The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, July 08, 1851, Image 3

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;•.':.::,::., -...- .:, 7 , ..A -:-,,:,
110 w,,, BY mrs Wasu.x.r , riurAMP'S, us",
UPOITIDIFOZ TER erriuktrzowcatrai.
tfirtr , Yon, My 7.
;the Empire bty; which sailed from Cbogres
on be 28th elt4 *rived yesterday at S o'clock.
She tdinge the 'California tiling, sod over one
ayul shalt' millions -to gold. She also Way 27fp
T. Pl =l/lID was healthy. Dartha reibbelio
an raturai r ak C1LW0111132121, were frequent.
Mut finst.boinotr' re was Muted on the Pilaw
lialtroad across the Istbatus, oti the 2Sth alt
The 2toirt7, shish "arrived here tide
troarelap, reports that ma the 16th of June, in
LL 42, 10n.r44, mho spoke the Wit ferirlY from
Mobile, ithlelt "vessel. reported hens, sea :A
ship on and full of passengers. Ilhe wee
supposed ;to be hotrod for Mobile. The Tend
and peaserigerivere probably list:
flaw July 7.
The steam alp Lafayette, which . sailed from
larerpoofort.the .17th nit, CIMIIO in eoAlsioa, da. -
'tag a thiolCag, on the 29th' er 1111114 i pith 'the
bri g Jsaa , feetalaubboe.; freighted With "Itizabet,
which caused the letter hi dais slew Isdatitea
after. Theregitain sad crew *ere need- Tha.
Lafayetteloetter, boy - eprit, artd jibboent; and.
. .
.. •
• Vi'mabiroxdoly.7.
The Ceitit Martial in the' Tabsott eassortta I
reenmed.itil O'clock to-day, *ten the: Judge
ildrocaterad an order from: Adjutant Clams'
„Isenni, hj,direetion or the President, enesseand
ing the court to await farther. ardent, before the'
ennelasien'ef the present trial. The defines or
the axaeed om*Lcmees at 1.
The Ceiremet„ageba af
Carlisle, pansel for General .Teloott, read an.
able and Oinewhat lengthy defence; Wfter artdch
the court . adjoarned for coneoltation, -
General Takett-will probebly,ba acquitted.
The cadre Is retained fordhe _ trial- of certain
New Waken Officers. . . '
Hxatiroan; July T:'.
The arid concert of 141e!Lind vim given here
int night. *one 2000. penes!' being In attend
ance. The tickets were acid et from $3 to $lO.
- - N. Y., Julia.
The planing nfflis of Fellows k'Crops was de
strayed hi fire last night. I The loss of lumber
Is estimated at $ BO .OO O . r.o. 1 4 1 1 11 4 yam/
at abagt
The United 'States Treseurer announces that
1,968;640 or public moneys ,now in the mai
. luteleiseurie and depositories; enhject to
. I
The Piesident has recognized Soya PlieliM as .
ConsteGinArai of Costs'ltics, to - reside at .Neur
A tliA4Mciii icrident' occin4 ei 11 o'clock
this mooing, M lirdim'e neer Hotel. A plat
form seimp-,60 teed high, brokedotru, arid Mx men
who w&v_upon. it at the time were . precipitated
to the foundation of the of them
::1131T . ..TO 'THE 09YERNOrt. • •
- • - Promermarrta. July 7.
TheSlith Resineat of Now York Ifoltiatesm
ratadatring..3oo. r akeo,_ =dead hero Atlty ‘i on a
Malt to Um johnstora. They will:visit city.
to-rooreoir, , t4 -the laying of the
ottrote,istoarrof Spn .i ty, Garden lostltute
• • - . - • _
.•• • Pareaottrafa, July - 7.
Theil7. Statee frigate Sara:ilk, Com; 'Parker,
biro Peattioola, arrived this taming. -.- •
The tinraiiire of the Coaden fenily; whir lreti
laraterrACtO 'be executed ._cdt - ther lsr,af duvet
hen lranrvitid *twiner:. - -
Banrciroasr, .Tuly 7.
2dr:..httorney General Crittenden left hare
peetetti,lty for Snatchy.
ratr i Ariszinre,../aly 7.
Collan--'914. a =kit is inelunaKL-
Floor—The market is steed'', withiades 1,600
bbls good breadsat $1'2511 bbl,,and same bet
bran& stsl6o bbl.. •
Bye Flour and - Corn.kiesieles of the .'for .
at $3 87i, end the laiter,at $2 8111 bbl.
Grain—Wheat ie in good 'demand, and trai,
with but limited la! offering. Sales 2.000
Umbels prime eoutbarn and . Penn's white 'at
100 c, 1,000 bush fair .white , at 980,-and 1,600
bash: red :at 9.50 'll, bush. Sales 600 bush rye
ad 72X•,.Coni le dull, with wales 2,000 bash yel
low at 81a: 'Cate ari .etzedy, with sales 8,000
bush - Tel:ea at 48a '%I bush. , •
Whlebry.:-Selee at 240 11 - N,
Orateries--The market is without main
PrOriaions--Pork is nominal st4l.6eglff . 60
for mess, and $lB ®lB 60 for prime. 'Thies is
some inquiry far Won at 9 @lle .for hatas.94
for sides, and 71- for shoulders. . Saba of had
Iron and Lead—dre finn, bat , little Is doing.
HapS-rffaleist 1600 Vfb:
Linseed 011.—Is stesdy at 760 V 1pal• -
wOca-L'rhilatirket is Salve, at a range of
88 to b6e, lb for the different grades. • =
••'• • - BBB' YOB% 71111eSET.
. . .
wain 80011. T.
Now Yoss.,
Colten---The Efestet heavy. . • ,
Fletee-The market is adweneim With sales
46001 able at $4'0604 81 for mix' .eied favorite
westara;• $4 - 18@l4 87; for state end Ohio, • and
$4 60 for fancy Ohio. . - • .
Bye Flows- , ls easier at $8 871 e big. 'Sales
weaskreeilat $2 81(x.2 94 g 1 bbL - • f
Geds—Brhetit is inactive at. 91095 tar rad.
ldes of a of new crop Souther at 112/
be :11ye, hreeelllag at 740.. Bales hti
solsadltat= - oers. at 88e- •
Vsollidosis==rhe market is dull,with sales nine
neeseleck at $l4 87/, and of prime at $l2 7511
bbl.„ • Sales IOGAIIIOI.. t• . .1
pil 7 :43oles• 300 solaria. it 710 par
Toipiii!tiz-Solei 100 bble at . 33c 11
at sic
Bto4S—: U. S . a's,. 1867, has* iniiroSed, With
sates Atn{e:'!.'Srestsra stooks are, n 0144004..
Hadiwu and.lndisas &ass bonds ars quoted at
180:ldoney entire; the supply of • bills fs
leggin ' Sterling is dull at 10®10}.. •
Mr. Toss, July 7.
Calton—The Siarbet is quiet; :with asla4" o.
1500-bales attallwises. *
1500-bbls, south'
=lot from $4 XO6 to $1 81 for state . , and gest
an..3llK 81f1466_ far better bride. -
Corn Mal—Sales at op, bbl.. Bye Eonr
r-0-1.02-.—Wlit4t is selling at 112 e far Goes...
Pales 40.000t0i eon& Auld 67066 e. " Sales 2700
bnrlgbt 78;c._
. •
Bann' Ex, loly 7.
p(naz ales 290 bbla Hamad curet brancb!
43ti110.;4511ka of new red-Wheat at 95, and of
via* -at. 98 ®looo busheL Sales of whits
Corti at 62(&630, sad of yellow st.flOo bosh.
Beef Csae---Sales 518 head at $2 5004 go
<reseal - 1 , 0°4 coma to `56.55 7 6 not, slut aoar
nog—The sizarknt ;;clall a sBos6 tov
Ctscrinair, July 7.
Floor Thu market istrmar, 'but ray vat . .
• nod Mau are unimportant , . ... •
' Whiskey—Sales st 17 @nit -
• Dried Stolid busheL
Prtcritions—Tholow ergo of raw Mutts
eII oirosxwat hi - o;l6l*ns. • ,
Orotorric*—Sslts 100 htnts fat; Bazar at tio.
Bake of Cate/ at 91(3910 for good to prime .
Illts: - 'Sslas of Distaste' It IMO tallon•
The.riser is falling_ slowly, . The weather is
Itinnu and showery.. ' ,
KSOLUTION.--In conzequenee - of the
arrow of Mr; Samuel Mott. tat portorsday et
Plt r th fPtiZ ath n g t=
tre3tiar3ul.rllro.ll.snlatre6 bootrbmaarldo. at th eA.Bt4linta
~ Judd's Medicated Liquid Adds. -
Ft IS ARTICLE is iatenaed far family use
.sas should I. .nd In: tho volo.of orof? La:.
pho lant . Illoctorolin ate In -W.....t &Moo of
iny td Mar PRIM thromh
„ warn= te l Lzo i =
rff•___. ! o....."a:fit'alai Lig w`it consider .11 Loth.
P =Sf_
._., _,_catitr t r ig& is. l a c l d s.: ‘ ,4 twist
w t
VT' ' - rs -a "i+massir d earsp e
mo monlit_ to tour on , tls . okofa tz . 0
....c.w.o. irodit i... o 4 zu a r v i a u !
Wint.lll„ actu r and. . 1 ,
'•' ' , 41.11.13Ang It r li" .3N- ' '
'' ' BV l Nl F Ariflit. if. It i ;
'--- -foaling Ifffoldons In the flay of
1111 tIO
319 1 -
• ' .
f~. ~ . ~~~ ~{ ..
Correa' fadsoil /bor.—We regret to learn .
that another,Cotton.Fectory riot , though foitn
:lately on • smaller Male than those which did
muc h isoary to the. reputation of Allegheny,
city, about s year ago, took plus yesterday.—
We leseval when we Ent went over to- inquire
litto chi particulars, that the hands in the Penn
Cotton Factory (Maras Kennedy, Cwide and
propriettue,) Lad teen dismissed at an ear
ly hour, the packing of, ma of the steam pipes
haflog beeo blown out, which rendered a stop.
page for a thort time ibsolutely necessary... On' .
ping tome, it was e 4 the girls were observed
by the operatives in ti} Eagle Cotton Factory,
who took it far grentil, seeing them at such
an =mud hour, that strike had occurred, and
they et once rushed him their looms, !bootleg
out, "linenth for the tqo hour taw." The young
girls from the 'Penn paotory quietly pursued
their way home, but th e girls , in the Eagle Fec.
tory were very much excited. We understood,
afterwards, that a strait was not altogether un
ingested by the propriitors of the latter mAl.—
Pe that as Many, howeter„ immediately on going
out, they rotated with Foamy milady like egret.
alone up to the Hope-Cotton Factory, belonging
to polltud McCormick, Esq. There the bands I
did not nutnifat.the alighest disposition p?
courage their unruly sisters, - •
Finding threats sad imprecations in Seib: . tbe'l
Mamas who had-assembled round, commenced
to tear dowia the palings in the front and rear of 1
the: fmatorY. The 'firmer 'they Ora:ow into the
canal, eirdtlat Pelts:which sthoded like any thing
else butthe voices of females. one herculean
ks s blue dress, was pieuliarly prominent in
this stage of the proceedings. Finding that one
.portion. of. the [Mae resiated her efforts, oho
called one young man who' was standing - near,
to aid her. lie dedlared that he did not wish to
bcome connected with any each disgraceful pm
needbigs, upon which the gave him a blow upon
the face, which blackened one of his eyes, • and
nearly knotked him down - .She then tried her
I strength to utmost, aid the fence, yielding
her exertions; Was prostrated to the ground.
this took .plate at an early hour, but as
n as his honor, Mayor Fleming was informed
of the theta, heweit up, with his efficient police
to the scene of the riot. . The disturbance there
had coiled - before hie arrival; and the greeted.
number of the rioters , had gine up io the Star
Factory of the Messrs. Park & Co., where, how
, erer, they did no damage farther than slanting
the operatima,:the girls strenuously refoiing,.
4tose,of the
,Hope Factory bad done, to. leave
their work. The crowd of females then di*:
persed, ihreaterthig that if the girls came back
at dinner - time, 'they, would tear .the faitatims
In the meantime, his honor Mayor Fleming
was not idle. but occupied all the morning
swearing in a force of special constables. Be-
Wen o'ne and two o'clock, be bad them posted'
in the most suivantageons positions, and though
a very large crowd gathered round the Hope
Factory, each was the ehellence of his arrange
ments, that no attack was made.
plyerything .vras quiet, too, in the neighbor
hood of the Star Factory, and we trust that all
the hands of the Penn and Eagle Cotton Factories
will.rettern to work this Morning. '
The repairs in the Penn fsetcre7 hare been
cOmpleted„and wiimderstand that the bell will
be rang as 'to learn that the-bell of the
Eagle cotton factory, eE the earnest solicitation
to sonic of the-bends willbe rung. We trust that
no diseartance will take plrico this morning, not
only for the reputation of the operatives, who
bare been already disgraced by the riotous and
ctimiturl conduct of the most wicked among
them, 'but for ..the sake of the city ef
. _
Sheni: • ,
If any riot should take place, we - are pleased
tiOcarti, that the inergetia-kfayar of Aliegheny
has engaged a safficient number of special police'
toreador the attempt entirely fmitless,and to ren
der it certain that all the misguided males and fe
males; endeavoring to excite the popular feeling
into Anmult, will be arrested and taken to pris-'
on, there to suffer , the consequences of their
outrageous and diagramed conduct.
do interesting habeas - corpus are, took place
yesteidaY morning, in the Circuit Court of the
United States', before the honorable Judge Ir
win. Benjamin Jones and John II arpier, of
Louisiana, - were the relators. They had been
actors in the Circus known:as Dan rice's, which
-via in town last week, but having some dine
greement with him, left it; and, on Saturdny, '
were committed to prison by virtue of praxes
from the United States Circuit Court, on the
davit of Bice It appears that the relators were
'engaged in New Orleans last winter, to perform
In the areas known as Dan Bice's, but which
reallyhelongs to another person, es equestrians
.ke., at a very good wary.- The affulivitalleged
that the relators had fraudulently broken their
Several points, arose under the Act of Congress
0'18.39. the Pennsylvanian statute of July the
-12th, 1842, and the Laws of Louisiana. P. C.
Shannon Egg, Counsel for Bice, and Whitbcck,
the proprietor of the circus, contended that the
jurisdiction was undoubted, and that the ads.
tit was amply sufficient to warrant the Court,
in holding the relators to hail, or remanding
them to prison. He argued that fraud might
• arise during the existence, or In the course of a
contractthst whilst alligation of fraud, In
the inception of .16 contract, was one ground op
en Which en arrest could clearly be made, under
the dtatute of 1912, yet that was not the only
case contemplated by that act. If that were
no, those frauds which were committed daring
the various stages of contracts, , and which of
tentimesrequired years to etnututoinate their
prorisions, and tars =lima siost.Yrogresititm,
were beyond the reach Of an adequate remedy,
and could be committed with Impunity.
- Be farther contended that the gist of these no
dons wise tort, and that even in the State Courts,
arida the frets 1, new "before this tribunal's espi,
se Might' properly issue. As, to the point
etisgd byt_theleareed comma 'far the 'relaters,
(hlr.,aentilten:,) relative. to the legility of. en
'agent raiking the affularitiaa 2dr... Bice hag
done) required bees Pennsylvania Statute, he
would merely state that the Statute itself set
tied the question. The words of Ahe Act were,
either briadmit of 'the party, or some other
persons.' Even, however, if the leulfeefe were
cot explicit legal , construction would gore the
—•. . _
bfr Ifirailton, - who • stated pis. points at the
Ustard,: , -iislied upon The following new of .the
case. That, under the lais of the United Staies,
4bli Ml:rodent had not 'hewn such Use by
s eAlds -as entitled bim to. have a copies
against the defendants, under the laws of Penn
Theludge appear favor his idea, and the
ease was postponed until Ave o'clock.
• At S o'clock the court met; and his honor,
:Judge Irwin, delivered en able opinion, • whirl
we regret to say we cannot find room for. Its
stated in substance, however, that the fault in
this cue ' appeared to exist in the law itself, as
fumed by the State Legislature. Acts were too
frequently passed in a hurried manner;.and it
seamed, in one view of this cue, to be a hard
ship, that no - adequate remedy existed. If the
affidavit had shown fraud in the inception of
- the contract, and the Court could be satisfied on
alit point, there would be no difficulty in the
case. As it was, ha would ordeithe discharge
of, the relators on common bail. They gave this,
rind were discharged, -
Tits dom.—The water in the Canal near
the basin. is beginning to emit most unpleasant
odors. - It should be drawn off before it causes
Whams in the neighborhood.
Onto Ellitutt—Tbe workman him commenced
U. pads Oblo„ street, in Allegheny. One mile
dies to to graded and lamed; from the Peniten
t/my to the city limits.
AII:MS.ION 511LIZT.—•• 0•••,- . •
Chet Anderson street, am the Allegheny River,
has been graded and paved, in the most sub
itantial manner. When the new bridge Is built
am the canal, it will bo O. great theroughftwal
Praia. architect who had contracted. to
build a house of Fifth street,' and who had; as
was 'alleval; left the vault unnecessarily exposed,
as to render it dangerous fin. citizens to pass
along the street, was yesterday. brought be
fore his honor, Mayor Guthrie, .'and fond top
dollars. - .
Pritau.--A mint residing on' Feming street,
was yesterday thood twenty dollars and the emits,
by MsYor Fleming, for disordefir conduct' Be
had beat edebrating the Fourth of July, in too
spirituous a style, smd'attempted to met his aim
house =Are, when reproved for the manner in
which be had acted.
Commitzzo.—Christian Biekart wad 'enteric;
Committed toprison by N. Patterson. Engulfs;
of lilitidigbcm, charged, on oath: if_ in wyMmu
timid ItortisoN ,with e!asvataz34 battery
- -
port were. yhterday brought . • .ititlerumit
Steel, nharged with Sellldg tiquorlaftha • %co:
Oar readers will recollect that a prohibato
fula been past concerning it, forbidding
spirituous or malt liquors to be sold there. The
great majority of the, viPmsseientunined were
erridently unwilling to eye tiny, teethuony on the
duttleet. .„ . .
•!Qate was a German, wl4-when closely ernm
hied, admitted that he had bought .liquor in the
'booze of one of the defendants: - Why did he buy
itl For medical purposes.- Wee he eich?-,
Did any one lire is the hones with him ? Yes,
two' joprneymen. •Howyouch did .ha buy! A
Fan two or three times a week. ...V•setr. his.
Journeymen sick!
~ NO, but he and they *link
it to 'prevent eicknes from attacking
Another witness bed meta frieirdir44n-b,-;
and they went into a horde to get et
ale. The keeper told 'them that ' they di' Iqt ,
sell ale, but soldcakcs: They bought a eake,imt
had a glue of ale, for which they paid Ore cents' .
each. The cake was good-the , ale was good,
and they redly did not know which they. paid
the Out waster: The cases were postponed mi.
ASZAUL7 AND. Bertzsiy,-:-Lewis :Morris was
yesterday committed to prison by Ableiduiti
Thompson, of .Shaler Towtuship, charged,
.oath. of Elisabeth Norris; hie wife, with simunalt
and battery: -
ityPDbit,72en ct the N. Y,,
tosoini;sl3se , 2o; 1851: •
There - hie been mole general activity during
the poet week, although nothing has o carted
of:material importance.
TILL Glirdir ramarnotr.
Thtexhibition maintains its enciais, d thq
daily number of visitors now reaches to etereed
60,900 and.lo,ooo. The weather hiti consid
erable effeot, and consequently on Tuesday last,
which 'was almost the drat l3ummer day the to-.
tat number was hoe
.not which Imnot yet been
exceeded. These of course were not all present
at the stund moment, bat' It is probable that as
idAtly oa 00,Q00 have'been in the building
time; end although this was truppoeed to be the
the limit that . . could be 'Comfortably allowed,
there has thnefor been no dense of inconveni
The Mier :which is observed by the population,
not .only in the building; but froni ono end of
London to the other, at the present period is , a
subject of general remark and bongnstrdation.—
There seem to be fewer accidents and there are
certainly fewer offences thin at ordinary peri
ods. The lesson Ls thus taught that If we take
can't° stimulate the energies of nations In high
and useful directions rice will decline.
ACtheopening or . the Session at the Cents..
Criminal Court a day or two since, the Recorder
felt lamselfbband to call particular attention to
the usual :lightnms of the calendar.. He hod
been one of those who had anticipated a vast in
&masa of crime from the influx of popalition
which London Weald receive, but intend of en
thorium° theie 'was a remarkable decrease: mad
It Wiz also - a curious fact that white ituwaus pro
claimed by the timid, that foreigners wore corn
ing hereto plunder, there was - tictuy, not a
single foreigner on the present list ellifted with
robbery of any kind.
As a specimen,, however, of the unteachishle
nature of the protectionist aristocraEy, it is to,
be remarked that the-very newspaper which con
tained this annoincement, - -conteined also a letter
from Stollen. Grantloy F. Berkeley abasing free
trade and the Exhibiting, :Led glvirccurreocy
'to the doctrine that "by collecting people in
crowds and cities you inculcate crime."
During the week an accident has occurred
from that billy and frequent source of casualtieo
• balloon ascent, which might have led to,the ,
most total results and the partial destruction of
the Crystal Palace: Two aerenaum, Mr. and
Niro. Graham, ascended on, tho evening of the
little instant, from some grounds kith. immedi
ate neighborhood of the exhibition, and owing
than accidental-escape of the gas and the pre
valence of apiary wind, they were nearly carried
against the building and indeed only escaped it
I by throlsing out all their halhOst when within a
few feet of its roof. -As -it. was, they broke
several of the flag otitis; arid the result that
I might probably have taken - place if they had
struck the transept, which at the time was
depsely crowded, may be inferred from the fact
that before the balloon wns stoppeal it had
looneked down the parapet walls and chimneys
of,Drome walls :Against which it was driven.
Thoth; Itli-7 - 01°- kir.. Graham were thrown out
and seriously injured, triad It Is hoped that the
affair coupled with the recent Smiler accident at
Paris, may, for a time, put a stop to ouch follies
In both houses of peril:sent there has been a
little more life the last. few everiego Itt the
house of Lord., Lord Stanley has made an elabo
rate attack upon our eystern'of free navigation,
but as usual with rather a damaging malt in
the way of argument. The subject, therefore,
is not likely to Le renewed daring the present
ommsion._, In the House of Commons a motion
for a repeal of half the Malt tax ham been nrga
deed by 70 against 31; and a discuatiou open a
motion by Mr. Colvienth favour of negotiations
being opened with France for a mutual rodeo
dab of armaments has been :net en the port of
Lord Palmerston by en As:Opt:laths approval of
the sentimental by which it was introduced, al
though his lord-ship has explained that the mat
ter was one which, instead of being made the sub
ject of a direct vote, should be leR to the tact
and good feeling of the responsible members of
the two governments.
msnis emus
rkmen are busily up-
- ,
Ins narcoses ix men.
In reply to en inquiry whether a condition ice-
Potted upon the refugees who were recently sent
oqt of Turkey, that' they should pledge them
selves never to returnto that country, had not
been suggested or atiproved by the English Gov
ernment. . Lord Palmiiston has eta.ed that
with regard to the Poles such a condition was
merely ct fedfilment of the existing treaty be
ta= Russia and Turkey, which requires that
theyshoild be surrendered or expelled. .At the
same time with regard to limgsrians it was ob
vious that the ordinary obligations of good neigh.
borhood toward. Austria required that the Sot:
tan should not pertamiently, harbor those who
troald be Dimly to take advantage of their prox
imity to her frontier for hostile purposes.
The ardor. for emigration from Ireland to the
United States shows no signs of abatement, and
it is afErated that preparations' are everywhere
going on for taking flight after the conclusion of
the nest harvest.
- Except withih the walls of Parliament, the Pa
in' aggression is scarcely heard of. At the Dame
Vino it must not be inferred that there is any al-
Wnd feeling with regard to it. • " •
-) , The action that was lately brought by the
i'epresentatives of a Frenchman, named Cure,
who had died in England and had, left all his
property, amounting to L7OOO, to a Roman Ca
tholic chapel and school in London,
has been
compromised on terms whichindficiently denote
their ability to confute the charge that the men
bad made his will under improper influences ex
ercised by them at his death bed. They have
agreed to surrender Z4OOOl the relatives upon
their beAzig allowed to retain the remainder. .
- Citffire er OSZAT
The leading results of the decennial census,
irhich was taken on' the 80th March last, have
already been published, as far as relatesto Eng
land and Scotland, and. *field satisfaction has
been exPressedlhat this enornionslailt, which
occupied four months on the last °cession, has
now bets conducted so efficiently no to bare been
completed within ten weeks •it appease that
the total Pepulation of.prist Britain is 20,919,-
.being an increase of little more than 12 per
cent. since the last return. As regards the pop
ulation of Ireland, it was then 8,190,597. and
owing to famine and emigration, it is probably
not Increased. • This, therefore; would mate the
entire populations of Great Britain and Ireland
about 28,000,000, and the number of. the British
Sate in the colonice being estimated at 3,000,000
—the aggreate is raised to 32,000,098.
It is found that the annual progress of the
population during the last half century has been
as follows, emigration, it must be remembered,
being always in operation as 4 counteracting in- I
Prom l en p . 1 1,, r . ps oclnent“ , vtaclt g ra acs
IE2I to 18:11; "-" 141/7:100 • "
1.631 to 1841, " " • 13 14400 ."
" /641 Ls 1001; " 1310-100
It appears that the !semis -of females Is still
increasing. In 1841 there were in Great Britain
493,808 more woman than men. Now there
ire 530,167. This ie partly to be accounted for
by the demands for the army and "navy on for
eign and colonial eervice, the greater duration
of female life, and the larger' number of 'males
who leave the country as emigrants, convicts,
TB PUNCH =unto.
There apPetra to bare been groat excitement
In the 1701mA. As.sembly, thus described by the
Paris correspondent of the Times, writing on the.
.eveniiighrtlierriith ultimo: .
'The term turbilent' is far too. weak to
',characterise the scene that took place yesterday
in the National Assembly, and which more than
Once threatened to end in a.personal combat be
tereen the hlsjority and Mountain. At ono mo
ment the representatives presented the appear
'Mica of men laboring under an attack of epi
lepsy In Its , most appalling form. Poemhead at th e
mouth; the eyes starting from" the ;th
brow and taco bathed in perspiration; the pale
ness of concentrated hate .and longing of ten
games ; tbe.up white, and Ile hoarse of
igayipg to ar ti o odataiinsulte that were arrested as
they rose, from the *.very. excels of passion t. the
arms dung widely about, and thanes clenelled: '
expressions of the worst, kind thrown out thd
courageous Minister,-who atill kept his gonad
undismayed. • •
"Nothing could be m ora . sidadrable, more cone.:
agoolla,. than the attitude or M. Loon Fouthor
ieroPeaL stood
-immovable as a rock, with itend,entft.,lotlank
ehange -- 01....cermtenania, The rash pade 'hy
Amany mettibersountain 'as tim epitrret
'4songreddet broke on ateirettre,9d With which
the barrage! of M. Pelleiter caus
ed •11 counter:roovement on the ollter side. and
more than one 3tuidittl4ioroberi , Of , night
quitted their-places, and alstirtaeci to protect
and applaud thO Minister. Thd whole hones
was up, fora personal conflict wt4tVerymoment
Expected.; People.raounted on tgblod. choirs, or
benches, dither to prevent the affray or Mingle in
"Well Might M.-Loon-Fituehrr affirm that
snob soenes as those of yesterday were the great
est danger representative government could • mx.
counter. But if that scene surpassed any thing
Of the hind ns yet, or may any thing hereafter,
Wets acts of violence accompany words,''sa was
this l atest etoefflie ,
! Y l a° :l7 iare
liiiebin the Assembly, rin the country,
thatitave been led astray by the hypocrisy of
the tuyolutionary party, who doubt that moder
ate Itepublicarnsm. den. exists separamd from-
Bodaiism or, from terror; It any fraction of the
.extreme monarchical. party thought it might
harpleasly coalesce with the . Mountain. for the
attainment of Some party ens—if there be still
any such. their error must now be . made mani
fest to them.
"Every yell uttered by the Mountain' - as re
ap. ended to by the applause of the entire Right;`
and among those who first ranged themselves(
ronnd.the Minister to protect, encourage, and
applaud, it was pleasing to Ilet,General Changer;
nterotho•at that moment 111114 , 1181de 1115 ordina
ry, rezone of manner, and lent his'example to
the supporters of the Minister. The Alonitenr
of to day shows that this example. Wad not fol.,
lowed by all his comrades, for we find the names
of Generals. Cavalgoao. and Lainorciere voting
with the Mountain on the division. Yet it tenet
the mere' term' abominable''applied to the 44-
trines of ht. Pelletier that is the only cause of
such acmes. There Is each day some preliminary
business in the Assembly, mash as presenting ye.
whiCh lashes the Mountain to fury.
These Men do not come to the discussion of any
question with calm tempera, after seeing peti
tiort after petition deposited.en the table, either
for the revirion or the prolongation of the Presi
dential powers. This manner of exercising the
'national sovereignty' is by ao-meatte to the taste
of the mountain; and as each
I cends the tribune its eager , can with difficulty be
mappthesml. •
" The project of law which gave rise to that
etormy passage is•intendesi to organize the police
samietethation of Lycns.'
X. Basin's Isuccessor to Roussel) Perfhmes
for the Handkerelie£
• •
EXTRA.CTS,of Roso, Orange Flower Joe
.ammo. Portugal , . liertemcs. Seces _Yea.
alo .le nssellne, a d.
üburn., amiss/not. lancielle, Honeysuckle.
Jonosallle. Jockey Club. Wm% Alarschole. Spring flowes.
Cle %Vogl:ad. Jenny Lind. Cusio. Citronelle itentet.
and Satinet 31 •oae ounce bottlegorith glum l E
-rote. All sh are boe Extriuts.mbich are onlY •pt or
amertment, of ,the very_ Mit maslity, m a d.m
tura with lepeelal emu. The
manta. lesteneive Wee in Shim
tully 1001 the Digit estnuadon srhicti they are
held. bj ths community. trat tele by
5P.14.1349. STlTnni
IEIRENCLI LINENS, of various polities,
r , m , '"" 4 ` 4 " °g &alli t iriTsiliiiiiiyuLD.
SUGAR -10 hhde.Clarifie4, for raleliy
uarZ. 1.2741L1211 a VEN N E
frEAS--50 hf. chums Young it son;
s - - Blck - 06mq flavor;
E , tato by •
.1103, • Water mad frohl et&
1 - I)YERING'S SUGARS—DoubIe P.etinod.
I.e. °milked. Phlrerleol wolPttnlortt. eaustantlr
oh htl and for rale bt the barrel or rotallat the lowest
caoL rate, by VILA, 31 , cL , AIt/ i tit tkt.
. heal' tto
11.6P.RING— hblo - new
AI ors
.y ~: a c~~a~n ads'~s_l'g
rasir TEAS—Just received at No. 256,
Liberty n 4 az Invol. of Tory sapalor Oolas .4
13.0 TT. of Th. lsto. importa.uota fa male 'try
tbo Lalf ela. or p. 04 Of
WU. A. 11 1 CLUIVi k CO.
.10 Orr.. and T. D. 10..
tritlT IPEAS. -- Just received, a beautiful
wortment of plain G01t1.4.0 Enamtlled, and oth
• r ass . aral dreu - Lble tratt7;.v. j,.eu„.
3.1.k0t *Mot. claruer of Fourth.
ntIt3IPLAIIS SWORDSLJust reed, a let
Slranlg, Irltb the mibloant am
O. er beastimlir ‘:00000l.
WOO!.—Cuels puikforlCool by
11 . INSEED OIL-1500 gulls. pure, lot sale .
bi J. SCCOON3I.III t e n t
- t.
Mtn OIL.-10 bbls.pure winter
IS 'd* No. 2. -
Ft wt., DT
J. .SC1100:01A1UR k CO..
I. Wood it.
IQUORICE ROOT-500 lb!. for sale by
1e2.1 R. E. SELLEIig,
FIG METAL-560 tons for rate b
jf.s RIMS. MATTSD7W; yr CO.
91 d 2 8 1 A .5 C . f C' or i . -- 5 - 15 -t
b6y- keg, (UMdge'PAN..L Si:,'.
.i 52 GI WaSyr, w 175 Ylrssst.
- -
OOL TWINE-500 lbs. for F3le by
ICLOOMS--200tom Soft Tenn.DALZELL , for sale by
bble. No. I, for sale bi"
MANNERS' OIL-50 bbL.. just receiving
by ...a, and ter iAlt:18 DALT.ELL.
da. Water st.
nackerel put rtorlieeisal7
OOL. WOOL—Cash paid fer the diCer
V tut krukw of wool b
I V - , O. 1 MACKEIREL-10 or. bbla. extra, to
/1 n. 47 QM. tend. by Isla - All Dian 400-
Waver lad front sift.
II s} ED OIL — ID bbls. for sale by
mr'A itoulsoN, Lir=a CO).
BACON --43.000 lbs. Shoulders?
ta7Z "Rarkij:LlVAli
..,....._ .
IVAACREREL-7 5 bbls largQe No. 3, for sale
b, ..0 w - . 1 F. STILECCi.
py a . tut &Kesel oa.
K 4 kr .1. b, . wm.s.tIoCLIACI kCO
o L. eI"Z tirceero Bed Toe leW;re.
j - PP OMA N CEMENT-2. bbla„ for tale by
A Jen S. Y. VON noNtionsr a cv.
("lIEESE-30 hie.' W. IL; for rota by .
kJ id -. a. Y .. YON nosuonrx_ A C!1.
-11.7051.—f1010.001d .40 Velvet, Bogue, nerestry .oo
Orseemettel }Wadi Plt.T. of Win. qualities, awl 00
PA.* to eV.= ttreginrChrr,/I,,Vvt every elms of
VI I IODIAS PAl,if tlt.lS Makal it..
(!OLDEN BYRDP—In 4f MA;:iin - ci
V[ ley "I'r° ' l4 el ; =VAR - tit= I'Tco.
/11.A.NNEMS 011,-27 bbls. Bank Oil, for
X may by yy3 J. a U. FLOYD.
A.l OLASSES-20 0 bblx. IN. 0., for salt by
/XX 193 J. a It. FLOYD.
CASSIA -400 lbs. for salt by
. my 9 B. A. FJOINLSTOCK .9 co.
IIIARTAR EMETIC-50 lbs: for sale by'
I_ my 9 D. A. FAIL IFATOCK • CU.
A r LMON---30 bbla. and hf. bldg. No. 4 lay
b spiti JOUN WATT C.
VIRE liltICK4-65,000 (Coal Grose) Fire
Jl2 Brick. <gold 0/ Pot thothior to the Dollrel Brick,)
ou haed end to nle
G/OTONS just received,
fc 1!1 . asuperior article
""*"""erref 'C. A. fIcA.YULTY a co.,
la C• 1141 1/1131.
FlSll—Mackerel,6Cad, and I:ferring, far
sale by , leg J. R. FLOYD.
T AR -30 bbls. Boston, for sale by
J.. 4 11. YLOYD.
IGARSE SPONGE-400 lbs. for sale by
NIUMTED .I:IIIBONS—Just reed por
wy-24 ttot.• Tog dtalralt eximr••l
• bc us. for Tritrub.,..rmbroring all r
•a Stlslatlnn or wtolessle taunt:len is re.
.trulli Invitel to the &buy* czttos
•• .11A2te. t M.
kep fur twie by '1
er 122 Eacokld. awl IGI Fint
RUFFALO ROBES—AII grader; kcpt con
-LP m "." l7 "'" ua " t " .. r. i gLatarecd: I cr..
irsODFIII-1 0 drums for sale by
_ .
C OAN-500 bu. for
UARRELS- 200 new Flour, for auk by
;111 J.I3 . DILWOIIT it CU.
PO W DE R M.«) I .s o M t n '. °X. : 1 4Z "
= gyp
" tatiltvarzr
AFETY FIISE-25 bble. to arrive, fur lieu
i by Lie:2l J. 11.14 - LWORTII A Co.
CORN -35 bbls. for sale by
and 114 YlVeLet.
POTASI.I7 , _ 30 cas . ke puFe r for salo by
Corner of tblrd awl Idarkot moats. Mortal .L it
The only Chartorwd Instlento of tho WO4 In Penn
eliFArtnn—Joui FlllO3ll, .141nelps1 Inewnotor In tho
fwienottof Aecounta.
O. Pt. Co•wrol.t. Protestor of Panunnutritly, 31.. to
tttContpultatooi-W EtVo
ALSTAnnFn o.
latto. Taot. Lecturer an Coninwrolg
Doan OF Ts ..roottrs—Tlon. licou Tornao
uchow., Um Cowles Saylor. Loa.
Hm. Una OtOD, llau. N. Lawrie, Dr. J. It. AleClintuct,
Job AnderrOn. Lr,.
,Gote- IC iloorenOwl , Don.
I.' =s7titt r : L l onar ' rs. 7l 4olol T..Cn. AttornOy
LAW; intro Taney, Merehinet 11. A Pryor. Accountant
atunouls eon enter tllls hurtle:Wan ony lima. and ob
1010 Instruction Indlridually, both day ?.4.. 0
2 . ttltj a t=ut ll . plonta. ague. too ornl ,
Plt=rPigtZ7'ltokr=fra'retitel to
Chartered Ildwuo dile In Pittotnnin. Carotneules ,
Wets iddreened to D. Cbantitarlin, 0110 1.0=1;4
i m porters , of Frehch and Caktan Goods,
So. bl areoav '
ESPECTFULLY invite. buyers so exam
aTOViiikvsLi . •
TAFFETA .A.‘7l SATIN RHIBONS—L Tull sotaw.ttooo
.lII.A CA: GROS IIK RII/NE,AII athltha and priors. af
tilatC.ll/173" VEST/N6N-Lhame taaltor that tun ham
t° 1 41617,1"..r.V.'btk tad faneytravata, black and
aclArad LW^ Ptaio wad Rat spas.o
'JUT'S SHAWLS AND ECARES—Jaat imthsol 11.11 int
of all coke. sad 1;o:t DRUB Qum, of rarlons
'Mgt". se' nu
1:17. CHINE. Sareftorta.
thaitton market. ITlNlartlato
pbaci-Iplua &
of Paclets.
tit Sailin g from Philadelphia on the . ; igial
I attnAll}:lismoMairve..."-r.
rIiONANIV AIL Win a r a tiardlnertdastr.
UENLTN, Alfred V OlO 0 .
Exile). Mester.
..Tiol"abN tityVaienelr
~,„„..,..dare noted for therapidity of Male Peno_lnn •
100 0 are Iltted r u lle4ll . l 4 ate . g itoneMnent r igOr.
&bre and iltsentOnn
they en WW
commanded by men of acteowledrosd ho
era t mequelled for thole externence to the Mo nsee ,
Persons &Worm at hinging their Monne from the Ohl
g o d ey ese obtain nert.tes of wage. - which will be
o: t.,l;Agnt ItVi;:virihwot.i...g=.lL.rd
l=tioa• relent , . to their d. • • ,
pow the convenience' d. wishiew b mot
ra . 47l!"ogageremiltf 1:61. 000..04
the tordn or YOIL Otflres th . Veiled almodom.
• ma-Proilnolle notninst nom , from Lim-
Meer week Atm followlxj sandhi will to fort/a z bed, :
I. tl u nder Iffir4cLlA:
and half of stkarrls i n c o a lm a ls. -
37.Welnut street, he • Secori. r ttd;edegam
woof owner awn wood sta r PI Itaum4l.'
Baited States .Notet:at Philadelphia:
41RE SUBSORIBBR 'respectfully nnnoun
11:= 4 101o il A t i o .W 4 lbe
HATES HOTEL. Low lgoen anakeetlon vllb ge
flatel ander the late Protaietar, be feels twiggy_ ago
proadgea Ile al, patrols; Illat malaria . gall allat
eattarm DrOvio. Mutation igs the beg .esbause
gil.T=l t grge be r.
a:Tie/ilk .' ton to tbrelulages likrcdared eoe
a:l4l ' eamtert of Leak.. Bens final). d.t.... 1 . -
N 1 to age latlggliln a lullgta a 4,...allausnee,o! gag
t=rae gab] , iw g a gdg;
VACTURrA , South 'lsgoad Meg, Wage i
Clietoat. get MO bbliedelphla. Stlabay
NWOO.nlark.Atil.D.rhs.6.l6 WhovLla le
2 JP al.
D. C. 11 . C.OLMOr
Ii:ALD• • RUCKNOR Tobaec
Commlasion Merchants. N. al Korth Water atm
.16 Nareh Wharres, Mladelphin , ..• and
RUE & ANTELO, dertiral Con n zdi t : t l
.LV lant M• l . • rhithlll4442. Meta
In • 4313 conslanmenta Proltmosearrg/T.
.2iVer Vent. saved to Country- Menlo,
M. J. KIliG,. Dealer - in .BOOTS AN
: 13110 FA; No. 46 North Sword street, nthdelph
taw 'wit r.ed from the zathasetaff th extettette •n d we
selected Oa th of the slam gond...bleb will to rota at .
Pee Dent. lee that nu be paretheed to th e din for .
Dealers will do well ba ath bathe. ath*ththwir. • '
taTl2,lal , •
Shawls .Cloak;! Maxitillas I,
I •
S. „MILLS, No. O L CortLandt et.,
N.. York
.32f:Avlig A4 l l , l o l,BbAerl W=rumareh
trA,Tle,l, peel Domestic ' Wool Loop remelt. togther vlth
full ap.ortenem of Fond, wed %PL.
Broehe fluple„ of geem7 Prod,' •
Also. on rvottetre ;noel of Cob bAzerrino.TlAt.,sM4
Beam. mut Velvet CLAM MANI LLtS, ALCMS. an. of
vasimu ellepee and all.. mon Afectund from - Pei.
Mos or hie ow n tatportations, :revived eemPrometbly per
I,loe - re at...twes.
No Invites Um epecla Attention of &Ohm .ad Welt
ers Merchant/I to Mt above. aa they Pill Dad mart.
moat of Alwels. th ead resdraada goat. firLams'
n O,.
t t lo e AL
SLOW MANIA Pe. Abibithuf
C omb, % dreLeol onry PiLe ' red . k . rbat LPL
I Cmob. at 10 laul 10 met. " .{.242f
for aby
\~' t Y. {rl L O>
aka for Foreign Pate/As;
N 0.6 Wall 4., N. Park, and 166 Flat at., London.
Jo Greg iinterm. liakendoawl
otner ;lota of comp—we Omuta.. Cabs, =4 tima Bra
tilYall lafmaation =Wm above ern be bud bp.edtsfdai
J. P. PIMSOIe... •
6 Wall street. Neer Tart.
Superior Black Writing and Copying Ink.
TUNE'S EMPIRE INK, 87 Nauman street,
oD Non Nuildlone. Non2forn.
MarTl nr.6 TO TIM MUM.
fjrfts:not 0 , --SI NO 0 my. d.— --SO 60
6 as) VIM 00. '
tli:rrof:tirsota=;.7-7t =ft—L..l;-
10 a stool COVlthe INK—olot soot ano.loo
nr....01at0. der.. TM noose.. all the ousllttos two..
st far • In. Wtittun LA. onhottio tor t 1.114 .4
.snot for tho
eti --
Who undonsoned Is 5zen05....04 tont' , trade el.
l e er hlr IMpOrt or 1.12. wasturptlan. WI altKrTO Inftlr
I^. Mk., rot up la prT Ordtr, mut dogs.. In 13=
of tho rity fee of elorse. ehotso tn . moos.
, Woo tote shag. oat= St nett coo.
Professor A. C. Barry's Pricophercon, •
-15 gating. Troorrtas sad botottftiait the bait
t tool and dandie r. tad aorta, dual of
tr.V r ."2;4 I .,VM,V4T "'"p t i r . W Vl irgl •n•
trona gal protocol tat tutu cst, to canna dia.:Apo •
1 , 11:1, eta of the hcro. - aha sit tho Ittanduto. Stot
hao•toa tothattotialta: tolettad trt..batutreit of
luttert. will +rot at Chow tht value of th• • .
it.. oointatioa ahlth lt Uhl by thoht.ho ttt
Or. It trwl
' tisarYtata. t0t.1.1.0 .• • '
11....x—rtoar—l, lan tree alliKed with tn.
E 4 V;or g. uP iLi n .rt,V.l 4 g,_ . :frlorTr ir=4 • .7"
aat's ton ahtk• of •coscof te a tort , oalarat la• - •
mut, sad Lave tried oath, FMCDIVIOU! fat the
• sot
tato wat karma. .crease taw Inut Louth I was • •tW
14 • Mort t• tn . mu Marko.. I did to. so a last
rtAl.t, •o t t. to .7 surpttio 104 gllalhatiget.troad comlf
eared te about, e•o atootha. Port war. tbto Etta of tat
dittonle• that at than 1 eat JYn
1 1 ,.. - Peang , y , Tenn RAM=
al Rh:Oat:is Mort. Stotkli. '
N 0.3 large
Stle by
Nrw Tait; Oct= 11150.
P. Rawly—By Dewy Blr—A Watt. Mr. Orr ruY.luth.
came out real. ilral,wril.ary bred am math sMtneu
with daadra IV I wart:lLl by • trivia to try yourllitophar•
uu. and. I did. and to my astordshluaut. a xed, W Wit war
thinly rood. and all th. durd.mfr
Bad how rho.. for Breit
With reaped. I am iwur erred% rrrel.
JtIVBEADWELL. Broidway. • •
If run lady Ur &mailman databte airtheß Of the
whoia they will yin ro rail st Profersior • C alba.
IC Broadway. Nam Tort, •litra taw 0111 prodium wir7l4.
cal latter.
irrom the MUlter, nor liseal Amu% Noe.O. 11-101
Ttioro wimp
I r cot the venowmt cure of 11 , 0=
one dheneet et Ch• criI‘LIOTO IM.TOljr. LIOSX to!
the Oviillilit; enJoyed 41 Ilse mune =town es Proton.
Banjo Trevor enme. or Medimtod CoMpound. - It le .1-
kt:unruly Wad .y the tiPliol [lame. of the I n to
ehooeteeerr nnmerr in the ismi 111. wed In prefereme to
other merle. of the Ike]. 0 11 bawls vigor to tlm eroded
th F
od t;o 1 r, =el reinc h u t 4. 2 eTn a nek " Nre .
belo One
~. end gemer. It Will VIM all Mem. of Oneintip,
mob as sonld Lod. der woret, and otter oboatious dimr.
eras of Me olio; In .en ne well modem, It lean&
•uraltalleal, It is e01..1 In iirre bntuo. ON.
1.17 limodeeer. end at the Int:me/dr generally, throotket
the. Board
OW,* end Vaned& .• • Marg.
cuicarte: awakes.
ONTINUES hiA tenet facilities to receive
Storno, Pale, awl TatuthlTt,L, Menbandia
llistenorsrlimis. bardo
sorb itiF4lll3ir
Produce, Couurantos, aod Yoreordlog cMurdo, visitor
Lev.. St. oeeh, Mo.
Ittfor to Massada Gordon, and Lamm Stull= Co..
AVI C. TUTTLE,. Attorney at
• and dormaludomr Tor Penal
.1 OILS 11. RANKLN, Attornek and. Coun-
T =,l4afrat err
liclknment—Pitubstrgh: 4og,W. Torwom, iltmples t
Milkr, M'Catalleto bleCture. John X. Putt, Stoats
McConl aea • . • • • aasial7
TUE undo:sigma having entirely re- x l
b,,ilt. n dnalarged the ebove exienAvo tatibliehe
me o 4 in all about three handrtd and tni
ma: Would rtvlawdolli give Isr,(l a that it 1r now Teeny
ithe reccption and acconicsalation
. 00 to n e - travolUnir
"Ireir4ll.xl cloth:ref the orworyseetdconvenlenece of this
House deemed copertloons.. se the moment , . Lannert
memo w htell have teen made mono{ be property Oven hi
so wive rtieentent. Sulfite It to wty, no expense hae Gwen
,CT to render any eparttoeut perfect.
The furniture •we mac expressly to We, tweets:llea ot
coet. end evetwin s.octionn et 14 eepecially the DreennE
repots will 1,0 1.4 11 to be of the twat. taeutlfUl manes.
tore. The Pitting moose ere cape-tow , and . rho hot= for
p, ne ie win ho co arranged me to wilt the convnience of the
early end how}
Every deo...a:lent will be eta/Auden In en uneseeptions
ble almoner, out the insulrietor plohrec htmeely that tha
meet sew Howe Atoll toe truly the Traveller'. Ihnow
feld:llawlhvei.mT LEW Meru
nRIED APPLES--30 sacks prime, for sale
bbls. (Blow's make) for
Nab br lay= !OILY, NATTFULIVS A Co.
UGAR-24 0 hhd a. pr ima N. 04 for sale by
OPLEY'S POT CLAY-46 bblejustrea'd
CLOVES—IbOU Ibn. for sale by
my'43 s ! D. A. FARM:STOOK A CO.
PENCIL FLOWERS--A spleralid variety
of the Llevreft rtzles trrodi stat dzierfoon Flower+.
" lob wean prerpomi to cull eery ..e. t wbolenlo or
myy) A. A. MOON
n itiED pEAcitEs_,3s
Jr to. Bola low to close lot, a itt
11117 n
UCKETS-50 doz.Mariott4, for
Jil torn lli. CAN
B ROOMS -100 doz. Corn,4fonrßlN.
saitliATUS-011 ta.e.a.77:trnmie
m 721
QUOAR-100 bbls. Powdered, for sale by
ut,24, , 1113/LIIMIIN,M
COFFEE -= 150 bags Riu; . ... — ,
03 " Usturra: tbr Web,' ~ - SVGAA-ISO talttel N:'. O. B=u• for sat e ,b,
......A . . ILOIsIIION LI ',cacti • ' ' ' - • , -.7l.tarneur. 4.
OAF SUGAR---100 bbls. tuTe'd
- . 6 ' ..W4914 7 16111 . 1 "1. , 67
- I
For 'We or Perpotatillio*c.. -
out nhuta tb• f.Fa
A P ll an eatur, fetottlos ontuAltaldou otltabontustrortant
ont f or
• • .
S AW for runt for one Or inane .xotri:dho of the
lint lot on the Wit, ...0.41.1r =sr* street. unnl
orro For tarn •
~ enquire of .11,1149FAVORLAN1, war
the orontloon or of the rutocriber,
tenet artiFi
Tblni ohrtot.Plrtsbarsh. • ' '
. _ .
_ s s .........
• .
sTo Le
DIVELLING 1101). . containing 9
, or 10 rooms, in good repairpoindend street.
egbeng rlty. Hydrant In Ms . &Me& M Mrir
enough Mr & gsrden. limit lon , noaseasion esn no g i..
.., Immediate ll . Z. D. AZZA-.11, laberirrt,
jelittl , . . near th• smiolti of IMM.. .
;Valuable Lot on Third street for dale:
WILL sell- the Lot on Third etteet, - ad-
N` o Vei,f`,:g h e.V..telt , VVl : =lll3
41° . ,:11 TA= d 10A111.rei rw
lees. The nitewhe $1,500.0n0 thonosa In hood. tho .
ow with Lateebt to tor wwwend hT In . wed =etym on
Lot. mob:. in ono and two Ten. team tho dale of
44. etio a perhotlf MA. c{t~stes eft
j01143w . - 46{11. a:co Elaler At Co. Yoneth et_.
So e
enlldtree story bne •
einn hom bowie, citrate enTblrdixation etnickOwiticen ".
t cantwell f with
124 In the kitchen and abinewhich there n coma
ith bet sod mid inter. .Itweention - iftwcp_
pa . , : •64 F.l • 024110;ili HOWE CO. .
• • Howie and Lot for• Sala
T LARGE LOT, on Leitcock etrecti cg
I,At i Tt i ller ni t g lgra:tecM f e hM S_,to -a
'tether with ascot Erick Dwellrlfonwt,
tram..rAtaxiegyeet.M3h; R 091107
Q TORE ROM TOLET,. onMarket:a
mod mo door from 'ottk , IDLRI the
stob and Mare of W. W. Was...
Rion Ronm-ban err bondoof o l~ ro ,.i tt0.11=4.,1a
° lra IL the, OalCo D galiTrar Will Wiwi' low. Brea
!mina! JAMIRS ORAL •
VALUABLE unimproved "LUT,._on the.
ft. corner of Llbertr.ld
opyadta the Gala. Catholic Ott SO h• oeo
erty, by 100 Int dreg cm Factory, rtambag hectic , Syrtojt •
Atao—the (bre. atm Wigle Unasa . cm UharEY
shornlet balaa 'AI 'est (tort bl
""""‘""i"h"Slith" asAl dent, hulk la
100 Int dat a house Is largo adtre
modern aty mad contains e= roccut • si ,
AlWAsena of r.sal land Mit
A Yana of 13. ery 5 sorsa tb West Elan towns
Also—A Farm a( 264 sad Lowman eomss7. ca.*
VlZTP "at t:itealear natty, Or micas s ins and.
yens; froira/0 . acres do a
Alao-12 ter? ra
Econlro of
• • Attorney. at lstat, and Rad Estate ~
city M T. • No. 1.07. Vonsth stmt. i.rab•
TOR RENT— . ,-A Warehouse on Watergl
career, between lAuket and retry. sailabli n
prolui• boatmen. or •
cmyttlil JUIES Walare It..
.•-•. • • - •
TELE well Knished ind furnished Store, r a
.i.. • on MINI atraat s near Val, Part Oro.. at prannt
occupied by if ra Carter, a. • J.nreley Saga. aypl
e 5. r. D. GAZZA3I. TO u
o .
• •
. To ,FetTaVre: - ' 2:.
A r l o AORES- w iarmi rrrm .n . 5 :, and,
vithkgelko miles of J.; lir,. York arrl
Ed.1614.1."‘ • Ik
ems aim - 1 .40 3 b ' 'wrZLINS a co,
th ' s 1. ' 4°1 " " abaut a:4 Tiara am.
rrivENTY:Acius Girdening 'Lad, 111
slA t y "ftw r u t o r trtbr g to
"trwrewat a itatili
pit In ow two. and Tett% yowpawlttw= iww
pi t ttw at:thwrsaltiwg
.to 1 • • torocrof -Market wad Third
, .
- Deniable Suburban Residence for
THEMRS subscriber offers for sale the hoiiiie and
rere bo now rerklel , situated on st. z. tt
In mark t f tgfiq r ...The lot bal.frllt on Ptak She
=Meg talk :gm fah . to allsy—oentsinlng neatly oat
010t..=t1,..%1 boraltd,
and smeedinAiy ne/l. . hrnhber
arraXde havhal
*tam!. ef fa foet. e a Booth
o and con haulm.
rants. beeides ball ad
snine fest Ede.. It Is MUM the best
sad Most durable marten and by nraproof tool sad
eantalas all the Mann earreolmen Tao 00.1 Elh
unfallial supply of hard and a:Maslen are at theater.,
Un the panda.. are the mammy ont bulldlasevahMes .
cartage Dom.*. The inneadala• told tot =MY as a.
Imen armed Mt exam fraintraan oral:meta. Itonstiils.
mania, comma goodie:err... menberneattamt • mm
=MThe fruit is albs best thed.sati.the araia
ime, sad ylekl main Ss tW trantenf an
family. The Nitoshou otitis preperty, en to dab=
Saba:am comforts,.oombmed• with tosintanY to the Mine
Is tot MM.. , by - my madam in Me Ennity.. /t haa
g view of the 1110 gill.. far aver s toile. or Teammate,
vile. South Fonda:meth tla airy,. the two rims...Ube
bills mound. kmalus shatetber • IMMO* ProMmt• e/
Edell the. eye
em a, mot
~v onMes.'• Cz t r , y..bazt e w e lps hl a s t eaten
‘llZE'Ti:re. •- The lerlenee ltd grenade Ea atm I =y
removal fince 007 11.131101.40 of dust. at deafened; of
comfort sal vegmUttg and groats . * Mamma as ;Mgt
are amend Elf-loaded Insane nuntnook In the romaY.
Tim properly Ell be
M a nn t abasnann pmadca gdran
whenever desired. aar at the Usartte arm •
Real Estate far Sala:
. .
F isle
TIIE members of he Fainneuet flee Com 4 '
me, awe their Zs for Aga. it is lo Secel or ,
Asa will La tc7.l elvesrasualr• of
.7 . . .
.. - . B.IIITII.
~331 2:ce, 4OS. Pew stmt.; r'
tested ellitg-Itounit ..2
Thlntlemet.'•baref and a.. s to Imithllikt: , .
sw futures. Ism ran i . .sea home. se. Will
rested low, sad pooreseloo Wen ins:D.llw") ,
Aleo—Far Bale or Low. moons • ball in Os Ninth Natl.
b " "' Pe 'm 4".1.'d th r . f td. U VIIITL e
i .
• • ;
- at Benj. Dsailngtosos. Ranh Most. oar Woo!. • ,
arses :`t! - -
• Valuable Beal Estate for -Bale.
aqtF, SUBSCRIBES. ofora for Salo, on 2
ront , l. trrsn. the fAbwring Peal Battela. In
City ^f Plinks:rob. -
No. I. Three 'nestle ti. stare teat - dwelling boom.
on &went sant:between klnleet .od Ferry Means tbo
lon Wog nen lie feet front D 760 den..
No. 'roselne 61 ten Mateo Third meet adinnitig
tlis flirt Presbyterian Ctnueb. on widen annual a.
four story briek hM 11.04 NI • printing oft.. and am
two etery briar nerenoses.
No. A Two lot. 10 lialleton, Downer county..bising lets
Nona end S. being stoat On ten. loara.on nbinn Wands
od ono block of gore frame dmlllogs, and one seyainde
Mew dwelling all two stories blab. • -
No. a 00.10100 ad front no elt *Owns *Moat tba
ate., estradlimt to the toy of On blll.. •
No. b.. Two tenet lots, earbAo feet front, lead rosonniA.
tram the rood to low water mart. on tbe Big Beans.
No. O. Onirolnallongur lot. BA fan onliban aliCh
with ton stein water power att.bed. . ,
7:01. lot apnoea* U. water lot, WO foot Vane end
extending le We top of tbor 11111, an whleb monad ono
two 'Wry beteg slors and wsreboose.2s by 60 koßaboone
. " It 10
tog atone ISO ton an Its - ot:trway. and anent Bin feet ajar,.
ignalnlng MTh OD wills* ars meted two large erama
dwellings. and ena enadl frame boa., wed at on office.
MO Imogene vat, gontsrly Neon. to ..ILr. T. . flonlig,
sad le very pleasantly loaned. being Ononlietnyoppaita
Vollsten Brig •.
One ewer bd. Inmedlately below Fallstonßrldge.
Waft art 140 fog In k I.gtte. And sztendit. Bun inn
! Th.Te:T " : • W roi r sZnelLVlg elt "'L ler;
Apply It .[tie noon Eng:sof /1...t.,7 !TUC_ ti.l&iN e cornstYlotrd
mid Market striate • • JO= PLAJUNO. Agent. •
Flr Sale.
• MACS OP BUILDINGS , on tbeenmeratlVaate.' .
i' granta " &2ll the Grty of Dlts=. Tbo N eos ' Dente
teilijoa=l:logt to telLn o. Per =eat. and ow
to aloesli feet alley. Inquire of. ...-
i . .;., : , , ,1L11 , tiVlaGaul...t.
j ~ E ....______
elznad VS., fur onthi . » lin» , unikhatTattehabla
%, 11' ; ' 4
...anlo' " t n't • ML , r= r.:,:t
..,011ty room n and Intltaratnanacb. - ,
The mid g rowth °of la
atanalhetanna wealth and the nnennalile =arg•
lots will to eald. 11l read.r them aan sad ganatabie lit
rental:at •Ma ;esfect. • Senna Leaman- .. ,•. , , ~:
Par mrdettlara sad term» Vert Usentederd -med, at
th . e . or
b p
. I .r anentrA:r i tianm on Gnat ancr i t, i l=
Spam. ladle Patterson, Ek u o. at e li 4 odtel: In Wan
Witham. ie.,' , , nom K. EATON. ,
y E i d mt RENT—The large and couaruad
' =or Ileum on Pain wheel, Ortlgil rw,171.4 t a
wads.) with an sdUre tot s4JWnom, whirl
card sr • yard. Jltro—t , tabling kr two born. Erman
of MAY ARM Idontras k. 00.
1 MID bbl No: for male lotr to
ekes easolsnuteat, at tSa storior . .
tut. wicsraisttrit: -
m • name* Wald slut Sixth sta... •
WATCHES, in latgo vuiety, sad st,the.
TV lowest retra VALIAII9 0121 . 11412. .111.3=1114
POET! suer be mil ac InT.deve. • ' '
o . plAWNV:?...7ggat4Witz i,,B Ara ,r,- , -9,41
do.. • ,crtygn) W. W. W 11.611.1.
AMS-32 casks Bacon Ilam for sale by
Atell Crimson Velvet .and
.# ,gold Paper
na , .. hl4 d Pai s .
asl.o br , W. P. 31.1.P.5uma.. ree 8,5 W fttan
• ou'.4
- - .
F Rasala zu, P2CP 4a Eß m7
.u klax g e n.
.m. ). ra ot e Do . a by ttle ,
.724 oosnor marmanalikOkulitc
YicRAPPING PAPERA large assort
at arWrarrlasraran,bl.l ll2 44
tr. for safest • • -W. b. u..\ bri
• soli' Tororr \Throb.. tor. Marko 1, had
nn GROSS, STEEL' PENS, of all . tpadE,'
IV VUr tatltatior 3.33. and 1.3 Nratt
1:11. , thee Puna. Of all tanolaue: otter
ettabra Z-e
tedinaratfkrturerre: for tale at -
Ng. B. 11AVEN'S etallonary atone
me.. 4 • comer M ark. apt Saeaad att.
_La 111§.1.. reed and Or ale by W.. 1 WILSON;
mr2l 141 Trot: and 118 Setval AL
GERMAN CLAY-200 boxes for silo by
R.DALZELL k•• [Reny M.'
TIM lIIDES-200 (prime) fer sale by
1.7 too - 12 - lt W. 11.411.8.11V1L
130V1"D EXT. LIQUORICE-1 can for salt;
IL 1./ mro H. f ALINSZTOCK A CO.
br EditLEUS.
to ylB bt Wag
LUM--50 bbls. for solo by
myn J. El DV a tv., to We. I - et.
bbls. (good) forale.b
LUM-50 bble. for 64.3 bv '
11 mvta tCIIOO locums rco.
sIiAD-10 bble new for sale by .
, ma> 1 t.WILSON
f CLUE-4U bbl a. (extra) for Kale by
myl2 J. !LID)) k CO.
c';:g*? 11° ;!1 1 1 i . 'e;d( IV 14110 . ) :
BAG i S- , - . 1000 new and old, forl . mlo:
_ . .
DitIED APPLES-15 bblo.: for saleby
. 1103141LIDGE t 124011114421. ,
cm 24 4 116 Water st.
CHLORATE POTASIC-50 lbs. for gale'
J. 2 - D. A. FMooo+l'ool A 00.
161. bu. Chestauta,c - '• '
T EAD---I.4olYpige dal• • - 4
' "3. Vild r VAViIiON 'A
AVER'S CiiKafinCVOLlit';'
- • roicraz o:tub* - • ! -
•AgramicoNsulaproN.• ••,
.4:MONa - die , numeioos diacOertia Science
bes made to We seueritices toile:Mahe tbabulues
nr.hinharreeree tee euderrnms, and !run rob= the Wm
of broom exteterme. rune can to untanfinatervileahalr
arroeuktu. than MU coutteratlon th e5Wr7 to the
• 1 : 1 •44 Art; rata a. Its , itoolithrmttidat this
east colutri.liejnerelshestod idotthtthetne midlotoe
•or establostlon a sonlidan lab:oM an in int etn ,
trot sad care the atuommar 'mrietles of uulerententlemeM
*Web base tattbirto mist Iran oar midst, thouonds still
Unmade may year- Laded.
to belies nrcordA_Nicatlee Mb beau Mad nada
an 1> k.u.d on: to nue the mint denims Mention* et
We leap. Our .yon b.. Eli .00 a. to pabileb,
$O7 ummertlas of the tuna .mold by MI toe. be ore
'enema thi Ihtlosian *doze of mereent trormandrefer
loather enquiry to the &ruler. whlch Mu Wet. has ,
.000.0 .ill dwarf to r4 , ... it*.b..thh0ve....h.r.?....
fall sarUculere. and tudhmatable yroutr utilise* heti
p w rged.rd cbchs.ll..aanstalta6
, Weft C.:ayer—hlt 1 hale used year (I:erry Pectnnt •
to my ova an of doenerend a
trout Itemencal oimmltutlou tbet it le an admire=
Ira t. of .107
u" -Lare ' C°C-OrE''
rtret t) LhO r. : PROZCSSOIt
• Member ft Sittrifin. Pa r
' Beleutigle Mun* aucari ... te„
• - .1 Moen the Cherry en
trom some ot tbe ben = l ln tbellited
• 'ten' mh•mrmnomtY Mu the clan o( lUD 'tea
sled to cm*..• , •to Item. Ote Mo reled -
P - 441301i, ivakkagr a.s. ga.t:
Umt helm need the Cherry PermnJ, with traodafaf .to
rent to core an luestmostlca of tam
Fran oat qt w are Phsetetautnlikbe.' •
Savo, Ale., AyrIPAA MA. • •
"Dr:,7, C. Ayer, Wadi—Dear Ain / w naer constaAll7
atter yceAr Cherry.nsetaral la thy preatlek,eaelpler It le
eeLy of medicine me ipathiaeary caardslate. Omer
:jay. atany mere eesee, / t care
eenitule ecAda, and diseeeee of the that
&Wm all sAt. , rethedlpe. la
nee la wee eouruseyeloo, iset It A n iZrigAe
remedy known Ita diem!. , •
! LAW := 1 ".
I'3l2 =rel. TANPAIV!
, 21 1, 3 =t, othr,- fn.
7 1WtS7zos — 7 .lrTorsinWba
Irsoutiatoodo og.trdiftGotioomlrrog.ilaidthart a AO
Demand Olphitooszoi [Wow Beate of Ellad.ixol =sib, I
ur_a=datii roliotlor slasslag lisestan'of hoodtb,
sadotroasth. W. bisoS,lt sosionollsos bad losassosoiloi•
norostanl sonstislos,,askstvio beady: seam to! all Ob.
I - Its solid shoriilio it
csblio:to ohs slender WE dellosto so
at the a.
1131116; It hamedlitaly . m e m o Chit distasollool Dorms
sem Sood Mina& so mem* to. the fossals ftsomosszol
km.* coon" , oat buoys= so oarnidslag.satts7
coo gostshor„ Ilto Sollosteien Ile "bleb Indsoos
otrussly nomoilsesol atto . ta mania PoS.P.I!
lamb., sat boss blessed slob QM:ea& • •
Pjolioeds 17ter1,w Fouur thimossai.or kur.
cored 17 Di. Ounce, Estroot WW •
I°, Doakand
' fannairllh,4fLo:oixo7;cflintlnorrn samd7bad Inca
• MN eiftlss4.l.liit =7 141:11;14* =fideit
11=6= ft. atowtonslsss. 4r fife 7.4.5; nonsl.7
conthiat to by be& I two for bur zymmo constanNT.
oinyloyed the beat mop.] Wont that. could bo proonnal
L iblasecdon of lb. conntr7.wlthoutnn7 benefit 'float...
I hove alio Da5".55551..71.4555annt hoonaniandol Ihr
tho on. of anch.gthoram. all of
w00 i15.151L 55.5155.... - .
tho wing 1555. I hawed 157 my fries& to
try Dr. Onyootfa Tallow .1:554 and farsonarlDs. irldchnsa
lased hi foormont... 'Alba oh: boa 51.1-It for Olan" 5.54 . •
nada, It Irna orldials to all of us that atm washanroeing,
L ind 4am tbLttmi shi tasal7.lndlisinod.flub
-5501 otreagth, , until .b.. L. now .eniarlng sand nteellont.
. bang iniabbors to srsa.onel Jolla Nonfat. knot
.that I. ationatan...smt., oo to tlus . s/55.... of 31.• azoat
fbrt, ana as to the on. Wax affatoi 1,7 Goroclfs Yak!.
;flock awl Sreanntilla, are ftrletly true.
. - -4
Eotl—Ceso of O. er L,on rd .
,liscOutio:000yo. thse;l.46tii. -
-Ite.n,s.i.BeirMa o 0.-0•=a: Sono dam In 15114,
stoctid.ltilticirs Ertl la =a I
se one I 5.3151,1 11, Ludt. ufs - ..555555555555 tui
...sor . .k..lataneos prargitrdetto. of celeloity
within s.7hadh all told to m 7 oral h.' 1 ... 5 .1115. 5 . 1 .
Afton% D. &mad.. lo the. f 55.555 its tall of rounlns
.area. 117 ohongth thli Wu nos completely ..11.55,- I
nod 507.2505.5 sancla emantatod...l.. continua In eta
atsiOnntil 2549, ohs. I .12 as advathetneat Muirotex . l
Volloothr.l 0nA.5.5mf0.d11a1 55 2 1 501 tud. and sent for a
bottle 6r the oval:* toliattDoOr. and &maw
siDo . nand um; I took no 011ie ilinktOrtininalne It; .
oid hh m7aall whets' von Wore Tubas thsdotla boo.
tle.. Il.drmd It at Nu first one... of tbo realml7.l.
am sore Irma haxa gored Ini from lays of pain and
safforina. I nog arnantlf reeommend 0.711.P0 55 ,1-
*ring Woke infalrillar Onfootes
Dooh and5.5.5.5110.:eica 5:1115.1.550thairt0 health-; 7==.. rr=ll==. - 11.31:LEONARD. „
Our. of
,an assrip:!ed azio , of 'Eayitockti:
nie cam Dca.mted by Dr. OnfsoGgs katilaa of Sallow
Dalt sag Eassailisfilla, ars lasting. the patiumgs genera
.ticalth matins. in imams, after Wesson is siisitorsid.—
Carr am not chrcitilslect ualli One his folly tasted Q.
there on M no roispai at return of tag Canoe.
. fioarras., Iferkisnar no" Fehr:mi. /SW.
a Ulm:with arcatahwattre Chet
rwrite Vow about thoevetT henry effecter orycwir Yellow
Net acid klarakeitilis awn m 7 etwcwhhhaskett 1.41 etto
pates UMW that (intedhil arelkadootecidisetiae.2.7eliw
*lab be iris attached to ISea, and wee 03r wow
_ wanitheattweiled k7 Woes of our test plro/claht e übo
ow (here sem cewareatinalw for flisecinthe.withotataitt,
nirelte whatever. Ile tame* rodswed to a per
lectskeletari. lie had deers froth Ms hip to he knee,
which were coatiatiallt dbolterstae eleentetthrelf Wfrewei , e
matter. Alecikal sad stirwical Ada wit bond l'hysirJaiu
'mei that Dli cass w topelawt: there' could be =thins
done to erred thaw terrible totagraliat olecirs.l4 : neigh
'bort sad mpg( thought his ctittotoliap neat at Use.
I One of toy ciehtlitore (who had eared Weal of actothle
with your hmliable teetlithse)whhief mato Coate trialol
It; tad, more trawthereithes deice tad* ecterhile.
116 listed theta ftute say hope of satins/Ale. Itwotorwl
thrai tottlee of fear werStiPieltuals. .ari a
eceanticoced uerag it; aid to soy saixtrilshatiat ba tom
to burro., bolo* he had tweet the third tattle; and Wore
had asst a halt a...bottles. he, cOulleialk out ' H.,
• used to ell tweintbottles dorteg Oh. psi 1041; tnd py,OeL ,
toes; hot he wee pallidly restored. , Seery teellge of Oa
wtotA the sclera, liwitotoviel. Lad he 'muter In
perfect beelth at the pstatiat ihaw 1111 ticietery,itifar
the Watauga!' Gal, I. entire] . ) censor to - the' me of v...
'Taow Dock sad unit:vett.; 'sad !nu** , th.t. Itiet
emelt ander cilia eleitewtierwhe TeX. !e4 g ir , o Met
J o/ thet I lava r!.. 'abet foot Beiwee Um. Doer dcWo
• EliVELit. • '
. said vs B. rox, Coutoort BastOrt t tort.)loarit
.6 Walnut wooth, CiadnnotLOblo.Gottral Agouti= Z.
Boothood Wed. to whom 111 codas cost to stamt&L -
Co.. B. A. Potzootoek & loom, L.• A. Boats... AltettY,Cittl
L. T.. Baton, Woottottorr.L. 'IL Doris, ItsfontownaL
Woty.ltoosistroxe.. B. Itinuts, fkoaenit twit &
Bedibilafirial i Soo.l.ltoldsclati; liontlAratitt
C/11ottand t. W.. Indium J. K. WAtht. Stuazdar.
XM. Co, Ergot-oft* A.
_4'uA too.-Wantototi
ay.>, t. Caltddor. Xoadvtat Bortoort
Itto Otsh.m & Porker. Mader Josoot •Kelly Dot.
jar. is Etat. Boiren J. o.BlmtortOo. Worrar.7. L L Ct.
I‘. Jou. o;%‘,l,tp,,
itar.fti.0741.p!,.144,,qkF .Si Bottles for .$5,,
. r lUe~ .•
. A .VAl*.ble,lxtvi . rp;tent
TY . Improved BUS S-
ILF end IIrIaTURE-MMY. .M 6 a' rinaisacct ,
etre hex ha effected. ' Trtga entlrelrellfferesa In
trm tad Pritehalea of Lotion fro= other Trough haat=
-all the etteantages af • erell-regatated era watibrin wow
are. The proutose an b salt
st t. O•
Inaomlbtt the mat alt ewes of arm., ana can
• larreseal to abnoet an, tome dated. The presenreto na
tant. wad .belnic tagw.tht to bear linmeditte/Y one the
barntal opening, awl wfooliog mut% Kearny &Ed rd.-
lion at all times, can atuter_thaJnopt sceratre.
f , lphe net of e h i, Trues lertalet:Plerral,,,la, itelgl4
sigrw=th, c , ; , = 1 , T11.7 - 4' irature t ¢ rate=gP .
tows. attich la not an tent geenrigue la the weal , .
gs of Illy ‘ , ll=tretaiea t aver, eclosPor.
• OR with tarfaltp toe neleirt • ercus &adage.
ply=elyee.' - Thts lit • bad lreetha. aihlett can tar
aeon 0017 than also Isno red , the wattage, el the
eaterwattht whe to t rupectial call the Menton ef PlaYth :
claim to thlt Trath.artio know the, alit ittlretitlt
lab. We also hare • garletlif o ' other Trawie at Um
loweet view. Infant "frame wwfUntly Mad.,
K.E.YEEII.• lac PI • Agent.,
Dr. Hats Abdominal Strppoiteii .
SUPPORTERS are intended chief=
it t =prouara:
j u w at, -rl ba =o7
.q="'Therr Ifelr ' M mrpret% to Om Oft=
orar.s,pria.W.str=ll otja:AallaTt=
.re prolapals Uteri. WIWI: a La Dos-.llll.,Erttl
_,'"Vrir=4ll'ruittistitr ta=
is. D MA' "=llr u-7
... • 140 Wood at.. rittabursak.
SHOULDER. BRACES ; _the :Mod' ap•
pr o o o tt otyLo. simple in aroetnevr totod *nit,. fitted.
...I or rim to watt all mtwscar thice•inst add
asp Ow rate. wbologayi am! . • .
AUL IL Snipe—Of yourNatte.futa, lar :without
t o
Of need It wslondeolybt Mem .
lot the lost *dr Of 011,741; 1 thiatit dandally thalami
' Olt preparstiat of Uwe kmd of whiett klume any. knowledge,
tackehl bate hentorent wad Cho tworldlonof 141, 9 4 4
other toonsdatatea:
rapeedu p
Propand end bold byst, and
toW D 7 abnegate• . •
. . .
lUST opetting—ls excell.aniiiseortment.
tip of ItANTZt. VAC.:lil,lkycy t it Of= ..11.www .
c~a Mme,14.60 esei. gad
_ caner of roust,
t IBateeti t Agtne.te. -
EC'D 173.18:MORNINO, per .Szprepi.-.
6csars,cosbaciax mg`-ti
gtzt of bamets my Irma,
ma 7
MUM/2min ofnux-h.a.
LP~kalalrr - y—sart Ca.
H' :230bales ?di: D. for sale by ,
'AA j13111.111951re 'CCE.
sal . -
-Edna. gm. 1.""'
Mtb•cm. tar
Vebf u"'"
no~s~tdfic~E~- - ?~~ 6 7
o ,t rp=ly to=l,B4kpbuied tla• • -
bps. Nome. durtax the kar , Ingot. emareorll.l
pulawsh, -
Ynd.T.:=l rata:
lam tettitt IkaPttimblugh
err "todar.pparsday,nad •
• • ..•
ailinTßOSg. canna a co4Asati , •
rTatt.N.EIY- ,0 R LEA. N S--The
epW:ll7leadld OM' SWUM' saaaa on; P.
4 M. sill Was ter the alaressaa
fnt•isoe, all
Pate. ea the thst. rioar of sates., . • •.;
,es s helaat of
I pagm"w Maid n to
IOE' ergernaTl4"The
• zr e I . m. tr r
stoma sal
. lalornmodili., potty oa 411.• 4117 - . 410 dealt_
',.la fralibt S.,stitiisr.ply -L.:
WOR CENCLNIUT.I.,-Thesplesk .
NigiMrtti l teV= l . ll
leave for derabega Boa -ell Wrong* leelailiVla. fide
nArdatt i rrigiti
rs'• ••, -•‘1. WI:ON .1.3615.
Rsauwat PATir a g a t j ai
AZ2,puca *A A- 6.**00. =star.
..sul isms rilastbarch for WNsllsf, csp_S• sind Buidiab.
regrail."erustsllll4=6"4l7via," -
s tea:
MWshis*rstrddesead =oh els bSsa sus*lSS
.alinalehros=ss, Assn . an hiss& • 2.710
. „
by. Thi. eleetella Itcatresballt
the °new. of the. gem. liontaxml cabal. be .
the Cincinnati snot rictelesnsb Nast. and will tenee
even Wilacusday exr ClacuastL.lnplaar U. Itea , ZaiV
land No 2
Yoe i.dlght rtarS.PAZWAinr
MLIV 4I .I I roxIZ " IIteoWAM
I`.• Iktroury. master. Lam. Wallnilla *lO7
MAT, t 3 o'clock, 11., tar 'Dad 1.11
IBaturdanAt. Deic.A.3l.; Ilesw* :.
WE, 0 :•• LlmPooLomci •
s dift
... • 1 % /I =a IIIIIILNA.4000& 61
'"."."2"M"gi'VSll2l6." IP,MI
, .......,,,,
t..cvn ?..i4 ,...1, 1 , 1 %..tib ,
~ ,m ~,
. saki . .- - t T il agtterWre %[L 2 ..stall: *.f.
iORT:—TETTK Sa m e
M lo an
, -. NGP IAI
bit 6 itrr
d l 4azete, will Lave 16thnbataad
. ‘.,
1.6 , t6 1. , 47 116 , ../61'0 1 . 6# • •—..:, .-.- 1
- l'4
"P"*.P.M47.,*WdOlaba E/li. ' • -
isalii6 Ito. 611.666 63 , 6 63 Mat 616. . ~: • -
- ISCIRVIBEI PA is—re. tut. ruazdt!fa ~;.1 , -7. ':.:- y c ;;,
fiIiLLBV3i4.K. Capt. 8.X . ....4(
ilib so al ni==eti=cgi...7 .
sttanomi Wallseills, 611mbeafilli
.. , 7,Thmdi .11123. a, lor,Bsea *. ....,.S. ;r• -.J ,-;-
put *ad , evin7-111 .. aftamX...._ ... ....A=1 • _.
=W a rrat .I.NsN,ip.t. !....,,',.'
. . . .
:'."; ."
MISCELLANEOUS; ~ - ',•.• ~,..,,
",,' ,i.,
"TEM EIBEAT :I(xtvrtroki
• "
ri.put up -31)._ quart ibottleia, rad:. ciari- • .:
Liu strength of as ems as mush run Sarsense '
••am =7 eltarlar IPetmlet Amarlea , Trim ow ,tot •
has been a arell establitt set fbereari iii.rulat" • •
Sarr aroagani e lla, alma pure and
erfin from an Mo. Aber •
asipaweeentert Chanala
. pare st ate t .th e the Iu • atmercurr, lotosieatlale;
Wino, salt babLetn pArogAa barrenonea -goo •We bait -
assert that .1011.1tr:BiZLICI.,1TRACT. 0,3.4201LP.A*
is.the= anw=thuntlflo=
!MThe Sarsaparilla Ls purehlwel without. recant:: •
at every pesni. Dews:tabu used; Ls schwa to.
the stristest cheWal testa, andtia =adman asc. , Ml/.41
before bring wet l rirtadi
gnire Smaparilla slap contains the . of amend
: other ralosble agent.: together Palming the teat asai. •• •
mual. anartaolrag . tba gtilLieft: Candle 11.10,61,
. • Tra.ifita irrrnotr_rArtl - : - •
liasfals er 11142e11:C=Trunotrig,rtnIno. "
Paula the or ta.
[ gay, kers, Snelling
. .
rim it E r id. • ' 7 •
fith:pwasaidtiaa • a
l Lgthr
ron.titTleAmao ±. •
" lL...Sai 511a. s
1.4 10
Livoi Corn•baint. Female irregtdarities and
Mak and O
t erron wi e ILtedsce, Low firhthn. i t tifrr
11 =
aprirraitt Vig 4 nireardrink. =done
lo for the mown, and gearle and lament writ ter • • -
maim to Blur Liar or Coneirso Nebr YlYt , - •' ;
Thal following tiverbatlittOptot cidtftaiii p =e .
the possowdate of WooPtiehir Of mi.'
V. rt. Z. W. &bon widely .04 iternerallrhaawa ea erl
1 elowtrat and soiontolistiell parzwor the 11:36. chain-bin= , • .
Bar. L. 1301R0X , 21 hes teen Mom ex =rot tbeinoett*
anted salons tomb= thehthe lesitachtr °mimeo ,
of D r = rai; tad at Ude CLISS - • •
the hiA oat • of win kw toe
P.* Pin an anal as harts',. or PoXII
setts/W=7 ttati , .vtaeltreno- ory one ' - •
Batter Ter4ll24v thax war Eva , Of aid Amor Of
We have =ad John Bat's hareararirw,and Inatinen .;
hp, be nod, with entire nth .restion; and we hove no hew' "
elatirur that we Wirt, Itto ha rale and
able traillal ocentound. end •Wcalaned to proitnee tooth
wood end =haw mach sorimitngo and =mid thetdroce •
oloorfolly and mon oasonetly, recownitend it to
camAs.srar. , .•• •
now .e ell setroln dm kezatlal whitoakln. and ... ,
rosy colored that. ]fen often done see
s tae .desddenatorn eD devoutlyto=teel. *)
earthen ernoterna /otlern, oneboapeLate, sod entaing- .-
teterdis. to rue too nonbonee.of whet Marne • • •
ben deprived. them ot, and that WO. nith snot hti=
Atm a.. scar. dezernerEll, bribe best =nano
r .
Lt besonfou the the Min. by remarlate" e=nlete ' .
roorttla sad disessolteetter fern the bleed.
bodtly, and vigorous. eying activta, erery
changing tae had cOraltrit m aiMe
the bloc. end freeborn of yeah. , aberoloo tha
• Dee of palate and ,talztores, end ate mire litereeeft
the cob.. e&-et. MHO, “A nerd Cl the yrne
de fD n t , sod blot is mooch the henna • - ""'
reitisurny'lliks tAs l'bilarnigg, Benekr. Superjracur •-•
Common eel. dor.E fficiay of ..Bar Sena- •
I..Y , = 3 3=da
home tooled over the Int.' of Ing=ta'rnoldeing
John BedreOrnsoendltetrenter aantesesillasiod hen no - i... 1
bedtetion In mine tact they torn • eate eompoted. a i led
onea b atar . esoleeeritto obron , te U
num issiobled piiscrioon for the Dreteratrnil
John Bow. Berrnerine, and I. team me combination to
be en excellentes., etel rneolated. to proiture en . ..„,.
Wed.lmpreedon on the mien,. I btee, used It heads
Ile ant pinto insesk.'ead Wok It flu beet article dl
lon . D.,•
lut Ul Ph 6f4r "the
2 4 .4 - 7::tre *• 4 t e 4 I l at
- , 140.-Ncext pit4bc'S4 Pa-. Wholleala oral &deg
* Male brit. il; ,. craiLlorap«.;
gbeai.<ll7, br.Drneddete ggay.o
- . ThelNcal:ftierid. - '''.
ituminiG„pregziation.interidea to 'll4. 1 '
persok Weaved Yeseb...bleb, when mired vitt • ~.
ur, grill Froth:1003120111W llony,lo oratoreloeves et Albs • - ,_,
=busby' the ulna .T.a. ril• Axle process crf bread
, bet on bring baxed, dose oat take name tbsll.o ',.
•sebluts.s, you umetbe preperativelnetce4olyeast ksmeette.
Tide loving al thee le .1.0 maine conekberetion—essi betel • '
keepers. meguercre •uf public bawls. Atenerke, boepl.. .
re Veroil and lWieoe. Addol to . nd
all.rde " gr ' srtZeOrZE ----
a„,..ibI N SCSOnIt die irtt sea soma ...2 Persona to ...: ~
email , letiersupeast , 11 b 5 0 ,114 get. Ws sl,ll be „ ~
loofa ,luvet le br Mecuts sad catot-so sill be m - •
needy and cheap, tot fargrt.V .l thst theT enli be U.e. . • ,
— triel,M.: b r ' d 60 Ir' -''''.1"41..- ''''. ..'.
V.:North Vearth ~.PlailAutel
- Hine Agent - fob PUtsbubi ),. H.: E. figu“ . ”+", ST, Wool. :.-
Ihps and lialere New 'Article for guiA'
World's - Fairl • •
GLUE,whicloemeniawoodotonof ;
chins. gliwn4 rouble. mummr, or area- meta*
ft unable wo repontlon. • In stilton tune *ay snit
rile of foronstre mar be nu& as goal se new br tans ode.
breral and itowerfal enlittent. !be borbeibespeni of Ltd.
State are tartar well awareoffilenworditie =WO.'
eduttabilltr to ttielr =pops, awl those Nebo boo, nos
tried tr. ere mowed in ito eci. No Lunn eintala los vita e
out Its bottle of latrotd Glne— it requires nu wunottig.
eittesre rosittylbrnee, end =et be Wed brow,' Winn
cla.. on .7 article, toSamoa. Is no wecfor , ,
tsr—tiVrwriemeMt= I:worno ''''th t . 11t! ""* :
ris=thlf D"gllll.llrPrithlAVTa!tal,
:forth botititt greet. l'bnwt•llbli.
Arent for Pittebtorgb, 111 DD 01., eornew iniewine
initZ i r area- otrA 401111 DOW*
Slltre am enei cf nay 77.0.10
lemmal. tr ence ,
Tampers= Jur 'L6 On 'Kemp:car
, Sonx 31.iT. traipoeilTl4-4.Ceerv.srest
Go who.
ninkmgpxtby - Illsbettn . •,`
Ttts eana E.g. by W.V. varizor
lloanlitrht is ;inn, ,
dtar - or Lareaa, bessntrat nth/ lar 17,..V.:cronsw.
These haps, Cars an guns—as sung
Cansnas flan,
Ineditta, Waned, Conert, lennallsa Usalbari.llB/o .
.lout olkas.. Also. a Ana se.aima aey Waning pauslur ;
Wsluns, itutbea ant a eonddsta suldrnarg
M, 33 ' t° ' OunisrMia...,-
13.—Nost'anntrte, •• spin/H . I , A of Nem
WOULD you • savu your,. Curuiruro an k .
, ,uuatinetandl nt , n- lne Inun2s"Enn...
. 11 " 1.T" ' "' "3
',/r4 YEAS , /4 1 ,,,,14t,'” nary brillianer ,
/11,V 3 1,1 said eon 110 or Ida to ban renranl=_
Is u • areas thane tuners dn.ters. nal is
thlla 5t.. 12 •W1'" ) ". " THILI/P/ suirzia. --
74. Noel/ Younlntrert t fhthatalabla.
u Plttsburab, - BitaUll aIiVIEB, wen
13, -- cia ' n ant Liberty ones- , , • siddlndi
Pusaa - Pmeptpr.: 4
SLE I3e Z . has jtust. reoetreof
m. 0.. ft , no ek .b gest
Wind erassusionat Iry Plana"lnds nissdnenre ant ft. ,
I lse ta• bat wart at Sita Mud any ansabsand„. , .
garsr.van kusau as on ed the ntesendal coeseassrs
ler tegiamen and ;anis; bas bars am/1W a want Ins '
sad wenn' gat /1 4 / a naltestPubtlet eta: an sdnosura
Pragranne and late nting to Ur Inn% tugh•bouri
tuna, thus greatly &dinning and sousallk- •
We ousonast to* .ad jenme nrst study at mu
sts sad piano The Mlolo ktdasnors •ba tun
anaddrad Itta 'suntan refOrmi to: • -•
Trotersars Hortotat: Londmiton. doe; Fro th ? •-:•-••joit.
QODA ASTI-1R esas-Kortsre•breuid. .
10 tale by m7O B.IW. HAIII3I.VOL
ARD 011.440 bble-Wintar Strati*, .
sub' , -awn • 11.7,11111312M61 Wadi&
SUGAR ,AND: M0,LA248,7* •
4.2 •
- von anz—A. M arl Pegatyrwiii,*
~:._ :-'
`~' ;,`