The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, July 01, 1851, Image 4

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. .
"Ta - a pietty girt,
The prettier , the hetter.
Give her nought to read
But noveinnd love letter;
Let tier go to plays,
Circus:tea and denees,
Filler heart withlovv,
Murders and romances.
"Furnish her with bean:,
TooMumetnns tO mention,
Send tier to attend
. Each “woman's righter Chavention;
Smaor ber to death
When'ei shetas the vapors,
Verzei letter write
For magazines and pawl.
...Tell her of her, chums
On every eeession,
Mate her "talents" rare,
The theme of eoniersation
Let "again of state" '
And politics be taught her—
She'll weir "ebort skirts and palate—
Os, Waist, she "oughter."
' Hail, one of the most peculiar phenomena
in meteorology, is divided into two principal
dame : 1. &gee, composed of round grand
. lers,g aerally not more than two and a half
lines thickness; always opaque, and of l
snow. kite color, occurring in wintry wea
ther. 2. Ha il ,
.properly so called, consist
ing ii granules of spherical, parabolical, or
pyrifor shape , varying in size from a
cherry m r sione to a walnut. These have gen
erally 4 point, opposite to which is a hemi
spherical segment, and in their center is an
opaque nuclene of one-half to two lines in
diameter. Thii species occur generally in
summer, in connection with thunder aid
lightning. The two kinds, however, ac
cording to Saeintz, differ only in size.. As
a third and rare species, Arago considers
that kind which are transparent, which are
unquestionably produced by the freezing of
drops of rain falling through a strata of
colder air.
The form of hailstones is various. The
diameter of simple hailstones, at a mean
latitude, according to Muncke„ . is not over
one and a half inches, larger masses appear
ing t 4 be produced by the aggregation of
several. There are instances of hailstones
beingl 3 as . large as hens' eggs. There are
• omen on record of vastly larger ones, but
' most f geese are fabulous.
According to Wallace, pieces of ice a foot
thick' fell in the Orkneys in 1780. In 1802
a piece of ice fell -in Hungary, which was
nearly a cube of three feet.. In all these
cases, the mass of ice must have been an
aggregation of small lumps, frozen together.
' In 175 F, the bail fell in Ireland, mixed
with the sulphuret of iron. Hail generally
falls through the day, but sometimes at
night also. Smaller hailstones - generally
fall in spring: short showers of rain then
alternate with sunshine. Fine granular
hail frequently occurs on high mountains;
on the higher Alps there are generally
• twelve fells of the fine for one of regular
hailstones. •
The real hailstones.belong to the summer
season, and are accompanied by severe
thunder and lightning. Storms of this
kind generally arise after clear calm wea
ther, accompanied by long oppressive sill
. .triness. The hail clouds appear to sweep
low, with their edges jagged, and their
lower faces presenting irregular projections,
the parts yielding hail generally forming
very white streaks, the rest of the cloud
being very dark. The barometer and ther
mometer sink rapidly, and a peculiar rust
and afterwards a darkness like an eclipse
_takes place. The hail lasts but a short
- time, rarely over fifteen minutes, but some
times produces terrible effects.
_ _lHail storms move with great velocity,
sometimes at the rate of forty miles per
hoar. Men have bees killed by them, and
... ,
nit unfrequently smaller animals. A bail
..-.i, storm occurred in France, in 1788, which
devastated 2,039 parishes, and caused the
loss of more than 23,000,000 of francs.—
The area traveled by bail is generally nar
row, rarely over a mile, but its length is
romedmes very great. In the tropics, hail
seldom occurs, except on' the mountains; .
and, at the far north, large hail is seldom
Ihe hail tract is generally confined to the
region between 30° and 60° latitude, and
to elevations under 6,000 feet. Even with
. bt these limits there are countries where
there is but little hail—simh as in'some of
the valleys of Switzerland. In the low
' lands, at the foot of high mountains, 'hail is
more abundant at a certain distance from
the -mountains. There appears to be no
regularity in hill storms:
Many plans . have been tried to prevent
hail storms, but none-have been successful.
'Electric condncting lilidS were tried in 1776
by Guenaul do Alountbeillard, and in 1820
Thollard recommended hail conductors
made of straw ropes, attached to pointed
rods, Or 'of straw ropes with a metal wire
Interwoven. These methods were much
followed, without the least benefit flowing
from them; and, at the present day, most
meteorologists agree that there is no certain
Method of preventi'mg hail storms.—&.Am.
number of Braithwaite's Retrospect of
Practical Medieine and Surgery contains
an article on this subject, which is calcula
ted to alarm those who indulge in' the pies
and tarts made of this palateable plant. It
seems that it•furnitshes the material of one
of the niost, painful and dangerous diseases
to which the htunan system Is subject.
The substance of the article is brier;
this: The young stalks of rhubarb contain
oxalic acid, and hard water contains lime ;
and consequently those who eat articles of
food made of the plant, and drink such
water, are introducing into their systena
the constituent ingredients of the mulberry
calculus, which is an oxalate of lime; and
if they are dyspeptic, and unable to digest
the acid, "are very likely indeed to incur
the pain and the exceeding peril of a renal
concretion of that kind." " The oxalate
was found in three out of four, after eating
the rhubarb."
- - - - -
This, it must be admitted, is rather
startling. 'The mulberry calculus is the
most painful form of the concretion of the
kidneys and bladder. PThe rhubarb plant
has come into extensive we, and is general
ly' considered a very wholesome article of
diet -If the danger of using it is as great
as is represented -in the Retrospect, it
should be universally known. Indeed,
there would seem to be no reason to infer
- that the danger is not confined to thole who
use limestone water, for the acid will pro
bably, combine with other bases as well as
- with lime. The presence of oxalis acid in
the plant, perceptible to the taste, would
lead one to conclude a priori, that the as
cribed effect would result from its use,
whenever it is not decomposed by the stars
ach,.'which seems to be the case in tile
greater proportion of instances; and the
experiments leave little room to doubt its
"gency in the production of oxalate gravel
in the urine.--.4Thany'quitivator , -
'kakis I Books
,-CHMITZ'S History of Greece.—A Hist°.
_ ry of Omen Dori Ds es.rUest thaw. to aide/fiction
uomoth. 6.6.144 amixoy boned nen tbst of Corn p '
Tbirlersit, D. D.,' Blaboy of 01; David's. By Dr. Leoosul
Us - Ammon, of Prophoey, or fkliotaus u l Illostratloosol
a tmalLose u;. Rem Al
Liam. sadotber Poems. or m snook.. T. 1 , 90 0.
• Prorerblak Pl:W=4h y; A. Modern Pyramid, sal tho Po.
ems of King Alford. klartisk Paroubs r Topotor,_ .
r,, , A , Zott r al4 . 2l4l.l.te r gt
Coon de Ploloseyble PoslUre of Augusta Comte. Uy M
M- Ifsr la Ken Tooo nod ErG fallrood Oside Beek: am
driCtnalwirtytlZ=AN' ' r
fir argAtl7.
lfarbereL -•-•
• Dames Novi DUsithlyiSsgssine Am&
nes Gold Worsblypem, or ft,* days or, Ilse len future
bim e wei torsi: Br t .
author of aWhitefdars."
Tbs gars books lust roostrad,aoll for saki by
os • .6. 0-13TOCKTON. 47 Uszket K.
(Y LASS-250 boxes ass'd sizes, for sale by
La w. wawa:ran.
BlVR—r2s,hhde. N. 0.4472.arde.
The Hzuwiti
nit Perigare,
C 0 SAYS NATURE, to , have a healthy ar
L-7 and percent who do not perolle. lla
to the smart_ Mmuseting akin Mtwara Now. dorm' Italian
-ChNITI , Nd net* amen a treepereyfration, and at the
thus ton11115e• and .often
the aim [Mint It the
of as Want's.'
Net file and Som. me not only heeled.
nYtin use,. m 7 phyeicians :I. York kr.
who nee It In eurb tat.. and 0.4 it 0.61111*--ex'slao,_ in
ViltiPlee; Motet.. Pratt" m say other eldit Nee., The
nader le wand that this Jr rm useless. puffed nottrunt,
00. ttial yew. 1 andi enumerate at loud elged,
Mme DuN.
B yet 00' red
0)10--and •• ad. 0010 1000 . n' eured d I would 000 000.
= l v nt t gat o t i o d, vl , 2 st . : l
0111 End this 0 01 only a Mr, but • preeentime and 1 ma
now only add. War oty one *filleted with any at the adore,
ter ahmter deme.will fad thls aml eren.mar tadinb
raid. 10 100 t/llwi than 1 Mate.
MW-Ilint. reader, the Worm are Banded with Intilaticz
yyd — M eure you eat.. for AMU' Italian Chemical boa
boy It only of it J ACKSON, ouly Agent In NUM 0010.
heed of Wood.
Pearly White Teeth, and Pure Breath, to
be hod the 25 mata,—Penons who hays either. am honors
bly &soured that if their breath la mar - fouL or their
teeth &eyed. dark or yellow, and erommted with tmtm,
that • TS rent box of Joyce' Amber Tenth Parte will maks
the teeth as white 00 snow, and the breath olosifermiall
Sold only at JACELSONII Story, Rid LIMA./ et., hart .1
A Scientific Hair Tonic, Rely and Bean.
Id e r,.—Yym e j mace, Z h cent. Those who have losal
.lond . Coral flair Restorer. know Its emellent qualities—
Lbws who have DOC. we mewl, It to possess the following
qualitlen—lt will form Um hair to now on any p.m where
nature Intsoital hale to mow; stop ft felling MR cum scurf
or dandruff; and maks Ilaht. red, or may bale mow dark.
Toe rendering the hale *oft and stlky, matins can emeed
this—lt mates it truly Morainal, s keeps It so. It b. In
deed. the rust ecommical—ye sup eriors —article for the
Soonly at WM. JACKSON'S Store, IRO Liberty street
Lid of Wood, Slttaburah.
Prlese—ATlf amts. 50 cents. and VI.
JONES' Solution of Jet, a Liquid Human
MD Dye. for the changing of white, rat, of grey hair. ton
beautiful broad or bleak yet color. in a le. naouten
Pricee , —.lonnata, and $1:
Mat peiLl
ur by W3l. JACHSON.34O Liberty atreet,haadof Wood.
JONES' LILLY 1V LIFT - E.—Ladies ore eau:
Mewed sonnet uAnw lb. conetnan prepared Mall, they
ore not aware how frightrully n o. is to ma atm
how warm, door rough. hoer sa ll ow. yellow. awl unhealthy
M . ? !LA. - nig:ill , ale+ tenon Prerr it l o Clitlltl llatilder, ILL
I ' rye
lerteria preptaWb l arge
eautll 9 ul re which we
eai Spanish Lilly White.
QZ i t4l ' .l = t iAiiienVatlfr:elti= .
standar, elms, Hellen white; at the mina time sanest as cow
metle ou the akin, neakhogit awn worestb.
:Sold hy the Aim; WM. JACSON, lid Llberly Wed,
head if Wend. Plttaburots • Pth o. 2S tient.
B. T. Babbitt's Celebrated Soap Powder.
WASHING without labor! Warruntod
to take the steles out of table Ronan =id nap
Mos. .•
Mairrione tes.—Put your clothe. Ina sufficient
quantity of cold water to corm theta. th en add two table
spoonfuls of this Soap Powder, to each ale ensile of water '
twed with the olothen If the water Is hard, add mere of.
he t'nerder. and boll them ten minutes in the mean time
preesthem down with a Mick, then put them In tub and
add safftelent mid water. so that the will not be, too hot
to handle..•
Then rub the dirty streaks, or In other words,
glee them • thorough rinsing, and that is eufficlent to
mate theta cleth.
N. 11.bery being no rosin in thie Soap. it will leave
the Clothes very while, and no bed ully
_amen, as mom
soaps dn. The entire set of the material ten
Qom not
exceed two mole, taromplete Inshing of ten persons.—
Warranted not to rot or injure the clothe.
This Gy a Powder that one paper will make twelve quarts
beet family Soft Soap.
lrancrsom roe U.K.—Take, say els itharts of water end adz the Powder with It, and then let it boll, my rim ralm
ate. then add thr. torte cold water; stir them ititimetely
together, end set It away where it will not frecm, and
when cold it will be very thick and nice White Sewn. end
will wash well, and will not eat the handl. like other Soft
13Cep,-nor rot the clothes. Can be need With hard or wit
water, by tasking the ntilMity Into sit gouts lustful of
twelve. The Soft Boat. Is test adapted for washing mlleo
and woollen geed..
Sold wholesele and retail by
No. 67. 00l M.
Compound Syrup of Yellow Dock Eoot,
CICCUPIES the front rank among the pro
victory medicines or this couOtry for completely
curnsg Conker, Pelt Ullman, Erysimisa: and aU other Ma
eases arising from an impure stale of the blood. All.,
Liver Complalnt. yet Headaches. Dirtiness,
Coughs. Sormseas and Tight ess about the Chest; Brom
chiles, or boaramens, dryness, and _a tickling setuation
about the throaU and Is used with mope...ideated moms.
In all cams of
. .
Female Ireakners and General Debility.
Stroffthening the weakened tote, giving tone to the
various orgos, and Invigorating the satire system.
If the testimony of thousands of living witness, frail
all parts of the +pantry, eon be relied upon, it In singular.
efkacions in ming all Ihmort, and restoring debility..
Oland broken down oonons. lt Is combinedegeta
ble La its agarceitlon, dam arearately in Bs
poportioas that the cbendeal. Loudest. and medimi pew
pale. of fwd. lcurredient beraionionely unite to
Purify the Bided.
skill restored many el:music &roe+ which bare baled
the of the brat physicians. anti boats° cured Canker,
Salt abeam. Erysipelas and &rotate., which Sersapardla
Synod entirely Wad to make the loot irdarew/on upon.
It hasbeen teste obstinate ewes' of CA-SCEBOUS IlU+
MORS. The most.Caloolo hoe been cured by
this medicine. We say that it Is a valuable medicine In 01
BILIOUS iIkISIPLAINTS- It remoos all obatruetlens to
the <Weida:tow rendering the laver fru, waive, soil
h finnovelt Polpitalloil of he d relieves In
of asth m a. and may be need in st ill limates, and
at all seasons of the year.
TM, Syrup if prepared only by C. MORSE W. at 102
Fountain Amt. Providenos, K. 1.. and sold w tolerate and
retail, by b. N. WICKALSII3II.
Only Agent Le Pennsylvania,
my Sty Warehouse, corner Wool and Sixth sta. Pitt a.
Professor A. C. Barry's Trieopherons,
-I.ring I...timontal it tuna M. Munn. Editor of the
&wattle Amelia. Comment on sorb , evidence I. un
0000. Feb. 20. 1619.
awn'. Trturpherone Lt. article that:se take jeleseure
ha awarding the Alleitsat. usasteweelatious. We do nordo It
unou the recommendation of others. but from nurnern per
sonal knereledge flits etreew upanthe WI: while It teals
to keep It hes:LW . ..Wt. at:alglow, It alto streusels date
preeente spar hair, and Intiguralas tuturth ha a
unequalled nee
arti.utleer 101900 to
0, rerraou only neele to use one bottle 10 be ruminant
of thls truth.
Sidd bs bottle, pins cent, at the orinelral 01/tee 137
Hrcadwar. New I ork.
Sold In Urge 1.13.1 e, price ur, cent, at prorrletoes
ces br It. I:. HELLER&
mere: No. 07 Wood st.
.FAMILY FRIEND. or Baking Preparative,
mtpereeding the use of leastineolneinS emcee
a. sweet, nntrickats acid ieetie• Bread of pare color.
leu time, and at lem mat th e
the iffilinary fermented
bread; wkilch cause, to agreat estent. lmilitestion.
datidence, pains after mad, headaebe. and other setioos
disease, Eloperior M any thing for making Cakes mints.
mats. In 'SO pound< of. non, this preirration will make
10 non lows. of 4 winds earl, than with Laren . Ilea&
of familks. and perwons of weakly cerotitutlims , should at
tend to once bread. as one of the 00.01 medicines of the
time. For Llospltal,lntirmarle, Schools. Howl, zonal,
establishments. it great etivantame. bold In,
bottles at
12X, =, mid 60 omits, with directions Mr use.
my2ii lt. E. dELLERS. II Wool et.
Thr mart Extraordinary Dlncoorry in The World it
the great Arabian Remedy for Nan aa Brut!
H. G. Farrel 's
XIIE miraculous cures performed by the
Arabian physicians in th e days of old. wen then
100 upon as Um moult of meg... but
hare b.':
come ir,ate .Itb their artery we ear, lb= account
Melt . ..Tering peo.ex over dhw. Their attainments ID
the knowledge of umdldne were the wonder .of the
while at the none trtro th e whence of Chemistry. which
ith them bad its oricrin. was to the, rest of the world we
...led boob." And in Notthy they were the roost mamas of
Mu:tents. In the beautiftd ....which skirt the dowrisal
Arabia. obound rue plans and dam. wood. when..n
obtained t 0... ...thatue gum. and fragrtht balsams, of
which tot. incomparable liniment remit..., .41 10
Who. stimulating winnow; penetrating and Aiwa..
It le, when applied. inct.taneously most
gh the whole nervous eyrtem. allaying the most Iry
tease palls to the incredibly 'host time of 10 or lb minutes.
pt. action Ls powerful and ethereal, : without the
lewd danger. It penetrates the limb to the bone. relaxes
routracted cords, restores tow to thoto which ban teen
pedaled for year., causing the flesh to grow out
sal rich Mord to circniste through its reins. It restores
the Synervial Pluld or Jotht Water, mod tide le the reason
Dr it ha. bee n so universally succeeded In curing all
disease of theJolnts. In &thole affections of the Spine,
Liver. Lungs •and Kldneyr, W. great Arabian remedy
nand. unparalleled: tor Lo u. Cake or Enlargement. the,
Spleen, It Is • epode., and fur Stmumatirto it b. perthth ,
fel some of the most extraordinuy corm on record: al.
f o r cramp, swellings, Pans, Wounds, (thilbialtuttiurtu.
White Sueillows, Tumor. to. Ic. It. Le equally efftherklas
In disease of Animal., orth lot Pinola, Poll Erd,Sweeniy,
e C 7gpsF W gri t rthlr . jerVAß"th' rwa.w
ammo. rimer in with or brae* which require th_erter
.l application. thin liniment stands at thee bead of •11
The following is from the principal accountant of the
wealthy and highly respectable house of I'mus A Duo., of
Peoria, and secants one of tid most sudden! cures In
the tamale of medical history:
BIe.LL G. Purcell: Dear 81r, Actuated by an:mot grata-
Danes. I submit the followingas an Instansw of the util
ity of your geed =Midst.. M chat!, three years old. w
suddenly attacked with • terrible disease. which, in lam
than An
rigidp it to total lalpfewsiss. Tbelinths
beano. so Mg na a joint could be Ina; the desb
toured black and cold, and entirely deprived aff inity: the
oyez deal, radially dated sad altogether blind. Yollot ,
beg ebb, was gegnad 14 all sound: the spine beeame con-.
traded, and so threat, thud. when laying child back. tint
Arad and hods only touched. Indeed, the preeentad
erratT appeases. of Wag ddeil immediately on the at
tarok. the fondly phyddan was called in.mati for three tads
be labored to reduce It to feeling.but all in rain,_although
It WY bilateral dozen times. wad sedate rohafacient li
intents applied. A- onaoltation of phy debuts trim then
held, but to no puce.. Tbe ewe watt then brought be
fore the Madkal noddy, but nothing could be theitestod
which had not already beendons; and th e doctor then told
mu be could do nothing mote. Ka theft commenced at- plying your Lint/add freely ova the entire length of the
thine, god you may imagimtt yireuea jor, when, alter •
few applications. Mamma meadbm moo apparent. The
child pidly ermined, with the exception of the eight.
'which old not beams perieet for nearly • • month. it le
now beady and robust as can be.
11,. other twee of the same kind award In My neigh.
he:shoed previously. Mt of which died; wham. ap . ubt. II
your Liniment bed been noel, they would hare moved&
Peoria, Muth 1, UM. MENU Y U. CLELAND.
Liver complaint, Erritipelas, and IlheirautUrns
Rarencir. Marion CO, Kr."ller :71 1549.
Ls. 11. O. Ftharth—Dear Air. Your motorcar's selling
, vr
r,.ll,and doing . vast deal orgood among the peu
pie. It has COCCI • tad am A
of Arramlar, and an other
of • lad oa th In the breast. lair, ►ho as magma to
herbed kr several month, with hirer Crenp w laint and Affec
tion of the Baal: wthantireircored by thous. of gm ,
Arabian Liniment. libe mid the doctor, could do her no
good. It has been applied to fresh mt. and mind It ho
• short Una. 1 rithebeer , atiticted each Itheumationn for
• long time, and Jost before • wet then It pinned MO m
=orb that I bad no paw all day; thd the night I con.menial bathing and rubbing with roar Liniment, and
before nth done rubbing, the with cethed.
• „ •
Stiff Comptatra, plummy, Distemper, Corks and
Sort Eyes Cured.
11, Pah:outer at Flat. Pathan tlattntli /U.
Mr. 11. 0. Paula. Pont Arabian Lhatr4s t i !leg
EMI az.,21.4 lad an,
abo t fig; t 7 61e applleatiOna. LI I
mewl eine of my own Abe Sweeney. Our beriff,Josepti
Dyke,. cured hho bone M• bed Cork with In he Mea Dint
COD • mit that had the Distemper very bad, sad cured it
Immediat Ile mays decidedly the greatest home
swami. hoever wed. T h ere have been numbers mind
=E . with It. 1 fin 4 It a very valuable medicine
iktgare Counterfeit , .
The Pottle aro particularly
Ctruntwint attach hae lately made Ile •apesturme me.•
caned bY Um Imposter whomakee It "W Yarrell's Arabl
ml UM...ID" Thiele dangernue Rand and morn liable
to deceive from his basting the woo. of Farrell. There
fore tat particular maw Coca for it by the now "Farrell . .
Liniment." Arc unprincipled dealers will Wpm the sra
raeArre alas you tbr the minim, hot dung. ash for .. .it norell's Arabian Littleton," aug buts no othrw,
tbeweriuln• drop. bm th e letter 11. U. Ingwe Yarrell'n
hiswpostunile aim on tba'auteld• wrapper, and them
words blown in Ur S. bottle—"H. O. torreirs Arabboe
Linimeat, Peorni.•
Aocirs waubcd Sn emery Town, Village. and Uwwlet in
the United Staten, in which um Is not emablLhed. Appir
by letter to IL O. Ferrell, Peoria, 111, withltuod Memos
onto diameter, rempoordbillty
Call on the much valua bleurnish itme of Charge, a
ig d ialning infurnaatket for mug dam
of citizen.
Pows--10 cents, DO ante. and ate dollar ow
The onIVOMOnne is tPenufactswil by IL O. Email. mole
larmtur aid gruprietoroad 'chg./ma drama*. No. 17
Men atrM, peormallowd OYr wala r i7T7lstpl Intel at
proprietor's prim, by .113.
SorylulthrS • ' N 0.67 Wood etntm
dity JAIL - CURRY. Allegheny CRY.
IANNERS' 011;-27 Mils. Bank OH, for
sal. by .1.41 J. FLOTp.
MOLASSES--'2OOWs. N. 0., for solely
7 lOTASII-30 casks pare, fur sale by
L jea J.i IL.ILOVD.
BY TEE mamma 01/
/N pursuance Orley. 1,111140 m Frwrosa,
President of the United States of .Andelift. do berebX
Imre and.make known that cob& sake will& &LI itt
the undermentioned Land Mee in the Sesta of Arkansas,
Int periods &extant...edit/LS=2We. to •
At llie Land Cigice at BATESVILLE, commencing on
Monday. the hest day of September next, for the oeial
of Xle• peddle lauds. eitosted within the budermenlloned
toiniehs aal freeLlonel trewnelipe.
„Voitherthe kWh& endued ejtaajillh ITnocilwa
Township two, of range three.
Township two, of Mire four.
100010001 township ftiorteen, north of White flyer, of
revue nine. • .
Norte izidop. AJtA lirheiluilhwridicr , •
TOWM:hiP S oon .ot range two.
Tescikinal tship eleven and mare, of range xis.
At the Land Mike at CHAMPAONOLE, commended ch
Woodsy, the fifteenth day of September next. kr the dis
posal of the public lands within the uridermentknied town
hiCia, to wit:
Muth of the tem e aPtii teed qf the JI/thPeiwiPa ...*“..-
- , Towtotklpe <le. en and Ourteen.cif range seventeen.
Township eleven. of Pence elght.een.
• ,At the Land Oftlee at LIELF.MI. commeneing on Mon
day. the eighteenth day of Atkrust next, for the disposal
CC poblk Was within the following earned township mid
Ncts of township, vie:
VortA /the Dateli ne and aide./ the Adh prinCipaleseridiee.
Sc , tihris thildeenitwentr-thee, twenty-four and teepee-
Ore, east of the St. Prancis Mnr, In town ehic three, of
Mee four.
-• • .
Township nineyof magi wren.
Tout/lOW batehrse and tether Ma fifftsPrinetfea
Township hear and part of thln .eerie..thlrtY
two cod thtstpthree. In township thirteen. of mg. ono.
At the Lath Moe at LITTLE ROCK. commend= on
Nthelay, the Met day of September next, Mr the disponi
of the public Made In the following named trash. on and
ir.tifir"balf;;td Atm
The mouth half of 'section eight,
fifteen, t
half of ten,
fneetional seetlcas Osmium thd fifteen, the north half of
seventeen, the cast Rd( of twentmone, twentf-two, the
north half and muthweet 'Metter of t0...11 - three" Ut.
norshwestothrter of twenty-elm and the west half of the
1:10111.11; qa uarter of twenty-nevem In township threw,. of
range fooxima
Lands appromiated by low for the um of schools, -mili
tary and other purythes, together with "those thramissud
overflowed laths made slant
thltivittion.” If
any. which shall be metaled the State authorities be
fore the dare sLointed to the cmomeneament of the nub
ile tales respethrely, , under the act entitled "An Act to
enable the State of Arkthsaa and other States to ',claim
the . ..nip lands' wlthle theft limits; 'Loomed Beptem
her Zit', TSAR. teal be exchbdalfinsb the thlet. And no to- m:m.lM . land hound. twretofore greeted by oar law of
CCongress, for military service.render.] to the Unthel
states, nil beprnntaM. any cif abort mentioncd laths,
provldwi by the set entitled . An Act =Wog RPP.O .
shoes for 'bedsit and diplomatic expeumsof goverment,"
a, approved 31 March. WM.
The offering of the amts mentioned lands will be am
. meneed on the days appointed,.thd will premed In the or
' dee to which they are advertised. with all convenient dim
pateh. until the whole shaft hereby.' offered end therein
Bans domed; but no sale thud' be kept open longer then
two works. erg no private entry of any of the lands 0111
he admitted walk n ft er the evollatlon of the two Weeks.
Often under my band at the City of Washington this
sixth day of May, Anno Domini one thommtd eight too
thed and liftrone. BISILARD FILLNURE.
By the President:
Commisslther of the General Land Mee.
Every person entitled to the right of pew vm stint. to any
of the lead. within . the township. and p•tu
above enumerated, la requited to ertablith the same to tar
eallefeetion of. the Regloter and Receiver of the punter
IleLand Office and make payment th and hem. erefor ae mon as poisons
suing .
this..., the der aftwebisl
the commeneement of the public idle of the lands embra
sing the tract claimed. otherwise each claim will be forfeit
Corneal/whiner of the Genera Land 0111 a. '
tOlZilawillit • .
IN pursuance of law, I, 'MILLARD Fitaxons,
deelePrree s a id nmt
eotfe t h nwn it . etdh E a ta p s ub o i f c
sa me swi . l l dbo
h h e er ld e b a r t
the trudermentioned Land Mime in the State of Ilmoner,
at the periods hereinafter designated, to wit:
At the Land Ogles st JACK N, eommencing on Mon
day, the Pr.t day of September next, foe the diepneel of the
publlo lands situated within the following named town.
ship. els.
Saran/ Me bum line and...o e r f thel tonbliPsinen.
Townships twentyweven, twenty. lit and twentr.rdne,
Township Current Meer, tweet r...
teentpseven,.eight and twenty-tam.
on and near Current Meer, of range four.
Township twenty-eight, es • branch of Current river, of
rungs e.
Townships twenty-11am, teentreight end
twenty-Mr. of mate eight
Township twentrihner, twentg.four, twmatl.elght adPntre ct. y-ni nonel e,
townof range
ship twentron. and lownsthis terauti
two, twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-lire and twenty.",
tg: PLLCE, commencing au Monday. the IP
dar of Eepr foll ow ing for the dlepand of the pub
lic leads withinneared townships and parts
. . .
Noratownships r 0:
Nana er lia t.a lute wad sod arvgAfth P*44l winkow-
Township IW4IItTAVO. of nage taw
Wrattkiwil townshipstwenty-ow wad twenty-two, sad
township Minty-An, of nap three.
Torwhip nasty-two. of range tar.
Town/Lips twenty. and twenty-thne s of nage fire.
Fraetionsirowaship enact/. and baintahlps twentrtwo,
twenty-ttw. twenty-law, twentran, twenty-six nod
twattyweren. of range sia.
Fnetional townships elrdno and eneatoen. and town
hip tn./Ay-two. of range man
factional Wwwhips Anna. seteatiWa. eighteen and
twentyans.linashlyw tweotytwo twraty-ihror; and
owtaina arse to few melusisr, gomfte. to ho t ,3l,one Loci ta
bo,,trii-Oio. Ski , tlte.. lwitarte, to township
twepttsii of nage tight.
Township nineteen awspt fesalowl WllO. tAirlyorte
I/Ortwar loralwite,/ free/own townehip twenty sod
fractional township nrealywita /*nen
pi on,y are body,
Ma. foonlyarsc, fwerlyif. our, boadte, twhelrew
herenlyseve thwr.Mo - , and warty... cir/1..1.
northarat (melon semlon Ma. In tomnbly sins
wen, and fractitand tom:whip twenty, of rams mot
Maims one to Melee theluelve , tho north half of thirtie s.
frortma tweerrom lot-Imre, and
inclusive. in township ;debtor= recta.. Mem to am
locturive too t hwnahlp ninetemn and "Maas Mira w ear
teen, the half of Iteesee-lebb boaete , Vbe
- and thirty-Am to therwas thrum, In tomahly
"T'r'rZt lances / e
12 .
them Overflow. , of township
thenty-thrse. of tuner thirteen
Serra sir
, rep[e the norlicest qualm.) and isertnom
Sesne,eipAleza,noul. thirty and tharry-orw. mot of - Little
Iffier overlow,.. In township twentrdoor. of tame Mor
At the Land 00Ice R eitaINGTIELD, emu:worm on
llonday eixtheenth day of Arigeln mot. Mr th e dis
mal of t he public lands Bloated welkin the followinot oa
need fractional townibtra to wit:
eif the barrlinemd out triArfilthP.Ocir.l.taidtr ,
Township twenty-two, of tango twenty-two.
Township tardy-two. of nag tereuty-three.
PrrtWu neenheilee, thirer....e.
Ilmriett-rw...thwrdfaur.thirty:Roa thimme. moth of the
Nate Luc, hmarhip t+rehtrorts. of ram twenty
tractional Wernahly tlrtotrotot, te11...1 to *h. Eildel
Linettef tante. twentyreven meaty-Moo. thirty, thin/ •
on, thirty-two. Gthlyillme and thirty-tont
Innis appropriated by law fur Ule um 6f taboole, 114
tary and other purr.., together with .thom "moo and
nverfumed lands nude unlit thereby Orr cultivation" If
any, which .hell be rah:rad by Use State authorities before
1 the day. sprinted Mr the anommthentent of the habit ,
rieli b trjaclirely, under At enr
. 0.00 of 111.1":76.11. nd other 94tes to
:Gab. 15500e0 be excludakfrove M. tom And no
Mr UM bonntim beyrofor• ranted by any_ law of Coo--
gram for 0105001 hiotreeen 50040,4 the United 0101...
will be perbuttect wan y of the abieee andenani Weds. ne
vided by the sr entitled AM mating Moropriations
I Mr the dell and dips
expense. of Government." M.,
*P •fr "' o d llfe %us. of tllt ' e!for rentloned lands will ho com
mend on the dam sppotn ' ted, and monad to the er
Mein wbklt they non advertised with ill movatlent dia
th sl thl ' e '"!
I h nt: t eggqit t*"" ven *U."'"'a lttittg
weeks. and no prvate sooty of an:1 4 04 thr i' llnds r ar be ad
mitted nail after them Mutton the two weeks.
Given strier 07 hand at the City Of Waabloglon
Math dm of May. Moo Domini one tbmimud Mobs Mar
deed end fa
thrm.. t
By e Presiden
Commboimoet of the General Load Moe.
the sight of preemption to MT
of E th7rwrlT wlen tdenrtattips and .part• of township.
Wow wounerawds I. nagoiree to establish the Woe to the
satisfaction of the mister awl waivport
the proper lanol
ogle and mate payment therefor as 63 pradacat.te eV.
ter sale. and before the end for the
commencement of tan public relent t lands cranial.*
We twat claimed; otherwise web clans will be latched.
J. Barre itri
Catontlegoner a the oencra Land °flee.
Mrauance of law, I, MILLARD Ficumaz,
t of the United States of Monde. do hereby
declare so d known, that nubile salr will be held at undmmennmosil Lend ()men in tbe State of law*. at
th' LlVaredlloco a Tt . tiVertitt W .
Zlitemiti Mon.
1 . the Le s day of September nest, for thedloraWof the
„1 4
pun o Dods situated in the follow Luff zumml townships.
via :
/V of cite Lute Wm, and ....s N LICARI , ggincio.l 10011
ownship eeventy nine, of mare twenty-nitre.
Towastape seenntrums and eiglitY.of notge thirty.
Townsbipasmantrnine and eughty, of noose ilthdrone.
Townships seventy-dim, eighty an d, of range
Townohlp eighty... of renie tbliTrUmee.
At lb. Land Moe st VAISSIDLD, commencinn on Mon.
lt i rli t e b ;u 6 bWrotis " :l ffirttrinV ' Witte ' dtogrpl i ,
to Mt:
North gf Mg tow lute and seal N Ng MA prb.ciAU ~,,,,
s w a n
Townehip ementY. of I.lil. thirty
Tom:able seventy, of rouge thirtyiwo.
Torrnahlp pmenty, of room thirty-three.
At the Land Ma at DUltUor., us Mooday, tbe eigh
teenth dal of Augmt nmt. for the dm of Om WM. -
lug taydg
011 ,
Bl to wit:
A mand in rectiona and Monaco, In town
ship eighty-two north. of range one cam,mod the moth..t
quarter ol motion iatatireermo In township satiety-Ma
north, of range ulna west of the fifth principal meridian..
Duels appropriated by law for awn.. of school, min
tary and other purpose.. together with "those .0..0.000 ap and ,
overdo:red landsmade unfit thereby for colLisadow,"
If my which shall be selected by the Inge authorities be
km t h e days appolntml forthe eotneseseetseet of the pul.
Ile pan el , under the Act entfflel "An Aet Lcu
enable th=r7of i lvkanno and other State to maim
the 'Wean* lands' within their limits." apPea s at BePtesr
ber =Lb, Ix6o, Ma le mended from the onkr. And no la
cation', Mr hood bouoties heredofore pranted by nor law of
Congrese. for military enwiees rendered to lbe United
inates, 1071 be.persoffedon any VIM them< analysed lands,
se provided by the set entitled "An act cooking oPtdotwia.
nom for Ms dell and dint:two/le !topcoats of thrmnitomit,"
At, approved ad March, DAL ,
Tha offering of the larels will be commenced on the dap.
appointed, and prooted In the order in which 0007 an ed .
with all oomenient dispatch , until tlet IP holm:bail
bare Merl offered, and the sales thus elmed; but no sale
shall be Mot open longer than two *eels, and noprivate
entry of mly of the lands will be admitted until after the
expiration of the two meta -
(limn under my hand at the City of Washiopton. this
sloth day of
po May, Anno Domini one thouwand eight bun.
end Off ne.
arect By the President: SULU illtD 711.1.tuillE.
Commlostoner of the General Lend 011iew.
Rudy Prom entitled to the riultt of preemption to nor
of the mule within the toeduhipe and_parte of tarn ralpe
wore enumerated, is required to eetablisb the same to the
ptleflunion of the re inter end receiver of the proper loud
dike, mind make protest therefor a mon 1/2prOthebbk rtf
ter mind lAir ',odor and before the der supolatul for the
counnenoentent o the blic salt of trill euhredur
the Out cluhrud; f
otherteLie pu clai th
mCo forfeited.
Counthaloner of the (hound Land 011ite.
. .
2 11
er Cent. saved to Country Iderchanta.
M. .1. KING, Dealer in BOOTS AND
swore, No. ed North Stewed street. n 110.1914,
baspind reed from the manufectory mi extensive and wen
erlected'stock of the above eon% which yin be sold at 70
per cant lam than can be parebased in the city, for cull
or city acceptance.
Milan will do well to call befo. smrchuing.
Fresh Arrivals of Wall Paper.
THOMAS PALMER, No. 55 Matketatroot,
"PAPER HANOINGS—Ftench and Amor
lean,l-y sh ';vb.L.
MACKEREL -200 bble. No: 3 (Large)
Nenbarypart inapeetgatilg lace o leatit nee'
anJ kw sale Da
Watebonse, Pa. Railroad Depot.
mall 3 • earner Penn and Warne .t..
MUTTON ILAISIB-2000 lbs. prime, fur
inkl• my= RInIY,II6IIIIIIWS .1; CO.
ta ODA ASH-500 casks of our own mum
kJ facture, warranted of to gool orolitY orol .1 , 10 tilt
ry"'''""''' I "'BPAINtiIIZT(g.!°"7 ,
Water street
QUID 013311—For onmeotlorr iron. WOol. Etna ."... Ch tli's. red d . bi u atlrtl2l <=all!..
Store. rotaborsh. ras2l
A IR HAILS—A full anortment just recd
en b/ so ylO F.ll.ktyros.
LARD OIL - _l5 bbla. for sale b.)
' EtiEt
.1851. kat
. PARKE CO, Unman; Paarminne.
7r HE PROPRIETORS of this old and well
A r known Lho.. notikt DiErto the public that doer ore
DOM In &pennant; for thspnvent and hay. 009.114112 -
eel terldring Freight and Paw., tt„,, i wi t v
rfratp.rry VI painter on the Canal, and
?nen, at the Dwelt rata. One' [the Boat" of thl:
Line will be c onstantly at Um landing, he the Mow ,
rebel. Midge, to receive freight
Olgro, ear . Water and Emlthlekt ,
R. W. C11../1.10..., New Castle, Pa.,
D. C. Mathew. Pulsar', Pa.;W .
W. C. WI.. norm
tI. IDOL Eharpeborsh;
m. Rohn a Oa, Oreennilie
Wm. Henry. itartrtown;
Wm. Poner,Sotmeautrlll,
C. et. Reed, EA, Pa..;
G. R. WallbrLlns. Baal°, N. T. apt
New Lake Superior Line,-185L
THE new steamer NORTHENER, Capt. B.
0. Sir... hariffn modem hnpromment for
May and comfort. will leave Cleveland tin Yrklay, the
Ff y m lint Gait. on her trip—and weekly vh.y ee rpm on
riday, at Sl o'clock. P. at, fur the Sint Ste. Marie.
Tbe steamer Joan Camorm.s.,eoll
leave Haut Ste. Marie. for the different landing. on ""
Superior. on the arrival of Meets:mom Northerner; makins
reqalar weekly line. throngbout the mason. b e tween
Cleveland and the Copper and Sea aline.
S. A A. TURNER., Proprietor..
Onset-lad. 0.. April 1821.—1 f
Manufacturer's Line.
ggiiiMg. 1851. tiaa
ST.l'regNaEr. HEREBY o l r N s tatturb
i POW In MIL operation. with *ditties to earn • 1 1 . 11 .
=nit, of freight - to Philadelphia mid Baltimore, raked
hg, in ea short time, and at sn low rates, an 0.7
°th tr,M 4 aranwe '"l4" so . eta, have also been male for
Way Freight to Blairsville, Johrultroni. Holltdayebarg,
i e
Water Etreet,Alesandria. PateribUlWP thwiLinzdow Mill
Cr.". hirVertOwn. tl tt
Newport, Clark'. Ferry. Ilateleburg.Colombla.and MI oth
er totannelliategm..: . ete Prosylv f ailla Canal and Pori ,
prranqfess regaillity sripmenu, to
the aformaid pain at the lowest rates, may be rellW
ttimm . MITCHELL SCOTT._Proprietor.
Warehouse. Liberty stmt.
MehlNtf &Toed door west alb. Canal.
TERE.TrIN nnvanAmv to my brother.
U UK IMNUMAkI, the business at Pttnbnr hoUl hero
after be transacted under the .tile of ttWm.lllnubsen
Co?' [mall WM. DINUIdAII.
Binghaxas' Transportation Lino,
asia lB5l. 4;' -- 0 - :=
THE CANAL being now open, we are yea
dr co mole* soul forward promptly. Produce and
rchandlie. east and west.
Linos. - Freights atom P• 0 lowest rates cheesed by reeptoutikle
Pratam and Merchandke will be smeared and forwardol
mat awl west. without any Mudge for foramolUtil or W
m:ming freight. commission. or starage.
Mk of Lading forwarded, and all direction. faltifolly
attended to. Adam. or apply_to
WM. lIINOHAM I CO, Cana/ Bak.
Corner Liberty and Wayne My, Pittsburgh
betweenlAK. 113 Market at,
Fourth and Ilfth eta, Philadelphia.
No. IS2 North Howardstront s _Balthnora.
mohl New York.
&kiZ2l 1851 ffirM
Itterehanta' Transpoitation Line,
A. SIeANDLTY A CO., Canal Baum, 408 Penn Meet,
CHARLES ILILYNCIL Central Mock. Druid street, Phil.
Ire are prepared to Narita a large amount merchandise
ia.d pnduse to ship s l2 the opening at the made to PhD.
ll'ilddla, and all Inteediate pikes at lover nitre, and In
low time than In any nteejona moo.
was. K The Inermend number of Truekr ;Trembled by
the Canal (A.miaeinnere for carrying-our twat. on the
fltata riallmute, trill prevent .. r possibility or dela el
Johnstown, llolidarshurit or Col . thit_stutal_ .lt
BAS Caned Dada
tffegA_ 1851 EaSia
To Shippers of Merchandise, Produce, &c,
aft t. CO,
C e p
deletow 2.17 Waste; and 64
Cantorsce dphia.
DELL I.I(IOY.TY, *Won, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh.
JOS. 'TAYLOR it MN. Awn halnatiow.
We an Miami, oM the 4tpaning of the Ihransytrania
Canal, in contrast for frrisht at at ion ratanwd ITITe
slaw,* as mush despateli and flat. as any other Litte.
LEureersors to/ohn alpholon t Cul
Canal. Patin, Penn Street.
Pails. Rail Road Co.—eentral Rail Road.
OrrllE subscribers haying been appointed
shipping aortae fn the l'eaneriania or Central Rlll
oed. alarm the outdo. that we arere PaParai tu
ropstir merrhandise or prattle! tor s a hipment east cattle
6..0 on this route will toe tarried through in are dot.
ad all emotional to us will be forwarded tree of TOWSu
hon or (huge Err saratires. •
Bons or riztour oriors, rIPLADILMIII AND lortrockoo.
Dry Drub, II lir. gory boot.. Yistloorry,Cutlerr.Oonfr ,
Worry, f nil G. Froftrers, Furniture, Drury, Medicines.
Earldlery, Km!. to kr. SLOO * UM to.
Usr.lorarr, quer.. 0r L .Ml' 1' ie.., rairda, Opt Etaffa, CON
lissiber,Cloorr, Flos .Fon. .
Tumuli] y and °Darr Onss ford,
to y WOO DV. ,
Baron, Bra Pork. llsilici, Lord. 1.1 oil. Tobacco Lest
Door, Tata, Grain rod hokr., 110 e *loo
Artie, Idar I. (rung - b) Tar. Pitch. Soda. Oarteart Clay.
Doors. tr. *DA
Pitt bnrgb Trailsio •ion Line.
JAMPS CrCilN i'iOß it CO, Coro Itailti,-Plitiburati-
EIThIi,JAMEti • CO. Depots_ littad awl Chopp streets.
and Na South Pourth street, Latinos Msrket oat Choi.
out Oroete, Philadelphia
O'CONNOItS t 01)., :0 North Oniet. Baltimore.
tAVING fully completed our arrange-
Merits, we 011 l be pretedwd ere the opeolnit of the
atyleanis Cumin, to tarry frelebt to axed fn. Vito.
barab, rbiledelphle, Neer Verb. rlo.bot4
Louisville, 01. Louie and all the PAO. and Wee., et
tower rates end with more dietwarb and rare Lben woe ot/r.
ex Line. All dootteeblopot by our Lily aro flair covered
by lerlintlore. wiltangt chug. to Pero., • peof.elbo
thaVeritllx afforded by nor Other Line.
All erroniunirwtious toltheared to ourwelves or afoot,
Hell A Cu- Ouch:math V- %%ebb. Louisville. and Law. ,
Osborne, XL loot. will inert with prompt Mention.
_.llrdr. Oar Line du romunetiou whatavvr with the
111 11 , el co phl• and Illtetotrxh Irsoepottation LlueAtir:
Lewiea Patent Reversible Water Filter
S NOW to be teen in operation at W3l.
TATE t CAME, Plumbers, No. 10 Fourth 100• Cc be
berty at, and at PRYOR • w
tro Vaet strVet, Pittsburgh. lair Pliter hag no/Wed
a Gold 11.14 room the Ametbout hobbit. of haw York,
and a Cortifinto from llw Franklin Institute of PhEadeb
Phi, for Ito superiority In Ea elewasingpropertiele and aim
certificates frcdo thong having them to use In Ptilladelphl.
of which the following axe examples:
- POLAngl Lmb 1861.
It gives me great pleasure to rina.
teoomma a nd to the laranikt
MR, clear water. the Patent Iteversilda %I/sternum . ..lw
Tented by Wr. Loads. Having used one of them for arrow
al month/4 I am enabled Mimi, of their value.
talibilElE MEE PE Walnut street"
...0011..•013.1110i.010201100, 1651.
The Patent Eavergible Water gllterrer, Invented by Its.
gunnel 11. Lewis, and 0.1 by me for some triontint at my
prirar. Li al that 007 Forum mold wish. I
therefore consider Ito oriel/kW , to here It In toy Weer to
reoimmetul It to the publit. JOAN I'. FAIIII.AMIki
Net N Summer idreeL”
Tbau Fillers are ,wuratittel to tat• out am smell or
Luta ishith may ariee from ilsoomportd animal or emieta-
Lle muter In the water. They are warruted to last two
yeses, amt with ordinary rue will last telL and remain
only to be seen to be appreciated.
stylist! ' Arch amt. Plilladeloble.
Rockingham and Domestic Quomiaware.
ufacturer, of Imellosbam and Tellot (Rue Ware.
ran Lteraroot. Ohio.
41-hample Rooms. GOT., Siith =hi 'Librtr
(Round Church tat Ildins,) entrance neat door to J. A R.
Fiord. Wholveale Or mere.
Our exonew Works enable as to till orders promPhir•
A rampetent designer balm; ennetantly employed, alm 'en
ables us to keep para •ith tba 0011 sod Improved sty leo
of tn. day.
Water Urns, itaitoins, Pitchers, Taney Tors. ikasert Beta,
Plower Cunt, liadtfA, MAMA °mascots, Medicine and
Saud Jar, and articles fur domestic use;lxt grist varisty.
Orders restantial, 04 00 s. inch: Val
Heating and Ventilation.
Heating by Motu lu Ilotiels.Court Rowan, lowtnre
Boom*, Bank 1/elloor, Mier...newkr, Ho.pltais, andbulld
lour of eyrry deficti ption. public nal private,. kW, Lwow
Orion and Drying I W... (0 I' all 'torpors whore MIMI , .
..wersturet, el thrr high or low, to desired; and for these
" = " Arittglricurb t.'"luglW It.
u foretwl meson, tr
be ltratnt 7 oriir voliour ruentloned are
Knor“urnrodully brolod non 114 plan In &adorn towns.
00 thwtnettuil Inouros • Rholeroote. uramm h o
ot at nor
routine/I teroperaltor, wll.ll sire troalorn from root,
" 1011 4". 0 u.i."tiaCTlPW.7l4APON"ndllYnfrirldl,"ll.
Pedling Wagon.
A Large and suhstantial two horse wagon
111 within= axles, for Bala on Errotuble.termkb arT
j ,
Agricultural Implements.
1 HAVE JUST received from the East the
following Implement, 01 'Or the best nianabotwee
Ywl the town rerent lnwentlows, and I would Mello all
emeni to call enJ examine my etook.
UAllloq Dlnehinee, for corn, beans, beets, turnip.. A.
Onto Drill, for wheat, Tye. Oatin and balitli
Corn Cobenabern
C 0 .14 1 nee io; 'Conte and band rawer.
Straw sod Com Stalk Culling Dom.
I);qt.ktrlteatr scoo tCTWO Rostra,.
Culrl al Grain and limn tylber, and Boa,
castoitaal two, three and four prong tuts.
All tOWlllfarturod from the best malarial, and for rale
at the Dna and Brad Eton. of
inlen Corner of Wood and filatbatreata.
Beaumont's Patent Starch
JEDATENTED, July 26th, 1850.--For giving
beautiful Ohne to Limns, &twilit., Cambries,
noun nnwsmo, kr., and aim kremlin the loon from
Whining to Llneu. to., and proven. duet Ikons sticking to
Linens, le., and contains nothing injurious. .
birectiout—inst•• plena the pius of • peg to aquae of
ittirrh when boiling: iron briskly.
Pike, 121 mute its Cake. bo ld Ir/intent. sod retail hi
se3 a. r.. deLLERS, 07 Wout
• •••• Copley's. Pot Clay.
TIIE euboeribere are now Sole Agents
,of J. Copley Co.. for the sale of their Pot Clay, an
lee of tell estabhvbed reputation Poo the manufseture
lof We Cuts. Mud Pots, le. It 1.-made of Me trout
nfusible enhemmes too. midis very arefully 'elected
and clean.' Mtn.. to Miletding,
mr2o J. E.coOONMAKER t CO.
FLA loveable to lailee ae a protectluts to the hand, to
boor desalts, ralealog cure of Oran, le. to we."
log, they bleach the !mediae:low y white. /or nate low at
the ladle Rubber Depot, 7 arid Y Waal street
ray= 3. a IL VILILLIPS.
gCLARET WINE, (St. Julien hleiloc,) of
V./ out own im p ortation orarnated pore. Prier., I., &et
dozen or On cents per mingle bottle. At 110HILIS' Tea
nort,lo the Dinmond. • tor 9
VaAP OIL CI.OTIIS—Juat ree'd, from the
Fectraw. to Piny,LUp Oil Cloth, • beautilhily entab.
tilele,_' for sal* 'memo" Wow to omtesnormes,st the
Oil Cloth Warn/cons, Nun I. SW 0 WOW Cl.
JV---ig it
Herman, end oar own mattafacture; for d. at the
CIoUr Watorcom, Nos. I end to Wood at.
Yellow Dort k Sareaparilln—
m:l " I. 4' J.
m 1 J rodd and Le sale by ILWICKIIRSIJAH,
paint Of KWh Mid Wood ina.
AT tat on PITO SIMI or
A.- on & Co., 62 mid 64 Market it.,
DILL commence on THIIPSDAT, June 26,
1851. and mallow abrougbont the month of dale.
Their Wholesale Rome will be opened to the retail trade,
and article throned:sot the establishment will be
raid at an Inamenee reduction from maxi pram.
'Wins tumidly made extensive) le, theirameort.
Tt will be found seeT choke and deal
heir stack of Ellts, conaprldng mare 600 *Pea
will be closed outatan Immense dlecouni usual ?Has.
loot than Bilk. ae los as --
8110 Poplins.
Pest Berne Lalne
rg S .'
Colored Lawns c
Fine French Lawns--....— 1 , 2*.
Finn Printed MS , leg tee.
Fine French .. 15X8FAT5e.
WM) pea. French end Mulish ......
Fut CnionedCalleces- Ole.
100 mots &WWI andateerlean Calicoes— ..900 f
sad bales Bleached and Boom Mune, a maw
lemetneer's price,
Mao. Lams. ElhboAdaries, Trisroolnea Rdry.
Cods, penneteyillt te., toutp l i
tuarjilir:" ulm
wholemeal prices. A. A. MASON £CO.
. Goods for Warm Weather.
, URPIIY & BURCHPIELIkat the North
uppM Eut come, of Fourth mad Mark:tree% are .ell
sed altly goals adapted to as= a ir. each an
Scotc h and Wrench LAWNS;
Embroider.' and Printed Mull=
Neer style Victoria Muslin;
. • • • i
They have Jest mi red another Int of NM GOODS,
each e Parsa, changeable Bilks for Scarfs, black fordo..
black Idobair Iditts,Liele Glove; Undersicrees, Dotted Nett
for do., neat plain Gina beam dark Linen Lostres,_ Yreoeh
Woes mid DOM, White Blonds, new style 8i1.014h
LAWNS, changeable POPLINS.
mob. aseortment being rooffall, 01th constant ems.
slime of new grim% and NMI at toren emu. lodneemenO
are odor! to DOWN 1.0 aid make their ',archaic.
of, •
„. VELVET CARPETS.—W.M'CIintock ham
In Moue and for sale. the /Arnett 11/Asortment of Vet.
717:t• e e l . offered In Ude market f...17et Warehjixe
has in store otod for tale a lerste arsortnient of supe
cior Brussels Carpe to which h. {noun the attention of
ustomers. Carpet warehour• No.. 5, Fourth st.
01.. have just receirsel par Stenos tble =rain II
• supply of the ao.• entree and &sizable article.
Aloe, an addition.] mostly crimped trimming ribbon& to
which the attention of cnettnoinw I. halted at Nisiwia end
M. Itart.t et •
More New 'Lamm.
A A. MASON A CO. base just received
• this day, Woo lot of thaw voil i dealrablo brow,
V'Aux.l L' 1 . 1 1117.= -P , •b°
elositor out their very !uropto eltofro,
I tT=r3rgett. " 22 9 lll34 It
Wbite ' •
I HAVE aon hand la rge assortment of Im
t ,,, et WO LIT, of suzerlaotrik,
THE subscriber, having made arrange
". masts, in conneguenee of ,phut
hiecolent Mud.:
mut flak med by the
,111 of Angst.% net nag oilers big
uhob of Gloves onhory. Ribbons. Grads, Ern
brolderier. Nese Trims:Munn, Ilandkorehlefer, Tine B lair.
Furnishing Gorda. Zenhyr Worded. Flower Igniskrlalo.
Umbrellao, Para.'s, Wmbs. und Thread and Needle st.
skis, Amon. lane? Bane. (boot Pbileilelphinuanke,) at
snugly +wored priors. nhultoWe and retail.
jelg 7. R. LSTfIN.
To Milliners.
CRAPE LEISSE, blue, white and pink;
Vltreestc• ailk.
Cram, vrblte awl black;
Bland. •bite., blue, zJink and mat;
Jirtlldsl A. for see bY
014 C. A1711177111,10T.
have Jetta .6.1 one we white, pink, blue and black
rapes. The elove warm and 4bn:treble anode will be mold
be at Noa. .6164 Market wt. Jen
Ir l AWNS! LAWNSI-A. A. MAsom & Co.
ism sost °penal au• owplOn black Lawns, Ten
' cl - rtrnt i :47lVrl=VNl b triZt ra r est
L Co. are taro offering their largo and ruled wort.
moot Parthott at r rry Otharr
anst others are moral.% b call WI examine before
purchasing donates.. ran
Fine Preach Frondelntim
11P111;& BURCLIFIF4D invite the at
u ... bon to th . ele =ru t of of
enoner. Also. impel. Yrooeta Bairn Vtitlzrs. y k2O
IRATE SILAWLS;. at reduced ptir:ait!=—
) A. A. MAYON A OD. wine/anent LbArstotk of Avan
t plata Lad emtirokleted Crap. Shattla. at ;
dattiou Ingo tartan prtnea Cali axim taat get • hatpin.
Nat 63 and 64 Market st, tots
AWNS! LAWNS? at 61 cis. per yang—
Aa_ a. MASON CO. are nor offering Ofia mot erten
re lot of cheap Lanus ever exhibited in the intr. at ad
price,re ro fro. 45( rode pre yard d. op. The attention of no
Poodeetfl aily &Mi
) bay* ilstorenleual to Elmo nut lb* tattoos a their goat
otto sod Rota al ft ratlr raduead proaaa. h. allow
lino of ladle. la aolialtra to taw abort woods. T
ERENCII 'FLOWERS!—The attention of
custom.. la remsettulty Invited to nue Large/dent rf
ti Miners. which we ate soar doges ont al very an
Song rates. 110171 A. A. ?LAWN it CO.
Piano and Table Coven
ALA. MASON CO. would ;respectfully
. dill the atirnsUoy of homeleaven to their my or
ve worriment of daily pelyto and embomed dm*
and table mem, leaarled Alm,• wry keg* mte
oly of !Imo mid doraysk table cloths, moUnA, WWI..
Woolly Le at No fd WC Market stmt.
QUAIMEIt CLOTHS, fur MAO. and Boys'
10 Wort elm. Trod. Ceotaneretto. Coeds:moo. 1.. In
mlir t yl . ely of
man ides qualltiee, merited cdreol
IStai I
iharehtield bars reoffilved • ativOiYur diii•but• /ma.
lonia of • Ivry atitanioy quality. 013
Lace Curtain*.
HAVE just receiand, direct from the Im
■ p:alma, • tarot , wortmetit of Iwo which 1
yell low. Curtain Moleziols and T.lmeu of R 11661,
. 11 M.
• si.
URL,APS—A superior article 40 inch, for
oak bY nii 311.31P11t a LIE.
Woolen Goods!
2 CASES Green Mixed Jeans;
2 Work Itrani-Choth:
I Chown Gown
The share goads unjust reed tram mutant iemihotn.
Inmost coneinntomat, end tbr low on ntromble
cur IltaPilY I LIM
—Them ellonee are of pleat utility ha .n tlals of
worn when protection to the kende Is row:iron, such as
drirlvr mtung,corking in antalrals. at. Also, ort
lotalllble remedy tor clawed hmnln
myth 1. t 11.1'1111.1311.
I NDIA RUBBER - COTS—An excellent cciy
i rlng far mon fuagetv *rearm, atiftulbartog atao Im
pervous to air or water; for ale at No+. 7 and VI Wcaal at.
1ay1.7 J. k H. PHILLIPS.
wayttheett of all estoro mad patalltleo or HaWT with
las wortwat or Lthlo Thread. 81Ik and Cotton
for Wm wholoWs or Wall, by
myth V. IL EATON. 62 Fourth th.
I)RIEL/ FRUIT-4 00 bu. Peaches;
myr " vtivira..b7
FLOOR OICCLOTHS.—A largo stock of
Flo:m . oU Cloths, ot vistaTV ft= 3( 1.: 6 yd t t
pn e rrrarent th. east " llrerlotott and loom lteepani ass
mood.' to call 96 , 1 aratoloa otir .
a I 'tacl. Pl k Wu*
I purchasing
cbers. JILLIPS.
1,016 7 and 9 Woo( .t.
Straw Bonnet and Eat Warehouse,
lAPA.LISIEIt offers for sale, at very
. s fall earnetnient of Mean and Winn
" . 31 . 0rAPILrondiro and leaerieenplala sack tuner
nuns. Braid, Chip, 1111141,11flton. Lees. Ilaly.Pennin, Lag
a . Yaattue, sa i g Itre " a t = day and
atZ 2 LI.II:2. ehip,timpoLace, 1024 fur.
Onney, Jena)) Lind.. 4 abet lain, in peat nat.
ety of shape end neateena,
RIBBON—Rch Bonnet ml Beset. Vein Setts and Tel.
frt rlNPVtaln " etrretred ' Vlrred . t d otl C &lrt ' and
Cotton Mete,
s7ibt W . TRIALV/VGB-oan/o. Tassels, Buttons, Debts.
and Miserkan Bptlp, bamboo and
Wireg' b s, ' arms— h., a.. Na
pkg. , do U hl., dol °kw ssoorbst
gadflies did odor.
RA TlNS—,Lk.unUd gadillos elan.
Aloo-11kb nod lob , pleat kayo's sag UmbrollsA. napl
&do, be.. Al. meld&
CASSDIERES-90 piens raney and blaek,
for sale by yak. C. AIMIIIIISOT.
RESS LAWNS-4 cues printed, a peat
je ti Pa 4." " for
D ERMA DE LAINS- 1 -2 cases 'desirable
Le ark. mr wile by
TtNS-3Vs Bonnet :b0 Cag i for
i .
C. .
wu. moors, N 0.134 InaalT linucor.
A eery lergeand lolloolor stack. of Pubinside Goad..
adapted to lientletnetes Wear for Spring: comprising the,
newest styles in American, English MAO Wrench PLW
meson a very mlemild assortment oeirestinge end Cloths
of .very fuldonable shade and color; whichrwltt,
and well ellszolhotrarod stack a R E ADY 11.1.14.
CLeTILINO, makes one of the largest and beet selected
docks west of the Allegheoksc all of which the Proprietor
1. &Unlined to offn u.neh prices as will cousLoos all
who tumid. with mml4 that not only the meet metier
Duthie"- L. sold at this establishment. but elm at the low
est prices In the city.
All order. in the mann er
limmecnted. astungal,Nte
best noontide manner, and et the shorts.% notice.
sechl ft
to nos ontstantly receleing Ma Byelaw Buck of
osumtuez In part LW Iblimring Twit/U.lw
Extra Royal Velvet Pile Cameste, de. do. Tapestry Draw . ',9rac.i.17,47,71. 8 . 4,, lizrAglif.:
44.34, 64.11 24 twilled Venitisin 44, "' 34, 04. and A
Oslo 044444.144 end 24 Wool and cotton do.
Extra Chenille Borg One do.; dor extra totted do.; Ant
do. do.; oommon do. eaille Dore thaw tatted do. do.;
these akin do. tlo.;_ Adelaide do. do.; Thrum do. do.
Crumb Cloths, rel Una da, necking 124,64, and 24..
A..,....., till Cloths, eat to fit an else ball , or room
84,14,64.64.44. and 54 011 Clothe.
Also—lltair Lit, a .
.1 1
. frit;
.t le ,
ir t t ;gun 1.1t ... D all•
and Dieperflluckebitek do. t Windot r Ahedes;
-liar Window llollan4k Vealtian lreshomed Plano
Comma - do. Sable do.; 44 Stand 404 tad Tale do.
Botha Imported and ;cirrhosed our Minn than the
most celebrated Yamoties,bnan of the latest and moat ste•
mo od styles and cols" we are to sell to oar
, frieLit and rattom=rices as =rem am le As.*
" Vorglti f yVorlta al ofalt 'and rx • Ins our stack at
The Carpet Warehouse, 85 Fourth MreeL
mehl9 • W. MeGLENTOCK.
tag, Edwina mai Cua, with • fah saartatant of Lea
th, an °petting at the Oweor
litaW • P. IL RATON. Pouith at
/L.4:mm. a co. tom on bout 6 w 61 1+ 166 51 6 .k
.) e Cambric. 66.%
BOY" OASSIMERES—Of various colors
sad Kyles, :veil
mit lIVIPEr aavadorma
L ARD -12 bbls. N
WICK Me o. 1, for sal
z.TX . earner Food and Water stit
',EARL ABll-5 tons for sale bY
ENGLISH a nwiliErr,
ity2C Sataka and 111 Fin/ at.
HOOPS-49,000 Split Ash. for sale by
my% - nousu & BENNETT.
lINSEED OIL-10 casks (prime) for sale
A by - mys ft AW. lIMIBAUGIL
n HIED BEEF—ZOOO lba prime, just re-
Jur atnt for nlo br ~98 .1 r. LIAREALVII.
UGAR-64 hbde, received and for saln by
ieg 8. W. lIARIMIIOII.
MOLASSES just receive 4i and
fir Na by jN a. R. IiatILAIJOIL
ACHEREL-50 MI No. 3, 1851, in
11/1 gam 304 Sa. br i,9 S. W. ILLB.DAVIEL
n yE FLOUR;—'2O bblery - e flow. for sale by
C ALERATUS-3I casks, fur aide by
17 :10 WICK t IdTANDLESS...
CaCCRINGS-5 casks prime on hand and
for . 1 * bY Je9 WICK t SIVANDLSES..
rel , we by jog RICH a MVANDLESS.
-21 b 1• Na I. Lard.
4 do Cream
do Tallow.
it tie Legltra
. y.
1 , ha; and bilk. wad.
bro Dry WI.
21 • •
PIM for 'ale
LSO'AI bra. b white il tiara. mar.
iz. Bras
lo Atom sad Oar eale by
MILLER t nacirrsoN.
irs Nos. =, Liberty et.
VRESH TOMATOES, hermetically sealed,
I: Waking, rerfeetly. the flavor em heahnew of llte.
npo fruit.. for sale by WAt. A. ACCLURO t W.
Omani Ord Tea Dealers.
DBEEF.—frans it Stigma
Canal Eke mowed, for Isle by
my 27 Z 6 Libert7 or.
bmesat ko
i with e hea P io , of C o s d wat er o nl y. This Flout
will be found the most tonvenient ant theapeet. that can
" toed foe imumbold peewees. easlns =per cent. In but
r and me,. and making the
_mint superlor Dread, Light
cry, Puddluo, Wan, au. ith • Kress ming of
and trouble. The shove la put up In onmenlentSised
package. of 3 aid Elbe., with OW divetions for um. To
he bad ot WM. a. bleCLUitte a co,
myln Unsex, and Ten D eters.
LYE FLOUR-8 bble. for mile . by
It ..730 R. DALZSLI.* CO.. Liberty rt.
CHEESE -60 boxes good W. R., for sale by
' bbla. No.l Lard;
3 .• Tallow;
" Goo
15 4
bap Frathorc
21 11000
1 " Olonenic
1 " 524500 rd;
b.j.eta.Dtd. ADPIoN
solo to 1 TELLIAII DI4II.EY co.,
15170, Water and Front eta.
/CY' MORRIS' TEA!—Morris ' Tea Mart
la lo Dhdoo4sl.
_Second Door trim D10¢0544 *Der.
r4O Jf0“14.1.1214 041.011rament 1.2 ino ealLoootwetad
01115 the atom 101412 4,200441 nen door by Warmth t
Odom .oy
rp OLL BUTTER-3 bbls. (fresh)in cloths,
11..1 ad reed and lbytabo by IL. 0.112Y11
my 9 Liberty tCO.
HERRING -126 bbls. No. 1 (to arrive) for
I. br m 713 L CULBERTSON A O.
I\4I.,TTON LEAM.9-2000 S. C., for aalO by
mr7 J. B. CAMIELD.
GROUND NUTS-15 sacks for sale by
NUTMEGS -1 bbl. for ode by .
toys J.--.--
-33 half chute Chelan &ad Oolatkz
23 boxes extra Ma 01:11012 eLfor rale by
toy 6 I. D. WILLIAMS A CO.
Quaili rti9LASSES—
Ij mrus D'is"- -sonui s4 :roa l r. a Iliel184111"1"7.
'OFFEE-100 bags Rio, for sale by
SUNDRIES-14 bbli. Grease;
la 6 Ka 1 Lank
nets t i estber .
Idaillmreg ask by
borb) front and Walw
- -
F LOUR -10 bble:Rye;
300 " '0%666 for ral•
USTARI) SEED-500 lbs. for sale by
t Ar 43. 6 PALISEIMICIC Ix 00.
Mrs+ Ifsel mel.:
Patna kfactmk
Cold& Far We by
miR _ Groom sad T. Dealers-
DAWN — BOG BOUND-8000 lba. Bacon
81'"'" i1.1 " WItA b illAUG IL
DED BEEF-3000 lbs. for sale by
r 8. t W. ILLIIII3/MIL
UGAR-60 UAL. N. 0., for este by ,
/TOFFEE--10 bags for wale w ieb r ia mist:mu
mr2g i
"pOTATOES-200 bu. prime Red, for sale
61 Warr it.
780]—Vor saler D. WILLIAMS t CO,
• - caraer Rood .ad filth .ts.
APPLES---40 bags in stare, for
J 5
I. by 11:7DALZELL t at ,
myl4 Warty K.'
CREESE—Z - .lbm. W.R. Cream, for sale by
mrl2 a. a w. maaaanotr 4 -,
1/ICE FLOUR; Prepared Corn;
TOT II 2Vy WM. A. bieCLUlta *
¢1,13 234 Lit.ty st
I ' '• emu • rungs, m giros jazz
Vrry olporlw " bow Dorm
Gam. PraneK a r ul. lor
wyl3 WM. A. MeCLO KO A (M.
K EREL-100bb •
u l ale by
I OAF SUGAR-150 bbls. (ftss'd tios.) for
bi uonsstno Z INGIMA3I,
myl6 no Wales IrL
AY RAKES-40 doz. for sale by
myr a. I. TON BONNUO=t W.
'I.ItITT ER-3 bbh fresh, now landing and
Ail ter oat* by 12.21211 wool' 2 Co.
my 24 Water and flout eta
AILD—Z kegs No. 1 Leaf, for sale by
1.4 of 7 MET, ILLITILEWS k CO.
DRIED FRUIT-1501mAptiler
so et lii&Y.ol7,oo;VAO!'y
ItICE-10 tierces (fresh) for sale by
my 7 . :RS.Lltostr Amt.
rine-4Q hi. chests Y. H., Imp., and Black
Vv. SW may by
FLOUR -240 bblx. Extra and S. F. for sale
by taY6 L. B. WAWA-VARA BON&
RIED APPLES-320 meta for Bata by
= r e 4 B. WATERMAN 4lt BONS.
BUTTER—In boxes (fresh) reed dail by
VIEARLS-01) bbls. for sale by
my 7 J. a cANrixt.i.
INSEED OIL-20 bble. for sale by
my? J. B. CAN FIELD.
161 ALERATUS--100 hrs. acid 10 bble. pure
Ibr WA by m 77 3. B. CA.NFIELZ.
CIIEESE-100 boxes for sale by
oyT J. ft. CLNETELD.
VARIED PEACHES-29- bblo. on consign
mesa ma be nl• by
I/JUR-500 b".)ls. S. F., for sale by
mys & !R. 13ARBACIOIL
HAbIS- —3O mks Evan & Swift's S. C., for
ma. b 7 = mr6 B.• W. asassuon.
= Da. Dried Peoeher,
DO Da Delo! Apples foe We by ,
Strait, Pittattrgh
Corner of Wood 'and
M r talt °l =ii
/16 catty bozo prime Oren
46 bf.jlleets do. do.
ocolwg aChuhsr,
Itee WO Rio
16 " leuroXeootxlJem
60 box.. EV% ox. 46 *ad lie
lamp Totem%
bble. leo. 1 and 3 Meek
n' ee =t b'.
130044. extra adder;
3 btes Pude:
1_ Q4oeeS
RE, and to arrive this
Bout.. •
kin =v.: Stara;
15 D 1.
A. O. lloba.r.
" ' Loaf, urnaula, sad
060176. oodles B "r4r;
ilta Hoeticasai Pinola
60 Sidir
6 t 0... Rock Caculr;
2 Oeoco Claccacr, .
12 o Cocoa a Choml_ ,ate -
I . Caralla & Atacama
amp 12 am. lllllturs=
1 bbl. nap. Oub.
1 " am.;
Oarnat =i
1 : 11.11 M 146.4
I . AlArltoor.
140 Bath Ihrklct
I bbL Floor Sulphur;
i t
=VIZ/rot Loom.
Homo, ;pi Unit*
--- - ---
45 i.,;,
MO dozen Ilmou'ollarkltur.
100 Ds. ouoartno gko Flour,
100 " Y. hullo%
60 "
347 Do. r_rtmalt.Ogrec
or, 7, u,MO..
Black Tem
' 166 buts 6'5 6 ,!. 181, =
T :. and
25 tot. ftl
110007.Cod . paN
MO box. Linn.= I
200 1,23.1.11. .:
3.003,846. Al andrn„
23 biles lOW No*
23 Nag. Walnut;
60 Ormod Notr.
TBOOO dram
cues 111,
6 plan=
move Borax;
ao Tanato lietettuA
" Prow
" tidave
50 Loa k LY411145551
100 55aos Manua Vs Sega=
- Adak
CO Mull Basin
10. Ptictelp•
6,0 000 00 Havana Bain
11:4•10. Cam. " •
10:141.11.19pam "
100 01s. lilsiff. Sugar WI
pnyitr. elmlcrar
sst =l/.IITA
100 c • ."" No.l, 2,
pa lay I. _
la rajlrialii,isedi lbw. i
20001 b. Willtlaz 2 . 2 0 b Is. " traWrga .71.1 - 4 -
40 bbls2l)marre Olb • WO gross C. I. D. Tobaxece,
ir. agrg
MO b52 , a ,
93 .. Tubs; • • 1 0.1 2 , 0 . Prltalleg
25 . Outtle
P. O. le a ard italumc i oOrdte v etaxact aa Vo
1= 1 8 V.ak.V l4 k 3d:Vargn
lung . ...I vi s gra•
era smart:meat of wads Vm.
/anal, by a 00
' 5ar.1524 01000201a4 341 /Mat 1125.
. . . .. , .. ....
Pittsbmth Laurance. Compaq.
rrniS CoRPANY was inearpOratel'
nr te rn lc od o obruyk Dvl
otto/owOMAO, sad boa
Ifno Compaq toy bootoro Loth oft dot Joint Stook Ns
utual l •
On tba @knot Stmts.]. the rotas are ocortbled lost that@
dnw chordal by Mama* Cono and fifteen Per Oast
lower thou U. Tan of most tact mak.
Mutual ram tbo mon Uwe . odolddli by
ofely @coal:feted Common, Ilaor Ituorod oat Onr
prinefrdo hove the eamtdoed oteoreltto. furoLdool_by thfg;
tom of losaroont. and the thoital Borplas mod pf
the Joint Stott derartment. •
m. Charter perfolO the drooling of lositrazeo W life.
is every tom. lorladloof the ORM of affo, ebildrea r yof
rept& rel a tions. friends or modltoor—to Lamm the LS@ of
soother Ibr thermos excitatory broeff. payable altar death.
or nett tbe porde@ =F . at the fop of ba, OS. GO, or alb
vt the option of the
- Jame Iloca. • Yrealdtal mil.
Samuel MeClurkso, %Ice t
• J mob O. Lees, troonarol
Morin A. Coital.focretzry..
James 8. Boon. Joorpb S. tooth.
Jobs S. Dilworth. Chariot+ A.tkiltoo.
Samuel Heelorkon Wm. Phillip.
• • J. A. Vilma
Ct. - Wing PAymiciamr.
Joseph Climiam. M. D, Addliem, M. D,
Jeremiah Brook. M. D • D.lrdriostow. M. D.
Samna Dil•Pri..h Sc h =eld street,
Kama Snyder, M. 101 rourth str.<l.
John Charier., 11. D,.. Sixth direct.
Wm. MaL...lth-wan, 11. D., 107 Litwriw
Dr. Dilworth wiu he in athendahoiattbe .0.07
dor, at 12 &dock.
Thom who balm orb. Sir an IMMiCS, recuested
MA. their mipero.and operations forthwith.
All Denman ...awed hathe insorame tandem whip...2 ,-
90. d with WanlA end allowed the toad ...lido. •
Moe of the Commas, Do. 76 Fourth great.
0a721,15w8 O. A. COMM, SweT. '
State Mutual Pire =lmre= Company.
BRANCH OFFICE—No. 64 therrxmaD Eassrr,
PITTSBURG/1' • • •
• Prrtsassoo. May Ist• /We
TILE best evidence of the success of the.
I/hectors m endoevoring to make the STATE M 7717
AI. PLIIJI 4YHDR4NI74 COMPANY Emmet the vranta of
she community, Is the unparalleled 1111204121. of OISSONNIO
blot ham been dank bertng Issued 7,900 kollmles during
the Pee leOl, thereby adding um 11191 u5 007 to the tands
of IheOmpany. Nearly all the property lured is of m.
safest kind In Dull risks, and . large proportion Insured
WhleNTrintlee Ltised...--•.;..• 7.970
Do. do. exp`rd, terminated, upward, PI
Do. do. in force— 7,909
Amount at Property Lurtitud--,e,,
Do. canceled, tanninated.expiredeg'M DO
Da la
Do. 79.6:687
esuselecl, termluated.upiral— •
MI 10 •
Do. 10 fosse— IYJGY 77
Do. Cash Premiums iseetred....—.. 51,457 14
x 2121 •
2.51,521 90
Whole im't loom and espeures bald-4322,417 40
Belame la favor of the in cub.- 027,024 42
To Mt/ or country membante, and Gomm of tivellutire.
emi Molatcd zed orturtry property. It is believed thismen•
P. 7 arm& adrontseco in meat of obespom,
.ealety, and
emority. Inferior to no Insursuce Compeer ln
Oodustot the equitable and Irbm117M 1 70 111,0 "7".
of coodnowoo of Itielm, excluding xrdeciot hemblA 11 v
eurtng only • Meted amount In any en* lA:AMY. 1000 We'
elodlog the frequency and occurrence of lure dreg and
...Mope both the Mock and Mutual Mau. 11 net OnlYjmele
ems the cheapness met 5map...... of bath umbeatia.
but entitles the Mound to • wale:Mallon 111 the mat.
Dirceimm—John P. /Mahe:lord, A. J. (Allem, 11. T. keel.
A 1.,... A. Q.., Milo C. Sedsolek,Samnal Joan, Ito!?
Klotz, John B. Packer, John B. Rutherford.
J. P. HOTHARMJIII), Ambient.
A. J. Gni.= tomerrAT.
A. A. cams, Acfnary. myl7
N. IL—A halo Dlrtdand at fifteen Der etht. ao oolOrhth
Made. has bare eaelartd tra. the Diseetorti soh is how re.
aarable at Ms OMe• ter Irawal., or rotreotahle to =eh
the sad of ninety day. A. A. Cehloth. Ast.
Franklin Piro /mural= Co, of Philad's.
:nIRECTOILS: Charles W. Barteker, Geo.
jurW,Blchardg,Thos...ll4o. Idordonel I).low7s,Toblse
wagon., Adolphe E. Bork. nesonel Omit. Ihrrid b. Ems..
Jacob laneolth, Morrie Patterson.
CI ILINCIIBII., Preeidmt.'
Ceara O. Emmen, bocrotsry.
000lpsay conllanee vases inn:Mesa Pannsnetif
or limlted. on every den:enema of Property in town sad
country, at nuts him se ore oonelstent with oestnity.
The Company renewed • Asann contingent Me.
hich, with their Intend sad Premituns.oately narmtal.
Own maple protection to tbe mond. ,
The amen of the itamsay, on Jannerylst,lBsl. • upon-
Itelnd agreeably U. the, act of emesobly.were fOthroa
, llortnasea.—. M=
Bed 54.377 IS
P 3,068 17
61.883. 03
W4ll BI
Moe - their lumrPmer_s. Paled of 21 react 1.100
bore paid aperstde of One =Pon Your Iltunhod Montan!
Palm Loons er adoollnir arid... of the
dratitazo of Insomnia se well their sldlit'r sad dl..
pennon to meet with promptness ail Ilatllities.
J. lif.ololP.ll COMN,..dgent.
; apl6 Offloo S. X. owner of Wood and 3.1
enn Mutual Life Luntriuice Co., Philad'a.
yk. I. Plemr,Jr., Seamed.) Na. PS3 LthataT AMM.
atm the ben. C 012,011.08 Of • WOO. Teltdi ~121;
• k 4..71,1fl tr4r4,11.= 11%..=
J. Pebtemmattar th.lto PA 'Wad street, viler* all memo
talmt:lassharvill breves and c arat
m a y ettinded to. Pamphlets explaining Mlle esitem
batteelts of Ufa Immemate, mod Wahl. farms as
4,44 Y;., ~;. :;
Marine, lire, and Inland Transportation
7lnsurance Coilany of !forth Amerien,
. I :4lll 4 VWXtr d 5 tj."*Ni C ili= " l=e.l
" bitgliS di Rad their content. in this city mull Tidal% r
itl=l=ll==e=a th bo e
Arthur G. Coft. Prat. " non.. &MP..
&mud W. Jonas. L John 2-1.443
=ward EvaLIN. Bkhard & W cad.
Johan- BM., Willi= Welsh.
Fraisine Manias.
=gandsol a math , .
• a /Mein Anita.% . •
A ,... lianoval Brook&
ensign Pall.. - W. a Bonen._
6=4 . . • .
dnibros• Minna.
Jacob W. Thom Jainin N.
& Norviarialii i.... IL D. Eamnie w i t tra t. .„
Stasis the ale. CoinraarlisiNii
and from its tilfti standing. loag .petienoa ample modal,
avid avoiding ad &Oa of an am._ havaroo= bi ls
way be ocaundarsd a. man scarf[
o y
--- ,,m u im a .IWI 2111. A11..t.
/.:a No. 141 &vont nand.
- - - -
Wotan:ll==am* Company of Pittsburgh.
(' u IAPITIJ. , ssoo,ooo. R. DiTILER, Ja
Prealcor, Y. U. Guidons !Secretary..
Will lamsall Mods of Cats, Plre and Maim
All braes scams
be liberally adlacad and %omply veld. • •
A home lostltorloo—amosist br Mama who are well
Lama In the eowtoomity. met who am determined_ Ssy
prom toss sod Mantis to sash:dabs Qs character whla
they bare sammo3, as Q. to rt groteettosi them!
whodealre . to be lasorsd.
Dmsorcoo—li. KW.. Jr Geo. Black., J.W. K
Holmes, Jr.. Wm. B. Ilalmes . • C. Ihmsers Om W. J et t.,,. :
Wm. /L Lyaa.Wamas Llypiaeort. 6Mrlra Wank. Jaw. •IP!
4 =!P Tb te,sMom Of 61SIII VO.4, ttl =atr wae
up alm s)abargh
• J.L417.:
Delaware Mutual Bafetylturanumeompli
CILANGIE; Third street.
lasonszose-Bufklinga, M == l atbsi
west,. In taw. Lod country, Waded loos or
by tre. at the to rate of premium. • '
Mama. lairasaca—Sbey also insure tromalsOLl=
and Yralghtn, Sonslgn ar onsettrhe, ander . cr. , 00
Pollan. as the waxed may desire.
bourn Thamovinearnm—lley also Insole amasser.:
transported by Wagons. AM] and ease. C... 1 bows, ant
amens boats, on elms .adWAN- on the most liberal terms
Dammer.-Jaseph U. Mmond A. tondar,John O.
Darts, Robert Burk.. John A. Pearces, - Asnnel rdnarlA
_C. Leiter, Maned Darilngton,leam DLO.. Wie
ham Mead, John heaths, Ur. IL at. llrono i toes• O.
Hand. Theophibm Paulding, 11. Jonas Brim ilent7
alma, Hash Code, - ikon* Astral, hammer rake
(Sarin Rally. J. O. Johnson. Wm. Hay,,Dr. ILTlmatar.
John Yellers, Wm. Orr*. Je.
j =rons Moriten. Malt emiee
VflulaMros ' Pneld t Tam. C Vend nee iron;
dent Joma W. boaaa,
JOR - Orrtod of the Company, NA. 42 hinter Mant..Pitt,
burgh. (or • P. A. MADEIRA. Ahmot...
Ohio Laboratory...
4"-1-1.. 76 92. 11411 I
sir, . 130 WIT
85 '-!-"r 99.;.;
Per cent. Strength.
kiVELL FLETCHER. CO., hfanufactn.
.1 :70 = a t tj . to out d o n.. 1
air n o.armn. omo.
to.e.t rah l'"Wari'd
Wines and Liquors.
No, 157 .14beity st; Formerly Dais erackerfactors:
ILUccumorritunaml . Ira g. grortrnm, orN. II
VICSEISEN li STOTTVENEL, respectfully .
• ..1 • 'announce to the stile generally. arid their ftsUtill
rr a garkittlt:a.. b ::: l := l ,,, WSW 111=114 .i.
moep a tall essertment of the beet it ' net— 11.1.1
och red end white Wines. Also, Wrench dark and pale
Brandies, of the choicest vintager. Jamaica rum, IW find
eq Irloh Whiskey, cheating. and sparkling hock air.,
of the so. encored bennd., rout nines, Itriciraolserry
And muscat Wincr t 'Abeenthe, It.
herrings, lints. end inn Chem. AU I:detach they
wholes.. or retail.. the roost rearinsble terse.
One of ' the partner; Mr. litauvenelotill eantlanlng hL
huporlation business in the oil alibi York, the above drat
Is enabled to eeli tcheaper and a tenter article than toy
other hoine La Mb city. Fleue give as a call. Ware you
parch•.• el.. her.
suppUed free of extra charge, end et the
eborrestbothie • .53 •
.hIi w C . ARD.,--I have removed to my new store,
,(three dome' belolia truly awaits the Dank of
t h, wilena will te glad teem my trindennd lei.
law cititamt, and melee • than of their =Won, 1 0111
keep a very lemelk2SOWlWllt of U=sery, Balnand Bed.
ditatt L euried Heist f 001.,. Nan , and Melt Adm.
ter. /anther Bede. Bolan; and Meng Blanket& %MUM,
and I.tenkelm Window &Wee, of emery we
Ater: Den and ..wr ankle =unlit Mud In the
=oat Wendy., Itehmentt girth* kind. Ordeterdipent.
1,04 0 :e t. .i " d ° L°, ' " : wle Anti:Thin] stmt.
Temparancovfflo and Noblestown Plank
Road Compaq:
NOTICE is hereby even to the Stockholdz
• .r. of lold Conn:say, at Mei. nuke Defiant to
t Nergent,Treeenrers of the they
Coentdraz . trio.
Dollars. tad, share of the Mocks on the LW X y In
tech and every raonth Intreafter. nalll the whole stork Is
mid In fallio the reed oil be Ended an 4 bridstd by
July 4th. 18$1. the Stoekholdess are repotersd to: be
Prnothr4ronetnal In their pumas.
M. L. L t
lad Pips On
* Al gae:nu, dka
All sizes - ou Nodad to 4=l ,2u lHr NAV
- 1.14 Prom amt.:
Seed Store Removed.
rkesubscriber has remora Us Seed Store
. Stand most to Ito ballathag madly eetsrpted
by . Hoed as a halo.. littop =ADM dm; sham ba•
soodAtely .rowalta the Pod Ofte.
. 0 4 . IP. L. ssowDrtr.
1144'4 I CIO-PAIr
;TNERSHIP—Ths subscribers hay"
lettered tern Co•Parturthip_szeter the arm of 8.1114
• JOIIN 08.11 Y. .
G RAIN= 610 bit. Oats; -
2= 6, Corig
! HOSE 11 1109E111—Just reed
tram thrlitantacsaryin Hoar® MOD het Inds Rub.
two maginglemo Afromkt tortes fis diameter.
This Ilase U • far remake to bow mantd moo!brdrs= naderrt 11r
hOrrh b arArtmea our T ertabLisimmot
u is =Med la'
IL =at Um lu lu ' Bottler De y pot, No. .; O j oo
tecod o .7,
§TEADI PACKING-40® plea. mixed. .
Mtn and Pm India Sulker Puking 4=142 to
Inches thlekmarritatod to to tin my toot Ploc
x ll=l
MT now In tpo, Sor the talotring
Etat!. Piston Malt. Steam .Jolatt. to= Cylislor
DSOs Enty=alwAri . *e.. . Ifor . osla at Us. Joao /ter
• .
Needles' CelebratriAl
Thome !dirtily usidlcated plaid.. b.. been nude Its
men tMn tent? Mt.. durin g vied,. time th ey b$
permanent reputation. as mod raimeicass
ilitTedititatls and Strengthenin g Planer . Ter offered..=
Adam ot the big.. main... u. et,. Muir
Um b. teen submitted. bare 0.. th. , ... 4, .". 1 .1E
"'" sum-Merin. retail ...Pl.
The Ingredknta of their eocopteitl., ery
correctly owabbowd. eetaler•theat eat- Irly &frailestle to
yellow =fled.with ptdmonuy dleee• c.
Yoe-paha. la
kcalOhre twaeprotraeted
whooping long h a n d runs the ratioaa Detulthig
Mem. to the body, their beoetielal ellararter It bet...
quash= or ellrienta. As a rreewdy to I ornbago, thrii•ec
-erne, ty aver all adveril argawthad• wrri htthrt,
ac has bean corroborated by be rimy CUM effeeteo.
jor nook.. areljulna Pb. Lack and 'Mr.:molting
from Recent alto.!. dO. of the 1,14F,re. t
ro i e., their l
yr 0..0001 ift
ir k u=rollra expreienowl ' etr ' re their
itv.icatlon. To snob ea raft. wltt. rho made poled. times
am — recommended. wlth the o,mbilent oesurawal
tha P t their bootMol effect. will be lona. very decided.
Lror dO. reholesalhard retail, by • L.
=eV, IC S. a 7 Woad eh
Is EL for dieluT • ...tut sloes I kid tu, Wes.%
Dries, Collars, Eta. t Roe.. aind all of its
tulle yreeruti th e Intl rrcre aiming to the Llue. a. dust
Itom set Ckillg: it AHhing ttijulioue ut clothes In
any reeved. The ladles bete long wee telt the evesselty
of aneh . article, and in Ohio *belt en. station sill be ttl
lytMlLes, es ito etuoyetltion is feared atter . Ituyeatlal
Cake will doll:111y &so, or clothes; and no
badly •holald Or without IL
Per• 1.1)4 cent/iv., Cake. Ruh Cate • ith full ill:lethal.
P sale by. Ter.1.2 , 1 k. S.LLEIM Irtad
"Mum me more edam In heaven and earth.
"Thin am dreatopt of In plallesapitr."
Orin VIRTUES of this remarkable remo
Jt. dy, 'and the comtant application far it, to the prowl
nor, ham Induced km to b.L • It p t u
• n butt! ve th la
MI. end dthrtione. tbeiett u of the '
The PETROLEUM la procured from • well tit ale magi
tT a n t rt a k tletit i eLtrx hnired fem. lea punt. ...Man
M herrikal dun bet put es
Sofa from Natum• Wrest Labrataxyl .' 'that It eontalue
L=Urear des a number of dimuvut Is no MGM.' a
oTuneerteln k l:tere ere man, talus In the at.
cam of pet Me. Mt If Montt. might be of mast usMM
Pulleriatthe g. and Notating the bloom of
tic and rime to many • waterer. /meg before the pro
tor thought of pulling It up in Go[o]se, it had • nrputw
bar the cure of thane. The months and dalli inmost
sinit cells for M. tad several remarkable sub. It be. PM
Swami. lit • wire bitheation of Its future pmulatity end
We ' rarT.MVITTOM p:r r e ' el mrtiflethera.
we ime amselous that the medicine can s
e a mr work its way
Rt lirwt ' d e o ' Litlrarm . f i ernr: ' Qd :s od =treat e r=
threate, uebesltstingly i r tbst in t hew er ot
mama* Dawes It in CliniyallopL AP 1011, may be
crunicrated—ell dlekesee of the mum.. Loma, mat as
euss) AMNIA, and all Omuta atilt. Mt
Bladder as KiducYll a PM= In the Bark or Ohio, Nano.
Names, tieura/Mi Palit. Rheumatic Palm, Gaut. thrslo •
elm, Teller, Itinswowth i Baru% MAIM. Muth% Old acme
M. In Mae* of debility. r.111L1124 . from mama, or
tom ind of
s of disease, thw methane will
bring relief. It . whoo p a general TONIC and LTKR
ATIVR In nth ease,arUmr tom amt enemy to thei
whale frame, renumbm Metmatkow. ef. oltuPthe Meakielf
McCaw. which more diens. and • ticket, constitution
and giving larreseed ssul renewal messy to all the areas
of UM Ile proprietor know of earecral cum of num
that resisted every other treatment, get well under the use
of the rgraouni Re • short time. The meat eth be
given to my mom who desires IL
No trenu without the alifuiture of the prof. Sober —•
Bold by the proprietor,
6, M. 7.llift. Omni BELL sear &meth etrect.
Alma, bySELLERS, 57 Newt a.,
comer Wood Motet and Ninth Ailey whe are
noethlly reaular/T atilithatM rtiientu
IQ - NOW all men who arc nick and afflicted
1.11, with disease of the Mader and itldoeys. with rhea-
SW. pains to book or limbs, stiff Mote old some, runntan
ulcers, dr, that they ran bemired by tahing the rhYno
- You may talk about int toles a II00121:119.4 much
en yon please but th is doom not make it ex fortsplociatto,
In the face of an honekt etnemunity. that it bar anima
which aye not contained in any other remedy. The man
who is racked with lad, atal Inkftering fnto disease. can,
for 60 mat., wet re/..f LI. any off .01:11.711.11
SeaAcri it edits way little
pound,to make a trial Is Petro
Imam is no mixtute—no comut up for the udit
of imposing an th e eammunity: but p it Is a reausly clu p b n man
tad by the muter band of matun., and /dabbles up Pram the
bosom of our mother earth, in its original purity. wml of.
fent to suffering humanity a ready remedy. a certein and
' inee ' ciared Plies. after other medleines hare Palled to
render may relief. It ban .1111 Ri.111102411,01, of lass,
112.1111114 sad of the vonit and most painful eharaetrr. It
has cured Cholera Morbid , , by sae or two dames. It has
earn/ old eases of Diarrhass, in which every . other Annedy
has been of no arall. do local newly in boo.. and
miahts, l• better than any medical wetepotuwin or ointment
that we Mow of. It will cure chilblains and traded feet.
In few appileatinsig undoubted test/ninny an be furniah
ed of the truth eontaliani in the Above atatenient. by call.
tog on NA/10EL Canal Basin, &moth street: tq
either of the assents.
geyser A McDowell. corner of Weal ttavet and l'h•
D. It. Sellers, 57 Want street D. A. Elliot. and D. 71.
Cuciwy. Allegheny cite. are the agent,
-D. c. Ja Soo, the discern. and .6 preptiotor
.4 betted.. mann and elm
the inventor of the celebrated Imam:rent for mcwnr the
Lungs. In effecting • mire of Chrtnno.disenag e was -• sta•
dent of that emit.. physiehrt Doctor Pla. and to •
graduals of the University of an d for thirty
years sham has been engaged to the In...aka of U.-
.hiT"s h r a o n n d e h hyoepm
altti rha i t e
f in
d t im batniinvegirl e
he,i nonmeecs,io b n e w h h a h
g ained
n die kledemn.s on ion thew dr.l
mid fatal mahg Tubercular Consumption,
Rerofols,Rhosmation. Asthma, Fersr and Ague, Fevers o .
0/1 kinds, (ffnuolo Erysipelas. and ell those obonnste die
eases peculiar to tamales. Indeed, every gem of Ahem
rani.. mid. theme of his remedies , to whkh bums..
ty Inelp— cot
by the cue of one orairceind Duly, for of Immintatible with 3 - slob:cleat law. hot by the ma of
hit remedies, adapted to, and prescribed for, each penal.'a Tat* Atherally• pm.. when wed, cm Jambe
bly seknowleiged to be =parka to at others; at It . mot.
-dee or dyer maim aa they
_levee the bi'.p tier
Seedy free dram eat teen in alto Us Golden RN are atb
witted, by the ay, to omega peculiar peaperties, adap
ted to female thetwaeg bat Wag aatiatkd that base trial
talbdeatto establlab what bat beep tall, iwthe adadaof
Tbe afflicted. are of tir eall a
mp the agent, sing For,
rim (grade) cue of tbe Doeter•e pamphlets, akin. a &tall
ed avant of each medy, and its implication. •
For rule by the foowing agents, ea well ea hymen d mg"
gine throughout th eemitter:
J. Sehommaker Cu, 24 Wood et. •••
• J. M-Toirrieend. Druggist. 45 Market Mr.•
yee A. Beckham. Drrigarbir, .13413 . the Pod Office, alkabe
ny dtr. •
,Imerd, Dartleff, Darlington. Bearer totally, Pa. •
Jahn Ellartr. •••nou Yeller, " • • -
T. Adam, Warm,
Zi k. t. TILE AFFLICTED will be found in
FlukLnhleh hay stool the tett of thirty yestivie
elan ernjecieratter of anew. We feel that we lettard no
thing In styinn_that_this
the only tordielnet that bee been
Leered to th e =hien. Met dog. In every mum of thenned.
whet ft le mkt Inn
. • . ••
It bascules:l ant Is capable of cosh= snore ales= th en
any o th er modish= awed for sals we rare not by shoos
=door mkt.= 1 4 'bat Isms .
•As •st examilleing ha s
of the alms se of that it Is teddy astiele Mot has appeared In the' form of
aatmt lied/due that buten. bets patronised and =eel,
rd We praise of thsellte morally. to the mutt =male
Family Malign. ever offered for seas or used b 7 atty of
them. rim
The nom Moen IL H on lata The Wm. Jlobt.
11. 1 1= . }1. 1 1 . ffit.,. Fsts., o}l ato . r b oV . tit k 'llgiti l tera
Thema sad • host of other dlatuostfahed clUana of yo.
Tat. Into bare folly tested Its omits, hare pertoltw . the •
41t fir:ll known dtt Patent llettielnediase u nOi
nij e T tt=tttlro l' aeLVl th oltesVarltithf = 7
rimed. Thte Wonder sorting Carus tus4 has bees =arty
arms years betbre thspubllc.
best friends see =sr Its
and t
This most undoubtedly Ls strung end
constrictor tosof of Its general usefulness and' sanative
=Mitlt le • sormsles routed tor all nerve.. ellseams.
c pains mrtfoloos =redlines. ohmic,. bruises old
.Oran, all
pans and ad. that heeds Is betr to.
. Ora 1003.000 tottlee bare been old without cestplehtt.
L and tura perfected =eh estonishing ewes, alter all other
remediee have failed , as mcntbi stagger belief, hod ins not'
offered, and hi our rommenon. the strongest masible ess.
This wed Wino, or oatures remedy, is prepared from veg.
atablom. »R internal am well as &dental use. It seta dleaste
lu'rth°.,"="A=7lth - "bltiih&c=th - -,
an 0•4100 1 / 4 " adeetions. away. n 'the Kldniira, and
Wentz.. I. male or bossio, thou whataver eases 11 May
o , ...Vs to putedrargh, b 7 8. R. Bears, Mama Zljd &
Oci. and Ogden t annenletu and by Wo rapid Druggists
iroossally. It la Dot tue lD fincr. two, ...I 090 abillisur bot
tlos. ' Je.32lY-113
- -
To the Readers of the Pittsburgh Gazette.
DIIBLIC ATTENTION is n_espectinny
Nal to the ibliowing truths. set forth In teL to
of the ma t isituattant tamales of modern Mina
PESEIOLKUM. On ROCS_ tills it is [Mt Mr. than one
Yea Mito sines this gnat 41.0 'nu basight before the
tafini the relief and ea of ase. • lte gat pan"
hare. Mae then, become folly applauded . by the
oimmanity, end we ans. toot the longer it Iv tad the
more certain all its mat Dune spread. It le not ty,n rem ,
cdy of • day, got. op Mr th..olf_purpoier of 1:114112,...,
bug owe, which we amoeba. will continue to be need when
W other neetnua have been forgotten. The Petro/eat la
• 2fatural Meanly, elaborated the depths of the emth
by a wren and ;Mel that laughs tb LIIMISIM
ecaspention la intr duty, wheti we write about nasal.
sash that areyrsile brui•—thia we say nothing calmi ,
/god to dacha those who may man our lima or pa nag
deuce In or statements. The Wet ea very apt to eaten at
say thing that bran. relief from dinar A story an
hadly too highly wratight to answer th e oldest oggno.
ar c
a builumbin some of them. Now, we do not dare
to do this we are alons only Vat the truth in relation tO
oar iremedy incubi la tali In ordsr to warm far it • tan
talon fa eseeedluLany single evade id the meta%
Min unasnleal facte—teete that nay be anatelneg
In oar sty and rash tarhoog bear ample lantana la no
war of the Petroleum.
Widget the meet two mamba, two or our eeen dare.,
.be was wady kited. have been restrool to/tabu: Sev
eral senor of Windom, to the State of Ohio bete hoer
razed. led, ale, the mato! gentleuLan ha Beaver ceoutr.
Thera me e•ru Ina these am mem PM' mad may
edoewd to by anyranione oho. haw dou hr.% bts on the sab
re.. These mom erne =ad afire they had Leon &Lawton.
ed t, pkyjszi.n. Y Impacts. The Irtrolema will gum
'when need earosibr&to talusifeneltarrhore.D74o9V-176
Ct i Alda Boreßye, Mr T.Tr.
rego ma ham In the tome mad rota, eld e 'r ree:
Wows. Arm. Clumalo Con ch, Bronchia, stet all
r ammer &Beak= of throttle tow, teem,* to pro-.
, • 8.,. diraMate of the Bladder and likiney,
-La Ch :S d it "'" ie nowt itarelaimaNitt=r.CW:
re t of the above Mersa% within the part year with Lit Seen
moot waren Imam. Catlike. tint vlll wtosish ars ha
the head. of the
b. proprietor. oho eat take Stamm In Meow
PlraVere others my ' y alao. lse
thelr 132edki
Petroleum is the gradeot ' ttemedy of the nue. Phytddans
of lash Ma:4lu to the profeeekm are beam:oder to we it
•In their ~to, Timm who at Ira looked on with doubt
Willing De award it dam prase aad
another year rolls roma% ell ofil-be
edearelled to selmooledire that UM Petrokute le the veal.
net mediehae ever &Novara& Per eel., oho Weal• and 11r.
ti.V . L a. ' • ILXlfialla a hteDOWEIL, 140 Woad et.
•Pe. Baler, 67 Wood Mort; IL M. Curry, DAL
gratt4.Jet M ai dg e l l l =l,9l:64r. i re pro-
ull D. a. Yelatestock a CO.. Waal mad Prow me.
—.lt is cheap. e t si z l . c, rs. and blibly
14.11. IL Bellerc—My mbildsms, like others. 6. IsMu
siatiset to rumblers= maths, and hayin g sued
to lory Usti* I weetwitted by West,
Useinents about your fin* et It • tOtti
Mt.t. two or ins' boys, and so io my daughter. ear
Slimes mid It bag norm failed io mu, gam, , •
--- rb - an.reectontooded It to my neighbors. sod do sot
emmeissidonaly Ulm It the hat cough osoltebia
that has seer been aimed so the uplie.
improved • patent
Parintash•ald :Ml:emit their children , W .niter frees
Emumusty whoa they may br, cured by • Rbottle of,thie
. .I.llrp•rel and Aoki by H. E. SELLEI.IS.-'.
sneb2(l. 67 Wood At. sad Druggist sem:rally.
In stem end kr mliat
Yu Balms -
Pllis.t . st B
114 , 1 , Pati.
" rvaat
" nalpv"rmasto •
•-• • -
" 11721.2
" Wain.
Ponicys, 2od•
0. &M.Utz
/Le w r Oistaadart Itera
trtorthallas Masten tes
Ihrutzel Num.
I . = Balms
Worm Ss
At tho Drug egos of
nib• mrna
CHALK -10 Ws. for race b
Salaam de
Ellelr of 11.31t1t
er Extract of Buell
r u der
D.See. Cmainuttie
Depuratire Syron. Sur fbe
core of K,o. sump
r ut.
C 11 30. 2 .0.13
„ ikriattlat ,
reuer, far Beel
ET. waar
Godfrey'. Cordial ' -
Merl= 011
Gime Powder
of Ward led