HOMWMATTERS " ` The closing seeSe of Mr. Gliddon's Pinot:ems of the Nile, is the Sphynx et sonset—an eignizite masterpiece of art: The Veer Vile and the EgyflianAntiquities, will (for the acoalunodation of families) be exhibited to4sy, in th,katernoon, . . • 11.IVAL OF PASSZelfre Cass.—Two ceut . first b eless patsenger am for. the Ohio and rtionsylrania Railroad, arrived in Allegheny , yes terday, Tie md.. They an fitted up In the most sumptuous and conitortoble style, and ire trust - that at an early day, our &items will hare the - 44'e ac ge th learned receipt of a fine freeh titsir;frtint_the agents of Adams & Co.'s Ex , This express . line; mesas of the in areising railroad facilities, now -furnishes our eitisens -withthis, Mad other luxuries, the pro &mot the sea, witiCh hare heretofore been for bidden in, this region. bliVIIAJlet Orriers. , —ln pursuance of a general agreement to that effect, all humane° Of fices doing business in this city, will be closed at 6' o'elock, (three months from this day.) mail &elitist of October next _.punsca or ens Ilnacu.—Thomas Grimes was yesterday aglt before his honor, Mayor Guthrie, eltarged with a breach of the peace.— He trim Cued:twenty 'dollars, and committed to 4efsult of paTroont. - . - ...pocitair lair . Show - nen Towistur.— The'cltirene of Suoirden and Domed theadjoin.hus townehipe will meet on the Fourth of July in Bethel church, where ruldreenes will be delivered by the lion. William 11. M'Clure, and A. B. Me. , Calmont; Esq. • • • '3.4reit's , _UT-cu.—NO less than twenty per eerie warmed or vagrancy and petty crimes Were tried before Mayor Guthrie, yesterday 'naming. The taajoYity rere committed to primal, Piisesesite Cosrettanci.-:-The Ettshurgh Conference, adjotirned'on Thursday. They will roSt next year, at Washington, /'etuasyltranla. Pansnrnurati Cnrscti.—The Fifth Presbyterian Chord, is nearly ready to reedy* hi Toot lt will be very neatly frescoed, and fa. • ',Ntrir,Citcamt.:—The Church -at the corner -of Beneath street and Cherry alley, where the sin "'table Dieter Brace preached for so many years, trill,be torn down, to be replaced by a more mod tin suid ionintallous etruciir' e. &main Smoot, Souotana.,—The &holm of !he athath Pitteburgh Methodist Sunday School, will celebrate Abe Fourth of Jtdy, by • picnic etiourelon on. Coal -.Tax firarrr Couurssiousee.—We would take the Liberty of rolling the attention of the Street cortalseloueri, to tbe filthy condition of an alley near High etteet, lendiog to 3lellcm'e Court. • 1:11.131DON'a PAXOIIMIA.—There will be an ef ts:trio= and eceniog exhibition of thin beautiful pan@anta to-day.' We trust that both will be attended by crowded audiences. `lsl.erialvocE.,3eine persons were enjoying themselves at a ball in a house Penn street, sr,littie.Sliore Irwin, on TinuarLO night, when some , roadies wha went in uninvited, threw a qtuuttity of- cayenne pepper-an the floor, which being.trampled on by the dancers, caused them considerable annoyance ; as it rose and floated .through the room. 4 fight took place in maze therm; and BETCraI persona were badly teaten. Clue Was severely stabbed. The watchmen sr resteda number of persons. :Dteomaratr Cosoicr.-4oha Yeager TAB yes tin- lay' committed to prieeni by Mayor Guthrie, uhargeptith \lisorderli conduct •aad broach of the peace. • .Rtaxaurrn.—Tlioeitliens of Elixabeth Intend eelebritlnk the Fourth of July in an appropri atemuinner. E. 31. Stanton Esq., In expected tidellye . r.an address, in k .l the proceedings will all be most interesting. • t.Bitaiiatsr.—Wm. Barret was yesterday com mitted to prison by Mayor Guthrie, charged, on tut* of Margaret Fleming, with her house on 8110reet hill, and stealing there ffama Coll.liael , Mk amount of money. 'litts.n.—The alarm of Ere on Thu:reds , night, erati!naubeibby the burning of the window \ cur tains, in the house of '3lr. Leonard, on Pp nn • Bat little damage was done. ... , Souse, Partial:mum Pestle Scuoca.s.—The uohobtrs of the South Pittsburgh public -schools, fill visit Gliddon'e panorama of the river Fllle, at the . .a.thinicam building, on next Wednesday. ;, - ?Bei Bathing-Cape stay, N. J. .CONGRESS'HALL le now open for the ro ii enticed Tutu.. Titi , pmmi.t...th...kna brrtlio Aieretoforo removed, would y olobrlt =Lob Wei:Kling to vitit Mit Popular ha itigprborot re 11,013.. (0 mike kit house their ham. ar. Wilt•triarits f "igi l ;is b ittimE mainum, M3E=ttMl E—One Kiln of Ilriek, Kaguire W. M'CLENTOCM nentiiVarehous.. w.. • .11E=IIMM misCEL - LMotis. VWRITE SCARF MRS.-A. A. MASON V hit o tiost reePly=fur=3 , aoral.s " Ig r ....lastysj=crimpod trimming ribboasji, yid& the attention of eustame. larited st sad U.M' 'JO ALMS; Jima 27 `Mare New Lawns. 4 A. MASON A CO. have just received .4",.,l thl atWiTrZgri , cZara d v=i t ',,,,,lr WI. 14 no. 02 and 61. Market street. t leg RICE -14 tierces for sale by .14 WICK s !MANTLES& LARD -12 bble No. 1 Lard for sale by .2.4iA W/CZ t 3IVANDLW.S. -S TARCH-10 boxes Bonbright's extra for ado by JA WIC K - 4 dIVADLYBB. VET = Cvetz.F . fS.---W. Weliatock bits I , 4 7 , t rizam ;!..e.l.:ll. h l=l=7Tel:' Jot ; 'uUSSELS CARPETS.—W., M'Clintock h.. 14 mans•d to•. 1.• WA. eetot tutu,. of me. Inor It ru . es i e cerpekt . to which be bteltes tbe &tenth= of ceeptf. mien.. No. 76. Youstb et. 1,7 irioCo MATTING- - -For puldip, balls and n„,/ moms. in Ain and for We 3I'CLINTOCK. Jet ' Carpet Warchouse,No. 7i d'onith it. BABBITT'S SOAP POWDERS are now Veil /morn as to require m melon to sell them. by th & are the labor of vaiihisiii I. materially insetted. arranted mom tot or inju cloth. For sals, vitae arid mitt% by • WM. re SUCLOIIO CO. 307 • 226. Liberty at. EFFMVESCING COMPOUND, a substi- AA tub. for rent fox rabbit bread. bakes,La. byyid& r, seeing ey 13 per mot In rimy Is effected. For We b {VILA. Ireton° Jr co. 252. Liberty et. BUCKETS &. TUBS-60 doz. Buckets; Jzz • Tb; An File Rl' ; L. R. WATERMAN A RuNti. PORK -A few bbLs. prim a small lot Bulk Meat, for ode br B. NAURUAN t EON& B UTTER -5 bbla. Pack; 6log , "• )not rec.% for role by • .14 - L. & WAITILMAN * SONS. TOBACCO -20 kegs (Oede's) No. 1 Six T.ixt, to tale by JAIIKS DALZELL, jet .38 Water. and TB /Int R. • BLOOMS -200 tons Soft Tenn., for sale by JAIIES DALZELL LARDOIL-10bble. No. 1, for solo by jal WICK k IIeCANDLF.B9. MANNERS' OIL-50 bbis. just receiving Dr metal, end for deb/ JAlttb ILLZELL. 0 2 be. Neater it REFINED SUGARS-106 bble. Clarified Paslareie hod Crushed, for salebf Jed JAME S A. IIUTCLUSON A CO. (1 OLDEN SYRUP—In hr. bbla. and 10 gal N_A kerr. from the Sh e Loots hellnerr, for tate by je2 f JA3llh3 A.IIIITCHISCIN t CO. RICE --20 tierces Carolina, for sale by JAM ES A. II VIC LIMON' 2 tx). HEMP -130 bales Mi. D. A, fur sale by .1.2 JAMES A. MiTCIIISON t CO. GREASE -15 bble. good grease, nowland- Ittg from 'Wagner Oberland No. 2 for anti by 11A.16 II DICKEY • at, . Inv= Water and Front •ta. TRANSPARENT WASH BALLS—A tine ankle teed sad Da ale at the Drab Sinn , of ner2J S. _ _ E XCHANGE BANK STOCK—For sale by 11. D. HMO, my . 33 Banker and Klebasuo Dram EARL ASII-20 cants for sale by P my= R DA.12.Y.2.1. t CO. IDIOT ASH-4 casks pure. for sale by tarn . J. B. CANFI eLD DRIED APPLES-20 bags for sale by men. R. DAL:LIME-41 (M. VOT ASH-5 casks for sale by mra IL DALLELL A CO. PEARL ASH—f 25 casks for sale by my= 3. B. CA xylElp. PINK ROOT-2000 lbs. fur sale by 1 toyl9 J. KIDD 2W. lARD OlL—Bennett A- Jones' brand, for AA male by ney2tl ISAIAH DICKEY S CO. SALT PETRE-75 sacks Crude, for sale by torl3 ISAIAH DICKEY s CO. RICE -100 tierces for sale by DURBRIME INGITRA3I, 111115,,_ 110 Watertd. ABBITT'S Double Refined Saleratue, put up Le no, vb. and !jib P.P. , APP Annn er i .s:.P...Tblt tht t..Valigi It o pth. Tr. Plea lora tICE.-20 Tierces Rice in store and for 1 we IT MILL= ILICKETFON, pea Noa. 2 = LlGetty )OMAN CEME/Fr.;,2.4)1):•g.°.`678V`c.,:'Y VINEGAII.-30 bbls. pure cider fur sale by _S' 3.5 C. F.VON BONOORST • CO. CHEESE --30 bra. W. It., for sale by .le6 .1. F. VON HON1101;tT 1 Co. R AISINS.-60 boxes M. R. Raisins. ..,..40 balf do do . lIILLER a RICK EIFON. i0..5 Nor., 2."11=, Liberty rt. Q, PLENDID SItENCII PAPER RANG LI Oold awl Velvet. 11Nuet. Taranta7 Mad Ornamental franeh Paper. of rariona analitam and at salon to colt the inreamatssem of Mama eme7 dam of enetroners. for aala at the anabllahsornt of snyr.a Tliv)leta HCet..l3,)fartet et kat FIG IRON-240 tone Beife creel; tow 5111.1 erbelG 5 " Veae6lniysss; Ibr alit by 11.001'34.1N, LITTLX a CO, • VITZ Nu. 255 Liberty rt. pAiriAfftioNsa a ar arid llolaeaen C 3 hbds.briscut plantation sugar. .16: Ws de de meioses. In store snd Lr sete FT Jed • den d - . 11 At IA testy vb. QUGAR 'louse Itoluau' and Plantation lb bbis A.R. Tdolayyto.FY blydyfa.lb Matsu= bug.. ' Oa mann nment •.,.., for rale by t RICHE - 11.0N. les \r r.: trly It. CHMITZ'S history of Grerce.—A ry or Gram hum the rarilat time. to the datrurtlan *thoth, IL C. 144 mainly hued prop 'het of Coarap ThlrlwAll, P. D., Blabop of St. Furl'.. sly Pr. Leonard Schmitz, F. IL S. I na Harmony of Prophecy, or Eatipturel Illtunrations the Apncalnat fly the Pt*. Alexander Keith, P. Baths& Kr the Timm tierahlita. liseteous. A Thou.od Liras. thdother Pam. My Matto Farquhar ToPpor- Proverbial Philo-a:lh/. A Madero Pyramid, sal the Po em. Klou Altral. By Martin Farquhar Tupper. The Hair of Watt Wayland: • late. Ur Mary Health Th. Philotophy of Matlamatlaq translated from the *aura As Phaltagephis Path,. of Augutta Cutate. By W. M M U a U rperl i""' "e Neer Took arid Pair Rallrrad Guth* Book: cor. taltdug • deatipthou cl the _Papery. Mersa. Tons, theft, and math Importaat Work. on the Rooth lAith oa• hundrtal and thirty.. elagrartma, by latathe tad itarrit t . frau atectal arid. =edema:weal, - for thas aorl- thy Wm. Macleod. . - Ilarper'••hew 3f Outhli hlstradoe Pr Joon. Thv uold wonhips... or the data VP liveln: a fora hirtortnel med. 111 the author of ••Whllefrtarn - Thattbove Woke rust received, and for le h 7 , C. tiTUCKTON. 17 Motet rt. TAR ---2 bble. genuine Barbadoee 2 for sale be rieri J. KIDD • CO. lODIDE POTA§II-519 lbs. for sale by .te2 D. A. FAIIIMITOCII PLASTER —6Q lbs. Cansharides, for sale by H. A. FAH:4E24I'OU( A W.T IJEMP—M bales Missouri, on consignment 11 for sale by flOtilbvN. otylb No. 131 Front et. . .. LSOUNDS FROMKENTUCE.Y; by Rob -110 a k. nd Dublin Walt.% complete. World's Palo Walls. Peranadino nr Good Look Polka. Itatotcura - Pelbe Whom are the Iriarda of myjonthl Thou beat wounded Ow 'IWO ..hat loved thee. Peened that am tuighteal Jenny_ LlmPe Bled Bong. e . Pim Yeses Poles. lea Polka. . . Blue Juniata. - hl vote & ehrlor and Old Mal d. of Ow Blind Orphan GOY voice it 1119/11e to ado* car. Lament of the lrbb Etedyran I- Reed and Or sal* hy my 26 JOHN 11. MELLOR. 81 Mond st. 4.1110 T-65 kegs used Nos., for gala by JAILICA A. ILVICIIIIA*I* CA. SLIOULDERB-12 casks for male by 331727 ENOIALW * PENN err. RGOT-40 lbs. (fresh) for sale by mrti A. VAIENEATOCKA CO. - • Wool! • /ME highest prico in Cash paid for all tho different grades of rieen vatted Wool by air MURPliti • fißle. LINSEED OIL-30 bble. (warrauted pure) IrY t TI cm 6.1. by J. SCIIOoNII LKErt, CO. m 6 24 oul CHROME YELLOW & GREEN -15 man for We by J. SCIIOOIIIA KKK *CO. ALEBATUS---42 casks prime, for solo by mjl2 WICK • 11cCANDLEYS. VIIOCOLATE-130 bxe. Bost, for sole by ILI torn WICK t hIeCANDLENH. yEEDLE WORKED COLLARS, Flouno log. Edging sod Cuffs with full samba. tor Lace oodr.uorr opening St the et.,ee of • Earl° t ' U. EATON: Fourth mt. INE JACONF'rS AND an% CAMBRICS- K A. ]Leo en A. !dawn st u b. Mao on hand s complete stock of .I atmlbrits. • GLASS -400 boxes Window; tiled, for sale by op= S. V. VON TIONNILORBT it CO. L ARD OIL-20 bbls. for sale by 3. KIDD t CO., Or Wo 0.. INDIGO -4100 lb kegs Manilla; ---.- 3 Cessna Common of gond quality, lo e.. for tal alm, oomph. emione qualifies of ir whirl will ). ..old low from the PAILIDIe. auaa ISAIAH DICKEY a CO. mE6 BQYS , CASSIMERI;S—Of IF:lnoue-colors .d reed bY . MURPTIY dURCIIVIELD. STAR CANDLES-45 boxei (10 to 41.75 - 8 taeh) far Web/ J. D. WILLIAMS L CO., rob comer W0,,1 LIKI VIOL MA. ‘IPER3I CANDLES--10 boxes 4'B, s's, urid tro, for W.. by J. D. WILLIAILSI CO, myB DEER .SKINS--3 bales fQafsale by zny'T RIMY. MATrIt Ely& t CO. PIG LEAL-490 pips Soft Galena, for sale br my 7 31.1.TTIIEWS t CO. PIG METAL-465 tans for male by • RUM ruTfurssc "UM -7-- EATIIERS -8 elm prime Ky., for sale by - my7 run:Y. me.Trricwa *co. S ODA ASH 6Q efigke Amri. Lgo l o fitt o so r. N emle co by -- mr li zo l.T.E FISH-08 1 V for sae by mum! DICKEY MhtM!Ml VN. RED-45 ctosks cEnglish) foisaio by en,le, J. 13010U.V31Alt CO. I in: PRESERS'EAS JACKETS-Al -I:T:444cra: UV= P Z tun, far sal* st Itur Appber Ikeyk and 14W0.1 st. ID y. #' l l- ,Pw14413- . . . With raw.. 1 n FiEra= If so/Lady If t tLalla rr ta attra L t.grgg .14a triiimaaja7 :eta Yttal s t. vitae ha will radium &ha htfifiF aid Whirs. flrout the Ill Mary and Nand err., ;tr. I. of reamly Cro the perta..t cure CI :.ekes end ...news of the cranium generally, that h. heshrtt the gnpularity enjoyed by tbe.arttele kur,ro to Profane gang'. Tneophirreh% Muleutni Cern worst. , 11. to re. trostrely tad.? the upper slue. of the rocassuallyr la aM,s a ”O c yD 0.7 h eianak. no r t v h gn t e t the hag. and the. gram,. Its ercregh to • rentareable gnu. It dr.... the dandruff end revel. nal 'melee 11,e hair Zoe and ghee,. It .111 core all dia.., Of the eralp„ .trio Of weld Leal. den turn. alai other oboolknre dLr :r aeog of th e elgo: 10 duce.. as well asegUart, It stands unrivalled. It hs sold In large bottles. price :Sonde. .t is IST Ileseleay. and at the Dray.. generally, through. the 1: olted nal. and Canada. ? ap'.:l4( Books! Books! -THOMAS HALE. I FORWARIANG S COMMISSION MERCLIAST - • CHICAGO. fIONTINUES his usual facilities td receive Vj OD mum., lale, aad Trenetelrment, e.II If erehs..ll/* eceted.theel blue. Beata kayo the dwelt deny fee ell palate