•:.. 4 ' r , . . -..-01 .: ~,,, PITTSBURGH GAZETTE .i . : ' . . PUBLISULD, lIIC WRITE k CO. ~ . -- - - ... PITTSIIITgO3I TUESDAY: 31041i37iG, JIJI.Y.I, 1851 STATE TICKET.;= . • rug domoron, JOIINSTON: ' JOLIN ISTROMI. of L.m.t., • .11.1112[11 or nu UT gum MR?, WX. IL MEREDITH • bf Philadelphia: ItICILAILD MATTI of We, tmezoloAd.; fiII.ORGIC Cif AMIE of Pram klue. JOSIILIA A. OOMLEY. of Montour; WILLIAM JE.21. 4 17P. of do.KuebsAna laitniumnic inui Wllig County Ticket. .17177. 777417 07 OMNI. Cora,. .i 1" ALT E R,P 08. WA RD:of Peebles. ' ardinmrt ionna 07 Dorawr oars, Y W. WILLIAM 13, of Pittsburgh. nice dr eager - . gr o P a . m t m r ad . hau dra tG 4111.1 AD C COCII7E, of tbursD 1770. O747Ta 7n., 7C.4 4A C ,pones JoliN M'CLUSKEYoIi Robb:rod. JAMES FIFFE, of Smwden. GED E. A PPLEToN, of Birmingham. THUS. PENNEY, of IrgoerroM• JOILY YI LLER, of Indium SAMUEL FAILYESSOBIL, of ' ALM RICIIARDSON, of Allogheni.. mime or T. 007aT. • JARED M. ORDER. of Pittabargh. ' Jong S. rzwi.isi,; or iiDpet et. Clair. 14:111ECT Z 1101; of iltuinnt... TfAST.4l.lll7gb l ioy. - JOWi i3LE77l.7irtiandlte: 1 PIT!SBIIEGB AND CINCIENATT ELIERSA.D. 1 " A highly important railroad Movement was .... 1 . made last week in Ohio. Its object is Ole con -1 -r: strection of a continuous line of railroad from iPittsburgh to Cincinnati,_without crossing the . " Ohi rhardand without making use'of any . part of 86;1 ines, whPse interests tend to divert trachi 4 d travel In other . directions , Most of ibe k ~ ._:.lines in northern Ohio are interested in' taking . . ' travel to -the Lake 'shore, whilst the Columhns and Neiark, and Cincinnati and Belpiro lines trail towards Wheeling and Pnrkendsurg. A coin " pony has been for some time organized at Mt. Nernon;'srith the view of making a railroad tram the , Ohio - and Permsylvania Pmilroad, at Its - southern bend near Loudonville, 'to Columbus, ".• by wai , of ML Vernon. Another cpmpany . has Leen organized at Springfield, where the Little • lataimi Railroad terminates, to make a roadfrem that point to "our Pittsburgh road. donsidera !de some base been eibscribed to the stock of loth these companies, bat both felt the im , parlance of obtaining additional strength --k A conference between the Boards of Directors • of the two companies was held at Delaware, on Wednesday and Thursday last, with a view of uniting the strength of both companies on one line by a union of interests. At the request of the gentlemen interested, the conference was attended by Solomon W. Roberts, Esq., Chief Engineer of the Ohio and Pennsylvania. Railroad - .--d- The result was of the most harmonious and _ gratifying Character, the terms of union were unanimously agreed upon, and it was determined to prepare a, portion of the line for letting as • soon as practicable. S. W. „Roberts Eeq., was ,chosen consulting Engineer of the Company. • .- The line will be about ono hundred and ten . miles long,' cpmmenciug on our - Pittsbur gh road near Loudonrille, and running by Mount Vernon, Delaware, and Marysville, to Springfield. Each of the four:towns last named is a county, town, and in each of the counti4 - a county subscrip tion has been authorized by a vote of the people. At Mount Vernon, the line will cross "the . . “Columbrs and Lake Erie road," and nt Dela ware the Cleveland and Columbus road, and at , Springfield, eighty miles 'from Cincinnati, the . road will connect with two lines lending to that city, giving its passengers a choice of routes by the rallies of the Little and Big Miami. it will .. pass through the geographical centre of the state of Ohio, and through a verypopuloas and highly flourishing country. . ' Whilst. the Directors were . at Delaware, a large and enthusiastic meeting of ::the citizens was held in favor of the enterprise, _which was 'addressed by several speakers, among' whom was Ben. Chas. Anthony, of Springfield, ' ' Priderit of the Springfield and Mansfield Rail . road Company, to whose energetic efforts the "Mattering prospects of the work are in a great The President and Directors of the Ohio and Temasylvanialtßoad Co. have Long looked upon this connection as . one that will add greatly to the trade and trataliof their line; audit was with their consent thattheir Chief Engineer wile - induced to aid in the preliminary arrangements for the undertaking. lle returned immediately to his labors here. • Pittsbargh and Philadelphia and the Pennsyl- Vania Railroad Company will -derive many ad iantages from a direct and continuous rsilroad - connection with Cinch:twill,. unbroken by the Ohio river, and which will not make rise of 6 SW gin mile of any line, the interests of which will tend to turn trade and travel either to the north or to the south of ns. It will enrich the towns that It will touch, and the counties it will trav erse, and the new Pittaburgk.and Cincinnati Railroad has our best 'wishes for its sitcom. Prriancrusu min SrzontsvaLc Couraur..—This 'enterprir' aseur readers ha - re seen by the proceedings . published yesterday, has at .length assumed a tangible form, and ac tive proceedings are 'at once to be commenced with an energy and perseierance which are always the sure precureors of success in any great and difficult undertaking:. Aire gather from the proceedings of the Meeting that Capt. NAT.- : wallas undertaken the.ttask of forwardlng the ' work to an 'earl; , commencement, ind a speedy completion, and that be Laseoddentigedhimeelf with it, - that be will devote his- . energie'e and talents to its Berce. 'We 'like the plan. AtirWork prospers best which has .the . acvoled attention of art - able and energeticman, who takes a deep interest in its succesp, and whose pride of character and' ambition 14. , enlisted. Prrrszenan evo Cvevateso.—The comple- tion of the Pittsburgh and Cleveland Railroad from Cleveland to ROTC:Mk has vastly increased We travel from this to the Lake city. The route is u certain and pleasant one—by river to Beaver, 'by canal to Raverunt,land by railroad to Cleve land. Since the river ba got too low for the packets, many persons hair taken this route for Cincinnati,end these who wish to take the Lake 'note to SL Louis, food this line a great conve nience:.Passengers arriving at Pittsburgh in low water are secure therefore of a safe com bitable, and speedy conveyance to. Cincinnati, lonieville„ and St.. Louie, ,ilt very low priees.— Thieroute, also, - -affords td Pittsburghers the - best naid - cheepest mode of taking; a jaunt for re nreition and health dnriag the hot weather., A trip to Niagara, or to the upper • lakea, is both invigorating and instructive, and can be pleas azitly and cheaply performed with the facilities now offered. John A. Capghey, in agent for the line In , this city. See advertisement. The New York Poet statee that a complete and authentic edition of the Writings of Washington is In preparation, to .embrace more than two thousand lettere, not Included in the collection of Mr. Sparks, together withisll Washington's dia ries, speeches,nnd public and private papers of every description, which may be euppoeed t o possess any interest, or illustrations of his thee actor or history.] - . The corner atone of thernew Capitol, it has ' 'h eatly been announced, ie to - be laid at iltaih ington;- on the Fourth of July. The commatuter of thellilitia of the District, Gen. Watina Jonas, Lae lastiednn order calling out ; the military un -der hie ootnitand, end extenOmg an invitation to all imch'ef the citizen i3oldlers of the alititia; be yond the limits of the 'District, as may bo in a condition to come in, and tot heighten the gran .dear and dignity of the' celebration; which, he . IV's, so fir from being of any merely total inter est pees deep Into the heaMs and interests of the nation. ,110 occasion wane doubt, be quite as Interesting one, and truly national in Its character. The oration is to be delivered by the ROIL Disnaa, Waturren, wh/se well known ele quence will add greatly to the interest of the TIM Cumberland Orin= Mates that (luring Oast week several new and Visitable veir.s of kla ore and pinmbago have beeti discovered in the vicinity of oldtora, eercl47. , .1 mi.. Caritas Erisrelr.; Erigineei in O - hivif ;attire IlemptHeld Railroad boa made is report to theTirectorii:which' LXimblished in the Wheel; ing Gazette. We select rich extracts a l e we .deem interesting to our readers. After stating I that he had examined the country from Wheel ' 'ong : to Greeusburgh, Mr. Ellet gives the follow .lag account of the route: i , ',ilt iapefeetly practicable to diverge from the ' Ceateal. - Billread :at Greer : labor-kb, by eithgr branch of. theßevriekly Creek, and following an i even &admen.* cultivated valley to the Youghiol gheny, cross that river at or near Itobbstown, I the bead of improved, avigation, where on ill:I -.! portant trade will be at once commanded, and directedthrough the Central Railroad to Philo- Fro lPhlB. artheYoughloglieny the line =of:either be laid in the direction of Willieregpert or Belle ., veruen. ;It is practicable to obtain a fair grade I across the ridge by either route. From the Mo nongahela it can be carried on to Washington, either by ' way of the valley of Pigeori treek,, .1 .Mingo Creek or Maple Creek. From Wtishing- I ton to Wheeling it may follow the of the.Chartier and Buffalo Creeks to : West Alexan dria, and thence descend along the valley of Wheel ing creek to the Ohio river at Wheeling, or by the valley of Buffalo creek. to-Alm same point - by the way of Wellsburg. • - There are other route's which Will need inspec tion, and possibly instrumental evou'ination, be fore the location of the road is finally adopted. It will •be practicable to maintain more mod erate grades than throe of. the . Central Railroad through the whole length of. this route; but I 'deem it of far more consequence to shorten the line to the utmost reasonable limit, than to seek a route of very low grades at any material sa z, crince of distance. , • Mr.'Ellett asserts that he feels assured of be ing able to obtain a , line of less than 80 miles is length, and which .will 'take passengeis from the stew:Kt...heath on the Ohio at Wheeling,-and deliver them in less than tiiree hours at Greens- Mirg, whenee they will be borne. as far as liar risturgh on the Central Railroad,: before they can reachPithiburgh by the vivcr, even when the Ohio is in its best navigable condition.' • Mr. Elle' t, however, forgets that we shall have a river route railroad,' and roost probably& direct mill,read from Steubenville to Piitsburgh, which eriLlgiveits all the facilities of "which he seems to make so sere of securing a-monopoly. • • A great portion of the report is taken up with ate account of,, the Suea great routes which Mr. Ellett says aie to connect Wheeling with Cin cinnati, te wit; the Ohio central, the Zaalville and. Wilmington, and the Be!pre and Marietta. The latter is hypothetical, and the two former unite together at Zanesville, so that there is on ly one line, the Ohio Central, which will proba bly reach the Ohio river at Wheeling. :In giving the distance of these routes, Mr. Ellett 'follows the practice of all the opponents of Pittsburgh, and makes the difference in distance against Pittsburgh much greater than the facts in the case will warrant. We shall wait until all these lines are finally located, and the distance accu rately ascertained, when it will be seen that the line through Pittsburgh is the most direct to the. greal. West and Northwest. In regard to the mode of proceediog with the Hempfield Railroad, Mr. Ellett recommends the following plan . "If - you have not the means at the outset adc iinate to accomplish the whole work on a proper scale, it will in my judgineut, be adrisable to con fine your first:expenditure to 'those porthins of, the line which can be. tbade immediately produc firt. By commencing the work at the city of Wheel ing, and completing the ft 2 miles from the Ohio river to WashingtOn, you can nt 'once command an important . trade from 'the Trch counties of Washington and Ohio, and obtain a valuable connection with Baltimore, with the Ohio river, and the Ohlo railroads. With thjspoilion of the lion only, in operation, the plank road now in course or construction from 'Pittsburgh, when ex, tended on to Washington—only 2; miles—will. enable passengfirs from Pittsburgh to reach. Wheeling °Teri - your road, seven hours sooner than they can be delivered by the best packets, in the best navigable condition of the river Consequently, the completion of this fragment of your line mill make it the interest of all the pas senger boats to stop at Wheeling, and deliver their Pittsburgh passenger. , upon your road at the wharves of that city. On the other hand, by completing about fif teen miles of the road at the eastern old. along the level, direct, and fertile Talley of the Big Sewickly—if that route Should be adopted—you will command the wholejtrade of. the Toughie• gheny, and reverse the direction of a large por tion of that which now descends the Mononga hela, from a connection with the plank read from Cumberland and Counellsville to West Newton, and send tomer' to the Central Bead of Penneyt- Tania, tae greater part of the commerce of the productive. counties of Washington and Fay- ette, and that of the southern part of Wentmore land. • I. would respectfully suggest, therefore, that authority be given to the Engineer: Ist. To survey and support s plan, with esti snates, for :the construction, of the entire li ne from Wheeling to Greensburg. 2d. To prepare for contract, as soon as may be practicable, thirty-two miles of the road from Wheeling to Washington, and fifteen iailes from Greensburg to the Youghiogheny; with a view' to the letting of the contracts on whichever of divisions it shall seem, in the view of the board, most advantageous to commence upon this year. " ' /he portion of the line from Wheeling to Washington, if-vigorously premed, may yet be opened simultaneously with the completion of the Baltimore anilOhio Railroad to Wheeling; and that from Greensburg to the Youghiogheny, which involves no heavy work, can be completed simultaneously with the opening of, the Central Road from Johnstown to Greeniburg. It will be for the:Board to decide, after the eoropletlon of the surveys, _ which of these divisions it will best comport with the interests of the company to ;limb Prat to completion. The eastern end will be a !valuable tributary to the commerce of Philadelphia, and the-west ern end, if finished before the whole line is con summated, an equally valuable tributary to that of Baltimore. Thererecommend.ations of Mr. Pllett, the Whee l. Dig Gazette states, the Directors have adopted, and itignediate gurneys, preparatory to location, are authorized. We think the probabiiityls, that'the western end of the road will. be the first part pat, under contract, ea each a policy will gratify Whashing ton and Wheeling. TIM COTTON CROP AND COTTON Goooa•—A gentleman of Cannelton, Indian, who rs stated by the Dry . Goods Reporter to be probably better posted than anyother man in the Westerne ountry writes under date of June 12:— "The planters of cotton on the Mississippi river are now on their sray to their summer residenoes, and bring us intelligence from 'every cotton district below, of the large promise of the next crop. Thus far the season has been very favourble, and, although an overflow is expected, you may look for a crop of three millions of bales in 1861-2 and a fall of" prices down to 6 cents for middling cotton. Now, if cur sarphre goods can, at 6 cents the yard, be thrown on-for eign marktee, we arel ikely to getapound of cotton for a yard of No. 14 cloth. This exchange: 1s is said, wiil satisfy the manufacturer. 4-.4 • • "The present relative prices of goods mud ma terial are not the most eneonraging to our cotton mill owners tore. list our cotton does not east no as much by from Y to 2 cents a pound, as its cost at Lowell, and we are paying only Lowell prices to our oi.orivtives." GU AT WILL CASZ Dem uzu...-Staries Liberated. —There has been for some time before the courts at Richmond (Vu.) what was known as tbo Ragland will ease, and the verdict of the ju ry has just been rendered. Tho Richmond De. - iAteh - nye : • That will liberated eighty or ninety negrooe in the midst of one of the largest slave-holding Communities in the world, and devoted to their use the entire property of the testator. It was contested .with all the energy which could be brought to hear upon it. The trial was conduct ed with the utmost circumspection; witnesses were examined and croes•exsmined; the whole testimony wee reduced to writing, no that the jury could read it 'throe themselves, (as we learn that they did a great :Ortiote it;) and then the case wale argued:with all the ability that able and ingetiores counseil were capiblo of ex creiaing.- After; all, fully understanding the merit► of the case, a jury composed tlrcly of alaveliolders--every man of thorn bay ing strong sympathies, at least, with slave hold era,-decided in favor of the will." Hon: AbbOttLavrrunce, the American Minister to Great Britain, gave a great banquet at IsondOn on the 30th ultimo, at which Prince Henry, of the Netherlands, the. Duke of Wellington and. Rutland; and- many others of the nobility . . The death of, the Hon—Spencer Jarnagan, for merly e. United States Scatter Irc;rn the State of. Tetufeesee; is .annouaced, -la' a telegraphic despatch, [root, 31emphis. 'reported to have thedof cholera, on the, night : 44.0 MWM==l • Mot Omen- Tayler, 'and Ittlirphy, convicted in Maryland or-the der Of the Coilen Wally, have been isenteitied to be bung. The Judge -made a very Ring - and very feeling address to the prisoners. The law allows an:indulgence ' of 'taint), after' 'sin. tence before execution. The Executive will fix na early day for the execution of the see: - Late :Euglialk papiri ' state that the Hon. Richard Pakenham, formerly Minister from Great Britain to 'the Milted States, was to pt:oeeed immediately to Lisbon s,e English Am bassador Extraordinar y. and. Minister Plenipo tentiary. , WHEIG JUDICIAL 2iOMINATIONS The Harrieburgh Telcyraph :Ls the following comments on the 'nominations for the Supreme °Bench, by the Lancaster ConveoGon: -The Convention in these nominations have at least been just to the people of the State, as well as to eminent men of their party. , They have not thrown aside men long teed and welt known for ability and honesty as judges, for the • pur puse of advancing the interestof any man for the 1 Presidency. 'Mr—Justice Coult was appointed a Judge of the Supreme Court u 1846, by Gov. Skunk., but he is nominated by o Whig Conven tion, en . account of ;his enkri 'r ability for the station,— We think i 1 heeds fin sfo ne td give more general eatisfection a.4i a ndge the-Su premo Court, than any man o has Ter been appointed to that place. The urb 3 , of his manners, the kindness of hie disposi 1012, over manifests:fru, the young members of the bar on their first appearance in the SupremelCourt, his distinguished ability and learning as a. Judge, the style of his opinions for force, cogency, clearness, beauty and brevity, have drawn the attention of the people as well aa the profession trrhis eminent qualifications, and rendered his nomination as much an act of policy as of jus tice: Ilia qualifications drew from the Locofoco Convention reluctant tributes, we have no doubt, to his merits; for hi there receiveirtwenty three votes for a nomination; notwithstanding the cm , tainty that be would be nominated by the Whigs. Ile is now placed in nomination, and the people of the State without distinction of party, who desire to uphold an able, impartial, safe, and consequently popular judiciary, have an oppor. tutilly Co to throw their votes in his case es to secure one such man at least, upon the Supreme Bench. • It will ho expected of intelligent and honest Democrats all over the State, that they will cast their votes in favor of Richard Coulter, whatever selections they may make out of the rust of the tickets. And such we know will be, the case to a very great extent, from the avowals of independency on this question. that have been made at llarrisburg, by gentlemen from every quarter of the State. ... The election of Judges of the Supreme Coirt does not involve party interest.. The Judges ought not and cannot have anything to do with party issues. They are to determine private rights, and every man properly influenced by respect to our institution, will select the names of the best men far the ticket in making up their ballot. In this view we confidently expect the election of Richard. Coulter; but shall not regard his election as a party trimph. It will be a triumph of popular sense, discretion, and a just and well deserved tribute to eminent worth, and ability. George Chambers has been a few. months upon the bench, having been appointed by Governor Johnston. Ile is well known over the State as a Whig, and a gentleman, and a Lawyer of high reputation. The opinions which he hoe already delivend, upon different brunches of legal sti erect, have earned for hint a rank among the ablest of Judges. Ilia nomination was due to the people of the State who feel an interest in the welfare of one institutions, and they have not been disappointed. Mr. Comfy is less known in this.part of tho State, but at the North be holds a high position as a lawyer and man. We hesitate not to ray that none other could have received a nomination of the handset a 'Whig Convention. Mr. Merredith Is go well known all over the State en a lawyer of the highest eminence In our State, since the retirement rif, Mr. Pin ney, that no terms of commendation, are neces• nary. William Jessup is the President Judge of Sus quehanna and Bradford, and has' the reputation of being one of the ablest Judges in the State. lie bag not al any time since Ilia appointment on the bench, been regarded as a partizan--but he is. well known to be a Whig. and. In palatal' moral worth, ability, and legallearning, not inferior to any. President Judge in the State. to fine, the whole ticket is such as will be ap proved of by the people. Jgast Lmn.—The last eoneert in Boston of the songstress was to take place on Thursday evening. Respecting her fature movements the Courier says : She will sing at Lowell on Tuesday, and st Springfield on the Thnrelny following. She then purposes giving a few concerts Western New Vork, and after tbst she will proceed to Sarato ga Springs, where she will probably remain some weeks She will notappear in Oratorio in Boston. SCIT TOR LIB LL.—The. Ntlit. of Her. J; H. Fair child ve. Rev. Nehemiah Adams, for libel, which was transferred by consent of parties from the Supreme Court to a Board of Referees, came on for trial before Honorable Samuel Hoar, Linus Child and B. A. Chapman, in Dolton, on Monday. Mr. Fairchild, it will baremembered, was a few years ago accused of 3 criminal connection with, a girl living in his family, but upon trial before a' civil tribunal was acquitted of the charge.-- His clerical brethren were still divided in opin ion as to his guilt, and while some have continu ed to treat him as a ehriatian minister, others have refused and still refuse to do as. Mr. Ad ams has been strongly eppoeed to him, and now auntie . charged with libel for what be has mid and done to his injury, the damages being laid at $lO,OOO. Rev. Dr. Burgess of Dedham woo the first witness for the plaintiff, and it is pro bable shot a considerable number of clergymen will be.emunined on each side. The counsel for the plaintiff are J. A. Clifford and A. - B. Ely, Fags.; for the defendant Hon. Battu Choate and .14m. J. Hubbard, Esq. Mos. SWIIMILLX es Coarcertois.—The fol lowing remarks by this lady are advisable and well timed, and indicate strong sense amid ma ny unfeminine peculiarities: "The physical right to be taken care of is one of twoman's rights' that we will never yield.- 7 Our physical weakness will . be ourafiangest sr .-gut:Gent , for claiming all intellectual and moral powers of 'defence. In in intellectual or" moral war, we ask no quarters on:hccount of womanhood ; but of every men we meet we claim physical protection just because ho is a man and we a woman. As to the meeting in convention to discuss woman's right to engage in any occu pation for which she has a capacity, it is a shter nonsense. There is no law to prevent woman following almost any business, and wby do they not take their right to work at any thing they please! Mrs. Coe urged that women have a right to be captains of ships. Well, why are they not captains! There is no low to prevent it. It we believed it right, and thought we had the capacity, we would acknowledge our right. It would have taken a deal of talk to convince the world Joan of Are and Jagello had a right to be soldiers, but without' ny ergurying on the subject they proved their title to a nioh in the warrior's temple of fame. 'A man of words nod not of deeds, is like a garden full of weeds,' and a woman of that kind is very much like him.— There is no nee claiming rights for those who dd not want to use them,, and those who do should just take them." Trautessee—Pestowni. Penties:—'l'he can vass for Congresn in the lid ,Ittlitelet, betweeti Col. L C. Haynes and. Andreas 'Johnston, in waxing warmer and ararmar, and rather over stepping:the ordinary limits of party doings. A correspopdestaf the linoartlle Whig, who heard them at Blountarille, than reports the substance of their.epeeches: "Johnson and Haynes quarreled six home here, and have adjourned to meet again tomor row. They said but little about politics, but to great deal. about their own'waat of honor, truth and patriotism. Haynes charged Johnson frith refusing pay.bis , calla on his railroad stock. Johnson denied, and produced receipts to prove that he had paid, but said that Johnson had paid his owr, calls In wind . from the stamp, mad wan paid two prices for that. Efityne4 soul that he had the prombie of Johnson that be would get out of. the way this time and do his beet for Johiison denies thin bargain; says that Haynes asked him tliteen hundred dollars to give him the track two years ago. and help blotto bent Taylor; that his friend Patterson got him down to eight hundred; and that he and Hanes met at Gremorille about the twat of May to ar range certain preliminaries of. a parentl . ;— They charged each other with having roc red lots of money from their party, with merry ras cally things—all of which we Whigs believed'l:_. Haynes proved byt. L. Gammon that .he wail to havethe track thin timo, Johnson proved'' by Patterson that there wad adsorb bargaha—that Haynes had beenbought off wtth =lacy astibid no right to run now I Johnson said Haynes was veteran Democrat enough to go Congrede yet —that stew yours ago nil vim nbley Whig— was abnsingl Jackson,. Van, Buren, and all the Democrats—mu kicked -out. of the Whig midis by Brownlow—joined the Marchand gotlicenco to preach, to be up with hisadreriary—but that Brownlow kicked him out of Church In six weeks morel -Haynes replied that no one would erer kick Johnston out of the Church or Ministry— for that be was an infidel and did not believe. in the existence of a God. Johnson' replied that he believed In the,trtie and,living God, but that he''hid no faith in the God navies wOrshipp+l, dosing the six waits of hie Ministry I" r • - MEWS Man-7 -3Z - THE ZIIIOPA. thrf9999.9 , 919f tb• New Scnk Ocerunirreial Advestise , •-•- • Lemma, Friday. ,lath June, 1851. The Whitsuntide holidays have given-us a short suspension of the - languid labors of the two houses of Parliament, but a return of cold and wet weather, - wretched almost beyond the expo rience,or the preceding months has made every thing dull: The exhibition still numbbrs its daily, crowd at,50,000, - yet even this, which has eitingeished 'all besides, has been considerably affected by-the gloom y skim. . A larger influx at . the particular period was geLerally anticipated. a. . nd t is so disagreeable that a great proportion - of .the visitors . have been piior people from the country; whose stay was. limited, and whose en joyment must have been rattly sacrificed. At the same time one effect has been produced which every decent person in London contemplates with satisfaction. The largest metr o p o litan fair that is now permitted to be held, takes places at this season at Greenwich, and is usually a scene of unmixed depravity and ruffianism. The swarms ef strangers among us, however, were happily not destined to ho either corrupted or disgusted by . it, the soaking rain having com pletely quenched it, and rendered it one of the most dismal spectacles that could be. I=! Since the departure of Arctic the Liv erpool and Manchester - Markets appear on the whole to have shown no much firmness.as could be expected, and we have received no announcements of farther failures. It turns out also that the loblities of Mi. Hyde, of Liver pool, whose stoppage took place on the oth in. stout, amounts only to .C 121,000, instead of .C2OO - or £300,000, as was at first supposed by some of the parties interested, and who were bget capable of forming an opinion. It was known that he . eommenced the year with a clear property of more than £70,000, and it was in ferred that in losing that sum in - cotton, he must have speculated at least to the extent stated. But it seems his reverses must bore spread over several manths,.and that he boa met them from time to time. At a meeting of his creditors day Wore yesterday a list of assets was submitted amounting lo £124,000, out of which .046,000 consists of cation estimated it the marketpriee. The remainder of. the property, however, was re garded as having been put down at too high a valuation, and the impression, therefore, still is that although a nominal surplus was shown, the octuol dividend to the creditor will not (unless there should be n decided reaction in cottony ex ceed the amount snarl iii the loot advices, namely, 15 to 17a in the pound. The inspectors appointed to wind up the estate are Mr. Hamil ton, of Brown, Shipley.& Co; Mr. Cr.:table, con sulting director of the Borough Bank of Liver pool; and Mr. of-Wilson, Trottel Co.; the latter it is understood on behalf of parties of New Orleans: - 122211EZE1 Foreign affairs Mill continue stagnant, except as regards the monotonous accounts of cruelties and persecutions' at Boum, finance difficulties st Vienna, and the complex intrigue, which hare pretty well brought all parties to a dead lock at Paris on the question of revising the constitu tion. At Hamburg' the freedom of the city has been again violated by outrages on the part of the Austrian troops in the neighborhood, who after having provoked the people by misconduct, di rooted a murderous tire among them, killing eight and wounding N.. The exasperation of the inhabitants of Bamberg at this occurrence is described us exceeding all bounds, but they will find that at present there is nothing fur them but subniission. Snob things however, will no more he forgotten than We murder of Robert Blum, or the carious other proceedings of the rod kings eine° 1848. At Scebeswig, according to the last accounts, a curious plan bud been hit upon by the inhab- Ratite to triumph over the petty tyrauy or their tuilita7conquerons, which, like all pacific meth ods, has succeeded where violence would have failed. An insulting order that every china should respectfully salute all Danish officers has been minded. not on account of its ,being re sisted, but from its having been implictly obey ed and something more. The people of Schles wig adopted the homeopathic law of anario croantse, and cured We evil by practising an analogis bet wholly unexpected process. If they were to be forced to make on obeisance to three whom the , " dislike or despised, it occurred to them that they slimgd act in harmony with We principles throughout, Accordingly it Is sta ted gust they agreed to meet each other with the slightest nod of acquaintance but to salute every dog, pig. bullock and Danish officer with a pro found how. The absurdity, it is added, because popular, and the obnoxious regulation was speed. Hy revoked- THE NSW CONECTITIITION. The Ohio Statesnian of the 15th, has returns, reported and olficlat from all the counties of the State, except Allen, Fulton, Mercer, Noble oral (Mona. These counties poll, bat a small vote and will not change the present maprity much, which is 15,09(1 in favor of the New Con- Atilt] Lioll. • The SU teeman gives return, of the License sae from all the counties except Adam., Allen, Ash land, Athener, Carrel, Clark, Crawford, Darks, Defiance, Fulton, Geangs, Greene, Ilardbx„ Ihrli- E , Oll, !Nary, Kno; Lawrence. Lorain, Lumts,Nler cer. Noble, Ottawa, Pike, Puttnnu,Richltmd, San dusky, Summit, Trumbull, Vanwert, and Wayne. The majority against License Is 8,909. it isnot probable the counties to hear from will change the result, though they will be likely to reduce ttue majority. The following article la no doubt apart of the New Constitution: • -No Ileen.se to traffic In Intoxicating liquors shall hereafter he grouted in this state but the General Assembly may, by law, provide against evils resulting therefrom." What It moose is already a mooted question. Some conteal that it karts the traff,c in ardent spirits as free as the traffic in iron, flour, Sic,— Others that the traffic can Le entleelyprohibited, which, they say, will he the only mode bylaw, to provide !spinet. eras !resulting therefrom.. The vote adopting the article was not strictly a tem , ; Terence rote, many liquor dealers and drinkers soling against license on free trade prineiplee-i- The Legislature will no' doubt construe the er• tide in favor of prohibition. The new Constitution takes effect Du the Ist of September nest, and all lawn in force then, not Inconsistent with the Constitution, continue in force until amended or repealed. The election ' for members of the General Miserably is to. be held on the second Tuesday of October. A Gor erner, Lieutenant Governor Auditor, Treasurer of State, Seeretra7 of State, Attorney General; fire JuslOs of the Supreme Court, a Board of Public Works, consisting of three members, Judges of Courts of Common Pleas and Probate (7 , 011T121, Clerks of the Ceuta of Common Pleas, and numerous County- officers are to be chosen on the same day. The present State Officers bold till the second Monday in Januery,lss2—the Judges of the Su preme, Common PISOS. and Probate Courts, and the Clerk of Common Pleas, till the second Mon day in February, 1832.—Cleretand Ur - 310LANt'd 'Area Pims.—ln (arming this ntedleine lID the public, the prolnietors are well aware that they barn to num:tinter a hostility generated by the mnallesr Intromitintsm 'thigh tuns been palm.' loon the public under the thane of Valour mollelnes. We are eau deny lo”ser, that It Is poly necessary to glre their TT nod, a trial to plane It In battle estkultinn Go above All medical Agents of the kiral 'ever offered to the palate. 'lt 11 the Invention of en enlighteund,expetieneAd, and hntro. .1 rhyslcinn. oho So Innorl.nl C.Kilt In his atm prom llrA, when itm gond rooms. induced Mks to offer It to the public at lunte Far male by J. KIDD St CO.. eltd dieto4 :irk Oh Wood It. CEV - itoodor! a trunk to yoa.Yyoavrish to too , . 4 mul.t eueelleut motel., Iu your Ihmee, to to homerltately 10 , CYa of borne. cute. eureka, bet . .yee. Leetueeu e , ueuntluto 1.100, erhuoihnouttrtunte. he.. he awl het a bottle of ILO. Phirela Mehl. LItO tanut e szel you ISM It 1111fi , 11 . Iktled br ouf utediehur of the kind the whole world. e advertleement. • Ceo-TIIIITII FLOATS ° lIOVE FICTION LIKE Oil, ABOVE WATER.-.The sikk man tan tell a gmvl modicio• by trying It, as mlick u •lir, eau telt •nowl alums. by eating It. And it out, Man trim it, and Olds It pot. It will &door the Popularity with the whole ell]. You emit Introduce a mNleinetetio popular use mdem it Porsessee really trubvtontinl virtues, fn./from:all keel effeets of valid ohicetions, and It ix thlilket that has established lio, rvpu tattm of ...bull's Compound Fluid Extract of Sat. P.nyina," beyond nit mvil Or dispute, Its sullen upon' the bouvaostreleos loin arverdanco with rational end phi. losepitleal prioelples-1t unwindea the various secretions and exertions or the testy, removes'obrtrurlione, dliPloons morbid and diseased matter, strengthens the stomach and digestive 0.1,•11, creates new, pure, ind hmlthy Duet, and regulates the vartenv functions of the different of the body. This' is all perfortuod without the lean danger of harm the Prepsmition being /1.5 wife se It I. enieset,.. It may be thought by the skeptical, that it purports to cure tin Many diseases, but upon exam:kw lion. it will be found that a large fanjet - Ur of the di so. es which eilict the human (sadly originate in as impute stew of the blood. lie not dentived, then, by other Hat smovilles bung. offerod sou by -cur sellers of !noisiest, and water intparation" wi a substitute the the original John bull's Sannvarilla I This valuable preparation the ProPrietor warrants to be superior to all oth Csonnx.-Ibisrcro and ask Er the orininSpc. Butte Sarkunrala from Kadituty—and have no other. the advertitetneot on another' peg.. • HEYEEIL A AYDQWELL. 140TAtv0ast.. jeliotlkw3eiy . • WholsaleA Eaton ascots. Petroleum! , bingtirratonot. lluntingdon co., Ps., March 1,' 51. Stu:—Dear Sir; Tour Petevieuro Dem./EWA won ders ki this vicinity; theredire we would thank you to send up erelong by the Pininsylviusla lisdlroad. We are en tirely out. and It is being Icquinsl for almost ern? dal. Yonfe. metes - Mont. JOUN Min A CO. , Ilargsvms. Ashland co., 0., tlarch U. P. M. tins;—diesr Mr. Your Agent. a few weoke left with no fair down Deck Oil, which we have wild. Please forward to tie rig dozen Intotodhetely. Your toad Di n, la working Wonders In thie region. We ego obtain wrierel excellent certificetes. If fon desire them. Tours, • W. Si. SCOTP. ' Pm sole by &Meer It McDowell; 140 Wood area, 11. 1. Fellers, 67 Wood Strewn D. Yam:Cook. A Co, corner Wood and front strcebr, D. N. CUM D. A. Elliott. &sash Donut...and 11. P. Scawarts. Ai leahon also hr the pro. D. M. KIDD,- entl4kinT . Canainasiu.geventhato Pittsburgh. • • • 7. Faieigli 'ar4lnierican •Hardware. • • LOGAN,. WILK. N 'at, Co., • No. 129 Wood Street, HAVE NOW IN STORE ntninotoPlotestook of TO/ZEIG'N.ANZIAJLERIO42, - A ARDWARE, gultal;le for the spring trniei arid which they - are posperred oger to purchasers at PM= that will compere Lovorable with lingo( th• cute= &ton 00 the 29th Amparm IL, yonnkest son of &Aland Angeline Frminh, ..,e4 9 moutheind 21 day". The Men& of the Welly are respectfully Molted to attend the • rune. enl,from the reeddenee of its parents, on Webster etreeb between the &phew: . deilum and the West Common, Al legheny, on Tuesday, July Ist. at a o'clock. I'. M. on Monday, Jimme.34th. o'clock. A. , Dr. 11100, domeneow, Impel 63 yftra. The forterni will lease the re.. slelcnee of Mn. Dumb, N 0.99 Fourth street, on Temedar. J ll 7 Lt, at Wif o'dock, A. M. • Suddenly, eo illaience, on Sunday morning, the P.Oth MC, at 4 o'clock. Jo Kenos. in the bOth year of Ms .0 Sabbath , the tb ult., at IIK o'clock. A. 11. , Kra II saucy C., wife of nmea of Allegheny. cott Meeting. — L-• t6i'The Co mi tten of Invitation, appoint ed by bolt t i ne, are vequertai to meet at the Of fro of the Chairman. (11planda liWlding , comer of Fifth nod Sutlthficld atrects,) on Tut...day evening. July Ist, at o'dOok. A full attendance to red ueeted. The following compd. the CmoMittoe. T. J. Bighorn. Robert Porter, Fred. U. Kay. L. S. Job , Charlton, Andrew Rayne, ITancl. Iva. Ephraim J 0..., John Young. Jr. T. J. /IMAM. Chairman. Fourth of July at Greenwood. firHIS dolighiful FLOWER GARDEN IS now littal tip far the celebndion of this day on an citettelve erale, by the addition of teat,. itt ahady places. cod tortv•hooeote, Ac.. sufficient to accommwaw all who 01.0 to viend their Fourth In till. , retreat. Mum through bot Mu dny and evening by if lIITY.'S RAND. live Steam. ats. and • large number of month..., will run than thn two chi.. to the Minim ho intoskating drinks oo the [Jilittl JAMES McliAlis. For California via Chagrek—Dire9t. NEW and powerful Fdeanuship LA FAYETTC. Charles Etodd.t, nontromder, ( sue of tn.... n.l l l Cftecent rm. / ,1 u 1 ." delphla for Chaves. direct, no Thuredar, 10th July, at 12 o rteom her wharf... Lombard street. The lama steam. hex proreal herself a remarkably tar 1,0 .4.4 and ber acentognodstione for Urn and second 1W paesengers are ussurpasweL Through Tickets to Ban jrancle. furniehed of reduced rates. For (relight or pee " L . r. .DPII to 1/CuILUE )1.11:!ittlr a (;‘)., Why tz JUILN L. LINTON, Lombard Str % o V m J. O. WILLI/MS.lm, Erma %treat, Now York )ridtd(o.MO Or W3l. YLOYD, Mitobtarob. E. M. DAVIS dc CO., Importers of French and. Canton Goods, No. 61 BROAD FA I', SE IV FORK, 114 ESPECTFULLY invito buyer to exam _LC tbelr Muck. LIONNI:t IfIRIIO.Y.S A very eleuwat assorttnent. PYLTA' AND SAM RIDIJUNS—a full wort:vent BLACK eaus eaud pate, of the beat mute. did Ci.V.S . N.V VEAT/Nati—Same makn that has has, Wore amen so ma. aattsasettan. EL'S.T..V, Vslas., blark and fancy C.a.. black and catarsd Vrapes. Crape Let... .4 Hater... •• • - CRAPE: A BAWLS AND SCAREA—Just meshed min of all ealara lad prints. DRESS eltArr.4.of varic ualttlea. :Atilt DE CIUNE, Sornenott. Forges. awl other Silks ',enlist. to the Canton wont, rEeor(io) For Sale on Perpetual Lease, ITIORTY-TIIRDE BUILDING LOTS, laid off In out lot Do. I[l tte original plan or the town en Ha Ali Lone.kEln lont fronting on both sties of Doboceo Moe t, and n Abet fi, ;vat for one or more really the reckluo of the out lot on the 11111, extetattlect tarok to Ridge meet, lately ' l' u oft i rrtr, s itl.,: to tt rs ot l itt of 31r. HOSES 1101tLAND, ear the prataieer; or of ' toe ruhattiber. at Ms Moe, No. ' lOl Taird Wald. littebarab. rrldf II BRADY WILKINS. LAKE FISII-25 U, o. Lake Trout,-(now.) art swam) and for rale by • ;o'l J. MCA:OULU. Strayed or Stolen, dAN THE NIGHT of the 15th June6 s7 , from au eucloadre ou Charlie. Creek. abuts Ci Toth. from l'ltLburgh. bear the liteutwusllle howl— yeaall black 1101thY., and about 8 Jean` and a Ainan bay about V of like ato. A 4411.10 reward trill he paid fur the rt,sl, cry a eltlxr of the xl, ahoy. auhrialt.• N. Y. VON DONN BOUT A. 60., triZt A awl 00 Yrout New Mimic. riptlE SPIRIT POLKA, composed U. t - Kleber, Irad dodlrated to Steybene. Frater. of no 11, 7 ,. .r1T0t %Lan .—* z...m..4 by U. a• played Dr *eil, lit 1r illt n ,:i t atlZ7r t Doilrter intriadiven br Dan, Ftnh to U. KLERCH. 161 Third em.t. J.,10 P. „411.Vul Int a n ' ef: ," i f l i P4o ' .4: 44 ,l "l! grpe Ih , e 14843, fo;Tal.. kZ THAW WRAPPING PAPER—Crown.ko Nod.", and INputA. Crown Airs, fin• rale wholroubs ,1 MAP . by , WALTKII r. MaItPIIALL. At, MotAl ste , et. PAPER—For sale by IN jAZ WALTEJI P. MAIL -TALL. LABGE Throe Storp Brick Bwelling, re* Na. f01k...24 how. ot Lb*. West Ind of aZill Alleataeo T.llridar. Jan mpaired. pdaaal aad pf w A., • r mall tea *tory Brick Dwelling. le itekinPoll ar la the atn A If. OIL C ply Attorney al Lae to./ Fourth 14014. f Volarptiao mey.l HEMP-11 bales Missouri, for vale by 1l num sox - rums 2,1. eiIOTTON---15 bales for sale b L jr:kl RITZY. XIATITIEWS 1 EMI-1360 pip Galena, for vale by ier , 11116 T., 3.IATTILY.WO a CO. FRUIT-1450 bur prime Peaches; "ppppler, foe rslr by jr.. 011150. HATlllatis CO. DIU METAL-560 tons for sale by • • ie l Inter. MATrlt6ll'ba CO. bruslafor sale b, tlatikLaY " iryo II and'lY, W,0,l fit. lIICET-56 ten. fresh by ►IIAR-110 bbls. sale by DAGAILLY itUrTEIC-13 legs Spring. for Bale boy .11 , P WM. kV/11AT t I lIIEESEr--21:0 !,vies W. IL, for nale'bv . , B.) j.o IrII. HAOALZY a Cu. 1 OLE LEATHER--100 Sides best hemlock kJ Timm, Ne• Tort Lestber. Le ale I.y Jat.lo KM. satolLf.l a CO. Ifs ASTOR OIL-10 bbls. extra quality, for RAGALEI aCo., • J^ " IS =Kt :I, Woof rt. l:} 1, ! C t 11.1 N TS' BANK , . A Sn/TAI IBA NE .00K. WANTED, LA PI . IRVIN. ir.kr I It fAcond rt. DIG IRON---414 tons superior, for sate by BAIRD A IRVIN. OSIN--201.) bbls. fur sale by ./e 3O ;mato a IRVIN. TAR -90Q bblet, for sUleby .100 • BAIRD a IaTIN. itii6iitl:LT6lbliFs:Fro.lllislTTo; 111 rata b/ ri0.;501 DAM a MIS. I> ICE-40 tierces (to arrive) for sale by LL Jem BAIRD a lay!!). 0iii, 1 11.9.1)-25.bbls. for sale by BAIRD . . . Stone Ware Pumps, for Wells and Ciaterns. SUBSCRIBEIL informn the public that he bore Intro... loin tea region the sToNt. ac PC3III, mautifeetunol by timers. a. 11. IC. 1 !loon. of Middlebury. Moonlit rtmoty,l).. which bare elven surh Pulver.' ratiefortiou wherever used. Tim mod galitlm of them Putura ars. that Hoy are easily wetted. seldom or new am out of kepis. keep the miter sorfectly sweet and adios tale lard.. .ate and a out. or Agent for Pitttburgh. C T CLES!—We hare a complete t 'lock of (told. ellen, and Steel Apretsolos i and th o beet , to.litr of more: and emirate ttlareen to. at miasma to every variety of onion, according to the teeeLpeleeile• of. cietital meant, i1r241. 111Al'uE.Ac3.. AND EAR FOUNTAIN -The rd rouot,on.lrdkal atten 'l:zr-t &I l e ; • W. BOTTLE CORKS-400 frt.°. forlalo by jeZI mums, 67 Wowet PARIS GREEN-540 lbs. sup., for sale by J. 2. 4 R. R. SELLERS. UTMEGS-1 bbl. No. 1, fee sale by a l jeu IL E. SELLLBI4. 1 /QUORICE ROOT-300 lbs. fur eale by 14 1.24 IL IL FILLERS. . N - : 1, 11 ACKERE L--100 bble: and Wel DIV :2 t d .1... 1 1 r i 914 Ph xt. INDIA RUBBER BELTING—Just reed, from the manufacturer:. 7500 Get Light Deltinz.for -91111 purposes, for We at the India Rubber Dem, Noe 7 and 9 Wood et. J. 11. PIII I UST RECEIV ELL-A Supply of India - Rub fl bye Dm., Pump . sippl. Shields. mg Syriuget of all tap!. for tub, le h01e... retalL at 7 amt Y Weed FL Rat J. t 11. PIIILLIPS. SEW BOOKS! KEW BOOKS!• ALTBODIES' LITERARY DEPOT, Third etreet.oupodtetheTost Oftbuc— Lee n or the home a tale OS real MN by Caroline eut.- The Daughter or etory of the prmeut , Not se Dad le re Seem: a remedy by llulertr. ' 'Dletbmary of Stechardce, LitteDre Wring Ase,No. 371. Ylrematis Monthly - Illagastuejur nook. fer:l Graham's " The emaheoTh j e t leot .1.1l Or W 0043 by MilOel, Cheap Black De Lame. N[URPIEY BUIWIIFIELD have just , oretrd • lot at firm (all reel) black Do 14Ine, e prim a t 4•12 BLACK BERAGE DL 14M.NE.---This •farte vtide ran be had al lbw more of Jr= 3IURPHY t BURCHFIELD. bbifi. new Lake Trouti 10 ht "" for de by 023 J. IL C/giFLELD. ..0. SUGAR-25 hh4123, for auk by , . • 10= J. B. CANVIEL D.. SODA ASII- 7 20 casks for sale by ju2s . B.* IT. lIARisdUOII. 111_110'1'ATOES-150 bu. for ealo by 0.0 W. lIAROAUOIL FL2"-100 bblo. extla , l;: . n i t far= by pE46.11115-75 bu-11)r sale by : • 2 .= & at W. CiIiEJSE-4° boxes Cream, for sale b s. a w. itannaun: ONIATA NAIeL.;R. TON alloltEr a CO. G LASS -400 boxes Window Glass, assort . e ?: Y. vox noramoasT a co. • LIA es, — T FORKS, Hay Rakand 'Serbs jA. Focathe, eor ode br ,s2l 0. V. VON 13(00.113010T t CO. Pure Brandy, for Diarrheas, &c: REAR IN MIND! should von need French Draody. tte roar aver an be obtained at MORRIS' et, lu tba Dimond, at El per quart or bottlo. Je VOR RI:AL GOOD TEAS, go .toQ, .... AL' 31011ILIEr Tr. Mut, la th e Dlamowl• • la 1 . 4 ,4 nor br damaged Team ore never kept et this ests Velmn je2l BEEN GLAZED WINDOW.BLIND rsit.—A salmi°, lot Of the above vilely Jail 'red a.tel for aafre 1,7 1110)145511.AL1MR,' Jan • ' 55 Market et. White Paint. TON OF WHITE oxn)E OF ZINC, re- X. and for he at Nom aad Wood at. • invite the attention of llouseand Steamboat Painters to this srtielo, which we bat, been using for urn tards nf th roe mou th s. and an mammal to bo superior white lead paint In teary respect; . lamead of abwirbiaq the hubt like white lead, lino sthltiarenectil H s and cons. quentlr has harbor and more brilliant tow. It acquires itronter harm... and is mote double for !aside nr outside Turk. .1t will ooh rob 011, and ran be wstbrd without 1,- 4.,t; sact u.lt meets moth surface with equal treed , i t LL really as dicey as width laid. • J. a 11. mumps.; A PER lIANGINGS—A large assortment of French and America, Paper Hanginou. ale.,* on and aid for ale by • IV. P. MARSHALL. lel7 at Wood INDIGO 6: NOTMEGS--On consignment, .will be oold cheap to close them. • jet/. MAUI! DICKEY A CO.:. • LeOllOL-30 bble. for sale by . Jelt J. KIDD It CO 4 001;r0:414.. LiNAEDISIL--1000 galloon (to arrive) j tor sale by J. KIDD t CO. IA Wcocl t. IM.!MM!MM_.MM %TOOL TWINE-500 Ibifor sala by 4 C. anEwrimyr. SPIRITS TORPENTLNE-10 bbls. (to ar , ). rive) Car eale by J. KIDD Jr DOe 1.14 60 Weed U. ARD bbls. for Hale by aj 2.14 - J. KIDD t CO. SO Wm. , O- D EFINED BORAX 001bs for sale by ka, 301 J. KIDD a CO. 00 Wood .t. FlBll-15 bble. New White; 6 X u for tale, Fr Jell J. B. CAN FIELD. C . ; ALEIRATUS--100 boxes pure; 30 bbl x. Li l el / J. D. C.ILN FIELD. IPLAX-1000 lbs. for iale • ..1.14 7. L. CANFIELD. PEARL ASII-30 bbIP. for sale by jrl4 J.ll. i r IiN;IELD INSEED OIL-30 bbLs.Griewold'e brand, ILI Ibr ale br iel4 7. E. CANFIELD. pOTASH-4 casks for salo'by:- jell S. B. CANTIELD VIRE PROOF PAINT-10 bbla. for sale by jel4 J. B. CA! FIELD.. UCKETS-50 dosillarietta make. for sale lir by Jen • J. B. CANFIELD. CHEE6g-200 boxes for sale by , J JAL CANFIELD. I f ACON-:-15 casks Shoulders; - if 14 19JAM EY .' eIIEESE-80 boxes for sale by ,- , ISAIAIT DWELT S. Co., iel4 Water and Front stts, IUCKETS—.2S doz. Marietta, for sale by JPI6 ' ' S. it W. HATIOAtiGIL VEATILERS-2000 lbs. ror sale x bj B: jela OFFEE.--31* bge: pnline Green Rio Cof / fee. received nod for ado by - .1;41 . • JOLLN WATT. A CO. Fcirea - 11Wriirg • 50 dn d ' d d • 30 .half do d o doo CO.In gone and for Ws tor (341 WATT a O ARD.-11,000 lbs. Lard, for sale" on con -1„4 ot} l, D alattatent by - T. WOOS o. a t Pra P-O r - r tetgr, rt ' OILS. -800 gall bleached win tersperni oil. 000 " nati are 11,...110 " bl hed opting ,000 w" ... whale w o - . ...tater . *. - 1,00 " 'Lamers' oil ' • • 1.100 " N. W.cast wire* oil In 'thread for br . .TT LE6 & aicxersom, irs . . , No. 22.1 & =Z. Lthestr et. ACON-5000 lbs. Hog Round, on cons./ IJIP moot, for sOe Ds • . T. WOOD.SON . J. 3 W I . VICAR -40 bbls. extra family flour. T' P " tl '" let 31111..LE1C.D RICKETSON.. IR BALLS—Of all the 'different 'sizes, at 1. the lowed eduilessle prima. • J. a 11. matins. grRAIs.ISPAR* WINDOW SHADES— Jun reeetred. a good ementerient. of dlgerentoo iii seel Oyler. rbleb rill be sold eery log at wholesale or et the Oa Cloth Wareroom, toe. 7 Code Wood et. ie2l • J. tU. PLIILLIPS. aREEN OIL CLOTH-300 yard* for Win '- do. &Dods: just rso'd from rector],mld for We at H0e..7 and 9 Wood street. AI IL PHILLIP& fen iNDIA RUBBER WHIPS—Of all the sizes ameafartand. for tea ttboltoala sad Mall, at Um In. d. li.htaT Dnkt. Jitk. 9,99 9 wow ieYl J. k R. PITILLIPS. STEW MACKEREL— too bble. LsrEep N 0.3, Batton Inspection; " "" • For sale by inA JOHN WATT k CO. auaata s Caticle.. pills ARTICLE is intended for family use, and should be found in tha possession of every fam ily in the land. Merhanies who sow In constant danger of injury to their persona throne, areident. and the isranwle et or =Men nee of tools. will find this ankle to he inval uable to there, and after a, fair trial will madder It !mint. pcneable.. This may tirtify that we. die undersigned, haling, fre quently made um of Judd's Mcd tested Catkin. pre perm! by Hewn. Penfield t Camp. Oliddletown. Conn. cheerfully receintroeml It to our professional Methas inexpellent potentate for adhesive plaster. In d n., mita. scalds. brithow, nod all.thal sof fresh wall Nn, fur Son Nippiw z rreedo o meada ;. . WM. 11. CASEY, M. . • D. lIARRISON.M. D., Y. WOODRUFF. 11. D. HAMILTON BRY.WER, Otto, • % ELLSWORTH HUHR...II. D.atan Cmnprinne all. the potctieing phyidulane In U , )Satanic. City of Middletown. For web by B. A. PAIINEMCK & CD., bent turner Woul and Ilrst Wall Paper and Borders. . . TOMASPAMIER, 55 Market, Street; re sPrktfally imlr. th. itteneoe of purchasers to his Pratteat maple. and natrualee stock. <0111311W117., al most arra, article In his hue of busiaeas. • ,S„YRUPS--Underwood's fine Lemon Syrup, I 1 VA m irror arid.. for rrisilthrs Lemon Me. "r"b a: V.lltZaiffi " t b iX b P y ., • - Grooms ILI a ti Tea Dander,' 1 - 1 AIRY SALT—A istaperior article for dm ty dairy or table. VC ay in 'mall ban& for Emily nee; for ralo br WM. 6. 3,I'CLIMO I Co.. • J.Z2k 2:13 Liberty rt. LAP SAGO CHEESE—For sale by Je2o W.ll. A. AI eCLCREI A CO. POD FISII-690 lbs. very fine, for sale by X 9 • - wm.i.IfeCLITUD *CO. • -A k LEXANDER DAY, haring concluded to dem trade mount boob:tem nor oder Ihdr cadre ram of Fancy and Sple Dar DOODU, at mrestly roloced anon. Mete - Mock I ,lard, sod embraces •ehoice assort ment of French and flncllsh CLOTHS and CASSIMPTIM black and Inbred Are dr Ithras Silks, of t h e bast ectoom larteura adond allka, of the needles style. Bared., Dac e. de Iraner, lawns, Ara - Blankets, of The best moku Names, Towelling, Shmfluda. arartioraspuldorabehmic,. Pladuels,Praleurayd., together with ahnut awry articla• la th e Dry Woods doe. Purehasem are smiled to call. as sr• aro deferral.' to itira deckled beep'. by leholanis or 'Mall In coder to ch. out oar enure .I=l. coon as Pecalble. ALPO( ANDER, t DAY, __Lielratra AS Market it, N. WI cm. of Masao& c.! UNDRIES - ' ' ... 1-73 6 bbliCarretides malted Siam; 6do do pulverised do • • 6 dolard Oil: . , - . • 6 kegs 6 twist Tama: 16 bash driat Applet.—tbr rale hr •. ' ' isld .1. It WILLIAMS a CO rrOWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA.-74 dnun just mired and knr aals by R. It SELLERS. INii,llOOT--100 lbs. prime lualitT, just rred . 3 dfor hr Datil sextritik CITRIC ACID-250 lbs. just reo'd and for sale by ' jd9 R. E.SELLERS. VOD LIVER OIL-40 gallocui, rtes mum, En . We by jel9 LE. SELLERS. IGIIT ACRES OF GROUND, favorably, F located for Strawberries. or, tmit of any kind , and want.. • few minutes' shire of dlienßertr merkt.for tale. jelß A. WILKINS 00. Chi 's Pianos. TOXIN ii. MELLOR, .Agesit. fortw il Clieketing . • Pianos, 04 ittetabenvb and Mertens Penney Mania, No.lll Wmatl., hert remittal and now open for sale, the fol. towing elegant assartmemt of flaw Yortm, direct from the menufatetorr, et Mr. Chita...es (Eketeart art floe el.eutt Iteeteweal smetatrand Pkno . is4 °Rare. . Fleo.. e " • " plain " One plain " Three " " eon. =nen, .6 Two " "• • • The atom PlO3lO Fo rt es AL of the latest clot., Of Wad , tom, .4 with all Mr. Cblekeeitates Lapeotrements. the prices ineartably the mu. at iketton,therebr saving to Porch.. In this region the expanse and rift of.arame portailon. A.LBO roe 80Ilt . Ohm Rosewood Carved Moul dlnge °dam Ph.. mut of•Atured by Adam Btordart 2Om One R.ecood 0 octave. Adam Stadart One Bacon Aflaverd Cq O. ace , havl 6 Cblokert.... good fa ['atm' One 6 " Bn Bm.. Ona • • " 6 " Dutch • heabnom One " eX " Manhattan Company. 448 ARD OIL-8 bbls. No. 1, for.alo . JAMES DALZELL,AS Water st: Scarce and Desirable Goods. . • OF VARIOUS STYLES, open this moil:t -our.bfklUßPHY t DUIIGEMELDerIneIttdIng • Mut Dotage D. Lelat Block Dark :4"71i1ne,r1.13V.1!. • • Attention Is hatted tothetr choke assortment of Fatah Larne, White Goods kw daunt te..- Ire will realer, today or tomorrow,' Porn New York— /lawn Zereuitonsk. jet; New Books! . • EAST: a Problem reprinteil with cor -reetkan and atildWon. limo Fitter's Ilegailae. eb Pleith • tale of the Puritan.; by the author of "Pongee hythe Lila of Air. Manama Dialtland.7 Sc. llieterr of Cleopatra. Queen of rat7P4 by Jacob Abitti4 with engraving. No. 4of Maoris] ld Book of the lieon. Ito. 7 of Landon Labor and the London Poor The above Ikoka just received and for ode by yell • ft. C. IifIOCHTC:I. 47 Market et. it lEERICAN STATE PAPERS.--State Pa . gr A ttot Ij c rho_Doentoople of. the 'Malted Stets. , of themes At oehiogtoo to the Preakten glteetleeiti%=l,=tomoggit retake* finee . hare lVer.ur Amaze; contaloing Poll=l,lllstotioal, GeocreMeal. esientlectle t. tatiellea/Eoenomleal, and kli- TITA of II:MIA hlore=h a rte =074 Er he of the Thum Qom Mt. . . The oboe...ea/table 'works the tale hr .__ . jell - 14 C. STOCKTON. 47 - Market et:.:: §COTCH BURLAPS-2 bales suitable for Wool Seal?. si n] , ao-300 Word Pub..... to avnl " r ROBERTSON t REPPERT. BEESWAX WANTED—The highest price in nab NM bt: Pan: r t lare s t cx co . ' corner Find and Waal al, • V - 61 ,1 1:11;1hiRA.k.c.g•,4 • , S EALED PROPOSALS will be received ei lbe Mee or H. 1). KING. Foorthet.. mall the let des' o July far the Ur r eollng of the 1411 oh.fgh ond 11111 Turnplteltaml. from /est Liberty to thenwoof Jr `bltnerett's garden rum 111nonellle. (whole mumble !.outdo pude outdated to be 18,00).) Balm In thew PEW. la state seperstelp the peke per outdo pad fuel' Ins on Everest's 11111. deo true the bot of Lb* to to • Lib.m. to the plan of maid rood ea ta sun et the oltaz of 11. C. Mellow.. Esq., pow, oe ell Information ten be obtelnal modern' II fta i rdh„ CAN, - EMI" e n delLtd PEACHES--100 bushels' dried I . l l ,fr a. "'" d " ° '! 4 • - N.EW MACKEREL-115 bbls. Large No. IHM4 pc"' "a° r . Jen • 4.11 Medi 'yt. jelt • ROBISON, LITTLE a CO. uACON IL&MS-10,000 lbs. superior qual- Au. fat vale by 11001808, LITTLE t CO. 235 Liberty at. II KC .oNsno s_3s, 000 lb ao reale JIJI by • jele 60018011, LITTLEA CO. • BACON--70001bs.11ams, Sides, Shoulders, .11 I/ for sal la 1,18 8. sW. 11,1111180011. COTTON -25 bales (Batting) for Bale by. myls Na tat Emelt Fln BOA PRINTS- J: by . (MT* W. P. 31AILSITALL, as Wad •L DLOOMER HATS, FOR THE'OSTOME tA Mks.' fixer just rrodred fbr rale by - IL PALMER. .1.17 /00 Markel. st. AMUSEMENTS Last Week of . Gliddon's. Panorama of ea AFRICAN MISSISSIPPI!' STOW OPEN AT :ATBEN.:EInIi ItALL, 0 LIDDON'S rMr funed • • EGYPT AND NUBIA! - WW2 a atleralitt 141er/a Eirntlen roe ethr.ltWO.l Mel superb Tablet.. e.r Illoroelyr Orel Dercemtleueby Gen. /LOMA.. 6.1 merly 11. 00n rul et Calm. ()timid Mt.ir et eeell .Esery fuming at el ktlack—Watneatar at.t t‘atatdal attm 3 'hoar te7..re. Adad.roa oram—ehlldrer. belt prire—rehmas t‘i P.M"! ...I over. eerkte—Teerisere with erboole lea Raymondr ---- ! to o.s, icVanam — burghECo. COMBINED MENAGEDIES! Wrusitiliw of all the ram IlilogWßl Animals now extant. ' NIISIDERING OVER ILA SPEC !RENS. ' 7b heimliibitolnmfbm,for one ;Tit! IidaIEMOIL ' flh, sod bth, for thosof are. wider to... Doable Parnion, aL the tarter or Penn and Cared etre., Filth Wad,— Open on Thunder and SatunLay:Jelly Id am:l6th. frees 2 to A and from 7to to. P. M. On Fndar, nlegth. town hibltlons. from f IF . to A. 31, from 12.' to 2Pfe DOM 3to OP, and Item 7ld )o, f. M. AdoMni maim dab dent niager ID ream, 13 mate. In this collection are the Ithincoartt, and Wllte Polar Rear. Alan. ten 1.10. of the foes/. pecimens. MIL TAN A M 81710311, the most renowned of all Lion Cononeremr, 0111 emor the Dene of him lertille Om* of Linn , ngmne bnotodde,Congara, nimthers MOSS. CRAWFORD. will Oro enter tee Dena with he hlgtly trained Animal,. soaking Two Grad Mimed 11, Armorer+ The whole Cavalcade of Curlers.. con'athing the male, will miter thorns. on Thunder musing. JILLy 3 55. and owes through Um principal ttieen p 1.01.1102. pre ceded br the Companr's Brass Ilaint. This bnmenso establishment ropilrega Int 400 lo 111.°N 1.0.r0 for its ex/division: and ais Bore wee no bet Ith IS the lower put of I he dig of vorithent ex Hot fm the gnu pie, the prom-Woes hare teen obliged to select • epot two or three Kovno ee, forth, from she mann of the N th this they wisho/. 0.01. lan feet of throng fen., 11. t Miff.. time then contrthted for with Sir. Hugh 31chelvy. erhHh will moiler the lumen , . petition rale and commodlsme Cr al elamos of rink., at all those. There never has been ethilbind lo this counter the lam nomberi nor en neat a vatiety of Briar Freemen" of hintnral Blether. no I. eorththed In the limolthial Mena gerii es of lthylnand k Co.. and Van gthlwthat a Co. • lea/Maw:v.4, DAN TRICE'S CIRCUS! COMBINING MORE TALENT than ha ever before been coneentented - ho one Tronne, ember el Dnuaetle genius awl Eluestrian • ewl :ferwlehmews Len, of the !Mallen order. and 11121121beril. • Metut Inetne Lem the Prince of C/nlrue,• DAN .1tICI.! the ttotld e . conned LEVI J. NOlerfl t J. F. OVOIiN.ELL. the Tattoo. ed Men; MOD , moo. mtnpira. NAcmg, 3111.1. EA, BROWN, BUBUEES, JOLINI 4 ON, EON, to, te.; and Madame, RICE, NAME. A Together with the n =emu end uneoculledJUVENtLif TROUPE. comprising Mute:Jean, Muter Willie, Master the and lnfant Prodizies felencer, Cktoren.llbl7. and ist. ih;Marnilkent BEASS And EtraNti BANDS, led by limn. M... Rad - - l r k riVIVANT., tacaifarg&EfuNigi'PAr b ibrarflt.• 7.'19111 hare the honor of perfnrrninn on PENN STMT. 'Pliternegb, In front of th e AJIERICAY HOTEL, onthe 2d, 3d 4th, and sth of July, 185 L. Aron open at half-part 2. earl at haMpat 7 o*rittek. P.M. Your Oran 3 Performancea will he - given 1377 . the Pon.t eanatersunal atelfpnet 9, hat9past 12, ball put 3, sod h Alereelory d g rents. ' • tte73 28 .1101311.8 TO CLEVELAND.. 1851 flaat PITTSBURGH AND CLEVELAND Expreao Packet and Railroad Line to Cleftland. DASSENGERS leave every morning a at 9 o'clatn. by stemboat to Brae, ttentee by remelts canal Jmekete to Ilas enna. theism by ktittehurgbanst Cleve land Ballood to Cleteland. To Cleveland, TO boors; To Itstnait cCO , hours Undalo, " entesec tt .Tfeketa given theme: be CINCINNATI, • Tht Colutabne—and Teats. by CM teland and Cinch:Mitt "-^ Pamengers for not,. Chicago and Mtant'. learn Cleveland every evening at 113 V o'click, by the splendkl meteure of 3liebigart Central Calimact Co. far Detroit, thence at 7)4 o'clock. A. M. by Railroad ta New and arriving myna evening at Ciblimmi by atm...twat. /hiring law water in the Ohio river tbie route teCtochie St:Louis, add Galena. will toe found rough quicker, cheaper, and pleavanter, than any atter. CLARKS l• LURKS trorrsictook" . litocistersg. Pa_ tiickets or informatinn apply tit • - . JOTLN A. CACCUILT, - Atrent, ' (Up stain) earner of Smithfield and Water atratte; opymite the 3lnnongehtlallonag Or tO • W. H. MOORS LA %Agent, • Ofiee tzar St. Charles Hotel, Wood stmet PPITSBUROIL •- PEttIiSTIVABIA BAILROAD.-_ 1851. 8P.R.1.,y1 ,tiRRA_NG.E..IIENT. 1851 Forty-six hours to Philadelphia. . . Forty-four flours to :13altituore..' - 281 miles Railroa4-103 miles • rum:, xos? runr..th A-115 =not:mai =lv . TG. PHILADELPHIA, BALTLMOBE AND NEW, YORE. Being free from the m e oww changes and porterage, , • ' connected teeth piece Line. Two Daily Lines Exiaress Packet Ikda. V C 4 I f iYO' PTE"'E rl:lur4 f o r Johnstown, thence Z,OLISDAYSHIGGH, • • NEW PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, Tan 11findreet and Far -Ella direct to.- Faeketa ver-I+3.Mb= b al m at Eight o'clock. sad avers arming at the aarcka balm • Pare to Philadelphia, $lO. Fare to ItaittomMS eta& do Lonnstor ers ri9 do op 1,00. Passen- .53r Baltimar, 'aka the York and ti k runberland ltailmad. at Har , 10.4. on anneal of CUT a: that place. Distance (e/khry faux miles.) Time, FOUR bourn - No