IL.UMAIW - 7- ' --- 11414011:and Fattlt.- .. caltearct 'Mi foith,"aays one ofour old (riiiinig - ititiCitu'i , quaitit curacteristic othisday;.t!respzahle the twolontiof the petr; 2 4 ; Rand As the Ifusthorn . , -tat Faith inheritu the. blussittig!!..',lbeinuite * e“ipgenuoni and the antithesis . , striking nsititheleoll,theicentitnentie.fimfrom just. It is - hardly right fo Tepfesent Faith ' Zta ottemjee-thin'S,a-son the fact =doubt. l es ll r , b l inolutt inimait end Wriv&."lorig . betoie t beY. - .reiri4e , knov6 Bat the truth', that both Reason' and, Faith ure comb T s wi o th - the nature -of min, and_were destped dwell,,his, OthAttiL.4ii• , wntb'; thiiiie, and Were, and; in sneb greatutQ ..tut ourselves, mast: be in ciprocilly cconplm2entaryneithet .C3ll ex- , chide the:ether: 'IV is-is inipossible Jo excrispan:beceitable faith withont reason rotoowtireltingittliat is, without cur:. dab* reasen'itile we exerche kith—as it lir to, alstMend js OW reason, nrelusive,of , frith .all the. truths on which we are .daily compelled to It, whether in relation-to thin World or th next.. Neither is it right towprig i ot eitherof them Its failing 'of the promised , heritage, exmilt - us-both May fail elate;%hi petTirt/iNt:ITODI .then true ead, and depnavationl,of 'Weil; 'genuine nature . ; far iLto tht faith of, which the New Testa, lausatsPeakezo mach, a peculiar blitini is PAm — ised;lt hCsiailent, from •that eame vol. i's not a P faith Without reason" infroore" than a . 4 faith • without works," which is approved by the 'Author of Chris- tianity . , And liii is issafficieritlY,Proved - by 1 theinmetiOn . 1 , 6 be ready to-give-a res. , an for the hoileand therefore for the 1 faith "which; is in us." • , -- :. - If, .theinfor4 ;we were' to imitate the quaintness of-the old, divine,' on _ whose die eyna,,we have been.commenting, we should railter - CompartH.Resson • and Faith to the two- truy; "faithful amongst the faithless," who confirmed each - other's re ' port of "that good land, which flowed with railk and heneyr,' 'and to'fiotit of whom ,the p!emise ich inheritance ' there was 9Ten 7 —tutd,.- . in t 'd,ne - tinie r amply redeemed. , rather, if run mightpermitted to pursue the same ve in t little further, and throi? ,, ,over .oni.Shioulders for a moment that mantle of allegory :which none- but Bunyan cat4irearslong!'vad I sttemsfully, washonld rePilstentLlleason.and: Faith as twiaborti_, beings , -.4he . one:in :ford' and features the.Lienage of „Pear beauty, the other :of. feminine grace and gentleness— but to each of Iwhonvidas t.-was allotted a Sad - Privation..l - .Thlie the bright eyes of Riation are full of . piercing 'and restless in talligencei;lia Oar is closed: to the sound; itad Taith,luta . SA ear of ;exquisite delicach bat - on her:sightless orbs; as she lift.sthem towards heaven, the sunbeaMi play in vain. Hata-in Ewa the brother 'and sister 7 in all mutual love , , pu rsue their may through a world ,Ori *hie like ours, day breaks and night falls site's:late; by day the 'eyes of Reason are the guide. or Faith .and by night the ear or Faith' is the,guide of Rea sun. As . Went th ose:-who - who ,labor under these I:tastiet:l respectively, Reason is apt to be eager, impetuous, impatient of that instruction which his infirmity will not permit him r e adily :to apprehend; while : Faith, gentle apl_ciocile; is ever willing to ' listen to the .foice , . by which. alone truth and wisdom can effectually reach her.— .Etlinburgh ieie. Tnonianrs won't Poirnmuso.—"l can speak it from! experience" says the' tele brareil Erasmus, "that there is little benefit tO be derived from the Scriptures, if they be read curiously- or. carelessly : but if a man: exercise !himself therein constantly und..conseieutiously, he will find such an effimey in them as is not to be found in any other book whatsoever." . . • -. . . "The genuine philosophy of Christ," says She _same antimr, "cannot he derived from any sourcese .nuceesifedly, as from the books of the pospels and Apostolic Epis tlei; in whichi if a man philosophize with Ail 44=3-apirit,i . p g17 .0....W.3.-.. g .ing., he will find that there is nothing conducive to the happiness of man, and the perform ance of any duty of human life, which is not, in-some of the writings laid down, dis bursed' and determined; in a, complete and satbfactory'Manner.", .-, '::,'• ~ _ . .. #fluit whichstamps upon the Scriptures ... the highest ' , Mine ' says Ramp '- Portens ; that which- value , " them, strictly speak ing; inestMia le- and distinguishes them e n :from all oth books : ' n t.helwarld„ is : this, that they, an they only, contain the. words of ';Eternal - ' . In_ this, respect ,; every other book,.eVen the noblest compositions 'of man must fail; they cannot give us that which-we Mast want, and what is - of infin iiitely More importance to us than all other • things:put Mgether—Ernesm. Lrrs." An Interesfing lucideat. Franklin, the Philosopher, when quite a young man, after an absence of some time from home, thought he.ould try the ex leut to which instinct in parent would disccnicr, the: child. ..The result was, that .his - mother was ;loth to.give hinca abater overnight, though a severe snowstorm was raging; l would only idloi him the use of an arm chair to slup .in--having the colored same mom, after Abe. proem-Alia or 16444.3;1P all her slicer. Her instinct was-more than - overcome , by bar 'prirdence,'and the, with bitter tears, to the last of her life regretted. that her son 'kald thus been treated 111 his Mother's house One, of our. townsmen, on a recent vi . sit id New &gland, a ft er thirteen years' senee, thought be would try. Franklin's ca per:mult ..Elitiapped at:is father's door, mentioning. that' be was Wary, and asked dfhe could -have lunch r as it was some Mamma to Mt .fathar.who met him at :the -dOor; and asked him in, • after telling him he Mad be !trpplieiliith food.'-The mother was not: in the ibom, but as :the fathei asked her to bring the refreshinents,'lhe 'camein. Mith ' the ;feelings - and emotions of !and, unknown -under a, Orent's. roof,.our - lune had tuned- his back - that on opening the door his face might not at first be seen .--he proceeded to partake. of 'what they hospitably set before lin): .;::Mentioning -that he came frontifochi)itaii N. Y., our friend.was at inde qriestioned if he knew one there wham name was It '" 0 yes, I know hint well," was the -reply. _",Re is shatter in the city, and made my hat,":;ishoiing it with the Maker's name " says the mothei "you. must give ma the: . /fang, at say Lite, L;if it' s long time since we have. seen, our um? , • , At• this . our friend could not farther bee. Hate, to - make .hhnself. knosn—L sm i what i-foneived can well hiagine.—Rar e i jrem . . . .. .. ._ . ... , '.' -'-'inssoxivrioN.. .... • l'a.E - iiiii of 1:11ii0i, Parke & Co. Roehestei, -- - bus. 4.earsti bi V I LSQ.,.; '• Ossest of. 0.11: =I o . th . b =... Mute smul a. U. ____,. 04 wo, si Obst I Puts. v.sirrthes=fir 't.„..t..„.... U. .rtusc! bp sskl =lE=Et2l Notice. • ,Londer 'change in our businena try Lb* of Cl.4f. Irmittert Intern 10 lb of to; pt . ttloot C 0...! all tt, blutotsa of our Into Brio old .11101,Lon j : lio to MteN ] let. 11.'1 W,,,/.. lu g= "' * .Lloorto igey= ". ; . - throl2sh 21111:r 9- ~ c,A , 'At:at at 'PitLotp!tts,".., fittibliiacrililitVs/. 7 4.14112 Nooltooloy. Pa I AVIVEVESUING COMPQIINA. 17 - X iiitraar badic.. Wh z I tt r i r37 7 NrCt : :4bB. KUSH l'EAS T quAtreceiredatSo42s4; ..LthertriT MI; oWvokiat.TerT amnia Culox fm• ITuLTT” biTTTVIUPPLUUTIif UT laic. TT ‘ t Uir kr,"'see!SerVairwairitei IIIZM s p a in A -S*ti*Agigm , RO Et :Nift:MM: to toivit healthut Pid"Mum •treet agrustim ad aioste l ltaber. at the • eares l P:4 ln . luel thus ot m t tt the ter of ante.hitt'Yio - Iku r11:- hy=trgAMLP,. st Itatiline.r & innt... ynpalee.m=r rootl et altrores tbat I.ya hue trial .11 Deem m c ma¢tralwet, ;um. rorostof sore u0e1,...... m kg.=?L - Ti mm '.titliguy . o . oattrzz7W (0 , bolt a preerilthre " ; and L eau nor oalyphlAbateayeekotegalotee,witit szty of tturehoth or Antler 0 . 4 k° 4 ( 4C ", .li , w h'i`"E' =Si b" re ifaxid- wttb e.yure you eek for MUMS bar it II Wbb J#CABW.4.,colr MgM:44,Wb Pearly White" Teeth, arid Pi reßreeth, to be bad Ins ZS assitsarbo bass an honor DST pasunal theta braid Is net a* Sold. as. Stab d.. Tad. daskne yellow, and sin:rested with tutu. that a TS cent tat arias' /MUT Yooth Pasts wlrk mite ths teen as vlnts as airr, and Um breath S IM .;i4 set Iller:-.141•I'lettlee,' STK Pate... Throe who lace Mei rule Caestquar-licitacenlroow exotllemt pushup-. thorecerho trece we wore ti r o* to weeny the Italorthr aiteatkV .i i d ar VP OW ta co any part where harpy I co , e.; stop It What GM amelti;ul or datelrettWod rode light,lSrinty berme °ph. Tar- sewed= the harott ...,.... aad , nothing eau screed ible-It nubs it Stale semen so. ' It Is In deed, thw:,ortatS • eoc - g caperip-ptsete for the Po .• only . t Wu: JACKSON' Stare, 219 Matti e , street heed of Warel, Plitetnugh. • • fricee-cltliortite.LO mtg.: sad SI. • JONES' Solution of Jet, a Liquid Human itelr WNW°. rbantois of red, or troy halr,to• besralkil blown ,'or bleakest solar, In • few ailarrtea. an Rut V. • Bold erwu..iltuzzoN,2lo Llbritystrort, linear W • • • . . JONES W eel= AX WHITE.—L 'common iulies are caU- Tin i.kmed igainet the vesperal Chat. ere not aware how itisbtfoUT thlutiet. 111.9 tb..OW :how maw, bole mph, Doer mallow. settee!. nannahlellby the WA 4 , l*.m.ann wins PreparedChaiti //esidei.ltte Inagave. tontelaing • lane quantity of hedi e mpal.= li b r V=l.74.a. artteleorb,ve leTafeati Inteeent. helaitiortfka or idiaa.k. •••1111en lauf it Imparts to the ahtn • wont, wattog, gettter. dem. Ming vhltan at the mane time mantic as eno übqn 464. The obigt..ftniorcratary /ireure4 in as. World u thegrecaArahiets Bondy/or Nan and Etna • • • • . . Hi 0.-Parrelre CELEBRATED ARABIAN LINIMENT. Trilß4aineulons cores performed by the Arai= phygdana In the Wan it - WU. h em h Jou = upon as tL molt of mark. bot Lem tw mane intimate with their history we moth= =eft= kw their surprisiogpower over =sea. Their anntinzonote th the knowiedke thr smildoe mem the =el= 404 the OMf, while at the mom time the edam. at&arasisia7, *flab with ern had Its mit*. wee to the rent as the raid anded Wok' and In Botany they =rot= wet seek= of =Wen= In the beautirol emu - I=kb skirt th e dammed Melds, abeam/ rem plat= nod =aro= words whams= obtained. those =haat= worn and Mary= Mimeos. of whigit this loomosemble Mama la meneweed. and by whom MIIMMCOM VICMOOI, MOstrIMM Lod Ae.ere. whet. 119ened. inttantenemuly arm* terr=the meth system. allay low the namtlre tangelo= =Altity short Moe of Id =IS minuteh He .14= I. trouts, yoweribt SIM effectual, without the lese=a, It tm.= . rOLOr i r j V . O = 1 1 . , 67 1 :11 roariM years, esealett the she he= to grow utt end tieti hiwaLto =Vela= through Its . the Brnortst nuhl or Joint Warr, aral =lr 1. thee.....a Nay ft he. blett mtheraelly =mead= to =ring =I seases of the Joints. In =mak attectione of the Rohe. Lirer. Lanes jtd Haws, this peat Arabian retowly elands no ale= for Arne Cake or Relarimment al the Ilideen,A r tt:peg.m=likbeconationimp emee g ha= I fo c i bi e i tAn::=ll * lnita, Peins.Zottre,Chil . ll4l=, in dime. .0.0.0 r FLMMlYOhliallylrArT. protlMMlLMemiro Stlfit.DOMig,,,, ...I the mezir emaMertiorll Ma or Dee : width rein/re ea eater ikp catkin. this /Won= Man= at the haul of all M ar. w T hy fo slianh s y from t c h te e r , ri b n odmoibel Peoria. and•yreserds one of the must masseetul mime in the annals of mulled history: - Mr. IL 0. Farrell: Dmr. Ter. detested bySensed' grate. fumes.! eubmit the following as ea inseam. of the 'util ity of Maw veld toellielma 00 ehlki.threnyeareeldorad. =dad/ St:metedormtrated k with • disease. .blob In ism denten hours, tong Agpiesmteu. At limbs hmenr• so alma that wee •• Joiat•Landel re Ondt lb. Web tamed Idea end told. and meterelydmremetAffedisso; the erm bassi =llan, closed sad •Itngetime Oised. Foilorer Ins this wee - rentfaim to at .and; Meese.. mad to cereal; tlut lame laying on It bark. the Ana mat teeth tttel a Zalsed c...thga •tba editr: h e:mg it ins blistered * dozen lad various rummaged am leered to lAL A camel_ Tt. pho lt ielar m fore the boebsty.' but nothing mold he suggested w y emagh[6 hiell bad sot been donee and the doctor thole Wad ate be Wald, doLoothing more. We then sammeneed Alf ing your Liniment freelymm the entire length of the spine; end you mar Sob , rhenottler • emniestions. ref wawa ensultim smemerd. The :Oh t= d ' tti7r - VT ' s& IV. ft I: • robust se en be: • Rye other came of the We{ _thet crged.lfs wish. borboal prwrk , usly s _ al at vath &ed. Oben. no doubt. lf yonr , Liniment b 4 bem med. they weld ham reeerend. Peoria. Lamb L, 11101 • ' UgHRT CLIILAND. Lim,. • Complaint. Dripelas, cour Riumatitat • • Rax•Me. Morfin On. Ils.. M.y ' Mr. R. 0. Famada--twor. Mr: Tow Lialmeat fter well , ataLdohoz • rod aril ma emooc the yla /t has .ore/ • tel cue of )471• en of It Ind pain in dm bregaL o •••• rtoed to herbed rar•ernal months with Liver Corord•lnt wad Alltab ton or the Beari, , Arsto latizetr eared tor the mar yoar arstdaa Mamma- hhe sold thedoetors Amid do hes no good. it boa 1.• spgied to • troth oat, sal =red' it in • short time. Ulnae t••• ordided With Rtstuiralttam for long 11¢1 cod Jon bare • mixt it gained r so .mend shat menad da batez rorrobil i ollAth roar /ardarAt. Sad bob. v. doom robtang. th e Sells wand. ,• . . . . . . S'tiff Complaint, SeOentey, Distemper, Corki and Sore Eyes Cured. Mitchell, Pueuluster at Mt, ratan Lanzitr, • . IL U. Rasing= Tann Arabian Liniment. Is blear Httifprised bare. We cored on. mr rsidglitiors' Imam Mae Complaint Irr about fom ur Tali applicatios. and I cord moot corm ache 811.1]... V. 15. DIP." eared Ms tome Ma 4d Port wan Jt. 11= : =1 it on • colt that tad tb Dist=wyena . dia, mid eared It Ile ears It is Ina anent tone methane b. wee neat Inem boy bean tionoben sand of fora Byes IL I ton it rarr. nimbi& roadtelna Zola tbr man and Mum • • - Beware _of Cousterfeits. . • V.) GUARD 'AGAINST IMPORITION MUD TN' TOL LOWING CASKIVd. aro tartkuhrly mamma ..Groat . Bae r Gambol at which has Lately. suede its aimscramo and Is Or Um booties atm.*. 11.1 i irarrelr• Ara* .12 Litua' eat.' This talk da•gerolas trawl •Ild Wm Wee. to deed,. frotalle towing lbw name of Tanta There lbs• be ;articular •ever tom° Jr et •V••••!“ . /arrolrt IJaimeat,7 4 alagibobb:4 clemisco will Imam the AY'S .8/00 . mazeure_ yoq for tbe gostolno, but ahoosa ask. J "H. .r-rilridrotvrx Listoseur." slid Wks as oad thsl9olllausrealere sot eloorpret that an ;lt wed for borkeehold tattgases...t.u: 2, P o ^"."." • gad egiir, WI tasking tbemart superior Brad; Light eC +ter, readings, Cebu, go. *Mt • great eerie' of Um. .etal trouble. The sten le get ale la ectamtle , ot Abed rh,t ' l 3"'d Vitillit 'Ur'd Cr. RYE FLOUR-4 bbla. tbriale by' =no ; DALLLLLk CO.. Literty et- mr3 :ESE-50 boxes good W., IL, turfman by 0 • IL DALZALL443O. ' :Tlnnn AY TEM—)forrii? Pei ... Mart I/ to the Dlasacsal .,, i - n tlecona li/or fines tilanionel Oar. = r aj% Naiad naattliZ.-47V—V°d, ;Cairns. 'Etirl2 OLL BUTTER-3 Ms. (fruit in diddle . mr LIERRING-126 fable. No. "I (to azrive) 11 ale by 'm7l3 A. CIILBTMTSON♦OI4I OTTON•JIAMS=.2WpS C.,l'or sale by ene - . &CAN:WALD. GROUND NUTS-,15 &arta sale by sus .- • MIAMI DICKEY J. VUTAIEOS--1 Dbl for salo p t i4. ' szo. .476 L~INPs -TEAS • t Ai MU 661666 Chaim sod e = .67 bons estrs, Ate O .D. 6 CO. 4 / 11313/Lit VIOL:ASSES-, "lv ' x "- , _ 9- =. mll6thinnumaia INOILILAIL tOFFEE-100, base Rio, for rale by myle - ' ; / OEM WATT-40). SUNDIIIESI4 bbla. Grease; • 6 " Na 1 LW: -• 13 sacks Vas/berg 2 " lum= Width/ Inan stz Mastioney: and Mr gala by • 111.61.611 DICKEY Ca. myall Flout and Water ma FLOUR -10 bbls. Rye; .r 26 W. D. rirtaltiLllll3ll USTARD SEED—SOO lbs. for gale by IMENESTOCK /CO. F'" B R - • :Jr , .I=ltk 1? . .4115it. Fiyr rb br_ :N ' VLu 424 TM, Dal. ACON 'HOG ROUND-80661N., Bacon_ JUILE y r, Wes, Shouldotr iv rv .. ua a. iDRIEb - BEEIF-3000 for ogle QVGAR---60Cr.„ for sale by LI. cam , a.* W. lIMIDAVOH: f°r a l' wqmuleuGe 3'le al ocr • I • : Di` 'TkRIED APPLES-4D bag, in store, for saki,/ lODALZELL4 c 0 ' • torl4 VlM:SE—alb= W.R. Creturi, fur sale by 7111 6 tW. IlAatalIGIL 1 RUZZ 4 1,01314 Prepa74 Corn ; Fymyl3 or iiV.Ty 266 Liberty*. IpRONES--Bordeptix Prune, Tit eatajars; Very rapaior taper km% Germs. Prates tor Ws by WAL A. IteCLUKO OU. 1:13 yl3 MACKEREL -100 bbls. No. 3, tar sale by . A. CULIIVRTTON tW.. 7 sayl3 194 Wert,. stmt.; LOAF SUGAR-150 bbls. (ass'd .Nos.) for m s:g br HIMBILIDGE IL LAM A/L; AY RAKES-40 doz. fax Ede by . mil 8. r. cos morrsuozax a ox nuTTER-3 bbla.freah,"now landing and 'Jul lamas Ds /BAUM DIENZT ar, mr.A Wats:rim' ft:atm. L A tli” kegs N I " Lest. IttAk 44l a il 1 ea iD RIED FRIIIT-150 tm77 firEl7.lll/107 ICE-10 tierces (fresh) for tale b limy; ‘",23.5- ;TEA-50 ld chest) Y. IL, Imp; sad Bleck l A"' . ; bores (fresh) dallz-11 I HARLS-20 bble. for sale tki INSEED . OIL-0) bble.flatileg ,Ia ALERATIIS-100 big. end 10 bble.are, for sale by asn ].s p . I .,7 ESE—uo boxes for sale D HIED PEACKES,-29 blatioxlcorieisp [Al .nnat mad ta te. maw! DICENY CO: L'iLOUR-300 b:3la. S. F., for sale by 11 mss e. aw. luau edil. 111CrAMS--30 emirs Evan & Swift's & C,, fop nt. by =7ll E. s W. lIMUIAITEILL DRIED FR IT— • • Do bu. 1. • Inilmilbr toy& • LULL/1171m= a CO. J. D. 17 7Tri Corner of W • • cod .AVE NO '. IN ' h ....k r r ibuj o % T. • • 116 mtilbozo• saime relru 4.61.4 1 24.1. 1 f u ) g oo=cliolaa3 1.433.414 4 F/4 .3113, ns )41764d0.N0 - .1 do. 2 MeAr.fainoot3 1300 Da. 4.31 n, 3 bk• Van* 1 r elono g • Nscubo -10 1.• k tg s Muttard ; o:mtY4f e rk_ s _ 46 toes 3143113....000m c¢allWa "' Eat, - dt CO., - • &red'. Pah 4 lo2o. I RE, and i) arrive thie , . ii . :L i tba=ceat na tqc. Ca ;Soten.Vatett Mao WI4 -40 I::aiseeiiir. A ibb:ii., 8.H., - • .• ao - tiolto&t; Ivor ...7hasse; . 4i460 as. moire 1141424. - -• 20 Pro= IItoir3C.XXONAITH 1 1 lamas elßoue = l 6 ... Outllif -12 dat.lllll *i:' lbti. np. Cut. • :'. -1 enaes Tartan 1 " ' oVr-t'liskanad i .. *l; 4 4=4' , r 6 bbl. flour AA= • IS Marniet a"C oi . iecioik. : / L. La i r4l46eus; 1 ma 8.:4r,. taria Q. LWOW. S-- . i g) 160 tint.. P0i 7 4=4 . 1 C 4. tow . tot taus 11.10 Ws. N. U. 037 L art Ced Saar 100 t rarmv... Ott bx.o. he Qt wi rt . Pt. I. li. j* Fei '4l' N ' 4l 3 4o'%l4:o4 . 3000 lbs. Whiting; 40 tau. T.o.te ON. Imo tali: Lamp OE4- • NM doz. Burleig • 1111,4; 14;0. 8 .. = l l'artig CW" Modi orair "4 BROOMS--25p dor. common - to best; -• .:ash' a=4l , • tiett 6:41 bri.DL Wit I..ltaliar, smolt. 76Omuta ..114 Mns Tonissaliaeba: klut • 60' 300 bi...Worr, &war azil MIRM beatilada Sold; 310. v. Sld.t./uldlei .• 2 , 5%.‘• Cattleßasss ' • Ckad; Oroand and Ust.. sANI Wraysol-.P.P.1 - and Critj'alri lP NAT, Bealod.aad al 'motets., SHAD. -10 bbls. No. 1; io " " Btrazat,Vlb&ollaik EFINSD SUGARS-106 bbls;Claxyled 1.111 Powders:l, sad CrostuA. Ibtosig a JAM= A.ll R IOE-20 tierces Oatebaul. for gale by .1•11EILL =TOWN IA , PMlitSsbnt PANY I was O Inc o o rd 4 e rdie7 I 91; vith aPerpeal . Citnrti4 and tea • The timithanp. dime beeiman both ontheeltdattitnot an Mutual o f . ' • . 00 the Joint Sleek plan the ram amonethird lag than Mote charged bp Mutual Coare ead Moen Per OM lover than the ratesolniost Moab imenhee. Mutual tam am the mime et them adopted by other manly maidnotad thimpantim. Those Wand ote the melte mi . a . dal• UM the cdinhined eminittliagm a l t szte jo otgeo ck =te_CaHatal andpenpute rand a The Charter permit. the granting of histunitoe on WIN manemu Roth laclatlng the tight ormitaehl then. pee relancesa hienia ot onditom—eo 0:01:00 the hie of anotberlot theitogn ochid. hath's:arable Mter dinthi oe anon the parthagentla a et the age of fei. tn. MenP. P. et the option of Um Mound. bmantl b MeCLwe urbs. Tll'mrsiMmt - 01112.04.0 Juan B. , Jompb S. Lmeb. otm S. Dilworth,. • „Chula , I.oolum. tismsel me9nrkan, ' PMUIPL . I .llebb Clestab. M. D.; - %IWO. AddOWN Joao:dab /1700kN Al. . p K. V, .y.driaotow. Al. D. Enamel Dllwoll,ll. D.47=e1, ' 1 salad. babe,' paider,,x, IL, 103 Poore, stmt.- . Jobe Cnrked. 11,D.. Ol Sloth street. Wm. EA. bleowna. BC D.. 107 Liberty street • Dr. Dilworth win b. in niteit attim do r, at 12 o'clock. ..cwww who Oa. Mara Ow at egsneware wegiested 'to au, tobabbals oxoloearaopelscloas werawlib. ..1.11 paw. envied la the ba te bottoms Tat be top plbd 'rob bleats. end allowed the anod toeubladoa: " 24 "the P.APOT No. 74 fourth starer. , , COLSON. blew- State itlvitual Yire uranime Company. BUNCH Orrics47u 6iarannmsl2ll2, - Prrrastraos, Ray Lit, labL •rr. best. 4e - idol:Lee of .the imcceas of the %Direetors idendearothrg toßmakithe STATNYD7r., FIRE LYWILINCE cv.N.PANYTneet the Raab of able 'ththistwityt la the =ma /tied amoond el.busatio videli hoe born da. baring tesuoi 7900 Pod., during the pa 4 year, thereby addins. weer ~,= to the toads of thoti ow athy. Mead all the property thearod is of IDA ate/4 la aaal :Wu, .4 • IsTernalia•!Tard Whco. , Da : d, 70 43, Amount of.Vtoperty 17,8,98,419 Do. canceled. tarmnatof;expitod..l2l-4.i.7; OD V: Premium Do. In • .-14.0227 T • DA Cub. kr,emint hton eA.--.. 646512AD0. do do. , cancel .- 32 „' WYde amilcusea and expodeeepaid —5.730.1.1 Rebuses in faros of theloa, to nab— . 5T41124 , 43 • To dty oßeouritry therthanni, and 011111. of Claninnlara end bathed OW 123=17 le.bdiered lide then. goy ear& etre/death la ineßt no Inousi dandily, infer olf.x.olthvaftcora."4 inferior to othoplaay ontry. . , dueteel CM the oquitable and gr Com ed47 irelirgeed IMO= 'Of Claatheatkda of Ititha each:Mew all 'goads! mk.thAA ming Ord y • United amount in .7' onniAdilfr.thoorrei slactiist ISMS the dompoool.ndßenouirtnelatiou of both' • but entitles the Wound to at participation lathe prate. Directorr—lolm.r. ttutharibrd, A. A tiltiettd3- T. Joao, AI A. Carrier, mkt:. bedgerick, finthel Joon, Wit Kim, John EL.Packar, John EL. Rutherford. . „ J. Y. it OTNERYORD. Preadileat. A: J. QILLrIT , aerretarf.• N. B.—A aerie Dirldend °raft:m . 3 Der cent.tea entratitiA poildas has beau declared by tbe Directors, And le now r. oeirabla MOD Matta. reinersis, or rottheatable breath the end of nhaety days. A. A. Warp. Ast- Pna*lin Fire Insurance Ca otPlulaillt: ERECTORS: Charles W. &seeker; 'Geo: vr. mama., Thos.:l24M-Afordecal D. inds,Tokau Jan "4 341IterPitt 8'".4 . -"i?" C J. BANCKEIt, President enaurvil. Horan, Beeratary. due.ow cuonlasee tom. of on elm," riactipticel of tolnklad country at ran below sa art wogrunt with ' hue raerrW • Wire coutguTenod_i whkh. with their Cgtital slad Pretniuruheeeklylhrrput! afford =pie pupteetton up the enured- Thu meets at U. Ltimpapr, on Jeurotry let.7Bile wennh. evoe.ehly • - Ac[ of asmobly. were nil Ht: . . VW • 63,96617 - 2, 4 33 Slooo thole hosopio.otiOo t t'geifoLl T ef?_ . b. , * Mid *Paul , ot One Al Your littbegla Dollen Lowe at Plea &booby Orman& grid.. 131. the We an:aye of toeursaea. as well as tame stalty itet die= paltiati to meet pith poo=otoolo ell listentle, . • • ' = J UAW" nib x..o; la ' at N 'ml )2 ‘ and eta Penn iletaud Life Lesureeceol,ll4le4 .1 4:1LNT IN PITTSBUB.GII,-W.IL DAVIS; (The J../ismen lr.. tigtoolo , mml.)2itt,33.3 laorty.etnet. a the heater matrenithee of perverts froddlog In the lover part of the efly, the harmt flee:bt fad ally, from_ XI treht .2 to 3 dela*. eh the otearaw room of J. hehommelter 1 Co., 24 Wood etree; when, ea prow talbrention Wham and oommunicatlow prom* it stertuied' Pemplaleta enelshaLreg the erindolee and htittlof ISO lb~or.aoe. dad etaat forma laraireed op '''al — fretok arm !WOhoo Mei medimilr _intreeing.4 Pothis dirktod mouthy emarept mum for LIS. PlltNerrah. Jas. 31. 124110,34 nad ;Inlant,Traiaspartation rElnsurance Campany allorth.Axactica, • . phiuor tr*Ditaissoo.oo3. Asa* actuary 13. 1851. 51.P01455 50. WU mike ittallbee building. and their contents. In this city and vielann ellee pmeity at every daectiptbae. elatyptd pes' etoert boas mod other yeasele, eltx by MUM transpareaton est the /Abet (t. Coffee; Prel, ' nooses P. c 0,., : • Sdnearti Vela. , . • Nl= 4. tette HamadF. mud Raga. Rends Uotkins, tamed Brooke. it-Austhe .11.11hceo. mu]. Bom JeccVt: ;hale' ; 7= a. N. •• 11.0. ibtstattadiordette ithtee and tram Its high emodkaah loaf msaedt eU ae tly ap =m b olt ameleea r soa tauexta mao = hufi s t e ja; No. ihmt • Westarn Insurance Compa4 of P . CAPITAL .000,000.. It., MILLER, JR., V e l'te n tld~eny n . M. all bads =s, s3S,I ALuina. Ali Wass sill In litsrallr sdAmasd ssd mamply NAL - A texas insdtsdiat,amassed by Abodes* rho.. well Lassa SA the coadaastar. erg silo en dStaradasd hr =oott litosolit aulsdalu the shasseter, which assoand. as ben Arotsteo Mom e.hodWtep he Duscross—lL Ali1:61. dr. G. R.rk. lkdales,'Jr.,' Wm: B. lichoeso.l Month. Glen. W. Jacks.. Wm.../I.4.3saohases Lippa:aott s Osage psade,Tpass Aol. • Ales. Maga, nos BMA , , Us Sall Wilt Ell alma. lAsesboass Ntatirk DelawaYeintasleafetyltisuranceComo (rim. NORTH ROOM Ea- MANGE.- Mint ; isonnacr--Brannes, DI and, Otton Ar k =.7. buny& in4lnWnn."-Tlnn one 'd irnon, Dn'mY rnks„Conom nod IterdintAdOrnoir or enutoise, woke won" od 4ProW win k arthenanarol nunr ardrn Mann 11LLTIMIrtat07.-11m . .in tome Idoretnodbm uYrOdl= l WPRnon.• Hail rood on; • aura tank nod atm= tr, on rivers and Irk" on the mad-Mond team • Dourrosoano6 IL So,' Dimond t. Saluda, John 41' Inan,,Botnre Horton. Jaz R. I , mooro, narnsot JAdnrod , ,, Clearer _C. Leiner,. kdoord Darlington Duo u_n!otis, 1b1•403, , Joft ?tonna, Dr: ALAI. IllatNamen-C. Ilsod,• Thochllos -Pudding, B down roo Ekon ddnicti Craig. Unorirr or ng= otMrs, 4t4=.ln A nlfell hroannon.... ..Nnuart • Pr.oiling. Pte. Pridd LOW of 4 b 4 Onnrdnr. B arr. 42 Orator strut:llld. fo nr-41.1 __o..I.OdADEIRA. Agent. ISCELLANEOUS, Ohio zahirsta4 .. . . ear rt. 76 92 ' l lll . : 1 111i I Ilth. '*%. '•85 , ..„, 99 -.. Per eerit.' - gtierigtit: LL FLETCHER. & CO., &tam:Acta triwof.ALlsrCOHOlt. Pardpirtla 12n-C . rprz eadßina• • " C47"" of This asurgi=ta l, Att. a ria Jr.* reast . Pltteburt . tt , Tpl rnigs Oki - • Vines and Liquors. iyi k 367 Inievy et.k hriserly Dario maw/aeon,. .p.nccup3r.ortuubarx.) ILL trOtrtratkoni. Y. WICKS rtfit &STOUVENEL,t espeetft rbglar' s =tel.' Ntw th irtiv n ir...a MAIO* 6148 at (baba.. nue. where they &an al. waYlll24lr MI MOM. of Um bait Met —diaaello and tomb 're ta le thlta Mara. dlegyreart. dart, rporpt, Rrelas,rdeast viistagretruka ma r claw roort smrora= l , " port =llOlllll IVIAM kbeglatt, Ali% Re. A tr a, /Jjaborgia Mame. -57/14 - thry Ant all, • bair orxtall.ati Marta reasonable Sanaa. On. of Qt. putters. lir. ittourearl,Aill coottatitt lorpretatkoalo /A alto AST of N York, the AEA!, Aral ,a bled total, c rlzimand a ii ttgrelo . %ma , aAT otYr aaramd /rV _ e ,, r4tharta. — ala cla Atm- 0411RD.-4 hake iemtriid to ity . tiowstoii; - : Minis , demi toloni) festij brood& It. Bait' Of ' fobs= lam be igns to No onrbionliooogl MI. eV e t and receive a .ban of tbelf mum, - ..1 vIII bn•P • ...7 luso anortmens of UphoLnery!,•-lledsond Ben ding Curled Hale, Burin& Now uonon and Mut Ana./ Ma koottoo./iott, %doom oad'eulogits.touiu. Dm am lAna IVlalow amorist nem ro a. Mei nut .attlele usually Annul In Me eztonal••=haents °Me End. Orders tweet. inlitliednaol gust prconitli ille a . ed. .... . ..- ~., - Tetaltefpncftwillo and : NobleStcitsii:,glispk , •: ,-, i . L.-• . 1_ - . 4 1 .04 NuTION is beteliy given; to dui Swami& ... of oaid_Cmapaay. that Mir ma. ; ilaralna ga , a Wawa. Wreasurers et tta paid CompaVOr XPril Milan Oa web then of tin stark, on Ike loot MOOT In ash and entlT iamb beanstent, until INivrtobe Ntiak is 1.10 In Intl--as the - rnnt 'wilt be Masa laaaitfodtry on/rain. 3661. , lb. !titoeithatara atm Mona* IS be P7= j r. ,4 . 1 , !._ .",0!!V rEtrilii. 1 1 1;•44. ! ' '', imprcqo4l4tOit '*-' dams an Lund and 10 Seed Store .Itesoeved7 sObseriber has removed hie Seed Store Reedymalls:dre satimlreoerPt o tnoot the i banal leant)S aeteee sh o, teo t t . d h o te t • r • - MOTMEMI 12(...}pARTNEBSIIIP-The sibs:atm have mterndtto Co-PutonstigLeade, WEWg • • %mei). tloSEL:losEnt—Jrrat :reied ~yw,map, Boavtethu. Hob i rg l ar to X . t . 2 l. j?e aiu.z i sqr , ran'l m aitgr4==ruS%—r_l 0.3 tax !ma oar 4 0ablhanUnt. wr W=l”3o att.l ) . l2i. 7 Plittl * jldPB7 § T gAMPAOKING-4000 potindlinize4, Ma and Pure 'lndia tubber Nettie ihis , 7.= to mo , ilMtbi,e/Maar . l to l bs *. tbe 1.817 best . i Ped= Mtn, Piston Boas. &ma -thiii,tlLlLM"ts.C7ll.7. Finds. Stuffing 8... ac. L. tor Age et the la &e nub ar stew, Pio. 7 and 0 Wcod - stres . .7..1111. PIFTLLIPS. 110D4. Allii--500,ettaks of our own =IRO I,J WWI; smosata, ot ern tool quality nod les blolatut, awl ft. mi..: tuir iA tm a rtn prop, by • • • r te. ASA.. a CO, a 721 stooriepa - Needles' Celehnited iri_Ontiott.FD HEMLOCK :PLAR•rrp . • vu , llama Wahl) . modkated plaslan have beak iudele * more, la Maoaty. yank daliagarbaal ear los: = I=,,the • cola allaasaaa na4 P oaf aftnef. =mdsas at aliben mamma to .wlaaa tbdraanDai._ la beta 'submittal. ban ghee the ataa aaaaroir Lb as la theta roman. Anita ow all alba Sur The MbictlitotSof thotecocayositioo, too , od careitalt axualnal. tuater ttnua r....tut r r Ict pont. =Meting crith polommary Mow,. • • • . jaw arta 'U. *mat. naddelfacet yaotrartad cola. Mat Itrittfalalth=trg"l.M... 4eyk,f'“**::4lry "=ottrteb,___Ullso=. tat i kairlbthrarnhaa.... by tbAmoye L ti . - rat comlamme mot.loMA froaarrera Arab:A warm* af tbe Deck the Icktmys, &o n tbett gragi grotme "b rzo l = "' estyiratilt='' nett as sager -vita Amitotic yoloet tboot ll=Lta itacanneallad.; Mth to. 'coolkicat tag Ode befatalal affect. alit Da basal vary Yot soler,•tclogoato retall,t7 - - a ”6.111 . 11 oat ma - - - Li4aUltlON T.'S PATENT STARCH -POI, Int for siring • beentLtal skis to Wasti iodboa; br•o..tkalmy Start /boon. arid al Urals ot tloa Ina ad falba ear=t, toatat n notrairtgrioas to a=s — G Dan loos , erats thea Vr t aL • - m u n . competltlcat b Baedtmputla ..lif, H _BvT i cer.dmio i mutt *imin anus: eat iii - = 12 7 1 1.44•QU'r...ti For Web,- . .102 a , It. M. 1 , 4.1.L1:.R2,1: Wad at... _ _ - . PETROLEUM, OR BOCK OIL. -rt..a on toontlthon in heaver ant meth, . .' ', •wilson en th,ottopt ens philosoohy.... t. VIRTuEs at' th is remartablitaug . . ond 43te onstent opilootion for It to tbennfai, , h oe =need Min to hove n o op In tottleunlMM ; bob ant El neeken Itrs the Mat of th e MAU , — - , The 11671101.13n1i to totoononl Snot a woll in 171 ty at ndenth of four imuttoot bet. is a zotro. samba to& ostitin , witlant soy otermtral ohs - Inst i tut " t i a Ri ‘ •l=el a " to no losoter.,‘ of. • . Then an may for Tx cara of motors, w If knosa. might In vast nen In allerionos n . Nal nonoto the bloom of hoolth sad vi. to may • engem. Lam Mho nev. 1r..3., a =III .3 , In hotthsoilt . 3ti apostle for th e =sof The coon:sot and 'sing eentriortf, isd mensal nonstable eons 117711 . % a • wsinti lo a son trolleathon of tto futon zontlosity pal VeZirot ' veVettlroa h ltit ?I =rt=4 '. nrllllntos,-' . 11111312111 . 1 .**9.1 1 ttuirtheitentletos eon non ant 9 into the Over of.thcoe who safe, end wish to to Whilst we do not dans its II a. volosnal andantino to en disuse ore noheoltennely say. th at in oc monter. Chronic' Dnonsai It' to onin/W. Atoms theonmay In sattonnino—.4,ll anon of the sonnon noon, inth-.. ea CURONIC BIio.SCIIITTS, OONSUOLPTION. Ws I t aVfM t i. .r.v.. *'„,,e Bidder sod TAdo Alm_ M ...... 0 or wo. jail: v . 7 . Dts,,unt, htentalstO. Oh l elso. Truer. ItinTrortoot. linido, sand. Ix. , te. In ono of debility, Malting Mon long az& protrietod cues of diens, thla to . 2•11 bona relief. /twill an Asa reall. TONIII ant ALTICIL Alatklottel=o,.. t itototte tit ~b. i eat e. Loins, ie ' hist, non Mime mot oToskso eonottb — = sal erns iatTened owl renwed massy to all .1 the En lifel .yrosyrietos Moors of onetal earn of of that redeted *very 04.1111, treatment got WA amiss Isis of the PETROLTLIX for a otent tins.. The =off c.a.!" Oven to any ammo who dean. It.• None genuine wide= the olsostose of tilt monslotte... Bold by the B. M.I Clonal nu Bemmth onset AI" try E. R. It bf w W.oftl st,,, sod SIITSP.I3 .it ~ Moms Aced Won rod Virgin Anero ass , 'nal& , hIJ, segolatty einolatect Amts. z _-_,._ PIIOCLAILMO.N... ILI4OW- alLmed. whi.k are lick and afflicted atm &owe of the Bladder and.llidratynaritha wane palm In tea or Itette. one Ante. old morahrome ale , _as. &a l thea. they ean - tetlared by ten; the P LANAI. i l i. : mar Mea t t . trAM • • ••.,,, i la. :mi.. a an hottest ocadairol qv A — A bar4rtaes Met ere t i ot eeeltett_nLarcf .t ra th Nty. llat,itsi foe 60 orate. 'get TO --" f1 . 1:111 my of the etanet= Heade It edets Very . little to make a trial. Mir Pihni Wan 1/1 adman re—no compound. pat tat Ix the moo of thapearotoa the comatanltn lad tt le a ted ba,the wester hand of nowt% and bub= r * . i howatof our mother earth In He Withal parity, and fora to rafferttnt humanity_ a ready randy . a cattabt awl cheap ewe. • ~.p. 42* vaned nes. after other Vino an! . N . tender any relief. It • bee eared en:motion. of atiddiwy; and of the want and moat painful thaterter. - ha. canal Motors Wain% he ode or too deem at bri eared old haste of Malta:* la tablets livery other: Wee.n of no WWI. • a local remedy In bornaiwei weld It is betted , thenany medicalcompounds or damson that ere Uttar of. It -arttl [Ma chablathe sal feared me. laa. fr. e • o the aget tu. e rdoabt d t esoOlY cn b =ed of the troh c S ontaind la 11•• slam statement. t vPAIIELM. IlEf, pant Derth Wreath stro at pe f a IdeDnit' earner of Wad !treat and T dim H. B. Beller& LT Wood street; D. A. Elliot. eat Alt: than. Alleitheay tity.ore the saran.. . - . . • , ~.., IMPORTANT-TO 'ERR APPLICTIM , p h R HOSE'S CELEBRATED REDIEDDia Don., And odo InoVnloint, tb Invontor ofWeilogatod b=einnient forMATI - 4 . 1% Luso, . t. elloltr • any of Chonne dlosasex , mons stn. deaf of o th o fllint Vat l ''4 P • r i o I ' 4 rg and for sem slue boo bom, snood In Um iltelleiVaka . of tUr - the aholleaMo of somata . ___ l4a _ i atestos of L. toasting theankeetionellt ta l lned noporsltsoo tbon " trlit)s. yer e :rarr .4p 5. a/I his.* elsonsle bersepalaly and al time unmoor* dim moos pecollar to litosolea nldood.• err Cam vs:althea under the on of Ids resnottosy to Irtdat= Dr. ficoo's Tonle iliinatlvo i;:ont,iiit4Artoe bly acknorlakost to bo sonalm allot/sem os Amp. this or IlmerAnll..lmimmb. as thar. Issontho feetlr tree Dom confronenc u also kb Golden Ma •Th l. enltted=f•ooltr: ;Mao moths. propose/NN Sed. Wasec- bat being wathaled est sr bozo OW oillaelent to establish ebst Wirth sold. In tbansto6ss The adlloten s. Invited to lullnook ate 1471144 eon. (gratis) one of t/so Doctor. panthlajotootiothlt •o aA •DX.St at sub tonsedy. and lis Inif.sonso Dor sale bigot filawing l art; no tro/I so brand ging! A.At-Tonnoond.Drogniet, . X •-• Leo A. 1444324 Drumm, near Us.t t Ofil S Aiyays eo, .Joamh lliskik,Dirlinaton. Dam meaty, :Pt." ' Jam Mott,. Tailor; _ . _ ... COMFORT A.ND RELDIF.. goit.TH:E AFFLICTED wilL be totiiiiin , T.,:i*ctt.v.. Kelndsnes ESEdLLIELE MrIKEET • or ads Thin; olden I= stool Idle test of tbErty rat* er• =7A. , .' 4 o'""t. , ll=l,l l rAidVS=Pr . -"" =!_. ...M , M'Atkiz..7.... ° %"4"" . to .sx don, In Innry SCUM of Ctrs rlfirenzsd, and Lim:Q.l4i easing sindlsednor litall say calor landerld far sobs. Ira ewe Clp by srloont node or sold.= /*Enna. MIL ..''... Es •strong and Enplaning grass to Zs saws. sal doy Cho it Is th e only was tlut has messed bi Lb. dein 4 osot Idelidne tint bosom bows tanostbod Lod isedo. ed the mire of. tbs elltsy. as tn. most - gounny . ll , llldasescoonnred Oa do, a r w e ed bl..m. ,thm... a,„, ii.,,n.. 21.. C : :. Th. ldotZE*l4. II If orraZ 4b ste Mom - nos. John A. Xs. lids U. Ad , -Mods. tar- ,IF •E- LEortes.Editor of ths Addeludsbn Thane sad o oat of other - C.412484111.1 sitisasus of it iwk.,.he Nod Sally tested Its tom insolts,L Ems" poonittoillso MltVirell tams that Palen! Medians. .i.44132 t a R siligmws e d by the kartodosslthy 'and -w D an sabt Seal oarodessne des,l; Wonder log co ded has bons 1 wren years belt. the_ onblio Its Mends anr now Soli stelbsst. , Tbas most undoubtedly Is onntegAdd sorditsdng _roar cd In. genend nesfolosos and a izas indltle% itls asevandin s= sll nom= scrolloloss. sons, and ale . and bents that 11=eV :2 u l l, ' t • Ore, agsgialoo bottles non Co.. sold without azalea sad base •-aserfsetal on antonlsblog. sum- Ades • tols.s regmllos nave faile staid Awes balleA basks,* odersd, and In one gosseadtst, taw strongest Idsol r a y. to Msieliiiiis:Oenasiissit Ssisudi, is is.isSid M ITtiS4 etabies, Cr Worm l as gel/ on calms! ass- It sets arm* Ly mon ei . ng E Nodes *ad at ti • ranrenreCramps, 13111 . CIT4 I ra all ammo:LW rdneedoss,. &moss C f the Weakness In malops lngss/o, dm= gbanswer7sirnagody' Eldlabsoldd; l os In Pletslestgh. by It IL Sellers; Ma ists. , loil=ll 6, .4 owl. a id5..3.4- and try Q. ndaVE/miidgg Mlon ll 7- - it - l/l Ind ill In lbw, to% and one SnUtlng not. • • ,• , Ensitgos ~....d - . • - - - ~. . . TO . .tlti Reader! of thiPittiburgli Naha IDID M.SC:' ATTENTION . ia . rei t octfg . py, to the 111E444 EMU, ail imum, go au& Ohara:tat tmorocat ores oscdon num • PETlngalat oil ROCK not roata.: i s jaae art toot tilt. tract bought oamni: vear..2°,,VV..=.." ~ ., . .=,.zi . r . ,...t rmt. ...e,... f r Ath...... t r e ,,,•° 44l4Pectrattit=t,„,'l3 , 74 . all otbar bars been toraotten. 2ba fastatmstam a or . alaboratal to _the drotba of Ma 'Mk or A rower alai asency that Isoniu to n t ri, at• h tomprittkis. it Is ottr ih../=.. t gm ye nits aboala gra that we Va. nho may 4 1 34 7 / 1 :12 4 g211%%%" C . drsorrA t or tt ia;:enuotA • twt &dick arm ear ant tow s r.rdir Om 6:= wrought to armorer tam attar — a= 1., anm SoiMill at tbmaa Km me fln not Maw o.k . 4:=7 rt. t wiriT VI/5 r a l I gilt t a b * . U ' ln at Irm ' g r 3 r 0 k taeurre4d=rnorla rtireart& gratin sonly. in on: t%mighlm btu 'ample ?ratinton ' V . V.. Within an o nanaiha, hro or our corn tit who vent . y•Illad. ban Earn matond toanat. : &m -etal ot Olionneart lit.the ebb, su n io t a ~...3. ju,d..1,,,0n te l or parka= inieomarr. Thou Ws cabana bat thus an emu marclarasoand may lo teemed to ar mu' rations inn tura b o a cm= .4 . neva mem rent Man maw Ulm a bank Sr Watch. no borelmma dtn _Mtam retract. will. can. ,up 'h- ' umu-2— th?' , • —"t' ..4 l-- czh ,, u k '°"aok„„,a— b 7..e=b;zah. 24,4- ' pat. to Q. Ikea. ararnatta .0U reeng. - mom: Anna carnal.' Coligh.,,. aroaralcb. ix.M . 0n.t1.a."( .. .? ,, s.St Alatlmpa , d/xW • Sa i.w ea C.= %..i......i..,• arm, zw i d .... 4 Migm h trar rinama t eat 1::: - "W:i newt perket mum . r"..Zrk9: tbe hands of Um promUtra,mbo walla pleaniu St iNtut P = the Miaow soar or their _ atbera • air _Mont - their 'no I ClZaunt to Ilka nuotect namottlY at Um g CSairll%**Strirattailsnnokmd on Sis llTbs sae m a atatuthursaaavant ii dadiataa oil commutation. - • another W alt lMk all ComoDened to lanitalitatthe Emlrtiaatolb. . *inerrt arc dircorturt. For mile abolesala and .u. EY- ` • .' ' ',KEYSER &Wu:m.1.11,110 Wood *a' R. E. Balm, 6? Wood street; D. ... conr i .N4. =au; ter,or Aua. ay _Y. • Dada, drubharrema, ranm. ant B. A. Istomeatock It Co, Waal and' Mu!" ..Q . ELLERS' IMPERIAL COUGH Ir. Lik7 ....Itlti driers ' to take, sed Vie 41e. IL E. Sollorn— it thileirws.°7l ben Mont to tesobloossa motto, sant owe elnarst - onordlet. to' very Letle c mr .. 'I . vtiteL 11710 M Wounds. abort nor be p loArive It a cnes__... . It or toy km and aZotor etagairroever ' ' thou, met It NMI never hdled Ivan* ttono..-r ,e' I ye reroonorattel It to nu oetrt. end i A t ta Cellaidgtuftall. Wen Ude It Who male . t l l4.rrroX.teern oerenel to teoibik-- r-._____,,, , te, ... . Pm= Monte notional, tietv - taearren to Whir Oen nane, irben.tber voor be: ontvd b7' 4 . 2, ev' WW I - et Mt -pm....4 .m so tm ~ _.guirnaTio..-, .' • roe= '67 Waba rt.. 433,1 Druslat csomealtr:r .reaFairklEDiei itencsail . Lancat Ackl otatzneat • ; • •!7-rA largenbek the Mel iTheral tel3oll._Tlr. T=.llZ . Da& • alert Wlzie et/teak Ceeparteee Extleet Ned& =Ccreatestive •, awe of HlMit ibe ta " lewe • • Gerdeerell Crd:9l3=4. • • et Weed dadWeel Nay. tai Hod Li;IMP:t• Wi pmee• Zed MOS _ I:balpelamate • =it, • . ! Hon otatsmat Totter ! Et.ogtb,rtans rialtos , twkthes haubces 7.= Bala= Wens Tos ; • • I At th, Drag Etoio of • G .m ulK-10 bbla. for sal byi.