ESTABLISHED IN 1786 PITTSBURGH GAZETTE runusinui !MILE AND WEEKLY. BY WHITE -8: CO. D. h. . wins.] - warm earcan. trice or men errthr,Siir 0002 ro roe toff Mo. . . DAILY—Urea dolluf yet irooog, payable pait 76.1 f. 130211.2 as tf veld to ad team - WEEKLY—Two dollar. ttrannom, to . 1 ' 6 .. 13 :U 1 4. Übe supplied ou the 11.11orrutroom— Three mobs per —9 6 00 9.: order do • . ... 909 ea m ay -. ,' 1 peekedGm earl Club to De addrered to oce pains, "..d to be pad Intrrtobly' la advance. Ito Club Papers will ethd after du tear es plre.t. ordees the tawny Mt too eretteral. BAYBB'OF ADVEaTISMif .0•• Evora 110 hoot of Noor•reil or len 0 • . 60 Do. each additional Insertion- 0 10 r Do. 'reek 3 00 . 1 76, 7 40 ' toerr mouths . . . .. .. e Standing Carla, fr ltnee or lea, per ann - mic...".5 0.) One Dotter for each addltloaal hoe. Ahm thaare,alanwrale at pleasure (per in.- . num) ercluelco of the paper ............. •_,..1.5 qd 'Poe nth eddltionsl *quern, inserted era one month, and go ndy •thutional square Inserted wader the yarn - Tab% half rata • Llratisemente ex-,alllng p r w Pod ren P , and not crier t Men '.t gl ' l ° at:Tr 'b tt r t g eao s' u C.V.IFT fa legal eil t rertisomeurs be tan! a e amount ebarXl be their publication. la nnettureand Sir a. to be charged the same ',.-Arme other advatitem.mel h. etel art . • dtherrnernenta not marked. on the copy for • "recited 'number orlasertions, Tall be continued till fiabiclotal Tar. Ta as." ...Ted oceordlugly. - o prhiley of annual culrertheis is strictly limited tc their oast hanualate btahrea t out ell advertisement" for :the benalta Other walla all adverthemente not ansinallately conara...l villa their own bannese, and all thew of advertisements. LIS length or otherwise. beyond tb.M*" eaeh = i l. P . l . l l l. re " rt ' frarldta tL wit u e r... for • andeatel; and prompt _payment I" cleared. . . .....,11.Endrertimmonte fur charitable Inaltutiona - Ira Temp arad; tosYlitip, and other public me a t r, and inch 11/....t0 bitatarged half price, payable strictly ia ad. lihrhos whets to be chart.] TO Cents. Ilearla no inserted wittaut chlrge, col.A. wecomi* Ma by faunal laritalans or of nate., pool anal C' lW.lar P ire d e=L P Vti%l luriale nod tolphorte Mm., No. MI Wear at. tricot . Iniy. PAPER HANGINGS WALTER: P. MARSLIALL. Successor to Samuel C. Ifill—lmportar af.l Dulei in ftronen and Americas Caper flanging. end Borders, Windom Shade., Tiro Bowl Prints, ice. .111.-14 riiinnr . Printing. and Wrapking l'aper. No. dif Woolf stave., bemoan loam and Diamond allay. Citiabaran, Ca. TEA DEALERS. . • 11013EItT MORRIS, Ten and Wine Mer it. aunt, Eut 44e of the Diaz:mod, PittAbargh. WV. 1. .... .....imago. et... WM. A CO.. Grocers and Tes Weans, Tidi Liberty .treet. obllo Wood nine always en burl • Iwo swats:inn a Obstice Grocer. tea.d Floe Tea. Aleh.—Yoretas frg.its and thuts,Wholh ea. gind =tail applied the lowest tams. TRANSPORTATION AGENTS TOIIN A. CAUGHEY, Agent for the Lake Erie Allehigeo Bayer end the Lam— Wee oti the earner or woter hod Smithfield rt. LEECH CO., Transporters - by Canal ronrinllng Marehauta, corm.. of Penn stmt. ~'f~i~1941bSiaM~~I:1~ A. BROW N would most respectfully inform Ibe peak that be keepion bawd at lal.Altni tbe west eeir has Diamond, Allegheny city, • eon:Ude...Meant of tth also Venni= Elintbers ars made he Utitod to order to the beetVenitheibllu style, warranted equal to .7 1. Mates. Ws Blinds cats tie removed without the aid tef • screw delver. Having gurchussi the etneS t lools and wood rif the cabinet esialtUalunent pf hammy a Slcelellaint,l am h7rileti their aid rendenitys, as well as the pole * - 1,....t;a7...19tiyety Ilion In their One, tot etmet. leittetunti. J. A. BROWN. ' PAPER.KARRniG AND PLASTERING EPSEPII JOIINSTON. Pere¢ JlANcza hasicars—heillenn h cvmer of Third ntreet wag End on. Allegheny. N. IL—Lhno, ha.l: !Aorta, Lnlb, rc, for mac nnnhtly 'lY9:Aat' : _ . ~~:.r ADAM ILARDIE, Veterin ary s ur g eon, k ith Inam =rip: pahli? thtte r has artaa fal attevartV".tr.ll 4 : ratrage4 r ta him. be t 4 Five mitla Java. Ilardla; Maeb.tbiag raneral will ton cardal va at the torn. at Tanael greet .4 Paapaylv.ta Arrane. JEWELEB.B. , W V. WILSON, Watchm Jeirelrr, Silver • V Vv.. 0.4+ corn, or k fcrartharcou,vitAinp‘h.r. N - ..B.—wstems4l"ciale -sntnlltrer"lr«l. PLIAIJN:LeinDr:(:O4 I OGiIN, :WILSON. Importeia and Wholeinde - PesU = ra Ilardwase and CoPerr, No. add Matt. rittabovX ENGRAVING AND LITHOGRAPHING Tki , : -.-I VILLE JOHNSON , Eng;ver on Wool,11•14 Otani fnln7,l P,lttsbursh, Pa.-13rwe of .11schlorhg, Mesas of Newspapers, hvgahrpleefs,, D r sclalole, In nokar. Stss for laslslos, So elethssltethnl Stators. the Ord of art, sod at the lased lakes. IfiLLIA 3 I SCHUOHISIAN'S Lithograph k Totabintovent, Third etreph onponte the Poet Pittsburgh.: Mope, Lansrapee. Portnntr. Phos Buth e .de,Dratr, Mad, Labels, Architectural and atarhlne Th.. e dnor, analuea and Visiting etude. An, graved or derma on Stone. and prima' in tolore, lloht, en Wine, or Blerk.ln tha went appron.l Arlo. IsLid , at th e moat mann. hn. orley. 1•71.1• . Wegner, Bneehner RMueller's NEW LITHOGRAPHIC ESTABLISHMENT. THE ABOVE, FIRM resflectfully unuounce to their. friends *mi l lb: b pi:lLnc letrfa i lid , ,gat the tardePtrirlhiu*ss'as"lnt'lls, the v a tool Professional Cards,. M apt . , q.rt.. hsbeis, a e . Their estabiLsbmaut Is at :to. tat Market street, h.. Thirl and Fourth sttyste. up staira tochtall NISCELLABEOp Ing Bolivar liroßrickeZdannfac Comp'y. ;As:atom, IT 5f,. ' 551511 I. P. .. ...a. 5. Y. 6515 GLOVER, KIER & CO.,PROVRIETORS. SUBSORIBERS, having been ap „R. pointed Agents, fur the shore the ecumern, will keep conetantly an Mind • purply of the eedebrated Bolivar Piro Briek i Crusible rim CI ay, Carmen Hearths andlnie ollk They are aim yreparest to receive Indere for said heck, in to made In dm and they* to milt numhaeers. whleh ebell b" ‘Vr. ' ,/?n U n p i ire l e e dtit o ctane; to p enumeriito lid; many ad vantages the Bolivar Eire Reek ews%another...Ma hare been o ff ered for mile In the Ended Mates. their thy, Madly ding well known to absent all redeem who mu rim Brick. The prorrietdrs hare &tern:lined that ltd. Mick ehall loso none of their, present enviable remsiktion, and that. no expense *hall be spared to midst them even Leder than they have heretofore been. This to the only establishment side mmpfaetnelnf ))re Brick at Belie.. KIER JkJONER, , mtha Canal Baths. &Tenth et, Pittsburgh. Pittsborgh Gail Pipe and Tube Works. rpuE undersigned have just completed their xterolve IRON TUBE WORKS, and are now manafactullna all rhea of GAS HP!, Lo eooactirs and other nue,. and all law of WROUGHT IRON TUBES, beh aty otter for sal", the knouon. then Lsitw.owpruvttoex,cuts4lni.COl[,lt.without of, o. 49.99:11 A CO. No:91014 01 ViWte9 strovt. fto4 3to - j 011TEBUR011. I.A. _L_........ - WIILMARTU dc NOBLE—City Flouring MIA, No. 5451.1terty,e0w of Marco oL, PittstatS9. ViCUOLAS VIVL9II, Civil Enginetr; abol,TraveAt.P , ,vv":,ul Zfeg eery tor Mines, Water Woks. I . oda.. te— Ma) tet - towel lAtAlet 10 A. It. and 6 P. IL et Lb resident., Ace 21 blarburr street. Pittebezeb. lenl4elle• • New Coil& Faetory—Allegheny.. Id.. A. WMTE CO. would re-, M• . : alwerfollr 'lnform the public that thry have erected n shop on Larock, between Federal and eaadnekr. Meets. • Sher aro veer making and are prepared 10 order. for every dwveription of vehicles, Coachee, Mark., Bantichre. Buggies, Matto., de, an, which, foto their tang vaporing.. In the nuonfactore of the ti ere wart, and the facilities tiler have, they fort confident they ince , enabled to do work on the most teem. with thecae articles in their One_ Paring particular attention to oi...election of they and Wing none but compivent workmen they have no hesitation na warranting their wort_ W et errefore sea the attention of the public to this matter.:' h. A. Repairing thaw in the bent manner, i 1134 on the most ;evincible term,. . iweihtf NT, AIME MARBLE WORKS, (establishedlma) by immuso wrunN2, I.ltwrty w. of Wood Civet. Pittsturgh. Monocients. Luria Vanitt, Tombs. Ileadftt.orti yo. nautel sta Pier ToIM oltraye oo luottl. of ton& to order. N. B. A chola. rebsetion of Dr. - fogs on bat3.l. Job ITTSBURGE COMMERCIAL COLLIGE, Corner of Third and Market Meth/ Th. An!yet, InAntutton of the kind ha EMUburh. YAMM.—John Yleming. Principal Iratruetor he the Scient, Aroountc. Prot.soor of• Computation, tee Alen. M. Matey; Eto, Lecturer Caanotoolal L. Tbao dear.. romplet• kaael.dyte of noOk wpm,Kee mutt Rs attplaatxet to orr ery brawb or btu... alert sent and wspid pettattoutttp. are - feinted ta .11 4154 l ai In. the arr.gtateats. Lecture ao Commerrlel Law every !Imlay , Yrobttl• Itetarare to any of the reeldeut city morel:ants. ttle7Zl [ ESTLELTSIIT..I) 1632, by EDMUND WILKINS, No. 245 Litwrty fit., ues4toriTual street. 111.trbargb, Ps. althenuents, Burial Vaulte,thinbetoneu ie., Mantle Plume, Centre end Pier To Liners on baud ant meth: to order, of the • electheat Marble, end at very reduced prima A thea•e telethon of ththeings ex hand. The finest Sterne" 1 : A ' etnnort.d :.-..--- _--- --- 1 - 1 f _ ea—, (rem Italy. .F. , 1 rie,p. I , 1' i f•,.., ,7 - - l_r_ ' ItCYCBLNCY.S. Hon. nner Denny lloh lo dge ithin,. C 4t r ii! ' i r = Wm. Athinionth e Par irth.Vi Arm. he, Archthiet. 'John Pordar. Lo ok.ou .. . . • Pons. Broker.. Pittsburgh L. straniri - t Rehm. • do. J. H. ok.votamr. Co. mu k Curd.' a.. Wenn AlrOanithere. Ey. Coon l Pargent, do. Robert:WK.:thug:q. Wm. Bereler a Co. ' I ' ll " . Wgh‘ Y.l. "'"`thall=f`c.', - , rrwr. 13.I.Ottirep. Err.. Allegheny. E. dung grateful T rey the veer Ilheral nerved ninteth eam to Una thy, heaven hail the {anted and beet jobnentrurted co tile ewe up LI the orment tune, and wlllendeartir to modes sathreethin bereafter. .thref - _. Bennett's Monochromatic Depository, O. 73 THIRD STREET. Mai L—Netor Polottingo—The `ti Wen of Getlttemsne." Slut the •tiemeterT et Seutati. - tort! ~/.~~.r~:~'At LASS 4t ~:~ ~ ~ qABINET TURNITORE MANU-5: farterer. Waneaame St 7 Third meet. J.. .W. reeponfally 10be . .. by tea anti - curtenners thet he hat now completed the larded et and data stock of household furniture a., before real 111 this city, as be fv determined to uphold the acidity *Kb matedale, beat werktnentrhM. and Mweet de legate. and beta extent of ble orders and bailey lo manufacturing. he e ls enabled to predum waranted fund tune, at the lowest Priww fie h. •dopted tte prindple Identify/Mt the triritetl. • 5000.1. HAVE PrtTEP UP, (on the New York r , a0..1 tau Ware... fur Urn rale of Co, Was. Curtain UaterraJr, and Wog apfartalorog to I.or farakpabla parlor. and bar. orlertni largrar mLat superior aooartrorod of dada Do Wars. En.votalr, 1 - raorb arra Gorman Irannat WI". Ilarrirt, 3/arnooa. Llalutrer. Trrl.r lied aloods, )lirt r zer. tieopo of rtrr) Lao. Corral., torrod and plain Ho!. laud of