the protection if Providence-yr: i d 'yei not with out deep sollmbade and anxiety—bas now stood seventy-tile years, arid still stands. It was sealed in .b ood. It has met dangers .and" overcome thente(it has had enemies; and It has conquered therk• It has had detractors, and It 'hike • abliehed - the& all; it has had • do - editing friends, but it has ,cleared all doubts swig; end now , to•dayiraiiiHneits august form higher thin the clouds, twenty millions of people contemplate • it' with 'billowed love, and the world beholds nie - tkautqamee. A hl c h ha l e f 7 llAtred, `with profound 'admiration. This anniversary : mates, and gladdens, - and unites„ all Ainerican hearts: On otheriAlays of the year, we may be party men, indulging controversies more or less important to the public good; we may • -bare likes and dislikes, and we may maintain our political differences often with warm, and • ' eomethnes with inigry.feeliugs. But . to day we I are Americans, all sad all, nothing but Ameri- CUL As, great luminary. over our heads, dissipating _mists _end fogs, _cheers.. the whole hemisphere, so do the associations ' connected with - this day disperse all cloudy and sullen weather and all noxious exhalations' in the minds arid feelings of all Americene. Eve 7 .'s heart swells_ within him—every .. sport and bearing become somewhat more proud • . and lofty, as tie. remembers that seventy-five jeers have rolled away, and - that the great in-. beritance of liberty is still his; his undiminished and unimpaired; his, in all Its original glory; hid to ezdoy, his to protect, .and , his to transmit to„ future generatiens.. Fellow, citizens i—This beritance is not. oniy an Inheritance of liberty, but of our own peculiar American liberty— Liberty has existed in other times, in other . countries, and in other forms. There has been -Grecian liberty,lbold and powerful, fall of spirit eloquence ; add fire; a , liberty which produced _multitudes 'of grcat men, -and has transmitted one immortal name, the name of Demosthenes, to posterity. ;But still it was a liberty of ills cannected States; sometimes united, indeed, by temporary leagues and confederacies, but often Involved in wars between themselves. The sword of Sparta, turned itsahest edge against Athens, !Waived bee and devastated Greece, and • .in-ber. tarn, Sparta was compelled,to bend be ., fore the power of Thebes. And /at it ever be remembered—especially let . the truth sink deeply into all minds -. that it was the want of 'union among the several States, which finally. gave the mastery of all •-breece to Philip of Macedon. And there has, • also, _ been a Boman: liberty, a proud. Ambitious, domineering spirit, posatessmg fete and popular - principlee; in Some itself; but, even in the best _ -days of the republic, ready to carry slavery and Aetna into EET , provinces, and through every ' country, over which her eagles could-be borne. Whoever heard of liberty in Spain, dr Gaul, or :Denney, or Britain, in the days . of; Boma ?-- There was lone such, .As the Rotruln. Empire - declined,: her provinces, not instructed .in the principles of free, *paler government, one ar. der Another. declined aleO; awl when Home tier-. eel:fell, in the end, all fell together. I have arid, gentlemen; that our inheritance ie an in ' heritanee of American liberty, That liberty is chatuteristic, pecallar, and altogether our own. Nothing like it 'Misted In former times; while I with us i its principles have become Interwoven into the minds of iudividual men, connected with our daily opiniene and our daily - habits, until it is, if I may so miy, an eleMent of social, as well I :as of political life; and the consequence is, that ;to whatever region an American citisen may can he takes with him, fully developed ' to his own taderstendi e g, our American princi- plearnsd r opinlons; and becomes ready at once in cis-Operati with otheri, to apply them to the I formation of new governments Of this a most wonderful instance may be seen in the history of ' the State of California. On a former occasion, I have ventured to remark, that 'it is very difft cult to establish , a free conservative government far the equal advancement of all the interests of I 'society. Whathas Germanydone—learnedGer. Many, faller of ancient lore than all the world '"besides!.What - has' Italy , done ? What. have they done who dwell on the spot . Where Cicero . and Justiniazt lived? They have not the power of Self government which a common town meet ing with us possess. Yee, [say, that those per sons who bare gone from our town meetings, to' dig gold in California are more fit to make a re. publican government than any body of men in Germany and Italy; because they have learned this one great lesson—ihat there is no security without law, and that, under the circumstances in which they are placedirthere there is no mil- I -teary to cut their throats, there is no sovereign • will but the will of the majority; that, therefore, if they remain, they must submit to that will." • - And this I believe to be 'strictly true. New, fellow citizens, if your patieace will hold out, - I will venture, before proceeding to the more apPropriete duties of the day, to state, in " a few words, what I take these American .pialiti cal principles in sithatance to be. T'lley, consist, "op I think; In the first_ place, in the eatablleh . - merit of mutat governments by en equal eentatioM. thrill is plain that a pine democracy, like that which existed in some of the States of ---`Grame, ia which every individual had a direct vote in the enactment of all laws, cannot possibly salsa io aesu r t m o t wide extent. This principle, `-of popular - repiesm.hadarrprevalling tither 'all the branches of governments, or in some of there; has existed in these Stites almost from Bathe days of the settlement alrorktorni and Ply =Mb, bemired, no dortibt,trom the example of 'the popliAr branch of the British Legislature. The representation of the people in the British [louse of Comatona was miginally very unequal. - Indeed, it may be doubted whether the appear ance of knights and Inorgamee assembling on the summons Of the crown, was rather intended at first as an aesietanceind support to the royal prerogative, 14 matter's of-revenue and taxation, rather than kande 'of ascertaining popular ",opinion.'Nevertheless, mpresentation had a `popular origin, and is savored mare and more of the character ; of that origin; as it acquired, by 'lbw degrees,eaterand greater streng th in the • setnal government of the country; It was, in .• fact, a f epresentation, bewever; unequal; 'numbers were splinted, and the majorities pre vailed: and 'when mu-ancestors, acting npon this example, introduced more equality of represent ' tatien,the ideal, assumed a more rational and distinct shape; f At any rate, this Manner of ex ercising 'popular power was familiar to our fathers, when they settled on this continent. "They adopted - It, and generation ' bas risen " up after gmeration,lall acknowledging ''it, and be • eCitanint4Clisdth its practice and its forma. And the next flnichunentalprinciple in our system is . hat therein of the majority, fairly expressed I through the means of representation, shall have the foiree•of law;4and it is quite evident that in a isin:retry with° thrones, or , aristoeracks, or privileged casts or dames, there can be no other foundation far Isi'w to stand upon; and as the n result of this, the third element Is that thelaw isi the supreme male for the government • The great keidiment of Alisans so beau tifully presented' to us, by Sir Willilltn ' hneft, is absolutely indispewrible to the construction and maintenance of our political systems:— . what isounitutas !swot Not high redid bettleaurds . labor'd inroad, Thick well or matted Wei ?tot elder peal, with salers scut turrets =we'd: Not hers nod broad exiled worth, - Where.laughing at me liana. rich usiles,ride: Not stared sod saaed admix. ' Where law brined Damao walls perfume e No—own, blab . With powers es tetore dell brutes emitted, la forest, brake. or a. is beasts excel eol stoke and breed;,, rode: Ilea who th eir know— Sat know their rights, end gaming, dere maintain; Pm.nt the lung sled Maw, ensab the tyrant while they read the chain. new oceititate a stele; , • --and &rwaselza Lilt, that Attie", eoilacted ent, 6tr.theaar and globe elate" maPaa4znmaiag l / 4 mid—reaielalas UV , • And finally. another most important part of • the great fabric of American liberty la, that dire. shall be written constitutions, founded ton the immediate authority of the people theuraelves and regulating and restraining all the powers conferred upon government, whether legislative, executive, or Jruliciacy. • Tide, fellow-citizens, I suppre . to be &just commary of our Amer-- caw,PfunoPlis; end here, •on this occasion, sought to express them in the jilaitlest, and in the feweet words. The artmantry , may not bi - entirely exact, but t hope it may be 'suffibiently so to make .manifest' to the rising gelusratiOn /bong ourselves;and those elsewhere, who may . thecae to Jinn* into the nature of one politi cal 'attitude's!, and. the geneill cheery upon which they are founded.' And I now pt tc add; that the strong and deep settled conviction of ill intelligent persOns among' us is that in order to suppart•a useful and Wise • govertronnit upon these popular principles the general edu- Ostion'of the people, and tha' wide diffusion of pms morality mad "true religion are iodbrpeoas• Ede. , ladlvidaal virtue a part of publid toe. it Li difficult ta'arneeive bow theiveart re. main morality In the governMeot when it deli case to etist among the people, or bow the ag- . gregate of the political institutions, all the or pus of whirl -consist only of men, should be wise end beneliumt, and:competent to inspire confidence,. if the opposite' qualities' belong those ludividmas who constitute those organs, end make up - the ag gr egate. And now , feibm citizens, I take leave of this pert of the duty which I proposed to perform, once more !elicits- =C:;== light of this blessel morning,!uid out , ems have heard the shouts with which joyous thousands welcome its return; and joining with you in the hope that every revolving year shall renew these rejoicings to the end of cline,' . l proceed to ad dress you shortly upon the partthular occasion of our'assembling here • Fellteireithrens: BY the act of &ogre* of 30th &Sather, 1850, provision., were made for the mmensbm of the capitol, • aciording to such 'per an night' beilipprorett of by the President of the Melted BtileVand the necessary cams to be espeadediunierhis direction, by such meld: tar:taste might appoint. — This mean= was i mpas e r e x .ncted for the use of the Leg's- . helve and judiciary - dvorAtt=.-lit ni= rie,And theOCoasteiar soo et.e chi . . ektets.iiithitfauesfrite, trod ,ishei.obj•cia• - , HoerterCtigress, incurring a large eV ': cafe, ins remind more' aPPrs from the people: . The Pteddent lxt e reeded ,, to execute this law, He has app __a Pa -- he hart appointed an architect , and win g' at not ready for the commencement of the work. The Ammirreary of national independence tip -Peered to afford an auspicious occasion for lay. tug the foundation stone of the additional build- Jug. That ceremony hes now been performed by the President himself, In the presettee and view of this tank:dude. He has thought that the day ' and the occesaion made a united and Imperative call for some short address to the people here assembled - andit lilt his request that I hare ap peared tefore you 'operas= that part of the duty which was deemed Incumbent on us. Beneath the stone is deposited, among other things, a list of which will be published, the following brief Account of the proceedings , of -the day, in my hand writing:—. • “On the morning of the foot day of the sev enty sixth year of the independeme of the Unit ed State, of America, to the city of Washington,. being the 4th day of July, 1861, this atone, de. signed asthe comer ' stone of "the extension of the capitol, according a plan approved by the President," in pursuance of an act of Congress, was laid by Millard Fillmore, .President of the . United States, assisted by the Grand Master of the Maionic ...Lodges; In the presence of Many . members of Congress; of officers of the executive and judiciary departmental, national, state, and ' , district; of officer, of the army and navy, the corporate' authorities of this and neighboring cities; many serociations, civil, and military, and masonic; officers of .the Smithsonian Institution and National Institute; professors of colleges, and teachers of ar.hoole of the district, with stu dents and pupils; a cult concourse of people from places near and remote, Including a few surviv ing gentlemen, who witnessed the laying of the corner done of the Capitol by President With ington on the 18th day of September, (1793) seventeen hundred and ninety three. If, there fore, it shall bo hereafter the will of God !het this strteture shall fall - from its base, that its foundations be uptornedeand the deposit beneath this stone brought to the eyes of men, to it thee known that, on this day, the Union of the United I Stater' of America stands firm—that their coned lotion Mill eitatimnimpaired,- end with its orig inal usefulness and, glory, growing every dal stronger and means= in the affection, of the great body of the Americanpeople, and attract- I lag more and mote the admiration of the World. And all here aseembled, whether belonging to public life or to' private life, with hearlidevontly ' thankful to Alml=ty (loot for, the preservation of the liberty and happiness of the country,. unite in sincere and fervent prayers that this deposit,' and the walls and arches, the domes and towers, the=lumns and entablatures, now to be erected over it, may endure forever. God save the United States of America- DANIEL WEBSTER, Secretary of State." Follow. Citiztas--Filty eight years ago, Wash ington stood on this spot to execute a similar duty to that which has now been performed.— ' Be then laid the corner 'stone of the original capitol. Hawes at the head of the government at that time, weak in resourees, burdened with debt, just straggling into political existence, and agitated by the heaving Waves, which were over turning European thrones. But elan then, in many important sespects, the Government was strong. It was strong in Washington's own great character—it was strong in the wisdom and pa triotism of other eminent public men, his politi cal associates and fellow laborers—lt was strong in the affection, of the people. Since that time, astonishing changes have been wrought in the condition and prospects of the American nation; and a degree.of progress witnessed, of which the world can furnish no parallel.. As we review the course of that progress, wonder and amazement arrest our attention at every step. The present occasion allowing of no lengthenedreethrka, may yet, perhaps, admit of a ahort comparative stite meat between the important subject of national interest, as they existed at that day, surdas they now exist. 1 have adopted for this purpose, the tabular form of statement, as being the most I brief and the most accurate. C0MP3119 1 11.131 TABU. Nedoberof States 13 31 1793. 1331. fteplives and &wore InOoneeesd 129, 913 Poweletido of the U. acres Moo.: 3019.339 =.2.1.020 Do. Bartow. do. 18.033 139401 Do. badmen, do 13.393 moss Da. Philedelptde, dd 4.2.620 409,01.6 Do. New Tort, (city.) lb. " $3421 313,03 7 Weehlogloa. do. 40,015 Asa 'ref rood Into Tre,Ler. do. 15,7030.4 04],774,103 Mat el peat:Slum 01 U.S., do. 10129,676 39,336:X3 deal or lemon.. do.' 31,000.0701 178,1=111 Androf Export., dd AMMO 161,991,72 Amet of Tommy., do. 619,760 3,133,424 Area of the Malted 003.401 3,3111.304 Rank and air e/ the ..... 0,030 10,000 31 0004 .. . ... _ *000,456 1111,e of the U. Sta=l9.7.- How. 75 - Semi:keret lawstatiendeosaetwaWZ with Samba of 19 t boas. end light Doa • ' 1739wodaliw - e; 11w. do 7 stehii samara Ana or us tier deali Go cm., o ma Do.'sreeent. esl Welodlog la a .. Ur , of rad laveda f mi1e:"... ..... ' iiiilTent . Liras -- "'5464 . % titafl Aral M revenue from 41611,74.7 , . Mat of expendituresln Me Pan Ofßre Department - HnmDrt of inner, (mall trwy~r{~ ._2;7" 4004449, 1 P0hl s 1 st fiat Numbs, of 76.0C0p '2011,622 &loot LEbnolos- I.oou Number of tetufooTiir 2"00:00 A short note Is here added respecting the growth of Western trade and commerce, extract ed from an addrees before the Historical Sock clety of Ohio, by William 1). Gallager, Esq., 18.50,,-"A few facts will .exhibit, as well as a volume, the wonderful growth of Western trade and commerce. Previous to the year 1800, some eight or ten keel boats, of twenty five tons each, performed all the carrying trade between Cinci nati and -Pittsburgh. In 1801, the first govern. 'ment vessel appeared on Lake Erie. In 1811 the first steamboat (the Orleans) was launched at Pittsburgh. In 1826, the waters of Michigan were first ploughed by the keelof a steamboat, a pleasure trip to Green Bayleeing planned and executed In the summer of this year. In 1882 stesobboat first appeared at Chicago. At the present time, the entire number of steamboats running on the. Mississippi and Ohio, and their tributaries, is mote probably over than under six bundled, the aggregate tonnage of which is not short of oneldeadred and forty thousand—a larger number , of steamboats than England ecus claim, end a greater steam commercial marine than that employed: by Great Britain and her . dependencies." Bathe department of inventions there have been 'wonderful applications of sci ence to arts, within' the last sixty years. The. spaciou:s tall of the Patent office is at once the repository and' the prop of American Inventive art and geniis. Their ranks are seen in the numerous improvements by which human labor is abridged. Without going into details, it may be seficient to sey,. that many of the applications of steam to locomotion Ind manufactures, of electricity and anweethem, to the production or mechanical motion, to the electrical telegraph, to the registration of astronomical phenomena, to theart of multiplying engravings the intro duction and - Improvement among us of al the important inventions of the old world, are stri kingly indicative of the &draooe of this country In the useful. sets. The network of railroads and -telegraph lines by which this vest country ,is reticulated bare not only developed its re sources, bat united emphatleally in mune bonds all 'parts of 'the Union. The hydraulic works of Nevi York, Philadelphia, and Boston, scorpaas, in extent and important*, those otancient Rome. But we here not confined our attention to the immediate application of science to the useful arts; we have entered the fields of• original re search, and have enlarged the bonds of scientific knowledge.'Sixty years ago, besides the bril liant. discov eries. of Franklin in electricity, scarcly anything had been done among us in the way of original inventions. Our men of science were content with repeating the experiments, and discovertea of the savant of the old world, without attempting fO add a single DOW fact or principle. to the existing stock. With the last corwty fire cr thirty yeais, a reniarleable bnprov meat Us taken place in this re pact. Oar tutu• nil history has been explored to all its branch': our gieciloschas bees honatigatod with results of the highest interest to practical 10 theoreti cal science. - Discoveries hate beam made in pare chemistry and electricity, which have re ceived the) approbathin of the world. The att ranee which has betmtniuleinmetsorologyin this country within the last twenty years, is equal to thatande during the same petiod In all the world ' besides. In 1794, thee:terse not In the United States= Instrument with - which a good ohne don of the heavenly bottles, could be made.— There are now lestruments at Washington, Cam• bridge. end Cincinnati, equal to those at the best European observatories; and the original discoveries in astronomy, within the last are years in this country, are among the most bril liant of the age. Our knowledge of the geogra phy Ind topogrephy of the American continent, use been rapidly wooded by the labor and science of the officer" of the United States army, and discoveries of much Interest,' in dMtant cue, have resulted from the enterprise - of our nary. In 1807 a survey of the coast of the United Stara was commenced, whkh at that time, it wee supposed 110 Melina 11116 competent CO direct The work hex, however, grown within lb, het, few years, under • native superintend. eat, In importance and aztent, beyond Luy terprise of the kind weer before attempted. These facts conclusively prove that a great *thane* has been made among ut not only in the - application of science to the wants of ordinary life: but to science itself, In Its.application to muddy the cravings of the iinmartal mind, in respect to literature s with the neer:ion of one or tire spelling books, !Ind other school books of an in- ferior character; and some theological areathms, of which, none but those of. Jonathan Edwarde have any pernautest . value; knd Isom* works 'so Wad :tustaq. and panda, like .Hatchimaee the >hisamtitaeti,'! . leffersea'aNeteestalriguis." the"irdirallet,';PMlWile Newlfampahliti:! sae uliers" eirGeogreke," and a few others; Americabad not pranced a single work Of ray eiate in science or literature. We were almost "whey/dependant =lmported hooka Bete our sad testaments were for the most pat printed abroad. The book trade is now one of the greatest branches of business, and works of standard value, and of high reputation in Europe as well as at home, have been produced by': American authors', in every department of id- . ssuce.and literature. ..While the nation bas. een., expanding in dimensions, in numbers, and I wealth, the government has applied a wise fon east in the adoption of necessary measures, when the world 641 no longer be at peace, to Maintain the national honor; whether by appro priate displays of vigor abroad, or by well ad opted means of defence at home.A navy which has in often illustrated Mu hiStorY by heroic achievements, though restrained in 'esentel times, possesses in ha' admitable elements the means of greet and sudden expulsion, and is looked upon by the nation as the right arm of its army still smaller, but not lass ect in its details, which hia, on many • field, I.exhibitedthe military aptitudes and prowess of the race, and ,demonetrated the wisdom which has presided over its organication and govern ment While the gradual and slow enlargement of these military arms has been regutated by • jealous wateldelness over the public treasure, there has, nevertheless, been freely given, ell that was needed to perfect thpir quality; and each affords the nucleus of any uWiectent that the public exigencies may demand Wom the mil lions of brave hearts and strong arms upon the land and water. The navy is the active - and aggressive element of national defence; and let loose from our own sea coast, must display Its power in the seas and channels of the enemy. To do this, It need not Mrs; and it can never be large enough to de , , by its presence at home, ail our ports and harbors. Bat, in the absence of the navy," what can, the brave hearts and strong arms of the tsp. my and Wilda do against the enemies' line of battle - ships and steamers, falling without no tice upon our count What will guard our cities hem tribute, our merchant vessels and our navy yards from conflagration? - Here again wesee • wise forecast in the system of measures, which, eipecially since'the close of the mar with Great ;Britain, has been steadily followed by our gov ernment. While the perils from which our great establishment had just escaped were yet fresh in recollection, a system of fortifications was begun, which new, though not quite com plete, fences in Our Important points with impa rtable strength; More than four thousand cart., non may at any moment, within strong and per manent works, arranged with all the advantages and appliencesilust the art affords, be turned to the protection, of the sea coast, and be served by the men whose hearts they shelter. Happy for us that it is so, since these are means of security that time alone can supply; end since the improvements of maritime war fare, by making distant expeditious easy and speedy, have made them more probable, and at the same - time more difficult to anticipate and provide against, The cost of fortifying all the important pointy on our whole Atlantic and Golf of. Mexico frontier will not exceed the amount expended on the fortifications of Pub'. In this connection one most important facility in the de fence of the country must not be overlooked. It is the almost instantaneous rapidity with which the the soldiers 'of the army, and any number of the militia corps may now be brought to any point where a hostile attack may be made or threatened , All We extension of territory em braced within the United States, increase of its population, commerce, and manufactures, devel opement of 'its resources by canals and railroads, and rapidity of intercommunication by innu merable stesinboata and telegraphs, has been ac complished without overthrow of, or danger to the public; liberties, by any assumption of mili tary power; and indeed without any permanent increase of the army, except for the purpose of frontier defence, and affording a alight guard to to the public property; or. of the navy any far ther than to assure the navigator that. In what soever sea he sails his ship, he is protected by , the stars and stripes.of his country. All this without the shedding of a drop of blood forties-, son or rebellion—all this, while systems of pop ular representation have regularly been support- ed in the State governments and in the general governments-411 this, while laws, national and state, of such a character have beet passed, and have been so wheel), administered that I may - stand op here to day, and declare, as I sow de, in the face of aU the intelligent of the age, that for the period that ha elapeedfrom the day that Wrahington laid the foundation of this capitol to the present time, there has been no country on earth inlaid' life, liberty, and property have more amply and steadily secured or more freely enjoyed than in these United States of America. Who is there that will deny this? Who is there prepared with a greater or • better .example 7-- Who is there that can stand upon the foundation' of facts, acknowledged or proved, and assert thatthesa one republican. institutions have not answered thetrue cede of government, beyond all precedent in human history.-- -.. There is yet another. view. There are 'dill hiedser considerations. Man is an intellectual dunned to inratortellty. There's tapir.' it in him, and the breath of the Almighty bath . : given hint understanding. Then "di is he' tending towards his own destiny, while he seeks for knowledge or Tina% for theerlli of his Maker,. and for just conceptions of his own duty. Of all important questions, therefore, let this, the most Important of all, be first asked and first answer ed, tit what country of the habitableglobe, •of great extent and largepopdatiou, are the mans of knowledge the more genexally diffused and enjoyed among the pesple . This question ad-, Mite of one, and only one answer. It is here Illshere In these Unitedlitates—it is among the . &leen:tante of those who settled at Yorktown— of those who were pilgrim" on the thee of Ply mouth. and of those other rites of men, who, in subsequent times . , have beceite joined in this stoat , Let one fadincapble of doubt or dispute, eat tidy every mind on this point The population of the United States; is 23,000,000. Now take the map ads Continent of Europe and 'spread it out before yon. Tate your scale and your di eiders and lay or in one area, in any shape you please, a triangle, square, circle, parallelogram or trapezoid, and of an • area that shall contain 160,000,000 of people and ; theta will be found within the United states more persons who do habitually read end write, than can be embraced within the line °tyres demarcation. But these is something even more than this. Man is not only an sutellectits4 but he Is also a religious being; and his religions feelings and habits re quire ,cultivation. Let the religions elements in man's nature be neglected, let him be influ enced by no higher motives than lueself-interest and subjected to no stronger restraint than the limits of civil authority, and he becomes the mois ture of selfish passions or blind fanaticism. The spectacle of a nation, powerful and enlightened, but without Christian faith has been presented, almost within our own day, as a warning beak con for the nations. On the other hand, the mil deaden of the religious sentiment represses 11- centieunese, incites to general benevolence, and the practical acknowledgment of the brotherhood of man, Inspires respect for law and order, and gives strength to the whole social fabric; st the tame time It conducts the human soul upward to the author of its being. Ae one elite nem• eery consequences, it may, I think, be stated with truth, that in no country„; in proportion to its population are there so 'many benevolent establishments, bible, missionary and tract so- elates, - supported by public and private contra- 1 butions, aa In our tuns, There are, also hostile dons for the education of the blind, the 'deaf and the dumb, of idiots, for the reception of or plum and destitute children, for moral reform, designed for children and females respectively ; Methadone for the reformation of criminals, not to speak of those mainenTostii establishments In almost every county end -town In the United fitatea for the reception of the aged, inform and destitute poor, many of whom have led to our shores to escape the . poverty ind.wretehedness of their 'condition at home. In the. United States there is no church estab lithmart or easel/stied authority founded by government. Pablo worship is maintained, either by voluntary contributions, or by trusts and donations of a charitable origin. Now. I think it safe to say that s greater portion of the people of the United States attend public wor ship; decently clad, well behaved, and well seat ed, thin of 'any other country of the civilised world. Edifices of religion areseen everywhere. 'Their aggregate cost would amount to an im mense euw of Money. They, are In the general, kept in good repair, and consecrated to the par ' poses of public worship. In these edifices the people regularly assemble on the Sabbath day, Which Is sacredly set apart for rest, by all clam. es, from secular employment and for religions meditation and worship, to listen to the reading of the holy scriptures and discourses from pious ministers ..of the several denominations. This attention to the wants of the Intellect and of the -, soul, as manifested by the voluntary support cf school' and colleges, of churches end the bener- - , ohm, institutions, is one of the most remarkable characteristics of the American people, not less strikingly exhibited in the new than inthe older settlements of the country..' On the spot where the first trees of the forest were felled, near the log 'Midas of the pioneers, arejo be seen rising together the church and the school house. So has it been from the beginning, and God grant that thus it may continue. .0u other shore., above their monkl.ring tarn, to Innen pomp tba tall cathedral tho r ns; tImPl• .od thU our lowly templet throe idendr shadow. on the pethe below; Beard Meal, the wind est norms bli wadi/And trace 'fb• larch's pertain. from the intller. me, tee lit. Midna of th. morning Mr, alight fram'd steeple tusk. the house of purr. • • • • • • • -• • Ym faith'. mare hymn, beneath It. shelter ludr, arestbm out o. gently to the tootled tad." ' • As where the r.fa thlmagh bletint ostoj Mta.l tho amble abet and tailensteelJkgr." .• - ' -Who does not admit abet= Atnpandfiled stowthat 0117 prot "ind mown are:the ,- to 'nada Prow•o t7 o, of GI =don 't n han States ramiei. -'. .' ' - ,7 rli cementation !hick guar anties Watch States rept:Misinform of govern cat4t, and to inky MAO the Noy/neat of life; liberty; and the pursuit of happiness, free from civil tyranny or ecclesisatical domination. To bring-limas this idea to the present occasion, who does not feel that when Prefident Washing- gOly laid his band' On'the foluidatiort of the -first Capital baring, hir'formed a Irrent work of per- - patuatiou of the. Union and the Cemstitutiont— Who does not feel that this math et general gott en:meta, healthful in its situation, Otaril in its position, near to the nionntains from wheat:s pa springs of wonderful virtue, teeming with nature's richest products, and yet not far frdm l e bays and the great estuari of the - sea, easily aceesaible, and generally a table in climate and. association, dces riotgive strength to the union of these States; that t Is city, bearin g a n immortal name, with its bro d streets and ave nues, its public squares an magnificent edifi ces of the general government, erected for, the purpose of carrying on wittiln them the import ant business of the several depart:new fur the reception i:f wonderful and curious inventions, the: preservation of the., records of . &Mile= learning and genies, of extensive collectiont of the products of na ture and art, brought hither for study and comparison from all parts of the world; adorned with numerous churches,. and sprinkled over, lam happy to say, with many public schools, where all flit children of the city, without distinction, are provided with the means of obtaining a good education—where there are academies and colleges, professional mho* and public libraries—should continue to receive, no it has heretofore, the fostering care, of Coppola, and should be regarded as the permanent seat of the national goterriment ' Here too a citizen, of the great repribl led let. tern—a republic that knows not the meter and bounds of political geography—bas indicated, I trust, prophetically ; to this nation, a wide and powerful influence in the intellectu al world, and to tinselly a oommanding position In • the field of science and literature, by endowing here, and placing under the guardianship of the govern ment, atl institution lot the increase and diffa- Ilion of knowledge among men.' With each sue. nestling year new interest Is added to' the spot It boomer cemented with all the historical art !iodations of our country, with her statesmen & orators; end,-alas, its cemetery is anomaly mt. riched with the ashes of her chosen sons. Itc. fore us 1J the broadZand beautiful river, mars. ting two of the original thirteen .fitates. and which slate President, a man of detentdnedpor- pose and inflexiblt will, but patriotic heart, de filed to span with arches of ever enduring gran ite, symbolic of the firmly cemented union of toe North and South. On its' banks repose the the ashes of the Father of hie Country,. and at our side by a singular - felicity of position, over. =looking the city wbicn the- designed, and which bears his name, rises to hia memory the marble column, sublime in Its simple grandeur, and fit. ly intended to reach a loftier height Hien any similar structure on the surface of the whole earth.. Let the votive offering of his' grateful countrymen be freely contributed to carry high er and still higher this monument. May I say, as on another occasion, 'Let It rise! let it rise I till it shall meet the sun in its coming—let the earliest light of the morning gild it, and part ing day linger and play on its summit.' . „Fellow citizens—What contemplations are a- wakened in eur mind, as we assemble here to reenact • 'scene like that performed by Wash..' legion: Methinks I se* his venerable form now before me,. as presented in the glorious statue by Hendon, nor in the Capitol of Virginia. Ile is dignified and grave, hot concern and anxiety seem to soften the lineaments of his countenance. The government our which he presides is yet to the crisis of experiment. Not free from troubles at home, he Beet the world in commotion and , arms all around him. 'He sees that imposing i foreign power' are half disposed to try the strength of the recently established eraser -0 government. We perceive that mighty thoughts; mingled with fears as well as with hopes, are struggling within him. He leads a abort, pro. cession over these th en naked fields; he creases yonder stream on a fallen tree; he ascends to 1 the top of this eminence, whose original oaks of the forest stand as thick around him as if the spot bad teen devoted to Druidical worship, and here be performs the &Related duty of the day. And now, fellow citizens, if this vision were a reality-if Washington actually were cow amongst us—and if he could draw around him the shades of the great public menof his own days—patriots and warriors, anthers and statesmen, end were to address as in their presence, would he- not say to us— ,, lie men of this generation, I rejoice and thank God for being able to see that our labors, and toils, and eserificts, were not in nth. Too are prosperous, you are happy, rem are grateful. The fire of liberty bousbnghtly and steadily in Jour hearts, whlle duty and the bsir restrain it' from bursting !both in wild and destructive con flagretica. Cherish liberty as yiku love it--eher- ' lab Its tieev'sities, as you wish to preserve it— Maintain thuronuttitutbm said, we labored so palatally to establish, and which has beinto you such iir scum of Inestimable blaestegs. Pteserre the union of tffeStates, cemented es It vu 4 nes prayers, one thrum, snel cur blood. Be tree to God, your Conakry, mod - vour , drrtj: - So shall the whole Eastern worikaellow : the staining sun, to contemplate yon as a listiati; , so shall all succeeding generations honor you as therhonar us; and so shall that Almighty Power which so graciously protected us, snot which now protecte you, show., its esteeming bleksings upon you and your posterity. , President Fillmore! It is your singularly good fortune to perform an act such, as that which the earliest , of yen predecessors. performed fifty. eight ran ago, You stand whereby 'stood— You lay your hand on the 'corner ' stone of a building designed greatly to extend that whose corner stone be laid. Changed.. changed, is ev ery thing around. The same sun; indeed, shone upon his head which now shines upon yours.— The same broad river rolled st..lids . feet and bathes his last resting place, that now rolls at yearns. Bat the site of this city was then main ly as open field. Streets and &venom! have since been laid out and completed—oprszes and public grounds enclosed and ornamented until the city which bears his name, although camper &Seely Inconsiderable in numbers and wealth, has become quite fit to be the seat or the gov ernment of a great and united people. Sir may the consequences of the' duty which you perform so auspiciously to-day; equal those which flowed from his act. Nor tide only. May the principles of your administration end the win doze of your political conduct, be such as that the world of the present day, and all history hereafter, may be at no loss to perceive what ex ample you:rime made your study. ... • Fellow Citizens--I now bring ttdcaddnee to a close, by expressing to you, In 'the wards of the great Roman•orator, the deepest, wish if my heart, and whichl know deeply .penetrshes the hearts Grail who hear Zhu/ *aro Atm cp. to; nouns ut morien' poyndusetontoietn Itlerms relinquonv hoe vahinajura dos issmoraihStri dare add priest alto m, ul Ito ants esatiet,4l de re: publiea pups thereolltr. And, now, fellow citizens, with'hearte void of hatred, envy, mad malice towards our own coon. trymen or any of them, or towards the subjects or citizens of other governmenta, or testaids any member of the'great Wally -of' man bet exult. Ing, nevertheless, in our own peace, security . and happiness, in the entered recollection of the peat, and the.giorions hopes of the ftribre, let us return to our homes, and with all; humWty and devotion offer our thanki to the Father of all our merclos—political, social and Won*: A Nonce Boy—A boy was once brtopted by some of hie companions; to pluck ripe ebonies from a tree hie father had forbidden fyini to touch. pl'on need not be afraid," said one argot:om. pentane, ' , for if your father should - dud-out that you bad. them, be in so kind that he would, not hurt you." , That threeeery yeas.," replied the boy,ftwhy would not touch them. It is true' my fittiM; would not hurt me; yet my disobedience tknoW would hurt my father, and that would be torn to me than anything else." A boy. who grows up with litiob rduetples. would be a man la the best emus of the word. It betray' s regard for rectitude that would ren der him traetworthy under every tris Tea BLOC Rose.—Ths following extract from . a late Paris letter , will be mid with great inter est by florist and amateur gardeners; $ The bortioulturiets, botanlets, and floral am,- tsars generally are just pow in a high state of excitement, The great of the Lux emilourg, where all the known varieties of that beautiful (lower are collected, is about to have en Increase is its family. The triumpli of modern ;horticulture is about to see the day, or at least, so hope end pray .511 theme interested. Thls umph Is nothing moro nor lase than the. BLOC :Rose I .The plant upon which the florists have staked *their mortal lappieess, has leaved and budded, and upon the Just opening petals of the bud a clear, tbo' dark blue, hi plainly to be seem :A day or two will solve all doubt. Titikwlll be the fourth positive color obtained by artificial crossing. The yellow or tea rose, the black or purple rose, and the striped roes are all Inman tione—creations—of 'Ural gardening. Theged and white rose are the only , neutral ipeeles, which were once, by th e way, conspicuouslyeon corned la one of the, most unnatural of civil wars. I here been over to the luxembourgrex pressly to see the blue rose bud. It was not at home to company. It would be oasisr to obtain :a private Interview with Napoleon, or be admit ,teti to a tete-a-este audience of Rachel. Pew :can worm themselves into the :presence of the ;blue rose--fbw assist at her levetratul The diaappOlated say Its because she Wats, and ;that her boasted color la tectitiona,—that is, as Lady Peale would say, It coulee and goes. If It stayt i put, I shall - hasten, to. Inform you. One Wog Is tertr d n, If the rose is not blue the gard ener will'be. PITTSBURGH GAZETTE PUBLIBiI2II BY WEI TB • 00. PITTSBUZQH WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 9,1891 READING MATTER WILL BE F.271711D ON EACH PAGE OF THIS PAPER. Me. Weer:zee 011A11011.—We give up oar colcunns, to-day, principally to the oration of Wiesran, delivered on the 4th lust, at the laying of the corner atone of the extension of the Capitol at Washington. The greatness i..of the oecaeion, and still more, the greatness of the orator, will command for this production an al most universal perusal. In en editorial article on the Rempfield Rail road, in the Journal of. yesterday, an .assertion is made of so sweeping a character as to' require notice and correction.. It is said that the Hemp held road "In to cut off tbwrhol . front tae entire trade, travel, and intercourse with the south, southern Ohio, and, in a Word, with the whole of the Southwest! I Such absurd and estraragatit declerations . . would be unworthy of notice If found in tiny but a Pittsburgh paper, but as the admissions, or assertions of a Pittsburgh editor, they afford our competitors a handle to use to our injury with tboee who never take the trouble to examine whether they ase well founded or not. ' Had would •be our ease indeed, If the Hemp , field road could produce each calamitous results; bat a brief examination of the facts In the case will dissipate the terrible chimera of the editor's brain, and show that the liempfleld road, if it ever has an actnalexistente, will he to umrs very harmless competitor. The'only portion of 'the country in which the Hemp?:leld route will hare any advantage over the routes leading through Pittsburgh, is that laying south of Steubenville and east of Canto boa, Ohio, comprehending not one-third of the poorest part of that .State. All the northern half of the State, sad the whole of the north western, is ours beyond any Hempaeld.compe titloit—and the western half, and the southwest ern is ours on the ground of equal and fair coin petition. As to the "whole of the southwest," including portions of Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, Teanea eee, &c., it can no more be cut off from us by the Ifempteld road, than all this imaginary calamity could be averted by the Famous plank road to Washington. All such remarks are disparaging to the mesas of Inter communication which we possess, by the river and our great Western .Railroad. In a good boating stage, we shell always command the largest share of the river trade•, and when the river is low the point of competition with the Ilempfield will be in Cincinnati, and at points west of Columbus, and if, with all the adsan cages we shall possum, by means of our direct route to Cincinnati, and our many favorable con nections with the railroad, of Ohio end Indiana, with no great river to crate we cannot success- folly compete with the ilempfield route, then it will be from mismanagement and a abort lighted policy, and not from any want of futilities on our part. The Journal may quiet its alarms sad tab courage. The Hempfield road will riot run off with the "whole of the South-west," even if the Pittsburgh and Steubenville recut is never built, and if it Is, that road will rob the Hemp field etwhat little &drawn* it may palates over Pittsburgh in the south-eastern part of Ohio, and so completely top its feeders, that it will never have to complain of being over tasted. Even by the "eircumbimditms" a merle* a mount of its trade could be drawn off, to render its competition a matter of no . oonsequence. The assertion that it "Is to cut off Pittsburgh from %e entire trade, travel, and intercourse of the whole of the south-west" Is an absurdity too ridiculous for carious notice, did it not come frail a Pittsburgh paper. •Ozto. —Ms. Varna, happening to be on a - visit to some friends in Zanesiffie, on the 4th irritant, an impromptu gathering of the Whip in 'that city snd vieiuity took place, for the puepoee of trimming to him their satisfaction in the conduct of the State Convention in noridnathsg him u the Whig candidate for. Governor. Mr. Tinton wee introduced to the assemblage by Gen. Goddard, who, in eo doing, happily alluded in general terms to his character u istatesman, and with suitablrimphasis directed attention to one or two particular actions daring his long 'congressional career which had been productive of more than ordinary benefit to the country at , large. Sir. Vinton's reply was brief, in good taste, aid clearly and beautifully expresud. His remarks were principally taken up with en forcing the duty of carrying into efficient action the new constitution a the State, and of building up a new legislative and a new judicial code. .Although opposed to its adoption, be &dared that among the thousands who gave their support to the new constitution there is no one of them who will be found more anxious,.- and ready than himself honestly to do all in his power to put it into the fullest and most bene licial operation, according to the true spirit and design of the Instrument. Ayeath from Unntalsary . Alarm.—Dr Josiah K. Skeen, • highly valued citizen °Maks:mills, (11. linoie,) retailed hi'bed In good health Jut .Taes day night week, and la halt an hour afterwards started sudden/y from his sleep, escialming that he had the oholers. In his alarm he drank oft a huge tumbler NO of brandy and two or three wanted of a strong essence of peppermint, which occasioned his death in a fear hours. There Tete no cholera symptoms present, and the physicians concurred in opinion that the death was occa sioned solely by thictraughts taken. Oreesmiood , Garden. LAROLAIircif the Night-Bloomin ex strs, V T, aspetied to Idotan this...mins. Jul/ Oth. Flower of this muds' of the Champ Le nes, lug*. boantifnlould Wen ecented. They peen to open shout sundown. awl ere fully expends] between 10 and 11 o'. eloet. An Omnibus leaves the corner qf Atarkst &set Fifth dn., emu . , WI War. tar tA• Dude. JO . ['enterprise eitiPT-/ - —.._........._ IIIEESH-45 boxee.receiving perßidwelre JO Aar sale by CSWats". IOW" DALZILL. ant Wyatt sts. ACK EREL-30 bblo. New N 0.3, for sale by ne /AIMS DALZILL. MANNERS' 01L-50 bbls. for sale by i 7 9 .1111113 D/112ILL. Dingollttion. 1N CONSEQUENCE of Ote deceise ofJohn Masan. the nartnentny hentonni exist:we between nnan l Conde Is hereby dingrived John F. Vot. La fan, einhonsed Coastal. the bunneen of the Into ann.— All parson having dal= will arse present them an Irennard Pittanusit. July PARTNERSHIP COVODE & COLE, leoeeeoeoe to 11eTed. • ui tbrxte.l The busess of the Agency of the Penn ,Tln.o.t. Central Ilailroed company will hereafter be eon. dotted =ha the mat aa• of of COTODE COLE,. etrtner of Peon Sad Werae etreeu. Pittsburgh. July 1331,4j79 • CM= & CO= IBacsmn •to Wham & Corodcl - Caaol, Bain, Penn Shed. • Penna. Bail Road Co.—eealal Nail Bead* FRE eiPeribers baying been appointed =went, tbo lionryhordo or Wlntralhall public flat In arit proparoo to v tor i. nor monstiondtso or prodoor ibr shipmant sad collo opodng of tho cortal. Good. via this route Cll bb eartiod throne. in arc doll eod all coosisord to as will be hr....4.lfree of aommlr on or alai* for earn a, =IIIIIITWILI rmaterimia MID IMMOZOI. Dr =predts, Weathers, Attr.zsgvd,.....„ ~.„,:u..,,,„.. aa &a. el, }IC.) tee tworen, gooneeenelee, On:min, Paint& BT. EMPON. 1,...the,,(.20Ttr. 71.,Thoollty and ober thew nefte ae. 13031.1 100. Baeop, Beef Pork, Butter, Lad. Lard OIL Tobacco Leaf , OM., Ballow, Uralk and Rao OW 11100 : Mhpg, Mnrbls (totish) coVO Ter, Pita, a, Rag Gamma Cl. k, • &km ko. , boa v N • DR A OOLII. • o mrtpkr Penn and Warne Meat.. • • Pitteleareh, July ho. MI.-4m, HOW Male •. KLEBER ha just received -1 NeUr Dly. by 8.0. Foster, sweet Ileeemote mug by Jenny Lind. Songole of Cbrletttet, words from Ittinyan't Pd. m ;Wane. W 4.1; i‘io7;4 7 Rnein red*. • Hyrm. Home. by M. MUM Wad*, of Terllger .. , F4gMet to NOW From our. r merry Swim Home, vocal dude, by (Plove Wilt thou be mane Lore, Taal dostt, by B. C. ruder. Toro not Away, Mint, by aH. Fu ter. • Ouse I loved thee Ilary deer, oy O. C. roster. I otoold not die in Winter. • It a wool boot mentioning. Kte Moore. Potrag—Henrietta, Erefirtet4, De 1.1,111321; Aar/. Childrce. Itelleer,lians Jorge. Nationid, gmWeb, bo ree, *mutt, Hamburg, Itseshns, grnesttne. Webb, Wallace. wma*g.,...iieme,, • Beyerly's Alexandria, ]acting, Mood Nymph, WT.:relit*, Three Pietas. eta. Alma nue mdeetlon hereign ' tict or Lb. 0 0164. Htrw dal, Third et. Stray Cow AME to the preuklus of the emirc- 7t. Li ...a.. .4 saus Nuirm urn. !. towsuldo, on the 2.111 of /rams Run naIOQW. --• 11th thets avot Dir tread. sad dui dght p • ar than ther, Th . moor Is rormaated 10 Dam larrord; PrOM E .: 4 4,harehattll4 taithherwszinow: Allegheny County; 'SS: AN . Court of Cotamini Pleas; • No.Jima Term, O the o, matter or the rottieterr_, , r men: of Robert Sinclair to Lail.= . • exander A. lila, JO. Strino.nne erPtlnteit Auditor to Audit said meant. -- From the flearni. rign, a. HAM 7. In • ' purstisace or the above mile:nutmeat, the moderate. wilt attend at his ulna, Ne. UO Ilitmrth street, PM. I , A oli c. Tbx=s Lat. , hpj of or ighLut,....,=r t. th. li'nt• =WM g. STOW4Tiditar. RISSOLUTION.—In consequence of — the decease or Er. roam] Elliott. the imriontwhip of • Parkin with Elliott a Pagll.b. index the aroi of timlio Ptah" a Po, U thU dor dionl•wl. The !miaow of the Lie O. will be settled %%me Putio, at the Tin 'ting Otaor, Gazette Balhiliwb larrot. Jon• Q. 18A.—.1/0 gown PARETIC ELLICCIT a amass: Dividend; THEE President and lidanagers of the Hirt . d Street mid e Come zbsee tlegtg . l .. leogrd a p. m od a ma eon,. prom• of the lava alr axmlimatkfbrtb.ltb. WM. VS. Jt,Trownaber. Jolt 7th. 111.51.—h8.11 Family Home. A . LARGE fine looking Sorrel Horne 4. l, •AmtivlnfAr,„lll..-'l.%2P'''ged. mt • ipm 441. 1 Wilkins t Ga.'s.) To School Teacher,' r. School Directors .of, Lower St. Ciair Township be,. rewind to open the Pribile Schools er their t 0,., on the am of eortotttee.toe tov them open about nine months la theoneEng year. The Board Ell meet on the drat .do of AtizEt,, proslair, at the PobLie &hoed Mouse tio.l. /loons Kash. •Ttrirtfog lO Vi l iet . rw !" Ir r e I " A ' lM M ostrot r & . rt e tan be obtained frren the fonowlng a:cabal of th e acne. Bea c h T . J. Bighorn, Ito. 81 Fifth street. or d. Ampler. No. Smithfield street. blialatnalter -- To Fonzulry lan. • HE ADVERTISER wishes a situation as Menages in • Foongry. Ile ha had many year/es. n=l.t i lnztnsm . opnund watt. st Dhwlzi oal a atnany oataton stg toms and atlas partiatanys thought eossessy. soldtasord (post Ng) to the stitscribm will most with prunipt strontium P. MUM Tastarrillo, Ohio. ACKEREL--101:11bble. New No. 3 Large; f. '" • nag awl for sale to) 30 b WM. B•o•LEY • C 0. ." 18 .4 Woad t i OAP SNUBS-300 bble. ase'd Noe.; fee ro by WO. BAOALET & CO., ..13 sad 2t) Wood 0.. D 10 COFFEE--560 baga landini lib saw isy .ore ww. CAGALI. : _ PIPES -150 boxes White Clay Pni;T - n no, .. Mona Mid Readix Ter rate by HS W5l. BAGALSTIL CM SOAP -300 boxes Rosin, Cin'ti brands, for _ We by WM EAGALEY & CO.. dad - - IS and X. Wood at --- WANTED—A place for a goodbook keep la • wholual• or retail grown at to a Iminbcti Fwd. u th• manta= ha Ponta axperlenoct to One: gOod nifirrorags rio 6a gives. Tgantad—A gcod. aniut. and tn. moo " fd.7_lll r. "w4v-rba7:l=`; city. ' v. accW2til= bard = fto and noon arocaid lig a number gg boil of al seleff. and tor mom sinsU fight Wanialg-nagrral good emits. QIN or twomd familia capon to go n the caaa, and intann =dem:dry; nO4 tar yna! f, VIM to kat. on • • good not. at 6 mon th s. bar a small attn. Lc. ilrhmosta Aided at stir oaks gall oblige ma by calling to pr. higitta Aggnt and Coin-lietchant. I•barty ct _ . _ 1, 4 10 R SALE—The . Daily Gazette, and all 11 t o Pitt.b.reb Dtily, gaa manor the tre.a z i Itout 100 late kzehaage Paper., from 001 our NI itlet foams:BlbEctes West Oararterfat • mall imply at .Atha sad Wier paper, aul InlG ilVitatr iiraiegPAMpra.m .'Z' agaw .k l .4 4 . .3oVIL" , oo' giVarld ami Otild resliro. tang lull a d mount ooooo of tba Ora 024 e : Thy at Pllnbetrau .l =fr Lim.ss7au baal or retail. fa , J. K• Agent)... and lutelltrenes Offing, Liberty ut near Marketvad St. Clafr mt. GOPPER STOCKS.—We hare orders for the Etat of estiotts Muhl Comm :dee of Lan 100- LARD OIL-7 bbls. on consignment, for Ws by lIIIAIIDICK.L CO, JIB COTTON—= bales in store and for sale by 'wan DICE= t CO. COTTON BATTING-50 bales Family; on mrslessuaa ko• oh low to claw. Jos maws DICIEST & CO. PEATHERS—For sole l' A' -JlB -l ea n D i mly a co Seyen Valuable Farms for Sale. LL SITUATED near the Ohio and Donu t" erlvanha HaWoad. In the . vidulty of Wan. OWN conutolsor nom SO to X/0 erne dad, and Ina good state of cultivation- Also-100 Town Lora, b r an tie XVI= bilatnap put of the village and the Depot at Bala. All of rake wall be add on am term for the perches as. Stink In the Uhlo and Pennsilvants Itallsted i or In Atha a the Ranks In Pittaburgb, Ell los taken In par, meat. / al. nlah to donate a niece of ground.. adjaining the Dena steered. to a competent mart or oomputr i to erect gra eleLli b otel inion,=l2l.:h h a fountain can be had to to = tirotootral palanntinen - the olties of Pitts burgh and Cleveland; also,betareen Pittabangh and Woos• ter, end the benmat to be derived from Ms-Plant Ikeda non being osonintsred to and from galena makes It um of theme. Important patine on the line of railmed dam Haul. LIDO/L MEC= Salem. 0., duly 1. 11.—{irtif Pittsburgh Life Insce Co. MEE Second bentslhnent ofuran Three DA= oo ebeb Aturo of thi_oopipa gtak of said Coatmr. arag . g o trir 01:55.4 Ac t . T 5 four th stmt. =or belt., .17/44 C. CXl=3, Secsr..T. 13nrelta Mining Company. --,•----• -:.:, • A N Adjcirned Meeting of die Stoeklallat 1. d the .. .Baran MI , ttinfLonary,of Ilkhfienne EU. ~. mkt at the Offtee of tbe y, he Pittshorgn, on ra.gsr. the 6th deLtltt ynet, t ebl.: at a o'eloaa. ht.: for the nun.. ht . • nte Directors &r the eneph yaw. y74l6Crtdl. a =naI: HILItE.D. newecen. .al Y More New Goods! VOTWITEISTANDING the advanced eta of the swum; we =Man* to metro eta, f ew Oyaes Of dm VTiinlt S Vasn=tr Qdn Sleek Ak Lows. LLM ate. Ldeiwe: soadry ewer deetzelde anl ee Law. Jr; amt. Notice to Contractors... Birmingham and Broanusille .Itaaidantizsd Turn par and Plank Road Company. IkT °TICE is hereby given that Sealed Pro- PssiiValin n tlitgelitt gr w enV N O.M2"" Bag of than Wks od sad ma w (.2 7 imaakata of fdt Iliac between Monza Oilarr sad Jaus (Map • am a-a, ta auddla tool:lady. By JOIN(B the Beard. ' • Jrlad •. • _ - • William Hill, ... . . °rant rtred, beg urn Seventh and Eighth street , MANUFMANUFACTURER OF LIGHTNING It O Sotsennrelor roole style 'and Asinine.. ACTURER the tention of WOOS of town and emote, Orden len at hie oboes at the Nagle Hotel, liberty IM., or at John IL 110.6lesee, Market am; Ell suet with v.mPt.0.4.101011. Person' at a 'lntone., MO bane theta reedy aunt (and dapped) to pot op Nunoselew on the cent Omotable W.. .. ~... , Hofer to—llso, Dilworth. Ilonehonin J. C. Noble, Dui& lento. John C. noVadden. .111.43t•1nT Chain PoiEs! HE CHAIN PUMP is or immutable aim /. .010:U T In mbranntetlore. eallrely erre two sit tel IMlcig/.7. 1.1.84 PO , 0. end ...Made of meaty. It mhos maw moor end , room raNd y than. other Pompe Ell thesone palm applied. and le not ha h/e to the ohhetlon offmerem mot mist Eke Imam . Order. Wormed to the imberrlbm . a maselhotortre and . Elataal Inventors of, the Improved Ch Pampa Gm ttoo. PEW mennlete,Or the golverdsed aba ft eke.. Ell meet Eth menet latialoo. BOSSIVICE l warm drosolted. Saltneld t0..-Conn. SUNDRIES= Tbb.b. No, 1 (wry . . .4 Gresag Iff Wl': ate.. arrhyl,4 5.W.L.% ; Vali se DWILKVA24, for Wwar ...di /TT We Dr lIIEESE--150 bozos for sale by b?MLLE DICYLT• CO. - ..... FIRE AND WATER PROOF MINERAL . ); 7 0 AINT-30 bbIA. Ibr allow VlDarecarydrart. YRUP MOLASSES-27 bbl 3. S. H. Syrup , 11,, name... • manor vtYL . for ale Jli JOUR wan Ca. F ISH -150 big s. No. 3 Mackerel; —7- - N.l Tract atol Whitt Flak 10 " ratekath 10 " N. 2 Liman AM tor lab br JOHN warm co. , Card DEES R. JONES. resealliinforms City XS Moreboa the r o m 0 7711 , Ur be boo *ArtV7tI(TAVI "ice He ' l B 3Tmi;.w aordearlgat wan of IL A. lahnostack's Mao. On Do Mho • • . la oton iv rAvolo • lora maw • tt... tit.g iv ...Ml" 'o - f=tao y T hem manul.4.ol a cort .4 AI. WM= timu rm.. and promptly M.. to. P lfully halm E. R. JDNES. . • NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS: A T HOLISM& LITE'EARY DEPOT, Third for.hrly. The Adventures of Panl Periwinkle: Ern atom The Coltman M. try Duman Daman or the Salons of Par* in' lyy, litcloinienn• • fie"A:a WiChaVitrnairniirrittelVetec " Pr:ralerli Ada Ogrh . V b . IP. 114 ma: or the ft., Mt: • tali of real hr Ganda 14. !Lent. • The noon lrinrar. Tr PI& otgf aat;fhinl. a to,* bz Mary tionilth otanfarrfi neerriae=gb el ai wr Dictionary of Menhanica No. na. . Littall'a Living So ENG. 71. Fireman's Monthly Staramina, for 4/017 . —Na I. finders Lady". Doak, Graham's klagarina, • . Man u llacria tt l: Jr 4 HOLDERS of the Coupon Bonds of y the If oo onnaah,Narhrattott Conhasoy. are bareb7 nouded that the Canon/ dash'er to antlarde e CY , : . meat of such of Its bands due to 1 es were ed previous to, and of the dale of October 1o.11114; prleloa ell holds Nesbit tom nonbr tbaa mil. 1 Altll-20 bble. No. 1, for eale ^, -- - - .by ILA Jri _ ' MALI! & • SE--15Jibla. for sale by ' ji4. DIOI.IST CO 7 • Sellers' Liver Pll,. Ituuabousx, Commits fittsbursh,) Jolla 24„ Xt. R. E. SELLERS:---I take thin upper matt,. of tartiff b Ihror of your iriraiushts about two yaws Ingo. I was was down with wren tralatoroation Of Ohs 00 00 OM was wa ailtwrd 07 ulght sweats .od other offsets of this disattfal Was.. VW say lira was demand at After °the:masa hal fa* and iarriew totr a tt=gbajtj tun beauswroAr4.notrus balthi mea theta t this t oothers slabbed, with d=rf. tits ' tbro77."‘ Yours rowebtfully, J(IIIII GIVEITSIL AL attar Pills relied . Llver Pllis." t ar sowohnisits ar. bass baltarbaus. Ms samara sty_...o sold by • irs /I. Y. br, ST Mod aid . ASTBUBY: a Tale; by Anna Harriet' 12 ,y Mimes of ^/fliend3 Fortu na . WBo /3•4 uN. Sow,: or Many bldo vasTioatr_ • Comedy In an .etc by Biz IL. BMW 1, 1 12 b.. DM As but _ponamoi at DrmosblY4 I.lme. the w m." filer Malady tad MA Basal 1114 bass prim" Th. of ilistm story bi lbw mint bloc by: D. W. Ittilkaa. rbT r At i Za satTbe . ago . For Oilificalwria ctulgrei—Dhisot • THE NE W c ttowerfotateamsbip wri.rrrre. 8141144rotrorod. et Lb' P arra will =II mo. rl i ptde for h... aaree Wit oltrees. n ee,Thenda . . 7,. . 10 th 7 . 4 •" 12 lhar.4--hirse—rr • ua nmsecritshaY rlon el, soh her seccaroacidatlart• fcfilet whl woad v.e.ormenzainenr=ed Shr tea rrh 'Baru:l4z , vo,_srpir Grows . Sr {rbut mesh 40 / 3 1 1 rLilithrphestesd Street wbsat Jr 1314 1.11 . 1 17 Or ev.inutmm,.t. UNDRESS-- oaasart " 10 v Isar. , /BAILU laa 11 WcA4 DT Weal; "Limit Water Rii*inglasn.itnd Brownstak Nacadanifred Turn , . . • pike and Plank.gmd Compizny. TOTIOE is hereby given that the Sieek- L. holders in WI Compel:a aro foildned Carew the arot lwalment or VW Dollars oa each awe of sleek antoceO tel. to the Treasurer, 0111.1sui Lorimer, Jr.,) on Mont t...nth dor of July', 1551; And aal wood lastolowd at Mr, Dolton on not law soboatibed. On the ant day of An= mot Br trnier of the Bond. • . Jrald . JOEL"( MordMPocrotiu7'. QTOCKS WANTED— ' , Ales Doak of Pittaburilo 100 " M. uts Beau 'ARPERIC r MAGAZINE, for has tono iscosived at HOLMES Wow, Do Mod , . . Vf 0 URNIN4 ALPACOAS—Light in body lactirrgf/.&===.M4lM m musimanumwma.!.- Jr: TWILLED FRENCH CLOTHS—Musrar it Druz:nub lan remind ► !e• plubb../Doe k Irma DUNI., of Cmafa gout Antal). Aluo— Black Drab EU. kr Suzzer .ftata jr2 r. 'UNDERSIGNED have entered- into Co.partnepder PAP km of MIDI' a LAW. 01 2 ,F , N ir t i o w eest 0 O lb. PAPE& AND RAG Cue g..,stirM eteptogr a 14: assornnent of Paietn...nt• Fon4es I. pat ae Iblknre: • Writing Pawn Wove end LaktOtounioen eted Znglnln RON O. Vona inadl Note Penton %SOTO and told, OM nod • • Uo Pao MU from Printing Papers. a Ilastiarany ikepera. la by 21 to PP by 4& lend and nate Tbs. Pratene. American and Engl4ll. Col=g s Vite P till=te P olaroon '" 'ton extrialtaa Enff Aanlepe Colored Printing and Cover Parma ' . Papers. Glared goal. all agora Druggist. El. Matinee and alluring Papers. Tan. lieenst and Colored Papua Ifs Calafectkmars. .Rag, /Wll and Mrs. Wrapping Paper. - Y Bonnet 8 0 0.., Cap and Trunk Beards. White and guff Eirrelopen Legal,Letter, Robe and Cant ve. Agents be DU" Potter It Co.'s PlLLwrzer CtIL , DS, to nooks and sheetsorldte and ealorai—edd_else t tone. "*. rat H l Vlrtl% art IrTrd a rd n er . X ° . IL LAWILIGNI4 Imo ol ti . 3 Ulne a sL. ti ; A d V tons of Bags wanted La noting. kr ash. MACKEREL. --50 bble. Urge No. 3; 25 " nae per canal and for sall tor . Ir 2 JAMES DAL-Yeti, es Water 'V. - • • CRACKED COCOA—Fresh—]'net by WM. A. )14Man .IY2 Omen. glut Tea was. HOCOLATE, BROMA & COcOA- r -Of ov ary .”.18 b 7 was. a. IiaCLUILO a co, J 72 • Grum and Tea Duke. - - - - - ENGLISH & IRISH BLACK TE4S--,Not to Iso oncolkd In stra quality end War by say In tin car— nd anus on band sod Ibr do by tits Miami, or ]. • Ar Bigot] DricsO—tioo. %Ka snd 76e: ♦oberni discount to those erotism ky the quantity. • WX. N.WIAIRCi •M t - ire • •• Groom zodTes Inalars, y _AKE FlBll-25 bble. Lake Trout, (new ;) sl.t reedTai kgeNT • .171 LB. &SUMO. New Nada . . . TinSPIRIT POLKA, composed by .IL lieu:. me essessee to Btopbat C. Faster, of obi '1 4,4•17 , . le ft: n...i.d bi rt. metes_ „Lesississii Byerly's Nu ' sdisole of the most molar souttas oat. Nally Sly. with es:delimit, by Dole. Dolor Joao. 'Nth essistloos. by Dale. , 2bo Anima= of.oar Yeses. by Orwro Bean, . . - _ Alp, a Doe Weal= of Foreign Mosta for Plano. PION Ilan. be. IL KLMA.% 10l Tblrd street.' e3O 614NeBs*, P. J B.—A spistadld lot of rum P IANOS nwr ofestlag. Ow very gad mood-dead 6 MUT* PLsoo to may. , S TRAW WRAPPING PAPER :- Crown, Matium, awl Dcmtd• Crems _for rie vtuassile pa retail by WALT P. M 113 ARSHA stmt.LL, - far. Waal gEMiiaM2 Elf:P-41 bales BM:maxi, for Bale by ie3o MET. NAITIIEWB a 1.0. VOTTON-48 bales for sale by ' boo ItAITHMWS A 00. EAD-1359 pigs Galena, for sale by ruu-1450 ba prim(' Peaches; 125 I.ler, tv sale b> . "sao way. Rayrussys aea REFINED B UDA-ES-124 bbls.- Crushed, 'Nova to:4 sad Ciarielsl Swat bed New Tart ',nab Aar ale PAL BACIALZY ssaad~uwaadat -+. _ - _ ' • RlCE—rg6 res. fresh Carolir aslLlLOAl, for ZT esle O by WIL • na bblEIC:c.; for sale - Wu. enoulr 111 lATER-13 kegs Spring. lo ' r sale br is3o "M.IDALEY * CO. . boxes IV: IL, for sal a elz,.,. ll 3, / • Q,OLE,LEATIIER-300 Sides best Hemlock •rsono-Nor Tack Luther. te sale by_ Jag NY. asostar co, , - CAS I 8 Qll.l-10 Ibis. extra for J. 3 0 IS am Woo 2 sL- BRCILINTS BANK STOCK - WANT ILD, .13.1111 D k ' I :V. e • : rot: ' 3 11:41, pa im utpx-so tone superior, far by; OSIN-200 bbia. for b AR—MO bblr. for sale by - - • 1•33 . BAIRD 1 IRVLY.: MACKEREL --100 bbl& No. 3 (185j)`for, (.1401 SURD LIMN. • ICE--50.tierces (to arrive) forsee by Je.ll) 7 BAIRD & . . .. , Annual Meeting; of the: Stek.itehleis ITt h • ...IL tl ma tbp wal Ohio Teiberzak Chaapacti: 4EII be;.atey_ to the Chariot. on Thotsday.J 111h,s et M., a the Coothears Oak. la the tY .4 ., lithborah, bet the pm.* of deaths Moe Dthoftw... • to' wt. It. th , ..0=1 , 31r year, Ltd to trauma nett th : as may be beettthe them the ...ft Hyman. INDIGO tt NIITAIEGIS—On conrigrnent, a sold ehni. W .1.. them. lakaatDlCll3ll,l OM - - - - S HAD -25 bbLI. for.isale imp FRP &.11URCI lUD have read hismaniac iskothar supply of Laeiiihistisur oa baud. Eno= Aso ,misung Lincass.psomusd • - Kneautie Tilai for Floors. •• - et "ESE TILES are more durable thetafes- TU., Mt tbs "witty colon sad ertm vaym an nod be ®ache. and at/win:Rale nott /Dr Irettlbaks. L1E121.12, Dialog Ittntat. aM U°Fll.l° Thnnftt P:=E5 Il f trei" ..A.,214hr • Vii ' ; ort ravel, NIEW Wu- • ILACK'BERAGE—An addition ' , bed this =Mug at ths seas af .{.28 • ' • XIIAPHY t aIIRCIMILD. riOPLEY'S POT OLAY-10 tons for sale by -wag - • ecnoontAKEß a- co, a „11711!,ED OlL—libbls.j?r sale bicn,:, bbls. for sale by • scrioolmizza s Co. TIE-100 bbble: for sale low b - AND PAPER-60 reami kat% for sale by J. •ccooNkutxtt co. S PONGE-4Extre fine Tm:_h. for sale by - J. Co. y sa Woxl t. taNTS °BOUND IN OIL, in 1 lb. =U. Emit sad Bar Umber trrlapr , Ctuve, 'Follow, Pali Gams, 456 .3.15011 • MG= CO. 24 Wood R . LCOHOL-76 and 92 dog._strangtb, for J.BintOO.IOIAMM. a CIO- TE GLUE-3 bbti , or sale / ALL N'B Nerve And Bone Lini&nt--5 J.1301161.411AX1M a co.. STRAW Wil/d.PING PAPayO re 31.7''' '!Acl . i . oiirrmireR o0:' Latlit.%MrabklVlONMD‘oNlYeltrilraitd. B DS. TomLim soni.. - AV e OKEREL-10 bb . ntre aml kr sale Dr JOHN WAIT & QIINDRIES— : . 70 btis. nllll bilge go. 3 Idalcstet, 20 ht blgt. X:1" '" IrRE. SUBSCRlBERintanda, 'Oita OsbNIM Tow-toll:to Udall CHI* ea or the 1 ot Jule. sasi viU Mod to sraltage •bie am with Ottootthero and Odell • r n "! * Moth Tilghman Iteth matte the N NWIET. Iry Coorthionte. gennagen-shin trionierm_P. O . Mop !lanai% ban. E. Am. "'Whit'. . M ille yr en special attention to the Colter .. M tklzanelst eV: and others,. in Web p it To4 . it'UkEaral o 0 01.3.1 t• th• New Court None. lll= l. -Sobn Idortianorliitexin, D. 1 4 .. Whit*, 4 2 Ar BUGAR-50 loaves Lovering's Don. - Baud. reed and for sala by_ ' ' ' WII.A. IIcCLURCI *0). PAGED BLANK WORK—Blank Bo*, at esirry sin, made sad mind to *Mar at . • " A. a a‘vvre Wiz& Book Icimitio.6.2 Ibtrd One. . Ja2ll War st, ear. of Owed. • • 20 HOURS TO Onromunk 1851Eiiiiiiii PITTSBURGH AND GII .........,, Pattd vad Ragread Line to anotand . SSENORRS leave .every morning at 9 o'clock. bLeteasettat to name imateter_tntr_ mai vvamvamtuacsavvstbay...•—- To Cleveland. ze acra . Tv Dena. 88 lk. o Fr. _ rv , vi _,,,•,......,j- _C/lICINIATi. -... ‘ .. .= 1, " 0, ....' hit Ctradsha exat etaciztabil 'l..! l =7,4,... m.. _mcbte ni 2VitSCALMM ;Nam al ii(7). X, Iciagi, hirbor acid arriving ume math/. st by eteesabca. low vete: la the Callo ] lacc,. title =ate to Om*. datl. Bk. and Veto. aux Itaaeacd mock quicker. 'h." ' . ''''' CIALIUMZ. Pa:academe, kocacana.l%. l'a. tklb4. Cr thibn' lt Bri b attElltrf Amt. lb nitre) osrait at %In? d atal te=B. Dm '_ ' VE. MOMlLD.kkeen. Moe cedar St. Mahn MOIL WA t i nnta ttaaa li; l.' I . INMYLVAHLt. RAILROAD _ . 1851. SPRING ARRANGEMENT. 1851 Forty-six hems to Pkals , lelpliia. Fory,foar toms toitaltimore. 281 miles Railroad:--103 miles Canal. . • .UT" NO@ MUM TO parLAprinne, BALTIMORE AND • NEW-TOR , Brio fru frail Me on any cbton got end- porternstrn connected with pseee Linn. Two Daily. Brims Packet Bolts. • gicanurrax ros risse.vorwu ,• L EAVE Fittoburgh for Johnotown, thanes • .HOLLIDAYEIBITEGH, — .• NEW PENNSTiVANti 'ho flinthod sod Rartritro Rahn &net to Picked . lates ororr owiroloaPelliab Matt ter.kcL and seer groats at lb. moo boor. ' Ran .to Palladaloblialllo. Yu. to Rolthoora. - de 'AO itarriatiarg W far Balturtarg ‘Tai Ark miit=torlaial Railroad at cronn o sv = or m. cl o, tr it teat oleos. 131.tarois ' HO charge for handling panne on this rod's. Tim CM tor this rotas are 000 arid of the swat aißlar• ad coograrilos Ibr comfort sad askty. - If ori &aim amptravallfac arid tooolbrialito woos roodaricioomieisoi your skier at J. P. EOLMEE 3 Rom.. D. LEDW,rOO. Canal BadraPoia atom; 1851. • WESTERN 1851 TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. , D. IZMIR et.oo'll. MR% ' ROAD ANT L • -- . . PITTSBURGH,' PMIADELPHLt, . BATLI .• - • 110 EB, AND NEW YORK.' . T ... _ . EE.Coaarbeing inn good order,; we are toltered to ip• lad meretnantho to from tb. boro i = t at tha Jewett comonstoo of trnishtoritheatottms .ad tlimateh. Th. Amt. sad cars and otatralled hy th e .p.ople:m pat . of 1.211% transodttett. sod all .inimoot paapUT of. tended to. - -- - m th Esatl, Atm Att. - Recei.iospepat, N 00.13 t 1 6' loa th . :CSii. Ito 7 .22, A itgotio. ; jolt - No. . Weit.AAlictfla PARE EED11031; hag ,1851. EMMA Kuno:mu RotrzE. vi: Brownsville and envibmiand,lo Baldwin and Philadelphia. PITEDE MORNING BOAT leaves the Whief stna the lirkbra daily. at 8 ealeak umbel). eas. PbaUlaa "t' llcat leataa nape eardp delodnostaaaattatt tritb tea Can as coninsdand_sol ey.das e4lO &dada. .,...lrk phillitattgarriray.les..y. Ibta lambkins! itaadia botya (203abagma the Combobetween =rams* and uttaaarrtan4 - brakkaa that decidedly Mt bat rota. Mut- . J. diNaltilaN IaYW Ofin la lb. Maneolcabkagroasa. MEE 1851." AJNION LINE. on the Pennsylvania and Ohio flaindiA. . - . VLORE, PARES . Cl---......nii w' CJ1A.....1N, CRAWA&:, A 00......0•••=p. t '. HIS well known Liao is am - to ca and pesamers etas o •Ar %at as th• sad Pia beilitko of ttt• Um us In seambot,cal- Kr. wal l [ sweap a /V.,1 1 •. tnEtr. a • W'-f. RIF One Boat u Pttletnezb =II atn•l•zutdaft:Mt li, astneAloa with • Lino of mestrAtanat teams BEEBE •std REATElioned • Urn of ArsteArt (pmtgle. and yowls) cts Om Laws - • - - H. U . eraldt co; r•drtL"-,taZZrg Wl ounk. V Erna, Orland W., Nrsallta i p.; La l 2- a=a2Eg'" . 04j- W MUM a CO, thaftlar. T Dolmans it On.t.duiniabok. Ong** Go.Chtamo, 12'1!"tha .t24T. ' dirwitez Wrier sad baltbfisid INSEED OIL-1000 gallons (to arrive ) Ibr lab by . ' JACIDD a Ca. ID Wcad ...... _ _ ISOMER BONNETS AND .11AT13--B.:}1. pilacca Jcui zewinalrest .t risti tr i g - amscur Bon same beautiful Mk& Illen's sad Bort atm,. and other Elate. ArIHSEffl3--452 boxes, floor' % isadisr .by Asa-2130 boxesin etor D e; fart/ V. GGS,-300 dot. , for sale by JelB _ 11./.1111•1302.. zeTottu. LAWNS-30 pieces reed uld lhe latio ai Jai C AlanateaoTei BAllitED MIIBLI.II-50 pieett - dati*tb pule sall quiltyilxr Ws 67 • - • - - •" " . __•• Brandies; roil. 4221:•• •; . 1%, -111.A.v iriG coati:lloa . isrrangamentir' iriik Howe. b 50m...... mt other European Clam ft* Wm of my ardar• i am Um mabladzs. la null *IMO MR my . DIES,' LE ma-LIQUORS. . ~f romundis mean immtba,t,...,.*:, - ~, - Attmaket 14 balted to my !Wigs bar= •- . . 110 Itothall•lbsualti. t• 76 t7o.l.l2.ll4.l*.nnaberir* •-- . sad matieMry.. . ... , •• . • . :.., , • ' itch Mks ItModms, meryesac : -,!. , i .126 L . Part Wlvag ... a. mryokl md maim, : k 1 ISDAMMts a well knows Imimbil , 6002esal Claaa P V 4 mclom Oned• ard sxlamp.s. •• 4 100 cams Swam= and risaipllol-7. . ~3 LS Nam Old Hollexlm4 Sao 6aeoo and rbas OW. , 4 00 caMs samara Gordan Brawn Stmt and Seatb Lb,' 111111 • maslaa* awar of Laßclrio , pct _Limn. Kftlia A/WIN MSIVICIU., Camas, m•• • 9term amp. _.l. Isms. Idaelr a israrAzra szcAss4.....t.i di , allarlarb I mill oiler at Isom :• ~ MUM maraiLd MIS .ad Way lit ram: - - • ..A.. a. • • inicketiqrs Pialung - pax U. MELLOK, 4gent•for•- • Chkkoing's Pfau* IT hittab h and Won= Psaanhraala, Fa. al Waal Das naalnd sad Day ormalbr, ba-• i ii3 . lvgaras , j aznar=ao I ts ; m ant=lhau2 !ar alataal =mod rytmo Ara • plats - Sam " - roma ccraera. 6 • • Sha slam Piiiaa Porto en of eta !sari styles of far*• . tam. sad-/7th 441 Mr. thhiela= . lampromaaatc. the . =kat Itmaziabit the lamas at Uaanby mine la Parthamas Laialengtos the cum. uukttac,Ar um« _ Got Ettortettesevet Itaalld3nts 6X kl.pme.Pliat.iito. thawed Itt &Sus Modut Qz Ott Apit teilm, kitts retat it et AND 01L-,8 bblis. No. 1, for sale by ' ' JAMS DALINC4IIB Wellies& ": Detit4l l leirtt=iAted with g t b tker tbr hint.= , 'UM Lt . y, au, or Marone baihabb,".blefb ~ ,,lirott Of Cirefhtte. QM= et renvi; bi :ebb Ibthii: 7104 Beek ot the krerlittors. ' 4 10,1 et to av ai l 'Leber bet the Loadoll Pet seerntl rad br C. EITOCIMON. CI ;Os A XERICAN BTATE PAPEBB.—.4pupii c it . sad Public = Doeuecrel• of the - Velure 11%14m. gaLtdaccent= of cit mbl to tb• Puniaciu. ..... acomula• of out imui,lolo . .lliciar x licumsroositailitogPolitteal. l'i' tt " , UNn Au f6."l" 6"'"ag ITOCatILV• l'"ftib• alunitii= t = l 4 salt* II .. -:. ' •,--,. j*IT - , ,' . iL C. II . MA* st-: BEESWAX WANTED—The bight:tap** in cub nn. pikl.-11. gzritarci ARIED PRACILE4-400 buttelli Arid cg .tha. """ i ' dft " b % autiarak. . LL=REDOIL - b°.°:giLirn faraLetl ACON lidittB-_-LO 000 Ibl.nwfiolrqx . 1 " 13°, "!* ACON SHOULDERS-35,0001b1, farad, A.P Jae 8011153 N. LURIA OCk; A N-7000 lbe.Hams, Sides, Shcraidea. I lb, paibs. j. 16 &At W. ILIMAZOIL COTTON -5 bales (Bottiok) kr etalerby:, , ALgLilliy.p&iftD9l.-r:...,', - sireb IRE BOARD PRINTS—Forest 1 ;1 2:54:4,' F bY ' • b.l W. P. xuatura Si cod bb t: LOOKER RATS, FOR TIIE OOSTUKt J k. A LANJ. SI b LAlL—Ladielyad Mire sisekhol mewl ' i l bl: ' • - ' ~. 206 Marl* L. Pms Brandy, far Diarttuaa; BAB IN MIND! should you need Preach, braextr,tb. ran our tan b. oftd=o =r. use Dbasora. a 14 Pa onus or NW ;al E=IMME2=