HOME-MATTERS. Bitertorie . Brathio fitise—We jartenlay toqk *jou:Mout the foerth Street &tad, Wel; mine the qitepisaik Toed which le am itipiveese of ems traction, "Ma IS intended mach 'fro* Oakland to Beet-Liberty,,. The portion ihielt is already eompletal, is sixteen feet in tridtli, and • doe summer roud etilrrizt:on eseh'elde ' A delightfully 'situated piece 'of ground: two milei from the Court,House on the right And roadside of the r was pointed eue.to:vm,,an t••. site oil which, before another yeter.will'a" a . village to be called Etna Fitteburgh, will spring up. The ground ii now covered with a fine crop of oath, but the surreyor has twit there, and on. his chnit are to be seen the dividing : Lines be... tweet, the ' different lots and the streets, which will shortiY exist in reality;inatead 0 , 011 Parer ' This property belongs, to. Mem.t.... 11 , 11 17 Us ' and Edwarl Ditheridge, and has , .ben laid off inio ninety- lets, forty-one of. which were -sold ahnest before the surrey Wac'completed. The . remainder. still ' for sale, Our readers can form's good i ea of _ the islet of this property, from the fact' tit i 3 situated on a 'road which, leaving the osburgh Tanipllte at post, Lib erty, reaches Pittsburgh by route between Mae and two ,miles charter than. its rind. which comes in through Lawrenceville and the Fifth The reason that It has notthonopolited almost the - entire traffie ‘iiiiich _.goes along the latter line, is:that the turnpike never was completed father than akland, and the rest of the road: though good ough in summer, was bad in win ter, and in uddyweather.,l The plank find we have already alluded to, will remove all diffi culties on that score, and the {ravel on It will be immense. A large-number of buildinge will be • erected on this really eligible property; 'during the fall: and a contract has item - entered into' for.the oonetruction of a large betel, to be called the East Pittsburgh hotel,' which will coat bel tween eight and' ten thousand dollars. - .A tine: Seminary for the reception of female se.holars-- both boarders and others, will also be scooted. We really do not know of abetter oppeittmity to any industrioui mechanic, or other person who wishes to name a home' for himself and family. The situation is perfectly healthy, and level—the water good, and the, society in the' neighborhood - excellent' ciMnibusses 'Will run to horny hour in the day, and thus while doing business . perhaps in town,"anyi one • who puts np 'a brulding,liere, can transport hiniself from the smoke and dust of the clly,lth the pure and pleasant air of this - charming spot: We fear though that after having Parchased and 'built them, he will be followed by the. emthke cf the town, for *shaven!) doubt but that in a few, a vary few years, East Pittsburgh will be one of the Wards . of our - own city. :The increased ;21- ue of his property however, Will be 'pretty Sire. to compensate any one for this trifling :buxom.' 'nlence. , . , , ' - ' THE , AtLIGILUT BRIDOR Mo s Clare yeatenisy directed ti venire fr. t jstratorei, to iiane in the above ease, ietantat.le on The eleventh: of Austist, so that thin important trial will take place next mouth. I . ' . In justice to the HOll. Wm. B. Bl'Clure es well as myself I Would state . that I signed the notice to Messrs. Loomis, Studer, and Stanton to the Al. kg!tiny Bridge case, published in the morning papers of this, day, without reading ; the same,' or knnoowing that it coritained.ibe ebarge:agitnat hlio.'of neglecting to issue the venire, for the purpose of preventing a trial or the Guinea in. time for return to the Supreme Court-. ' • The decision, of the Supreme Court, was re ceived by telegraph yesterdaythe venire has been hunted this day. ROBERT WOODS. July 11th, 1851. 1 • •' To the Honorable William B. McClure The . notice which appeared In yesterday's Guette, signed by Mr. Woods and myself, was drain up in haste by myself and cantatas ex , mosaions in the latter' part, Which I deeply re grat, as calculated to convey swronginspressirm. I certainly never intended to emit any`reproach• fol, or disrespectful expressions against Judge. McClure; either personally, or. Officially in the, communication alluded to. The :whole matter originated Sit seems, - in misscprehentritut, the Judge having had no notioe until yesterday, and Supreme Court had refuse.i to rescind the order,- -- made on the 125/1 of Jane. ' The Judge 1111121 sty vatted this bunting the..renire,'natit thstuerdlrm raised by Messrs. Loomis,' Sheller and Stanton; 'iru discoed! of bythe Supreme Coart. 'I did not intend to charge Judge - McClure viritli the design of favoring_ the Covorationoat the ex- . pulse of the relater..', We all well knew that there could be no motive to induce hitittOlo so. nit true I felt hart tit the delay, as 1.. Suppe:wk. - of issuing the venire, se there was scarcely time left them. The venire baa been tossed today. Ennithing is done, that is necessary to favin.:a speedy trial and I have only to add my regret that there has been any misappreheeshm 'wee matter. T. J. res.ALDp. Tttn LIAILZOLD STATION liornx—We i visit yesterday to Vrilkinsbirrg, and found thi , t the station house In that place, from whence the which will 211 n to Pittaboigh, three times a diy, iillatlet, is nearly completed. The, 'railroad In that vicinity ie. 'nearly read,y.for re. ceiling the track, a; large numher 'of tiorknien, ire inndli ellipioyed z upon it: • -I .7. . Fsaerman hin.r..-17e learn that some swum, We intend Shartfretecting a rery large stases flowing mill, fa Allegheny city: , VAL - VANS TailriaTt ACOTIOIr...-W.: Me- Cartneywip,.thie day at two o'clock, soil. four viliable-lts on Bedford street, and four on Keating alley, in the Seventh Ward. - :Sir- ' of these lots have houses metal:pan them. This' property is well worthy the attention of oti7ef mail 'capital who wish to secure a NFtssalns.—The sitizerts syholive on Street, comploni loudly of th e filthy state of-t 4 ewer there. It is. we undeistsa4 &a id op , . gad the noxions exhalations arising front - Won* Anost. offensive. We trast that tht!atreol7aatii taiga' ine . will attend to it. , . AIItICIRATZD Eicrr.--el. number of the Melees pollee were sent out yesterday, soma 'miles on the Noblest:ran plink road,- it -behrg feared; from threats whleh- bad, been toade by some of the workmen, that a riot would take place there. Thq parties hoWeeer contented themaelsm with Indulging lnc Bide foul language, so no arrests' •were made: . . , . JOUTZT ABD , BATTT.T Wlllt TITTLE? TO 4. colored man named iOl4l Jones was ' , War ! itlay committed to prison :by. Mayor , Gathete, 'charged with assault and battery with Intent*to kill Committed on oath of hlichaal Gilligan, a young Irish lad. - lie aware ”that' ha would make an Irish funeral" of hie epportent, lag was prevented from carrying that notable design into aracutlon, by being arrosted Prrrsunaou TO raceme a'sxcoan: Poster°. lis.—We learn that Mr. 11. Galway hu pus chseed twenty acres of that Lner river bottom; Just below Manchester, between the Pennsylvania and Ohio Railroad sad the river; on which - he Intends erecting pens, slaughter-houset, &c., ter • the, purpose of meting . largely' into the • hog alaughteriag and . pork packio 17112h1eJ05... expecte to bring swine from the interior of Ohio, b,y.the Pennsylvania and Ohio Railroad, put up the pork here and chip it . East hy the Contest' 811/11.01,1. it is expected that an extensive and Irearatlve pork packing tradewill be openedbere. We tuiderstand that this propertyless purchased st $6OO per acre. It'll:mkt be cheap, at $lOOO. (It in none of _our business, whams, but will not these alaughte.r houses be a sad nuisance to the dwellere in the Marineespecially as the wind nearly alwayeblown up' the riser.) -,Diepolch of gerterdaq. -r . _ . _We: are informed by a gentleman connoted with the ilarpital; who specula a great part of -hie time there, that the general direction of the wind is such, that no bad odors trill reach the, NEW BOORS! NEW 4300813!- Azi .. IOLMES' LITERARY bEPOT, Thiid • elzeet, opoodte the Poet Mon.— louroati Magazine. for Jaly. The hd•wtures of Veal Verlitinkte; • Sea &cry: Tn. Coluxtea of 1.11:11,x7, yeyrt r:l4` ll . B ,:r. l °b;otlao aathor r of : 9 11h1 Loeg!" . Hermit. If a Daeheon ar a Soak of the Heart, 'a • Vel Th e r riCae m tEZ ' at M or the Snow hint; a We of real Carona 14 4 e 5.10p1 Ileirof Mutt Wailual. a taw by nary Ileoritt: The DaOahter of Yaz V, tk story of the woman Loa, riot eo That as ye Yeere; a comedy by . Dietkeery of Eleeheoles. No. , . Wirerasee Monthly ilavathae. for for . .!oly; .„ Tirjea!". F ISTI=ISO bbls. No. - 3 Mackerel:, o. I Trout orut Wkly. flak 10 " No.l Mockery!: 0 wain; awl an sae by ":.177_ roux 196 T: CO ', Br TELEGRAPH. Ticzawn iocs AID IVO RIAD ly:12 TUX TlTf/IIIROB GAZZITI. • APP9INT3IENT ET THE GOifEENOR. , ileannamicar, July 11... ' The Hammer haa appointed Daniel Agnew, of Beerer,:.l'resident'Jadge Of the 'Beaver, Bader arid LawreneeJtolleial District, inplaee ofludge BieWdetwaae' Idr. Agnew is an able law yer, cid ea excellent rasn:f He le,the Whig esti didabi far/nage of that &stria CHOLERA IN CiNCINRATI Cixortrin, July II The Board of Health of Ithis city reports 206 deaths luring the past week, of which 19 were of cholera, and 123 c.hlldren under fire years of age. We bin unfavorable reports of the health Of the towns throagbout the neishboring corm , RESTORATION 0r.311t. WEBSTER. Wenn:arms, /4,lTebster las tendered his resigoation la Secretary -of State, in consequence of the Bondi lion of his health, which requires a protracted. absence. The President haa strongly urged hint toretain his'position, eonaeuting :to any ar rangement that he might desire to adopt. Mr. Webster will accordingly sail for Europe about ebe middle of August, and - : remain abroad until icor. the time of the assembling of the next Compote,. and in order to relieve say embinas mem, will leave. his . retignation - in the bands of the President, to, be acted upon as the best judgment of the Presidenemay decide. There is no interruption of good feeling of any kind between Mr.. Webster and the Cabinet, or I. FaLlP.E2tiOLErid. . . . Win:nacres, July 11. . Don Felipe Molina, Envoy Exersordirau7 end- Minister Plenipotentiary of Costa Rita, yester day presented hls eredentlids to the Secretary of State, end au received as Charge de Maks of the 'Republic of Guatemala. . .. . fhe'Presitlent alto remimaizes Googol:I' Mai cos Satrastetpal, Consul ef,Spain OS= Francis co .7, and Frederic EL Steil, as Consul of gum; for Terse. ; . : 13411,1N0 OF TEE GEORGIA. New Year, July 11. The slimmer Georgia, hr Chapel' ' sailed ibis afteinoou with kheavy mail,mail,eud s bsrge number GEN. I'ALC9TT ACQUITTED. WASHIXOTOX, July il. -', The President his approved the analog of the lateCottrt Martial, aegoildng Gee Taloott of all the &ups preferred against him. I'AILADELPiIIte MARKET. Patiangunta, July. 11 Cotton—The market is 14414,2 • - - Placer is Inactive, sales 1000 this at s4,osc® 4,250 for common, and $4;81 for Selected Into. . - Rye Flour rind Corn tlesl-43ides - of the form er at $3,87, and of the latter at $2,87 per bbL ,[Grainlfheat is selling at 1010 (or whltej and 94e8s for red.- Rye is In demand ati72e. Corn is scarce aedaells at 610 per bu. Whiskey-84es at 24e gaL - • But Belli is doing In provisions and Groceries, and prices arewitheat change. BALTIMORE 2dARRET BALTINOILT, July IL Flour-41 Jan 200 this iiar city mills flour .ai $4,50. Sala Howard street at $4 12i p'er bbL .Grahl3ales of prime "teat at 95 for red, 'and 100 c for "kite. . • F Whiskey is dull at 21.31 c ;per gal. NEW YORE MARKET. - • Haw Your, July 11. ' Stoeke—Tbe market im moderately firm. Mon ey Is aetl ; Sterling tolls are dun.- lilattra 'l- . —Saleal^Jlo balits at Rio for middling. Flom—Sales 12400 bbis at $1,12}64.18 for State and western. and $14704,50 for Gemmel and toutbern. efi -- Cora itiati-Sales at s2,94®xls per bid.. Cin.M-Cons is 'steady, with sales 25,000 be. mixed westera at 57@58e Saki 4000 be. rye at 721 e per tos. - I . ' 1 Provisions-41mq posits telling at $11,1210 r pal:tbl,. bat coatractebsee bees settled at 7514. &les of mess beet 'at $9,87010,50, aad of prime at $5 ,G 5,500 per Md. * - ;%!4 11 . 16 77-sies at Pl.' , ,„Rscoactuartos Too. Lava.--The reader can not have fargotton the disastrous duel et Lynch hunk Va., the reciprocal assassioition, tween .Dr. Baunders and .?de Terry. A car inipondeuta of the Denville Register eras the I ftroiting scene, of which he was av , eye-wit ness : SONDT, Mitt.clay, June 8. The Res. Mr. Early called to see Mr. Terry, and said he bad a message to himfrom Dr. Saun ders, which the Dr. lad rerpiested Mr. Craile to bear, and the latter had devised him to deliver. The. message was,'"that Dr. Saunders desires to users Mr. Terry of his sincere sympathy, and .toinform him that he withdrewesery expression in the published of his, to which . Mr. Terry.had replied. which was, in the slight est degree, calculated to cause him pain, or wound his feelings." To which Mr. Terry re plied; "Tam gilder it—l esti - only wish that the DOotor . had made this communication sooner. It comes too late 'for any practical good. Had it been made sooner, It would have saved me greet deal of trouble, and my wife and children ranch affliction, which id evidently just before them, and for which there is now no remedy : — However; Mr. Early, sayer Dr. Saunders, though Mamma too late to effect any practical good, yett accept this assurance with the same cor diality with which :I sure he has offered Tetry, who lay - by her husband said, "My husband, you forgive hint, do you notr— Me replied, "Most eastarCily I do; you know I Uses° expressed myself heretofore, I had no ill feeling toward Dr. Sinoders—Pnever saw Idmbut_onse, if at all; tiilvimpremion is on my mind theft Met LIM once at the - poistoffloo: - If SO, ikis.thienly time I ever law him. I should not bare known him if I had met him on the thestreet. - I cOnld have had no design titinjrue him In any way—l bad no motive for What- - eireemay'hase - Tmen the errors of my life, I shill tarry With me noinimosities,zlPersonal or ppliCtesl,^ti I would carry no each feelihgs into thic Sinetusre.'...-f meaning, at the *tinders understood:he ;would carry ne sneit feelings to - the presence of his God, be fore'whern ho was shortly to apprat.). VA3XET TAI Neektniu . of Virgatio.—An address hu been pat forth by . the Mechanic's Association of 'Portsmouth. Va.., to the mechanics of the State, callinitipart them to orgardse in 'order to viodi esti their rights and put an ad to the practice attaching slaps mechanics] trades. It seems that the owners of negroes are, to a considers, hie extent, in the habit of bringing them up Its cupenbus, coopers, blacksmiths,. AG, and that the whiter mechanics feel themselves de traded by this competition, at the came timo that it Cuestas mote and more to depress their &ma Corotins.—Opposition to separate Se; cession Is rapidly on the Increase in this State. D.. Witherspoon, Senator from York; C. W. Daley, Senator ftom Marlborough, sod D. J. McCord, the eminent lawyer of Columbia, and son-in-law of Laughon Chaves, have written strong letters against the policy of separate State action.- They -regard a withdrawal from the: Union as eminently dangerous to Southern in stitutions, and destructiee of the commercial 'prosperity of the State. .. . Lake Sitpaior Iran.—Tbelun Arbor (Mich. Argus states, that in conversation with an intel ligent and respectable blacksmith, a few days since, he informed us that Iron from the mlues of Lake Saperiorwas eta quality eitpitrior to any other. It ranks erathigher than the celebrated Strides' Inn, being more malleable,rongher,and not so subject to Sawa. It is now the only iron used on the rake steamers, where superior strength is required. "It would be thought a hard government that should =zits people one-tenth part i dle ness timerto -b e employed in its service, but taxes =nyef us much 'more, if we reokon all that Is spent In. absolute sloth, or doing of nothing, with that which is spent in Idle employ ments; or amusements that amount to nothing. Meth: by bringing on disease. sbsolutely short ens life. Sloth, like rust., coasurnes faster than labor wears, while the key often;used . Is always , . •Th.e Hungarienligugaz.—The orations of the Mends of the exiles In Liarpool to proeuttem- Plarnent for thaw has been attended with groat meas. Out of the 220 that retained In Eng land; 00 1 7 thirty sin are now loft in Liverpool— the other portion having boon sent in email numbers to the principal manufacturing tams in the kingdom, where-they have in almost ev ery instance obtained employment of some do' Euek.—ln Nor York, last week, a man evientl.faar years old and worth half ': a million, mays a contemporary, 4m so ' wnerely bitten by a clad dog , that he died within fire, hours after I the, attack:. The whole:of his - nit" property ie bequeathed toe wild young nephew, who, for moral yams boo been, and still M. 'employed as a common suitor in one of the 14verpool cog. great ships. Iron.-.We now hare, soya the Dan. Intolligollooro four furnaces i 3 plant In obis ileiniti=thiee"liilliello — rough of Danville and one at Bei Point, neltoet, dWanee below town. No: 2 funkier,: tothe ltontour Comiouiy's nags,' it now makiog,aboat 20 0 .toas of 'Pr metal per week; and is perhaps illalavgestand beld arrang ed furnace in blast. a • • Another painful occurrence bile taketiplade in. Aiermxt r t ik It. P. Andrews. Esq.:, an val. : Dent lawyer, two or three evenings since, slapped with the back of ble band bin servant boy in the month, one of the teeth wounded the hand be= tween two of hls knuckles, and strange to my,' froln the effeas of that wound blr. Andrews died Ebtato Rot—Se!era farmers in Maine and New llimpsbire hare, publicly endorsed, the remedy of Mr. glanders, of Lowell, Of sprink ling slacked lime upon potato sines, to kill the insect ,which ceases. the rot.' It is stated that the plagues have appeared earlier than usual Cart Bs R: JONES respectfully informs City', Merchant:SUM' the pnidloganirallY, tut he hese opened a wholesale YORAM°, - S;17117. and SVGAS .11.d/R7PdI7ORY. No. 137 Front stout, one door muth Inof B. A: Pahnestaok's Drug Store: where he be nowl etoreand for rale a lance end oneral esmortment of the most apprised! Ilrglala brands Tolus ant a Went asearV went of One I mported &gam of the choicest brand's. a s IU bbda. fine degas Loaf. Al l . kinds of Kentusky 'robot. Manutastuoal wit h ease and dlosateh. Ordenthankfull7 Atomised and promptly attended to. Jr-Lam R.IL3ONE9. TAR AND ROSIN— • - 100 bble. N.C. T I 100 " brbyhttrO l llt. 'Jen . ' ' JOH: rERRY DAVIS' PAIN RI 100 a.. Jose reed. and Dos wee u.' •Aevutt WYE - AND EAR FOUNTA; Don of the medial fraternity ii Poo Ear Fountain. be Dr. Powel.Onen! Jost renylvnl and for pale by • i. 23. • • BOTTLE CORES-800 ru. for.atalo by jai g.g.egIALERB. 67 Wool it. p A j R2S. GREEN-540.1be. , a for sale by - 11 C UTM GS-1 bbl: No. 1, for sale by Jell 4 IL B. 6ELLXBS NEW NO. 3 MACKEREL-100.bbla. and hf. bbla...l* ant. ter canal, and Galled* by - JANIES DALZELL.66 Water at I?MIA RUBBER BELTING—Just reo'd, Yost the tearturaetaiare, IWO pet Light Seltle i tg sal Pan... tor tale at the India Rabbet. Nos. 7 NW INWood et.. J. a 11. PHILLIPS. F ISH -10 bbls. new Lake Trout; 10 hr..for sal* Dr J. A CAN PtELD. IaILLETT'S 303 PENS—A freoh suj3jily of U l . -146 ° .. "P" u f f‘f.l: ilagtr°Bl:=. lab . mlaar a Second and Ilszket sts. • ITNION COPYLN.ZG PRESS—The neatest ald most PT . ze—tr . te on el the 7;lv= _ 8. 11/Lyr,..V7l u. )S.tlu. t Bhtlo~ WveEoue, Ala K Tr ENTRER-100 Sides N.Y. Sole, for sale II bs jeln J. k A FLOYD. SALT PETRE-20 bags (Crude) for sale by Mt° W. t P. WILSON. SPERM OIL-18 bble. extra, for sale by M PANNIIRS' 01L-23 bbl 3. for Bala by J• 2 mem a auceontss NO. 3. bfACKEREL.-50 bble. for tale by ~tarsa ND IA RUBBER WHIPS- Of all the sites It'aVE= 4fe.‘ 9.i r " tal ' J.* IL PMLLIPS. Dor pale bY [l4ll _ JOHN WAIT t W. Wall Paper and Borders THOMAS PALMER, 55 Market street; re opectially Invites the Knead= pientmers to hie preeent eemplete sott extentlee Amt. coicipthang shame. every article is his Use of basins.. • Jen Y§LRI"JE'S- -Underviood's fine Lemon Syrup; • very superior artielo for willoc lemon Ms. Wow cod ritrimbeny W 37. Vln irlgctfr We W . T ' JIM Grocers and Tea Lisslers. iIiAIRY SALTA superior article for the dairy or able. out up Iv mall bag% lor hmnr loth Ja.% rtla ha - - . . • WM. A. de Lltorty at.CLCIIG Co.. - UNDRIES;--,. • ,79 6 blkis L01P11611 . 5 %Val P • • 6 do lard 011: • • lure 6 toiet To= or tol9 15 Duch d:D4 Av - D %Vial/4515 ACD HEMP -4,5 Xqns Miss. D. It, for mile by sts7l3 • JAMED L lIVICIIHON i CO. 4ACKEREL-50 bbla. No. 3, for sale by INA mayu ' EIMIBRIDOES aazuux. WINDSOR SOAP-50 boxes Ilyde's, for V 1. er forzl a 1 YAWES/OCR k 00. PLASTER—SO lbs. Cantharides, for sale by Na RA. TA IMESTOCE * CO. WSR-25 bblu. Lake Sup. White, 18.51; " " ..1,3 ..• Jr. O. ..'11,3.71E1.D. 1 UST RECEIVED-7. 11311 pp of Itm — irei Rub. ft. ber Erna Nam, PhitMs. aacl ttrwat of all kmadw lter sal. • bolaskAle at 4 retall arf and V 4ec jet& . ' a IL pniwes. • Cheap Dia& De Lain. tnIIRPIEY BURCIIFIELIS havo joist opetted • lot e. fa* om..00l) black De Ulna, at prior of Taft. tot 2 BLACK BERAGE DE LANE.—This warm tartlete calk hr bad at the nog of U RPM!' se I ELI). NO. SUGAR -2 5 lthriS. for sale by . Jo= ' J. B. VAN-YIELD. JLINIATA. NAIL RODS-95 bundlea Slit, tx,,, , by S. F. VON BONNI{ORST t CO. Y 9 CI LASS--400 boxes Window 431a15, amort " I ' 4 ' 4** " l° • -canna co. HAY FORKS, Hay Rakes, and. Scythe ontllr o2l 9.1 , ,,T0 N0g NNIVNIST 2 CO. ARD OIL-10 Gbh!. for sale by • , ,era J. ICIDD M. 40 Wool Id- Indare Medicated lyiquid•Cuticle. THIS ARTICLE is intended for flimily nee,, and thrall Se found In the preeestelan of *my festr fly In the lea& 31etitenIce who ere trt ermetent denser of '1,0117 bt. tbelr parrens the atchlsn. tbe ir.rtop• tr or caret.. use of tool. win end tlin article to be hon able to thea, wail after • fan trial will considrr It balk .. Sh a I. may certlfr ttott be. the Whitson-od. harlig Utteutly uswle we of Jurble 31edlotted tddCutiele.bra cored by 31enee, obel4 .th Cunt. 31 let.% COM.. clieerfuliy row:m.o It to our goofeeticnon boons.. MI wotallent subetitute edbodre plaster. tn dressing. burn. cut. treads. bruises, Lott ell blotted Irlob roundel also. Pa sor. Ni vsl'iarA;(4-Oo74A n a, rf. MNI= . Y. WOblbllll.lY. 111311LIO11 MOM, 13.1). ELL3WORTII BUIL SI. D., ataan. Com yeah= practlabni ➢D ..ylWana We City of Middltown. ' t Far sale by H. A. YAM EFTOCt *CO -341 rerun. Woad and Vim sea. ' liE HOLDERS 'of tho'Coupon',Bonds ofOU. ifonoodattela Nati.Uon COMPIe o , ate beret. Ent that Oa Company d ome s to .antedpete leaf. meat of such of Ito boodo falnni d. In ISIS an we. Wa ke meal.os to, and of the data of Owtober /et 1t44 own• rindng _all.bonde to Ante lamer 00 tier also 201. . • . • ited4 • TOO 5. di. HOWL Ttsuanr. ARD±2O bbln. No. 1, for, sale by . .174 ISAMU DICKEY * CO REASE-15 Ibis. for 631 e by _ _11 , 4 . 1811 All DICKEY i CO. Sellers' Liver Pills. Briumg_aim._osll..a.pituburew ti. KR. R. E. S E LLERS:-1 take , this oppor wFdirtAtrwutritug 10-feenr of I a k ar Invaluable WV. La1t01244100 Ot 7 ahn the Br " :dote ne re tweets and other effrete ' 4l3thla doeiNtol that lay life van by of. A n other moans had fall. ed. Iwe ed deed by trif physn tone your Liter Pilg, aa4 toast r.r. that albff taking one box and • half I have! beau teetered to tameable health. wh y leL4gl6, at then thne. I therefore Wu pleurae la ng them to aims allele:I with dbesee of tbe leer. . I . •Yerare respectfully, 14114 10 VIER. Alt odor ealled "Liter PUls,"..ste eonnterleite or bawl Imitations. The genuine ere prepared and eg4d by era It. BaLLEIIB, 07 Wood et- Second Street Property for Sole.. ri CLOSE an 'Estate, Two very desizt • rob). mut Well Unlined throe story BRICK lALVOI3. on Doental. lenmallaWil enore Rent. field street. loth containieteA7 and attic. wilt, bath room atterhd. supplial mores with bat and oold witsrawUl ho old low. e s ars nearly mew. , t SOO will be required at Um lime of purnhaem the Wanes *lrelfortgiinfortra=ry.YNli RAUH, Anent tor Um extets of AL Relumeleen s a ble w, Coleman. Usll - a Cw's. No. 110 Water on, : Jr2Bci9er2ler (OW 1f BEEN GLAZED WINDOW BLIND PA .\ E •TCR.—A. fllperlor lot of the above article Jthrt teed ad for .4 8 bt • • THOMAS PALMER. Martel et. rA.PER HANGINGS—A large assortment of French on I Amerken P. llanginsreotloele d and lbr sal. br • - ie. P. I , IAIenIIALI, Jell 61 Wood WOOL TWINE--500 lbs. for sale by V 3014 . AROUTIINOT. Q,PLRITS TURPENTINE-1.0 bbls. to ar rive) for WA tO J. KI DD k CO, 1•14. CO Wood st. FIRE BRICK-415,000 (Coal „Grove) kin; M. roost 01 not. Anpirtor to the Botha: il ou band riek,) hidAn d Gor solo tort - ' WALLINOWOIIO CO. EFFEVESCINO COMPOUND, a substi tute for Terri for raring bread. ear, by .66616 g of 13 per cent 10 NN to elfectsd. or "Or br NAL A. III'CLC CO. 67 . 26 , 1. Llhrrir t. scarce and Desirable Goods, . • , OF VARIOUS STYLES, .open this morn- L.], wgz , v u.ip a y, l nui v iv il .,, t . a .u, • Moo= Yoplintalarlrl.see ' gtorer L is, k Blue Fitts, newt /looming " Wristlet.. At.. au — Attentitio ie Molted to their theism wort:wet et French towns, White Woode far drums. tr. Wewill receive urday or tomorrow, trom New York—. Brows Dresultm:nr. . , • - ,Wl7 §COTCII BURLAPS-2 bales suitable for pmt Cut, Abo-400 Weal Sack, sun and 1.11.<4 e 71;;Ari"w '.'7. ROTIKRISOIkfIEPPERT.: lACON , -20 cite., received and for sale by igo . WICK it 31'CANDLE83. ir iNSEED OIL - 10 bble fo'r sale by . • 1L.J.10---- WICK k DIVANDLMIL . CHOCOLATE -148 bas. Boston Chocolate 1 „,...t0 by•eto ' WICK a BI'CAND LESS. --------- 111RY..UEBRI o—for eels by .i t ,41.1 . Jalo , . WI . CK a lECM9I6SIa,_ iI : EX. 15...f0 * - Ifft, a ttorney and Coen• sencrst hoe; a 47 forth Amu fry: iljelr.44 . . ... ..4. AUSPNILAMOUS. SAP SAGO, CHEESE - For sale 11 Ice - - wm. A. IdeCLUELO s CO. C 1 0D .3, 1p1-001bs iv uri . fine= gale TIWNAND'S SARSAPAMLA.--f4. dosenJust recln4 and Ibr We by I.IIINKROOT-400 lbs. prime quali ri littt add and Ilbr yak by [owl IL IS. CITRIC ACID-250 lbss. just ree'd and for vW 'ILL MUM ' br k 79 ,VOD LIVE •-•4, L-40 t•••• •••. • • • • • 40 kr do by h l9 • R. L. SELLERS. IGHT ACRES QF GROUND, favorably na: , V,VV i tra=LVALl'aji.lai A. Vfa.mlsl3 W. TOBACCO-125 . boxes tia'd of the best btinds 56 and IS. Rm. awl Ix ad* br.. ISAIAH DICESY jell) , , . • Water and Pm; U. OVERINGS SUGAR.-20 bbis Loyer. .V.`tl" "" 171 1 Miro "P Llberti 42.1111 DINES 7N BRINE.-111 kegs Sat -1,7 dboo6 m brl6.4sol6ellens) Jost melred ma Mr mk, 010 . . . • 206 Llt.ti FLOUR -110 bbla "extra" flour instore and ttrr sal• by Jiln 8.2 Wi lIARBAUGIEL • 101 l T clay -7 tons Copley's Pot Clay, No L. VA, /a* realved and for gala kr_ SCHOONSIAKER a CO. ACKEREL--Quarter bbLs ;Sal niackerel. Eton and for zee by__ • - , : ISISAUDICiDET & co. • .lelo ' Wenn. & Pront EEL 111 AVANA SUGAR.-60 bx 3 white gx KA- Tee. nniar.laat sraetani and fir We by BUItBkIDGE INGIMAN, No. 116 Wand gnat. .S = UG two Aß Eb .7.3 2.,l lLb N le o. ::; , ; Nw a i ti v gar .4.ll. oo: FOE SALE—Ono Kiln' of Brink, Enquire ist W. M'CLINTOCVS Cuvet Wareboase, JA NO. 96 !fourth Mag. for Palo by It lC sa 14 tiercea WICK a WCANDLESS. ARD-12 We No. 1 Lard for aide by 4.9 WICK a 31'CAND4e5EL QTARCH-40 boxes Bonbright's extra-for .1. by WIC /Ca IMADLEAS. Loco 3IATTINQ—For public bale and . maimis Mote and far Ws a 4rpet WinhocioNt e o94 " s,x it. LARD 01L-32 bbls. for aftlo_byl . • lea , & w. BABBLIIOII. 1 ABB OIL of Bennett k Jones' mannfee- L for die by MAUI! DICKIT I CO., 21.0 Wwrs hour do. efii ii 2c l l -4° bbis :. h : ll :4 l l4 f aitiro t ar * VHEESE-35 Dz. for sale by V Jew s. P. YON SOMMOLOT At CO. AR-2 bps. genuine Barbi:toes, for sale by • ['Jell .1. KIDD LSI 1110BACCO-20 kegs ((ledge's) No. 1 Sit Twist, Mr W. er .1.01Y4 DALE First UX. ' &Maier. sad 71 rt. • WTi•Tw'NE -6 ° l "bsigt'prAtll. 11.)mi°t*ni S°ft.r,T4U.lllllo. by LAN" bpIe., W N I . C : I trafeDolgt TANNERS' OIL-50 bbls. just receiving Iby cabal, and tar gale br JAILED DA.LILLL. 121. Wrier rt. 'MACKEREL-109 bhls. No. 3 su , (18511 for /TA see by 34 s. • w. ussva L I ARD-12 bbli in store and for Bale by IBtLII DISSICY & CO..wrier & flout sts. y INSERD OIL-10 bble. tarsal(' by I mrz ROBISON, LITTLrk (aPLENDID FRENCH PAPER HANG.: 8.--Go Gold aulTatr.t, Boot, Issustry and Ornimental Fr.& Awn of vastonsOWitlah and .s wkrt to suit tbe ectraautattoesof alma.. treery elms of vatomers. 104. W. at dap establidvortst of ' 4.7 M 11103L111 PALIIIBIi. CS Market st. 11 OLDEN SYRUP—In hf. Ws. and 10 gal t `" aiWsirirataira aca IINANN by :4 ERS' OIL-27 bbla. Bank n Oil for A. Ws R.oni. OLASSES—Z:O bbbi.. N. 0., for solo by 1.1 w ~as/lan. c AstA_4oo a ax ARTAR iBIETIC-50114. for sale by T 11. A. YAIINISSTOOB 04. ()EROSIVE SUBLIMATE-25 Hu. for • ) b, omot B. A. 111,115XSIOCK A CO. ALMON-30 bbis. and hr. bbls. Nu. 1, for 1.7 by 013 ' JOUN WATT At CO. Anthracite Coal. • • 30 LO2.Arohte.ized..t:mlor ' A. Ma 1133.27 & CO he& Si-Mackm3.sLaa:aw e;nra? j ~ YOAR--30 bbls. Boston, for sale by . • J. a ham Je3 VOASSE SPONGE-4W lbs. for sale by / us,* A. 1111111.STOLIE W. V b IUMPED RIBBONS=Jtust see'd peF. prets-25 cottons of the. La u datiostlsi iliastod Its 111111. for l'oloosaug. estbrorAng tbo dittonattokllAA sod •sksoss, Ito atsoottoe of • euotosowro ow. rpootAslty Luolted to the above extrusive aeolorvoms. out? , • • A.. A. SILAISON .1 01. -- LIKENED LINENS, of various qualities, received end wiling lee al ttio non of le L 1 . =strata outicirriaLo. 1)0TASII-10 casks fur fah by )1114 lIWIADDICKET it CO. IW—ti kegs for sale by L trotl7 172 X . lol l 4l:NtZtlr . .% t 11./UFFALO ROBES--Airgnides Eeprean JUIP maul en hind and (oriel. AT larin • A. CULEVIrSOAT a CO. COI/HSU-10 drums for sale by DILWOICILI &OM IPPRN.-500 bu. foe rale by Je2 3. F. ICILWOP.III s CO. BARRELS -200 new Flour for sale by .1. S. DIIIROMII • Ca 11{OWDE.R.— ' 11 IOOD tv Manias; la lilipalan Val to arrirK rai w. low .br " (ZAFETY FUSE-25 to arrive, for sale iJ by • WI J. 13. MINOR= *CO: CORN--35 bbls..for by • ~ 6 emd Y & F. Tox sos'Nuoarr i roary co— t. -) vo i T m esu--3o mks pure.. fr i nil ti bln Virhaer Palut ' L t TON OF WRITE OXIDE OF ZINC, re. • reared safibt sale at Saar s a nd Moot at B.—We Ins& the Wea Llama& Bleamboat Paltdera to this arta. shlsl ..tiara teat =lad ass wards at Lae. months. and as nozomeact to Wawar to white lead paint to ems Ma.. Instead of &forbad the Hal:atilt...hit. leads slate white Wt.& IL and cont. aptentls has • froth& Lod mon brilliant the.. It aware* &eater &adder. avd to men &s able ter inside not oast& Fah , Rot rub efr,..ast ekn. Iro more muse nib without la last: and an It severs to aria - .night. it " Ts j li ""' a." " . 1d I. I MIPS: • '. Ilitazini (sums= to Batumi) Pedmnes for the Hantiturrebief STRAUS of Bose, Orange Flower, eatelwa Portugal. Verbena. elern i pe. Tuilbt e ru , e truly, Ykdet, bliguionetta,billwaetin. owy.Vier.) : 4 unaeakeiegiet de taroliaer. Ueretwato. I themes. bleuswilut. Tubenne )t inot. Ceinelle,'lleawmet e. Joaquin*. Jockey au thasebele. apnea noway. Chrtaatite. West Zed. eitu7 ad. *sl Extract Moak , lu one thee* bottles, with abut SOP , pas. All the oftentraet..wbkh ere wily • pen of tWe ituartuotit. eWelw b e quality. Was metres, lured with meals] can ..Tbeextatude•ealet entle the tt7. telly test the blab astinattion in which they eye 004 by_the euanamity. • Far pleb R. E. KELL Mt 67 Waal aL 'OR SA LE—A )401.1 Paling Wagon, in ju complete ropalr. Looct.•et eall2 . ILIDD4 on. ao wood BUCKETS -2.5 . dor. Marietta, for sale by .1.1.1 • .8.•W.411HIIA0011. WEATIFEAS-2000 lbe. foreala by 1 j.l e• aW. lIAIDAOOII. irOFFEE.--300 bge. prime Gmn Rio Cof• 1:-.. no ' " rewind sod for Web, • PO .14ARD.-2,000 lbe.. Lo7R, for - ludo on con ileettpret by T. WOODS • SON. •! '. 10 No:AL Water rt. ' II AC N—SOOO lbs. flog Round, on consignmei meat. fat sale by - - -r. 'WOODS A SON. • fel . ••-•. Al Wet/mat yItANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES— Just namtlat 1 . 71 ageortm.t. of different 11:11- or reVtlt Wl= :Te l l trtriVneal R. J. a h. mumps. WRITE LINEN DRILLINGS, of differ tluTov..!ct° liLI ". yd VA N. E.