Pff7Q,,fitT7W - O:(g.:=TTE • _ papers earnest fri %iito aa- Towic :itikkOirfr:Aistattop, makes a land excla mation at the eunouncemeritthat: the committee of the ilmericaniL - 1 ie Society hare; iscovered 24,900;variationa' front .the Standard editions:- Thiele used/SS an'arguant in:favor noir yerisi,mpropiieedlyy.the new society.' .Buti would hambeen more sgrneehle to molder if the, editor bid added; is the. committee .have - that not 01'44ft , .24,000 variations•• streets the.Mtegefty of any doctrine or preceg C f - ,the' Bible. They are chiefly iariations in the pane - . tuathou'4often,miere, oaten; 'of taste, , capimi lettirs,orthotrraplai .tad the like; while as tt what% the , tratietation`ht regarded as perfect as coullberoadehy my get of uninspired. men.— Indeed we toivenstr - donbterwireilter:the new re -..defy, if:it/Ives to complete ifs "work,"will give the world - togoal a ltible as liing q ames's mete tY:Prldet4d .., . 7 Wilire.beenlooking at the speoimens of va riatiansa?.os itiited by thetammittee, and they reAllillPPear,,tp be tw trivia iu most last:Ones ne to rendeetterlouldi , questionable the expedi mu of making any change.. A few of the more important tecorded;.'o3 in Rath, iii; i 5, all Ike prese_. copies read; Ntnen.he weot into the citr&itultihe original ha `grog James's read, 'and,lloWent into the • , lint..i:;l6;llre present 'Copies ,read; 'Wash .Tati,!:WhereNte,translatorit.imr.tWieltyc.' This to accorAing to the fiebrew4ane has - been re otorwl. ; • , . Another Change . of a word ocitirt' 1 iti 7osh.xix.: 2; where the recent copies read: 'And , Sheba' -• bet thetraindatent haven , or Sheba.' Hero the 'Hebrew:may in. Itself be taken either way; but the member af, thirteen cities ,speeiCed in v. C, n Valk oil: 41; which reads in all the copies 'shaft rise up in judgment,' the Committee have , not hultatedlo insert the definite: intim judg ment.' :This is required by the °mall' and' the aatoe'areek phrase in v.' 42, is so rendered by the ttatiabitora, and in ea read in all the copies. Changes orthography like the following have been made. naLISII COPIes. . - COIIILECTED. asswaged • assuaged. mortar. . _ throughly thoroughly. • streaks., Mievrard rearward. .., stedfastly . • ' steadfastly. cloke . ~ cloak. _ =. • sponge. e prized. forbid - ' . forbade. pluckt . - plucked. Nary or the changes aref a to an and of an to a"_ Noe to Noah, Jona to Jonah, Sine to Si nai; again; : the 'hyphen is, ometitacs used in 1 compotind welds : and sometimes • not, awl nut fonnltj has now been scoured: great Cap bras been taken in - .die, nso of italic lettere, which taartahose wards motto be fdtmdin - the original - , and maii.ehanges in- - paaatuation have been' made; ' , After knelt a' statement, and the- decla ration of the Committee-that not one of the va thtions affectathe integrity I of any doctrine or precept';. it is very unfair to cite the 24,000 chan ges as eaidenea that anew translation is needed." A. Baptist paper of Boston says that the Baptisni will min the day when they (separated from the American .Bible Society, and more bitterly will they itie the'day when they publish a translation of the:Bible to malt the doctrinal views of. one' sett. - This in a virtual admiration that the Bible, ni it is, does not afford them Iproof enough that they are right. Hence the strong oppositiop to its publication by theoriser binds of that denom ination.or 'the sake of oni common Cbrietion ity and Prbtestant unity in the English Bible, ire t 'moulds hope . .that _rot-training grace-maybe given to the getters up of the new version.— " miusrpre RISTAXE. A new London work, in .portnying the. pecu liar close called snobs, has thefollowing amusing lasident In the following amusing sketch, Mrs. Stunlboye, who is .travellingsrith her husband had family, all being anions to be inducted into the mysteries of fashionable life, with its gaie ties and its lumaries, , its pleasures and its pains, ltss somewhere or other gotinto &bathing house, and from her ignorance of the- uses of the slunsens-bath, and her anxieties not to be igno= rant titan,' thing, finds herself in d somewhat . . innocent Mrs. Sandboys, who when the attendant spoke of a shower-bath was natu rally led to believe that shelwas Bunking or the weather; east her eyes up tothe skylight, and said is reply, that she dare say'. they would hare a • shower before long, adding,fit was just what the country :;petiple wanted. ~ l'erhaps., then, you wouldn't object to that there mum?" returned the attendant; u she wreaked the pile of towels iti'thtfatbhaarth _"Why a'os I,Be here, I &tenet mind if 1:will be owe sour replied the simple minded Mrs. Sandboys,'till referring , . to the rain. dummy t'witl dew a-power of good to the country towike." "l yes mum; alters does power. of good, and is sore to be over in no 'limit returned the bath) woman, stilt harping upon her baths.'-. In a few minutes the shower bath room was at liberty, 'and Mrs. Sandboys • seated herself in a Chair bathe passage, while the attendant went toy prepare the room for her use. -13 he , ,. presently returned, bringing lu her hands' the wet:towels of the departed father, let ting them "fop" on the floor' as she passed along. and regal:eta Mrs. Sandbar to follow her, as the room. was quite readj.:. ?An. Sandboys did 68 thews* desired; and she was shown into entidlaPartatut, into Which she waste sooner •.naltiosd than the attendant withdrew, saying if the lady wanted anything - there was a bell, and ['she watt!, please to ring., The room was a small cabinllke apartment; with a narrow little bench against one side, while abovii this a Sew wooden hooks projected from the Wall. . . A tiny 'shaving glees" hang aphid the! Partition, and the ' ancarpeted fl oor was dar k ! withthadrippling of the previous bathers. Leone eoroultrea whatapparedtobe a long upright top" board, bat vault was In reality a "shower bath." the door of- this- ticeptacle wan wide epen and inside there stood a chair with what appeaied belles - A depending . from above. 'Mrs. Sandboy observing nothing that- appeared to her primi tive mindto hear the - slightest resemblance to a bath in the zoom, conjectured that she was to sit in the upboard, and that the hot water would be brats*: to her, she accordingly divested her self -of her bonnet'and shawl, and seated herself In the chair to await the coming of the ezpeet -Flex Patience endured the imaginary delay for aroonaiderible time, but at length growing weary it her - solitary attention, she got angry at the -'non-appearance", of the attendant, and eeizing the imaginary hell-pull..overhead—poor inno cent soul—gave a vigorous pull at the rope.— Thump ' went die entail, and instantly down through lice' Colander tante, came a minature deluge, consisting or two pailfuls of "sold pump,": 'suddenly let..loose in. the form of a thousand watery wires upon the headof the habit Mits.Sandbo u t tr . o an What, with the =ex pectetthetw of theca phe d the coldness of the witerrendered still more -cold by the TM netmiess.of its' divide*, and the rapidity of its &keit through the ail, to with the per fectly . novel character of the bath to the nue \ phisticated ladj, poor hire. Souther , was so per 'feed* paralyzed by the ley torrent, that she was cashier:bre:eve feu:crier and it was not till a feer,moments alter the cataract had ceased, that shettished out of the balneatory cupboard, gasp ing fer - breath, and fighting; the air, -while her clothes, shining with the wet like a tarpaulink. clung *boat her as tight as if she had been throe up In brown piper, and. her hair hung in skeins over *toe, so that the bad very much of the soaked appearasee or a Polish hen on a rainy day. • Thus ended poor Mrs. Sandboy's Intro *don. to the mysteries of the "shower bath." VTOPPER,I9.-733 bbls;for Hite by ' • - : J. KIDD it CO.. § d TAIVCANDLE3-111 box es, prime tali els, far salt %kr , RIDP t CO, ee. Wool 10. MEDIOATEDIVines and Brandies, afresh br lot Joe. metre a. KID% w JAPAN. VARNISH-3 bldg. • (Baltimore) tr sob by :4,/11Ditt REAM TARTAR--.-1.000, lbs: for tato by J. ERnot CO., COLFI , BIIO drun l. fnrg o ba u k C- 8 DLLW . Malik CO. 411.11RELSO new Flour, for sale by ....! . : Ag,.11.2.=ne; bbla. to arrive, for J. B. DILTVOILTII t CO. smmYrysT, - - Authnuiite - CoaL TOASjust red, aea orior article RAJ trs,fo7. or fawns olgtor e LaA13.02.. iF:: —.Mackerel, Shod, and Herring., for alibi::.l•3 - a.a lt. FLOVIL 0 bblo. BOotroi, for silo by IrLANW. 011 i 7-27. als..Bunk Ind 01 • AMEt3-Abbts..N. for sale by '~'~rypl►6H-~SO ~aaeks ;~uto;: fo: sale by -~ T.':`i~~..^. .—, .:ir.k ... ~. _~.J.tS.ILuYD. 41,001 , 1 111, • • ,co a., • FOODal v 8 ON , „?. . . fhia4P 2 T- -, T .. e 4 : a allrarrSON. FWITR: " :464ltibl!, 'la OM mama 'i'i''':.. . itiI3AILM ~f-t- i i.,t- i ii - --.. ~.. • . • . B. T. liablzittl . Celebrated Soap Tinnier. FASUING without labor! 'Warranted to bay the atatas oat of labia Ilima and nap • • • • Igrartertava r Ter..:-Pit your elottire inaffloitut nnmtlt af,..k1.0. e t sorer theta- the!! add two' able. ungr ? gel= .1; trod old Vit . l li '..D O r r Cue resole, and boil them ten nituutear hithwineau time Mt. than down with stkk, ttwu put them In a tub and lit woradent col d water. so that they will not „too hot to handle. Then rub the dirty streaks, or In other .near. -Rile the a thoronh:rfrulati, and that 1 sedgeient to bro.--Tbers being no roan gasp, It. will Mars the althea esry arbiwtie.buir nit 'POW! ..r. VV do. The ratio aota& CPSlWat.artig used lap non .wreerd twO seals. atone P_Wit Yrtietato. P i. " ... ITarninted not to ?tour ,q 3 .4 4. • . Trite to • Powder that jft . tielre quarts beat. family Bon ressp: - .r• •t' • . • Dal tom , . roe Usr..—Takromy atiTniarts of water and ails the Powder teltb It. atol l en let It boil. say tiro mkt ' in/ghost= ?1, t a teAl sthel wt tberstga,thriately t i =ti al it will be •egleapd nits Whlbßwa amt DID WWII tall, and will not tut the Isaias Ilkelother Sort &so. naraut Lbw ninth t. Can be tutd with hard or salt water, by weak jag the quality Into sir quarts Instead of terrier. The CDII Soap is best adapted !be washing calla, apd woollen goods, • -. gobl wholewlwaxgl. - Petall by R. F. SELMA, • • s ,Pio.b7,lroed at . • - Convoniuti Yellow.Dack Boot, nuCUPlEstfii.tront rank among 42e:pro -1..., I , Setwy medleinee of this stiunti7 for nomPletelY miring Caer, PaErysipe and all Other Ws eawol arisi ng fromgait ank... impure stat las. e of th e Word.. A 1.., Liver ticonoisin I-Catarrh . DyrpepOs., Ihnsimehm. Dissineia, Omghs, gormless and io tncre;ahouo the Cheap Mom shime, or Warw.., dune,,, and a tteklltty sonsaticm hoot the throat; and le used with rinpreeettented max. • 'Female 'Weakness and , Creneia/ Debility. Ilfrengtliening the weakened Nair, giving tone to the earions Drying!, and invigontUng the mike sytem. • If the testimony of thensands of living witnesses; from all pars , of the ountry ran be relied upon, it iaalear. ly eLicacion PI In cluing o il./footem, mad restoring &MUM 1.11 and broken down conatitotions. It 'is purely Vegeta. Lis in Its composition, and so accurately combined in ha proportions that the ehmnical, botanical, and medical pry pollee, of each it barmonlously unite to Purify ngr the Bloody.. • • It Ms removed nianfchnonle diseases which Irma Willed the still of the bemphlslcierob, end basal. eared Canker, Salt Rheum, Swamies and Scrofula. chieh Samaparilla eyrups been failed to make the beast impreasion upon. It Ott been Leaded in many carobs of OA2sCEROUS 210118. The most 'obstinate Cancers have been cored by thia medicine, 'We say Stet it is a valuablemedleirmin alt BILIOUS (2/11PLAINTS. •It mamas all Obrornetions in 1 lie circulation. rendering the Liver free, mai., and heal- Itr;u ol e i IfTILT: "=":‘,trbet h :alc i lfni . all"Pinlirei,"o2ll at all seasons of the pow. • This ilyrup is prepared only be. 31011.8 t CO., at 102 Fantasia street, Providence, and rold 1 . 1 . 010 . 1041 St• oar for Western PennsylVania,. mill:Y:1 :Warehouc a r t eer Wood and Sloth ebb SUM& Profeisor A. C. Barry'l TricopherOus, euQR MEDICATED COMPOUND.--Tlke loerior testimonial to from Mr. Munn. Mites of the So tlfic American. Camment on mob ankteneo to un - Nor r0ax..701, 21. 11349. - Barry's Trlcoranarno to an article thatlre tab nut In o n the the blohiat ommendations. We donut do It upon the rerommondetlanotothem. but It n ronal kuoulielue of ite rem. lino n the hl to keep It Maltby...ft, end olowy. it nblo ttUkOttll dan druff. proem La halr..4 - Invigurates math In a manner unequaled br . !my other emotend., tiou Imo , . to 01. A peen. only needs to me Out bOttld an comineed of thislruth. • , . . . Sold in bottles, price cents, at the print/pal clam 1.37 Ereedway, New era. Sold to large bottaW. plioe 25 cents, at proprirtoe• pr l . ms by /L E. SELERS, tilyfe No. 67 Wood rt.. Mt mart Eztraordinary Direorery in i/ur World tie great Arabian linnadyfor /tan and Beast! • . H. G. Farrell's • CELEBRATED A 'RA RTC" LlNEfralit. 1111 E miraculous cures performed by -the Arabian phySIIES lo the .1 6 ,5 of 01,1 then th - too edit as iel the result of magic. but since wo have bee CA. intimate with their history we ran thus soodunt for theirsurprising power over dist... Their the knowledge of medicine were the wonder of the age, wbile at the :tome time the silence of Cliemietry. wkkh ith them had its origin, was to the resit of the world "0 eiialed bock." And In Botany they 'scroll. =sit rot.= of rtudoat, In the be groves which skirt the descrta Arabia. alaiund rare plants and odorous woods whenever., obtained those an vatic gumsand fragrant balsa.. of which this Incomparable liniment is composed. and by whom stimulating unctuous, penetrating and Anoly. properties it Pt when applied, itertantancously diffused Ihnuatt the wle nervous timesayng the roost in. tokae bale in th e o incredibly sho y. rt of 10 or LS minute. Its action is prompt s yowerful.ll effectual,. without th e liart dantor. It penetratki the to the LOWS. nil.. restores 11/4 to , limbs which hart been Palsied for years, cauiong the ahriveled fleah W t and rich bk. to circulate through its reins. It matinee the bynottsi Fluid cw Joint Water, and this is the reason why ft .11. been sounirereally surcoislul rug elf dlesseit. of the Joints. Ln chronic affections of We Liver. Lung,and Kidneria this great Arabian km./ stands nnliaralielok Ague Cake or,Eulargementol the Spleen, It ta • specitio. ond far Itheurnatban it ham perform ed scr, of the most extraordinary ewes on recant oho for Poona , eeoilloge, 1 . 11.411., IPounda, Chliblaloa:lturos, WU. It Ls oral efiloscbats in bass. of Animals, en. as Fietula, P6ll Eli/. Perelman nitl(liaophiluklhetemper,FarcyliprahakilruleckWonwls. onk, PAIOS, leim4aLs. :Splint; wid fur nearly an dim either in.. or beext. which require . eaters nal this liniment stands at the head Of all medicines. The followitur lo from Mot principal ersounitint of the wealthy and highly reepecteble ;house of -tsars A Bed, of Peoria, and ormolto one of the most enereseful mum in the IMMO of medical hiebvp • • • • Me. IL IL Ferrell: Deer Sir. Actuated by asernaeofgrate. fu nee, I reboot the Allowing as an histancs of the 0010- ill of lour immt our wine. My child, throe years oldota• soddenly atteekel with a terrible di..., which. In Am than Ms ken, emu:rated It to total tsdpfestitem. The Unita became no rigid that not ajores could Ae Aryl; the neck turned black And rold. mad entirelyrimnivel erfaliam the oyes fixed , parttatly close] and altogether Mind.- Follow ins this v.dedfsest to al t mond: the opine becime com Mected. and SO [UMW, that "than Laying iv it. but. the LW and hair only hatched. Indeed. the churl pmeentsd creey apneranct. of bein deed! • Isomediately °tribe et. • met, th p e Amity physician g was called In .and Inr throne...As he labored lo rumors it to (radium but all in rel. although It yea blistorel a dozen timer, and rarlormrutafaclent Un inmate but A consultation of physicians was then held, hut to 1.1 titmouse. The rate vas thew brought tte loin the Itellest Society, but nothing could be suggested C had not already teen more and thedoesor thentoki be meld do nothing more. We then commrtmed ate Oil,: your Liniment [runty err, the entire length of the rpthei end rue may [magma a parent'. Soy. when. ate , • low applications. mlernout aturaothea env amerrrut. The child rapidly recOrtred, with the exception of the Mght. • whim dui not become .er n e[ fee numit e Monti , It ie nor hearty amd robust es can be. }ire tame csnea of the same kind azure/. in myttei c tat, Igrbood preTh llasl of which died; erh!l2. 11110 oc. Tour Liniment had yo teen used. they_erpohl tulle Tworret.t. P.m . !. March 1.1551 1.1.1‘111 O.I.L.ELAND. Lim. Complaint, Ertjaipelas, and Rheumatism Canner. Union no.. by, br.y 27.15t9. lir. 11. Pthauth—Dear Cour Liniment b ma wmy well, And doing a east deth of ma aetumg lse peo ple. It h.. curia A lath cue of Erysipelas, and onother 019 bad man In th e breast. A hulT. obo ...thawed in herbed,eserel months with Liver Complaint end Agee; lion of the Ileurt, waa entirely eared by the usertf ythr I ambith Liniment. Ste mid the doctors mold do her co goat It bee been appthed to a froth cut, thd cured start time.' I bare them uthleted with Itheuniselth tar .14 low time. and just before • wet nell/1 pained nv on 1 math that I lad nu t oe nii day: And in the night I mm rammed bathing end rubbing with lour Idniaseth. asul !,before I was done, rubbing. the min ceased. Stiff Complaint, Sweeney, Dittempa, Cork, and Sore Era Cured. . M. Mitt.cll, Postmaxter at Flat. Fulton °atty, EL, ear.) Mt ILO. FA...... Year Arabian Liebrieot. to flighty prised here. • We cured one or my taighborie bon& of the Sufi Complaint by about four or application. and 0111,i om of mrona of the farce(Mr Eberiff Toerph lirkea.eared hie Mime et a bail C orkwith ft be oleo tried It ea wit that had the Distemper very toil. seal coned tr lie nays it decided], the vestal bone medicine be e'er . omit There bore been ti mberscol E of Sore yes with I had it • rimy meiab ' as bath for plan anal Wort ,=== TO GUARD ACIALNST IMPOSITION READ TILE VOL. MOVING CAREVOLIY. • • - ••• The Public are particaLarly motionett =drat • Ikete Counier.frit width has lately made its appear.. and I. c died hr the letpentertrho makes it . 1V it Farrell's Ambi. an Liniment". Tide tea danmus fraud mad mare liable to deceive (Mat!. bearing she risme orFurell. fore Le particular soma to WI for it by the name . 7arrell's Liniment:* fer unprincipled defilers will MM.. the Sea Mal mister< npon you Mr the =Mine, but always ask I "IL a farrar s Arabian /Miami:" and Mkt no old,. or Mc genuine demur him the letters If. before Yarnell's, hi geTirXlPlllll;ul; I,=-`42: (7.l=frrA:= Einieseal, Peoria." • • • the Eta In emu Torm,Yillage and thaolet in tbe United MA in which One ls not establletuvl. Alai/ by letter to IL U. Farrell, Peoria, 111.. with goad mamma/ to to chat-aster, rectenedbility, Cali on the agent who will furnish Free of Charge, • of ei timm. bnik mutaining much valuable inArtimetkrn bar emery cLas •, Yaks-25conle. 5O gents, end Una dollar per tattle. The only gamine Is inenuitctsinel by L. U. Yarrelloole Inventor and plupsktor, end pholaiele dmiggist, To. 17 3.1.1a0 Wive, Peoria, llis and for gale irholerdie and Malls* yrnyrietoe'e pile. by • ORLLYESI Ci sorb/S D p:6 N 0.67 W ood Yuen Fold be D. M CURRY, ugberi7 te. ' . The Himian Body Must Perspire, • SO SAYS NATO RE, to have a health aD' tomomom acid pencil. who do tot 'perspire, an to the momdlegtoUag Eiclo Dbiostra. Sow,Joan' Chemical Yogi mums Lam perrpiralioth al at the • Moe mollolet awl milers the &We tha tea of at Wont'. • • •••••• • &any daft Rheum . Ma Bores, ate tiot only healed , cuoarl by ite use, an at lead 7 yOlystdaus N. Fmk who use tt In such 0.00,4 and bud it etubttling—as Mao, 10 harpies, Blotches. Freckles. or way Mber sktudlacese. render Is assured that this is no trade.. P.M.' tWatra e au Id pne trial will Tule. I meld enumerate at least titbit er curedia sore bead. ear leas. and sore beard. Boy 11--sod the reader Is again mewed I "MUM tioterw ell r call it for the urdew I later It to be all I state. Thaw wbo ace Itstle to chd4d. cracked..., dapped Bob. will ea ads met only n cure, but a preveradres and 1 eats wee only add, that say nue atbleted with of the stern. or similar Menses, bud tram all. sad area tuaraitsdrai• nAir In ita yroperties) than / +late. • • /Es-But. reale. the store; an deeded with lat . l ret tao and be sun you ask for 401(0.V Italian Clutualtal Ilan Hardy of WM. JACI7EO7I. old( Agebt bead of Novel. • Pearly White Teeth, and . Pate Breath. to be lead for 'ZS amta—Pereons who lure althea. are honorr his ammo! that If their breath, la ever ea foul. or thole watt dwayed. dark or yellow. and encrusted with tartar,' Mat a 2.ssent Lou or Jos& Amber Tooth Pests *lll make the tooth as white aa mow. and the &math alarlferoady Sold Sold cmly at JACKSON'S nom NO Liberty at. head of •A Scientific !lair Tank: Restorer and Beau- Dottie% 27h; tzar. ;Those who have need lowa' Oral /lair Itestianr. how:to aroallent tie* who bare Dot_ we amine Itio omega the following naalitliv:—lt will here the bar to Whew .r part Waal netiare intended hair to grow . eta, it falling pin commit:l or dandnith and make light: reil i or grey hair grow dark. yon rendering the hair soli and inaky, nothing tan iotownt • this—it makes it truly boatitliiil.atiol keep it so. it la, he deed, the moat econoialnal—yet anparlor—orthle Art the hair. eo only at IV3I. JACOON'S Wore. =id /Marti bead of What, Pittsburgh. • eents.Do mote. ariclSL '_• • • . JONES' Solution of dee, a Liquid human thir . for the clanging of elite. rtd, or 'trey hair, tos . .beautiful brown, or black jet aohr , n fow minutes. hotel cents, and SI. • ' ' hohl by W.ll. JACK/SO:I4W titortystreet.heed of WOMS; Title welt. • - . JONES' LILLY 19112TE.IrtUlfae are can. tioned mad= wing the common prepared Chalk. They oru pot seam how frhadfulS injorlues U. to the skin/ how wane. how rough, h. all., yellow sad tothealthy the din wear, atter netagpretored claim - Desidealt dour. aearatning V:tar,".ll.a co; dolujepeolele Sb:de. bk . oo l!Oqlithlf• •tt tortmtlY lhtsloert. beat imrined of all deleted °. Zitlos and it impart, to the Ain e, natural, healthy 0/. wine, at the am q time sodas sa . c. meth: on the lila, matt.// it roll and smooth, • .- $Ol4 by the Arent, Nat. JACItt4)X, SW Liberty M... heel 4 WoaL Parabola , . Prloe. Se orate. ap.Subtoly ' EItiEND, or Baling Preparative, • • .aperfteiag er2 , acer.cp.iv. 'um" nirr ,„,„. All, 111.1.• am, re °real, of MUM r 43102, lac tn., =I ethos cost the ordinary fermented brash, arta]: mum; to et'grat, torterit, bilo, indigestion : sante:ma pal. et. mea, headache, end other merlons P enrthltisfur miMns Celt. and bla. mite: /21 .Z 0 PAlnui ikfia, thlslmMeratton make 10 mare Liras of was h "then mlth D es M Made of Strollles, and perOna olf weakly conetitatMlthatild at tend to pore 'bread. le one of the finest toretkines of the time.' P b lionSteleanflrossies, SabooltS Id and tarp otteldlehroante, les great advent... had is Woes; „123‘:, end AO conlvelthdlosetkma Iter . • sty= E.813,4LE118,6 7 ,W00d at. kegs for &di b ' LiarriudiaMETlVe: oFFAIo BOBES—AII pude" kepfi cob jup..e.tir w l&za sad tbr rale wz THE PICEBEDEMI or TEC Immo ptuats Lpanuanoe of r, F11.11011p„ esident of the DOW Stab. of America. *Toby . end make known that yablie ettee bold at tC l'4' at' BtlVVlLL=_toternetteine ors liontlay. the find dart( Sepbrmbar tum 4 for the disposal of the Tuthill, lands Molded within the undertneat tewnebine end frusionel township, Me: l iardi e tlie teuelurqxtwsklaciMprindlxat.ro4.2- Township termer rconeihree. Township two, of ranee our. - Motional township fourteen, north of ITbit4tiver, of range Moe. • Nolte Of Me husetfrtensufaul eme Anh Township Allem of range two. a. Penstional townMipt eleven and yry tvelee, of nano alr- At the Land Offlez at CIIAMPAUSOLE, 00.13.21Citig 3=44lPallgOttMid:Lotillt trePbl3.l=teVibtolii: s.RettA el the bueslimmed loodojthe jffla pri)ll7lpalleerolion. Mrnsidpe elms end fourteen, of nage met Peen. Towneldp elenetmof mos Mehl...en. At the bead Otter. at HELENA. emnmenelo eon Mon itor. the eighteenth dap of August next , for th e di•Petd of public land. within the (Whirring named towooldps and parts of township& Ti, • . fltelfs ime and sesta/ the AIN Pruafettt , dP. Suctions thirteen, twoutp.thee. Mell3l)4lnir ono two., BM east o the et Prands time, In townshlp them. of •••• _Township nine, of num...en. and.rhisibgatbseand math the ArTalminththaltherklion. Township four and part of Island iPIVtiOIIA irth' two and thrrtythure, In tmemblp thirteen. of range one. At the Land IL/Mee at LITTLE RUCK, monnenaltur Mlllldllar the Mat day of September nml. for the dist/mai of the pnbile lands In the Rdlowlng named tine!! on nod Ter CT T TIP south /mlf of section elght,the south half of ten. fractiaml settle. fourth. and flame. the north half of emente.. the m 4 half of twentpone, threats-two. the =whelitre"4 lewt rfarthrtv " r itlra the northel&sarter or twenty...even, In twahlp three, of lambramoprlated hr law Dm the um of echo*, Dag and thMr purrs.. together with roachmere swamp mal overflowed lamb med. unlit thereby nttivallon.•• If any. width Final be selected by the State authorities be faro the days sprinted foe the oammeneurnent of the pub lic: asks meow thlr. under the act entitled "AO Act to enable the State of Ark/arms nod other Stabil to realittl the *thump landa'arlthin tbelr Ilmlts." approved Dept... bee ItSth, IMO. mat let ad/tied/rem the salel. Aral rao lo• rations Sr last bonalles heretofore granted by, any law of Congress. for ITlllil4l medic., rendered to the United States. mil bepenuffed en esur of the atene sent obi bands, as pkovided by the act entitled . An Aft making apprepre stlonstath.thil and dlpkmatlempemesof government," ge. approved ad Mamb, 1651. 111. th ieving 4 the above mentioned hauls wllrbs com- T1101:1thal on the days appointed. .1 proceed in the or der In which they are advertised, with all convenient dig NUM. until the whole &halt bare been otlored lon ge r rulm thus elmod: but no gale shall he kept Open than two weeks, and no private entm of any of the lands will be alladtted untliaftr the exthratlen of the two wee. Given under my hand at the lath of Waahlragton. this Sixth day of May. Anuo Domint ono Bream. eight hum drad and DRY-mu MILLARD FILLMuIIE. By the President: • ' . BUTTERFIELD. Commlthioner of the J Renard L.d tam. PRE•ElTrrox CLALVANTS• Every entitled to the right of propraption to Any of the leads thin the township. and parts of low nsidm above enumerated. le mirth. to mtabilth the maze to the satisfaction of the Itegbter and Iteeriver of the proper Land Mee. and mho Jab meutthedeforalmon mproM 6 a; Me scrim this norm, and before the rthy appoMovi the commenorment of the public vale of the 1.d4 ember.- Ing the tract elatmoLathenrise soh elalm will be ferflik .1. BUTTERFIELD, • Commbudencr of the General Land Dram m 727. • BY US mamma OP THE ETU= STATES. pursuance of law, I, MILLARD Fludscatr., ent of the United States of Atnerka do hereby declare alai ante known, that roblio rake whl he held at the plakeuteationed LAW Men In the Stale of AllasoCah stetperiods hen:theft, dellenated, to wit: I the Lead Otani at JACKSuIi, commenchnt ode Mob- Mi3?1, 1 ;.r: altnatrd within the foliawlnß named lino- • shine, eh: lirorfhif debase Uneendseeatej Oleftithprieelpitnieridien. Tonnehlte twenty-levee, terent}cdcht and twentrnine, on end near Current river, nf range three. Tcernehlye twent, twenty-elght and twenty-nine. on and near Current etch of range four. Inetehlptwentpolght, an a Lranch of Current river, of range hoe. ' Tsm.4llp tarenty-thrch twenty-four, tweritywight and twenty-nine of sang. eight. Township tventptowe. twenty-faar, twentywight and tweertywilno, am& MD. Yrisetiolul townettip twentrone, anal townships twenty twh P p renty.tbre,terenty-foult twenty 'fiTs of rea ten. • ...At the PULYIE PLACE.. itonmencing on Notalanflie fla path Begot &Pe:Wee neigh for the looniest of Ine Po lie lands within the following mused townships and Pecte Ntownships, via orth of the Gam Mee cad oast of OicstfOtprinotpolaterifigst Township twenty-tsot of range two. . Yrectional township twentyone and twenty-two, and tosnwhip tweestrltre. of Tanga throe- Towns - kilo twenty-pro of pogo roe, hips twenty-two awl twenty-three. of name Pm Friedonal township sixteen, and townshlps tar..typo, tsreuly-ttree. twenty-four. twenty-tie. twenty-to and twentywnest of range six. Yr.:Moat townshipe detects and seventeen , and tom p .twettly-to. of p t aosett• • grectionel townships ela.. esienteen. eighteen and twentgone. township teener-two and twentrthire e and settialts New to Ps 1, eines, scowlers to twositeene loan. sigh ;awl Peahen:ee to thirlylwo inclusive. 10 township twangy -We of range eight. . • Tolrrtsbip nineteen (event IttrtiOnal &clime fitirlyps to Clashes. inclushre.) tractional Township twenty end fractional township twenLywne (except seeStiosw eft, lovely. &OW.n, isittarthetc. fisicatteftair. tweattefire. taystlyes. thirtriewit thirty:l4e, and titres-six. of mop ton. . . Tha northwoot robotics of wales ris, In Osonsbip nine ken. and fractional towtohlp twenty, or range cm ' Sections one to botfrt Inotablre. the boob half of Wriest, Awns. t int` twont loclutdro. awl twentwrott to thirty Vow nttorln tOwnahlp elghloont aorta:rot Sine to ton Inch:nave. In townobtp niuoktof and oettlost Wirfoot..rour- Ss, the worth half of honefottod. twoodythroe a tivottowe sm. oreoty. awl rAwtrforr to fairttoss incitolr, In torawhip of made Of The part oast Of "Little Itiver °loran,. of tOwndap ta=tzl . ..c , ff roW a llt= 4. vows eitddetn!terscrces. Wily and ths9rtvona. oof'ar .fattlo ,lilvet Overflow.. in &mutat. West; -Sam. nwg. Was Zit' the Land Offtee e 11'l11NOTLEIX, conmetielnx en Bondsr. the eighteenth day of Auonst nest for rho dm. bami dr Public lands agitated within the following or real fractional tow - whim to wn i Nortigif Gem llos mad ,g,f,,ra, Ara priboaca g e mog, Township twenty-two, of range twenty two.. Township term:ay-two, Of mug tweritydtalo. V,ir r t diapee old Mtge n township twenty-one, 'of mom twenty mathwf the embr. Tractional tormaily twentycem, adjacent to the Slate Line.'of ranges twentydwren, twentydalno, thirty. thirty one, thirty-Mb thirty-three and thirgionr. Lamle gpmpriAgAllw.for the im . e . of schools, milt tary and other y Welber with gigs matey and thymellowed largo lit thereby for cultivation^ if any, *bleb shall he wrigted by the Made authoring bebre , day. apt:Muted be the commencement of Ms online gig respecurely, under the Act entitled —Au Art re cur bid the &We of Arkansas end other States Tsw to:CZ antplexide. within their umlua7 lirPini , ‘l kekdedfrtra Me oder. And for land bounties heretofore grargot by any lag of 0.111. ow.; lee military vertims rendered to the tinged b tatty, real longingly:l en ergo/11.e acre regfierwri lanob=ed elided by u. sat entlitad AK making rummy for the civil and dlplommie expenses of GErrerurovst." -prodAtt h iet l iCnra mentioned lards will lo mend me+ on the Mfg appointed. and will proceed the or dor I whleh they are advertised with 'MI convenient du. ;watt until th. whole gall have been Offend. rwd Monies thus timed; hnt node ehall be kept open tenger Ulan two weeks, and on organs entry of any of the lamia Will he ad falt.ig until alter the mount:on of the two weeks. (limn motel my nand at the City of WaMhitgon ,thle idath day of May. Anne Dordinl one them:cut riga baa, deed and Ifftpone. - MILLARD FILLMORE. BY the Tateldent: J. BITYTKPJIELD. Colowilarioner of theOcneral Land MM. :NO27CE` 721 rar-zitrnay Cf,ADIAA7B. or Eyyrer=yr i tl to Nur Z. , of pricsolri .r. to b ar Nara onntoarated, regal to dial Via. damp to ta tatiatactkock of Um register sad rodalver of No mop's laud ordeo, add mad payment therefor as pyaNdable ter atiteg sad beLyre No dayadpolol.a..l yor the yomaleneaneat ofto public rate of tha lands embruNil the ttott, eWmed; otherwise such claim will 1" dateital. .1. 1.11/17ERYIELD, Cardadadaacc of the 17ener4 Land Mee. mr2telsralt _ -* • • • , - BY THE PRESIDEST OP TEE OSIER SUM. Ipura M usuco of law, I, 'MILLARD 1 . 441(011E, President a the Malted States of AMeßif:ll. ,lo herehr taint. and soak. known, that public Ada will to bold at the utnlersoentloned Land Oftwes in the Watt, .of Jona. al the aortal belabullet tkid g11111.1,..t0 nil:' ' At the land Mee at 1011 , A CITY . rototaenetnAnn Mon• da the Om day of Iteptember nett, Ay the dleyncal of the public Lands situated to tho follevand named tnyrnahltw, Nara qf fhs tar liar, toadwvi elf the AN prine(pa etrei dia. Township anent ulna of range twentpulne. Towrithipe eerentpnine and eighty, of range thin!. Townships orrentrnitio and eightr. of range tbirtpona Tennablpe eneentrnina. nighty ann elf ions, of range At To.mstdp eightponr, of range tbirtr-three. it Um Land Mee at FAIRVIE), enintoencluxon Mont day, tip gineenth nor of .nwptenber next. for tire disponi! !the Dublin lands within thitundernientlotird townships, wit: jjeriA4/ Me bust Um and west of the Nils principal scud: than • Township men' tr. of range thirty. Tommblp ersenty, of room thirty-tern Tom:eddy enmity. of rang. thirty.thme. ' ' At the Land UMea at DUBUQUE. on Monday. the ride Meath day of August neat, for the dispose : l of tlas follow -Ing melons Amnion Muleigincr4La town dila eighty-two north, of rangs nee east.acid,the southeast quarter ot eiseilon lo wes tsmn in townemti Madreis funth. Tann ine tof the ft principal Merl. lan. Lands a by low for the we of school, mill lazy and o er purposes. together with "them swamp and overflowol Made made unlit thereby for enlDmillon" If ear, which oboll be selected by the Mato authorities be. toroth@ days apoolitted far the onnoumenteent of the poi, lie sales respeetively. under the Aet toUtied - Ah Art to enable the Mate of Arkansai and other Mates to T.lxf the bee `swam MplOa.n deEwit ah:ient utheir salt,"D apprm ili e n pte m - o Co d u i g u re s s f ao,r lendamhfo o e Emo mA any lobe military serriees rendered to tile Mated Mate; mil 0e pernitted tee me, 08. am. 00 001 hook as provided by the set entitled "Au set making synodal. ns-for the dell:mut diplomatic expanses of tiorernmerst.J. Ae approved ad Marsh. Mal. • • ..... iTbe offering of the lards will be isosemrosed ,m the days appointed. and is roared in the order In whirl. they 1- : with sr :=u :, tlthe rioleit Ile keptopeteleage thanwor 0 ek i cod sultry of any of. the lands will be admitted tiotik after the mairation of the two week. u Olean under my band at the City of Washington. this sisth day of May. Arco Domini one thiso.nst eight boo dred and ßy t =pone. Preeldents DULLARD kaLLaittitlL J. he norrEnnsi.n, • • Commissioner o'f the General Land Dales. NOTICE' TO FRILEMI7IO.2VCZAWANT.I. Every person obtltlat to the right of vooooptioo to coy of the Made within the booshlpsuodpade of townships above enumerated , le required to establish the setae totho eatisfeetionsid the weeder and seer leer of the fug."' lend ogieu. and malu n izrent thereOr ano n . vvrAZ.kle AY . meinis ' and before the day appoiota) for the commetnermeat of a public ale of the lads etiihreriog .the to claimed; otherwise suds claim will be farfeitml. J. BUTTEBVIELD, .: • . Cconfolysiober of the (Modal Land °pia. . • . 2;)Er Cent. saved to Country Merchants. M. J. • KING, Dealer m BOOTS AND ! SILO V, No. 40 North Smcoud .tent, fhlladslOhls, toll oat sled from the anauckfmtory so satemim sod wen selected stock of. thaa.bory goods, 'which will by sold of 20 per ceoLloss than mu by purchased in the eity,:fbr myth "• =l . l=roji, to cuff beam picichmiL• 1 lay=m . . ----' Fresh Arrivals of Wall per. THOMAS PALMER; No. 55 Marketstreot, hm Just reesdred from the root, a ImodsOnio assort s:put of krypton! Clamber Apr.' - • iyra_ - _PAPER HANOINGS--Breach and Amer .& 113/3. from Ofmots to SO pm. pp km, tan sale by torn WA LTER P. MARSHALL, SS W . ,:sl at. M ACKEREG--20 0 bble. No. 3, (Large} Neburyport. inspainbl A na N nt IT , ljNzt d Wanbonae, Pd Eallroad L l / 4 1.t. ' , caner Penn and Warne Ida. Mii rr . by oN LIAMS—OO3LATTUDI a prirpe, r .0 smy2J RILEY. cm or . AaODA ASII-500 casks of our own man*= laotmeoraaranard of a+ good quality and as high teat •••• any hooportech sad gar lado at Oa lonrotmOatyrioe.„ h 7 AENNETI,IIJAILY kVA, . ii - jiHILSES PHILLIPS. 1c idAYER'S LI.-. verD r GLUE—For comma= J. Wood. Mon 'Edo& wool oathol. Vorbrocon otlOV V rird 0:31= IR BALLS —.4 full seeortmentjust rec'd' 410,1 d lta ago by layla P.ll. DA2OIV. Akt) OIL-15 bble. total:de by JAltso trAinaa, TRANSPOIiTAIqON 1851. Lem me AIM =man LINE, ON TILE EXTENSION CANAL. CLARKS.. PARRS & CO., Re a net; 17tomucroza THE PROPRIETORS of this old and well morn Mai Innil4l faun the public th at they are now taupe:Alan thepreuest reawn , anel ha. comm.- red rereii as Freeeht wed Cametwees, which they ere fully Te=l"kdhr to all po~aa oa tuCeTS.Vhrtilelee.f Llne Inge ematuntly at the lemium, th e -Conon ffehele to ream (ight. JO/13 A 1313 WRY. Anent. Mu, ...Water atul Fealthnehl rltteburgh CONSIOXCF.B R. W. Cuerrhusbe. New Ceetle, Pa, T 1 C. 1 hore, rulsekl, C 31;11. eh... J. 11.11:8hefwburgh, Wm. Arhre C ,OreetwOln Ilenry, Ilartsimen,* m nuwer. OnmeautelllG 4 ' prlkAl r' ne%7:iffaln, N. New Lake Superior Lice =lB5l E new team cr NOETHENER, Capt. B. imp 1 <eery . tn_Jal_ern rnPrE k ent for 11 6. Swam bovine. r May and etnefort. will learn Cleveland on Frida, the tat ' F' f rla ; ;Mt ' OelO n e e lf.l'7ll., tr kr — V&74TVSlCi e e . '" an The ateenter Capt. Jena Cattarett.,Will leave Font tdo. Marie, for the dltrerent landlnea on of ElOperlor. on lb...Mr/dot th e enamor Northerner; making Clerelamt end the ICoptwe hron..hout the Mt., bet. c' E r' Cloveland;o„ April S. lI.N ra‘al s roptietara. 25, 1851.—Lf 4:Emile:act:era's Eine. 185:1. S ie lIERzyyINFoRIEE t e ; 0, ~ bi now Ptfull operation with faollitio to carry • wiz. Quantity of height to Ph iladelphia and lldtimern , W/LIAMII tronatalotino, to as short dole, and at, as low rates, 00 aro other troularLior. pperial arnoapimente have Oro ben mile for rirrytair rmight to Blairsville, Johnstown. llollklayebu., Water Rivet. Alexandria. Petenburgb, MIS Clvek. No. Ilarolltoo. /Jerry Porn. horiettoru, 111111 i. Newport. Clark'', hum Harrisburg, Coluottra. all nth introuediate foito• Orl the Peru.yl o y f aida Canal and Port the igrx. the aforesaid points, at the lowest rate., mto ay be rolled upon. .1.1.11TC/it:Lt. SCOTT, Proprietor. Warr house, LIMO y Arcot, mehlattl Second door 00. of thy ivic,A VDT G DISPOSED OF MALE MY IN TERPST IN BINGHAM'S LINE, to my brother, I 111.N1111A31, the business at l'ittoburgh will he, slier be Lenneseted ander the idle of .. Wm. Bingham Co." fmeht] DISUILAII. . . .Bmghains' Trinisportatinn Line, Rtn .1851. ARTA - ZEN PITTSBURGII &THE EASTERN CITIES rTfl CANAL being now open, we are ree dy rroeira and forward oromolly, Produce Rod nut sod weaL Li Freialara alwase at lowest rata, charged by reepooalblo es. Prraleras and 3ferehaudise will be rerwired and Soaranl4;l east and welt. withoot ear oharm , for fdrwsnliwg 0r ad . vanelog ftwight. corturnaaloa or m.. Isellua forwardol, and all lrectlous faithfully attended to. Addrera or apply to Wal. k. W.. Canal 14wita - Corner 1.11.41 r d War. etc. Pittsburgh. 111N1111AM kan DOCIA. Mal Market et. hstweau Fourth and Ilfth at, Philadelphia JAMES WILSON, Agent. No. 11l North ilowwrd street, palliator. mehl JAMES 011:1111AM, No:10 TV eetwt. New York. 1851 E 741 :. merchants' Transportation Line, (VIA PENNSYLVANIA CANALS ANY, RAII.BOADS,) For, PIILLADELPIIIA DIRECT--WITII - !Groan PIING. A.IIeANTATI! A CO.. email Basin, SOS Penn street, PittaLurch. CIIAOLLESILiTNOR,Centrei Brow] street, Phil. delphls. , ie • are prepared to twelve lam• amount merchandise ss , litrodueo to Ado 60 tile tinning Of the eitteil to Phila. dlphle, and ell interinnhetn the:went lower rates, end le lens time then may nierlous weeeon. ZYW.N.I7. The Ines...sod manlier of Truck, prorldrel the 10inal Commoners for carryl. our hosts on Ow tilute Hullneels. will prevent eny posibliitTf &ler at Johnstown, llolidessburg or Columbia. I hit, SAJIOII. C... in CO, 11+15 Canal Wein. ' 185 1 • To Shippers of Merchandise. Produce, &e., ra AMP lots errreereen.rtin.e.. nerusong AN'll rote. RELIANCE PITTSBURGH TRANSPOR TATION LINE. , AT/ilS$ 4L.CO PrunrienwaYto. it= Market, and 64 Onauerrostre.2 7 l9 , llesielidilse BELL 0 LlfillY.l7, Agri:l4,o.nel Peel, Pittsburgh. JOU: TATUM PON. Agent, ileitheo.e. We are prepared. ou the rends,: of the Pentliyhranle (latish to contreetior freight et MA low reit, end glee ehlppere MA moth the and rote ex soy other lane. • feblitTen IcPADEN & COVODE, haprolsonro to John alonolon a Co r d Canal Basin, Pam Soca Penna. Bail Road Co.--Cential Rail Road. miE subocribers having been appointed I,wl, war nololirrolnoc or prod.,. rh Vu a irin , rnr on Lo ofcning ~r can al. .n:11 " vlil f-of doo. conlialo Inn or c ' hargo for urn ar rasitdrr 111MICIVN PUILADMPLIIIA AND yirmYdad. Dry Goal,. Una aboed. Boot., tat avarr,CuLlery ..nasty. Frail.. Father. Furslmre, lyrup. Saddlery. 4 , 4, Sid.? IV.) Hardware. Queadurrasa Orsecrild, faint, Diu stud.. Lealttar.Clot La Flat. Timothy Lei other dna. La -- • V. Loa . Dann.Park. Ram, Lard, Lard OIL Toldurc L-Lf - - - - enifer,Tallor. Grain god Kafir. We ? /1/41 Asbm, Marble (rough) Tur. Patch. 14.1111. 0.11164 thAT. ton Le, hcp luu =tza Art lB5l Pittsburgh Transportation SOILS OVOliiia. a CO, Cool rittoburgh. itltlt JAMES A Ca..."l , eputo Creed and Cluny enestA. ander v. 3 Pouch Four th shod., betwlen Market nal Closet nut to, l'hiladalyhle., CiPiOnti, OIL :Oh eon street, Color cc. JRAVING fully' completed our.' airange• steno, we will Le to - epart.l upon the opening of the oncylouga Casio, to early fre,g4t to ItINP Iron Pe burgh. II•Illuvowl. IldlootelyinS. hew lork. n-n eavath Louisville:St Joule and all they n Lod %oh at /ewer rate, and with corm dispatch endear,. thou any ed.. Idne. .A.ll goods oblay , el Lynne Lino ore fully covered by ineurance, without any charge to <mum , . • lowivdt ,, n , wt really afforded by uly ether Line. All resanounicatievot oddment to curse's. or agent, Mall A Co— Cincinnati, L. Webb, Levan Wu, end Lowe A Osbnree, Ed. Le.ulo will meet with prompt attention. 1 , . Our Line hut neennaretien whatever with the Phsladelphla o. sod Pittsburgh transyertacou Line of At kins feb2o Lewis's Patent Reversible Water Filter Is NOW to be aeon in operation at WM. TATE t .L 0 l n um 413 . 0. NO. ID Pourik groat. la ro7lo Vhek"Alt,tb:lL4.,V!.4 Oa • Gold Hada fir. Ito Aroorlatu loaltute of Nor York. a Cltrtifloato Iran the Dranklla las/auto of 1 . 11•110. Oa.. for Mt till . to Da avulsing propatim end aro artalcatos anon / l o re boahrsklato Itt oath Ilatadarht• of whirr, the follow ua aro raataphan PUILAI4IIIIII. Much 0991.1 KM. It filar tin great pleasure to recatome•l (lie later of pamelartr war, tin Paula IlevorabloWhirr retard by Mr. lowa. (lovin g nerd one of /lam kr roar -1 '''' A r iz ' a t° ,4Vll, o l l ; h r abut rarer- ..Plittator.trina. March :Mb. 11.41. The Patent nevervlble Water Pllterer. Invented .by MP. Pamttel 11. lee•le, and nowt by me Melanie month. at my r~tnen r et+ W.74t t m co 7; t he Publk. N.& humane street." thew - ratri, are animated to take eat any emelt er tart. which may ante from doomopteed animal or vearto. hie matter. In the grater. They are t'ttri.b.d btel• "'n years, nod with Ordinary ralv 0311 laid tem end remain only to hr lawn to le appreciated. Arelt .rivet, PhilWalobia. Rockingham and Domestic Queanaware. YkTOODWARD, lILAKELY Sc CO. Man i.4...Rtw fecturrrlsf , :localnoltani ~J Tyllow C . W. Airriarople Loom corner Sixth an 4 Meaty minvd, Mound Cbureh bulklana,) entrance nest door to J. a R. YLoyd. Whelemlu ):rove, Our enema.. 'Work, enable na to Clil order. promptly. A 000:1014. a &A.m. Vont commantly employed, alvo M aples am Mimeo yam vrlth all alu promoi improved styles of tho day. Water Czar, 2plionna. l'itrbeiv. Fancy Toys, DamertSetc Flower rum. Goble., Ateritel Ornament, 'SWAIM. and Paull ..tarv, and arairlio for ¬ate an, in great varlet). Orders respreffutty,n4anri. ovelaAtf Heating and VentUatioz Vil:E ARE MAKIiiO APPARATUS for v Itrathia by *team In Itotals,Cuurt /looms, Lecture Ramat, Bank Igllart,elon...lAtcluties,llatpltala and !au ht. Mgt or erery &Peri talon, yu autl private. "Also, drtra and Drying berme, tar all potpie. where regular te o mperatu, triter 00:. rho I &Ed for thee, .fr.ll.llifu'on,,l 7 nZt . ..l or forced want, trill hp preplan! wherever element' Ilulilino,of the varluut tleerglhtlons utentlaged moa aro re the retmjngi vegtinniture, with euttre (median from rout, moat, aalwittluet,or ilauspners, and tatat, tram tire. 0711- Veal YE. ATKIN:k% it OttELY. • -4; l ' Pedling Wagon. ALarge and toaLetantjal two hornet Wager,. lOW Imo .1., for mle. un Da j. or A lli u tm c V Wald Ntriot. Agricultural Imple - 1 lIAVE JUST received from the Enetthe following Ingiletwentr. nil of the brat wag afacture uJ thn wort regent IneenUons, and I would %nett. all Partnere to ttll andrzantitie tor stock. Drilling Itlaritiwg, for torn, bean, beeLS flips, lea Orem Drill, tor wheat, fie, tate. and bael.T. Caro Coberneberv. fYtrn /Moiler. for home and band power. Newer and Ct. Walk Cutting Dorm. Vegetable Wad Cutlery. Or Velcro awl Cow Chain Hetet. faelsteol tinily wad ilowr hylltem, and fl oor. owdateal two, fling. and Nor prong for , L ,„ All anowtacturod term the twot mow ree.. and for salt at the 'Drug and boot btore of S. N. Wr CILIMSIIIOI. ' • wyg: Cower of ISOa l and WWII Arndt Beatunont's Patent Starch polish. ATENTE .ruly 18.50.—F0r giving twantiful II Iwo to Llnenw, 31f1/111M. Cinabrlce, Cog. Lirtßoum, tte.. and oho prergot g %hu iron front t I R l' st7l " : , ;tnue n uil r r 1.41 Z t 1 ;1:117 ' g gU' Arnett...we—Dot a =t r i::rre Of pea to a quart of 't triee7l '. 4lnc Cake. Non erholgrah. and when by jl4l 11. E. 81ELLEUS, b;Ft. _ Copley's Pot Clay. • • . ILE subscribers are now Solo Agents of J. Copt.r 0r,,, fo potation f Utrlr Itt Chip, art .int well establirlted for thu utanuteettire of - Mew Pot, (tett Pats. to: It Is wade areas of the wort inforible PLlttrionme known; and Is very carefully wietewl awl chant.' ;Keeton. to winding. meat J. 9(9IO ONMAKEIi A CO. .A.DIES' RUBBER GLOVES.b MITTS— to 1../' faw Indica t. a Wte udlon to th e hands In house doming, ned.. gardening, cant of dowers, Ac. In wen, Init, they bleach the bands enow Lethile. For tole low at the India /lubber Depot. 1 and II Wood greet. toyil J 11. PUILLI9B. fiL &HET WINE, (St. Julien Medoc,) of one own Importation, year Panted pow. 'Prire, o o ro w, r gr Angle bottle. At NIGIOVIS . 'tea Mart, in tlu. Monona. writ VAP OIL .CLOTIIS--Juet reed, from the. r.r.rtor 7 . Woes Cap Oil Cloth, a braggr u g y Gnhh article, .fur 'We wboletale - as low as earlern poor., at Use /111 Cloth Warernows, Nos.: and 9 Woad at. J.4lLPltl [xi Ps. ~IIIiNITUIt OIL CLOTILSOf English, nod Oar own nionntoettmo,ln r see at the. Ooth Waretteun, fit.: and 9 Wood J. 4 II 91.11LUN • . • ifIUYSOTT'S Yellow Dock IL Snreisiinrilla— vimlertsr ibr ,J,1111.10161.t.%)..1.. HURRAY'S FLUID lIIA(INESIA—J met reed" ale by S. N. VICKERS II AU. M • • mow of Math aod Woad .be. DRY GOODS, &c. Another sir of Superior Shirting, Mut and Tnah Linen. • TURPECY have open ed .othnr supply of choke mob of ohirting,mtto. boo,nd boom limwt the Win .arnol.l all Ma— "bo.cb, ditobtl7 foam th. enrol of the mosolfactures, and 'silt lewd of lomat prim by. the ymni ri“ ,, to:hooting mootto; horn one to three 'onto otidot on bond. Aloa balkotroute 1.1.116 , job VAT PLAID GINGIIAMS.--Murpby /I . l7l ; htleid . have open Ws trmlei odl,xesertheeedor al. yew r 7,1 3 teV n ge andldueUume 4rXits 2 d'rk , du Ltarede, Well., a doer. ATIM ae. 3 f.1101 , r1 meg Umie, to d ed e e such as v ltuedee, Hance de Lanes. Then, Le. air Neer liveds opening dknoetdaflr. je6 fice .• .-- - - - lIAVE Just received, direct from the 161- Poem. A swortmonit of taco Curtain,, which I I roll low. Curtain IlaterW.aM Trimailo amoral' Mod, Icl IV)!. NOB LE. Third ot Bonnets! Batmets! A A. MASON & CO. would respect tally Invite the attention of yohears to t her rery inirperior *test or new style Bonnet), to oda the)" ore ennetantly adding new rarletiee. The shore Goods will be aold at very Dm prices by the dra tn or single bonnet- Noes 62 and 64 Market et 5.3 NIIIA it FOULARD SILKS—Just ga, eAditienai nr Mae Terr ebeapaind desire bie India and Youlani Alike. The above amide will be closed COL very cheap. A. A. MASON ' jsd62 and 64 Market et. LACK SILK LACE--We have just rec'd • fall moldy of U&A Um abOve rable Gonda, of all y for ealo cheap. A. A. MASON a c o . de3 Of and 04 Market 4. ift . RIMPED RIBBONS—The attention of el '71.1%174; a l td:h we ow close out at very !ow , prites. • tol - A. A. MACON A CO. New Barages, Tisanes, Bilks,,LawnS, t/ DUDE &BURCHFIELD have this day ~ / ? V t .taZWn ' st.vt!" ." k t gssso l titd , lti l ac" S ta , n r :elitl7 J ' aon., Wavy alb,. dr. rlitorben Boye..a Invited to call deface making tlmlrmarchano Gmls at abolcsale Jo rooms op mealy.. mytl IiIIRLAPS—A superior article 40 inch, for UP owlet, my 7 MURPHY a WM. Woolen Goods! CASES green Mired Jeans; 2 " Innen tlrtnol Cloth; I " Cotton (tocsin The above goods are just reed from eastern maltase. Sees, on cotolonnont, and for Hie low on tamable time. rus7 SIORP/IV t Lr.K. • VENT'S RUBBER GLOVES MITTENS. CENT'S —Throe OToreo are of great utility ha all kinds of %Fork whore protection to the hand. is reluirtel, ourh at iiririne, gardening,working in rheinleals, infallible ' , mealy for chapped hands. 714 J. t IL PHILLIPS. ' , IP DIA RUBBER COTS-An excellent coy.- -I" NEW RIBBONS—A. A. 31.tsuN &. Co: are nag revolving• • Due l aovurtineut of beautiful nevi " Vh . n: i ru t l!l ' ii i i L vo h gllttljtatfu n n n t r u ' lhelr arrrilitga Auppl) of l'aravilx, vitiate all Qualities tin be obtained! and at very fig A di Ibirket t. niyl4 VIUMPED TARLETONS--Juet received ‘..1 this mornings, end moor open 10 odious of those very l,«lrenk• Crimped Talisman tor Bonnet Lining. The at. W. 0111141! mw is Yenned/141y solicited. • mal4 . A.A. MASON at CO. i t LACK SAVAGE for Mourning Veils, LIP received at the dare of mslt MURPHY ir 1111BCRYTELD. viriNDOW CURTAIN MUSLINS of new V ro " 11 - A - RASOLSII I'AItASOLSI: of .noweat rtJlrnn mlu -inn. a tioneurrEws r OINE SIIAWLS.—We would solicit the at tetitlon of purchasers to oar very eatensive swan. meat of superior plain owl embroidered Crape Shawls and fan, Cralmere, Tidier and Silk Pliowlw all of the ovwest and too-I desirable style., which we are selling at UM very lowest prices. A. A. MAWUN a CO, my . 29 fa nod al. Ilarket st. 11t1111PED TAItLETONS—We hnoe thit, ‘..) day ree'd 31 atria. of rho. eery &Arab. thitaPul larirtoo Irlioriaarm.asnarted colors, whichwil! be sold vary rhea'. at .411 or br the boo. id 6 . 4 sod f.l }Wart at. A. A. MASON a h.. FINE DRESS GOODS—We }mire just re i•ed anutherßptemlLl swoorttnett black, brown. auk. Line and wodeJlerago,mvlTL.usuL AL, Int Maud which we urn uL•ering at very low prla, w,_, A. A. 3LASLIN A CO. MO A l l lßlsa , !c u t t i , !Sj i ac , and Tissue% reed and offerer neloweat prima, b'y )41:11.1'111' 6 BUILCIIViEIIis . 130 PUNS! ARLIN S t—Just receivedthis r err/rasa-20 pier's trautirol ahatlea of colt r rl whirik we will aril at 'Z., per end. lower thar. 'char hare el., 1...c0 odd In ihie dir. ror29 A. A. MASON A CO. vIOI7ON IIOSIEGY A GROVES— full ) .wartuient of all sr aquelitleont with rue Le....rtuiertt of Llein Tbreakt.!. , lll. .ml Cott.. (11u.e, err rale. wholesale ur mud'. by • . . IIIILED FRUIT—MO 1.. u. Peaches; - to.. Apple, ar rate by aryl' J. H. CANFIELD. IW v ILOOR OIL CLOTIIS.—A large stock of >low oil of wiiiths raardo brula .6 l Vb.. an. prer43 .r. toClotlir, sell as ita a lbo rr woe go .Li uda two Pa Le ;.urelissl ax 11. East. Sl.rthao. 414 boo. ket-pers an. to tall and axe:Lune our gut porchaslacr rt...aLvta. J. a 11. NULL] 111. tar . 7 au.l 1.. at. Murphy & Burchflehl ire now openiny a Great Variety of on Cant-, Mut Invite the calls a all wanting puntheee. OPEN THIS al010:13i6: . 1 care raruols. (1n,112,11mr extra Rion sal hrowN) (Assn...tar and Dan..% KIPLIN 14.hognianilwa Cloths. for lad R. 4. Dara,ca. NeT.ll. Worked Under Pl.', Mafia 111.4 *ll4iS Cliarkgrel/a Paw,' Silky. Soper Yr../ LAWNS. and • Great Tariff,. •1 . °that I:Dock. at the atom of tarts MURPHY a FM1tC1169:1.1,. Straw Bonnet and Hat Wareionse, No. 105 MARKET STRr.ST, la IL offers for vale, at Tay iDlf rte. • cull wwortutrat at Straw sad 3.lllLit, ittrata..rta /10.V.Nkr...-Foreig4 a m Itrskl.Chl.p, p, elm juo •••-• born, ar... 4 Pamela. Leg . hers—um'.. Youths', and - Bore Lagtiorm fancy and plain llrabl, Alma. Panama. Dl.oill . and Palm lost lir Mute Lanborit i llmid, Firm, lip lilmp, Isle, and Hain Silesia' linear, Jana) . Lind, wad other Sur., in Mit mirf. ety of rhapa am! malarial. nnet and Pearl. Aa feta?, all widths and Bo colonic fancy fiance md Craptin amiTal, e Cape. Z.ACES--Plalu and flpl ded • 11Ia and mimed Silk sad Cordon Nett, STR A ll' TIIIMMINWS—Cot,II.I4.I.IS, Hutton.. Braid.. l'olerinec dm, am FLO WENA—Yrench and American EMU.. brinetam and mrata. rich anil nor alatilcia ' ifffAWAT SILKS 41.171 SATEYS—OIamr, Gro. do Na p Ea. Om. JO REM*. Florrnra. awl oiler irtylia, mooned qualifiqf and color, SA•TENS — A-marl od qualifier; and rokarr. Alim—Hlrh and 'am 'irked Earamls and Umbrellu. Eland Boxes to.. da. turbid CASSISIBILES-90 picot' fancy and black, fur min bi Apit: C. AlNUTillifir. • IjiliESS LAWNS-4 canes printed, a great JJ rarlotc, of Pattern, for mile an 0. ARBUTHNOT. BiGE DE LAMS-2 eases desirable itr ra fur ule by an= C. AIIIIITHINOT. 111111—J0Jm ipir ir; for sae . p l A i Cap,. J UDP REC'D AND NOW OPENING AT Tv% DlfillYT, Oa 13ti LIALVIT A very lam. and superior otoek of Fultionable ataxia adapted to tleallemeter %fear tUr acting: com Prising the vvrest olylea In Anierleart..l:tillin. and. Palish Coma , martin a vt•ryPplmsilld arsortinent of Vertlngo 'and Wts. of (achionetto shade and ardor; • Isla.. togrthervitl. a tarot. and sell inatattfaetunrl Mock of READY MADE CLOtIII\O. C makes one of the loreeot and. tart Leland chain, vreet of the Alleghenleac all of which the Proprietor es determined to olrer at such 1010e1 IN will convince .11 rho favor him with a tall, Unit not only the moat ranorrior Clothing Is acid at this ertahllchment. but aloe at the .4 pricer Is the city All order. In the follorint line raven ted. lir lomat. In the bent poirible manner. and at the shoslart notice. Istehla B L' SILK LACE.Stargo assortnie ß L's atifi very neap. reeda the store of tuy:P3 Alf Meta A ItURCLIITELD. CARPI:Ib, OIL CLOTHS, &c W. N cCLINTOCK i. now oaroltowilT 'wolfing Lb liming Stork of CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, ,S; TRIM:SUNOS, Com wiring tr . part tho following valet.. CARPETS. Extra ftorr.f Voir. [Tile ("nod, do. do. Topa,. Erna d . 11,a gral " B rya " . s Ta C fl llart " Si7) . 3DI . I.Mlo 3 n P o l ic! Tonituto: 44. ° 04. ' 44. and a. plain d' .4 44,8.4. 64% and 24 wool and eatina do. RUGS, , MATS, OIL CLOT 118; , alma:a:1111a 111, an floe dad do; extra tufted do; ate at .dod common do. LX7ex! Mate. tufted do. do.; In:n 'k t i ,7:jolg i a ' ,l , 44it h ltt, d ttAlapiTr,4 - . 24 Tel. Alegi—abeet Oil Clout., tut to tit nOY .1.0 ball ut room. 11.4, 74 : ti-4, 6-4. 4-ax and 011.Clottu. STAIR RODS, BLINDS, TABLE COVERS, ',Re. teal*, of all aloe: Carpet Illudlaaa: /dote.- peva hag ded 4-11. and 34 Matthias Toll.. Linear. Cas..ll and Mayer; 16:ca.:Lurk Thuteparent Window ebadte: Iltdt Wlodoet ICollandr. Veldtian lUlasbe Embalmed Plano Corm: do. Table do.: do. litatal dod Worsted Table to. Impotled and patched nut ateradlrert (mad the meet ndebratod Ymeandes, Wind of lateat and mad op. prasod etyma • tat Mot% we are irreastaal to sell Wour Meech atel mod omen at prier, cra iw4ll/ Vt.., am be perch. ' ll etrlrA r y W . Ztand amain out Weil • t The Carpet IVO.Teht/Utte, 85 . rourtli sttect. meltlg W. McCLINTOCK.I Ohio Laboratory. 76 • 11.7rn— itni~1 8 0 -* I .95 IiWT , 1 , a85 - 99 '' l7-1 Per cant. Strength, I , OIV.ELL FLETCHER to CO., Mornifnetit rrrs ol A LOMOL: dwr Pltd V) P t un W AM isUk+: fr w Daw ns and B rn- C C nrof V A m l and A r OrdS h tret . . CNII y O s .IOM. et,v;.".1 1 ,= ‘u"`"TNITIPu'd Wines ard Liquors. 1r0,167 Liberty sl.,Formaly Ilksia cracker factory • lICILI3RX, of llttsbrtrit,l D.II.IITOUTZALL. of N. Y. 4 10KEISEN iE STOUVENEL, respectfully „„ onuo . u. ut rubths senenalr , and their Meads IV,^Alrgßge:trihr.t. — ",='d, • toep s rtillsenorteneatToe the te n t k—naceelle and Yr, aeh rrrl .4 whits Wines. Also, Yeensh dark sad bele lln 'entire, of the eNdltket , ltaagete Jamaica mu, Holland gin, IrPh ltinskri. elm:spat. sna epstkling bock •Iner, of be aunt approrief brand... tart wrllme, Nstleles, the rm sun uppat Ides; Abegsthe,ke. ileo e ssedlnes, Llailand he, Tlfigr, • lend 1.1 ulborgU Chmo. All caramel, ee, oU I wholensle, nr the moot ntsolonable terms. Up e of the partnere. Mr. aldueredel, still enntinains his Ito petalled buelners In the elteoe N York. the More Arm lei tnabled to sell *cheaper or el *better article than any bouPe In 1.16 city. Plums give, us A eel, W e ep p o p, an phone elorerbere. • 11/1 - Vstailies rapplied Ace of extra charm end id the eh privet ontlev spa A%_ j — C — ARD.—I have removed to my newetore; ill • (three doors' Belo.,) nearlY °m ate , the Hank of r 1 ,abenlrh. where I velll be AIM taste any Meads and lel lo p eluserto,ana receive a share of their totem. I will k. p , p p ,per Imo aelortaaest of trh.terh ?wird tled, dr try., Curled mor, Eprier. - Ifers. ton and Res Matra.- ' se; Feather Dods, Bolster& alai Pllton,s Illaaketa, (taw& G y m marmots, and Coottrrta; .vl.O. ena , , at awry v.. ree o Dior mt.. end every snarls neMint ahead In the mot testenstro eetabatunente dabs klub.: pnelampppt, fall, 4 1 .0444 and faretProto wi tli= nati and. GROCERIES; &c. L ARD -712. bble. N.:2 i for sale by •wi a MeCANDLI2.9. zurDS Waxt mid WM. eta PEARL ASII-& tons for rale br ESOLIE CI a modrErr mr2ll US &toad. and 161 Thlrt . HOOPS -49,000 Split Ash, fof sale by mr= ENGLISH t BENNIIT. ert e zlia l p i r t iml i f l c: a sale RIED BEEF-2,000 lbe prime, jail re =lnd and Ear ~ e le e itg i. W.nABU&tOu. SLICIAR-6-1 hhde, received sad for tole by Jo B. R. LlARtlit7oll. MOLASSES -100 bblo juilt received and for rale ay • feg 8.4 W: 11/11=1:1011. R ACKEdtEL-50 bbls ' No. 3; 1851, in IVA store satt for Wear Jett S. W. lIARBALGIL DYE FLOUIL-20 bbls rye flour for salebv Je9 WICK A WCANDLEga: 161,ALERATUS-31 caste, for sale bf 1.3 it WICK L BITANDLESS CORCHINO S-6 casks prime on hand and fqr mle by le9 WICK A MCASDLESS. VIRGINIA TWIST TOBACCO-20 kegs vfor wa by icv WICK t ITC/MMES.& , S UNDRIES- Load. 4 DOL, No. 1: Load. 4 do Groom. 3 do-Tallow. - Id 1 b.; and M g r.; moat b ra ttrehte. • Vdt, for slip 43 31 d f 0 34 '1(4 :') "; illa"dfffir43DlCBEir BANANA BRAZIL-SUGAR. /50 W 0 • In store and lon . salD oan e by . MILLER RICIEETSON. jes Noe. =1 221, Llbrety rt. 11 4 1 1IESEI TOMATOES; hermeticallysealed, I-resirdes, r.rreetir, tbe beibr end Okyaboess of the ripe !mita, for sale by . W)L A. M'CLURO Co, my 27 • (ham eact Tee Deakes. TABBED BEEF.—Esans & Swift's Sugar Ay Canal Itixf==ried, ha ask by_ WM. A.. irCLITlia t Co., ID r 2. 7. • 2A Liberty • 17e0WLER'S PATENT FLOUR, for mak; lit . .l":ltlrelad`Vg'.f e t"irf '''urrt`47 ill be found the most convenient and cheapest that can used for houmbold narrow, mains 24 per ant. In but t r and eat" and making the most superior Lrod, /Arm I elm . , Puddi Cokes, a, km. villa great roving of tame cud trouble. Tbe ngs, above le pot up In convenient sized 6'66 h0 had al 1b.., with fall dlrvetlona ft ' ' aou'' To mr.3 'Grocers and Tea Latent. DYE FLOUR-8 bblo. forialo'by ' ' JUR, torlio L R. DALZELL k 00, Liberty K. fIITEESP.-50 boxes good W. R., Sof saleby ii..) s,,:Ion:DAISELL t co. SUNDRIES-- • 2 Dbl. N.l lant , 3 `• Tallow; 4 i. OreeaS 15 to. realbetel • 31 - Rego 1 `` (11.1.10 r, 1 •• Ylaraced; 1 bbl. •• 2 ba. Driedytileo . . 1. 7 .. Yew.. to arrive and tiar rate 47 . . MIMI DICKEY t CO. mial W•ter and Froot es. TRY MORRIS' TEA?-:—Morris" Tea Mait lo tha Moony. Second Door from Dlamerral alley. .qui W. Zrilly"t b ,,lr 't bolt r 170.= Ciarlill, ISly= ROLL BUTTER-3 bbLs. (fresh) in cloths, art mc'd and farad.. by ' MIZELL& CO, mra antra..t. HERRING -12& bble. No.l (to arrive) for sale by myr. I.OOLIIERTSON MUTTON lIA7IB for sale by A. y 7 J. B. CANFIELD. r GROUND- IcUTS-15 sacks for gale by mrs ISAIAH DICKEY *, CO. UTMEGS-1 bbl. for sale by I.nob , J. KIDD a CO. 11' half <hsis Clnalma olljoiow, Itxma ex Usti. Ora.= An. riLle br soya J. J): WILLIAMS A CO. S W; NIc)•LASSES. vt°' by. . 0 . 4 ' NUM:NUDGE it INOURAN. g IfiFFEE-1.00 bags Rio, for sale by t mpg: JOHN WAIT ik CO. UNDRIEn-14 Ms. Grease; 6 •tio. Let* 13 sacks Wiai.berr; 2 " (Uwe= boding from itz. Nlniflowen atut fix sae by ISAIAH DICKEY t CO, 13272) Prom sabd bb . ls.lty; h r,7Tibt..u6g. 8/17 , 6 1 .ARD SEED—SW lbs. for sale by 74 A. CAHN JOITOCK t CO. MEM Patin No.l 31ackettl; Ilsrrbaz CO thr, fth. ror me by mtx.- KM. A: 31eCLIJRZI at. • (Inners and To Nairn n ACON HOG ROUND fooo'lbs. Bacon .110 n.ow Bkles..<l ghoulderst w.l_ by_ W. lIABBALVII. lABIED BEEF--3000 lb& for sale by an, &a W. LIARBAUtiII, .Q,UGAII-60 bhds. N. G.; for sale by I.3mYA H. it W. lIAHUAIVAIL OFFEE-10 bap for sale by & A W. 11811JOIL . &ATOES—IMO bu. ri me Red, for sale I._ br T. WOODS a PON. InrlO GI Wader ri. IiRIED BEEF, MUTTON HAMS, & YEN ISON—F.a bale br J. D. WILLIAMS a DO. •I• . miner Wml boa filth et. ThRIED APPLES-40 ba in store, for ..aUF Ale by R.. - beLmc 00 tart& Liberty CIIEESE-20 bze. W.R. Cream, for sale by =ILI S. It W. LtARBACO Lt. no ICE FLOOR; Prepared Corn; JLe, nano.: For ..t% Anolrreat - WIL.A.aIeCLITC.O A CO. Iron , . O 6 Libaty st. [)RUNES—Bortigaux Prunes, in glasojaro; r.eer Mies, Uermau , "=g ;:r de 4 m 713 WM 1110C1.117.0 t OD. M. 713 ACKEREL-100 bblo. N0..3, for !ado by CULBTSO £ LTL, 133 ER Lib Amt. 1 - OAF SUGAR-150 bble. (zusa'd Noe.) for 1.4n1e br DUREXIDOK t INOLtatit. Watv at AY RAKES-40 dor- for eale by me: e. P. TON DONNUOBST !OD. HOTTE - 11-3 bbls fresh, now landing and J.J.tande by MLR DICK BY t Q ray 24 Water and Front sit. Allll-1. kogs No. 1 Leaf, for solo by lJ my 7 MAITHEWS k CO. • D RIED FRUIT-15b bu. Apples;... eoo " Prmrhm a,r we by nyi lIIIEY. MA7111131 B A CI H ICE--10 tiercee r gizafor Ba n e bp as Warts gtsort. iIIEA-50 ld. chests' Y. H., Imp., and Black for a4 toff ROBISON. LITTLI a CO. 240 Lb s. xtra and . or . by myo . L & WAT/MILLN t SOS& APPLES--COD sacks for sale by Jur WATKIIALAS l BOMB. PUTTEP.UTTER—In boxes (fresh) reed daily by. R—ln mft J. D. CANfir.Lb. PEARLS-20 bbla. foratale by .1. my: J. B. CANFIELD. • I INSEED 01L-20 Mlle. for vale by Ed AO J. IL CANADLLD. QALERATUS-100 bin. find 10 bbLEpuro,f ofur syln by myy B. CAN FIKLI). lIIEESE-100 boxes for sale by y _ J. c FIELD. FIRIEI.PEACIIES-2 bbls. o¢ consign nient nod h• br •01 ISATAII DICHRT • 00. FLOUR -500 bile. S P s7a fr . ri al i b bnr. coyS AMS--30 casks Evan & Swift's S. C., fur ix by .his N. t W. lIARBAUOII. DRIED FRUIT -400 bv..Drild Neachcx a"l attilltlVEXY it M. mrs AMB & CO., Corner of Wood and HAVE NOW A. weeh laN edg ST k,thy (Mowin n 1 1 6 m M m bsA n a ol ce • 45 ht cheek! do do., 46 " i)aulong Chulase Ino hag" Chaak • IA Ledutes Andclave: .60 ho, W=Akel 11, bblftrom . I akel . 3 trek ZO4 aml do. te. Idm and do. ahaom be Nam Bailed erring; 130 e Mo. extra M.ddoll - 0 toles eseekk 1 " ClO•eg t'llf•l'ff'D!! a alualea ItA Streat,PatstergA, I RE, and to arrive this .. of the Own faeont IMMO. remonto tororrv.h. 60 lost utnvon 8 tafth; 11 342'7 71:11:" . 10 Gold. Strurg ! 35 ," . LW. Cruet/44nd !=g== nibs% to k r • • .Bidi 2 0 Cason; 10 k Cbo t 0. 66q 6 004116 & Amonu 12 doi. ktfilts b !IL tux. T I cs&k Pau Sam 1 an Urona; a4llcm -2 " l 1 " flontact 1 51 , 00+011; 10 (gals, 10 l.7larmr, B 1 bblit. Clarrett . • 12 Wm gicatitt Waist " Mar " lu Ppirrm " lOU do-an Alspon'011100k12S; 120 So. ruperooollo. Flour, 9" V. 12dIgN dos. N ° 6117. ' lt =tad. L • • . 'lslaa ' Weill • and Baßsual Lia, wrier. ] Arm(' 1/004 • . 160 Bath Ertel • bhl. rtoar natatarr: 100 grow WWI aaC 1001. Extra, t al Lemon, and Vanilla: 6 "L®,.. Bagan M M M UNDBIES it!) tti•ll - .1"..'74M Black T.r, MO but. 6 . ..1ia r 1.d r.. 5 to. taw !aa.Vogletli 300 b5..31.13.3 L.Xesbox 1 1 3 5' Ath = bent IS lbutO bo Üboan l C 41ob hnt4 TOO drum Ifts. .'wcars ifllM•du'ar :Am boairlierrium - 6 - Prima... 100 bk. N. C. T 62.1 6 . lost= PO= 643 ... mura ced su i pm ,au . Tuarsioliz.ara.r. DO roes Ham:6ok bLigark 33 0 Depi kr •Foks bbds. Malden 20 ° Dick 1 4 5. 4 tenons lokr• ' 00 " . °O4 &., bs. 8.10.1001 CIaFF. 11 0 . 00 0 Dd• 01 1. D. g.FW. • I / 0 0 Fro. Iltb. .0.1 . 11.61462 F 6,000 lifirbsaa _. , . -1 60 Lou* Wittte pi.... 150.61. Cum. ; . /10 or. bk. Na.,,okob 10041 IL Lllpm. • . and , •60 lOU No.l, 0, ••• 100 bk. W Wes% 6 .4[6.,...,..... WO kegs Fail a, amil 216.61 , 13 °""'' Mr t r': 5000 k5..W61 6 0. MG bb. .8100Ork• ...____, 40 bbk. Tcrusar•• 01% DO Poo C. F.D.'. `"r. '., 1000 0•LI. Lamp Olb 00 " DO d D rk•.t.c ' MO bozo Rollin So OF '• 20 °os. ' 'T b.; ' IMO •• D. • lIILC *SALK I 'F • Z " Quake bo 064 .N. 0.8 ant NI . BM *eft Ilrosoct ea d Ira. ......, .........,__ . =Yrsug aUitac i rt" :Z . ~rg: ..............„.. a . of gretkmutiMeirrimmm:* , Par z.b2 ,666. br 7 -i, ' i i i ' ....d...4 iy, ham ,I. . INSURANCE. Pittsbumh Life Lmareitee tempany: THIS • coMPAN'Y wee &emended in Yebresty . .IUL pith • ftirpetrial Charters andhas sommormssil ooziness on • essittitt of $lOO4/40. The thormointy doeS business ban on Ur Joint &sick Hemel' - en. Jothi ra... pr. ~aa tbs. Chased by Mutual Compacts, zed Ilfteen Per tens • loser therstbe fetes& toast Most threpsolec Mutual rata ere tha sante no thee. adopted OT safely conducted Coonantes.. Thom insetted on the=W el Woolf& here the ambledseenriths fornisbed that lb. Joint Stook system of tosot deparioneilLazdtho CapiOkl and Burolos Aso4 of The Charter hermits Uhl granting-of Linnet:se on Leein7 form incloolinsi the riots of pile. obit:hen, pa. roots. selations. friend. or creditors-4o loranlife of another Ihr tbrir ay. excl.. , benefit, persbleelter dostb. We the parties =trio at or hos U, CO. or Oh atthe option of the I , 0771038: Jams R. Mon, trvoidevi u Swami iileClartan. nee .J.voevb V. Lech, Ilvestuvr, Chula A. Colton. Borretau. imp V. Mos. Jean& S. 1.42. Chartev A.Colton John B. Dilworth, Envoel dicaurksa YbIILID. J. A. Wilson. cw.ativ PlVeedeLeLL ' • Joseph Osesson..M. D all., Addle., IL D. Jeremiah Invoke. M. x. M. D. Fam Dlenenh Amm4l ,2d. D 47 ...4c= etneLe • Ron Snyder, AL D.,103 Fourth John Cmorford, 4,19 13Mtle "none .. • Wm. ItelL.lforgan, M. D.. 107 Liberty . nowt. Dr. Dilworth arill b, fm anemia.* at lbe milts, neer Jay. , at Idokleek. Tome t ho bate spoken for annewneT, ewe "ameba to .11, ...then Mem, and eammenee °Derain= forthwith. eillorreeem ensued In the Maurano" ban.. will be sap with blanks, and allowed the neon eommienou. WU. of the emelOner. N 0.75 Mirth newt wain:awn ' C. A. ouvrixs, 8e t,. •. State Mutual Fire loantauce Company. BiLANCII OFFICE—No. b 4 Simian= Bizarr, • • Prinstrosit, liar Me 'EEL TlA'best evidence of the encerees of. the MPolVrartUlVo4-" 14 t tho vootO the community, is the unparalleled amount of busbies, Rich has been done; m i n e d 7,900 MO do daring the poet rear, thereby aiding over $1:10 t 000 to _She funds sfWades:l.par.- heenlr all the property . World is of the afest kind in send risks; and a largo Prt•Portion huittned for onlrotteleu. 11 hole So. of Potholes -• 7.900 Do. do. en/W. terminated, meal% .. Vd Do. Oh in • • Amount of Property $7X44.19 Do. • canceled m. In . torm.expired..Vid i = CO Do. Premium 70,6711117 .• . •. - • Do. ceneard, istannurted; expired- ell 10 in f0rte_ _. .._ .... 10.0D017 Do. Cash rlenfuncii;C:::-I. 451;5571 - 4 . 1151X600 Whole set lases and expensespaLl $ ^ 1.4 1143 Balance In favor of the (b , labasb..... , • • 027424 40 To city or country inetelauts. and owners of deellintua sml is . 04 uulllilr7 Paten'', It t ba....d thin 0000. auy Adonis airs:mad la ;oat of &barmen, =fay. and Ateurlif. fulcra. to /mndate Onmpauy Lao conatn. Conducted on the equitable end statlyibtao_red system of tilassiZration of Disks. excluding all sada arda. ir surhia only • limited mount in auy oat locally. that 700 chitlins the irequeocy vat assurance Of lama ibex and also on bath Da Mock arst Mattel plan, it not di r t= 01611.1 the cheapness and accourrialation of. Loth but entitles the laved In forticisatinn in the rata. - liirecuar..-Jant Y. Rutherford. ..1. J. Uillett.S. T. Raw. Alamo A. Carrier. Philo C. tiantria.. thunuel Jones, Rohl Klotz. John U. tacker, John it. Rutherford. ' • JAL BUTittRYORD. President. A. J. I.IILLDT7. beenstery.. A;Csas.m. Actuary. 0. 717 Scrip Dividend of fifteen yv tent nn nothing polLdes baa been declared by the Dumtors, Mid In DA stir elyable Lt this 0111ce lox renewals, or tmeemabls in ash et the end of plenty day. . a. IL Gauss: dste ' 11/BDrailefl CO. OfThad jilltECTOlLS: Charles W. -Baacher Cleo. 1%. Tba.U.larte Mordecai D. Lean, Tobias saner, Maybe D. Doria, fernuel Oratt David e. Jacob /L. Monts Paltanen. ' • C 11. . , 7 I. asxcir.r.p., Ctn.= U. aLlalra, - This Woman/ annum to mob. 111.1.1301*Derannerst or lindled, on ere!" . demitenon of Property U. loon sad country', at rates a los' as are conthelant withreotheity. - 'the Laupony have referred • ledge euntbacead fund, bleb, with their Capital and Plyenhnus e oately• inverted. alionl ample promellon to lbe snared. The seats of the thataran7.oe. January ULM], as pub liabed agreeably to the Ad of Asotnthilywere as LDowh rb $919,12/1 es .ge , : e arrr ttat Game 01 • - • •,usi 44 Binon their ineorporatken e a yelled' of 11 yam, they have m l thannla of (Me finnan Dna Hundred Tboosand Dollard ases by FM, tbereby altadbag midereoe of Um advent...ea of thauranoaL as rail as them aldiny and dn. perition to meet erith promptness all Lablilthee. • ' • J. tIAILUNEIL thlideln. Agent.. • apl6 . Moe P. Z. corner of Wad and ad an. Penn Mutual Life iturerenee Co Phfind . a. AGENT IN PIT,TSBURGH, W.ll. DAVIS, (.10. J. Thum y. ie., ror rho' batter conventelone of perm. running In the loser part of tbo city, the aarot may aim be taunt daily, front u,12: and to ceelcult. at dui untorlag recanur J. a lb. tul Yi Wood street, where all runts lry Infounallon *aline Oren and comosouti prom/A attended to karaphkla earjanaint tMlalnuaPlmllna laments of Ufa Inn:manor. sal Nana norms Ittralalual alu/ atotk. over $3X4000 and onantardly Profit. o.leklul annually amongst thaw insural for life. l'ittaburatt Jan. 1641.-4.14 Marine, Fire, sad Inlati LIE IrietzrirAo Company of North Ametka, e lrbiladelybla--Chartre. 1'194. Capital 1503.00°. Adsett ary and 1114011.256 60. Will wake luareas bulidilw their mutant:4ln this at; aull inelts#3 .- sap o • La tnzly of iz=sair=ll= lbe Arthur G. wan. P.n. thorn.. . Coin. Samuel W. Jolt., John U. , . Edward MU. Rietuud D. Wend" John A. Moan, William WeJah, Samuel Y. Smith, Franota /Imams, Samuel Broolka. B. Anethe Alliboue,! tiharies Saylor, Km. K. Bosun, Ambrose llhire, Gramm A5032 . 1111/1. . Jiesib bUthentem.: S. Morris Walla. 11. n. E.. -I Armed, beer. This Ls the oldest Inetuanne anotanyin the linttoil Mies ssid from Its high rumbas. loom experience. ample room. hind ambling LI risks of an extra. <hamster, tt may be wondered ottesie l irta menrity totse public. 141 neat argot 17mexican Life and Health , ltuaranee OF PUILADELPHIA. Agenyor Pittsburgh, SAIL. D. TO WIS.. hert;thlete tautening umta I=74.ingertZlextEngW4Lse. *blunted az the eau. . Jenne Western Iniuranee' Company of Pittitrazgh. APItAL t 400,000. IL MILLER, vane llordoane ttecretartr. CLLI Wane agentt ell kind. of risks, 'PI. ion Ilathite• All Lames will be liberally adMitted and smoothly Paid. ~ r.„ • boom kooltnUon—managetl hT Directors who u. well . lumarit i U. euntlatillitY. mat who ata detenaltuad proem ptoteta and liberality tet maintain the charactse whk.h they hate Assumed. •• °acting the hat protection to those mho dealt. to las hawed. • Dinectoati-41. Jr., a etlr. 81ack..7. W. Buller, N. Holmes, Jr.. Wm: IL Holmes, C. Ihmten, Geo. W. Jiwkletth Wm. X. Loan, Jame. letnpitiestt, (Mau* Dan* Tahoe Aoki, Alm hamlet, moo. Yeott. =ft, No. WA Water streeWttniteltentaa the Sputa L. 04 • StairkrrinltllliSh• r AdAT• :. • Delawire BlatnalßafetylturnitutceComplr OIIIOE, NORTHROOM • OF THE EX:- ClikBo Infra Villadalpht. ants huttnaacc.-Boltelnaa,- dlereharellet, and other = 7 4°l`'''A 4,l== 1 -• • Leartaase.-Ther elan hen. 'band.. C and Brelghta. lonian or erestelau. mans open ort= when.o the assured nay drank Ink= Irarisrottzanoe.-.11n7 elm Limn bierehstadile tranaported br Wert... • Rail ned BarbWaal brat. and Bream teak iSIVINI usd lakes. on the met terns. .Duterrolun-Joseph U. Beal, admund Bender, John C. Davis, Robert Barton. John It. Penross i Eranual Edwards; I=fiell, P Ar eh ell/. l i en!. II lj."L er W o.l nand. Throphllua renldlng, U. - Jonss Ilroo j Unary. Sloan. Uttalt Leal. knorge Serrill, tanner loam. Manes Kelly. J. U. Johnson.- tn. hlsr, In. 8. Thomas. John le MU Bel M. r. H e. 1T*1.1361....D. T. Sin.lue ITnth Craig, John T. Lowsn. 14 must Mutts, Pena:lent . Tate. C. a..., Ince Pend. dent, 401.711 tombs,. • • basalt. lor-t trl - , oorky. 42 Water arced. Pitts. 1111SCELLAIVE011S. M;MFIEMO NOTICE is hereby given to the Stockhold= ex of said lkelifSiVe WV. lb./ talksitent town ropeut, Trosiourre of the MW Company of also Wham on each share or the stock. on the last landay eadrand every mouth herearter L until t h e whobvercurt I. Sa peal in full—as the road stilt be drooled and bridinst Le duly nth. the Mode/odder. are requested to be prompt sod punekusil in their elevates:it: - • • - Jesetel 2171titOWN, President. I EA]) PlTT : oini — i — intent 1. Leed ripe for itgr . ar. a tr ea lieN — " All dreg on hard and to arcltre.ta . iecernti •'•• • • •° u , • • • , s • Seed' Store Removed. rr it ßE subsc ri ber loin removed hie Seed Store tram ibuond stunt la the building reanilly mended by r.lteed e • Talon tlbop ou Tbini Anal" almost undiately opined* the rod (Mon • P. mouinm , ; CO-PARTNERSIIIP HERETOFORE' misting between th rubscrtbors, males the style of Flaming t Cw., Is this day .dissolved by mutual anrent IKA IthltanY .ANDlthit" IL K. SL.KILIKU. are Efermy or K, fleming la enthansed to use the nemebf the late Ilan ht the entlentent theta Ittuanete. ThISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP—, jj, The yort.rehly betetothre between soverribete, tuteter dayyle of Itheeklett White. v. Olv li.. the Antor 1.1.• by siuthel owe atm /Mb.. the bvert.. will Weedstating up the hueitt.s, 774 ere su ...teed to UM the tu rn . of theta. 4717 tbr that vulva tr 0.17 1. Wood street. • • • LL C. MACK MT. • -.- re... SLIM )I.•WILITh. - • . • IU - EIV. Shackleit and .Willis . a l ll] 11 1 111 1,771 717 rll awUn 19t'IMX bun... under the 6mof D. G. Yharkbett t.• et tlet Mote lately eee.4.l by elheeklett • White, Na 10L Wood am.. • B.C. SWAM:LETA tO•PARTNERSILIP—The subscribers hare aotozootiotO Ho•Partaenblp =leo the .0 . 1 . 74 of &.44 e sum & Mel T. • WM. B. EVADE, JAMIZ ATHINSONi j. 31 JOHN M. OKELY. , GRAIN -610 ba. 004 - 1'624 : - L.T.V.Y d rtts a sosa RsE! HOSE! 110 SE Il.just reed • treat the hteruactory %dm. bort :rale Hub. e oat oboe ma in tram Jf to 14 blebs la diasuelee.. Rom Is Is: superior to way hoe uutoutactured. .leather. for hydrants.eceutuet= w tpt i lre Engine portssen, dye Irish to be distlaetir that eetersbesh of Is that goes froto. our it artabbehibent la .emended the iutruthal. or the mousy refunded: Just s pastL sliest the / culla Rubber Dom ho. /I Yleast • NV •J. 4 H. NULL! Yd. _ ... ~.. t% Mild PACKillsiG:-4000 pounds. mixed, -Plain and Punt India Rubber Noting bran IS to ingbae tidekorarnuned to be the my beet hal= , anr now In use_ , for. tlie Iblkoring wizen. &I Plaint Knott ikols,rieaul Joint; bteam Oxon, Cylinder Weser, Steam& likoug, Ap to. goo sale at the ladle MA UI' r" 1 ". 7 and 9 "94°'"• & ti. puiLties.. ', 0 „,..... CLOTH :TABLE COVERS- . A large' • ajMoottamt army impairer ardshed Tobin. Rind and Lassa *an* of dlffamt patiermnot to be macaw! b 7 .any mkt 19 lb* city. lirrehatata, Pollan oal Men aro Mita! to wit &Mamma tor Hameln* at the aim Mama/ the roomllatory. Nal & 9 Wooata. • • 1 19714 -J.& IL PHILLIPS. 'SPLENDID FRENCH PARLOR PAPER, o.J at N 0.60 Matted street, co rds et :cry madenitsyn#4 D 7 • [llya TllOllAs r•Latit. SUNDIOES---• a° sweJts /Mei ' 0 swigs Bacon: .huit. :od and for pals by CIULA SAMN tii.k.iii C:.4L • - •l eedles Celebrata ••• • ( I .63IPOIJND FLOCK PLA,5TER.,..„.... V •blatil7 plasters bar* Snail ibr ' 7 .eat7 daring Wadi time , ..nem pentlaDeLl pulatiett Se the moot aM. S' 77 itatbeiting liaster alcianited the highest tollmace, to olloms their tkoa at been aribentted. have Otos the tuna tam:tad, SeALMOOLIO of to thotrAn•rior iirratt,let 01.11..1.1. The tagreddenta at their thainarltian. tin 7 carernilzand correctly aishintied , rellato . th en% troltarly apliberible P rirralt aaC th==. rweriblaill'brotractedi ntnanainn clank, ant local ) 0100 I the arlons neura.l7ol - dia.aeta an the boar, their beneficial eharacter beet... • • question ar=rtie.t.tiia. Larabte l tha, ea. rettraintallrearrotoriflltrit t . eat ente=. areaktuna wild Patna mane Leif and idde,reettldnil from wren greed. &brawn of the likli,cym. Lc, their en , Melts oret all *dare plaid.. tae teau asoply tesiorb. Ura nia bo beet eanerierit cute al d leiter tram their . &riling% So arieb . t w e 7 . 17 L r;Atb t ahrtt a il m aains, th aw , Ebel Mel:beneficial edeetemill scrurn eery deeded. -; bar rinc, whillaalc and retail, br ' =ebb ~:t &ELLIE>I. G7-Wood er. • PkaI.IMONT'S PATER tsTARCH:POL-' lEU. for dialog a beautiful aka, to Limn; Nadia, •- robrica. Collate, Phi, t Paolo& Bud all dada of prtur4 prorenta the Iron atm adhering to ilia Litteu,and duet hum sticking: lima:Mem Lotting tuturiatta to el=aa • any empert. The lad., lama lour ameo felt the (mach an article, and In this their emortatiott PM ha - tr :17 i milted, am - or cmuiraltioa to Imortrodlur us impartial al., • • I - • - it. 8.--01te Cate "ill do thirty domo of clothes: .4 RO family ahoold - tr Pltboat It. • • Pldaa /IN mats per („Mte. Each Cabloillt Coll dthetkMa. Co. WO./ ; Wad : PETROLEUM, OR r •ROOR OIL . • - "There are more Woad ilk Imam - rad earth: 'Than arenapt of in pbilomplin . • 7.7;VIRTUES of tins remarkable realer ,1 and the conetaat withal. forth thee to Mn end, has ladueol blur to tore it pat up in tattles. ',Etta& brde and direct.a fra the omet of We porblle. • - The PrZEOLLUM Is procured ftm a well >o Nis mat a depth of font lam.. feet, is • pars, a mich, without .y chesolcal change, bat . - ITsraig , taws lam Nature/a Ore. labratorylt Thal , PrOtentha reselling a nounbec of climm; . sp..; matter of uncertaioty. There tee moo, things in the arp.... .cats of nature. whkb, If Emma. arlabt be of mime* me la allerlating solferban and mar., the . admen at:- twa/th and Mane to may a auger. Lo na bans the, Dm, Motor thought of ponitat Rap In bettics,lt bads mate , dan for the core of Mama The constaat cod 4thy them+ Nog calls for It. and mend retharkahle cum It has par farmed, Is • ram tositration of ii. f:dare papuhutti an d wide rpm. appllcaken la the cure of dim. • r •We do antes leh to mate • Rag we areanuclone that themdkine on nen Work Into the favor of thou. who mids, and wt. to be tildist we do nor claim for It • totems.' application In th ia In a th :rher t. ' .. onameratcd—oll dingoes of la: mum. tissues, „. CURONIO mtourrr CONUMPTIN. on im affly. rte..) A° TIIMA. ard o il, iem. of th e do _pont.. Lan. . COMPLAIN,DESPEPSIA; Illsrhom. Unmet th e Rhdder and iildneya• Palos the Back or Bide.' NM.. rrlnseases. Neuralgia, Palen Ithenouttle Parea etas. T, Oen lc P.M . rwjan i itionta epe tcr i t , a t liemt, Old sons. • twin .red p wi est threLs r . .o ,m l discase ro ,clar o o AL = .4 ATI VE such ea s.: loomME 'tons and saminf to the whole tram, removing' obstructons, oprolng the eloth Panctorw, which ranee dims. tad a Look= onattation end Inmeneed and renewed noway to W er th_ert. of Ilfd The proprietor thaws of Bettie well mons that misted other treatm en t, pat well ander tan en • Of the PETROL fora short time. The Dreg an be" Riven to enJ prasall_Vhp Leadra . au. r0xi.t.... „ .Nnae Esau'. without Sold by the proprietor, • H. M. KIER, Canal Radnowar Be path Also, by M., SELLERS. 57 Word and KEYSER.S.I'DOWELL e reef. ood street sad it An.y. who , mrruir his regularly anoint. Agents. Ka . , - - PROCLAMATION. R. NOW 'all-men who aro sick" and "aillited-'. with dbinit.of the Bladder tout EidnarOfith nogg. pain. fn hank..' limbs, stiff joints, old noreetnamayin 'hieffont go- that there. lie eared er taking the prr ... Lgum. You may Ufa nowt It.' , Ming a Mlth9.M.alla 'i - en you pinen.hut thin dom not taake It am forma prcolatta: . i 'fo the lace of an honest emnitiontty, that ft ban virtue.' , which ate not contained to .1/ nth.' ...dr- The coca ' ago It ranked with jade. and .1111ing fpm disease, ow e - far faf mats, get relief from any of the Ufa entonerated - Abner. Reeder! It onto corylittle to' cletk• "HI. blo Pettit kora Ina, ntstnew—wan eownponad. cot uyaw Ile newton ' of boycottuc on the tontrannity: but It Is • rernalyelabota. red by the rovdce hand of Wan, and bubbtlea antrum th•. to= of crarrootherrarth, in Ito coightal.butity. and of fr " t^..tfrri. g b.. 1,4 0 •77.' , ..dr vaned/. • cestala set ••'I Cheap cure. • It bao cured rues . after other ntodkinco bars Waite •- "render my .rellet. It •has cored Ithetunatlon c of load, standing, and of the wOrPt. and most poinfal character. • has tvrod Chalets Morinte. by cote or two dears. it MS eared old onward Plarrhay. In whlch evorflodhcr. ot o3 has beevf Do avail. -As kcal maned, Is owns • twalda. t betteittultutymedind compound. or ant we now of. It will cure eldlbhuna and tt o gwrti 1 e fa 17b ritt k . 11=It ' w!d 'd 'r fu t on rtAMILKL.M.KIEII.I.I.IIIIII!tda, boretatt aldar# Or either or the uvula. • S Si 31cdowell, earner of Weal rtzsei itut shat:lL E. Fellers,47 - Wcol dee; sad eartfowallenherd'atity.are the scents: .• • • .• ki.!i!O_Pft.*VPY!'ff_ , !ll!!? 4 - - - UR. ROSE'S CELEBRATED RP2iIEDIES:. —b. Jam - hoes, tbsUbroverer and sole ineymiebet se aunt por tiler Land beneddld tesdlebnm s l aye the inventor of the uelebramel lentroment fee . Lump. be effecting n cum of ChIVOIC dismank eru a etet•;, dent of that .anent Plendeben:liOetor thYsier sad U.. areadoste of the University of, and foe thirty pure tom has tome entered In the !menhaden of din • ease; art the applieselma of moodiee thumeto. . Tbrouele the use of his ludatiner tube. Ise connection with, his Propheleetle Pimp; and caber of his Penoullea, be bat =duel an aupssalleled emineme la curl= than: dreafttaU and' War maladies: Tubercular Coustemptkm„ Chneevis Panfuls. Rheumatism, Asthma, Freer and Ague. rovers° • all kinds. Chrentel47opeles. and all than chat:lmM nee, peciellar to ftmelek. indeed. feet y Penn old/mama - ranisbee under the MO of hts remedies. to which incmard , ty le heir—not by the use of one ampuned mar, far that - to ineconfatiblo with Physiological. La w but by the um a/ - hie remedies, eedapted tet'and preemiled for, each petal* , Perm of Blouse. • .• -.• Dr. Pb,?. Tonle Alterative Pills, .ben - used, ate lands, bl 7 acknowledged to be superior to all others, Y. tire or liver pill. Inaresuch as they /cave the Winn par : (only free firm ontivetieen ea also Pl. Ooklen Pills en 401.• raided, by tbo faculty. to peen= peculiar menthe% elan ted female. disease. Ind bring satirded that a lan Mei is engirient to establish grist has been oa t the teaterL , ni the min* • The Mistedare e at in tbe Dector'or vited to can upon min nisa the ant care (gratis) on samphieteOv ed account of each remedy. and its aPPlbed. r For eels bLtbe ibilceelnagents, ae gall as byeson ern,. , Sebni ¢lW tb gunaker k C the 0., 24fritod littalntrgh. I.Tovrnenak Almada. 42 Market ek. /re A. Beckham. Druggist. near the Peet Moe. Aikido my intr. Joseph Dvkley. Darlington, Deane amity, John matt, Lemon Valley. " T. Mane nver, ' . auctiedly ' COMFORT AND RELIES' OR THE AFFLICTED will be fotiiid g Dr. Dewitt C. RR INTAILIDILE or Nile Mkt. which bee cad the tad of thirty yeah a= yew end hen. below ( doubt.' been the fame of RT. mg th e Ilvea of thousands of Indlelduals, in almost am/ elan sad chancier of dine.. We feel th at - ern Desezd thing inn ying th at thlslathe only =edition th at has teem cflaml to the efilleted, Una dm., In *rely seam of the weal, whet Me mad fez . • . :• . • . .. . . . . .. . .. It beam/ad, and le arable et multi mare dleeana thin any other mDlichie anted Iwo sale. we were stof AT *bus made lir eultl, or nam e. • • . . • _ .... - Des etroug and br e what anrineiag yriiat Orr the aims; ••• 47 that It te the only article that hes armrest let the, Dem eit ateat Medicine that has erer boon Dathaiatod aiZ= ad the pews DlD:m.lllk morally. as the mat, Fatally iledicthe me altered for . Nal. or need by anypt . . . , .. mc., rt. orin.u, lite MCI The MU:Obt. B..3lVaLateklag i. Men- i01at.../21% . Late s 1.1. & Moe to ßime& ead a hcal of ‘.lt. eillaglif*Car York. here fully hated It. I .4it; ban zee:rated this r.opri.tor to to them. • AA it la well known that Patent Iftellelnei ars we= O n, peteehh e d by the karma. wealthy and polite vela. undoubtedly 0 401 feel comelya highly yule. heard.. Mb Watelerweatng Canyon.] • haa been warty , .emu yetis hetore the public. Its tort &bud.. new Us arm.. and best This meet undonbtedly is atmog and • =emnineiney i r to et or tie gem. ,o,47treaed7Vetzgr. 6.1 00211111Nr• Ile pain:v.= --b,„;fezz' dunl all Q.; pains and e ' oree that tali Is to. •4. • bnttl.m bare Mrforted n.h . tr .utd. leeen edt . , wlthout nit mftt - ,1 hard.. wertdd mores Mlle; bed we we - odered, and ho ear Dam. the etrongest pootth. pet., deuce. This tordhine. or pators'a maly. in reamed hook res. ~tables;• for internal. veil as arteroLzt. it arta Elbert. a tun e d for I=Crae rtaq ttpa, Thu iot l" %t h;— cod • . ail sham mho a Tertionr, Kaman of the Kid e neys, and Weak.. in rubs or remain. from .ietaterta• canal it may hn ge7gra t irlindri . by . ll.K.. Diann: HAT said (igloo . enen;den; and by th e retail Krhininis 'amorally. It lip UP Ikon, tat, dad ow shilling. tlos. To the Readers of thePitts' lmrgh Gazette. TOUBLIC ATTENTION to respectfully in. j_ eitm to the hate.h or troth., fed rota In Mon. kr the of theernet treporethe remedlo of =Worn times PET 801.1.411 On BOCK OIL. tt. le not 13140 w thou one Tear ago• Moos thin r great ma event:n i l:vs brought belnot the iC. a ß l e:L i i r at t r rnee then. Memo ftiltr e &a r . re=S;ll: ammart and , v w e e alletm feth th:4lg L t it i lt n i: e the the Vart'2.l.: Mn uP eerer ' V= " tet ' to b " i l lenre r it th l all other Mao have poet' Moron,. not Admin. o • a Natund wooly, elaborated lo the depths of the meth by a power nod agency thot laughs to mourn MI human rompAltlou. It la our d el ig&irben v. write Mont smolt jlM'thol that who may treut . e . .. " tronl or put none. deuce In or otatemoota -Ito O. .revery aorto ninth at any thing th ial mambo relief from Boor A nor oth hardly be t r ig . ; wrought to armor tho olmet ortau lot orloutt soutoot the. Now, we do mut Long to to !Inoue are anototh only that the tenth la Motion to knremedy Mould he told, in order to memo Syr it • re ot lot othodlo . Mogi. ankle Io the materla med. kn. Pialik Ateto—ncia that may be 0.n.0. In our dry a d neighborhood. bear amok lestbooor t = W e ith th4 la tbe l'"4"j' t two enemata two of our own - el ti ' man of t bintitt . , hl•r'thab7 'Tritto."'lgnin bur_ „amt. A.1..1.0, Iho ea In a gentlemeoln Botha o), Thom ore erg 0tt1e...1 to re near bomb uot may be referred to by any pork. wh doobte an the auto met. , neso moo wore oared after they hod teen ahandam rd by Mudd., as lopoleo. The Petrelthm wlll mum totem nthl u amorinur ee tz =so—Ll:m.o Dyrantern rio* U' on the to '. oe, Cltroule , bnagyea. Lori, '” T M" '„ ' 661 Hod, palm let Oa Imes end potato, aid sonatolim th . 00. Athe, Chronic Coothe t dettuna, Bronchi., thd on Pulma.ry alketio. of a am. rotary, telidllng 43 tro• duo tlerununonon. Bono ad em/ Moor of the Bladder and Eldm. Cheroot Haan, nuro. MIMI.. Corns and Bunkras• et In . f= f e t e lo t : o=l=l. thin mart, e ttadjto boot 12= 17 toon pref. no that wilr ambit us is . =vb. immulz.wlio will tak e !, plop. lo • ... we Woo may Pay &tonto.l. Botr. Med/M.4 Petro la the greatest Itantedy ot la g. Ply of klgb enameling kt the Braha. ma 41xtolott to it in th eir mono. nano who at Met looked on with and nemontettous loathe to thud It d. praise mui - osnoidorat, Befont another year IMO mad, all wltl be , etaandled to eaknowbelgo that On Petroleum Is tba mane ""m'aid' ' "" =VI It " leit7L, b lir 11 . '''d "- Lakt.ii , M u t tet li n or4ta t t . .I.=grg e n. A. Tend /I.l...Pahloskek 0 Co.. Wood and Front Oa ELLERSt. IMPERIAL COUGH , SYRUP.' L'74ltreiiiiiiihair=taka. bithlr election. CYrr.lir. R. N. Hallotti—lly Ilto mba. teat ooltiort to tronbkocosis tonight. soli harlmi toed difforrot 1=1 , 1 1 47 70e littioe .s rin. I w th iadneial=7: . vivo it to two or.trii lon, sad alifoTotorrtigblerorywr dirk/oat tlairs, Led it Liu aver fallott to eitie Wm.• • Lan nersoloondod It to tor tirigia±ort...l. do MOn isicoriormilottair tollevo Out it is the tWt tioroTtr biro offered to the rob'' , • ; Parentitbduld net made tbefr la * sulks tetet conga. lamb they =ay be enr.d b 7.3 et betti• d this 1111. P. E. • t graer::llrh2) eadDfger l7 RkATENT NEDICIN 510rr,414 for Ws osi kes °into:mot MIEa ',~i . ireientisl sot ce I.l= Drt,„ :id iirru. _ schema n... Lisburn mood •• Elixir of Health Pololocarrllnuro enTenfr-e'l.t." P1114,4on•Billooa Conn Plaster . _ ^ bees N.lby's Canolaselve : 'Al:ll ,3 lrLer. . Derretrum e t, exii . 4 Zoffiantl-1 el& Enai1...t0..- . z„,,.. Ensues of Pengeralat 4 Phelln • Tomats 4 Ilrglen .. .." %DT "' Bose Oistaant for 'ratter - Eye Was, . sumrt.beolog Planers Gardeners Unbend • .I - . lessin'ePausees Galfrey's Gxedie4 ". 1 -- nniaMs Dnears Ooldso Tincture - , - • ''' M &beim., 15ton Of - 8. N. inCICKMII . O4 .at- enter of Wood sod Sixth wear tlLek K-40 bbla. for ulestyji.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers