The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, June 27, 1851, Image 2

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FRIDAY. ?dola, JUNE 27, 1851.
IVAII /G 4 B4 , i t tT2 Ti6KBT.
X N. 4011XXCon.
arpollll. it Lgnstnr.
- 7CIMILitoi roe Mita CoUtt,
• - • -
•- Vid, M. EirsOrnt, or Ph ULlelibla:
' COULTER, ot Wasuoarelsod; •
• '..FELREIT W.COMLET, a • •
, ~iyutxdui .11401.1 E,
Aiti7nd6oALo B? :: wg County
~ ILA LTY.6 *NAM. ot Reoblea
. mar or usurer cover.
- 11:2111Itt "W., WILLI All K.o L t
"tsisuit y Atir . Art . k i i i ti: . travarate moms, IC.
Limpopti4o26ll2 CM, Of Warm comoss, to.
. BOGg. j ra Lowor R. Clair.
MAU LLAIL or Augich.r.
JOIIA wtgAinitvar.orltoLlceou.•
/Min VISTA of Maiden.
tiell - AL'ArPLETUN. of Ifirmittibiza.
- ,
- ' - • l u rvutan. EYM
um .
.1 4 4 0 .-ItiCILAILLMO.N. of Allostwor
-.,6r.nic or tut - coon. • '
ik i Fifigre st:Lia,
• • ROBIJIT ElNtt. of Plltdrufgh
*a. wasT.,* AnKbent.
. Joint EXEHICH. of Wasadlrro..
•:ilfttnarare T,rcnr.—We place, with heartfelt
eathifteitiou, <at the head of our calcium, the
Hetet tiatulitted bi the Lancaster (laureation.
cauu# aad einderity, that there is
eels Wie . UPCIi2 it which wanish tones erased—
notattekwhlch ye cannot sincerely and cordially
#4. l poterner, we
. 113 re th e man of all others
ThThefiliate; whom We conceive to combine with
in himself the tiMdities to make him the best
,pealblOmuididite: for the rapport of the Whig
party it,tbo present inop3el4. fle has filled the
Ortilidef hiagbitrate of ihi. Commonwealth
for Umiak three years, and we point The people
to his ante--tda works. • There be In, and there
are Ids doings. Look 'tit him, and Then say; if
zourva . 4 ituit her his:beeiafonnd wanting—that
ko isittot every-thing we amid wish in a Corer-
- -1 -Hottijoint /Jimmie, our candidate for Canal
tteimisiintier; is well and favorably known to
the pedPleinf the State; He Non bOoest rip;
Lid The" peoile; if they E. - Mundt the interests of
the Commonwealth, irill elect 'him to the Canal
Board, as a check upon - the dishonest practices
which have eo !pig prevailed in that department
of Hialublie service. '
Of: tha candidates for the Supreme Court we
lt*rw less then' of: e abuts, but what we do
ktiow kcaf the most rorable chancier.
, --: Hon Witll.lhielaDl7ll iswell known as a dis
til:loMM inetaber - Of the Philadelphia bar, of
flue abilities, impereor 'attainments, and irre:
protichabti lelitieter . l. ' , He was Secretary of the
';' ,rtitsniiMrer Oen.- &pier, 'and acquitted 11101-
Ellf with) honor but he is atilt better fitted for
the position to whlchlhe is snow called by the
T4Ollll tits felloir eitiaemi, than for that of mere
intrdstethd Office. 'lion IIICUAIDCOOLTKRIS a
member' of Ike present -Supreme Bench, acid
possum a diatinguiVied reputation so it lawyer
and a jurist. He passages alsci eminent person
al Popularity; and will receive-at huge vote from
the opposition,Hon.. denims Cuaxoeno is also
a. membelorthepresentlsaircme Bench, having
hum Oov.k Johnston, in place of
Jadgilkunsidea, deceased. In the short time
he hiilieiti r on'thirßench he kas wonadiniration
:pin many„ and he his therefore the advantage,/
of s vowing reputation. \ Of the other gentli--
manure hue bat little koowledge,.bntsb al!
hear from their nelghborsland acquain res.--
We have no doubt that the' wisdom displayed by
- --- - ' ob/minations,
pl _ to see that
this getitlentaule‘ame was not mentioned in the
Whig Cotrretr, that ate did not. receive a
Ttaa was right, and is accordance
'withon.oiszt .expectation,' founded upon our
ltnowlelige of Whig sentiment We confess we
weri einnewhat =Prised at the confident user
et„ the Biernisbnri Tefegesck that he would
ilyrtorolnited .by the Whig 'Convention, and we
felt It ottrituty to otter our protest although we
could hot believe that the Harrisburg paperer
piepikiwi iriii irwin degree the Whig mail
, meat &AIM/Hite. `For the credit of the Judi
, dirt oi.thelltsie, Judge Giteou ought to be
defeated at the approaching! election, and we
harn'thet, eau:Manse in the i good sense of the
people, an d their regard , for purity of character
in each, high Places, that we believe he will be.
A art aura, organised udder the free bank
ing liar ofthio, has been established it liassit
ion, bailee the tide of " Bleichante tank," to
oottu:**l oistiatiotto . on the - amt of July. The
buYingond selling of exchange, and the collec
tion 'of votes and drafts, &c.4will constitute
itrandnat, department of its business. I. Steele,
late Reddest 'of the Union iranth of the State
Book iif,,Oldo, President . ;.S. bunt, late Cashier
of 'thetank of awenon, cisiaer. •
z.niellADLT Coou—The Columbia (South Cam-
Iltt),Telegrapb, not satisfied with plain seem
. sfen;intients to make a demand fora share in
didisth4. — pioOrty.. :The ediior we
shoaldie,entitiod to a share of,-the public pro
prttpicar date of the investment and the pro
dto of the to-peigiterehipit Is also our duty to
osilk4l,tin co-13tatetifor settlenieut. With them
- 13`tinide the bargain, Mad - with! them we should
properi :entitle,. and not with ; he Federal CI ov
ertunitat:. And when we notify t them of our in
tintiatiltfoirithdraw, It might seem -advisable to
notify; them of oar desire to hare our share of
theOiiivortydelirered. over to as, or its value
in ;scam se it might serve to fortify our State
end parch /no, or builds Navy.". What next?
~.We ere indebted . to Mr. Isaac Joan, Of the
Erti of' - Joner area Quig, of city , h "
jest, retained from Qo . ll'olo'2 Fair not a lour
tbrougb Zongland,.,firr a copy of the Livetpx.l
Cosnier of the .11th inst., being fourteen days
froit the prase ;
. ,
Pains Lau. Serwaton.—The steelier Monti
male been tame actors the P'ortage at the
Sant, and Safely .lannelted , upon the waters of
Lake Superior --It is stated in the lake Supe
rior 'Joirtriat that the seasoni business at the
Had file:ironneeieed • With innumal briskomS,
aid; Chit many stores and dwellings, under. the
Invites of trade, ma going cp. It also men
*saw rum or -which is certainly important, it
coinrmy has been formed at To
avtlak and the mag i subserited,..for 6w]diag 5'
ship' aurilarocuid.the St, ldsrie Rapids, on the
Canada side.' It is said that a canal less than a
Wks knit *callretaoye the obet-action at the
Snag - and in referring to the omission of the
Ihdtedflotei to construct thoimprovernent, the
- "TimOoveninient owns on the bodes of Lake
thrprtmlor immeass domain, including within .
1111' Ilaiib the richest eoppei and iron mines In
thinned; end agriceld lands of great value,
wbk6lt beehive selling and offering &risk for
minselysin, and hes been holding out great in ,
damiteitete to nurehasertk 'encouraging sateen
'sad finnan to secure to themselves these rich
Wsis, Oiler et-the tame- thne, by refusing •to
0 1 41 4ib4 bSenrsy. to themselves and valuable .
Isody.lChse Men depreciating the value of its
°Mt miry lathe most effectual manner possi-
Asesseestihis to the emelt@ return, the popuht
dtbe all of Waterford, in Ireland, bass di-
Atsiareilb&E.Df.* its theleet tee years.-
6ilf,ool l * IbEitomluasp.—We learn by a
uyprptiio &Vetch from New Orkme dull the
otolledtegaoi..allseleeippl hare formelly re.
getthteted Goveroor,Qaftmeu as their suborns
bola 00141hWe in the etutohogielection. The eeto-
Ad •ot she Unica parti•in that' State, es our
eeedireemsmi, Is the non. Beery 8. Foote,
tote United ghetto Otelabn.
iegObelitrotes- Woe mod Dimudon bnoer
way phted, tad :wetted the letter isdestined
to awe with. ea *hal a rebuke itt
thaktt *ban io r yn. vat raise it. snaky had. or,
Ilue,te*lt honedteetejn-thefees , -*Fablic•
cepa orGOOD HOPS.
The latest mines itrete the 2d of May Sir .
Harry could scarcely keekitisironnd„ and wan
anziOnaly, awaiting relnforiements . :from Eng
land. The Peninsular and Oriental Company's
steamer Singapore, with 300 troops, had arrived,
but her liajety's steamer Tale= had not- A
Kaffir. ihief,.Whone alliance the Governor relied
upon, bad gone over to the enemy. The boors
were takingthe Delft' loan esgainsaint'ilitli
the enemy 12$ of the British troops men and
officers, bad been slain. We extract the follow
ing summery of events from the South African of
the' of April .
The irdelligence received by Thunsday's'post
is more gloomy than ever. A feeling of die+
coumgement and alarm seems to pervade alt
commonications from the frontier, and scarcely
any of the xriters find hope of relief from the
general anxiety, in any prospect that the frititre
. .
Our chrrespandent writes frtm ,Grahatali
Town: "The war he not yet commenced: - I 'be-'
Here that Creli. Pate, - Umhala, Moshesh will all
join the war party; andthat the danger will be
greater than it hits everbeett." And;then, speak
ing of thentatenf things - within , the border, the
writer proceeds to docrlbe some haunts of Hot
tentota, near Grahim's Town ' 'where a little ar
my of the men lately turned adrift
. by the Gov
ernor might and will seek , refuge, ~ ,F or 'our
own 'part," he adds:_pwo cannot at present ride
out of Graham's Towdwithoutrunning the eltatten
of being shot by some Hottentot, whom we must
pres-nme tO be friendly -until - it is too bad
out our mistake."
From the Sovereignty tho intelligence le very,
disheartening also. All the farmers in Caledon
river had formed themselves into "lagers" far
self-defence. The Bosutus had taken 275 head
of cattle at Soesberg from the Fingeel. Refuge,
bud been given in Moshesh's country to all the
best cattle of Bieurose, the chief 'with whom we
have been in such active hOstility. Theae cattle
were guarded by a strong body of 'Tambiokies,
Meurose'S people, LTA Bassitus. The Butane
were tilling, it is added, all their yellow cattle,
as the prophet had directed,the &Ors. Mesh
esh's eldest- son—who, It may be stated, has .
always been at the bead of .the wirr Tarty—
is said to have prepared a large force to joie the'
Tambootries, - but to have been restrained by hls,
Basvaa Counrc.—The Whig Ctinvention met
in Beaver county on the 2&I or June. Hon.
John Allison, presided. - The following ticket
was nominated :
President Judge—Daniel Agnew. Associate
'Judges=Chtales Lukens, Oliver Cunningham.
Assembly--Samuel Hamilton. Slierltr—Adam
Germly. Prothonotary—John Collins. Regis•
•ter and Recorder—Wm. 1111.lallIster--Clerk or
Courts—Win. K. Roden. Treasurer , -Thompson
M. Johnson. Commissioner—John Sutherland.
Auditor—Wm. Barnes. Trustee—Rev.. Jacob
K. Miller, John May.
Amohg the resolutions odoptell, were the fol._
Rewired, That the protection of our-own la
bor, in the field-awl in the workshop,: and sys
tem of internal improvements which will freely
circulate the products of labor among, us, while
they build up and enrich our own cititens, and
spayed widely the blessiogs and the rewards of
industry, carrying comfort and happiness in their
train, are now, as they always hare been; the.
cherished objects of our regard, while they are
also, the objects of Locofoco opposition and ha
Resolved, That though upon the subject of
slavery we may not unite in opium% with the Na
tional Ailioinistration, yet in other rehpects we
highly commend its policy/and course; antl feel
proud of the distinguished ability which has
marked its management of our Foreign affairs,.
while prudence, sagacity and patriotism have
guided our domexne interests.
Resolved; 13tat the onion of the States is an'
object of our greatest solicitude, avokirig the lore
of the put.,l6t;the anxious concern of the States
man, an •the admiration of the citizen of other
lauds. • In it we see the only means of security
and appiness, and the preservation of liberty
republican goternment to those embraced
ithin its ample folds; us well as the lamp to
light the darkness of other countries, 'and lead
them upward unto the open day of universal po
Resolved, That upon the subject of slavery we
maintain the position we have always occupied,
looking upon it as an institution at variance with
religion, the rights of man, and civil liberty, as
well as subversive pf the best interests of ).hose,
among whom it exists; and therefore we cannot
help expressing our dissatisfaction with the 'pro
visions of the theitire slave law.
Resolved, That we admire the character or
Gen. Winnfield Scott, the hero of Chippewa and
Lundy's Lane, sad the conqueror of Mexico, and
highly appreciate the many services he has ren
dered his country;' and we join in the common
sentiment that with him as our_ leader in the
great contest of 1852 he will again bear aloft to
victory, a" hoarier which in his hands has never
been sold by defeat.
Resolved, That we have undiminished cot
deuce in the ability, integrity, and patriotism. of
our excellent Governor Wm. F. Johnston. Ilia
undeviating support of the interests of labor and
of the protection of domestic industry, and his
able advocacy of a proper tariff of dutiei, for
these purposes, his prudent and judicious man
agement of all the affairs of State, and his meas
ures to reduce our immense debt, arresting the
downward course to rain, where she imi4been left
by Loci:Aro hands, and placing her upon& proud
eminence, enabling her to pay the Interest due
her clamorous creditors, as welt er! to commence
the liquidation of their claims, are deierving of
the highest commendation of men of all parties,
and entities him to a just reward, by reelection
to the post he-lots so honorably and AO success•
fully filled.
We invite attention to the following article
which we copy from the American of yesterday strikingly exhibits seine of the
finite of the policy advoc.sted at the latit locotoco
convention at Reading.
AXOTURR Pattssmix FROM rue Retiree—We
announced lately the failure of a number of fur
naces in Clarion and Venango counties, We also
noticed the stoppage of wore at several of the
Rolling Milts in - this city, We also-Published
the! report of the Board of Revenue Commis
'loners in relation to Allegheny county, showing
the depreciation of property, and particularly
in that at Iron and Cotton,. which was offeially
reported at fifty per test of its value: We have
now before us another instance of ruinous , de.'
predation of iron property on our waters—that
of the MOSOSOALIA loon Wonws on Cheat river,
a short distance from where' that flee stream
! empties into the Mcniongahela between Browns.
Title and Morgantown. ! In 1842 this !property
was purchased by an enterprising fi ne in Bald-,
more—the. Ellicotts—for POMO. Since that
time they - bad Improved the property by the
building of two additional furnaces, which cost
together $32,000, and expended in other valua
ble improvements in all $BO,OOO. It onside of
16,000 acres of land, one-fifth of which is fine
farming land, a large portion of which is under'
good cultivation—ono large rolling mill and nail!
facitory—threo large blast,,fornaces, eistfulg in
all s42,ooo—grist mill, caw will; and .. about 70
dwelling houses, many of them large and value-'
ble buildings. There is also on the place a
Ferry of note, which in times of prosperitYand.
trade, was of itself worth 8 , 200 rental—and a
land throughout abounding in Iron ore and stone
coal in exhaustless quantities, and excepting the
cleared farms, covered with heavy timber. This
extensive property was brought to the; hamther
at Morgantown, Virginia, and, with all its im
provements, sold by the Sheriff for $26,720.
An event of tbis kind presents matter for se
rious reflection. It in an evidence, inj the first
place, of the total want of ♦aloe attached to iron
property—the price realized being actually less
thou the value in ordinary times of goat trade
and good markets; of the land. In the second
place, of the growing scarcity of money which
the holders can more profitably employJ in bay
ing bonds, bills and mortgages, than inventing
it in Iron or landed property. The finals rro
duced by the 'fall of Iron, consequent upon the
encouragement of foreign importations tinder
our present tariff. The second is by the expor
tation of the precious metals to pay forithe im
ports thus made, not only of Iron, but a vast
number of other articles, admitted et; eon lll 3'
low rotes. •
in this view of thecase we would aslt—Who is
benefitted by the course of policy productive of
such results? Is it the laboring man, the farm
er, the mechanic, the printer, the doctor; the
preacher, the cool digger, or the boatman? Do
any of these find Moir profit in . this state of
things?, Was it the laborer,' who found Under It
constant employment and good wages Wee it
the former or Merl:wain who found under it fair
and full'prihet for the product of his firm and
his featory, with abundance of good money in
circulation? W 65 It the printer, the doctor;or
the schoolmaster, who found his employentland
customers with sufficient and ready means to
pay? Was it the preacher who saw bliecongro
gat t o ojoyous, happy, prosperous and devout
from t h, otorodanceand blessings around them?
If these things are so, why L 3 thlsomneof a de.,
monists' course brought upon no to °praw n , an d
destroy us? Let the question be onkel o f the
dominant Locofoco party la FnKrese,
,Att ranzve Otauary.--r'fbe folio g, which
we copy: from, an eapturn
. paper, U ate
. of the
most concentrated obituary notices we hitre reed
for a
log time. . :With the exception of, the
name, occupation, and realdenceof therdoccased,
the article-in; copied entire: '- • .1.••
'was a native -- or lisesichueette,' and
vceighid 250' posinds.7• - • • • • •- ;
TOL PUBLIC DZDT axn ran LocorocaPAWlT..--
The °glorious Principles of,
.Deiaocrsey" ate, the
subjects of ceaseless .ranting by Locofoco dt.
t o r s , and ceaseless . declamation by LoCofezo .
speakera' This Ls %mold trick ortie enemy.—
limy are et the old cry of". stop thief." Them
selves guilty .OT-what...if .lutown, would - keep
them out of power until years of repentance
had atoned for their crimes and given:earnest
of future honesty, they try to deceive the pub
lic by raising Woo issus*.-drawing off attention
from their misconduct-and thus escaping the
iodination of a betrayed and outraged peo
This titheir obvious desire. We ean'ealTord
to indulge them In it. Our duty' to the State im
pels us to may that-duly have used power iniqui
tously, Mid that they . hare made it the means of
saddling uponthe tact-payere of the State an enor
mons debt, which it will require many and long
yearrof economy and frugality to discharge.
• The Reading Convention appeared very much
frightened , at the idea of having n permanent
National - debt'' They said It would be an “in.
cubes , ^ which would greatly retard our prosper
ity; and they endeavored to throw the regonsi
bility. of its creation upon the Whig party.—
What a eel of hypocrites they are They had
power in Pennsylrania, .;uninterraptedly from
1824 t 0.1835. During that time they put the
State la debt, twenty-two millions three hun
dred and eixty.nine thousand five hundred and
eleven dollars and thirteen cents, ($22,388,511
Prom-1835. to 1848, when they where out
Of power, 'not a cent was added to the' State
- From 1838 to 1838, they were in power.—
When Johnson took office in 1898, the State,debt
showing an increase of nearly twenty millions in
On years. The -men • who did' this, now 'talk
about the Impropriety of creating public debt!
What hypocrisy! Their history shows, they are
good for nothing else. •
OM Johnston has been in office about theee
years. In that time he has paid more than
cofoco debt. —Do the people wish to have public
debt lessened no rapidly as 'possible? If they
do, let Stein reelect Glov. Johnston. Do they
want to redustate in powur themen who ADDED
about two millions to the State debt every year?
If they do, let them elect Wm. Bigler tiovernor
of the State.--ffairrivhdro Intel.
large estate belonging by Messrs. J. R G. Bliss,
known as the Emmett' Manufacturing Compa
ny, in Attleborongt; wan disposed of on the 9th
inst. The water privilege, a mill with GO looms,
the buildings and appurtenances; were ,"struck
off to, M. Richards, Esq., of Attletsmough,
(for 11,025, The residence of the late George
lilies was also purchased by him at $3,000.
.The dwelling house and. buildings of Mr:Jona-
Then Bliss were sold to 'Mr. V:iinith, of li'mv
idence. The new factory, no. called, was pur
chased by
.Blackbigbir; Esq., for $3,-
3to. The manufacturing property, separated
from the dwellings, coat - upwards of *50.-
000, and the
_latter trim " •S'i,ooo to $5,000
Such is the progress pia malt of the low
tariff or free trade.eystem, which now reduces
manufacturing property to a mere nominal 'al
rte. Nine out of ten of the manufacturing•estab
lishments must continue in this. niinous state of
'snspenie. Where the owners have the means
to hold them, and make important changes and
improvements in Machinery, the property may
ultimately pay adiiidend, but where they have
not; it must be than sacrificed. • Instead of man
ufacturing cotton cloth in Attlebois - rugh, and
giving employment to hundreds of citizens, the
cloth moat be imported. This is.. the:policy
Of the late Democratic administration, ; which
it has been impassible:to change, although the
administrator!' themselves were superresled.—
The fierier of the free-trade theoriata appears
to have silenced the music .of •home industry
in hundreds of the • niat' ntfactiringiviUages of
New England; and, instead of defending our
rights as northern freemen. we' mast 4 drill
ed and dragooned info abject sutuervfney to
the southern leaden and northern demagogues,
who hare mainly brought about this State of
The owners of the Whittenton teals .in this
town becoming convinced that-oho natal-still,
low-tariff policy would eventually - sierifice all
the property invested,. presided they 'attempted
to compete in the manufacture of ordinary do
mestics; and viewing this state of things through:
a prudent and sagacious perspective, they came
to the conclusion some .month, since to make an
entire change of their business, aubstituting
'new and valuable machinery for the manufac
ture of another grade of cotton febricattLat of
pantaloon stuffs And we tomer crammed a
more beautiful' article than some Of the Patterns
shown us a few days since by the enterprising
agent of these mills.' W. Lovering, Erg. The
whole procesa of coloring, 'pinning, -weaving,
and finishing the fabric. which is exclualvely of
cotton, tt'performed at these mills under his own
supervision. We can compare the appearance
of the cloth, which include:calmest every color,
to nothing nearer than French doeskin, of which
it is an imitation. Each 'goals wilt command s
market, if any clam of goods. will -Taunton
(Mau.) WM/. .
TUN Reza Reso.—We were 'happy to meet
here yesterday, several prominent citizens of
Washington county, Ohio.. They consulted- ith
nanny of our citizens upon the prospects of the
Rempfield read, sod found the utmost liberal
feeling to exist, and the strolighot passible de
sire to see the progress of the rdnd from Cincin
nati to Marietta—The distance from actual sur
reys and reconnoisances show that the distance
from Cincinnati to Philadelphia. New York and
Boston, by Otis route and the tissopfield, will be
at least 19 miles shorter than by the route through
Parkersburgb, the best that they can do. The
route through Columbus and the Central Ohio
Road is 10 miles shorter still. Through-the Cin
cinnati, Wilmington road 30 miles shorter than
the above, and thus the distance from Cincin
nati to Philadelphia beUonies about :I'D miles
shorter to Philadelphia; by-the.' liempteld than
the route through Parliersbuigh. The distance
to Baltimore is 24 miles* longer this way than
that would be if the road were made.
But to return to the Cirochnuall and Marietta
Road. That will be well sustained and well
worth coastraction: The 'Lexington and Mays
ville, Maysville and Chillicothe and Pertimouth
and Beverly roads wiliall form the most import
ant possible feeders .'to it, and open a large
amount of trade from - the heart of 'Kentucky
and Tennessee,all of which will find lid best mar
ket over the Hempfleld road. 'A
little skilful and
well applied energy on the part of thole interest
ed will soon put that road through:l )hating
Vistrs or iiroimmes to 100 CRYSTAL PALACE.
—The workmen, here, are all making arrange
ments to visit the Exhibition. The Cubbitts,
the great Minders who employ email ;ILO& men,
give all a day for the purpose, exacting a half
hour's additional work per day, afterwards, until
the loss bo atoned for The WOO laborers at the
variants docks are to be provided with free ad.
miaitisne. By this means, the poor will tie gra.
tifieel, and thousands who would otherwise have
no thanie to visit the prime, will bicenabled to
revel in all its voluptuous glory. And jet, it is
astonishing, with what admirable decorum the
great crowd daily conducts' Itself. Not an arrest!
Not a disturbance! Not a quarrel( All seem
happy.-ell laugh and push and struggle through,
and enjoy the little difficulties, where there are
any, as though tbeywere pleasurable! The po.
[icemen', are numerona enough, bat 'they do no
thing, and have no occasion to do anything except
ie. approaches, to request the multitude
gradually to retire. And this Is a task! The
'throng moves away so reluctantly. It cannot
bear to, go." It is only, when the' covers are
thrown ever:the glass caste, tthey are all covered
up at night,) and little by little each object is
bidden from sight, that they feel - bow vain it iv
to remain, and turn with a sigh' towards the
various debourhura in order to depart,
Tug Cursa Bova.-Quite a large number of
the Cedistiabi have , arrived among us of late.
enticed hither by the golden romance which has
filled the world. Scarcely a ship arrives here
that does not bring an increase to this worthy
integer of our population. And me heathy Chi
na papers and Ovate, advlces from that empire,
that the feeling is spreading all through the
'seaboard, and 33 a consequence, nearly all the
vessels that are , up for this country are so for
the prospect of passengere. A few Chinamen
bare returned, taking home with them some
thousands of dollars In California gold, and hare
thus given an impetus to the feeling of onigm
from their fatherland, which is not likely to abate
for some yeast° come. - '
Through their Chief here, and their Agent, Mr.
Woodman', they have got poisetion of a large
tract of land •on the Moquelumne, which they .
have commenced cultivating, and are fast set
Meg it.'. - -They are . among themost industrious,
quiet, patient people among tie; Perhaps the
citizens of no nation except the Germans are more
quiet and valuable. They . Seem to live under
oar Lone as Whore and bred under then, and
already have - commenced an expresaion of...their
preference by applying for citircuship, by, filing
their intentions in our courts. .. What will be the
extent of the, movements now &tog on in ICitina
and hire is not easily foreseen. We shall on
doubted/3,, have a very large addition to our pop=
elation, and it may not be Mau* years before
the halls M'Congress are graced by the presence
of long-queued Mandarin sitting, voting, and
B=tql berate Don from Santa Fe, and a
r . Bout Rawaildtla Californian.
Trim NUITII BURCH CANAL - There ton fine
buoinese doing on the Canal. We , see by the re
port of Mr. Smith. the Colletor of tolls et
Bosch Ilareo, that the tens fox , the month of
May exceed thoskot but yearroi.theeame mouth
imuiy 1 $10,000; This Is a entjering Inc:reuse,
and shows. '
statement of the deponita and 5
'Branch Mint; New 'Orleans, dueiti,
May 1851: •
Gold bullion,
Silver bullion,
Total drpooits, ' " lgti g osa 11
. __ 1. '
Illoubleelogles, -49,760 $ BB 5, ll I . I
Eagles, , 13,600 136,111
Quarter'regles, 28,000 70,000 '
• Total gold, ---$1,200,00) in . )
Halt dollars, 92,000 $21,008 • .
Dimes, 80,000 8,000
Half dimes, 160,000 8,000
Total giver, --•-• $ : ..17,000 00
Total coinage of gold& silver, 181,617,000 00
From the Preshyteriotof Me wee[.'i
NMIt. EDITOR publishing: the minutes of
the . vlieneral Assembly of the the.
Church, I perceive you have omitted the Rev.
Dr. McGill's letter. And why shonki it be omit
ted ? Some of the people of this city wish to
see it—the people of the Seventh Presbyterian
Church ought to see It—it would iwobably have
a tendency to reconcile them to the disappoint
ment:occasioned by the decision of the Assembly,
which decision woo, no doubt, greatly influenced
by that letter. Please publish It In your piper
of Thursday next, and oblige a member of the
Seventh Church.".
Saturday, June 14.
I !tope the General Assembly will pardon the
trouble, and not deem it wholly irrelevant, for me
to submit a consist atatementof faits, connected
with my resignation of the place,lwhich I have
held for nine years. Much misrepresentation
has been made: undealguedly, no doubt, for the
most part, yet calculated:to papier" say mind in
the course of duty, If not also to Idlininieh my
usefulness. I had !abortd four years,,in two de.
partments of the Seminary; and hid become 5-
unity discouraged with the impression that oar
defective organization of the Faculty would be
continued WA indefinite period longer, notwith
standing the injunction of the last General As
sembly, to increase the finances of the Institu
tion, for the support of a third Professor.
• A communication was received last' summer,
from the Seventh Church of Cincinnati, submit
ting tome, that they would elect me to be their
paator if I would favor their application; I an
swered with expressions of fondness for therea
t/Pi relation, but of strong fear that my health
would not warrant a return to that manner of
life. They captioned the urgency however, and
nt length I proposed to visit them, at a come
pieta season; being unwilling that' s any people
should call me to such relation, without some
experience of my ministration among them.
Before the time for that visit arrived,. I re
ceived information wholly unexpected, that the
Synod of Georgia bad elected me to , the vacant
chair of their Seminary at Colombia. This in
vited= I was very much inclined to !accept, and
awaited the action of the Synod of South Caro
lina, in their vote of confirmation. While &Walt-
ing iu this way, the time arrived for my visit to
Cincinnati, during a abort vacation in our Semi
nary, about the beginning of dot year. But the
visit was providentially bindernd at the set time;
aud l did not deem it a duty to go, after my ar-
rangement in the Seminary bad been resumed
The Synod of South Carolina confirmed the
election in tieorgia, by a divided vote, and before
received a satisfactory explanation of it; I re
ceived another communication from Cincinnati,
proposing to go on with • call, without my visit,
if I would accept. This letter I answered by re
peating the difficulties which lay before me; and
which, I supposed, would discourage them from
proceeding—yet intimating, that,
..if after all,
they should deem it their duty, to throw upon
me the responsibility of deciding, I would accept,
providing I could be ostisfied that my health
would allow it, and that my resignation at Alle
gheny would bepecepted—l soon after received
informotion, that they had fixed the time for pro
ceeding to a funnel call—l consultedaome three
or four intelligent and eminent medical ,friends,.
who strongly discouraged me from returning to
pastoral labor. I sent • telegraphic dispatch,
on the day appointed, 'stating the fact, which
was read at the Congregational meeting. They
proceeded however, to make oat an unanimous
call, nod scot it by the bands of two commission
err. Thlasingular urgency, under all the cir
cumstances seemed to he the hand of God, shut-
ling me up to that COW"e of duty; and i accepted
precisely in the terms I had promised--and with
the additional itipulation that, if
. posslble,
publication of the call ehould be made, until the
time came for my entering on its duties.
The question of health wait one of deep and
painful anxiety, on which every one -around one
expressed an opinion adverse to my dechilorb—
For this reason, and because the opposition In
South Carolina had beta satisfactorily explained,
reserved in my hands a declination of the of
fer from the South, some two weeks after this in
terview with the Commissioners from Cincinnati;
when publications appeared, announcing in the
most unqual fried manner, my acceptance of that
call. I instantly declined the offer from Colum
bia, lest my conduct might be misunderstood;
and from that time, the 11th of March lamb to
this day, there has been no other Issue before
me, but that of Allegheny and Oncinnatl: leis
true that many noble hearted friends at the
South have urged mete reconsider my declina
tion; but the course pursued by some ',Letups,
pers, mil a multitude of talkers, has rendered
this impossible.
Nor has there been any compromise, or re
traction of my word to the people of Cincinnati.
The strong resistance at Allegheny is certainly
none of my procuring or expecting. But, on ev
ery account, it Is one which I am bound to res
pect; and I de no far respect it. as to say, that,
if the Assembly sustain the action of our Board
of Directrus, and decline to take my resignation,
I shall acquiesce, and cheerfslly return to toy
past. But I cannot recall my resignation, inns.
much as the only satlsfactifin !received, that my
difficulties then would be removed, cams toolale
tq govern my conduct in the premises. Ills due
the directors to any, that they are worthy, in ev
ery way, of the trust committed to their hands,
and have always treated your Professors there
with kindness and paternal regard. I could
Apra .0 lefr-lintr weeny, them milk roviort. And
had there been a prompter'exertion on the part
of the churches and people, to make that Semi
nary what it ought to be, I would not hone
thought of leaving it for any other situation in
the church.
I regret, inexpreesibly, that any personal mat
ter of mine should be made tovvxnpy, for n me.
meet, the attention of the (lei;era! Assembly;
hub! have been constrained to detall them thus
far, that the reason may be apparent for casting
myself implicitly on the will of the Assembly;
aud:that the ntifounded surmises of some, that
there has been vacillation on my part, may be
removed, not only for my own eake, bat fur the
honor of We Assembly itself, whose servant I am,
in more than one relation.
Very respetfrlly,
ALeX. T. MeGu.t..
NPAICAN 11011706.11 Y.
Letters have been received. In this city from
El Prom del Norte, under date of the 14th April,
statirig that Lieut A. W. Whipple,' Acting
!thief Astronomer of the American Comm(mien,.
bad determined the initial point on the Rio
Grande where the eouthern boundary of New
Mexico strikes that river, in latitude 32' deg. 22
min. north, being the latitude...agreed on by the
Joint Commission. This parallel of latitude
was deduced from four hundred and thirty-four
astronomical observations on eleven atom. On
the:tbird of April, Lieut. Whipple met M. Sala
'Art, the Chief Astronomer of the Mexican Com
missio6; who had also determined the }UAW.
They then agreed to incorporate their observe•
floes, and, by giving equal weight to each to
recommend to the Joint Commission the result
en the point to he adhpted. The Joint Conimis
°ion had agreed to meet at the Initial point, as
above determined, on the Vat April, to ratify the
decision of the astronomers, and to lay the corn
erstone of the monument which was to be placed
thereon. •
The Quartermaster. Commissary, nod Medical
Deportment...had moved to the 'Copper Mince,'
accompanied by all persons connected with the
Commission not on duty netts the Rio Grande.
An soon as the initial point should have. beep
marked, the operations of the Conatnis.slonwould
he 'root of the [tin Graeae; all its members wotibi
then be beyond the Rio Orande, except theta
otationed at the Astronomical Opservatory near
El Paso.
No train or messenger had arrived there from
San Antonio since December last; hence they
were without advices from the Atlantic States
einem the 11th October. The mail, via St. Louis
nud Santa Fe had just arrived, but no despatches
were received by it.—Nat. hod,
Winnow—The newly discovered coal region Is
said to be inexhaustible, awl - coil can he deliv
ered on the bunks of the Colombia river, at leas
thin $lO per ton.
The population of the whole Territory, as as
certained by the CODBII3 of 1850, Is 13,323 ;
houses, 3278: milts, 45.
A eteamboat is Omit to ply between the Cas
cades and the Falls of. Columbia. The company
at the Cascades -base-already nearly completed
a railroad around the portage.
The Western Star Bays -that the bust steamer
broughtimite a number of penances from the
States. -- Mr. Proton, Surveyor General of Ore
gon, and family, and Mr. Nelson, Chief Judge of
Oregon,.are among the number--also five female
William Kendall, oonvicted of murder, was ex
ecuted at Salem, on the 18th of April, maid •
large ca of n.
r , C°.7 5 ,• 9.40?
following is •
LIIC6 OIL ABOVE InatElL—lbe lack man can tell
good miUdorb7tplui quirk to a Dr. eke tell • good
dilated by eating It. And II one matt tit. It, and nods it
year. It will destroy the popolarlty with ton wbolo city.
Yon watt Introdnee a medicine into ;ovular m moles it
Foment reallyerthatentlal atrium hoe frcan'ell bet effect.
of valid objeralons. and It is Ms hat that has eitabliand
the reputation of 'entail's Inaspound VlOl4 ifatract. of Saw
enough.. Mond ail card or disseda., tia action ism
the . huh.. system bin &Condone. with rollout awe phl
keonbleal prinetples—it promotes the radon. mentions
aal maim of the body, amore obstroations, displace,
morbid and dimmed Inattarorlarogthea the etolnlab
.U 1 .0 1 ., °Mans, rouges on; Pore. 'trat healthy
bleed. wad regulates the ration. trusellons or the different
Gram of the body. this Is all surnamed without the
bad doom abut's. the Prelardlnh Ingo. safe.slt
I. ellearlona -It may be thought byabe skeptical, that It
Porlants to me too many diseatre. hot titan examine
'town trUl be banal that a lens. ntalorltY of the dime
e• which allot the bum.t hunlly osiglost• to an immune
state of the blood. B. not ‘ &delved, then, by other Saw
sr.l.llba be canoed you by toy oilers of mimes
water prematiortw sea robetnute forth. miens!
John Bull'. learnumillat Thin valuable promotion the
proptietor wononto to be superior to all otbms.
• • Be et the
g thavlonth of
$078,845 14
14 02 97
Carrfoa.—Bean and eat far the original Dr. John
Mar Samurai Ltd /map Keldenb. - b—and hare no afber Ere
orrrtlsemeat au another page.
KEYS= 111•41 WELL. 140 Wcad
irllblawboe'r . Retail agents.
Petroleum I
Agra Miasma, Ilusatinadoo ocs, Pa., Ruch I, 'a.
F. U. Rumo—Dear to. Yost. Petroleum to working sow
- dews In MI. viclulty; theralbre we would thank you to nerd
.o two dame by dm Panoply !rugs Railroad. W. are mg
sirsly out. and It I. briar inquired for Oncost every day.
Yours, respectfully, JOUR LONG A W.
Raiment; Ashland 00, 0.. Matti 10,'01. -
It. N. Rua:--Dear Air, Your Agent, a few weeks since,
Ist with uslour dosen4teck Ulf. whirls we have sold.
Pim". forward to ua all Immediately.
lour medicine Is working marten lo Was maim. We
rau obtain galena mmilent sertlficetes, if you desire them.
yours, to.. W. W. ELAYTT.
For .1. by Kamer A Hamm% 110 Wood street K. B.
0.11 o. 07 Wood street R. A. Pabraestork, A Os, comer
Wood nod Front advert D.ll. Curry. D. A. Elliott, Joseph .
Doughum.d It. P. Athwart; Allegheny. abso by the pro.
relator, tl . N. KIRK,
aplielkwer Canal Rmiu.Sereutb et., Pittsburgh.
sarMcLarnes Ltvu Pna.s.—ln offering
this toodiclue to the pablir, the proprietors are .It aware
that 'they have to rpoottater a hostility generated by the
roanUrss liapcmitioas which have been palmed op. Um
Public under the shag* of patent roediritie. We are eon
tinged. hoverer. that it Is only emissary to she their re
coyly a trial to plarvi it to public estimaUon far above all
tannest agents ot the laud ever offered births public: It
is the inveutioo of an enlightened, experileorsvi.itail ivorir
kilphysiviari. who for many years Irani It hi tai L own prac
tice. when Its great storm isidarril biro lo offer it to thy
public at lame.
Vor sale by J. KibD k CO..
No. dl. Wood Me
Apairlleader 1 a word to you. If you wish
e. have • Mo.t excellent medial. io your holm, to tiee
immedtsloar In cu. of borne. mita. sprain* brute.,
beaded" loon:tube. neuralgia mans, numb....
Lc, Co and get a bottle of 11. tl. Pamir+ Arabian LI..
meat. sal you will god It unequalleg by any conlicina of
the kind I. the •bula adrertierment
1.2. •
Foreign and American Hardware.
No. 129 Wood Street,
HAY'S NOW IN 81.0121 e
s toll azi romplau•toek of FURVUIf.A.VO AMERICAN
...w.f. lb. wing Dad., and which Cher are prepared
to offer Co purchamr. at rams that will maw.
f..orably with an:of the . ..Horn calm
Citizen's Insurance Comimny of Pittsburgh
NT Mae ?to. 41 Wm.. Otreat,ln tn. warehouse ore. U.
1h144.. Hussar, President h um*n, Seer.
arnpany Uwe/ prepared to nwrchandlat
In nom and In tnualtn, Tenet. Co.
An ample unatsaty for the ability and Integrltr of th.
allorded to tho character of the Ihrectort,
who are all Hiltons ord'lttsburigh. well and favotablr
known to the ecomuulty for tholr prudence, Intolllgoun,
and integrity
thatroas—.o.lL Hurter, Wm. Haulr, Wm. Llninwr,
Jr.. Walter Brant, Hugh D. ICI., Achrod ficatleton.
John Hayworth , S. Uarbausrh. 6. AL Filsr.
7. Pittsburgh Life Insurance Company.
PrrAArnt—laszt S. Mos.
vice PftsArm—Sown )(remnum
Trraaarer-Jaen b. Luca.
treretary—C . C0,.0
Airt.a. • alrentsement A argother part at MA ram.
Last Week of Glidilon:g Panorama of
tiIIDDONI fat Wool Transparent Noma. or
Fab a rplroditi Oalleryof Egyptian Attritry,lla ni ytibibk
ore rand superb Tableaus of Illiiroaly Sertuors.
Oral Ibrayipbcos by tiro. E. Glid4oot , onarri y s. (bo
wl at Cairo. Otioalal florid at roich Every
voriiing at
.doe dos
sad boiturdar altar
aoras at 3 edoe doors open an hour briar, Atlizilsrioti
testa—rbllttnio halt yorizr—arbooly or .Z 1 pupils ant
er.lo oinui—Trarbers oral rcboota fora 036
Oa Thanlay moralise. lb. %Lb last. Fr the Hes. Ch...
Otaks, ltr. Casaus a atom., mot Mies Etalas,.l.sos
a INDIAN loosoial. EN.
Oa nut "Xth last. by' ttis 1t... W. B. (luau& Is.. Z.
Worm. of Clacisitisti, nal lista.. 1., astishar of Joh,
Pssaor, Esq. of this city.
Thursday., the high Mug, .t 3 ceeloelr, P. N., Naar
Ihmemoh . MCA of the late Jobe illebolam, of tltte
bergb.) le the T:th year of b. age. The funeral will
pranged from lb. nwilleem of her rim Atelrew
rem. BS PM& atreet, to the Allegheny Cemetery. Ole (P.S.
doll elegem.; et 3Velork. The friends of the fetidly Kr.
lowited to Kasai.
Scott Sleeting
ge- The Committee of Intl tstion, appoint
el by the T.,rott are nosed.. to meet at tbe UR
ace of the Chalnath, thplana's cocas of Fifth
.. ....I.e. J. 17
1 o'clock. A (11l alto... Jane. I re0....e.t. •
Tb• actual roe. tbe lthom
T. J. Meth.., Robert Portor, • Try... U. K.T.
I. &j ~ ty.A. Cla.rlto• Arab.. Lay...
Trend. Kano. •Thrabst JODI, Job. koau•Jr.
p":/ T. J. 111.111Ath Ch•Jramo.
PAINTS (MOUND IN OIL, in 1 lb. cans.
C Burnt and Haw I.lmbrr. Cbnnne litllan.Partatinfra
ernes. Mu*. &f 4 far ado L T
jei; J. tkeIIOONMAKER lc (XL, 24 %Vont rt.
A LeolloL-76 and 92 deg. atrengtb. hr
n. by I pan J. BCUW]NARCRI OU. ,
WHITE 0 E-3 Lbls. for sale by
V Is= • J. SeltOUN 1 Kali W.
_Nerve and Bone Linirueut—.s
eras+ far sla. b 7. J. BefIOONMAKIKa Jt W.
1,7 'lira tarn h••• 7. f•• ••3•
jeJ7 J. bellOON MAK Elt • IV.
HAVE just received from New York, att
otbor lame lot of ary strt. WINDOW CORNICIIS
IrtAIN BANDS V. sat* low. • -
MACK„EItEand L.. --' -00 bbl!. No. 3 Sul:44 to
Sbbla aft* Lam Na 3 511.terelt
lu No. It
110 bbl bbla.
306 ' 6 ' 1- No. 1 Balt Ilerrlar.
- 1 Extra Iraatlrr ° ll' l ou 6 r- Ib ior We br
.oe7 JO/IN wirr a co.
104 4 I 40:4114 P (0 :44
No. 8 Si. Clair strut, Pitt,burgh,
TUERE tho Pobliattione of the Soeiciy
cut b. halal 'Ostalatros Priam A lame We
moat ran received. Special attention Is ealled to the fob
baring tesallfal Llbrwire:
Illstwaws (or Pgalue.)1111190. 24 rola, 171r00.. $lO.
904.33 . 111da55ar, 70 rat. $lO.
F 4b6= 64 4lll7l'll 7 lritl stilt 4 s h Fv >Y. l ' l l4'
of „ Lr ol .„r
I.l= t bedass Ihrotwbottlbe an d. IV It I t ultrrest
North. 0o:Ith Laril mod Watt. Th. LlbrerTilabriaes the
adlowlag Works: _ .
1.4 ri..s None. 1.1,e4p - Wilberfarro atehroond;
Rea. Tracts, 661411: Villwr thy 34999ta1ni,
9 9993. 9 1 . 49 4
10 1.193 upon ups; -
30 Mom. of blur Lathrop,
11 Precept uton Precept, 311 I.lllle 114brp . . Ae4
40 The Widow tot. de, -
II Vi i ll t erhs*Lecia to 41 Louses to Little Ctaldrett
chair., War ' 43 lelles Cuardadllsat 40,
16 Ctdkl'e Boot on the Este 43 Meat of Jobs AI. Meat:
do. C. L. Pfloslcost
111 Abbott's Child at Hama 40rarest Truth.
17 41•11sodst's hoalblkok of 44 Pastar's 134ashIer:
14414.41Tbr010m librpbord of tiallsburp
le Cbarlags n Yll46 l retys Pen •
..Lfasew: •
Memoir of Arizonan. R.
tr) AUslooarn °ought;
21 Leigh Richmond's Letters
sod Oonnutle
71 Memoir of Catherine E.
2.1 Advice to • Young Chen.
24 th" 534. tt;
an nun Moms;
20 ldennte of fauns H. Pot.
26 Broddrer Taira about the
r; uslryman's Irsugktsr,tc
2 , 4 UnnuartY, ist. Jonah;
IV do. CblltYr Book
30 Trriktet=lowiter
f Bible;
31 Strirrole of Henry Oboal
32 Untrenton of Jetsle Lit
.13 Rektor., Alobabetof air
at !lemon of 24. W. Dirk.,
35 Spaded MU, to;.
1 1
Any banner' relstlro to Cu
llnsongoe, or On fourrol
envies promo , oftrontut. u
.Byn n
To Business Nem
SUBSCRIBER intends starting on a E Bailsman law to the Habra Calm on or slant t'6. 1 of Jul?, sad wlll Woad to .or business rutrustod
Air r.i. with promatossa sad Ildellty.
Oaks la Tllahmso 14.11. Malt. Marisa Wm Maar,
arforrbera—Jao. Morrison. P. O. Muria, D. NASA it,
Itsalptos. Uro. X. Arnold, sod Wro. hletlandlors,
Bazin's (=masa to Fionssei) p er f umes
• for theßandkerchief. •
ttXTRACTS of Rose, Orange Flowarq u es- .
otalive. Portugal. potaglagweat y
A/V=1,:;=,,,,,TAT,2 x d a
Mou.olita)Abamtithitauk= l ll, uorlfueltle,.
17:::111::: W.ll k, Jollutud. tr.,* 111=11..=
sod Zstraot bloat. •Ith glans gp•
para. ill U. above hottitota.olo.o itte oy.. part of big
ansortumat. ara of th e na,srelmutlowr, wag =out.-
tonal with upecial t ie
country, tut th l ia
i• IL. S. WSUSIS. 62 Wood
't`4l IiSTBURY :. a Tale; by Anna. Harrret
Dru ,ry .tboren of . trk.nds and Portuun."
ut Du Ba d •• It• Baum co Maur Mem to • Charade
• 0•••dy ID Ow or* foldir D. Doluer Lytton, earl A r ;
lira srcl at Drraustar• llov• tu lik•
lb, ma vti. snisi utsbmnteoc.4u="'"'"
Th• us
. t . 4 Bight a nary of git• Drawl Dam Dr
D. W. halo. Ttio ate v• Jugurte viand br W 4 br -
jai . . D. DiallD/WD. W Ziarlut et, "
Wm. X XeXiiight
'WILL give epeeial attention tatbe Callen;
tloa or chime for Iteorhouta Yet otborrh - Do Wert
rro Pionsrlewd* sod Eastern Oblo.
m Olt . .7 „. in k,. Tlkehrneo opportte the beer Coml. Rh...
Kehl . ..none—John Do-Moon F.C. Fleresto. D. X. While,
pad. t oad W. M Ertl. Mme, •
nso ..=, mtd, aim ...I so- .. W IPP L W , P `in
z.. 0 Crowe
D./ - Double Croons
- ...
125 . aavalea Kaallla ..
tie "
IS - vopritoe Post Delve Papfn . .L
100 - Doable Medium 2.152r7 Matta( P. .
100 " Imperial =TS .•
SI 1.2.1 . " •
The above. -
with a lot of old d in of papers, for de at
tb.lloreat prima, by
_. W. 21. iuyvf. •
~... .. _
. ..
KY IQ bbla Oman
1 keg Lank
1 .nAc Gamma;
i 1
os4 bags Ginseng;
21 " =err.
I " • Wool; to anise per Wan
Cep. Af ay, fur Ms by ISAIAH DICK IT W.
ie:l6 166 Water street.
perk.. ihullostou ,grooked Liming, Om sals
140 tinksys ant Tea Dean.
JAVA COFFEE-10 bags very superior,
.11. t reed and for axle q)..
A. iIeCLURO 1)3.,
OAF 9UGAR-sthdoaves Loveriug's Dou
letVit. A. a
. 4 Dr a 00.
Lawrenceville et Sharpsbrag Plank Road.
mull Stockholders of "The Lawrenceville
II wad Sharpoburg Mike kcal Coarsay.i' are hereby
awned that weesataeni or s2,blioa withal:ere hashers
wale by the Board of rimers, wad which they are re-
Pith r ilberty streets," ori ' ol ,t hearre the deji c i ' f f
r j te t re A l i r ' Petl ' ola d tleteilr liis s t 2 L ' , ° cor 'h i h*" a
las month. ..41163 ELAKILLi. Treasurer.
L) AU ED BLANK BOOK4,—Blank Boas,
L of ♦very Non math and Malted ,In . t . nre g „,
Blank Bank Manotacteer t Tidal atre•B
Jr2d Waraboaas, Mutat st, ear. of Maenad.
Second Street Property for Sale.
,r CLOSE an Estate, Two very des iz ija
mtd. w.n ft sillhed three story BRICK
ELLINUS. owgroand. imattittletely above goti
field street, (nett containing eight rooms and ettirt. with
Lath rooms attached, ell ppiled from rwages with het mid
enid water.) will be Id Mr The 11001../11. LIARSrIy e.g.
Eta) will b. Imitated at U timer( .o.rehewri the bee..
In erTuTet=tlp l 7 1,r_to_ NH BALM,lett
re. the estate of AL Kelm, geed, IleesmOoleays best
wan C 0.... 110 Water K. Je=steerilenT(thg)
Goode for Warm Weather.
Oast miner of wane and Market streets, am well
tom, led with goods adapted to imam weather, suet we
ant French LAWNS;
Embroidered alai Printed Musßac •
New Myle Vktoria
Derswes and MS.%
Pain while Swim and Moll Alnyllon
Ammo De Lalnen
They have Jost reesimel anOttod let of NNW 00000,
rieh m Parasols. changeable tUlks Par &arta, black (Or do..
Mark Nobel, MIN, Lisle 010.CAUndenlearres, Dotted Nett
lid do. :mat p i nto lult?.lllArk Linen Ludir,Vvaelt
11711 . 1i, ' I d ikenteigas POPLINe L tow
'elude musortsl2•l3t bekle very hill, with Mutant •trel6
pions of [rw •Oklittolll2Tratess.lathannakts
hn• offend to buyers to mil hut maks thstr purchases.
At um one Hucs ert= or
A. A. Mason & Co., 62 and 84 Market et.,
WILL commence on THURSDAY, June 26,
1651. and continua throughout the month ofJoty
Wholesale Rooms .111 be opined to Ow retail Mids,
and every article throtaybout the estatdlstunatt will be
Nit at an immense nductice from usual Plitt.
Harlow recently made =bond. latshasaL
went will be found very tholes and (Liable.
Their eat of Sans. co:mulling mm! than SOO Needs,
will be clewed oat at so immenea Haw= front usnal=.
Good Dress hilts as low at -
Yak Poplins. -21 c.
lt,t aerate De Ulna
Vast Colored Lamm_
ram trench Lawns —l2k Yam
Yoe French dworwt-._ .......
Ved res. French and - - - - LA , • 6! :
1 1 1 1 41 1 =net ......
!AA Wwnight HAW,
t .
I , A) owe andallinicanZlaUcces.
30,0 . ud boles Bleached and flown Mogi., at m e_l
Also. Laces, Inibrolderlen. Trim:dam Hosiery, Gknes,
Lawn. White Ovals, Emmet; Shawls, Cloths, in tootle
ytwith an .sae VlLtiatt 1:‘ all kinds of Dry Goofs. all
which will to matted down at oven bow than Eastern
bolewde price. 11e251 A. A. MASON &CO.
R ILL PAPER--A superior lot ]'net
JJII and for vale br W. S. HAVEN.
/CZ corner of Sewed aarl Mutat Av.
lIILLETT'S 303 PENS--A fresh supply of
thfte ruptaor atm Pea..adiVa alea
R. S. ILMNII Stalonar.
Ja.s comae! Seam! awl Marta sta.
- -
. and wart nom - Will Pre. in ins—ones. on.. • am
triple, by nrbleb all frietion Le overeanw. gruiconnequalt
li requiring I+ , 6latex than the common *mew or layer
preen For rule at W.I. WAVES'S
Jeer. EtatitoneryWalbonne.lforket et.
WRITE'S BRASS BAND willpe..xform is
this Gauieu. on FRIDAY RUBINO, Jaw Mks,
cruusiewcing at tl o'clock.
The recsareboot LINDSEY will Hare bar landless (lama
"eZ. rot ' .
Ll. l
tilerkre t er ' , '" f g
Artrattberus to Oa &west, 10 cards. Milano free mum
elfeßtlysalul by their mynas. les Creams, Raspberries.
wan h. rarreohownla usually fluniabed la ebb Garden.
will bo ow bawls In abundance.
Y. 11.—Ttle eemboat LINDSEY Is weer eased am tte
melte tireepcel peke, and peetmelty maLkfzeiel
-Arkelek and chart. Ouetio.l
Black Tea from Liverpool.
• chola lot of lame ati4 Vim IXINGIOU
.14, tibia upon trial will be funal to 0•Illita abr.
T. 4 pay In PM/burgh. Tit• public are 10thad to try time
ree—U,, inch .4 Scotch fauna In particular—.
buy an usactly sasta nada of law tbny used In th.
Conotn, 14Z
IoU tba. ton reed .4•Ior w Weal.. and is
A Linuaxas.
Anent for Plitsburgb.
• Land for Sale.
PRE undersigued, Executors of John Cun
t oloabaso. ollk b ereablr to a. last will awl testa
oellrne'l:"l.4 lap ":071.1 00 4 the u'l 11 " 71 . ongalw .:11" ta = rieer. onotalf mitt
Wt.. McKeesport. le hartulawalllegbroy count).
Mt. Farm rectal:a about 30 awe 01 0,1. of rod
II • VS, 14 . wren to the Weer. •
Earelwerre we requested to samlaoh
l•aosuel Coonletabaso. John W . art., or Tha R.
ewe. Eareotow. ie24•ht
PECT A CLE St-1V he ve a complete
1 stork of thekt. &low awl EtaallipectarteWatat h. heat
quality of mows awl =crawl Glam. Ws at 1 to
ewer wariati of Oslo. aeconllng to the beet i n w ee lesof
optleal mere, Lja4l W. W. l
tioe of It. males! Intentltif L baltwi to U. [» Ear Foustalo e by Ur. Poet a. Uorallat, of Ewe York.—
Just rwelvol awl foe sate At W. W. 811130 E.
tell 4
It OTTLE CORKS-800 ja r o, for rale by
14.2.4 •.• 67 Woad at.
DAR'S GREEN-540 lb& sap., rer rale by
LIQUORICE ROOT-50016a. for sale by
Jo= a . t. =LEM
MEW NO. 3 MACKEREL-:I0o bbla. and
6G 664. barrivy Der esaajouvd( alb/ by
.1•24 JAM= DALZILL. GS Wal tt
from tb. manafarturorv. 1600 hot Lightdi/flos, br
al dill rumor.. for rale at tba /11414 Robber Dodo.,
Nun 7 aaJ V Wool at J. it 11. P/111.1.1113.
jr:11 •
1 UST RlONlVED—Aisupply of Indiaßub
4.41. the Poet Olhoo—
ow or the loop /NM; . tale of real Ilk by Patellae
leo Heat.
The Daughter of Night a story of the preeest time.
Not ox Bed a. we Seem • comely by Bolosm.
DletiorT of Mechanize. No. 3 . 4.
I.lttel • Living No. 3;1.
tarArt.,Mt'=;;lbr")T—Skk 1.
Orehauea m elagerloor
kr i LtAeigriltll, '•
The Hour: or the Lazard. of Women; by Rohrer: •
Cheap Black De Labe.
(11/1 oP•Wol • lot of Us tall wool) block Its at
• price of 37tio Sea
seam can An bad at lb. store of
).= , 11131tPliir t BURUBSIELD.
49 PoWS - 0,4.
49 Putnam and tors. odic.
60 Woltar's Taith gattando.
61 Walter's Repentance do;
52 lilltatieth Dales;
53 tinesliarrarn
64 Mazy af Toulouse, ge4.
5 4:
554.55. 1d 1 , 20 em: ' ,. 447r 15.b; 1h 0f u e. .Ell l :sa: ester
68 Parlor be Porter, 104
69 Omega Lor d ) god
CU thillaudets Lao of Jwl
5 Lamm }Word from tho
G 3 Tlistl i fio True;
0 . 8 t•e9 itlitsml to M.
04 With red thumb Rom,
67 Children forked to
Child the Bible;
IM Dkuur Children;
:79 Rolls l'lumba
. 1301aTO and the amisrleffif
rations of the foefotr, win
D. N.
fondant of Colportago.
WiLLD, (femoral AgeoG
F isH-10 bble. nexLake Trou t
ions .•
J. 2 3 3. ILTAIIMLD.
N. O ; gOAR,-Z hhde.f
CODA casks for dale by
W 23. • R. & W. HARIAOOII.
130TAT0ES-150 litrtir sale
Ai W. 11A9n1001.1.
FLOUR -100 bbls. est= ram., for .alb,by
023 •S. W. lIARBAI3OII.
DEACIIES-75 bu. for ludo by '
1.v7& IV. 111111180011.
VIIEESE-50 boxes groom, for eato by
icra -.8. a W. JIARHAUUJI.
.v t .o l' io m . l, FAUm m stv .l "' ; '" A "4l==tr a g i t
Mee, ° oar. sad itukl. " nolisr Mato emit apply but such as
ran befog toll testlaioulals of envie/Apia sobriety. Ap..
air to or seldniim J. U. a It U. aLLIPOW, lialUmare.
NAIL RODS-95 bandlos
for oak br IS. F. VON EONNUOEST s CO.
aLASS--400 boxes Window Glass, assort
' d " a°
21 Y. VON nosurfloarri
tjAY FORKS, Ilay—Retkes, end Scythe
14 Naosth; Ibr We by
.1.21 rt F. NON BONNHOUT W.
Pure Brandy for Diarrluma, ea
EAR IN MIND! abould poi need French Bassidj. en ens Imre can b. oMgilnexl es moms.
nt the Dlezniand. nt SI pm Snarl or bottle.
D.i go t'rims 1 .,
. .“r j
110BRIW T. I. U.
or or drairced Teas aro Darer kryi
HatirrenL Jai
NJ/ Pt R.-A superior lot of Om above artklo jest nea
ned ot lady b7' TIIOMAP. PALMNE.
• • . 66 Mane. at.
White Paint
x MIMI int! Ibr sale No. lnd Wool wt. •
11. lo—Wo invite ths Mtn/Im a of noose ear Sfassebeat
Ihdotsawto this snick'. which.. have bees using Ibr op
.ward. of thtro maaths. sod ow rem:sound to borafferlor
to white lad twit/ to sr•rrnssiewt• I . lo . 3 " o Oohhieff
Ur 11101 Ilk. white bosh sins 'alba Mises 14 slid wow.
Ilosoor bag. fresher =I mon 000111.00 Una. It son/no -
Vsoistr hsedons, sod is man darobtelbr. lends or Otibllds
work. 11 EU not nab off, nof eu Os suds/ without Ir
allod as it somaloan =two WWI !Paul weight, it
g( es shoo so white krt. • •
TUX EWLITH 82![[•1NNULL 1112 0?
e ,;:,~ •• ~~ ~ ~,:
BALLS:- , Of all the differep.t size
s okat
lowest wholmeni. :dem
• •• •-
iwwl77•7. • mid • 111 01139•114 of dienvit artalt•
tiw •s 0 which will bi 7•14 7.77 7 ••• i
retail: Ib.OII Cloth Wamogp ti Nw• 7 •7.7 W. 74 7L
t J. & U.PUILLIPS. • •
. .
et BEEN OIL CLOTII-300 yards for Wirt
dow Hlind,. ju d r•e4 trim Ful.n. kw ado at
D. a 7. l nd 9 1109/ Ttnet. J. a 11..1.1111.L1P&
. .
ft. manufactured. 1.1. ka whotatale and retall. at the In
d. Rubber Hulot. Nos. 7 sad 9 !nod ere.,
Jan . J. t H. PHILLIPS.
IJ Unjust reed me tem oe end black
Crepes. .fle acre owe.. anddesirable grata Pill be KM
emu. at tice. ..d 61 Market ' Jett -
lAWNS! LAWNS!—A: A. Mum.% Co.
A balm just opened me w plain Meek Lawns. Very
esp. Abp. • .17 largo nipple of beeutllbl WWI ex*.
. 4 "...or 611•17 Ed. Pre.* at 0.. 62 end 64 Market st.
Oo are now olhalog their largo and varied add
tad of Parasols at eery redcoat! paid denary drab
sets and others are doted to di and treadw herd
purchasing elsearhara. .1.33
10:1 bb
m. y. 3, hid Boat= laspertioch
ltd sake by (id! JOIUi WATT * W
Judd' Medicated Liquid; Cuticle.
SrIIIS ARTICLE is intended for family nne, -
and shouts found la the wars:rim of every fuse
ily n the land. Sterlsoke .ho are In constant denim of
'glary to their meow throe ah ancldent. and the inipsv-
I yr or careless use of Melanin and tide to he Steal ,
noble to them, and after a fair trial will conalles It Ina.-
ableperm. - - •
'Thie any certify that n, the undessi L yed; basing fir'
fluently made use of Judd'. Idedkated okl Cuticle. pre.
Paled by Mersa. Penfield Camp, dlstown, Linn.
-cheerfully recommend It to. oar profemional brethren, ae
an eseellent eubstitnts Fos adhesive plaster. in &using
borax, cute. welds. tonisek mid all kinds of fresh upundd
el" foe `Sure NIPPlee, a menedLunea . stated. -
EWAifs - OW M.D.'
- IIAMILTON BAKIS , & H. f.o,_
gI.LBWORM 8UR174 . 11. D , &monk.
tbioprbdog all tio praetbdog physidaaa ha the City of
For ado by B. A. PAIINASTOCIC I CCI.: •
corm Wood and ghat. eta.
Wall Paper and Borders.
THOMAS PALMER, 55 Market street, re
neeUltr Invites the attention of pastures to the
a pum
rty aest easeptee andne estrnedre stock, entopsiang Utica
ate in his li of boatmen
04 . v% - 11 1 z1.4mrnfril
... .... . . _....... _._
MURPIIY & BURCUFTELD invite the at
button of b
orr rgers to th eir sPaOrtcooot or the above
trance. Al ßee Vaoper PreTtfa.Vel i tings. "'"' rtoe
/e2:l of
/ v YRUPS--Underwood'e fine .Lemon Syrup,
a e o
wuper . lot =lgor cnic Van Ade.
WIT. li l.Atfci l .Ut ua
I n At i ..,
rm, e d o b t y qualtles, mad at is lotranines ia quality,
jelM N. M. corner of /mutt mid Market eta
111IAIRY SALT -A superior article for the
'JP dalry or table, tut up In small bout. tot !Melly me;
for vale be WIC A. MVLURO l Co..
ja,U3 • ' MO betty at.
WM. A. 74 eCL9I[I3 & CO.
tioll FISH-600 lbs. very fine, for sale by
./ wu. A. MeCLOIVI At CO.
. .. A Card.
PRE anbaniber, haring mnde arrange
._ mnas, la contespanne of whla lIIS areient badness
most b. eland by th. Lit at Angsid nest i l e so . • offers Ms
Welk sack of finny Hoderr,_Biebms, Goods, Zar
hrolderkel. Dana Trimming.. Eboadkerrbids, Plan arias,
fforadsiffna inZoidsrr Waylaid. Mower Materials,
Umbrella.. Pismo Tare. 4 and Needle Needles'
Galva M.o. Pines. (nod Philaddatda =Oa) at
oreoFv redrosi prig
wholmla and retail.
pilll r. ...anis. .
ALEXANDER & DAY, haying concluded
to elms their mend bastreeta, nor oder their entire
of Fancy and 134aLer GOODS, at molly reduced
mien. Tbeir reek Is sad etabreees • chateaus:ore
meat of French and CLOTHS and CAS/31SM
Meek and eater.] Oro e kblnelllte , of the beet ataxia •
fsetam l lks, of the eleven etybee B . areges, De,
LatesSe-, ta t a d a r c e t
s tp ki zz a,.... ma
T. the 11% 4 1'1. 1 4 01 '.1: Xl11 . 11 * " Pureh=re Darne almmt d
to all oT .
ere determined to eve decided bare. se by erholesale
or retail La win to as
oat oar entire stock as coo as
peadbte: - ALSXMLDER. * DAT, •
Jeltler SS Market st-, N. W. ear. of Dtertemad.
White - Marseilles (Italia •
I HAXE on band a large assortment of Im
parted gad American QUILTS, ?Irv:Mar al._
owl' reload pri7es.
1.1 9
I e. I "'"I /r( L. t° l*4
• 6do Lad tet:
5 key. 6 Mist Tobseect ' •
16 Molt dried Arytts-soe rale br
dneect itst redre w:Kt fetal* try
jel9 E. E. EELLERB.
13INK ROOT-400 lbs. prime quality, '/et
1. reed and lbr sala br field R. 8. BELL
CITRIC ACID---250 lbs. just reed.and for
sol. by jel9 IL E. SELLERS.
VOD LIVER OIL-40gallonet, ruu wurrx,
dl6raebr ioI9 5. E. nun&
loostd (of Straorborrloo, or fruit of any kind. =of
ite low oilman' drive of 4111.gbooly foortot.Oor mac
jolO •
][ol:6ln. lIIELLW A g e nt n for t fm
Chktertutes Banos. 4n• Fehtlhtssit
sod Western ranosrissels, No. 81 Wool G, hos nrosirat and now 00.0 fro eale.the
lowia Skala aosstmeat of Moo Vanes, asset froos the
man , st tlr. irtarkorioes (Boston) Woe.
Qs. genet liosevosi wesolzrand Plato,ht;setarrA
Yln can
plata T
0 0:
Two square -
The above Mao Fortes a ce of the latest styles of hand.
ton, sod with ail lir. Chiskerhts's hoorovementh the
7140. itlllrieblr acme at Boston, there r a ring to
PVC In this ROM UM lapell.. and of truss.
Una Roam. Caned Moulding. ISM octavo Plano. ma
petard by Adana Incalan a Lag
Una Itoargood 6 octave, Adam &Wart !Cis • ,
" " Bacon it Mann:
One • " a "
on 6 " "
Raoultt K Chinning, to mil la Went
- 6
" 6• " Load nn B ataan, •
lbs" " Dubois inatruon •
inn " aM " Manhattan tannany. alb
LARD OIL-8 bbls. No. 1; for sale by
127337 :T 0 'r a11tr,71
OF VARIOUS STYLES,•open - this morn
let, kl a
IletnelPo=laek Is
• Mae Bil/u. neat Mourning
Menem Is Invited to their elm:Acetate:mein ol Preach
Lever, White Goals kw dose.. te.
We will melee, today or tomorrow, frac% New-York—
Brews Mess Levu Jell .. •
New Boob! .
EAST : a Problem ; reprinted with for
and acklitkcia, from was.e. Magazine.
b Pleat
tale of the Puritanic tr the author of
itai Ufa or Mtn li•nranet
Ihrion of Cleopatra, Queen ofßoph b 1 Jarob Abbott
b o o Book of the
n evo
kin 7' of London Labor and the Lando Poor.
The above limb justrareived and Sor tele by
jell R. C. STOCKTON. 47 Market at.
antAm Pobtto_l7ocatante of the !Jolted Stew,
of Geer Wathlooth to the Italicle.
a t th u bibitl i tzuraplete c jaraf a o=lelaticauthiote
!la* thm gun.; ecostatatuePollttoth, abtorielth
thenrWal. Bthattllleel ‘ Ptetlottesh Ecohothloal, elm B
7.11:5t/ th • A eta el hI L re= of.= =.7e.
Eveota of the Times from
The atom faleable extrke tbe We by
1.1? • R. II STOCKTON:47 Market ot.
BURLAPS-4; bales suitable for
wag a.csa sao—soo Wool '
r a tra. 10. iimr in gced
EESWAX WANTED—The highentprice
In ash wilt be telpz mu l fa cK a
417 • . after Tint and Wool
RAPE SHAWLS, at reduced prices!---
a. A. MASON.* 00. will do* out thoirstook of bro.
plain and nobroldorol Om* Ebawls, at a Ett .. t. !...:.
e.:1•17:311117 . C4l moon and set.
Wlr" -
ILIAWNS! LA NS! at 61 etc per yardl--"
MASON a off vs now offering dui meet extur
le aor ebeap Lawns am extelbitod ty.
Ms ci. at all
prim; ft= Mt mats 7ard 88. Tb• sttmtkat of ems
l• respettally JO: . •
havedetermleettlo eloesout Sheba's/woof Hutt stock
o nets atut lista at greatly reduced ante. The attn.
'don of ladles Is solleludto the alms goods. Mt
JFILENCH FLOWERS!-The attention of
nstomersFlowers, w reere to ettrally lwrital ourlr large stoelt et
re. hich CIPIV edt at eery re.
dwsed rst.w. • tlern ewsra now
A. A. MASON t 03.
Piano and Table Covers.-
A. MASON & CO. mould respectfully
. eall the attention of honeekeepen to than. very ca
ve easnruneat et eddy ldinted and =boned pl i a . no
and table enema mooned .meti. Abe, a ear
of /Wen and damask table dacha, napkth l e, ''' ZilfeZ
tonally. tr.. at N. fd and 04. Xartad meet. .
Noe to Contractors.• •
QRALED PROPOSALS will be receivod at
the Mee of IT. D. KIWI, fourth st, mall the latday
ni l . next, tOr the Gradlug ef the Pittentrat and c.a
WUSenate Dead. from Port Liberty to the earner ofJe
of etrel:r n'td=eat""olno b bill=r it= IT=
pn tomato ear ;rtelattepritejer z egtt:tad t vg
rasr n atrlty. eatordlnf il io the plan o; and read att to he
wen at the offer or R. C. Iletlaean. Pad. Peon rt., `titdr•
Infanstakat can be obtained oantaxang et=lo t .
11. P. CAIN , IL D. Elba,
Peeistax7. Xelt
r ad
ItRIED PEACHES-10U bushels dried
ttcs mcived and IbrltA r. amumuan.
NEW MAOKEKEL-115 bbla. Large No.
3. mow %dmned sad Itm ale
.01.6 =Lod 2= Liberty n.
LINtIEED OIL-10 bbls. pure; for mile by
J. 16 ROBISON. Limu t co.
BACON 11A.MS-10,000 lbs. superior qual.
br ul. ROBLSON. LITTut 00.
J• 11 7, b 775 6 Warty
BACON SIIOULDEItS-35,00016a.foreale
.“16 RostsoN, unix a 00.
BACON -7000 'beams, Sides, Shoulders,
for We br ial6 8. tW. 11.1881U011.
bales (Batting) for aale by
nun - Lll Proat AIL
FIRE BOARD PRINTS—For sale la 25c.,
br thar - W. P. 11411311 ALL. II Wool .7.
• LA TRK.—Lndlee and Mimenekl
ens tad ..1
for 7
asla by
111 IL 11: , PALMEIL
Rea Market AL
KII2I bus jeurt revived mat nairtrof ate
Bonnet., IM. beautiful sad Donal atylea
Mots and Bove Brea. Maw, slid other hate. Jel7
et .
tEESE--.52 boxes, now loading and for
.1•17 br.
Md. sad In= eta
CREESE-20a s boxes in store, for sale by
mrst Ms. tem mantratml In mr. Troupe, mks.
Fill of mUtiVy.ti"rm=r=m
th. Pa a. a P.m) DM Alm! M inTrkl
eI:6M =PI J. 2:013111 1 ./ I .O , OuMNPLL. tbm Tattoo.
' Ma . M a.. Maid; ma. IIMPIPIc-P. t.1.1.01M.
P 111LLEH. BP.OWN. M. 111 31.1.9,401.1.N.5.M. RICHAJID.
teams RICE ; SAM 1-4
TTIZPV. YV3=ll=tem.."ll7the4ll3ll
tar i azd Um /Mat Pmfitim 'mew Pkitorm tato.
magultimat 111 . 48.9 am STRING /WM la by
ram II imam amd
T 1 442 1111 Y, /ALM sad BPOII 1/1 4 V0j:TTilit
14111 b 9 .. My tenor of perllmalmy m PloN STILMT.
PlMburgb, in Dom of the AIIBRICAN ilorEL, CO Ur
2d, &I, 4th, and sth of July, 1851. U bra OWL at
M 11.14.4 2, and at Wiwi 7 0 1 1.1 M.. P./IL
' anal 15mbrommes .011. d.m mw. IMMO.
ball Ma. 11, ball-..[ 1; WI put 2, sad
h4 1=1,Z 1'1. 21 max.
Raymond & Co.'s; & Van Ambragh it Co.'.
Wonting of WI the ran Brlax IVl3 , lAnimals now extant
7o It tzAidrlnt topreur J-on pia 41.Adranioi.
IitILL be Exhibited in PITTSBURGH,
eih, and Sth, /urethra days, under the Doable PartHoel.
at the anima of Penn awl Lemon uneta Went.—
Z P ;7O%; T titesont eo
Whitlow. vie
nom, to to Imo. a.. In'. ti '2wo
n oi..a to 10. P. St. Adman. • mutt; dill.
Una under 10 70070.15
In this imitation are the Rhinceensa and Mate Polar
ten lAcess of the Ansa speatoone.
VAN ASSBUROII, D ens or renowned of all Lion
o,pineyora. will enter th of his Tannic tamp of
1 1*N T y 1 , 4 , ritAD wilt also sear lb with hie
highly trained Animal; making non Garfi Lad
Ariasl hr.
The we Central* of Cafts antelniug tiow
alma w enter Ins elty Th y morning. July AS.
awl paw ill
rew. urti they/annual areas
rniew by t th he laapanyn Beam Rand.
by lbo brad.
This eriat le for Its stablishua nia nt :squires aloe AIM het lest
e , . mat as there nu on aria
the lower part of tholyitLtgolleiwa %t eat An tha par.
poor the
noes 9= l a otr . Altr.
they wished. Oyer 1000 Sat ar s ine/la knee,. Setytey
have been contracted An with sir. Huntillenolm which
will render the imams pavilion ate and anonnimaa
all etuora et visitors et all toss.
Then near loss ban aibildied this numb". so large
a number, nor so treat a variety on Wins s • -pri of
Hanna Dann% se le contained the lboob Naar
Luria of Saynnitul Co., end Van AMbargh
Parma Packet and Railroad Line to (kaftan&
PASSENGERS Imre every morning no 9
er rteitoroat to Bearer, the ..1
ratistpeekets to Ravenna. dunce !",' IltrabUrza Ltd V.v.
Lkod Hailtad to Cleveland.
To Clevolaml. 25 hoLuN To Dicistet. 36 nton—
* Tickets siren tbroaeb to --
Via Colombo. sad Semis. by Ctorelaska sad Ciaciatsal
Clet=ej ". D ev ' el 'thl i nVg_ . Fa a M
. .r id I,'ll3'" V
ineaniers of allehlgan KIIZ.I ..19.114 at
Mr.. ar. 7.4 ntinek. 4. 34. ItrE bir to New . •
and arriving arm averting et 1,7 stsaartosa .•-
r D
i rpg . low water in the Ohla vir., Me rotator° area,
rb ati,
.tezia a r r Ui r tlor o ns oo , will be nernil men eiarlar,
For tickets or Itifonnation sp a
nly t0 1'2:2
- . Jour( - 4.catiounr, Akin;
(Up gain) corner of ansitheold and Water maw •
or mama" sir Unneetrairela :
IV It. MOOnlika 0, Agent;
. Mini wain Pt Cbules Hotel, Wood genet •
ieZ r - r PiTTI3BUEGU.
U . Lt: :f:V4OII.IrIf.I.:IMA:T,g.II4
M I NIM 1851
Forty-six hours to Philadelphia . .
Forty-four hOOrs to Baltimore. .:
281 miles Railroad-103 miles Canal,
Beivintefrom ad limy changes and porfaqa
- connected with picas Lines.
TWO, Daily Lines Express Packet. Boats:
TEAltie arg
h for dohaetown, thence
by Etertsweltaarom to . • •
There tatlns the
TlVlnadzed and
p kMatflm direct to
i stkolz=tyanntlos=tl7 at Mitt 0,44
Tordo o to
Latersotox Philo:Willa; $lO. /an to Baltbaare,
410 Ilarrtabtog
Tote the York sod Ottabolisooll Ralood, at
ontoal of Cars or that Soon. Dftt(op (
fonrmilts.) Mu, lOUR bean. . • .
. . •
.••• • • -
No dune for hazolling Bagtige - on this tout".
Ms Cars on Mks root. are near, ant of than:Loat rows ,
ed eematmetion tar contort and Wear.
If rtat dastra chap crarelllna and candbrtabla moor
madatiog ware Tour Warta at
J. P. HOLMES, A t,
D. LICIMIt et CO's. uric.
_ • MEM
TELE Canal being in
~F ood order, we are
alt . te=tre=st thrloitt eurnat rats rt
theme. iota on
x, are ma controLlad !ry p o pi...
of Wilzig tramsoltted, ma prosorMT
temN to.
ApplysOWPt4 or ripest •
HAYS & BUM. Propietor&
Coaxal Bata. Poon arr. Proborth.
Revolting 1.41,111. iirkegt u 7,
ZIl•ISll a- VIIINMS, * pert A .
• No. t 4 North Nauman.
Sr P osittr 'C oo l ttinnottr
kat 1851. Mom
• - ioNorreons Boum •
.11a Brownsville . sad Combertancr, to Biltit' store
TullE MORNING BOAT leaves the *had
mbar. tam Bradaa daily. at 8 o'clock precisely. roe.
.EbaitnnU . Sorttivio datlr Orr= Ilat da n T ia aratdall
'u r so i . wr oto . e.k .io ecrarting with itre car at Cotabarbatal 043
tbroub to /Ultimo 32 boas.. '
at ona l to Eltiladalol‘ 40 boors. Fara aantr _
The National Raskin now goal' liondoetors ign mitts
the Wanton between Brownrellla sad CumbertarnE alb*
mars this decidedly tbs best note East , •
mud'Otlloe tha Ittelifftas.
NiNM 1851. jag
On the Pennsylvania and Ohio Canals.
. .
CLAILER. PARKSll3o...—Jlearernet.
01161481,18, CRAWFORD r Ctero no.
TLIIS well known Line is now prepared to
.20.MMV.A t ' w =a g i r io l tran and B a e .- 1134 .
The WOW.* or the Line are nneatrseeted m noneber.onel.
0 70 0 .1 rne Asa elt7 et Boats, *aperient. of Centeno, and e•
deur of
One Hoodlear da. es Pittsburgh and Clerelan• dellr.roM.
I fillBl.ol and lITLVOL and a e Line of Aret daesetaintnala
(Minna end vemeele) on the Leer. s
CONSIONErs: - • '• " • ,"
Patio Ott, Totrasstrer!t. 04
8. Taykrf. Itifizzal, 0- .
. a. N. Mark, Newton FaB•o4
en Prentio, Basea3o. 04
Brayton • CMCM llarenne.Ot %
Kt, °rinsed Cet, Frank 04
Wheeler. Lee 04 •
Homier= • Pettl=zraltaky atr,O.;
Peckham Scott, 04
0. Walls= W 4 00401 ILlehhoun
" Dammam 111hrankia, WO4
ttro.•.. Gleba Olb.Chleatos Ill.;
I tlart l AO/ILT, Avlrde •
eia ear. Water end Bretkneld eta. Pittakeirgh.
e::s • • iv I
AMR LEANGINGS--A. largo assortment
of 'wadi azwl Answinn Pnwer43.... always=
• • wOLIka sale by w. P. aA,ALL.
jel7 • 154 Wald at.
INDIGO ct. NUTMEGS—Chi conaignment,
UCKETS-2.5 doz. Marietta, for rale by ,
.1416 && W. ILLILBACQ H. •
ihniA.;flLER, bayAvom
WS- 7 300 doz. for sale by
iel6 •A as f►, EIARBADOIL
• •To
' L i ,
RAPE LEISSE, blue, white and pink;
irk... auk. •.`
Mr A d a t etr i k., krki vir;
rindal .9orers, see
MATCHES--250 gno. for sale by
• -
PUFF PINS--Just received, a beautiful
or stow ark! dwiro
woortmoot of viola Gold. Amoy Emma Mot, satt
blo pours&
.I 4 otl
of eweller,
.1. 07 Mute. mt. owner Pow*. _ -
ASH-10 casks for sale by
jel4 - 111.11•11DICIUCT /MO.
• LAWNS-30 pieces reed sad
"VICTORkw alp by • Jolt C. ARBUTILICYY.
ItARRED MUSLIN-40 Tieces desirable
il a rils mid ;malty, Yor We by c. sear—'
' Brandies, Wines, lb. ": •
itIAVING completed atrangements with-- -
.lu.. In Bordeaux and other R.uopeas (0.., Ile
execallou of - my </Nan. 1 am taco enabled to ode am
Deal a miumli advance over leopmstatioe cod /11/AX I 7.
DOA WINtS. and LIQUORS, of We Mont deparipay..
from 1101der custom Iplee trdaind.
• Atkaitioe darted cony
~140, as baker:
110 partars&rop Bordeuit2L k. Brxedj..
76 Blat' . gr. ji ematlfir, " mold, sod brave 131 to tee
ma medium
81 or,euks Weirs. of maw, crab.
iv -••• • ' Pore Wham tett Tern old °ad supedd r . •
Be Waled. Spare-Hu ClisooluSiek been. breads.
WO bull Clara. WI raft.. Wu& and etutaglea.
100 tame Sane.. sad H.eK Tintype 11 1 10-1. . '
ll am maim Smouree sad C./aret le.
10 pipe. Oil
lu %land s. 10 . 15 . eh d eltr _
4 Impeder Old Jemmies Rum. • .
OD coda Marko. London dyad Seakh AIL
With • coustmot nippiy k
ra th. . M. f"` 2 " * . C*4* 'l* Au l4 . ll °. CUArrry Brom-
A Luce dock of RA PARA /ISRAILT Wray° an biad.4 - °• - '
AU of 'adilme I will oda oo reuz.dlie onus •
U.Nml be...tad with aadimudopp4
st knead ekes.