The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, July 03, 1851, Image 4

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t..l`.fildatfildg; •
boo_is, , nifiestion of the fine Indian word, from
J iintA4hisbeztatifatiltato derises its name, is
. fftkie !tri- rut
trod a. weary traeh,
Rio;red.brote'4 petiple at tic back, .
DriisTrato his realm; and wattled bower
,/-ilefort his pitle.fee'd brothers' power
Thro' , Bonthern glades still wandering wide, on: the cload his golds
- At hash 'or _ere, with hollow sound,
And: bowing low".ble plome•crowned bead,
BreethedLthe Groat Spirit's I awe and said
• . - • • Al•ek•bs•tna.
. •
. .
Oo Afric's shore a beacon light.
Floats o'er Aorisin like tiannee bright,
There speed the ships with snowy wing
While on their dechthe entranchis'd sing.
W..hoeiime to break the ancient ghiorn
And bid the burning desert,bloont.
And as - they attire with ioy profound
A nation of the free to
Beckon tlielr'friends across the wave.
And on Llberia's chart engrave
.In Fasitiou's realm of vain desire
A wayward youth, with eye of fire,
- Eiplering• bent his eager lip
To every yoy that worldlioge sip,
Until a cheerful hearth beside
/ 50r him with his pure-coaled bride,
'Fresh wreaths of home-wore joys she wore
lu-full reguital.of his lore:
And as sbe raised Yee truntiag eye,
I heard bin grateful spirit nigh,
The' Man who barter7ll all for gold—
Tolled on:his 'way, throhgh cares untold,
insatiate still, with might and main
Ile taxed his hands, be taxed his brain,
Wit hit worn brow new wrinkles broke,
The life of life went out in smoke,
Hie heart to pity beat no more,
• Locked in the hoard that hid his ore,
Age eir his lemples wrote decay,
Vet still he said not, night or day,
firentAntlior of this ileothlet•s mind,
If here on earth we fail to find,
On this dim planets teeming breast
The envied boon of perfect rest,
Make denier to our smirching eye
The anchored hope that cannot die,
The unswerving faith, that may not fell,
The charity that `congnereth all,
And tinging
,therr, though billows roll,
Teach the sweat motto, to our Pout,
. .
•A few Patireago,:viltDe passing over the Penn
i sylvania State ltupicirements, tho writer 'was n
witness to
_One of those scenes or genuine kind
hearicaness which makes the heart thrill with
an nniuuterable .blessing, anal fills the mind
with thei involuntal7 consciousness that there
is •something of the angel still" in our common
nature. •
At a point this tide of the mountains, where
c carried the transhipment of paseengerafrom the
west,'wns 'moored a canal boat waiting the arri
val of the Train before starting on its way
through to the east. The captain of the boat, n
tell, rough, sanembrowned men, stood by his
craft enperisitendlug the labors of his men,
when the can rolled up, and a few moments
utter,, a party of about half a dozen gentlemen
came 0ut,....atul deliberately walking up to the
captain, addressed him something after. Ibis
••Sir, we wish to go on cast—but oar forage
progress to day will depend spew you. In the
Car we have just left a sick mall, 'whose presence
is disagreeable. We have been appointed a com
mittee by the passengers, ''t ail: that you trill de
ny this rain a passage in ir boot. If he goes,
ze reinein=what say yr
"Gentlemen;" replie t Captain, hues
beard the passenge: .trough their cern
mil tee. Iles the eir can a reprulantative
To this tattexpeet , terrogatory there was
no answtt when, a moment's pause, the
esptaia crossed over to the car, and enuring, he.
held in one corner, a poor, emancistei, worn out
creature,whose life - was nearly eaten up 1,
ihit canker-worm, consumytion. The mare
head was Vowedin ha lama, nod ho was weep
ing. The captain advanced and spoke kindly t
t'Oh, sir! said the shivering invalid, looking ;
up,inhia face now lit with trem bling expectation, t
“are yen the captain—end will you take met— I
God help me! The passengers look upon me as
t. hmasthing pestilence I and era so =hind. You
see, air, lam dying - but oh! if lam spared I 1
to reach my mother,; I shall din happy.; She ;
lives in Darlington; sir.
;and my journey is more 1
than half
_performed.; lam a poor printer.
and the only child of er in whose arms I wish '
• ...You mum, cm!" eplied the captain, ...if I
lose el'ary pastenger or the trip!" i
By this time the whole crowd of passengers
1 3
were about the boat, with their baggage piled
up on the path, and they themselves awaiting ;
the decision of the ea Lain before engaging their !
passage. k moment More and that dimision oar
maileout they beheldlhim coming from the ears ;
with the sick min cradled in his stout arms.— 1
Pushingdireetly through the throng with his dy-
log bertha; be ordered a mattrussto be /Tread,
in the choicest part of the boat, where he laid
the invalid dolma with' the care of a parent. This ;
done, the eaptain directed the hoat to be prepar
for starting.
But anew feeling a pemed to take posses:don of I
the astonished - passengers—that of shame and ,
contrition at their inhumanity. With one com
mon impulse they walked - on board the boat, and
in a few hours after, r onetlier committer wee sent a
to the - - captain, entreating'his presence among 1
the pateengeni in the cabin. Ile went; and Prow
' their midst Arm . stringed, white haired .man.
who, withdear-drops starting inLia eyee,told that
roughi eon embrowned man, that he bad taught
them all &lesson-I—that they, felt and humbled
before him, and that Daly asked his forgivenea,
It was a booking seem. The fountain of sym
pathy ' was 'broken up in the heart of nature,
and sts waters welled up, choking the utterance
end filling Me eyes of all present. On the in
stant a purse was (Made up fur sick man,
with & generous contribution from the captain,
and the poor invalid was started with a "God
speed," on his way home, to die in the arms of
his mother.
The true hearted captainef that boat was Sam'i
D. Kerns, :and the shove incident his worth re
mambering.—Blair, Co. nig.
paragraph in the Philadelphia Ledger al
lades to the 61:10119011a value given to the cotton
in its various transformations, as is shown in the
articles of lace, of which there is at the London
exhibition, doubtless a richer display than the
world ever saw together before. India, France,
Belgium and England' are eleing for supremacy
In this manufacture. A manufacturer of Man
chester furnished samples of one pound of cotton
!Tun into 900 batiks, of 940 yards each, making
difftwe_ in all of 430 miles,. should _the single
thretulta extended to its utmost. Another firmf
exhibited 1200 hanks, of the came number of
tyardseaeb, from a single pound of cotton. -The
fast then exhibited one pound of cotton sptutin
to a thread 2000 miles long, which shows the
perfeetion to welch cottoti machinery has arriv
ed. Brassies lime, all made from cotton is ex
tdbitcd,. wont; £2OO sterling(slooo)perjant.
A lees shawl, made In France for the duchesi - 7 . .T
Sutherland, is exhibited. the cost of which is
£lOOO sterlirg. A bridal dress is shown, for
which the owner wants £lOOO. The girl who
'wrought at. it the first three peers became blind ,
from the beery task is put upon her eyes.
- Sea Bathing L-tage ; •may, :IL . J.
V ONGRESS HALL is tow open for there
pl.lon of Thdlorfd tbi oroprlator, thankful air tho
titgt i tt ' m7 ' htrfOaVhtVZdrr ' thr4hr ' tZr Ut ."i... , DY
a .impet pm, to make hie Issometh:hom 1
ranarracriu and armantordatlona, tsar, obi b e mlr ,
senator:or!! cturtooaere 'than
bare Unmade
been molded upon [bedam. doe mbeenter tau
, ken
vainv to memo good and athrottm ...rev] fervent an
der the madonna tht. ther ra re
best Butted to tbenntoter
atm! manta of a majornr, of - the ooronrortr ot lb/volute
IV. It. IfILLInt.
rilfilffil firm of Clark:e,Tirks Co. Rocbestti;
P. Is tDt d.y &salved by mutual lcwnrc Gm 1.
tarn of G. 31. Raton bah.. purelased by Ghana...
Clark. and IL U. Put., who .111 conUante th. bualnvs
formal, , Ueda as nu. lad style at Mat a. Pada,
AU the ot the law firma.. be rellkdby tad.
linmiltaa Clarke. Lt. 11. Puna.
Pirlaboa.nli, Jana 10.1E41. 7ALIa
4V/1W inado a cbange in our bnainers
hr doe parasite of 0. M. ILuttox i s intereet In t ae
tau of "Parke, Park.. &C 0.,. e 0 the !winces of our
freight boat., •
Ste Union Line to Cleveland,
LW Lee and Michigan Uri. to
tendr.d.lleseer Lino to
Express racket Line to Clereletol,
And ale, the liattlntier feerielning to lieu:l4.o hilrhigen
ewe Never, 081 be doinahereafter through .30130 A.
04110111•1' over Agent at Pittsburgh. Vs. title,, mrnor
of %rater and Dralthlield Wert.
11tt5bur511.70L.13. , 51.—()02 ltteabeeter, Pe
, SWORDS--Jubt reo'4l, u lot
ail! plat flwonlla lotth Ct a eta banao of the
X EMa POL LA I.T i ' rRS'
t Mae.
F ' 'NOLI LINENS, of various qualities
reetly*lstd - selllag :ovr at the stoma/
.0113 31M1.1.111 , t BURCHFIELD.
W60 1 10;i1
111INSEND,011.-1500 gels. pure, fir
by - SetiOUs r CO,,
AXTOOL TIVIND-500 fbe. forage by
.V 1 juf MURPHY t L 12.. ,
z'The Human Body Nut Perspire,
( - .14 0 SAYS NATOM).„ViNi , e ` healthy op
prandion and who do pimping. ar.s Wilde
n. ilia mit illagnsting Ei Dimness. Sao., Jon.. WO'
Chemical Beep muses whet perspiration, and at the
time mollifies and liorteas Um olden glriail It the
of so Wang..
Rearm halt Abe n m. andlores. aro ant 0.1.i0991.
eared by tta at I .min,7 phrsiebins in . lark Ira
who um It la midi wee , and aril
Allia.a• TM
=lt : ' e k en t eg ' ili l ailrc.l%Vte akd
t om ' trial edit wore. I emu autumn at • lean algi]
promo eamil or wire toad, nue legs, and nn beard.
Bay it—end et. r...b.r L ardn eroorad I "rider=
foll, a•li it foe the al.', online I ktoor It to ,e al s
Thane If 120 tO but. . or chapped dab..
.tu stra Lbt, odyr it ru , ye,„l.,
to" -1, •°°. "1111 =lbis al l, and .n/ .l
or similar dbeas
le to Ile rn't nc,,_ than ,
ewes ars ii.ue
I. '''. run woe Mr Join
s . itallatiChcialcal
bn It .r 1 1 r3L JACKSON. MOT. Agent in iiittrgbi
Pearly Whitt, Teeth, and Pure Breath. to
.t .„1 4 ,1 for in amt.—Vanning who haws stator. are honors.
DIY atitunat that If their breath f over so fool or thedr
notth dotard. dark or yellow and socrunal with Wes , .
that • 1t.5 trot boa of Join& Amber Tooth Parte will nuke
Iht trend as whin, sa snow, and Wm brasth
sad oats at JACRIBWIT Store. Rio Marty .t. bowl al
A Scientific Bair Tonic, Itoetocer and Beau.
Ifteaal Bottles 37% ownts. tdwii olnd
fosse Coral Ilatr atonal's, know it. al t quant
thaw who hiss not. no wore it to lamas tn. following
igulitte Intended fond tbs ludo to grow on coy sisstioness
nature atio to grow; Pap It filling i,11; consent!
dondrod, and Mks lied. rod, in SMY hat* goon dotti
gas ninting the hslr. son nod nity
and , nothing esti mud
deal, the oroonioon Vnl =t r At
of W
Si, onlood, yat WM. JACKSON'S Sara Libottg
oad littsbnrigh.
'• pokes—Mg amis. CO mats. sal St.
JONES' Solution of Jet, n Liquid Human
tole Dye, for thi changing ,of Arhlten red. or grey•
benaUful brown, or bl•ek jut color. in • few soloulme.
Prkw—f! cent, •21,4 f,
2142/ t
.1 by W2a. JACKSON.24O Liborty rtr.t..1114 of Waal,
JONES' LILLY WHlTE.—Ladies are eau.
tiggggragaluit .ualna tan common unwed ilbalk. They
are not aware how frightfully Injurious tile to the Wig
how 00.11. how tough, how sallow. yellow lad unhealth
the alifuaflwatra Our Preparouck.ila saeda, li b
" Wat•TA. Z g AtruirotWl:=l...daum.
un Joe.. Sponir ' h Lilly White.
• itt. tsrtldty lorexunt, being unrifled of an deleterious
gualltiau ara It Imparts to the Oulu • natural, healthy. al.
abastur, clear, living while; at the 111.1111 Luau siting u•-as
..snetie au the elan. making It wit and acteotti.
Odd L the Ageut. WU. JACKBON, did tab.ll, Kuala
heal •4' WorukriUeburach. PTION rent...
B. T. Babbitt's Celebrated Soap Powder,
WASHING without labor! Warranted
to take tto stelae out of table button and usge
Inimmtute tot -Put yen , cloth. lo • mtllMlent
00.11ty of cold staler to cover them. then edd two tars.
tmonfulit of Pala tkap.Powder. to melt sit filmed dl wall
thewith the doll:tem II the wetter Is hard, add MOM of
the Powder. mad boll them ten [Monte r. the Peen thin
v.. , them down with a abet. Mien put them In • tub and
add eMbelent cold water. it that they will not be too hot
to handle. Thou nth the dirty streak., or In other inushh
give theta • thorough :twin.. mad that le eurMent to
mate them cle..
Id. B.—Thrre balmyno roan in Ude Soap. - 11 wal INTO
the Clothe. eery white. lad rte bad Dill smell. as some
.oats do. The entire met of Me material tom! 'does sot
two emits,
rotpte • washing of tan pen...—
Warranted ant to r Injure the dab..
rats I. a Pmettem that ....paper will m ttttt elve quarts
rein family boil Mop.
Dammam In. Um_—Take. rsy Ma quarts of weter mid
mit the Powder. ith It, and then let it boll. my Ave nalm
utes, then add KM quarts .old water; stir them Intimately
together. am{ set it away where It not trona. 1111111
when cold It will be any Mkt ad nloe Whim Poop. and
wIII wash well. ended!! not at the land. like other bolt
Poop. nor rot the clothes. Co. be werd with hand or salt
wear. by matan the qualit Into Pli quarts instead of
twelve. The Boi l
booth I. b . bt y
looted tau muthlug salt,,
sod woollen at.d ,
wholew.he end retail by
Al-n-l - gona
Compound Syrup of Yellow Dock toot,
n eCUPIRS the front rank among the pro
a_Jr priatary medicines of thia wirontry for comPlelelT
curing Canker, nail istwilads , ona 41.d.r
from an ihriptire eat< of ton bloat Also,
Liver rniVaint,Catarrh,Tilispowni, flesdaehiss.
Coughs. E , 711 , 21<1. and Tightness about the CIle•C Brow
chlte, or tionowineeti. dryness, nod • tickling sensation
shoot tho throat. and 14 mod with unprecedented success
In all eases ur
Weabusa and Central DeLility.
scrtngthening us. weakened body. giving Uwe to es
varionA orendis, nod invigorating the etit4ii cysts..
If the testlexcaty of Miamian er living widaissea, from
all pateof the country. wan be reliedvvn. ft I.
ly ofticatioat ideoring nit Iluwors, and
t i t istoring
4.3 and breken down oenstitutionx. firstly Vega..
tile to it.. crimpiwition. and to accurately eutibined in Its
"'repeal... that Uts damn:wt. botanical. and teeilicai pro.
pestles of each in grediesit harmoniocaly units to
Purify' the Blued.
It ha, raa.z.nnl many chronic divas/No at/th bora tabled
the eldl/ of the tdd phyan.......and has also cured Canker,
Salt Ithronn..Erywirlae end /Scrofula, which bar/nu/Mlle
B T. eas.r.rnnatirlTarrlP the In.rgt37=ln'tig
molts. The nab., nbstlnats Cancers have linen cored by
this medleinb. 'Wenn that It is • val.bla medicine Intl
BILK/lib L'obIPLAISTS. It ter—nrto all olatrnetions to
the blrealatlon. randating the Liner free, arena, and heal.
It;renuonts barite.= nf t , he Heart, and relleves In
I casenof Asthma. and mart.. aral In all cllttetts,and
at ell /ans. - aloof the year.
Ude byrnp Is prepared only by C. MORSE t CO.. at 102
10112125i11.1 . ..5. rrovidenea...B.L, nod ontd,wholneale anul
retail. by ' EfLSHA SI.
Only Arent for Wenteant 1.6112.1i11.1•.,
' Irarebonne. eyrner Itcsd and Sixth id., bdt
Professor A. C. Barry's Trieopherous,
'ILY 'wins tertimosiiid Iv teem Ls. Nunn, {Attune do
Socatifir Amorinets. Comment on entli evident* It nu
ha'n Yost. Feh. 2-1.1d49.
Bury's i ricurldronn ly au article this ..lake yleuro re
to uwaraltut to. night. asuannudiitions. We du not do n
upon 114 recommend.lottof othe.. but (rum OUrOati
an. knendedus !Sects open the ben while It Binds
tot. un hesithy..l%, wad slam}, it atop nos.. dan
druff, seu'reuts.m.r lair. NMI twig... Its unnetti im
amis unsionlind br say nthur curcludgric to
tours only nu & maw nuo battle so b. coustund
of thistrain.
Croad iray. Nor
Sold In Prottles,rtrup. 25 cents.. U. luinelpal neirs 157
lWd Turk.
ltrlidge baud, 21 rents..
BEUXll.Srrossletor's psi.
my. • No. 07 Wool rt.
VAMLLY FRIEND, unßaking Preparative,
ruperretling the noir of Fem.ltrodueing lied. =tun
a e. eneet, ontriciom aml digertive breed, of pure color,
in lmtime, and el tees met Mon the ',Nailer fermented
knout, which onus, to a Amid este/M.411e, iodises/km,
ittatulerete,, pent, after meal., headache. awl utherimprint's
dimmer!. Fri for to any Ming for tusking Cakes and Fime
colt., Ridpounds of Flour, this tommerabonvlll make
10 more loam. of limasemelt Olen with Beam. Heeds
faloWes. sad gam. of wel mostllnstketta,ebroukt at
tend to gyre bread.. one, of t tined meditines of the
dna For Hooltel legnasries,Probnobb MUM. end Wirs
mitablistunente„ it is • great adrantage. Saki in bottles at
1236, 2.5,. and SO rents, 'Mtn din:Mime for I.e.
my• AE. ELELLEAA Wood et.
The mini Extraordinary Damn in Ole World
thr great Arabian Remaly for Man and Beare
H. G. Barre'.
THE miraculous cures performed by the
Arabian physicians hi thuds ys of. old, were then
ed upon the molt of mask. but Once w. leave be••
woo inturtata , with thole 11+1.7 ewe eau et. amount is
theirsurptielng pores over Woo. , ?heir attOnmentstn
the knout...hoof todleine rem the wonder of tbeage,
bile at the roue time the sole.. of Cbouletry. which
with them hot Its °Oita, was to the rot of the world ••••
sealed book: . And in Botany they tootle meet satione el
student. In tea beautiful goon which skirt tbe deeterta or
Arabia. abound rare plants and tdoron• out. whence are
obtained those! ortnatle gurus and /savant baleams. of
which! thls!inovoratrablet Ilatment contssued, sad by
onto. .b91,10.4,4,..bb0bby. pabytha=l , A m or.
flo ‘ onVlbor jiteVolettetv " all. Wag the snort in.
t i tir . o= the 117 . 1% 111 1 riga r . t . t. i ttuzl i rjt Igo: d ots . .
least danger. It penverato tha not. to the " 'to r us.. relax.
COntruetal cord. , restores use to 111011 uhlab have been
palsied Kr yeses, reusing the etriveled fob' 41 =OO 041
I and rich Mad .to devotees through Its veins. It restoro
le h gr b it " bVe breViefu j orrt a .r:lfyllce .'d esett o l:f=f l
of MOW... In throat, afterUnns of the bolo,
Lim, Lotto sod Kidneys, this Rost Ankle. remedy
stands ouparalieltalt fur Avow Cake or Kularuentent al Ur
114:11Vdt , :bolfo.moatllott fur Rheumatism it has pertbrat ,
traordluary crave oo monk abo
• for Comps, /Orelltno, Rains, Woonds,ChUblains,'Butke,
Mute Swellings, Vonore. Lk ale. It is aquall v t eflevelotte
ttl u t f liza: oltral:ltuclt o Flatt=olo; b l . o4ta4v,,
Nana, A . patitts,ltiteMlrs, fliant.; and Kr nearly .11
==. 4 4t w lantrus t rt . r '. .talVe oh atV . = * NZ
The following le teem the nrineinal seautitant of the
wealthy mil highly re'e ne apeetable hoc. of Tams it Bsa, of
Peoria. and cremate of the most rucertentl cares in
the mum. of neediest Idatiwyt
31r. UAL Farrell: Dear Mr. actuated LT • "Moot Mgr'
falnem, I imbecile the follow/.g as anthatar. of the MI6
its of Tour emit awairine. My elaild.thro• ream old.wm
maldetily atfacitml with • terri b le disease.. wlcieti, In /mg
than Ma 6.6 proetrated It to fdd kelpkentma Th•lleehe
becameno rigid th at loge • Joint men/ At Lent: tho &eh
turnol black and cold; teo4 entive/mteurfeed ./feeling; the
yea geed. partially elm. ang altoimther anal: Yolk.
Ins thee dakinest oa all mond: the mim Lem= mar
meet.. sal ea anted, that when laying ou Lta Pock. the
de. met Reale only touchni Indeed. the eb.114 Ste tad
impearanes of loottet devalf Itaniedlately am the ate
tack, the fautlry phyaidan wza na il ed tn,and for Graf tomes
he Labored to restore is to feeling. but ell in val= t u l tt
it min bilatmed dos. chum ZIA vartons ru
. intents hypliol. 6 emmulthtion of fehl•fof.• RY thvri
held, tat to no mirmse. The MIN ems then Monett be
. the aleflll 50... but =Ma could' be aumilated
and. Lad noValreadr flMn d•••; ng
ane he could do teething more. We then umenimewei %P
-ori.; your Wilmot freely over the entire length of 11.•
eninef and you lam itmetins a wvers JOY, .46 after •
few applirations, reficrinag euren cryparent. Th.
Mell4—rapidly reeormad, with the exception of the
which dal not Mecum perfect for Dearly si Meath. It la
now hearty am.d robust u nth M.
Yire other maw of the maw Mad oconeed In toy neigh.
Mahood rnerkmudy, of which that when,. no doubt, if
your Liniment tea/ bony neat they
_frontlet Jean. moven&
Peoria. slated 1. 1851. ILDIRY firS/LTILAND.•
laver Corajdataf, 79yryadar, and Nearlt/aims
hlartn , CO. Ifp. 01012:,
Ile if . O Fmairt&— lent Jr: Your iota:rot ta salting
71ry rail, and do~od
l'i.eltreltd,rt:..,..= el=
n bad fat" to Q.. breast. A air, w was cooed:bed to
her Not frr ...wrest =amid with Liver CoMplaint and Ade&
Lion of the Ileiarp Igoe entirely eared lir the We of To.
Arabian Unarming- Ohs raid the doom. mild do her no
gar( It bar Peoapplied hp it (rah out. and rand It lo
• abort time . here beta alliktad with ithoomatlent for
t. and joet
mcanteen Whiten ano rtihomg .110 your frhilifiriffi
before I who gime rubbing, The rain mood
Et Complaint. Sweeney, Distemper, CorLl moi
• .5074. Pits Cured.
[5!. Stimhop, l'ootructor at Flat. Fulum Courar. / 11 -.
11. o..formour Tour ytrobion Liniment is lolibly
Gun. ourod om at my beglnorie horn* oIL*
Ca of about Our or G. applications. and I
curd °ln of coy own oflbethron , y. Inn eberilL Joseph
Dy.o. oo*** l b,* born alsob.s tholc with, 14' be Also triod
it.. volt tbas the 1/I*thonor TIo'Y "r'd ft
, 140 usl 1, 11 :: ,... h0te . V . Ve tr= Litt,
" Nl , . Irak lam" o yor *tootle *lndict.
both Ibr ono and bean. ' •
j .
Beware of Coszienferitt.-
Tlt• Publle 'nirsiccuari r eadtboard t Ball
EtanaYad 'Odra Loa latay =do Ito topmast°. tat
t an.; by tlan Imam. was askew U °IV B Yarrtll's Are+ '
Lialtneot" This IA • tantrums bawl and more Fable
to &cove Imam btaboarlok tn• twat of Ysziolt._ neap
foie W ttulivilar nraarat enlt to it toy Ow mowartolrf
LlnUnantt . ttandaelpal 4,14..0111 b.,. lb
as tbe Bonn In. along. bao tb• Lau,. yr.
tea r; tare tt oda. on tno octants wty=t tr and
word. wort la dt• Blau ,
Linnnerl, Pronka .
Anion. Intatnl ev•ry Town. Elam,* asl llownlat. In
the Oultetl ktaboodnaoldat oat nut. wtabllaturd. p a r
el - letter to IL o.tanalaroalt. /11. orb coot t•ltneites
as to rbaractOr. ant./ tyy.ll,
oat of lao ton& wbo Yarnell Peas ot Clout, •
boob noutaildag numb traluatallutanywnwa ka ovary •1•••
of atlotots.
' mere-25 cont.. 60 ante. and mar dolls+ pae botila
me , tasauLetturd bt U. O. Wart•lLooto
Invantor and prop tartar. and wbolwaa• &Wed. Et 17
malt argot. BaMia. 111; sad lbw otl• orbottals and mall at
proprietor'. brio. by IL Y. BELLYFUL
treyEdtt7 _ PDX Wood asset
Bold by DJ . . CllBlll. Allogluty
T 01 , 1;-27 bbla 5 111 8 11 . ) 04 . for
MO . ..ASES-201b1s.R O,to;A;byl J.i :
IjO'fASH--01 casks pure, fu a rsele
n l yz. .
• .
. -
Lpursuance of Intl', 1,142.L05s FlLLsonk;
president of the United f tette' America. do hereby
and looks knows tkot. so ostoo will be held at
the oalernseetiontsl Lod Others In tha State of Attunes..
et thee poriode betelnatter dredKneled, wts:
At the Lend Me et. BATESVILLE, commencing cot
Woodsy. the Lret dap ofthertber next, for Use &squad
or the, public lands afthe.t.M withle th e nrelortmentthned
townships and freetional townships. vie: •
Neeleciffw boa ffeeenrdteetteetfuJVM petenpa .1to:
Townthip WO, Orieligethrfet . •
Township gen.°, rangy four. . •
Fractional township fuertere. north of White neer. of
• •
X T U ""'f'd9a."'"AU''
Ant ' ti d cglio n t%Pere g etiltd twolo . mut)
At the Land Me et 1.1117.1131PAONOLF: commeneing ore
kends , . the surrath ear ar &screw , raw. r lbw ar
pose of the public luels within the nederthentioned. tow 0.
ehlpe, to wit: •
setth etas taa tricand qf MA principal mail:ban.
Towashipa eleven a me
nd tburtemoDf range tweenteee.
Township Lve, of nusge_eighteee. •
At the Land ()Moe lIKLENA. commenrinion Mon
de), thf, eighteenth day_ of August next, for the disposal
of vitae lands within the Arlterring named townships end
Triee r .f =tell cagy the Afth PriAztixl
Sections thirteen. twentytare, twensty-four atel t he fee, ettot of the ht. Francis rivet: in tormship three. of
mute four.
• Township alne;ot range sent..'
Swat,/ °whm/meas.{ sogyfor the Vaprisayst/ wraith.
Township 'Mar and part or an !Atha Lo eestions thin/ .
two and thirty-three. In township thirteen. oftanue om
At the land Offth at LITTLE ROCK, ronatarnethtt on.
Monday, the bee, d.r.or 504.1.1. the thd
of the publis hinds 111 the following named tracts 00 and
neon Orman lake, Tilt
North tithe V0..TPH.:4".". 44 ".
Tbe south belt of section eight, e so n
fraetkatal unions earthen and lifteth, the north 0010 0
seventeen. the east bad of ...mane, twenty-two, the
north half and sonthweet Quarter of
northwest quarter of twentycir. and the west half of the
northeast smarter of twentreeren, in 'thwaidtlD et.. of
map. fourteen.
Lando ataropriated by law for tb: lik u . s! of ochoolii, tugi
overflowed 4.2""031TP tin If
thy. which Abell sele:ted by the Math authoriUre be-
Dra the d.j .... Voted the COMo2l.leVittlt o f th e pub
lic pales Telly. under Dos bet entitled An Art to
sushi,. th e 8 of Arkansas and other Mat. to recisbn
tker•swthap bathe withinthels Iltults:t approved Septem
ber 70th 1860. teat ba crawled frost the suf.. And no lv
for land bonatles heretofore treated 07 an/ 0 ..0 1
Congress. for military sethioes rendered to the United
butte., snit trywratanaf the aboothountionedithdt,
an provided by the en title d . An Ant nuking thianloL•
Ilt.clefortt i rtV l rddipptmatleelpetaca tuf riorenthtent..
flot 9P olTerluz of the am. asentionth itusd. will be eon
dmeerw lawohne t b h eh d e a y y assapdo u r tr i d se da.n wd wttil l a p l u o n n e v d e Inne n he or.
natal, until Meetings shall have been °Rend and the Wee
chub awed: bot,.no 'eshr shell he tept open batter 01 0 0
two wake, and 0w private entry any of the lands will
be admitted until after thee, lona the two week..
Olsen under toy basal at t City of Waithboatou. Ude
Oath day of May. Anto•Dumitil one thousand el ht bait
tired and fifty-one, MILLARD FILLMORE.
fly the President:
treamithoner of the Dermal Land Wire.
Every hewn eotieled to tha tight Of preemptiote eaT
of the leads t h ee togio.thips nod . porta of toce.biye
above , ennourated. Is mulled to Matadi the ranee to the
vatidactioa of the Rennet , . and Receiver of the proper
Lard Odic. arid nuke yeayineottharsior arm as prothecr
bit 4fler wilco 014 leohor , and before the day appdated for
the curomeoreentent or the public W. or the Wale eat** ,
Wing the (rut cialined. otberveLie each el dm .111 be Rule.
ed. I . • ,
Commissloner of the ( J.-BUTTERFIE LD Muni Land Ogle..
laytililairflilt •
.1N pursuonoo of law, MILLARD Ficumat,
Preadent oithe Ont. Anerks.'do hereby
- riere and make know. that. Dublin mOO will be he. st
'the sublerninttlourd Land Offices I. the Sten of HISKICZI.
hare,tit'il'eatr• to sit
davt. bvet
day of Fospounber ant. for the annul of the
public lards altuand wt.). the following tousted
shin. vlt:
Suring/ the baser:as atul 1:44m.
ToTownship.natty-sure. twenty t end tweut ow ionias,
OD and nut Current river. et nun
Zurtuatint twenty-urn,
ear twentralgia
til twenlYan.
n n ship C wet n .l s g um ,a u um . Current
liver, of
Se t n l a n.
Towthlpe terenti.thrrei, uninty-Losr. twentiaright sal
tingly...bin, of rm. sight.
Tareadpatwentythroe, tgrelatribtli, tweritsalitht an 3
6 T : =ll,l=vrttrone. awl township tarn.-
two.larenty.throu, twentifintr,nuity - fisa and t•entywirt
of nag
.1.1 t: BALLO 'KIM ruiromaelorom 510.45 y.
ton bi day of buteroder nut. for the dinnal of the Sado
lie I within the followng usual tOwsishin awl bwr.
of townwhini
North qf Vir ond eau cfaisAftl. prnnial no - abr.
Tourthip mr.
Frartional township, nentrame stut twentygwo, and
townehip twesitr-bre. of istme throe.
Tannin twentyawo. of ran. Our.
Towniture excAreten 1.0 , 1 I ernly-tEllx, 07, •
Franimal toursobip alums, and w.w.wor....ndrwr.;
Onnity aline. twenty-fn. eranty-111, twentrais wag
twenty...nth of mu
Fru:ma.l toisashlpa mom. •ol airentemi, ant towo..
slop tureetl-IVO.OI rangy reran.
I manual township. snout, enentsen. .10010.0 end o.oaa. tomachin twentr-two 10.120yier•N sof I
Setexelll axe to Ira 100101100. rarateco to borntrom Urdu
twentwrisia to this! -[ma 5uc105...., la te!N [title
twenty-Six of none eight.
To ',snip nineteen ...opt fruit.. 00.0001 alreir.te
to [hely-ex inclusin,) ftsainel township tweoll c. 4
fr.. - sod towonly mann.. Omen aocuou 0 twee..
usin)F,res. writwiair,
bentrvarn. titts t
rtyinr. thsoifts, gad Lb civil, of rings
northuct fraction of seetio... I.
t a ll. towhiP Maw
teen, and fractional tomion twenty. of nags
Socins. oat ta restos bolo nui ths north isait et
basurniAl int..
Woe towrohn wightearg wakes arm to 0.
Influrim In township Dim wen; nog sertnow.lfiesalcur
lon, themath ball of 10000 00, tun:lH.. hi Wan. -
ma, soL 1;:',/, la MO Wes Incluums In township
twnty, of non Vstlre.
part mot of - Little ills. ilvertini," of banwhip
breutrablu..f mugs thin..
embon sir (except the northeast gout.%) at.
ann.. awry end asonere, nista
0...11,0.. townahip twentribor, of rugs Jour
tam. ,
At oho Tang - Or. ZPOINGWILLIii couraccring
:Lonny, the rithtnnt h day 00 Awout nen. Pir the
nisei br Om
lo in 12.•18 eltuatal uthin the
toed fractional townshin, la telt :
.17.itlir au tine a cculia
Towinhtp tarentrawa of neg. tortotigwo.
Toinalnp twetity.two. of range twenty...a. ,
brut:lent of amt.. ntwasy.itre, ftorn . ..f.
• tkutyeal, airerfostrAirtrds• and fAirtpais.imath alba
old Wan Lin. I. township foreutywns, of
...11 -1
1 sight.
break.. township neutrons. saljannt to the Hata
Linen{ runs twaistf mums) tn .. ..trait.. thirty. thin)
Loa tWty.t....truntwoo alai thin Van.
Lee], 4, by lett for the woe of sabools. mili
tary and other pureNbeS, tegethxy utilt nene nod
ovettleved Ueda 1006 urn truth/ for cultiastiou..
anti Which shell kw selorL d bl taw :We entbnittes bah.
the dmappwskt , l for the unnu.sensait of lb. Putts:
mien errant, sob ...the Ur dab eta.
1.1. me Eute of Arkansas ant other lint. to mnalsii the
infamy. lamb' within 10010 Unita` srprorol bap.= b.
Aisd anlontio.
ind bounties beretottat granted by Loy haw of Con
n.., for uilluary earnies runintal to Unit.. inns,
unit bencringtof on sm. Vat atom wentweled Wel,. as pro.
mded by the set nUtleg ilet thalami epproutesioo•
for the civil uoldiplesostlr.osiansts of Gisifircuwati"
apProf 1.1 31 dare 10 0 5.
The erring of the - uton teebilogied luate be gan.
o ssmed oti the days wonted. sal willpozwal 1. tbe or
der inuririch thsr , astrortletal
dn win rottecnient dn.
c=lbist tio le y , 1 '4 12:41. 4 1:
vrvekm, and * no Talyste matz7 Of nay ot tit bead.
toitted until slier I.4. o. saiirstlo‘ ot the two week..
than nod. toy et Lbw Clip wwbwr 101 .
suns du - of May, 10.0 Insubil ono tbouseral tit Lutr
Bred 11111A1USFLLIA1 It 0..
.Casoutladomet (.4 the 13 tliscaral tend
• Zia bT, Wood •t.
..,,EA:=l.llll=wteliptba preivoZon
ben p t
Zwee erionierretel. regatrei to estelia the lame to
mitisfeetion of the register sod receiver of the proper Wel
cirkft vied tviike tvirtoest ilierefos et erivicrichttle
to web*, mu .4., sod before the day &mental for the
reecanitooment of 40, public .4. of the butte enibracloo
thee. set cleitivetr, °tarred. Ana etum.lll be forfeited
• • Otvainterlocier of lb. iirverval Irma bib..
c •
purguanie of low, I, iItILLAIIY FILIAIUnTs I
President a the nollod Beds of Adida s . do hereby !
dare ad make Mood that while salsa Inn ts bold at
the undermentioned Lad Others In the Male of lowa,
the 11PftiOdil dVignstris ern:
Al N. Led 011iew et lOWA CITY. ersossendig on Mon
&Vt. Pen, kW not dlthesol of tLe
110 100da .00001.4 I be Pr losing nand Pr.:whip. I
North of Ow lo<Uv. sad that of Mr Nth yerrass.pot
Township seventy Ind. of rant. twentritnie•
Townships sevost slue. and eight), of nags thirty.
Township eireentprilo and eiriddrenr range tidniwitth
Townships eerveorloo. eddy ad alibtrows of range
T" 14 4 1= 4 =
AT 141,tattX
Asr, tie. Aided, day of fle.atember nod for lb. &stood
the pude /ado within endorsed:aloud lownshigis
North of the bon and wad qf ch.„vo. yr:.eipli wen-
Tendhlp torthir, of roan thirty.
Township teddy, of rotors thined , .:
TowtuhiD denty. of 1011,1 etnrital.,
At a. Land • Prlies DUllintlir. th nutida,v. the slide
ta.ulh dew of August /mt. fur ths ilispcid of di kids-
Itllitnets. at: •
small island la seeticdtatheoleth ant eiders. In to
ship ststiPrid north, of ratureintheart.and thsanuththet
ander of wend twesty..ern. ia township Windy-six
isarth.olcantretilno 'MC of the (lb priewipal dridlan.
Loads wpdeprianal by law fur the new or ialsouLe.
- WPM*. 40011011. With ends swamp anti
othdished lands made wait thereby fur eultiratkdi.
if any.~ whith shall be selected by the State sotturrAlea
fors tho daypraltited for thit rondothniothed of Ms pati
na deserve orb , . mad the Aol.ooooooo "Au Art to
er c alito the ta b Mt... and ottuir Mad to theism
top nide' within their Iltolls,“ approved Belden,
bet 271, ingo, di Es Exhaded Pon the dm And no lo•
codas for lad bounties beiredoth odd by sue law ur
nonplus. tor military deices muted to the tided
Statio, to prnattled on asp 41 Oise..< wentioned don.
ns provided by Me art entilled l•An art middy, spterapthe
none for the drip sad tllploaddleospistioes ot tiournincist;
l' fli . le M u=t ad f i t lir :All tee nonsaithesd act dayo
appottned. and ' ienged the nyder In which tber are ad
vertieed with all convenient Aides+. wthilthisithola Aid{
Lan both offered, sad dr sans thus clod: Lai on wits
shall be kept open longer than id weed and no p rivets
groyf iaway will island until altar the
undrr MN:att . the Car rf Washington this
firth day of May, AOllO dirndl one thoueond eltilithun
drod o h., hlll.l.Anti 111.1.1110101
Pronaderioner of tile General Lad tide
Nonce ro PRE. .
Leer/pada entitled to toe right of prownitioth to no f
et toe 4.14 within th e towooblps advert+ tif township..
.wiser otivortersted, fa requited to estahnith the rod 00 thii
nathfaction of nu reined and receiver of the proper lan d
Pinot, and woke pw , rtnent therefor or soon arlwartiron's of.
wing Mir ne and Prism the day Appointed for toe
edunencerdent of tthye dine eels of this tends em treeing
IPA tract claimed: nits inch cloim will be foetid.
I. BUT/11.11.11EL%
Comenisrlontr of the genets! Mint Utheli
law In
C.II3IITZ'S Ilintory of Orene.—A !LOW.
Ornery from the earilevitimit• to the devtruction
ualoth. It. L '. ., " sattr tarYsiltrr. liVta.fatlr6N
The Harmony <Kmptrecy, fieripairailllustratiannot
the Apoeal lay Ma Kn. Alsictuder.Keilb, L.U.
Ballads for Umypoi,
Timmlteetenue, Anon/mod
Linea, and other Parma; Hy alartin Warrotbar TON. ,
Proverbial I'llilmayhy, A Malan Pyramid, and Om Co-
Rha antiarsti.t 4ii=.l:e. b t r i, T tle.r 9 Vi I Ili.
Th. PALlintaby of 11.00 . s 11
translated iromntla
Court da Philarophin POeIIITO of Atisnstb Mato. W.
U. illevolir.
F4rver. Aar York sal Erie 1411101u1 Habib, Hook, ion.
caninedramiption of the &roam, Infers,
Isom, and mint Importaot Works on thelioa.l. H ith one
hundred andd. tat - raViatia b. y Wain. p l!aritni
trpm Insde ropreeny lUT
Wm. kinclaial
Books! Books!
rbari;r i s New fticitabblyll.4lor tor:Jane:
Otakt Worship ore, or the tlaypere live to: a fantre
hiatorteat tweet. or Ulu author of "Whltefriara."
The atayre book& lust recaired, aral for rale by_
letC KTO
BTUCN 4' Idmilk
boxes need eises, for male by
‘,4 J. 3 8. aW. 1.1AILSAIICIIV?
QUOAR-2.5 I.hds. N. 0., fr . vge
ww77 1d J.
- DARER HANGINGS—Prez - el and Amer
c4r'''''lt,Aet.g.,,rit'Airienr..blod;Viad et.
UTTO UASlSL l loo — Orirbaritue,.
A.Ti. win by RIMS ! IliTTifiswit a Cu_
UUL few doz.
jup L. van lcttlas, vd• b t r
Rta wtd wriL.W.O cOO%
ill B 1851.
THE PROPRIETORS of this old and well
u ss , would Inform the nubile that they
now In aperethin fog the Irm , tat nevem. sod have soatmete
es-01 etvelCost Rel4bt and Pam-neer., wto o b tbor an (buy
it=hrgan, " 7tget:elt
Li.a mil no congtently at the landing, beiew i ro
fishas Desks, to refll. freight.
.JOllni CAUGIIIET. Agingt,
Oaks,..r. Matt sail Emithtleid Cistsh.tih•
R Cenningbe, New Cagle. Ce.:
I/ C 3lethenrn Pulaski. In,
IV. C. Motto, egaron
J. k E. Rut. 81tergtiturgib
It re. Yowen_Coneentsille.
C Reed. Ytie,
O. Wallbridge. Buffalo. N. Y eel
New Lake Superior Eine.-1851.
THE uew steamer NORSTII NEB, Capt. B.
0. Berarm,.baving every muter! Improvement thr
and comfort. r a t Cleveland 011 the
r Y m
V r i• i rg; r.
The etestrier MANHATTAN. Capt. Jona Catnalts,•lll
leave Haut Ste. Marl, for the different landlnge on
Superior. on the...rival/et theeteamor Northerner; making
Cleveland weeltir throughout the between
and the Copper and /IVIVI Mines.
Cleveland. C/'.. Aaril 1 H
. a A. TURNER, Creamed....
Manufacturer's Line. -
11EgtiN 1854. 12s - ERs
P.E . IILIRE 11ER!1LY .7. 1 , NF0 . R'.122 . )
tyo -zr,poitimtl'itat wmvmed kgrhoTurr . ttm
in at. abort Uw. seal at as low ratee, as any
other regular LW.
pp..) arr.sip•mento have al. been made for eareyins
Way Freight to Johnstown, ilollinarehml•
Water Street,_Alexandrls. Peterehurgh, littutanialo.
Creek. Nee" M12011[013. hleVestown.
Newport. Clark's Fortl. liwrithurs.Ce.olnethla.asul all ntht
tnternmallate i nto , t . stha Ce
t ntoolvalalac..a.nd
igninalata; prompthera=l rsionailt l y l r stfpwauln t
the aforeeent points, at the Inweat ratea, o lll. be rallel 3
upon. •-J..IIITCIIE.LL SCOTT, Proprietor.
uschll4 Warehouse, El bert
:Wood door greet of the I.
TERI.I3T IN BLVOIMM'S LINE, to my brother.
E E11:7011A31, the busiums at Pittsburgh willhene
silos be Issustouolud
uer the style oW M.lllEf "Wm. Ideshoun &
Bingham' Teansportatinn Line,
prrTsßuuthi .t THE EASTERN carts.
TIIE CANAL being now open, we are rea
dy to reNolen sad Celesta promptly. Preduew sod
rchandise. mut east mist.
irolghts Ulm" st lowest rat., obstwod 6y froPmmSbb.
Prod.. mid klerehamllts vlil L. reeelewl stel forwarded
mat slut west. without sus Charge for Mower at., ed
musing freight, eommiwdon , or stony.. EEllis of tsdion forwarded. sml I.lldtreotious tilthfunl
sturolal to. Address or slide
wm. MEMO' .k CO., Quoit R00t,,,
t,..1.- ii ig ggli k t. sx 4 l, N Y:lf A tul'ltilsttsipum
No. Ist North llosesol t 1 balttwaoro
JAMES lIINOILYII. No. loAssaf st.
meta New York.
Ezigßl 1851
Merchants' Transportation Transportation Lino,
A. NIettNULTY It 01;01.1 Walt. 3L5 lann Meet.
CILARI.E'd RAYNOR, Cantral Mock. annd West, Mils
WS as pin/and to rt•c<lve a larce amountnterabandlat
a. , ll.n.dunt to thin on dm .p. 114 of Ina canal. to rbila.
d'Oplsla. and •11 Intedunallate ;Anon at loner cana. and In
kw Otos than In ant Pno.tonont . mllT f k .., b
th! 6 ra N . nl I I i e. T tc h. a ' ta i tZ= l n ' f ' cr i,T,`i,,,, Tract.,t 4: = 'll , 01 . 1
dm. Itatlnnula, sill
coy otoalltilly of delay at
Johnston, 11011dayaborg of Colnual la. tale .11....
frill tlanal Inol.
gc-aj 1851
To Shippers of Itlerehandise, Produce, &c,
In is, mum,. rt. art a. wez.
ILELIANCE vuri•sbuiwn TiIiNSPOE.
•1111 , :5. • (.1.)., Pr l rwnrs, N..:_ Matltt. aud '
BELL a LtiETI, .14.....ta,Catal Path, YitSabur.-3,.
TAY .t KIN, A.n....11.411ta0r.
IT.. are pte l .srtl, th• ug...3.4. ‘ , Lb* P...)1.4.C.
Cum!. to elmtn•t Fmight at 5..4 I.vr taus,
.151.ppas• a• Much defjal,ll•, of an ;
I.arc2veurs ,e62.4.;24e0 2 Co.]
Can,: Penn S'r'fl
Palma. Bail Road Co.—Cuaral Rail Road.
XIIC lm.en Eppoiut.i
141ilt,NT,, LA. C,crr....1 eel!
InL•ret pub!. tb.t ar. 'ow rrr, try ,(4
ftn4 ulercL.43ttl. nr pruture
Otenl.4 etab.raznil
Liao. lbLs nit: I.r es g to •341 ,
La groomgra4 ut torw.r.,l , <nu wag
“ amt., F-4 .1..1,4,
44114 a rarsut ut - t.mIittAIMISIM ..n frrrtst.444
Drr. ttrolt. 17 rt, "than!, ravit.t t•sos .C111..71. Ora e
rvito. ‘44lltre., Nye. 31..14ett..
4.14:ert.14.1. 41.44/P ho
Mail. vs, quernswar, tirccrt Its, Pals.. 7 , 1 • ct. , . 4kk.
1.414.4,C1uter. r1nt.1143 ,-, thy - otb.4llrs. te.a.
, I.lf UK,
Ham, Lott Pork. Butt., 1444 4444 .11.
Coo.r, 'Wit.. lir.. ast - ‘ 44 VV.
4444.; Ilarbl• (.m.O) 1 . 41, It..trotkorms. clsr,
Aers, 01,1.1 .
11-4114XN 4 C.VOV-11.
8 5 1
Pittsburgh Transportation 'Lille.
JA MU O'CONNOR t eta. C. r.......l'lltsburan
JA.Ydrn lamna acd
and Yo. a Loath Fonaab liattet ylka.a.
man:pm - 0 PLEad•lntoa.
tnus NOUS t CO., 7n Sonia DataCter.
AWINa fully oomploted our erreog , ..
moats. wo wiltzwiowriNl up. Om opeutaz of 0 .
Ttraan.C.Lt4 fu can ft.i.‘ht i ttf Dm Ir.
l =tio. 1 1.0tisTW4i wi ' l ' lL Y kiwot . 1,11.10.;.:7
Tkr.LlVUAlWZ.lihshl'''' Mtw"*.sify".:=
wi101131.1.., without au, chrrii? . wwww...•
ootrawili by .wxy other
An 0n...nun...d0n/ whireweiti ft. wt
Mill A cw. eir.elorattli szid 1.01 A
Ostolne. n. Loll! will wow! 11".
414.1 . 5. if. Ow! I:e.lawewanewtiow titts...wr with it • wad 1111Atiargh Trlool,.rtat.two 1.1 n• of At.
Aiwa 1.7.1.
• W. W. WILSON, Watch Maker,
.Ytt . Ca Ottrktir, Corner el Fourth et.,• Pittotterpn,
EALEP in Fatti WAtcut.r. Jtwittur.
Mum Wen, Military Chmlo,
<On./ imulaomeful eta:
Wait It oolla asemunt le • aupermr maue-r. vaned t y
the belt Kroilirh out Inbch wtAtritett, -. mt t
Patent Reversible Water Filter
A S NOW to La teen in operation at WTI.
SATE it CLLN , ltuatera, Mo. lt! ft rourth Meet Le-
r 11, Pl Y ttl e e ' r:ft. 4 Mlierletereaultol
WU Mwlal from the American lootitomof .ilor Tuft.
t Ceetiteats from the Frutitlla lostAtut• of Phila.:.
for Its periont y 11. drumlin Pr•P•ri.:.< tad 11,0
ttheatm hum thou:ha:lu; than ha IL. It PhilieLlphm.
lit el/lathe followlog me
l•Pattaarlaitta.MM. MILI O SI.
It ilea Lie gurat plumate to rmemaroemal to the herrn of
gure,..hur wale, the PM mit Puteruhle N.tre I Mete, Ite
feu.. bl Mr. Lem!. Mame Wed vim of them lbr
al umottm, I a/41 eilatila4 to loden of tbelr rake:.
- PLITT. 157 %alma Meet"
-rntuttrutuk, Mutt, :MIL LOLL
Me Tater Patenir. Smug., Li Mr.
rltal 4 Z a lt ilat by me for aife. =laths at my
tr,==7;traTriyUNVilhafe it la my to
irrimummed It to the mablir. .)0X.401.% PALLiL.A3IIL.
bomuerr Pact -
Them nitro ao worrauted to tal• out any alritll
tarot whirr nrar axis fn . den:4l4,4M anintat ot - teirrnt ,
Ws =W. w.ter. Ther alw womittatt.i nn two
ism. sod frith ottllaary etre Will left teL mad temelo
only to be seen b.I. • Pttr.ottlui rj , jAxbry.
LIP An+ strait. Philaetelohla.
Rockingham and Domestic Quensware.
-v y *Weems t' hostatughaastlsivil Yellow Came W.rr,
Zan 14Tearoot., Ohm.
Ziarhatuelo Erstuas, eureso *lath and Übe:lly shwa,
((Rowel Chetah huliettuia manatee was dts.r J, *IL
4110.1. 4 : VP Vr 11.11 suuhle us le Ell ceders ruatiltalT•
A esentsteet ties:gnus PADS ....half ethiiiltilusti *h. rir
übles 111 10 hop sure With an the new and Improved
et Ms da. •
Harr Urns. lipltocius, Maws, Fahey 'TOM preen hats,
Flow Vanes. Oulaists, Mawr! Oruisuisuies )lehrites owl
&Ole, Jura, uoi Ice dams - 31k me, ita errs* Taoist,.
thulast re,r,lfoth , retreated. tnalattl
Heating and Ventilation.
y lboatlorby Steam le lloOla.lipart Rona% Wow..
llorsm o,Jiaultlldlora,Storsr.Vaolooleo, Dv
loci or ..r,rr derarloton, ao,l Nitro.. A to. Pann .
dila. mot lktteq Amato.. bra 111 Don't.. lam roarallar
tatayamtorn,eltLer 111gb Inar. la dodrad; and lot theta
pun.. no cilia,. tart hod la equal to Ita
Plana fat ‘onadohoo, by malaria or ro tt ed
he roo
_poreal arltararor ataltrad.
11.11410Aa tho atrinua doarrlptlorno anentlaall era
tray! aucmarolly heard oPon 0 1 1 .0. In button follool,
laa lb* roothol Wt.! a •liologoman, Mattoran twat.' it 00 7
aoqulrtalonotoratuto, u,tat eau , fraolota (Wet root.
took., wthr.s.aluat.orostawnv, nod tad ;ty loos, Oro:-
=ll5 .4.II•ISVIN • I.lli/L.I.V.
Agricultural Implements.
IIAVI; JUST received from the Fan the
following Imnlrm ,No. all or the boot mandflaatom
• tho mon nrrot Ino•fdlona, and I would .Itrolla uII
Camara to roll and emunfrn MO floe), .
Ur 110? dlnohlnee, Capon. boat,, heal., tutalP4 to.
f•ffro . tofbUrtithort..
Corn Alfollrr, for hoone and lurid Eno ,
Mtnal• aloft:orb Bulk eaten., ltmor.
Ya (loot total'!:
tea Cos Chan !Lofton.
Lastatrol tinain and Oran, b elt ,. !
Co o ndom two, !Imo and four vont!
All manufartureol from the boat mammal, and Mr sal.
at gm Druz and lt•rd bulre or
Mel! Comm/ of Wood and Math @Wools.
• Beauntcait's Patent Starch Po li sh.
pATENTED, July 26th,,18500r giving
• bestalint Glees tolltinne. Cuml•us, Con
nee, Phlrt Ewen'!, Le., and who itreenntelhe Iron Moe
eelhaingto Linn, Re, and menet. duet (rem 'Linking to
Dunn kn..
.R u 1 <venal. nothing nefurtotte.
Itintetl , na—Ent • I.lene tern elle of • plat to•gnu! of
earth when 4.411 n: Spun Irtiokl).
UOtt , her Cake. relJ nhnleenje tont retnll
S 3 It. E. EELLEhn, Wont ttt.
Cop Joy's Pot Clay.
Bubsuribera are now Solo Ago as
of J. Coley Co.jGfr the tale of ttett Pot{:lof. E.,„ of well establiftteJ r..ptattOnt., stn . the 02.111fi11111/1.,
,11.00 Ar. It ly mtrti..rtnwt Ih• mflt
Infuals 111.1.11,C. Imalrft: lad Is Tay csrefallr
add olcatted Noy tolls to Vitt , Mtty
crtrat J. 14C1100 - NMAKEII d CO,
ADIES' , _
Insalusiiiii to holies as a mtmtiou to toe Lauds in
buses choosing, ganlniiiinn.inis of thoests, Sc. WOO,
tog, mat) (slouch cln lining twiny W Mtg. for ibis los at
tLuIW l• RofOcof 7.7.4 7 and v Wood
1n77.73 J. U. PHILLIPS.
iIIREAM TA UTAR-1,000, lbs. for sale I,:e
.1, KILL A CO.,
Nu. 60. Won 4 n.
AHD OIL-:-15 bbls.'fot sale by
pith JAW'S DALZgI.I.
pct.) by . IVICKERAIIA)I.
go nom, at eath and %Vona
Fresh Arrivals of Wall
ril Pi
„IIOMAs PALMER, No. 55 Bier et street,
basjust received *gm Ms East, • nu usart•
NM IN kwyna■ Ctunaber Perm =lb
se v. at. PUCK .0. or
A. A. Mason & Co., 62 and 84 Market et.,
iriLL commence on THURSDAY, June 2,
1851, nod eaadhlue throughout the toontlo of July •
Their Wholesale Rowels will be opened to the retell le..
sod every sends throughout the .tablbhment will be
sold at.] Immense reduction from usual Delab
tAkr loß 7e " PoTo l •l ' v ' erv .d. go ' ferit ' grd=ll:"'n _ .r _
Their stork of Ell.. votorLyng mete than GOO erne.
zlll d ta,f , :ter . g i lt %111ega1:2..0 discount tram welly r ioe.
•37 2J1.800.
Ellk tui4los 25.
Put Co wsl Lew. • . • et.
El. h Lawns 1 .
Et. Pae
eh Jaeotwt..—.... 18 Cg." 3.
E i t i lles. I worn and English Glngh.u..- Fsa.
''''''''' ''' " ''''''''''''
coo v.:ought Gallant 1184
Fest Colon... Mallows
100 dawn English .d Ata.ltah
3Jd“ and bales Blesel.l and Brown Altullo s at maxi.
ufartureeepre .
Al. I.M. Entbroklerlee, Trl=mloas, gloried/, Gloves,
I.lneo, White Goole, Bonnete, Ehaw Is, Cloths, tn., togeth
er with an ltolnense varlet/ of all mon. of Dry God.,
of Whirl win be marked down at even leas than
wholesale wise. 1.1.251 A. A. MASON A tX).
Goode for Warm Weather.
,74.1' with gz:l,l.ladthtra. l- ;,%=,17. 41
• Seoteli and Fiend, LAWN&
Enthroldeted and Printed eluting
New Aide Victoria Dittalida
Deng. and Timken
Plain whit. Owls. and Molt Muslin.:
1 . 1 ..n , it . Lateen.
Thee bora tot received another lot of NEW 00008,
eh a Palate changeable EDO Delicate, black fordo..
Wok Mohair Did" lade oloee., linderalteew. Dotted Nett
for do.. meat plain Din aorta,. dark Limn I.ll.4l,l4_Frepa
Linens , and Idifla, White Elands, nay Oft. BROWN
Lawrie changeable PODLINE._
Melt ksurtruant
1174 . 7 .1;;1•7 inaio
• • areneel tio7ort to atll
In ran: and for rein..
z „ l i = r tv b ekotrers: In
ba. stnr•an4 fowhim
ruitomer.: Carpet icueboaa. No. i 5,
Fourth mt. .p. 7
(it it ha . r• trt. nll ... ,givatr. Utmoralog
ii RE4,:dtAtraVor=l...r.rgregr.bgl..l.l
More New Lawns.
iti• A. MASON .1. CO. have juet. received
. this liar. W lot of thoo• very dedrablo brown
slorke,whiehtLer toll very choap..t wttoleral+
tall. at Na. 02 mud 1/I.3luket otrwa.
1 c!. 8 . 1 4 . 1.6 • dorm. out float wory)sr . ..atock 8.1-
Mt 1b.., at rary reque<4 ., priesa. 011•11.... fol.., If
Ina want a bargain. Nos. G. an 4 64 Marko& at J.l._
White Kenailles Quilta
IHAVE on hand n largo apaortment of d Im
rort.l and A.prlnw QUlLl4..f.m . leg o . •
A Card.
THE. sulAcriber, holing made arrange
me rits r 0121.4.111•11. of whirl hi. presort hsolsort
muvt be elutes( by the let of Aurae. soot, sow oats h b
orheir or Gloves. Ilordary,Rlbbss. Laos GaAs
broldets. Dress Trtadshogs, nsedkettivisfo. Plo.
Furs!Abu tined. Erphyr Wondtd, Plower Motor:als
Umbrella. 'Potshot. Combs. and nand and liertle to
vivito. Aire. Ewes (Not Pitilstelphls 1210E0.) et
prralp ',load prim. wholesale and Molt.
To Niliinors
. _
RAPE LEISSE, blue, white and pink;
nurneee Ell.l,
CM*, .101 a end Wok;
whlta, blue. Oral &al 71,1;
A 011atIA1 Time far We
", la;
I AVESt CRAPES!—A. A. Meson & Co.
hatit_jost toed one dadd,ottilto. Ink. No. I.l4Wut
Rater.alovescarenand detlrabla dooda goat n. .o
<nano at ;No, 6.t. and di Market at. la2l '
ANY:NS! LAWNS!—A. A. Mazor Co.
taro Jun Prwoni one ca- Cr
black 1a...
nkr, larce .PPIT 6..at1f...1
Liort,!, et•rcrr .t 3oK. atbi Markot
jen •
Ces. are weer erreritirt
a n d c ersd warted veers
mart et l'araecie er,. ref mere. Clooldry merle
enie ant .t!vre fase moulted 4 , mU and eterairie Were
pLir , llll.lll/1C Jr-A
Fill° French Broadcloth.
Xt CIIPHY Z 4 BURCHFIELD invite the at
..• Lta,an W /kW 1.3,1:131113% of the aborr
M t" ' "V.Z74.1%,Z1N1NF.T1tt:',47 ""1"7:11
f RAPE SHAWLS, nt mdnced prices
) A. A. NIALSON L CO. tOC otathetz stock of taw
Att.t: t.toict Ara rattbroJAAred Crape Ettswir. AA • tmt tr
ett,2i 11 , 171 , hrtr,T W . .. C•n CA •
atul MarltAt At.
I AWN'S! LAWNS! at 6lcte. per yard'.
e A. A. MAtliIN • CO. it. no. afterlog the mod.
ir t rnfzit. Lwow. ey, ..11./.11.1 tit,. a/
W •"• • jag
I )IEAP HONNETS!—A. A. .11.usom &Co.
t sop Jet.rnsl,i to clt4-. nut evabalnitor of aleir Mah
n. t. ILA. at rft.lll tcJntr l pnPt. 7lta.low
c T
FLOWERS!--The attention
trapetetdlr tc•lted to oar lare. .t oh
roDrta wUnt, er. iLto two adlnit oat a Tory t
vl. o
41 , st•a. fr AL A. 11 A80:1
Piano and Table Coven
. .
i A. MASON .k. CO. would respectful!
li • ~.a th• attsatkm a vosakomers to aria ..7 ."
rpr= ;4 , P,glir:l7l,l,. " ,rmer d laav! i:':; cs_
t, , 7:4 , ! r 10ea .4 Ismamt l* elocoN osaluoa, 0..4.4
t , . U T. a, 44 No ee .1.1 64. Mart.% rm.. )4
8 lIMMEITEUMIS, for Men's and Boy.
07a, all, 1..414 Casbatarstt., Calaizooso• ae-ie
r .
, 1 jtanr of : t y ley luta coallti.. 7.0.4 sad 704474
I. 111111P115 a al) ItCIIYIT.LD.
Iturrttricl /tars twelve:l s supply of UM abaY• net
saw.c.f a so, yurstics quality. rtt;
Lace Curtains.
HAVE joss received, direct from the lob
• large aissrtsistez a Lan, Cu rt ains. iYttielt 1
Iti,tlet. it is • Curtain Itatertstont i Maie .
r ot all alt.
RL APS--A superior - article 40 inch, ft.,r
"7 400/i2T - 617061 . 1 '--- -
(.5) CASES Orcen Mixed Jeans;
e Q ftlur -
7 gisoi Ppa• eltlb:
tbr abrt. ar7lTt u tre..llmt east•ris tuna tattu•
e'er.. r.tarlgraartit, and tor Ws kAr c cia r rt i me• that
a —Throe ar• et •rral utility. In all Wt.&
wort Irlor. prolrelitro thr butts 4. maim!. such ••
drtrlt, rardrulat,, yortlsly rbenticalb
tatalbCfr moray art sasrpst
SLI - 1 - A RUBBKR COTB---An excellesit cot
-I,,ty.'zttr-r=7.r..= 7,71'..1t17e 4
•ta I lie J. • 11. PHILLIPS.
11,pollsoont of all colors god otoslitirt of llorleu7..ltb
ikoz . r.conal . of .. l.Wbjeski. elllk out Cala Olovos
otrILI yourth .t.
DRIF,D FItUIT-400 bu. Peaches;
:41 " Avp by
14 1 L ir tXJA1.)IL (.:I, O ( ; )T . Ii:.—A large stock of
rsot..t ...It
rtlrtbo.o.l•l tb• 0.0.0 11.0•0030.• 004 hew* klepst• are
4.o,bmktlto evil bad exasubx oar start britbspurebskag
lanbery. .1,• 11. PHILLIPS.
VOW IC 7 and 0 ITOOO
Straw Bonnet and. Hat Warehouse,
No. 105 Miaxtr STRUT.
11, H. PALMER offers far sale, at very
ion crime, a rue amortment of Straw and MUM,
" i7o. ? ti..l3*Lver.ivo and Amide._ yids mil Grier
Straw, limed, Ct.ih, t them, Millen, Loom flair, Pamela, leer
horn. he... A.
11.4t6—Men'a. Seed.:, and
Pa eel.rrat,l,ra imp, horny mid /lair.
Mira& Omni,. Jenny God, and 4iier limo, groat vari
ed, of show sod material.
8/BNONS—ltleh &moot nod Prot Wain Satin and Tar.
toter, all • nod eolorr, tuner limo.
LACES -Pe and hound white aod cohered Bilk will
Cotton NOM.
STWAW 111131.V.V03—Conls.T.ols, Boit." limikire
tele-lee. , A,
rio N'Zit.g—Erotieh end Amoiran 9hrillid.biolam and
pep/wars. rleh and not 'trim,
OONNZT SILKS AND SA 1711frii-Olato, Oro. dm Noe
One, Oro. do Rhino. norm., nod other aryl., ..gored
qualifier and rotor,
SdrLYS.—orted aml mien.
Alen—Rich e me nd low prionihnramli sent Onetrelles„ Band
Preen. dr.. aL 1.118
ASSDIEHES-9U piaes fine and black,
I,rt• br C. AIMMNOT.
DRESS' ' '
AV, NS-4 eases printed, It great
vgrkly of Prateras fur sal.
ItfiltAoE HE LAINS,-2 caeca deairablo
•oiler tor oda br
1.2 1B B ON 8-300 pa Banter. ZO Cap, fur
LE, tda by .vn C. ARDVIIINUT.
ItlilDro. No.lllo lamas Mass;
very imp , awl sone - dor smelt of Vashlonabla 0
alsosal itentlersan's Waar fdr oompelaing tho
oewes. lo Amerlean. English. end eaeoch ,
m e n, a eery snlendld assortment of Vastlovind Clothe
or every fuhloneble shade and oilon whiell. the , ellth
40.s.n%t!far,,tittalt:t4stotto,f,d ens t enlr
stock. west of the Allegb such
Mimswhlels the l'etdoPtor
le thderonned to offer at such as will ernivltew ell
eha carer blot with atoll, that Int onl the most Ina point
Clothing to told eel this eetabllshment. b ut also et the lon.
est view. to the cites
tonere lo the
Ilneeneeuted. a1...41d the
beet poieble manner, and at the shortest. otlee.
sonstsntlp reotiving Ma ppm., gout of
comprising In partthe &awl= 'sautes
),t,. n:411 Mud Pile Carpstn do. do. Tapestry 0 nor
ROI do dt, grourtu mars super. 3 ply; ouparihns pig:
Jo logrann astra not do: du dot common
and dot
.14, 24, 641, aol2-4 tollird aninant 44, :14. Mt, and 24
plgiu Jo.: 44,24, 5-2. and 24 troo4 and cotton do.
Extra ch..ine novc nu. do. dot !atm tufted do:11n.
do do..onsmon do. cnroille 00011 Mato tufted do. an:
'h il P age n clll6s.le4 ,l l ' .ll, " at. T . h lT47 , l49. ga 24.
Oleo—Sheet 011 Clouts, out to at soy We halt or onto.
94,74, IN, 44, 44, and .34 Oil Cloths.
rot, of all MP. Commit Hl:4lmm Listen,
pon; gag do; 44, 44and:1-4 MatUngelTablatiret4Crash
pmd Matsu; Ilueltabutt do. Transparant Window oleic
nod Into sr / innaudo louto Plano
o n ,orµ du. Table do.; do. Stand do.; Woratid To do.
llarlus luitut to/ sod ooh stackdlutot froto lhn
mart esishran4 Yartosion Wog of the Mend and moat ;up
ptot.4 111SIS4 01111 0D1.0..0 an; propsund so NIX u, ur
frterat Lod emlarnelliO4 Wu; at limp ine. tg paw,.
."4:sr Ms nortruCthes.
,f,dlaffy luvito al to gall 001 trsamlua our Stook al
'rho Carpet Warehouse, 85 Fourth street.
Inch 1 . 1 W. MeCLINTOCK.
- tog, Motor soli 11% 10 .1tbt full ossonaloot of Lees
.Or °P ' " " EATON. Poculla st-
iiih AND 'CARICS--
l. A. Mims t Co. two ut laud s oolusdka stud of
6(111:11lA w.f Combricu szetd
B "s'CASSIMERES—Of VIIIiOIIII colon "" 1 " 71 "'"" 17 1(IISPIlf t suaciEnno.
bbls. Flaiseqd 011:
17., kegs 6 twist T0t066 , 6
6 tierces Frosb 5000
75 ba. Ltrb.l A 00165 I.
500 dawn Corn 11r0567.c ex Went
/. 1 2 JOU.6l'Werit 00.
RICE -15 tierce. Fresh, for 9 .
1.13 - ID.
ARD--12 bblo. No. 1, for sae by
y n n e e i g u p o ll tar3,ll
PEARL ASII-5 tons foreale by
ENG Lll .11 11/NETT.
myld 12 2 Powoud, .4 1 111151 nest at_
HOOPS , -49;000 Split Ash, for sale by_
lINSEED OIL-10 casks (prime) fOr mire
br mrs 8. 2 T. ELLIBAGIIIL
TIRIED BEEF-2,000 I be prime,jut re^
Ijr calved and for rah. by jro nA.MA
Q COAR-44 hhda, ITN:aired and for sale by
1.7 .16 B. W. 11ABBAUGIL
OLASSES-100 bbls just received and
for Pule by .Ir 9 S. W. lIARIMCGII.
MACKEREL-50 titils Ki 0:3, 1851, ill
/Tx by yeo S. W. ItAILBAUOII.-
R YE FLOOR.-20 bble rye dour fur gale by
.QALERATUS-31 casks, for salo . by
10 jet, WICK t 31'CANDLIMI3.
QCORCIIINGS--5 emirs prime on hatlara
for Ws by jr9 RICK t II'OANDLESS..
4.r sal« by jr ,- .1 WICK t IWCANDLKES.
2 bbla No. I. Lard.
X do Okra,.
2 do Tallo..
15 by Prather...
1 do Want.
I I o and bbl Flax potd
1 bs°.
2l RA,p., landlwr frna stelimer F.,
Pitt, fr, 141 a I, 11/7] IS MAIL DICKEY It
RESII TOMATOES, hermetically eettled,
retaining, perf.bly, the Oat. alai feeds.. of the
pee fruit., ear vale by WM. A. aI'CLCRU Ca,
myln thbeersAcal T.l/.l*.
1 - 1 RI Ell BEEF.—Evans .t Swift's Sugar
Cured &of canyssed, for by .
Lilmrty fit
of C = t:ttF:lM's the
In. genet Lhe mug comet:dent andtheannet that tan
111 , ta for huneehoLl purposes. luring Percent. in but
r end ei(00, nod making the with
superior Bread. Light
I 'try, Pudding". Clam se. with agars!. eating of tfmt
and trouble. The ghat* Is put tin In eenrenient el ml
VAl.Vntki t .u ' firrea. ". T"
tatri 0 ropre and Tea Dealers.
- -
14 YE FLOUR-8 bbla, for sale be
.111., moo DALZELL k CO" Litany ete
CHE ESE-50 boxes good W. B. for sale by
m r3O H. DALZELL it CO.
-0116. l i t , ' Lar .
4 “ Oresor.
16 bar Feather.-
11461 m.
: i r = ;
1 Mot.
biois DO.r3 /1.11,Vh,:c p,
W 616 6 .1664 Pm:Oita.
PR Y Diamond. MORRIS' TEA!—Morris' Tea Mart
in In tiamond. &cord Door nom Diamond attn.
sn Shod/ tbto establiadment Gino sortyconnecter
.ftb t h e do. 'Moir none! nex t door by limrorbb
ROLL BUTTER-3 bbls. (fresh) in cloths
loft rred and tor pals by n.DALZ LLJ CO.,
Myb LtbrolT4mb
HERRING-126 bbls. No. 1 (to arrive) for
try ttyl3 A. CULBEIVIION & CO.
i urrox HAMS-2000 S. C., for Bale by
171 tcgr7 J. R. CANFIELD.
f ROUND NUTS-15 snob for sole by
VIITMEOS-1. bbl. for mile by
, .I.IKIDD it CO.
Loaf claws CloOast and Wang:
gwtra Ca..oolwir, Cyr owl. br
trty6 J. D. WILLIAMS CO.
rim/ O.Cruet:
- s.lllasomr
Wyln .tricartmak: tli:unarm.
tiTiFFER-100 bags Rio, for sate by
~,in .roue warm
SUNDRIES --14 We. Gmszo;
s - Iva. 1 Lug'
l '. ' ": .1'"
fi h. 7; .I.4lnit fr... st'
Layti..r. , r. 1.t.1 Cr N . La
.I=‘ , ' Erma sea Walla us.
F LOUR -10 bble. Rye ;
- fobNOY bY
j S .2 TARI) SEED-500 11:13. for ado by
n. A. V I tiMMILIC 1 CO.
F's" —
3,.........i; •
Kat"' :am I Meatlet
Ile Inmate liming:
t'elase Fat etlo el
Vill..i. IteCIAIRO • CO,
, A latent's sad Tao Welt.
ACON /lOU ROUND—MOO lbs. Bacon
fir. Fett.....ta lattoller
e s , ,k4 r tek la uuou.
- lar BEET-3000 lbs. fcrsalo by_
ta,rs a. AL W.11.11111•1"101t. '
UGAii.--60 !Ads. N. Sato 0., furto by
tsszA - . F. aW. tialltlastl.Gll.
II PIFEE-10 bap for sale by
s k i, msza el a W. ILARSAISCaIi-
tA TOE S-200 bn. prime Red, for gale
it.) w°9ltriait,
Jjr I:4).N,Fte al. Or JO. . WILLIA.V3
mys tom Wood and Fifth U.
n R t D APPLES--10 bege in store, for
2. , .. 1 . Dr r. , ILIALLZEIJ.. &CO
torl4 Librett 0..
VIIEESti--'2O Axe. V. R. Cretin', for sale by
Ai mils - el if - W. 13/11,BACOIT.
RICE FLOUR; ' pared Conn
l'PA W: riaAc , plum
- Arro.n , o4
Far solo by ICS. A. A1e43.17114.1 A CO,
ta,ll • WA Llbair cot.
- -_
purNE - ---llortleaux, Prunes, in glass jars;
v.rr, - g.s,r toe..
4.l=an Pruanr; um WA bl
_11?1. A.IIaCLtAI ICU.
VI ACKEREG-100 Gbh. No. J, for gado by
mila 1,4 ut_ti ster.A.
LOAF SUGAR-150 bbls. (su'd Noe.)
rale ta
1111 Wat... .
AY RAKES-4U doz. for rale by
coo; w. lr. ON TIONItIIOKST &ty
BUfitiilll , l4, fresh, now landing and
for Sal. Dr ISATAU MOM 4 OS.
nun& insterarnt Front sta.
LARD-23 kegs /sic. 1 Lovaf, for sale by
mfr unit, STATTIIEWS • 00.
D RIED FRUIT-150 bu. 1
a 217 RUM
Peet Orr mato nr
for sale by
Lit.fir .44%
iv oE,„ tierces (fresh
'O CS. chests Y. 11., Imp., and Bl
Tea,, for. i• hj .
111J7 noutsos. ICITLS /I CO.
BUTTER—In boxes (fresti) 7. _7_,AAily by
bble. for sal;
INSLID OIL-20 bble. for sale by__,
ALERATUS-100 bas. and 10 bbls. pure,
for W. 47 mit J. B. cvcrumik
lIEESh-100 - t - g;xes Icylairtm
DRIED PEACHES-29 bbls. on consign
Ay twat and tv br
FLOUR -500 Mole. S. F., for oalo by
'HAMS-40 casks Evan ik Swift's S. C., fbri
byly b ..11% B. V. man/caw
-400 b. Diied Prsoher,
So Inr. Mud awe. fat nL hr
111,5 .-11141 All DICES At CO.
11. - O it CO.,
, Stud:, Pitt:Surp.'l,
011 E, wad to arrive thin
of Um moot retent 4 l+33pc
lb. molt nnootab:* urtor:
12:100.14 lintent 14lie Wm
60 taus extra r er•
74 bbls. N. .11olwer. '
. lb -• B. l: l4
ig : Low }U ial
- i 4
250 to. seedlas RaLinr. 14
GO drums Elmyrna Ili.. 1,
2, its , Bollitatts Prcgcter 1
I boar Itick C. 3414 11
-4 2 ". *lima Citscali 1
'2 a
. : Cartllel Alenn
Corner of Woo/ aid
& L C:, rttgrg•
116 ruty taus ;tuns UR.,
41 hr. <Wits do. do.
40 0001001 &Chola=
IUO 1.0 K lO 0 .g. ,
14 lagulas tia a Sava:
buiet ra t /Attd 1 t
ta ,
'ZS MA. Nos. 1 .11. 81.8 -
20 X arli X do. No. 1 do.
re? JZ do.
r r rn
1300 Cm. ostra Meador:
8 bale. 4?4:do:
i • - • ebr::x.
tnlg.7A "Irt'c
1rc45.4“415 10 5P51
tir, Muatsrl;
ale. arnil "
41 bozos 9 Warm Candle i 4
12 doz"11111tarrh^.";• • .
1 bbl.. sup. Carb.Mr.
1 " Cram Tarter,
1 rave Pearl kircr.
" 'Reline!
ISOBesh i erklr
1 Dbl. liou c hlDbur:
100 g
10 dos. ra•
Extroct of Lesenn,
6 " Lesocro
Mugu;sad omit*
• lowa Bat eols;
'Oil. Le. • Mtn
- Star
10 0 0 do w n Sporri .* t
51.•• Marking; I
1 10
0 0 0" k ! " rgj litr
2.0 01.1110
160 " Ikon 'Broolan
Wass, Whlte 1.40 d.
A 347 bg.t4 imall.daraz
11,0 Pk4o , l(bll /nap% sad
160 bins 16
M . Vpllf! and'
26 tea. Rh.
800 b. )1.4. t L. ItAAux
3,oooLlenoodN _
1:3 bwkAk Bnull Nubs
" Yng. WalnotA
&u" Wound :lute;
m Vlim
On CYee tin laszkers
Let.= Ewa;
3u Tomato K otzbuCt
PAM. Amu.;
:31 Piekt.r.
6050 1141.1;161.4
200 boxos 141 342
100 Dbl. N.A/ Tar;
a 4 ill 2 Nuisr,
IVO caw 1.14. awes boom
5 ttbdc Blvd Ida:
Until Sap.
10.000 rhinely• gegarr.
. . ..
lOU llt. Btlll ' in 01a6r, 1
ILOmO 3 %IV Pt. nuts,!
60 gr. bit.tirtubilroelftrwl:
LO Ilia liott. 0. • ' I
.10041. u. niria.
1001 %sr !Nair and
KW Mi. ":6inith's" Mr;
10P onto Q.t. D. Tobairia
" lino eat
370 to . !ei liasin Poo;
• . Ground D &Cii•
apping pow;
Dag lekar...Mg a ipin.
V an S d Tartand Wr Atli in,
• C•Waliti and DX OW/ igmh
SOO licis vi l:l4l4, said duir;
MO b. but:
4U bblp-Tastvre Oil;
10uU gl. Limp 011:
100 S, lsue4.4;
i4bt: . I
N. O. 811zEidNol
nal merOctextf 500 d....
lorsal• br
Pittsburgh life lzurarance Compaq.
erMIS COMPANY was incorporited in
it. February, 1111. with s Perpetual Charter, and lute
.otninenonl bushiege on • raphal of 11100,50. -
The Company dine buriterea both an
dan tbe belatanick an
gab • •
On the Joint Stork glen the nibs are onetllnt lea than
there charge:llw 510104 Conipenles, and Flfbeen Per Cent
Lower than the retie of boat titeet CoCOpentes.
Mutual Wes we the mine ea thaw adopted by nther
veal y conducted C.:agnate& nob Unwed own the mob.
,1 principle bare thegotabined eemnibeaf by Ghat
r. , 11 , 1 in:intro, and the Copltel and Surplua Fund of
The Curter permit, the erlodna of Insurente an Ob.
eyery krot, including the tieht of wife, ddlat*O. tor
mute. bilatioob triads or credit/in—to halm the lib
otother fortheirown exclusive, benett,payabte atter delt,
upon the parting arriving at the, age of W. GO, or 06,
it the option of lb. insured.
Ig g ° abft u• r P VI: p....,14..t;
Jacob S. lairrh, Treasidwr; • '
Charles A. Colton, Secreter 7.
1.20. 11001.. Jaginit S. Leath.
John S. Dilworth. Charlet A.Colton.
Gm 31eClurkez. Wm.-I'6llllns. •
J. A. Wilson.
(insulting PAnnenswe.
Joseph Osamu M. LL, . ALlieon. )1.
Jeremiah Brooke, 31. v., o. Ethingtcm, 11. D.
• tug Phoiciass.
Fain eel thlworth 11. V.. 47 bmithbeld Meet,
Robert no yd.. p., 103 Fourth street.
"Jul. l in t ford, 39 Sixth Wert,
Wm.Me& lloreso, 31.D.,1W Liberty stmt.
Dr. Dilworth will 0..02 atteotlnew• at the Ohm every
isr. In Li o'elerk.
Thaw vb., bare n for tut sitthr.r, on. iw.1D4.11.1 to
cell, tale their pewee. and banthenee opereilans reetherithh
of t ntaiwitai I ,. =l,nee . t.zinene=enup - .
73 . G?". A. COLTON. gi.'r• •
State'Mutual Fire Insurance Company.
arttiticri OFFICE—No. 54 . Surrnruxo STMT.
ilrtssulan. Nay Lt. 156 L
TIIE bent. evidence of the success of. the
Dtmetore In endeavoring to make th e STATE /070-
71112 MUIIA.NCE comPA,VT meet the manta of
ilia community, is the unparalleled ..emit of Waimea
which has been do at laSTing lantat ',400
Polkies diming
tbe toot yeer i thereby eddlng &KC gMOOD to the fuil
of the Occopany. Nearly all the property leisured le of the
infest kind In smelt nil., and • large proportion lammed
for only 0 0 0 / 00,
Whole Na at Patriot issued .........
Do. Oto. arpTd.terminatol, caun.P.l. - 92
Do. da In
Amount 04 Properly 11709.1vd...-
101.1.4101,10193313sted.elpired-M,720 00 11LIMAID
Do." heoliont'llraL 19,670
Do, canceled, terminareti.e . Manto- 037 10
Do. to fare 5............ _ e ......_.......... 79.09 9:7
Do. Cub 700.04000 received 11.447 14
Whole atn't hoses and arpeooropnial-12'i,411
Balsam In favor of the to.. In east.- 12744 42
To city or country mercliants, and timmtm of 000111. 47,
andleolated and country propertY. It to believed thle atm.
pool lamb mirstitages in point of auteptima, =Dart and
imoultr. Werke. to Do ltumrsate tknapwar in
Conducted on Meow:dull* and greatly IMP=Mlitt
of Chadrostion of Risks, excluding dl epectmt
=Mop only • limited Amount in 4.7...1 999,3 7. 1 .D.P .- .
clotting the frequency and occurreace of Imege Prem mud.
also on both the (took end Mutual plea. 1k not 0017 Door
...A the cheapness Ind accommodation of 'both alett.
but entitles the hunted to a portkipatloo lm thir profits.- • .
Dilettorc—Jubp P. litaterford i A.l.oll.lett. T-Jtodwr
Alonzo A. tinier. Philo C. liedgmick. Eatunal Jones.lDAYs
WWI% John D. Patter. John D. Kortheremi. •
• .1. P. ItUTILDWITJA.D. President.
J. OLLLETT. Secretar.
A. A. COWAN ActOsiT. • • mill
N: 11.—A Scrip Dividend of fifteen. per tent. on ooptrtog
policies bus been oeclered b 1 tAti Directors, amd it 00. 00-
certyol2l. er. this Moe for lemma.. arremmoolle in cult
at the cnd ot ninety CMS. 4. C h i . drat.
Franklin Pirelnannuara Co. of Baur&
DIRECTORS: Charters Vt. &nicker, Gee.
ji." akhoirdk Tboan7arts Ilignigal D. Lou% ?Alan
sa h, roor te Sthsual Drank David &known.
CD akr noi Dalian= Proclaim
Camas O. BISCLA. 50:nEttr,. _ :
Cithpony =Miriam to make lisouraninik PariDuroo:l
or Lathed. on arm &mirk. of rthiart r . fr.n. o•tri
CONIIIIIy. at rota as Lau ma ars uthaitheus with wearier.
Slut Ompany have reseruid• Dna thntington
whistiorith th an Cardtal and Purnilth.4 .thfol7 inwortni.
anon ampler groUslion to the award.
Th. smuts of the Conthauf ,on J =nay 1851. srecb.
What angoosbly to the Act of Amiably .... fol.thun.
via • , .
smu. es
lninporthyLwei , thas66 17. ' •
Menu -------- CIAO w.
wa el,
711,712.7011 44
Dino* their thoorpsrati Million Pithid of la 7..6 ti. 7
have gold uywardo of Ous Your Ihmstred nouns.
Dollar. Laws by rim thereby alfording tankage of lb.
advantages of Isourthos, as wen sa Dour ability and du
position to anent with vomit:ow lithlntaisa ' ••• •
1. CIADDX7S.B. WYYI.7I. Agent.
ern Dols IL IL corner of 'Wood and 3.1 sus'
Penn Mutual Lifei luau - sues Philad'a.
Oka J. Mae, „tr., dsolased.,) abaUbartaartisal..
/or the Letter ta.Taplence of Daman ['dding . Ilk Atka
la..t part of 4.4. city. ta• ams may ate° be (maid daily,
Roca 11 to la and to a Wawa. al the. cataatlng . aa
J. acticoamakats a Ce., Ye Z 4 %cod stlad.arbaas ea..
Ulf laarzaataan win Du alma aialcasaanaleatkata man&
l am e lla de ralarathla daplaialag lai palaaiPla• "aal
le el Lila /arum., a=l blank tar= fattatUara
'P e=stock ma V. 0,000 and eensalanlly
rratta &tidal =small, asamapat. lhola mfatad fat Wm, • •
1411.batab. Jan. al. 1h51,--1.34
Marine, Fire, and /raand Tranapartation
TiHE Insurance Cc:opm; dtiarth,, ,, Arril! , rica;
nU.1.101.-C.ra.d - 171)4 Capital cm, A t aatt
auturp p3.,C3I;ZS stto/os lasaisany
bailaiaip, sad italf coatesito, titiaoill .i.M.Un
ua property of every &miff:tun, itilpptd per atrani boats
mai ober ve1,.15., alibis . Pr Inland Of oil lbo
. ... .
Asthia O. Car., Piet. - • Thccus P. 0n4.. - . •
Samuel W. Jones, Mut lt..:Ved
1411nwtt Fad*.
fr= ti:lr
&moil V.1% . 7M - .. . hands nada... .
2a.arnal to Moots, 6 Aunt. Allibeas.
Cbarlat .Wm.& Wm...
An t.. %I bit, - George Is
Jacob Y. Thaw+. Jai.. P . P=.4
is Watts, 1.1. h. Seirrecti, +.b.L4Y.
Ms la do oldest law-sees 0.A..7 trathat..lsba.l
and [tom Rs hip eterialeig, kind d =iiii:& ,... lt
and efoillidi ad risks of au .rst.ra
may b.l considered es offee i v • isiot t rzur. ...,.bh.
.PZ4 31.5..141 Itoolotreel. .
Western Insurance Campanrof Matargh..
APITAL 8300,000.. R. MILLER,
.11 tit
kivAs of risks, rift and idar d. bs.
All adjutint and ssuaaly IMa
A bane WPM tim—uu nsg bp tendon moo arce
oeLeoinet mai
lacuna la tba cantrannity lx =l :ante
nay dankcininal .
Ern I,l ''' ,llcL, a. gazing %L. boa pattlatant banal
wt. desire ta Instant. . •
inuanali.--R. 4t., ELAN: •
J. W. Baum Si.
llama, tr. lima. Wan.* tt..Eancat,
Wan Lyon Jan... Lipincott. Licorge Dm*, /asses W.
Auk.. Alm MmialL nun. Pcott '
OM, pin itt Watts Watt, twaraltatia. Apasyr A
op nalr...) Mammal.. •
Delawarti Maze Safet7lnguranceComp'y
un, lblyd street. Phi rz. ot h er •
~mrso~peettr to ao.s and
D rr. luaus aastast lm or
daorM= issraLncs—thar ahn Veseda.
.esr .r tA '
and DrelShts. Ibrelal. or 'esestvlse. der oral. or
as Ma amazed may denim
/suss tasseitsmarsor.—Ther elm Wean Slarehardlie
traturorost by . Wasted: Rail road ears..eanal. boats, sad
Seval bats. on Ns,. and lat., tha most llberst
inancroas-Jcsesh Beal._ Dlmund Soodsr,John
Darts, Robert ilmU., Jobs It. Pamram, Surma Edsarde.
George C. Leiper, Ward Darlington, i pso Davis
Mat Falwell. John Nes lbs. Dr. R. 31. ilostorti a rom C.
Tbroohllas Padding, 11. Jon. Ilroo Jame
rsirlea g= h t.
John Selles, ,Tm. Erre. Jr.
Dramas Ilnososas.-D. T. Horses.
rm,_Pmaklest. Teo.. 0: Etexo: Floe Pmet.
dant. J,sos W. Coa . ss;
airOM. . 1. the e...Penr. S. Watn• stmt.' TIM.
burgs. roer-'11') r. a...nupsuu. Aims.
Ohio Loboistoii,
76 92
;;j : -80 il - g 95
"•• 85 '"'99
Per cent. : Strength.... •
OWELT, PLETCHER .L,Co.;litantifectno
nr. AL001101.4 Pcoyr.rnrwuoMozoBKritsforColovg andttrilv
"r bonscr of vino .PCon b = " . Onto.
siren elders Croat .Plilabuilh .111 be prom Vi. 1111.1
Wines and Liquors.
No, 1.67 Laurty sf e i Forma Doris cr acktr factory:
D. ihrthasth. of Mbar:4 'D.& mown, of if T.
VICKEISEN & S'irVENEL,•reepecifulli.
IMMII1C• CO du vuttlio pa.nllr. etd tLetr
W.I. that r.her have established a 20111, WINN and
tlft liTgal. at th e above Mad: attere then shall al
ways keep a foil madmen of the beet stodt—aleeelle and
rends rot andobit , . Mom Alio. Ira.. dark and
thi.las, of the choked vhstases. Juni. Mae
LOst. Irritate), ehathreodid and Teethe hook db.;
of the mat approved hrs... Inn the. hisdrirs,them
sad tamest U.%..A.beitatbe. do. Alemardines. LLalaad
herdnes. raise and Limber. Meese. • Ailafielleb ther
0111 sell. whales.. or retail.. the most mathable tams
(11* of the heathers. Yr. tioammk_st.lll 000tinaltor
Lothoreadcm business in the aity SI lock. the Move Iles
Is enabled to mellaehthoss and a better *Akio tnan sof
other bows, to Ude def. fishes give ne a call, mon red
pZte abiewhers. .
ram eupithed free of sates cuiTh 0.4 tbs
4t1t)A111).-1. have V 31110 1 ,04 to my note otoro:'
Masi doom Wawa nearly ottPolto th. /lOok of
st*waoo.l wl/1 b• glad tom* m 7 Mewls ad Id.
low aitivon, an 4 nee.* * *hulk of their =tom. •.1 will
too • *goy 1000 , 0 uoortawat of VoWstm. lois sad N 4 -.
dlo*, Cott.' Mit. FOrloit. MOO% •ftmO atottlosli4lotrat*
Par. **at*. Bob. lolehrty, and 10030. q IllsolgotthQualt*.
Conn and Vomforon Window Shod., of oroz7oo.
rldr; Duo* 00M s, .od ovary gruel* !bond MO.
most extensive Wablistment, of th e kraenderanT.,
folly w4leloed lad =cot •
wt wit. 1.401140. Third Stmt. •,. •
Tomperandemile and- Noblestown .Plank
Road Company.
NOTICE is 11(414 givon to the Stockhold
er, of add Company, That th ey auks I,arsisrd to
is t Barutht.Trethoreri of the odd Common of Firs
Dollars on oa th share of th e stool. on the but ILthder
sash and
foil—..outh buseffer. Ithtll the 'whole tort la
044 t0
the rood will be arsded end !ridged by
Julr Itb, MI. The btoclathklers v. requested to
yrtneot and baustual iletr thsrentht. •
rothlthtf Id. D. unowN. President.
I. EAD PIPE--Carnell's, impmed .patent
i Lead rir. to. ngztf ,
, kzu,,,ane , !,
r , aIssollalt•=0, . •
. CbUlf.l, &C.
All Alm an boat canl to fin tr im,
- 134 Wont atrWet.
Seed Store Removed.
HE subscriber has remand hie Seed Store
from E weed *beet to the Wang recently wended
ir bttr. Heed ite s Tailor Rev, an Mini stmt, _ almost im.
mediate', epteelte the Peet Oflee. .
ape 7. L. LNOWDSK. '
G.PARTNERSIIIP—The subscribers have
entsted Into Co.Portaershltrder flrm of &alb;
01°4' tifecilaos:
Jan • ' JOUR M .OKELY.
t I HOSE!! HOSE 111.:'-‘Just rOd'a
tr.., the tithetoryloßcetou.'ZOOD t.
, due mem ft= X WIN Imbed. thrtrAot. ,
Vat. Ha. LI far roperlor to SOY bore mantoctured net
Wg:a lbore="elldj="tlietkulg=f.
UM that ft. &Ma our ertoblbareett it warranted ta.
the parpotes Intruded, or the tower refed. • Jost trr
IL • - For saleat India Rubber Depot, No. 7to Word et
ahha J. & IL MILLI PS.
• . . . ..
FPELM PACKING-30110 pounds mixed,
lain'aset 1 1 / 4 er India Rubber Packing taxa I:Z.' I
Intbsa thselemarrantut la be tbe very bat Packlua.ui
a t zr i r n AMr t. ll:4 =lsm= , =
TIN etatig . pa... end MT tor . labe at Ma Wm Rub•
aD3O J. if R. PRILLIP.
M& ASR-500 casks of our own mann
-101. tutors, warranted of, as aged quaky and up high telt
r Mamwd....4 wrig i r r t.k.wrAw wwoi grinALK—io bills. for lab by.
my — Witscilayol 14 ' . 11.14i11411ar
. ,
• Needle'. Celebrated
Thew hishly ettedleate.l 1...• beat um& /X
ixervt7 T. don., ...hid, that ctroY
Ith " tm ."
1.4 14 , rer,st.Itg . ver oftered..=
Adana of the Wilma =datum, to their
team has been robtaitled. ha.. edam ttx =it /streamer
Li to their nattier virtue c .r.a.u.rig.. •
ID si pts ot.thelr cotte, #ry earrfulirlad:
correetir inubterl. raider Ibex pvuh-heir arylleati. to .
perm. eutretimg with imUteroxy d WE+
to in thy b...., ....Wog tram protracted eolith
itt eorik. and weal ra v ration. niruniaii
the roe. their ...meaner la _bon...
ululation disputea As a retued7 to Lumbago their...
yetrity over all outward . aniust.... .oaa
.te., hoe been tar earrowawly tain
Jv mealuaw loeth a .od tnoam
omen stratus,
4aryroa. rho
To nth a. nada ulth rhusualle pair.. thou
gxtere ax rosaxeuded. ulth cult/ohm amazon
that their bxerticial erect. Nil be louti very decidil...
'l'l4'4 . R. b ittir=i,s, 67 Woul at.
Thu. for althea • beantlfol es. to Wel. hthelh.
A... 001 bah tla and all trod s of fen t*.
nee prevent:l the hron mom abating In the Limn, sal nut
rm. etictio* It contains Dotal= thuntiena to clothes**
any respect— The lel!. ha. lea* el INV felt the seeestth
of mouth •13 •Ilik* WTI t the* elm... will WM.'
1.4 se no nothetilloo V feam.i altar am impartial
• .
will do tlArty aostur of 4ttbra, and to
Wooly- obould br without
!lice 121.: rent, bar CalL.Esetfakovlth dlrortioir
For solo by 7.0-0211 -• X. 6.'.81:LLJ:7180 07 Wont at.
4igtignrop.:{6:;#), AI
"There are mote I.lll.ire in brown and earths •
"Than ars &meant of In ph ll osoplay."
THE VIRTIJES of .t.las remarkable reme; '
dy. and the h roustant thnliastion for it. eolith month
bole Air ection.y3Nte= uti. Io b at. th". "b
she PVIROLEteth lit procured from a ' !ill en -
this •
th, at • depth of Seam hundred feet; a p¢re,
tetl esthete eltheut any diming change, but MA ess i
non (men Nature's Great Labratoryi I That item tain* •
pomernew rneeltlng . .omen of ethestrer, no kais
matter of uncertamm. Inert arethanar thin in too.s a•
cam of nature, seblelo Of mown, might be o frut meal.
now in an..•1•11.1t enfierinth and tethering the Mom, of
health and thane to many a therm. Lome tenor tire pens
minor thooght of putttim it np bad a repute.
bliss for the cum of dime.' Ilia mustard mad .la/17 Menai
Item ealle f m It, and several remarkable cures tt Mee pal
Itemod. le et aura thilinthion of tea future thridarity and
Viretet n:' aqo znitre f elertZ:le of ~. .rtifestes,
nam cemeras th at lb. medicine ems no. 'them 14.. 7
luta the favor of them who miler, and. thelt to be heal
Whilst es do not claim for it a tholvenal It;',lirationin •
eryn uthen ea
thetingly y, that In a neuther at
Chro d ule i it Is unrivalled. - Anton; Ilithe me7 b.
muntierthedi diseall4 of the =moue tsetse; earl
stage.) ASTIIII.t, and all direases Cl ath_passeeges, U •
Ell. COMPLAINT DIMPEPSIA, Dierho-a, Itheaml of the
litadJer and Kkin6s, Panes to the Beek or ate: Natrona
Moues. Nenralthea l'aley,thhemeatie Oast Mthtese
thin, Tether, Itingeerme. Bosh &rags, ttil scree
to. le. In ewer of debility. tanning from egthenne, ere
tong and pretrathed Ca..../ of disease s thia esti ,
bring relief.. It will act th • general TONIC and ALUM ,
*TINT. In such cameo thiparling. tone and merge. to the -
whole frame, removing treUms. opening tise- the .Ith.
fundloau, Wbich d 1. , .,, and a Orthest cementation
end u ring Ithreethed and renthent all the p ati
oft The thrmietor harem of wend euns of
that matted story ether treatment. rax•ll sts4a, ma
,of the PETROLEVAI for a thoet =al.'. The meth can be
gien, to thy pemonybo . dthist4 , ll- .. i .d ,
:One freinIMMIUMI tbni
ma by lb.
B. 1111 t. anti Er v. rf erauth street
comer Wood throat and Virgin Alloy. mho eze
tumidly.; hi . regularly Meant. , AM".
NOW •all men who are sick and afflicted
with . dhasee of the Madder end iuunm withattese I
.>s paths In back or Inaba kid' yo b tatr: old zorea,rounl
ettofth . ito .anti e . ysta eleraii
Lynx- - J LIE ADOUT •
ea you plank this dews not mats Itet lb: we prociatek.
1a th e floe of an I..trat eenuatutler. that It has Viridll• • - •
vebleh aro not untamed In onT other reined: , no mom ,
who It reeked withlllv Ac lF/ scaorllen Duro diem% call
eta% int rolled' uly, of the Ole thenetraW .
stew, • •
Baden it very linie to tank.. trlatretro
L® la no labrnse•--zo mooned. put up far tb• purptia... •
of Impnebeg on the mom unity; bat it Ls a remedy tisk**. •
ted by the =ohm hotg:if t rev, end bubbles op from tba
bowto et our mother In Ito coital:at purity, and of-
fere to =Swing hantaolty ready remedy. a paten and ,
'l nalTired Mee. ant' edlelneo ha Mod to
roodrr a nd relief. It ll° avitellbrumattxcr. of lobs '
at Y. aof tho wanton - 3 met pelefol ebaaeter.
bar nowt Chelan Moran, by Goo or two drew. It has •
awed_ old nem of Dtarrbna, in'which every Other .othedy.
hat been of no avall. , lies a total remedy in burns •••
snide, leis better Dow soy toodhal ow, lemma or ointment
that.. know of, • It will cure oldlbletha and froetod not, -
he few applln•weee urdenbrod tooth:way eon be
od of the troth contained to the above rattuneernM •
log butAIIILL ht. MLR, Cane] Deno. Seventh atm:eta
either of the agent.. • • .
Koller • M•DOWLIL owner'of Wood Ante! 61 titrba .
alley; IL E. &Dern h 7 Vaal moon D. A. raw..t. and Dalt.
C 9217. Atlemhimy city. ars tbs.avals. •
• —D. Jesse Rom the &moms. est We anomie.
eel curtaler bemeLdel ancelaw esel .:a
the inimstor of .pu Um csiebreted instrnment for
lo effecting • cure of Chronic demos. was • etn•
'dent of that eminent phrecier... Doctor fbule. and le •
lirradnate of the Dalfreely of l enneylre...a. to thhtr •
ream abase bee beat etutegrd tn the ineettptio• of Ce
pa., est 11. apolleaffron of remake fbecto.
hiT=the me of his Math. tobe,toconswitb
Lictic 13717.....1 other pf bis rearedia.=
pin. an artrareleled emnommeln mins 'tame d
sad teal =Malec Tabercaler Carrumptint. Cerrell•
Emofitle. Rheromatiem,...... Yee and Am. rem. o•
eat Mods. Chronic Dummies.. .a aU those obelus., die -
tame pectiller to female. Indeed; cc. lc= of dtmus
surielset ander Me me Al bra reandice. to which h
t 7 le beir—not bythe use of one ounPoond 0n.% for
la incompatible Dbmiologice Law, bat by the
Ws medic. adapted M. and pressribed for. each
Dr. Reeds Tonle Alterative PRlalwira sued; ere
lily sehrowledmel maim fp ell others. pe mop
tire or 'Mar lostmanth they In. the ...Uwe.,
ibetly tree frOnt reelvetrem m she Ms o.lso hug me el..
bvt.fecaltr, to mum properties. eder
tad to 4m.1. disamer. bit being eatistied that • Mae Islet
le entdcbmt tootabliM whet has bean rel.. the sendeef
afeleted:Cfed tef wiem the Utak Mg Mr
(gre.Onne the Dootesesr Ades. ,
as eta
Dorfte=he wkst l eitelfattefl ohne..
the cone .
J. Elebseametzt k pea et+ ltteesTrl.
J. IC Dem..= Duallft, flute a.. • • •- .
Le A. Bentham, Drown, near doe Don Oftc..l.legbe
J& Darklez 6. ll)sellsgm;Berrer aamty,
T. Adam:L.4 l l*am.
Vt9A:k )s!'llit.'2 A '2i
• • -
IOIt THE AFFLICTED wilLbe finial& in.:
Dr. Dewitt C.: irellinlves CrFALLtBLE ISNIMEST.
halo Enid. which baa stood the teat of thirty years on.
donee, and hes. Woula dents..
_been the mesa. of abr.,
thing in sayinuthat this U the only tordid e ne n o
that has beXi
• Unrest to •leted. that dote, In ourrf leuin of thew ad. whet tole •
Was mud 'nd leritailile Mine torn Women titan
nth raze d
(Or ale.
tare not by. whims •
Lao& or or try what OVA. •
- 14.• drougand sousineinr rend of the atom no eel Malt is the only artiste the. sneered in the att. ott ••• -
14" 4 n4 1 4r.fra b rit ) :""%n b ' A M' d ' a " d " ** 7_ ,
homily Medicine era odszetl for r at or used bmM rroi
• Xbe BP, MOM AL Grinnell late 31'. C. • The tron.ltobt. •
tV Viltins ". ll ' Wm ILL% te
and a host of Wier d oulalted citizens of Now
genie, who Mee fay tested Lis menu. LAM ponoltted.the the: i •
prorrietise to refer to limn.
It knewn Our Patriot Medici.. ars not=
41 iiire 4M4"4 b 7. I s i" lno fsel 44. "4
I l i"
'Mee. Eltis mda
alndle sneeze[ flaraki"rd h e.
b i g r = • •
ioron the_po Da t Wends are not : sees
Otinnigan and ban. MIS Inlnt andoubtedly- is dr. and
.ortiehadinr proof of its general- usefelnese _
Lris •esetriwirn =or al.l narrow
earemostiar plats endears tit4erda l =r " i4o4 . '
Oyer I,CIIOOO bottled bora been add without
and berriperfeeted mutt asterishins cures,arter elf e
remedies Ems failed. es, would • stagger bode& bed no got -
Caned, end In our reseed:a, the, eiroligen. possible
This auditing or asture. meetly. Is prepared fros=
Nadu go Wane! at well as external tug__ It eau
ly upon tha tllsessedatert,dietni It hutch gut etrandtb..—
It la a urn antie Yoe Diarrhea. thasnag lino. Cholla...a
.11 eliauttelle a.lutionei dlmesse• - of the biltheen, wed
W. 111130.0 In etude or Paroa*, groin whatever came it itur
/or side he PittsburgJa.hy B. &lariats, Si ft ers. Mid *
Co.. and Ogden Eta:rade= and by the retail
T• te put up in !bur. two. and one etag ,
To the'Readeis of the Pittsburgh Gazette.
InaDUBLIC 'ATTENTION is respectfully in.
,ttia tm'inu.ring truth., sa :ant In nehtion la
of Use meet Important remedies of modem timed
PETROL-13051 OK LOCK 0114 it Yet mum than cos
zam ane dam this great temMy was broosht Won Uta,
E 7 Wrios. t r it d ihen. bout f i t iir
ementma sal weep un that tbe i4ger it la tbs .
Mom entain hill sprod. • It la not tine nue
JOY a day, ant. Op the sole perpoes of mato. mourn •
C.ene.erthela ert coacelve, NMI ecothrue to be teed eh=
all ether =have hem threseten. The Petrel . =lst..
a Natural . elabbrated In the depths Of the mirth
by • Dower saa.agouti that langhs to man all human
compstition. lt la atedigri; whe .4 n 1 vats &bootee medt.
ratM to d:ol . ve titm oho may arum on nod or put
demo 10 or Matemmats. The ether. T1:17 Sr( btatoD et
. say thing that promises relief Irmo Mame. A tasty am •
Da too Mealy wrought to amour the object of a ds *
or of tbemm hon... do not dads*
too seamaanatras only tbat the truth In nlatich to , told. in ardse to amen Oar It .
Wm, limmay tines satiate In Ma nestsela mmt.
te n plain unessumbad hem-4mM that may besatertamel
tes „nitr i t=blahOod. hear arapM testlmony Is.
tetaDY tits malt. mamba Ma of Our osa'
who esers bitted. ham been moored te sa.. er,
ant macs et blthdnew. suds - atto obi% ban ben
sand. And,also.tba emote, santlemmba Deans moat" ,
Mae an mem . bat tbra sys mem nem hoe. load laar
le• taterrall to by any pstiono 005 Iwo doubt. on thee sob. -
Mol. Times esses are - there athr Sher boa tam shandom
0 1 by Phmicians as hopeless. The 1 etrolcum 0111
whin need semcdisoF to dinmaticem—Diarrbos. Dymneery,
.. o
russ ‘ Ahr , Asupsyt,ac==. Eel:ran tba r 01010.
711Z ' V' mur=
wens. Amm amnia Omaha. Athma,. Brooehltis. and all
Pulmonary Alomon. hodoss a( a donate nature, terdthe to pro.
dam Consum •
Burns stal Scalthe. dimmest of Um Bladder nod Kidneys,
'RBI LAW; Zscoristset hippies, coma
t • thus thne= i ethere, that by. tfttb. l
br oho Om eases within t
o yem es
perfect 0000000. CsrUt.....cos ihsUl Mu-a a,. bh a .,llo rs la
&lamb lithe proinitem,oho rata Mama. in Mo.
the them to tter attlieded Mar friends,
whams. sears may my ahem th4r thellthre. tbs
Petenlema thst Amami. %reedy Um sm. MiMans
.1010 suliadtem in the 500.000155 0f a10n le,,thkez eit
to Imo penetbee. Those who Rfun lookcd ola trite th
mut uncertalnty, aro.oUllog to amta It doe Mb* mid
considaralkm. Acton another year mils round, all will ft
cosagr u t selnismiedsa tha Um moat.
dlsemered, yin.4o,Tlftgag, ft 4
trY KEYS= hicDOWYL l aw ood '
Alm—R. N. FaDm, 57 WWI stet.: D. . 10.
Mita. heron Declaim, Alleghenr Qtr. pala L hel Steam, Feeenth *tree, Pic t .
h. awl B. A. Fahmestock Co.. hoot amt yy.s s a W ,
• 1 •
, 1tt.erm,b112.25 - ta.. - widLubi:da... l / 4 ... • •
scry Cmr. Manly Y.:a, IBM.
obildros. Vim MMus. hare bees
MM.% to troublesome 0121101. bad l‘sm i m mad dia r ma
remedlys to my Etals eru Us mints stoat 71702 =VT to give It a b r& "
tti=li t bc, sod et b in: daaglar7¢
bout noommeodsd by seigb . 1Z: sad do mos
emaciesektuely MOLY, tbat It is the ben cough swab*,
that bay eym bin altered to Um public-
Pamere thotill their Maims to calm eau
tours. ohm tbo7 mar b ouretbr a:5 et. battle of Ibis
aTeitS• •
Empered dads:ad by E. warm.
a..ta) ; ST Wood st... and DruggisCaserally,
..e4l _ _
the =Oa literal icams.•l=
Ayacattio Ealts ' •
Wawa d d e alt
Blood goo LM
ar iteal
Britte s ir tkOil
800 issontlal bolt at
' Nat. sad B LlMmesit -
axdstdoes. e.taer's
• .
.Antlorson'o '
Eat's , Antl-P7apegisie
P r helps' Tomato .
t s,,,,r e k trajtract of ihieha
1 118 bes =dug,
repunaPro S r r.. tb, u.
, .rt hl. es ETU, ems
r ulk Erptalb. te.
'"T`' 1 lastalo. t
IT.= . " °
E r .
~_ a ' 2 " / Gardetter• aaammt
Golden Tinctui• Gff.r. 088188
12=5 errd - •
81 Waal and Flub otnott.
" DI.
' nfal l t*
Sae dint;x . ..i; f . ot Tithr
ttu r ;;W i r's „lidos=
Nor m Tea
At tbs Dros Eton of