The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, June 25, 1851, Image 1

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•: I 17136
, 11 13rDitr,If tirrelq,Y. Sr
: ' , 4‘igin
• c truliknistuliriiir.iruiiiiiiii I 1077 Cana
.....DALLeo &Ilan yer arttua,•israble half 3.1•17 ,
%1111,12-VtdgrEZ.DT. ft * •
.111 oat* fultolfinc*- 1" . • 4"
enDli, per " •
• 41.00
sa cub
dto be amid izetarlatar to.claseem- No Milan:. rut
be nut after for year expinet,anlrn thm rummy is amt fm
. )1633Z1 OF AOVERTIEOTO. .•
• gtttr Az595,1:555 orlllll 6 .
' 66: :17
na:b 675,7' 0 95
• 155:' ' 76
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. • . • thr. - 0 00
% Etniviimr.Orrtle, (5 Dues Leos,ver . 7o.ncoii-11.5 00
• Gan I.:lar tn . twtl 0004=11110e: , •'' '
seurr. Lanaeoble 01einat• Ur,
crteluti3O tbk.'parer.: ....... 00
A A A' , 000 itteh 1.401010.0 squam lasert.olo,o/400¢0006.and
br each nlSitiaoal.o2are,lWertcd Iborly MU,
• •
' , Advertteurents ittoonling • moan, and(ot Wwer nth:a
„ etzgal s?re and a tura
_Lend th Wbl e
ausmant ' g c" JAl foe fatr o t o . ad ""-
niattotweing eitulthatea fbr drthtalo 04.t0itt....4,1-
••••••rtartruuNn,m. • •
•a•••..l. "i ,, sii"*ls• •
numb, a Ithertloreortithe aouthanad =forbid. ad. 0 1 .77
. , The wririle ,riot annual •10./7 Iltaltabbit
• • thotrown lantedlatet businathi'and loilestthente for
the bennet of othrrt arena, wren Kean edeetthatowsta not
Immailatairesinoected With.eltde own tantrum; and an
dowses of alirerthaerila, in length or otherwise, bermd
the limits enuard, will be eharged at the thud rates.
lloth tranneut advertialn e , arlii ionittheallT
endered, and prompt poymantio dentnith• -•-
All advert:sem:mu for-charitable thstinations e itho Oath-
Pnalto., ward, t o
ro w
awl other Dahlia moatings, and
oath like, to be rhargel half torkw, payable strial.l37 AL
314st:sue mikes to La thurnool 10 cents.
; n r e . wit o rout,etthrge, anion areantps
omtharTntionl, and when ,
so aegotoottLal to be the! • ,
Degular adrertistre, and all others
t o eamontakw
. loom or requiring notices designed to nth attentkea m
Fairs, Solre.m. Concerts. or • any Dublin eaterlitomente,
Whom rhtutges an made for 1aR1ff..00...1•11 DOOM of pai
arwtelsnons—rvery nonce dosigoolto call attention to
prieeda catenates, girl:loth! or intended to promote 5015
.• -Yhtototareth can emir ha ituertad with. the andorsthod,-
-- • ' nog t trite same to to be pal or. If tutendot to , be W
earied In the load column, the nuns will be charged at the
ate of not Da than Itt cent. por Wow
Matey or Ai?. Notion to be charged triple,
Tavern Liethan PetifiOlk, VS each. ' "
-• 'Hard EstatedguntS and .Ithrtionae severtiammta not
. to ba clamed Wader 'yearly rates. .ro u t
o be allowed a eds.
want of thirt a r i. three and arm thinl pos amt. from the
orsoth ,
r 011 these
iunrt Lti Is twin rsrthg.
• Square
Do- each wthinottal S SO T •
OT fI~9[LTIA rryttnxr.aza.,
O.* Feu." (10
t l
rluea r a 0n .... —....1 . 50
thate D aat aeartisme e Lleanli ... al Z a. m
TAMES F..KERR, - Attormiy . atLaw--Office
1.1.r . 44m , LtdtillSe.ld and Oran; Pitts.
ES:. WEAVER, Attorney at Law, - Fourth
greet. no. the Mayeee fittsborit,Ps.
• atteteled to rtataKii.
1 6Lace Onlvolyria. 'LI' goy .Of Isdimm. I=9
• LIM - ANT' . 1t - TAYLOR,- AttOrneys , at
Law-08m oar Fourth street, liaL.NOwtwom Wood
and Bauttolold nowt& Pi I.tburgh. P,.
D. OliDbrc.,. CoFuthrsaorr pl lh .3Ar
Now York- • -
V otio Stale Comminiotir for takin g Liana. /Lek
iwArovrotn or Amis. an; 0,111p0r,V0p .., = fq„rLbove
JiIIGN COLLIER, Attorneys ati Law
OMus on Folirtl street. alma Smlth6l4l4
W. E. WHITE,' Attorney. at Lawof
melts r
P. 6 G. L. B. TETTEBMAN;',Attor
. ners at Lair and Beal _Estate Unit a, No. 101: 4th
~.-4.A. M ES' J. KUIIN, Attorney at Law, once,
in iitglutihrt Hall, earner of Grunt ,treat sal Diamond
T. Pittsburgh.
17- 110 Fourth street. Pittsburgh.
Attornoya at. Law,
.15.3.110 lourtb etnnr, Sitlabargb.
tamorant—lLlexander t Dan John Snyder. Pip.: Her
rn% ido.inna k 0.4 Wm.B. 30h. El- .tar.:
nonntant Urn 1Y: Jaelraca2.l , lttsburan. jan).dy
EDWARD P. JONAS, Attorney at Law:
t Moo on stinet, botoreen.Wcol and Bmnß
titi:i;Pllll:4 l oalltMOVEArxr79ll7ll
"(' ! FORGE E. .ARNOLD &" C 0.,. Bankers:
vl Nolen la rateheage. Ckdailleak Not, , tay No. 74
Fourth meth last door to the Bank of Pitteburitc Cod
lortidturarthdlrrateaded to, sad the pr oceeda remitted to
W tactef the Union. •
II WILLIAMS & CO.;. Bankers
and Exaddlgorokoni, Tiort7 rag corner cd
er Wood
sad etrems,•
-AIL transactions made oa Men] terms, sad soldscliaaS
. promptly sttesdal to. - hpay
ED.. KING, Banker and Exchange Broker, ' elrmt, Doaler In Dank Notes, lams of E
-.Gold and ElDer. ntocks fought sad sold.
Tho blohentmarkst orlon 'odd prorolum ter Anal®
Dollar,. wad Mod= and . npanlsh Dollars. to far
i l y ,,, ernaosDimitaigrl=N:rownal
A.T.LIUNS & CO, , Exchange Broker;
South-Esm Carlin. of Third and IdAricetstivets, All
s M molt liberal Met,
HOLMES .& SON; Dealers in Foreign
and Mt . manta MIL Vrboa ealffkateo of Foreign
Notes 1113 d Spode, No. Ca t Moot. Pltta.
SlS.Collmtices made cal th. lattaiPal dt/a.
at Ma thatad Stat., .• j ,••
KRAMER .RAIDI, Bankors 'and Ex
hattua Beattie Dealers bermelen sod D,, la
of Enhance, Certlflmbal of Depoaltr, Dusk Note.—
eorner cd - rhird am! Wad Kerte, dinwr ovr1:41•
tbalit. Charles Ileel.• ' • :
pAr_tOTHERS /.c. CO., Bankinz House;
cor.iissioil2 lj "
and ElllDroksres N 0.114 &cold street Thimista
Estate 'mantles }ma 3100 to $lO.OOO slants on nasal
VATCUICVP,II.3II3a. JOSE. 710,111....,...f..:11147. RAM. •
ALMER, HANNA k CO., &lawman :to
J.: Beo nn, excataxo.Butzu.•
hastyion and Dortentle Inch en, Oatifeetne
of Dephdt. k Nam, and Smote—North Wen nester Of
Wood end Third Moats Current Mono, emend on
If mdt. Slicbt Mocks for sant. and collection. soadecto neon
the totodpol points of the iloltal Steins. •
Tbe blghnt premium paid far Famines; cod. Amens,
hdynntesonie oneinnennitOf PrOdnentOtdiCOd _ty
011 liberal tenon
r_u -T AYLO CoMmiviioiier and 43i1l
Broken 112 Pooonti erne- Bind aftesnkin*lll
demi ::to ell bulk:ins entrust.' to his Me: Pilloboria
=match:trod onides anon on nondi or invented at anal
notion • Note.; Bonds, Mangum. ne.l nonntiststi on Wort
able Vona, AdTV.Is•VP onvin if teonhod. • otnil
b:liiot,ioaktodst,4ll;llN:li 4y (0,151
.0. STOCK.TOM, lato Jolaurton • Stock
:.on. rsobsoller, Statiouss, Printer, mad Bta.yr, ear.
"Our otillasitet and Third streets. Pittsburgh. •
B..IIOLMES' • Cheap Literarj Depot,
Ththi meet. opyrelte the Net Moe.. Tim BEolo re.
red thdl y-by etyrtr. Sobscriptloos rewir ed to say of
eferesbee or Neelrostere. rubllehed st the Walther's
HOPKINS, Bookedler and_ Stationer,
rDviD DOWN, ;JR., 'Wholesale and Retail
an:. nixlConfettloner, 813, Pittsbargb.
Caknot. and Ynney Costreettonstr, nbrnin on bond.
An ord., ynnettully attend,l tn, .
CAXPEf DIaL31:11.
rnkir M'CLINTOCK, Manufacturer and ha
, porter of Carpets. Oil Cloths. Eta= Beal Trico
ix. _mao. Moles, te. Warehouse. N 0,813 Muth st.
and .9 Wonql 11...11(4.73urat. ,
u the gala of Domestic. Woolen. . sad Cott
Waxt greet tittaburstr. cR RA
Onle.,tttlest aat aunt notteolbr tor doottiyttOM of Wool.
lm itorbinery... . . • febl7
• ••• W.• POIFDEXTER, 'anterior Waterand
• • :JLIL•' Market greets. Pittaberthh. Curna:oll.A.
vrealawa norm end for -the pa:rim* awl Ale at! j ilmr
RWestern Proftre.. Innt.tiaA,Glarrsokeidthalumapectrall
r.' the ge l
.. Harper* Ca, 1tha1.1413.
sem'. celebrated Maro sad May Fork+. at Phliedefig.
and.T.rokine Ca.'s vomiter meko.l Teas. aptntf
A. !ifcANI/LTY. & CO--errtusporteiv,
lJ tonftnling and corambadon Aterehaat. Detit.
P. 421. WA Penn atroet.littaburcb. fablb
4i , 00n0 ".- Ac -- iliiiiiitibE DEALER
s N. 61• Water stmt.
M. 11. JOHNSTON, Forwarding and
• 1117 Caramllleolk. Ala:chant, Ka. rll3owes,
ft &.JONES, Forwardi_ n g azd Ocrtn
nimism Mr:chants. Deakrrs In , Piodusis axkl Pltts
• illarcifectitreil articles. Case Basin. mar' Beneath
a. Jur • -MG, ACM
vtRDY, J(514'.5 liiiecessors to At
. :A Jones t A7o, Cat=lxdon and Parirsrdliclfer. mon,n 7 o .11.0 . 1Scrtnnal Goo:* Pitts.
4 ; atitlild:lNA
neo. SHACKLETT ;CO—Wholesale
.ukle . rAigorelzo and Naugle, Dry,Gocgts, NO.IOI
AOLSION CO.. P1T.M1CAG1T......0. 11117SIOST 300.. X. TOZZ.
AA. MASON - A CO., Wholesale anditecall
Dealers in 'Amy and Pt*le Dryponlas 8224artait
MUItPII7 & IiTrItCEIFIELD, Wo r oussit
Retall L• 57. Ganda )larcbsats. saner of Fourth
art.: rtmea. funbnrch. •
lizTS -
PR. D. IWNT; Dentist, corner of Fourth
g 7 4 , lNeeitai 6L. betworn Harke scut terry rasts
'W. WILSON, Watches, Jewelry, Silver
. and bry .. Opedsaorner of Xtrlcel_aod
IrOcutb.htexPlLUb.rghem N. ft—Wstehei sad c;oeu
psprour !OLIN& -
. .
A:' riifK & ~ti,rn GO.;: Wholesaje
- f-c;;,-
o f Whi_ ... te leulgitt
- •i,,,,,,„Wr4"4""'1M7
ICEICSER, •.IicROWELTi - ,( to
Hut'sKesicr,)Wholeials '
ails irrai and
reectiptioa 2tors, tome of Weal street sod. Timid alley.
trkises! yreserrtiens este_fulltpcsepootskei Islght nut
KIDD & CO:,..W.holnale.DrxigpADcal
4ri in Pants. Oil* Dpe Rah, - ant 1 - -rag—
a Dr. ? V'an's celebrated Worna peelne.'lv•
erTinn.rul Lunn 13prup: No:, PP coring ofilTout and
foiutti Medi, ware inri,-....ruur pant,
*ikon natradad with airman). .
AaE. ;SELLERS; 'Mentor in
~ Dr'. in, Paw., py. stets, ells, isvatithrs,
ar a ?C"rn"W"'
WICKERSIIAII, , WhoIesaIo Druggist
1,7 s tall.Deller in _loan inn
lion•lan and .1100 Word stmt. wow of Sixth, : .
VIALDILJtZ D 91114 V, .. P .
& REITER, Wholam's iitul
riigesti;eormra Llbertr .444..C1111 . rat0, Pitt.
A le Drug
!, siAtok. AV—TV:V.4
• rt.- PIY ILSON;Whge - sideo 'robust:n . l
-i.,. : 00=n;1.110:-.,iza.ri,Aarri.11 - 4.. ' l 7- °UP
(4mOnnalon nor, FA4o,Corneest
Yeah and Imnetrreta Pittaburgb; . . -
QAMUEL IMRIVER. Wholesale Oro-
Prodopo and Chouniado4 ITerybants, usul Deal
=lPKTltttrifrx. IM" "l ood andt=telg%ltt'Mht.4
"fOO2l 1.11•0011.
4,011 N S.- DILIVORMI-4 CO., Wholesale
liicasiti—Pradock *ad •Orrgai.lan '3lArtclukata, , wad
Ur for ilsrasrd komdcr
3.V.1107-10.1_ pg..] 121.11111,
jet 1741381P0E ta GRM:I42I, W . ,holetale
IJOmen and Oxandisskuddliescbdata, N 0.116 Wats
:Wu 'and 150 Ant Mad, Pittildardtt.
#1111",.' & CO., Wholesalo
Ormers,C4M2olssiodial Etavedinir.Merebsats,
atm fat BrlghtonCottonNamm. 151 Water st, Plttsbanzis.
.10113 1ff1rt..—...“;.y..r4- ... —IOU" =MM.;
t jOHNr WATT A - CO. - Wi - olesale. Grocers,
0019241.4111011aleiralailtkelld Doi2l Prolog. and
vetabeargn glanafactones. l'ece. Yese; Llpelly,Creel. flu.
18. CANFIELD,. late of Worrell, Ohio,
• Ootennleakee end PorgardingEggichant. and Whole.
Desks In %roster,. Ilemetre ctoete, Better Pot and
Pearl dab. and ligendern Produce generally. NC e.ter creel:
/Nevem grnethelalet arid Weed. Pluatetnete.
S. WATERALAN & SONS; Wholesale
RS• Or en Comoil.aion and rorr a. arq Iferohetde.
in all Nana of Poo and PI Idaottfaeta
red Ankles, and Agents ftre the eale of ehromad end
Lytiellbdesh .Slaried Tobacco; Nos. 110 and Fa Rater
• • Ws fltaers, • Forwanling sad Otimmissama Math
liftsburgh_dianaaa .11 Western
late. N0...16, corner of 0.1 strsqt aid aras Chancery Lane,
j[SAI.A..II . DICKEY' .00.; •Wholetale Ore.
tern. Cannelton Ederehante, end Wader* In Prodaoe—
el. On Kaler,and 107 Front meet. Nttreneen• •
.J 0134 J. IMIRJIT.
,lENcuasn. •BENNETT, Inn) • English,
Gallagher b Co.. WholeraleGrasera Gemmlerai saki
onrardbag Merchants. and Dealer, En Preduce and
burgh Marereetreres. 12• eacond G. sad 121 Flare at:.
between Wood - arul buGthrlehl.
PIVIIVII. —C. V. 111CIZICAIX. CC1V.9241.1.
a LLLER IiICKETSON; - Wholesale
sad Importer, of Brandin, Wines and
No. =warner of Liberty alai Irwin Wens. Pita
arinfa P. has, Conan Yams. to La, constant!,
ma hard.
Aft D'GD.1.......D003 D. Ie4IU-.--DILTSI C. DOZ.
. ROE, Wholesale Grocers and
Coastaisdask Merchant, Na. 157 Liberty evert.
rt. DIOORE, 'Wholesale 'Grocer.
Piect4tyl.4.Distl i dealer in Protium, Pirtsbariat
allsetureL [tele of Forel.. .titd
Rime sad Lipoor o e i No. 315 Liberty . street On hand a
eh ltl k ol
ii v ed I "Virrk'ctqld
a= e '''re" U = l
littatarg y=
4 0BERT. A.. CUNNINGHAM, Wholesale
, Predum, Foresail=
c an d - Dealer to - Plaster:ma illocur C Ztu
Marty street. Dlttebergh:
WM. BAGALEY CO., Wholesale Gra
m; Nos. ]B sad 4D Rood Meet. Pituburcll.
Joan VC.DIS6I..
MoCANDLESS, ionecessoric to
D. Winn. Who!code Groons, Ifornendlino
and Ononninsion diereharts. denier. in Iron, Dons. Ulson.
Dutton Yarns. and Pittabuinh linindocaurs ganenaly,
wenn of Wood and - Water ravioli. Pittsburgh.
CULBEiffaiß &-CLOUSE, Wholesale
• Grobas sad Coanal,r , Dada, In Pra
Plasbursh Mans ursil erusles, lad LlbaS7
ravet Fittslnuytt,i's-
LwthuißrE )Wholesale and
• -Real ForaLly Groom, Pomo:ding mot Cazontifoicro
ON =AI Lathers in Oocuatry Prolog...sod MUT:mutt
Bloaufsefocres, corn.. of Wad and FM ... Wittrabon,h.
Ur. L0616!01 TOM 1.1171/...../....
Libecty Mee.. Pitte.bnrrn, Wholtmde G.nnen,
Cannvr.inion Urrrhanta. and dcal,rs in Vittalnirgn
Wholesale Grocers, Coa
u•c lrlrnub.n a nodn Da
W Pra od lu— d E L n
stmt., Pittsburgh,
_FILMAKEti WhoWsicaroc%:
Dealer, In Produet,_Forole. Wk..% Old Mo.
otypthelA mu d Reetillool Whlekti—No. 6, Oonnaerelal !cow,
Lthorty AL, Pittolrozr.h. •
!IAS. DAL:ZELL, Wholesale •Grocer, Cum
- and Forranting Merchant. and dealer 1. Una
e, Glen, Caton Tarns. and Pittsburgh Miatufacturce
generally—tito. as Meter et-. and Mt Tint et. Pittsburgh-
01:1 0.1440:11,F.64:10
JOILN IL 3IELLOIC, Dcardr in Piano Fortes,
Idoafe, and Ntnkal Instruments, &Soul Bona. and
nr-su - suni nein anent fur etkl4enne. Piano lidtrs, fur
Western l'arunrylnuthr—No. M ood et.
HENRY •KLEBKII, Denier in Music, Mu
• tical lustrualeatt azd Import., of Milian Strisige.
iriteer tft yi s' lT "- Dr-r ' - ` = a 111 - 10rWg.V.;
Pls.:. •
IRON.Crta.. Mira
Y.—Tho en
n scribers marintactirs and kw D constratly ou bard
iageg or Sacks,Orids,aud dyers/dog PO:Oohing. Clout, add
-Rob Nang too- Mural Vinur liernd and Lortilog Nub:
Capp.' Kali sod Tarim Marra Coder' srrd 20.
Shoe Mir. l'arterd !takers' Pointe. Rivets, r ...fled tires.
d•-•tr%y CAMO3CI.I.. CHESS CO.,
Warehouse,. ttr Wider cr.,lltrabnrsdo.
/..' . .... .. . •••... •• .. ~ • .
EKES QUIGG, liftmufactureriof Spting
sad 1111st;is ace'. Plough Ettel, Eteel rkrugfa Wings
and Eliptln Springs. Hammered bat Aslot and
dealer, In Malleable Camino, Fire Eepne Lamm soul
OotthEtmlEgt generally. corner of Eau and Yrott
. hat. Dairy It Cu.. Xicuufacturrr. of Soils Sch. Bleach
ihircirchirci Murlallo and Sulphuric Add.. Welrelicuce,
No. =Water rt. bolo. Ferry.
v sunnd C. um—lmporter sud Dealer to Prt , nett .
Ssul Atomic. PAW Ilansuqrs oral. Banters, Wisdsw
Blades, Ilse umrs Also—WM.loS. Prisalsg.
sad Wnwpins Psper. tio. s 5 Wocd stmt. Lamson Wasmn
uslplamosid alley. Pittsborsh. Pa.
ROBERT DIORRIS, Tea and Wino Mar
chant, East side of the Dl=oost, Plttaburah.
trrlA. sracma ..... . nono.
WM, A. areEttis F6l, 'brooers And
Y. Tea Dealers, No. EGG Liberty street. shove Wool
have always on hand a lase autortotent of Cholenntoces.
11. Tea, Alsc,kortign Prints and hintANlTiole
sale eM retaAL 'D6xlres supplied on the lowest tenet.
1;4:t0:, ici , L4 - 41 , 5:fti1:4 - no 4:0
#OH.N CAUGHEY, Agent for the Lake
Die *aid lltch[ een LLoe. to Beaver and the Lakes--
Mae on the career of Wider and EltolUstlelgt sul. •
L) LEECH 1c CO:, Transporters by Canal
and arn..Ling emir, of Penn itteet
the Ca./.
V4, , ,wv ciao a 1:1a41
A.BROWN would most respeatfullP inform
thibubtle that be beeraOtfbaod athieetehd on thawed
tldor the, kgbellyou r. a eomplede assortnteot
of Vadtien tilled. Veldt]. bloaters are made to order
ttr the beat rtyl, warranted meal to ear In the United
/Mtn. Ills
edrew,drieer. BlLia n rt acga n w o e c hs m wd o v the
w te h q ou w t
hhy ea odwoofo a
of the cabinet establishment of ftederdy dictlehmtd,'l ant
W►parad to ferntatttheir au manmade. as weft se thtt puh
a halm with ar' thing to their One.
d . tmfto. ti Wood vireo!, bittehttrab.
oszpa: JOHNSTON; Peru 114:4GR &
Vustsairs--Ezeldanoe, comer "of Third Wed and Eut.
• •• , Allegimuy.
n.,L—Late, :and, Marta. Lath. , da, rcr , sl.• '
VB'r RI~I9 & Y EU&QBOR. ---
ADAM ILUIDIE, Vete/in:on , Surgeon,:late
nma lidhdrorg).. snlland, wont!, wellllll7 ske
nt the putilte thot too - prnetioe in the
elloczakeadod end, by ftref etlention N whatner
ess to him.he Low. to wiv redlchetlon. .1
eanneetion with JAR. fl e ordie. h orse Shoeing and
Illsekssoithing In goners.' et di ft.o marihl vn. at th e corner
of Taunalstront and Ponroyilitola Mono,
14:JRPLIY A. LEE, WOOL Dr.m.r.ns4lnd
Cotarahrion Mort.. Pm ilia sub, of Augurlams
ws Gm/ff.:So. Liirrtr rt.. Pittsburgh. ;
lIAIIBAUGII, Word .Nfirchruita,
14.7: Deslm ILl'lcor and I'mletett Remteralli. intl• For
tran:ling and Commlagta Iterchento, Iltt First at.g,
and 110 Second greet. PRlAM:grub.
[3:ft)aNlidtiji;lll2 o l9V:W.l4;eliati
itt• Engrave,nr, W - 00 71 .
rin7l. (thlnl rtnent Pburab. Pa.—% Moe or
no, Marhlnery, Ilnadn of Neogra,...ta,Fmnti,,,,,, ,
Landsespen, Dm: i.nbeln. in eflonn; Fein for Invinnnt
tietteinodAmarlatiownCottnn ptynM.or .ln lhl Arstit,le
Of set; tad at tha
; le'EetabliahmTnt. Third .stroat. annoaltr al" Pnat
Dlttgbursiti. Dan & Lamlanaia, ' , Tirana, Show MID.
0111beed& Naga. gond. Lew', dri11...n.1 and Dhabi./
Dinning& Drislneurind VAUNT Card& AT— enadnr a g or
drawn nia Rios, and vista"' In lare, 001d.diTonte,
Rya; in ttv 'non a row/ad girl& and MAI. 1110.11.
.. .
. .
. . .. . .
n. r.,..: ~, .
._,....,.... ..„.. ~, ;•,..„.._..„.,
....k.,..„,„„:„.„.,. „..7x,, %.„...,.. ~ .
!„•-.".„,...:._., ..-.......,....".-.:...,;.....„....::...„,„..,..„,..,.,,,,,,„,,::!.7„.,....,„.,....,,,,„:„ ICY-.,,,,,,., .
:' :IainEWARE
- ricarihtsft - E
L 50 1.7. Na 322
MISMIami - E01773:
' Jowl errteniore..."
OLIN: FiTZSI - SIJAS.Vbk,: Itinzutractd,'
ra in ,Ilicintrz.rtuLEelliegagYfiagigiggi
&ta g
L acearoug or bating suelt wurk doneetbkt lbst.tra
prepared tad., It at the lweest posdble Tete.. at ths ebotte,
est twideS.awd. thdbett lattiwert at their istablistekedts
street s otiose the Cabal Itkipenest tbe Oacttorks.
• Twee Irmo lor - BLlkk Aktdb aud blast Funleaes, mnnw
01 factored at tbr *barter. tiotiaej and at the laved prices.—
Jobblti , rttornpristiprt natter— ,• • '.•
Buochner*Xikellers, •
•• • I; :P L AY',:iaTimasia - PETIcIISTABLIS.g4FIiT.
MITE' AB 'MU i6 . 44tu11i
to their 'friends sod the public geberally, that' tbt
am prepercel to *smite, in th.tkrse styldi , of their art.
°eters 'for Elio. eanik DUt4 Oliiikoriw Cbeets, VldUny
W iitioreelikroal Carcle.ll.lpe Clara; Leils,
Their establUhmeot at No. 60 Alat . ketoitTeet between
.Third'eag Yomth btrelitt.' tm.stars.. ~.tnebblf
Bolivar Pireßrick lliaaufactarge Comp'y.
• • ---
:STJPSOBIBEgS.. %e'en i s
-POiotol,Agrifit for the . b o re fauna concern,. gral*
itrop constantly . on hood • sitopir of thooalkbrattri. lloltrar
ovllnot.entotblo ilreClay. moo Ilaszthrandleoalls..
Thof aro &Imo prepared to receive °Non to. saki Brick; to
.144. to =lt purolmarr. which chalkt
.b \D:rh u ltgo.
Irooltoges the Holly. Fire ' Wick p 040.6 r
taro bernotforett for We lit the -64,-tbeir tap.. y .
Oda Moat troomotto of Wet, pruent tor too. bakive.
ihot, expel:lto ahall artrod to o them oven
b.lttof than titoT taro berttrtforo boo.. mA lor tor *tar
totatoillttuent tom. toottuLoturlag 1:14.11.11rkotAoliror.
PittibUrgh GhLi Pipe- and Tube Works.
imdireign haw, juseconipletoci their
Asa aro amt. zossaftessing SAA of OAS rim L.
Inlaottr• and other . Fluer..4 lizes of
yhleh•thefelfer 'km polo-it 'the lemmt Wm. rbq
tow:mond to meaty orders, to len, - about de.
No.l9l4l , FAT.lreme,
Mali. rd.".:l
UTELMARTII NOIME-41ity .Flaurigg
Stils..2frosl34l.abrrty oor.of Ads= rt., Nita
Ln.~b and
bb ttr
r.7,474 1 AV1:UkVii.u,% dWf.7,4,70.°7
Ifarbur T otreet,• lithunb. ' • • aultd7Y.
A.• MADEIRA, Agent, for. Delaware, )4u- L .
tool SAP.t) , locum. Uumpau 7,4 S Rue: M.L
T GARDINER . COFFEV; hgentforFrankO
aro virecereve?,. nortl,e'utiemii a W.I.
WM. bLENN, MN= Bornez.Woo4 street,,
w • eeres. doer hoot Ito corner of Third, robot, he i
P l=rl Ar7llElMrigr tlt wroth
bound tub! tontlatlT. 'Looks to uotobo o nt ot Id bonkt
twond OuttfullTlut toDultal. Name. nutn loan knout
Thtro who hate blotting tow lathed to own. Pekes low.
ta9,11, • •
VI 'CO - AO .St CO., Wholesale and Re'tail
llsoutseturon,nn4 Donlon n MU, Co nod Furs,
oornceof W, ol and Fifth l'itutureld. t
bac tncl
offers run sad townies stock of list C. Durk
• ,.7:l s n . n: ll .=; , lr e li:;,:tyan „ okonl cod Resat!, nod th
ank, nkcurtvi thin/that they o mrn and rg e s most . bunn tr=
tokrants tenon
WN. DIGBY, Merchant Tailor, Draper,
armor in Emir Mule Clothing:. 1:4 I.llorfy
New Coach Factory—Allegheny.
cjx... 6 WIUTE CO. would re
," Reared. lateen the putlio that they have
ow aa s pen Loma.. between Pedant and PandusitY
ordewls. Th
for ev ey art r 714 W making and are prepared to receive
ers dew-rp:woof wohkirs, Coaches, (Manch,
liarourbret Beadier, loretems. ke.. which. from noir
haleexperience in the oramafeeture of the abase work,
and the fatilitles Ober hare. the feel senCdent they aro
melded to do work ma Irks swot reasonable ttomi with
Move waridtigarticles in their
. .
Pepin cfnactlroise at:cm:ern tha Wen:time of Mate Helen
mut Meehan none bot competent wort - mem they Imre cm
beettaticro ttn inatrantion . three worh. o therefam sub the
ettentkm of the public to thin. matter.
b. 11. Itcpaning done In the bent manner. ant ma (Le
mon reneonebbVirmn.
B 4 N
AaLE.ARDLE WORKS, (established
fizz tar EDMUND WELKLNA, No. 154 Liberty. et. of . Wtolt_street, .PiltrAluzutt. 31totomentt,
ViPtlKTovabo,ftlextbrtootit,f..t 31ontel nem, Lew., owl
Pier Tor. strays ott hood. autl mole onitr.
N. A phoko ,olocti,.o Antall:l.n on Ilona. lllO
- Corner nkel Atreeta She nal r War.
nal Pm - Plaice or the Mahn Ihtlthergla
Panixtrr.--John Fleming. Principal lneructer le the
nee ?f Ac enta
0.. E. ChamberUs, fref.dsor Pecumantldp,ltereardlle
tenrontaticak, de
Ales. M. I.4ntson. Let., Leetareien Unantereial Law.
Thom &Amid a. complete Snow kvltte cr Book Keeping,
aad its application every brawl, of btunnessodso aa
want and rapid pentaansbnr. ase invited le rail and exam
/. Use arrangement,
Lecture on ttuanakerdsl Lan every 3.landay evenin.
Itadrenee to any of tbs neddent city oarrehanta. dr=
WILKINS, No. 245 Liberty st.,
. - Ites4 ..coal street, l'lttchttrab.
tlonomente, Burin, Twill, fonthttonsa,
' As.. Banda l'lsoes, Vents. and 1..t.r Top,
on hand and mad,. to order.. H..
choicest Warbler. mut at tars . rednc.ll
I mots. A Wu.< sdeolsen eV' Druaino
)'sx rccr
{=jr:,;.. d . •
tt t
. t
tt - tr-t 1
• -
Eon. 11Artnor Omni .Ark Tiernan.
110 a Judge WIIII. John liar', Eon.
Wm. Kalman:4R FAQ Aton.W., Kerr, Esc., Architect
John KoYder.. ,Etl ' EArn a bow . Brokers.
littoburgh Kant- Att.:oar A Kau, do.
J.. 14 Shoenborgcr. EN. 41111 Carry,do.
Wilma MoCernileev. Eon. • 1 htto earner, do
Hebert McKnight, Lot. W.. lhontit, A Co.
Jag—McKnight, too, Itrming U. T. 31urgan t Co.
bun. . Joshua Modes Alb VralCro
S. Loth nor. EN., Allegheny.
E. W. reels grateful Er tho very liberal tatronatto re.
aired during nlateen yawn to this. city, Oaring had the
largert and 4ertioto entruoted to Wont. op the roan[
bole. and wlll.rutEavor =vier satisfaction h
Bermett's Monochromatic Depository,
!.s:O. i 7 TIIIR.1) STREET.
AT I.—Neer henUtter—The "fluttlee Gettmemere,
and the "Cemetery of ceotert." • Mrg
facture'', Wm-roams Di Cl* Third street.,
• W. lufonm his friends and
=Momma that Mina. new wituldend t e. Unrest
and Mimi &Melt of hinwebold furniture ever befure seen in
thla Mtn im bib 4154.1:111111(ki to uphold eto quality with
sellanumneel materials, best workmanship, end newest di
hing and him the extent of hie orders and Owilitr in
manufacturing. he be enabled to Madetre warranted furni
ture, at the lowest prices.
Ho has adopted ow n, nel Qu a lit y en the cristem,
env' buterest weds hi in ant prim, and keeps
to on hand the
t, frem %seX j . ar ,, e , tl 4 :LearLdr i mir o ln , i!
Intlit .m a mmy, that a Qies, sue pert of en*, to
furnlslird from ht• anek, rei n exprcesly
order. Its therefure midis an Inspection. thee tW adven
ts.. ofleis establishment mar be ionown. Th e edloWing
ankba oonidst, in part, of bis stock. whleh for Mhos,. ef
style and 61111111 canna be surpamed my of the Eastern
Carter, drawing, dining, and brdwoom chairs. Of wary
misty. bonsisting or remensd.. mahogany snit lain.,
tillsabethen, retire aoci RAO Chaim, brewery de
cription; thuds:a, YoLu.'fitsia-tete and Mem, of the Latest'
Manch 11114 AidlieSo fattenin Washers. Whabbiote and
ladies' parlor Writing Desks of various kind; Work 'tables
snit fancy inlaid steads, zombi 411.13 , 10. and holders, marble
top, mahogeny, neseword and walnut white and rots, la.
Mos, extension &ram tables; all alms irtne temetlmprored.
and decidedly the boot kind male, card, Pradenke ball mod
pier Whim; ward/thee, beistmds and washmande of each a
large assortment: gothic tell and parlor reception timirs.
ottomans and Muds. weretary and look mu.. side Isienla
Ors screens. towel rack, hat stands, and music stroke, cribs
and cots for ebildrent paperinache. (.7t
tinborrenTeussownal, mid Ideal pearl 'fables, an Ae. in
A large imainiment of C 01.13013 Pundture and' Wind,or
Chairs. Cabl.t make. euoldbel .. 1 ". UL6'
Elmtmboatt sod Hotel& furnish/14 at a...b0rt...1 potion.
olden prnmptly attnwird po tion.
Attorney at Low. No. 163 Third et, "Inner of ebony Londengeento for the porpree,erlil
procure Bomar &Merry and while.. their
widows and children, and will &Ural to any other toteh
hem. connected with the rot . ..rotor:A or any of Ito Depart-
Was 4 . the Yenelon other, or the Courts at the City of
Drawing, Perspective, and Painting in Oil
?Ol t; is i ll,ry t t o r d ep n cre o d i to gi i va
of (t to delightful orb toa tow
un boomg “ , Itreere.r
Atkiractili new building, First ,trent, Lenoir. %Foal grid
Market etrneht. llotizo of Inateurtlon. rota 210 to 4%. and
from 64 to bY, P. X. Charges un.d other portienbill niut to
kaara - .Mug inftertionn) at the During.
to Dr. Usztum ur Dr. Addinou. ' jiMdtf
for the teontionnistlon of eleltor.. the besulY
ia.• /IL been ration , hapnorirl by tie etklitiois of
end.. Shrubbery and Flowers. A large ro/lect.on of err,
blawning Plante end slunblon7, of the obolgestklnd.. are
kept lon paean the prendrri.
' Ice Craw.. Fruit., 4.c.: kept In the 5a100n.... tune.
bopuet.tattefuliy put' op at short noire.
, The meet azol enmfostenalbattCHLZFTAlN. loaf.
the landing between lot Oriel. and the Old Atlegheny
Bridge. at t in beginning .4 every boo r—fredu P deloek,A.
n it aill In P. One extra trip every evening,.t 711
Pesti:refs lidded the Smoky City are /h•lledhe her
lelt'to Ws perfect Yloner Garde.
The 0 %Nen Is kept Oo Temperance principles, and clued
W. Dixon's London Pateht Leier Watches,
• 0. 7 .,14, to cm; {{Wears ever %feral Os iitlaburgA.
jn.ll ItlcliiliDSON, 8L Market street, is
. wolelAgent - for the semi. famed Loom Watchea.
o following guarantee 1,1 attached to each Watch:
.1 1 7 aPPOttament to the Admiralty. WM. DIXON. Char
unman . and Watch Manufarturer. 4i, MU Munro, Vole
well hoot, Louden..
ttar .rtinew that the accompanying Witch, Nn.—,lB
warraatot bme to be of my manutiala accompaniedalyh
with my tam, upon It to genuine unlit. by
'a twill...ate banana my PicllAlllrn. .
I guarantee the No.—, to keep time to the mt.
biLiction of the purchwor. Wlte-DIXON.
aplitak .
Steamboat Agency, and General Commis
_ Ilion, Receiving and Forwarding.
BALDWIN, PLUMER A CO., hove this
•Rh them John Layton. and Odra
lbw,. tbt, pUblit titqtamboat Agents, llenonsi
Cammlvion, eM Yervrosiling Inuitio..nntirr the arile of
LomArma, April 15. 141: )Vllilasna . Row.
MMEM via wi—
W.CChXIS tUt t(O.. klano4eto + nn of A'tvnon
wr, xr.'sn NAnkPI .trnt; brtnnen Yuri .nd &onnd,
19 1.rt4nbv r[Votlori ~..1d to ndd rl~; AIN.--Dnlm In
vl:n: ~llrv. Vlr4, nntllr. •r: nF~X'
camiruy !COLVIN, ...Coal Merchants
and Dralora In llry Unodn, rccurles. Iron and NAM.
• .of won,. otrost awl Witsidnirtnn Tnrnlgkerann
SaPerna Tina ..0c17744•17.
AIOR,NING; -,I JUNE 25 ? 1851
plurP':lo;ifteS9 2 fer., ' Ma n i a Pr.
„t megjt_pst... l _,...2 . 4 p hrh.. hr.
: --7,77iictigbarem.ll4., r 1 "
.111.010ECYPATHI43 , PiIYMPTAN, do'vbteti
, X.L'6l4l..entioWsti #4l4.4llpmemt•6CUPteases
I=lT'igr o '"al'dl".llllP 047441 11#74,
# 7 4,
' I, 4 III 7N AM INO o :IIO O I) 6 .II' gi iiPPOiI 1"11U4:,
ROW VOgit t 7 , 9 l ),M EZtd.Mat r git ,46( tr.s 4 . 0 „ 4 ”,
liiiirtiatralingtlitt)eo cony
striotodethd, llser.estoadtel ent of order. /40
so otortand Attunntento dttlng-ieenrately,the Mint.
- . end Magnets nre unrivalled-4M rand* bdan.tdetar rr
1 . 1 0014 lOrpant4nrthe terrrondnetnr ever
to...req./140 elk - J. veil attach them at WI
Mie.rerieqn. rip V
at n , Acre, 1(1 cents_ , , •
(I , lopped/J.lly Inquidat to telt (LSO Wee'
greet. nod ardadnesteradoreptrAde,yredtba uent mar
to mon.- . Aiargial
t• • •
/t"lt -,E.•idelibmini:lCavirEngiteartn
WEtrOii*l x cor;i
•litios q
Dorn a; Ana Ibrainial or shieknator issolystanuant will pro
:11..14411w. Orlii4.•awitiefq
:out et:map/our arktriluderlitaan! runnel" *or iStreutr
CChem in Ilakineelf's lusivOlacti 14:1.w th. Coot
/Amhaa; Crishultsn.; Was. cialatoanr, Eiti. • • •-• • '
. '
• -•-xlitiMßlritit,
WIXO. LEAlLtdeil*•l4
• • midi: Dmk .. a1173
Cash loao. um& own=sulairts. -• • •
auesits tot all Mang:mix Propellent tbr
fialet-aiii—Woti rhis'a 66.101.;aiLnev-!• ;• ; ,
•• • •
.tiolfslcc .
Howe Cashier, Pittsburgh.. ••'• •
;: aax:ilkxandet:Rekaltay;
14 2, 4 9-srooliust,kawtex Erstond Saolairt.c;
tzta MwarAlovE,y
.4CIOTIO•iyf 4iirri l dneription
cooctxvvror artr,w sr .1 pat,
rWork ttlyl , 4=g bm i l ariov it b. ammd
eijobraer tbldin# Oar 4' alaar ataxia. Exit
rir.P ai rr trt =f V I IV re=
tb ""r e atsZtibOl r = " rftr,ftre " j"risselsolhani.'L
Lk EO. .E.:AESOLD A:(X). hare. this day 10-
I_A inted witbe.b../01:111 D. EDE:LIT. TberstiSid:
:PlVitibutoD. Mr, ' ' '•
HONEGGER 26 Iniporters of .Wints, -
1.1 lignom elfin rtmat, ecolthwi stre,bt
(kOritier . Ff_ilt9 , Exchange, )
.„:( ,ITtrintwa
.115. ttpnOotts,!ceisfral, and tpost sooreni ,
eat47.l6.tttbd 110=4 tiirtns Lien ownoletelr
atti-thsottahlr.ranlred 4.134 thwixothd. la new
°woke the wicoaniwelallas at the to it Vile.
The eubaniteen leant ano nropristor at thvi T. Clia
1101113,, thitheetrally ..hthownabla Wanda lot the nuoho
that belay futhelthal It In the th an elegant wed thavitther
blva7le, avid thohleirad pa:it/tient thorivioth Mad attentive
amt.ponthol• serthsth. - and that ha .ntt op.. no taillike
rcaiente or It. amornuatt. nlintleting It the mostilyarra
Ma Other to thrvalvra hrparmthett boarder.. helures !Um
to solint hope lortt With./ Oita of ronos
PIEFE — A.NDCI 079 - 1 - CWAILE.
AMUEL KROESEN kcapi consmntly on
15 hand • wool westward or .Wash and Bath Tab=
wee. Elea. Opth ell. %lichen or Vraw,Bileketc
Ikrwhi. Chants. /Ow Ithastitta. Zoo and eliethr
Wrath thiards,and all other lanais et ware la tda llov.
WortINXll3l. X6.10:211E With rtfth rtheet pthatthah. Pa...
1:11R. J. J: DYERS - -Surgeon and Pkysicinn.
_ 2 .. 005...4 41.111al aim. a Druirkna a.m. Ntl.
. •itl, lard stmt on• door abova ErrzleDal a.
Dr.../Irani li. permanently located in Pittibecmh, • and
arill atletml to lb. MAId of hl. Drolmsnim /le will alto
.O.Wattentione .16CSOMM0404.stat th e &masa Of
niMin a natl.:3M
• Fresh Assortment of Spring Goods.
9[ 1 1110.3L15. PALMER ix day receiving
- j inns •the Engem Cities, at Ile old maul.
, No. Sti Messer Srortr, - •
.Thrtsc'eas...TAird' and Foirils• abuts,
Leer seticeeintie m hie presselt mina; at tbectitit brentent
PAM: IL(NGINOS Unit here ameared lit this runlet
71' 1 ,,r2i7'rajt
tit), onsinTatnid. I'm 10 cents ii * ., rsinis. On When
row, To this nitrate-len lot of gnosis. viten* more et
etante hadont[ll ran te termed be ttat tlinndacripthet,
the attention of merchants sun 01...0..w+ is Ryes..
Mitt Welted. • • ntehli
I - DAVE FITTED UP, (on the New York
re 3 7 4t ))umrlur , Trarcora.lbr the salret Cur.
tet=a h 71g ttr=f.t'
!Want ruperi.l: askurtreaut,of 6ntin D. Agues brourala,
k melt and German Dankaak Di Lank, LnuUsli Dankaue,'
Marta kne. Turkeyed (i.e.
every kind. Leak:amine. AnotaUkttal Jaen Ntualin.
land of +LPL, Cernie.s of Pr. different pattarns
cent ark, la
Maio, Rd
DPW. and altailes.Carkela
laud., and Itand, Curtain k'Unk,TasaLle and Tank.' LDOPI,
Curt. ELDr..and Waretat, Mud Cld nese. anatFringe., Mar
.-11am and Lanearter W.
Counterpane. and
Conk ran, Mad ea.., Peas rani Duldina.
All enter. thank fully eureited and pronutlly
ap. NOWA:. Tilted stn.,
Na 14 nerel .1.. teat la Nora afriat',o7A.
N 0.4161,1 Inaft• callmcnd ott 1.11 part. el Mc Galva
3tneka 44.1.:1A.ter
• Removal • •
JA3IE2 WILSON -has-rumored his ITa
and Cop flame W No.ol Wood stneßtrthirilduciocath
of LOamnod alloy.
rO-,PARTNERSHIP—IInyin g taken my
o. 0.1w.d It Wilson. Into partnership In the
•11• N C•p.d Pur barite*. we will hereafter .la Inkeineen
under the time cf J. WILION • AtiNet al Wind 1411.41.
Jam ea IFl4blli.
P. 8.-Jamew Wilson continues the flat and Cop gore.
No. ir nderal strwt. Allegheny City. Likely kept by N.
.7". Wilson & Bon.
1/7110LESALE and retail niantdadtn
y and &Oleos In Ileneand Copt, 310. 01
3 % end Meek. thinl door below la•cootel Alley. 111/At
horeh—atene they offer • full .0 recap/eta stock atJa , a..
nedtktpir or their own end hodterci ronnufacture. of every
=nit= by t= a a d . va—d Oh.
that. they Mayen CM chs coat rewionstile tern..
• • Tltudnesil Tax for City•Parposea
N pursuance of "au Ordinance providing
flOr (In tl iwe of the Reowsina of tide
10thnotke hereby- *ism, that tbo City
A. 1.1.07 has len at my °giro. fur examamtion.hy all inter,
amid; a ILK of the Tenons doing krognesa the rity, la
inanity_with said Ordinance. •
500.4. if unim examination of said list any pewsoos
shall think themselves *grieved by the said assessment
a. 01.1 1
near 44 ton be aangained; said ondavit to be
tett with the iiitylloitanirer, within two al:charm. the
date of lb. not publieatino of the notice,
tea O. That no appeal Hail le Wen bat by the
nit uf the parson n aggrieve!: toll anidavit to he
conclusive evidegke of the tact. *tau d in relation to the
amount of salmi.
mut b., JUI nru • •
. igsl
at, Ttrakurt,
dyt.—Jmn ,
Are'You Subject to t,ho Tooth .45, --- che .
fLAVE you hollow teeth. If flo, use
putual , sir3lAYEß.S. }lunch joothr :Enamel.
tem. or miner rfaspound. wArranted hot to /plum the
Loeth, or mouth, A. the [Anti.' memorial compmatoosAm
be hlath etym. pemon mar become hi. arbor taro attain,
At Limn etym.. hold to
=SCALIA 23 mut wkasgs, he
. lUK IthISIIAAI, Agent.
Jelaihr, - Wax! Attegt:ltttaburgh.
Greenwood Gardens.
TRAIVISERILLES, fresh from 'the Vines,
kJtwo toP Perms tip as fhb teirest. *leo, Cm= snit
sitar lc.. With all thedelkaelee of thethaects. The piste
le to. its the bright cif It. beentr. Att °maw teethe
the corner of Pith suet , Market.streets every half Onion
and the *theater Chleftalst leaves the Pitt street leading
receptions. letup" eta tutday.)- • je tty
Jusi ItECEIV.EII—AT Wl5l. DIGB1"8,
IV Ae lfineli lJnene .lor Petal,
ID •" ?Le, Lir .0.
ii4.Dla.k Silk Wm. Csrinnerets. hr
I r.
Marreillea wad Linen Vent ,
HerAND MANURE FORKS-123 doz . .
Ilsrprr Ws eel.bratell 111) tritative•Forkt.
-rettAVl crow the tnatinfeettrar, Philadelphia, on etraigtr
lona Owl fur We es R. it. POINDEXTRIC.
Valor Stmt.
For a...atm./4 nnloh sad Intrinsic vnlun, them /mks
mums •Iso imrsiesmnl; and Um low prim sit which Miry on
Midi must lows their Introduction. arsiiMir
Curled Hair Matrasses. -
I2IAVE on hand large stook of
4.,:v; i rt . urjr . uair. r
1:11:6 ' Third lured. 010.11.9 Rh,
'Taper. - -
PAPIII.-0:41616111.2.1 by 14 ' , Oinking P.rbar.
000 " 19 by 31
500 " la by P it , br Vi 2,4 by 34, 98
1200 iLign o Crozn Lap Per:
TOO " Medium ." " " •
• Medo4o3 an d Single Crown Rug.
The underrigniri gave ainetantly on bond and for wilo
or exellembe Mr lbws, a largo and annoyed assortanent of
11 01.1. Cop, Letter. Ilardwaro, and Poe Plipong lionriet
Bawls, ge...te.
Afro—rentng of all ollea t fat Paper nuttinfacturera.
Printing Vapor otada to cedar on ohoft notice.
• J. L.
MI2O corner of. Peon and Irwin sla
FIDES -34 Dry Fliatjor iode by'
Jam,S. /I W. itAltfiAllOW.
4CON-7 casks Sides, tor salu by
ipN s. k w. lIAILLSAUGH
FLOOR --100 hIIL New Lisbon Stm.
zt. him, for rain br S.& W. LIAILBA COIL
no.RAx--0 eases Relined, for solo by
nas d. or ea y
10 IRON-413 tong Allegheny, for sale by
Z, .7.7 IL FLOYD. Round Church Dulldhisr.
Cider. for eelo
N ' F ' Ai bbiL War • e .r. R.10, , ,1T.
illiColicfS—c,so.loz. Ohio, for tf:tio by
1. 2 J. et IL nun.
irimiESEL—gB boxes Chem; just received
lies` ." .7 "4 “"' "•°"r itillia 1 sicarrsa.
'B 6 l‘ j.gAMtRS, ',lce. I C 0 NI !VI ER C I
f, I 07 IBM.. •• I •
; - - .642K,EIMAX
Un 1 1 . 7,741747779„r0u TBUB mop= 07 at NE
- nor!.
TC. for
NlAOARA.Stooeforligton..-. ....
„CITY or CILABGOIT Campbell tar Ttardel.Bo*-Jomt 19
Al. RlCA,ltarleTor him Yo
C. , LNADA, Marino. for 1k:
TULTrO. comatork. 774 , 47 .. ... 7
A FBICA. tßoa,freat iro
AlkA..JuilkluttromSsa• ' Lit
XIAOLB4.I3tfro Bottom'
MilltOPA. Lott from NewYok... .... 12
I.lTl_Ol , OLAMMOV. Campbe ll . rrom Phill4olM-Jarr at
Altrlo. - afrom Now York -July o
BR/A. OArrima, from
nu 1 17wt477.,770:744 .47. 4... ...
GE01101A414.6,1,. ...
tEttalt. U kTlLit
Clll6l l Ctrry CITT, 1.111fe...
' ' Asa:lv/44 arahuann orptisus:'
011 . 74 191. 7 4tef =Oak ltd 9.194 9 99Th10f &herniae
bk , etuter 7 l3y (ireenebneL, ChLtheitbarL, 919edetphle,
lbw Leek, Lunen/ Codes etal Northers bate of 2 1 )
•De tnr. h ..ktneThnek 7 0.49 JO! , Lottlktut *tette. ,
The igg=2r. 0f01f.4" , =At -
LAA.Ing, Wain, to, ..1127.
I VfiteVait, .
, arm ancedr. aally, at n r.s.t dr.Osata &Mr
E. 5.17 1 1 . 11 ; ,, Mercer. Crivionf. sad 4ar....‘
mantin, nt•ravert Now YartazdapprrUnkula,dalr.
Jarbeent 9 %tned depute nen
Lana, lionarlet.=97ls s ltatttand neantit7 ' btrnin.
crelsot o4Bl.l hAtltlauVrNhhutline thtri , bentbrenen$ rir
Alkluglk U NlLeourntt .Arkins n aiN N ortle Cu,
linlthamete, ' Lo
d teluterkloo nal Taw. *MT..
at 1. kod vert. stA et.
eak7 ' &iroU, Hume.. and Ttu Y ebreente =annum e.
Amer.. at 117.1C1 - 41919trert3 LT."
bonen kewonx,./ke (tamer, ket,end PLketelln4. OWL-
Deaver CL.,l` .. b . CohunThens., MU. ThortkaTh Oeutp..
47 .V.4 .." / % 1 ,66 . Q. "71?•.,1l lir "at 4l/ I tt
and Lucke entlatilf. pbt2r.th4_txtremn Leathern emote.
of the /nava of nab=and Muth, Thelpdlng Weld
iniftatinu k. et; de.
pule at k.
Krrkuise,...l77 glnatetartr.tfunetts. fteehteltehLTkrub
Thaw ernejoet L Klttatentng, s hadki nltsit. Arensunne. C 1..--
Inn. tut L./based eountles. Quay, eseent obnunteee.
rites .1 le. pt. nut d.pertt at 7
51=cr.a...-8r tbreerellle. EeThenoo, Tartars
elts. Ltu/InebOrtg . ralk Ant , ._ LeabThle,
TI/ h n== WriZrei T te. • 31 "" Ini. !
lakttevuukkle teteeteatre ll alkilabo lL.
rrlN=l Man
ne ,..b e i e 'ji. Armee TUIMMLIA at • P..; 4,
verb tadays and Pattadeib 1 1
lattortofs.-Ily /Theme etteet's Hun. Idelvelport.
Coal 9.110. Wrabetatalnl. thuabl , s Itnetreeer. IbUrer
unk,Cdretanu rerrmolic gst liberty. Unier
Ye- e Male 1•6 17bItuuders, eat k.
bleu Hon bye end Thurelans 01
Ittenkee., 11-By 71 &Lees atlllfi e babintenn. enador,
bilmretuanwn. emu Creek 11.1. Thee, IhtsThrona
Ibthute. Arreak i t . il , tantere lirtneeklaphst 10 a.
kunlAX:hie, um, Wu
teurx. Praaforr Ting, h, ettlreim AM,* on
n = l• ll 4 .lutrion=N 4 altttcattd I,
Arriti. 10 Wedeuelein. al 11.. X.. dhntut, tic 4,
/..0101 . 1..16-11y erry. .I.7irs, op Irklsr, &I 1,
l;deralti F• 1 1 1, 66 5 ., ‘t 6 .
Yeablant..-117 Therrerraw. trate% Breklibeekt Okb.
reaper., I t
tal , lonn. .Thalo Loa W.rer , a and Vmaneo
alonneto Arettos ti -Bentiki, ednee4.7. .04
Frktne. 44 7 sod demote Tykyhty. Thbralke, and
Ektonlky, at by e .. n. • .
6U eto., The tbe mulls awn he In the Oahe t
: oe bur .
4 their
mM learn =-
bcltl o e. IV.c.
altlltrltt yMLT rit Int .111111MItit ate; It
. • N. 11001E43.6 SONS, liankere.
' .
. 13 . ...67 Jfarixt of t Moen Totidawl Phtot.httLiVseoersh..
PENNSYLVANIA. r firansh of 3.l•3rillott•-•-i..,3‘
Dmik of - pixf Smith pt itt05ter........-..h.
.3 , lsetrjo u llost o .Fro.-23tAtt :t i i N0tt0....-....-do
iitgit of Clos%;erce.:" . ."-tar 'Ey 13aolv. eho ' rpostLl.:...gfa
' 24 . 2 tr 3 i.t.b Ast*l3 33 -o Eoeisnoraol BX,t2sotinso3f3o
' Pant. ofN unit& LiberticaPor FrooStio 1_ _........-......---4.
Bosh of Pounrylvanio r ►.....por,Loloyetto•Basho..-.-.30
Path of Pawl TtorintSP-pv , phio Life 1...1,
Ronk of tho Salted OtatOsAateotero 11.33,Pt0 Itant_-...i0
Cosatorritl Soaker Po-• thptit Ot liaarilhat-.......-.",'!0
Ear.sone a .1 . ,,L.k.A11ti... - e.,...11 Na.ra-....--:-.10
E.... Nam SUS, -....-..patlAll mOreat Boat.. -3.;
31.1tf0. a '3frch Pooh -oft. 3 , 1 , W SUE& •,
Motahniro'horip.,;:i' r par Ntorlfoliteity...-•....-por
Itilwilr, l ' a s rttk.=Pr ")mur if,i:fircliiir - )4
Soottaart Melt ...-. -. .... .patatioltiotota..-...- , ...•-•*:•-pot
t r0attarr....r........--.. 3i
µ to liana-- ...tar N.JE1134:1 A PLLAWAILI3..
Bash of Charebtroburghl Si 311 oorlient has/q.t.-1..-- hi
it.pi, of 'Ppd.!! Cooutt -P. _... 3 ilWrhIA-
!Imhof tantilit,. -tott Pant Of tho Vollop--. r ..... 3 t
Hoak of 13.3.1), Chottor.popllk of Niterda, IllolinKad i
Essig otolorromMoorto.-.par Ea 13. t. Vo,Nottilk-... h•
= e f ft=l:::= h , 5‘
fl=thr k at Bast i l
• Soso of )114dteroors. Mi NorLIS Itottsta Ji0nk....... a
Montgomery Cu, flank=par Brootboo---,,,,.. • 3a
Ptak of Northomborlatlpar! - NORTH CAISILIN . .I7
Whole 1hmk.........---.. hiriraPh of ~.r F..-- 2
Columbia Ilk a Erik. °trot Pk of Et. o N. Corollas.- 2
D.ty hoto• 3 tank parftWolematol Ilk.lllhalscht 2
p.... 0.0 Ito 0h........-____por 1 Uorchoots . Look. Nye ben;
Paroo.relik Of ItOoThi (33Opor.lOtor Lbw EL o[ t. tarolitta .
Poppooarlik of la.tootor.tar'Book of !both Caritas.- ;
Pomo,: ttololtoft.oollsP tar Bank orch.rie...---.77. 2
Farm. La trf6dEttylkJllolp.r Horan?. floobsoloP EP 2
For.* Prot. Itaystotpp_ hi tlErStli lA.
Fnolcho Bk. It allatostoo Mr Aogasta In. tI IA.
Arkin... A
Sarriohorg 11atik.....-......... 34.11a.ut of Aux - otte.---....... 2
Sooosdalli 10t0t r .....---- 3 0 ,1 at of )343 . 7aict., Ausatto 2
L.uea Low-aster
oo h Hank-opari ill patent bona- ... .-... 3
Mi ners' Book w RUTECLY.
Miners' Honk .4 Patorillo 3t Eh of Itontocly.loshortlit S
3kooogobola Baslo.......Y.porifik of LO let
of Thum= ,ti
• %opt Prohch Poo h..-- XlNortboro Irt of Etotoety jt
Wyoming 112 1 VEktabortoPor'SOothoro SS a }umtuar h
York kank.. - ... .--. sl
/tole NOtoa-•••_—• hi Ilk of Eta. of 3113.0uti--.3t
Ulllo. • I , ILLINOIL
66.6t666 Rank imlbraached—lli
Branch at'Algrn.— Ao hank of Maas.— ..... 76
Braneh uWISOJNB6_I.
111. 11 at I.M P 1 4 11.... du Marta. a Era .I.4ca.abi. It
dratirt4 .t C1410,41.----do 1 , 11(11110.01.
Itratalb at 01.4.41•ad-.......10 Faroactle ).I.h..ta , Dank 3
Iltaaalt at Toleda.,,,Govartattuat dart taxa-- 3
,tkaath at Itdton..--.---daTealaantar Itaak--..-.._. 3
Burn+ at Drlstrart...-.....d0 lanuancaCalapaar--..... 3
Brandt at Aratabola-7..-dt, CANYIYA:
He - meth tit 5a1en,....---do lit ofll.l-Asstarka.TorontoS
Itraatb at Al apslold-,........d0i1tank
theYnatde, Torotdaa
/Iran., at 141,,,..-----do bank of Ilonttard ... „..........3
Ilratt,h at ltaalt of U.l3taaala6 , ttraizto 3
11ran0 ntpotamlata........-do
~..14311',112a 1.0 0).-
1=111 ' 1t1t..... a'f .".::::::2 2 1 . 411=11. " :2L......".::tt
ilvantb . lastictrUre— 110.1040coore 110._.........t.
Knuth at twub , rovllla do 'ST EATERY EXC/111201111. .
Bract at 111 V . ' C 1.01,11.11------ 54 at a ta.k.----do I:avinill,-----.-----,
W.Ol . VI, rla -' .clo St. Us.
Drakril at a;,....d0 kil/LD AND Snell, VAL, a.
Ilvattea at Markua..........dolDoublooaa, 4,03
'lntact, at 1 - 0... t.... .... -do , de • Pattlat...-.....1/44
lirauch at 111. 10roaanCL4o rAsrls,ol4---,.......-...111.60
Wan. at 7..a.,t1..........d0 Vagle, new---.- ..... -10.00
nratich .t. Natvaik ...... -do I' alazietatrota.--....- L.N.
Drama at Vagal...--,.• .. - ....d0 SeoThalers.--..-....- 7.51
Itrarsh at Port.ctootb-.-d0:0u1tax.....-...-...-.-..- 0,(10.
Ittanth at Itaton._.L....t. • otlborereigns---..:.---.. 4,13
lttaurh at Itanttna.-.......11:ent1aWar5.................... 4.(41
Brunch et 11,11110.10..........d0 1.44.t------- WA
it.t. lo at car.oga- ' ' do Due5ta......—...-- :Jr,
Brandt at toloda-....---d .
A. W-ILKINS & Co. •
1 rcTsuumwatm.l7. 7851,
Onlied 11.1 , ,, 6's.
le . ktr Oki. ....
• coup. 6 . ..ecep'
largtt city
AI eg eny e
Bank of Pitlohugh.—...l
Merehante • klanuf Dank
Exelounfa tank--
.114,:heny GATlMall'llank I Wg...._.
i.k et. L d ..._...
„ .
gl. Ilridgr..-..
Ilarlbrrn I.lbrrtleg..
Williamsport Bridge
IV..tortk u Itteursnee CO
Moodsted ilmlnare.
Late An g e
Men'. liZra7a ."--"." .
1.01.0. KACCelittl•
AS. te.
Slonongmbela Slack's - 14er
Youghloghen7 I , lolwatt
CAlanti,ll.l.l flab
Ohlo'rl'ean`n. Itell Howl
Iyl4 t 1/11,Lr
Clirtelilrid i {Pelt I n
larine , Way. Dry leek.
Eric Canal
De. &a. (m.w)....
Tnitle Creek ]'lank Iln
Alleg. Prrrywri Ile Pk lid'
111'111 qs
- Opera
.151tabargb k Parton
North Ataaricau
, iarth Wta , t—
Forth Weeturn—:
I Cittabargh 51a R0ya1...,
Ohio Ir
Douglas. Itaughtaa—..
Call Ina
- .
.PAYE on hnnd a largo ansortment of
WINnoWCOILXICES and CUL'TA f!i.. DAN Pao( cm,
torn, km ctuvOrts. . WIC NOZILK.
'' lo _ . ....YerPetite the Prot Office.
. .
IV O. 1 MACKEREL —,y qr. bbls. extra, for
(.. I . l r .1. So ule br ISAIAH DICK IN it CO.,
Water and Wroot ots.
INSEED OIL-10 We. for salolv
B ACON -43,000 lb 4. Shwalde-rm
my 73 3°3 -
Smith's New Geographies
SAIMPS Met Book in boogrnrhy; an in•
4 . 3 .k7 deolpcl for 0011ArynL111*.
Vitl."4l l A.:'f , r4Vor,Ml,":lragZgAP::l7.-1, 7.
~,,-,lllZ :2 l: ln n u4t hi grgigl=rostb.ll.4
jlook; illustrakd with ot•el 1 / 1 11P16 etul amen.. TTTT.
,1= 1 .,..1 1, 14pre1l naltb, 24.
R. u&TS-pKiNs:
mr.ti 78 Apollo Haildlash '<mead.
...,., ~, ;q:~
fPu 2l xcMf Mi . ,•AO,Vgwtilawtealalipilmattgb=l-
a 1t.41.0P.,
,ABITECti? viz Prrrostraaa
• 'ittr irericrtitiat Yam 121.180: '
.1 I 1
• G . 3 ,4 /4 1'9 . H i rth . t. 1 , 97: 1 1 . 4- 1 •44 ,1 °4
ma ion active, erertak to WI preseamar atm...4. 04
Months. Std , t 4, :4o.olitthar ttrvii&rbi oyt
4 , c4._ 4.0. 1 ,9rd" oh*" =um
ted,by oar tmahseis comatualty. mat itaterfalls 0.1"1.
Its'aDDearaisitiatimek <Battu: Theendhie erase mamat
• lb villditettOrata asurote "vibe 'wised pa tt
lsthe Pit gm axt,mAr.mptmory l l+9.:
taln main:rasa Miispcl4 VIII ha:te pls-.time "OM
them flr iindletvq 16a butues,or est tar bt
Declamatory to entering; alth AM lib ad.** , AP.
m the A. opmim cfAuF,..oultur fkll trade.
the,,qt zh.k9r...l4BqPi.stii,
6. - reeelpti'dt Flour Grata: tad RttettaMat,turoi
Imatmattr, atal [ blit: matastioat Us' bake 'Mao
supplleoolOtte Mutat; Aittltattaaamtifor , theik Lytle
it thle market Vas toatcoaletly totals:ad to 41 mutt{
!Iwo-a troirtitratia,theitt has teats fir; ehmtan of Lapar:
tame In paatattloastlitakmariatt44o, flefier:
ASHl:—The timed a about the d tart omsonsti tgq
Year kr mhos, owlost to the comparaWietraraill bottles:l
dna. by one altos mtmatmtarbm dining warm 'marl,
WOW thandaltrtnntsoi 'Mai I! 21tIgiWtId . illiittar !In.
*la uncle thts,bra4,, Mo. bulk oc, .tho *whoa toonnt
ssu ea; .ptii W•to'..4 cki of, oWeh, 1:6444 of, mall:
lots itnia laitoilbtottaal of at V. 1,04330 Olk:tiattrindsnar
.0 1 h.4 NO. 6 , 14 , " N.. 11 ..Mtib.ffltertiril} italicize! toll
bar, wwir o.w.dri,tbow• ,ot:s , MAlSlmigta l 7 ' n.,
driot - iOsetudiaidigeesalin'atni, l ihrp4uh , 1,
~ 414— Th . t ...4. 0 . C . 4 3 ^4 4 .4 WO* atgiSMlthe
peat owl. We rekeivi L a thlitra*eil at rialkwiglng Icar
SS to Una& hindArloitioisonitidailitintialltren: ~..:
accoumead. Tonnhya , trialai ntloW ana 10414*
cal. In bbllawoindlint I. atnwlth, , ' , ', I
*aorta h i eoirk.-rioany..4i.4.6iwitrknAiw
row.. W. tool* arab roll from Eton: hrh6liand tutee.,'
at 9.14010 a, oulloazy , doolle9e. awl padad do In bblj ili
/MEMO Fm.- Lair,fs notatast:andstr e eadtt,,-
BACtri—The noolota ot leant d?stinn , thn weak AIM
bititinistratailant t 6 two ttith• innillas, but, si OW
tlansisat hik - ima taithir - wine', tioridf litAbi mt9ut
•tr...:tne0qi.....10. ;#4.duwa liwlscpmaist rdm.—
%I. Pin atara.narti awl der,putod, palm, 77 In =l,*
In, it WA , ntard,nini *omen' , 4 , in. h. 6 i;Aaa Pc
aftsx...a mo.a.mttar,-11Staad13=01*.0eduid.r.
adbacon. to lota,C.l‘, pi 47}t and So ftwahml , dgcs.ibiaa.'
. 1 ,,,
awl haws Prima olrconntri.;..nid soaktcapT .
n'unT okra ritlikviiabSiVldlitentitat'dittitenwiln n ty,-
.0 4 aot , ~'..,,,,,,- - •• , •j-,.:. :...,';..,,,..: ~-..
Mh 3 9 ll E--Tlw, sr , m4t, crathms IF ,Foa ,uvpi.r,
sales tun.* boo.. canpazatlreertght, at 8 4 a $l, from ttrat.
.kawla, media. Mx(' Zig 6d, dam fiini attOi' '" '' !'`
. 1 =WA.X . 7 4,00 d54 2 .54..t0R: Ulth4 anal no Worm
well of oonaquuni 671 , ?rt- ,We tt!"7 fiFt'to ....4pair
at'Azleltib. 1 •,•, • -•• '- -• ' • I,: .
DISANS-4 3 .17111im outo tali tall I■llll3lllA.
pPk, ;{.about 61.5'61 . 53 f" ".‘ 3l Pat=
I;.‘ eeiomod ,
Baas. ars ITIZAI-4141.ita 4.414.4116.1 i dmairkie
Erman) ft. 0.14.4 at 9X, 10.
,w 4444. m 4 e110p5043...,e..4 OrlDo 9 Od
C3ll.l)Agr.Pil.i.or marii+ all 'the "Uticl..4. OAP.
heed Woe ednnvd. ,1F• rid* 41. th.d...4
. .
Mon Magpie try
Mato ..tkryo' r tY
• Do ' '"
.T.TV/WM .47 rooll
So I; •
Noktod Tont. w
... . • •
. .„ ,
gam la An adios made. thts 'Um faltintfaa'
' ""Pfi - . r
• ,
t . 4=7.:.:17..:f e ..' 111.4...7.=.7.....124'.1
._ .- "....• Ile " Nale-.--...:--...!..7p . ;`-
.T .
: •
of rtir, candles - 4;f3e,-at Veld&
t.. A
Invcr, Futoazatt .
elf eilv ittd triccU. '1009.1,.; sOta , broxice.!,,,Mtl or .
216111 , ,v2rECar3' "f .I,l_cuppF of
COSH 3.lP.Al..—We' notice 11. itodeltti'd;uxiiira the
eautetorlth caa/1 War fel= fat) fewo 4i4.!sad &ma.
. . .
CEAM.B.3-.411•=1.1116 Of
• cm,..proc . aswtst fotlirscrpOted,rslaisigerlt4
49MIrisostpstitiqualal lay alWtiVroOfeittrtraii.
DRIEb bpprallieltolanaCtil
pappTy amnfethand ay . e Ekruc as At) inwrep4..,py ma.
teti 11 ttlibt...lii reio.—ems,oluariitt' saY;s4
flan $l-45 Feseltc . ' ine.i 75125 o ink
DRIED B.F.El—Priiee4oni me* rani fh".. 7 110 bUa
' . DITSIA 3/SIACTIOZ AXT , DYS arunr3.-ir., , km i,
02p21224041.2.0.2144.2404.290. 1 1 .2. 4 0 11 0‘122.12 a - evnee
Aloes lbe , -.----...-15' '617 1.4.01ri, tL,,b. - 441:,&14
Araket 1 .1.......--221 ent , , V 22122. . -..... 1-e-4_ , 5
Arrow 1:022......-10 412 1. 1 . 0 . 4 01.42./2..-„i2,4111. ;
Araefra5.........410 pal , ......._ . 3 . 1
Dorm.retlned .--1.5 1 .4U 2.21,00 , 12-.....e....1; .
Ws= C2verYe......02'kt..22 . Fera...... ....--12
zyumg....__:.-.,y{ I. r.krtezieA.;l4‘..- 40 . 50 1.
Lrarabor, 2.4"1--42,41.50 1 , 112201 2144.4.....11.. 12
Chloride 1.122,-.-. t4.21i (Um erra,lo 4,4- s' 1 . ..
.1 . : .... TX 1
L ' IEN P T:bir -- .7.llL s 3l . 2 4 l4'frefZell , gir L. , ' - 21
114.114.--..-.--...40 450 . '..:'... •' 1 1,74
Gm Azabie...--.-10 k,,75 1. ,, ,..,......,.--1... . "5
Orateeral.:— ....211 4350 Jelra— ... ~. ......
g ' on.. T
527Z '6 3 4 5 ' 1.4 °1.C "C....... "11 ' 1 1l
...,„„...._::::::. s . e ' - ..crov.::: - :.7,t..%
Liquonee P4ra...... T j
.A • ;-••,............•.-C VS
I A. r0......-..--M 024022% " 0:__ 'ma
1115ene412(•26....-22.,170 U.212104-.1.....11"
- - •
EooB.—Ortaa to WC ram grantor, totaipte Ern haltn
oa. Watoor room nom OM hag& at Hi an t. ta Val arc
tar! to .3.414 - • . • .•
.••.•• • • • •
• 51.01JE--Tho oultit dozigg •ther , put. rook his hog*.
' 214 ..a • Prk. Worl/bataidlog
tea com o a r a y feu light Tet , ipte. 2214i•1ei on ,1;14 wharf
god nun ingiut lung boon rotated thilmitlk ogooant ,
log to 500 as , loo UN' it 5310,13 12N - 41.3
tight 25 to grits broads...oda. .loco
wharf at l 3SB The hge.rgorihoo, hogisrar;•tios rot'.
.td al3 * bbl. gho floe kons otors 'Umbras Mutual
to small tote at gm. dig mositiothin at t• 3 25 for 8.f.; hod
g 3 at a. 3Si lheeitra. At the ety • hie r,gohig
business bog tiookdatnigit tie regalir stoodird wog, go,
11 'took for minion aim extra. "• •
• to reforms breeststolbrat t he east. the Phtlaalphla
fleasonerelal U.S of Set:lnlay. remarks .1011.110ern.•%:Tho
Present lon mice of blawientff.s,/t .111 is hellesset, nem.,
ly arnet the ponemity of.the rsesternk enr/f:staireLlnlefeel•
The los, erten end frelats froor.the interior to the en,"
lOU% and sleet to Llreirool, bare seated the &lime= ei
large smith/es - of our Marius rkiar and Neon bet if tbe
moment low prime on the Continent of Entopenontlntoi,
` mete ablpmentelmt eeerty.ereta lb. rerl low 00.1.1 Sher an , lope dellyered In, psoilalaL It la banned
by thoveronelonant olthila sublet/. thalethral,and floor
ane nun loner than they Pi < be, Yin:Weed In this ...lei.
'and bate a profit to thatiliner: Sad off,* do not edran
the 'proluitlon will b. mitsiWlr
rbeoket soother
Plsll—The market eoltlllnirs tolerably Into, ertth one or
too enemas., u our.tatt wales prim. No 3 awaken/
deellned to 111 10 1/.01. M . /Minn-el 3/ 0,
No / a 513 31 hbh No 1 trjmasnl //had Sill Iliffy/4411.5
IsbhCoinall 1360 A . ens
714711.3118—bopyllanttonseni argiootor;rilirely/inhs
and sake here heen •mg heel to neon /ABU 3.4T/c QI p 1
I 27 Uor
lint. Web & Aug
Inc Y itd 4
Int Illy at Nor
do do n &July
FRElolll6irriver fa srettlasi low, Ito! The chugs,
ou freight from thin point soot are uusettlol. eed =Solna!
Ostia! (nights aro the mos as Oros In our last ar cokly
FIWIT—Ths demand la fair, with sales of llabdusass2,76
11 boo; oc Mamas at .Ixigtla 11 1 41 of O NPod.N.oto
10 bushel: of Fllbells at &;, of:Cre,uu Xuta at
We; of Zauts Currants . at o..'o.fiu'orid
6,,sossorists at 12.litgil4e.'it D. Saks of Oraurris kt SSA*
ho; Lemons it $5,043 Vim*. ' .- 0
01,11•7 4Or ef
Div. liar /pet
Div J.. 8 pr el
GRAlN—Noll:log at Interest hanttatoydred tbe mar
ket, &Wear the pm wok., /1111123 , have:Dairy congaed ka
nun balk es the following reten,nagey gXeryela kkda,
and NO:Kto bbla :dolaisra 340,71 t4r. Domaioa, end 48
gAncfor sugar hoax. Coffee Ligialet, and very little dning
We gigolo fliontlewttdoJde Sala. &nail wiles efftfoe at :0(01
1111 , 2%./11.91re
Dir. Deo. 13 •
Div.{ Inc.° gm
ARAM—The soasteVia witbeilt amy zaatpflal
The meal> of the meet base. baatt.seritlitht, asal ere can
repast no laratssalse. the tallotrjogato the Gra bawl mi
ce. %Math at the 3331/1.660 43> Gs. Itya 3 0. thatn.774'4 , .
azd Oats 13541,23a . 11 ba.
IDiv. J rt. Soo o
GLASS—The stools at - window aloof oro boon - , and PI
ees ere darn ., Wtt quutaojty kaindui at, $3,00 . 113C11,7 10.
end $3,60 Atria by 11. LNiontry brindel by 10
am sold - abet tares In proportion.. '
llOPS—Surflies lloallodi , with - fades of boot
I:AT—Morels • molar dem in 4 In the roarkofo ton
bar Woo • from r.oori t MOOlO p tan.
DItY DlO—flobto dry dint At 11)101113{. Vi
Div-Ilve 4 ;wet
DI, IMO, $lO
, , •
Hound and Yuan, 30
. 9
N91 . 13,1i,1 to.W.ter
; • -
SrLets—ut 3 to 4N ,
Cut 6 to 64.
. • . • •..
Cut (I to 7 44.1.
The abere prime are higenh'eulhert to a Alwarchat fm ash
ru1—t'.. 41 . 1 ..1++. 4, v+.1 a eXWiI : buTPUre
are Ihn
LUATEIER—We notice • redotir demand, at full Palma
va..11 aellelr“ larier this besaL !ales uraLLIMIrs .0/4 at, I.d or Na. York do. of ,
l:USIBEII—Tho mannt rullon lam are,,SBolB Anti th.
riva, 11;g22 inoan the rani. in coma. ..d Oar
1000:—Hanna are wipteci SJ GO TOOO. Oatuddarablo
onantlunn brongbi down b7ioa las:Ani in the ;&121.-
anat. =dla Inlatel la now nal. ansnlied. • f-
LUSD-21aare la s reattlazdemsasitti rn. ix!stkr!..; Ake:
Lua irment nuisola yri«. h j(3l/e' '
4to sin. C.l i,
Wean taw.-.Pens Ina le selitin , at V.,, , nollMei I lie
itALTr-Wel . hen of nolern fedew • at w 4,. geipto
3 l 6 TAL — Thixbei4„thersaiiiiiiiition'teir!. , •• • tof
butane.[ th.l 4 / 1 . we Realr tno 1 11 1 #' Re* •
‘:: e.... .4
. -__
;1; a;;;;Nmt;
, ,________—
"e= f irocesii:;4:Vi of issiiii. , i; toe :inn . icti - ** ,_ e.. 2
- 044 . 411 w001...tr0amituaa0ck, , ,_ , . , % ... ,
01L8-1816. kixl• bun ®Lased lo=o Pxvd. 00
tin ILvadd. TO 11 06166rliad 60 fit No 2 LAN Id
• P
' a tia 5, 1
60 6 1,6 4 1 6660116M6 VW:aI:F.
2 3—Anua .r. tbat.o. Good Ft ki
. ivatbdaii (G• 70 6, lad didifted 64X 60 :_
~.:''' '
',PP. 'KW—. a.0 , 44_ lagun:czatmors . ~
~,ktinrdiX ow lai gnaw. In 1.001 p - uudlto6, 66114.76; ...IT
ihiiiil*.'itiSANKW* kit -. risaerpmw a "
6014444kr2Fidodod sadlaindato.. ,,,, ,- ' , '
. J'' /C '' , 4 4,1 . P.!, 1 F414. 40 .4! 2 ?6 05946 16 1630 600
, 0 Ilisitak iii itaiietit;:so.' iii.;iceful la
EEDS—We lare,ll.X6lx'i Le rddd ill aq,4, sad l A'im'
ab.,...0. named eiiiti: iludarat KAMM * ti.
~ , 7 34 1 4 - ,,: 1i, Otsubo , wata4la,lo "L-61:41 width it
.t trir
''' 4q4. 204 6# 6, . 00 0:!:,, 7:,{, i T
~. _ q 106. 1...65.C1dr0Zt0,3004Caz
' O 6IA 0. 0 .6• ••• • ,411616,„ dx
:Naomi's, morzitar'biai'it foor
."trit rinx.nikwit a r plods ariii ziweet ire iii.6o
1 0 1 ;44,114.1.0.--1,17, ti esslL:, bleclettibl.ol.l
1.19 , 4,02:4 , ap , 4# 1 ; , , ..,:. ,1,71 . .:.,.: :,. :. i .r.
oa, W 1114410 IR Oill /14. OP 411* bbl
'l , anica..i r il. 'im d :a'aii..l Am ei.4=4 6.1
.r aiiitsadka id aw ,, i 4,l ,.Pil.ikimith..i . .." 4 * 47 4
1 '"
- . 2. hoebnowhiri.rieek4it ItriiiitirUll.i
Maxi% sta.mduitim '25621414,31?1 , 14: 'Ac;'l. A .
3.wahDludTs..litebita.brimilbs.:Larlitl,klo3l, 0.,--
'. 4.Z. ; 04 .50*¢ 0. 4 304e,/tanres.aptatsuo 1
r. , •
1 h Yig, 2 4eir4- . The,,i4lit . I;4ini,i; mit?i ii4;l , of
har , i l 4ra . .=i27l - 6,i;, - ;;;.;4;,
iltaufkrts'Airottirtiol tar AtpliiitstAnt
tektl.ksisfiggrAbls•Milts2 ban; WOW 'lnatitiesa4li
.fil . s9 , JlkbrUlt_wMad:Drytablr Zotiliciebeit2Rto4o}loj
,E . f. r4a4. Am ~ .pon, a
~34 412 0. 9 Ar - 1.024K11 :61 001.
0 42* (Or /*IMO , * 0.14310450,kr 0 , 41.391.41, .. k,' ' •
~ . -... .. . .
, cAtruiresmr.
" • t Afirstrada
tviterd , iileeigteft obutdahl ttuii
;th.,, thst froiltArtzt pafeei,r4rfarWiltii43.,
edk - TAbdcitalebraikTereaLLlCS2764ll34oir.
• ar43°V. , .!.4 P ia 4 ,
- "s sa _
41-40 ; ft# 412 ;q.4at 142 10 7 .
Jona 21
Vtiti t4ninnn nnielei 403 e 4441.. 3 of- nn won so
wenotsoll2 wore' lort• our, n=l' ttlinot to
hinsi tlitioni from $3 in 4 00 on MI boatonina. to n 5
, 00,g7 75 int; ustnittnit?“ 4, 0 0 .: • •
Intim.= There irti,p4, .1.118,244 w
• , _ Paitarnarnu. Juno la '
o town onotans iffirertni . zit, etannuc i fg.
'ttl n ro k lffilor 2 r; itirg t ri snott' parts 500 bop, nod,
.gindottaned. 15otrt 110%4Pr0W5 9,100
Attnnttril Oalnt.—thtts oontftatele to limolonn
fit.ol9 t 0.06. ft.o4 fre4t Cann A=.1115 to 05 end!,
$ 9 . ' 6 . 6 7 6 1 T . '
KtnnP non /nntin—.lll.TMlne, MU. thrill 01606450
widths lanar at Crap tl .s to,3,so'canty as to allts.—.
• ./Itraa,—.-X14:•. Wm. 2. Amt. :10 tletbie la thaelset, 11 ,
etal mark. hat evezlng, ; .; ••• li
Attebirea. iicgtgokr.ief.
Xulottnto. Wobetirsed.Brawnarum. •
Dpka.b.civera a lal . lk tu Wvit Nqwps,,
..., ,DET-luttA.:: g•
. • Mlrlimart:JßOW:LAwrcr..,•l., ...t• '
•• -- liedatantS"&dwartggii= - ' -
1. 1.1.1 , !.4...14=' , 410111416.. •
Malta. vexter.
~.1 .1, 4 7. 6 . 70 4 17-eNO .
FOB. rarL.umearA AND 84.13111CatZ.
D Leech A Co' Nekot letsros..l43y• 4
wintenra—maetic• • - • .
Worn )rr
- •• • • •
zsrovnti-tTi blidriabld ,
add featleral eknlatoon WaltCo; 3 de Id MAI tobl , T m
. IVa h ttrfit i = 'L' Lt ' h } TVE g Vs b arl6 .
litdareW4 bole balber.23Afallien Iola:
I t tLl:L. , :n Bell
layatr.% L.I O T • pnr,ll Cre , n-•
Pre e, b. Mar Ann—Sandy and Bearer Caast l 1.1e.a
wool Menden& CoTada. 2 bbleepp I do baJpial - bx Cosa
nnstorbSmltln 517 b 2 Iv beat MM.*, At•Sloblet'l bbd tar
ass 5 bp, lard L Waterrupn. S.= Pr &IT STI r
babel; bbd to ut P Yen' Pennliorat;lo4 do ST :bk. rate
= nas
Essostosa—Lso 61,1 s wltlgUm Ind
'on obse Ss r.l oak baton s Joser, 23 DOlsloor
ArmWass 14 Sagas% .11ardosk; Wu al..
".T.116 Ism powpg pkg. paws Ishaw J OrWE Y 1 SlAs
.10A Adunisre.Clakk
VIJA.A.37 - eki Won Aides taker romitii * l3.l. wool:
Allor i t= l .lfits AnoitAlk A ek Alt 15=1-
in , Pr. 14cia.-1 Ml* flour Gra Or. lecrb
• • ••
Afeir.SlOL4tis'o Livia L RELt.s.—ln 'offering
this medicine to the gohlie j _the proprietors are well lode
Mar, am, Mae manorunteres hostility, somandithri 0:0
eeneNeee linrocoent..-hwo'hkk Emahatinerrepro the.
Jiublie under anthill:Mire iddoidimmlieinem Re are mu
rind,. however. that It es unlF.nomegery. to giro their ric
fmeil74iriid Maim it In italic tatimakion' iaior4 n.
neinimioniot Lk:kind' lent thermiblie.
I U 14,rentlonolannnh¢hpod,pattrienmd,andbTrn
ed Physician, rid I',sr mmy year. meta inhils Own led,'
tidediseclti 'great mama hidnenit him re'nte'r a bathe
. For de by , J. fil:DO CO.,
Jelbigkeitrh hindlßoed
• taftEvry dhould at one pipcure Si
tatueWiu . Aribiiit tteniedifiir than or bentt.nall
hl 11. G. YarrelN MOE= Llalhoent. rat alas tha noel,
Interne patio In • few minute; natant the synovlal Auld
oi.hint tester, and this stlffjointg Irpenetintha the
dish In thtbonakleltknenOnhkactedhortht,.eutch my
'palsied Mao - of tunny . yeentlestapainn; also, to-
Vain, neet.,'enhnitnient tn' the (find; end is the
,belo nanlktinti lbr allhaentenf entail sweardlsearen/d. <ming
rehhhy, Ai.rirthW.tomi.el d•Nemeg•walFb pnAtirs.
gee idhernsni'ent ihl2'
Ifer TBUTU noxrs -- .poyE . FICTION
t 1 e)it tiovElih e lert:Liehe 'tlek till
Soak matins hrtrylus Mai auirl ateaPr.t.o. tell a grnt
Mauer by eating It,' dud one m. tries tad. it
P. ft will ,destzet , the popularity with the • what: city.
1 : Kos awl; introduce a onistialat tato mad. ttearialtss It
toercasea really sub:Untie! virtu" tree Leaman bed edam
of SalklobJeOtiou Lid lt b thls riet Chit has eitabliard
eh. timmiaMetter. - setereechtopmetititemi succors.,
suarille.,7, beyond att oarll or.ttioute:, Its tette*. Rpm
the hum. systeii 111113 =Md.a with ratioual &ad phi
laroPhical mit elpimi—it-to the viiritai • lidtr,tinog
add mortlottanf the Cody, remora oharsetkoatamlates
nobthld and diseased matter, strests p tus the stomach
and dimostlis or creates new ,pore, - mod 'hialthy
Wool; and riatihttta the 'vetiods ranldia of the dilleriot
°T r • C‘" 4 O. • 5 017 , :: This 41.00;19.A.9 teettlema,the,
bast dadier aborts, the postieretiou beitM as ante as it
tratosoiods: ' It maybe thought ter the !sedated, that it
pertstristo cure toi. mazy •disesses. bob etiogsot.
'Wm; It int La found ttost. wlame maloritY of the W..-
es tritiehatfist the butt. ftailli r oripiisios Into Wooers
state of the blot& D 0.11113 deeeivai, them.' h' Nat
seterßtas rpor sellin of =has.
water preparation" es a satetituto tittle orirtOsl
4.41a414fis fisosanstillat Mb' siduibliptrpatatida the
smrie‘ , .!Mmtie4 Mtieretteemertit
CitmeM ..Beirapa and 'est. lot the. origical hr. Jo.
; AV , , R e mmmzeq'from Kmeitemie=MMltemeem;aLm. Fn
K l l 4. /rDOTrtZ. UC , W. 1.3 .R.,"
34.13,1k1fJu1t • • • "Wholeltaler H0t.5.11..a.....
• ';4'3l,
8.11. lirw,Daer likao‘R.R.p4mlegn,•prld44 on; 'Whitt; itotefere'we would ban Tou to weal
ti tWe'delexibr the ..-
40-17•44144.1 itia*ng banked foe almost enrfater.
T.uree Foepectcell.; • JORN LOSO tW. '
Ransil.; Aahlaid O:, Hixrkl
8. M. R..—Dear 81r, Year Atetd..4l•Sere limb stem
wlth us four aka; Rock Oil. which , we km mil
19ue ferwii‘t to he in duet fonetiitel:f. '
• Yen medlars la anteing weedoen. atle W.
can OWr teteeral execiasea ontlfintes,llyou dealse theta
Iroora, Ace . • R. NV. BCOTT.
Renee t IleDowell. i6 , Moca iine4 R.. Z.
• i5.m.,187.W . 0ad ntratti.. 11. Faheastdik„-* Co: amen
.Rood am:k Orcat street 4 D.ll. Corp. D. A. =lot; Joacth
Deckle., and MT'. acheint; Allegheiy. the pro.
ernalteeir !.. Ceeti Detn.eersethab. lettabacceb. •'
Fareigniand Ascieriegi.Hardsvara.;
mon Itovo stow
t ran sad anarolotaroakorPOWSNANZ. 42/1181C;121
getable as the apritoa trm., and whkll thar aaiiroinfoa
to drab tmrobaacas at taaci:a that min maws '
• lavorably with sor of Ms oast.. ofttaa. ;
Citizen's Insurance Campany .
,of Pittsburgh
(ink; 1 , 0. I:ik'sfor.khreek Inkhonntn.klofeaL,
.4 ilukar, Pr05k10nk..........k 1 , .. ?Lim% Si , ' ,, •i
Tblo Company Is hair hrepaklpiwokl kik more
in Cora sag kokrwrodtk. kwar ~,_ -. • ,
Aw .laple knwranty for Un liki atul IntAktrthew
tnwl.n®. i• al
dm. In tie thinctar Or kb, .P 1 rk.
who awe 1.4 citizens a( rittahu r gh. wail kw g.. 0 IT
known t 4 t0. 021 31n9A1L7 - 19xr.tkatr
parim"; tatouvr,
..1 int...v . l(r. •
• 'thucross-08. Thakaki.. l Flajklkaiwn'illn. lwrLisrr..
J,.. 11 - klterAlryant s Ugh D. Kiw t kdnrmi 1i e .,,, 0 „L.
John Ilwrokwils. a: uaroaw,,,E. .1L.614.r...:•.... ...wait ~
PittOuret Iluttintnce • Conipanyi
eART,AU eloo;000. -
0 PPM' . WPO mem STREET.
H. Kam • •
4 .l...,Aftdthlatonit is - paot.lar put of Ala , s!apnl
MANZ STOCKS.-4 , •• .! •
. rips ribut i g oz 4 11.4.449 p.:.
4 1 4ift r gp,
ts)l , c:
' ... ..• , . %gr.! You:, June 21, 1851. •
The interest of . tki city isenisprised in the -
mareMents Of , Well B trret.:: : :Thir'epprehentione
. . ..... .. ..
entertained a: deism:ma ago, of trouble constr.
quentupon tire fire tn . e maw, has been
dispelled, mud PierattArdie atAbsir ease. Th e
• ,_ ..
few f1:' , 9..t14f . mtlet. involve small `
sultmete eel. Yr-mere :bubbles upon the sarface: .
. The 'liirieilli Oegolifdaii bithe — two steamers,
niece& two' nil: a hitlf•Mallotia; giving os„an
swept. of -tienty Jive. Winona, thus far, in
1851, from California;: -
~ The Pacific, which got ,
to Lirerpciol; - kr diy;:like oici it - Inilliout but we
close the roeir . , - .)4lkapexiass... at file:millions in ~_„
'irtrr tempers *over' onrexports:' 'Phi Mated Statea 7
is now Abe . great L gold prodneinr , natiOn of the •
world, it..meed quite?. go surpttee Lthat we
aell and export a wontLdesl.-,- ~: '-' 7. ~: 1
."Contract, hare been' Made bk3l.r. Misty rannel
irittra Pieneli'enginier to remove the chid ot.
ntrucitions In Nell Otibi. , '":dr...Gritniellagrehs to
giro: fire the d dollars, itrentamence within
...oe,hel*.: cenElern Wilt betalme Wire: to the
Importance o the work and continue it, alley the
expense in uses. as it !111, by excavating tinder •'•
arater- •k is •atotint of - Money' Will - clear this
eutemt enixt*e to -New Tait beibor sir that a
line ofbattledebipsor the Egropean eteanieri can -
Preeeedt4 em vist-tmeSpeedtted.enteetle, oeme .
at the east mike( Longisland., . Mr. Grinnell is .•
Pretibly2 - themdieplibliti ini t itedineriNew . lork
possesses.' JihrlibeinlitY in relationtothe Arc
.fus ampedititin: la Ma weir be Mein 'than
named neyr.r.4le,iell.biith tt,yankeis from New
Bedford, : and the real, tininnel/-9I the Ilene of
Gridnell,ldir &C 0 .,: though so unobtinsiyain
ble mourn.' thireone . woad' suppose, like to be
lnetetysei undeetterX'. 'Be iitue Of oniMen of
mark who have made this city of sloargoingGer- - •
man extraction-the.wey--beetring Paris of the
. New Werid,-aid Me Londonof dmeriesin point
,or eemeeerWiel-untfrPOee uu4:itt44 l thr, , ::.: i .
' Orie'leg4laturs is now busytatut ineffeemal
iitteemeto 'euppress- , ginahling: " It I's, Priipasrxi
' tonakathe owner:plot - Yonne irliere'gammg is
carried thrteaPidasibla. for - all: lolies , llkere, a
ito' , Ozaeut that. hae ettusedn'yery -greet 1113103-
gm; Aot onyamong the4maceters bat; among
reel estate ow ner.. !rho Intentions of the-Legis
lature erewartily seconded hi the . utekee of all
classes of society hero, but thelaw• 'fern' will ,
be carried into effect, In hare the good tendency
hoped for...We have aimilar stringent lawn re-,
garlig paler rites, that are even in all their das
fermuy inUrge chin, but they tire deadletters,"
ind were Ale • tin:whine' to' be' enforeeid they
woidd fall-not oily upon the' tonal.' bet -the
church, for church property here prom shelter -
to a class, the chordate ;T.:smeary to -eave. ,
; Anong Oat satabou.arrmals hero &rattle- in-
Ard-SPAe. .or, alder financialufficer or Cabs, and •
suite, who hold* hie levees addle ClintowaoteL
The Spanish 'Official ice gentlemen if high cha
racter, and one of the Ifni firet financiers ofthe
due,• indeed no' inferiortalent noOldWell Mange .
the revenues of Cuba. which are ncatly-two.
'thirds -the antorud IX the tern= tram customs
Js. the United States, This new -Cub= *mein '
TM made by- the Pisarro, the eFesauer which oc. •
Monied • and scatteredDea. Lopez and: hie !fit&
' The Metropolitan' Dank; gat itp laireby - the
clan o(meroltanta who rooelrulargo' same of En
current -money:from the interim , with the *inn
tion Uf. . introducing the-Suffolk Dank system of .
Nevi England, is about) nay. tu oommeneo oput .
ration. It has notified the other 'banks that
it will aeon he preparato..xeceasc from Ite nu
totnent theirtmannet mariefat l'peitent die- '
nun feetitate, mid 1.15:p0r Oent. for-Intern,
anlippaporfing to naive such lasuey. front other
Beaks at t h e same rate, they, paying fi..- fair pre
*portiiii. Of themp
eon q assorting Mid- csilect
lug:- ' Under this ariaegeent morehnit.icaiidc
'polite their remittanentiport as farorableterme -
as they can nil nacurrentfundsobas darting off
the Wins from n-lucrative blt.tiettSt.. . ' ' ..
In freights Were is ponsitlerebio, ectitrikt just
'tsow; • eisa are nerneced in din irking rates, tor
CalifOrnia."'ln tho"ratei is 60(370e.
-Boots aid slinik , tolopted for the-mining region,
are higher since the - California- fire - iurtirar the
stoeks,of there tworeadingliouses the baring been
It is announced that the steam propeller City of
Pittsburgh' trill be launched.. froth thlf,yard of
'Messrs Parr*, Pattersou AF,c.e#, or Williams.
bassi), btyStiturday, June '.2lst ! at
This' sigma', Is owned, by' 016 Pentidlianis
(iota Co, Agents, 'slid is dosighbli fciribtiPhila
delphia andliverpoolLintgis.lict'beconunhaded
by. cr`it• Ylm- C-• PbieoruPP:Ali:t.&lintiotrti
' tbudY sol 4 and is' of 'the felloullig
r dimensiotisi . 26s feet Tong; 4o: re - et: littin-iiiid_2o
feet decpi'agrills'2,2so 'tons gOvernmenia2;ooo
tons esirmtors•ineasuremh i ti • blid is:bitila of
live , ook,..white auk, locust sad coitus, thitSpisco
out, and extra fastened., and id undootteity_ono
• the itiviogestatellieSt foiteied bull everitrailtha
this country. ThtiS 'eteimrerii to rim in coadoo-
. • .
Sim with the City a Glaigote; the'•City ° df Phil
adelphia, and the City of Manchester, areirhat
this lint ant! Fa operetiorrdn
riag the neat month. The engines are to be - of
great Payer and superior worktean.hip,.aad are
be traltr by theWeet Poinf Work.; from draw
ings ITChaa. Copetarl, Eeq..• .•...,.:.±:.O
Cxxdoxibt lantxxs.—lt is stated , in:the
%shit:L.-too „Repaidie of -yesterday, chasms the,
19th ofh.iarch .last, at Camp F./meant, on dia
'LittlihritzipSiativer,,a treaty orisnlte and am
ity was concluded between the *Stites
and the following - tribe:sof Califoriaiainclline,:to,te, Co.cosemat,-Pe-tcolifu-te, -
Apang-as-se, Apieeti-e and 4-will-ache: These
six tides have agreed to abstain from all acts,
of lietdidity against:citizens of deb - Mimi States,
toremalant•peaeowith ad Indian tribes in their - -
section at oeuritry, and - bare relininithedthe ti
tle toi.the lands they hold. They are lacat
ed on roar fell townships lying betive4ipae bier
eedo and Tottliunne rivers; their , comfort is to
be provided tor, pearefal'arts "ire totiobideatir
sited among them, aid school-mi.-tors fonliffied
for their initial:time. • It is in contemplation by
the Gosernment toreros treaties ti , other tribe.
of California Indians ' in orporenutair, at' the rap.
Id manner in" which that country up
with • ourpeopie . ..
addition to:the above, we lesen- from' the, r
'"Altaßtilifernia," of the 10th 31a,s,xbat:iwo
the U. S. Indian commissioners, sehd ',were tit
that date in San Francisco, bad
completed t iaa.! -
ties with sixteen tribes of mountain in;
sides - the See tribes an the Merrenes riteri'ms ,
kinglorenty ono trities'iti all. 'Perth of sotera
otber tribes retuned to treat, and Majei' Sey4l„.e,
with three' cmnpanies 'of troop, bed,nri iOnsei
einem; etteoked - there an the' . cpptsito - bank'or,
tbd ricer and - killed 'tiro / or - three Itolinns. The
Major thought - they then ' como • .
treat; and if not, he will fight . theM into tsimm.
The treaty allows the iodises - a tefritaiy
fillytailes curia?* from the I;hee e hin e ,-,qa e
Caldera river. The Alta says:
Each chief 'is to have a gardener furnishe4,flinii,
to Instruct him mid his and
agrimiltnro ; is to to foruishe..l : with' veto*:
With breed
.matvis;:certaiti qnsintiricier belle* .
and flour, and several other - Ther . .nel,
press. themeelves" wall
,catisfied,with tho coma,
dons of the treaty. • ,
The Commissioners have nirecil upon neintriai •
of (attire action. Each of them . 11 to tole
tniq section of the Stati, CoL ilarbotten — eni-
braces the southern portion, p T .. °son:Eft:Bl3 -
the whole 'Sacramento and CoL Malec
taking all that portlibi to thenorth and,
Pekinie uni
Great Gana of Chas.—Vt Cineinnott reit
pariel says; —Me, Lowenthal; the celebrated EMl
*itsrizin 'elms! player, left his home in thiooltif,
a' claye eirice; for London.
tend the gnindreheas tournament ' to take place
in that city,..sonie time' next month, and let
which nearly, all the great' chess - Playerilii that
world wHI attenitl—The game is to to priyed for
a puree, 0f..C5000, (about $25.600), which 'his
bees natidir up for the. occasion lira few Dog-'
lialegentleman The plat, is;,foi tidily -two of
the best players to begin 'itixteen goMes,".
taneously on the elate .of • whit!, •the sixteen
beaten, players retiree from the eolatest. .•Efeit.
games' will feen bo played, at dos .olese.,of
oi c h there will yet' remain eight•ployerseho
halm not been beaten.' Thom rimy . !tali Mie .
pines, after which the fonr. remaining 'players
pair a for two other games, awl Atm,' the.. Lela
gemaes is had betWomi tlie two 'remaining plvery.
The min who comes"Otrileierioni in the .ginte
melees'. the 'purse, near erohkr:ibe -- tits
player of die world. • Lowenihal•bastbno
to irj:, tor the grown- fired—thorpltrae, -:.7;
D1J.11.1 01 RI cF.?.4.1.f311
Imiteci biilliont /riSIL orator.
on'the, 251. h or 31iiy; - of:liii 114404"
in • the--;•nipsOitr :of Britith—Ministe.- ,,
Wil,borivixi I Dalin; in,./74, and ,ansilang
silapda#4. DArtia.o!couta..,in
die,arn,s4o.toi Emancipal= • 4 4 .
yeaptaktnoportect,titi Etigliah
La' clx.
Via) SPECTACLES:—Alargoassonment
wt 4 41:0plat: lago. Silva. and Mod rt aren UM.
. 1 4.T . 5*tuanc" otthe two' qiniutr;•
earl fy,M=lt= WatoikuVa..l7lP,*
• ""4"4
1 :~,.-~.~: s
4 .;Y:= H•':
1130 X <atrW YOWL