- , PIT3SBUItGIi G',!aF,TTE. Go than in life's ?sir sioming, 'Cie in the bloom otionth. r- • And dig tor thine adoinieg,. • . The precious pearl of 'Froth: Secure this heavenly treasure, . . _And bind it on thy heirt; And let no earthly pleisure rer was it to dere* Go, while the ditYator ehineth; ' smile thy heart is iight; do are thy stregth declineth; '• While every sense le bright ; Sell all thoU haat and buy it, ' • '33a worth all earthly things - Rubles, and gold and diamonds, Sceptres out crowns of kings. ; . Go ere the clouds of sorrow Steal o'er the bloom of.youth; A Refer not till eo . *. fiovr, and Ibuy the truth; Go, seek thy great Creator Leant early to be vise; Go place upon the altar I teaming sacrifice! EXCILIXIII SIIISLIM to MXII Witmer IRILAOD. —an -Coinemxr, adacent to etrematown, an English oolany established*, the' Meson. Easeitood, and it In tated that the example they have set in Xertaiming wastes, and raising -crops, is eon , on dadmll scale emulated by the inhabitants; *boil; gardens are tastefully laid out with peas , o ores , potatoes, itc; whilst the .peopleepeak in a highest terms of the stran :gess, for the t employment and goodvisges, ',they afftud.'. the westward,' at Letter .,frack, is another English settlement, formed by -Messrs. 'Evans Ellice members of the Society of Primuls, - whe hundreds of people aro at work reclaiming. the waste around the villages. The writer adds, "A mile or two westward of Letter track another cluster of English or Scotch Bataan who are. now hard at work in erecting large dwellings and storm, The quantity of land re- - claimed here is incredible, and now under tillage and meadows. Here also the gardens and tillage ' Sold of the natives show great.marks of improve tient, arising from the exampleof the new cola an." On the Mayo side of this region; it is said the scene is different, and scarcely a human habitatiOn is to be Seen, where hundreds stood *few attar& minims since." 11E GREAT KENTUCKY. RE? EDY DR. JOHN- BULL'S SARSAPARILLA • • rIS pu t up. in bottles; and con •• . tans the strength of =rums Amesuch nem Semple al nor similar martin= In ca. ftire one dol lar per teeth, or els bottles for nen dollen. ' It hos been establlsbnl fact for ream nests that lisninearills, when Dom and InOlerlT P nit.' the only true psnecesi for ell discs.. oriel n¢ Lem en lin. Airkt th eir tiVoi a' UlLV e te ' " bMdI T 'assert the. JOHN BLIILVO EXTRACT Hr SAIcS4P, ...RILL4 Is Um onlr nreperstion before the public 'that is . ..reVaird on scientific primeirles and •of einitirm t=emi ll rery B"'N = 6 b/f fi o ' ne ' beln w' Is 't b " t to • ',l the strictest tests. suit its gen too l Hells Esreagarlila also cantatas the ristnei of several • other relnahle wets. togetheT forming the best ooze • =nag .g4tclost the greatest dee agent 11, ihr • Cl= 'WITHOUT FAIL! Scrotal. or:llll,,Cartears, Tamer?, Ereptiens of the legla, la. Chronle. Sore EV. Mine. . ronn or &WS Ilea& Ithen.ma •, - tan. Pamela the SortesorJolnts. out Sam, Ulcer. Seellgeg . of the Oland. Bomb+ DT.Pel.* Ult Mew of the • Paisley. tite=S. The a s of tf nfntha 1.11 General Debultr. Cough. Coy, WZresea of . — dlnse. • Plainsman': Je wet all *Um dlssaaes tantUnit • • -. • PROD= CONSUMPTION: - - - - - last 03=7=otroMart4 t 5 j aaftl . t r r:' intorno:tram in a. (Thrordo Constitutional Dia, M jrl,.= b • ening and roamer drink. • sad mend tor.- Io for th• mums; wad irootJe and pleasant VorrithoS far tl mucks lo 21= Lick or Ocaurress orator, mato, or beidl• _ " falovelng is the Verbatim Bar art/Beats tom In. • - the pasendon of the -proprietor of Bare Barsaparill.— km E. W. Babas Ls sidely and ..amallyinsown as . append and accomplishol pastor of the M. M the oen ' Ser. Z. Stev.son Ins bean one of the mastonted and maims members that the Kentucky (boderes. anald boast of tor many yoam and at thiN forum to ine2l4 the Isl&L n istireeponsible of menet Mr the M. k. wok Oen the world prod.. better. or more estla6etory testlasony its favor of my - malleinet " Better ratio-any than was En& Offered is Fat.i. cl IL W.' anose.—llre. E. Bentham Looserrsiu May 20. Ws Imes tied' John Ball's BartapariPa.d hare kn.rn Itto be need, with entire b ooboo 1 n and we have no Coo. Italian In stating that we bettors It to be eate and va _ mble medial composna. and mlatbsted to prodnee mach ;:good old milers mach =Parings .4 woald therefore' • amortnlly aad mom carmatty rem... It to Mos ' • Meted: • (Binned) E. W. BOUM freYVYNI3OIII. BPAIPTUBL CLIME 81.121. Dar snail admire • clear beautiful Irate eau, mod a mom colored cheen. 11. teen dove We passons, map. marina las •Meedderatons so devoutly to be wished, woreaneuch - 10ti0n5......=. o.l.b.orthe: • mamas. to restore lethal. orb of what 41.00 i 0 has deprived than oL and that te....lth great Wrory to . ' the .kin: 8011. BestaterilLsl.l the best °made Mo.. ' 11 , t ... 1m t a= d ea . l.le d = , :p= . .4.,=m,...par i tle le of •, heathf. and vigorous , . 818. activity to every =4' teal. end obyea.t she yellow am/ dark co.tenance Oa bloom sad freshness ot.yooth. Ladna atendon the . nee of paints end =tetanal, .d Ball's • Flarserills. - the oolv elferthal remedy. ..es wool to the vise stn . dent . and • Id= Is mina h to the hales.. • . Talinwny Lan the Following, Renders ,Superjloons Comment on the Effiegn4 of Bull's Baran-, doom Dr. L. P. imam. Pthfasor of Chembi.7 to the Louisville Medical Colin, L 41iiave looked over the Ilst of trurrieUente eralmovins Pam BoWsCompo.d Estrart of Barsassailla.and hare no hesitation to mina that they form rare compound. ant one theta.... well to amnia dlmnaes,. to IMO. It is Aspplimble.* • I L. P. VANDELL. AL D. • ' L=entht...ithe 6.184*. WhaiDIZTPYLM7. PApaidee by arpsistoreitLto Me Lao. Orals Novae Hoggaig, .aye IiCLI2.I SABSALV,I - /ULLA: i ,....i llacternse, March 'A hire - ii.d..111. , adt. Bon's Sarsapatilia, dl br.lle” the main 'be atiginelleittoae, and well otionlated. Venetian. al terstige limpreentei on the cortege. t have wed It bath in 0110 em pirate mat, =I - saint it the brat artieleof Wm. • I • M. PYLES, St D. / mt Phrelobn II the Leel. tI. Marine LieepitaL • OAVTlo2l—Striegre nail net fur the original DR. JO 7 0ri1.0.9 34115.1PARILLJ, from Kentnetni—egal have =ether. • I KEYSER IrDowELL. ; • Ito. Wood eared , Pillabordb. Pg.;Sitaningie en 4 Wtnil Noe gale D. AL -CIDIET and JO!. DOUGLASS, Alle. &US tib.ead br Dnint7011....111, (I.ODFISH.I.O drams for tale by IL/ J. o.DiLROKTIIk CO. CORN -500 Nal for rale by •14. • •. • • J. S. DIMWIT/I a co. WO new Floor. for sale by .1. 8. DLLWOUTU a Cu. 1010WDEE- j _IL IMO Lir BURUse, In U4 . ..613e; .7.400 • •• - to aid% le Cr, ode Dm " 2.8. DILIVCFIII.I CO. 25 tikr; to ariive, for sae 1.8. DILWOI/111 t 00. MiAfifi • Anthracite Coal. Ofh - TONS just Feceived, Lisze_r r uzailior article ivy foundry or Lun Ur nw c r co IrMi —Mackel Shad, nJd atarink for T AR --3O Bostol l. n, for fileer!..ll,ol). WARNERS' OIL—S 7 bbls. Rank Oil, for 1. al* by 103 3. RS. FLOYD. OLASSES-200 bbls. N. 0.," for tale by its J. 6 v..ttorn. po.:4ASH --30 Oasks pare, ter sale by 3 - 1.2 R. FIAnD BCON -5000 lbs. Ho Itosuid, oricon.sii eat, tor eby "r. WOODS k.50u,.1 niperlinenVLOGlß-40 Mae:extra family tloar. do ao Man ma 'brings by in • MILLER * alczErsoN 1 4 EMON SYRUP.--60hts ••Torner's" IT ma mut, tostignment and for We MILLER t RICRETSON. 1 ,4 1.1tD OIL.-10 bble. pure winter d& 34.. 2. or ado lor J. 2CEIOONMAJLER & CO. No. 24. Wood ot. NpITOOL TWINE,-500 lbs i gv n al T elby V 'II2IIRLAPS-3: ' bales 40 inch, fur sale by 'A) jot ' MMISHY Lim I ri ash paid for Wool by '1 1.4 . • 111111 PUP LEE. 0/L-1500 gallS:para, for sale krf /. SCIIOuNMA.Kk t 2 4 W 04411 etrael- BROOMS -250 cinx comni.,n to best; ono ibZ Latest Pahlielaa A T HOLMES' Literary pit, Third et.; Um Part Mee. Cultivator. Liman Lbizur Ilarimsre Msdaultm, far Jane, ffimb¢ Po&al, KLEBER, No. 161 Thirds!tied, hankies .no , auntostra Polka: doe of ono some bew- P 0114114. rrar Ga r old. Oen I Lend Thoo,lfanDear ; fr i te„foster. Tbo Lack Itod=litonk. • no Mountain . alit= n b sZT.Tirsi l lizatt Bh"th's . with : new . ann ponnln ,y Ih VTthe Sdeaa4aironog by f mar Llod—oml; of bat soon nontirol ~no. PnwweH.lt am fondestpou Ana an. zonsita oonatlon a new Waltzer. Polkas, Fr _ a ' . 1 1. A P "'"`"!' flaN Of THE GOI:DEN 111.8 P. NEW BQONS: NEW BOOKEtI—The Xocbor-in-La.. or the leo of Royn • We by gm.. B. Sontinvorth- swots WM, by T. &Arthur. oks IfoicoLie. T 49.4. • tabs. fotlioy. X . -- Calthrobar, 1 , Swotted se. F LOOMS' Literary Depot. sqo _ Tblid +Mod, opposit. tho Toot vow.. _ . __ _-__ _ -• • KLEBER h jnet rotiolviti a choice lot ••A 4 of oapsotor . errharaCer Ateledooos, oduarteetured ,Corbordt hiseeel —tae oriolool lovente,4o Nor era am- M. a. Asa mod, boororof upea Me original tolootios It la o,ow ly coueedod glut be midge, ' gir l dame. and peautToMtd te:Proo7: IroctoYiliol64MOMdt bet, ' „ ..” . ".. ""... 1 .. ;. • al the Gold. No. 01 Thard mama .4.1.. thlrp. 4 - sty3o &de • . scram above loan:orate; mmicAt: B. T. Babbatt ' s Celebrated Soap Powder: WAECHIN G withinit labor! ;Warranted to take the stab/ out of to% Moen sad ma ldrd. n,» 0100 Vol Vsz—Nd. Tour Aldo. in • gullinkut z=ol cold worm to tom them tben ed 4 two table d Ws Soap Powder, to meta ids quarts or grater god witlttbe elotben If the grater V bard. OM =ore of the Powder. sad boll them ten Magner 'fis Mt Man CM 00 tom Mondogns *Ma. then Pa tbm Ur • tub add suatedest eokl grater. go tbat doer will not ho tco hot to handle. Then rub the 41011 or ottc swede idee Qom a tboroash rioting. and that tO madman to Inaba them elem. • • N. IL—Tbere balm godo In Ible_Sona, It Wit km, clothe...err white, and m bed Mr melt. se 0:61301 *MA do. TM entire em of the mamba nerd dm not mooed two can% to mon tage • wesidag of ten perm.— Warranted not to rot or 11. do.. . This la Powder that mum... Intl red. Metre quart. Mt War Feft Dt.C110... Poi say de Guests of weer and ants the Porderwith it, sod then let It boil. ear dye r to ake um. to., edd wu:rte old wateat th wal zio.1: 0„ . L 1 irre th gid It will ' be Mi. 1111 7. sad eke White Row, sad liltrtont. well, stet will not est the too& Us other Soft amp, nor not tbe clothes. Coo be mkt with bar or sal o g , rl;;byTA2she gsnatT mm tier IgrZa Mk* ,rd molten cords. Sold wboleaele and retell kr • 11. K. BELLEW, No. 67, liflood MOUE'S Compo • and Syrup of Yellow Dock Boot, 10 CCUPIES the front rink among the pro. yrtetory coedit-Mee of this !minim for asooletely ng Canker, Mat Shemin. ihreitslia7 ta b e . la c ter . £ 1 1, i4; used arising h= . 334• ° facer Oosontaint,Catanh pas. Ilesdaches, Diatom, Coughs, itorenem and toms out the Chasti,Bron. ehltes, or Imaresnacm. chyme, and • tickling musatkon inMoat suersthof roat. and le used with umamedented emcee all e r,. . Female Weaknete and General Debility. slt,erittheelag the neakmod ludy. ghing on to the serious organs. mil taviatrathill anti. Mson. If the testimmy of thousands at Ming witneses, from .8 wt. the manly}, cm be relied uym. t singular !, egeschas to cluing all Thatorr, and Motoring detainer tad and broken Mont constitution. It I. purely Vegeta ble In to composition. and so encand I, ely combined to he re ' irtesrf riarn=lent utilati ak""" . Purify •the Blood. It ho, removed many chronteditemea ham nisei the skill of the best has also cured Canker. Salt abeam, Tugela...ad &made. nhkh ilareaparith Br lrag.T: thin% ya. tb* h er i h n h ' Ml ' ilt inoBB. The moat °batman Camera have bee cured by this medicine. We my that it fa • valuable coal:time tu all BILIOOS COIIPLAINSI. It removesan atstraettom in the circulation. rendering the Liver ree. active, and heal thy. It seamen Palpitation of the Itemt, and relieves to all cue of Asthma, and may be mod to all enamtm. and at ell masons of the year. • • Tlite Byron le prepared only by C. 31CtIlliN ACC. at 1 . 02 Fountain streot.Proridence. F.. 1., and acid nholreale and ratan, by Rstt • Only Agent fo e Weste rn Yransid myley Warehouse. corner Wood and Sloth .OPb. • :...Professixr A. C. Barry's TfiCOPhar o Thir OR. MEDICATED COMPOUND.Th's fol knring testimonial Le tom lit. 31.2. ALUM of the Semitino deneutom. Comment on kiwis evidence Ls on . New lint. tett 24,1840. . Berry's Trieopherous is an article the/ we tan plasm.. In awarding the highest comutendatkots. We do not do it upon die reommendatiesi of others. but from meow. pew eons' knowledge of its effects nyon the luau chile It tends to keep it healthy, eon. and glossy. it lab remotes dub druff, prevents grey bar, and inelgoratee mrowth a Manner ...anal ted by any other onmporitten. known to uk d person only tads to use ma bottle to be convinced of thirtruth. doll in le4les s yrrioe 25 eenb. the prinelpal dike IST New Ymt Sold In largo baited MI. " rt ri '''' ' ' F 6 ' No. .L ees by it. NW. , No. Rod .t. • The most Ectraordinasy Discovery en the World the great Arabian Remedy for Nan and Beam! H. G. Farrell's CELEBRATED •Aitasual wawa. 17 RE miraculous cures performed by the U.N.. Pbtodellans In the dire of old, were then 100 ed vpon as the result earned/A Out dos ty bars M came intate rith their history we lee thlal eeevaTav Iladnadladeing Maar diseve. Their &Italian A'in the knowledge medicine were the yonder of the egv, while at the male thou the sea.. of Cbenduey. sehleh with them had Its arida, was to he rest of the world Ye book." And ia Botany they leered. meet melons of stadents. lathe besatifhl graves which skirt this dyerts a/ Arabia aboard run pleats sad odorous woods abeam err ebtalned thole soma, An= an d flagrant balaatna of th , ll=earable lallso4= and by Eon ti re. rbmgrrthi:,Pae s irro.d-''"tl' A rg'"4l, ee al b3.11p..1. la lbw incredibly s ss hV ' time OA le or le la,eates: Its retina la preimpt, poyerhel 'end effeetnal t attbout Ut. lemet t =er. It peaetrales the flesh to the boas. relaxes cords, noteny use to limbs alaleh have bent peeled dor years, mooing the shriveled And, to grow oat and rich blend to circulate throttah it ....O. th i: 7 7 Betr h V i Llt , tlr u tZLaterou . A .l thb u l. c it i rall ill ' lspasio of the Joint. ln ehrode efiketkets el the deli, Liver. Image and Kidneys, this mat Arabian retydy renal Uffsr li sptlLlnill ' o:lt C ts=sllon it elaTrerVoita . ye some of the most eateserdinaly versa on record; she dor C4al s ng i ale m a 1.1 1. = rigs,. Zeal:et Chll . lll.l=. In&eese of Animals, ' Alt es FistriA ANA. boe'ft Bad Canylelnt,l)lstssayee,ratry,B Iltrobes, Mande, rim% Wadaalls, mocrlo er toan 07 Witt, 1.61 /441:11IA I , lltez t=eall ' on; this Lab:neat steeds at the heed medicine. • , . The fallowing to from be principal accounteat of the weralthy end highly respectable house of TIM t Ben. of Norla, and ressente ono of thr, bib sbeasaful cubs In the bible of medical blotto Mr. /L G. Farrell: /laugh., Actustril by • sense of grab. fulness. 1 entardt the follawinx Van jrottatt of the tan . sty of your greed ulailleina Itgbild.flarep years old. was soddenly attackera ttratedd with s terrible dins" tra wialrbe h le2 dun as burs. pt to total aciptear. beanie so staid th at wee i a jab ebb be tent be IlnaT tubed black end told, and rutiedydervised aiViedi_ ,ag• the tom Axed. vernally booed end altogether .01.nri. Font, log Ude was dagibta to elbowed; the Stitt bettat cot . Vaned. and xi cubed, that when laying go Its= fend 'end bah only. letebed. Indeed; be child eery eypebbe. of being dead:. immediately ea the et. Lb. the family physician was called in. sad Or Lira rob he Inbred to restore it to feel Lear. but all ineebotlthough It was blistered a doom bow, and bricinernWebot line iments mind. A consuirstion of. Pbblehns tab then I, ,d.d. t ta i r - paar. The , c ,. n .l e , e i. wats thirdriiMasit=w srgich hal Est etreadytin doing out tilkk ta. '0=1.14 g. be belt do nothing. matt. W. thee saseuianeed eir .3 5 pi tog your Lbw= Weir over the r rth• katth of the g . ,Dpuc zezimag,im ,. ziAtie v. en , „1:!.. , =. rth. : 6 .h r = i trot become perfect for totrigau u tr. 'ft te now busy and robust ae esti b. bolFir. other eases of the eat kind ocenred ha m' Wier: hood resionsly a ell ef which died; when. no dbbt. if your 1 had been mod, tbry would base reeoresed, Plant, March 1,10 I. =rill" 0. CLZI,AND..O Leer Complaint, EryMpi , 34 and Rhemlamism Barguic. Marlon Oa, to Mir M. Mtn. it, N. 0 . p....,-penr dlr. To= Linimart b menial yet 7 .W 10014.4010 . •••It Coed of goad .mono U. [ori ole. It tar corn. • dad au at ~1147111 p. Ma, and an otter of • bad 'pain to th• bream A ladr, gip wait oottfund to her bed tor retwool months with Liver Complaint mol Age. 1100 of tdr vas entirely mad by the ELMfjot. Amid= mood. 'lt Asa teen applied to • tomb mod nod oared it Lo • short time. I bare been alltoted with Ithemmatima toy • Load time, Lod ion before • tent oeli It paltud ont mach that Iliad no pmoo Midst: >a>ed in the night I tom. tortutod tattrive .ad =Mans with.roar LirdproOt. •• , 1 begot 1 Ins dons ratting. lb. pan coma& JOHN BUCKMAN. • • Stiff Coraplaint, Sweeney, Distritper, Corks and Son Rya Cured. [M. Mitchell. Postometer at DM. Talton Cobbtr. 111.. 'I M . .it,. MAL PmasucTour A&4. Tholmmt I. btgbly paled hem. We cored OW of mr mislibere ..the briff Complabot by about roar or five applicatieme. mod I rand one of urr osna of the fleveser. Dram. cured Ms home of a bed Cork with It be 110 tried It ma • colt that bad the Distemper very bad. and mend It immediately, Me mys It is dacidedir ch. greatest horse medicine be vier used. There bare hem statotem mood of bore Eyre with / find It veal valuable medielas both for man aid been Beware of Counterfeits. To OULItS A.GAINFT iTaposrnoN„ READ Ilia rot, Lowiwa CAILIRULLY. The Public am rarticulatiy mutemod melee . Mar Closaterfat whkh ham lately made Its enema. and ts caned by the Importer whop:mem "W Panell's Arabi . liniment." Tele bit ilatiert. fraud and mare liable to deceive from lola leatine the war t of Dwell. Threw fan be particular now Wadi for 14 Me SJ 'Z Ldukerilt.” tae tultenicipled deafen w Ono. tbe mom ...ft. upon you for the ern lano,joa names ca , for H. 0. 100 rF, drobbin Lwateaq . ee other. se the genu atones hail the letters .11. abedurebarreVe, rc ia a/so en the oateW• wrapper,_amd lbws mo oed.w blown in tlae ease bottle —" l4 O. inrretre Arneson .11•11 . eice, Peoria." litraTtietntilal to every Tow.. Tillage sad Hamlet In fbe Utdted'Etatemb la which atm t not establiab.d. Apply by letter to 11.0. Fervell„ Foot* ID.. ualt:goal vattuolelll as to chamber, Talumulblllty, aa. 001 the agent who •111 furolab Pnle ofMama * • took containing swath valuable Informatkottfor every dna Of qlt'aral HI V /share:oak 4 Co. t at.' .1 0 • • -- 2 yi.LEEs , ..4ipyra 7 COUGH STAIR. -li time?, mar to take. sad highly elloakem. aimworr erre. bunt 0,1647. • WE. E. Bath:int—My children, Like ahem, han bees _ st , := troubleaome manta , sad hatted nod dlibient !tit '" di=7l l . E . Vit d e ' itikEritr r re it L., oro year and a.2tomyttladherr nem time, and tt has newer Odleda th os them =re teammentaled It to mr nod de mos caneknoionaly are that It le lb. mad/clam that kw am ban crated to U. lathe. Phicatt &mid Mia torah tad: warm na =mese= loath. what day may be mad by aY4ct4Witle or this °W.1,,, put by - =l= 117 Wad tt, ant Dracate. /ATENT MEDICINES, ite...,,,t tarp stout Lin store, entl for mak me the mac Term; tar. u wkd's Odtatrut , aromatic-dutr. lemon •• Add Erin at, Wan g 2as Fens and Boos Lininmot . finmam4l Unix of Dada Onmleidoo, tßeer's Bri OIL; Pulmonary BalmsCarpeatert4we a Sum, PI L1N.Z1 .* . . ar e M6 an, " Andisnknee parstri7ln, ft th . " Hooper'.'Ours L'Al. &sof " Eoll'i lati•Dmporptle aim. B.ThbAlnk Ac. _ Ittfe' Tomato ' Z"Tr"111 . amoa Croselmeleesm t. aro= no-mum AoM Watts- ' illaw. sr sea Ram OtnnamM [eclat.. strmssbmicur rucum , 0 0 =zare Unlaced • rso.ifu T z : IMeze Oa gay • At the Drag Stars ref 8. tc, wi cutat dlYa tot , - • corm otc Woe MA raitniu, bb.lB: for e dgy , a;rtLa f amatt i •