The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, July 02, 1851, Image 1

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    ESTABLISHED ,1N, 1786.
WHITE it. CO. • •
• [maws Komi.
mow rem BOMA Ism nom To nu Tart once
DAlLY—Lieven dollars par sanClili Malin hair reen'ir•
' Maus LI paid in annum. '
it'r.6lf.LY—Two dollar. veereLt l3
Irbe supplied . the following oenottnann—
Three coot. per aannaa----.....-4 tOO
menet cult Gob to to addroneol to one rarer
- , :ead to be pad Invariably In adv.). No Club Paton Ida
mat eller toe rear @spleen rattan the money Is settler
• •
One Dinar. (1011nre of Nonpareil or lei -
0.0 •ftalso. CO
Do. • two T 00
Do • • twelve round; .17 00
It 03
Standing std. (s Hues or teat, per murnu—S6
Quo foc ac s additional Ilne.
4.. Gem liquare, assumable at ',lemma (per an—
ntuuj exclusive of the paper.. 'is 00
se each additional mum, la.ertal cm ma month, aml
W WI 'additional ammo tuxectol under Do 7=1.7
• lidrenheutento exceeding • name, and not any Manx
thaa, to be n utted a square and a halt • •
Publishers countable for lapel Mmullsenfeetta De
rmal the amount charged for their publication.
•- • Annuoming• esodldatesfirr Mace, to be charged the ulna
ao caberadrorthonanta. •••• • -
1; -Adrertleemmta cot =aqua op" the emy for a sparked
!number - of Insartlousodll be meth:dud thlfrabkload
ansded zwatedinai
the parllem of annual is stiletlp Malted to
...• their cern Immeilate badness; and all advm•Usta far
the Wolin of otber persons. es:rrell ae a/1 ed vertlenuntte rest
bratirdistely connected with then own bushier, cod all
- ' l- classes of adrertteenente, in length or otherwise. beyond
the Hints famed, will te charged Utter =nal rams. Tor
.all stich 4-actit wtil be. sensately
soden& and prompapayment le dented
All advertisements for charitable insiltin_ firs ern
: ,'ftwstires nuti s township, sod othn Tann and
Isuch ILO. to bs charged half. pricer Payeblestrlctly in ad
' Marriage none, to be charged 60 meta •• •
_ _Death notices inserted without charm =len mumps
, hy.funeral invitation or obituary notinse. and when
ti Fern.
Itewolar alrertbass. and all others sending Cattimunce
or requiriug notice. designed to attentien to
Taira Bairns, Concerts, or any rattle entertainments,
where angle are made for admittanoe—all notices of sal
ute sarecisticee—erNy notioe deeigned to nil attention to
prints enterpriser. entwined or Whinged to Innate indi
vidual Intend, ista only be laserted with the undentanT
Dim that no ume le to be paid for. If B e c h
ar inwed to be in.
sorted ln the load column. the sane w il l hged 11 the
W of not len than 10 cents per UAW
". "Bishop arfDT NotionOto te thermal Dials pirfna
'herein Lefton Petition ineni. •
. - -
' Real Erato Agenta . unt Aanoneere adwatteatente not
te• be clamed under reerlr rata, bet to be allowed* 0*
coast of thirty three and cae Mot pa MIL Stun' the
amount of
nut, Om;S t acie, th" fil
Irisatloos rgit"i3Z .St CO
-• R RICLLT flail.
One & o. loam (10 lloc di t,) one matt.
oath adtional intestion...-25 mat,
.111 translant W a ne to adininos.
TAMES F. KERR, Attorney at Law—Offies
m.,,,, "'Garth rt., betvres, Scolthprld and Grant, Pitts-
OS. WEAVER, Attorney at Law, Fourth.
fite:r:=Vel'e'e m r=?r." ' 411 ' 4 , I'VE:Pelt;
5. stermai oursorr,..- aucuxtune TATUL
oor LW...M.4 P.O I g•itte of Indians. ea)
a raPHANT Ai TAYLOR, , Attorneys at
Law—Mee on &mill rtmet, No.S2g.bidirsen Weed
tral Smithfield nrertr, Pittsburgh, P.
- IL.. /le -6. D. Oliphant m Commissioser An fibs Started
Nes York. . - • • e . • spill
T. HARRIS& SEWELL, Attazz at Law,
u OW /Shaw Corn talmioner Tor takinz lions, dolt.
:rapids...6; of L.kig. Ono--F stoo.Atr
With. _
Mee on Fourth most, shone Flattl 4
W. F. WIIITE, Atttirnery at Law—Of
ueas roart.b. in.arthure Bade
. math=
110 P. &G.L. B. FETTERMAN, Attar
AXES J. KUHN, Attorney at Law, office,
lu Tilibrue H,], corner of Grua street sad Illamatkd
y. Pitiaburgb. • • lelbrtlT
FBANC'S C. FLANEGIN, Attara vat Law,
Ito. 170 Youth rand, PinkbouNh..
* . TZ , E Sc WATSON, Attorneys at Law,
No. 110 Fourth Amt. littabargh. - _ •
. pa—Abound.* Da_ T; .I.n Boador.Msood Her.
ink. Bunny. k 0,.., Won. TA onoor. John Nbuf..=. Aon
coutut Goa W. Jacky., Pittsburg* judly
KWARD P. JONES, Attorney at Law:
i dike Firarth sect, betpretn Rood and Raab-
TWASPER E. BRADY, - Attorney at -Law,
I•I P., No. 89 fifth wind. Pittabutith. R.
RGE E. ARNOLD & CO., 13ankang
Gr• EC D la Exchange, • • Bank Nan, •• 1ea.74
r !..?! ' • .:
• MIL IL ..
tUn rtivosty.... ryr
EVAL witlrAs"E— 8r0t,,,,,t4.1_10.. Bankers
-A:. ICING, Banker and Exchange Broker,
Foiuth •atre , ft, Dealer In Bank Notes. MU of Ex
Gold and kilter. meka dnaght ant ml 4.
Thainghost market fre , min In Dratnlnk , for an.naaa
are. and .kteginanaafi . goulash WWI.
o w
WM. LARIMER, JR., Banker and Broker,
4th 2 4 =4, No. otioirans tits Tivoli of Pittstnazh.
WILBSIrS , CO, Exchange Brokers,
Mott That Orar of Thfri mut Mika drat.. All
IV HOLMES & SON, Dealers in Foreie
ey" Allet°.LVALE:V=Att&
RAMER crllir 7 1 kn and Ex-
Drokm a l=l ?7odp ,
. 0
1•-2 CAROTIIERS h CO„ Banking House,
N 0.15 Wool street.. rittabitmk. Co rrepl Mope; re,
oo it Clleetlon• t all . ta• VadDel
cities of the Untied Rates. . .
AMR ',hi IRVIN, Commission Merchants
and BM Dram. 5p.114 Brood xtreet. • Perwead sad
raw opeorities from - ilo.oootbrani ea Osrld
NEIL MANN 1 CO.; Successors to
Unser, Hanna & Co Etararons, Eintaas.Barotnor
dealers to Vorelgo sod Enntranora Cortina:or
of Doped; Bank Note, and &panto—North Wort earner of
Wort mot Third aced. Corroltt Mosey toonlved on 6l.- Eight Cheek. for rode; end °oilmen:ha marten. near.
irf all the prtnnipal point* of Ma tithed &data. •
Tha fdrehot pr.:al um paid Ito Ponta. and. Analorloot
thrld. •
Advances on notolouneitto of Prodoomhlpport ihat:
IPS tonna
prW. TAYLOR, Commissioner and Bill
Braker. 112 Berard aired. Bttlet Weal:km will bet
rao la all trarlarra entruslell ea Ms ear. Pltletrecrgh
learailkatared ta•tieles ale m, r4atil . band °ri:ared at stunt
raga. le ates ‘ Bootie. Le, riescalstal on !wear
able term.. -.A • evale. requited. • .aell2
1:18 7 1): 113:1111:1:i4:9 in (i):11:4:1:1
Rc. STOCKTON, late Johnston & Stook
* ta, &Owner, Statimer,Printer, arid Mader, cat ,
Market and 'Rad stawta. rittalnaglx.
AS. B. HOLMES' Cheat ta Lite s r?i n tejt,
""."' "P : n t.
Wh ' d " the "
Irresi vrk.
Bookseller . and Stationer,
alb. No. TB north ,feet Apollo Holldloss. •
. — 7 - - - -
L —- - ____ ,
... d
1101VN7J., Wholesaleand Retail
Baker sag Contertloar. BB fourth sheet. Pittsburgh.
1. 21 mae .4. and Eimer Confoetivarroilsrays oulFat.
allTyawtu attel#Nl to.
1 M'CLINTOCK, Mnanfactdreratd tin.;
. , l' a Cu'amxt4 On Mak Ste= Past Trim-
U;1 ww7t..pi„,T.lN.,"`b°"""leunh
ItW. POINDEXTER, cornei of Water anit
• Market streets. Plambursh, CONVITSIOS Awe IM
AM= Il an= and foribe purchaanand rale of Moir
Weatent Prodture. Iron, Nails la" wattle rosa
artlehe et Pittsburgb renerally.
.Mao—Agent fur the sale of N. Ifarper Co., awl: RIP
=celebrated Manure and Ray Porta. of P
yrbo; and .Tinaldas & 4)3.'s tupeelor peetm qty,
A. MaANIILTY & CO--Transporterk
and Contrxdarinta Merchants. No. 61..Watar genet,
. H. JOHNSTON, Forwardinz and
Commbeim Nromfood, No. 112 Sacomestro;
lER tr, JONES, Forwardhlg and COM ,
minim Mar.l.nte. Dealers In Prodate aa.l MU.
Idsanfactared articles. Castsl Amin. near Bernath
ARDY, JONES & CO., Sams/softto At.
woo& Jacks & Co.. Olamled. and Ponrudlst Met.;
- ""ert retsbursll Mmnnetn»d ciout.„-ritu.
&Limp, s co., Wholesale and Retail
Deal, In h
Tana iittul Staple Driecals, 62 Market
Pittsburg •
and Retail Dry Goals Merchants, corner of /myth
start 'troche. Pirtshurch...
kfre .".
Ft - D. HUNT, Dentist, Corner of Fourth
JAW Naha ft... tetwoen ttarket and Terry. streets.
Ourottorlot Sloo•boots fa Abe islo of Atoolloso
Goat., No. ISO 1.11.-tr rt.. Inttottot,h-
Sa W. RARDAUGH, Wool Merchants,
Diming ITFllar' awl Rtypioee fanerally. sad Far-
Etat Mkt Comminlnn NerchrntA,Ne. Yirst Arad.
111 'wird stre.t_Titieburch.
00A1,1, 'ILSON ,t CO., Importers and
' whoussis
sat ttstoo Drak
ltbe.. lo ttordwzro sae Cottory . No. 1251
stress, ri
R. A. FAIINESTOCK A'CO., Wholesale
and 61121uGetunas of Whit* Lead, Red
. I,ll=e, eornsr Wood and Front streets, Pitt.
• moist
Di 0. IL [MX.) • [O. O. 1f . .001110.1.
Iit.YES.tRitMCI??Vb. W 3Z 0
1' .2:21 88°" .tt )
ption IStom earner id' Wood street aad Virgin alloy.
Phystelsne imperiptioas anefullr compounded Illett sad
➢ V 117.1 e s e Dru •
ta: Deal
. -
en to Pni
ants. 014. Dr. BOW% •~
to !Sc—
ot Dr. il"Ltas's telobnitool Worm Specific,
a. Us, sod long Erring NO. 6U, arse. of Wood sod
hearth Arcola, Pittolonrsti. Chdero .111 b. eunfall)pek•
.1. sad Isr.sologd with dloiastab.
ItE. SELLERS, Wholesale- Dealer in
O..Ty? ptrilf,a.
Prices low. r.mou. e. (load. warnotaL
Q. N. WICKERSIIA3I, Wholesale Druggist
la srL'irsr li :,a"' t.g.1,1= 14.-th
yt R AUN REITER, *holesale and_Retail
44 16 pr i titbbNeoruer of Liberty and ILLOsis yin..
JSOHOONM AN PR &CO., Wholehale Drug
s" ed.. N 0.24 Wodl 44. Eittabaroh.
W& F. WILSON, Wholesale Grocers and
• coanalonion Mexebanto, Asenta Re Ws or Da
Pone, Valrder. No.llll k‘ecood. and 145. Front Rs. apt
I: L. MEE, Wholesale Grocer, Commission
liferebent, and dealer to Paver and Bid; earner et
Nan Sad Irons street.. Pittsburgh. • •
SAMUEL P. SIIRIVER, 'Wholesale Oro
ear, Plaint* gal thionninion Mereberds, end Deal
er. In Pittsburgh Stsnufeettued Articles. hew 13U and
Pieeond streeL between Woad and Entlthgeld. Pittsburgh.
3010& Dll,OllOB- WINOS= .
: . TOUN S. DILWORtiI CO., Wholesae
net i. r n ec ra dr -r adrlbtadaon
lf M i e l rr ._ h s sn m,
a N u o l . l th,
31soca eitubmf
amt., 15 Orocerso
!I and Commladan
tta Elsre
rurgh hants, N 0.115 Wit.
nt Med. Eit.
l tilEY,. MATTHEWS & CO., Wholesale
I jo"ATI.I , FEE - 07, ,
xmmludork Merausits,arld Deem .Prodttes and'
• Attgarish liginfeeturelh 266 Liberty . greet. PM.
B. CAN.EitLD, late of Warren, ()hie,
. Commission and Par. Merehant ant 'nolo.
Dealer to. Western Iloottro Choole, Bottom Pot and
Peat 4h, nerd WroOono Pealooo generally. Watt strod,
jit.S. , WATEILMAN , & SONS, Whglesale
.Dieseedisien I' ifroubroth
Is ill binds of Produce and Mb klanuficroc
rod Artlelos. Aerceds for Ma sale of cud and
LThibb!rogh Tolicec, No. SO tad 11l lied.ere
.1..... 'll‘ ti`':ll . 4. : 11, '.O 0-
•- ale (trocers, 1' orr aiding sad Coanseapcm Mach-
Dolan ha Iltubit la Alar anEsetares sod IF ortern
LW...... .....Oin? mein.
ISALLEI DIOKEY & CO., Wholesale Gro-
-cam, earnlll. 6. , M aclean% Dealers In Deal In Produce
-50 Watervard Prom rtmet. Pitubsree.,
FNOLISII itENICETT, late 1.1305 h,
a mrdlergatio,mor = 9 /. in Prod orldlltra
bares liatorfaMms. 121dormd arid 1M Pl..*_
sow.-... Jun D. 101701.1.......WA1ti1l awe
MN:III.LS t ROE, Wholesale Grocers aid
• • Ourozobattto Mere!mu, Na 257 Liberty ,trot.
I I stA' A ,
tn . 0 e .r .
Lag -Pk VaLkila ii-M. •
••• - °
ROBERT. DALMILL . 1b CO., Wholesale
14 atoeen, Ocauminion Mendip:in psalm" in Aaiun,
Vitint Inttab ricind iunin Dinnufacturca. no.' =3 Libirt/
, • .0 es e
Meer.Pralnce Forward . Lad Conaudadost Mer•
U. eceouva
WM. BAGALEY & Wholesale. Oro
ens, Non l6 and 20 Wood Aftsen Pittabonirn
WICK & McCANDLESS, successors to
L t. 7. D. Wkt. whasssisUrcvers. Forwuding
and Cennuthsion Mashantr, dealers in Iron, Naas. Ulan,
Wood a¢
Pittsburgh Manufactures gaerall l
or Wood and Water Masts. Pittsurgh.
itcummielOg ii - dalfge r wme.d.
Orocen azul Commiadon 3tereban D&m to Pea
sad liburs ctab b. trrgh Matmfactuted il. Liberty
anat. Pitts •
I. D. :aotor Ram
Jr!:WILL/ A NIS. dr C O. , Wholesale and
• Retail nadir Grocers. ForirarEng and 0,61212.1.1i013
Cs and Dadas Country Produce sad PI
lssoilactates, ,turner of Wood mod kllth sta. ritts"=sh
oceItOBINSON; LITTLE & CO., No. 255
Marty street, l'inabargh, Rtudende Omen. ha
and Commission u•••_•:, and &gas o Plnabargh
&R. FLOYD, Wholesale Grua Lam
minkat klerchsats, sad Desler. m nonce—Loand
exeets. PittßaLl4l23.. fronting ou Wetly. W00d...1 NMI
sburgh. N.
JOHN newer. In Prcdoce. IMMips Winne. Comae.o/d Mon .
=maned& and Rectified Whir key—No. 6, Commercial non,
Liberty et. Madonna.
p. I . NA if .0 e trocer, om
mini. sad Forstrding Dierebant, sod dealer In Ina.
to gi (NA 1;14 cku:, sme IA
!LOUN H..MELLOR, Dealer in Piano Fort,
Mork, sad Molina loscrurcuroto, School Boot; and
orry. Solo war for Chian - Ives rump Foam. for
Woorera PonnerhoutiorNo. St Wool t.
LigNRY KLEBER, Dealer in Music, Din
irkal hatruntentm. ssul Import.' of Ilan. fltriima
14,04 for NU L= Clark's wrand and square num..
with Coleman ' s Zoltan dttaebme t..dYo, for lhankfitelt
Plum. '
~:6; l~)J:~H r~ j:1:a:I:~
DILLINGS„ WILSON 'it - CO., 31aaufac
toxr• of all sloes to lore dad 'dm; lao4a. alau
sad MMustolabing, dont, bob, and
shoe nalls, Boar barrel toot latldne do: also line dZ and
*I bleated Waha td, do.'
Ofßes at I,IPrENOUTT 4 CO: No.llB, Wafer at, Inttr•
• .aa
MOS. J. CllTULt—..._flyer GUM
=flays manufacture and burp constantly an hard al/
s.TMlttramforl,l- riathatd?:§2:',
Compar Nails and Tector, Barrel Nail". PM. , and Zibr
nos Nails: Patty= blaltme Polar. iu.spßamoorted shut ,
de., de., de. PAMPLIPLI., Cilgun CO.,
'platy • Want/owe, 09 Wants ob. Pittsburgh.
I r • , I ' it • . 8 .
TONER Sr. afgsl, - 71.tart — u - Ecti;e j rs ofSpring
and Blister Steel, Plough Rae). Steel Pkdagb WIMP,
sad Elpeups. I.l.smatoPed Iroa Atlek
dealers in Bla.Beable Cutings. "ire Puede Lando, and
Caor..h Trimmings pormarallp, contir of Bus and Frort
Pllddbargh. -
net, Bern. n Altnifatturert or Pala Ath. Meath-
Pondent Mariana and Palphstrie Acids. Werahons,
No. ea Water A. beinn
WALTER P. MARSHALL, Successor to
&lama 0. Mll—lniperter and Peak" mtb
and American riper Hanfinds rd Bora Alndor
I . 3 2tepping Paper. ANA 'Wood etree7 " tatiken arna
sus DISILIMI Pittllbll , lo4 •
ROBERT MORRIS, Ten end Wine Nor
chant, Eat mite of the Diamond. Pittabozgh.
..... .• . • .
WM. A. Igi'CLURG it CO., Grocers and
Tea Dollen, Na. larrty Went, above Wool
ha. silvers ea hazel • Large anwertmerat at Grocer
fee wed Tam Aleo—Feretra Inas sad NoU.Wegd".
sae and rete ll . Dollen 'applied an the lamed. term.
.. ,
. ... tv:,!! .: •.. ...
.., .
~ •
pLEECH & Ca, .Transporters by Canal
sad Yornsalln Merchant., macs of Penn litayst
the Canal.
41- A,PROWN woulcimostiespectfally inform
"thepultlle Maths AMP.= tmodattle Manion Um meet
sof the Dilmalui, Allegheny city, • complete searliseatt
of Vealtims Islttela get Ileoltlan Mutters are suede to elder
the bed style. oserthatol equal to au, to the
Steles.. Ills Wads am be emoted withcat the •14 ef •
screw Myer. • llselas purchmed the stoelt_,Scola aitti wood
of the tablet establishment of A McClellan d./ am
Prstemol to Ihrolsh their old motornera sa well se the pub.
ho at large,olth arm' thlrui 1n their U..
dip.maat4o. Wood stnri, Atteburah•
~.ty:a: :~a;jr~t; t . iP • if:{: 4:A:SCirI
Puhrgnza—liedidenne. corner of Third strestand E.
Ammon. Allegheny. '
H. 11..-14 me, EAnd, dhdtgr, hith to for pls.
VSTRItiIiAItY strapEoN
A DAII-.IIARVIE, Veterinary Surgeon, Into
hem 'Edinburgh', Scotland, would reinvalrallr ad"
quaulttle nubile that he has mammal practise to to.
above profeseion: gni, by es to give sat careful attentionletneUon. to w ‘ hatever is
entrained to Wm, be bon •
In conneetton with Jam ne Hardie. none Eboelan and
Dbeeksmithing In general will be carried on. at the annex
of Tunnel street earl Eninsrivanla Avenue. • •
wti/, WILSON, Watehee, Jewelry, Silver
Won, oncroll.lltory lloodo, coma of Market and
noel, strect.,PlOolotrobas. 11.—Watebesend Clock,
aerofoil, »mina.
NEVILLE JOIINSO . N, Engraver on Wood,
Philo HAIL Warn otory,j Plttebarnh.
d dino, 3lochicon7. Hondo hooPlokTo..Pomboloonh
Landon • ',nut Lobela, in oolong Pa. 1.11. for PlyPoons. Po.
ic matubmaa, Third alias. OPAMit. 1.1.. / 1 / 4 4
Odle Phrrbstres. Slaps, Lamb/ether. Poi-waist, thosr bills,
niubees, Draft, haul Label. Arrtarnethrsllubl
8.1.116e0 arid VORittox Cards. P-r-, yantraved or
drawn oh War, and rented. Su colors, lloht, bronze. or.
Mart. to the mart approved Arlo. aad at M. mad remelt..
Oar tvrtaaa. , .; tardtlly
Wegner, Bnechner & Nueller's
THE ABOVE FlRMrespeetfullyannolince
to their Wends and the Dub le denetniittptatAbZ
Tnre pren h to eAeeateyn iu the pa:VI/6f tr v e i rr u..
co ' ? gelenUCett ''. 73l, Chart te,%•
mar estehtlehment is at no. 68 Market el i troet, Let t
ma and ronfth amt.. op Entre. mehttf
Bolivar Fire Brick Manufacturing Comp'y
THE SUBSCRIBERS, hiving been ap
1_ Aglaia Agents for the above nameA concern.
keep constantly on hand • supply of the celebrated Bolivar
Vireßrick.CitotibielfbeClar,reimace Ileartbssodlnwail•
Thor vents, prepared to :.salsa orders our told Brick. to
be mule to size and allays Moult putcharni. which dull
be don protly filed.
'We not deem it woman to enumerabi th e 1:0110T ed
'vantages the Boli Brick paean over all °there gat
have been offered formeln the United States, %bog idtre•
ricrity being well known to elneset all persons who we
Vire Brick. The proprietors ham determined that the
Mick awn.. ppoe of their present enviable tspritsdlon.
and that no expense shall be spared to nuke theta even
better than tiler hare heretokow been. VIA is the ordr
establishment sot manufacturing Pb., Brick at Boliverc
Canal Beale. Seventh at, Pi ta NE boridt.
Bills. No. bed Liberty car of Ads=
i , Flouring
J tritutrviiiE,.
kIIOLAS VIVL&N Civil Engintr
et7:f t=reho.,—.l.lA'"lf lai.
rump 11100 A Water Warta, Rolllng mills. te... Ilay be
{quAd Lat Ext. 10 A. M. and 0 P. 11.. at Ala mildews. 2..21
Mat . 9017 dmet, Pittsburgh. 1.14.111 ya
New Coach Factory—Allegheny.
MM. A. WHITE k CO. would re
speefullf Inform the public that they it.,.
OD on Lama, between - Peden] and Sandusky
Weeks. Th ey me new zenithal' and are prepared to twelve
orders en every descriftlon of vehicles, Cwehee, Mariam,
Earonches, Boggle., Photons, Be., which. their
lane esPetirnos In the
t he y of the shore tort.
and the facilities they bore, they feel oonSdinst they art
enabled to do work on the most reasonable terms with
"arin ' 7 ool' p.olar 6 Ve o It el a r to U ge . ..bek. of
tad having ml u e eat elpeteut workmen, they has no
hesitation In warranting their work. tee there...L.: th e
attention at the publk to Ws matter.
- 0.
to date in the bust manner, awl on the
moot reasonable terms. tealett
gROLE MARBLE WORKS, (established
tsw) ood by EDMUND WILKINS, No. 114 L444T
sLilte o , f t nTigZ, Pa irW,tufg=
Pier Tope, always on hand. and las& to alder.
N.B. A claim talocUon of Priming. at hand. Jolt
Cornar of Third sad Margot street, The owl ohet.
rat Institution of the kind hi Pittsburgh.
Ptcottr.—John Plettdog. • Principal Instructor ha the
Solemn of Amounts.
. .
O. K. chvyvh.rhn.Praglavar of P•anzmastablp.lkmalS•
Casoputatice, Ate -
Alex. dl. Wats.. E. Lecturer on Oatercial
Thaw desbins • =Brad. ktv7rktlirvo N.& Kvrigh.S.
and its sprat:gar= to eymi , brszk i h m o i f but=
. 4.1v.v 4 so vie.
fft rapid peatri: dil
Lvvtat==erelal G. every Mccully•waLhi.
itarrvvvv. to any of the midinst city merekuht. ftle.9
WILKLNS, No. 245 Liberty et.,
head atiCcal rave; Iltteborgh,.
• Macurucnt.2tlial Vaitha,Tocatatcates.
Mantle Mom, Centre and Pier Top,
always cm band and mad. to order, of
chtlireet Marta,
esand at v ery ender s
ea .)
Eg a elt. A *trite atia• Drovriay
Hero. flamer Denby Clarkq gp,
W. =l, ll li i. :l4ld
John Snyder, teq, egg. .rr• Mal+ AwAlteet.
Mubarak Beal. rti
A a llaYsy suge. ,
llnlett 11clitditha Lew Wm.
Morg an A Co.
Joe. Slainight.Eiq. brottnip D. T. an • Co.
bun. • Joshua &bode. Co Indent
• & Lathrop, No, Allegheny.
Z. W. &ale grateful da the very liberal patronage
adtedAtuing. ninths. years lo Mid cit, baling bad the
largest and bee:Jobe antenatal to hie care y ow to the mama
time, and will =dean= to nodes satielectiow hereafter.
Bennett's Monochromatic Depositoiy,
MAT L—Now Poinfinsa—The . os.nku or Clettueosam..
and the "OrzooWlT at ...alt." oar:
Cacturer, Wanatocrou 97. a 42 Th strrst
.7etfully Worms his Monis and
0nt0... that he lats nos sum plated ttke large.=
and bond Cock of household fundhara ever berme seen
Una atty. as In la donandoed to uplink, tit...m.lft/ with
1/at material* best not lututublp, mod amen do.
sissur, and hum lb* eatent of On onion and nullity ht
tuanufacturtua. be Is auablod to produce arannuted total
tarn at the Innen tercet
H. crtrodpis of Ideutlfrlngtha custom
an. interest with his own. in quality and prim. and lithos
always instithd th•preathii varier; of ineru deirridlthin
tundra*, thith the ch.pait srul plalntht. to U.. most Or.
oat and costly. that • boos, or ant= ass. may b.
furnished firthi Lis stack, or thanu y. to
calm Ile tberethe Aillorts inspectinu. tba=al i van.
thou of him Aitabllatthie ut. nt may tar Annum. Th. follouthr
canairtau pof his work. wid th riclithrs of
=and finish eaamt lie aurputhl In to. of the Amami
Parlor, draping. dinthri And bedroom chain. of every
satisfy. enusisting of nrosethal. mhos.). athi walnut.
Dliabethen. thinarrustolre lady Oaths. of es .p
rthdloru Wattles, Eofau,Sete-edets and Divans atria lat.t
/lunch and American patter. Suh e 4. W tuat.N.Aiy and
Mies' parlor Writing Data of 1.2111, kind". Work Sabin
und fancy inlaid stands. musk stands. and 0014.1, marble
sop. unthincthy, rdinvond and walnut reran , and 1D01L,1.3.
hies, extroskai dining tableio all 4. of the mo.Lorprthial,
deridedir thy laud kind mad% oath. Deuthroks ball and
uthleg withlrotitirdideadir and .athstands of each •
lamp assortrosuU le hail and parlor 'sorption eliairs.
ottethaus and the a. secretary book num, side Wards.
fthr thrums. towel mks. bat sisals, and music otools, thibs
and ads fur childrrin lath , maths,. ratan and lies
mthinfany, tharnord i p.rl Tab/ca. iite. £0. ya
A lathe anaintosent of Winn= Furniture athl Wthlsor
Ch m ths. Cabluet metros supplied with all articles is their
W •
Atectoboato =el Hotel; tandate.l •hortal AoSSAA
All Grim immaptly attended CA .16lt
OUNTY LANDS—Corr. Cu4s. Neru
attorney at law. N 0.141 Third at.. earner of Chem
'u ha made arrainfonwrite far the purpose. will
worn. nty Lan& fiu °facers an.l oaildiera. emir
widow. oral children. and will attend to any other boal.
nen. connewied with the Rorer...or or say of
meats,, the Pension °Mee. or the Cimino at the. CCity of
Drawing, Perspective, and Paintingin 017.
mr . D. R. SMITLI is now prepared to give
Instruction to •
In th. dderent bramehee
o Is delightful art at roomk Idemm. Cede A
Atkinson's new bedfing, Pint street, bonne. Wool mul
Work. street.. noun or Itutruetten. from VT. to 4)e. mul
from OS to AX P. L Qumee end ether ponied.. can to
Munro mMog lelemeon) at the rmms
hefer to Dr. tenons or be, Addle.. .Is-notf
W. Dixon's London Patent Lever Watches,
trofcan nu eerie! in lltisendi:
KRICHARDSON, Si Market street, in
' • sole Agent for the above named Later Warliet.
krorlo. guarantee attached to each Weals:
Dy appointment to the Admiralty, WM. DIXON. Clara
wander and Watch ltanutaetirer. 45 Xing Dour., Dor
wen hood. London.
oem111.• that the accomDmUloir Watch.
emulated by gut to be or my scanadmture. and noWatet,
.itb my sumt upon ft is modes tulles accomandast be
•rtMeate lemmata my atguatnre.
Iruarantaa th e Watch to keen time to the lab
tafacticu of the touchup. WU. DIXON.
Steamboat Agency', and General Commis
sion, Receiving and Forwarding.
ALDWIN, PLUMED & CO., have this
day azoodated with them Mt. John /Asian. and offer
mmlere to the TANI< Steambost Aerate. Ghtend
Comathodoo. and YOTlrardlox burineas, nodes the el le of
Lotommu. April I! 1W!. Barr.
aprlr2L - 1y -
pR. J. J. 31YERS--Sargeon and Ph . ysioian.
Mee and doitlllno. corner of Darlington sr., No.
w i nd. atrocious door abort Smithfield on •
Dr. Dian has permanently located to gittabirgh, and
trill attend to the duck. of his Prob... 11..1 Orr
particular litigation to BMX.. PM*, and ib t ammo of
vox. and chiklren. • aping=
PihONEOGER CO., Importers of Wines,
lhavoto, and tholes Choose 1151 Smltheald greoh,tos-
Sloth and &mouth.
IRAVE FITTED UP, (on the New York
ItilaiNerj.e=oroZarernorner7 it . for the ale of Cur
lb:tad:do hie parlor; and Aare =re d s=
mood eup:to ' r warartnient of Battu De Lain., Drneotals,
?ninth end 01.11112/1 Dimmest De lain*, Damaek,
Maroons, Chintsew Turkey Dal (hod., Friar% 0 1 iMre
Iglrind Leos p 1•111 Mullin, Ural
iftTof different Zlthe ' : . b!r g ilfee d of 36 different petterne
Kyles, Derr Mnd
ara. Wiom, Blinds and ithadoraCtatain
Bordner and Bands, Curtain litne.ffenalsand Teal Loops,
Cord, 81110 sad Worsted, Bed elders. and Wring., Mar
and Lancaster dug nteane, end catered
Camforts, Dairid din
All orders thankfully rareiwed and promptly
WM. NOBLE, Third etroet.
D A. "MADEIRA, Agent for Delaware Ma
teal &Arty Demme* Csaopaor, 42 W. street
JJGARKNER COFFIN, Agent for Fratklin
Tiro Inlntrmeo Cowpony. north mute - ors. of Wood
WX. GLENN, Boos BINDIUI, Wood street,
•Parod door from oorner of Third, whorl be L.
prepared to do twerp description of Hindi...l.lth neattone
nod durabillty. Monk Boons ruled to anypattern, and
bound aubotantially. Books in numbers, or obi books
bouud carefulla •or repainul., baron poton In ',fillet.%
Those I.ll* bars bindlog an Incited to min. Primo low.
0. 1.3a010100.1,01 00/000
D. CIMINO 111111 D. 11112 LA.
W. CUNNINOILAM a , Manufarturars of WratooW
.., No. 28 Market Arne 'beaten First and Second.
Patel/arab, Pa.
.freg"u.Nel,VVire.,*" . else— " D " k."
JOID , MUM.. ... ...... ..... ... . ..._...Jana. . MIMI.
SMITLEY a cLvr,Coal Merebanta
um] !veers In My Mali. Oroarles. Jr. and Nail
corner of Walnut street . and IWaalanieton Turnpike Molt
Trnryralt • 111.1 remd*.l•e
DCALin IN It Natalia; COIN, DANK NOUS, tC.
N7t /berth rt.. next to Bunk Pittiourob.
Notes and Drafts collected au N.fte of the Vtdon.—
yowl." boneht and pent ea eneeruloalWa. addrtawr '
ttiDAMES WILSON hm removed his Hat
and Cep lien to ft 0.91 Wcol lane; door inuth
0-PARTNERSIIIP—Daving taken my
74 „„ A It . Wftwrn, Into partnership In the
Cap and Yur Wafters& we will hereafter do buthare.
nyder the name of J. WIL.SON & 80N. at 91 Mead Amt.
P.N.—Junes renfwww.the Ilat and Cep ettaw.
.N 0.9 reeetut street. Alleeeeer Mtn lately kept by It ft.
J. Wilson & Son.
IVlen°lLStl'keel/'eEf alrldllUetnildnirldiUflgniSt
"'m e t. ehlhi door bele. Illeurdeld' He. Pitts.
' , encl—where they offer and =Wet. 6 , 0 of nets
CUM. of their erre mud Easton rhenalsetuts, of artery
dueller And etyle, ertiolevede end retill, sa4 t. dm
attention of their eintdmers and the inane, =ming thelte
dui th, will sell ou the
meet reuonablet WM&
9 SUMMER RETREAT is now open
roe eM scoommodation oe sisitom. 'Mt bewail of
e place bat been much improved bp the addition of
choke Shrtibbrry and Flower,. A lium collmtlow of ever
blooming Pltnts and Shrublieg7. the cholse4 kinds, are
kept Itir tale on the remises.
lae Crectut. Fruits, Ae.. kept in the Falootm usual.
lloquets tattefully pa up itt wort notice.
The neat and t
een Me= bird INDSW,lsarte
ter hauling, between rittstreet and the Old Allegheny
Bridge, at the beghodo gof every hour—from &clods. A.!
DI until 10 P. One exits trip every evening, ad tbi
. _
Zaz o ngi4 e ri:i f k , .. t truht nr be rr Afat t li) . ll7 •re Invited to p•T •
The Gardsu Ls kept ms Temperance principle; and elostd
on Bum1•T• •pltetf
F. E. Moore, IL D.,
, t e lL Id:gentian
Kota the turear tml entrt or diclaims of"
ear:lio and suratalliaera
withlindret and nest door to th e
from 1 to Z. al A 5 9 .1,:., 9 P. al boa"
LIGHTNING RODS—Sprat's Patent.
Whoksole Depot, 86 Wood lava, rittebargh, Pa.,
teartwrighVo Cutlery Store.)
Warted that they cannot get out of order. The In
ou tore sad Attaaleneenta String accurately, the PoioU
sad Magnet/ are uerivalled—the whole Wog highly .1 ,
rasa OW, and without dispute the hest conductor ever
maaufacturol. Junes Jackson erol attach them et 0
eel. per foot. Price at the More, 10 mute.
gentlemen era requctfunT rep noted to Salt at S 0 Wad
etreet e lad aaatedur the above; where, AL., th•Agrutmay
be mem. say7.lAl
3,irlipLEsAl , „* dealers in groceries, G less,
• tit e mt,Ltra t zte., N0..0 au Doak. sad L. 13
(ash advantes made os consigns:testa
Assists for sal aissmassta sad Propellsrsis tbe lats au.
perks. Lana
!tsar to—Wel.Cn.,asvelsad:
Niles A Wbeelta an6s/cs
T.ll. /lowa (Sadder. PittAttrab.
myl4:Cm ,
:. •: ~~ : : 7 s:.I
N 0.19 Wood "greet, between .Flrst and Second sge.,
MANUFACTURER of every description
of COOK / 4 V° °MT= of tile most %moved Deb
urn.. and /men se • render the hen tetlefsellon.
dI,.—PARLOR bTOVIIti, mown which will he found
Jewell • Boot . . ailebtstail foldins dew Puler bovven ECP
Stoves, Radiator= Franklin Steven plan and fenepOratem,
to which wit invite tbe attention of buildern dee Ketther.
/hollow Warm %Veva Diu& no: to all of wbleh witinvlta
the at tentkm of dealers Wan putelnwittn elsowbeni.
f!EO. E. .ARNOLD & CO. have this day aa-
Lm metered with Una JOLLY D. SCULLY. The style of
the gn 1U bras heretofore.
Pittsburgh. May let. mi. Imr2
(Formerly the Exchange,)
Corner of Penn and St. Clair Street",
Tnis spacious, central, awl most conveni
m Intly loestal HOTEL. basing been ainipletair re
*ei, and Unmoor My repaired and Improved. is now
oprit tor the secommodinton of thepublim
The autenther , lessee and proprietor of the 3T. CLAM
HOTEL, terpetfullr informs hie friends sad the Planar
that he hag nuel.bal It he the won elegant ami emulate.
Ms style, and =rimed eonmetent assletanta mad attentive
and falthfol servants, and that he will Ppl2a no exertion
to Make it equal to any house in the amour.
The well known central loesslon Um !loose, androte
' . •
yententee of its
renslealng It tha moot &elm
~ a t hop bp rt.
15AMUEL KROESEN keeps constantly on
nand a gad axsoitroalat of Woo& and Itath
ava. et to Oat Welt. r Doalata
Wcalom Plarla, Char., Ifeamana, ' Zioc and ebony
WWI Buanla wad all caber I tod. of Iran la hit Dm..
Waranaaa. famaie 1411. Mb oa. Anat. Pittsburgh:Pa.
Fresh Assortment of Spring Goods.
TROMAS PALMER is -daily receiving
from the }intern Mee. at the ohl tcay
.1 , ;0. 55 MAIIKET STRUM,
&twin Third and Fourth streets, PitinLaryh,
taro &Iwamoto. Willa prmant al.k, or the moat beatolltol
HANG INGS that Itamo appeared la this muter
tor & long natio& Tba WWI. ars entirely now, the
. blll l g o rgo " =. " 7:-orlt h e nT: , 74 , WlT.lbt f =
ran... To UI. attractive lot of mood& of &ht. a morn am
curate julgment no be hound by algiot than dwocriPtawt,
tba atteallan of march.. arra hotey h... 4mmJamt
folly Invited. - • vett.
'Co.,Wholes to and Retail
111..tfartlix., .4 Dealers lo
comer of Wo..nt and kirth Anna, rittabo , reb. 11ter• they
oder • hill and cinnidele stork : Of
,llata. % ualn I/ jar; to. of
7 .lt o e 7 thr th ictioV:ettlat 'y hatertin..: d en h ;p. '
ally. amenring them that they arlll o• th• mot eat....
tageono tem..
WM. , ;ROBY, Merchant Tailor, Draw,
.v 1 bealer le Llaady Mad. Male.. 1.4. Mart) at
'Pittsburgh Gas Pipe and Tube Works.
ryin E undensigned haTe just completed their
antl at. caor toaaufirttains all Flora of CiAS to
emotive aml ether I , laaa, and all size
watch lava otter tem eale et tar lamina pried. Thep are
preaarai to erta-vas orders. to any eitaut.mithout de.
Nialn Cr! Wet., .tree U,.
-50 .bares Merehants'sed Manufacturers' Not;
to •• rAteuttart
is Ott Zr
j.t2ls.3n'4 Wecd street. .50. Fourth.
-4 IL IO.OO. Allrgb•rty City Caturrn , Intirea far six
mouths due Ist proa. hot sale by
NM. A. lIILLt. CO.,
iilo - 4•405 , 9 64 Mood at
STOI'K of the Mervhants & Manufnetufirs'
Bank: Buck of the 1.0..0 Raul, be
U. D. NANO. Baker and Broker.
Jell Iraurth rL
murky( ratecana bl 'abort Ivrasin paldAmyl
yr. ha I. taut, by If. I. Mfg
Jell Banker a UN..., li
For Sale
AuLOT on Penh street,. adjoining M
the st at
emable...will be Nola if desirable, tb• lot
can divided to snit two persons. Enquire of
pent A. tb I I.KINA At CO.
To Gardeners.
FEW acme of Round Gear the city, suit-
DI. of ',miming. tgo sale.Etupdr• of
.12 0 A. KILLION:4 Co.
Are You Subject to the Tooth Ache.
AVE vou hollow teeth If so, use
li'vuthhih 1 MATEILT i'yearh Tooth Enamel. •
vegetable .4. vaioee eneopcatual, warrantml nvut. to holm the
teeth, or 131.1 th. ae the Dentlate atm-oriel auuptAll/....1a.
by .bleb ey.ry Weer. may beeotn. bo or Gel , men decal..
et • Vold lo lad :11e , rbt wimps. by
6. N. 111elit:10 , 11/1M, Aorat.
10741.1 Weal attvet. httaborgb.
ON •lhrtray te l - 00 , 0n Vm-h Lineax.lo/ I'man
/0 - YrciadA Inap KM, for num.
~,,, a , .
, „ • ne e . blan Silk War/or/Amen% far
I rci
d • 1,.. .1
d rd Madd.lll. nod Wl2OO Vest
Harper Co'. me lebrated Hay and Moore York.
rammed from lb. romannermaraMladatakia on namimn
markt Bad fur sale by IL w. roistlVATim,
Water Stanek
mratama flabah of Intrinsic value, then Fort.
cannot be rormtank Moto lon prim .t whiett May am
mmt Mourn theidurtio. arakty
Curled Hair Xatraases.
LIIAVE on hand n large atonic of Matrass-
PIN made out of pun Heir. Tba. w.t.log,_• rat.
le will please •a WAI. MAL&
nay2o 711111 street. oppmit.
PAOEII.-71.70'reama0.4 b 7 02 Pliepag Payan
000 lb by 34 21 by 23. 24 bY 34. VI
by 41, 2.9 br
400 Blow. YaeLory Fagot;
1200400 WI.. blool.o le llroare. !Straw Pay.;
" Doub " .
700 blodboaa
260 Iledium and Moab. Omer. Moe
The coderebrood keeps obortavoy lowl and for imle
or azehaex• (or • •1•1 gametal amortment of
Ruled. 1..1p, Lotter. Ilarblirare, sod Tea Tepee, larimet
11,70 a. 10.. art.
El;o7—VeltLhr of eal Al.'s, for Imp, manufseturert.
ntleit repel. Jumbo to Order on 'bon nntfee.
L. 811EZ.
34.26 • orrrnin. of Len rad Irvin Kt.
HIDES -34 Dry Flint, for sale by
j 4
BACON -7 Dusk.. Sides, for sale by
4 13. & W. lIAIIIIII.IOII.
FLOUR -100 lib's. Mills
- thm., for tale tor B.* VI. FLA lift AVM'.
BORAX-6 elms Refined, for 0010 by
.1•3 J. KHOO!: SI A K EIL it (XL
LAMP BLACK-30 UN. tuned, for safe L3r
PIG IRON-33 tone Allegheny, for sale by
34 3. & IC FLOYD, Itotand Church 110114Ing.
VINEGAR - 5O Mac pure Cider, fur Bale
by .14 J. A It. FLOM
BROOMS -150 dos. Ohio, for sale by
Je 3 J. & FIAAD.
fI.H.EESE.-28 boxes Cheese just received
xi co consignment sad for ale by
SPECTAOLES—A large assortment
All loth openhtr. sleo, Miter atel Meal of eleery king
Mod. of Glee., of the beet quality, earefOhp,__
ed to the oLku aeootellog to the priod Wee of 0 9 ,
Pebble. Pot to to,,,Z.V.f.sim,,N. °Dwelt.
Jell id eeket s treet.
IcRAPE BRANVLS—Rec'd this day, per
s l orets u sse carton atho. very•blo r.m
m 741 m. ~% ms.. at .11
A. A. )lARON ik OD.
'CIIEESE-31 bxs. Cbcese, nacciving per
t " " I° b iAmts DLzet,
Na 69 Water Pt.
COPPERAS. -35 bbls. for sale by
J. KIDD & co..
:410. NJ, WOW lit
I TARoANDLES--10 boxes, prime Ord
elo. for Rh by J. AIDD AI CO,
rn7• N 0.60. Wood It
EDICATED Wince and Brandies, n freab
IVA lotjust rewind sad for role br
J. JUDD t C . A. • •
1.7 No. ON Wood A.
JAPAN VARNISH-4 bbls. (Baltimoro)
ON far Al. by J. mob a co_
HT No 00. Wcad
Damn= Ammtur.-I,dasalicaserkta sad alikaciptiona
hi thb paper roealvad sad Ibrarardad tree af mamma from
, • alt.
Ftw As . week sactietiluly 7.1861
Groom nuttaLs—The 'Market during thi week .1 oat
elated. has been marked by thee donne. and apathy which
share more dosing the c10d... of 7.• when oar
basin. men are Mahal employe:l In preterth; for a gen
eral elating op of the business of the put quarter. Oa.;
seaweed' In our report of to day.. can do but little more
than Elva the current quotaticadof the marksevenlaraw
temartions taring taken Abe in any brooch of trod*.
• An' Lt. lung MI Moll ot wetter, we have swain Ma
,favored with cool .ad relkeshing , showers of rein, width
hes renderod It mom cool and plasma with as in the city
whilst It has hoen of Incaloulable hermit to the fanner to
tbe...7.. yea:Mitten had begun tondo couddirablY
from the prevailing drought. Our rivers too here been fa
vorahly effected by the and daring th e put 48 hours
we hue had a rise of Y . 6 Inches,
• Trade . the river hes - eery deck, owing Pattie to
tha low stage of the ri . but mainly to the meanag
dullness of the blamer moat. Flora. Wain, Oromobo.,
and Prorislocts. hare emu Moand very spatingly. M.
with the norpthate of nour, width bas slightly truttroved.
we hare no marked change .to walk* la the quotations of
the market Betabou hor ben maloly • conithed to the
regales home deatand.endeo far ae quonthicese am eme
cerned.o. last week'. prim may be resumed. • ”
ASE —She demand too born Ilarite4 daring the took.
sad tut= so. mammal. Ili. Wing th. dullest lowa
of th. our, Wu him beentoofirod t0u.1.1 OA
toho.lost turozu—Sods Adt dl( AK: Pearlash to: Ulm
to. WV: sod Potash .t tfaßtio • lb.
'AP ' PLELITo ha,. had no arrivals ot gram min, th.
seasoo being over, conskinsatly vs caa svpoot as salsa.
eLT.:•Priess an. nacbanisd: Thaw Isa fair demand at
pi,B! , l3ltt foi C 0616190 prism and extra qvalltles.
AU X)llol,—The slimly , rallni Prha'a an WOO..
ell. in bble aecording t ettenpb.
BOlTYlt—thealpta eorittaae Or'elerite, and the awlrat
delL Prime an tunaltal. at 10a Ibt teeth Ica, and Ila De
tat Interim. eaalltiea
EnoollE—The market Li 'MIT =pealed, and rim are
low. We quote from trot Medi at xvest,...t h.=
at fl 1234 O 1 t@ 1 to, 11rr =men. tar, and Dnmi pual-
BUCKETS see Tl7lls—The market Is mole ropellet.
with nlea stt men lot. from dare at !712!50322, and
how drat bandi at $19102 ft &t., for boot., aad $7
7 sOfmm Chet bands. sad $W 50 ham eters Ibr
. 511037h—The mutat darts the put week has been
very make. bet no ataterlarehaage b noik , Wol. th leieae
Amove the Wee of the ere* Ire MOM the telowlag-0500
to absuldert at le, OXO lbs divas at 113‘ 200 to of. Le de
Et. 4.14014 shestbiers at „le, 0) dam 1200 Zs hanks
10p1 o,i at le nhoulders.ll.4 ler W.. and Ing 3 . ham' ,
01000•sbo01dern la lots. at GX a 78. 11. Ica swat ound
hams at 100101i4. Th. Ades of country cured meat halo
been tucdnratt, at 1.6 to We below Moe egunrn
'BRAN ant FXBD—Whilksale transaetieess base barn
hash at the city nulls id 1070, sod br mall at 121(11 00
I.r bran: shorts an salting at 1.30.31 c, and middlings at 30
ilgESWAX—Vseelots hats bent 11414. and des aro
lbalunk me quote usanloa 'Tsuji:last hands at 2".3 310.
and tn. Wore Id IL •
tlitetd—We bans no 2414*am...emus.. to Mort. sup
piles twins light We quota at 11l ISO 1311br prime
white. and 111 astiluarr sad
CUlD.l.ok—Prises of ro all ass . artlciet ander this
hod have advanced. We sow give the Silltdrisa cowectsi
11aullla Ups, by tD.
De to
Rid. Role,
Do do "
INOTed Rope,
Do do
PectiDo do n; Torn, doe. ---
to "
ONION TAR.SS-1 1 material natoelloa las woos
Om In all snicks Ind. %I bad. The Ibilarlmg is •
. 1%,11 MN.
No. 5..........--.....4N0 111 .. .. N. /3.....—..........-19. VI )
No. 6.—.--' NoNA No. 14.......---. —Sae
No. Im—take 7. , No. 111,..----ala
No. ::::::::=1: - 40 -- ::: -- it
N0.10—..--Ito . No N 1..--- is .
N0.11..........,.—...1 to " No 19—........—...ta10
N011—...--ISo . —Noe .
NON 1311;
No. 600--...---- 9 li .. 99l,„Yrpet. Moo •
No. 810....--- a Lovell liou l —... Zit
No. 700.-----,..... t . . randla to
No 1999.,_.....,..4 . Zoe. , .• 96114 .
COPPC.3-2b. totraLat Plttsimett ataaalletazara take
of take ant Ingot. am 191033.1; ad. Wylie. 4Lod of
shrothlett at :tatty ash std Irmo. and of old amme at
17eli 9 . . •
- -
OAS REIL-1/4 =Ca 1111 zeixtenta &awl& tr au
wttb i 11 maim trame t fta patuts at it, as 15.14
CANDLIS-8414s •151 ;taa. anadin - at 214,
tallow at Itc,ani at 4tpaid li• VIL
cucluats—Th. 011oglas Is • DA of the
Butts, "
84 a
CllCUE—ltcrelpts tetra hem is &Jr 'neat, amt
Marl. almond, I. prwtly 4.41 suppllea. /Wes 04
the not of some !PI bY, et 550 fur common, Gs to
mtg., .ad 11:46%,,fh,
IMPoitiat chasm Is
Dyi of prim:
DYE Frrarrs—W. end no
Tb. *knowing b • corm
Madder. nabro-13416
Myrrh. Sorter —lO 456
tn 1619661— 4 5
mharb m66---TO
661 Alanase--16
eel Sada— 6 6
Aerataa..— --DI 91
nut.* iar—.4o
Valid 4412
Cam 166+1.16 Ws.. 6 T'
Turtle . . ... TVO 7 4 4
1. 1 1,7 4 . Witd..°P"' - ..
Alms, (..N7
t " rLta
Dame, reenea.....—Z
Daiwa Lblewta--.ISDeU
lirleartater....- i --: WO
L 1
brWLI "r rgia
emus, Tana 0121
6i l
Ikea roles —33 46 . 13
"a =et --LS
Weene& Root-- 7
D• 11.--15 aa'Ai
Lae Dye...-. tee.
DRIED FRUIT—Ttfr martin le ogler dull.' and .ales
froze dorie are emitted to mall tote et SI Id 0 I 60 Rd
Poach., eat 751a600 Pa and.. ire here ere Wee tor,-.
port from trot 'diode. Peaches vould probably comanfra
It tiet a 1.,. molds. II en.
DRIED tit:EV—We notke medendor .pplkt la the
market. with entail taire by lb. il.,01103(ydlle Er prim
doetiore.anil Witte tor ordinary owl comm.
334 , 16-11.roatm during the weer:bate bees Mailed
with nooll Wee from On hand. at tit ati 7c It dos la bbls
sod to oel.
tuvrit tiro m,Domd 10 .
of waterier the riven freights from ti do port west I
fettled. and we tritatutt quote correcUy.
CANAL rnctuirrs—Tb• rat. of freight 00
Rama *owl
Boater and Tallow. do
1;o14.11 do
Beef and Pork, Tt DM
none. do
ITak ' no
Tobamo ey p no
In MIAs) II ewt
do In
do Keet t o u es) a.
cks, do
Aahes do
Beeswax do
do Peer • Buffalo skins do
Sta Furs
rch do • bads. ' do
lillarer rol
TUatoa (munaSselecred) do
Drugs a medicines do
• Condign o
Wool • Realtors do
Sheep Pelts do
Seeds 4.
1 Rase do
Ot to
Ilroto (bald) d dn
Mono do
(Dry Hagm
Hideo d an d o o
limn do • do
E Dry Oong. _ -_
g' do a:
Ilumituro do
gartho er do uwaro do
Dona it licrcuro do
lix . (not baled)
do do
einem Oil do
Machin.. do
Window Chun. do .
Captious. do
01.006—Tko onrolpto duttan tiro 1
extremely light. amaronantly. Na hi
naoll lois. During the don four dap
on the .hart and from wagon nosed
555151 bbl. oronrolog M quality. '
brought by the otroutro from Ell,
1 1,1 11
63 6 1 15
1 77
oaaataz from Europe.
rasa 1n our mama markets. !u bad'
extent upon this mart* sad daring
a• nrako a dacittally Improved hallos
110 btp2oc y llie wharf and
Its !henna to tam.
the wad two th.,
. with We. of tam
fur.. extra btandr. — Sales from store 0m confine:l
to smell lots, Sir city coneumation, at 63 3103 07 11 bbl.
City rolila flour is without chance,.. yet. •
Mfg FIAMII—SmaII calm from first =ads at WI 60 gil
fa. owl from store at, 12 62 4iB 276 bbL Ectelpta an
91011—Thal market bi comparatively dull. arid wit now
quota rules lantalersta tercels at the following rah—No
1 )(warm! 1113, No 2110. nod No 3 $r 21; F !Ebb Sal moo
gla 0l bbl and SU 18 tier= No 1 trimmed gad SLI, Bat'
more lferrioa (nay) $0 23; Leas Ingetior Tmut (nee) SS
do Whit* fish $9 11 bbLeedfish $3 23 It soh
PROIT—TIio dammul Le faly, with m/mof Italidas at r 2,76
11 bar; of Almonds at 91xdy22, F h; of gyernal No e at
12.00 tit =Abel) of Filberta its Be: of Cream Nuts se 614
07.; of Zoom eurrstita at 0401= sad of Eggilshtgaittota
Itataneoflrins at 12X13140 11 lb. Salk. of Oranges at $O,OOll
br. Lemons at $l.OO SI box.
lEATUEll2.—thdy • toodsrata bosintai luts began =lna
In Scattier. W. Quota rt . = Mon, 10 small lots, at 8345344
- and from fart hand! no. Ile SI 1b.."
OUOCEIUNS—The mutat atria[ to. week bar been
without movement, assenting in the way of small mice far
home oarisnm piton. Sales of N 0 ennar, ,in lots of 6to 10
=dr at 61.i0. time; by slugla hhd To, and In bbliat 7140 11t
0, Banal= being wital m tha =staid. Molasses may ba.
q.t.,' et 3741,3740 for Orleans, and 41050 Swanitar
Ooffra continua dull and uneettlied. at 07i 01 100 SS
pri= being of • nominal character. Sales of rim In
amall lots by the tor at
ORLIN—The market is =let. and inactlek . ' Receipts
hare come Lin= slowly. and ash:shave been math= to
to limited lola at the following rotas, Yr= first hand.
wheat, at, the toll 2. 00:16214131r, 89e 4243461 corals dollat
n 34334; 0d..b2343 Vla lltlambaL Wei have nothing tO
report in barley.
GLASS—Window slam. Oily brattiaS by 70 $3;10 by 19
zo: 10 by 14 hi 11 Ong etioatry brand. generally sell
at 111 lea 111 boo than city brood,.
UOPS—Stippila . gra limited, with mull aim at boat
adorn ani, 1660.•16061660.11 go. •
1141.1f—Ther• is a regular demo= lin Um market. with
Dgcleg figna wagon 01110014 Sao.
pug athElL dry flint at 11i166100 P Sk
d •
IRON ean 3 . 41311—1 re subjoin • • Itt snioei ome of
the orheebel arriate. ,
N t r.- z
I f;
ipenny .--.—.--- "
4 4.50 , t
6 7 1 2 3 3 - Er t ,
Th. dere orlon an e...„ subject to • dixonnt for ouh.
LlllD—Sopy/lee are very ll4ht. and we cannot goon Otte
rein Shut norinnelif. at 3340ne le • from Owe. he bbl.
. , .
LRAM'S—We sidled k "soder dn . :mod, attell prime
Oa all ankles =Mar Ude bud Edo, of Itekkoon, cola at
118510; aod of New Rork do., at 16616 e
LVIIBEZ—The oromit Adios rates are, 54118
deer, sad 11e22 from the yarde, for cram= 0.1 deer
1006. Shinylea no domed at 12 50 YllOOO. Omddemblk
Sikeotates Iron brat:mkt done by *held., dee >a Me Atk
a Intr. sad tbil market Ira eaPPIkeL
LEAD—Tbere to a rowdier derma be tbo market,. at 5
Ibr ols, and sk(e tbr. bar.
Lout Pea—The premed moom of priori Ir 70140, snarl
• in to dm •
Sam Laaa—ltaralar Hiss at Ma try the sheet. and 7*
?hoax% cot
Waal laaa7Pars Lai is *ening at fa. azut
um* km.
HALT—Wa Mc Dino largo Hiss of malt Waal:ail at
(1111 Da
°LLB—gala hava tort exmlned to small serial. at 85W
P) for Limed, 70 kw go 1.• and 63 art No 2 Ludoll SRL
Hales drama"' OR at $16417 8 bbL
POTATOES—dogyllas are Ladle& Good Nadia/iamb
wisthl bring 074005 e and ilea 6012550 perk. •
POWDER—Basard. Dommt.and !Atka g Smith', HUM
, POlrdiff may !Wooled In lam ananUthr, at Seal;
tingle k.g, at s\' $' 50 9 tog.- Rook Powder at g 3,111?
to 5.1.50. kw large audio:4 onantitlea.
PlO NISTAL—The market =threes doll, sad nothing
emmentwam hat Wanegred the seat west
RAGS—Rata are wrath Wager good clean seised with
• good demand.
SLEDS—We bare troth* to report la purer SO VIZ
etby wed.- Ylagered 01.117 be quoted U*1.313142 VI be- '
SALT—gabs le S Mater ,yetw $l.lO V bbl. Irbleh. le
the regularly establlabrd prlee Agana
SPlCES—Nutousll.lool.74;to're.2s4)3oe, Camas 37.40
B.llal—fia4t st steloun t beg. .m na kw
apnurs TUBPINTLYE - -B&1. lu bbl. at: 60e sall
, 131 MEL—Best test 4.1 Vile p 5, common doll; Blister
6, 7 and de fa Roo 3,2. mad L '
PLATS—Tbs ruling riless of the market an $11.60
013,801112,1 tooo-100 013 for aub. Block Um Is will=
Slit—thate ewe aides mall lot. at 83 78 88 4 R bbl
TOILLOCO—There Is . good demand tar .11 ductiptatos
of nounzfactond to'haeno, and teems condone vary art—
The following toay b. Oven at tba omen. rang view.
Tindal* otannfleatml 288821 c, Balt Plug. We, Lynch
bunth Dina 14. Virginia trlat 160. Lodyli twlst 19e 8k m.—
Lest tobacco Isanatad at 4.4612 r, Pamela and Wanton's
are hold at 71181120.
=Au' I. cake. W its small de. of
net.llSed at Idadlo.•
WOOL—pea:Ws at anxd emtiaa. nat. and aales hat.
:Went.. at our last ...Ir. Quotatkras, aky to, corps.a
and X blood. 300334 fall Wood aft and • atm pima at
adaida Ps. The ado dike naak,at thaw yalrooroall
probably manta/ to lb ar 2l,0:40
car= MA3XET
I,iitssams. Ifoottay Sias Co.
Ms market to day was well Wooded: sad tba amt..
triad. U sa7 moos abundant.
Varrss—About SOO bad' were oared,. Ilia mm of wa r ielt
won old to tartans at SS SOO7 111 10014. wt. sosoidlag
to quality.
• fl.cer ars Lute—Atop/ 115 bsal were sold at wines
mains boos SI lb to SI SO each.
hogs—U - ses seam wills null oho st Isst wwsk's pleas
SgSS 25 al cwt.
Co., ssa Caira—A salon stuabss wars sob! at prism
osudaa laves slb to bead, mewling to guilty .04
Stu amino remehtd $3O bead. 430 of which were sold
etty bftbtts. SO IMO MI oyez, and WO &tram tp
ildWahla. •
Prim. =lad from 3276 in 3 Tb a¢ the boot. soul t. 3 $l5
MOW 25 ma k am avatsaioa 13 53 irto.-
Iloaa—Wa quota at ia,l34o4l6o—(Anatiom •
r• • Pmutertraft. Jona 21.
There were edema at the different note doting the
Pet troth shoot ITOC heed of beef cattle. Mclean's! 000
driven to he. ToM 460 nowt and . ewe.; GOO hoer. em l6oo Awe nod Imam • 4
Beef Cattle-41e le pr
mum. ”d Fires efeedltr
mJn Sakirtrpepia $8,631p 100 ha. the let
twOor rime anelity. ,•••
Co. end Calres—sdre •• dry wee fnenS6 to 14, swing
en SU toll. and [Nib 6. front PO to SI each.
105 ate In espy • • • and nil et 10.16416,40
w. tare ems the Co/180de /mks the Ihllalrists exhibit
ist the bushels. dm» OG the Prunninula Canal. daring
the moth alone: Wm, Itoef the !malts of the mut 'to
the ZIA J0u.11161
. .
• '.._ Darin Dane. MX. Wag
Asel 93791 , 3014 374 opled, Do, 7.004 DX1,4 , 2
Ruin. blO4 .2 124
Dr= aDd SDI, 4WD bo*
• 1.1131 ;DI
Km bus,
Cans. bus. 76 6.319
Nay. toms, OS 51 Si
Ilesm D 4. _ 5.010 121.3151
OW. btu,
Pot9o.o*-10,01, V 13-.T..6
1 1 4.914. 1190. .
GI 1.0.5;
Tr. Luca, 0303735fsetsue3) lb. 12.400 210.5c0
9710,93. btol. 490 13.0
Dry 1151.9. 994 19.700 25,6:2
Leath, 1 "
170, = 1011,00
11.979 (9 , 590 , 02251.3 winls. 319
1104049. rt.*. 4u, bet. 21.= 151.61
111996 polo. 99,0519 c. " 1.51* ' 3.131
Blared. number
Wowl. *07719. 1 1
Chlo6me. 19 1 / 4 225.300 1,015.050
000555. 194, . 1,906,103 11.12 , 0
IS.. DAD.. 11007.229 , 2 22054. 1 , 9 100 2,91/ . 995
Dross aid Madlelar. 1091.5 ' 1.02 - 10.900
Dy 514571 1. 6= , 1 , 0 00 19,714,2 3 18
2,4;t159979054, L. ...
. Mew
131294194.79. De.
1 •
• .44
400 - 6.500
.iinTre - Wss . . Itt . 1—. 9 70 3, ,00 11927
Ilstdss 449
as tiny ft; .
Lea. salts. la. 601100 7417=1
10,040 12609
Lead. hal sod Lltbsan' 1.90
Lissom (basalts) y`albl.69l 2,046
Paints, ha• 19.600 117402
Roha. amiss* a I... Seat. fa, 1 1... 10 14 . 5 .
T Psl obasso,.(asansfictursl.)24, 171. 7. 029 424
hats, sad othsetsr,lll, - 161.2/0 47%672
916 T. 94..4- ab-b. bp....Pm
OvP.. lb%
Unrum, tong
enebbaks. LA= .8,,,d1.1•ZU
b sa s m od it t"b . s,
6"0 TOI4/.
Ire. euthes.93A33 ' ..
Led. Mn god Om
", 2.91 V 2,9u0
fuld 0:11e. Fs, • -
Owlish vadlistg, lbs. 741.41* Ira.*
l i r. 117,100 343.700
a In.
Cheln. en.
Flab: baseels.
Flew barreel.
11 " sler,Ntbse.
VtinArtness. en.
fis,soo 6575T0
Rlete fixr mnflar. Itte. e 3.999 61111.1i0u
Ynnutura Zgy • Matti 617,035
West, rmR & .t•rcet,pnvlss.• 11' 11
Oft. lucent Ind) ipnlly • 141,V.5 233.118
Paper Frl_lkools, h, 111 , 4 U
Tar .4 Ik4n. L. 1.063,16 u
Ibs. 604.537 496.014
1,11141 maid. 4.51,=? 1.1%.417
Aceal prattled sot riectel 431.769 3,24.4.44
bu• 1:21: 21,641
00114 I=4 st 4
c..!t!,. ICAO 422.2 R
fi'i~, togr,
11~~ AJtl~,
Aloes ha._—,_ a• .. maaa ........, A ,
=bra ...
NO 7.361
Tatar. leaf. NI, 11,261,1166 1101006
Wbeat. bag, , , /35 11.23 P
I)ear Outran A wan 61d06,166. 5,47 4
3 415446
Natters. be •-- , 36.07 310..516
Pun and poltrieg. ms. ', 36.003 1.51,804
147 bklek, ba. s, 03,054 161.610
Groan aid... 0 4 ' .....,,.. ...Fe:
1.1.4... r...—
104% LEIM
V 1,036 1.21X1
pia k.. 00. awl.
lI.P Plea numbs; • gAOO
MUT; tregidg . • g-' -16
Chlna.are, lb., 630 1.73 b
.... - .
&a . .. i.,
Data tm. & &LL.D.,. 1.191 la}
Drug., and ondicinas. M. 25937 68,514
Dry OUS4I. tbs. 11.11,131 116,YDD
Pauthesran, ma. 5.1,027 1754110
0 issrare. lbs. 160.217 361416'
11.04.114., 3.. 132,530 1,030,451
Ilardwapo mud antlery. 1..
, BUM 11. 53 4 5 ?. i.: ' 4, ".4') 1384 I'M
14 .
/SoDa . endue utd Illicit. lbs• • Mt ,
3 1 1V4. 1 . at0
1... . e .. 301,
74 ' 61.1115
titsaawsze, .. . Lao 3,755
Totaseo, (toastr.,/ 154, •
..... 1,171 6.621
Whiskey. pub, 53,010 ' =1,35.0
Window . as.. bops, - ' 32 2,333
Pods sad o pl thst Wm. L. 133=1 1
Clay, German, In, 410,000
OW, ( 4.... •• 5 6.500 66 . 512
Copp., 3 , .. . 40,114 21.414
useum, tons.
1,00, pls.. In, 1,345,0a'
11130, casting& b.,
1.4. TM Ilifi
14 , 70, .loam. and 411.13. r., .1 , 4 . 2 „,...e,,,,
Lead, bar. sag Pr ' . 15 ..
Nana 400 mpike., 4 It 7 llo . 1,T3F.1
3114.1.. Pm, - - Oa .
4 00
}Jaclyn. 15s, 2,013,004 30,310,1
Beef ted pork, lamb, 42 0,90 42
Butt., Iv, . i 0 . 8.4.02 in.latt
C 1,,,, lb.,
51.5, .bbls, ~583 10.00
~, 32 .
... 74
- ► has
.2 coat'
41 . 10 teen
coalltod to
, work. Wets
$3lO to S3IT
boral. DM.,
LN .w lard oil. Ds,
llo Met. 113, 365,561. 6374.54
• aa,m
ymy, tr. 23,1111
Harlils. Dq 3,0i0 12.2 . 10
Btone. , ortoophtandentarronsalel i 2.% le
Furniture. De,
0114 (eV.P". 2 4.)
Paper sad Books. Bs. 46,304
Ravi. Sea. ST.Seat =LISS
. .
I=7M., ammo 3,577.930
Plumb. of Wets On?, 1.510
rattir ioirro t l " 44 .4 '
114.231 57
WO. 1 MACKEREL—tO qr.bble. extra, tor
AA Wally we, Dr by IDAIAII DICKEY • 03.
mr2n WEL" =I hoot sta.
lINSEED OIL-10 bblo. for solo by
- ...ea • ItOBISON;LITTLIi k
BACON -43,000165. Shoulders;
msie 300 Mt= by_lol.l3 by
•connoN. urns • co.
7OFFEE--15U bags Rio, for bale by
IG IRON-100 tom Huntingdon co., fcir
by wit Joitit wArr a Co.:
I.IEAP-45 tone Bliss. D. 11, for sae by
11. wts JAN= A. lIUTOMMI t CO.
MACKEREL-50 bbis. No.'3, ' for sale by
15,13 ausnarnoZ NGILHA.M.
WINDSOR SOAP-60 boxes llTde's,'for
V rd. br ImTIXI LA:) - AMU,Toa. t 00.:
Mb y . ACKERE ' bl?Is lkige
us LS
No. 3 t for sale
W; &Y. WY .
my 4 Mama 4t
gamma, cjim
lirra—when wlrre 2 Int. 11 Imes-I irtmcml. by
met. 3 mark, tut *macs. 1u:62 LIMOS. "
ifiehlrtrt. 80 1 0. Bn,er.
Barter, Oordert Beam.
larttrt. Yrakirmrt natl.
.I.ltart, ia. MoK
Sedstort, Wrtdrturt.
Mao Ertirtr. Wert Nalltol2,
tirregp i t . o . 3 . l3 eclins.
B Gorton, Bort. Beit ' rtrt.
81rt.rt• Thw,w, •
Barter, thartiort Berta.
Atlantrt Parkinson; Brrtynnilla
J. Italie., Urtrtrkluon3irti=t-
Thug Bbrrtrt, D.T.
Wort N
D Lleal t Cd. Paroattsr Pack.% Labs 4lA/ly 818• Eft ea
8 984
Son Gamma-2W Zoo sr. light dnoubt otOok
Cot AloCluncek. wlll kayo os aboro thht marolstk at 30
Fos. Caromln—The estmadid sun 1410 draslat nme
ilarttlard. Cot Hulett. Ina leave 8s t>R avenuemat
1 this day.
' 2/YESITLLE—Pa JCI34 Itsaa-310 bbl. tkin7W Bloc:
ha= 41 sko wool 262410kt/1422 CC4 3 ban bum 22 tee
butter 6 bLv wool 1 erk but= 3 DON 44., Iblolls lob Lreob
Co, 7 rks scrap Volowstock 12 eke M ot tWa. = 2 1301* I.lgketk bble da wharf
boak.l .lore 2Ws copper A Braaten I aka lead.. I k a
WELLSVILLE—Pa 2 Atlwa-164 bbl. Boer Wlltaarth a
Noble , . 12 pea baron B P Ethan 9 eta Iran Ileraden t Co
btas melee Boost I eat do •W Gardner: 1 eat 1 bbl
Blateley. Bdo dour 26 pre bacon Braun A Kirtpersek;
HS Ws hour owner. • '
WITEBLING—Pra Ereet-27 eta luau Baker Forsyth
do tram 112 tale boar Brows it Jilrkreark bdla !call
er 2 Wreaking machine. 2 888 tavola 6 Dbl. W B
rat 2We Menden °node; 9 bble A A Woed Ogg
tot Lamb a Co.
BEAVER—Pee NALTEIITah24 bzt cheer Deleel:l &She
lido Dundee Ce4lo do Wick a McOandlelee. 8 aks halt D
Mhz 213 hes cheese 7 B Outfield..
' Its c. b. Own-2We ale //hey Withers &Oen MI lam
cheren J B Canned; 10 eke pennant J Mint. -
PER J B Cionor-2chelis butter 1 bbl eon Ileacelton;
KS do 44 kit du fish W a Leilik; WM do trout b do bike than
WMcKn Dices obw Knob Bingibam On Iho suede Wood •
igh t.
_ .
i tt io NOVEMEN S • r
0872=P TOM
B •> - er s
PACITIC, NT% lb? New
AIICTIO, a.oso ' :for now 11
..--Juswe 11
CITY or 0.1.6 %MOW, Campbell Too 11a11ad0.18616._.18. 18
CAMBRIA. Bantam for. 805t00—.—.... —Juno TI
A P/UCA, Ityrk. IbrlTew
CANADA. MArrlona,, for Boma --J al? :6
b. L1V111.1..
BALTIC, Comstock, from Now rark----.--...7u5t0
AFRICA, By oh>, from Now York--.--..—Jawe 4
CANADA,IIamiom from Barton--
AMERlCA.Blethren from New 17
AEI A E ludlits, ft= Now ,
Jome 10
PACIFIC, Nye, from Now
AMERICA, Mumma from 13c010n...--...—Jorm
. • . •
NIAGARA. Storm, &oaf Haataa--“---t-July 5
EIIKOPA. Lott. from New York.: --July 13
'MIT OP LASOOW. OamobelLTrum Philodera-fuly 11
A Rene. Lora, from New Ya ----.- —1 ul y
CJ-11111119. floydroa,lMlSl ...... 19
UU OLDT.Rot o .—....._.Jaw &........_]m. Sd
HERMANN, Orobttee--.—.
EMP ax sltaa:lol2l.A. Wihan
mt 1
/UV:MUM. JONATIIAN.--- -Jam 23
pRostETITEVS, .34Attsm ...___.Jaw
CIiCROKIIH. --Jane 23
Cat.,..X.ST CITY. Tanger.—..--
N. HOLMES A SONS, Banked.:..
Br ST Market rt. &Moor mint cord norrasforthlgosmik.
• PENNSYLVANIA. Branch at aka.. ..._%
Bonk of Pitiebures.....---yer Brach at Worottm--,...d0
.1. 1 1V.= ll''k of f dt=rti li r.'b it *""- wngrawn.-....11 .-- 1
Bank of Commerre-.....z.p. goy thrsk, ' utomnsgai_do
Bank of North America- thantharlal Bk,thuminmaltto
Bank ortiortlinLibertiekpar Vranktln Mak....,............”-do
Bank of Penney Ithnio---om Lafayette Mat - - '-...d0
Sank of Penn Toartuado-trr 01110 LIN 100. k Trest.Co-do
Bank of the United Mars 12 Western therm Bank--do r , SPATor Bluth of Eastalon....-.....d0
Barmen: A omegthinrusrm tiosolkkorta— ••.-..1a
(Mord Bast --_-• --Par ' NEW ENGLAND.
Kensington 800 k_...._. All solvent Ilanko-........-16
Emdtan. k Moth Bonk.-par • NEW YORK. . •
Rembracs• Donk.---..-.par New Torkelty.---...-.par
I ,l =l=l- "--. 7. W. gar C''''''" ) . llll. - ErroNT). -- '
Southwark Bank.---yamßsltimen Po 3
TradeamoiSo Itost---oar
Western Bank- .parI e rjUSHADKLAWAIUC
koo llank k
o af cb c 4tbr o tzit. m .K r mi v. , ,,,t ni tz. u.
Bank of lronville.„—.-parlßank Dale Valley- . X
Bank of Itel.tho.tthester-yar Bk erargiria. Brolunond N
Bank of tiennontown.--rar EASank, VA. N0rb1k..... bi
Bonk of fiettyaburgh.-.- N Poratere• Mat oflarMola X
Math of Lewistown.-- - Sterelatnts' A Erb. Bonk 3..
irwocer Middle... id North 'Fresno Bank---
thotaery Co. Batill-or. Itharbet_... •
M Bank of NortiatharaltraLoori SORTIICAROLLIX.
Mellor Bant.- 2 ... .- %lank of Mot Few-- 2
Calm:this Lit k lirldm'at . ..pu• Ilk of Sic( N. Othrtha.- 2
I n
Doylerown 11an1..-...--log Oommervial2Ellsohigkt 2
Ewer 1ithk...._....--par lforebontS Newborn a
Mr Bonk__._.__.. if NEAR LINA.
Fumes' Bit Bocko Co_par lt of the St. of B.Carvaina 2
rumen' Et of Larteratorgar Butt of Booth Car 01100...:. 2
Farmer Bonk oflteadthg par Bank
A Lat l/100.
of C
kharllel.o do l. n A -
Farm. EtatSeknyk aug. .par Monte& Mechanise Et 2
Franklin ELWyne
argnito .OutusM o nk o & Banking
lbovisburs Bank----- N,Bonk of Augusto.- 2
Marriott , Bank-.....-. la Bk of Btharriek, - Ammon 9
Lancaster Mkt - .....--iar TENEPa egg
Lanorter County - Mak-oar An solvent bank.- .-- 3
Lebanon 8ank....---pr KENTUCKY.
illgers• Bonk of Pottoville N Bkof Kentucky, lorrellis X
Mommothela Bont_....par Bk of Leeds - Mlle, Moron N
Wer Brandt Bank- . )6' Northern Bk of Kontacky N;
Wyoming Ith.lslllutstvampar Southern Bk of K.nntnar N
York Bank.-- N ._ 111330T1M
8e11eNete5—......... ts Ilk or Sta ILLINte of XOberortlS.--N
Ohio Ststaßtht..--N Blot. Bank and brasehos-150
L l'"" lrbt ' nfiratt n
irmau ado In pnalltyein:.
Brandt at dthens.---...d0
Brandt raneb
al C Mhll art......
Brsych at Cleraland.:«
Branch at
Branch at Dalawara—
Branch at Columbus-......d0
3430_ 10,48.1
VS @l,
Branch at
Bratiett at Maaalell---do
Branah at Riptor ----do
Branch at CincAnnatL-....-do
Branch at Coharthua...--do
Branth Waahlagton-....d0
Branch at Cadta.—
hh a
S L n n n r l -...-o
Branch at M. Vortion.---do
Branch at Newark---4....m
Branch at PTA.-
Branch at AorinoncteL...-do
Branch at Itartatta--.—.do
Branch at Tier-, —do
Branch at Mt. Pleasant-..d0
Brame at at Norwalk
Branch it Phicta--".---do
Branch at Portamonth--do
2T1J15 1.263,721W'
• .
Drawls at Eat012—...--....40
Brel.ll at nr.ren5u,..........d0
Drancb Cbillicotbet,---do
Itranch Cuyabag----do
lama ac
i . co. .....
Do. coup. !ThcccP;
Do. c00p.6..--.1
Do.mut ,
Do, oon.ers, I'OU-1
mos Tray.
. • -
M a u n s kooord .P it am gh.-....
Exchologo Bank-
Alleirhest7 S.Tiat*
. .
St. Char St.
11.11 St.
Northern Liberties._..__.
w Labour.% Bddit°•••••
Western Ituuranas
Citltene Inguranee
Pitt . gb
rittab~ we ure, Louarvil
aan, tOID. BUCK..
. _
Dom eta klookendor
Yank% okheny liDekkatr
Penn'. Lentral hood
Ohio k PC Well hall hoed
Ohio Hall Roa.-
Chreelmd k WIC
Darin. D. way. Dry Dock
Fayette Mmuk
Erie Canal Dondkth.d)
Do. d. new)._
Turtle Creek Mu Rood ,
AID,. Peroyevinerkitd
rlwburgh A judos .--
intubdmce.Lie BoILL..
tale ttoral
Douglass daniti;tra.:-
Dire Stas: ..... '
Smith's New Geographim
Q MITII'S First BC.* itt tieugra.phyi au in
trod„,isri flerwraph7. derigpod Ibr Children; Ulu.
tx•trkt .Ith rt.. Ilk, alie.
anti* UU•11.0. or Berand nm; In googiavhr a rendre
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LLIAVE on . hand a large. assortment of
.Nor curtains.
Dank of 1111nota
ILsrl. 5LI PCl3l iro 111 0000. ebb 0
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rumen' Bank 3
'a t ._..__
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Penisoular Bank----.. 3
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Banker the PoopH. Turman 0
Hank of
Lank of U. Canutt,Tnront o
On New Tort Annin)—
On Philadelphia do...
On Retie:an dn..-- ...h .
ISC. Lott,.
Dcept ,.
• Ek.13111,111.-- r ld e j . o
Prederktsd'ors....-- 7.80
Ten Thalers------ LBO
2.1 b
IlocJan a Jolt''
led, Feb A Aug
Febt Aug
tub May A Nue
Dlvalar irr et
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Div. D. 83 •
I Div Q 2,3 yr et
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Ikr.J.4 firrr a
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cruacza es n=m
eutadil 0:=4, 7 o.olze Y Tritruar.
1 , , Pau, TheradaY June IA 1881. '
• A great Capital like this is not seen in a few
days ; I have not yet seen a quieter of it. The
i i general magnitude of the bonsai (usually built
around' a small triangularcaure near the - stmt,
whence the coo.;. is entered by n gate or arched
passage) . readily remarked. also the minute
'subdivision of shop-keeping, many ifnot most
se ll ers cosigning their attention to a single fab
ric' so thaetheir 4110Y00 , and stocks of goods are
small ; else, the general gregarlowiness or so- -
cial aptitudes of the people. I lodge in a house
once famous as Traecatra,' the moat celebrated
gaining house in :Europe ; it stands OD the cor
ner of the Bue Richelieu with the Boulevards
('ltalian' in one- direttisn and 'Montmartre' in
the other.) My . windows -overlook the Boole
yards-for • distance ; and here are many of the
most fashionable shops,:'restaurants,' „‘eafes,r
/sc. in the city.. No one in New York would
think of ordering his bottle of wine or his ices at
a fashionable • resort in. Broadway and sitting
down at a table placed on the sidewalk to discuss
his refection leisurely, just out of the ever - pas
sing throng ; yet here it . i s so common as to
seem the rule rather. han. the (urination. Hun
dreds sit thus within eight of my windows every
evening; dozens do likewise during the day.—
The henchman's pleasures are all social; to
eat, drink or s pen d the evening alone would be
a weariness to him : he reads his newspaper in
the thoroughfare or the public gardens : he
talks more in one day than an Englishman in
three ; the theatres, balls, concerts, tre.• which
to the inlander; afford occasional recreation are
to him a nightly necessity ; he would be lonely
and miserable without them.
' Nere is amusement more syitema ',zany,
;sedate y sought after, than in Pane; no where
tilt= abundant or accessible. • ' , orb° just
eataiel la school or paternal restraint, intent
ouleajoyment, and untroubled by . conio or
fore cattij this must bee rare city. Itsople,
ai a community ,' hare slgnal . good . qualiti and
grave defects ; " they they are intelligent ;' vi ions,
courteous, obliging, generous, and hum se.; .r.a
gex to enjoy, but willing that all the world ould
enjoy with them:While ut the same time di j are
Impulsive, fickle, sensitive, and irreverent, Pa
ris is the Paradise of the senses; a focus of enjoy
meat, not of happiness: No Where an'youth
and its capacities more predigslly lavisked;• no
where is old age less happy or less respected.—
Paris has tens of thousands who would eagerly
pour out their heart's blood , for liberty and hu
man' progrees,l ,, but no class or clan who , ever
thought of den 'ng themselves wine and kindred
stimulants, in lord= that the MUM] should be
rendered worthier of liberty, and.. thus better'
fitted ni , preserre and enjoy it, Such notions as
total abstinence' from all that can intoxicate,
are absolutely . rusheard of by the iasjority of pa
rename, and recampr.eheneiblie- or ridiculous. to'
those who have heard'of them. ,
:The barest necessaries of -life aro very cheap
here; many Support : existence quite endurably
on a franc 0 8 1 cents) a day; but of the rude
Laboring Class, few - can really afford the com
forts and properties of an orderly family life,
and the privation is but. very-lightly regretted.
The testimony .is uniform . that Marriage .is
scarcely regarded as even a remote possibility by
any oue of the poor girls - of Paris who live -by
work; to be fora Beason
the Mistress of '
of wealth, or one who can support her in tmary
end idleness, is the summit al her ; ambitiov
The very terms, tgrisetfe' and
. 11oratte"
young women emblest with wealth -
are commonly designated,, involve
demoralization—no man would appl
whom be respected, and of whose ,
he was solicitous. In no other no=
limn city is the proportion of the
great as here; nowhere else do ,
quickly decay; tiewhere cite is the
births out of wedlock so appalling.
London are les t , coinfortable as• a class than
those of Paris--that gaffer more from
lack of employment, and their wages are lower
in view of theWative cost of living: but Phil
anthropy ie far more active there than here, and
far more is done to assuage the tide of human
woe. Ten public meetings in furtherance of Edu
cational, Philanthrdpie, and Religious enterprises
are held in the British Metropolis totvata in this,
amides number interested in such undertakings
there, as Contrarttid with that' in thin .city,'has
en equal preponderance: I shall not attempt to
strike a balance between the. good and coil pre
vailing respectively iii.the two Capitols of West
ern Europe: the ruder may do that for him-
.The first object of interest I saw in Paris via
the Column of Napoliortin the Place Vendome,
as I rattled by it in the gray dawn
.of, the matt
ing of my arrival. This gigantic column, as is
well known, was formed Of cannon taken by the
great captain in the several victories which irra
diated his ;earlier career, and was (constructed
while be was Emperor of France and virtually
of the Continent. llin statue crowns the pyra
mid; it was p . ulled down while thc allied armies
occupied Pa ris, and a resolute attempt win made
to prostrate 'the column also, but it was too
firmly rooted.. The statae , was not replaced till
after the revolution of lb:30. The Place Veit
dome is emall,surroundel by. high houses, and
the stately column seems dwarfed by them. lint
for its :historic interest, and especially that of
the material employed in its construction, I
should not regard it very highly. , •
Far better . placed, as well an more majestic
sad every way interesting, is the Obelisk of Lux
'or, which for thousands of years had overshad
owed the banks of the Nile, until presented to
France by the late Podia of-Egypt, and trans
ported thence to the Place de le Concorde, near
the garden of the Tuilleries, I have•
thing in Europe which impressed me like this.
magoificent duift, covered as it is with mysteri
ous inscriptions .which have braved the winds
and rains . of four thousand years, yet seem as
fresh &oddest. as though chiaelled but yestei-
The removal of this bulk of many thousand tons
from Egyt to Paris entir is one of the most
marvellous achievements ;f human genius, and
Paris • has for me no tingle attraction to
match the obelisk of Luxor.
• The Tuileries strikes me as an irregu, main
of btdldings,with little pretensions to architeo
tural beauty or effect. It has great capacity and '
nothing more. The Louvre is much finer, yet
not remarkable, but its wealth of paintings by
the great masters of all time, surprised as well
as delighted me. _I never saw anything at all
cotieparable to it: .11ut of this another time. .
It becomes our duty to relate one of the most
diabolical acts of triple murder—committed at
Williamsburg; this monoing—that wo have ere:
been called upon to record. Two victims, the
wife and the mother-in-law of the murderer
have already fallen, and ere the • day close,
a third—a young girl, nineteen years of age—
will, probably, be added to the number. - The
name of the murderer is Lawrence Rielly, more
commonly , known in Williamsburg as “Charley."
Ile is an Irishman who came to this cotmtry ten
years since, and Ave year ago married Atm
Balding in whose blood he has to day illobrued
his hands, together with that of her mother
Mary, the wife of Patrick Balding. , His rensi
dence Is atNo. 110 North Fourth 'street, at which
place the fatal menu of the morning transpired.
It appears from the evidence of Elisabeth -Con
roy. The young girl above referred to, 'states
Rielly Milkmen about at home, for several days
past, generally rather Fly in his .manner, and
apparently out "of temper from jealousy of his .
wife, with Whom he had some uupleasant words
yesterday, but no open quarrel. kis- mother-'
in-law seems .to hare - taken the part ot her
daughter, and to hare accused Rielly of ill-treat
-1 meat, and a desire to do her injury. At, about
quarter before S o'clock this morning Rielly
went Into the room occupied by his wife, and
stabbed her genre' times as oho -lay upon' her
bed, inflicting Ave wounds in the vicinity of the
heart, causing- death'before,assistance reached
her. Elisabeth Conroy who wits staying at the -
house at' the time, tearing .llrei - Itielly shriek_
rushed to her aid, and was in torn attacked by
Rielly, who stabbed her so severely that no hopes
are entertained of her reeovery. . From the. ,
room where he commenced his terrible work;.
Rielly went down stairs to the rimm - occapied by.
Mrs. Gelding, whom also he attached, inflicting
four wounds when the escaped from his hands
into the hall, where her cries attracted the at , .
tendon of the pastern, who rushed, is in time
only to witness the death. of this second 'ie.'
tim, Who fell upon the foot of the Moira and ex
pired. Mrs. Rielly was bat 20 years Of age, and
'her mother 98. - •'. , .
The murderer was arrested at 'mice, '.and be
ing confronted with-the girl Conroy was distinct
yr adentified by her as the person who inflicted .
the wounds upon her and his wife, thus leaving.
upon record undeniable proof of the guilt of the
Itemised. - Great excitement exists in the ' vicin-
ityi if the tratesetion/and - resort • to. Lynch
Levi is loudly counselled by many of the specie
lore. The licensed, however, was conveyed, to
the Ipiisen, under charged of 'Mayor Dikemen.
Many Tuitions were put to him, hut be answer
ed the greater number incoheiently:. hieleclar
ed that there had been no peace between himself
and wife for. several ;years past; that her.whole .
family were against him; that whatever , hp might:
do, 'and however hard he might labor, they . etta
mined him idle and diesolute. In. additimx ..
this, he believed his wife had bewnlinfaithfar to
him.—N. Y. Courier ,-Saturday Artie 281 b. .