The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, July 09, 1851, Image 3

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, v. FAFTOIX WM— e arepmasea to learn
thatthe . cpern tires in the y
Eagll ,
3 CottanFactor—
mime !kw of whom caused the turban* men
- tioned thiesterday'S Gazette, tare rethrinsd to
work SS usual; and all the factories InAllegheay
iars now in active operation.
The' riotous portion ,of the girls fond that
their more orderly compazdona sroret decidedly
cipitised to them, and did not cram wish to Weld
them from the'peoalties of the law. Theo:Wine,
A. portion of wheth entsturage'd the strikes in
1849, hare now learnt more wisdom, add plainly
showed the .thmrtierly girls, that they need not
erret - erssooragament from Though the
fitim thk - tri. Thumb thelmien was learned in
the expensiri selutol of experience, it Is simmers
vainablswhen acquired In this Pinner, and the
few.. rioters bare met - With rebuke from the
more orderly Portion of their coMpanthres, which
they wiillong remember,- and, br which, we
trust, . they will putt :.: The day has,ure think,
threw. passedaway„ when lawless violence will
maei.with any whip:salon; except from the.silat
andiunstdspreired inhabitants of Allegheny City..
Trie — Manintrecor Cass.—Ths cane of the four
tavern keep . cre of McKeesport, ...seemed of sel
ling liquor in that borough; Contrary to the pro.
Idbitory act of the Legislature, passed Aprilthe
.14th, 1851; was cautioned-yesterday before Al
derman Steele; The Counsel for thedatemlantr,
Warm. Koangh, Peter Conway, Frederick Walk
er, amt . Jaseptt Newell, raised a rather Ingenious
soffit .. - • -
He contended that the athdenit, on whirl the
warrants were issued was made lo'y a eltisen of
McKeesport, who:was not a Christian, and did
not believe in a state of foture rewards andpun•
lahments: Witnesses were examirod, who testi
fied that they had beard him 'say that "Font
Pairie's Eights of Man contained better laws far
the regalation of mankind, than the bible,, ' and
that not beilees in a state of future re
wards and punishments?!, • ' . '
On the other band, !Cies Contended by the
emumml for the plaintiff that the Alderman should
admit him,- on his oweeivir dire;to testify whetv.
on or not those were his opinions,, or if they
sire The Alderman decided that that
yes ti pointfor the consideration of the Court,
the more especially as there , was ample testimo
ny in addition to hie to warrant him in holding
the defendants to bail for their appearance at
the October term of the Court of Quarter Bee-
Rios, which be did accordingly. -
LAZCIIXT.-1118 honnr,, Mayor Fleming, yeater..
day- cotimltted• a num named Hugh Stiles to
prison, charged on oath of Mr. W. H. McGee,
with stealing atone thirty feet of hose, from him,
which; it. is alleged, he . afterwards sold to a
grocer in Allegheny.
• -
men: Alartin Ganty, Benjamin
MAU cad BattiticiYoung, were yeeterdey
Edited to the county prim by Alderman Baths*.
id Patterscin, charged 011 oath' of John B. Pen.
tic*, of, the borough of Birmingham, 'with en-
taring his dwelling house against his trill, and
raidaga riot and dlattutance, during the coarse
at tabich' the prosecutor was, severely beaten. .
' thannoto ats Wrrg,—Tosenh Hattel was com
mitted to prison on Monday - afternoon, charged.
by his wife. Mary Hettel, with asssnit and bat-
Yesterday morning the persons confined in
*kiln the nott-psylnest of ° debts, were brought;
on a wiled haboaa corpus, Wore Judson; Frick
and Legrand, to decide whetheromder, the new
eonitibition,:which went into - :effect yesterday,
they ought not tote aicharged. Henry May,
Est., appeared for the debtors, and T. ParUn
floott.liMq , for one of the oteditont The Tin
denims submitted without arg ument , and the
Court decided that the debtors mast be &lams
ed.. The following la a cony - of - the may: able
r :don of the Court, which taus deli - Sued by
:Bayisnors Coulty COurt-43efore J udyu FrO
In`the matter of the Habra Comas, in the cue
of Circa R. Brett and -others imprisoned • for
debt Judge Legrand &Arend the following
Opinion, in which Judge hick folly cancan-
• The-return of - the Warden elorwsthat he de-
Wails We custody the persons of the petition
s!** by.eirtut of writs of caplet ad respotuimn
and espies ad setts faciendum; that ts, tome of
them he holds because they have felled to'give
bail; and others because they hare failed to pay
Judgments rendered against them. •
The 10th eection of the 10th artije of the
new canstwation - provides - that the new =W
. 'hell go into operation on !hit day—the 4th of
Jnly,•18S1; and the 44th geed= of the Sd
tide of the same instniment provides.
muses SHAW, cc IXPRISOIIID ran navel
• . The petitioners are iMpriscmed for debt, and
hodylithere be something to the contrary In the
xfinsetuticm of the United States, they must be
disolnuwed ander this new "constitution of the
Elate othinyland. . To all legal minds thawing-
ties it fee from ell 'difficulty.' The dense of
the constitution of the - United States which cr.
video vvno - State shall pun impairing
the obligation of a contract ' le the only one
.Widettesn bethought to here the sligAtatt beer.
14;oathesabjeot, and the meaning of that clause
bit 'been Sled by the decishes •of the highest
tribunal in the country, the Supreme Coon af
the 'United States Chief ; Justice !'l,Wshall, in
the -ono ' Semple
.vs. Crismingeideld, 4
lehestad, page 200, .usest the following clear and
unequivocal bingiutge . Without !impairing the
obllytioa of the contrac — t, the remedy may car
haWy be modified as the 'wisdom of the =tics
"AO direct Confinement of the debtor maybe
a punidommt for not performing' his =Mac;
"or may be allowed -as a means U. Inducing him
to perform it. .- _But the State 'may refuse to in-
trice this punishment, Or may withhold thiireeana
'and leaye the contract in WI force.' Imprieon
mattls no-part of the : contrail, and simply to
relessethe prisoner does . not , impair Its ohilgtr
- • •
This 'decision of the Supremo ',Coed of - the
United States has been followed' by
others tasmitag the same doctrine, and in, of
worse, lander the constitution of the United
Slates, the , supreme law of
,theleackto which ore
all owe obedience. • '
The 7thseatianSf-the 10th article of the new
accostAttrtian Which - pro' '" ell rights rested,
10id . 931 Wattles incurred, than lima' as if
this constitution had not. been siopted," does
wet wrilitate against the ; express proldhltion of
ihi . 44th 'section of the third article. Its whole
atop and design; an we are informed by item-
Ger, being to preserve .the- obligation of such
contracts as existed in force at the time of the
sew constitution going • into operation, to pre
- went 'all. useless. diapason and not designed to
areiay intluarice whatever on the 44th Wake article. " X. bate seen',Outt under the
ditisienn of the , Supreme Carte the United
Start, : linprisonment is neither a. vested right
nor part of the contract, but s part of the rem
edy:which the - Statesluire the right to. m o dify
sa abolish at pleasure. - Is _obedience therefore
14 the decisions of the Supreme Court the parties
nowt dilicluirged from imprisonment; the
motriet.lowever, is left in tailrace, the State
twinge* power to impair its obligation.
Thtidecision being to the Warden of
the 4134: he accordingly discharged a ll the
partiell:Batifocrre Patriot, July . • •
. • A , Ncw Vaurri or Tits . Swwk.pyrutt.--
Tits following Initiating leeouet of s new vari
ety of the inreer,*tato L caged !twit s letter
tddeersed 'to L.' Young, Psi.; id :the ricimty of
7 f oubwille,- by a : redeem realigns la the south
en part of the State'of '.&131 . :
&rend geutlemeuta the utighbotbood of ri7.
tar ;Dade ezierixecteldth the red yell !
Thick iota my muelualeelfthat soy witty
bretimg through the winter will gee this coop
irotudderable importaau 'wide of eat,
~ s 4Wahave lately received most vslashie at.
fatten too= varieties of the sweet potato,suppos.
edfroze Peru.altmmtlumtrifferentand equal.
17 superior' te , any Mutely- of this root hitherto
Ultra. It is productive, sada:tains aprodigions
enn upon the. gamest 'sand land, sad the
roatsransin without change bmntbetime of tsk•
bog theni out of the ground until the following
Kay.. The plant singularly nay of cultivatica,
&twin itcpuay well from. the slip of the vine,
the top.or vine of the fall gromphat being re
wastably ; the itutide is se white as snow.
b drrand tacitly, and the escluutne FIWA o
contained resemblen in delicacy of da - vor tae
Bia'fiathilit-47apa may. N.H I• :
ic.f . ) I NORESSRALL in now open for dor*:
Andica Vlsitata. Ttee=tar,thatdcraJ las
bendadint waald t mae .
agfiewttr Ms tawaltaa Tr u ttds
. Taa P.l.t MUM., mats .13a= u haata.. a.
ronamati A. ad am= madOloaa nano, .11 mare
lacuaamen ttaa aay_wldetk ban bradada•
Won tha w.• ad:writer bas taken
Vto lama. W 4 &ad attaaldnpolotal nanalda,
warkdaa tba& tan .. t.4 Wad tata!audesos
sad wan at 1112 .i.itT ortO. loioat
- Stares and Desirable Goods,
07- VARIOUS STYLES, open this morn
ho.k „tlin 1 •
•e U 9 3 1
attatkiiiihmt.;di,;it;irt.ed .
Lea. White Goods lie dream, jr..
Tr* will main. today or to-marrow, cams NIA York:—
/MUM BURLAPS- = 2 bales suitable for
Irod Baeka. IWool Iletk,s, new sad le told
!ammo sr n0..0'111747 *l)u.scra•Pn
AID UMMIDIOI TEI nrOminat 641J:sr:Li
, . KaLLILX. Tersonten Omer,
Monday, July 7. f
Tha royal mail steamer Canada arrived here
this morning at 2 o'clock, with dates from LlT
erpool to the 28th.nit., being three days latter
than the Baltic's 'drifts. She brings forty pas-
The steamer Wasbington, froth New,rork, ar
rived at Coins on 21th - of Julie.
; • Lin:SPOOL, Jane 9.3.
Cotton—The market Is still, dull, and during
the week prices hare declined i to ipetzirP tb•
Yids Orleans was quoted - at .6}d; middling
#l. The 'sales of the w eek amount to 4,000
bdes, of which spend re took 1,400, and ex
porters 7,000 bales - The sales of Friday, 27th,
were 5,000 bale& .The market closed heailly.
—At Haus, the sales of the Week were 17,000
bales at an advance of 2f, which wee the result
of a false same received from Liverfoil.
Breadates—The market has lost its toroyan..
cy. • Flour, Wheat, and corn are a fraction
Provisions—Are exceedingly dull. Lard ken
,bellied Is cwt.
- Flour—Prices are 6d 11 bbllower, with saies
of Baltimore at 21Cy21, 6d V bbl. '
' Otain—A moderate businasa is doing in corn
at 291 6d@tBOsfar yellow, and 31082 s for white,
14 quarter. Sales of wheat at 6s 24 for white,
and 6do6s Id fol. red and good mixed.
Providerts—ln Pork there are no transactions
to report. Bacon hams aro dull; shoulders are
without change. Beef moves more freely, but st
Irregular rates.
Groceries—Sugar has advanced 61 1 cwt,
irithan 'elite business. Ries is in fair request
at gureeious rates. Teas are Itinn, but without
Tobacco--The market is tine, with but little
' Lord oil LI scarce, and has advanced 4d
Trade at Manchester Is rather leks active, but
the market Lin sound and healthy condition.
Lounour, June 28
Engllsh home securities have considerably
improved. Consols were qtioted at 97k, ex diva
American stocks have undergone little change,
excepting ilaryland 6's. Sterling is selling at
91... 'll 8 6's, 1862, are quoted at 105 ®106; do.
1868 at 14:C®1081.; Ohio Os, .1870 and 1895;
'Una little progress has ben made in Par
liamentary bnitnele. In the' Rouse of Lords,
Lord Campbell's Registry Bill had been read a
third time.
The cue of the Indian =Rea Prince, against
whom an lUegal Goremment pranced.= had
been carried on, had been bninglit to the atten
tion of the Hones of Lords.
The receipts et the Crystal Palace on the26th,
were 700 pounds sterling; and about 60,000 as
stated to have visited the exhibition during the
month of June. .
A violent hen storm and tornado passed over
Yorkshire and. Cheshire In the early part of the
week, causing .eotusiderable destruction to pro.
• Tbstest at London has been -v enresdre,
the thermometer being at 90 in the shade.. -
We hare had advice* from India by the orer
land mall and. by telegraph. The news possesses
batnttle Importance. 'Cotton was brisk at re-
A terrible typhoon occurred in Ceylon en the
let of May, end at Madras on the 6th. Twat
ty.ettneX wit h valuable antic! were lost. •
. - .
The praminen =lnlet of &mush= in
the Freriah liesembly, was the 'lrides' of the
Costitaticar, , and petitions in favor of the mea
sure continued to flow in fro= all parts of the
Ato egraphie dispatch received at LiverpOol
on the 28!h, annotmces that the Committee had
decided on the report of If de Toqueville, whose
name is well known in lanarion, as =preening
strict Republican, rather than Bonipcnist
We hate adilom from Rome to the 19th.
81vm.Eranstaitikamneeller of the Holy Con
aa on the 15th.
Beyond some slarm manifested at the spread
of Socialist doctrine!. Nothing of importance
has transpired in Spain.
'lle ship Haloycm, from Liverpool far New
York, was fallen in with on the 11th of June, in
lat., 89° long. 58... diWastad; .with the lore of
the rudder, ffe., by the Wm. H. Murton,- just
jived here train Mobile. :The Wharton toot
off 145 pasamagcre,-•and part of the crew of
the Halcyon; the roondnder were taken on bowl
the Connecticut, also from Mobile for Liverpool,
which left the wreck ehortly after the .Whartott..
The Halcyon had , on board about 800'pas•
wagers an was troonsater la 111-110Ter• gale on
theBth of June •
. • .
B t u:ruins, My!.
The Poste:taster General, in reply to inquiries
addreised to him, Matte that all newspapers
sent to ,bons fide subscribers, who may leave
their resideuees for. the different summer re
trains, and have their papers sent to them for a.
lase petiod than • three months, come ander the
head of transient nsrwspapers, and must be pre.
paid accordingly, at the office where mailed;
whether sent from"the office - of publication or
The II:3: norm ing etismer Welker; arrived
M Norfolk yestoolliv bozo Pensmoba.
pralsucTra FIRE.
- , - Brace's, July ft ",
Ttiiblooln of buildings on the sOntli side ' , of.
Clinton square, were burned to the putted Ws
foresoon„ The kis i...tirotett at 0700,000.-L-!
• Mew You, /14 8.
Mr. J. Fenimore Ceoper, the Ncrrelist,
dengermly ill, and not expected to Ilve.
The President he appointed David A. Bobo,
Naval officer at New York, and Egbert. Benton,'
isppraisor General, rice Edgar, declined.
Batman, July 8:„
The 4th of July paned air vary pleasantly
throughout South Caroline and Georgia
The Colon run of the sth district, .lioulliCar
norabisted G. W. Chasten, Bothoorat, for
The fittornsy Cktuirth Brent, left hate thi s .
morning for .Philthelphis, to contest before the
Supreme Court of Pennaylnuala the legth i Eof
the conviction of George Alberti for bikini - g;
arresting end neturning &fugitive slave to .
land...- e goes under a resolution of the litre
reform Convention, the State paying the 'Zinn..
es of .the enit. .
- Pnitsidanus, :lily 8.
The market, see, bits not been influenced
by the - Catunds's noes.
Plonr-Thesi is a bettei detrund, With ales
of 8000 bbl st $4 26 for good braids, :and GOO
bblawelected at $4 87; $l.Bl is now asked for
on:moon brando4_ • '
Rye:Mont and Corn Ideal—Bales rye flour at
$3 37,lnd'of.nOrn meal at $2 87 tgi bbl.
Qrain-Wheat it in good demand. with seas
good red at 96c; and of, white at 88()1000 "fit
blast Bales 200 btushels rye at 72c, and of
4000 bushels yellow corn at Gla afloat. Oats
are steady it 434@4810: -
WilskY-Bmalfgales transpire at 240 per gal
Neer You. July
The Canada's neirel Lad no effect upon the
nar—Prizes ire on the declined, with sales
of WOO bbls at $4 25(g4 31 for weittern,art4
$4 86g4 60 for Genesee. ' . •-•
Ele - Moue and Corn Meal—Eye flour iffirni
er at 4ta 871, end Own mitiVit $3 bbl.
Oraln--No manor wheat. Sales 2500 bli. * *ye
at 730, and 16,000 tnishels mixed corn at 680
Prorisicas—Prices are nominal. Soles mess
beef at $9 ®ll, and of prime at $566 bbl.
Cat meats are doll and depreised. Lard is sell
ins4ll69o. - •
ey-ihles of Ohio at 2840 `ill. .
Nar--Sales 60 hbds New Orleans at 6c
P°un .
Nnr Yo Jtdy
.0.1888. 8. G's, 1864, have advanced 1 1.,)1nd
}.. - Canton Co., fell oB at flretboard 2,1
but recovery] }At the second. Starlink is Arm
.2 .
Cotton-4alesl,ooo biles at a &clam of Fgt.
Flour-Sales 12,000 bbla at adetlice of tio
per bid, say. for wes4ra brands, $4,12r, and
for Geneses $4.81014.44 per bbL
Graln--Sales 6000. be Commit 68cfor mixed.
ProriSioles 600 bbla old prime Pork at
$l2. Bales 1100 bbla i Lard at 4@90. so.
Mess Beef at $9,60e51.0.
Itat.rncoart, July 8.
Flour--Sales 600 bble at $4,26 for Howard
!drool, and $4,81 for City Mills.
Grain—Sales 4,000 bu 'Wheat at 100®1030
for Prime White, and 9.01011980 for Red. Sales
of Corn at 620 for White, 69®60c for Yellow.—
Sales Oste'st 88c;
Whiskey—Sales at 241 e per gallon.
Groceries—Wanes is selling at 320821 e
gallon; Sales Lagusyra Coffee at 130:31910 per
pound. "
..Tadd'a Medicated Liquid Cuticle. '
THIS ARTICLE is intended for family ilea, whi should be found to the posecraioHr of ',err Ihnh
thuleart. Mechanic. who ar• to constant danger of
lujory to their persona through accident, and the Ito pw.
or Or careless or of kola, will god thla article to be luest
uable to them .Res• fete trial yr
al 11l molder It Indle.
.". ..rettay certify that ere, the utiseits, either Lai
goeutly made uhrof Judd'elldedlcatat Llculd Cuticle, pre
-pared hy Mean Peuteld A Camp, Middleton : Ea r
chretfully reecuarretur It to out-pro oast b
an exellent rabatltutuforledhedve plaster. d
hornycats. ocahls. O P
kth,u o rt n .h,,,,,,,de
Mid. D. CLISKIL M. It.,
ssaelhg the , Pneirtur phyaldane a,. car ot
Far MN hr D. A. FAUN MOCK • 00,
N3l carter Wool sad fleet sta.
-350 reams Med— Rag idid St3l+ 4Vmppins
60 • Double Oman
125 "
60 "'
ammorted ,• • Medium "
18 " auperlar.Poet (Mks Pawn.
100 ." Double Medlann 24237 PrinLine Parr*:
100 " Imyetial ! 22.32
n u
The above. with •k 4 of ald tiaa of rapers for sale at
We killed briers, by I W. s.
, Stationer and Paper Dealer,
corner of Market and ikental atteeta.
P• 6" it°4l'gk' EVIdA.II-VariarriCob.r
.iszx Groom and Tea Dealer&
JAVA COFFEE-40 .bage very superior,
A. IdeCl.lllM CO,
%KG 2.50 Litany st.
ilYnere; . "311711War i rlle0r8tr n 'T .
J sal : N. E. tanks of EastrEtt and narks% sta.
BILL PAPER-A , ' superior lot just reed
and fai male by: I y.B. HAVEN, Stationer, ,
jai_ coma of &toad and Market a.
lIILLETPS 303 PENS—A fresh supply of
dem merlon Steel Nan. reed and tor ale at
- : . SIATX:II Statetnerr,
je2s comer ot Second and 31arkat ate. .
and mce. powarfra Puma. nes—made on . now
neiplc by ',blob all friction is °Tarmac, and eoneeonw4
rmulrlng lea labor th•altat common otcrew or Itror
PRY, For ask at W. E..IIAVENT ,
jag) @balm:wry Waroboune. Market It
Blade Tetifeom Liverpool: • _
dolo , lot of Strong and /Ina Flamed OONGOLI
SEAS. old.* upon trial 101 l be tonal' to ooa little ahead
of any In Pitteborati. The public are Invited to try thew
Tou—Enallth. Irish and dooteb Qtaffole In partkalar--Y
they Caro C aro courtly the earns kind. of Teas they mod In the
Old ountry. Je2s
-100 dos. jUlt teed iteed ode,- ebeletale and rto
J. 2 I Agent Ad Pitutburgh.
SPEC TA C L E Sl—We.tuive a complete
stock of Gold, Ellvet sad Steellitoolselee, and the best
quality of sonvra and tOIXOTO OW.. We glut. to
sTy vastrty of vision, smolt= to the toart__orleclplas of
ontlcal soma. uctltp no% W/L.103.
A 2 non of the toodledlambi lit Invited to Ibo Era
Ana Hu Fountain. by Dr.Lltorol. OccoNst. of Nob York--
Jost reeolyel and royal. b) W. W. WILSON.
i 024
BOTTLE CORKS ;- 800 pro. for sole by
3e24 67 Wood et
B. sup., for m i le by
J. Jai . E. &ELL
UTMEGS-1 bbl. No. 1, for saloby
. Je.1.4 R.E.FELLME.:
.m.evr NO. 3 MACKEREL-100 Ma. and
' LI
• übbb " mi LtrrrViLie2A JAMES tZatt
101. A. RUBBER BELTING-Jost rec'd,
t~mboat the ateantiketnrere, IMO Ilstrt Belting, for
Putlmeet. kn sale at the Innis Rubber Dom
Nos. T an 9 9 Weal rt. I • J. it IL-PHILLIP&
joat • •
UST RECEIVED--Asupp4 of Indio, Rub
IPJF bar Drama rampsOilpplifddaldacand Brener. of ap
kdain for We arbalasan and retai. at sad a tatmd at
ra24 J. k rimaxes.
.Cheap Black De Laine.
opened Jot or Mk, (alllrcon bbsk De ~at
• prba of CM. , • )43
JUIP mud article eon be had' at the stare or
F ISII-10bbls. new Lake Trout;
10 hi " formal* try
JeZ " • J. B. C1A8Y161.13.
N.I)I..qPAR---25rode fi.rattguL
SODA ASH-20 cake for sale by •
Se= i eii W. GIAR-BAUGII
rj . . r A ll°ES— . lG bu' f for safe b
FLOUR -100 bble. extra Fara, for wile by
S. is W. !I
PEACHES—iS ealc Ibilemloom
CHEESE -50 boxes Cream; for 'We by
le= ' `9.t w.mutzszcon-.
JUNLATA NAIL RODS-95 bundle:L.Blk,
Itn , sale by S. Y. VON BONNUORSY & CO.
L .AB9-400 boxes Window Glass, assort
es swat:Tisk by '
. - Yea . S. P. VON lIONNHOBSTi CO.
11AY- FORKS, Hay'-Rakes, and Scythe,
,• • • • i1" .4.1 " . 117 We er. si. CONoi DINILOR&T & COMM
Et REAL GOOD TE2 : jo I t .i4a
klOllll3/rTaa Mart, to tha
or atoscaa Teas are parer ket , t at Ws ea • tr 4
' ,u 4 VEZ.—.I nye= led of thi above wilds 13;4 reel
sad faradsM I . 11101W1 PALlIta.
tna. ILINGING,4—A large assortment
of Irma sad Alcorkin Papeerr tfaorlo al• ars osi
IF s4OT. , - W. P.*.I.4§IM.LL,
11.114 pod lit
'WOOL TWINE-500 Ms. for 4ale by
QPIRITS TURPENTINE-10' bbls: (to ar
to lire) sthrby" J. KID • . oo Wad .t. '
.1 ARD 01L-10 bbls. for sale by
J•l4 .r. BID 03.. 60 Wood it.
REFINED BORAX—SOO lba for sale by
1.14 ;. I J. KIDD • CO.. GO Wad n.
FlBll-15 bble. New White;
344 . 6 " " "J. 11.%11341.D.
SALE.RATIIB4-100boxes pure;
ACl'.bbls. for solo by
Al 4 J.ll. 0.01:111ELD.
FLAX -1000 lbs..for sale by
Nl4 .. J. B. CANFIELD.
P EARL ASII- 7 30 bble-for ealo by
Jell ' ' JJ. B. CANFI
LINSEED OIL-30 bble.Oriewold'etrand,.
far sale IT Jel4 J. B. CANFIELD.
110110TASEI-4caska for sale by
1 Dail 4 J. B. CANFIELD.
FIRE PROOF PAINT-10 bble. for sale by
.1614 • J. B. CANFIELD.
BUCKETS -450 oz. Marietta make, for sale
by • 1.14 J.D. CANFIELD.
boxes for lawn=
B ACON -15, casks Shoulders , .
inIIEESE--80 boxes.for sale_ by_
1614 Water saut Trout e.n.
1101IIOKETE3-45 doz. Marietta for sale by
Jae , a. a w. iiaaaatroa.
FEJTMIS-2?°° fArna=uoir.
COFFEE. - 300 bge. prime Green Rio Cot
f'""4"4 it 'r " 1 " 7 JOLLY WATT ACO.
FFISIL-50 bble.nerrlBsl, pickled Herring
. CO do 'do do dor do
• SO bolt bbls. •_ de en
In dont sad Ws (3.01 JOHN WAIT • CO.
I i AHD.-2,000 lbs. Lard, for sal° on con
Da. 61, Water et.
BACON -50001 N. Bog Round, on consign
mart, 'brat. by "T. WOODS & BON.
AIR BALLS—Of all tho different mites, at
lb. loved vpo k price. •
e2l 11. PIIIILLIPt.
rrjltiltst rectlyed. • mood salortmalt. of dlfremn
di rM.4l i 501. 1. 4 70 .17 .Lo
.4 .1 m
ydl. J. 11. PHILLIPS.
GREEN OIL OLOTH-300 pulls for Win
dam. Blinds. jut :wed from ? actoly, and for Ws a
boa. and t
9 Wood attar . J. ii. PILILLIPA
f m.o f t 1, r a.vhdma...4
„Arm 0 .74 . #0..7 L'd ° w .rilletump B.
11 Id) bbs. ingrtiort:
ht "
Yor De3l do.
Wall Palter and Borders. •
..... aI..T HOBIAB PAJAMA, 55 Market street, re
h brews Ch. attaatiaa or rad... to
compleaand Mendve dm*. cm:midair atmod
scary artki• lam at Madam , • iall
Vi.Y.RUP4t-linderwood's fine Lemon S
rilusagtmue uzzo. miruP,
Je w ,• , W itmerra ." s32 l Par a lkai nr"b cra Y " Dealca.'
n AIRY SALT - 4 enperior article for the
Midr, °own INVLYclvag
6 1,1316 1.0•11111,0 01191O0a BIIJgr: c
• r:01 4 41 1 4 . 0
. 1.6 bash t4kNa
William Ycinng,
I)ROPRIF,TOR of that Farm. and- Howe
a_ beautifully lattsted o the'Ohlo stork Ow . Tan b. ,
lit the psoy of George 61611., of this
.ST9 Sussing fi tted up fits Wuxi. for the estennunedstion Of
murders during' the not months of 11.111,0 and Dal; osta
OW! dolt L RAP op reasonsble taloa.
The Ohio end Pensoudrents Itallsosd, v bleb Is about be
in s opened. Is within are minutes walk. of the bowie. ,
For lonisn,nr..ODU.l"crBr,l='s Mottos.;
is7,rno:T• reenconi tto. Beam to.
.c.IAP SAGO CHEESE—For sale by
.1.23 MLA. m,clarao a (XP.
'POD FISH-600 lbs. very foie, for sole by
J wm. MeCLUSO i OD.
J. dosan gut revival u 3 for sale by
- 13 INK ROOT-400 lbs. primequality, just
A. reed .nd for nal be Llelol b• EELLZEI
, CIZ I. R4F ACID- 1 2 ;1 5 , f) lbs. juat iL 7 .. c;d and for
fiOD LIVER OIL-40 ga . llonE, run wain,
16r sale by itIO dELLEILS.
„AA 10c.t.4 Wr dtrawberrtra, or fruit of any kind. and
:srlrhla• few nilnwtee Mire of Alleeway Lwarted,Ger wale.
nrIOBACCO-125 boxes aa'd of the best
twat. be and Se In stoic an! far sale b
Water U DICKE mad Prime sts.Y CO„
.=lO bb/0 Lover
; 1.10 •by WM. A. rare i lt 7 t2 . ..4
2 56 Litany cL
t. 3 ditto le bribe (Esolellerisijurt received met Zr eisie
leer bY, VII. it. ICCI.OBII it CO. •
Jolt libb Liberty et
IVLOUR-110 bbls. "extra" flour in store
and fur male by , jelb 8. tW. /1811.8AII011.
RIOT CLAY-7 tons Copley's Pot Cloy, No
es, ens reoelTed ind for maw by
,VIACKEREL—Qaarter bbls No. 1 fat
muloaa. mor....mioleakEy CO.
Won't t Fronting.
HAVANA SUGAR.-50 bzn white Hs
mu snow. just received and the ale ay
jag No . 116 Water etreaL
I OAF SUGAR.-30 bbls loaf sugar (os
-1-1 nM "` " '" ) Nt'airmag & mainum.
Nall4 Water newt.
- loon SALE-4:ine Kiln of Erick, Enquire
er W. MCLENTOCH'S Csrpet Warebaum,
Jog 115 Fourth larnet
ICE—I 4 tierces for sale by
1.1; /14 WICK a .IrCANDLISS.
ARD--12 bbb3 No. 1 Lard for sale by
STARCH -40 boxes Boebright's extra, for
we by le9 me e WCADLE&S.
COCO MATTING—For public halls and
.rooms. in obee mood for Web.
jo7 Comet Worebonos. No. 73. Fourth et.
M ACKEREL-100 bblo. No. 3, (185 J) IL for
/TA Ws by J. 3 S. t W. ILMAOO
j4 ABO OIL-32 bbis. fintist4L.leildulAuott.
LARD -12 Ws in Moro and for solo by
WU.. sFront .t..
.I.4dltD OIL of Bennett Lt. Jones' mannfae
tare, far al. by ISAIAH DICKEY 1. 'CO.
PAO Water a Front eta
CORN- 40bbla shelled, for sale by
.8,10 8. P. VOM 130881101128 d CO.
fink:ESE-35 bxs for sale by
TAR -2 bblfr. genuirie Barbadoos, for solo
br Ltal J. KIDD k W.
"VOBACCO-20 kegs (Gedge's) No. 1 Six
Twist, fur tato try JAXM DMZ ICLL,
68 W ater, and 78 aim .1.
WOOL TWINE-500,1bagolgeibj.z.
Ift LOOllB-200 tone Soft Tenn., for Bale by
S ARD 011.--10 Wile. No. 1, for Bale by
F N e o o
C.lalus nodred ul tor
AKA A•m.
INoo i f , ,Zr z 1.-taah paid for the differ
.l.lo & t W. HARBATIGIL
VO. 1 MACKERBL-40 bble. extra, for
taYbaxll7. am, in Ca. Or man DICKLY a CO..
/a Water and Front 02.
IIsTSEED OIL -11:1 bbls. for sale by
208180 N. LI?XT a co.
B ACON -43,000 lbs. Shoulliers;
" Ituuc for nle DT
NopACKEREL-75 blls large lid. 3, for ask
br • bria F. WILSON.
4 ' Ple &mod st.
LINGusaSPLIT • P.'--E—A:3--Received and LL ko sale by VX.A.1441.1.4140. I CO.
4p= Goon and Tok Palm.
Ilk OMAN CEMENT-2 bbls.,. for Bala by
JUL. JO • 13. F. , TON BON I WENT a CO.
lIEESEr-30 bxs. W. E., for salo by
L, INGS.—Ookt. Gold mut Nal.; Emmet, TM:mita sad
Ornamental 'Snub Yam, uf V 22101111 9 1 :1.41 , *.•
Custom to east the emetuasseams of almost army alatm of
customsrs, for isle MM. makbUslumor of
I,IOLDEN SYRUP—lnbLbbls.andlo sal.
TANNERS' OIL-27 bbla. Bank Oil, for
1..4 bt X.l J. PLOTD.
IOLASSESi--200 bbls. N. 0., for a ale by
lASSLA-400 lba. for sale by
i . 61y9 11. A. 'AIOIEBI'OOI. A CO.
TARTAR EMETIC-50 The. for sale by
Mg 6s. URN • • 0.1.
AL3ION--30 bb a. and bf, bble. No. 1, for
M wss - JOIEN WAIT a CO.
VIRE BRICK-65,000 (Coal Grove) Eire
onX' Prck.4 ft equal (if not superior to the Bolivar Brlskj
herd . sale
Anthracite Coal.
Qrk TONS just received, a superior article
ceur far rormary or farelly as far irle Dr
' • Canal Beam
V1511.-3iackeret Shad, and.llerring, for
bn 1.3 J.A I. 11.0113.
MAR-40 bbls. Boston, for sale by •
Je3 J. R. 4/LOYD.
dIOA.BSE SPONGE-400 lbs. for sale by
cRUIPED lIIBBONS—Just reed per ex-
Dr..... , 23 calm m ine!.' esm- dadretdr - Crimped
Hi bon; for - Trimadng, all the diffetent widths
end talon. 'the attention of wholesale eu mmer. is x►
ePeotfol/t Mated to the above giltnliSt•O 161.1.1=e0L
myto L. A. MASON a CO.
WRENCH LlNEN4,cdtmicnequalidea,
"" '" " awww VainnArgmnEux
J. 13
SUGAIi-10 hbde. Clarified, fur sale by
mr27 ENOI.IB/11 ZIEN?iETT.
TEAS -50 hf. cheats Young Hyaon;
6 " " bolas • Flavor.
Pti We by BALA
Wsurr aII DICKI nd FN • rou lCO..
Loaf. embed. Pulverised sod Powdeded:eimStasitl7
sed formal* by %no if i e c enib l at the
rstee, by
envie Zgt
bfißi 0.. 10 lible new f;?,rawev.wol&N
POTASH -10 casks for ealo by
LARD --6 kegs for sale 1:1T
=wail a BANNETT.
m 427 122 asul 1411 , 1 M amt.
BUFFALO ROBES—AII grades kept con
rtantly as band and tar We by
myl3 A. CUM/4E780N CO.
/110DFISII-10 drums for sale by..
CORN -500 bu for sale by_
B ARRELS - 7 200 hew Flour, for sale by
VKI keys swans, In Singular.
In I, Vac
" Slasssinr,_ll,,
loM by (id] . J. re. DiLW fall C O.
Q AFETX FUSE-25 bble. toarrive,fofiaTe
ka by ❑dl 3.6. DILWORM
C°Rllbb s l9.lo v r o llal N A s b N y lioßsT
k i
9:94 93 aml. tit
POTASH-3Q mush pure, - for 8101 by
White Paint
UMead sad for pia at Nos. 7 and 9 Wood it.
.—we invite the attention of Hansa AIM ISteamtn at
Painters to Oils fullcle. od& we heth been tains for t ttv
ward. of Wes mouths, and can mthatmend Lobe cupid tor
to white bud pabill'in army minsect. • loutead of abets dot mg
the light Ilk, while ice d . doo elate lengths it, and .pt tav
glumly bag • fresher and mon itnillant ton. 11 an or.
athaterhanlnsm. and is EMS durable for Indio err o ide
work. 11.111 not. rub Oft, and am be grathod with dot in.
Jury; end Pt It mum mom surface with equal, ll
te:l4 ea cheap as "Mita
pn i tu
X. Basin's (summer to Rowel) fier IWe3a
ter the Bandkerehhe.
E%TRACTS of Homo, Onuige Flaw s an
amine. Portugal; Verbena. sere Pre, V.r pet.
•Ilottesetino Tuberose, Bergamot; Omen., itotra,
tr224:=l::l7kalla g ygrUb,Ca e ,t% ) rfil: 'Um
and Extract Moak, m one ounce bc4tles. cntb Ott *s ki *
pers. All the above Extnetamhich are only • • part Ms
samattnent. are of the rent ban quality, being ni eitufm
imai with medal cant. The mangles Wee conk , OM
month?. folly test the high esnmstlem whicti .hey
held by the community. Vor sale by
Philadelphia Carriages Far Pri le.
,_ d=t
o ram m tram . 4=l . ..ti i ,
titan at
hl. Canters heinettorr e neer aux: I legarlantin
teem. on the Pittsburgh =I Iltrele,,,,the ire tenriKt _/.3
lake welt of.thttatetrill,elargeaar,..,Ao .m.wame
tti l 1 t ''''' it ' Neter V 'II " , Prit...."", U '''''' U. "
•rorthe experience ntrat ' ...;.. , t. bat/tem. and
the general eattersetkrang/ .... '''''' ° I
.1.4 hpnidtale to them who
hart favored Inut with th si - be In =unlit.
ying - that h. am ether P .U.....17. ' •
ear In markt. both at • tut aosorteneat te, eil nets with
=ll ... teg to runts", n = u att7. "l 'l,l ` .:rim 4.
" 4 b 7 IP-..1"... . 4444 . 7 .
The eulnetiba,.
buying end awl. nlljneldng to math am In the bikini of
-S tern/igen •nJ
en hand Wm buten.
t"' fisn ' tilil. ~ • ' • . J vssra w Z.
• I
•E Et. DAVIS;& CO.,-
Importers of Froneh and Canton Goods,
N 0.61 BROADWAY; 37414 PORK,
IptESPECTFULLY invite buyer! to extun
-"ANAT RIBBONS—A v.rt•l:lrant uststount.
TAFFETA A. 171 SAT= RI B —A fail tsattoen•.
BLACK GBOS DI ERZBE—AII vidtbs sad prtoss. of
the bat meta. ..
to SLITLti F2L9TZNOS— Berne asks that has herr
to A rea so mach satasatosi.
RR, V 01.% Watt and bast Cravats. that and
and c.oss, Cruse Lassa, mad lint CrsPs.
. .
CRAPE INAWLS AND SCARIR-_-Jart ressl4o.l an In
'llole• sf sit colors sod pans DAUS CRAPES, of swim
, SATIN DE CHINE, Ifalasnets; Sagas, and other Mika
,i,satliu to the Cada" market- • .. Jr l'av(R)
& Liver Pool Line
°Harp Pllade/igl u.
of Pack
. ,
Sailing from Philadelphia on the AA
Sth, and Livemml ea tbe letof min ontb.Mde
M.:p NARY PLEMANTS, R. G ardiner. anor. Al . irr.
• .
0 HUlifing;Nathardel O. Harr* Master..:
4 BERLIN, Alfred F. grahh. Karat.
EILACHAIIAXO.2 (mor.) W. W. Wm/. Master.
The above &lea ere Wit oLthe test mid nowt anti/
materisls, and am noted for the rapidgf of dude warm .
Limy are Cued us. with all Luna
far their tb=t o r i datd . .. d and a r , az=
they are eumm.aded Asitz=kn i Trie h d4=o4.=
0 0007
can of Latham
from tha Old
C. 20137 ean obtain orrnitirdia of ' which .111
tool for eight months. an d our agentil mtmat s od W
arred faralah Una altb the roper information and
lastructlons Math. to their d
Par the cormartlenne of pameigaraiishlog to send Moi
nerir . e :poly r:autos it ate rannard,pmfahlei
at s wunout diwount, ethic ar be Maned brashi of
the err Pont Mom in the 1.1 • I:
tarProrlidom mppliad passengers cocas hurl LW ,
hvar2 tosah the fothming supthes will be tornishad
met passertor of 12 man of asli , oear: 212 lb. bared.
- 3 lbs. rice. 2 to. tea. 6 lbs. oatmeal. lb,alttim. 1 1 :201 0 .r.
4 11Veass Wl n
eau, and halt allowance of tcs, mgar and =lam .
12). winds 11 t CO..
Na 31 .Wainat strmt, baloarfecond Phila hig delphia: ,
• Wll. p,th .
ji:lo2f 'tomer 1311th sad Wood Plumonth.
United States Hotel at Ehiladelidda. '
THE SUBSCRIBER respectfully =nun
tea Ng ' tt nes m met! thrOs=l 1 p =OLD
ItTATI.B 1.1114.1.. Log known 'ln anumetith with
Elotel i tzdeir th the kale neetheti7 thth
g thou be wanithit
to sontirsti its o ele seythation as the test. tent bathe
to the country. No mews bete spared 11..lete
relittiog the entity establishment.
'invitth attention to
of L introdoold the emo.
yenienth Mt comfort or woe. Beitth 4thermie .
of to nith Salisfertion, Is solicits ointbutause of 010$
Fowl be w
r t ts .... othse others r t m o
r 3 1 2.3 sth e 4
eu cl t rawi li fi l lo p la &wad Etter',
AG S M, WOODWARD it Co., Whole:
I sale 0• • ./a_ No. .t. ' • • • •
WALD, BIICKNOR ,t• CO., Tobacco
Coma Wan lderrhaatt, N. 41 North Water strut.
a la North Wharves. YElladAp6la. al
MERCER ANTELO, General Commie.
dor, 31erthants, 1111114olyhla. Liberal lalmeet
op mdamments of Produce morally. fjalaslaos
20 i r Cent. laved to Country Nereheate.
M. J. KING, Dealer in BOOTS AND
fill0E14:11o. North &cored street.. Pbiledetphia;
hes tut seed from the roenufsztory an csteruive and veil
'elected Moot of the above coeds. which will be add at=
Per mat. lola tban on be purchased to th e city, for rash
or Mr ...pianos • •
.b..1ita 3 . , 1 do well to call baler! purchasing.
Shawls! Cloaks! Idaatillas! •
E• S. MLLLS, No. 6 Cortloadt it; N. York,
le nos Ofeigni .t lids abate' Wasebom. a boob
. .1' Pall and - Winter IILIAWIA. emulating of all style.
of roots and Domeeile Wool LO. Ehanla spottier vita
• mil mortatent of French wed 'Vanua tacit
Eavette Shawls, of even 7 gmle.
Also. an entiniatre sneek of Cotner,. AfCrloo,
Bann, and Velvet CLOAKS, ILANTILLAS.IIACJES. ac.., of
tattoo star. and Ark., wannfictared from Paola pa 4
tem.: - tae ono no potintlioaat received meminveatbly pet
Ram attention. .
Ile Invitee, ttre special attention of Southern and WM.
ern Meerbante to the atore. aa My will OW an mer 4
swot of Marla and marinade goods fool Lelia' near.
nenniand in the eft
.y. ,
1., perior fitlatD3, othltdtlna
Pamela and Alanllllaa dronedtrinn7 calmed Print aW
amt.. at 114 and $.5 each, jedatf
for Foreign Patent, • -
N 0.5 Wall az., N. rink, and 186 Flat se., Loudon.
to Orval Britain. 'R.; Bdpea. Ilailend, and all
maw ;aria of Puma—the Canada. Cabs, azul the
run udournuon noon emu ma
bh P ak66..
=gam • 6
Wall J nt lar
ark; .
Siirnian Black Writing and Copying Ink.
NE'S EMPIRE INK, 87 Nassau street,
lanthanum Non York.
ahrm rums To MOS.
des—..— = .ll 50 oac per . 50
ha% I 00 4 es. ---- if
os. " . z 523( os.
roar te the tql s ett i le a e etanoteetared. It dow:;freely—
. L t!re%Et ' a P
te d ° t ( e ) d. T, and l =we i tl z" ul:irdttee=
ed lor e good Writlnclok, Width are the RCM. and ELI
mirably adava4 ke the atael Pen.
the amfesttrCM t. Metered to fartdab to the trade el.
that kr assert or bane reneamptim. at the &OM era
I c r t e4, =el :s ter Order, and delivered ta ear part
or kelp tlymd= “ 2 1:4 1 = StM .11•4 • m,
•••+........ •
A. C. Bany's , Tricopherous,
tfr,. =l r osas= t rvls ... w.attn...or t get
Ovule sett onmeles, Wis. ear: 6m1... ate. , It
h.• h... etrettethea VI emeratsau, th/ Puree b•
wow has torttlaree the emse olbrte la ming &Ream of
etta, *tut,: the bans. apish the seltul . =l. T .,
rtut. trirl ""'' Z M tto os. "' lr t irl ' t ar the DemPuethsh
:ta the .1.1.= in .hich it 1. :miler thee. ahot hum
400.0 11 a trial :1 ...• Thai. - .... 2 ,,,
• rtStr
Pa.. Baur—De. ler--1 hue tam sal • ea
taus. eruct. at the ..Ip. ar a that 014. ed Our-
Wu. tbr the lest Matsu run, add as that 10.101
hue hal tha eletre et sethe at the mut azsthest phut.
Watli, an 4 ba. triad all the urparathear Or th e heir lalli
et.he nu truth. without the lest turat. I trap scleheal
.1.,1 to try Tsar Trlcothermas I .114 set st a lest
sad. btu mph* and grattaeattoe *nal wolf
le about t a month. Ruth mu the violet= of the
..n.mrder that at L. I mu partially blind.
".P.'ffbilr. "' nth faa.g '."`PtinrooTE.klyli.
-. • 'Ftn Tom Oct.= WM.
P worgiudiP.ioNy Dear =boattwozaraws tab
tam wiajdanditert=l Dr a/Ls:lto ' lnaritieophar.
ova. mad I did so,' tad to his astaaharmaat, La hair was
linal • rootad. and . the dandruff edaappirand o am Um
!wad pow &bow. tot BRIL
L7l riaraVs3..llTosehni.
II sap ladr or ratty &whim the •atheaatlty of the
atova. th ey will,__ ell at Professor ♦ C webs..
LIT Bee Wargo% iaa Yon. wllen aIP a
Wrote the Milththe rad Nen/ Awn. Ind.)
Th.. 1, e for the permanent ewe of beider
end the molten genera/Iy, that ham reached
the pregPrity enjoyed tly. the article known es Profeemer •
Barret , Tr inonberous. ter Mtderated thennemord. /t ea.
&entirely eyed try the nyder claws of the allnatunlly: In
Moron meth , nor eery In land Kb used to prefertheato
other RPM.. of the hod. It trararte tenor to the nett of
the del, thp . rarta. grogth to • nsaarkablethe
WM: 1 1 14 11F thny.. It n ie d nr i aral L''jlaaUt l a.
moth ar . :l head. new porta, ard other . obsozions Mott
dere of the Aim to the:tram w , rtllas efinhey, It Mande
ordleal/el.. ',LI Wield In large tal e `thea priord.thente.thflo.
g l e ""%v - t
• •
CONTINUES his usual facilities to receive
13% ye his b rcre t elfe l igr
on the Latteo Rol the Illhlts Canal and Klux..
IteSsretooe—Thoses lemon, M u
a Coe .
Menem Jour. 4 Qui=
Ur. Jobe A.Csoshee• 4P5X,4
• rr00.... Comandora; awl Vo,'woreling Itarthasitt, - on tG
Imre, St. Ja.ta.3lo.
Re. ler to Alesiador Oontoth salt toms. Merlin a
AV I C. .TATTLE, Attorney at Law.
and Costambsionat Ilbr Pau Whale. Et. toolo,
ammunkaticau rminpur *ar►ated. fx.M.l7
111)1IN H. RANKIN, Attorney and Cour;
senora?. lid , et&Cazemiseinner for the Stab e
311 7 r 4"1 :frrs% " 1•44 1 :0141;Cl UbI:I trYl f eTr. E .71 4 1 7 1te, 141 stlt
Feemge. McCord a Co. Itasitte
ll♦aloTfr alltri L S, 11011 TON.
rr lIE undersigned snor t ern
Irnat ar, dents:wed, thesbare.:lnl
.ent, °Walt dog in all about three hundred and
m o w sw.sse..nuld redawtjaY give oltim - that it is now reedy
for the swept-gm ard atto=tutd4tioo of the trsvalling
An extended notice of the unPuramlad tourratratem offs ie
limo la deemed mpertuous,
that numerous lmprove.
rands which have Beim
made ausoot VOP.I7IIIhO
to Balm it to my. op Mame ha. Wv,
spared to render any apartmostparteci.
The tumid:ire was made expressly to ord.a le ge al
'autrAup mrtain por a wed the Drawing
atyl, irlll ,1 annul t on ne obe of the litoet bAatltiful =sad
to.- to
e.. The Mang mem are mations. sad the hems for
was Win be ea arranged sr to suit the sown/ease oaths
early and lets.
Ford department will be ea:dusted is mi. uneamptiabg.
Die manna
Labe:Ueda wilmT . LEWIII mat& •
TIMED APPLES-30 leaks swims, forsale
LP by urM klartnEWlS a c 0.,.•
CASTOR OIL-9 bbts. (Blow's make) for
tat. br my= RITZY. MAITILEWIS • 00.
11.211GAR—.40 bhde. primo N. O.; for sale b
myl6 A3l/.13 A. IttIICIIISONe COO'
COP BY'S POT OLAY-36 bble.justreF.
mut hi ..1. bi J. ECUOONMAEIS
m 721
CL2gs—is !bi t 1 3 eat? Ijocx
"'WRENCH FLOWERS—A splendid variety
'at tiro bovest tt=to /Troth .vt Mouton Mann.
arrarara to sell vary obrop, of aboterobe or
row:. awn L. A. MOWN a '
h IED PEACHES-35 aacks in store, will
b. rid Imo to elpowlot, .
my= - : •. •
BIJOK.IGT3-50 doz. Marietta, for sale by
8 R24i.," 7100 doz. Corn,
j fo a r .
c age , by
sALERATLIS-100 b oxes l) tire;
bbl.. . for ado by
SUGAR -100 :)tde. Powdered, for sale by
COFFEE -150 bags Rio;
mr22 • K I OMM tfiltbi co.
7, OAF SUGAR-100 ass'd N 0844.
' 5 ina".
war UV a.
ROUSES; 'F - 11.615, &o.
For Sale ea:Perpetual Lease,
<4 I. ant 1.22409, In t o orlµnel Pkn of lb OM.
gent trona= on both sides of Radom street.eod
Alsa tor not for one or tonn -the merle. cif' the
out lot am the 11111, n srellnir bark to etreetOstely
For terss " s? ao„ TnotLe t' orr kr- ROM BOELAISD, neer
the encases. or or the nobscriter, et his tem,
Thisr a y . mete,* _ . _
•. „ •
o _Let,
ADWELLING H OUSE, containing 9
.. 10 ~....:L to mkt repair. on Mm/ street.
ghear city. Hydrant M *h. yard. irlrieh to
enough IN. smmleo. Rent low. omtmoMou mu be Or
at immedlttely. • 2.: D. GA f., Llholt - LIR-§
• je.1911 •. oar Um. mouth of Thhd.
• • Valuable Lot on Third street for Bale. •
IWILL sell the Lot on .Third etteet, ad
jalnierubeMbgetea.tta. bahr
o e f t i o h t . Wett. None=
Cb'"" tra " d th Ver .. h"'
T r b er b bl l ir: ta":4
j o g: 74. b. e d = e. haw. ta. 1 more :1 0 -
Imes with intereet to be waled by brad sod swertgowe
the lAixyable to, one wed two eh. d o e. of
pale- The title N perfxtl7 Vilma mums.
at Lbw ofhOe WT. /Studer & Fourth et
yOA RENT.—A..three. story brick
dwelling have, =Uhl street, bettet
not std. Bterg th e hove is well halsbeti with. b
drat to hashes sad above which thers is bathroom
with bat and mid weer. POWI4OII,AVIen hsoasciistels
nests to
tio.SO & SS Trout St:
House and - Lot Bale:
LARGE LOT, on *street, Al- m•pri
logbeity, running throotrh to br%frootio4=4.
roomer wr i nAto a t. rk rip i g r il . of
rooms. • toms opray ACHISON W60=004 Ito•
blemon rtreet, or JOHN P. soon ;. _ 2 / -
STORE ROOM . TO LET, on MarketZ2
• 1 woad door' trato PotottcLand . edlointoi "the
oteb wad then Jeer Store of w. W. - Wneca.
Btore RCAMM bee huttleomat treat to the 'l=l to
'ttoo boot location tar e Dry Goods seek noel' B
Heat tot the beano. of the pee Intl be tool leer: So
leil.* of JAMBS 0 Rdlt. or
34 W. W. WILSON.
. . .
A VALUABLE unftoprosed LOT, on' the
corner of Liberty . and Tantentrreete, PM Ward.
arnet* the Gann. Catholic Mare ISO het front on Lib
.erty. by 100 lent deep on Paetcoy.minning berg to Bring
- A the threi envy DNA . Dendling Bono an liberty
greet, adjoining the thou., the lot being Dlo feet front by
feet deep. The halve bun. em ...mum. kalif.
modern' atyle. and =dal= eleven rooms.
Also— = arras of very valnabie land neer Fl . kanbarati.
Aleo—A F.= of fat acres In Wen Deer
Aloro—A 711.11 Or =.4 scree in Ulmer. comity. Fines
from New Canto.
Alai—rarms ho Beaver. entinty. of various elmand
picas. from 000 urea down. :
Alao—I?. very vslaeble lota in Nenroo, IIDnoLL . . Prins
P.*O.L L lEllEfuit.
Attorney, st. La, it•nd Real Ertste Arent.
N0.10 w 7 roartb stmt. Plttanush
OR RENT—A Warehouse on Water
treet, telereen Market Terri. suitable Es
produce blueness: Sbenhetot
note JAXM MIZELL GS Water st.
TTE well finished - and Ilintiebed Store,
Third street, neaillia Post Mot, at present
ied by lam Planar, ea a Jeinklry atom at*
to • • S. D. GAZZA . .II. ta Liberty tw
To Taxmen
ACRES ,Farming aid Gratin4c
1.000 Lands. to Warm county, ImMl m the
fiTVT. Within :Web* !Lliieff or Ms km Tatimad
Also-1,:0 Arm in Ink minty, km sale eit MMM.
tlag term Entrkre of • ALIVILZINISII.-CO., L .
mr I emu= of Mark*.
riNTY ACRES of Pardoning Land, al
•rEeadly miler wood'etatitatloo. walkkia onataalt af LW •
aty, to told tor $5OO attarre—cattligtil A. and the
ba4ate owe. two, sad tlantwwara. Cot ptetkoista att.
vary at toe Baakista /Imo CO..
1:0,1 ' • &cart oriliottitied sta.
• Desirable Suburban Haddam for Bale.
'THE suhooriber offers for sale the house end
on Perk et, be-
T=7.lleirbelly,a eh:4 mientesi welt from
unit:whet of this city. .The lot le 1.141 Rama. on Peek st.
naming book feet. to en alio—conialidoys neeriVieni
sere of mono. end Y boonled on every side by/am *Pm
lour, adorned with trees and shrobbsor. The tone
nearly new, large. end
tong of SO feet. and adTal r li. it= ll. l=
rooms, beide, bells nine feet wide. It Is bunt to the but
end mod datable =nom end Jura • faroaf roe% erid
00 conteine all the modern conesidenons. Two trompoodth
••••nrin ...TOO* of herd and eon water, are the darn
On the 'mobs. an, the neoweery. mit tarallage.
I=l"ghom, tn. The groursts an laid out ninellYal
ii, end with ebthrs. fruit trees. segments, dow
shrubs, currants, goomberyks, resoberriendn, eml •
wades. The fruit ls of the bed. kind, and the trees ere in
their plisse.and yield comet kr the mode of an
Wally. The situation of We prowl,. es to sale=
suburban conforte, combined with cordigutrY the cItY,
te not summed by limy residence in Ws vicinity. It has
• view of the Ohio Weer for nets • rune, Tesoyeance.
South Pittsburgh, the city, the two Ware, sad the
Mlle amend. forseinst angtether • pomade ,prosneet.
which the eye wives events. terry boat which mimeos
lizeisZa rb tl . r=ittenugh me the Ohio. pewees in
eersc ' reed from any iII2IIOYEA. of dust. to
I.lslbrt cad veseudion. and adcads • retirement ee coded
sod pesinfiti es if loaded Inecno hatetnook in thew:min ,
The propene will be sold at. a bergaind pommel= glum
whenever desred. Itmiltdre et uwarola.
• utzbitt • D. fi. WORM
paz members of the Fairmount Foe Com
17OR RENT-,=-A A. Dwe ll ing Heave.
. Third rope, ex. sad war eraltbfaid. It
e t
gaa 11% - buts lam yard. vraah l e.- Wlll
ba reload law, sad saaavakat lromeallataly. • •
Abo—Far Bak ar Laaassonaa In t o Ninth • Ward.
be:lnca Pa= Streit and tba AI L
L =neje,
- st Bolt. Derlingtosi% Youth Amt. mar wand..:
—Vsimadr. RA.l.Fatattifor Bala.. . '
PSUBSCRII3giVonrsTof iiite;l2l:
erabis tutu., the Waring /al EMU, In
• City of Pittsburgh visa . ,
. NeN 1. Three raltuble tbronidory brickidreUns beans.
a f' tit= ➢ n b '" " " *i i k
el Zit r 7''' . ' i ' ' the
t'n. 2. ntalas id fent trent= Third sums athothiaz
Third Pmd k rterttn Church, on which is etedwd one
sum brick boon. wed al a printing ee, and ow
• 4 ..." . inktW!b...?:_. .- •
rseT. - i! I-7;1Z; Trianon: B•aver munti*tas
Noo3 nod 4. beton abno.loo foot opusto.on orbitals no*
one block of nom trues dovillonn. and ono oepotato
dwelling. all two meta blob. • •
0..4. On lot. 80 fon front on Back dont. Moat. tion
abotoond extemlnae r • top of n 1.
u 11L . .
No. 5. Too burl, wok f.O keit Mon. mod on=tng
from tn. rood to Dm murk. on not BY Lent. —•
No. 6.. Ono valosbis voter lot. 100. hot ink Irlootl Boon
nith ton shams voter poorer ottookod. • •
No. T. Ono lot entrant. Lk, sot. lot. SO Ant 10mot.and
ontomling to tho top of th e • bill. on nttichno oromod
too story brkk don sad marbooact.= by 80 bon Moan
Mono Onolllsor. too Monies high.
o.Ono nom lot Is Lion
Lok *boat 110 feet on /Imndnity. sod about SO Sot beep,
monotony llfi um. on onion an ateted two laro MY.
oM ono mall ..! ae boon., wed ao on ofnot
Mb Montt , ono =mf ocryloelT. C. emild.
nvi onv.ur b 0 n0h.... 1 ." 1 7 %Motto
Na. tn. vator lot, Inuantlainly Inelontrallatanlll
aboat 100 det In length. and wanting Ihan
gum. yatez naark,nr [ovine Ina.
lannit=rty rlg i n i tsedAkanalorabls 0 a
0 i
o r .
- JOHN 1LY.31.1.N0. AM&
metal .[Jonmal and Pont CODY.I
BLOCH OF BOILDLNOS. au the antrerof Wash
and Penn saw% and trunttag nu Oa Pe
ay mils Cont. In tar.Oltr of ?land:area The Lot front&
huhundred and Party ancr•Jbo tin_ Ron stmt. and one
ndred sad nine behafanara, Wahlturtou stmet;
to• twenty feet alley. Inquire of
Inehtlm - . N 0.106 Penn et:.
DEAL ESTATE TOW'S A Ll3--Tha.under
missed gran Ibr sales Ursa tomb. ot saleteble
g lot.. and moan verf ,, V , e alms /hi manna..
tortes, In the &sough of II barn. located near the
neer Public Sabool Nowa seal Ens Lutheran Church.
. Tbs. tepid growth of Dasohtslant In nondstlen and,
wealth. end W. reestashle pekoe at whicA.
Ittr= 6' Aro . render than a eate Prarshl• tcc
trestount. Title perfect. Tern= tamable.
lorrtledare and terms.tV of Ile undersigned. .1
the aim oftastrita P. Manor. on Omni etteet,
laugh. bets.. Thlxd sad ar af
Srootats sad N. ?Warm. LW. . 20 .' 1 . BM.
OA RENT—Thalame and commodi-
• ons not. OP P.M street, (lately seestpled by "
lesnis,) with.. entire let
" •
Ah‘c"" MILT. mom..
LARD OIL-2Q bblet No. 1,- for palelo7 to'
elm canalsomeat, at the alma of
tai79 aprVlNVT2MilithLais.
ff i t., Tluzs, in liege variety,. and at the
POET! may by edict at m7 eddrG.
• Wended ereestavera of Gold and Oliver Pevdld
Geld rem et the beet tetsraterture; Preket
' Nadel • • W. W. WILSON.' •
HAMB-32 casks Bacon Hams for sale by
Fri mros JAMV utacnism atm.
Crimson Velvet and: Gold PaFe - i
Hangings. kr Drawing rtemnisjostreed Rom ruts,
sale by Pad •I‘N. Bk lymi st.
PRINTING PAPER-2. largo,lot DOubls
Impeda PrintlnsMr . 4 . by
me. 4 wow Mutat and booowl sta. ;
WRAPPING PAP.ERS---A - largb assorti•
TT:rigar2 P4 q'T!``' m rv z ,, e at
• . 1 2A • raper Wsretoosa. am =stet ano 21 sts.
mfa GROSS STEEL PENS..of all 9:flan
geliaoug AVl Gi a u g t alroa , :::=2other
octal:TWA man ulketarerevibr mac at.
Y. !;.I.I4I.VSN'II !Stationery 9t S.
.7'24 corr. Market and 84a0Od sta
JJ *tot. reel Ltd tr by w. & WIL£IO74.-
m 1.4 • 147 Event. 6.1116 &mod xi.'
GERMAN CLAY-200 boxes for sale by
mris • FL DILZELL • CO.; Liberty st.
TIRE HIDES-200 (prime) for sale b_
myir a. a w. 131811•17011.
HOW'D EEL LIQIIORIOE-1 can for sale
IL - . bY mil .. A. TAICICIISTOCE CO. •
m7lB WI Wax% at
A LI33/ .7lr s°lbk `' 1 3firfg:tx. GO w.i
ciOPPERAS-5 bbls. i(Rwd) for aale by'
LIIINI-50 bble. for sale by,
ix min • WHOONMAICIM I 00.
bb . ls, new for savlr!il3.
aLUE--40 hbla. (estra) for sale by
tfi mull I. KID D 41 , CO.
• I -600 galls. Flaxseed (warrantedrua)
• r rale by =ls 11. TAISLLI93.S.
W OOL BAG i S T. 1000 new vjl li a i for
D RIED APPLES-15 bbls. for isslelay : ,:4
nu2l 116 Wain d.
C HLORATE POTABLI-50 lbs. for • !
7•11.1.11 MIL a Co.
VUYS-20 bn. Chestnuts2l IIA i..
il avn liar! IILIUUAs2Ti `:
UGAR-180 htict! N. O. E .1„ 41A61 sr for sale try'
611 agar lATZP.h'
.4 2 4D 7 A400 llama; I
" 3 imatatMascer a co.
TIM Cues or • •
`A .RONO the numerOns L
tOseirreries Science
TR. has =do ftk Ude urearitlare to lbeadate the butter
L ot Ida Incluse Cr adoyarat, MS prokats the tuu
ofimmea et:Wawa sou tan to mated atoms redrew,
- toantabind. them Wl . azatettadita id Medal ~ tbe
tleanits Art. rut trial ot 'airbus tbrasbost dd.
rut man*, bra prom bused • doubt that tm toodletse
ar aantauation at madam yet stare, au so sorely tow
'dot uet care the scastatme cuirelesat raluottery Zulus
width ban hitherto Mot hum oar =Rd thousuds and
tbettateis mu year. Indeed. there Is tenr•budiat dr;
eta to believe • remedy bop at Ihetuttk tam lbutyt which
eats b. natal ea to can the mart daarissed autism al
the I.e. Our ewe-here sill. not permit cm to taddkb
. seoportkaa of th e gam abed by Its dm bat ere
puma the henna( 'oplakau of Madmen Nam azdnfba
. thrflor enontl7 to the drag., andel the ascots War
named ohms to played to famish durabards are than dub,
Pros Vs Praidedor4shent CtOso, W sidostal PRO
• ?TIMOR linr.Jtmcx..
. 1 "Jame. C. Am-8W 1 hare wed Tour
. C . Vrm beton]
IL e a =Via flut It la an " Istat= Lbl eoe.
7I m 7 to ef lte l4 7 l4l the l f= d a n 4 he al oozy
'miles, you exa at Mercy to ua l e i lt so thlt
umn x t .,
dean awl Chary Pectoral an atludrable
!ham 80. ot the beet ankles to the Kaneda 31=0
dearT POPP. nmdl ffi ita tip. at dineala N la Moe
ad to our." New MTV% Cit. Nov._ 1. 1114SL
.114JOR P.4ll7Bo.7f.Alskist qf a Ilawds.Adei
that he boo van the Ch/477
with vendetta! me
ore, to sore an ionannnaneat et the ftnee. -
7/01:1 AIM &UAW Phaf WIN Arall.
I 11...ivtl 11112.
"Dr. 617.1. Lowatt—Dead um I ant non amassaa
!attar Tour Merry Pectoral In toy mode% and_ntafer It le
mso i . aur , meal= otatnur complains. rum oboe.
mom. cede, Y uwer
ard enema of the tmp, that aro not to
.&t wee all other tamale. thrombi, t
woks taw of non. ant madder It sn "'"' ettbe Lu
notate looms Ihr hatai.rr.
tT I . AO088Y1! D!
wholinale and ratan. hT B. a. PAS
I • l J•Thl=7.g=rit•lin aree.
; 724 •-t1
4 - 4 :(
:; -
, •7.;•; ' - 4'
I . Pauli Redid= known. Incipleat tiourileption,
Incouthirotice of Vritutasnandryadratiortof thellyslana
Dowsed aphita and Olocany Mate of Mal ere wed bY
Dr. Chwettil Ektrtictuf YdSceeDocksadEttehlah
gives ithatatilte relief by Window the knintnia of health
sad strength, the blood. It andrallso bag hatnarsolziw
.natural lecretions. and Cl 7, .twiatl adt®b on 04
Its mild
de ader tooratties realm it piadierty
&Me to the deader sad delicate constitution of the tir
niala Itilnandistely couriterants that dharendog lmma.
miss. and hesitate so *maim to the female tram, and
Jumada en energy and buoyancy es sertaidng as they.
en grateful .Re have eridanicann ta. which tams no
strounlyAo. raostonend this medicine to .retied porde
wheals. not bent blessed with ethurhat. • -
Protcpds trtedion laid= of Um Womb; of Ammar. sta.
cured by Dr.:OnnotddZidaactof Yellow DAL and
Sarsadardid, after duo . atm kidnia =add/ had boom
' •
0.:706. %ISM •
:tibia certifies that ntr wins. aged 21 pima= sniferad
ender du above camdalut for Ms Tsars. wooly that
Ulna confined to hat had, tan f.o bur pan constantly
attpk7ed the bad =Waal talent that coed prooorad Is
thla section et the coonyT, without int. tonedt nitalattr.
nova also metaled am) Inifinoxiant roiononeadtal Eu
the ma of such &mar, all of trlsich ;mall vorthltes.
to tn. •ining of ISA Intiftninos2 by ay Maid' a to
try *: anyaott's Talkm Dock and liantintilla,Vldeb inn
newt hob= macaw Altar alto had Toad lite abootitosr
yteat<lt vas evident all of to that dolma tonnottcon,
and fiank thin One ths thipma.nradis j ,ad Obdd Beak
sod stmoith , until ahn_ic nownstiorkete, m ost nualltat
Re. Wes heighten - to Wit end Jolla Xontett, know
that the atone etateemeata, es to the shtswee of Xre. Mae
lbet. sad se to the ewe Wog elected lt7 Goisatem Yellow
mad fleisepschle, see etrktly,
T 4 '4' l U
Boil-:—Cass of 0. AL
' • EiCOMISS OW% Dee. 1, itita
lifeeme: &Y. Bennett k e—Genter Dram time la 1041
wu &beast:with Shoes Evil to sny arm, whichlmmine
r , eon I endolnot nee U. end in ltit mortification art In.
...PIM& et Mae. Uneekeesh physician of odebrity
within my reecht, all told toe my Mt. MUSI. be alettedided
Prom the .holder to the Inert was full of romolug
one.. hiyatenneth et this time wee ouruslond7
ed. end am wpm Much ansdarol. I motlemed in this
OM. =all 1848. when I sew ea advatieunent (Gapoth
Yell. Yolk end lienesparfiL) whkh I nod. and sent toe
bottle of the wild. • ilaysotthe•Yellow Deck and WOW. -
tills mated no; I took no ether remedy while wing it;
Und bit noyeelf peibutly wall:before ening the sixth fat.
lied oied it . the fret emmerince atlas maled7.2
ace II mould tam and me from years of 'pain end
Mffering. I =et earnestly recommend awry roma seth
!beteg under say draftLr dimes, to toe -thenotge Yellow
.;•Doeltased emaaredlle„ which will restore than to heath.
Yours, in gratitude, • 0. M. LZOSAILD.
Cure of an aggraooloil on, of Eryripelar.
The cam preformed by Dr. fluysocre Extract of Yellow
DOA end Sanoperille. lading. The patent% general
M om
n n to troprem after b note
en rat ehroniebed until time noted thel
there an he no zebu. or retina of Use diem.
Nosoter. Herkimer en. /throaty. Md.
S. If. Bennett k Co.—theede: 'lt tewith greatpleasnre end
Write you about the very lompr effects of your Yam
, Dock end ferapailla opea ray eon whohaehrog lams suf.
Kering under that dreedful and
1 8 4 1 .IcsalSs ammo, Rut.
.0. with which he wee W.I. in 8. and wee for se.
al Months attended by Can of our but plryelcians, who
tied thole chin peromerliut/y fer without any
bandelal remilte whatever. •lb became reduced to
tint sksislcsa. Els ma ra.ii from his hip to his knee:
which wen emairmallYdlectonging diemnalagly trend=
matter. Medial end angled skill was Wiled. lfhpiciatte
mkt that his ems wee hon.. e there =old be maiat
doom to eared dime terrible genguntirm akin. Hy mist,
tan and myself thought Ids dielitution nom at bald.
One of ray nededthole (who.hed pond s chid of bauble
With pour invaluelge noultane) wished um tomaka coach
It; and. moot ft= the rattan desire Ledo scemethingwhile
lii hided. than from ens holm ofgatuni relieff Iprocured
tiara batiosof yew Yellow Dock. end flereeparille. and
cararmaced noinilt; and to on intdohdaneat ho =sea
to =prom bane he bed mend the third bottle; and beltes
he had us. • hell doom boadee..he wild walk out. Ile
and In all Wel= =Ulm during the pour 1849. end b7 Oc.
usher last he wee potbelly mune& . pert Seetias gt the
elleemee..cept the ars, is rumored. mad he rennaos to
pellet health at the. weesent time.' ills meernery. maim
the Thessinnot God, le entirely owing to the use Of PM
Yellow Dock end gareapetillet end/ P. Nat d feel
myself undergreatebligations to you, and It is wiihgreett
joy that Ilan. You . of what rxs simonica. him dons
kw my eon:, . Rogoettolin • • •
Far Sale.
&ad by J.D. NAL (Istanlaa tO Budlxed tParkalkarth
sad Rabautitreeta,CtosituntLObie, GianitiN Mantle th,
South sad Wed. tecwhimisEardirs must be . sddreind.
. J. 8.1441 A..lo.nestok a. , Joar..L.
WEL= jr, PlAstargb; Leo A. Bsekhasa. Allatbarr
L. T. Rosen: WuldnitL, 17.730714. Thalatigm, IL
W•lty. Or...Aar= S. Now:lts. N;d:1:•;i Doris Othant...
BedNa*Reed soon. lluattaidon;Nrs.Orr, LlALNlanbaxs
InNferraral t Co. Wham J. •K. 1911sht. NNluminir.
Draw & Co. Bryokrillr. it' Etai, WisesidNuN
NiTenina t Co. N. Callender, Bart= it .0x
Talc Orenm a raker. Ihreal Jain Zany t Co. Nnt.
E. emitbaleiTar; 'J. o.l3araceellue, Warm; T.Lt O.
8...7...C00dmpart, P.O
ter.rwee-41p.aotag six Bottles for $5,
A Unlade Improvenunt, 3n nu m:
TIR: HARD'S - Improve& Patent TRUSS
LP and RUM= REMEDY. D. which a
cur. 0= be eected. This Urely
form and tetodplas of action ma wTrams, having
the advantages of a wellvetrilated and warm r'
me. The arum. on De id nuralated as to atm u.e had
oonalhrt ha the meet dllllcult dam of Iterala. and out he
Inereued to Unseat asti i C s datired. .Tha samara Lea-'
teal. and being tmon tto _War touneellatelT aver the
bestial owning. and watt vacuity and Maw
Una at all Wawa own -nada Um
IL. ly &W-
M the or. of Trx ... 1.14 ; o w eLaMs7=o„.,
stra=s, other fflrons or ammo.
loam which bract an tanthognent conormica In Lb mar.
tag of Mr adapted tram.. it la a nay cam= ;rattle*
lot nem. afflicted aitii Rapture to sued a tromandap•
ply lt theseselem- This la • tad antetloa width an be
even only Itv *ea .Do , a attatany oI the
Darns affected in rand.
•R. tootsthcetmattattlenj-all attantlon of pent
clam to this Tract, es - W.' MYR the/ Grreede. tti
Taint. ' WI- also bam •.urthrty of outer Trateall at Uta
letreat Picea Uttant Trn.san o constantlT 0 . had.
• lintiLlt a ATLI,. Agents.
je2 • itto eat Mame:
. • Dr: Hard'ilaid . icliiiilil Supporters.. - :
HESE - SUPPORTER/3'i intended chief-
T 1.1 . far the our* of Pritatats VIM: sod all Mon dn.
ewe winre a toechattlal elnfiet to the a hdillthnl Theta
is remind: tires . paned= to tin abdoottinl
as. aid toof -.
tnth .br W. 4L. die
ea'en orWaoe4 nr a wahnereot the Sbeloadaasmoodos
an Piblepale Uteri, Mille_ b it the Bovida Par, Coettew
”....; pain jo the Bant Bel ay
, lltode cod Ramos
VOITUDEII a_Prostistion. 111 Ehertoolo of Drost.b.
Hazdtatloa of t he Hear t.ragntirl deI:MT.
140 Word .M a
Shotdder Braces.
lIOULDER. BRACES, of. the most ari•
jnr im d t s o tr . t. grit in stouturs sod nulls anted,
and for salt ttolessZtvi ruil7 4"
Or" - ILK dbritnn .
67 Wood it.
• • • Perm Pihuorf.Va.PCL4.ll/11..
• Es. L. SYMzu—Of your Vermlfaxe, ay vrithoof
heetestlea thou beet= osel it mtensenly 10 my
for the last (bar or 11 fieTem% I thlok 114 eadodly tee b"
Pmforation of the in= o f lebfeh • I ham immrlethre.
&though 1 hem bastofore toed Me girmmj
other hamafmtarere. Yowl T • - ' •
.• Prepared and gold by R. E. 15E1,111116, 67 Rood a, erd
mkt by dromdste .714
lIST OPerliEgava elm/lent assortment
“. of 3IASTKL CLOCKS, Cm 115 to $U a
n v"l mirta Ck,clis, jos 11.60 moth.
" 'ugh VAPITTLITaiga . I s.
• =Tar at•
TatS - MORNING; 'per Express--
At. li t =taseing 'lithe sowed and mat debs,
A sin JamanwelaaesdarCibilinmialpiwr, &swabs*
Mew sad Braid Hata
, Tbs attabtkm .fis ll:sit/stir.... to ibs
ebywatoEls. . IsasT) •• Ca
HEMP-130 . as • .D. Et., I'o
Refined rff Salerstui,
b Y l ite.V.Ve ik a tra=
n et . w/"ZonilbsQkeiO
vip . 2Sß lxiaoßlB-25c0.
-IR QUART 1011=8-.
son entaletakt gnaw
bunt.yit m
.sd=en t"" 13.2.1 .th'
pi t ta,.. iirhwinfir mumlioatay, liVieqriday, oust
Pridan and nrearninglelm 1•113:4y
ueda,Timandaroud ki r i m i,aii .
LBndiTEolso. CROZET: 1 CO, /Lends. •
Cri a lfrareasT
rTrabl ar war rtra tzgerial
VOR OlNClNNATl—Thelplen
ifiakirtecwibTet,'` TM:Per'
Om sad tamorted/ate Fos du. e. dcladr.
rof e rsta moo anlY %My&
did nrw •Ad iljbi dna= tn ua tialit
EMI, -Captain a. I.
Lan to the stows and all bnerawnhan mints. on thlri
" kr IMO: Innwnw .114Mowt'U.
No. No. 2,AL Ova., isafft4.
phugb Iv Medlar, Nona& sad tharllsh.
ud mum, at 41 mews estoreala
Suarlall. 01014 a, W att . and Pluibsetb; go,
ary W• /Ocednec.a. Pamagers
alppen a. anma aaaa I, da ftrnb , F4'
miar ta• kw water mac.
l'aravitht pasom =AI ask b..a.
PdartOlgrATl ze. Captab b . iit '
AM ovum of Qs otessoor Otb.n. nr
td Cloolsnal oxtgl Pistsbonh Pabst th. =l Ell la 4
1337 2 ,N W 0.r d.r .. Yor.Loasheor.
IL—Tbilimaar ARENA.
E: P. Ebmte motor; loam WelMllle *TM' WosALWA'
Wad...UT. RI FridaY. a: S o'clock, tor SAW LW
crpooL Intsgmr. Malrmses Landing firer.
burgh.. Loam Pittßamb arm Tosas,avaro aft/ danspi
SM:Sal.atlOdelack.L.E, tar /Myer. cmA RS-
11133:111.11511 PloE:lol%—The
paebe. Oman DIOIINAL.
ter, ace• paltaxrdat tar trip tot•val
this obty and Wo!!ellnir, 0:0ZPI at 10 eak.oo
nary Alcamlay. Walmday • r= r , sz4 010000000.
Mayo Whoollng_ ervar TOOMI7.
Inzhweek. Tar fre=ffunsf c mooara, arso
I = GP AOaRr,L — l Th• aas g
thses YA CllibG
.Isimes as d
frraT 191 , N5r . =. , Y. ,
torDa • • - ` 7'' WAR es SON
co; 1110 - in wee:e uet ea reaeti.
' 611371:8II PACICCX—Its tut =nth;
risa se • lar least berated PI '
=l . , =. B =PI
Wiresz a =rh: =3V 11 6 "." /:7
Pm' ...'Tt.d.,_enceolnu 1271=
wel7 Friday afternsea. X lOW on
baudosr to ' [hell : ' W . ACIVIIWAtrAaeIit ~ %
r •
IS lint up 'in quart 'bcdtleis, - and can.
:Was th e ohmage of ace ross=eb =Barer
as Kay ohallar postaretkos
la, per .t.te,rer ab bottles for an dollars. •
If Imo illa. lam: bens moll misblished Yoot thr r.yen wt. tha
sarsaparE. Ma tooPori. +to. W.
only woo pm.= all Wasson oz. trr=
.....V •Mru Er a ozier " lffv th'4l7 oymvevf
.opla w"
6LL1.4. Is the caty properotkos bobs, the poltlla u =s
prepared cot snuffy ..Image yolocipleo and of
ettehrtb. TL Borsaasailla Wtrobsood .,
to pries, am nary wand. belt. being tur“LVs= d o
the otelefessr • oal teats, and Itogestabtatten asooreltood
Wore befog met!
Mars Sortatarilla too coats/as the slettne of manta
other roloobb egaras tu together .fo = " tbe brim;
WILL Cljall irrynat: 'um!
. .
wpm or• &lad
n nagli Paftpas . .
• , Usto i rr , tii=l
ria1,g7 1.2-
lbs g r 7. Drr 7
C2'."'" " 1 ? . sV2'Oßget
• 4
OM". koding te
r r k mixt :ke g id44 7" 14 1'
"" Oasitatk mlMls•=rag nlr
d .1: a. ands l
• • a . AMIN
. .
folloahns b Lhasa:shah:a of acdficate sum la
r homamhat of the MP/MO
awn .X.. W. Saban Is valaly and Ammorallykama as u
elopostat sad amomprabed pates ellutubs sad hrs. IL.Stahamou has besa Mown as ma of the moot ta,
anted and maim. mamba, that the Emmet y Conhomum
could bast of em many and at this Wm Maltby
tba suel•momadals armt
'Book sft.a. Can Um markt madam Maar. or mom
salialantory, tirm la hour at MY amiklast
Better nalaally Vsmi war Elm? Ojfa7d
F oot. of
• day Nedidas • • • i
IX!, Z. W. liMmt—ltev.• ftemme.
Loner:us, Raz 23. 111.2._
- Um mold Zeta. ELM. SarsageMila.exel nave Mewl
It to be mat, - with attire Itfactbier i rel ba. beet•
2.22 term ammeiroase
able mettScal mom& so/Vmo . := to prawn m • •••
Ettt '2. rb2g rmOmmeret It to Q. al ,
. .s arz m 4.
.... . B .
.. .
it., ~., in adJairs giant. tootnttha •whitai Oft.: sad :A
MT eokred ..kuleX.. Day attm do we no =tow
sessing MoWastoon AN, dervontlY
so=eatourttoo, 46 atolL
to name tot heca • of ortattAlsosoo
De%Bann/sod taco At. nod tbat goo. ottlt crest to=
old. -Bnt Elar t gi/lo=i acomatto
It heoalifico dr too
o=oftbrio of
morbid oad dimmed ma/tog:can the bkoi. it pun,
b.attr. ...4 .rig........ emu winzith 'floo7 '. , sto
rood. and obsoldot the yellow sad t coanteasaeo to
ties bloom .od frothneW ot yooth. lAdlos oteadcos the
nu of pilots and latztonos. ..d liso Barn
„ Zoorgt
ll* onlr Olean! rosautr. "A wed to the
cleat", suorablat is avouch to the ladle.. . . . ..
Teetietony Lib a 4 Follotring, - Eenders &To=
:cla aanitadon th e Efficiency of Bylls
1 1 / 4 ..... Dr, .7., P. rAzzaz.L. 119.11 mm of Cletob4r7 IA Uo•
' • Lcnalnitto Medial Colima.
"I bay. looked ooze the lift of lairrationta =mad=
John Boll's Coaktoccodkxtraet of Eareamius..l.3 bare no -
nedtados in Mitt that 'tar fbrat a ago cootooltod,,sol
yen 010 • m vbith it Is
t=" • . ..:
_. .• , - L. P. vain:m.4,N; A ;
Loczmum, Jam 0. /SA ,
_' .
',Fact DRIMES...t , Las
Mlle Marina bead; .7p qf MAL'S . qJ
I ben neuttoed the meoention for the Nepenthe of
John Mrs banaperille. and I Mean the cannenots to
M an excellence., ant well
l ed to prone ee ry.
teethe Meese. el On erase..ben and It ban.
tallo cad nine preen, sad telnk U. the Lea ankle of
to use • • at. PYLES,
• - Phsetehe et xtuimitsouw•
•J0TeCAL.1781.1:71,2112.454.6v, DL
-Lx Nebel, , 111LY0EY &SPOON
.140. Wood wrest. Pittebenth. Whelanle eat Mail
A trtie b cinuti.4
brproggisu.s..natr. iaburtara'•
• '' The Falayll'ibia'
AL:BASING •prepraticin intended" to • en
penel• tbo 0 e of Yeast—which. whom mixed wtth
~111 protium in 218 lbo floor,lo °more lam. of 4 lb.
=than by deo aro of fag. no whole prow= of bawl
, Won Wow W..od, does 000 talc. moo than 2)
miaow, roam. ttorpretarativolastowtof rout formosta of to.. to slog oomo oonsideration—and bong
Impel% • tionforcro of roblic Wi l l a lratorior. Wet-
Ws, and luso fatoUlemorill fo mins Ormolu
~.erbil to Twill
.1.1.4,1.1. 7 Flood. lintior.ii,m.......zrorlor In
?ni h gbatris=d bolnad
rlwolly and <hogs, out targeting that 'her will In moro
• relotablo—orul mass brown.brood er= mows 410,4:11.16.
6'4 b ? ' ?i 34,
. 74. North Fourth fLZPolohlo. -
' Bole Agroft. -for fllttobrowls.' B. ifolVonf
Plulips and IdAyers' New- Attiele-for — lite
~ ,:- . ''. •,-'," -. war/yrs.:nix!•:.-
UQUID GLlTl3,ldieheemesits woOd, etine.
. .ath... its. soschls. nueeutere:
thtaET= Inetali*
de of =We far bnruade l'
me now. b 7 tz ra;
boated out teseerlbt Gentelit. lostote . =
hntta 0,0 slowly well aware arils aeon otOt
obortablllty to ttudr 'pnrpoeot; and Mote oho hate out
tried ft ex* roinsetel to do so. , No houtoettat=ttle•
out Its bottle of 14014 Glue—tt ttortiree no in
.elosys reedy forum...l our to t=ror/ terms et
. on any article. la Bummer. 'Le no nee tbr
g 1 , ., end to stethaulot We s'aeal.tbostsub Betters
Ivo a—the mot of 104 Moe aro nuannuous in their
verdict be prate of IL,. Doles-throw any Wog -...01t.b.
out tryb?fthle. i i . ic 11311.1.11 , 8 Jt.1a..6 .
Arent for Pittsteingh. .7 r tIIDDIV.,
Inn - Wood sonett. , Asent f=r Al4nlmovettr=lZte
. .
HUBER has jtud -received
• .wi
rose rgmlim.. 1227 7 . ttzPPPll,
Parana. 11 sm . . ,ftaxls ;Tapir . , I •
Tempasac• .130.2 1 ,1 to 13..Taeaad•ta•
benaOr 6.62
fly ..Lft. 2ronTrx
boaar.lidaraille. ta.T.:ala ' • '•
irgrater t itilantera; P. '
,Eritr , tr i nf;lna by R.
1M0Z 41 7. an mpg Tadao tradift•lta.
andion‘llVaLad• Caiaatt, &tomb.. adetar,4•l6
igt Was. • AI" • ft. Nara. of r troddrogvoZ
_W &WM Matches, sad • camida•ddn.... , CV , ..d
daad Mule. •lia.lolll:dabna g i,
Nl S —lfew udirlda. • niMild Irti,r4lZaa.
• Ladies!. Ladies! ; Ladies! • •
WOULD .- you' 'safe - sour furniture', Ala
sea mat samesoars iskStift , Soar orrsius%
'2Fkrsrul2WUUBPtT nalifv:d
bouts will min tats
as myth
foraitur. wo.kt <cat 110 or AD toravandsbetL—
This to • stntss thine for forsitasit dmiess. acid. la ta
u, .t7thg.11.% sad
74. iforth i lIILLIPa
damfoe fititbsfsb. 813.1011:4 1./.lThall.:corses
St. at. and Liberty Kert.
,Kmers'. haw Preceptor.
ER' has just reccivek , Boyer'
Mlalissmd Pl for the thra
= V th. whisk nu i.d rb b s i work r rilr l itiml=
Boer moll Mama as oaa al the inort sameeerrol asammers
ter beithams sadzoods. du hart Andhra oram
sad sormady •Idt monuasisal pat s. vim an alminopr
took. smarmstuo sad interaming to thetroth tort ia its
autdoes sad MN. thus greatly sal proords
tad the secrenst toilams assi &stoma Int- rods of mar
=lrma pis - slag tollaortad thooporqs srhobs»
*cum; ars mamma tor • •
Mimosa mut...a usaassa, UM. tioth. • 140
QODA . I.BII-20 - casks . Kurts's brand. km
'Moth. ••' rrsiy6 r • "3.ltlY.lLLlthall6lL.,.
T Whiter Stained, 'for
• Lt. HELL= 67 weed&
. 143 w!ass N u OLIM . i t t a i t ), 7 '
4 :
Foix gocorredling Wagon; in
str7 /4 "" 6-2 T116 a co. co irogsi.