ESTABLISHED IN 1786 PITTSBURGH GAZETTE runusinui !MILE AND WEEKLY. BY WHITE -8: CO. D. h. . wins.] - warm earcan. trice or men errthr,Siir 0002 ro roe toff Mo. . . DAILY—Urea dolluf yet irooog, payable pait 76.1 f. 130211.2 as tf veld to ad team - WEEKLY—Two dollar. ttrannom, to . 1 ' 6 .. 13 :U 1 4. Übe supplied ou the 11.11orrutroom— Three mobs per —9 6 00 9.: order do • . ... 909 ea m ay -. ,' 1 peekedGm earl Club to De addrered to oce pains, "..d to be pad Intrrtobly' la advance. Ito Club Papers will ethd after du tear es plre.t. ordees the tawny Mt too eretteral. BAYBB'OF ADVEaTISMif .0•• Evora 110 hoot of Noor•reil or len 0 • . 60 Do. each additional Insertion- 0 10 r Do. 'reek 3 00 . 1 76, 7 40 ' toerr mouths . . . .. .. e Standing Carla, fr ltnee or lea, per ann - mic...".5 0.) One Dotter for each addltloaal hoe. Ahm thaare,alanwrale at pleasure (per in.- . num) ercluelco of the paper ............. •_,..1.5 qd 'Poe nth eddltionsl *quern, inserted era one month, and go ndy •thutional square Inserted wader the yarn - Tab% half rata • Llratisemente ex-,alllng p r w Pod ren P , and not crier t Men '.t gl ' l ° at:Tr 'b tt r t g eao s' u C.V.IFT fa legal eil t rertisomeurs be tan! a e amount ebarXl be their publication. la nnettureand Sir a. to be charged the same ',.-Arme other advatitem.mel h. etel art . • dtherrnernenta not marked. on the copy for • "recited 'number orlasertions, Tall be continued till fiabiclotal Tar. Ta as." ...Ted oceordlugly. - o prhiley of annual culrertheis is strictly limited tc their oast hanualate btahrea t out ell advertisement" for :the benalta Other walla all adverthemente not ansinallately conara...l villa their own bannese, and all thew of advertisements. LIS length or otherwise. beyond tb.M*" eaeh = i l. P . l . l l l. re " rt ' frarldta tL wit u e r... for • andeatel; and prompt _payment I" cleared. . . .....,11.Endrertimmonte fur charitable Inaltutiona - Ira Temp arad; tosYlitip, and other public me a t r, and inch 11/....t0 bitatarged half price, payable strictly ia ad. lihrhos whets to be chart.] TO Cents. Ilearla no inserted wittaut chlrge, col.A. wecomi* Ma by faunal laritalans or of nate., pool anal C' lW.lar P ire d e=L P Vti%l <Altai ...hug' canimutalca: Amu, or requirin g COLISCA designed weskit attention to lairs, harm, Concerts. or twy Public entertalrmanta. whim char are made for tchantance-101 ruatkas of pre yule aanclas--every notice dralawd to call attention to tr . R emeltp entaprisea, calculated cr in laded to puma. ital. iduelintatat; can only be insert.] Ith the nodastund. lag haat tb. rsme la To be pail fur. if traendel to be in serted in the local column, the same . ..Otte charged at the .a 4 at not lent than In am. per Ile. .' Mahon °rural- .horicel to be cbarlai triple pace. , Tavern Lhasa. Pennon. r 2 tall . • Real Rants .1/0.11.0' and Auction. :a adrertisement; via to be claw. 4 nu&r ymel r r-st., bn to la allottal a die barn a :Mar' thy. and Of pie cont. from Re rstonnt a bills. - . MN= on 1 . 82-1 - 1121. T IX 'LILT PIPERS. • 011. Spa" three iosertions--. 41 Li • Do. each Liclitileal lase tine id , .. anvarztroarrs LTV i' tEI LK' • , PTA ga..14 410 1111 M) one inacrilon... ...... ft) ante. • 'Do. etch sulditionst nertica.-....r5 amts. All transient adirealcarante ta beipeld in ad.... . - PMI .r MrARDS ATTOEBBYS. ;TAKES F. KERR,' Attorn op at Law--Oftice on fuon.b rt.., betwoeu Senttbfiehl and Gnat, Pitto• ;OS.' WEAVER, Attorney at Law, Riarth sireetosear the 31 syce ec s CH9, PittAborgb, PILL Col : stow aztanded to prominit. my.l2,o.tkp Late . a. Drava ouien.txr, ) • at-lac/en= 1111.011, • Ude a Dalentottn, Ptt'l I (Late of Lallans, Pa.) ' LIMANT - L.' TAYLOR, Attorneys t , Laor—Ofilee on Vonetatroot. N. 0.132. P; between Wood Eadtbeeld teirezia. I, tatureb. Pot . Ph 11. , -9. D. Oliphant is Cononiuloner for the State of . .. apls • I HARRISON SEWELL, Attor4l at Law, Okla Etats CkAnnalrioner tar taking tiona.t.tek• norladicamma of lndr. tn. Ottna—k.. bb.a. antisbnat.l. CCTLErEkittorneys at Lan-- Offionon Yoartb, mix** £cdtbfield. - j W. F. WHITE,-Attorney at Law—Of• i fit =Mt . lazed, cleat Pwletl2, In A rtztixalratLl. &G. L. B. VETTERMAN; Attor . turys law wchl neat 'Eqeta Ageota, N 0.11,0 411 Pittiburgb. 1,1110 lAXES J. KAHN, Attorney at Law, office, ittAlernals t yall, ecsmer of Orarkt street sttl . D .d tirrst Ti 018 C. FLAN EGIN, Attorney at Law, Yottrat erect Pittrtnarglt. • - • - • • • • • ----- ----•••-- - • .. TOWE.& WATSON, Attorneys at Law, No.llo Fourth street, Pittsburgh. • • —Almuld, & 1:01,. John Forder, Ea.. 11, &OR MalliD3ll k Co.; Wm. 11. hum: John Fletolou, Ac counts= Noo. W.J.kmu, Pltraborgh. I.lllr [1: I • I • I • TIMER E. BRADY, Attorney at Law, 1111 No. 80 Filth risme, Pittsburgb. I:L%.14:4;w:f.lvt:};(0:4a:t11 irizORGE E. ARNOLD CO., Banters: Mk= Is Oe r sf/= g?t..lrVir,Aleogt snasaws— .. J. I. "fray—. 0. corm. VIE. WI LLI AMS • 'CO., Bankers and Ilravhart_lo Brokers, North East corner of Rood • cad street, Pittsburgh- Inamottoma mado on liberal terms, and eolleetlow proutsny attended to. jaa:ly ED. KING, Banker and Exchange Broker, i-Preeldcin arid M Amer yerltorn Dealer I bought and .I n Dank Nora, DM* Z. Go. o d. • Tba Ingberre market friar. told In rrnmlnal for A 1.71.111 Hatt DO/441411.21d Melif2ltt and Ornolsh Dollar. Inuoar fered• - • - jCII, Wk, LAIIIMER, JR., Banker and Broker, inoard. No.6B..twijoining tla•• Dal* of Pitblwarah. p. &nal:East CoMar 4 1 . 1 rt; r "At 4• HOLMES .8: SON, Dealers in Foreign • and Dom:44k 1001 of Exchange. Co onficatos of L. Flank Noteand boccie, No. On Market stmt. Pitt. toLtn. eolloctioUni tednoS:aus. mule on 0 I.Co ?rlncipal Innen KRA-111ER - C RAT IN, Bankeis and Ex dlsatte Brokers Metiers in Torelgh cad Dareeste f zscensage,Cartillcate, of Deposit, Bank Note,- 011Soc;Corner of Third cad Wood etreets, directly oncedte tbe stcharks Betel, ;-'OAROTHERS & CO., Banking House, • No. la Weed lame. Pitteburah. Current None,. re. denred ec DM*, Collectiene moo on ell the principal at the ft. Elates. s. E I LIRD try iiN, Commission Merchants sadatannters,ltio.ll4 Fermat street P.arml ead stee a. entities from VW to slo.ix%l always on tomi 11L1171. 1,110:0.—....10611,, 11A.%10---Inf. K. Ellltt. . A.I224IER,..IIANNA — & CO., Succeesons to , lhoopor; nuns d Co., Branca. /annotate Humerus. dealers it Foreign and Dontartie Cul:lunge, Certificate t ,xx, t, Bunk Not., and emit—North {Seta error of and Thad streets. Current Money received oa Dr pea, Bight Cutts for sale, sad collecton rade do nest. :it re% rut P ll t. frfirt b lF ' r 'l l:=l Ausetino .... r • =tam nude to courfroottrote of Rolm% shipped tore em {—TAYLOR, Commissioner and Bill Broker, 112 Second etreit. Etrict lateral:Mu 4111.1. ao all bouttros er.truated to his cam Pittobunib logittitiearid artielm obrarr ea baud or Seated at dna widen -2foteu,Bond., 11 , rizasies. inotiand ou tarot abionerllL- Adraurom made. if ropultnL • : IMONSKLEKES AND STATIONERS. R- C: STOCKTON, late Johnston & Stock '. tan.oolnieller, litntiquer, Printer, mid Binder. nor law cd lisast and Third streets, ritnibumh. ttot4=o. AS. 13.. HOLMES' Cheap Literary Depot, • Third ottee, oporlto tho Peet WSee. New Boats rw by aroma. Sufwerintlawg received to any of or Newerepetf., reiblithed at the poblleberli . . 1...1 ,HOPKINS, Bookseller-and Stationer, IL NI.: 711 Fourth shwa.! .110 ilolklinc, v 0);I:4:11 Av... AVID BOWN, JR., Wholesale rind Retail Esker gni Confortioer t g 6 Fourth Kuser. Pittsburgh. Cab. and Parser Cutiliictlonarys slug) , ou bah& grim mutually attraidul to. rof.lT,lvo fo A , WOLINTOCK, Manufiteturer unci tin; 1, 7 =: p,Uulvti; Oil Cahn, Stem BoaVlrlm wow wt.. h e ag h. anton., N 0. 8 .5 Fourth st COMUSSION MID FORWARDING. • It W. POINDEXTER, corner of Water and 11 • •Art streets.iltl•barzb. Connun• Lau Fn. arcs• nom. and for tho purelme and sale of Misr. Voltam WWl:Weil ton. Nalleka Iser e arid the nimulastured a of Idttaburigh nericreolT, ri::—Avut for th e rate of h. Carper & Co, an I. V7ll- doles celebrated Manure arid Ca Yorke, of Phdadelpiela prim; amt dentine t Co.'s superior narked Tess. - apteill IA?. MeANITLTY k - CO—Yr7i6port - eie, r iL.l=l"=.',ll - 7 - '""" ebr frab s g . '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' wxt C v lDmledon *eh -hoots, No. El watir arra. AL-IL'JOIINSTON, Forwarding and Mathew., No. 112 Patood - street, r r i"it - JONES, Forwarding and Cidu nadigi merchants. Dealers In Droll.. and Herr a n enisetslreel articles. Canal Dwell, near Sewall • ONES S C 0.,, Saccepors to At vedal.,Jann k Connobaloti sad Forwsalltuc Pier delattsitr Pittibaratt . ..11szattoctartxt Oooi.. Pitts- piT a t f irs4*.:4ll.ll:lllantA • awarrr. SII lorc TAM. ACIELETT CCL-Wholesnle arriattactrele find Demist° Dr 7 Goods, A. XrAtiVirreli, — Rol7s77 fieVi Deem zu..7.4 Staple /%7 Mukd Pittsburgh,. [v .... .. „ 'V I '4' : ' 4 f, sl' C : MI , ' lIOLYSALE tad Mal . 00. d. 31cramt.. .onm' Of DENTISTS D: MEW, Dontiot,,Corndrui Fourth sari h. Dostar et; tcbreon alsrka and Pan Weak ,WOOL Neßdwas ,IfB.PIII: & LEE, Vlooc•ltssisit d Merrhant th ea/ 3 • Gorda. No. LW 'Abell; N.;:put:b4h: l. i "" T "" • Q k Ic. , HAR , B4uGu.n wool Meicharits, .DeLers - Islrbar atol Product, and mud& aid Om:Wad 1 Merchanta,No. 11S Ytrai stremi• T13E::..,,.,... : ::1).A.,J1 . A.... , ::- PITTS B URGH .... -,-..--q*.zrTTE, DRUGGISTS. igdA. FAIINESTOCK & CO., Wholesale Dnosgiot, wail loartursoturent of Wlllto Loo4. BAN nod thorto aroor Wood sod /trout otroote, ritto. har s h. Po. too l; . V. IMMEIL I O. EYSER 44. McDOWELL, ( uccessora to ie to Kerr 'Neye.r,) Wh.ilantlia.l.lll , l4llDrag and •aesertyrt.l. Etore. comer of Wool stmt ao.l Virgin alley. Ybysietane . pr,crtyalaux carrfally .lftht dbr. ....... ...... Fla CU, Wholesale IVhoTes7ie 15niFiets:' Deal in Paled!, Oil Pre Fro igool oat m g r .._ Prop . rie . tnen or I,e. 311,1x:r . bi bdietratl Worm 13Ale, 11110, and Lund f , inapi nii. o omar or Wool Fourth 'treat., Pittsburgh. Orders will be carefully gacl. od. and torrardail adik,iladatch. • cI;E. SELLERS, Whol4sale :Dealer in .tor Pam., Dye Stuff., (Ms, Viroleties, Le, ad, "1,1 WOW street, Pittsburgh. I's- Good, warranted. Prim . • • Q N. WICKERSLIAII, Wholesale Druggist 2.l6llAirretttluAfertkoll.=.l""'''' RA Unt - iiitli, - WEI Oleglrand=al . Drug qie Ls, corner of Liberty and AL Clair et, PAM- SCTIOONMAKER & CO., Wholesale Drag e., N 0.21 ti - cod rt.. Pittsbnr.h. GROCERS 'Pont', Fonder. No. 11F Eecond, And 147 Frost kr. apl ir L. SIIEE, Wholesale Grocer, Comb:"lesion . -.Merchant; and dealer in Paper and Wigs, °ander et Penn and Irwin FtrcrtA, Pittsburgh. (,; I A.3IUEI, P. SHRIVER, Wholesoe Gro- Prodtme cnd Conurdoeion liferobanto. and Dm]. orein Pittshurrt. Ilan utxtured detielot. Nos. ISO mad 182 Smug ELME, t.fraton Wool mid Smithfield. intiffbutsia. aom a. 241.09.711-- . ... JOSIP. Tons s.. co., WhOieSale llrewers, Penduoe and Cie:minion Merchsate, wed A 9,1341 rOS Huard Powder Co., of llerwrdellio. Come, tie. 31 %Toed R. Pittsburgh. 114, ' VEIIII2E INdRATIAIt, Wholesale _LP Groat,. sod Contsal.eicrt. Merchant*, N 0.1113 Rate et:me:wad 'l5O first stn., Plttatargb- ' ' ' yrEy, MATTHEWS & C 0.,. Wholesale oeeerNcomise.oeo - eeo vereemeenereheets.em -cuts for listsaacn Gathat l'urns, 67 Water st,Patabstigh. . JOHN VAS: .... ..... TGEtN WATTtliolesale Grocers, Comrategcnii Morthbrits. and Dealers lb Prialacie and Ihrtaborell bantilacturrit. tio.VO Liberty mat, Pau -burgh. Pa. W S. CA_NFI4D;Iato of Warren, Ohio, eipi c grg"ti•VZ F ' n oV. ,° g' ' , l""' " Pearl Aela arnel tiretern Produce pm . g.lte klu't. l' lot .u 4 bePreen eatletdleld earl Wool, PltUtelrgte.. " - t'r ""L L e.11,11.111 , 1L 11. 11.1/111.41, JS. WATERbL&N & SONS Wholesale ALOwners. Commission sal Forwarding fleretants, i.. 11 kinds cf Yrodune and Pitaburnll 11anufrtn• d Articles, =I Agents fur tn r fans nf L LLY 1 acul ynehburgh Ilanulneturcl.ToLanco, Non. SO and 61. Watrr stare, Fith.t.urgh' sF. VON BONNHORST IL CO.. Whole • sale Grocers. rargardlag and Coniailinuati March. su Duelers In Pittsburgh Manufactures and Western earner of Preset Arcetarelehancerr lane, Pittsburgb. - Mkt. rarxxx SAIAII DICKEY..I, CO., Wholeonle Oro rgtek P-d" NGLISII: BENNETT, late English, 0111NerOz. holerulefir k ars. Come:S.4ra ar rg ti buh ILI outsmart& IZ2 Second gLdaul 1= Fleet n, between Wood gut Smithfield. • RN. mutt, too-WA e. Nr. 11*ER .. & aW I. RICKEIy-`lo t N, W w lrlesale W and A No. vla curlier of Liberti iurtetw tiot Irwin other PIM. Worth, Po.. lean. Na il , Cotton "ortoi, te., 10 coantatly •ol hood. . ama cu1..,.J.L SP. 34LL. —lOll3 o/1114tITE. Wholesale Go cersand 11 c..L,:4.u. tttitiargh. ILOBERT :MORE, Wholesale Grocer, .. ,... - cccuryicatiov, ru t e l loca l ri=il L;; 3 coc.. 'th'Slrbertr streeL On haul trmivor.i=i ROBERT DALZELL & CO., IVholesale Clrurtrsi Co:mad:gm Ilerr-batam...tuAlers IA Pluton , And Pitt.sbAtih Atalaufactuns. Au. = Liberty' stew!. littsbargb." ROBERT A. CUNNINGHAM, Wholesale AA Gem,. Pruducv, fungardlog, and 04=1.84.1,1eA Ulna, And Dual, In Pdttbargb .51sAuacture... libertT etreg6A I,ll.l.AmvA. & CO., illy:death Oro , V nu, a ...I :73 Woad Itireet. Pittaargh. JokC - ii. , Awn. n'cLoousa.. T` 1Ch .31 - Cai4LESS, • ,iuccessors to Wbolcso:oorocer - 4 Foroardins fkicaudacion Alwrchvits. deklen i Iron. Na ti, tiloas, Dottou liarna. and. Pinobtircli Natinfactarol konorsdiri a.m . of Wood mud Watu curets, IlWatiackki. tL ati. " Nakft - Sijin - atlifkg, ,V0:90 Grocers and Carandarion Martharda, Dealersja PT} nes, and ?Pinnbargh Ilanaraetand IRS Marty Knee, Pinaburgb. Pa. AD. WILLIAMS — CO — . 'Wholesale and • Gatall'Farmilr C r. Yora . u l ding and Conuntaatno rhanta, 44 Dealers Country.Prolune and Pittotoargh Manufactary, mru•r Coed and Fil th Pau bonen. OBINSON, ''''''' o CO.; ic0..f. 3 .55 Llberty rs,<Ll'icteburr.b. Wingthara Pthr nen and Co/ow/mkt Ilerthanta,and dwlers La Pitt/twat JO= MITI, aIL FLOYD, Wholesale Grocers Com e cod Drakkro CotdocoLitoutat Carch Itoildlog, holding ou'LiOortr.M . r.l..ond flats Id stneto, UaLrutob. P. JOHN PA_RKER & CO.,WhblesalcOrocera: Dealer, in Predure, Foreign Wines. Liquors. Old Mora acuahala and 'denuded Whiskey—No. Cortuuercial Roy, Liberty Pittsburgh. JAS. DA_LZELL, Wholesale .Grocer, Corn minion drad Enmardind Menthard.ard had. Cri2Ar Cotton' Yarn, l'ittshurgh .11.ufartam generely—No. Ea Wider id— and 73 kdrrt at, titUbdtvd. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. TORN MELLOR, Dealer in Piano Fortin, 3lnfie, and Mules] leudrumects, &boot Bnota, and ntationerr. Sole agnnt for Cldekontnes Plum Olt.. for Western Pransylvenia—No. 61 W.. 1 et. JERRY KLtBER. Dealer in Music, Mu- Iristrunmqe, and importer a Its/tan Parma. ••&11% ' :132 ( IgN " 10 Mom MAIRTFA==B txtI,ILLINGS, 'WILSON 8; CO., Matathie 'A:men. or sixes tacks ' Inca and gictP laeW, do'sr rhos choir. and Ittatog . trat uct t& Euishints. al cloot. boo. acol tathiog dot so lino 34 sad Ofnce at LIPPE:Z:OAT d. CO., No. US. Water at, Pltta bargb. jet IRON CITY TACK - F. ACTORY.—Tbe Bub- Scribers mum facture and keep enustsurtlr ou harid all tl UEd Hob ?t r ills n f L itigt.iiii , tl k4 ..V.VillidT k List GM.. strl Tett,. 'turd Ilgibt Copiso sad 'Clue Ekon Naar Pattern !takers' Mut.; are warted MRS. Qt., 4C., de. clafrum,t., curs§ a (NI. aunty Mut:souse. acs Water rt. Pittsburgh. ELIIENNEDY, CHILDS CO., 31anufactu Tnets at ntrictiar 4-1 fibt.tipg. Carpel Chet. ale. and Cutting. Penn Mill, Pittsburgh. MAC .1.1 . 1 -01, QCKISI• TONES & gUIGO, Manufacturers of Spring and, Stasi, Plnagh Moab liEssl Plough Wings, las Eliptle Spring,. llama:Lased bon Azlen and dealers ha 31sEssiblo Castings. }lre Engiw Lama, and Coach Trimmings generally. corner n( Roes and Front au, Pittsburgh. Pa , _• riITTSBURCIII ALKALI WORKS.—Ben net. Burry & Mennfooturerm of M a x i 800.3 tr. Arg Iknodero; >luriale nod tolphorte Mm., No. MI Wear at. tricot . Iniy. PAPER HANGINGS WALTER: P. MARSLIALL. Successor to Samuel C. Ifill—lmportar af.l Dulei in ftronen and Americas Caper flanging. end Borders, Windom Shade., Tiro Bowl Prints, ice. .111.-14 riiinnr . Printing. and Wrapking l'aper. No. dif Woolf stave., bemoan loam and Diamond allay. Citiabaran, Ca. TEA DEALERS. . • 11013EItT MORRIS, Ten and Wine Mer it. aunt, Eut 44e of the Diaz:mod, PittAbargh. WV. 1. .... .....imago. et... WM. A CO.. Grocers and Tes Weans, Tidi Liberty .treet. obllo Wood nine always en burl • Iwo swats:inn a Obstice Grocer. tea.d Floe Tea. Aleh.—Yoretas frg.its and thuts,Wholh ea. gind =tail applied the lowest tams. TRANSPORTATION AGENTS TOIIN A. CAUGHEY, Agent for the Lake Erie Allehigeo Bayer end the Lam— Wee oti the earner or woter hod Smithfield rt. LEECH CO., Transporters - by Canal ronrinllng Marehauta, corm.. of Penn stmt. ~'f~i~1941bSiaM~~I:1~ A. BROW N would most respectfully inform Ibe peak that be keepion bawd at lal.Altni tbe west eeir has Diamond, Allegheny city, • eon:Ude...Meant of tth also Venni= Elintbers ars made he Utitod to order to the beetVenitheibllu style, warranted equal to .7 1. Mates. Ws Blinds cats tie removed without the aid tef • screw delver. Having gurchussi the etneS t lools and wood rif the cabinet esialtUalunent pf hammy a Slcelellaint,l am h7rileti their aid rendenitys, as well as the pole * - 1,....t;a7...19tiyety Ilion In their One, tot etmet. leittetunti. J. A. BROWN. ' PAPER.KARRniG AND PLASTERING EPSEPII JOIINSTON. Pere¢ JlANcza hasicars—heillenn h cvmer of Third ntreet wag End on. Allegheny. N. IL—Lhno, ha.l: !Aorta, Lnlb, rc, for mac nnnhtly 'lY9:Aat' : _ . ~~:.r ADAM ILARDIE, Veterin ary s ur g eon, k ith Inam =rip: pahli? thtte r has artaa fal attevartV".tr.ll 4 : ratrage4 r ta him. be t 4 Five mitla Java. Ilardla; Maeb.tbiag raneral will ton cardal va at the torn. at Tanael greet .4 Paapaylv.ta Arrane. JEWELEB.B. , W V. WILSON, Watchm Jeirelrr, Silver • V Vv.. 0.4+ corn, or k fcrartharcou,vitAinp‘h.r. N - ..B.—wstems4l"ciale -sntnlltrer"lr«l. PLIAIJN:LeinDr:(:O4 I OGiIN, :WILSON. Importeia and Wholeinde - PesU = ra Ilardwase and CoPerr, No. add Matt. rittabovX ENGRAVING AND LITHOGRAPHING Tki , : -.-I VILLE JOHNSON , Eng;ver on Wool,11•14 Otani fnln7,l P,lttsbursh, Pa.-13rwe of .11schlorhg, Mesas of Newspapers, hvgahrpleefs,, D r sclalole, In nokar. Stss for laslslos, So elethssltethnl Stators. the Ord of art, sod at the lased lakes. IfiLLIA 3 I SCHUOHISIAN'S Lithograph k Totabintovent, Third etreph onponte the Poet Pittsburgh.: Mope, Lansrapee. Portnntr. Phos Buth e .de,Dratr, Mad, Labels, Architectural and atarhlne Th.. e dnor, analuea and Visiting etude. An, graved or derma on Stone. and prima' in tolore, lloht, en Wine, or Blerk.ln tha went appron.l Arlo. IsLid , at th e moat mann. hn. orley. 1•71.1• . Wegner, Bneehner RMueller's NEW LITHOGRAPHIC ESTABLISHMENT. THE ABOVE, FIRM resflectfully unuounce to their. friends *mi l lb: b pi:lLnc letrfa i lid , ,gat the tardePtrirlhiu*ss'as"lnt'lls, the v a tool Professional Cards,. M apt . , q.rt.. hsbeis, a e . Their estabiLsbmaut Is at :to. tat Market street, h.. Thirl and Fourth sttyste. up staira tochtall NISCELLABEOp Ing Bolivar liroßrickeZdannfac Comp'y. ;As:atom, IT 5f,. ' 551511 I. P. .. ...a. 5. Y. 6515 GLOVER, KIER & CO.,PROVRIETORS. SUBSORIBERS, having been ap „R. pointed Agents, fur the shore the ecumern, will keep conetantly an Mind • purply of the eedebrated Bolivar Piro Briek i Crusible rim CI ay, Carmen Hearths andlnie ollk They are aim yreparest to receive Indere for said heck, in to made In dm and they* to milt numhaeers. whleh ebell b" ‘Vr. ' ,/?n U n p i ire l e e dtit o ctane; to p enumeriito lid; many ad vantages the Bolivar Eire Reek ews%another...Ma hare been o ff ered for mile In the Ended Mates. their thy, Madly ding well known to absent all redeem who mu rim Brick. The prorrietdrs hare &tern:lined that ltd. Mick ehall loso none of their, present enviable remsiktion, and that. no expense *hall be spared to midst them even Leder than they have heretofore been. This to the only establishment side mmpfaetnelnf ))re Brick at Belie.. KIER JkJONER, , mtha Canal Baths. &Tenth et, Pittsburgh. Pittsborgh Gail Pipe and Tube Works. rpuE undersigned have just completed their xterolve IRON TUBE WORKS, and are now manafactullna all rhea of GAS HP!, Lo eooactirs and other nue,. and all law of WROUGHT IRON TUBES, beh aty otter for sal", the knouon. then Lsitw.owpruvttoex,cuts4lni.COl[,lt.without of, o. 49.99:11 A CO. No:91014 01 ViWte9 strovt. fto4 3to - j 011TEBUR011. I.A. _L_........ - WIILMARTU dc NOBLE—City Flouring MIA, No. 5451.1terty,e0w of Marco oL, PittstatS9. ViCUOLAS VIVL9II, Civil Enginetr; abol,TraveAt.P , ,vv":,ul Zfeg eery tor Mines, Water Woks. I . oda.. te— Ma) tet - towel lAtAlet 10 A. It. and 6 P. IL et Lb resident., Ace 21 blarburr street. Pittebezeb. lenl4elle• • New Coil& Faetory—Allegheny.. Id.. A. WMTE CO. would re-, M• . : alwerfollr 'lnform the public that thry have erected n shop on Larock, between Federal and eaadnekr. Meets. • Sher aro veer making and are prepared 10 order. for every dwveription of vehicles, Coachee, Mark., Bantichre. Buggies, Matto., de, an, which, foto their tang vaporing.. In the nuonfactore of the ti ere wart, and the facilities tiler have, they fort confident they ince , enabled to do work on the most teem. with thecae articles in their One_ Paring particular attention to oi...election of they and Wing none but compivent workmen they have no hesitation na warranting their wort_ W et errefore sea the attention of the public to this matter.:' h. A. Repairing thaw in the bent manner, i 1134 on the most ;evincible term,. . iweihtf NT, AIME MARBLE WORKS, (establishedlma) by immuso wrunN2, I.ltwrty w. of Wood Civet. Pittsturgh. Monocients. Luria Vanitt, Tombs. Ileadftt.orti yo. nautel sta Pier ToIM oltraye oo luottl. of ton& to order. N. B. A chola. rebsetion of Dr. - fogs on bat3.l. Job ITTSBURGE COMMERCIAL COLLIGE, Corner of Third and Market Meth/ Th. An!yet, InAntutton of the kind ha EMUburh. YAMM.—John Yleming. Principal Iratruetor he the Scient, Aroountc. Prot.soor of• Computation, tee Alen. M. Matey; Eto, Lecturer Caanotoolal L. Tbao dear.. romplet• kaael.dyte of noOk wpm,Kee mutt Rs attplaatxet to orr ery brawb or btu... alert sent and wspid pettattoutttp. are - feinted ta .11 4154 l ai In. the arr.gtateats. Lecture ao Commerrlel Law every !Imlay , Yrobttl• Itetarare to any of the reeldeut city morel:ants. ttle7Zl [ ESTLELTSIIT..I) 1632, by EDMUND WILKINS, No. 245 Litwrty fit., ues4toriTual street. 111.trbargb, Ps. althenuents, Burial Vaulte,thinbetoneu ie., Mantle Plume, Centre end Pier To Liners on baud ant meth: to order, of the • electheat Marble, end at very reduced prima A thea•e telethon of ththeings ex hand. The finest Sterne" 1 : A ' etnnort.d :.-..--- _--- --- 1 - 1 f _ ea—, (rem Italy. .F. , 1 rie,p. I , 1' i f•,.., ,7 - - l_r_ ' ItCYCBLNCY.S. Hon. nner Denny lloh lo dge ithin,. C 4t r ii! ' i r = Wm. Athinionth e Par irth.Vi Arm. he, Archthiet. 'John Pordar. Lo ok.ou .. . . • Pons. Broker.. Pittsburgh L. straniri - t Rehm. • do. J. H. ok.votamr. Co. mu k Curd.' a.. Wenn AlrOanithere. Ey. Coon l Pargent, do. Robert:WK.:thug:q. Wm. Bereler a Co. ' I ' ll " . Wgh‘ Y.l. "'"`thall=f`c.', - , rrwr. 13.I.Ottirep. Err.. Allegheny. E. dung grateful T rey the veer Ilheral nerved ninteth eam to Una thy, heaven hail the {anted and beet jobnentrurted co tile ewe up LI the orment tune, and wlllendeartir to modes sathreethin bereafter. .thref - _. Bennett's Monochromatic Depository, O. 73 THIRD STREET. Mai L—Netor Polottingo—The `ti Wen of Getlttemsne." Slut the •tiemeterT et Seutati. - tort! ~/.~~.r~:~'At LASS 4t ~:~ ~ ~ qABINET TURNITORE MANU-5: farterer. Waneaame St 7 Third meet. J.. .W. reeponfally 10be . .. by tea anti - curtenners thet he hat now completed the larded et and data stock of household furniture a., before real 111 this city, as be fv determined to uphold the acidity *Kb matedale, beat werktnentrhM. and Mweet de legate. and beta extent of ble orders and bailey lo manufacturing. he e ls enabled to predum waranted fund tune, at the lowest Priww fie h. •dopted tte prindple Identify/Mt the <wan.. are liateren witb his own. he duality and price. and ken , always on band the greatest variety of ever) dfartlcton Cl banana, from the cheerer< and Wawa. to Wm -noon ele• ova nod acetify that a Lou.. er soy part of nem, may ho (crabbed hem bin Week , or manufacturedtepee:fly te order. lie therefor. solids an Memento, Net the *dean beam of hie wtabllshmeut eta; knewn. The followin ; article. waist. ln part. of his stockeerbkh the rlehmtv el style and Inlan cannot be 'turbaned fn any of the tatero cities. Perlore &swing. dialog, and toVrasla chafe, of e'er, review. couelstiag of renewed. taalangsup nerd waleaf. 'hlbtabethsw. Consermtone and Piney Chaim, of every 4i..- .ri Fre bbon rrch and AIIM: Couches, do lUM tes, Tettewiete mud Plains of the Sakai .S 1 pattern. tendho, nni ladles' parlor Waiting Desk. of ration* Work 'YAM, and bogy MIMI stand. music ntandr, and holders, marble top. mahogany. rotarood and walnut Centre sod setae ta. Ws, extmatott dining tablet. all edam of the moat Improved. and decidedly the belt kind made; tad. Pembroke hall nod pier table. w•rdebbee, bedstesds and washstand, of each lags arwirtment, gal& hell and pallor recteptbn ther. ottomans and Wool, weretary sad hmk cam. tide board, Ile amens. towel racks. bat shod; Wad masle.bol4 vibe and cots for children, paper macho, table and tea pery. mahogany, redwood, and mined pearl Tables. de. to,. d Luse amanita of Con.. undture Windmr Pb.!?.. Cabinet makers Supplied ulth dl Wfidet la "r Ilne. immba.t. atut Rods. thrashed at the shortest mare. All orders promptly attaried u, Jay iMINTY LANDS—Cm. NAYLOR, Attorney . t Law. No. la. Third . 4 earner of Cherry t basin, made arrunannennts for tab purpose, will procor. Bounty Lauds Ger ofttner• and soldiers. their widows and childran..d Will attend to aril other bend. moulded with the unr.tatenont ur .07 of la D.wrt. silents. the Pension plillo., or the Courts st the Cif, of Wisehlunton. 1.74,3 Drawing, Perspective, and Painting in Oil It. D. It. SMITH is now prepared to give i delightful art. fiing in i n different breaches Yet of bi t rooms,. in Ilona Koala .1 Allnotecede e.. building. Vint sheet, leaser Word and Market gads. flours of instruction, from :hi to 416, and from to /IN r. Charges and other particulate e.n to kao nf ~ u ng (afternoon) at the rooms. Refer to 10. Garearo or Dr. Addis.. • la'" altf W. Dixon's London Patent Lever Watches, Superior to any Machos ever d in offer Picoffuroh. RICIIAEDSON, St Market street, is tfl I gra': Agent :hotsLeto name d atc ' rr By appointment to the 'Admiralty, Wel DIXON, Chef , =meter and Watch Manufseturer. Bing Equarei Go. wall Bond. London. • This catlike that the accompanying Watch, No. —,lsf IT Me to let of my manufacture, and DO Wstrb with my name open it la Amid. nolo. accomparilool. Ly • certificate tearing my Planet. , 1 guarani.. the Watch No —, keep tin. lo the eat. isPaction of the purchafer. IYM. DIXON. apillak Steamboat Agency, and General Comado• BiOn, Receiving and Forwarding. PALDWIN, PLUMER £ CO., have this dkr arnocl4.l.l with them Mr. Job n Lawton. and otter r mak. to We public as &aunt./ Arent, Gummi " h ; (0 0 Loownsi. Apr a 15.111 1. 142 William' Row. pril=l, W. twswWfonow S. awnwlowut 1,. maws. ETTSBORtarCITY GLASS WORKS.--- W. CUNNINGHAM a CO., Manufacturers of Wlanon No. MI Slarket atnnt, bolarecu Mat and ,Posona, Pittsburgh, Pa. Particular attention NO to odd sluts. Also—llealers'in Stint nit... Nis.. moos, k., elilkw/I Mill /Mr ..14.1101 COLVIN. SMITLBY & UOLVTN, Coal Merchants 1.1 W. fl I s Dry Gocolo, Groceries, Iron and Non rooner or Wo o litroPt 'and Warn's:lgloo 'rump*. Hos GEORGE E. ARNOLD & CO., BANKERS. DEALSItS IN axcala-az, COIN, palm krona, sc. No 74 "Math et, nest to Baith of Pathmk. Notes and Drafts oolleetal on AO pert. of the Union.. fffneka Womb. mid mid on oommaision. Otarlan? • Removal. JAMES WILSON has removed Ids Hat seal Cap Nara to No. PI Wood street, third door south of Diamond Cloy. (to-PARTNERSIIIP:—Having taken my xj f on, Edward It. Wilson, thin partnership in tap Its; tap and Far barineo,as mill hereafter do valriene ureter lac amoo of I. WILSON I SON et 01 Wood linnet • Jamas WILSON. P. If Wilma cantinaee the list and Cop Om , NO. Y tadertll gnat. dile:bear (My, lately kept by E. IL Wilson. avamaitertf.l% J. Wilson & Son. WHO,ESALE and retail ninnufactu tars am degas to Ilats aW Cam No. 01 Rood street. third door helm, Diamond Alley. Pitts. Lora they offer a fall and onnalete Mock of llam and (Mpg of their own and Eastern maronfmtare, nt every nasally and YIN hr wholesale nod read, and Invite the attention or heir enstomen and the public. aireurfait them Unit they al I sell on th e molt reasonable tem.. igsms.Ft. . - - J.l /13:TIlled rt . Dr. ilyr rriD. s-reod rartiorlar Card. . MYERS—Surgeon and Physician. . darlllnd.cornor of Darlington • arr.. N. • r one door share EmltbOold Permanently locand in Mahwah, odd ° the dune. Of his Prote•ebo. Heath - Idr. ...icro toEcaamN. es•e-e~ and rho d]•eur* of aolfardo. k , . , i.~;:Jr;.~a 11, • CO.j Importers o and Buts Cheese, 161 Ssalthtleld street s bf .. !Seventh. PITTSBURGH, SATUREfXY MORNING; JUNE '2B, 1851 lUSULLAZIEOIII3 CARDS, GREENWOOD GARDENS TIUS SUMMIL-RETREAT Li la opeO for U. seccantioutaildg of Uniform. The; besuir of Um plate ban been mulch ImProatel by the addition mf . bhoice illuubbery and Plower, A. large collection of meet looming an and Shrubbery. of the chollue• kind., owe Opt for maim on the premium. . . Ice Creams; fly .a dui kept the Polon. em usual. . I''''''"'"."'M rortalt n eat ri .hrottlNDSPY,lmarm The near and , the landing toUreen Pitt Wan and th• Allembenf litidge, the bet/Inning of omen' Mor — from Ill:Muck, A. until I 0 P.ll. One extra trig evening, at o'clock. - Strangers clotting the Pnioky City are Incited to lay • visit to Ulla perfect - Plum Paulen. The Coulon Is kept MI Temperanos tortuolplerg and cloud on Sanda y . epladf . F. R. Moore: N. D., • • 1 1011.1110 PA T RIC PHYSICIAN, devotes Aerial ottentiOn lathe trvalosent of .11. 'of wen won And eltlldren, met ocato dbnotto •-• chronic wtd trangirat dinner. Wee on Andocroo rano., ne.r the Hand dtrvet Bridge. and non; door 10 the lino. inn MI, Allegheny Car. Odl.. Won from 7to A. , from 1 to 3. And from 7 toit I'. 31. --- 7.1 1 / 1 1112ffirtlY108--Spratt's Patent. JAMES JACKSON; ASO?. Inotesale Depot, 86 _Wood arid, Pitt•bitryh; Pa.; tCartarrhatta Cutlert Store.) rESE LIGHTNING RODS afro cc con iructed that they mama get out of order. Theo- I ne acre and Attache:ante tittles areetately. to. 7'utot3 Sod MATOetS are uratealtett—the 'whets beam MOM ur n:mental, aridtrlttueat dispute the beet eonduetzr errs tetterearturea. Jaruat Jaekeen etteeb then at 12M cantle, foot. WI. at the stare, 10 routs. (tentlrtuen aye mptetfo6y tlrtltteMed to 001100 01 Wad etreet, and ormolne the Abate; rettett. the A o. o tt 00 4 he teen. trallaf Sea =curt • HITS BEY . 3 SISCLAIB, Storage,B hipping & CammissionXerelmas, dettra z ! e n cl o roceriel, Gime, an Oak, and 13 ere, Mrret,Oblo. Cash advances sand , daon caarlganaiatA - U Arrnts far all Steamboats lual ITcapelltra In the lAka laTrar na. . near to—Wm. OW A Co,Claralsrall - • Niles Whonlar, Aulrabal T. M. Howe, Cashier. littaburati. • . mrlaalaa. Alexanderßradley, No 19 Brood strut, between ;trot and Szzoairts • (01011 OF TILE GOLDri iTOVE.) ICIANUFACTURER or : iiery 'deuription IVA: of COOICLVG STOTTSB. of the mist improved pd. tern, zed such ao • 111 reader the hilt eatisfachou. dIoo—PARIAM fiTOlO9, 611110114 whirb .01 be Crawl Jewell & rollobrated fallow door Parlor Meer hot nom; Radiator. brablellnEtovem lola and fec to whi rt we In the attention of T Kett) 11010. Wart; Wagon leoxes, ae, to all of welch ail:Milo the •tleation of Palen before pirthatelnit 4.13.whe tare, 112 EO. E. ARNOLD s CO. have thio day ea misted with them JOlll. D. ACOLLY. Tha art. of tler Om .111 beets heretofore. Plttaimaret,ll;y in. li4l. • OW, ST. CLAIR HOTEL, (Formerly the Exehange,) Corner of Penn and St. Clair Stroeta, ,PMBIII3IIOH ry~IITS timiciois, central., and moat conveni• ently located I.IOTEL. hmisig ban rorapletelf eloh and thoronahty rostra mot Improved, iimar open Mr the aveonvotolatmaothba The anbaraiber. kvore and prophom ot th e ST. CLAIR HOTEL, rserpoothlly informs his Mond, and the watille that be has fumble-I It I m the mod elegant and comforts hi...Wk end entyloyal rompotent 111.1041111 t, ual attentive mid fait hful ry at., and that he will 7 . no exertion tarnothe it equal tO any honor , In Ma mom . The vett known central lomat. of th e Gus., and returner wo of arrange.. la, rendering It the most dation- Other to traveler* or permanent boarder, Ind ores him W solicit tod hope Mr It • Ilbend there of patronage: matt! C. W. BM: N ETT.. • -- - putt ANTI csbeit. WARE. • jAMIJEL KROESEN keepti constantly on hand a good worth:mat of Waoh aDi Bath 'Doh, I Etostaboat. DOD, Eltebtla or Draw Back•tr. Waal. Boota Churns. Dry llooattes. Mao Cherry traah latirdt.atul hrr kind. of ►walo la hu m ny. Warrroons. Ilatoolo itan.vole *tort. Pittsburgh. Pa lILD?rkY WALL PAPER. Fresh, Assortment of Spring Goods. 'rift:WAS PALMER is daily receiving the Lart , ra Mks, .t tb. °kr .tan .l. No. 55 MitRUM 'STRUT, Betuliis Third and Fourth areal, Pittthroyh, Lardy ratantdons w Ms prevent Met, of thou:mit beautiful PAPER ILISCUNGS that b.. appyared In Mb markt.< fur • was purled. Stt• patturns an eutirely ben. tb• styles pecultarly chub.. and tb• color, fa.tot of dun, un•orotded. bran 11 max itplearda. the prise, er martee. j So Otrudlr• font uf comb., of 'ditch • more ac curaudgm ent no ed Auto than description. Lbu attantim of EU rrllassta sal !maw toed,' ix resja•ct. full> triritetl. • 5000.1. HAVE PrtTEP UP, (on the New York r , a0..1 tau Ware... fur Urn rale of Co, Was. Curtain UaterraJr, and Wog apfartalorog to I.or farakpabla parlor. and bar. orlertni largrar mLat superior aooartrorod of dada Do Wars. En.votalr, 1 - raorb arra Gorman Irannat WI". Ilarrirt, 3/arnooa. Llalutrer. Trrl.r lied aloods, )lirt r zer. tieopo of rtrr) Lao. Corral., torrod and plain Ho!. laud of <Ill:Irma .rtatba r rorokro of U diffrrsot pottenn Bnd grtylra„ Door Mats, Klodoir 'Wu/karat PlarAira,Corlaln nista and Bards. Curtain aqua. lamas and Trcoel Card. 000 sod Werrlol. DM Mats. and /Pin e*. swill., .ad Lazar:tor QWIU, ltronaarponas .04 earrod Corodarta:3l4lrwon, Bed. and I.ddhart. WEVZ;2iiMIIMB3I 11 A. MADEIRA, Agent for Delawnx 1. ulal ewer 'antrum Mom). Water JGARDINER COFFIN, Agentfur Franklin Vim Inmenma Company• north wit corm.. ni woad and SbIN Kan... Alkr3t. GLENN. &MAN, Wood otre`et, eneonel dont. feein the hen, of Tinen, when Le le 'l7 ading with neati =1:41;1 . 7 " iTrani 004..N1 ¢ I to y you d relleitantlialy. Ronne In. mantel, or old b•.t. puled carefully, or Maned. Nunes put. In gilt leant, wbe bate binding are b.. 1 to calk PI.II bW. .12.4 , 11 T - . . :1 4 t4 'CORD B - -CO CO:i Iftala and Retail 4:VA- ftliabl a Cdemayl Tant a comer of Neal and flftla tont" tronuran. Whore that oller a full and nocaploU stook nf flaw, Cap. YoM Lo, of *foalltrandrty/e. by Iflookaalo and 'total!. odal Ju nto theatlontam of Omit onrunaeryand on:Than . . Kano , . al I youna Etna thorn that lbeT 041 on the mood achado taaeono ford,. AVM. DIGDY, Merchant Tailor. Draper. szd Dealer In Mad r cuttthu. Are You Subject to the Tooth Ache. I-I AVE sou hollow teeth ? If ms, rise mArtms• French Tooth Enamel. a tem -table or mintr compound. ' , smutted not to Injure the eeth, nT mouth.., U. pentode' tnerearmleompositiopedn. by erbteh nett hereon may Loom Ida other ourndentitn. at a email ramose. Cold So EnS and U. 5 mut wkum by P. N. ttt I cluxeium. Agent. JeTtilm Wood street. PlttllonruN• I UST itECEI%'EII—AT IP° 1 .1 ,, n 0W!•,: " 17,Zig,n,,101. mat 10 • iinglA . stal french lKey y Etc, for mil. ni•.l.daek PIM Warn Cefhinerete, rot A .1 e. terirn• n •el 31hreelllee mid Linen Test HAY AND MANURE FORKS-125 doz. Harper k Co. celebrated flay end N.rne Fort, reeored from the marinfeeturer. Probelelehia, on cowls. mane end far sole by Mt.ll'.-VtaNDLNIEIIe Wat ,rwr. For neatn=a Znish and Intrlarle Fable. U er we Fom. he rorloweeel: erm the tea',.,., at which they ate mold. rourt bonne. Quer h o trod armtltly Loe , italr , rl.l7l7l LRAVE on hand a large stock of Mat:mis t, made out of pure Clair. Mae'satiny brat rota a will fie.. tall. NOBLE. tor 26 Third great await& tha Poo 011104 _ _ Paper. PPRINTING. WRITING, and WRAPPING nuns 21 by 3/. Prlntlni 10 , 901 21 by 20 203 hr 112 • 600 ay la 24, 24 Iva% 21 br 31, 2.4 61, 22 by 43; 400 •• i aetorr Paper; 1400200 WI. rt!. Crown Ftrave raper. Medium 700 Medium • 31611 um and Blnnle Croon Rug. Tho undarolateal keeps constantly on hand and for rale hattga for Raga, a luau and goners! aaeorUnent of Ruled. Cap, leersar. Hardware. and Tea Yogurt; Bonnet Martha &e../c. vat 14 aol slut, fur per nunntwturo tn. Println., kakd land. to ordor on short notinn. .1. L 811.1111. L. 1.00 nortwr of Pont, nod Irwin 10E8—.3.4 - Diy Flint, for nolo by In 3 8. t W. 11ATIBAUOI1. g - ACON-7 casks Sides, for sale by --- /63 b. W. lIORRAULHI. i3OUR-100 bbls. D:fe - iir Lisbon Stm. F two. fur br • f. •W. II•RDAU011. BORAX—c; caseo Refined, for;t_ie by /63 J. BCI3OOIi3I.IKER t CU. _ -I AMP BLACK-30 bbls. ass'd, for sale by /63 J.IICLIOONIUNIIR ACC); tons'Allegheny; for sale by 1 /eh R. FLOYD, Rouud Church Bulldlug. ViNPIAR-50 bbls. pure Cider, for sale I Lr ' • 163 J.t R. ILOYD, ROOMS--15Q doz. Obid, for sale by AirJe3 J.& R. FLOYD. fiIIEESE.-28 boxes Cheese just received no womilExuatnt and for sale es._ • pra MILLER CENTSON. BANK STOCKS-- GO elates St errhsula . and Ilan of...Marrs' Balk: to . Martutooth lb. Wet; tor ate• KAI. S. HILL .1 Jolguturr3orli Wood street. abort. Fourth._ .A LLEGIIENY CITY BONDS— :cm. 410,030 .0 Cltr taup,, P. mosithschat Itt .. . . 1 ...14 I.AL A. LULL AM, JelltAa.3tra • OLTP SPECTACIasSA lerge assortment Jurt opeutng: also. Sliver mut ateel of *eery kiwi. A etude of °lessee, of the testAualltp,..fetally eAtuet , Al to the 'Woo according to the prinutplee of Optical oct et.. Pebbles put In Warder. • .. W. W. elytfefau. Jolt Racket ettreL, G RAPE H2t4LS.- --- fiteeThd thii, dapper r. T 7 A. 6IASOYtOD. CHEESE. - 31 Cbecee, receiving per t) lbw, and for Ws by gIIAD-10 bills. No. 1; • • " for net by . • anf. , 4 . DURBRIDGE iMITIRAII. COPPERAS. -3.5 bble. for j. stl i egy . co. No. GO, Wood d. ...• • •., ITAR CANDLES--10 boxes, prime arti do. tar Nth br, , , j. lip)D A CO., In N. 00,Wood mt. —.— -- MEDIOATED Spines and Brandies, a fresh lot Just reedra and ibr dr6r Kmo cc ' :14 • No. Ce.ll'acit I ARAI: VARNISH-3 bbls. (Baltimore) IP fprglo DT . J. KtlID • 00, CREAM T.A.IITAIL-1,000, lba. for saleby 7. KIDD a co, lei Da GO. Wood irt STEAMERS, MAILS, &c, :.40118 ANT CBAAS _ °VIBE BMX &HIPS: - UHT OF STRAIERS FOR TUE MONTH OF /ORE PACIFIC. Bre. Du New Bark-- May VS AMERICA, !Bannon. fa 85 EUROPA c Lott, For N. ..... —Jane 7 ARCTIC. Lace. for New —lv. 11 N I AC/ABA.I4BU* ...... ..... Jaw 84 CITY Campbell tar Philadelphia—lam 18 CAMBRIA, LIAM/fop, tot .... ----I—June II AFRICA, Bre* fur New .......... CAI:AI/A.14.171am, for Mmtoo--. .......... BALTIC, Coartock, Itord Norr York Jam 7 , AV/11C.1.. Ir, do, from. tiny York. ..... ..... CANADA, B r oth b o om NORTE AMERICA. Matron. from New Y0rk......10rm 17 Jodklas. from New York PACIFIC: Nre. from Now York ... --Juno AMERICA, Ehmoora from -11512 rm... ......... NIAUARk,Brono, from Bortm.,- .... ECKOP.l,l.5ll,trom NeorYork ............... CITY OF OLASOOLY. Campphail, from Philarlora.lo.l . 17 ARCTIC. Luc.. from Now York._ ..... 5 CAMERIA. Llarliaom from LINES TO TEE CONTINENT 01 . EUROPE—Erma IRV TO. .I.III3IIIOLET, Won. Joao 4..—. ...... REI6IANti. erst&4.., IVASHINIITON, Elo7d. .—.7366 13 July 12 ....Mar 16 Jun. 14 MPhil: CTY. 111193 , ;... . 13 OHIO, &hence- Jove 20 I B O RO MEtU THER ........ OS t CHEROKEE, Hindle -June M CRRECEN- M%= AREIVALS AHD DXPLETURSB OF MIMI. TM follovlng Ilst of inlyst. =l4n...duxes of Mamas toy dards comet, to tha letter. Eivrekl.—By Gremisbarin Cbamberaburp, Pas&ipbbi. New Port, Easthrm Centre And Northern Party of N. SM. Delmeare, New Jenny. and the ids New Ragland Mans— The //Muth Province. of Lower Canals, Nova Broth; awl New Primer iskslally. Revives at% A. la: IP.L 110/1.1 Moll Dunn IS. Including the romitles of linutfont, tre, Clin ton. .1 unlata, Lremthig, 11111110, Hawn Potter, Perm Timm Union, and part of Westmorelthid. tha Leeman% Morraerettle, Palate le Roads, New Alarandthe, sad lad} spa I T . A .tr. &WT. at 11 P.O. • departs dthl7 at Ems.—fty Bala% l'a, them, Cniwthrd, and Jae:sod mulles.% aitena putof New TM mmllol4lo .!1.1.10,dai11. Arrives at 9 P .; and departs at 0 A. L. Sammie Aso WthaTur.—fly Wutdadron. Ps. Gem. Payed, Polusamt. part_of WethMomllMenetrit7, Mari/And, Raltimora,llthlilutdon (Rt 7, Souther/sand at. P.O parse of ORM and Whine. Rentueltr. Maths. Termer rtha Maims, thirsouth, Arterm, North. Cute lima Louis/than Plorlds. laid Tessa, dully. Relives at P. P. 1.4 and depart.....- drapargerus, Othem—ll a Paretic% Rsowni./lathr= florenoe, Pads , Pa., ilthillare Cove, VA, J pon. Carroll, Rthmes. and Tmarliwres Arrives at 11 Nam Othrtrica.-.-Yr Bart.; Pa, and Clencland. Braver LS, Pn, COlutablana. Trumbull. l'othad Cum" Athltent ". l ‘ cfra " , W lL T rotinitt__el l l, " %=Vot.t end Luse ersWcs, Chia; the eaureme nottliern Ortnatiea of tbe Mates o r Indium and Illinois. Inoludiag all MM. lowa, and I,l3thvadin, daily. Antra at /1 A. 14: de parts • Rthrthrmo..—Brllbaregl.loustras. flptingded.'llm. mop Preeport. t Ortldadedta.l. Arrathosse, Clan aml 0 104 rbsll mantles,dally, esoent tth flalthurs. dr . three at 4 n . and departs at 7p Y. herons Penwell* Weserrd, Zellenopla, Putters. Ilullarbarp and New Lodes. Arrives .Tueliithl, Thurthara. and nanthdara. 6e. la; Matte Motelare, %Month) s and Fridays. at I A. 1:411.31 . 111.-117 Sturprom's MC. and Man ouganda Arrieeenp,,,d, rart.l Walarateye and etturdaya at 0 A. Ruenscian. Scowl Ron, bfeßther „ , Coal thle,, Elrtabathiptiatoble's, Rathraver, um, thaikstoen. PerMPolin Rath Llithrt.7. I.ltteth , Arrives 0004.7. sad Wednesdays, a 4. 04 d.. path hinsisys and ibursillya ir 0. Beta. C. Va—flp Wedbres adds, Nobleetown. Candor , Poroettetown, Cram Creek Tlllsce, Patten.% 0010 n.- y., Arnthsollbrdare and Ttsrare, as 10 d Mater, Tigl i Oetartlle, Mort, Moo tatir:Pranuars BMus, Ps., Fairenmr, Va. /metros on Y rider, at G p. 04 depart.. Saturday. at 6 A.. tiusum.-11r_Antrim. Nort.b..Wublostw, aid Atollo, PA. Artie. Walnentai s. at 6 r. departs on Mooder st a A. rt. • . . p. L4sci de in p. =- 05 B . Loga u la's Teru i.... Arrites itilay. at 6 Faastios.—By gegyra r tllt, B igamies!, Breakneck, Ogle. picesest, %Stang/um, de g Including Wansa and Votaaass . .Srrlyet tri-nertly—lianda . Wednesday. and Bl ur, . at l aud .dsiutts r. Thursday, and ay, at a% a. s• Letters lior tne daily unila mut b. le the Otani cats began tient. decertunc Otters the sedareetlY. self- Gritly.ent weekly malls , zonn P.S. 16100016. half as hoar me their departure. BATES OP DIMMEST. a1t1.713. SSW TM Mt tirtSIIMISI SLIZITS. It N. HOLMES & SONS, Bankers. 3.,.. 67 Merkel of. Odvona 7204 .4 I'ha:v.4a kVktfaakk. ' PENNaII.VANTL. 10..3 . 0va... , li Nook of Ptuct•Ufgh- --par Branch at Wocaer.--vlo Ezell.. Bank of 44...-par an at Xenia...-. . Her. an* M. of d0.......p. Branch at Youngrtova--.40 p i B Ovesanercs (Lank of par City Bank. Cit.innatl...--vla Bank of North Aranka- Commefolal Bk.Clacitutldo Batik ofkortt.'ol.t.....6oo!Yrsalllnlank----.. Bank of I'anneftrtata.-.4 . 1 Lafayette Baak.- -- --..d0 Pahl of Penick loanehliv-par Ohay. We Ism* Trutt.l22-... Mink of the I valtnl Cora mates:Dataeof lnare Bank marred luk rtl'-Das larocr. a kectaa. Bk .2011Noea.--.- e lo o 4.11t.1 Luck -...._. ...... tar ! ! NEW ENGLAND. Keane..Naok,..- --Dal All etilmit Binka--..... Ilasufuc. 0 Mach Ilank..-par NEW VAIL klacq.l. Pant P. New York eitr.----. Mof ...Ink Bank--....D.lCovuat. .. Pluladelphla Ba._... p at-...iarl 11 . ............... -- .othwuk Bank .. - . .-..parßalthae.....----..--p. Travarovansßaala--...r:Llyontre. ,_._ ___ _ i.. • Westem Ca - -....-. par N.JERIET IbLIAW.I.III, 1•11 ko o k Hok of Chuaberabatrah.. ii solvent Besata--...- li n of Cheater Conntf-Dar VINCILYLL Dank of Dancille...--.. rat Boat of U. 1- 1 1 / 1 -...--. 've Ban% of tvel.Ca.Gbaatver-rar.tit of i'lmistla Hee ". 88.% of 0. - mantaan---parilts. Bank. Va. II ask otOettrabufsh-.-- NI fan.. Bankari t " : 1 g M:4=6 . .. .----- Tll I .4oVvrieltnif th. II =Wm. y Co. Banc--par llrsachea-.-- -.:". Bank Of NorttmaborlavaLlai , NORTH EAU -a: fultel. Dank- s - r., of tap* Te.- ... 2 o,h c aocia Ea 4 lvviage Oa. vIDI: of et o(N. Carol a- 2 klieg:au. 1t..2.---.-.....v i c E aauncrolal Illv,Bmlsta'a 2 E.t.a 11.4------...par Ilarchante' Ban hew.. 2 Erie taxa . le NOUT II CAB LIMA. ram..? ssiVii;:e: ...... k erre. SC of S. 01.41. 2 !faro.? Ilk of Laneaelaapar.l3.l of Boa. Cana , 2 Barman' Dank illica4l.2pariliank of f.beelasion--... 2 Barra BkofCchnflklllolapar Plante. 0 Itachanica' Bk 2 *area Drov.l4 aralvtaink. hi ' DEOBDIE. rMa KIM lA. la aPhiagt. far Attiroas Ina • Banking Co 6 ilarnelva Pank--...-... SAWA af Angasta---.-- .1 tlonoredsle ...--- iallk.of Brunswick. Uncut. Doak-- --... -.4! TENNEBSTIL t cevaver Cann. Bank-.. 2 All Meant Beek . ........2 Meta*? R N o. of iNll.;:iii. fk Bk. fLetrillE. ,, ,:deviliti !f0e...1a 13ank Daunt of Louie.' Manton hr. Ilcsach 2.0...... -. helkorthern Ilk of eatucky t , W. 11k.Di1....6 Boat.= Bk of Banta.? Eck% 11.0.....---. kf ktLISODUL Ballot Not.-- la Bk of Eta. of ktialcaul-27. OEIIO. ILLINOIS. ' Ohle Rats Baalt-.—..14.2eate Bank aa4 braive.b.....2o limn. at Akron----.... 40 flak of Illinois- ----II ranch at Athene-........d0 W161X.1261N. teach at Maim a Vire loalka 011. 6 Branch at Clalate..._-.-Co BICILWAN. Branch at Cleveland AD Para.. klechanks . Bank 5 Branch at T0k40.....-......4oDovernavant Block II Branch at Dar too do lionlrauhic Bank...---.. 3 Branch at Del a Irtre .... NM plllly --..... 3 traurh ea COlutabto ..... -...10 bas B an 3 ram. at CANADA. raach at ha1etn........ ..... .do Bk. of B. N.AmericaTovevntos Branch at i1a...11.41-.-...vto,liank of the rear's. mews b Braneb et Ilialer....__-__dol Bank of )10ntrn1...............4 Branch at (shiclonati-....-00 Baak of B.C.:Lads, kolontok i Brawl, at at tuanbua____do KABEERN EXCILANOE. Branch at 1. art1na100......d0 lip Neer Zook (61.0- ...... Braach vot Cattle-- --...40 Pane lalladelphiado---._.N. Brunch at Lanraeter--__4o,tlit Baltic.. do.-..__ .)6 , Illraich atneuhriallle.......Joi ISBarr ERN =LUANG ' S'. krona, 0* 31. t. Yv.rave...--flo'Cluclunatl 'hffraurl. at Neeark. 21011.01.111e...__---.---ll 1 aul. cc klyna-.... ...... elo 6L Emile knack at cfcinafakl . GOLD AND SPECIE TBLU ' II ! Mauch at if erictra.. .do.Doubloota, S_- -.14.00 1 liran. at Troy.-- -... --do do Pairl....-...16..1 I Broochat Bt. Pleaaant.-...40 kip*. 014-..-......-..-/ 0 . 2 7 I oo dranoh . t Branch at Norwalk..---.-do Wedetickal'Ora.---- 7,20 -Branch at Mt. -an Ten Thais.— ..... ..... 7.60 Branch at Portunouth--do OuLnese-------- 6.001 Branch at Eaton--- ....... do Sr.verelg..-- ........ ....- CIO : Branch at hneenta..-.-...d0 TunthiMera.....----.. 4.00 Branch at Chllltoothe......_do Naholasta.....------ 2.60 . 14.01. at C0yah0ga......-do /Mesta- .. -..... 2.11 l Bratvh at itale4o. . -.40 1 OF STOCKS. WILD DT INS & CO. CHANGE BROKERS, • KIST AND +IIIRI. A. W IL STOCK AND S . CORNER OF' *I, =MIMI! Plmmy! vanis Do. b's AlWay 1,0. VAIP. PittsbuTgli city 'a. I Do. coup. ta. 1%11. Alleolacuy coy Do. .C.'l, PhILI 5}0,13. think of Plttoborgh Merchants' t Noma Bardif Exchange, ..... Alloghouy Sorlngo Da • 'RIMS lITOCIO. Hord dt. Bridge .... , . Northern Litertini. ..... litlllantsport Bridge Westent . losonufe• Mize.' lames:too !amulet.' Fireman's Co illOlllll3 PltVght r o pittebuolib, a Louisville . RAIL SOLD, 614411... ti.; . , oar tn. PittabortrbrikkWorkro....l 1.0 Alononr.ola Flockgrotrr 60, rodohlotleny.Mlookortlx 0 , .1 ' rro " k ''' Youn 'F r ' . l l l6 4ll l l l ll.oo g."4 l. 60 6 1 Bolt. k Ohio lto.ll Rut., 601 Cloreland .t. Irrl , elle ILE , 601 Mori. 11. Way. I)rr Dockll6o, Farrite klatair. O.". -....1 60, lit o• Canal Maude, (old/. ' 10.4 Do. , dn. (orot9ldtki rt. Tol• Creek 1 . 160 k Hood 2.6, /klieg. t PrrrrnrillaCk Rd 2...., 0rr0u.62. l'urarylke 844.. '6Ol Chortlers Coal Co W <VPIMI Pitteturgh !Baotou North Wart North Woctent Iron City Norma Pittst bi onlgh agile Merrhant Douglas. llanghton—.-. Ontonavon Ohio Trap Mock.-- .... - polltno . 126 33 30 10 6 I AVE on hand a largo. noaortment of WINDOW CORNICES sad CUIETARDint r of no r 00"*'" ..liTOPPedte the . el mac CIiEREL-40 qr.bbl3. extra, or amiir SW. fur .ale br 1.13A1A11 DICKEY & CO. MT= - Water end Trout stS. T INSEED OIL-10 bble. for sale by ~,T M ROBISON, LITTLE* CO. ACON--13,000 lbs. Shoulders; nootime 6r Witty ILODItON. LITTLE t W. Smith's New Geographies. Q.MITII'S First Book in tieography; sat_in s7 trithinory Onostratty. dentroad for MI4r,•AUI . naant Ith I. =Math 1P.11134 4.D mpg pp, lit VI, Profit rano, or binood Doak Ist usmnr: • re= at 'l asnalllVea f' t=7 l a a imaquel tont. YirW .Bonk Illurtrated with 33 Can nap, man o ( reyous nips atoaa by Ramon C. MAIM. A. M. tor Isla by 4 LICIP/7773. 77 Apollo Poll4baga. loortb an COMMERCIAL. 8.4-9.1.A1 1 . 3011 .1.:1471211.191121211.9d mLo4lptka► ¢ethb P.M and lbrwarded Crsoofezanua tram Inf. npiM pry:Ennuis mutter. • _• ) • union Pirrvivolinifiiannt • liatitsday, Jon., Z. i • The market yvadonlay vas marked by . the usual cast. nags and Inactivity or ttiv . vevooo, and nothing of mount 1/1..01711.-7Tbenterna eitivele roureauenee Jester den 'PT deer. hare at Wee worthy of report. The at,i4to Is $3 Small - . Wes from 'repo et $3 ht.K..ito.i Ram roue itt 13 2503 37 for.. !..itul extra breads. 084114-11seelita bate WM . With toadar , s. aals at old wins: r 7 foe 1:5 - tuest, at the 5a115.13011066c: Rye 4 444 k 03112 394334; aad 8att:::423.3 1P bu.' EMEMMi;i=I ROPY—Pala °lsmaili lots of best' enters NohN IMO it _ . • W11121(81C-2W market' quiet: Iriti nk. of GROCERIES—Then la • lairgicromat business dcdng, hot no hem transactions. Saks 7 ',ibis flaw at leinttula.,- Molaiaes 10 itaadr at 66637 hie V gallon ; danaU, lain Rio Coffee at O31V,106)1034. accOrtilna to Quality. • PROTII3IOII2.—The taszkit continues in a owlet state at our laat citiotathins. Saes Western ILDIDCier DILDId Lae= at WIC 670 for aboaldaria. at( EO7 Wee; and We V. for • L ,I:7llllEft—L'ilest Drevrit ruling ratesara.6.3olB from the liver, and Ihin= from Ma rants, 10 GODUZIDD and elm 16 1000. Warta, an quoted at $1 60 Vt 3000. Constdarabla . quantittas yen brought doors, br the late chain Mo . /ilia- Itlnutf, and tha market 00 cow Iran roppliat. LEAD—Thera Is • minis: dernandin the market, at 6 far Phr. and 63,,e for bar. Lou, Iles—The Dracut nine of prima Is 7016 e. arnord lag to Mee. Anwar—trzular Was at EXe by lb* abtet....l 1111.whatt eat. Wats IsAD—Pctro Lead 12 riling et $Z M Na la glge74l keg. r Tt4 PLATE—The tans pekes of the marir ete WA t 118.60 11 In. 4 moo-600 off 1131. cub. Blook, tin It 01Lt1-7lalea bars bon seafood to mill parcel, at 90 for .11nOsd. 70 !la No 1, and co for No 2 Lani Oil Vi tales of Tomos' O{lµ 910® 17 119 Md. • 1184...V8—Semplias are limited. and sales hare bon mod. ova; at about SI 6001 G 2 for mull Islas, and 91'34107 ho Ise conimbn and Wad. baie nothing' new' to notice in tta . trool market. Considerable lots have arrived for aldnment nut, but the rroeldtx for tixb market Lana been towieratn ant /be ales of Um week would probably. not exceed 2/ to ZO/00 Is within the range of 10 to 2:!.. 051.0. AC anal, to dac for full bkixt, and 44/ 1 / 4 to extra prime• PORT OF PITTSBURGH. 'Ems—nein Irma 2 feet, Mahn in channel. b 2 metal mark, lut evening, at a stand. - ARRIVED. / 1 1.rntdon. A thiatie. - DsrAlsuca,, Bra. urllle. flat: Anlv an 'a4 nos 13Driver. BrAley, West Delrton, Itu.srors. Murdock. Wellntllc lUDs, DexUsr, Zaborrir.. I.lAlboan, Wbeellag. Autlgator, Danz. , Lt DA (13111 res, Cladostati. DEPAKTF.D. b/ Met, Ryse r. &eek Ikeda, Barter. - Allende. Parkins:o. Brunner!lls J. Mask Mendriekson, McKeesport. Thom Pbrtnrtisr, Wet Newton. Itodetonk_Weedward. Mrorts, ? Dowell. {Sleeting. navigator. Reeser. PRAYS WAVING THIS DAT. YOH PLULADIMPDIA AND BALTIMORE, D I.ArAh A WA Paranger Packet Lana daily at 8 • ID An • IMPORT" SY RIVER. WUZZLIND—Pm gramit—boDbbt• four 11 bil• lasth er M awl v liraff a.Cor OM. tolamo a rack• gra sena Ido I,am. D Imels Dm 60 tea hams 8.11 a 14- MM 12 bb • Mamma: Rambla . DE•VER.—Pro Earl:m . m-2 Sas bars 3 end.. raga J.. Para.& Co; 33 bso doom .1 LI Caaliellb 4 key barter 3 .ka 7g: i Wlek4 tlestra, 11 bss <tam J C Bld7llr 6As Woody . / II Miltarthergor7 s. ,1 I;.' n "' N I . IGD:Iqr-pl. l ' Veal! Loasolo,ll bill raper .3 /Laid i Cr 3 NA, batter 1 bog do Mutton loire4 3 Bko wool Graff a C. 20 by obiowe Ems list. it Bormot* 3 OW potash J 4 EL Floyd. 64 by thee.. E Limbos% 16 by do bb ft Nicoll,* Ca • . , • CIECEa SATI—Pia tarts Ocaarar.-43 001. ibioker 0 Wanda: g bz. gloom. IV liatior * Elm 12 Os wood Ido f..E•E. El••• i t C0; 1.7 bb l. 7b1...0r Lambert • a SIIIrtoa: l U dearga L U L rt. Ilk ,r th. _b ?Amu. '" tst h .l 4 B " =, ' ,l 4 at. asdeo . Wititsoon. 4 {role I . ou DU* whisker J Parton 23 do J fondrE , • PP.,-2 eta 2 end. ware Bemr toryltb: 9 de Bin sbana L Cot 13 bbl. dour T byway; 99 de IC bp alto 32 aka bran 16 bp panto. 3 bzs pro due. II yrs Ur. maul. PDBEISHEITG HAIL LOCKS & KEYS Pan Onto' Dsrernan, • • March 14,1861. f • leT BEING DESIRABLE tolubstitatilocks and !rya of tome other kited is thew now to one for mail feerrke of the Ihnned neater, esechnew locks and keys. with propoesla to forolob Ow same, will be received and censitieted 44 the Pren (Mee pepartment, until the lot day ofJ ul y nest. The dleennt loth* win be waboalthed to • conotancon me 014=i4/11033 and report. Upon thie = mart* 1011. th ism as practical*. De entered Into Litton even lecke and kcys for tota Year; with the right on tne th of Uwe Poen:cter Oetteral Otte the tt toe brag to extend pa and continue the u coutract in force far an eddliflonal term of Pone years, by 'giving to the contractor a Weill n rondo bather effect, not mon than 01th nor hoe tn. An Months before the tertalltatfon of thin Int term of garners With a view of anemia. the beet lock et the 'meat pee, no kind et lock I. preecribedataftandabb siee lacyartment retylea to a eeleetlen on the mechanical skill and Instemb Drwhiaboatair row petitimullow Invited, may develop.a It 1., botroveri p ro per no etate e thsa a leek enitable for the mail Dente. should poem lb flallowitotenallneuelm dui tablU Y. ty, nuthirmity, licatnela and etrenath. the tuna. of .dhstalasing simultaneously all the email lecke and hisys new sts use, about thin thousand nee lake eat twenty thoneand kare adapted will olred to be turnlahed b 1 the osettiamte erithla raven tmaihe Mir the bentaset thall have been entered Wee o 6 temente the enema' rogsNy depend on the dureleitty or lb. IoW and kron edoPtaL se wed .the inerreee ot the mall *mica lent It.lll probably never unwed In amonnt then thousand ti th e Pinner and one theustind of the lab Si. leek will be oonsidethit if It he like thy already In genend taw nor will anyone with whom the rontreetiney be made be alluvial to math. sell, dr furnish thy lock or key. Oath: to thine conthiwied for. Po .r oft. Purr.' or use than that of th. PO4 012 1 / 4 1 Denartment. The land of looks adopted moth be patented, aid the to tante* will be month. on entering Into contract, to meth th theigtharnt of his sthent thr the theltedre we end bete wilt of th e thipartment. If the Pothmaster General thall dorm ouch npolnment essential to the Interests of the we rim. In ram of the failure of the connector et any tn. to fulfil bah:ally the tenth thilconclitthai of hle conttruct, thePostmainorifienerelsball ham the right.hesides • mart to the venal remedy heretnatler roentlawd. b exmol 04 contract, and to contract anew letththy other party or th i tth aa ha may see La. farnithung dmilar looks and ht deckling than the propose/tend theelmena offeivl a the Po44l:ll•Cter thnocrel may deem it ithpoot to waive R. the through nualla the lock thane thlatcr ‘ and for the way malls that of another, Ile morns. therein, Ohs right of coo tractith with dlttelanthadlaidethe for each different Loth of looks an he Joey via and atro the light to tricot the ethelmthe and if he shall doom that coon* toe the Wave. of • t. Me party or parthe contracting will be required to anted tont, vitt ample initity,linthe nun of thletythe do/lerlbr a faithful performance of the tOtanCl... al. contract is to ..nine pnwicione he the doe end proper thspection of the tooth end kale/ ead alth gmadlog aththat their pasting Into !I L . lam* the terms" of them evothelms to:be en Worm the Department and the mincoarbal tddder. If• id thoald Immolated. • • . Notheetbons will taco:thieved if not anocanyathed with satiate& evidanthof th e trustwor th y therecterof the bit der, and . his ability to toilet the ithatrarr. N. If. Imp,. lthtmaster General. nachth-alkieleing". . , T EMON SYRUP.--60bn "nirner's"lem ee sltap. COIMISIMIZAItid es alp ' lea LLXII. & RICASTIM. ju ltp,Pl3-3 bale; egl . by WOOL-Cash paid for Wool by y Jod- . artninlY * ma. Int.haty hat Pelt /Lei Intlan &July rt. 7eb* Ault ha.My a N.. t " Int..hala *July 40 hat MaySo &NoV L SEED OlL— +lsoo Ern i t sale J 11 E0013-250 doz. common to best; 604. extra faxtry;•for pale by taj'a FICIELIKON. Lanka Mb rer. for o by_ _ WOOL Jai . MURPHY LXE. Dl,.iLT4Dret do 4o . . 0 • Melodeom! • • - . ... • --1. KLEBER has just received aettoice lot • or superior Carheadra - in 19 sunfactened r. Ca:W.lqt hinuelf—lbe ooleloo l ismutor—in New ark City. Mr, C. ha s mush happrewl emu his colgiusi tersentton,und It. Ls nowgenereily cooloaded Out he makes the best 31eledmons in th e country, both for eleinulee of Smith and riutume and beenty of tone slut tooth. Among olden One en One 6 6 De " nse Akio:hart, to foot, roeswpol: i ' . • . One 41 " ~" ". " Ctne " No. 01•Thir1 street, 01 of the Golden Harp • in y3O , ' hole Agency /or the above Instruments. Dir.ldar 4 Vet Div J.O Iliad Bi f vv . maw Dlr.Qr.9 Dr ct. do Div.i D=e6zoo LARD OIL.-10 bble. pure winter. 15 do 54.2 - Yr nolo IF J. BeIIOONDIAICER.&eci, • No. 514, Wool et 1D1,411,6pr0 POBAOOO-103 kegs superior 6 twist, on eassivon.ot and raU by L.& 14.1TER3IAN SONS. M4 2 3LASSES) bbla. prime N. (ook;) , br, L. B. WATEMAN BONS. DI,. Ns 4 prat WINDSSOH SOAP-50 boxes Hyde's, for OR osyxo 11. A. I'AIINESTOCEa CO. MACKEREL-75 bpis ale Int l by , : Seeced mr 4 ID. ISLO,SIO 13 E 31.1-45 torts Wee. IL It., for sale by mris JAMES A. ACTCUISON b CO. MACKEREL - 30 bbla. No. 3, for rale by =tls 111:1103AIDGEL INO EMAIL ENGLISH SPLIT PEAS—Received. and ter We by WILL McCLIIRO 100. • Growl and Tee Deelele. ' Q, ALT IT TRP.,-20 !lags (Credo) for sale aw3o Iv. a 7. VILSON. SPERM 011,-18 bbls. sari, for sale by WICK 1 IdeCANDLESS. MANNERS' OLI-23 bbla. for rale by_ 1 ha WIC& 41 DIOCANDGM3_ N O. 3. AIACKEREI4,-502b15. for rale by BULLS' SARSAPARILLA.—A. few dos lama:Art Walt:Len sabao. • N. IVIC:KEItiIIA.n. come of *nod and Sixth etnetst: CANARY SEED.--3,5001b5. juat receigrkl Brow the rya, • prim. satteli or F.lda' 41Losals Carsarof Wood and 8 / 3 1.11rAvet.. ILUE-5Q .bble. White Louisville fpr sale by myO'S . 1:N01.1311a ILENNATT. • 50.000 ET - 'P'arp° 3 r'n aidScaut unt. B=NiTT. S P cy ItURRENTINE-10 bp. prime, for sale ma= ELILL*II.B. === IW V iii 0 ail N: i lILMV A 41117 M nox law YORE. itlorrespondwoot of IhelAlly Plttakulgh daiette:l. . . • New Twin, June 2.4. . . Stminees men are rather more encouraged this week, after reading their California and Euro pean correspondmace, and think we are not to be 'ruined quite yet. We are 46 send off no more coin until Saturday,. and then an amount that will be more then replaced by the receipts at New Tali front other cities prfor to that time, to eay nothing , of the . , millions to come by next 'week's steamer from chagres. The Custom House will also pay, oat about a million and a half on the ist of July, thus giving an impetus 'to all financial operations. Stocks bare rallied, and bid fair to reach a high point. Loans are made with great' facility at old prices, and it 'ls understood that a consideisbli amount of forego capital has been erdered to be kept here, to be used at present 'rates. ' - Freights to-EurOpe ere improrlig, and none of the packet nisei are engaged for full six weeks ahead at rates that pay. ' Breadstuff! are now mare in demand for the English market, and to such an extent that the thipments must soon pro. duce a marked effect on the Exchanges, which even now are tending downward—frrst class billi selling. at 110 i.. Some of the.liomerwani bound daps are getting good freights, which shows that ottr imports- are not diminishing. One of the! London rackets has £3,600 or 1117,500-4 Mun that makes owners much pleased. This afternoon the pioneer ship of a line be.. tween Norfolk and Near York, is to ha launched.: She is 210 feet long; 22 feet beam, and' 16 feet hold, and built. by Westerireit & Mackey. The large amount of traffic between New York sad Virginia cif, be a source of certain revenue to these ships, and soon pay for them.: A line of Lammers is also talked of between Portland and this port, which, if carried out, will make-New York the central point of a steam marine , extending to New Orleans on the South, and Maine on the East. The famous Nicaragua route is at last before the people and open, and on the 14th of July the Pr:methane will leave for 'San Juan, to connect with the 'Pacific -, on the other aide. The new route will shorten the distance to California eight dap time, and a month in point, of comfort.— The Pacific his made the finest run of any Steam er that has Trusel the liorzt, - ancl will effect a great revolution in the .cost of marine engines Her engine is a copy of one used on one of the flat boats of the river, and - cost onlyhalf what the engines of sea-going ships 'pay. On the smooth nese( the Pacific she can use it as con fidently as upon the bosom of the Ohio 'or Had; eon. The manufactures. of your city, and in fact all who use a steam boiler can make up their Minds to incur the expense of having them fitted with a new invention, from the fertile Twain of the {raptures of floe's presses. A caveat has been filed, and as soon as the English market het been secured it will be made public here. It has been tried in this city enough to chow a ea ving of ten thousand tons of coal in twenty-three days; that is, the same work is done in twenty three days with thirteen tons of coal, that was performed with twenty-three before. On. your rivers it must be invaluable enabling as it will the boats to run 0 leseavify loaded with feet and affording an enlarged area for freight.— Ocean steamers with the new boilers will sot be ahnost'freighted with coat, but be. made-Large carriers of profitable freight The improvement . is as simple as it is effectual; and is comprised in the ase.of an apparatus, that furnishes to the steam chamber pure steam, and not as- now, a mixture of 'steam froth and water. The common boiler can befitted 'with the apparatus ate mere nominal cost, and its use most be general.. THE FLAX-COTTON BINOLITTION. Editorial Corteltpacdscee of the 1,11... LoNDos, Wednesday, June 4, 1851.. , 'Although 1 have not yet found time for a care ful and thoratigh examination of the machinery and processes recently invented or adopted in Europe for the , manufacture of cheap fabrics from Flax; I have seen enough bitten:re me of their ralue and iniportanee: I hare been disap pointed only with regard to machinery for - Flax- Dressing, which seems, on casual inspection, to be far less efficient'than the best on our side of the Atlantic, especially that patented of late in Missouri and lientnoicy;. , That in operation in the Britilt.Msehinery deparbilent of the EX hibltion does its work faultlessly except that it turns out the product too slowly. I roughlires tbnate that our Western machines are at least twice ns efscient. 31. CASIISSea is here, and has kindly explained to me his processes, and-shown me their pro-. duets. fie is no inventor of Flaxisiressing - Ma chinery at all, and claims nothing in that line. In dressing, ho adopts uncloses the best Machines he can Ltd. andl think is destined to receive important aid from American inventions.. Whet he claims IS - mainly the-discovery of a cheap obendcal solvent of &arias' fiber, whereby its coarsensai and barskokairare.rinfothd; nod the fineness and softness erCottors-inthiced in their stead. This he liassocomtlished. Some of his Flax-Cotton is Scantly distinguishable from the Sea Island staple, withwto other samples, be hits given the character of wool very nearly. - Venn' imagine no reason why this cotton should slot lm spun and woven as easily as any -other.- The staple may be rendered.of any desired-leigth, though the usual average is about two - inches It is as white as any cotton, being -aide eo by an easy and cheap bleat:thing process. ill. Claus sen's process in hen of rotting requires but three hours fin its completion. • It-takes the flax as it comes from the field., -only somewhat dryer WA with the seed beaten off, and rendsri It thoreingh• ly fit for breaking. . The plant is allowed to ri pen before itisharrested, ao that the seed is all sated, while the tediousness and iojury to tie fiber, not to speak of the unwholesomeness of the old fashioned _rotting Processes are entirely obviated. Where warmth is • desirable - in tho fabrics contemplated, the staple is: made to res. semble wool quite closely. -Specimens dyed red, bine, yellow, Sc., are exhibited, - to show how readily and that the flax cotton- takes any color that maybe desired.. Betide these lie rolls of, flannels, feltinge, and - almost every vn- . • riety of plain textures,labricatett wholly or. In good part from.. flat as. prepared.for spinning under 31. Clausien's patent, proving the odors. tation of this fiber to almost every nse now sub served by either cotton or wool, The mistures of cotton and flax, flax-cotton and wool; arecks cellent and servicable fabrics. . .. The main questiomatill. remains to be con , . nidered—will it pay? Flax may be grown Al most everywhere—two or three crops a year in seine climates—three thou the present annual • product of cottem fie; and wool, all combined, could ensilybepriAnced even, next year, But unless cheaper fabrics, all things considered, can be, produced from faxcotton than from Me Alls aLtaippl staple, this fact is of little worth. On this iital ' , feint l' must of course rely on testi mony, an 11. ,Clatimati's is ns follows: 7 . , t lie says the Flax-strew, or the ripe, dry plant salt comes from the field, with rho seed taken off, may be grown OTCII here for 'slo- per ton, ! but be will concede its Cost for the present to be. 'I. $l5 per the,, delivered, as it is necemary that I liberal itidnoements shall be given for its eaten- sive coley/don. Six tons of the straw or ftax in the bundle will yield ono ton of driiied and clean fibre; the cost of dressing which by Ida method sous to make it Flax COttOO, is $35 per • ton. (Our superior Western machinery ought considerably to reduce this) The total cost of the Flax Cotton, therefore, will be $12.5 per ton Or IdX centirr-pound, while Flax-as it conics 1 from the eel is worth $l5 per ton: should this. • come down to $lO per ton, the cost of the fibre will be reduced to $95 per ton, cr less than five cents per ponntl: - - At that rate, good' fieldhands . must be lather Plow of tee for Cotton planting, at $lOOO each, or et= $7OO. ' - 'Ls there any doubt that Flax-straw' may be profitably grown in the United States for $l5 or even $lO per tom' Consider that It has been ex itmsively.grownfor yearn, oven in our own State, for the seed only, the straw'being thrown out tei rot and being a riositivi militant* to the grower. Now the seed is morally certain to command, for tweet...three years at brut, a higher price 'than hitherto because of the Increased growth and ex tended use of ; the fiber. 'F,etnofarmer who That Flax growing be tempted sell the seed by con tract or otherwise for th present; -let none be glean over to. the tender. Mercies , of 'oil-tellis.—. We shall-need all that legume thisyear for sow ing nest Bpring, , and it is morally certain to bear a ideh price even this Fall. , :The • sagacious should caution their lees wetchfie neighbOrs • on this point - I shall be disappointed If a bushel of Flaxseed be not worth two bathes or Wheat in most parts of cur Countryte , xt May Our mim F ing Agricultural 're, Stein lad"' esl, should be improved for the diffusions of knowledge and, the attainment of concert and mutual understanding with regard to the data culture. . For the present, at any rate, fe W farmers can 'afford or will choose to incur , the expense of the heavy mavati•es7 required to break and roughly dress their flax. 60 as to di vest it of harbfaa of its bulk and leave:the I law i x ; A State for easy traimportation 'to the palate at which flax-cotton machinery 'central •operation. If the Lae ranter liaa maybe VII. I'l . . .to, be .hauled .: arty ar mmY miles -over dee e l • ree d" t o Spit o perchaser_or lattices; g.- utactiffne,. 1 'the coat of inch tratarportation will nearly eat up the proceeds If the farmer of any township can be assured beforehand that suitable ma, MIIIMI voLuxE Lxiv—Kivium chinery will next summer be put pp Within aftir miles of them, and a market - th ere created for their fax, Its growth WHY be . I:reistly.extelakel. And if Intelligent, energetic: =..mart will now turn their thoughts Wiimd the procar mg and setting up of the bat fiarbsealtintrn"l - (not for billy 'deeming but Merely flor separating the fiber trout the balite( -the woody ; - substance itincloses) they may presimith. make contracts with. their neighbori.nimuters for flax straw to be delivered in the autumn of mixt year on termshighly adnitageous to both parties. The Sax thus roughly dreamed may be - even a hundred miles to market at a m to coat, and there can be no restionable doubt calm commanding a good price M. Clamant samurai me that he could now buy and profitably me • almoet any quantity of such flat it - were to b . has The onlyremon, ha says,.why there are not now any number of spindles and looms roc. ning on fax cotton is the want of the raw ma terial. (His patent is , hardly yet three months .. old.) Tsking dressed and hatcheled tax, worth seven to nine mate per pound, and transforming it into flax cotton while cotton is no higher than at present, would not pay. ' Of course, there will be clisappointMents, mis takes, unforeseen difficulties; disasters, in Mae growing and the consequent Atbrications Iterost ter ash eeetofore. Ido not presume that every man who how Mattes into flu will makehis for- tunk I presunientany . will bun:lows. I coun sel and urge the Wiest inqulry,the most cars- • fol,calettlations, preliminary to any declaim's*. - lion. But that such inquiry will lead to my • extensive flax-eowing next year,-to theerection of flab-breaking machineryata thousand points where - Una each hareem- Yet existed—and ul timately to the firm istabliehnient of new and most important branches of industry, Imams doubt.. Our awn country is better sinzated than any other to take the lead in the _flaz-businesc • her abundance of cheap, fertilesoll, laid of cheap seed, the intelligence of her producers, the gen eral diffusion of water and - utesan power, and our present smeriority-in fax.breaking machin ery; all point to this result.:: It will be unfortu nate alike to our credit, and oar prosperity ilia iodolentlYor heedlessly suffer other nations , to take the lead Clauseen has also a - Ciicalar Teem in the Exhibition, wherein bagging, twittery, &u. maybe woven without seem •or anything like one. This loom . msy be...operated by a very light hand ?Owes, (of mune, steam or water Is cheapre,P and it does its work rapidly and yank lessly. mention this only as a proof of his in, motive genius, and to corrobirate the favorable impression he made on me. I have smoothing more ingenious in the immense department de voted to British Machinery , than this loom. I understand that overtures 1411111) been made to DL Claps/um for the purchase of his American. patent, but as yet without definite result. however, is not material. Whether the patent is sold or held, there will next year be parties ready to buy roughly dressed flax to work up. under it, and it is preparation to grow tomb flax that lam urging. I believe nothing more Wiper- Mot or more suspicious-to our farming interes t has occurred; or years than this discovery by K - Clanmen. lie mods it in Brazil while engaged • in the growth of cotton. Itwillnot snpersedecotr ton, bat it will render it no longer Indispensable by providing a substitute equally cheap, equally . eerviceable, and which -maybe'grown almost everywhere. This cannot be- realized too soon.' Fmtaxus axe Waanr.a 'Ratrucan. - -..! meet-' ing of the stockholders of this company was held at Franklin, on the 19th inst. We are informed - - 'the best feeling prevailed ands determination 'expressed to push the work fortraid.. We under stand the route will be' immediately earveyed, - . and every effort made by the friends along the line, to raise the necespry funds to complete the - , work at an early day, The following named gentlemen were chosen. Zenas Kent, Ravenna; L J. Iddings; Warrant . Daniel Upson, Tallmadget Marvin Kent, Sylves ter Huggins, and Frederick Whipple, Franklin; Wm. Porter, Newton Falls. The Board of Directors will meet cantle second Tuesday of lily, to elect their ofSeers.—FOrlayc Tun liswvv-Dmeorsarn.lsononutas.—Men tion was made, in nprevions number of theJohr.... pal, of a newly discovered substance, possessing .? the property of rendering fetid matter Modoresis. At that time tmfficient oppOrnanity had not been afforded to teat truly its merits, and we were ven- , willing to commit ourselves until perfectly anti*. fled that frwould accomplish all Malt. was 're-- presented to do. Since then we have circuit a - Ldr trial upon matter which' was most offensive - to the olfactorics, and must say that the 'molt t. • was both . satisfactory and astonishing.. Any trid decomposed animal. cm -vegetable :: matter, placed in contact-with this agent, less, in •, IT O 7, short time, rendered perfectly inodorons We take much pleasare in testifying , to its meritt, And trust it will prove as eatiefactory- in 'emperi.''' meats by others as Mhos ia thefew byourselvas tr . . Dr. J. D. Durrell, ono of the directors of the, , company who - prepare it, we are indebted muds useful and - interesting matter relative to ,itsdiscovery sad nutritfattore,' rams of Which'" We absll at an early dtlaylay been one retubrewl , ' would be well if the Boards of littalthnflampst"i tewns andsitim should examine, forthenutelseel this new agent, and give the repo rt of, their in- , ypstigstion to the public. There cannet' he too much done for the preserintion of the bealtifend and lives of oar eitirens,"and those who by their:. researches promote the one, andprolong ttut et', may be considered benefactors of the num, and richly merit a reward of their labors The deodorizer is Manufactured by 'the Great Pond Mining Conipany, ,Gape Elizabeth,near Portland- Maine, and is offered at a very low prim, inert. t! der to induce the public to Make trial of its re-.. taarkable properties:-..Boston Medical Journal.,.,; IPonraste Sow MILL.—We caw at the ,Mcoo mnnee Furnace of W. B. Walton '6 , Co., yestet , day afternoon, a Portable Steam Haw Mill, the first one of the kind built in Wisconsin, destined for the Sheboygan at, Fond du Lao Plank }lnd.-. Company. It looks, at fait night, very mach like a Locomotive; being mounted on foue end furnished with smokepipe, boiler, ernghaer &0., all resemblingthetripplnge tocomotives.- - The whale weight of the machine is about three,: tons, and two yoke of oxen can draw. it' along, with great ease. , The carriage and saw . Are ott l . tathed to the rear of the Locomotive (let ns calf' it) and are moved with h from place VO ILE* ' where their joint earths:3 are needed. The uatr. ohms edvantage of this Portable:llw Will is,that: •„: it can be drawn along the hoe of the road,as the grading and planking progresses, &awing e! goes, mad thus paying its own way. 'The engine complete, cost about $4OO, and the holler sB7o:'''' Add the cost of the carriage, citisdar Lair, ita., ---,- lima the whole would come to about sl,6oo.cThe engine is , of 20 horse . power, and can deivtithe, - circular saw,lfty th rees in diameter, no as i±:o ,, out trots 8 to 8000 feet Per day of tin lionia—'. — .Pihimotis Satinet... ' • - Posrarrosocs Crass Purtra.=..t. paper exceedingly (skiers the following: , .i proof of the originality .of British manners is the genuine regard of the English for the garee':- of therm. Towards the end of the year :113485r Captain Timmons, wbo for Mx mattes hAd,beezi ;I,:rt playing a gime of Chess .with was Orderered to the Cape of Good Hepe., .The gentlemen agreed to' continue the Mime' by eir respondence, the makes being :BOO' guitteia" .l They made several /QOM by letters,-.butt.CapU: .. :74 Thames, during a Wit _battle, was _wounded end died. Before dying, however, he drew z np statement,' in which, combining nit the passible • or probable mores of bid adversary; termhisV • ed the game, and Gni; - replacing -the mei; _ enjoined one of his club colleagues tit play the game.' Pie. Ni"lllterceen egreed.and otter struggle of three months. between -himself the testamentary executor of Captain . Tbomu. in which of course, all London amateurs Leta! themselves - intensely, the latter-wee declarl'" ed the victor. This, adds the journal, is one .fltrEt and most cariousincidents thittwo rug. - a 4 City or Pun/vs.—A corre.iiondent of the Newark Advertiser, writing frozn:lntin, !lye: bn nyprosching the enviiorue one is ready, to InqUire if it Is n city of priests--cintsny long black robes Are seen trailing .in they dant. sad go =La= mna7 three-cornered Anita. bobbing in iirctz rectiotu e, question that will notrlse. the . render when be learns that In the little ova' of Sardinia there are orersixt7 thiinganUpitents;'''' including the Enonka. .Tdrusy.of theseare attach- ed to institutions for the education of . indigent _ youths, and receive salaries from the'kimerlgilenst-_3;:,:, others are " - professors in the,. warier:a eoßeges; and 'the remainder; are 7Wintred. tia tot the dalltr „,„ 7 „ manses of the tharch of whlchrthetw'atell o TrVne,bealdeiseveral monastertidsl do no ow them:mai= of . moo,l'ff ettechwl these; nt they are truneritur, and pattoF'fts~ :;4i streeta et all howl with their uncoiereci, heads, bare feet, coarse brown robes, fastened, , at the waist 'by the rine; cord ; mwel eeourge of penitence; and thnross anttntie 3 7.l,- ,;;;- cluein g nt the aide. - L e g g issocedions *routs, - Coo, in their eloiltei nen:tome, and' sisterw6fl, charity beaded by the- lady impeller ' the cross:- may be encountered abmattett by the stranger" entering ?Ind* . Botha . 126 " eariona . reiltiMisc orders being shrt,Ts 'O l 4 ;ditty;—bm~Sn6' the deed on' performing*ll 01 Z6t . :7 . - other sacred rite; no that it is net &Benda to re;.. albs at onee one's approzhnity to RomanCathesi..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers