Pusruax,raiite.Lnthitha,'÷'-Tha Balton Mats:: ells has Gus ,foliotrine.Yell InthieSting githell from the Beyiadloof I,Therla,addidottalto. tre haiittizeady; , . . The Presidential ilietien; fat ri ft :Lena:of which bad not been'..riceireclat lionsuGa ar,Shit tithe, -of the ailing of the,pa,slurt,'t# resulted! In 'the reelection by is,large-thejorthyi• the.Prewit able and'popularinoumbetd, Joseph'J . ...ltobexta.; Judge GameeLßW.ettet.... hie' iiypenetit - Tlii endldatne‘f*Via - President'nere4:.lX'llll..:l HMS and Eltephiii'A. Beason: 'Thelon:air-had undoub y been ennui., Janice elected SenatarTrair idtgaiereado, Edwanlidor sis for 8101, Job* Hansen foe firma Ztaintie.'.):. 1 • TaZtentatailrea Nom Montemeadet,•eiected 'would no be entitled tO their neataiiiithing Zito' disco not to possess the constitutionalprop erty qtualifleation.... Party foaling le aaid - to have run highl'diritt;tiiii,.aleotituti die rle.°PlP. manifestedisteep literestiti nubile At the JaSi aesaidniortlie 'Legislature, as act vex paesed:aatboeizzir ilia Chief ltlagietrate to form a settlement with Tohmterrrei at Bassi Core proper, near 'Fishman. &wades Wen'. President Roberti, in compliance vith the.: ast, — .'litlied Grand Basin. in the, Government schooner ; to 'superintend the tOortooetiLitl'orolisttypotiti• • • - ' ... ':Ma. Wan= IN Traotaxa."—tie...l:!atiottaltln telligeneekin the eiscount or- thelmblie dinner .given to Hon:binieliVebatini,.ateapsi Snringe, ~ . . on Saturday lar4,. byi MD or tkreal,..#o a ro. , yearaariry 44,..du5t 3404 n er.iountrY trithom re .... .... . . .. It was in !rex ar 'ruler atnidendid , affair, and there were pereanhuroient'vbe had - trate). ed - fifty miles (one olitresehitieuer, soldier-har ing walked* theintrhick nisi eome fifteeit'adies) for.the purpose et , tilyinithelr'„!MTeets it the • Defender^er the otietitatiori, - The *each' which hie.'' Wetater lehrered hi the . weirdos' Was received with th ®reheat demonstrations Of. plea=n)...' ; 'e enthusiasm *lash it eiettedirae immensa_and we areltatortnoti that distinguish ed memberi.r thilleteociidie party compli tooatett tliaspotalptt I& a &MG Manner lor his IV:adonis tagiting expression to las Moral and alined Tielm" „ '. 2 . ..,. Tne Lars 31/1%121 . 110.113..—P1ft N. ir...Expren, , of Taus , * uretdng, says— . The Whiter of Mews, Jaudon &fee., to Which ire alluded yeeherlisy . aftetiooon, Whejerectpiter bed, as Wirisarn, in - 'consequence - of the cotton drafts by lan „Conzo,t, or New.Orleani;kut erns occasioned rifiNkby a suntesabinef heavy lopes in the eteekeiikket, in which; they were - the lend= lug aellerieri time;Sind: else "Lsriie . engage . ; meets end- 0 = 31 4= 1 4 Witty; for' tetee eht t the Dauphin and austMehinia_Cret; It is supposed thatelte;migagtonenta of the humus are large:, Mr. _Beery firm, who aripled•the.,positiOn'or President of gibs Staa end Exehege Beset' resigned. 'office yateiday anticipatieni4tehe' bly, of the abore met, Ur. .raudriti iru for; merly culler of the United States Be* and afterwarduageni of the Bank in toution. The house had many Mende Inthe street who regret this minfOrtunp;aadrh, the hope,, , . The& Jcnarnat, Condom' e„--01 . Tuesday. erening,"itlyte •Rfe :Ogres is'learn this 'morning - that ; the house of John- Paletmer is - Co, bare been. ob liged to ask, for an extension. —Theyhad, ss we uuderstazuh; preiloas to' their diseolition, some - tug:treatable ; connixion with - - Califor nia, which haisled:tio , thetr p,reseat esnlurrass :Tur—Ausarn FFLA Washington letter • in the New York Herald saye , .,- The statement in several New York papers, that the government Ts in posseasion of information that one of the largest Alf aids made by the kits-l ean Board of Commisaituers Is 6 fraud, aid that the guilty ;party war be - &twined, is supposed here to 'etder. te-Dr. O. A. Gardiner's claim.- and if st 4 I have the best MUM to' know that no such discoieries have been made. Public opinion , ham been pia expressed splint the Claire; "bat after an id the evidence which was presented to the Board, attested blau, Aleilde, and the signatures catined by the Meticara Master. _I am convinced that-any jury would have &W . arded as muck. The , . claim was . for damage's inciinsi by being expelled from certain Cur mines In San Lids Potosi, upon" the ap proach :of the American forces, in 1846. The. award, with interest, amounted to - in _ which W. l't. Manor= was paid, as assignee,. $107;187, nod Gardiner the balauce. kir. Gar diner has gone to Europe. The Washin.-ten Telegraph of yesterday after We understand that this' subject hu been brought before .the President and theAtterney, General; and further; thattlze DiStliCP4Orpel, Mr. Feudal], it eupged . hi preparing papers to be sent abroad for - the 'most of Dr. Dardiner. Lt is rumored here that, before sailingLorE'nrope, Dr. Gardiner Min a Mr. Pnert, - nr Port, of Paebla. at Nei' York, sad told him that sB°,ooo was oil ids shire oLnhen agents and- others had absorbed the . .Other ,/WICIIII that it was this information tha t . led to exposure- •...•• - _ • In Madelphis; • 011 ' Tursday , s - painter fell from the height of a • five itory . kotuto upon a shutter - of a second: story- trizukw of. the,baek building of Mr. fatrush's-lionse, which Smote on Sixth street. His breast came in comsat. with the abutter;- and-the-force was stigmat as to shiver wood into'about a diont fragments, and bitatthe'hinmm doWnwarct". , The unfortu nate inin — Abott full' upon the paeuttentof the yard. He arasirmicsed to be dead, b4was tat .utpeetediy 'fotmd to be Mitt conscious. ' With assigtance hewas sib% nog° into Us bonze.. -A physician iris serit:for; andatradge'to say, hpon esaraluation;- nom ifidietba were found to base bean brutal. Jasetnat - lies brouglrt to earryidm. home; Ind ha deelbied - thataWdedf and being 14P:wind by two Puttowilt7= I cab, and, was taken home. • - • A /OLIN ATTACHMENT SO SilE RANO,— . writing letters to the Boston Transcript descripttrei of the ctiriesites exhibiteLln- the Mass Palace atLondon. In 'his letter 'of May 2a, the following pgrajgreph pee* .Itt the group of, isituilint T nittudetibi -is an Invention . by T.' EC:Wood:1ot Titginia;lltai lamer Without a crowd abort it, when the doers. are opened. It is the; stittchteent of asiolin to • a piaeo.:_ rib a bons file fiddle, played with four thointoing the softest. , vitintlints 'of eound.,:l'aganiel could notave excited more weeder In the meridian of h id celebrity. If the performer is master of-the piano, Umbra's hal= run to and fee ea Inclined planes !althea activ: ity that putt all common elbows at defiance. ;It is an original Ides, .cleszty se' &Sleeken one, to "ueilti Smart, the . distangdshed 'Campo/se:aid ergintet,',the chair; mauff the Image Pity, contemplated ifO more. =Ma fore long time. erithlevideet Seetertent If there could be invelfte& seine : tide keeping at tachnuart to theheels`of eignicdel disteeni, the AmteC.S4X4 lO Migatt&fildelli4 l. 4 l . ol !MPl" ; , . • Bern:into , ulna -41 ams .••••The and:ea:an te•7• saug.et the folloviiii i shert but tired dialogue are Mr/I:..flmitt, an Tagiblt isiljr.'soti her riett. , , toitud Irish kitchz i r:itargaret Morge.eet-Marto. .. Mrtathaith.•-As it In Friday- ti-day, end Mr: Stelth and utyaelf are .to out,•yoted better atop aba-lish-ueut suad.get.satea_ freak .11211-`for. your dinner . • •ud Margaret.--Yee,Ar d , 111 got mime dee eels Mrs. Eltolth.--Alargaitt,you maTiaike" porde . teitt,fottea..if you lits t• here is some fresh butter that you may hot on pour b eels if you Morgsr 3 L-7T 6 suk l i yc Mre'.- Betitb, meet' bilged to ye. After the lapse of an hour or eo,- It% gosit4 ready - to go, and 'calls on Margaret to `lock: htegiiret...-Yes; thins,is a few minutes. Staith,- , Margaret' (inipattently,) Mergeret hurries' uh. staLm Maher bare feet, ether stooklugs lir futakentl hi thus =east. by her tastes:Bi :•• 4 ,'What on; earth: are you Alois_g_st4ti your stocidagsoff at this thus o'visyr! you; Oldkoe to butter my heels; anndlmhmdoltlol,: , • lgri-toittL-Oh,AeSi me 'ow stupid ihne DISSOLUTION; Irnfaax..d , t.ol.szke,i2said.A..Co-liochester, ue.rtPtiuceifty,,atinaVit brllmram r~nwi muzg ,weaz. lariort9 AI the InaVd .. .! AU 42 ...6=5i Arrit:L.n. to a1t1e4 41 14. mosid r " 2" brtf "I" , ft.t. ikk:r ttor=mot oar Ow Vet . 15T... 4 142&ag. V . * • s lloa l u 2 ti"w4.4411=1::11. UND, , ' , e, isubsti4 IiVCLUBOVir r xa 214 4Pinr EITEVESCIiiO CO carybrresmitTribiair ....us of 13 pin oats tn Poor - IIIDtCL. 'Ma Bum= Bodytusi Thialdr*.; co eels NATURE; to: have heathrity isuiaor. and obi do gratrot amo k, ma matt daptaaw Dam. as,JoMer Itathal iambi Hap atom • trsi=tk... Alm sod mum • smas 14th. On ' • Ram, Seas.aa ix a aelli ei .eaced by tea as. mat ma 1 pada.. in . Tea Pa lac, at It meb ems. sad ad ft oodator—a amtg, noas. Motets. asetar.saaaamiskdisma. mar is asamd a t Is co oasts. pist Emaalm, as lota sin ma. I mild •sooft immt.alaa , I rleVar= 7 :=staib , It toggi ads. .!11:M l %rem= ebast=da L td!, all Matta sat Mr • esto= rrasm i a4 now onlradd.tted. sun ow nta.Wawa mlt=l t i bt . t . f .j oadand mOrs ••StriVoi at asst. Itstate= bus itv_ was...l4cww. 9.4 J9p.ziy , • . • • Pearly White Teeth," and Pare Breath to bihator eeati. who have althan sr /mono aunand that-if the& heathy. nor owlbu4 or, flub tooth cipoayed. dark pr yellow. and el:masted with - tutu, Mai • z ant booo Joiturimbrr Posto mill nuke l2o loath ,whlt• Y 'hoLOW, sod thh breath Woollen:n:4r r Halo olly ataiei auk Utkett at,;'hak ot • . . . . . . Itaii Tonitii 'Restorer and Btu.: sowhY,' , mat. Uwe wbe ben. oast .Icone! Chual Mir Bertonw. , know tte wteelient thaw mbo. beee mt. we mom it to moue the Urn. malitler t =ztbe batr e lo p irr asapr . t n 2= dsadear. and mate ht: Wow may now dark. IrOf 1.141,1461 r the the— beti=ll.Vll,llm.ewher4l It wake. It troll Ldeed,'.th• Foot make. sutetkw—artiole Up - I; only 1.1 Wll. - 71LCKSON'S Stmv, 2w Libuty area had of Woo Pitta JONES Solution of Jot, a Liquid. Human b a L th `g=fa t ft. LT& * wa beer ern Titbit L sl. nold by =E vrn.J.4 14740 Liberty Knot. bead of We* . WHlTE.—Ladies are dill. tlstsel Salm! the scam= repute! Chalk: Meg! ere oat aware' Ws urea,' ialuzia. It I. to Abe tCr how ems*. hos nosh. slam yellow. ant enbaltbs • the Ws smut. later sass welled ?de& Itemidei,ltht Vltsni ""'thl t=l maga.: cwt. inaaimt salt Jame pe4sh /Ally White. It Is puree-Ur Inteccentrl=lla at all= =slew, ileViVlAsA s i=rtlef • thelfl Utet:li! 0;4 1 heed- Wcod eeoht ' • The ewe Earaordisetty Dissovery iage World 1 at Feat Argafiss Aormiofirmen • - • - ' '' ALlLVaiTeki' - ..- -,•.--- —,- . ' .... .. _ . - _ . •,aaGEllBiTgliAlLilitilir LINIKENT. rg .t. HE' minter/ions _cures performed by the Aril:din physicians in thi duos Of di. were then .1 o as ttketesult atlases, bus eh. ws here Iss , toms with their Itlstoe7 we am lbw aceotmt lbs theft. y era met dies. Thar tisiontentalu, itnowledge a gledielne wen the yowler of the ate. Mbet the eassei: Nieuwe at Obetnistry. which with them Lad Its imps - Lb. rest of , the world'. d tuolt.". , Ats thay weeettr• ssewts•Jaiteot - students. la the bush, cores which skirt the deserts ist Asebts. stoundtere plants mil odeetets woods whanee ow obtained Chow arostatio wtons and Dusts= huisious. of w high thhi , inosurpentble ilult. is .tomsesed, ter h 7 Wm!, Glen o.oo.oo., peWaSUng ...4 me.e i .. I=ttrot le. Wh..4 smiled, hotantaawanly dinhaed he.whols women Infant: allsonut the' most he Mt= itiths tliehidadf .tart tionsontl or 16 sib:tete. Its Is maw. ;anent!. said effmUat. without the trtr. v.. It. henetrotesi tot o tte43 to the boos, relaxes Pad.' foe '"'"• =tr sh.ttylo b*.. b : end Hell blood to stremista throoth ILI , . . ,It testores ,IgyT EVPalg id ``JAV.ri c e .•"' 1: o . pwir th- 171 .dielasaa of th..144L. lo.etwolin agenda= of uset liatek , Liser, bones sad Kidneys. this root .Antbisu remedy i .0.04 i... norellslat tor . jcs=r i... Suirotentot the It.i . ne of Affu—rextraorlitary exam an VlMitt: also we Compe l - fiwellinct. Pshis. W ooo ds.adthlgX= Whits fiwe Unes. T...za:- 8, - eu,.. _____; It I• P rA Su disease of .11oltnets. es =Oom = we, ftgl=lls. j Vignir - a=strir ell t.M.l=4, h ii!Lignstairt it at b s IV= Trap. . ' T. Ibl/cetniie I r on ,, e..lnteat of the wealthy and Minty of Tn. it Zara. et . Peoria. .d a rneent. one of the mat eneeendld act. In Mr. tt. Farrell. Dear Ille, Actedted by I. amigo! ed.. Mum, I submit the Pollovrinj; 00 an buten. at the ntl.b My of yea, knathentletne. i1yeb114,11... w 4b nl e doese stuld.thlysttathed wit hate rtibie dleelme • 10,A, bean sth lave d It WNW Atltlensca. 1 bees.. ao rigid Met not a _to. an. be beet tio. ' Porno! black. sad nottestirety doweled VW/1w the eyes tend. pa:theft gad Had. Yolk.. Any dale km devrime to egei ad. b.f. that traded. .4 en casned. *nen flag op 114 E1...1[AD... end anal Aeals only necked. .reel nommen of .bane dam • 7. 4 .. bdy on the ab tack. the &tally phyaiden Ina ...abet th.anol far li.e neat he labored to :stone tt. to fading. bat a/110=1= It was Watered • doses. nilleiid Wads applied. • • masaltation j a rs.... then bold, but 111 no P.T.se. Tbe we aa kr.ght he 5... the ifed 1..11. but nothing to sokosead *Pith hed not alt.dy been dawn and the deem. then told the J. mild do nothing MO, ire than conne.ed op' Flying raw 140thunt freely arEr the entire length of the A r lerVzs , ==e4y:=lll4 ddid paeopered, lath the .neptlon of Ms WO* laden ' not 2...11nk neatly • seneth. It Is Fire eaneVtaNdie/..”....4 he ay Wee, b't tn=llYtie *. , F !Weds. Muth 1,15411: !'• ' . 10( W4l • D. UMMMM R4nn .. • Ca. lit . .Vay tr. 1842. • IL.. t..... Inn Your Linhooort it selling' • vetTwelltoct.dotoir • vast dad or goal moos Utopian pinlt hat maxi • hid trow }= , 1.4.1rr, god actn, •of a Ind oath to, brut*. Jwly, who rite malted to butted la several months with LiretPottopsiot mad Mt. t 4.2 Of MO wit• eathwir enotbd a. :Imo , Ambito Linhasat. eat th• doettes ir&jo r gool.. It hits tom &polio! to Cosh it to • short t u bs 1 havi bees maw wit o r . ittionmatima trz a ices time. and Jut Wan well It pained ma so moth. taut / had no gaaq cedar, as in it:tonight I toot swami Witting and rtibtdag •ith your Ltolttimr., sod Wore was QOM nibbtog, th• path owed. WI litTealitN. Stiff Comptaint; Sttectey, C Dis "Tor, Coat and SortEps utvd. . • kritaboll. Poeta:Men et. EA, ihtha&l. ' V I . It. EL /tax= Yaur Allbtos laden= le Wahl, ben , iny We mut one of atightens . harm of tbe mid Comfiest& Weems lb= or. five entlioet. tow. sad I need woe of bait of the Sweeney. Owe Stratitt Joorph DYloet, must hie =of bedCark with_ in Imre= tried as ► colt that had the mer Ch iu rbed, sad =wed II medkthae heT • tijr " n= iiiiNent =mite= co b ed Dl Sore Eyes with It. 1. lite It • Txt7: nistoo =Kuehn E=X= TO GUICD Mitrn. i( IMSTITON A VAD TWA VOL. The Public ws rarticadsly assdiaael Nadal Base Cbtexterfea which kahr Lady rude Its smarm.* sad b dyed by the Lawler wbobstes ttMle IS !arrant are* as=s.:_ - Thials• fraud sal mare liable Madmen! lama Ws beemlat awns al.Yaerell. Ther . bre he rearticalsr saw go or : rays .ftresirs lardaterd," Ibr maprlaripled • derase td• SFS Atom mas i rcycal lbw t,be bat always sab for "IL O. rstrabisas ,Lsaasmt. sad tad de adv. as the sundae has the letters H. aberare Yam/1k sissullare also ea the madam erspross, sad them yards - Wawa fa the Ow tottle-rll.O. •rdlr Arabi= .60s — Arirshia la 47dDania lgaL tritig d oLt i bir alarm sartuticrOAt t llamde der n Ow ere wtrerthreel with inatiudent dire f p hu y g p gealti n ukatiat i4r onand.assitpi sty aril no prints nail Zeal 2 . 4 1 = 7 00111!..,?. milted until aft., thweamlestron the two week. Ginn wader my lung as Um (It? of Washington. Onts =lb do/ nf AMY. Anna Domini ano tbonsaint eight butt Mud irM ' • '9y Me President: ! • . J. BUTTEhIigLI). - tasounisderner of theraimmal 'JAW 0111 m. #022V6 To MAMMON CMALILLATS. . fettald te the right of 'mamba toasty tjg . e ...., 21thja i rb14646 , 1 4 = tavinc atlelhetio nt nP . rieelyetortba pow lend Mlles. =I mate peneent erellor anon a xesKtagait Ser strip this maw. sael t4ase theiter 474.404 Sot Nit of the pobtie sele of the hale =bred the Ind ethennee nth 431w/sill be Ibelotted. J. Brnam.% . thrsteral Lane Ofd2e. =tti lea•- BY TILIC MUMS OS MI vpina sum TN pirsunce of 'laic Nuaallal WWII.; Pr iaratattallrpr tre=l trl aselermankast Oftker In flu MAW of Ina, .61 ti etelnaMded belt: tA h Ct . n s _ pp; to r thaitao Sfl thwe noletalm PSM,od.pol rvEly .10) . leen:Alp arrentralbe, of e3 .4 es terettenise. Tont&lpe seireuttegnesset tr, of twee thine; • Tomenetlpe serentralske bet clay, of .rshee thletreme. Tentehipserreatrnlng eighty eta or Mtge Sensate eighty-m, of rule thirtrthree. et PAIKYLELD, ecatzemaelas an Mo. be. TAO fIAVATA TTAT of &Member heel. be the 'of the paha.; lob !Min theangleineentbor4 to= to , vie: . _ "" Norf.% N' gAt tan Mu =road tif ./VIA pinata! seri Township stmts. g :nor, wa A tbLt OAce tnutr a, on en& &Mb day of drudnernest. for Gre:dtepoese of Ins fol.,- 1 1= u d la sections ateedene and Old odelnybo north, of mogul mt. dhjoouai quarter =th e of at anthem ge beasfretereL In Grattablo ninety rit ran 'efeot Of hltb doa Lends teaser for the the eba Prth of block., lour bey bed ... rpm.. tont i tur .Ltx• s i n u amp and 0 57h1oltshedlt /gale P rho rate alitior= lb 4. aping matlelreAn .f tbr ft u t; t tate oflr t o other abbe to 'velem ;25r.130,biltet t irgtg r ieves W. 4 7t i nrg k; ebb. bertenut banana. harken. granted hi' /fly IV! of Oat net tannery marker rendered to the United Btettes, IoGI be remittal on arbor the otatt atnenesteettbede, as provided by the act battled ',ln art motion aturebob tes forth s betlund dblannale encase. of Government," , de. sobered &I Idarch, Mel bleeped of the /ands Da rerameneal oaths days agralnted. Ind ribbed In the order In le Whetherare ad vertheni with aboolamlentillsistch, untllthe whole than bare ben Offend, Ina YSa naluo th closed; but no We ateedi be hot open Water than tad nests, end no prbata enter . of any of the ludo be adenine: 'mph Aber the tn tSTI Ii NLIM7:,,,,nI, o, City of ber . pon. ate =Arit' Y ' siltallil/1/Lalr bo it ;3 o. . f 1 91771 T.... 2 te RLIE O I.IL . mince I'o eIIEI'.IIII7OY cz4aulfrs. Every person entitled to the , right of oruatortlon to any of the Undo+Rhin tic lownebbo andrarte of tonnehbe ahmumanerabd, le malted to establish the moo to the of the misbrand troelrer of the ;roper land it t a - asisake payment trunbln as soon enemata:bre ev. tee swim LW glatioh sad bd., the day appointed lir the nnfietnnent of.tbe public ado of the lends embracing , the boot Calmed; otherwise such ektbn will be forfekted. J. BIJIEItYII . I.IL • Valrel.onar of the General Land Otete. , • . . I• , • --,' Bookal Bodo ' • ' •CIIIMITZ'S History of Greece.--4 nista: yy ref/mm.lr= tbr rullertthriel to the do.droction o Corinth, D.C. Ittk stalely board open that of Coop Call D. D., Whop of Bt. David's. By Dr. Leonard osltr..k. s.n • Mommy or hyphens, or &Optimal nossisoouoi d "4 l /rts• Pir&EiVs - ,Id a tri d iallini Altana er Pam.. , By manta Yaroulotr Top Dar. 11,,A na7, CATIT; 1 = 1 1 1 4711'•-• ' Th. et • I'M* 0 Tale. By Mary Lamps. Tso 1 Yof rma t or. translated from the Limast . 3 4 P la of Angnstos ttoptte. By W. a New York and Me Ballrosi GPI,I lkoltt'roo fr"ls+ talning • &Wigton of the_Borvery, Strom, Town., IV. Mae* atolarrt lmtaraut wets oittlts2all4.X . l 7 t re ftm imar"d arlatnal t=c t=re ' apiiia . lIPIL work. l ' i r t; Was. Mar , E 4 Marpes 4 a New Monthly Iflarastaayoy y.,,,,, , i.ha uma.manbiapant ar Use days era lira la: a tattoo ort..k.By =Soc i taldtefrlars.7 , I 17 aPT'... , ... 14 . B. CLltoc, .._ICTON. 41 7 Mar - et St_ ... . 0ut5g,2,50,b4p8 !lilted 'nisei, for sale.by 14 , . _ - B. la W. If IJOA.II-2.5 bhda. N. 0., for Bale byy 4.4 J 4. COMM I TA' :4! :A ' t = 'ren • an. Amer tnagil s B ..l.Fibniale by NALIT.II u w o w r I tirti lbe. time, for .10 br .+Y= .Xarrnit 00. . . DULLS! URSAPARLy.,... few thrz- JJ Iddlicractdca.kddeb Jrer incuesuaw. , COM? of Wcod sod sixth Amu. tr,wr.lo) zit viv Oid 1851. 4 2 1g a t LL* ERMA= MICCEEMAN _ON THE . EXTENSION CANAL. • CLAJULE, PARKS a CO.. Romans. lee,aum 'ME PROPRIETORS of thin old and well L—"'[hone Redd Wawa the algae that thv v. fa, the wrest le." awl harem:wan, eyttl T „, a , et=ll.CrlP.the b eate. One of Beate of thle Line will be Canst Bfldß =at the eading, ban, the Blom, rd"" ono HET. agebt. Oare, on. Water and Sadtbllel4l ate, PlDebtagb. CONMCNICES: It. W. Obablbabesa, New Castle,. Pe: • D. U.Alecbsere. Matt, Pa; W. C. biol.. Ku no: J. Itui4 stprosbtumbq Wm. Aare a Grarellllc Wee. Hwy, . War M.. ower.OsarranMllC n C. Reed,l 4 ,le.P.: ."" G. D. WiallPidge. Dallas, N. Y. eel -New Lake. Sivarior.-'Line.lBsL: rE new eteamer NORTHENER, Capt. B. Swam 1114.11:1$ EMT modern immovement f m and comfort, will loam Cleveland on mai, the cd of .Ilar nmt, oa her eta trip—and weekly thereafter on Friday, at 6.4 o'clock P. . for t h e Sena/He. Made. _ AP. IN MAN, Capt. do n na lea l i 4 e ' Sant lbr tbe different landlos e" =a " V i e Superior. en tbe arrival of tn. Ammer Northerner; making • mauler weekly Ilne, othroughout t h e mama, between Cleveland and - the Copper and iron Mae& A. TURNER, IPpprietore. Cleveland,. 0.. April Sg4 1811.--tf . • Mumfaatweet - Eine.', graggg 18 5 t t i `SHIPPERS ARE HEREBY INFORMED ,Ad this LINZ. ' &impaled ehtinili of Beaton Boats • le now to tall opendlo_ O. WWI estillthet to a le .waririt7 or freight to Philadelphia • a 4 Ilalth carry oont, wak len en' troweatnreee, lo Le short tltoe, and at as kn . Tue.; u ear • Wow molar Lin, • errarigernints have also been rude idenerrylait War. freight to Johostsnro, Holliday sham, Mier meet, P eterrbursh, ilontioadoo, Min Creek. New Es=iltoo.- lieTertoena. unelitown.' Clerk'a Permlanishneg.Colorobta. and all orb. t or intenned d.. .latep: 7 oote onthe - Ponsylreorla Canal and Pori- loatis h nl i rr i t n erzeg t. Proo th r the atorneald . polo . e pram d the lowest nue. trop M att. • SCOTT, Proprietor. Poehiktl We:thou., Liberty street, !Wood dwr wed fonts .o.rd. reVING DISPOSED' OF HALF HY IN TXRFST IN,f3/7tGLOAWS YIN?. to cry brorlxr, X DINO LUX, lbw bush.. at l'ittehurgb will bar, ( VW tranmateet wader t.tte-styls of .Pfm, Hlnabarn (man int }HSU LULL . .11inghame Trtubtortagon Line, '' angaggi. 1851. BYTWIIN • PITTSBURGH & THE EASTERN CITIES. ercsrHE CANAL being now open, we are ree ds- to L rowife And litrward promptly, Product. and handlaw, east and West. ' • • - Protean , abr., s at boast rasa charted by reeyentaible Linea • • ?rodeo. and Iferobandise will be remind and forwarded net and wept; without any clump fro. forwarding .kr ad. can freight. commit:don. or strewn.. BDL of-Ldireug forwarda i and all analogs faithfully to attended . Addnin Or • 41 ww. ma CO., Corner Marry and Rayon eta, Plttsbnrgb. HMO LUX I DOCK 183 alarkei at., byterjr i Ail An fi Yp thrATI! AM* 1 .1 41 4.' . • • Now Sort. 1851 • tik4EiM' _ _ Machinate- -Transportation Line,. Veta rettleineattlA - C111.1.1.11 , AID 11.11144AN5,) OR PHILADELPHIA. DIRECT—WITH OCT lithattlera NG. , , .. • , N. itehNIILTY a ced e G nat Nana, N 4 Paw M.O. . . el I =2III.IIYIIVE, Central Inca. Broad street,'Phila della. . .' . . . .. ~ . _We are Reharal to melte le huge ono narrehendlea ." 4. Prala. eo WI. Ca the Menthe of the male lo Phil. dr.lnanat and all lutelatedlete Name at lover rate, end la lam time thin In any hervlone Nunn. 41V-N. D. The inereased amebae of Tenets teerlded by the Cased Ontunheelaneni kr ea rn ing one boats ca the Stateltalhaner4.ll Jll•Ttlit any paaltallty of deter et JohnntorNl.l Anne or Colamlasolda Nano. Able C. A. NeASNLTY a C 43, &ss,, 1851 - To Shippers of Merchandise, Produce, &c, TO AND Flax annrtnon neriA, amaze. An x. to RELIANCE PITTSBURGH TRANSPOR TATION LINE. • - Aniris CO, Pronotttora, No. = Math, and 64 DELLMoo Pnliadelybla. DELL a IJUGMAC.ithtl.nal Raab, flatiron!, JOO. TAYLOR a larN. Ann& lialnaroa We sr. prepared, on Ow opening of Ms Panitylosiala OdoiL to oaittnict Tor height at ea for ads, and Alto animal at that datpaten and atm an any War Lint, febl2.l3a ran mac. tioTADEN & COVODE," fPorenucers to Jan Menden Canal Borigt, Penn Sued. Penna. Rail Road Co.—Central Rail Road. mRE Intbseeibers haring boen appointed p < hlyatoi won , I:* the PraLOTITFIIia of Centna nan Algid. Werth the mats thoe n xre too rrerer,l to T.. fele@ stir seertherulith or pheture Le— sktprottl o@ t. ea the rrtordnag (Iwo ene Ms TM. will 14 rtslitta rums& Itl d ,na anistrr.r.l ta us will be forwarded fros or r an. tee or charm tor ecirentes. MITI -OP MUM MU. I.IO7SAZUVA MOWN. I. 7l.otau ° lVrrataH M l . Z.erAltti “ t=q - Tdl=, tadallary. Waal. it. to. ti t. Ilardvara, Qom:swam Groceries. Paint. Dye Sto.ft, Lacher. Mower. tlas.Ttoststy 503 other Grass dead. a. • facllloo. taw, Beet Poet. tottet. Lard 011 'rotate° Leal lletrec._loar. Geol. ao4 Gana toc IS 105 AG.. Garble (t .510) Tv, Pleat, Rade, liessam Clay raziV‘ ind • IIeDADNYI COVOGZ. Mkf 1851 Pittsburg* Transportation Line. JAMES (MOEN nit CO, GAO' Booth. Pittaborsh.. bErt/L, JAJI EA A Co. Deoato Bowl nod Cbmot stmts. and No. booth Youth Moot, Woven Moo sod Chen. ' OrtStra n ktXt%onh meet. MatlitAto• , t2tAVING fully - completed our arrange :mu.... will ho lianared am tho oftmlag of the riantrieralt Mule. to rarynefght to and treat Vitae urea, Aaltlatonr . Thllatialph how Tort, Meath Go tlatuatt. terolarille. ht. Loots a .11M Cast sad Weft, at Lower rater and with wort dispatch tad eur than toy otte er Lim. All anode .Moped bract Law aro fall, coverrel ur huuuthm. uftu.ut..7 rharatto mans. a protretkfa AA nail, a/Fordo:I by MIT *tram 'pa All asafauffetafloar Ullttreand to oarselorr 07 watt. Nall & Co. Molanttl: t. Woba, loalrelltr, .4 Lowo t Worms St. Lords will mot with moat attratiam. - • _._•• -NAL Cfor Ma bat no conoreJon•hatorer with the Mlothflptda .ad Titratefrigh Trinsportalloa Lt. at At nue A to. ! fetiA: W. W. WILSON, Watch Maker,; No. G 7 Market, Corner of Foluti at., Pittibeify . , DEALER in kiNIC WATCHES, Jill - EAT, Elver Ware, Military Goode, Wane cad Mandel en Tea &ad Table ware Cutlery. Canon, ie.; Gold rime, Mathematical lostruments, and • welt variety of Het carious hieblonable gads, sulfa' imloroantratal. Watch .ark *moat! In • superior amour. sodded by the bast Ariiillelt end trench workmen. toil lva4 -Patent Iteverale Water Etter S NOW to be seen in operation at WM. -TATE No. la fourth eine; lw wean Perry and Li Ma. and al PRIME MILLET A 110.10 Market atrat4 El Oman. TM. Miter hearer-Ovid •Ooldfielel Han the American Institute of ?tea book, and ttti ham the Frasklln laatltitte or Eblladet • p t I,lB4rlitg:turgiu,ep=a=,:j.rot.. pig==lliVt t ris=bleVarmitl I t. ' r7e rental by Mr. Leeds. rilr,lo/i one of them for term 01,mcmthi, em enabled tale:ate 0f Orly veto. CIEHROIL rtt in Walnt. etreeL . - "Pinter , Me, Heath Mb. Ida. . The Patent lieverelbls Water - Alltmn, lammtial by Mr. Emilia H. tante. and mud Dr o 7 ft/ NCO 1110DthA at tof W:r' renint t" norZ i rt t0 "4 14.7er th ln. .lo 7b itir.F. r l °l l llAr7.4. o _ ouh. .L . These Alltere are Varnotbat ea r l • tell ' or tame which may wire from drsotabowd animal or vegeta. Ms matter In lb. water. They aro w ar r anted to loot too Yearn and with ordiriary ma VIII Out tor. and moon owr to t.wa to b " 49 " , " 4. ran* JAIWIN : mYlOtif Areh ativet. - Vhiledelablit • Rockingham - and -.Domestic. Queenware. OODWARD BLAKELY AOO • - Man- Ilartureri of IL,aclrlfthatu tad Yellow Cu. W. aftia l =g o r . , ` , /r3rurr Blstb d Lltcrty J ar, it;M=1. 1. a44 , 1r , .) outman, Our ex trurive A orktruble or lillastratrom ♦ ptir ; rultrer=„ ttnrgtr,PalmCntgrtlke "a1..0.t.UP Heating and Ventilation. 'WE ARE MAKING' APPARATUS for br sulk. In Yl4,l‘,CAAtt Hoorn Lestors booms, IlAelk Ullions,l34”.o,fsalseyltalsosad gt . or t!trr4...jpewo. p4b4. RIM.. Also, Ulm no.p:rtg,7ll;fl9 " 0 11 ,. dafre4, and Ass sA , P Yl:7l:,*Volettflealoo " by aVar .111 befted whs a of . forced teteans, ilogs of Lhe brims' ante Was to Atkins,' kre rsumt Awe...fully heated ufoutAis gsus rn wow, tho method losuren a wholusoum, Wilma htat, spislred tetopesslens, with satins *salon from soca. "'". "atgrrongiftVli'A'PL"v. ia7lo • Agricultural Implements 1 HATE JUST receivod from the - East the followlo hoolanortite. ab of tlurbort manufacture and the mod meat narantionn. nod I would invite all _Fermenta all and ezaralon toy stork. Alseblzmn. far earn. beam, beat., tundra. or. (4CC 1.61. llt.ordr. and Lorin) , - [be LYwre lion.. andod poser.. • :limn and Corn Stalk Cattloglloses. Tryttabb, Snot Color. fit 'Yokes and CorreLbaln Udder. Carlsbad tinder and term ante., and Use. Castateal We, throe and foot peons trim All oranotacturod flow the bent notteriabb and for Nile at the Drug and Beat Storer of B. N. IVICRIIISLIAII. orydt_ Urtrna!erf Wool And Sixth steads. Beartmcnra Patent Btaroh Pollak rATENTED, July 26th; 1850.—For giving beentlfal loo m Idoend, Caorbnca mart 4 , 4 1.4 .40 Drortelbs the Iron from adtieringm Llleera do. and Tempt* dna from adekingto Linton nod contend tondos irdueloon. Direetlons—Poi a pare the rim of • • pe• to ...Nan of ataren vben boillag iron brinkly. Yea.. 12)e - eonta per Oaks. Sold rebolnaile and 14•11 Ly Jeh. • • 11.E.SKLLERS. bi Wont ,1.. Copley'a Pot Clay. In übstribera am now SolO Agents .1914,71 g, fin• We of tholo Pot Cloy. oo W a P.O'cgo. t l / 4 41.1.'. 7 ttlt.dt r :Por,rttrgx In[ I..ub.tanp.e ktrrn; sad 1 8 otlectoo sock doitote4 Ptittolto &Puling. tura) ItetfOONIIAKER A Co. "LAMES' RUBBER GLOVES.a t Wier ea • protretiort to the hands boo. deeming . . ,Rerdeoleg. earn or bowers, a0..111 log, they bleee t the hands plumy white. For low et Os lolls Rubber WWI.: arid Woad stunt. my2:3 • J.& R. PHILLIPS. e i REAni fkiefiaC=RTik, 'orsau by J 7 J. X 101) At CO.. - tia 0.1.1Vv04 21.0 15 / 1 4 - 15bbls. for sale by II wig • - Jpilk}3 FALZKIA M FLUiIIEfAGNESIA---just /LI =la br MN.WICIXRAIIAII. wrge of Math .4 Wand sta. Fteah Ar --. 3 --- ivala of Wall Par. Yr BOMA& PALMER, No. 55 Mar et street, X haklut r•Ntlvel them th• Nut, • bandscuu usott mut at imPricese Quintet . Paver. DRY GOOD S , ke: 7112 WORM SZMI-ANSCAL nue of DRY ROODS; or to on rata 'halls or A. A. Mason &Co 62 and 64 lariat .10., Wi l ei r i.ti nun- en" on JUT:feI:2;I6; Thaltlialmlesala / looml b• IV.. to tha ratan Made/ man" •••rr article th maahoat setablishmant .111 he mat at as homer. ardartion from oroataatoes. „,grrii=tirmadsextausl zer huss:-theirmart- Tb4r start jgll72.=d*x %ht. 6 ' .. . l °Sw , will 61410.1 0 13tIlt an hraverue disanutt frau! turanl prima. PIS= U .. that Colored Lamu.... Floe reraeh 7.a. Y. ...................... ... ...... flap 600 pas. }Wash .4 R itlack Al uasliab anatb= o, -- (.001law 404bair.laiUbb'' Fast Cedorsd calicoes.: 100 &WWI anaerall 300 ass' bales Bleeebed arid Brown khalifs. as man - tatteramea pkes. Also, L Wnt ass., &ob.:Merles. reismakbega, Hosiery. aims, Wittlte Goah, Bocuseta, SAW., Cloths : A. : tooth ree"Wirb's " i"lrrarrit=jarargag=an wholtstale u Thr.:sl A. A. MASON t CO. Goods for Warm Weather. PPKRPHY , LBURCHFIELD. at the North East earner of Fourth sad Market Arcot& am well .. o . o 7lo . lV . t.. b plel# N .Flo weather, nigh as Embroidered anil Printed /nelitik New style Victorla alnallam tleratme and Thazonn Plain white 8 wiseand Mull ntudlitm They hate Just waived &nature lot of NEW GOODS. Mackus Eaed.. chutdaable lifthe for Heade. black fordo.. Mack NIP. !Ma Mote. UNdetelsevae. Dotted Nett frilt. neat pai.h,LainAdbraifloask 'LAWNS, chat:wain. • DOD LINE. TD.N sPdrtd.Nt 41 wt full, eonoLant see. Won. of new Rood. and sold at Lc:lv - mm=4 l. ere off.red to bunt* [kcall and make Dude pucchase. VALVEt bitirntoCi has nragft, ° thhm Jargon =7= It. . eta J•T _ _ . RUSSELS CARPE Ili'Clintock hu 1n quo ao4 !or taloa lama alsortmant of =to nor Brunel. Carrot., to trhich 133Viltd the ututtat, ...u.rm Calm& Wanhona.tio. 75, Youth ,t. .ttl'" WiffittilifF silks. -A. A. MASON F ll t:2:=VaNfar=" th ' s an midltioosi mipply crimped trimming ribbiam, to which the gttontimi of minomers Ls invited rat. no. 04 and 6r. Mutat at. Nora' New >Lane. , MASON dt CO. have just received • this daT, a lurue lot of thoom very derlrabl• brown talift %V= ,T1. 11 51:17.V.r". it i BBONS REDUCED!--A. 'A. Magas d. yes ce.arsno• eloitou ont 12,eirroi lergettook twt Mont at nry redue•d_poloca. &ad moo if you wants tarot,. Not Ott and 64 liarkat at 01, White Marseilles Quilts. ILAVE on nand ft largo osaptpaont of Izo- A. carted and ttaterleaut QUILTS. of.atiparWrArt., at grealy rolttrad prima. • . NOBLE. - • .1.1 A Care. • 91. 11E subscriber, having • mate arrange memopoettee of abla Lis prang buffoon mat be closed be the let of Ingot boat, now offers hie mbar gook of (gam HoLier7, SUbboas, Law ► Glade, Par lasiderles, Pram Trlmsalass, Flasellosehieb, fftoa Slath ff tall! abl Mr Groff., Zephyr . W..t.t. flower Staterlah. Umbrella., fferaeom. I mac pad Thread and Needle sr take, Alm, Win' saw. (be.r. Pbllaellelphiumake,) at aeoffS eramoni prker, erbol -male sad ratan. MIS InminM`ll CRAPE LEISSE, blue, white and pink; Florence 5118 Crepe, • bits est 4 black; Bleed, Irblte, blue, pink and mom Artltlclal /been, ae..; for tali b"r j 4. 1 • " t Anzusirscrr. t' RAPES! CRAPES I—A. A. AlasoN tr Nr lstka t at cam o c . saa n =lt i. litia 4l 4l . lin rhino at rim 02 as:d 64 llaikat et. teal , I . 4 AWNSI LAWN S!—A. A. lifAsox Co. upend oo• pLna Work Lawns. 'nor oL Moo. oa largo oupplr of bentUfal fumy color TM" /o f a,Orina. at No. al 6.114 !loran 1. PARASOLS REDUCED!—A. A. hiAsox & Co. noo ltdonng than . lama atul tatted atom manta! Pamela at very realited pinata Couots7 moth. ants sat taws ars rtamotad to calf and illi=l.4l Wort tneltastnaetwohera. /on Fine Praia Broadcloths. IkjURPHY &BURCHFIELD invite the at iv teal. of barn" to thiir soortiiimat of the abet. 14 ‘ 21 :... r7 tlinf r gte:• b ;4712 ' ggrigt1= "" r2: " t I RAPE SUAWLS, at {educed price's! J A- lIANOM • 00. window outtkodistorg. of boa ul plain and nosbrotdatol Ora_ p• PAWN at • wont 1 doorkon finzer lowil ascot =I W get • dupla !Cr. C 2 and Margot wt. st D AWNS! A. A. MAPON • CO. are VOW offetlegths aloatellon. o kA or dent Lawns avow exhibit...l la tblo city. at a:I twin, Onto PSC cents pwr Intl up. Vol anw•tton Of *tn \ to la nwpoetfallf ankttod. $l7 \ 'HEAP BONNETS!--A. A. MABOY tOn. Lave datarcaln.l to clop. byt gut baJant. thar xbvk 3,b4 11...1 greet), Nklare4 Tbe attest llou Gt Is.lics I..nitribri to tb. above gv....bk 3.17 )11ii.iii:NCIIFLOWERS!—The attention of ea... Wills raw/fans kratted too. largo stook or mob Plovers, which we dta caw eloalwa Ott at vary ro. duesdi rob. (101:j A. A. MASON CO. Piano and Table Covers. • A • A. MASON & CO. would respectfully •*ll lbo attention a( bounasorp•ra =baw d ary as. tenn.• aniortamal of 11.011 Dffnlad and gdasao aW tsblo otnafr, monad colon Alao. ••• I.ly of llama sad darnaat cloth. le, at No. fel and M. ALfirliut atnnt. QUMMEIt CLOTHS, for Men'e and Boys' 10 We. al.. Tweed. Illab mantes. Crum. 4.. In ET:j t a,ZY of au.41.4. nd W•ing of 013 MURPITY a BOUCIWIELD. LACK SATIN VESTINGS—Murphy Maul::;th,s‘Wo=t "u2==g.-'`"7.fra' Lace Curtains. . .13 HATE just received, direct front the lin porton, Wye mu.r... Late Curtains. wt.., I 1..41 Curtain Trimulto of all kinds. Hi IV M. Third O. BURLAPS—A superior article 40 inch,r w• 6r m,7 k LEL Woolen Goods! 6) CASES Green Mixed Jeans; „.‘„ 2 . 4 Bt. 2 duet Broad Cloth: I - G4tuu qtr., The AD. awn* e.0.m.% reed frOco, rube. noroonferta • ners, on entrarromernr, mut Ihr mho Sow on teetwsble Us. • lari MURPHY &LEX AFIE ET'S RUBBER GLOVES MITTENS. —Tiler Olorin are of gnat utility In all klraLt or 47;r 1 1.1 h". to ' wog, Fel ' """. " Ir d. r " ehl II bla remedy for change. aVal . :2 ' . ""4 ba. war J, & It. PHILLIP& INDIA RUBBER COTS—An excellent coy '.ring fu t .on Prlcry fnllta ertterlberl at and tun Prrrlous to aurae manta brute et Nat. 1 and nn Wood.. roilto J. It 11. PHILLIP& rib 1 , 7 HOSIERY k GLOVES--A full winuttrattat of WI mktg . ! acki viallihmeoll=rlt4 mrlP V . ICATON. C. 7 Ihntik2l D MED FRUIT-400 . nd., Ibr br J. D. ILIAMIKLD. • . " . "•-• ELORIL OLOTIIS.—A large mock of 1197:1121Xtbc. ..31 41J=1:14 Irtma g a zt y 6 L. pun•hota4l arTlWEast. Ilt Oanti awl bean teems an hquasted ID cal/ aid a 14.1911311 Mr nit 446664.6. at alsorbare. • ; J. 4 PUILLIPEN _ MI6 made Wad A. Straw Bonnet and Hat Warenoeee, No. 105 hiellltr.7 Smarit, ftIL PALMEIt otreri fur sale, at very . ere*, a Sall &wort:twat of Straw and WWI. " lIONNPTS—Foretra and Atonic. ALin...l aea , i• L . Wa n tal&V. MIO. Gimp, Lww. I Youttur, and Saye twabads. Omar and plain WIWI, Kra., N..; Manila* and Palm Lae. In fante lwatturo. Ursal. IStraw,-Ctdp, Ulnas. tad, awl Mgr. Mama' Olpaer. Jw: 4 7 . 1.111.1, arl4 foams, In groat rata. ''' llllgl l, 79-111ch Do net and Seat ;darn &alit and TO ht.r, width, and calm Ildwr (lea. esa ovtel?..aa .4 CM—Slan and watt. and admen Silk sail Caton Watts. NrItAIrYRINAIINGS—Corda,T aloes, IluttooLpralda, Pelnibn, &a, In. FLU WESS—Yrwroh •ptt Anwrica• Bprigs. baud!, mi "ILVil k i h .sllNA:itn.vs—atam, de Na. plat% ds abta, /Hamar, 1.1 'otter .1 k. saeott.l Tryr_A=4.4 pueltles ard Holm. Aloo—hlrb .41 tow priced 1'.,. $. aul ruabrabek Dead Doll, to.. he. mobil PASSIMERES—,9O pices fancy and black, duWe by .p 22 . U. AKBUTLINOT. DRtYSlAlifs 7 §-74caaos pruTteiriTlieTa varlet,. or Patterns for do apZI C. ARBUTHNOT. ERAOE DE LAINS--2.cases 'desirable r . lem for rala by • p *.r. • 0. AILMITANOT. 11113ONS-300 pa Bonnet, 250 Ca P t far b 1 aPt C. ARDUTlllikrr. UST RECD AND NOW OPENING AT. W3I. DR/DVS, lamor !try largo and warrior! diet of Fashionable Goole. adapted to tiontliman's Weer for Sprint: tompridas the tueed dyke lei Amerldu lloglieh, and Wreath Qatar . laden • edy aplindld weeitstutt of Wallowa and Cloth. of •tiry 4-ablwable natio and color, which, tatedterwith Uladtt._ and well 11100091ttnnod sto c k of HEADY MAD*: LitTIIINO, maker ona of the Jarg“t sad bed .sleeted dock, wile of the Alleehaded all of which tbe Proorldor Li dattemined In oiler at such wires as will marina all CW faror Oho with • call, that not wily the moat Impalas lotblute 10 .old at this sitablielmaint, hat also at the low sa ried; la the city. ~ Ali oaken ID the Tailoring lbw esecutrd. 11011.11110. 10 as Led datable tantrum., and at the aborted oath*. debit , _ • CARMCS, OIL CLOTHS, &c, W. MaCISETOOK I. nolo tooolootly receiving his Spring Mock of - CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, & TRIMMINGS, C.ppri/JUR to wine ®Mowing varlotlez CARPETS. • Extra /WI ol VOW , Pilo Carp* do. do. Topeotr7 Droo min do, do. Itroasolo; rolls onper. 3 ply; some.. h pin do. lorridro est. doe do.; too do.; na y .; eon. du.; 44 d 4,4-14, sodO4 Variltion• 44. l•4, a me nd Y 4 pla)o do., 44.34.84. and 24 wool mid cotton do. RUGS, MATS, OIL CLOTHS, &c. Extra Chenille Rol lino do; d.; *Mrs tutted do.; Soo ommou do. C trail, Door Alot.r. totted do. do.; otet e t h d . o.l 4 Ado doati 4 T 4 har do. do. 2.4. A.l=-O.lovt do.. to M.nor oat: room. tli.:a, 401 0 04, 44. sod 4OU Cloths. STAIR RODS, BLINDS, TABLE COVERS, &c. Alto—Stolr Ikd., or Wl 010.0 Carpot Bhodlorc LlotOor pot, HA41111.( 04.14.. d 34 Matting; Table Lir (..y...t; owl Diaper; Iluck chart do. To .wparoot Wlootoor Itud Window llolloadc immix ittrood Mato Coven; do. Table do.: do. Stood do.; • Wanted Table do. Ilar !no Im portolood purchaaod our stoddlract bozo the mct ttletbratod artOlit., ot tat.at aad awart .rtmal otylos ood Mb" wo in•patvd to WI to nut and Ito/P.1 , 1A prietl6llo9l , wfAry mot oOlpoardo • d 1011, I t) , . towels Cita.. Ws 0,041 lorlie nll to call and axasulne our Kock at Thi, Carpet Wurehouao, 85, Fourth street. meld') . - W. IttcOLINTOOK. 110 - EEDLE WORKED COLLARS, Mano r . 1.11 law Cul% rith sfoa ilarrtmorat et Lea u wads, rwr et tbs Yu. of . • - Y. U. RATON. Fourth st. A.ND cAmgmcg._ a*. Ilona *Ca have on hand a complete inlet id datoutna and Lat.totaina jp. ECU RE S—Or -7— ' van op. e,;b7nr JJP sod ATMs, reed by earC , IMP= BUJCSIMILD. UNDREES-- - stip am, •••51 Hoc ant 1 104. Lu: .r 10 D 64 pun Ai...ma OR = h Tamogoz . pLAc . Jen ,300 . Pam Ap nranxic Oar al. by - JOHN WATT t CO. RICE - 1L tierces Fresh, foiriale by J.. 13 J. a R. FLOYD. L"l2 bbls. No. 1. far sale by WICa & ktsCANDLEEL Ekria corasr W. • and Water W. PEARL ASH-5 tons eby V 379 5 122EN8 4rasl/fazit. III; Rl LINSEED OIL-10 casks (prime) for sale by tars at ILUISAUGIL. - DBIRD BEEP--2,000 lba prime, just re. calved .434 for ids h je9 B. 19. lIARBAUOII. ... . IiGATC-04 hhda, receiyed and for gale by 8. lIAILBAUGU. 1 . ' 1~1 ... . . . ACKEREI,--50. bbls No. 3, 1851; in 40 ...nd ***W. bY id &W. mina/icon_ _ . j 2 YTS FLOUR—~ bbis rye flour for toilet . WICK it lIVANDLEBS. a'y,~lr ~ t t ~ ~ ~~: ~ i can rir~ n is ~~ I * B . l, cas Dime on band and w. bi Je9 WICK & VCANDLEKS. VIRGINIA TWIST TOBACCO—a) kegs • far We by ke9 WICK a 31`CANDIMPS. SiiNDRIES— Obis Bd. 1. Laid. 3 do Talior. 1 1 . be. bag sad Pooh. semi. br . Dr do I4p .. Pitt. Or 2L t railVd t irt rOTP. ' 4 " • '; .enacti y se , , piifeety; dm , Savor um • trea.... uu ' p• Rutty (dr sato by WY. A. M'CLUES * (by my 27 rows wa - .• _ ---- RIED BEEF.—Evans & Swift's Sugar cum% SW owned, Var We by_ A.. m'Creatti Co la. j EWLER'S PATENT FLOUR, for mak- Qom. e...; mating M. bed ol nth Ita. addition of cold natar only. nib Ylour Mudd th• most entagoleot aod ebaspart that can I. '. e nd idi• Wambold parpows. mains 26 par ond. bat r sad add *Alas th e mad anaidor Broad. 'Jib& I ~.tr ma, At pith • vent sorlog of time and twill.. Tb. above II sot up in dotivaniaat mind gokaan of 3Wa l'4 " 11,1 1 1.il=wrco— To . • • Cleaners and Tea rinelaea R YE FLOI7R-8 bbls. for sale by my3o R. D/L.TILL & 00., Liberti CHEESE -50 boxes good W. R., foi sale b~ brae R. DAUM. Ss CO.. T RY_ „ MORRIS' TEA!—Morris ' Tea Matt la In Ora D ■ /aaaoi . ad Do t afirgai Diasaccat 41 , 1. Lib Aar* kseir view beet doar '' brli= CIO= OLL BUTTER-3 bble. (fresh) in cloths", ieet teed and ter rale by RDJ eMetLt CO-. ' Llbsity lazed. ERRING-126 bbls. No;_b (to arrival for' Ws by la yl3 A. CULB=TAION 00. UTTON HABIB-2000 S. C., for esldby . IVI tat ' - J. B. CANFIELD. 4ROUND NUTS-15 sacks for sale by siT5 ISAIAH DICIET it W. N UT I EGS-1 bbl. for ulepi rm a CO. VINE TEAS-- _ half abets Chula sad 'Daiwa; mys .93 base ate las Ooloarititr= S u OAR 41. MOLASSES— Eno rj:Pi!'" PußEniuti a itruft":tuum"l"7. f I OFFEE-100 bags Rio, for sale by mtltl JOBS WATT* SUNDRIES -14 bbls. Grease; 6 " No. / Las* " surta.„ and . I : b7 :- Oloseskr --- landing than ISAIAH DICKEY mom. Front sad Watts sts. 97D" Wboo4 dray a. a W. LLARELLIII3M USTARD SEED-500 lbs. for sale by )01 B. A. FAUBBEITOCK 41 CO. FISH— e Mackerel; Aura Na I Mackerek 111 scar• Merthyr; Saimaa lkelkaA for oaia bi mra WY. A. MeCLILI EMI A CO, Hy - Inm and TP.1.1.4.re. R ACON HOG ROUND-8000 lbx. Baccui M.411r4 &Um. awl Shoolkliapf or eel . a nAv a ir, J)itglitt Sala by mss. H. W. mamma. UGAB.-142.0 Ude- N. 0., for rale b 9 mina B. aR. QAHB►; COFFEE--10 :bags for s. saj w eb . L auft Luau -- TAMES-5)0 , 1,m. prime Red, for aale ii 6; T. W OODS t BON. =7.• GI Weer st. • Pk BLED BEEP, MUTTON HAMS, & UN- A! THAN—pm Ws by J. D. 1 WILLIAM it 00.. weber Wood sad Fifth sta. DRIED A PPLES4obagslt, store, fox! by EL - DAISKLL a CO _Layl4 Liberty eC V11E.F.5.C.,-20 hes. W.R. Cream, for sale by' nul2 W. HARI/AC(IU. RE FLOUR; T 4% ar . "Prepared aril . Tapaea CO.. 2541 Mat, RUNES --Borden ix Pnmea, in glaujars; Very impeller " Parr boar* Urrumc Prow% for onlo my L 3 WY. A. IIeCLOKO OU. AONEREL-100 bble. No. 3, for ealo by A. CCCA LDTI , ON t CO, 2 LI Libsrty nowt. LOAF SUGAR-150 bbls. Nos.) for m ew 8111181111.66rra 116131181.11. 116 Warr xi JAY RAKES-40 doz. for sale _by mr: a. Y. 'PON 1:10:0MOBST a OD. _ _ B UTTER -3 bills freak now landing and' ar • MUTT DICBZT ARD— kegs No.l Loaf, _for sale by my? ILITZT. /1./MIIEWIS OP. D RIED FRIUIT- 7 150 bu: Apples; 600 " lb, Ws by aly7 soar. )1•171111V6 a CO. RICEIO tierceogres4 for ealebk my? ‘zUZ atr T E A -50 hf. chests Y. IL, Imp, 'and Black Tom; ,for sate Dr ROBISON.ISITIO a CO. • BUTTER—In boxes- (freelteord &I II by 20 bbla. for aale by LINSEED OIL-20 bbin. for sale by isty7 J. B. CAMI BALI RATU,S-100 bxe. and I.obblx. pure, rsr se. by Is . r7 . J. IL 011t7/1103. CITE - 2 - r-100 boxes for eta a 6p - tor 7 ' 3. B. CANFIELD: ' DMIMED PEMMIES—:-29 bbla. on consign mem and for mad by my 7 MAUR DICKEY' & CO. • .F' , 00 8. F., for eale_by mys 13: AL If. /11.10.61T1. ADIS.-30 casks Evan dr. Swift's 8. C., for se. br t 076 S. /1 W. 11.1.1111.1.17011. DRIED FitUIT ADPI.r. for ado b ‘ r urrf , . - DIGE.EY J CO. • II .4 _CO., Streetr, /tittiburih, RE, and to arrivo tbits Corner of Wood and HAVE NOW IN, ' Vit the rt ii = treihr b Oo l s prim ' • wit 4 10 lat 4 elnatz do. 6o: 6 V& Chaim. 1 1 . 1 t t g. ittairrand Jay. 00 team rr, 66, )4 mkt 1 74 lump .1/ tibia. boa 2 sad a mad. aral; 11 extra gala! Bantam 1300 extra iladdse; •• • et the mast meat them , the taws rsetottehte tams: Coma Twat Mao lifaah to bOti= ours Stutil: Powdered S• 6504 athdlaaallata um hed 60 60 41101.a11171.11ux 20 jars Pruner,Bordea 0 Ss. Blair boxes Roth Coady; • 2 " Waco Citron; 10 Coma Chows.% " .Cardla Abitond • r 12 dos. ktitharr &er id= b6L aa . a 1 dee Pearl Bodth • " MgtLthuorthr: dud Bedded " Armor Rood 16 Bath Midi bbl.ll=bur; -20=ratract. cd Lead% 6 " Lamm ox Ilan. B and V d ani • lla; • loath gal adds; _ Lad 08. _ :thththe 0•1“ Cants; 1 Cpm: hrtint .111Isp 0 tirranbor 1 keg. parfic,. 10" 31t0tarl: •10 " C•rga; 10 120r.r, 2 bbls.Osante• 13num 1 , 0,!0. Mourn elttlig 0) Mai • 10 " gpezm 100 dates Nasaseo Olsettoi 101 O. nueerOanll/o,llc. 100 " Imll/05 • Mt nk: g. I" TWA.'N.W. Mel. QUNDRIES-- 1 241 7 1:131.? 051.6 dad UK' . 1 6 4. 244 1. 1 % . 5.ad 75 ta. Ri io 200 bads Herrinir; 100 4014. 05.0. 80. ••', Ladd Ced Boom IUO cud Ilaysaa ea dew; 2 lidded 4 .41405. drams isdlitc_ 3.'0 454. 5510. 10413 OUBS 10U gietVa l f 1 1 4 :Irr, _ Vhlig 50 45.1514.515.1,1 atacand 40 Ir.lollVo. 101, 300 key Nana, add dm 20001 h. WOltisr. 4414..ard5 , 011; : NI Tam • 300 bti.X.B.• 1,1131313 34M an. 23 ban 19nnil 'ptg • 26 " 11031.1ralautr. Ncttr. ..GO saw iciarackip4 = " Svgii;' 81) Tora4pKerstmC - Peppernane 6 2 3 0,000 rrauelp Sw,- Var "jn i" ' ' 1004 t. U. Emma . 100 bla. Water. Sugar aid Maur Cradr.nr. 0.30 Elm 100 . O. Z. D. Tob . a.e!A - dna eat . 2.10 Rada .gaar. 910 ••• D. a ia.Candling I..%ata °nand =Dn . ._ U and . W.Undan. lesPar: • and tatnr,..na saw adridtriMirert. • alaml, and ul haat** N. O. Flug ri Z. fray • . " Vo=7 " " BIUOO3IB-250 dos. common to best; cars haanibr ale bi nirZl 1108150.N. LL=LX W. 5 HAD-10 bbl.. No. 1; • Mr -4 ht pulp ' it tx9rablitanlix FFINED SUGAIL4S-106s Offbble. clatiged Paydrrod. and qr , ..14.ta ppl± sa nirruallSON &CO. - ' IOE—W tienieiCarolir4 for sale by JAJORIA.EMEIUM s W. THPittalgra_ Izzarmiee ;nom IS COX - PANT wag incorporated in: rebrokri. a heryetual • Charter, and bag; tasomeated buena. on a otaltal of 1103,..)40. • Tha Company does trulatea both on *a Johat Stark - Mutual yaw. Oti the Joitit Stock plan the tatn areott teal ther : UK. champ by Motnal Onnt_panita, and Fifteen Per Gent km*, than the tats of soon htotk Criazot t .' • ' • 310.1 rates ars the same eat).* stkettatZby other .hdy tonatiottry Computes. More tonuttl on the youth al htt. At have tha cotabtuad astuitige fan:Wheel by that sztr oi t:f I lan: loat r d. anee, and the Karroo turat of The Charter penult. the arsMing of truntranre on lift, ht Mr?' tarn. larindlnr the c oa t of 'Fifth obtklonh per Midst relitkes, friend*. treditorr—to lanes* the thk of eniatterfar Metro - on exeltulve benefit, rayableafler death. or upon the puttee arriving at the age ofafshth hb. at the cotton of the insured S ar. Se Man, Presiden Joreph Batumib. Led AleClurkaa. .r; Presldeol4 /. Tregunar Charles A. Ooltoa, fk.retary. 8. • Jos/ID 8. Leveh, Jolla B. Dthrurtb, • amid A. Calton 'B,szo mil eClurkan. Phift. _ &retains:et PhYssaiang. • Joseph Datum. D %VIM= _ Adalson, Jereneha Brooke. L. D.. 8.0. itdsinttas. K• , .Excanininy Physicians. Bnoesua INDrortb. ha. D" Vsnithiteld ZregfwVaifs, 1 39 3 gI nh atlir . . hlaK. Koss.. M. 11, luT Liberty insert. Dr. Dil worth ‘lll Ea to ettendanee at the afficeorresy da at 3Y whb vir q.t. Mr an lig•lief. ar. few:. lo .ell. caked:dr lennr.e.Bl entannernesomwdonsfinthwilb. All yessorsa enanyed In the instunnee bissonese rill be m inims with !Annex. and dinned the wend eassolake. • oglos of the Company, No. 76 Fourth sure. nun:dam/3 - • .0. A. COLTON. See}.:` State Mutual Fire :berm= Comyasof.- BRWII OFFICE— NO. 54 SiiiiinzLo Brun', .P:rnm May Ist, ISJIL Tat! evidenge of the sueeeht of the Dirnetorn to et:dermains to inks thi ra mom "YR ilv.W.R.e.scis.c.= 111 mar t. i wnt t f w t =tl e Inatl r & l .l.1 th tuntn. hood 7.103 Policia during the poet year, therebY adding over 4=400 to the ftao tho company... Merlyn!' tbo prirperty .nrtl. to of tho eaten ma in gionll hats. and • Um prOpectigellaated tort an.ear W elPothien lraed74oo do. orp'rd.ternanated. onneerdi. ; _ :Ai:ln of Property instirol..., • •• $7471/411S1 Do. ensketanel..tontanotod,etinned,..V.lll,7Z3 00 Do. o. • eraw.ar;ii.67.-1... masa DO. lanceted, tirminntod,e - rweer... Gi7 10 • • Cu& Prendeanireo.lred 01 .32 457 14 1,1101 i" alit boar and espe 7151,39 A PO niespald—SZ3.4.l.lLS . .. • balsam in Luca of the lb. In cash-. . ti 70.4 LS . To city or country merchania, and owners of cloallimb.• and Waled and ocontry propenty, dt ls believed LH. mos . peny muds advantage. In paint of cheapness, selety, sad , seetbity.VOßni w arso nesinnenume Conspany In this counts 7. t r b,..i . .!!!,e , L . ...thseg a ltable i.m...a gb . 4 .l entenVrT!.. had amount to any ems laslll7, thus baraus fa* chellog flu frequency bpd oteurrente of large lineu and also on both the Stott and s Mutest plan. It not only smee saw the elwayruat.snd aulannodastan orboth anet hot entitles the braced to partlcipaska In the pronto. bireenese......loide P. Rotherbrd, A. J. (MLitt, b. 2.Josse. Aloud A.Cartier. Pidlo C. hedgnick, lbasual Jonea, Uhl blots, John B. Pecker, John R. Rutherford' • ' • J P RICTIJERPORD, Predient. _ 00707 N. 11.- , A. Snip Dividend Of ifteei per Sim . t. an eapirbeg policies has ham declared by laliblrectors, sad te nor rer bitable at Mb Ohm for renews/a, or redeemable to each at the end of ninety dale. •• • L a. Cum= Apt -:j Franklin Fire Insurance Co: of Philea. PagLRECTORS: Charles W. Banker, Geo.' itidetirds:.Thaa.:Datt, Mordant D. troria,Sohtio pss tul ha u„ Aorfe. lianauel Dr4l2t,Davkt • ' ' CI t • CIIIII.II . G. Doom, This Closapsof continua. tooWyosaratteso v PoGdadodd or Ilsoltedoo - every daserlyttcas of Prowl? fa totm so& cotostri. at rates as low *Aare =Gate= with the Gpetty have reserved • large Oota=22•l; which. with that: awital and Pfsadotosyeahly GGeoted, odold amyl,. Fusel= to the mottrol. TheAsesto of t h e lattpLoy. on .l 1e4,1061. esyab• 11 . 1 .Kligr.e4y to the de. of Assembly. vete ita . , maize es &kW 78 73,966 11 (.h. 4 • 316 81 Slav that heterpontne'e e Anion ban pit womb of One MIL= Your Ilad red holism Laws by Ws, thereby allotting sette. cd the ettrantigeall mamate, as well to Wear ability abd dist Kehl= LO meet with pea all Ilatlltles. J. GAlLLttigh WlYllY..agwYt. able °Mee E. L. earner efts out and nel sta. Pe=OW Life /annum Co., 4.GENo T PITTSBUDGIL W. IL DAVIS, (elm J. rizuw,jr., Muir *Jut' tbar,becur exmarcilma of mama calking ttla 10 . 3 0.garl'of 6sr, lb. agent. my also b. food daily, Do= ancl to 3 o'clock; at .b.mentlnc max of J. kolummakcc 1.n., ;la Rood otrost, alma all nem; .Try information obi be given acca conamaications Munn 1 atungal to. l'ambleta captaining Una glincJalaa and !Licata of Li* lacciance, and blank forma foraisnad 00 kopltal Mak mak-tan/POO and oncatuullg Inlarst PmfL dl,ldd alitoully amain% Uo! Maud ax • PlUatacalk Jae. 31. 1N61.—.1a34 • • .1 Iltlnsurfuice Company. of Ncirth Anaerics;- ' l4 l V, at 1 A / 4'' t ". 1:3 , 5 6UNTLY '" "C d=leVar ti=s sod [bait eoracuta.thla elty vi pUon, ottipped stewsk Qs by uthmi reanarmationor al Qs . .:„ • Arthur G. CanhuThomas 12 Com Samuel W. Jour.. • John t'tOt hrtwant Ersati. _, • : RALAI %to& John A. Do Winan Whru - • " Nun/Bront & . A • . Anat. (lurks Taylor. Arnhem n htuu than.* Aa Jacob AL Meows; • Mar nat o W de a s hu L aiun • nr C H paArhinernarUnn S it p a e I y BW e. tub standing. nApetirAne. &awls ammo. 'and araidittPall risks at ma curs tim.wolonr thunder_ ot vas b. connderal as ellerkme amble Acuity to WA whin: • . • wai t ' P.JON.CS, Amt. , No. 141 Pr= street, Western Insurance Company of Pittsburgh. __ _ _ . . • cAPETAI,B3OO,OOO. IL MILLER, 'Tx., Procident, V. U. flonina. Smeary. .. All ill Insure an lards of ricks, Elm and Iluins. imam w ill be adinctof iimi Dr... 50 tIal; i; ~. A backs lomitutbro—managed by Directors vim am well kinom in tbs community, andwho we daternitoad liy maps and liberanty to xi:Winona ttia ebanotas eni= they assortied, d as Miming Qs, bur protection to time. win, ash., to bo Insure. • . . . . . . • Dummosts-1L 31111 m, Jr., Geo:lnsub. .7: Jr.. Wm. O. lloluths. C. Durum. Chers. W. Jacksau, Ly. t Jim= Limb :won, Chugs And, James hr. Thas. MAL • _ • , No. Worst Wm% (amtataaWat at aaa.a L 4 .• up Maim) Pittsburgh. Delay' /Aware Mutual Safetylnipartuice Conley! -lat. 41:FICS, NORTH ROOM OF KX ILLNDB,II6Ir4 curet, rblladelphia. la m. lammats..-14¢11d1nm,-lerehandlat, and' Other =7ipra..a t vzl k r appal law Ir . • Kamm laraancr--.TIZ Mao &ire L ' Smala. aDd Wralghta /scum testammder. under ones or ep . pollen* as the eons mar dans. TaallartarrallnOt.—Tnay die 'Winn.; Idatelmadlta taulonortiol by Wuram. /Ullman cam Canal bp; mid, Biafra boats, Dart ..1.1 lan" On tho Znoot Mona Lesson Aturrosr..4_aatDD 11. Deal, Mmend. 4t. boadar,'JobriC. Darla. Donal Jobs R. Demme, &tonal Edward.. Omar. C. leizor, Edward Darlington,bama Dar* W1.1.' llant arren. John Nealln. Dr. ...Jammu Mad.' Thanotillua Paulding. I.L. Janis, Mom. l i lat r w ja l4a= 841111.. a r y j ZtrentJong gall anr STn an.—D. T. Mont". /USD Crain: Wallul=na,l2.ldant. Dior. C. UM; ilea Arad: dant, JOKIER W. Dan., neeretary. • trWrrrna 04 41 1• 4 2amPasnr. Do. .42 Water Amt. Mt. .• [De24441, r.MADEIRA. Agrmi., MISCELLANEOUS.',_ Ohio Labonitory, . - r - sn w II I 1 7 1 ati 1 11111 i 1 11111, k_er 99 Per cent:. Strength. , 140 WEL L FLETCHER k CO., Hanaßictu = mohha , 4B-rdrits 1:7 1 =4, =ann. " %ma. of Vine and k P rrot tremZerectisat. Mno. &TALI orders tram Pittetritro ptparPtir Nled at Pmest, market prke. apl7ar - . . Wines and Lupton. • • 1V206T Lacrly rt. , Fannerly.Lari. n:aaterfactini.. a mama, of Pltratlmal , ' 111012.3114 aft-Y. STOllVRisTEL;i*ittily taVll.3O/11tid to tbe t tl.b=l7. ' r i ld .w tha w ir in frda IVIITUA II a7th• atm stand. :bars tiff skill Isbra loop • toll basumbaskt Or tbe bsst .took —aissalls sad •=4,71 sod Islas Wines. Alas. French dark m u sd a = Wl k. ke i er 'l'44 ruf klba roIDVu Na%ksrls" fr . ti a• oust approsid =wet yea and =ant Wlost dbegatlth bzZta.,,t l =l ... Lli n olo . tlV==tt . k.b .. .tbsr . 00. Idas4atrtsars. gr. litourebolottll continuing bli lapartatlsla psalms tbs eitrof ti Tatt . the above ars Is satablal ba raft a aps, sal • kilts article thao - bor. stitar bows to Ibis sly Plass* gin to s Wore sou .AlTssalllsa sorptlesi fres Alf astra ebergo, sad at tits mamma. iambs • ACARD.—I have removed to my new gore, „tea.doors helm) nearly oplxelie the Bank of here I Ell be Mad to mr friends awl fel low e1t.1244.1.10.1 receive awhere of Meer canoe. • keep & verelerge merman of llpholxter", /MUM& dirkeiVerled Her. aerie Uari awl Ifni& Mar. Nsather Bede,. bolsters. and Mown Shtekela.4lollte• Cowaterweare. and Comfarte; IV l'Oow hhades, of ever Tv riot); Doer htslA, sad entre mild& usually ram& to the raw; =Wrote* eslahllahmenta of the oa.l reefed. fell, solklted and mot preaotly ail • WIN. &ODLE. Third street"' • • Teiapenuweville broblestowit, Plant &ad. fflo#lPNly; • ;NOTICE is hereby given to the Stnekhold l . ov f.if etntlnith teem- mato trlntrat to ik Sargent, Trett in odd Compton of Fin DoUsrs on nen nth he: - .tack. on ib. /oat Monday in coati =I miry maim ems tbo nbolo skein,* sold to tell—u the roof gradcd and bridged by Jul) Oh hod 1141. nee Its it th techiteldere ere reettlestect t to Os mootpunctual eir pay mattfatf • tutown:Pretionit.' - ' ' lEAD PIPE---Carnell'ajmproved paten ditaaaramovr=r, ..tq L = Onisei on hand and to st.iirr • ie.-MT:it • - 1.11, 'tont stmt. Seed store-Ban we d. ------ v . sebeeriberlas removed hie Seed Stoti - tsceo &wad stalet to the httlidina tamale eeestetat :1 3 , . Need as • Ltilaagtlolh ma . T street show la. ...w.17 etppoalt• the Peat oPloe. . ... j . tit______,________. . . .. er. L. SNOWDEN. go il l'A ß TNEßSlßubsaribers haul nt.d into CoPartUrshltynuter the Am vS Raabe :MMRVI - RIZ 1 - BOSE 11 - 110 SE 1 !! - -Just.- re - o'd 't , trn the Munroe Wry in &atom.= ketladia Hut. dam namag from X to 2X loam to diameter. this Dow la to rupm.kr to mir hate manniamortd el Itathar. for hydnot, eteelnetrom or Ilm Engin. lawmen. W. Idah It to hai dlatleatly mattantool that star bah o(, , amie that gots tram oar ettabllatmet-ts warrantel Orr Lb* Ittorpmaa Intuited. or Um mom.. reloaded. Joal.-try It. sor =goat the Lodia Slabber Davit, No. 7 t 9 Wad at.. -- - - . . §TEA.6I. PACKING-44000 pounds' mixed; Pleln sod Pec Pon Irdla Bobber' tior *MCI.= to tattoo thiek.wartsatol tate Ur very boot Pastlw,ot my now to au, tor the ktlloollog porptoott Iktot• Piston B.W.t, Steam Jottrts, saran Cheat, Cytlettot to: tot sale es the lulls Ma ilej:to d ' of'= A lrotol Roe . Rat • ' • • *II. PRILLIFIL SODA' ASII-50 , 1 coats of our own =MU -10 halm. tammGd of am grad quality and tat bl isvartu4 Mid tar sale st the I Int SO" • mcsromr zurlitr urn • wageoac gloatrourat_usatumi. PLASTER.:;.; ... Niu Thee blear ...,...., plislais Lan Dem analika j i '-, man lama aaaalr . a ....tarkaa.vhiel. thaa ear 1 .... 1=4,,,' 9. ... i =na. I. tle sada aaleackei Pluto. oraroacrat...= , I dat= of the Metal coalosaa, tal 'Lam thalr Um flax the slam:Thad: ban alseo tha moat faStaaair. . - ttats aartaaaallas al. la abol.. taa, pna....ar all cabal** • +?. Tim lasnallantsarabdr...amaloa.,nay sae eanactir eambiad. man. Ul4Ol leeVilLtir .j, to. -. P.Tr n'g ra 'll,•Vir dreaTizatmana ! 3, az aousa., kW:L. *lnk ta• vartouanearal4l . Mw. In tat .17. Md. •na1..1 rharseterla awe.. quesikaLPa diapatea ,lia' a la Lam thaftwirT L eaparlaelaret a.I oatarazd a auk as is km Pally amp Dr M. reaarearere Far 'Ham azal d S:::b• back saga aide. mall:ft .1' 4h. &Liam. aa........theia Wr,, ruVreVrraVaita• 4erisaaal b erp..zattadat alkatiao. I la rata *staffer allb abaci.* D.lta. ULM . larp tar tassauseadak rya th e astadasa simasaaca . olaki,z tite== . 4. l ll a t , WM d!eNa. ..- .. valla •- ~ kAL IL Erv7.lsiMAU W 0003.4 : : EAU ,IWNT,s•y,m,kE MI POIA ipil.: evrtifti, .ba.sirta eke Ls , ualt..ll.dias: ~ lux. Cell.. War t flosante. end all kinds of print; Ile is the iron note adttattvtl. Llnee=sell erons P iZto It PROOLAIZATION.•-• ,KI(OW all men who are aid and Meted '- , with Memo of tta Eladdertnd Kidney& with *on ytdor la tack or limbs, rtilljolata, old mom 13111/n.f WiTtalatt":2ll4OT:d_AVlZratT:l3 you 1. 1 =.11dv e 1.....!.=1 , , frd:.= — l;tot matalued In may other reatedy. la* Call •". , thr aTk&a.T'lllrgr erg 7. h abort. , Hooded it code eery little to note • trbd. Pea' ' t lama is no mittcre•-no cces)cand. pat as tat the .I'7 of laaply on tat comittualty: but Is • rowdy ted by the motor boded nature, mad bubble• nate= boom of our mother earth, la Ito =IOW multi, ad r , Sao to sufrodua boaanabir • ready na.ay. aorta.% dt to mod ones tookban ban idled t• tattier sar mint. it hes cool Ilbetaustlem, atlam Kontos...dad lb. ono lad Mot Wand donelnet •it has eta.; Obaltra. *mina& Li ma a t1ead0e5...144., vary pal ow, et D.nar,a, ha which nary other ,„4 ous beta of no oat A. loot nand? Int• bt= . odd', it b bean. Man oymdW. comm.& or Wu. We knot oz. 41 will =II dallaloam mad ttettalatit• • ' 1 ; m • ha apedandemo undoubted toollmou nn b „........ od of tbo Oath eon *pod ht do Igo'. in Ea MAI EL 1. , a IX - NlP:tad aseltu breentbiteder.ae Mlett.':n'eniit'afifoid moot and Tb. , Stbedloo, id Shad .tarot To..baCUlaytatilkit•rlT Corm dt7. are the meat, • - , _.„ DEPORTANT TOMIZAFFLICTRII,___. t , :si lit& ROSE ' S OELSBILUTsDIMEEDV&& - it- -.) - I—De. Jaam Ham the dierencrer sad int. panalete• , , ; me next 'gal. and baulk:al mcd -1, iced lam the Inventor or uni celebrated Imam.% IcaLjp .tair the Damp, in arcane • coop• dr - awed. d 0......... . e, .u. Mat et that eminent phylinlao. Doctor nada and II • graduate of tha Vorretelty of - ftmearrearda.that to threat years lame hat hem angeeed al ther,..eatiaatim.ar Dir. ..,-, era" and the ermileatiam or re:media the - owe at Cod totaling - tube_ ,tit * .....ontrnectloa,Witlt 1_,..x Ele " M r blisetie Sym, and other of hia Clad en unraralleled amincom In calicur . thce and fetal maladlez - - Comm accords. Dilemmatic.. enerandS.Acm ell hind.. Clannie,Wledas .yd all thowt glbv: I . Jams peenilar to ea Indee4. carry Inealef Mow_ ..,.. ranithear under the at ha aanolles. to yak* 11111=6 , - • - ty is heir—not by Lbw us of oce calmOnd igy t i . tor IV areal ix bmcmpatlble with Physiolcadral Law but Ms mErl4*, 041144.4!0.Tr! rUatbell kr. foal Alm ' f ly . Tonle Alterille,r t t ve met ta Write -..- ..11,,nrledas tg: ative D :o nerloo Ml n others, • .l . ' , MI MO. the or Deer s• theyjeate Rbk.__...l *may ».e from ecerventear. as also his Golds. rule ars wb. ,1:4‘.; 1 mared ie by the faculty , la Z........... ......a... inmartie• slier ts ' lSltitri ' l hit it intte'VWa tth o • - th' lL '4 .o.tew ..., in,ka Co nil nik ini-smt; ild__DMl , .ey emsw acratal one of the Doctors Daste=atelicrees , .- ed we of ewh tumetrosad Its - .1. For rale DI the wi allow - lamp:a., as widths by vart &yip,. , r J. D gLte theaunakert Co. att lied it: Iltitalunit k : 7 ,: .-.1. ,, •,',..Y. at. Townworal. klagedet,,. ib I th.t.tA ... in n ' •- ` Co. A. lactlan.„ actuate, near ths Ode, bir . a 7 dif• ~ IVEM I Ts.t. I:4 I=: 5.1" '132d7 - ' t i. . it .J... 0, Dearca '-.. .. ° °I 0 4 . .41-1 _ • • r,..71' ' :COMFORT AND RELIEF : :f.;ii_- ..nz• • .g2-TRE: AFFLIOTZD Will be • Riad ii, ::•;11. • - .br.Dealtt.C.KeUtnate* MALIBU LLIMIEMZ-,t, ot PIM. abtob bast:tad Una tat of falsity yarn an , .: =lsad ban; layotata bt. , town Oa atemanf link, ,- ,.,7 “... or Iz...ft of I. Awi m mtr , ' , - , 1 Om ma/character of alum. irt - bid we 719 ,- :'. twos In stPactbst. Walk, UN only modlotoo thaltT i re tgsmal ont=.s.4w,t.bst dock In may sour a f lt famid tba . o If eared tad iff atrablit of minas:lan ditatial UMW loyal:dr Rankin- *canted tar tato. al ma not_by r aidn,. l goat aroma by labs! =an • - . • • ,t. • Alisananonalad coatinatooy ardor of tbi ,fitenn. infla7 - I_, tal that It Liktbr only •rtaie tbot bat onat=d . Vl= ~sw, apamt nneKtidotbat nu am Una pernolsed to the apglot of anent. getwanny: ost mOnt ogro .'f 01 Ittadly aniline trot offered Pr de, mama by way ~-• lbeto, tic Tee lion. tacon s . bit 4 31. - C.': Mt .flatl:gablca.. , ,EL,MorrA foto Pmt...Km John ftts,bact. tear, _ _.,' PM : W=a= , L00...14ntar.01112- warts atm?. , mdm tad • hod pf Mat , Manual:C.6dd anisoto 'at keya - xotk, who twe oillieul pl. FL. ? k..**, 0 .57,4 .ur,w ; 4 17;teir,1" 6 =,. m ht4at itedidnr .- dreamt egt;trz: S . ' dly patronised by the watlthr end nobto am* .'.. o=••• ai11tt.111 . 7 ,, 0 4 =t 4 and corostro u blibly .b l f years Was tbo:pablin fta frkms-att cow I tacanott wad bent. illta lIUM undoubtedly is sarong ocatbactoa proc/ af Ito .4mo:a oodaino=zl torachn •• g .: 14 ....0 L10a It is ansmadin , n= Q. pea; wrofoloas Wth Adr br 'AN-m - losen,ald all the point andatics that Both to Ica -, •-, • , o,ooLpoo,ox. tattbot, tantbeen 0014 attboot actwasint. iid have ..tarderted.anch tstooldani tatm.sttar :, di ague, lonacdles aria fdltd r sa am% osouvr ww,ltad lac noaoe.:. atfaad.Atla ;,ia Pqr—PrgoaaPat tb! 4 ,0 a1f.d . P : adbbkri!i4' deft. Tato nad-bant, arnatatti rowdy. Is airport dban ,, , ~. itatits. podtonal on IND cr anima cm . / t of . 5 upon batotd.artrala n o. besltb nod sae • . ./t le • sure oar 21,......... ,.. br taartat‘Bab.. Mat* .A. ,- ."-. , - , 7 11 a tibuido,feta naV" .4 .W S W I . lt4barth. b 7 & t MIMI; ,a.,liitfai...../.1.12j,..6 J-.. 1 Op. 1114. Volta' a Shown= lad ly rev • 1Mat . Y:, ,,,. 1t It ill !1 , . !aar.tan. nactii ..4.., -.-.. Toi the Miami of the Pitti!limigkOatatte.-- -, 1311BLIC 'ATTENTION . is =AN__ 1710- -i , I. •:._; of m oo n ug ronwse U ou .s. hi msnos-sil .o." 0 the o tto t momdler of modern limed •._ •• PETB.OIMII i g .. .K.1 ...11 Is not mom than ono -..e Ter efeeellfthi wee brought beftwathe ,:, at no the tenet end ettird • • heeee Us anat i a : .., hare, Mom then. teem= extuanaltf.amtws. amp flat thellicar . trale . rteyij 3 gr i lere a ttomat. o tli k tv s tbs reco.. ; triater.w‘crireffrbr annUn t*Un. ne T tru rv ien r i : Sf . • a Natural lt= elall in Lbw ef the sarttr” '-'t hy a Doyen ant saner tear WIWI= •••• elf- Inman rV: =ere n or st it o n. : . , 4 r . It. do 'mitt inbnit • &WI, , 10 .1:1•• therb•rbo any WA sLT I•MINI• Inle= '• dons In or efatementa , The gra arl e u zr . j14 4 .....b s e•-. WalUbW".wr our In &newer It. ANA? X Marx hum mote o tkona ♦ Now. we &rept dear. .to do Ulla wears madam oldr.thet the trait In relation to • car e•r thoold he told. to older Materna for It anis— MOM 0 .. 26 .111 .. v0rria. Mon In the manna Med,' .1.1.... aeofeete—thele that sae ameroweit :,- a. ~* Iv our citr and redattborbont. toe =fie rm'oMd.. the.peet two monehe,',two evolve% :r . 4 were totally Mad, to been restored to eintra ewes of blloateen in the State of Ohio, • b.. , , onmd.. And,alm. the remora auttlemanta 13....,..4,, dn.; bat tams are ante neer , Innen be refarrel to Dr any venom who have doubts on " ' I ft til" a •fort. :Themouterwommuell Whether Itadlwen i .d . br Anal... t.r.a....11. rdm..z. .in ...1.., • when rod emordlog to ometmona , Dlarrhoe, ..,3. e. Me Rheomanno. Gent. hettralgla;cna IS•tai r 4 . FT: un.11••• Cha=ir gra• y e t l r " _ . 411 r 0 .4, , Utter. Dad. pen• In th• ~11/ as, Alsul• Ctn••• "ArAlnis. *""c".. .. 1 I ' l l 2 ''' Guru.. or n Win% trod*: to tern Penn and %,"4.teeeeee sti.athe Bledder:dr; nude. , In Ch. El' tto a ame t omens. j.jr., . 4 h. I. ' dem oboe" dieeeme within the rut mu ~=cry -:.' =I =1 ur . eeen • Certtneetes thee will 'ame , yßvyxy)who wilful* Ames la lenlen-: , r • an, of ~ t an- thee tisdkiess. , lll.. J aTehronntnia tim.pratma Beenottr of, the . Pbriiniall inch madi.s t. the areftemn. are roof their ar=Train.nom who at arm looked on to dew* ,70 ....m vat k..., .amor ,gu i toatiram, ,cestralled to eeknotetettm that sae Penchi= la therms , *et undid. ever dheeneertt. Yoe an whoneele sad ' ree r'l" ~ be ISAMU i DieDOWI.2II4O Wood at - ft.... r ?.. Pallas. 137 43,.. 10r00d ==Bol o D. ll.4. 3l.. tz.t. aurry, thlc D. AL , z .„.., end L.A. Tahtemmota 2 Co. Weal aten stmt W. 6 ,_ Co. AELLERS' DIPERLIZTOUGH BY I ' pbszypify Ws. ml Idirb7y. .nesckvas.. V. Vdr. a. z. adbmb...gr="jet. 1,61 "., 214 b.,V Warman about your Orayb If ." kr Ave it .14 .- 71' EtrattrXraffilb°74l.4 onettrieW=l"l..2. 11 .:. receama=1 A. my age _btu% sad Qs 14 " tun.... , 4rma t? the ptir tal" P....Mosiouldaprnaltibeizz‘ AMtimn "4 WWI, whoa they May b. mud ET aZi ' OZIT t ar UM , " YITSOMNISXI4IIaId y. 11. Z. MUMS, me= 47 Wood 11., sod Draggla .:., itAMEN TId.EDIOniES, fic.,-A large litia 4i let i rtate..ad t ttF WI as *lemon liberal teausingo, , i i.rn, .tenon L ' ri : r ' "-- :, ';i : - Am"A lP it. . t, Niim grage=; Dl= 6. M: - ' ' '-' 1..,: 1 ittl !.:, r. ; thl y t y '4. --- eAt ,ILINWLIIopo •, . .. Cmet Mama • : • - -..,i,. ,-4, ...- •Andersoit's 4 . : . - DoAre '87;•;52, b; pip: ''... .. I:. L I PPAILEDVI.Pits ' rdr r, ....L.,. ...., - .. E.....v t.. 4,„..;;..% , ......./...... . - c..... . ~,' - , 1f 711 .. tr ~ ..' . - ''''. -: ,•• .. - ', - r7 '' •- :: . ... •. .. - - im,....„ ~. ..,.....::.: ~.. j r „,,.. ~..... : ...... ~.: . 2° l. " '" k ' d ii - • ,. ..'. ''' .' - "',. : 11 1 = 7 7 • • ••.;;-• Itom Ofnezont Oa Tattsr .. 1 , 7.; e lF" • !.?.. 14If ' .-L - .; 11==f2 , . .. tinums . '. Balm:1i '•. 0.34...4= . . At thiDnie sto. r:-' #""'da AILLIINA