,'r~. ; ter: PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. PUBLISHED BT WHITE h CO.: PITTISIUROH THURSDAY, ORNZG.. ;LILY ,10, 1851 WHIG STATH: TICKET /Of 00=11,01. a WILLWY JOHNSTON. COAL 0 3 .1 3 aPNWEN_ : I JOEL , / STROHM, of iaateutor. • manor TES =Mart coVIT, WM. Matnrrify of Phnetlphig RICHARD COULTER, of Westsonroload: CEORAC CILLMBERS. of Prooklite .1 JOSHUA W. CoHLY, of Moray= ' WILLIAM =MOP, of Suplusbusa. Antinumoie and-Whig' County Tioiet. nosomoo =Dos or tanner oitrar. WALTER FORWARD. of Robles.: starrsui.tribill OF MIXT =IT. HENRY W. WILLI AM b. of Pittsburgh. imam= ;snag or moor op gm= now" oo pm. a..IPCLLIRE, or Pittsburgh. t. ..17,fr u r Or= MOM. 711 - 031A8 L. Y'IIILIIN. of Anogbosay. JAIIN lICLVOREY. Robdusou. • JES mmo anowden. OAN WI. Z. API of at litraintshutu • ' VMS PRUNEY, WiLiccrpon, JOLLY MILLER. or lutilsus. • SAXMCL Lorrousrocu. or FittOmriti• 1120IRM. ° ALXX. RICILIRD6ON. cd Afl.jb.o7. MOIL OP IMO cot., • JARED E. Bruno. or motors-0. , • ; JOUR V. HOiV.ANA of llpper Bt. Pak. ROBERT Eali0;:ot nUsbl:walt. 4,sirtroa. TM. Inn, of All•gbany. JOUN EMER.I. W ye, OR - READING' A UTTER . WILL BE 'o,tll4'D ay RAOH P OE OF THIS PAPER. JOHNSTON elm THE wan. ; ; Much -as we desire the election of Governor Johnston u s iyhig, and as 1111 able and honeit man,se confess that 'our greatest anxiety is for the cause of protection tn. American industry, with which his name is eo clearly identified.— If Pennsyliania elects CoL Bigler, she will say, BY the act, that she.is in favor of free trade, be cause she will therrehy endorse thifree tisde re. solution; adoptedhi,the 1.4:)r.40r.0 Ctouention at Reading. On the other hand, if Oirreennr Johp sten Is elected, she declares bydoing so that she is in favor of the good old Pennsylvania policy of protection. Thejesne is fairly joined; and while the election' of Biglei will fasten the eat injurious polio: open us Indefinitely, s and keep our manufacturing and agricultural Inter ests In a depresied 'Condition, the -Anice of Johnston will bit' understood as a deseand b y the people of Pennsylvania for a chenge of policy. This, more then nay e*gives importance to this election. - . • • , Pmussy wss'ferttarly.jimalif wedded to the Protective P Ol 4. - Ptill'iteixth a:1 /M, it was not a party (motion, for the Demecrata claimed to be better tariff men than, the "Whigs; hut aince the memorable cheat of that year, the leaders have totally'ehanged their. ground. ":No .reason is glenjtt stli j tke,obahie; for 0114 argument they then "need in. favor - of proteption, equally true and fornible now. They offer is to reason, no argument; to justify the change; nil they give us is. some sickly twaddle About their friendshif.,for the "millions that Lid," of which “millions" they are .the worst enemies; and if the raid "millions" allow themselves to he humbugged with 'ouch nonsense and-empty profession; tinware isimplerset of fellowithsa we take them to Can they not zee thit this free trade policy)frnOthing but .a bidfor Borth eru votes for James Buchanan? and again', that slug about their. friendship .for the la boring man is Merely trick to wheedle them ant of their yoteel' too, profess to he the friend of the working map, but we desire to evince that friendship,-not by fulsome cajolery, that would tarn the stomach of any man! who has a spark of self mpeet, tint by tellingthem some wholesome:lndia, and by exposing the character of their tinprincipled LoCofoCo flatter ers. Now, working nitro, ninte your. Claire. !Con limos to play into the hands of Ba . coticin Plan ters, and their dooer.faied allies, and thus! sink . yourselies down,•down, down trail yourcondi- Son shall be little 'l:ette than that of the'peu pore of Europe, Or the slaves of the' South; or else discard them, and thus atrice rodeo Your ., • selves and your State to the posi 'on you entitle ought to occupy.: . • 1 . This thing of blindly Obeying the . dictritkof others, and. at th4rladllin& ebtkiling for Ptia tion one day, and the very oppeiite another day, may be locofocolam, , but we deny that it hi eith er democracy or commit= inmsel And that poli: cy which makes uilWatisiwitit ferMish anxiety the markets of Great . Britain ( ü bich shows that we are in a condition'af haraili 'og dependence upon that nation,) is any thing but American pol icy. Yet Lila is the policy et the Or.-called dem-, ocratio party of ?esosylean* l and it he'so be cause the southern wing of that psrty -hare , de creed ghats° it shirt be.- • _ ' . • - New Manco.-.Thie editar 'of the 'Santa Fe Weekly Gazette 'his &gored us with a :pam phlet copy of the *wage of Governor Calhoun of New Mexico. We /WO looked omit; with much interest He discusses with mmisidrable n);ility the -carious and carious relations . grow ing Out of the Iraq' clutracters of thatimpulation —come American s some naturalized ;demeans, some :lexicons who adhere to their „Mexican d- - tizenalap, and somelpertially civi ized indium The old usages of thtelderican Geitieniseia the old claims of ,the Church both enter into the elements of Gas twterogwdous community and c,overnment. The victim. and recommendations of the Governor ore genersPY liberal, lel#haPs in Some things too Much no :I but' the following will not fall under : that charge: • . - ~ 1 'Tree negroeasre reginicid u nuisances in every State and Territory. n the Union, - and where they are tolerated, sociOty is most detract' ed. trust the Legislature will pass a law that will prevent their entrance into thin Tersitclii. The disgusting • degradation to which society is subjected by their - presence,i bo obvious to all, and deminds a pinhibitory . aet of the severest character." - "J" • This pansgraph ie . aa imnliing andikonilostato , the whites of .the largest and oldest - tinges of the Union to it is , te the denial') ,th we confess it was with some .astordatuient we read it after reading. the kind tense? a which be speaks of other chasm COTTON MILLS AT MLW. - OLLEANT.PTOjed iS en foot at New . Ozienna to organise a company :to be called the “Ltrithitana Cotton Manntootn-. ng.Company, wiihn capital of $206,000. ;. The Commercial Bulletist elders into n long, .and able argument ln favor of the project. We like n:ziee each moremcota. . The Sancti, eau.' that there are in four Southern States, Teaneaste, Alabama, 860411, and South Carolina; some Mie hundred and fifty cottonmills, running about °J30,000 spindles, and consuming 100,000 bales of ootton—that in Georgia alone there are tlay, all of which are doing .a successful bitem . ess. - Their • great u gazette nothing can. be more sotmd-- dint any article can be manufectured at a isd4er profit, other things bolas equal, on the spot other. the raw material is produced than" it an be at a distance from it. That paper estimates the.dif.. - . ference In favor of the 41:Listens - Insunfachwer, as compared with the liiiesachuoette manes°. *lnter, in the price of the raw material; at j from $4,00 to $11,76 per bide Of 400polads. It is evident that as capital aeinimitLaten the West and Smationst, the people wilt Putt their attention to mazinfactosing; and the effect will be to mite the - whole - Won in favor Of, the policy of protect* and. in the end, .the vast amount of labor and capital wasted in carrying commodities, both raw and =nautical:trod tii and ftti, whetherscronithe Allende and baohtigain. or from one extremity of • this country to the other aid .back again, will be eared. In this lasing' business those . who cultivate the! oil, whether they. ,ccitteit or irheat, are al ways the greatest eateren, because theirtom mcditles are of low' relative value as compared with thalr weight. it la therefore most clearly the Internet of both *planters and torment° encourage by_their holuence and theirrotce, the etlehlishmr 2l.o f o"4,NieCtfe, Of maiturtotare is their midst. The farmer, it 11 1 . trua, ithaors deeply Intel:rated ler:this. than tire-planter.-be: cause a potmd of dettuw _ ls 7 cry tidies moriirain. ble thaw aptmnd of-,wheet, end .15 tames the est. ofa pound of cort4oftoirrelgelafar inonpair- . fly taxed by this lboyalr carry) xi itritehlT Ythtt the planter...; _ .. , PECLADIZZatA ilOviiums.4llle,baver been watching with s ome pk, past, certain moveniiihiin Philatelphis, sae what affeetiogthibbriiit' of this city u aird.we confess we him been little samba at the punk faith :exhibited,by men whom we looked for hetter: things, in Order that our Cur indeM may understand the exact nature of thesemovemenita sad their upn,to this city, .vs. will preface their ietrodue don with strew ldstiricalstateinents.. • When the Directors of the Pennsylvania Rail road applied to the people of this city and county. for "a sabscription to the stock of their company, they were met with the declaration, that it was for the interest of that company and'of both cit ies, that a Western Railroad - should be immedi ately commenced and prosecuted by Pittsburgh, and that . all Our means and energies should be devoted to such a work. it sm. urged In reply, that it was exceedingly important, in order to se cure the speedy completion of the Central road, that a million of dollars should be subscribed by tigt Pennsylvania, as that would secure a It aunt additional from Philadelphia—thst the Directors were dive to the importance of a Western Connection, and that if Pittsburgh would step forward at that crisis, and enbeeribe dust= demanded, the Directors would pledge themselves to aid in the constrantion of our rim road - to the West. .All, at that time, appeared to be in good faith, no other terminus; or West on:a connection, except it and through Pitts. burgh was talked of or hinted at: The impor- Malty of Philadelphia prevailed—over the bet judgMentof many of:onr cititens, who were in favor of spending )111 the ,money we could command . Western risid,—and the million demanded wee subscribed: Btittsemtently to this, the Ohio and Pennsyl vania. Railroad Company Was organized, and abscriptiotuito the amount of about $1,800,000 were secured' in these twe'uities, and enough Mare along the line. to pay for the right ' , limy* and to prepare the road for the superstrmiturr. When our President and Directors spoke of ask ing enbacriptlona in Philadelphia, they were told by the Directme of the Central Halberd not to come there. 13aidthey—..our subscriptions are not yet fWI, we need all the money which can be raised here, yon most wait until the Means to build our road are fully Not willing ,embarasa the Central read, the /areas= of the Ohio .and Pennsylvarais Company never asked or received a dollar 'Orme Philadelphia. although thiScpuely had imbeteibed one million of, awl's; is 'the Philadelphia road, Pittsburgh proceedekeith her enterprise, which was directly to. benefit Philadelphia. and the Pennsylvania road; trusting to her own energies and rasenrciea After exhansting her means, she went into New York with her bonds, and by malting great sacii dceti whit* wOuld not have been Demur, had she bad the benefit of the Money she had eon tributed to &Id Philadelphia, she has succeeded in placing her enterprise on ,its present broad and satisfactory foundation.. Now What has Pittsburgh moon to etpect from Philadelphia, sad 'especially from the Di rectors of the Permsylvitnii Railroad , Assuredly that the pledge made of. assisting our Western Railroad should be carried out in good faith; end Most assUredly; that no project intended to in tercept trade , and travel on Its way to this city, and to divert it from osand from our road, could receive eneoungemetit in Philadelphia. . Whit are the facia., This brings us to the movements referrecl to at the c:Mameneetnent of this article. ..These movements we find won dated in, a let ter: to the - Wheellng "Dasette,, evidently . written by a toireliant of Philadelphia. • The letter is date,d, !Philadelphia, July 4," and is as Moist . "Yesterday I was honored kith, a curd of at= oitation ' issued by the of.aars of the Pennsylvania Railroad Compaay;to attend a meeting at their office, to tako ioto consideration the importance to this city of connecting this road with the various western and smith-western fine& lem informed by the Secretary that about one hun dred irritations were sent to the leading friends . and -business men of the ciry. At 4 o'clock I repaired to the office, where I was gratified to meet *large company of fellow merchants ainl others interested in the prosperity .of the city. The meeting ass called to, order by Sweatt V. Merrick, Eau, the projector and first President; and now, kith/ absence 'of the President, (Cob Pettereon,) the noting President of the Company, who folly Mated the objects of the meeting, and upon whose motion, John Pannell, Eaq., one of the wealthiest and most Intelligent merchants of the city, wig called to the Cher. The quad= of interest growing out of the extension of the Cincbsnati 'and Belpre Railroad, through Mari etta to Wheeling, sal the contraction of the empfield Road, were dimmed at length,' and interesting explanations were given by a gentle; man from Ohio; but one ophdon'and one feeling pervaded the toeming—tfict the tanntationa end la nat. That Philadelphia will gnat . the need ed ald,there is not the slightest doubt David 4. Brown, Esq., remarked to the meeting that no project had alter been proposed to Philadel phia requiring so little aid that promised halt the benefits. "Think of it, he'remarked, a mil lion and a Ulf of ddlare aid for Only to bring seven hundred milei of continuous railway from blashnlle, Tenn., through Loaleville, Lexington, and Maysville, Ky., Portsmouth. Chillicothe and Marietta,. 0., and - Wheeling . Ya., to:our great Pemneylvania Railroad' at Greernbuigh-a lire Wig'415,000,000. - : - :Pha .Q delph4 ani ought to raise the million_ and a halt to old the Rempfield and Marietta Cunnutles, in tee of properly directed effort." The_meeting adopted. with great enthuslaine, strong' -resolutions, and appointed a 'impend influential committee to take chary of the subi ject and bring it Ware our Board of . Trade: The contriimtlons, by way of eubscription of stack, Ai., of Philadelphia to iroblie watts and enter prises, itbmtifiervith interests - of the city have averaged three matrons of dollars annually the last five: years. Whet your mple ask le only a drop In the bucket, and pm cm Boon get , it. At this meeting, as we learn from the , delPhie Mere, c o mmittee was appended to draft mahatma, consisting of John B. Myers, S. V. Iderrith„ and Thomas. Len, who reportat the following, which were unanimously Resolved, That the project of continuing the Cinokmati and /31/pre Railroad [roar Athens, Ohio, thAugh Marietta to the city of Wheeling, with '• view to connecting, through the Hemp. field and Pconajbmula Ballamd, the , city of Philadelphia, with southern Ohio, Kentucky and . Tennessee, Is regarded : by this meeting ao a measure of great Importance to the interests of the city; of Philadelphia, and is entitled to the .solisidenetion and aid of -its business men. Renobred, That In the opinion of this meet. lug, the Cinchmati and Belpre Railroad Compa ny may took withas much confidence to the City of Philadelphia for the necessary pecuniary aid required to extend,their road from Marietta to Vikeeling, with a view. to oannecting with the Pannyinnia Roads, as to any city upon the see board, to su ply the capital uired to con. Menet a to comae/Atha town of Packers, burg with the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, se provided = by.the charter -of the Northwestern Resolved, That 'John IL Myers, John liaseL' tine, Thomas P. Room S. T.:Merrick, Thomas T. Les, bud D. 8. ,Broinv, bee committee to bring tei the notice of the Board of Trade of this city the importance of securing direct railroad connections with Southern Ohio, and the States of Kentucky and Tennessee, by means of the Pennsylvaniaßallroad to Greensburg, the Hemp. geld Banned through. Marietta; Athens, and Chilicothe to Portsmouth and Maysville, and the severs/ nitres& from Maysville through Lex ington and Louisville to Nashville hi Tennessee. . Row that the reader has iartived.thus far, - we will ask him, whether we were not authorized ha attributing Proacthith to the Diraitors of the Peoasylvenle Railroad, - and other citizens of , Philadelphia, in the treatment of Pittsburgh in this matter. 'They hare got one million of. dot. lace to. smut butldiat the :Westemi of 'their road; they larenesei "mist' sd. accord ing to Pao* to build our Western Oortraction; but no 110011 Er ii a project to turn away how this 44, m • Point thirty miles East of as pre ietthikio theta, than It Is - recoiled with open artwetrimeting is tilled In the Railroad adios, influentla.diroctors tams In Its pnceedings, enddlthe money asked for is most cheerfully proodeed. • Weise. no fears, for our part, that this Pro ject Is to wait so muck lojtuy to as ae its pro jectors and 'especial friends I m agine; bat It Is !wiled upon in Philadelphia as - a most import.' e at t aerins of securing the trade of the. Weiit, and reiralma of the injaryit lutist dab:ill* bargh,abitild their expectations be realised, it f. eagerly enateced with a neldsh indifference to Iticonsrepraccoe: to scity and mph, .erbia had ie *tit to expect 'bitter Whip' frem 'uoeit'rke7 . bad eaufidit r ir is and Wiliicirctid: wheawtatiail hinfialibod our Wcotaik road, which Tin bit bog Wow **entail road it ea. Uzilycoiapiatid, ono iballidos-idded to Ito iif f6t;');#4'ijia** lemethi and conneetad It with all the art im prove:nada in the line of 'Slates from Pettusyl. unit to tbe ippi, mid this without*yald from Philutelpidir and atter we hidnounificett— ly aided to build her road, which she now is .1,04 to turn to popover calailded Uri:Oar* our city and build np a rival below ns. We have been among those in this city who haze entertained the hirailiestfeelinge:brwards Pbt We bare rejoiced in heripeintrr ity, defended her Wenn% ind to the' extant of our power promoted her earls to build up • steam . marine, which- is necessary to give her • promtpaat position in both hemispheres. We haze looked forward to the compistkmAt.her great Central Railroad, as the commencement of a freer, eltrr, a more intimate interwurse, haziness .and e m ir which would greatly ad vancethe wel of the metropolis of eastern and that of western Penizylranin.. We still hope that all these expectations may be realised; but we are pmrpetled to confess:that the treatment this city hal experienced at the bands of a cartairiportlan 011ie leading citizens of Philadelphia, is `not - calculated to promote arch a desirable consummation. Litut 8111 0 12.102q—1n this paper will be found some interesting umuuda of the Iron Mountain and theilnfant: establishmtuda for the mounts°. lure of iron, in thel Late Superior country. The newly disoovered unarm of oil stone, said to he the best known, is els° an article of wary co' enable importance in the attire usoureis,o that country. II • The, astonishing mineral resources of that re gion are rapidly duc4ping themselves, and will soon tell upon our national Independence sad prosperity. One great natural obstacle still es isto—we allude to the Falls of St Mary's rime (the outlet of Lake Superior) commonly written Saul or Sault Ste. Marie, and in familiar pulsate i 4 cut down In "the Soo." Them rapids forbid navigation of any kind ; .but a canal of less thin a mile In length,Orould extend from the' deep water below to the deep emir abort. But for this obetructiou, repels of uteri kind could pus from any port on the lower lakes, Erie. Moron, and Michigan, to Superior. This ie a work which ought to ham been ammo plished long ago, and width ought now tube &- minded of Comma. It can be done at so tri fling an expense, and the neeessity for it is so great, that a bnl, Miking the necessary appro priation, would rarely pass through emigre:Li. without serious dissent. Been thaeumparatively poor government of Canada, which has not one fourth the interest In it that we have, Is about taking measures to make a canal on their Ws of the river. This alone ought to shame our goo mamma into action. For as Pittoohoy h Qaaole_ ma mamma vs. TEE ersumovnis ROUTE. :". Front various articles In the Philadelphia pa• pen, many of which have been copied in ours, you. will have observed, that the attention of our eastern friesubi has been fivorably, excited to ward the Rearpfidd Road, nor am we contain within; reason, nor be 'uprise,' if they, ratelva fantail y a proposition to connect their city end their road directly with Wheeling as well as Pittsburgh .. Opposite Wheeling is .the proposed terminus of a system of rods, one from Citteina- S. via Columbus, one from Maysville via Lairs villa, sad one from Belpre via Marietta—all of which at their western termini an connected with roads spreading over the West from New . Orleans to St. Louis. An invitation has been .estended to Philadelphia by Wheeling. and the Remptield Railroad to become the recipient of the great wealth that must Sow Into the city on the Eastern: Seaboard, that shall be fortunate enough to, moue to itself the terminus of the BlS:neat ratite to the Ohio. Phibnialphia, by the Central Railroad to Pittsburgh, Stands now In the test position of all the eastern 'titles bet 'nearest tind Wog Baltimore by her dal to Wheeling. Our Pennoylvania and Ohio Railroad brings to ne, it the western termination of the Central read, by the- shortest end best 'routes, ell the travel northward of the NatiMial Road to the Lakes, and waitward to the It Ls only neceirm7,. therefore, for Philadelphia to connect with Wheeling, by a shorter and better Smite than the 'Bahia:Lore sad Ohio Railroad, to stone tobentelf the commend of ,the whole trade of the west, so far as relined fssilitita will give it to her. It becomes, therefore, so obviously the Interest Of Philadelphia to have this eoonsction; that. it - ii a Allay she owes to herself to en. dearer to obtain It She is offend this commu nication by the Hempffeld road, and in the atv.. ienceof any other offer as advantageous, Ii bound to don with It. We Late for eo iMag a time considered our: slaves, by our position, datalLed to its all this trade come through our place, that we are nat urally- startled to find ourselves In danger of Mein votary a share of it. Let as awake than from our torpor, and buckle on our armor--the mile Is outs, unless we, by oar Indolence, manly yield It. We have but to show to others what his all along been evident to ourselves, and dem onstrate its truth by action. to make sure of all we claim. Our object then is, to place ourselves at. the point of convergence of these south westeru roads on as favorable ground am is claimed by our competitor. Can we do so ! • • Bridgeport, opposite Wheeling, is the- place referred to.. Prom this place to Greensburg, it is . asserted that a road can be made of. easy grad= in line of not more than 81 tan ; this is exceedingly probleaiatical,:but grant It. . Prom Bridgeport. to Steubenville is. TO telles„ from 8. to Pittsburgh Is 40 rail= at which point in conueet„with the Central Road 80 miles West of Oreenstrarg, the point ofjunetion of the Recap. geld Roul—makdeg the whole distant* 90 miles. Therefore we Ore by their-greatest bout on route but 10 miles longer than theirs, And we are the city of littsburgh; which we natter our selves will mike more then 10 mithe in our fluor. But we do not rely on this alone; at Steubenville, no in= city, we recrive the; Steubenville and Indiana Railrud, which connect/ us with Co.• shocktoo, end also with Zanesville, Newark and Columbus, by almost an , airline; and moreover 80 milts of the said 90, the road from Greens. barge° this place, being already provided for, leaven but 60 for us to make. •By completing these Enke of-60 miles jointly, we have then converging' at Pittsburgh, and pouring their treasures into the Centrel Railroad, the road from Cleveland, and the road from Marietta,. and all roads Intervening between' these widely extended wider. Of a erlangje, and through which place all ft= their nearest root* to the sesburdl With these theta staring us he the face, OSA wethieitato as to our came? Let any capitalist look at It as an investment—every land owner or lot holder as a-means of enhancing the value of his property--every merchant, menufaoduer, working man,,embrue it as a Remain of wealth to the city.- let us be up and doing; let es at once nose the +back and commence the work. Otherwise, we must be content to be what air. Eilet defines us, "an enterprising city on one of the tributaries to the great thoroughfare to Bt. Lode." We may be a mere station on a road to Philadelphia, we esn be the. greet loons of all' the western railroads.' It is for ourselves non to decide which we intend to be. • . L. For tha PittoindriA !brut, Tali vxcs, vszimulcs. MR. Staron.—For some time the people of our.country. have been examining the guanaco. lions and claims of distinguished individuals whose tames have been presented az candidates for the suffrages of their voters at the ensuing Presidential election.. .Several candidates for the Presidency have the preference. of warmly devoted friends.— There seems to have ;been little said as yet an the subject of- the selection of candidate for the Vice Preddimay, an office irtieh ought .to be til led with great care and "judsmistd, tit onr Test experience shows. • 'Zhu Dante of Gen. Winthdd Scott commands the oonlidencoof voters without regard to,party :distinctions,. Ills whole cooled derrotimeto his country, eodthe brilliant service he limOssler ed hsrrepeatedly, have accused to him not only the admiration , of hiscountlymen; 'trot the world No name soffit. as we have seen has been placed on the Bcou ticket for Etc• Preeddent. Allow us to.suggest that of .thillon: &Lab WarsTualT of Ohio, well known throughout the oonntry an • faithful public serrant,whO has served la non. tress and other elevated positions in the. nation nearly. the third of a Century with almoitunanl motutapproval as s pure patriot and an honest mac, • Prarssrftaatals. San !Valera . Poninyi. Oda. —The Companytba, bas been engaged boring for salt water at Pont .eroy, barer succeeded in obtaining, at the depth of one thourand feean abundant stream of treat gamed, ethic flows over the tip - of the wall They Intend 'ring two other wells In t the immediate rieinitinf th e first, and it Is ex pected the three will furnish water settflelent for the stanufaetures of a bindred and My barrels of salt in twenty-four hours, - Mindy sem &t Rte.—Th*l44l2nd Will Case .trldoli tuts been before thecoart nt . Richmond, Te.,..lme at List been decided The will le @slab [Whet by the jaiy. Thin Terdlet.fries d0 . 0r . 90 nilLrirnee, and devotes the pnrrty a the ta i eis ar. thtletgimeillutn'...:~? 1 14! • MIME The Ittellegkin lifititenent talbeut - iiricrir onettoinited feet high emiq the , gro9md,l viz seventeskandys lugteet to octiezetMemett.:of the shaft; einii•Lisighti.six' . ind a hilt-feet °teak merbie work. The work on the exterior of the lifidtbsocisfitiqiiing - is drawing ta close;'nll the towers but invailieing up . . Thema* on the . Patent. Office is tspitily progressing; end the okt pupas becalm's:o, to give the whole and! farm !IPPeillum• L. • • - llama Co - thrtu.—The Whigs of Mercer County held their &mention = the let iosesat, — and nominated the folloiring ticket: _President Judge--Daniet Agitelr, of Bearer. Associate Judosa-Jobn Brackenridge, of Lib. arty; Robert Mutt, of West Belem. Actembly—Adans Black, of Elpringfiehl. Prothonotary—Dmid W. Findley, of Mercer. Bharitf-4. Williamson Ormsby, of Biekory. Register and Itecorder—W. -W. W.' Wood, of T4aiarer Joseph 13ykis, 'Siercear. clmmlesioner-7aines4:l.Ctuanisigtuusi, • Auditor—Wm. K. Fulton of Phaseleprille. • Coronet-Wm, 11. Damon Of Mercer. Directors of the Poor—Alexander Blaoln • of Bpringeeld; Wm. Campbell, of Pymittuder John B. King, of Jefferson.- • - Trustees—Bar. Gen: C. '4looent,, of Mena: Andrew Patterson of ?dinner.' • . The Marc' er Whigesys that this ticket he good ono—one that will oommead Welt to the appro. tallow of the sober, tilliaed Judgment of the cit izens of that wanks, and will command reaped even from their political opponents. ' " THB IRON 01 . Lan 10788101 t. The editor of thel..Laks Superior foureal,” published et Soul St. 15L41r.„ his lately made gt Tide to the Iron Mountain of Like Superior, and the *minds whicti.ve giro bedoir; widcheoutalas the substance of his observations, will be read read with interest in'thisregloo: . . The.lron Mountains of Lake 8 erior ere sit. timed .from twelve' to fifteen miles southwest from this place, (Marquette) end 160 miles west ward of Sant Ste. Marie. The high ranges of forest covered hills rise up; one , atter another, et this point, to the height. of 1000 feet above the lake, as one goes inland, till the principal iron locality makes ito appearance twelve miles from the village of Marquette. Thy were covered about tire years ego, and hare:frequent ly been described by visitors, United States Bur. Te3o l 's and r.cilliologistebut;. atul; 'Abe gnat excitement created by.the discovery of ex tensive copper mines just above this place. vial• tors to this country have generally been carried beyond the trouts , the copper, and, comparative ly speaking, but few hare been attracted to this interesting region, and their importance has made but little impression on the pablin As there has been time when people hem talked somewhat extravagantly of the copper sad giver tables of this region of country, many have thought—and I confess I was among the num. der—these hen Mountains might have been 'set up rather steep; but:my.risit to thin mine ral wonder, yesterday convinced me that not the half of the whole truth had been told in regard Through the kindness of Mr. Burt, I was fur nished with a drat rate Indian potty, that took me *long very easily over the rough rued and af ter a morning ride of two home, I found myself at the lion -Werke of the Jackson Company, nine miles ham the lake. From this place, B. F. Eaton, Can; ens of the company, who lest fail, leased then iron works and possession fora term of years, micompaaled me. The iron qua:ries are three miles from the company's worlm, and the road to which runs through - a sestionof rich and well timbered land. We rode out to tho.oll• stone quarry- near the road, which begins to at tract tome attention, and paned by a beautiful lake, called "Teal Lake,” from the wAd flecks of that name; that dock here in gnat numbers; but of these interesting places we must defer speak ing until another time. The iron first ukowed itself, as we approached in loose boulders and muses, scattered along the foot of the ridge,' which, co ntrary to my 'gela tion, was mostly covered with heavy timber. We noon name to one of the quarries, where amines. was at work throwing into piles the iron rocks. The son and timber are rotated from the iron for sevensl hundred feet along the ridge. This opening into the iron is several hundred feet be low the summit of the ridge, and about one hun dred feet acre the lard ground. It presents a wall of iron ore, broken =dammed very irregu luiy, the most regular fractures being perpen dicular. -Out of the aide of this ledge, masses of every site, from is pound !I:many tons in weight, are shrewd down by menu of a crow-bar or by blasting, and • the-pieces are broken tip with a slodge-hamineeso auto be eonveniently handled. As It comes-out of thequarry it is bright aid beautiful, breaking like cut, Iron, and seems Ault& upon andmoret compact. A ton of bloom Gnu le sully nude set of one and shelf tons et the ore. For from twelve and a half to twenty Cleo cents per ton It can be tnarried and broken up ready for the feints. Thee much as to the quality—now, as tacthe quntity. Above and below. for at leastJaur hundred feet, the same description of are thews itself, and heermisch farther it extends down be-' low the surface, it will be useless to 'inquire till the world has been supplied far a few hundred years from what is seen lying around Imager". To satisfy myself as to its extent, Linde around to the west side of the eidge,erldch u Mora - pre. cipitoun than the other, sad id every -step, sir fragments of the Iron erattertxt along the side, which had crumbled off for ages, and for- ages longer it will modems to - crumble, before it can be removed by the band of man. The ground ever which we rade:for some distance,: and on which large forest trees. were thickly growing, as woo evidenSfrout the large muses or the ore here and there -espied, rested on a foundation of this Iron:_lts length, like its depth, "thla1:10t be eatitaited„ hough it is seen in every direction for half a mile along the ridge. Thin is known asyhe Jackson Company's loca tion. To the west of this ridge, are others of • eimilerdeseription„ both as to quality and ex tent f tut I bad no desire to look farther, nor, a, to this, matter, need iron manufactarers, foe they an tmild their railroads and plank roads, and back tip their cuts and cam to this moun tain far eenturies to come without the remotest fear that this iron will be exhauited. The Jackson Ind Company mule surgameree. mart In this business by 1847, by cutting out a TOl4 from thin lake, and by erecting a few log• armee, a saw mill and a forge on Carp River, nine miles from the inhalant three miles from their Iron Maintain. The river le ripid, and affords beantthil water power In many places, and there is none better than this, They get, at this point, some twenty due feet head, • durable . 'tramp and' abundance of water. It Is an item worth preserving that the first bloom wu made directly from the ore by Mr. A. N. Barney on the 10th of Pebreary, 1848. The company bad to contend with all the diffi culties Incident to commencing the business of lion measliest:tug Ina perfect wilderness, and -with a Melt capital their progress was slow ; and up to lest fall, when they leased their works to Mama Eaton ffi Co., of Columbus, Ohio, they bad more than one hundred tons of bloorne.— These were. principally sold in the Pittsburgh market andcomutudeda high price. Bamplevrere mud to different manufactories, and it wu drawn Into bars sal wire, was used for heavy iron work in Detroit, and in every trial, where strength and a superior quality were required, it was pronounced equal to, the beet in market. Its quality was thoroughly tested;and., as to quan tity, the-ore was known to be altogether Ines. . The preettnelessee did not arrive till winter had satin, and then they , were obliged to leave the most of their teams and Supplies „behind • till mating, theta preventing them from going Into the winter's boldness' as etroug-handed as they had expected. Notwithstandnigthis drawback in the • commencement - of' their operations, they hauled out from the quarriestibout one thousand tons of ore for themselves and emend hundred tons for the Marquette Iron Compuly, made a large'quiudity of coal and put up four hot-blast furnaces:.' They commenced working iron late in the spring, and have now on hand' ready to Ship over one hundred tens, of beautiful blooms and ate tinting out 20 tons a week. Some account or the processes for preparing the ore for the fiers and making the blooms, may posseis an Interest to those acquainted with the business.= The ore is Hat .thrown' into a large kiln, on it lawyer of wood, and burned for several daYet, being rendered by . , this 'proem brittle. It is then taken to the stamps • and potinded . qalte fine, in which state it's ready for the fire. The furnaces ,ore something like a blaekamith'e tire, on a large scale, being open in front and back, ensilaged at _the aides, and tops with heary out iron plates, receiring tb, b et . blast at their' ides. The application of hot In stead of cold air to fan the flame la one of the greatest improvements of the age. • It has been usedfor about. twenty-five years in Pngi."d and after. many careful 'experiments it has been found to b e . besides the easing of time, a savierof one-third of the amount of coal used , by thnold Whined cold blast furnaces. The air Wheat- i eel by passing it upend down In heavy Iron pipes, owed in the centre of the stack or chimney, and exposing it to all the Intense beat of the sur tetiading fires. The finely poundedore, together with the char cued, IN thrown upon the fires, In. small quetzal ties at a time, in their proper proportions; And after b e i ng subjected to thin constant-heat for 1 1 three or four homlb - the hater is abut. off, and the bulky,' ebaoea MSS Or burning iron, streaming with melted earthy substanoes, pried out Of the Baby the modern - Weans, and, tumbled elonito the huge hammer. Thu mass; walihing about 300 lbs, will ,nottnelt.with all the .. .heat that an he applied • to tinder: illese Chuttinehumes; it is A wg9 . 6l*- q ueity for • _ . s pber article Of iitin 'is limited In making 'Clam, jrati; bid the foreign matter be :comes licpild led collects in sad et the bottom . of the mese, end is rim off into cinders from time' to time during the process of besting end is perfectly driven out nodes the helm haat- : It ist quite-surprising to see how sully a mass of this site can be handled by a bloomer, with . his heavy tongs. •By balancing the tongs, Arm. "ly p fch t, ping the iron in a loop of a suspended el ,he turns it and moves it backwards and fo with all the precision, and ease with ti a blacksmith handles a -nommen bar of ir ' One - of these blooms when fudged weighs. 240 petunia, and on account of its un wiOldy site and - weight it is sometimes out in/ two pieces, being about two feet long and four, inches Kt ere. in this shape they are-sent to market, ready for the rolling mill. i. Maul. Eaton & Co. will stop their fires for a few days, soon, for the purpose of putting in a larger water wheel, which will give their bellows a greater force and enable them to put up three or four more fires. After this improvement la completed each fire ought to make about a ton every, twenty-four hours. A. ton of blooms is made from one and& half to one and three.fourths tons of ore, and the whole expense of. making a ton of iron, quarrying hauling from the mines, and to `the lake, and blooming, is estimated at snout $2O, and the expense of. transportation to Cleveland le now -not far from $6-per ton, mak ing the cost of a ton of blooms at Cleveland or Detroit WEL . A ton of such superior iron Is worth in any market from arty to tidy dollars, thus leaving, with the present facilltiestor trams portntion, a profit enough to satisfy the iatt. avaricious , speculator. The moment o;ca,- na shall be made aerate the portage at the Sank !Li item of traimportation will be, at • rough estimate. not over $2 . 60 a ton, rind a railroad the lion worke to the lake would reduce the erpenee as much more, or altogether $5 per ton; and this alone would be sprout that would bring into the busineaS all the capital needed for cary log on the iron reutnaristilliag business to tho greatest extent. 1 There is no wild spendUtiou about this busi nees—the mountain of iron is here, the eaten. rise and scarcely tinprokeu wilderness of timber', here for coal, and the niarketa of the great West and of the whole c ennui are needing it. .Of the common articles of iron there is no want in any part of the coantry;' bat of a superior article like this there le no other place in the United States that oan so easily furnish the needed sop. p . , ly. Pereign and American -.7".0 LOGAN,: WILSON & CO., No. 129 Wood Street, iIATE NOW IN MHZ tall mlerslaplstestackat FOREIGN IND IIIICRIC4A HARDWARE, - - - Nultabla 2r tho opting trade..nd which dor! . poraoritt to ofor to purchnovro at wen that trill rammer favorably with oar of the eatitern tIILO. Petoleum! ' Sattaxttoox.o. Routine= bo..ll.,Slarell 4,11, S. M. Lux—Dear :Iry Your lhoolgan, is vatting in %it tteinity; thcrobwe .• would thank you tOMS4 u. (lira the Nowt oats gatitunL We an tar Unit oat. and it U Wog Winfred for abnort avort by. loon. ntrooWnll.t. JOICI LONG k IN). rivOstrug. Labborl to.O. Meek 10,11.1 M.16.133%--11.1ar Ito. Taw Agent, • War web Alain, LAT with an Ibnr doom hock OIL which Ira hate 411.1. Man tbriraol to as sta. dada lanciallately .Your moikba •otbing oondw• in OW 'tato. W• no obtain mama omit:kat...lf You , Uttt• Your., tc., W. W. SOOT/. y,,,,,,t..14!g01ar S1e00011; 110 Wood amen 11. I. Bongo. 3111001 street; B. A. l'abnesbxk. t Co. ono Woarack, groat atroetx U. M. Ctlot.l). L. Elliott, &mob P. &thwart; 4/I•abettr. alto by_th• pro soil:dlr.? • 13.01Essle..astentb n. li M. LIZA, ttanund,. —TRUTH FLOATS ABOVE FICTION fiEB OIL ABOVE WIESE-11e sdek lean doea tell • goad boo/Idea trgiag !Lae Gnirk aa•Dr. tap tell appal Sinew b 7 ..ling it And it one gun tee. It, and Pada It loos. It .Hl destroy the populatity vat. the .bw. VIM CIJII introduee • medinue Into popular um nalet. yoaspea neatly substardial widow, Mona= all bad ante of valid oluertgas, and it la this fart that Wu wratdhlted thoelnlitai. of •Olull'a Camp:maul iluid Entrant a Sap Lapoud all wall or 'lngrate. Its actual spat Parser ouster:, I.ln areordasee antla rational sad phl lepcpbkal prtuantra the rarknt* *Problem ad exert:our of the body. meows obOznallica.dhplacee urobid and datessul matter. ateengthatu the stoma& and dived. organs, cruder ow, pan, and bralthg 1.14.1. odd rivtlatre the PI 0.. funetlona of the diScranat utsral of the half. Thin Yat poloenuel without the toed soup. of ham. the Panora/len helnit ae , tug en It is aleaduns It nay be thought biller ekeptinal, that It uorperti to esilk 2 4 .4 awns anew, but upon monk. run.. It rut le Eund Opt • luy. majoritr of aro dhow- Er hial vial th 6 human bugle - .alft.a. I. an Impart 1.1.04 a lu. blest. Ur net dewlap!. Wu, by other Set wparalls. bring oftervd run ty . cur milers a nag... and ..at praparatledt . ea • peatitute the original Jghst gbh peeptration the PeoPertor warrants to be =wear to all Ohm , . ..t.linowt.—ltereare and sag Er tbo arligoal Dr. Job; 'EPO'S Shen few. Kenfaulu--and ha. mother. Pre ...tecuilswoent on another pay-v. KEYSER p WIPOWELL. 140 Woad at. ivEntfornotE atludeeale p Retell smut. t®"Reedet' n word to you. If you whit to hoot • von vrellent codiflota la pont boom. to OW 113leafdiaLltif to coon of bons. fate. •Wale. brutal. I,ttolsotto, toOttsabo, oeutolgto palm. cramp, aombooso, Go- as .Dl pt bout• of R. 01. forrell'o Arabian U. •nd yon MI Lul it unequalled by uir coo Mud go tboVionn ontld. non adyyntioonint. Year krY MeLvit's Ltvtt PILL2I..—Lit offering ably nr.thrio. to the public. the Draptietora an I.IIU oerat• Mao they hors to etinanoter. Coetility Mental by U. rauatiaaa Lmytednot. atlikh hare tern pallor! toy. th. DoV4e under the share of Wont tombriner Wo ur oar • :nor!, hoverer. tZ.t ft la oat, amatory to almtbetr Yr medy a trial to gitamt it m rotate irtimatioa hi shor•-all ottetita of the ono% over Geared to the lotblir It is the formation of ma enhobtened. neeeieopd, sod icor. PhYMelatt. wt. moor yaws toot It irk M. con pear U., whoa its sett ram, to:lnert Min toot:WU (orb. , to/bloat lare. • tot rale br tett...lnt, IL, MEM PfitibusghLifo Immo Company cAPLI.AI.. 8100,000. OFFICERS: ProOlent—J..4 S., lino*. Flee President—R.ldr. Meactias. Trmonet—JogArs S. Luca. ; X...v[447—C. A. Coucno. LT Alecnisloxfo Is Anna.. Put of tttls parer. soy= Citizen's Insurance Company of Pittsburgh ugNCOURAGE lIOSIE INSTITUTIONS Oa, No. 11 Water Mort. tn the vonewao otO. VT. Bogart. Prorident--...A. Maw, I•ey. ThU Coorpg or now Prtotrt.l to Immoral InortbotAllo In gar, ow to Iroonto. vesatlo, et. An ample gCarat) ths ottlltt and totarrl=g I rotlttutor.. it slated In OW etwroctot -Itt• - Oho ato .11 tillsons Plittatoargb. wen WI (nor., kovrn to tbo towounlty Gtr their wader., Intotllipuvo ttb.rn to aral Lateanty. Larwrana—{".ll. Halsey. Wm. Eti6l.7. W. Mimes. Jr. {Yalta... Itryat, Hugh D. Mat. &Want Ileaahawa. Jahn Hayworth. B. Harbaugh. 8.11. Kla. • wohatif Great Railroad Iteeting. lITTRIRITIOR AND ISITOBENVILLI: RAILROAD CO. ], d i A. SLEETING of the people of the Counties or Alleebeny. Itaalahliston. and Nam, sant of the en re mite of toontry interenteri, will be told on FRI- O IT. the EIGHTEEN TO day atJULY.st IS o'elook,noon at fLOKILNet, in Wuhlyiton eountroto take Ow mow Ineseureato forward the innentste of the httaburah end Steubenville ItellsowL The Doolo then be reapened, by nljourtunen it reretvin, multevelptions to the alwitni abet or the Com east, Marie* Nayl% end olhettoelll Wrote the meet- RC on the /roe's& enNeel. of RolOood Dauer, sad will ex po.. In detail, the itotortanve advantagre of our Ball road. and tbe tudieeetwebte neeeentv roe Ile itentedlats .m/iletlow DJ order or the noe cerezeth,..... ISROSTON. PinaddenL Jars ldelcoutt, Serretary. roman, l'n. July gth.1651. -- • Magnetic Powder; tOR the Destruction of ell kinds of Insects. — WD P.6IAirUEL LION, tomator wad of theU uW ld Powder tor rho dastroetion of blew-be. Bed Ants, t ll . l asul Inseeta on Plants ' Id weatml wad rell by '4 Nee smut /00 67 Woid R. TICE POLIO . BALE GIP iALTIABLE LOT 9 IN TILE MT DlentlCT, *AJOINING the ot . Seventh and E!g4th Wards. will JULYce au the prwmim. tes TiLLM.S. the llth of , at. 3 ("knock. P. IL, congeomaing b ebb Bob., Bridge, with Lott One Hundred beet deep to an am. by Twenty Vour feet trout on linunsylvanis Le anne. %hie street le the ehortut and mast level route Wnt Ws My. Besides the Pavement. and theOsa and Water Pl ies Lm' bibo g it by the City. the Turnpike Company ham graded and ad, further City , tne een end We superior Plank or @lateen ten taut, Pr with a Bummer' Bolsi oneach Min Also, a mullein' of LOTS nem the Colmar Wets, and others near Tismin'e Saw Mill, IA Braddock etreeL This street (being a conn.c.tioe or Second Mete) ho been Plankto sixty feet. and greatly ..d d by fast sate Plank Bead limn the Cur Oluough Turtle:Creek. and soon to he connected with the Roads o,er the Monongahela rims by IL Steam Terry, at the tna Mlle Sm. • Also, adjoining the above. • number of LOTS "an Com merce amok which (lying between the Plant Bead and the Rltor) are well milted um' either .I:l2.ll6CUlnti or T oge he title Is Istilsputalilm and the hos, befal l of eg sitcs, atiord purchseen * chattel. the tolowingesay &KM Onegourth cash, the beliain; In three equal Danteht.. at one,' two, !Ro d three Years, With Intervet , recurs/ by lam/ skid too e. For the COOT, once of persona eflablog to attend the YetChnnibueeesstlll leave the corner of Fourth andales , hot streets, as often malted, throughout the aftepsoon of the doy,of sale, beginning at 1 o'clock. • ..I _ kIeIEtNNA. Auctioneer. For Bale, • LOT OF GROUND, on the treat aide lA. of. Washisaston strcw.. 100 feet *Toth of 00 watt, WI Bes t asap kr M t front..on whims eroded • small two atoned Brink Irwslllaa Hon" ooataln• Ina two tmonc:ts. Term k' for nub. rapids" of .D. W. •.i. H. BELL. Atlantan, at Law. .- irlUAt Nottrth s tat.sa nltelthOokl and Grant. Communion Service. FPANKARDS, CUPS, PLATES, BAPTIS- E. SILL BOWLS, for ale 17 W. W. WILSON, 1110 67 Market M. cam. of Fourth. ASS PS, CIIANDELIERS. GAS FIX TURES. Se., of Coroatina t Co2a norivallarl mum actor; Jo every variety. marl ararraotol to give alevalY avl tatillroot hght, and vainly tree from Lb* Rant m ht tetellu the tat of Catophotar sal odor light& jrfo . W. W. WILSON. Al‘lB-4 eaml:s superior, for sale on con uB .ignment by T. WOODS & BON. .4170 GI Wabyy*L Ll Altu—lsoo lb,. No. 1, for eate by 41u l', WOOOl3 t 802!,.411 Wag= sL ODA -ASH-23 casks iaWich brand; rorpir bi lrla • W. N. WILHOSI. silo , T T -1k kegs .11 : cut i. f:r p. m . !1? b LOAE SCRAAR-ILO 66L. ailed Nos., for ode by , W.* r.witsza. powDra—soo kegs An Pout's Blasting; 17 1 i , inavomm Fr izsEED oiL=s cake warranted pani, _ 7710 , • • : R. E.: - EiIILLEIt.B. 37 Reit st: 1 UNIATA BLOOMS.-20 tone. for_ eale to 0 el consignment,. by Knit t JOS .B.S ; Canal Bul. Ni MOLASSES - 300 bbls. oak, for sale . by .00 W. A F. WILBON. Q. H. SYRUP-26 bbls. for sale by . I...7•Jrte W. a F. WILSON. N. 0. SUGAR-45D bhilx. for Bale by W. t P. N11,..40:1 . , To Foundry Kea. , ._ _ , p•r. ADVEIVI7SER witabes a situation u Munger In • Foundry. 11. Imam/ roan, rentiok• one. Pvtimalarly Lo goyim. open rand work. and pipm of all alma, Prom 1 Inch to 2n. • 1,. • • • Anunleation stating tenni. &Wolter no:Union, thoughtmory. adrenal (pont essotoutentsettsw. eut nowt with prompt attention. • WK. F.DIMILE.V. jyltd•wlt•el • • ltimnille, Ohio. Eureka Erming company. N Adjourned Meeting of the Stockholders of the "Eureka BlirtiocCoutory. of 131e31er he LLat the Mee of Ur Oomory, lo fluebot4 ee Turley. the 6th day of Augli&a. se 3 o'a. re, P. AL roe purpose of eopetiodAL T n etisfor . = log IrTelOew3l:T To Bohool Teachers. - • - HE Sokol Directors of Lower St Clair- Time&lv him molted to morn the PON, School. r thelr cam, coo th e ant of Beptenabor,aml bey them e about 01= month. to th. cowls) etc. • Board Ell ma= on. the first y at Ao end. prothar, at tio.Publla Bchool !loom No. 1. Mount Want =to:: 2 , 21116."' iy'rgAt.'lll:l , —"AVa:. ,r! ' ,l coo be obtalo•d from the ...log toembore of tbe Perm boanit 2..1. Illgham. No. 81 Fllth meet,' or A. Ambler No. 08 tholthhel4 =met. sytochnognoT VILEESE-45 boxes receiving per Bidwell's L./. Line, sod for de br JAMES DALZELL. Jr. GS WAS.r. nM 78 Front as. 'MACKEREL -50 bbla New N 0.3, for gale ivl sr jig JAMES DALZELL. lIANNERS' OIL-50 bbit u fg sale by 1_ .179 petit:Ll. Diawlution. LCONSEQUENCE of the decease of John Maulers, tlsr eartoereble hereto:Pin extstlng between oden g Coyote is hereby dlusolval. Jobe Y. Colo II fully stehonted to settle the bodueos of the tote gm.— JAI perms harlot claim. will Ovum realest th em to mroutit. Pittsburgh. July let, 1841. PARTN.ER'SIIIP ran • • COVODE cdfi, ISuee.sors W iloraden a Comae.) The business of the Agency of the Penn oilrlnts Ontroi Roll:ad Company +III liereofur be coo- dal:nod under the saoe.aal.!ll•zf orot ., mu . , • =mar of Non i;„ Warm, stmts. Pittshugh, Jell 110..1861-1 X7O. COVODE & COLE, [ Soon:non to Ma'am s Corot.] Canal Bcirin; Penn Street Nana. Bail Road Ca.--C,entral Rail Road' • entkacribera having been appointed Var thi ftliVirgrr" 7l "' l le. C ` ww te l t i - 1. ,eotro eulthandlao Or prZIO• Too shipment eat ontbo Gotnlng of W. ' . . ••, - • • • -•• • . (war rla this roan. VIII b. earrnd lb nrnab In Are 410 s rnd all ecarthreed le . will IA fornardal fr. nr rrdanda- Inn or :harp for adTarmr. - - um et rommcr %Treat ." — rilluarrzina idni Trimssat. - Da Dad& Data. Oboe.. Dock..et•ti...,cati,cfts. o . - wsarr. &rules. Frahm, Turrdtarn, Drug. Hedldnes, NaddleTT Wool, ca A. ' 11.0 . 14 100 t Illtdwatt,tnrare, a roennes, Paint+. T* e uff& Oda, Lorther,r. rr, Ina,Tlmothr awl other Oran DaM-d tc. 00a V Dd.'. ik. Fe.._ i t,. sil.n-ntze-I. Ladd DU, Drawn° Lea , a , - Wed 100 C As a& ozarbig (1 . ....0) Tax. 4 .Pirsh. Dandn.Oarroan Car. Boum/ a, We ll 1001 • .' 00V & CO/X. corcornsDamn and ODE Way. syn.. ' Dlrlannritir. July Ist, IMI.-019 • 14 New Itithsie.. • KLEBER, has hut receired— . lielly illy. by A. C. Foster. Sweet LIM., u 11.9 g b 7 lent Ma& ...4z.mof Prove.. Clariniana. word e fixen nanlan's Ell - I s' . alt Vl.Ext ur aWilTentllrs. Anne Wale. of Ali. bony. The Moaner. ElAgnel.to Posta/. in. mil men/ Sales nom. Total duni, b 7 tilarer. . lint thou La gone Love. total duet/. by 4. C. fad., • - Toni ria; alray.Jualt. by 111. C. Foot.. own 1 Intel thvaMan data. by 111. C. F 0 .14, I coned not Mein Whine. It Don't bear mentioning. Ilan. Moon. .• Pnrao,—llectrieua. Emir...a, Dur Mao. Jumolnx. Chndten. llt'allace. IlanaJcsael. Nati nsnine.onal, fleoulab, Coln. Camelia. llambarn. Earn.. rr lloyIllsOrallaat: WAinsx—ELinisca. liAttrlee Alexandria. isaMaine. k!Cmply 511 w -till.. Three Sliteny rte. Ain • One Attan o of Mtn in. lonian amain Elan at thekLan tio /1110. /GU • . Allegheny Connty, - is: Vnl the Court s of Common Pleat, 'l i Na V, Juno Tarm,lo47: the Wager of the voluntary iteatzr • moat of Robert Marta to Lori nub.), John 311.11irr, larignoti, foa toot= oft Joh Waco, Pions saints( Auditor to Atidlt said torouitt. , " Pro= the ltamnl. tiEO P. HATS, r. • In porintanor of tba glove aorAlormentoka ofdergpra• ed trlllattrtal at Us otlllo, No. 110 Pornith emit. latmh, on Murata, N tha th dor of July. lost * at 10 V rioe A. M., to 04,oharpd the drill , '" of 10. ruitment. }lint. EDWIN STOW Auditor. ISSOLUTION.-In ---- eonaequenee of the 15 &cave cf n.. Eaiaori Elliott, the vsztoolvitip vcofve Paritlz vit.h Ylllatt rEttylfch, mane tbs tint of ofaer. Arkin &Co, t. thl.day divolrcl. re. tvisineto .Itlvr Ist. Arts Sill 'neUle4 Imficerva Puna. at the envtivioface.E.‘" 4 . COHUR Jniollao.lll6 .—jyl ELLIOTT I init/LIVII. - _ rti Dividend. lIE Pretident, and Menace of the Hand itsw4 RAO. employ hats day daelarel • dl• a of two dollars and tiny mats prr sbare our of the Au of tb• lut as .onitbs, payabln forLtmlt.d. _ W /I. LARIMT.E. 4s, Treatorrr. '• alaltb.ls3l.—iff..2t 1 Family Horse. • . LARGE fine lookiy Sorrel If orme6' , Its t =Wit, 1g=m7,...7: k "T .. ''' TII,MPAO• BELL, , no : ( At A. Ifni°, A Oc:a) lb:sloops.) itCKEREL-100 bbls. Nes: No. 3 Large: so tad Vs tale br % 1. BAOALET t CO. .576 lt .4 70 Waal 21. I OAF SUGARS-300 bbts. ass'd Now.;-for 11.4 b, WU. OLUALLT CO. - • JIS lb aasl23 Wcod et. 10 COFFEE—SW bags landing and for . by ,p 1 I AIL 1110ALla & CO. - . •-- pIPES— boxes 11,150 bo ha P White Clav /pas, 100 ! Woo Mpg! 11;341t.1te 4 " WM. NAGALIit & - SOAP --.300 . boiesitosin:Cinti brands, r,,fe by . !HAMMES* ak: 6 lb mul IL Wad et WAN TED--41 place for good book keep. • WY - la etalmal. in retail moor •orto • lumber rant. 01l th• •retinec eiplErgre ID lIVIC good .rrforeneas can ho alma trot...l—d gord. mart cod In. raOnr1 7 1 . 111;lno of ai= 1 : ' era =Tr city. Witattni—Pll.• in our clam Woos, cod ,oeeD mond. for • itumber arbors of •11 an.. eon 1.00 anat. atosn KW, Iraantd—F•reral good ram, on•or tworoal Intoselteepors to go I.lp dm an nal tannin: and fur surtonl oNtmorrmaLlt •n. LOW Pr loan ou &gond heat *We at • mons, for • =MI artnato. itg-renocuttst dobtad at the Fem./II °Ula< 100 brigtadyf i N i r o -OUP ttgattt Calt•lllarebaot.l.4bortAt. ' L'OR SALE- - --TholDailf Gazette, •sitd all the Pitiebnolob TWIT/ and meet of the ITeekip, and $ HO late itzebanse Payers. from all °Rapt - mei:al cities .11 tow= Sibbettl , countarrelt Petootor. Wmall retail eupply of writing ea letisr paper. lokt k -To Let. pen. blunt pen. waLmentalopee.a. Tio.!finest Water . rod "Cu, Ming end /*sell. - ailimo. • large Temperance Ctisrt..lMap of tbeAmerlcan Repaid* do. of the Ifesvena. do. of Lim World ami Otdcl • Um pie torime a WI eceatnt of the cheat Tim at Pittsburgh; tip Rae moles J.lll easpender button. TOGO small fob hook. • GO damn bed eordr. plouxiiend chalk line. tomb Üblie Louisville flute. by We berrel as retail, for We at ISAAC HARRIS' /MU. ittlenci gad I nea n r Market end Bt. telligenosOfllne, fi Clialr sttssrty s.e, COPPER STOCKS.—Wo have orders for the fitoek of vatim Mang Creamlee of Lae Re perm., Thom Ildat,il4 10 /MU will Wereresl4 git edema ,teft A. WILNI:th C 0... LiARD OIL-7 bble. on consont, for sale by 15.11AWDICH CO. ye tiger mad host Ft. COTTON -22 halos in store and for Bale by 19AI•t1 DICKSY A CO. Watar t Croat Oa. rOTTON BATTING-40 bales Family, on contlement, for sola /ow to Owe. Jig lastill DICKEY & FEATHERS—For sale by • • MI ISAIAH 'CUT & Seem Valuable Farms or Sale, LL SITUATED near - the hio and Penn. erleaskla Baatdad fri the etellalti or Salem. °llk , . ommtrdoS Ram 10 le WO scree etch. and to a good mate mattivathm. A4o—lts) SOWN L(Yra.lbtlyeen the mewed bosh= pare of the e rn es. and the Depot at Salem. AU of tehleh be sold on gear terms kr the mans. aj i rtl i e n gt e g i tt s f ul t _yloo T yaola t t e tallro ge r meat. "" . I aim Irish te donate pieta ground. atolortnt Ste Perot groand. comsa' mars or oomnany. to anlet • //rat class hotel anon on 40141 • fountain eats be bad to " gl i gtl3l " ..Tilinstalis h st=th einsa of Mt's burgh and Clareland; also..letsraan Plltaborgh and 'Woo. ter; sad tn. benefit to ke derlvni_frym Lb* Plant Roads non k. I t esantrnoted to and froto Wank Malmo it one of the mast Important points 40 ilia Ilne of rallrosl for a Ilrzt duel utel. • ZA DOE STREET. lair 1., '61.-I'bn:if Pittsburgh Life Ineuranes Co. T HE Second installment of Three Dollars la payTanhabarootWNVlV=lt..gaadi Comm", Abs mot day of &WWI oast. bet kirat Ld CO TON. Poentary. More New Goods • • • • - VOTIVITIISTANDING the advanced eta° Of the I.l9l3 oo &kre . r.tre o to nmist m l7=teLd o w , I nu ll n iforlllain Mock faG,7lMr Mims Elm{ Tinnt• lEt .Buck Law, Uobt Mae Do Ulm " "dr i jy? • comer of VoUltb and Martel Wool. Notice to Contractors. Burningly at and Bremen:7k Iraeculeme4 eel Turn. I pike and Rank:Road Company. XICITICE is hereby given that Sealed Pre-. 11,1411 . 1-4 T r zgrb a . b lA i l u z " ,git • Vit. h— E : fag theprtoji., of ant end, of X ma, eseh,) betweeu Mount 011ser and Jobs Constea tar .. 4,1 re d .!' ""'i±4P- .s!..Vll.3lVelifter, stDIDRIES- 2 bias. No. 1 Lard; Uresse. 22 111 beg. R restherx had isr eale.by Itl Y 00 IJ7, Valor haul Front 14 ffEESE-150 boxes for tat zi. e h a y ca 177 !SALA ICC F IRE 'D , I I I.I3ERI:! . C2OF MINERAL co. SYRUP MOLASSES-27 bbls. B. IL Syrop ma.. 14 • .V P " 1. 1"1 1 ` . -' Sorg ran 2 CO- VASTBURT: a Tille,• by Antis Harriet jut Dram . _, authoress of 'lll 0.115 so s d Tortnact' - not So Ha: vs Ins Seas •r- /Lazy Eidos to t atatneln: • Closts:l In are sets; brZWLIIN w.r.L740.. Ban. As 11111 - 3; of VIOL.: aittri: talmetace ME= =M3=ME=E -For Califon& na ChagriaDtieot•- •• erful eta' =Ai* TIM renatuander Te. lll a L f " the i 7eLtt eb eeea,,.. VB :4l 4 *,,... ) •. iu wi r,.. .. telphie for Cheated. direct. as Itutrular.loth Ja 1 70 4 " rcek, th m ou her •berf. new Locoberd sumer. . .. . The abosderada bar 5 1 resaeL mead herself eatemargabt= 1. end her mead e. deer and Ise petwencere ere unsurreteed. Through tlekento iho 2 trtatteheo furnished at reduced rat*s. for red.ght or pare • age errir to tiEOUtii McELEN/tY a 00 , .. : JOBS L. LlNTlMLootherd r atmw".brut inertr. , .1. 0. WILLIAMS. Vol Front ruse% Sew namia rail if riatforre Or to W3l. nom ri, _ _ bbliOreise: Beekvz.r. ' 11. r. 4.4 4414 br ALLAH . DIGAM.." 'S" ir4 IN Wider 'Nce." - .airmOgh:tios mad Broirr oti utall' 31; Tern- ,• . - pike and Pianklitid anaptiorq. • VOTICE is hereby liven. that the Stook holden:la saldSompany are minimal Sopa, geent ek , t 7 h t e *r Tiet t n: . % 6 (r& e" leVerZ r An th= *antis day of July, lost; and Sto 1 1 WW9911 tostaltoont of Firs Dollars oo each share eateerlball. osvfb• flat dz . , of -.widen nazi- onlri. of th e Board. , - J 71 1 ,1. 7011 N 111eX11,141. TOCKS WANTED— iw 100 shun rrZaci.Yittluzin " Ei° 4 4A: znuir. 3ra,note.g W3 rit4g-L. A CO. at. ARPER'S MAGAZINE, .for ir t i A; Sus - Nen r,706.1 HOL.11&• Turd item appoclte th. Pad OtElco. ,3 !tif OUILNING ALPACCA S.-Light in body Ili and eswially atapted . Simmer. wear. Atm. Wm.. Chant. SiMk Uinta. Crypt, Banbastner.m4 other styl. of Mourning Occole—o halt emostenent to EMI *Mai sto et the re of ntus-Ty a 4Elitcuevra.D. acTWILLED. FRENCH - CLOTllB,7 7 Mtrartrr & tleitarirr s bar s received. a frez4Wrs plug =4 I t Trilled Fmk& °Milk of • goodqa+Wty. Also--' Mark Drab Ens, far &warner Cont.. • Jr& • (Kik; UNDERSIGNED have ' , entered into Co.osztoertblit' under the too of ItTOllll - a LAW. _ :CO, to .rarry an the PAPER AND 12.141-BUSLYM At. No. 6 Moor street, Ilouvarato. when Iv.eplog a loose exoortrottst of Papers, die., OWng to part u , . .._ . Writtoo hirer . . Wool', soldLodcf,lmerittstiOt4 Both Putto and Kota reperm Wore toad Latd:Wel is Ports, n.t N." Pwtn. If sad •ara P_,anent. (oam 29 Se 141 br 40. rntor.or and av Mtn Thar* Paperkatoortean and 11?b4114. flolliawnwsth'x Patent Maras Paper& Colmad and W Mp liboa Panama... Zoo azurffrta. Sal Enactor* Papa*. _ • Wore* Printina and Caret i'nona • • 31.111 s P ..T.1...Au risen. G laud lloyat, enlona,- Itrustetat Tea, peenaidoted lavas cann. Its*, Man Pray Wrap Paws. Bonnet. Emden . , Ow Trank _ Nth* and Mgr blntralor*or. Lenar t Mead Vat* . ..Iternta lb; Bask Potter ico.'a Citithirite Inks and sheets. .vittta and evicted—al slum. eat top. t . h TtgL O PNlVß r ittg o i n i r?! 9 . l r d ttral r ie r - LAWHANC., late al No. 3 as= at. IL-660 torta cf *anted Ur attune roe cask; /72.1.3* WUKEREL-40 bbla. Large No. 3;:: jai - sx .r Canal and for sate L" . . DAL.ULL, WS Waked. ~RACKED COCOA--Freeh-]]'net received and lby alb by , Ivx. 4. bIeCLIICa I CO.. ' Ira robn. and Sea ada& ,VHOCOLATE., BROM& k COCOA-0£ ay try dem:dram fcr malt by or nit by MI. A. Nect,ma a 00, - - JO Grows and Tea Deanna IVNGLISH k IRISH BLACK TEAS—Not to le santll.l In quality and 'War Wavy b The cny--eonstantly Cu band and Am We by the MU 4nt. at si reual. rc Rotel prierr.4sn. gad" zrzaliv.l27. Oman azulTsaDes.lers. LAKE. 11811-25 bble. Lake Trout, (new;) ' 21; Just rsocitei sal far sal+. br . New Music. - - , PRE SPIRIT- POLKA, composed by H. I. Nadu.,aod dullcatol to Steams C. Poen. of this . . Smile. Wolk. ArrAngoi. bi 2L Meter at platoNtry Urgy r t i EM- i gto cf tot! at ou Poky Jo.coe. troth rar tarts totloor. PAU. ilto Autumn of ma rm. b? bun. Bub , ". • Alro, • Zoo relectios of ratitirla Stork for P 1460. Pm.. Vkllio. !Lc—. : • IL. KLY.BI..k. la Third Amt. tcAt now of lb* Boliars. - , P. rplasuligl lot of now PIANOS 0 °pang. Oco 0001 scod occood-hand 6 octavo Plarn for NIA STRAW WRAPPING PAPER—Crown, Nadine", and Donble ClVVlrldial;_for ale frhalasals rainfall by . IVILTat MARMILL. - =NCH PAPER—For - 6310)3y WALTER. P. 7.1.“raLL.T... 11EMP-41 bales Missartri;for sale by 3V MIST, 3LATTEIEWB 2 Co. .COTTON -48 bales for sale by RIMY, 114.17 R 8 200. LEAD --1359 pigs Galena, for Bale by i so =EY, 31ATTLIZW3 s CO. prime Poaches; D EIGNEI) SUGARS-124 bble: Crashed, •La, Admin.]. 663 Clarifid Busann test it.. Tat lamals Sas 661 a 111.031.XY 00., J 630 " IS asel . 30 Woed DICE—S 6 tae. fresh Carolina, for ar_le by 1112.1310 ALIT & CO: frIAR--I1 0 bbls. N. C., for nabs - - :m? . ..RADA LaT IXL I/ UTTER-13 kegs Spring,. for sale by . 1.1? ieSO Ulf .B.A.CLLEr& CO boxes W. R., for ealobv rs WU. HAIM LES k CO. SOLE LEATHER-300 Sides best Hemlock Tanned New Irak I..eiltir. - fa Web, Je4lo . wst. BAGALEr •CO. fIASTOR 01L-10 bbls. extra qua li ty, for 1,./ sae by • W3l. ACILLEY & Co., Vii,-. 4, " 1$ me al Weer se. NgltefLA S" J : il BANK STOCK WANT. .1,1 NCH&NOE BANK STOCK WANTED, tons superior for sale by MAD k pant. uu 0 . 1 0, LN-200 bbla. for mal n el p y tIBtIIS bbls. Atr sale TA 1 :1 1 " - ':33"U° liana a bble. No. gi121,51),...f9r RICE-50 tieres ( t o arvefcta. .7.Blaiyi. rKELE 11feetig of-the S tockholders"• et th e ..ttlentle eult)htererzterhOdlrhur.".lll.' be ell.arteesbly to tbe Charter, eh Thunder, 2 . 1 r..1 71 ht at 111 , d.* 31, et the Cetopettre =mkt the utref Plttaburch,.for. the pnryolo or electing NineanoWrN to ...tree for the *waded year, arid to treater: nut oth beeitoese as over be brousht before the need% Bjarder! . INDIGO k NUTMEGS—On ocamigninei , 24 j 7,11) ci ne b ffatit DICICEY 00. bblo. for !tale tginto Superior S4irlbiv ". ITIRPhr• & BURCHEILLD hare rvid LL nenni 4. ggn.27=rjrisgre=. ..aco r the reaableetilreriairans, we be war. • Enoanstio Tiles for Floors. ___ TECESE TILES aro mom - durable thanNW y Ila.'andlan variety of nalcalland agar. bysexgrnat. "r an null far .Canrches and other pnblal 0 , 111g4P,, and for Veirtanilka Halls, Iran . 1 , tscm Zan . : lo, lmr,tak •aad unarm. In Darallinak 311Lillt, ' T ", 0.1.T/Sa a YOUYS, ; .Ic=7l. • . - 279 Pearl amt. NEW TORE; 11.1LACK' BERAGE—An additional supply 141 reed this morsdag ttu evre of- 14, jef 3.11311Pt11i B tiOPLEY'S POT CLAY—lOtons &reale try JACIIOO7MAKIB Am' . ' Ir INBRED OIL-14 bbls. for sale - 1.29 J. SCIIOOH2taSmt & LUM-50 bble. for sale b • J 49 J. ECROONSIMIZIER•Mk G L S E-100 bbh, sal: o = , k co: (Z, AND PAPER-60 reamsanted; for sale by - ECCOONCLICKEI Z CO ‘ 1 PONGE—Extra fing l'urkey, forealit by 1,7 J. 2CI7.OO3ILtS.ER A CO., rAINTS °ROUND IN OIL, in Ilb. CUM. Bent akd Raw Umber, Cbroamel'ellor,PariaGrok4 771V2 1". . 1' 1AM?0011 AMER k Co,2&lrocd A LCOIfOL--76 wad 92. deg. strength for it ale 07 1 34 ^1 J-5C1200= 00 gat CO. IVHITE OLU.E.-3 bbla. for sale by • T Se= J. SCITOONMAKER a 00.. 11. 3t. LISN'S Nerve and Bone Linixuent-5 rcsa for salv 4.IT.RAW WRAPPING PAPER-50 nqupi 1,7 ertra Luis slut heary,fixi“l. Di • " J. SCHOO:IIIJLICER S CO. • ir ELVA just rdeeived froni - New Yoke, an dt-'4.01.r."^* dr.r.rtnow CORSIC6IIsud RTA tti . ION DS. or o • 'RN. :WEILL NE ACKEREL-100 bbls. No: 3 &Ina to anise and far sea Join( wArc CO- UNDRIEI-- ?1` I i'Lt! 31'k`• I. bt blab, Iga Pi: (V .E.' " X. JAY," r'thantitWiTiricik°7 To Business MaL. SUBSCRIBER intonda starting .on a r c: !twine* Tour to the Mutant att.., oa or about tba of July, and vill ottaltd to ay Imbue, ostracal to bill tan with Pr0mPt.....4 04•17. - • WoIOS. tem in 711shainn pall, moats Mt Nana Coon nowt. R~e Borah. 31ortixot, P. c.l4.lThite, Uogob Armld... 7l lVll. AltVl Witt: 2LlteXciiht LLkite special attention to the Wee a , Alen at Oakum terr Merchants and'other; In {feat: tawrlacneo. hoa _pettach awpau ow st=tik., c. D N.Whlt Uunmen. and Wm. ~ . .kleaa.F hl eTa4 . Sc 4" O AP SUGAR-40 loaves Louring's Don de Ittened,:reed and tor ad. - . - WM. A. mectrad 13AGED -lILANR-BOOKS:Blank.l3c4s, of rrefFr ilm mad. swPactrar 145 „ m_ t .N0.§0111124 mut - - - tra mum:scu ms” man n. =Got 1514x:,2,& .__.- ___.__.l •,• ~20 ROVES TO CLEVELAND. affiftgo - 1851 PITTSBURGH AND CLEVELAND rPackd tad Ragroad to Okalest ASSENORRS leave every-morning at 9. trr steamboat to Dryer the= b 7 "'"l=l:M=thao.b7 Eitlite,oam= T00.4=4. btrs To Doticit..3B bolt= - iletet l itiottosish "- 94 , . OISMILLTI, - t'4 mambo and leek br Claulaw saad Cadman Emma. • I.l=7.l4p t iat thl.t. br m e 4 nesmers Iral ea,...for ,b..... 1 rm al. bLhahroad to Pror ...g ....,01,......,00t0g ot •LEO bt sfacallsan. low water in the Ohba tit., Uhl iOO3O Wands. Inn. ha a me nd Gahm% artll to Mu.l witch otlebort et...pa. and an than ant other. .• ~ --- .. WWI& L'ARIO3. Prantirtera. • itoraunrcu Pa. Nor !lasts nelnill tO ' . ' . L. C.BI7OIIEY. Agollt. (Op ttLini) corona Potatbield cut Watot WM% ontratibr the Mananaahrla WOWW. . Or to W. R. WOOESILUAD, Apia,. . °War Vida . St. Chula Wag. Went 11321NIPZINAML =MAD. 1851. - SPRING ARRANGIIIIENT. 1851 Putpoix hOurs to. Philadelphia: forty-four'hours to Baltimore. --281 miles Railroad-103 miles Canal: soar. star =AV= AID mutarams torn - TO PIOTABELPKIA, BALTIMORE AND - NEW TORS:. Being !mfr.= ae.many chow mad porferaits!: consucted Irak "line Lind. Two Dail Lines. Express Packet Boata. 'Sadie . FOS rAsartossA) LEAVE Pi= for Jobartown, thyme HaLLIDAYBBIIRGH, NEW . PENNSYLVANIA ItAILEOAD. TIM thaaadred and Fortran tam &net to - 'PEILADEVELL . N adi Iwo Ltra 000rf rrooo= Eight Voice; ion to Rthattolokt.. hr. Boldatots, 111.08. - do . do AuslabararAdtA4 Piumms for Bakcauxre 4 _ 4 ,.. Tas Oa Tort wad vamtdesad art eta arriyall et Caro a: ttract ~M.' nd• D inaGro refaX6 _tour VW Mmt.l , oollbours. • • • Nocitarva itr hatuiling Baggage, on this routs. If s. eszs Ittaxadalart. dasi of the mod dm* 4a lr 4 =ettiaapag intoomtrt ~bL trot moerueu. Astir root tiesatr as - J. P.llol..MEaLlignt. DaBECIErCO. cunt Doan; Pools asst. lsta. WESTERN /651. TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. D. LI=EI& cOAL MIL RAIL RQAD AND CANAL PULLADELPELL ANLIMir !OHM . rpoa Coal being in - good order, w• sio " rpond to toranert pooleoesatiourchoodlit to booths above dem ottbi4 .4 1 “ oroot et tour .}test[.eAt i rcoptose . tem Oateantoo toetrated r the poplietely. of loraar .ersearOthal, and al low.i.fts ;overpay at. Arr, 6 1 Li N c '' eroded • r , ctiiirOn• ...onnon•rot..e. : 23Alk . eLnrictlk ., _ • . : 1- .,. - Onittirio7E.in7b . s.. • • • .Virr h ..oz.eigok • • Ire r • • _ " Na.?f t, ostotroot.tior l'Ott .1.632 ILIIIITCED 1. ; `. ~485~: . : ._. . • Arcetimeannei mune Viitroiriisigle Nut :gambols:4 to Bathos* MOENING IX) leaves the Wharf act* tholdst &Sly. at 6 dalteltmelsotr. con it/ t I . kti 21 M. eery at Ctonterlarot sow moornlxtr * . at t o wltt=Clostbottual trir m. tottutgg . ot to &I Imply GeV. - Ilastiottexchlo Sus SUL ta Tb• Bood=lqcmd _ounces :CIL . I : I MOM U =7 thArtOf rnec_ ettloWta again 1851 - aird " LINE UNION _ • • on thii-143rmsyhrtusis and Ohio . csmits. PARE! co - ri. c1A31=1.1 4 , caawrigi kcia rpuis well known. LIDO Is now re ta .1 LW . 1 5 d = "t1 t " a a sad Th.