, .tuition, ,we had, for designated sew and 'L fined powers, created nationallopurpovernments— bow is it, that the molt perfect of those several modes of union should now be considered as a mere league, that may be &Limited at pleasure? It ie from an abuse ofl terms. Compact is used an synonymous with league, although the tree term is not employed.' teatime it would at once show the. fallacy 'of the .reasoning. "It would not de to say that our Constitution is only a league . , but is labored Ito prate it a - compact, which in one same of L the word It Is,) mid then to argue that, as a league is a compact, every compact between' patinas must of coarse be a league, and that fiend such as engagement ar my strierelgtr. power lien a right to secede.— 'But When been .shoin that In this sense the, States - are. not sovereign, and that even if' they, were, and the National Constitution had been- formed by compact, there would be no right in any one State to exonerate itself from its obligations. 1 &obvious are the reimins which forbid this ocadon, that his necessity allude to them. The Union was formed for thebenefitn of all. It was produced by medial sacrifices of interest and opinions. Can these samifices be recalled! Can the &atm., who mamianimously surrendered their title to. the Territories of the west, recall the grant? Will the Inhabitants of the inland States agree to pay.theOutiophat may be im filecdc w or ith th ou e l o th ar ei: for mascot, by these on fin At, the be a free port in4one State, and onerous deli in another? No one believes that any right exist in a single State,' to involve all the others in t sea and countless other evils contrary to the Gag ementa solemnly imade , Every one must see atilie other States, in self-defence must their own benefit? Shall tp elt at onwards! _ pl PITTSBURGH GAZETTE PUBLISIISD DY winzE • CO TMI.L9D6`i' MORN WIIIO STATE TIF-KET ros soissrat. 'WILLIAM Y . JOUNSTON. , oust costamosia, 301 CS STROHM. it Lsonster CCAOI.I or in dnlntr. RCIT. tiEORGR CHAMBERS of Branklio: JOSHUA. A. COLLET:of Alwahnor. WILLIAM JRASCP. of Samothaunio , . • • • Lianinuinonii a n d: W h ig County Ticket. MAIDLTt MCC CT COM. COL.. WALT EA 0 r AIL D. or Feeble. . 0011II0AICA =CIA 0? MIAMI COMM. lIERRY W. w.iLui.ano, of Pittstmah. neonatal Ennos*. • WIL 13.3gatitz'aPitLiolmegh. amocun zone or Con? or lacuna 60901 M Ac. WM. BOOGS of Lover Si. Clair.. o • TITO.IIAB Ia • M'AIILLAS, of Allegheny. .• JAM"! III'OLtHILET.oII Robinson. ' JAMES Y/£llll, oil CrufdeA. • Silo. K APPLBSON. of Birmingham. TllU.c. MONEY, Of hrlfserpost. AMA: MILLER. of Indiana. Arming. . BAIILIEL •FAIL • iEpTOOK. of Pittabnigh. ALEX. rscitinoecni. of Alleghenr• • ' 01. Bata. of Pittsburgh. JOUN c. ROWLAlith of Upper St.Clatr. hn urzusto3l2. lEitt 8. a 1.1V0„.0d ALlMburob. MO. WM. 1t SST, of IM Alhexing:ly. JOHN FddEllla " FiliCandleae. Anti4aaanic and Wing Executive Com . - mittiee.. r.ra pm - Beane, 4 a Revolution of the moo .and Anth.llarionla Cood . eatton. annainlei on the 4th Jd no: Lho folloming persona campers* the Extol:dire Committee of Allegheny Conaty. for the ensiling roe, llarteah, Predertek /..oreiie. Col. Alexander 110anda. Mem= Sobs:tam Paul Asideraon Way, geom. Dirsie.o O. Letennt. roL Leopold Sabi. Amthoor S. r4a , fat. Copt name Siodlamera 'Jahns Rhode.. Utigh X 4 ler..dlemapiler Woo. E. rantirk_ Jl/IA/1 xma, enalrlnan. ILAILILOAD CONVENTION We learn from the Clevetimid Herald, that two Important 'Railroad Conventions were held In Chicago last week. AEL eirOrlginlS made by the Michigan*Central and Michigan Bout hern Rail roads to agree - upon some basis for a permanent connect for.the transaction of business between Michigan city and Chicago, butno understand ing was airinq at between thicompanies. The , I.llchlgin Southern and Northern Indiana Rail. . road Companies proposed to the Michigan Cen ttal Company to prueee . d at once to finish the road frO - tr - 771lichigan city - ; to Chicago, and open ' it for use by the Ist of March next, nut to trans . port the paeseagers and rierchandide of the Cen tral CoMpany hetwoen those two points with as • much dispatch as their own, and at the sonic :ides Per mile, mutually agreed upon by the parties 'from rime to time, for similar tkausA passengers and merchandise between Chicago and Litho Erie upon both road,. The businems of as Central Company to be done in their own care If they chose to provide them, they to be. allowed-a 'reasonable compensation for the use of theio. aids proposition the Central Company declined, but offered tintuld the road and trans- pan for the. , ether companies on similar terms. The Michigan 'and Northern - Indians Compa nies rejected the overture, and insisted that they held a. Monopoly of the line from Michigan city around the head of Lake Michigan. The t'en teal Comtianydemared to this claim, and assert ei that they have rights under which they shall proceed te form their proposed Railroad con nections:in Indiana and Bimini. , The ciniferease between the Rod:Nand Com sway, the ointego and Indiana:Plank Read Cosa pan*, and the Southern 3Achigan Railroad Com pang, wee InOIII:SUCCECika in result: The Chi cage jeterial Bays the following bags cf an cr rangerreat„ was agreed as : "Thi ranthern Company Is to suldcriba $20,- 000 In SlOik to the Plank Road Compani(which has Railroad privileges,) and the former Compa py la fa hang a lease of ifs eastern terminus, commencing at the 'lndiana State Line: and connecting with the Rock Island Railroad Ere =ilea frizz% the city, with the assurance that the city is to subscribe $lOO,OOO to Ate capital stock —the Rock Island and Michigan Southern Com pany to • use the same track from the junction, - and all trains to rein into the city. merchandise of is to be no transhipment of merchandise grabc and passengers at the intersection.— Tho roads are to be imecliately commenced and finished, provided the citizens of Chicago will take the $lOO,OOO. Oar Western Road, by Itanumerons Lake con nections, -either erected or erecting, will hare a -pretty direct communication with those North Ifesterttßafiroads, and whim the line through Fort Wayne is finished, a ntill more direct connection with Cldrato, Galena, and the regions beyond.— In fact-st east empire su extent, netted with railroads,' - will be opened to us by our grei trunk line. - I 'Jeer4ns as Saone tow.j—On the first page win be fond an extract from General Jackson's cele tinted nmtu i' , ation Prcielamstion. In these //ma of extreme opinions, when the national mind Is in danger of being drifted oat of its trite coarse, x recurrence, to good old doctrines is se nior}, and wholesome. 411 parties except milli • Sets received that proem:nation es betted teach. log at the time it WES ittonedi and it will never eeme to be ref Seeded as 1 valuable document so long es the Union . and einstittaion mho. Conalcrtoi.—We are kequested to state that the advertisement of Meier& Robinson & Little, acing .1000 tons of Pig Meta' tor sale, should road nlOO tons?' The esinpetsitor, by . adding a oypber. bfurso *maul the &seemed of that Important commodity, an to alarm dealers in the t Cotonsn Elcuoot.--Vis are requested by g. R. Livingston, Esq., to state that a meeting of 4 , .. thel.residents of the different, School Boards e. of the nin wardsaf thf city, in to he held to day at 2 o ' clock , P. M . at the Board of Trade Boom, to takelnto emisideration the at4of 1 1 , the Colored School . I is urgently requested that the attendance be full one, of all the . Presidents, whether the hare colored children in their wards or net, ali t it is extremely &lira • hle and Important that!stone definite plint,of net. don !hoard be decided- ti n, and ads maim-tn. - Itittraiais Of population receive that attention which their case so impe ively requires. -- - . . A Lanriieii Eitilsraiss.—A few gentlemen of gittezining have started a packet boat, *called the Inter ,Scorr, on the l i Allegheny river, to ply daily _between Freeport mid Kinannii.g. It is tested 14 , hones like atanal picket, ead being eery light„ it;trinrtut during the lowest water. It is 70 feet fang, divided into two comfortable cabins, and "it *ell section in the middle . r o i !towing sway sr little It althea a plea czint and.ronaatitic excursion, and is a great-con venience. to the Swelling public. Being the first etaneptise-of tire kind, it is an interesting step in the !crawl Much. 31r, Kelly, the mas ter, is a careful add opligini man Amongour .nap'onal fealty- one of the. most prominent is d*Wetivensitt Phienclogians toll as that all persons have a bump of imams tiveness more or leas developed; and they say that in the majority of Americans it hi enor mottsly dettloped. Perhaps it It on but s cer tain it is,. that the disposition to cot and hack, to mutilate and destroy, is too common amongst as, as almost every work of ornament or twin public pixies, bears abundant testimony. We tee this trait in the idle fellowwho sits whittling a shingle, as well as in the me - who makes a more enduring record of his own vandalism by cutting his initials upon the column of a pottico or in the bark of &shade tree. Vandalism is also strikingly manifested in the useless destruction of forest trees, and the con sequent bleak and naked aspect of the majority 'of rural homesteads. This want of taste and forecast, in those who cleared away the forests of the older sections of this country, is now bit terly regretted; 'hut it is an evil which may yet be everted froth the newer portions'. But the worst form in which this destructive spirtt is manifested, is In the destruction of the feathered tribes, whose songs gladden our copses and faints, and whose labors preserve the fruito of the earth front the • ravages of- insects which, but for them, would multiply to an. ex tent literally calamitous. The farmer basso . better friends than the birds, not excepting the wood pecker and blackbird; and all hie influence ought to be put forth . for their preservation. Perhaps it may be objected that the blackbird destroys his corn just as It is coming up. This is true: but the simple precaution of coating the corn with tar—a gill of tar well a•.ired into a bushel of dry 'corn; is anfficient—and then drying it with a little dryacked lime, will prre serve it from - the depredations of crows and black birds. ,NU. JULY 2, 1851 A bill for the preseevation of birds Is now pending before the legis' liitura of Connecticut.— From an interesting debtite °lathe eubjecti we . extract the following remarks which will beyond with interest and profit by all. Bach seatiinente, tittered in our legislative halls, are calculated Su 'excite pleasing anticipatibus of that promised period "when they shall not butt nor destroy in all my holy manntain :" Mr. Boardman, of New Haven, said,—lt was some eminent 'genius, I think it was Goethe, who said, "the works of nature are ever to me n-freshly uttered word of God." I. sympathise 'earnestly In that sentiment We are everywhere overwhelmed with proofs of the power and good ness of that God who has made all nature beau ty to the eye end music to the esi. Our brilliant eon, and clear, prize air, which even Italy can-. not surpass; our gorgeous sunsets; the dark loanrianco of our foetal; the rich and varied products of OUT teeming soil; are ever objects of grafefel contemplation in the morning's dawn or the evening twilight. At such moments nothing so fills the heart with gratitude, sod often the eye with tears, as the free, joyous singing of the birds in the garden and orchard. It stirs the purest, gentlest, sweetest sympathies of oar na ture. It civilizes aid refines the heart—andif I ' were desirous of educating a youth for happi ness and usefulness, I would begin and never ewe teaching him to admire and love the bean tiful and wonderful works of God. It is easily taught—let the father or the friend glee tongue to his own thoughts in the hearing of the boy, and tell him what to admire In the painting of the sunset, the melody of the; grove, the beauty of the flowers, the tome and tints of the land scape, the music of the ieestless etwan—no 'lea sons can be more permanent or effective. If generally taught, we should soon redeem our national reputation frnm the charge of • want of taste and refinement. We are called at times • nation of barbarians, end although the charge is not true, I am sorry to Pay there is something to make it out of. There is no people ho the civilized world among whom the destructive ten dency is so prominent as ha the young American —Defiling escapes hisgoif and hie knife. In the grounde„,o the capital at %Abington, a beautiful await., raised with great care and ex pense, cannot be preserved a minute without the constant vigilance of the pir:ao; and I hare my self seen a chivalric son of the Routh, as he would call himself, a mem rof Congress, mu tilate with the heel of his boot the beautiful ' marble sculptures in the Hall .of the House of Representatives, and carry off the crushed frag ments to Meuse his children... HOW, in the gar den of the Thnilleries and the Scheenbrins, the most exquisite productions of nature and art are exposed, every day, within the reach of the eyes and hauls of hundreds- and millions, who love .and admire them more than our people could possibly do, end yet not flower is ever touched —such beautiful objects are regarded with * veneration that removes all fear of injury.— Public opinion founded on cultivated public, taste is the best possible eecerity. Children can be taught to love or hate any thing. The Lapland boy of ten years delights himself, above ail things, with blubber—and the first real feast of the mrthern - soldiery, open their entrance ha-' to Paris, was made upon the oil of the street lamps. It is easier tecultivate a taste for the true and beautiful. Let the schoolmaster in our primary schools, himself feel in his own heart the beauty and magnificence of the works of God, and speak of them to hie boys with the enthusiasm they ought to inspire, and which led the Paalmiat to exclaim, "0, that men would therefore praise the Lord fonhis goodness, sad declare the wonders that ho `doeth for the chil dren of men." I would require it as a school exercise—every new day, every declining sun, I should bring its glow of gratitude and &Majes ties. Thus should we strike at the root of the destructive propensity of our boys, and implant in its steed a love of the beautiful in nature red art, a Bounce of-never 'failing enjoyment. In the meantime, sir, let na punish the young bar barian toriclestra;ing the singing birds, and If he.has no feeling himself, compel him - to respeci that of his civilized neighbors PITTSBURGH AND CISCLIDATI ILAILBOAD,O-011 Tuesday morning we announced , the gratifying news to our readers that arrangements had been 'definitely concluded to comect our Western Rail road, at its Southern bend, near. Loudonville, with a new and direct Hoe to Cincinnati, by means of which there would be secured to Pitts- burgh, a short and continuoua Railroad connec tion with the Quern City, unbroken by the Ohio river, and affected by no interests calculated to detract trade from us to the north or south— giving no, ifs 'effect, a Fittatergh lint through the - hart of Ohio. This intelligence we are now able to verify, by the following letter from den, - Anthony, the able and energetic. President of the which we find In the Springfield Oa• zette, of the 28th nit. ' Editor Alna Rive, Volk/ Gareth, Some efforts having been made to hush to sleep the Springfield and Mansfield Railroad, Its stock holders, and friends wllLbe glad td learn that Ito prospects hive steadily Improved and now war rant thwbolief that It may be speedily made.— Delaware County has voted $50,000 by a binge majority; and Delaware Township $25,000 by a vote nearly unanimous, and $45,000 it is believ ed will be !shortly added. S. W. Roberfs, .Esq., Chief Engineer of the Ohio and Pennisylvanis Railroad, has accepted the appointment 'of Consulting Engineer of our road. Ile attended at Delaware on Wednesday Of this week', and gave us important aid.. Vle were also met at that place by a delegation from the Board of. Directors of the Company organised at Mount Vernon, do agreement was made by which the Mount Vernon - organization Ia to be abandoned, and: our company , take s charge of the line from SPingfield to the Pittsburgh Road at or near Lotulonrille, and at the proper time' will take thaname of the "Pittsburgh and Cin cinnati Railroad Company." Knox county will , hive two dirictors in our Board, and Delaware one. The means on hand and in prospect authorize the belief that the road will be Out under con tract, in its whole extent, within from two to four months from this time, and to expedite this, two corps of Engineeia will be at work; on. on the eastern division from Loudonville to Dela ware, and the other on the : western, from Dela ware to Springfield: The preliminary arrangements have also been made by which the iron , for the whole line will be sttpplied at • low rate, at the proper time, if 'there should be no disappointment in our means, or the money market. '.l9e hope to be able at no very distant day to Invite our friends, and those who hare been loudest' in tfteir lately, to join us in a trip, by &Piga, ins single day, to Pittsburgh or should they choose to go further, they will have but it single change, and 'that -at Pittsburgh where , after 'sleeping coin reliably all night. they set out next looming for Philadelphia in a ditrerentset. or cars. C. ANTHONY. • I Jane 27; 1861 - • The Putman. County, Ind., Sentinel states that a company of forty persons were reoaaux patham. ed in Ileadricke county, In that Mate, and th at '.about thirty of the number are suppoeed to be beyond recovery. The Sentinel says: The person implicated as being itecceiory this horrid deed is eaid to be an. old woman, anziouti to getild olsome grandchildren., ' She t the potion Ina barrel offlour which ahnShought would be used her by intended 'victims, but by some Means the dour passed hito other bands, and was need by a family wholhad .dolleeted number of petsone together at aquilting party. No sooner bad the repast been over than the vic tims commenced violently vomiting, exhibrning evident signs - id being poned. • VASIIELIIIL New Porrsaz Law.—The law of Congress:es tabfishing new rate, of. postage went into effect I . -an the grid instant. As law MON eery material sit/ rations in the rates of postage, both on letters and printed papers, we again:refer to the eoldect. Prepaid letters not emcee:ling half an'ounce are now carried any distance - not ex ceeding three thousand miles for three cents.— If not prepaid five cents will be clonal. The prof:wiry of prepayingletters will be at ince ap partodrand the custom will doubtless „become almost universal. To facilitate this, three cent colas have been issued, and still further to ac commodate the public, the department reeve is sued stamps of different denominations,' (3, 6 nod 10 cents,) which can be rnmehased At the sereralpost offices throughout the countryat par. A 8 cent stamp, stuck upon a letter, will carry it any dltrisar.e under 8000 miles, Without forth er trouble to either writer or postmaster. The supply of stamps which the postmaster in this city received is now exhausted; but in the coarse of a day or two he will have another sup ply. For all who have much correspondence, the stamp system is incomparably the most con venient far all parties. It will be borne In mind that weeekly newspa pers are now carried free in the county in 'which they are published, and that the rates heyond the limits of the county have been materially diminished. The rates we have heretofore pub lished. Had a Whig drawn such a picture of the lead ers sod prominent men of the Loookmo party as the. following, we should. hare set it down so sheer !dander ; but as it Is from the timid of a Master in that fraternity, the editor .of the Waresdarnr Fanner, we suppose we must take It as inaccurate portraiture. He Rays: ..nie West Chester papers, and more espe cially oar otd'and esteemed friend, Judge Strick land, of the 'Republican,' are a little scappish oteethe Democratic Judicial ticket, formed at Harrisburgh. While we do not, we are free to confess, exactly like the ticket, yet we do not well see bow it could hare been made much. bet tor out of the materials planted to tI Con vention. The sinew of men's brakes, aspwell as their moral pereepdons and sensibilities, are not what they were In the early days of the Repul, Sc. The causes of the decline, it is useless now to.speculate upon; the lamentable truth is in disputable. 'the profession of the law, and the oblique crooeked teachings preparatory to it, operating upon this weakened moral sentiment, has left bat a bleached and wretched body from which to choose the administrators of the laws, tither in the highest or lowest station. . _This is term of both parties—a miserable, time-serving, complacent breed of hypocrites have sprung up, whose highest ambition is to flatter. the pinion and prejudices of the people, and who are inca pable of forming eineere opinions upon any, sub ject, or of advocating those opinions with hon esty, lest by doing so they might Wore their personal or political interests. For this Wretch edly low standard of morals in public, men, the people, who are the sufferer' in the end from its existence, are chiefly themselves to blame in preferring the stone and the sebpent of flattery in the place of the bread of truth, So, looking at the materials composing the Convention, and the timber from which they bad to select, we do not well see how they could have Napped the matter much. Who would you have preferred, Mend Strickland? Jimmy Thompson, of Ten sago? As rotten a curse, politically, As ever mulched a mother's dugs" He attributes the extreme rotteness of his par ry leaders to "the profession of the law, and the oblique crooked teuhings preparatory bit." We think he is mistaken ; for there is nothing in the profession of teachings of the law to lead teen& a deplorable result; but the cause may he found in "the oblique, crooked teachings" of Locofocolsm, which have driven such multitudes of upright, honorable lawyers, as well as ether; from the democratic to the wills party., We freely admit the rottenness of the great majority of those yet remaining; but there are still • few of whose escape from the reeking mass we hate strong hope. We commend the picture to the honest men of The party. Onr Whig friends will pkase let them see it, as their own papers will not be like ly to glee it. . Ax Aoso Einause—his. SKITII Nests, a Lardy old pioneer of Armstrong county,, now in his SCth year, in company with his old lady, not much his Junior, passed through this eityyoster day, on his way to Wisconsin, where he designs to purtbsen • farm and settle. The old gentle man hi quits hale, and as full of life and ambition aa e'er . 4 0." Sr Cassius Ilona., '.2d July, '.1.951. T. ffir Editor of the TVisburgh Gauttr : Bn—Tour complaisant, penults my ['lying the subjoined - facts before the citizens of Pitts burgh, =zap anyin: them with s few brief com ments : 63 YOE'S orrice- t Isrns"4.B. June M. 361. 5 Me. Glrouctr—fir. You orlll Now WI at thEs'itece, oa tomorrow, cud pas Lb* Ilconro feu for your ralltbitkoo. It would offered tzle great lat.:nut° valor. yoi nom the tut. if I did not [catkin. It ontlroly Incosapattblo cilb ml doty. Wl:h ■rot rs watt, rout awdient IL OrTIIRIII, Maier. That I conform to the laws of rrery,cotomn nityJn wblch circumstances glace me, to attested by the following document: Ca, of Pataburah: Ranotrel (mm Mr. G. R. 011.1doa. Ttrentr Rota. is fall Air city lloram to extdbit h 1 Putman, In add , Ity cattil the tenth day of Jelr.lBM. July 1,1951. The onlinance, whietthis Honor the Mayor considers "it entirely ineampstible with my duty" to water, in behalf of Egyptian selentifle dlserrteries, beam the venerable date of 3lat August, 1816. In:the third of a century which bee elapsed since the dole paternities of a pest' generation, (in whose diy the... Iron City" was s mere vil lage); enforced this prohibitory bine law, it bet grown musty throrezb long disuse, until recently disiotened by his Honor, the present Mayor, for thie benefit of myself and others; and es its existence on the statute book is auk:wort out of the numicipslity, It may serve as a caution to *due Lecturers, (whoa simplicity tual;., other wise, be "let in," as mine baa been) to this relie of antique leglelation,,through ur eat emns; a wide circulation: • U. 'Met the mm of See dollen. for thou. of the illy, 'shell hi. paid the • Ikenee to exldhlt, Car eseledar, my ehor, eimaseus natural or artificial curiosity. *here tore n4 , Tnuer he demanded Rs adadondouc and that the fee to the mar or Le gnoting every sea Ilene*, ehidl, be Mr nente, te he egg be the wenn or persons who inky obtaln the entre.."—/Fii;ect of the Onthautxr. ,to.. 1144 chapter By the letter of the above claims, im lieu of *at. the Panorama would t!lgure as debtor to the corporation. For 26 exhibitions, to 4th Slily, inclusive, $l 3 O For '26;feen to Lie Honor the Atayor, , 13 While fallyzatudble of the lenient contraction hie Homer the Mayor has bean p 1 eased to volun teer 'rimy favor, I would remark that their Honors the preceding Mayon, for a Ink' period, have emosidered this clams, in thelr official prac tice, to been obsolete legal fictiotn. It was so deemed, in 1847, by his Hon;hrlsaterei Mayor .exercised corporative. Tenni° him I lectured with the major part of the same ..ostural end actllictul" curiosities, at Mr. Panama's Luthe ran Charon ; and obtuseness of comprohenaion Is the pwobable mutat why I cannot &evicti one lartween the exemption possessed by that buildltui, and the penalties now imposed upon me beeituse I happen to bare hired, at a lower rate too, Mc. McClurg's Atheneum. tolnent legal authoeities in this city placo a tlitlerent coustructior, on the.above ordinance, whereby oducatipu't exhibitions F;tould be Invariably dis charged Omm any tae. ;They question the right of his Soon, the present Mayor, to renew the infilottea of grierious penalty, grown obsolete in pectic.; and tantamount, (when" known be fore. band, by any Lectgrew) to a prohibition to bring any thing artistia; scittotific, instructive or entertaining, to this cityi They do not perceive why amen* should noti fall ender the same cat egory, nor the principle which-arbitrarily de parts from the actin& letter of the ordinance, while it subjects a Lecturer to an onerous jai' I poet, regulated in amount by Individual caprice. They deem it impolitic that, at the very moment when all restraints upon freedom of speech and pen, all taxes'en knowledge, all obstructions to popular education, claim to be repealed; his Honor, the Mayor,. by the remscitation, of a musty statute, should forbid Prof. nirrcnatt. fro m tillosteating Astronomy with an. Orrery. Prof. Aoranz from elucidating Natural History with any 'natural or artificial cariosity,' or Prof. Hxu*ltoorns from m4og his theological Tab /saFx h e r s in Pi tilbuLttlit, unless la addition II TSB RHAITTIES OP .LOCOFOCOISM J. B. GCTUF.I2, Maycr. the heavy expense, of reaching thii they . pay.fboes npon. t,Hichng sdinated by He Honor the , appreciation of each Lectu rer's aubjeet and htlente. Front 1842 to 1848, the writer has lectured plum Egyptian, firdueological discomies, with the greater portion of the same illnatzations, to sixteen Stites of the Union; and nowhere has he ever been fined, for his efforts to diffuse knowl edge. The 'Panorama of the hai been ex hibited since 1849, from Bangor, t o Rich mond, Va. With the exception of Providence, where the license fee, (sl'2s per 'week) was merely nominal, no municipal tax has been im posed upon it. At Baltimore a similir law ex ists, bet his Honor the Mayor did not consider it ' , incompatible with my duty," to 're m it the tax. Tho solitary exception in my experience is Pituf.uryh. There considerations prompt me in troubling let. The republication through the Gazette, of a time mildewed clause that, until his Honor the present Mayor was elected to the chair.; was by their Honors—his Honor'e predecessors—deemed a dead letter, will inform succeeding Lento:ore of their liabilities, should they not wisely pass through Pittsburgh; while the gracious dispen. cation of Me Honor the Mayor in my favor, may establish a precedent limiting their respective fines to the mai/awns of twenty dollars. 2nd. "Sauce for the goose being sauce for the gander," this information may be useful to the to payers of Pittsburgh; and will stimulate them to watch vigilantly that, until the Ordinaries) be repealed; no future Lecturer upon any plea or consideration be exempted from the penalty, at the indlridtial discretion of his Honor, the Mayor. 3rd, and lastly. Under monarchical institu tions, the denizens of a giverroiemunity, pos sessing little or no voice in legislative enact ments, are not to be held iesponaible far the despotic acts of their rulers ;but In republican countries, where, amid the blessings of universal suffrage, every sane citizen hie a vote, it is fair to assume that the person elected to a given Offielf represents the tastes, sentiments, and Elu csticm of the elective majority, and becomes ipso facto the incarnated dzpresslon of the entire community's intelligence. Does his Honor the Mayor, by fining me $2O for coming to this city, represent the estimation in which Egyptian sci ences are held in Pittsburgh ! Will not the ob literation or the maintenance of this odious tax upon knowledge on the Ordinance book, serve every future Lecturer as a criterion whereby to measure the education of her citizens? and while Its indefinite amount is en important element in calculating the probable chances of his pecuniary success here, ought It no: also to serve at the same time as the nermomttre d. tour cavoir With great respect, I remain, Sir, yours vary obliged, GEORGE E. OLIDDON, Formerly U. S. Ccinsul at Cairo, and now kettle log on Egyptian Archeology inPittaburgb. Dish—At the Franklin Wawa, .Ciorkulati, Ohio, on the 17th - day of June. 1841, SANCEL ELatorr, of Mount Vernon, in the GU rear of his age. The deceased was a native of Path Valley, Penneylean's, and had for many yea:l:Sheen en gaged in business in Pittsburgh. When the war of 1812 seas declared, be volunteered In defence of his country, and performed good Berri.* as toember'of the Pittsburgh Blues, mularooto.mand of Captain Butler, and was severely grounded in the battle of 3lississinews. lie removed with his family) to this place in le), and engaged in the business of madmen. dining. In that business he cientinned until his death. lie was just returning home from Sabo la, lowa, where he has a store, when_ he was at tacked by the cholera,. below Louisville, which -disease iallerweills assumed a Typhoid form, and suddenly terminated his existence. The sad Intelligence of his sickness and death came like a thunder clap upon his devoted wife and large family of affectionate children, who had been ansiously awaiting With merry greeting his re turn. Their cup of jay was soon filled with ear row--deep, unutterable. The grief of a. large circle of relatives and friends is over the 10s of a good man, A long and intimate acquaintance with the deceased enables us to 'Teske( his ma ny virtue,. Ile was a man of great probity and worth, ono whose word was as good asa bond.— Strictly moral and temperate. brave and gene rous, kind and obliging, gentlemanly In his la tercwerse, exemplary in his daily walk. In his friendship he was very firm. Ile was extensive- 1 ly known throughout this section of the State, having served as one of the Harrison Electors, and having been for many year* prominent among our most useful citizens. Ills death leaves a void whi-di can never be filled.-5.1t. Vrnon, lrhi?. That Tuscaloosa Observer [Sevessiotdst] has placed the names of Ltuchanan and William It. Sing at the head of its columns as its. choice of candidates for President and Vice President of the United States. tie - TRUTH FLOATS BOVE FICTION UK': OIL ABOVE DTATEIL—Tbs sick span ous tell Irtsd Sadiron by trying it,.. quick gra Dr. can 1.0 ascot dinocr tss sauna. IL And II one man tries It, and finds 11 Poo , It destroy the Tdralsrlty tutb lb. abide city. You caul introduce . medicine Into popular rue onion it M. 0./ ready substaadat froutell hod effects ot valid objection.. and If L. tbds fart that has establisbed the mutation of ..13411 . 8 Onistrotual 11011 Ratan Of Par. saptuills." Inroad all cavil or &spats. is seticos atm tbs haraso snag= isle .reoniancs with rational and PbO kandsica/ prlotiplee—it promotes the sorbs= serrstions and exertions of the body. rsmem Ohrtraellotts.. displaces morbid nod dlarascd mater. ottenfftLetts Qs streusel and ditnntirs Mans. °sera rue/ • pan, arsl health/ Hirst, and regulates the rations functions of as different organs of tbs WT. This Is all perfonnel without lin Isar dablldr olhum. W. preparation being as sots as It Is. sfficaciona It mar las thought by Use skeptical, that It losTladte to ears *co may dieser( bat upon asandos. tban, 110111 bit found that • lards napery of Ms dhow ea which offlkt. Ms human (aptly mistrusts hs Impure state of the blcot. Its not demised. then. by other Par sa•arlllas Wog asnal Ton DT "soy rein, or =Um.. and vratrr preparation" aa • substltats 6r the aftstaal John Bolts Ibusacarills? Tbs valoalds pesparatin. proptistre warrants to be sopertor to all others. 1 Carina.-13enara and ask AR Lb• original A. J 04.4 DaltsSnroxtrala iron. Knataasr—amt bur another Bra adroilLensrat on another Mr. KEYSIII.II arpoitzu„ 149 Wood J.10311.25T Wnol.rLZ Retail am.. Petraleum I flaismaarao. Ittuttlogdoom.l%., Mutt 4,11. S. Your ;NKr:dawn 4 arotklogyoo. den la Ilia vtdolyr t haratht• .. ovoid thank you toasted ua two dozen 1.7 W. P.rtasylratda W. are on. t1y.17 oat, sad It la belaa !toothed bralosort ovary day. ..... . _ • nun, wereettfallf. ' JOll2l LOSO &W. atTLITIllat AshLW to, 0, Marela 10,'00. LL Id. fuer—Nee t3O, roar Asent. lbw week. Arms, kft With WI &int demo lieek Oil, whleb we bare told. Pilaw fawned L ut Ida dawn hotteellstely. Your otoilein workiter wonders le thle neon. We eats Obtale sevwsl extelleut eettlfitetee,o &wire team. ToTours, ke„ ,4 . . . • v.. gals by Says. Blelharikll. 140 Wood stnat4 iB. WocaLstree; D. A. /Am/deck. & Co. cams tqcmd 613 d Frunt.tno.tis D. M. Cprrt, D. A. Illlott.Aara 9 gad IL P. Belmarls,All.oaar. alto hi th e I, to P tV.dtver 11,6.1 Dud [l.lleyeath klt.`rjb.tin; - - - Dar Met tart.* Livss Pmts.—ln afrering this mullein. to Ms pobile, th• the. is., 1.. to •sosmator • hostility gourritsti by thy roluttins hapositloto °bleb has. Leen palmed apt U. publie under the shim/iv( patent medicines. 17. coo- vine., booster, that 't la only tn•saaas7 to tin t&shs 1.• laxly • trial to pls. It la public ostinutke tar abase all 1.41.1 saeuts Lithe &ha .ear offend to the public. It Is U. lessotion of so 4allghtenol..aprisared, sad Immo al physician. who for many yrs. used It la his own pm. tins, oh. Its great tr.. Induced bins to off. it to the pnbio4.llsyr. 1 J. KIDD & ed. 1.111161416 No. Sh Wood ger Reader! s hard to you. If you with to hood mart ccoollyut makins In your boom, to au lunurdlately to cuses [of barn., mt.. strew, bralow. hudaellw. toothache, tioura/gic palm, cramp.. mambo*" go., gu wad gat • twirl. of [LG. rarrall'a Arab!. Llul. moat. Bud you will Ond uuoguallol .? =With. of .Wu fu th e wholu world. are sarittisamiut. )Y2O Ortii r itiiiisurtiabe company of Pittsburgh EdNCOURAGE I ROME INSTITUTIONS. Oftles NO. 41 WWe street, I. the vatabow NT. C.O. Home, President A. W. 11411.„ led}, IVO Coos or IN wor prepared to Woman morrOsadlar I. Wee, and la traeoltu. verrel)lo. r=isl i rtn 4l =l: l )TlT ri trrelto th rs: Om Aro all rltlarno. of Plttobar.h. and bearably kwo Io tha oommuolty tbalr prnburo, ledelltankoe, and Intageltf , • ' ElTebbiaa—C Illioetr. WWI', Jr, Wolter Bryan. Jiumb EbenTO Maslen. Joh. Wr•oeth. Ilarbalorh. N. Rio, • &putt, • Vtreirr, and American Hardware. 1,0a)L114 4VIISICIN Sr. co, No. 129 Wood Street, ILAVE:NOW IN STORE of Fart/WON .AND AMERICAN • NI and comp' '4•!t°4 HARDWARE, sot . bie , l b. „due hada. and which they are MIAMI , • t .„, to that will comm., • 1 • favorably with LW/ ar Me aut.. owhy. Pittsburgh Life Enstiranao Company. CAPITAL, i„.A100,000. •OFFICE, NO. 76 F 01 . 78771 STREET. OFFICERS; Prelidergt.Z4ains 8. lloog. Tice Presldaot.-BAxun blef..llvaitY, Trmurer—Joetro 8. Lzscu. Bwretart—C.'A. 461-Boa ulvartirannut In smother put of thl, mgr. Las= Un irrdnisdai . nferroxion; of Brain _Four. Wfumn, °ld iot min of John and timbal Barr, kap is Tea ,... Th . Anal will tato awetkU ahniodwrf afirrorion, 3 0 4 doer, from Um nrildwoo or Rt. !Alban ar on Wtrlngaim, war *Ole atrmi, to Promod tfifflie Bflanhaorr OrararriT• LE Alltam WERS remakting in Wilkins Post Of fiets. All AL arhtay county, hattsitr @ Le an1t..7212 Lt. EEL W • LW? Byetiy M E M riValla Maas &Tilt Dude . Monis lism7 2Ler LEA I.llller Lamb 0 Dawson Rabat MeDonaL2ltomms 2•312. 2buroas E kleClura Lao Emily George rattlEmeums La. te i Noo "1 Oreentralt Jam 0 , 1121.2 0 n = l. Otrr Patrick Mutt II 2 ittrenbert Carl Pickard Nall 2 Mom! Jam., . i Reynolds rattiek l i pat i ltri . Kyle John Landfart W7g.l tAi nreooa DZI.Vs t h L. 11..D.LVIBON;P. 11 _ Real Treat for the Fourth! MIRY MORRIS' $1 per lb. GREEN TEA emie Tea Mart, to the 771amord. /73 Birmingham and Breanmille ManidermUed Turn pike and Rank Read Company. NOTICE is hereby given that the Stock. hollers in told Company are required fa pay the lirst inetalmera or Fin Dollars an each than of alma mthessi. tol. to the Treasurer. (William LartmarJr.,) on th e as day of July, 18.5 l; aad the swami Instalment of Fir. Dalian on each than subscribed, on the first day of August mut U 7 coder of the Bowl. 173 td JOhN ll.Hez. Ethrotary. (Dhiliatch any.) STOCKS 'WANTED- DX shun. Back of Pittsburgh; lOU " SI. awl AL Bank; ,00 , " EratutMo. E. 1 ,311.11 f WM. A. 1//IJrt 00. Errhattgo Brokers.' UTM. A. HILL & CO.'S Exetuinge and V /tanking noose •in to fiord on uu Vounh. The TIARPER'S MAGAZINE, for July, /um been received at H0E.311211' Literary_Doct_ Third copordia Um Post Mee. .43 14 OURNING ALPACCAS—Light in body lilac Ch . ly. iLnt Atot ~h. ..Oen of Mooning tiotis.-• toll atom:mt. to be found et the tots of 1101tPLIS t LICACLIVULD. Ar 2 /CAVILLED FRENCH CLOTHS—ltlcarnr Elticrrim• hoe• received • for pieta a/O*SM P srk Inntell Clotho., of • good goalltf. War 111.k Irran Vte, for Sommer Coat, JYI • - - LCUE UNDERSIGNED barn entered into ovather.lp melee the erzei.of RIMBT ik LAW- E, to carry on the l'Aftek 4.11 D RAU fit'SINESS. t Bict b Minor street Pitrunirmitua, when the intand !voting • large wee/tenet W Pap.. an, in P. lie rows Writing Papaw. Wont and Laid American and inellab. BMW Pont. ay Nov. boom tips and uno. out and Plain Mello Pals, Met Caps. Printing Papers. all alms. lbarderare Pavers. from lb by di to 40 by 48. Colonel arid It filiation* Papers. Aincriras ant lEngliah. Itollinesnorthbi Patent Manilla Papers. IV btu, silo., Paw., eammon and ex... lied Eireann. Pap.. lltiared Printing and Cover Papers. , Manilla Pawn ail .1/611. 0 Hot 0 4 . 1 1 Drogebrt, Blue Medium and /Filtering Pape.. Tea, &rem and (Worn! Paper. Le Unifectioners. It., Manilla and Miran Wrapping Papers. Mennen ilinikrg Box.'Cap and Sninit Meth. lehlbrand bear karelopon Legal, Letter, note an 4 Cud - - Agents for iss, Pater APRINTES' CARDS, Lets and ehcets, whits and ookavd—odd rints, ens .. oss. Also, (nets (lilt, Figured and Plalta Ots Papas. JOSEPH RINE!. labs ofMIN st.l N. 8. LAWILENCY, late ot No. Dims stJ N. 0.-500 tons of Nag. wanted Ist uchaoss tot cash. Jl=lr R4A cKER EL -50 tbY• Large N?. c "`" a 'rarilratiELL.,4 A ' I A— u. •--p~ant recen n.l it. ile by lrif. A MaCLErlio & CO., Jr: Uroorrs and . 11s Malay& BROMA COCOA—Of ev " 7 dr,r,-, MoCLUR• • W. 2.4 2 limas sa4 Tea theatort. "G 4 NOLISII IEIBEI BLACK TEAS—Not 124 to b. esselital m quality .out davor by say In Lb* ,y—eaostataly au baud and ter sale by the ballets/W.or aur Itata prbute-43e:G.Tie atal A liberal altaeount t bar enteane b — t =UR 11".11.1,71reCLUti g 4 Omar. wanes Dealer. - - • ----- Fourth of July et Greenwood. 'OHS delightful FLOWER GARDEN is now Wad up ix the celebration of this day wan ext.ruin _ads. by tha addltbut sum In shady plvals, and urtnuh.antu. AG anlttgiant to orrounnodata atl who olth to !pond their fourth luta. t w. troal. littrir through. DAND ;u rlur gra. thy too