"Will you pleasebta I'n:li-eerie, - Militate, end then kiss me, ILMUrthVgitilitightt",Seld little Roger as hso*iied the doot andpeep ed Cautiously Into . atvelnintherof..thi del meth' er, "lam very. sleepy,.bnt no one has bard esti hlra. believed her to beftWAßur , hit , •l 4 °P A* lll * . with her pillows,aa.detregilleg.for-b'' hoj, lips were white, bettiryis„Were gni 4aut'i giazed. She wu &widow. end lieeliAlelkerv#l her only—heidexiiiiif4ali. ...,4, 1 ,*07 1 4 1 4 PAW been in the habit of corms . . into her 'rpm stadd witting in her lap, if Piitelluglog uldkeithallit oho repeated passagestfruntilod'aboly . word, : repeated to hint stories of *se ezi,d s enkzettet.. , l :spoken of in its pages„, , ,,,d - r e :,; . ; "Rush!" said a lady vibe wee ellllbitutelde' her couch "Your door intittee-Aslat4lll4 Jon to Sight" As she said thls; eiteferretn/ov:-__ ward, and laid her hand gintlylunutkakitVM;fe if she would lend Lim from the roar.' Herr - began to-sob as if Ms heirt would beat,: ean-ruit got* bed without !eying mtnt,er els—lndeed I eau-not." • The ear of the dying mother caught-the scree •" Although she had been nearly thing transpiring around her, the fob . ether, dar.,.. ling aroused her stupon,end nierihsgte a Mend' 'she desired her to bring tee little sen . o l4 11 7 r him on her -bosom., ger rmtle*A 11 .- - ba t na ' _.... to v . - and the child's rosy , eUtandfollien ed. besidetheoold fUe.of his dy "Roger, ray son,,Mylainngehßd,7 ialk-the dying woman, "repeat this Wu-after ine; nid ' never, never forgetit' when my father tuni moth.. ex forsake me, tha,Lord will take me up.t. -The . child repeated it try. or_three timeadistitietly; end said his Nule prem.:. Then tie laisidishe . cold, Loa almost algid,fettaiiio 4bcfbio. had -went quietly to his :Thereat morning lieT: !ought, no US", V.O.Tiotliej;bulbe'fo44 401;:' This vu her hid lessiM„• He lasi never for= ...gotten it—he probably serer will. Rehm grostri to be:a mart—a good man, Med now ortapiesre: :poet of honor at* profit in Idasseetrusette.. A never could look Op - ,withent.thinting r. bout the faith so beuitlttlally - exhibited :by his • A correspondent :of the' Perrasylmist Inquirer, writinglrom Haddonfield,- N. 1, gives the following eneedot° of Miss find don, before published. She wattlaiti in England; and whin'about=l6 . years of age, ,she was stronglyintpressedvitlia sense of , duty" to come into this country le: utter_ her principles to the new world: Her , • rents were wealthy, and fitted, her. out with a:serving nm'and a woman to attend:her. She landed in. Philadelphia-in, about Liam Penn'stime. She: Settld in New Jersey, about nine miles from Philsfielphii. lifer. house was erected,`". and': ,field..Wasi cleared in the foreit; and hence . the name .of the town Haddonfield. Same yeartrafter, I one evening in the'dead of 'winter, she heard • 'approaching the unusual sound:of sleigh bells. On sending ter Sersing.inai:oat , ascertain the cluiracter.afi het vhdte r atcthe found that they . were . Friona, and among them a pweseher of their faith; who wereon their way to the north:;' , Of teem - - they were cordially welonned: !It the morning, when they: left,- the preacher told her - lie return that way the • spring' Consequently they , returned-phe nest-:sea son, undlliss Haddon; wadi one of a.paity "on ,horseback from her hotpot° the meet; • ing. During the tide, she, with the Eldest feelings of her nature; and under the iante I conviction of right _that itiduied her -lei leave her emmtry,ifell back a little hi - Ail -. • rear of the party . . The preacher. noticing :this, andsupponng that something was wrong about her Ming-gear, very gallant • as he was a bachelor, returned back and __routed his horse alongside .of .:,fiCes,.„ and asked her what was the matter. g No thing " said she.; :‘!but. - 1 take this oppor p, enmity to tell thee that.l am strongly tm.. pressed that it is my .daty to merry thee!' His answer was characterises ; he said very frankly, think • about. it." He , did' think about it until another meeting time, cud thought JaiarablY, and so they were ;,. '-i:- ' Wesleyan Xi:micros. The tniniversary • of the IVeshayan -Ml3- Meanly Society trail held in Exeter Mall, London, on Monday, May sth. The: Soci ety's - field of operations embraces Ireland, , France Switzerland, - *Geri:any,— Spain, (Gibraltar,) India, Ceylon; Australia, Po- Western - 4na- Sotithern Africa, the . • .•i; West Indies, and the British tokmies. in Nerd: Anterica. -n . 'The' following ra a gene ral summary Of the whole Central or mincipM station:het:lied oixijitii • &copied by the Society in various parts of the -world, - - 23 Chapels and other preg:Flacei- • :1. ';connection with the above mentioned central or prim:42l • Stations, as , far at ascertained, 3,106 esumanes and assistant mussion • - aria, including 14.supentrangu- . Other paid agents, es catechists, in terpreters, day ,ttehOol leachers . , Act, - - 864 Unpaid agents, as Sabbath school tesehers, Ac.,. - Full and .accredited church meta , ben, 104,2351 Probationers,-aa fir'es ascertained, .7,846 'Scholars in wee. ''day or ,F.Jabbath • - - 50,070 Printing establishments, - • 8 The income year amounted ' '.1!104,661.145. to - 8502,3751 and the_expenditure to .L 113,767 35. _ _ . : - • • • . • •-_ Nobthty. i n. Trouble. One dar:when the; 911 ship of an Ater _ • lean Commodore was lying, hi .the bay of Naples, abe was honored::by a visit' from the King and royal family, with suitei who • came out in gilded barges and the bill On . rade of royalty, The ship was dressed from dock to truck -ni holiday attire; 'side:hey:l were mustered at the ropes; the marines • presented arms;'the guns thundered forth a roYal,salute, and the Commodore welceMed •: vests to the tituater-deck with the pa liteness betitting . Bll, drum; of rank. One.of the mute, a apindleshanked and • gandily•attired -Neapolitan,. :strayed awn from the party,,and• einissisg about', shim espied a trindsail, an object he lad never seen before: As it was folly es ( panded by the air, he took it for and, folding his . "' 'Fins, leaned. against - it, w e betlyielded ,to hi a we i g ht, ma. die-. abelow; heels over head; With+ a is v r i city that was _actoliy - marve l o n g ,- • h escape *Om anyjury The gamed to„ hav e inj ury one witness. 4 • . a veteran tar, who, approaching the 1 1” er•deck,land touching his ha; said respectf gt I )g pardon, Commodore, but one • k fags- has fen down the • . . • ;Branch, .fit .~~, ..`.~_. :;h -AN HONolsiticTlON.—.Whea Lord ThNilow 41a land, he was maid upon a jamplc ton. try clergyman, whodetail fa sj iy . ,hara. gaps he had to contondWi im a ging : up a large family upon a mion a of some $4O per-annum.:Hie_ 'pi: naked for the name of. the patron who te .; commended - • , • The worthy Man.,replied that his old, friend was the tordolliosti. .• - ova" , s ziaAe noble Chnneellor; are the first mari.who'fisii presintsd an in trodrostit' os to nitilrem that source, and will give it. my- beat, attention." • • • ' In a few days: the worthy clergyman was presented to a Sea itathing—CaPe 141E1- • • MUSS ICALiiih' noir 'Oat foethe - re =es t==alAr to vosruaiiepiirg - bitiaT E P thul'a=a=ar ifi tt!= b =ii•s= rr i bl=,.. "" Vbase mmtt al' h= = l ÷ 73l owl warn ot • mo/.21,0 " 14 '"V" Vet VRESH TEAS -just readvedVE l'im/ 50 / fsr "Vottietirgit a -2. 4 h 4 0 Lin L. th. l . l f ° WSB F^: Z 4Z i rartia — ira --1 71 - 1 44° ; ::;IfM;n 114N44%. IVIEDICA4 ;7; ~ r..7The MEM Body I* Pozwytos - 4 5: HAT S NATURE, ' ipoiriaer. puitati'lnodasoeisonetn.;. l . l _,..- 11.gratlos Okla mimeo _pm Jostf, _oto•- • BOILIF MOM • CA 014 " I:6—atog It Po Pk ear 111 oat, U.t It 1T LGtYai apt Is " . O •I r " PwanOtiFera 11" Pool asapploao.koM_, L r"" l64 "= l" qrATEtoZol tilia n tthf LdtY igOdlOcnot=lx*AlM'haar V, VOW PO/ allot putapwa n PPP. won Po -VIP jiriat* Japp: /taluzia, Wortlai r . ": . A"j ra -; :1.14;74166 iiral:Elid MlinßlVitttt. ' t o pr_pida i.d r ..54 . 1,tai=orok t .2.e.P.IME . 21= EL . , tra gv u u t r 4T .4_ W. into sa whit. ao swat. and 1.,..,,f;.134tr0mpU, 071,..17 at JACESO/rigp; 410 0441 4 . 4 "TC A &lentil° To e. Redareran BeaTr itt..—ilta so:11w OM Pot!. ',.‘Thoot hOr n WPod lmetlb •'Llano not. jI E' .!r. satop ' ' ; It .1" l$tl tPan,OSlS tam laU , WE 1.11211 k• t•••• 103 hat 10 P•Ir;.100 titer , dolatto". 'rya-4s " t wd frog u p ,gait of W WM Plltab Jog.1010:VO Arm lltotty Knoll ker- arita JONES' SoluSou cf Jet, fo'Ll*ad E10W. 6 31 , ,MlMOlaltlatOklador ism toW,tao bantam or buarp‘ !dm to S i..aadustra tklita W..umbafir .t TONES' LILLIEWIUM—Ladies ere eau. best eeeket, te%xcaolost%Cbalk. oar not polo hos bWaltsu .. pas to IP& kW boor map. PM rmoh. p touldat oopeamottar preptoM It wilit:l""l4&r,b.,:rta=ao; • hlsh ell Jones' It la pWlbatly tootratte„ bilonakolbait of *II toittoticas I sislitloo s oral boost . oaotboallatt oottuol. brat, Pe morProp tabostir g trair ' saocV b," ! trmOtto Amp ISSON, sappy moo bad W catpristatiltO The stoat Ertmulutainy ...Dummy is De. liii the rut Arabila •Residyfor Max and Be n t ,- . , • 11.0:1Sn'aill CELEBBATZDAUAIIM- UNIBIENT, LEE _miraculous cares -parfortaid by tha anntAna ntitliishir hi Os 4tio ht M.. Tutu then Y two wools Mowed Su cdoes vs Wm wo Calil• =to with ads Dist= Mu imolai fie th.thdir...ssrjaisiogeso magi ms. . nte Muds sotaMsonde la SIRls vblls a/ the moos Was the solssFee * of a ..2A vun tlwat tsl. Its oti vss to Ma owl of welt ••• masa Iscow. Aiwa ftftm , tiny Ic:WM towlscatosi ot =d , lb lib.MlMl plop OM Itos dosencol alsoood sus vlsolwwwl olOnallysods wtrasoaur obtalcod saws sadd.osissod ,Mlmad. a Mach - thil - Wirel Ac toodpo vim.- vadawmc vOsetridsur sal =e• IL.dc. • sis Mod. lustatly slos vlsclis sosscosssyntess, alls tb• • m= lso plllsl lbi rt W ,OsoMcdae lb Wd W aw d i d swool. d ossa s l o sal wildcat Owlsds LIZ =lgat ....'st.... VII . - :12,M,Ve..1 pd..i., 2. 3 i." mains the atalwdol teat to cos out sod eb blod' to drosista tlatoszo Its swiss .. lt aa s d r wall o rtaa t web, lan itan i , U ita. r4 =l, wlky t 201 bow so smalls ratoscell W wast Maass of .thsJoltasUmbra:do vlesellcoss MAW. lic. um% moo old iiiiiiiri.l ,l hi , Vior 005 0 =f IrC=W k' sccd A Cltbsnwstlso 'ra' rZ Ml it pcnc , dcw °lll I d 0 . ,. sr tics soon maw nark. Moo la-lildt• Cmc==t U osa:Pattus, cand ts s,Cbilb =wc w s, .91111111,40. /Li to-Maur M Anima& nell 11$ P. Vi.o . 4. • Mid uric liiierearei,"=sll.2 • isek. ix wadi toung.4tostm,dwj:m „ VII% sstri, •'- • . as ibilireires is tht...ig•t=terlea d -the wealthy sad highly bane of Vora II Bita. or Pear* 'so mg& the roost sereargal Imes la . Ilearier, , Astathell hy• Mimi grate , Warms Igpbastt the lolladoir as is lasteace et the =I. Sty c.aigo=doseikiste, R.01.4.•al • territge gimes. • In Ws thelsreehrwrgrecarrated it to Mal kellpteweerg- Mats - beaus* pa rsza that a Jr= =WO. tew th• hdh , gcrisegliterkerai =do= =oda darted of =ea the Mtn Gawk hattalty do= and altogether Oh= Yellow. lag this vas deafenl to el son= that spiehereseareee , theideitidird =Mar that rhea leen on its bath, that qszed - lamtaircr war harelked, tolLnid, the child. memo= , .01M wreaMed of Mug Iguaellettly Ahem.' dot.saaitallyL LJOltlan was efhd legerid for We=re tnirdme U to.Ssellair.butlig I , == ta.W.M4 • don= UMMA c re.a. =a• •Agikt , • e 4.5.1 . then tojjarixa. lart,..eres=o b. width liegnot griradMret LoTsW th e asetertiosiola ea tat-lae . woad- go exothiag mom-Ire then sermeneed aD plyintglose Wilmot treely ever avast= length *Mr re": =gad= • ' aeon appaent. The • rzally reereered. ethit =oli or Ow Eft. whlgh sot beerthe -pad= 141.Kutb.• t tali bitty and tehaf ram L.:._ lin ether a= of the am wadi iti•= ll • edit.. barboedyrwricaslyoal of whichnodoabt„ if 'your Liffinees lostt Imma nad a t*ilopakt base recoviend. itarell 1,186 L ALLNILY O. CULLOM. . ku, Jilaussatuns 641arni . Xr"1". and cowl. • • •iarna Marisa Oa, is, .114 A'1.1143. EL e. Fusis,4--Poir alr Your 1.11==.10•1W•t Nal lear=i loot dt:ar goal as of • • , I.l2 , ll , 4,,be rse attum.- !Alar =nulo b." ornr•l ittiLlver Complaint bet Alf••• Ltlag. mc antitag i ca.4 Err We um afloat mood. It taw tom •% "6 ••frolseat, gad Zo ' 1: • abort gamy 1 o.•_ sIMFINI Irlth Abesmatla• tor. • lapt=t Aabefdt!• 1/14. spell Is gatel.4 so• fo M•rj••=d•l;;trAarttr=:sz • word= nibblair. tada•mod.- • Joa.4 &if Cro . viaint, 4 , umy,,Distexper, Caiks awl ilitcholl, Pechassom comac,foli.o. %war. Iroar'Aiitau , Licu:ins 'mod coo of . 7 - ant of rho threcooy Shoollf ~fn Intim, cored too boos of had tkok. ,. 0100 hoed item co colt Una hod thee fax tig. sod mai Is hosodkair. sus It Is' Um groome loom too eon dkt eneel= toe Irmo wed. non tom nolotors =rod of sr= /MAU • ccf7, colc4h4 *cods... 10 GUARD AGALV lIT el. ARO _MI POL . LOW/1111 , The Public. ide partainbuir cautioned OMR a -Sax Cboateded which baa lateky owl* adoeacemao laud Id canon by tho lentioneer who mar It IV lhoesirenusbi, ao Liniment . Tale to tiiMpIIONO Rood sod eourain to doiatee from hie boating Me Immo at remit nee tortienter max loop jbe at typo umielfinnaire Linizocon" onitutoilVed dealers milt Immo AU 61% , MOOS =W.. ova:ono. tholotouion Dort eleunie ark An. ••11. 0. - Ilaretr lrelpkrft 141.01 st.t. Wm Ito otkrr. tbe gazorloo alone bee Me 41±1.1 , 4. - 41bOlble TUTS. ii4lll=zl"tim'lrt:: tG 0.•••* "" 2 ii=fre i tsa: AAISTISTgastaI to tort Titan; and Ronald: in United etaUtejn omen matejai* astatAndod.: Andy to , tem to O. eariiill i &orlin TIL;ViDi eudi.riteruce l' &11 oithwi'lre.=ll4lll.l funitati Inu r ed alikeze, bxa natr. b 0 aab .' rmd to. dcaluirr ontripoonso is nuatudbcre=ll di t LT* sole Lamina and_ . a IT Maio dam; e=ri.; son toe wok obotesale zodiacal! at -I%y • - : Deed br MARRS'. Allagtioni . 8 T. BliblUtri.Celebrated•SOAl'Vottif.' • HASHING' Winne a tiuksth..33l4.9utll4l!:*,fris....rFkr. Mira" 1.1 Ott.. Pat Yair- elottm• lit n ' anillifor tri n zta . ot cola loom tarrrst-thrtn•-then &Ultra Utast. • of thia ISoap Pair Ur. to nth Oa corn otirsto wad trier Oa elothrn_tt Lb* into leintrle ad.t. moo ot Os too*. ad boll Om to ognotrn Um Emma Wm Dram Ornsdarn sill atick,tlana ,nte tlnertian tub and avflolant mid orsigrnao thaai t y , l ol l itot • no. too Oat to UMW.. Than rob tbr GMT to In other words. tin th em • Ornongh rinlang, that nottlalarn 10 li. ckaa lit.-.llarro tr ama tta/r urn Um Attar ray blia. l m alb r50r)1,... non moo det'.Tiaa WA* cart of o r mtaWistara doer not stored two eanrnto aomalta traVn 41 . las parrotlit-- Worrottel Wt. to rot or nn. the — - Tarts Yard. that alsoitairts omit* Welt. oast. And tunny Biali Scala. .• • Oa ns any olz quarts ot inter and adz Oa Powder CO It, nut Oro Ist It boll. soy flu nahr. una r m lag oars arid trattirt . ilidtheargAlitrlY N al .4 rYtlV".ij itesintltill3olo/,..= . 41/1 n o 1.11 0 1/10_141.1" 1 =11 tat the boas like ~a tr. r . Saw nor isa tim eloorn. Co paed bard t warn, by La _low Oa qulttiti Into AY- quilts- at OW& Eort &ay la Erse Marra tot Sid Mali by -L L SELIMS,. , Compote film if,j - lreildi . : Dick - B 40 4" ECUPLES the front rank spring the pre. . erietter . !mild lt .' °Ciao. t uO . 701 i f . a . arfAtita= t• ell, oats Ea...lCcal att state caw float • •Alaa. Lkm I naa r4 l,l % l 4• l"' =' Omits. litaatmat an & edam. et. arrows, 4130 a Ilallag =maim about tn . =.4..!...a I ll #W 4 "'l d"'"a '''l's !" - _., Anal cratkluis - dad- nor .• • .• -•• '•,' areasteemers -tee vtositawat Lady. Klffinti t0..01p! maim cagsas,and Inatattratitut qt. 4., Ar t sj . z .irai II the WM= of r-am- 4 21. -- treM i g e z w-E ' . - 14004 .3-kesk cr=oattltatoo...ll trr'laarVFVaeta.. * Us Iti Its ' oanttly m vtUtt,t2 that tbe D'et . Yat - 01 - sach luMlutti=atiltata . :. 7 . 7 . 1 : •' It ha tatocrwl toattrotlualdadletuastriiil blati Ltt=.lllrteity==ra.Zca= Ir gru' a bgrvautt m u m n ratt 4, 1 11 AuE oW' ')o,i. N . 2 . The taa i r, atutlant all iniiirMkpaillis. i. Nay all alattaaadear la, Abe tirealaticat: 004.0 11000: QM. attaltiall .4 00 ..... f th.,... a ra11u .,= .2 17. by C. 1 . 1411 AZ 44 1t M 44.4 Vier - '• , 'Only Agra ter Wattatla, .. 44 - W Mbool6. W.= Wad 01,4 Sixth tt..y . nt Ae t la sl4ll4 - MEND,oeßiskingPfePar ar rtbWind silos oosttlbs Mdl=l ffT.W O . I . tw.way., :al pmpalLtirUl auk. "33eiet so t P lit r.e,44= ' si . • • brad, au tis Zt cumbanorbi the • Is • asseatecumn 11111 Ma. at Piddauo OilarriTrlcaphersna, ZorDI:A OATED loony tattatoista Is ham lailluea,lLEkaicetilii morksa... CCROSIVIL on Mb inrkignace Bial7 n o issibtiselesbaavrolikaptemir• • primate hair, m yagM Its growth thirLigu;Patigillid ;441 s9e . enu INS 41 .1). 1060 1i0.57 Wad rt. • TrAßßars'sckg..,:keyowts- . .4r OCQ -niii., z 914 le' ui rvoi te ri br o !nif or TEM 'l2lZ7iirioxin 07 122411MDILOOF Sf - • roilisuanatot lair,..TA l tAliii *Ad' *al gkrt l A t tA. uei a ZVI t '%. ti ,AL 'ri elusod " VFSA WI E=r; ' ...g.,..erst. 7 .l =posirixofES 4 4 0 4. e dtga _.,.Mrl"'atttzf'un:..rlauc..j::t:atWi'atrl4'fk.....rtll7l.",l--V- r.-.. .. --; ''' _, Wrathy imartma, aorta or Whlli Iritetool .- .. ~ 17he''eeth .L."e,.a'ra"d•a a.otlhlltc' daoaap 8 Up,RAA.i d gttM. al, uasitohVatddiet tam . -S...tauthwit..od 4644aai ia.,; ,'=l e ltt r nrar4 4 Wr' . ; 2,4 .l , eabithabett4= day. Met% TO dat MK mat: Pt' °;Verk„,de . 7.4..... m.rm.1,14.1, „ _ . .r,*l &fibula ttdflamterit I awl mull. al., vet it* ht. lialirtii :ibtr; i cf .1*". '' ' ' .. ' " I•ia , l -, ~ 1. ' ' ‘, ..- B=Mu k ra t .l7:474l 6. edia 3 , ....bi, &woad Tart of en methaaa two ead Abqlpthree.la ti‘ j . t a. ,of man alta 1 'At OA- Land 'Melt TT ithtarte r a Slomhy. thwlett.dar of top. thal, faa th the bath* i e . I t abh. hand ui.r.r 524 ;=Aollmaitesagliatitl/OskjlMl ' . fo watt mellow etaba Aar tooth fi . f t ' s,. wakens (burdens lAA Iftwo,tha zotth .. .g. emblem Vet tau a mattrahat . tiara=2 re . ; Mr:aura of tinpat=r m , a:Abe rugh7B - 01 Us Wl* hi tt , ltar'"! P . 7 u4b W,"!?:: 4 , fan. ' - hi by ,lalla At thi ,.. ..' hat bfetikaik . owrgd mugs • sailllchate - hi s t so; *Aga at, A.. fehetAL by Uhl 4 1 t . tam the gap 71. 44 = - 1 1 4 ! . 1 11 . Alt to '=Vhe 8 .. Asts7Stao bar MAI . * atfd* - ..4"7aadAlt LA claim alr k 46 .... marr,v. k,,=b Pt moo al ileae , to liiiit a• put Kea by aolltlid - -An' Aft fV1h8 .... 12= sahaabartbad itlayeaatte exparea . ~. 4S ?hrtittlt4 i f=oleiaAbd AlaUk 1, o& sureist. , 6d. t .fkl i are..r s de cla n :A lbewhVe -B Ai - Vq - ethentalitedar ci l in esZe aa dm:A hal t at ale lataU be kept Ta w trjarz ....t. ..gkeb....41...-L-a..,.......i!.... leetrahArt- Lay. haihfr .i air acWati=. 1 nUa .. !rib Vor Nat Aiwa_ . ulnae tact ~. .. . Astir. t .,trtt ytdd ,l- - Tt . ~ .. e.6.4iii: . .iiit' il ajli ßl LtAt...' '' .-sorms zi , lionterio.v CLAM:SATS. : - : . r . i r . ,=at : th... tff , t ~—..m . .. toad ! abet. tiniaxondad. II regM b raatabel the Woe to ..;....itsge•,,,,,,,lte==ercisz. . flaa. wily dab oafeai u p elChf 'TAU ha the, cosaheaseseut qf the eh* tha met claimeh alba/win ine r ll T I WSW: fhassalatkater at tai Mammal Loa .... , ==iUM By mg MEMO! OP In um= unit e. _ TN pima= bf law. I, Mit.t.Asollcutois; &....ft-ar't.d.:l."..zelotblaMts stra'M thalandermatlmed lonoo9lcialn the Mena at. tlanpart odattememltor aralarattad, la wit: - - • - or Mr Lard 011.. at UMW:4 malamorlat on mo. tot Lt. lira day of lierarraba mont.10141.01•Zool ad. m6lO lanis altuatell • Ulan the lollownot . wawa town- Antristaniiie Mk fawa 4 ete "Ma", Ismail.. 1 . Toirmaato=yorrmwanoty Mad tWallt74Wlrk inSsa a tear * • Tawastloa raraallo.looo. mat. , a.01, 111 • 1 4POW. to and mareartsat rime, or Isom I . TowaaLaWrwe•rf 4 .!1ttL..0 • brW-h of.Ctiz_Wa LtLaY , 0 ' :Ilownsbip. twen — trql. metartatr,tlL Itui twoapolnuof tame de. stlyo • - Tawnattl o. ia tantaptia los m. WWI IWAIf. t••• ilg t Yrnaloaal to.praty twentriata, Ma toWliataLW tWiturr twch, tvantp-tinm.twestrlbm.twoLtlLlra Ma twarglY 4 Ww. a i j i tß ia lltr ,a .. .l.ols . ,=tontaltut fo , ika oo din tastgW . 74 110 lands witlalos tonal lowmtlp• rata WU I t ..Vln i i=itaialli ma nnhailftkarnallAW Wwti .a. torrastaptwontrtwo. of war. Law. - - Ittartkoal wrolotlio tonwar t r.wl .L.WI. vita To pramtrtm.af nom Pm , : _ • _ Townalapi t =ro ma Wan= •ro Tractimal ad tweraw-tbrna twmty= n tmotf - WM - twantrallt " rm=l ""!• .sl34 =6 " llstmsM.l W.W.1.. Ma totta nal townthlin . ortsntom, alar bre Ap arreas, townthlis Inns:Ago alai Maar mama Mr. total MOM almina ao twarom . dm tnentrnwd• rip lan * to WW r I.. ta owial , Iwwildpit4erMr. fotlana wi thin ant/KM to Oartp.to Inelnalta.) fmallual Smoak, MOW Itill Irittlonal township w.ottorpterctiorla ma. wwol. We.% 'entweirralad. . twar.a... rowall... 0 .07ire.,1Alr7Aur. • Win. •Ibil Partro.. a ma. ra ae.taaa Nana:arms= .4.' la towaWIP all. •0050 '''''''. amtmn "ud l'wek* .a. so t d .6 Larinaltb..saalb er " grf7a ol .. .4.4—t. Incinolve. ma m10.040W to Weir Own Inelnalm. la alt•lmn; aarLOMW., ~ow to g... Ina:Om in towash . ntrannor, aaa maim. wr0m.... - teo4 lb. :oath eat of twa/p4m, twarlawo no tonatpar ma tat Able., .to Oirtroa Indwarr o to etheseetp 1 thethty,of nage teeth- ' 1 The part east of rlattla 'Mutt , Ovalsw.lf lalmalOP twoar Atom. or Imp thbanw. . _ . Meant ais (meepatb. oao_avaLl.rJ ma ami sinotoiskiirs, 04.a , . , 1i.k t,,, =. 21 4 itaistwar, no a s anti. wino threa-now.. ta tmotr-tom of e it the thee 'oo.c a. metormixamaaaaia cm =p t i b b : sn en,V4.l, d a r z . a .th. W.i .ege w i t V t t n' t4 " l our ‘*ii4 i ftt .theththase , r oue bombe< anal 1.1 , 1 amatap twottr-two , or mom wmarwww -• . • - washly tvegipvo, of nErOn.. tlikt=l,,, ow, Yrartiona, Mratr..= . .latwr... ithereee.theseths the .111 1A 1=84 71 .- rthbth teeth. of atom zttostr - moss, Mailasi: lapin). 'to %MAW, Um of ragas mentranno..=.lloo. suns, Lao thlrrpt-Lbro. • Imam; er the to VA Woo ei udod. sav rol=a l ILa .I=siorg7g f. 'ell " 0.6 . If son IM:tarl'M teamtal Mum now thaiethietethee we de) re p 4th tee, thomthethetht of uth mat etho eir: Marx lac Mt m .lttltini to bind. Warn ot Artmana awl War I= Ittor smalp lands' wlthtn Ihrir Moth - Ut, laitkoval Le .00=wrothrolt- MA:* of to Atha bathe.* b 51 , 64, lot nollltary Wyk s r= to 4:La& Calm mll Dr powasatolomoty of CM atme mafforat=ez rtool hr the actwatttled "Art Act roatlaS I lbt____.tba civil anaMplionatlr arpralas of SewrrarWot::wa. '' ra ".. ..4iat t i u. 9 11tr1LL . 4 . 4, :+.11.i1411-1Rial• • Cade woad on Lb. dap apWat ao . , WWI promat la OM oP dm la MOD gory ai. otr .. t atlng . I a i ll . agasztt.._ta i sr. MN•l4=.44lTell beleS, %es leave Mt , . mato ana Madras MUI of au al an alas eau teeil• 1 MWM0,...0nv..,U1 aftarmixaticuTlO:4l.4t;rcommata. 1...tt0 sialheg Vr ' ' - I. sOrrntrinn. ._ - , • - ' Cauairiza 'a Os Omani lain ones; 1 ' IVO ithr ni ear-armor ciantAirrs_ , ear, aaa, autat wee tlaht of anwolelolra i .o l 4 tr wo. lams wnala the tamlnsel in ua tu or . anow..notoostal, b malt. In ape= of ttra r•~1.01 maws of 1M mow: Pa. a. malnallra Mom& tberdro minas wastra. 0- eix sactxko MU oild.t.({n3 bOorir the day nova:BlM MO. emonnamment EL UProatlla Want Ow tvolroolmetww the tract clabolado othersla. osett j al j apn . wparquwarleat UNITED Kliursuance a laW;T;ldu.T.ow FILLYOn. . Presidia of Sbi Usti= p; lad att Itartb7 =lO botivaZ at pattlis=k be Wag w: ,ma 113 Strata of .talfs, is . taf „..romaThigial , .. wirerettiiila;ml' A d a,. . de 1.0. am or Itelotatabaripara Ibiltta i loads dwarf us Stts OHM= 14alstl . Norilt.of. Os Mai li*, aides Af thsjfiapim:o4 met h a Totras sM , I - sdA. , of Tipatal. . 01 . 0 ..... . _ ,-Sowashl offsaryalosond nos HAP sotssf. ..- Toombs,. soosostpatoo sal bly,Oi-mego tbistrasso. rnssAtrsetratrados.alitityoosolos o, o fpo iFo • - -loombtpirt-Ooty of -Sintgaistrltko: „. "-' ' ' At U. Load Mot at WA . amstrisiagati MOD. M=MrgiAgAM w rasiaMAZTlEp t . Warp. qr Slle bait. line ass* mat lif OE AM. prosokost mom . . atistostsip oriesti,ot met thistr. ,• ' •• .• .• - Torasolp snotty, of nag. Sblar - tao. . _TAtra=o72=ft treta=miisf, the sSitly tarnth day of Aaiun ttsS. ilbe th y Alszoosi of tlos W., - tP=AiShsoitoisct 44sit, W soi.rti. ,soPoilbarfoti north. of Mrs otoko sootAust - ouster as : osottosflotoWatofs.-g ag y F= f . 4"*. trigirsi ; ttst toseetutols. m I , - ts. 7 . 1 0 , MOM% lattott,er with .ftkos wi Tri otottkroot . isms suds lattlt tbotal to.aoltl . . ' if sogrrof wi tal it 4 =mita nII, naar,thritt aotttloA `As Act to =Ado Lim taliaat Azimassaytgrgiatal to,o - tut vricsgag= wrr w: =.-. ... 21th ix taairm• teas beaZimomod bi gas r of ta n tsstoorslosO mamma lio tar UoTtaa sZPApromos oaststr of gook= lands, te . : d trAtes f i r e ~r c. :li m * r arggiggrs=6 , i4tie:i l i at ta:i; oposiotad. osol mood to t 50 k... ?1 oo .....y . sr.. , .vartbot snit ottoo Isottltborboisolsoll Woo bowaffera, asoS shoo elosollOost sto *St shall bo Opt spas Lope haatvro.ralts„aad 'V DM**, *wry or gar Of the los& sail PI I. l usa. asalArt.. tad , 1 ri o ersteAr WI) , band Pi Al, a sadartAkt sixth4ot May, .1.10 /MOW ass thaassaltk ta nab. And fiftlasore, . SUL6p_74o.* gf. : , , . , f Ss. " ' I. BODTElti10.1). • • - :C.sossolotitaisr of du Gamma uw . owe. . 1415 hf Zig PRE4IIOI7.OI;CULVIYIS. fairsze.r4rar Warn ga to ttariirtwto • painbottan alt wsWtht WWWhe the wows twaS 0501, frokiArr Itrotebr ar elprodialoca.st irrrdirrroart tbs Say wanted to um. prbilarear crsb• Undo worbrooftlY 11Tor---laset slroodr.Abrrorsi Ina claim .11(154. Cotedlrd • • Cambrian.. Of tn. Gerona CC... " Rai Glltsokit -•• • • CIiMITZ'S Itietory • Greede:- . 4A ontlow.exlijatutia evtalvwsi.- t. 9: , Itsban ale& 14.17? Br IX LIMA • - of Wolves, wSwitattte '/A.Wail.naot ' . i . .ipp*nsiri lay rho st. at. Co slte Thaw. 11e=...•hataw1 ,'4 7, 4rlbl*l° Yr il i Z ii;cfl r •rt " Sir's Pi ora t f a lf inat i Iv= I ti rjar u Ar gia laiTlr tri=ege.. C. YOrnt af trUircrt Valk.: w. gori York sad zurot ru l ticir 'ealWas • 00MtWah . 01 11/. 11.* isk . SlongrartraWl.l=at 12w 111741. -- 14 sraasnSthirsr,rtis Wnschs basalartudnwhati : aware. mut. atawa scrimulr mr MI. .1,0 Br Bw V" it nn a l l at ibil t lr rif Im lit; US / =at tk/4- 1;aral: The shar. Wait serstrearraart far •Wribtt • - - 1.1. avoraoN. ithe,c ainai forseli .1; a w. umauvoni Legs bo:oa "14-UGAR--2.5,lthAL—N fl.cA 1.7 VAPERALANGINGS.--FreliCYllUd /WWI"' :AL •Iwa, Friaidg ants to $6 •.I.k " " - 01•ALTP.P. P. 110... W. W oo‘l 111 S--520 ~.-o, D iti.Lprbaei -for. lmrra • , •1111111t: if.ATTUEWS a CO. TP%t. . row, dos .NSWItT,AI3OL 1 ~ T 411 Mae 1.85 „lag' idivintlatteirLaw ON MRS 'EXTENSION OANAL. C,LAJCIUCkAIXI) 11011,114 tsOrstteou: • THE PROPRIETORS of Vile old and well PROPRIETORS w.elo taltoro. smut/ea= t ttormonntrocus,W h lwr• ' , 141.471131gA'ad , tbA) aro MuT tto,tnertV i gtretatrgtett IPo ArcondaoUr at *A eadttpr; Wow tbs blower &A* D 1141... to rwaitv *Apt. • • r . r' • • r IJain. A. CAUOUEY tor. wow Iwo exelteee4.4. COLlNntlgie:" ~ R. W.cualkluAlykip. nit_esstlr.-Pa WhaTarr W i t s t, / ,_ (4 2,ann . uu ttirinK t i kt '..New Lake Swear Lae' "—IBM TM new etntner NORTIIENER: lid li e r ratA i nriii4l7o=4".7Mgrut.% . r 41.11 1 ,4 "%ex caurratal 011re1an4. 0; iattla Atail 41,11141.-At • • -.:, . .. .. , .1 it ti 1 a ire Oixi - 4851 .Iswil.al QHIPPERS , 4O4.IIEAtki' INFORAIED. 1),7 tbsit ovum! .can a ddlu i t of . ; & al= boat., " '" U ' r trftt o ..,, ,, 4 :a' .. l uin4 m ikalL u ilAlso ..... 1 "4= ....., " ung Trlit i r e a r *. a &it dr '1 ' .t rao r . maltnienci elittumop, El c i N k r,:aftutoa. a i y m tna lskta t CVL IS idWai r Oa tt r. AS 6. 4uriCF=t= Epipt = ,„ :*7 l , 41141 .NZTl,o2L 46l " li t,swa - r ia CW 'm r.- fr4 3 4 7: :';:,.;ll Lawns 111 MT att dity, It wk.. aca aq atlas per 7.14 st{t. Tb. stt.tioa. ent towns Is ..reKrulinwlteited. 017 iITLEAT - PitONNETW- , -A. A. Maw+ & U,.i tot. Ottertott.l to ob.* out thu blazon at then oOaelt N mew, ate in..: .ready ttdoottl Vt.. The tato.* Don of Wk. 1. , e4..a.1 a 1b..b... [MAR ~ , 1 2.__ rEgal libWi.iltSl—The attention of 4 cattoms to trap...Maly melted to our toistoloolt of pron. "worm • bkh Ito st• 10 dut AWL S ot ro7 to' dant (lel: I 4 CO. Piano and Table Covers. - • A. MASON k CO. would respectfully tall Met allocation or kata1giUMP.119.0341 . .17.... unvi v./ venni:p...l 24617 Vitatott asibonaild 101,112. dnllMi uta1i...1•1120, warted agarm. e. ggflyTirt at Nti n atatil tiallart •• • • CLOTHS. for Mares and Soya' • 0,7 Wear: siso. Tweed. Orlafte.otU,Comlawroo, M.. le 'wet Inuirty of eikk....l,ozonlAttf.fweelr.l. salt anal la. al Lats. of • • 3,11, • atiranty a nviunirmua kt -BLACK SATIN VESTLNOS—XurIIy & u.r..l.br hart rroutly•J• .uthit t•••1••••Rot• atlists -Rate Of • *cry wrier•E- — Lace Cintaint. _ . r _ 't ieed, direct from Abe . .11.4, MACE r , a 1.. asmik o t„,tra XaterisSaMiEr nth4 1.4 - _ I .t WU.APS—A superior article 4U inch, tor L. ea.*, Fat . =MIT a LEL - • • Woolen tooth! CASES 11 1 :3 . reen .1.14 ed Je:am; - Crrtsoo 410 x. store gado ye Art rce,l two tuurn coaaalt I:cra,oa T emsaoraarat. and Su ray, lairuoinVeVetrae: GENT'S RUBBER GLOVES &MITTENS. Wore. are of great atilttr le all Pt:riser welt vane protective ter W. banactrresefeet =cam dtLialgt=rl4.o=l,=nfeste. i50...-Aleek, mt!. J. a U. PIII LLIPP- INOLA RUBBER COTS—An neellantcov: Mai kr oars Ante. p.moos to Or or sreten Tr .3. at 170 K. 7 rto3 9 mooed R. m7ll J. I U. PIIILLIPS, - • - -• cOTTONAIOSLtigi & GLOVES—A fall smirtsorot of all color* adttrmati.oir ThrtharlOrtb a • luevrtmest of Lists Ttroad, aad Ocak?s %arr.* Ax war hc)eas/o or retail. bi • • aulo n• JASON. CI toartlist. BARD FRUIT-400 bn. Peaches; -Pratrigit?! IFLOOS OIL akifil . 13.—AIarge , stoct -of FL,or OD Cloths, al earths rearing term ht b / Ida • ire prepared to eeli krer th• mos *ale eau b• parehas•4 at the Baer Iterthaato antt boom Impart us ••••••tor to 4.11. m saamLoame omit, lielbrorturchados J. U,PUIL_Lip • Straw Banat and Hat WarthoSll4 No. 105 M ' Strzcr, ..leI..PALMER , cars fee sale. is • kr046.1., a full same...tuna Sm. =mu 930N.NkTti—Turt tp baici Ste., BraW.CIAA Mk.; Lace. . law VATS--Xesk's. Ifoutbe, sad Legh.M. 434 t h . 4 1 1.0. 4 Panscos, sag VAL II 2- raben' thr.raest:Ar.47l6.l othrjr-ls.to gnat 11131: 117/11Mrgeb /blunt ineed a.re. ittegli`a ° , 4 tatZibril= 2llll ti .1.4311 DWG. sni.alt" ?BINNING:4-o.ls. 'rural. DiAttiam I PZIPEVA•wk rM Amerto.a 010 1 / 1 1.DuDebut oZ4 "%".ZOBITIVIVAII73 , -431... Lim a. N. -plasm: se Ithi t z, norerr, and yam. ! gar, aswatiri " 74.5.1- :6 A 7"turth i, " an Dete.d = l .llo • Boa. Le.. lASMIKEIKES-90 picea fancy and black terra, be NM. o.sAltrraskT. -pIiEWSLAWNS -4 eases printed, a great Thrktr - or Nium• am ir.:4 11ERADE DE LAINS-2 eases desinible •ttln fur sato 107 U. Aktairratari. IBRONS-400nnet; 25 .Cap, for • ale by WU' dBBtlllllll7l', JUST AND NOW OPENINkLAT WM. DIM'S, Na. 13 0, Lust TIMM Tgey. 6.10 11=151111.?* of fashkesa• Goo* o‘topfel tojf matte teer_tar,bwri a ;Lyonawhang the, °tweet Agee itt Murk.. Koglieb grir•• r t roVZ= l 4krahsd= "' ootan VATEa 9 NO. .wilt one of the Rack heernelootel It %OW wen of the Albtbotfer. all of itrh the Elate/de lietennined to plier at mach prieee tte yew e mel t .. oe who favor hint with teat tint not only the owl impala Chehlog . le eadd . et tble establlebment. but &boot tbehm• o !!•0:41g &e t iolating lbw emoted. estoluttit tit 1 • test porible toahnertsod at the Wetted =OM Metal ou CWfIJS&c W. Mann= le sow ecauttaUl POoddialt bit Spin Week 14 OARPETS;OII. CLOTHS, TRIMMINGS, Cotarldag lopasttha mlbrlui vs:l.4lw. CARPETS. . tvls, t ? 1 417,11 V*lll. rll . Ctrpti do. do . r"t" Qry do.aulv .. la. ales Ow dat Om vs: aucan: do.; ocean 4o4 44 34. MS, wd - 444•111:4 Vogt:am 44, 34, 34, god VIZ: do: 44,3-4. 400 4 . 1 3 4 . 001 14. 1 WU= do: = wasp OM CLOTHB: to. • Batts Cbedllle do 4 do: extra WWI dd.; Loa -do daz eaolonnic l b. ' DoW Nate tufted do. do.; Own, Ulu da • a....ti_Tare , latle, Crumb Cloths, tilting do.. UN, 6441424. 4100-60000 Ull Clotho. to, dt aalf . Me or moo' STAIR 44 , 7 4 , 04. 44. and 34174. Cloths. ItODS, ;BLINDS, TABLEVOVERS," etc: Alao—BOdeßndi, of all dem Carixt_Piedlepo.l.l4Car DM: itaildo,.• .15 - 1 444 3434 kiniti., '"' W"4" lt= and Mayn't uockebaek do. Trwessura W1D44,0 Bad eddy- ILI ulizaW Wald= .Ultrola I'mboland Padre Oren d0.14.111* da. Woad do.; Weruaetasble Ravi. and yard:Med oat eteeloldreet Pand; most col'eraW , yuppies, Del= of 124 Malt Lid 4104 siv Inoyod atylOs Wand color., we gra to aell me. Iriende awl xi/Won = l 7 CO. iniro , kl and In any of Lte Ago". ' We oordiedlt Weil* ell lo ten sad nuanieur iteek Tho Carpet Warehento, 85 Fontet etreet: "rnehl9... ." W. HaCIUNTOCK, s~T EEDLE WORKED COLLARS, Floimo• mon, CO., ,rittt or °mug Pi WOtton - raio zV. ZATON.lonath ^' -EINF; 'ACC,ZiETS.ANP , 4 - . 1 / 1 3113111C13.;• A. 4.106.3 t Co. kW* pa pizd cciay!t!..t...k of Jsemrts Cunbnc. . gab— TN ors' • c4ssuir.BES--of nth= ed,gri aed 1: 1164 "" ) innit, szionzansw— Pittaburgh - Life'lnsurlium Camping. - pills. COMPANY was incorporated r..bniarr. 1851. aah a rarprfaal Charter, ssa hat mothed boats." on "whet ot T , he Comlethr hoof bastnese both on thrraintalrea If ho the Jotnt Sleet plan the rotes ore eme-thlrhjemetban thaw charged by or Comtmoles d riftwen her Oah. .• lowa than the Wee or matt /hock R ICE -15 tierce, Freeb yla, for Sala L{' hoot." nw .n th. fora ... .daDtd Dr Deane s el prtodiehe has the eocablned matitler teirnished'hy tlat. 'LIED- 12 bbls. for sale by tL , • WILIKjk iIeCaNDLOB. -- The Charter permit. thwithenthw 0, n,26„. rorner Wont end Whin . elf. • in worn- term, Inehattag the MOS of •the, • te , tent , . relit/ono, Mends or tredltomio loam tb• another tor thehown etc/ oho, brholt.Dayableaftententh. 1 :I ',Z.:VAMP:L.= Akthe Vier AD, tet, la. ‘••' • • ••i:=l=llli. "j Yte:lTtelheat " . a. Lne4 .twos• :,. • !mutt Boon. , Jearati S. John D. Dilworth, Chad. A.Wlttet, Samuel MoClurkety., • MtnflWDp. ttmcu • • joeihhUnstais, W. D.. anDlam 144hie.fa.p.. JnemLb brooteill av ) . .. p l4.llstbitlithhe tt. . 'Etta nelilliorthy AI , , at isad o litekt • • Robert. nther ex . -D.,1103 Rol iihreet, John Cranford . ..sl:D, We Sixth Wm. Hog. Who D.. 107 Maar Dr.'Dthrorth . ale b. ettaretanhe at Ott".. "1.17 4.v.aaia o'clock: I . • no...aDe Darr. rpolam tbr aassearr. aka DV rail; mai Daft taperr.and aarearmaearnmoss path: 611 P.M. suss* the Warmth" benne= Will Dap; Oar arab blanks. aa/ &Hamra Um was! ecaDDLSSSIS-- • ••Drfrai LA tkommur, No. TS Sintratitreet,_ - ytleit'S : • ' OULTOtt.Ster. SUNDRIES. . Sbor, Osed Xo •• sad MIL Ural • • TO bbl.. pore Flaroord 012: Lb Iwo o twist Tobsoool • • 6 timer Vrrab 0300 I .1W 6 bo. Dr ApploK Omen Qs ammo for rob' br- JOILY I LY/. 'KARL ✓ASII-5 tortrfor ego by L 70141111 & MO NETT. tor.:6 it/ Waoud. md 161 111171 t It ,R - OOPS-:-.49,00 0 Split Ash, for saltily_ tot= _ - ENOLISH k ISENNETT. - 16 1 prime) A !brittle t iNtIEED 1311 ` — ' ° e"- _„, . 8.. • RIED 'BEE F— e 2yo 0 / 0 a IbLvwinAßßjuAr,dm•: h d 5; 4cif!! Veli r i p ill gi l . ).T 1.9 kyl ItiOCAS,§ES--100 bbla, japt. r_ec ei T . Auoit LVI for pale by , W. nARB VIACKEREL-5 0 bbls 'No. 3,1851, 7 in ,LVI nor• mita Pleb, $ S as. W. UMlDAtifilli. YE FLOUlt:;42Qbbla ri4our for tabiby J. 9 - 1 Blt DITANDIIIIIS. - - ' SALERATUS--3 1 casks, for Rale by 0 •., meg a NciribLEsa. as4primo on hand ea WICK t M'CANDLEI3I3. Q COROIII NG S-5 c .10 • tot ado by itO VIRGINIA TWIST TOBACCO-20 kegs. for mt. Ey )A_ WICK a WCANDL , QUNDRINS-- - • bblo No.l. Lanl: • 4 do-ftesm , 3 da sllmr. 15 b ... di 7 l " 4 : s 71, . 7,71rp pi 91 df, MAW DICISZY kNO. Mad..1... 1 •6/1 1 •Naramc 10 11E811 TOMATOES, hernietically_sauled,' saa TH4 Maoism& WIND. - BEEF.—Evan & Swift's Sugar um Bodnar...Al. , mo,y,_: • W3l. ubrtT .t wo\vadvs. PATENT FLOUlt,for mak- La t tiMdrit i gg'o c falVgleti;f:PlL l Vog min. be iberml . Ott =PA evarsalrlaV o tbesped Oaceart tor rkorraol4.l!_arpo th er, Barr: .s . t o nfrot t !Irk a ~ mI t , 71.55 1 .1., =At,. rt . b. ?was 1 ....arg . At wad - .VM &Too. pat all ;rt. gavrntaxt,stmod terWro..4.len4 6 its., with fuLlAreettom Arr "! : ' ' A,,pp aPe. T- YE FLOUR-8 bldg. (orsabtig, 133,30 DALISIX CO, Llt.rty (I . IIEESE-,50 boxes good W. 8., for =lobe I_, • co. • IM* 3 O l . for . br - earn CUL B nix am • ITTTON 11/1118-2000 S. C., eor tu sat • J. U. CaNY/XL.D.- • - voinizas-1 IN: for oale,loy, 'ors :r.-Krop Stall thesis Llyalan 4.1 . 0:10K .33 tow extra Inorlamtre t tplia 4 0101. ASSES— • • , sr L o.pwr, . ; o l • r... 1 • ' myl6 MURSKIDO 1.r.+647 • r. t 1. ridFFEE-100 s in g s for'salo i -sityl4 JOILV WATT SUNDRIES—It qla . 4. " 1". `" " 4 f " sa.l6/ 'nu* n DtesEN a CO., front and Water at/. FLouR-10!ije; mom: " .11b1:tfittt.iutiu 4 USTARD S 'ED-500 lbs.for oda by 1 )42 8. - A. PAILN WITOCK, It CO. suss so. I r siocksist... - . ‘lii.i: i lscelsiso a 60. ilrocwro and T.• Dft•lom._ j.coN o.ou IROTIND-8000D lbs. I 3 en B-11...t05, Ilsot.ond sooolsoro.iss oar 3. • ttP. ILAnsacl4l/1. . 10BLED ISEEF-0015113s: • a vr ILARB4 U.— QUOA.II-00 hhao. N. G., for sale by atm I s. swatotßAton.. lorFsz—to; baps 'POTATOES—WO bu. prinu4; for salt TIMED BEEF, MUTTON RAMS, & YEN -ror,zi!try, • JAW, wuzuksaa co, I tali/ Ikea sod TI N. D I L I . E.p , APPLES-40 h i a tviL ig,o ro - for,. ' • • U'bffil IMESE-20 bre: W.R. Cream, for aalo by noir— - sw.naßricrair: RICE FLOE Farb. • Tei *Mr EU NES—Bortiennx Prunes, in gLv” jars; p —A— . Jrco. MACKEREL --100 bblc - lica for sale A- cozamrsoti a cm, • rta 195 Waft 191999- OAF SUOMI-150 bbls. (ass'd Nos.) fOr' •L Sr asszalsossisanasst. . . . 11 RAKES-404os.totaale by IL' sag , P. F. VON DOMNIIOfter &CO. I.IUTTER-3 1 bbls fresh, now landing /JP ilbrgsbx by - wow/ wyrs • . mi l ta apy 4 ,,,gr r iviim:% Fl}D FRUIT-160 - ba; A • • lea;' ' 60 0 "— h i tt , tar-ad.br at 7 RIOE-10 earces (fresh) for sale by ,RbwroH,Errrtar .04 utdrortria..! ..„ TEA -6° h 1 chests Y. FL, Imp„,aad Blac mama. Lttlua ict UTTER-16 b9zes (fresh) rec'd I*j : by my 7 J. B. CA/WIELD. . bbLs.. for ale by jr. ' • •: . . tINSEED 01 7 L-2.0 bNa. for sale Q, .L ERATPS-100 by. and lObb4 - 7,Wk io , ml : T.RCIJIIELD - - 00 huies for calo. DT I .~.ac ~3 ' ul.w-: %_/ 1.17 D atED,P 4 ACLIES-7-9.9.1ib15: cm cousigp lay 7 ILIUM DICIECI.I W. Fg)Uß—Or b:318.-6:44-foris= -- 1W•t 736 1 c e s '." l l -O;' DRIED FRUIT - - ' . • 400 toi. Dried Farber, _, • -: '44 bli. Drial Applor. was hr t,t mylk i - - .1111.1.111 inuaßlf 6 OU. . _ _ . . J. D. WILLIAMS - di C0.,.: , Corner of nod arut4 7 9,r9a99l9E4.Pitt.dissrgA„ - Jr. l l t rE NOW IN SWIM, Anil tiiiiiiiie thiii . w.u.tbn4nyt.p 40.14 a tumiat meet law.h., 142 • assume= on th• ic : ;71:04 60606 , ,..-- , Au es 7 es prime UrrogaLlS a 19949.9 LI. .K•sh . „_ . • • 49 hc . ,etuatio clo i: ::14i. : , • 60 44140.4 9nr•Stoluta • 999.6994 - • • .190 brre o .." ,- _ " 11 C9p.19. 1 1.1,101ea0r,.! 7 , 1 00 tutor t ot a ls ,s36lll , 10 .... 14411 74414 -.' • - 14160 ...: IS -4 , • - Loat: Croglid, wt 66 thl. bra, I sad 919r9, - • • Pr. 1466 1.0644, 4444 , 660 Ili. •441 44106.14- 20 4 tad 406. No! 1 4.. . ' 60 drama Smyrna /Um • 9 k!12.,1a, i . 9•19•999 - 90 t. -09,9,9 FP , „"c: •, Ito r•iius•la,l4_, ,7 tam 604 (.1.44131 1 1 .. (6444 ' 10' r :. ; coo4i Cbcalukuri' 1 t b , Ar ti 1=49.91 13 9•• , 9 , , , 4996 a• .9 Almon.{ 1 , • 9 . thvanfLi6 7 •l . 'l2 - 9ci• 611 1 11 6 4 t. - ' . . 1; : :: f. 41004 '1 DV. .214 . CIA. • lliogi " '' 61144 4 1. - 7.10610.1.,.. 1tatm 4. "" 1 . :::...: : . • i. .. .. M. i ^ . 6.1% mut • liien4 • 2 Dbl. Oarrott's Rona: -• LI•notio•-• . • 46 40 . 4 , 44 Zar_l4. 0 tr l lys 1 , . - : t s. Ary &NI; ...._ . Is - i .1..-: ~.. ~.... 7 5. 11.66110t4/6tinC ,7 ,: 100 dounk 1141,99z9i9i; 19999096 4d 4 , . . .. lout. 5up44664 Bleak= 710 am. , Ssteset at. faccoN• 109' 0. 744 ~ ,!6, 0 { ~ . .." . , L , , -,, 7.a9 . 04 . 4 1 r0d.N6 - 1;13v . 131,i 4,,*.i . ...; ~ 4 4 140 1444. - 7 • " 7 . ti Isis. rios.lwetto . 141110 U. . , i0i.926 . , 7• • tLUND44I.:4 :-,;, ; ;••j - z i.: ,': .: •• • , an bitv.isLik.e.• alms , ~ ,- ,--• :Rwtpir', 160. 22bz. r . 20i 21 PI; 0 1 . Bum ar=V tf=Y iinTa=gAl nd anj,. i u rce= "; . way 112 hmood. 151 float 8R1X114t"".250 d? 2 * OM" tO beat; myx • 6a .allrerrang. SIL'W'IO bble. 11*. • Th.o hr ISTAYKaniAIf D MINTZ 80(3dI8.-1( 1 5 bbls, Clarified raviailio. sal Cream& fa oh. bi • l4 I • a.-ntrrtansteram:- ltwmz7P State Mutual :Fire liumnace. Cacipea . itHiliCtitiiTiCE—No. 54 Baffenau. &Firm , . . Tlf& besCevidence of the . enceess ar the Directors In endcavarlog to melts the AT.itif /taro IME INWRANC.E; (POS4p.I Sr lams Us vantsti .the. commoolty. Ls, the tosparszeLed =cant of bkh hoe been dole; having Wool 7 Pollchs l4 76 gt..Mt 'Too . v 'l lg u Lge " pmer ' led tO. tot e isfortarat-na l eiriall ntax, and teal! f c rtypi,flion Daunt& t(l7LAtlirachotts'-.- 704 . Do. do. esp'ro.tantinate4;l7l; "C". : Amount of Ptopeiry Gos Ad—, • $7,f444.11 cato-ele4tessoloateel,espleol.-I=/. 121 f 0 1)o. sounded, tatollosAisf.e.Virs..,.s37 1a • ' In fora— ' 111.0;r17 Do. - 4 :Whole lon't looses and cross to 1140 icali.-143,411.45 • • • Ds Lams Ds favor of Abe east,. _ ,11#4' To city or country nordsan ..„ fs. and.olirnata of-4tra=o. vveneivoevvoceeetri In'cfsoll...it b•Uer.±" . "' . pay &COM .1011atta01. l 0 point pleilrltr. Janice. to ao IrmonnotrOcaawym.. .tkotanul oh as ttatatabls nod a“ 1 1Los • Of Lisatintacton of Blake, esciodlog all • bun= raring only sib:sited •220uat sayono l Abner.- eluding -tho' au. fa nencraand lchouctsttasl eieo *OlO th e o che g n Op& a n n k uoDn of - hst entities the bared to a parldotpasSon 111 mo4tL Istactortr..-Jobn Itntberlonf, .a.st-tfUhrtt s fl.T.loneh. l Malmo A. Vanier, Philp o:lsct&antoolJonas. WWI 11•10t11. Jaall Pacteri lobo D. atbatfori. . • ' - Cisco. Leblary. . _ to7/1 • , Scrip Dlekterat of flist6i Pes'ainf 2 t - Sis 4l POW. lies been oectssed by tbs Dinftollll. 11.61 =Tn.' • , oelyabte es figs Mks los rattemtle. lot 4.l toseasa CoU hla hawk , at the end of. nioeo7 ". ' • • ~ Franklin Fire bunniuci , Co;:arß4 l .4%; FRECTORS: Chailei W:..liiiiiiitai . Geki:: W.Eid..d.,lThma:Dart., blontemal D. '' Tobias I. mkr i t Moire , .15 llo .1kirla. blenna Drany.„Thae1y . .14, ,,, .... ' • ' -. ' • . • ,', CIIZRWTS P. it.tiCtitadireaktena: .' Cutsu.s . U. Ilasomm, • ' ' • _____....- Thle Company matt= Issorances fa Imital, on every deennain of PeopinrY Ittbotnt tatd oratory, at Mtn at low W.= 63011411111 S no .I.• -,--..,, The Company hare eneernal o , ltirs• noalnitnt , n.... :=, 'What. (..411311,ants.,...=mseimlbly th.!‘t ...the meta of the Dompany,on ennie; et,.3. 1 Ilaha .ip:..,a,iy F...tbs, Ad. a .1.1. , unrest's it. I Tla: Afoetpigna —...:.:..........—.. 11[11141D1 Si .. ;.. . ..: . . Rea Xstate— .... ..,...........4.... - . 84.377 Ta : : :- . i their .. .. . ' ' is niPel a'it tr Yea r a Sl.t o l d re L rl Dolla r s Lows by Flre. the dais advantagn at Inanranft. is erelll==. l44 4h. poitttlem tn meet trith promotions W Datittlirs... :, i., J. GARDNER COYYLN: .. spl6 ' ' ... Otbn B. Leaser atiNcol.astria;.. • ' Penn Mutual Life. Ineura= Cci.;lmre; AL GENT IN,PITTSBMIOII..W; IL DAVIS, , I 21.(vie. J. ilaixt. Jr.. am/WO tta. 353 Llbati Roy the betook roerrebienco -Pereo_33 L~m➢ed duly lon oast of tterelty..the faent mal. , fo from 11 0r.3 2 to 3 0e.14 oe ober coostkoff moto J.lOctoooOLOskerit Co, ponWcod Mee. mbeto all bow =of inft.rooef.i. Ell be given' e. 04 altoanatotoooprouda -• Il atterlal to. leampblete esiotolotoX tho Pfmoilf l . 3 ...od beserits of iara Incurezool, and. Wank forms Tureasooson pita etoeteltro. ooo god. existootti.beermlAng ,— ... di'44.d ...311,41.b05e l.rserl toe Me. li tteberob.. Jan. 31. 1141....1•34- !Urine, Fire, and Weld VllasPatilthA rEgarseeeCora,pany orNorth America; radhaddy ms ,rimy /SO/, Slds.d.Za $O. WM = asildssES sal Zola coarsassjsk tals say sal Nil:dal:lr also an Tranadtr or s , srddaaalialaa. daPPat las ousasisaai and attar "assts. dtacr Sr sulasal Usaaaradisnar as Os - Artbsiiik Oatlsa. Pres. 1 Tbantas 1t_0:4.; • : tlaaan•i Jou* eAIT'4i 4 I:7I. b... 4 Sn yl o ber,, - S. Mutts Alittatie; . T =oda r ' i ol g ar ysatz7catr=u:mad Ir>m7 W ofpte to lbw srat4: • • • • "It - Asat, , .146. Iti iroot.tert. Western Inpurifnce Campay oI Pittabtggli. CAPITAL 15300,000. f R. 111ILLER;Je:, "Nil& tootle warm ./1 hinds or Mats, Are sed Au Loom winta Libeallr olonte4 wonky pail . A home lorthnueo—seehoWlbr. Ptreetore who are well Lome to the community, wed :L oo ere de. lli~aQ terwitet ler ./.-NW'aretmer.. • et t, r' W roo:2Lto , tippieceet, (Norm thwe. ammo ivNr~ Ors. mode Teoa risteueree,. twerehoolo "era ar.oo; .... . pelawarelAntualSafetylis irlCBO NORM - ROOM; OF 'TIM. F 4,4- CakNO.C.,Thlrd obroik. rialodoThk*.. L . --- _pava.tOca....Bulldlot.4 - NotoboloAlw ...a okt.k. W .. clo.totto. and mown Wound molar,. loos or by am. al tba knrost n.W. of wortolato.._ „.......,..- - --- . _ Imuotsp-TborWo b..... V.... AW ecgittagi Snaps or =wreak - matliCop!evfq. I poi .fw-aa tbo asand col d.olv. ' _ ...- - • • ,:•-• ' Lumullanyoalayozw.-Tbay an loan AforeniDolw Izroud b.a. b . 3 , - , W=l . l oi 'Reavolgig.:Cr= Do.lowooopbll. BoirlamtojA..foodlor,i4ohne.., Vols..p.obert. HoMo. Jo bn ktwobs, Memel BailwAs fifor7=ipy a r v ga .....tim :. 1 , , L / I. k a .B. paz....= =Val. Youktbsy, 'IL Jcaum n =h, Hwy issm...li criag, ticont. 15.'111: bre.... - it.b.e: lye,' . ii r ,Joar"', wm• ILT L .D.Tz! 5 •..7 m "P! I Mamas sortl:-D. % MC.og...'UW . Cr " IWILLIJOI Proddent., Soo& Calaro, VicoPirt dint. Jonas W. b ow. 80cr0b.47 , vi . - ' ~ • 1 = " 7egalfr "" : ..: P. Q. i. 42 111 A - arllLA.'4."'.'ai..ei-:-. MISCELLANEOUS Ohio 4 . _ 3141111;fiiglitil rand Au:mum tox.spiiit . it:ross Gew geraWr:==.l2. - &TAU umbers tract Pittsbur g h gill bat prottatliMlig itt loins* agrket. beam • : • Wines and Liquor. '. rzovaacr)y.f., firiri.svpa=4 , fp:eh:lo4k S. rictssiesr; Pittsburg.) , is iscianass. WM. VICKEISEN &STOTIVENVA4re sanotitial is ital y theitV rt sis " g i tessi 'r etsioriss " s4ot ""; Its• Wrench red whits Brasilles, Om cbsicest eintagex Junks =SS. es Mai WhUtor.thitaitsitaili sad smallest Melt Stlessis istit== " l ° 4:, t , 3471 hOrlinglNS•llsl And Lics risa.txessit . All ofsr sll.l mlforbolossis, sr Maoist Ms wow! Owe ot-tbe sirloin. M. titirassisel,illll ratios b mass In the aye/lEoer= au sasibled talon scsesper s masa lioracasts tblis New Sits to •a a...mot! 798 aiirikastlies ictSigiect sitrit Shuts; salt at Ihs CARD.—I have removidici minor" .teeie Won beienr,t Y OW‘ - ths DeaY Ausbungb, when' EU borlittevr. trimis Imo cilium, SE veative.a abarcatltAtreastam. , l-Irllk taWSWa73l:l, P =arairli Nig relater Ika itg=l:l3and, Ithle 5t05141711472: crabltsbaletzta theLtzta,UTOwaysipol fallyvalettettluxlmosi One. • TenpenuaO• i 0 and Noblestpsm •Plaali, X.OTICE is hereby . giiert to ,thoStoelbrad.7' an a sdi cassssr, Use any Max Tamagni bo a Fargrat.lnantsara of IM old Llmannar. or /ha Milano& ...Wawa of On duct. as It !an MoadaT W soch and len am i ttb.bonsetaruzaUl lb, ',bola na.a b n M.ltkt 1116 L %Th. litockVldars an • nonnanci to 14 ,IBAD ..PLPE—Conielra.improTed paten aLett Pipe ' ' • " A rghtßa P ..d rilLlllol44/111021, • Seed Store Removed. 6,,Meriber halt - rempya, his Seed Store b Se m e . ore l lti o lt tc s gie b rMF=ll l.:, ollV Lamely oppolita gm Not thtlat. • • Aci!-I:ARTNERSHIP—The subscribers hare enteral Into Co-Partnerstitpmxles the erm at ISCallk. a Oisli• & seaur, WCradmenas and.. C. Ate. • ao:re ROSE! .HOSE 11. 110SEL 1 I—Just rood nom the htanufeetery In Seston.9ooo Whale. ka mes, elms ain than 9r to 9,1( inches Its Caineter. Tide U. -Le M lmpute , to ens hew matmniettind teaher.6r Itydrante, eonneetineor Fin TAO= teteisiem , vish it to be 4.l4lnetly 00dent:04 that every hash of teee - thargota - from one establishment Is yeannted the purposes intended. or the manor reittridsd. inn ley, L It. lee eats; the IndL• Bubb. Depimilo. 7 9 Weed eL SOO . . • . J.k IL I§TEAM PAOKING-4000 pounds mixed. , nun am Pm, lulls Robber Psalm tomi t lao liztalti t tlatmarld tor the Tay Dm Pse :of et, paVin' . fur tau. ofjn=l7lll4ll. ado:8=10 u Win* Le. Ear sals . st . the /=a 110 , glicookSo. f owl lo \Y o : 6 ltroo • - • . ' °take of our own 7Q:ha:tufa. aranantod of as toad¢ tz solphiataat io gay tutportel l put to Wart he rug, b 7 • limpaprts„. a .:,' .' . 7___,.. , ' 'MAMA! CAdebtiited • ''' . .(1.0aW017141) I 1133111001i.' PLASTE.R.-- gu. Tbs. 6.166 matkato4 WM.= UV. bias Enda Ibt . „ mile y mus. thutot met. thlurth= 1 .... • moss •••41...•..... 411oZenott.= =Ms of Wai= . 11.000.......wim UM t .. !Om:Um. httv• alsau =am all .111.0 ittOMPOW.trtst• =a 411.9. 4 = ' . • 1:b.f.:n.6.48 of ihationletta. T. sty. • • . nartmly =MM. moder Um 18=6...,, ' •• ' 1 1, 1...61.0 1 .126 , ===5etad sada. 66.8644 S ba tZte Tarim una6ll6l . Mahon =V Arle 1151. u. lee', •11. ostrant ah b Tim. — Var. — inatero irt . a=uplitattamieg : team Irmo maths: es Mum. ibt., t eam , fro sults.4.s==...shmathr AOM - WI Ty.... add. Mb th• ..16...twonreao. D l baryfoiB4 en= •ill pit Ont. vary 68:14.4 . • • ' ?""". M 4 V l Viiritkiiiioni= • ''. EZZdyjirSP4TENT.. ARCH YOL zavveroallitlik sdekinip- motalai t etc4ll.3l .rir t la Tarlr e ita atla Cl= . r .saim nOs a ilt ist coareltbus Stized . gta as eldhis, dai 'ior ear isATTtlt.-x.:5.1;40M171=:,' MBOUIVIII. OR BOOK OIL. . .. a, ~ .21tati aro ato rtx.11= 7 2.14 mei. ri.:yussuzfia , thil'remarlttblii=io, - a . : 1. 1 - 4VraistuggralSoapt i Mt . ztrg: Isand Itsitetam.pa. . • *from well Isittlazi , tzet a . 4 . lbisr m. !as Om; , T Ospiebat TA le 4'irlal(ntan l l2"lt bei of Oudisd,._ ' V r ljA e'2"h : . Cglige t p k a ns l if '" ItZ:!1.:/ . 3..: * 4,TEtriffa U = 'rah pit may 1.14002 . “, !L 1 4,1/6 the a-, L I , c u...... fa . :H 6 1.X41 WO IA ea a=. dug at Dm WWI wend re.=.carei d nos sal ~ 11=91. lt Mat WWI% tit DM*: pmilattr . MI •• Vs .e. ' rt d sc4.... d. ..Vr m o . "_ pr=l4l6• , .. " XcertiSodma. "4l 4 Into Iblihm.pltt.b Vr16.1. a saut , SUEs JO se da t tn. JEkilAra axial Atli .IDARZlrntkn . a a a ragio7= 44 lris. XL, 4:0,=.7 b.:- dloafer M. aiumn NY as . - •IatNICCUITS.' MOM= tbs Its saa , : . rsrtZas . 1 1,1aFgala, "" Diathar , .=ai IN: , { D lizter . Z .ijo. Pals. 4 1 =W= . ... , Isarilli 'r•U km: l4*; a rra lti W illlkf eopL I b ffiU . "2.14 %11 1 * m= 6 1 , 11 b., .17 1... .. - ,4 CH aes ea a 1. 42 saa aizsl. a taa .a t Crm ' aZg ' Viirgye imme rsogaS=V:=rgip (.111traolgrist=ra r .or ..s°l: to. to i Ec:m arta art* ft. - • ,_ - ..,nsea . Irttbesit thaltgastorial uka iikOrSdti . o , - , . . ... , ! ° " 1 - ey KV 4x 01 ow aniXtiai itivk ,- - , •IT ViraeoNkr- • , :'_:; :- cario ' .. i end LIM= 44. wic:,%....4._ ~ ii -' `l l /1007AMEATION.. -. . WOW! aII Mill *Willi Ilihk.Blld "'mew -Ana Illaraisa of thilabl a ttlaittb !bar Wrap beak orgarc 'aigt.rtalltplLetbelar Il e or ,ra,_ ril taro. bra Ws 4 al not maks it sr tor. tocriato: na:zro4 roz3 .0 W. , • • • ma x ha• rim.. -- ' ~ or A•. ix mq •Ir rinnadr. The sot. who tr nom with . oar onfortan laos. , == •tor as guts, rot krn atr or Aram • Re.ari 'Kt. nivinti. is ii.k. , . that. Thu pgeo: rb: "*. tx 3 / 4 en Zeir lb ..t.6:for il t m t:m ' bakery( ear =rho aerth. In na taistnal .124.1 ... 021=r2f2Mliardt7 ,, rrif 7 .. .11=t17.)114 'AO 031.42104 . . 1 4 06iths t i pgjf V i t :Itah s ib i , Lirog a Pon V M 6C : soma olal nuas of Dtsarnair.. , vbStr. MO • man -11 ' Itaa bean ht . so mall ,as, 2 , 4k r urraz k f 'Vous. ' reahla.tria hatter thanror amen _ ratk y... v. VA wi1r .,.. ,... .._ ..*.b. , * o& aggralrhsliW" .. . 'irattasantara.: 011 44 814 si..Yl7.4anatr &Ain. liarath gra* as , acoar or Weed stn.! obi Thai .A:4 Trroal 'waft a A. man% ma Dal. .::. =MITA= TOMIE , APPLICIXD. -. pItnteotortdrOSETWELEIMATELPRENBDIEW ~ • .—M-4coaluas , ta. dlittatera mai totalts - moo jllitar clid benotttlat toodttlnd o • -tb ogei Wanted Itutronstat Ha a&rt d i rgtitat ail "VIord1"="4.11,;? .. Wafts:* of thkulpt - Piraill6antineum 1 - . rtaxt . to Itavoom i. ge w o InsattpOst ot,,pP 4 , a tat4 . l3to ust °[ iittgoA , tebe_ ,tocoeimetttenntit In wa., oteu sow' mum.% Attatit thaw 2 0 , 4;:m.k tbtreeliPestWatequoint , • sal:lnds, ,4..... m.. Ital Y Z thotegatma : :andertheario ittello 1 ' tr tigt=tenzeottit Sze um. to pl .,,,Wtzt la Ulm WIC Ws nemsdkir, rig#oo to, &tut ton ottlt PIMUZ , 2 14:24.111ted. - AbOOPit• Yl4ll6llEat , 3114. Pi hrTiehr , . , = l°M. O g 4 V e I . T fret fotos osothlatomfortiot 1 1 .6= 41 . =Via* Illesaty, a rrna ts inadeas i t. h . trAoMbo.tp , Is 4lirdpi ad: n. gfilMimuivited to eall up. 0:4.8 , 4 I n te — , --iraZairj2 re= ". , j am %I. = thi osottlak . I+art* . 81 Tatt * _, _ llb. .. '. ..'.7 . 3 ,,, 0 A. Otet.h.o. orsEepl.JaftWl l 4, , :rltzOttohaltmiso - - henthlftekl.i. Dlttbz4ii /kegs Anio r . b. .. Jobz EL/htti. zattau r y_, ~:-.. -,, r:. '' .1 ' 161 7 1. -::•;'• ; - - MI L .. . . ... ICOZFORT4 AND. RELIEF -• •'.-• ' ' • = ' - AFFEwrarrleav be . EiSLlliiii ' .' .' .DowttkeKsllbsWillariXaVY•'•';''' EfteetZ,, ektarts.rousat,L,..- ,•:".! .oirsoßrottos.imariq==s , •'-7' l' ciao sad character at dawn. ~.I(alkol.wAr. vs M. ~,---- Was basatbagtertitatlealr mediator ttot too, %, ..-, irea .tem o ttsat dom. la low MOW trade ',.• tita oil to., .; . Ina=l4,osa to mat. a( mho onortaingaliaa - ' .. ."? ,''''="W - b r - ale. Ot PO Oa e t RS ,Palt-,, •'r : ionson i • • , Loss g aft aoaritata d0n.0440 L , "bottf ih"rl Ma.: ; r,. =...soeito s = ter issioz= - • . ltoltylladtaaave tar atoor . - • clot to Pa et • ~ SL. Boa. Yaws il.tits t..:tblloselobi.. -.., I tor, . .......,.......... . 42a t... .,Nr ti traas,:. .' • r - or 1:6 7 5i0 - Mi. terrapia..s.arosysollsoi the? , . istrwoli lams au YaLr4iVolietorOwoAirioto: I tile 'otaatbrtOdbaue-..11.•''' ''• • - Fratad. .•' SW 1 %0114 6"""" trtoW 7S uoV ' ? ' .. ,Msststeostr i giss:,, to: itilatallion raw Iti" ,, : ,- '-, ;pr. mot andanbtadlrls Wm. atat: c_ • 41( U. gootrat osettbana a= apatite - .=lln. ~. ~ 011100. 0 00 ‘SW MM 4 7 W i ..Zia ...2=1.71 ~ Otatitavamfe=ra . 4. ~,.., ..,... 4 ..... .. . "1 0(Ol . itea2 4:Ltaitta', - :tto..patalbla mi.. :' ... t aTear ti airiVarrol l'i nt A ZE. Voilatego . 7 1m r . ossicoalo. floss Ottawa man may. , -• " _. - • Ve ta ' try IL 7.411,m, :-Milts • • Oa c wa . — Soosolmairabssio span Dressiblp ~.. .:, . , llet t pso, =d 's:pt.& ows, 0,. nhilllog low - . , tv via 'Readmit it di Pittanuit'aueite. Llakula.K , ATTrizimmx=ectuxin-- ,Ail i atip:M=.ll.wee.w . t ' ROCI=O Woo Om • rot gram liscno! grogo , 000 a AN:7o cr ... v v.,: 0 w1...t. ...I. E .t Um ram. bat, aoo, onstb4 " konr=ra ' WI gbtroorjgallgalqotgg , Via. Ertogoss til a Notorg go goals ot go au*. • by a Tower snl a yeZi l i V na it a - aglio to mon all /MOM ogrootgod.. n m .-rma.Trimiwaoac wad* •- ~,,,.....,,,,....0.0,,, woor = ag to tnog/Roo= li to damkr• Odle noalteturtot oa dew to or otattiotato.g.tbo 4 oa.nnl ofoidc ojw • o wr 000ttt toa W7eb" oat - orbas mom 4 A g 0.... toooms trot. la zolgion to gookt to 101. rump to Nam. tkit it • moo- ' Zoo t muomigooomy atm& egg, In go zosterg Er& Soo- orgrolgolgoo—gouga r georgisok loroar egy va1100,.... i m k, , 1 ,... 2= otOr z teM a to cir B: cal imam of ALA* Mg* ok Igi • T ata i, ==.l sa ... ja t tag u roty.,, r a. na0.t0411.44= Mt* IRS= thole*. . 1 0 4., goll . 4golgoL , , •AlisTroird"* I. tr 4 Otroooe—Diogtooa..Dmon2 . , eo. oo gol 6.4 Mlellarar "' i• . 1 WOoo= l = 22o g , wan. ~......, ...,„ i...„........, gages to go.. °l galgitrg,W4alrif i gilaiie2mig,laia,' .... w iC=. o .. em e r l ar n ilg tt, th=goiziglt tots slogan teroon • 1 41=On th Aiont OgYagom Mg oft;,ajogiCib,‘ a *,-,-• 6 tha Mb a Itt,tt.T.4.2totitioos Is Ittir — 2loorten ittiottiot A Ottt an ogrgrikplolat osmoolled to gig Scroloos OF tho gm& Or . us sogglot OM .4. 1 . g oat A. : W 0tt.: . 1 DAL & 1 - .. - 3 . i• - Ar 4 . 1... Mad and /gat OVA- EJ.TAGEe IMPERIAL COUGH syRuP: 0,43 i.tioenlita i ll,t,,wer , 04rarzo brevir , :aymp4bizt . ...a Am “c 4 a= l . 4 , aritT.Ttr.V.l=. - , has via rompa tertata va Pub% 214=V a r 4 . 40 cund i try 24 et. " Picz ;• • A: Eliall43,' 47 Wied a14.44t1 prtsras42l24nr. • 'r.TEN. =DIM tmmlnataa ta .s saL le oda as o Nertaxig P=Bilione jad , : - lizo * Fl • "T"tk Aciseatittoms t ki*:..... V a. 1- ' ..- S ia”." l . l. : Ibm ;: d et tw . 710 , bblOgialsa. ES, itc..g:A tarp stock: : eta amettbmil*ras, ti Balsam N tha' I =tl3iUxtrAqtastlik =via% Mitzittont!isdnlV itter i ,ficires ZaTlx , NlVDastlizt- R mua Bre ye Wsags Ihdanal Y . * CoreUsl