The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, July 12, 1851, Image 2

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8 - ATUSDA . Y MOR INO, glo)
Me inriteidtention to seal, numerously toga
trilby our most wealthy end induentini,cititenk
feria meeting in , favor of the
Steubenville Itailread; to be bald (+swag . itt
the rooms of the Board of Trade:conor of Third
end Wood ate.- The (Nee?. G Well'set forth in
the' coil, to which we neer the reader. Tide
project is rapidly comincinto firm ; and we
.hare no doubt the meeting WM beerery spirited
Pennsylvanian glees 4 report of a speech delis'-
end by thil gentleman at • Democratlerneothsg
in Lanceiter, OR the 28th ult. We publish the
most material part of it in corroboration of all
we'have maid respecting the Subservient and he;
initiating attitude of the Locofoce party in Penn.
tylvortia. , i - ]
I - Mr. B. spoke of the candidates of his party' ,
mo tor Governor, Canal Commissienci and Supreme
Judges, all of whom Itts lauded: of 'course; but
sot a word fell from him respecting free trade oi.
protection--nothin,g abont rivnis and harbors '
The only notional-question he touches open la
the fugitive slave law.. We gi4e his remarks In
full. - Nothing Can eult us better than to do jus
tice to Mr. Buchanan, and letl tut speak for him
Ale said this was the mos important State
election,- considering the principles involved,
.• which, tuld • ever.' been held in l'ennsylvania.
Should Pennsylvania become an Abolition or
Free:Sail State, then farewell to the Union); and
here he pronounced an eloquent eulogy noon the
Union. But it was said that the Union was in
no danger;'sad men cried, peace, peace, as' did
] tie encientiklse prophets, when there was no
peace. LOok at South Carolina, -which had al
ready, to February Lust, elected delegates to a.,
- Stetc,Conventien, with an express view to sepe- 1
rate secession. In. case she ,should carry hei
pm-pose into effect, which he trusted in Heaven
she would not, no man could predict the consis
quencea . Throughout the other . alaietttildizsg
- States. ho believed a largo majority would finally
acquiesce in the compromise; but upon ono ex
press ebullition. That condition true, that the
L Fugitive Shire Law should be faithfully eaten
led. In all the Union meetings, without creep
,tiou, throughout the elavebolding States, this
condition has been solemnly announced. ' He
would cite the proceedings of the State Cowen=
..lion, held in Georgia in November last, 'as an
.' example of what bad been done at all the other
Union meetings. Be reedm two of these re
solutions: "That the State 1 o fro f Georgia, in the
judgment of this Convention, will and ought to
- 'resist, errs as a tart resort, to:a disruption of ev. -
ery tic, which hinds her to the the: fie., 81.c.;
any, met repealing or materially modifying the
laws now in force for the recovery of fagitire
'slaves;' and "that it is the deliberate opinion
of the Convention, that upon the faitithol execn
tion orate Fugitive Slave Bill, by the proper au.
thorities, depends the preservation of oar much
I loved Union." 'To say then that the Union is in
no danger, : in case this law should be repealed
or materially modified, is to pronounce that all
f'--the Southern States, without exception, have pro. ,
. 1 claimed a falsehood to the world- And yet we
•-,;, aro to have a =tinned agitation in• Pennsylva‘
'" Isis, for tharepeal or material modification of the
,- Fugitive Slave 13111; and this important question
of ,union or disunion, is.directly.urrolved in our
approaching. Gubernatorial election. The-late
resrectable Whig ConventiOn which aisembled
at this plaoe, bad by an orerwhelming majority,
voted down a proposition'Whicla looked to the
• faithful execution of the Fugitive Slave Lew:
So hitter had bee-IT - the I hostility of Governor
Johnston to this law, that be had refused to an; I
prove a Bill repealing .a section jam= Act of 'd7,'
denying to the Govemmettrof the United States,
that right of courtesy which -belonged oven to
foreign notices, to have fugitives, who had Tics
" late& their lava, confined for safe keeping in our
jails. [Br. B, here confounds the fugitive from
bandage with the fugitive from jartiis--the mins
,inal. No man who is not altogether heartless
could have uttered such a sentiment] • •: '
Mr. Buchanan then expatiated at length upon
theconatitutionallty,jnstlee and neeensity of the
Fugitive Slave Law. He "Isaidtbit, the constitu
• ' - tioa of the United States was a"solemn pledge
and covenant between independent' state sove
reignties, and that it 'never would have existed
without a solemn . pledge that fugitive 11111141.
should be restored to their =siert, and distil'
• this pledge was violatedby ono of ' the parties.
the other would feel themselves to bo released
' • from its obligations. • . ,
Mr: Buchanan said that the Southern States
sad acquiesced in - the. Compromise, expecting
that it vrorddiproduce
_peace, and yet it now ap
peared that the agitation was to continue far the
repeal orjmodification of the Fugitive Slave Law
"Everything on earth that a Southern man held
most' valuable, the 'lives of those most dear. to
bim, 'ea well es his Property, were to be avian
• gered by this agitation at tho Nortinwhen ell lie
• desired me to be left clone and permitted to live
..Penusylvanits could finalb decide this ques
tion. She is emphatically the Keystone of the
] Union. Let a majority of ter eitireni sternly
decide that the constitution and the laws than
' • .be faithfully exeonted—that she 'Fugitive Slave
Law shall neither be rerealed nor essentially
modified-,that the use of ORT;jaits.shall be af
forded to the citizens of our sisterPites for the
rare keepird of their fugitivelfro. labor whilst
awaiting their trial--and the danger will then.
have -passed away. Let her Citizens decide dif.
.ferently, at the approaching election, sad the
. consequences may bedisastrous.
. 4le did not dread the dissolution of me Union
believe* he 'believed that the kind Providence
which bad protected us in our infancy, and bad
• hitherto blessed us as a nation; would incline the
hearts of ourpeople to do justice to each other, i
• and to obeY, n good faith, the , constitution and
the !awe, sad this would render air I.lnion per-
Mr. `B. Seems to think that Pansylnnis can
be' so humble Viand servile as to conciliate even,
- the mad caps of South Carolina, for he says,.
".!‘look . at South Carolina!" Ile
: would place
Pennsylvania as a cringing suppliant at the foot
stool of State. Now we deprecate as mochas
Mr. Buchanan can alai thing that is calculated
to imam the South; but in the_ name of rat
that is noble end, manly, let us not go to our
knees to them, and thus excite their contempt as .
well as their hostility.
speaks of the bill repelling a section of
the law of 1847, which denies the use of one'
," • jails to the claimants of fugitive slaves, and
accuses dormer .Ichnston of bitter hostility to
the fugitive lawi. because be has withholden
' his signature' from that bill. This is rather
ticklish ground for Mr, Buchanan and his, party,
though in saying what he did, he only re-echoed
the seatittients of the Beading Convention. If
,the law of 1847 is unjust to the South now, It
was 'equally the time of its passage;
nay, more so, bacons* the Sigilive law'of 1850
being more summary in its operation than that
of 1793, renders the no of jails less necessary
now than they.were then' consequently Colonel
Bigler, who voted for it. and'Oo4ernor Shunk,
who approied Of it, are More reprefienSible than
Governor Johneton, who 'now ratans to. repeal
it. This altered tone, this:suppliant , attitude,
on the' part. of the locofocos of Pennsylvania;
gives sad &entente that they are driftinrrapidly
towards thi vortex of that 'lraq slaveq of which
they are studous defenders and apologists., "
The course of; e aholitionistais- fraught with
d o nor, because it is calculated unnecessarily and
uselessly to initate - the South; hut there is
s omething noble In it, something corigenial
a freeman; whits• this opposite extrime—thls
tal surrender of our own birth 'right" a vain
attempt to conciliate a aet of men who °pea
ly meditating and tluerateedng treason and so.
cession—has not a single redeeming fut ure.
Wh7annat Mr. Buchanan' and . his party stand
up, as the do, on terms ot eqeslity beore
their tt friends of the Slnteholdiag Ststesr
Bot he end the Beading Convention, in their
esMenta MOoty to' conciliate the South—or, so
they mewed, to save the 17nlini--have placed
their escalate for Governor In an
~ a wliward, di
lemma, as well as passed a vote of coinstlre upon
Gov, Strunk. They have pdaeed ;in
as inconsistent state : lle before the country 'for :
be voted for the Lateof 1847,' which Le now - so
• fiercely denonsced, lad he voted for the Wilmot
• proviso. Doe* he ripudlete both those votes?—
If so, why does he do it ?> Will threats of treas
on-and ftecusion turn hem from what he esteems
•to be right? If he thought it wrong to . Permit
• .Outjalle to be used for the safe',lceeplag tof Fe-
Otivo Slain in 1847 i by what rule of reason or
justice does It become right in 1851 ? Or if: he
doei not repudiatethose Tote!, why not eel tie i
In fact it would seem:that Bigler is not al
aknk or rite* for himself; but that Mr.l
Buchanan lain do i lmth ; and the latter, while
be pretends to be addressing. the democracy of
Pennsylvania, le 4 0 7 talking ta 4a(dantnekat7
ofOafs, Alabama, and other slim Stites.—
Ile thinks the demccnits of Penneykul l 4 Poor
Wlll.hehd;dirpiinnt thint he sip, Ao
inipni hew ininW;isindt, Perlape :he Is Tight; .
The next elenlion will elieerfiow " !!!•_
The Whig Conception of Ohio 'reeommendfil
eta:Ma theplece fbilsoltrang Ole Whiglli
tional Convention. The State Journalwarmly
seconds the motion, andssys : more eligible
point is .to be found the Union, The Great
West Ls rspidlyessuntlag the post it is designee.
ed by nitudi to oattipy in this Voien ; and it
well that. politicians and. bin:inns men of the
Eastentt States should cieitus, and see with their
own eyes, Its out and fertile plaine; its lain,
energetic, and -intelligent population; and the
elements of power and greatness that are so
rapidly developing themselves Otis mighty Tal
ley of the Ohlo and bilemissippi. Such a Tie,/
Would :enlarge theft. 'comprehension, and tend
much to produce s proper course of 'action in
Congress in regard to our great interests."
DI3tOGIATIC Duloorricsrf—We have hereto
fore given nondry evidences of dissatisfaction
among our opponents with their own ticket—
We resume the subject.
The GrearsbavS Argem, the organ of the De
mocracy of the Star of the West, old Westmore
land, gives utterance to its objections to, the no
urination of Judge Gibson in the following strong
language: .. '
, .
The nomination of John B. Gibson gives gen•
oral disatisfaction—yea astonishment I The
great age of Judge Gibson, nod his intemperate
habits are of themselves, sufficient to render
his nomination unpalatable. But his trouble
some and insatiate thirst for office is truly dis
gusting, and moreover he is believed to be a
WV ,
The Lesiskwy Chrontat, edited by H. C. Hi
cock, n member of the Union county Bar, an
active LocUrteo, Bays:
"Ridge Lewis is learned and capable; but hie
thirst for notoriety leads him occasionally to run
a bootless tilt against the authorities and indalge
in disquisitions more fanciful than sound. The
`only objection we have to.ludge Campbell is that,
I so tar as we have been able to ascertian, be is
almost wholy destitute of the requisite qualifca
tions for the high poet to which be aspires. His
vote in this region will be very an."
litsgancnvi Fine AT Cocurstar.—On the
morning of the 4th aftrebroke oat in an old ware
hones on the Dock and Water streets, wbieh, be
fore it wee arrested, destroyed -property to the
value of $40,000. Tee building occupied by J.
M. Griffith, Was considerably injured. Messrs.
Charles IL Reed. Davis & Sutton, and C. Picker
ing & Co., were among "the sufferers. About
512,000 of the loss woe covered by insurance.
Tye . loos BIISLAISS.—EIany of the furnaces
up the AlSeglieny are now out of bled, and those
yet in blast are in a wry depressed condition.—
The prices of pigmetsl are too low to save the
proprieters from actual loss. The consequence
is that every class in that, section of the State,
except the wealthy speculators, is suffering—
Tbe grain crepe we leant, are abundant, but the
prices roittously low. Real estate is depreda
ting, and in short the.late unexampled prosperi
ty of that section of the State is entirely arrest
• And yet the people of that Talley will give a
majority of their rotes to the party which hare
brought about this state of things. They go fur
srlutteorer is caUddemocracy, no matter what it
really • . When a high tariff was called demo.
.e .c, they were the moot zealous tariff men;
t when free trade in called democratic, they go
Lir free trivia. They know and icknowlalge the
benefits that the tariff of 181 2 conferred upon
them; but no matter—they go for democracy,
and they go it blind." Experience and facts,
Or even their own kdereste, are nothing when
opposed to that now unninuming Word.
The vane of the well established lines of om
nibuses in our large cities is encrmous. It is re
ported that one of the lines of Broarmy omni
buses, liclr York, ha i recently been sold for
$144,000. vim $BO,OOO for the good will, and
$04,000 for:horses, stages; stables, &c. Kings
line of Roxbury omnibuses bee recently been
Bold, and; it is meld, brought $70,000. The pro
prietor of this line be6a:L . lFM' a" milt capital,
about ten years since, and drove his first coach
1 in perseM.
Sim. Swishes now been nominated for the
Presidency by Whig State Conventions in Ohio,
Pennsylvania, Slichigantuad thdians, and by pub
lic meetings and .papers In several other States.
Every 'Whig paper in Maine, the Skowhegan pa-.
per states, Lyons Scott', nomination.
The Whip of these States else give to the pres ,
eat Naticand Whig Atbninistration a true, con
sistent, and hearty support They think the
lime to honor Gent Scott has some, and that he
is, all things considered, the strongest man the
Whip am present as a canffidate for the Presi-
NEW TOM Arm Ewe ltmisoao.—Our read
ow:am pact:a : iv by the advertisement in our
Coleare . t, that the New York and Erie Railroad
is now to complete Operation, and running its
regular night and day trains. Those of our
oltimas wlio wish to visit the interior of New
York, ar who Irish to go to the east by a new
route, Will find alias most pleasant one.. The
scenery along it is the most grand in the Union,
and it ittarell worth going to see. The mode of
react:a:og be by way of Cleveland. The
expense will be about $14,00--$3,60 to. Cleve
laud by anal and railroad, $2,60 by steamboat
to Dunkirk, and $l3 by railroad to New Tork.-:-=
Tiro splendid steamboats run regularly between
I 'Cleveland snd Dunldrk.
Tir Dolmas 3Lioastas, for July is a little late,
but welcome, tos we always look over its pages
with pleasure. E. &Pt. G. L. Duyekinck, pub.
Ushers, lo9.flamma arrest,' New York.
anemia's Ilattazirs..--This beautiful and in
teresting magatine, for the mouth of August, is
es* on our table, richly ornamented, end well
filled with original matter. The "tomb of Wash-.
ington" and "Irish Courtship," will attract
especial attention.
. . .
der to show, saya the Cinch:matt Gasetae, how
the wind blows In "Howderdom," Inreference to
the p rojetted railway to lit. Louin; we copy the
- following from the Hieing Bun Herald sod Mir
ror:O.:Ti:rade) lad. It cannot be pantile that
any body here or an the line west. thinks of giv
ing op thin great enterprise! This pnblication
must have originated In some deign of the wri
ter, not mule poblio. Hero is the article. Head
and judge of it : , • :
, g The much talked-of-project, connecting Cul-
Louis by railroad, L. &beta to
• fall through. Every effort on the part of the
directors and . itock boldest to secure - the sub
jeription of stock sufficient in ,warranting them
in commencing , this stopedione work hes proved
41*feet : failure—not the tenth part of the cam
required to ..acontpletig the road has of ever can
,be rsised in any other way than by selling the
bonds of the. Company at a great roadffee, and
even then, we:pregame, bidders would be scarce,
That a road will cow day be. , constructed from
Cindanad to le twrencetargh 'elate not iedonbt,
for as - noon u ttie road is, completed from Law
mamba& to irttelbyville, Which day is not far
distant, the elite Fos of Cincinnati _would hawk a
continuous line o.f railroad to almost. very coun
ty in our State; wed:enf she has no other object
in view, when slus talks' of connecting hoomif
with Si. Louis, than to sactlre tha trade of “Hoo
slirdoom," she will drop thw Added like • hot
potato., Ai non as It can be g lbcovered that hei
mg& can be attained by mecres:v bniidlag a road
to Lawrenceburgh." •
mid a Virginian to his brother, resi
dent in Oldo, emancipate one buttdred eisaas ,
Ana /deers you to hake them to -Ohio:" ". 1 eon
not do It," replied th e b ro th er , .ephs citizen
trill not allow me to bring:one hundred slam
animn~g~ them to settle. • But do you take thete to
Wheeling, and there piece them on a steensbeat
for Cincinnati, and steak of taking than be tie! ,
(m e ow, and are looking out for am , "
ther boat, 'give the' chum, and the abolltimists
will steal all otehom and run MT, and then 'zee*
brats a triumph.- But If you. take thorn to ~he
IMMO men,. and ask them to Nu:Mee and ta,te
ease of thtan,Ahey wilt tell you to take ears a
them yourself."—Hccepse paper. •
It is quite prolz4ht that. the' above anecdote.
Iris manufactured fora special purpose, but It
nevertheless contains& pointwhich Is very forth
hip put...A little reflection will bring to mind.
other illustrations of this spine anomal y
. In
human Tatum, which' erect religions prineiplea
cepmaccal y pieta:Cu -New York Comae! eiar
I.lll=ll SAG ri /AVON as TES TIM
To oei,Fasso. Ceeremaai—Vtibmp ItmeSad
froM.the #blie papa= ( '_ . msuirnota'io elieen,),4
welras from pirate sueirewh , thitositssit
went/alive' been towie inPhibudelpidad
,P4FYea bq. tAi Pc . 1 ..81.04.000110 1 .00: 1 =" 0 0.1
In'isvor of, a project now in scare progress, by '
which it is proposed to cancentratei all the trio%
and resources of the West, South, and Sonth
;west, at Wheeling; Vit;lbeaae lo betransmietal
by4sy and,llnaras
burgh, to the East. This ;inject, we hare no
doubt, hail, been conielved iis iStake,. (oc
ctsioned by misinformationand in Ss biretts.-
tion) of the 12111) 409,4iti0E1 of thing" west of the
mountains tin'd 'or Must is the true Interest of
Philed.lphis, of the State, and of the whole
country. Be, =were; the origin of thisprcdeck
what It-may, it demands our serious attention,
end must be met„ tit once.. We believe; tiers&
=disguisedly, that another arcane of Itailroed
eomemaleation with the West, South, and South
west, should be immediately opened to Pitt/-
buret. • And, we believe; that the Pittsburgh
and Steubenville Railroad, unparalleled in the
the number of its important connection", end la
thieSteist of count?' and wealth of resources at
its coctiniami, Is the one for this purpose; and
that It now demand" the luunedista and entire
"Uppori, cot Only of, Pittsburgh and the region
of country around it, but of Philadelphia sad of
rho whole State. ;"
We, therefore, respectfully invite all who feel
an Interest in the subject, to unitei with us in I
Public. Meeting to' be . keld at the Booms of the
Board of Trade, at the corner Of Third and
Wood streets, on fiatUrday evening; the 12th I
I instant, at o'clock, to secure the eromplettoti of I
the said road, and to take such measure" as may
be necessary, to protect the ' interests and ad,
wince the prosperity of Pittsburgh, Mel Mama
try in the midst of which it is situated.
Prrrszuscia, July 10, 1811. •
Wm. Latimer, Jr, J. S. Shaffer,
E. D. Osszam, td'endless & Campbell,
& Co, J. D. Williams & Co.,
Charles Naylor, James Gray, Fourth at,
Edwin M. Stanton, A. Kirk Levris,
Chas. H. Paulson, Semple,: well ,
Wm. A. Hill & Co., Cooper & Lardy,
31.Curdy & Loomis, B. N. Sellers,
Kay & Co.. Whitmore dr. Wolff,
Murphy, Wilson & Co., Josephifoodwell,
J. S. Dilworth, J. 8 chrxmarsker & Co.
Ogden & Snowden, J. .4 H. Phillips,
Smith & Sinclair. 18ixopson & Co.,
Curling, Robertson &Co. Wick A M.Candlees,
Singer, Hartman & Co., Lippincott k rk.
John K. Holmes,
Hampton, Smith & C0.,.1
John Irwin & Sons, -
S. R. Johnston
0. & .1. H. Shoenberger,l
Loretta Starring & Co.,
ii. in W. Harbangb,
IClarko & Thaw,
B. Edwards,
P. 11PCormick,
ifillnick & Co,
Wallingford & Co..
Jas. Wood & C 0.,,
ring, Pennock & Co.
Georg, B. White,
Caddy, Jones & Co.,
R. Brno. & Co.. ,
Kramer & Itatun.
Wood & 11.galghts,
Bailey, Brown k Co.,
Lyon, Shorb lk Co.,
3. 31. d.. Croon&
Graff, Lindsay & Co.,
Hamar Denny,'
Thomas M. Rowe,
By the details at St Louis, it . appears that
for the past six Mouths, from the lit of JeaFery
to the let of July, 1851," there hus died
Wee, 1193 . Adults, 1151
Females. 709 6 years 751
1902 I ' '-
M 1 of the above 649 have been of cholera.—
The cholera cases have averaged about 39. aloes
January until May 19th, when they begin rapid
ly to increase, and from yeelt to wilek szi thus
M 1719 - 69
26 • 62
June 2 85
9 1)4
A large proportion of these deaths have been
from the emigranu; and it appears that
from April over 4000 emigrants have been land
ed. The Earthen of sustaining these emigrants
falls heavily on the city. These deaths occur in
a season of general health, and the. Republican
"Nay, for yeas the general health or the
city: had not been so good as it was during the
months of January, February, March and Apil
last. Dr. Ccdentan, the clerk .of the Bmrd of
Health, informs m that of over live Itmodeed im
migrants who arrived in the early part of Jose,
he had, not a week after, ordered coffins for
=arty one kW sit asimier.""
The high waters this year, covering the Island
where the St. Louis Quarantine is located, bee
had a bad effect. The following shows the com
parative nutrdar of deaths for taso and '6l,
;hewing a greater number this year than last
1850 - 1861
Total Deaths, Cholera, Total, holers.
51sy 19 . 65 • 9 60 0
•• 26 67 7 62 20
June 2 78 24 85 23
9 77 13 lit 61
16 . 100 40 224 128
23 144 44 278 162
Jul; 1 196 87 219 147
The statistics show kluges mortality this year
than during the year preceding. The snidest
number of deaths by cholera in 11150 occurred,
according to the Register's reports, daring the
week ending July 22.1, when there were 210 ca
ses, the deaths by all diseases being 891: In
only this single week, daring the whole year, did
the number of cholera deaths exceed 80. It
- may be remembered that, in 1849, the largest
mortality by cholera occurred during the week
proceeding this, to wit: That ending of July
16th, when 944 interments occurred. 619 of the
deceased having fallen victims to cholera. It is
to be hoped that this mum, with all the pre
cautions adopted, thestalady will haves shorter
Newso. Paean 'ROAD -T-The Cumberland
Civilian of yesterday up
The President and Directors of this Company
"met at their Mice in
this place on Monday last,
for the purpose of e into the progress
of the Road and the condition' of its affairs.—
We undasand the examinationeras slightl,T sat
isfactory. It appears that tounty4firrs of the
thirty-five miles between Cumbaland and Somer.
set have been laid in the most approved style
with the most substantial oak plank, end that
the plank is ready for a considerable part of the
remaining tubs miles, slut the timber. for the
rest of the distance. To facllitate operations
the Company have. ordered . the erection of
two new saw mills • short distance from Berlin,
Ps. Beyond Somerset,the accumulation of
plank is going on Tepidly, and It is thought, if
the stockholders are prompt in paying the rev
roainder of their instalments„ the Company will
be able to complete the entire road to West New
ton In time for the setting in of the fill trivet
The road between the tw_Vpoints : Cumber
land and West Newton—is, at the present time
Including the tudinithed portions, one of the
beet in' the United States, and the time made by
the due line of Catchall th at daily put 'over it,
offers a great inducement to travellers from the
.East or West to adopt the route. -
The following le a condensed view of the ex
tent of the Louden Perks:
/ Acres.
St. James's Park contains ,
Green Park, adjoining, and only separated
from St James's by a street
Hyde Park, a, prolongatkm if the two for. •
mer • 880
KensinHy de gton Hardens, aommuniesting with
stk 800
MI above at west eider London nearly par
allel to the Thames..
In the noit4west part. le Regent's Park,
containing . 450
Cannented with Regent'. Puk is Primrose
to which the public are admitted,
about 200
Greenwich .Park 200
,Victoria, in the northenet part of London 800
Richmond Park . 2,252
- Windsor Park, dielded into Little Park 600
And Great Park
Add Beeklngiain Palace Gardena
'Total acres
rrs...—On Saturday ' evening, nny Llnd's eon-
cent took place in Fourth Church, in flartford.—
The ,elidutta mere run up to flre . and ten dollars
each. The building was crowded, and two thou
sand persons who could not enter, hovered around
the building tops to catch the sounds of the ma
efo within. But the precaution was fain of
closing the windows sad blinds of the church. so
as to prevent outsiders • from hearing. Tile
caused a great tumult, and the mob shouted and
cheered, so that it was almost Impowdble for.the
audience to pear the singing. Some. windows
were sm ashed, and one or two latoeit downers
coned In the arid, which did not disperse for
an hour after the commit closed. Slay one
curses -the . ticket vocalist:n*
the tickets Were 1113 0 6 " °r*4lnd the manner
There ls stiU much
mcitement.. The mob fait...l4slt , inis so dens
k about the church, that Jenny. was mangled
ibro u rha Lack door as shoe ea She 0000011
010 and took the cars foe Sprtuatield:
..., .7
OUPPOIIII9 ATM?? TO 9noor A Pa1111,1%.--
Absakholf past 9 o'clock on Mouday. oight,vbe ,
report of a gun was heaal In the neigliterhood
date Catholic Church, in 8t Feallaand street, : '
Third Iduzdelpailky, and several - persons rushed.
inte.theotreet far the purpose of ascertaining
with what intent. No person was sees, how
ever, and It _ was not .. .until yesterday morning
that ' other 'circunetancsa came to light which
induce the belied that .the pa vas fired,far the
Ornate bf taking the life of the Reverend Mr:
!iitrudlortdres.. le will be
,remembered chit d
eta gentlem an has had. come difficulty_ wi
Bishop Bleue;wlM, it appears, attempted to
place him from the charge of St. Ferdinand street
Lanark. The congregation declared that th r
vistaishoolii not be mama, end the , Bev. n
Peteeeb, who the Bishop to p h
to them, was not , nIY prohibited from dein so,
but was also assaulted and beaten .by so eof
the flock, for whose spiritual welfare he w de-
Crane td provide.., Mr. Petesch made comp ty
urea oath, before Recorderßeuzensu r of the out
rage committed upon him, and charged', Me.
Cleudirmareaky with having. Instigated it. The
lather pre security for his appearance before
the Recerder, and - so the matter rested until
yesterday morning, when that gentleman dis
covered that a ball had been shot, during the
previous night, through the shutter of his bed
room window. It had also plumed through one
of the rails some two Inches thick, which pro
bably eaved the life of Mr. Geudioroweaky, whose
bed was itaniedintely opposite the plane Where
the hall entered. The ball has not been found,
nor any clue :to the discovery of the assassin.
Omit excitement prevails among the congress
thm of Mr. Gendiorowesky, by whom he seems
to be much beloved, and old German women
might be seen redeploy morning denouncing the
perpetrator of the deed,
and crying at the-recol
lection of the danger of their pastor.—.Y. Orleans
Arlo—TUN fitotlbut Aysea Cherry 'Pectoral ass
chemical &smilax, may explain why the diatin•
gnished Professors of that Science, (Sillimsn,
tiltchcook, Webster and Cleveland,) bare given
their outificates in its favor. Nye could hetter
Judge of Its merits than these eitunentmcn, and
their names would - 1;41 a sufficient guarantee of
it value, if experience had not already-proven
to the public that it is one of the most effectual
remedies for affections of the throat and Wags .
ever berme them.--Stientific Reim: . ,
Foreign and American Hardware.
No. 129 •VirooS Street,
Atilt soatcmoltrcodoetot POWWOW AND ANIIIIIRIN
mute:Utz taw lowing trody. and .bleb they oto twoland
to atter to posehoris at row that will Wilusiu•
wttik 11111 T 01 Um nom eltlAw
Pit4burgh Life lasuranee Compiciy
CAPITAL, 8100,000.
Vico =ti.•-i.uut iL ettesMn-' .
Snasarar —taue EL Lau. " '
Eft:MtC. A.. OThiaa.
airm drat:lament la another part of Cgs paper.
Citizen's Immune Company of Pittsburgh
ClekaNa Q Water street, la ES gambols *M. IL
C. O. 'Min Preddent—....A, W. Maw. P."l.
Syla OompanT botar =wood to lontro metrbooftlso
to nano .4 in tooroloo. vow* so.
Asa Lethle geherenty for the .MR7 and Integrity of the
loaltalloo,e ellortled gob elutraerer af the [Sodom
also ere all eltlaran of Pltuboryib. asl ferorebl7
liscaa to the colamailly Ito [bar swigs*, Intrillitrare.
sad Weaily ,
Dolassl-4).n.llaeaq. Wte,DagaleT. NT.. [wester.
tra,..W47.4l,63l7ta=sAti?..LKiliaehantra 11=h
tiltntnano, Thintlaution Ps, Horeb
L 11.11.a.r.—Dear Plr,. Tour Petroleum Is vonntr hon.
don I. this vicinity: there!. he would think Tenured
he two down by tin Peunsylnals hollzooll. We ...n.
only out. ad it is being teoulrel Ls almost every day.
Tours. reopectfolly, JOHN . LOl4O t 0.).
• lienntus. Ashland 00..0.. Mesa 10,11.
B. N. Era:—Drer dlr. Your Agent.. Ire wren slam
lert mttlik he tow dons Boob Oil. obi& Ire here eola
Plant fothestl to us els dotes burnollstalY.
Tour unieklur L r umble:4 nouns. be this ratios.. V.
ten oaten motel ranting entWelee. lon desire then.
Tenn. at, W. W. SCOTT.
Tar sires leyeir • McDowell, ISO Wool etreet IL Z.
&Mem 67 Wood etreeC D. A. ratavortock. corner
Wool hal Yount sueeth D. M. CUM. D. A. WWI. 3toebb
Dotrutne.nol U. P. &henna. &Unbent . eln by the Po-
IL 611:11.
Onel Deste.4e. nib r- Vittaeosti.
1.11(11 OIL &DOTI WATEL.—Tte elelt nu rem toll •
good bin'altin• LI intuit Wee quirk see Dr. on tell stool
dimes by rating IL And Lt can more It it, net gods It
vote, It will &Any the senunnty etttictbo tarok rin.
Too get touridote t osettolne Into papules we unless It
Dorms telly nlehustiol sisters. tree then all bee ailkete
at nakt objectloss. nod It to %hie net dint ben ottabilaged
the ntestraLLon of "Bulll Compound Ilhl4 Tann of Ter
morottllar benni oil cavil or 121sphte..illt istko
the boom irystents la soglintincounth-Plameload rptit.
inophinel prluttsles—lt prorsobre the Inflow uhretins
and nerd& of the 1.007. tenere. Malone
morbid and tired Innen ,etreauthesie the etosoreb
sat &ware <apish arta nee. pore; loveltbr
bleed. sad males, the mhos Puritan of the elltlennit
or gam of lb. body: Ms la en teribronel einti ., out the
Itsst ISSASPS of barns, the pretnntimk Woo se nib SA II
le .manna. It any be tlicentd. by
but lbe nolthe 4 thht
purports to ewe un moue dleeners, nue exernios
dn. It will be band On • tate SWOdir of CS Mon.
hi stab aillist the henna Dually mignon_to sarimprne
gate of the blood. Da on etruelrel. thArn. by Stu
- amine bring oftenet yr. try - "coi falba* a malamo
r ood water I robstliSLO ks the ortsiosl
J,bo lhar• terablvals I This valuable prevention th.
proprietor sl. ante to be myosin to ell Wogs.
Cetnoh—lhrwere end ran Le Z. orlitini Dr. AM
Dorn donegaralu.froei Krenr.4--nel here randier S.
edeestheenent sresebet
. LETO= /I WICIWEL4IIO Wood .1.,
• ielasitsareT Whol.nnet Two tent_.
June 16 224
23 273
•• 30 :17
grir 'Maine& Luiz PILUL-1n offering
tlde nedletne to the path.. the Pointe.n ere well
that Ibry Lan to prolate, • Pottle' , renerete3 le the
pantoPapoationd which have hen palsoxl apex the
PM* Pewee. Pend latent nveldnes. We ore ado-eared. however, thatit te only iternewn7 to nive thee rv.
newly • tete to plea It In nettle flititaltka ter above et
isoatoe ttio mad ottmd to the publte. It
Is the Inviatton tolniblened,expernotd. end leete
Phendas,Vele ley many pans pe¢ It in We own tea`
Pik when Ito Pest memos Indeed tern to Pre It to the
rattle at letp.
izzatiz, NO. 60.Maed it.
YD.D.Are fOrff.rts.—Tho vesolar•Qoastalf Stettin;
of Lb. ro.g *re. blercsatllo I.lbrui sod Ideobsoloe
Intoto will b. bold at th e Boodintp Room. on 110¢4 Y
rt =tat. tee 14th Mt... 5 okkoll•
1851.211. 1851 .
and Out Nile Rented. emownlag with
hm atealners latta c t=e M ... t?1=4 ,1 1.1 . ga:l
Column. mat Clattlanad.
gotanrj ; d ad I.l.ofinnati Railroad., .4 aletOttein 914
g Hama and op.. Ina' •
1111:1034:11argt)1/14KIRIL A,.• VOLUM , /
• • Irani TrLor4 o'clock.
• flail
.. 10_
.14 ET.13.11 Lomas " _
The dell Vain 0.0.. Volta. ,r. , k . r . yze 9 0 01109
=et . O7gcle. loakitut &wean. distanto.
b4 r ITen7sa Ireled and Cattle Stals‘fravesnanttrk at
4 A. Al. daily . a Paaasnitat Car is attached to Una Train to
asentonnelallray Peastagets andirrovera
V Mao trunclrk to New ore, St. team] Man
A r s will 0.99 y. In a law dara:
Shia Campsay a: rmTt 0109 and
S ailratlo:wiltbe
9114 00 Moak. The gaulal
Wag I food veils:Jr le tl9 u t .t ert....111 , 7 , pm:re
""*.Arttnel 8111 0. par To7omstlealoo la a
1117 aWrtt itlild < ll be
ra k e
full particu
lars io m 1900989
nia° Um trticas of rale
. mitrawatt
b. ,;‘.l' l 4ouktt, Aorgr. Dankln?
Proticable Occupation. ,
ad ADVERTISER ,will forward top
lady or gestlemen. 0191 mat
dad Mutual:lona In two I.l o,Etla. .
lo enable enter rex to 50me9991 • gent. ,
and lumen,* oreutottun. r for or nanatt
manna sap ;onto. knowledge bat trifling Outlay.
• booby Unsure tiols toaLtwefitab=l7 l l l
. 111 0 1 . 7.1 1 :
00".11=1Y; tan....._madtrilllEtbet almost
10 donate pet dal
ety Ry e
r" ".ft " "' wades. Try
lear of expose the sotaalotiast
1490 4
P"l7"eX K bhe u
.b•ml p a,
sm lo
.tftsiil. igjaiv%7Ll,
To Teachers.
WO MALE and tiia 'Female Tambora
net ofpliro=11;:
trap2al L c at the Mao. Pawl Ma r ,
Nth. bilatlog preth, L.o.Lro or
nfm *Ainter,
Stray Cow.
S 'MAIER from the subscriber, on
2 11141 1 ' 0 =1'4W
'"'"' " 4 " 9, hvarf...,b,r....
tgtrg ' rtgtr o rr . g r o t t ngrgirtoil ' irf
ftisliatztomor of I,ll,rtyr i apka cc i n..
isam Gahm COem, n i naaNck i nr a t i ot k co.
QUBLIME OLIVE OIL, in Flnaltairlii;Mt
ou isoscsse,,uee rcre_siu,s. f_9 o sssr bo o
Ornarn n
102 an nn •
IkIRESII re.ry 'superior
"d""1 ' ll ' 4 r irl i Tevemsee Ace..
12 ?4,6_lAte2y.)!E_
MOO iitg. tha!rd'il supfrtor =WA'
7- Drul'uflftrX
riLAger WINE. -A choice article, for ftu:n
4-1 " 6 " " ""tratarigrar. co
LOVERING's , SUGAR-49 Vas , Crushe'
af.:13 1 4,1 } " 4 .' t! l' w "o u rZ'll
rtdido Mgt
IDACKED TEAS I—Jenkins ..t Co.'s (or
phirda o stb) mar v.l.4oreiat i ts.V, T r u l;• .upp
il/ 2 . Apul JcxXlco Attu
isirCelebrated as the Arabs were, canto
ffiao so% is the hoollag or; m. 7 of Moir orroondlooo !
*log anst trortb and *MOUS ythuo• IL a. Irar , at'
colotendri Arabia"! • - -IL ho =monition of trim'
nom arealohts hibra'attaoathi Earns twat.
sod tt trap by the am of the attltlea coeopotins this IMMO
toalltitte that rtenlhe .IliaL of the desert petihrosed
such =lmola= coma It la atatalla coal The tout ad
beast; thud:ft MY ballad as the coolest blaulas et the
sift [See advestisoneaLl l7ll
rittaburgh, Cidannati and Loidivllle Tale
i.t 3 FEW EllikEErbigitie stock . wanted et
th. Cubango OS* At
in A. LUNA I CO.
ITE LIAVE orders for- tie Stock of vari
ous Mang I.k•ospolles ot lake Bowlor. Thor
• og to sell will piw all.. add KW •
- - ---- - • • .
ittElls W. J. PETTIGREW begs to intimate
to parents and guanilens that be am admit two or
44dItiaaal pupae. Tbs mane of Minos Loeindee
tartish. Clandre.liatheouttka, and the elements t Ed-
The puplla are hoarded 111 the bowie, and • arid.
personal overenibt maintained over their motet,
outriners, morals and stride.; and cot more th an Aar will
to. admitted. The plan punned. It Is thotient, will meat
the mate of those parents and guardians wbobeeltate to
ud %bele ebildrsn or wards to aprublle seennerl , Ent
reurdlivaula Avenua.Tntlibmlll , U.nlL ad
brew mar be known on applitatem.
g iftiN-2 auks Olen: . iii4 . l, A f t le v a. o ll3 l. by
30 boxes W i d i te tut — saleutt.
I LOU[L -300
bble. extra F_a_m., tor
11 sale
.60011. by
EACIIES-10 cake prime lldrse, Jill_ a wiLbll
We by Jill' ' tl. IW. LW/MOIL
MEW MACKEREL-50 bble No. 3, large
" irr "l""'i r ' r. l lo4. ft' utt r uou.
NyINDOW G14,83—100n
1 - Omar, bre.'
SQODA ASII-4350 emcee f our n mono.
tweet, Wirratoted of se test te e .
au& ix tale L i the Jewett market witedts
I=4.4M.BialtilY &Mk.
1 U hint at. near Motet.
SAL SODA-200 casks for sate by
iol. by .1711 PENN =T. D Mita IW.
- -
ILIAMS-500 prime Canvassed, for sale by
.1711 . 8. W.11A6.1141101L
6 : = 100 WOOL!—Ctialt paid for the differ
)4- 0-i- of -0' nmenscart.
CODA ABll-15 tasks for sale bby
r 7 hot B. tW. ILLMAUGIL
COFFEE --125 Backs Green Rio, for sale by
riIOBACCO-100 boxes Manufactured, W.
11.0ratit% nasal t Itobinsmer, sad other chola
broods. fur sly by • A. CULIIIIIiTSUN a Oat
1/11 IVS Liberty C.
MOLASSES—ZO bbljtcl,to;il3):iforralcc;ob.y
CHORN-501.1 bu. Shelled, for sale by
Loco I tioanthee Cempaeles of this city, are MO.
thst an short to dlirredit the .. Radom Slyer Imam:tor
' ii 7
101 i=ritts ki aisPoz= d = b t i ltjairt
tbstotelres to be erg caked br tomcats In the Intone. of
other Compaabgb
SURANCE CO. hots Our oth day of September, 1540,5 t
• ebkh thar the 0320haely •tht tato operattoo. op to the
91st of Desombsr. lbbld. this Compeer Is named to the
Chary, Ittolson Rhos Sloths' Insoratute Commay, a , .
Waterforl.• On atOttag • that mallet to thy. Company,
le toressuothe, of stollen 21 of the Unsold' Insurance
' • !rug IX:V=l '
L ' Fie l in d x . s :r itTrard l" :23
Cosesstor shall L. th e odson surer WinslosalsonsCom.
W• T •sltsl of this company to the “Dita approved 9 1
the Comotrollsr ou the eleventh day of Allithete eights.
hurAte4 A ,nd Oft • SLOGAN
Mose which time • resolutkos of the Bowl of
W sectors of this Coattethr was P... 1. stuth
wising I/Nauseam/toot:Ito &Cub Capital of MAO
. • • --.----
I rtzt . getze
i ttes.., S t .Lej b !aid s t . ris ., ll l ( 1a49,
Total .000001 of (t•l '' thl•—•-.-.... ............ . voo,oou
Petroleum I
ITbol. mount of Premiums rendoad up Up Jan s
u.ll O. ISSI
11 - bole amount of lisposnas
nary O— 81.301
lynala asnrot Dams (Mktg by the
aeu;ni'iii7iiisci -
If Val "1 iiVtly I t WC 1 1 4"
Agepla and depaalOa in T. Port.- *0.791 17
Saratoga County. SS:
Taanase.tioam. std Pia J. Asiat. bring dnlthrears
MT that Ur slid Wants la tier President. and the nal
Arm' Montan of said tannosny. and that the above stair
meat of the stairs of this Company Is true.
T C. &IV, Vies President.
P. J. AN PAY. 13.atelluy.
noun stsl ositreribrl this 11th dal . ardour, ts:l.
dans IL IlsO aura, Justin of Ur Pesos.
.illoeiow thin the trots of the - Local Gnaw=loor mat
Le coin to roceot to the fo-ocatally . forceable sad tab
kronor,. • elarortreot at the Ciroaeog, 1 Windt. nave
thea, to rye,. each . worm... they to.. think proses.
ood to az .ouch rote. ot Ininararioe am then aceetelten sage
Penmen oinking, ikon propene loettred la a soar °Moe.
that *no bore, orol arts emu PAY their knot torwapUy•
aro mowing to nil at arf One. 10. 10 Wood street,
shore th e mini lawortaeO la sold Coorpait_will 1.
Mad* tourer. JAeItiPICILSATY,
Agra& Air tb. ltuelara Wert PLn lowarawie
bpiltion or mix pins 07 winit
WArrt Oh. abiliry of du Compaay lama(' Director.
are init kites. •
We <all Madam 1. the sdrerilmment it the Reek=
Itleer lemony,. thaspany of Watethmil. In UM atate. It
he. Armand cediatal. and Weiner is trammeled by
aide Comireny on liberal Imam TO. mimisflon
....ntletce. obit !UT* tba triansmordit Le a zd actuante*
that the bushier.. will prohntly condor aid to f.
tmrt med ernatition.—/km lark Mamma
Ilielmn Neer Inman:me Company Premste toast
etalsment of their shafts. thronsh our l'ollll.lllB. 1111 ,
imam( "nth, sad me vieb to Aired allentam Soh. The
mail . of ineerstme ecumenist le In the AIM*. of Its ri
o sks
oter lane omen; sod In like meaner te••••artty
turmoil le In 100 number of emalmtime sad ...Ms of
malted amass the meraoteliACtTe Thls o T
gtztref, r im its brethren In oar . Tort
le I= rt n ate r frornr ' e Vat, ill ' on .' e/TA r t d' atlttrt ".
RU tassel Im capital IS folly meld In and
a ida the Wetmore an wrotime. LW 1101.01 reeports.
sad ealmalamil m mee character twistability loony
gloat...lns Inch which tier sre emtnertied. - 7010@
alga.= 101410[`. tarn?;. flenadstm. ••••
an 41:
inveriaide roti=.•— . 2el. laming NAT
The store ornspilinentarf boa. of the Inman Meer
lire Insiersnee Company, umpired In the dteolnie
4fm Plorectober. and it ghee its pleasom toter sale lo every mord of It la Mehl; desirmed. The Corm
r e sny's stability trpambooshie. sad Its Dead of Direc
tors rompoimi tf meet whom nun. sm • PerfMt Smut
aches for the hilthhtl mansmonild of any lonitntkie Mitt
0134. P gtSte Pmendani of Che
Otnl. .J. u rr:2lrZl th
.s Aver.. i
Otttownlo .
New Tort. Tb•CLunw.,
• ormi than at 1.001. favot, ad •r• eun Mao Mat our
men imowledire Mid 1111 wedelns Any om wishing'
to mint • ratimantial Company to Imam tn. .01 do vat
to manilas Um otsitmof the inellnatlno. *hoe* Mk* hyr
this Arty ho. So stmet—X. 1. Chary Broker.
As 4 iinlmeat
...-,ASS--1000 boxes City and
laud foi Bala b/
8. t W. lIARRAUG
`7lBl l c 4*k" pure,
,1 .skaneco
(treat Railroad Meeting.
MEETING of the people of the Counties
or Allashosay. Wulanato. and Ilitaret,_aud of the
elntrs mien at mums interested. w 13.1 be 'bald on /YI-
D t the *au= REA Tr' nay of JULY, al 11 clowwwaL
wtilloUßßNego IgiwAlaglan eountro to take it? to•eeo,
The Rooks wi thou bo owe/owned, by wllmorn.qatit.
rev Ins swilwrivilous lbw man! Moot of Me Ltwo.
Valo r Oat . pisrleo Naylor. find NUM will ooPletealw enott•
tax oa At. impend Patina Of Itallrowi volley. ' ex.
vesw.Aia detai the importance an 4 advantage of nor RAO.
newt and the Inelioprwoonle newoolty for Do inimedlaie
546ap1eU011.. ant/prf teDvlrd of Cvaingwiootra.
LI ROBSON/ roanklont.
. 41,121StFoSis;
Ps. Jrg 41. Jr10:41A014:11
Kagnetio Powder, '
R the Dertruetiou of all kinds of Insects.
_—KMAKUIit. LYON. tuveutra atatlpoitorator of the
latratta l lits Ptard.r,for y ibadeZuction off oe i neeltn u lsed
' l4lfitor grailitttitaill MU a l t=::, ' '''''
a eoldirhotetsla WI rottill bt Y.- r. elkrite.
• We 67 Woad rt.
A.AJOININGthe Seyettth and Eighth
Wards. Oft tate_plare on the prenthow, on
, the Irth of OLT, al 3 o'clock. P. hi, conurtermlng
Bobo Bridge, alit O. il.edred dot deer. to an
alley, by Twenty Four feet front on Pentisylvanla Avalue.
Tt. street 4th. shortest and met Weal routeloilass
Arta Iterldos the Parement. and the Ou end W. 107
LW ilong It by the Uty. thy T.orike
graded end am Itortbsr Improving the ..10 .4 .7
ruperior Plank Rood of sixteen trot bark. with I
Road on esch side.
Alto, ► number, of LOTS near the Copper Works, end
other...war. !Otis a Sate in. on litaldock itrort.. this
stood (brag a rontinostion Of Seem! Stir =taw
ritrtUrt i flo t io r tgO i trn n olit=egrleldsTro
Turtle erect. 'end mon to be eonsourod with the Roads
en, the ktonougabela deer by a Strum Emir, at the Big
Al. aning lb. shorn, a toomber of WWI on Com•
metre donct, which Wing between the Plank Rad and
the Ittest) are well suited On either toanaffsetortm or
"1 1111
1% 1s bodisputablec and tho Lots, tidy faIOSI .
shoe, afford lambuses a good choirs°, the r0ug ' .1 , 41..7
Onwiburth cash, the haw.. In three...anal by
et ono. two. and three mu. with, awyty.l by,.
bond nod mortgage.
• ear:. e Ol% blr'"rUllealePrhrogr:eiVlol*rtret Se,
gat prude., as often as toutdred. throughout the afternoon
of oar of ask, beginning at 2ro ciwk. -
171034 .P. McßENßA j AoeUoown.
For Sale,
A LOT OF GROUND, 'oil the vied aide glil-
W.Vit_.ri:2l7.l 1 421 . 14% lett U.
:,„0-1• moo two stoma Bola lhotlongtkrup , aortallo
LOU lwo twororouto.' Term. low for rub. Maul.' of
Ccimmunkm Make.
MAL aowLs,.for ple bTr. R. WIL soN,
10 al Make. eonser of Voarth.
ro are ; 14.4f i Corailltu: CoVnri
i nlled ma. ;
and Alt Walt. at.
AN --dauks superior, for rale on con ri T. woorg
fARD: -150 4 lbs. No. I, for sale by
A lylo T. FOODS I 80N, 01 Water .t
SICIPAASII-23 corksrutwichbrand;
Tor salt by lAO " i"
\V. A; F:WiI.N.
svitur - ti kegs awed DiOls for e 143 byr.
OAP SUGAR-150 bble. wed Nos., - 11Tr
nle br JllO a P. WILSON.
OWDE.h-SVD kegs Do Pont's Blasting;
to u.ri N .,„„ Tiref ,.,,b,
9 t ! efs warranted pure,
17 fat
lUYTIATA' ISLOODIS—W tons far 'sato to
.11 axwanz.ot, by Klsßeara ,
iv 10
INO. MOLASSES-- 3 00 bbls, oak, for sale
ar w. a s.W/Leoa.
or,. :I. e t„
O. SUGAR-150 hbds. for gala by
• frit)wutros
To Diundry Men.
LT . E ADVERTISER arDhea a Situation RS
Marianne 1.. kaafry. Its !As yearem.
gym sand wort; aska
Any ansuausamusus awl. tetras and other Particulars
Tgl t .rg t 7arrs Vit=l,2 o st said) tat. sobsertbar.
Zassentilr • Obia •
Eureka Xining Company.
N Adjourned Meeting of the
_Ellockhold . ere
of (ha .Etints Illlala&,
Id at tun Melt of thy UoMPah_b . To •
_ TT .
litaatay, the 6th datl olta . aL .
th. Ig.P."°I ... " YE011(111 MUM% tkraatarl•
Y .I.v7:46C•rider
To School Taal= . .'. .
etTHE School Directors of Lower St. Clair
Tamable hare motets! to open lb MM.
r their cam. on the Ant or September...l Ir.=
open about elm month. to the coming year.
She Board mlll meet on' the Ant haternei
proximo. at the Polak School Homo No.l, Incttl 'i lranh•
Moon, et 10 o'clock, to examine all i=nt . tr o n r l , 7letit fur
dmatione se Teachers. Any further destmel,
can be oblelned hem the following members of the &hoot
Much T.. 1. Bleham. No. el Vann street. or A. Ambler.
No. AS Matthaei& meet . iTS:daM3Or
CILBESE-45 boxes receiving per Bidwell's
ALIN arul tbr do by JAM ES
jy9 ex Wear, oul Ts flout ots.
ACKEREL-50 bble. New N 0.3, for sale
ANNERS' OIL-5G bble. for gatel T
• •
IN CONSEQUENCE of the decease of John
maw.. the partnership heretofore exlsting between
den I Conde la hereby dbaolved. John Y. Cole is
fully authorised to math , the 1.e.. of the Übe firm --
All moms haring claims,will 'geese present them for
garment. Pittsburg!. Jab' Ist. 1851.
30 , 11 f
Postmen to Menden wraeal • •
The business of the Agency of the Penn
loins& Central Banned Compeny •
bereafter 1m eon
d oiled under tbe mate and style of
•• comer of Penn and Wayne atreota.
Magma, Jaly 114 1431.—Lifn
LEtweemn to Maul= Cosode.]
Casa Basin, Penn Street.
Penna. Ran Road Co.--Central Rail Amur
renbeeribere' haying been appeintod
i=er t rateg s et t eji . r.7l..efece
celve . any . emeone:t marladlse er prod: Criiiilpment
Ueast. els thie route will be earried through to eve do
ad all rourlated to es oft be throated trot of - commis.
Moo or duns to Wyman. -
rn or Tamar, warns nazaascrara rodstraas.
Orr Oaada, Hata, Moms. Book atationary,CrdiaTj ud .:loada.
tiondry. Fruits . Vauban, random% Ord,rat
daddlary. k• SLuu lud l
Hardware, Queenavrate. Ilreaniea, Paint& D7* 5t 0 .1 0 4 0 .
lamd.r.Clover, .01.,111nothy andother (haat nat. , .
Waoloin • OW 11 NO.
Part Park, Dune", Lard, lard Oil. Tabu:n(ll<e Wk..
Otaln and Rasa, COD 1100
Asalaa Marble (rough) Tar. Pitch, Rosin. Germ.
Baxley, Nem an. Unit 100
CoVenA WWI, -
earner Penn and Wallas Amts.
Pittsburgh: Jai, PR. 1551.-1110 •
New Nude.
KLEBER his juat received—
Li. :lolly Illy, by B. C. Potter.
tweet Woos. la ming by Jediny Lind.
..,. !Song of Christiana. word. from Pastimes PM. i
• atims , logreat •
W he do Fame:tor Rowe Toile.
My Mew. Amato:id noon. by lint Anne Weds. of
Tbe Moa en ner, &poet to PeetAL
FWm our merry Swim Home, meal duet; by
Wilt tbou be gone Lovei.tcMf duett. by 8. C.
• Two not away. duet/. by B. C. ratter.
Ousewoull I loved not di* to thee MWinter .ary does. by P.C. Forte,
It won't bees mentkeins.
Kate Moore.
Poteas.—lleortetta. Averts..., Dear Ann% isiniPihni.
Chtldten. Wallace. Ham Jon, Asthma, ileottish iv eolsot.
Comalle. . BeTsrlee s tAu So h l r ) iwn+nih s :
Wood o r
P. tletroUle, ThreeAlm aam
ob.-ixo or tint/al./rt. Eton of the oldest 11.9.101,
TWA et.
Allegheny County, SS: . .
lIN the Court of Common Pleas,
No. 9. Juno T0r03,1641: - e
n the water of tno Tolonbol salve., t
moot of Bober' olnelar to fact Molar. AN. ,
JohnA. 11111er, 9to =Mon of • ---,
_," ,
John R. Lori. lot, . "'' W l4 . N. e lO . O . 0 . '' ..... 7c
009000•4 Auditor to Ault 11441 account.
Vroat th• Record. 010. S. MIT& • •T.
lo inOltossboo of the ato , r — o olilMbotz.fOt. it. , .fokniX. -
.1 .111 attend of hlO am., No. 110 Foottb stmt. ANA.
bunt., on nurnlay, tbo I.lth day 01 July. tosL, st 100 ,
rind, A. 11., to nitennt . ga Oho 'flak* of hi+ rob:Mount.
jo9•Zto CDtllllll. STOW Andltor.
ili i ) I SSOLVTION . —ln consequence of the
atomise of ME Smoot Elliott. ttio tattiomitilp at
Pottle olth Elliott I EoilioN. under tliti fats Of
~111,:f Halle la, a ,?,',I r..1. 1 12‘,1t1,1: LbittrlT.
erititttigilako n flhartto Sallitioff strto .
drums PA iIETIL
zwors* ENGLISH.
Dividend. •
TTIE Prenidont and' Managers of the Hnnd
nom% Briar* enamor taw thli dor declared dir
tpd of two &taro and fifty era. per gas, oat of tbs
;rata of tn. 41/4 mactriarigbl.
Julr Tth.ltlll.-iTh=
Horse. • •
4 LARGE fine look ix Sorr.el Ilorst2 i2
11;41=t ur .....11' =tan 11=robla , ,
r e'
I Port copy.)
'5O n " -
Alan am far ale by WM. HAUALEY & Va.
to sad 3) Waal R.
LIOAF SUOARS-300 bblo. need Nos., for
gale by WIL BAGALti it CO.,
yb lb and 23 Weal et.
10 COFFEE-560 bap landin& and for
mw,br• ire IYN. BABALkY L CO.
101111PES-150 boxes White Clay Pipes;
100 FWwp ~n
RDL tirarVe.
SOAP-3Wbpes Wosin, Cin'ti brandsfoi
all. by MI. sACALi=I OCL.
.18 sad "X Wood ar
AID TED—A place form good book keep
fa a *Wands or retail Moan. cataa lumbar
Y IM appliesut has ma* emerimue la ma: mad.
artereures end be Myra- tated—•
ie got num arid a::
itist it' ardlart6 .r."MtaadiVr= Laria
ao l .
be e ,
acautra—Plarra ha our clUes, bear. and aourarT
abargou sx r h
a t l a rMuolmb ah• 197*=
cal 4z
""ud' 4loa L= ahaara :
a Oa. MOliar
mas at 6 mouth.. Para mall tars. ifirr,asoua ist!
4.oladM ah• cam Maga me 67 _ •
11f Ur* Aimat gad Com.6lorreh6ot. Libertyet '
ER- SALE--The Daily Gazette, and. all
ta. PlUebarab Daily. mat tort of the blVad
Ile late 'tutees. Pawn. tea. an ear ral
ma' man. Sibteter Mot lobeutterlaat Weems.
• mallretall enrol/ of yelled sod ielterTabl. 0100
Id l e . bi= „ V . Vltry4=ex ii fel=a4.4.
bob Tem_ posses curotd ef the American
or'tbe Heavens. do. of the P iVetid nod' Older. PIZ
treti lit lilliee mm ont O w le t ti ve reat Obeat io littab i zi o lb
booleeille per, by lb• burl o/ reta i lk A fe A r c eraat
/1014* 44 "'" " d I== CLir eta_
ARD OIL-7 bbla. on consignment, for
ale by ' DICaIIY
/0 %feta nod root sta.
COTTON -42 bales in store and for sale by
IOTTON BATTING .1 bale" Family,
..stamens for allo kor to e WI ms:
ISA mem' a co.
FEATHERS—For sale by _
Seven Valuable Parma for Sale.
. ALL SITUATED near the Ohio and Penn=
a7lvenla flalbee4. la the elclzdtf of stem.
eontalrdne tuna ad to 200 each, and la • goal stale
Of cultivation.
Aho-100 SOWN LOW, betwee:l lb. *mead badman
part of the Tilled* sad Oa
All of ',lda. te of Int easbane Ide tete Perched .
era, Mock In tbe Ohio sad Pannevltanla IW 1e0.4 ar
either of the Botha la littabargh. aid let cant
in W
'rld al& to donate a alms of granted, adialeddif tea
Depot groand, to • coataetent cum or Onatielari to area •
ant elan howl noon, on lebleh•ltatatalnput be had 4
"Wei% tkb'reeirttrldniwietTt Mb.
hangman Claveland: also. Wawa natal:mesh nand
ton and Of tenetlt to be derived fa= the rla mat e.
now taloa aonarneted toned teem Baler% alert=
nat f
the moat tatpottant paints on Idle Ilse oral lroad Ite_a Prat
elms natal. • . ,Zll/01[5:11ty•dr;
- Salm. 0., July mn.
- . Pittsburgh Life rararsadj to. -
rrHE Second Installment - of ,T Dollop
6 1 - 7,1VgArgu,?N`014,11:4." 14, W4
t s Guar
tgyrst sloy of August tura
yi:et C. A. COLSON, Cscrotury.
More Now Goode
NOTWIT lISTAN DING the advanced state
of the season, we continue to stairs to d +77 ,
oapplies of Nem Om* and dm °Pet els enetle
er control Plain Meet nit.] :ohs& Mitt& lee Time
and Mese, aleck . Unlit Mee De Labrub and
sundry otbra . desirable 0 . r
" iiio7clll2l , g. ° ' •
ir7 corner of Four* and Market street. •
Notice to Nonowtoce,
afrinierghant and BroonarilfrAtacadaniiptdliten,
pike and Plank Road Company.
NOTICE is hereby given that Sesied Pro
do„, of three miles mkt Zed; (II notices of 4 mllo
magaLIMAZaIng " ITILIN ,'"'
Jrtt4 Joiglilaixs.
• , 2 bblt. No. 1 LW;
ea tar hattawa. .
" r " affil " DlVLATOr 'd''
Water sad haat eta
ao4 by de Or
CT7B"--15° Loren for a a).
PAINT-30 bbla.. car a*
- .1/liDAi " .
SYRUP MOLASSES-27 bble. S. Syrup
Whims. • loopertor mild.. 7 0 0 r im a CO:
ASTBURY;t! Tide; by Anna Biala
Drusy, authoress of ,`Yrletobt Fortune."
at Bad to We boom: or !duty Maya to • Marsden
a Oomody In Itto notr. by tie E. 'Salvor blttoo.. But Ar
t i rg zrti.o.ymLidaln.Dtrumtrigh...lloo•ogt,tctb=.noe of
B.l l .4!rittior. Teb:vaUfle":•=r,
_V I Z% b'
.bra R. C. 6 ETON. 47 lit•root
Black Tea Prom Li
CST RECEIVED, at MOM ' en Mark
ad. lot of Strong and Pine- Vlarnrad CONGOS
, width tnate trial .11l be Ibund to go • little enn4
of any In ilitaborgb. She nubile, ar• Istattril to tir than
Tea-rdislisb.lrisb sad Scotch mina to
tbay arc asselly the swag kinds of Ins they used in the
SIP BO TAO L E complete
otoelt of Golan VW ISloalepeotpritbob.t.
000lltr of oasiroo =AT. ;glum
Tarr t "" " DW of
I Por California 7* Cbagrew — rdract
r r: i, t ri .1%,, , -, .. 2,1 a r ie.. z
.......i p. 4 4 1
TA et twelf""d" c"'t i C b uT ` li outhrilosli
lloa.t. trUrAr .I.e.
Th.g....t.4* nu prmad barren's rscoartad7.4o.
.Ta 'earl, and too? aceagoanadiAkm• Ibr ertl.lbta ....ri!'
OZOVS X•11E-911.
xr Wiawdlgentr
JOHN L. Ltrro!kuraard stmt. W•
J. G. WILLIAMS, oboe, ark
• jy1:10t(o,b0 b YLOTD. MOWS*
. . .. . ...
1 11 I' Z,;,. ... -
... i .. Wook ow lands bob draw
Cap May, Ibt bale by. MILLI DIOR KT • ab.
• •, •••
. Nate& •
Biniinghass and Br owne:lTM Macadamized Am
, pat and Plank Road Company.
VOTICE le hereby given that the Stock
folders la sad Conmany infromnsoi tn nay lb. arm
Dortallasot of Mit Dollars on asetialtars at taxa sable:N-
M& to the Thrssarar,(Wllllsm Larissa. Jr..) coats. af ,
Manta day of dilly, leaD sad tba Dada/mat of
Virg Dollars oo awl sham satacabed, on end day of
astir mat. Dr o•dfrarim,,,.„„,„,„
100 emu Bask a Pittsburgh: •
100 • - and DL Ba.o
101' Sul:sag. ngll , l ,
. Bra 0.. •
a un.
be pposite th e Pat reoeited ett
HMoe. OMO' Literary flirt
r o
and a 0.30.1 to Boomer wow. Also.
CbaHT. niece Lamont erepa. Boabastrot. alai other
styles of Moornthir Goods—• tell assortment to ta
n dral
at the store of XIMPLIT t lIIIILCUIr
11/111 • 4:4'• : fo' :
HE UNDERSIGNED hare entered into
uee. tn. am a rum a LAW.
OZ t 4 any on Lb...PAM@ AND R. 40 BrILINDS.R
at No. Alpo, street,Pea V: they Inland
r ootnamai la
ta g e= ."'W.'"'
writing Pcpern Wore =I Lakt.ffmni44.ll and lengibili.
Bath l'nata and Nota Pavan Won and Lad. Ullt and
. Voln Pasts,fflat Own Printing Pawn , all dion.
Hardware raw% tram 19 by 24 In 40 bg 44. •
Contra and WintaiLeme Paprts,Affirrieni ang Engnifft.
Holliningorth's Patent Manilla Panes. • •
Colored and Winton= ?same. roman Matextrabiseg
Buff Pnralupe Papers.. •
Worn! /thin not Owar Pagan. •
Pa i ra4ll Blast Bar al p. , all ealon.'
Tes, l = and Wand 8L M 124 ailin=n4
Bag. AtanUla and Btraii , ffilapM4 rainr. •
Bonnet Bindane, Bn. Can um Trunk Bond.
Whim and Bnff Barebpaß Agin. fatiar Nota and Ord.
Amt., ear Blin, Potter t (Ws parivrEhr CABBkin
maks and One% vrldts tat coland—W ri= M ot4 .
Trealiliga d efu gi tra Torrsr •
• N. IL LAWBANA a Iata at Na. I minor rt e ".
N. IL-400 tear of is 444 8 44 4 4 14 . ,14 b.
- ir2Al2. •
AC • • ' • 0 bbls. Large N 3.3;
•Ur Rezrut.
(+RACKED COCOA- 7 Yreete—just received
I,J and Cu we Dr . WM. A. mecum
M 2 - amass Tv* Ikalars.:
_ _ _
& COCOA-Of el, c4l.llV iPth "! " 7
be aw,Mdf. 9oat7 Lod War by. oOx mto
osty—ottoasotli tmad Illar mitt by . tbo tau oußor
at Mall. • - • - -
AlO . o Retail prilielO—ito. OlOgestil Ts.: • - - • .
A liberal tllptootti to ttortonta u tit quantity. ,
Jr 2 Ottoops sattlatoolors.
LAKE FISH-25 bble. Lske Taut, (new;
Vut waived sad lb, WI;
New Music:
PRE SPIRIT POLKA, o:iniposed by H.
fllobd ridded to Strobes C. !otter. of . thlY
7:li . ivriy's Wald arrascoi
. 1 S. gleld . 16 drebby
3:lrr. by , • . •
Way Jaw. dts diadem by Da.' • "
Tbo Attalla= of our Irers i Admzo .• • . •
111.0.1112. selection of Y Yds be !lad Iflvrto,
, . 11. 101 Third otrdt..
bid of the Odd Ban ,
&—/1 od lot, of ad PIABIO6. dedas.
Ow very ad orcatubdrel 6 dm Yaw for de. ,
mak., .06Doubla CLIMI dm, lby whddido
rdail by ITLLTICa MAEdda-bb.
- • $41.30 .66 Wool stmt.
BENCH PAPER.—For sale by
y _
HHEMP--41 bales Missouri, for sale by
• ~7i
LAD -1.359 pigs Gaeta, tot . sale by
LIROIT-1450 bu. prime Pesebei%
123 ffirkt=Ars.iin
DEFINED SUGARS-12.41b15. embed,
Lib Pnlneriaid. sal MyriadftWk, , _b•Yt 271. V TrYtk
brands kr sal. by _W. aiaLuanr a oat * ••• •
• • maw la Waal is. •
ICS-86 toe. Creel) ettrolifitttio: saki by
.403 wt. gawk= a co..
AR.-110 bbls.N. C.,4!
UTTER—I 3 kegs SgriatEggie.,,T
cligsr—`lxlo boxes W..R: for satejtly
_ _
SOLE LEATILER-300 Eidesbest :
Talmud x.. Tort Leather. ler wen
)01 wnBASAu...I It CO.
CASTOR extriCqualityi for
9 wool a:.
- -
i ng
p 14 3 IRON-60Aoles eapericrr, for sale by
1110SIN—?AO .bbbs for sale by_
bblr: for sale by • •
smut, myrs.
Wa? ,REL TX bw 'Zi:' 3 l ,l l s, llF or
R lC jac E 7 r tierces (to arritratilirast=
VAnnual Meeting of the Stockholders.
( the “Atlantle awl Ohio TeLemphOotefse4: 14 14 .
sefeeeMy to Us Cheater. tat Thoteley..l 17th,
at 11 d'effek. A. 11... at it» ome row* otoo. te the tr
Ptttaburott, foe the pawpaw of
Ntoe 1/1 to
wee foe the =Woe evar. end to mom% soh fflr
butioete ea may be brought hose the areetlei c _By otter
of the Ithettote. A. B. CllpellfUS.
TNDIGO & NUTDISGS,Ot!"ootTiguiumA.
.n 1 be .b.r.
SHAD -25 bbls. for sale bi
i ) ..___ • A
IY.. •
..7 , UniIID _
Serior Shuftg — . . - ,
lIRPII up Y It BURCLIFIE i Ye reed
Al hle ntonnan anathar minigrg w =
e l i t
d'li, on nand. Boaom awl
rtdit a® tn. nusnabetones watVand. ean b. war
tanbd can Dada. -• , qda
Encaustic Ms fur link -, _ _
1 HESE TILES are more durabl thanDlar
ofea.:6nd IliareAvarl.
Ob. sod Wm 1 17.„ 4 .4
rjorvlitlam 11 4
,f w w4" ° "Z sb, ...d.
twee. I. mn-wana.-coans *gnu.
J. 7u . l• rli r.l dew.
BLACK BERAGE—Awadditional soppl
mod this mandng id doggy ai ntlo * dmi. ,
140 • MURPHY *
°PIXY'S AY-1u tonstor sale b
yeill • • • • - •b. BOHOONNLIGICII /100. .
INSEED OIL-44 bbla. for Bala by
Sets' . sonoorrateuta co.
ALUM -50 bblit. for stdo by '
ycq'a. In7ROONMAKEIL a co.
bbls. for sale low by
UI J. a. ocuooorwono, Co.
S AND PAPER--60. reams used. for sale b
PONGF,Extra flneTnz=rasle by
AINTS.GROUND IN OIL, in 1 lb. cum
Borst asd Raw Umber. ClMeselriarraYtrlatems.
" 4 r 6 rtrA Arnhogia
1.001101.--78 -and 92 delostmigth,. for
0471'. -.J.sonoomsw.-a
ITS GLUE-3 bbls, Sot sale
27 J. 201100101127.27 OD.
A l g N'S Nerve and 130.119
for!deby 6,6i,sititaftaba.
A 7 extra larae sad teeny .;
. .
ARAVE just received Erma New Yuri, irk:
caw roc et s. itrWWINDOW WWI= ani
ATAIN /N. al./ -t,
MACKEREL-100 bblx. No.l Small,
i‘t~rciti cud A t M 1 h 7 num Mir/ DI
20 bi Utz.
9911. 1 r 1E461 Bah gazing
-..Extrs namirivhtihrotb.,,.
To Bairns lien.
lIE SUBSCRIBER intends. e
Buboes Tour ap the Anton Liu" on or linnet tka
I •of July . , and Inn attand to arUmni tatroatal
W eon with Drotoptnati and ed. •
W 114.1311:111Y,
Mot lo Tilgtonan MIA moon* lb* Nor Clan' ]toast.
Rontrocea--Jno. Monti" V. 11 Plantaln. AN.WaW.
Moon Ilamaton, nen IL Arnold, sad Win. nattallout
Win. IL McKnight
u. give special natal:dim:teethe Cadct
don ar cad= far Merelauda mad ode., la Wad.
ern ' • ylvenla mut - •
' Mee in Inas= Utr r* lmOtbe New Court Roo"
ara'Flutes* ikul whit.;
Ileterteit i .. Zoo. "11.27
IOAF SUGAR-50 loaves Lovering'. Dou
la. lama. red fgrp id eallaa a CO.
p 1.7 ww..P"V.
A d O . E ,. D BLANK . B l ooll3.—Blat tra ßoo ,
pi m a, Bc.*w.i.m.u.dhapryt
Parka and Railroad Lae to 'Mlle/a Sd.
PSENORRS ktice every morning'st 9
• eelock, by steamboat to lawn., rbear. by enrols
o. of seta t o . llaveass. thew. by Pia:bomb and Cies.
To earrrisaitalla ban= r .To Carl;.toe..
Naftalis - "'; Cbirago. 60
lid:mt. era tbasaah
• bi 41Ista•baa nand Int.. by Cm Me! sad Caticiallati
Itanalapas las Deireilt, Chimp sikil-Illisankia. kale
Camila= sarry mains' at Oa rerlort. by th• rplcolikt
.1.1.01 , 111 er/Haft. Central Railroad Co. file barnit.
alms al taa A. by Railroad 10 Nes alarrala i
and arriatas asoa• ereabag at Chicano b r steamboat.
Dmrbra Wart tlaa Ohio rival-AMR route Wanda.
esti. 8L Sonia, sad Gabeara, CU to Grand matt astrAcr a
cravat. counter than so saber.
, CLIEK.B At boar. Prowieon,
For liebti or lothroatioo aroly
JOHN - A. CAUG WET. lieut.
• (VP th) cOraer of Bsoltbteld d.l Water slaved.
oddlcoltd the dloaoaddliels
Or to.. • W. It.lloolttle. Au, Agent.
- = Oft* ardor St Marks hotel, Wood oddeet
Forty-six hours to Philadelphia.
.Forty-tone hours to Baltimore.
281 miles Railroad-103 milea Canal.
urni.lllll.7 1/41.1.1 . tn. CVYTOITALIZ RCM 1
Being freafram ant many changes ..Ind porterage:
connaded with piece Lines.
Two. tally Lines Express Packet Resta
Maga lEUQII.
mci.usparct ron.IPABSSNOERSJ
T EA.vE. Pittsburgh for Johnstoun, thence
Reis. Barad to
Two Modred and Eart74lva mnn dtmt to
- - .
Porlats every moradozpresise, ly at Elattt delosk.
and away amino St the suss or.
• Fire to Ildladelohla. $10: Fan to fteldrono, MTS. .
do Lsoesster Inr do II srriabors 58 4 0 n. '
for. Bailizoore,
Saki . ' Um Y l cil l )l l2 •l l 7.l l Meriand
on arairal of Cars a: Iluis place . Mune. taliday
foor calm) Time. Of/fathoms.-
charge for handling Baggage on this route. _.
That Cars on this route ire new. and of the Mold. nine-
eanatrortion far ooradat sad tasty.
If you dath ehaati traeelllns and comlhrtable aseofir
=dation. we. roor dams at •
' • Monongahela Ifonsa.,„
_& 'CO. •
1811. WZBTI3II li 1851.
• - D. LEECH ac Cfni. Lr
ric Canal being in good order, we .are
• prepared to tremor! madam ml merchandise to
from tbe atene aides. at the MM. =rm. rotes of
/might. oath mplamete areS dletaton,lho boots and
ass ar• maned and omtrolled by Mx proprietors. Dills
eliding transmitted , Instructions promptly at.
i.:_....... . _..
' •
=;to.onaddscas .
BAYS & BLACK. Troprletore,
. Canal Baeln.-Penn atram Bittaborgh.
BARRIS , I,BECll.lornie% .
Beitiring Depot, New.l3 ris, Bonen JO at, P . le
.. Delterrin&Droot. Dont ar.,T.
131=11 & 111.ANCISCUS, Arent.
• e No-7k North at, Baltimore.
T. H. PE&BCE, &neat
. . . No. 7, lime frost. New Diek:
ErgEO6SM .. .
Phi Brownerilla and Cumberland, to Baltimore
• and Philadelphia.
"banRNING BOAT tellies the Wharf
the Midge daily, at 8 o'clock unwisely. eca.
with the care at Cumberland next morning.
gggi Boat laves daily (anent denier niudni/ '
at 6 chink. c entinectingdrith Me-cars at Cumberland
Owning...lo delta.
. through to Bialmore, hon.. Fare mar 60
nue tiwoosti Philsitelphia.4o boon. tare ooti1110: -.
The National ,Rowl is now good. Conductor. go with
'the Mabee between II and Mumberlandi which
mats. this decided)/ the beet roota En g.
J. ItEEKIM7.II. Agent . .
• moZr Mica In the 31ces ticabela anus. '
ifias4 . 1851..
On the Pennsylvania and Ohio Canals..
.. • .' ' PROIIIIETORS: ": 1 . ' •
- 1-I,I EL, ALPARR3 & CO..—: ..... ......Rocaism, P.
LLN, -CRAWFORD a 00...—LlandAnn, O.
ritwell lmown Line is now, prepared to
hl 3tmu Vara t erigr z` g= 7 . lls = l
The llcilltion of tbo Lino sr. at:o fa n berAss.l ,
wr, of espodizr of Bast% szpatene• a Csia ' , and of
tow of Agents.
Ow Rost - Imm PRlsbatatt and Clowlard dant-on:Om
Lp_ci:onoodion Irltb a Ll= of moanbcoto &etyma WM
BIIROLI and BRAY= sad • Lbw or and don otoszobootO
Apemen. and vsneDO on du Lam - . '
, Palm a Co, Iroonadoon, LL; ,' , • . •
Tar ,lor Wansa, 0 • -"
. ',•••-,-;
.. , A. a . . N. Mak Nosicoodsliy, 04 ..
ft= a rbo., Ror,o3ns,o.;_ • ~.'
. Kent, (Mane' t Ca, Franklin, 4114 .
...- •IL .L. iILUIeL Ct1t , 1‘..74., 1
Hoodarson a PeranTp; ,l. - kands.k7 CHI, 04
Peckham a Fan, Tel 0. .
• O. William a Co,
takldgoir, - •
. - Dowel= & CO,KII.I , Uki% WH.-;
Ooo.A. EMU a oa„ Chksso, ILL;
Ma ", .16Er1 4' L CACORET A
• 5a1 . ... eot. Water sad Eadtb.fold Ida; Fittobtint,
I. 11 SEED OIL-1000 gallons (le arrive)
l /f. sat by S. ROD a. C0.:£41 Wood FL
i 4111: • tTi ' 3 I :IL I
P NUM has jugt reeeired great veneer of veer
CHEESE-53 boxes, now landing and for
, 12111.11.11 mem co.,
al7.Water awl Trout at..
lEEESD-200 boxes in store; for slio by
EPOS --300 doz. for gale by
Jab 8.1 w. 082.88uorr.
jjiCTOHIA LAW-NS--30 pieces recd and
• .Ibr ni. of Jal4 AILBUTILNOT.
BMIRED - MUSLIN-50, pieces desirable
ia ste cod quality. for 010 br c. i nl avri E siot •
Brandies, Wines, ft,
ItAvo. completed . arratigementa' with
Mama La Bordeaux sal-other Mulligan Cities, 11n; .
meat/or. of ray orders. I ant thw enabled to otter to
Dealsta s s onall advance one Inapartattou coat, BRAN. ',
11118, ES. and iligl . o , / of ON, Apeat degrlption,
fr*. Attention La larlteeto tome Lig; ...4;t101i , . ;
110 doetirMnat Mamas. arod d. Vlll a Brandies. Bs 2
. 1 ,
' 1"6, 11l sill rleaks:lrgallondbioarn Sheridan *PO
1.11 4? .. • '4' Port w r rnea, nart "" Trery gxid oi ' d al4 superior. i -
21.3 lambda Byertllay Cbanmagas. well Ceara brands.- 1
800 beam CUM W nutrias bland* and "Wave. 1
100 mem 8.11471:111 and .s=la:ea IW-1.
IA oasts Sautgrua arel Claret
d t .i,, • . , ,i
14 PIM Old Holland and &hay Olt. ;
lil paneaosta 041 Becestokir atatSt tlllskey.
00 tauks irtycior Lou
Brava Stout auSlierich Ale. 1,
, • MIA a ornriani .11p7 of impurrs .1.41a9ra, Vuett MI i
Almic a llamolduo. uoraeolk ..wtt,..; cherry Boar 1
1 dz.:
A dock of ibtrezni SMARR .bo,ya on boa& 1
All arm I tilled:a cuk my favorable fen...
• . Orders
abbe executed with drepateh. and noodaahipaga
4 k r 4•fra and Deatarsol. 4 ate - - Li .
iplCelaxo) • l'hiladalob , ...
.. 'Li
.-,. , . - Meissen'. "1: a Pianos.
JOIDI IL . ALEa ,. .Ott s ,...vgf,r" .. a
wad Weston dnerint Nta 61Mo:1X i
ma noslnd and now open for al. the fbl. ,
=WI ancotnent of Plain Yorks, lez.n from tin ' I
. at Mr. Calokatinee (Tomo) prinio
On down Iloortool =sal Plarn,ift oolong
= " *. • , plain ". e i
' . Throe " " round enters. '. 6 " I
Two wonw • .
The above Piano Tortes an of C. leant stiles of ford.
t P am
Rad th a l
. Catektains itc thw i
ekelnvar w blyt l p M ammaasßo a n m hn m wing
to ..,"
senbewenl to this relent MA ....P... ..k"‘A . Of 1.1. ,. ..,,
1129 TON BASIC •
4:636 ILesmoi Clarrd Motildlpgs 6)( atty.
• 61/12-
••••••-• 07 00/00 6totart it •
. 6 6c6
mrdird . Mickel:lr a as gelid as a r•;
- 6 ". JOod k Brol cq
" Dubois Sebum . _
ex 11.66.116u5a llnapaur. map
LARD 01L-8 bbla. No. 1, for 8010 br
Jale JAXIM DALZIILL. u Water se. !
Sea Books:
VE ASP.: a •Problem ; reprinted with 'nor,
netims iado.idltloo; trust Tramos3lnaairu. I
tole of the Puritartr. by the anther of
is lbo Lk of Mr. Monona , Moirro , sd.'"AfOri ,
of CleOpairs. Oxen of Eglyt; br Jaooi , Abbott. i
vrith irovs•l
•• No. 14 et PLid Book of the ticrolotlan
of London boy amide Loudon Poor.
L.gore Books Jost rewind and for We j
3017' . BTOCSIVN. 47.3tarkot st.
Rs Pablo D.-wants nt • lb* - United State,
assassbm a Gomm ifselasitum WU. Ps<44l. -
gtin awful:deb, viols of oar Itreictrelations
taatttmc COM= asstlaiDoes.cats.
Nate WM= Emma; containing rotttical.lltosie.l.
Mtßeiaatlacal Pestio.seal. and Br
r '
ArA lessn=ierord= i rrlog:
Comes at the Timm trons ISM
aalaaala amts fur . 4, • ,
lrarr ST Market st.
BBEESWAXWiiNTED—The, highest pries
In dab will be mad Itr . er.t utl4tt •
B. A. . 1:3701.. CO.
sl7• earner first it Wart sta.
DRIED PEACHES-100 baltele dri
m d "" * "": l s.lcr. ILIIIIIALTAL
INSEED OIL-10 bbls. pure; for sale by.
Ity: es sale by ZOSISON, 3.7 am.
ICON SjoHeO ULDER R O ,3 N, ouoron lb s s itf
ACON-70001b3.1.1am5. SidoiShoulders,
fbt Oak bf . J. 6 IL a AY.ffAHBeCGIG
OTTON-25 bales (Batting) for tale by
1016 _ Yo -131 Imnt sot
FIRE BOARD PRINTS—For zge at 250.,
lie/7 w.RlWood .t
JJ A La 1 1, 3 /1/l r —leidles'end lelesee . olseievet mend
Jell 111 }Carle: St.
Brandy, for ifiarrhara, .
IN MIND! should you need French
T. 00 nat am an In ot•Laniilll MO
111 I* AGANA at $3 As Sisuull.44%