EgTAIILIgIiED IN 1786 PITTSLICTRGH'GrAZEITE: ' PUBMIDLD DAILY AND iesacrix,irr C. 161Vil " ME;fEi==2 - .• • "- DII LY—&riendoilialloce aturim, 1661176.1 Y. WEEILLY— peisms666. 60. 666 - Pit= II to monad oil the fothaing Timm copied prr0arr000—,...........—.3 6 OD bio copies , :do 03 • nrgi.rrg" b GswariZia - G . Sam oopaid Datirl abtanon. N01:65b PaDnivali otat Ow year 6664 , 2 s o Di6l666thasoimil bamt fp, An vEntsaro. naoun6.orNama u orki wß,wot Do. :Misda.itroiritamation- '0 15 .- - ate, • Do . two o Do. three 0t:!, 4 00 1.• two tootat=— •b. Ge ; l OO : Oros IV* 10'00 twelve roon - G. 00 la voiadaoe ev.r (6 ileum or leo, perssanua.36 thee Dollar ter One Sous" chthiloltle Distrust " Wel ‘4 ll=replrls. h l= - Ger etli= And nth addlttuest moan hunted nodes. the rased/ riga Advert *. hatitehlaWroaidihe aaaao. and not over Mei tem, to be a guar* end a hol - Yobliehro dowsed groe groanteble t. ! Tend the grouut chuffed for their papll Announcing candidate, ter mam. thertd the e 00t Y other Adrartinn len nants not Marked an iperified eaeober igertlous, will be continued forhia.and Par- The pearliert of sabred edge:len - ejf .iteletle , thwited to their gall lonnectiele buthwey end selnallemmts far l on benefit of other venom, remelt se alladvertlessande not inatedisteir soorwertal with their , own huger& gad 411 clams of .4 verthemente. DM‘th othervise..hengd Na limits enuseed. will wa hine. rl et the anietrates. War ell oath thaselent edv wa will' he egairstelY nederni. end prolhatirekruient se All selvertignier etwitble — rnerl lbw cOm• and other potdie and ineeittrno hat plm e Dared* ettictly , i'satc • Marriage notkas to we ebargA6o marl. , •.. Death potion ineertel without therm union NOM.* sled br faavrel invitations or ohltmery meting, tued.when so egerotanied to be paid ' Deiruler advnthera. and all others anstibr couttourdeer 1n... or requiring realm detiehed him Soirees, thwerta etwow Daigle . entertetroneute. where dung ere ends atultteree-ell unpin of pd. Tats geoclonone-evet7 noticedevigned to call attention to private enterpriser. nloulated tot..ded to lemmata theta vlduel interest, LIIO LM do: laso u ir. o h =1 Id blood sulls. /kg" se. M ukeza WIT a CO.. N. /13. IRON CITY TACK FACTORY.--The sub, trebles smanitketare aad keep constantly on band all M47ll4.xiandirgrr,Clo s u a§:o Gerry Nsils and Tacks; Banal • Nat Col"Pac lam N* Altana liatere Poin flavats, slam dn.:W., dr- .1311.131 LL CtlEttl t CO. MAW/ ' .Warsbonso. Watar rstubarsb. 1 --- p •,‘• 1 .. :I Ai* . CI . , .'... nata -1 nay at. - sawka 44 Ebeetin .. Carg9t. Cbsi. '''• gas& QUIGG, Man o 4rsng ukt sneer st.i.ziousb et 1. W 44 Jul% Ilamsrat arrxic:TA airadhp. ilre Mgt= Loam and Casa Trlaradrip smarally. of Sou abet /rout VA. - pITTSBURGH 'ALKALI WORK.9:--, Ben um 00.: Idanza.e... of !da Ash. hlerett- Arars,,Blarlade and emghork Adds. Warshaw. N. 61 Waist at. balm racy.. ' • , p:r WALTER P.'III.ARSIIALL, Successor to LT" donut C. 1103—Importar and ImakT t French end Aarestam l'aper ttaatap sod dens, Winlovr, d. FBs Bard Paper P li, ' Ad Wool ea:. batvlien ronrtn Diasosed lam Pittsbargb.O. ''' TEA DEALERS.. OBERT MORRIS, Tea and Vine Mee *K. - z Ea. • WAS. A. M'Citrilb . k C0., - Grxers and NW= 2M L 113 . 17 Wtreat. &bor. Wood rjatur.„ .1..4 Dealers ropU•d TRANSPORTATION AGENTS. iIfIIN CAI3OIIEY, Ageat for the Lake Ed. asul Mr-Wipe Lie.. Ittemer eled the Lane— y. the eon" a Water ..TA theatidela eta. LEECH I;,Tisnapcuters by Canal sad tonmatzg 114gats. : corms otPma cart 11:44y101.11:)A.:Pij:1 • • 4 ABROWNtronld roost r4eteetfully inform: theymtille did he keem outland •thiseand on thowee oy th• pt•mosa. AllogNmy city, • motet.; uoortmoot of 'aaltiao , WWI; aim tradt/an Mutton am =do to crier to Abe best stylo.,arnottet oval to any to tbo of BUM. Ina Blisdo can Da moored trtthout t o °. Wt of • raw 4timr. I.l.avia • postbamd Lim atock,toOh sod trtml of,tha tabloot ottablithmmt. of ItammyllMWiellan4.l am to furnish their old custatons.. WO . th•tmb• Warlygoorit• army thins I. their tioa: . . • . .. ii•=elo.O Wool! attvlal.Pittabonth. ; •• A ; B o rN. a 4:SEPH JOHNSTON, PAriti eArreeta—Beeldence, man of Thlrl Meet end East On. Allegheny. - N. n.—L=eound, Wrier, Lally ire, tor ode. =tea,. M=MTATLY t3MIGEON 4 1 : AM HARDIE, Veterinary Surgeon, late Edlabargh, tkolla.=nid regwdrtr In &no t th."l4' tad k" ci m s:wful altrotke wkalsvar olnawdlon"hbtlelh4era7 iilvardiarl646°lcasAbitint and , IllaalcaolUdorla lament will to tarried 014 ►t th. mesa of Tunnel Matt and Yensfla►d► .aranna. ' '‘i N I TILE JO/INSON,,Erigraver oziNViY4 . IPlft/iloct otoryo MO=44 Pa.—Views of . flooofo of Nor L oopooo. Vomil74oo.N lolattoctom Drox JAW,. fa Mono aosa for Iffololons. Eo. ". ro k ot. ti en"""""..i"h*R""iVl a • _ LlAbi SINIUOIIMAIN'S Lithograph otirlit:lteutabhmeut, SKIN street, aourrits the Pall , Plthebargh.ara,lntrteeee, d.rcper. Pottrultr, Shoe Wirt thithendr.D.a, Labelhitectsral ma litsebUte Dratrtnitn. lineLness an 'Adana Carle. au vagrar,p,,, urhom on Moue, slut rented in rotor*, Gold. Brame, or eldßuoy in the meet approurtl style. arul Kthe mut men* r. trut,,r • . Wegner, .Bue .. -, & Mueller's tigir• LITIWOBAPIIIO ESTABLISHMENT. TOE ABOVE ITRBI respectfullyanuounco ji. to Mel, tie& and the Ole torsisrally,that they ns•to szsentin the tint rtyls ot . Mar nit. ell ortinrsP7Olhoo liardadilills, Diploma., Maas. Visiting tirr * tab& l titeC.ll.. ItPOOVII."1"14" Thitd " 4 "3441,0V9t.. as stades. ' • dr.". .jr ".. . . Ir.! kit) B o li var gut Mick Manufacturing Comfy. JAS. OLOTSI.-....11. I. GLOVER, KIER & ROM/TORS. PRE SUI3SCRIBERS, CO., lnviung been ap pant.d A v .:, for the above named concern. will keep constantly on bend a supply of the miebrited &Aires Fire Brkinernethie litherlilaT.Parneth lieertimuld Th,r see Mao prepetharto receive orders for said Math; to be m ade in she mid shape to stilt purchasers. which shall be r We do of deem It 13 00N12137 tO enlizatriats the mina mi vthtainftbe Bolivar blre Baia pomess over la/ 1 othersthat Dm been offered for sale In the United &thee, .their imth Mora, beim/ yell Booth,' to sheath alltatee, p.m. :he the ph, Beier Ths proprietors hare determined that the Mak than lath noth of tbeth prment to m or al relnalatioa, and that no expenee shell be .apereal to make them even Nitres then' th ey have heretofore been. This to the only alablithisient now usanithsetaring rim Brick at Bolivar. KIER t JONES. • rrl 9 qMrC i f•ii*klatiCti"‘f 4 l • -- WWSARTII" NOBLE—City Flouring I" K 0.666. IbertroatofAd.m.h Pittelnautt. NICIIOLAS VIVIAN, — Civil • EtigiEe: i ,. Draughtsman. geld Prattled Mining Azukt. aket 'a u g ht, of Models for the Patent OftLee,desi g ns of nery for Minn, wno,_ll4lUns &RU A Aa. Tay "."- found betwixt 10 A Mind 6 P. M., attle residence m ar boxy .heft. Pittsburgh. . . . • ' CoachFactory—Allegienyt !M. It!. A. WHITE CO. would re prowthfity banana the Tubule that they . hem , iley on Luca, between Federal and nandesrf m e et. They an now making and en metered to tarot,. codas cot every descrlytton of .vehlele.(kesches. Chariot. Bartache. Bungle. Phkelntnt. It&experknos to the . ecolnufactor. of the abut store, the fealties they have, they Mot coollent they are enabled to do work on the moat reasoneble term with thee Par t articles in their line. • • g ymrtertarnstentlon to tha selection of materia/. abd PATIng am, Vat Mlllpetent workmen, they hare mo. Imeitation In war:embus their work. We burden, oak the attention of the public to this matter. N. B. Repairing done In the best manner. and on the moat resamahlt thrum - takent.f AGLE MARBLE WORKS, (established U3Slby EDMUND ETLEINS, No. la 4 Meer id-. i'rultiTatt 4 , fasTaajrAVateV= o. g. i lra Pier Top'. &bra), on hand, and made to order. N. D. A choice selection of DcaTchag• oo band. Jai EITTSBURGR COMMERCIAL Courcs Ooruer of Thir the kind in.d and Market streets. The only char ', Institution of PittAtc ler:vv.—John Pivoting, renal.' the Science of Account.. K. Cbatutarlin. Professor of YertioroarahlpalecianUle llonspoistiony Ao 'Ai.. Si. eteou.rAcel e tcrerinCorgierotal Lam. Th ire s e d' o.fltircti to .o P ery ofTmeLr, an ann. otuf rapid pore ecetciti. aro in to cal and mar tint the nu Locus on &Zinit Lay every Kondor e•ening, itcforeno ' e to arty of the reekienicity merchants. tole= MOLE 11A.B.BLE WORKS. • - EsiaztasuED 1832, by EDMUND IVILKINS, No. 245 Liberty at., had of Wool alreo. Pittaburia, P. . bionolnenu, burial V ann. So Yobs... • to- Mantle Picen.rentre ma Pier Top. advertn bran! and rondo ten order of the Jlerblo. and at very redwood =..s. .1 choice sdection nfirrnvorons an Gar — 'm 8040 - 10=T d . W I I 6 . 7• M , . • 3.I7SBENCES. lion. Hamar Denny CLarle Tiernan. Esc. N 11: it= tt'err . John Snyder, gaff:Cam - Hen.. Broker: Plttaburg4 "lank- eatauter 11•11 to. do. Rodeo r, EM. & Curry. • do. Wilaon Mean ma. Esq. Boon A dicddllt, do. • Robert dfoligignt. 1 1 .... T , t - Jog dloKedght. Cad. Crating. D. T. Noricort S Co. . Joanna Mantes S Co Frulgrs Lotbrop. Cad, .ndegballY , feels grateful for tho very libensl rolrooare calved donne Women yews in ells city. baring bad U.. largest aml•lent jobs mutated to his rare Op W the pnveut lima. and will endeavor to tender hereafter. PINE AND CEDAR, WARE. ‘I,AMUEL KROESEN keeps constantly ort 10 baud a Food atfortabeert of Wash Lad Bath Tatar. Home, dteauthoak Oak Kell, kiltebea or Draw Wooden Bowl". annum. Dry :demure. Ploy tdal Charrl Wash fkards , and all other kinds of tear. la Ala Hoc Warnock:, klanooto [tall, Filth atrst. Plttabfdih, Pk- Bennett's Dionoenromatie Depository, I "II". NO. 73 THIRD STREET. Palcairtg•—th•'llarlisk of Ggtharmane.^ ••• the - I)...tery of Scutari." - _tar/ JAMB W. WOODWELL AQABINEV,FORNITURE 31.A.NU- a x Wearer, Ware-romAs 97 00 Third stmt. J. V. W. rerperfully inform. /gm friends and custom= that ha 100 nor amipleted Lim largei aral Mort met of household furniture ever bet°. won to thla city. as be is detannined tn uphold the quallry oltll ireltreamnad materials, tort oorlunaostdp, and nearest dr ain= and from the extent of ht. order. =I Nullity I. manufarturins. he is onablol m Prairie. nwrtuded 000003- the, at the krona prim. ' • fie has adopts.' the prtrodpla of identifying the custom no' interest with his own. In Quality and prior. and. trope 4 1 IT Fite/ the 7trottiiife i rr.o of W. 000.1 twit and coolly, that • how.. or arty s.a 04 nem: ou, tr11...3, or mauctiotunit raprroly nor. wheds an narrow., Lbat the Alvan. to of hi, ertatillanmeat nay be known. The fo ankles .00.1,0.10 pat% of lids snot, whirl. for deb= aryls and Antall eannot be .0rt.....di0 &or of M. }:From • ras.or, droning. dining, and ltd4 , rhales. of every oorlety, conriating of rolorrostb and walnut. Consarnatcdra and Amy C of orrery dew mind= Cbuchea. WAAL Trues-int , and Diraso alto latest French and America Data rns. t art a n 11 Whabblobt Mtn' who. f Tartan kind. Work Toblea and 6.7 Inlaid atands.Aansie stand, amt holders, Marble - *op. mahogany. T0N511.1 and walnut centre and sots, Was, extensiondinhui Laden all abraof the EnotimPruridi apandrr decidedly the best kind met.: en Pembroke hall and MN= wardrobes, bedsteads and•oaabstande of cacti a laro a. 010001: boil awl parl o r rercpbori ottoman... 4 stools, reeretary sad Wok ram, aide , boardA fin acreonw towel rut. has stands. and musk Ards, exit. and arta for children: payer he, tshl..od to. porn mahogany. 00600004. and inlaid Pearl 'W.I.*. An A large areartment of Candiaon Furniture and Winch. Moira - Cabinet Maker. warldied with all artl,Mo It int 4, • Steamboats and Hotel. forniatied at the inmost nonce. All ratters promptly attended to Jai) OUNTY LANDS—Cep:. CIIAS. NAYR, at Leer. tio.lf3 Mittel st. error of Cherry ay LO . tutelog Rode erreeremeute ter the polo, will wenn &nutty Leadsfur eldters .od soldiers,fleet widows sad &Urea, sad erlll attend - to .of other best ow, conneetedyelth the Co ,, o o tttot •RT of OiD.Y. OO- Rome. the Reagan erase, as the Marts at th (t of Wamblasion. • oriLlte • Drawing, Perspective, and' Painting in OiL D. R. 13311TH le now prepliriel to give • Wrenches to a fan Duras in Dui Warent branches dellahltal art. at lais room., in Mews. Belt e a Atkituion's new banding, rind street. larteeen Wool and Market 6 streets. Hours of instnution. fitrtn 2% to 43‘. and om fr 63 to 11).i r.. Charges and other particular. can be homi nr =ulna (arternoint) at tbe rums. Hafer to Do. Gastant or Ds. Addison. W. Dixon's/awl= Patent Lever Watches, Superior to any Macho ever offend ha Piltsberred. RICIIARDSON, 81 Market street; is Ile for Um above named Lever Watches. dentin guarantee is attache! to each Watch: By &VIVIInIIIIMt to the Admirelty,W3l. DIXON, nometer and Watch Hattuficturer, Lb King Bowe. Ow well goad, Landow ..This certifies that the accompantinii warranted by me to he of my manufacture, and no Watch with my name upon it Jejuna:kw wane acvompettLeil by • certificate be t=rwatoe the W:eli to kw, time to the Orb of the warthaser.. DIXON. • • Steamboat Agency , find General-Conunu , " don, Receiving and Forwarding. BALDWIN, PLUMED k CO., have thie day asiiiiclaled with them My. John Lawton. and offer awakes to tbei peddle ailicounbeed noel:to, General Ocodadiratoo, and Yorwardlospostnyahunder tin _style of • BALPWLN, PLUMER A • Locsnronn. April U. 1851. 14.2 Williams' Row. atirtl22ly pit.J.J.iYERS-,-Sliriteon and Pitj'eician. Off of sniand dvelllne. comer Darlinuton to eve. Igo. Tbliti airont pus &an above SudthbalS a 1... . Dr. Dints ha s perrnanentlf located in ruutugh, .and will attend in the dug. of bla Pram/lon. Ho will the nartiusilar atwoUou in Branicau ewe, cud tbo • iilliiiesoa of voice and children. . . . . . . anll4m yet ozigoo B. • •C 0.,, . .1 " a i l . Mrs .11 4 1 , 54tChoeso, 1 1 lisalhfitld Area!, bo. g. RAVE FITTED' UP, (on the New York plan.. very =pod. W•nroato, for tb• sale 01Coo ca. Cart.. NU... sul mop thing eppert.ol. the• an sop.. ma•almoot of Bann De Lalo. B Er.. and Gun= Damask Eq.. 10w... szoone. Turkey Bad Good . . film •If r.-r klOe /....dr,gun.4l,l3nwmtuptr .l.tia,=3um%ind..l3l.l4",xtßdZra•Cort= Bards. onot o.4cOsrto. Pimp. Toasslimodi".sBll , opn. Cord. VP a. Worsted. B. Mao. and hew.. Mao Lustaessr Conot .4 cola. Cantar..llstarko. Bods arollkddlop. A IT• 1"14' . kfar . " 1311051.1ntl i rdett. P MADEIRA, Agent fo Delaware Me i. wea earetrteee.oe Gamete', 4r 2 W.t.: rtn.t. :4, I 51 "8 • Agent Or ' 4 Snsaraocs C0.mt4.7. north, Out corms of Wood wM. GLENN, Boor Wood area, dir.t from the earner of Thlrtt, mtuni is ardi=4.r.alltirrlallo.onolltd.l:: with matron Nand • vabrlantlaly. Boots In numberjor " lrt= bound eartfully, malral. Names put", In gilt WWI , Ylram/f hay, blzullus sps 02,11.!,1 , to Dull. PrW. Ii IV, iil M i-atr MateafartansVirgre fOiA)lli dirS§Ve mace w er No. 314 Market street, between Vint and Pittsburgh, Pa. Particular acterolon told to add ids.; Aleo—Desuoe In.. 100* rrintr .. -USIA COPTS. • MITLEY & COLVIN, Coal llerchtinti rein far oooda. Orowles. Iron and N.ll S para., af Walnut ... WDi oteubaton 'Turnpike Una Trnp.ran .11.• GEORGE E. 2‘IIEOLD & CO., BANKERS, Midland IN cietutivas, COIN,' 1117 , 11 r. NOUS,' LO N 074 Jlooth at, nest to .147,* Rl Pitttotogh. lioteuoal Drafts collected n all arte of lb. Uoloo Stook , brmeht wsi mold on onmmloolnel. —• Ibtablit•T —... R=oval. AMES WILSON has removed his flat wad Cep Stm to No.ol Wood street, third door :oath TAMES alley. CG•r i ARTNERSHIP. — /lIIVinUI h I i CCO COp and b ard itLeaVes,l1 aa, Into . tt=dter do Ititoree =star the Name of J. yu.sox SI" at WI Wood street. LIKES NILSON'. 1 , • 1.--hmeo WE!.