The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, July 04, 1851, Image 4

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rottroes o aaor.
i. the longing tinware . . •
. oldrriog of the
crathth of tho boo; raw.
The rioginx of the morn.-
41; tr4thirtf
Tho oistforloi - of tL. to.llling.labe,
Orth..ali, .
?tie ipil..tilitear di* nardin
t.utios '
„he palawg of the earth..
And the tine continuo] loora
elloplog of,th. shear,
-Tliodziologorthe molt-
The moorida of buoy libor,
i" ,/ 41 .
lova thi..plortiiiinl,
the reipees &weal loon&
Tho &omen 0114, 11Ne.d5t.. ,
liesieorir Mistook. offing:
Tho of the rafirltatooan.
As lie Woo to the town ;
the too. top.
: as the etperted !emit tom . . down.
The busy: Rowel of threrateee.
:Aegwr deast thle . iiperuel wale,
ind the hukerheioke sad mtelh end stk.
t'Neatlithetittainlialtt On the Oak..
,'Thetind rola; of the Urfa...
Thiabentraitti• (tautly eall—
'flans rioniala of active indristrf
• 't taeiclioict*gri W.
kor they trill'aly longing t •
;ill the earnsstness of life:
ttfon• mulch of all Its traaainer ,
thintea'ont offolt and Strife. ".
Totdul49lf and strife that, falnleth
1. Aral nturatureth on the way.—
Not that kill and atrife that Trotnetti
Ilene:alb, the tyrantia stray ;
Tot the 101 l nod strife th at sprinerth
'Firm a - free and willing
date 'which ever brinnelh
.-- Ta r the stritir all lidipart:
. .
Ohl tlma.ti 04 In Labor,
laborbot aright. '
. Thal emits elgot A. tn. day time •
404 a Swelter alms at night.
IA eat that brhitieth pleasure.
/trait to Ilia to ling hornwl—
datiehrers lb. rplrit -
Al the dew'riviver the dowers
~o4t l* not that'letto}ab
Dada las 'lgor A. • dooml .‘
WI. Ills lita.t mem. .
Mal wills:atter half lifer aloort
. alkotirt us gill dis anths
Witt m estnost rUUwt erhil,
And 'a stzons bind mc.r. and :sr.
• :`Anecdotes of Nunneries.
.14.: recent lady . traveler in Italy has pub
some , =ens and interesting anee
dotes relative to the nunneries of Rome
• • • -
Speakh3g of the Conant of St. Sylvestra
" history of one of the former nuns
of thil convent; as related to me by one of
`the sisters, is quite a romance, and in its
moat commonplace style. Her name was
:Sasso Ferrate. She was left an orphan
and an heiress in infancy, and placed by
tier Uncle, her sole guardian, here, with the
intention or inducing her to take: the veil,
- -that he fortune might descend - to him and
to his' amily happered, however, that
at one; of the grand processions of the Vir
• 'gin, which the nuns were assembled 'to be
hold, the yeung Sasso Ferrate saw, and was
seen by the captain of the gaards stationed
at theloorivent—a yoniger son of the Gius
tiniant family, ands brother of one of her
yi . iiithful companions in the convent. His
visits Ito his sister became very frequent,
and Sasio - Ferrate generally contrived. to
hccoMpany:lier friend on these occasions.
They ;became desperately in love ; but the
cruel uncle refused his consent, and by,eris
which intimidated the y:oung and inexperi
enced' mind otSasao Ferrhto, by powerful
interest. which rendered the complaints of
her lover vain, and by his authority as the
representative of her parents, he succeeded
in obliging her to take the veil. She only
lived two years afterwards. Her lover be
camemania., and, after being confined
for some time,, cortintred, during the re
maining years of his life, to roam aboht the
neighborhood of the city—his hair and
beard growing wild, his, dress neglected,
l and his manners gloomy and ferocious,
though harmless in his actions.
"'still more horrible catastrophe en
sued' at a convent in the north of Italy.
An unfortunate girl, whose father was re-
caved to compel her to take the veil, con
trary, to her Inclination, persisted a long
time in hen refusal, hat was treated with
each dreadful brutality at home, thet at last.
consented;,she but no sooner hod', she pro'.
nonliced her vows than she requested a pri-
Aate interview with her father, at the grate
of the convent; and when'left alone with
him killed herself before his eyes, cursing
him 'with her latest breath. .
"I am informed that yriting nuns often
fall inlove with young friars, but that the
attachmentis perfectly Platonic. Indeed,
so strict now are 'the rules of female domes
tic'life, that I believe it mast necessarily
be an. , - But Love, it is well known, will
break through halts, and bars, and grates,
and convent , walls; and Love'onceinspired
a nun with "the project of getting'ont of her
convent through a common sewer—which,
however unsavory a path, she frequently
practiced after night had covered the world
with hex sable Morpheus. Her nail's dress
deposited in her chamber, and the s e:-
' tetior dirty garment with which she passed
-through the sewer was exchanged for one
'fax lover . wrapped her in at its mouth.
She Insed to walk with him for hours. but
always returned to her convent -before
1"On •
e- evening, however, on returning
from, her romantic ramble by moonlight,
what was her horror to find the sewer—the
Well known Passage—lrompletelychoked rip
with meet," and all entrance impossible.
Discovery would bring certain destruction
on haself and her lover. Their lives'would
be the forfeit, or a solitary dungeon their.
mildest , doom. Concealment was impracti
cable, for who would harbor them? Flight
impossible ;''fcir Without the passports, the
gates of the city would be closed agiipst
them; and could they scale the walls, no
other would be open to them. In this sit
uation, her Courage and presence of. mind
saved them both. She went, dressed in
her lover's clothes, to the house Of Cardinal
Vigatio,whe was an old friend of her fath.•
de; disturbed the family'; had - the cardi
nal mimed 'out of hiiiied l on the plea of
the' most urgent and . important business;
obtained a private audience; threw herself
at his feet; and confessed all. -
"So earnestly did'-she iMplore him to
save her and'family front the public dis
grace of an- exposure, that, melted by her
'tears, he followed the plan she suggested;
ordered - his' carriage, took her and one min
fidential chaplain, en whose fidelity he could
rely,, drove Jo the convent, rang up the per
tare; and pretending he bad received in
formetion• of a man . having entered, and
being. concealed in it, demanded instant
admittance to search it, which; in virtue of
his tame, could notbe refused at any hour
• He ordered theterrified sisters to remain in
their rooms; and having dropped Ike dis.
guised nun in hers, proceeded in his mock
examination till she had .disoihed „ herself,
and her attendants had, conveyed away the
brindle of her Clothes; then professing hi m .
• self perfectly satisfied that the information
he had received was film, Le left the eon
vent---taking .care, however, day, to
have She sewer -- so closed;' that it could
never serve for anything bet a passage for
dirty Water again., •
"The w:et severe of the female monastic
eaters is that of Santa Thereaa, in which
• itrnttaniti'vetaries are "deemed to 1111-
08741111 t midnight vigils and daily &ate ; . .to
penance, austerity and mortification;
erg possible form; while all intercourse
with their friend'', 'All indulge/le of the
- sweet Affections of nature, ore sedulously
interdicted, as if these were crimes of the
blackest dy.. It is the merit of their lives
that'death is lobo Continually.before their
eyee,.eontinually.present to their thoughts.
"There in Rome a convent 'called—
and jnatly canal—the Bye/ to ,Yike 'in
whieVare :buried contumacious, or fanatic
nuns ? ' "liam all convents, and wives and
daightais whose , as ,
‘l-serve and fat era have
7. •
tlActaesne to prove they -, the_
retest ta *Ore the order of such II 4read
fal:ptuilobinent:;: ' lnstant's. hive occurred
where mere resistance to the will of a pa
rent or causeless jealousy conceived by a
husband. has been followed by this terrible
vengeance. What may pass within its
walls, can never be known; none but its
victims may enter amid none . of them rimy,
Optir Th — ei - see 1 1 - & - . - analin — belni, ex
cepting oncem!yead t ltildtin the presence
of the- abbee.V.akey may have aninterview
with their father or wcitikir biltliey must
not tell the secrets •of their prison-house.
They must hear, no tidinki - of - the world
that surrounds then", *phi even know when
the friend.; dearest to them are removed by
death." 1. ' ' •
The Human Body' inst Perspfre, . •
So SAYS NATURE, to have a healthy
9.ll°th9l..dimrTd "Wisr='VolTrlgs7ll=
Soap nye peesplratioo. alas at the a
Wm mollifies .4 softest. the slim citing It lb. lei..
of an W.V. .
not only toshal.
folarfft Wet M .. Wane In N. Yarn km
iaVor IrtnTati <too ' , and trollt natfailing-m shoji
Pimpled. BKtthra. Frotklea. or any °Ulan all.Lo nr .
toad. alounadtbas thin la no male.. ruft . a...bstarxm,
o" 'lli Prone. ''''' 7 .* lntrs:te teattl.. 44
tom eared of we houlooro /aim
.41.0. kt ,
..4 . l ' ; o w y ll t--"d it. for the atone. n b ol. " l=r 3 w It to to all I at ' Art:
ii .ho adw obantl, cracked.. dapped . !Intl,
.iiitthyd, this not only wean , . Dot reerootim cud can
now only - add, that aoy pow alllktol with onr ofthe stoats!,
....Man, will nod thla all, ad nyow Ono"
--,,,,..73r.P=Mo=.artiodoled with
.0d . stwe yea salt for )orie
itunty of WU. JACKSON. oolr Anna Pitt. nen
Pearly White. Teeth; tind_Tuie.Breath
to hid for riccita- - ..-Penevos who have ether. ore honor*
bly - wowed tbst if their breath Is ever so fowl. thelt
pooh decayed. dart. oe ivtal enameled with tarts:
that alf , cent bay of Joyce . Amber Tooth Peel will make
tho to.m as white as Know. and the breath alarifelonalt
Fold only at JACKSOVM Elam:o Llhaftl Wad
A Scientific Bair Tonic,.Restores and Beam ,
iSer.--Trlal Bottle% a:% font, - Thar who him an
lostkreoral IWt,Nestorer. knowas excellent onkllthr,
thow who have not. we ammo It to Metal the follow/4
nedition:--It wiU Owon the bale to krrow on any Lonrho.
Ware Intended W .er; e to stop It fall= qtr: enr•Mors
or dandruff: and make light. te.l,_ce sksY 0..
Poe 61
nuked= wit Ow hale sad ellty, nothing
this-2 =knit. Only bekutifkl...l ft".
dent, the mkt econcanleal—yet lopestoz—oUde 2. 21
So only et WM. JACKSON'S Etcas' StO LI .I..etk
hand of Wood, Pittsburgh.: -
Plakk—hih, cent. 60 cente;sall •
JONES' Solution of Jet, a Liquid Human
ther D i e; far the eliatuttog ufwblte.Via, Orlt.rf Dalt, to
beautiful brown, or Matt jet eolar,in • Wu; atiluoilos. •
Pries-6u tents, =IL -
Bold bf WIL,JACILSON,SSSLiIiet,If an. Wed.( lg ooy
. .
Joins , LILLY W,111TT. , - - Ledies are Olui
4.0. t vsolti 7 1 .1
are not saran Atm httnil: tannic , . It Is toldwi Ann
bow etambow 10.0. tt
Ow akin tospaars.after mind POMO Bodin, it
th it' u ?bate=a= lll rvoUlir d attkia..
...a. c o e"V l th tar a l li a r atr a tatt of all dtdatationi
oa lt
aiklek tool it Imports to the a Wand. tualthr.
ter, door, lititta aridly. at tbe mama tticar acting
Emetic on the akin. making It eon and aotoottt- ,
Sold by.,the Anent, lOL JACKSON. nO., LEtterlar gnat,
Pool Wood. Pittabarnb. Pena VA. tants,
S. T. Itabbitt'e Celebrated 804 Powder.
WASHING withou laboxi Wairante4
y to take Um Aid= oot t
or table Itanen and oop.
DttiCITIM Die—Put your <lathes Ina sulleiont
quantity of mid water to cover them. then add two tablee,
spoonfuls of this Soap Powder. to cash ale quarts of water
used with the clothe= If the water tabard, odd more of
the Powder. and boll them ton ralmtem in the moan time
mein themdown with a AIM, then - put them Ina tub and
old comment sold water. im that they wUI not be tom bot
to handle. Then rub the dirty .recurs, or Is other words.
glue them a thorough riming. cad the , Is rultitituit to
erste them Mean.
x. lt—tbore being no rods in thla Pimp it
the rlotbm eery wmte. md no bed oily ,suell. r. eMub
mays do. The enUre mot of the matedal coda does not
Wtwo mote. to complete a washlnt of ten Mrmise , —.
Warremted tot to rot or Wore the clothes.
This is et Powder that one paper •111 make twoloolinertr
best family /Soft Step.
bumenem roc Cos.—TAN my pit 012,11.2 or war/ amt
ntli the Powder with it, aml thou Ist illy 011. say tor matzt4
otos. then add At smarm cold water: them luttrostoly
. 4cmutlx a away Imon=i,za
will loath well, and trill mt. eat the ' Minh Ilk* other Boa
Post. por cot the clothe. Can be wed withbard or nit
NaMtribr making the enmity 1010 Aix. meets Untold of
twelve.. The Polt Pomp is best adapted Ihr wahine called
toLl whoireele and retelt by SFJX.EII.II.
. . . .
• • • •• HORSE'S
Compound Sirup of Yellow Dock Root,'.
grICCUPIES the front rank among the pro;
prlelorr tuedirltses of this .antsy for adooletelr
coring Canter. Nett Rh... Errelpelac and all other die •
cues arlalow from en 7 mete of th e bloat Also.
Taros tkeoutetut.Caturl., Llesdarbee.Dissluee;
Coado4...,aretess nod T tom about the Chest Banc'
ehltery -or tear:aroma demote. eed Celdial. imoodlad
about the Woe: . sod I. mar with deprwordented sum.
to all eases or _ , • • - . • • : •
Female Weakens and General
dderwtheelag the weakened holy, tiOlng New to the
wart.. orgetts„...l Ineigoralled the rattle met..
Zr the larldeour of thou seeds or Nettle aitadwera
all parts of the countre, ran to rolled upon. It Is degulee
If eftleadous marine eit Homan.
anal teeloeine. &WNW'
tat and broken down constitutiorts. It is pools Tetete
hie is Its' tompodtioa. mad so urnrately ...bleed to Its
proportmas that the elerni..4 botanical, wed Medi& Idt.
pyrites of each lecrall:lite to
Parifeut barmordeusly a y
the Blood.
It liu removed here bated
the Otla of the bows has ohsu ear. tansy.'
Salt }theme, Errelralas arrahla.: - ',hada Senatorial ,
dreaps e=ely faded So maks the Inast_ltavreadesa
Thelt 6u
. teX i c.l . l l e many
c ar or h CXLEr 11
Ohio zwelleae. We ene that It le aretnabbaaooYlnlia
111L10173 03)1PLAINTIL.It roe.ea all obettswaloos In •
the thraldom. araderirt4 the lr tree. active...l Peal
thr. It mauves MOW.. or Lb. lie art, Mad relletes le
ad eases of asthma, and moo be wed le 0.11 el lealdew, and
et all KAMM of the year.
MO.:Frey Is prepared Only . tr C. 1100 SN CM, at ICd
loardeln strret; Provldeuee. aold. ladeede mad
Wan. - - N. WICK itflPlieM.
tardy •Agnot for Weldon Peeentemale s .
lard-1 . Ware:wow, corn. Si owl . :cal lath et!, prt
rAIRILY -FRIEND, or Baking Preparative,
superseding the tira at brannsisni
le. swam, ontnrbua and ilismitisWest. of tom ranor,
iras time, min at It cost than the ordinary fersientsit
trash whirl misses. t..f . rst extent. Mts. loglitsrakto.
tiattnenne, istins after to m
Lrulseba min intbra minas
finintAn. anEtit tos =Snag Cabs and ble.
mtlts. lw Ibb tou:sts grows. tbia ta
0100 r: , Wm win winks
.17 ,
to p.m bred. sit ono tbe nowt or a.
Wow ear Ltowstiblitlnlinitssies,nitm:.4.lloWns. and Um
twtsblishment, it is grast eds.:nags. bold bottles at
2.5 rani 60 cents, with nitrations Ow ass.
=FN . - - 12. R. gamins. W wota -
The most Earaordinary ,Ilizeorery in the Wald
the great Arabian Beau*for Jian msd Stare
IL G. Farrell's
?CIE mirsonlotk cares performed by tho
• Ambinn Tatyßkill the ye of. old. VIM' th en
kn upon mtbe malt of aulde.bea. gem In he ton
mane intimate . with their hathry we ma thus amount for
thelrnmprishap power oyes disease. Tel attainments bo
the knowledge of =edits,e were the wander of the Age/
while at the same Uwe tba mime* ofChendstry. wthrh
with them had Its ate. was to the net of the world "a
waded ett.o.^ ma In gannT the/ werethe rawfth , o.
students. In tbebiautlful groves what/ skirt desertsof
'Arabia, thalami rare plants sad odmous woods whence am
obtained those aranstle gums and fragarsat Gamma of
-- whish Incompanthle liniment Is nampowd, end by
wtthee s ed t ag unetwous. penetrating and Anodyne
properties to bk wlren applied: thetantaxwoualy di/Need
thmughln n hole nervous system. ollsylng moat la
tenaszol Incredibly sheet time of 10 or lb minutes.
Its salsa le prompt, poorest sad elleetual. vithoUt the
least danger.- It proetrass the f to tbe took mlasm
. contraded cords.- or to to bl o o have Men
palsied for Tema 000010[ th e the= Dab to grow mot
and rash blood to annulate through Its Mrs. It Foams
the bywortal 11,14 or Joint Water. sod al§ /I the maw
hy It by been so universally eneotatul in curls; a alt w
diseases of the Joints. In chronic affections of tballilis.
Liver. Lunge and Ithlneyk this gnat Aruba!, remedy
'sande anpardleled: for AIII:10 ca. or thelonfrantd ot the
Spleen, It Is a sperifm and for Ithaca:W:lmm Itham
ad nom [the estraordlumy came ow tha t =
Its Cr/pi, throlllugs, Pans, Wounds, Chllblalel=
White...elno, Tamars.Le. &a. ICU equally
C osa of Asdroalk meb natal., lloH reth ebnang.
COMplalnk Lusteumer,kareyeLpramkondeekWou
blanks. Eparlas, WlnUalls. 8 and for newly all
either 10 oath or Dew whkb mute. ma ester/
/ d ar sIdl; Nation: this nutmeat gaols at Me heal of all
medlothes. "
The hallowing le Ebro the relatifs' mama:taut al the
...Mir tdah/Y reepectable Donee of Vasa gi Sae.. of
Peoria mad temente one of the amitt rathaelca cars In
the annals of =Wheal tdatteye • • ••,
Air. IL 0. Farrah Dear Ely. Aebasted by...leafed palm
folne Danbmill gt i ft=loyy aminatms. ot the allt•
1110! sdletli c 7=1 with w
to abag'Zil7b, o ll .. =
.Dame. hates. onstrated It to nee heypkessen. tam limb.
became •reo rigid itakt sad s Joint wad ho (0000 the 0000
turned black and cold. and oairdy darrited•flyehneyets
eyes axed. partially closed end altogether Weed. Pante
hag Ude au
so to all srand; the mint beams mar
d. .ad so owned. that when Lulea im thak. the
head and hate only Mucked. Indent. the child enemas'
wary appearance a being
se c Immaldiatedy ea the at.
took. the agony phyddan sae called imard for thee:coma
It {gond to mime it to n all inga t. vtl . tlela,f h
It the blthend a c ould Osy
intents applied. • o•n of phydelane ersa theti;
held, bet to ma =nem , The eam was den brought has
ej i t a attri .
.0 8thipz6teg Ethb& maid be .I=ll
me he could do mating mune. We then easdpemog an.
plyteg . yzar Idedamrat freely air loath
g. the
illppikmrtur eleten;
'child rapidly meowed, with the theca= of the debt.
which ald not beecate perfect far nearly as month. Ma
yaw h..rte rod tobwt .0000
gl 7 . other caws ofwith2=lthad.a.Mla prz.gra%
'rafts Lietrant haktsra ad. they. wrAl b 0 . 01107, eild;
rear* Mirth DIX CI.IIIDAND ,
:LAN"' Comptdint„ .Erygipelat, cad Rdevistatins
`flarenz,turion 00,KI;oisT m. 1619.
Hr. If. Cl. fhasel.f...lroter blr: Your LlalMenl Is oiling .
717. Itu.l.."=:?..t.l".`4ltgorkll4=gro=
ore bed pan In the nen. ftirennuenseonnmel to
Der bed 6r 5...yenl esostbe vrieli Oenpleint and Alfee.
ten of the Heart.l OM entirely 01,00 by the no of your
Arabiso UnbaeoL tltie stll the &Aces mold do bee DO
soul. It ttse been appUed le • (nett 054, 1 t0 0 .¢...5111
noel tine... 16.• nom •11166051 EU.
y r for
Iltty r g a tr I a 1 e.1 , 15...t. befozel . rtzeg
1 5 be
s es
mesas* [sadist garrote:end vilth your tatdossete sad
beton I undone esibbleur, tbe vas mooed.
shy ampiaint, &runty, Distentpc4 Cork and
M. Aida%. eartawor rlic - ltUtoa .
'loaotl. ID.
U. rums: Ton. Arabian Jtt4thPht IN Mild/
ysiserd halt We cured one of 937
pan Compfslot by shoat Ivor or bye epthYhtiOttb ...I I .
and oho of toy oleo of the tweette. ther bbrrtit:r
1, 71 , ht cored hit horse of • tot Cork trlgh IL he Watt I
= ....It that had the btxtsuiper ry bsth Ott)
ae etrrrr "i ller.ti l e to?: IT= I;nti
or bo Ern elm i pew eslUtt owdkihe
both tbr rum tot temtt.
. • .
Zoom . of Cotodorfeiti: • ..
• LOWING ciatsruilY. • - -
' The Public ars harticularly mistimed =duet a Roe
211:d h tge'rb bte
les! el " wl . !inaltee ' llt?WW " Vs Ah Ad Y
au Llui y sraL . ° This le a dactigennes fraud atrirsOlugr
to decetre tram Ole bar $g the hams of Vaerrit. L a
fun be &articulr war to call Jur tt by the Noes =a fa
I.lalsrut." ter unprincipled dealers will Imo,. W I Z
OUR Waters moo yoetfor the itehuitua but cheese Os
for Jl. U. ItirnlCs Arai. jsauarna sod We *a saw.
ye ata vanilla oheatior heath. Utters I. t il.befuge nriftlri.
I : L Onit gr i a '. l
° tee= t .. 41:— , " '" 1 . Lr=ern=
Aurae...Wed ha eesty . .TOult..Vllli:SAl4 o.a llatatet . 11/
the Malted &Wee. tu which oha is act
try bees to U. U. Ferrell Peat* 1.. EU, pit { fait.l9/0
IN tO • MDD . .II ,_ • _ _ ..... _... '
Call= neat Übe 1,111 ig=r - o cit Übliriaii
tank containing mach valtuelae
oat'. . t
•- • . 1 "" . .7!';iiii.lolii,Vik:iutui. 1 t.
lb WI texaneab shaluarcatuut by -MO: Iturvq,ali
Inventor and_Diar.sad wholesale driatlaats Nn, 17
ma/. Vaal, Pem" Ill; o+4 Ibriate stlimaleatatritali at
O 7 W
SallOrneUltitlf e 4ll9aieae op, • .
_ _ •
N pursuance of law, I, McLean Fuximic„
Prtaddent of the United Bute. of America. do beret
,v and snake alt.,. that pablk de. tern be held at
he 446, 1? "1 d__, ta trit:
" Al the , tool
_lPridat at. HATEllyil.W.; ataaneneine on'
a 9= C t g :t= TL C . I ry • .1:$ teenVal
of the ftt
ts d
Nord P riaae tine and lortra P ji/Zriaciptl meridian.'
Tarothip two. at Maga er• ;. •
Fraettonit t raddp nottlyowit rf.rr, of
-Township GUeev. of ranee two. •. •
Plartionalamenalfe eleven and Melva. of Wage six.
At the ; Le f to4h 4 d a IM B P 4 A W X be L x I t v i e Oo tt = 1 4 4 4 thle lOh
=thepotillelandswlthla OweinSerineationed tower
shim:theft: •- • •
shah offhe Lase ffessaislyerf Vibe /M riicikailinerafien.
. Toweratelpe dleetn and finniteen, of range relleoteew
.. mwashl y •
Al the Moe
- AAA:witeneeneliik goo
-day. the edghtrenth dartif ust . nat for the
of poblle ha& within the Ihileeelng name:l4./414W ehel
parts of townshl4. alai • • '
Nwla ofthe tratelies end exelq! the Ajlh
s ade sridiex•
Sections thhtenotwentyArte, tirentrfour ad tenty
-64. east otitis St Frauds Myer, In township thivw, aT
vamp four.
Towlkihilk Atm of range seven. • • - •
521.44 the ban lb e cud wade the Afthweleelinlowo•
Toineship fine .ml part of an Wank in eeetiote thirty
two and tbtrtpihnei In townstilp thirteen. range one.
,ett the Lend OkI;••st LITTLX ROCK. comeneeethil
the Sol Jay teepteniher next, for the 44144 1
of the publle lande in the following suonal treat. an 44
net Oxpreia lake. els:
!wet/la/4s taseliweend lauf QlfAt flittpertheiPil
The south hair hf Nett. eight Ile 414 h half of tea.
fractional veetkais tonne.. and Otte.. the. north ball of
seventeen. the awl: half of teentrone, twentrawo: th e
meth half and ehothweet pewter of teentrehree. the
noritiereet quarter of twentkels. and the weft trait of the
norttie4t q4ster. of twentrinnen, In township Wee, of
appropriated bT law for the use of ethools,mlll
- and other purreek together with .t.thes , nramp
Overflowed .04. made went thereby for ealtiratkul.! If
any; which ..hall be varied by the State authorities be
fore the days appothlat for the commetwomeut of the pub-
Ile fir,.teflNCUrel T, under th e set entitled "Au Act to
sued* the liter of Ark.w otd other Stoma to reclaim
the `romp lauds' wigta their limits," apparel Septem
ber 18th 1050,21 . be excluded from the mth. Aud uo im
callous far laud bounties heretofore seethed by .1 law of
Congress. rot thiltiory writhes .teriered In the Uolted
BMWs. end tePnwri rtique,ollll. oluee meatioued hunk
ae provided by the act sausage. au dat =Mos .Pmer
ethos for the civil .4 dlphitnatic 'spewed goterumeet, *
3,111ar5h,1851. -
The- ofierlewat the above reentkned will he mi.
.xosaced op the days atholuted, and will proceed le the oss
der la .Lich they are ed.:rased, with all ememonet the
m.W.l.uutli the whole stall bee tees odered and the ear
Mies rimed; bat'. .01. shall .I,n kepi op.. former Wog
two weeks. and 00 mirth erL i Eg u. if soy or two or w eeks
be admitted - MAL after the es of th weeks •
• ' under my hand at City of ,Meshireatost, this
doh day of Msy, Atom Ithalul obe thm i thagnht bore
deed sod Illtroue. MILLAR?,
EL ,
thatteleolour of the thoeral Land With ,
Emery pence entitled to the dab% of preemption to aui
of the lathe within the townships and pert. of loweehipe
ahoy. eurtherated, Is required to eftethsh the Fame to tbe
setleaction the theibter wed • thereer of lb, proper
Lead OMee, and make payee. teleran. soeu or p.n..
its after wiry thir wore. and before the day appothted att
the rumoeucemeut of the public , de or the lauds embrm
Inn the tract ',lathed, otherwise each claim slate forfeit.
'Commlaeloter of the General Land Uttre..
• ... - •
... ' • . ,.. .- ' e
IN pursuanCe - ol Sitilf. a; aIIthAIDTEUXOI/E,
. Preddent of the United Ste/sof Amadeu do benby
colarasod make known. that public sales will be held at
the undtamentioned tha sab of kithaugth
at the pea.. toonthaftor deeignated. to wit:
At the Led OA.. at JACKSON, sonmeneind cas Mots.
i Puth i e b ta f o r t rusiterirhib.-ztr.v.m...lN fa : :
soineveiss ... .
(1' LP hose liiii and wed sit thel ..., Sisamdsad
' To twenty-wenew. twenty. t andtwenty-uthe.
on and near Clement deer. of nap t
Torneakips mrentysPero, o
f .P and tweatyleina;
as and par Correct rim. o nap gar.
Township twasetyeight.. . broach of Conant river. of',
Poo fire. • ' '
Tosertips Penty4l.pee, twanty-Inni.twastreldhtemd
twentrMne., of ethan eight:- • ' ' , ,_
Township twenty4bree, twentriour, twentiwegot
Petard...of ' , oar PP. •
1" Ntlletlollllio lllloll P tlrdelitroo4 and.towndhits Punta
Pp Perdathraharentriblars %Vegan . .a and t•ttlts4.lo‘
O ,Lirg: bAili PLACE. commend cas Ilonday. the 115-
.Iceoth day of Sentander next. tbr t he dirisoad of the DP.
Melanie within the following nand townahips and park:
't tourshipanis:
artis of ag beet lbw =I eitd.lf U. .10. 4 Z.i. , 41 , ..r •miihlo
- ggg: =id ".. 1 .7Z 0, i 4 ... 4
It '''''4 ,lrlMtlo r W 1121 4 7 . 0 7 Orirni V Lt . ' - '
: , Toirivbip. twastrtwo and twentytt= of ode Cr.
reactional township eistern. and to to. an ent atins,
twanty.theer, twenty-limn twentrtive, twentynit and
I. 74lCttgal ''' toinWatteer. and areastero. and tow.
ahiptwentydwo, of range darn
- !rational township sixteen.. oreentred. eighteen and
hardaone. to.eshipatmudylwo sod twenty-Wm; ma
mellow three to few 1.11:01R. SKtramll to 210 0 1. 1 1 , ....K 1 ?"
Ay., 000 twentescdp ter thirtrheo Inelndee, in t 0....
tweedy.. of rthlire dret. -. ' . • :
T oroth- 1p nireeteen extent freetkaal nations getrtgare
to or indulger.) fractional township twenty 111,4
harem:ll towsugdp twenty.* incept wild. o+o. 100100.
Mirearn. tscaspaisca, tePedahaer. ......... 0000 100.
nmer...., a 0111b.r . , thirrrfim 'ea tn. i f nap
nine, • .
-Ito northwest *sego. of section Sr, to 0 nip
, v
Ps, sod Croat:seal towtoddys Meaty, often . ,
Seethed Pc to Pelee inaltudve, the north b f ofthisfien,
fourth. to tesadvons inaludee. and ineairriouf to taser
Ikree inelusivr,lciurn.l.lp righparn; 0.001000 hap to do
iI3cIUNIT, In torrotblp nineteen - Pei asctione 10i r- ,
Po, the made half of benstestereg Protrtanw to PPP , . ,
pi, and thirfrAur to dirge.* iloritatee, in. Woods*
twenty. of range aide,.
I The pad east of ~'lattle' Weer Cerattlow," oft...Wu
, tonnes-threw. of nap thirteen.
section sir (extent the reortbssid pupae.) and potions ,
acess,cp/dessolachow, Pirtle sod ilisreresa, spa of ssLittls ,
Meer tieedion." ID VMS.IIIP i1.1201-109r. or rangy bur-
1. - 1
dt the land IMP at 7P101.101.111111, oommeneinu ore
Monday. the eightewnth day of duped nap. ta the dis
posal of the public heads sib:Wad arltben the Aillowistund ,
toed fesenonal townshi to wit: L
dirthurthr bardies we d scatter
scatter AEA...I wrinagla saris... L
.y.....tdp ...rpm., of range ... 0 7w.. •
Teremehip twast/W.n. of tonne twentiutime.
Venetic** of mations tworyhdra fargeuse. tiddrhee. e
therlyalea s tairlysfiner, POW. PP taterpedr.tonth of tbe
old Palo hip, in township twourrare. of 1000. 10.. 4 7 -
township twentymie, stiseent to the State
bawd ramp twetitypern, mutilated: thiet7. MAP
pp thirtyswea b
ylaw tteand th.tydour.
• Lando
b dates op a rebt air. mod
..7 and 00= 0 .1.... Magner with "thee masete nod
pergolas] ' made oral thenby tbr eaturatton." le
any, winch shall to swirePl D o the Pain authorities taloa
the dap .1 , 1:Poled Mr Liss totennereernood of the paw
*lea rage ply. under the Ad ceilltist .° - Act to ens
bid the Mats of -Arkansas and other Paw to reclaim the
Thpp koae anthill the. Unottc . approred Ifors . rz
.. PP, wag be asbaled.from Pe ideu And on
for load Panties Pasoan anorged br .ar. 1... , of Om
tarsa. Z. saithary arracee rembersd to th e untreal States,
pal Oa permeetef se Pug/ ids Pep waseesgased lends. pm pr.
Pled by th e pa matted Act making PMP'hothe
for tho civil awl Wok:maths - - amm of ellerterousrat,` au.
arC"dEd Mach. their -o
.. • ..
olletina of the atone mentioned landenellt be eons.
Massoed os the dap appointed. ant will teroord in the or.
der to Path thou aroadacrthed With all etareeniann Ater
Ptah. oath CP whole shall have Pm oßand.sod Mamba
Um does: tort no sale Pail bs bad oven 1b....
meets. Pea td Pasta entry of any. alt Lbw = will be .1-
slatted until aferribe mire.= of thee twee wads ' •
ups ! —th" lay "U sf Ma "2 7. T dosen "rd'i lassred tb"l oese tT 'i tsboneend wubi rd. h ad a:
Pod ana aftanna. -. MILLAMIII FILMS gE.
J.Btirin . :Nsirtg.; .
Onunshedoner of Oa Otneral Lana •
- - - - '
. . _
ivories ro I , IIBILMPTION CL4IkL t.
Cr me p!rson ensilloi to the tight of iv:ail:4loz to 007
of the kW. Ohio the tomathips and joette of townithtto
stave ettuatersted. b motiret to eetstitatt too some to the
...Whelan of the streteter ettd nether of the proper lend
otaot, watt matt perment. thereto , he 00.00 os zwodwehtt 41:
to salty and 1.40te 4* WIT trr u intat to the
co6U.Omberit not: public de etobtaclott
the Wert claims% 0th.77h0 .002 thisr ill D. Stefeltfth
Cannalatfoncr, of IN, eawra Lad Ott, :
BY TEE nEstozirt or TB ram anal
of kw. I, Miu.isp Fityxogr.,
President of MI Mad Stew or
eel," and puke t hat Dublin =
tha.oZdammtlowilliall . o l24 . in the Etat. of lowa. et
the mirth hereinafter aselenetad,to
At the Land Mee at lOWA CITY. contineudnit
44 igh = fr u
. I d s et:. a r=tr t =ea th e
Ikelltltt Ca Wit We, widieesi oflAfttl.i.oPaf
Llternstde serentrulst, rear* blerdPsdne. . •
Tplryshlp. onnmOrolom Njattf, at thiftr•
Thlmattlp pernrptrixt. avll*4.bty, of name thirtrom
Sevothape orentritine.eilht7 ShAelitdr.rek of naW
'. l l4Z.Watu d Vielfh=l=Val:= l
North at' 01 tau xae and ieed4y fhaJVIA OrferfAr/ run+
!moo* /P meanly. of rens. thirtle
IPA -;
AA the Land 1)Oloe ad ulisio . giLento hlenderALhe fitlt t
Month day of Ann/Meat, for the Plated Or me Wow
' iliat'rd=thiatdioniterreattiri and rin
t hi thratr!i 4 =74=7th=Vi b,.. sr "- ri
• north, of ranee Mos van
of Pl* pliant* . M. 41. 011,1 t.
Undo appromllted by bre for the me of schools. milt.,
tarp and mbar poly.* tarether telth'ethope name all
'orertlowed• lands made unfit thereby for caltivaWn,
1 , 14n4,..wa1ga , 41 . L1 er l ei ct . by the Stale ttnite:g . .
lio sales respertaily, tinder the tnet entitled .An Ate to
.enable the Mate of Arenas. and ,t 0 Stare to reclaim
lb. '
lards . 10
..W lind sar t nel •fle Mew
'bar Mb, land, tenlit e.WadM.freee Amt . Mal.
'rations for land boontleit heretbrforee vented y any Ise, a
•Omenisa. ibr military emir. modern:l to the .Uolted
ltates. Oepereutted aim glantw m or eitrani mitt,
. " thteaslnt d rhe eilarrdltlontatle oaf:lire of Liore yp
_Lup. sa Mara, Id5L •
The of the Lade Ent* commenred on Med./.
' rad. gurreeed Ina order ha jdar i tghelzr: ed•
: bare' Welt offeror a d q d raVi b bar closed; :at no We
WWI be kot opot &menen two week., and no private
amity of Any or the lands Ell be adethjed after the
Dy 0011
it:Oration of the two weeks.' •
i lle d t 0n:or Inual Akthe (71ty of Weehinfton. tide
'deed anti • 411.1rar gLISIBIII ,I vF ,
tbeil li LL lTT L ' ajace:
.15'077CE 70 . PRVIINON •
mu."7.l"= 'Ate toZbitn:4v9lVi to,rnaitl r
f store anomended, nottnind eatablati the saw to tZ
atitlyfatllte or the register and rwrolrer of the Proper hind
atm, mad snake trayment therefor as woo
-teem/load ay,
ter mane fitit wake, antr beton the day appointed Pm lb.
rommeneement of the public sale of the bade embnwitin
the tract elainsed: co4terwin such claim . will be &e . t.d.*
Conitolisioner of the General Land otsco.
1 . 1077/1•:1 3 1 _• t.! • ••
-- _
cuntrr vs History' a flitere:=A Blida' ,
ry ethane* from the earlket Um. lotto. ArAtraetion
ifrit ' ll: Cl.;.,lll::ruollbt7d/ar, '.
-1 1 11/g t' l:2o:3
&bati., a. -- - • 7 '
lb. MimmlT of..erobbeey, or script rot Illustrattool of !
Abe Avoca) p.. ay the Rev, Alexaoder 6.11 b, D. D. -
Dallas tor tbeTtalaa fleraldlna, kleeteour, A Thowand
4../Ap: boa other lwase. ill Mona ,Yabibbar Sup_ ..
eggritit gr.i.l`Paltr.igrli,;%._‘b°- F
' Rel Veloeat7,lf laattga/r tingLarTigra.•
Coors do Ph 1..?"..!. a wade t--ad.. kr W;
f 4 / l aeMies York awl .4.1110b1e Cook: coo
talulog a deacalptloavela, TOMS' V,I•
aaa. and moet Wooly it mite Ugt kleal, With mut
"'Trig It amt
a n ja i s .71 - 14, rtlfel VP ,
rv 77 !o: atookoa.- I to. " 7 7 7 F.
4'.'tZtA l' ar*lpp il era, " of tlt u *Jije u llree la: a f 'MY
bartariw aotat. 'nine author of • , IVblterriare.“ u
' lbeerVe IWO Jot recolrod,acal for sale by '
'.l .. . - IL C. trlteeitTO: 4 ,llT Martel of. f.
iILASS AV Poseif we'd sixes, for sale _by
• 0 _..e.— -----L:-_ . a• aw• 114_naexon.,
'—itTGAR-,-25 blabi..W. 04 1 0 rail by •
• Jog • . - • J. IVEerfaLa. :
V A__
MA HAN GING $7:-.Freaob At/14 Amer
' Imo: froaL isai cau to sopoio.o. oa• ado by
: _ my* , WALTXII. Y. /A AaallALL.lls7,/apa ;
£4-2(0 ibe. prime, Col
unaroturruzwe ajx),
few dozl
wttio. mt.!, 11 ; pexistatual. ,
' of
14emil 1851.
THE ..PROEUETOBX of tlds,ald and well
twain Wide' ereiaaJiabna nianatata Lbw the: we
no.>o gagggtltregAkeeven. maws ward'
=Warn , to ail syst=fll=Virks Krle
Sad Ilkitesan=a2strdel i r • of the BotSsif
"j .tfri h .l. t. CA:G g' l7:7dBs ib, it•
sar.Wates and Psalthllsid sts , ritutdsrnb.
, •
a. Rir. CRRRlRghsrd, None COAttp, Po .
Maibm. Pulsett. P.:
• Wm. Atlas a_Co., Omni*
Wm: .r , Ilmbhrome.
wm,. Power, Commantrille;
C. 31.1. newt, Ms. P.:
N.B. WCIMIMNP. Buffalo, N. Y.
. . _
. . New 'Lake Superior' Ling.-16i:
r 4. HE new a team . er NORTHENER;, Capt. B.
t 2.o":2:4tlVar.ergd.m 1vAt_ . ,,,,T . ..g.t .
of or nut. 'ori he. first trip—and workil ihr--".
Prided . , ot lign'elde ,t P. 51., for the Sant 810. Mo ri . :
The stammer MANI - LATTA:I. Cant. Jona Catorath,"l, ll
I.ra Soot Bto. Mario; for MO 11110rrnt lardiOnspn .....
Superior. on tbe arrival of thestratorr Northerner:making
a tato* weekly , , lior,,tbroviliont the season. betare,
clereland mil tho Conte and Inm Illors.
: .
S. t A. TURNER, Proprietors.
Clarelaid, 0, April Z. 1851,0 i
. , ..
Marnifacturer's Line.
iffiltigWEß 185 I,•.•taiggal
0 thoa MO LINE, touursaettrenttreir at Boar.
Ls note Ua n t OrsU i lza p rate s &cry
rZtitio,lu oi arort Lime, aud ' at loar nstrToss,,..l
Iliegairu ll' Ar . uts bars . alielorenuashi thr
V. Yftight Jo•Elainrsitir; Johan°. ' Ilollldasaburk
'Water PUNSLAlexas,drie,Yerersborgh., lionthuriou.
Creek. Kew IlaraMoth:JarTertoru, W.W.1,. VIM,
zraujeut9l,rra Vend, Ilessistourgteolututoi•oulNloth
d.irgelerttAtTu=loVuVU rat .r a;
...E,,,Latasa; aroia plums awl regularits hSruartM, t 4 3
serre,Wl p0pt0,..1 tbt lowest ratru e Mar
qq,p. ; MITI-[E
, Proprietor.
, Warehouse, Liberty atnaere
Sewed door evertor the Canal.
rEttv !Y - nnvartAx.s Jaz to 131 i 11 , 7Pftgr•
Or BD WWI. the Modem arkt . topmwe vritl ,
after be tranesotel under the .et7le or Non. sleet. o
Lle." . (mobil WU. lIINGII4OI.
. .
iltingharias" TranspofiatiOli Lin' e,,
CANAL being now open, we are ten
lay to Ivories and A.rord promptly.
rrehpoutlso. rut and .rat.
fraliglau alyrors At lowed rotas ammo o r nepopdDle
MerthstrihoilUbt nailed o uting r
'APING and- west, without alarrhyso Apr Gro grad.
Gaming freight. ronordstlon, orstorsor.
Ella of t. lodr fortrordrO, And all dhoctlons
&Wooled t Athitera or apply to •
Wll. BINGHAM /1 CO" Canal Battu.'
Comer thorny awl Wayne sty., Ilttrberich , -
BINGHAM d. DOCh, 183 lame!
batman , lattM fad Firth eta, l'hilldrlph%;
No. IC North ttowsol ottrot,_ltOttestero.
JAAESAINtiILAV, No. I? Watt at.
altbl t Ne . Yon,
-r:u . :1851 ggffgffA
lderoltants' Transportation Line,
.4 it PIIILA c D:PIIg p igEOT--WITII .
t.,is t ../ . 110.3.117 a C o..ilaxl ruln. OS Penh Weft.
: i Ft.ZIWESILLTI7ORecxntre ru<k. nraki Amt. mi.
' et:armored to rendre o torget handl.
otT2.lprodure to ship oc the opeuh.ef th e„ to 11111.
fe .ll4lt . atut aVoterut r = o
= iti lower eater. mut lu
i 1. 4/Atl i B.z . 1", F o rtertf Trtla b Lroji:l . ed i Ly
Mate Itailreaux .111 'patent any T.Anitr of dolor at
Jaunty... thaliaaTot.trg me r. ..lfDAvbim
L.1 &:.0
u.. 6.
BIIWER. 1851
To 131dpp t ro brercluinitsu. Produce, &c.,
- -
A 00.. Propri•ton, Na SLAW, saJ
Cesunerte otemet, PIats4KAAA.• _ . • -. •
BAIA. k. 1.106.1 M, Agrala,Csnal Huta. 1111.0Anb.
JOS. SAILOII ban , l. Una+ Baltiron..
`'Tf,lotl"F:r.h7ll a ;;;lf,: b :".. ‘ . P .: °- -'1".11:
"ip"." m ama match awl me scu
Jo= 1.711/13 taro.
• tflortasaats ta./..dirtlicradnat Cal
Canal Ruin, Penn Street.
Penni. Rail Road Cotentral Rtdl Road.
eubscrilian haring been appoinvil
rao . the Pransyharkla Csatral CAD
.ledorta palar salt rat ars acsr pal 4,• .1 La ra
alsa any curreissadia 1.11:41110. for th.
°prang of the canal.
Om:bell:4 ; esate' sill b tarried it:dough to fere drys
al sal Wang:sea m
1.13 farr !Erdal fro.
Ina or tisane
• • •
4.;213 fllallWloll AND
DTI GMLI. Urt,,lilaa,"floota.N.latlonary.l.tatlary.Coolor
dangly. rau% retaara, Furniture. Gnaws, .alaalkinot,
001. 1. Az. 1.00 la 100 las.
llardTort.&aapprare. Groawka, Pailala. s l./ya Emma, axia.
Loather. I r..n...TinUothi and othar Grow Fwd..
Lc. vOe
loaf. WA, Hotter, L.l. r UU, iota.°
, Grain sokli 4oe *WO
A tI
r47111-sella Waugh) Tar, latch, Holds, Genova CWT.
1851 rkfi .
, •.'Pittsburtli Transpertatiin Line.
• AWFD CPCOICICR A CC., Mnal Plulp,Pittsbdrab. -
DITFJt, JAWYA * Co., Depute Mead and.eberrY
owl Da 3 Aduth rapt. ervedl. between Market *NS Clime
r'B4%.*rs'ralti erred. Dalca - a*.
2117.11iG ..fally completed our art uoge
rut prepared upon W
of "
araylvaala Mauls, W eater
hskrih. aatu.n., rtabocvm. New York, aco.p.
*Maudedhl. Loubellle, Al. Lodi* sad all the Assi. eriol Nest. et
b er U ser w e. an
l M go A A M ahmpopmd d bw oOy Ll Wr
tch abd
w a e
S f h uimly
e e r o ly o p th
bytnsuxsxewithout MP *hark" to owners,: proweriou
pot rea ll y allorded by any other I.lae.
All addrweed to wirerltri or Wide.
1100 A M. C.d.... A. Webb, temireilar, earl kW. A
Ushers*, it. meet Attb prania alwarloo.
/11.14. D. Our Line ham no oommetlon whatever with We
Philadelphia and iittomno Trupp.-ta.lo. Line of At.
vr. iv. WILSON, Watch Maker,
its,l4; &ran. 4 Fourth it., Pitis6ac.•;l4
UE. iin Fills Nisrtaus, Jairr,
Mawr Ware, Military flood Wore asid Meader
Sea Mid .tabdo Were, Laden. , tr.:Chid M.;
Um& losl/1316ents, sod I, ',MS r•rl•ty Of deli.
redoes lattibmabla amela aorta and ostiamendl.
Watch won neented 0, • superior ...half •••1 4 . 1 by
the bed Moeller. and kmashwarkmm. - .. on •
Lewies Patent Beverrible :Water Filter
AS NOW . to . be seen in. operation ariVbl.
TATS a a).4 Pleintera. Nan Amin , n imoot .b‘`
lleli , : i
NO711) -7 1ffret • ' Vanes b. I ! lilP t i :r ilter o h; -.
a Odd Medal from the Andrilia ‘ n Instant* of Yee- bora
and a thrUbristo from tie Omaha Motitee of Iddlodel-
W h f , lr.i . d ropertaritillr g e=tyal:=l=
of 'dash the followln an erannlim •
irtilialifiroll. March Mith. loft.
!Sided me meat ylideure to
to the lined of
inea, dem wain; Um rstent Reremible o f
mimed by Mr. Lewis. Hadar wed am of them fur Mier.
ai months, 1 dri melded to f Wife of their TSI..
OW/MA PLIIT. 07 Welent street .
ra. Patent Ihrrergl=7.lll=', Peret.iit . Mr
Baena IL lawiluend midi by me airman months at my
nimbi redder., is all Must en t rain meld wish.
teel""r"Whialtirtrlit littl i r ", YOMV g rAta P' 3 ' . '
ha it antanser street"
Them lilted are warranted to take out eormeal or
UM irialot, Inn Visa from deotanicerd animal or mode
bd. intim In meswater. They ars warranted to last teo
Tama and with ordinary ode will last tem and node
oily to to men to be antedated.
127 Arab stmt. nilladainla
Rockingham and Domestic' Queenaware.
ufacturers of tlesklpiteun eadYelkoreezte Ware,
ffeserli e. eorser Matt WI
to etreeee,
ve ms ed ceesel IstiOdlegjsestrasese next door J.
Oar exesesel. - Worke mats to le all cram promO
reea m deeiseles.bedur comes:MlT so pitied. also cle
w e
se keep pace ielth all the neer and implovedetries
• Meter. rit;SeltizexiMiebesf . 66 VoyeiDesessity
Mower Vase. oblete, , Sliatelt atria, Modidna
anuff Jars, and articles b e dOusen 'll.. In moat vaxiaty.
Ordus respegfutly saccited.sna24:ol
Heating and Ventilation,
Ileatr i! hy l Stearn in Itotelmepart home, Lecture
/leak h tome. ectmlea, Uorpitals. build.
IX . V i tar y ;Muth public nal private. .Atee, Lau..
its teuipemture, erdiart; riot, li ' ile n == . fegtititre
" I.= ' frartil r atloo,/rii . i.iirlPo i r ' ilmmal howl, se ill
lieveitverberevor desired. • • • '
lOVeVemitiilyTe=liroodride"igr,' j4,7tt"tdr,,.
es the Vllttad Lamm • wholesume, uself:ma haat, at any
Tepulred. temperature, with emirs freedom from , ea.,
,emote. mho, diurt,or tool safety helm frt. •
mold „. WAIVE..I.2I:I2OiOit 1 °KIM?.
: ..; Agricultural Implements...
,111.4,17. JUST received from the East the
udbyubn; •Roplemente. all of the test manufacture
the met mama aeration; wad I 'mold Invite all
.rarmanto call and exusdne toy stack.
'Cam shape none and Rind redres,
rentable Palk Collin, Dos..
r a m but Cutter,.
Os roam and Oos Man Halton. • • ••
' enlisted Urge and Urine nylbes, and lines
Cutolod too, three
and tour wont/ fan,
All manufaetured from - the Lag menden. end fa Tale '
al the Doug
nod ' ''"din°" o L
20: w R
. • earner a n od ßoad Birth ot.t.
Beawnoat's Patent Starch Po]ieh
rATENTED, July 20th,1850.—For giving
tAs=tclit , to n 1 . ..1 ne w t 11 , u
tem, se, anditerenrej aaa the too. tones
net. from stlcklote la
la, ng tojudown.
Dirsdian•—ftt • t.b. , "420 of • Pon to • 1 4 = 2 00
elaren &alu tron risly.
• lot
emote err Cake. sal wholesale and mtail by
363 • R. E. SELLERS. 47:1r00d et. .
Copley's kot Clay.
eialiaCrib'era ;11re now Sole Agents
f j
.co l aer &I.lo.:rtte tha male of Weir 'Pot Clef. in,
ar of eankbliebra repatetion for the taanafacturn
of (Hun Pore, liter! Pate. tr. It teraeJa of owalthea:net
lafarlble autotimer koanta and Is von7 carefully ealrrteq .
inad enameed:Orreaarlo grindlar
• ELIJa J. ectioomaast& a co. .
--- -
Aings , ituppEß GLOVES
InvalosbLo io•eoieVroloction to the Ludo lu
Ing..tb.y uw Vet tvd t We .12,4 1- 1117V; . e.11:1,7. oka
Ital.. Depot, I sad V Sirood
_ ....
CREAbI TARTAR:I-LC*O, lbs. for sale by,
Yo 7 - ' No. W. Would.
:11 - ARD. 01L--15 bbls. for lido by" .
ti $ ens . .. , JAMES LIALZKLL
MDRIf-A T. -----. S . FCli 171... fifibif.,4 i A—Jo ti t
nal uut br 4.05), , .s. N. IVICKNRSILIiId.
tsr2o. •:1 • • ...Pro/ 0, !";'!..4 ".9".-
Preehlarrivale of -Wall Paper. '
THOMAS PALMER, No. 551.1aiket otrort;
Jai lan Theelvkl Dom lh. Y. handles. anon
must et
la Chamta Papa. zoifi
AT T. wf sum moss 07
A. A. Mason & Co., 62 and 84 Market.. in.,.
WitriscriiiiiYeiiCe'ailTiiii;iur, Julie 2G,
l&Sl,antdeonthine thtunfthmlt the month of July.
Their WhOkunts RoomassilLhe tun ed to renal trade.
LaVu . r , 7 ll, trticio t!:.=,;;;lbr th e
110 rtal i alsp i meta will be
Ilsrlog moonily made sktensive plush:as. their wort.
meet will be found ses7 oboist and &sizable.
Their Met or etc. sonissising mm. than 300 "Pmts.
will be closed out es an immense discount from umml rice.
• load Dra• Sint low as -37
Silk Poplins
(noeb Maimed Lawns
Fine French IS eatbs.
5.00 nc. French and Englitth Ribilbuttk- .10u. rte.
Vooo -j atltst Rib • • • * * ''
Fmt ColoredCabmen. .
MO mass English and American C.llcoss '- ..
and Wes Ilbashrolsond Brown binsliti i - at. num
ufastnmes price.
oak rases, Embroider - lea Trimmings, llosiery,ololl.,
Linws, Wide/ Cowie, 11012118/I. SOO2l, Cloths, Ac., logeth
' ...with to isotowns• satiety of .11 kinds of Der COctig..ll
?A t ' , p . 4 1. near i t i g..l , 4oo St gszn A 7
, stst thstAin.
- '" ---- ' — Goode 'for Warm Weather.
I_7llITRPflf & BURCHFIELD, at thiNorth
. Shut owner of Fourth Rad Ilark.t street.. .iv well
igoT2 foods adapted •L*
Prlutetl ammo.. • •
Now rtylo 31usllux • -
Iterauel and Flume".
g ain uttolv.
hare - Jae. reatind srualore lot of NEW UUODS,
tVkTfohulrlliit,,_ ` lll:ll2TV, =grin! P, I% I IT iiTti
for . da, .rat plods ul!Al t utut i illark LW. m
tuuuod., oat ral=
L ' AVAR, rhan ' y 'r MaKll.llblB,
?keel, loluortlen bolos my full, With =Ault son,
Amy ef tom g00d.,, and lold at tout's, yulcut.ludtwornents
aryollge,l to buyers to eall sod utak. the/rYoUllulo..
rln non awl fur sato. the . lrst am:minima of Ve
• "k Arpet
_LP hu store and for rale a large nmoent pf
nor Brunet. forwent to which ha Writes thattention of
customer, garret Warebtmee 10.76; Ymtrth et. irT
y y e Co. haysjust real
an per gamma thia morning
supply of the above mace and" desirable article.
Alto, an eMittionalattnpig erimped trimming ribbon., to
which thelkttennorf of cutonerof Minna at Na 02 and
More, New Lawns.
A: A. MASON . CO huve just reeeifed
this day', lam lot of ttlimorm dadrable bros.,
Wl, it T4.",l!/IN atiljt7 P.M"4".
,„= 1 . 101: ,,, e1 , 9•1rtg bv , t, trinntr n. z al lstAit:ek or Bor i ;
505 want S barg.l; N.. 02 ..d65 Harkyt st.""Jel.f
White Marseilles Quilts.
T HAVE on hand a largo assortment of Iro
j_ portal and dmerk. QULIAS. •prrhg o tri, •
grvatlyirl9 minted Prim.
THE subscriber, haling made arrange
'. rits; eonsemorae• of which las valeta bud....
ust me elosd by tho 1(1 11 . Aa viat. nirs: Oen ole
whets rinds of.Glorea, 110slery ti lam Gado, En.
beoblderries, Drama Trion :m(ov, or,
hat lihirts,
Tan:detail it acad.,. Lathy, Worsted. Flower Malarial,
Umbrella, Parassaa,
to, and Thread and Needle a
tleliem Also. Ladle.' Mho... (bnt ThibmialPooMniiik o .).
Timely rediseal prieca wholesale awl retail.
' Vie , V. U. F.ATOM:
("RAPE LEISSE, blue, Flan and pink;
lJ Flonome SRA.
Odd I.olto ad black•
add. aiblia. blidylok aaa good
Aytibelal Flowed A 0... Mr do by
IP HAYES: CIrA3'ESI--.A. A. MaisoN & Co.
bays hut aped ormo eare white. plut, blue mul
Crape, The ohms rang and 4011b.hi• Wood. VIII be sold
cheap et :Ica 02 and as Market ot.
AWNS! LAWNS!—A. A. Discos & Co.
*4 ban jaot Manual inti tan alaln Wart Lawns. nn
at ia
o inp.. n .kloy, awry lug...watt . ..of !nattily! fumy odor
. Law o. wort - low noes, cio.kiil wad fa Mutat
CO. an tww ellrertvg their large NM taxied wort.
swotot Vsmale at very manned pines. Country =Ten.
ante ant niter. Are redoneiad Wendt sad examine benne
pdrsllselsgelneerhtes. ledt
Fine trench Broadcloths.
NI III11 : 111: rf. 11,UR er . C I I I IELD invite the a
pp trvb tree .b. mod laprojed msnutaeletinf
Yn pfr Preach Pa.% r sting. le=
ir tAPE SUAWLI. at redqced prices!
MAW; • CO. arillekowniatthalrotoot of boa ,
tiM ohm and trablohaved Cho* Anal'', at a Jorfat
dnetton trom lbroanonola-a. Call own and ¢.t. truer
noon/ and C 4 ttart.ttt. hl7
I AWN S - LAWN, S I at 6/ cta. per yard!
LA A. A. XASON a CO. are saw sassing Ohs most ustrn
sise stouts 11A.I. sum tobibitod in this city. at
prices. froze QJC csou par surd up.' Th. altslition at au.-
touu.sii 4 roperttully Jer:
iIILEA.P BONNETS!—A. A. Mason &Co.
Einvletarenthsal to WO oat tbabalanis of lb.& stock
- talons!, and in. at ',ldly nal aord DTI , S Tta siva.
tlon las 1 ;, is selislro..l to who shoos iionas. 3.17
FLOWERS I,—Tho attention of
r.. , ....!tp:rgrx Is ',merman . luriLe4 .ilargestock
•r i c . l 7 l - 4 are to. closilv otkk
at vary n—
.e A.A. MASON t.CU.
Piano and Table Coven.
„ ta A. MASON" CO. would relipeetfull,
. the •tt<aticn r.rnoaeeteercr• to their eery ot
ter we Maortullent sr richly ➢slated and embreeed Pho.
IS table revert, mewled colors. Atecy • T.rt 1 •e la tr
cl4,ziprr ard . tlrgu . telr, table eats. hapktro, /GM,
< at he. Mailirt Mat. Jefo
Ca LIMIER CLOTHS. for Men'a and Bar.'
1,7 Wear:Tw,dit:Cooliteetints.,Carni.mons.
rat t r .. 1. 71•• and gualitles. rwvirmi Mend
11 LACK SATIN vEsmcs—Murphy &
Lace Curtain. — 177--
,-- - -
11., N E just received, 'direct tritu the Iu
suststs.sisri, losertsomst of t.r. OnTlaiust. Irbleb
t.rutoa•.Certain Matorts.l. ionVErloming.of all thui
W.ll. NOBLE. nog
.111 GIILAPS—a superior article 41/inch, for
1/1 aalo br 'ray: Ittlapnic • i.t•
• Woolen Goode!
2 CASES Green Jra ng: •
. . zpo, ay., •
TM atom, mast:l7;• " rolieekt from tartar, taanotart
rex. oar rousigmassat. lur sal. km on boot Mk oe.
Aft —Timm Gloom ea* of { - nee. utility In all Mad. or
*oft •Mr• motrottoo t 9 thebapda Is rraMmd.aarb
otrtriac, gardontag, vatting to. rhea:dada. to. Also, ou
romealf fur chapped Ismata .
nun ' J. a' 11. PHILLIPS.
COTS—Axcellent cur-
TMOW for Me Coors ...a ba
rmier., tealr or roam rot ale at Nos. 7 and 9 Rood rt.
atoornotrot rok!ro and poolltiesor Melo". Iritt.
oalrx, Ig.m.Lgt. T.
.Ir. "• '" C*l" "'""
PoT tor..
I. ELTON.= Youth at.
RIED FRUIT—IOU.biv. Practice;
" N.
co 7 " J CAS.77 ."
rooß OIL CLOTIIS.—A.Iarge dock "f
.Ploos ou Cloths. of widths Paulus from ki to CI yds
s s sr. ptepare4 Sa Mil 11.11 iO.• so the moo posio can Is
porthoosl sk the tut Morebtals asul Louse thrown Los
rt./modal to roll sod examine our stark Woes porththlss
slumbers. • • J. it 11. PHILLIPS.
soy St • • • 7 sod IS Wend st
Straw Bonnet and Waroloorise,
10. 105./114AxiToSnacT,
FP IL PALMER L offal; for rale, at rent
La o 1,.. 1. 1.•,• wortznant of Straw and Xi llyr
" ilONATS—Torelin 11.13 d American 'plata and fancy
Straw, llndd. Chip, Unzip, La... Mir. Pamela, Lair
born,te..; to.
Ts--Men e, loathe. and pof Itstten, *nu
OA. l'i=irALTAL. . 74 4
_atitt P a lm Larat
d [hoer. enny /And7and wtrz tom., In gnat mi.
ail , of snap& and watarlaL
B181101V&—Rled 11=W and hart nlalis Satin and
fida, all width. and colon; tard7 Same andCrapl>eaps.
LACES Plain and ft - Wad 'Odle and colored PUS and
Cotton Nett.
STltAir TRLILVINOS—Cords, Butt... Brod&
17.01.12714--Pranek and Anierkan SOAP, bunslalg and
warale, rich and novel etTlea
leoxxxs SILLY .4.VD 771VS—Glawa, pin t
~wL0...17 Msg. Floret.. nad otbar aaL'n'd
NATlNS—Arsorted cualltloa and colors. •
Alao—FUrt and low prin.' Parasols and Ginbrellaa,lliwl
Doze., he.. te amehlb
,C) --- ABS — LIILERES-90 picks Caney, and black,
ter sale by, , apt: C. AUBIYIIINOT.
DRESS LAWS--4 eases printed, s great
jt i,,t 7 of haw.. GH ABU 0.
er: UDILADE DE LAINS-2 eaies desirable
Lip oriora
&gat ssis
lallIBBONS—;300 ps Bennet, 250 Cap, far ads I+7: , LILBUTILYOT.
DIGIIIIfII. No. 1.36 Warr 811 M.
ray lenhiettedgziros Mat
s of Yaehlonabl i e Goads.
ntreeeVetTlee " eitnieriesic atinti n t&
more. a very eplandid anurtinent oe'Veinimnid Cloths
of every Gehlatiable sheds and oolon nbleh,
a Whir eta tasitufeeternidAtook of 1 MADE
ewnlifiU, ono of the Lunent atoll:ea relecte4
term of the Alleghenian ail of winch the Progrietor
ts dm! to offer at nth Dirket Le thittliii.
who favor hlin with • itsll, that not only the oven =mice
clothiug le add at lids eatabllahineat. Lot atm at the low
e!lAlri:ad'etai title:kneeing eynetited. enamel, in tha
h i nt possible...lm. and at We i onest oaten
amble • •
le now constantly reetlyttur Ids 73 Stock of
l i
consptining In Tait the ftsllanint 4 stlt•C
N.,,„,.itay . a . =.141. , avre..4 .1 4 ... v e10. . IAII , III rtt.
VI m. d 4.
IMUIt 933.1150-1 one do: 17 do.,
_. cottost P dA
44, 34, tot, and 441, illed Venal.; 44, 54, .ad :14
plain do; 44. 34, 44, abd 24 wool and eot . 6 do. •
do k .lt s = " 4 l P 4 =4 ,° lht 4 F.C. '.. nrwa d gii. rIT:
Oleo sk t f . ll:4l,ll,elaltdit ic t a lotT g b l M . na tt 1 .„ . 4.. ,
( A'll Oil Clritt. cut to fir. •sty sls• hall or roOto,
3.4.74, 64. ts 4, 44. mil 34 Oil 'Moths. .
ttitT.V VO7.A-mreik ITTtIgb..L.,,, 2X
i.i„Cpwirr;)lorktaekdo Trull4.nt.wa°;
Ba Vlodor 11010140
Corenr d0.'1a1.14 do: do ban d Warted
Tabl4 do,
11.110.4010rt4tt0n3 nnyetraassl bur stcatdlrect Nato Ow
most. oettbraorl Yomorir, Wing of th• latest alrar , 00 ,
-ix& g,CM iPAllto..,l
4 4 .i...ii0,tc.
Thu Carpet yi . rehowlerBs
rptt . Sh streot. -
nichlt./ t.: . • ' NV: MoOLINTOCK. •
, I kW, Wad= and CtlitS. with and{ amixasnatot 4•.•(L.U. 6011 . OPet4g lb. 44.n.0f , . : • ,
.. „.. osrlo. ~..- -.• ' A " '- .IL EATON.Yourt.h st.
, :7:—..,.,7-,.......—,..--,
'FINE' - ,11A.Cuir.....a AND • CAMBRICS—.
.21. .C . SIL,u 4 i.O. hay. ou baud • <0.3.1.d. ,took of
3 .7temet• and Camt.qce..
~.. sad , ,
'§,I:IRILS—.Oi - varions colo n
stiNT R I RS-
r. tro Ehut.
G L . and I bbl. Lard:
lu bbls. pure Flarrerd
teux 6 rain Todwo:
b arer,
u. Dridd Air+,
duz."‘ F"3(lll":ftil'ic
. • -
IICE --Ili tiereesFresli,.fi;r sole by '
, .PLI J. A R. 14,0 t D.
LARD -12. bble. No. I, for sale by
W WIC d Mcf:ANbl.r.r..B.
ray7l comer Word sort Water ats.
PEARL tons for sale by
imseessa, and ISt I=l st.
tj OOP S--49 POO Split Ash, for sale by
ruythl . ENGLISH A. HENN VIT..
1 INSEEWOIL7-10 e3xke (Prime) for sale
A by. tat . A. aW . IIARDAVOIL
11111IED BEE — E-2,000 lbs prime, just re.
.17 by 2!9 8.17.
1 UGAR---64 hhds, received andfor sale bt
OLASSES-400 bbls just• received and
IVX : for 'air br
__seo • • S. W. HOLHAUOH.
Xi — ACKEREL-50 bbls , No. 3, -1851, in
. 0 " ,,, dtV. 1141, 7' 'id. , 8. 17. ILARBALIIII.
:111 YE FLOUR."="AI bblf+ roefloor for sale by
(2ALERATUS;=.3I easki3 for sale b
Jr) ' p •• • WICK & IreCNI)I,IISS,
CORCHINGS-5 casks prime Oa handand
173 fur Sal. by Jea .IPC/4:91.11 . 22'.
*.t• rale•by • Ist' . WICK :k 111•CANDC.C.:•38.
S UN 91t11 2,, '
do . • '
3 do Tallow.
• • la be ,
• •I, ben and bbl Flee trod: • ; " •
• b To •b g ti 121 1:"
. 31 do Reg, !wallow frt. 'unmet Foil
TM, Cr a.? by. -• L t el)• I SLICE
111 a
'IIESII TOkATOES, herraetically
I: retaining. perfect/v. th e flavor MO . &robot," of the
rip . e , y3ite, for rtsle by . n i t ;
r 3 , 1' n Ly . 11 , 11 3.
lIIED REEF.—Erase & Swift's: Sugar
1/ Chet& tiwrekosa ? a, 'tor vale br
- .
•• wn. mrr . .ttan A.., •
j[j ( OWLEIt ' S PATENT FLOUR, for =A
lea Breath Pastry. Cakes. &e.., snaking the hest hl
Isar V i gn?d e tte hi rt:l l " its' a telTigui!;ilsTnyeTtla k t l gl e :
h.. used for household run.... but
and and colt, , and ausking the uunt .spat s Dived. Light
.etry. Deddlnes,atte. e..' with g rant -swing of time
a tubtreuble.• Ti.. shore is pot up 'aurveulent Weed
winger of 3 unit Its., with YOU dime ons for ure,
be hod 11•11.. MeCIAIRII a CO4
mr2.l (Inver. nod, Ma Denten,
RYE FLOUR-6 bills. for sale-by
tny3o .lt DALZELI, Jt CO.. laberty rt.
9.IEESE-410 boxes good W. R., for saltily
Q.UNDriIES—.- • •
11 - 1141r.N0. 1 Litl3l:
3 " Tellole;
• •
13 boas Pestherr.
1 " ()noar.
1 " Flaxseed;
I Wee Dried Applor
, 1 Cerebra: 10 arrive and f t r
Ws by ' • ISAIA/1 DICKEY I
to 00 .. Wetter amt Front ste.
TRY MORRIS' ITA!=3lorris' Tea-Mart
n lv the Diamond, Seto*/ Door frau Monona Idle,.
arr. Mind! tharerteharbment u inns asa_aannertrd
Inch the Store 41.tely opened nest .door by thatortb
. --
DOLL BUTTER—I bbls. (fresh) 'in
. cloths,
LE last ree'3l and Cr sale by R. DALZELL/'OO
• - I.lterrysinral.
HERRINq-19.13 bbla. No:! f , tearriref for
maA. by - Ily-1.1 A. COMM 11.30 N 10.
1 C "
for Bale by
C l
ROUND NUTS-15 !make for sale LT
ors ISAIAH DicKtv a- do.
lUTMECS--1 bbl. for rule by
re .
J_ TAM elmes Mal. and Oolong
''''' o .elPfl - 17111;1 0 A T A `UCA CO
' V.7" Pn •F'" "`. o. cit'ff4nc
"jVF1} ;; "0
, bagg Rio , f ;irs s i o it l frg CO.
ti`V",..' la n 6 Itma•cr.
• ,
till & CO,.
3 F; I / 4 1,01111-10 bbls.i3je;
. 11A uali
Al 1 TIfTAF.I3.SE ED-7508 .Ib.s. fo'r Bale by
I .g. Jr: 11.. t. CALINESTOCK 0 Co. '
F isii—
Molt. 01000.1,4:
0040. :fa I 51400.0...1.
I.lolllnacme II0+1100:
r' lloil l . ' A b . r ikut.uhti
orwgr. Duel Tra I, 1.10• 1
TlAcoli two 101.1.ND--800:1 lbs. 80.00
1..., lI=LO, 0.01., 104 Plo.oldrro CT Kala bi.
.rs, • . 4. kW. 114ABAUOLL
TIRIED BEEF-300d lbs. for ;ale by
J_JF my=.l ti. tW. Iti.Plailii ti:
i;, - ; UGAR--.0 bhdA. N. v., for sal.o be
ID Ivy?) S. ow. It Am - tat - tot.
10F FIX-10 bozo fur @tile by I
t) 01,20 '''' ', : & , t IT. ii.tßeAculi.
:IIDOTATOES--004.. prime. Itebr Role
L i '2l :
, ; ... .7, WOOM 01,P
. ..; • CIGI WM, St.
.IJ/ IsoN- - r,.0 at. tn- , J. D. WILLIASIS a CD.. '
DRIEDOg4 WOO.l 0001180 nu _
.11 . ;PCB0 . bags i. ,storr, foi
No. by tt at.Y.sta. aCo
unit . - Lomat ,t.
GIIEESE-20 Ins. W. K. Vream , fur wile by
_ .1 . 12 , ,
Iti6s if L(itilt.; Prepared Coiu; . .
- . • .
Ftgrinc Tartcm.l
For .2 .
.i wirmicv..i ~,..
ettyla . . I.SOLII:MIT ist.
PRUNES—Bordeaux Prunes, in glass jure;
r,,, ego -n,? - tat:mt.:my,
' Gem. Prnotm HT I , li I' 1 , 7
tayl:l WM. A.31001.1.:11 , 1 L o,l_
A VE EREL--10.1 LI,IEI. No. 3, Inc Halo by
.t, cetamirrsos A M.,
Ltyla - __ . -
L -6
-A- v
SUGAIT-156bbls:(ast'd Nos.) fur'
tOir by auarautpt; F. 4 INOIIRA).1.
myll ll6 IV.Oct vi
AY ItAKES - 40 doz. for ealo by
Slitt TIER-3bEIR fresh.. now landini and
*or by 3pA4ti DICERS A
my2l WWI. and front .n.
. 2.
. ARD — a3 kego No: I Liar, Eisale by •
1-1 my 7 - . BIM, BIATIIIEIVB it CO,
DRIEDFICIJIT -150 blil il + PV eB ;; r . t , t
MO Y.. .
, tIIET .A.Triu.we *co. Y
: my: , .- . ~-.
ItICE-40 tiere6sAttitToi - sti:a
aly: 2.15 LibetiT .Arilt•
' .
T EA -60 hf.chesta Y. Imp., andlnne
" .RontisoaL urns co.
ft UTTER-4 boxes (freali) reed daily bs
1-11, tn 77
E . A .17 j
Ls-2o bble. for s , ale
.1 1 3 ) . y wal.
QALERATUS-100 bifL' — and 10 bbls. pure'.
$.7 kny We by my; J.ll. CAICTIYLD.
PREES.E—IN boxes to'r sale by .
rh MED PEACHES-29 bbl!. pq consign
mrnt sad Gn• rale by •
LOUR-500 bah'. S. k"; for salt bN 4 '
, . & w.ItAADSUUQ.
DRIED FRUIT- -• • - •:
490 Drieo P444645: ' • • .
. b. .
DOW AppUlm for luas IT •
srt 5 , . yRSY 1 CO.
J. D. W1LL1415.61
Cromer of Wood and,lifth Streets. Pittsbeirsti,
ELAVE NOW IN STORE, and to arrive this
wee ,k the follooriali gable, 01 the mon recent intl . ,
. whieb ens offered nn the most reuohebt• cermet ",.•
115 esti' , boxed pchtte Ciree2 , l2.s Row. kale= 240.0,11:e1t.
41 ht.:atoeta 40. 40- 10 beam extra pure Starch,'
41. • thx.lona Mule.; 22 . balentux
-11X1b!“ tthe Obbee • ,,tl.4sl.stseem ,• 1 .
lb LeguKrettedJerat 11. ,
Vri:Vll 3 ct . Vergi T gA ' A'.
23 MAJ.-ha-1 .2'3 Reck- - • 1 1 .1ered Beier •
,• 550 Re. peedlece Halting
• 25
DO Kaa d . ti; d0:N0 . .1 da 60 dream Warms' Ftgr,
1 sad' h tlo. Estrum; :Sten llonlemax Reeee'R
ew aletl liming: 00 114: -' • • -.. ••
MO Mt extra Ma
C,..lo dder; • ;11 bore Rock Quid r; ; •
•;• e c AVg,;;,
t b r 7 e !'rtly4 C i!. b r'' '..
lY rl a e s ro m
2 hlebunee o.ltheett dos. 511111 et,
" , "NSW: • 1 bbl. rut, /210 b. 'Waal
10 teas • Mullet* - 1 east mei Esto; •
Camila; .; boßeleeet
eiwy ees • •
" " Clotwi t . f 2 " ' d 'lLetaeo
bbl.. Ciarrett'a Sub , 1 ~. Liquatics; •
41 bate. Stearin (..Seßeet 1" Arrow Boob
10 " perm •• 1 bbl. bleur bulphor;'
doseti blamer Mackhag; 00 greet Malebeic. •
120 km. paperfine Rice Flour, 14 dux, Extract ut Lain..
11. Y. Indlrg• • • ••
14... era l'en111*;
.; r 1.1300 saa art.
150 t er ra Drecraer • 1 met hal 1 1 .1.; '
Rlare. ells. Liml 014 20. - two:s
~ .1
zoo bu.L.Ka L.Bald,S
5,000 bra. Almoods
25, bale. Brazil Nati;
• Eng. i4nlnott;
19,9 drusnr4g&maw
SC hp. pritnell-poßm;
160 Du!. G. I.umnn
T 5 0604. ' 0 ' 4
6,40 n,
50i.; e L 0 ' ...11 . 50 . ' ' , .-; ••
' ;•' iTSO ;sr. tifa.ol;oor,
200 butes 140345;i: 5 " Yuan:
100 bbl!. N.C. tar; ..". 5 ' " ' ;Dom 30.55 r:
50 - • Lodi Cr'd buos.o • to I " Termatolietelmay;
Itt = . 115yar , 13", Seosrx :41 , -
.:. ' giro:D.o.:
i oeroons lodbm • 50 '" Waal: tag sr -
D5O by. 0510, 10112 (115e5; 10,000 Ptindpe 0.1(r0 • „ '"
IlK; grout Ot. and 10..1•15;kte, GAD iiIIV.. . • I
50 buses 12' 411. Dims; - 150.51.C0ub. . ",.,• ....
"I+3 sr.t/L140. ' .11:041. 11. 00.... -
' • ' 4 M i 414 .• ii ..." •*., L! . : lou pis. Ivu,-y, tu.r.<l
WO k. 5 .1,011 59 54e0 , 1 .
10"10 . -'•
1.. . ~ Draesooo"
WOO lb 4 l 1at1042 - . - 030 bia.."4.lllithY . 510: .
40 bb 5. rare Oil; - • . DD: prosy b. 5. D. To 1.;50pc;
1000 ell. Lamp 011; , ' . '. ' ..•.0 •• thae cot -:,;
I°.) u'l• noa,ts; '' 0.0 Lose; 1t0.05 Soo;
.. . 1
21 • .-1•514: I 2•0 . D. YY 31.12.250.
• 40:b)." : D - L .14 411 i. „,,t,...- ,itrtn..lii.
gr.7m ll -1..r.,....a.ratd„.. -4.?1-,,„.t, 4,,,,
szel.u.lal., o; gooos 005;511y .e pt 51 e Vb faaoo.: , - . 6 .., o
Dona. by ' ' - ESOLIEIIibIEDESD.'" ...1
• ;natal ' • 1= ie.oukt. sad Milting 0;1.' 2
. _ .. . .. ... . ... _
• 1 . - . .. : % -, ' . ... .: •:.• 3.....:.';'
,•.:5,‘: t; ,';'•-• .I',:.` -. '- 1 .1 '
• '
Pittsbnigh Life Insurance Company.
/pills CtIMPANY was incorporated in
J. February. 1141, •Ith • Perpetual Chart..
so=merm,l Vuoimas on a capital of 11100edd.
antnreerrearembiainnenbentriositlePhdriliebadr sone ,
Manuel alto.
on the Joint Btc.Y plan the »td R annated hate bb.n
thane charged br 31utnea Colajastier.. and Adana Per Card
loner than the rat. of mast Mock Ccmarank. '
Mutual rune are the same as thaw adopted by
befele MadaCted Compaaft. Than Ineand on tbrutte
prinelple hare dm cotabinzdarearitini faralatod thid
The Charter perta rt
in the irr.hinint thitirinee on Wei
to ererr form..tatlndlat bin. pacbt of nine, chitchat., Pr
rents. relation.. friends or ands ton—ta lava» the life al
another for ddirintu eseltuire benabiananhi•fter dralbe
or apay ffn rinnif •t tbia_asnuf be. Id. W or tibi
at the option of Itai touted.
J oseph Mks
cClur”, Flee . ;
Joseph IA Tressmetto
CAE ries A. ColW, betretszy..
J. S. Lori.:-. . • B. Twer.b..
John 8. Di!wont), Charlet , A. Whoa
ttautuol ISeCluritan;': • • Arto..-Pfrilitow
Juteph tiaranit:37.76.7.": 3
Jerenainh Brook, SI. E. G. Edrington.
Ernatratup PAysiciaus.
enamel Dilwortk.•ll.
ittnithtld.atrted.' t . .
liolekt Snyder, 103 Fourth &treat, • .
John Crawford. L. Er Birth ithrtrat.• -• • -
Wm. WK. Morgan. D.. 107 lethirt7 uthwei.
Dr. Dilwo rt h trill atternbuire at the Otholitkeek
day.l6 erkek. .
llire• who hare 'spoken thr agency, 4r4 rag
_dirtied t 4
cull, tako their kareues.dcoannanesoptientiona for th with.
All keno., onganed lit th e inniance butane= will be etty
pilot with blank, and allowed a. cceusi ecasuaisdoo.
Or 4f the 00thleanY. Na 76 linnet!, street, •
rty tilkikwe • C. A. L'ULTOSI. Net'/•.
BRANCH OFFICE—go. iSiaziT-40,'siii'i4t,T!
• '• ' . Pdvidinzazi
riMig, -beet eTidenesi .of.,tha,eridtdek.or4 l !
I_ Directors In Mie.ol3lMg to make tbe srArise
INSUILANCZ COMC.A.YI" meet.thr wasitaMf
the vidnuirddlf.' to tat onVivalleleB amount of balisiiml
Weleli him been .loon havimg :issued dttrinif
e nerd one,. thereby addloqover $1D),0017 to the fends
of theCionsmip.. Dearly all UM peeping . inswisi le of Cul
eared CMS Ls mall rids.. and it larga proportleas 0000004 tbr year.
Whole hos of Pollees , Via1!L...2.1
'tro. Ms
20 y 0 m
emir'. lersonsatril. esnouPily, Sid y
o-- 'TAW — • ,
i""" • S7dEldAlti
- • !
Du. in rare ..... 7 CHO , /
Premium 79And S.
Do: eel:veldt, terminstrd,mpired — tra . .
•: Do. •In force-, - • " 70.019 .7
Ib., IDels,Preudirom 11467 . •
Do. do. h
.. do. • . 0217 A • 1 / 4 4
Whole am% limes aml expenses paid —l=4ll
lidance m favor of the La.. ut Yeah— MP= is.
To der or muutry merstadsts, and imams of elwelliudili
mid DWAIN and country Proledef. 1t I. D•livued
war altorde adveresue• in point of obrisineer. esittry mu,
amoral . . infidur to no I reusranoe CommenDlA this h. a447
thud styled on the equitable and greatly impronsi
Clusinrstion of Pdani u.riildiDg Des
ourins. only a limited amount in any iu=ktf, dimle;
tlys frequency - and tecurrente of lame trig and
.1. on 6.l4ba.blatt and blotch' Sims in ad , only
the oilman. and seocionsuslatima of both
0000 Outitlim the fronized tuft partielpatims CM flivaiti ,--7
Dirsendsi—John P. ItudierfeediJ,iieukst.a s'amf
Alonzo A. Carrier. Philo C. Pedisriet i
Jobe 11. Perk... John itudiortird.
mama - .
N. N.ANcrip Dividend of elleen.nes sent. ein enidtiot
policies has been ento.d 4w nr
ovniable at thiv Ofino for renewals, or radioed:noble tgandS
st Diu and or ninety day, _A. A.Citswia, Age.
Franklin -Fire Insurance Co; Thad's,
))IRECTORs: Charles:W. Duloker, Geo.
IV. P • '.,, Thu.-Wart. NOnlowd D. Lewis tobiall
#do Jamb N . gb . . Dori p tLiStatiat rem. , (inns, Ds
CHARLYS Buttitt.44.akt..
Cout. 0. fluigni.. fecretarp _ • •
111.. Cumisny tooth/on to man. inenninos,peraWrjt
or landed, on every dincliption of Property in tgond
cosder, nags sass ow are acingstentwith mecinitf__.. 1
The. Company Pro mooned • Dn. owiNonvot mow+
which, with tiwir
0000Capittol 004 Pr
10*4. oton otoorgaefaiy tveirteci,
Th. weds u tho Cumpany,on Janni b if 15t,,1661. - Agobv
intud anyway to the Art of Anonn p. wen as ws,
via:— •
1.:i.P°4'..7 s • WNW A . 17
61,biN 00
• . NlP2aO7
Elmo tfwir locorborolko, • pleb& oi T.."'Shor,
have paid upwards of One 111Ilice Parr Hundred Iftioantwit
Dollays /Awes by Pim, thereby agooltagevidance af the
advantages nf lora ranee, Jwell uUwir tadilip and dioi
puoition is poet with ortzoptaeto all Watt.. -- „ •
J. DALY/NAN eoml. Arcot
spin • °Nee A. E. corner of Wood and del .to
Penahi — anal Life Lisunlflee
vka J. rinsny.'Jr., dm...and.) No. ZI:1 Merl) . stmt.
10,..1:411t.11artel,truarvd:riz,..11,=„coi of Fus e,
,cot reiddmir r4,...,v ta
JTOnboorcannan d..ani . lo 14 In txd Mat. whir* an Ina.
gnforcmtion /dr= al3d noMandsinadOlillirl
1) attended to. kampbleta aUdabotdic
larteLlLLlfr Inaurnara,amt Innast, lump
&lanai mock MOT and nonennal
Pr.tan nlyintrl nrunlJaV nnondat goon jusprial (*Lbw
PittAureh. Jan. al:
gtaine, Fire; 'aricV,lzaaasi
in e s j uiizaco s npany of NintitAnx' iica,
Jauy a l d a, l lal,l= ' hraTa. A
tatlldn. sad
ttadeteanteatii. UK *ail? 4•11. ,
l'aegYetaZ=Vraltcl"'rr arem,
• . .
Ait CoMrS Peel, • • 11.11.4 , •
F. 41.14. eati
mss th• IV=
=1; .1. " A ' - rid! LAMM/ '
acoarl Brooks, . 4ssti. allitaSo• -• '
. • Ambrose ts SS. • : - a•OsSO.S.OrsoIL
Jacob ./L Thomas, Jame. icksoue„ „
S. Mane Wain, 11:
Tide le dm *West imurorsed Compasytnthe Unfted Nem
am toss IL lash standing, loss os= n ,sto Lg=
and *mains oll , ritts ss tura
easy tn costarred so offenns . ample oemity to Uks
Gl Wf1.1.1131 JONES, Aims;
Va. 141, /mai Moot
edrez7C-iliug7-IxiiitCe Company
cAPITAL '001),000. , Itill.LEß;42;„
• Proeitleot, al: Gordon. 4eartg.' arty ,
tillanmare trskot All Lodi. rts
Al! tea. be lit . ..Ur enlnetni 'l. 3 o.lerrah t
A horn. ltuntutkm—stensatol by Utreetorstrao n n b
tn.= in the coaranunl t,, snot who nre .4
brosnytoem sod liberolitr manta. lae
then =re vonotol, ea onering the tn. yantectlon to IN"
who desire to be 1t0... •
Durano.—lt. Miller, Jr:, Oro. Mork.
Wm int. J K . o Wn,.S i lntlor. N.
Cohn= Jr.
tvJot. Bonn., C.lhateen.
in. Lio, n.. Lippincott. K... Den. W
ter. AI... Nina.. Thos. Mat
, Ohne. No. 92 Water strort. (warehonne Nnen
321 i
09 N.lbta rtleburgla. •• •
Delaware Mutual Safettlutiuralkeeogei,
CUING& Thlid stn.. Phlyylelphln.; " . n
Au' llonna.4.—.ll.klbtire: • Ylereo. Van 'on.
= T brAf - 0741 rub'sLt!..4,l2:7ltr-d ,
ennunne.- - -. o =ey ol 14. f. 1.4r =1,C, , ,0,
.1 Freights. /WWI or eoesterhe,'..4. types 1.0.09041
polka= Id the armed na. dnliw
Lll.OO sir ULM* lierthilLtdii
Yr...tea by WS.. mot tame. Qua. , boater
We., boat., on Men Mateo. on the mart lter...
Dienotons.-Jameph nal,_=montl lionderi,lotin C.
Darts, Robert Bum. John H. Kroznee r finainel '
Crease C. Ldp.,. Ednent Derllnnton, - InAo D.* 111/-
Ihun olnell. John Need., 11. l4.lll= il Jantei C.
liAnd, Theophil. 11. lion , Y .
blo., • 11.
Croft, - Clem. Ertrl/1. • NM. , enrol..
Cher= Kelly, J. U. Johnsen, Wrrt. floc, 'Dr.& rannnbt
John Seiko, nt. Eyre, Jr. . , • •_!. - • -
Inazeroes - ll• 1").• • •• kin - on; Cr:4er
dent Joe., btro,x; ever-v=3 2000
fifit-Omcc of the Wm.., No. 42:W0. stied, Obbb
birgh. ' roan!) r. 3LADELB.A. Ago*, :!
• • ehicadorfaco.'
him i.
AL0071014 tPuio Spirit. kr La en*
popper Whisks,. allrsysam
of Vl= mid Mar:meta. CmcMXits. thugs,.
Ararill mien from PilUbmlth Ormoit3ssCiltd
Wines and Lions: ;.' '
Yo, 157 LTherty at;lbreteiy r Depth ii•aiter;laccr . 4
Dotrdaraza, 017.
%Pommies to the veldt. sen,raz ll, ,,v.dserd„
rfavilmtegellhr:bilTn=j, where, * A : ji,aa . :i
YYtem, a tall asaorttosat of the best stock-1
reneh rrd and white Wham Abe, ircneh dolt
Illatailed,of the ante.% rfotageW Janata ratn, d
gia, Irish Illttstey, <bananas= and sparattoi Look .reda,
of the meet immured brandr,'Dort stem, Idadelti i =
and muscat t War At:ego:he, de. Alsedradhtent,
berringe, Salts and Limbo rah Cbeede. ALL of taints tha7
One Sett, wholwedv. or retell:an thernoot Mune:Able WO.
One of the twitters. Mr. litousenal, still.wmattamdas ate
importhuou borthrth 124 the city of te tort. the above Am
eathied epeli threper orth 0 better Kith
other t. pat rm.. • Vole et. sulk bekg• Pth
.frrVdtollir% ruPelled free or e4ra ethedths. , ithd et 'the'
shorthet oothe • —•-•
removed tiYmy tieWirfOrt,'
(theft dan I:dm* nesztr oppodie tbiZaNale br
:tg - htbr.'4 l 'llV'°l2,2 7 lV,l 4 Jiti
verr . /arreas.catemt of astuaoonllad. , .
dlug Curled Hir, spring. !los. Gott= kLua)Luna.
Deg kestbsf It•ith SoUtars, and Palmiw Thws.
w.f./wipe.. and Comforts: Niadowlll.ll.l4ot eV:O
rletr, Door Mat{ awl array article smelly lama taa
Irma exteraira ortablistuntota . of Oda thbt - Ortierirtmet,
NUT .44.0 IMMUZ ,
W. ri3Ou
- -
Temperanbaville anck.NobleOismiTlgaki
I, Company,
NOTlCE;ialsreby 'elvearto tha Stackholdv
.rs °task Comitatir, that May knit's Ipinyinlerti.
tergerit.Trusurail or the mk4l Ootaasqr. ri ve
Dollars oo twit Aara.or the After.. on Ms tart Mooday.
smak awl *Tarr math tisrcalter •ollrilmulolo nom . lf
3V,1thr1751! d =lst' 1... T..
_ "
EA.D: PRE,Gantir. improved potent
IttillgrA •
o - , •• 1
All Met on hand otut to &revs, for solo br,
ALI:AM:WM ttORDO3I; t - •
Seed State nesioved. •
rKHE subscriber hns removed his Seed Store
from F.econd meat to tha building toomitly *Mania!
by tr. hoed as • Tatar Shop, on Mardi stra•t, almost ita,
tordiately . oopott. the Wet Office.. - -
an 4 1: L. SNOWDEN"....,
(~4I'ABTNEIiSHIP: The have
ROSE! HOSE! I 1105E1 !!-Allit “te6',l
Ircsa the Mattareetot7 intkatem.9oo.) feetlattla !Lah
r eaa. Mare ranging tram Xto 2h' tact*. in diameter.
Thlr Ile. II tar macaw. an: tdr Mee tommileturtal or
',ether. br hydrant., ematrattecor Ylre Engl. mamma.
troarlds It to be IltstMetly underatcod that sem Imb of
twee thet.go7 fro d moot
t e l ttra , Millehment• Is ingilytoLtir
arroreeleVtlkblltai:ffabb7rnartiot.""arli g Irma
§T.ELU.PACKENO-401X1 punds
rionw.epi. Anal. /WWI' :PlKkizitl:j 4 22
L li:whet Ilaiek,w4mntallo . b. the rar Ampg o z,
aur move. - 12= ,ibe- 142 z.
ETV, Vortinly Ilrxestr-jr. Yor eala at .th IEV
rm., No, 7 anil Prod Anon . ' •
41,30 3: & IL PHILLIP&
(.10DA A.SR casks of onr own =nu
owtoW, Irv-rutted of u Lm 1 9molltr sad as Wats;
0117 isswww4. , sos Os al t at the wows scuba Via,
r„ . , SYNNIgt; BEM OCL.."
• • -
Needles' Celebrated
highIy eneelleated photon, I are been male lbw
Amok-Lbs.amear-plass.•Claziair waren Moe tlerlfar• •
W4d-• - rerosament reputsalow - os - t: • oseat eriaarbasa
artule and broarsthenlessr Planer i•rer Offerwl. PbT
aidana.rtia basheat eaaranne, la • bra= :Chair ocarmar• -
Um bag bent ruleniTAal, Darn pit tn , the taut
tentra•rdats as Ls ob•lx heresies r Irina aver all other platy
The lorriellinta of their acnseahlor, ran' o•ro=r 4
larenstly conetanea. render thou yroulatly ant la
parsons satfertra with polosoolay Zee,. • •
Earqa in the bweaat. rassatlug ha t br011•0 x...... *
t Moab, arm Weal mow In TOS}OT. r'ol4oll
<Mean. tb. Cody, their benerrial bander lone..
Slneesrlon or dlercao. eae • remedy la howilchSharbael
=aer all watwara &rolls/Wm. each liohneaaa
n fully eorroborsawl by oh , nausea RS* r.od-
Toe weakness and palos the Len t eala, reeoltroli
:rm....a gre .dose eaes or eta, rib ter., 11441'p
=I s * :re_ O h l at b" sa -01 1117:il t :tra b ; 1 ?d . frtigt=
or P.l.thm. :40Mett a.s ' eufter with rbe catk.plana,:thewe
plaaurs are recommended, with the . =Went Warm.
that their tersflelal «fleets wlli balater 'err 00.14n4.r1
4oriesh• wholesale and renal, by •
EAtiatuNrs PA'I'EN :•Tesca ToL
ISLit fir slime s heentlfal giros to I.itutut Meath..
vatie.vt. Coltr, &Am. t ug rulen aindsorprialghte
.tse vrevento the (rev arra adbiri ihelVtieri,eivadvit
tram stiekin It, contains nothing i:nee
sty' reepeet. v, The ladies have lova rch eio ve
tbe led aeoveit Is s
• 4.1 Ail% au MI lel., evil iv Ora:their es 1 eehtlon vill W ltd.
I T realitrd,a,. ¢o, ettateiltiOrt Is 04.'1 sites itis imDattlat
C.Y. • 11140 thirtr down of elothekiwriChw
Yawly amid Is irithobt it.
nhicezt* per fhtlug. Ew‘h Car with hill tiiiwiltdis.
yor Web,- 11l 1,24 . BELLER/8.4i VtArt Bt.
1- , • —lnk.. are Incre Chan to Lotto/ and earth.
Khan are leap to fft philesughy.ii ' -
T" VIRTUESof this re raarc.abl e row:
dy, MO oonsbad spolleation :Inn, to the Probed
Leto rveriont,, for ham It'hheoleigMittf'e2nit'".o.
The PNTROLEvM Is weaved from • we ' ll to thla ationi
• ty, at • depth of lour bundred fee, le a purr. utadoltaa.
d o ankle.. tory Kim:deal hange' but Just Ito It
tiowa from Natur,/ (treat 44mb/oil
Ii nontaisa
m a t e r mai. 6 number , of distema, ix ao longer a
matter of oneertatuty. There are many . thins in thw pt.
ca. of osturn which; If know& might be ma s ad toenib
news in alleviating nattering. mg nL o
ng the bloom of
health and vigor todiasny • augur,. o befor• th e
moirtor thong/a or Butting Anon nabobic& bad
• for tbe cure Mi 115.... The eoustout and JOIE tonal
nog ealb for B. and several remokatly mow it by Bad
Mimed. ls• nlthea in tion of Its tut tutor. nopuinnty,and
wide spnad an thocure or does, ---
We do not w to m an
u. atone Ilarmis of rertileabut. - -
Inare couseloux that thematic/tie MD 1.0 k
to tbe Poor of Show wbonglon and wish to wor
Whilst ado not ellint for it • man/rent •ITheotiorblillv
,we. malwaltstlogly,y tbst to • number of
ordo Dismal, It is ustrindlog Among thole May be
dium disre_ws M the morons tun., nen pa
InioNcarn.g. - comluitrorlON. - On Its
T not!
N AnTIIMA, and all disermesnf the airivnongste. [dlr.
• COMPLAIN, DYETEPSIA. Mob., loam. of the .
Bladder and Eldnerw.gisitantn the Bork or Side. Nertnoll
Diatom, Neuralgia, Poi. b Rbeutoslie.Pairot, (Mot. pyldp
to, Tett.% tungaorrns, Bann fealth. Bruises, Old wtitiO • ' La mon of dablhty. torultina boos eamnant. orq .
lmg and toptraeng, ease s of dbeaw. this molltinerwill
-Arlinnd ovine ixti ... teral TONIC and ALCM
la =eh moo. .a
done aid onergytin thee
*bd., ftsmeaomovlng ohebnie olwniog thow,,lnactel6
funotioa& Imam Mice disease and Linton NlMBUtiluom
:and aitvltai intreioni mad =towed energy y to all Ns, m•
of Ufl Th. P.lietat knows of ravers! res of PUOM
that sesiatodenury other troatment, got w ell under Memo
of the. PETIIOLSOM !be a abort Ume. Thu potortallt.9o
'ohmtd anyho desloo it.
N annul a v witbo iew ut the sfirmtnnw or the pmrsd*—
Bold by - the
& • lan. Oajoalßsidnotenn6dverdh WM&
Liao, b7s kb BELLTMS. 67onclittt
. and SEM& a I.IDOWELLo d
• ineniorWtext street snit Virgin Alley, who 6ne
• ir NOW Al memwbo - are rick and itftlidod
' DVS ' with discoid of thellladhls and Kidneys. with thew.
who paths in tack ar llsebatili Nut. old sore.,
Were, Le. e that they c. Is cared by taking the
es il*
LEII3I. OU say Lit about its be a nostrum, m
as you ple Y ase. but ,hi.dces sat make heg
it ecc for woprecis 1.
Laths thee of an Wrest asmaradty, toot A has aistoss
eblei'sro not contained to our alas remedy. -T .taut
arluals slaked with path. and thlterins firm. disw,asols,
La 61hasuts, se. math( from say of the Ills extumersart
- .
Budd: It casta.scry Ilttle b, make et' With ' This • •
tairro i" proL _ " irnit ' s?l .. ._. tat P lVls o iirmrito
Saabs sautes mad f nature. and I bbles p i um",
law of our mother esAks. In Its orbrial porta', WI
Ins to suffering humanity a reeds remedy, • cortans
, cheap mire.
It has mind Ties. afar other mollelncelTfelled to .
rsoder.p rolled ' stuad Maw ;of iloni t 4.
sthailra. and of tits worst and meat painful
' , bur =rod' Cbtden 11orb.. br ote or lao = l t/.
.'cosed.old tam of therrhas, In width 'serryirther . y
.b* been of no mil. 4 a hot rowdy Ito
' tisi'lt Is better than thymediesl OMIPOUnOr Ohltiiißit
thatare lows of It arill rum thllblana and fraud Ra e •
he w.fese kelillationa nathabtal testimony mot.,
' ed - aS the troth contained la th e shorn stabduent; by •
I .l lcindliEL 1 1 E.LEft, canal Barba, &math iit!u!
i Keyser &Wore% etinece' of Wald - tarot SAIR
-often 13., E. IFelliar. 57 Wa t t threat: n. 3..
•. ;
Com. albahrny -city. are th e sonata. . . •• . - -,
—Ds. Jura Roar, ihar diteorom fort role rcoolottor
scud Imolai . nod breeds! melldries. and
Abe brrel2(ol , ol the celebrated tostrarneed fur labattag
to eta. 1a elreethig • mow of Chronic Macioce. MI.
'dad that eminent Ordeal. 'boccie . Pbyisie, am, Is •
epicinate of the University of for tblrtf
years Ilea does been engaged in the icecalgation of dliee••
awe, arid the egplicetion of remedies thereto.
Ihnersh the use of Lie iabetitigtabe,ln cornseediated
41) Probbylitele tad other of r bff reff. •t, b
Wzobb:d oOporolloloO eminence inebriate than
fatal studadleie Tubercular CousociPtimb. CAAV.M.
zarrobtla:llhemetances. rs , m esm./WM.
all,ktuds,Clibutic Ecydralas, and all UM. obit/hate Me
'aura wi =Hay to 'fouteles. Indeed, not frcm of Masao
madea older the suo of Ids n:no:Um to width baubleab
blf.lehwirc - not by- toe of owl certipecuilt oalt, forjagit
butobipetiblo with Physiological law, but by . the, towel
littlicelthebtot ;a:am' peccexibod for.eseh-pecrillsz
• • - ••
Rone'sTonto 31keritlia Ptak trier, rued, aiiiiikrifir
bly soknowlodied to becauparior to all others, ea • par-D.
live or liver rill. itturnaeli VA they have the botetwpere
.1110.4 free Ircorrouttlernuar. aa also his tioldcePtllkese erk
natal._ by the faculty. to reams recast pecenstima, maw
rtkl ronshr dbeerek b•t btlog eatisted that bar. Wel
4rot:tee= to eztablisb whet bas been raid, Atm =bile at
the mart skeptleaL •
The affiktott are Invited to call upon the &Pent, sad pav
orfe (gratis) cure of tea letter's pamhhtekk glekozelOkter ,
ed - woo= each remedy, and Ira aepltratton. . • •
saielythe 1611o•Ing wePta, uweny kl•trad , reelP
fV=unsrlgs t rjr,4lr,krilit.:Pittabiriti L
X. Torraaratt.Dectralet., ea Mutat . 0 1 ,
Len DrOggin, peas the Poet Ottk•iittkilita
by " "
iTentiz 4 )u.i t•ltt
; :
or - : ., 17,-.COXFORT , ANR-E.ELIMF "
FOR THE AFFLICTED will be Fond 9i
D. Devitt C. NellingeehelNDALLlßLE LINDLEiT,
la& Fluid. which ha. decal the test of thlrte Tart ct
tpeetelutef ttest hat. birpotel a dottbh been the
fog *be nets etf tiwneseuste of tottiehlaele, Ist , alreoet Amer
den Iratter of Wawa.feel, Met ere
thing Moot= thee this la thettalf toetikine thsqlott E a
altered to the stillete4, the! tp every pm.of
what t t le told
. .
It Du cured . , end la eatable of m . ing moat Mamas than
SAT Otber mends— • aided for r
rate, ire mire not. LF,,.cad
made at Sold; us by mbar, Mte.. - • - • -- ,
astrang *al torroelsolag Trott 'of tha'aborns, srlo
admit Is the only - art/els Manua appeared In the tcort
.n.t.stledlrinetbat has met bran potrotheed sad Matte
cd the melte of the elltesruerally, the meet onerembLe
gangly Itedkhoe ever Garrett for ealn, or used by ntlY
then, el=
The Hon. Moen 11. Grinnell, lots Et C. The Hoc. flobt.
ILlforrt. beteAlslor.. , Hoe 'Jam A. Dl2, late U...13.-tmt
to...NEUam Mid; Baq.elkelbar of trer O.
Then, mad a host ondber dlognsfulobal einem 14 Dew
Tett. who ham fully tested Its merit. permitted - the
f,A As 11 to w tar
ell known MO Patent Malldrim not irottes.
ally intresthoel try the learned wealthy' and tenet oirchin,
wahare undoubtedly a than to feel ountelece hlghlyymler
Shia Wonder winking Com pound has been nearly
semen years beige the public.. —/ta trot frie are nay les.
strongest end bat This mud undoubtedly I, strong St an
ecertnelng - grutr of Metal muteness sad ormathe
(wattle.. It = amerced remedy grail arsons
smut:ran 'pots, scuttle., nrellmno:oPtin=, brut.,-.,
lan& Sal all the swam a ad sews that flesh Loner to.- .• •
,bra bottle.l =esnrdwitto ra t
a ltt,i& An uio' rl g drteedkg al,. a:woud sag . reAb ee ne
.Y .areliElfAth
=ne Meta, weft airettePt s
era . : I I aetaaree►
alrmetVelsertbr. asd = ' a l u t lPefll= t elmilet sad
la m afection. Mows. of tea Sidey.. sad
Waken. ln male ter Awe. ftom whoterre mum lt may
Tor saie la l'lttoburgf, by . Seller. Maur. L EAl p t
Cu., and Ogden SI grusertleen and retail
=rally. It to put up m fon. Mt, end tmeatallltag
To' the - Readers of the Pittaburgh Gazette.
PUBLIC ATTENTION is saspectfully in-
I ailed to tb
IDwt i e . lblionirg truths. it M.rth 1n . % ra to
rfalrld Or hOtli c ar.: e
not ..... 0000 e.
I r ptt_ 111 4 14 thrrelfef 1. 1.1:1 core of ' Ef.l.%. lie:eel:tern
i tohemie h14114,1tii.011 then, lemma frill aba.
loximanolty. n
ut ad wea t ilgoe that the , rMb thlt
, more certain lts fame spread.
~trt la not Um non.
I.ll. * lnteggirt p corearratinne labs lased wheti, -
alt other modomme bane been fortotten. The Perreleom is
• :Woad Remedy, elaborated in the drythe of the mirth
by a room. Dad asermy that laughs to..min an NM=
'competition. ash our duty. when we vet-•n shoot a made
; thstwe the Math—that we way =Mom Wow.
'.., to deceive Mom who may tram our word or put mato
:dame to or Matements. The sick are eery act to catch at
am Mint that. nimble relief trona dismay L. start ant
dually be P t o . glij wrought to answer the do math.
UM or bozo tame of them. %aro. do ixrt tre,•
ta n do r =ere era a: Woos only that the troth ha reastimu
eboold be Gild. In order to secure kw It • ;Ow
Matiberficr say magi. ertiele In the cubes thee..
km Platte=limillete—fests Must numbati
to our matron nehibbortool, bear ample betirmny lithin,
wind. vt ........b.,4-.. of Our own
hi e.
*bowed, blind , hue bent restored to alrhc her,
• so.' a .d.... 4, to the . State of Ohia, have teen
.mtpai. sottiebo, the cameo( • patirmaulabeseereonste.:
.11.,,nre Ahern brathen are cases neer.htma. lad may,
ins eemermiso by meow who hum docile on the Milo
picot, TMee mass were cared Mier they had lam. Madan!
by ne•topelets. The Pruolcoin will ewe.
gmi ancordiode to dircoldailm , Ulorrb , mt• • Dieentor7.!
rami e teMos in the bows shd Joint, olu maw, to
tom Ames.Mbronla CORO. Asthma. illninarbitleodel all
....res of Ik chronic nature.
to has
, jr=rei d' dlset . wee ' of the Madder and Eldon..
1 a1t 1 intifti•=. 114" % e ' r ,,V,... r iba , 1,0t. ,,,,,..,,
I.lnCet te ; tl tbsi .. bo al,o re iz dJeemea lith. wi k ; vie o l t l bi . :;:yoer . 7 l. ltr z....i
orTyldbet mammas Orrtlfmatos that tea amoniale ore kw.
. worm aunt stay say about th eir ituelletam, 'Abe ,
Petrolenzu is the pretest itenied.y . of the ace. PhysiMblati
i s,
of high eta:Ming la the profooker are Tech:Was to nee i
. tun. pmearop' .Thow who at drat looked on with doubt
• • rtaloty, are willing to award it doe praise and
Be soother year mile round. all will be
. .plle4 to :trknowledgeihst the AM:reoot Se ttormandon
I by "M .. _ T .. 4. trirm%l lirix,l. l V.ll 7 J%cl7:"Jr.
• z.:Ee h 7 Wood stetel.;•l II Corry; It A.
J r . e , raz,..l.4lV7ar j
• ii.SMlLS.L.Fattnesbon .1, Vs.. Wood mai Trout 14 7
~?...4ssilrp,intota. k et.'sa4 bflthly eilize tr ob 4. eime . ~ ,
YrP.7lt.lßelle . rt—tly childrn.
°Mona. h i a , r ii
est teetretibleenom conchs. end immom toed
Int l.
thlTit f .g le a=_ It. ' n 'o e.r. " A l lur :- '.
twonf DU 6....1..... at; glut le
• • tnet. - sad norm tailed to mire them.
I pus • ...pepA ir kt.:l4 my Tel
and as ma.
• . Das OSr te=llre " mit ge t ,Ttir ' to h
" V IP
• ' Ammer AinnimeoveK: r.
their children to milllpear
-- dibother this
IL E. 513.1.113 Mi.. ' '"/
and brotilet setedally: 4
Oen xrake be
r ilepered east add br :• -
'ES, &c.—A large bock
the most Iltorst terms,
Area:Laths Wt.:
gocsrs * Zlrrar !yob
ri -
C.ll*.frrerin . ctof
Court Plaster
bobs's tslasiosilvor
prpurstlrs L bsosis.
uls, ao.
• IClroes h . trf
•PtiDardat •
• Lenztn
o, ratnot •
.U• "...CUM:M:Ii - - .•
016 •Tiistiadt:4ll,-
Moe. tiali Anu•uuto i:,
" 'AnderoOrni . ; . ..
" Hooper'a
' 532 • Aallhooti :
ILI-vebz. T .:.• -....-
, ",Quiolne • , , ~.- .
rosaTollltai t S ' thie — tt; 71 .-
exgairt: l i 4•o•
At theDtiza BLOB of "
R - ALKIi ,- ' :'--
S DPm•
76 star- ••_ 1.. t
rktftera (r'sfral
flokien Tiorstulr
Horn Powder • • I' ,
a. .wi acszaslsthioLu..
of Word and e.nraota,
''CHALK- foriage by -
a w l
' . . ;