The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, June 27, 1851, Image 3

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learned sine die en-yesterday, forenoon. The Ap
pointments will be found below. Woes the ad:
joumvient, the following resolutions were plum
ed,' Mnd aidered to be published :
irrolved, That the thanks of the Confirm:l
arrdoe, end are hereby tendered, to the fami
lies whose hospitalities we here Awed dining
Mt session, sod that we appreciate ths csthollo
spirit of 'those ministers of other denominations
whose pulpits we have been invited to craw.
Se:Mired, That we hereby tender out treknowl
&gement& to the resperAlve - bildgs companies for
permitting the members ofj Confereace to cross
the bridges spanning the Allegheny rust, faro of
Reaolved, 'flat the Secretaries of the Confer
ancale and are herel lostratsted to have these
resolutions published in the city papers. . '
Appoints:oat of Me e iteturgie CoefrrenerforlB:ll.
Pittaboigb 'lliariet—C. Cooke. P. E. ,
tt - Liberty street, E. Blrkett,
• a Smithfield " 11.3. Clark,
Wedey Chapel, F. S. De Hsu,
tt. • Asbury ", White,
tt - Welsh Mission, to be supplied, .
Easi'Llberty—M. L. Moakley, W. P. Blackburn,
Braddock's Fiehts-11. Miller, - -
McKeesport—W. F. Lanek,
Monongahela City—C. Foster. '
Eli:shear-1. L. Dens.
West Neetrur—J. Menzel, 3; M. Rankin,
Booth fittalnugh—.l. Knox, Sup.,
Daft/MoonDirtria—Z. IL Cotton, P. E.
Ilniontown - -1. Montgomery, •
Btoirstvillehl: P. Arneson, • '
Bridgeport-4'. hi. McGowan,
F tte Springs Mltsion—E. B. Greets'
Addima—A J. Batley, •
Centreville—L. B. Beacom, . _
.Cookstown and Belleve.rrion—P. F. Jones,
Redstone--8.-Wakefield, A. Deane..
Fayette Circuit—W. D. Lemon,
Oreensborel. C Pershing,
Idt.• Morris—S. _Laughlin,
Csimichaeltowe - --W. Long, H. Montgomery,
Eappsf.h:eek klis.—To be supplied, , .
Hunter-Editor Pittsbnr& - Chr. Advocate,
Whaling Hudson, P. IL,
Witeeling,Forath. street—Wm. Con, . •
," North street—.C..D. BMWs,
South street -James Drummond, '
ohspline street—Wesley Henasy, • •
Wheeling, Creek Marion-G.-W. Arnold; -
Short Creek and Ilberty—W. Sommers, • -
Ellsabethtown—W. Lynabi •••
Wastergh sad Middletown—H.-folder, J. T.
Clayiviile—C. Morrison. One to be supplied.
Trisdelphi. L Irwin, - j
Washington-F. Moore, -
Cumber - is—A: Jackson, B. 'Cunningham,
Beeleariite - J. o.Banseza, LlllOlll5,
Wviiesbarg-4. White.. J. D. Timm,
Oren Creek Mission—L.lagney, O. JoassAttp.
Barnivilla 'District—Ct. D. Ithrnear, P. E. ' •
Martini; D. Cross. One to be
Martinerrille-4. McCleary, .
Clariegton—W. W. Reap, •
Woodefleld—W. A. Davidson, J. Phillips. One
to be supplied, • '
Drewssrille—A. D. McConiAck, J. C. Metter,
Lcorell—W. Athey,J. J sebon,
Newport—.. W. Sidra, _
Elbaron—J. W. Esker. P. Edmonds, J. Coen.
Sammertleld—N. C. Worthington. .L T. Wood
. .
rote; Jos: Wzight, • _
McConnellivillo—P. Cook, G. 0. Watling
M. Grimes,
St: Clairaville.—Samee liendarson,J. J. Maya.
(bete, be anppliaL
Casibridke District--J Taylor: P L
Washington and Catntnidge—s A Swaney, 8:P
Beneceteiliet Biehop. ".
Nourish--B Boyd, .1 McGinnis. -
ea me ma-a
ALegee, Z 8 Wetter. -
Coshocton—C A Holmes:
Flizeldng—J Biafra, D NeiL
P Mltehell, G
Now PliThedelphis-1 N Baird, Jacob,
Gilmore. „
Camber C P Hamilton, II McCall, PK
Wax, Sup.
West Chester—C 8 Weir - 1413E MEW".
Deermille43l.llrsicH Bradshaw, J D Nam
Stabniirlle Dithig—J Spencer. P E..
Bteabennlie, South Street—C-If Jackson.
Hamlin Chapel- - 4 Bich. ' -
Illatimond—J Mbite. M W
New Bomereet—W Tipton,Ellarer•
'Warrenton-4 C Merriman.
..Smithfield—T 4 l, onto be supparst
flpringlieldia Gordan, El Pekes.
Lembruzli-8 W Day; Et Chows', J D Bich, sup.
Carrollton—John Hare, 1 4 ,J Dales.
WelisvilleM Alatee: •
GetwgetmwS , 4 KMiller, one to be tropplipt
Bolas Zhu' ritt- Monroe, PE.
Beaver—G 8 Holmes. -- -
• Bridgewater and Rochester 4 Murray. • ;
Brightoa—J Dillon, 11 D Fisher.
Patershorgh- , .A.linsion„ one Lobe mingled.
Fialam—W 011enderson, W Brown.
H Thomas, I Ansley.
Canton—l D Cramer, 7 J Higgins. .
partsi-W Devaney, one to be supplied. .
Hanover—L Petty, J Grant. .
New Liabon4 F Newly.
Liverpoot—.7 Huston, 8 Crouse.'
AlkshMO District—l J . Swayze, P E.
.Bearer Btreet,.B E Babcock:
South Common-8 B Donlap.
Chestnut streetldission—lsrael
Dallas. -
Manchester lamina—Sß Brockarder.
Illiarpabargh sod Btewaststown—C Thom.
Butler-4. 0 Williatos,3 Gilleburd.
Taretitten--F. D
Birmingham—D Hess: •
liewickley—B Hopkins, J Homer.
ChartiersB London, B F
Florenes—G B Hwlfon, B A 'McCready.
Teanneraacerlile—Wm. Cooper.
John Barker. President of Allegheny College.
itlairsrak Distrid--John Coil P. E.
Blairsville-8 S. Nesbit; one to be 'applied.
Johnstown—J Gibson. _
Cambria Mission—B Hamilton, one to be sup
Somerset, Ct. and Stony Creek blirofum—illea
tom, D.ll D Coleman. • •
Ligonier—.l Slum one to be supplied.
Connellsvlile—l B COvirt• -
Orstmoltorgb—D L Dempsey, .1 Bortddge.
Mursaysville—B. Jorden, H -1) Chapman.
Malting-0 Cranage,lB - -
Eldertoa—D -A Haines; W B - Blackburn.
Gemzerille Ct and lllahoning M'-
Catty, one to be supplied.
Indians—D B Campbell, if a Means.
C C Best transferred to Bock River Conf. .
Nicholson—To Oregon and California Mir
I) endwaltuler--Traostersed to Mk Conf.
Stport of S. S. Comaritte; to. A. Cinsfuresee,
Jane 24th, 1851.
Conversions, - - • - 822 -
S. 8. Advocates taken - 8,109,
llaised for 13. 8. Union - $825 66
Expenses of Schools this year . - $2,977 46.
Scholia* in Leant - Clines - - 680 • •
Number of Bible Classes 188
irol=es in Library - • - 8842 82
OtScers and fathers • 4,725
Nuthber ofß. Schools r - , 888.
According to the statistical report -just made
to the Conference for the' pad year, it is s e en
that Octd,--tint graciously answered cur: prayers
and given , no iools for our hire. However, in
stead, of only $50C . 01, the sum contributed by all
our Conferenceo, to the fends of our S. 8. Union,
eitronling to' the communication: referred 'to the
committee, from the Cor. Sec. S. &robin of the
hi. E. Church. Ras D. R. Kidder,' of 1411 - Tarke
Ln conference should be contented with less than
$lOOO per year, and which ought to beregarded,
he thinks, es the minimum. Even then, the sate
would not le one fifth of ' whet we are to raise
tids‘year for the Ilissiortary lictiety; end only
three-Mhs as much as the Americana:S. Union
is eideavoring to collect : : And we do Wien
that:our Union is capable of doing es instil' good
as any iimiler..tastitation -in the world; 'and as
our. Conference is one. of the larger and older
Conferences, we should exceed this amount : ._
Also, a S. School should, if possible, beast:eh
liehed at wiry preaching place, end our S. S.
scholar, in number should equal the number of
out Church toembe - s. Perhaps, not one half of
. the Ilethotruit children in this Conference attend
o=l3. schools.
If ell oar preachers take hold of this sebbath
ettbeol entorprift, end enlist our people , in the
cense,the work will be done. And what a noble
Walk may be accomplished the present. par. '
The convention of the children melba speared
• by half the labor simt on these of riper Years.
In whatever light this whole embject may be
viewed, it le the opinion of your committee that
eshbath echools r4k among the first and hat
• amine of the present age, for the cororsteice of
the whole 'World ; Ihence, we offer for adoption
the following resolutions, to this Confermofte7-
1. Raoloed, Tfisi l far from abating arty of our
efforts, an. Increased and rigorous attention
'should be given torbath salmis.: • -
2. Buoloa, lb. we regard the Operations of
our S. S. Union as (serving of our confidante,
nod needing our inctreasedlftutributicms.
3. Balasedi: That the collection-at emery ap
pointment., in behalf of the S. ft Union, be fait
folly attended Ott this year. • • '
4. keta4 4 4 Thii we ileo"PeciallY ( mat cur
march' oar eicellent IL B.4drocate
-a ramth wider circulation.
G..Enoleed, wee organise our sabbath
schools into ausillari missionary societies wher
a. That the success with Which
God has crowned the eabbsth Reboot institution
calls for our derma :thanksgiving, and that we
aedr• 011111tbell to Urge with increased fervency
its - interests at the throw of grace.
All of which,'we remwctfully submit.
K. BllLLEB,Chairman.
P. B.—Ber. Jacob K. Miller was elected Can
fetence Vice• President.
hismactats.—Theee'whofriab to enjoy rational
.amusement, and at the came time to Improve
their stock of useful knowledge, will not fall to
pay a viait Raymond & Van Amburgh's im
mense Menagerie which will be exhibited Mt the
Brd, 4th and 6th of July on Penn streetln the
Tin Ward. The managers have made every
preparation for the sae and pleasant accommo
dation of Usiters, and herds collection of. ani
mals which has never been excelled in this coon
try. For particulars we refer to their advertise
ment in another column, and to the Bills of the
„ .
ALLIGHIST Sainae.—We hive beard com
plaints about the watt footway of the lower dile
lrheny Bridge being obstructed at the Pittsburgh
end, compelling foot passengers to pass into the
carriage way.
Sunny or run PZAClL—Thonyto Iticflowin
'U yesterday committed to prison, charged on
oath of Christina: Keenan, with aurety of the
Csticado, lona 2G.
A - girl named Ellen Slade, residing near Belri
des*, in Ltoene county, on hat Sunday, went out
riding with a - merchant In that city, Samuel L.
Keith, who had, previously seduced her, after
riding about the country for several hams, Heath
took thelgiri to his store, and kept her locked up
there for rwo days. On. Wednesday the girl was
resumed to the house of Dr. Woodwani, and an
'bulb= produced by him, which caused her
Dr. Woodward then fled, but was arrested on
Saturday evening. }teeth did not leave '
se he
deemed. himself seam, until the arrest of his
accomplice. lie then fled, .and has not been
heard of since. A reward of $5OO is offered for
his apprehimslon, by the citizens of Belvidere,
or WOO for his apprehension and imprisonment
in any jail it the comstry.
Heath is short instating, slightly formed and
active light and sandy complexion blue 'eyes,
and his hair nonelderably gray. ' His nose Is flat,
and long hiachin slightly turning up; one
der is • little lower than the other. He is about
85 years of age. He is gentlemanly in appear
ance, generally going well dressed.
The reward money Is on deposit In safe hands,
In Belvidere.
A fire broke oat last night, destroying several
buildings, among which was tho Baptist Taber
Drraorr, Jane 26.
Capt. Jae. B. Thompson, late of U. B. Army,
and eon-in-Lw of Gen. Hugh Brady, was found
droirtued in the Detroit ricer. Be disappeared
BaturdaY eeenhus last
lilzareius, Jane 26
The Hon, Swooss Comogen, died of cholera
last night There is considerable sickness in the
city, but not ranch riders..
Noarotn; June 26.
The'Presidemt.and suite stilted the sloop of
Woe Plymouth, on the way to old Point Comfort.
Befcere stinting, the potty were joined by Mr;
HAD, Post,Moster General, who came down from
The proprietor of the Old Point Comfort Hotel
gars a splendid ball last night, in honor of the
The whole party left for Washington this at
Noarong, Jane 26.
The city election yesterday reaolted in threw
Lion of E. Tubas, (Whig) for Mayor.
NoiroLE, Jtme 2C,
The Odeport Navy. Yard is completely desert
ed by the workmen. The commandant's order
minding workmen from the yard, excepting da
ring woOdng hours, arid which gave offence to
the aroAtmen, is 'still =repealed.
- -
The BlasaseMmetta block of granite for the
Washington Monument has mind safely. It
is six feet allure, and weighs 3 tons. It cost
$8,600. •
ST. LOOl5, June 2G
A trade ;train from the mountains has arriz
Ted. They met G 26 emigrant wagons near fort
Larimie. They were nearlyall for Oregon and
Utah. There was no mow on the mountain, but
heavy rainsjtad fallen im;the route, and theFivers
Br. Loots, June 2G.
The cholera has nearly ceased at .7efferson
Thesteamer Grand Turk and Concordia, which
hue arrived here, lett . 22t emigrants at the
The Grand Turk lost eight passengers on her
The river Is falling at this point.
Br. Lome, June 24.
There ie to be a great railroad celebration
here on the 4th of July, at which the Ilan. Ed
ward Bates is to he the orator of the day.
WrrITIELD, (N. Y.) June 26.
A min named. Wm. Graham. while standing in
the barn of the Temperance House, about a mile
out of this place, this morning, was struck by
lightning, and instantly killed. There were three
others In the barn with him at the time, Who
Were knocked down, but are recovering.
ILiterroan, (Cr.,) Jane 26.
Fills have passed the Legislature of Connecti
cut, for chartering four new banks, Including
one located in Hartford, with , s capitol of
Burros, Jane 26
The U. S. sloop Portsmouth, Com. Gregory,
arrived yesterday from Port Praya. The Ports
mouth had been absent about 35 mouths. The
crew generally were debilitatedirom the sickly
nature of the clinuita ht the Western coast of
• CHARLESTON, (S. C.) June 26.
. The. Mesmer Isabel, Captain Rollins, from
Mum arta Hap West, arrived to day, bringing
Baum dates to the 22d. The political noire is
Engare..-There wu moderate business doing
in ropes, and prises were maintained at the
Into dealing; but another conmesion was algid-
hiolossos—Soles at 11 rials, though holders
truserulli !Watins g
Coffee—Transse were insiguiflesat.
Nrw YORE, June 26
The steamer Cherokee sailed this afternoon for
degree, with the Mallet:TOLlifornia, and about
200 passenger&
mirrsuzz, June 26.
The Vermont Whig State Convention met yes
terday at Bellow's Falls--Ez-Gcrrernca; Coolidge
L m ruirE ,,:,, —and nominated Chas. E. William for .
, Julius Converse for Lieut. Governor,
and.Gtargt Hawes for fitate.Treattarer-
Resolnticros were adopts — Cin favor of 'a tariff
of geolfle duties; andel:eating slavery as a
morel and politica en% and opposing Its ezten-
Rion; and giving cordialapproval to the compro
mise =mum of the last Congress. .
Quite a serious aeeident occurred on the West
ern Itsßroad yesterday, near' the Btate line. By
tbs breaking of an axle, sus engine was' thrown
afy the track, and one of tlfe passenger ears ap•
NIL M. J. Knowlton bad both thighs broken,
and quite is number of peivous were considera
bly injured.
. .
Raw YORK, Jiina 26.
• The steamer Brother Janatlum . salted to day
for Chiggers, with a Iraq 6 womber of passer!.
I CAGE OF , C1y,t( . 1 . 4.0 3 T 1 '.
• . Arm WIGTON, junei 26
. . _
The Court Millie for the trial of Hen. Talcott
,reassembled 'to-dsy; when the examination 'of
Col Huger ins resumed, sad concluded.
The President of , the Caere, Hen. Twigge, be.
ing unwell. the Court adjourned at 12 o'clock.
BALTDIOIIr, J111:10 2G
The trial of Spelton, at Charlestown, accused
of participationin the murder of the Cosden
family, resulted to dey, in his conviction. Three
of the participators to this dreadful affair, viz.
Taylor, Murphy. and Spelton, are now under
sentence of death.'
• Cotton—The mar is
Flour—Bales 800 .bbls Western at $4 26
Rye flour is held at $3 374, and core meal at
Brain—Very little is doing in grain. . The
sales are 2000 bushels vials at 102 c 44 bu. Rye
is selling at 71e. Corn in in demand, with sales
6000 bushels at 63e 41 - bu.
Whiskey—Supplies are scarce, and prices
are advancing, Sales 300 bbls, st 240244 /31
• Provisions—Mess Pork is selling sl6€o
16 60, and prime at $13Q13 6011 bbl.' Bales
mess beef at $l3. Bacon is firm, with Sales of
hotddem at 7C)7i, aides at 909.1 and hams at
8 09 i. for - common ;mod 10e11s for alloy cured.
Lard ie steady at 14010 c in khls, end 101011 a
in kegs.
Iron—The market is dull, but prices are un-
I. ad is inactive.
• . New Volta, June 26.
Cotton—The sales to-day are 800 bales at 71
01'le for ordinary and fair.
Flour—The market is firm, with more inqui
ry for export Sales 3,000 bbls prime Genesee
at $4 1804 31, of good Western $4 ;and extra
Ohio at $4 3704 75 0 bbL
Rye Flour—la sane, with sales at $3.481.
Corn Meal—Sales at $2 81 for State, and $3
for Jersey, t bbl.
' Grain—Wheat is quiet, with sales 6,000 bosh
at 10201100 for Genesee, and 9701000 for Ca
nadian. Bye Is batter, with sales 2,000 bushels
at 74e. Corn is improving, with sales 20,060
bushels mixed Western at 5805810 .1 1 1 bush. •
Srovisions—liess pork is easier, with sales at
$l4 50 for new, and 14 for old; new prima is
selling at $l2 87 41 bbL Beef is in request at
$BOll for mess, and $506 for prime. Cut
meats are steady and active at 71-for sides and
61 for shoulders. Lard is lower, with sales of
100 bbls at 81 11 lb.
:Stooks—The casket is firm.. 11. 8. sixes, 1862,
aid 1111 for those of 1875; and 109 for Kentucky
sines. l'enn'a fires are quoted at 940. Iginois
bonds are steady; Indigos are dull. - .
tacsao EinST.
Nair Yong, June 26.
:Cotton—The market is steady, with sales to
day of 1,400 bales at full prices.
Flour—The make' is firm, with sales 2,000
bbls State brands at $4 tlB, which is an &deans's.
southern flour is steady, ni $4 87®4 5011 bbl.
:Bye Flour anti Corn Meal—Are without
'Grain—Wheat is steady, at 102.®110 for good
Genesee red sad white. ' Salts 50 000 bush corn
at-5710581 for mixed western, and 59i661 for
Provisions—Pork is dull at previous rates.—
Lard is selling at 9 a 91 per lb.
Whistey—Prices have declined ic, with sales
800 bbls, at 24c. .
btocka—Muted States sixea are f higher, tales
8.10,000.0hi0 fives 1870, at 'll4l. Callum Co.
Ku advanced f.
BALTIXOI2, Jane 26.
Flour—The market is dull, and buyers will
not offer more than $4 for Howard street City
hßlis brands are held at '&1.25bb1:
Grain—Sales red wheat at 8 888, and white
at 881110189 c t 1 brishet Corn is scares and Slur
at 60661 for yellow, and 63064 for white.
Oats are selling at BSc, and rye at 67e ? tasheL
Provisions—Thep:dirket is quiet, and impplies
light. Sales 150 Ws bacon shoulders at 71e7}
and 20,000 Ms louse shoulders at 7.1e7e ? lb.
Sales 70 hhds and 20,000 bbls sides at 91. c,
hams are sold at Oiello ? lb. Lard is selling .
at 91091 in bbls, and 111. in kegs, with sales
200 kegs.
' Groceries—The market is quiet. Rio Coffee
is dull at st a 9 1 . Sugai and Molasses are
without change.
Wool—The market is dull at 20 a 22c for mi
meo, unwashed.
Tobacco market quiet, with small sales at far
mer prices.
Whiskey—Sales at 24 a 25c per gallon.
Bales to-day of'soo bales at 5a 90 res. lb.
hour--Sales GOO bbls at prices ranging from
4.2,15®3,24 'lO bbl.
Whiskey—Prices have advanced to 17i, with
• good demand.
firoceries-:—The market is doll, and unchang
The river is stationary.
From the N. Y. Evening Po
By the arrival of the Crescent City, we have
received files of Oregon pipers to May 10th, in
The steamer Willamette was nearly ready to
Ake her place onthe rivers Columbia and Willa
mette, which she was expected to do as early as
the'2lst May.
The business of the city of Portland is repre
sented by.the Portland Oregonian to be increas
ing. Large warehouses were erecting, and ma
ny vessels were discharging and loading at the
As an indication of the season in that Ist
itude, it to mentioned that ripe strawberries;
made their appearance on the tables on the Bth
The people of Oregon had held a public' meet
ing car theist of May, and appointed a commit=
Me to write a letter of condolence to Mre. Thum
ton, widow of thetilon. Samuel IL Thurston, the
late delegate from Oregen 7erritoey. Resolu
tions of regret for his loss and of respect to his
memory were passed.
. The weather has been baton the Oregon coast
with gales and profess rains. The Steamer Go
st Astoria, bad put to sea in consequence
of a heavy gale which had blown for some days,'
and no vessel had entered the river for some time
on the same account. The ocean steamer, Col.
wain, which was due with the mails, had not
arrived, and it was supposed that she was st the
month of the river waiting for the southwest
gale to abate, so that the could come in with
' There are three ocean steamers plying between
Portland, in Oregon, and San Francisco in Cali
fornia, besides numerous sailing vessels. There
are also, including the Willamette, three river
steamer's, besides a host of mailer craft, plying
up and down the river. A steamboat, to ply be
tween the Cascades and the falls of the Colum
bia, has also been contracted for: the engine
bad been shipped from San Francisco, and the
.steamer is to be in motion early in July. The
Oregonian of May 3rd says:
"By this arrangement, emigration can be
amply accomodated, and find the means of st
em to the 'Willamettis valley surer, and with
out the delay of former years—as we under
stand 'the Company of the Cascades have el
ready nearly completed a railroad grand the
portige." -
The Oregon City Spectator. of May tills, gives
he following exempla of lodiso customs:
"On Sunday night lost, near this city, an In
dian after greatly atiusir.g and besting his squaw,
hung her up by the neck until the vital spark
had thel. His plea for.the cruelty he inflicted
upon her was that ehe would not stay at home,and
to break her of this habit he thought he would
beat and hang her a while, after the custom of
the whites: Well, Le has effected a cure. This
may be said - to bq one of the benefits of drillss
' tion. If we ndstake not it is a grave offence
i among them for one male to kill another, btitthe
husband holds the power of iii and death over
his wife."
General Joseph Lane is candidate for the place
of Delegate totongress from Oregon Territory,
in place of Mr. Thurston. It hod been expected
that he would take the field in opposition to
Thurston. The nomittaton ie made in this wise
in the Spectator of hlsy let, published at Oregon
"We have been requested by General Joseph
Lane to announce him as a candidate for Dele
gate to the next Congress."
COFFEE. --3 0 0 bge. prior) Green Rio Cof-,
(aMGOIVed and for do by
"0 bble. new 18S1,•Tlickled Herring
but dd.°
j air it , do
to stab sad for ado by fie G )
WATT I 00.
000 lbs. Loxd,
T or ea e on on
. ,
dirn=eut by T. WOODS SON,
No. dl, Winter ort.
OrLlL9B.o,6lsb—g-13I: b . leac op, h l 2 9 dzi: g tersperm 2i
7.t100 N. win'. 01 1 .
norwand ftar sale by MILLER
No.. =9 2Z,Ltbair.a.
for sae bv
IVOOL TWINE-400,11m.
..14 4 . C. , ARBina *T.
A LOOIiO4-40 bbbs. for sale by
Jets- J. KIDDa OD, CORo o d d.
INSEED 01L-1000 gallon!! (to arrive)
to r taldrby HID D • CO, 60 Wood 14.
10 rive) for rale br J.
iota C 4) Word rt
ARD 011-10 bble. for sale by
elf. . J. [MD h 90.. u 0 Wood et
EFINED BORAX-500 Ws for sale by
. JUDD *CO., CO Wood K.
FI3H-15 bble. New Whitie; •
.14 " "J. B*.'CZNELD.
SALERATUS-100 boxes pure;
30 Ws. kT 4414 1.7
ILA—Y-1000 lbs. for sale by
jell J. B. CLNYIELD.
, L% tor sale by
I lIISEgD OIL-30 bbls.Griewold'ebrand,
.1,1 for malepy jell J. B. CANYIELD.
riASII-4 casks for doll V coirim.D.
_ - •
'JIBE PROOF PAINT--101bbi.tbr sale by
TICKETS-50 dos. Marietta niake, for' sido
by jel4 J. H. CANPULL.D.
tll - MESS-200 boxes for sale by
BACON —l5 eazdxs Shoulders,
i•l4 marata4...1.,..
HEESE—SO boxes for sale by
1821211 DICK &V a Co,.
lel4 Water awl Plot
QUIIMER CLOTHS, for ?den's tid Boys',.
Wean al.. Tweed. Qubosentts, Canatmem, In
f o 7,l l r t tnr o f. , ,,f
,fi r cooonue , nveived eoo °tweet
garaneld tsve rscelred • ompltat LI. above licr e..
xnae or a Tory .upnior qauur. 311.13
FRENCH LINENS, pr yarious qualities,
received intul selline&R.Oravi6 '.
TDS firm of Clarke, Parks .k Co. Rochester,
Pad...1 : 011 df l y dierd , a t t by
p =
. 1
l eol i tae n. nt m te
j . fa
rat awl Parks. who wfll actious the badness as
formed m et a the oar. and Ml* <4 Clark •• Penh
Au the bghtaas of the Isla Mt to be wailed by watt
liareditok Mk. c 7 A•• 0 ' P E zit ' e.3ON CLAW.
:O. Rill.
U. 1.7. *MN.
Pittsburgh, Jana
&hi m
UrAVTNG made v change in oar bneint'!"
tk.,l n 'XU:sbi=Cen o i t;
Night boats,
Colon Ling to Clerstand.
into Erie and Sttlehlosu thne to Elia.
. Randy and bearer • to Massillon. •
• LYggesa Padua LI • to (llstralated,
And alto the boalum go, g.s.pboAt.p-man
and Bearer , will b• ' • through OLIN
CAPOUZY, our A prat at Pittsburgh. Pa. UlDeq coma
of Water and enalthgodd streets.
Plttsburab•Jun• '6l.—{talil Itocbaster. Pty,
Sea globi.g—Cape May. N. J.
VONGRESS HALL is now open for the re
ception of Visitors. The yroptistor,tbstikftli lot tXto
U ral 'patrolman herototom reorinal. onsuld
bat th `..7."Vif",.:2.."' i tl= =al.. is W
rangel:lmola sod szeotonsodatious. b. Ulm... 11 he =pt.
nka1 , :=12%,;b7
and Watt, or a majority ot the sojout ner. at this pi...!
bble N.C. Tar. le poi °Mir,
100 bright lia lteeir g • mr sale 2 , 7
.302 PBS WATT a CO.
IV ILO WILL SUFFER fur the saiera,`ei
tele R. E. SELLERS, 67 Weelet
gee &Neel. north hos ettrad the moot ditleelt eases.
FIrI3IOTIIY SEED-34 bbh_ for sale by
1_ jots J. tn. FLOYD'. j
CE-15 tierces Fresh, for sale by
jrl.3 J.:
EATIIER-100 Sides N. Y. .le , for asle
Elby 013 J. a R. 140 Th.
tep abet. wed Nor.
. 6 and 1 bbl. Lard:
10 Naar , Flusetd
90 tan twist Tabu.;
&Xi dam Corn 11 bf
W rf CO I
QTOCE. of the Merchants & Nalinfacturefr
toot: Etock of the 7.W:taw. Dank. ar, I
U. D. DINO. Hanker sad limiter.
J• 11 , /oart.b
_ •
market rate% and blitimatteeminpaid Papaneri.
ran c Um. lb par tante, by U. D. BIND.
telt - Banker t Braker. Years! rt.
• •
• For Sale. •
LOT on Penn street, adjoining Mat,
thowbl mid lfdedroblio thw lot
cou d ivi dedo mato pawn. n !Mi l , a Co.
0 40 A.
To Gardners.
stiFEIV acres of gonad near the city, salt.
11.111* gardndag.l6, Ado. Enquire of
le 0 A. WILKINS t Co.
.IARD-12 bbls in store and for sale by .
;A llll.lll DIELIM=
I -ARI) -Oleof Bennett 1 Jones' cannier
tax : la al. by 1811111 DICKEY 1 CO,
waters Fast as.
jr4ORN-40 bbls shelled, for'saie by
3.10 8.1. YO?( 80:111108.81 . • CO.
REESE-35 bxs for tale by
1j $l4O & 7. TON BONNIIORST & CO
BACON -20 cks.. received and for sale by
LINSEED 011,-10 bbls for side by
't 11000LATE—ID3 bza. Boston Chocolate
ford• er 1.10 WICK II 3LCANDLLSK
VIRY REARING—Cox sale by
GREASE -1.0 bbLs in store and fore 'elife
Wats.. and Pront its.
rrOBACCO-12.5 boxes tied of the best
JL, brands 6s and Bo in sten .4 thr Arr
Jelo • Water and /roast,
OVERING'S SUGAR.-20bbls Lover
s Lover
s/ and pulverised euyerjeut received sal
vc pule law by WK. A. 51'CLORO 00.
iclo 250 'abode
CI ARDINES IN BRINE.-111 kegs! Sar
-10 di e . Le brine (S.1•11.1s) just rearlyeat sad fut . /Al.
loudlbbl. A. ArCLURG' A 03.
• Ob LIMO n.
FRESH TEAS — Just receirod et N. 256,
- latAYty st.: AA tnwar• ot..ery
..rim ownut . 0 4
. Boob Te/P. of Lb. Istart -Mxriar.MA 5.. .51. Ter]
to. by the bolt chador ?mind by
b.lO Omen azd Tea Dealers.
DOT CLAY-7 tons Copley's Pot Cla r y, No
26, jlllt received and 113 r nig b_
'es) S. BaIOONMAICER k Co.
NEW MACKEREL-50 bblo No. 3j large
sum soselwrol hut weal red it
Ow ale by
je 0 & W. lIARBAUGIL
VITOOL, WOOL—Cash paid for the differ.
Vvat grates of wool jl7
.006. t R, IttaBAUGI4
- .
'extra" flour in store
8. & m. LIAR/MUGU.
LOUR-110 bbh.
and for udd by Jelo
MACKEREL—Quarter bbla No. 1 fat
4 " i ' s "Ts a a r attiliCker a 00.
wake A Root stA
COTTON -116 bales in store and for sale by
010 Water * Irrnat *a.
AVANA SUGAR.-50 but white Ra
il .12/ Most.Jost rofiral=l6 . fr i o.,b r im
No. 116 iroterottrot.
I 04 - OftAR.--30 bble loaf auger (as
-LA °"'"""iratairGz k 1M11111.431,
N 0.116, lYotee,otroot.
• r Coltse, ust creels/ter Extlesagr irsomMt
i ,m ' .. y . '4 .ll:tntrt , ; 17; ' : rim l gitim " :l34Abon.. to
bleb spe sttenUon of customers ts Invited at No. ell end
M. Mark. St : Jell
More New Lawns
-A. MASON CO. have jurt received
, dtt
a it Ittr i ft. let of Wee ..TT 11.Irsb btatru
OR SALE—One Kiln of Brick, Enquire
W. 31'CLINTOCK . 13 Carpet Watlbmw,
th Net. Ott Fourth stmt.
tiareea for sale by
LARD -12 bble No. 1 Lard for sale by
x.; nuts & DICANDLOS.
1 :~. ;r
VELVET CARPETS.:—W.lll'Clintock has
I. Mule awl for We, tbt lantnt anottuteut of
mtvxegrffereG thl!enFiat. Carpet WareV,
b. fn stme god for was* l ln arge mortsoest of rays
rwr Brune Carret;_to mbleb vite. the atteation of
cueumn.r.. Cat pot %Tonto.. tio. 7Z* /math IL i. 7
COCO MATTING—Far public halls and
rooms. Is Won and for mkt lov
io7 Curet Watehouss, xo. 76. Fourth at.
pi v 3 well known as to re‘ r are Do P=.1 1 2,. ,
_r_w i v aw,
tale sad retail. Dr WM, 4 M'CLUau
200, Lam '
It •
' tato for yeast fbr nista/ bnead. calm, Li, by villa
• wing of 13 per ant in Cont Inertheted. rex vede try
704 Liberty et.
B UCKETS A; TUBS--60 doz. Buckets;
10 " tutm lb, Rale by
J. 2 - L. 8. WATII3I3! Al 4 it BON&
IRK—A few bble
1 Z
BUTTER --5 bbla. Pack;'p ut reed. Ea EsEs
pa L & WATEKELEN by'
r(TOBACCO—'2I kegs.(Gedge's)_No. 1 Six
A. Twist, for We by JAMES DALZELL,
Jr 2 CI Water. •Sid 71.11 rd
B tous Soft .r Tenn l for sale by
ARD OIL-40 bblo. No. 1, for sale by
ir2 i. woes a IMANDLUS.
TANNERS' OIL-50 bbl,....jpst receiving
by mai, end Coy ol• JA.Ma MIZELL.
2 Ob. Wain a.
m i ~
rr'n - g33WM
ig e gimey's Philadelplkia & Liverpool Lille
of Packet& .
gn front Philadelphia on the
the IA of deli mon
lIIIMJILOA 'Tn.% aricVnitt
; r uc iTik._:?lthedl i f3Mi l tir l 'ads,st"!`'
" lillacEldidSON,thew,) Master.
The above With. art built of
beet and mod costly
jye and ars bated Far am nridar ot ttwir
fitted up with all latest linproeemen4 are inn@
tty eauglat s e=cul a le b rA tgui a nr=leAtheir eic;
their are erinmanded
_by men of ackaowledged Went. who
ye. anted for their di:side. in the wad Nrrice.
illesons rims of b ri nging their friend. from the Old
coyote., nbtain certlikatas of rastege, which will be
for right months. end oar eildie to lrelelei and LW`
erpeol wiU fornith these with tt: r =pet . lokuiliathin owl
Inetritetions relative to their de
pot the convenience of mogestiri t shitig to arid o b er
itlagagiirdall'o"uart width ' 11l b. = d l.7V7
tbe o.ol' or Post Wires 10 10. Pulled Moir:tom.
AlirPricrisiolia eupplial p. .mere thentnit fed. Lieet ,
pearl wed the following supplie• will be Wotan
deb pttueuger of 12 . 7teasz of sge sag over: 2,W, lbs. bread.
2 ,t e 1.. mod= Vteb,;:rtthtetry."re noe n'','h
tereadstufbe, I Ile pork, hill allow.. of water and els.
eta, and half allowance of
( tastar nm ar a r r i a lale x ls.
No. 37 Watint street. belowBecoodcPbiesdriair.
r elf Komi. Sixth and Wood sta.. Pit:diorite.
TIETUE SUBSCRIBER reipectfully announ
<4. to his Wen& and the travelling community,
ho boo sansosssed the Proprietorthip of the UNITaII
SUM iIIYTY.t. Lang known in connection with the
Noted under the late Proprietor, be feel. perfectly sato In
o pmtleinst its old patrons, that nothing nhall ho venting
tip mann Its previous reputation.. the hot WS haunt
bo th.
''T. Tls h irtn '.."' MtVe to
V" .
thittitralt°4lrth.`l,,... rt. umt eye ..1
n 0,,,,,, .., .mfb,t o r Wk. el g &WWI ,
'I PIU I .I 7 . :11,1=1,41r =wed a t
raft; O l
!tit that
pfam. . ffoy3l.ltosj A. O. ALLEN.
IMOMAS WillTg. as biA7 • ay;
A t lEnzimm r . za 6.4,a ahr.
lIAGALEY, IfOODWARDi rt ta. Mole
," do Grown. No: 221 Mutotst. Ai. 041
D. C. rearm,— J. A. TUNA.
WALD, . BUCKNOR & CO., Tobacco
..11•1=10ort I,l•Trhants. No. 41 North Water Axed,
o:111 1 / 4 nhOirtarres,Pir1 ide , blz. ~.
.. .
' ' sort t . , ~
... . , , „.-7 -
Shawls! Cloaks! Masaillas!
t. NO. 6 Cortlandt at.,, N: York.
tr wr. ova 2.t t pi.a=mtw. t fresh
or notch ar i etgrstr r flool l iest A gll. Is. torggs 471"
fall &Mr Malt ofFre than Vienua v nuars anier.
!sencip Shan", of enrAracle. ,: b = rloae shape sl7w4ruirsiertt*TitaZeirCVMEitt
laannUctarrd fun Pan Pot
ter. of his own importation received nminonthly yer
Linn streurvvs.
N• inns the special attention of Southern and West
ern Strrshanta to the above. as they .11.1 fad an wort.
'not or Shawls, and nadratals goods tor Loftin nu.
l ' " =:Pqr1 1 1: . SHOW STANDS._ .SIU +Winn,
Sheets Itau Ilas. driven Ist nest !Worn Pining
ant , at SI an S 6 nth. . idati •
Mee fen Foreign Patent&
No. b Wall of.. Fork, and 188 Mg at.,,fonden:
r to Croat Brawn, Pronee, &lemma, Ifdlood. and
of er puts of Europo—the Csasdas. Cods. and Us Bro
4 7r01l informatinn ou the stare nu M bsd byeddroolbd
_J. P.PljtHdp..
. 6 Prall rtx..4 Ns* York.
Superior/lackynhog y and
TkeSte. gel hi T. em. pet d 0...-40
" ..... 16. am. ~,, .371 i
- • " ' 45
Oa anaaht. per asllao
Mt. to the boot .Curl , ataaufartured. It flows
to a cord COPYING INE—and will ant °mode. awald.
rair=l47 . T .: _atigrzam . a o po Lt rea=
alrablr adapted 67the PIM Pea.
The oadorn,caed to prepared to farnOb tbs tale ot.
maw Or
or beta, mapatoption. at Um labors very
r.t iks per . ordor. atd &Gym.] to any part
6 1 16 . PIOT ST. et ThstTe. ebarga meg. Gambit
belt are charged eat. at natt coot.
GT Nassau at,..urawaarl_nßUK4lap.
Itofeuor A. C. Barry's Tricophargas,
and barterlos. Ming. cdto. bralaro. ordains. ate. It
Imo teem meratanted by Imparrenent. Mst Itarrea
worm has endued the same semi La maims dixamo n Vf
Ws. me. of Um bores, and all Os animal ' kingdom. ba
tailwind torrin orlocted from bandre of introritar
Import. villderee to abow tits Plias of the preparstiatt.
and tbe esr:e•o o on In orb/eh It la bakt by throe übo bare
given It a trial:
:raw Tnag. Sept:Pd. WS ,
Butai—hour EIP—I have Imo oath • en•
tawny erapika of ths main. cf a moat angrammed ebar.
fat Mot Mairmi year, and 4amon the: period
ban hod Um sash of tome id for rant emin.-ut
elan.. awl bare tried oil tb• omparitlnar far the brae all
byme known. althout the leant benollti lau platen
by friend to try your Triamberovs. I did , aa
remade and. to my ourprim met cratillosibm.
cured In abordmro roman . Furl mutter 74 tlia
disorder that at times I mu partially •
• Itespactfulln roma. ItAPELTI4
• . 140 Oolatabla Moot. amoklys.
. - Nan Z. WO.
Yam D...lslr—Abouttvo yawl aro my =
imam act • groat &al. and ray toad was omen MI
witn dandralr. vartald by Dim! ro try nor
bum, *MI I did to. and to my artanJahromM. a:l;W=
prmlr nrotat. and all the dandruff dlaappurnt. sa the
0.4 no. slam for Imelf.
With Impt.t. I am ram obrd't iaret.
J 11111ILLDWELL. Nd Broidway,
If any lay or grotlornart doubts tIM anttur . k i ft of tna
abora.for mil l Masao call at Prormor A 0 cam,
IX Medway, Nov Yost , wham ha grill rano artni•
oal tartars.
• •
tts intits,7 tod Naval Arltht - Na. 11. 1401
Titers is tm Ss lb* psrmasest ousts( tatiseS.
Id:Strum of the ts--Wom grossahr, thst smelted
the popular rtSosst Dr artirt• knows as Prob.=
Barrer -or Shows" Irsepottcd. • It I. at
trosimlr . by the now starers of trurratomonitrt
or .t rier:ass ' lli n t:s r b i rt at b . " o =t o t t P" =.ll
tn. Emir. and thoo prompts. Its growth to amontkable
-es. destroys the dandruff and marl. makes du
her fro sod gloorp. la will ours all Stamm of the seat%
snob as seal. Loa. der 111. d olimirobtmatontilitor
der. of Lb. Wm Is obrassese 00 sell-so ellrass, it staXts
ontirollss. 10 Is mkt in loss bottle.. prim =math stlis.
137 nrosdwar. stst at lb. IhnitniAt istnrahr. Unman
Ms Utast Slates sad Canada.
jjiUUTCHINSON it Co., Nol3 Spruce Street,
r.6W TlAll,Wboleolop nuanftetaxers of the eat
ousq PRINTING MO, far fl o t•elyed Iltbo
. 4
mfL r oill V b r t
in utAT:XL4=== to
d •
pot o ens, and lbfavarded to Wm.
p_Y ,
Go. also mooted:4n eolond Woof mrr obsclo•Od
oslltr rarfins from SLOG to= Myer lb. meltleam
citicAco. ILLINOIS.
CIONTNVF.E. pis usual fac il ities to receive
oi Stnnat. Sale, mkt TrsasblmonL all Ilalaralls•
a:wig - tied bizo. Botta le Ms AAA &lir for all points
b. Laker aml . Illiaolo Cans/ sad Elver. , ._ ll .'—Mew.. L.rea.StalliD.s A C. 4
3t.fars. Jon. A (Wird:
Nit .I , IIS A. Causbeic siAAND
Prague., Com:no. sfut t i jrstsllnj o ydsssisals. gst lb*
Mfrs to Alexander llordss. atoms, Media a at.
Pittsburgh. splay
AVID C. TUTTLE, Attorney at Law,
011 , 31111.1gCeli the Penasylvaas. Bt. Louis, Itto.
L i tammalcatk. Pmtnour ans*".l.l. a:4 17
ktOIIN, 11. RANKIN, Attorney' and COMM
ollor at sod Oaolldeoloorr foe the Stall o
leards, St Louis. Mn., OW of pittehorzh.,)
Iteterroors—lltanborglu_Lloz W. Forward. Bunton
M'Cuudlree 2 McClure, lobo E. rule. I/W.IU
Semple, McCord AI Co. ausl4:l7
• Atil=CAN HOUSE, '
undersigned having entirely rell
I built and enlerned the above aalensirsestallish•
cunt. cmtaitinn in all about the.. lam:idled and Mr
recc, would respectfully me unties that it is new rsed7
yen the reception and accommodation of the travelling
A cem nestanded notice of the unsurpasnalconvenlencesof lids
House deemed aupernuous, a the minieroue impro•te.
manta which have been ands cannot be prererly car
an advertimment. Eunice it to say. no earn= Du been
mired to feeder WV apartment perfect.
The furniture outmode en:measly le ceder, mutilate of
cost, not certain realm of it, especially the Drawing
reonuo..lll he found to be of the met a beautiful manuface
Mare. The linaMs mums are candour. and the hours
h e
me d ia
r t u . 1 0 t .. 0 arranged sr to suit the convenience of the
Igidemittment will he conducted in an uneseeption.
ble manner, and tha
_proprietor pledges hirtwif thet the
Anasrieen Hann shallbe Maly the Trees
DRIED APPLES-30 eacko_p_rime, for 'sale
tor 027'.1 MATMEWIIIt CO.
ASTOR OIL-9 bbla (Blow's make) CO fo
nib by my= RUM MATTHEWS a
SUGAR—_4O hhdt, prime N. 0., for sale by
m 715 AIILS A.11111CIIIFON! CO
GOPLEY'S POT CLAY—at.blpilnetreo'd
n d far sale br J. scuocelnanan a co.
11 -...LovEs-1500 lbs. fur sale by
1111123 B. A. FAIL :S LOCI{ ► CO.
r j RENCIE FLOWERS—A orelondiei variet
of the tawmt krov•h nod Ana^rfrso 11•••••[
!eh ate premed to P.ll . •
tetAll. Y[l A. A. MASON tr Oa.
11BIED PEACHES--35 sticks in Moro, wit
11 be moat law to <lon lac by
tarn ItIATAn DICXEY A co.
'—.o. oz. lanetta, ors-o •y
1 13 1 1i 2y 0 2 111100 doz. Corn,lf.czaNlenb26.
SALERATUS-100 boxes pure;
bblo. for ralo NT
J. B. CAN rinr,
UOAR-100 bble. Powdered, for sale by
eerse BURBRIDGE • 1N01111.411.
COFFEE -150 bags Rio;
unrn; fbr
SUGAR -48 tibia. prime N. 0., for sale by
*B2 80 sad lit Water, and 60 /rout 50mt.
rime, and a small lot
LOAF SUGAR-100 bbls. need Noe.;
6 " R. f7lltS t Oq. "
33317. 1 Tint, awl 113 &cad Y.
hhdr. Clarified, for rale by
TEAS -50 tif. chests Yourg Lipson;
" Mack Oolerta Vlaraa
qla by MAW! DICSXY t CO..
Loaf. Crosbid.lvattel and Poiinbred, taltitOOtir
Os WI r ale la tte• buret or roto4l, at tba lona
tub atm: by Wa. A. ItIeCLIIAu CO.
aryla 260 Llbaty
smDWELLING 110IISA cootaisking,
or DI roma: cad relafr, Wert..
I ilvny at:. 115 dm.% it the yard, which ill
ezmugh ftr•rard,u. Rent low. end Derreseiou ea bre ,-
en blur Mittel/. D. GAZWII. Libort.
1•1931 mar du mouth of .Thlrd.
Valuable Lot on 'Third street for Side..
ImWlLLein.' sell the Lot on Third etteet,• ad
the OphoL th tery Ettabliebnteat Win. Noble on
on. Ade end the Eagle. Meow of the Views flre
Carman, oo . the other. from on Third etreet.l•44%
W with • death toward Second .acct of 10 fret. wore or
Ina. The price 1e114,400.0ne thousand In hand. the bal
ance with interest to be mecum] by bolo/ and n/Mpg. on
Let. payable in one and two yews fr. Hew date of
sale. The title le perfect/3' S.W.
at the 000. of C. Studer A tb, Routh at
T'OR RENT.—A three story bri:l l 2
Oreille& house, wlttuds onTblntetreet.hrteteen
nt Sod 136,. the .hoose wen tiolsbe4 •Ith h
6..4 to the Mahon =I abovewhleh th ere is • room
*HA hot and cold water. Iteeteelon ellen letuaedtzteiy
• 612 to 6. F. VONLION.NIIO6.Ie6 W.
No. 1...2 96 Root et.
A LARGE LOT, on Leacaek street, Al- n u
retest s it:cd Brick Acta 110 %qr n oft
Dimon Portman. split ...So..Po)l °. wdounious.i En.
Dimon Arent, of JP44.1
5 TORE ROOM TO LET, on Market e: bl ...
I mood door nOOO • rotutb,sod odiolning Qs
nab and .)olrolry Wore or W. W. Wumn.
Stare ROOM hos do handownost. front In.the eitt„ .. likd In
ibo beat twation s Der Good. and VW) two
Bent ar ttn ssisess or ing 7.. r Inn. 4-
wain of JAMES OKAY. or •
J. 2 • . W. WILSON.
• 4,411135tate•51r Sale. •
AVALUABLE unimproved LOT, on the
- comer of; I.lbertffAuol 'lsotory streata Fifth Wmd.
moat* Um Gerona POOolle Murat, 30 lot feootcm
arty, Dr
fret deep on Factory, month! Met 4V wing . ',
ou Ag re.2.1k411014.10.414 Pour oar Mort/
gl o wii li tAVo=2ll . l74. trout Dr
at, a. sod aomtalan gloms rooms.
Atteo—Fo P ara of very valuablv oar arto.
Alm—.Parto of 1133 aura in Of tai-Doer
Also—A Yam of Mt aorta In Loftin* county, Lone.
0 .1V 4 e.9 .t " , - • - '
ItlOLl'alTErin Boa* co.' g 04 0 1
from eV scree dna.
411.-13 val. valuable lota fa Nwrao IlllnW Prim
..dnyt•• /..4°l" or P. a 0: /". L Yrr " R gt. •
att.r.ll piwburib.
GrA -
FOII.IIENT-A. Warehouse 1 on Water
emprt. belreels Karket sod Farr: raltabl. ta
t=7 = " etALZUL. 4" Water st.
To Let,
TM well finished and furnished Stare
ea Third .Wea4 ma the Peat Mee, at present
oteusdxt b 7 Mn. . JaJetretry tan, aypt,
To FArmen.
000 ACRES Farming and Orating
Laud+, 1.1 Warms einintr,. lambed m the
heal river, within Mel. milso of the New York oad
Arm la VA county, air r i alooli reeoceolcdr.
tins tens.. &waxy of A. Si ILIELIB W..
tart ear= of Market and Third OA
• To Gardent= l
riwk,NTY Acpxs of arderupz Wk& al-
In ergo: tbk.• inn Por7ipsrucamr. met.
QUIP .1 Om upkins Hone
I - wnsr
win 5 e tan/Am ; for Salo.
THE eubseriber offers Parente the hoagie and
T i = rargirs=t l = l, :tlty l Vt=
the market of Mks alty. ' nu lot I. 140 fnfront on Park st..
minninig bed 112 kirk to an alley—eonialubi nenrlT int•
errs of errand. am* Is bounded en ever, Wile by largo Mo.
mlolornittedlavitbexittentrivrouicy7loo:2ooa.„.l=7. Tito br A
mom besides balls 0100 loot wide. It is bullt Os the best
and moot durable mminer. 004 boa * 00000000 two 4
...otains Lr p r o4;,r b o mvormees. Two rum with
00 Yk4"Z'firtgitiPla tbo U l a i Aserrj pot
rstrisle cows, o. The grounds o 0 Mid oat mently as •
lawn. mend with dirk. trum um* evergreen, towering
'brew, eurrants. comwberlbni.
Mo d . D
a m• , U
Urdu, ltu fruit is of Um Mot Mod. and Ow trees min
Muir mime. sad yield enewah fort be emits of sn ordtanr7
WWI. Tbe vitiation 0! 1000
usifot protlp k er o ty t .. to tlobvtly
Ouu/b.tareedr b at<o2teld r aligoitr b.dtri
i nesarr y
Wu redder. , in tbla Tidally- It Imo
n Moir of the Olalo Meer for over 0 milk of Temyoraricee
vino. Forth Pittstiongli, too alb 10. 100 river...sad too
bills arourel.for=ing Mkendber • minoramie rower. of
wbleb ibis aye never wenrisa. *very boat obtob eaten or
depute from tbs tort of Plibibursti OM. iwwes to
(dine.. The residents and =mode sin goo einaPlate/T
Ittottorti trnto att ailttor•Ou tot ati.. to MoUtoUvo of
ambit and wwtallon. and afford. • roent:newt so van
sad senorful as if Mental Monis nuletsivak tha
The property *ill Wald &buggy, isa4 pcs•N•knt givm
wbeneow deetrid. =Mane ht tOo Gawk! Ob.
a .M....Mtif N. N. MUTE.
. .
For Sale .
E members of the Fairmount. rue Com-
L mu, oftent ttrelT End. for alt. Ith ps good or
d"' "" Mb° ""'“P' - E ifs"ara. seer.
„ No' 409 Pe. street.
A Direfling Howe ona
FR RENT , • ind. o to Emleilidd. at
Tl, ri rtrKt. 6.01:t .... ,
... ob
.4 w
"-. fr ,c im i t c... 7......L.1.5 : a rtsa,i=w,i.
i,,,u „ ,,,,,
Ig=t..lo.4 . llela t lh ant,
Dartintiga% V.'"th ' 444
Valuable Real Estate for Balk
sußsciußEß offemSo! Siae. on
Pecesbleet, ltd1 0 !" - .ase Heal !Wats, la
• Per of II WIE
ffo 1- Th roe le three story brlldwelllng boost%
on neossl strn o tatwatok Market. and aro/ otosets• 04
Ir-gr.... autwg, --- ~., ....
E 6---
Tbird Pre•bn: tomb. atllt Is non. at:
foe; Mary brkk nod as a prio g ease, and ono 1
n tra7 . M ' arto naus., t..... .. .b.ths a.
1 a1.....% , 0d
i t t bitos tr aggCoiset wr a ...d on Lit ..
.... Lanett
Mons due two gods. bias
No 4. On. 1.0 feet bmt an Bask Asset, °Dwells tbor
gam and • to tha top o 111•1‘111.
To. It. Two beach bte. easbl feet front. and =manna
from the road Plow es r Rai on tla• 114 Bewnw.
Do. 6. Ort• Iribillat 01211 X 103 Sett on Wheel Asa%
wttb ten flares watarysswer attarbal.
.sNo. T. Van lot oppwite tbs. waterlot, SO fad front, sod
tanding lathe too of tha hint oa wbkb Is meted one
two story bra* and warehouse. 23 by 50 (canals..
Imam d etudes Isbd
. Nlte lam lot In New Brighton. 1344ver ratmty. bw
toga 140 feet arnotadany. bad about 200 Sod deep
andel 1!4 woo on ablon ape Seeded two Lase frame
d and ma mall trams boa., used s_s .1..0159!.
NZ . , , was 114rj .d. oestaX i l="i y ttr i Z i st.
tbe lallettot
tto.9. Clow WY I.latelyl.lolrratirtonftrk l A.
Wen about 100 64 In laostboantl attending toot NUM
strait to low water mark,ar loon= pat.b. .
Ms dove wroparly wilt b• add on very tavenablit terms.
tylliLtr k t . .nrg . l . stont of
, 11. 0 C fu nffitla cazerabnt
rodl2l fJournal and Wad sm.] . •
BLOCK OW BUILDINGS, on the corner of Wuh
an:its Ca Pma
nal, In the ay. of Plttsg:ln g r. Tall fronts
me hundred and linty lour eel on Pen_p street, and ono
hundred mad W.
07. t tans loans se Washington Mon.
to:, • twelaT Mt .11 /ware of •
=Wen • No.loo Penn at.
dceee oder, au eels a d large i nennber of valuable
E. •All i r d a Zugh of / ". 7i gerV i . t. b= 4 :2l neer the
neE Ea SehW lb nee and Eng b Lutheran Cinch,
me rap 'mth ° of Birmingham Its •Topulation sad
toannteetainee 'mitts. Inn the reseonatge. gaine. at vehkh
lots nill be Folde sill ranger them loft and Trainable Ire
yeetnerait Title pellet, Terms gavoreble.
Forlottlenlage wet terms. mire of the
to Mated. at
the Ohre of George Ir. Gilmore,. .. on Grata etreel, n n .
burgh. been.* Third and b ' eaten. er e of Winn.
broom and N. rattersonaen'e. at _tbair Wher in B/ren.
henbane. , j,,u 1108 ES Y. EATON.
OR RENT—The large and commodia
oat Ilousw on Pas Ettoot. 004 r mwriwt b
with ar, Wiry .4.1.1b4. whit&
sled se s yard. also-4tabllo
_lbr two tones. Expire
• a&Z.II N 0.64 Water at •
LARD OIL-20 bble; I , lm 1, for oak lowto
do. amaleumeat. at tbe stare ef
/ so , a 00. an my opealug • lars• lot of beautiful
style. BalsaMau. at 123{ coats pet rad. Thaw aced.
ass tussurpaswel for doers... as they aro well wrath !.:b
mats. hos. 02 sad 64 blarket. St. cant
"Roue and Lot for Sale.
For Bale.
WISHING TACKLE—Canes, Rods, Lines
ju mom ta, anemia% saa ralpr;
snae 61 Id otfot One. Moat of Fourth.
'WATCHES, in largo variety, and. at the
T s t, . b
Ale F ,T4ittge t. a.T.lL ° l76la p.ra l
Ne az r lb* be flp i aracturr; Mthar . i4
ANS-32, casks Bacon ilams,
_fee sale by
AIIICII Crimson Velvet and Gold Paper
I:4lnr.g. ter Drsirilar Ronme.a tat roed frm Plarb6
ai We D . W. P. itAILL 4 H.ILL. 00 Wood IL
PRINTING. PAPER—A largo lot Double
.11edlank an4l2mperisl Printinl,r:rant br
(AM corner nuke. axid Cowed 64,
RAPPING PAPERS—A large snort
=ma a Wtarrlas Faren.ll•4l . ll:.MaVe..7.
dare, tar rate at
. tar. 4 Parer trarabouse. car:Market and :1 sta.
en GROSS STEEL PENS, of Option
2Viguv:pAnga- aitv.,Ad ogvr
'nurNli•riaVirlat`.u.,..„ &tom
neeb. The and lb? sale by_ W. T. cruziox,
enyni 117 Ma. and 118 homed
GERMAN OLAY-200 boxes for sato bj
m 712 R. DAUM * CO.. I.4b.rrty rt.
R 1 111DE8 7 200 (prime .
. lfA A re i t ti tt
t . M712
1110W'D EXT. .LIQUORICE- 1 can for toile
b, n o a U. A. I.IIINESTMIC lc CO.'
tRICOI , IIF.ROUS- 7 1. 2 . doz. for.
sal. by Same
mils 67 wool
ALIE/111-50 bl? Ls. for
DD a sale b
J..ooWeet irt.
COPPERAS -25 bbln ic croWor sale
CO. by
nula 3. 00. UM a
AalsC OO
LUBI-50 bbls. fo J e by
SHAD -10 bble new for sale by
W. • k Y. WILSON
GLUE -40 bile. (extra) for sale by
ik I galls. Flaxseed (Ltmstedaire
r wl•try myl3
WOOL BAGS-4000 new and old, far sale
V • by iu4 ILLURPEIT k LEE..
DRIED APPLES-15 bblo. for sale by
116 Magi:..
HLORATE POTASH-50 lbs. for sale
bu. Chestnuts
SUOLR-180 bhde N. 0. SugarDASZEL.I for gale by
=715 . - 08 =war at
jj '6 , 313alena;
Ha aMistiMosox a co.
- . POO Till CURB Of
ABioko the. numertms diecoveriet i Spence
ban *We inghla garratke to Seat*. tu b ...,
UL, hose Its en)ornonst, and eyen prolong the teem
of .hornan eristenoe, ram can to =nada toari realealoo
to'rneallna. than
,thia ocattrilmtkat of Chembary tha ,
Healing tit 'roe bid of it. 'denote lhoottlthootthlo
vat matey, bee proven bryand &doubt that sbe medic:no
or eorabinatfon of onntichtee yet knaorth taal .o rankly tea.
trot sad ewe the 1111=Oroca vieletion
which bevy. hitherto wept from our andel thasanda and
thtotrande year Tear. Indeed, than I. Door.bunduxt rer
en to Wino a remedy.bae at length been ening whirl
- .
can be- celled im to core the moat danieretu &bulk= of
the lungc! Our spas here will Act penult us to putilleh
any propoYtkin cif the aura *Muted by_ iti we, but .
enure' the' autowils Opinions of eniluest um; and refer
farther enquiry to the circular. which the egrets below
named will abrambe likalei to furnlsh_linie.o beret , . are
fall parncnlare . atel hutisputehie Mier WI&
Prow the Precipice tor /sacra allege, the ertetrand PRO.
PASSOR inn: Mom
Venus C. Army-Ear. 1 halo b T i ent Chaos 7 P a aohmi
I fWitsolidoole owu. uw j f == LC it kit Wotan AW7 -- cao
isatoti fix the
as of IssTligial sad bronchial dialcultios.
If 0010105 as to lis .0000100 auras/se am hoof
for!ko, .nza .F. ! ,l4l E v A ttar a lwr e ttan i k . e
L t
ineorad middy Othre,4l PROPESSOR A ILIM.
Tau ColicAatlxe It C rindat. P
the Chog Awl:Malan ••=1• • boo
from KOMI of tho Or* sztialss the sad
a sur @Motes moody ibr ito class of M r= is taboo
lott dim. Naar HEM, Or., Nor.l,lB.lit
MAJOR P.lMBON;Praidad .31 00 Itawk,statier
that d has caul the MarryP.olu•sl, with wonderful sae
!ma. to eats ea /.. a. 00. 0 of Ms Mu.
"Ka tlCArat PATSKIIIU L ash.
. •
ADM 26,
D. J. LI. Ant Unroll—Deer aaool.
am I am reav etrozaatil
ad= year Cherry. ne Pec lke hrrel mrprectlaL ead_prater
other aaeSel polaboagary mta. arem ohms.
rum of re war ravers mac I am con aap vine lalnad it rill ran
conato. rale. tad dieser, at the lb that have pat to
&fame W caber eataa. I kr
um ewe of =mum r p edi lea. = Deal
rowdy Imam lbs am aflamesad rerddev
Prepared tad y
rad DI • •
Ut iatelVDAPalstedagele arod . .EL hp B. A. PAIL
Allatimy IL P. PClllr4h. sad J. DOD.
(ILA% au D7Dnrld.t. eenerailr. • laZdealarT
unti --1))
- pont-PURIFYING THE BLOOD—ths, best
11 Tersaa 31edlci. %now, ludpiens C0...44b00.•galarSlfflastznitios.
Incontinuence of Vrine.Optentl Proatration of the gide&
Demand miring. and Gloom? Slate of 311 ad. am Oared bY
Dr. 6wywateastnactqf YonowsDoctectiefficrogaoCtla,whlch
gine Immediate relief by renewing the tbuntaln of health
and arsuulth. the blooq. It neutralises bad humors. stone
...stun' ...MMus. and glee healthy notion to an {he
vital howl.
its mild altetative prcrertles ruder It measly mita
cable to the tlander and delicate consthation of the
male. Itituerellately counteracts that dietreettng stereos!'
news and hunted , . we common to the Senile frame: and
impala an energy and bnoyency as surmising we the/
aro grateful. ire bare eralenee on Me which Induces us
strongly to ttecnuttent this medicine to utartice!ncerle
whotare not been bletsod with ollrrrbut
Protapdx Uteri. or Folilos qt./WM.IILO, cr 4rerma stmt•
disk, cured by. Dr. Guys° p.trotof Tao., Dock ood
Earwai,Dli, Oita 'Tory other isolest moat/ Lad been
triad 'without relief:
Wasemorroa,.o4 15-1619.
Th tertlb.4 that my mina 4104 zr dears. by entered
under the above crmplaiut tor All, deme. neulp an that
time rearmed to bet bed. I for bur ream constantly
employed the brat medical talent that could be procured In
this section of the tomes. without sap benett vib.atever:
I hate ant purchseri every Instrument recommended for
the cure of each &Raves, all of which proved worthless.
In ;ha epring of 114.9.. I nu Indueed by my nibuds to
ter Da °unsold's l'ellcor - Dock and ServapariUa.oDlcb au
And for bur months. After ob. bad used it for alatit ter
weeks; 11.u.vident to all of us that she wee haprovista.
and from We time she improved TaTtgly, mad calmed flesh
and .4.4 th• ..iori2z most excellent
W.. bolos oottlaors to Win- oad Jolla Wat ng. t no*
that the above Adana% so to the ..Itheonte of Kra We,
fort. and es to the ooze Mai .ffettod bT OoTear. Ten..
Dock and 15azzarariUo are ettictly true.
Jh:tE =Dr.
4 4 4 4 - 4
Zing's Eoil---Cato of V
Q. tl Loonord,
Dtemino OgoTh.
Nunn. S. 7. Bennett A G:—Gents: Y . y o In Igo
I wag ettectod with Eine. Eta IP 'my arm. which Whom
03 0 7. MO martlBmtion eat M.
each Azadam of eelehritY
within my nub • .111014 0..10 7 g y th th ew be amputated.
F " M qi....umakier to the fares= was fall of Torming
On 317 strewth at this time waa ampletely &mut.
.1, and my harem much emaciated. 1 - arntitmed In this
slate until 11143. wham 1 saw ea soMertiument. (fiumotee
Yellow Dock .rod Bareaporilla) which I Teed..a sent Be •
bath of the article Clumotes 'Yellow Dart and Bumph
KU cued hut I took cm direr retned7 *Whetting UV.
and felt myself perketly. well Lehr* mink the sixth bob
Bad 1 used it u the test ententemani the 000144701
am sure 1t remold hate saved me Man ware of Pain and
.of*lll. I nanst eammtl7 reammad ehrt7 Per= hob
feting under. my Amin diones. to me Ounat's Yellow
Desk end resseparills, which will restore than to health.
Yours. In gradtdie. 0. It. LEONARD.
Cure of an aggravated am of Eryrirelas.
..The cures performed by Dr. (I uyeats Ettout of Yellow
Dock .rod me hating. The patient's gmtemi
health continues to improve after &luso Is remermok...
CUM are not chronicled until limo has 1.117 tested that
them tan be ho Velapee or return of the dieesie.
3101000. Ilerkimu ea, Februsr7.lll6o.
8.7. Bennett A 00.--Gente: It Width greatplueure that
write yon about the very ta' eficela of 7001 WI..
Dock and parnpullla 10900107 udl, who bee lueg both tut ,
feting under that dreadfal and loathume dim.. Ermine
s% with width he was attacked in 1843. and wan for sue
.1 mouths attended by mew of oar but physidurs, who
their an' perseveringly for !Iceman:Mk without 107
goonedidad render whatever. lfe became reduced to a per
Wigton. lie had nleen from Ws hip to hie bum
which mere continually diecharging disgustingly offensive
matter. Medial and surgical skill was bilged. Illyakians
mid thal hie eau 000 a hopeless: there could be nothing
done to urea those terrible gangrening ulcer , 31y nag/o
leos and myself thought his dissolohim near at band.
One of my mthhbore (who had cured • chikl of Scrotal*
with you invaluable modiodu) wished me to melon trielor
It: and, more hem the melees desire to do aomething while
life lasted. then from any bow Of whom relief. 1 Fromm-0
data bottle. of your Yellow Dock sal Sorearsoilla. and
Temoneneed ;Wag It: and to my satemishment he began
to improve teen ho hid used the Wen bans: and Who
be ban neat • halt dosen banes, he could walk out Ile
need In all twelve boalm dating the 7e.0 1 3 4 0 . mod by Do .
toter last he was perfectly restored. Every Metige of the
eininae..creot the ann. is =wed, awl he remains in
perfect health at Q. prevent rind, Ilia recovcry. under
the blaming of Gook h entirely wrong to tbe use of 7 0 .
Yellow Dock end Partarardia. and 1 shure you that I fool
Towels under -meat obligallona to you. and it ia 'whereat
:oy that 1 info= you at what your 8...wa11a L., dons
for MY OM. Rcepoctfully,
Bold br J. D. Dam innate,. to Banferd A Park,)Your lh
sad leablueetrtets. CladanalLOhlo,Geor.lAsentior the
South and Kest to whom all orders must be add:4..4.
J. Kidd L Co- B. A. raluitotook A Co.. J. A. Jones. L.
Pilleburgh; L. A. Beckham. Allecheor Car:
L. T. Modell. Washington; L. IL Bowie. Unlimeown, M.
Welt?. Greensboro B. Kosints, Somerset; ' Etott A Gilmore.
Beam* Beet A Eon. GuntlngdotenDoOrL Mollidanburn
lllldabrand A Co.. Indium .1. E. Went+ Kittanntur.
Leant A Co. Itmokellle A. Wile. t Bore Warnmburg
Melaralnd A Co. EC Callender, Meadville; Burton A Cat
Brie Graham A Darker. Mercer, James Keil: A CO. But.
ler; B. broltb. Beam. J. O. denimerton. Warren; F. L.* C.
8. Jonas, Coudersport; P. Crook.. Jr.. Brownsville.
ItarPricz—sl per Bottle; Six Bottle..far $5
rAiTzkeumwyt '
' A Valuable Improvement in Trusses.
and-FIIIPTIJILE 1s CZDY. by which • stermatient.
cuts can he affected. This Truss le entirely different in
n, and crisoririles of action from other Trani. basins
the advantages of a twellwesulated end uniform prise
ate: The yressuro can be so rest:Wed it to sir • rue and
comfort In Lbie hula dlffectilt CU. of Hernia. Lind roe be
Increased to almost anylorce desired. The measure te ta
anal . and twins bralitht to beat unniedtat.:ll . .27;tb:
i trneraVaniire.Vr d en . rind ' "? &VIC.. siC i le tit elem.:
r i ll: use of the Tr Trans.wheu a lsbfllgnabLVA
etrann n astlon, =L7= N:reran; or ransful
oms. which t. not ate usfiwitiant ceourenee in the weer.
Um of illysidepred trippts it le • eery common yrectice
in r•I•00.1 afflicted wish Rapture to evYKI. • tin. and are
ply n tlletrisaleea. This is a bed sheets. which an ho
eeen only b three who understand the norms .1 the
rats affected In hernia.'
We would most reeyeatfully call the attention of rbpi.
date to this Trues. as we know they will gravitate Its
value. We also hare ti.• vanity of MK TlMsty at the
rise,' swims. Infant Tress.. Intrit_onnstently on hand.
liZYttfl FL a MenoWEI.L. Agents.
r. 140 Weed st...fltterturs.h.
Dr. Hard's Abdvrainal Bspportars.
Fr HESE SUPPORTERS are intended chief
fee the cure et Prolterefe Vferl. e eee thee" . <BP
*sees where • mechanical sweat to tie Attleroloal sevoe
is reee/red. the giew eet earß the aßeomlnel
'Th""ud edueftir t. ' ValfVel Ttra..= 2-
Ot eef the Bowels. ram Egl,.
oem.paha to the Beek feed Beene. Unite/le end Extreme
reeling. Preetrotion. Broatleltta lehortoosa of Brceetb.
reapiteeern of the amt. DitntrrSraehlliff•
e 2 • Wood et, Pittsboreb.
Shoulder 'Braces.
SHOULDER BRACES, of the moat art
meted etple, simple le etraMine assi esslll BMted.
or eisee le suit all sstio may thou. tissm—jost reed
mid Wed,. ietmlesale and p.m tit, by
mS24 • U. EASELLE3B, ST . Wiwi
, - Va. (kV: 4.11117.
N. R. Z. Stiicte.:-CMPt= I vritiein
eta my t
t,evetwrallentatton that. having and It • thmatvely is, my mew.,
t the lad four of &le I tl. doh it dmidedlYkn owledge, the beet
of the il which .I h
although I have A used tb • pntmn
other toenatecturer• Your tem Y.,...;_ "
. : D. tmell. M. D
Prepared sad sold by L. E. bEL WS. hi Wood et sad hi dntatitte genandly. • , myl4
- -
1137 .. opmaytz 7 aztre exculktit assortment
"of ''''At'ax,4. $6 to 'act en manna
ead—ch.Al"7aP o.4tro_pa Cia" t owl tem " ) , rani .4\, .
W. W. W 11.805 et ISa R.
znyl6 «mar a 4 Fourth.
Bamiti! Ikumets!
i ,REC'D THIS . IIIO}INING, per 1 ` apress—
mow. =Laming 8.1100 orwest and sot 01. dodroblo
Of BOnswta now worn.
• . A ray lagsmar
ts tonatof CtdlciroatO (rosy.. fone7lllmp.
tesir mut Brat:Mo.
i 'Stko ottontion of — ---, 1 , Pornonionji inwitod Wino
A. A.. 11.0.0 . IS A OD.
' WILSON, Watch Id 'akar,
N 0.67 Market, Carter of Fourth ot., Pittsburgh,
R,..rlt in Fin WATCHZS, - 411ZW7,Zirr,
an ", w",,, imam Gocdoo...p. • =a av
r•bn Wm, Czn. Okston• A; Gold
lostrunmats, aad • • vs".
SALE —A gars Pedling WRim is
jp:.iitor°9lll' 555Daco.arlwood.t.
steamer .1. Q. ADAM. Luta. sagglat
IN 1 lea,. Sm. lb& atom and 01 le
ir krta Ude day.•ll.oo'dock.A.M. - • .
'Yoe freight • punka...APLY= talle. • j.2lr
Wit .r.,..47 in =t pboo Wam. rot Um Mom
Got Diurnal, duriactbo law van. sesson.villeannasits'
. 7._roarnlaz ten, in eee W_b_ Wing trad• L aii Mamas/ WV
LLO L , :i
Lb. A. M. Theileroia! !ns Li I/0 acenoleatir . !
- _
': W 8. oiliwaLL. Kra,. •
ARMSTRONG, CROZIGI a ccr, amts. . -- • 649'
.w 62.tei
TM PIITSITROLI 1 H1731/60 , -
V s MPILOT Ka , A. S. *sm. MUM=
arr vs .sbg
. 2b tor M"Zdr.... roman'
T =
kr .ft= 7. 4i t. g"
and latrper. on &prod nixdobld bad =Ain
dul: ae , t .... aval. soma.
w lit. imam .. , PDI7 ... WWI. 12•0°
illsithezu sehreektteetwea btdit
the ovens of tb• Ramer lama 21dre=sad others, Or
the Chwitunti sad littabofth ytT
oval lied...UT ibT dae• tbe Nor Ur
N.. 2.. yff ftetght 07-0-11:1O 7-0-11:1
'gag . 1851.
.ftt .e. r , ufart s. aLtr, iv iDAßTES,
RbeellUir. arldt*Para_CNßYMlDl
33301311 Packro-oesves 1433borgh w Wanda, as
delAck. P.M-. Ad Wboando sod) nod mop
legw. •
odardny.ts 3 Pennryy AL. tbr on ou= lad aitatla.
Monday _at 10 0•0103.11,41- 31"
!Iran mull_ipaseling• ••,,
Fa r and puma. sord7 bontdi Mt°
mad JOILN Jrva. Mont: • ,
nallghtdrangbt detour ABEltd.
D. P. 16.1tossy. =star. tear. WallartGa .not 7 112
Wednesday. and Friday. at 6 o'dora. M. As Lait
erg.* Glasgow, ?legman's Lading Sam& aud
bargb. lamas Piotsborgb sYsty liacesdayola6
Saturday. at lo o'elsok.A.ll lbr arazds LW,
Log. Glasgow Mast.l4 rpoa7..M el/mina . ,
Far Q.igbtar pun" and•dot bard. .36/
ms Yet deosairr DIGENA/4
Um Is now terstarsolsghw
llw. les•
wSss =trio %Ma
this city_ sad Wbee PI at 10 (Mods •
rr7 Mewls,. Watalsz do. 27 1= ssi,wiwatsr.
I?esch IrselLlos ftlibt or ps7awsppry
INGPOILT.—Tbs Einertroster PACIFIC
1131Nta, reill kart. for Os shove sad
torowdlsto Does overr Thursday . al 4 o'clock, E.
For treisht or waste .291.7 eoN
. .610 N. 51 Aster sad 03 boat sta. '
r es WCIJAVILLE, Cart B. Tocu r M
wiz • etiar i Ve . t b raen Pittjargt , %lThaallm
atterooon tor Wellsrill Ste=ti P AZ l V " auk
=cd•T aftriwa . 1 Ste - 84mbeevilla,
pc ... ralt and Tareatt tad:emirs, learal=
•TTI hid.? aternece. ;Vett ar laai ,"'d •Pallalli
bon*. to 042211 .B. WagIDLIEL. WS&
T W put up in quart bottles, and Con.;
taint tin storage, of tta =Dv lunch =far tar =
isrV: b "l arat
ottto talk.
It hat boon 411 establitbed bet for Tom past. that
a l omf' .. il r a . . when
t r , l o .lz
~I =po. r gi s e=rdt .. w%tit:
S rort 473o4 Flutt ill J b 3 4 fir d' ag l i4. '" irr " 1.M .'""7 0 - #7. 14, 13.5 " .4 I
Wool >< the ont7 Properation beim the . public teat as
expand on 'tr
Oo ials. sr/00Mo I prior/ Plc* and
of =WU M
tho terietedt. chestiest loots, audit. gatosineetto attesiainect •
!Adore bcdcm aimed I
. A r e
DON Eartapasilla Um titiont, iitetreral
valuablo wet. togetbar forming Um her cm- •
twoted, sod producing the greatest comb. agont be the
mama world! .
WILL cuss will:foci rim! • . •
Scregli Roil. Cancer. Turner, ' Zroptint of
. tag htlo.:raEßlPel.l. CbSOlliti sere iO.,E Sins: • .
normor Taw.. bcald Head. Rh. 1311.1"
tong. R~nttn tho Bourtor Joint%
Old Seret,llleora. Soolltag •
f the GLldult.lslptd/-
Diorama of tba
. ..
tik. senn.
Pahl i...C. Ni.
dat . oarni madam imiAzei , - - :
....- v:.! - .:
CokU a ranina of tl n
titNn4 ," ' ' .
FILODITCCIsttrnoar: •.. . . ~; .•-
111.7illrgIgg'uFrurr.vItrti,:brisz..., , ~----
........,tmcrodeaceln we. Cumin Comnltatkmal Ins• j ,,,
;was, and LI a wring and roannerdenk. and gatecaltmr. ... ,
in fon th• mum. and avatln and nlassnt. nurpline, .62.
anl.stSon to Bins Id& at Cowman Tatar, mak at 6.144 • •
lit& • _ _ . . . ~. . .
Twasoausa. •
a. rato.the I, the verbatk= .11i of eerel itie : ll; .... '
tb• imeeelen et the weptietor of Mies Benalearalso
she d? and Keeerelizlineens si s n • : ~
elzgoent and eartatalshed parka el the M.N.
Hee. Z. Sternum ham Wen Imam ao ates of the meeS tel. -.
-.: ;
ente4 aDiStalnelli EISSIStas thst the Heatneky *slams , ,
teetl , l bast of Or =al 1.12; sad It Ws It= is tIWS
the high led trepanewe , es of snot hit the kVA. ~. 1,
Boot Contr.. e.g the morrtte
essdteam, at wee. . ,
• satlefectet7 testim..7 in boor my ktut • ' . . - .
Better Tutimony OiFs vat er Offend is Fsoor itt.4.l
Sir. IL W.Ws—KIT.
E. 132sersioa. ', ' : .!...,.
We b e wed &Slit B . Bare Mt leLtiter7erois • '',•
St to be t:met, with oath. astielbetese sh vi bare
W= to =saes Lb= Ire betters IC to rasa a= ..
able taeliesi campmed. sad reloatetett Irodseeteme= • "..
. =A 'rata= math =Markey . sad _ dweller*
ibeterfolkr exet=aateettr reemmoneel tt to the e*
dieted. IL W. IFEHOS -
. • _..,
. .• A =Arum =Ai slur. - •_ •
How we all admire *deem beandfal white alb. an d •
tory tokwateheek. Dow often down mem pre. reaps -
umthig thie drematly m 3 wbDed.,
moontnr m o.meilea. lotfen.. ersahos..pmhals, and alert=
mterials. to megrim to thaew oleos. of 'mtg.% ember
the e d irlull U rgii=t t r?..
It besot:if. the the Wm by ream2men4H .e= l lambh.of ,
a .Diana )mown.
aml dimmed mattertroon the bleed.
healthy, and elgolow.. gibring activity to emery =til .
mewl. and changing the yellow mad dot Celnitniliai • '
the bloom and freshness of
yon talkre abandon the y ~.. •
me or paints and tolatarea, and am Bolre baraerti4;
the only 'elm.' rambly. mord to Um idae
rit.t. =I • hint Isten=sh tr. the ladhaa
Twin, - wig Like the Following, Raiders our.,
all Comm:lit on the Eiteiquy of Bull's -
‘. . .
From Dr. L. P. Yagoug. Profane , of • •
lautreille Medial College. '
"Theme looked am the list of beirroilleata mama=
John Bull's Commund Fattejet Barespearlia.and ban no
bemitation to raying that they loan aFM compound.aget -
one that promisee well to elms. dbettmem, toyeldeh It is
j 6.6
ma. L. P. VANDLIA.Tf.
WhoI.DRIPYLES. Mena. ter le fEw later:
trope Mame .11.1 a; er BGLU3 DARS.4.P.k.
' -
_ •
Tootranth , March 20.11;42; •
T here maligned the prectiption for the ;comma= of -.
John tioirrmad 1 belle. the oormlidnation to. '
bee eleellentowe. sod well ogratated ta prod... an aim , ' m•
ter.. Impretemon on the ordeal. '1 hey. aeedtObethte
ppabltn and p_ sate pracho.'end think It
lmni .p 1 H. D.
Pimp... at the /eaten. Shaine Uesphal. ,
.117 .. CA C119N—8e.... and la Mr the ech e lon) DR.
ezz s.sasse t eli:tzytte iron F r o r t - 6.34 e
I Dar CO,'Sbeeritreet. Pittmbargh. Pa. IV. out Retell
Agent. •
For este bD. CURRY gad ios.• DOUG LAsA, m
'belay city. a y
nd by hi. Druggimta momerelly. mellmitgwitnaT •
OR SALE, to clone coneignment74o cki.
taped. 'SODA Obit branded .Bteale . and fie- ,
as.. Apply to . JNO.IIIIADEd ZOO.. -
et PenneAvenia Railroad Depot.
eeylk corner Roe and way. Amt.. Pittebb , lfh •
The Family Frimul...;
A • BAKING preparation intended to
teemed* the the of ifeast—whith. wheel mixed with
proludiu DA Its dour Ti . oormonloaree of{ ita
sash, Wan by the ',snot yeast. Th 'thole prwesauf brad ;•
=ldea, beton behm baked. don rort take asensthaleg)• • , .
011131;itely ion snag prepantin lead et Teat lereemsta.
Ilge mug of date is also toms owelderatent—ged Wag •
angers. matussers of public a t htfistearies.
lfoaag :.
sad. large Wallies. gig Scat co =all skates DJ olds '
the &may k Wed. /dded to all the advantage. got
wholesome diet for net voyages sad panne. ja
m aw., aisneoshere. yeast to hard to get. tkiesellk be
Wn levalable tor bands sad
will be
ereedy .04 cheap. not torretting that they will be more
D alatable—and maths hymns bread 0f.1.11.11. alreSUbi.. • ,‘ ," •
hald to bottles. at W5.1..04 nuts
71, North Yourth WabgadelsMet ,
. Sete Agent tor Pittsborgb. 11. BV
.beet Jelkdlak
Phillips and Kayos. Brew Article for
• World's Fair! ,•
I tA IQUID GLUE.whicheemnotwood,sioao,,
china. clew rouble, quegureara, or evert metals,,,:
a, mut trnuele cr rreperatigra• La a Alert tale ipy arti-" -- • -
cll. of fumture maa, b. made ae_goal as new . hr. t.b. 0rb...," •
brated and powerIIIICOMeIIL 111511 bowekeepers of thie „_
Pate er. awir +Ma. Tt4 ilenaioe sadgisPerter
.W1414110' to diets purposes, and sloes who Ism. wee -
tried It are requested to do ea. No bouw sbooll to atm
aalll, bottle of laquld Glue-1t requires rolearmitur.ta
Neale ready Larose, awl mar our pm. with .•
grey,. *O7 ankle. illoalmer.aSbmetna le 210 omit= the
14.-Ctt....d 10 lite.11111:d0 II la areal his...trios... Hatters, •
ur tt—the mu of the State& ara ausugue.u.
verdict to 'Tates, of It Don't throw aurtlung . 1q1le•
ept triter this. PHILLIPS L 3LLLS.H.,
North !fourth CO I biledelphlLZ ji
Age_ut for Pittsburgh, .1. fiLDD. cragn. lo oolo '
end Wood street. Age n t for Allegheny can
LAIL Druggist.
• •• NEW ./11781C. •- - - 6
T i t KLEBER has just reoeived.ii
. •. ', " , '
• Witeu• we thadrieuds of soy matt! " r ... r- - ,' •• • , -
rot= will:Ala.: . _ r •• • !;...V 4 .4
arrwell.ll-Wer 4:West
=Wier. ram-, . . .
1 autrunstc• Anthem—dedicated to the T.aperzare 80. -,-,
' •
tsar of Morey: poetry from Doane. bilariet'sbeabee.'. il
r W aunt. yet Whir.. . .
The Keermtle—comb vast
tie where, baser-.tam CoLo•lla by Verdi;
Driataft Song. by `llsobatlx . . . , • , ... -4 i
• The ead•brat.d Cradle. boas, by W. T. Nr41,..:
tdtight. to alevolow ..•
rte btu of Lore. • beautiful ballad t , r Ir..'i- wow: .'
nw* tlr days are roan-+a nos ortaatriaonoo.i :t.
libutrtetUa.V•Wsoe Casteert. Ereetwake. alawburr.7•llr. '-)
lou POW. Alpo, ill Boa wieciloa of. pay teat /NW.) ,
I n Vtln ,
.4,.. .Marrtow, wol a complete s arairtg V sad
010 - . b.* Golgresp, -:. ti,
b. 13.—brow artWitue.• Wt of guw Ptuuttr .'. 4
Ladies! Ladies! Ladies: - ..L.,,.
11170IILD you east your furniture iiid''
, , s
_a oil mach IslM.M.r7lliber Dm your ornate.
whit, the ' rarLar and &miss TOM tuttitot•
_6_l•_ab .
7141 . 4.V 1U 8 U rit.t21 4 PSW.4777Za t Pa i4 r all ' '
.i.. W. will mete, to artraordiour aB MeV_ $ .41
furniture •a would coat 110 or Mb to Its. rwouldalted.,..; • t •• „t
This is • great thins few
dealer. Sold ta law - - -
tits, at 1134, lati. sad :Smut . . - • -
• rulVa 4'MM , Il t,t a
.4 .-„,,
Ace ats for Pi = b,..1 rtt 41.01 . 1 MTEIL. colwar 43 1..,` ,
St. Clair an d Liberty Wert: •• WAILIa
BeYere Pisitc! Prece n tor ;:
KLEBER has just received Relate:l
. ended tosorpterfor the Rem, which tA SOL'.
.hded IT Professional m.. ha Ible roontry and Is is
home, to be the bag work of the Idol ever pabholett•
he yeroreh known ea ore at dental mewed near
tbr Inainnent and milk Das bare stogie& onert Jen: 7S
eat ...rely Oda by the ntroadal potato. list eletenhe '
boat orbereers and kateraden to tbe hnhan
Gamins end tune. ems greatly . tend
leg the earrunee. telkoo and teem ere sinetiV r itTO 4
sle endow:ea playing. the Iblkertag Pelee. . 2 .°.
exesolned work, ars reared ,
Preheat" Hart:ore, looter.. les. Ptah. • 4,20 ' Lf,
Q n ODA ASH-20 casks Mutes brand for ,
1., .... by we Lb W. lIABELLICIE.
LARD 01.1,-10 bbls. Winter Strained, fae N 4 -
br n 3,11 IL 11. EILLIAILKET Wadi/.
1,2 ses patas %0.
its 2c6 bbW
/Al= a. a