The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, June 24, 1851, Image 4

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    - ,
Go than in life's ?sir sioming,
'Cie in the bloom otionth.
r- • And dig tor thine adoinieg,.
• . The precious pearl of 'Froth:
Secure this heavenly treasure,
. . _And bind it on thy heirt;
And let no earthly pleisure
rer was it to dere*
Go, while the ditYator ehineth;
' smile thy heart is iight;
do are thy stregth declineth;
'• While every sense le bright ;
Sell all thoU haat and buy it,
' • '33a worth all earthly things
- Rubles, and gold and diamonds,
Sceptres out crowns of kings.
; .
Go ere the clouds of sorrow
Steal o'er the bloom of.youth;
A Refer not till eo
. *. fiovr, and Ibuy the truth;
Go, seek thy great Creator
Leant early to be vise;
Go place upon the altar
I teaming sacrifice!
—an -Coinemxr, adacent to etrematown,
an English oolany established*, the' Meson.
Easeitood, and it In tated that the example
they have set in Xertaiming wastes, and raising
-crops, is eon , on dadmll scale emulated by the
inhabitants; *boil; gardens are tastefully laid
out with peas , o ores , potatoes, itc; whilst the
.peopleepeak in a highest terms of the stran
:gess, for the t employment and goodvisges,
',they afftud.'. the westward,' at Letter
.,frack, is another English settlement, formed by
-Messrs. 'Evans Ellice members of the Society
of Primuls, - whe hundreds of people aro at work
reclaiming. the waste around the villages. The
writer adds, "A mile or two westward of Letter
track another cluster of English or Scotch Bataan
who are. now hard at work in erecting large
dwellings and storm, The quantity of land re- -
claimed here is incredible, and now under tillage
and meadows. Here also the gardens and tillage
' Sold of the natives show great.marks of improve
tient, arising from the exampleof the new cola
an." On the Mayo side of this region; it is said
the scene is different, and scarcely a human
habitatiOn is to be Seen, where hundreds stood
*few attar& minims since."
• •
rIS pu t up. in bottles; and con •• .
tans the strength of =rums
Amesuch nem Semple
al nor similar martin= In ca. ftire one dol
lar per teeth, or els bottles for nen dollen.
' It hos been establlsbnl fact for ream nests that
lisninearills, when Dom and InOlerlT P nit.' the
only true psnecesi for ell discs.. oriel n¢ Lem en lin.
Airkt th eir tiVoi a' UlLV e te ' " bMdI T
...RILL4 Is Um onlr nreperstion before the public 'that is
. ..reVaird on scientific primeirles and •of einitirm
t=emi ll rery B"'N = 6 b/f fi o ' ne ' beln w'
Is 't b " t to
• ',l the strictest tests. suit its gen too l
Hells Esreagarlila also cantatas the ristnei of several
• other relnahle wets. togetheT forming the best ooze
• =nag .g4tclost the greatest dee agent 11, ihr
Scrotal. or:llll,,Cartears, Tamer?, Ereptiens of
the legla, la. Chronle. Sore EV. Mine. .
ronn or &WS Ilea&
•, - tan. Pamela the SortesorJolnts.
out Sam, Ulcer. Seellgeg
. of the Oland. Bomb+
DT.Pel.* Ult
Mew of the •
The a s of tf
General Debultr.
Cough. Coy, WZresea of . — dlnse.
• Plainsman': Je wet all *Um dlssaaes tantUnit
- - - - -
last 03=7=otroMart4 t 5 j aaftl . t r r:'
intorno:tram in a. (Thrordo Constitutional Dia,
M jrl,.= b • ening and roamer drink. • sad mend tor.-
Io for th• mums; wad irootJe and pleasant VorrithoS far
tl mucks lo 21= Lick or Ocaurress orator, mato, or beidl•
_ " falovelng is the Verbatim
art/Beats tom In.
• - the pasendon of the -proprietor of Bare Barsaparill.—
km E. W. Babas Ls sidely and ..amallyinsown as .
append and accomplishol pastor of the M. M the oen
' Ser. Z. Stev.son Ins bean one of the mastonted and maims members that the Kentucky (boderes.
anald boast of tor many yoam and at thiN
to ine2l4
the Isl&L n istireeponsible of menet Mr the M. k.
wok Oen the world prod.. better. or more
estla6etory testlasony its favor of my - malleinet
" Better ratio-any than was En& Offered is Fat.i. cl
IL W.' anose.—llre. E. Bentham
Looserrsiu May 20.
Ws Imes tied' John Ball's BartapariPa.d hare kn.rn
Itto be need, with entire b ooboo
1 n and we have no Coo.
Italian In stating that we bettors It to be eate and va
_ mble medial composna. and mlatbsted to prodnee mach
old milers mach =Parings .4 woald therefore'
• amortnlly aad mom carmatty rem... It to Mos
' • Meted: • (Binned) E. W. BOUM
Dar snail admire • clear beautiful Irate eau, mod a
mom colored cheen. 11. teen dove We passons, map.
marina las •Meedderatons so devoutly to be wished,
woreaneuch - 10ti0n5......=. o.l.b.orthe:
• mamas. to restore lethal. orb of what 41.00 i 0
has deprived than oL and that te....lth great Wrory to
. ' the .kin: 8011. BestaterilLsl.l the best °made Mo..
' 11 , t ... 1m t a= d ea . l.le d = , :p= . .4.,=m,...par i tle le of
•, heathf. and vigorous , . 818. activity to every =4'
teal. end obyea.t she yellow am/ dark co.tenance
Oa bloom sad freshness ot.yooth. Ladna atendon the
. nee of paints end =tetanal, .d Ball's • Flarserills.
- the oolv elferthal remedy. wool to the vise stn
. dent . and • Id= Is mina h to the hales..
• . Talinwny Lan the Following, Renders
Comment on the Effiegn4 of Bull's Baran-,
doom Dr. L. P. imam. Pthfasor of Chembi.7 to the
Louisville Medical Colin,
L 41iiave looked over the Ilst of trurrieUente eralmovins
Pam BoWsCompo.d Estrart of Barsassailla.and hare no
hesitation to mina that they form rare compound. ant
one theta.... well to amnia dlmnaes,. to IMO. It is
Aspplimble.* • I L. P. VANDELL. AL D.
• ' L=entht...ithe 6.184*.
WhaiDIZTPYLM7. PApaidee by arpsistoreitLto Me Lao.
Orals Novae Hoggaig, .aye IiCLI2.I SABSALV,I
- /ULLA:
i ,....i llacternse, March 'A
hire - ii.d..111. ,
adt. Bon's Sarsapatilia, dl br.lle” the main
'be atiginelleittoae, and well otionlated. Venetian. al
terstige limpreentei on the cortege. t have wed It bath in
0110 em pirate mat, =I - saint it the brat artieleof
Wm. • I • M. PYLES, St D.
/ mt Phrelobn II the Leel. tI. Marine LieepitaL •
OAVTlo2l—Striegre nail net fur the original DR.
JO 7 0ri1.0.9 34115.1PARILLJ, from Kentnetni—egal
have =ether. • I KEYSER IrDowELL.
; • Ito. Wood eared , Pillabordb. Pg.;Sitaningie en 4 Wtnil
Noe gale D. AL -CIDIET and JO!. DOUGLASS, Alle.
&US tib.ead br Dnint7011....111,
(I.ODFISH.I.O drams for tale by
CORN -500 Nal for rale by
•14. • •. • • J. S. DIMWIT/I a co.
WO new Floor. for sale by
.1. 8. DLLWOUTU a Cu.
1010WDEE- j
_IL IMO Lir BURUse, In U4 . ..613e;
.7.400 • •• - to
aid% le Cr, ode
Dm "
25 tikr; to ariive, for sae
1.8. DILWOI/111 t 00.
• Anthracite Coal.
Ofh - TONS just Feceived, Lisze_r r
uzailior article
ivy foundry or Lun Ur nw c r
IrMi —Mackel Shad, nJd atarink for
T AR --3O Bostol l. n, for fileer!..ll,ol).
WARNERS' OIL—S 7 bbls. Rank Oil, for
1. al* by 103 3. RS. FLOYD.
OLASSES-200 bbls. N. 0.," for tale by
its J. 6 v..ttorn.
po.:4ASH --30 Oasks pare, ter sale by
3 - 1.2 R. FIAnD
BCON -5000 lbs. Ho Itosuid, oricon.sii
eat, tor eby "r. WOODS k.50u,.1
niperlinenVLOGlß-40 Mae:extra family tloar. do
ao Man ma 'brings by
in • MILLER * alczErsoN
1 4 EMON SYRUP.--60hts ••Torner's" IT
ma mut, tostignment and for We
1 ,4 1.1tD OIL.-10 bble. pure winter
d& 34.. 2.
or ado lor J. 2CEIOONMAJLER & CO.
No. 24. Wood ot.
NpITOOL TWINE,-500 lbs i gv n al T elby
'II2IIRLAPS-3: ' bales 40 inch, fur sale by
'A) jot ' MMISHY Lim
I ri ash paid for Wool by
'1 1.4 . • 111111 PUP LEE.
0/L-1500 gallS:para, for sale
krf /. SCIIOuNMA.Kk
t 2 4 W 04411 etrael-
BROOMS -250 cinx comni.,n to best;
ono ibZ
Latest Pahlielaa
A T HOLMES' Literary pit, Third et.;
Um Part Mee.
Liman Lbizur
Ilarimsre Msdaultm, far Jane,
ffimb¢ Po&al,
KLEBER, No. 161 Thirds!tied, hankies
.no , auntostra Polka: doe of ono some bew-
P 0114114. rrar Ga r old.
Oen I Lend Thoo,lfanDear ; fr i te„foster.
Tbo Lack Itod=litonk.
• no Mountain .
alit= n b sZT.Tirsi l lizatt Bh"th's . with : new . ann
Ih VTthe Sdeaa4aironog by f mar Llod—oml; of
bat soon nontirol ~no. am fondestpou
Ana an. zonsita oonatlon a new Waltzer. Polkas, Fr
a ' . 1 1. A
P "'"`"!' flaN Of THE GOI:DEN 111.8 P.
Xocbor-in-La.. or the leo of Royn • We by gm..
B. Sontinvorth-
swots WM, by T. &Arthur.
oks IfoicoLie. T 49.4. •
tabs. fotlioy. X . --
Calthrobar, 1 ,
Swotted se. F LOOMS' Literary Depot.
sqo _ Tblid +Mod, opposit. tho Toot vow..
_ . __ _-__ _
-• • KLEBER h jnet rotiolviti a choice lot
4 of oapsotor . errharaCer Ateledooos, oduarteetured
,Corbordt hiseeel —tae oriolool lovente,4o Nor
era am-
M. a. Asa mod, boororof upea Me original
tolootios It la o,ow ly coueedod glut be midge,
' gir l dame. and peautToMtd te:Proo7:
IroctoYiliol64MOMdt bet, '
„ ..” . ".. ""... 1 .. ;.
• al the Gold.
No. 01 Thard mama .4.1.. thlrp. 4
- sty3o &de • . scram above loan:orate;
B. T. Babbatt ' s Celebrated Soap Powder:
WAECHIN G withinit labor! ;Warranted
to take the stab/ out of to% Moen sad ma
n,» 0100 Vol Vsz—Nd. Tour Aldo. in • gullinkut
z=ol cold worm to tom them tben ed 4 two table
d Ws Soap Powder, to meta ids quarts or grater
god witlttbe elotben If the grater V bard. OM =ore of
the Powder. sad boll them ten Magner 'fis Mt Man CM
tom Mondogns *Ma. then Pa tbm Ur • tub
add suatedest eokl grater. go tbat doer will not ho tco hot
to handle. Then rub the 41011 or ottc swede
idee Qom a tboroash rioting. and that tO madman to
Inaba them elem. • •
N. IL—Tbere balm godo In Ible_Sona, It Wit km,
clothe...err white, and m bed Mr melt. se 0:61301
*MA do. TM entire em of the mamba nerd dm not
mooed two can% to mon tage • wesidag of ten perm.—
Warranted not to rot or 11. do.. .
This la Powder that mum... Intl red. Metre quart.
Mt War Feft
Dt.C110... Poi say de Guests of weer and
ants the Porderwith it, sod then let It boil. ear dye r
to ake
um. to., edd wu:rte old wateat th
wal zio.1: 0„
. L 1
irre th gid It will ' be Mi. 1111 7. sad eke White Row, sad
liltrtont. well, stet will not est the too& Us other Soft
amp, nor not tbe clothes. Coo be mkt with bar or sal o g ,
rl;;byTA2she gsnatT mm tier
IgrZa Mk*
,rd molten cords.
Sold wboleaele and retell kr • 11. K. BELLEW,
No. 67, liflood
Compo • and Syrup of Yellow Dock Boot,
10 CCUPIES the front rink among the pro.
yrtetory coedit-Mee of this !minim for asooletely
ng Canker, Mat Shemin. ihreitslia7 ta b e . la c ter . £ 1 1, i4;
used arising h=
. 334• °
facer Oosontaint,Catanh pas. Ilesdaches, Diatom,
Coughs, itorenem and toms out the Chasti,Bron.
ehltes, or Imaresnacm. chyme, and • tickling musatkon
suersthof roat. and le used with umamedented emcee
all e r,.
. Female Weaknete and General Debility.
slt,erittheelag the neakmod ludy. ghing on
to the
serious organs. mil taviatrathill anti. Mson.
If the testimmy of thousands at Ming witneses, from
.8 wt. the manly}, cm be relied uym. t singular
!, egeschas to cluing all Thatorr, and Motoring detainer
tad and broken Mont constitution. It I. purely Vegeta
ble In to composition. and so encand
I, ely combined to he
re ' irtesrf riarn=lent utilati ak"""
. Purify •the Blood.
It ho, removed many chronteditemea ham nisei
the skill of the best has also cured Canker.
Salt abeam, &made. nhkh ilareaparith
Br lrag.T: thin% ya. tb*
h er i h n h ' Ml ' ilt
inoBB. The moat °batman Camera have bee cured by
this medicine. We my that it fa • valuable coal:time tu all
BILIOOS COIIPLAINSI. It removesan atstraettom in
the circulation. rendering the Liver ree. active, and heal
thy. It seamen Palpitation of the Itemt, and relieves to
all cue of Asthma, and may be mod to all enamtm. and
at ell masons of the year. • •
Tlite Byron le prepared only by C. 31CtIlliN ACC. at 1 . 02
Fountain streot.Proridence. F.. 1., and acid nholreale and
ratan, by Rstt
• Only Agent fo e Weste rn Yransid
myley Warehouse. corner Wood and Sloth .OPb.
• :...Professixr A. C. Barry's TfiCOPhar o Thir
knring testimonial Le tom lit. 31.2. ALUM of the
Semitino deneutom. Comment on kiwis evidence Ls on
. New lint. tett 24,1840. .
Berry's Trieopherous is an article the/ we tan plasm..
In awarding the highest comutendatkots. We do not do it
upon die reommendatiesi of others. but from meow. pew
eons' knowledge of its effects nyon the luau chile It tends
to keep it healthy, eon. and glossy. it lab remotes dub
druff, prevents grey bar, and inelgoratee mrowth a
Manner ...anal ted by any other onmporitten. known to
uk d person only tads to use ma bottle to be convinced
of thirtruth.
doll in le4les s yrrioe 25 eenb. the prinelpal dike IST
New Ymt
Sold In largo baited MI. " rt ri '''' ' ' F 6 '
ees by it. NW.
, No. Rod .t. •
The most Ectraordinasy Discovery en the World
the great Arabian Remedy for Nan and Beam!
H. G. Farrell's
CELEBRATED •Aitasual wawa.
17 RE miraculous cures performed by the
U.N.. Pbtodellans In the dire of old, were then
100 ed vpon as the result earned/A Out dos ty bars M
came intate rith their history we lee thlal eeevaTav
Iladnadladeing Maar diseve. Their &Italian A'in
the knowledge medicine were the yonder of the egv,
while at the male thou the sea.. of Cbenduey. sehleh
with them had Its arida, was to he rest of the world Ye
book." And ia Botany they leered. meet melons of
stadents. lathe besatifhl graves which skirt this dyerts a/
Arabia aboard run pleats sad odorous woods abeam err
ebtalned thole soma, An= an d flagrant balaatna of
th , ll=earable lallso4= and by
Eon ti re.
rbmgrrthi:,Pae s irro.d-''"tl' A rg'"4l, ee al
b3.11p..1. la lbw incredibly s ss
hV ' time OA le or le la,eates:
Its retina la preimpt, poyerhel 'end effeetnal t attbout Ut.
lemet t =er. It peaetrales the flesh to the boas. relaxes
cords, noteny use to limbs alaleh have bent
peeled dor years, mooing the shriveled And, to grow oat
and rich blend to circulate throttah it ....O.
th i: 7 7 Betr h V i Llt , tlr
u tZLaterou . A .l thb u l. c it i rall
ill ' lspasio of the Joint. ln ehrode efiketkets el the deli,
Liver. Image and Kidneys, this mat Arabian retydy
renal Uffsr li sptlLlnill ' o:lt C ts=sllon it elaTrerVoita .
ye some of the most eateserdinaly versa on record; she
dor C4al s ng i ale m a 1.1 1. = rigs,. Zeal:et Chll . lll.l=.
In&eese of Animals, ' Alt es FistriA ANA. boe'ft
Bad Canylelnt,l)lstssayee,ratry,B Iltrobes,
Mande, rim% Wadaalls, mocrlo
er toan 07 Witt, 1.61 /441:11IA I , lltez
t=eall ' on; this Lab:neat steeds at the heed
, .
The fallowing to from be principal accounteat of the
weralthy end highly respectable house of TIM t Ben. of
Norla, and ressente ono of thr, bib sbeasaful cubs In
the bible of medical blotto
Mr. /L G. Farrell: /laugh., Actustril by • sense of grab.
fulness. 1 entardt the follawinx Van jrottatt of the tan .
sty of your greed ulailleina Itgbild.flarep years old. was
soddenly attackera ttratedd with s terrible dins"
tra wialrbe h le2
dun as burs. pt to total aciptear.
beanie so staid th at wee i a
jab ebb be tent be IlnaT
tubed black end told, and rutiedydervised aiViedi_ ,ag• the
tom Axed. vernally booed end altogether .01.nri. Font,
log Ude was dagibta to elbowed; the Stitt bettat cot .
Vaned. and xi cubed, that when laying go Its=
fend 'end bah only. letebed. Indeed; be child
eery eypebbe. of being dead:. immediately ea the et.
Lb. the family physician was called in. sad Or Lira rob
he Inbred to restore it to feel Lear. but all ineebotlthough
It was blistered a doom bow, and bricinernWebot line
iments mind. A consuirstion of. Pbblehns tab then
I, ,d.d. t ta i r - paar. The
, c ,. n .l e , e i. wats thirdriiMasit=w
srgich hal Est etreadytin doing out tilkk ta. '0=1.14
g. be belt do nothing. matt. W. thee saseuianeed eir
.3 5
pi tog your Lbw= Weir over the r rth• katth of the
g .
,Dpuc zezimag,im ,. ziAtie v. en , „1:!.. , =. rth. :
6 .h r = i trot become perfect for totrigau u tr. 'ft te
now busy and robust ae esti b.
bolFir. other eases of the eat kind ocenred ha m' Wier:
hood resionsly a ell ef which died; when. no dbbt. if
your 1 had been mod, tbry would base reeoresed,
Plant, March 1,10 I. =rill" 0. CLZI,AND..O
Leer Complaint, EryMpi , 34 and Rhemlamism
Barguic. Marlon Oa, to Mir M. Mtn.
it, N. 0 . p....,-penr dlr. To= Linimart b menial
yet 7 .W 10014.4010 . •••It Coed of goad .mono U. [ori
ole. It tar corn. • dad au at
~1147111 p. Ma, and an otter
of • bad 'pain to th• bream A ladr, gip wait oottfund to
her bed tor retwool months with Liver Complaint mol Age.
1100 of tdr vas entirely mad by the ELMfjot.
mood. 'lt Asa teen applied to • tomb mod nod oared it Lo
• short time. I bare been alltoted with Ithemmatima toy
• Load time, Lod ion before • tent oeli It paltud ont
mach that Iliad no pmoo Midst: >a>ed in the night I tom.
tortutod tattrive .ad =Mans with.roar LirdproOt. •• , 1
begot 1 Ins dons ratting. lb. pan coma&
Stiff Coraplaint, Sweeney, Distritper, Corks and
Son Rya Cured.
[M. Mitchell. Postometer at DM. Talton Cobbtr. 111..
'I M .
.it,. MAL PmasucTour A&4. Tholmmt I. btgbly
paled hem. We cored OW of mr mislibere ..the
briff Complabot by about roar or five applicatieme. mod I
rand one of urr osna of the fleveser.
Dram. cured Ms home of a bed Cork with It be 110 tried
It ma • colt that bad the Distemper very bad. and mend It
immediately, Me mys It is dacidedir ch. greatest horse
medicine be vier used. There bare hem statotem mood
of bore Eyre with / find It veal valuable medielas
both for man aid been
Beware of Counterfeits.
To OULItS A.GAINFT iTaposrnoN„ READ Ilia rot,
The Public am rarticulatiy mutemod melee . Mar
Closaterfat whkh ham lately made Its enema. and ts
caned by the Importer whop:mem "W Panell's Arabi
. liniment." Tele bit ilatiert. fraud and mare liable
to deceive from lola leatine the war t of Dwell. Threw
fan be particular now Wadi for 14 Me
Ldukerilt.” tae tultenicipled deafen w Ono. tbe
mom ...ft. upon you for the ern
lano,joa names ca ,
for H. 0. 100 rF, drobbin Lwateaq . ee other.
se the genu atones hail the letters .11. abedurebarreVe,
rc ia a/so en the oateW• wrapper,_amd lbws
mo oed.w blown in tlae ease bottle —" l4 O. inrretre Arneson
.11•11 . eice, Peoria."
litraTtietntilal to every Tow.. Tillage sad Hamlet In
fbe Utdted'Etatemb la which atm t not establiab.d. Apply
by letter to 11.0. Fervell„ Foot* ID.. ualt:goal vattuolelll
as to chamber, Talumulblllty, aa.
001 the agent who •111 furolab Pnle ofMama * •
took containing swath valuable Informatkottfor every dna
Of <nisei.
PZICL-2.5 watt. 50 cents, and eue dollar her bottle.
7754 only pream treauftettued by. H. 0. Fa:l,ll.volt,
Inventor sad proprietor. sad erhole druggist. No. 17
Mule street, Peons. 014 sM Or male wholeeale and retail at
yrohrielar'e ;eke by 11Y.LLIS,
myldlutEl • .11 Woo dstrut
bold by D. AL CIIDItY, Amstar catr. •
The Hainan Body Must Perspire,
caCt SASS NATURE, to have a healthyat
Ponanno sad:persons +who do not_psfsples. u.
to the most dlsoostlto Offln Dianne. Now. Joys? ItaLso
Chemical &op mossoft few persplestlon. smi at Ins o
thus moue and softens tno skla, 4711illfir It 1210
et =lnfant'.
Scurvy, ffolt
and Bons, Ind %it •
cored bytts useltgilasst 7 ployd i sos In n.
f i t4 l ns " e * lksaal
i, ers. ,,da lszt or dw o a 3 .r it I 12= C
Md., in assured tbst mo l e velem, puffed noscrOdo, Pe
we trial lOU prom entonersts at last elobil
Dow= eared of son bead, sera legs, cod oton
nay lt—eod the leader Is walla named 1 Isonkl not err
eff= ga . ffte WI% keen b slg eats.
.111 Axel tido natty • sore. bat privirollir. Lid f ". .
Offe todY OM. that sorsa, sfinoted odd, any of the . tot
or similardlss..lllffusi thls all. and ay. more (*dad.
able lo tu) {hub / r •
and a t i rt r g d st i re=rtallsztsast t lya
Anty It only of MIL JACHEON. only Agent In
held of Wood.
NO . !ly *bite Teeth, and Pure Breath, to
he had ese R 5 last.—Passosua who have saber. are hewn.
bly .mewl that it Mgr breath la Mrs no foul. or their
teeth decayed. sari, or yell., and entreated with tartar,
that a 25 oa. Len of Joan' Amber Tol'aetss Ell tuts
the teeth as white at war. Ud the brslb adattbastar
Saki eel) at JACKSON'S Bum eied.Therti et 4 woe or
A Scientific; Hair Tonic, 'Restiirer and Bean.
Mar.—Trial Bata, 37/i oonta Ihp,. who bar... 4
krna' Cirrat lialr Radom. tom intozoilitnit qualltioa—
Moro wbo two not. we wore it tononiowtho ndkwlott
trUl form the balr to grow ..1.1.1P.4 1 .t...
baton hair to gro..toy it Wing at% van wad
or and make Light. sal bob cow dark.
Nor re co Nair soft and Ntl. nothing can mood
thia—it maim it troly beattffol, twpo it me.
aged. t wet wamotaloal•—•yal rolao 6 . 4 .
f owl at !M. JAMES/In 240 Liberty deed,
head ood. Pittsburgh. •
Prbar—SlX mots. 60 conta...d p.
ti JONES ' Solution of Jot, a Liquid Human
• 7 t , u/gt==f. .i f jll6":V:gro r ut, k l l . 4 "
ma% SSA V.
gold Dl J44ll3Bo.l.2l4Mbertystrin6headof Wool.
JONES' 'Jay WHlT.—Ladies are eau-
Chalk. • Thel
tkaul unliv i h rh a .RIV la so the OW
n0t......51q.e5n. ..ara hon
Dr..w tf t a t t,gmhg
th• aftes udint
ia llonnaliettqc • large quantity of , ntlob
..01= 1 14,7mahrnlItl . vegetablurttue,
4 .
It is verrbetly Innocaut. aelat
sk i n of all delearlosie •
qualltleg and it Impute to the skin natural, healthy.
Ifticut white.. at the rams tim Miele on the akin. making it rota end anteub.
Bold b ta. (inn; WU. JACKBON. 240 Liberty Knot
.f wood.e n1r..11 rittaburall. pew..
wykd • .
FAMILY FRIEND, Or Baking Preparative,
~ .r.ventintb....., Tu.; nucluting Light. WN,
gr. Iliva. Imre color
la lA. V d at aull tne ordinary feria ntal
w e e& worn mu. to a glu t extent. bile. ludiAtice4
palt e r alter uds: beeclactes. and other minus
&scum Bonnie.. to anLplos lb. maiden cu... i"
ult.. In Zio numb. of slur, title generation Intl nue.
10 mute love. of than unh Bann Reads
of funlllee. .04 persons of ncatly austituthaw. etnuld
tendto pare Laud, a. toe of th. took, th d.
Um. /or Horritals.lonrawirk Sebo3l4.ltoul., ad
eetablithosenta, it Us rust ad...UV. Eldd Jr teen.
12.)( e , U.N.! 60 outs, with directions far ter.
ntyz. - • IL B. EF.LLERS. Wm!
LA - P -4 kegaP7l4llP&H•
milt . Bemolowtl6lThwtstrost.
itIYFRALO ROBES—,AII grades kept cola—
iglantl7 Mai awl Ibr sale
LFrepur Mance of law, I, MILLAito FlLLltotth,
d:lett of the Milted Etat. of Anomier do heretrp
and make therms that public eele will be bold oh
the widninentioned Lend Omen in the Ste not Arta..
at the paleds hereinafter delimited. in waft
At the Land Oftee at BATESVILLE, commencins
Monde?. th e flrsi day of fttMbrr Lint, lor the
of the bile Wade sitmi within the ander=
pita fractional township ...Ist
Iftwbbronbe bast We andeeesf ofthe Afteprfacipleteridant.
Torn:ship two, of range few..
Precticand towable tegen; math of White river. of
/Vera otthelkoefiste meilanthithe Aftirprierded
Prsetx ag rot t =enre g vesod twelve of =OM
Al the Lend Oft. da y LIAMPAOLencig
Mondati the fifteenth of September next. liar the clit
pea sh l of Akio paiblielands withth thanadrosientiorued town
ta wit: •
Mother the tamlistand scestqf flo fifth principal etendith.
Tenrathips Werth and filmic.. of range... Wm.
Township elev. of ewer eighteen.
At Lan.d Oftice at HELENA. emniunicha
day the eiehteenth day of dogma nest, for the dine.;
ofba publi rb c halt within the follOwleg namednamedel toerwhine. township and
/thrth.__„__rithe boo lincan We dead or th e Jlfth
'''''''"hirtetw.t.lotT-Inme. twenty-four and twenty
fine east of the Pe Fftincle giver. In unmade them, of
range bur.
Towtoldp alma of range seve
Southqf the taterbecoadeced 10e jt.fleyethiciPid anidi m.
Towohlp rl/11r end pat of an Wand to Melon@ ltartY•
two and tbirtydthwe, in township thirteen, of three ow.
At the. Laud Oath et LITTLE SOCK, ecenmenring on
M0t01.7. thethat day of September next, for the &spool
the pthlic — Undo fit the ftliwring named 4,.." on am
near Cypress lake, ids
North afar, Owe tine mad tool<flie Nth piatipel sseridein..
The broth half of ...Lion tight. the south belt of ten,
fractional sections grade. end Mt.., the north of
manatee the reef ban of twenty... twenty-two, the
north half and wouthweet owner of ...CY-three , * Ma
northwest quarterof twentyelx. and the wort belt of th e
nartbeaot outlet of threcityienn. In tomottip three, of
range %lateen.
Lamle applOpliabld DT law tor the Waft of school., mill
tan and other pan.. together with "those sermon ;tot
werflowed lands made ants thereby for eulUvation, ' if
any, which shall be iieloated by the nate &Wheelie.,
fore the dg: aetinted for the commencement of the ph
Ile Fake rely,soder the act entitled "An An to
enable the 9 of Antenna and other States to net, lm
the 'manse lands' wlthlis their limits!' sip vial Septem
ber Mtli, IMO. edi9 be
b oded fne the mlee no la.
calm far had lemon. heretofore granted by any law of
Congreets, Ibr military envie. rendered to the United
Sod. waLl beftwathed oaring nt Pe abate ...WOde
as provided by the aft entitled An AM making entomb
anea ew for
apponal 9th
the 4
March, I ril and dipl o4l. omatic onenactof government,"
The caning of the above mentlostod lands will be two
mewed on the days appinteth and will proceed In the or
der he which they are advertised, with all convenient
patch. tristil the whole Omit b.• then offend and the gel.
thus Wooed; but no sale .hall be loPt• WWI /4=m than
two weelte. and no pinto entry of any Wine litchi will
be admitted until alter the expiration of the two weeks.
Olson ander my bead et the City of Aubliorloo. Ohio
sixth day of May, Anna Donald one thousand eight how
Arad and nftrone. MILLARD FILLMORE.
By the President:
Cotrualsdannr of the iles;eraaindthilee.
f E ch
on7a=gt r.g. u . , : g h :g - Fro . i t tuv,4
above enumerated, le required treentabl b the name to the
to hh , DOD of the Brohter and heeelver of the proper
Land Ma, met make payment theretir tu soon at prod.:l
- after =Ma Air mare. and tetbre the d.5..0p01.t. 1 ror
the comonetteement of the peddle We of the' undo rostra
dug the tract claimed, othendee mutt elelm will to IMMO.
Corerethalemer of the General Land
TN pursuance of law, I, MILLARD FILLWORE.
Proddent of the UMW. Rata of America, do hereby
d and make Inthen, that mono alee will be held at
the undermentioned Land Whom
to the: Mato of ilimsorm,
at the period, hereinafter dodthatcd, to wit:
At the Lami Ofane at JACKWN, commererina on Eon
doe. the tint irtistionttti t n .r ifr flog:gal:LT:1 %.1. 1 :
thipeols: • •
North if Mt Dastlintand t. 1,1 ,A6h
Toth:shim twentmeron,
nag twentrnine,
new Carrera dr., of range tithe.
twentretheru twenbrodahl . 04 twenty ~ ° N
on andCum= river, of them four.
T=rnlbiP twont)'odithT, on a tonneb of Currant river, of
ral T fiva
ownships tatentrthrth. twentyrfoqi Wm:Weight end
out:mine, of rehge *lath.
Itownthdpe twentythtte, twenty-four, twenty-sight and
twentridne, Isom Dien.
Fractional township threntrone, and townships twenty
two, twenty-thins, twentrlbth twenty-ore and twentysis.
IG " t ta t i ," XilE PLACE, commencing:on Mender. the :D
-m ti.dlezioLEValrx4intorat,==.oLlile, pub.
of township. via:
North ths baseline and thst
Township: twentrtwo, of range two.
Fractional townships ft.:trote end twentYtWot and
towthiti ,„.. athrenti-Pro, of range three.
twenththwa of rues. fop,
the rith - tho and
~04 thrthe Abs.
Fraclional township =WM and tothotrips tornirtwo.
threntrehrse, twentyrOmr, then/Mr% twenty-Ws and
t of range Ms_
• Fractioned townehino sistent and *mother,. thd town.
ih =2l 4 =l: l : " da n n o t ri," seventeth eleble.o and
twontyone. townships twenty.tho and threntyrdthe: and
motioy three to fen imtheive, menthe. to 1....4thne inclu
de% and twisty-with to thirtythro incithith in toenail ,
twnity.dx of range eight
Township ninetarn Itheept frectkend thetioro bibliothe
to thiremar incletaith) fractional towthtdP tweedt end
fraction= township twentythe (esthiat eort== onct-re ,
N werify.thrre, (orthefithr, Werthmlre. reontwoth.
=====, Dtrhbreso't therghfiew nod the tors, of rm.:
I w. " .
The northwest fraction of motion Mr, in .tothehth no-
then, and fractional township throat'', of.rang. ten
bections cos to nothe inelthre, the north half of Mourn,
loofas to faserlirone iseltuive, and hreersthicar to thirty
, fArre incleoree, In township eighteen thetthas nth= to to
• 5a . ..1 threirjbur to' Dorrioris Inclusive, in toottelatp
ltreatty. of range Welt a.
The part nut of'slur. Otertlor!,. of terwmhiP
thrst=ther. of those thdrtedr.
see laseept the nortimast snorter.) NA
theamMAteco, wilthent„ Marta thd Dwrltron4 eart of . Little
Mow Over:4th" to township tremty-tom, of num four
At the Lard Mee at SPRIEGFLEl.l)..commeOdth on
Mooday, the eialateonth der of Aoßnm meat, See the dee
pothi of the pub= lands situated within the billowing na
med fratiorial townships, to sit:
sNinth ar the nthe Use thd and a
tot r . o ..Ded thothow
Scoaldp twentreero, of rang tth.
Tthithhip ma:trine, of range twenty.thme.,
Fresthoth of =Micas
. hernizortre, therfwene, thirlyrith
tholpethretharp/ber.thwtwthe arr ant, thidiemn that: ef oh.
old Mats Moe, la township reentr of nobs wet:th
predia=l township threntroae; wijaemit to the =Ms
Llos, of reams twentreorren„ twentwodth thirty. Cain,
cm, thirty - WO, thlrty-itmee sad thirtythur.
thole lumpy/gni by law Sarre not of mehewls.
iTe T rib and ored land. male Dr . th rir.V o t t f
any, shish gall be seleetol by Um Mate setLoriath titan
the d , ,..iMointed Par the
on of 0010 lota.
Wei veil - , under the Art etattlei ••Ae. Act am
Me the Ws of Attune nod ether Maths to reclaim the
'swamp Wadi 0.10040 Uthir Dents. - approved =meatier
%th, IMP, veal estiodedfrthr OM nl+• And nolo:bons
Dr lust bounties Leretothe aranted try any law of Cow
for military rerrtnes randored to the Called Maim.
nth yormattrd ang of the shoo ettentionel laths, es pro
vided by Um set entiwel "An Act making athoofobtbons
and diplomail e eneeeee. threertmw.i."
" . firs — Offmetn. g of the thore mentioned lendo will be mow
=mot on tom
days appointed.. sad in the or
der In which they are mithrtired with convenient du.
Web. ill the whole stddl have been offered. nod the mire
thus an.i; but nowt& thell opt
otho oo .s loos= tan tri=
ra * lttt t d til "* .lfgrt=prrall ' as l C , it the
Given =shy My hand at the City of Washington, this
sixth day of Dan 43140 Dam one tbnewthereleht hun
dred and harms. MILLARD FiLLllUltit.
Fty the President:
• • COMMindonar of the geperal loth (Mire.
Nom'. ro PJUILTP7k2C C1.4111.13 , 7S
- - • -
itrkfralintit u irs ttglig b a F.46l2.refetill
there thug ' ...AteZte minim* to establ the three to the
satisfaction or the reenter and reeetver of the pmt., tend
ofhot otol ththe tolthteett *wrth ne sem as protholth
W orefea LAU Who'. and before the der o thehated for th e
ethmotheement at ttge publie sale of tbelende embrecthe
the tract elabeted; otherehe sorb delta 011) b.
.1. 11CrLY.RTIEblo,
Comm ythoner of the Where) Land there.
N puratuince of law, I, MILLARD FILLIORI,
Priuddent of thlltcita Azre. do I: b Mead make,va w A, .az
oaw Om ni
horgingler designate. to nit:
Men R)WA CITY, emir:tenting eta M MP ' day of Peptenther rex; for the din:the the
tense ejturded thl foltorung rum. town/thine,
North rof Ow boo liar, ad d u N prffsctre own
Township serentrhlon , of ralnKt/ Swen 4 0100.
Township. arrenrythine and eighty, of range thlrtY.
Township. seventy nith and eighty, of range Iltirtythie
Township.serentrolne, eighty an d eighty an. of range
T ATtearVieti=t * AinriL b t l e=. e., ..—
ll7t atteath
Arou qf the ban tine and ,art rif the fifth Peuthrial
TomNhlp Of range thirty.
Township wirenty, of mtg. thirty-two.
Toro.ip lengthy, of range thirtyithrra
At the Land UV. at DOHDCCQL E. 044 Radar. the eigh
th day of
next, for the M.o. of the
tneta to vit.
Pi .tall island in met . secrete:n and eight., In town
eightypro north, of roue one east, and the rouge...
LIM . el. MO. 111 thenthip nineq-ien.
f rage nits, west of the. Pith principal npirid
aPP.Pallhad tit law tor the non of ethothr.
tarns sad other parporia, together with •ithoes thorny and
Ol'atkoff ;Ma. made to (t thereby for
if any, whlch shall 0. selected by the elate an athithe t.'
top the d ogs inted for the wonthenceinent of the nuie
think. well. water the Act entitled ban art to
ettatile the We of Ark... and other litates to racial=
the Inr.ip It is . within their M.D." wirer. Pentane
be, TEO, IMO, will b. exclodul from Ito take. Awl no In.
calm= (00 land bounties heretofore Knotted bp boy law of
Dons.. 10r nallitary .errlces renninmd to the Colt.
Illtateo,s4/1 baperaltdan any ..,.iftrieriborielanthl../lowdr,
rom p' fl i tt b .r.tri t x4= l ..Totx: lo- A:= 7,117
on th
Sysymad tid 01.00. . MM.
ofirthig of the lads will be comterneed e darn
a onel. end proceed lu the ceder in which they err sd
vertleed with ell .arniont dispatch, until Welshed...heti
hare been oda., .A toe talcs thus dared. Lot 00 .1.
shall be kept open longer than bra weeks. and no private
entry of any of the Dods will be admillial until year the
t nplretlp~ } the two weeks.
IU nn the City of Weahlegtoo. this
elgth day of May; Anne Domini one thinuand eighth:ro
d.. and silty-one. DILLARD 41 LLMultia.
By the thealchrot:
Oorunhilither of the General Land Office
of tltt i M P' aritlit=r4.:hVg l F rft=tl ii r
obon erromended. requl,..., to oh Din faith te,
inththetion of the register .4 rreelia b r of the yinnor lend
oil. and Make pay.. therefor /1.1 , 6.lrltetkabie
tar seq. the ithibe, .4 Debars Mu daY argaland bre the
onstunithiunthita of tbe public asle of the landecuthrulng
the tract elainselly °therein. such elath will be forfeited
Comnalselonet of the Generstl.and Were
Wes Cent saved to Country Merchants.
_ IL J. NINO, Dealer in -BOOTS AND
' 31101:11, o. 46 North &Toad street, Philadelphia,
hat iist reo'd frt: the manufactorY gm eltemis and Wen
Medd Meek of the above goods, which will he ' sohl at 3)
per mot • km the* an... e pu
ar rchand to the any, 1.1 =eh
Dealers will do well to call Won purebulufr - •
.toylZise . .
Fresh Arrivals of Wall li i i IT:
FPIIOMAS PALMER, No. 45 Market Area,
nos ion Trod r.d from the Emit, ot hamlet.. smart
, . gg /myriad Chamber Paper. -ma
•-04Pactiggiffitig:-iiilleil and Amer
_. . 1 ' (14' Waretrfr4friiir. rile
''" -74 6(;:- r -ar bbliilin ; (Large)
VACKEI.... •-wertioh. ght ,7,, oe F.
Newbaryport ... alsikr 14 uk: u. '6l
tor sale by .... llailmal
Warebou. alul waybe vta
myl3 - -nina fur
_MUTTQN HAMS-2000 lira: • ~. • -eft.
ITI We by my'a 1111):14 MATTHEWS it .....
QODA ASII-500 casks of Our own =I
k., &a.m. warranted of se gr. duality and im blab VAL
ri .7. imparted, aad forZeNaLitygrerim.aft prim,
.r my2l- , Water rtreet_
e .... i CASEEPRILLIPS it . ' MA YER'S' LI
LP QUID GLUE—For cementing look, Wood. MOM
4 Cigna. andy for general work.. It
image oinetralkd. T sa o
be man. FOltnittlili Oommicalco
Elton., plus. h. ow • " ni7OI
AIR BALLS--A fulfaseortmentjwit reed
mg Dir We by m7lO F.:IL MATON.
Altobbls. far sale bi•
tai LRANSP I7B R S T I A . TIO: st
CLARKE. P.tlolll & CO., Boman= PIoPLY2O3
raPROPEXETORS of Oda old and well
tan Lbw, woad Int= th e public that thee' W. ,
n o w lam: mt= Sete the pregeat mann. and harem:atm ,
cad veradelng Knight bawl:mem e hi e b. t b., at e fully
da! to tam to all point. on du an d Lat. /NU
Msehlga at the lereat rate, One of the Boat. add.
UoWm •BI b. eorotantly at the landing. Wow the Weimar
&allele Braise. to
°®o. eor. Water and Btalthgeld Ma, Pittsburgh.
DMathew,stn, New
D C.tala.lo. Pat
Ica Nolan, Bharont
7. CO. Hull, Hhatlehilrgh t
Win. Addy t Ch., Urtoo, db
We,. deer". Ilartatown.
p e e., Conneanteille t
C. el. Reed. Rrio. Pa:
U. B. NI allbridge. Buffalo, N.Y .
New Lake Superior Line.-185L'
ILGE. now sbteaatimnee r N
rrO R
NE o R,
s Capt.
B fur .
IT wad comfort. wll le MT e Cleres. o n Fr ida y , the
of Nay nest. on her fn. trip—. 4 weekly thereafter on
o'clock. P. M.. for the Saut Ste. mega.
The steamer MANHATTAN. V.S.p Jo. ettowsat ‘ aral
lave fleet Btr. Man, SI, the =nest tannin. on r..k.
Soper.. thearriralef theatnemer Northerner; making
• regular weekly line r throughout the sewon. berne.
Cleselend and the Tot.. aml Iron Hire ,
8. t A. TWINER, Proprietors.
Hleweland,O. April IBM—tr
Manufacturer's Line.
7 " - lB5l.
/hot W. LINE, composed entiroly of Scalar Iloats.
Is now in full operation, with' facilities to carry a Iwirt
...My of frolgld to Clultulalph la and Ralilmore. anthagt
rtonshippisp, In as abort time. and at as low rates, to anY
other regnisr Liam
Yporfal arrangements haw also Igen made for cartling
Way Freight to Mann - illy Johnstown. Hollidaysburg,
Water Ftreet. Alexandria, }Wartburg!, Huntingdon, Mail
Creek, hew Ibutlitow 31cSertown. L .Irigollll, UMW,
Newyott. Chutes Form llarcbhurg,Colutubv„ and all oth
er intermediate points on the PeunaylvaniaCanal and Fud
tge Railroad. Haring return load, of Iron mewed from
he Juniata, proNneas end regularity In ahltunonty CO
the aforcaahl ruinat tho lowan rob, may be relied
tm. J. MITCHELL bitITT, Yroprieter.
Warehouse, Libetty et rot.
meblltt Second draw !orator the Canal.
REST IN H1NG11.131.8 1.1.17 i, to my brother.
81N1.111A31, the business at LIU/burgh will byre
be =warted under the nolo of "Wm. Binshaio A
Co." [Mobil 11114 1111• An.
Bixighanuf Transportation Line,
g;W_ . 1851. tgiRA
rll I.E CANAL being, now open, 'we aro ren
dy to receive and forward promptly. Prod.. , 44 ‘d
ehandise. east and west
rroldhts attn.; at towed rates charged by responsible
gradex. and SlorthrtnaLlse will be serodrol and f0r...10
rust and west. witbont any <harm for forwarding, Kb
repents freight. sommhalmo, or sten=o. -
Mlle of LaMar forwarded, end all directions Ildtbnilly
Incanted to. Addl.. or apply to
W3l. nIN(3I3AM CO, anal Basin.
Corner Lihertyaroi Wayne at, Plttelnont ,
lIINGLIAM DOCK, 1 1 13 Market
between Fourth' Jni 1111 ate.. Philadolphle.
JAI4/1.3 WILZON.Asonto
No. TEI North stavet,_llaltico r ore.
Inch) Now York.
1112 i 1851 lifLUgai
Merchants' ' Transportation Line, .
- ILE.,9arprin.
A. bIeANULTT A CO., ilYnal Digin, DPI Tenn street.
MAIMED RAINCR. Ceritral Block. Dread greet. MU.
W... ll.liared to moire a lug, mount titerehandlai
And proinne to chip on th e opening of the <mi. ni Phil..
rlphla. and all laterineellateplaora at low rater. and to
lea. thaw than In any poiviona Demon.
Ed . N. B. The Warmed member of Tanaka prodded by
the C 4 nal Ountogreionera tor carrying not NA. on the
t4.t..1.411n.a. will prerent wig.bowaillliT or ilirtiLr at
44"7.".1. 'CA". r Y
DbIS - • Canal DWI,
• 1851`
To Shippers of Merchandise, Produce, AM,
ATTAINS A o tre o. er tropriethrs, No. TR Market. and 44
clan 1.16414, Zol d a,Canal Roth, Pittrborah.
JO.i. TAYLOR 20N, Aitoire.. Warr. ,
Oalf:LVg=eir77 Thi r' eg IL th :O r 7o
rbtrlorrs or much deeTZVANI core es our other Line.
• .11lePADEN do COVODE,
lEuerearors toJotts Mot - den t Cpl
Canal Bann, Penn Stmt.
Penna. Rail Road Co.--Central Bail Road.
lIE nubscribern having been appointed
shipping swan !origin Prone,lnala or Orland hail
awd, label. the pithno tliat we an tow tart-and ,
retro any noirchanina or produce ha ehiptuent oat oath.
opening &rho fatal.
via Oda routs will be carded through In five dare
ni all roomigned IA us will be foram:dad haw of
lon or charge Tor advanced.
Situ or Mai.. saute rgal t AND Pr1T10...•
D V:4 ) :in. ' 11:4! "A ;;: , ...V .1, = • g/ 1 =
rawittigry.4nl. tn. tr. " ' alto 11A1 be.
Qua..., Onawriss, Paiute. Dye Muff. Oth.
latather,Clancr. glog,Thasthy and othar O . &rod,
liacora Der.t, Pork. Butler, lard. Lord Oil, Tolwreo Leaf
Ooline, (intim and nag., toe Ital
Arlo, Marble (rough) Tar. Mob, actin, Gorman Clar,
• lloneate, fine le too
.00 Wrangle At Coo(MF .
agEgi;L 3 .1851 trYiE-i
Pittsburgh Transportation Line.
lAJILS the , (tug tW, nal flown Puteburati.
sad N. g (oath (earth (torah, Iwtwor. Sod Chr , i
nut Arran. Phlladrighla.
O . OONNORA t N) Sonia rtrait.lialtlmitor.
nACING fatly completed our arrange
ment,. we Or Iterated upon lin operant of tho
yliranla Conant to carry freight to sad from ("MI.
burgh. Baltimore, Philadelphia, Na. York, Donna. 0.1..
anbad. Itonnillo. CL Lout* and ail the ban and Wen. •1
lower rates and with terry dlepateh and ewe than any oth
er Lena All tondo rhapprd Dr., Liao are fully notrel
by Insurance, without any char, to owners.. proternou
met really afforded by ant her Line.
All k-snout aldrewed to cauxlver or taut,
Hail t Co., Chariot:int C. nabb, Isaierlilr. and Lowe
Warn, PL Loon will meet with prompt atnortora
ffri - N. IL Our Line has toer.unertion wtianno with the
Philadelphia and Prthrburgh Trattnainatkm Lltw f lg.
Irina t Co. . ,
Lewis's Patent Reversible Water Filter
IS•NOW to be aeon in operntiom nt WM.
TAT} CO.. "J Plumbers, tee. 14 •cme,
'brew. rotor .ed Literrir eto. and al PitTOkt a la/Liars , .
Nas Ifl Market %met, Iltieborela Thle Filter hoareeete.l
a Gold Medal tram the Ausericap lasstitate 74 ^w lit
and a Certificate Irma the andialla Inetstule of Philesis,
et: Ph rtiest W late i " tra7nrt..a=gt ' S
lo " ra UP :l7s r i l =rVis7
of the soalosring ale exao4lese
1 . 1,17,011...1 , . Mar* 1551.
It g 'Teo use great pleuore to reessastoenJ to the term of
Parr, dear aster. the Petesit ktevereshie W•truNiller.r.
a T r:ol:iro,l r. L..l l,lo l l . { l4%Lan i f Irtl o rCtiT.
tiEsOltalt YLTIT, IST Wall:Sot street.'
• .
.11111.aar.trina, Mn,nt nSth. I KJ.
The Patent Eleventhle Want kitten, townie,' by Hr.
Samuel li, Lewlv, nodtoot by me Mr lame montni at me
private maklecen la all that any largoo could lath.
thertfom °nudely-, its privilege to have It In my ronerle
recommend It to the man - . JONAS P. VAIRLAIIII.
No. a Evenotwr terce
Them filter% ate warranted' le take MO , any tl
tans railed, may miro to decomsaved animal or venera
ble anal.- in the water. TM, a arrantod to last toe
tem& to o
hoaryord cam will len tam bad remmo
only to b. mett to nerecisteA vrza
raylo , o Aerb r1.01.. A Pa r
d P ella.
Itockingham aml ,Domestic Queutsware.
ram/urn - a of 11ockliagbant sad 'fellow Cane time,
Idaff4d4onMy, OM. • _
Sir igsnple Inn- ninth aml liberty rtreets
Ruuml L'LURb be 11410 0001aWr
ehlo 00t.
Ina a:tem-Iv
Work, enable oa ord." promPtir.
A eosoretent. dr.A.mer Delo, mmtantly employed. Ala ne
abla ea to keep rmro nab all the dov and improvnl etylm
'4 11 1 :4 1 r1! . r0a, trigtomaPitrh ers:Fiwy Toys, lartttlety
Flower Vases, llobleta, '. la.ntel Onalament, kl.nliedno and!
Mutt Jars, era articles for dothowar toe. lo Pea maia7.
[mien recarrifel , s tellettect. rachVilf
Beating and Ventilation.
WE ik. A u lLE by 3!AK lteem I!..l.lLit,,PPAnitAT,l3l,f.o,r.
l oom a. Daublrea. Storm, Yactorie. arglhulM .
lose of °rem deocription, publk primp, Alan, lan tr.
Orme and Drying RPM., pm puryomm where regular
ramp...tura, oltber blab devired: mat bi thcav
purpones no Miler mellogl to , lo
Man. PaVentilatmn, by tolural or formal Meaoa, will
le prmmred w herever Modred.
imam.,of Um MiINS dmerlptlona mentioned• .re
mort mulmmfUlly 4estml upon lbir plan in Eastern town,
al tho clethe4 Inoue, wboloome. uniform b.!, al Roy
requirej temm.ratum, will entire INCRIOM limn RYA.
Monk, mlim, duet. or dm P.m, and Wel, from Are.
fiCallftl, WYK INSO% a 0001,4.
Pealing Wagon.
!lathrt.n.n.l.:uLAttal:wntohMesri a w. ngun
AVM 153 WWI Unmet.
Agricultural Implements.
L'IlAtE JUST received from the East the
tmottitm itmacteunitit. all of the bat inanntiwturo
the moot resent imrsollOna, arid I 'Would Invite all
banner. to call aml exatalmi mr stoat , ' •
Denton Machina, for corn, beans, beet., turnip, ar
• Grain Drill, tor wheat U.. owls, and hailer
Corn CobCralieni.
Corn Shona, for home and hand power.
Straw and Corn 8.15 Cathay Doom,
Vosernbla hoot Cotten.
Ux Volta and Cow Chain
Caidoteol Onto and 0511 re tlythsr, arid th o .r.
Cwitcreol two, Mow and four mon Grrto.
All nanillacturrd from the Solo material", amli - ler solo
at the Innis and Fad Store
myt; Corner of Iyood and Sixth strata.
Beaumont's Patent'Stareh
I " , A'rENTEP, July ?.fish, 1850.—For giving
Llium, thulium, Cambria, Cos
Shirt llocomit Ws, .01. duo Worrell. the Iron from
adhering to Linen, arn3 patina Mod from stlelllim to
Linens, ne.,and contain., nOthlng trllrlonr.
111M01.11-4 . tit a pleen'the also of • pet to a quart of
starer, when holllom troodirlstly. •. ,
Peke, 11.44 ants her Cate. Sold wbolinisleamb bOtall by
ro3 • • ILE. SKLLISItS,I.7' Wood at '
Co~lley's Pot Clay.
MILE nubserthere Ore now Solo Agent;
Hofru . Copier Cod; foe the Rale of their rot Cloy, an
eruc woll ettahhohed reputation Ihr the mann torture
of Olare You, Ethel Coln: to. It to mode Of one of the mod
Infuolblo oubetancou anow la and batty carefully eehnned
and cleansed pre flout to grinding.
EA Invaluable to lifillos at o protect:out., the howls In
b o w. olostllng, gotdenlng. taro a 'lowers, le. In wou-
Ing, they blon th e hoods nunty Yoroalo lo w at
the India )tubber lorpot. 7 and o Lira! nlioet.
• J.
. -
cLARET WIN-L', (St. Julien liledoe, )of
oar orrl impartation, wanotted rum Prior. $5 per
stn. OT , W tcpt. lor riagio Lottle. Al MORRIS' 1 er•
NW. l a Um DIAWoud my=
.. . .--
' (`SAP OIL CLOTAS—Junp ree'4. from the
' , A/47.W pion Car oo cam, s kreauMlly fut4h
oirfirl -"4'4 1.1 E t , E nri7ll " . " rift7 ).&."'".
lAl'Cloll'illinirow_ '- ' J. AIL PHI LOS.
—Of eh
ytiINITUIIE OIL CLO'II4.. . -Lor.t the
° o no., end our wow Woonfacturr, fdr .
i Cloth iVorurnom, No, 7 And 0 WooleL
mill.. J. & U. PUILLII.A.
fiUYSOTT ' S tellOw Dock .k. S armaparill a—
‘.4 Vfirors for role by J..1:11.1) & CO.
orylU . D WI Wood n. ItILIRDAY S- 8 FLIJID IA(3 . N ESIA--Just
INI . rued owl for WO tor g.34:WICKCIISIIA74I. -
owner of Eistit sod Wood gr.
DRY 0 ODS, Sce
AncithathrlizuriVWl4l: Hnr
11 1 :LRPHY BUtICHAELD have Operk•
sulk 01'4113.110z
I= l .C* latter_trartauttd s/1
o.s . ... ou dfrro= w oca tho aivizt matinftettteoF, sod
Stuortlng tentsl , --,M ct atto to = l =willo alms
wean *moan. Jet"
TEAT PLAID GlNGHA3l9.—Murphy &
Bwaskia hare sPostid. " ."" t "
styles of Olnabsos, Ma Paid; t sad &A—
vis* nor Yentas :now and bandlooss sty ,st 123 f ssatm
Ow Lawns, Bas= Pcsaiss, d SLY U .. 1 ., 000 h
sing Used; In wady.Busses, tams do
Zaino. Thous, Le • '
• .Wir New Use& Opalblo almost asll7 , iss
LHAVE treceired, direct from the
porton, • aasottoient of UP CUttLi.. •tdj .
eßlow. c. eistaiab and ilimadings f all
jR4 WM. NODLE, 'third rt. •
FM 7 11F 3177 1/
4 A. MASON A CO. would reepect
fully Invite the uttentiou of purobrwes• to
thew vel7 enpotior Mork - of new style Bonnetu to
• hick they are ronstontlr eddhor how varietteilt i
The above Goods will he wild at very low price* hy the drew
en or ringlwbonnet. Sou 02 and 64 Market at Jed
NDIA A FOULARD SlLBS—dint rec'd,
vdditteuud vupplk or Moro Wory dump and Media.
Indlo•aud Foulard 13110 s. Th. above D o m : bi
closed out ver7 chant , A.A. MASON • 00,
' .te3 ell and 64 Market et.
nLACK SILK LACE—We have just Todd
• roll purply of the above desirable 6.W., of an
tbx, for sale ob=r6 A. A. ILASON COe
J • 3 6.2 and 04 MAW et.
driItIMPED RIBBONS—The attention of
ylirugg — p.d
"Lioci," will don out at Tory low Axiom
jo3 A. A. MASON A CO.
New Bombs, Tinnier, Silks, Lawns; Go.
1411 /URPEIY &BUR • FIELD have this day
(from Ta u ,. ) ris t le u ad l ia L k uad d eat o. u=
Lawns, Indirrati ellke, • •
I . ezni aro Invited to cell are mating their Durham:o
0 a.
Um& at wholesale In up deft.. myl3 •
BURLAPS—A au rior article 40 inchjor
We by my 7 611711P11Y t LEE.
• • Wool Goods!
a CASES Green Mixed Jeans;
Al 2 •• Blue • •
2 " Black Proud Cloth;
1 " Cotton Goole.
The abomMade unjust reed from realm 1112/11thall•
re., en consignment. and for ale low co favorable time.
-- k
itrbeee'Okrres are
mctloa to ot b s t u•sa i ll d ligty ILV , klsel b slt:
10,018 ' = r u n lne, working la clunalrels. to. At, an
Infelli le mmerly liar chapped bands.
my* I J. a D. PLEILLIPS.
peDIA RUBBER COTS—An excellent cov
ring For sort Surto m toms, orlfortbarlog nod Ittr.
portico. to sir or water; for rale al Nor. 7 and Si illotxt et
coat J.*. U. NULLIFY.
VENV RIBBONS—A. A. MAsolg A. Co. are
1 , 1 rune routrinive nue krartmeut of beautiful on
o cA r ea o tg i 122 o m a t
trzg.,their rerplar¢e ,apply
a Parasols, where all oral Wee ain be obtaloal apd ` cry
low pekoe. -Nit 62 k 64 Make. et 4.7
d VRIMPED TARLETONS—jast received
Inth ...p.m now oprol n
10 awl:ow of than tory
fable Cdra Tarletoas fOr Boanet Ltolog. o of
contion of mill ngn is nwpwtrallt evl Wt d.
mll4 A.A. MASON * CO.
111 LACK BARAGE -for Mourning Yells
""" 4 " 4 " .° " th "il
moos erinrsauncrrmu.D.
wad styles, awl at low Mow, of
Fly!. and low prices st
myl4 IIIIRPIi t 111311C1171713Y3
FINE SHAWLS.—We would solicit the at
tendon ot porch.. to air war Woad.* caort
wield ho e a plan wad elahniale4 Cape Showl• sad
&or*r Cabmen, Thaw,. aid E h lk of the
Oswalt and mat diairobla Wks, which w U. at
the LiVc r wert wan. A. &MAE& 1100.
62.0 04 Malta st
Nj dsy reed eatleas of than, very desirable Climpal
Tarloom Trimmings, assorted colors, ahleb tio
verye irfa chivy at retail or by the tem at M
Rand 14iarket st.
A. AW( 011.
FINE DRESS 000DS--We have just re
reivel . anotber . pnLindid eveartment 'or black, brown.
ru l ligtria 4 ra i ht. " r.aaal u Mal rhea.
N a GOOPS—Blackßombasines,
1. /awes rich
Iknabos'i.C' 7 gh 4 bC T tatca M Claes. 1
"‘".°4Ti"" ' "" urll t ) BIHCA.DY
/IS b
r de p LINS! POPLINSI—Just received this
ay, per exydeee pleas beaatral Oodles of Pak r
ea to, ablely ire .01 bell at 23 per cent knot taws
they Le. arat teen sal In LAO an) ,
. 6 ) ...ut <EV aidgal : latt . s: st af= l :::::
7'l. lCi r zrrox. G 1 Foolth
atyl 7-WiILI7I.XLD.
1 4 1 LOOR OIL CLOTIIS.—A large stock of
nmr caftlah. a widths ...wins fetal X toe yds.
to . gstraVitr U li t 4sh k :Vrd =o g r i gT:r.
tx . ttrwl to and szasslus ma
n. ; str i t
i l VaLsr al vs
ins 06 7 sad Viott st.
Murphy & Bprchßgld
Are note quoin/ a Great , Variety of New Goode
' dad Invite CU eslla of 41 cranthar to
I .0 Papua., Ononadlokextra die black and bun&
Clunanablo and Damask POPLIN&
Dobosal. Oraac Clot. 11ar lady.' drunk
kno t : ' lt ' 'We i "O ' fiod cwu Moms
Plum Illadrialka
. •
4.3aognabba .raper Vila;
dun., inn& LAW:in. anal a swat variety on otb
Card, at tha atom at
Straw Bonnet and Hat Waretuinee,
No. 105 M.iiu STILIZT,
H. PALMER offers fur aisle, et very
low hrtrion. a full wnortnent !trim owlanuL
!tad Atortiran sad Inney
mo i l, only. tTiP tau*, Mill*. Lem FILL , , Pu 5.16.41-
f in H o
1. Sonol. end DI llawri •nd
rlain tiancr. }lll.lll. Mann Mtn Loar. In.
1.1 • Lest., Braid, throw, clop, L OOO , n n i r .
Missed' iiirrcir, Jenny' Mod. and other Ibms, to grist mi.
etr of thane and material.
obMonwt nod Beat; lag. ihiCti Owl Ur .
feter, all vidthit told colon , : Tam Glimanders Cap.
CAMpin. and nisard whits and Mk nod
Cotton !hit.
XTRAW TALlLMlNGS—Conti,Tilanelo, lihrtiodoh Rhtld ,
Prleriner, an" ite.
Amnion hipig. trawled and
ropmar, rich and tiovrl styled.
BONS /ST SlL ier—Y la
KS AND SA 17Y.S. Om. de Hr
phti tiro. do Rhine. Flotenor. and other Mies, warted
• •
ornittirc owl Mon
477.V.V—Asmtted threat. sail
Ala—lllch nail kw plc:WM.4s and Cnadollon, Band
.. it
Mu.', he e. =din
citttoo P le " ra and black,
DRESS LAWNS-4 eases printed, a great
voriety of Ptizu for sale
$ll.ll II
DEILAGE DE LAI NS-2 caste SUirable
sea by
p. Bonne e t : - 250 9p .t.. fur
tIPRII. DICIIII - 14, Na. 116 human BMW.
A mar Mrs, and earsor stash of Ambiattable Hoots.
•Isrle.l m Oent/cmen , Wear for Pprior lb*
ru Myles In Armies.. sod uw. ,-
ozwereg avert - splendid assortment of Nestles" sad Cloths
of every babiouable ebsde and odor: übleh.tosathervith
I. and well hasnulastured dads of MADE
CLOTIIIML makes one of the Wrest and beet talented
marks sent of the Alleghenien all of which the FMllll[llO
U determined la otter stanch rakersse enuainse aD
•Ito favor him with stall. that not ottly the mod surmise
Cloth' na le sold at this estAblistanont. but aim id the km
mtprism In the dtr.
All min" , In the Warble twin:muted, smnlnal. In the
hem passible E1141311[1. mutat the shortat notke.
L'li SILK LACES—Large assortmept,
MR and trenchant, ree4 at the store of
CARPET'S, OIL (loins, &1,.
Is now eonetardly tonelrinaDle sprlow nook of
uomvostas is part the tbDowhip, earletleed
Reim hold Velvet Pilo th.rpete, do. do. Tale:dry Dens.
selq do. do. Droasehr, extra super. a plr. soperene 3 PID
do. Itwralw. extra flow dot One dod eaminon an d
44.34. 4-a. atalia4 Trolling 44, 34. Pt, and 24
plain do, 44.04, 5.4. and 11.4 wool and rotton de.
Extra C.benDle Rog, fine do.; dod eats tolled floe
do. do.; voturaniado. Chen ille Door Mato tufted do. dog
ahem, kin do. dig ads de do. do.; Thr , pix do. do.
thumb Cloths. Wen y:t., Beeklag , apt 2-4.
Alec—Sheet 011 Clot . eqt Iljapf ball Or Poi.
8404014, 44,44, and 011Clotha.
Alva—Flair hods, of all Cam Carpet Dindlngq Llettlar.
hood ad, 64. H. and 34 Matting; Table Lbenr, Court.
Duff Diaper. Illukchnek dol trairopezent WlndovrBhadeg
Duff Window 11011ando Verillian 1111114 r, &abased Plano
Corsair do. Table dod do. bland do: Wonted Tab/. do.
Derive Imported and purchased our atoekdlreet Dom the
meet ralebrated Factorke,bil mg of the latest and wailnoP
prowel styles and colors, wean. prepared to well to our
&Duda and customers at prim at low as MP re. be Wee
and fa any rif The losternoihrs.
We cordiall y Invite all to call andnssnildtreour newt at
The Carpet Warehouse, 85 Fourth street.
0100 Laborat ory.
1111111 80 ulll t „wl lllll I ,
1 1! ,- 85 • 99
Per cent. Strength. •
6OWELL FLETCHER CO., litB4lllfSetn
ten of, Aboono4 Purvilphita toy Cdoc...d •
7.PrVo ir ? pi2n i t... l4 "ps" T, 0p.. ;
S7rAll groan ' from PiKsbargo gn ' aviptiE
It Imtert market IMMO.
Wines and Liquors.
N 0,167 Liberty of, lonaMy Davis cracker faclSry.
v. na.s.texi, of Ma ' am] •
moron., of: . Y.
i ,
10KEISEN & STOUTENEL, respectfully
announce 4., the. public gmerally, and their Wends
M i r kittral l tltrala= d , :txt: W th4 l • N hWif.
rgmm?t,A".rinrge".".-korairtiotoal 4
g r . eni r in rintage , LJ•nia k ic i a ing ro l at . "/It
a the tenet apprerml braorie. port 4frict. hladeitti,thetcr
and usuerat inest d A t trirrbe l, at. : . Alle,Vinetatlian•
orilare. ory ' Vrien tPirtrTet 4 ano " Jable te t rs h g.
rine the perform 14. tit2renel,ettri moths:al. his
teeperlatinn bneinees in the eft of ?I York. the above tirsi
l enabled to PM a cheaper • • better cr u el
than any
other Longo in thle city. Pica* ne • cat, bchc• ran
piirromeo eleotrltent.
41 - Afatntile•
t h?ppitett free of ertrs charge. sarl at the
ihorteet 4.3
AOARD.—I bun removed PIY nowatore4
ohm, oarkbeATV torl=fragzk io.
Umburstu ands , _
sad sserld Lee of (bets arum. - rsall
- sta tortateM of tt_pholstmd t Belmad Bait
-*' "-tatts, Nom. Cott. sad Husk Massa
diteurld Itur, •-• Ilisakdattddlts,
du Feadhar Dalt: Cohen,
Coustermatsa==. is
tood:ostenstss establlshments of tbetktl.
rally solisited sad most mrtst w intl ausi pot out.t.t.
1 4 /11111—L2 bbla: No. 1, for sale by
• WICK t 31feCANDLtd&
..TVS earner Wad and Water sts.
PEARL ASH-5 tow for Bale by
aNausa a BIMNITT,
it, 28122 8.014 Bad at rift
HOOPS -49,000 Split Ash, for sale by
INSEED 011.-,-10 casks jprime) for sale
by mys 8. ir w.
HIED BEEF—'42,OOO lbs prime, just re
solve:l.s4 Ihr ow% by jet IllitnAUG It
QUGAR-64 ULU received and for sale by
1.71tl & W. ITLIIBAIIG 6.
MOLASSES -100 bbla jcust received as
Re Ns br I Je9 S. W. FIAR3AUOII.
MACKEREL—=SO Ws No. 3, 1851, in
""."ee ta Ln T.lO D. W. HABBAGGIL
RYE FLOUR.-20 bbli rye flour for sale by
ALERATUS-31 casks, for sale by
SCORCIIINGS-5 casks prime on hand and
for wig by to WCANDLEB9.
y far sale by 14 WICK t irCANDLIMS.
2 M. No. L Lard.
4 d
d o o 3 Tallow. '
16 brNathan,.
o Glertang.
I Dag and bbl Ned.
b 5: k rP s=
21 do R:24, landlOirfnan steamer Dort
PM, for gab by ( ja r ) DUI II DICKEY t 00.
150 ba. Droll da
iv "0".'4 • " F s br kticcan k RICIELTBON.
1051. 2.11 t 2111,1,1terty
RESII TOMATOES, hermetically sealed,
yebabbyg, perfectly, the Ibtyyry sad Lemhbeys of the
froMe;ln Me by WM. A..WCLURG
b 11.17 Groan and to Dealer.
DRIED BEEF.—Evans & Strife Sugar
enrol beet eanrawd, (or We by_
W 74. A. ACCLIIRO Co.,
210 Llberty et.
ing Bread, Nen, Cakes, to: making the best of
reed with the adAltllnt of told water only.' Tide none
will be Ibund the most tonetnient and cheeped that eau
le, used for hone:hold Wiese., minx :Ayer main boa
e and elm, and bulking the mon supezr Dem!, Llft
'try, Puddings, Bakes, with • gent altrillg of _ e
and tro bhp. The ahoy,ls put up In eourenient zed
paekana of and 011 . , with full directions fee we. To
be had of - WIL A. bIeCLURG t CO,
toy& Biomes and Tea Dealers.
R YE FLOUR-8 bble. for sale by
ml3o • DALZELL•CO.. Mut,. t.
CHEESE -30 boxes good W. IL, for sale by
MAL Nal Lard:
11 Tallow;
°raw •
b ap lastbera
• tithzta •
2 boas Dstal Apple;
1 Desebeg to artiss and ft
sale Dr ' ISAIAH DICKEY a CO..
my2o Water and Pratt sta.
d MORRIS' TEA!—Moiris' Tea Mar
tl i Axm a. t aa ßecood lAtfLam . Diamo 2 nCtair
w i th the SUM lately opened next Spot by flan= "j
DOLL BUTTER-3 .bbLs. (fresh) in cloths,
mane labirrty d and far ado by R. DAL nl.l. 00.. street
my 9
HERRING-126 bbLs. No. 1 (to arrive) for
se• by Bun A. CULBERTSON A CO.
Ai• LITTON BANS-2000 s. C., for sale by
GROUND NUTS-15 Racks for sale by
VIITMEGS-1 bbL for salepi cco
my 6 o 1
= half chesty Chalon and Onloo
bosh extr, rum 0666642-._My role by
enyil J. D. WILLIAMS CO.
m 716
VOFFU.--/00 bags Rio, for sale by
curie JOUN FATS ♦ CO
SUNDRIES -14 bbls. Grease; .
6 Na I Lard:
12 mks Teatherg
2 Ginaag: Isaint from
m.rsawar. aad weal. 2.7
112.6.1.A1l DICKEY k-CO.,
m 77, Inuit and Watar sta.
FLOUR-IGibls. Rye;
am , ell. NJ. 22
1.226 t W. ILLREAI2OII.
MUSTARD SEED-500 lbs. for sale by
Mesa Alackyran
• tsars No. Illneteret
-, Eanimon• Melanin
T.'""Balndrta .
04W, Tar pal. ar
WAL A. tdoCLOII.O 4 01)..
MS dram and Tea Peas.*
BACQN 400 ftOITSD-84341* Ipz. Bum
Hams, Elde. aaMl ks, for smalom.
4.7 W) 611 r W. luawarCill.
DRIED BEEF-3000 lbs. for sole by
my 3 / B. it • .11110W:1.111.
UGAR.—'A.hhde. N. 0., for sale by
.ra & a W. nannaou.
COFFEE -10 bap for sale by •
mrsi, a. a W. KAMM 00 El.
pOI b TATOES-200 be. .2.1 e
arz. GI Waxer rt
.15 ISDN—For ale by J. D. WILLIAMS r CO..
mrs comer Wool wad Mat st.
DRIED APPLES--40 bags is store, for
dm by 11:DALZELL it CO
myll Libeny et.
CILEESE-00 bxe . W.R. Cream, for mile by
alyl2 P. a W. lIASBAIMMI.
p ICE FLOUR; Prepared Corn;
J.lll UM= Fob= .
Far est% WM. A. M Aretnroociat
.011.0 a CO.
milt • 2545 et-
pßONES—Bordeaux Prunes, in glass jars
Very impnior tutu In..
Orman 1R... tlr
myl3 WIC A. hlrel.llito t Ou.
M ACKEREL -100 bble. No. 3, for solo by
A. COLE itItTSOY (1)„,
mrl3 1!N I.lbarly
VAV SUGAR-,15a bbls. (ass'd Nom.) for
••16 by 11111111114)011 11101111401,
710 , _ 116 Mater st.
11 AY RA.KES-40 doi; for sale by
xi our . &F. YON BONNUOCNT k CO,
BOTTER-3 bbis fresh, now-landing and
female by ISAIAH DICNNT 2 CO..
21314 'Water and 'root sta.
T ARD-23 kegs No. I Leaf, for sale by
L./ We JUIEL xArr rims a co:
D RIED FRUIT-150 bu. Apples;
600 " rmaer,_for 66s by
col RIIET.MAT7II.2.vb a CO.
tiercesAfresh) for sale by
oraso.R. Lintz • Co,
2s• Liberty Wert
hf. chestt Y. H., Imp., sad Black
J. BR ale by
FLOUR -240 Ws. titra and S. F. fur sale
• es nut L. a,WATERMAN a SONS.
DIED APPLES-320 sacks for tale by
.2711 4 A:NAUMAN A BONS.
4UTTER—In boxoT(fresh) rec'd daily by
m 77 L J. B. CABIFIBL6.
PEARLS -20 Ibis. fol.' sale by
see , fr. J. B:CANYIELD.
LINSEED 01L--iiolible. for sale b!
SALERATUS-100{Ze. and 10 bble._ pure
foe by .. n. CANFIILD.
CIIEESE-100 box for sale by
bble. on consign
mot &al for raid,
t O. .
bale S; A, for solo by
ory6 4Lif HARDAI.IOII.
Al - I . rap • w . a . or
rali by Dui; ; r B. aW. ILlRBAllrilt.
AN: we e
& CO.
St& CO.,
I RE:4.ndto arrive. his
• • of Mr =tot remit Impor
• a utootiolooatblo Loncov
12.5 dawn Patent Zinc Math
Corner of Wood and' . •
w:g4.ln aon .r.=
as daddto
y prig. Urea •
ta: m
bf..obeata do. ?do.
44 °coking •
100 Ito II
O n
t...4nn •Cli •
10 Luravwd , h •
kwa r i sayl 1 .
16 bid. J e os. 1 wan limit
godo. No. 1. - do.
2 ni andoj
‘ ad 4
do. nalmord
00 bo all4lxlH ming;
I]oo Ted estrailaddo3l
60 boteMs puts ' Siarch•
" Bakerstax .
10 Dbl. N.
550 I. wale. 155/.1.4 -
50 am. bainu 11154 -
20 trx
t 0565 ilak 'Candy . , _
11.5 o• C 5515614
10 " Coax ChocolttA
" 0.1.11.• A. 5.61
. ,
btt:ETZ76S, 4 Alb P k r
thyme Arr.
kna motanti
4 1 te . T 44 .3=3 . 5 ,44
•• @yam
100 dam. ilawe's Abwia.r.
ICO 1141.1eupfelIpp.R/m Mont
100 " B. I. Imuires
100 Umn Bremner,
Olsaa. Balls. Whlta
12 do:. Stllltsr B 7b= .
141. sup. Oarb. •
=car. _
1 fgl4 . lltellnei
44. 1.4;
1 1
a " kxt l +A 4 Teroo ' N
6 Lemma Sawa%
I ettk
LA:I pkgs. T.IL, Impl, and
Black am
160 but. I'm Lump T
b. and
Vs Tobamm
26 tea. Pam
WO lb. 0.:21661
15X11.... final=
100 bids. N. C. Tar
" Lf
100 cues H oa amm Cu gagPu=g=
SCO bsalt.R.46L.Randruc
60 Ground Nuts;
TuD dros. Figs;
0 coca Pln Crsakerr. •
••• Proms
• 6 lemm a s Eturar.
so -
10,000 PrLuelps
6,CCO Uwe wla •
Su tua. t1:10. 10212 O}.
pr.t00,140.1 t.
60 kits No. 1,0, .
kogs 5101 s, Lard dna
La. Ds. Whitlas;
10041. bon.
100 bk. Water. aver and
230 blx.l3Dmilb ' otter ernekgr Alr,reg
100 arms
toy D. A.D. T.D. , DF
Roo ralL Lim 014
IVO dcg- itcpAeps
SAO boxes Rollin Sam
Olathe ilogn
Bed - Cardx arthrad and Dia
ittns Yuen
Sna i r ;wawa gero
m." 4 .041141 hum 0.
N. 0. •_•tw2.0.1 Hthaw
I= 4 Y=ill;in .7
oral antotoorat of cool. • •
/Moak OT
Pittsburgh Life Insurance Company.
pills COMPANY was incorporated iu
Febmoop . 1881. %Mb Perpetual Charter, matt boa
cornmenont matinee en eatital of $100.1:03.
The Comm:lr doe basins. both on tbs./ant/Stock an
Mutual plan.
On the Jatot Inlet plan the mime= one-third faith.
time chasedby MutnalCoseroniet and riftemPer Olmt
lover then the rates of met btoet Onntemlos.
Mutual rates me the tome vsthew inlnntml
eslely nonductad Companlnt Time insured pn the mot--
el principle have the combined enmities Tarnished by OM ,
tre j tAgglis o =. itrat . tt t r Capital mot torplus Mad Of
TM Charier penults the grantiot on life.
In every Mem, Including the Maim a ' <bildrwr
for tes. Mat friends or creditors—to s a lsa ' the of
another teirown excluste• benehtpa fter death,
or t
he the puttee arrolog at the sge of po, by, rott or Ott
at the option of th e !maul.
James S. limn. Wee , Went
Samuel 31eClorkae, Vie. Pradsld•At
Joerilh Leech, Treasurer;
Ovule. A. Colton, Seartazi.
John IA Dlhrarlh; Ch.M. A.l.lllton.
Simnel !drawls. Wm. Phillip.
J. A. Rib..
acm , artny Pletoiciank
Joseph fintram. M. 0.. Dr II Um Addison. M. D.
Jeremlin Brooke. M. D. N. U. Airington. IL D.
Eannianno PAyricions.
Samuel Dilworth. M. D. 41 Omit/Inc/2 street.
Robert border, Al. 103 Yeartiostrect,
John Cranford, IL D.. A) &nth greet.
Wm. WK. Mrgan, M. D. 107 Liberty street
Dr. Dllmarth vat bs In Ann:Wean, et the °Mee. exert
doy. M 12 reclock.
tokeTir t i s ZerVo= ". T.=
n thE to
pßerrOnnnogniori ht the insurance business Ell be sap
mul atone:l Me runs] coormirelon.
.7 :n°73 T a t r . o3 Y. 6 Youth etreet.
C. A. Cl/LION. Yee):
(Sate Mutual. Fire Mmorance Company.
BRANCH OFFICE—No. G 4 Burranr.r.D SOUL?,
Prrnartart, May 3et0151. •
rj r IIE beet evidence of the niece!, of the
Director. In endesolting to tootathe SEATS NEW
INSURANCE CRUPANY meet the wants of
the coPrtotuatft to the unparalleled
_amount of business
which Pa& teen done; loteltur Issued 2„900 Politics dttlioa
the pact year, , thereby adding over 5100,090 to the feodn
:I , hr= yi o
0.0 r tr i lßltleropery r t=l it=
for on] °my...
ia hole No of Polhtles Irsued-- ... . , 7,903
Do do exp'rd.Dralluered, eanceli4 92 '
Do. doln fate_ ~. 7,508 •
Antoona of. Property _ 97,9E010
Do eartrolol,terudnated,ealared•=l=oo'
a•-• — • N. 67667
Do. ltd, terainti4,TinZ.
Da Cash Yremlams receJTed.--.. 61,6.714
Whole onetime. and etenses paid—A=4ll 45
Balms* In favor of t h e. in cash... S=X4' 45'
To city or rcrnntry =urchin's, ern Mreillone,
etl 4 Brtiotod and country Prorerry. to 1011. 0.4 thi
pan! adonis adonis admotMgcs in point of elreammts. safety, and
security, inferior to no Insurance Company MAU mane?.
(.s:arineted on the equitable andpanty imptu_vedlyrim
of Clasertication of lucks, exeluding elude brtmt in
suring only 'a Dmild =mud to my moo imatity.thoo Pre
cluding the hememy and occurrence of Largo firm and
rim on herb th e Suck and Mutual plc, it not onlY.Poli.
rases the annum and accommodation of both rnet.
but entitles the Insured to a participation in Ms profits.
Dirretorm—John P. Itutbertbul. A. JAiillett, B. T.Jorne,
Alm. A. Carrier, Philo C. Pednetick, BarnmiJcmesi flolft
Blots, John B. Pecker, Joint& ItutherAnd. _ _
J. P. RIITUNEPOIttI, President.
A.•J. triLLBTT. bemtarr.
A. A. Comm, AtA.l7. • myl7'
N. B.—A &rein Dividend of fifteen per riot. an otriliring
lldes boa been declumd by the Directors, and Is most re
ceivable at Ohio Brice fra renewals, or maintriable In cult
at the end of ninety days. A. A. cama, Att.
Fire Insurance Co.' of lialura,
PIRECTORS: charles-W. Bancker, Geo.
W. Itlafts, , . Thosalart, Mordecai D. lfriar_Toldas
j skt,:c i re a Lt. tirant, . Brown.
CliAlli.lid P. ItAMCMEM. Pnwtdvi*
p . Ducar, Poen/tam
mi. Compaor osulinnes to make Insurtovick irwmtn ,
111 . limited. on users description of hopertr in town sod
country, It rates as low as are octruistent with secolity.
The Companyhave reserved a large contlostcW fond.
which. with their Capital SSA ThSllll was., safely invested:
sand staple protseCon to the mod.
The ark. of the pozw, on Jammu ail
Wised agoieably tolizro the Act of desambly,l T st M.
em as folbn,
tltmb 2,111 4 9 ca
Cash, MT — . &LAW M
Blom their inoomerratiom • -period of II yeem. thh
dare raid upwards➢
of One Million Four Ilundred Thomsen!
Dollen Loma by Fire, .therebT
advantages of larombee, es well am their mid dim
poeltion to meet with pre u iptmaa all
abl6 Moe a. !Leeman . of {Mod and ad sta.
Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co., Plata's.
/11.tr14 J. thenerte 0. detested.) Na saa Lawn,- Mee
rut the better eoureniertee of paw. restiteur 10 the
lower part of the city. the 00.01 may also be Stand dear,
from 11 to 11 and " b
o'clock. at conntles roma o f
J. &homemaker • Cu. No It it oaf Wroth meta. ell Luc.
seri lotorsotaloe will Le ;teen eadoomataecatkate prompt
-17 attended to. Pamphlets explehtlag theelinelples sag
booedollee ta t of Ufa lose:moo, end blank forms fuzulthee 00
Capital ion.
stock over =WOO end constalatlf bacenalttft.—
Prang divided enroll y amulet Wee 1...4 te•
Pttabanth. J no. O. 1,51.-104
Marine, Fire, end
Insu Inland Transportation
rlnsurance Com any of North Amerinu.
rs tE
sum.= eti. w ilir g i bs Usarazt A"M
00.1141 Ass mad [telt. coaten..lll Wm nor antivielnltyllit.
muenr ..”ri , I ,, cTiPti....nit•Prd PO Mean boati
and caber Teonels, dater mlazut trazupartatioet.awthe
. „
Arthur G. Coma. Drat, Thom 4 P. ChM
Samuel W. Jana'. John D. Neff,.
Eduard End. Diehard D. Wad.
John de Mos. WWI= Wed.
Samuel P. Nat*.
• humid Broad; S. An
Charka Taylor; ' W. D.
Amtrroma hiha
.I=rl. T=
Jacob 31. Thomas.
13. Morris Wain. l4 D.Ehernrood, body.
TWA Is the obleszinnaranes Company in th•Untteal Shiba
and front ID !dab standing. hong .periew. wank Weans,
cad arogainrd ail Dots of an arum charsetey,lt
mar to oo.Warod as offari..nff• Mourn/ tn Da..
I, ,
JONES, Agent,
P.O. 141 Front kr.t.
American Life and Health Inman= Po.
Agent for Pittsburgh, SAML. D. TOWLE:.
Were. ST Fifth et. stove EndLbeeld.
ileembleta a:retail:dna - beeeseats tarcesnalbaa cm be
obtabeed at the Writs. minder
Westerii Insurance Company of Pittetrargl
qAilFrAl 8300,000. R. MILLER, Ja.,
Ihesident, F. 31. Bonham Sometarr
-11 Moore agalost all knda of risk. Ilre and Marls.
All U,oee lIIU to liberally adrusted and PromPlY Indd•
A home lautitulion—rommnal by Darrow. whosr
are ell
known in the commualty, and mho aro derennlusd by
primpuras and liberalay to maintain the aurae. which
they hare manna.. as Waxing the best protection to Boma
who gmte to be lammed.
limax-romIL Miller, Jr.. Goo. Black, J. W. Haller. X.
Bohm. Jr., Wm. B. 11ohnem C. Ili:meg Cho. W. Jae...
11 . iron, Jalla.k.traratt, George Duna James W.
Ailief, Alen. Maack, Thom mutt
t/M.., 1..01 li mar 41.04. timr.--homm cc' 89.7 bi1y Oc,
op sutra) Plualorgh.
Delaware Mutual BafetylnearaneeComp'y
ttJJ Third mtg.; Plilimlelda.
0113ausel.—Ualkilbga, Merchandise, and otlum
property, In town
th em e t
country. tosunal walnut Icas or
datuarro by an, at th e loWcat Of
Mamma larramem—They Jan Insure kaiaks, Camara,
and kliighta, &ratan or wastage, under open cm ppm. 1
policies, as the roamed may deeire.
Luarco 11...gro0arnm.—Tban aim Inau. Bambara.,
transported by Wm... Bail road cars, tonal boats. ant
Steam boats,on riven and lakes. on the 6101,1 liberal ter
Dmacmaus—Jeeeph H. bead, klmand Boudcr, John C.
Davis, Robert Bur.. John 11.11Margag Omelet /Baud.,
Um.. C. Wren /Award Marlirmantm.lesea H. Dark IX. l t
time 1.11.11„ John Neal., Dr. IL k. Iluaton i.. .;arcres C.
Band. Theeohllus Pankia¢. 31- J.. Froo Ban.
Moan, Hugh thkg, became &kill, :grocer alba.,
(.lades U. Johnson, 11m. nay. On S. Thom..
John &He" Wm.
Dogmas ar Prorammon—D. T. Stoma. llnsb C l lO.
John T. Loom.
Iwo*, PreedeuL Tom C. ILII3, Tke F. 16
dant. Joan. W. COW., teaks..
Waylirrint of the (hangman to rt 41 Radar street, Pitt.
burgh. L0e.311.1 t. BIADFIBA., Aga.. •
Temperanoevrno and Noblestown Plank
Road Company. ',
VOTICI: le hereby erica tb the Stockholtt•
or ...le Cominny. o f
they nate payment to
rata Pargeot,Tresanyere of the nal ttacipy, of flee
DMlars on each thereof the etat, mo the hut Monday lo
elsch nod !Ter mon th hereafter: OWL the whoa - Moen Ja
p ro 4to frill—. 4
th. . t l7,e - a d .W.U ° g
tin ".7d
prompt sad pooeoooo to their payment • -
oath= • 11. 0., IMUYWN, Pnaktrza
1. EAD PlPE—C,urnell'e improved patent
Lead Pila for I.l=rga.
•• Auabuts,
• eteterns.Ae.
All gar en bend slat. sini..tio= noN.
Ls 4 lreeest street:.
Seed Store Removed.
E subscriber boa removed Ids Seed Store
r r. roßomSecond street to the building recently occupied
by heal as • Tailor Shop, on Thud sheet. sistust
meN omega the Poet Unice. •-• • ••
• F. L. SgOWDEN.
esining between Ma rubeerlbefs, under the style ed
y. kb:ming a C 0 .., It Mtn day dieeolend
E by mutual
.111 A IliamlN. • , ..
I , Kbi FLKIII3‘9. -: .
1.. [ferny or K. K. Tkuning la authorised to um the
num. of the Irate Amu to the satlement of nboir bo.dnum.
febl: • .
Aspartneroldroborototore onistieawara tba
sotorribors, ooder tbe Arlo of obaralah &
oohed on tba newt dor of January . ..ha. P 1 Yoonua uoo .
ha. Either of Oa subscribers uni attend to .aettfint up
lb* Whines% Ina animal...hod to umeabonaha of tho Isla
o=3 for that puha.. No. lul Wool moot.
NEW FIR3I—B. C. Shacklettrind William
ssostal partners, and Boujamlo Glyda, ss.
special an.l llmlW tastaar, will continua the Wholesale
Dry_ (lowa business under the drat of B. C. Stisoklatt t Co,.
at the store Lately avoided by phacklatt i Whits, lie. 101
Wood street. It C.
(2)- . P . ARTNERSIIIP—The subseribeta have
motored into Co-Poriosorahl4lndm Ilzo pa t3a of Sol*
A t
JA3/123A.TRIICAOlf. l•-•• •
fan • - JOLµO 51.01i.ELY. . • •
e4A1.1!1--610 b!. Oat!:
' 1 9 1 =. for We br
mr=2 L. 21. STATISM/Irk 809 9.
LtOSE I- HOSE l 1 nosr,it I—Just rec'd
from sh.mahoyamory to Bostoit,lPXlfoetitalla Bob.
ems, elm ramtior from Xto DI Inches to diameter.
Ills Dom Is Pa superior to any has lassualsetated of
imapae, tee hydrants, emsdocUme,or Ylm toglto , Purissaka
we wish It to be OUP:telly =Marsh:sal that nay thah Of
Imo that goes from oar estatalshosesti Is starmaled for
the porpoises Warded. or the money seltmdad. Jost try
IL Yor ode at the Italia Robber Deot,
J. . a 9 Woki .{.
PAOKINO-4000 pounds - taixed,
and Para India Rubber. Packing [Ma 127
1$ Indica tlickowarmital to tia tba ter,. beat Packing, t s E
ileads, Stalling baud. la. Pc. got ode at the India Mar
i:cc depot.
7 acid Wood sting .
..‘.l.anortment Orrery suferlor fadtbod Table, and and:
utrauCoven of dirt. eat voltam, not. tO be autrataal by
anT mold In the city. licrtbanta. Pentane and others ate
Invited to cell and emanate to thenteeltee at tbs . ware.
-tome of the to.ufactory, k• et
nayl4 • . • • .3. it IL PHILLIPS.
1 , ,J at Na 33 Mutat fitrera., fur ride st eery stodcrureprirer.
. surb 11/03ifin DAUM,
ca.. 2.21
fi bale% Doer Errom
3U Auks Drird Deorben •
O• Derru; Akt tral sad kr mar kr
AL. zauumwt *CO.
. ,
; Needles' belebrited
mm. — •
' 2 X• ' nedlatd plaster e=
=b r th r u
mwegumws Fiesta. era alla.d.M
Mena a the blamer mime, Lo vb...., their
Lion haa horn submitted, bare aim' thentan nattatrne
roooAossw ."..a. to Mir raparntarnio ora all otter
- Tha ingneirens their empoilnant =Mae
correctly mairechMater than yetwiltwlS
P W V4.lg . " i f l=i7prMactid
. a a
mirth the 'alone natratrin.
, nd
the WIT. UM amorist b
mi= 4nyiit en. in lorabwo,
M" Z h "
tar 'mkt.. anald3L., the i bacli ' easkle,rereltint •
Cram Perm st tla an, their m,
trarrls WZilare artalatced arri b ran=gterhrt
iepplicatiort / witch a. refer. with rhumba par, dm
; At vbrz o"O tr o. may.
Far sal wholesale and hy
'rate - E:E.Ent.m.bywout.•, •
, 1811. for giving • bionttlful ear t, Limn. Modbl.
beta, taus, Obit.% EMAIL. 11.14 oft kinds or print ,Ito
etos womb, ttos 1 ran from selbming to to .lAnortoad Ott
from tricking: it mouthy, notlalnt tom.. to cloth. 111
••7 roeTeet. The WWI bar. loa• Nam felt tta• Ulamr•
r tacit an article, .ml ill this th eir armtatioa 10111* t•
) at
tealt to compeellicos If an LoptrUst
IL , —lbso Cabo 4111 do tbirti: dos= of rialtos, Ceti at.
family d e al t br oltbont IL '
Pe. =brow , Coto Zarb We with hat dinette* .
Ya rolo irobZ I:. IL OOLLEXPI. wad
PETROLEUX. 0.11 ROUX .014 •••..
"theta n. MOP things In bear. Mt earth. •
"Than ad attempt of In pidlom • hy."
THE VIRTUES 'of dee remarkable tame:
dr: and the mulant ,r appllatlan f,r . lt, to the incst: . d''''' l db' fii . 2lt ‘ b:,lM u o t r u s. ,"' .Vl. 4•• Et °
Toe P procared term IL 'LI ttlitne3l:
ty, at • depth of roar hundred Trek la a pure, unadultm;
tea &Mule, without any detailed thange, but just ft it
ton limn Nature's Great ftbratorril That It emetataa
a number of dieran d l l a r longer
ma= of onnertefty. These an SU., 19 the ar.
aft of ostnret a lich. If known. might he net nes}
nee in allerla metering, and restore= the amt. W
F hb mal nomy mfferer. Long beton the pro.
peletar thou= of putting I t no bottka. it hist sten=
Lion for the cure of inmate. The mustard and dolly ineneej
sing rens Omit, and terters! rentertable moos ft =We ,
ItantetLit a sure =kat= at Its futon vosmiuity lad
wide mead arollostMain theca of diens. ,
• Wet do not watt to make !oft parade of eartillodlt . •
we cauations that the medians nen ems work ilsza4
Into the far m Of those who efter and with to be -
Whilst we do not daft ea it a unbend angled=
my aerate we ttalwoOtating= dud to a
enChrs ooh b
uni 'd erated—a ' II lt L `m S . the Inneo l' os 'S ttara th rt,
ftik i aLAYN4. DYSPEPSIA, Diarte7m; az:nal
Molder 111.1 Whims.
thollrit Skle....z .
Diamente Neoregta, ,
eft, Tenet. Elmotterms - litre
go. In mem of ft= . ardor[ from e
long and protruded axes of disesse idete
bring relief. It EU ad aft general TONIC and
AT/VE mutt amt. bri i =te trg ut ertn" td the
wlmle frame, rento•Log o
fundifts, wh it a nd ditense and :token imesti= b a
rarrin i tUnierm=md b =wg= to aU " tNi
that emitted *rem other freehand, get .ell vet
g palm:exam ft.. men 'tens. rt. pear OM be.
low met m without the elgusture of the pmedegot.....
80l by the .
13. M. MEE, Clmal Dada, near Strewth atmet.
Akio, by U. . SEL. ee". 67 Wa s s::
. and NETS= & WDOW
minter Wend Meet and:Vinift Allez i z u. ' are
nodelly hie regnlarty appointed _
:cif 001
NNOW all men who are eierand efflioted
Lwon karma of th e !flakier and Kid withal:um.
Alas Is back or Itesba, stAfflolnta old sonar:2
i mite y that thez ik esa . a . m . LlSTS
es you ylor m .
s, bur ttds t 0, 7 .• norta=t ex for.
la the feet of an Lao s . notualunlty, that It luo, virtu.
latch see sot motathed to ear other remedy:. AUtau.
who Ls naked vlth tv, sad MMus
frofrit ." assea. 7 ....
for 50 cents get 1 Dm any of th
store, '.. ... .. •• • . ..
Header! it 'costs etry Mlle to make a trial. This lithe*.
ofts no mixture—. onapm.d, rat no Sur the l. M m s.= on ths m...1t1; ,W/t IS 0......=
td by ths master hand of suture, and hum...from the
boson of our mother earth, to ID original parity,
_sod a.
fota to rogerhug hotoadty Arad, remedy. a amnia sad
th lr tud Nile. attn. other Media. Doe knit to
reester thy relief: it too mot Ilhenalatboo, of •
swell., and of the worst and md. psdnfttt e
has eared Cholera Mortals.' hy one or two date:.
eared old cum of Dim so, In ablcit every otr t.. l
'has hem of m a...1L As a loot remedy in
welds. It LI better than thymedleal .111,0toula or n %
that we Do. of. It mill curt chilblain sad f •
to s few mikado.. undouhted tertham mut be
ed of the troth emetord-to-the lie etatement. h 7
seancemu EAMDEL- M.DI-0.11, Op* llefeath attest or
of the agents.
Keyser A Blettorell• Of !food sheet Lid'
glen H. B. Yellen, 57 tif'ood Meek D. 4. Elliot, artdtlE
Orem Allegheny K. are the mats. - . ~. -
j . S.
JOlXerZtose. the dbcaccer and wilelighter
most similar aigi beneficial mideci..and she
the Meador of the celebrated instroinent to the
Longs. In efecting a core of Chronic sr w lane
dent of that. etaitent DcentlM , riad Li •
grednate of the University of Fp- nsyleitchwail kw Shirty
years Waco has been engaged In the lasestigatiost ef dbc
wee , . and the egolicalka of remedies thereto. ", •
Through the Iva of his inflating tube, in ecioneetiocwlth
Llt Praphylectie Blew. and other of sesnedllc a: =
gaitwd noneraileleil ankneeco in owing than
and fatal saalediew interetilar Ccesumetlem. Cancers.
Sereibila,Flarninatian. Asthma, It sod Pews
ell kinds. Chronic. grndesbeaand .11 rhea ilbWoaie dh
eases weld'. to female. braced. emery dienn of &maw
vanishes de r the use of his ressedies, to which hnicasai•
Of Li heir-cart by the sue of 0. compound only. for that
hicondadible with Physiolockal hnt. by the nee of
his recoeilke. adapted t 4 and Wee.dh!d W el "
••••• •• • •
. .. . ..
Dr. Rare's Tools Animate MIL arboruatii,wso
bly acknowledged to to g0,.....1,, to all others, as a
Ure or liver pill, Ineao.n . the pa r lb *
Souly hoe Ircan ecativenewc se alit, Goldea
tvtg , :j=4 , riv , ; ,,,
Is auticled to=blUklitat. a. teen laid. Lathe alit*
U. mid token
'The afflicted are loaned ta Call iri; tii iiekro;iii iwp
care (=tie) one of tko Dodoes pamr=tos , a wait.
ed sewn= of each remedy, and tto a
Tor eale , br thelhUowinsienta, as well as byttiod &AV
aim throaent tha on .
J. Schooomaker a Co, di aid et.. Pltifflargh, ..
Towamend.lyutontot, 45 Marked al,
la., A. Deck-Um Droaddet. war the Posi Ulnae. Aikido
lay city._ •..
John/llot; .ao& Barklez, Deaver efflarty; PC-"-
Jo ." . .
T. Adams. Dearer, ''''''. et -...' lo -, •re
' - augMlly•
ZOI 6 :. THE AFFLICTED vi 111 6 ,1, •
D. Dewitt C. Kellam's 'MAME= •
flukt. 'sleet Itas stood tbs test oLtatty.
W e
c o.. 2froVsMiVik&s. A ln ' enTarss gr:r7
ems and dims.. Ws feel two tudastisto
thing ins:lqt= ittat this Is the only mediate that tins teen
eland to th 4RM Medals, in smr mono( Kt. word,
net lilies cased, and Li capable of eating awn diem* thats
ma r
ther medici Mitered for tale. w an by wbonS
mad o e or aold.mb ne y Oat tang.. -
AB *stream and conrineing Woof the atom we may
t Is We only article Wat hes appeared In tba tem of
at te st nt lledlelue that bas eves been pattenteed and ready.
eel the mane of the elite merely, am lb. - math agreeable
ganally Mattel. ewer offered for tele, es and by. say of
Menu rig
Tit ' Rotel
" IT
The Mao . Nome IL Grinnell, late NAL en.
IL Ithelia LW Mayor. Lion. John A. Dat...latellill Bens:
ter. Witham IL Patter. gm...Atter arts Ophit
Thane aad host of oilier mennmeem eitimem . of Ng
T i. lPT#.o , l o so.
As it is well known
loon that Patent Nedleistesime yo"{ trralthr and s ltri,
Ilea This Wonder worillgihnopotted hm - el:emir
WT. Team brie. the nublk. Its
Glandes.= now Ita
mtrancemt and bat ThLe most undoubtedly Is' straits and
pm( of Its general soefaltatm amthenattre
anent*, It is a mendeigu remedy foe ell nereena Inseam
rheumatic pales, eitinfultme swellings,
ages, and all the pains and aches that I=tair b' r .
,trem Leno,oa) bottles UT. been =l,l 11.013daZtV
and Imre perfected much astonishing emea atter ell °shay
martian ham felled, es would dagger Wlefataltyr 0 DOS
offered, and, our tomensten, the strongest meal* writ
medicine. or natures remedy, is prepsmd irons evh.
etabh* thr Infernal as well es external we, 3t sets db.*
!won the dlemetl=ti= hflath ths tg=th . ;u
W Aleethrelte diamoes o the SistrelS
In nude or female. teem whatserre WM, sztoy
b orld led.
!`;:r jo
It R. E. Sellers, Mew. Mad
Co., and Ogden It voodoo sad by Um Druts
put Up In four, tm... nor der,.
To the Readers of the Pittsburgh Smite.
TIVOLI° ATTENTION is respectfully in.
rind to the following trathe.sat Meth to shalom to
am of Ow meet torporlaat nonedles of mordent thoeg
ORTROLEUM OR ktOCII 0 It la not more than one
Tom moo since ttt• great was toronght beton the
co hat. ham, dme tt,m tc=
. 4=isea b. l
community. and we allege that th e Loft It to
mon e.t.a will Ha great gam t is not, theZ
nly of a day, got no SR the tole worts of molteg
but. ow.. hien we muocia . o..‘l , ll IMUIRle r t. hicand wheal
l a 1; o ther = b :l2. n net I t the " - 11 optheag Vo=
ht . ' Power sod monetT that laughs to mare all •inunan
econpelition. It le our dottal ha lett 'wrie about a mall
r=lh.=„, our .. 4=irt cora.
dome In or etatementa. The Met ma eery tmt to mtch at
ImT thing that ocomiato relief from &war. A dory ran
mono be tno highly wrought to answer the a t mall.
mho togomommg erne of tturn o. wit do t degas*
tooo thlg we are anakers only that the troth hahlation to
eta moody should be told. lo toner to coma for it • moo.
tattoo far comedin m. single article In the Maboria mon.
Ica. Plain no fcia—fato that whom:Malmo!
of d Mtn molattotboA, hear ample Imllsromy te
rm. of the Petrolvom.
Wlthhe the jean two =mho, two Craw own citizen.,
whowere totally thud, h a t. heat restored -to aticht Ber
aral ran. of Windom, In the State of Ohio: boo bah
Then:Ard.alao.the remora gentian:unto Eaten. cocc i
Thaw ahenr, bat thew am CM near fel, arid
be referral b 7 perk= aho bum dbo 'onbe aa
Wet. Theme ass wen coed tiler pis boon a
al by phydrana ho retrat willura
when mad •
Shem=out, Ifeekralsia,l4lmmime Sh een..
Fauns bre, Menlo Bore Sian, attretem,ttar, '
tanead, n the bona and tam latk n,.. L l.. ene,
ens, Astir, amnia Omaha, dathma, aWd
Pulmonary aged:haw of a rbroula
tummy manna, bating to Fro.
thi Madder - inns Kamp.
cuz Nipnw. COM Bunion.
In ma. la a caul same and ham ban tried
in of the above iritidet the pat year with Q.
Moot parka moan' Certilkated that Will attabh an in
almde a the prouriaor, who will take plan= ha ahoy-
Ina them to the *Metal Cr their Meats.
puma =sr shoat their Inedlairew the .
Pawnee the wrested itemady of th t =ihysielana
of WO h e ID the rtMtkitt .1 , lam it
In Mete oration. Three who at lira keted th dwLibj
and ancertalatr,
_are willing to award It due maim
cortdderation. • a.m., another ipar rolls moat, an will bi
conitellai to arknewkde• that the Petroleum is the crash
eat ear &watered. Tor sale wiebea3a and ea
Sail Dr — KHYBER lieDo 1110 Wccd
IL a. &dhow, Id ; Pii.C.r.t . D. •AL-
Elmotta a ne Qty. Also, by
I F>
qlt'aral HI V
/share:oak 4 Co. t at.'
.1 0 • • --
2 yi.LEEs , ..4ipyra 7 COUGH STAIR.
-li time?, mar to take. sad highly elloakem.
aimworr erre. bunt 0,1647. •
WE. E. Bath:int—My children, Like ahem, han bees _
st , := troubleaome manta , sad hatted nod dlibient
!tit '" di=7l l . E . Vit d e ' itikEritr r
re it L., oro year
and a.2tomyttladherr nem
time, and tt has newer Odleda th os them
=re teammentaled It to mr nod de mos
caneknoionaly are that It le lb. mad/clam
that kw am ban crated to U. lathe.
Phicatt &mid Mia torah tad: warm na =mese=
loath. what day may be mad by aY4ct4Witle or this
°W.1,,, put by -
=l= 117 Wad tt, ant Dracate.
/ATENT MEDICINES, ite...,,,t tarp stout
Lin store, entl for mak me the mac Term; tar.
u wkd's Odtatrut , aromatic-dutr.
lemon •• Add Erin at, Wan g 2as
Fens and Boos Lininmot . finmam4l Unix of Dada
Onmleidoo, tßeer's Bri OIL;
Pulmonary BalmsCarpeatert4we a Sum,
PI L1N.Z1 .* . . ar e M6 an,
" Andisnknee parstri7ln, ft th .
" Hooper'.'Ours L'Al. &sof
" Eoll'i lati•Dmporptle aim. B.ThbAlnk Ac. _
Ittfe' Tomato ' Z"Tr"111 . amoa
Croselmeleesm t.
no-mum AoM
Watts- ' illaw. sr sea
Ram OtnnamM [eclat..
strmssbmicur rucum , 0 0 =zare Unlaced •
rso.ifu T z : IMeze Oa
• At the Drag Stars ref 8. tc, wi cutat dlYa
tot , - • corm otc Woe MA raitniu,
bb.lB: for e dgy
, a;rtLa f amatt i