HQME 'MATTERS. ..Ea,,,ave, or. !hi Solon..:' of ,-Pariar, by Major . Blettardioit, authoT or ete: This Bork hoo jaet ,been revised by the .au lhor,' and publiehad by Deilit and Davenport, New 'York, and:is !for isle by K. C. street_ "The daugiltri- of[Vight, daugilkr of '..Vight, a story of the present time by S. IV. TullOw, New. York, published by the'llarorit, as the 157th number of their Libra, of select noveLs, sbil for sale by T. C. Stockton; Market 13treet,', I - - - Mr, Gliddon'i t Panorama of the .rdver Nile closes tort Saturday, on its way:further west. Its 'Various admirable.. featores (embracing , be sides the mere 'Panorama, a chums collection of Egyptian antiquities) ought to be recommended while there is. yet a iheosee of seeing It at Atha. imam. hall • filexacenix.--11ymond & Van Ambnrgh's combined matutger ep, numbering over onelun dred and fifty of the rarest quadrupeds and birds, will be in this city on the third, fourth, and fifth days of Jedy; We trust , that the exhi bitions will be Well httended, and that all the pa rents in Pittsburgh will folio their children at least once; to so intirestingrand-usefal a sputa- Ltcsasis GUAM - CO.—The follinting is . n list of all the . Applicants fol. license at the June term of She cinst of Quarter, Sessins, whose peti ti ons 'lrani insisted : I . . • FirstN Borden, Henry Schwerr, Henry Vierhenet, • Irenry Stafford. •- . &mind -Wanl-1.1e6). Weaver, Joseph Spelt - Third VII Jur. John hlish. • Fourth Ward—G.ll.ll. Fifth Ward—Wm. Jolmaton,,James Mittphy, Laughtini•Willtato Fergnsan, Henry Har riet, John Fowler, I Peter Meeghatt, Gottleib. Sixth Ward—Sanadol Shore. Sexenth—None. • . Eighth—Edward ITatt. -31 • 4 Ninth—. B. Nor • At XG - 11t5T. First Ward—John Goiltring. - r - , • `Second Ward—Noon: - • • . !Third Ward—Jame Mitchell. Peter Sly. . Fourth Ward—John Solon, Winifred Sweeny, _'Me a d S. Woodin, Nicholas.. Steiner, G. M. Boller, 'Sarah A. Stewart. 1 - • . 1:10KOCGTIS A.IO.TOWN3ILIPB. Bova—Michael Qulr. . • Dutpesne—George tolshou.se. Indiana--George Nspergood. Elizabeth town thiP-_Joseph ' -Josepli Brayle. Chartiers—Joseph odgers. - • Tarentum—T. Nell. • .. Birmingham—Dank Shaves. ' .. Lawrenceville—Marlin Orth, Thos. Bumess. • ' Ems—John-Wolf. • McCandless—P. Mosser, Henry Wolf. -- Pine--Jease PlankstOn. • LoWer St.-Clair—John Shuck. Pint=-Darid Deer. 'il. Upper St. Clair—B. 8. Willidms , Fes Lower St. Clair—Dotnick Magui r e. Thomas "robin. • *Reserve—Joseph Lo Chartiers—Jas. MeNswell, Peter Baughman. Pitt—Margaret Hook}, Ross—James Newel.l.l • Indiana—,G.eorge King. James Wilson. Plum—Christion di. IVilkins—Henry Lead'sr, John McCall. Reserve—Henry Eekert. Versailles--Alwaham Moore. PeeblesJohn C. Little, H. Baker. .indhum—S. Holing", . ' *. Collins—J. Fritehman. * • _Elisabeth—lsrael Psocoast: • Amos.- 7 Alderman Major hilt finally commit. led George Thomas to prison 'who is charged, on oath of R. Slartin,‘and a number of other Witrutaser, with arson,. The eeiaencengainst him VAGILANT9.—The tiumber of vagrants commit ted to prison during the month ofJane, was two hundred and twelve.. Whoa will we get a work home? , • - BMX TO Snow CA . C9E.--011 Satxtrday, T. H. McFadden, Esq. asked in the 'Court of Quarter Sessions for role to show cause why the confir mation of a read in Snowden township, leading from 'Alexander Miller's mill to William Wilson's farm should not he set aside. Reasons filed, and rule granted. _ . THE LANCASTER Datenares.-11oters. Plane gin, Steele natittowley, delegates to the Whig and Atitialiisotho Convention, !at Lancaster, have re tun:led-home. The Hoe, Cornelius. Darragh; and Maesrs. Kay and C. (.'Loomis are in Phiha dslphia,- Cot Morgan lobertson has gone to - - BATIII2iO 1.51 Davao wr.r-A ;number of , young ladawere arrested on Sunday, charged with bath ing In the Monongahela river .during • daylight. They pleaded so piteouslY to be let off, that the pollee officers, after d.uly cautioning them to behaire better in future, discharged:them. . TIPPLI:SQ liorsr.--A man named George Tay lor was committed to prison, by proem from Court, on Sunday, ebargetl with keeping o Tip pling house. llanneans.—Janls - Garvey and W. Irwin hare been committed to . prtion by Mayer . Guthrie charged with having; in (company with William Barret, who was committed some time ago, bur glanously entered the bowie of. Mrs. Margaret Fleming, on Squirrel BBL Mrs. Fleming lost m; coesiderable sum of _money: • Birean.—The quantitylof bread eaten by the, prisoners in the eonnty jail, during the months of April, May, and Jnnelwas as follows: 1 8,164 loaves: , . May, .2,94. June, 2,C22 The ,loves weighed tin ponnds,ench, and by far tWgrentest number were consumed by mere KEJNY Bata.—This city was, visited,, yester day, by one of:the heaviest showers of the sea- Gszestrooli,vto Itossi.ats.—The foie steam • ex Zelipseleores the whirf at the foot of Dlar ;ket, street, for the abovei gardeos,every-hour. CaanTnanno.--Fourilittle boys were arrest ea by 'Mayor Guthrie) , police, last Sabbath, while playing cards in, board yard on Sixth . stmt.. They were very young, and the of ' secs let them off after bating given them a good Tun Jam—There are awn, we are pleased to leant, only seventy three, prisoners injaiL This theamallest number that barn been in prison At any one time since Mr. Fox hes hien BLIS PLATISG-t-A number of adschierons boys hare been, far a considerable Wle, engaged in playing ball every kinday afteraoon, out . the Fourth street road The citizens in the neighborhood, scandalized by such a desecration of the Sabbath, . applied j to abe police to arrest the offenders, and a number of officers went out, but tho boys received .timely notice of their ap , proach,.and none were to be found. - • Munn A l'are.—Twe Men who are now eon fined in prison; are saffeking from mania a potu, tharesalt of their recent:excesses. One of them, •Genana, yesterday attempted to. bang himself. • THE :Unites Orrita. —Ten persona wera brought before 'Nlayor thithrie, yesterday at; the =owning watch returns'. Seven men paid the .canal tine for drankennets and' disorderly. con duct=s woman was committed to jail for thirty days, sad a man for twerity-fonr hours; cbabged with the same offence. Vsrs wy tine bloch of fonr. story buildings is in roes of erection, at the corner of Fifth and SmithSetd• streets. They will be decided improvenients oeerthe old frame bermes which stood there!, before the late ire, in which the Fifth Presbyterian Chnrch wee barn: Bann To Snow Carsc.4.3. If. MeFadd • Esq., On Saturday, in the Court of Quarter Sessions, asked for a rale to slow muse why the confirms than of a road in Snowden Township, lending tram Mr. A. Miller'a Mill, - to Mr. Wilum's farm En mid township, shouldnot be set aside. Bale granted awl reasons filed; WIDTD 07A ROAD CHANGED...4Ii Saturday, in the Court of Quarter Sessions, Ciadlem. Esq., mooed. that the width of a 'road in IChartiers Township, leiplog from tho. Wash inittost ead Pittsburgh turnpike, to Presbyterian ilturet No:17, should be chan g ed from thirty three to tirenty.four feet in width. Tho motion Prt.l- O'NEIL ' S IYrIIOIPUEIIIO Leger Cnuna.—A model "'of tisis machine min be seen at the Farmers Ex ',chump hotel, Liberty st. This has been lately patented, and is !likely to supersede all . other °hurling machines now in use. It corny is the Wad of improsetnent the construction of s churn: Mechanists are particularly recommend :ad to tall and see it. As the t hi ng mon ,. maids itself, tie say. more would be unnestesaa• Dtsonoentilloirsi.—Alia4onot, btayortiuth- . , ye!terday held a mail named Strati ger;-a. reAdent of Dininicaid alley, to bail; on a charge of keeping a disorderly house. COIIIIONWEALTII Casts. --13erenty SEMI per - sous, sett:wed of various crimes, were committed to prison during the month of June. COIIONY:lell last Arthurs was summoned last Sabtrath,.to hold an inquest on the body of a laborer on the Chartier's Valley Coil Railroad. 0 reaching the - spot, be ascertained that the pooifellow had gone onSaturday,_to bathe with a' number of his companions in a pool, said ,to be seventy-fire feet deep, in Chartier's Creek, below the Stenbelarille turnpike. lie was sud denly seized with the cramp while swimming, and the utmost exertions of the spectators were ineffectuaL After his death • some rascal stole thirty-fire dollars from his clothes, but , was ar rested, and forced Ito disgorge.,the money. The deceased has, we understand, no relations residing near Pittsburgh. Fran Cloosturnmus.-11r. William Marlin, of Manchester on Saturday exhibited to the Board or hlatiagereof the Agricultural Satiety, a dum ber o(- the ,largest nod finest gooseberries we have seen in this part of world. We understand from this gentleman that he has no leas , than one hundred and sixty-three vnieties.of . this delightful fruit. . ➢lsartxa Of TECE COG! CILS.—The Select and Common Councils of the city of Pittsburgh, met last night in their chambers. SELECT Conscit.,--In the Select Council, Sam uel Morrow,Esq., wan called to the chair. ' The election of two Guardians of the Poor, to fill the vieureieswecosioned.by the resignation of Dr. Wray and Charles Bowan, was announced to be in order, and was, on motiop of filrAmr- Ma, taken up. Nominations were made, and, on first ballot the roto stood— ' Wm. Douglas 8 • ' _B. Morrow 7 James Monteath . 8 ' •J. K. Moorhead 5 • Daniel Armstrong .4 -Mr. William Douglas was declared duly elec . On the second ballot, the vote stood— J. K., 'Moorehead i 13 D. Armstrong - 3 S. Morrow J. Montooth ' Gen. J. K. -Moorehead was then declared duly elected. Mr. Wilson presented a petition for rebuilding the Eagle Engine house. leformally passed over. Mr. Kelly. a petition from a number of citizens, property holders on Franklin street, praying that water pipes should be laid on said street. Referred to the Water Committee. A memorial from the Board of Health, pray ing that the Councils should put ono thousand dollars to their hands, to carry out - tho purposes of their organization was presented. A long and very tedious debate. ensued, but the memo rial was finally passed. The resolution relative to the re-ereetima. of the Eagle Engine house was called up, but after discussion, was postponed, and the Select Coun cil adjourned. I=l In the Common Council, R. M. Riddle was called to the chtit, . and Alderman Major ap pointed Secretary pro tem. , • A communication woo roadlrom the Prdtident of the Board of Health. asking for au appropri ation of one thousand dollars, fur use of the Board. The resolution, after an amendment. to the efftet that appropriation No 10 should be charged, watpassed.• Mr. Young presented a report of the committee On city printing, .whch - was adopted. ,Mr. Cordell presented the report of the water committee—accepted. Mr. Willock presented a communication-from R. E. McGowan, relative to the. opening and destruction of sewers. Referred to the commit tee on streeta, With instructions to report an ordinance for the protection of said sewers; also, an 'account of R. E. McGowan. Referred to the committee on claims and amounts. The Common Council then adjourned. THMGHEAT zsitisrnoN Et;ract from a letter dated London,June 6th, receired.byo. pentloman in Albany from Mr. Joniaroa, Agent from thie - State to the Exhibi tion;— The Great Exhibition is progressing. fester- j day the shilling folks came up with 53,000 and upwards! And yet the building was not near full. It was troublesom, getting about, in many parts, but a much larger number could have been disposed or These are the people, from all parts of the kingdom. 3kmyrs -raw fellow, with open mouth, stares fo astonishment at "the gorgeous I display. • Ono old farmer from. the country, in yesterday, was, asked in the afternoon what be thought of the Esibition. Ile said it was a "wonderful; eight.his head was "sorely pet aled at seeing eo many things" lie was asked , to come back the nest day, "So, no," said he, I "I should go crated if I came again to such a place as this!" But the richest scene transpired lest Monday. The Queen has commenced going through the Inhibition for the purpose of ascertaining from the exhibitors any particulars she may desire to know. She commenced on Monday with a nes, tain number in the. English department; who weep notified to meet her Majesty. They did.sto f ". 'and ehe.passed along, familiarly examinlpg' thd. - articles, and making such enquiries as ehe'4.esii.!' ed; and .on accosting one of the exibitors, stout, hasty beef-ester, he was so much excited that he fainted away! It would take consider able. of a woman; I ..reckon,"to make p Yankee faint away—he might be skeered, like" but I think Jonathan would keep on his trotters. When the Queen passed through mu'. 'division, she requested information in regard to . several articles--tho Grain-Reaper, the American[Troy] Eotapany's.Chaire, IndianCora.tsc. I answered her questions, and went - on talking - much 'as I would to soy respect/I'We lady in our country— with all proper deference, of course, to the Queen eV Prince Albert—and the astonishment depiced in the faces of the John Bulls about, was truly .But such is the force of custom and education,. that the 'people from the highest to the lowest; will Walk backwards, "cralrfashion," as Punch says, and in some instances, be frighten ed out of their wits, when Her 'Majesty appears I have no doubt that it would be far more agree-, hie, if the. people would, treat her with polite ness; but now she is annoyed, whersehe appears, by a throng pressing around her, requiring con tinually a body-guard to keep the way clear, no that sheuirspass . ' I was •at St. .Paull's to day. The amity Schools of London attended thero,l3,ooo children in unifoim, seated in an ampitheitre, rising from the floor to the roof of St . Paul's! Such a eight I never before witnessed—the grandeur of the palace sinks beneath this display! Here are schools which were established_in 1698,'99. 1702, 1709, Ac.sc. What a world of good hay been done by these noble 'charities! What numbers of humus 1 beings rescued from degradation and ruin! .The Archabishoi of Cantertnary preached a plaint practical sermon, whin), it wried. but by the immense audience present,• will aid, .I doubt not, in the improvement of the morale of • VEZNOEIT WHIG CONVENTION, • , Iltutors Yaus, Vt., liVedneadar. June 5.5. At a large Conirution of the Whigs of Trlolloutt over Wrath Ex-Governor Carlos Coolidge preeld.st today. Chit- S. Williams was nominated for Governor, Julius Conran. for Lieutenant Governor, and George Hawes for Sht.Trea• sorer; and the folloiring re...lotions veto otaultnousir adopted. Si:ovate, vrere made by. the President, Can. J. Meacham, Gotland of the FwirraftelN RaAlloan, Stmler of the &utast ALI., and others. The proceedings through. out were rdmracterisetrbr ',Mkt Mummy and the utauld natatsis.l. Ithrotte4; That we the un occasion to change or modify the furottalthtel prfithiplcs by which our course, as • pap Mims heretofore been guided: trot that, on the contrary, wo hale s to the history of the rost, goad eridenon of theft corn-amass _and ofthelr Indispensable importance to.the blphest pethare.cod prosperity of the that, and of the thalon. • ; • Braufrod. rbm., leading measures of natiOnal Lairs we are favor of tariff of xpecille duties, ro leviatax &Toro protection to Amorroun labor to all Its brarobes: of indicts. WM:Priebe= br the .Yederel Ocerernment•for the improvement of the 11•0111 and harbors of the bation, as the wants of our fothixo and domestic commerce Ash, from tit. to th e arel of a tinansial system Mate:loll be We. and at e.. time practitable and convenient when lawfully carried out: and • liberal policy foment ac tual millers, la the dirtribtition of our priblie thnroh rote , as ty anisdatent With Jttstlesi to the older Stat.; of an eco nomical admit:Wrath:a of awl:oven:anent anCi of a faith ful obeervance of the constitution in all 14 parts, &mord ill=l:4l4frweleVrataLVij7fi'arittine of illateE” • meet and political evil, ter the existerme of whistle ou the several thaveholdltro Sixtus. eth to mentwr no. crorolable, and that beyond the limits of throe States we are opposed to He extension or con tl nuthre, under tbe ate thOrity of the Federal then 11.7 a, Tlant Vermont, by reason of the rtsedr lropre ouon or her pendent:ft repreeentafiYofs tr. the *lnn.... of Texas. end the rocoortheut war with, and romps ot Itrtros. It wholly , irresponsible for too anirry and exciting detaten;hemet and 'erasure, which have re sulted ttimerntht tboxtho entchnent. lendLletlY Lon.. the Yurotive lath 1,10, 11. in oaf 00 010 .4 of °Miner; lotisithhin; open at all times and on allorrastons for disc maim. and listle to he modified or ropraled, et the pleasure of the people. ea expressed throuffis their retire. rcontloNr U.. ' ' 0 I. ~ .Ir old; cranesbill In roman( IP provielone, and addle we cheerfully admit Our oldthatione to Obey it sta hoe of the latel,rounrocel to fulfil arty* , memo tif the Constitution,we ,s tun liriononxrUroth W nee all lawfill meths to ....0 each muilftearlow of it time And experience may twoutrate Grpr 'pen Th a t w e ary ite ise ever have been. derotedly ttslZZlitt't/sh*JV 7nld'e ttlt.g,lrVrrn;hhet"'ellgt: ant the laws of the 110100—cnn0411 4 In their wisdom thd fidelity: that We have no ...mt.,' or Inlenttion for the revolutionary iltylnro of seceseiro, nopith a ueo or dieunieu, lo t setieteter manitested. lire Tha 111 the moderate and theereet aml marth thble measure , . reesimmended br th Present s a throoth Administration, aud the twin deter, repress lntertmUo.l diroder and execath fatili n My the laws of the hurl, our maintain inviolthisithestsith u jf - note Ire ....ties, we thoogulth mesa:r and princple. to phph we irIST our rortlial approtrethons end Pledge • fie., iuv Pon. Yanka-Doodle•—ln tt curious book on the round towers of Ireland, this origin of tens Yankee doodle was traced to the Fortis& phrsec, "Yanki doonish," or "Inhabitants of the li t' , world,"Laysrd, in hit book enttllinereh nod its Retnaios also mentions" Yangei-douis" as the Pitilltin wide . ofAnteries. - - :..r . ~ .: „ BY TELEGRAPH HCC LIVED HT 2 : 116 O HEILLY TELCCILA.PH ,LINI MW lIEPORTZD YOZ ?HZ i'ITTABIIIIOII GAZETTY. Loutarmcn, June 30. The southern line is just up. The river is se ry low, and many boats are aground. ' NEW OuseAxe, June 30 The supplies or cotton in all the Southern ports amount t0,,293,000 more than at a similar period last year. PHILADELPIfIA MARKET. ' Pnn.surxrms, June 30. Cotton—There is but little doing:in cotton, but prieei are firm. Flour—The market is steady at $4,29 for cow man, and $4,3704,79 for extra brands. • Rye Flour and Corn Meal—Sales rye flour at $3,37, and of corn meal at $2,87 70 bbl. Grain—Wheat is in better supply, and prices are lower. 'Sales" 6000' to 8000 at 35n10O'for red, and 90®10 for white. Rye sells readily, on arrival, at 71e - .0 bushel. Corn is in, de mand at 03i@61e et? bushel. Outs are dull at 43e. Wldekey—ls wanted at 2561 gall. rovisions—Sales of pork are very.limited at S19015;90 for new mess. Lard is sell at Oc in bbli, which is a decline: SEW YORK MARKET. POOl4 RZPOUT. i;B1V Yong, Jane 80. Flonr—Pricei - wre higher, with sales 6000 bble at $l4 1861 25 for state brands; and $4 31 for Rye Flour—ls scarce at $3 44 re bbl Corn Meal—Sales at $3 41 Grain—Wheat is held at 116 e for prime Gene see, and 100 e for Ohio. Rye is a trifle lower, with sales 3000 bushels at 73e74c. Corn is nnSettled, with sales mixed western at 62064 c bo. Provision—Pork is dull, and nominal at $14,- 60 for now mess, and 812 87 for prime. Lard is aolliag at ei ql lb. Linseed Oil—ls nominal at i'Cle i 1 'gall. Tallow—The market is active at ic pl lb. Wool—Tho market is Moody Stooks—U. S. tiles, 1597, bare declined f-- fancies are firmer, 10Ri for Ohio sixes. 1890, snlen_ldad. and Indiannpolis brandsat 9R; money is ncti•e and scarce. Sterling bills are firmer ni SUPRE.3IE COURT DECISIONS. —The Smdreme Court. at Harrisburg. ha.. .rooting to the Telegraph published In that city. derided that the enactment that "when neon any proceeding In the Orphans' Court, a 01119 of meney .shall be awarded by the Court for the slime Or portion t , which • married woman May to entitled--such money shall not be paid to the husband until he shall have Cif ert security to the satisfaction of the Court. that the amount thereof. or so much thereof as the Court may deem prop. cr, be raid after hie death to Ids wife,' . Is not tote co:d arned all applicable to a 1101.11 ode. or single at the time of tho partition. It refers to the cam of a women 'married at the tithe of the partition. ILad the Legislature, intend ed to provkin for the raIItiOATIICT ofa future xnarri., the ,.'41T1/i7 , ••1•2 - , , ,, • e. 3,/ -El QUART ROTTLF9- F - • -- OE PURIFYING THE BLOOD—ale bent Yeaud. Medicine known. Incipient CkasusoyUon. Boma ner.,Leocorrhettor litegul..lj...tnts4lne. Ilmootlnuence of triotbileneral Prom/rat/oh cd th.ey.tem, IN;pros.ed and 'Gloomy tyte 0 blind, u r n cored by Gm.les Flstrart eljea. and Nzrzattsol/fa.trbieh git.olto/..,114. 1010 oy tem/du. Intettala of health o.l.trungth,the blond. It hentrolit.o bd humor., 00. onnstutal semi/ow, 0 , and gl. healthy =Jou to a/I,th. vital yetr.... s Its mild alterntire properties render It ye.eulityly &pit 4 cable to the elender and delicate eco.istitlion of the yule. It iminelletely conuttr. s ess that distressing gnome- Iltff and larwittele so sermon, to Shy female frame, and susergy and tatersosey corprisdng Wm they am grateful. We hare evident. on file which induces we sircoolf to recommend Lt 4 nnufbrine' to carrierpoople who hero opt been bleugul with offrgrins. Yrolapiis Uteri. or Failing ;3' dm Worn!, of are Team stn. ding. cured by Dr. Si ayeutt's Extract or Yellow Dock and PurraPantia. aft, every , oVier known remedy hat been tried without relleft ..-- Wattuttniton, 0.c7eb.10.1130. ' This certifies that my wife, aged:/ loam, hut er,Ured smlor dl throw complaint for dr. yeurs,' - utsaly aD that time contused to nor hod. I hare tar boor years constantly employed ttor host ronfirt.l Want that could be procured in lb.. country, without any bent= whatever. I both alsit purrhttecd arcrylustrummat rocommendok far the mare of madcap:mew, all of which proved wmcihless. In the spring of Is4B, I was Inalual by my friends to b 7 Dr. Guy.itt's Yellow Dock. and Patsa}.l-11.M., which wu tient for fourmuactlot After aka lout wad it for shoat Pr, wr.eke, it wa. evident to Eli of no that she was and from this time she imprured th Pit 9 "". and Pained fob and strengths ..U1 she if To* enjoying rooß excelkoit WOO. MON)OILY.. 'froi butrig . neighttOre to Wm. out Julia Monfort. know ems theabore statement, so to the sickness of Mrs. Mon fort. mid as to the 0000 loaleur effected by Gls pott's relicts lejth and Parsaparilla, or. strictly true. JANE EDDY, SA.RAII POKIIIS e ; ; . • Einst's End—Call of 0. X. Leonard. /Rooms, anon, Dee. 1.1671. Messrs. S. F. DennitS Co:—pony.: Some time In IS4/ I wax atmekol with Mo.'s n toy arm, able'h became e...0r. I 101 l not use it, and in ISt:, toortification 1[1: riaplujill. diDenni Om.. mob physician of ordebritY 0,1100 ray much: all told me my arm must be amputated. From the shoulder to the forearm was full of rituals, sorsa 117 Strength at this time ass completely' exhaust ed. and or Samoa much eraseialed. / cautioned to this bate until 1848, when 1.11411, an adrgrbremeat (Otlyeuttle Yellow Desk and Sarsaparilla) a / I kb I read, and mot for • bottle of the valid.% D0...1.'s Yellow Dock and tumor. nib mired me;.i tomb no other mutely whlle moot It: and kit myself perfeetly well before using the cloth bob' tie. Had r at the Mat aprearanne of the saalady.l am sore It would have saved me Dom years, of 'poln and outiering• moot earnestly recommend every permn ant tents under any similar ilium., to em Gilman, Yellow Nei and Sarsaparilla, which will restore them to health. Yon., inkratitude. 0. XL LEONARD. Cure of on o,7gracader7 care of Erysirelos. ' The corns performed by Dr. Guyaottk Extract of Yellow peek mid Strearmilla, are boning. The patient's:eters coutiours to Improve eller 2110earo.is removed.— Cur. ale not ehronalbt 00110 tam« on.. fully 1..1 that town. , can he no solar.. or return of the ‘11 , 1,T. Nelms, Herkimer co:, February.Ddil. t. F. Bennett k Co.—Gents: Ababa greatplemore that I able you about 11,« sort happy mind. of sour Yellow Dock and Earbigailla upon ray con, who haalono been ruf fetiog under that thotaltul and loallisidne Erysine am, with which be Imo attacked to 1046. and vas Pr sere at lavabos attended by roma of our best physidans, who riot their skill pe e mcveringly for five months, without any bonetklal result. abater.r. De became reduced to a.m., get skeleton. lle had oleore from lib hip to hie knee, which were bodieually dtschmsooy dlsovishogly ortemire matter. Medical anlaurgical Min was baMul. Physicians soft than his ram was 110peley, there could be nothing dozes to arrest Mom terrible gangrening ahem )1r neigh bors and oSprlr thought his dissolution near *1 hand. Due of my neighbors (who lad cured • ehild_O( Serofola with your invaluable medicine) wished me to make trial ol It; and. mon. frt. the r•Almadesim.dowunt.thin..,•hlt• his laded, than hum any hopo of gettildEMller throb bottle,, df your Yellow lark and ommparilla, ism! onomenced using it:and to my astonishment he kesan to improve bef he heel mod tile third bottle; and Logo, hilted used a half &den bottles be mold welo, our. Ile turd in all twelve botbea duriug We year 1019, arid b' De tuber tart he was perfectly restored. Every vestige of the Disease. except the scare. is removed. sal be remelt.. In Muleet health at the presage time. Ills sbadery. nudes the blessing of God, iv entirely owing to the tow of your Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla; nod Itiosure you that I feel lot sell =Wee great nblimitions bo you, and it to vrillgreit joy that I Inform YOU of coat S . M. Sarsaparilla has done fur my wee. Ilesportrully. • Sold br J. D. P. (suroom to Samara ParkdPourtb sod Walnolama, Cincinnati-Ohio, Geuend Agent for Lt. South atel Wert. to whom .111 atlas mutt Le alarmed. J. K Ida & Co.. B. A. Fghnemibek. A Cu, J. A. Joint., L Pitteburntn Lew A. Itecithang, Allegheny City; L. T. Raw.ll, Wgettington; L. 11. Dottie, Uniontown. IL ICeity.areen.buttu E. liountt.lionserect; lk.lforth Reed A Su. IluntingdontAlte.Owr. Uollldnyeburu lidebrand A Co.. Indian; J. K. Wright liitLlniting; Leans .E . C.l,llnetkeilleg A. Willem A hon. Weinwhnnt Magenta& & Co. N. Callender. Megulville; Burton* Co. Et* anthem A Porker, Illerftet 'Junes Reify At Co, But. len S. Smith, Degree. 7.0. Sunauterton, Warren: V. LAC, Jortm Coutlerspcirt; P. Crooter.jr..llrownwellle. e r P' l " -- $ 1 Prr Agile; Six Bottles for E. 55 mr-i . k.d.r(lAT • A Valuable Improvement in Trussea IJARD'S Improve Potent TRUSS KY end RUPTURE BEMEDT. by 'which a pormanort nal, 'can he carted. Thia Truss lo enttrely dolferent form and principles of action from other Tru,...e, haring an want vantages or a welbrednlated brid.ualforra meet. ure. The intraor can horn renvlatnl a:. grre ea: wand. nand. In Um meat dllllettlt ran. of non be Increased to a'mvet ..y Toren id...lmb The amwora la na ural. and bn, brought to boor indnetliatelr nor th" hernial oPcbirtar, and - Ofortfing perfect cruelty and reran, tin° at all nen, flea under the most violent ercreten„, fy the ure.of thialrusa, when appli. , lprnp , flY bY WWII; it turf:en°. the lacquer is placed brYond tbr d , ndar farandole:on, or any other to em or ranalul systr teda. which not on utiln,oeut mum.. tha ear. Ind illy adapted Una°, It fe a very euratnon fr.tide for perernt anheted with ltrrpture to re:ref a from andel, ply It therneelle. I/ • bat urartice. whtch caa Fern only by thoso rho land...and the anatomy of the Mrtn in hernia. We would mee trhopertfully tall the attention of hyn tiara. data Trov. az we home, th, w il l value. We Al. hare A %Allot, - olother Trusses at the horent prim.. Ltda. Trusses kept oncolantly NI hand. KEISER A NI cliOW ELL. AStahh.4 tau Wool st... l'itoborgh. Dr. liard's Abdominal Supporters. FriIESE SUPPORTERS are intended chief lY for the aura of ProlatintelThal. and til thorn die- C. 4.411 where a mwthatilra/ rapport to the Atainminal Vleern it required. They glue pert oupport to the abdominal arena., and may Pe worn with csannat by all. .1 tie di, earea pnaluord by a er..akarra al abdutnitntl are Prolamdr Uteri. Fatima t.f the linne;r. file., etotirp Ile, Paine in the Bark and Ppin, Limantudr and Ettrtate I,lla, of Prortratlon. Brouchtt, Wlortnefa of Breath. Palpitation Of the Heart. Imam. :11:14z? , 731 , 1 , 1 , ebi11ty. jr2 140 Wood at. Plttahurch. Shoulder Braces. SQIIOULDEIt BRACES, of the most aP . proved .e,t e ..e ee le gtructun, ndn rwily and of Ares In ..ult all vb.. may r,usre, her —jart and for rate, wholowde Sod retail. by my:a K. M. ezt,LEns Wfled P6r.66m. V. Ott. 4.1647. xI, L IL N. SaLLtio.--1 your Vannifutre. Veer without henitation th at. having eacd el yin my praetiee, for the teat tour or tom years, / think it decidedly the bug Preparation of the kind at which 1 have otiy knowledge, although I hovel:mete.. used the pre 666+16 6 / 6 of several otbot uvuutacturery. Yours ragegthilly pn., 6 yed mid told by E. SELLERS. 67 %V D. L'011CLI• to at.. D .4 mkt by grout:L.. generally. torn Clocks! JUST opening—a very excellent assortment of MANTEL CLOCKS, "from $ WU , . ill worm.. W to tett, laxxl tom, also—ltrau M.trt Clock., for $1,40 euh, rod warrant ed—Throo enough tout our In retry room. m 715 W. W. WILSON. U 4 .Istrket onroor of Fourth.. Bonnets!. Bonnets: EC' D TIIIS 31ORSING, per Express-- 1.% 6 ,owes easbeasiair all the ries,et and nest desirable sissies of /Sosenets oner worn. A very largeessairthisnt of Citildren'eGipeey.fsiss7GOssib Revs and Heald Rats. Tbe ate n• of 'osmim.. is sr lin i t ,i, v i l o Ar tise above F 0.4114, tarr7l - W 1 W. - WILSON, Watch Maker, No. Gi Itarka, Corner ni loura Pittnberrgh, REALER , in FINE JEWEL/k , River War, 31111.0 p. ,. ..2,, , LactiNi ilValTint l'in'Tete‘fs,°ll.:l7;t'VrirOvtre..&°"l."b,'. faahlonahlr [nods, n•eful owl 0rnam.r.."...: Witch work rxrcnt.4 in superior 500w0r...44.11.7 the brat English and Iresob works., royit • - . . WOE SALE—A Karl Pedling. ngon, in M.'it. Tnrd M Y= a co. O roAt STEAM.BOATS F OR NEW DRLEAN Tye reo. uortx. el:Abe tint xi' ru Titer!' For freight or plunge apple en ' boull. or to iTI GhX). ri...niLtEszzitoKlL L 1 splen- TrAfil l AßD. 6.1t4.;!..1 t,.....rfttsv"for the bore and intermediate. pa thor day. it 10 oclock A. St. - - -'• •• - FUr fh*lAht or lutulgh apply on tt bomb". orto - Aifeut. . IVILEELING Ir .34 fAC . built expressly-to take the place of the steam boat Normal. &ming the low ‘ixicreessno.srillcatuturne• beerecolar trip x In the n'he.din g trade, oh M.A., at 10 o'clock. A. M. The II •foe I all lb . lions of the larger ch. of aitiu. tax • **4'“Ln:**". • ARM STRPNG. eitezEß Muter, REGULAR PACKET•BI- • • EIN PITTSBURGH t. PITTSBUH SUNFISIL—jeIat 'M e_ PILOT No. 11... L. S. Crann,onstor, will le.! . Pltubor,h thrill:leo/hoz Capra% and *wallah. ertoT TuerdsT and friday. At Y o'clatP, Pct returning leaves throllsh for RANI* Whenßogard, PitubstreL erT wodrosdayand I.:num/ET, nt Parenzerl and shipper am deport n tble , bunt running togolarlyi da giod b :h i al=o r swe ' ,Atroir ' An henri.' mylo • . ---- 7 lEGITLAR ITEDN E SD.A.Y PACKET, et kiCINNATI. Certain toh 7i Mat rtilnicliam. This soles:gild brat war bat b the owners of the Oratrier lniao-New hey eo d o tt,ib r the Cincinnati and llttiburgh Pachet trade, and will hair, eller Wielnewlay for Cincinnati, iu place of the liew Eng. lattloti For freight or homier. artily on board, or to • th - 11. al ItitlfrilitißGFit—itgont. A•IOEU ULAR PAC T IZE BE-• p. TWEILE WELLSVILLE AND' Inrrx4 , t 3 1 1 .—ThelightdraughtettudurrJLILEXA. D. D. EinnrY. aslu. Irarar wobio.. Dairalar's Irsdnenday, and irklay. at 8 o'clurk.A. /L. for East Lire rrual. Glutted, Erre - malt Landing. Darin, and Dina burgh. -Lama Pittsburgh etory TINTII.IO, Thureakbani Saturday, at Itierik.A. IL, far Erirrr,Moliemri's Lands InCi Ii largos, Moc anWolbmiLto, , FOC freight or puler, arrlv °S .. • mpg, EULAR PITTSBURGH AND _Li, WIDZELING PACKET.—The erltwild nag gegket et-envier Dll RNAL, Conger!, car. ter, is cow perfarminglarr regular tri-gratly trim between thlt city . and Wheling, learing Pitteburgb at 10 o'clueZ rig7llloadag, Witimilly and' irroing, wed rettcrning. to. " 11 4 1; b eZt i . ' i'Ll 6'"' oft nrlB - • AR3SigkiNtr .61 0 ‘.././Z-P-1, Avant& FOR' MARIETTA ANO. HOCK- • INOPOIIT.—The fine rtearaer PAW' 6666.1.61tere."1111eare for the abcne aid terrriedlato rents every Thunder, ,at 6rfriort. r. X for freight or sewage XDPIT on halm. or to S. WOODS t BON, . No. 61 Water laud at l'rent caw. ' iligi.Ln.yxrEq..rn..eLa z WELLSWILLI:, CAM. B. w run ba t, ezulla pawket bawl. Pit:Abu/4-h. IThwllinr. ll , ilgwiww awl Sunfish, lemng l'ltutbunt, 11.W.--13k!mbr sternom for Wellsville, Strueneill.und and erery Thooduy wftcrnoon, fur &out...rill, t 1 lh - igerwr i Cuntfaxwad Su rtturnhur, leaves Bridge r" ' Pr. ev.r7 awl 7, br MISCELLANEOVS: THE GREAT KENTUCKY REMEDY! DR. JOHN BULL'S SARSAPARILLA! :IT IS put up quart bottles, and conu tab:l3.th , , strength of hi noun mach tn as pure Sahara .. arlY aintlim hareem In America. Price one dot. tar per bottle. or „it bottles ter gm dollar, • It hat Nen • well atablahal fact fur yeas pat, that w a lla,,erben part and properly tapered, WY the only pasha ng tnt an ta per) gate Of the bleed. ) the use of Intreuts ar. . tow:haollirat. drlok veil habits in mennea, We h uhiert a, that JOILY BULL'S E ba XTRACT OF Si?.W-4- 1:11,L4 in the only preparation Mort the . Fatale Matta prepared on vtrictly seienther .prinripiem and of madam mrength. The gunwale I. parchenedilliout regard to price. and every pond. begat. brine Ro od. ie ,abject to the shictat thumb:alt.., and la 54 before Nang ' Boles harelips:Ala alm martin, the .reran of emend Other ralahle agent, together funning the hurt was teenfi. aga and In m a / a cing:the greatuit currage agent in the g ar! WILL CURE ITITIIOeT FAIL: - '4orufnin or, El.:* Erll. Cancer, Tumor, truntiona e L Ski ^' Caeca acre Eye, Ring worm or Tectere. geed. ri.ticazna- Clan, tear. in the hone. nrJoitd, • • Old Sure, Inure, Lir. Ming Of the Weal, SytfiU- L. • DasPetea. Sat Daman.. of the • Sidays, • . . Litt P iZa a. ria. f ro , the ne& g a !h e reathy, . Pain in the Side and Freud 'lrtr. Genera 1 Debildp. Lima/ bag. Jaundice, eattirenan, bore 'hrt.. pronelCought. Cold, Wen• - ,..ate of the oa Chest, rub:unary Affection, oat all other eiemsea hating to PRODUCE CORP Ut PTION Lives Complait; Female imv,-riarra . d. and mmulainte. Stela and hese.. Bentsen, inn 9nisinc Night. evreauy insuanni imprudence in Life, Cinvolc Confuter i Pic VW" and II a eosins and ancamer drink, end generaliser it Pis the irritent. an] senile and Ne w per-calve. [Sr ingicrier to Blue Lek or Conhseni sun., rata, or Said- . • TLEITIMONISLLE. the Th e Mlloving ths verbatim copy cf certicicatc mar lh smaeradoo tbs. proptissor Buff Earasparllla.,—. km E. W. Cation Is a Maly itml em.arallp Emmen as all skomemt sad accomplisbcd sector of tlsc M. R. Church. assd ' P.er. Etetcalans has been known. one of tha mast tal owed and malocu mambos" that the limataly Conference esuld boast of he matey Team. mad at 040 lame istlling • the hiqh reepousible matlon of aCcat kr. tha E. Dock tantern. Cm the world pcoduce.beEcr. M. mars aststactory Meth:mom - Ma Macs of sal medicine Baur Tatiasorty than man Em, Offered &T Farm. of. • .44 • , LAT. L. W. Brno—Ern. sms. Le.mrsnr.d.L tote e be t. nVee U . wit S ochenEn e tr st e i eEßde p n sr Aaned onWndayaevh 0.... • hatless Instating that .e. , e bellevo it to la a nfle and ltd. able medial conspouml. and than W' minian.a, you nao the preponnireibrielel el lent tdmente. line envied of time el,. Mlnle cortaidtralion—and hotel keener, 111a1111Kr17 . of byline echbole. husp/- tala,uill lance families, will find enema], elfin,: ter u Idea the Family Friend. • Added Wall the wilssinta,eo of bunt. agreeable. erholeautnedlet tour too yomita ml fensimit Ie country pima, ohne, yesefris tool to net. ;lid will be found inealliatile for Innenta sod be found iiiketily and cheap, rot itiroattlan - boa thy rill be oneln kalanible—and mates brown bread ii•fejdd„e tot Ir. Odd In bettlea, at and 5e cent.. ' PHlLLtibi 4 : , t.tstnir. il.-North yourthL. Sine Anynt nor Pitnhurnh; nELLbiin, a', Wood ,trice.: Phillips and Mayers' New Article for the • world's Fair! • . : • LIQUIp GLUE; which cell - iced! , wood, stone, china. glass, marble. queer:sear, en metals. e tweet tersuble•or preparation. Inn short t hoe smear.. de of furnitu powerful he mate as ws..l. as by this &1...- first...l and Cel7ll.4t. honseltemrs of • this Y4rtearn already well aware of its 11,111116, and ...pen.. — 0 their Purro , s, and thew who Lase net tried it are nsitiestist tor•lu so. t 'Sn honS.: Aentist ho ♦llh ititsits halls of laquitt rs•lnit , t , w'snnlnZ. is tk.r0,.....a.mi may te,-.11 4as . irs•st..st with - a, on any Retie], In hummer.sly... for tha .• glue-W.4sta. mechasurs it lest p!..ssios. flatten 11343 ii—tbe press of 51e `tags ti.t.1,t.13(1. in.their 'enlist In praise of It. .IK:it th row starl.liou away-with, uut trying the.. I•IIILI.1Dr 8- MA Vl:lit+. • 74. N" , itli-I;lurfli streets:l4ll:oooAL . Agent Sre Pittsburgh. J.-KIDD .4; at..c..rner Fourth • nal Wood street. Agent Mr Allegheny city, .301111 10011. LAO. Drucniet. NEW XII IC. KZEBER has. just ' received White 111.131 with thwit . • lonmell, LI fundest pray, 'A . n'tlance Azi ever lteml—dedi,—P..) th-,-...=mentee'Vr t;nIA . :WM'. Marl' from 1:n1,,, , 1 Fly !mittnephym, . . . , KetrAnke—conaln !Dim /In tounr—nroin rnimollo, Vcrlit ! . - Muting Ent,. ty Tb. , mi.bratol.Cmli, Bay_ by W. V. - Mnna/ight. is sleeting: blnvolAnna,, steuulitufbalind by W. V. 11411., !tn." 1 .11 , 7 days aro gorin---in, rung by itelrnth Sinn!. Ceiturme !lay, - n.nettu.. Walt. Concert,n al.bur g , F. l Palk., • - Alen, n of t•nesb I rtg,mn.it Walton. Marthaa. and a etunniuts.wortiumio: sad . Flute Moak.' • L Na. 10l Thin! jn Sign Wall. • \.l4—.l'ow unitise. a `Futendt d lot of I , ,nn Pianos. • Ladies! Ladies! ladies! • WOULD you Face- Our fuiniture • ratA . Walle nev i, much anena-naver, r lanne ter. emu. merylatra tbetrorlar and drawing, rneta funthnee tulabt al ...aye An .4