The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, June 26, 1851, Image 3

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    ~_....... .-.1:.1
ArinaiimtrPatnaz triaar...:LNlpene. Weeds and
Aldan, the cannier for! Ymen Todd, the relator
in the writ of coo trrirr&na; against the Allegheny
bridge gompany,
.ye•zterday - appeared_ in the a Common Pleas, and read the following
mandate. from . the Supreme Court.
. • SCPCMIE Corn; Ilanntentmo.
: - And . tow, to nit, June I2th, 1851, on motion
or T. J. Fox-Alden, Esq., ittomelior relator,
.the Court order and direct that the leines in fact,
joined: he this cause, be'tried in 'the Court of
Common Pleas 'of Allegheny county, according
to the Act of Assembly, in each eases made and
,proyidekso per.certificate of P. C. Eledgesrielt,
Etrti., Prothonotary of the qnpretne Court; for
'the middle district. . .
4iled and eeitified to by Wm. McCandless,
Esq., Prothonotary of the Supreme Court of the
Western district. •
. appeared by the record produced in Court,
• that there are some twelve or thirteen distinct
terns of lan's'. and.fact, to be disposed. of, in this
f luifrortaiit cause. The issues in lOir arising
:from - the pleadings, which will only be beard by
Ille - 4 8apreme.COurt, iniolve 'some of the most
important questions . illative to the rights and
..:privileges of corporations.
Theissues in fact, to he tried by the Common
'Pleas,Ure merely to ascertain the truth of the
"-Acts set forth in the information of the relator,
and upon those lashes, of fact being found for or
:against him, the uheStlona of low will arise,to
be determined at . the d est session or the Supreme
.Conrt, for the. Western Tristrict of Pennsylvania,
`.together with theie, other legal questions arising
'from the demurrers' or issues in law. 'The de
,murrer, admitting' the facts, the parties take
• lune upon the Jaw but in that portion of the
relator's information and suggestion, wherethe
flints are , denied, the truth of those facts must be
ascertained by the verdict of a jary,„which beirig
certified to the Suprenio Court from the Common
- Pleas, the, question's of law , arising from those
'facts, will be pmfDerly before that tribunal for
- .
From these otem . M.ation; it will appear that
the duty of the COurt of Comraon Pleas, in this.
matter,. is not judicial, but merely Ministerial—
'to preside aver the, deiiberationi of the jury; In
,the verity,bf the testa in issue.
Messrs. Loomis,. Staler, and Staunton, on the
preeeding day rend the following notice to the
Court of Common Plasm
"Commonwealth of Pennsylvania vs. the Pres
ident Managers and. Company for erecting a
bridge over the Allegheny River.
Messrs Alden and Woods, Attorneys for Ma-
• Yon are hereby notified that on Monday the
20th of - June, instant, at ten o'clock, A. lil., or
as soon thereafter us counsel can be beard, a
, .
motion willbe made: by the defendants in this
to the Supreme Court at Harrisburg, to
- . rescind their order, entered en the 12th instant,
- directing issues in fact, in this case, to be tried
in the Court of :Common {Pleas, of Allegheny
county, on the ground that said issues of fact,
' , cannot - regularly be tried, until all the issues
law, upon the recoti; shall be disposed
• When the order of the S. C. was read to the
Court of CommcoPhms, by Messrs Alden, and
Woods, the Court, through Judge McClure, said
that it was their duty to obey it, and that in con.:
sequence of this application alone they would.
direct a rcuirifueiar jorotoree; to be *maned, re,
'turnable in time to try the issues in fact, and
hare the came properly certified to the Supreme
Court at its next term, in order tol enable judges
-to adjudicate such , questions et. law, as may
arise upon
the verdict, in the several issues.
are informed by the cOunselfortbe relator,
that tin immense number of 'witnesses will be
summoned to , prove the-facts in-dispute, and the
trial will probably tote place towards the end of
the month . of Auguit.
ltrrstinnon CosrEarscr--Wednesday, June
'.2b.-The - Conference was opened this morning,
withitayer by R.-Armstrong: .
Mita' the traniaction of some 'miscellaneous
business, the tellers reported the results of the
third balloi for delegates to the General Conven
tion, and Messm. It. ITopkins and'Andrew Ma
•zee were declareclduly elected.'
Ilishop.MOrtis - antionneed the following com
'irdtteii on examination
..Vmsy—JOsyth Gibson, Wm. PoLanett, S. 11
:Nesbit. and P.' F. Jones.
Bscosn—Semnel Wakefield P. Cook, W. Coop
er, John latirray.
Ttumx.-13.1P. Holmes, N. P. Jamieson, C
3 &asap , J. N.
Four:m-11. J. Mark, F. Moore, E. Wharton,
J. F; Miller was appointed Vice 'President of
the Sunday School Union of the Pittsburgh. Con.:
F. 3loore called the attention. of the Confer:
nee to the feet :that Wakefield's grammar was
Gte text book Of-the Conference, upon which' all
;the candidates were examined. He spoke In the
:Idghest,tenne of - the excellence of that work.
John Coil was declared . on the fourth ballot,
'duly elected a delewate to the General - Conven
On the 'fah" ballot, W. Hunter and Ratnne I
'Wakefield Were elicted delegates to the General
J. J. Swayze and C. D. Battelle were elected
wane delegates. • •
, •
Theis.rmsionary Committee reported and their
repeat was accepted. - '
The business transheted um the afternoon, pos
.-.•,-enitieti no general interest, with the exception of
tbettlection *flames L. Reeds hook agent atr
eactriiirgh.] A number of reports were read,
cud thei'L'onferenee adjourned until eight o'clock'
ou T4tire4:37 .
ACCIDENT, /Pth . tbot,Robert : Fludieh
now in the cm ployment of Mr. E. Hessleton, in
the Dinniond, teas severely injured by the hooks
of the hoisting Apparatus,falling - from an upper
story npon him amd striking him on the head.
Paissvca Coorrcurzrr Itloszy.—A man named
Jcihrt SialthAras' s'eaterday committed to prison
by-Mayor Outhrie, - . charged, on 'no less than
three informations' lassing counterfeit
r A 11309. =.9eorgo Th‘.‘mas, the yenng tad tut
cased of attempting'to net Ere to a atahle in the
'Sixth 'Ward', a , short time ago, vraa yesterday
ie•exainined berate
rate Al;lernian Major, pad; again
ittatumlel tq prison
Courrairta AloszY.—llartin,ludrey.was
TeatrAof eqmraitted to'prifs . on by Mayor Dem.
tag, charged with passing counterfeit notes.
. . . . . .
Exruxsy Fran.—A fire broke out on,Tnes
diy morning in the' foundry of Mr. A. Y. Gregg,
in Elizabeth Township,: opposite 3ionongehein
- City, Which was..we regret to' nay, totally - cm
: semed; The ioss is about two tbourand dollars,
which is fully covered by istanrance.: We did
not learn the origin of:Moire. , . • -
Drongssn Fins Eicitac—This 'fine' Bre
ir en-
gine a 9 .hipped. - Philadelphia on' Tnesday t
when the company intend, to go on a visit to tho
thianCn of that city , - ' -
Antiennts.H.... colored. girl-was yesterday sr
-rested and committed - to the watch house for
it:tither testring; atarged with stenling pocket'
bonle - from:Mns._Ctintlibell, of Grant street
.7JaCaXt SST ASIDS.—BObeit Woods Esq., In
iihts Orphard Court yesterday asked the Court to
met aside the decree which they had made In the
matter of a bill of 'review of an, account, of
- John Abercrombie's executor, they hosing grant.
ed the counsel for the.bill of renew on the 14th
instant, a decree for a rehearing of the account,
adthout argument, or notice to Mr. , Woods, the
• " attorney for the- executors. Mr. W.: complained
that the whole thing was irregular, since he had
•• -received no notice, but mere especially en the
- .cue had never been plated on' the argument'
Judgs McClure set aside the decree a irrega
O'Doeuel, of the Philadet.
. .
Dar, w a yetten.lapedmitted to practice in
1, the Court of Common Pleas end Querter.geseions
FATAL A93,IDENT.---At about 9 o'clock pante".
Zul ovenii 2 F, I ,, hen Mr. find Mra, 'Fulmer of
- Baldwin". l 4P. 'Nero retaralug hoMut float
cet,_the bone. attached. to their coureyanei
460 k (right 551 Mu oft, Mmetting It over a hank;
-- "We regret to Jetta that Mn,. Fulmer •moe so so
- - stra - tcnu inizuttes at.
T. 'T.~-_I-__
Prsiuwo, COSTIIART TO Law._ r - rea ere are
Probably pyiirti of puf fsic),,e9rat by n recent act
of the Legislature. One is perinitted to draw
steins inour‘ *term, ~InOtethitn twenty4feet in
levgth;during the 4nenthe off July
and August. under a penalty of fifty dollars.
'Jacob Lashel,:labo miles about twelve miles
down the Ohio, was 1 esterday brought before
Mayor • Guthrie, - charged, on oath . of John G.
Jamee s : with seining, contrary. to the lair in Mich
caseskialle and provided. lie was fined fifty
'dollars and the costs. He did not intend ;to *ell
the fiat he caught, but wished to use them in his
lANCASTTE, (1a.,) June 25.
The Conveidion reassembled to-day at 9 A.' 05.,
when the nomination of Hon. Jas. Pollock, foe
the Supremo Bench was withdrawn. •
A letter was received from the lion. Joseph
Eanignmeher; declining a nomination for Canal
Commission: and another from J. G. Miles, with=
drawing from the list of candladate for the Su
preme Bench. lion. Frederick Witte sled declin
ing by letter; and subsequently' the names of
Thos. J. - Franklin, Nathaniel Ewing, and John
111. &Ott were withdrawn, as 'candidates for
Judgeships. ; • ,• •
• .The nomination of ,Cyrus Markle for 'Ca.
not Commission was also witbdrawn. Save ,
eat additional nomilratiorar•Were then made,
strong them Or: IL P. Brower' for Canal CCM—
missioner. The preliminary morning. business.
was then disposed of.
'On.motion of Gen. Wilson of Venango, the Con
vention proceeded to ballot foe Canal Colamis
slmer, when six ballots were hadwith the fol
le swing result.
I First Ballot—George V. Lawrence, ofltiashing
tea, 41; John Strohm,.4o, Wm. Loyd, of Blair,.
1.2,; L. Butler, of Lucerne, 10; John Covede, of
Westmoreland, 12; 11. P. Brower of Montgome
ry, 8; R. H. MeCloy of Clarion, 4.
The names of L. Brower end ht. Butler were
then withdrawn. The name of J: Covode was
also withdrawn after the 4th jhallot, and M. o.
Loyd nominatesL
On the fifth ballot, the lion. John Strohm, of
Lancaster, havindreceived a majority of all, the
Oates, was declared duly nominated by the Con
',tendon, as a candidate for Carrel Commissioner,
and the nomination unanimously ratified by the
Cunventipn. _
Mr. Strohm, was theft
. qalled for , sad intro
duced to the Convention. lle mule o. brief
speech of thanks .to the Convention for the
Senor conferred upon him.
Thomas C. Steele, Esq., then morel that the
Convention protood to the nomination of five
candidata. for .Jildges of the Supreme Court,.
which was agreol to.
The Bret ballot resulted as follows,--Wm. M.
Meredith, of • Philadelphia, 77; Richard Coulter,
of Westmoreland, 113; G. W. Cowley; , of Mon-
tour, 96; George Chambers, of Franklin; l.'s); IL'
Goesup, of Sur,,-shimna, 624 Joseph Buffington,
of Armstr ; I). M. Smyter, of ,14 ;
John IL O siker, of Erie. 12; David E. Gordon,
of Berks, 30; Jas. G. Bale, of Centre, 27; D. U.
Mulvaney, of Montgomery, 11; Moulton C. Bog
ors; of Bucks, - 2; D. O. Parry, of Sehriyllil, :.;
John Banks, of Berks. 1. • ,
. _
The whole number of rotes 'neat was 122, and
An chair decided 62 majority, to be necessary to
&nomination, consequently no, nomination was
After the clerks bad agreed.. in their reports,
and the result was announced,
The reading of the_ roll, and the mention of
the names voted for, was demanded; when Mr.
Biting, of Philadelphia Co. stated that be hod
voted for Chambers, and not for Jessup, as the
clerks made it appear.
~Considerable excitement followed, which was
considerediuf attempt to defeat the -nomination
of Jessup. .
Mr Biting subsequently 'said that be had
up feeling in reference to the matter, and if an
other ballot was gone into he would Tots for Mr.
Jessup. Be soon after asked that his rote for
Jessup be permitted to stand.
The President said that lie had already direct
ed the clerk to make the alteration, and could
not re-admit the Tote of Mr, Biting, whereupon
Messrs. Coulter, Meredith,-;Comleyand..-Cham
bens were declared. duly nominated.
. The convention; on motion, then proceeded to
the second ballot for a fifth .canilidatif for the
Supreme Bench, which resulted as follows:
Jessup, 50; Buffington, 54: Male, It
- There being no nomination: a third ballotwas
ordered, which, Mr. Bale being withdrawn, re
stated as follows:—Jessup, 117 Buffington : 57.
The Tote being a tic, there was stall no choice.
The Convention then adjourned until the after-
The Convention reassembled at, g o'clock, and
at'once proceeeded to the fourth ballot, which
resulted as followsi—Wm. Jes.sup; 77; •Joe. Buf
fington, SS; whereupon, William' Jessup was
declared duly nominated as one of the con Slates
for the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. ,
Mr. Bell, of Berke, moved that a State Central
Committee be appointed, to Consist of one per
son from each Senatorial District, - to act in be
half of the Whig party, whicbtwas agreed to.
. On motion, the nominationg of the Convention ,
were unanimously ratified. • 1.
Resolutions were then adopted, recommbading
the diffierent nominees 'to the 'people throughout
the State.
TieCOrrrention then
NEW Your, ,June
The U. Sixties brig Dolphin arrived ymterdny,
from a cruise around the world ire :Al &sixths.
NEW Foss, June '25.
Irls stated here, that agents of the Mexican
'Government have' arrived in this:cotuttry with
full power to sell to the United Siatis;two pro
vinces of Senora, Lower - California; and Chihua
hua, conditionally.
WAsaluaiou, June 25.
The Court Martial for the trial of Gen. Tot
cott,-reassembled to•dey at 8 o'clock, when Gen.
Clark. appeared: but the - proCeeditgr haring been
commenced, he was disqualified from • member ,
The cross examination of Mr• Secretary Con- ;
- rad was resumed.
Capt. - MeGruder was recalled, and further ex
' Limit:COL Ungar was examined at length in
reference to this oontract with Dr. Carmichael:
.and without coneludinghtis evidence, the Court
- adjourned utitn'to:•morrow.
The distinguished Nlexicon General Berrers
attended the sittings of the Court to-day, and
received marked attention from the menibers,
Wastusovon, June 25.
The 'hlssonic Fraternity of the District of Co. ,
lumbia, celebrated St. ,Jobns Day yesterday. by
visiting Meant Vernon,, where appropriate fes
,tivities and ceremonies took place. Or. Master
French delivered a very eloquent suWiess.
• New Horn ' SPA.,) June 115.
Afire broke out lost night an the dry goods
store of L Lapin: - The building Wits destroyed.
but'most of his'elock, furniture, &c., were sated.
The steamer America sailed this morning foi
tiTFrpool, with 96 passengers. Among the pa.:
sengers was George Thompson, .11-I'.
((7L,) Jane '2.7.
The Senate, to-do.r, niter three unsuccessful
balloting for U. ' 6. tienator, postponed the oleo
tion ind ° efitutely. •
- -
. . .
Dorms 'Joe° :.' i i
_ . .
The stramship parope arrited (rote Liverpool,
Iris Utilifax, to-day, at 5 o'clock, P. M.
, .. Sr. .r.;o • olsr' Jtrke 21:
. .. .. . ,
GettM..Arbuckle (Heiler cholera, at Fort Smith,
on the Ilth inst. Eighteen is twenty won had
die& of Choteru_st 'that fort. The recruits had
left, and the siekheis lies abatiog,.
. ,
• - '
ST - HAILER counrss.
• NIZMPpIi, June 24.
The etentner Coantese was suilic in the ante of
Island No. Ch.
Flour—The market is firmcr,.wlth miles of 1000
bbls at. $4 23 for common and good, brands.
It l e Flour—The market is ,ats3 37
Corn !deals firm, at $2. $7 per -
Orain—Salos prime White . Wheat at $1 0:1c,
and if Rye at 91.3 per busheL Coin .1s scarce
and in demand, with sales of SOW bushels yel
low at. G'.'} , a iine per us Oats are steady at
• •
The market in reference to other- articles is
quiet, with no change in ',neon
NOON - CEPura.
Nsw Youn, Jana 25.
coma is held id bisher , than yesterday's
Flour--Tbo market is better, With sales
bbls state, at $3,94e4,00 -
Grain—Sales 2.500 bus Geoe?.re - witent
Corn has advanced, with stiles 1500 bus sit.ll7o
684 foe mixed, And 000 for round yellow.
:"'.i`:~~~',,,.~'`ta nrc-Z'''"~"K",9'3~+~ ~~._:SN , '-_`^:',, s~ga x •w-:,1 ~?'S";~:;w~rr. i - .}~ . ~.,r, : e _,~'-` u - ' , ~sr~ - h~. v:T,rk ??:+"'' -... _
Linseed 1,000 gallons, .at 70c 1 '
Prosisiems—Pork is in moderate Inquiry; with
new at 4,62ei1 4,75, and of old do
at $44,51.10 bbL Sales of .new prime at $13,.
sad of old . do at $l2 e 1 bbl. Beef is in better.
request, at $95111 for mess. Cal ideate are
eteady,-with sales of - hams at 7.1®71, ',sad of
ebouldois at o.lCOGiell lb.
Butter—ls offered more freely,; and the,.mar
het is essier,'at 9(15c for Ohio, and 10€1)14c
for western.dairy.
. .
Cheese-Supplies nre , searee, with eaten at Cieti
G rc k er tedi--.The triarliet is inactive.
Stocks—Faneies arelower. United States and
ood state stocks are:nnettanged. Ileneyiti tight,
eseeptine, toy first class paper.
Stocks—There is a better feeling in stocks. U.
•8. sixes closed at 4@si advance—those of 18t12
being at 1101, and those of 1867 at 1161. Can
ton Co. have advanced to 74. •
Cotton—The. market in steady, soles of
200 bnles.
' - Flour—The sales are 12,000 hbla at.'s . 3 87€)
$4 for Common State, being ari tidionce of 0 to
12c bbl. •
Rye Flour and COrn Meal—Rye Flour is qui
et at $2 44 14 bbl. -No sales of corn meal.
Grain—Solea.looo be •Geneseit IVhcal at 100 c,
and of •Sliehittnn White at 102 c ? bushel. Rye
is offered freely at 78 e.. Cora 10 a ittlo better,
with solos of mixed.westent at 67c . bushel, of
roontlyellowt'st Coc, and of white at 0406ffr 14,
Provisions aro without change. I
SUF:IS and COffee 'are also without hangs! the
transactions in cackbeing ye_ryt
. .
. . . .
Flour—The dentandis limited and priers un
etuutled. Sales 400 brig at $3,15e3,25 pa
42Irninnles 1500 bushels corn nt no. Sales
IMO 6112116 o.atti from' store at We- Sales of
rye, to arrive nt 62e per bushel.
IThiskey—SidirsAt lii.per gallon.
• Pmslsions—lilithing is doing.
Groceries—Thirmarket is unchanged. Sales
200 sacks common Rio Coffee at 9/ per lb.
The riser is receding slowly.
Some idea• of the unpopularity of Judge Camp
bell may be derived from the following extract
from the Philadelphia Ermittg Bulletin of June
to. The paper professes to be, neutral, but its
editor is a Locofocm
"If Judge Catepdell should be nominated to;.
morrow, which'we mill not believe can be clone
until the fact is anoonnced. nothing but defeat
and disaster can follow. He will be disgraced
party will be prostrated. and nobody
will be to blame but themselves. The pecuniary
plea, set up by hiafriends,. • is the only one they
offer for his nomination. They admit' his in
competency, but say be must have the office to
enable him to live. Far better that he should
'be pensioned by the public bounty, and let him
live in idleness, as hi Quid at all eventa, than
that this high position should be them prostituted.
But his nomination will not' avail him for 'this
purpose. He will unquestionably be over whet=
med with defeat; and his Party will curse him
'for their overthrow, and he in turn will curse
his party for not upholding' blot. '
l'.vogr.sarornwll.titnoi'n.—The Parkersburg
Gazette of the 14th instant says—
On the liOtlrinsL, Looks of Subscripti on to the
Capital Steel: of the North Western Virginia
Railroad Company, will be opened at Clarksburg,
Pruntytawo, West Colon, tlnrrtsvllle, Elizabeth,
Gleoville;.Beekhammon, Phil Lippi, and on the
.25th inst. at 'Westoit—,July :id, being the day
fizel for opening the books at thin place. These
points arc well distributed 'through the region
of country interested, so that' every citizen may
repair to one or other of them, oh the day des
ignated, - with little trouble or difficulty. With
regard to the prospect and probable amount of
subscriPtion, out of this county, we are not so
folly advised as to could wish. From some
quarters, we hare lemsted nothing. From others,
we are tnfornied that large and liberal subscription
will be mode, men of meana, taking a lively in
terest in the enterprise,
Attaci,d Lyn Seord 141“—The barque Bahl
Din Sultan, on herrecent voyage home from
Zanitiar, received an assault from a sword fish,
which was soliowerful that the creatures sword
WWI thrust through site bottom of • the rem,, a
diStaXie of serenteen it:elicit, penetrating a plank
in the course of itkprogress.. The sword broke
off; and still remains sticking in the vessel. The
shack which the fish gars was so violent as to
be felt onboard, and the crew ran to the side to
see what wan the occasion of it...,-Safes. Frerman.
One of the Lowell gills,. employed in h rnttnn
mill et Coloinbus, iu Georgia, write 4-htnic that
the mill was intolenibly dirty, end • uuprovided
with a tingle looking.g,lnsp, oral that ...hearty
all the girls chew tobacco. They have a email
stick; nearly its large eonpipe stem, one end of
which they chew until It is something like n
brush, then they dip it in snuff, put it in their
.mouths and suck it like a babe. ,They pay
twenty-fine cents a bottle fur tool!, one of which
will last them. were.
To Present Dampness in Wails.—A correspond
ent of the BuilJor tit? contributed a very simple
m :thud of preventing damp.walls by the mere
outside application et SO3I , and hot water, rind
'then - as roan as dry, sprinkling the wall with a
Estupated solution otalum..",, fle stated that he pre
pared several places in this way, and water p mir
ed on the, wall ran off as from a docks back,
without procingtho jnteffect.
Edmund Quincy in his lost Boston letter to the
New. York Anti-Slavery Standard, records as a
remarkable case of absence of mind in a South
ern.-gentlemen, as we have met with lately. Be
saps . .
"A southern trader went to his correspondent
here, a sound Webster Whig, and squared his
account. Upon being asked whether he had not
Afresh order. togive," he replied, ItNo. 1 hove
resolved to hay no more ; goods in Boston, until
she shows a more proper regard for Southern
rights!" So hAmanfully went hie way to some
morn patriotic city. Hut. shortly he came hock,
and mousing about for some time, finally bought
his goods to a large amount of a house the head
of which' is well known An out and out Garrison
isn Abolitionist, on active mensbevg the Mutri
can Anti-Slavery Society? So let the Stith look
Out for infeeted articles. Hydraulic rams may
make water run 'up hill, but the moral hydro
stastic has not yet been' discovers 4 which con
:turn the course of trade out of its natural chou
neL Patriotlem may be a very powerfal Potty..
.but it hog not strength eninig_h to keep a met
.chant froni'haying his goodAwhere he con get
them best and cheapest
SILT KIVEIS STEAMBOAT.—"II. I 4, o'/id." 119110
.we don'S'youeb far the truth of it, that the dem
aerate of the "Iron City," are abinit' to corn
merino. the building of a steamboat of the largest'
class, to be constructed entirely of British Iron,
and called the "L.ety Varner. ' f 6 iS intended
for the transportation of inlemneratilir passen
'fere, to the head waters of ":tale Ifietr," and its
-fist trip to the saline region. 'Ades' the com
mand of Capt. Wm'. Bigler, assisted by one Seth
Closer, as mate. will pontirely take place on the
Second Tuesday of October next, eciihoul rryrtrel
to trimd or n-rather. We understand oleo, that the
hurricane deck of the ''Lecky Harper," to to he
surmottuied . by a *wit, of Antall colo",re . , nqd plac
ed miler the special direction of Capt. Lewis
Roberta, ottlatiriene . Connty Legion,". who it
is suppoeed,.will keep his piece constantly load
ed with "Bode be discharged at every
. ,
Whig that maydinned to Lie seen straggling an
the shore, during the passage.
Si - Ti, "The editors of the Washington .Esami
mer go up as Cooke.--1V ark. Com.
“BICII. a Gorris! STAnts."—Said mold
prescher'oneo upon,a time, as we leant from the
-Richmond Despatiti, "If you were told, that by
going to the pip of these steps yonder (pointing
to the rickety- palest 0,130 tied oftha church) you
amid secure your direst salvation, really be
lieve hardly any of you would try let
any man proclaim that there was tee hundred
dollars up there, and be Weed thernwonid
be such a gitting up, the steps as you never did
ace:” -
.A rrince hating naked binphysleianhow much
daily food - was sufficient to.. nourish and heliport
the body; the physician replied—
tiOpe pound Of foint 'heliport man—should
he take more; the eon mot support the food."
•if you Maul keep awake,' held a preacher to
ono - of hin ltettreih: ',hen, you feel drowsy, why
don't you mho spinch of snuff!' "I think," woe
the shrewd reply, otho.nradnhouldhe put into
Dreadful Araiflene-4a North'Gorton, Mnee.,
on the 13th itistant. the wife and two daughters
of.hlr. Amiable, cabinet, maker, were burned to
death. The catastrophe was caused by the up
seting2f. u ppt of varnis' over the fire, which
communicated with theivelothing.
:Valiforsions in Fnd.r. , — On Thursday morning.
al l l4ll street; dealer in gold. dust bought $lOO,-
000' worth from owe ,
passenger in the Crescent
City ; - and it is estimated that the passengers in
shat steamer brought ,$2,000,000, beisiden what
was on the manifest.i..,
Prrible Love of Lifr—Coleotto pqrrs report
the tomior of the ship. Curroulsoy. bOssol to the
-bfapritius, with Coolies. About 21:10ierished
thp flames or rest drosma ' ,
. .
~ • ,
ilitli - EltrktD Stalat.SLLlfiC.:l..lllO: Clirell
1 Lip Powdered 4 ;pet Crostitiel, kw sate",
Jez. ... , . - . • • - JAMES A. HUTCHISON 2. CO.
11OLDEN SYRUP . -4n hf. bblo. and 10 g 2.1.
I L .A.:.kilve, fee. the FL Louis iteinA7 file sale ter__
1(1 . ere J e A s 7 a t. ro A iin l/L i "re fi l:_im. ,, lN l. ir i t.: .. 7
11 .
, 1 . r— . 121) t
JAMES A. I lCrel tis4.o: 40). _
EIIIP.-130 bales Ni. 1). It., for sole liyi
l ie2 , JANE: , A. 11U2CIIISON A co..
CI PLEASE-15 bblo..good grease, now land
lag Truan ammo. 9ultarld Isad . :. E Vr . stl , l by
Water sad Fronliitr.
mat - - - ---
article ne'd sad fur sale at the Prue More of
mr.lo &toter sod Exchku;‘.
101 EARL ASII-20 casks fol. sale by
DOT ASH-4 casks pure, for sale by
mr-21 . - .1. IL CANFI KLD.
I~APPLES- , --20 bags for male by
_ay mra It. DA LZELI. A do.
DOT ASLI-5 casks lilt sale by
19.21 n. ILIVAELL & _
1311 AR L ASLI—'2S ea.lks for sale by
_l_ my2l • .1. C. CANFIELD.
- )INK ROOT-2000 lbs,Tor sale by
_l.. lny/O . J. KIDD a CO.
1 AIID 01L— Ben .b Jones' brand, for
I/ mato br tura. 1011.111 DICKEY & CO.
SALT PETltil-75 sacks 'Crude, for salipy
ICE-100 tierces for sale by 4.
NEiC Yon. Juno o.
tit; Wahl A.
ABBITYS Double iiefiltrti Salerattift,
put ttp 11), Mlb parent Any yr.°.
tskag • paper of thin ralrrntun, will prefer It Us /MT uth
rr. Fur sale by . WM. A. ilthtlE9 (X),
cireeitt,ta Tea Pnalerst_
Tierces Rice at Morn and for
ie. salt' by MILLER a mem:Teox.
Lltautr at.
1103 IAN CEMENT-2 bbin., for sale by
JL4 :t4 • R. F. VON lIONIIORST it CO.
ir I NEGAR-40 bbLM. purneider for sale by
J.:, r. VON I.IONUORST a eb.
gI lI EESE—;SO bar. W. R., for hale by
bc:zies o
31. o
J R. Raisins.
Noe.= ft •• Llbertr rL
41old. Gold and Velvet, Ittateret.'rapreto7 am ,
Ornamental Preach Paper. r.of .LAO. qualifier. Sod at
iten toe ull then iVIITALIIITII of almo ara rteeny el of
etotnere, for file at the eataltilehmentaf
30;2., THOMAS PALLIER. Lb Alark.4o. ,
pIG IRON-2-10 tons Ben's creek; •
1000 .. Mtn errrlu
L .. II 41 , blucum cur Ado by
ROUIe.ON. Lup,}: A CO.,
IIOPI }: F..--300 Lgo. prime Green Rio Col
i foe. reeelnod And for rale by
r151L501;61 , ..i. new 1t. , ,1, pieldf4 herring. h.O do do do drr Jo
110 belt LIRA. do do do
lu More and for ale by 110 1 11 JOHN WATT MINI.
IARD.-2,000 ltei. Lard, for sale ma eon
slAckuartt by T. WOOI9 A SON.
P •
TA, Na fij, icii«i• et.
• • -
til l 14S._trs,„ibte, , wi i ‘ , , ,, .d . wintertsperrn oiL
1.144, ^ bieniana
I:~a whale
b.(A) Irto.r
1.400 Tanlit-W tl
•• 11'..ant girbal.•
In vterosod rale bi
ItiCKETS4).N. Lituen.7 ot.
)LANTATION Sugar and Molasses
bbcf A. mime plantation smug,
.7.417 ibls do do molssses.
I o store and (..r tale by
lis Nex. I= A 7.n.l4larty st.
House Itohomes and Plantation
1. , Mg,. F. 11. Slolauwa—...t.../atots Real:wry.
• 10 Taub. fair Plantation Sugar.
On conal,ment awl for saltby
jeS C0.5..t3 1.0..rty at-
Books! Books!. •
QPIINIITZ'S History of GreOce.—A Hist°.
1•r • 4)701.110 tb..ulirattime•.a,lhe , lrrtrur.Ym
1)10)1'.. LIT Ur. Lco.N
S,hrolts. P. It. A. 0.
, be Ilarmony of Propbacy. re Feriptural /llnatTati^na nl
tt‘ atoJp. re the'lle v. Alrzand,r Ketth. D.
Itallada for the Tsnum llanalthoo. llaMenua. ATlonmod
malothor Ity.Martin Farquhar TuVrer•
l'oprerNal 1.1,11,, ,thy. A Slorlero Pyramid, and the INr
f Ring AtTed. STartlo arquhar Tupp.r.
l o be of West nylon.): 'Tale. Ilr Mary Ilmettt,
lb" Phil...Ph,' of tistitstosucts. tomdstot trots the
Con, .1c Philoet.phla INaaltira of Ataguate Comte. By M.
31. i,i111...Me.
Ilarpere Nro mad 171. Gallrmul linlde
laattin.; a de!emption of the 1:1.,.rr. Towne. CI,
too.t mt.-runt 01,10,,,. the With .ro
1,,,,01,1 and thirty.% cograMoka by Oat IIaTTIM.
tr .riatual .Itetrbee male ezpr,alf ps 111 vita. Ily
Slat . Lend..
413.1-ret lira - Monthly SI .klarlur June
I:a. Gob) M'orshlppro_ or th, (IA) S 'Ore 11. a total'.
11:; o. oore:. fly the anthor.of —"
Th. a boor r hooka just re , dolvt.,l. awl female AT
0.1 STOCKTON, 4: Market It.
It-2 bbls. genuine ltarbadoes, salt}
J. Ktl tb CO.
1 ()VIDE POTASH—SO lbs. for sale be -
I jr! . R. A. PAIIKEITIOCK A fly.
141.45 TE It-60 lbs. Can tharidep, for sato by
jot n. A. FA llNT2efla`K.k CO.
bales Missouri: on consignment
cot br SLESITI.fitSI,UON,
my lb N 0.131 Front 4-
FRO:ti KENTUCKY: I , y Rob
-1,1 tort.
Fau. Walls
t• aline. ti.4o Est, [tits. llaaabarg Polka.
V. I,, Meade t..! W Y ' , ail!
T,Tou baat wolitaleal the twirl, that kt..l the.,
nl that ar• si;:htvet.
elm Yasz'aPoli...
tria Mika.
Mae J untata..
01.1 Bachelor Maid.
Laurtst.of the Mite Orphan dirt
. thy yoio, fr tantio tontine ear.
Lonent ot the lnah EtaiKrant.. • Heed 4..rsal•
tO3; JOHN NIEL 1,01:, St Ward At.
UIIOT-65 kegs ass'il Nos., for sale by
11OULDEItS—I2 casks for sale by
to F.NBLIbIi a BEN. ETT. ,
1 1 1 1:G0T-40 lbs. (fresh) for solo by
A mix 0 .o.} AITNIWNCL. k O.
PILE highest price in Cash paid for all the
X ,llllefent vulg. of clans wagb.4l Wool by
trlyi M Ft VIIC • IXR.
LINSEED 011 . ,--3 0 bide. (warranted pure)
1.4 by J. aCII.K/NIILREIL C CO.,
my lb Waal
1u rs.vs UT rale by
4 a A LERATUS-42 efirks prime. for Nile by
A) toyCl nicb t IIeCANDI,E-F_E
g-11.1000LA'fE-130 boo. Bo(., for tittle by
. J my ft WICK A !A , CANDI.Ea.I.
-1 awning LL sto wad Cud,re or with a (all ArKalmant or Lad
toylo A.IL EATON.Taarm
bbls f , ) , r s rale
11 , 1e4euuJ .t.
. . .
EMP-45 tons Mini. D. R., ftw sale by
./IVl AEREri P i l; \ l "3'i gi ',by
m,l. ililll .OiN:
. E 4 SI'LIT PEAS—Received and
4Jreale by 031. A. 31 00 1 CAL,
urferl4lon4 141 4 dl/...1r5,
PETRELicIii bage (Orude)fur sale by
1. try's w. 1.. 011.1415.
(.1 PERM 011.--lb bids. extra, forzale by
1.7 014.,11 d McCANDIAU , S.
rgIANNERS' ticl bids. for sale by
jet • Wjeli 031reANDLE08.
NO. 3. MACKEREL.-30 for sale by
N.. ••• ger 01
I u SARSAPA.RILLA.—A few doz.
1.1,11.1 t Nal.. toy ale 4y, N. WICREIIISIIAM,
Corner of Wool awl 01a114 otrorAt.
g !ANA ItY SERD.-3,500 lbs. Just received
Vfrom ih4"4.n4.040' r P l 7Tl ''''
WAol 1010 .44.01.
.I.ltlR-40 bills. White Louisville, for vale
((by My% EN111.11 , 11 11ENNIM.
5.()00 1;'„1:4 and Scant
ier:4 tiNtunsii
PEN TINE--10 bbl. prime, for sale
17 OP it . eta.i.nite...
ti bbd.. wimp N. It, Anion
" by
JAMES A. 1111111111NoN a 111.
F. resell. if ttFt foodent Prever '
Temperance A nthem—dolleated to the Tomionemw s o '
Pongof iceey. platry (non 1141ny O.W/ I'llgtininlonnno,
VlLlZc th ; r a=rl: soak:
Go where honor—from Comnalln, hy tenth
, Prinking bong. by Illnebettell
mlebrated entitle bong, by fr. V. linll)rr
aOnlallt In ektoplom
1 s S t un of !nary • Imantlfal ballad by Ik. V. tl - ullar r.
'air/ am 1C,00,111 00110 th n frith bard. ,
eaten:Ono mar,
Ilan:1ml, Walloon flonemo,
Inn MLitt. Alto. lino "election of many teaching
Wallara, kitten., and a complete moortmert klollosnd
/flute Musk. . Nu. 101 Tided etnwt,
jettl Man tbiklito 11011,-
I.l.ltiow arriving. • nplondld Int ot New ?WPM.
Ladies ! - Ladies! - Ladiesi
AVOUJ,D you- your furniture , -
n o . n t d .
• z 0..!
notyr be brilliant and w4l n the r.rlar and
Mann: If m, try I , II7LLIPS
1710771:10: 1 , 1,L1511, A sire
ftrr . st i 71P1 l o om n ilnw .. Vrtt r : l l
Tow It'l great thing formturo &I ' m... bold In bob
ilea, at I.N. IV,. and 25
7 5. North Yourthi otroat.
BL A l7:l?* " ,:fi Ir,t,',"Wit , ,,il" L ' uN "F IT " ~ira of
Boyers' Piano Preceptor.
TiLEIIEII. Jufit received Boyers
celebrated preceptor for the Plano, which In me
knowbohted hy promotional moo In thin coontrY end In
Europe. 41 ho tho bent work of the kind ever Poblinhod•
Beyer. well known ne one 61 UR. ltl.tnurensantlguntoacre
ml "evnelr foil
aal l lf I:l7'morti.:lX
oGtlrt, via: an elnmrota
' I I. boll:
th. greatly f o acllltatlng and antoollat
log the wonewhot and Irkentoe ilrat stud,' of mm
tle andplnno playing. The following Profane. who have
endned the work, aro reflowed to:
rrnfewor• Ilarborat, Landromm. keine. Noth. join
(aolla. ASII-20 cocks Kurta'n biand, tor
1.7 sal* Urmoo H. a W If Allll,llllll.
I Arai 01L-10 bide. Winter Strained, for
,No by m 71.2 4E. BELL= 67 Wood et.
Nclienry's.Plaisdelphia & Liverpool Line
of Packets.
.44 Sailing from Philadelnliin on the 4
Stb. and Liverpool on the lriof:arhanoeth — •
ip •
PltE`lATift gin% tg717 . J . : * 311X •
EtlllorPlt, Nathaniel C.
I t,, antater.
Alfred Smith. Itarter.
lIIIACKAIIAXI IN. fnase,) W. W. Wert. 'Muter.
The above ahIP: are 00111 a the belt and moot madly
materials. and are noted for the ranaldruf their
they are fltlad up with all latext totprtrirruente, are morr.
thoroughly INDttlated, mul are uneurparaqd for their at.
enmmodattons for &wad Orkin and steeru Plastage,'
they are trunmanded hymen of acknowledged talent. who
aro unequalled fur thel,experlenee In the packet th e
derirona of tainuinq thole friends front the Old
Country can obtain cerlitleatea lemur. which b•
gond for eight trouthk,pl
agents lu Ireland and Lie.
erpaol rondo!. thou the proper information 11101
in o ct ion, ralatlve to their .lepartu tr.
For the emu/union.• of yuuengern triihing to Iwo, mo
ney,ve t .pply drafts Mr aterliutz and uplrard, P•ll_hl o e f
4 . te 'i t . i n ' k w . c'Ate oo whi
6..;nnlotlotursupplird. pareengern awning fr om Liver-
Every vieek the fullualuir supplies trill be furnished
i.arh paemouger of 12 -oar,of age and aver: 21: lb.. breul,
nee, 2 cz. tea, $i lb. trite
min.., and 1 lb. Under 12 years .of ago,
lbs. brenalutullk, 1 pork. full allowsnre of water and vita •
ran, tau
half allowance of to,, moor and triolaarer.
. .
IIiIIIE SUBSCRIBER respectfully anuourt
UN all'', 2::l2 l gt h , '!14.„7,','4,,`,;',.111;,,1 A.7trATL'i;
S'l' ' .l.Telb htfl'EL. ion known in c0...14km with the
Howl owl., the late I' prkter, he Gel, pert xtly vat. In
piollliAillg. 44.1 Dateh e, that übtltind ehall be wanting
to rout:rat itx Drayton. eputation es the beet kept house
In the rountrl. Noe. Ipulrt4.n1 pulrt4.n
hae been epared In complete.
ly rellblne, the entire e tahlieLdneute and be particularly
invitee attention te. the 'ban.. introduced for the con
y. nieure end comfort f !Aube, Being firmly dntermlrr•
ed to ate.] eatiefertion , he garbs a nontlnuanre of that
g.t . traege alwasitie:.lflfAjbeet.owed on A. thd . cr ia lged .
L FACTUItEb. No. I tooth byroad Etreet, tnbot•
Cdettnut.. not mete,)Phl sdelphla. frbilay
Y. 01•11.125 . ............... —...........,0111 . 00.11. AVE.
FL. 11. 10011.1110 kaLTII ..121'.
All AEY , - WOODWARD & Co., Whole-
AI sale Omer.. No. 221 Market at.. Ili ilaalelphla. 1•01
• • • ..... .
CO.. LH, EUCKNOR & CO., Tobacco
0. - 4nroLerion Iforrhont4, No. 41 Nortb-Whlor rtrort.
o. 111 North ITharo4,l•loholelphia...;'utotl
XXERCER 4 ANTELO, General Commis
rtori 3lorrh 4 ntr. 1101.141ohhin. Librr4l Oral*u
on oorohnortonle or Praloro honerhhr. trtuattabm
S. 1111L1.8. No. 6 Cortlandt tit.,•N. York,
w f.,011.t at his Shawl warehouse. a fresh
at, •a 4 no
aIIAWL: consisting or all styles
.Yroteh and Domextie Wad Lang,Sharris. toaelhar nith
a full aessrtruent of Freneh and% lenna Soars. ind Loug
(train, Shawls, of every grab.
Also, sn eNtensira steel, of Colorg,)l4rlno.Thibet.Eilk.
ttann. and Velvet SACK.. Or.. of
various shapes and styles, mat/situ-tuna from Yaels pat
terns .d las own truportstlonv. received serullnontbly for
Havre smenniere.
Its tho eperlaT attention Soth and 14 - r , d.
ern Slerehants to the atoll , . thewyfind an assort.
VIVO!. MNumb, nal revly-suale gradsfor LadLes' weir. in that-fly.
ALL°. superior w11:1:STANI0, fm exhiblllog
t•trawls and Mantillas. drelund in every colored Print and
etdol,, at al and lb earl, 1.1001
Office for Foreign Patents,
il- 0 , at.. N. York, and 16t; Flat
Iv Great rallain. Rana. mown, HiVard,and al
wnee par. 4 I:um; ,—, b, o.on,
F , .11 liza,mati. un ILe *WT.' no be hael Lr *4.lreeri.¢
e rect.xt New Tell,
Superior Black Writing, and Copyingl °NE'S F..IIPIRF INK, Si Susan street,
U2l Buittlinvt. Nom Teri
• .
Ou frt . ...
the he.. tuanatext:trnl.
L. good I'OPYLNIi I.NN—r. [ ”l rill not ror,f..
adurd..l fnr Pun.
Tho und..rognet: i•t•repared to rural.). la the trade el.
Lb, 1., or Lau., nmott.urtlun. at -the Mr. , very
for 1:Mro, put or st, ler ordtr.nred delivered in ...I Pr. ,
n 1 the tits or than., •No ehame. fur mar*. IT
tr le, chxr,d
at nett.-o.t.
711E1 , 001LE LENT,
1 , 7 Nasmu
.11 ton 111[11.11u,,
. •
Professor A. C. Barry's Trieopherous,
kit MEDICATED /COMPOUND, for re; sud brautt4lng IL. blur. etadter
flux wur: nt..l dandruff. aud the elan.
[due ormin, .4. It
hr...Lv.. 04.-...rttn0 , 1 t., e‘pertnwrit. that Barn". Trlevt.h.
•n. Lou pr.lue.lll, mar. curing armee. .tithe
ski ti': rte. of lb, boron. 0,1 all It, animal tine:lm. The
endu..bondmlP Of similar
10.,,m, rill... ne tn ahoy tbe of the pe.p....-atims.
cud rhlgn it L. hetd wkn huh.
pm, era • Lrgal
Nx, V.AL, P.pLA
Ilatarr—Doir Fir-1 Es., two aft11e...4•01 a ea-
Laacryx errip., , a of the•a •aldal .banr. r •INN,fI oi,athat preatal
h,l the ga.l "rtirrat
ri .t.. a.: Las.. (rt., lb. 1.1..1.11, and
st,,n, altlrmt the ha.s4 lonnett. I ..a.osirlerd
1, ain n.l ln try Tr,e,hrnalla I &Ai v as Isa
r.,•41. ant!, to my rkayvee nat arat.kativa.f ,
ru. in al. tan tureAns. : 4 .seh arm via nea of tt.
...Ire that nt sump. , I vv luP Dill
• tku =bah $1,04.
)!Qci. Oct. tur rvar.... •
raa,e nut a ctral den*. mud air houl Rao 13 2 •',
ulth dandruff. 1 RSA told by s frira,l Yo try lee
Abr. and 1 411 d s. and to 113 T sltnnuhnicaL !
fiYvilr r; and all Oz. dandruff
ta.v.t to atrArr for
With u+.l4. an, y.lolooo'l*, - Tea.
J A t111VF.LL. , . , 1
If any 1.17 or 0,01.• autlu•n
.01 ' S' rrr n Ist ,' l,l7lTl tr.! C
127 bruad way, . re
New Music.
TErorn th , lh7.ry slvt Sara: Ann.
TGm In t.o ernmly Mir Lbn ,rinwrvent run
at..l K iln rrxeium 11.1
it 7
m.yre Tr.e”,:henntx, or alnlnal.,l Cute ea _.:.1 It . et.
tnriv‘dr the upper .4 the aunan tat
aln...nteter, nurte.r,, Mt law It le need In preferenta to
Wther born Of Lbw I.n I It mai 7414 rig )1. to It. mot•rlf
e lanlr. and thn. n, Are
It.i• growth larr.arha t tle i le.
It :461n1T''=1.oml;lb.
11ch n.AI/ 414.4 . dr ana,andote u s a p
Jere. .f
. the akin: In elit.;. , .< ar w.ll.eltl7Arr. It otan4a
utortwalled. 111, mold In tar, la,ttfra, Vied Zr..rtt, AN..
t.l I:reoularay..etal at the Itrar.l;tela generally, Lluvanhnnt
audeanaJ. •
i• • • PRINTING INKS. . • •
- EIUTCISINSON 1.C.. Nol3 Sf,rrict. Street;
i , i!2 4 ,.. ,MILY,II"I S A - Min : =lnrzt,ll h rlr.l ,
.rnknhl hn:lnn. and Mr i Inn Ilnok a
re Job Kart. 'ankh
tin, warrant in 1.. toml^•'•d of the
parent =animal+. azat to .
1 ' V4-ral:l[lll,rat i in n fit.:7ulit7n. " l . ..ll as tnnlv; a rich
trap and nerrnat.nny to wurkauNnlor Loamy utberinaa now
In uno. ..,.:ti At oin , 1 ..1 10 0 frnM• 7. 1 an. In 1 4 4 1 . P. , lb.
pit up 111 eauna, awn forawanl.4 In order. , .
It t Co. al•ornanufa , sure 4,14,1 1.0. s annt,. shed. and
, cue Ilty naryinn trolnlll.n. tn IV:NC/per lb. tot2m
_ .
tallcs(a). ,
d ioNTIN u Es hin tisual facilities 10 receive
ale, landLashlpm.c. ell Lim:La/NIL.
tot, S.ll, ett. hip .1. , e1L dtlly all putts
Lt ItLtn i Canal atl Ither. •
It •L Lor , ts,l-terling A Co.:
51r..1rAtti A. CoutbeT. Wart
ST. JOSEPH, 11113$00RI.
Crpatnirsino...l Verwanilnkt 3.lnrrhants, . tha
t. AkuoJrr GQrtleu. eu.l leu.mF Fierllol *
1h AVID O. TUTTLE, Attornoy at Law,
y Prostsylramix, Et. 1nta..1.10.
A d 'promptly anneryrd. ociZkly
JOHN 11. NANKIN, Attorney and Coon- .
t. ltl tt . te . Statte o
7.111 , r, ll'ettotlleyr h McClure, John E. roolto.ittg*lta A
Serph, 31.-Cord
rII I IIE imilermigned heNing entirely re
11 built awl rularywl the sinroeitoriltWeKlalillst.'"'
wont, [1.4111111g la ell sto hroe hutulred a now *0.14 ri.flmwtftillr dot eu , tio. that it it now ;wady
for the rwwwlinn and serounualathin nr, thu
ite rsterwitit wolirrof the un,trosw:liorivnlonwsof MIN
Iloo* b“hwriwi ...Within.. 101 Mg toinwrous
tern.wiiich hart Loett ulnae mina prwperlr Ellen le,
It 11 ...Wraith...tent. Cuter, It to ray, no t ‘wmiiee h. been
spered to meter oily
Thu furniture WWI Elltbdtl tw 1 .. 01
roll. met rertalit worthies of IL. estwelallc the twewlug
room., will be found to he of the rniwt beautiful minutia.
lute. The Dlniug riwout ere eqpncliets i awl the hours for
gusts will lw nr.nwed at tw suit the cos...len. of the
res.!, u a...them - it will Iwo romlurlowl lu an woe:rept lorm.
Mt mat..., awl the pnowletor pletitine'ltitewlf the*, the
Au .rlvdo Hoene shall by truly tier Ttersller's Ileum
No. 37 Wa'lnutstri, b:lo7:4!! ' oLg:llxTlw a l.Yrkl.
cornerand Wood sl%2: 3 ., l i'lt l an i r ',..:11.
United States liotel at Philadelphia
Shawls! Cloaks! Mantillas!
VIII 1'-
11:1 A Pl l.
ES .. -: ra , lu I nil, for m
! mr..
_Cunt', m.0111>•.100 A CO.
. . - , . .. ..,
('s R. ASTO OIL-9 bLIo. 011ow's make) for
11 n.I. 11 ml= 111100. TI ATM EWS A 10.
4..11:r .A. i i---'2.W Illals. primp N. 0., for sale by
I nkyns A MI- H A 111"117111FON iCO
/'I ql. Er ti POT CLAY-30 Ws. just reed
'li awl fur volw I, .1 ,CII(NMAIILit A CO.
. I w'e_l
g Ly.v,zs-15ou ib, Y., tale i n .
Ali .‘4, 10 A. 0.111 NkliOCK A CO.
Af IT; , ISI , - , C ., 1 , 12: t 1.0 1 1V 1• ,. ; 1 t n ST:- . 4 . 1:p A 1 . r , n ri d , 1 . ,.1 rgr . il•y
7.lii. 70 "" rrlgrii- I . ' "'-' `"'Ar. ' 01.1%71 1 ;70 . ''''
1 kitIED PEACHES-Xi sacks in store mill
A jr bi• .11;1 low lo claw. lot. br
00111 1:+01 All lIICKEO A CO.
--,- ---
S-40 don, Marietta, r sale by
6.'101 J. 11. CANFIELD.
Blt9UMt - -1 1 10 dor.. Corn, for Fa? by
721 .1. It. CA:OILLI.. _
1 A.LEltiTtig-- , -1.00 boors, pnro•
'2O lA, , '. 11.1 . ...1.• 1, /
to )111 • .1.11. CANI.11:1.1).
LI UGAR-100 bits. i l in;dered, for sale by
I 7 00)01isultuto NI r. IL INOIIItA3I.
• • ----
t IOFFEre-15 .. ,1 1.1 kings Rio;
,),..b. & by
. 1
UGAII-48 lifal . s._:: '' i n :lreTOl T ., T :f j l .- , ll L— Te . by
-0. prime
j 42 *H.I Wm., end d 2 Front S, M met
LOAF SbliAIL-I.oolbls. anied Non.;
Cd, fdr Hale b 7
W. & rushILSON
ICF First., dndll42.e.rol Ht
UGAR--10 hints. Chained, for - mile;Ty_
TEAS -410 hf. JaFSts Young Ilysoii; •
er , OHIHnt:
my IS • Wider and Frtma. std.
4 0VERINti'S SUGARS-- , Diiiiile Reined
Loa. Pnlverlml and. Powderd, rorirtsally
:wad artg; . or rale by tti
v Ta; : rlel.eurte i h. , l ( ( Worst .
iay/D ''' SOLlbertr •
, • • . _
•• - •
DWELLlNChlionn4,containing • 9
or lo ruome,•lnirintrfle on Federal street. piN,
. ill:- • orlifi34.-.•
ValuableeLa on likii-street - Torlde:
j WILL sell the LOV'On',..miTvstedit;ls( l - .
jointog the 00boliterr al fa
of Wirt Noble on,
(Arat t rtg
feet, wiin &Tot toward Swami stroctrif fiftfestinioni
Wu. The price Is Winn. ore ItstuL tits, ba w
iran.l=7l.ntlrjr b' ri 'd .glftt=
role. The 'title is reasons'
at the &Mos oW. filalcr.,k - en; Fourth tr. -
r4Olt RENT. - A" tliree-46:iry • briolt
dwelling botiorr, Annie on' hird strioni hetsroiri
ant and limn the hot, 'hmll noted with wo
drsat In the kitchen and shots which flier...tin to roots;
with Dot sod cold voter. Poisew , ion Finns immodistely .
*PAT ' • •' S. Vi"VONIHniSiIOBST VOt
Jr. • • • • No.P3 6ILO Tema st.•
• House tizia Lot fof:thile;! , •
A LARGE LOT; on Lenthelistrtkf.;4l=4. - ".
0. 'coheir), running Utmost. toliolsontionjt-i
Jrrt on each stirs; with a iloolls Of 1 Pret s 10...0!ww•
settler with • wood Drlck Moro i containing olx
moms. For terms . 0 , r 1115 ACHESON woo Limps K.ato-
Ulm. street. or JOllO y. • •Je2
Gt TORE R6031.T0 LET, otigniretit.;
mind' door
from Fourth, whit adjolnlis
Vlach and Jewelry Store 9l W. IV..Vinsoa.• TAW .
Roam hos the hstirlsonsesi. front in tbs,_rita, Ana to
the host location for apri &loads asti Sailor onshinlS: . ••
Root for tiotholanns of ibe gear will be very low.
Beal Estate foi Sale
A -VALUABLE, the, corner of.Llberro -ran] !Factory streets. Fifth
bpi - Amite the Carman Catbolle Church.oo lartfrout au Lib
erty. by 100 feet deepoa YarforTiruulabustet!.ol9prino
1 the three itery Ilecaa
Fleet; adjoining the above, Omelet beam 20 fret troll'?
Iler feet deep... The home la line and earivanieute t
madam ,v eleven rooms. v..
Alon—al nerve of very valuable laral tee. Ebasaabillau.
—A .Varnof 13.5 acme la West Iker loraelalp.4
Also—A Farm o['.3 arm to Larn-cua oo=ty, 6 lee
r La Beaver soanty. of Juba • saw
prhrs. (tom dOll am. dowel. t
• lots la kauvoo,lnlaola ... Yr en
tualerate. Enquire of • • •
• Allorueys at Law. and Real Mate Amato, v.
roy:3l Sea 107 Fourth zateet,littarna
yoR RENT—A'Warehou;Kvora 'Water cit ,
stmt. dreamt Market arid Ferry, Antall.
k produce brunekreta require ' ' ' .
tovea " JAMMti.DALZMLIe' CS Water se
'FITE finished and aratmlit.l.Sini.n„
I ry rtrre, near tbr
_Pert OBI?, at preaent cr.A
to P ee k n i anr.lryelry,r lore.
"71.111 • "3TYttria
To Fermere.
(fl( 'ACRES • Farming "aid °nixing
ILF Lend's . . In Wnstearnantn heated on the
ATleleheny river, within Melts nallenotth• New 4 askant
Arsoloo Acres In Klk amain nrs Mean rnaorksln -,
tlnk terms. Enquire a A. WILKINS t en., •
- • • comsat ) arket and . Third eta:
TA Gardeners:
rillW ENT Y;ACRES - at.Gardenin Land 4 al
l. mar ander Maridaltivatiott. Malin vae aaa Ota
be enialor IMMian lere--cmc third emit, used the
V 7 trilTrT..i nntir
Oeil ielUo/ l
!! corner sf Idsrket and Third titni -
',Desirable Bribarliin Reedirenee fat.trareT
9111E sabserilier effern for - sale the holiio eui.d
mounds where be am haideaddruated =Park it:, ta.
low Trauma. Allegbenr. and about WS Minim' walk Dom
Me market of this My. :Tint im U. front aa.Parl raw
runnina back feet, to m alley-centainiag ramell nna
sere tagromd. and fa bounded on emery side by large ppm
kte, eilormil with trim and ohmbhery. :The bouts , le
marl, new. large, morodiusly arnamal. barb=
a trout of ist Mt, anti a depth of ir e and ertataime Someone
Mid. hags ul me Mt MM. It le [MOM the bast
mamat drinabla nianam. and hm • no-proof roof.sula
coriLtins .11 the nicslem mnrentennts. Two pampa Wail
01ffillingnaDvItof banljuad softwateram at the dm.
On ths premises are the apermary - out butkitemesptablit.
I. earrieme housa. ne s Tbe amends aro Mil caddimitior tea•
comma with chainefrent Igetes. avenitimints Ma=
samba currants. goad:mei.. esmdartiealm, and a
psalm. The frult not the Mt knal,sead Ms trees Main,
node prime, and yield anima h for the wends Mmendinary
Wady. TM eduction of tltia propesif :S. Wallah:OM and
suburban mtlicita rimantod .withreatrtignit, fa the
odt au by aar maim. lidarsidetiel, It has
a eke of=lo Parer far over a mila, of Tempetancin
Mlle.:Muth Pittsburgh, the citr,alta. Sao and the
hd mama. fuming altugettima Imamate mortmet and
which the •ye never imam, raery brad which e tante or.
deviate tram the port alPitistimgh on the Obis, names in
foil view. The reeldem and mamas am slat cempleteir
moored (mamy annoyanaissf dust. no ikstruellye of
trwtbrtl andmitristamma Merle a retimment to quiet
rulp alt km./ in rams quiet Matta thoconntry.
The pm. Or bill he nal at a larval u. Merl tanamina giren
.hoverer Maned: Imintinisai tl» tiesellsi cram •
ri E inemberA of the Fitirninuitaire Com; -
1_ pony. oftrro thtir Cid.* On- ad, lila in traxl-or
.ttr am* will too oold t:boop. •EtWt.h.of •• '
- • J
•Dtttf , .2to' 409 Penn otzeti..:
RENT—A Dwelling Mose , on
Tlah-1, above sod prat to Stoltbat Id. :It
ha. .a
totttlorcr yard. troth Nom. , W 111••••••
troto4 tad ttlsvelo , h tt gityn Irtra,tottelr: • •
A l.* Rate or I,rost. ontou loto - kr the Ninth Word,
r?'" '7"?'" 9 ;4 ` ! ° ,l b V. •
Vabutble iteal,Eltattfor Sale:
TILE SUBSCRIBEIL ilfferi Tot Sale;•ori
favoraido novo, the folkroing../beaa zdia.. L 4 1.1
er City of itteburab, . • • .. • - •
No. I. Three vluable , them 'tory brick dwelling botto.
loYocorol Weal. betenren Harken .and feroy itreetb, the
ta beitarteali 19 Pat food by bal den , •
Contains LT feat fronton Mita atre4l adjoin/oh'
lbe Third Yreebytorian Ctrutch e . on winich lane rated one
four dory brief hottoo...eloo/ tot Painting face. and. one
too Ailey brick orarehouve. •
.T••• lota la ralletoneXaeloou,ottratiebelna
N.00..1 nod 4. being about 10v feetarfull.a.whihh if trade
me tdiak of four 4 - lima 4, 09 srpatatf
(rase dwelling...all Ivo rlor3a blab, • • •
No .1. One bd fret true[ on Pack. otrea, - Opppalle (ha'
\a S. Teo leach Wfat 1P ?A? 4* } T 'running
fn. lbw roof Libor water sugrk. on 1.1. Lig heaver.
L. a. One valuable water. /40 het on Wheel anon; .
with fru aborne sabv weer = • - .
lot akeolle • the valor lot. F4i feet thieit, and
...ding to
ro tund'too, of no. hill. an which hiereciret one
eve elory bck afore 9.h. by
to dwelling. to...dories 14 h. .. • .
No. 9. Ow /arm lot in Naw Jileightou.lboitvreourity. Le.
log about 140 on Ilruadvisy r arol about 11.4 IV. donna
evivainlng IN arm 0111Vbict,ve ortnted too snob (bona/
anal ono small .frasno houreenonl so :an. 01/ton
Tbla property no toanterly.coeui4ol hi Mr. T. C.. Ofothie
and Weary planeantly locator, belay hontediatelytopPiwito
. N the
u. li. Ono violet IntaiotatelYleelotiVall...ta'ut ridge' ,
being about 109 hat In length. um calending folltab)f aur
14.. t solo. Faber mark, ov, Wahl, path, . v
. The *bore propertrvill roLI on, eel7faypyabloyienta..•
to J at l
]fart p t edi . o..2 , t ... sllnvof CL G
fiaitrohl sad hot 4; -4,
For Sale.'
tho Mine: 0rtnytt....„,,9 ,
+I um . /to= Maw., and Matting - Millie Pr0n......
ll'rants Cana thr City or Ebstrah. 'the Int front,
ra= n ot l rei =4;47 1. 111 """ hlt nizz ,
to, twenty feat alley. •1t0,41r. ••••• • •• ; •
A!, ESTATE.VW NIILF,The ntiden
ii . i.mviiadwr ialnahle
ft IZ,a r al ... ..2viegg i rglibittrar itutatc: ,
tort .
nett robin alga tout. 3 Nhattb - L;ttoyt ' t r i tfe r ch.
- The raf.itt growth ot. Ihrtalaghtata PoPoltai'M
G i l l wealth. an] rthatatiMo pm!. et oh
luta will Title mider Om= atal PwAt.hio to
rewttrarna Title perfect. .Tethrts farnraLle.
For particulars:sag Wahl:oll6ra of the orairatztarl,a3
nnlew tionrga ~ rthett,
_urh. betwam Shire itaC..l4 , t-rtrtat..., or milt illiam
hyratnre vat N. Pattertan,Tarfn, - their oftinm in
r RENT--Tboa*ge
Hon. on Peon ottoOL d an
ocountokk.ri tUr a
Dinatils,l with ...Alm lot tAllogd:Ft
too,' 3 tot Alto-8 . mait u rjr .ont ws. oo..,
" • ' • .tio. %tot.. '
ARD .267. - V - rar gat 9 .
JLA nosignment. at Itn. no nnt • L,. • - • -
.31.1 Tr..* .Nstit Fn."
c o . NET stlitEONS-A.: -
nom a o are zto. °Ma buimiatalTheailifal
at) /14 f.yring Riblams., US. err., PA‘l•Abaarl ,o od.
re uskaarramand for cheapen.. as Ile,rabralarli arultitU
watt. ..boa. da - Itarkaad..:, '
- •
Houk,. Le, lir hnle,mlo and he : _
my ZS 01 JlarCet Irtre r V,Tt.cor of k em . lh.
in ir ge variety, and
lowest regular rmatere edstroeleme
IV.VI erbed L m.l
t. am)
...U.. I mytl] • le. ell
Xll6 Pl NClLildnio RuRNs, tl
POETt may teem at ery Mere.
Ileh i lTelt7; " erel t dierele rBe't ete' l
cYrtA r Aaig n al
llotote. dc, ixnra
lincon - lintas:for ettle
.Tzt AU L.. ITI:11:111PON
Aiai Crimson - tavet awl Nppr.
ildedlage. for Dra lug lloonlve ree'd Loin Pais.
vr rah , b) y
PRINTING PAPER.---A largo lot. Dunble
Jami... anal Imperial Feint :mg ti r . foe SO. by
guy 24 comer Hertel seawaooaap.
W • ILAPPING PAPERS-.r.(1. n4.sort
men* or Wtorploctiperi,Soallio.koz,...l.s4...
el PeN,Thr -W. S. 11.IVEN•1 4 . -
lord 'l'.pr Weratowo. corAlstiwtond 111.
5n -110 S S " 1
ti iochpling 011.4? r
V. O. 114 .11 . /1 l'eno. of 01 . 1',.0ur.
lnoufart . .ore ,
n 1324 31 orkot 101,1 n
trr4h. nee 'd atd kr Mit for w. t. Y. WILSON,'
caf 24 147 rtott. tta &cord 44-:„
',1111.31M1 QLAY-200 boxes fbr4ll;blii
DAL7S.Lnt. Co4l.Thoir
/ 1 "E8-2°° , (P lTAl. fi XTArtillti.4
g:-TfTm a fols e
L t., rnyt‘ -u. A. FAUN ESTOCK a tp.
11. at I trtr S TRICOPHERMII2. flax. for
"mi f or ntiatiC4-:'
ALUM -50 bhle. for sale ;).y!
poll non A W., figliVr.i 01„:. Y 6
'2;5 bbls: (goort) for rnlr. by
mll6 J. soffltraqx__ , _
ALUM-50 IA& for sale tiy
414 1, _ j•"• ",
bble'rier for i3iLlti ,•‘•
w,14 1 '
C r ix.r,-.--4()1,1418, (estra) tor A4le q
a I, I - C-61)0 gall,: Flaseteectiwarrat . ki6lp_ur)
,p 1 p pal. br . ‘,,,-1:1 q c - otil4 .13}*_ , l . C.S.
iffooit SAG-1000not andold...for - Zlp
vT . t:p ' jwk 1; lIIIRPIITCLEI I I., -
iiiIiIIAPPLES-.-15 bblB,4foran.llFS
XY,,,,.' " . Km-waßl . l F`lra"
XJ /a , ' / I.l`"Ytti•
... 4.
N UTS -20 bi , : , Cheslntiter: , •,,,,,. 1 . .., - - , ..i .
" 1!"'"aWl'I atby
Q I; (1 A ft4 ,l ' 1 11 9 q' l :9•lfir 6avr le
" - ",,t, - .:*.: _ ',' ,l - , -; - .. Pl a te k t r .
" b-
FOR Till.
„,. „ valoopigli , COU6il,
AsTErni;: anistrupnoN :
A MONG the numerous discoveries ,§cidnce
n4s,Mottstion to facilitate Mete:dons
af',lllo, brumes, eta enjoyment. and tern metes, the t orm
of Lumen n 0 5..., none ran be named or comc naively.
^tO'llisiittild, then this contrihntlan of Cheothory to the
11infing Art. nest trba or in virtues theouglerat this
amt oottuter. hos woven teiondndmibt that
dr Ceinbiration of wintkitiew yet known; can so Purely eon.
Vint sad cure ttio numerous varietim of pPltartuter
triAelautie hitherto nrrpt from our mutt thourands rod
thntroirsis every yea,. Ind,d, there [scow ntemdent nor
''HO to Iniiscon,rentedy has et length been found which
• can ,Jled on tooozo the wont ,tongerotto ollootionr of
• ther itnee bete will int yennit tu to pal/eh
VMPottion cores efforied by Its ow. but no
. Acseent Shit followinitudniems or eminent men. ustxt.c
farther ...fry to the circular.. which-the skeet. below
...a nil leiWiywhe?plei.nsi to furnish lire, wherein ere
mr of these &rte. '
-num tre.-Prssident of Andonll Wont. Merck/mt.! ELL ,
1.2115.0. L .1117VileVUK.
...laznex,C:dyer—tilie 1 haee . ..el 7000 Elteri7 N.-torsi
r„ of darNmatsrl BrtmailLis. end am cetirt3ed
frotirltschrinicel constitution tbstlt Ie an admarable roar
17V rreilhoon'!rnf.grib=h'etilk:=
Peteritr, Yiru 4L.. , 0,111 , ,wr0 r t . „r 0 r x ., 1 e r
.Iknes ate wrair tire/sealer PROMSOR . th...LaLtILY
IL. Z.: L. 0.4.140fna0r of ettmeistre. Mineralogy; to
t h e L i t.
it. Ind. Mod. Pal. end
figentilo Societleorr Ammies nod Parmo.
Ch.*l7Yectarot ednaltsbio oomtotttili
emonor tin best articles lir the Marcia
it l and
ver el'Actree remedy for the tlus or dints. it lot.
dcl to nun." lon Leven, Prowl, n4l
AWOR 2'4 TTISO.W.Prr 1103 . 0
that be FLY owed tho CbtrorPootornl;nn nondorrA on,
slos, loom. , inflamtortinoo of the Lang,
• • - Awn mut hr to Ant Peinfriarte /Anna
.. - • • . • • : Hem Ili, Arta lUIle
(I Apt. Luerel,-Tteet hin I sot mow ontlelantll
nonurtlonloUientr reolotal my t0n0t00..4 meat It to
tor en., medlar. tor polvetorry onmolainbi. Vromobeete
of of moor were meet I am oat:mint . ..4 it will cute
tombs. taloa mid dleews of the lance. Una here put is
nehmen - all oiler temedlaa Iniarkely reconmend he
tote In ea rn of ontrtonythm, enduonnzter It much the bent
tel:V11 known:to MOO:imam. ' • •
fte ß"P' 9 7 eYtry I r eiol L dh:
goldin ttelturgh.. erholeolle cad retall.iey B. A. YAM
SYSTIOC.L. 5.10., end J. Ttit. eTri t , • • • • '
. Allegheny Clty.'lly IL P. nuip.itz . ..,,,a .I.•DOtt
tlLAAttuul Dnutudelegeoteenr. • Ja2 .th n
• . elxe
a pis
• • 12 q l )
c• - ' . • -.;
,rju • .Frovole • brodlrloo • butnin. incipient Cotatuteptlote-
Thlwenucan;Leurtirrbettorlflittant firepubsr.Mcmgrowticity
Thoorlicuctutoof Uflowtlileitexel Protirationaf thelinioult
Prpresnett BrMta. and Oloeuoy litato of Mluebureetuncl by.
Dr. GoprotfrEstrael otrettontDooktuullielllch.
•plyntLtoutottlelo relief by renewing tits frtultillo of health
wad shisigib. site Maxi. /t ccutralleathad humors, stops
Weerntionn, area piste healthy actfoit to sit the
lla tulld who :ware propertlen reader It peculiarly Cpplb
cable to. the ember um/ delicate ocetettrutfort of tb.o fen
oteo...p.losturetielely countered./ that t , reocc - .
wed leweithtle cutrition,to lin female 1}2.121, 6111
L61141/0. an etwtij•kekTrtmoymir u nurorinlng es they
havnleilfretett Eh itt Ida/Woo. tie
ctrougly L, nicoociend Obis utelicitio Is tannic:l prople
Who hart eat bona bloused with ollfrprlng. '
laterl.or Pailtruf of the Wocohof.frra years Onto
eilicel by Dr. licrysott's/Petraet of Yellow Doolthutl
• bertsaiarille. After every other known rectedy heel /wen
hicd without. relief: - • •
_ . Wurometrus, O. Feb. lb, 18.19.
This 'artifoes Out ray wits, iowd roam Lea infferwl
.Oder the sips. eumplolot Ibr Oro reestrS nearly 01l thAt
'Oise conterd to heit bed . .1 biro fir four:Team constantly .
"tiroPloYed tba 6.lla.ll.ltalimt that oOtiLl be procured in
this nactioo of Um tonntaT, witbout mly boner. whateerer.
I biro oleo raimbaN4 orery lostrument recommended for
thrive* of each diemoro, all of which proved worthies.
In the Poring of 1533, I. less /Mood by mr friends to
trl Dr. flut, - esit's Yellow Dort and 'Camaro:MlT. which...
ores/ for &at month... Alter she Ys.logi:d it for shard four
weeks, It ww. erielent to all of us that she was InsPourth.O.
owl from this thno ebe. Itoprorod ropidly,ond maned Both
and otrouth; until stse la,how .olorino moot e salient
Wen ban: nelgbbora Ls Wm. and Jolla Monnirt, know
that the allure statements, as to the rial..ness at bitra Mon.
foft.and as to dm cure talon elected by O a / b olt's
Dentinal tar:n*olla. are anict/y true,
; ; •;.
King's .gril- , -Ca4n of 0. K. Leonard
• • amorma OadifF e Dec. 1,1049.
' Mews. A. F. Bennett k 0.b.;-(lents: Some Lime to IS-13
I was attdarded rith swage Etilin my arm, which Demme
ia ond"/ Malt( not taw it, and to 1050, IstilStibt.loo al In.
'1 Trafford. at diffewnt times. each IMXeialan of celebrity
willhasny nada; all told tue ter, aim Must be a...palmed.
krona the shoulder alba forearm. was 'fall of,runnina
noes.. ay • etnennth 'hie time wag earnaksly exhaust.
Lat.bankul mods emaciated. 1 noutlaued in this
.coca OOUI 3518, wean I aaw. an YlTCllll4ll3ent It wetett's
Doak and ifarnbartllo which I read. and twat an a
'bottlent tlinattitto. Guyentra YellaW Doenand 2esmrisa
'rilla !Mired. ma; ,I.tootr: nn a tber retnedF while mans It:
dual felt myself perfectly well before vadat/ the sixth bad
LW: Rad I tont it at, tha Erdinlearanns at the in I
IMO he n saved me from xmrs of nail awl
rufferlaw. ,/ plat, eirtkialr menamend o wW•Pewon std .
'lntuit, underway almiLar disean, tainisu'lluynott's Yellow
Dank and Sareawatillw'shlal,Wiltiestimi diem to health.
ern...Mein nmetnde, •• •0. 11...1.10:inII0.
.. • ,
•' • •-• Ccanof on norm-wool case . f E l ysij'h..ln.t.
-Mamma. perfornmlbey Dr. eiussattn Extract of Yellow
•Ditleaad irtaterillM - are lasting.: The nedient"a ner.i.M/
daeatla' raditinueala levenvu after posse Is renum.d.—
Caws ,
are lint shale:MOM until time aefully team.(Loaf
there, ran bent rtlapee or return of tbediseame.
b. F. Venue.. t Co.—lien,: It ie with armst pie. are Wet
'Ticel Yon abootthe eery baroy andel. of,your
. nrefFkriawdilla mama soy eon. • boloaloan hod sup
taring wader that dreadful and loalluamaa Mama!, Eryeile.
Which Ire wria attsekod /kW. and ante' for sew
Xdanttaillaiattandal LY . same af , wars beet Plwaidiata, oho
their 001 prawmerionly tor bee trimat.bidwlthnat nut
Vneffila: resat, whatever. Re mdueml You tree
:FrOLAelaotx. lie had wkeinfnans' hip to lit.. ttot4,
,Wadi irate eanUrnallr dimbierXinidimartiardlT atomise
mattentlledirsi and surgical roll was
ssibaahat :as ciao tuvelem: there maid be nialdim :
boo in arrant (be. tarailile dance... Ding avers. :di nelLio
Worn a and nava( thought Ids dissolution near at laud.
'Oue - at 'tar uelahldri (aria Ilia rural d cilia rs Mmotala
with your invaluable medhelne 1 Wieland me tomato mialat
It rand.' tarns from there-omi &elm La du Immillnat wale
Li ttitimM. than tramway Lope of ...WM; relief: 1 Imnuadi
ihrundkatlesiat your Yalta, boa Mei Sarsaparilla, mai
easainented .sans . 11rarel no my astnashment be.-01
alMaxite bataM he Lad wird' the third Lattle; and before
Ira hidAased a half damn bfittins, he Mudd wall/nat. tte
wed% all teretvellottlen during the year 1440, awl by Om
Phtomt.... r.trtri. toti.tior We
! dinine. - eieepithe mars, Le iendaveslannel.ihe remains to
Orfort health at the-prow. time. 110 roams,. maim
! the blaming of tied, b, the we., ;oar
)(allow plat end barmparilla; and I assure) au that fnel
myself under' pent dalmatians to you. mold.. le with great
lot bitntl ialtram you of what 7inarFariataxills bas done
lornit :
••7. • . • • s 2A.:haz kosseLL
' Aoki bru. (Room., to Saatool d Park.) Fourth
• aka 11 - olaut.etit ClikAnnaiL Otto. General Akrat for Me
Youth Md. West. to aka= ail olden sausabe Malmo&
Cio.. D. A. Patnes - took'l Co.. J.-A. Jou., L
'll . 3l,..:OA.'#..Tittololrati; Los A. 11ookJuna A Ileabour Carl
L Tj 101.41. Ws..hinglon: Uniontown. It
.Waltiolrooosbure; E.•Kounts..Fam.oset. Si.rit A GiLsone.
t Sn; iltunf.4. - s4slr , Orr.irolliazy.bun:
iiildebrand A J. •IL Wctaklo
&W. Itrookyllie; A.•Wiliok 800, Worn.oborg•
AIrtorollal• Loh. S. :Ct.;
lizoltazo A ork4. erma; Jazz. Y.. 111 a
hqB. Emltn, Prater: J. lakutoloortoo. 5t arr.: F. L. A C.
. kt. Crtakri.jr..Etnannillo.
p;r Bottle; Six Boitla for $
imjablay . (lllT ;
A.Taluable Improvement •in. Trusses.
p:lTAßD'S'ingroved Patent.TRUSS
• h
h l eft
fIEDT. by which a mermaufmt
.Deanhe - efforts:ft 7 This 'Mum entirelr different in
Porn ate! rtiochslm of 'action trom other Trusses. h3Ving
MIS the atimptsues of a 'wellUmmtlated and =Morro pre ,
Tar promos non bo Fe regulated as to dire ems and
comfort to the tamt dlfffcult ea-e+ Cr ifernfa. tuff ean
Somas./ to almost any Some desired. The puescdrs Ss no.
fund; and . icing Ivoludat Ito toms inutodlateir over ths
lu'rffial °fuming.
eveng petfeetmourity and ten.
lion at all (less, under the N ot . Violent turret. ,
um of . t t i lA . s . rou. fir s b/suppllfdf o rojs i tkr%=sl o l- ,
rtrangs r sadnis; or soy otoOrolangem.ra or patens of MP
toms. sohisb - is not an mffre t monomer in the wear.
to g
Ills . adapts:el Monaca. dim a nay mtuarapraetic:
.thrpertons Soles/ with Stardom. to scrod a Inwood
St the:Useless. This Is a bad practise. whlefsMan
men only . hy hz:unfirstand thy. anatomy ot ths
parts affected innia.
ita.would most pettytufflly fall II:it atlontiors of
- Aim to ttle Tn., /mow they a 111 ands-mete its
value. Me alai hare a 'Saints of OM, Trumea at the
lowest prime. Infant Trust./ kept eonstantlp en hand.
„ 140 Wood es.. ffits.burch..
• • •
Dr. Hard's Abdominal Supporters.
-rilmesEL pron Ells are intruded chief
_lL .1, torYtet core of Lbstlayags Uteri, sal au tlmw• uir
two+ where a clachartb.t ratroott Lott. Ablnoltnal 1 kayo
oootuinal. they oar rorfort..PrOft to the ab.lonottol
r ova:A.l may .be Nom With =Won
_by aIL. Th o tlir
prnbtoy.l by a ...Nato , . 01 the alatototohltousd,
are Prolatoia Uteri.. Falling of the boaell. Pilo.. ('orgy..-
mN , hoar hack and 1- 4 1 ,1 n l•Tatto‘lo and Ertrome
Tonna. of P , rOttrattoth bortocat of itroatb.
PApitatiott of hhe mut roam! debility.
• , 14,0 World it...Pittaborab.
- • • Shoulder Braces. -
QIIOI:I7.3IBIVIRACES, of the mast ap
kjp,...4.4.0.. wimple In atrormre and ...Any fitted.
and arviam tomtit MI ntin may rodnina tbern-..jnA nod
and for 14111, wheicande and retail 411,
-- ---•-
, . 'VOW? PISASLNT; VA. Oft 4. 1R . %
Ila. R. l'...Eattraa—Of )ovr Vermittme. I my witlmatt
mu o , tbAt, haalna. ummt It rapmalvailym my rtaicv.
r,,,,, n ,.. 1 1''''' 'ovrtg, Pjar.atTdg'lltina.,7nidlyl=baceit'
1111d100.11 ° I n heyobrretocnya trahl the pray.a.ntior, ,f a ...,,,,j
othermanutalul•cra,, Yowl; renerAmtly % '
Prepared and mid by R. P...S.F.LLEIt, 6? at. and
mlkby drumnablianarally : 1 . . • m Fla
. . ... .
7 , ..::. ' ...: .. ...- ..‘..:' . . i . .
j °l‘ lega; c tf a l .
f l-i9ellent axeortment
et RA.. 1 m 0.5 lo 4.1 e ~,
,.,7lALM, rioliJantel Cleeir,e in 51.50 eeeb. ...I . 'T s "
V.l...theap a 134 M.1 ,. 14 "6 . na11.r.,czyz ; nr . f? , ,, ,, ,
: t4:1:15' ..., '''
..'. l''' . comer er re.el,_
.Bonnets!` Bonnets! . . •
TIEPT"TILIS - tORNING. per Exprrss—
AA, Ewes, embracing all 1.60 nevem and mmt ruble
rtyleiter 0o note maw won ,
jegi.4aMirtlirimr, aro( Cikiktren'ethreee ,
VW egrention 'or nniehasers predeularlTitiyite4 gt.
.nbnen onc, Dei,gl
A. A. IIAnON fp.
',lirNir: WILSON, .Watch vr fami,
Act:Allirtka, Como' of Foura It.:Titt*irgh,,
-, E B A ,,, L o m,!...ii\ ui laV G lVAT='
.4teut l y ,:
I mlltgAt=l,l:7l-ttr=gl7;lN' wkb k0n.,b1. ;M:1 1 4 1,, t .r.....E.a. 1 '
4 ,N t t1,"41,1...ik.r.wh.-0,,,,,,f.!!'7*-nry7,l br
go'Y! Paling Nyk,on in
4 z,,rx:*a.ass4.4
N z •ik'
ji l
OR .
t leak JQtAD andSL as
lore nn thia day. at 10 o'eteek.A,ll.
y a ,fr e jaht gap', on bout.
tent, expriteely to We the place nf the steam
keit 1 iurnnl, during the log rater etsaon,llleantatelete
tier regular tripe In the Wheeling Mule, ea Weald.) next,
nt In 4ielook:A..lL The Heroine has all We anentunotta
,one of the larger clans cif boosts.
W. S. 01)NWELL; lifeetee,
AginSTRONO. CROZE ft CO., Agent. , josi
w ill ' ll=l•7i -I dgi, '- it r A. -b 8 - ..c"'"ii.,:cr wpt t,.....a eunft.b...
i: " .;g. TTV:r I ' Velp= '4l Zife ` g..4 "'.. Pll6 - = "
ryy Wed nrrily and Potorop..loelouL.o.n. Pump=
Maldprrn, deperal upon thla boat rull:Wagneularty
- Po ' clrol Ia n'
'' IT . taue .
. tor roma., opt. on . alylo
CKftf. CINCINNATI, fltptaln
~ruheehenn Shy, splendid Douro halt b
the owners or the granter taus Sinessd °them Ls
the Cineinnatl and litbleartyll liar< tty 6.. sod .111 Nam
eerry Wednesday fur thneinnatt, in faxes Ol the best Sage
bust N 0.2. For freight 41. maskyl si :E n 4 yrd. or to .
4 -47 :5 4 1 1 4 1851. - *lad
yrilE new and fast running str. CASILEER,
J. S. Ile!.lo.tty. 3farter—llerrdar Velleellle, Step.
Lorin. • IVellaburn, Wllaclinge Bridg e all. j....%1X1114.1112d
utitlb PacYtt—leavps r lf itts S ur d st. every liiadnerday al
lravec eve . Slonday at 10 o'cloc and
01.1..0.1ortand Wheeling . every MoreltY=l l lltdatl.l.o.
.1 P.M.
For freight and p.tia. qv' • b 0"
-d ,
lambi JOHN FLACK. Aint.
aellf..—.lltellzhtdracekt deserter ARENA
IL P. Kinney, master, lea es Wellsville every klondaD
Wednesday. auk Friday. o'clock, d M.. Fit Ler
benvoi, (Ilsoccova AlcFervarea Lauding. Deaver, earl Sittre
e (0. • .Lers•ro Pitteburah every Tuesday, Thelealay. awl
aturday, for Draver,Meßrtrunriakad•
U.. Masco., Lot Liverpool. sod Wallavilla • •
For.reetkee or peerage, apple en basin!. • SID
TS . 43 . Urtil ilNL i azi d i
If Decker steamer DIURNAL. Cuulga
h., la urrhrprennaing het regular tad-weakly taipalastweas
this city anal W leaving Pittsburgh at 11) o'elmet
carry Monday, Wednesday aW Friday, arid nnosains.
Itmg. Wheeling every Tuesday, Thutwd.
6 &s zn and Pa=days
In each weak. far freight or rasrags.l on Wag,. to
11, - PORT.—TA, rine gourd NICIVIC,
fr non, waste, 'win learn for the above sad
wet. erm Tburetter 4Cedeek,P.M.'
3r fret:4 or pr , agt buret
=dal) No. 61 Water and 63 Front OA
ECKVIENI PACKET—The fast meanie*
i - Ver.Ar WELLIPPILLX. Chia. 21.1 ..&• 111
ran iie rtKalar peeket between Pi errlith
PriderparEandPutd.h, leaelog PittborgE.M7
afterenert ler We Kreille, SteolecueilKaad fleidgepea.
every Thursday alterenm far 1 4 teubetesille, Wheelie&
Brilgeport-Celdlun-aad Suntleh: retursdni, tem.=
Tort and uahelo °eery Tuesday afterrome. .04
every /rider allernma. freight_ye e OAT ah
pearl. er (febVEP VP. D. 151=14.K. Al'euE
R. A. A. Laava A Co. harm ,ombutd a emplato stock al
;um Jac , aaves and Cambria-
CI LASS-800 boxes Window. said, foinale .
131 kr ay.l S. P. TON BONNIJORBT k CO. •
if MID OIL-20 bbls. Pm sale by
11 h . - J. ICIDD t CO.Cif Wood
NDIGO-4 100 lb kept Manilla; - _ •
_ r 3 Cerucpgi Carlu.7r, of good gliejt=
ILIAD DICKEY it ' a 3. .
OYS' CASSDIERES—Of - various colons
br .sllll4.llitt Buncanial:
‘,.; TAR CANDLES-35 boxes (10 to 40 lbe for rsJe by •
rn J er WD. WILL U. 'IID 3IB CO.,
ocd andD sta.
j. ., e DLES-=LO 4'll:n eo nn . d
TIEER SKINS--3 bales for sale by
13.10 LEAD-4'A pigs Soft aaknajor Bah
3IETAL-465 tons for sale bv.
e.rt intev.lkiirrmm - sk Co.
1 4 1 ItATilEßS—ti bks. prime Ky., for sale by
Q , ORA 4SII--GO casks (good) toFsalo by
111.E' FISII--38 bbls. cl 38 hC•bbla.
y far rale by ISALA It DIGEST k
InylO Water and Froot U.
COATISISP9Ndk. I :4O6Ibs. for
a ittoVrp- 2 bbls. for mite by • ._ _
Yi as - J. SCHOONMAKER it cop.
lilll3. SODA-10 kegs for sale by
mil. • .2.4 Wood t.
( u aIIOULDEI,I2 casks for sale by
41REAP WALL PAPER—For sale by
reflG W. P. MARSHALL, 85 Wood rt.
'am ylo W. P. 'MARSHALL, SS Wood A.
• LABD-3 bbls. & 8 kegs No: 1, for sale by
mrlo . • .101117 ii.i722 00. -
40 . ht DbW Fa l,llLLtlmoirBarinc
MG IRO - N-100 tons Huntingdon co 4 for
5, olle by • mayle - lOILN WATT A CO.
SWORDS—Just rec'd, a lot
of Erdal. Templar .4worda, with the =Mau ht
Orcer Intnti (MIT euzrared.
. .
.07, .. ' - . W. W. wILSOL
:FOB. SALE, ;to clOse conigcriment-50 cks.
”uprripr SQDA ASII, brnyided ••Steelo• and .St.. li
..PC' Apply to , • JNO,IItYADEN A CO..
tin7Z , Z. l 4i.ilt cnr%r IlMi ; l,Tct=.
. .
51 .E1 ,., !!1 , .. , 1 NG T -1.0 . L9r t itllSE siiN. •
dd ,OFFE:E-151) bags Rio, for sale by
utvl , l JAME'S .71. LIMY= SON Q CO.
. N. KED--
. n,
-15 ca sk s g f 12' . 1 , i 5 s t he a r ,k eu c i x . e . by
. •
La ways coital:A, IL sourly of India Rubber LLfo Pre
..Le end Juket, of lailx Rubber and Cork arretutot.
Ittre. for rata Id the lad & ItubtAr De la. 7 and 9 Wcodot
ml tUr • • , - • J.tlL Pilaw&
'V OLDEN SYRUP-12 half bble. and 24
I,lf ye nq Golden Stroin enb , b
i l rn • :
soy - .1.01E3 11.90:4 W.
VIIROILE GItEEN-5 cuessuperiuraunl-
YJ it,. for Lou.,, .od rbounboat painting. for rale by
torn R. E. S. MAY:IM
New Books, just re cawed
REEK GRAMMAR, fot. , the - use of 3:Ugh
nebonls and tedrereibbyg by IlottmalanYelriasd •
awl enlarged by his Ale:amber PlattmaniKti To. sbp.
The lripbConbrleesles; and Rebellion of 1195: b 7 /fai
ry M. 1 leld: Moaning. .
The Autebifen-apby and Memorials of Captain Ribs:Rah
L ennon., for I,lty years mariner .4 eiblbminiteo tomb U.
pon of New , bork; by Me. IL T. Cbenven Moo. tons.
boo rale by I.IOPRINS,
myl9 • Apollo Balldloca.'Yourth
AL - EILITUS:--5 tons in boxes and casks;
- 170 r mi. by u nroiroTirialli.l7x - 'l.,
my :a. Liberty &twat:
ACKERELI-'-100 bbls. No. 3. (1851) for. -
- 13,11..1e Ly J.. 3 f...k W. lIAJWIACO EL
LARD OIL'-32 for 'Sale bir
Jed • &W. ll.CittLiallf. •
G L S S-250 boxes arrs'd siiet, for sole by
-QUGAII-25 ltbds. •
N. 0., for sale . by
i1.70f " ' . .1. IL PASTMLI.D.
Sii•2s Mild. Lake sup. 14'bit4;.15,51;
r" "-
„ehr. .le3 /L CANYIELD.
WATCHES, or Double limiting
cou Lever Watches, snarl. so as to clam= bath
.1.1” a with cold edse. or to chow the face men at. plead's.
V•ry flue snake, Just received and for sale Iry-
W. W. WLSON. •
.1••• Market and Yolurthtte.
(+ APE ALOBS--1000 lbs. far sale tip
ASIIOOIba for sale
E. A. FA/Da:STOCK ik OD.
61ODF1S11-6 tierces for sal; by - -
wicsi Ifrtsnruts.o
()A . T,tsl:l° bu: f°r
1 - 4 1 ASTERN WALL P.APER--An extensive
.... , rtment. UK/611111g cterrlindasrldmeriptkas, st Jon Ptircn, for tale n..• -
.crrt, T11034.4:4 PALMER., r.r. fdaSk•id,
s3IS---10 casks for sale by ' •
xnyi3 'RAUH
Itr.3l,ll3R:—Fresh Roll for solo 'by
I'IANNERS' OI_L-2.0 bbls. warranted tare,
• r
i• Fait. LT IL IL SCLLE2+I. -
L 7 Wood 4.
111 ARE. AMMON / 1-400 lbs. lor sale by
J. lain - - . J. JO I'D 4 CO:
TERMILTIO:N-62 the: (Tri — este — yfor sale
bs , . . .y 7 n. r.. rIELLEM
WANTED, and the highest plunltan Vid.l for tb.y?,
A. 1, ILKINS co,
.0: em, Market ars' Tided M.
LES-75 Int_ foreale -
Ile Mate: Meet
Chi:IIPEI) RIBBNS—Just dti,ipe
J:17:447=1.1=47 lt re :Jr t it?,
: tti t e=l:lrll"` "
, t u4 `""
if IA SSIA-100 lbs. for sale by.
surp • B. A. YAILVLIMICK ilk CO.
EMETIC—uO lbs. for salt by
j_ my 9 B. A. MIMS:MC/kg PA
irIORROSIVE SUBLIMATE-- - 25'-ibe: for
-tab, br tmr9l - 11. d. YJUIN3:BTOCE k CO:
s. and hi: bbla,'No. 1, for
. Join.; WAIT /V CO.
1{ IRE BRICK-45000 (Coal -- Airo — ve — ). Fire
rrio, ',war amok. -DrimJ
L. band an 4 her Na •
to - 6 Nttualioronn:t co.
-35 bble. for aaeby s
91aed fib I , :ont et.
HE.2113; . 0--10 bbp.No.l tiafer sale47_
1g4fm4.9g,-toirmr t :l
Q,4I.T.PETICE--20 kati w (tfi i 4t . ir - sale
.; 117 RM. 64