. - . TTSBURGH GAZE' PURI:IBBED sic wurra a co PITTSBURGH SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 2 8 , /88/ WHIG STATE TIOZET wawa! 1. JOssaroa. • • JOIIN ATILO/D4'of Lanciatex. • WY: M: MrgEl nu' of Philadel ....liffitßerVAT L l E Af Wstn u tr had: W.CO t Lnsmo z oclpclY.Yofaqn. .J E 7 ,enuahums. . Aratimicuda and Whig County Ticket _rilarvise firms or Inns= Cora WALTX.It NOR WASHorpeel;* Amur: mos ti 'mum •cocu. uz.fr ITS wit mum s. of Pittauieu Efx " c = "r:' l ol l itiun na .Zer 4l ` . Anucun, Am.:icy mar or otruesi to 11. WS!. 11.3008, of Lower St. Clair. TL(051.48 WMILLAIL of Allegheoi. 1 17 .4 1 1 .3611AVSKL'Y.of Bobiomo. 1.1r.0. Z. at EAVYT, 7 :RNA. eilkrKeerelet, &M.* FAILNIL9TOCE, of PUtebnreb. . AUX:ftteueupsoN. eau:thaw. JARED 111:11RUALC,dilti..burgh 381[N 11. amain: 0i IF7ipt4 et-war. .G 011822 ICENO:O4 Piattrarsh WIST,Ot Allasklid AIM( 7.311:11t8, of Al' AYCJIICA.II Portrt.anou.—Wo yesterday published an article from a California paper on the subject - of. Chinese immigration to the Pa use aide of this continent. To-day we * have a Paragraph an n ouncing the fact that a colony of , nettgariannare coming to settle in lowa. Al ready the Norwegians are numerous in the ,Aterthwest, w hile -the representatives of almost I ce:7 nation in Europe are scattered over all our • , . isan astonishing fact that tribes and races which for centuries remained separate and intact inturo4e; retaining their peculiarities and pre ': jadices, 'sue here, assimated and merged In tbe great tnMs, and course of a few years their line.age is scarcely distingaishable. iAlready it may without exaggeration be said that the Am erimin flag waves over every kindred, and na , ~ !tioti, and tongue.- •It is a proud though a sol- C26l2.thotight; and it'is a fact that is beginning :,t'otoll - with iMistless effect upon the destinies of the human rine. Who can estimate the moral ' sad political effect erthe millions of lettere which ' , Fs annually cniried . from the expatriated Earn prang now here to their friends in their father isoads ?, And the same quiet but mighty Min mee wilt - soon begin to be felt in China, and limetth; and even Japan. These mighty Inflaences,. because they are si lent and unobtrusive, like the exhalations from the: terrace of the ocean, are apt to bo over looked or underrated in our Intimates of Moral causes, but a little reflection Will convince us that lame greater are in operation. . . SWIG PARTY m palmar.mmu. It is a-long time since we felt suchunqualified p clans and eatLdaetion as , we experienced itinur reading the resolutions adopted .by the WhlgCOnveution at Lancaster, which we publish 4-this morning. . On the subject of the Tariff, the same great Principles that the , Whigs of Pennsylvania have for many years expressed, iterated, and reitera ted, are clearly and forcibly set forth. Here are no pomposta and amhiguous phrases, which may be" Construed to mean this, or that, or nothing; bat& strong, simple, and explicit terms, the de „pressed condition of all the great industrial in terests of the State and the country are express ea,* and the remedy clearly and fearlessly point ed out. The steadiness of the Whigs on thin peat question contrasts most strikingly with the vacillating coarse of thalesders of the "demo cr"Y• ” On the great questions between the North and South, the tree grourid is taken. Both the dan gerous extremes are avoided; and while our just constitutional obligations are frankly aciorow ' lodged,- and every concession which our slave. holding fellow countrymen have any right to ei pect, is chcerfally made, the "reserved rights" of the North are not basely surrendered. The duty of obedience to the law on that subject is frankly'Verred; but the members of the Coeval thin did not stultify therreselvea and their party by :profession, of approbation of it in all its features, The reference in the Bth resolution to the opinions of Governor Johnston, as eeprese ed In his last annuairacesage, places the ques tion upon pound so clear and , explicit, that it cannot be misunderstood, and so lofty, and at the same time so conservative, that it cannot be I sacesafully:aaraHed. To this'ground, the en tire North is rapidly coming, and with this the litouth`aust be contented, for more than this can— uht..be Conceded •withenit forfeiture of every claim to the character of Oscan. It is true to . : Niel, true to the South; true to the Card tatkur,'lnd true to the spirit of freedom: We:re:publish' the portion of that message which treats of thistle:Meet, as it forms partand parcel oithe proceedings of the Convention„ and we all our readers to give it a careful pau sal: It Possesses a force and eloquence rarely found instate papas; and nothing ran be laid before the public better calculated to allay the *alone, and correct those dangerous extremes to which the minds of mat have heen driven by this excigng antrovasy. • Thireppurrin terms in which the Convention 4441 of the administration of Governor .loins sten,aretrach as every Intelligent Eva meet en dorse; while at the earns time those expressions of extravagant and fulsome adulation havebeen, with great good taste, avoided. Altogether, this Convention has placed Penn sylvania on true ground, and In the front rank among her sietei States in the approaching na do,pal crudest; anda platform has been laid up on y . hich the Whig party, may once more unite, after hiving been somewhat agitated and divided by turdlicting views. B*ILWAIVA PDXPII AND ,WALTYIL PIP/0.-WO dine* attention to the advertisement In oar col - mama taday, in reference to Stoneware Pumps - and Water Pipe., The use of Stoneware for this purpose 'anew; but tibias fair to ettpercedseie , r 7 other material for pmope %wells and cisterns, and lei pipe to convey water from springs; ed. There have been some. doubts expressed of its sbillWAs stand tho • pressure required for the water works of our two cities, and for bydrint purposes._ It will, however, be tried hi a few dark tauter. circumstances tormbject it to - the severest aft, and the result made known. --If it shied; its freedoiu fr3m all oxidation or de csy,,ana its cheapness over lead pipe; will cause I - It to be" enerally iubrodueed. Its perfect whip. taloa for pumps and for the conveyance of wa ter forfonntsios, cannot be questioned. Motor. .Tacurr.—Our readers will remember the destination, of the linnet .Light Home, do. ring tfie terrible dorm of the 16th of April teat, lam Aire atedstant keepers lost their lives. -Ite , place isindur supplied by a light-ship of only 70 ' Sate liorttOn; Which Ls complained of as being poor aiihstitute foraregular light. leis said to 11614 . 4 1,4 driven from Its anchorage by Davy . gales. - The Boston Papers are urgent in their detnanda'for another structure that may be relledrpon. It is /nada.; be onq of the most iM pititent ligh!n on ie ciast. An Irishman sent no a grumbling letter the t ether day complaint' ng that we had used tland. mats language' Inimeaking tit the condition of . . , A the people of 'the south and west of Ireland. mareepoadettt of the. Pennsylvania Inquirer,- , - a passenger on the Steamer Lafayette, which put Into Cork in a disabled condition—more then confines all me said. We make a short extract: "Cork is a lute city, end really handsome. Ths river Lee runs through it, and is navigable far vesicle drawiniftiom fourteen to fifteen feet of miter, There are severs! Sae streets, and a seat ;Islay !argil and impostng public buildings. Thu streets are very crooked, and many of then stoop. . - I • On an exa"craion to Blarney Otitis, an old ruin minftics city; I had an opportunity of visiting ths tcdp _cottsgos' of the fanntaboret'', and Utility/9S their condition, andhever did! dreare that ii.tiouti bilogo'cOold live In each wretched., Hess . The hoialsln which they dwell aro about tan feet'along, by six :or , eight feet wide, and not more than eight ' fait Na window, no' cliketoo, .Me Irooilikoetwoo the latter , rims., and for the light th ey are 144010 to I IZWiret4lig“ to this clause of the Constitution, 1 the door. In one of them wretched khndoa ' Whirl, cannot be misapprehended. The power 1 which we entered, and it is • portrait Af Rvif_ 4"I 4,13 1 of enacting laws to carry into e ff ect the sill, there kerns us bedstead , no thattlk f , Mae: ( 3 44tituttotial &cotton, being ruled to' be in rable table, a quantity of old olothel *sod T9R. (,bagrea and In Congress only, any inferferezee a bed,j and one or two article* itte coobj' The ea the patrol the State authorities is iutautba plUee was black with mole, end to it thnre stied gad without binding force. . ...ere 'limper:o,u, all women ited (4.4 l dtswe Out If the constitution Implies a duty to be rer woman told us that her husband worhad ea the (timed by both National and State Gevernments,. neighboring estates, and weed Oh* WM." end vests hash with power over the subject, the min of ti ro or s i n 'tailings per week, out of framers of that instrument failed to exprese id j add& he.tru obliged to pay told WeehlY rent for olear terms, as In other cases, the obligationinf blicottage, and support O filMitr Of tell pOTOOOO the parties. The latitude of constructicm requi. hiaoonotad o d.• .'Ttiair food WOO L potatoes and red to give such powers to the State legislatures, oat meat ... . - . .. - ' would authorise the passage at 'laws, and the watt the =lto we mit numbere et peasants, enactment a regulations, upon every delegated too an d women, lyieg along the roid side, In power of the Government, withciut re. geld to the action or non-action of Congresa—: I the! ion. We cortretted with a number of men at werk on the roads, and they confirmed the The General Government is admitted to be one of ascertained powers, but it ceases to he so the statements of the Woman above alluded to. Sev eral told us that all a day ?sal an much as many momment concurrent jurisdiction vests in State practical workings of the' chained for a day'. labor; and frequently they s o , v i staim iht the could not got that. The hands on estates for.. ... of 15.11•,132 concurrent jurisdiction much evil thee Interior generally received two shillings Per would arise. Thirty one Sovereignties might week, - out of which they were obliged to . find prescribe different rules of action—each meant themselves.'7 to make effective national legislation , and the —..--,------ dangers resultin, - RESOLUTIONS OP THE WHIG STATE CON ORATION. ' The following are the resolutions of the Whig State Convention, which met in fdso caster this weeB., We copy from the report furnished to the Tounatl: . _ 1J Resolved, .That in the enactment. of revs. nuoiLswe by the National Government, fair and adequate protectiOn to American industry should be carefully afforded; that the Whig party now, as heretofore; maintains and declares iti devoted attachment to the American system of interna tional exchanges, which secures to the ;working .man fair wages, to' the farmer.remunerating prices for hie pm:di:lotions and. to the mechanic and inanufactarerjust reward for his skill, labor andlenterprise. 2.. Resolved, That the tariff act of 1896 is un justi and unequal Inits operations, and Anti- American in its tend'encies; that it is equally destinotive of the vital interests of Pennsylva, the prostration. e the iron and other matmfactories; of her citizens in the depres sion; and partial ruin of her coal operations, in the ponsequent decrease of revenue from her pub lic works; and in parts of the State, in the great decline in the value of property. 3.i- Resolved, That the Whig party has at all times and under aU cinnmatanees, faithfully contended against that pollcy,in our national of . fairi,.which favors end protei' the labor of oth er nations, at the sacrifice of the property of Mar own 'citizen. 4. LResolved, That the immense importations of millions of dollars worth of railroad iron, by which Lour people have been robbed of em ployMent, and large balances of .trade pro duced against us, is conclusive evidence of the blasting and destructive effects of the tariff of 1896. 6. } Resolved, That the Government and peo ple of Pecitsylianis are loyal to the • National Constitution, and are ready at all - hazards to car ry its( provisions into effect: to assert otherwise is a libel upon the fame of the citizens of the Connionwealth. 6. Resolved, That the adjustment measures of the lain Congress shall be faithfully observed and reepe, - Cted by the Whigs. 7. Resolved, That an unalterably den:mix:A den 541 maintain the Supremacy of the Consti don and Laws has been, and is,now, osid of our, tarditnl doctrines; and that while others have I falieied, the history of. the Whig Party demon strates that in the storms of adversity or the milts' of Pirosperity, this guiding star of our country has never been dimmed by DS action or counsels. 8. Resolved, That the opinions cf our worthy State Executive on this subject, as expressed in hislast annual message, meets the cordial ap proval of this convention and eepresses the views i and feelings of our constituents. 9. Resolved, That it is the duty to accustom _ourselves to think and speak of the National Union, as the main pillar in the edifice of our political safety and prosperity; essential to our collective and and individual happiness, and for which we cherish a cordial, habitual attach ment, discountenancing whatever may suggest even a suspicion that it can in any event by abandoned. 10. Resolved, Thatthe National Administration of our Whig President, htiMard Fillmore, has the unbounded confidence of the Whigs of Pennsyl- Miiia—that in our domestic policy, its manly advocacy of protection to native industry, the improvement of rivers and barbers, the reduc tion of postage, and the strict accountability and economy of public officers, its energetic, re publican, truthful. and dignified management of our foreign affairs, have secured for it the grati tude of this and the respect of other nations. 11. Resolved. That Wm. F. Johnston, the Wbig Governor of Pennsylvania, deserves, and will receive the gratitude of her mx-paying thou sands; for his untiring devotion and seal to se cure and further their interests, by preparing a Sinking Fond system, that must ultimately pay that oppressive grate debt which. Ina% betia feet ened upon them by the profligacy and extrevo gazes of our opponents, and fec his efforts to complete and bring into successFul operation the unfinished public works without increased Men tion; thuu . proving how wisely, and how well be has watched over and guarded every interest, devised every means and directed all, that the welfare of the whole people should be seem red. 12. Resolved, That the Witt party and all such, members 'of other FuSes as feel a common interest in the prospaity and'good name of Pennsylvania, entertain a ? jest pride In an-Exo entire officer who has fiready'to.'n vi . ad her hon or at home and abrtad, 'Mar who has defended with ability her principles and policy whenever and wherever assailed. 13. Resolved, That then history' of ev,e,ner Johnston's Administration foraishas the safest guarantee that on all subjects submitted for his 'consideration, his actionwill be gover.ted and di- ' rected by a faithful regard to truth, justice ; and thereqniremente of the Constitution. • r 14. Resolved, That General Scott Is, beyond all question, the choice of the Whigs of Pconsylvanisots a candidate for the Presidency in 1852, and that we earnestly recommend bins to the Whip of the Union, as the most descry ing and available candidate for that high of fice. The following is the portion of Gov. John ston's Message referred to in the . Bth Resolu tion, and which is thus adopted as the sentiment of the Whigs of Pentusylrazda : • "In relation to the extension of slavery end the duty of faithful observance of her Federal obli gations by the Commonwealth, the views ex pressed in former. messages remain unchanged. There ',nothing, in myjudgement, in the history of the pest, nor in the warnings of the future, to justify the abandonment of the principles, credly regarded from the foundation of the State, of non-intervention in the domestic policy of other communities, and of resolute determination . of permitting no Interference with our own:— Fidelity in the discharge of Constitutional duty, has distinguished our government and people, and Van opinion exists within, or has been mis chievously propagated beyond our borders, that such Is not the fact, it is conceived in error of our true history. Pennsylvania, her people, and her authorities, always have been loyal to the Constitution. They wish it neither to be evaded nor amended. They will not permit it be re tasted. ft has been intimated that on questions con nected with the Institution of slavery, and the rendition of. fugitives from labor, there have been indications of a disregard of her Constitu tional obligations. To the clause of the Consti tution relative to fugitives from labor, and the legislation under it, there ever has been in Penn sylvania, with all her sewed aversion to domes tic slavery, implicit obedience. With an ear nest demure that by a free interchange of moder ate and rational opinions, obklience to the law may be made, not only Implicit, but cheerful, it is propel. to efer to some'of the diffuntlties in relation to the subject now existing in the pub lic mind: The clause of the Federal Constitution rela tive to fugitives from labor involiesthesepropo sitions; 1. That itivolinta.ry service or alarm may exist in the States of the Union by constitu tional recognition. 2. That the escape of the person so held shall not operate as a discharge from -each service or labor. 8. That on the claim of the party to whom such service there must be a rendition of the fugitive. To interfere by Legislative enactment, or oth erwise, to destroy or m any way affect the right of prpoerty recognised in the first proposition, would be a daring violation of the clear obliga tion' of the Constitution. No human being can pretend that by this Commonwealth such an in terference has eier, been attempted Whatever. may be the feelings of the people in opposition to the further extension of Slavery, and the con sequent increase of anti-republican and sectional representation in the National Legislature, no effort bee everbeen thane to disturb or destroy the vested right of citizens of other States ; and when those rights may be endangered by the. escape of a elate beyond the limits of the State, where the relation.* acknowledged, our citizens have acted on the principle, that no - sympathy with Individual suffering ought ever to weaken. their sense of duty to the plain requirements of the organic law. . In the adjustment-of rights and official duties under the last proposition, mere difficulty hoe been found to exist. By whose , agency is the fugitive to be given up? Whet force is to be given to the word “cluim" as used in the Consti tution? Is not the delivery of the ftigitive to be Made only, through the agency of the National. government? These have been - velted tutit MICo. ted questions. - The foul dec li don of the Supreme Court of the United States in a cue to which l'unnyhranis was made a party; and the recent' fugitive films law, 'gave sjudicial and bagialatier ...- ----leg from ionecting enactments. -.,- and the consequent-destruction of harmony and order could not fail to alarm the patriot. When• ever power over ai subject matter is vested by the Constitution in Congress, end the power has been exercised, the authority of the State has been judicially declared, as above stated; merg ed and abollahed. This is the rule of law as , well as that of common sense, An opinion has been expressed by men of em inent legal learning and patriotism, that legis lative action on the part of the States is expedi ent to aid in the execution of the powers of • the general givernment. In this opinion I cannot concur. -To admit the position sr uld imply an inability on the part of the natio government to execute its powers, end would rove destrize tire of the in • theory ab zealously mine. bjonr 1 : republican fathers, that the Nati nal and•Stede government, are independent eov (glide), each acting within its paper' constitutional spzere. It `eas doubtless ,: a conviction of the sound ness of the foregoing views, which induced my predecessor, Governor Shin*, to sanction the act of March 3, 1847. The power to act on the subject of the extra dition of fugitive slaves being thus vested solely in the National Government, it is the plain duty of the citizen to submit to its enactments under the Constitution. To act differently would be clearly rebellion to Government. . . If the word tlelaim" was Intended to express an ascertained right of property to the person of the fugitive vested. In the claimant, then much of the difficulty surrounding the question is set. tied, and the mere demand for the person, of the fugitive fixes his destiny by the terms of the Constitution. ills extradition would be deter mined without proof of ownership on the part ' of the claimant, and without evidence of the iden !tity or flight of the person claimed. If, hover; or, the term used in the Constitution signifies a challenge of the property, belonging to the claim ant, and withheld from him—and the enactments 1 on the subject requiring proof- of right to sub• mandate the claim, and the concurring decisions of the Supreme Court aftii this meaning to the term, then the question arises, how, and through whom, shall the claim be made, and by what evi dence sustained! I In the adoption of the proper remedy to assert this clear right, patriotic citizens may differ, and I the privilege to maintain and express that hon est diversity cf:opinion must not be impaired.— i To surrender t louder violent threats and de nunciatory clamor, would be an abandonment of the deeply cherished prieilege of liberty of thought and speech. When the enactments of the National Congress fail to convince the people of their justice and propriety, It is their duty to seek their modification and amendment. :The re cently enacted Fugitive Slave Law, while it re mains a statute, demands the support of all the citizens; and unlees our writteneoastitutione are 1 worthless parchments, until the judiciary de : dare it otherwise, must be esteemed a con stitutional enactment. Are its defects of such 1 nature 113 to warrant. :the public in urging its Amendment? That part of the law which authorixes the cre ation of a new and irresponsible tribunal under ! the name of Commthslonera, is liable to excep tion. Waiving the Inquiry whether the judicial power of the United States can be vested any where but in regularly organised courts, with the records of courts, there are objections of seri ous import to the institution of this tribunal...— All history shows, that special tribunals, clothed with discretionary powers over persons tmdprop erty, are liable to abase nod have been instra- meats of oppresion. If in these, the early days of the Republic, when no reason of urgent State I necessity ea ben invoked, powers of a high jiitti- 1 cialmature.over th e liberty and property; of an I individual, are to be vested byan appointment of 1 an inferior tribunal, in an itresponsible• person, { the security of the life, reputations and liberty of the citizen in after times, when new. political or 1 social emergencies may arise, will depend on a most precarious tenure. . The Courts of the United States, whose Judges have a pride of character, and over whom a controlling influence is exerted ;by the impeach. meat clime of the Conetitutiory should alone he invested with these extraordinary powers. Rath. er than haiard the chance of illegal decisions, and the consequent irreparable injury of an individual result so full of danger to the peace and good order of society, the Judicial power of the Nation might wisely be extended. If it be deemed epedient to deny a trial by Jury and lodge the adjudication of this right of property in the' breast a single Judge, the kind of proof required - should be indicated and a fall record of the entire proceedings be made and preserved. Processes issued should be returned and the extradition of any colored person, [Of whose • arra: a warrant had 'issued, without i hearing had before the Judge, should be visited with the penalties of kidnapping. These modi fications of the law, while they could ,not Inter fere with the rights of the owner of the fugitive s ' would greatly tend to satisfy the minds of cid. I sena anxiously desirous to perform their 'woad- ' tutional duties. 1- One other matter, connected with our rederal Relations, claims your attention. It is thiUnion of the States, and the dangers which are'suppo sed to themsten it in connection with the question of Slaeorf. Whether Slavery be the tame -or ' pretextbf Infidelity to the Union, and to what ' precise - extent disaffection exists, it is not my perpose:to inquire. There was local disloyalty long' before Slavery became the immediate source of excitement, and there will be local disloyalty long after Slavery and the questions connected with it are finally adjusted. But be the cause what It may, it is in vain to deny that the Union of the States is lightly and irreverently ttlked of in certain quarters, and made the subject of ' heated discussion by rash 'and unretleeting men. I cannot believe, however, that any !serious de sign to disrupt and overthrow the Government exists, to any considerable extent In anyportion of the country. The American heart revolts at the idea. • What is the National Union ? Ris the basis of Conatitntional right, the guarantee of f peace, the security of religion, the bo work of-all law and order. It gives the surest pledge of juntes lion to the oppressed children of other lands, who coming from scenes of misery ancl.disoord, expect here harmony and peaceful refuge. It is literally no beacon on the top of a mountain, and an amigo on a bill" to the lovers of rational liberty throughout the world. It was nit emula tion of the same pure spirit of conservative free• 'dam, of justice and of truth, which conceived, contrdlled and consummated our revolutionary struggle. It is the perfect work of disciplined intelligence and rational patriotism. It is hal. lowed by the rich memories of the put; and hi the consciousness that its founders were thefath ers of the Republic. It is sacred, as the sole remaining memorial of the enlightened tabors of the best minds of an age, distinguished for its , devotion to the cause of human rights, the ele. - reticle of man's nodal condition, the lineage. tics of political truths, and of revolutionary tics against the dogmai and fanaticism of tyran nies and tyrants. The Union of thb States is the outer and inner wall, which encircles and guards the temple of our independence. The Union alone secures to our commerce protection on every eea,' defence to our citizens on every shore, gives us a proud name among the nations cf the earth, and insures to the Republic an enlarged and glorious des. tiny. Its preserration ratifies the assurance that man is capable of self-government,' and that equa l rights, and equal laws, and equal pirl. leges,-/ire alone the results of democratic inetl. I eatteas; The dissolution of the Nanette! Union would be the beginning of civil war, the strife 'of sections, of scenes of fraternal discord. It would raise the arm of the bondman amidst the horrors of 'servile wall and the destruction of a race of men alone would terminate :the fearful struggle. It would involve conterminous States, -acting as jealous strangers, In vexations disputes :about rights of navigation, of tribute, of teen. eit. It would sacrifice the faith of the nation.— It would destroy the army and the navy, and with them tho proud recollection of their early exploits. The trophies of the nation would be .dispersed, and the great communion of thought, of eentireent, and of interest, in which, for more than seventy years, we have gloried, would be gone forever. Deeply impressed by these consideratiOns, and y on of a State, which has the entire sympathies o rp th in e g` G m e. o cral st co A %fid u en m t b ly i never known an instant's disloyalty to the Union, I solemnly protest against the utterance of raeb and ill advised thoughts on a subdeet se dear to our constituency, and more earnestly against all deliberation by means of convention„ - "or other modes Of action, unknown to the Constitution, ands having for their object either the dissolution of the Union or the disituutionof sectional end haistdons question; for the decision of vrbiab, the Constitution has made ample provision. Feans lnata Tummies and cherishes the maim, yateed institutions of our fathers. • • A RICE GOLD wax The Ban Francisco Herald of May ith, says:. "We conversedyesterdaY with hisjor Austin. itho reached.the city on Tuesday night from the Carson's Creek quarts Mine, brings with him two huidzed_snd fifty pounds of gold. The specimen we have seen are astonishingly rich, being almo s st solid lumps of gold, without more gum on ter cent.: of quarts. This mine is situated on the crest of a mountairt,s,ooo feet !above the level of the Btartishnis, between that river and Carson's 'Creek.' It his proved, perhaps' the richest mine in the world:. The lead or - goldbearing vein has been traced about one hundred feet, ordinarily , not Culler khan's knife blade,' but at intervals expanding into pockets, one' alone of which yielded $150,000. The company have some seventy Sonorian miners at work. They are sink sing seven shafts to the vein, and when Major Austin left, alt thelodiratiotus were that they were about to come upon annother pock e t In conse quence of themagnificent yield of this mine, a party of Mexican guerillas had attempted to se duce a pertieri of the company's miners into an attack upon the mina to carry off the large amount of gold known to be on hand. Bat the Sol:Larkins informed the company of the intended movement, and All handa were armed and pre. paratione Made to give the bamlits a warm re ception.—The .latter discovered that their in tended victims' were on the alert, and very pru dently retired. 114 Austin has deposited the gold hh brought with him at It T . Argentina" notlce ,In our foreign files that many Hungarian fugatidn have 'united with a number of Schleswig-llolsteiners to emigrate to this country arid found a 'colony in lowa, where soilnad climate offer every induce ment for the change. A coMpliny of more than 90 prosperous families from I lfeckleoburgh, and Hambnrgh is about to leave the latter port for the neighborhood of the Missisidppl, where for more than two years it highly successful colony has been settled. On every side in Hiunborgh are houses for emigrants and arrangements for emigration. It teems, says a.letter from that place, as It a new emigration of the races was not only imminent, but had actually commenced. INFIDELITY ono Monaca --The St. Louie In telligencer of the 16th says: woman named Masterson was lodged in the calaboose on Friday night, charged With the murder bf a Mrs. Films. a neighbor, living near the corner of Ninth and 0' Fallon streets. Masterson, it appears, re turned home on Friday, after an absence of sev eral days, and Mrs. Flinn brought him some re ports touching bin wife's fidelity. Mrs. Master son called upon Mrs. Flinn for in explanation; a fight ensued, and Mrs. Flinn was killed. Mrs. M. is confined, awaiting an examination." EXCOICYCNICATZII.—we understand that Bish op. Timou, last Sabbath, caused a pastoral letter to. be read in all the churches lof his diocese, formally excommuuictiting 81. Lei'is Church and congregation. The church bum been deprived of its priests for two or three months past, because it would not surrender its temporalities into the hands of the bishop, and this extreme step has been taken as a farther punishment of the ~ref ractoey" trustees, who insist that the control of the church property ihall remain where it was placed by the donor, the into Louis Lecouteulx. —Ref. Com. Adr. N 0131.14190 ifizzels—A Nzw lIVITNTION.—In this initiate° the invention consiste in the appli cation of a solid band of vulcanized India rub ber over the iron' tire of the wheel. The India rubber is held in its place by the ;tire having a raised rim on both Bides, and byits own eleatioi• ty. The band of an ordinary carriage wheel is about an inch ands half in thickness, and, un. less on close inspection, no difference from the common iron-shod wheel is perceptible. We have driven some distance in a canine with the wheels, so shod, and were struck not only with the smoothness of the motion—but the wheel being- in fact springs. and, by their elastici ty; giving a lighter draught than with the iron tire. Be have seen one set of wheels which base been driven 4000 miles; they have here and there a trifling cut, but shoe; no appear ance of being worn aut, and seem quit. capable of another three orfour thousand. An iron tire is generally worn out in 3000 miles, so.that the India rubber tire hes so far proved itself the more lasting,' It is certainly a luxury of a carriage to have it run without jar or noise; and it would be a universal comfort to have the streets and cities without the present incessant rattle of carriages, omnibuses, 3c.—SrintAire American. • Iligh and Lou. Church.—Oze of the argumen tative hair-eplittere called lately on: the clergy man of the Floating Chapel, sod naked him ea riotudy whether bie church was to be coneidercd a high or low church! The answer he received from his, Reverence was, "It &Fends entirely uporrere tide." Eb&• TRUTII FLOATS BOVE FICTION LIKE OIL AROSE IVATEIL—Tbe Usk min ean tell • food malls.* by trying It.. out. ala Dr. too tell snood . II dinuor by satins It Andone tn... IL and finils It Poor. It will destroy the popularity nitil the whole dlr. You can't Intswinee • mod.. Into *pular tos unless It pm.. really ontatantial OnSfromiol baiialSete of valid oljortiona. amt It I. Oil. fact Ott bat ...abed the roan Salton tit' Cestoptonal fluid Extract of tap saparilla,7 barnad all eatil or disponi. It. whoa Ilion Use Luna.n sunth Lln antionlanno with rational and phii lenophionl ponnotet the various wenwirom and fsertlons of LUUnly, restalas obstruntkos, toeirbil and diseased malt.. strengthens the stomach iileitoiirs mates new, pi" an i 4 blood, and mutat. the yuki. feineticaw of lb. 41Itereat organs of the body. T. Is all berairtoar Isithout the latat danarr or ham the a:remotion being as' lasi islt I. eilleaelpue. It may be thought by tbe (bat It purports to rare too to., diseases. bat Ugtotl tl.. It will 1. .mod that • hvg• 010 , 4U'. of the dist. wbieb filet Um lam. Welly mien. In . looses Kate of the brood. Be not thweleed, then. by other bar aaparillaa being oCerrd Too by sellers of melt.. and water preparation' as • sultrultute for trie original John Did'. 201001•rtll.l Tbla valuable pm..on the proprie. VICTIO4I to be Superior to all °thorn. Carruss.—Renard aod ask for theoriginal Dr. Jelin Asir. Sartaptmaa from itieurnekt—antibavenoother aille.Unetnent on another page. jelOnlaniNaT M KEYSER a .41'DOIVELT, 100 Wool At. a 01e..., Mall ... Petroleum I • Soiturascior. lf untlygdon ea. PA, Marsh 1,11. S. E. 6m>—Deus Sir, Your Petroleum la working woo. dew la Ulla vie hilt,: tlwrefor• w• would dunk you Wend ns two down by the Pennsylvania Railroad. W. are en weir our, and ft lr b.tne !conical for drooit *very day. Soon, mow:fully, .7011.51 LONO t CO. lisrravarg. Ashland ea. 0., Earth 10, S. M. Erni—Dior Sir, Your.Ageui. • few week. Whoa lett with as four down /tuck Oil which we hay* sold. Please forward la to kr driven Immediately. You, , uo di r f o . Is working violaters In this redid. We van obtain mend areeilenl rertireatea If nondairy them. Tour, Sr. scow. For sale br Kongo. A MeDuzell, la Woof street; R. E. Seller. 57 Ward street rahnostook. A' Co, earner Wood and Pont stoic; th X. Curry. D. Elhott.Josepti Douala., azul 11. P. Behardta, Allegheny. also by the rive prietor, B. II: MEE, aollidtwiT Carial Dula Serena, nto Pittsburgh. 31eLAnt's Livzu PILLS.-1/3 offering tide medicine to the public, the pi : l:Meister* are well ...eve that they bare to encounter a insanity generated by the mond., impositions which hive been palmed upon the Public under the shape of patent medicines. are con. slimed, however, that it le only necessary to give their re medy a trial to place It In public ettlmatlon fat above all Medical agents at the bind ever offend to the public. It is the Invention of an enlightcnedot twrienced o and learn. ad phypiclan, who for many years need It in bit own mac Um, when Its great mem. Induced him to offer it to LW public at large. For sal. by ielletaded get J. KIDD & CO.. No. GO, Nynn R. :EY-Reader! o fiord to you. If you wish to Iwo a most excellent maillehas to your hours, to we Immediately to cases of burns, cote, spralns, bruises, headache. toothache, neuralgia mina, cramp, gu and get a bottle of 11. It. Farrell's Arsialasi.Lini tuent. and you will nod It unequalled by any medic/no of the kind In the whole world. See advartisumeot., Jesd Foreign and American Hardware. LOGAN, WILSON & CO., No. 129 Wood Street, HA I C SOW IN EMU: A full and compl.t. stock of FORZI XLPD 4.4/Z/CALN HARDWARE, en the spring trade, and which theg ate mimed - to aver to purchasers at MIMI that Mill eatapalm raTernblr with aurol lhn eastern cities.: Citizen's Loma= company of PittotrOrgh E NCOURAGE HOME INSTITUTIONS NT. Offlce Nb. 41 Water street, la the warehouse all 11. /Iravw,l'roddrnt. .A.' W. Mania. Bray. Thlv Cogllato7 Ono.' OvvPawl, to Insure.ll nierehandlee In store, and In tronrltu. , ravel,, go. An ample to for tho ability and Integrity. of tho institution. Is nffurdna In the ehoruter of the Dln,otors, who ant ell cairns* of Pateborgh. well and favorably known to the onnionnity her thelr prudent°, lodalligsnee, and In lnatorua.-I`. linesey. Ww. Illagal;y, Woo, lwrirogr, Jr., Welter Bryant. Hugh 11 . lilocildward aesaleton. John Ilerworth. 11. I larhoogh, S. Al. Kill?. MOW Pittsburgh Life Insurance Company. CAPITAL, 8100,000. OFFICE, NO. 75 FOURTII STREET OFFICERS: Prraident—Jrns $Ol, mo . floox. ViaimPrnildmlt—fln Treworer—Jostrn 8. 1.4.411. Strretary—C. A. Comm, iffa,fee adrertimment W mot Let part of thin paper. y= Scott Meeting. e The Committee of Invitation, appoint et by the Bentt Mr..., are regouted to meet at dm 08 Loa or the ebalrotan t (Bplanes &hiding, corner or Firth and tlenithllold greets.) ou Toraday trent.. Jotrig. at 8 o'clock: A full agendum. lo rrqueetraL . . The tailoring COMP.@ the Committee: T. ,r. niqnneo, Robert Port, Fred. (J. Kan L. S. Johns, W. A. Chemins, Andre. Yrenete Kerne. EphriaLin Joner, John Tannin Jr. pa; , T. J. 111011 AIL Chairmen. Uo FiMay motstlog. the 2711 hue. at 20 minutes pan. I o'clock. bum. Infant eon of John C. and AgrICSO The trim& of the family aro forte.' to 01004i/1a funeral at 10 u'ciock. on.C.lds)llattudaT morning, the 20th {oat, Cool N. 02 Rod sh!eat.; to prooted to the Alleatauy Com. -. Onpnr* Shirting Mullins. I NURItY & BURCIIFIELD hero reo'd thume rn i og another eapply of !too Shinto.* M. - /Jen on hand. Lem and entrnu Linens, procured CALI!, hoot the otanahu#nrefe arms, and coo be ok ranted Pare Pinat• . oDa . ....... — . . . PISMIRE EXCURSIONS! Greenwood and ROsedale Hourly Packet pIIIIING-VIE . LOW WATER, the due sortiaer =LIP= IL T. Whitt, lan min makoargaler_ tripe to the above Garden Mroa the foot of Market stmt. akar, how, cow roomig at 9 debark. AL AL Paaeratocra eao &Dead an bar leaving el the hon. jek.kt Adams & Ca.'s Express Office, No. 66 Market !Met. T GIVES US PLEASURE to announce to j( - emir Sisals that we am now ready to remise therm at oar new on cam Market street. gram Per ." rtmultait swer w hich l goad. we bare lacramed our lariiities to 22, by we am send orders 4my day term) so the Ult. mmg gmds by the same messenger. je2Sigt BAXIM 2 FORSYTH. Ammts. rpHE Annual ldeeting of the Stockholders of the "Athallo and Oluo Telegraph Comp. 7." will be nein, eenneable to the Charon., on Thursday, Jultrah. n o'clock, A. L, at the Lkncopaor's Moe. to the tnty of l'inebuegh, for the port.. of electing Nine (nommen, to erre* for the ensuing ye., _and to teal:4.l.B=h older badnessas mar be trought beton the coeetlAk, By order of the Dlrectore. A.B. ]e=nd tlecretary. Stone Ware Pampa, for Wells and Cisterns. TEE SUBSCRIBER informs the public tlmt be boa Introduad Luto Mb region the STONE NS MI manubctuzed by Messrs. E. IL C. J. klmattl., of Middlebury. fillIII.11 , :ounrr, O. .bleb bare given melt universal Satianletion whatever owl, The pml qualities of these rump, ate. that they am easily orked, seldom nmer get got or rePs/r. keep the rater po./...11L meet and nod. eel are ae durable as granite mcks. Mgr am alto elem tier can be men at J. D. Cenneld's No. itt Meet or at Limo Ilan tt vi t e' ibte °. ° I " utzir tr"',,,.l_7g_all . ,%M..er'- Nmoe Kan PiPe. zoonu i ttul at lbe same p 1.% and uud W: ua L'7"ll4lnr:i tru:vr.r.h. , M oi.bul at km than one nutlike peke of teed tette.. je:JitlautllS _:OILY L. tiliggfL Encaustic Tiles for Floors. rjruEsE TILES are more durable than Mar ble, and the 'Variety of eolorsand donne le eery Arent oey are used for Churebna and other nubile buildings. and for Vestibules, Ital.; Lining Booms. Cortaerratrulin, and Martha In Dwelling, Imported and for MN by 311.Lt.E1f., CalAign A 00151. C, _ =a Year' street, ISM YUCK. U LACK DER JUR reed Ude mor • additional supply • at th. Mr.; of .oto CLAY—flitoniforanilebi J. BC iIOOMAKER .t CO. CIOPLEY'S PO 1 less ~ g 3 . EEI) 0 14 bbls. for sale by J. SeIIOONMA K ER s 00 f 1 L Tf-5U 6ble - for solo by J. 80100:1211AKIR CO. jLUE—=i5O bb kg Jolts for Bale low by J. BCLIOONDIAK It • CO. AND PAPER e.:3 reams meted, for sale by J. 13C1100:i At AK ER it CO. S PONGE—Extral {fine Turkey, lineal° by SCIZOONMAKER t Co., dINTS OROU Duna and raw L'm ~Blue, ar-; fur male D IN OIL, in 1 lb. cane • r. Chrome Yellow, Paris:l:ten A LPOIIOL-, .11 V Jen 07 4) LLEN'S . MN fbr mi TRAIV W' 10 j extra tame' •27 AirtIHAVE jul other hoar lot TA N BAND: ar_ m C KE. r RE! tl 0 1 0 , bbla. N 0.3 Small, to JOO WAIT I CO. - - _ TNDRLES-- /...go No. 3 Mocker& . 1.1) tit 601 s. No. 3 :A) bbl. 10 •• 11a. 1 Dalt. Ilerylar. No.. •• EAU, Family Vl l ou o n o foy sale by JOUN WATT a 13). OFFICE AND DEPOSITORY OF TILE AMERICAN TRACT SOCIETY No. 8 St. Clair rim:, Pint/dn . /h. wnEdt b !: S tLae I P c ublicationa t o f the Soefei went Just norived. aastr,. o is e i r t g o ' ttir lowinga n • lwautifu/ Libraries: ihrignoth ler Pastor'et Ltur.sat,24 rob, Ibta.3lo. lortha Leath,. 10 Tots, 310. This ititerseting Library foilillpTila O.CeO pp.. leto, in One paper...truing and Wading, with VSS highly tased frotaphows. eta other engravannh Me veer with or 410. The Lanett wax torend sod it he. lisieue Meetings throughout the laud, it 1. with NU that 1..0.2 Is mute-reed upon th e you...— North, South, East and Wen. The Library aultrwee ths fallowing Perth: 1-3 Hannah Dore'. Ch.p . 33 Wilberforce Richmond: hes. 0 of Dayr 4,421114 30 Village be the Siountehts. Peep ars lu Line upset Lthet 33 Mee. of Harr Lothrolo II Precept 111,11 Precept, ZS Little 11 .1M''.5.-: 10 Night of Toil: 19 The tildow's Soo. hat 13 II Vletzlerea !wahine to tl Latta. lo Little Chillrets IS Ch1T.1'''.417::1i2.72141' i 9 011.0 L4ruolagh.m. St. (SsE-11 Mrm. of Jo ho bath: W al du. ••v. L. inno w: Ir. Abbott , . Child at th Tenth.. 10 Gal leaders South lksok of VS Pastor's Danghthin Natural Tbenlosi; 40 Shepherd of hathlury li Cluirlatte Elisabeth a Per , rlalta 504 aonal Moolkalar.; 49 Poet:. berth. lemma 19 mane, a Ananuetto & 40 Putnam and the WalLaz Peters 10 Walker's Width 1.p41a- SI 1111•Wonary's Daughter: all ,1 Leigh Itwhatcaufa Lettere 31 Wiike-Va Repeals... 6 do s Leigh 1:0110114.4 dg 511thbeth Ilemoth of Catherine L. 03 Grath harriers 34, Mee, of Toulouse, le.: 0.. 93 Adore to • Young Chris. SS Adopted Darightern tith, XI Memoir of Laza ASS. 24 TOUrift Mon helm Homes / Memo. of Charing /1.P.A.137 Cletteuril: envier/ tenSe ',trier the Patter, do z 1:6 Seuildef. Tales about theloo Merge Lovell, gas lleathen,• 60 GallaudeCa Lae of Lad• 17 Dairyman's Daughter,lG Mt 0, 3,• Uallaudars Illet Jeaah: Diteehta. het de. Child's twat Cit Lessees Mused tr.ro the au Repentanew. Mod; :01 Trees, Fruits and ➢ Flowers i e.3 The bible fawn of the vita.; M netor'• Appeal to MS Ti Iletnair of Items. Obao. Toner Slab: Veollth Maria: otl Cthveralon of JaaWs. Lib rA witt.eve Month &tali W 33 Scripture Alphabeta in- C 7 Children Invited to Ithain 34 Ilemolr of N. 311. Maass-LS Children of the Palk noun pee Hone Children; '7O halls Pitman: - Any lanainths rotative to Cdleortage and the American dtmrengsr. or the unbent opermione or Doe Satiety. rend.. prompt etteetiolv r A. Tale SRS. 11Z ; . '1"1 1 . ' Wird.' To Business Men. ►PILE SUBSCRIBER intends staking on INA.. Tour to lbw ow or/shout to lot of July, and will Wand gy m:y business tmtrusted to his en, with promptness and fidelity. WIC IDENIUNT, Wk. in Tilghman MD. Opposite the Neer Court Mum. l'ittebeirg h. Referee/mg—Jou. Mont..., 7. C. Flaneqim D. N. White. Noun Deo. E. Arnold, and VI ralleCandiess, Lge. X. Mee/ .(snecessor to Hommel) Perfumes for the Handkerchief 1 XTRACTS of Rose, Orange Flower Jea rej Portugal. Terbens. Sneed Dem. Tenni.. Deb e aunly. imblignienetisbnildiamisn.Weney.Vink./ImP Bouquet de Carolina. Corraneems. Ileiheimpe.Unlrat, 11oumeline, Tobcome, Bergamot. C.1.11a. /lonemuekle, donut:llle, Jockey COM Ilarsebel, Spring honere. Cleroatlte. West End, Jenny Llod. Case:, Ci troaell• Bout, acd Extract Musk, In one ource bottles,pith glass Ito pers. All the above Betracte,nhieh are only a part of Mt amortment. are of the You beet Quality, being marmifse. Lured 11th mperial care. Thea Mend re rte. mad. to shies minim . . fully 1.1 the With ...timed. In which they we held 17 . the rommunity. For side hy je-, R. H. BBLLERB. Wood et. ASTII - URY Talc; by Anna Harriet 1: 4 Dru_ ,ry authoress of . 11ritmds and Fortniten" not Sc Dalt. it Scorn: or Many hkire to a Charnetnn a Co too yn totty Pre sets by : Elr E. Hubn . Its tta er Lyn. Dart. A. 1 1 1 0 ,1 The Dennhter of Night: a story of the present War: by S. W. Yullom. na_ho . ye just tort ann_for sale by ,1427 It 0 BIDCKT ,47 Market et. Wm. ILL give special attention to the Collee. lion of Mahon for Iterthente and others, In West ern Penneylvanis and Pa tern Ohio. Wpm to TIMM.. 11.11. opposite the Nem Coed Comm, Pittehrunb, neforenomr—John Morrison, P.C. Flenentn, D. N. White, Ineee Ltnmpton. and Wm. DlAdmllms, Fags. , 13IIINTING & WRAPPING PAPERS— i. azo name Med.. Rag and Straw Wrapping Paler; kW " Drown .. .. SU •• Double Crown u . . 10 " " -Medium " 115 .1 ueorted Manilla le/ p . IS u ,superior Net Moo Paper: MOD • 100 Double Medium Ihrll Printing Pa n - a/ 22k32 " 1 a= The above. " with • lot of odd giell of pase " nk kr eale at the !next pine. Or W. S. HAVEN, Stationer and raper 'Nudes, sc26 corner of Market and Seeond stmts. (Post, Atonal. Asterken and Dispatch sopy) _ --_ -- - - - SUNDRIES. -- 10 bids. Urns% 1 key Uri: I cask flowrar; ballltuarag• • IDN •• •• Yeateam. Caea May, esr We e r rg ° ,:PAA ° urir. " r Mee. DICERY CO., - ,IoZI /be /e.t.a atroet. T? GRLINGTON lIERRING-20 boxca au jjll pular BusWigton Smoked Ifo . ring, ibrul. by Jo= BIcCLUB.O CO.. • Orown and ilra Dealer. JAVA COFFEE-10 bags very7i7irsrrior, Jolt reed r,ad for No 5%G J. 328 M. A. ihcLucc co. 2'4 lAlwerly - - - - . SUGAR-50 loaros Lovering's Don bie Ilethird, reel and for rah b. A. AteCLUILO A CD. Lawrenceville & Sharpsbarg Plank Road, T in Stockholders of "The Lawrenceville sqtma and th.lit Barpabont Plank Ittini ilompany." are hereby senutentent of BUB. =Oa ntr• .ftle by the Board of Matutima. and which they ere re. == . lay Co the Tue.... at Ma °flee. (corner of Sixth and Warts ehreolit) on or ben. the lint day of Jul, A 1... . additional.= er t2g4 an xadt Mars of gua to be paid on or =fore the Bret dar of each eneeerd. log month. JAIME BLAKELY. Treuwen le=ver AGED BLANK BOOKS.—Blank Books of star' 4 " . '"4. aad Na V. ' EVAN% Monk Bonk Noncthetnor, N. 60 Itli:d,rorsmtaa. )e25 Warehovo, ! lo t .mt. Second Street Property for Sale. T 0 CLOSE an Estate, Two very desin ralle and well Walled three b o r e sCE ELLINOS, on Soon& Itentediately ai field street (each contelning eight rooms and atria with bath room !atoned, mrplied from ranges with hot and Id wafer) will be sold Id The mouses are nearly new. E., win be required at the time of tomehann the banana lu payment,' from one to Or Teem, for further Information Cady to PRANK RADS!, Agent for the estate of M. Rehm, deeti, at Mew.. Coleman, Ilan. man!? Ca'a An. 115 Water et.; lentslemnicT (ntir) doing for Warm it 11111111 Y. k. BURCIIFIELD, at the North rant corner of Fourth and Vadat atmete, are welleuD et with vole sdsos i ttwro s weather, men aa botch a de a r!Tral b rrintea gosling - ?kw stile Victoria ?dueling • I'Vrw.lVll=d llaelbon Derma. De Lelnea They bare just received soother weer NEW 00014, suet a. Parma.. enengesbio Milts fat &arta bleat for do., blot !lobate .111tta Melt Mona, Ilnitersleeyer Dottie . ' N,to tro:tWl2ltllle TWitilinira U ZVVlTlAZln LAWNS, eheameabie PUralNe. . . Their amortment Wog fbu, ,, ,itt...g. 1 acmes elute of new anode, and sold at U r ismlasOalOgammit• sp. OINTIKI spree all sad wok, twstrovraressw TUE ZIGHTLI 13:6111-ANSTAL SALE OF DRY GOODS, A • -• AI rws an Moor A. A. dk•Cci;,' 82 and 84 Xarket st:, WILL commence on Tlrinurtkar, June 26, 1651, and motto. throughout the mouth cradle.' Their Wholesale Rams will be opeoatlO the retail bred., :17;T i r . i , :le e th n r d o:sho:t the retedVhmeet til be .artz tml n y d roade extender, parebaore, their wort. Thar cloth of 14X Lo b Vber d ere eraCce b tbea l.. 000 rdwww• will boob:wed out at hamerwe dimmer from wool pries. o o k d Popll •Thero Silky so low as_ • ...M ._ 140. Feet eDe =e. Fast Colored Lewes._ " • _ Fine Printed Bore., • Bleek P- A re l n peera. o..FluecrrbJaeorwt.— iUI --IS r. 500 P Fmb andEbakaniel..- U 1 100O u000 wedo Bonnet rut Color. 100 eases Engtisb'arkti er . .b . W4 - 1 " .411;;;T: 1.0 , and wretneer'a Prieek • Ai., ULM Embrolderiaa. Trim:Ming&ebn7, Wafr, :Men. White Goods. onnete. &tawlL Gla A togeth er with mi n mn variety of ell kinds of InT GemiA all of w Web wi be marked down at even Lem tlaut Eastern ' , Weed. , Lie: 31 A. A. MASON L.CO. ..... DILL PAPER --A superior lot just reo'd Jul awl for mde by W. S. HATES. Reimer. JeZ corner of Second out Market Ms. CIILLETT'S 303 PENS—A fresh supply of Li these .apidorEteel Pem, &a and for Ws at W.B. HAVEN'S statiosteri. coma of 8...1.4 Market Co. UNION COPYING Ian PRESS--The neatest and toot p h owyfur Pies. IA - ase—Koade an • am 11yyrn 111411447gLitiVer entamOirdc7lercl: P/2.5 ° “ 111 ,PLetlogisiTWareVll!iflffe;.lt. Black Tea from LiverpoOL • - JUST RECEIVED, at MORRIS' Tea Mart, 10,10, which 1 1 , 10/4t. ^ ivin',ll,l% to tlroro little Tp'"ir thZ thaw. 2 , 7 ,, co a r e .tga rLly tbe game kinds of T... they lLed In Um JefA 13ERRY DAVIS' PAIN KILLER— , by loo don Jut need and for m a / a , wboterale and re. ie2s R. & SELLE R S. • Agent for Pitteburgh. T HE undersigned, Executors of John Con- ;, plll. igreeebly to Ms lest. will sod teat.- 47° It°A,mbg°„%z.zi,t b ? 7,iPx. aerer,•sltne:sl on the llOponglaleil river. onequdf tulle Thisktelieroport, a bou tl. toutuhlu, Allegheny county. This Farm eon tube3o aura of cod, of fool fluidi ty, 'our of wrest° the river. . Purchaser. at . ..requested to konialhe,_by uPrillottion to Smoot tionologhea, Johu Wart, or Thomas B. Patter son, Extvotore. _ QPE — C TAC LES !—We hsTe a complete 1,3 obit* of Ellen anil Steel Spaded...ad the bort quality of &inv. and =neon Gloms. Wo v ilhalluata to every variety of . lemon. mewling to the hest adobes of optical mews. [josh W. W. USW!. YE AND EAR FOUNTAIN.—Tke atten , Eon of the medical fraternitria loviteiii . to the Eye Eat tgratt fCgstl r e Ir d. °' r. te r . AL;O r k k • jos/1 . : BOTTLE CORKS-800 gro for sale by . Jo:A R. S. SELLERS, 67 Wool at GREEN--540 lbs. sup., for sale by 1e24 *. SELLERS. ERR t . 00., 114 Wond st. eg. strength, for MAK F.ll CO. Tor sale by V:11 A KEn a CU. V UTME . 1.24 ,ne Liniment-5 I~IQUORICE ROOT-400 lbs. Cur sale by -11- Jet IL E. BELLEI:I3. , Numcsit a co. PER-50 .reama 4 1. 3 A ' • 1111, W. bbla., to arrivei ctt per octal. and fin ode by. • • .I.OIEB DALZZLL. MI Water It by ITAXELL INDIA RUBBER BELTING—Just' rec'd, from the mumfortommt, 4500 fret L4ght Poltlog, for nd 51111 mirror., tor bale at the India Robber I.epot,, Nor and 9 WoodJ. 2IL PHILLIPS. • jr24 .1 New Yerk,7an 'DOW COIUIC.E.4mI WM NOBLE.. UST RECEIVED--A ' , apply of India RubP.lff.P.lna=.'l2=l^.-18111$947:f.''' jell a IL PULLIN& KEW BOOKS! HEW BOOKS!. 'LT lIOLSIES' LITERARY DEPOT, MIA W...L. opposite the Poet Mae— tenet or the boor Bird; a lide of real Ilfe; by Carolina Lee Contd. The Dau,Thber of Night; a story of the resent Shine. Nid so Bad as re he a odotedy by Bothrer. Dictionary of lleithsriles. No. 31 Littell's LivingNo.37l. Pirenhan's Mon th ly Ilaradins, for Dalp—Yo.l. BMWs ily'a Book, for July; Graham's Marsala, • • Cartabee hisitarine. The Ladies' National, The Honer or the Hazard, of ITomith by Dutra.. Jain PriO , na ...... Cheap Black De Leine, TIRPHY & BURCHFIELD have jtlat ono of Int of Itos WI wool) black Da Line, at MOM nf Mte' . je= I ACK 1. artl 2ltA t' E ud DE t th LAlNE r .—Thie jr r mete MURPHY A BURCHFIELD. I Ni Ii L TO - bble.new Lake Trout; 10 ht - - *., .. far ealo by A D. CANFIELD. on J. EL CANTIEI.D. ..1A.811—) make for sale by - A. W. HAM/AMU. o ,4,T9Es--.150 btu. roe sinee fi lL C W.. um. UR-100 bbla. : egra Faze., forle by . -a. aW. 11•11.134 MOIL - E . CHES-75 1111 'ESE-5a boxeir Cream, for aale by rett4 1 1. tW. RAIIBLUGLI. IIIOLL TURNER 11ANTED--At. the Bal a. thgag en ego constant rmployment ••• wren to cm. abboubb IT cceopetent dransitt tad turn •beet. bar, and guide hall; inone beett argil' But mut , at an bring full tbellmoniale of opacity_ end mbriety. Or to or .4.lrees J. 11. it 11. R . gLLIWrg, Baltimore. AV jettLllt I UNIATA NAIL RODS-1/5 bundles Slit. ga for we 1,7 t. F. 'CON BONNIIOILS2 1 CO. i:2l LASS-100 twines Window Glans, onsort e•t Mak, Am We Li le l__ 8. P. tON SON:CLIO/UT Ai CO. rORKS, Ray Rakes, and Scythe icli°""b"' for " I° k 7 li. TON BONNIE:MST t CO. Pare Brandyy ~ for Diarrhoea, &c. '-- 11)11 EAR IN MIND: should von need French ,t2P2474,, ,b. 0. D •ur 11.0 .3 %=.3. 7 1 ,r g u I L TRACT jai L'IOR REAL GOOD TEAS, go totter B: 110R1It8' Tea Mart. to the Inernand. Ink, .31 - - Irr er: , l , nrottged tens aro never kept at thixtabli . . REEN GLAZED WINDOW BLIND PA- R nn. -A superior 1M of the Ahoy. .Kiel. JAM rred for Ws by THOMAS PALMER, Je2l 53 Market.. TON OF WHITE OXIDE OF .ZINC, re ceived and for gala at NOP. and 9 Woodat. • r:h;tl,7il;r l =t e , VIZ= o bUl'b"::irsliti 4 trirp! wants of the.. mont.h., amp no mammal:4 to be superior to stilt. MI paint In terry mom. • Instead of absorbing the Ilabt like Obito had, 1100 .illlO Masts U, and n 0... inane, has • Metier and tom brilliant toe. It acquires armour bantam. and hr more durabla M inside monied* work. It will not rub nek ard ma be mbett without in jury: and se it corm neon reran with equal weight, it is nadir to dm, as wbna land. . ........,.„... . 1 IBBONS REDUCED!—A. A. Kum?? .t itCo. %re imov etroln 6 oat thelrtery latat ttnek of Bon ott bhono, at wry reduort pliers. MI and examines If It. Nant a bargain. Nat 0 lad 64 )4taket. K . MT ~ _ _ I APER HANGINGS—A large assortment 11,1Zralri?'' P 'irP. U ..423114f4" . "1' 3.17 • SA Woad W. GS—On consignment, them. , ISAIAH DICKEY & CO. 11_INDWO & NUT3I Ell be loold cheap so eD `STOOL: TWIN LCULLOL-30 b. • for sillo . bY .1 KIDD 4t CO., OD Word it: 11 1 gonons (to arriv — e - ) 1. IDD 00.030 Waco 4. I IND-10. bbla. (ta_nr . KIDD k CO: - ex) Wood ate INSEED for ukle by J. PIRITS TURPEN Jell) for We by ARD OIL--10 bblel. for sale by pel4 J. KIDD t 0)...1,0 Wad tFINED BORAX{4OOIbe for sale b~ Jot 7. HTDD & CO. GO Foal st. 1 1S11-15 bble. New White; .. or NJ* by_ Jel.l J. B. CANFIPa.D. SALE.RATUS--100 boxes pure; al4 50 bbbbl.."Grc We tor J. B. CANFIELD. LAX-10110 ]be. for solo by Sel4 J. D. CANFIELD. EARL ASII-30 bbin. for bale by .h. 14 J. D. CANFIELD. INSEED OLL-30 bbls. G riewold's bread, lb , rJe bY id 4 J. D. CANFIELD. OTASII-4 conks for Rale by lel4 J... 11. CANFIELD. IRE PROOF PAIIiT-1O bbler. for sale by Jau J. B. CANFIZLD. UCKETS-50 dos. Marietta make, for sale by jeli J. D. CANFIELD: CHEESE-200 lioxes for sale by J J eU - - J. B. CANFIEL4. B ACON -15 casks Shoulders, letsElliAttifir.tsb4'steesJ CHEESE --80 boxes for solo by Jol4 S U.BISLER — CLOTHS. for Blezeo find BO'yeel4 Cabmentts, Primer., &eel.fe I and q amt .clet MIIII.PRT i EURCIITIZLD. IiLACK SATIN VESTINOS--Murpittal EurekaNM have rricrired • ruorgYor tho.b.!. dlux sccie or • vary ulterior quality. ra 3 UCKETS-25 doz. Marietta, for sale b; jolt) 8.1 W. lIARHATIOLI. VEATILERS-2000 lbs. for gale by Jel6 S. k W.IIAgrAITOII. - fIOFFEE.-300 bgs. prime Oreen Rio Co ‘J fee, rectlyod AAA for de by JO • JOWN WATT i CO. - - 50 b d bls. nilr 11 , 151, ?Ales! Herrin in do., .4 fr 30 .4,1r4 1 ' 6 . ua] do J_IN WAIT g o CI). mm. 4AR - 15.-2,000 lbs. Lard, for sale on co. eignatent by T. 131101/8 A CON. 0 . No. 61, Water .t 0 118.—;"--81 3° gall :coo .. natlial'd blenebedwintaraperm o' ...t,an .. ring 1,000 sp " blarched " LIMO 'bale : kr) " " nter " 1,400 " Tanners' oil • 1.666 " N. IT.rweet whale all 10 "'"'"'d k'"" br .MILLEII w ErON, 40 Nam. =a A -21.1:1 - bertr et ips dCON--.50001 b m Hog Round, on consign Jue ment, for sale by T. WOODS BON, GI Water ot FLCUR-4: bb a u ls..extl . family flour. 4.1 .ta• and Weds 4 do 'Land for Sala or tido br t:t W. /LtliDa COIL - -• Chickeriag's Pianos. JOHN H.M.ELLOH A gent for ChkYr fq• pittAbilrelsininff and Western PeutisTlMOM, N 0.61 iVmala , o has received mil now open for ..le. the fob q.ioq eleant amortment of Pluto Fortes, dived from the atamorT. at Er. Claboltering's Reims: OMe6. olet.ot Itoerwood ant d-4-.0, Piano, tbi ooteveiC pit Hee paioln • St rale o mond core..; 6 Tw poor. The above Piano Fortes ow of the latest etylee of fumb tom,eno with all Mr. Uhicaerinab. imPooweitomt. the ode. invariably ths same to at Boston, thereby miring to ppurchasers in this region th e esTratee ra y of tr.. poraosoo. •LSO FOS SALE: One Romoccd Carved Mouldings Su Win Plum. •• • atrum] DT Adam Stedart Ono Refereed octave, Adam Medan Cc< One " BacenA /Moon One " ••••• 4co One sm'Amod " Metering. as good as new; One •• • - One " Dame A Karam Brotherm One Duboisleend Seaborm One " " Manhattan CoOnemS. Jen .ARD bble. No. 1, for eale by A jeIR JAMES D/LLZELL, a Water at. • • Scarce and Desirable Goods, VARIOUS STYLES, open this morn iv or MURPHY & BORCEIFIELD—IncIottIog Ue Itjurigack PoipZl6,Dmit BIZI Els, twat Namable w • ()Memo& *a, ac. Attmttou it Invited to their elmi at; maorttosot of /Moth Lawns, White tiootta for dram, te. We r ill remtve. today or to-morrow, from Now lbws Dm. Lamm MIT White Paint Hew Books ! YEAST : a Problem • re noted with cm , Jk. notions and additions. Atinn Frasers Romaine. , tele!, Meld: a tab of the Portman by the author of P.m.. In the LIB of ?dm Ronteret Italtland," 'that. lend.. Am . a rtor7 l i elooltant Qr.. , of itiapt by look Abbott No. r irt Pt% Field Book of the Revolution. No T of Laudon Labor and the London Poor. n o &bore Books Jost melted and for sale by JO; IL a SIAN2/ITON. 47 Market et I=3:=l MERICAN STATE PAPERS.--Stato Pa , pees .M habil° Documents of tha Coital State; the Agreed= of George Washington o LW Prtotidece I:l,....in=frag:grualremltulaUses same Kaarax lagarria; containing Political, thatoricol. Cagerayb k!, Scientltical, rtattetkal, lhoonomlcal. and lie thantphical Doenntenta Isaleara. aodlactr, together with bonen a the Arta and 2danntecturea, and • Boozed of the Errata of the Tam from 1811. . The .bore valuable* worts for tale by R. C. /STOCKTON, ST Market at. jawc . w , ;:m SCOTCII BURLAPS--2 bake suitable for Wool Faekn Alao-304) { rod Fasts, nen and In good a or. fbr Ws low by jelLtd - ROBEUTSON A Minn?. /-. BttEESWAX h g es price La cash will be PL T . m a t i a. c.. co. earner 'lnt and Wood cRAPE SHAWLS, at reduced priceel- A. AL MASON l CO. willelose out Owiißcek of bean lOsizi mad embroider.] Ct ' ivp Mara, at • Kr,. rt ?lOIMFT"."""4`"ron:4V. 11. AWNS! LAWNI at,6lcti Gas rp_s jA. A. M/WN Co. an now offering mist men . AAPff veer exhibited lu this elm at all Prftti ham n„;....,AuZlailitanp. attntion of en, IfiE m. C u AP . havodetatemlned to closeout the balsam of abets stook of Lnets and liata at matt/ tattooed pekoe. no anon. non of ladies Is whetted to the above vocal. tal7 FRENCH FLOWERSI—The attention of en/otion .reepeetfally Invited to otir large stock of /tench flowery which We are now clewing out at very re. ihned rote.. ilel7l ' A. A. BIA80:4 A CO. —• _.,.. Piano and Table Covers..._ -. 4 A. MASON A CO. would respectfully . call the attention or housekeepers to their very et- W Zb= m !, ' " "thier.oloPrre4.4lrea'ilm _bnrdezPir4 Or of linen ano &meek t.ble - e10tiu,........ dello, t!redir, de., at No. 02 and 61. Market je9 Notice t 4 Conttactore.... . c, EALED PROPOSALS trill NI redeiced at • tta. au. D. SIN% Fourth .1.. matil Uto led,r Jury .r, ! . 27.d . ,; r th.eA,37.1. krztotit6b,:ipeth.a.rgh %Ft. of rnloe rldatrignb!llcterrrillabiTE..umb.r to 041.7sepantaly tho ' prim eutde yald ' f! ' reirl Er s tl b ogu=k ll , l4=l:ll6.2 but a the bit tr, or qid road .ta hx =:aca of ft.rza., can be obtaloed je.144.1 . DIINY, Prest.. 11. P. CAIN, Secretary. 11RIED PEACHES--1(% bushels dried rofir d '" "' xlT ` a ""t i lir. rurtnivan. EW MACKEREL-115 bbls. Large No. ?..1 (MU Badon Iftgatakirilictrialar I*l6 Libmi 1,t.1 INSEELiOIL-10 bbls. pure, for a c e b ' .1.16 Roelsog. tarrts* co ACON LIAMS—Di• a iraor qu • p ler, lb, bp ROBISON, Lnln A• 10 BACON 811OULDERS000 Abe,for sale DT Jel6 ROBISON, LITTLI. tCO HAcoN_Toanbazas, Sides Shotadeis,fm ralw ' br 1e76 S. t W lOTTON-25 balesamude bn• y .41 , EZonEic 00111)0Y, No. 134 "mut 4. FIRE DOA S—For We At 25C., by [jel? W. P. MARlUwaft 85 Wm! 14 FfAXamrifltcitiirtriE COSTIDLIT A LA T UREL — Zadleesad Mare mize• Inn me" oy tea by It. P. PALMER. i., ' p PAU= bu Jun rrws. r zt, .. A tz mkorettgintr. ..•:t brat. F r L./ talobi 18,11411DICEr JOT • Water uul leant an. C113,-.200 boxes sto i r;3 l ltr y s:lgz I KW= zwarreos AIR BALLS Of all the different sizes, at 065. , . &8. maws: RANS SAT WiNDOW SHADES- - . J° 4 Eftvrom...t. of dilunwc ...es and stsYst. which aril/ sold wr/twat retalL at ids Oil Cott Wades... Noa sod Wood st. Jr-21 • . IL PIIILLIPS fiREEN OIL CLOTH - 300 yards for Win k.a Blinda. Latta just reed Factory sad for male at No doe mat 9 Wood /at stmet. J. a pL ratt.LIIW. 'INDIA RUBBER WIIIPS—Of Millie sizes • rsb. , u m sek.„."ll.l.ll:ahleZr:'..T44 .t the I' Irak • 'J. k 11. PLITLLIPS. CRAPES! CRAPES! —. A. .M.:ZN MASON lava_just rta'tl am 'Mt, tank., bill. 1.214 black !al w za_ Th. OPT* warm and dealzable goals vitt bawd at .ata. 62 and CO Market n. Jan AWNS! LAWNS!—A. A. MasoN Co. A b an Putt counted noe calm plain black Law; Toff rhutf , Alao, a very large supply of beautiful (awe color eJ Low., at m y low raiz% at No. 6Z and 64 Market jai DARASOLS REDUCED I—A. A.31..ag0w Co. an non offering their I. osi u 'mint ego*. meat of Parsool• at feu reduced prices. .onuntry men:t uts oaf others an reonegad tonsil and mad. bongs nuroboolng elsewhere. - VEW X9.CKEREL— LN 100 bbt. f--- h "Pr di . .ions 14 7 ATT k CO. Id ht. For dale by fj •• e2ll • ffiedicateirtiquid Cuticle. HIS ARTICLE is intended for family use, ditt orrd'aiixtft.ti cutuT to their yarn... throuati accident. and the Improp er or tandem nee of tools. will and this article to be lent. ruble to them, and elm a fain trial .111 conddcy Id India. laud a This mar b atilt, that we,lbe undend_gned, MMus frt quently made' um of JradtTrliedinded !Auld entlole. per Pond b ade Maar. Pmulebi Jr Camp. Middlerwww - Como, cheerfully tecommend It to our pcofertgional inithren. as en excellent subetitute adlmaire piddle, in drawing burns. rota, muldra bruises. and all klnd.of troth wonndar also, Rr acn NlpP mad) eau 011,4. M. D., D. Y. WOODRUFF. M. D., HAMILTON BREWER, IL D.. ELLSWORTH HURLM. D- Botanic. emuldl.l.4l .11 Prnotbdng phyldrians in tho City of Illddktown. Tomtle by D. E. FAIINESTOCR CO_ farmer Wood and That eta. Wall Paper and. Borders, ' • TP.AL3IER, 55 Market street, re appetflolly Molt. Ott atteullon of putobasm•a to nrmont complet• and aatendre nook, commixing.. almost etery smite In Ida Ilna of tdislneaa tat Fine French Broadeloths.. MURPLIY SI:1E01ff CELD invite the at, IN tntion of briers to their etteartearot of the above 000 ts, freeh from them Halo oot _arteroved toraufsztartee of fnuframe.AVb.enter Trench Testing& e2O - T:RUPS—Underwood's fine Lemon SyruO, • yell' eittierlor article fee =pas. Leman Ado. "';'4 end 2b.'. VV. .V. " llMill e ol . 4 14D Gotten and Tea Dwoderffl. VITRITE LINEN DRI, of ffer jvt nt qualities, artel at veryLLINGS low Driers fon , q di vality, Yro'd - .11111[PflY lIIIMPIIPIELV. Jell N. E. comer of Yourth and Marketer. rbAIRY SALT—A superior'article for - the A l sagt7 PUi p 3i b TitaZl. u'4 jea) 2,14 Liberty d• Q,AP SAGO CIIEESE—Fot sale by ..14) - WaL A . IoIoCLUECI *CO. - - - - fIOD FISH-600 lbs..-very fine, for sale 1T 3 7 I e 33 WM. 1. cCLI7RO A Card; TETE (ascribe?, haring,matie arrange. 11. meats, In eoneworenee of wirietthls unseat busiens must he Mooed by the 14 of August nem now Orem 64• whale stock of Gloves, Itarlery,Elohous. Lace Geode, Em brolderies, Dress Trimming% Ilandterehlefe , fine flit... lumlehlu( leak. Zarhyr Mont.. Plower Materials. Umbrellss, Yamada Combe.atid Thread and Needle ar. nth*. Mm, Ladles' Shore, Oast Philadelphia meta) at Meetly reduced ;elms. wholesale and retell. Jela F. IL EATON. • • A LEXANDER & DAY; having concluded In close their present amines& now offer their entire s at Fancy arid StasteDßT GOODS, at greatly minced prices. Tbeir mock ie larce. and embrace. a diner amen mental Fronk arui Enalbt CLOTHS and CASSIMEILES: Hoek end colored Geode Shins ants tbe but main feetu d r . e . ; I l lzzedaik., , of & To rzr, styl• r x Bereve. Dam reinersThma lbeetince.EbiZe,"Ta Cbecire,'; riann is, Sonnets, &a, Ingmar min mr ' o n 'ry art icle In tb r a . Drr Gorda line, Sunbeam. am invited loma or to deteru der m r. e.t.D 16 older to cloy :IT: en b" tfro liZ r e b" r " tossible. k DAY, " jel9ffir SS Market et, P. W. ear. of Diamond. White Marseilles Quilts. I RAVE on band a largo assortment of Im ifixingirclajazzaa QUIZ. or ,ru u pri . Erf,...lyi s s, at • Q`UN RIES -67 6 bble iriverinez crushed Beigar 6do Le Oil:: pulverized do 6 do ad 6 keg. r, twist Tabs.= je .l6 bush dried Apple•—for vale by J. D.W/LLIA3IB 6 CO. rrOWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA A . a. 9 =Just rrelved and for sale b --74 r AE. SELLERS. • P INK RQOT 9001bn. prime qunl r, Juri t- CITRIC ACID--250 lbs. just reed and for j ale br Jas. R. E. SELLER. - - - - • C OD LIVER OIL-40 gallons, ?nu warm tor de bT jel9 R. E. SELLERA. IGHT ACRES OF GROUND, favorably Mil= 4 ll`..g?e=l r r'"i?` 9 - 411 , :afd ieltl A. WIA.KINE a CO. AMUSEiIIEINTS Last Week of Gliddon's Panorama of THE NUN,. 7ZOIV AFRICAN BLISSISSIPPI! OPEN AT ATIIENSAIM HALL, 1 .1 G LIMON'S fax timed Traneparent Penman& a 1. G a 17 AND N lAI .4.. ' h argsa 7; , 1 1. egga x 2 iar,oC"nu "Varmi.Ls I Vial Iteacripttotie Goo, it. (Add U Caw , nide. Calm. Oriental Ntuid h 'thin ta . E 9937 I etetilne nt . eight o dark—Wastrel t o r e anat. rico. at 3 elook: drat.. ohen au hou r te ire Adtuladat I -hi et pupilejed DAN NICE'S cra,pus! POMBINING MORE TAI L LNT than has - 4../ tete beton leen coneentevid ink,. Treat' , eat** nwPramatio geniue and Putt-Iran i Tuilidthureatia nill of the hien. tinier. and nornirrina,tuncog its am* ot the Priory or Clown, PAN Met• the woeid tw. -1 oatmealLEtt "..\• 5 - n PON` I Liu the Tattoo. floor E Mona 1'0.:14. ee, 11 tittql E. Napa'. P. MILLER. POWN, BSCELA ILIN SON, an, ke.: and Modaturs Tosdlo'r with the =enema and unequeded TSOCPS.intutoition Nine, Jean. Muter 1 9111.1 e. Marla tone, sal the lufeut Prodigies tn..% rifkaanteLV3Te and Kau - 11 7 n an, BiZASS and MIN': BANDS. led hT Ilmet. Mts.*. nod Ileerou T tVlTl'AUN lnt , ra i ilfani.T. r 4 k t \ i n ' s% the ETtliti; LTG6hare the honor or perfortritne on 9PNV STRXXT. Pitubursh. from of the .A. 4 IFIZIC.IN 110221, ou tn. 2d, 3d, 4th, and sth of Joiy, 1851. Doon open at balfpal 2. and at half pud efelock. P. 61. Pour Grand Perbermu e s 1,11 I. given on the Four* commencing at half pad 9. half put P.. half Leut 3..11 Ltaymond & Co.'s, e.:Vazamburgh 4t.Co.'s COMBINED MENAGERIES! Coneletlng of all the ruse livlnglVlld Anima's nosrattant litllßEllll4l OVER. 110 PPECIMtNa. Tb b exlidaled Moran. Arr one mice of Adatianan. ) VioLnlTllit''eßStil".i.Vi gA n s2l. l l3lT'A ß D l AT3 ll; 4th;ard fah. tar threaders, under toe Double Pavilion. a tir t th e corner or Penn and Charoon street, nnt. W e ed.— Th.r. l 4sT anderaturdayquly Stand att. from 3 0. a n d from . to 10. . 31. On I rider. , n 1 1 ,41.11. /burn . from - blbltions, elm 8.50 to 1113. A.sl..efrom 11: to2lles• to Clrould from 7to 10. P. 31. Adrolsai; n ,out chlt• dreg under 10 yrarr.ls rents. In ltds collertion are the Ithlnocerca. and White Polar i near. Also. tan Llenr of the fawn star:nem. 3131- Vdti A./ILIUM:II. the mart rem, ord . rr Minn l arpnerma, enter tall , hens o fGpmp of 1 31 ' 11 . 4 0. CFA rkTV Ai. rum t r 7; D o i:. With his highly bleed Animal , making rim r G.4..t00f drama It, jrit6l667. • Ihe whole Careciale of Carrion. en - W.ll3ln* ttis del. male, rill enter the city on Thorody3u-pkg.J.4 ad. and nip through the principal - raw. Imn procreslon. ptr ceded by the Cempany's Drees Mod. - lumnenee rombllrhment requires a lot 403 long ; hy len brood. for ha rahltillom mar e red e then, ary e oo l at la I Oa loner part of the elf, of rollicked eathot far the mom man. the proprietors hare teen obliged to select a spot two or thme Amazes farther from the rentre of the city tbut • the/ wished- Over 1400 or strong ream. 8 I: tett:late bare been emitrarted for arab Ifr. Hugh 3telielry, -winch rl II render the 11661E661 rnalllo6 role and ernmanamalttr alt classes. 'triton, at all time, Thom never has teen exhibltnl In thl3lnr.try on large • bomber, 1300 an" 6 variety of living rrielmto : Natural ar le onolothill In the Vomblned Mew loon" or hammed • Co., and Van Amturgla 3 1313. -- , .le%ulnichns 26 HOURS TO CLENTLAND7 7 " Wz - ;' .4-1 = 1851. , 1 -:177 -- 4=k PITTSBURGH AND .CLEVELAND Erprera Packet and Railroad Line to Clack:7ld. PASSENGERS leave every corning at 9 o'clock, - lir steamboat to Dearer. Mimeo' br canal packets to RAT[I3.. Di ease by rittaturab arid= DIM Railroad to Clerelartd. . i . To Cleeland. D 3 hour; To Detroit, .4.5 IMITala, 26 it:Moog. ts:r - • Tietota giros thrmsab to • , . . ... . CINCINNATI, .• •:. ...' Via C , IIIISIALL. an X , nln, 1., U5 ,. 150.1 cr.:l CiAcirAccra lialinad. Dascengrre (or Detroit, Chlesto.and 3111wankle.• haws cleren.A ove ry h rreul&)=.ll { Lincel.&r , t i b s : vgr t. tiT,="t s .ll%eitk. A. 31., br - Rallf;:d to Dew Iralo. S'p'rriti.l _th'o_7l!7":rell.:in'igigilCohirl'•:.l2lbls."rp_Mbers L 1 D , Hall, It. to oks7ana Galena. will to menu =oath Clainkins cheater. and rle....zzre, ,T 1. 2 .111,74 it, iet,...; - '1- •-• 63,.... ._ - - For tickets or istll wtostrilljl./Ilt, bin ollEs. A . (Up stairs) eanrcr of emlthne c nt antl - Water stras . tri.' „ Or to' . °PI';IY. Itt.girlitAV,lrigerCi..) (Mee under Ft-Charles note), Wood stnte ' . • .ie2s PLITB.IIII/1011D PIZINBYLVALTIA , - a A TCROAD. 851. BP.%} .MMENT, Forty-six hours jo Pkiludelfshia, Forty-four hours to lialtimors. 281 Miles Railroad-11g utiles Canal, KAPUT, 1•13.18.1. aro CC01.1.63L1 UWE . TO PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE - AND- NEW YOltK. ; Being' frre from the Many changer and - porterage* cony:raid with pitri Lines: Tsio Daily Lines Express Packet EtiNEO tiLktil.PSl PELT POI: .PASSMYGPILE,) L. EAYE Pittsburgh for Johnstown, thence br Portage Railroad ho I .110 4 TiTD AYgB17,BOH, Thera taking the NEW - PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD; Two Ham:tied and Part -lire miles direct to Packets /MTe erery morning preeJecly et Eight o'click • and m 171015105 et at hour. , Fare to Philadelphia, 010. Face to Baltimore. Itk,tdi do Lancaster 4.3 Ilestisburg isthai TiVke the Passengers -for Baltimore, York .4 Queoberlatel Railroad, at lEsangsbntige LVlngeTei or Car. that yiaa. Ltetaaa(stt, No charge for handling Baggage on this rottfis.< The Cars on Ills routs DTI, new, and of the =oat apprirr= c if nstenetiaa tor ambit end safety. , you dealre chap travelling 404 comforlaLle MOUE lodation, *Kure your tickets at . J. P. 1101.31 ES Ace' D. LEECIL & CO. Cabal Darin. Pena strait. • - • „ 1851. WESTERN 1851,4, TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. D. LEECH al• CO'S. LINZ, cm. RAIL ROAD AND CANAL, Pgrirggir PITTSBURGH,' PR ILADELPIII.4, BATLI4I' MORE, AND NEW TORE. MILE Canal being in good ordei; 'vie" uty , rr - P4,711:,:mr, LI! io:g freight, glib promptoies and &pate-b. Abe ' boat, lidA ears •re. owned pug ogagolled by the proprialnrs: of lading tranamitt.l, ➢ and all instruct:Me promptly a.. tended to. Apply to, or addraei DAYS de BLACK. Peopetetors. ' - Cattiltril7P.Mr pr tmr, Dot, Receiving Deot, Nce.11,14. C..coth s eM ITPITOM*II. I° I " " Ph" fe, No - rth T. LL No. T. Wert Ave, New Tacit NlMlmov FARE REDUCED! • • ka3T- 1851. . - Wg ‘2CONONGAZIM norm. • - • via Brom:mine and Cumberlond, to Baltiz' nor, and Philadelphia. MITE MORNING BOAT icasea the Whart state r. at 8. o'clock preelarly. dm. costing with the cam at Comberiatot next morning. TSUW. d n ' t B* l "rif dab = ' l ‘ C ' ointe7 apdm evi Ve g tt t r4 l gh d t?;Ctimote...l . 2 Lebo. Fat?! only TO .thro..ah to hliscialptill, 40 boon. PAM 01313 : $ 10. The National Road Ls nogracod. Conduslars go ann. • the Coaches be t ween Brownsville and Cumberland. which. makes this decidedly the Met route East. . My 2 7 • J. nkelilllEN t. • Ogles. to the Moonnaahela llaume. %al - • • 1851. aiti UNION LINE On.the Pennsylvania and Ohio Canalt. PROPRIETORS: • . CLARKE. PARRS A COpee CHAMBERLIN. CHAMBORD* CO.,....CuricrAtene rpms well l ihi Line is now 1 ' A ATM Tim foellitles of tee Line are tit:evens-wed number: (I Ma," 7 ane r eaparity of Bost,. experience of Captains, and ofe t Beier o AgentA One Boat knees Pitaeh end Cleirelanil In connection with • Line of rheinetends botweriii 1.1 BURGH awl HEAVER. awl • Line of tretcLue Manta ,* (PeoPeller and oetiMH An he LAX.. • ' CONBIGSZLIt UPI r e fo ' r\''"ATT..?' 04 A. a. N. il l ark. i Narrion Van; (. 1 1 fli gto ." Vd " &. ' ff , l,; ' ;.. 04 • _ Kent, arinnel Co, FralA 46.04 ih A eag ' to% C A u g„ ' L a . - - "_ Peckham t Beott, Ilendtraat t Pettibccoo,uy atr, 0.; gj2en ,11,11tCZ1.11rZylti!1 Thomas tip! O6b~ lIL III4 , • Water A. bACGIIEr, taset. • 1 Ma. Water aas l MaltateLl es. Pittattaili. • ' GGS-400 doz. for sale by LA , jria S. ISARBACGIL To 2 lllliners. ip RAPE LEISSE, blue, whiie find pink; C t,« • Crap., white and Dirk; laßland, chit; pink nail Pre.: '• ;3'l Artificial Slower...4W. b " `medal r ti.ARSCIILN tfarajil.7l - 167 - 1 -us..--251iR0. Cfor Web, CUFF reeeired, a beaatitar ...affluent of Vain Gold, Pme, } : n 4 moud• P." 7.11'. If LFO.Jevanne . VI Market strtar...--raer romb• • --Et_io casks for sale by Jul{ I ssIA IOUCET *CO. trleffsßlA LAWNS-3U pieces recd and • for male tJ jelt c. ARBUTHNOT. : BARRED 31113L1N--50 14 Pieces . clearable AnecruNcrt' • - • Brandies, Wines, dz. you AvING completed arrangemerde ' Moro.o reetr.me and tidier European Cl oo.zeentlon of ms tiseb taw 7 ' el%a L ' +-%7 "1 iply d4T DIES, Irtri.v.l4. and nf the fines t .. haeb l i wader curiae anon I.ct,t," &pint. A [kiln. Invitni t rit..us 110 Phi gale Lui disPk: "ll.2 . TS 11 nil, eanka re , gokr, and brown &tern, tf ra . ivb Clara wine, Pljt very ula And tinperk,' . tutu batltrtr Sparkling Citturipegar, well known brands. 500 boon Claret Wino , . rrirknlJ brands end "tutu. 100 caws Sauterne arid Dame, inane 1546- . 7 - • 45 k* Kantor. and Claret Winn. • / 5 Pit. Old lfolland and r i ebor , ll. nm., t 1U puncheon. Oki. Snatch nut 144, —•:...x,Ptle,a l ierr r :lttt% wa • 0 .51.5 !emir of tamtet^i'i • motes • • - Absrattle, llaratelilno, Cantetta,.Annlre' fO -•-•• dr, WA erg, Cberr7 Crisp . i t o ilmmtv ILI ri..v4 _ itti,9s"; favorable Jamb ' • a atiorraiintes7.l „:td.xd. . 1 44,,,,,,1aAtin Ltd Dealer, tO WitlnntAtreat, ' •