P 1 TSB[TRGH ;G ;4-;l't',TTE- 'Otti Caaata oißoirrt—kt'a recent. iseetflig. / 1 1tY4,20th, ci,theiaaikutiou chit enemas,. EdS lc:paper:lms read uu the ratbmus of r • iSupi and 'the aneleiiit canals of Vatit,„byTineph :IL vin :a Tery.iittereating paper r•- ,About ftp(l yeare before the Christian era, ',settle Hystsphttnade • canal from the' Nil e to the Red Sea. ; It ies,in socrif placee'lso reef:v.4li - and o'.feet pawed through the yalley to '.;.,lllo;Bitter Lakes, ltdites'usrigal;le ter vessel! , idcraitr:deiable - eLze when the.l.Sito Was high,. It served for theeupply or, cities with'water. The'-ancients, assumed that' there Was a differ epee of level betireetithe Bed Eteriatuf theXed, iterrsincen; and pregantions were. taken.'.*; Pfo ' sent the telt wade of the Red Sea. from. mixing • with, ton 111k.' This canal fell to decay; bet roe' ~.!:‘t/rcd about 644 bills - Turkish Caliph . who'll:dm:Anted ninny imProrernents, and_ • brought the renal AO jobs the late near to Cairo. • The general decay of_EgyAit brought alient ' Carer this canal again, and it became choked 120 yearn afterwards, MeJ id for theniand years '• remaiaed so, and wan almost forgotten •• • „:,'Xitpidepn that wonderful _man, went to 'l , :fi •d • - diiieled the eminent engineer Le Eero, to • sentey;if Mad report. The - length was about. I"ninetYltlL°Co miles, through alow, barren, seedy Main, and. - traversing many livers and lakes, offering but few &Eel:dries to engiueering. Ltr Fere reported that the rise of high water is the i Radtflea wesifi feet, in itiaMediterranearil foott . 'the surfeee of the former woo . stated to lie "very high at high water; abovedow water in the ''.luttilr..-• Mr. Robert . Stephenson ; was present at the tneeting.and, 4s ho had bat recently return . •'•• cif from Egypt, be stated that the low water. in the Red 43ea and the Mediterranean were idea. tittatiarid Li Peremede a great mistake,. which. he attributed to a hasty surrey madtrin the time of waq , . _The possibility of restoring this dicimit canal was discussed. :There .ft :a ridge at. the 'preient moment at the end of the lied Sea, to waida the Bitter Lakes, emulating of . fossils • • identical With those 'of the London basin, maid by a geological upheaval which bid changed the ''.features at the district. It has been considered 7114 C. the _Bitter Lakes were onte.it:the`.head a-.;'waters of the Red . Sea, and the rains of cities and 4 , -;•tetrus around, give evidence of the 'region being I tit ono'_ time_ very fertile. It was the land of ...Ccehen, watered' with a fresh 'stream from the canal 'of Sesoattia,:and from it Lake Tumsah was suppltd with pure water.--S'esiniific Ante, Noy .yentl4 or "S}rzsr:—We had' the pleasureOf seeing yestatlay, a new variety of cheep arum and a ewe, just imported from At rica, andriaterrded to - be—conveyed. to the fine theepjarm of M.-13.. Ives, Esq.,-nt- Potoiromur. - They came from the mountains about - 300 miles interior, from the East coast of Africa, — usufwere a present from fram IL-Consul `'"isaanalbar to a gentleman i in Halm. The via rioty isuatirely new,. and quite unknown' to oat twalisto: 'lt is distinguished by' the enormons ,fatness of the tail, 21111 i 13 singular dewlap, re-' r. kathling thattf cattle, and the absence of horns ,•'in .there4o,...lhe WOOl is very_ come, more re.: ,• _ambling kali. than the - article whieh is begin ing•tiiforin no -important tiatitpl6inithe produc tint's of our State; - but in 'Tec:Tense of this the mutton is said to.be unrivalled inflator and tendernail; audit ie 'probable that by-ju4iciOus crossing with mai 3120T0 breeds, a very import , ant variety may •haprodueed, austaining, cr per hops improving, the well known reputnriort of Ithode Island mutton, and not- depreciating, its .• fitness for wooL—Proridence Jose. • TTIE GREAT KENTUCKY . REMEDY! JOB3:BULL'S SANAPA MT.& ! • • IS..pat up in quart battle.% and con ta iinr the strength of CS rta. inuctiptire burrapa ,,: ' a "any emit. portrait.. in Annetta. Pike one not Inc per battle. or etc bottle. for foro dal ft has Nara a , wall ertablithal.Lrit for rears part. that frtrazparilla. whenre and-Prelatir.linititifedi »t Ota jaw panacea 'all 41..0 tirtginaring from an Int: runt state of the b loat - . the use of martin, batoxiinrtnr —rtrlnka, aril habit. in Tenth barrenneta. an We With fiatiLdttiat JOKY Btiv.4l izsrr—for OF-SPLUP,I - - t, the milt preparation before the Parte shot I.:sp.:talon Orient. ocientine . Drintiplea .and of tiolf , rra rrrnetb. The bisrsapartila purchartrt aithnut record nun (nun. a.restalni,t . • _ Can't RersBporrila also contains thevirtOrs of norond otter ralooble .seats, .together for a the brAt =gr., .!e groat , : eurouro WILL CURE WITROUT TAIL: Spiro.la oP S Pprilap Ceti. Cancers. r Tamar:A Erta . p . t i p - r of - slam Ot4n, .I.svaiPetai• LIP - float a . T.,.,') - , 71•_" . . ~of Phalli:6N ia__DisPeratia• UtriseJ of the - - Dr• Apa- P ' CU. hm _ It • aaThfrAPt • a - - Pain in lb, •o • Gonna] Debility, bropt hat -A, „faundleah Car-tive..tr4re Croatia:PA Cotagha, Chid.. VI Assam • . , -Yeatte..ensey t,ndiug PRODUCZ CONSIIIIPT/Cal firer Csatplahat, Faloals Irregrglarlties cumOsdirt:, Vick and Nerlollll UeLllll.l . , Unr:Ortirily, Ni g ht grpoonrO. imprudenci DOLifq,(2l.rordeCoostitutbnal DI. Di* swing maul rummer drinx, orad general icofor tho orootnomi - astatle eusd plosnu• takroLlis, fsr ,Ircrior BM Llok cr•OorriMorrrrorror:.Dr. or =4'l4' Its tIO tits tr . the ta •it fo 2' cosi or oettlisate nosr iv P welos•ion of the aropsieter of Dun's tiasporillts-- -" nes. E W. Sabots is 'Widely - oust zeotrellf inutien La en ehquent sod secomplished pastorbf the Church, 2,1 ' Rev. E.. Stare...km; tem kviero 9.4.crne or the suost Isl. • cioold bast of for many yam/ham:l at Ole time is 01110, tals high rod retwasibte stational agent td the IL Book Wooers, Can the dorld pad uce better, or gyve Batter teethrostrat firer of COY media/ma Pater Testimony than Vat Ewe 0 4 1"ered iu Fore, of lbto.-B. IV: /37.7—.11.7. , • Lot - anti; /Loy We Lave used Jobs Dulre Barsaparilla,amt have Immo Itto he usedoeith tatins satisfaction; MCI VEY hare no teir Bob. its elating that re bulks - ell tom r. tale and midi L. ale medical monsoon& odd calculat tobrodom muds. sad and teller* much solintocit and youhl tlieralore tern ally sad most earnestly recrAirgl, j ti to the sf " (sum'd) g Fizvi.ab's. - - BILIIMPUL CLEAB Dots ere all admire a clear beautiful white akin, rat a frlS ' Ll 'T irg / i2d ' a t cacaos' to asosellea.lollow, vradies,balrits. and asiorinoi 1.1.0r11014 to stare m them a recolia of what disease- Ms deprived tbets at and Mat too s with /Moot iticl7 m to the ski • Bull's Strays:Lila to the Emit bonetle novo It basedifiel the this Akio. b rounding ever, Wilde of -y dloassed matterttoto tbe bluoihmaklog It purr. _ halthy. mai ylgurions, 071% uttvitr co ram,' minute reefd, a nd .80 Lin the el Wad Cask counicosucc to the bloom and frahnesa of youth. Ladle* abandon the ra t V w ll ' L . T /M . N . /Ll — pm 6(10 •.' for sale - be) ' -J. H. D1L144.8T11 *l4O. SAFETY Fl3r bliLs. Lk) 1,7 nT • fie.] • Anthracite Coal. . ;" - oink TONS just legated. rior article OUl".rouulrr f" V ' T AM MIT& U. . Canal Enan. MILSII-111ackerel, Shad; and I.lerrin. fur sale bY - 11 -4 1 4 , eu• bble. BOEff.011; for vielMoy...- ANNERS , bble.. , Bank Oil; for 1.6 bs J.& RI FLOYD. . 0, - , for tiale by ' FT.A.iID. LIVIIITE.Ladies are eau; pUASH--30 casks pure, for sale by _JONES' . are oot hoWlrightfally Inj=l.l2olho prior . how cant, bare wnitcluhow dLw, yellow ar atherlatlthe I , V l ,,,P7ftangprtpared Club( • /eds.ltr - Vh t = : p .a .. , Aanitrof!ppm r = ite. sle.k4 t . 7 hich Wltr .mt, Gial W 7 r „ laz y & tr z t. blvalgrldedar all deleterious gene a nattostlweithy ra,,,,,,t ere , char, /Mau tet et Cho mule nose sating gamic on. the sklo. toskiqg it ton ato mo.rth, erdd. by_ AVM , . Jahr:BON 24 , 11.15, , M. ern. , < wookl'aigburab- pvt e .p. Beata ew.CeAewlra , klAsi. MY. or Baking Pr e avape superredLowthe attof Trutt, Magaii., oweet. malaria. mat digestive dread of. pigs= la less time, god at less mat.o thanval the ordloari twyd; which maws. lo & .1011 t, - ratolence. pains after xrcal headache. pop dime.. Sperior- tO saf.thial far Anhing Mil end Me. mats.. .10 .2t4 wands t4.4lozerlthlspregarenon realm lit more Lams of 4 poooda than eath hum, h.q. o r I 10., yeroms of we f oordatutimmatottal at tend to part breed. be area of the tont medleoes of the. Shaw Yor hospitals, Inarraaries.Sehool4,llotels, tut establishments , it Is • wrest actrantsitm • bold ta c!.lq 1; K, 7'm aad be ep,,t.s, with &realm._ Ihr 8M.1.1318. 41 Mad rt. ..k.N.SEEP ,0 - 11:— .. 1.500eiliire for aalo LARD -4 kegs for ACO N Ib s Ito an , o 12T:t go `1". _ "D a gg:t. IRaTilft-"-40rain. extrTfamiiiii our: et.rre sal tor W. . _ ' ku.LE.O t ItICEM6,,s._ 1 - E74 0 ---- N SYlllfP.—4obiTs " T la r n e r' m " Irm Ali .r4 ritainiros. lc i Atai:Of l7 .-1 0 bbL. -Van, winter !In No. ial. by ._. , 15 J. reitoworAxEn rco., .c. WOOL, TWLNE.--4 00 lbs. foiiis 1; by B.URLA.I'S--3 Inks, 40 inch, for tab: by 11)V,091:04 paid for Wool by - in 4 • nUtIPVEY k LEE. 8#99MA—:2.5 0 16s. '6lO U 1 1V! B. T. Babbitt's Celebrated Soap Powdet. AVASITING witibtie liNort , Warranted VV - tau the Awn. out Of table lir.a bad bore Mawr. as rim thir.L-i'nt fotd elottZg a t t l m =4= Ard7fw a =, ;Lead with the r Ir the wet i llt.' t . t h...17 9 tburr ed the'Ndwdora arta Uri t.••• er-og n Vera thooarlown with et th , L u . 0 , , 0 bra n Laub wad u Olden lewld erste, PyLat 10 bundle. Then rub the Sharer glee them a thrawauh rinfibte'wo_ Imam them clean. • je . Wriarleire De-. Them bewbaalr _men. e . the ew4ww w- t h e - on .teiva us ed -bon not ww' 16 warlalew of We P.now-r .ctaxed too tarot nftk.lttl. It EL.e matt et th e to reautnatesal lb• loran par, clrar ab. the l'ataot ltavaraWde Water niter...la varta.l by Mr. Lamb. ljtwieg nactl me or ttala fur oara at meth., lam ontablatl to twigs of WW2' 'alas. ULX/Ittif: .1.14.1. T. 107 Walnut atwoot. ^ Parttattabat. Mush tt 11, 1631. Tn. re.: Ream)1.1;;;I lanrtnl if I Ma Patuuel IL Le aria, and umal by ma fur soma moattft at mai trivat t. r.; n pitl . tur a a ;l l , ..at V i rt au) pear could mumatesal ft the rl)FfaAtl In n Ar No. $ Boultur Mat." . • Mt:. arewarrantel take out any smell a. rare ppl44 rh•ywrigre loon deCOCIWINI4 animal al troVia. raitfcr In the water They are warranted to hut tan y•wri, and with ordinary mm will last tee: and remain awls to hernia to be appreciated. LATE% a JAnDIN, !win!' =3 Arch Meet Philadeintilit. Rockingham and Domestic - Queeninvate. larooDwAiti), BLAKELY 8 CO., Man , V nflettirere nf hoclangbarn and Yellow lima Wanh Licintraoh,Ohla. .C.A . raninis Looms. corner Sixth and Liberty etreeta. finalist Churl, laiiidinajcittrainv neaten. to J. at li. Whohwhlriiniwrs, Oar Muria enable lea to 11l erdmproinlAJY. A ainapetntit design. being constantly cropkiyeA ales ern , p.m with all Um new and toe pineal atria of the day. W.t h r Urns, npitcons, Pitcher., Pansy ToyADeittert,Sel• 1 Flower Vfue oblet, Mabbtl Ornaments. filedleit• al I Snuff Jar., and article[ ior domestic Ciah,lo gnat variety. respreffisfiii tehaifete ' ensh2PAS Hacti r F, and Ventilation. SITE ARE MAKING APPARATUS for Wall. by Remo Is notelS,Oeurt Rao., Lecture Ikon., hong Ofils tn r.nren,Eselories.llospluals.tosi bulW Ageealeret, tieserlottaat. goblin ass! priests. Al so , Lsotw orwe sµ.l Pub. ItootoN for all purposes whorl. regular .temperature, either high or low, Is desirerh' glad for thew, po Twee herroethol equal to It. Potne fn. Vehttlottew, by unfurl.' or kraal somas, will LnlHLlvve I, prepared sr heentetegenrel. of the rattans thladhiptloos tocuHoned are Te ' g r t. ~,otred temperature, with Oaths freedom usay ratote, ethos, tlust,or datupnesS, Snd safety from We. mflfr' • NIA LEK, ATKINSON It OIMLY. 'Padling Wagon: , A Lare and fiubgutntial two horse wagon rk.na I ron axial. for ,4Je firctrabl. t.rtnl o V C. ARBUTILN , Agricultural Implements. 1111 AVE , JUST received titan the East ttie N 10101121: Iroplemalat. oil of the boot alsauf•eturo Volvi i =lretrer in rgruVari nat! 'sold Wilt. 41 . . Itrining'Maehlegas. fur eons beasts beets. Wmips t i r m a milt, yes whvet.. rye, setts and barley: tasruCet.Crusbers. (Ism bbell m borax arid hood power. Strew mud Cor n Stata. Cutting Boxes. Veaeumle hoot butters, Uz • robes anti Cue Cbstn Halters Cut/U..olomin and UNo urthea. um! lion. C 11.451401 try tbrao and Jour Min( Inks. lure (nun the boat a pa,...4. a The Pro, and fiord 000ro of 9.ti. WICELEKSJIAIL - • my'2: • Coro. of Wood alul Myth innseta. seaunana's Patent Starch Polieh. DA TENTED. July 2616, leso.—For giving Alir . t 2tn i the n to 1.it0at...0 • and pentane dust Smut choking to Linens, ice., sod contains mining injurious. .. throat huir-Put Tkee . e l l r r k iti.u.. of a pea to a quart of '' fi r f-i h on7l ' ,l3l i c ' WliNe '' ,:Wr Cake. .OoN wholesale dud retail by • beil U.l. Wocdst. Coplef's Pot Clay. • rpcc subscribers are no* Sole Agents of .0. Copley 1 Co.. for the elate of their /kit Cloy, an fele. of litutollihrd reputation for tbii untuulacture Hata POOO, Utool Om, Pe. It 14 surto of one of the moat infctalble antodaume known: and Is very conifnily adineted inetwiessised penal/ins to grinding, ruiFt , J. KlloOliktilEEß A CO AOIES' ItUIGIEIt GLOVES & AA invaluable to lodlev pgenoctlou to the ban& In o 4r. we of Cower& de. In Imo. r n 'T " t h ci , o ril i o u 4h i rie 11=4 anowrWlelte. .For bale low at viaind fie !tubber Depot. 7 and g Wool mivet. .1. W. 11. 14111.1119. CLAIIET WINE, 'Ot. Julien 31edung of ~,,,,,,,,, importation, warranted num. Prier,' mr• Mown, or to mute per ainglo nottla. At 3ioarutv Taw' Wort, In the Dlatnan_d. -. • mitt fi l iiPol l : CLOTHS-Mustrrc - i ed, from the Yortorr. GO Wow Clap Oil CtOth, a kwautlfullr ocl/t -ulle°, for sale wtolewalo m low ...tern prleer,at Om I'll ClatniVareroOma. Now 7 amt 9 Wood 0. ....r''..? __ _ J:• 11. PIIIIIIPP. • rui,NITIME OIL CLOTHS—Of Englinli,. ' LAN ar.l . rea .gt varia.ty edict Good& tbe rtara 113124 111:111111( t DULLIITIKLD. Straw Bonnet and Hat Warehottse, No. 105 M*aazr STRICT, ri H. PALMER offers for sale, a vas Lt.priew. o foil emorackellt of Mow add /41141- VoNAg-Tereign awl A Ito:Antß Seld furl Straw, Cl 4, calt, Padas. Ler turn. tr.. dr. /Id TA-3.len's, TaslAte, and Dope trrs/. Wary and trlote jig 11/11 . Mimes' 7:Jenor‘Lldd, otivr tr./Jo gnat tat/ NY of rholee and oestertal. .RMBONS—Itirb Sknortemd port. plaid Ulla and ier fe LACES idth add rokeld tdAry the.re Arid Cew —Math ued figured wbJto and aolorA 31111/ and Cotten Artie. • $71(4 W BIMILLNG.O-03:71.. Umbels. Cactus,.. lintl44 Pe l ylo .Itr,Ar. LO und Amerkao Ereigi.burerbee and ' AIrKTV'II I .4II'LTS-41or o, 13 de ...fir Aloe. Us,. de Rhino. Aargau*. /Lod other stylZ o . oered/rd dnelltire nod adore. • ILVS—Arrorled goolltlee and rotors- Alro—ltirb drel low wired Pensold and Ilenbrollos, Ha./ Doter, to., tr. metal* (I . ASSIMERES - r-90 picev I L i anc a u rr tn li d N ii o ack,. Bj far Ada by. arr. DRES:3LAI