Thsluici AccznzaT.—A dreadhl -A m pp ene a in the Chatham ;street Welsh Chita* olthfortday night, by which an estimable woman Win probably lose her life. The imolai had ham Ooncluded, and the congregation- departed. kw Olog Mrs- Thumbs, Its widow, with ere obi. then.) to extlngulsh pto kips, In which cam - Wane ia burned. . The Bererend Mr. Owen, the pastor, who was the last to go away, hating a noise, lacatedbeck, mid saw a great light in the church. Bushing Sato it, he .foundohat one of the lamps. had .1. plated, scattering the burning Stdd round -the . '„,house, and over the person of Met . Thorosi.— . the pirthseiv - orthy,..eXerthins of Mr. 0., the i:llauirs in which she wool enveloped were exec, knitted as Well , us those which threatened to de ...grey the church, but it Irma found that she wan IQ ;terribly burned 05 tOICIITC Uttls t if any hope of her recovary.; She . woe remored to, her teal dente, where the lash accounta which we re -•ceirsd, she was lying in great agony. . Ser. Mr. Owen .was also painfully, though; we 'are happy Ito hear, not 'seriously bpied, In extinguishing the flames. . - This is : , one amongst a hundred ',similar cane, all pro ring the danger_of neinicamphine. gas TirzOUPII OFITCL —The O'Reilly Tele. ONco will bo opea to-day from- Bto 10 'o'clock Slllfrom 4 lo 6 -Tait Cutcos.—Four grand peFformanees win . '., hi' given; at Dan woes! Ciro n s to-day. His eifueetriatt troupe is an admirable one, and he is smarmy in himself. The'rent will,doultlese be 'crowded at each representation. - • Pox Tits Fouant.—The unique exhibition of Che "River Nile" and Egypt at the Atheneum, • - ma be shown dim times 'More in Pittaburgh.-- This' morning at 10+; this afternoon at 'B, and • ',this evening at 8 o'clock. l lf the'strangare dock ing into town knew the peculiar and were objects of interest at the Panorama of the Nile and tbe Ezptiaisl Museum, few • would leave pittaburgh out • 'Tan Ilinteustits.,-The Magnificent menagerie of Raymond & Co„ will be exhibited to-day un der double pavilion,- at the corner of Penn and Carson streets, In the Fifth Ward:: - ; There will be four exhibitions 'givenl We trust that not a ""ilingle inhabitant 'of Pitteburgh will surer this Menagerie to lee re us without taking hie family F0171.111e or Jots . . AT 08.162FW00D.-,Our road 'it:swill recollect that We delightful mud= will Se open all day on the Fectith for the reception of oedema. Onnibussee will= to it regularly, • sted the fine steamer Eclipse, B. T. White Manz ter, trill leave her berth, in the Monongahela ^riTST, at the foot of Market atreet„ every hour. •••!.._. Pram:Pin Escraston. -4Tbe - fine steamer retllptte, Captain R. T. White, snll• run every ,tour. to Greenwood and Itesedale:Gardens, on the Fourth 'yr./Illy, from her berth. at tlro foot 41darket street. The boat Will be appropriate. ',lydecorated, and Mahe very fast, will doubt lees be crowded with.purongers. She • starts from the Monongahela instrod of the Allegheny Wharf,- because there is - a probability that any boatrunning up to the latter wharf, will stiok, atingle tbe tow water. . I , Tun &ram IrovezThei‘rooms of the Court House are being thoronghly eleatssed.' The Courts". will not commence ,to sit regularly for • Tna Viamaltr Fran CenresrrTizis fine fire company left Pittsburgh yeelerday, for a hip to Melleburgh, where they are it) spend the Fourth of July. They took their ohgine.and two reels them--were nocompaniad by • band of mu-, ele; mid their uniforms were{ very neat indeed. ;We haye ' doubt that they willipmid .• very pleasant day among the Millions of Wellaburgio: --«,-~ . ..•.'lfunisner..—..ll,eyor. Guthrie yeeterdey fined two colored persotut five dollin each, for throw ,ll2l offal on Wylie Street. • ha Stass.-L-The penecuthm against the signs still continues, and many ere taken down, which cannot possibly iajar¢ tho public in any asps or fonn. On the next meeting of the Gouncils, the obnoxious ordinance will doubtless be repealed, - but-it is la itself illegal, or at lesst some of our best lawyers say that. it LL - We wish some one: Would test the ordinance, since ire do t not biliooti tho Colinas had any power to Paula ; ;‘, ; .Itentrmonso.:;—We are algal to ohm» amtthe 'attars of the buildup on Wylie Stmtet,'whieh winsharnt down during the into fire there, are making preparations to rebuild them. ARlLlViD:—Erpwards of foes hundred labor ers on theSentral &inroad, 1 =en to town yes ttrday, for the purpoee of making . preparations to celebrate the - Fourth offidy• . . . Ihsoanaux ConnecT.--Mayar 'Fleming yes terley .committed two yezeons; charged with drmknonels and a:orderly Condnet, to wrison— one for thirty days, and the other for twenty four- hatirs.. We are happy' to Say that these were the only: commitments diming the day. Nrr *iron Hansa.-The new ilittehboase its the Sixth Ward is now completed. It is built of brick, India calculated for the reception of about twenty persons. This lock ep will be of great advantage to thew'at a i di n g tborm the discharge of their duties. • tna ¢¢cabh as, on the present plan, they iire t obliged; when - they sirst my use at night, to cote down town all the may to the central watch-house; : thus leaving their beats unprotected 'until theirrenuit. POIIIITH .OF MY. Great Calanaation llfeetiny—AllegAeTy •. Rea, Dr. Preselle -Chureht: gni a.katt !Week, euentng. PILOGRAZYZ--,3178.1ECTE1 CIT DUCTS!!! -,, L Oar duty as :citizens in refereatar , to..the colonization cease, including 'an amino-ea the swan objections urged againstlthat enterpriatt .Bpotaker—lion: Jaeptrß Brady.: , IL The formaticat of nations always premed-, ed by Colonisation. ' . Speaker-IttiV.d. Bath's* . • 111. '• effectttal aid whichtalcinizationgives towards the Evangelization of • Afries. ,13pssiter •-fter. J. Clark, D. D. - Ths President of Society, lion. Judgi Lawrie, will take the chair at the hour appointed. • - Each 'Masker is limited to 25 minutes, unless an. Walston DO granted by Tote of the assembly. The committee of anungements earnestly in-, site the attention of in enlightened public. The favor of iticie# publicity to this Fogrant , ine, is retpectfully. . requested from the .press of the . two tittles; whether; religious en. „secular: The papers which comply, will please se. bet rithrifkli -8(1 or Tidy, for their fasertion end copy !ma the religious papers, -which will be out earlier in the week. - • 14aritasun Was:; • . Darazt.uClCtaur Co:wait/ea L'of Airamproists. ~ . . The committee of irtangerntuatikaving been tmable to • proottre opeeker for subject No. the vacancy was filled' is paretuum of the direction of the chain:Oen of the last mooting of the Board of Aftutegltri. • . •W gmaingix, Bea Bathing-4*llay. N. J.. CoNORESS HALL opesi,foi tb;r6. ot.Visitart. Tha tomarlotor. thankful Ice. lb ji tot, oaticomaga hezetatine tiered, iroultzavy sett Mao Wanting to 'Hit Una oolar thaVeSent Mann, ft. make bit home their hum. • at , attic toms end aceamemodatiow, ha tram, .nub woo prsr to =Woomera than Lur_tbinti. zwidea mow the Island. The manna t i ta ' = t e l t i ozo y eiggogvit aitantla j eol=l,.=dma and=a m ot a omaloxitr of T t; ' soiewzni as Mbar., DISSOLUTION Fri firm of Clarke, Paris Co&'. Itoclreatar,' e r la o tbi . Id=ol f r . e2 Dr ct=eVe_om i k the In. mud .G. Parks. who P eontlatt• tabnigw i t nder the name and Ark. at Clark .1 Puke. tbe bahum of tbe late dna to be eettkd by Sakt Manton Chute or R. fifeEdIVIONIILABBB.-. _ - rittiburgb, Jew 10,1151. bald, Notice Ei..N:ING made a change in ousleaktese by the I.:urban at 0. Intarost the bt. of 'Marko, hats t Co., 611 . 111. bnairten of oat ynyti Doak, . V alms Lerue to Cleveland. pitio:d Micbipn Lin. to Zr, - :1.4.1 Zete, 15.1Wy BeaverSino to Alessillou, Expren Packet Lim to Lltireasod, And aLa tae Minutes pertaining to eminnonta Nieggalt maLßearer, lel/1 tom oone hereafter I throtigh JOHN A. pAulltiES. oar Agent .t Pittetrutitb e P.. Miaow:nap of Water and benlasield stmts. CLARKE L PARK& j. 12 , Rmb.t.r. r*rPLAPS' SWORDS-44st reed, lot f goi t hto Templortmord s , with the emblaiwatht I. allyUl'rect. . . myth . W. W. WILSON. ENOII LINENS,of v*ious qualities, ... „ ...111`.4 , Alirrialtr gr a gnELD . 443 _ W — Xn,—Casb paid -for Wo avid by mijar s tn. ju INSEED OIL-150U galld. pure, for sale by .-J. 04know:. WCOd AVM um a co.. ARD OIL- 7 10 bble..puri„. do Nal BY TELEGRAPH. irAltiViD Br Till O'RESLLT TILtOIAPH Ll= AID itSPOZINDIOICTIIIIIII76IIIIGH ABBIVAL - . 01 , TEE PROMETHEUS. TWO WEEKS LATER FROM CALIFORNIA GIANT INTLLR OF GOLD. The steam.ship Prometheus, from Nicaragua, arrived this morning. She brings 2.50 passen. gers, L and adrioes from San Francisco to the al st ' The steamer Tennessee, from San Francisco, srrived at Panamaon the 20th of June, with 200 passengers, and $25,00,900 in gold. The. burnt districts at 8m Francisco and Stockton. were again newly built OTC?, and the people were in no respect disheartened. Bushjeas at Ban Francisco, and throughout the inking districts, WWI active, and the yield of The agricultural prospects of the country were highly encouraging., There were confirmed rumors of Indian diffi culties in the northern parts of the State, but the Commissioners who were treating with the WWI, tribes, are reported to have met with ex. eelleat metes In treating with them. The recent firea have bad little effect upon the market, The ¬ion houses were doing an ac tive business, but clothing, boota, shoes, &e., were extremely doll; and excepting for a fow'on. tittles, prices were 10 per cent comer than on the 15th of May. - The steanams, Northernor and New Orleans ar. rived at Panama on the 3d of rune, the former with $600,000 in gold, end 125 passengers, and the latter with $400,000 in gold and 350 passes- Os. • . .11 , can the'Atia Californian, of Nay 31 • Our . city la Wilt up again. In our last issue We tout of its distraction, and now of its recto. ration.. There two area bad not as' much offices as was antieipated, in raising the prices of Ile Market, in consequence of the large quanti ty of goods on ship board, and the large cargoes which have arrived since. • .. - •. The Whig and Democratio Turtles have each made illicit nominations, and- the contest for Stele Officers and Congretormen is now fully open. Thst.Wkdg nominations were made with unanmi ty,,,and, probably the:Democrats will give quite as undivided - a support to their The Whig State Convention which assembled in Sin Francisen on the nth of May concluded its sitting on the 29th. The following ie the tick et they put in nomination:. For ,Ckteernor—Piansolt IL Beading, of Shasta. Lieut. Gorrenor 7 Drury R. Batter, of Tuelam- , - Justice of Snort= Coteft—Todd Robinson. of Rsersthento. Aitonsty %nerd—RlO. D. Hair, of San Jon- Btato Comptreller—Alex. Gable, of Si Pre:. clam. Stan, Trenaareo—J. M. Bart, of Butler. Saringar. General—Walter Herron, of San Frandato. - l'im Copgrati—E. J. C. Karon, of Summon er, B. F. Moon, ofjnelamne. , . . The . Denmerata nominated John Thar for Goremor,- and Samuel Purdy for Lieut tinter :7.lmin.! of 84reme Conrt.-8. H. RideLfeldt. Treneerer=—lt Rolm. - ' Comptraler—W. 8: Wimlow. I . Attorney Genersd—S. C. ijastings. _ 'The puospects'otagrieniture are very good.— The late rains hive materially increased thepre- Debility of good crop... • A disgraceful riot occurred at Nevada on the 26th of May. A Mr. Hayden claimed a lot on Oregon Hill; others also claimed it. He sold his claim to a party and : went to put them in pos amnion: .He w as attaelced by one of those who had it in possession for some days, with as axe, while another fired a pistol, whereupon a gener al Set ensued. : EdwardJaaks, of Roscoe, was aid W. Moans mortally wounded Rumors of,Tutilan dilllaultles and skitaishes in the northern part of, the State, are rife. Reins from the.loamath mines is set down in the Sturman= as rather discouraging. Advises from Oregon city to the 24th May, here been received at San Francisco. The pro. pallor Sea Gedl struck on a bar in entering the Colambia,injuring her screw. She is hauled up and, undergoing repairs. DIBAETEIC Al' BEA. The ship Frank Johnston, from Hanna far St.Tstarstanw,. pat in at this port to-day, short of ;traria' lotus: She reports the ship Sally from New _Orleans for Liverpool, u tearing been struek by lightning when 12 days out, and burned to the The;?. Johnston took the crew on board, to gether with $1,00,000 in specie. DIETERECTIOII IN SOUTH AMERICA PASAMA., Jane 16. The'Panama Star has advice. from Bogota to the =1:1 May. An-Insurrection had broken cmt in the provinces 'of Put* and Tuquerro. Gen. Pncrico • proceeded with a force of 600 men to the scene of,rebellion in Pastel, and eucceeded In driving the insurgents from their quarters. Be afterwards discovered that about 400 of them had escaped into Ecquador, headedby their chief, Zers.:; Gen.. Franco then proceeded to Tuquerro, where s decent. battle ensued. Many lives were lost an both aides, and a number of rebels were taken prisoners. • The insurgents, being totally defeated, took •M s in the adjoining 'province of &quadrir leasing their dead and wounded on the field.— The , leading insurgents escaped into &qua dor: Ithootrateitement prevailed at Bogota. Con frere had passed tt law abolishing slavery be the FROSI THE ISTR3II7B. , . Wahine Panami pipsis le' the 16th of Jane. The simmer Aspinwell, while on her way down freinChagres to Gorgon., was ran into by the steams: fiorgons. The concussion is described ark being ctresda, bat - none of. the passengers ersne.inlorwl.- .STATE CONVENTION. - Cameos, July 8. The 'Whig State, Convention assembled in this city this monsing, and was permanently organ. iced by electing Hanson S. Penn, of grown Co:, President, and the appointment of 21 Vice Pres idents. Secretaries. • Alter preliminary proceedings. the COLIVCIStiOI2 proceeded to vote 91176 VOiC, by coitnties. .t3smnel F. Vinton, Thomas Ewing. Hiram M.. Griswold 'and Wm. P. Coker were severally named as candidates for Governor. Mr. Ewing and Griswold were withdrein, end the result of the votidg'ints. Vinton - 212 Colter - 38 Mr Cr:sloe-was then declared duly nominoted. The votes for Cutter were principally from the %item Reserve. The Convention then took o recess until two ThisCenvention re-assembled at 2* o' lock. Theo resolution appointing a Committee of 21 on resolutions watt taken up. Mr. , Sherman 'advocated its adoption in speech of earn length, , on the ground that it was doe to the some party that the Convention ehould drake some destination of principle. He thought it thst it was understood that such com mittee wield be aPpointed, end wee surprised to hear anToPposition to it. • . A. motion to lay on the table was lost. The Resolution Committee will report this evening. Mr. Zekley, of Carroll county, was nominated tor.Liiittidrant Governor. 4 ' Mr. Earltdll, , of Erie, wu nominated for Sec retary. of State..., Mr. Stansbury for Attorney Gatirral,, and John Weeds for Auditor of State. - Several other .nominattoce were made, after whiehthe Conaeatioi took a mem until WRIO DISTRICT CONVENTION. • ' • liiiniantatts, July The. Whig District Comm:Wei which mot hers toelay, to nominate s candidate for Congress, adjourned 'lns die, without making • nomi nation, . , TIIE COURT MARTIAL.. ViTAIIHIVOTON July 3 The: testimony ha the cue of Gee. Taloott closed today, end the Court adjourned until Monday. LOBB OF THE-iIAIDEE NEW °REELED, July 2. The Mazur Haidee was loin recently on the Ouichits river. NEW POSTAGE STAMPS Wastuscrros, July 3. Tbe . Republic of this morning announces that the Department has already issued two millions and a half of postage stamps, end 4 sealing them out at the rate of 4,000 per day. Th. Philadelphia manufacturer is making betwen 3 end 400.090 daily, and will soon be able to man, &actor* a supply for the whole country. MEXICAN COMMISSIONERS • WMIIIINOTOS, July 3, . _ The - District Attorney, Feudal, after consult. Ina erith the. President and Attorney General, has hinught.' the attention of the Grand Jury to the alldged frauds of the Mexican Commission- New 0/41[A311, Ju T y p. G. P. Benjamin, President of tho Tehuante pec Hai !road, lawn to-morrow for %alarm, •• AS=CO. No. 11 , ‘ WoeS on business connected With the Compannand the hiezictin Goiernment. ST. Loots, July 3. The river opposite this city is at a stand-- The Miuouri is reported rising at St. Joseph, but falling below. The upper Mississippi is ris ing slowly. The levee remains inundated from one end to the other. PUTLADELPICIA, July 3. Cotton—The market is arm, at en advance of upon the rites before the arrival of the steamer. Nvw YOTR, July 3, 9} s m Flour—:The market is inactive, but prices are very firm, with small sales of common brands at $4,28 V. bbl.; but holders ask an advance. Rye Flour and Corn Meal—bales of Rye Flour at $8,87, and Corn Meal at $2,87} gl bbl. Grain—Wheat is in limiten demand, with small sales at 94c for red, and 1000 for prime white. Rye is scarce and wanted, at - 72 e 18 Int. Corn is inlair demand, with sales of 8000 bet. Penna. yellow afloat, at 63c. Oats are . dull and lower, with salts 5000 bn.. Penna. at 42048 e Whisker-811m at 2.4 c per gallon. Provisions are dull. Groceries are quiet. Newil'oa , July . • Cotton-The - market is firm, at a • advert e of IC, since the arrival of the steamer, with ales of 400 bales. Flour—The market is firms, with sales- 4,800 bbla at $4 25 for State; and $4 50 for Gentle• Bee. Rye Flour and Corn Sleal—Sales of the form er at $2 94@3 of the latter at $2 121 per bbl. Grain—Wheat is firm, with isles 4000 bush. els Ohio at 96i. Sales 0000 bushels tailed wes. tern cora at 5765.5 e per blab_ Provisions—The market is quiet, and un. clutogni. 'Linseed CO--Sales 1000 gallons American a 613 e. Stock—U. S. 6's have improved Hales Ohio nixes, 1860, at 107/. Indiana State fives, 83 offered. Illinois improvement s}. Pennsyl vania fives 95. ?law Your, July 3. - Stocks—United States sixes, 1867, have ad: winced }, closing at 116 i: do., 1868, haett do- dined }: Canton Co., are* lower, closing at 69f. Cotton—The . market le steady, with sales 12,090 bales. Flour—Sales at $4 25@4 31 for State and good western,and $4 37@4 50 for eoutbern. brain—Wheat is in fair demand, with tales of 6,000 bushels prime at last quotations. • New OILLIA3B, July 3 . Cotton—The total sales yesterday were 0,000; ad this morning 2,000, at unchanged prices.— , eaters are awaiting the steamer's news. Provisions—Mess pork sold to the extent of 200 bbla at $l4. Mayon is improving, with sales of sides at 84®8}. Br. Loots, July 3. The market is generally stationary, with light receipts. Flont--Stoall sales transpire at $3 50 for fine, $3 70®3 75 for secondhand, and $4 50 for ex tra. Grain—Wheat is selling at 76®78c. Holders of corn are asking an advance, in consequence of the improvement at New Orleans, oats are sold at 29 .®32e. Hemp-3e in moderate demand, at $74 11 ton for common, and sin for prime. Lead—The market is i arrive, with sales of upper mines at $4 35(744 37i 100, the latter figure being (or small lots. Prolisiorts—Oleos pork is quoted at $l3 256 13 50 ? bbt. Lard is selling at Be€B.l for No. 1 inbble, and 9+ ®9I in kegs. Bacon is in lim ited inquiry. Good ,boulders are selliug at 60 61, ribbed aides ileBe, clear do €4; trams bagged, 9c for prime canvassed. • Many personli are found saying, "The will to do good is present with me, but how to perform that which I would, I find No true child of God is willing to lire a cumberer of the ground; himself a recipi ent of boundless mercies, yet never corn tem:dotting to the happiness of others; well he may when ho considers the greatly superior talents of others. But has our Lord no work for those of humble endow ; merits? Barrotr, July Yes, blessed be God, there is work for each and all. They may. work in many ways; but especially and pro-eminently may every earnest child of faith do good by commending the Holy Scriptures. Moat persons who have a willing mind may rea dily connect themselves with the Sabbath school. Such may gather around them young minds, ready to give attention to the truth if it be fairly presented. But what is it fairly to present the truth of God? 1 Truth demands of its teachers not only the commendation of his intellect, but also, and much. more, the commendation of the heart. The Sabbath school teacher, of all persons, requires to have his own soul a perennial fountain of the love. In this connection three qualifications must be named as indispensable: _ Ist. The teacher of divine truth, of God's holy word, must love God with all his heart, soul, mind and strength.. 2d. He must love God's holy word, because it is God's word, with in tense affection. 3d. He must love every human creature .for Christ's sake, and glad ly spend and be area for them. let He must love Emanuel with a love as much , superior to his love for man as the heavens are higher than the earth. It must be no ceol, civil respect; no mere distant admiration; no infrequent and un feeling communion; no service rendered at the instigation of an 4 uneasy conscience; it must be the outpourings of a full and over flowing soul; the irresistible emotion of an affectionate and trusting heart; the fixed confidence of long tried friendship. 2d. Because the Bible is the word of the Friend thus loved, ha must study it mower riedly; by night and by day; at home and abroad; alone and wi t chothers; with joy or without; in . prosperi r y or in adversity; in health and in ; sickn;ss; in n wealth e and in soverty. He must now its stores as the killful physician knovrs the resources of his art. He must beell read in the law, i io the gospel, in t e prophets, in the r Psalms; able to turn t a moment's notice to that prescription of the great Physician which meets the symptoms presented to his notice. Ho mast haw applied each of the fundamental truths so often to his own souls maladies, as to know with certainty when and how to apply each to the necessi ties of others; as to know the probable and almost certain result o' the application of his prescriptions. He must needs be such a lover of the truth fcr its own sake and for Christ's sake, that it shall matter not to his' own practice whether all mankind ap plaud and emulate, or whether all condonin and spurn; whether he is sustained by the approving voice and practice of every pro fessed- follower of the Lamb, or whether they desert him to a man. He must live so near and walk so constantly with God and the Lamb as to see all men and things through the eyes of Emanuel. 3d. Doing thus, it will be no servile pbedience to conscience, no mere perfunc tory and tasteless engagementoo endeavor to benefit the souls of others. Oh, no! The teacher of God's truth will pour out of the fullness of a heart and soul hid with Chad in God such treasures as shall be felt, even by unconverted persons, to be treasures of no common worth. Bo filled with the Spirit, and overflow. Become like the Sun of Righteousness, a source of light and heat. The feeble must do as he can; but be thou strong in the Lord and in the power of His =gilt.— Congregationalist. LIQUORICE ROOT-5001N. for sale by .$44 Z. SELLERS. IaDSIIifETAL-560 tone for sale by ' j do RIMY, MATTMET7B MOBACCO--- , X kegs (Gedge'o) No. 1 Six .11.d2rIst, .01. by' 65 54f415/111. aO4 7 floor s WO%. TWINE-500 lbagc r ir sale k by n: 111.).°.1 .1.15--204:0 tan SoftTn? . o., for sale by AND 011-10 bbls. No. I, for sale by Jd WICK I lUCANDLEaO. TANNERS' 01L-50 bbls. just. receiving be coati, and Ibr de by JAXES MIZELL. a. 2 GS, Astir it. PHILADELPHIA MARKET NEW YORK MARKET 1100 v AIME?. I=l:=l2=3 NEW ORLEANS MARKET ST. LOUIS MARKET. How to do Good. MISCELLANEOUS. B ROOMS -250 doz. common to best; Y ~ IA " ntinisOrlittgl W. 8 1 11 In AD-10 hbla. No. 1; • hf `• for eale by myfir BURST:IW K ! 'DEFINED SUU A RS--10G Clar -7 " — ified tkorderesh and Cruel/al *sr A. 110WARSON /12. OLDEN SYRUP-In hf. bbla. =crib gal. se ra from lb. St. Louis Refinery irr sale by felt JAIIYA A. IIUICIUSON 00. IICE--20 tierces Carolina, for sale by . _ JAIIP.BA.IIITORESON l 00. Woodworth's .Patant Planing Nadine. RIGHTS IN NORTHERN PENNSYLVANIA. ECENT decisions (see Pittsbiirgh Daily clEtalat . L.,1,101% inD%VarPAMV the stibacriber le eon. prepared to sell the tight to ne e thin Machines In the State of Neer York; and le Penney/. nia le the mind,* of Bradford. Crawford Clint:m.olk. kkereyeance.ul;uncerileUticeziNe. tivSean6.ll9.oeleig,,,,P,o.tter, day of are Patent ed and th e patent, having been ey, tended by speelel act of Contirece to the iou. day of Decem ber. toed, Lae non ati Mrs cutexpired Conn. Tula Mr china, at one operation. redone to • thickneo. and Wand lowat of 411 . 1. or pl . bolo :n o loth alireetOr° thei s tan bat go! 11.1 "." If. iteZirti'd"tlforrlf iti=silillr4o=tutt All kilts of meths are perarmed by It In a dor Mere ne and Ibur three ea eryeditionsly and chtnply, as It can be done or any other Machina. The hero of t. a eampl 1100ete Machina lbr pinning. tostrulg enalley. Prone pre mten gfgrpcat"VnimiVeNlow trities hundredths of ell the piamte r lumber need In oar Inrce.citins and Invite la note droned with Woodirott.h . a mown.. which may be Neu In constant omen= In the plardtig mllls at &atoll, Philadelphia, New fort Albany, Troy. home, DU.. 8 7rartlae. Gene., DIGAIrhe Jaineetown Cheese. Lockport. Erie. Pittebersti, E th an. (Moue. illighemptn, ao. AA For no exclusive mile right tot nee these Alsel lern. which ail are conhfoeed agnenst medley or ut.Oo Whorl rig 4, In any of the ahoy@ ceneiee, apply In JOLIN GIBSON. Plaidnyc Mille. Atethr, N. T. - A Vegetable Compound. • IrIiMMNER'S BALSAM, nn Infallible rem,. Ain °it f gllt r . r e b ln II:ill u rilrAt` 1 1 7 arTff.;g: clone remedy under all eltwuniatancea has•bean wed ....;11=p1 r ; r =r failing I, ,eirt te.. ;l3 l l , ;lloM. our= firt. the loot two or three year. as per mania.. wt.,. panylng the medne, In pamphlet Vino, Lbstdretis of meet of both Children and Malta, have been repel lad retleved by the above Da/sam, after every other remedy bad been WO in vain. The following hi • Cler of a oortigeate relative to the MP tnea, etc., of the above Begun. Mted m the family of the Bee. J. 11. Powar, of We Metleslist Eke* Veneer., of taia wera?neVal Wig ' 47:47 to Trrx;:bfg ff.grt flora. bat with Maks.... buc.heartUff or 70.0 I procured one bottle, which I hare need, In my Wally, with groat Seeress and I feel free In nem:emend It to thy Libe, as a vallilg . ,toed trlo l izina DitztirtATilLinglAt . m ore, June The above Syrup or Debate ft prepared and sold whole; ale and retsWat PAMUEL C. =liitgliM Drug htere, northeast corner of Orchard and Main Wrests: at the store of thrill:or Al Co, on Mt. baton. fe‘eritb end ftreets. west aide ,edit the principal Drug and other, om, In the Meat fpneraDy. abw, for axle br P. N.Wicker:lnm. Pittsburgh: JeeePti Doeiglass. Alleghen,; SIcCIM land, Manche* ten John Fitzgerald, Synth Pittsburgly, Wm. J. theitti. Temperance. elite; John O. Smith, St the thrminghem Drug Puce, Bur mlughant Iwilyhthy Gregg. Mat Newton; EL 11. Kern, tbsabetin Perry Beget McKeesport • torlDwlnnli New Boike lITE Life and Times of CALVIN."' 4:7n the . l i. T tet i o ir en ttierleted free 47-14 , - Lean :Nee On," enrol Trawl: by 11l lbritattentr I vet, Area. IrAnblateeb new work.-tbe Aotbenitrof Col. au taw heat:yt e i b o et&drlut d ft (rat.) eoterlt Sl: illustrated . . ," 21... IL 8"." Letters to my ithlps, with Narratlro and itiographkel ditetchee of Iles L IL Fleteaser. Jfernoir of the her. Henry Wetwat Foe 11. A with an Introductory heat, by the Raw C. P..tiollwatire . . IL D.. BLthop of Ohio. :Theory and Prattler of teeehlne. the Modelle sod 3.l.tboui et Good seeso xeninz - De v ll Pe" A. M- ChriAL. En...knee. a dirnley In the writing of re. Nut; by the author of - Caristlan Rellretoeut." • Llyer of eta canon of the lewlaration of Independence: by Y. Dwinht, PA, r lbo Walter Oolton Sete of 1 1 a!o. te The robe ilhearued. •• - • • Lire. of rho Querns of England, tram the Darn. Ora questa 'With al.:dotal a their Calrtit 1Z Tula, ninth. hlamoir et bar. Alaxander Waugh. D.D.,,anthiielorthins from his apialolary normal:ln:arum br the has. Janet D. D. The shorn deft. sr. hir nee by A. ft- V:01101 *DO.. 1 Word et. Willow Island Bairn for Sale. rjEIE persons who were highest bidders for the I.7na. Island Yen, at. the month of Co. Creek: o:d en. . Yu. to October laid, baring fsiled de r ratit the terms of thia the inthadiber again oder far rola. on the prendres. at public...lea to the Xeres asol not biti .bu te i r t g A ttairs rrn :i , a r ~ t 4ti b rattt. manta.