ROME MATTERS. TEI Poor Loomis/r z.—TMens locomotive,. Balem,.belonging to the Ohio and,l'ennsylmnia I ItlitrOsAl "Coinpsoyearrired yesterday by load, OW his bon) transferred to the track. It tea sp . ectmen of mechanical alai and will doabtten, ambito.; Judging from 'the ecceellsole of iti WrOboaliship,run with great rape,.. , leaor. —A locomotive Ltd two passenger are. Are now on the track of the Ohio and Pentoryl- Mania- Itailnnai The find revelation of. their Ilthielei will marl; the commencement of • new asinthe eommercial prosperity of Pittebnrgh. . Pasoasiq..—Oor readers should recollect that the exhibition - of the panoraina of ihalirar Nile, will close in a few days. All `who have not seen it, should go at once, as they ; will probably never again have so good in oPJortutd frof inspectinga choice collection of zgyptlin ,antiquities, in addition to seeing a tae paint- Vliiiisarara.—The exhibition of Raymond & iaAnsborgh's cimbined monster Zdenagetie, hill commence on Thursday evening. As It tatnYover a bindred- and 'fifty of the meat will afford a fine opportunity to Stu- Pomo Mormon —Our colored citizens have bgto: holding meetings for some time grit. promote the interests or education among their children.: Wo trait that their efforts will be at ,tecoled by that. !pricers which - .. the importance of ,Ike objects they hive in flewdeserves. - - , . . ' _'.Assantr lam BAXTYRY. —Alden:tun Major yea. •timlay committed Ilirilliam Mitchell to prison, thurged, - an oath o Barak Anuii Butler, with* hilt and battery.- I ^ , "Itoorma.—The';orlonett have commenced to pat roof on th Fifth Presbyterian Church, pull in a short time it will be in tendinous ton. t 4titrethe catigrega on. • • :_illais Essthrro, eyelid . projectioi signs iratiyesterdayremo . by thmr.owners, at the **Lunt of the poll . . ' A.CICTDENT. —We are informed that alittle boy ;meployed la the dooms' office, yesterday morn lag cell down a flight 'at stairs there, sad broke ' Tai iVEstwma.—The weather yesterday -truly delightfaL The beat and dust of the pre ',dotal fel days was to make the cheap Dicanycz Accrues?. We understand that a colored clergyman of the Methodist Chiral, had Masten fractured on h onday night. He was descending the Moon els on the steamer /antic: when he fell thina hatch way, ikru ring him frightfully. Every attention was paid ttr him by Captain Parkinson, but his recovery is .prmottneed impossible. I Wriorrr or a Locomorithe now looordo tine Sale= weighs twenty Wns , TiePirso Housz.—Amin named Francis Phil ' MIT wasleaterday committed to prison by pro; ... . cos from the Court, charged with keeping a , . tippl44 hoilme. • .': -.' Ittranunr.—The grace store of Mr. Dor •sington, !situated on the co er of Third and Lib erty ... . !streets, was broken in o by some 'burglar, , . triaMonday night Theti3 , 13 robbed of serer. ."- - eldollars; and a quantity of groceries were sto- Itownnsu.—A young men was creating a dia. totem, on the steps of the; Theatre, on Mandaj nlOt t 'incl requested to desist by pollen of- Jkati , Reed,- be drew a bowie imite. and made Wean! ineffeotnal own attbim.' The ruffian beakeinaeCeeded in makiugl his escape. ." 9lTaSi Ctrnzas.—Quite a u =nit of stone cut• tees nie now at work on the eta of the Intended tuftrEninopalian end Catholic: Churches, near .11inallow Court Bowe, and the click of their mal l* and chisels is hard from Morning till night.. , . . l'uasiur July Ist. the lionorable WalietiEf. - rte. 111 April Term, 1851.—Marj , %steam, eta se, William Ebbs, et ILI Dunlap forplain ..eri--Looede for detendataa.t Verdict entered for defendants.' 1 ' Quirks Rabat It. Must- TM-July Term, 1851. On motion of Mr each tun; it'rale - tallow cause why the judgment ideotild not be opened, iris granted.' John George and Joint McCombs., No. 104. April Term, 1850.—And now, on mo gone Thomas Mellon; Attorney for defendant— ride to show cause -why the reference to utilize ton in tble case rbould not be tericken off at =tiff's cos ta, no award haring been filed, Wade out by the arbitrators, and deli,- pa plaintiff, or bis attorney, acme two months' 'The Court adjourned until the fourth Monday orJuir. - COURT OP COMMON PLEAS. Tozsnar, July lit, 1861.. Present, AssociateJudgee McMillan and Boggs. The petition of John TileDcrnakl for the herm it of the'iniolrent laws, was called up. The put:antes appeared In Court, - and the hearing was =tinned till the second of July, at nine • . ' 10- MaLasz'i Li vast Paps:—ln offering this supine to the public, the propneton sea wan aware *Wiwi lawto emosoater a beetlnty genaratad by the lonathats hapoaltlona erhkb hare beeripahrod open the und e r the shape of patent landletne• Won:organ riPiefilittraer, thstat Is only romasari t elan /hale re. midi • trial to rise. I/ In Italie eathnitke far atom all eiedkal irate of the kind ever offend to the public. ,Itmrur.nn of an =way roars acedlt In Ws oana prao. M lrbear Ito great amen Inslocol hint to War It to the For male by .. J. STDD C.ll. So. CD., Wood at. • a word to you. ill' you wish' • Wert monad mrdleldo in aiur auto. to 9.0 flaudistelfm 'ma of burns; outs, tondo; biases, brdisebe, batman. nouralido oda mama, namtans, is. a Alta got a bottle of it. O. Forrolfs Arabian Lint. mita:eted you will Walt unequalled trim s madlolnw of la Ida ln the aole world. Ow adreernsemoni __ _ _Bair! TRUTH FLOATS - BOVE FICTION WIXOM , ABOVE RAT - Pl.—The sick Mai tea tall Med driEthei by tufts ssluS uaDv. sal tell +Pad • by edam It. And ii one man trid and dads tt Mon It will destroy the popularity with Ms whole CEP; len Martintrodice a oddicibe MP:lmpala as nab. It lidienwiniallymbetandal druid, freer= al bet abets a weld objections, and it Is this (.4 that haw artablhhed Eardmstatiortot `Boll's compound Mad Entrad of. S.:: illlO 'dyad all mil or depute. Its salon spats bamta deem Uhl accordante with- tatkosal ward* nroomtes the various .memettOesa lit idestlona of du holy, magma phenol:kw, displaces Morbid aid dewed matter, streastbesui tb• • at • .digantim damn. creates sew.: bud, and healthy kketd.and regulates the =loos Eddied of tha Mans *Rua Sr the lady. This Is all perlbratal without tbe LW Weis of harm, the Draparattolibelag4s of es ft' it dikaglotts. , It may be thought bribe &retina, that Lt Setliaida to: tam too many diseasei„ bat awn muggy • It will be gaud that a large roalorlty of the' dinar wg Which allot al• MIIII/12 aior miginit• la is saw.. Vall of She bland. Ale not daubed. them Is other Ber dtperillee being droved Ina hy .ory. Belled et =lams Irstar - preparatlou" as • • auteLltata dv lb. lartlatud 'Jabs Ball's SarfatsrUla? Ebb valuable pasparallas the talututatur ravvaala to leauparior to all odium • • „- - Cateries.—Bowan and 1a far We orlginal Dr: -lake EWE, &was:dam...from Ea:Nay—am harsmothar. goo - HITHER h IPPOWELL,II4/ Wood at, ialCuta.saser Nbolegale &Mall amts. • ' • ' •Petroleum • Nareasncerso. Irtmtardorma,Ps.,ldarth ly7L e. /L liser--Thew Sir, Your retrolosto ia irarktu Ter. dal la this skinny; [beret?, nwould thank ism tosiad R. t.q decten by the Peatvyleerds Rallavd. We ors iny um, oat.' sad it le beLeg butrirod err almost est, Qtr.' - Nowt novolgolly. JOGGC LONG 03... • • ILerestrzt Asbraad re. 0-.3rsreh Beet -• : i. W. Sae.—Dear Plr, New &teat. • Mr vests Mae% left with us tar dram Noel OIL ',bleb .. bare mohL Anis Renard Lo os eft dos= lausallatsly. Teak sitedklay 4 warkbat wonders In this region. We - . ass °beide maid aceilent serttestet Ityoidestrelbeas. .tor site by Sayan L 27• Darrell, 140 Wood street 3:1 Salrect 07 Wood street D. A. Fahnotock.4 Co. toner Ifoott Lid Front inteete, D. tr. Carty. D. twat. Amok poub,„ abut Li C. liohvirts, Allegb.r. to by_tbo pro. IL ILL KM, Mltilert. • Canal Basbuteesatb st..Eittsbtaat.-. ' Fareiro, and Americau Hardware. LOGAN, WILSON Sz No. 129 Wood, Streep HAVE NOW IN STORE Atoll andomplitistockotlVANlG2CllND . HARDWARE, Saltalat; tLi iptlag trade, apt Thleb thty art sorpared, to clan to parehatert Ist Platte that "111 =min ; with ill of Mr Guts= &he: 3 trogeaallielikin6 CitaPanYorFittabingli NCOURAOE HOME, INSTITUTIONS i .002 Ear No. 41 Water Area; In tho vorshouli ofd : I L , . • . . _ .... . .., . O. O. I:lontrt:President.:. ..A. N. WM, Sedi; - t • • Mt Cohlry brpzi:ran;i to i puure . sll !xte7bmltlie 1 ' 'II amok mummy to th=titr ond thleira t. o4 o l, , - .. to afforded to tho ehorneter ot the an all rainnr. of rituborgh. won obi r uvr togz 411 to the connounity for their prulonor. hes bfrrntr.. IT. Unmet; Win. Eassler.Wei iwre- trithx&a,e....Rzigg—dam--. \-- Emanuel' rife. Insurance. CpmptFi, OAVITAL,"BIOO,OtI6.=-- , ori - vO2, "NO. 75 FOURTH STUdwz . • OFFICN3B: • . =gut—J.l3m U. ~.T••••••••—•Joacru 8. UM= "E•cretrary—C...t. Coma , . • ett•Ertissuratt• =maw Wei of . i• 13,• —• BY:4TEEL4PH. • ZZathin) t /111. ° "4" nilatiPa 4 " 1 4 4 Amp won= rola INN 11 . 1111111171411 cuumi. LLTI THE 'CORNER STONE.' • The Grand'Lodge of Moons have' accepted the hvritation of the President, to perform ep propriste ceremonies st the laying of the corner stone of the new Capitol itittlinge, 'and the at,. mink .siiitalmity of the. nel&borhood, eftre iin(eted to mite Tub them. Or. Mader French, will' join in the ceremonies, sad will wear the, mine regaliaM on the °cession, and op th e same goal which. General. Walhingtonsused In 1793, in laying the center atone of the capitol. Over $5OOO were received daring the month of ' June, in Contrthutiene to the National noon ment. • Ex-Secretary Marcy die here, attending the COUTt Martial. HARTFORD, July I. Mlle. Jenny Lind gives a conoert .here on Monday ertudng next. and will spend 'the,4th at'the =melon of Mrs..Blgoturney. The - Legislature is rapidly winding up its bus- Infer, preparatory to adjournment to morrow. LATER FROM SANTA FE. r. LomS, July 1. - -We. have Santa 'Fe dates S to the 80th of MO. Much excitement existed there in consequence of the by the Senate of Hugh H. Smith as Secretnry of the Territory of New Mexico. A imp bleeding held at the - Court Home, :to elicit publin sentiment on the: subject, at which Smith Inn unanimously renominated to the Se nate '.of the Territory, .and at the subsequent almtioni be wan unanimonsly 'elected to that body:— Three or four thousand Apaches bad assembled in the neighborhood of Laeuests and San ?Algae!, engaged In toshiog pottery, which they expect to exchange for eupplies. Cbaoon, the in Chief, visited the, palace at Stutz Fe, and stated that the Camanches were to bold a grand Council at Soigne Rodondo, on the Rio Pecos, on the lit of June, where all the tribes - wereto be represented. . . Gov. Odium and Col. Menne , paid , a visit to Anton Cohloo, where they expected to meet the Apaches on the 16th of May, and fattish the supplies ordered for their relief. Lieut. Chap man and his dragoons were there, but the In. dlanslad not arrived on the 9th of May. The principal Chief of the Cemenche,simid a visit Mills palace, and had a talk with the Gov mum. * The tribe were - gathering at Bosons Rodondo. A Captive boy which the Chief brought withlim was bought by the Goyernor. The Ca mancheChlef said, "the Cuaanclets are at peace with ell the people this side of Chihuahua. We are itilkiendahlp with the Apaches. The Utah, hate not been to see us. We are aipesee with the Navajos." He promised .to return in three Months, and bring the Chiefi with him, to bind all the-tuitions. • Tag 8013 TREA/31111Y, New Toms, July 1. Tina paymemts at the Sub Treasury yesterday, exceeded $;,000,000, of which $BOO,OOO were on accent of the Mesdein itulitonity, • and $l,- 200,000 on account of interest on the public debt, to be paid to-day—ii draught for another million wee also made on the Boston Bab-Treas. nry, ah •account of the Mexican idesonity. Of this whole amount nearly a million goes to Lou. Aloe, in coin. THE COURT MARTIAL. • , Wall/LIAGITOItarnY 1. ,nie Court bfartMl for the trial of Gen. Talcott re-assembled this morning. • Thomas a Barton, of Fredesialmburg, mad called, and ditata -that the-foundry-there had been aloud abaci 1847. Dr.• Carmichael had been interested to that, but no other foundry. Re was not considered solvent, or in good cir. Meg Bprratarir Ccouid was recalled, and under went I long 03120101111011 as to the conduct of Ge....liiltiot; in relation to the matters charged. The charge of disobedience to the repletion of J tut was WitbarNll2, as the order of. Dr. waxiest' before the regulation was isitted Bacretsif of War. Salvos, July • We have advises from Nassau, N. Providenie, to the 21st - June. The place had been visited by heavy Tains, and the water on the 20th was several feet 'deep in .the 'streets. An immense amount of property had been destroyed. .THE t 1 S. 311 NT. ' • ' Peal.Augunte, July 1 Dr. J. , 11:-Dokeitatcred upon his duty to-day, se Director of the Mint. ITER NEW CLISITTUTION. ", ~ • Ileartnoes, July I. The Gcnnencor of Farylandhas homed hie pro clamation, announcing the adoption of the new conetinition : I goes Into effect on the etb instant '• , „ LATER PRO* LIBERIA. • • BALIMKOZZ, July I. • The Liberia packet bringettery gratifying In telligenett from Liberia. The conn,try was flour. ialdng;:and the general health good. Another crtensive slave station had been broke!, up. EXTENSIVE FAILURE. licw.Ycdur, July The tux= of EL loud= k Co., failed rater. day, ccdtsequente of acceptance for Peter Colultr. Of New Orleans, on shipments of cot ton, arbich;n n ier the late heavy decline in that article,. they hare been unable to meet from' the assets 'of Mr. Conray in their hands. The mount is about $1450,000, all the other engage inente of thehonse will be met. PHILADELPHIA ILABEE:r. Pna.arrarmius, July I. Planr—Tbme is a betra t demand, with salsa 1500 ball at *125 for common, and $4 37 for errs brands.. Eye floor-Hales at $3 37 y 2 bbL Cora ideal—Bale* of 800 bbls at $2 87} V, arshi—mitit is lower, with sales 10,000 at 98®10101 gm Prime white: and red. Ityais wanted at 72e bo, whichis an advance. Conn is less active, with sales at .5000 bushels at 82e524 binsheL Oats are steady 'Leda® ey—flales Proeitiozu—Are dull, be* t uzchanged.: - • - 13rotinies.L.The Haskell is steady.' • • , BALTIMORE - sriairr. BALT711(01 ; July 1. Flour—Sales 1150 11. Street bruudi.ui Grain—The market fa dull, and prime en Grocerleo—Sales 297 lb& Mosegnadek molas ses at 23a; 83 bhderPortaltica at 22! and 15 da at 271 @St gall.' Small - sale of Porto Bien' sugar at (55 20®5 35 'tl 100. • Whiskey aalnaat 25a NEW YOBS MARKET. iroox.motT. • ' Nue. Yon; Tidy L Stocks-U. Et Vs, declined today, closing a 1161. - .Sterling bills are dim at 110®1101. Theikt.Trecunny paid out today $792,000, In interest sunny, on demand, at fall discount Cottosi-,The market is doll, with sales 800 bales stroll:tier quotations. Flour—Bales 1000 this at 84 0663 . 87 V . bbL Grain4-Wheat Lin moderate, demi, - with' farther sales of Michigan at 104 e basheL Sales 20,000 bushels Wind western - at 086,690 ba Proriaiona;-.Park ia dta Wes 100 Ws beef hares hams at $l4. Baleen° bbla lard at ey—Eales at2B€4.3f 11 galL NEW ORLEANS MARKET. New Olisess, Arne , • Cotton—Ada-yesterday, of 800, and today of 600 biles at 71®10-4. for common and fair qualities: The stocks in this market are redu ced to 80,000 bales. - The increase at all the points over last year 11299,000 balm The re ceipts here are falling off rapidly. • The weeks sales were 10,500 bales. • _ Corn--Pziees yellow Is selling at No. Freights ore doll. Cotton to Liverpool J: - tobacco to London, 878 Gd—flonr for New York • Exoluings--Stsrliag is irregular. New York. 60 days, New York, sigbt draughts; Ito .l} ' • prem. New Ozmuts, Jane 90. Cotkai-Baleitbis taming of 1500middliatat 71204 fb• ur—la tauter, with sales of Ohio at $8 'sad ofBR Louis at s4(x}4l2} ? bbL Previsions—Wm pork is held at $l4 ? bbL Sales bacon shoulders at 81 ? ! b. A friend, writing from the eastern part of the State, dedree us to announce the name of Dr: Halllll4 of New Lisboin„ as the Whig candidate for Gloyernar—eubjeat to the decision of the State Convention. "He does not know that Dr. iecept,-butays very truly that he is one of the best and moat popular JVhigi In that portion of Ohio.:11e was a candidate for Congressnnd ran. Sitianindaadihead of, his party strength, but ae the tbitrietis decidedly Locofoco, he !Idled *fan election: . The locationfatioarible, , and his Mende rosy tirie his claim, with the aquatic= that he would be wariky of any; poSitica bud& be called to octenpy.o/iioJovntat. M=Z Bora. ;Veit ul , Vw'seicia.s:-it hits .enzions! as It is instructive to see how'eliiievent nations celebrate the . swee emit The renewing. s ee-! count of Holy week at Commas, , Venezuela, is from a correspondent of the Herad: "rt. ammo undo has passed very quietly, aneirlth the usual ceremonies. The critelfix ion was made to take place on Thursday, instead , of Friday, which, I believe, is. generally Catield ea to be am day. The lying in eta% of the body continued until eleven o'clock on Saturday, du ring which time a dead Mimeo prevailed ; the Viren Mary was Put into deep mourning, and even the bell was silenced from giving the time of day. At the hour of resurrection, the glad Stage were announced . by the tiring of cannon and muskets, letting off eky rockets, the beating of drums, sounding of trnmpe,te,' and every oth er thing , which could be conv erted into a noise, until Sunday "night. On Easter Sunday, :au principal street was fenced in, outside of 'the sidewalk:ly - also* fence neross each end of the. street, aid the crosestreets. Within the fence was displayed all the beauty of thin ancient city. At the hour of four in the afternoon, a too was let loose, and put to flight by horsemen.. This was-the fainous sport every afternoon until the following Sunday- We then had a respite until the last Sabbath, which was set apart for killing , the Jews. This was accomplished by having a. number of stuffed men prepared, with masks on, and the centre of their bodies and head were filled with fire crackers. These figures, suspend ed hy their necks high in the air • in the most public places, were set on fi re, and when the ex plosions took place, it called forth great ahouts of applause. So much for the resurrection. • .Rettratturrre firma—About 12 lock on Thrireday night, fire was discovered in em black ing manufactory of Butler & Brother, situated in Deer Creek Valley, about half way between Brirdiay and the junction of the Reading and Montgomery turnpikes. The Barnes extended to the dry house. of Mr. Wilson which was consumed; and" reached the eatablishment of Schooley ik Bough on the west, audaithough the Bremen exerted themeelves most strenuously to emus it, the entire promises,' with two. large smoke-holuei in the rear, wereoompletely burn ed down. • . The morocco factory of Mr. Roborts on the opposite eldo of the road, next took fire. It wen n small trims building and loon burned down. Three amen frame dwelling house adjoining Um - morocco factory, on the east, belonging to Schooley . & Hough, and occupied by iota dotes families, also caught fire, nod were burned to the fret:old. Severalidwellings on the southeast side of the fire, Donfinick's slaaghter house, and a small brick dwelling adjoining the ham packing estab lishment were in imminent Peril. and only eared by the daring efforts of the firemen. Losses, Insurance, &a—Messrs. Schooley fit. Lioagheloiswill'mounttushones2s,ooo. They are insured probably for $15,000. Mr. Wilson's loss, we are informed by one not connected with the firm, will be about $26,000. Lie had no insurance whatever. We believe this is the second or third time be has Buffered from fire. Nfessrs. Butler •S: Brother's lose v - 1.. ' • • ranee $lOOO. Messrs. Esau & Swift had a large quantity of peek packed in Wilson's building, which was mostly destroyed. Some 50 hbds of hams, be longing, we believe, in Sc. Loula,land stared with Schooley & Hough, were also despro,yed.—Cie. Oa::, Saturday, AMC 28. PENNSYLVANIA WHIG STATE SOMERTON. There was great end untwist unanimity in the numerously attended State Convention in Penn sylvania. Gov. Johnston was re -nominated by acclamation. This well deserved renewal ofcon fidence, on the part of the Whigs of that State, In a Chief Tiagistrate of eminent ability, who hen not only administered the Governinent up rightly, but has stood firmly and Audi) upon the old' Whig platform, was alike creditable to Gov. Johnston . and the Whig State Convention, and gratifying to Whigs in other States. The candidates nominated for Canal Commis. sinner, ledges, Re., are distinguished men and devoted Whist: The Hon Wm. M. Meredith would adorn the Bench of the most enlightened State or Nation. . • . 4 The Convention 'poke its preference also, with remarkable unanimity, in favor of Gin. , Soott as the Whig candidate for President it is the cus tom of Pennsylvania to indicate its Presidential preference early. Here, however, the Whigs usually come into the Presidential canvass at a later day. Referring that matter to a National Convention, our State has not heretofore opened the canvass as early as other States. There is no disposition now, we believe, to do more in reference to 1852, than to "prepare for action." Erntieg Jovirnbt. • AJLEXICAI Err Gr.ssi.—The London Vises, among its other disparagements of American manuflettmes, says its cut glue eltimiy."— The Boston Traveller mentions a little eirettm• stance which shows how the specimens exhibted came to be so very ugly. It lap!, in the store of .one of the Boston.dealers the editor was shown two rows of epUimens of cut glum, in cluding tumblers, fruit dishes, Sc. , ono of which rows was the costliest English manufacture, and the other American. made from the Dolluddee county mud. There wee a' very manifest env'. riority in the gleMs of the one row. Wyss whL ter purer, and more diamond like in its quality , anti the cutting was in every respect equal. The Transcript lays— .• We selected this as the English row, but found that every article was American; and to this row the but judges invariably award the 'palm. A collection of this glass was sent to the Great Exhibition, and denied admission. under the pretence that some little formality, in the . andmticatlon of Its manufacture, bed not been regarded! It would seem, however, that too inferior glass found no obstacle .to Its admis sion." Toe Tsarttner d'recs.-.4 statement is gc. ing the rounds of the press that the new three cent piece has an intrinsic value of but one end half cents, and intimations hare been thrown out thus* great • supposed debasement pre. sents strong inducement to counterfeit the coin. The' tatemsnt itself is a very erroneous one, as may be made maulferd by the following considered - ow, from which the . unprofitableneet of a counterfeiting speculation may likewise be inferred.. The infer dollar weighs 412.5 grains troy, end containsuinkentha pure silver, or 971.25 grains. The throe cent. weighs 12.375 grains, of which threefotuths, or 9,281 grains are pure silver-- The three cent. therefore, appears by the rules of proOortitm, to have two and shall hundredths of the pore elver In the dollar, CR, in other words, Its Cur alone is, „compared with: the other ether coins, worth two cents and • half. The alloy of the piece is of copper, and weigh, oto.fourth of the entire weight, being, therefore 8,094 grains. A paned avoirdupois of copper, weighing 7000 grains troy, 'oath 21 cults.. The alloy of the piece, therefore, cost, one hen , dredthof • amt. The Cost of Manufacture, though not usually charged by government, would enter very mate rially into the calculatiorut of parties who pro. posed to counterfeit the piece. • On this ground the cost of manufacture should properly be to, ken Into the account. As the hula of an esti. mate' we will take the coat of preparing copper into pieces or planchet/ fit for cu bang, u paid by the mint to tnivate manufacturer". Thls is found to add 2881 per cent. to the coat of the material. The excess is due, no doubt, to the cost of manufacture. Let rue sesame thnt the preuration of three cent planchet/ will be lees than half es costly. say 15 per cent on the cost of the raw material operated on. In this ease , the price of coin is enhanced by throe-eighths or 875 thousandths of a cent. . It is propeTalso I,2.i:collider that the • govern ment furnish Owyhee, cent In * exchange for gold at par t notwithstanding, . as covered with gold, silver is at a premium of 'shoot 8 per cent. This premium sbould . fairly be added to the value (2 . f. cents,) at which we have stated the silver in the coin. The intrlnslawaitie of the coin would thus be Increased 840th, or 875 thousandths of Diendasitiall consideration of otheradditlons to the met of the piece sea manufacture, (among which is the ',wage of precious motels,) we group together the values as above Ascertained, and find theta to be as follows: - 2 canto 800 thousandths. Copper, " 0 010 Cost of planehets, 0 876 Premium on sneer, „0 076 Total. 2 cents 960 thousandths. It wears, therefore, that' the three cent Is worth, on n moderate estimate, two cents, nine Mille and six-tenthe of a mill, or bat 4-100 of s cent lone than it protegees to be. A word May be added as to the probability _of the disoolorathm of the coin by wear, which hag been alleged or predicted, perhaps in cone. queer. of the eppearince, in some of tbaenrly issues, of pieces which bad been tarnished by ox !dation. 'Upon this point we bare before us the experience of Prussia, Saxony, Hanover, Swe- den, mid some other Earopeari States, whom dollars (taaders) are of the same alley, and are known, to maintain a good silver color after many years use. The nberptats of some parts of tier= many is also of the game finality. • • Bea Bathing--Cape N. J. CONGRESS. HALL is vow open for Goo re ception of 'Visitor', rioter, thanktol for the throetr " Vadoo I I rat e' s% thi rtaoP r l P:= '"l tait . teeo l4 the oreeent mum, to mak* hie how hoaten tangementi and asakomodotiOta. ha true , . he vottm ratJatooloey to Mamma than anLwitieh sterotobre boon pmlded Upon lbs no oaten*. tuto la lon. Wm to promo gcod and attentive rotated 'ornate. un ar the mastodon that they are test suited loth. enstOme and wools of • Maioritta theagjotter at i thaftena • ,- wRENO/4', LINENS of .vtuicrne szeridipadmigiogoagravi -,,,.:,:-!P.Kt.:,?,,,,:....r5-ts?-5.:-;17. 7-',-:..,%:-.v,.m.,7,"--T.t.,:?.,..',1-7,-,7,-,,,---,,,---7,4,,t;.,-.....,,..„-...,,-,-.......-....-T-r-rri-p-,,,-. --, , ,,,-- ''''' , 7,':'.74. - z".17.:''.7 - , , y. , --z '. - 7 , .ri' - . 1 , --• - • ' - °-"'"----"'"'" - --, --":".,`"*.,--,:,,,,.-,,,,,,,....•,--,,r_.,...,-;,,,;:,-; ~....,.5.,,,,,.-,.....nv.,-,;....,-..-,,,,,, ' - --' '-'",,,,,t'f'4774-'-''"'-''''''''''''.7a---.'''''''''-7.77',-:'''-:Ini,ITT"--,.14:"--.7:".-61111iiiiii...-.,•-..i.m---.4.:,--,-.• ... -, 4;-..; .4-.--- :. -: 1 - 1.4.- -.. ''' , .'4 --, ' , ... ,, ..v.. - ^- - .-- i-, ' ~.. , ~..,. , T. - rt -, -* ..,- ---, '- ' . '.. ~-,, - •- -- : MISCELLANEOUS TAR -AND ROSIE:1-- 100 bbl.. 34Q Tar, in good =ln; - , 10 0 ' , yu HO WILLSOFFER for the Fake of sa -41, fTrietrALOatla= dmextean Una wirtahlas ggißtelatTatlV TIMOTHY SEED-34 bbl 3. for sale to iel3 A IL FLOTA SUNDRIES-. 6 kegs Shot. ass'd Nog 6 " sad I lAA. Las* 1 21 0 b b bla pars Plumped OW urs 6 twist Tobarect 5 *woes Fresh Rion 76 bu. Dried Apples; /612 dosses CMlNrosasi for salt by _ _ ' JOAN WATT W. CE-15 tierces Fresh, for sale by jel3 J.* R. YLOYD. FATHER -100 Sides'N. Y. Sole, for sale by Jel 3 .1..! R. YLOYD. (ALT PETRE-2o bap( ~ C s r . ..l d, " . ) , l n i ts e gi e . by mr3o PERM OIL-18 6612. extra, feraale by S le2 WICK /deCANZLESS. 7•ANNERS' 01L-23 bble. for wile by Ja2 • WICK 1 MaCANDLIIKS. 0. 3. MACKEREL.--50 bble. for sale by /ACES DALZELL. No. CO Wa.ter.t. wtu... SAßS : AP w Aßl :tbzW LL liwT A .,4 .— cKzE Lf stu3 ld ... oz. CANARY SEED.-3,500 lbs. just received LI from the rest. a erten stasis 1 i wg . , 1 12 : 1.4 Corneret *Oat wad Binh ara. 1111 E-50 bbls. White Louisville, fur sale Ibi ../03 ENGLISH 0 lIENNEIT. 1 14 ARD OIL.-10 bbla. puro winter lb do No. 2. sale by \ .7. 2CIIOO24IIIKER k N 0.24. Wood at. TOBACCO-103 kegs superior 6 twist, on amooromot sad forL. Was id & wATERLIAN BONS. OLASSES--200 bbls. primo N: 0., (intiO 1.1 /MU " " twmaleby L. a WATERMAN BONS. BUCKETS & TUBS-60 dos. Buckets; jet' • 10 4` Tubg [or Web,. L. R. WATERMAN I ! S O YORK—A few I,ble. prime, and a small lot 3. Strllk Mast, Gar say by LS: WATERMAN • SONS. B UTTER--5 bbla. Pack; 6 low • •• inxt reed. for lode by L. B. WAYEILIIA N SONS. TOBACCO= '33 kegs (dodge's) , No. 1 Six Tvist, for-1W by JAMES DALZTGL. je2 G 3 Water. and 76 nest fn. RLOOIdS--WO tons Soft Tenn.,' for sale by kV JAMES DALZI.L4 . - ARD OIL-10 bble. No.l, for mile by WICK A AIeOAVALES.S. IrANNERS' OIL-50 bble. just receiving try trod, and for tale br .1•1!):3 DALZLIA4 61, Water mt. REFINED SUOARS-106 bble. Clarified jo2 Powderyd. and Crushed Ibt rale br • J ta ••• V_OLDEN SYRUP—In hi. bbla. aad.lo gal. e2ILA hum the St. Louie Refinery, ex Ade by JAMAS A. HUTCHWON A C. TIVICE-5) tierces Carolina, for sole - by JUL Je2 I.WIN I. turrotuslo a CO. EMP—I3O bales Mi. D. R., for solo by A. IIUTCICBON s CO. iARBITT'S Double Refined Salenitax, put np Ilb. am albAar puma '4 . trbl ‘1" ''' t1V.1 . 20 1 121% I / tr. "b. Utaeant Tea Palate. I i . sE . . b - 7 20 Tierce: Rial a il u igre and fur bina.= =. Lamm. st. JtOMAN ! CEMENT-2. bblm., fur sale by F. VON DONIIONST & CO. 1/INEGAR--30 bblm.pure eider fur ludo by V S• 4 E. T. YON BONIIOUST a CO. GHEERE=4O bu. W. R., for male by ha "," S. F. TON BONIIORST-4 ..... boxes IU. R. Rnisin.s. 01:011d* r do 311VLEtt a RICKITAON. Nea.22l t 212, Literty rt. ...... PLENDID . FRENCH PAPEIt 1:038,—G041.G0kl sad Vollat, Eloattet, Tatosts7 4 ood Ortaaseatal Ilemb Pam. of yule'. waalltiaa apetrl•aft prteta to roll tatenoutattero of alowat :nett dam of mahatma, for oat at tho :Mobil:thaw.' of THOMAII 05 Matta 'Bl. BACoN__2O roceired and for lode by J.lO STICK a WCANDLI-11.. INSEED OIL-10 bblo for sale by 010 WICK iutiIOCOLATE-128 bxs. Boston Chocolate 1J r.s sm. by Mo. , - WICK WCANEIIid. TIPS iiEltifiNGL—for sale by loto irißEigt- 7 -16bisiii7s store anafOSTe7sale %If by 1311AII DICKEY • CO, 010 Naze, sad Croat sts. f I i tIBACCO+I.2S boles sa'd ,of the best 31 breads 66 tad Is In Oars and gobble by 1c10.13•1111 DICKEY CO. WO. sad Fermi . . .OVERING'S SUOAIL-20 bbls Lora, thair• 4 Pllslvrayaltry Matt it Q ARDINES IN . BRINE.-111 kegs San 41nra In beet Mardelloon) juAt r•si red *awl la sale J 7 ' IV Mt .4. 1113.V71) • M. • 25.5 1.0. ,. .• it- pYr CLAY ,, --7 too. coplefa Put Clay, Na 10 1. Jon remiml sad for nth br te WIIIIMIAKET: CO. XT Eli MACKEREL-50 Ws No. 3, large IN p nw =arming remind aaa cm a.ia a tr. maaaarott: OOL. WOOL—Cash paid for the di ff er. • • tat grade. of vool 6r - - F. t,%T. I4ILUUIt-110 tibia "extra" flour in etorn aiio tor mai. hr lel. S. •W. I.lkaDaUtill. "M ACKEILEL--Quuter , bbla No. I 1 . 1 .‘"'""‘' " ;..l Jew (EY & Co. Nat, a ?root Ns_ _ C OTTON -116 bale,' in store and for sale b Y Ia 15.11•11 DICS-rf WU. froog sta. lAV &NA SUGAIL-50 bu white Ha tervivvi Ibt ncuhuvito, _ tIIS Water etre!. LOAF SUOI I IL-30 bbls Loaf sugar tar *algal NlNaberv)for OGILDNIDUZ r INGII)LAIL No. 114 Nrr rNme.. JOR SALE—One Kiln' of Brick, Enquire .4 W. 31T1.12170CA3 flrantbau•, fourth stmt. It ICE-14 tierce* for sale Iry mats it' .4 ARD-12, bids No. 1 Lard for sale by 1. RICE A ircxxobres. TARCLI-40 boxes Ikmbright's extra for ed. by MO RICIct WCADLI.III4. (I . oto MATTING—For pOlid hidlß and SITLINTOC , Cari•it areb taisa. No. IS. lou - ACKEREL-100 bbls. No. ( for .J.!2.! 8.8 W. 11.1,811AVall. • A I • 1P.% 0r 8010 .ky • 4 is ft 1 112211217011. Ala.l- 7 12. bias in store and for onfitby 1261411 DICII2Y 2 C 42, Waur /n. 2 Oa LARD OIL of Bennett & Jonev' runnufac, tur.. IT We by ItAltll DICHXY t Co. Jo tO 11 al, at /mat... VORN-1.0 bbla Bladed, for sato by .pao IL 1. VON /LONNIIOLAT 1 CA. bxs for sale by /.to E. D. YON 1110N-NITOWIT PLANTATION Sugar and Molasses CJ Mids. prim* plantation imam. 3dl L. dm do maw., IV store land &I . Y., Ly . 3111.rrit lIICKEVO, - • J. 5 Nos Vat I 233, WARY caUGAP. Mina laolainnia and Plantation 1.3 eats, lir bb d S. It alolarcorror—PL Jame. nanny. la bbda Palo Plantation Pam. entrainsunent and kr Rata bo 3LILLYII a atonl - so:4, hai.ll,l Watt H. TAR -2 bbl genuine Barbadoes, for Rola hi fie2l J. KIDD CO. DILE POTASII--50 lbs. or sa.e I by B.A. YAW: EttThel( s l: O. PLASTER -60 lbs. Comb rides, for solo by D. A. VAIIMITACA tin AltD 011,-20 bbls. for sale by 1.4 jr2 J. KIDD k. w. to Wood At. phi bble. Lake Sr; White, 1851; fir We by b. 3 . . M AGIC WATCHES, or Doublo Itunun rsdea orlll. gold caw, 0r.,10 allow Um rsco orou at plusauro a., one rook., Jost received and VV.. V rtsoy. Jed corner Market pod Yount; pa. ALOES-IWO lbs. formula by j. 2 . B. A. FAO:MAWR • CO. •-• EUSSIATE POTASII--500 lbs. for sale sy (pal A. A CO. ft OIRISII-6 tierces for sale by Ai is?: WICK t 1100 - ASDLEEK - _ _ WOOL—Cash paid for Wool by MURPHY JI LfiE. :'IIiIIEED OIL-1500 galls, pure for sale b J. sciloiseusifaa ;co, .2 Wooll .bra Et. WOll TWINE-500 lbs. for solo by Jul 7lUllrf7Yl LSE DISSOLUTION. Tfirm of day il Clarke, Parks & Co. Rochester, PA, Is :him lstedred by molest cc mem. the Irk. Wad of 0. M. Itervea hetet inarettesed by Harelltea Clarke sad It. U. Yaks: Chu *ill rootterte the business es formsel.. ander the owe sad style oi Mark t Perk , . All the baseless of the Isle erse to he eettled by sied Usaylltea Chula Or K. U. Parka. HAMILTON IMARKM. It.ll. PARKS. O. M. MARTON. PlUsteargh, Jeri le, ISM. " • leltlat ANING made a chang e in our business by ttuLrlebus by a. •Stsykluterist Itk Vll 1 . 91 a! • LLOrk,• s.,x, the Dtl.itiLlS Or our tL in v. 17 t rixn Um Clsyslaud ' LIU Este exul Itletagethm ta PM*, • , • • P.M) au4 Dawn us t I t assillou, , . Express Motet Lim loaf:natant!, - 'AM slso tbs pertalulns stssasbuto Mieblsau gand Beaver, te dose btrraftsr lltrO s ./0110 A. tr UE LATall A tglestgr 'T.h. P ° Pittsbnigh. Jun.11.'61.-4142 Atsbsstsr, XMPLAEs' ewoxna -,rue re ;11 tot grArtnlarrord4 ir4h the ctublrsos of th• sou • R. A. wuaolv. • 2 44grar 9 Minadelphis do ravellvol Line 4 Sailing from Philadelptia: on the rabic I, 4 l Zeto i st th e Isf ofm‘b mon 6 6 ME ANDIMIL Ism • " WETROEE, hlidbanlel Rawls, Euler. Edina?", allied., Ethltb, Mute, SEUCKAHION. ("sera W. W. West, Easter. The above shire , we bald of the hest end mart earth' materiels, end we noted for the theiddl of their Perellrer , they are Atted nith ell latest lostevrementh an d"ed tharon I ventilated. and an n fbr theft so. ' comm.:Woos Sennei chum ata=re itzuesocrj: they ere commanded:by men of saw:widget' et, .00 Country unnptalled Co. their expraisnoe In th e packet service. Eon.. deriwod • Of Waging their friends twth the Old Country earl °Mem orrtlfiestes of 'adds .111 he good for eight monthe, and our welts In [eland and Liu srpcol .111 raraan .to ana the 'pm. 1.1b..5&M...., lostrnello_ns whaletheir departnre._ Poe th e conventsthe of renown sndlthil wrri mu a r T i s=falit=tithf w r h% ATV erlrd rigy bi o; the Pants nr Post Utilises Ls the United Kingdom Air PrOTkii rap:died tenoned cooling ftwn Idnr -• Erery *vet the Abllowlmur iappliet lan be Dualaltoi each pusenger of 12 yowl of ass and owl: 2110, rien. 2 or. Leo. & Itc.ostosal, ttour, star, and half 1111awartm of tearglyirai • 1;c, 37 Walnut Emit. toloorEocond. Yhiladolph* NIL FLOYD. eornar 7312th and Wood it,., Pittolnorgb. • - - ••• 'United States Hotel at PhilgraotihiP r7E SUBSCRIBER' respectfully sus:soon -14.471 0 hla In friends the arel pro U t fporLipud th is:o t m , 4os 3 111 110PF.L. logue Imo.= in " connection with the lintel under the late Peoprieter t he Pole perfectly ea& in ammilidafilta pottono,that no shall be fronting Le toner= Ito praviona reputedienne the beet 'kept hove Me eon ntry. co tagenee boa twee stewed In ocruplette ly netting the entire establishment. and b• Pattlrtd Invitee attention to the changes Introiluard ftai the eote =Metre and efltbrOri of Ladles. Being firmly deter ed to id= satisfaction, be =Mite • continuance or thM apt ow freely beetowed on the old United rtnrwlt 'ge Im73I:2m)ALLIS . crOMAS WHITE, BONNET MANU - FACTURES, No. 41 &nab Becemd Street, (store nut. nut able.) Philadelphia. fbbibily M=M AGALEY, WOOD{ & Co.Whole w. (,oar., No. Mutat at. Philadelphia. spa] M=M c. gKA, BUOKNOR k CO., pacoO Car:11111M= Mamba. tsfif , ...ll Nceth W stamint. 10 Nerth Wham.. I'muaeobJa- , anal u EE_Cf r E .E . ANTELO, Gene • • - • • •- Sirs Cent saved to Country Merchants. M. J. NINO, Dealer in-BOOTS AND mm ona 45 N orth finsond strut. Philadelphia, hu mat even rum the marosfulary an extensive un well nanntne von t nr the anon, gown. .nkh he vninnf nev nut less than nen be imminent ha the 114. for nub Fa; * t ' s * nTlfro ;wall to tall benne linifh•fhifi. tayLtho Shawls I Cloaks ! Mantillas! S. MILLS, No. C. Cortlandt st., N. York, . opening at his Shat Warshows„ a fresh of ' Fall .std Winter eIIAWIN meaning of all sty!. of roach andlvitoestle Wool Lon,r . lih together .ith Ha full assortment of Freteh arse lonsl Moan an e dLong Broths Shawls, of ants smut. Also, satorsim stoat of ()Aare, Morino. Tbibs.Billt. Satin, awl Velvet CLOAKS. MANTILLAS. SACKS, ae, 00 sarions sham and Kyle. Inanalietiaml from hail y* terns al Ms cam importanons, recalsol send-monthly pas yarn, steamers. • Ile hesitos the special attention of Southern and Wed. blerrhaots to the above; ao they will Sod an most. meat of Shawls, and madfunad• wonia I,r LsoWes' maw, numarpassof Ina. oily. • A 1.,, superior WING STIOW STAMM. for ashibiti= Shawls and ll.ntlllK dressol In every colored Mot aM Comb-at Shunt AS earl. Office for Foreign Patents, No. 5 Mlle., N. Fork, and 186 Rea at, Londo.a. I)ATENTS FOR INVENTIONS procured le Great /trace% Frw, Delving, DolLa4, sad all z n ey mu. ef Ituloyo.--the Canada; Cube. and the Lbw Ytth lerenttallost on the above eut be bad by &Wedelns J. P. YIRESON. my . C.tet' it' I Wall street :finer York. SI ',lll.a* .inperior a. rock Writing and Copying Ink. TONE'S 1.7.4PL1LE INK, 87 Neiman street, run Ilnildnn, New York. tat TO flat pa! dm_..—sl .6 on pd.doe--...40 50 to.. • —.... IGo rn. • • St% • Oo 4riii.i.hi..nor Tide lath. boot *dice sautes...lured. It Co.. emir— good COkt/h0 INg—and adl not corraira nod& Mandato or door and torsereer all the qoa/Inea ram!, ed to • gad Weldon Ink, goltahle for Ma dal.% and ad: Wahl, Wanted for Ulle had Yen. The nandoPacl. gannund to farad. to the trod. eh err kr *anon or borne constdoptkes. at tha akar. , ac i zt "dr, Tarr:red In an= • ar,tega are charged extra at ‘ oe ‘ Vt r7or SIIEOLIOAJt LENT. tarltr tt Named et s Pan Boltllngs, -NEW MBA% Professor A. a. Barrrs Tricaphamis, OR MEDICATED COMPOUND, for re- Ae` l, llf=ti.'V'e,,'n''t t r ealr bet, apt 1148 gran :4.'l'z nbL„' man Las Nadas. the same Oleo In raring Comet of.. W. ete tt the hoot and ell the animal Itl4aon. The toeinnonl.l, soltoal tom Walla 1.07 L. will rent to Owe Tato XCo proaratlea. one otintethat in *latch It is told by thOe ebo hese stria It a X4l. tin Toth. atu =%llo. AMP. Belat—Dear ele—l hoe beta sew tow. eraptlon ref CO lola. of a rot shoseated than sae. as tee leo Otto. rota sad ear.. that istes bed the ladrks of Axe of the mot miner. nh "nd elotal tene hoe utedsll tke. he theta. i d eti Oln now boom yahoo the loot St Iwo &Meet hi ter end be., your Teloneherona 1 to. se Ott room and, to Cr Mad irreatatlO. Wolf 2: , ‘ , 1!-:(tx,,Va.t - tt,:tplrairAitz I' 4 -- th. leets t te V X 11AP_XLV ttrpat ll,, 143Cohnstin Wert. Oultlye. Nor Tom Ott. =, 11511. Pace Dessr—Str 1:44. Ale—Atom osnustro ear hake 4 itsl tor Lesd r tro tenth on earl One. end 1.4 et. Cdtrt;m7i"ttns=t. .TTI.e. a Z r . releth 11:11 . tag elapporni e as the ..h"..4' I 'A TkrelniZ t e4 nreee. ir lal r Seediness doubts Um auLbestielty of Otto, Lb, Nesae at ISOtteee A C ittere's ml nolellon he. LOS. Shoe peolseetle Otilt• l 100 m Rim the Iltlitsre oust Naval Anti; Kat B. 1130.3 Mere Ism nest for tea poseshisst ewe. of !elem. ate thermos of the erustoss estertzlle. that du melted It. PtleolsttlT estiored lee. the stores known as reteloshe Sartre T114,40.1. t i a ..holed Cosottemg. It Is es tsresoself on . e he the topttts cisme% C tbs ecoastoolty; Is he. every unmet , to the Wed It le wool to hrefenstos other stuck* of It. kiwi It Istpseta Cm to tits mesa( the h. , she Uhl -Itehototes Its stsmrth to • netott*Dle . dee erev. It demons Ur ttsodetaf sod teed. and tits bete toe sot gloss It Irth ente .11 donut* cf ets ach m seat: Les.l. dr• Irmo, hod other obhottoos &wee ders of the slim to thosteteoe tea troll as etheser. It stands Imindlod. It tooth to how bottle.. Delos Sheohte.xl the ;WWI et tater seel Idt Ittoseltrwr. sehl st Coohts. the Dromitsts amenity . . thr=stt .CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. TRONLA.B HAZE, FORWARDINO St COMMISSION MERCIIANT, /I..LTNOIS (CONTINUES his usual facilities to receive tr. fmtdactr. Sale, and Trantllmatl., .llttra t 1. tv colg,tl W.. lawn W.. Get idly for ALI "data mer eittaxiitand MrArs, Jo INl tt fi.. * 4 Mr. Julan A. eamdtary. ST. LOUIS & ST. JOSEPH ST. JOSEPH, MISSOUEL '3111)11LETON, Rim( & 31'0EE, frcdotoo Coosol.moo. 111.1 Toroon .thittooto, oo the LIM., rt. Jodopto.l.l. 11.11.? b , dlexamler (Oudot., Lod Loma, teTI.loo• 1 Co. Vlto.buroh. 14:17 poA U. TUTTLE, Attorney nt Law, owl Coogoow.o., Yousoryltanio, Loot., Na ,0 0010..00. NomptlyllllnrortaL • MC:kir 010IIN 11. RANKIN, Attorney and Conn. ordlcd at taw. awl Coadrodwanwor t. tb• Rata • am I wailia bb. Laub.. (law of Plttaladln.) boforwracw-rhtrorrtin Sinf W. "froard. Ilamptaa • !Mb% "Manta. IdCu. Jobe C. Parka, Wombs beta abt. /Word k CD. aural:ly i ANIMCAII ROUSE, , tIANOTtit BISCRT, BOITOW. - Ti l E i tilld . olll tglithoSl4lLatta . re- 0 . meet. yuntalnuty in all about dd. hundred nod ally= room.,uotibi flbparlfellertim not. that it ill 1201, ..dr 1 for It. rmselltiou, aust wrommodettou of the trantling nnmntly. Au attended ootioeof the unturea..l tommuleuomolthis House h. deem. getout.. se the nommen Stemma menteedikh ha. lade made canna be properly time In .iaderlyWernent nub. It to my, nu a.m. has been . I._ Meant to render any apartment ye , The furniture rum. exprendy °Matt retard!. of mat and &ruin porno. of it whiny , Um Drawing pr 0..., rill be found to be of them t beautiful =nu.. 1 tom. Th e Inning too. Me rap.. , and the hour. for 1 immie Pill be .o erteeint . So rust the ronveultmce of the my and late. , e e )Ir.r 9 department will he ruminant In itis unerseptions. .bin manner and the proprietor pin.b yw hlmeelf that the Arnencau lion. rhall to truly L. Traveller's blame. f....PamleertetT LXIVIit RIM I IRIED APPLES-30 sacks prime, foranle fur by en 72 2 RII£Y. 31tAtinEW1 , 1 CO. ASTOR - 01L--9 bbloc. (Blow's make) for oe br mrz2 RIMY. MATIMEWS CO. J. D.CANFIELD. Ude. primo N. 0., for aisle by k AKS A..1111:1CIIIPOtit CO NOPLEY 'S I'OT CLAY-36 bbla.just ITO thr by .1. mnooNmaxErt *co. mr.i ILOVES-4500 . lbe fur rt.ENCII FLOIVMS--A s p undid vanity ne r wz . t ma ntylz .... hr i n:h And Jamaican Irlowm, 0021 "Y A. A. iIAIOII I' A CO. " PEACIJS-35 duke in 'tore, will .41 - ldr" thd ILTAII Melt 6Y l CO. LICKETs.-50 do:. Marleeta for oby my= • J. Et. cernam. 1i0051.9--100 doz. Corn, for sale by ALERATUS-100 boxes - Tiara; Ltd.. on fo. b 77 J. 13. CAN FULD.r_ Q.i.To.d.R.— W bble . Pandered , for we by a ni)Cla a INGllltlri. C OFFEE -150 bap; Rio; UGAR--48 111 K-6- for sale P.l L. B. WATERMAN AONE. 1M mut Watnr. and tEI Mot alma. L"' SUGAR-100 bbls. aos'd Nos.; 6 Crwthrt_tbr sale by W. WI WO, m7== I 4 Vint, P. sad 115 &mo N d 5L _ _ QUGAR-10 Mids. Clarified..fur salo by kJ ma ENG k BIENNETC rrEAS--56 - lif. chests Young Il t yson; r 5.1: bx " isitn eitrizz4 mr.,3 w,aer sad View pl. ...... 77 OVERING'S SUGAILS--Double Hetlnotl oo s Admiral end Powdered, mutual, od sal for sale by th e barrel or retail, at the loweet cub Mee, by Wit. A. iIeCLOILO too, myl9 256 Liberty lIJ bble new Zir sale by Jl togi W. 4 it. WiLoos, PIULADELPMA ====l NEW YORK. ATCLIVS, in large variety, and at the knnesi reels, mama nubprim, wholmale and nta. 1.172 , 3 , W. W. WILSO:Y. BOSTON. - kENOIL OF ROBERT BURNS, the POST/ any NI NM at tar nom. • Would Wortatcat of Gold and Shoo Pattilx God et am ben tomoaletorc 'Watt ran Mosotho, •• • (wont N. N. Nlrlara" Dieu Crimson Veget and Gold Paper sfilsilirgh'v's'erg.lP!=bitZvfird .Ptrin‘ re7MT PItINTING PAPER—A lrgo lot Doubt(' Medina &ad Imperial ktintlag etbr..l. 1n.21 earner neXtat, and &wad •In. RAPPING PAPERS-A taiga sort. F as uweit ea Wrapping Parere.ll.l. 11AVE1111,11se, tiwme, fbe W B.N '8 0w24 Paper Ruda:qv, ax. Marina ar4 rb. n GROSS STE 'L PENS, of . nil quoli- Ate ?are: 1 1 4711V 1 "r 63 1(14tV ‘ l. ttl aoge.' stomll4,4m m 724 81=118.43,1.ntrr LOUISVILLE WHITE LIME-50 bbla. .I.A fresh. reed sad lhe de by W. •Y. intsox, guru 147 :rout. awl DB Seeped et lIIDES-200 (prime for sale br _ay 8. . 1141.118A11u 11. - - MIIME B11)0 ARBY'S TRICOPIIEROUS-1.2 doz. for xle Er U. E. SULERS, mylll 67 Wood et: 4 LUM--50 bbh. for sale by ..ylll ! J. HI DD UM, 60 Won I gt. ALUM -50 bbls. fol Bal e mAKE R , co. 1.0.5 S._l4 10 bblz new for IVA wasoN GLUE--41.1bble. (extra) for slate by mitt • J. aim) oe. 4 14 gausi!guimed (z.aLTITRI, !in; km web aim. LITTLE CO. 'ARIEL) APPLES-15 bbls. for saleLbjr j.r..4 21411/1/DOE IfiCaRAX,;t: CHLORATE POTASH-50 lbs. for sale B. A. /JENA:STOCK & CO. NUrITS-20 b /11`'W•crifarar-.OlNb. •S El GAR-180 hhcie N. 0. Suli • for Well aL DAUM, i'jm7ls • • Witter t 1 4® U". 16" Dip °w enn; E 2 f 4.. darbtreMiri'4"' co._ BEER IRAS—Jtult aiTed ati No: ?56, . Libev stir o.. .twidee at veil , i.,, ,,=utglx I • 612tebliratpcionaltr J F, t , 3.u, DWELLING ROUSE, 'Contixinin . mo o t ri ter t} en. deers 7t, j rjels moottrihr en. Rsat krir.Poel aus be gin hareedlateir. Z. D. Oa Libertrat.. jskiktf . ;nest th e mouth of Tblrd. Valuable Lot on Third street for Sale. AWILL sell the Lot on Third: etteet, na l:Caine the trptioletery Yetabilahateot tifirat. Setae oh om e. am the Cogice f u; m oft e YU:IMA Piet Compeer to the other. me bo on Thiel street, is UN feet, with • depth Mrerd theeed Meet of 60 feet, more or I. = el e b t tre "lea th =c 'sale. The the LoLpa r•he In one sea two yews Romßom the dm of UM Is perfectly amt. cnatua max & _ Yelltdder at the one. of C. Ertaler it Co, loorth R` R ENT. brick . ' ty pe •storyb..2 rd..,..r boost, eltna.te oelbled stmt. between ... rase and Items the bourn le cell hatsbeet wall h ' &sat In the kitchen sad above whkh tone le • mot ,with bet' ant told water: Posenekteeieen hareedleteir *72 to: '''' ' Hance cad Lit for Sale. • LARGE LOT, on Leicock street, A:2 thmarh to Ilehemanyethw Att on each street, with • depth of 120 Leg. roo githe roL7l4 . terra g leg lirkk e tpwo AtIfIhaerW"6OTISTUI7 o bimao steed, ot JO i.A. - • ASTORE ROOM TO LE , Market the dear from' fourth; and atifotnbut the afob Auld Jeweler non of W.'W. - Wnsos. This afore Sawa bee the hanctataneet front in the db and to the beet betaken fur a Dew Goods ani Wartor.Beetwora Rla (tent for the balance of the year will born,. /ow. . hobo of JAMES CRAY. or ' W. w.witune.• . ' , Reel Estate far Sale. • A VAIIIABLE unimproved ,LOT, on the earner nf Liberty am? Iset u ori ulnae , nth mad. hrO0?, t 100 th he e 734 l OVlag;, gig:te t ra! 174 three doe, Brick Dialling noose oil inweir stroo, aolition_tbe above, the lot beWo 93 feet !not by 103 bet tfsep The house tame and onovenkult. bulltln modern etyW, and contains elev room.. 4100-23 acres of very valuable en lard near Bltarpablakh. Aleo—A Yarns of Ida urea ha West Doer township. dlas—A Farm of Z 4 acres trt tolerance countf. udlee from New Cattle. • Also—.7arma its Beaver county, of various Adam and prkee. from Saturn dawn. • • diao-12 very valuable lota baraureo, Pelee. auderate. Benoit, of N. P. it IL L. narrnamer dttorroya at Low. and Beal Bands roy% N 0.107 Pourth streets Plalnuill: 'OR RENT—A Warehouse on Water. ranart. Nave. Market and W. Imitable gar molt. Weans. Enquire of wst 4. mra ,„ JAM/MD.II.2=L O ar To Let, T HE well finished end furnished Store, on Vew,enDldrtrz .xtrtoms ltbs imegen Post ()Mee. st rul Ebn ' traa k azt?si l -! . 'tried( 11111. • Item. . . - 1b Fanuen. A 000 ACRES Farming and Grazbg Warren