H. Smith, Utast. • CakitLESlll39l3W, 466616666, . D. Bums.. This Company eastito= or limited, on end 7 MwmlM 66 6 . 11.7. -6 6 6,6 r. L 66, eoantry, s.t^nla as lbw ma We with wihin66;• Jan a . ' • The Omlettir Seinedlsm 906 666 6 666 which,erith their Cmita 6:6lPwimilmoseimfeir 1 6 ,61064- strait ample wri.eatlkaa to the halm& • Th 6 emistit et the eampsay,se 1641661. MIMI.. Whetth• 666 - Ai67.l6wr• as 116 1 / 6 .1. Ern V) .; Siam the!, .I.mWanm.,A Darla Lam mid it uds air Om Your Elmira Dollars laws ,by 81se, therabr Owl*" RUMPS at the •deatitsges at Insurzwat„,as well es their ability sal dm-. minion to meet with Psehilidreiwi W 4,6,6 M - s•t6 ' Me S. X: earner of Woad bd sta. Penit Mutual Life Insurance C 0.,. Thad's. GENT IN PITTSBURGH, W. H. DAVIS, Oleo J. tioniy. jr., deomeed,) No. 1111.3 Ilbertf street.. the .1.11 or examenimme of prem.,. mgt.& In the lower,part of the del, the .teat tea also be 'PAW 1.31fi from LI 0012 eml '2 to 3 &Metz muntlea mat ea J. Ileho.tuemkerA Co., No 24 Wood.etrart,asher. all mem ,arfi.fetm.tma In/lOorivEn irdpactlsoutleatiourecon 4 . 17 AteioN,l Pamphlet. mieattiod gd.# 1 ..... 4 bettellta of Life lusuraam. blank imam formatual on .414Seitioo. Gaeta/ Mock .ifeet VA= eattatailly tocresetatf—. proem .11•14.4 aaposily =maga Umee Imms/ for lira. Plttshoral. Jaef.'ol. 1051.—m.14 - . Marine, , awl Wand: Tassportaticka Tag Campany bfNCretliA.mericti,' • Philicialplats--MartensntiMr. Cazdtsll4oolSgt &den' saws I; $lOAll.=l, 6P. Win make Inienusas an baikUnts end their r this eitrend eicialtr s als u o prowls' of eser dcription. shipped per stem busts Labe 'era; either es b, lalsod tru.P.ruti.cir os3t. ••.•. .• • • • Arthur 0: Cane Pro.t., Thomas P. Caps, .- • . • • WSW 6.11, ' Illebent D. oed. • Jake A. Boma WWII= W • someor Seal, Frea d otte Al Mted, • E.... 4 fe‘eke • ' pelitoos, esobsor %bee, ' ' 'Goorte Lett Jarob m t.,Tlemsd„ . Jaz. . tba otkViio oee thep ea MO dandiee. oe=eB , sod evading se Ade of es ! * .` ° ' Ad . .`" 4 ‘` a nalia r.tirst7:sc' 4k: %0. 111 l'reet Wed- Western Immix* company of Pitlabargh. CAPITAL. $300,000. , t 'IL . /1114 , EE44!4 NM Wars Ag ainst all at vista, Iflre boa Malta. All lamas will be libenglly adJaakat aa•alaamaly pda. .bow. lastitst 07 Madan ....a.... lama la lb:. coaawsalt7aza wba dalaratiwat h g Calt== as Zahn gUa bear :tame who dean to be losscrad.' . Damarogr—a: mitr. Jr.; Gaia. Salaam. C. lhawra. bamn. U. If. L a ra k Jaaws Lipptaaott. Owls. Daasia..lagar 31 , adatia. Wimarstavat.twataboao' at/grog. la . 04 nD segn..) Pin.buntt; . • Jobar iielawareffintuanaktaisurweCampl, ..qt:/cx, NORTEUF.OOrit- OF -.TH,FI, XXI., Isseassm—lhl.vul. lacy ak11.1%, X N& - . db.- =1 a. 5.... snst-essoesT.:lnaans l • - b no or t.y. Ink AC tbs awns& Ws of yreogn= , ~,,..„..,...-. , Mans Drartsnen—They am Warr Tends. infl ns. Andra er aselsrbi..v.sdetStlXX .— ;i 6l ' wade. as che mum! snar,.desirs.... ~ truss TunseassnorrThsr son hx . m e z . r:na* transparted br Wasnes.4 , ..ll rad ISM^ tags, nal ins= boats, an rile= sant wuns.on Ilassonstlthasltsena Inanneosa—J_asols IL Yesl,l4taseced A- &Aides, Jain C. DisTls..l , tobssi D 611.04 John IL Venue,: Sestet Ed's*, o,mare 41 Ulm Ihrlinaton. Low. IL Das% X II- IlanfrolsrelL Jam Nevrlin, D 1.7 IL LL II 4,..n e• Hand, They/gins Psn.khag. IL Jones Broa - Lissn7 Maus, Ron& OV•18. tiearEl. •- Limin.._Asemor , sllsnin. Charles Kew - .L u.Johsems. WS. MT. Ds -IL DIM.= AT. . { 4: *,..*:1:0.!1/1.4! endir• S AIL ' Il l' eSTIN I:. TXll.tvalarli, ;Re I ?ful -1 deg. Joan X. sX. .. AirOrrna of the tanapnni. is. avarsbir stieK. - • TUX. Is. r‘F fqr=tfl . , ~• kr L. 11/ID4WIA.L.SivoI. ; lI;RMIEnMMI obit, Laboratory. ..: : i . • 76.. ; 1111 1) • , 80, VP: Nl' "" 85: "" 99. Per cad: .Strezi IioWELL FLETCHER & CO.. Haa bC asedx n 4 "QQppryry ` or asdgratittnejaaccnun.Osto. 1ir.1.11 =dal , from Pittsburgh dill t.prmartti said Wines and nrimL N0;157 :Liberty . st:dbilnerly Dario . in awfattory . • nisei:isms of fittstoirgi Irronrali 0;4,Y. VICKEIELEN k STOUTENEL, . 124Vni l tmnix tm r talasiortmemottna bwrtMont...nossus and Vernet red and .tits Augh.wa!wit Brandies, of ths ehokoSS Waling= arta* loin, gin, blab Whlskey,ebsommat awl bock wines. of um moat upend brands. pat ass, snte and most la ism dbondlis, is. sardines. M rrings, Wm sod LizaboashQuess. All °Odds!, lbal. will INS holesae, or wed& an Shimesst Masonabis toms. Ow .of the nn mrs: lo: grearsoeloolli oosildscaing importation bushier 111 th. ry's, - Tork.tho Lbws etre 1a wagged to sell • shearer abstinelallele tints adir =nolo this .0.• • ZogrAlTO•!pi a OA beads ro. b =„ l ". 4 ". 4.• a . 1 41444704 snsd st fit. . _ turreieritaisd=nerwstorec Agfa atm /mail,. malfel dam% arat maim a' of tbalrelnloaa - 1 al Atfrol lE Xa.=r4 l3 am, icatbar Da% Bahama AMU°. Oaaslina.%..d Umbria: IT Islay of mar/ nr Yliall Dam man. azal mery artkda v..ur Imad dm mo 4 examalm aragalahamata ofUmtata., - • tally malleitra pal pod an:malty Wald. ' ' N. TemparanCeville and - Nobkipm Plink WOOF. bcieby,even Stookb3lB , ItzsMvirp nr , Douj=ta.r. u5.".42: oater 11 , 1: r ya each aal „. and b " .Z 1 11410! “. . P"6 Zag?' ""'t— rxt, N. Pnoisii: LEAD PlPS.—Cornoll'a impioved patent Lend Plpe'ro m eow. A All ihmon hied And te Aniv..ll:e b.! • ALLY4-AntaijoßDOi. "mut stmt. Seed Stara Remand, T:f7 E subscriber has removed hie Seed Stem hart Sword Watt to Ow bult4INK nopeptlT comvslied lkalaLlZlezr , It lwx ., Fascaset, altrrat hso ..tpeT7'l.l. ..• ef . ARtNERSHIP-The Ildbgeriben Ittitirrad Mto CID-PFMeribliamtertin firm a swan.. • 11. 41.15. • • t lainkellelL BCAISS. A• HOSEI lIOSEI real ' trom the Hanuhiclory Iketem00:10 lodka Rob ieal notshag freeta h( to halm to diameter. a lime le tar septette to any boos asseatexamd leather. Ihr hydraatkcooduetatic or The Yee= P.D. , . We wish It bt be ttbdioeLly uoderetood that every lad at foie that Imes ham oar artabllsbmerd astmothel ar=lntaidet or the moray retamied WT eat the Ladle Rubber Deeet, No, r i b Wed et. 't. , .. t eam • • 11. PUILLIPS. TEAM PACKIN O L •4000 pain& mixed, Plats sail Pais hulls. Ratist habi r t ft,143 halm IldoilorsstssAld is ba the Tprtteel ssir mkt to u usr .l s parlosss 2p a 6. VILIse; Vislss J Ja custiall st g o A/I & ,Ib= im "to , US, = QM! ASIT-401) caakcoloizr own iniunt faetwe, InarmaDed a( As gor4 4.41tr/ed Utast OM imr L.oort.l, and SW Witt th. &a..A.Artat Or sertl !BONITA MA. • Mt, WSW Mist • C• POllllr es liFlL Ce b e e bra K t • ed Pf:AST . V nor highly noodinatni been toad* he Uoth Meet,' rears. Marian ' , lint iiine the/ hotel ti= -111terteeneot platter «metered. nip. Adams of the highest eminence, to atom . their t U® hob been nibegtiard, tun. i 4 tamp • tinnfinaninin on to their superior Stine c.o.r all otlxr plop Thetagiedlentini their eotopoel holt , cl 7 earehdly eat" orreeLly,easethaed. render &limn , pin= stillining with nulinornry , par poi:min the bres.4. moiling from protreetrel rabbi: • nbooPoog eoeat. and total pelt* at th. , redone month% ' dhoomot to the Loan Incur rharacier is Iris.- vital= at dispute. Nee r in Linntann. • cat" ens . aatnol onpliestneee.- ourb st , liatown.n =Ze Zola o b Pe i ge r t TVs T ''' Y U lt4 front rem gnaw. et lite kilter; /..• meir ro r l=rt nittla=grt= =l;l=4=l4 ....111 : 1:= 4. sufre , r . itg14:=1 . t= Lb oo ws'. - o Let their tenential egret. will be b=l.l-Terp deeinni. - .:• raly, wholesale and nrtellbr - , roan ta Weed et. AEA UNONI"S PATEN 71:3A.E.C11 • POL: 1813:Ibt idyl° a a beautiful glee« to . Eluener, Martha. ries, Collars, EL let Dams, sad 101kb:tit prbolk, nae unseats th e Iron ma, sabering ta the Lima and dan tram ssicktnr. It angst= Dotard, tnlarions to don. ha n4posi. The ladies' hese Into mtce felt of stall anatticle, and in this their est estation .111 Taallasd. a. no compel Lioll abet an Impartial • • N. N. B.—one COL, will do thirty dont 91 clothe, sad et Wady Mould br without It. Mee 1.1. y, twuta per Coke. 'ac hyee with full 11 1rwtioas. ibt.a.kb, wt.= - It. t. sem.,:xs.:g li ,wid. - • • PRTBALIVII. OR EOM OIL 1 "nom are more /hinge In beast. and/girth, are dream of in philooddir." rIE VIRTUES -of this remarkable come; dii i tal the. coin/taut ePplk.tiou lb. Mad t.. need Wm lo bare It ou t in bottles, bele sod realms. Or the benefit of tin , PISMOLILO3I procured from this tir ecA ,ot • depth of noir hunilnd feet. o onsdui oat article, without any chemical alive.. lot lust as Sows Rom Nature'. teat Winton': it woad= 'matter o f utin r ger of MY:ai man r rs. a thlu •e In t ir • 'esas of mum, smirk If Ur: mlgl,t to of r of the bloom of health mad vigor many • sufferer. long before the pro. . =rt i h=alof u It split hot . . oft = rb. ring imitator it. sod several remarkable miss it in. pert gimind. ten sum lodination of Its future' popularity and . application in dm ears of d nease. Wedonut won to make • long pam,le of certificates. We std amstakete that the me an 4 -.UV work tts Whilst hirer of trove who miller. and slit/ to be • • . do not dabs for It • univertal application in ea erJ t e slt::s. u Vainfgai r d. a nt tif.rl &toms satistirr' f eiNsiil7..l 2 los. tit'f'itArrirt u r etegol ASTHMA, end a il.' il diseoecs of the alr nasseres, LW. SR COMPLAIN T, DYSPEPP/d. Nu m. of the Madder and Milroy. Palos In: the Meet at Side, Nervout lifscarte. Neuralgia. Palsy, Rhormalie Pew,. float. )47dp. A edam Teter, Ringworm o norm, acalds..Mmiss, Olt sons, Ma dn. In cams of debility. nralltine from ernigure, , long sod prandial cease of disease. this medicine bring relied. It will act as • general TONIC aril Mahn 1 ATIVE Sri sateh eases, .I.l2lparting tone d cheeky to Us whole Mum, mooring Chetructiaat, opening the aturgirk functions, which cause disease tad • /norms tettektotket • dad of Urn! mo h at rriet " r know of enti ce EO,l , that rosrstterery_tarr tmaixient. SPA well under tea of the PRIIIOLEO3I for short time. The proof an to glvel ts any pwon Norm genuine withotittim elguidtto. or th ' a preprietor • aekiN the „ • ' Canal B asi n. ntos Fiseenta street. ' " by B. E.-SYWata. - 611rool st, ' and bilirdlift t WDOWELL. - _ _ comer Wool street end Vlrsin dllynasbo are • norgsdity ids regularly epirOoted Ovate. • - - PROCLAMATION. - • KNOW all men yrho are*ick.4(l afflicted . wfth dame of the Bladder and Kidneys, with thew sodas lo Leek or llmbs ettlf joiale, Okl o aores : Item. t that they en hi. en eed bT the Rug at you please. but Oda does tot taste e% true p ros Wm. In the Oa of an bormet mrarsunity • that ' it by virtues which are not eon 2d in me ether renu , ty. The Mgt who sacked with n. and aglerlm Into tfo , aer. Ica AO mots, Oat b oos nor of the gin wour..erend Baader! It coda very little to make DIM This Petro leum is no mistnre—no amponnd. put up for the pummel, of imposing on the monnunity, but it ts moody elabone WWI by the master bond of nature. and burbles up front tho Imam of one mother eettlz. in Its °rising purity. and of fees to WWI.: humanity a ready runoff c a cellasa and Wrap gm: It has cared Dile& after other embattle hare failed to - Wander my relief. It 11.! cured Digtmatista. of /mg • elandliss. and of the ward and mot ;Mural elurector. It Ilan cured Choler* Morbus. by can or two doses. It bas , mom of Dtarrlaw a., in which 11 . 0.11 other .eateny has been of DO mgt. As • loml randy to bums and I scalds, It 4 better than my mor tal [ll2ll,OlllllaN or ointment that we know of It will rum Mllblains and frosted fre e laa few analogic= undoubtof testimony ("5/1 be fu end of the tooth ceatalued In the ob. , ointment. by , IngIrA t ILIJEL (Ming /hod 0, Meruth green O r ascots. - a MrDowell. gamer of Wool greet and Whyte, ..Der It. H. Fellers 67 Wood street; D. A. Elliot and D.ll. Durry.Allesheny efts. am the agents . . IMPORTANT TO THE AFFLICTED.. . 11: . ROSE'S.CELEBRATEDROLUDIES. ' meatam Mast, the discoverer au/ solo proprietor • of and beneficial modieines. and alma the 112MItOr of tbe eslebrntel instrument ter inhaling the istoge, in effecting • Mee 4f omm:de dines., was • elis• dent of UM endnrut phyalciane lbsitc.'l'hYsie , end le • =allude of the University of Penns) Ivani.srui for thirty , Teen Anal has boot engaged in lte• invest's...ion of di. . • es.. end Uts•PitUralion of reianliee I hereto. Ili the use of hil• I ehatlng tele.. In eonnertiontrith his T. larde Syrup. and other of Lis remote., be ham • gained an helnled MUM:. in curing three drostlfal and fatal obiladiee: Tutoreelar etnlnlituptlel; Cancers, . Scrofula, Asthma. Fever and haw. Feverso • thie ial lihabvt [ p..o Enritel.., ...4 all oh.ti.t ease. geom. Vs tona.. traee eve form of diner vanishes under the weer hie remedies: whkh htimani• ty is heir—not by the las of one avaodu cooly ' ba' that kr haronapalible with ficysiologiesi tar. lc t by the to. of pie remedies, wielded to, and proselib.l Rib each P•srctUnT I farm et disuse. . „ . i • De. Iterde Toole Alterative FIN. when need, are Willal‘• . , lily aolc_reckdged to be superior tool( others, ...Furl.. •••.• ' .nnch -••••-- .----•••-•.-eceis re. ttssltsrs Wh Inumtc. as the rest Sistir this Mai scativehata u also Lis thiblen, Luse ad. tailaa,t4 racolts. to Puss , Won* . PoPstikii ad.ltt tcd to frnaLr tlisnau but being 'shahs] that • Late Utal sattleletit to establish what has hub rsh7.lo the teladsar .., " j The ..,4 dtallalLeare la c iplt i o w e:1 . 11 2 7"; : :: , :gu ard.. ad Frq: i l cud tandlo) cod of MI Doetar pamaidata. dais., a data). ad woe etta each manly, and it. applidatl.m.' laer sale the Ilatkarbad :sada., as wall" ! br past drag" Vida t taw eoolater _ , . . .. , .1. di. Townsend, la_ndnolat., a 5 al a r k " . , , ' l A . A. Jrw.Fith....E.nticia, elm. t he ran Clece.,ldltald. _ . . joa a ld. Thatiday. Daalinglan,Bealticaa4dV. Pt i Jam 121141., Eamon ''! : • .•• COB:FORT ANEILREUEEF . ;- 11°R. TILE ' AFFLICTED kill; be found iit t tle. Devitt C. Itellingtei INS LLIHLg • LINIIIItliT; _ Mlle& Fluid which tith 'turd the wet of thirty sem est : and boa. beyond admit/a. beenM the meths of maw , lln ore of thousands of Indisiduala, iw almost *mg elastantlthasseter of etXe Wettest:a haunt ow ; thing in nblthrj t bnktnitl la only undlebte that has ntts : awed to the theu,, that in eters ream of thy word, - • What It - ninth for. • mod, and tekathdele Hennths Wont diseases titan . - ; - any Ware medicine °awed ke sale , we canataes by • bon 1 ppe f . sank. eob, or by what nante. Al thong arid earrinring proof o the t o we tsar ; that i• t la the emit artithr th at has aami he form of anelmt Redid. that Wisner been pettemired and melt. ad the grebe of the atilt, generally. as the moat agreeable. ; ;Rangy Stealth:to met agend for rale,. aratacti by any et ' H i • thee. On tL gr : jl ea. lost. Noses grinatik lazy ICC.' ' hi . Iron. Robb 11. la th 01 ame ow Sohn A. Dix, late U. S. Fens. ! ton '.w It. Porter, lis u , Miter of the EYint of,the PM4istro anel tue l leTtafy ....' , its Ofgee. base rem . na & go i to weer to Um. 1,. _ _-- r • - . La tt Is Well town that. Patent Iletliolnw are not f i lliar=rally 1 me g "t to . tVetZ Is P ntly mew . Uthed. The Wonder iWinsConthousel ll' i;,..,, nearly ' area lean before the labile Its feat friends are now ha - ' enrolgaut and Mat. This most undoubtadly trong wad tenwinents newt a Ile general thefulnew 00 0 mann quaint.... II fa a eonseign remedy for all nervous : scab [ zrlan enetniloth walling, rimier,. brets. '" M soca, sad all the talus and whey that Seen Is heir to. ~, thaw 1.9:(4000 battle. have been acid without exoleerg. awl bare ;miming me a s en res_ after alt Giles reetedias him tilled, as would stagger WM. bed we not ollered, and in Ints yinthasSon, the stronimt menble mi. 230 itedidootre nitore's remedy. it trtiatto from veg. - - e. fit interaskas Inn as ototrtuu ma.,' It acts diemet rlgt 11. 1 .1 4 . =,,''''=:= 4 :1-11 l Agg; i wea.... In male or *male. nom edederee.d.deee .47 1 fee ta littstarth. by Z. genets, Venda Co.. add Ogden Suovrden: and by the retail Oedeele , e renal,. It la pet ay In Wax. Ore, and ono ebilliug bed. - jenWea T o Q u i Benders of the Pittsburgh Gazette: PUBLIC ATTENTION is respectfully irk, "_l.. died tat the IN:lodes troth!. sa l froth in reletion to tin 00. of the molt t lain i r o Z d 7nVe iF' thltt n I Tear Ado dental. great rethegy wee &Licht tuifin i A: cM.7.4.b.• ppmai o f ri d,,, T; ...oj trp tht• evil t .t , the the dn, got op rtte ache dards of making =nett but. these which we concelve, ell' tanned to-be wed when ell other neetnans have been forgotten. The rebut.. is Affanterd Samedy, elaborated In the depths of the earth by a Darer and agency that thughe lo thorn all human aacthetitda. It is our deny. when we write About madb Oa& that we with the tro th —that we o f wilting calm.l Idled to deeds* thole oho met thud our mod or pot eon& dame to or thdexcenta rt. ea very Opt to catch at gaid:thted that preanlan relief dud althea . A story ean lath:lU M I= r 7 naught Warnerr the chiret of gull ing or both Kane of thew. Now. ea do not desire to do thine , . nth LWOW oldf that the troth In relation to env rey should be told. to order to Acura for it a red.- Ind= tar thoe..any etude article to the ruder& reed toPlain thed fut.-bets that dozy le =era:toed ur rig and t . uo. horn, bear amble tei donut In , WI the pad two torodh tn., of ourawo ethane; who w Lail b o nd, hear le, fort cht- • gr. • del of bithdneas. in-tta State of Oldn, hare been eared.. And,ildb thecase of • gentletudtbithaver toad, IBM eta OM% but thee. an ay, ni.t Igloos and may cbm.4 t. by any yericavirbo Mee 'doubts on the dthe• Than owes were shred dter deer bed, been eland de ad seta at &vela. The 1 droletnit will three hen med. Agetadinc • to direethitha-linurtoth., Diuditery, PUesiltheradboo, dont. Mined. thoptiota on lb. bikini Karl. co the face Clthade- Sod Eyne. him korona, Totter, awa u.e.-aaLs to la. , Wad etal Cant, hid three, Illede, Wax Ago% Cbratie addle, Asthma, Btoorintia and all PahancarY ethatioas of at chronic ntheree - levding to pro ; ' 4 ==l, tilde:diet the /dealer ind Rldueta i lthorialed Moines: thane and a . *l. oth E er Osmond manor, god bar been Le, la mos of the the.. diseases within clot put year with the . wet PRINS =MEM Onltheatali that well utouish an in 4 4 1 1=0 f .1 ' . ersktad • • deter others thay Fair %boot their the Petri:get= the greeted Itaiudy of the sae. Physklatis °Thigh Stinaling In the grofeedoo I:echidna to cue it ' thetr prealicei Thad who at nen locked un with doubt sad .-usutr,sst willing In award it.elue broth. and taidietentiod Tahoe author t he /gnaw ro d, 141 will to dattelled to acknowledge that the Yetrolintat thy greet ed by-- ever die:veered. Tor eal, w&Jecele and ree • lailtztyLir KOTSOlt ZIU'a" IIV IVaterat Al Wan i Aj'..tbr the rr} , • SgLiZ4 W, i1dPt.:111.4.1. (*UGH. SYRIJ f. • —.P. Z. Sereer—My aflame!, like crow.. bay. Pee. Satt*Slo troublerisoo coughs, and having nerd different reerdier tr very little _bunco, I was Induced by adv. btrobriti Wrest your Comski 13yrov Orr It • trial. ErAlitro of ory boys, sod Wo tory oatrbter beer thask saa It bre wor•erl:4l.l etthr them. bays rorosonterted it to LOY 0.411E.0114.011 do conerleodour y believe that It Lithe brie/ray ardour. that bar ever bee, offered to the• • . Joiriew.Airrrme. 'Punt. therolill not permi their tla tu from roagh. oben they lila t Cl/nod by all:6 eL bott ler Ms r F Y. B..studa. da4' .1, and Drr:ilalteeyn7lf. Imam MEDICINES. ie: , L.:Alarge, eirek Imam. sail for ere tkr roar liberal terms, , kbre titattherd. . • ,isrammie Esau ~ I - • eniadtias of •I: ch: Nate mad Dow Lthltre4 alood u rxrvaing pg,,Eavg OleleirldOb•S=. ra l sE tor Ithelny F*4" nitliorts u .s_rt . l-Irter by 6 thcrollostlro Arderyou'e De P.r. l . l, a f.trop, for Oa ••blooper's elm of King', ilerof• ".-RaQ 6 - Ardl - priebile oter. tiryhilir, tee •• Reline - Fla.,. Venperrolot • pbrreibmafr thorbeekers . • berm Lirfflry Herrero; reread " Loyebdr• ••Blue - 11,1 aft• • trolkdo• Ponta", & . mt.. ffreffoo..for Zen : Yoe. our 87e Rater - Plastas flerdt , ber'r Lthbrent ' ' .... • • iir2;l6; 0;n1Ial Tluetzint . parleto Oil • WT. PO'leir WI4IZEILIIA3I. ttf Wood mtml VAsUi W AtitMe Non of arl C 710 Ulm. isale by - 1.:1iaL4114